#bonus points for both
frikatilhi · 7 months
So I take it there are two types of writers in this fandom right now, so which one are you? Writing mile high club or stripper AU as we speak?
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"LB, Chat, Rena and Queen Bee"
"it's the main four."
Poor Nino, always side-lined by narrative
I love my boy but GOD is he so rarely in the merch!
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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modmad · 7 months
shout out to Scooby-Doo for raising several generations with the trope of 'they take off the mask and it's always the greedy rich white bastard who wanted even more fucking money' even if they get made fun of for it because at the end of the day? damn. it really always is some greedy rich white bastard who wants even more fucking money.
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demigods-posts · 2 months
i feel like percy is the type of fighter who would laugh if a monster ran away from him out of fear. but annabeth is the type of fighter who would call them a coward and run after it.
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hypewinter · 9 months
Quick idea before I collapse into the sweet embrace of sleep.
Danny (running on two hours of sleep for the week) stumbled into Tim's apartment by accident. He looks around at the case files strewn about and the mountains of empty red bull cans, ramen cups, and coffee mugs before turning to Tim who's mid sip hunched over his computer.
Danny: Damn bitch, you live like this?
Danny: *proceeds to collapse of exhaustion*
Tim who just got shamed by some rando in his own home and is highly insulted: ...wtf
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bvrtysbvtches · 1 year
the “best friends who had plans of changing the world together but then one of them betrayed the other and now they’re on opposite sides and the one who betrayed the other is now morally grey and kills people but they still can’t bring themselves to kill the other because deep down they’re still in love with them” trope>>>>
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magic-missle · 1 month
there are 2 types of autistic men Figure 1:
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Figure 2:
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bohemian-nights · 1 month
I think I admire Sophie and Francesca the most because I too would like to go off to the country or Scotland with my sexy (formally rakish) husband and never have to deal with “polite society” again.
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sleepyminty · 2 months
One of the most underated m/f friendship dynamic i like is ‘i love my wife’ with rapies man and girl trauma ™ the lesbian who has tried to killed each other before
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I had this thought awhile back but Thorin is not popular amongst the dwarves (he only got 13 of them to follow him), and Bilbo is not popular amongst hobbits (the loner bachelor of Bag End). So I really need Bilbo in Erebor/Reshirement fics where they thrive in each other’s societies.
Bilbo was born to be Consort under then mountain, and everyone loves him! The Council appreciates his polite but firm negotiation tactics and this hobbit has a good head for business. And the people love how friendly and personable he is every time he comes to market. They don’t see many royals who remember their mother’s favorite caserole recipe after all. And by extension, Thorin gains popularity because he can’t be all bad if he managed to land such a little charmer.
Likewise, I need hobbit wives tripping over themselves to get to the forge to see the tall, silent, stunningly beautiful new blacksmith and did you hear he used to be royal? How did Bilbo Baggins land that hot piece of ass? And of course Bilbo has made him so nervous over all the different rules in hobbit society that most of the time Thorin merely nods and smiles at him, and isn’t that cute? He’s shy. So they naturally take him under their wing, inviting him to afternoon teas to fatten him up, and Thorin thinks all Shire food is amazing so he’s quick to offer up his compliments on their cooking which nearly sends them swooning. And of course the male hobbits want to be jealous, but Thorin is fair in price and his work is immaculate and he wears Bilbo’s flowers proudly so he’s certainly not straying from Master Baggins, he’s just very charming and they can’t begrudge him that.
Like Bilbo and Thorin should make each other better. And certainly it doesn’t have to be “everyone loves them and there’s never any problems”, but I just feel like it should be a deal of “FINALLY! I’ve been a duck out of water for so long and this is clearly where I belong.”
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Batlantern and Jaykyle fans don’t use Guy Gardener and Dick Grayson as a chaotic duo enough, because what do you mean there’s no fic where Batlantern and Batlantern jr vacation at the same alien planet by “coincidence”
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skeleton-jack · 1 year
DPxDC Writing Prompt
After years of carefully piecing together all of the clues, Edward Nigma aka the Riddler aka the Smartest Man on Earth has finally deduced the man most likely to be the Batman:
Jack Fenton of Amity Park, Illinois.
Same height, similar build, within the most likely age bracket, genius inventor and has extensive experience with driving large, heavily armed vehicles.
As a horde of Gotham rogues descend upon the sleepy little town, Danny Fenton aka Danny Phantom must protect his father from the supervillains as well as keep the town’s secrets safe from the real Batman.
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sesamenom · 4 months
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Various inhabitants of rivendell
(inspired by @thesummerestsolstice here and here)
#silm#silmarillion#lotr#rivendell#maglor#erestor#i hope you do not mind me borrowing garthaglir like a particularly cool rock on the playground#i imagine glorfindels arrival at rivendell like#he walks into the library and runs into garthaglir#both of them scream#but then later glorfindel sat him down and taught him to do fancy braids#now they are friends#later he was part of the redhorn pass search and rescue team out of loyalty to the people who took him in#(bonus points if he was originally a caradhras orc...)#he has joined glorfindel in Team Hair Down During Battle and elrond is so tired#although later he teaches elrond the local dialect of black speech#they spend weeks in the library transcribing texts and poring over the etymology of particularly quenya-derived words#orcs are kind of undead (see: aure entuluva battle) and elrond is weird and somewhat maiarin#somebody eventually forces them to go take a break after three weeks of nonstop linguistics-bonding#feanors ghost is Proud#(he also is glad that erestor eventually befriended lindir because hey! thats one grandkid who didnt disown everyone)#the one old feanorion and thingols guard both refuse to modernize their armor#elrohir is like 'you know mail is a thing now right?? leg armor has existed for two ages and youre still wearing your fancy battle robes'#to which both of them will yell something only vaguely understandable about modern armor being poorly made#and then proceed to fight about whose armor was actually more effective at the dagor nuin giliath#(theyre that old)
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belladonazeppole · 4 months
Look at them Lucifer and Husk are so done with Alastor
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So anyway I ship them now and be ready for!!!
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
What he says: Honestly, Ed? I don’t like who you are around this guy.
What he means: This entire scenario makes me uncomfortable because Jack’s banter is akin to the bullying I’ve dealt with my entire life. He reminds me of those who stoned me for picking flowers, or those who blatantly mocked me for being soft. I know he’s your friend, and I want to like him for you. But seeing you willingly engage in something that brings up bad memories is hard for me.
What he says: This is who I am, Stede. Do you see me now? You’re always going to realize what I am.
What he means: This is a part of me that I’ve never been able to escape. This is who I’ve masqueraded as for years and years. This is something I’m afraid I’ll always have to be. Jack feels like a representation of that persona, and you dislike him, so I don’t want you to dislike me. I don’t want you to see who I believe myself to be, and consequently hate me as well. So I’m leaving before you can. I’m leaving before it’s too late. I’m choosing to leave before I lose you.
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