#bianca santos gif
Latina face claims in no particular order:
Bianca A. Santos
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Date of Birth: July 26, 1990
Background: Brazilian & Cuban
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a complete gif pack of Bianca A. Santos in the short lived MTV series Happyland (2014). This is for Episodes 01 and 02.
Credited as Bianca Santos, she plays the role of Lucy Valdez, the daughter of Elena and is a worker at Happyland. There were only 8 episodes of the show released.
TW - Romance, mascots, alcohol use, vomiting
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Source - FabledEnigma
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nastyavolk-cp · 5 months
The Angel of Hades I
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Tagging: @aphroditelovesu @the-broken-truth General warnings: Yandere themes (next part), platonic love, kidnapping, themes about autism and ADHD, mental health discussion, etc. Notes: Bianca and her mother are my OCs, do not use them without consulting me. Everyone else belongs to Rick Riordan and belongs to the Percy Jackson universe. Good reading, welcome to the part one!
“You are a demigod, Bianca.”
The young girl swore she had heard something similar in the past, more specifically the phrase 'You're a wizard, Harry.' When she had a phase of liking Harry Potter and witchcraft, in her defense she was a child who had just found herself. in a fandom she liked. But now she was over 17 years old, one step away from reaching the age of majority, she finished high school and was already listing all the public universities in Curitiba, her hometown where she currently lives with her mother and relatives, to take the entrance exam to college.
This news, however, was one of the most unexpected things she had ever heard, but it did not appear, at least in her mind, as something impossible. Since she was a child, she has seen some very unlikely things and has experienced situations in which she thought impossible to happen, but which unfortunately were very real, she believed it was because of her diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder that she received. aged seven, in addition to his confirmed Autism Spectrum Disorder, which was diagnosed months after ADHD.
But at that moment, she was facing a fucking satyr, or faun? This didn't matter to her at the time, because the moment he had said what she really was, with her mother present, Bianca had her doubts.
“A demigoddess? Like, daughter of some god?” She asked just to make sure that was what he was talking about, as obvious as it was, and the creature nodded, confirming her suspicions. “Whose then?” The young woman continued, her pale hands trembling slightly, her right leg swayed in a discreet way but which made the satyr and her own mother a little nervous, who looked at her with a look of compassion.
“I’m not sure, you’ll only find out once you’re at Camp Half Blood.” The creature explained before taking a sip of the fresh cup of coffee that her mother, Isabel, had prepared for this visit.
“Camp Half-Blood? What is this place?” Bianca asked, leaning a little towards the coffee table, her hazel eyes showed curiosity but also slight fear, did she really have to go to this place?
“It's a camp, obviously, dedicated to training demigods, just like you, from all over the world. This specific Camp is dedicated to the direct descendants of Greek gods, I don’t know if you’re already familiar with━”
“Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Eros, Aphrodite, Had━”
“Yes, yes, those same ones. I can already see that you are already familiar with this matter.” The satyr comically interrupted the young woman listing all the Greek gods that came into her head, extending his hand and making a stop sign right in the young woman's face.
Bianca quickly returned to her original posture, she seemed more tense than before, she didn't know exactly what to do with these feelings, she felt like her chest was about to explode, or maybe she was close to having a heart attack, either way, she didn't seem to be taking this news very well.
“Do I... have to go to this place, where is it?” She asked nervously, seeing her mother looking worried, who immediately went to sit next to her daughter to try to calm her down and prevent a possible panic attack.
“It is in the state of New York, in the United States of America.” The satyr replied, drinking the last sip of the cup of coffee and placing it carefully on the coffee table. “It is rare that we find demigods who are already reaching adulthood, we usually get demigods who are entering adolescence. Maybe because you live here in Brazil it made our search for you a little more difficult. A few years ago we found a demigod just like you, but younger, who was from Rio de Janeiro. Maybe you two can get along.”
"No! I do not want to go!" Bianca said sounding a little too desperate, surprising the satyr and Isabel with her tone of voice, the latter immediately tried to comfort her.
“I don’t think that’s an option, young lady. When a demigod is discovered, heit needs immediately go there. It’s protocol and this serves to increase your chances of survival.” The satyr explained but the young woman shook her head.
“What part don’t you understand that I don’t want to go to?!”
“But sweetheart, you will be safe there, you will meet people like you, you will make friends there━”
“I don’t want to go!” The girl interrupted her mother, with tears already forming in her eyes, she couldn't stop acting like a child who refuses to go to school, but in her defense she was being forced to go to a place she didn't know, mixing with people she didn't know and the worst part of it all was that she wouldn't have any relatives or family there. How the hell is she going to stay in a camp in a different country and how is she going to get back to Brazil? Furthermore, she had everything prepared so that she could enter a public university in her city, wanting to study Arts or History, her plans could not be snatched away from her like that.
“Bianca please-” Her mother was startled when the young woman got up from the sofa and walked away, with Isabel desperately going after her worried daughter, at the same time apologizing to the satyr and asking him to wait in the living room, but the girl as soon as she arrived in her bedroom, she closed the door and locked it before her mother could reach the handle and try to open the door, the latter had no success.
As her mother insistently called her, Bianca threw herself on her bed and began to cry into the pillows, when everything seemed to be stabilizing and her life was getting back on track, a fucking satyr came and ruined everything and told her the whole truth, in addition to wanting to force her to go on this camp without respecting the decisions she wanted to make for the life that was hers.
The young woman didn't know how long she cried, ignoring her mother calling her, who eventually gave up when she saw that she wouldn't have any response and that the whole situation had upset her, but at the end of it all, after feeling her eyes pulsing and swollen , her face burning and a throbbing headache, Bianca fell asleep out of the blue, she would undoubtedly wake up feeling bad afterwards but that didn't bother her as she could finally have an escape in her dreams.
Not long after she woke up, she felt really bad, the headache was worse and her eyes hurt a lot, she rubbed her face against the pillow that had previously been used to dry her tears, which were not few. She moved her arms a little until in her hands she felt the softness and fur of a stuffed animal, she turned to the side and saw that it was her plush of Tigger, a character from Winnie the Pooh, one of her favorite childhood cartoons and since she was little she was attached to him, taking him anywhere, no matter where.
Then Bianca took her old stuffed animal and pulled it towards her, hugging it tightly and rubbing her freckled face against it. This immediately improved her mood. She felt calmer, lighter, but when she remembered what had happened previously, She felt shame invade her and her first thought was…
“Ah… my mother must be upset with me…” She said, vocalizing her thoughts. Bianca was very disappointed with herself, he must have embarrassed her mother in front of that satyr, or faun…?
At the same moment, she heard someone knocking on her bedroom door, she already knew who it was because of the rhythm and tone of the knocks, it was her mother. She got up from the bed, still holding the Tigger plushie, and went to her bedroom door, she turned the key and immediately opened the door.
Isabel stood before her, with a guilty look, and in her hands she held a gourd with the already prepared chimarrão. Upon seeing her daughter's swollen eyes, the older woman sighed, feeling even more guilty about what happened.
“Mama… I’m sorry…” Bianca began, her voice was a little hoarse, her mother looked surprised but it was nothing unpredictable, her daughter apologized for many things even if she wasn’t at fault.or causing any problem.
“Honey, this isn’t your fault. I know you were upset because you… well… had other plans and no one expected that…” Isabel began and entered her daughter's room, the two then sat on the bed, the older woman handed the chimarrão to her daughter, and she took it. and drank some of it through a straw, it was bitter but at the same time it relieved the tension in her body, now allowing her to relax again.
“He told me that you really need to go to this camp, that it would be for your own safety and that you will be prepared to defend yourself from monsters. I swear, my dear, that whatever these monsters are, I know you will be more than capable of protecting yourself. I believe in you, my love. Everything will be fine."
Everything will be fine…
“How long… how long do I need to stay there…?” Bianca asked before taking a few more sips of mate.
“3 months, it would be like spending the whole summer there.” Her mother explained, this worried the girl a little because in the northern hemisphere summer would be June, July and August, and if she entered a university, she would only have a single month of full vacation which in this case would only be July. Hmm..
“And would it be that if I went to college I would only need to stay there for a month?” It was a valid question, after all she didn't want to give up going to college, and it was already the beginning of July, she spent half the semester studying so she could take the entrance exams for public universities in her state.
“You can try to negotiate.” Isabel said, encouraging her. Bianca felt more relieved, of course she was still very insecure, as this was something that came up suddenly, but with her mother's unconditional support, she could begin this journey as a demigod daughter of whoever.
"I love you my love. Mama is here, always.” Isabel said, kissing her daughter's forehead, she was one of the only people who could do that to Bianca, since she didn't really like physical touch and affection in that way, but her mother was the exception, as she was her daughter. greatest comfort person, your companion and even partner in crime.
Bianca felt scared, as it was normal for everyone to feel scared, but if she was to actually go there, she could finally answer the questions she had been asking her entire life.
Starting with the fact that she saw ghosts, but it was probably something that anyone could see, right?
She had a few hours to prepare for that day, her mother had said the same day the satyr was at her house that he would show up the next day to take her to Camp Half Blood via teleportation. Yes, Bianca really thought she was living in a fiction book just like Harry Potter, but obviously all of this was different for several, many reasons.
Her mother helped her separate her clothes into a large gym bag as well as some personal hygiene items, makeup (at her own insistence), her medicines and even some drawing materials if they had free time and she didn't die of boredom. In the end, she was ready, at least physically, emotionally she couldn't unfortunately say the same.
Now it was her time to go, after having breakfast, taking a shower and getting ready, she knew that the satyr would be there waiting for her, her mother, in a way of bringing comfort to her daughter, had prepared soup for her to eat in a thermos cup, it was one of her comfort foods and safe for her to eat, since she preferred creamy foods with a soft texture as they were what pleases her sensitive palate. Before going to the satyr who waited before them, Isabel hugged her daughter, feeling that this would be the last time she would see her and who knows, after three months she would return to her arms again.
“Are you ready for us to go, miss Bianca?” The satyr asked, as much as the young woman wanted to say no, she lightly bit her lip and nodded yes. In one of the creature's hands there were two small shiny spheres, the size and shape of a marble. Bianca took this marble while the satyr explained that these pearls were used to teleport them wherever they wanted to go.
“Close your eyes, miss. Allow me to guide us to Camp Half-Blood.” Bianca sighed and closed her eyes, he instructed that on three, they would throw the pearls on the floor while holding their hands free. When the count was over, the two threw the pearls on the floor and the young girl felt a sensation like butterflies fluttering in her stomach, but she didn't dare open her eyes.
“Miss, we are here.” The satyr said in a gentle voice, still holding the hand of the teenager who slowly opened her eyes, which little by little became accustomed to the natural luminosity of the Sun and hearing birds singing in the distance, sounds that looked like laughter, screams and moans. “Welcome to Camp Half Blood, miss━”
“Bianca… please. Call me Bianca.” The girl responded by letting go of the satyr's hand and letting out a deep sigh, relieved to be able to breathe fresh air and release all the tension that existed in her body and soul. She looked at the entrance to the camp, there was a text in ancient Greek but she couldn't understand what it was, then suddenly she heard the sounds of horse footsteps and in front of her was a large centaur, but it wasn't just any centaur.
“Good morning, Miss. Santos or Miss. Alves?” Chiron he said, probably lost because she had two last names and wasn't sure which one she would feel comfortable being called.
“Alves, you may call me Bianca Alves.” The girl replied in English, it wasn't the best and had her paranaense accent, and without looking the centaur in the eye, who dismissed this flawed presentation and extended his hand to her. Still without making eye contact, she shook his hand but quickly let go, not wanting to prolong this physical contact.
“Understood, Miss. Bianca Alves. Welcome to Camp Half Blood, I believe you have already received a brief explanation about our camp and the purpose for which it was created.” After a brief pause,Chiron continued. “We are happy to have you here, how did you manage to stay out of our sights? And monsters too, I suppose?”
“I don’t know… until yesterday I didn’t know I was a demigod in the first place.” Bianca responded by scratching her neck, which was true, the information that she was a demigoddess came very quickly and she still didn't know how to handle this news well.
“Usually we welcome and find demigods a little younger than you, you must be around 17 years old, we find demigods who are 10 to 12 years old, younger than those ages, it’s not difficult, but older demigods? They are a rarity here, as many… do not survive to adulthood.” The centaur explained and the last part scared the young woman, Chiron immediately realizes that his words may have frightened her and changes his approach so as not to prolong her despair any longer. “However, miss. I believe it must be because you probably haven't manifested your powers yet. Tell me, have you never noticed anything ‘abnormal’ in your life?”
“Well, I believe that something that is out of the ordinary is the fact that I see ghosts, but I think it’s nothing too out of the ordinary.” She replied, she didn't want to go into details about her autism and ADHD, if no one asked, she wouldn't need to talk, for now.
Then the centaur invites the girl to go with him, she follows him while he gives a brief explanation about how the camp worked, the daily activities, about the cabins, basically saying what was necessary and of course clearing up any doubts the girl had along the way. He also responded how she could contact her mother whenever she wanted, preferably during her spare time, and that if she joined a public college in her country of origin, he could make an exception for her to attend the camp in a single month, despite showing his concern about how little time she will stay compared to the other campers, but education comes first so it wasn't difficult to convince him.
He also explained that, as she has not yet been acclaimed by her divine relative, she will stay in the Hermes Cabin, along with the children of the god Hermes and some other campers who were not acclaimed yet. But there was a moment when as she looked at the cabins, she felt the centaur's gaze on her, narrowing his eyes at something.
"Is there any problem…?" She asked, a little embarrassed and the centaur quickly realized that he made her uncomfortable.
“Ah, my apologies, Ms. Alves, now having a good look I swore I had seen you before, but I don't think so, you must just look like someone I must have known a long time ago.” Chiron explained but the subject died once and for all, as Bianca didn't want to ask anything about it. They immediately walked around the camp again, with some campers looking at them and the Brazilian girl becoming even more uncomfortable with all this unwanted attention, she used her black hair to hide her face more from anyone who saw her from afar.
She started playing with her rings, it was one of the ways she used to calm herself, to relax her body and release any unpleasant emotions from her, while she listened to what Chiron was saying, she continued to look at every corner of the camp, not believing that this was her life now. There were many sensations and feelings at the same time and she continued to play even more with the rings on her fingers, trying to remain calm.
“Miss Alves, are you okay?” The centaur asked, noticing that the young woman was tense, he had already noticed something the moment he met her, the two stopped in front of the cafeteria, and Bianca didn't know how to answer that question. “Do you have something you would like to tell me? No need to be afraid, I’d like to help you fit in and get involved here.” He said reassuringly, his voice gentle and concerned.
“It's just… I don't know if there will be others like me… I'm autistic, sir. And… I don't know if I'll get along like everyone else here…” She explained, without still looking at him, the centaur contemplated the girl's words. He was thoughtful about her concerns, but in the end he was satisfied that she had told him the truth and opened the game so he could help her.
"Ms. Alves, I'm very relieved that you told me this, besides autism, do you have any comorbidities?”
“Hm, I figured. Do you take any medication or psychological treatment?”
“I do both, I take medication for ADHD.”
“Interestingly, no demigod here is taking or has had treatment with medication or even psychological support, you are a rarity, but of course that doesn't mean it's something bad and that it excludes you from others, in reality I believe it will be the opposite, I would like to know how it will handle your training and on missions if you are called upon. I want you to know that I am willing to do my best to help and support you on your journey at this camp, you can come to me and I will give you my support when you need it. But everything in its time, in no way do I want to pressure you or speed you up.”
"… Thank you very much. I mean it." She said, feeling embarrassed, but Chiron's words managed to reassure her enough, now she was less tense and they were able to continue walking around the camp. In the meantime, she met some campers and finally, when Chiron needed to take care of some matters about the camp, he left Bianca with Ares' children, where Clarisse La Rue took her in and was willing to be her trainer to teach her, for now, simple combat skills.
Hours had passed, Bianca had already settled in the Hermes Cabin and met some of his children, although she was still not comfortable, she had started well with Clarisse, the daughter of Ares, even though she seemed brutal and bloodthirsty, she was patient and welcomed her quickly at the speed of light. Bianca felt grateful for having achieved a new friendship, even quickly for her standards, as this rarely happened to her.
It was then that one of Ares's children ended up getting injured and someone ran to call one of Apollo's children who worked as healers. A few minutes later a blond boy a little younger than her appeared with a first aid kit. He didn't take long to tend to the son of Ares' injuries and at the same time scolded him to be more cautious in the next fight.
“I don’t want to see you hurt again today, capiche?” The blonde said and when he got up he immediately looked at Bianca, a little surprised to see someone he had never seen in his life, but he opened a huge warm smile when he realized that she was a new camper. “Oh, hello! You must be the new camper that arrived today, right? What’s your name and where are you from?”
“A-Are talking with me?" The Brazilian girl asked, surprised and embarrassed, pointing to herself and when Apolo's son approached, she was embarrassed and couldn't look him in the eye.
"Yes, I am!" The blonde stated, waiting for an answer and left his hand extended to shake her.
“I'm Bianca Alves, actually Bianca Heloísa Alves dos Santos, but you can just call me Bianca Alves. And I’m from Curitiba, Brazil.” She said, feeling ashamed at having made this shabby introduction, but still reluctant to shake his hand. Upon realizing this, Apollo's son lowered his hand seeing that she wasn't going to do it but didn't seem offended by her apathetic gesture.
“I'm William Andrew Solace, but everyone here knows me as Will Solace, son of Apollo! I hope we get along well, Bia!” Will said happily, Bianca expressed surprise at having already gained a nickname in a matter of seconds of interacting with Apollo's son.
“Ehh.. me too, I guess…” She replied, putting her hands in the pocket of her coat, she felt very embarrassed. It was getting close to dark and someone had mentioned Capture the Flag, a common activity in this camp. She was hesitant because she didn't know if she would be successful in this game or if she would end up experiencing some kind of humiliation or embarrassment, either by others or by herself. fault.
The Brazilian girl felt Will was still watching her, she had the feeling that he was analyzing her and that made her even more awkward, but Will quickly decided to leave saying that his obligations called him and that he had to prepare for the Capture the Flag.
“I hope I don’t fuck anything up.” Bianca thought, sighing deeply and deciding to follow Clarisse so as not to miss one of the only familiar faces. But little did she know that someone, from far, far away, was closely watching her and her movements.
Bianca can definitely say that she hates the Capture the Flag, she obviously stayed on the Ares children's team and Clarisse put her in a hunting position, the part of facing rivals was up to her, as leader, and the others. However, at a certain point when Bianca was distracted by some noises, she lost her team.
She felt panic but tried as much as she could to calm down, not wanting to destabilize herself in this way, but that proved impossible, the desire she had to sit on the dirt floor and remain silent, dealing with her panic attack alone as he often dealt with when he was younger. However, she needed courage and to move forward, of course the feeling of guilt also bothered her, as she only had one job and she was already capable of failing miserably.
But patience, that was all she needed, one time or another she would meet other people, whether they were on her team or not, but the darkness of the forest didn't really help her get around or get to where she was, she tried to guide herself through of the sounds but seeing that she was basically lost, she reconsidered actually sitting down and crying, waiting for someone to find her and later being seen as cowardly and scared.
So after walking so, so much, and not finding herself anywhere, just in front of a stream but still without finding anyone, she sat down near a tree and started crying, how was she really able to get lost like that? Bianca knew that this was not a grown-up attitude, that she should be more resilient and courageous, but it was impossible to contain herself like that.
One sound, however, caught her attention, she heard it as if it were several people celebrating from afar, is the game over? For how long was she lost? Did her team win? When she got up to finally go find her colleagues, something appeared from the shadows and appeared before her. It was a huge dog and had black fur with scarlet red eyes, thirsty for blood.
A hellhound.
Bianca stood frozen, watching in terror at the creature before her, ready to make mincemeat of her, growling loudly at her, then the creature waited for her to make a sudden movement to attack it and at the height of her panic, Bianca walked back, stepping on a branch and breaking it, opening the gap for the creature to attack ferociously.
She let out a cold and dark scream, but she was quick enough to avoid the hellhound, being narrowly caught by him, but Bianca fell to the ground and she wouldn't have time to get up and run away, it would be useless, she continued to scream. desperate, an attempt to get someone's attention but she had no hope.
This was definitely the end, it was almost pathetic, die on your first day.
But when the creature got dangerously close to her, ready to attack her, with Bianca still screaming and hearing sounds of people getting close, something hit the great hellhound and the earth beneath her shook, she couldn't see what was really happening, but the hellhound moaned and made sounds of pain, as if something was hitting him from behind and finally, the creature couldn't resist and fell to the ground, revealing its back pierced by sword blows and a bunch of skeletons holding swords.
Bianca was paralyzed once again.
The skeletons looked at her with their non-existent eyes, they were wearing gladiators' uniform and had shiny bronze swords in their hands, there were three of them and one of the group walked over the dead hellhound and walked towards her, she managed to recover her movements but was left with her back pressed against the tree, thinking that perhaps her destiny was to die.
To her surprise, the skeleton raised his bony hand and gently patted her head, as if she were a scared puppy, and she felt as if he was trying to comfort her from her fright, she thought he had even said 'It's okay. It's okay, my lady.' The footsteps became more audible and the voices called her name, suddenly a light took over the ambience, the glow came from the top of her head.
When the light dimmed and many of her campmates arrived, she saw that a figure was forming in the middle of that glow, it was a bident, Bianca could see the shock on the faces of everyone who was with her, the skeletons took off their helmets and knelt down before her, which left her even more confused but it didn't take long for Chiron, who was in front of her, to take action.
“Everyone hail to Bianca Heloísa Alves dos Santos, daughter of Lord Hades, the Unseen, God of the Underworld, Riches and the Dead.” With that, everyone without exception hailed before Bianca, who couldn't handle all the pressure towards her and lost consciousness quickly.
She is Daughter of Hades...
For Nico di Angelo, it was just another normal day, he could easily sum up his day as staying at his cabin, spending time with Will and some friends, as well as sending Iris Messages to Hazel, Reyna, Jason and Frank at Camp Jupiter. However, he knew, through some campers, that there was a new girl wandering around, but he didn't pay any attention to it, after all, it was just another one.
How wrong he was.
A whole day had passed, after having spent hours talking with his Roman friends, he left his cabin and went to meet Will, who he had heard was in the arena area to take care of a neglected son of Ares. However, when he entered, but still hidden through the shadows, he saw his blonde boyfriend talking to a girl, but he couldn't see her face well.
“... I hope we get along well, Bia!” The son of Hades only managed to capture this phrase coming from his boyfriend and he froze when he heard the nickname, Bia was the way he affectionately called his older sister Bianca, who had died so long ago and who he missed every day. Curious, but slightly afraid, Nico came out of the shadows a little while still remaining hidden so he could closely observe the girl with whom Will was trying to have a decently animated dialogue.
Now a little closer, Nico could see some more features of this girl, although he couldn't see her face, it was scary how similar she was to his sister, she had straight black hair that went past her shoulders, she wore a wide brown flannel coat, a long ankle-length skirt with several cutouts of distinct dark prints and black sneakers. Nico wanted to tell himself that this was just in his head, there was no way the girl could be his sister, as she was obviously dead.
But when her boyfriend walked away from her he could see a part of her face, even though she couldn't see him, he froze. Identical. Almost an accurate reflection of her sister, except that she looked much older, perhaps around 17 years old, the same age Bianca would be if she were alive, had paler complaxion, quite similar to his, her freckles were subtle and she had a languid, delicate form.
"My love!" Will said, appearing next to his boyfriend, Nico almost jumped and looked at the blonde with his black eyes looking at him seriously, he didn't really like being surprised but as he was his partner, he ignored it most of the time. They greet each other with a quick peck but even with that, Nico couldn't stop seeing the girl in his mind and how frighteningly similar she was to Bianca.
“Will, who was the girl you were talking to just now?” Nico asked, wanting to quell his curiosity, maybe it was all in his head, maybe just a freak out he was having.
“Ah, it’s Bianca, she’s the new camper who came from Brazil.”
Nico froze once again, he hadn't heard it wrong, the girl's name was Bianca, it wasn't possible that fate was playing a sick joke on him, as if the fact that he had lost his older sister several years ago, suddenly, wasn't enough. Just because he got over it, a girl came along who looked extremely similar to her and had the SAME NAME AS HER.
He was just a few steps away from having a mental breakdown and Will quickly realized that his boyfriend was acting strange, but decided not to ask at the moment, considering it might make the son of Hades more uncomfortable than he already was. The blonde took his boyfriend's hand and decided to take him to the infirmary to spend time together, but he wouldn't forget the strange way his boyfriend had reacted when he found out about the new camper.
Hours later, everyone was playing Capture the Flag, after some time, the game had ended, resulting in the victory of the team led by Athena's children, but Ares' children showed concern not because they had lost the competition but because they noticed the absence of a person and just when they began to question themselves, screams were heard from not far away, many ran to help the missing camper who was in obvious danger.
Nico went with the crowd with his boyfriend Will and some friends, following the sound of the camper's screams, but as soon as they arrived at the scene, they came across an unusual scene. A dead hellhound was on the floor, with a bunch of skeletons wearing gladiator clothes with swords in their hands and one was patting the new girl, Bianca, on the head.
Then, with a touch of magic, a bright source of light appeared on her head, which gradually revealed itself to be the sign that she had been acclaimed, and she was the daughter of none other than Hades himself.
“Everyone hail to Bianca Heloísa Alves dos Santos, daughter of Lord Hades, the Unseen, God of the Underworld, Riches and the Dead.” Chiron spoke and everyone with no exception hailed to her, but due to the shock and fright Bianca fainted. Clarisse was in charge of taking her to the infirmary where she would be taken care of and they would carry out general examinations to locate possible serious injuries.
When Clarisse passed by his side, Nico couldn't help but look once again at the passed out girl, her unconscious face was really and inevitably identical with his long deceased sister.
Who was she? What did Fates have in store for them? Why is she identical to his sister and why the same name? Was it really all coincidence or was it the work of the Fates, ready to fuck with Nico di Angelo's life again?
Oh my God, guys. Finally I did it, it took me whole weeks to write it, I know my writing skills aren't refined and English obviously isn't my first language, but I want to thank everyone for reading the first part of Angel of Hades, I'm so excited to write the next part, I promise it will be way more interesting than this part, since it's only an introduction!
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And yeah, Isabelle Fuhrman is Bianca's face claim, keep that in mind, hehehe ❤️
Edit: Oh God, how embarrassing. I corrected some writing mistakes I just noticed now 😡😡
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ambreignsfan4life · 2 months
My Mania 40 Night 1 Predictions
My picks in gif form
Rhea vs Becky
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Ladder Match for the tag team championships
Raw tag team championships
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Smackdown tag team championships
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Damage Ctrl vs Jade, Naomi and Bianca
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Sami Zayn vs Gunther
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Andrade & Rey vs Santos & Dirty Dom
Couldn't find a gif for this one but I am going with Rey and Andrade
Jimmy vs Jey
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Roman/Rock vs Cody/Seth
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Most likely heel turns on night 1 in my opinion
Jade Cargill or Bianca Belair
What are your predictions for night 1?
Credit to the gif owners
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ringthedamnbell · 8 months
FACT Up: Loading Up On A Bunch Of Useless Wrestling Facts, Stats and Trivia
FACT Up: Loading Up On A Bunch Of Useless Wrestling Facts, Stats and Trivia
Brian Damage It’s time! It’s Time! It’s useless wrestling facts time! Yes, in case you were wondering, it is time for yet another round of useless wrestling facts, stats and otherwise pointless trivia. Some of these facts you may be well aware of, while others perhaps not. In any case, they are all in fun. So let’s get to it and learn something about nothing. Continue reading Untitled
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solarsonicsoda · 2 months
The Road to... Wrestlemania XL
Part 4: Sami Zayn vs. Gunther, LWO vs. Escobar & Dominik, 6-Way Tag Team Ladder Match, & Damage CTRL vs. Belair, Naomi, & Cargill
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On top of the three I have already mentioned, there are four other matches on Wrestlemania XL Saturday!
We have Damage CTRL, who have been running roughshod over the Smackdown Women's Division for the better part of the year. We'll get to the crown jewel of that faction tomorrow, but their three other members are in action on Saturday. The Women's Tag Team Champions, The Kabuki Warriors (Kairi Sane & Asuka), and Dakota Kai are representing the unit as they take on a trio of popular women's stars.
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There's the returning Naomi, who rejoined the WWE in January, and is keen to show-up the unruly faction. There's also Bianca Belair, a multi-time women's champion who has been frequently undone by Damage CTRL. Completing their team is the debuting Jade Cargill. She has wrestled just one WWE match, that being the 2024 Royal Rumble where she made an immediate impression. She's joined Naomi & Belair in their fight against Damage CTRL, so the stage is set for Wrestlemania.
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There's also a big 6-team ladder match for both the Raw Tag Team Championships and the Smackdown Tag Team Championships! The Judgment Day have been on top of the tag team division, holding both titles for almost the entirety of the last 9 months. This will prove a challenge for the dark and dominant team of Damien Priest and Finn Balor...
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There's the 11-time champions The New Day, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods. The happy-go-lucky team are always favourites to win a big match, having been some of the strongest champions in recent years. The team of #DIY are also in the match. Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa have had their ups and downs, but when they're on the same page like they are now they're one of the best teams out there. You can never count out the team of Awesome Truth though, The Miz & R-Truth. The cocky and opinionated Miz will do anything to win, and Truth is entirely unpredictable, whether he means to be or not! He may have extra motivation too, having thought he was in The Judgment Day despite their dislike for him, leading to them feuding with the rapping wrestler.
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Smackdown has some hot tag teams also in contention too though! There's the New Catch Republic, the former British Strong Style team of Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne. They challenged for the titles at Elimination Chamber in a losing effort, but these awesome young wrestlers are some of the best in the world and they'll want to get the belts on the second attempt. Lastly, there's also A-Town Down Under, Austin Theory & Grayson Waller. This mouthy and underhanded pair will be keen to win here and laud this accomplishment over the rest of the roster. Who will claim each set of titles in this chaotic matchup?
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Speaking of tag teams, we have a tag team matchup between the Latino World Order and the team of Santos Escobar & Dominik Mysterio. When Rey Mysterio revived the LWO name, Santos Escobar was honoured to be a part of such a legendary faction. However, he grew frustrated with the Hall of Famer, and he would shockingly and brutally turn his back on Mysterio with a vicious beatdown. He would bring back his faction Legado del Fantasma with new members Angel Garza and Humberto Carillo, and they have been at loggerheads with the remaining LWO for months. However, when Mysterio & Escobar finally went head-to-head, the masked man's son Dominik, who had long-since distanced himself from his father, helped Escobar cheat a win.
A year after Rey defeated his son at Wrestlemania, a tag match was set up with Santos & Dominik against Rey and the newest member of the LWO, Dragon Lee. Despite the faction containing the tag team of Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro, plus legend Carlito, already in their ranks, Mysterio reached out to his fellow masked man for assistance. Carlito would find Lee injured on Friday Night Smackdown though, and a change had to be made. But in a surprise, Andrade El Idolo, a former rival of Mysterio's, showed up to assist the LWO against Legado del Fantasma and The Judgment Day's Dominik. Andrade would join LWO and be the man to tag with Rey at Wrestlemania.
Will it be the nefarious team of Santos Escobar & Dominik Mysterio?
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Or will the veteran Rey Mysterio and his ally Andrade El Idolo come out on top?
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And of course, there's the big match for the Intercontinental Championship. Gunther, the big man from Austria, has held the title for a record-breaking 665 days. However, if there's anyone who can defy the odds, it's Sami Zayn. Zayn has gone through a lot in recent years: joining The Bloodline, breaking out of The Bloodline, winning the tag team titles in the main event of Wrestlemania 39 Saturday. He has yet to taste singles gold since he became a fan favourite again, and he is struggling to wear his heart on his sleeve once again to defeat the champion. He was able to win a gauntlet match to earn the opportunity though, despite his previous doubts of how he gets onto the card, and has been working with one of Gunther's biggest rivals throughout his reign, Chad Gable. The former Olympian has been training Zayn on all his experience with Gunther, but only time will tell if he can defeat the leader of Imperium, Gunther.
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That's all for Wrestlemania XL Saturday! You can also check out WWE's compilation videos for the ladder match, Rey & Andrade vs. Dom & Santos and Zayn vs. Gunther!
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cyramountain · 2 months
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Faceclaim dump:
May Calamawy ¦ Gemma Chan ¦ Christina Nadin ¦ Sofia Black D'elia ¦ Samantha Logan ¦ Diane Guerrero ¦ Logan Browning ¦ Ryan Destiny ¦ Parveen Kaur ¦ Bianca Santos
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fcsources · 10 months
hi, barbie (swann)! hope you're doing well :) your theme is absolutely ethereal and your blog is an incredible lifesaver!
i wanted to seek your help with finding some fcs for a canon character if that's okay. sorry for the lengthy ask, i am providing context to be on the safe side.
so, this character is amara aquilla aka magma of marvel. to nobody's shock, marvel hasn't defined her ethnicity or heritage clearly, but from my understanding (please take this with a grain of salt, i don't mean to misstate facts and i acknowledge i can be fallible), she's brazilian with italian descent (in terms of nationality rather than ethnicity) in the comics — where she is depicted as white. in the animated show x-men evo, however, she's stated to be african-brazilian.
as someone who's passionate about writing underutilised canon characters and giving them the justice marvel doesn't give usually, i am going to be liberal with my comics portrayal of amara and write her as a woman of colour.
with this being said, do you have some suggestions for her fcs? i'm seeking a fem representing person who's brazilian with african (and maybe italian if possible) descent, has a reasonable amount of content, older than 18, and with blonde hair if possible? i know this is a huge ask, so if you answer this ask or could recommend me some other rph blogs that could help, i would really appreciate that!
thank you, i wish you a very lovely day. <3
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𝙝𝙞 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙚! awh, thanks, first of all, so much for the kind words, angel!!! wow omg 🥹 this is definitely a very complicated casting situation, as so often happens with comic book characters lol. admittedly i'm not a marvel girlie so my information is going to be based solely off of the information provided here. to the best of my understanding, you're looking for an 18+ fem/female fc who ideally is afro-brazilian and blonde. i'm going to do my best to meet those specs as exactly as possible, but i'll also be looking for any other blonde afro-latina fcs, or if i stumble across any other woc who are brazilian and blonde. i hope this helps you, peach!! ♡
Adriana Lima ( 1981, model, mixed Afro-Brazilian, brunette/blonde )
Ariana Debose ( 1991, actress, half Afro-Puerto Rican, brunette/blonde )
Bianca Santos ( 1990, actress, half Cuban, half mixed Afro-Brazilian, brunette )
Bruna Marquezine ( 1995, actress, mixed Brazilian including Black, brunette/blonde )
Camila Mendes ( 1994, actress, mixed Brazilian (possibly including Black), brunette )
Daniela Braga ( 1992, model, mixed Brazilian (possibly including Black), brunette )
Debora Nascimento ( 1985, actress, mixed Brazilian including Black, brunette )
Emmy Raver-Lampman ( 1988, actress, half Black && half Mexican, brunette/blonde )
Giovana Cordeiro ( 1996, actress, mixed Afro-Brazilian, brunette )
Kiana Lede ( 1997, musician with acting roles, mixed Afro-Mexican, brunette/blonde )
Lais Ribeiro ( 1990, model, mixed Afro-Brazilian, brunette )
Lorena Marques ( 1994, model, mixed Afro-Brazilian, blonde/red )
Lucy Alves ( 1986, actress, mixed Afro-Brazilian, brunette )
Meagan Good ( 1981, actress, mixed Afro-Puerto Rican, brunette/blonde )
Sky Ferreira ( 1992, musician with acting roles, Brazilian (including indigenous), blonde )
Tessa Thompson ( 1983, actress, mixed Afro-Latina, brunette/blonde )
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wearelondonhq · 10 months
seriously this rp and each of the players seem so great I'm over the moon. mw?? fc and plot wise please!
hi, lovely! thank you so much! we hope you join us! we would love to see president barbie, ken (kingsley ben-adir), (barbie 2023 movie), rhaenyra targaryen, viserys targaryen, alicent hightower, aegon targaryen ii, rhea royce, aemond targaryen, baela targaryen, rhaena targaryen, laena velaryon, corlys velaryon, laenor velaryon (house of the dragon), cersei lannister, sansa stark, arya stark, jon snow, missandei, grey worm, oberyn martell, ellaria sand, khal drogo (game of thrones), ada shelby (peaky blinders), jeff denlon, dylan denlon, marcus banks, marv boswick, jeannie lewis charlie emmerson, david tapp, donnie greco, steven sing (saw), mindy meeks-martin, christina carpenter, gale weathers, mark kincaid (scream), michonne, lee everett, clementine, andré anthony, rj grimes, sasha, rosita, tyreese (the walking dead), caroline forbes, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore, bonnie bennett, marcel gerard, anna zhu, tessa, rafael waithe (the vampire diaries), cho sang-woo, kang sae-beyok, han mi-nyeo, seong gi-hun (squid game), janet van dyne, luis, sam wilson, t'challa, shuri, riri williams, james rhodes, kamala khan, monica rambeau, luke cage (marvel), veronica lodge, betty cooper, jughead jones, archie andrews, hermione lodge, hiram lodge, clay clayton, toni topaz, fans fogarty (riverdale), steven conklin, cam cameron, laurel park, skye, cleveland castillo ( the summer i turned pretty), anakin skywalker, ahsoka tano, jacen solo, anakin solo ( star wars ), edward cullen, jacob black, rosalie hale, jasper hale, emmett cullen, carmen denali, eleazar denali, victoria, renee dwyer, riley biers (twilight), just to name a few! members, feel free to add on!! as for fc's, how about emeraude toubia, lindsey morgan, liana liberato, nina dobrev, bianca santos, kimiko glenn, melissa barrera, odette annable, jenna ortega, zoe kravitz, alyah scott, kat graham, laura harrier, michael b jordan, trevante rhodes, oliver jackson-cohen, idris elba, park hae soo, bradley cooper, justice smith, lakeith stanfield? we would love to see anyone you wanna bring us!
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earth001 · 6 months
fc ideas for gamora, rogue & america chavez?
for gamora, zoe saldana's background is hard to match, so my suggestions are broadly latina : genesis rodriguez, adria arjona, or bianca santos
for rogue : madeleine madden, luca hollestelle, adeline rudolph or blanca padilla
edit : for america, she should be afro-latina, so i would suggest : alycia pascual-peña, jaylen barron, madison reyes or skai jackson
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sosoawayrpg · 11 months
Me ajudem com fcs para a Luisa Madrigal e a Striga, pfvr?
Luisa Madrigal:
Stephanie Beatriz, Zoë Saldaña, Audrey Plaza, Bianca Santos, Brianna Hildebrand, Bruna Marquezine, Diana Guerrero, Emeraude Toubia, Gina Rodriguez, Karla Souza, Ebone Noel, Jorja Smith, Melissa Fumero, Oldey Jean, Lizeth Selene
Brie Larson, Katheryn Winnick, Alyssa Sutherland, Lily Sullivan, Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie, Gwendoline Christie, Christina Ricci, Emily Ratajkowski, Rosamund Pike, Kristen Stewart, Alexandra Daddaeio, Cobie Smulders
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tvdversepoc · 2 years
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Maya Machado (Bianca A. Santos) & Ethan Machado (Leo Howard) in Legacies s4e19 (14m).
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under the cut... layout inspo
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universal nicknames: gabe
species: human (that you or any character knows of)
seasons: one–three, undecided
love interest: stiles stilinski
faceclaim: matthew daddario
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universal nicknames: clem
species: human
seasons: one–movie
love interest: scott mccall
faceclaim: kristine froseth
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universal nicknames: none
species: medium
seasons: one–four, sixb–movie
love interest: derek hale
faceclaim: jessica henwick
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universal nicknames: rach
species: soul-swapped human
seasons: two–undecided
love interest: isaac lahey
faceclaim: natasha liu bordizzo
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universal nicknames: none
species: human (hunter)
seasons: two–undecided
love interest: allison argent
faceclaim: bill skarsgard
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universal nicknames: none
species: half-demon
seasons: threeb–movie
love interest: lydia martin
faceclaim: chris wood
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universal nicknames: val
species: werewolf
seasons: threeb--movie
love interest: malia tate
faceclaim: bianca santos
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universal nicknames: jo
species: spinnetod
seasons: four–movie
love interest: liam dunbar & theo raeken
faceclaim: courtney eaton
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trcubld-a · 1 year
meet my four newest muses !! if you’d like to interact with any of them, hit the little heart
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bianca carlisle - 52 - lawyer - fc: marisa tomei
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gabriela santos - 43 - ceo of santos industries - fc: morena baccarin
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penelope miller - 65 - retired actress - fc: michelle pfeiffer
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zara johnson - 64 - mob boss - fc: angela bassett
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE ATHLETE get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as ;
name → emma vanity pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1953 - september 1954 face claim → bianca santos blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → chaser for the montrose magpies in the british and irish quidditch league future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
DETERMINED as a bludger soaring to see its ends met, she is the GLORY of a victory yet the CAUTIOUS APPREHENSION in its dawn. She is wrapped in GREEN and SILVER, secured in a small TRUSTED circle, but is better seen as a RAVEN hidden amongst poisonous vipers. While STRATEGIC nature safeguards from UNRAVELED SECRETS; their ASPIRATION to wait for the right card to play may lead to their downfall.
— her story starts with ;
Born to a beautiful muggle by the name of Audry Knotts and a fine young wizard named Thorn Vanity, Emma grew up with a foot in both the wizarding world and the muggle world. Most mornings of her childhood were spent exploring the nearby muggle centers with her mother while her evenings were filled with extravagant stories of her father’s time at Hogwarts. Both of her parents never wanted to limit her knowledge or put down expectations that she had to follow them in their footsteps. They enrolled her in muggle primary school, encouraged her to join the community sports teams, had lessons on the basics of magic, and even made weekly trips to Diagon Alley. It was during one of these trips that nine year old Emma found herself the proud owner of her very first broom, a gift from her parents for managing such excellent grades in school. While she had found herself enjoying time playing on her muggle football team with her friends, Quidditch always held the biggest piece of her heart. Before her Hogwarts letter arrived, she’d come home from football practice and head straight to the backyard with her Nimbus 1700 in hand, ready to practice all her new plays and tricks.
When the time came for her to follow in Thorn’s footsteps and attend Hogwarts, she was disheartened to hear that she couldn’t immediately join the Quidditch team for her house but her parents reassured her that when the time was right, she would be an excellent addition to her house team. The witch was a bit nervous for the sorting ceremony after all the stories her father had told her. It took a few moments of the hat sitting on her head, whispering about ambition and resourcefulness, before exclaiming she’d be joining the Slytherin house for the next seven years. Despite the rumors and stories she heard, Emma walked to the table of green and silver with her head held high, determined to make the best of the situation. She just never realized just how hard it was going to be. It was within her first couple of weeks as a Slytherin that Emma experienced the prejudiced attitudes of her fellow housemates. BELLATRIX BLACK adversary] and her merry band of followers targeting individual students, calling them names and harassing them in between classes.
It didn’t take long for her to realize being a half-blood in the house of the snakes was putting a target on her back, so she kept quiet. All she could do was keep her head down and focus on her classes until she watched the Slytherin team destroy Huffepuff’s in the first Quidditch match of the season. Having only ever heard of matches through the wizarding radio back home, witnessing one in person was a whole other world for her and it was one she desperately wanted to be a part of. The determined eleven year old witch approached STEVEN LAUGHALOT [mentor] about a week after the match, firing off questions to him about how she could increase her chances of making the team. Steven agreed to helping her train in private lessons and thus began their Sunday meetings. She practiced day and night during her summer break, working hard enough to gain the position of Chaser come fall term as a second year. She was quickly assimilated into the Slytherin Quidditch team, becoming fast friends with beaters ERIKA RATH [close friend] and LUCIAN BOLE [close friend]. The two of them being the first people Emma felt comfortable enough to tell of her blood status and the disclosure of her secret only allowed them to grow closer.
Of course she still actively avoided some of her housemates, Emma shifted her main focus onto being a great addition to the team. And she was an excellent player, pulling out all the stops to help Slytherin come out on top so by the time her fifth year came around, her school letter was accompanied by a shiny new captain badge. She was captain for her last two years at Hogwarts, earning a reputation that had her scouted by the British and Irish Quidditch League as soon as she graduated. Joining up with the Montrose Magpies as a chaser, Emma realized just how integrated her life had now become. She was working with muggle-borns, pure-bloods, and half-bloods alike, and there was no problem amongst any of them. Feeling comfortable enough to reveal to her teammates that she was a half-blood, it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. And it was that revelation that led her to form a close connection with Magpies’ keeper JASON SAMUELS [friend/potential love interest], a fellow half-blood. The two had been able to swap stories of their childhoods with a foot in each world and one could now find them taking the occasional trip into the Muggle world together to relive those memories with the other.
But even as she grew comfy in her friendship with Jason and the rest of her team, the world started to get darker as mysterious forces moved in. Citizens were going missing with no explanation from the Ministry, there was a culprit at large that the Aurors were no closer to catching, things were turning into complete chaos. Then the disaster that was the 1983 Solstice ball happened, the world Emma had grown up dreaming of fell into a pit of darkness. It felt like there was no middle ground for anyone anymore, there were two obvious sides. Those that were for the objective of these dark forces and those that were against. Soon enough she started hearing whispers of her former classmates joining the crusade of a darker world, students like LUCIUS MALFOY [adversary] and DOMINIC TRAVERS [adversary], who had both been on the Slytherin team with her at one point. Lucius had even been Seeker when she had been captain, they spent years in each other's presence and he had been all about blood purity when they were children so it was now obvious that growing up hadn’t changed him. Knowing the reputation her house had back in school, she was worried which of her previous schoolmates would be joining up next.
With how public her job is, Emma is aware that every little thing about her is written about. Information about her Hogwarts life, about where she spends her free time, about if she was or was not shacking up with KALEB JOHNSON [friend]. That story in particular had been a stretch even for RITA SKEETER [adversary] but it had brought a few good laughs. It was all out there…even the truth about her blood status. If this force was prone to using violence to extinguish the existence of half-bloods and muggleborns, they wouldn’t care who got in their way. It didn’t matter how famous or influential she was. While it had been easy in her childhood to keep her head down and go about her own way to avoid bullying, she knew that couldn’t be the case as the playing fields were very different now. Emma viewed it like a quidditch match she was about to partake in. She has to know her enemy, know the usual plays and tricks they like to use, know that she had to have backup plans if anyone was coming to steer her astray, it was her survival at risk here. One wrong play and that would be the end, but it was always common knowledge that Slytherins are known for their self-preservation.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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serenitysvision · 2 years
My favorite Degrassi: The Next Generation couples (Seasons 7-10)
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Gavin 'Spinner' Mason and Jane Vaughn
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Manuela 'Manny' Santos and Jay Hogart
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Sav Bhandari and Anya MacPherson
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Eli Goldsworthy and Clare Edwards
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Alli Bhandari and Johnny DiMarco
I will gladly die on this hill!!!
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Holly J Sinclair and Declan Coyne
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Riley Stavros and Zane Park
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Drew Torres and Bianca Desousa
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Holly J Sinclair and Sav Bhandari
Honorable Mentions
Paige Michalchuk and Griffin Pierce-Taylor
Jimmy Brooks and Trish
Clare Edwards and K.C. Guthrie (They were adorable when introduced)
Peter Stone and Mia Jones
K.C. Guthrie and Jenna Middleton (I shipped them until Jenna got pregnant, then it just kept getting worse)
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