#bomb tw
one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
Me and Hatsune Miku made a bunch of pipe bombs together and left them in people’s mailboxes in an attempt to create a new Christmas tradition world-wide. We eventually ran into Santa and beat him and Rudolph in a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel for the right to make Christmas pipe bombs a widely known tradition in the cognitions of the people.
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chanaleah · 1 month
Since I was little kid, I remember my shul having police cars outside to protect us during high holy days, someone always monitoring the door, and security cameras showing all the entrances. After the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburg, it heightened. My rabbi and cantor were once in the news after spending a day testifying against someone who had threatened to bomb our shul.
I was a bit older when I found out that churches don't have security. I was shocked. "So, you can just go in whenever you want? They don't even lock the doors?" I remember asking. The mom of a goyische friend of mine was equally shocked to discover that shuls do have security. "Why would they need security?" she asked me.
It was then that I realized that the amount of security we had - and every other shul had - was not the norm.
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Whumptober 2022: 16. "No One's Coming" Fandom: Batman, Batfamily, Batfam Word Count: 486 TW: Angst, Left for Dead, Hopelessness, Mentions of Kidnapping/ Beatin, Bomb, Ambiguous Ending Notes: Thank you to @lorecraft and @loverhymeswith for looking this over for me! 💖
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There is no hope of escape. You know that. After all, this isn’t the first time the Joker has done this. He had already conducted this method of kidnapping, beating, and leaving for dead before with spectacular results. It wasn’t any failure on his part that Jason had been brought back to life.
Your brother had told you in hushed whispers late one night after his third glass of whiskey what it had been like. Sitting there, watching the clock on the bomb as the remaining moments of his life slowly tick, tick, ticked away right before his eyes. The anguish of knowing that no one was coming for him and that he was going to die, alone and afraid. 
He had tried to fight, to find a way out, but sometimes there just wasn’t one. And for him, that was the worst part. Knowing what was about to happen, knowing there was no hope for rescue, and knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it. He had spent his last seconds in that warehouse completely hopeless and resigned to his demise.
And now, you are in the exact same situation. Left in this storage unit, wounded, and tied to a chair with nothing around except the bomb that is slowly sealing your fate with every passing second. Yet while Jason had been given a second chance after his death, there would be no Lazarus pit for you, no life-giving fix-it to reverse your destiny. No. Miracles like that didn’t happen twice. 
As the clock in front of you enters the final minute of its countdown, you wonder if anyone has even noticed you are missing yet. It’s only been a few hours since the Joker grabbed you and it wasn’t uncommon for you to turn off your comms while on solo patrol. You preferred the calming sounds of the city to your brothers’ arguing in your ear. But now, you would give anything to hear that sound again, just one last time. 
Ten seconds left. Nothing to do but wait and watch.
…. 9
…. 8
…. 7
…. 6
That’s when you hear it. As you watch the 6 shift effortlessly to a 5, you are alerted to their voices down the hall.
…. 4
Your family found you after all! You feel a wave of relief course through your veins as you hear Jason, Dick, and Bruce all calling your name. They are desperate to find you in time…. but there isn’t enough time.
…. 3
If you call out to them now, you'll only draw them closer to the blast, closer to danger. But if you remain quiet and do not alert them to your presence, there’s a chance they’ll be far enough away to be safe.
…. 2
…. 1
Jason had been wrong. It was better to die without that last useless spark of hope.
…. 0.
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Taglist: @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @lolzghost, @thefictionalcharacterssimp, @venomsvl, @sugarysweetsandpainfulteeth, @your-friendly-neighborhood-al, @hellfire-fan-club
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alicewritingstories · 7 months
Based on @kikker-oma's fantastic whumptober art Day 1: Swooning/How Many Fingers!
Warnings: blood and injury, bombs and explosions
Warriors would rarely describe the Chain's luck as good, but this was unusually bad. The last portal had scattered them and he wasn't even sure which era they'd landed in, only that it wasn't his or Hyrule's. He and Hyrule had found each other after a day and a half, but that had been the last of the good luck.
Another full day later there was still no sign of the others, Warriors's and Hyrule's water bottles were perilously close to empty, and they'd not found anywhere in the mountains in which they were lost to refill them. Now they were faced with a monster camp filled with uncommonly large bokoblins.
"Even monsters have to eat and drink," said Warriors.
"Not necessarily food and water that would be good for us," said Hyrule. "But…" He rubbed his eyes. "I don't have a better plan."
Warriors frowned at the camp, picking out three watchtowers, a campfire with three bokoblins round it, and another bokoblin coming out of a hut on one side. There could be more in there.
"Got any bombs?" he asked, looking again at the group around the fire.
Hyrule nodded. "Three, I think," he said and started looking in his bag.
Warriors looked again at the watchtowers. "I can take out the guards. Give me a moment to get to a vantage point, then when you see the first one fall, throw a bomb just to the right of the fire. Between it and the watchtower." He pointed, though he kept his arm as close to his body as he could. "That should take out that tower and the ones by the fire. I'll shoot the third, then we can pick off any stragglers."
Hyrule nodded, pulling out a bomb. "Got it."
Warriors crept through the bushes around the camp, as quickly and quietly as he could, until he was on one of the rocky outcrops behind it. He wasn't much good at climbing, but fortunately he'd found a sloping part that he could scramble up without too much trouble or noise and at last he found a sturdy place to kneel, nocked an arrow to his bow, and drew back the string to his ear.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
He sighted on the bokoblin perched on one of the towers, shifted his aim to the right slightly because he knew he always pulled left as he loosed, and let go of the string.
The bokoblin dropped without a sound.
A moment later, the center of the camp lit up in an explosion, sending wreckage, fire, and bokoblins flying. The second tower went up in flames, but the bokoblin on it jumped clear. Warriors was already sighting on the third and shot it even as it stared at the wreckage, but he'd lost track of the survivor. At least nothing else was moving apart from flames.
He looked frantically back and forth even as he pulled out a third arrow and glimpsed it darting towards where he'd left Hyrule.
He swore and put the arrow back, scrambling down the slope in a headlong run. Hyrule was a capable fighter. He'd be fine. They'd handled far higher odds than this together even setting aside the fact that the younger hero had two solo adventures under his belt.
But Warriors couldn't help worrying whenever any of the Chain was isolated in combat like this.
He heard a warbling cry from somewhere up ahead. A dying bokoblin. He hissed out a relieved breath, but kept running.
Then he faltered to a stop as he rounded a thick stand of bushes and saw Hyrule. He was kneeling over the bokoblin's disintegrating body, propped up on the sword still in its chest.
Blood was pouring down his face.
He raised his head, then keeled almost gently to the side.
"Hyrule!" Warriors ran over to him and half lifted him, noting as he did the bloodstained iron-bound club that lay where the bokoblin's hand had been. In a moment's odd clarity he noticed a few brown-blond hairs caught in one of the rivets. "Rulie!"
Hyrule's eyes drifted half open as Warriors shook him and shouted his name again, but he didn't try to speak and there was no sign he knew what he was looking at.
"C'mon, Bud, look at me," shouted Warriors, holding up two fingers and a thumb. "Can you see how many fingers I have up?"
Hyrule's eyes fell closed again.
Warriors swore softly, looking around. No potions left - those had been gone even before the portal - no fairies, and the one of them with any healing magic now lay limp in his hands.
Their luck was rarely good, but now he was starting to wonder if they were downright cursed.
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yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
Unity Offices Evacuated Over Death Threats After New Install Charge Policy
Original article on TheGamer
TL;DR: earlier today, Thursday, September 14th, Bloomberg reported that several Unity offices will be closed today and tomorrow due to “credible death threats.” Several Unity developers have commented on this on Twitter.
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On Thursday, September 24th, Bloomberg reported that Unity had cancelled a town hall and would be closing two of its offices in the wake of “credible death threats”
Several employees have responded to the report, seemingly confirming it’s legitimacy, including Senior XR product designer Javier Busto and senior software engineer Eli C Davis.
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(9/14, 11:46 PM EST) UPDATE: Polygon reached out to SFPD who said “officers responded to Unity’s San Francisco office “regarding a threats incident.” A “reporting party” told police that “an employee made a threat towards his employer using social media.” The employee that made the threat works in an office outside of California, according to the police statement.”
Link here
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Whumptober 2022: 16. "No One's Coming" Fandom: Batman, Batfamily, Batfam Word Count: 486 TW: Angst, Left for Dead, Mentions of Kidnapping/ Beating, Hopelessness, Bomb, Ambiguous Ending Notes: Thank you to @lorecraft and @loverhymeswith for looking this over for me! 💖
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There is no hope of escape. You know that. After all, this isn’t the first time the Joker has done this. He had already conducted this method of kidnapping, beating, and leaving for dead before with spectacular results. It wasn’t any failure on his part that Jason had been brought back to life.
Your brother had told you in hushed whispers late one night after his third glass of whiskey what it had been like. Sitting there, watching the clock on the bomb as the remaining moments of his life slowly tick, tick, ticked away right before his eyes. The anguish of knowing that no one was coming for him and that he was going to die, alone and afraid. 
He had tried to fight, to find a way out, but sometimes there just wasn’t one. And for him, that was the worst part. Knowing what was about to happen, knowing there was no hope for rescue, and knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it. He had spent his last seconds in that warehouse completely hopeless and resigned to his demise.
And now, you are in the exact same situation. Left in this storage unit, wounded, and tied to a chair with nothing around except the bomb that is slowly sealing your fate with every passing second. Yet while Jason had been given a second chance after his death, there would be no Lazarus pit for you, no life-giving fix-it to reverse your destiny. No. Miracles like that didn’t happen twice. 
As the clock in front of you enters the final minute of its countdown, you wonder if anyone has even noticed you are missing yet. It’s only been a few hours since the Joker grabbed you and it wasn’t uncommon for you to turn off your comms while on solo patrol. You preferred the calming sounds of the city to your brothers’ arguing in your ear. But now, you would give anything to hear that sound again, just one last time. 
Ten seconds left. Nothing to do but wait and watch.
…. 9
…. 8
…. 7
…. 6
That’s when you hear it. As you watch the 6 shift effortlessly to a 5, you are alerted to their voices down the hall.
…. 4
Your family found you after all! You feel a wave of relief course through your veins as you hear Jason, Dick, and Bruce all calling your name. They are desperate to find you in time…. but there isn’t enough time.
…. 3
If you call out to them now, you'll only draw them closer to the blast, closer to danger. But if you remain quiet and do not alert them to your presence, there’s a chance they’ll be far enough away to be safe.
…. 2
…. 1
Jason had been wrong. It was better to die without that last useless spark of hope.
…. 0.
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Taglist: @loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @11thstreetvigilante, @merlehs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @schaarfyx, @happinessricardotapia, @blue-aconite
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tailss · 1 month
Bomb threat at my school yippie!!!! We are currently being evacuated by bus!!!!!
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mischiefxmuses · 2 months
closed starter @papermccn (Jinx x Silco)
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"Jinx, love, when Ieft this morning there was an apartment under this mess. I would quite like it back." He stepped through the door to see an array of gadgets and parts of things all around the living room. "Did a bomb go off?" He looked over at his daughter.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
I received instructions from former president Barack Obama to drop a nuclear bomb on my parents' house. I got in the plane that held the bomb but I couldn't figure out how to fly it so I had to call my mom and ask her. After I started flying, she asked where I was flying to and I said, "Your mom-I mean, my mom's house?" and then immediately dropped it way too close to the ground which blew up the plane and killed everyone in the neighborhood.
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jjunhui · 7 months
israeli warplanes continue to conduct violent and intense conduct air strikes on parts of gaza tonight. these attacks are completely unprovoked.
i don’t think a lot of us realize just how intense israeli weaponry is. these airstrikes cause an immense amount of destruction, with the ability to bring buildings down on top of those inside… and gaza has now faced 15 straight days of these air attacks.
every night brings terror and death.
tonight, camps* are being targeted. not hamas bases. camps housing innocent and frightened people. 266 palestinians killed in 24 hours according to the ministry of health. 177 were children. children as young as 2 weeks old have been injured.
video sources: 1, 2, 3
*please use extreme caution when opening this link. the video is brutal.
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hollowslantern · 9 months
and if I was god I'd make you all believe in me
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alicewritingstories · 8 months
Whumptober Prompt Fills Part 4: Talus
~~Also on AO3~~
No. 5: “You better pray I don’t get up this time around.” | Debris | Pinned Down | “It’s broken.”
No. 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.” | Flare | Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.”
No. 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.” | Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer…”
Warnings: Bombs, drifting in and out of consciousness, injury
Central character(s): Hyrule, Wild
The plan, such as it was, had been good. Things had been quiet for a few days and Wild had suggested to Time that he should take the opportunity to go foraging and that maybe Hyrule should come along too. Time hadn't been fooled for a moment, but had chuckled and said that if Wild thought it was a good idea then he agreed; they'd all meet in a couple of days at the Dueling Peaks stable. Wild and Hyrule had set out into the wide green countryside with all the excitement of exploration in their hearts, for all that Wild knew the area well. They were going to climb to the top of the Dueling Peaks, but there was no other solid plan; they would just see what they found.
They had found a talus.
An infected talus that sensed their approach from further away than Wild had expected and was far stronger and faster than it should have been.
"Wild, back!" yelled Hyrule, lighting the fuse on a bomb. He saw the flash of blue as Wild jumped off the talus' back and fled, sledgehammer in hand, then threw the bomb and ducked back behind a large rock. The explosion sent a gout of flame through the air and when Hyrule peeked out again the talus had slumped to the ground. Wild was leaping back up it. The gem deposit on its back was cracked but clearly not deeply damaged.
Hyrule swore. He only had a couple more bombs. Rock presumably wouldn't be affected by Thunder or one of his fire-based spells; he'd never asked Wild. It had to be bombs.
He needed a better angle.
He dashed for another large rock, already fishing out another bomb. He could hear the impact of sledgehammer on rock where Wild was unleashing one of his strongest spin attacks, surefooted on the moving stone under his feet.
Then he heard something else: Wild's voice ringing shrill and panicked: "'Rule!"
He looked up. The talus was drawing back one of its huge arms, ready to throw. He tried to run faster. Suddenly the rock he was aiming for looked very far away…
Something impacted his side and he cried out in shock, but realized it was Wild, leaping from the talus' back to tackle him out of the way. The debris of the talus' arm flew overhead as Hyrule rolled down the shallow slope.
As he finally managed to scrabble to a halt, he heard a horrible, ripping scream. He looked up. The talus had followed him. It was drawing back its remaining arm for another throw.
Wild was pinned under its bulk, one of its feet on his leg.
It shifted its weight to throw and Wild screamed again. The sound brought the world snapping back. Hyrule flattened himself on the ground and the arm once again flew overhead.
Every fiber of his body strained to go to Wild, but there was no point while the talus was alive. He snatched a power bracelet from his bag and slipped it on, then ran forward with his sword in one hand, snatching up Wild's dropped sledgehammer with the other. Now was a good time to find out if a fireball would hurt the talus. He begrudged the magic, but he wasn't a good enough climber or archer for another option.
He summoned a wave of magic, sending it down the blade of his sword, then swung it. The fireball seared off the end of the blade and hit the ore deposit squarely, sending the talus staggering to lie still for just long enough for Hyrule to spring up its back. He raised the sledgehammer, braced his feet, and started smashing with all the force of strength, magic, fury, and sheer desperation, gritting his teeth as shards scattered around him. The talus began to stir under him as he kept going, his muscles burning, panting for breath.
Then so suddenly it made him stumble, the deposit smashed apart. The talus dropped and dissolved into smoke in a final scatter of gemstones, sending Hyrule dropping to his hands and knees with bruising force.
There wasn't time to catch his breath; he scrambled up and half ran, half limped to Wild's side.
He'd been sure that the other teen had lost consciousness, but as he approached he saw that Wild's eyes were open, staring blankly across the rocky ground as his whole body heaved with great, sobbing gasps. He'd managed to get a potion out of his slate but it was spilled across the ground by his head, the empty bottle still clutched in his shaking hand.
Hyrule didn't even stop to speak to him; he skidded to his knees and laid his hands on Wild's shattered leg, immediately aware of the crushed bones, pooling blood, and lacerated muscles. Without proper healing Wild would never walk again.
Hyrule gritted his teeth. It wasn't the worst thing he'd had to heal.
Close, but not the worst.
Forcing himself to ignore the pain audible in every breath Wild took, he immersed himself in the magic, piecing together the scraps of bone, stopping the bleeding, patching the torn flesh.
He could feel the aching tremble in his own body that told him he was expending too much magic, but he kept going. Wild was in agony. He had to keep going.
He was starting to feel dizzy, but Wild's knee was so badly damaged that its pieces could hardly be distinguished from the rest of the broken bones. Hyrule gritted his teeth as he pulled tendons and ligaments back into place and reattached them, careful, delicate. A potion would probably do at this point, but they were rough and ready things. He could keep going a little longer.
He couldn't hear Wild's breathing any more, only the pounding of his own pulse. The tiny bones of Wild's ankle slid back into place. The fluid of the joint returned.
He felt like he was floating, only aware of the ripped holes left where stone had ground muscle on broken bone. One by one, as careful as Legend with a needle and thread, he put them back together. Good as new.
At last it was done.
It was done.
It was done…
Wild had been distantly aware of the pain fading, but his body was so filled with panic-laced adrenaline that for a moment that stretched out to an eternity he still couldn't move, trembling and weak, unable to get enough breath. He couldn't even see the sky overhead; his entire world had narrowed to the terrifying, alien wrongness of his ruined leg and the spasming, torturous pain flaying every scrap of thought from his mind.
He was only jarred back to full awareness as Hyrule collapsed into a limp heap on the ground beside him. Belatedly, he realized that the pain was completely gone. His leg was back to its proper shape.
Still, for a moment he couldn't bring himself to move it.
Get up! He needs you!
Wild looked at Hyrule lying beside him. His leg was fine. It was fine.
But just thinking about moving it made him feel sick.
Doesn't matter. He needs you. So what if it hurts? Get up!
He took another couple of deep breaths, trying to shove down the panic. He had to get up. He had to fight on. That was why he was alive. It didn't matter how much it hurt or how frightened he was; he had to fight on.
Another breath to brace himself and he shoved himself half upright.
Even though he knew his leg was healed, it was a surprise when the only pain came from his bruised back and chest.
He stayed propped up on his elbows for a moment, panting, then twisted round to check on Hyrule. The smaller hylian was limp, trembling and pale. Wild had seen him in this state once before and immediately reached for his slate even though he knew he didn't have a green potion. His heart jumped as he saw a stash of green bottles, but they were stamina elixirs; no help there. With a silent apology, he also dug in Hyrule's bag, but Hyrule didn't have one either, otherwise he presumably would have taken it rather than collapsing.
Wild looked again at his slate. Hyrule needed somewhere safe to rest. Dueling Peaks stable was right there with a shrine glowing beside it, but they were still figuring out the limits on his ability to take others with him when shrine-jumping. He didn't want to risk it with Hyrule in this condition.
Gradually, still very aware of his just-healed leg, he eased himself onto his knees beside Hyrule.
"Hyrule? Can you hear me?"
Hyrule groaned and his eyelids twitched, which was encouraging.
"OK… I'm going to carry you for a bit and then we'll head down to the stable. You'll be able to rest there."
Hyrule's eyelids twitched again. Wild took that as agreement and carefully gathered Hyrule up in his arms. He was too heavy to carry far, but Wild ignored the strain for now. He also ignored the scattered gems that he'd normally have picked up, setting off up the rocky slope towards the east. The faster he could get Hyrule to somewhere comfortable and safe, the better.
As he walked, Hyrule's trembling eased and he drifted into something that looked more like sleep. Wild let out a relieved huff of breath, trying to walk a little more steadily while still moving quickly.
By the time he reached cliffs he couldn't climb down with Hyrule in his arms, the sun was tilting to the west. He knelt down a little way from the cliff edge, laid Hyrule down, and rolled his shoulders to stretch, looking at the tall horse crest of the stable in the distance. Normally he'd think nothing of leaping off the cliff, unfurling his paraglider, and gliding down there, but he looked down at Hyrule lying propped up against his legs. He couldn't carry him and use the paraglider and he couldn't carry him and climb. He didn't want to ask any more of his brother after he'd just exhausted himself healing him, but there was only one thing for it.
"Hyrule?" He gently shook the smaller hylian's shoulder. "Can you hear me?"
He prayed Hyrule would wake up; he didn't know what he'd do if he didn't. He could probably improvise a harness of some sort and strap him to his back…
Fortunately, Hyrule stirred and his eyes drifted open.
"Hey…" Wild forced a smile at him. "Sorry to wake you."
"I need you to hold onto my back while we paraglide down this cliff."
Hyrule blinked at him vaguely, only half awake.
"That's all you have to do. Just hold on."
Hyrule nodded, his eyes drifting shut.
"Hey!" Wild shook him again. "You need to be awake. It's just a bit longer; we'll be down before you know it."
Hyrule nodded again and this time kept his eyes open, though Wild thought he was paler than before.
Wasting no more time, Wild lifted Hyrule onto his back, encouraging him to cling on with arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He could feel the tremble still there in Hyrule's limbs and wondered if he should try to strap him on after all, but decided that the important thing now was to move fast to get to the bottom of the cliff. In the time it took him to rig a harness, Hyrule might pass out again.
With a deep breath, more nervous than he'd been about a drop since the Great Plateau, he took a running jump over the edge and unfurled the paraglider.
The jerk as cloth caught air was so slight he normally never noticed it, but it was almost enough to dislodge Hyrule. For a heart-stopping moment his grip on Wild slipped, but then he managed to grab a handful of tunic and pull himself back into place. Wild took a strained breath, aware of his pulse hammering against the collar of his tunic where it was now pulled too tight.
Right. Time to lose height fast without his usual technique of free-falling and catching himself at the last moment.
"Just hold on," he said softly, partly to Hyrule and partly to himself; the additional weight was already starting to tell on him and he wished he'd taken one of the stamina elixirs. "That's all you have to do. Just hold on."
Carefully, he steered towards the stable, putting the paraglider into a shallow dive, trying to balance covering ground and avoiding any sudden jerks with making it to a safe height as soon as he could.
Hyrule was shaking with the effort of supporting his own weight. His breath against Wild's neck came quick and uneven.
Wild's overstrained arm muscles and injured back were screaming at him.
The change in his weight and balance made it hard to steer and judge his angle.
He really didn't want to re-break his leg on landing.
"Just hold on," Wild said again, keeping his voice steady and soothing with an effort, the way he'd heard Time and Warriors do. "Hold on, it'll be OK. We're almost there. Not much longer…"
He hit the ground too hard and stumbled to land face-down with Hyrule on top of him, but luckily the grass was soft and neither of them was hurt. Hyrule was conscious enough to realize they were on the ground and rolled off to land flat on his back, gasping and shaking.
"Good job," said Wild, kneeling up next to him and trying to hide his own tiredness. "Good… good job." He half-lifted Hyrule to prop him against his chest for a moment, catching his breath.
"Doesn't… count 's… first… p'ragl'dr…" mumbled Hyrule.
Wild laughed. "No, you should be properly awake for your first paraglider ride. Another time." He hugged Hyrule a little closer. "Thanks for healing me," he murmured.
Hyrule chuckled and tried vaguely to pat his shoulder, hitting him on the ear instead. "'s OK."
"You just rest. I'll get us to the stable."
"'K." Hyrule rested his head trustingly against Wild's chest, finally relaxing back into sleep. Wild licked his lips, eyed the long walk to the stable, and picked up his slate. No green potions, but he was determined that he had enough stamina elixirs to get them there.
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rabidfreak · 1 year
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┈ a gender related to being a bomb, and a thing. ♰
(coined / made by me @rabidfreak.)
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Since multiple news sources have already talked about this I think it's safe for me to tell yall what's happened today without having to fear the sek to raid my house.
So basically as of today Friday 27th, multiple schools in germany, including mine, got bomb threats per email and had to evacuate. So far, no threats turned out to be an actual bomb. Atleast for my school the email was in relation to the Israel Palestine "conflict".
We were not told If this was addressed from Palestinians or Israelites but from what has been going down the past few days I assume it was an Israeli propaganda attempt against the Palestinians.
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I swear that "Target bomb threat" thing better have been a false flag operation by right-wingers because if one of our own thought it was a good idea to do that I want to smack them.
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artichokefunction · 2 months
bomb went off. that's not good. you need to- ghhhhhh. your head pounds. you need to get your bearings. you need to find the handler. she is next to you, still. you need to get out of here. the building is collapsing. chunks of big and heavy and powdery and hazardous things are falling down around you and you need to not get hit. you pull the handler along and you move as fast as you can and you really wish you had 360 vision but you manage to avoid the worst of it until-
-a steel support beam comes down, almost on top of you. the agent pushes you out of the way, just in time, and it manages to avoid the worst of it. not all of it. there's an awful, awful crunching sound. you grab its arm and pull your friend off of the steel that has carved a long, wicked hole in its back. right through the fuel tank, right through the ribs. that's bad that's really bad. yyou, uh-
-you feel... sideways. empty. you're leaking, a lot, a steady stream of stuff you really need running down your back. you feel like you can't really breathe. you follow the handler, you try to, your limbs aren't responding the way they should. you tip sideways, she catches you. one arm around his shoulder. your head comes to rest next to her neck. you feel bad. you're cold. it's not cold in here. you're moving, the two of you, to somewhere. your eyes still work. the exits are blocked. you're moving to an uncollapsed area. they set you down on your side, your good side, you feel nauseated. no, that's not the word, you just feel sick and shaky. in your motor. no, uhh, your heart. they take your head in their lap, in her hands, she's saying something that you can't hear because your ears are ringing, still. he's crying. yyyou-
-you need to minimize long term damage you really really need to make sure it doesn't die. this is the best way to do that. you locate the little emergency switch under the faux skin of its collarbone, and it's expression relaxes into a look of recognition. you think. you hope, god you hope that it knows what you're doing. that it knows it'll be okay. knows, thinks. whatever. you switch it to emergency mode, the setting you use for surgeries. since this is basically a surprise, accidental, really scary surgery. your laughs turn into dry, painful coughs. the air quality in here is only going to get worse. you, also, need to stay alive. that's important. you need to call someone for a rescue and you need to not suffocate while you wait. you pull out your communicator, and you take a second to think, and you message the three colleagues of yours who are closest to this location. [EMERGENCY. REQUESTING IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE.] either they can help or they can't. now you need to help yourself. you've helped the agent as much as you can. it's in emergency mode, the closest to an OFF switch it has. it breathes less when it's like that, to conserve resources and slow down as many processes as possible. its- maybe it doesn't need its mask right now. what do you mean maybe. you are the one person on earth who would know that. its- um. it needs oxygen still, a little. you need oxygen a lot. this would not kill it, and it's a problem you could fix later, while solving all the other problems. like the big hole. ohhh god. gently, slowly, you unhook its mask from its face. and you feel bad doing it. this is. rude. or mean, or something. if it were conscious it would be upset. it would be more upset if you suffocated down here. you know that. the mask is a bit damp inside, sweat and a little bit of blood, you think. it doesnt fit your face right, obviously. but it filters air for you. it does its job. you run your fingers through your agent's grimy hair. you know it can't feel it. you don't stop.
you don't know how much time has passed. you zoned out again, whatever. you have a response, from robbie, actually. it's been a while since you talked to her. right now you just send the details she needs; [STRUCTURE COLLAPSED, "RED WINE FISHES". MAIN FLOOR, TWO NEED RETRIEVAL, ONE CRITICAL CONDITION. NO AMBULANCES.] you know she'll get the red wine fishes reference. probably. you both were here for that job. not an easy one to forget. no ambulances, because they'll ask questions you can't answer, and they won't have your regen machine. probably. it's been a while since you've been in a public hospital. maybe they've started to get with the times. probably not. the times are expensive. the smell of spilt petrol cuts through the mask's filters. you might cry, again. you don't want to do that. waste of water, limited resources, while you're trapped here. you want to zone out again. you can't do it on command. you have no fucking idea how people do that on command. so you do your normal thing, [it probably doesn't count as your normal thing if you haven't done it in many many years. whatever] you sit there in the uncomfortable present for a long long moment, listening to your own muffled breathing and to the sounds of the building settling around you, until eventually you notice you zoned out at some point because you're snapped back to the present by a sudden very loud and new crashing sound. you panic for a moment. you can't *do* anything. then the dust clears and you see that it's robbie, and her small group of other big strong men. they have found you, and you are safe now, and by that you mean you're slightly safer then you were before. you still need to evacuate. you pull the agent closer to your chest as you show robbie the situation at hand. she pulls a face and hisses through her teeth when she sees. after some quiet discussion with her boys, one of them lifts the agent up into their arms, saying little reassuring things to you the whole time, and robbie takes you, supporting you on her arm. they are being very nice to you right now. you must look rough. you feel fine, you think. you tune back in and you're approaching your truck. you find your words, you take the mask off, and you tell robbie that you'll be fine from here. she gives you a *look*.
[I'm not leaving you here alone, not when you're like this.]
[i need to get the agent stabilized, before anything else. I'll relocate after.]
[Sitting in one place, away from the wheel, you'd be easy to catch.]
[yhh... true...]
[Let me drive you, babe, you can hang out in my garage until you're ready to go.]
[Come on, you know my place is secure.]
[hah, yeah. "blue steel eye", i remember, that was a good job by me.]
[ghh. yeah okay fine. here's the key, password is left left down left down up. don't crash us.]
[I'm a good driver, you know that. Boys, take the van home. I'll be right behind ya.]
you'll have to change the system password again, after this. for now, you have your agent on your operating table, nearly dead. you have a lot of things to do. fuel tank needs serious repairs, need to deal with the severe blood loss, and the ribcage damage as well. blood first, heart stop would mean brain stop and you want to avoid that. rib reconstruction last, you need access to the tank inside for repair. after that you can work on the respiratory issues that will probably crop up. you also need to get the air out of its pipes, get fuel re-circulating safely. lots to do. you get to work.
your chest feels bad, that's the first thing you notice. the second thing you notice is that you're awake and alive and stuff. that's nice. you thought maybe you would be dead, crushed and alone after the handler watches you bleed out. or worse. he could be the one dead. you need to check on her. it's a herculean task, to lift your head enough to turn it to the side. but he's there, collapsed on a stool, asleep. she looks rough. she looks alive, though. as do you. probably. maybe. you feel like you might look distinctly open right now. there are a few little delicate things connected into your back, you think. your movement is restricted but not by a lot. mostly you're just tired. you close your eyes for a moment. when you open them again, the handler is up, sorting through equipment just out of your view. you want to ask her for a status report. tell you what she's doing, how she's doing, how you're doing. you try to ask. it doesn't work. what the fuck. your hands feel really heavy. and far away. what the fuck, you need those. you can't, fucking- you're too fatigued to sign. you can flex your fingers, still, kinda. you don't like being angry. not angry. frustrated. normally you can do things, and you like being able to do things. you don't like this. she has noticed whatever turmoil you have going on, because he runs her fingers through your hair. it is actually pretty grounding, you can admit it. nothing useful here to be angry at, no point in getting worked up.
[dealing with the damage, steadily. fuel tank repaired, it should hold up, please tell me if you notice anything leaking or exploding or just going wrong. working on the rib cage right now. re-set and re-construct. don't move too much, this part is delicate. you got dangerously close to damaging your spine in a few places. you were lucky. well, wait, that's a weird thing to say in this situation. but you did survive. we're both alive. stay still.]
you let out a deep breath, as deep as you can manage right now. you'll be okay. you let your eyes close again. you're not immediately asleep this time, you can hear the purr of machinery just above you, and you can feel her hands wrap gently around your shoulder and your side. trying to assess progress, probably. you'll be okay.
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