#beyond maybe a few easter eggs?
aubadeatelier · 4 days
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man!
On 31 May 2004, an amazing journey began with Allen Walker making his way to the European Branch of the Black Order as a new exorcist.
And now, it is 31 May 2024, 20 years of a still on-going journey. A lot has happened and changed and yet, he keeps walking.
Happy Birthday, D. Gray-man! And thank you for everything you've brought to me and so many others!
This post contains the pieces I did for the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. 1 Party Doodle and 2 Redraw Project pages. Please enjoy! To see the whole zine, please access the zine through the link below to the project tumblr!
✦ D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine ✦
Please make sure to take a look at the whole zine! I had the greatest honor to work with more than 100+ amazing artists across the world. It would mean a lot to me and all those who worked on this zine to have our work seen together as one!
(PS. I asked a funny little question in the Party Doodle section of the zine!)
[Beyond this point are my pieces and some fun facts!]
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Party Doodle || A Celebration from 35 Years Ago featuring from bottom left, Mana D. Campbell, Nea D. Campbell, ???, Cross Marian, and Timcampy. ✦ I originally made this celebration doodle with the intention of just drawing Nea, ???, and Timcampy. But upon popular demand and the power of friendship (shoutout to Hana Hazel, Kanin, and Sabhamun), I ended up adding Cross Marian and Mana! And honestly, the additions were a great idea and really make the piece feel more lively and fun! (Also we need more Campbell brothers content damn it. I wanna see them happy!) ✦ Also, if any of your are up-to-date at this point, you know Chapter 251 coming out shook so many things including this piece that was already done when it released. But! I think it's fun to keep it as is as a relic of the pre-251 era. (Who knows? Maybe I'll make a fixed version!)
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Redraw Project Page 01 || Chapter 04. Page 119. ✦ The first redraw page I received for assignment! I ended up liking the page, because it felt to me an integral establishing page for the series' themes. I may have gotten a little overboard with how I wanted to interpret the page, but I thought originally I would not be doing a second page and thus, wanted to put a lot of effort. In D. Gray-man, Akuma are created when a person makes a deal with the Millennium Earl. More often than not, the person has no idea what this deal entails, only that they can bring their loved one back from the dead if they agree to it. But what happens when the person is aware or knows not to accept the Earl's deal? And we receive a heart-wrenching, but understandable answer. To have the knowledge of the Earl's tricks does not automatically save a person. The Earl preys on the vulnerable. He appears and makes his offer to those in the deepest pits of despair and grief. That is how he got Leo. He was just a kid who lost his mother. He may have known more about the Earl and Akuma, because of his friendship with Jean, but when you are grieving kid-- what do you do when someone promises you they'll bring back your mother who was taken from you so suddenly? It is difficult to say no. ✦ The books that frame the piece are meant to convey this emphasis of knowledge and study-- the days Jean and Leo spent reading through Jean's father's books and notes about the Earl and Akuma with intention to patrol their town and keep people safe. Ultimately, a book page is the last panel, showing a representation of Leo and the Earl at a grave as Leo becomes an example of a person who takes the Earl's deal and whose body is taken by an Akuma. ✦ The blue tones of Jean and the Akuma were on purpose made to contrast the warmer tones of Jean and Leo's days together. ✦ It was crazy getting to draw an Akuma's face. It was a challenge to try and draw kids, but I ended getting through it pretty well. ✦ There are a few silly easter eggs in the open books. I put a small anniversary message in one. And in the other, I tried to sketch Cornelia and the Campbell Estate with the lyrics of the 14th's song. A nod to some content in the later parts of the series.
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Redraw Project Page 02 || Chapter 01. Page 38. ✦ Originally, the plan was I only would do 1 redraw page and 1 doodle, but we needed fill-ins and I took a shot at it! ✦ When I found out it was a page from Chapter 1, I was ecstatic! I had originally wanted to do one from the chapter, but they were high in demand which was more than understandable. ✦ Unlike my first redraw page, I decided to be a little more simplistic with the layout. This layout is not too far off from that of the Katsura Hoshino's, but I made a few changes such as certain angles, drawing characters closer to emphasize faces. ✦ I am not the strongest with backgrounds and drawing buildings, but I ended up enjoying the challenge of it all. Thankfully, a lot of other artists in the project tackled the building and referenced the original page, the pages and sketches of the building or interior by other project artists, and the anime to ready myself to tackle it! ✦ The spirals of the Akuma bullet gave me trouble at first, but then I ended up enjoying it as I figured it out. ✦ This page was overall a big joy to play with as it challenged me with backgrounds, certain effects, and word bubbles.
And with that, this concludes the tour of my work on the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. I have so much to say about this series and what it means to me, but I will try not to make this post horridly longer.
D. Gray-man is the series that made me fall in love with storytelling and art. It showed me something that filled an emptiness I felt. It gave me joy and company at a time where I felt unsure who I was and felt like an outcast. My resolution after this project is to continuously grow better at my stories and art. I hope to make something as meaningful to myself and others as D. Gray-man is.
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man! I hope and pray for more wonderful chapters and for there to be a lovely conclusion someday. For now, let us keep walking together!
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dittanyinbloom · 1 year
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Fate Aligned
This is a bit strange for me to post here, but it is a second part to this George Weasley x fem!reader fic I made on an old account. Sebastian Sallow heavily influenced me with ideas for a part two. If you want to know why George and reader aren’t going to the Yule Ball with everyone else, read that one first! It’s cute! I promise!
George Weasley x fem! reader. Rated T for a brief make-out session and a few curse words here and there.
summary: You and George manage to lose a total of eighty house points on the night of the Yule Ball which you were not planning on attending because George gave all his money for dress robes to Fred so that at least one of them could go.
(also, the lockets mentioned in this are a little Easter egg for a SebastianxMCxOminis OT3 fic I may or may not be working on called Lover’s Lockets. It’ll probably come out in early summer, but the inspiration to write this first hit me like the Hogwarts Express)
The younger students that were not able to attend the ball had long since traveled home for the holidays. With everyone else draped in their best and headed for the Great Hall, you and George had the castle to yourselves. The possibilities were endless. Should you sneak into the faculty tower and see what the professors’ rooms looked like? Perhaps you would break into the Headmaster’s office and search for priceless Hogwarts artifacts. Maybe the librarian left the key for the Restricted Section at her desk while she was whisked away to the ball.
Of all the places they could go, George had chosen not only the most boring, most dangerous, but also the most unromantic of them all. Filch’s office was just off the Entrance Hall, which happened to also lead to the Great Hall. Only a couple sets of doors separated the two from being caught.
“Must this be done tonight?” You whispered from behind a giant Christmas tree that decorated the center of the Entrance Hall in front of the doors that lead outside. The Grey Lady was weeping at a statue perched on the upper tier, just a few feet from the door to the Reception Hall where you would find Filch’s office as well as a few stragglers taking a breather outside the Ball.
“They’re candies. We need to get them back and sell them before they go bad. This might be our only opportunity. When else is he going to be this distracted? He bought Ms. Norris a new collar. They’ll both be at the ball.”
“And we’ll both be in detention if your plan goes wrong, which they often do.”
“No, those are always Fred’s plans. Mine work like a charm,” and as he said the last words, he waved his wand and disappeared. The disillusionment charm was something you were becoming to be quite familiar with as of recently. Two boisterous redheads may or may not be the cause of it. You followed in suit, tugging your school robe over your hair and using the charm effortlessly. George smiles at how easily you complied before throwing on his own hood to cover his fiery hair and whispering, his voice low and thick as honey, “Good thinking.”
As soon as the Grey Lady wandered off, the two of you crept up the stairs and peeked through the giant set of wooden doors. The Reception Hall was startlingly empty. The faint sounds of orchestral music looked from beyond the Great Hall’s doors. The display of House Points seemed to have eyes on your back, judging you for your unapproved adventure. You tried not to dwell on the guilt, knowing Gryffindor’s house points would suffer greatly if you get caught.
“Look at that, not a soul in sight. Come on, then. Let’s not waste our luck.”
With the help of Alohomora, the two of you found yourselves in the tiny, dusty space Filch called his office. The walls were lined with cupboards. Knowing the twins had found the Maurader’s map in here their first year, you were sure more extravagant enchantments were stuck inside those drawers, collecting dust and begging to be used. Feeling safe now, you took off your charm and let George see your excitement. He matched your smile and immediately joined you at your side to start sifting through anything and everything.
“Ack!” You let out a squeak and jumped back from the second drawer.
George leaned over you and then laughed at the sight. “Dead rat? Probably lots of those. Ms. Norris does live here too, ya know.”
After a few more drawers, you found the familiar, warm brown briefcase the twins had been keeping their experimental treats in. “George, I’ve got them, now we can get the hell out of here.”
“Hold on, look at these!”
“George, really. We should take our winnings and go before someone-“ but the words die on your lips when George pulled the twisted chains of two lockers out of the drawer.
“Lumos,” he whispered to better show off the intricate floral pattern imprinted in the metal. “Think we should have a little reward for our venture, don’t you?”
“I agreed to help you find your treats, but stealing things that aren’t yours, Weasley-“
“Hush. You sound like a Ravenclaw. Always doing things by the book. Pft. Live a little, love.”
Completely derailed and flustered by his nickname for you, you didn’t have the mind to protest him further. Though looking back, you really wish you had. He untangled the lockets and bestowed one upon himself before inching closer to you.
“Be careful!” You whisper yelled. “What if it’s enchanted? Filch must have confiscated them for a reason!”
“Like he stole our taffies for no good reason?”
“He had reason. First years with ten-ton tongues were enough to justify them being taken.”
George flicked open the locket to study it. “Just a compass. Nothing evil about it.”
“Hmph. Well. Fine. I guess. . It would be nice to have a little souvenir.”
“See?“ He gently put the chain around your neck and took a step back, finally letting you breathe only to steal the air right back out of your lungs with his words, “So beautiful.”
The tiny office now felt unbearable. Earlier, you had confessed your feelings for him in not so many words. Whether or not he reciprocated, you weren’t sure. George hadn’t really had much time to respond or even take in your confession before your friends had come back. Since then, you had easily fallen into your usual pattern of playful pranking and chatter. It was easy to forget about your confession until his alluring compliment. The word had fallen off his lips almost breathlessly, a sultry whisper that had your mind alight and playing the moment over in your head.
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful…
It was all you could think about. Your heart ticked nervously and your skin went warm. Did he really think you were beautiful, or was this just the typical Weasley charm the boys often used on girls, and even professors to get people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. You wouldn’t call the twins manipulative, they just... Okay, they could be quite manipulative, but never with malicious intent. Flirting as a way of buttering people up wasn’t exactly a bad thing. You surely didn’t complain when they used their charm on you.
But that was before you had confessed your feelings to George. If Fred had been the one to say it, the word would have rolled off your back like water without a second thought. George, however, was now in the know of the feelings you had been harboring. You almost felt betrayed in a way that he would whisper a sweet nothing like that so carelessly after knowing where your heart lies. Did he just not care? Had he forgotten in the moment? Or was it somehow possible that he returned your feelings and this flirting was now more meaningful than his usual antics?
“We should go,” you said rather stiffly, immediately hating how rude it came off. In your rush out of the office, you forgot how careful you two had to be going in and found yourself bursting into the Reception Hall without even trying to be quiet. “We should get this to safe keeping and then we can do something that’s actually fun.”
“And what might you have in mind?” Professor McGonagall called out from across the hall. She was standing with her husband who had traveled to the castle for the night to accompany her to the ball. His eyes were soft and kind, but he also had an all-knowing smile that was thrown your way. He patted Minerva on top of her hand that he had been holding and then excused himself back to the festivities, letting his wife deal with her troublesome students.
“I-uh.” The briefcase of candies in your hands suddenly felt hot and heavy.
George’s hand landed on your shoulders as he dipped down to whisper right by your ear. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Piss off-,” you uttered back, elbowing him in the stomach rather ungraciously.
“I will take that.” And with the wave of her wand, McGonagall had the case of candies in her hands. “I would send the two of you back to the common room, but it sounds as though I shouldn’t trust you to stay there until the Yule Ball is over.”
“Professor, we-“
“Ten points from each of you for rummaging around Mr. Filch’s office. And since I think it best I keep an eye on you for the rest of the evening... “ She pointed her wand at you with a curt wave. The fabric of your clothes began to wiggle and tickle your skin, swishing all around and changing color until you ended up in a long ivory gown with golden embroidery. George’s clothes were next to change into an ivory button down with a deep red vest decorated in gold buttons, the same gold as your dress. One final silent wave of her wand, this stroke alarmingly familiar… it was Expelliarmus. Both of your wands floated into her open palm.
That night, George had been wearing his only school robe that was still long enough after his recent growth spurt. He couldn’t afford to lose it, in the most literal sense since the price of new robes had gone up greatly over the holiday season and all of his money had gone toward Fred's dress robes for the ball. The loss of that set was detrimental, even in exchange for these fancy clothes. “But, our robes. .”
“If you should wish to have your school robes and wands back before classes, I suggest you find me after the ball. Now, don’t dawdle. In you go.”
Jokingly matching your professor’s air of elegance, George spoke in as proper of a tone he could muster, “If you insist, Professor, but I must have a word with my partner first.”
“Do not make me come looking for you, Mr. Weasley.”
As soon as McGonagall exited into the Great Hall, George’s serious face turned into a bright and mischievous grin, as if you hadn’t just been caught by your Head of House. He dipped into a regal bow and held out a hand to you
Voice still posh and dropping even lower, George kissed your hand and spoke, “It seems as though fate has aligned-“
“Why are you still talking like that?” You giggled.
“Because it’s fun. You must know what fun is, shall I remind you?” Then he was pulling you in close and twirling you in circles, humming along to the faint music coming from behind the grand doors.
“I think,” you managed out between laughs, “-this is exactly what McGonagall meant when she said not to dawdle.” With all you might, you dragged the boy to the doors where he planted his feet and refused to move another inch. “George, what are you doing now?”
“We can’t go in there, silly. I haven’t even asked you yet.”
Those pesky nerves were bubbling back. You tried to swallow them down. “You’re ridiculous. We’re here. McGonagall’s forced us into these clothes. You don’t have to ask at this point. We aren’t- it’s not like we’re going by choice, I mean-“
Ignoring your endearing mumbling, George gently took your chin to make your eyes meet his as he asked, “Will you do me the honors of being the only bloke you dance with at the Yule Ball?”
“As long as you promise to crash us into all the Slytherin couples with your atrocious leading.”
“That’s a given.” He held out his arm for you to hold onto before walking you into the Great Hall where you were very fashionably late.
Decorated from enchanted ceilings all the way down to sparkling floors, the Great Hall was completely transformed into a winter wonderland. The ceiling was cloudy with snowflakes trickling down, sadly designed to never fall. It was always astonishing how the magic encapsulated the exact look of the weather, but never the temperature. Perhaps the frigid cold of the snow would have been welcome tonight because the hall was surprisingly warm from all the bodies dancing about.
The four center tables had vanished in favor of a large dance floor. The platform professors sat at was being used as a stage for a live band that was currently playing a jovial waltz. The corners of the hall were filled with refreshment tables and smaller, more personal round tables for groups to have a break from the excitement.
You scanned the room for your friends but immediately regretted doing so when your eyes landed on Lee Jordan and Alicia Spinnet. It seemed you had witnessed a rather intimate moment of Lee kissing Alicia’s knuckles, and then the back of her hand, and then her inner wrist, and then. . You quickly looked away, clearing your throat.
“You’ve got to be joking,” George muttered to himself. He was patting down his vest and dress pants. Turning his pockets inside out, he was presented with piles of sand. “It seems McGonagall transfigured away the dungbombs and fireworks as well.”
“Oh no,” you replied sarcastically, “How ever will we survive?”
“I suppose we will have to dance to pass the time,” George played along as he dragged you to the center of the hall. Once there, he adjusted the hold on your hand to one where your fingers were interlocking. While many other dance partners were doing the same, it still felt strikingly intimate, even more so when his other hand landed on your hip to draw you in close. You lightly placed your free one on his shoulder, mimicking a very cordial and proper stance.
You weren’t able to maintain your posture long, because George whizzed across the dance floor at an alarming speed. Your hand had slipped from the feather of a touch in his shoulder down to his bicep where you clung on for dear life. His hand was meant to stay on your hip had snaked to the small of your back, making it much easier to swing you to and fro. How he had managed to step on other couples’ toes but not your own was a mystery.
Actually, it was probably deliberate considering two of George’s victims had been a Slytherin boy from your year and a boy from Beauxbatons that had both previously asked you to accompany them. The true mystery was how George managed to find out who exactly you had turned down so that he could target them.
Then you were being pulled to him to avoid your backside slamming to the Durmstrang Headmaster. There had been no warning, so you stubbled into George ungracefully with your cheek pressing into his chest as you let out a string of bubbly, nervous laughter. The hand on the small of your back had drifted all the way to your opposite hip now, holding you up, but also holding you so tightly against him that you had nowhere to go. Not that you could step back even if you wanted to with your faulty feet.
“S’cuse us,” George slyly offered to the terrifying man as he brisked you off in another direction.
“Sorry!” You had to call to the man over your shoulder since George had you gone in a flash.
George mumbled only for you to hear, “No need to apologize to him. You never actually ran into him. I know what I’m doing.”
“Maybe so, but we did give him a heart attack. And if you’re so aware of your actions, then why did you nearly just have me expelled?”
“All a ploy to get you closer to me.” His hand squeezed your hip for emphasis. “See? I can be quite romantic.”
“Falling into you is hardly romantic.”
“Oh, so you’re falling for me?”
“Did I not already make that obvious?” You had planned to play the words off as a joke, but George’s stiff reaction made it difficult. The tension only worsened when you found yourself at a standstill in the middle of the dance floor. George let go of your hip. You tried to escape your interlocked hands, but George tightened his grip, not letting you step too far away.
“We should talk about that,” George rarely sounded as serious as he did now, and the times when he had were never for good reason.
You winced at his tone. It was clear to you now that George didn’t feel the same. All the dancing and touching, it was all just in good fun. Nothing he ever did was meant to be analyzed. There was no reading between the lines. You were foolish to even try.
“No, it’s okay. I’m sorry to bring it up. I was only joking.” But the tightening feeling in your throat set in. It broke your heart to lie.
“You responded too quick to be joking, and besides, I-“
“Please, forget it. And forget what I said earlier,” Your voice diminished to nearly a whisper and you looked down at your feet lamely. “-I didn’t mean it, okay? Let’s just go back to having fun.”
George finally released your hand so that he could cup your face on both sides, forcing you to look back up at him. His brows softly pulled together. There was even a hint of a frown across his lips, a very foreign look on the prankster. “You’re an awful liar.”
“I’m not-“ you choked on your words, trying to hold back the sobs bubbling in your throat. “Just dance with me, George.”
“Ridiculous,” he huffed in disbelief. His hand wrapped around your upper arm to guide you toward the courtyard adjacent to the hall. You were still fighting the tears, refusing to let anyone see how much of a mess you truly were.
“You’re here! Brilliant!” Fred popped up just before the two of you made it out, placing both his hands on George’s shoulders to shake him in excitement. This in turn caused George to let you go, so you were thankful for Fred's intrusion. “Let me guess, you saw him run out to the courtyard too? Thinks he’s sneaky, that one. Well, he can’t escape all of us, eh?”
Fred and George did not disagree often, but this was one of those rare times George was putting his foot down. “This isn’t the time, mate.”
“This is the perfect time! What’s he gonna do to us with all these people as witnesses? Bagman doesn’t have the balls to pull something here.”
The name seemed to change George’s demeanor. He glanced at you to gauge your reaction. You knew of the antics Ludo Bagman pulled on the twins at the World Cup. This would be the perfect time to approach him, Fred wasn’t wrong. He just had absolute shite timing.
“Let’s go get his arse,” you proclaimed, jumping at the opportunity to avoid the awkward ‘I’m just not that into you’ conversation that George was no doubt planning to have with you out in that courtyard.
Fred’s grin spread across his face wildly. “Oh, how lucky Georgie is to have you. Angelina is livid I’m doing this. Knew I should have asked you as my date instead. And you clean up nicely too, I mean, look at you two.” And Fred did take a moment to give your dress a proper once over. His eyes landed on the locket around your neck and then flickered to the matching one his brother was sporting. “Now where in Merlin did you two nick those?”
Normally, George would jump at the opportunity to brag, but he was being oddly quiet. You spoke up in his place, “Filch’s office. McGonagall caught us stealing back your candies. She took those, but I don’t think she knew about these. . .”
Fred whistled lowly, clearly impressed, “You two have been busy. And I’ve just been here trying to dance like a babbling, bumbling, baboon!” His McGonagall impression was getting quite good.
You promptly followed Fred toward the courtyard. George seemed to drag his feet behind you. Eventually, you made it to the array of carriages the guests had arrived in that evening. A few groups of people were scattered about, chatting in the fresh air. Goosebumps instantly littered your arms and shoulders, but you welcomed the sensation. It was like jumping in a cold shower after that heated moment between you and George.
Fred wasted no time approaching his enemy with his arms raised in a faux welcoming stance. “I don’t believe my eyes! If it isn’t Ludo Bagman, old friend. How have you been?”
Bagman had been talking to an older, gruff-looking wizard you did not know. They both examined Fred quizzically, intrigued that a student would approach them in such a way. You moved to stand beside Fred, but George had stepped in first, crossing his arms and smiling at the two older wizards as if that alone was a threat. And it seemed to come across that way with how painfully obvious it was that his smile was forced.
George was quick to join in on Fred’s jovial greetings as well, “It’s been so long since we’ve seen you. When was our last chat? Remind me, Fred.”
“Oh, George, I do believe the last time we saw Ludo was during the Quidditch World Cup. You remember, don’t you?”
“Ah! Yes! I remember that night quite well. We won a pretty hefty bet, didn’t we, Fred?”
“That we did, George. That we did. Say, George, we still haven’t gotten the money from that, have we?”
“You would have been paid if you didn’t cheat,” Ludo sneered.
“We didn’t cheat,” George said through his teeth, immediately offended that he would even need to defend their honor against such a statement.
“You just want to keep the money for yourself,” Fred threw in offense.
Bagman’s eyes narrowed. “If the Weasley clan was known for their integrity, perhaps I would take you at your word. Now, quit wasting my time with this.” He looked to his companion and then nodded for the doors. They both turned to leave. Fred reached into his pocket for his wand, but you caught his wrist.
“Snape,” you whispered as the professor sauntered out into the courtyard.
“Bastard,” Fred murmured. You dropped his wrist, assuming he would put away his wand so as to not draw suspicion. Instead, Fred lifted his wrist and cast the disillusionment charm on himself. The motion was automatic at the mention of Snape. All you could hear was his hushed whisper. “What are you two doing? Let’s go before he questions us.”
George met your terrified eyes, looking rather pale himself. McGonagall had taken your wands. It seemed as though you were going to have to face Snape head-on.
“Fuck it,” George whispered as he grabbed you yet again, heaving you into the nearest carriage. You scrambled in with George following so close behind that he was nearly on top of you. The skirt of your dress had twisted and risen from all the movement. George planted himself on the bench next to you, mumbling apologies for nearly squashing you.
“How the hell are we-“
“Whisper!” George uttered. No wand, no ability to cast muffalo. The two of you would have to wait this out in silence. He pressed his ear to the side of the carriage and then looked very alarmed as he whispered, “Can hear him talking with Bagman and that other piece of muck.”
You tried smoothing down your skirt, but it was tangled horribly underneath you. Instead of offering to help or apologizing for the inconvenience, George merely followed the frantic movement of your hands. His eyes lingered over your exposed knee.
The sheer stupidity of your night was hitting you hard. Your jaw clenched in annoyance. If you hadn’t followed Fred to the courtyard, if you hadn’t made that stupid comment while dancing, if you hadn’t gone with George to Filch’s office, if you had never admitted you wanted to go to the bloody ball with him in the first place. .
“Lift yourself up,” he whispered, elbowing your arm.
You pouted in confusion, but gently lifted yourself up with both palms pressed into the bench of the carriage. George swiftly smoothed the fabric under you, meaning his hands had to skim over your backside and underneath you. Your breath caught in your throat at how nonchalant he acted. Once the underneath was straightened out, he pulled down the top to finally hid your exposed knee.
“You should warn a girl before grabbing her arse, Weasley.”
“I only did it so you’d stop fidgeting. Snape will know someone is in here if the cart is shaking.”
Any response you might have had died on your lips. Images of what sort of actions would make the carriage shake flashed across your mind. Your face felt uncomfortably hot, embarrassed that you couldn’t control the thoughts you were having about your best friend whilst sitting right next to him.
“Y/N,” his voice was soft and sincere, only making you feel more guilty for your own track mind. “I really should tell you-“
“Save it,” you begged. Merlin, you couldn’t hear the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech while you were shamefully thinking of making the carriage rock. You would die of embarrassment if he turned you down at this very moment.
“I don’t want to save it,” he seethed. “Don’t know where you got the bloody impression that I’m going to turn you down but damn it, I said I would have been the first to ask you if I had the money for robes. I didn’t mean that in a platonic way. Thought that much was obvious.”
He sounded cross with you, but his words were a confession of sorts. You studied his features. His hands were opening and closing. He was biting the inside of his cheeks. His eyes couldn’t meet yours for more than half a second before darting to the floor of the carriage.
“You like me,” you whispered in awe.
George didn’t seem to notice you shift closer, too lost in his own demise. “Look, I know I’m a fucking idiot. You said you wanted a night of fun and dancing, the ball gets dropped into our lap perfectly, and I go and ruin it by getting you stuck in a carriage. I’ve been told my whole life I don’t know when to quit. It didn’t mean shite to me until now that it’s affecting you. I got us into this. I should have told Fred to bugger off, but he and I just feed off each other’s insanity and-“
Your hands guided his face toward you so your lips could feverishly crash into him. From the shock of your hold, George’s hands wrapped around your wrists almost like he might pull you off. His entire body shivered from the feeling of your lips over his. It was heated and messy right from the start because his mouth had been open from talking.
George melted into you, matching your fever and even raising the stakes by taking your bottom lip between his teeth. He was being gentle, playful even, but it still had your arse lifting off the bench and rolling onto your knee so you could lean in further to his pull. His hands moved in quick now that the opportunity arose. They trailed down your back, smoothing the dress over your backside much slower this time, deliberately stroking to get their fill before reaching the underneath of your thighs where his fingers shamelessly pressed into your soft flesh to pull you closer until you were dragged onto his lap.
You broke away to gasp with your hands landing on his shoulders to steady yourself. His mouth went for your exposed collarbone, kissing from one shoulder to the next and swiping the chain of your new locket out of the way to thoroughly get every inch of skin. You thought he would go for your neck next, but instead, his lips traveled down toward the exposing, sweetheart neckline of your dress.
The door to the carriage swung open on your right. Professor Snape glared at the two of you. George had not removed his hands from your waist, so you just smiled sheepishly at your potions professor from George’s lap.
“What on earth do you think you two are doing? Out. Now.”
Rather reluctantly despite the ridicule, George helped you off of him so the two of you could crawl out of the carriage. As soon as your feet were on solid ground, Snape was firing off punishments.
“Thirty points from each of you. A week’s detention with Hagrid tending to the Forbidden Forest should be enough to make you regret this awful choice you’ve made. Back to the Great Hall, now.”
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop the laughter threatening to burst out and double your detentions. Snape keenly watched the two of you drag your feet back to the ball. “Hands to yourself, Weasley,” he drones when George had tried to put his hand on the small of your back to guide you. Once the two of you were heading inside, Snape moved to the next carriage to end a different couple’s impromptu snog session.
“That was horrifying,” you grimaced at the thought of facing Snape in your next class.
“Was my kissing that bad?” George mused.
You playfully slapped his chest, “Sod off. You know what I meant. I’ll never be able to look Snape in the eye again.”
“I’m sure he’s witnessed worse. Hell, he probably is witnessing worse as we speak. The others were in their carriages far longer than we were.”
And yet George still managed to look like a complete mess. His lips were bright red, matching the flush he still wore on his cheeks. His hair was staticky and wild, not at all fitting for the ball you were walking back into. You waved him over, insisting, “Come ‘ere. You can’t go back there looking like this.”
A lazy smile plastered across George’s rosy cheeks. His eyes shamelessly studied your serious look of concentration as you tried to smooth down his wild locks. “Think people are gonna know what we did no matter how long you play with my hair.”
His fingers swiped over your collarbone, pressing harder on the red, sensitive spots that were definitely going to bruise later. A shiver ran down your back. You would have to remember to down a healing potion tonight that way you didn’t wake up and go about your day tomorrow, forgetting how scandalous you looked.
“Quit making them worse.” You smacked his hand away. “I can’t believe you did that while I’m stuck in this stupid dress with no robes to hide it. You’re devious.”
“You’re the one who started it,” George challenged.
“Must all your comebacks be childish?”
“You find them endearing,” he teased. “Merlin, can’t believe we could have been doing that ages ago. Do you think McGonagall would notice if we slipped back to the common room to make up for lost time?”
“I’m not taking any chances while she still has my wand. Besides, we hardly got to dance!” You took his hand and pulled him into the hall. “There are more Slytherins that need to be run into.”
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Something that does genuinely concern me is the possibility of the Duffer’s being a major conflict of interest when it comes to supporting the strike out in the open. They’re not just writers but also producers and the show runners. Arguably they have the tightest relationship of any production to Netflix, and so just knowing that they’ve always been very much intertwined, are they going to be willing to voice their support for the strike, beyond just being WGA members who likely voted in support of the strike? Like even the cast, complete silence. I know that it can be hard for a lot of reasons, but the complete silence, besides that one writer who posted about it, has me side eying the situation as it’s unfolding.
For the last few Friday’s, they’ve been active posting about stuff, and so are they going to keep that going by posting today, hopefully something to agknowledge the strike, or are they going to just act like nothing is going on and carry on with Easter egg like content? Or worse, are they not going to post at all and so we won’t even know what to think?
It’s just so weird bc they’ve known about this strike for months now. They’ve known about it when they’ve been stringing fans along with little things over the last month. And now, silence, at a time when silence is not the best choice, especially when they are the hugest show in television rn. The duffers coming out and saying something about putting pressure on Netflix would actually have the capacity to get something to happen, and yet they don’t… and it makes me think they’re a conflict of interest bc unlike their writers, they get paid A LOT!
And when it comes to filming starting, I’m concerned that just because they have the first few scripts written and finalized, the Duffers are just gonna say fuck the strike go through with it and start the production for those earlier episodes, either without any writers present bc they’re on strike and so no rewrites, meaning we’re risking the quality not being as good as it would be with them. Or worse, the Duffers are gonna go cross picket lines and scab, and rewrite the scenes themselves essentially going against the strike and their own writers to side with the studios that want it done…
Like I want Stranger Things filmed as soon as possible, I really do. But I also am a little bit unsettled by s5 being soured just knowing they chose a route that sided with corporations and not the writers getting paid mf crap while they are in Netflix’s pockets.
Even though I’m skeptical, I’m still hopeful that they’ll say something, maybe the st writers Twitter will make a statement for all the writers, including the duffers to show their support. But just considering how quiet it’s been, I do wonder how they view the situation.
Do they think it will be over at any moment, without their interference and so they’re just waiting for that? Are they genuinely being advised to say nothing, including the cast and so that’s going to be the case until this is over (if it’s even over any time soon).
Like wtfff is going on in their brains I need to know what they’re thinking about all of this.
Bc them being silent all throughout or even worse doing the exact opposite of supporting the strike by literally starting filming anyways against all of their writers best interests, would be the worst possible course of action. The final season won’t be remembered for all the love and dedication put into it, it’ll be remembered for the greed. And that pisses me off bc the writers don’t deserve that! This is their baby and they’re literally out here risking it all to have a live-able wage, only to be undermined at the risk of everything. It fucking sucks.
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eulalielatibule · 2 months
SDS Easter Edition! I love it!
I bet Steve's most excited about decorating eggs with his kids. His are probably the prettiest decorated eggs in the neighborhood.
Hey Zombie!! Thank you, I'm very excited for it!!
Oh yes, Steve is sooo into decorating eggs!
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So maybe this is bc my own mom collects these, but my heart tells me that Steve's ma had decorative eggs that she then put on display for Easter, something like this:
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And Steve loved seeing them around the house, it made the holiday a little brighter for him.
And while Steve was able to find some of the eggs he kept after his ma passed, he still likes to make his own especially now that he has kids
He does the traditional boiled eggs in vinegar and colored tablets. But he then also goes a step beyond.
He's making designs with crayons before dyeing the eggs, and letting his kiddos help too ofc even if it's just scribbles
"Look at that beautiful egg you made! I'm so proud of you!"
And he's painting eggs, maybe with acrylic or water color? They look gorgeous though, especially the water color. So dreamy!
And Steve got into making his own decorative eggs, like the ones ma had.
It took some research, but Steve picks things up quickly.
He buys a few dozen fake eggs so the whole family can make some, but Steve's by far are the best.
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maylorscardigan · 7 months
Reputation & TS11.
do you think Taylor will announce or drop Reputation in a few days? Do you think we will see TS 11 soon? I’m curious what your thoughts are with these because there’s been a lot of speculation with it lately. I don’t think she would do 1989 TV dirty like that. Please… thoughts.
*mumbles under breath*
I do not think we are getting Reputation as an announcement or as a drop this weekend. 1989TV is quite literally her most successful album debut of her career. She is NOT going to disrespect that album by doing that. 1989 TV / SV is her baby. It’s the album that changed her entire career.
So no.
Besides - anyone who truly knows anything about Reputation knows that she is not going to make it obvious. That’s the entire point of Reputation. It’s like the Reputation fans who thought she wasn’t actually going to release 1989 TV and just drop Reputation instead. There are so so so many things that would have gone wrong with that.
SNTV got a short period because when you look at it… while it didn’t have a long Era like Red TV or Fearless TV… it got A LOT. It got a night dedicated to it with the guest appearances and the music video etc. Red and Fearless were released outside of the Eras tour so they got a longer stretch. That being said - she is giving 1989 TV longer.
When she announced 1989 TV she performed “New Years Day” from Reputation and that in itself could be an Easter Egg. If she was going to stick to the 112 day thing then she could announce Reputation on New Years Day and release it for February 16th, 2024. This would give it 46 days of promotion before a release.
Is it possible she just drops Reputation on New Years? No. It’s a Monday. Not to mention a holiday. Logistics nightmare if you ask me.
I am to laugh my ass off if the next album announced is Debut, closing with Reputation towards the end of the tour. Why? It’s exactly something that Taylor would do. Reputation Taylor at least. But I won’t get into my theories as to why I think Debut could be coming next.
As for TS 11…. I don’t see it coming before Eras wraps. The entire concert if designed around her first 10 albums. A LOT would need to be cut and redone to fit a new album into the concert. Not to mention all the work that has already gone into it with the movie and all that. She has a year left of touring with 2024. Two re-records to still get released. She is finishing off the Eras tour with those released then anything going forward will be TS11 and beyond. Releasing TS 11 during Eras would be such a bad business decision. New Albums deserve their own time. Just like Midnights had separate from the tour.
I think fans have become extremely greedy. She dropped two albums in a year with folklore and evermore because there was literally a pandemic going on and she had nothing else to do. Fans want all the re-records on top of each other. They want a new album - all while a world tour is going on. Like… come on guys. She is Taylor Swift, yes. She’s a bit of a super hero. I get it. But she’s still human all the same. Stop demanding so much from her all the time.
Since 2020, we have gotten:
• folklore
• evermore
• fearless tv
• red tv
• midnights
• speak now tv
• 1989 tv.
That is SIX albums. And fans just want more and more and more and more. Other artists… they’ve released one… maybe two if you’re really lucky. Some of released none and are working on one now. You also complain that the sound between 1989 tv and Midnights is too similar but you want TS 11 and Reputation like right now yet if it sounds similar you’ll complain about that… give it a rest and be THANKFUL fans for getting 6 albums in under 3.5 years AND a massive world tour with a three and a half hour show.
Disagree? Cool.
But the vultures need to back off.
((Note: when I say you in the post I do not mean the anonymous directly. I’m speaking about fans in general))
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humunanunga · 2 years
I did something completely unnecessary and looked up ages and timelines for dreamland/isekai protagonists and liminal spaces. What you do with the following information will be for you to deal with now. (Because I feverishly looked all of this up between the span of last night and this morning, despite math not being my strong suit, there is a chance I took a few wrong notes here and there. If you catch any I missed, I’ll edit the op.)
In late 2020, presumably mid-December after everyone’s birthdays passed, Eustace and Jill (the Final Battle) would be 87, Fran Bow would be 76, Milo (the Phantom Tollbooth) would be 69-72, Jesse Aarons (the Bridge to Terabithia) would be 52-60, Sarah Willians would be 50-55 (depending on when between 1980 and 1986 The Labyrinth is set in), cinema Bastian B. Bux would be 52 (book Bastian would be 46), the surviving Stranger Things cast would all be 37 years older, Sunny (OMORI) would be 40-44, Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) would be 41, Helena Campbell (Mirrormask) would be 30-34, Misfortune R.H. would’ve been 27, Coraline would be 22-30, Madotsuki could’ve been anywhere between 26 and 45 if she survived, assuming this was set in the year of the release date, Max (the Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl) would be 25, and if the same assumption as for Yume Nikki applies, Ib would be 17 (quoting exact years in an abstract alternate dimension is not exactly reliable), making Garry presumably between 26 and 37.
Clara Silberhaus (the Nutcracker) was a senior by the time Alice fell into Wonderland.
Dorothy Gale was the same age as Digory and Polly (the Magician’s Nephew). They would have been in their twenties when Peter Pan and his shadow met Wendy, who would be in her mid-to-late twenties when Christopher Robin played in the Hundred-Acre Wood. Christopher would have been 24 when Fran Bow was taken to Ithersta. (And while it could be written off as an easter egg, a younger alternate Fran was friends with an alternate Alice. Being a younger alternate, they could have both been born later than in the timeline of the player’s Fran.)
Christopher Robin was 29 when Narnia was rebuilt from scratch, Wendy was in her mid-to-late 30′s, and Dorothy, Digory and Polly were ~69 (nice).
Milo (the Phantom Tollbooth) and Jesse Aarons are 9-20 years apart depending on when in the 70′s Jess and Leslie’s stories are supposed to take place.
The main events of Stranger Things mainly take place in Hawkins, Indiana, starting in 1983-- or 1979 if you count the first time a gate was opened even temporarily. Project Async’s known operations ran between the late 1980′s and late 1990′s, and is implicated by association with the Loma Prieta earthquake to be based in California. Their first prototype was run in May 1982, a year before the first sustained opening into the Upside-Down. The events of EverymanHYBRID concluded in 2010.
The City of Light and Land of Shadows, the Hundred-Acre Wood, the Lands Beyond, Neverland, Wonderland and the Looking Glass, the beldam (in the book wherein Coraline did not take place in Oregon) and much of Narnia’s invitations all made contact with our world (or at least one variation thereof) through England, especially London. Whether pagan practice was all that stood between Brits and an outbreak of dimensional rifts before the christianization of Europe remains unknown. If all these events happened in the same universe, well, maybe that just happened to be the arrival point of that escape route The Web was working on. I, of course, am entertained by the idea of Jon the Archivist becoming Jon the Hunger in this absolute crossover singularity I’ve just propositioned.
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r-rook-studio · 9 months
Writing and Rewriting Bracknell Horror
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So here's a terrible secret: in 2019, hot on the heels of the original Moonlight on Roseville Beach zine, I put some notes for a little adventure called "The Bracknell Horror." I had no illusions that it was a great investigation scenario. Still, it showed off a few things about Roseville Beach, including places and people in the town as well as the queer people who lived/visited there. It went to a location inside the setting without requiring deep lore, added some jokey Easter Egg references to Lovecraft's The Whisperer in Darkness, and included some comically easy to use alien tech.
The problem was, I didn't really like it.
People at con sessions had fun, but there was nothing particularly special or interesting about the scenario itself, and any scenario would have been great in its place. Also, while I like to say Roseville Beach is a game of "horror comedy," there wasn't much actual horror here other than some Lovecraft references. That's also true of my other Roseville Beach scenario "The Haunting of Flora Bly," though the book has four more scenarios that are richer in horror potential.
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But this summer, just before running it at A Weekend with Good Friends, I rewrote it. I talked about some of those rewrites on my blog just after the first run-through, but more have come up as I've continued to playtest this.
First, while the initial scenario centered around a wealthy occultist-adventurer named Simon Mathers, the revision has greatly warped him from that initial vision. In the early drafts, he was an occultist willing to give Dreamlands entities the bodies of Roseville Beach residents in return for access to the Dreamlands. In the new one, he's returning to our reality after 20+ years in the Dreamlands, hoping to find a body for himself (the temporary one he constructed is collapsing) and his two Dreamlands familiars.
In the original, the cult-like group of followers worked for Mathers and planned to keep doing so. In the new, none of them like each other, and each of them have their own reasons for working with him (and one might even try to kill him).
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Third, I let some of my OSR influences show. Beyond making each of the named NPCs a faction of one, I've also added some NPC rivals (all of whom might end up becoming collaborators) who also all have their own motivations and agendas for finding out what Mathers' cult is up to.
Finally, while the original notes told GMs to pull from the PCs troubles and connections to determine who Mathers' cultists have captured, the new one includes a chance to target the PCs themselves, giving at least some of them a chance to sneak in and explore the Bracknell while the cult is setting up the ritual, adds some specific NPCs the cult targets, asking instead how the PCs and their contacts/troubles connect them with those people, giving their troubles and connections a motivation to insist on coming along whether they'll be helpful or not.
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Dai Shugars, Roseville Beach's art director and visual designer, has put together some incredible maps that allowed me to spend less wordcount describing the space and more giving info on NPCs, creating news stories and book snippets that can serve as physical clues, and creating a better sense of how the Doom Clock progresses.
The text will come to Itch for slowfunding next Tuesday, and the final zine will include the adventure, pregens, new strange events that tie to this mystery, and the basic rules of play, so you can try it out even if you don't already own Moonlight on Roseville Beach. Think of it like a horror-comedy investigation version of a Fighting Fantasy Game Book, but maybe gayer.
This is my chance to draft and preview some of what's coming. You can pick up Moonlight on Roseville Beach (Itch | DriveThru | Spear Witch | IPR) and the current two-issue zine bundle (Itch | DriveThru), or just follow-along with the zine project that will get bundled up in Dim All the Lights. Or you can back our upcoming reprint and hardbacks Kickstarter!
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Hi! Can you share your favorite place in Aleuthera? :) Or maybe a fav thing that the players have done so far?
I hope you have a nice day and thank you for sharing!
Hi!! Thank you for asking! 🥰 I saw this yesterday right before I went out to dnd, so I promise I wasn't ignoring <3
But oh goodness, choosing a favourite place? That's so damn hard. A lot of the towns I made are kinda like special little Easter eggs to me, or a small facet of the things that I've always loved
I think one place that I had the most fun coming up with is T'Verna, and I don't quite remember if I've spoken about it here before
The town sits towards the edge of the great desert, and is home to an large underground pigment library. The townspeople maintain and collect pigments from all over the continent and beyond, and they are meticulously cared for in a relatively temperature controlled environment. Artists come from every corner to work here, or borrow and trade pigments and pieces of art
The homes above ground are vibrant and richly coloured, wirh murals on every wall and mosaics on every floor. Janess, god of the Arts, can often be found lounging on the shaded roof-top of the pigment library under swathes of brightly coloured hung silks, painting and sketching the hot days away
I think this one is so special to me because, as an artist also, this place would be a dream to live in 🥺 a little corner of colour and beauty 💖
For the visual 'aesthetic', I took inspiration from a number of sources, but especially the colours, patterns and designs found in middle eastern and mediterranean cultures. And of course the real life pigment library at Harvard was a big inspiration too!
And a few pins from my T'Verna moodboard ☺️
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vyla-and-the-pods · 9 months
Vyla's Sunday wrap-up!
Hello lovely people on my screen! I've been getting really into podcasts these last few weeks since finishing Wolf 359 and I am DYING to talk about them! This is my way to talk about what I've been listening to this week and dumping my thoughts since I do not have friends that listen to podcasts lol
Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later (ep 14) (minor spoilers)
I'm a die-hard Cry Havoc! fan. It's one of the few podcasts I've caught within the first few episodes and it is quickly one I will jump to every time a new episode comes out. Who would've thought a workplace comedy set in ancient Rome would be so good! The humor is dry and mostly situational and works so well.
This episode had a bit more heart than Cry Havoc! has had before and it worked so well! Listening to Octavia and Charmian have a serious discussion that helped further their relationship beyond "ooh haha sexy morally grey lesbians" was really refreshing and nice to see such character growth within just a few episodes.
And the entire plague plot with Gaius and Mark was a great way to balance it out. I love Cry Havoc!'s style of humor. My only qualm is I couldn't find a transcript for this episode but I might've been looking in the wrong place.
Arden (eps 1-4)
This is also a Shakespeare inspired piece! Season 1 is inspired by Romeo and Juliet, which I realized embarrassingly late in, and the little R&J easter eggs I have been picking up are really cool and make me feel like I remembered something from 9th grade English haha.
I used to looove true crime podcasts but I got uncomfortable by how the hosts would discuss the killers and victims so Arden, as a fake true crime podcast, is a great middle ground! I heard season 3 is coming out soon so hopefully I can catch up in time! I love Bea and Brenda's banter and honestly the two just need to kiss or something, but I digress. The writers make this a really compelling story and even though only one aspect of the cold case is examined per episode I am hooked and not at all bored or frustrated when we divert to Bea and Brenda's side convos. I have listened to this when going to bed and gotten scared once or twice, and for a fake true crime podcast I consider that a win!
Wolf 359 (finale)
I don't have the word count to say everything I want to say about Wolf 359. If you know me you might have seen the post I made about finishing Wolf 359 this week and how it was just so world alterting for me because I've been listening to it on and off for about 8 years. It really is the end of an era. It didn't go down the way I thought it would and it was a very bittersweet ending. I feel like everything was tied up well but I do have some questions about Bob. I am going to miss Lovelace, and Eiffel and...everybody! Maybe not Kepler. Truly is an end of an era for me. I was podcast-hungover the whole day.
Stellar Firma (ep 1)
I gave the first episode of Stellar Frima a try, I'm a big Rusty Quill fan so I had high hopes but guys, I don't think this is for me. The pilot episode didn't click for me the way I thought it would and it just didn't seem my speed. What do you guys think about Stellar Firma? Should I give it another shot?
Malevolent (ep 6)
Malevolent is another show I'm trying to get into since everybody loves it but the pace just feels so slow to me right now. I know more overarching plot points develop later on so I'm willing to stick this one out. I like malevolent but it just feels like all the places and things they're doing right now are building toward something I'm not at yet and that's just frustrating.
Time:bombs (1 -3)
What better way to get me out of my Wolf 359 hangover than a podcast made by the Wolf 359 folks? This one came recommended to me by anon so thank you whoever you are! I listened to the entire podcast (3 episodes) in one day and loved it! I miss you Radio Bob. I hope you're doing well. Humor was elite but what else should I have expected from Gabriel Urbina? I loved the character development they were capable of in 3 episodes. I can see myself relistening to this soon!
The Kingmaker Histories (prologue....ep 0?)
another podcast I heard had a new season coming out soon. I don't know how I feel; about fantasy podcasts but I liked season 1 of The Two Princes so I have high hopes. I only listened to the prologue so far and haven't even met the MC so I don't have many opinions yet.
Liminal Criminals (ep 1)
I listened to the first episode twice. It was so funny. Few podcast make me actually laugh out loud. I interrupted my roommate making dinner to tell her about this because I kept laughing. The dry voice the narrator has while he explains the most ABSURD FAKE TRUE CRIME sold this for me. "Mr. Breadsticks stays. Mr. Breadsticks stays. I will kill you with a fork. Mr. Breadsticks stays." is my discord status and no one understands me. I hope the rest of these episodes are as funny.
Alright well that's my week! Thanks for dealing with my ramblings folks! Tell me your thoughts on these shows, what's worth it what's not? I'll be shitposting about some of these shows throughout the week, but we'll see what the Pod Gods hold. Til next week lovely people!
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harrison-abbott · 3 months
A Small Start
When Pat woke up he felt pretty bad. He drank some of the water from his pint glass. It gave him momentary respite. Then he was lying there looking up at the ceiling. With yellow light beyond the curtains. Dehydration across his whole body. “How did I ever get to this point?” he said, quietly, to himself. Eventually he got up. His hair swished in his eyes. Had been doing that for weeks; badly needed a haircut. His face always seemed to look worse in the mirror in the mornings. But, maybe he shouldn’t be thinking about his appearance at all. He put his coat on and walked out into the street. With a brief wonder over the daylight that smarted the eyes. Pat wished that there were some things in life that he had done way differently when he was younger. He supposed that was the irony with older age: you were more mature, now, but you wished you’d been this way, back then. Hmm. Maybe he couldn’t call himself ‘mature’. It was when Pat was bathed in the sobering sunlight that he most felt like a nobody. He walked down to the supermarket. A pair of magpies flumed overhead in brilliant black n white and he saluted both of them. When he got to the supermarket carpark he remembered the story of the man who had been stabbed here. A few years back, there’d been a stabbing. And it was odd how, when it happened, he didn’t know about it until he saw it on the news: considering how close he lived to the building. Pat went inside the market. There was an odd mixture of workers in there with different nationalities. One of them was a very pretty woman who was hard to look at. Pat wondered whether he’d ever be with another woman in his life … Maybe not. Boo hoo. It wasn’t the most important thing. Pat figured that if he could work on survival, and keep his health in check, then he could think about other things such as those. He picked up some humous and a bag of tomatoes and a cucumber. The prices had gone up 10p since last time. Inflation. Hey: at least the city he lived in wasn’t being bombed to smithereens. … There were entire sections for the Easter weekend coming up; as in, a whole cacophony of chocolate eggs. Pat didn’t eat chocolate anymore, or eggs. Though when he was a kid he used to do the painting thing with them and roll them in the garden, the hard boiled eggs. It was odd how mass atheism in this country had turned into millions of overturn on chocolate products in bulky plastic boxes, sold by among the larger corporations in the world. Pat wondered what Jesus must think of it now, if indeed he was watching from Heaven. … Pat took his stuff to the checkout and scanned the items. There was an older chap there with a white fuzzy beard, who was always friendly and chatty with the customers. Even though it seemed like such a gruelling job, you never saw him in a grouchy mood; and Pat wished he could be like that, like him, most of the time. Pat went back home, up the long road. Maybe being a nobody was fairly normal. He was only 31. He hoped he could get to the age of 40 without dying. It’s just that it was getting harder to move as fast at this age and he really had no clue how his future would play out, and it often seemed that he could use his imagination well in certain ways, but not at all in others. He got back into the house. There was no other option than to deal with his issues. He went up into his room and reopened the book that he’d been reading last night. This was a small start.                                                                 
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edalynn · 2 years
Even if the huntlow shippers are right and every frame where they stand next to each other and every bit of crew art was part of some complex metanarrative hinting at how theyre totally in love and how the crew was being suppressed by disney from overtly developing a m/f couple for some reason. That. Still isnt a good way to write a ship? You straight up cannot build up a good romance only from longing glances or whatever if we never actually see them talking to each other. Especially since hunter and willow are both main characters.
Like even if you take the things theyve said AT each other after the flyer derby episode (which was the last time they actually had a conversation btw) and twist it into flirting i still have to ask...why would they flirt with each other? We havent seen them talk about anything important AT ALL since the first time they met so what kind of bond are they supposed to have with each other? Beyond just friends/teammates? Hell we never even see them just be friends onscreen without their other friends there except for i guess the haircut scene. Even as friends willow and hunter are not each others most important friendships. Id even argue theyre both closer to literally every other member of the hexsquad than each other.
Ppl freak out over flirty scenes or longing glances from other ships because theres actual substance behind the ships. The funny flirting and the frames where they maybe stand next to each other are supposed to enhance an already existing relationship. Where the characters actually talk to each other about important stuff and find comfort in each others company or whatever. If its meant to be a background easter egg or the characters arent important to the story or its just for audience speculation its fine if it doesnt have that. But huntlow shippers think these two major characters will actually start dating and have their romance be an important part of the story. And idk how to tell them that building a relationship out of longing glances with nothing to hold it together is uhhhhhhh bad! It would not be well written! Yes a ship doesnt HAVE to be complicated and yes huntlow doesnt HAVE to be exactly like lumity or raeda but if theres no equivalent scenes for me to get emotionally invested in their potetial romance then like. What are we even doing here! Just because you CAN write a totally shallow ship where they never talk but sometimes look at each other doesnt mean that kind of writing wouldnt suck shit!
Exactly. Even if this was something Dana intended and planned out from the start for these two characters (which if she had, why hasn't their relationship developed more than speaking once or twice on screen for more than a few words?), it's not good writing. It's not a well-written relationship. Just because it's a boy and a girl doesn't mean it's automatically a fulfilling and intriguing relationship, or important to the plot. We genuinely, really haven't seen them have a full, important, or one on one conversation since ASIAS so it fucking baffles me how people are so convinced they're in love and "already canon". Because, yeah, longing glances (from only one party in the ship at that) don't mean fuck all. They can easily be read as embarrassment or admiration or nervousness rather than a crush or inherently romantic. Like. Do they think Willow showing any type of interest in something Hunter is clearly passionate about romance? Because if so she must also be in love with Gus, Luz, Amity, and Vee. And vice versa, anyone that shows interest in Hunter's interest must also be in love with him. Which obviously is ridiculous and doesn't track.
They rarely interact in the latest episode, too. Willow has more development with Amity and Vee than with Hunter, and like you said, is clearly depicted as being much closer friends with Gus, Amity, and Vee with Hunter kind of being slightly outcasted in the friend group (not maliciously or anything, obviously, but it's pretty clear). We obviously have the haircut scene and implications that they've all hung out together in the time that they've been in the human realm, but they're only shown one one one ONCE in the montage of all things. And that scene is entirely happenstance, not a planned or intentional hangout. Willow walks in on him cutting his hair and helps him, they weren't intending to spend time one on one- Willow was just being a good friend and stepping in because she happened to be there. Both Hunter and Willow are closer to every other person in their friend group than each other.
They barely have any interaction, there's hardly any actual canon content for their "relationship", and we only have two episodes left as both characters actively grow closer to their other friends. There's nothing there to get invested in, like you said, other than fan content where the characters' personalities are totally changed. Sorry hunt/lows but your ship is sinking and you're all ankle deep in the water singing and shouting about how canon your ship is as they actively do not even speak to each other.
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miss-bvnny · 1 year
Hey remember when I said I headcanon Magee and Bernard as brother and sister? Well buckle up I've got another funny silly goofy ah ah headcanon to throw before the Christmas special fandom:
Hermey the elf from Rudolph is Holly from Prep and Landing's dad.
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And yeah, I did come up with that one just simply because they're both blonde and I thought it was cute a few years ago. But in the coming Christmases, I found supporting evidence that goes beyond just that!!!
For one, their outfits are similar with the white fur cuffs around the sleeves and neck.
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Maybe she just shares a fashion sense with her father idk.
And according to Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys (2001) Hermey DID have a love interest.
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She looks....kinda familiar, huh?
But the smoking gun...Hermey's in Prep and Landing in a blink and you'll miss it easter egg.
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During the scene in Prep and Landing (2009) Where Magee tells Wayne he didn't get the promotion and he's got a new partner to train, her coffee mug says ''Dr H., Elf Dentistry''
I apologize for the shoddy quality, the Very Much Legal website I used to get these screenshots doesn't offer PnL in the best quality, but I THINK you can see what I'm getting at to back my idea. Why is this important? It's not, I guess, but also it's funny and it means I was technically right the entire time and I haven't stopped riding that high in all the years this has been on my mind. Drag me off this pedestal I dare you. Thank you for your consideration.
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rottenbrainstuff · 7 months
BG3 playthrough: continuing through the underdark
Finished the arcane tower, read all the books and notes, got a hug from the automaton that’s been programmed to comfort Lenore. Dang every single NPC in this game is sad and lonely and haunted. Is there any NPC here that isn’t horribly tortured?... so many sad little notes and journals and books lying around, so many sad little stories that are just footnotes at the bottom of the main plot. And I’ve only just started, the REALLY sad stuff hasn’t even HAPPENED yet. Sigh.
Man. The more I think about it though, the more sad Lenore makes me. All her lonely little notes, the sad little poems she wrote, all the things she lost, lost her partner, her friends, even her dog, so lonely she programmed herself a clockwork friend, and who knows what even happened to her in the end. Oh Lenore. Oh this game.
Kudos to the most confusing corpse I’ve talked to in the game yet! (which would be the half-crushed drow by the wall of mushrooms) After looking around, it was quickly apparent what he was talking about, but I loved the few minutes where I had no fucking clue what the hell he meant about how throwing his backpack caused him to fall because it was too light and mushrooms and things disappearing and what?... I liked the little easter egg journal he was carrying that mentioned Drizzt Do’urden’s mother. And of COURSE all of that mushroom bullshit is Ethel’s doing, even from beyond the grave she’s still messing me up, lmao.
I just realized the lyre I looted from Minthara’s corpse after the siege is the fucking harp that calls Kar’niss in the shadowlands. It was pretty so I equipped it. I’ve just been running around playing my bard tunes on it this whole time lmao. Wouldn’t it have been funny if I only found that out when I went to play it later in the game and suddenly a goddamned drider shows up for my performance? (btw can’t wait to meet him, he sounds absolutely heartbreaking, like, fuck, game. Why are you trying so hard to make me so specifically sad??????)
After backtracking and NOT torching the entire bibberbang field, I decided to give the noblestalk to Derryth. It sounds like I’ll be able to buy more from her later in act 3 if I do that. (dark urge gets some flavour, haha, if you eat it. Apparently you can also give it to Shadowheart, but I wasn't able to... bug? not sure. Will worry about the noblestalk later.)
I’m at the Grymforge now, getting overwhelmed by how much stuff there is and how many areas there are. There continues to be interesting little pepperings of special dark urge dialogue options, but I do wish there were maybe just a litttttttle bit more… closer to the beginning of the game I liked how there was a dark urge option for so many dialogues, it really was like having these horrible intrusive thoughts constantly whispering to you to do the horrible thing. It’s slowed to a simmer now. Still fun though! The duergar are absolutely terrible and it’s hilarious. Once again, I have my murder-is-fun team of Astarion, Shadowheart and Lae’zel with me, who are approving of every mean dialogue option I choose - you guys know I’m NOT really going to buy a slave, right? You’re approving of my clever manipulation of the dialogue, right? RIGHT GUYS???
Couldn’t help but notice though that Astarion is already getting noticeably less cranky about my decisions to help people out, even if he still has to make a token show about disagreeing (ie, his hilarious reaction to me saying I intended to free Nere), and he even approved of me refusing to help Glut attack the myconid colony. I really don’t quite get the people complaining that he’s hard to romance without playing an evil route. What are y’all doing / not doing that’s messing things up? I’m at 97 approval currently and haven’t left act 1 yet and haven’t picked any evil options that I didn’t want to pick. I HAVE sent him back to camp a few times when I knew he wouldn’t like what I was doing, ie agreeing to help the tieflings, but honestly I do that for all the companions. I send Shadowheart and Astarion away when I’m going to agree to help. I send Gale and Karlach away when I’m going to pretend to be the big mean drow in the enemy camp. Even if I didn’t do that, I would still have a high approval for him. Besides a couple specific spots, dialogue disapprovals are almost always just a -1, and that’s not a large enough amount to seriously mess up your romance if you’re not making the effort to switch the team around. I dunno what you guys are doing that makes it so hard?.....
I know everyone talks about how sad it is that Astarion can’t walk in the sun anymore at the end of the game… I dunno. I totally understand missing the sun, but damn if my drow boy isn’t going to try his hardest to show Astarion everything beautiful and colourful and brilliant in the underdark, how beautiful life can be even without the sun.
Shovel is hilarious, 11 out of 10 A+++ would recommend, I wish I tried her scroll ages ago. I have her following around Astarion right now and I’m sure he’s absolutely delighted by his horrible little henchthing.
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r-gii · 11 months
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 2
Buttercup felt her whole face glowing, it was all she could do to keep herself from squealing. "Easter Bunny?" she squeaked.
Slowly, she climbed off him, "I didn't hurt you did I? You're not going to run away, are you?"
Easter Bunny stood up, dusting himself off. "You made me spill my eggs," said Easter Bunny halfheartedly, trying to gather up his spilled eggs. Picking one up, he looked at it, "This one's broken, I can't give this out." He reached for another, "This one too."
Buttercup's eyes lit as she thought of an idea, "Hey, I know where we can get a few extra eggs. There's a hen pen just a little bit away, they're friends of mine, I'm sure they'll be more than willing to offer a few eggs for the cause." She didn't mention that perhaps one might be laying at this hour and maybe they could by chance get to witness the event together.
Easter Bunny looked at her, "Yeah, that'll be fine, won't quite be the same as the ones we make back home, but I don't think anyone will notice." He picked up another egg, split wide open down the center. Easter Bunny sighed, "It's only a plastic one, but the candy's gone."
Buttercup looked around on the ground and located a Reese's mini. She held it up for him. "A buttercup. Just like my name." She fluttered her eyes at him.
Easter Bunny took the candy and put it in the plastic egg, closing it up with a sigh. "Yeah, I should be going. Oh wait, the eggs, I don't know what I'm doing anymore."
Buttercup led the way to the chicken coop, glancing at Easter Bunny with admiring eyes every few hops. Easter Bunny was really feeling put on the spot.
Finally, they entered the chicken coop, and Buttercup looked around. All was silent, and Buttercup felt a slight disappointment, no hens were laying. Well not eggs at least, they were laying in laziness sure 'nuff (But seeing as it was way late, Buttercup figured she should let that pass, though she wanted to see some action here.)
A hen cracked open an eye and looked at Buttercup wearily. "What are you doing here?"
"Well," began Buttercup, "I was here looking for some eggs-"
"Aren't you always," another hen interrupted.
"I'm looking for some eggs," Buttercup continued, "For my good friend Easter Bunny."
That's when the first hen noticed the other figure in the room, and jumped up in shock. "Easter Bunny!" she cried, followed by a loud agonized squawk. Buttercup realized with joy that the shock had just jolted an egg from her poor body.
The other hens, alerted by the first hen's cry woke up as well, "Easter Bunny!" "Easter Bunny!" "Easter Bunny!" each giving out their own screams of pain as they all had eggs of shock jolted from them.
Best egg laying scenario ever.
Buttercup turned to Easter Bunny, "Is that enough eggs?" she asked, giving him the sweet eyes.
As they exited the coop, they could hear the loud sounds of moaning from all the hens still sore from their eggs.
"Egg laying," Buttercup mused, "Must be painful. I pity all of them who have to suffer such agony."
"Yeah," Easter Bunny said flatly. Buttercup looked at him, by his tone, he knew a thing or two about Egg Laying that he wasn't letting on. Makes sense though, some hen had to lay all those eggs he hides on Easter someway.
"Can you imagine laying an egg?" Buttercup went on "Your body being expanded beyond all reasoning because somehow that's 'natural', and the experience is so intense you can't do anything but scream?" Buttercup paused, "That'd be so weird if it happened to me. Can you imagine?"
Easter Bunny tried to keep his gaze straight, "Yes, that would be weird to imagine."
"Did you know, I'm a girl?"
"Yeah, I kind of figured that."
"And sometimes, I also, sometimes I go pee."
"Yeah, I'm sure everybody does."
"Yeah, well no one can do it like a girl."
"Can we please not talk about this? I have a lot of work to do, and I don't have time to deal with... crushy feelings of a girl."
Buttercup's eyes lit up, "So you admit it! You have a crush on me!"
Easter Bunny turned around to look at her, "Listen, I have to go, I have millions of places to get to by morning, I really don't have time to stick around and talk about who I do and don't... have crushes on."
He looked Buttercup in the eyes, and she looked back. They stood that way for a long moment.
Suddenly, Buttercup's eyes lit with determination.
"I'm coming with you."
Easter Bunny eyes widened a little, and he stared at her a moment longer.
"Okay," he finally said.
And that's how their relationship began.
It was a long night. Like really long.
"Even with different time zones," Easter Bunny explained, "There would be no way to deliver so many eggs to the kids from all around the world in 24 hours. So, we magically slow down time in order to get it done in time."
"Well, wouldn't you become too tired to function eventually?" Buttercup asked after what seemed like somewhere in the a-millionth hour, still feeling mysteriously fine.
"Not really," Easter Bunny said, "Although it may seem like a million hours, your body still perceives it as only 24."
Still, it's a lot of work for 24 hours.
So Easter Bunny and Buttercup spent the night delivering eggs. After a while Easter Bunny began to warm up to Buttercup, and eventually, they found themselves laughing and joking with eachother, making the night more enjoyable (though about half the jokes turned out to be about eggs for some reason), so that as the night wore on, it seemed like they had already grown good friends. (Spending a night together that feels like a million can have that effect).
Still, Buttercup still had her strange interests, and Easter Bunny seriously had no idea how to feel about them.
"Girls have the best screams," Buttercup said, "That's why they're the ones to give birth."
Bambii looked at her, "I can't tell if you hate girls or if in some weird way, or you're proud to be one."
"I can't either," Buttercup tittered.
Bambii rolled his eyes. He actually respected girls, he just thought birth and eggs were an unfortunate circumstance that they all must go through. Now this girl was making him question everything he thought he knew by acting like that "unfortunate circumstance" was the funniest thing you'd ever heard. He sighed. Each to her own he guessed. He wondered how she would react if she was faced with that unfortunate circumstance herself. His gut twisted. Maybe it wouldn't be long until they found out. However weird her topic of interest, he did find her enthusiasm very...
He shook his head. Did he really want to involve her in this whole Easter Bunny business? He'd have to find somebody eventually to help him carry on the Easter Bunny tradition, but it was rough work, could he really ask it upon anybody? He'd hate to dampen Buttercup's bright spirit, no matter how fixated it was on... weird things.
Buttercup on the other paw looked at Easter Bunny deep in his thoughts. She kind of felt bad for him, he'd never get to experience the event of labor like she would, the pressure, the pain that would totally consume her very being... He was missing out. Poor males.
And it would only be through him that labor would be possible in her life in the first place.
Buttercup blushed. She was already planning their marriage. How embarrassing. (And cute, any thought about Easter Bunny had to be a cute thought she realized.)
The night wore on. Even if Easter Bunny's body only responded to 24 hours of work, 24 hours of non-stop work still gets you tired.
Finally, hopping down a quiet highway, feeling all droopy, Easter Bunny stopped.
"Are you okay?" Buttercup asked, "You look as tired as a kiwi who just laid eggs." (Easter Bunny was growing used to these egg references by now.)
"Yeah," Easter Bunny said, "I just need a coffee. Come on, I know an all-night convenient store open nearby."
So they found themselves at a roadside Flying J's, Easter Bunny pouring himself a cup of joe with lots of creamer, Buttercup browsing the candy aisle.
"Easter Bunny," sighed the cashier gruffly, "You know I get paid by the hour, I don't appreciate having my job thrown into your time bubble."
Buttercup came up carrying a Twix and a pack of M&M's to find Easter Bunny and the cashier glaring eachother down. What was going on?
Suddenly, the two burst out laughing. Just one of them friendly rivalries she guessed.
"Anything for the Easter Bunny," the cashier finally admitted, "At least I'm lucky enough to personally know you're real every year when you buy our coffee." He looked at Buttercup stopping at the counter with her candy. "This your new girlfriend?"
"No, just a friend," Easter Bunny said.
"Yep, girlfriend," Buttercup said, then gave Easter Bunny a displeased look. Easter Bunny just shrugged.
As they left the convenient store, Easter Bunny looked at her candy as she unwrapped it. "You know, I already got some of those in my basket."
"Eh," Buttercup shrugged, taking a bite, "You think I'll die from eating this chocolate?"
Easter Bunny shook his head, "Neh, I think it's fine as long as you're part of the Easter Magic."
Buttercup looked at Easter Bunny, eyes glowing. "Easter Bunny, do you like me?"
Easter Bunny looked back, his eyes softening, "Actually, it's Bambii, Easter Bunny's just my title, not my name." Easter Bunny swallowed, "And yes, I think I do like you."
Buttercup screamed. She threw herself at Easter Bunny in a hug. "I love you! I love you! I love you!" She screamed.
Finally, Bambii managed to pull away.
"Hold on," he said, "We've only known eachother for one night."
"One really, really long night." Buttercup corrected.
Easter Bunny looked at her. It was true, it felt like they already knew eachother for a lifetime. Longer than the entire lifespan most rabbits even live actually. Still, he was still bothered by the one fact.
"Hey, after this is all over," Easter Bunny suggested, "Why don't I take you to the Easter Bunny headquarters and show you around. You can meet my Mom, we can something to eat, get some rest, and talk about this tomorrow."
Buttercup didn't know if this was a rejection or if Easter Bunny (Bambii, she reminded herself with a giggle, What a cute name) genuinely just wanted to discuss stuff better after some rest, but with a sigh, she decided it was best not to push it.
So the night continued, one yard after another, fields, any property where kids roamed, Easter Bunny and Buttercup hid the brightly colored (and sometimes plastic :(...) Eggs. It was fun enough work, but exhausting. When they finally reached the last place, they were ready to call it a night.
Bambii led Buttercup into a forest as the Sun finally began to rise over the treetops. They stopped in front of an ordinary looking tree, although maybe bigger than most the others in the area, and Bambii pointed to a rabbit hole in the base. "Down there," he said.
Bambii scampered down the hole, and Buttercup followed after him.
As soon as she entered, she hit the slope. Instantly she was tumbling down a chute-
And out onto the floor of a large factory.
Buttercup gasped. Though the factory looked closed down for the night, all the machinery off and cold, sunlight was pouring in through skylights in the ceiling. Colors were everywhere, various work stations, and pipes apparently leading which way and that appearently to carry eggs to their proper destination.
Buttercup didn't have much time to awe though before they were greeted by an elderly female rabbit.
"Bambii, you're back, how was the night?" She embraced her boy, then turned her attention to Buttercup. "Oh, I see you succeeded at finding yourself a Mrs. Easter Bunny? Hello, I'm Bambii's mother, the previous Mrs. Easter Bunny."
"No, no!" Bambii stuttered as Buttercup looked at him quizzically, "She found me."
Bambii's mother looked at him knowingly. "That's the way it usually works. It helps that you find a willing Soul."
Buttercup looked at Bambii and Mrs. Easter Bunny confused. "What are you talking about? So is Easter Bunny going to propose to me?" Buttercup felt her eyes glowing. Bambii looked away guiltily.
"The job of Mrs. Easter Bunny is never an easy one," Mrs. Easter Bunny explained, "Come on, let me get you something to eat, you must be starving."
As Mrs. Easter Bunny led them through the factory, Buttercup caught more glimpses of the intricate workings of what must surely make the Easter Eggs what the wonders that they were, though much of it, she wasn't quite sure of how it worked. But still, something was missing. Buttercup felt her heart sinking. She didn't see any nests, any feathers any... poo. Maybe they just weren't in the right spot, but she saw no indication that they had ever been here at all.
"Where are all the chickens?" Buttercup asked finally, her heart stopping.
Mrs. Easter Bunny turned back to look at her. "We don't have any chickens here."
"But then... who lays all the eggs?" The sinking hole opened up in Buttercup's stomach. Had they finally switched to all plastic?
They stopped in what seemed to be the center of the factory, a spectacular giant egg of all colors stood in the center almost reaching to the ceiling. But Buttercup almost didn't notice it, she just looked at Bambii and his mother anxiously.
Bambii hesitated. "That's why I didn't want to ask you if you wanted to marry me. Buttercup, there is something you have to know... The one who lays all the eggs..."
Mrs. Easter Bunny looked at her seriously, "...is you."
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stonyponyofficial · 2 years
i finished my portal series marathon that i started bc ive seen so many good posts about portal recently and i just have a few thoughts rn so here's my self indulgent post about them ;w;
i first played it when i was maybe 11 or 12, not the first one mind u, i jumped right into portal 2, and i didn't play the first one until now lol. back then my brain clearly wasn't done developing bc i had such a hard time with all the puzzles like i was absolutely looking up walkthroughs and let's plays at almost every room at a certain point. well partly bc i was 11 and had limited spacial reasoning and also partly bc i rented it through gamefly so i had to beat it really quickly and return it... but despite all that i still loved portal 2 as a kid like. i didn't used to express my liking for things through making art for it but after i played portal 2 i went and made my own companion cube by just like spray painting a cardboard box grey and white and gluing some heart shaped foam on it. i kept that thing for years and years and years it was so dear to me, god i wish i had pics of it. it was so sloppy but so earnest too. anyway when i first played 2, i liked the easter egg aspects a lot, like finding all the ratman rooms and secret scrawlings were soooo fun and compelling to me especially since i wasn't really invested in the story beyond getting to the end, but since ive only grown fonder and fonder of the series since i first played it, playing them both now makes me notice and appreciate soooo much that i just couldnt have back then and i love them even more. anyway thank u portal for literally always being there 🧡💙🎂
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thatbigee · 1 year
So I watched the Mario bros movie— Twice.
I won’t put in any spoilers, maybe it’s because I’m a bit of a movie critic but I gotta say I find it really weird that despite not liking it for the first time, although seeing it twice I actually started to like it??
Yeah, Super Mario was one of the first gaming franchises I’ve ever gotten into when I was younger, so I guess it makes sense that I would’ve liked it overtime. Like most, I had my doubts when it was first announced and no regard for their other films, even as you are watching this movie you can still feel that it’s illumination, and that’s what probably didn’t sit well with me. If you’re aware of their films already, you’ll know that their audience is mostly directed towards children, which is why the popularity of this movie pissed off the critics in the first place. To cover a few things I didn’t really like about it, was the pacing, with a runtime of an hour and twenty-five minutes, it literally feels like “Lets-a-go!” It does have a cliche storyline, and the soundtrack throughout the film is basically what’d you’d expect from them. Regardless, the characters designs is still pleasing to the eye, well maybe except for one, but I’m not getting to that. They do make it very obvious they wanted to as have many Easter eggs in it as much as they could, which wasn’t the main thing I entirely cared for, but if you are like me, you’re one of the few, if not many, that crave for these characters to interact, other than what we’re used to in the usual Mario games. This movie goes above and beyond to score it in a way we’ve only seen Nintendo display a few times in their games before. In Super Mario Odyssey and Luigi's Mansion, they’re considered the best examples that gives us more depth on characters as well as Mario and Luigi. Hell- even the freaking Mario and Luigi series showed the most endearing moments we could’ve ever seen from the brothers. We’ve grown so attached to these characters over the years, they’re practically cemented into the media to the point where it no longer matters what form they take or what source they come from, always leaving us wanting more of them. Giving them the opportunity to hit the jack pot with this film, and MOST possibly leading them to make future films.
Were there certain moments that could’ve been left out? Yes. Were there certain characters that could’ve had more screen time? Absolutely. It’s far from perfect,  while the film doesn’t have anything that stands out from the ordinary, nevertheless— it’s does in fact have something enjoyable for any age.
We mocked them, we laughed at their face and cussed the hell out of them, and yet in despite of it all, we still watched it. Eventually giving the film its way to the top tier list of the most highest grossest animated movies to make it in the box office— proving us wrong once again, and now, they’re the ones laughing. But that’s just my overall, yet overstated opinion. If you really want to know what the movie is like, ignore the feedback and reviews—because in the end you can only really tell just by checking out the movie yourself.
P.S: They didn't have to make Luigi look this pure in the film.
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