#billlie x male reader
gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 21: Facefucking
Pairing: Billlie Sheon x Male Reader
Word Count: 5,212
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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Her semantics was probably not hypocrisy, but rather, sophistication—more so, onto the field of genuine epitomes of everything you can think of and you're not fit for that.
That was disheartening, to say the least because you had the chance but you weren’t proven worthy of it—maybe if you tried a little more you'd draw yourself closer to the promised land. Even with all your might, you might not even succeed and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, because there’s probably more things that you could ever imagine that can even hurt you, and these are two realities: the reality of life and the reality about Sheon herself.
Kim Suyeon, or most probably known as Sheon, is probably the girl you’d really admire and even with the multiple beautiful girls in the university, you just can’t take your eyes off her as she’s something more than what you can think of. 
You, being called as the “university’s heartthrob” can’t even get onto her nerves as she’s one of the few girls that doesn’t even bother to initiate a move or even talk to you, mostly doing the latter if it’s really needed but chances can be even slim to none—note that girls around your university would die just to get to talk to you and you’re probably in their shoes, just with Sheon.
Well, maybe you’re a step closer towards your desired goal: the both of you in a library, probably four seats away from her and just words away from a response from her. Of course, nothing would happen if you would just sit in your chair and skim the pointless texts on the book you’re “reading”, so, wanting to make an acquaintance of a connection to her, you pretended to get another book just behind her as you took a glimpse of what she’s studying, furrowing your eyebrows as you’re piqued on the topic she’s reading.
“Struggling a little bit?” 
“Oh god—” Sheon yelps almost inaudibly, silencing herself from screaming as she’s in a tranquil zone, startled from your actions as you almost giggled because of her adorable demeanor. “—don’t scare me l-like that… I’m fine though, thanks…”
You felt a little faux sincerity on Sheon’s tone, masking her stressed demeanor because of all of the activities and assignments she’s probably into and you feigned little concern because of that.
“Why the deep breaths though?”
“You know, I've been pretty stressed lately…” Sheon lets out another deep breath out, her stress pretty evident as she probably just wants this workload to put on a halt, wanting herself to feel relaxed in the best way possible. “You?”
Well, you didn’t expect to go to this moment—you never expected her to even bother conversing with you as she’s not that type of girl as far as you know. On the brighter side of things, Sheon doesn’t ignore someone just because they find them uncanny or even at their point where she could despise them, she will engage in a conversation whenever possible, but not that invested and you can’t blame her for that. 
Honestly, you would brush these thoughts off considering how everything’s going according to the path you wanted, and you’ll make this worth your while and seize this opportunity.
“Yeah, pretty much the same as you…” You share the same demeanor as hers: stressed and pretty much done with all of the works being battered out to you—half of it are true, since you wanted to be tethered with being in the same shoes as her is hopes of a better connection—as you let out a deep sigh right after, feigning how that weight of emotions are coursing through you. “So many workloads and shit—”
“Hey, language…” Sheon cuts you off with a cute glare visible on her face, not approving of your vulgar choice of words as you apologized because of it, not wanting you to have an atrocious first impression towards this beautiful girl. 
“I’m sorry—stress can really make people the worst version of themselves.”
“Must be having a weak mental, hm?” Sheon muttered a joke about your opinion on how stress can transform people as you laughed a little, feeling the same wavelength of humor as she is and that’s probably another factor on why you’re liking her even more. Of course, as a playful response towards her, you pretended to be offended but addressing those are obviously sarcastic, in a way that Sheon wouldn’t feel any hard feelings that you’re keeping in you and it’s effective, she just silently scoffed, hiding her face a little.
“Don’t be too harsh like that, Sheon.” 
“Hah… Anyways, thanks for a little talk. Feels a little bit good chatting with someone for a while…” Sheon mutters as she feels a little lonely after saying those words and you feel the hint of shock and fluster, mixing up those emotions because of what she's been saying. You feign a little concern in a way that it should have feel a little hard having no one to talk to, or to lean to on these procrastinating days but the other side of your doubts it—your claim earlier is maybe taking over her, she’s not being herself when she’s utterly stressed, or maybe even anyone would lead to that.
“Feeling a little lonely? You don’t seem like it, Sheon—you seem like you have multiple connections around the university…” 
Even with your speculations, Sheon dismisses the fact that she’s even friendly despite her extroverted persona, and more of an approachable person rather than committing to a deep relation of friendship. 
Maybe this is time to probably change those tracks of hers with your own moves.
“No, Sheon—you really look like one. I’d never thought you were like this…”
“Well, it depends—” Sheon closes the book she’s been reading for a while now as she averts all of her attention towards you, looking deep into your eyes as her adorable countenance really puts you into a mode of panic as you can’t maintain that eye contact to her for that amount of period of time. “—I do like, love talking with someone when they seem interesting to me…” Sheon loses her gaze towards you as she feels a little shy because of your endearing stare from time to time, before staring at you again and uttering these words: “And a great example of that would be  you.”
Your heart instantly dropped once she let go of those words, making every speculation and your thoughts take a step further, entering reality and off with the imaginative nature it has been. You didn’t let her know about what you’re feeling in order for the atmosphere not to be brushed off on its elevating wholesomeness as you just act like you’re shocked—you’re indeed perplexed as you didn’t expect Sheon to really say that to you, directly, let along her doe, lovely eyes saying all of that with sincerity coming right from her heart.
“M-Me? How am I—”
“Hey…” You completely lost it when Sheon placed her hand onto yours, completely containing all of your emotions inside as you’re flustered because of her affectionate advances towards you. She caresses her fingers onto your hands  as she interrupts you from uttering more words, wanting to reassure you about how she’s genuine about it. “I meant it and also, you seem a pretty nice guy, too…”
You don’t know if she’s playing a game with you as you clearly know that this isn’t the Sheon you know—maybe that’s the case, you vaguely even know anything about her so you could never be so sure—but you will take any chances even and this, is a great example of it.
Of course, Sheon is not going to be done as she’s still muttering about you—
“I knew you liked me, and you don’t need to tell me about that, anyways.” Tugging your collar, she inches herself towards you as she whispers in your ear and continues, “This might be the moment we can discover more about ourselves, hm?” 
Before you could utter a word, Sheon pulls your collar out where no one could the both of you, the subtle movement of the chair breaking the peaceful ambiance the library has been emanating as Sheon winces, noticing that someone may have noticed but luckily, no one had. Also, before you could hear her talk, you noticed two girls in the distance just on the other side of the library, looking at the both of you and visibly giggling. You’re not oblivious and saw Sheon stealing glances on them too so you know something is fishy out here, and you will break the code whenever possible.
“Who are those girls at the distance, hm?”
“Nothing, they’re just—”
“Maybe stop lying to me, Sheon—” You then grab her wrists gently as she whimpered a little, overpowering her with no effort as your eyes demanded the truth from her and with her soft heart, she wouldn’t afford lying to you in any case.
“Okay, they’re my friends and that’s why I want to pull you here so that they can’t see us.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you feel a strange presence between this and you’re not liking it because your speculations may be true—maybe they just set you up here just for a reason and that alone will break you apart if that’s true. “And why are they laughing at us, hm? What’s happening here, Sheon?”
So many questions, so little time—you won’t brush this off and let them get away with this because you demand a serious answer uttering her lips. A visible gulp can be seen being done by Sheon as she looks directly into your eyes, letting her endearing look make you calm down a little as both your firm grips (mostly from Sheon’s) are still evident against each other.
“Okay, they dared me to go and make you hit up on me—”
“So all of this isn't sincere, then?” You didn’t let her finish as her poor choice of words infuriates you a little bit and with a sympathetical approach from Sheon, she didn’t want this to turn atrociously.
In all honesty, the words she said earlier are all true and you can see the sincerity with her tone or her pretty pupils dilating. It was surprising for a girl like Sheon to like you not because of how you look but how you approach people and make them dearly comfortable and with that element, she likes that about you—if you wonder why, she may have seen you a lot of times with your down-to-earth heart being easy-going and sympathetic, then maybe that’s why she enlightened herself not be that harsh on you and saw the light.
Maybe her soft-hearted personality can melt your heart like butter and starting off with her stare, you would find yourself getting closer to that.
“I waited for this moment too, honestly just to say this.” Sheon knows you’ll throw another pointless banter again and she’s just going to get annoyed with it and to deal with that would take a step further that no one can ever imagine. She shuts your mouth with a kiss that caught you off-guard but with her floral scent and her falling under her spell makes you reciprocate onto her with more aggression, but a gentle approach as you don’t want to hurt her or makes things too fast in any way—maybe you can dismiss that latter part since she’s the one who made everything a step ahead of what you’re thinking. The softness and the sweet, luscious taste of that citrus lip balm makes you indulge onto a deeper kiss as you do so, making Sheon inevitably run her hands onto the back of head, tugging your hair tightly as she’s succumbing to her needs too. Knowing that the both of you are still publicly in a library, you immediately pulled out of her lips’ warm embrace as the both of you exchanged breaths, feeling the pumping rush of adrenaline making the both of you invigorated.
“So, a-all of that—hah, are sincere?”
Sheon’s lips quivers, unable to comprehend the affectionate event that just happened as she nodded and silently responded to you, “Y-Yes it is…”. It didn’t even take a lot of time for her to initiate another move, as she tugs on your collar and with no absolute way of fighting or retaliating her actions, you just simply followed her as she directs you onto an empty space in the library where no one can even bother to see you, or even cameras capturing that place.
“Was this all part of a deal with them, Sheon?”
Sheon scoffs as she places her arms onto your shoulders, staring deeply on your eyes as she’s utterly serious about this. “Maybe—more likely a dare but all of these are sincere because I indeed like you~”
Oh, her soft tone is enough for your ears to melt let alone her stare which could allure you into loving her even more and you’re in the verge of that—you might vent out your frustrations towards her but Sheon’s calm and angelic façade is making it a hindrance for it to be successful and it’s working too well against you. With her touch making your heart skip a beat, you know it wouldn’t take long before you fall in love with her truly as her aura is strongly making you fall under spell, her attractiveness actually making you succumb onto your deepest desires towards her and you’re trying to contain anything you could to have a composed disposition.
“Are you trying to hit on me, Sheon?” Your smirk lets her know how you’re likely to play the game and absolutely love this side of hers and honestly, you’re even in shock at how her demeanor instantly changed—you’re now maybe turned on to the fact that Sheon’s turning the tables against you, and with her captivating smirk, you know things will take on another level. 
“Yes, maybe I am and also—I’ve been wanting to do something lately…” Sheon runs her fingers on your chest, her nails tracing circles around your clothed skin as you know how it’s a sign of utter need from her and most of all, persuasion. It’s the building anticipation that needs to kick in to you to further ignite that aspiring wants living within you, waking the hibernating beast inside you and ending its warm slumber and she’ll do everything that takes her and you can see it burning in her eyes—those passionate, ardor-filled eyes in aims to make you feel with the same wavelength as hers: full of inner lust and greed.
“Mind sharing what's that, Sheon?”
With her mischievous and hubristic expressions, it wouldn’t take long before she spills what would be that desire of hers that she’s been longing for and with her fingers gently touching your chin and averting your eyes towards her, Sheon mutters such profanities you wouldn’t know that’ll come out of her mouth. “To suck off a man like you.”
You’re perplexed for another time as you didn’t expect an angelic girl like Sheon such sinful things but here you are, hearing everything loud and crisp and god, it’s always turning you on whenever such a saccharine, soft-toned voice tingles your ear—you’re loving this moment yet you still can’t brush off the fact that it all came out of her mouth and it’s straightforward.
In all honesty, you may or may not succumb to your carnal needs while thinking about her because everytime you feel like it, she’s the perfect girl to fantasize about because she might have everything you really need in a girl—petite frame, little waist with visible abdominal muscles, porcelain skin, plump lips, beautiful face and maybe even more than what you could think of. There’s maybe a hint of possible hesitation with Sheon’s propositions but knowing how sincere and how everything will go on a great pace of things, you wouldn’t consider putting onto wounds of that and rather, succumb onto your desires as much as hers.
“Since when you wanted this, Sheon?”
Sheon just fluttered her eyes at you as she laughed a little as her sinister smirk just ignited the lustful atmosphere that’s starting to emanate and with that, you would like her to do the honors on starting this possibly spectacular show. 
“A while ago, honestly and also, I won’t just be going to suck you off…” Her sultry voice tempts you onto her sinful actions as she kneels down in front of you, facing your crotch and then looking up at you with those endearing eyes begging for your approval. “You’re going to fuck my face so, are you good with that?”
You wouldn’t think a girl like Sheon would be this impatient and straightforward towards you, actually the fact that she’s this needy for you is puzzling since the both of you barely knew each other but had the same desires towards each other which fuels the anticipating sin you’re about to engulf into.
“Was this part of the deal or dare you and your friends made up?”
“Not this time…” Knowing how her words are laced with impatience, she tugged the hem of your pants and started to unbutton it, wanting to see what could be the feral bast you are packing. You can see a hint of nervousness from her hands, a little tremble is evident that’s why you came up with that conclusion but it didn’t stop her from discovering you and with your defenses coming down one by one leisurely, you’re just mentally preparing yourself on what she’s about to showcase you, or most likely, what you can showcase her. Now with just your boxers remaining as the last bit of defense on your nether area, you let out small, ragged breaths once she teased her fingers onto your semi-erect length, making sure it’ll be in a full mast before uncovering your wonderful length to her and it wouldn’t take long before it grows gradually fast. Now, knowing how impatient the both of you are at this moment, Sheon won’t tease you more as she brings your boxers down with one, swift motion as gravity did the rest, now resting those clothes onto your ankles. Sheon’s awe lit in excitement and awe as she analyzes every inch of your cock that she’s always been longing for and now that she has the full control of it, maybe it’s time for her to fully unlock the potential of her long-awaited fetish.
“Wow, it’s wonderful to see it like this—ohh…” Sheon circles her tongue all over swollen head, and then lapping the profound liquid coming out of your slit, savoring every drop that you create. She kisses every part of your shaft as she worships it like it’s some kind of god she’s made to be a follower for and maybe, it’s going to be on that way because on how aggressive she’s peppering your shaft with kisses, alongside the needy licks that made you shudder in response because of her incredible oral masterclass between your legs. Her warm hand palming your thighs makes you feel reassured as an addition to the sudden pleasure you’re experiencing and it’s an elevating experience and god, you might just want to further dig in to your deepest, sexual desires on fucking that slutty throat of Sheon’s even more.
“Must’ve practiced a lot, hm?”
Sheon continues slurping onto your succulent shaft as she pulls out after a few more seconds, the glossy texture of it becoming evident with her subsequent drool and the light that has been emanating above. “Y-Yeah… I’m sorry if i-it’s not that good—”
“Not good? No, Sheon—keep doing that because it’s amazing.” You don’t know if it’s the sudden gratification you’re feeling that’s why you can’t formulate a meticulous judgment or just the hint of hypocrisy within you but nonetheless and factually-speaking, Sheon’s doing a great job on your throbbing length yet you can’t brush off the fact of her off-rhythmical bobs and her teeth making your wince in a bit of pain and all you can say is that she’s a natural at this.
“Practiced a little on my toys, that’s why—also, let me just get this wet…” Sheon continues her oral masterclass as she bobs onto almost the entirety of your shaft, lathering it will her saliva and to further taste and inhale that musky scent of yours she’s now loving wholeheartedly. Knowing this may be enough, Sheon pulls out not without strings of saliva adding up to the mess she’s starting to create and with a single sentence, it’s enough for you to prepare yourself on what you can showcase to her. 
“You sure you want me to do this to you?”
“I wouldn’t want it unless I said it, right?” Sheon has a valid point and with her further confirmation, you know you should do the unthinkable and probably, this will be the craziest day you’re going to be having for a while. You don’t even know it all escalated this quickly, leading up to this lustful moment but you won’t complain and of course, you need to silence yourself and be swift because you’re risking both your reputations if you get caught. With Sheon’s initiation of your hands making such makeshift pigtails on her hair, it wouldn’t last long before you position yourself in front of her with your length just mere centimeters from touching her plump lips and when you pull the trigger, all let loose and suddenly, you’re in heaven.
All you can just feel is the warmth and the softness of her walls engulfing your cock and hugging it tightly as she hollowed her cheeks with your leisure pace, and with the sweat dripping on her face and her drool seeping out of her mouth, you know you got to up the ante. Sheon encourages you so, and with that green light by hers, it’s time for a ruthless treatment as you brushed off the foreplay and immediately mustered a moderate pace, her face constantly getting rammed by your length as your leverage on her hair was incredibly great that you could adjust at any time you want. With even more than half of your length constantly plunging in her pleasurable mouth, she can’t help but gag uncontrollably as your cock is becoming way too much for her to handle but she would go over the limits and raise the risks for a better reward. You constantly pump your hips onto her mouth like it’s her possibly tight pussy, each thrust aiming to send her limits into the extremes and to further wring out the finest gratification possible.
Maybe she’s getting too ahead of herself as her ego commands her to take more but she can’t and with that, she inevitably pulls out of you and gasps uncontrollably.
“Are y-you alright, Sheon? I mean if you can’t handle it—”
“I c-can take it—continue fucking my mouth, p-please…” Sheon’s tone is full of need and desperation and with her sight of wanting her needs to be fulfilled, you can’t let the opportunity fade away but the other side of you have sympathy, not wanting to continue this if she’s going to struggle but she wanted this, and all of this are in her own accord.
Maybe you just need to fight through that mental battle you’re constantly enemies with, and let your carnal desire win, just in this moment you can’t refuse—
“Come on—glwk—hmmp!!”
The devil inside ascends to its true form, and with the lust blinding you, you succumb to your deepest needs and plunged her mouth with your cock and constantly rammed her mouth like it’s a fleshlight. Maybe Sheon’s throat is built with your cock to be constantly rammed on, like a cocksleeve that will always be attended whenever possible and god, the sight is just getting sinful and hotter—Sheon’s disheveled hair and her sullied face emanates the greatest sin you’ve witnessed, far from her adorable, sophisticated aura earlier as she becomes a victim of her own needs, taking your in fully as that alone makes you delightful, and it’s just the paramount of bliss. Her constant gags didn’t let herself back off to your constantly-ramming length as she even uses this in order to encourage you with a better treatment of roughness towards her slutty mouth and with that, you won’t disappoint her let alone hold back against anything.
You’re not the man you are today, but rather, the primal and the starving one—all hungry for her mouth to be fucked into oblivion and ruin this beautiful girl in front of you until she’s a sullied mess. You try and keep your tone almost deaf to anyone’s ear that could be possible eavesdropping on this suspiciously lustful activity and let Sheon’s gags reverberate around the small spot in the library. The thought of the risk of being caught makes everything a thrill as you hold her hair like it’s your last, ramming into her mouth until she can’t take it anymore and suddenly, she tapped your thigh repeatedly, wanting to give herself a little break from your rough and reckless treatment onto her warm cavern.
“Gahh—s-shit, that w-was good… hah, I w-want more, please…” Sheon begs her glistening eyes as her sullied visage is turning you on so much that you wanted to add the mess on her face with your own seed but you’re getting too ambitious, and maybe, it wouldn’t be long before you could even achieve that.
“Mind your language, Sheon.”
“No—please, it d-doesn’t matter right now. Just please…”
Not wasting any time and fulfilling her needs, she takes your cock in her mouth again as you held onto her hair and instantly, you mustered high-paced thrusts as she instantly gagged on the spot, yet takes your whole length like a champ and with that, you continued pounding her mouth in the point of no-return but with all you can give. Copious amounts of drool seeps out of her mouth with your current pace as the constant slapping of your balls at her chin lets her know how wild the pace is and how it arouses her onto the roof and with that sight, she’s loving this even more. Sheon held a tight grip onto your thighs with your ridiculous pace as she maintained her profound eye contact to you, begging you for more as the glint on her eyes even makes that beast inside of you capable of having no mercy against her.
If that’s what she’s been wanting you to treat her, then so be it.
“Look how slutty you look right now, Sheon—god, if you just see yourself right now, then you’ll damn know.”
She can envision what she looks like by the things that’s suddenly happening right now but she wouldn’t bother because all of her attention is towards your ramming cock, drilling the depths of her throat and bound to make it to the point that everything would be precarious to be tolerated—maybe Sheon just wants to get totally ruined and you would treat her as such. Knowing how your cock is constantly throbbing in her mouth and your silenced moans of need, Sheon knows something is going to be near soon and she’ll cherish it ultimately on her capabilities. She fucks her face further in tandem with your thrusts, bobbing her mouth furiously as the trajectory of your actions results in a greater quality of pleasure and you’re absolutely loving every second of this.
Knowing Sheon is helping you to achieve your own high, you admire it as her clever mind made up for that decision as you double your efforts onto your thrusts, chasing something that will elevate you for the rest of your day and it wouldn’t be that long before it comes.
Might count to ten and you know you wouldn’t pass six because it just went all in a state of bliss.
Shockwaves of immense gratification coursed in every vein of your body, resulting in a state of bliss as your frequent release of profanities was enough of an evidence. Your option to further arouse yourself and to elevate the lustful atmosphere of the area, you bury your entire shaft onto her slick, tight throat as she constantly gags on it but nonetheless, wants every spurt of your delectable seed being deposited right into her walls and down to her stomach—most likely, she’ll choke on it and would try to swallow it whole and with that, you’d love see her try. Allowing herself to get a breather and to let herself be free of her constant gags, you pulled your length out as streams of saliva becomes unshackled, staining everything on its vicinity and like what you expected, she choked on your cock as she tries to savor the seed you gave her and with her undeniably surprising skills, she managed to gulp them all as your healthy, creamy load are now in her stomach. She coughed a little because of your harsh actions against her mouth but there’s nothing to be held against you, not even a hint of grudge and for the optimistic part, she even liked her throat getting pounded into oblivion and she thanked you for that.
“That’s n-nothing much, Sheon—wow, your m-mouth, it’s incredible…” There’s nothing much to say when she's clouded your brain to the point that it all became fried, unable to articulate such words and stuttering becoming evident.
“Thanks t-too—for t-the load, hah… that was rough…”
An evident concern feigns your face as you feel the hint of uneasiness with your earlier treatment but as expected, she reassures you about that because she wanted it in the first place and that alone, makes your mind in a clear space of relief. She licks her tongue as she lets you know you are grateful she is with your load and not so long after, you thanked Sheon with her incredible masterclass and an incredible mouth to derive pleasure with.
Helping her stand up with your hands, she thanked you with that hint of a gentlemanly approach and thank god no one saw the both of you yet Sheon is muttering something, and it's clearly making your interest piqued and it’s maybe just going to get better than this.
“Maybe meet me later at the cafeteria at 5 P.M. because we got to talk about something.”
Your eyebrows feign innocence as she deepen her captivating stare towards you, still finding it endearing and cute even with the sullied mess she had indulged herself into. “Maybe something like, starting a better connection between the both of us but that would be for later, gotta see my friends for now, bye!”
Maybe it all went like a flash, and everything escalating too fast wasn’t on your list but you won’t complain.
You wouldn’t know what she would have in store for you later but there’s a single thing you damn know where this will go: Sheon is going to be yours and you’re just living the fantasy you’ve been dreaming on and now, it’s just within your reach and only time will tell about this.
Such a horny freak, but I love it—I love him…
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sykosomatic · 3 months
hiii! long time no see!
may i request a billy loomis x ftm reader BUT billy is possesive and has a breeding kink?? tbh i wanted poly ghostface but i can't see stu having a breeding kink😭😭
if you could, thanks<3
hi!! my deepest apologies for how long this sat in my ask box, ily 🥺 🫶
possessive billy loomis with a breeding kink x ftm!reader
cw: ftm reader, breeding kink (obvi) complete with dirty talk, reader gets his breasts groped, p in v sex, creampie(s), spanking, hair pulling, afab parts/genitalia mentioned, potentially unsavory words used: pussy, cock/t-cock, cervix. (no mpreg, for those of you opposed!)
“you’re fucking mine, you got that?” billy loomis growled darkly into your ear. you didn’t really know what you’d done to make him be so possessive — well, more than usual — but you weren’t complaining. he drove his cock deep into your pussy; with long, rough strokes, you could feel the tip nearly smashing up into your cervix. you were too cock-drunk, with him behind you like that, to actually fully register that he was asking you a question. he grabbed your hair and tugged harshly, pulling your back up closer to his chest. “answer me.”
your brain went fuzzy. what had he even asked? “i.. uh,” you moaned out, gasping as he slapped your ass hard, pushing you back onto your all-fours.
“i said, you’re mine, you got it?” he hissed, his hands going to your sides, holding you in place as he fucked into you. he rocked his hips harsher, skin slapping on skin and his balls hitting against your pussy in just the most tantalizing way.
“y-yes, yes sir,” you managed to whine out as one of his hands groped your ass hard; he proceeded to slap it again, most likely leaving a red mark.
“good fucking boy,” he purred; you could hear the smirk on his lips as he watched you unravel. the bed beneath you creaked and moaned with his thrusts, the headboard rocking into the wall. you were glad your parents weren’t home. “i’m gonna make sure you never forget it…” he growled, taking your hips in his hands and fucking into you, rough enough to make you whine and bite down into the sheets beneath you, seeing stars as he reached down to fondle your t-cock. you were drooling into the sheets as you heard him speak, trying to figure out what exactly he meant by that.
“oh, fuck…” you murmured, voice muffled by the sheets as you felt an orgasm rock your body, making you tremble and shake. your pussy clenched around his cock.
“i’m gonna fill your pussy up, baby boy— you’re gonna know you’re mine by the feeling of me breeding that little hole of yours. you got it? you’re fucking mine, don’t you ever forget it,” he growled, spacing some of his words with low grunts of pleasure, and others with particularly rough thrusts. you gripped the sheets with your hands, feeling him get into a rougher pace as he got closer to an orgasm.
he grabbed your hair again, pulling your face out of the sheets, drool on your bottom lip and chin.
“tell me how much you want me to breed you, baby,” he grunted into your ear, nipping harshly at your earlobe. you whimpered, and he grabbed one of your breasts, groping it and pinching your sensitive nipple. “c’mon, don’t be shy, boy.”
“fuck…” you whined, feeling your brain leaking out between your legs as he fucked you. “i.. fuck, i want you to breed me, billy, please,” you whimpered, yelping out in pleasure as he bit your neck, nipping at your shoulder too. “please fill me up, make me yours..”
“that’s more like it,” billy said approvingly, fucking up into you as he held you up against his chest, holding tight so you didn’t fall back down onto the bed. he gave a few more deep strokes, sheathing himself all the way inside as he came. his cum spurted up into you, warm and thick, filling you up and making you all fuzzy inside. “good boy, take it all,” he purred into your ear, leaving himself inside of you while your pussy clenched around him. “good fucking boy…”
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essentiallyleaf · 8 months
day 25. spanking. with. sheon.
321 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x male reader, spanking, water gun pussy sheon, that’s her archetype.
today is the day of trying to find the fun in things. toastingly, leaf.
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There’s something triggering about her turning red, as with chili peppers ripening to refine their fiery zest, the cadejo’s eyes when facing a lone traveler, the blood moon and its revelations of doom.
You met Suyeon on the second day of vet school; the first day she got lost in the subway, and then again in the campus, later admitting that “I’m not good with maps, but,” and here’s where the real issue is, “those colored lines are just confusing, dude. Look at how many times they cross!”. You let it slide because she’s cute, but as they say at the Sorbonne, that was some absolute bullshit. Right, cute: that’s what you thought as her hamster cheeks blushed hard when you offered to help her with directions and get lunch together; the latter was more of a request than an offer, but the point still stands. You felt something click at her reddening features, a spark.
A primal awakening. When you spank her right buttock with strength and see it burn red, her back on the bed and her tiny devil body folded in two. Not just once though. This is not a solo concert, this is an orchestra, with strings, brass, percussions and everything, especially percussions. Slap her fluffy cheeks, her juicy thighs, her plump, soaked pussy lips like you’re beating on drums, and the only sound that they produce at each hit is a screamed “Harder!”. Use your hand as the stick, no, as the brush to paint her complexion amaranth, each stroke feeding the fire inside you that inspires the next. And when creativity says, “Put your finger on the trigger”, all you can do is listen: pow, pow, pow. She fires shots of transparent liquid in the air, her cries acting as the accompanying banging sounds. And as you see Suyeon's face completely flushed, you realize the greatest revelation might be that devils can be adorable, too.
have a good day!! now, begone. moodily, leaf.
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iznsfw · 2 years
GingaMinGayo: ウサギ Mania
Kinktober 2022 Week 2 - Petplay
BILLLIE's Fukutomi Tsuki x Male Reader Smut
7,537 words
Categories | bratbunnygirl!Tsuki, petplay, bunnydoggy-style, rough sex
Is this even petplay? I don't know. This was some random idea I got after seeing the photo below. I hope I gave justice to it even with the poor editing.
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The map you spread open before you is yellowing. Since the day you tore it from the Billlage encyclopedia at the restricted section in a long-gone library, it has become a part of you that you cannot live without. It is just like you: battered and broken. The page that had once been colorful and vibrant to show the beauty of the place is now partially torn at the side and has become a crumpled mess with all the times you crinkled it in your pocket. You have to lay it flat on a table and press the crinkles down with your palm to even read the content properly.
Throughout its age and weariness, however, it has stayed with you more loyally than any other person in the world.
You and the map to the Billage have become one and the same. The lore and heart of the destination you've been seeking out for years on end has become a part of you, too. In a way in which you simply cannot live without it, or imagine living like that. You cannot even count on your fingers the number of nights you've spent flipping through phone books and analyzing myths about the Billage, desperate to find one that it is at least partially true that would lead you to the answers you wished for on your birthdays and Christmases. It was a difficult job to separate what may be fact mixed with fiction from just myth. The GingaMingaYo is unpredictable. What you may know as factual might as well be a nursery rhyme to the Billagers. A nursery rhyme, in turn, is their direct way of life.
Eventually, you found the fruit of your tireless years of researching in the SNOWY man.
He was the last person you thought would help you out. You'd like to say the complete reason for it is because you had learned to be sketchy of people, but the other half to it is one that you have only yourself to blame. Immediately judging him because of his large stature and soulless black eyes was a bad thing to do, considering that first impressions are always wrong, anyway, and the SNOWY man proving his moral character by leading you to this icy land, the place he told you would take you to the Billage.
You lower your map and look around. Yep, this is definitely the place. The skies are almost as black as your yeti friend's eyes. Snow beats down the blocks of ice that make up the land. You're shivering a little. Your nose is chapped red from frostbite, but you know this is it. This is where you go to your destination.
The SNOWY land is simply a passageway to the Billage. As much as you'd like to stay around and explore the place, your heart tells you to do what you have to do first.
"Well," you say, meekly, "I guess this is it."
You try to sound lighthearted, but longing devours your heart with its menacing sharp fangs. The SNOWY man, even if he is a yeti, has become your friend over the last months of your travels. Departing from him is more unnatural to you than the GingaMingaYo. And that's saying something; the strange world lives up to its name more than the orange fruit.
The SNOWY man makes a solemn grunt. His large, icy head is turned downwards. He doesn't say anything, or anything that's in human language, but you understand what he means by that. You understand it too well.
"Aw, don't weep me too much," you say to your friend. You pat him gently on the back with your heavily gloved hand. "I'll come back for you. I'll tell you all about it. One day, when the spell is strong enough, I'll take you with me, too."
The yeti doesn't speak your language, but you have a feeling that he understands you. He of all people (well, yetis for this matter) knows how important going to the Billage is for you. He knows what it means to you, and the conflicts your mind has had to face trying to appreciate and learn about a place that took everything that matters to you away. He knows how much you've studied about the Billage and how hard you fought just to see her again.
He knows how important Billage is to you because it is where the love of your life and the reason for this journey, Fukutomi Tsuki, was taken away.
It all started a few years ago, also known as a forgotten period when times were simpler. Simple as they may be, the years come back to you in confusing fragments with memories as broken as ever. There will never be a day that you completely understand how to connect all the puzzle pieces to each other.
But you do remember her. How can you not? Fukutomi Tsuki is a beautiful girl. She's sweeter than any chocolate you can give her for Valentine's Day.
And she'd still say "thank you."
Tsuki's special ability is to see the good in everything. She even found something lovable in you, a guy far below her league. She has told you over and over how much she loves you as she cuddles you to sleep like a bear. And no expensive gift or birthday party would ever make you feel more special than she does.
She made your life so much better than the shitshow it was before she stepped in. She's like the sunshine to your rainy city, the creamer to your coffee, and the kiss on your cheek that lingers throughout the day and makes you blush profusely.
In simpler words, you love Fukutomi Tsuki, because she came to your aid when you were starting to believe that nobody was coming.
And with just one chant of the classic GingaMingaYo hymn, you'll finally take her in your arms after all these years. You can already picture her cute shocked face, and how fast she'll run to you before she leaps into your arms. You let your heart hold that image to prepare yourself for the final transition.
You close your eyes and smile to yourself. You let the happiness in your heart stemmed from the thought that you will meet Tsuki again make the hymn a happy tune:
" Can't complain, 다 그런 거라 해
이상해, 왜 긴가민가요?
Can't explain, 또 특이하다 해
말 못 해, 왜 긴가민가요?"
Immediately, the ground below you starts to shake. The SNOWY man makes a fearful grunt and jumps away. You try not to be a coward as the ground withers, your surroundings melt, and your whole world turns black.
Trust the process, you think, trust the process.
The four words ring in your ears like a bell. Everything you see is familiar. You've seen this view before when you were researching. But now they're blurry and glitched, as if you're seeing a simulation bug in real time. The words do more than repeat in your ears; they slide across your vision in red bleak letters. To your horror, the text looks exactly like real blood.
You have no idea what the hell is happening. Flashes of your old pinboard, used excessively with the numerous red and green threads stretching across each other with large pins as forks in the wide road that is your investigation into the Billage. You see the girls it has taken—a wide-eyed woman with pouty lips, another one who is short-haired, and a girl whose eyes curve into a feline shape—and the monsters who did it. The word "monster" isn't used metaphorically, but the guys who did it aren't exactly that scary. They just look... odd. One has a football with a smile for its head. Another is a yeti like the SNOWY man.
You have to squint to see them since you can barely see the Billage anymore. Your view is all covered with manically written red chants of: " WHAT A STRANGE WORLD! WHAT A STRANGE WORLD! WHAT A STRANGE WORLD! "
You're dizzy. You're happy. You're angry. You're sad. You're everything in between—the anguished and the merry, the grudgeful and the sorrowful.
Your head is spinning. The words swirl around you and blocks you from entering the place. They echo in your ears over and over tauntingly. The onset of several emotions and feelings have made you more ill than ever. Why is this happening to you? Did you say the hymn wrong?
Grope around for a chair to give yourself a seat as the world settles down. Groan loudly because you end up slipping and landing on the wooden floor hard.
Wait, wooden floor?
The moment the thought entered your head, the tornado of blood-scrawled words around you stops. It has disappeared so cleanly that there aren't even any dust or red blood as signs of its temporary presence. Not at all. You only see a flat wooden floor of what seems like a small cabin when you look down to check. It is so surprising that you do not even realize that your gloves are gone. The floor's surface is littered with snowflakes that lead to a medium-sized table in the middle of the enclosed space.
Is this the Billage?
No... no, this isn't it. You feel like you've dreamed about this place once. It is surely familiar, but it definitely isn't the Billage. It all just looks like an opposite-day duplicate of it. The cabin is supposed to be green. Additionally, it isn't snowy in the Billage at this time of the year, so why are there snowflakes on the ground?
But there must be a reason why it all looks so familiar. Haven't you sketched this exact cabin in your notes? These types of shelters are said to... said to...
You pause. You can't remember anymore. You can't remember anything. Weren't you just thinking about it a moment ago? Wait, what is it? And why were you thinking of it?
And one last question, what the fuck is happening?
Is the Billage truly like this? If it is, then your poor human mind isn't going to be able to take it. But you've already decided that this isn't where you are supposed to be at. The only problems now are to find Tsuki, if she is here, too, and get out.
"O-oh my god! Oppa!"
That voice...
Now, that voice is more familiar than anything in this cabin. It solves the first problem you've listed instantly You eagerly look up, excited to see the face of the girl you lost all those years ago, and take her in your arms and apologize. Apologize for even letting someone as precious as her go, no matter the circumstances; apologize for being nothing compared to her; apologize for everything. It doesn't matter if it'll take you decades to provide complex apologies for all your shortcomings; you would still do it. One look up and you'll see the fruit of your tireless mission.
But when your eyes find your supposed lost love, you realize the fruit is hanging from the Forbidden Tree. Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.
"Um... who are you?"
That girl is Tsuki. She looks like Tsuki, anyway, from head to toe, from smile and pout. You can feel your heart recognize her, but then hesitate. It senses that something about this is off.
Your arms, that have itched to wrap themselves around her, suddenly go limp. Even they detect something odd is in the air. Or rather, with this duplicate of Tsuki.
This Tsuki is sitting behind the messy desk with her mouth wide open in surprise. She's holding up a magnifying glass to her eye, making it look cartoonishly large. Contrasting your expression of confusion, she looks incredibly happy.
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"You already forgot me, oppa?" she asks, pouting playfully. "My name is Tsuki! You know, your Tsuki?"
You get up slowly. Everything about this is weird. Tsuki talks like her normal self: cheerfully and cutely. However, the last time you checked, Tsuki enjoys casual fashion, something that's comfortable but pretty at the same time. The Victorian dress may be subjectively pretty, but it is too tight. Tsuki wouldn't wear that. What's more, her black hair has been dyed pink. It's bunched up into twintails that are tied high on her head. Up there, two large rabbit ears create shadows on the wooden floor. Out of all the changes in her, the ears are the most shocking.
Maybe the Billage changed her into some sort of Victorian... bunny girl? It has been more than a while ever since you've last seen her. She isn't going to stay the same forever, of course. But something tells you that there is more to this than what you are seeing, though. You just have to borrow that magnifying glass and look at the bigger picture.
"Hmph! Well, you clearly don't remember me!" sulks an upset Tsuki. She pouts as she lowers her said device. "Is it because of the headband?"
"No, no," you say quickly. Now isn't the time to go over what changed. You hug Tsuki tightly, kissing her pink hair as your heart aches with relief. "I'm... I'm glad to see you again, Tsuki-san. It's just that—"
"Don't call me that!" Tsuki pulls away from your hug. Her glare pierces through your soul. She turns her back to you and crosses her arms again.
You're a little taken aback. Tsuki's tone is unusually sharp. Sure, the pretty giggle in it is still there, but there's such an edge to it that you actually feel guilty.
It's your fault. You have to be sensitive, too. Not everything will have stayed the same. Tsuki will surely have enjoyed new things now and forgot her past hobbies. She might have found the Victorian style clothes better than her previous ones. And, more fitting for this exchange, she has taken on a new name. You shouldn't judge her for any of that.
"I'm sorry." You mean it. "I'm... I guess I just don't know what to call you besides that."
"Please call me your bunny, oppa! Tokki-san, Tsutokki... anything works!"
Suddenly, her hands are on your front. Her tiny fingers curl over the edge of your jeans. She looks up at you and flashes an unbelievably mischievous smile.
"I especially like being called that when I'm chewing on your carrot."
Your eyes widen. The weird symbol for cock aside, you're surprised at Tsuki's boldness. She isn't like that at all. Throughout your relationship, you have always stayed in the same bed as her, but nothing would escalate further beyond kisses and groping. Why is she so sex-hungry now, especially when the first emotion that is usually seen at an overdue reunion is sentimentality?
"T-Tsuki, what's—"
" Don't call me that! " Tsuki roughly pulls your pants down so roughly that the fabric scratches your legs. Your underwear follows with the guide of her hands that impulsively try to get you naked. "You can't even go here to give tokki a good pounding. Do you really think you have the right to call me your Tsuki?"
"I'm sorry, Tsu... tokki-san." Swallow as Tsuki does similarly to your cock. You've never thought of her this way. She is too precious to even be fathomed in a lewd way. But she admittedly looks very pretty with her mouth around your cock. Her lips remain pouty even as she sucks you off.
No, you can't think of your girlfriend that way! You just reunited with her after years! This isn't—
"That's more like it, oppa-ya~" Tsuki kisses your cockhead lovingly. She smiles up at you again. "See what good things happen when you listen to Tokki-san?"
Her cute way of speaking still sounds so sultry. You have no idea where she learnes that, but you strangely like it.
"I waited years for you~" She flicks and laps her tongue like she were eating a lollipop. The white tasty flavor drips into her mouth. "So... hahmm... you must understand why Tsutokki needs you so bad. I missed you so much! Especially this carrot!"
She makes cute munching noises as she makes open-mouthed kisses to your rod. She keeps you on your toes with her clever sucking and her rubbing on your girth. She's too cute yet too fuckable, all at the same time, and your senses can only unite to send your brain one clear message:
Fuck that cute smile out of her face.
Your morality has gone to absolute shreds so easily. You're in some strange place that probably isn't the Billage. There's got to be some spell around here that is making Tsuki act and look like this, and manipulating your actions to dumb them down to doing the lewdest of acts on her that you never have thought of before. She might not even be the real Tsuki!
This Tsuki easily gets on her knees for your cock and takes it however she wants. Your Tsuki sits on your lap and kisses your face instead. This Tsuki touches herself under her skirt while she sucks you off, and muffles her moans by throating your cock until tears start at the ends of her cartoonish eyes. Your Tsuki has never even had sex with you because she isn't overcome by cock-hungry lust like this döppelganger. Instead, she laughs with you and rocks you in your sleep to comfort you. She never yells at you when her needs aren't met, or pushes you to do things like this.
So, why do you like this Fukutomi more?
And why do you think of corrupting her mouth so hard when you won't even dare do that to the real one?
It feels like cheating. But your mind is too clouded by Tsuki slobbering all over your cock to mind the off vibes you get from her. She's squirming deliciously, too, and you can't take your eyes off her even though you know you should. But it's all so tempting: Tsuki gasping lewdly while grinding on her own fingers, tongue dancing around your rod as if it were a stage, and her eyes shining as she looks at you. Their gaze fades a little whenever a particularly sharp spark of pleasure spreads through her body, but that's what makes the whole thing all the more hot.
Fuck it. All of this probably isn't real anyway.
"If you miss it so much," you start, menacingly grabbing her pigtails, "you would feed on the carrot like a good bunny. How the fuck are you so bad at this?"
"No, Tokki-san isn't bad!" Tsuki denies your criticism but tries to find the fault in her licking in the speed. You groan in satisfaction when she takes you down her throat again. "Please, oppa, Tsuki is your good bunny!"
"Then take my cock. Take it all down your throat."
The bunny ears on Tsuki's head wiggle as you fuck her face. Her pigtails are wound tight around your hands like ropes. Tsuki makes continuous whines at the constant blockage of her airway from your rod. Her wet hot mouth and large tearful eyes flare up your senses and make your cock even harder. And her tongue... you pull her pigtails downwards just to be able to drill your tip against its flat.
"Ahh, y-you like it that way, oppa?"
You pause your wild jerks when Tsuki personally grabs your cock and drags it all over her tongue. She rotates it around the sharp start of her tongue, then lets it rub the underside of your rod while your mushroom head enjoys the texture of the center of her pink muscle. The excessively produced saliva drips all over you in the best way possible, especially since Tsuki's lips are there to warm you.
"Fuck, Tsuki!"
Tsuki decides to let this slip of her name pass since you look so immersed in the pleasure she is performing. "Peh-plith do," she says. It's difficult to talk without a lisp when her tongue is hanging out sluttily to pleasure your appendage. "Did you know bunnieth have a... a high thex thdrive, oppa? I'm your bunny, light? You need to take care awf me."
"Beg for it," you command. You are more than happy to aid her in her sexual needs, unlike earlier, but you just want to see her plead for it.
Tsuki's eyes fill with tears even more. She kisses you (your cock) again, then your balls and thighs. She grabs your hand and nuzzles her head against it, just like a real pet.
" Please, oppa! It feels so hot already." Her need grows stronger and her legs squirm together more. She's so wet for you, and she is just so desperate to have you take care of it. "Tsuki promises to hop on oppa's cock like a good bunny, just please fuck her!"
You never thought you'd want to hear her beg like that. Better late than never, right? You smile with satisfaction. "Good girl. I'll eat your bunny pussy out."
"Ohhh, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"But I want that stupid dress layer off now, or you can forget it."
Tsuki is glad to take it off. She doesn't bother with the corset and simply tears it off her body. You note that the long-sleeve blouse underneath is more loose than the tight dress made it seem. It hangs around Tsuki's petite body like a curtain. Lower your eyes a little and you can see that she isn't even chaste enough to wear shorts underneath—tiny pink panties hug her hips and bear the flow of her pussy juice.
Limiting yourself is not something you want to do anymore. You rush at Tsuki and carry her to the desk. You roll your eyes at all the bullshit on there—what even is all this? There's paper snowflakes and real ones, vials holding curious blue liquid, lab equipment... you shove all those things off. Tsuki gasps, not at the crashing sound of all the objects falling to the floor, but at your easy decision to make such a mess of things that she apparently likes.
"Those were my snowflaaakes!" she complains.
You set her down on the table and spread her legs apart. Her thighs are thick and luscious; you cannot wait to be trapped in them later on. "Look, do you want me to eat you out or not?"
"Oh no, wait, pleaseee. Please eat Tsuki out, I'm sorry!"
Good answer. You pull off the panties eagerly. The masterpiece you expected reaches more than your exepctations. Tsuki's cunt is so pathetically wet. Her folds are utterly drenched and the tiny hole contracts and relaxes around nothing. Stick a finger inside to test the waters, and you hear a cute, pitchy: " Oppa!! "
Fuck, she's tight. The fluttering walls hold on to your singular finger, and quiver with wetness with each jab your fingertip does at them. Finger her a little more, and her back arcs prettily off the table. Her mouth is wide open to make an ahegao. The sight sends so much blood to your dick, making you impulsively amplify the movements of your fingers so her legs lift themselves completely in the air, making it look like she's the one on the bottom in a missionary position.
Proceed to placing your lips on her lower dripping lips. You waste no time doing stupid teasing and straight up slip your tongue inside her cunt. Screams immediately fill the cabin. They would have filled your ears a lot too if it weren't for Tsuki's killer thighs sealing around your head. With them around you, you can only taste her delicious juice, smell her musky feminine scent, and see her hairless mound and a bit of her face. Her half moon eyes have become fully white.
Your tongue is quick to dive in and resurface between Tsuki's folds. She whimpers softly in response to it wiggling around and rubbing her G-spot. Even more to its cleverly calculated performance of sliding from the bottom of her slit to her flint clit. You feel her thighs shudder around you with power as strong as the snowstorm you only notice now is brewing outside.
Tsuki is already warm enough though. You made sure of that with your tongue in her slick sex.
"Ohhhh!" Tsuki sighs with pleasure. Your tongue works wonders on her pussy, and she simply can't get enough of it. She rolls her hips on your mouth, the sensualness of the action making your brain mush. She just looks so fucking hot grinding like that. Her mouth is open as she does, but her eyes barely are. Soft oh's fill your ears and trigger your brain to want nothing more but to lick her dry.
You hold her thighs in place and run a long stripe of saliva to her clit. You wiggle your tongue at it, making her sigh, and suck it gently for a few seconds. The wetness increases and sticks to your chin. You make sure to catch it all and slide your tongue swiftly inside her again, letting your nuzzling nose do the job of stimulating her clit too.
Tsuki purrs sultrily. She hums happily and lays back down on the table to let herself relax to the pleasure. You just know how to touch her so well—your thumbs make her thighs shy away yet crave your touch even more, and she never wants to feel anything again if it isn't your talented tongue inside her.
You can hear her whisper curses. Tsuki never swears, so you decide that it is because you're doing a good job, not that she's probably a döppelganger. Her nasal moans just drive you to the edge without anything else needed.
"Ohhh... oh, God, please keep doing that, pleaseee!" Her cute voice sounds so satisfyingly desperate. Her hips dance on your lips to the beat the shake of her thighs make on the desk. "Tsuki is, is going to cum soon, pleasepleaseplease. She's so close, please please please!"
Already? Oh well, that isn't really a problem for you. Even if she doesn't cum at the moment,you are still blessed with her continuous noises of heavy pants, senseless mumbles, and shrill cries.
Her girl cum floods your mouth excessively. Her elongated scream accompanies it as thunder. Your lips seal around her clit and suck every bit of juice that you can get from it while the rest of her cum wets your chin. Your hands around Tsuki's thighs allow you to devour more of her. Deeper the better and stronger the merrier are the mottos you author and perform. Poor Tsuki is hoarse now from shrilling, and her pretty pink pussy is still leaking despite all that you ate and drank of her.
Rabbit is a delicious main course. You'll have more of it sooner or later as a snack.
"Bunny came so hard..." the breathless Tsuki whispers. Her legs are limp and useless on the desk, still spread wide open to display the well-eaten pussy: your artwork. "Bunny came so much because of oppa's mouth..."
She's such a mess on the table. Her thighs shake while her hands try to remain their stability to hold their orgasmic owner up. Tsuki is still looking down at her devoured pussy with tired fascination. Her small clit twitches at the blown air from your mouth.
Start to lick only that area, tasting the softness of its front up and down. Tsuki exclaims once again. She's more sensitive there than any other erogenous zone on her small body, so she is easily becoming overstimulated.
But she doesn't want it to stoo.
"Hmph... oppa, so- so much, too good."
Her hips rock side to side to spread the amazing feeling to the other parts of her cunt. But you still focus on that spot alone, pretending not to know how Tsuki's center and feet are already tingling with overwhelming heat. "Does bunny need oppa's cock in her pussy?"
"God, y-yes!"
"How much does she need it?"
Tsuki's ass rises from the table and forces her wetness into your tongue more. "So much, oppa! She needs it more than anything!"
Her sex drive is too strong, but you are glad to help her out with it. Kiss her bundle of nerves one last time, then ask her to turn around. She obeys, of course, understanding what you want to do, even scurrying her cute round butt into your greedy hands.
You squeeze one of the globes and knead it happily. Just like her thighs, Tsuki's ass is plentiful. It ripples on your palm after a good spank. Tsuki cries out. She looks back at you, sweat rolling down the sides of her face, and tries to back her ass into your hands more to force your fimgers inside her. You tease her tense butthole with a thumb, and she shakes her head with a whimper. Sigh, then decide that's fine. Her pussy is just as good anyway.
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"Put it in me, please!" Tsuki coaxes you. Your length touches her lips and lightly pushes inside her. "I need it! I deserve... it!"
Tsuki gasps surprisedly. She holds on to the table for dear life. Your cock is ruining her tightness in the best way possible. It ventures deep inside her and forces her squeezing walls apart demandingly. However, she tightens around you even with its actions. It's not a problem for you, though; her virginal tightness is just another good thing to add to the combo of her facial-worthy face, whiny voice, and fuckable thighs.
You discover how pretty her tits are, too. They bounce repeatedly behind her blouse as you fuck her. Release your right hand's hold on her side to pinch its nipple and Tsuki wails.
"Fuck, squeeze my tits, oppa! Keep f-fucking me!" she yells. Their words are so dirty compared to that cute of a face, but it turns you on even more.
The mirror from across the room holds you in its gaze, displaying right back the rough sex scene. Tsuki's adorable facial expressions—biting her lip when you hit her G-spot, her eyes widening and mouth falling open when you slap her tit—drive you completely crazy. You want nothing more than to watch her expressions of bliss all day. You can perfectly see Tsuki's tongue hanging from her mouth as her head tips backwards, the bunny ears that are nearly hitting you, her round tits, and midriff. It's just too bad that her eyes have rolled back too much to even see herself convulsing in the doggy position. You see your own red face from humping the Japanese bunny girl's ass deliciously.
Her moans are so irresistable. "Mmm, fuck, oppa! My bunny pussy is so full with y-you... your cock is so big!"
Never would you have ever imagined or even fantasized about Tsuki legitimately saying these words. Nor have you ever thought about fucking her so roughly. But now you wonder why you have never thought of it all along. Her cute lewd reactions to each slap and refill of your cock come straight out of a sick man's mind, but maybe you are a little ill yourself. You feed on her whines and moans, addicting yourself to the tremble of her body and sound of her pleads.
"Naughty bunny, aren't rabbits supposed to be quiet?"
"C-can't stay quiet!" Tsuki attempts to reason out.. She purses her lips before letting out another scream. "Hm, ahhh! Cock is too good, your c-carrot is too good so Tsuki can't stop..."
Spank her. "I don't want to hear any pathetic sound from my fuck bunny. You have to be a behaved bunny girl. If I hear anything, I'll stop. Got it?"
As expected, it's fun to see Tsuki strive to remain silent. She nods tearfully at you to show that she understands, but muffled whimpers still barely escape from her pursed lips. Face red, she bites down on her lower lip to discipline herself, but she only extracts blood. She settles for hot and heavy pants of pleasure, but the warning of the slowness of your thrusts makes her fight even more to shut herself up. She can't afford to lose your cock. She just can't.
Tsuki is unable to express herself in the state of bliss since she is not allowed to speak. So she resorts to showing it through the buckle of her legs and her hand slamming on the desk. The emotions written on her face say it all, too. You learn to identify what the actions of her features are associated with them. A barely-maintained smile means that you are hitting the right spot. Closed eyes but an open mouth is a sign for more. A bitten lip means that it is just right.
But you can't see them anymore as Tsuki leans over the desk, biting furiously on her hand to scream into it. It sound so helpless, so vulnerable that you almost feel sorry.
"Hnnn, oppa's cock is so big..." she whines in the quietest voicr possible. "I feel so full...!"
You let her little whispers pass. Those are fine, you decide. But anything louder is danger for her.
You lead her to it. Flick her bean quickly and furiously, the wetness spreading everywhere? and finally, a scream cracks through the air.
"Tsuki-san is going to cum, please don't stop, please don't stop, please don't fucking stop I'm—"
You aren't able to submit your punishment of stopping any more than Tsuki can keep herself quiet. You keep driving your cock inside her till she squeezes for the last and best time deliciously, a sign of her heavy orgasm in play right now. Curse at the closeness of her walls surrounding your appendage that milks you completely, then swiftly pull out. As Tsuki's cunt overflows with your pre-cum and juices, you shoot semen on her beautiful back, painting the pale slope with more pale snow. Your shout is a little more stronger this time, battling the war of loudness with Tsuki's continuous cries in Japanese.
Somehow, her moans in her native language sound a lot hotter. Though you can't place what they mean exactly, you are aware that it's a sign that you're fucking her so good she can't maintain even a bit of composure anymore. Hearing her high-pitched mumbles just wrings more white ribbons out of you and on her back.
Tsuki is bent over on the table exhaustedly. Her ass is pink from your slaps. On the other hand, her back holds a white color rom your own cum. She's barely holding on to consciousness.
"So good... so good... was so good," she murmurs. A sheen of saliva rests on her lips and jaw. "Oppa fucks his bunny so well."
You are glad to hear that, although you kind of knew that from the start. Keeping up with Tsuki's libido is an exercise by itself, so your whole body aches with post-sex pain, especially your dick. You hope that the bunny gives you a break this time.
However, another puddle of cum has formed on the floor. As you guess, it's Tsuki's making. Just when you thought that her non-stop lust has taken a break, the Japanese girl has elevated herself on the table surface and is diligently rubbing her clit with one finger. Her vagina is sore and sensitive, so she gently tests her limits with a quick swipe on the glistening nub.
"Hnghhh!" she cries. Although her pointer is the most focused on rubbing her button side to side, the rest of her fingers start to slide on the sensitive bud, too, causing her stomach to tighten with heat. She gasps at the unexpected painful pleasure derived from her slapping her own cunt. She does it again, adding another wet slick sound that echoes in the room.
"Still insatiable as ever, huh?" you ask. It's truly hypocritical of you to say; your hand is already jerking your penis off to Tsuki touching and spanking herself.
Tsuki nods breathlessly. Her eyelids are lowered slightly, as if she is about to fall asleep. But they allow enough vision for her to see her whole hand slapping and rubbing her vagina. She bucks into her fingers demandingly, not knowing how to aid the emptiness in her hole while stimulating her needy clit at the same time. She may be tired, but she is still going to find a way to get off.
You have a good idea in mind for that specific situation that would benefit both you and Tsuki. You approach her, grab her wrist and guide her fingers inside of herself. She is surprised, but goes along. Her fingers are granted access to the stretched and used hole.
This is where the fun part comes. You inch closer to her, and position your dick so that her clit is rubbed well by your large cockhead.
"Oh, fuck," Tsuki whispers. Your round tip is even bigger than her pearl, allowing it to play with her clit by rocking with it up and down. The tingly feeling knots in her center and wraps around her legs and feet. "Oh god, it's so fucking hot..."
Once your tip and her nub connect, it sparks an abnormal amount of heat. Your skin immediately tingles, and Tsuki's hole tightens their cling on her visiting fingers. You guide your cock in its movements, feeling the sensitivity of your tip as well as Tsuki's clitoris. It flicks it sharply with upward movements, then brushes it from side to side. Tsuki is whimpering now, unable to handle the sensation though it is what she sought after just a few minutes earlier.
The two of you fall into a deep kiss. It's torrid and hungry; there is no gentleness left in your body to give when Tsuki is grinding against your cock, so you kiss her as hard as you can. Her teeth seal your lower lip and your tongue swipes at her teeth. You use each other to silence your moans and let out all the bliss you aren't able to express.
Hums begin to increase. They transform to whines, then shrill internalized yelps. Tsuki's fingers pick up the pace until she has reached her high. They are pocketed deep inside her, touching the perfect spots and stimulating the rougher texture somewhere. You have climaxed, too. DNA evidence can be found on Tsuki's pussy lips, her hand, and the mess on both the table and floor.
It is needless to say that the two of you are exhausted after fucking like rabbits. Tsuki's bunny roleplay was serious. Even now the bunny ears headband remains on top of her pink tied-up hair. She's too exhausted to say anything, but the slight smile in her open mouth as she stares at you says everything you need to know.
"G-good bunny, Tsuki," you tell her tiredly. "Good bunny."
Tsuki smiles sweetly. "Thank you, oppa. I wish it's real the next time we do it."
Suddenly, the tornado and the words return again. So does the headache and the voices. The cabin starts to be torn apart, plank by plank, as if an invisible giant were destroying it like a child to a toy they do not want to play with anymore. Red words blind your eyes before a gray whirlwind.
The panic seizes you immediately. You try to escape in time, but you can't see anything properly. The blood-scrawled words are blocking your view wherever you go. But through all that, you can spot Tsuki standing in the middle of all the mess.
No! That isn't safe for her! "Tsuki!" you shout. Not bothering to fix your appearance besides buttoning your pants, you make a run for it to rescue her. You can't afford to lose her, not again. Yout heart would break into a million pieces if she goes away a second time.
But what did she mean when she said that she wishes the next time would be real? You pause in your tracks to think it over. What if you were right in suspecting that this isn't the Billage, and Tsuki isn't really Tsuki after all?
You really should have seen that coming. It was all so obvious. Tsuki isn't going to wear that stupid Victorian porcelain doll dress, and she sure as hell isn't a fucking sex-crazy monster. You should have held yourself back from fucking her.
But, wait, if this Tsuki isn't her, then where is the real Tsuki?
You are allotted little time to think. The noise grows louder. The nails holding the wooden cabin together are flying in the air along with the planks. What's more, the odd voice chanting adds to the overstimulating mess.
The gray whirl of wind closes around you. It barely leaves you any space to move. The wind whipping and wailing fills your ears. You spread your arms to try and force the circular whirl apart, but they only close around you more defiantly.
Tsuki is standing in front of you, just a few yards away. The words and tornado prevent you from seeing her whole, but you can see very clearly that she is... glitching? Her figure is fading into a transparent shadow and is breaking out in a million colors. While her eye remains gray, the rest of her turns into colors of the rainbow, as if someone has forgotten to color her eye in. The snow piles up everywhere but near her. Why is that?
You yell her name again. "Tsuki! What's ha- are you okay?" You force your hands into the black tornado wind and reach out. She doesn't come near at all. Instead, she smiles at you. As if this were all some sort of elaborate joke she is in on. That probably explains why her hair color and clothes don't match the real Tsuki. It also confirms your theory about all this not actually being the Billage at all.
The colors have faded and Tsuki is becoming a grayscale photo. At the same time, the tornado divebombs into your being and throws you flat on the ground. The rough wood scratches your shoulders. Your shouts of fear dissolve into the wind.
What a strange world indeed.
As the world quakes and breaks and disappears all around you, you look up into the dark sky covered by gray clouds. You wonder if the real Tsuki is already there, and it's already too late. Maybe you came here for nothing. Maybe the girl you dedicated the last plenty years of your life to has already been taken away by a higher being.
"헷갈려," you whisper to yourself, eyes full of tears. "헷갈려."
Oh, what wouldn't you give just to be with her? What wouldn't you give for the tender sleep of death?
She has already finished watching it all go down. She has to admit that she feels sorry for him, but when they were mindlessly fucking in there, she was touching herself madly. She did not expect him to be so big, nor did she ever think her best friend can look that hot.
She smiles upon the world she distorted, the places she had duplicated, and returns back to the current time, where her mission is to let Fukutomi Tsuki ride her thigh as well as the latter is in fingering her.
Tsuki is already sighing and circling herself down on her toned thigh. "That was... entertaining," she says in between pants. "You truly are something else, Kim Suyeon."
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Suyeon, much more recognized by her nickname Sheon, accepts the compliment and rewards the older girl by bouncing her knee a little faster. That hot little gasp is everything she lives for. "I know. I knew the plan would work from the moment he met the SNOWY man."
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The two girls glance down at the tablet fastened to the desk of the Strange Billage treehouse. The poor guy is still passed out, and the duplicate of Tsuki is gone, much to Sheon's disappointment. Seeing her best friend slash girlfriend slash fuck-buddy—or at least, the duplicate she made for the plan—act so sluttily with those bunny ears was something that granted her her first orgasm for the night.
"Kind of... f-feel bad for him, though," Tsuki says. "H-he... oh, fuck, traveled for so many years just to find me, only to meet up with some slut döppelganger you made from me."
"Don't worry too much about it. His anger will go away when he realizes he can have us both."
Tsuki settles for that. As she fingers Sheon harder and lets the girl scream into her neck, she wonders what fun the two of them and her former boyfriend will have once they escort him out of the distorted version of the Billage, and into the actual GingaMingaYo. She's excited for it, but she can't complain or explain about the fantasies running in her mind to Sheon because of the ever-so-sharp orgasm piercing her being.
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Holiday Season
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Male reader X Billlie Tsuki
Length: 6600 Words
Tags: Creampie, Breeding
A/n- Happy thanksgiving. Not my best work but i hope you don't mind it. Tsuki is beautiful and should get more love. Gonna try to put out another fic next week so wish me luck.
Holidays. Some are recognized throughout the entire world while others are specific to just certain countries. Thanksgiving was a time for family and being grateful for what you have but you honestly didn’t have anything. 
The death of your mother and father was sudden but it affected you deeply. They were the only source of comfort you had in life. Once they were gone, you honestly didn’t feel like you belonged anywhere. A few months went by as you made a giant change in your life. You decided to move to your parent's home country of South Korea to get back in touch with your heritage.
One of the few things left for you was the old home your father grew up in. With a little bit of work, it soon became the place of your dreams, the place to start all over again. That brings you back to today, thanksgiving day. 
South Korea didn’t celebrate thanksgiving but they had their version called Chuseok. Sure it wasn’t the same but people understood that they could be seen as a bit similar. With the company you worked at knowing you’re American, they decided to let you have the day off to celebrate the day. 
Taking advantage of the day off, you decided to catch up on some sleep. You weren’t sure what time it was but the sudden sound of a lawnmower woke you up from your deep slumber. Stretching your limbs, you reached out for your phone and picked it up. 
Looking at the time, you saw it was already 2 in the afternoon. Getting up from bed, your legs brought you over to the bathroom. In a matter of seconds, your clothes are off and you are in the shower. Turning the nozzle, the water begins to shoot out from the shower head. The sudden rush of cold water quickly woke you up as you began your shower. 
A few minutes passed as your daily routine came to an end. Walking out of your bathroom you made your way over to your dresser and pulled out some clothes for the day. Once your shirt and sweatpants were on, you threw yourself back on top of your bed and turned on the tv. 
The latest drama trending in the country happened to be doing a rerun. Guess it’s your chance to catch up on what you have been missing. Hours seem to go by as you begin to feel a growl come from your stomach. Knowing it was time to eat, you jumped off your bed and began to walk to your kitchen. 
The walk to your fridge was quick but you were hit with a sense of disappointment looking at the empty refrigerator. The sadness you felt was gone as you heard a sudden squeak from your backyard. Recognizing it as your backdoor gate, you went to your sliding door and looked into your backyard. 
Just like your empty fridge, you were met with a surprise except this was a big one. In your backyard stood some of the members of Billie, dressed in hanbok taking pictures. That’s right, the rookie K-pop group Billie is in your backyard. You never did specify what your job was. Every day you woke up early to be one of the managers of the group. 
As you open your sliding door, your eyes couldn’t pry away from a certain girl twirling around in her hanbok. Despite it being one of her few times wearing one, Tsuki just amazed you with how beautiful she was in the hanbok. As the girls continued to spin around, one of them finally saw you and waved at you. 
“Oppa. Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Well thank you Suhyeon. Not that it’s bad to see you guys but what are you doing at my house? Better yet, how did you even know where I live?” 
“You pointed at the house once before Oppa. And we may have asked a few people to just look it up on the company computers.” 
“Well, that’s a bit of a security concern. Either way, I’m still wondering what you are doing here?”
“Well, it’s Thanksgiving! We figured you probably were just gonna stay home all day so we came to celebrate with you.” 
“Don’t you girls have schedules?” I could have sworn you guys had things to do.” 
All the girls then giggled a bit as they got closer, Sua stood in front of you and began to speak. 
“Yeah, we actually didn’t have anything to do today. We just made it look like we had things scheduled today to surprise you.” 
Hearing that made your whole body fill with joy. You honestly didn’t expect them to be here but your friends were here. Before you could get another word out you felt a pair of arms wrap around your body. Your nostrils were filled with the smell of flowers suddenly, letting you know who just hugged you.
“Happy thanksgiving Oppa. I hope today is a great day for you.” 
“Thank you, Tsuki. Should we head inside guys? It’s a little cold out here right now.” 
With a nod, all the girls followed you inside as the group sat down in your living room. 
“So where is the maknae line?” 
“They are at school. It’s not a holiday in this country so they couldn’t get the day off sadly. They send their best.” 
“Well, I’m glad they are at school. This really shouldn’t be a big thing.” 
Saying those words seemed to anger the girls a bit as Sheon spoke up. 
“Well too bad. All you need to do is shit here while we prepare everything.” 
“Prepare what?” 
You didn’t get a response as all the girls stood up from their seats and went to the front door. Following behind, you saw the girls getting handed containers from a delivery driver. As their hands got full, you ran over to take a few of the remaining things and said thank you to the driver. With a kick, the door closed as you ran to the kitchen with the hot aluminum containers. 
Once in your basic kitchen, you set down the full containers on your table and looked around. The familiar sight of your girls joking around blessed your eyes. As they opened the containers massive amounts of steam poured out of them. All around, you could see platters of typical thanksgiving food sitting in your kitchen. 
The aroma of the Mac and cheese, the stuffing, and the green bean casserole hit your nose. Despite all those great foods, the strongest smell came from the remaining container that was covered. Once the aluminum lid was removed, your entire kitchen was filled with the scent of oven-roasted Turkey. Your mouth began to water as your eyes sparkled at the golden brown skin of the bird. 
“We honestly weren’t sure what classified as thanksgiving food so we checked on Naver. Once we saw what types of food were needed, we managed to find a local company in Seoul that prepares dinners for Americans here in South Korea.” 
Hearing from Haram the efforts they went to get you this food made you tear up. As a few small tears fell down your cheek, the sudden warm feeling of an embrace caught your attention. Looking down, you saw all of the girls hugging you. The small tears in their own eyes were apparent as the sound of sniffling filled the room. 
You aren’t quite sure how much time passed as the giant group hug finally ends. Cleansing the tears from your eyes you smile at the girls and finally speak up. 
“Ok Suhyeon, you can grab the plates. Sheon, grab the ladles for the mashed potatoes and such. Sua, make sure to get plenty of utensils for everyone. Tsuki and I will cut up some of the turkey.” 
Once the Game plan was told, everyone went to do what they were told to do. Pulling out the biggest knife at your disposal, you made your way over to the turkey. As the rest of the girls began to put small portions of the various sides on their plates, Tsuki took hold of a pair of Tongs and held the piece of turkey you needed to cut. 
One by one, each of the ladies came up to take a piece of the bird and sat down at the dining room table. All that was left was Tsuki as well as your plate. 
“What do you want on your plate, Oppa?” 
“Well, I’m a big guy so I want a little of everything. But you have already done enough. Let me serve both you and myself.” 
Before Tsuki could argue, your hands went towards each of the spoons and ladles. First, the mashed potatoes were put on each plate and topped off with some gravy. Many of the dishes you mentioned earlier begin to fill up your plate. The sight was similar to an avalanche as the food moved all around your plate. 
Finally arriving at the turkey, you stretched out your hand to grab the knife but felt a sudden slap on it, stopping you. 
“I will serve you this at least. You are the guest at this dinner.” 
“But it’s my house?” 
“Sush Oppa. Now what piece of the turkey do you want?” 
The glare that came from the girl’s eyes let you know she was serious. 
“I’ll take a turkey leg then.” 
With a nod, Tsuki took the knife and cut the turkey leg off the bird. As Tsuki put it at the top of your plate, you found yourself playing a balancing game with all the things on your plate. Once Tsuki cut a small piece of the turkey Breast off, you both ran to the dining room table. 
Laugher could be heard from the rest of the girls as they saw Tsuki as well as you juggling the mountain of food. Placing down your plate, the two of you took your seats and looked around the table. Seeing a few glasses of soda on the table, you knew everything was all set to start eating. 
“Well. I am starving so let’s all dig in!” 
With cheers, everyone grabbed a fork and started to eat. Some of these foods were things they had never tried before but the new flavors seemed to be great as their eyes got wide as saucers. 
“This casserole is delicious.”
“Oh god, the stuffing is amazing. I could eat a whole plate of just this.” 
“Well, I’m glad you guys enjoy this meal. I guess I should say welcome to your first thanksgiving. I wish you would have brought a change of clothes though.” 
“Oh don’t worry we did. Plus We have worked in hanbok plenty of times where it’s not uncomfortable.”
“Oh well, I’m glad you are ok with the Hanbok, Sheon. I’ll assume it's the same for the other girls as well.” 
“Well I’m still getting used to this but it’s not a pain.” 
“Well, I thank you for wearing it, Tsuki.” 
As the rest of dinner continued, you began to notice Tsuki would keep taking glances at you and smiling. You couldn’t help but smile back at the girl. Despite you all eating, you saw Tsuki was also a bit more quiet than usual. 
Once everyone’s plates were empty you clapped your hands to get everyone’s attention.
“Now for a thanksgiving tradition, we are going to go around the table and share things we are thankful for. Who would like to go first?” 
With much enthusiasm, Sheon brought her hand up to start things off. With a quick nod, Sheon began to talk. 
“Now we all have things we are thankful for but what I am the most thankful for are my mom and dad. They have given me support at times when I needed it.”
“I’m glad your parents have helped. I’m sure we all have that one person and people who helped us when we needed it. Who else would like to go?” 
Suhyeon at that time raised her hand and spoke up. 
“I am thankful for our dear Belllie’ve. No matter what, they are always there ready to cheer us up. The support we get from them always helps me to keep going in this industry.” 
“That's great Suhyeon. Your fans are amazing. Haram? Would you like to go next?” 
“Well it might sound a little dumb but I’m thankful for the company for taking a chance on us debuting.” 
“The company would have been stupid for not taking a chance on any of you. The talent you guys have shown this past year just helps cement you all as the rookies to keep an eye on. Now, who is next then?” 
Sua raised her hand and spoke up. 
“I am thankful for my brother. With the advice, he gives me I am certain I will be able to make a bigger impact in the K-pop industry.” 
“I’m glad he gives you advice. You have already established yourself as one of the best K-pop rappers of the fourth generation. I’m sure your impact will be massive for years to come. I guess this leaves Tsuki last. What are you thankful for, bunny princess?” 
A slight blush appeared on Tsuki’s cheeks as she picked up her fork and ate a bit more of her food. Assuming she wanted a bit more time to think, you decided to speak up yourself. 
“Well, I am thankful for all of you girls. All of you welcomed me with open arms when I became your manager. I honestly wasn’t expecting you to all be so kind to me and it was what I needed after such a big change in my life.”
“You are family Oppa. At times when the schedules can get crazy, you are always there with snacks and water and such. Other managers, we had as trainees didn’t care as much as you do. I’m sure I speak for everyone here that we are thankful for you as well.” 
Hearing those words from Haram made you happy.
Smiles were all around as you all looked at each other. Finally, it was Tsuki’s turn as you all faced her to listen to her response. You couldn’t help but notice the blush still on her face. 
“I-I’m thankful for……”
The red shade on her cheeks began to spread to her entire face. Tsuki continued to repeat those three words, not being able to get to the next. Just as you were about to say something you heard a cough from the right side of the table. Looking in that direction, you saw it was Sua getting everyone’s attention. 
“Um, let's just get some dessert. There is an apple pie already cut up. Everyone can go sit down in the living room and set up a movie to watch. Tsuki and I will get the pieces of pie for everyone!.” 
Everyone around the table suddenly stood up and began to move around. Following their example, you followed the other girls to the living room and sat down on the couch. You didn’t even get to choose the movie as Suhyeon grabbed the remote and decided on watching home alone. You wanted to argue why this movie was even on some platforms already but the thought of it being thanksgiving only for a few people in the country came to your mind.
As the sound of footsteps brought you out of your mind. Looking in that direction you saw Tsuki as well as Moon Sua walking over in normal clothes as well as having several plates in hand. Handing out plates to each person, you were the last person waiting for his dessert. Tsuki at that time came over and handed you your plate of pie. 
As soon as the plate was on your hand, Tsuki took a seat right next to you. 
“Oppa we are gonna go change. Feel free to start the movie and eat your pie.” 
Soon the living room was occupied by only you as well as the other two girls. Taking a bite of your pie, you could almost cry at how delicious it was. Sua shrieked at how tasty the Apple pie was. Somehow the rest of the Billlie came out in their change of clothes already and got comfortable. 
As the movie played, everyone continued to enjoy this thanksgiving. As you got another bite of pie on your fork, you raised it to take a bite but felt a tap on your shoulder. Looking for the source, you saw it was Tsuki as she kept her mouth wide open for a bite of the food. As you fed her the bite of pie, her wife shot open as she jumped up and down. Seeing how happy Tsuki was from just a bite of sweets made you happy. 
As you all continued to watch the movie, Tsuki seemed to get closer and closer to your arm. Eventually, you felt a head lie down on your shoulder. Small giggles filled your living room as you saw all the other girls looking at you and Tsuki. 
Rolling your eyes, you just look forward to the tv screen and continue to watch the movie. As you fed Tsuki some more of your pie, the girls continued to make whistling sounds towards the two of you. As more time passed, the more comfortable Tsuki got laying on you. The small glances you took at her continued to fill your face with a smile. 
The constant motion from your face must have had some effect on you as your throat began to feel parched. You didn’t want to move but that familiar feeling of thirst was getting to you. Reluctantly, you tapped on Tsuki’s forehead which helped remove her head from your arm. 
“I’m gonna go get a drink. Does anyone want anything?” 
Everyone but Tsuki shook their heads no. 
“Can I get a hot chocolate!?” 
The hyper girl nearly jumped out of her seat as she mentioned the drink. She's really girlfri-. No, you shouldn’t think something like that. 
“Yeah Tsuki. I’ll make us both one.” 
As your feet carried you to your kitchen, your ears picked up giggles and whispers coming from the girl's direction. They did seem to talk to themselves a lot tonight. As you walked around your dirty kitchen, your hand managed to reach the fridge door and open it. 
As your eyes wandered around the barren fridge, you finally saw the thing you were looking for. Pulling out the heavy plastic container, you placed it on the side and looked for some mugs. Thankfully next to your mugs were the hot chocolate packets so you didn’t need to search for them. Placing the items on the counter, reaching back up you got a large glass and placed it down on the counter as well.
Raising the milk jug, you emptied some of its contents and filled the large clear glass. Once filled, the glass returns to your hold as you click to open the microwave. Once open, you placed the glass in the device and closed its door. The repeated beeps and whirl sounds hit your ears as the cup began to spin in the machine. 
While that was going, you found yourself pouring the cocoa mix into the mugs as well as placing the milk gallon back in the fridge. With a bit of spare time, you took the moment to think back on girls. You were really glad they came but you kept wondering why they were all giggling so much today. As you continued to think about the girls, your mind went back to one specific lady. Tsuki was full of smiles and wanted to spend more time with you. 
The bunny was the girl you felt the closest to out of all the girls, but today she was a bit more touchy and feely than normal. You couldn’t complain though, you always had a crush on the young girl. The more time you spent with her, the more you fell for her. Your thoughts were interrupted by the beep of the microwave. 
Pushing the button, the steam coming from the microwave hits your face. Flinching a bit, you waited a few seconds until the glass cooled down. Wrapping your hand around it, you felt the heat from the glass hit your hand but it didn’t burn you. Pulling it out of the machine, you brought the cup above your mugs and began to pour. 
Each mug got filled to the top with warm milk. Using a spoon you had ready, you combined the contents in both mugs until they were perfectly mixed. Once hot chocolate was ready, you grabbed each handle of the mugs and made your way back to the girls.
As you entered the living room, your eyes immediately picked up on the lack of people in it. The only two people here were Tsuki and yourself.
“Wait, where is everyone?”  
“They actually had something to do so they had to head out but I was free so I decided to stay to keep you company for a bit more.” 
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that. All of you already did so much today. I don't want to be a bother to you.” 
You jumped a bit at how aggressively Tsuki yelled that but you just put it as her being hyper like normal. Taking a seat next to Tsuki, you smiled at her and spoke again. 
“Well, I’m very thankful for you staying. Here is your hot chocolate also.” 
Handing the glass to the young girl, Tsuki began to drink the beverage at a rapid speed. It was surprising as the hot chocolate was still hot, yet she didn’t seem to burn herself. 
“Wow, you must have been thirsty. I’m glad I didn’t make any drinks for the rest of the girls also. It would have been a waste. Also, I’m kinda sad Sua and the rest of the girls didn’t say bye to me.” 
“O-Oh. Don’t worry you will see them again tomorrow.” 
Looking at Tsuki, you saw a small twitch come from her eyebrow. Despite the smile on her face, you could tell Tsuki was hiding a bit of annoyance.
“Tsuki what’s wrong?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’m not stupid. I can pick up on the hint of annoyance on your face.” 
The smile that was on the energetic girl’s face disappeared at that moment. 
“Oh, you can pick up on that but not anything else?” 
“What does that mean?” 
Those words shocked you at the moment. Was it really what you just heard?
“Oppa. I love you. Why haven’t you picked up on this?” 
“I just thought you were touchy with everyone. I mean look at how you act with the members.” 
“I mean yes, I’m very touchy with my members but how many men am I kissing on the cheek and hugging constantly?” 
Taking a look back, you finally noticed it really was only you Tsuki who did those things with. It’s been a while of her doing all those actions with you. 
“Tsuki. I have feelings for you too. How long have you been feeling like this?”
“M-Months. Do you really l-like me too?” 
“Yeah Tsuki. I just thought it was me crushing on you. I guess I really was oblivious.” 
“Yeah, you were. Even the girls could tell. That’s why they even left a bit ago. They wanted me to finally confess to you.” 
“And I’m guessing bringing up other girls would be annoying. I’m sorry Tsuki.” 
You didn’t even get a response as Tsuki wrapped her arms around you. Her tiny frame somehow packed a lot of love. Each second that passed, The more you were taking in small things about her. Her long hair, the scent of roses that came from her body, the softness of the skin on her arms. Despite enjoying the embrace you received from Tsuki, the young girl began to pull away from the hug a bit. 
As Tsuki’s face appeared in front of your face, the smile from earlier filled her face. At that moment your eyes met with Tsuki’s. Those large brown irises of hers mesmerized you with each second that passed. As you continued to look at Tsuki’s eyes, you noticed they seemed to be getting closer and closer until you felt a sensation on your lips. 
Recognizing it as a kiss, you closed your eyes and put your hands on her cheeks. The small kiss quickly became more as your tongue tried to push its way into Tsuki’s mouth. At first, your tongue was met with the bunny’s teeth but as Tsuki felt you trying to get access to her mouth she opened a bit to let you in. 
Once in, your tongue began to fight with Tsuki’s as you fought for dominance. The young girl quickly surrendered as your tongue moved around in her mouth as you wanted. Picking up the subtle taste of chocolate from her mouth somehow made you hungry for more of her. 
Laying Tsuki down on her back, your tongue continued to move around her mouth until you needed to surface for air. Looking down at Tsuki, you could see a smirk appear on the girl's face as she yanked you back down. The sudden aggressiveness from your friend surprised you but you weren’t against it at all. 
With your lips reattached to Tsuki’s, your hand began to move up and touch her leg. At that moment you could feel the soft skin of her thick thighs. As much fun as Kissing Tsuki was, your lips moved to her neck as you began to pepper it with kisses. As much as you wanted to mark the young Idol; you knew she had a photoshoot the next day and couldn’t risk it. 
Tsuki seemed to know this as you reached up and put your face into her hands. 
“Sorry, Oppa. No Marks on my neck but take this shirt off and you can mark up my breast.” 
That offer was one you couldn’t refuse as your hands reached down to her shirt. The light blue from the collar of her shirt went by in a flash as you removed it from her body. The sight of a white bra On Tsuki made your cock twitch from inside your pants. Raising her upper body, Tsuki unclipped her bra and took it off in a rush. 
“I felt that cock move. Hurry up and mark me so we can sleep together.” 
Lowering your face, you put your lips onto her erect nipple. Starting slowly, your mouth began to give the pink nipple small suck's as Tsuki’s mouth released small moans. Despite it being only a short time of you sucking her nipple, you had a different job to do on her breast. Releasing her pink nub from your mouth, you began to give her mound small kisses and licks. 
Soon you began to give her tit small sucks and bites to mark the young girl. Not much effort was needed as her pale skin quickly turned red from all of your sucks and bites. Usually, you were the type of person to savor your sexual experiences but this was just rushed, lust taking over the actions of the two of you. 
Moving to her left breast, you gave it many kisses as well as marked it as its twin. Moving down from her tit, you made your way down her stomach giving it kisses and small licks. Reaching the hem of her shorts, your hands went up and grabbed them from each corner. Pulling down the fabric, you see that you pulled down her panties with the shorts. The blessing of Tsuki’s wet folds was exposed to you, making you feel thirsty. 
Spread open her legs a bit more, you could see the juices leaking out of her snatch. Your body just reacted on its own as your digits spread her lips. A small gasp left her mouth as she looked at you. Impatience got the best of you as your index finger pushed its way into her pussy. The resistance you met was quickly gone as you pulled it back and pushed your finger back in. 
The movements were still a bit slow but once you pushed another finger in, your speed picked up. The sound of her wet pussy got you harder and your body craved her even more. The fluids that leaked from Tsuki went down your arm a bit. Finally giving in to your thirst, your head went down to her folds and began to lick it. 
The moans from before continued as you began to give Tsuki stimulus from both your fingers and mouth. The movement from your fingers helped expose a small but that was down in her private parts. Recognizing what you were seeing, your tongue quickly began to flick her clit, causing her to jump all around. You weren’t doing much but the young girl was squirming all around from your tongue and mouth. 
The smell of lavender filled your nose as you continued to eat her pussy. Soon the girl's movements became errant as she began to pant more and more from your actions. 
“Oppa, fuck that’s so good. Keep eating my pussy, please. Quench your thirst with my juices.” 
Those words were music to your ears as you improved your efforts to make her cum. Your speed increased with each second that passed, indulging in her tastes. As you reached the best of your efforts, Tsuki finally started to yell profanities all around. A sudden rush of fluids hit your face as you drank as much of her juices as possible. You nearly drowned from how much of her fluids shot out of her pussy. 
Pulling your face back a bit, you began to lick the remaining liquid off of her thick thighs until there was nothing left. Pulling back from her legs, you finally get a chance to breathe and see your handy work. The Japanese idol was panting for air after that orgasm. The smile that was all over Tsuki’s face made you happy. Despite seeing the innocent expression on her face, your dick just continued to twitch in your pants. 
The smile on Tsuki’s face turned into a smirk as you began to grind yourself on her leg. 
“Thank you for that. Now stop your teasing and pull that cock out.” 
You didn’t need to be told twice as your hands undid your belt and pulled your pants down. Standing back up, you removed the pants from around your legs and pulled your shirt off. The sudden wet sensation was felt on your chest as Tsuki began to kiss you there. Moving down, the young idol began to reach closer and closer till you felt a small kiss on your tip. 
Goosebumps went all over your body as you felt a small warm hand wrap around your shaft. Nothing needed to be said as Tsuki began to stroke your dick. Such a basic action from Tsuki felt amazing. Maybe it was the thought that an adorable girl was doing such a nasty thing with you but it didn’t matter. After a few more strokes from the idol, you heard a little gasp leave her mouth. 
“Wow, Oppa. You’re already leaking. Is this for me?”
Starting from your balls, Tsuki began to give them a few small sucks to get as much of your Precum out. From your balls, Tsuki brought her tongue to your shaft, moving up and down, teasing you. Just as you were about to say something, a tight sensation surrounded the head of your length. As your tongue did earlier, Tsuki’s began to move all around your cock head. 
With a few small slurps, the girl began to savor as much of your precum as she could. With no warning, Tsuki shoved your length down her throat. You nearly exploded down her tunnel as Tsuki pulled her head back gasping for air. The young girl was always such a sweet girl, but right now she was acting like your common street whore. 
Bobbing her head, Tsuki continued to fill her mouth with your cock, not giving you a chance to breathe. Your hands seem to have moved on their own as you grabbed two handfuls of her hair and began to move more aggressively in her tunnel. With these handles, you moved your hips faster and faster till small tears came out of Tsuki’s eyes. 
Slowly your peak began to arrive as you tried to move as fast as possible. The keyword was tried as Tsuki pulled her head off of your length. You were disappointed but the brown-eyed girl had other plans. 
Getting on all fours, Tsuki looked back at you and shook her ass at you. 
“The only place your load gets to go is my pussy. So hurry and shove that thing in me.” 
Following the Girl’s instructions, you lined your length up with her folds and pushed your way into her cavern. Despite all you felt from Tsuki earlier, this restricting feeling from her walls was the best of all. Moving slowly, your length filled Tsuki to the brim as she gasped. 
Hitting the end of her walls, the small girl looked back at you and just smirked. 
“Stop being gentle and fuck my brains out.” 
You weren’t going to say no to that. Pulling back, your length began to enter and exit her pussy. The speed at which you fucked her continued to pick up as the girl began to copy your movements. When you pulled back, Tsuki pulled her hips as well. Once you pushed your length back in, the girl threw her ass down on top of your shaft. 
Putting your hands on her hips, you continued to fuck the young idol nonstop. Raising her upper body, Tsuki then got closer to your face. Puckering her lips, you reattached your lips to her giving her the affection she wanted. 
Despite the nasty activities you were doing with Tsuki, the small kisses you gave her made your heart flutter. You knew you weren’t gonna let this girl go anywhere but for now, you had to reach your own peak. Despite knowing you shouldn’t, your lips moved to Tsuki’s neck and began to kiss and suck on it. 
The young Idol seemed to want to stop you but the sensation was too much for her as she began to pant harder and harder with each kiss. The speed at which Tsuki matched your movements got messed up as the girl moved erratically. With your hands still on her hips, you stop her and fucked her at your pace. 
The rapid pace seemed to be enough as the girl began to yell. 
“O-Oppa I’m gonna cu-“ 
Her sentence didn’t even finish as the young woman shook all over. A rush of fluids hit your couch as well as your legs. The young girl nearly dropped dead from her orgasm. Holding her up with your strength, you let the young girl rest. Peppering her neck with more kisses you began to leave more marks, showing she is now yours. 
A minute passes as Tsuki comes back to her senses, moving her hips again. 
“Sorry, Oppa. It’s your turn to cum now.” 
“Hey, we can just stop here Tsuki. I can tell you're tired.” 
The warm feeling around your cock left as Tsuki pulled her pussy off your length. Expecting Tsuki to just rest, you get ready to clean up. Laying her back on the couch, Tsuki looks back at you and smirks once more. 
“I want the load in me. I just want you to look into my eyes as you shoot it in me. I’m a bunny, right? Come fuck me like one.” 
Lining your rod back up with her folds, you began to slowly enter her pussy. A sudden slap to your ass made you fill Tsuki instantly. You were already close all this time. In your mind, you knew you wouldn't last much longer but you were still gonna have fun.
Your thrusts continued as they did earlier, fucking the bunny. Raising her upper body once more, Tsuki wrapped her arms around your body and put her lips next to your ear. 
“I said fuck me like a bunny Oppa. What, can't you do that properly?” 
A fire grew in you as you began to strengthen your thrusts into her. The small pants from Tsuki were music to your ears as the idol continued to encourage you. 
“Oppa. I’m such a sweet-looking girl but with you, I’m just a bunny in heat. I want the load in my pussy so fucking hurry and d-drop it in me.” 
The filth that left Tsuki’s mouth was amazing as you used all your remaining strength to fuck her tunnel. 
“Y-You really are like a bunny in heat. Asking me to cum in you. Well, get r-ready then.” 
A few more seconds passed as the gut feeling in your stomach rose to its peak. The throbbing from your length made the bunny gasp. With one final thrust, you shoved your length into her. The sudden shots of your load began to fill Tsuki to the brim with your semen. Your neck began to get small kisses and bites from Tsuki as she marked you as her own as well. 
It honestly could have been seven shots of semen that caked from your cock. Despite being inside of the bunny still, your load began to leak out of her cavern. Finally, your peak ended as you dropped down on the couch, and on top of Tsuki. 
A minute passed as you lifted your upper body off Tsuki. Her face was full with a smile as she began to laugh. Your own laughter as well as hers filled the room. Pulling your length out of Tsuki, your load began to leak even more out of the bunny’s cavern. 
Once the two of you relaxed a bit more, you pulled Tsuki closer and kissed her on the lips. 
“God. I never expected you to really act like a bunny in heat.” 
“Oh, that was just the beginning Oppa. Your little bunny girlfriend will have all the time in the world to show you how wild she can get.” 
Picking up Tsuki, you ran to your bedroom to continue the rest of your night with the idol. 
The next day came as you heard your alarm go off. Next to you, Tsuki slowly began to wake up as well and hug you. 
“Back to work Oppa. Let’s get ready.” 
The rest of your morning goes by quickly as you get ready and eat breakfast. And you may have also had a quickie in the shower. 
Walking up to the door, you unlocked the door and entered with Tsuki. Making your way to the sound of laughter, you saw all of the girls eating breakfast in the kitchen. Looking over, they saw your hand holding Tsuki’s and began to yell. 
“Finally! Our plan worked! Thank you ladies for leaving early with me to get them to talk.” 
“Yeah yeah Sua. Now finish up your breakfast and let's go to work.” 
“Got it Oppa! I hope your thanksgiving was great then!.” 
Looking over at Tsuki all you could do is laugh and nod your head. 
“Yeah, Sheon. That was a great holiday.” 
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lifespectator · 2 years
Family Halloween
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
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Summary: A Halloween special I did. I hope you guys enjoy it!
A/N: Thanks to my awesome friend @ironboybooks for giving me this idea. Make sure to check out 'ironboybooks' on Wattpad. He's a great writer and some of the best x Male Reader books.
3rd POV
After a long mission, Y/n finally arrived at the front of his home. It was the same ordeal. Some terrorist group tried to get hold of powerful weapons and The Avengers had to be there to stop them.
He had to admit Sam, as team leader, made the missions quite enjoyable.
Y/n started walking to the front door of his home while on the phone with Sam.
"Another successful mission, Cap" Y/n said, making his friend laugh. "I'm still not used to that name." Sam responded.
"You should. You earned it." It was true. If anyone deserved Steve's mantle, it was Sam.
"I'll try, brother. In the meantime, Uncle Sam has to take his two zombie nephews out for candy before they eat him." Both men laughed as they said their farewells. Y/n hasn't entirely connected the dots of what is special about today's date.
Once Y/n opened the door. He made sure to be as silent as possible. He didn't want to wake up his wife and kids. That was until he heard some noises in the kitchen.
Unbeknownst to him, Wanda was helping their sons, Tommy and Billy, with their costumes. Wanda was going to take them trick or treating.
As Y/n entered the kitchen, both kids got out of Wanda's grasp and ran up to him.
"I'm glad you're back!" Billy said. Y/n just laughed and hugged them both tightly. "Is their no kiss for your wife?" Wanda asked in fake sad tone while pouting.
Y/n just chuckled as he made his way to Wanda. "I was saving the best one for you." He leaned down and gave her a tenderly kiss. "I missed you." Wanda said.
"I also missed you." Y/n said as he noticed how his Wife was dressed. "What's the special ocassion?" He asked, genuinely confused.
"Mom is going to take us out for candy! Tommy exclaimed. Y/n was still confused. "Today is Halloween, silly." Wanda said.
Y/n finally understood why Sam mentioned zombies and why the boys wore costumes at night. He had completely forgot today was the 31st.
"And what are you supposed to be?" Y/n eyed up Wanda. "I'm a vampire!" Wanda responded while doing a quick spin. 'A hot one.' Y/n thought.pp
"You should come with us dad." Billy said. "Yeah, that would be cool." Tommy supported the idea.
"I'd love to, but what would I wear?" Y/n asked. After taking off the combat suit he wore on the field, he just put on some jeans and a hoodie.
"Don't worry baby." Wanda continued. "I can fix that."
"Where did you get this cape?" Y/n asked. Wanda only smiled. "I bought it this morning while you were away. I wanted all us to have matching costumes." Wanda answered his question.
"I had lost hope that you would make it on time." Wanda said. Y/n only sighed. He's been thinking for some time now of leaving the team to focus full-time om his family.
Wanda put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it. It was her way of telling him to take his time before making a decision
"Mom, dad. Can Tommy and I go to the other houses?" Billly asked. "Yeah, you're taking forever." Tommy said.
Y/n only laughed. "Sure, just don't go too far." Wanda said. Y/n felt his heart warm seeing how a great mother Wanda is. He also get's to call her 'mommy'.
"Well, at least we have some alone time." Y/n told Wanda to which she giggled. "We can have some when we arrive home." Wanda responded with a wink.
"How was the mission?" Wanda asked. "It was ok. A granade exploded right before me, but I'm fine." Wanda got worried and eyed up Y/n to find any visible wounds. "I'm joking." Y/n said, and Wanda smacked his arm. "Ow." Y/n playfully whined. "Don't scare me like that." Y/n just giggled.
"Is this going to be your new look?" Y/n pointed out Wanda's short white hair. "No, only for today." She responded. "Is it a wig?" Y/n got confused when Wanda shook her head. "Magic Remember?"
"Magic or no magic, you're still special to me." Y/n said as he carresed Wanda's cheek.
"Hey love birds." A unknown voice said. Y/n and Wanda quickly looked to where the voice came from. "Let's make this quick. Hand me over whatever you guys have on you." The guy pulled out a knife.
Y/n quickly got into a fighting stance, analyzing the best way to take the guy down. Before he can do anything, the guy just fainted.
When Y/n tried to figure out what just had happened, he looked to his left to see his wife smirking and the noticible chaos magic on her right hand. A smirk also plastered across his face.
"What would I do without you?" Y/n asked. "Their are many answer to that question but I'm the one who is supposed to get you tired tonight." Wanda said biting her lip at the end.
"Let's go get the boys. It's late already." Y/n said, pulling Wanda's hand.
The family had finally made it back home. The kids had collected a lot of candy which they were eager to eat.
"Today was fun!" Tommy exclaimed, jumping up and down. "I'm really glad that we went as a family." Billy said.
Y/n watched the whole scene and was happy. He was planning to find a way to spend more time with his family.
"Alright, boys, go clean up and change into your pajamas." Wanda informed. "Oh, and no candy until tomorrow." Wanda said as the kid's booed and turned to their father to see if he would intervene. "You heard the queen." Was all he said as the boys went upstairs.
"How long do you plan on having the white hair?" Y/n asked. "I can't take it off now if you like." Wanda responded as she lifted her hand.
"Don't." Y/n said. "Maybe we can, um, roleplay?" Y/n suggested shyly, making Wanda laugh.
"Have it your way Mr. L/n." Wanda said in a seductive tone.
"Let's take it to our room Mrs. L/n." Y/n picked up his wife bridal style and started walking upstairs to their bedroom.
The boys already enjoyed halloween. Now it's their time to enjoy it.
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triple-7-heaven · 2 years
Peace of Mind
a/n: requested! after a rough day, sweetheart moon sua knows how to ease reader insert's worries and get his mind off the bad things in life. so happy to get a billlie request! sua is my bias sooo this was fun ^_^ enjoy, anon pairing: male reader x moon sua; words: 1.1k ; categories: billlie, moon sua, smut, reader insert, facefuck, rough
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People rushed past on the platform and you turned to look down the track. The train was coming, finally... You'd missed the first one after a huge crowd blocked the entrances. You were already stressed from a long and exhausting day of work, but that pushed you over the edge. Sweat ran down your back underneath your shirt, and your fist clenched in your pocket. The train hissed to a stop and, thankfully, you made it onboard this time. As you stood holding the overhead strap and felt the lurch as the subway train pulled away, your mind was on one thing: your Sua. It was hard to get to know Moon Sua initially, hard to break her exterior, but once you did, you got to know her as a soft and loving girl. Her love came from her whole heart, she couldn't do anything halfway, so she took pleasure in babying you and doing nice things for you almost every day. Your life and hers both tended to be unpredictable, but you still made time for each other, and one of those times was tonight. She'd texted you that she would be waiting for you 'at home,' meaning your home, seeing as she still lived in dorms. And you'd anticipated seeing her all day. But now, you were tired. You felt drained, like you'd just run a marathon and taken a college entrance exam at the same time. You hoped you wouldn't snap at her by accident.
When you opened up your apartment door, you heard the TV, and closed the door behind you. Sua was curled up on the couch watching the news, and her face lit up when she turned to look at you. She began to stand, but you shook your head and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Nah, don't get up," you said. "I'll just sit with you."
"I was worried... You're home late!" she whined. She nuzzled into your chest and you put your arm around her shoulders.
"I'm sorry, baby, missed the subway. It's been a pretty bad day," you sighed. "Super stressed at work, then the whole subway thing, just... I dunno."
"Oh? I'm sorry, sweet boy... Maybe, um, I can do something for you? To help relieve your stress, you know?" she said slowly. You tilted your head to the side and glanced down at her. Her face reddened and she pushed her face into your neck.
"What are you hiding for? Wait, Sua, what do you mean by that?" you laughed.
"Well... Maybe I can show you," she said softly. She pulled away from you and slid off the couch, kneeling on the floor in front of you and running her hands over your thighs. Her face took on a sultry expression, and she looked up at you with devilish eyes. You instinctively went to your belt buckle; it didn't even require a thought. You stood and pulled off your pants, tossing them to the side and sitting back down. Sua's hand went to your bulge immediately, already hardening, and she began to squeeze and rub you, earning sighs. You tucked her hair behind her ear, then cupped her face in your hand. She leaned into your touch and a small smile played on her lips. She went back to work and began to tug on your boxers, so you lifted your body slightly to let her pull them off. As she took your shaft into her hand, you were stripping your shirt off, and you felt Sua's nails grazing your right thigh while she stroked you up and down with her other hand. Once your shirt was off, she used her free hand to touch your torso, giving a little squeeze to your right pec, even a small pinch to your nipple. The sensation caused you to exhale sharply and Sua giggled. You scooted forward to the edge of the couch and, before you could even look down at her, Sua's lips were wrapped around your cock. Her head bobbed up and down slowly, her tongue savored the taste. You moaned softly and ran your fingers through her dark hair.
"Does it feel good, baby? Do you feel better?" she whispered when she came up for air, stroking your shaft and spreading her saliva over the entire length.
"I've already forgotten everything, Sua... Fuck," you panted. Her free hand continued to stroke your thigh, nails grazing your skin lightly. It gave you goosebumps. She took you back into her mouth and went all the way down on you. You gripped her hair with both hands and held her down until she was whimpering for air, and she looked at you with those same devilish eyes again.
"You want to be in charge, oppa?" she asked coyly. You nodded. She moved back for you to stand up, then sat on the floor with her back against the couch. You retook your hold on her hair and lined yourself up with her lips before pushing back into her mouth. The couch started to rock with the force of your thrusts. Your tip repeatedly hit the back of her throat, and you held her head down for a few seconds again, gripping fistfuls of her hair. When you let her off to breathe a wave of saliva poured from her mouth and she coughed a little. You leaned down quickly and kissed her, not minding the spit dripping from her chin, and you brought your hand to her face to run your thumb over her cheek.
"No, no, I'm okay... Use me however you want," she said and waved you off. You made a concerned expression and placed a kiss on her forehead, then stood back up. Sua grabbed your shaft and stroked you before hungrily taking you back into her mouth. She was an expert; her tongue flattened perfectly against your dick, her cheeks hollowed, the suction she gave was perfect. In and out, fucking Sua's mouth and throat, until your breathing sped up, and you felt your peak coming. One last time, you pushed her all the way down, and came hard into her throat. She groaned but she took it, she didn't try to pull away at all. The waves of pleasure kept coming, ropes of cum flooding her throat. Once you'd ridden out your orgasm, you stepped back and looked down at her. Sua was trembling slightly and wiping her face.
"I'm sorry, was I too rough?" you asked as you leaned down to scoop her up bridal style. She leaned against you while you walked her into the bedroom.
"No, don't worry about that, I just want you to feel better, baby," she said. You lay down and Sua adjusted herself to lay on top of you more comfortably.
"Well... I definitely do," you said. She kissed your neck tenderly and your hand moved to stroke her hair. You sighed and she wrapped her arms and legs around you. The pressure of her body on top of you delivered a sort of calming, and you felt a soft gratefulness for your Moon Sua.
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sunflowersoonyoung · 3 years
requests - status: [ open ]
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masterlist | about me | request here
Hi~! I’d love to write something that meets your fantasies!
I write anything: smut, fluff, angst, short hcs, etc. I specialise in smut, particularly with sub/dom and rougher themes. If there’s something on your mind, send it in! 
Please don’t request smut for idols below 18! I will delete it immediately!
If you submit a request, check my works in progress below to see if I’m working on it and where I’m up to. 
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currently writing for :
girl groups :
aespa dreamcatcher gfriend (g)i-dle itzy oh my girl purple kiss
boy groups :
ateez cravity p1harmony (excluding jongseob & soul) pentagon seventeen vixx wei
groups coming soon :
pixy billlie bvndit
enhypen verivery stray kids cix txt
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works in progress (in order of priority) :
» university au!seongmin x fem!reader | fluff, angst, suggestive | planning stages - requested your close friend seongmin gets jealous when you start getting close to his friend group.
» dom!allen x fem!reader | smut | planning stages - requested your boyfriend allen gets worried about you when you come home late. he makes sure to take care of you when you do get home.
» sub!hongseok x gn!reader | smut | planning stages - requested
» jungmo x gn!reader | smut | planning stages - requested
» minhee x gn!reader | fluff, smut | planning stages requested
» dom!yuju x fem!reader | smut | planning stages - requested 
» vampire!shinwon x fem!reader x vampire!yanan | fluff, angst, smut, horror themes | series | requested
you’re the only maid that’s stuck around with them, because you refuse to look beneath the surface. by the time you finally do look, it’s too late for you to leave.
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rules (tw!) :
» no underage idols
» only fem!idol x fem!reader, fem!idol x gn!reader, male!idol x fem!reader and male!idol x gn!reader
» i'm uncomfortable with certain fetishes (ask first, be respectful if I reject you)
 » no scenarios containing self harm or suicidal ideation (if you need to reach out please come to me in private or call a local hotline, but I will not write anything containing these topics)
 » no scenarios containing sexual a**ault or topics in that vein
 » no scenarios containing eating disorders
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worldsover · 3 years
worldsover - Rules, Suggestions & Bias List
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18+, adults only. This is smut after all.
No underage, bestiality, scat
The Warren
The Warren is my Discord server. Come talk about smut, writing, and K-pop with me! (Please read the rules.)
Please call me Levi, worlds or worldsover is fine but I'm just saying, it's there as a name. To reintroduce myself, I mainly write female idol x male reader second person stories, but I can try and have tried other styles. I will write for any K-pop girl group, and maybe other celebrities, especially actresses.
I'll probably only reply to an ask if it actually has a question in it. If it's just a statement, I'm unlikely to answer it unless it's substantial like actual feedback.
I may say "Assume any trigger warnings may apply" which can include anything not restricted by the last rule, including but not limited to: blood, violence, death, non-con, blackmail, incest, watersports, power dynamics such as manager or boss, etc. (To be clear: yes, I might write any of these.)
Give me requests (especially by DM over ask). I especially love requests from other writers who want to collaborate in any way. If you ever need anything from a second pair of eyes to a whole rewrite, I am down to give it a try.
Bias List
Last updated: 2022/05/15 (A lot of changes. LOONA, fromis_9 bias wrecker switches, LE SSERAFIM—you know exactly who)
I have my overall biases on top. Then some actresses I like in no particular order. After that, this list is ordered by group first, then I put my top 𝓍 idols for each group, but usually an incomplete list of with 𝓍 < group size, since I almost never want to have to rank people as my least favorite. Also, some lists have multiple people, consider them in the same tier. If I don’t list them, doesn’t mean I don’t like them or won’t write for them. Same with groups, although this is closer to a list of groups I would write for.
Idols Overall
Jung So-Min
Shin Se-Kyung
Park Eun-Bin
Yoo In-Na
Park Hye-Soo
Chae Soo-Bin
Kim Sae-Ron
Seo Ye-Ji
Park Min-Young
Gong Seung-Yeon
Park Bo-Young
Lee Yun-Hee
Park Shin-Hye
Kim Lip
fromis_9 (This one is legit impossible)
Oh My Girl
Red Velvet
Chaehyun, Xiaoting
Yujin, Mashiro
Yuqi, Minnie
Miyeon, Shuhua
Purple Kiss
Pristin / Hinapia (RIP)
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hibiscuswrites · 4 years
🌺 Masterlist 🌺
‼️ = possibly triggering content
💦 = contains sexual content, not necessarily smut 
Jealous/possessive Rio 
Domestic life 
Rio getting a call that his girl was mugged
Significant other was hurt in like a car crash or non-gang related incident
Rio's reaction to his boo strip teasing💦
Rio’s girl being pregnant
Rio meeting and falling in love with a female version of himself
Rio having his girlfriend meet Marcus for the first time
Rio taking care of his newborn baby and wife
Rio taking care of his little girl because mama is sick with the flu
Reader gets taken by a rival gang as leverage ‼️
Rio trying to win over a woman who he really can be himself with
Rio's reaction to you flinching when he breaks something or yells and what he would do to assure you that you were safe with him ‼️
Rio on his wedding day/night 💦
Rio’s girl giving him the silent treatment like after a fight
Reader it is Beth’s sister who is with Rio. She betrays him for her sister and the crew
Rio doing daddy duties/ taking care of Marcus and his new baby
Shower sex 💦
Rio’s reaction to the reader with a complicated relationship getting flirted with
One of Rio’s men steps out of line and makes a move on his SO
Rio hiring a shy nanny who he really likes to tease
Reader is frustrated by how much Rio’s been working and doesn't know how to bring it up. Reader starts acting different and eventually Rio gets her to tell him what's wrong
Rio’s baby girl calling him dada for the first time and giving him a big smile
Rio dating a younger reader
Reader & Rio going to an event where reader gets nervous and starts being overly critical of what she's wearing/how it looks on her ‼️
Rio getting hurt by a rival and his girl reacting & consoling him
You find out Rio slept with Beth and try to leave him but he cuts it off with her
Rio and a girl he is secretly in love with having to share the same bed
Rio finding a hickey on his girl that he’s positive wasn’t from him💦
Rio vs Billy 💦
How Rio would be with someone who put him and Marcus first and kept doing it until she cracked
Rio and the reader spending time with Marcus and admiring the new baby
Rio gives a little degradation after he finds you super wet, even though he hasn't touched you and he over stimulates you💦
Reader is black & someone makes a comment about her weight or her being a poc around him causing him to lash out‼️
Rio’s reaction to another man making you cry
Make-up sex with Rio 💦
How Rio would react and treat a girl he had feelings for but wasn’t yet dating who just got emergency surgery
Rio having an SO with long luscious hair and him washing her hair for her
Rio x reader where her ex shows back up in her life and tries to win her back/turn her against Rio and how Rio reacts to it
Readers boss blatantly flirting with her in front of Rio ‼️
Rio and the reader at their gender reveal or baby shower
Rio getting jealous by his S/O fangirling over a hot actor during their movie night at home
Rio’s normally very bold gf who gets shy with sexual things gets caught touching herself while watching porn 💦
Rio and Marcus picking up the reader (mom/wife) from the airport after a long trip, and they go home and spend quality time together
Rio and the reader having a romantic/sweet date night
Beth attempting to kill Rio’s SO because she’s jealous of her and what Rio would do in response
Beth making it look like Rio is cheating on reader with her. He finds out Beth planned it but reader leaves him & Rio getting revenge  
Rio with a girl who went behind his back to help Ruby, Annie, and Beth 
First time reader & Rio discuss what he actually does
Rio thinking his SO is cheating but she’s not
Rio taking care of his girl after she gets her wisdom teeth taken out
Rio saving a girl from some drunk trying to mess with her and that’s how they meet !!
Reader trying to leave in the middle of the night for a walk after a fight 
Rio finding out his girl is bi and ask of she wants to try it with him and a woman
Rio meeting the reader’s parents
You are Rio's ex/gf/ Marcus' mom/ and find out about Beth's "pregnancy"
Rio fingering his girlfriend 💦
Would ever snoop through his SO’s phone
Rio dating a clumsy girl
Drabble: Gunk kink 💦
How would Rio deal with his S/O being very sensitive and emotional
Rio with a tall reader
Rio taking his SO’s virginity 💦
Rio comforting reader who had PTSD and nightmares  !!
Strip Poker with Rio 💦
Making out with Rio would include 
Rio accidentally walking in on the girl he loves having sex with another dude
Getting back together with Rio and finding out about Beth’s pregnancy
Honeymoon with Rio
Drabble: Control your anger or you’ll have me to worry about
Working as Rio’s assistant/secretary and having a flirty relationship
Rio being friends with reader who is in a bad relationship and is very neglected by her current bf
Morning sex with Rio 💦
Beth shoots reader instead of Rio and then he thinks she's dead but she came back 
Rio with a sub SO who likes to be choked 💦
Rio and Billly share reader
Rio dating dancer reader 
Rio taking reader for her first tattoo
Quarentine with Rio
Rio with pregnant reader who doesn’t want to be a mom
Rio with shy trans mtf reader
Rio with reader who doesn’t want kids 
!! Rio getting with reader who was in an abusive relationship !!
!! Reader runs into toxic ex and Rio gets protective !!
Rio going to the club with the reader 
Reader taking care of and spoiling Rio
Rio with a pregnancy kink 💦
Reader doing the refusing to kiss your boyfriend prank on Rio
Latina reader unknowingly intimidates Beth and end up making her jealous when she finds out you’re together 
Rio shaves pregnant reader since she’s so far along that she can’t
Reader wants to post Rio on social media but he’s hesitant 
Rough blowjob with Rio💦
Rio’s reaction to someone threatening your life while out together 
Being Rio’s new employee who steals his attention away from Beth 
Rio with soft and innocent reader
Rio lets reader take control for the night 💦
Cops bring reader in for questioning and he pampers you after you stay solid
Billy Russo 
Jealous Billy
Fight and making up with Billy 
Billy’s been acting weird so his girl thinks he's cheating. She eventually can't take it anymore & he comes home to find her gone. He tracks her down and proposes 
Billy thinking his girl is cheating (She's not of course)
Rio vs Billy 💦
Billy gets reader pregnant in a fwb situation but is smug about it
Billy coming home to find you asleep on the couch surrounded by work
Billy finding out the Reader is pregnant and being delighted and determined to give his child a better life than he had
NSFW Alphabet 💦
Rio and Billly share reader
Billy worries reader will leave him if she learns the truth, but she already knows 
Protective Billy with hurt reader 
Frank Castle 
Reader has a really bad anxiety day and he’s soft with her and quiet‼️
NSFW Alphabet💦
Domestic life
Soft but still angsty “I thought I lost you” with frank after a bad night
Seeing Frank at the diner for a while before finally approaching him 
Geralt of Rivia
A kid tries to pay Geralt to kill a monster but the monster turns out to be an abusive parent‼️
Ray Merrimen
Ray’s new girl is coincidentally just in the bank he and his crew are robbing
Reader having a crime boss ex that wants reader back, and 2) finding out what Ray does and her reaction to it
Ray meeting a girl at the gym/dojo that can kick his ass, despite the size difference
Ray being your instructor at the gym would be like
NSFW Alphabet💦
Bratty reader who keeps bothering Ray while he's working on plans for the next hit because she wants attention 💦
Ray expressing how much he cares about you x plus sized reader ‼️
Going on vacation with Ray 💦
Ray’s stripper ex is trying to cause trouble in his new relationship because he moved on from her after he got out of prison
Ray’s reaction to his girl getting into a fight with someone or more like defending herself
Reader is feeling ignored by Ray so she seeks attention elsewhere, but it backfires
Ray’s totally smitten for the shy reader who doesn't think he'd be interested in her
Ray  spoiling his girl because he's nervous that he's about to propose
Ray just can't keep his hands to himself when reader is around 💦
Ray’s girl is afraid to tell him she's pregnant as they never talked about having kids
How would Ray react to his girl feeling neglected and seeking attention elsewhere
How Ray deals with reader’s male friend who tries to sabotage 
Jealous of Ray’s ex FWB, reader starts dressing and acting sexier 
Cuddling in bed with Ray
Ray taking care of reader during her period 
Reader thinks Ray’s cheating but he’s not
Reader is unsure where her relationship with Ray lies, he makes it clear she’s his
Joseph Seed 
Joseph with small and petite girlfriend
NSFW Alphabet💦
Joseph finds someone just like him, who believes in his vision and takes care of everyone, like a mama bear
Joseph's wife finding out she's pregnant
Having an atheist girlfriend 
Joseph falling head over heels for a new follower of his church
Joseph with a virgin SO💦
FC5 Misc. 
The Seed brothers learn about latina readers curly hair while in the bunker 
Jacob Seed 
Jacob with a tall girl, a blonde with blue eyes
Dom!jacob with newly subdued but bratty Dep 💦
Jacob with a chubby S/O 💦
Jacob with small and petite girlfriend
NSFW Alphabet 💦
Animalistic dom!jake with a breeding kink taking his plus-size wife 💦
Having an atheist girlfriend 
Jacob with a virgin SO💦
Jacob Seed and a super sweet/naive SO who looks harmless, but can kick ass 
Jacob and asexual reader 
Jacob taking his plus sized virgin wife’s virginity 💦
John Seed 
John dating a small, thin Hispanic girl with crazy curly hair
John with small and petite girlfriend
Having an atheist girlfriend 
NSFW Alphabet💦
John with a virgin SO💦
John secretly dating Dep reader 
Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo
Miguel in bed (general)💦
Helping Miguel unwind after a rough day 
Miguel surprises reader after you thought he forgot your anniversary 
Miguel telling his child about how you and him met 
Nick Amaro 
Loving Nick coming home to reader after being away to work on a case 
Agent OA Zidan 
Having an interfaith relationship with OA
Plus size reader tag Black reader tag Latina reader tag
2K notes · View notes
What A Strange Girl
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Male Reader x Billlie Moon Sua
Length: 8400+
Tags: Boyfriend/Girlfriend
A/n- Happy birthday to Moon Sua. I am happy to give you all, one of the few Moon Sua fics out there. I hope you guys enjoy it.
People. We meet people almost every day of our lives. Some we instantly forget but others make an impression and stay with us. 
It’s your first day at a new school. To be honest you are quite nervous as it’s the first day of Senior year. People have already made their friend groups back and freshman year and now you are here, the odd one out. 
Your first steps into this new building were a bit nerve-wracking, but so far so good. The subtle glances toward you caught your attention but you gave them no mind as you finally entered the main office. The smell of lavender filled the air as you got closer and closer to the desk in the middle of the room. Finally getting closer you see a woman typing on her computer. 
“Um hi.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you come in. What can I help you with?” 
“Oh sorry to bother you but I’m a new student and I was told to come to the office to pick up my schedule as well as get a guide.” 
“Ah yes of course! It’s rare to get a new student who is a senior so I was already expecting you. I am Kim Minji, the school receptionist. Now let me pull out your class schedule and I believe your guide will be here any minute.” 
Looking through her table, she manages to find your schedule in the middle of all her documents and hand it to you. 
“Here you go. As you can see it shows how each day will go for you and what classes you will attend. Should you have any questions feel free to ask me or your g-“ 
Ms.Kim didn’t even get to finish her sentence as a girl ran into the office panting a bit for air. 
“I’m- sorry- I’m late. My alarm didn’t go off.” 
“Oh, it’s ok. I just handed him his schedule so you made it just on time. Make sure to show him around well.” 
“I will Miss Kim. Hello, there my name is Fukutomi Tsuki, what’s your name?” 
“Oh hello Tsuki. My name is Ryu Jin-Sang, please take care of me!” 
With a smile, you bow towards Tsuki and she bows back. 
“Now if you please follow me, I will give you a tour of the building and bring you to your homeroom as well. It’s the first day of the school year so homeroom lasts quite a bit.” 
Nodding towards Tsuki you both step out of the office and begin to slowly walk in the hallways. You probably didn’t notice but the school bell had already gone off and the hallways were now empty.
“So Tsuki, that’s not a Korean name. Are you Japanese?” 
“Yes indeed! I came from Osaka about 2 years ago.” 
“Did you already know Korean before you came here?” 
“That right there is the library, your books are already in your home room. No, I didn't know Korean before I came here but my father got a job offer and he had to take it.” 
“I can relate to that. I just moved for the same reason.” 
“I’m sorry about that. I know how hard it can be but I’m sure you won’t be alone. From what I heard I’m a few years younger than you but I would love to be your friend.” 
The warm smile that shined on her face showed you she was genuine about befriending you. 
“I would love to have you as a friend.” 
As you got to know more about Tsuki, your tour around the school continued as she showed you all of the important places you should know. Either way, this was a big school and it was certain you would get lost your first few days even after this tour. Finally, in front of a classroom, Tsuki looked at you and bowed. 
“This is where I leave you. From what I saw on your schedule we have lunch together so just look for me there ok?” 
“Ok Tsuki. Thank you once again for the tour.” 
With a wave Tsuki began to skip down the hallway, entering another classroom further down. Reaching out for the door you hesitate a bit but muster through and open the door. The room that had the voice of only the teacher becomes fully silent. 
“Ah Hello. You must be the new student. I am Mrs. Song and I will be your homeroom teacher. Please introduce yourself to the class.” 
“Oh well hello. My name is Ryu Jinsang and I am 20. Please take care of me!” 
Small murmurs filled the classroom as the girls all began to eye you and smirk. The guys looked a bit annoyed but didn’t say anything. 
“Now you can go sit in the back with our class president Sua.” 
At that time a short girl in the back raised her hand, showing you who she was. Making your way to the back of the class, you find the empty seat that was next to the girl and take your seat. Taking a glance at the girl you noticed her fade-up features were unique. After a few seconds, the girl takes a glance at you and grabs your head, making you face the whiteboard. 
With that “invitation” you saw another teacher step in and start to write on the whiteboard. Two hours go by as the math lesson ends and you are all left in the classroom to just wait for your next teacher. Wanting to get to know your seatmate, you turned back in her direction and spoke up. 
“Hi, I’m Jinsang. You are?” 
“Moon Sua.” 
Her response was quite blunt but you try again. 
“So class president. Was this something people voted on or assigned to you? 
Just as you were gonna speak up again you feel a tap on your shoulder and see a girl. 
“Oh hello.” 
“Hi, I’m Arin. Why are you trying to talk to the little miss perfect right there?” 
“Little miss perfect? That doesn’t seem too nice.” 
“Well, she’s stuck up and barely has friends in school.” 
“That isn’t-
“Can you take your conversation elsewhere? I have plenty of things to do.” 
With a ring of the bell, all of the students begin to sit back down. 
“I guess I’ll talk to you later handsome.” 
As Arin goes back to her seat the next teacher comes in and starts the next class. Some much for it being the first day, they are giving full lessons. Soon another hour passes as the teacher then walks out leaving you with homework. With the sound of the bell, all of the students began to stand and walk out of the classroom. Others pulled out some lunch boxes and began to eat. 
As you grab your bag you notice something, Sua was already gone somehow. The growl from your stomach takes your attention away from that so you walk out and follow the masses of people. They could have been leading you to the wrong spot but it’s deemed luck was on your side as you entered the lunch room. 
The line to grab food was massive but you were glad to see it was moving quickly. Grabbing your tray, a small bowl of soup was put on the tray as well as various little sides. With your food now acquired you began to look around to find where to sit. 
The sudden yell that filled the lunch room got your attention as well as plenty of others. Looking in the direction of the sound, you see it’s Tsuki calling you over. At her table, another person is sitting but their back was facing you. Making it to the table, you pull out a seat and sit down and smile at Tsuki. Wanting to be nice as well you look towards the other girl sitting at the table to say hi but immediately recognize her. 
“Oh, Sua hello.” 
Sua gives you a quick nod, not raising her view from her food. 
“You met unnie already! I knew you were in the same class but I’m glad you met my best friend.” 
From what you have seen, Sua doesn’t seem like the type to make friends so that statement surprised you but before you could say anything Sua stood up from her seat and gave you and Tsuki a quick wave, walking out of the lunch room. 
Before you could even get a word out Tsuki asked you something. 
“Oppa, are you looking for a job?” 
“Oh that was a bit random but yes I am actually. I like to have my own money and am gonna look for a job later on, why do you ask?” 
“The place I work at is looking for a new worker and I decided to ask you. If you want I can mention you to my boss.” 
“If it’s no trouble then yeah go for it.” 
Tsuki excitedly jumped up from her seat and ran out of the lunch room. Was a bit weird but oh well. As you continue to eat your lunch the excited bunny returns to the lunch table, hanging up what seems to be a phone call. 
“But I didn’t even have an interview. I don’t even know what the job is.” 
“I told my boss you were a great friend and he agreed to take you on the spot. As for the job, it's easy and not bad at all. I will take you after school so meet me at the main entrance.” 
You had plenty of more questions but at the time the school bell rang once more, letting you know lunch was over. With a wave, Tsuki left the lunch room with the rest of the students. Looks like you have a new job then. 
The rest of the school day goes by in a Flash as most teachers for the rest of the day take it easy on all of you, just going over the syllabus for the rest of the year. Once class ended you made your way to the front door with Tsuki waiting for you. 
“Oppa! Come on. The bus comes in two minutes.” 
Following behind Tsuki you made it in time to the bus stop as the vehicle pulled up. Pulling out your bus pass you scan yours after Tsuki does the same and take a seat in the back of the bus with her. 
The ten-minute bus ride passed by quickly with Tsuki and you getting to know each other better. Once at your stop, the two of you hop off at the back exit and begin to walk a bit. The quick Thirty-second walk brings you to your location. Looking up at the sign you saw the name of the place, Penguin games. 
Once Tsuki opens the door you can safely assume this will be your new place of employment. Walking inside you notice the flashing light everywhere as you now know what business it is that you will be working at, an arcade. The walk to the back room takes a little bit but soon you walk through the double doors and arrive at an office. Tsuki knocks on the door as you both hear the words enter. 
The office is a nice white color with different penguin plushies all around. At the center of the office sits a woman who is by the looks of it playing games on her computer. Tsuki signals you to be quiet and sit down next to her. Taking a seat you wait for a few minutes until the woman looks up and smiles at the two of you. 
“Sorry I was killing the ender dragon with a couple of friends. How was school today guys?” 
“First day back and a few teachers already had lessons to teach. Not sure if it’s the same for Oppa.” 
“Oh, we had lessons already. I never understood why some teachers do that.” 
“Makes me glad I’m done with school already. Oh, where are my manners? Hello Jinsang, I am Myoui Mina, and welcome to Penguin Games. How are you?” 
“Oh, I am doing well Ms. Myoui.” 
“Please call me Mina, Ms.Myoui makes me feel old.” 
“Oh ok, Mina. Might I say it’s a very nice looking arcade you have out there?” 
“Why thank you. I saved up a lot to build my dream arcade and it came out just as I imagined it. Now onto business. I normally have two workers at once here but an employee I had left and I need a new one. In total, I have 3 employees and you will be number 3. I take care of things other days by myself but having the 3 employees is helpful.” 
“Oh I’m always down to help and work when I can but what do I need to do on the job?” 
“Oh, it’s quite simple. You will just monitor the games and machines and empty the coin storage and fill up things that need to be filled. There is a lot of free time in this job so you can feel free to do your homework and such during this time.” 
It sounded simple and perfect for you. 
“That sounds great. When do I start?” 
“Well I have to take off today to meet up with some friends and Tsuki needed the day off so if there is any chance you can start today and your new coworkers can teach you?” 
You had sent really planned to work today but hey you were always down to make some money.
“Oh well sure. Is there a work uniform I need or something?” 
“No uniforms. Just wear whatever you want. I see you are still in your school uniform so if you have a spare change of clothes you can go put them on and I will introduce you to your partner in crime for the day.” 
“Sounds good.” 
Standing up you made your way over to the employee restroom and changed into a spare shirt and sweatpants you had. Stepping out of the restroom you see Tsuki wave at you from a distance and leave. 
“Great. Are you ready to get to work?” 
“Follow me then.” 
Exiting the back room, the two of you walk over to a counter in the corner of the arcade and see it’s empty. 
“She must be doing something, just give her a second.” 
Just as she said, a few seconds pass and a girl comes up to Mina cheerfully and waves her hand. 
“Oh, Mina! Sorry I was changing out the coins to the claw machine. Is the new guy here?” 
“Yes Sua, say hello to Jinsang.” 
Looking at the girl you see it’s your class president. Sua then walks up to you and stretches out her hand. 
“Hello, I am Moon Sua. I will be your coworker. I am looking forward to getting to know you more.” 
Bringing out your hand, you shake hers and respond. 
“Looking forward to learning from you.” 
“Awesome. Now I need to get going so if you guys need me just send me a message. Sua will give you my number later on so just text me so I can save it. Bye guys!” 
“Bye Mina!” 
As Mina walks off, you can’t help but notice she waddles a bit like a penguin and chuckle a bit. 
“What did you notice she waddles like a penguin?” 
From your previous interactions with Sua, you were worried she would scold you but she just laughed. 
“Yeah, I noticed that on my first day here also. Ok let’s show you how to do your job and we can just relax after.” 
“Oh ok. Lead the way.” 
Following Sua, you arrive at a racing game that displays a full symbol on the screen. At that time Sua pulls out a single key from her pocket and hands it to you. 
“This is your key. Keep it with you. It’s quite simple. People use money to get tokens to play on the machines. With this key, you take out the container that is filled and place an empty one. They are always next to the machine, the empty ones so all you need is the key. The machine for tokens only needs to be filled up in the morning but Mina does that on her own should you need to put more in the same key works.” 
Sue then uses her key and opens the machine, pulls out the container, and puts in an empty one. 
“Now with the tokens we just go over to the desk and throw them into the huge bucket in the bottom cabinet. The same key works ok?” 
“That's it. Simple job. Should any of the machines have any problems we just contact Mina and she will tell us to put a broken sign on it. She will take care of the rest.” 
“That’s all we do?” 
“That is all we do. Hence why she doesn’t need a lot of employees but it’s always best to have two people here in case. Mina is a great boss and lets us play as many games as we want as well. Just don’t let it distract you from helping people should they need it. Shoot one more thing. Should the claw machines need more prizes the first door on the right when you enter the employee area is the prizes. Same key.” 
“Wow, this seems pretty simple.” 
“As I said, it's pretty simple. Let’s go sit down!” 
Listening to Sua, you both arrive at the desk and take a seat next to each other. The sound of music and arcade games is all that can be heard at first until you hear a cough. 
“So we are both 20 but what month were you born?” 
“Oh, September 1st is my birthday.” 
“No way! My birthday is September 9th. Well, you are still older so I will call you Oppa if that is ok with you?” 
“Oh yeah, that’s fine. So how long have you been working here?” 
“Oh about a year now. It’s a very comfy job like Mina said. I’m sure you will come to love it as I do. So what’s your favorite type of game to play at an arcade?” 
“Oh well, I enjoy shooting games. What about yourself?” 
“SAME! Let’s go play.” 
Getting yanked by the arm, you find yourself in front of an arcade game. You could see it was a shooting game with a space theme. The sound of coins clinking caught your attention as the game screen changed. Taking hold of the game blaster, you saw little alien ships float around the screen. Sua jumps right into playing as she begins to take aim and pull the trigger. 
Seeing her game score increase rapidly, you begin to pull the trigger killing As many alien ships as you could. Sadly your score didn’t seem to increase a lot as Sua repeatedly stole your kills. 
“Come on Oppa. You are making this too easy for me.” 
“Maybe I’m just being nice and letting you win.” 
You didn’t say that with enough confidence as Sua giggled a bit. Wanting to prove her point, Sua began to push you so your shots wouldn't land. Fifteen more seconds pass as you see the game over screen. The results? Sua beat you by about three thousand points. 
“Yeah sure, you let me win.” 
Rolling your eyes, you were ready to challenge Sua to another game but some kids began to enter the arcade. Of course, wanting to look a little professional, the two of you walk back to the desk and take your seats behind it. Soon the sound of laughter and coins catch your ear's attention as the customers begin to play. 
At that time you saw Sua pull out her backpack from underneath the table. Soon her papers are spread around the table as she begins to start her homework. Following her example, you pull out your homework and commence it as well. 
Part of you was still curious if maybe this was the wrong girl you left earlier today but seeking the same homework you had as well as the name Moon Sua on top confirmed it was her. 
“I’m done already. How far along are you on the math homework.” 
You looked at Sua surprised as you saw her page filled with answers all over. She was already done with one page in a few minutes. 
“How are you done already?” 
“I’m not class president for no reason. Here you can copy.” 
You Weren't about to refuse such a nice offer, so you took her math sheet and proceeded to look over the answers and copy them. After a few minutes, you looked up and saw Sua was gone. Shifting your head around you slowly saw a head enter your field of vision. Sua was carrying the bucket full of tokens to the dispenser. 
Standing up you ran towards Sua and picked up the bucket she was struggling with. 
“Oh, thanks Oppa. The machine needed more tokens but you were busy so I didn’t want to bother you.” 
“Hey, this is our job, not just yours. I can finish that when I get a chance. You are already helping me enough with copying the answers.” 
With a smile, you followed Sua over to the machine. With her key, Sua opened the machine and pointed to where you had to put the coins. Raising the bucket up higher, you dumped the entire thing into the machine until it was full. Stepping back, Sua closed the machine and locked it. 
“Now you saw how it’s done. Must say it’s faster if it's the two of us. When it’s me and Tsuki we need to both lift the bucket to empty it.” 
“Glad to be of help. Let’s head back to the desk.” 
The rest of your shift went by in a flash as you just copied some of Sua’s homework and went around doing small jobs around the arcade. Soon it was closing time and Mina returned. 
“Alright you two, you can go home. Thank you for today and I will see you tomorrow.” 
Giving Mina a quick bow, the two of you grabbed your backpacks and made your way out of the building. Standing in front you looked at the time and saw it was 9 pm. 
“Well it’s late so I should head home. I will see you tomorrow!” 
“Wait Sua. Do you want someone to walk you home?” 
Sua looked at you and smiled. 
“Look at you, such a gentleman. Well, I wouldn't be opposed to a bodyguard at night.” 
“Let’s go then!” 
As Sua begins to walk, you follow her at her side. The silence of the street at night can be scary to some but to you, it was relaxing. Your walk so far has been silent until you decide to talk. 
“So we are working tomorrow?” 
“Yeah. You heard Mina, plus I’m sure Tsuki will be joining us as well.” 
“Oh, that’s cool. Tsuki sure is a hyper girl isn’t she?” 
“Oh yes, she is. Sometimes she can be a bit much but she’s one of my best friends. Don’t be scared to tell me if you think she is being too much, I will let her know.” 
“No no. If I needed to say something like that I would tell her myself but I’m sure she will be just fine. I have had plenty of hyper friends before.” 
Sua laughed a bit as you both continued to walk for a few more minutes until you reached a familiar street. 
“Hey, I live on this street.” 
“No way! Me too. I’m that yellow house right there.” 
“Wow, basically neighbors. I’m the green one a few down.” 
True enough your house was just three down from hers. 
“Well, then I guess we are gonna go to school together. Be outside my house at 6:45 so we can catch the 6:50 bus.” 
Sua was very direct but you didn’t mind it.
“6:45. Got it. Have a good night Sua.” 
“You too Oppa.” 
Sua then walked up to her front door, looked back, and waved at you. Once you waved back Sua finally entered her home. You weren’t sure why but the time you spent with Sua today made you happy. Feeling happy you began to walk home with a bit of a skip in your step, not noticing Sua looking at you through the blinds smiling. 
The next morning came and you found yourself standing outside Sua’s home five minutes early. Sua must have had some sort of sixth sense as she walks out of her home in uniform, ready for school. 
“Oh, you’re early, Great! I normally show up earlier than others but it seems you're the same.” 
“Yeah, I’m like that. Let’s get going.” 
With a nod, Sua and you begin to walk to the corner and wait for the bus. Soon the bus arrives and stops in front of you two. Stepping on the bus first, you take out your bus pass and scan it twice to pay for the two of you. Walking further into the bus, you extend your hand to point where to sit. Sitting down, you take the seat next to her and face her. 
“So how did you sleep?” 
“I slept well, thank you. I assume the same for you?” 
“Yeah, I'm still getting used to the new home but I slept ok.” 
Just as you were about to start talking again, the sudden yell of the word hi gets both of your attention. Tsuki walked her way over in front of the two of you and took a seat. 
“How was work yesterday guys?” 
“Hey Tsuki! It was good. Nice easy night. We took care of our homework since the machines didn’t need to be changed out.” 
“That’s great! See Oppa? I told you it was an easy job.” 
“Well, I like it so far.” 
Your small conversation continued as you finally arrived at your stop. All of you proceeded to stand up and walk out to the bus, a three-minute walk away from school. Beginning to walk the rest of the way, Tsuki and Sua continued to talk along the way with you listening in as well. 
“So Oppa. Are you gonna be working with the two of us today then?” 
“Oh yeah, I will. I’m excited to see how it goes with the three of us. Me and Sua played a few games so that was fun.” 
“Did she beat you in whatever game you played?” 
“I’m guessing that’s normal then.” 
“You bet. Just wait until later.” 
“Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll get better with time.” 
You haven’t even noticed you passed the school gate at that time. Looking towards Sua, the happy smile she had on her face was gone and she looked very serious. 
“Yeah that’s what I thought as well but unnie seems to improve with time also.”
“Really now? I'm excited to see how fun the games will get then.” 
The one-word answer caught you off guard as Sua didn’t seem as happy as before. Looking at Tsuki, you could see her jumping up and down like this was normal. Finally arriving at your classroom, you waved goodbye to Tsuki and went to your seat. Sitting next to you, Sua started to take out her papers and line them up with the table. 
“So how long have you been living in that house?” 
“I’m busy.” 
The sudden change in her attitude still surprises you, so you just nod your head and look forward and stay silent. Soon the classroom fills with your classmates and class begins. Each time you tried to start small talk, Sua gave you a one-word answer or ignored you. 
When the clock struck noon, everyone proceeded to run to the cafeteria. Following the masses, you made it to the cafeteria and grabbed your lunch. Looking around you found Tsuki and Sua sitting at the same table. Walking over, you took a seat as Tsuki said hi. 
“How was class so far?” 
“Not bad. Nothing as always. I’m just ready to leave.” 
“Don’t worry I’m sure the rest of the day will go by fast, right unnie?” 
You had plenty of questions to ask Tsuki but you figured you would wait till it was just the two of you. The rest of your school day goes by quickly as you find yourself standing outside of the school gates. Tsuki comes out happily and grabs your arm. 
“Let's go! Unnie will meet us at work later.”
Following Tsuki, you take this opportunity to finally talk to her. 
“Hey Tsu. I have a question.” 
“And I may have an answer.” 
You chuckled a bit at the joke. 
“What's up with Sua? One moment she’s playful and a great girl to talk with. The next she’s mean and ignores me.” 
“I figured you would ask that. Look I know it takes some getting used to but Sua unnie is a great person. She acts like that because she’s class president. She wants people to take her seriously at school and if she’s messing around all the time they won’t.” 
“Ok I get that but there is such a thing as balance.”
“Hey, you can take that up with unnie. I’m happy with the relationship we have.” 
“Maybe I will.” 
Finally arriving at the arcade, you entered and got ready for work. 
A month passed by as your friendship with Tsuki and most importantly Sua grew. Sure at school, Sua was all tsundere but after school and at work she was a girl you were quickly falling for.
You found yourself currently at work, sitting behind the counter with Tsuki. Sua would be taking over for Tsuki in a bit as Tsuki had something to do later. You must have really been thinking as you felt Someone tap on your shoulder.
At that time Mina stood next to you, looking worried. 
“You seem to be deep in thought. What’s up?” 
“Um, it’s nothing.” 
“That’s a lie. Oppa had been deep in thought for a while now.” 
“Oh, thanks Tsuki.” 
“Come on Jinsang. What’s up?” 
The look both girls have you told you they wouldn't stop until you spoke. 
“Guys. What’s the chance Sua says yes to going on a date with me?” 
Both Mina and Tsuki don’t react until they both smile at each other and then look at you. 
“About time. Have you not seen how Sua is around you? She’s basically looking at you with heart eyes all the time.” 
“Yeah Oppa. It’s been pretty obvious. Even at school, I have seen times where she smiles a bit at your jokes but she goes back to being serious. She’s got it bad for you if she is starting to break her serious demeanor.” 
You hadn't even noticed those things before l, but if the others have then maybe it’s true?
“Jinsang. I’m sure about it. As a matter of fact, when she gets here I want you to ask her out for a date tonight.” 
“Um I work tonight and so does she. Tsuki is leaving as well.” 
“I can handle a night running this place alone. Ask her.” 
You didn’t even get to argue as Sua appeared right in front of all of you. 
“Ok, that's my queue to leave. I will see you all at school tomorrow.” 
“Bye Tsuki.” 
Everyone said their farewells to Tsuki as she left. Looking at Mina, she winked at you and walked away as well. Looking toward Sua, your heart began to beat faster but you decided to risk it. 
“Hey, Sua. Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure Oppa. What’s up?” 
“W-Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me?” 
“A date?” 
“Yeah, a date. I enjoy spending time with you and I want to get to know you more.” 
Sua looked surprised at your question but her face suddenly changed to one of happiness and she nodded her head yes.
“Yes, I would love to go on a date with you. When?”
You couldn’t even respond as you heard a cough next to you. Looking for the source, you see Mina standing there with your backpack.
“You two go have some fun. I'll take care of the arcade.” 
“Mina. Are you sure about that?” 
“Yes, Sua. I will see you both tomorrow.” 
Thankful for the night off, you gave Mina a quick nod and grabbed Sua’s hand. The two of you ran out of the arcade onto the sidewalk. You were happy about getting a date with Sua but you didn’t think of where to take her. 
“So where should we go?” 
“What, you didn’t plan the perfect date for me?” 
The sound of sarcasm was apparent in her voice so you just laughed at her statement. 
“Well, I’m actually a pretty decent cook so how about you come to my house and I make you something?” 
“You know what. That sounds perfect to me.” 
Still holding onto Sua’s hand, you made your way to the bus stop just as it was arriving. Hoping on, you scanned your bus pass two times and took a seat near the entrance. Both you and Sua were silent but clearly happy. 
Your bus ride somehow felt shorter as you arrived at your stop. Hopping off the bus, you began your walk to your home. 
“It was really nice of Mina to let us go on our first date today.”
“Yeah, it was. If I’m gonna be honest, Mina and Tsuki said they could see that the two of us had feelings for each other.” 
“Oh. Well, Mina and Tsuki told me that same thing a bit ago. Apparently, it was very obvious.”
“Well, we have them to thank for us finally going on a date.” 
Finally arriving at your home, you made it to your front door and put your key in the slot. Once unlocked, you entered your home and brought Sua to the living room.
“Welcome to my home. Most of the time it’s just me here. This was supposed to be closer to my dad’s new job but he and my mom are gone on business trips most of the time.”
“I can relate. Mine are gone most of the time too but I know they love me.” 
“Same. Now let’s get to the kitchen and I’ll cook for you.”
Walking towards your kitchen, you open your cabinets and look for what to make. The problem was you forgot you barely had ingredients for anything. Going to your fridge, your eyes managed to notice some leftover Kimchi. In the corner of your kitchen, you had some freshly cooked rice from the morning, so you could only cook one thing. 
“Sua this is embarrassing but I’m out of stuff and I only have ingredients to make kimchi fried rice.” 
You expected Sua to be a little mad but instead, she just laughed and opened your fridge, pulling out the kimchi. 
“You get the rice and I’ll cut up the kimchi. Then we can combine them and get them cooked.” 
Without any other option, you followed what She said and got the rice ready. Once Sua had the kimchi as well as a few extra vegetables cut up, you pulled out a wok and threw it all together. The cooking process was quick as in a matter of minutes it was ready. Once you tried off the stove, Sua walked next to you and placed two plates ready for the food.
“Why thank you Sua.” 
Splitting the portions in half, you put the rice on the plates and threw the wok in the sink. Sua seemed to be ready for you as she had already put both plates on the kitchen table and was looking for something. 
“Where do you keep your forks?” 
“Cabinet next to your right hand.” 
Once Sua found the forks she came over and out one next to each plate and sat down. Pulling two sodas from the fridge, you did the same thing and finally took a seat. 
“Thank you for the meal!” 
Picking up your forks, you both dug into meals. Sure it wasn’t the fanciest thing but it still tasted good, at least you hoped. 
“You know, for some basic kimchi fried rice this is pretty good.” 
“Well, it was a team effort. I’m just glad you are enjoying your meal.” 
“Well, food is always good when you are with good company.”
You were happy to hear that statement from Sua. 
“So Sua. Tell me more about your life. Have you always lived in that home and this area?” 
“Yes actually. I’ve lived in that home my whole life. Once my brother moved out last year it seemed to increase the space there. We are lucky to live so close to the city so there is plenty to do.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed. Either way school and work take up a lot of our time.”
“Yeah, it really does. Either way, we have fun at the arcade. School on the other hand is such a pain.”
Just hearing the word school made you remember what you have always wanted to ask her. 
“Sua. I heard it from others but why are you so different at school?” 
“Wow, it took you a while to ask. Well, my father expects the best from me and my brother. When I became class president he told me to take it seriously as it could be good practice if I become a supervisor in a company.” 
“Well I get wanting to take it seriously because your father said to do it but You shouldn’t overdo it. Even in jobs, there is downtime to just relax and then times to be serious.”
“Wow. That’s true. Maybe I should be more relaxed.” 
“I’m not telling you to do it but I’m sure not being so serious at school all the time will relax you a bit.” 
With a nod, Sua smiled at you and continued to eat. The rest of your dinner went by great as you both talked, getting to know each other better. Even long after your food was done, your conversations continued until the sun went down.
“Well Sua, this has been a great first date. I hope it’s the first of many.”
“Of course, it’s the first of many but as a proper host you should give me a tour of your home before I leave.” 
“Oh well, of course. Just follow me.” 
Standing up, you began to walk as Sua followed you. Your tour of the house began as you showed her all of the lower-level rooms. Going up the stairs you continued to show the rooms until you made it to your own. 
“And finally this is my room. Not the best room ever but-“ 
Your sentence never got finished as you got pushed into your room. As you turned around, you saw Sua close the door and lock it. 
Like a hungry animal, Sua cornered you and then jumped on top of you. You thank god that your bed was behind you, so you landed on your back.
“Oppa. I need to relieve some stress. I figured my new boyfriend could help me with that.” 
The word boyfriend made you happy. The sudden grinding on your crotch then made you horny. As Sua continued to grind on your cock, you began to feel your member come to life.
Moving your hands, you take hold of her waist and pull her closer to your own body. Looking into Sua’s eyes, you could see how much she was craving you. Raising your head towards hers, you attach your lips to hers. You imagined your first kiss with Sua to be more romantic but you weren’t about to complain. 
The first few kisses were just pecks but soon you begin to push your tongue forward. With no fight, Sua let you enter her mouth as you began to swirl your tongue around. Your hands move from Sua’s waist, up towards her jacket. Removing her jacket, you made your way to her shirt buttons undoing them with a sense of urgency. 
Pulling back from the kiss, Sua reached down and began to undo your shirt buttons. Soon, your girlfriend’s shirt is wide open, showing you her white bra. You couldn’t help but notice how big her breasts were. Sua always dressed modestly so her assists were always hidden. 
Pulling off Sua’s top, you help Sua take off your shirt. The two of you just look at each other's bodies in amazement. Moving her hands back, Sua quickly undoes her bra exposing her beautiful mounds. 
Your lust took over as you brought your head down to her right nipple, attaching your lips to them. You start with small sucks on her nipple, then you begin to use your tongue to swirl around it like a thirsty animal. 
Small moans left Sua's mouth as you continued your assault on her right nipple. Wanting to fill her body with an amazing sensation, you moved your mouth to her left nipple and continued sucking. The grinding on your length started again as you began to release small moans of your own. 
As you kept on sucking on Sua’s boob, you began to feel your pants get a bit wet. You remember at that time that Sua had a skirt on so her Juices were already leaking. Bringing your head away from her breast you look at Sua and smirk. 
“Fuck Sua. You really do need to fuck huh?”
“Hurry up!” 
Sua didn’t even wait for your response as she got up from your legs and pulled down on her skirt, pulling something out of her pocket. Dropping down to her knees, sua crawled up to your legs as she began to undo your belt. Helping Sua, you raised your waist and pulled down on your pants and underwear. Your hard shaft flung a bit as you were throbbing already. 
“Looks like you need this as much as me.” 
The warm sensation of a small hand wrapped around your cock. Slowly, Sua began to stroke your cock almost teasing you a bit. Now you understand how needy Sua was. As the strokes continued, you suddenly felt a wet sensation on your dick. Looking down you saw Sua’s face next to your cock. Her tongue began to swirl around your tip like an expert. 
“Ah, babe. That’s really good.”
“Well I’m glad you are enjoying it but I need to feel something too.”
As Sua removed her hand from your cock, you were a bit sad but seeing a wrapper in Sua’s hand let’s you know she was ready to keep going already. Ripping the wrapper open, Sua pulled out the condom and brought out the head. Putting the condom on top of your head, Sua brought the condom down wrapping it around your length.
“Where did you get the condom from?” 
“I’m pretty smart so I’m always ready. Now let’s make sure this thing is ready for me.” 
Sua's mouth suddenly wrapped around your length as she began to bob her head. The sudden feeling surprised you but it was a very warm welcome. As Sua continued to bob her head on your length, she would bring her head up to your tip and give it a few small sucks. The feeling was amazing but once again short-lived as Sua removed her mouth from your rod. 
Understanding what was next you moved your body further up the bed where the pillows were. Following you, Sua jumped back on your legs and lined her lips with your shaft. The sudden plunge Sua did on Your cock was one of the best things you ever felt in your life. 
Sua must have needed this badly as she went down on your length in one swop. Once your cock touched her womb, you helped Sua raise herself a bit and go back down on your cock. 
The first few times you don’t do much, just a few bounces. Once a smirk appeared on your girlfriend's mouth, you knew she was done getting used to your length. The sudden speed Sua begins to love surprises you, but the warmth of her tunnel Brings you back to your senses. 
Taking hold of her hips, you begin to help Sua raise her body and return down on your rod. The speed at which Sua continues to move increases with your help. The jiggle from your girlfriend's breast begins to hypnotize you, so you give in to your desire and bring your mouth back to her erect nipple. 
The sudden Sensation of your lips on her breast causes Sua to begin to moan louder. You suddenly feel a tight embrace on your head as Sua wraps her arms around you, trying to pull you in more to her cleavage. Moving to her left breast you begin to give it the same treats as you did before, causing your girlfriend to continue gripping on cock tightly.
Once your mouth gets a bit tired, you pull your mouth back and look into Sua’s eyes. Even while fucking, you could still see somehow the look of love you had for each other. Finally, your stamina begins to decrease as Sua’s does as well. 
You both knew that the two of you were tired and stopped moving. As you both panted for a bit of air, Sua suddenly got off your rod and then got on all fours. 
“I haven’t cummed yet. Get to work.” 
The welcome invitation back to Sua’s snatch brings you back to life as you line your length back up. As Sua looks back, she gives you that smirk once more telling you she is having fun. Just as before you plunge back into your girlfriend's wet passage.
The first few hip movements were slow but you knew your girlfriend was going to want more, so you gave her more. Taking hold of your girlfriend's waist, you began to ram harder into your girl’s core. 
“F-Fuck Oppa. Play with my tits please!” 
Raising her upper body, You take a handful of your girlfriend’s soft globes. Your fingers then begin to pinch her stiff nub, causing her to tighten her pussy around your cock. As your length repeatedly entered and left her walls, you saw Sua’s neck right in front of you. Wanting to claim your property, you bring your mouth to her neck giving her small kisses and bites. 
The repeated actions from your mouth leave behind love bites, which you are proud to leave. The three sources of stimulation begin to help Sua achieve her orgasm. 
“J-Just a little more Jin.”
Hearing those words causes you to use all the energy you had left to move your hips at an inhuman speed. Your cock begins to throb as Sua’s walls begin to constrict around it. The sudden scream from Sua's mouth acted as a catalyst for your frenzy. A rush of fluids leaks down your girlfriend's legs as her whole body begins to spasm. Sua’s walls began to try to milk you of all you had and successfully did it. 
Your cock began to throb as your load shot from your length, filling the condom. Somehow even after five shots, your load continued to come out of your cock. You were a bit worried it would overfill but once you shot your seventh rope, your orgasm ended.
Dropping down on your bed, you lay next to Sua as she lays there panting for air. A few minutes pass as you pull out of your girlfriend finally. Checking on her, you notice that she is dead asleep already. Picking her up, you lay her down on your pillow and tuck her into your bed. 
Cleaning yourself up a bit, you pick up both your school uniform as well as Sua’s and put them to wash. A few minutes pass and you then throw the clothes in the dryer and head back to your room. 
When you walk into your room, you see Sua looking at the door with her arms open. Walking towards your girlfriend, you join her in bed and wrap your arms around her. The warmth from her body was a great source of relaxation as your body begins to get tired. 
“I really needed that.” 
“I could tell. Well from now on I’m here to help you relax. Plus I want you to relax a bit more at school, ok?” 
“Might take me a while to change my attitude at school but I will try.” 
As your eyes begin to flutter, you can hear a giggle leave your girlfriend's mouth as she kisses your cheek. 
“Let’s sleep Oppa, Goodnight.” 
Once that word leaves your mouth you finally succumb to your exhaustion. 
The next day comes as you find yourself stepping off the bus with Tsuki and your beautiful girlfriend. 
“Why won’t you tell me what you guys did last night!?” 
“Because it’s a secret Tsuki. You should just be happy we are official already.” 
“Unnie. Won't you tell me?” 
As Tsuki begins to give Sua her sad eyes you begin to laugh as Sua looks away nervously.
“One day maybe. Like Oppa said, just be happy we are together.” 
The end of this conversation brings you to the front school gate. Holding your girlfriend’s hand you cross the gate as the murmurs of students begin to hit your ears. Looking around you can see how surprised people are about you and Sua. When you look at Sua she once again has a straight face, so you assumed you should let go of her hand. Letting go, you quickly feel a pinch on your arm as Sua grabs your hand angrily. 
Surprised at the action, you stop and look at her confused. Looking around, Sua then jumps up and kisses you on your cheek then faces forward with a Straight face once more. 
You felt happy as she was acting a bit different already. You could tell maybe she will loosen up a bit more with time. This was your girlfriend and you were happy. 
Once you begin to walk again, you take one more glance at Sua with her serious face. The only thought that crossed your mind at the time was, “what a strange girl” but she was your strange girl. 
A/n 2- Thank you once more for reading! As i have put out a few fics this month already I might take a bit of time off from writing. Fear, not tho as even on my breaks I still write a bit. if anything gets finished I will be sure to post it. Until then, sorry for typos and such and thank you once more.
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triple-7-heaven · 2 years
you might be looking for my rules here's some more about me key: [a] angst [s] smut [f] fluff
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Late Penalty [s]
Extra Credit [ii] [s]
I Never Stopped [a]
True Love Waits [ii] [a] [f]
Unnamed Part 3 [s] [pending]
Kim Lip
Good Boy [s]
Kill Switch
Kill Switch [ii] [s]
Kill Switch [interlude]
Kill Switch [iii] [s]
Give It Time [a] [f]
Girl, Interrupted [s]
It's Been A Long Day [s] [f-sorta]
Hot & Cold [a]
"Quiet" Night In [s]
When It Rains [f]
It Pours [ii] [f]
Olivia Hye
Winner Takes All [s] [pending]
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Moon Sua
Peace of Mind [s]
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triple-7-heaven · 2 years
hey. call me jae 
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i’m a 19 year old straight guy, a student between focuses, and a fan of kpop girl groups. i like reading and writing about them, but i’ve never published any writing i’ve done, so i thought i could do that here. i’ve written mostly swf and nsfw reader insert in the past, and i’m open to writing male reader inserts based off prompts or requests. hoping to rub elbows with some other idol x reader writers around these parts.
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my ult group is loona! my bias line includes haseul, hyeju, kim lip, and jinsoul. also a fan of blackpink, ult bias is rosie. i listen casually to other groups like stayc, billlie, nmixx, aespa, and a handful more. will not write about underaged members, but am open to writing about idols from these groups too (though i know the loona and blackpink girls’ personalities the best!). 
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hope this blog can be a good outlet for me to write and be creative while expressing love for my favorite girls. can’t promise frequency with posting, but i’ll do my very best. feel free to say hi or ask any questions~
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