#best urban design practice
Best Indian Architectural Practice Firm Based in Mumbai
The Best Indian Architectural Practice firm Spasm Design Architects develop Villas for AM in Alibag. These structures draw inspiration from their unique surroundings, forging a harmonious bond between architecture and the environment. Each villa is thoughtfully tailored to the site's distinctive characteristics, ensuring a timeless and symbiotic relationship with nature.
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smallgodseries · 2 months
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They are best-beloved of the young, when they must compete with a host of other divinities for attention, with small gods of plush toys and fashion dolls, of cartoons and new experiences, of fear and joy and novelty.  They are never powerful in the eyes of their youngest applicants, although they are sometimes leant additional strength by the allure of the forbidden.  They don’t make kids hyper.  That’s an urban legend, bolstered by the natural excitement born of getting something rare and nice, and the occasional child whose system is wired to respond to a burst of energy by burning it off immediately.  Still, they receive credit—or perhaps blame—for any number of hijinks, for broken windows and woken infants, for the natural exuberance of childhood, and they don’t deny it, because they are not a small god of childhood nutrition or the like.
They are small, and simple, and content to be what they are.  Bright, colorful, cartoonish, and implicitly extraterrestrial, even though there is more of Boise than Betelgeuse in their list of ingredients.  Their boxes are designed to be inviting, and they can make any kitchen their cathedral with a minimum of preparation and but a single invitation to arrive.  With cleverly clipped coupons, they will come virtually for free, and they like it that way.  It allows them better access to their adherents.
And of course, there are always those who will continue their worship into adulthood, those for whom marshmallow sweetness and color-changing milk are reminders of a childhood spent sweetly, or proof that they are finally secure, finally free from the ownership of parents who put their own preferences at the head of the line, finally able to live their own lives.  Those will not always be the people you assume.  The judge in her solemn black robes eats a bowl of Frostie-Os before she proceeds to the courthouse, the accountant in linen and wool enjoys Fruity Sugar Dreams every morning before he turns to his spreadsheets.  They turn none away.
They do not cause tooth decay when proper dental hygiene is practiced; they are not solely responsible for poor nutrition or any other ill.  They are only here to bring us light and joy and to serve as part of a balanced breakfast.
They are a neutral god, and we would do well to treat them as such.
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bluenpjm · 3 months
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Ⓒ bluenpjm — all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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synopsis.  faced with decisions that can change the course of her career, the art director of the cloud9 agency decides it is time to act and reignite the flame she had once lost. and all because of an intern… genre.  non-idol au ; slice of life au ; intern!jungkook ◦ fluff ◦ angst ◦ smut  pairing.  JJK x OC rating.  M wordcount. 4.8K warnings.  foul words, violent thoughts, sad vibes and life not making sense, drinking, arguing, just a lot of different feelings!  a/n.  a really really late birthday gift to my #1 supporter of this story. happy late birthday lulu, you're the best! 🥺💛🌻 chapters. 3 — 4 — 5
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It hadn’t been the first time someone had disappointed Carolina. It had been, however, the first time she had allowed someone to get too close too quickly. And that was a mistake she wouldn’t be committing again anytime soon. After all, you learn from your mistakes. At least you should.
She storms towards the elevator, her anger seething within her. 
Carolina doesn’t care to collect any of her belongings that stay laid in her office—and for the sake of everyone in that entire building, it would be best that her little purple troll with neon green hair would be in the box with her stuff the next day. Horace—the troll—had been her companion throughout the most challenging moments of trite; that, and her camera. Cassandra never bothered to replace the agency’s old one that, for the entire time Carolina had been with Cloud9, had been broken and merely acting as yet another item in her glass office to be left to collect dust. 
Already inside the elevator, she faces the crowd for the seconds it takes the doors to close—some people had already started whispering, others dispersed once faced with Cassandra, while the one intern that she cared about didn’t move; her eyes are on him and she doesn’t look away until the doors close. As she begins its descent, she’s met with her reflection in the steel doors. She wants to scream and punch someone. Wholeheartedly, she wouldn’t mind punching both Jungkook and Cassandra straight in the face. “Stupid Jungkook,” she mutters under her breath, hands falling to her hips. “Fuck you and your meaningless empty words.”
Her chest keeps rising and falling as she crouches on the floor, practicing her breathing exercises to calm her racing nerves, as the box keeps on dinging, signaling that she is closer and closer to the ground level. 
Stepping out of the tall building that had been her workplace for the last couple of years, Carolina stood on the bustling sidewalk, the busy street teeming with people despite the hour. She hated early meetings. In fact, she hated all sorts of meetings. There was no need to have an entire team stop their days so that they could waste 45 minutes of their busy schedules to speak about something that could easily be an email. 
Her work day was managed according to her own will. The team that worked closely with the creative director was used to her being offline in the morning and extremely active during night hours. Her brain became electric after midnight and they had all been able to coordinate a pretty balanced work schedule so they could communicate effectively. 
With its modern design, the towering building loomed above her. Car horns, the hurried footsteps, and the chatter of pedestrians created a symphony of urban chaos that served as background noise for the audio message she was recording for her best friends, trying her best to veil her frustration and disappointment as she recounted the situation. She knew she didn’t have to lie; in fact, it only worried her that her friends would jump Cassandra in the street or key her car. It wasn’t like her to openly discuss her feelings. Instead, she made some jokes.
“But yeah—” She pauses briefly, phone momentarily touching her lips. “I’ll be seeing you guys at 8 pm. As usual. Peace out!” 
She hits the green button, sending her audio through, before immediately typing a quick message so they don’t rush to listen to her recording. 15 entire minutes of her ranting about her day so early in the morning would definitely alarm them. 
Her ride finally arrives and she lets out a sigh of relief as she climbs into the backseat. The added feature of no conversation was a blessing as her mind throbbed with frustration. Leaning back against the comfortable leather seats, Carolina closes her eyes and lets the soothing melodies of the music playing on the radio wash over her. As the car began its journey, the towering buildings of the city gradually faded into the background, replaced by the familiar sights of her own neighborhood. The streets became lined with quaint houses and small local businesses. 
From time to time, she would open her eyes, checking that the normal-looking guy who was driving her home didn’t have a little bit of Joe Goldberg in him and took a detour to his secret layer where he would try to murder her. She had been devouring true crime podcasts and it had quickly taken over her mind—whichever situation she found herself in could be the perfect crime scene. Sometimes she even found herself looking for ways to leave clues behind so that the investigative team could find her body. 
But as her paranoid mind came to ease, she couldn’t help but appreciate the contrast between the hectic city and the peacefulness of her neighborhood. The cool breeze gently brushed against her face as she peered out of the window, and her home was just around the corner. She longed for a cold shower, a chance to wash away the stress and frustrations that had been weighing on her shoulders. 
Successfully arriving home without being kidnapped, Carolina takes the stairs up to the third floor. The elevator in her building had been making weird noises and after getting stuck there twice, she decided not to put her luck to the test any longer. The angels were probably worrying about someone else because she was having one hell of a day.
She feels exhausted and defeated. As she closes the door behind her, one of her shoes is already flying as she swiftly takes it off. The other follows suit. Tossing her keys on top of her bag that had also been thrown to the floor, she moved with automatic precision toward the bathroom. 
The soothing sound of running water fills the room as Carolina turns the faucet, letting it pour into the bathtub. The cold shower is replaced by a warm bath that would hopefully serve as a place to unwind and let go of the stress that had accumulated throughout her morning. The day had barely started and she was feeling drained. 
Stepping into the warm water, she lets out a sigh of relief as it caresses her skin, the tension in her muscles slowly melting away. But the feeling of betrayal kept lingering in her mind, as she could still vividly picture Jungkook’s doe eyes stuck to the floor, the question of why he hadn’t backed her up as he promised haunting her. Closing her eyes, Carolina submerges herself in the water, wanting nothing more than the world surrounding her to fade away. 
By the time Carolina left her bathroom, she was surprised to find her living room dimly lit, washed in tones of orange as the sun had already begun to set. She fetched her phone and wasn't surprised by the thousands of messages her friends had sent her, both on their group but also in the private chat. She was expecting them to explode by the news—that, and that they were going to kill her because of the lack of communication. 
Her wrinkly fingers wouldn't allow her to leave a fingerprint behind, making it impossible to unlock her phone. Her attention fell on the time displayed on the screen instead and she knew she had to hurry if she didn't want to be yet again late to their dinner date. 
Carolina’s encounter with her friends that evening was based on venting frustrations and only after she had some drinks and shared some laughs, they discussed her situation with Cassandra and Jungkook. As she had expected, the two girls immediately began a plan to make the lives of the two people who were tormenting her friend’s mind a living hell. 
As the evening drew to a close, Carolina managed to put her friends in their respective cars, calling one for herself while feeling grateful for them. She knew that with the two she would never be alone in her struggles and that they would always be there for her. But as she arrived home, she couldn’t help but check her phone for any missed messages. Despite still being upset with Jungkook, deep down she craved to have something from him—some sort of explanation for his reaction earlier. Scrolling through her social media, the feelings only grew inside her and she decided it was time to call it a day. Setting her phone down, the silence in her room is deafening and it feels like it’s spinning. She just wanted to close her eyes and forget this day ever happened. 
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As days turned into weeks, Carolina’s rage faded down. 
After quitting her job, her days settled into a monotonous rhythm. Her once bustling schedule was now a simple sequence of actions that played out in the confined space of her house. The path she treaded between her bed, the fridge, and the bathroom would soon start to feel worn, like a well-trodden trail that could be found in the woods. 
During the initial days of her newfound routine, Carolina found a peculiar comfort in the limited space, as if the world beyond was too vast and too overwhelming to face. Deep down, she had been craving this alone time; this silence—a relief. The constant ringing of her phone, which had once been a constant reminder of work-related stress, was now replaced by a soothing quietness. For the first time in a while, she was able to breathe in the stillness of her surroundings. 
However, a sense of emptiness began to creep into her life. Despite the wanted freedom, an undeniable void had emerged. Her phone became a reminder and creator of chaos in her mind. Whenever it chimed, her heart would skip a beat, anticipation rising in her chest. Her thoughts darted between who could be the culprit behind the sensation of the mini heart attack she suffered with each buzz. Most times, it would be her friends. But those weren’t the calls or messages that she craved; her mind darted to the possibility of it being him. 
Jungkook crossed her mind endless times per day. The man who, somehow, had vanished from her life. His absence, although appreciated at first, started to gnaw at her, the frustration and anger that had been her initial response giving way to more complex emotions. She started feeling helpless. The more shows she binged, the more she started to realize that her life, in that moment, was stripped of sense. 
Carolina’s thoughts seemed to gravitate towards Jungkook with every passing day. She would catch herself wondering where he was, what he was doing, and whether he was thinking about her as much as she thought of him. And every time, she would end up feeling ridiculous by occupying her mind with someone whom she believed she didn’t mean half as much to. 
“So,” At the sound of her friend’s voice, Carolina’s gaze left the blurry images that were displayed on her screen to face the girl sitting on the other end of the couch. 
“Oh no…” She sighed, fighting the urge to massage her temples. “what is it this time?” 
“How’s that portfolio coming along?” Deo eyed Carolina through her eyebrows as she sipped on the noodles that were fuming from the cup in her hand. 
“It’s coming.” The short answer was an easy indicator of the lack of interest regarding the topic. “Ya’ know.” 
The friend hummed and Carolina pursed her lips together. Her friends had been bugging her for the past week so that she would get some work done. Deep down, she knew that this was their attempt at making her leave the somewhat depressing state she had allowed her body to grow into. She wasn’t like this—the type to back down; cross her arms while the world revolved and she remained still. She was a force of nature to be reckoned with. And so, it was odd to see her so defeated.
That night, however, after saying goodbye to her friend, she didn’t go to bed. She didn’t slouch on her couch either, as usual, Netflix playing on the screen of the TV with the most recent drama until she either finished it, the sun rose or she fell asleep. Instead, she managed to take all the clothes that laid on her desk’s chair and moved them to her bed, allowing her to sit in front of her laptop for the first time in weeks. 
The first couple of times she hit the power button, it wouldn’t turn on, completely drained of power. So, Carolina lost a couple more minutes looking for the charger. 
It took some minutes for the machine to reboot and for the screen to make her dark eyes glow. Opening the first drawer of her desk, she fetched an old dotted notebook and started to outline a strategy. In her mind, it wasn’t that clear yet, but Carolina had started to define, step by step, how she was going to get control of her life again and make it incredible.
The visual identity of her very own agency wasn’t done that night. The sun rose and she continued glued to her screen. And after a couple of days, she contacted previous clients, explained her new situation, and offered her services. She planned to start her very own agency, offering her creative mind to those in need. A modern-day superhero, if one could say.
The first couple of months were hard—harder than Carolina had anticipated. Regardless, she was in a good place. After a long day, her mind didn’t wander back to Jungkook; she didn’t think of him at all. He had become a wound that healed—a thought that she managed to wipe completely from her mind. 
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Someone once said that the most beautiful parts of life were in the small things. Carolina’s small thing lately was the group of people who acted as her employees—some freelancers that she hired to help out on her projects. The group worked weirdly in sync together and they had been a constant in her life in the last weeks. 
Lu, a photographer with a keen eye for art and amazing drawing skills, had become a close friend. The other girl in the group was Sarah, a writer who would often pitch in Carolina’s social media strategies. The three girls were walking to the bar after hitting the dance floor of a club for the past thirty minutes. 
“Are you official, yet?” Sarah nudged Carolina on her side, head tilting to a table where 5 guys were sitting. The latter’s eyes followed and landed on the one who was trying to vent some air through his black shirt. Jae. Carolina laughed. “Exclusive, then?” 
“We’re playing a dangerous game already,” Carolina turned her back to the table, viewing the ludicrous wall of liquor. “Giving it a label will only make it more complicated.” 
“Those big round eyes—he looks just like a lost puppy,” Lu’s speech is slurred. 
“Getting strays off the streets is more your scene. How’s Lucious?” Carolina joked wittedly, remembering that just last week the girl had sent her a photo of a stray cat that she rescued from the streets. It would be kitty number four now and she was certain that the it’s just temporary—until I find someone to take him talk was a big fat lie.
As the conversation develops between the other two girls, Carolina’s eyes fall on the subject of their previous conversation. If anyone had asked her about him, she would most likely say he's nobody—better yet, a work colleague; someone that she hired now and then to help her out on her gigs. But when her friends asked, it had become quite evident that their little rendezvous after work, which usually resulted in her doing a walk of shame back to her apartment the next morning and ignoring his texts for the next couple of days until work brought them together had become more and more common and Carolina was trying her best so that people wouldn’t notice how he messed with her head and heart. Their eyes meet and Jae gives Carolina a giant smile, which she shyly reciprocates before turning around to face the bar yet again. 
People-watching was one of Carolina’s favorite hobbies. Her creative mind would go wild, creating stories according to the faces of the people in her sight, sometimes even roaming into the dialogues they were having. Lucky for her, the area is packed. 
A woman, not much older than her—or at least she guessed—playfully twirled her hair between her fingers, a radiant smile on her lips as she talked to a guy next to her. He had the puffiest lips Carolina had seen that night and it was evident by his body language that he hadn’t kissed or been kissed enough that night. 
Another man sat not so far away and, in contrast to the people next to him, he was gloomy. Head was swinging up and down as his focus was on catching the attention of the barman to ask him for another drink. That one certainly would have a hard time finding a taxi home. And that is of course if he wouldn’t end up sleeping on one of the benches outside of the club. 
The barman that the gloom wanted to attract was busy taking the orders of a young man over the loud noise of the music. The man was leaning his whole body on the counter in a kind of boyish manner, trying his best to speak clearly despite his eyes already appearing somewhat foggy. As he finally finishes, the barman gives him an assertive nod and the man smiles. And suddenly it clicks… that smile. It sends Carolina down a spiral and she has to control the pulsating need that rushes through her body. 
“Hey, you’re feeling ok?” Lu rapidly asks but gets no response. “Are you going to throw up?”
Carolina focuses on the man’s movements and sees how he licks his lips as his back hits the counter, attention dispersing to something—or someone—in the crowd. His silhouette was unmistakable amidst the sea of gyrating bodies now that she had found him. Her eyes dart from his profile to the back of his head and it’s like she has laser vision and it’s starting to burn a hole in his head as his hand comes to caress the area. It’s at that moment that their eyes meet for brief seconds.
“I’ll be right back,” Carolina speaks through gritted teeth, not noticing the man taking a double look at her. 
“Where are you going?” Sarah’s concern is palpable in her voice as she watches Carolina dart through the crowd. 
The pulsating bass of the music reverberated through the dimly lit club, creating a rhythmic throb that seemed to synchronize with Carolina’s racing heartbeat. The air had suddenly become dense with laughter, chatter, and the occasional clink of glasses. 
Carolina’s eyes finally meet the man’s surprised ones again. Determination fueled her steps as she pushed through the tightly packed room, navigating the ocean of people that ebbed and flowed around the bar. Each step felt heavy, like a battle against a roaring sea, the tide pushing her back in the shape of warm bodies that added to the suffocating atmosphere. The scent of perfume, sweat, and spilled drinks mingled in the air; it felt nauseating, the surge of emotions of seeing him after so long threatening to spill over. 
Her breaths came in shallow gasps as emotions threatened to consume her, and yet, the determination to confront the man she had managed to extinguish from her mind propelled her forward. Carolina stands before him, hands resting on her hips as her eyes lock into his. The world seemed to quiet for a moment, the surrounding chaos fading into the background as she prepared to unleash the torrent of emotions that had simmered within her. 
“Carolina, I—” And as her name rolls out of the man’s tongue, she almost crumbles, getting hit by sudden nostalgia. His shaky eyes scan her entirely and she restrains her body from moving. Jungkook is only steps away from her and where she thought hurt would lay, a sense of antipathy is born. 
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"Cat got your tongue?" 
Yet again, they were face to face. Had she been completely honest, Carolina was terrified. Her life was decent—good, even. She was healthy, and happy, and enjoyed what she was doing. She was proud of her projects. She would even wake up some mornings and go for a jog. But encountering Jungkook at the club and being with him in the intoxicating setting such as his car, with all those memories and all those emotions, made her swing back and forth between maintaining her cool and ignoring the feelings that hadn’t been dealt with and, instead, shoved deep down into her core. 
“I am sorry.” He paced slightly from the end of the couch he was sitting on to the window. For a few seconds, he stared outside. And then he noticed she hadn’t even blinked. “I am.” 
A long sigh escaped Carolina’s puffy lips. She wondered if he was trying to make her believe his words or if he was trying to realize if he meant them. “So you’ve said.” 
“I mean it.” Jungkook sat back down on the couch. He stared intensely deep into her eyes, trying to reach the warmth of her soul, sincerity pouring through his, while she gazed at him back, void of emotion. “I really do.” 
“Can’t exactly say your word means much.” She reclined back into the armchair. While Jungkook was sitting on her couch, she had decided to take aid in the singleness of her armchair, far enough that he couldn’t reach her. “You say a lot of stuff, but it doesn’t seem to have much meaning.” 
Carolina knew that her harsh words and unfiltered sincerity were one of the things that bothered Jungkook. It was probably one of the things that always made him feel like he was walking on eggshells around her. He was the complete opposite. Politically correct, even. His expressions could fail him—although rarely—but he would always say the nice thing, or not say anything at all. Carolina would be truthful if regarding something she was passionate about, even if it meant saying something the other person wouldn’t enjoy.
“I know what I did to you—the way I acted,” Jungkook stopped mid-sentence, almost as if trying to collect his words, afraid that if he said the wrong thing, Carolina would throw him out of the window. She had already pictured that scenario only minutes after he had entered her apartment. “it was wrong, and you deserved better.” 
“And yet…” She gesticulates with her hands, emphasizing their position. “here we are.” 
He just wasn’t saying the right thing. And if Carolina could be honest, she wasn’t sure there was a right thing to say. Maybe there was nothing that he could say to make up for the heartache she felt. For the humiliation. And seeing him hide his face between his hands as his head hung heavy between his legs, just made her want him gone. And almost as if reading her mind, Jungkook asked “What do you want me to say? I am really really sorry and I haven’t stopped thinking about it and you ever since.” 
And that last sentence was like a punch to the gut. “Ya’ know what? I forgive you!” Almost as if Carolina had been suddenly hit with a wave of good spirits, she gets up from her armchair, her tone chipper. “You are forgiven for being an absolute asshole and a liar. I am completely over the fact that you betrayed my confidence.” Her hands fell to her hips and Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed. “So, please, leave. We don’t have anything else to discuss.” 
Grabbing him by the arm, Carolina almost hauls Jungkook from his seat. “Wait,” his manifests are in vain though, because only when he enforces his stance she stops. “I think I loved you,” Jungkook’s eyes are glued to the floor. “and that freaked me out.” 
“Oh, give me a fucking break.” Arms in the air, Carolina turns to face her wall. She takes a deep breath. “You loved me so you played me and then never spoke to me again. Can’t imagine what kind of father you’d be!” 
He ignores her comeback, “I wanted to be with you every second of my day. I wanted to stay until late in the cloud room with you just noticing how the colors made you look more and more beautiful. You were messing with my mind and I was allowing myself to fall for you, even though it wasn’t appropriate.”
Carolina’s hand doesn’t move from the front door’s handle and she has to strain the laugh that threatens to leave her lips. Jungkook’s stance is incredulous as he doesn’t dare to look her in the eye as he professes what seems to be his undying love for the girl. 
“You’re different and you’re weird and you have a funky taste and it scares the living shit out of me. You made me feel. When you smiled at me. When you trusted me with assignments…” Completely ignoring the girl’s wishes for his departure, Jungkook sits back on the couch again, this time on the armrest, his body facing her. “And then I get to the office, late as fuck, already freaking out, and see that scene. I was shocked. And when I finally came to my senses, I felt too embarrassed to reach out to you.” He speaks fast and his lisp is noticeable. Carolina sees how truthful his words are, his tongue poking the inside of his mouth as he faces the empty wall. “I was ashamed that I let you go like that, let you go through that situation with everyone looking at you and I didn’t stand my ground immediately like I should have.” 
Jungkook stands up and Carolina’s grip on the handle falls. “So, you have every right to hate me. You can even punch me if you’d like if that would make you less hurt…” he walks closer to her, stopping only a couple of inches away, somewhat afraid that she would take on the offer. He gives her a small smile. “although I would prefer you wouldn’t. You look like you have a mean hook.” 
She finally lets out a dry laugh, focusing everywhere but on the man in front of her. She’s trying to remain defensive, fighting the urge from her body to give in to his speech, to believe that he’s saying the truth, that maybe—maybe—this time, things can take a different turn. “So… past tense, huh?” 
He ignores her sarcasm completely, as if switching roles and him being the serious one. Jungkook wants to take her hand that hangs mindlessly in the air but restrains himself from doing so. He fights the urge to run his hands through her fluffy hair like he had done so the previous night in his car. His brain can still recall how soft it felt on his fingers and how it smelled of lavender. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I know it’s my fault and I just want you to know that I feel like garbage for hurting someone who meant—means—so much to me.” 
Carolina purses her lips together, focusing on the dirt that stained the white of his Converse. 
“Can we start over? Friends?” Her eyes land on his extended hand and travel all the way up to his face. He’s hopeful and she can’t wait to touch his skin again, so she shakes it. He smiles radiantly as if a little kid who just won the biggest fluffiest teddy bear at a fair. “I’ll text you tomorrow.” Jungkook wants to sound certain but Carolina senses the shakiness in his voice. 
“Just don’t spam me.” Carolina rolls her eyes while they finally let go of each other’s hands. Jungkook gives her one last look, providing her with a silent chance to change her mind and as she doesn’t, he nods, pleased, before leaving. 
Carolina’s hands fly to her head, fingers massaging her temples as she is dazed by the event she has just lived. She closes her door, back hitting it for support and her focus relies on outside her window, how the sun had already set and the night had taken over instead, the sky painted dark navy blue while some stars shone in the distance. 
There’s a knock on her door and she rushes back to open it, reason completely out of her mind, “Jun—” She stops mid-word. “Jae! I was not expecting you.” 
“In my defense, I did text you. Not my fault you don’t look at the thing.” As he makes his way inside, chuckling, he gives her a small peck on the cheek. “Brought food.” 
“Great!” Before closing the door, Carolina glanced at the empty corridor, trying to shake the weird feeling that left her stomach turning. It doesn’t go away, not even after she ate the ramen Jae brought. And so she takes this sudden unwell state to send him off. The drawers inside her mind were all messy; she had some organizing to do.
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[ chapter 5 ]
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☁ want to be tagged in the next part? comment below or send me an ask!
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gattnk · 10 months
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Only Dolce's saccharine nature could counter Kabalè's acrid attitude.
Probably one of my best pairs in terms of contrast, hands down! I'm really proud of how they came out :D Let's go over them design notes:
While Kabalè gave me a lot of room for exploration between her two canon designs, Dolce was pretty straightforward in terms of source material, since she's a series-exclusive character.
I wanted to keep Dolce as part of the main cast because I noticed some animosity from the fandom towards her back in the day, particularly over how "dumb" and stereotypically girly she was. There should be room for ultra-feminine characters in girl-focused media, because I know a lot of girls and women love them and look up to them, and who am I to deny them their fun?
My position regarding Dolce pretty much defined what I would do with Kabalè. If Dolce got to be unapologetically feminine in the traditional sense, why, Kabale HAD to be feminine in a transgressive sense! Those familiar with Ever After High know what I'm talking about: the "opposite" figure to the pink goodie-goodie princess is the purple rebellious evil witch.
My decision to make Kabalè more tanned than her canon counterparts stemmed from the same place as Mefisto and Gabi's changes: it matched her new design much better in terms of color contrast, and adding a bit more variety to the devils wouldn't hurt. I also wanted to pay homage to her hair in both iterations by making her blonde with a high ponytail and a streak.
I studied Dolce's key traits and focused on them for her new design: hearts, pink contrasted with blue and white, and puffy hair. I actually increased the amount of pink but used less saturated hues so they wouldn't clash or feel like too much, and used cyan and off-white accessories to visually segment her body by her joints, similar to an articulated doll.
For Kabalè I chose to mix her "spooky-chic" colors from the series with her comic design, and then I focused on modernizing said design! Not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun looking at current urban fashion and playing around with Kabalè's purple palette, it's not too common apparently (outside of Gengar apparel, lol).
Dolce's mascot, a blushing phantom butterfly, is right atop her hairband to represent how Dolce is the most emotionally mature of the group, since she's also naturally open-minded and focused on positive self-growth. Meanwhile, Kabalè's badger bat perches inside her jacket's inner pocket, symbolizing how Kabalè's polarizing nature often isolates her from the world around her.
Honestly I'm glad these two came out as well as they did, for the longest time I was stuck with them until some good friends of mine gave me a crucial helping hand. To put it bluntly, I wanted them to look grand but my sense of fashion is a bit too practical... all my pants are denim and I only wear grayscale t-shirts :V
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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adobe-outdesign · 9 months
now with [SPOILERS] a new evo announced, can you review duraludon and its upcoming Urban Expansion?
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I'll be honest, I've never been the biggest Duraludon fan. I do think the idea of a kaiju-mon that's basically the building that kaiju normally knock over is extremely fun, and it being able to drop down to basically become a laser cannon is also pretty neat.
However, it's just always been way too stiff for my tastes. I feel like being able to imagine how a Pokemon lives in its environment and functions is important, but with this design it's straight-up impossible to picture how it even moves. It's mostly just the body being a singular unit, combined with the legs having no joints, that really does it for me.
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(Pictured: Duraludon, in the middle of realizing there's no way it can actually eat that plate of food)
Visually, it's alright—the zig-zag down its side is neat, the dark blue accents are nice, and the head shape is interesting. However, I do feel like it's hard to figure out what it's going for at first, and the random bit of red above the head adds nothing.
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Admittedly, the g-max form is pretty fun. Obviously the stiffness thing is still an issue, arguably even more so, but at least the building theme's a lot clearer now. Not only is it a skyscraper, it seems to be The Shard specially, the tallest building in the UK:
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Which makes sense thematically for a g-max, given that the entire idea is that it's a "bigger" version of the original both conceptually and literally.
Visually, I like the addition of the light blue accents, and how the stomach gains kind of a glass window-like look instead of the entire body. It's also neat how the head becomes a helicopter pad. I do think the dark blue areas on the hands should've become lighter blue to match, but still, this is an effective albeit silly improvement over the original.
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Duraludon was kind of a weird choice for an evo, given that it was already pretty strong as-is, but I guess they wanted to compensate for it looking it's g-max form. And, thankfully, we did get a pretty good design out of it.
Archaludon's still too stiff for my tastes, but I do like it more than Duraludon and its g-max. It feels like a good blend between the two, wherein it has more of the subtly present with Duraludon but a clearer theme more like the g-max form.
First, it can form a bridge when it drops down onto all fours. This is a neat practical element that's fairly clear even in the base design. It's also neat because The Shard is also known as, to quote Wikipedia, "the Shard London Bridge and formerly London Bridge Tower".
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The additions of blue and red along the front really make the design pop more, and feel like a good continuation of Duraludon's more subdued palette. This color expansion, along with the forked tail, head spikes, and exaggerated limbs, do make it look stronger than it's pre-evo. Also, the little gold tips on the limbs compliment the eyes and are nice touches, while the strange arm shape now serves a clear purpose in the design. It's still not my favorite thing in the world, but Archaludon's definitely my favorite design out of the three, and the line as a whole feels a lot more complete now.
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Anyway, overall: Duraludon has a fun concept, but is a bit too stiff and vague for its own good. The g-max is a bit over-the-top but is much clearer thematically, and Archaludon is the best out of the bunch.
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UPI: "The reason in encouraging the changes to ensure election integrity, the Carter Center siad, is that recent U.S. politics have been "tinged with an aggressive anger and virulent rhetoric that threatens to unravel the fabric of our society."
The guidelines listed are:
Making elections a national priority. The center said the nation's election system is critical to American democracy, so it's critical that "election laws and regulations be guided by principles of fairness that preclude partisanship."
Election laws and should be transparent and simple for the public to understand. One way to ensure the health of the nation's election system, the report's authors say, is to be "fully transparent." Saying that states and localities already have made "great strides" in delivering basic election information to voters, the report's authors say, "this work should continue on all aspects of the process, from registration of voters through certification of election results."
Expand access to voter registration. The center and institute said voter registration rules "should be structured to maximize the likelihood that eligible voters can be added to the rolls without complicated rules or restrictions."
Allow ballot casting to be simple for urban and rural populations. The report's authors said policymakers and election officials "should commit to finding a way to treat voters equitably - eschewing both a 'one size fits all' approach ... in favor of one in which there is "attention to ensuring that voters are not disadvantaged in obtaining or casting a ballot relative to others just because of where they live."
Have technology serve as a boost to voters not an obstacle. Noting that voting machines have become increasingly easier to use, the report's authors urge a design approach that would cover all voting technology, "like electronic poll books and ballot-on-demand printers" so that every step of the election process is accessible and flexible for all voters.
Encourage states and local governments that allow early voting to prioritize counting votes before the election. Saying that offering voting options over several days or weeks makes voting more resilient against potential attacks, the center urged that "communities that allow such ballots should have policies ... that ensure that as many as possible of these ballots (if not all of them) will be returned to election officials in time to be processed and counted as soon as reasonably possible." The center said that, ideally, this should occur before ballots are cast in person.
Make sure oversees voters and military personnel are able to be counted quickly. The center and the institute said states and localities should try to avoid unnecessary restrictions on the use of documents, "like the Federal Postcard Application or the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot."
Keep the process of vote counting transparent and orderly. "Policymakers and election officials must continue to prioritize accuracy even as they strive to complete counts sooner," the report's authors said.
Conduct regular audits of the election process on the municipal level. The center said election officials should use the most up-to-date and available "techniques and best practices" to validate elections' reliability.
Use recognized best practice standards for elections. The report's authors said states and localities also should be open to having "nonpartisan and independent" election observers.
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urbanthreads · 5 months
The Evolution of Style: A Deep Dive into Men's Urban Clothing and Fashion
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The world of men's urban clothing is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape where style meets the streets, and culture shapes fashion. In this extensive exploration, we delve into the essence of men's dressing style, highlighting the best men clothing websites and the latest trends in young men's clothing, particularly focusing on urban wear for men.
The Historical Context of Men's Urban Fashion
The tapestry of men's urban fashion is rich and varied, woven with threads of cultural, musical, and socio-political influences. Its roots can be traced back to the bustling streets of New York City in the 1970s and 80s, where a revolutionary movement was brewing. This was not just a fashion trend but a powerful cultural expression that resonated across generations and continents.
The Birth of a Movement
In the 1970s, New York City was a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and artistic expressions. Amongst this vibrant chaos, the hip-hop scene emerged, not just as a genre of music but as a lifestyle that encompassed a unique way of dressing. The attire of this era was more than mere clothing; it was a form of identity, a bold statement of presence and resistance. Early hip-hop fashion was characterized by oversized silhouettes, sports apparel, leather bomber jackets, and flashy accessories, embodying the gritty and raw energy of the streets.
Art and Fashion Intertwine
Graffiti, an integral part of the hip-hop culture, played a significant role in shaping urban fashion. The bold colors, graphic lines, and rebellious nature of graffiti art found their way onto clothing, making fashion a canvas for self-expression. Brands that embraced this art form quickly became synonymous with urban wear, creating a visual language that spoke of defiance, creativity, and individuality.
Influences from Music and Dance
Music and dance were pivotal in propelling men's urban fashion forward. Breakdancing, with its athletic and acrobatic style, demanded clothing that was not only stylish but functional. Tracksuits, athletic shoes, and caps weren't just practical; they were integral to the dancer's persona. Similarly, rappers and DJs donned outfits that would amplify their presence on stage, often incorporating bright colors, bold prints, and oversized jewelry.
Socio-Political Statements
Urban fashion was never isolated from the socio-political environment. In the 80s and 90s, as hip-hop began to address social issues like racism, poverty, and police brutality, fashion became a tool for activism. Clothing with messages, symbolic colors, and designs that reflected cultural heritage became mediums to express solidarity and raise awareness. This era saw the rise of brands that specifically catered to the urban community, creating fashion that was not only trendy but also carried a deeper socio-cultural significance.
The Evolution into a Global Phenomenon
As hip-hop culture spread globally, so did its fashion. By the late 90s and early 2000s, urban wear was no longer confined to a particular group or locale. It had infiltrated mainstream fashion, with designers and high-end brands incorporating elements of street style into their collections. This fusion brought about a new era of urban fashion, one that blended the authenticity of the streets with the sophistication of high fashion.
The Contemporary Urban Style
Today, men's urban fashion is a diverse and dynamic field. It continues to be influenced by music, art, and current events, adapting and evolving with the times. Modern urban wear pays homage to its roots while continuously pushing the boundaries of style and self-expression. From the resurgence of vintage styles to the incorporation of sustainable materials, urban fashion remains a symbol of innovation, resilience, and identity.
In essence, the historical context of men's urban fashion is a story of transformation and empowerment. It's a narrative that speaks of the streets, the struggles, and the spirit of a culture that has profoundly shaped the way young men dress and express themselves today.
Defining Elements of Urban Style
Urban style, a term synonymous with individuality and cultural expression, stands out for its unique elements that have continuously evolved over the years. This expanded section delves into the specific fashion elements that constitute men's urban wear, highlighting the innovations by designers and brands that have made certain styles iconic within this genre. We'll explore the role of color, fabric, and design, each contributing to the distinctiveness of urban fashion.
The Significance of Color in Urban Wear
Color plays a pivotal role in urban fashion. It's not just a matter of aesthetics; color choices often reflect cultural, social, and personal narratives. Early urban styles were influenced heavily by vibrant hues and bold prints, mirroring the energy and dynamism of the streets. Designers have used color to make statements, with black often symbolizing strength and rebellion, while brighter tones like red, blue, and yellow represent vibrancy and vitality. The use of color blocking and the juxtaposition of unexpected colors have become trademarks of modern urban wear, allowing wearers to make bold statements through their attire.
Fabric: Blending Functionality with Style
The choice of fabric in urban fashion is a careful balance between functionality and style. Initially, durable materials like denim and leather were popular due to their longevity and ability to withstand the rigors of street life. As urban fashion evolved, there was a shift towards more versatile and comfortable materials. Cotton, especially in its heavier forms, became a staple for t-shirts and hoodies, offering both comfort and a suitable canvas for graphic prints. The introduction of athletic materials like polyester and Lycra catered to the needs of those who sought clothing that was not only stylish but also adaptable to an active lifestyle.
Design Innovations in Urban Wear
Design in urban wear is where creativity knows no bounds. Oversized garments, a hallmark of urban fashion, are not just a style choice but also a nod to the hip-hop influences where larger-than-life attire symbolized presence and power. Designers have innovated by introducing asymmetrical cuts, layering, and unconventional silhouettes that challenge traditional fashion norms.
Brands have also embraced the fusion of streetwear with luxury fashion, creating pieces that are both opulent and street-ready. This blend has led to the creation of unique items like high-end sneakers, designer graphic tees, and luxury sportswear. Collaborations between leading fashion houses and streetwear brands have further pushed the boundaries, leading to collections that are culturally relevant and fashion-forward.
Graphic Designs and Logos
Graphic designs and logos are integral to urban fashion, often serving as symbols of brand identity and cultural affiliation. From bold statement prints to subtle logo placements, these elements add character and distinction to urban wear. Street art and graffiti have been significant influences, with many designs featuring intricate artworks that tell stories or convey messages.
Accessorizing in Urban Fashion
Accessories are not mere additions in urban style; they are essential components that complete the look. Snapbacks, beanies, oversized chains, and statement watches are more than just fashion pieces; they are part of the urban identity. Footwear, particularly sneakers, holds a place of reverence in urban fashion. The rise of sneaker culture has seen collaborations between artists, celebrities, and brands, turning sneakers into coveted items of fashion and collectibles.
The Role of Cultural and Social Influences
Urban fashion is deeply intertwined with cultural and social influences. It's a reflection of the wearer's background, beliefs, and experiences. Designers and brands have recognized this, often incorporating cultural motifs and social messages into their designs. This aspect of urban fashion not only adds depth and meaning to the clothing but also connects wearers with broader cultural and social narratives.
The Digital Revolution: Men's Clothing Websites
The landscape of men’s fashion, particularly urban wear, has undergone a dramatic transformation in the digital era. The advent of online shopping has not just made fashion more accessible; it has revolutionized how men interact with fashion. This section delves into the nuances of digital marketing, online retail trends, customer behavior, and the overarching impact of social media in the realm of men’s urban clothing.
The Emergence of Online Fashion Retail
The early 2000s marked the beginning of a new era in fashion retail. E-commerce platforms began to emerge, offering a variety of clothing options that were previously limited to brick-and-mortar stores. Men’s urban clothing found a new avenue, with websites dedicated solely to this genre. These platforms offered a wider range of sizes, styles, and designs, catering to a diverse audience. The convenience of shopping from anywhere and the ability to compare products and prices quickly became appealing aspects for the modern shopper.
Digital Marketing and Its Impact
Digital marketing has played a pivotal role in shaping men's urban clothing trends. Through targeted advertising, fashion brands have been able to reach their ideal audience more effectively. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have become crucial for brand promotion, enabling labels to showcase their latest collections, share lookbooks, and even directly engage with customers. Influencer marketing, where fashion brands collaborate with social media influencers, has emerged as a powerful tool in driving brand awareness and sales.
Online Retail Trends in Men’s Urban Clothing
The trends in online retail for men’s urban clothing have seen a shift towards a more personalized shopping experience. Websites now use data analytics to understand customer preferences and offer tailored recommendations. Limited-edition releases, exclusive online drops, and pre-order options have become common strategies to create hype and exclusivity around products. Furthermore, the rise of mobile shopping has prompted websites to optimize their platforms for mobile users, offering seamless and user-friendly experiences.
Customer Behavior in the Digital Space
Customer behavior in the context of men’s urban clothing has evolved with the digital age. Shoppers are more informed and have higher expectations. They seek authenticity, quality, and exclusivity in their purchases. Online reviews and customer feedback have become significant influencers in purchasing decisions. Consumers often rely on these reviews as a source of trusted information, impacting the popularity and sales of specific items.
Curation of Collections on Online Platforms
Men’s clothing websites carefully curate their collections to align with current trends and customer preferences. This curation is not just about selecting items; it's about creating a narrative that resonates with the target audience. Websites often collaborate with designers, artists, and influencers to curate exclusive collections. Seasonal trends, cultural events, and even political and social movements can influence these collections, making them relevant and timely.
The Role of Social Media Influencers
Social media influencers have become integral to the fashion industry, especially in urban wear. Their ability to influence public opinion and trends is undeniable. Influencers often partner with clothing brands to showcase new collections, share outfit inspirations, and offer exclusive discounts to their followers. Their endorsement can significantly boost a brand's visibility and credibility.
The Impact of Online Reviews
Online reviews have become a powerful tool in the fashion industry. Positive reviews can enhance a brand's reputation and increase sales, while negative feedback can lead to a decline in customer trust. Men's clothing websites often encourage customers to leave reviews, as these serve as valuable feedback for both the brand and potential customers.
Youth Fashion: Pioneers of Urban Trends
The world of youth fashion, particularly in the urban landscape, is a continuously evolving tapestry of style, culture, and expression. Young men, especially, are not just consumers of fashion; they are trendsetters and pioneers, significantly influencing the direction of urban style. In this expanded section, we delve deeper into what drives trends in young men's fashion, incorporating insights from interviews and quotes from young fashion influencers, designers, and stylists. We also examine the impact of global events and shifts in popular culture on these trends.
The Voice of Influencers and Designers
"Young people are looking for authenticity in their fashion choices," says Jordan Lee, a noted fashion influencer. "They want clothes that tell a story, that resonate with their personal journey and the culture they are part of." This sentiment is echoed by Mia Wang, an up-and-coming urban wear designer, who adds, "Today's youth are blending traditional elements with modern cuts. They're not afraid to mix and match, creating a style that's uniquely theirs."
Renowned stylist Elijah James comments on the practical aspects, noting, "Functionality has become as important as aesthetics. Young men want fashion that suits their active, on-the-go lifestyle but also makes a bold statement."
Influence of Global Events
Global events have a profound impact on youth fashion. The recent pandemic, for instance, has seen a surge in the popularity of comfortable yet stylish home wear, with an emphasis on versatility. "The lockdowns led to the rise of ‘Zoom fashion’, where the focus is on waist-up dressing. It's all about striking a balance between comfort and presentability," observes fashion blogger Emma Liu.
Environmental concerns are also shaping fashion choices. "There's a growing demand for sustainable fashion among the youth," says sustainable fashion advocate, Ryan Gomez. "Young people are more conscious about the environment and are seeking brands that align with their eco-friendly values."
The Role of Popular Culture
Popular culture, particularly music and movies, has always had a significant influence on youth fashion. The rise of K-pop, for instance, has introduced a whole new aesthetic into the urban fashion scene. "K-pop stars are not just music icons; they're fashion icons. Their unique sense of style has a huge fan following worldwide," states music and fashion journalist, Sophia Kim.
Social media, especially platforms like Instagram and TikTok, have become a showcase for youth fashion. Influencers and ordinary young men alike use these platforms to display their fashion choices, often setting trends in the process. "Social media has democratized fashion. Now, everyone can be a trendsetter," says digital marketing expert, Tyler Chen.
The Future of Youth Fashion
Looking ahead, youth fashion is poised to become even more diverse and inclusive. "We're moving towards a more inclusive fashion world, where there are no rigid gender norms or rules. It's all about self-expression," predicts gender-neutral fashion designer, Alex Parker.
Exploring Current Trends in Young Men's Fashion
- Athleisure Evolved: Sportswear and casual wear merge to create a comfortable yet stylish trend.
- Retro and Vintage: The resurgence of vintage styles and their reinterpretation by today's youth.
- Eco-Fashion: The growing demand for sustainable and ethically produced clothing among young consumers.
The Future of Urban Fashion
As we gaze into the horizon of men’s urban fashion, the future promises an exciting amalgamation of technological innovation, sustainability, and evolving consumer trends. This expanded section offers a deep dive into the anticipated future trends, spotlighting emerging designers, cutting-edge fashion technologies, and the shifting paradigms of consumer behavior. Additionally, we will delve into the growing significance of sustainability and ethical practices in the urban fashion sphere.
Emergence of New Designers and Aesthetics
The urban fashion landscape is continually refreshed by the influx of new designers who bring with them innovative ideas and unique aesthetics. These emerging talents are redefining the boundaries of urban style, infusing traditional elements with futuristic designs. "We are witnessing a renaissance in urban fashion, where new designers are daring to challenge the norm, blending cultural heritage with modern design," notes fashion critic Lara Edmunds. These designers are not just creating clothes; they are crafting narratives that resonate with the modern urban dweller, often drawing inspiration from global cultures, street art, and contemporary issues.
Technological Advancements in Fashion
Technology is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of men's urban fashion. Wearable technology, smart fabrics, and digital customization are areas ripe for exploration. Tech-infused clothing that can change color, regulate temperature, or even display dynamic graphics is on the horizon. "Imagine a jacket that adapts to the weather or a t-shirt that reflects your mood through dynamic designs. These are not far-off concepts anymore," states tech-fashion innovator, Raj Patel. The integration of virtual and augmented reality in fashion retail is also transforming how consumers interact with clothing, offering virtual fitting rooms and immersive shopping experiences.
Shifts in Consumer Behavior
The urban fashion consumer of the future is expected to be more informed, discerning, and value-driven. There's a growing emphasis on personal style over blind trend-following. "Future consumers will look for fashion that aligns with their personal identity and values," explains consumer behavior analyst, Mia Zhang. They are likely to favor brands that offer customization, personalization, and a strong narrative.
Sustainability and Ethical Fashion
Sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity in the future of fashion. Young consumers, in particular, are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of their clothing choices. "Sustainable practices will define the future of urban fashion. We're seeing a shift towards eco-friendly materials, ethical manufacturing processes, and circular fashion models," notes sustainable fashion expert, Oliver Greene.
This movement towards sustainability is driving innovation in materials, with the emergence of biodegradable fabrics, recycled textiles, and plant-based leathers. The concept of circular fashion, where clothes are designed with their end-of-life in mind, is gaining traction. This approach not only minimizes waste but also encourages practices like recycling and upcycling.
Ethical Practices in the Fashion Industry
Ethical practices in the fashion industry are becoming a significant factor in brand perception and consumer choice. Transparency in manufacturing processes, fair labor practices, and support for local communities are aspects that modern consumers are increasingly prioritizing. "Brands that are committed to ethical practices are not just doing good; they are building trust and loyalty with their customers," states fashion industry analyst, Sarah Kim.
As we culminate this comprehensive exploration of men’s urban clothing, it becomes evident that this style transcends the boundaries of mere fashion. Urban wear is not just about the clothes we don; it's a powerful medium of personal expression and a reflection of a lifestyle deeply ingrained in modern culture. Throughout this blog post, we have navigated the rich and multifaceted landscape of men's urban style, uncovering the layers that compose its vibrant history, distinctive elements, and progressive future.
From its historical roots in the bustling streets of New York City, echoing the beats of hip-hop and the vibrancy of street art, to its current status as a global fashion phenomenon, men's urban clothing has consistently been a mirror reflecting societal changes and cultural trends. It's a style that tells a story, one of rebellion, innovation, and resilience. The defining elements of urban fashion - bold colors, innovative designs, and statement accessories - are more than fashion choices; they are symbols of individuality and creativity.
The digital revolution has significantly transformed how urban fashion is consumed and perceived. With the rise of online shopping, men's urban wear has become more accessible and diverse than ever before. Digital platforms have not only changed the shopping experience but also revolutionized marketing strategies, creating a new paradigm in the fashion industry. This evolution is a testament to the adaptability and forward-thinking nature of urban fashion.
Youth fashion, particularly in urban wear, continues to be a driving force behind emerging trends. Young men are not mere followers of fashion; they are pioneers, constantly pushing the boundaries and setting new standards. Their choices are a reflection of their identities, beliefs, and the world they inhabit. This dynamic nature of youth fashion ensures that men's urban clothing remains fresh, relevant, and exciting.
Looking ahead, the future of men's urban clothing is bright and promising. With the advent of sustainable practices, ethical fashion, and technological innovations, urban wear is set to evolve in ways that are not only stylistically groundbreaking but also socially and environmentally responsible. The integration of personal values with fashion choices marks a new era in the urban clothing narrative.
In conclusion, men's urban clothing is much more than a trend. It's a cultural phenomenon that encapsulates the essence of modern urban life. Its ability to adapt, reflect, and influence makes it a significant part of the fashion industry. As we move forward, it will continue to be a fascinating area of study and appreciation for anyone interested in the intersection of fashion, culture, and personal expression. 
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hare-beneath-pine · 4 days
2024.05.07 - The fool again, and again, and again
I'm rebuilding my practice - this winter, I stepped away and never really got back into it again (essentially due to work + mental health issues, very pedestrian). Of course I feel shitty about it, but I'm trying to see it as an opportunity to build something better, more resilient, truer to who I am and who I want to be.
I'm really deathly allergic to being sincere on the internet, but I like the idea of blogging about this process. I like reading long-form candid posts about what people are up to, so maybe someone will get something out of this. At any rate, it can be an exercise in consistency—that word I can't escape lately.
This was my first week of meditating every day in a long while. Just 10 minutes per day of simple mindfulness meditation, but I find it really helps with focus and getting into the right headspace.
Not a morning person at all, but lately I've been getting up at 5:00 on weekdays to draw (or sometimes fuck around...) before work. Some days I was able to hurl myself out of bed, chug water, scribble in my dream journal and meditate, but I need to resist the allure of the snooze button... I may start putting my phone on my dresser or something.
I did keep up my dream journal but haven't been reviewing/analyzing it, so I did that this week. Themes? Stress, loss of control, and drag queens, baby.
Also, not really magic, but I started therapy. Hopefully it will help me live my yass kween best life, or at least stop being a high-functioning nervous wreck. Been trying to be more ~intentional~ about substance use as well.
Been reading Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists, & Creatives by T Thorne Coyle - will probably finish, although I wish there was a bit more to it. There's some decent inspiration for sigil design. And I can thank it for reminding me about consistency. I would recommend this to a beginner with creative hobbies who is mostly interested in psychological/internally-directed magic.
Also reading volume 2 of The Invisibles which just makes me want to practice. So many cool ideas, but the found sigils/incantations in an urban environment have a hold on me. I did some semi-successful workings with a weird symbol found on our local buses last summer, it reminds me of that.
Next week I'm going to add short daily prayers to the local spirits and my ancestors in the morning, before meditation. More generally I want to take things slow, and go for small actions I can do consistently over anything sexy and ambitious.
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eliteprepsat · 17 days
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Nowadays, the internet is woven into the fabric of our lives. While there are any number of reasons why we may connect to the world wide web, how often do we use this vast resource specifically for inspiration and education? It’s easy to hop on social media and seek out instant gratification, but what about nourishing your intellect and spirit? Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to do so, and in this article we’ll focus on TED Talks designed with students in mind. If you’ve never heard of TED Talks, they are speeches under 18 minutes long defined as one of two things:
Something that’s new and surprising; an idea or invention that your audience has never heard about.
A great basic idea (that your audience has maybe already heard) with a compelling new argument behind it that challenges beliefs and perspectives.
These are great videos to check out at any time of day, perhaps first thing in the morning or when you have a 15-20 minute break. No matter when you watch, I highly recommend the following seven TED Talks that cover a variety of topics that students will find relevant and thought-provoking.
We begin with a TED Talk by Eva Ren, who delivered this talk when she was a high school senior. In a hyper-competitive society in which everyone is striving to achieve the best marks, Ren offers insight on why grades aren’t as indicative of success as is commonly thought. Whether you are stressing over your grades or have a perfect GPA, this talk should resonate and give you perspective on your unique role within the learning process. 
We tend to think that IQ and talent determine an individual’s success, but Angela Lee Duckworth, Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, explains the science behind what it actually takes to reach success in this quick, yet effective TED Talk. Exploring a relatively unstudied phenomenon, Duckworth makes the case for shifting our perspectives of what it takes to be successful and how we can better prepare students for their own future success. At under six minutes, this talk may be one of the shortest, but it packs 
Building on the concept of grit, Arel Moodie delivers an intensely personal TED Talk that reveals his own struggles as a student, from elementary school through college. The peaks and valleys that characterize any meaningful journey are on full display as Moodie grapples with the realities of growing up in a tough New York neighborhood. Many of the elements in his story will be familiar to students, but he ultimately ties in the lessons learned into a broader message that should be received by all.
The previous two TED Talks both incorporate the primary theme of this talk: growth mindset. Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, discusses the science behind motivation and reward to explain how all students are capable of improving their abilities. She mentions studies conducted on the brain to support her message while also rooting the science in real-life scenarios to show how students can be helped in practical ways. As one of the pioneering researchers in the field of motivation, Dweck ensures listeners that the power to improve lies within us all.
Procrastination. It has a tendency to get the best of us all. Easy to slip into and difficult to escape, procrastination can derail your greatest intentions. In this TED Talk, Harvard graduate Tim Urban shares an entertaining and insightful take on procrastination and how it can affect even the most well-meaning among us. He introduces a familiar (and hilarious) cast of characters to help frame why we procrastinate and what can be done to procrastinate less. There’s something here for everyone. 
Extroverts are all around us. We see them; we hear them; we easily recognize them. There seems to be an emphasis on extroversion in modern society, but what role does introversion have to offer? In this TED Talk, Susan Cain offers a poignant perspective on the power of the inner self. She traces how we have reached a point in today’s culture in which extroversion seems to have more value than introversion and offers historical and personal examples to show why we should strive for more balance between the two.
Our final TED Talk deals with the power of connection and how it relates to a type of leadership we all possess but may not acknowledge. Drew Dudley uses an entertaining extended anecdote to introduce the concept of Lollipop Moments, a straightforward and easily applicable technique that can be used to change the world. His story will evoke many laughs, but the overall message contains a dynamic approach to how we understand leadership and the effects it can have on the people around us.
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Best Indian Architecture Firms Build a Gomati Home in Lonavala
Spasm Design Architects the Best Indian Architecture Firms based in Mumbai, India. We build a Gomati Home in Lonavala. The aim was to provide a vessel for the family to enjoy a life under the skies and enjoy the rain and wet breezes.
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miloscat · 8 months
[Review] Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (PS5)
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Jet Set Radio Future 2 is here, and it's all I ever wanted.
When Team Reptile made Lethal League and—more precisely—its sequel, they did an excellent job capturing the feel and aesthetic of Sega's Jet Set Radio games in a new genre. Now they've only gone and bloody done it - made an actual Jet Set Radio homage game, and it's an absolute stunner! Specifically, this is a pitch-perfect pastiche of Jet Set Radio Future, acting as a sequel to the 2002 classic in all but name, and since that particular instalment is a personal favourite of mine, I couldn't be happier.
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BRC seems to deeply understand what was great about JSRF and then faithfully and lovingly recreates it, with some new ideas and refinements to boot. In case you need catching up, it's a sort of urban street punk adventure: you get around, grind, and trick on inline skates, tag graffiti all over, contest with rival gangs, and avoid the overzealous police force. The world is colourful and detailed but a bit low-poly with a cel-shaded filter, and levels are set up as huge skatepark playgrounds. All the while a soundtrack of fresh beats including hip-hop, house, and electropop accompanies you.
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In BRC the structure of story-related tasks broken up by exploration returns, the levels full of collectibles to give you new colour schemes, music tracks, graffiti designs, etc. as well as just setpieces to "platform" around. A fast-travel system helps you get between areas, some of which replay the hits of JSRF while others explore new territory like a mall complex or industrial oil rig; the setting of New Amsterdam nods to the developer's Dutch origin but in practice it feels like it would easily fit in Tokyo-to (disclaimer, I have never visited The Netherlands). In addition to skates you have skateboards and BMX, each one having slightly different manoeuvrability plus the chance to open certain doors in the game world: for example, a skateboard can trick on fire hydrants to get elevated to a handful of secret areas. This gives more of a reason to have different ones on hand but can feel like an arbitrary passkey check.
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Movement is aided by the new boost pack mechanic, which gives you an enormously useful air-dash. A boost meter gives you some speed but can also freshen up trick combos and extend your manual, while it's refilled by tricking (like in Sonic Rush), so doing these cool lines and combos feeds back into movement in a satisfying way. Cans have been done away with entirely so you can tag at any time without worry, and graffiti minigames have actually been brought back from the original JSR, except here they're super quick and snappy, and your inputs determine which of your unlocked tags goes up which keeps the visuals fresh.
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A handy new feature is the flip-phone menu (reminiscent of The Arcane Kids' vaguely JSR-esque Zineth). It's great for flavour but also lets you get tips from teammates or contact new recruits, check out your range of graffiti designs and how to write them, consult a persistent minimap while highlighting tag spots, or change the currently playing music. And speaking of the soundtrack, it's sublime, a heady mix and perfect tonal accompaniment that even includes three tracks from the funky uncle himself Hideki Naganuma (much like Hover before it)... and if you ask me they're some of his best.
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Another way BRC expands slightly on JSRF's template is a bit more emphasis on plot, with a central mystery revolving around recently-decapitated protagonist Red, his new cyberhead, and his connections to the previous top dogs in the city's counterculture. This framing fumbles at times, but it gives more purpose to your interactions with other rudies and conflicts with the cops, and interstitial sequences between chapters lets the game reinterpret JSRF's surreal climax in a dream context.
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I've been eagerly awaiting this game and as a big fan of JSRF it didn't disappoint. BRC takes everything I loved about that (now slightly creaky and inaccessible) game and gives it a fresh coat of paint. I've seen people gripe about the price and playtime but both are about on par with the game that it styles itself as a love letter to, so it would be disingenuous of me to complain about either. Better by far to celebrate what an awesome achievement this game is in recapturing a unique classic while brilliantly modernising it. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk reminds me why I love video games.
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writingpracticetime · 2 years
As an urban planner by profession I devour this content and absolutely love it <3
For a prompt, if you want, perhaps the architect/constructor encountering the worst enemy of all, bureaucracy (in any context, pre or post antihero days)
(Original story for context: Here)
I love and hate you for this prompt. Love, because it's a great idea. Hate, because I am not an urban planner myself. I had to actually use my brain and google things to figure out city government positions and steps a construction project would go through. I'm pretty sure that I still got things wrong, though, because I have a mind like a spaghetti strainer. You might be disappointed or found out I wrote something stupid, or missed out on a crucial detail. If so, I hope you can still somewhat enjoy the story.
You’d gotten used to recreating cities. This, though. This was your proudest achievement yet: a design of your own.
Not the best design you’d ever make, but smart and practical considering how young you were. And, as much of your work would end up being, it was strictly problem based.
The problem: New Houston had been devastated by hurricanes in the past. There were areas of the city particularly weak to it, haphazardly rebuilt as quickly and cheaply as possible. And hurricanes were only going to get worse and worse in the coming decades
The solution: the first city redesign you'd ever made. 
You had talked to people in the area and listened to a variety of experts: environmental scientists, material engineers, everyone who could have any insight. You had revised it several times, and landed on a design that most people agreed on. Your fantastic hurricane resistant city plan, with ample public transport solutions to allow evacuations from even the most vulnerable districts.
Now, of course, there was only the matter of getting the city to agree to it.
A simple matter, you thought. It would save lives. It would make the city a more livable place. With your powers, you could massively cut down any labor costs of the project. You were willing to do it for free, too, though Sandy tried to scold you for starting off with that offer.
So you submitted your plan.
"Alright," said the man behind the desk. "We can get this process started right away."
"Okay great," you said. "When can I start?"
He laughed. “Well, we need to run it by the Office of Finance first. Among other offices. We need to make sure that it's not going to cause more problems."
"But I talked to--"
Before you could rattle off every expert you had gotten to give their stamp of approval on the project's safety, Sandy stopped you.
"Kid," she said. "That's all informal approval. These things need to be officially signed off on."
"But Dr. Hansen said--"
"It's part of the process," Sandy said, soothingly. "Even if it's a good design, the city council can't know that without running it by their own people, right?"
"Right..." you said.
"I know you're impatient," Sandy said. "But these things are part of a system that exists to catch bad ideas from getting through. Just trust the process, alright?"
So you did.
Email from Richard Cunningham,  Planning Director in New Houston at the time, to the Deputy Mayor. Honestly it's just what I need, some idiot breathing down my neck to spend a bunch of money on the shittiest part of this dump, with the shittiest people living in it. It would probably do the whole world some good if a hurricane wiped the lot of them out. It would stop the drain on the budget that all the welfare is costing us, at least. It'd probably up the Governor's chances of re-election, too, given how that block tends to do in the polls.
Here is what you do: nothing, as nicely as possible. Be helpful, act like we're all for it--Constructor has already talked up the stupid project to enough media outlets that if we trash it we'll have to wage a PR war against the lovely Ms. Cassandra White, who is an absolute shark. We don't need any of that.
Just keep delaying. It's not us, it's all these unforeseen circumstances that we can't possibly control getting in the way.
The public safety division will probably drool all over this stupid plan, especially with that liberal idiot running the show over in that department. So here's what you do: pile up as much work as possible on the safety committee, cut their hours, and pressure them to look at every single other item on the list they have first.
It was months before the project limped over the first hurdle of the approval process.
"It shouldn't have taken that long," you said
"These things take time," Sandy said. "There is a lot of work that needs to be done by these branches."
"When can we start, then?" you asked.
Sandy’s assistant sort of laughs at you. "Not much of a polisci type, are you?"
You blinked. "What?"
"There's a bunch of different departments that need to agree on it first," the man explained. "It's okay, my kid's studying engineering and he's just like you. All this stuff is a big blind spot, huh? It always takes ages to agree on things like this."
"Well..." you swallowed some frustration. "As long as we can get it all done before hurricane season."
So the project got sent to the next committee, and you waited.
Email from Mr. Cunnigham to R.J Green, Land Use Administrator. So I hear that you got that headache of a Constructor project sent over to you guys?
Email from R.J Green to Mr. Cunnigham Apparently so. But it needs my sign off before it goes anywhere, and I've just had the hardest time finding the paperwork on it. My memory's been slipping these days.
Email from Mr. Cunnigham to R.J GreenWell, what a shame. I'm sure it will turn up eventually. Also, remind me to buy you a drink sometime.
The last one--and the longest one--ended up being the Office of Finance.
They told you it would be 2-3 weeks to review it. A month later, you emailed the Finance Director.
"There were urgent matters that the budget committee had to address first, so we have not looked at it yet but we are putting it on the agenda for the next meeting."
You waited for the next meeting. You heard nothing back.
"Apologies, but it seems there was a clerical error. Somehow it never showed up on the meeting agenda. We will address it next time."
And then the committee had to take extra sessions to review it due to concerns about where the money would come from. And then they said they needed to send it back to zoning and get another expert opinion on the long term effects of such a plan before deciding to put money into it.
"But we already got--"
"It is important for them to be absolutely sure," Sandy said. "It's a big redesign, and if something goes wrong it would look bad for all of them. It's natural that they'd be cautious."
So you ran around to get the second opinion from the specific expert they mentioned. And you did.
Not that it mattered, because by the time that you got it, a record-breaking hurricane leveled the city.
Excerpt from an opinion piece titled "So What Happened to the New Houston Redesign?" written by Albert Jackson, member of the Heritage Foundation.
Now the thing is, every puffed up intellectual agreed the plan was great. Of course they did. I'm sure it was, when you're sitting at a desk in a university. 
But the new city isn’t going to pop up overnight, already built and with all of the kinks ironed out. You have to deal with the chaos, cost, and risk that comes with implementation. It would be a massive drain on the budget, and redesigning the whole city would put businesses on hold for weeks. Just think of all the small businesses that would never recover from the ordeal, and all of the people who’d lose out on their income.
There’s a reason things are the way they are, and sometimes it’s best to leave things be.
You were on site, removing dangerous rubble and unearthing bodies, when they told you you’re expected to rebuild the city exactly as it was before. 
You flew into a rage. You yelled, and kicked, and threw heaps of scrap metal on the ground. You paced around and ranted. You picked up a severed arm that you had unearthed moments before and threw it at the poor messenger’s feet. 
“I’ll fill Cunningham’s house with all of the bodies I’ve found here–” you screamed. “Before I put this place back the way it was!” 
But you didn’t. Because Sandy ran out into the rubble after you when she heard, and calmed you down. You cried a little when she hugged you, because you had been working on your feet for twelve hours, and so many people had died, and you were so young.
“Good thing there weren’t any cameras around,” she told you afterwards. “And you didn’t use your powers to threaten anyone.”
“Maybe I should have,” you said.
"I know it's hard," she said. "But it's for the best. Acting angry: yelling, shouting, lashing out with your powers--that threatens people. And we don't live in a country where things are settled by threats and force. We settle things with the democratic process. Only villains threaten people to get their way, and the last thing you want to do is make anyone look at you and see anything close to a villain."
"But I did everything right," you said. “And they didn’t listen.”
"I know, I know," she tells you. "But when you look like a villain, people stop listening to you forever."
At the time it made sense. So you believed it. 
January 14th, 202X
Excerpt from a recording of a mayoral staff meeting held by Mayor Cunnigham, after getting elected due to his previous experience as Planning Director.
[Shuffling papers, typing, and occasional sound of footsteps.]
--latest policy to the public. We need to pay off the city's debt, and so--
[A blast. Floor boards snap. walls crumble. People scream and run. A stones slam, and the people’s screams deaden as if every wall and window has closed in.]
Oh god, oh god--
Let us out! 
Is everyone alive, then?
[The second the Architect speaks, everyone goes quiet except for some gasping. The Architect's voice is booming and metallic, almost as though being amplified via a microphone from inside of the helmet the Architect has been seen wearing during confrontations with the police.]
Gimme a sec. Quick headcount-- Yep, looks like we got everyone in here and in one piece.
You! Let us out immediately!
That won't be happening.
What are you going to do to us?!
This isn't about doing anything to you. This is about what we all will do for the people of this city.
If you think a single person here believes any of this is for the good of "the people" and not about your sick ego--
Mr. Mayor.
[Bonfire doesn't say anything, but there is a signature sizzle and the sound of flame indicating her presence. Mayor Cunnigham stops talking.]
Thank you. Now, I would like to talk to you about the city redesign plans. Which I proposed more than a decade ago now, and see you have not made progress at implementing.
Because they were never approved, you–
I have since amended the plans. However, I have made modifications for accessibility. There are now safer pedestrian spaces, with particular emphasis on wheelchair accessibility. Areas have been modified so that a new light rail connects the wealthier districts with the “red line” ones. Also, all of the low bridges that made it impossible for buses to reach these parts of the city will be rebuilt to allow better movement by people who cannot afford cars.
You're not fucking serious. You can't be rattling all of this--politically correct bullshit at me while you have a literal terrorist standing right there ready to fry us all!
I can't? (Pause) What about the current situation isn't registering, Mr. Mayor?
[Some of the villains snicker.]
Anyway, we have made arrangements for the city redesign to happen effective immediately.
What? (Pause) You... no, you'd have to move the entire population out first, and house them, and then--that's too much to organize in such a short amount of time, too much cost--
We actually already have a plan to deal with all of that. It’s really only the residents of the poorer areas that will need to be housed during construction, since the wealthy areas won’t be affected so much that they will have to evacuate. The we will move residents of the districts being worked on to the--Grand Diamond?
Diamond Deluxe Resorts.
Yes. Funny how people are always talking about a lack of housing while so many hotels and resorts sit there, empty rooms just waiting to be filled... but that's off topic. We've already made arrangements for all members of the city to be moved immediately to the resort while I restructure everything and my friends help me add the finishing touches.
The people there haven't agreed to this! You'll be uprooting people from their homes--even if it's a good plan, you can't--you need the people's consent!
(Audibly smiling) What a good point. (Turns, armor can be heard shifting) What's your name?
I... Uh... D-Destinee...
(Turning, again) You'd probably get along with Bonfire, over there. She said the exact same thing, you know. Right when I was ready to just go and do all of this. Helping people without their consent is... what did you call it?
A shitty idea. (Pause) And also paternalism.
Exactly. Which is why we did research and found out that people have still been petitioning for these changes to be made, and also we went around polling to see how many people in the area would be willing to be temporarily relocated in order to allow for construction to happen. I even talked to some people in the community and the new changes are based on their explicit feedback.
But I am glad that someone in this room immediately thought of it.
And what are you going to--you clearly aren't asking for my approval. What are you here for?
Just to have you make the appropriate announcements to let everyone know that the area will be evacuated in order to make repairs. You will sign the order, make the announcement, and stay in here guarded by my friends until the plan has been enacted.
....I'll tell everyone that I've been kidnapped. They'll bring in the police--the National Guard, if that's not enough.
I suggest you first consider whether the budget can afford replacing the entire city police force. 
[The entire room goes dead silent.]
Perhaps you should run it by the Office of Finance first. 
[Mayor Cunnigham takes a sharp breath. There is a long moment before he breaks.]
Fine. I-I'll do it.
I'm glad to hear it.
But you can't--I know you won't be keeping us forever. And the second you're gone--I'll tell everyone. And I'll have every bit of your fucking charity redesigns right back down and put up the way it should have stayed.
[Pause. A heavy step as the Architect moves. The Mayor audibly cringes.]
You're right. I can't stay. I can't determine what will go on in this city forever. I suppose if you, and the people here, decide to bring down what I've built then I can't stop you.
But they'll know it was done. They'll know it can be done again. They’ll know what it was like to live in a place designed to shield them and raise them up.  And you won't be able to tear down the memory. Now, the paperwork.
[Recording ends.]
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dailyanarchistposts · 24 days
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E.1.2 What is the difference between environmentalism and ecology?
As we noted in section A.3.3, eco-anarchists contrast ecology with environmentalism. The difference is important as it suggests both a different analysis of where our ecological problems come from and the best way to solve them. As Bookchin put it:
“By ‘environmentalism’ I propose to designate a mechanistic, instrumental outlook that sees nature as a passive habitat composed of ‘objects’ such as animals, plants, minerals, and the like that must merely be rendered more serviceable for human use … Within this context, very little of a social nature is spared from the environmentalist’s vocabulary: cities become ‘urban resources’ and their inhabitants ‘human resources’ … Environmentalism … tends to view the ecological project for attaining a harmonious relationship between humanity and nature as a truce rather than a lasting equilibrium. The ‘harmony’ of the environmentalist centres around the development of new techniques for plundering the natural world with minimal disruption of the human ‘habitat.’ Environmentalism does not question the most basic premise of the present society, notably, that humanity must dominant nature; rather, it seeks to facilitate than notion by developing techniques for diminishing the hazards caused by the reckless despoliation of the environment.” [The Ecology of Freedom, p. 86]
So eco-anarchists call the position of those who seek to reform capitalism and make it more green “environmentalism” rather than ecology. The reasons are obvious, as environmentalists “focus on specific issues like air and water pollution” while ignoring the social roots of the problems they are trying to solve. In other words, their outlook “rest[s] on an instrumental, almost engineering approach to solving ecological dislocations. To all appearances, they wanted to adapt the natural world to the needs of the existing society and its exploitative, capitalist imperatives by way of reforms that minimise harm to human health and well-being. The much-needed goals of formulating a project for radical social change and for cultivating a new sensibility toward the natural world tended to fall outside the orbit of their practical concerns.” Eco-anarchists, while supporting such partial structures, stress that “these problems originate in a hierarchical, class, and today, competitive capitalist system that nourishes a view of the natural world as a mere agglomeration of ‘resources’ for human production and consumption.” [Op. Cit., pp. 15–6]
This is the key. As environmentalism does not bring into question the underlying notion of the present society that man must dominate nature it cannot present anything other than short-term solutions for the various symptoms of the underlying problem. Moreover, as it does not question hierarchy, it simply adjusts itself to the status quo. Thus liberal environmentalism is so “hopelessly ineffectual” because “it takes the present social order for granted” and is mired in “the paralysing belief that a market society, privately owned property, and the present-day bureaucratic nation-state cannot be changed in any basic sense. Thus, it is the prevailing order that sets the terms of any ‘compromise’ or ‘trade-off’” and so “the natural world, including oppressed people, always loses something piece by piece, until everything is lost in the end. As long as liberal environmentalism is structured around the social status quo, property rights always prevail over public rights and power always prevails over powerlessness. Be it a forest, wetlands, or good agricultural soil, a ‘developer’ who owns any of these ‘resources’ usually sets the terms on which every negotiation occurs and ultimately succeeds in achieving the triumph of wealth over ecological considerations.” [Bookchin, Remaking Society, p. 15]
This means that a truly ecological perspective seeks to end the situation where a few govern the many, not to make the few nicer. As Chomsky once noted on the issue of “corporate social responsibility”, he could not discuss the issue as such because he did “not accept some of its presuppositions, specifically with regard to the legitimacy of corporate power” as he did not see any “justification for concentration of private power” than “in the political domain.” Both would “act in a socially responsible way — as benevolent despots — when social strife, disorder, protest, etc., induce them to do so for their own benefit.” He stressed that in a capitalist society “socially responsible behaviour would be penalised quickly in that competitors, lacking such social responsibility, would supplant anyone so misguided as to be concerned with something other than private benefit.” This explains why real capitalist systems have always “been required to safeguard social existence in the face of the destructive forces of private capitalism” by means of “substantial state control.” However, the “central questions … are not addressed, but rather begged” when discussing corporate social responsibility. [Language and Politics, p. 275]
Ultimately, the key problem with liberal environmentalism (as with liberalism in general) is that it tends, by definition, to ignore class and hierarchy. The “we are all in this together” kind of message ignores that most of decisions that got us into our current ecological and social mess were made by the rich as they have control over resources and power structures (both private and public). It also suggests that getting us out of the mess must involve taking power and wealth back from the elite — if for no other reason because working class people do not, by themselves, have the resources to solve the problem.
Moreover, the fact is the ruling class do not inhabit quite the same polluted planet as everyone else. Their wealth protects them, to a large degree, to the problems that they themselves have created and which, in fact, they owe so much of that wealth to (little wonder, then, they deny there is a serious problem). They have access to a better quality of life, food and local environment (no toxic dumps and motorways are near their homes or holiday retreats). Of course, this is a short term protection but the fate of the planet is a long-term abstraction when compared to the immediate returns on one’s investments. So it is not true to say that all parts of the ruling class are in denial about the ecological problems. A few are aware but many more show utter hatred towards those who think the planet is more important than profits.
This means that such key environmentalist activities such as education and lobbying are unlikely to have much effect. While these may produce some improvements in terms of our environmental impact, it cannot stop the long-term destruction of our planet as the ecological crisis is ”systemic — and not a matter of misinformation, spiritual insensitivity, or lack of moral integrity. The present social illness lies not only in the outlook that pervades the present society; it lies above all in the very structure and law of life in the system itself, in its imperative, which no entrepreneur or corporation can ignore without facing destruction: growth, more growth, and still more growth.” [Murray Bookchin, “The Ecological Crisis, Socialism, and the need to remake society,” pp. 1–10, Society and Nature, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 2–3] This can only be ended by ending capitalism, not by appeals to consumers to buy eco-friendly products or to capitalists to provide them:
“Accumulation is determined not by the good or bad intentions of the individual bourgeois, but by the commodity relationship itself … It is not the perversity of the bourgeois that creates production for the sake of production, but the very market nexus over which he presides and to which he succumbs… . It requires a grotesque self-deception, or worse, an act of ideological social deception, to foster the belief that this society can undo its very law of life in response to ethical arguments or intellectual persuasion.” [Toward an Ecological Society, p. 66]
Sadly, much of what passes for the green movement is based on this kind of perspective. At worse, many environmentalists place their hopes on green consumerism and education. At best, they seek to create green parties to work within the state to pass appropriate regulations and laws. Neither option gets to the core of the problem, namely a system in which there are “oppressive human beings who literally own society and others who are owned by it. Until society can be reclaimed by an undivided humanity that will use its collective wisdom, cultural achievements, technological innovations, scientific knowledge, and innate creativity for its own benefit and for that of the natural world, all ecological problems will have their roots in social problems.” [Bookchin, Remaking Society, p. 39]
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famousinuniverse · 5 months
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Vietnamese Cultural Dress
The Ao Dai and Non La, the 2 most singinficant dresses of Vietnamese Culture 
The cultural dress of Vietnam is called Ao Dai, meaning "long top". It has been a part of Vietnamese culture since 1774, when it was ordered by Vo Vuong and made mandatory to wear by the Nguyen government. The women wear a long tunic which is long-sleeved, has a high neckline and slits cut down to the waist. It is paired with comfortable trousers, usually white or black in colour. Men also wear the same thing, except that their tunic is shorter than that of a woman's and not slitted. The dress is made up of cotton only, keeping in mind the weather conditions of the country. The colour of a woman's ao dai reflected their marital status as well. White colour was worn by young girls, pastel colour dress by unmarried and bright colours by married women. At present times, the colours do not really reflect what a woman's age/marital status is, because they wear any colour of their choice.
Ao dai is often paired with non la, the cultural hats in Vietnam. The cone-shaped hats are made up of palm leaves and provide shelter from both rain and sunlight.
Vietnamese traditional dress: insights and traditions
Vietnam is a country of diversity, with more than 50 ethnic groups and an array of mountainous and urban communities with a whole host of different traditions. The variety of Vietnamese traditional dress is therefore vast, with some prominent and subtle differences in various parts of the country.
Ao Dai
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This is one of the best-known pieces of Vietnamese traditional dress, most commonly worn by women. It consists of a long, fitted silk tunic worn over loose trousers. While young girls often wear white ao dai to reflect their purity, older girls who aren’t yet married tend to wear soft pastel colours. Rich and bright colours are usually worn by married women. The first version of the ao dai dates back to the 1740s, but the look of the ao dai today dates back to the 1930s, when a chicer version of the garment was designed, influenced by the French fashion houses. Men do wear ao dai too, but this is usually reserved for special occasions.
Ao Tu Than
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This four-piece dress was mostly worn by women in the north of Vietnam. It is largely obsolete now, but can still be seen worn at special festivals and events in Vietnam, such as Tet.
Ao Ba Ba
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This two-piece outfit is worn by both men and women. It’s more common in southern Vietnam, particularly around the Mekong Delta, and consists of a long-sleeved, buttoned silk shirt with a scooped neck and high splits from the bottom up on each side, worn with silk trousers.
Ao Gam
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This traditional outfit is worn by Vietnamese men at special occasions. Described as a brocade tunic, the material is thicker than the ao dai and other forms of traditional dress.
Conical Hat
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The conical hat (non la) is a common hat spotted in Vietnam. It originally had a practical use as it helped to keep the rain of peoples’ faces as they worked in rice paddies or in other outdoor jobs. It also helped protect the face from the strong sun. They’re made with natural local materials, usually bamboo, palm leaves or tree bark. The shape of the conical hats means they have even more practical uses than this, also used to carry shopping from the market or as a bowl to drink water from!
Ethnic dress
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Ethnic groups who live in the more remote hills, mountains and lowlands each have their own distinctive style of traditional dress. The origins of the different styles of dress are usually led by practical matters. For example, people who live in lowland regions often live in houses on stilts over the water. They tend to wear more practical trousers, but shirts have symbols inspired by their surroundings, such as forest flowers. People who live in the mountains tend to wear garments that are easy for working in the fields and traversing mountain passes. However, one thing all such traditional costumes have in common are bright colours and genuine creativity in terms of design.
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Vietnam is a country which produces a huge amount of silk. This tradition is rooted in history – King Ly Thai Tong was encouraging silk production in Vietnam as far back as the year 1,000 – in a drive to further Vietnam’s economic development. Continuing to this day, silk garments can now be found across Vietnam. As well as ao dai made from silk, many people also wear silk shirts and scarves. Interestingly, silk painting is another typical Vietnamese tradition.
Vietnamese traditional dress gives amazing insights into the colourful country of Vietnam. Join us on small group tours to find off-the-beaten track localities and traditions in Vietnam
Vietnamese traditional dress: insights and traditions (mrlinhadventure.com)
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sighing like an old dog
literally nobody gets it. nobody gets it and i can’t even put it in words properly so nobody gets it even more. i really planned to go to school A four years ago but my current school, which i had only applied to as a backup plan and that people generally see as inferior to others in the system, gave me the scholarship that essentially covered half my tuition—the most money i had ever had in my whole life. i would have been stupid not to take that, even though i secretly wished someone else had given it. and when school A offered nothing, it was even clearer which one i should take. i went into this all thinking of it as the economic choice, the practical choice; i didn’t follow my heart to my current school and i just resolved to do my best regardless of my feelings.
but now school A is fully funding me to come to them and keeps fucking bothering me to submit my statement of intent to register and sign up for housing that doesn’t have air conditioning and they won’t publicly show on their website, and i know that 2020 me would be jumping at the opportunity to get out, but 2024 me does not feel that way. four years and i have come to like my current school, come to appreciate the chance it gives to underrepresented students to shine and succeed. sure, many of my peers came to my current school as a backup plan and are vocal in their indifference to the community, but so many others are first-generation students, undocumented, came from backgrounds far from privilege, were given the opportunity to study at the university and seized it with both hands. i’ve met so many professors who made their home here and are so excited about the work they do, about outreach and lifting students up and making a difference in a community that is so often the butt of jokes about our politics or not being as bougie as other regions or whatever
it’s not being prideful that is making me think about how school A did not at first offer me funding and now gives it to me. i mention it because i am consumed by how my current school started out as the economic choice and ended up being like a home. and even though picking school A would be the choice of my younger self, would not make it look like my current school was the only one to take me, and would result in the lesser amount of scrutiny from people who think i settled for less when i picked my current school—i don’t know if i could make it feel like home. i never know if i don’t try, but…
i was born near school A. i’ve been back there almost every summer. the area of my early childhood no longer feels that way. it’s gotten overgrown, sprawling, urban; teslas on the streets, luxury cars everywhere, exorbitant housing prices that would make it impossible to live anywhere but on campus. designer clothes, fashionable, consumerism. which exists elsewhere, but it’s not the place i remember from when i was a child. not the place i played in with my best friend who moved away to england for uni. i wondered why she didn’t stay. i wonder if she’ll come back.
i don’t know. i just want to lie down and cry. why must this be so difficult
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weirdo-autumn · 4 months
It's time to make a long ahh post on my OC just because
(This is going to be extremely long so be prepared-)
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Nao Nishi (尚 二死), pronouns are she/they
they had a bit of a difference appearance, somewhat longer hair and an eye patch
They were more quiet, collected. While she still is, it was much more back then
They don't really care about what anyone says anymore- it's always the same insults repeated over and over again and she just got tired of it all
They love their parents dearly, along with present friends
Lonely as heck but hey, they didn't mind
...okay she did but just a LITTLEEE bit
They were the quiet kid in class, just doing she own thing
But if someone, such as a teacher, would talk to them- she would play a cheerful persona who acted like nothing was wrong
They have *such* a high love for samurai and warriors and japanese history and urban legends and all that- that's why they have her katana- that they got from their parents, hand-made
Also love scary stories
One time she wrote their own for a class assignment and they got an A
The best mark they ever got in her life, usually it's average
They also enjoy things like simply sitting around and listening to the sounds of wherever she is, like in a park, listening silently to the winds and possibly other people around doing whatever
They didn't enjoy talking with people much, because. yeah.
But now, they could talk all day but get embarrassed about it because god did she really talk this much
They have a love/hate for coffee
Things they really hate aren't much but- wasps, loud sounds/noises, getting sick, causing attention on herself, lying about anything to family/friends you know nothing special especially when they're forced to in a situation anyway-
Just two years ago, they lived in Japan with their parents- Liam and Nirako (韮高) ((designs in work)).
Back then, with somewhat longer hair, Nao never had their mask but an eye patch to cover her blind eye that they were born with, and because of that, it caused the people around her to be judged, mocked, and looked down upon.
Some of this madness was spread to their family but everyone's eyes were on and only on Nao.
Which was the absolute worst. But, they somehow managed to keep herself together- those were just complete strangers that didn't know a THING about them or her family, sure it hurt but those words meant practically nothing.
In school it was practically the same, whispers going around, laughter, mockery, same old same old. It was boring. And annoying.
But when someone with the name of Uso Akane (嘘 茜) came by,
" say... wanna become friends ? " he displayed a grin on his energetic face.
That smile.
That darn smile.
It made them sick.
Was it some joke? Some sick prank?
This entire time they've dealt with being alone but suddenly this guy shows up like nothing such a happy figure, does he really think she would fall for this?
" i don't think you're a bad person- " cut the crap, they aren't that stupid.
Everyone has talked about her.
Everyone thinks they're disgusting. A creepy little freak.
Why would anyone want to be friends with someone like that?
" everyone thinks and speaks on what they believe, but I believe you're actually kinda cool. This world judges people too much just for something simple as your eye. " he said, moving his hands in various ways to express more.
" you don't deserve that treatment, not one bit of it. "
" so, i'll ask again... " then, he stuck out his hand.
" can we be friends ? "
Why did he seem so desperate for a 'yes'?
That's what ticked Nao off the most.
They didn't know anymore if it was all a joke, a prank, or... nothing.
But... it could be...
" ...... fine. "
They wish she said 'no'.
They wanted to slap, hit, punch herself but. They chose this path.
She was just sick of being alone.
That friendship was all a lie yet thet stayed in that spot for so long.
His name is clearly a clue but NOPE. Apparently not.
Nao slid down to the ground, hugging their knees as they couldn't do anything but sit there as they overheard the familiar and other voices inside the classroom.
Go on and on and on and on about their disgusting, annoying, worthless, inhumane presence. A waste a space.
The complete usual for her, really.
It was gonna happen anyway.
And every single person was going to get a piece of their mind.
....... *click*
A year later, everything was back to normal.
Sort of.
Now, their hair is cut short.
Still the same old whispering and talking and mocking but it was less this time around.
Probably because of an 'incidence' that happened just a year back.
No idea what I'm talking about well-
Uso got outed.
By the half-sighted child herself.
Basically, Nao had hid as well as they could and with a tape recorder she bought, recorded every single time they were talked behind her back.
Ended up getting a recording of Uso hitting them across her face and that moment made everything so much better for them once everything came out.
She had kept it all inside.
So many emotions locked in.
They didn't even tell her parents, as too not worry the two more. They... had their own things to deal with after all.
Nao thought it was weird that not a single person found out but, maybe their fake little persona works in ways that even she doesn't know.
A happy, cheerful, just as energetic kid, as every other child.
But she hated it.
Their parents too.
It wasn't them but a mere, hollow, fake as plastic doll.
That no one but their parents truly loved.
Well, at least their dad did.
Nao never once wanted to act like that thing around their dad.
Her parents ended up divorcing, now it's just them and dad.
It was upsetting, but things like this happen- it's life.
Arguments are a part of that life too.
But doing to either of them would make them hate herself more.
But aside from all the baggage, this time around, they've been a bit more confident about herself, like, they simply don't care anymore.
She took off their eye patch ever since school ended, ever since she got up on that stage and gave it their all to the graduating students of their student- that was something for everyone to remember, especially by all the clapping and loud cheering by some people that made an impact on their school life it- it was something.
Those people will certainly never be forgotten, those two students and their teacher.
Nao didn't know whether to call them friends or simply acquaintances but they did mean a lot anyway.
Asahi Sakura had been there from the start- practically glued onto them, while it was annoying, she was genuine the entire time, even though she had to lie between her teeth with the others.
" gosh you're SO COOL!!! " she would squeal in utter amazement.
Then there was Hajimi Matsuno, the one who was the first to find out about what Nao was doing and how they really were.
" you're... something, all right... " he muttered as a nervous, breathless chuckle came out.
Their teacher, Osuka Akane, a kind-hearted women who treated Nao like any other person- with her warm smile and words.
" i may not know what you feel like, but you have every right to feel this anger inside. " she spoke softly, grasping the now broken racket from their hands.
It was the best Nao ever felt in their life, and it was even better to see and hear their dad to be so proud and happier himself.
So things were going well, even better as Nao didn't give a care in the world and acted more cheerful and upbeat- no longer faking it.
And soon, they both would be moving across the country- somewhere where they could move on and live a good future, with new people in their lives- make friends maybe even meet old ones
And certainly, Nao made those few friends.
...And a crush too. But I bet you know that bit already.
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