#because this has the potential to become incredibly cursed
jojotier · 1 month
alright, final results for the showrunner's challenge are in! We're doing a Dungeon Meshi Mafia AU with Fake Dating as the main trope!
The linked post explains a bit more about the challenge, but basically after these polls are done, I'll start writing as if I'm a showrunner- if you throw an anon at me with some kind of obstacle ie "the investors want Senshi to appeal to a more heterosexual audience" I gotta do it. I gotta do it.
Word Count and whether or not magic still exists in the au will be determined by polls in the reblogs.
This post however will determine the main pairing. So I must ask:
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autistichalsin · 5 months
My "Halsin is Silvanus's Chosen and Thaniel is Silvanus's son" theory
So first off, there's definitely precedent for children of gods here, what with Dame Aylin.
Thematically it would make sense. Aylin is tied in with the Shadow Curse plot, the daughter of Selune held hostage in a Sharran temple, while Thaniel, if my theory held true, would be the son of Silvanus, kidnapped by Sharrans and forced into the Shadowfell. Aylin had to be saved by Shadowheart, and Thaniel had to be saved by Halsin. Thaniel and Oliver are even explicitly said to be immortal as nature spirits, much like how Aylin is immortal to anything but Shar's spear. The comparisons would just be too perfect, thematically.
Thaniel was Halsin's first friend, as he mentioned. Of course it's fitting that nature was Halsin's first friend, and that wanting to protect him drove him to become a furious guardian of nature itself. But wouldn't it be even MORE fitting if Thaniel was also the son of nature? If either Silvanus guided them towards each other, or Thaniel told his father about Halsin and his potential, drawing Silvanus's attention to the man he'll one day make his Chosen?
Thaniel even looks like he could be Silvanus's- Silvanus has a deep affinity for deer, to the point that one of his three main humanoid forms he takes has deer antlers. Just like how Thaniel has tiny little deer horns! And where does Thaniel live? The Western Heartlands, which were once called the Hartlands because of the abundance of deer.
As for Halsin being Silvanus's Chosen? I feel like that one is a lot more easy to see than the Thaniel one. Halsin is an extremely powerful Druid with even deeper ties to nature than even most other Druids. He was the only one with the power (and, if we still count the explanation in Early Access as canon, the wisdom, understanding, and empathy with the sufferers of the curse, both the land and its inhabitants) to break the Shadow Curse. Halsin explicitly has Silvanus's favor; "it took my years of study, of seeking the Oak Father's favor, to find a way to part the veil." Halsin has favor with Silvanus over other Druids, and this was what allowed him to save Thaniel.
It would be thematically fitting yet again- Shar cursed nature, and Thaniel itself, and set Shadowheart to kill Aylin (and if Shadowheart does so, she becomes Shar's Chosen); it would make sense if freeing nature was done by Silvanus's Chosen too, and that's before you add in the fights against the Chosen of the Dead Three and the "Tav is Jergal's Chosen" theory. Then you add that: Shadowheart can turn from Shar back to Selune; Silvanus and Selune are allies; and Halsin's Circle within the Druids is Circle of the Moon. It just fits in so many little thematic ways, tying in the moon/darkness with the land and how Shadowheart has the possibility to either work against the nature god's Chosen as the Chosen of the Goddess of darkness and loss, or as a devotee of the goddess of the moon.
Then there's other little things, like how Halsin is so in tune with his wildshape that he's more bear than elf, and also fiercely protective of children; how he's an incredible healer AND fighter when most under him seem to be one or the other, etc.
And lastly: there's hints in the game that Halsin seems himself as something of a father to Thaniel and Oliver. It would make it extra adorable, then, if Halsin, Chosen of Silvanus, was taking care of Silvanus's sons like a father himself!
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brittle-doughie · 10 months
Top 10 most obsessive/possessive Cookies in your opinion, go! (excluding White Lily because she would be at the top lmao)
Bro, you did WL dirty lmao.
10. The Tears of the Ocean - Sea Fairy Cookie
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While not as easy to aggravate compared to the other Y/N Cookie club members, Sea Fairy is still a legendary and can easily sweep away competition if she chooses to. Fire Spirit is the only cookie she’ll be quick to get aggressive with.
9. Loyal Until the End - Caramel Arrow Cookie
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Being a watcher meant Caramel Arrow couldn’t bring herself to harm others so easily, she’s instead incredibly protective of you and WILL draw her bow at threats. Laying a hand on you is a sure fire way to catch a arrow from her. Affogato Cookie is on-sight.
8. Protective Judgement - Dark Cacao Cookie
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Like Watcher, like king. Dark Cacao will always have you by his side, he insists. There was something about you that he held dear, something that he needed to protect. He won’t tolerate any mistreatment from you, it’s a quick punishment for the perpetrator. You have your own spot in his quarters, it was a more preferable option to him then having your own room.
7. The Persistent Priestess - Pomegranate Cookie
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Pomegranate Cookie’s secondary objective is you, to bring you into the darkness. Your soul was nothing she’s seen before, it was pure, it…was precious. She’ll curse any cookie that gets in her way of having you on the same side, she’ll take anything from you that she can get, with or without your knowledge.
6. The Dancing Danger - Lilac Cookie
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Do not be surprised if the cookies you know start falling ill, it may be a sign that Lilac Cookie is watching. He’ll always say it’s for your protection, you never know when these cookies might turn on you, he’s just dealing with a problem before it becomes one. He’s only making them sick, it’s not like he’s straight up crumbling them….yet.
5. The Alluring Beauty - Kumiho Cookie
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Normal: Not really being affected by her charms made you a breath of fresh air to Kumiho Cookie, she took a major interest in you with this fact and will try whatever she can to get your attention. Just don’t mind the cookies around you missing their cookie livers, it just meant they were getting too close to you. :)
Heartbreak Route: Kumiho is much more persistent, she had never felt true love until you had been honest with her that day. It aches her heart to know that she passed on your feelings, believing it was because of her charms. She’s more volatile like this, taking any interaction you have with others as potential threats to her goal. Has particular dislike for Blueberry Pie Cookie.
4. Your Best Pal - Croissant Cookie
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She has stuck by your side since your first day at the TBD. Croissant Cookie was so happy to see you earn your honors as a handycookie, it meant that you two could spend time together as you fixed things alongside her engineering prowess. It…really blinded her to the fact that other cookies like Coffee Candy or Baguette Cookie had taken a liking to you too, something that she aims to fix by being your best and ONLY pal. Keeps you away from Timekeeper Cookie for obvious reasons.
3. His Only - Fire Spirit Cookie
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Fire Spirit Cookie has butted heads with Wind Archer and Sea Fairy Cookie when it comes to you, he needed you more then they did. Fire Spirit..isn’t exactly that popular with other cookies, so having you as a friend was a godsend to him, that a cookie like you would want to associate with him. It’s something he treasures deeply, but tries to pass it off as him going easy on you. Wind Archer and Sea Fairy Cookie can try all they want, but he’ll be extinguished before he’ll allow you to be pried from him.
2. Stinging Shock - Scorpion Cookie
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Lilac Cookie at least doesn’t end cookies right away and gives them a chance to regret their decision to be close to you, Scorpion Cookie…won’t be giving them that luxury. If she deems a cookie too much of a hassle, she’ll just remove them from the equation. By the time the cookie has realized what hit them, it will all be too late as she watches them crumble away…she dabbles in poisons, not cures after all. So cookies can have fun finding that cure, if there is any to begin with…
1. Baroness of the Sea - Black Pearl Cookie
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Normal Route: Why would Black Pearl Cookie want to sink a cookie so…precious looking? Normally, she’d have you at the bottom of the sea by now, but…she couldn’t bring herself to do this to you…what was this about you that has her feeling like this?! This confusion only makes her frustrated, so she’s keeping you with her until she can pinpoint this feeling. She hopes you enjoy your new home in the depths with her…
Heartbreak Route: “You hastily closed the door before locking it, you knew it would do little to protect you from her, but you needed all the security you could get. You avoided the window, there was no telling if you looked out that window, that two glowing eyes would be staring right back at you in the waters. You could hear the faint sound of crying in the distance, the waters were unhappy, she was unhappy. She knew you were here, it was why she hadn’t just annihilated the Lower City already. She was just waiting for the right opportunity to drag you into the darkness of the water’s depths with her…”
At least Black Pearl Cookie is limited by the water, if she wasn’t, she’d be a true cookie to fear for the readers
But since it wouldn’t complete the ensemble today, there’s at least one cookie that will stop at nothing, absolutely nothing, to make sure you’re hers.
You saw it coming
0. The Undying Flower - White Lily Cookie
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I had to do it to ya, I’m sorry Anon
Escape Difficulty: Impossible
You sealed your fate after spending time with White Lily Cookie regardless of AU, she’s your biggest cheerleader and unofficial girlfriend who’s quick to poison rivals at the mere chance of them getting friendly with you. She’s near impossible to lose and tends to just appear somewhere close by whether you’re on your own or with other cookies.
She’s an ancient cookie for a reason, few cookies will survive a fight against her, so it’s for the best that your so called “friends” back off from you before she taints their very strawberry jam.
Her only limitation is her other ancient friends, but they’re on thin ice before her paranoia gets to her and she joins in on the conversation. She has earned the title of Y/N Cookie cult leader for a reason.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 9 months
Hi! I dunno If this has been done already, but can I request yandere archons, with a reader who straight up jolts when they try to touch reader? (Honestly just like a side hug type of thing.) Bcz they’re obviously scared of what the archons might do or say to them (could be that they got hurt or really scared from a past argument/action)… Tysm for your work!
ah this one was really interesting to write, i love to think about the different ways the archons would react to different scenarios because they're such complex characters, tysm for the request! :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including mentions of violence, mentions of cursing, delusional behaviors, obsessive behaviors, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti simply ignores your flinching, pretending that there’s nothing wrong as he hugs and cradles you. He’s incredibly affectionate with you, always holding you or touching you in some way so any negative reaction is like brushing dirt off his shoulder. He simply doesn’t care, he’s gonna love on you whether you like it or not.
Yandere!Zhongli would be a bit heartbroken at first, believing for a brief moment that perhaps you hate him. He quickly gets over himself though, giving you some space to warm up to him again before he slowly starts to become more affectionate again. He does his best to give you space and allow you to slowly adjust but sometimes he simply can’t hold himself back, hugging you as close to him as he can physically manage.
Yandere!Raiden is gonna curse at you everytime you flinch. She’ll call you weak, telling you how you’re pathetic for being such a pushover, and other things which only make the situation worse. Unfortunately, she really only knows tough love, continuing to be hard on you until you either force yourself to stop flinching or finally just become desensitized to it and she can go back to touching you without problem. She’s not an overly touchy partner in general, preferring to exist in the same space rather than be touching, but occasionally she likes it, especially late at night. Yandere!Furina would scream and stop her feet like a child every time it happens. She’ll stand there with a pout and her arms crossed much like a young kid does and glare at you. She waits a moment for you to calm down before trying again, only huffing about more when you give her the same reaction. She has no idea why you’re behaving like this! It totally wasn’t because of the lamp she threw at you last night, or the way she stabbed her fork into the table during breakfast because you wouldn’t eat, or any other time she throws a tantrum around you.
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teddyonbumblr · 1 month
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Extra Elements redesigns: Neuro.
Character notes: A confident loner with a touch of arrogance. Neuro is incredibly smart, even without his mind-bending abilities. He works as a leading medical scientist in Ninjago city, and has a high reputation. Neuro is an acquired nickname, his real name is Nero.
Elemental notes: Masters of the mind have been blessed with access to the secrets in your head, but have been cursed with eternal headaches. Until they unlock their true potential, they are unfortunately subjected to everyone's thoughts, and become short tempered and irritated because of it. They tend to have poor health despite how intelligent they are, and usually have self-inflicted deaths, intentional or unintentional. Masters of the mind usually obtain positions of high power or work in health care.
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niinnyu · 11 days
Here's why I think jjk 261 is bad writing and wasted potential.
I've tried to separate more objective stuff and my opinions so I've made them into separate sections.
1. Jjk 260: I've already stated my issues with how jjk 260 ended and this applies tenfold now with this chapter. Buildup to sidestep to something completely different nullifies your buildup and is jarring to read. You also cannot blame villains in the story for undermining a character if you, as the author, keep doing it.
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2. Okkotsu Yuuta's character: Yuuta's plan and willingness to use Gojo's body if he dies feels incredibly ooc and very uncompelling.
Yuuta is one of the few characters who's been able to see glimpses of the slightly more human side of Gojo "The Strongest" Satoru (he was my one and only/love is the most twisted curse of all). He has *just* seen the catastrophic consequences of a body used by someone else as a weapon. He was willing to go against a villain purely so that Gojo wouldn't have to.
You're telling me the same Yuuta was that ready to use his sensei's body and brought to anger when someone questioned the ethics of it?
Yuuta saying 'if no one else has the guts to then I will' means nothing becauseif his idea of becoming a monster includes using Gojo's body then he is the only one who can do it. All while implying cowardice of the others for "not having the guts to do so" (while being in Maki's presence and with Yuuji's absence, both of whom have been not self described as monsters).
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Yes this is him stepping up to the task of being the strongest. But it doesn't feel like the big sacrifice of his humanity he says he doesn't care it being, if he's okay with it the moment the possibility of having to do so comes into light.
It just comes off as cocky and inhumane. And if that *is* Yuuta's character now, show me reason to believe this shift in personality in him specifically.
Also if Yuuta gets so mad at Gojo for being the "monster alone", why is his solution to do exactly that.
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The easiest way to have the same events play out, but keep characters intact and have it be much more compelling would be:
Yuuta is presented with the plan of using Gojo's body. Have Meimei or Kusakabe, who've never really interacted with Gojo in any meaningful way to see him as more than his power, bring it up. Or maybe while brainstorming with everyone he comes to theconclusion himself with a lot of dread.
Yuuta immediately rejects the plan because he wouldn't do that to his sensei. Him having to throw his humanity away isn't his issue. He won't allow something like this happen again. And especially not to Gojo whom this was used against firsthand. He plans to kill Kenjaku himself.
Yuuta is reminded that if push comes to shove they still might have to if Sukuna continues to pose a large threat, but since he's the only one who can, it'll finally be only his decision. A panel of internal dialogue shows that Yuuta knows this is true.
Yuuta gets the formality "permission" from Gojo. Gojo says "who cares what happens to my body once I'm dead" and Yuuta *then* gets angry because Gojo of all people knows that he should care. Yuuta notices how Gojo also sees himself only as a weapon for others and calls him out on taking the burden all by himself (being a monster alone).
Fast forward to when Yuuta is dying and being kept alive by Shoko, Nitta, and Amai, Yuuta knows that Sukuna is still going strong and he has no choice but to use Kenjaku's CT against all his hopes because he knows he needs to.
Not only does this align with Yuuta's character a bit more, as someone who cares a lot for the people in his life including Gojo, and abides by his concern people at large, it also gives us a moment to see how heavy an ask it is of Yuuta, and forces the reader to be much more sympathetic of the choice he's had to make. How he'd rather not have done this and only went through because he's desperate.
3. Gojo's influence: This chapter essentially disregards any influence Gojo has had thoughout the story outside of having physical.
The main reason he'd not killed the higher ups waaay before now was because he knew the people who'd take their place would continue to pull the same shit.
Gojo ideology and the reason he went into teaching was to bring about a new generation of sorcerors who would know better. To dismantle the system that doesn't see sorcerors as more than dispensable tools for their power balance purposes, from the inside out.
I've seen people talk about how this ending for Gojo is significant because he isn't an exception to the cruel jujutsu system. Yes! True! He's been facing that his whole life! And that is exactly what he'd hoped to change through his students!
Yuuta using Gojo's body for his power feels like something the higher ups would not think twice about ordering. This was the perfect opportunity to show that the kids Gojo brought up *despite* this system are better than what the higher ups were.
And although throughout his life he too was not exempt as a jujutsu sorceror of being seen as solely his power (he'd also never allow anyone to see him otherwise). He sees, right at the end, these kids that he's helped train, and grow, and keep alive, know just a little better. Know *of* the human behind the power even if they don't *know* him.
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OR! If you wanna stay grim about it, show that Gojo failed in this endevour. That the system still continues. Yuuta has made himself a weapon that is used because of his CT and Rika. That Yuuji has only ever been seen as a vessel, he'l he was created solely as one. That Yuuta goes to great lengths to keep his friends safe and Yuuji does so because he's already (kinda) lost them. Show that *they* still hold onto the parts that make them more than tools even if the system still doesn't.
And acknowledge the failure that it is on his part.
Because with this chapter Gojo, even just narratively, continues to be just a weapon.
Below the cut are my pretty coloured opinions about the chapter.
1. Payoff followed by setup and why Shibuya is still some of Gege's best writing: (ended up being long and not specific to this chapter so I'll make it it's own post lol)
2. Okkotsu Yuuta: I am frankly tired by the amount of importance Yuuta has been getting since the culling games ended. The only real narrative significance he has is being a student of and related to Gojo and the previous protagonist. He has no arc, no narrative weight, no personal stakes that other don't have.
He was an interesting character back when he was first reintroduced into the main story. As an unbiased executioner who would be there to kill Yuuji if Sukuna took over, both a threat but also an ally until then. The framing also made him more of a threat against Yuuji than a threat against Sukuna. Interesting!
He also has no personal conflict with the villains. The closest he got was wanting to kill Kenjaku because 'he won't let his sensei kill his Best Friend again', which is personal once removed since it's more for Gojo. Which was also a nullified sentiment because Gojo died before facing Kenjaku anyway.
He is just an overpowered character with no developmental backing. I still won't believe that Yuuta using Gojo's body is stronger than Gojo, because it is still Gojo who had had to condition and train his body to be able to handle the power he wielded. Yuuta has had a lot of groundwork already done for him in Gojo's body so even if he's able to do more damage than Gojo, it's still only because he's standing on Gojo's shoulders. People talking about "are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest or you the the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru" will be answered here need to remember this.
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And since when has either of them cared about the Gojo clan looking bad to mention this lmaao what?
3. Kenjaku's relevance: Yuuta copying Kenjaku's CT being such a flippant discussion made me so mad lol. Your telling me they were seeing killing Kenjaku as a minor stepping stone to a bigger plan. When Kenjaku has been alive for yeaaarrrs on end pulling who knows what all shit that got all these balls rolling in the first place?
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I know it easy to do in retrospect with Kenjaku already dead in current time and Sukuna being the current threat. But that's just undermining the threat Kenjaku posed and the "victory" that killing them was (even as anticlimactic as it was).
Seems like Gege had to do his best to brush off Kenjaku since they was proving to be a much more interesting villain than the Big Bad Sukuna, but man way to make your own rather well written character feel lame.
4. Gojo killing the higher ups: While the panels of Gojo wanting to shield his students from the bloodshed he was about to cause was sweet, I still wish the second years had siccesfully forced themselves in and joined him. It's another place where they could've shown Gojo fostering a generation that follows through with his ideology and plans because they get how messed up the system is.
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When the higher ups were initially shown to be killed before Gojo vs Sukuna, the chapter had Inumaki and Yuuta talking in the hallways of the higher ups' hq. The implication that they'd also done it in the month of preparation made it feel like everyone was joining in and getting shit done. Yes it's satisfying knowing that Gojo got to go through with something he's wanted to do for a long time, but almost everyone has the same beef with the higher ups. Give everyone or a representation of everyone a slice of the action.
5: Shoko hate: Completely unfounded. People expecting her to suddenly have so much more agency than Gege has ever given her just because they're sad about their fav is stupid. And if you need to be angry direct it at Gege's writing that chose to use her opinion for comedic purposes.
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Also question why you care about her ability to do something only when it comes to your fav male characters are facing difficult situations. Remind yourself she's the only overworked bloody doctor/ healer assisted by only a 15/16 yo underskilled underprepared child (Nitta) in a society that is still facing the effects of Shibuya. Also go away stop pretending you care.
I have more issues but whatever. Jjk fans who's favs are dead and never mentioned again be glad!! They're safe!!
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galacticspaceguy · 3 months
Post Cars 3 human!lightning headcanons:
(Also leans into a bit of AU territory but the AU starts after cars 3 so it’s ok)
-mid 30s
-doesn’t race with the rookies officially anymore. He holds dirt track races for him and all the older racers. People are allowed to come and watch. These races get real popular, but they quieted down after a while.
-he didn’t get a new car cause he’s to attached to his old one, and he refuses to alter it either.
-uses Docs old car a lot. He fixed it up because being a mechanic became a new hobby of his
-had a couple a scars due to the assassination attempt and the crash. he also takes a bunch of meds cause the crash messed him up real bad. A lot of people consider Lightnings crash one of the worst.
-has ADHD. It was really bad when he was younger (cars 1) but it’s calmed down now
-people talk about Cruz getting in a potential car crash due to it being almost a curse. Doc, Strip, McQueen, so people think Cruz is next. It doesn’t help that this is one of McQueens biggest fears.
-races Cruz as a part of her training
-hates it when people call him old. Everyone calls him old.
-usually wears sweatpants, a white shirt, a jacket that’s both his old logo and Dinoco themed, and his own merch (a hat and lightning glasses) as a crew chief uniform
-he let Cruz use his old racing suit (he also let her alter it a bit by adding some of her signature yellow to his red)
-lost a bit of his professionalism but not a bit of his charm
-gets a lot of appreciation from the rookies on the track (cause he’s practically a dad to everyone on the track now)
-Lightning is to Cruz like Doc is to Lightning but way more chaotic
-part time teacher at Rusteze racing center. It was a horrible idea to hire him, but the rookies love him
-Harv made him keep his hair cut short and clean, but now he lets it grow out.
-He also has a heavier accent now due to all the time he spends in radiator springs.
-Married Sally. Fans started calling her Mrs. McKing. Though there’s already a Mrs. The King. They are best friends and have their own fan base.
-Always carries a cup with him to all of Cruz’s races. None knows what’s in it, and when anyone asks, he always gives a very vague answer, so none knows. It’s become very popular online for people to guess what Cruz Ramirez’s crew chief is drinking.
-convinced all his old racing friends to help out in the pits or become crew chiefs of their own rookies
-doesn’t usually let Cruz race internationally. He knows it’s unfair, but he’s still a little wary after the whole assassination attempt. A few of the racers from the world grand pix actually reached out to him to tell him he should be less paranoid in the nicest way possible- but then again, people strapped a bomb to his best friend in a attempt to murder him
-tried to teach Sally to race. He always lets her win even if he knows he can beat her easily.
-either really rough with Cruz or really soft with her; but over all incredibly over protective of her
-casually mentions/references things that happened in movie 1/2 and the majority of the time, no one but the Radiator Spring residents what he’s talking about
-hasn’t let Cruz get an proper agent yet. He knows he should, but he and Dinoco are enough right now.
-can throw Cal over his shoulders and drag him around (no matter how much Cal screams at him to put him down)
-broke off his contract with Harv and put Harv on a no contact list. I don’t personally think Harv was physically or extremely abusive- I thinks he’s more exploit-y and mostly cares about fame and money. He was really distant with McQueen but he did have a good hold over the kid, I mean we all know how excited Lightning gets when he gets to talk to or even see Harv. The entire court case was about Harv taking more of Lightnings winnings than what’s legally allowed, and it really changed Harvs attitude towards Lighting, which led to a restraining order and a no contact order.
-I have another headcanon that Harv became Jackson Storms agent, which led to a whole other court case
-Sally was the lawyer for both those cases
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simpforsix · 1 year
With all the stuff about the Titanic submarine I keep thinking about the tourism of sites of mass tragedy and human remains. It’s a really important conversation that I haven’t seen many people discuss outside of historical and final care provider circles.
The Titanic is a grave. The only reason that submarines are even permitted to go through it is because it’s in international waters. Other shipwrecks, like in Lake Superior, are frequently declared grave sites and have restrictions or bans on exploration of their structure. At the very least, there should be incredibly strict restrictions on Titanic exploration. It should not be a tourist destination. There may be still be human remains in certain parts of the ship, and the mud around the ship is filled with corpses. Considering the tragedy only happened 100 years ago, this tourism is very disrespectful. Also, exploration of the Titanic could potentially damage the structure, which would hinder academic research as well as further disrespect the dead and those who remember them. The structure will not be around for much longer.
Tourism of sites of mass tragedy can also be very dangerous. Obviously we know why the Titanic is dangerous, but it goes beyond that. Oftentimes people are not aware of the danger, or are reassured by authority that it is safe. For instance, many people visit active volcanoes, and some have been injured or killed by eruptions. For some, the danger is a feature. There are people who visit Chernobyl, an even more recent site of mass tragedy than the Titanic, despite being aware of the danger of radiation. It’s thrill-seeking, but instead of a rollercoaster people are putting themselves in danger to walk through human remains.
Our natural fascination with mortality leads many to disrespect the dead. The viewing of human remains in museums is a big debate, and I personally don’t think that we should display human remains without previous consent from the person. Imagine how you would feel if yourself or a loved one was displayed in a museum, or had your resting place constantly disturbed by tourists. 
It’s also important to note that this type of tourism disproportionately impacts people of colour. Eurocentric society systematically dehumanizes the bodies of POC, and this becomes crystal clear in how we treat their remains. Egyptian mummies remain on display in museums despite the disapproval of many Egyptian people. Many black bodies, particularly of women, have been displayed in museums, such as Saartjie Baartman who was finally buried in 2002. Indigenous human remains are also frequently displayed, and ancient burial sites are viewed as cursed land and get destroyed by construction. The remains of people across Asia have been sold and displayed, with recent displays posing the human remains of Chinese prisoners. Most human bones being sold originated from graverobbing the graves of Asian and Indigenous people. None of these people consented to this treatment, and these communities are still being harmed by the commodification of their dead.
Engaging with sites of mass death needs to be done respectfully. The dead deserve our care. 
It’s natural to be curious about tragedy and death, and engaging with our own mortality can be healthy. There are ways to engage with these topics respectfully. Many online resources are available to learn about death, with my personal recommendation being the youtube channel Ask a Mortician. Visiting cemeteries is another great way to engage with death, so long as you abide by the rules and have good intentions. There are some great documentaries about instances of mass death, with many available for free on youtube. You can visit designated memorials of the sites. The Titanic itself has a section in a graveyard in Halifax. I also recommend donating to and supporting the efforts of communities to have their human remains and cultural artifacts repatriated.
Sites of mass death need to be treated with the same respect as cemeteries. They are important and full of education, but we need to remember that these are real people. The dead are not fantastical oddities; they are us.
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midnightshade · 10 months
Title: The Greatest Curse
↷Synopsis: An Assortment of NSFW and SFW Headcanons of how Kenjaku would be in a relationship
Pairing: Kenjaku x Reader
Series: Jujutsu Kaisen
Rating: E (Explicit)
Word Count: 3,373
Warnings: Slight Possessiveness and Controlling Behavior from Kenjaku, Breeding, Pregnancy, Marking, Rough Sex, Mentions of Violence, Exhibitionism, Anal, Consensual Noncon
Author's Note: I updated this because I had accidentally deleted the other one from my old blog, so I re-did it. Hope y'all enjoy ♡
reblogs and interactions are incredibly appreciated ♥︎
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Kenjaku loves life. He likes living and he likes people! He hasn't been jaded by his long life and sees the opportunity and potential in even the mundane. That being said, he doesn't often let himself get attached to people.
It makes sense. He's functionally immortal, so getting attached to any one individual can be impractical. Making long-term friends instead of just allies or finding a lover seems like an impossibility. So when he finds himself getting attached to you, he does what he usually does when he feels a connection forming: deny it.
His immediate reaction is to try and deny any feelings of fondness he has for you and keep you at arm's length. There's definitely a "testing period" for Kenjaku when he notices he's taken a liking to you.
You will notice a shift in his personality. Kenjaku is a polite man, all things considered. He's capable and willing to work with others to achieve his goals, but you will notice him pull away.
He isn't outwardly rude, especially if he still needs you as an ally, but his responses are kept clipped and he is more demanding of you than before.
If you manage to push past this roadblock and he finally accepts that he likes you, it's like a 180.
He isn't especially doting, but he is devoted.
Whatever the reason, if you've somehow managed to slip past his defenses and become someone he actually cherishes, consider yourself blessed.
Just by virtue of being with him, your relationship will not always be the safest or the healthiest.
To be blunt, you'll know he loves you because he hasn't killed you. If he's allowing you to stay at his side and to warm his bed every night instead of just disposing of you once you stop being useful, then he loves you.
Because this type of love is so rare for him, know that he tends to be possessive. I do see him preferring more capable partners, so if you can defend yourself or if you're clever enough to get out of a bad situation, he has no issue with letting you wander and do as you please.
But he will check up on you, and he does tend to prefer having you close by. Just for his peace of mind.
He will mentor you in any variety of subjects if you ask. He finds it fun to share his knowledge, and watching you learn and grow is an exciting side project for him.
Kenjaku isn't typically one to say "I love you," aloud. It isn't like he'd never say it, he's just more likely to show love and affection through acts of service and physical touch
He likes to be touching you when he can. A hand on your shoulder or an arm coiled around your midsection. He enjoys hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder or your head, usually to look over what you're doing.
Likes soft affection like kissing your knuckles or your forehead. He is prone to grabbing your chin or cupping your face to make you look at him when he's speaking.
Admittedly, his controlling nature can bleed through in little behaviors like that. He sees you as his partner, but he's more comfortable leading the relationship.
He doesn't really get jealous, but he can be protective. If you're targeted, he won't waste his time dispatching the problem.
If someone hurts you, there's really no question about what their fate will be. Messing with you is the single dumbest thing anyone can do. He will have no mercy and he will not hold back. All it takes is one wrong move before they're reduced to an unidentifiable stain of red on the pavement
He likes a partner with ambition. If you have the drive to pursue your goals, he finds that incredibly attractive. He will nudge you in that direction if you're more on the timid side.
He likes children so he is very keen on it if you're either good with kids or have some sort of fondness for them.
Even if you struggle with children, don't despair. For a millennia old evil Sorcerer, he's surprisingly talented with kids and he's more than happy to teach you how to properly care for and spend time with them.
If children are something you 100% do not want, he will struggle a little with that. He likes children and he wants them, especially with an actual lover. I don't know if he will be okay with never having children.
The kids he's already had were mostly for experimental purposes. He wants to experience what it's like to actually have children just to have them.
He might try to convince you or manipulate you into it. He might love you, but Kenjaku is used to getting what he wants.
Isn't big on most pet names, but he will call you things like "dear" or "love." Likes it when you call him pet names, though. He finds them amusing
If you're in a relationship with him, you have to accept all of him, especially his work. He enjoys his work, and he's naturally very curious. He loves you, but he isn't abandoning his work for anyone. It's his passion
If you have a quick and ready mind and show that you're just as curious as he is, he will fall for you hard and fast. He craves intellectual stimulation and wants someone to call an equal. He loves talking to you about anything and everything. It's comforting for him to have someone to dispel the loneliness for once.
However, his work isn't just fun and games. He is not a good person. He has killed people and destroyed lives without a second thought just to further his goals and satisfy his own curiosity. You have to accept this part of him as well if you're going to be with him.
Seriously, if you're at all squeamish, a relationship will not work with him. He's prone to dissecting curses and humans alike, and you've definitely seen his brain on more than one occasion. Not to mention the amount of blood he has on his hands.
If he trusts you enough, you will end up being involved in his plans, meaning you'll be getting your hands dirty. His work is important to him, so there's no greater honor than being entrusted with it.
He is happy when you take a genuine interest in his work. He's the type to guide you through the process of dissecting a curse and see it as a genuine bonding experience.
He likes quiet moments together. He is especially fond of when you rest against his chest while he reads over something. Will often play with your hair at the same time
Regardless of whether or not you're a Heian Era Shaman who has been following him for centuries or a Modern Day Sorcerer, please have some fun with him.
He has a deep love and appreciation for life. He likes to have fun! (Often at the expense of others) Don't be afraid to be spontaneous with him or drag him somewhere just because it piques your interest. He enjoys someone who likes to have fun.
He's interested in new inventions, always has been. New tech, breakthroughs in science and medicine. Even TV and video games.
He actually loves video games. He doesn't always have time for them or to keep up with new IPs, but he enjoys playing with you. Especially retro style games and puzzle games like Portal.
He can be a little shit. He will pull little pranks on you or come up behind you and tickle you. He enjoys getting a bit of a rise out of you and thinks it's funny when you yelp and pout at him. He'll give you kisses all over your face as an empty apology.
Little things show his trust for you. Letting you sleep with him, eating the food you make without worry of poisons, allowing you to tend to the stitches along his head. All of those are rather vulnerable situations, and he doesn't shrink away from letting you near.
He's a great cook. He's had time to practice, so he'll surprise you every now and then with a meal he's prepared. It's typically vegetarian, because that's what he's used to, but it's always delicious and leaves you wanting more.
Be warned, this is Kenjaku we're talking about. He can be manipulative. He'd rather talk any problems out, and he doesn't have patience for childish screaming matches or arguments. He'll talk circles around you, anyhow. He knows how to bend people to his will.
He is a vain man, at least I tend to think so. He has an aesthetic he likes to keep to, even when he's changing bodies, and he tends to prefer more traditional styles of fashion.
Because of this, I think he might be a little insecure about his appearance. He'd sooner gargle shards of glass before ever admitting to it, but once you enter into a relationship with him, there's this slight hesitation from him to change bodies if he thinks his new host won't be as attractive.
As such, he greatly appreciates loyalty. Assure him you still love him, no matter what he looks like, regardless of whether he's a man or woman. It puts his mind at ease.
If you don't flinch away at the sight of his brain, he will fall deeper in love. Being able to handle the sight and also see him in such a vulnerable position means a lot
He's a possessive man. As mentioned before, he likes people but he rarely allows himself to get attached. Being his lover means he is very fond of you, which means he is not letting you go
When you die, he will reincarnate you. It doesn't matter if some other poor soul has to die so you can use their body, all he cares about is having you back with him where you belong.
And know that he will revive you as many times as necessary. If you die in action or of old age, no matter what era he met you in, he's bringing you back.
Til death do us part, but not even death can part you from him. You are his, and that's just how it is.
Loving him isn't always easy or safe, but if he's let you by his side, know that you're the most important person to him. You're under his protection, and he will see to it that you're well loved and well taken care of.
NSFW Under The Cut:
Kenjaku is a walking breeding kink. This man gets insanely horny thinking about flooding you with his seed and getting you pregnant. It doesn't matter if you physically can't get pregnant, he's going to fuck and fill you regardless.
His breeding kink isn't just for show, either. If you two have been together long enough, he will want children eventually. He'll either breed you himself or, if you have a dick, he'll jump into a body with a womb and carry the baby himself.
His favorite position is a mating press. Any position that lets him fuck you hard and deep and that lets his balls smack against you is his favorite.
He can't bring himself to pull out. If he's fucking you, he's milking his balls inside of you. It just feels better to cum inside and he enjoys the intimacy of it.
The one exception are the rare times he pulls out when he's fucking your mouth so he can cum all over your face. He loves seeing you painted with his cum.
He needs to cum at least twice a day, so prepare to have your holes stuffed often
To say he prefers rough sex would be an understatement. He can be violent in bed and he enjoys a little pain with his pleasure.
If you're a one-night stand that could be a problem because he would care very little about your pleasure or comfort, but as his lover he would be more attentive to your needs.
He'll slow down and be more gentle if he needs to be and he never pushes you further than he thinks you can take. He'd also implement a safe word if necessary.
Not to say he never enjoys slow, gentle sex just for himself because he does. He likes to see you come undone underneath him, watching you fall apart with every slow roll of his hips and every gentle kiss to your face.
He likes marking you. Leaving bruises all over your pretty skin, biting you and sucking hickeys all over your neck. They're presents from him, proof of his ownership.
He also likes being marked in return. He will keen if you rake your nails down his back and if you bite him, he always encourages you to bite him harder. He doesn't mind bleeding a little.
He is great at aftercare, despite what people may think. He'll clean you up and make sure your injuries are tended to, all the while praising you for being so good.
He likes to cuddle after sex. He enjoys the quiet intimacy of holding you in his arms, basking in the afterglow. Sometimes, he'll doze silently as you both regain your energy, but usually, he'll engage in pillow talk, usually about whatever has piqued his interest.
His marking kink ties closely with his breeding kink. He sees the act of breeding you as another way to mark you as his own, and if you can get pregnant, he will show you off a lot and ensure everyone knows he's the one who put a baby in you.
He has a praise kink and a body worship kink. He's vain, so hearing his partner call him beautiful or handsome really gets him going. He likes to be pampered and worshipped in bed, even as the dominant one. He wants you to submit and praise him for making you feel so good.
He also likes praising you. He takes pleasure in watching you blush or look away in embarrassment at his words. He'll say the nastiest shit in your ear in the sweetest, most affectionate voice he can.
Just like in the relationship itself, Kenjaku prefers to take a more dominant role. He doesn't like giving up control, despite what he might say otherwise.
He gets a headrush knowing you completely submit to him. Having that power over you is intoxicating.
He'll let you top him, but don't mistake the situation. You may be the one fucking him, but he's the one in control.
If he's in a male body, please play with his ass. He turns into a drooling mess if you fuck him in the ass. Whether you're using your fingers, your dick, or a strap-on, it's one of the few times you can actually make Kenjaku beg for more.
Tease his asshole with your fingers, lick and kiss at it before shoving your fingers in, and his thighs will start to shake before he demands more. He's a size king, so the bigger the better
He also loves being eaten out. Spend enough time between his legs eating his ass (or his pussy if he has one) and he will fall deeper in love with you. He'll pull and pet your hair and moan out praises as you please him with your mouth.
It's rewarding seeing a man like Kenjaku turn into a desperate mess.
If he has a dick, depending on the body he's in, he loves having his balls played with. The fastest way to get him in the mood is to come up behind him and grope and fondle his balls. Squeeze them gently and tug on them and Kenjaku will slam you against the nearest wall and fuck you until you're unconscious.
Big on Somnophilia. He will discuss it with you if that's a boundary, but if you give him the go-ahead, he will take advantage of it. There will be times when you'll wake up, and he'll already be balls deep inside of you.
He is not shy, and he has no shame. He actually gets turned on fucking you in front of people and sees it as another way to claim ownership. He has no problem continuing a conversation while you're moaning and creaming around his cock.
He has a stupidly high libido, but his self-control is even worse. Sure, he may not mind bouncing you on his dick in front of people, but if you're purposefully trying to get him to lose control, he has no problem ignoring you.
Be careful, though, because when he gets the chance, he will pull you aside and bend you over the nearest flat surface and fill you up until you're a drooling mess.
He will walk out with you trailing behind him, legs shaking and cum still dripping out of your twitching hole while he looks like he hardly broke a sweat from breeding you.
He likes to cockwarm you, but he's more so obsessed with the feeling of you cumming around his throbbing cock.
He'll play with your pussy or stroke your cock mindlessly while you shift and grind yourself against him. He's stubborn and won't move, but his free hand will be placed firmly on your hip to keep you still. When you finally cum, he revels in the way you clench and pulse around him 
Kenjaku loves edging and overstim. Receiving and giving. He will often do it together, edging the both of you while he fucks you, making the sensations more intense until you just can't handle it anymore.
When he's built up the pleasure enough he'll make you cum over and over and over until you're crying from overstimulation. But he won't stop until he's satisfied and exhausted
Please have fun with him. Sex can be passionate and romantic, but he never wants it to be a chore or a job. He wants it to be fun!
Make jokes, be silly, laugh at the weird noises bodies can make sometimes or if one of you accidentally hits your head against something from going too hard. He doesn't want it to be boring.
He loves pleasuring you just as much as he likes to be pleasured. He's more giving in bed than people may think.
If you have periods, he literally does not care about having sex while you're bleeding. You've seen his brain, he's killed people. Do you think a little blood will gross him out?
His dirty talk is more graphic and usually tends to be about the act itself, about how he wants to fill you up and make you scream for more.
He's fine with calling you a slut or a whore, but he doesn't like calling you thinks like stupid or ugly. Even he would never go there.
You have probably kissed his brain at one point and yes, the mouth inside of it can be used. He has eaten you out/sucked you off with it before and it was as strange as it was arousing.
Not to mention a little nerve-wracking since you were concerned about hurting the very sensitive organ.
Kenjaku finds it arousing and very comforting that, even in bed, you don't find his Technique off-putting.
He's into consensual noncon. Dubcon, to be more specific.
He likes it when you struggle against him and make him work for it. He likes to force you down or force your legs open 
Fight back against him, and it'll really get him going, but he does have a limit.
He would be turned off if you cried or screamed at him to stop, even if you were acting. He likes a little chase and struggle, but the idea of actually forcing you turns him off.
Having you fight back a little, only to submit and beg for more is what he wants. He wants to be desired, after all.
He may be rough in bed and possessive, but he loves you more than anything.
You're his, every part of you, but that also means every part of him is yours.
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misc-obeyme · 28 days
i just woke up from a nap where I had this dream that an unfortunate side effect of being loved by your demon guy that his "demon curse" would wear off or transfer (unclear) to you.
So like the more Mammon loves you, the more greedy you get, etc.
In this case since I'm on a Belphegor sidetrack, I was getting sleepy eepy deepy! Falling asleep in class and at breakfast and at some point I was sleeping beauty and couldn't wake up! They had to call Solomon and Simeon since there wasn't a human doctor who had to advise the brothers that Belphegor was the cause. 💀
It's unclear if Belphegor was getting less sleepy so I'll leave it open ended whether it was a full on transfer of the curse or just rubbing off.
It reminds me of an ask you got awhile ago of Barbatos's power rubbing off on MC, like seeing the future etc. What if it got dark like MC couldn't fully control it and just was plagued by visions/headaches all the time/constantly confused?
Idk the whole idea that being close with a demon will give you their worst traits feels like a treasure trove of ideas in my brain ready to explode.
Questions needing answered: What could break the curse aside from breaking up? What would being loved by Diavolo look like? Mephisto? How would any of the demons react to their loved one slowly becoming cursed or demonic like them?
Oh I love this idea. I do vaguely remember the ask about Barb's power rubbing off on MC. That one has so much potential for things to go wrong super fast. But then again, I think they all kinda do.
What could break the curse aside from breaking up? That's tough! If the curse was brought on because of the demon's love for you, then it would seem like the only way to break it would be for the demon to stop loving you. But is there an alternative? Since nobody wants to break up with their demon, right? The game often talks about things that are considered like... standard curse breakers. Such as true love's kiss. But I dunno, I don't think something like that would be enough.
Sometimes curses in the game are like... cast by someone deliberately and then you gotta figure out what that person wanted you to do in order to break it. But that also doesn't seem right for this scenario. Nobody cast the curse, it just happens because of the demon's feelings.
I mean, this is a game with magic, so you could say there's some kind of ancient, super difficult counter curse out there. Maybe there's a copy in the RAD library in the ancient texts or forbidden section or something?
But wouldn't it be interesting if there was no way to break it? Then MC has to decide if they're going to take on that demon's traits fully in exchange for their love.
What would being loved by Diavolo look like? Diavolo is tricky because he doesn't really seem to have one specific thing that defines him either power-wise or negative trait-wise. Like all the brothers are obviously an Avatar of some sin and Barbatos has the time travel and what not. But Dia? He's incredibly powerful, so maybe it's just that when he loves MC, their own magic goes haywire. Like it boosts your natural magic to the point where it's making things happen without you meaning to. Almost like how it was before MC got the Ring of Light. So potentially the Ring of Light could counteract a curse like that.
As for Mephisto, his power is mentioned in the last lessons of season two of Nightbringer. So without saying what it is in case of spoilers, I think it's possible that MC could sort of take on part of that.
Otherwise I'm not sure because any "negative" traits those two have seem to be very surface level. Like oh no you might end up kinda snobby like Mephisto! Or perhaps you have suddenly gain a tendency to sneak away from your work like Diavolo does! LOL!
I kinda think they could react a few different ways. Either they all get distressed about it because MC is human and should stay as human like as possible. OR they're happy that MC is becoming more like a demon, more like them.
I kinda think they're all more likely to be distressed about it, though. I think they wouldn't want MC's personality to change, even if it makes MC more like them in the end.
Hopefully there is some kinda ancient counter curse... like back in the early days of the Devildom, when demons were less restrained and more likely to take human lovers, they discovered this curse that happens when a demon loves a human too much. And they all spent a lot of time and energy and resources to find that counter curse. But it's been lost to time or maybe just hidden away as demons associated with humans less and less. So now, when MC shows up and falls victim to it, they have to find that really old counter curse. Probably involves some stuff like blood sacrifice and what have you.
I just think that'd be interesting! But I like this idea in general, it's really interesting to wonder if MC could somehow just... adapt to it. Maybe they like having that part of their demon manifest in them, you know? It probably depends on the MC's personality.
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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬101: 𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙏𝙊 𝙈𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝘼 𝘾𝙊𝙇𝘿 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏 𝘽𝙀𝘼𝙏▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PART I *fixed a lot of errors here.*
✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚
gojo x reader (she has trouble how to express emotions and feelings so if you erm, don't prefer any readers that has a characteristic like this. pls scroll!!! Our very elder sister is the baddest of the baddest, none other than Yuki Tsukumo!!! But, you have another older sister and you're the youngest) waarrninnggg! possibly has a smut in the second part or idk third part, goofy moments, wholesome shits, and maybe angst if you squint, all characters are aged up to 18. I'm also convinced that tumblr is just made for desktop users LMFAOO
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2006, Tokyo Jujutsu High
You weren't really interested in sorcery and had grown to do things that weren't fully related to it, unlike your older sister who is already experienced. Your parents had only forced you to enroll in her school; after all, you were born into a powerful family filled with sorcerers. You have the potential to become one, but it sounds incredibly boring and doesn't seem to suit your tastes. Korimu, your older sister, is a talented student at Jujutsu High. She has great performance, which means you don't have much time to bond. Lately, there has been a lot of awkward tension between the two of you. "Stop complaining, you'll do fine," your sister Korimu says, continuing to comb your hair regardless of your grumbling and whispering. You fold your arms and avoid eye contact with her in the reflection of the mirror. "I am not," you retort back, trying anything just to compose yourself. "Is that so? Well, by the look on your face, you seem like you're casting a spell under your breath." Your eyes roll in irritation, building up and growing heavy on your nerves. "Whatever, Mom and Dad just forced me to enroll in your school because you're a fourth-year in a school where sorcerers learn." "Perhaps, but you have every opportunity and the potential to become a sorcerer. You know, saving people and fighting curses? Isn't it at least fulfilling to achieve something for the people around you?" "To you, but it's not my destiny or right to become one." Korimu sighs at your comment, knowing how stubborn you are when discussing sorcery. "Y/n, you inherited the power that you rightfully deserve from our clan, where you were blessed as soon as you were born. It's not better or worse than mine, so please, take this opportunity. You can't just wait for someone to tell you this." You were slightly convinced by the sound of desperation in your older sister's tone. "Fine, but that doesn't mean that I'm fully convinced yet." You brush her hands off and begin to stand up from your seat. You swear that when you ever-so-slightly lay a glance on her, there is a genuine and small smile worn across her lips as soon as she hears your response. You have to admit, though, you're not mentally or physically prepared to become a sorcerer. You don't learn martial arts like your sister, your body is stiff, and you punch like a stick. In a way, you sort of wish it was your sister who inherited your power instead of you.
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"Ah, wipe that gloomy expression off your face, Y/n. It's only your first day at your sister's school! I'm sure you'll get used to it, sweetheart," you deadpan while your mother smother you with affection. However, despite your mother's reassuring words, you don't actually feel reassured at all. Your mother drops the two of you off at school before heading to work. Your parents don't spend much time bonding, except on weekends. I guess it's not so bad. "See you later, mom." Korimu waves goodbye, giving her one last smile and a kiss on the cheek before she reverses the car. "No kisses for mom?" Korimu tilts her head, but you don't respond.
"Korimu, what are you planning to do this time?" I raise an eyebrow, suspecting her movements, as she made her way outside the walls of Jujutsu High, jumping off the tall railing with ease and I couldn't see whether she jumped safely down the ground. My heart almost dropped and I immediately rushed to the railings, to check Korimu "Y/n! jump down here! I'll catch you! Promise!" Korimu called out and my heart was beating like crazy. My eyes open wide and shake my head in response. "Just do it!" I could hear her ordering again but I don't know for whatever reason, I was under the impression that she wouldn't catch me but yet again there's another good reason why she can catch me. She's an experienced sorcerer. "Korimu! You're too damn fast!" "Well, that's a sorcerer thing, you know!" Damn, we've been running for what feels like forever... I'm already exhausted... Where is this woman even taking me? We're not even inside the school building. "Where the hell are you taking me, woman?" This lady has an insane amount of stamina... In other words, Korimu looks around the area while effortlessly standing on another broken railing. "Well, I have an urgent mission to take care of for the second-years as well as my classmates." "And your brilliant idea was to bring me here?" "Yup." Her response is both annoying and tiring, and I have to suffer hearing every word come out of her mouth every time now. "Oh, I can already hear the mansion from very far away." "What- Nevermind, I'm not even going to question where you get these senses from..."
A few long seconds later,
We finally arrive and I can barely keep up with Korimu's pace... She's just like Yuki, both of them are beasts. "Oh, Y/n... Stop being dramatic and toughen up! That was the fastest lap I've ever done. I had to carry your scrawny little ass on the way here!" I can hear her laughing heartily while I was still thrown onto her shoulder, upset. As we get closer, it's quite a scene of destruction, but there is an unexpected encounter, I suppose. "Utahime, you cryin'?" the guy with sunglasses taunts, tilting his head, a devious grin plastered to that face. "NO, I'M NOT! AND BE MORE POLITE!" The girl, presumably Utahime, barking at him like how a wild dog would do to a stray cat. "If I was crying, would you console me? I'd definitely like that." for some reason, I have no idea what to react after that attractive girl intervened. "Nah, you wouldn't cry Mei. You're strong." As for Utahime... She grows more tense and aggresive while quite literally getting hovered by a bricked and concrete wall. While she was about to say something, Korimu makes an entrance and I was still obviously carried onto her shoulder. And some giant curse was about to attack Utahime but quickly got swallowed up by another curse. "Don't swallow it, I'll absorb it later." "Heya, Utahime! How are my fellow second-years doing? Wow, you guys really dropped the ball on taking care of Utahime and Mei Mei! You guys absolutely suck!" Korimu gives the second-years a thumbs up, which actually managed to compose Utahime slightly after her attention shifts to the two of us as soon she noticed her attention. "TSUKUMO! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE HERE!" Utahime exclaims in relief while she runs her her way here, embracing Korimu tightly. I flinch slightly at her loud voice as I awkwardly shuffle to Korimu's shoulder. "Korimu, put me down, this is riduculous." "Tsukumo-senpaiii." Both the girl with the short haircut and the guy with sunglasses say in unison, and Korimu smiles back at them. "You're always late for an upperclassman, and you're also terrible at taking care of us." their attention then shift to me, analyzing me for a short moment before speaking
"Tsukumo-senpai, you didn't kidnap someone, did you? I know you have a habit of making us second-years as your child but I didn't expect you to take that level, way to go chief." "Do you guys seriously think of me that way as your senior...? After 1 year of teaching you guys with the tricks I have up on my sleeve, this is what I earn?" Korimu wipes an imaginary tear from her cheek, swaying her hair dramatically. "Pfft, well if you're referring to drugs, yeah." "Satoru, It's not nice to speak to your elders like that." "Don't spread your non-sense to my sibling, Gojo, and I'm not that damn old Geto. Anyway...This is my little sister, Y/n. She'll be your new classmate," she finally sets me back down to the ground and introduces me to anyone. "And these three are your classmates. Shoko Ieri, Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo."
"It's nice to meet you." Shoko offered a small nod and a smile as well. Though, I have no clue what to reply back than to just to repeat what she did without the smile stuff. Oh man... This is awkward, I'm technically classmates with Geto. He used to be my former partner after the we got arranged not unil it got cancelled, a year ago. "Why It's nice seeing you again, It's been quite a while since we've seen each other in face to face, is it not, Y/n? I see that you're still the same as always." there he goes, he brought up the fact we know each other but thank goodness it wasn't that we used to have an arranged marriage. Ah darn. "Indeed, I could say the same to you." I silently acknowledged, he smiled sincerely to me but I was unsure If I were the need to smile back at him as well. I recall during our time together, I showed bits and bits of emotions to him. "My, my. You have history with Tsukumo-senpai's sister, Suguru? You sneak." I cleared my throat as soon Gojo began to intervene the conversation, a soft laugh past Korimu's lips, but Utahime was still here, silently shooting daggers to her glare towards to Gojo alone. "Korimu! You better not be off slacking with these imbeciles that lack respect, I'm telling you! You're growing in your ego as their upperclassmen! Basically causing trouble and treating them like your own!" Utahime scolds, while shaking Korimu's arms but she just had a stupid grin on her face and I began to roll my eyes, folding my arms as I witness the chaos unfold. "Bwahaa... Whatever do you mean! I'm a good senior at em, teaching the young ones what I have up in my sleeves!" "THE FOUR OF YOU CASUALLY BLOWN UP THE CHEMISTRY ROOM YESTERDAY! WITH THE SECOND-YEARS!"
"And it was damn flashy when we did it! Now live a litte, Utahime! There's times in short life where you have to entertain your self!" Korimu pats her arm which seems more like a slap in my view, she turns her attention to me, she hooked her arms with mine. "Anyways you three, where's the curtain?" Korimu turns her attention to the second-years within her arms linked with mine and they went absolute pale at the question. "Hm, right. I was about to ask that too." Mei states, her arms folded as well with pretty half lidded eyes.
A very very few minutes later
"You think they'll be fine?" "Yeaahh... No, 50/50 chance. Yaga-sensei is prettyyy strict, but ya know, they'll live." Korimu smiles, and her posture always seems relaxed and comfortable inside Jujutsu High, her classmates, and my classmates whereas she treats them like her own children and causes trouble around with them. She's a lot livelier in here than at home. We waited outside the room for Yaga to finish to scold them three... Or at least one of them. "Right..." I mumbled while staring down at the ground, silently fidgeting with my hands that were placed on my sides. I wasn't sure whether the question I decided should be at the right time here now, though. I still feel Incredibly hesitant. Korimu eyes me and a chuckle escapes her lips. "What is it, you look like you're about to confess your love to me." she jokingly said so and I barfed, causing her to giggle at my reaction. "You're gonna make me vomit," "Just say it, what's stopping you? We have the time to talk about it before Yaga's scolding stops." I stayed silent for a short moment before finally speaking. "Am I really destined to be here?" As soon that question lingered the hallways of us two, there was a moment of silence until Yaga's voice intervened before Korimu was about to respond. "You may now enter." "I'll talk to you later, kay?" I wonder If what currently was revolving around her mind to answer my question was 'You don't really see any purpose as becoming one such as yourself, do you?' It was not an answer but rather another question that I imagined her hitting me back with it. I enter the room while Korimu peeks onto the doorframe, making my classmates perch up at her appearance, and a trail of happy 'Tsukumo-senpaiii!' leaves their mouths. "Heya teach," she greeted, with a smile, her hand guided behind my back. "Tsukumo, this must be your sister that you informed about transferring here, correct?" "Yup, that's her."
What the fuck, man why is there just a little amount of students here, this is kind of abnormal. Is that too extreme? Sorta. "C'mon now Y/n, introduce yourself! Don't stand there so lamely!" Korimu whispered-yell at me and I glare at her over my shoulder, she keeps nudging on me, gesturing me to do so.
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xerith-42 · 5 months
I humbly beg for more shadow knight angst for the thousands time my liege.
C'mon guys, this is getting ridiculous there's no way I can write even more angst around this small handful of characters I've already given an unholy amount of attention to...
We talk about Shadow Knight angst as it pertains to the knights themselves, who live a horrific cursed existence where they are doomed by the plot before they're even in it, but what about those around them? Those who bare witness to the ugliest parts of being human that being inhuman can reveal. Those who have to lose their loved ones only to find that their loved one isn't truly dead, and that's somehow worse. Lords start becoming paranoid, borderline irrational every time a guard dies, not because they are grieving the death of someone they may have cared about, but because they know what comes next.
Obviously the general public didn't understand Shadow Knights when they first came about, but those who did? Imagine being Aph and trying to sleep at night knowing that one of your closest companions is one bad day away from potentially killing you in your sleep. She's constantly trying to protect Phoenix Drop from oncoming threats, but in the back of her mind she's always paranoid about Zenix. What if he just came back right now and tried to hurt her people again? What if he tried to take Levin again? Would she be able to hold herself in a fight against someone who's literally immortal? But if she fails... She can't entertain the thought. She has to shove down all these worried and put her faith in her guards.
Her guards. Who if they sacrificed themselves for her, like they're so fond of doing, could only create more problems for her. Her guards who would throw their lives away to protect her and her family, and yet could be dooming her in the process. It's a horrible contradiction of values. She values her life and her families lives most. Her and her kids and the small assortment of other caregivers for them are the most important things in the world, what she has to protect. But if any of her guards or worse, herself, were to fall in battle, it would only spell more death and destruction. She wasn't ever even meant to be a lord, never trained to be one like those who were heirs, and now there's an entirely new unpredictable and incredibly dangerous variable thrown in.
It makes her incredibly restless. The bags under her eyes are barely hidden by any markings on her face.
And if you're a guard? Especially one who's prone to self sacrifice like, oh I'm just throwing out ideas here, GARROTH! Hoo boy. Garroth is petrified at the thought that he could become a Shadow Knight. He isn't there for a lot of Laurance's descent, but he spoke to Laurance quite a bit when he came back from the Nether, and spent a lot of season 1 at his side after the fact. He doesn't know the full extent of how bad it is, but he knows how the calling torments Laurance, and he admires Laurance's ability to fight against it.
Because he isn't sure if he'd be able to. Garroth has known for basically his entire life that it is the job of a guard to be ready to throw their life away for their lord. It's a core part of his understanding of his purpose in the world. But now there's a wrench thrown into it. If he does as he has prepared himself to do since he was a teenager, he might do worse. Laurance can fight off the calling, but Garroth doesn't think he would be able to. He can't even dream of hurting his lord, and yet he deeply fears his inability to fight supernatural urges that he doesn't even have. Yet. It only takes one bad fight.
Hey guys, remember when Cadenza was almost killed by her mother figure?? In episode 26 we get this line
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And if I'm not mistaken (I just went and watched the episode, I'm not) this woman tries to KILL CADENZA!! Glenda (as she's later named) attempts to drain the magic from Cadenza/use her as a sacrifice to open up a portal to the Nether in episode 86. Even though she once considered Cadenza to be her daughter.
And this is all while Cadenza at least initially thinks her father is dead. So her father is dead and her only remaining family are shadow knights that are prone to killing her. Awesome! So cool! Great and excellent! I hope this won't have any severe psychological impacts on her!! (it does but Jesson didn't ever give it to us so I guess I have to do it now)
Cadenza has had enough talks with Laurance and Vincent to know that the Shadow Knight's existence is a far greater struggle than anyone realizes. She empathizes with them, and yet she is utterly terrified of them. She knows that Laurance and Vincent are good people, but it doesn't matter how good of a person you are. Once the calling is put in your head you can become completely different. Whether you're in control or not. She loves her brother, and she loves her head guard, but she knows that Laurance is far from perfect. She knows that the Shadow Lord could do anything to push him one direction or the other. She knows he's interested in her magic. She fears that another family member will try to take it from her, or worse.
She'll never admit it, but she felt safer during some of those 15 years Laurance was gone. When he and everyone else first disappeared, grief, despair, and panic swirled in her head for nearly a year. She worried about where they had gone, what had happened, and worst of all, she worried when they would come back. What they would be like. She fears that they went to the Nether. That Laurance may have succumb to the calling. That he's just waiting for the right moment to strike. But then years pass. Nothing. Her father dies a peaceful death with a smile on his face. Still nothing.
After a certain point Cadenza knew that they weren't dead, but that whatever adventure they had gotten themselves dragged into was taking a lot longer than usual. Suddenly she's not as worried. She doesn't know where Laurance is, but he isn't here right now, and therefore is one less thing she has to worry about. It's... Nice. Also Cadenza and Laurance totally have that sibling "I would know if you died" esp, despite not being related. That's how you know you're real siblings. She always knew they weren't dead because she remembers how it felt the day Laurance died in the Nether. Even if she was a chicken.
Feels like a better place than any to leave off an angst post. Though I will probably be thinking of more of these, Shadow Knights and how they effect the world and characters is easily the most interesting thing Minecraft Diaries has, it's no wonder we all latched onto it.
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autistichalsin · 5 months
I wonder if you have thoughts on like.... the other members of his grove? and halsin relating to them? bc apart from rath and maybe two more, they all seem very dicky to me 🤔 and ya, halsin said it's been a burden, and being a kind-hearted dude like him leading a bunch of bastards that think so highly of themselves could definitely contribute to the stress. I guess i don't get it? the one at the steps by the bear is like 'hold on give them a chance' @ the bear when we come in but then in the same breath is like 'no step further or i show you my claws' and seems like has to be talked down from being hostile by third druid; then later when we stop the ritual she's like 'we stopped the chanting but that doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful to this place' and some rando other druid went something along the lines of 'you're overstaying your welcome' - im just thinking how horrible halsin's life must have been surrounded by pricks like that 😔
Short version: yeah, everyone but Rath, Nettie, and Apikusis suck lol
Long version: everyone but Rath, Nettie, and Apikusis suck, BUT you can see several who are having doubts about what they're doing, and many of them come back to themselves once Halsin returns.
There were, I think, multiple things going on here:
By his own admission, Halsin wasn't a very strong leader. He never had leadership skills taught or modeled for him before becoming Archdruid, and further, his promotion was under incredibly traumatic circumstances. The survivor guilt, the admiration he had towards the previous Archdruid, likely left him not wanting to fully engage with the role out of fear of replacing him or at least seeming to do so.
The refugee situation was noted to be causing stress at the Grove as supplies were dwindling (I guess we're supposed to forget Goodberry is a spell ANY Druid can do, lol). This would have not only sown resentment against Halsin and the refugees for putting them in this situation, but crucially, it would have given an outsider enemy for the Grove. Cults (like the Shadow Druids) operate at their strongest when they have a threat, or appearance of one, to unite members and potential members under. "We are the only ones who can keep you safe from these outsiders who may be from hell itself, who are using all your supplies and contributing nothing, who are the reason you're being attacked by goblins every other day." And Halsin, as much as I love him, showed poor judgment in going with the goblins at that precise moment, and with little explanation to the others. It shows where his heart and priorities are- always with the Shadow-Cursed Lands first- but that would not be an endearing things for his stressed Druids.
Kagha not only fell in with this cult, but unfortunately, she had a lot of what Halsin was lacking as a leader- she just chose to use this skills for evil. She was persuasive (something Halsin admits he wasn't so good at), she presented herself as being concerned with the group's welfare in a way Halsin wasn't quite able to do (since his heart was elsewhere), and her zealotry seemed preferable to the other Druids in contrast to Halsin's mixed attention.
This cannot be understated: the Grove was deliberately targeted by Ketheric Thorm. He knew from experience that the Grove posed a significant threat, and he ordered his underlings to make contact with the Shadow Druids and send them to the Emerald Grove, to either persuade them to carry out the Rite of Thorns or at least cause so much division that the social bonds collapsed entirely and the Grove was left too divided to be able to accomplish anything. Ketheric and the Shadow Druids were able to find all of the above weaknesses and exploit them effortlessly.
So then it became a game of scapegoating, which is a favored recruitment technique of cults. "We're here because of the Other, and because our leader was too weak to fix the problem before it got this bad. We need a new leader; a leader who cares only for us and isn't afraid to tell the truth about these immigrants refugees who want to destroy America our Grove by leading gangsters and drug lords goblins right to us! Build the Wall Perform the Rite of Thorns!"
No one is immune to propaganda and everyone is a potential target for cults. It very well could be that all of the Druids, even Kagha, were once genuinely kind people who were manipulated by the cult into believing their kindnesses would get the Grove destroyed; they took on the "it's us or them" mentality.
For the timeframe to work, it either would have had to be happening in secret before Halsin left, or Halsin would have had to be gone for a while; since we know it wasn't TOO terribly long but hadn't JUST happened either, my guess is that Kagha had been spreading Shadow Druid doctrine in secret for some time, and had been planning to usurp Halsin's position even if he hadn't been kidnapped. That just made it easier once it happened. (There is a formal process within the Druids to challenge an Archdruid for their position; I don't know if Halsin even would have fought Kagha that hard if she kept her true intentions a secret. He had faith in her at this point after all, and didn't want the leadership position. That's a terrifying thought.)
So, then, Halsin comes back, and sees evil ideas spreading in all his Druids, starting with Kagha. Depending on the player's actions, he may or may not know it goes deeper than her. He can also see that his reputation has been severely damaged, if not ruined, in his absence; almost none of the Druids have any respect for him anymore. So he makes the wise decision to bring in Francesca, who they have no choice but to respect, and backs away himself. At this point, he intends to return someday when the Druids have been deprogrammed, but of course, later he decides it's not worth it anyway.
So back to: how bad must his life have been surrounded by that? Well, as mentioned, my headcanon is he wasn't surrounded by it very long, if at all. He thought everything was just normal, until he got back from being kidnapped and quickly found it very much wasn't. Whether that's better or worse, though, is up to interpretation. What's worse- seeing those you love fall victim to a cult, or thinking everything is completely fine, and then one day discovering they've been sucked in deep and there's nothing you can do to persuade them anymore since they've come to see you as The Enemy?
In any case, Halsin deserved much better, and I like to think he keeps in touch with Nettie, Rath, and Apikusis after the epilogue, even if he keeps his distance from the Grove itself.
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ivyial · 10 months
Gojo Satoru and Emotional Strength
Now that the Hidden Inventory arc is over in the anime as well, and everyone is caught up on Geto and Gojo's backstory, I wanted to share some thoughts on Gojo's reaction to the Geto debacle and how it all ties into his relation to strength.
Gojo is a physical force to be reckoned with: we know that, every character in the anime, including Gojo himself, tells us this all the time. He is the strongest. There is no one stronger than Gojo (with the potential exception of Sukuna, but this is awaiting confirmation as *spoilers for the manga* the Sukuna vs Gojo fight is currently ongoing in the manga).
Every time we talk about Gojo's strength though, it's purely physical. Every observation and remark ever made is about his fighting abilities and his technique. However, there's also a key component of Gojo that allows him to be who he is, and that is sheer emotional strength, even if we always make fun of him for being outwardly emotionally immature.
(Note: I know this is Geto's episode, and me talking about Gojo's emotional intelligence doesn't take away from Geto's experience in the episode. However, everyone's already talking about it, and I have nothing to add to the discourse. So I'm going to talk about this instead.)
Geto touches upon that shortly during the infamous KFC breakup (2x05 - Premature Death):
Geto: You could do it (nb: create a world without non-sorcerers), couldn't you, Satoru? Yet you would try to convince someone else that it's impossible to do something that is possible for you?
And then we get *the* Geto quote (which is honestly so poorly worded and it's a bit fake deep but it does convey an interesting message): are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?
Gojo: What are you trying to say?
Geto: If I were able to become you, this foolish ideal would become a lot more grounded and real, don't you think?
Geto's jab at Gojo's strength and ability to execute his plan raises the following question: if Gojo could, why doesn't he?
I don't think the answer is as simple as saying that "Gojo is naive" or "Gojo is too empathetic for that" or "Gojo is a good guy".
Geto's been through hell by consuming curses and his life as a jujutsu sorcerer has definitely been more miserable than Gojo's. 16/17-year-old Gojo is removed enough from the reality of weaker sorcerers to not be as impacted as the rest of them. However, he's seen as much as they have: he's seen the numerous, pointless deaths, the destruction, all of it. He's just lucky and talented enough to avoid getting overinvolved (stated by Akutami himself - Gojo can do just about anything he sets his mind to, so he doesn't get too involved with anything). But that doesn't make him blind. We know he's frustrated with jujutsu society, the rules, and the suffering (of his students especially). He also knows that someone has yet to outrank him, and he's aware of the burden placed on other sorcerers, despite how often he jokes about them being weak.
It would be ridiculous to argue that Gojo is too foolish to know how curses and cursed energy work and that they all mostly come from non-sorcerers. But it's not like he doesn't want to stop people from suffering either. So, why did Geto join the 'dark side' (lmfao) and Gojo hasn't?
Emotional strength.
By emotional strength, I mean the character's way of dealing with his emotions and handling them correctly, no matter what is thrown their way.
Make no mistake: I am not calling Geto emotionally weak. In fact, to be able to withstand all that he did for such a long time, you'd have to be incredibly driven. There's only so much he could take.
No matter how close they were and how much they loved each other (and this is also why I'm making the case for Satoru's emotional strength - you can't look me in the eyes and tell me that he wouldn't have ideally done everything for Suguru or joined him in everything he did), this is their point of contention: when is it time to let go of traditional logic and moral and to give in to emotions?
They both have similar emotional baggage due to how often they were sent on missions together and how they both lived through the Amanai incident. Where Geto decayed over months and months, Gojo literally died. They both went through incredibly traumatic events.
I'd argue that the reason why Gojo didn't immediately join Geto, the person he loved the most, in his quest, was initially shock; but it's not naiveté. It's a mixture of genuine shock and a lack of understanding. As I said, though, he knows how the jujutsu world works and he saw what happened to Amanai. You can't possibly, in good faith, call him naive.
You also couldn't say that the reason why Gojo didn't follow Geto was pure emotional strength. He was too young for that. But the event did contribute to building that part of himself.
Geto is partially right: there is a "simple" solution to end everyone's pain, to make sure that no one ever has to get hurt again and to look out for the next generation without them even touching a curse. Gojo could do it. The reason why Gojo is also the strongest is because he doesn't give in to his emotions when dealing with jujutsu matters. What we tend to mistake as carelessness is the complete opposite.
I don't think such strength could have been achieved without Geto's story. Gojo has thought about killing the higher-ups before and going on an actual rampage:
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(And, spoilers for the manga, they've all been massacred, and if I'm not mistaken, we still don't know who did it. Let's work under the assumption that it wasn't Gojo, because the signs don't point to him.)
Gojo's not *that* empathetic of a guy. He can and will be brutal against his foes and he has pretty much no mercy for them.
His anger is not directed at the victims even when we know he thinks of them as weak. I'd be willing to bet that every time he has those thoughts, he thinks of Geto to remind himself of what he shouldn't do. Again, sheer emotional strength to think of this guy you loved so much, with whom you've been through insane trauma, who engaged in the most heinous acts and not think "You know what, maybe he was right after all."
In the end, I'd say that there is an answer to Geto's riddle: when they were teens, Gojo was who he was because he was the strongest - he was strong enough to be somewhat oblivious to everyone else's pain. It's kind of like knowing something in theory, but not seeing it in practice. Later on though, he is the strongest because he is Gojo Satoru. He would be a significantly weaker character without his ability to handle his emotions the way he does. And no, if Geto were able to become him, this "foolish ideal" would not become a lot more grounded and real.
Now, the question is, is he eventually going to snap and let his emotions get the better of him?
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blametheeditor · 26 days
A Little Bit Goes A Long Way
Run Down: To be faced with your own mortality, would it change you for the better, or worse? David never thought he'd have to answer such a question.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Death scenes. Slight gore. Mentions of death and murder. Peril. Calling someone 'it' or 'thing'. Experiments. If you're new to this household, only happy endings, but certainly a roller coaster
*Cough cough*
One minute, David is storming into the kitchen to demand why it’s taking twice as long as usual for food to be delivered out into the dining room. 
The next, the suited man is nearly sent flying back into the hallway from the swinging door slamming into him. Barely gets out of the way in time before a shoe as big as a bus stomps on him. Feels his limbs lock up and refuse to move as he slowly realizes what’s in front of him. 
He’s still in the kitchen of Fazbear Entertainment Center, all too familiar with the layout he changed around after signing paperwork that made him the sole owner of this franchise restaurant, as well as the faces of those he hired who were competent enough to keep their jobs for more than a week. He had opened the door a few feet away only a few seconds ago. 
And yet, somehow, everyone and everything currently tower over him. David couldn’t move the door a single inch now no matter how hard he tried. A rolling counter has wheels that are as tall as him and easily provides a place for him to hide. Chefs and waiters seem more like skyscrapers than people he signs paychecks for. 
That’s not the worst part. The sounds of people talking and food being made are so loud it makes his head feel like it’s going to split open. Simple actions such as walking within ten feet of him cause earthquakes that shake him to his core.
David can’t help but stare. He can’t look away despite knowing he could be killed at any moment if he doesn’t get to safety. Feels himself begin to tremble as it becomes harder and harder to deny what’s in front of him is real. 
Even though it’s impossible for someone to suddenly shrink, there’s no denying the proof before him. Unless he’s simply having an incredibly vivid dream, or hallucination, or something because this can’t be real. 
“Are those pizza’s done?” 
“Careful, how many times do I have to tell you-!” 
David feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and in that moment dives under the service cart that stands beside him. Groans from his ungraceful landing before staring in horror as the door opens and someone steps directly where he had been only a  few moments ago. The thought of what would’ve happened, the idea this isn’t a dream and that could’ve been the end decides he’ll be treating this like it’s life or death. 
The business man tries to ignore his heart thumping painfully against his chest as he watches the bustling kitchen, catastrophic giants unaware of his presence. Reminds himself he can’t get stepped on while he cowers under the service cart. He’s safe, at least for now. Unless someone realized what happened and are searching for him. Or the cart gets moved. Or something gets dropped and- 
“Nope,” David murmurs as he closed his eyes to block out the world, clenching his fists to focus on something other than the constant trembles through the ground. 
Those kinds of thoughts are not helpful. He needs to think about finding a safe place, then figure out a plan on how to get his proper height of six feet. But safety’s first. 
...where the hell would he be safe at a size where shoes can crush him like a spider. 
Taking a deep breath in the attempt to calm his nerves, David opens his eyes one at a time. Forces himself to look at the layout down at the ground. Ignoring the fact everything that’s familiar is now deadly, just focusing on places he can run and hide without putting himself in danger. 
Going anywhere near the door is completely off limits. But if he travels further into the kitchen, there’s potential for a safe place to at least wait until the restaurant closes. Such as the toe kick space under the counters, though there’s not much depth to it and someone could spot him from the right angle. There’s small space under the ovens that goes as far back as the wall and seems to have the most cover, but he wouldn’t know if it’s too hot to stay down there. Out of everything, the pantry might be the best option, with plenty of shelves to hide under, and he’d be the farthest away from any possible incidents prone to happen in busy kitchens. 
With that settled, now he just has to figure out how to get there. There’s no cover between where he is now and the pantry door, just a full mile of open air in which he’d be completely vulnerable to dropped items, shoes, and being spotted. 
An involuntary shiver runs down David’s spine at the thought of someone seeing him. That would open an entire can of worms, especially if it’s realized he’s human instead of a pest. Getting killed is one thing, but there’s no telling what someone would do if they get their hands on him. It could range from making him pay for screaming at them because they weren’t doing their job right, to selling him to make a quick buck. 
A glance is sent toward the wheels of the cart he’s currently using as shelter. Because while this could be moved, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be. It had been put here for a reason. He can’t remember if this is normally here every other day, meaning it’s a toss up if it’ll get moved again. 
Which one’s better, then? Taking a chance out in the open, or hoping no one moves the cart? 
...what if he moves the cart? 
David stares at the large wheels for a moment before walking closer, willing to at least give it a try no matter how ridiculous the idea seems. If this actually works, he’ll take it. Though, he does hesitate to actually touch the wheel once he’s close enough to see just how filthy it is. Flinches when it dawns on him he’ll be covered in dust and dirt by the end of this ordeal. 
He sighs long and hard with the reminder of yet another earthquake it’s either this, or an almost guarantee of getting crushed. Grits his teeth and tries to shove at the wheel with all his might. Growls when doesn’t budge, changing his position only to end up with the same results. Meaning he did that for absolutely nothing. 
David looks back out at the kitchen. Narrows his eyes when he realizes the large island is closer to him than the pantry. And if he runs from the island to the counter...he’ll be covered for almost the entire walk. 
It’ll be a lot more work, and shoes are constantly walking between all of the counters, but it’s certainly safer. 
Now there’s three options. He doesn’t like any of them, but he hadn’t asked to get shrunk so these are the cards he’s been dealt with. As shitty as they are, he just has to make the most of them. 
Honestly, taking the long path to the pantry seems like his best bet. It almost seems like he’s been taking too long, so he needs to- 
His train of thought is lost when he sees a pair of shoes suddenly begin to walk toward him. And then words are booming through the air almost directly above. 
“Hey, is the cart claimed?” 
David freezes. Almost screams when the wheel beside him is suddenly turning, scrambling to get a safe distance away. Feels his blood run cold when the entire thing begins to move. And then David starts running. 
He runs after the cart. If there was time to think, he might’ve recognized that as the worst thing he could’ve done, but adrenaline had taken control. The only thing he knew was that his only shelter was being taken away, and there was nothing he could do about it except follow. 
It could’ve ended with him getting caught under a wheel. With it stopping abruptly and him slamming into it. Getting left behind and ending up underfoot from someone walking past. 
None of those happen. Somehow by some miracle David stays with the cart before almost colliding with the underside of the counter. As soon as he hits the wall, he collapses, legs trembling so harshly it’s impossible to stay standing. Arms and chest aching after taking the brunt of the impact. 
But he made it. He made it and that’s all that matters. 
The business man pants, choking on air a few times. Takes a few minutes to slow his breathing and calm his racing heart. Makes the promise to fire every single person on staff for not realizing someone’s peril despite it happening right in front of them. It would be seen as unfair, and he could be sued for a lot of money considering he most likely wouldn’t be able to prove anything, but the thought makes him feel a lot better considering everything. It’d also be worth it. 
David doesn’t know how long it takes to recover, just that it’s dangerous for him to stay any longer. So despite the fact his limbs are still shaking, he carefully pushes himself to a stand. Absolutely refuses to take off his suit jacket even though that would make running easier and help keep him from overheating. Like hell he’s loosing an expensive piece of clothing. He might be shrunk and fighting for his life, but he still has standards. Would rather die with dignity over living with a tarnished reputation. 
Call him shallow and egotistical. The train of thought was able to calm him down, however. Distracted him from the thundering footsteps walking right past him as he walks under the cabinet's toe kick. Hoping its true purpose is rarely used. Unsure if he should be glad he’s short enough he doesn’t have to worry about hitting his head on the overhanging wood, or miffed that he’s shorter than four inches tall. 
The conundrum is forgotten as he turns a corner and becomes face to face with clog, one that’s not blocking his way, but the toe of the shoe so close David could walk forward and shove at it. 
Of course that wouldn’t do anything. The owner of the shoe wouldn’t even notice the attempt. With such a catastrophic object that he’s been terrified of ever since shrinking just staying in one place, it’s almost a slap in the face just how small he really is. He’s not even the size of a mouse that can easily clamber over the shoe. More like a large insect that would need to laboriously climb if it blocked his path completely. 
...he didn’t even think about that. Giants are terrifying, but what if he encounters animals at this size? There’s no shooing away a rat or crushing a roach beneath his shoe, they’re now threats to him instead of nuisances. 
Good news, as long as he doesn’t leave the restaurant, he should be perfectly safe. He ensured all pest had been eliminated on the first day, and has an exterminator on speed dial whenever someone reports having seen so much as a shadow creeping along the ground. 
As for the giants, he can hope he doesn’t have to interact with one anytime soon. 
“Is an oven finally open?” 
“Everything that was cooking the previous round is done. Did you forget to pull the pizza’s out?” 
Part of David wants to yell about how much those he hired are dumbasses to not check if something was left in the oven. The other part slumps in relief as the person standing at the island quickly leaves. The only condolence is the fact it doesn’t smell like something’s burning. 
He needs to focus. Forget about what’s happening around him, concentrate on getting somewhere safe. Fire everyone later. 
David looks across the vast distance from where he stands to the line of cabinets that connect to the pantry. This time, there isn’t a service cart to act as cover as he runs across. It’ll just be him, completely exposed. 
He already feels himself begin to shake at the thought of making such a risky move. His muscles protest at running the large distance in which the only time he’d be able to stop is when he gets to the other side. 
What if he doesn’t make it? What if someone walks by and never notices a miniscule figure? What if they do notice and trap him inside a jar? And what happens if he stays here? The toe kick is only four inches deep, that’s not enough space to guarantee safety. 
David steels himself before carefully leaning out from under the counter. Looks up to barely make out the timer’s on the oven saying there’s ten minutes left. Glances at his left where the pantry sits, door shut tight with the lights currently off. Checks his right to see this area of the kitchen void of stomping shoes. 
He doesn’t hesitate, knowing this might be his only chance, and sprints. Without a single look back to make sure no one’s coming. There would be nothing he could do, so he runs. Never slows down even as his legs burn from overexertion and his lungs send sharp pains through his chest. 
Then the ground starts to jump. David can see he’s already past the halfway mark, but cover is still too far away. He can’t turn around and go back because that wouldn’t be any closer. And even as terror races up his spine and he feels his adrenaline kick in, it’s not enough. He would be an idiot to ever think he could outrun a giant. 
He doesn’t stop. Though the footsteps growing closer and closer attempt to trip him with the earthquakes they bring. It’s a miracle they haven’t gotten to him. 
Until someone gives a small gasp. 
“Shit, there’s a bug in here.” 
“Are you serious?” 
David doesn’t stop. The counters are only ten feet away he’s almost there. 
“I can’t tell what it is, but I need to finish this. Can someone take care of it?” 
“I’ll get it, where is it?” 
Just a few more- 
The business man crashes into the counters at full tilt, not realizing he had actually made it. He swears he broke something this time. But he’s alive. He’s alive he made it he didn’t get crushed. 
“It’s under the counters by the stove.” 
It takes just a little too long for David to realize what that means. Stares out at the kitchen, almost confused why one pair of shoes is pointed directly toward him. Are taking steps toward him. Because he’s safe, he made it. 
It finally clicks. That even though he is somewhere he deemed to be ‘safe’, someone saw him, and they’re coming to take care of the pest infesting an area that needs to be sanitary. 
Once it finally processes David is far from safe, he scrambles to his feet even though he wants to do nothing more than to go limp. He doesn’t know what ‘take care of it’ means, but it can’t be anything good. Where is he supposed to go, though? 
If he was in the right state of mind, the idea of going for the pantry would’ve been recognized as the worst thing he could possibly do. Panic can do so many things, however, and the only thing he could think of was his original plan. Meaning it was the only logical thing to do. 
Yet just as he starts to turn and run in that direction, a hand grabs his wrist. Immediately has David turning to look at who it is, unable to remember why that shouldn’t be possible. 
A teenager stares up at David with wide eyes, tugging at his arm in the opposite direction than was previously chosen. “Follow me, hurry!” 
Any other time, David would refuse. This isn’t any other time, though. No, he was shrunk, had ran for his life, and is now being hunted down by a giant. So there’s not a single protest as he’s frantically led toward the ovens. Doesn’t hesitate a single second to continue following as he’s forced to hunch over to duck into the small area normally impossible to gain access to. Sends a look over his shoulder briefly to catch sight of someone searching all the wrong places for him. 
Then the entire kitchen completely leaves his sight, and he’s left with an alien landscape of metal over his head and a dusty floor. The worst part is how it gets dimmer and dimmer the further they walk. But David is now completely safe from becoming an exotic pet or being treated like an unwanted pest. The teenager who saved him from such a horrific fate never letting his arm go. 
That’s when everything starts to catch up with him. The terror of nearly dying. His limbs completely exhausted. No longer feeling dazed to finally process what just happened. 
“Wait,” David begins, breathless as he comes to a stop. As soon as he does, however, his knees buckle and he sits harshly on the ground. Sighs in relief he can finally rest without the threat of ending up dead. 
Instead of leaving him there, the kid immediately kneels down beside him. It’s almost impossible to make out features and expressions in the darkness, but a stranger wouldn’t be indifferent if the first instinct was to stay close. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
David shakes his head.  “Not hurt. Just...ran for my life.” 
“That’ll definitely do it,” the kid murmurs, his voice never raising above a whisper. “I have a safe place we can go, but we can stay here for a bit. We just need to be careful that we don’t overheat.” 
...now that something was said, the business man realizes it is a bit hot where they are. Not burning, but definitely uncomfortable. Especially with the running he previously did and his jacket acting as the main perpetrator for making him overheat quicker than usual. 
But he can survive a few minutes. By then he’ll be able to at the very least stand up again. 
“Here, drink some water.” 
David hadn’t noticed any movement until something is being offered to him. At the promise of it being water, he quicky accepts it, hesitating at the odd texture as his mind recognizes the shape of a cup. Decides it’s not worth making a fuss over and simply drinks. 
It’s water, clean if a bit warm, but he can’t get over just what the fuck he’s using as a cup. “What, is this?” 
“The wat- oh! The cup, it’s just aluminum foil.” 
David stares at the shadowy figure for a moment. Glances up at the metal ‘roof’ above their heads to confirm they’re both only a few inches tall.  “Where did you get aluminum foil?” 
“Long story,” the kid says. “I can tell it to you later. Are you okay to start walking again?” 
David doesn’t want to go anywhere with a complete stranger until he gets answers. Who is this kid? Why does he have supplies? Why was he in the kitchen near the ovens at this exact time? 
It’d be a stupid idea to get on the kid’s bad side now. It was promised there is a safe place to go. So instead of earning himself a death sentence by being left here after making an enemy with the only person who can help him, David bites his tongue to keep from yelling. 
Instead, he carefully stands up, nearly hitting his head on the oven after forgetting there’s not as much space as there was under the counters. “Lead the way.” 
Out of everything, he was not expecting his arm to be grabbed again. “Just to warn you, it’s going to be pretty dark. But I know the way, and I’ve kept the path clear of rodents and insects, so it's not dangerous. Just, terrifying.” 
David has to grit his teeth to keep from sprinting in the opposite direction as he’s led to a fairly wide hole in the back of the cabinets. One that’s pitch black and promises a death worst than being treated like a roach. 
Yet the kid doesn’t even stiffen before walking through it. Which means the business man isn’t declaring he’s not going anywhere near it if some teenager is able to be that courageous. Meaning he allows himself to be led down the tunnel without any objection, secretly glad the grip on his arm gets tighter to promise he won’t be let go. 
They walk in complete silence. It amplifies the sound of their footsteps, but it also means they’ll be able to hear something making its way toward them. And then a faint glow appears in the darkness. Getting brighter the closer they get. David feels his chest get lighter when he’s finally able to see there’s a wall to his right, the wooden cabinets to his left, and absolutely no signs of eyes reflecting in the darkness behind him. 
It’s also revealed their destination was a piece of cardboard. 
“Come inside,” the kid encourages. Before David can demand what’s meant by inside, the cardboard is pushed open like a door. 
Admittedly put off by it, David warily walks through the apparent doorway. Finds himself standing in what he can only describe as a third grader’s shitty attempt to make a diorama of their house for a school project. Complete with a bed that’s nothing but a pile of fabrics, a plastic pizza saver repurposed as a table, and odd $1 prizes the restaurant gives away in exchange for tickets scattered across the room that could be interpreted as anything. And he can’t forget to mention candles meant to be put on birthday cakes acting as lamps. 
When he imagined a safe place, an odd hideout tucked in a corner impossible to access from the outside wasn’t it. Then again, what was he expecting? 
After taking in the room, David turns back toward the person who brought him here, finally able to get a good look at the kid now that he isn’t fearing for his life. Looks over the mop of red hair, bright green eyes watching him nervously, the numerous freckles decorating the nose and cheeks. Gives a glance at the patched up clothes so dusty it’s hard to tell what their true colors are. 
“I need answers, and I need them now,” David growls. “Who the hell are you?” 
“My name’s Fritz,” the kid offers quietly. “You’re David, right?” 
“Mr. Harrison,” is automatically corrected. But then the implication has him glaring. “Have we met before?” 
“Briefly,” Fritz begins. “I...h-here, sit down and I’ll tell you everything.” 
David isn’t given a chance to protest. The kid closes the poor excuse for a door before taking off a bag that wasn’t noticed previously to place it on the floor. A cardboard stool for the lack of a better term is then pushed toward him. 
Fritz then grabs an odd vase that looks like it’s made of metal. Untwists the top before extending a hand toward David. “Would you like more water?” 
He's confused, until he realizes he’s still holding the cup from earlier, one that looks like it’s made from the same material of the odd pitcher. Sighs as he hands it over to be refilled, it being abundantly clear Fritz is going to take his sweet goddamn time. David then carefully sits down, genuinely surprised the crude seat holds his weight. Begins to tap his fingers impatiently. Doesn’t think about how his legs appreciate the rest and how grateful he is for the water after such an arduous adventure. 
“When and where did you shrink?” 
David gives a look at the explanation starting with a question. “Not too long ago, about an hour or so. It happened right as I walked into the kitchen.” 
“The same thing happened to me,” Fritz reveals as he stares down at the table. “I walked into the kitchen to take an order out to a table, and then I just...shrunk.” 
David freezes. So this is apparently a thing that just happens? How is that even possible? Have other people been shrunk as well? Why didn’t he notice employees disappearing? 
And why has Fritz stopped talking? 
A sigh is withheld at the teenager looking as if he’s remembering something unpleasant. “And when did that happen?” 
“A-A few months ago,” is barely said loud enough to be heard. 
...wait. Hold on. 
David wants to call bullshit. There’s no way someone only a few inches tall has managed to survive for a couple of months. David almost died within the first hour. Fritz has to be lying. 
Except, the kid can’t be. The pilfered items scattered around the room seems more than what could be collected in a single day, or even in a full week. Fritz also looks underfed and exhausted. The long term kind. Like he really hasn’t had access to proper care for a while. 
Suddenly, David feels sick to his stomach. At the thought someone could’ve been crushed under the sole of his own shoe, and he never would’ve known. At the realization that if Fritz shrank more than a month ago, and is still shrunk, then the business man’s future is bleak. 
“So you have no idea what caused this.” 
“Not a single clue.” 
Then he really is stuck at this size for the rest of his life. However long that is. 
David stares at Fritz. “What have you done during these past couple months?” 
The teenager shrugs, looking everywhere but at the business man. “Surviving. The kitchen wasn’t the worst place to end up since I have access to food and water. After a month I ventured out into the main area after the restaurant closed. I couldn’t really go far, though. The animatronics could spot me, or I wouldn’t get back to safety before someone came in for the morning shift.” 
A shiver travels down David’s spine at the thought of encountering the animatronics at this size. Quickly pushes the thought away for a different time. “And no one realized you were missing?” 
Fritz flinches at his question. Finally meets his gaze with glossy eyes. “Did you?” 
For the first time since he could remember, David feels remorse. For not knowing someone who worked for him vanished without a trace. A kid for that matter. Didn’t care because he fired people daily, what was one waiter out of the multiple he goes through in a single week. The worst part is that instead of someone going into debt or not being able to pay rent for the month, Fritz had been damned to this kind of hell. 
Even though David would never have thought someone shrunk, he should be able to say he at least looked for Fritz. Make a missing report, check the cameras. If he had, who’s to say he wouldn’t have found the kid. Because attempts were most likely made to get someone’s attention. If David had been looking, would he have noticed? 
David clears his throat. “I will not live like this.” 
Fritz shuffles nervously. “Um, is there someone you could call?” 
The business man almost scoffs before freezing. Because he does not like the idea at all. But it’s either call someone who can at least offer help, or live off of dropped crumbs in his own restaurant. And he’d rather die than take the second option. 
“How the hell would we call-” 
David cuts himself off. Doesn’t address Fritz’s confused look, too embarrassed to look the kid in the eye. Instead, he digs his phone out of his pocket. Blinks against the light much too artificial against what the candles emanate. Stares in disbelief he actually has service. 
“Does it-?” Fritz begins, voice filled with awe. There’s no response to his question. David allows the screen to turn off as he stares at it. 
Who should he call? 
David doesn’t trust a single person on this earth except himself. That means he would have to completely rely on someone he normally wouldn’t even at six feet tall. And considering just how small he is, trusting the wrong person could end with his demise, even if that wasn’t their intention. 
Alright, if he thinks about this logically, his best bet would be Scott. Because if anyone knows about dealing with the impossible, it’s the man who’s William’s lapdog. 
...fuck, William. 
David doesn’t know why it took him so long. His boss is a smart man, knows how to get what he wants. But he’s also created a monstrosity David wishes he never had the honor of meeting. And if William is capable of making something like a certain mutated grape he had first been told was a highly advanced AI, then shrinking someone wouldn’t be completely out of the question. 
Why the fuck did William shrink him! 
“Da- Mr. Harrison?” Fritz asks with a worried look at David’s hand clutching his phone like he wants to break it.  “Are you okay?” 
No, he is far from okay. Good thing he’s able to finally take his anger out. Scrolls through his contacts before selecting Scott’s phone number. 
It takes a few moments for the call to actually do through, but it’s picked up on the first ring. “Hello, hello, David.” 
“My restaurant, 8 o’clock sharp. William has given you quite the mess to clean up,” David snaps. Not in the mood for pleasantries. Even if Scott is a giant to him. 
“I’m not a dog,” the sandy haired man growls. “I would also appreciate a little bit more information.” 
“Come to the kitchen, watch where you step, and listen carefully. Is that enough information for you?” 
“David, are you serious? At least tell me what Afton apparently did.” 
“He apparently shrunk me so I’m shorter than four inches tall and currently hiding behind the cabinets,” the business man huffs. 
Scott suddenly goes silent on the other end. When a minute passes, David checks his phone to make sure the call wasn’t dropped. 
“I swear to God,” the older man breathes. “If you’re lying-” 
“I’m not,” David interrupts. “8 o’clock, kitchen, watch where you step.” 
“Stay safe until then.” 
With that, they both hang up. And David’s met with Fritz looking a mixture of horrified, hopeful, and another emotion he can’t quite identify. 
“I, I-I take it you know someone who can help?” the teenager asks. 
Right. Fritz doesn’t know anything about the truth around Fazbear’s. Granted, it took David a few months to have a proper initiation, but he’s not a small fry employee. He has a lengthy contract that ensures his safety while working for the company. The teenager, on the other hand, is as disposable as the other night guards. If he’s being honest, William might’ve assumed the kid would’ve died within a few hours. Might’ve used him as a guinea pig. 
Surviving multiple months at this size is something William would at least have to respect, right? Or, would that just prove the kid is a liability that needs to be silenced. 
Now David’s faced with a choice. Have Scott meet Fritz, and they both confront William on getting the kid back to his normal size. Or, they play it safe, and David promises to find and care for Fritz once the business man is at his proper height. 
One look at the resigned expression conquering Fritz’s face, and it seems like his thoughts were heard. 
“Th-There’s still a few hours until 8. Would you like to rest for a bit?” 
“You won’t leave this room, will you?” David finds himself asking. Not because he’s protective and genuinely worried for the kid who could get into trouble before help arrives. He’s certainly responsible over Fritz, though. Meaning he can’t let anything happen under his watch. 
Fritz thinks it over for a moment. Nods his head. “I’ll stay here.” 
David doesn’t say another word. He drinks the rest of the water, turns to the poor excuse of a bed, and flops heavily into it. Uncaring if the owner hadn’t meant to give him permission to claim it for a nap. 
And if there was any objections, the business man was already falling asleep before he could hear them. 
”You killed him.”
David whirls around to see Scott staring at him like he’s some kind of monster as they stand in a kitchen that’s all too familiar. 
Anger flairs up, and the want to punch the shorter man in the face rises like a tide. He’s being judged like he’s some kind of murderer? What about Scott being best friends to a literal monstrosity? What about him following the orders of someone like William? What about the night guards? 
“I haven’t killed anyone,” David snaps. 
“Oh really?” Scott growls. “Someone didn’t disappear during a shift inside your own restaurant?” 
The business man bristles. “How was I supposed to know! It’s not like I would’ve known he shrunk. And he’s a teenager, they always walk out without telling anyone and just refuse to show up for work the next day.” 
“Do you know how many times he tried to get your attention? Tried to ask for help? Do you know how many times you ignored him?” 
...is that true? Did Fritz make it all the way to his office at some point? Did David nearly crush him like an irate gnat? Unimportant and nothing but a distraction from his work? 
“What about you? Don’t act so high and mighty when you have actual blood on your hands. How many guards died because your recordings didn’t tell them how to survive?” 
“The difference,” Scott muses. “Is you feel guilty.” 
That’s an implication he doesn’t like for numerous reasons. The confirmation Scott doesn’t care people die despite it being his fault. The truth David is remorseful to not notice someone vanishing from his own staff. That he was close to playing a large part in William’s game without even knowing it. That his actions do have consequences. 
“I didn’t kill him.” 
“Don’t lie to yourself. He’s only alive because he fought for his life. You still pulled the plug.” 
“How was I supposed to know!” David shouts. “I didn’t ask for this! My job is to help the reputation of the company, nothing more! It’s not my fault William thrust this kind of responsibility on me!” 
“Neither did I,” Scott says so condescendingly David's fists clench automatically. “You don’t see me mourning every guard that gets killed, do you?” 
“You’re a sick bastard, you know that?” 
“And you’re any better? Tell me, David, what’s the real reason you don’t want to bring him to Afton?” 
“That’d be a death sentence.” 
“Or it’d be his only salvation,” Scott shrugs. “Let’s look at the savior complex you currently have. If you’re truly worried Afton would kill him to tie up loose ends, then what? Would you actually take care of someone you barely know?” 
David bristles. “Of course I would.” 
“Oh?” and he’s this close to giving in a punching Scott. “As a person, or as a toy.” 
He wouldn’t, no, David wouldn’t do that. He’s seen what it’s like being this small first hand. Nearly died numerous times, he wouldn’t offer Fritz help and only treat the kid like a desk trinket. Technically that would still be better than the way he’s currently living, but the business man wouldn’t do something like that. He’s an asshole but he’s not cruel. 
Yet he can’t help thinking about what will happen a month from now. When Fritz becomes more of a burden than anything. The one thing David can’t stand are people who contribute nothing to this world. It wouldn’t be the kid’s fault, he didn’t ask to be shrunk, but old habits would die hard. 
And David...he’ll forget what it’s like to be that small. Will stop being careful, won’t pay enough attention, and get upset if he’s told about his mistakes until- 
“Well?” Scott probes as David refuses to answer. Makes a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat after the silence stretches on. “They deserve more, David.” 
Now they’re talking about more than just Fritz. About the people he stepped on to get to where he is now. Everyone he’s fired from every business he’s helped in his career, uncaring about how it will affect their lives. 
Actually, you know what, he’s calling bullshit. David deserved getting to where he is. He’s done nothing wrong, and Scott of all people has absolutely no right to judge him. 
He gives into the temptation to wipe the goddamn smirk off the fossil’s face. Raises a hand as he steps forward to grab Scott’s shirt. 
Feels his heart stop when he hears a soft scream before it’s suddenly cut off. 
He doesn’t dare look down at his shoe. Can only stare at Scott sighing long and hard with a sad shake of his head. “I tried to warn you, David.” 
“I didn’t.” Panic starts welling up inside him, his breathing getting shorter and shorter. “H-He’s not, I didn’t-” 
“You did.” 
The words are only stated matter-of-factly. As if he didn’t just kill Fritz. After surviving on his own for months, and the kid’s fatal mistake was saving David’s life. 
”Was it worth it, David?”
David jolts awake, gasping for air before a panicked yell rises in his throat when all that greets him is pure darkness. Where is he, where’s Scott, and where’s- 
“David?” a voice suddenly calls. One the business man almost lunges at to confirm it’s real it has to be real he didn’t kill Fritz. “Oh, the light, sorry! Hold on, I’ll light one.” 
It sounds like actual footsteps and someone moving things around. But without being able to even see his own hands right in front of him, David can’t help but think his talk with Scott was reality and this is the dream. A sick and twisted nightmare where he’ll be forced to hear the kid, but never see him. 
Then there’s sparks, and a flame appears to reveal a corner of the room, as well as a short figure with red hair. 
Offers an apologetic smile before it turns into concern. “Dav- Mr. Harrison, are you okay?” 
Fritz is alive. Fritz is alive. 
David watches for a moment to ensure the kid doesn’t disappear. Once he determines it won’t happen, he flops back into the nest of fabric. Remembers lying down to take a nap. And the promise Fritz wouldn’t leave the room without him. 
“Just...wasn’t expecting to wake up to an empty void,” he manages to grumble. 
“Sorry,” Fritz repeats. “I just didn’t want to waste the light. But I forgot you wouldn’t be used to it.” 
David doesn’t respond. Too drained to do anything more than watch Fritz’s silhouette walk around the room. Almost looking like he’s packing things into the bag from earlier. Realizes he doesn’t know how long he slept for, reaching out to his right to tap on his phone screen. 
7:50pm. The restaurant is closed, everyone on staff should be on their way home after getting everything cleaned, and Scott will be arriving soon. 
Fritz clears his throat. “Would you like to head back to the kitchen to meet your friend?” 
David’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach for more reasons than one. But he forces himself to stand up. Glances at his phone’s battery at 50%. “I’ll lead the way this time.” 
That earns him an incredulous look before he turns on the phone’s flashlight. Fritz jumping back in surprise manages to make his lips curl up. After the scare, the kid beams. “That’s so much better then carrying a candle.” 
“Of course it- you've carried a lit candle around?” David demands once he processes the full sentence, sending a glare after the kid as he puts out the flame. 
“It was the only way to see until I got really familiar with the path,” Fritz explains. “I didn’t have a phone, and no one realizes when a pack of birthday candles from a box of hundreds goes missing.” 
Some people would be impressed by the lengths that were gone to adapt. David’s only thinking about how it’s a miracle Fritz didn’t accidentally kill himself by his own stupidity. 
Instead of validating what he was told with a response, the business man makes his way to the ‘door’, Fritz taking the initiative to open it and then close it behind them. Then they slowly walk down the dark path that’s barely illuminated by the week flashlight, but it keeps the darkness from becoming suffocating. It does nothing to calm David’s thoughts, however. Not just his terror on facing Scott at this size, but about what he should do concerning Fritz. 
“Fritz, did you ever try to get my attention after you shrunk?” 
“...a few times.” 
David suddenly stops. Feels Fritz bump into him before the teenager quickly steps back. He then turns so the light shines on both of them. 
Stares down at someone who has every right to yell and scream at him. Every right to hate David for not being there. For leaving him for dead when his life was on the line in the business man’s own restaurant. Failing to make up for his mistake when there were multiple opportunities if he just paid attention. 
Fritz doesn’t glare or even look upset now that the truth is out. The kid just looks...patient. Not entirely resigned, but not hopeful either. Just, waiting. 
“You recognized me when you saved me,” David says. Earns a nod for confirmation. “So why did you?” 
Fritz becomes panicked. “Why wouldn’t I? They could’ve killed you, I couldn’t let that happen!” 
And that’s when David realizes that even if Fritz was angry that his calls for help were never answered, the kid is nothing but selfless. Was willing to save someone who by every definition didn’t deserve it. Give up his resources even with no promise to be repaid for it. 
...unless he’s been hoping David is his only ticket out. 
“I don’t think there will be a way to grow you to your normal height.” 
There. He ripped the band-aid off. It was going to happen at some point. It’s best if the kid knows now so he doesn’t waste anymore of his time. Yell that he never should’ve saved David if he wasn’t at the very least going to finally escape from this hell. 
Fritz jolts like he was electrocuted. Stares at David for a moment as his green eyes well up with tears. Curls in on himself as he looks at the floor. “O-Oh.” 
The kid takes a deep breath, wiping his eyes before looking up again. “Um, would y-you...do you still have a chance?” 
“I...I guess I had a feeling,” Fritz continues, voice shaky. “I mean, n-no one was looking for me, and after a week it seemed like this was...permanent. I-I didn’t want it to happen to anyone else, though. As terrifying as it’s been, no one deserves this. You don’t think you’re stuck too, do you?” 
It’s said with such a genuine tone of concern. Not for himself. Purely for David. 
“I don’t know,” the business man says. 
Fritz straightens up. “Th-Then we shouldn’t miss your friend if it’s your only chance!” 
David is a bit too stunned to do anything but allow the kid to grab his arm and guide him down the tunnel. Immediately ducks his head once they exit the hole and make their way into the main part of the kitchen from under the oven. 
Both of them freeze at the booming voice calling for the shrunken man. All at once, the terror he felt a few hours ago comes rushing up, and it demands he stays as still and quite as possible. 
“David, are you in here?” 
Fritz slowly comes back to life at the sound of Scott growing worried. Tugs at David’s arm until the business man starts to follow again. “Y-You trust him, right?” 
It’s a miracle the whispered words weren’t drowned out by the sound of fabric moving. “I-I do.” 
Not much. But enough. 
“David,” Scott rumbles, impatience seeping into his tone and causing the two to flinch. “I’m not in the mood for games.” 
They make it to the toe kick. Blink against the blinding light until they can finally make out the towering figure standing by the kitchen door. 
At this angle, David can see Scott entirely. From his sandy hair, to the obscure band t-shirt, to the black converse shoes. Despite the distance, there’s no denying the man normally half a foot shorter than him is a giant who’s shoes could crush him. Hands with fingers longer than he is tall. Hazel eyes similar to his own as big as his head. 
Ones that are narrowed in their direction. 
Oh shit.
Scott is suddenly walking toward them. Fritz immediately flattens himself against the counters. David, on the other hand, wasn’t quick enough and ends up falling onto his back from the earthquakes. 
“Please don’t be a large insect...” 
Look, David is genuinely terrified. But he can’t stop the feeling of indignation surging through him, finding himself sitting up with a glare meant for Scott for comparing him to a bug. 
It vanishes when a hand slams down a few feet away, a face the size of a billboard leaning down, the massive being going completely still when their eyes meet. 
“Oh my God,” has David recoil when the simple action of Scott talking ruffles his hair and suit. “David?” 
“Sc-Scott,” the business man manages. Feels his entire body trembling. “It’s me, I-” 
He hadn’t seen it coming. Even though Scott set his hand down close by, David thought he would be able to get out of the way in time. He didn’t even see it lift off the ground. One moment it seems harmless, the next fingers are curling around him. 
“No, don’t-!” 
David frantically attempts to scramble away as fear claws at his throat. But he's too slow, much too slow. A thumb the size of his torso settles on his chest at the same time another digit folds over his legs. He shoves with all his might to try and get the finger pinning him down away from him, gasping in pain when it only presses harder, forcing the air out of his lungs. 
Then vertigo makes his stomach flip. Meaning he’s being lifted up. Away from the ground, from safety, closer to the giant that’s staring at him like he’s the most interesting thing in the world. 
Don’t kill me, please don’t kill me.
“I can’t believe it,” Scott breathes. “He actually shrunk you.” 
David gasps as the grip gets tighter, shoving at the thumb and kicking his legs in the hope he can escape. “Scott...tight!” 
“S-Sir, you’re hurting him!” 
Everything freezes. 
“Wha-?” the giant mutters intelligently, and all David can see is Scott’s eyes looking at something down on the ground. Lets out a strangled yell when he’s squeezed suddenly. Pain erupting at the feeling like he was punched in the stomach and chest. 
“Open your hand!” 
David chokes on air as the thumb is finally lifted, curls onto his side as he just concentrates on breathing he can finally breathe. 
He sends a glare up at the giant watching him with a troubled look as soon as he can think again. “What, the fuck, Scott?” 
“I’m sorry,” the sandy haired man apologizes. As if it makes everything better. “I hadn’t realized. Are you hurt?” 
He chose the wrong person to trust. “Put me down!” 
Scott seems apprehensive. But then the hand is lowering, and David suddenly remembers Fritz once the kid comes into his line of sight. Had completely forgotten about everything that happened before a hand attempted to squeeze him to death. 
Bad news, his limbs are too shaky to get him away from the giant who’s proven himself to be deadly. Worse news, Fritz comes running over from the safety of the cabinets despite the fact Scott nearly killed David within the first five minutes. 
“Are you ok-k-kay?” the kid whispers, sending a fearful look up at Scott every other second. Offers a hand that’s immediately taken to help sit David up. Gently pats at his chest before recoiling at a painful groan. “Did anything break?” 
“Did anything break?” Scott repeats, at the very least sounding remorseful. 
“No, nothing broke. But I couldn’t, breathe for a good minute,” David snaps with a wheeze. “Now I owe Fritz for saving my life twice.” 
David was not expecting the weirdest part of his day to watch pupils dilate, unable to help watching in fascination as the brown ring seemingly retracts to reveal an almost gold color. 
Then cold fear races down his back at the realization Scott is looking at Fritz. “Twice?” 
The giant better not touch the kid. “It’s been a long day.” 
“I’ve got time to hear about it,” Scott says, doing a great impression of a thunder storm. Looks between them for a moment. Makes David curse and Fritz jump away when fingers curl in closer. “God, you make me feel like a monster.” 
“You almost crushed me!” 
“Your size,” the giant clarifies with a scowl. And despite the revelation of just how big the man is to them, Scott fails to connect the dots such a seemingly harmless expression only meant to show his frustration makes David shake from the thought there will be retaliation he’ll have no way to defend himself against. “But you’re right, I got grabby when I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry. Let’s, start from the beginning.” 
“Fritz help me get down.” 
The kid slowly approaches Scott’s hand again. Grabs David’s arm even as he trembles to help the business man down the surprisingly high platform a palm makes. Nearly collapses onto Fritz when his legs give out because he’s still not at 100%. He’s on the fence whether to feel grateful or fearful of the finger offering assistance to get him standing upright. 
But Scott completely withdrawals his hand once David’s knees aren’t threatening to buckle. And with it, warmth the business man hadn’t realized was keeping the chill of the room at bay. 
David takes a deep breath. Well, as much as he can without it becoming painful. Looks up at Scott towering over them even while kneeling. “I shrunk the moment I walked into the kitchen, and apparently I wasn’t the first one. The same thing happened to Fritz a few months ago, and he managed to keep me from getting squashed because the staff mistook me for a roach.” 
Scott’s jaw drops. “Months?” 
Not what David thought the sandy haired man would latch onto. Then again, it’s not hard to see the kid is just a teenager. He thought the revelation of William shrinking any and all employees would be the most concerning part. But, this is only new to the business man. Scott’s been with the company long enough to be far too familiar with these kinds of scenarios. That anyone’s up for grabs with experiments, not the shrinking. 
David nods, because he has no reason to not believe the timeline. “Does that mean anything to you?” 
Scott hesitates. Looks at the kid cowering in his shadow. “It sounds like he was the first field test if I’m being honest. Did anyone come looking for you?” 
Fritz jumps when David elbows him, giving a small ‘oh!’ realizing the question was directed at him. “Um-m-m, no one called my name. Or, looked under the cabinets. I-I just, I remember a shadow when I first left the kitchen.” 
That sounds like Vincent. And Scott wincing just proves it. “So he was the guinea pig.” 
“He was,” Scott confirms. “I don't understand why Afton would make such a risky move. His parents would’ve-” 
David doesn't catch it until the giant stops talking. But Fritz’s head is...shaking. “Not my parents...” 
And that’s why David never received a phone call about someone missing while working a shift at his restaurant. Why Fritz vanished and no one really noticed. The kid was so unimportant no one would care if he was dead. 
David clears his throat. “Do you think William can grow Fritz back to his normal height?” 
“I-I’m okay Mr. Harrison,” is said at the same time Scott sighs. He pretends he didn’t hear it. 
“Even if he’d be willing to, I don’t think he can. If it took months to shrink you after shrinking him, it meant results he got in his lab weren’t the same as when Fritz shrunk. Meaning he had to make a few adjustments.” 
Meaning the kid is most likely permanently this size. 
Fritz doesn’t make a single sound. Scott’s careful not to betray any emotion. 
“Take us both to William,” David commands. 
“You are my responsibility,” the business man growls down at the kid. “Don’t be a dumbass. We’ll see if he can get you back to your proper height no matter how short it is. If he can’t, we’ll go from there. But you won’t be leaving my side to get crushed like a bug or end up as somethings dinner, understood?” 
Fritz stares up at him in shock. Like he was fully expecting to get left behind despite everything he’s done. And, if they’re being honest, that had been a genuine possibility. But David owes the kid his life. Besides, if he ever suggested not bringing Fritz along to fend for himself however long they’d be gone, Scott would kill him. 
That’s the only reason. 
A small but hopeful smile tugs on Fritz’s mouth. “Understood.” 
“Wonderful. Scott, set your hand down and we’ll walk on,” David directs. “Don’t grab us.” 
“I learned my lesson,” Scott murmurs as he sets a hand down palm up in front of them. 
He absolutely hates the idea of willingly putting his life in the hands of the giant. It’s the only way to get to William and demand their rightful size back, though. So with clenched teeth and fists, David steps up onto a middle finger almost as thick as he is. 
One that twitches and sends him tumbling. 
David scrambles to try and sit up, arms raising to protect himself from the bone crushing curling fingers. “Scott please don’t!” 
The hand opens again. “That was reflex, I apologize. I wasn’t trying to pin you, I swear.” 
David kicks at the nearest digit, sending a fierce glare up at Scott. “I’m starting to think even Fritz would be a better giant than you.” 
“I don’t have a guide on what to do when I find someone who was shrunk,” the sandy haired man defends. “This is new for both of us. And I don’t think you realize how ticklish you can be.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You heard me. You feel like a large bug crawling into my hand,” Scott smirks. Before David can protest, the giant looks away, face softening. “He’s okay, Fritz. Just a little rumpled.” 
“Way to scare the kid,” the business man grumbles as he sits up. Sees Fritz shaking like a leaf with skin so pale his freckles look like they’ll jump right off of him. “It’s safe, Fritz, Scott’s just a dumbass.” 
A small step forward as the strap to the bag is held in a white-knuckle grip. A careful step up onto Scott’s first finger. A fearful glance at the giant before another tentative step. There’s a shuddering breath as Fritz continues onto the hand until he makes it to Scott’s palm and immediately sits down. Curls up in a tight ball as he looks around in terror, expecting the fingers to snap shut around them at any moment. 
David slaps at the giant’s thumb. “Why didn’t you trip him?” 
“I was expecting it that time,” Scott grouses. “Unlike some people, I learn from my mistakes.” 
He doesn’t try and refute the claim. Not when he latches onto the fact that Scott now holds both of them. To do whatever he wants with. Put them in a pocket to take home instead of William. Close his hand until he crushes them mercilessly. Trips while walking and let them fall a hundred feet to the unforgiving ground. 
“Ready?” shakes him to his very core. 
...Scott will keep them safe. 
David nods once. Gasps when the hand lifts up way too quickly, gravity flattening him against the palm. Yelps and the same time Fritz shrieks when the ride up suddenly stops, leaving both of them lifting into the air before falling back down. 
This was the worst idea he’s ever had why did they ever trust a giant. 
“Are you two okay?” Scott asks, sounding confused as to why he earned such terrified reactions. 
“You...have no idea how physics works, do you?” David breathes, trying to get his heart to calm back down from the scare. 
Scott stares before his eyes widen, making a soft ‘ah’. “Was I too fast?” 
"Both starting and stopping.” He looks over at Fritz, relieved the kid at least doesn’t seem traumatized. 
“I’ll go slower,” Scott reassures. This time, the giant doesn’t wait for confirmation they’re ready, instead starts to stand up without warning. 
It feels like David’s stomach got left far behind, and he doesn’t dare try to look over the edge of the hand. But to Scott’s credit, he’s much slower. Careful to not abruptly stop so it feels like they’ll go flying. When they don’t scream again, the giant takes it as a que to continue on his journey. Turns slowly, but wind still tussles their clothes and hair. Footsteps jostle them so harshly it feels like their teeth might crack. 
“Feeling okay?” Scott asks. 
“Fine,” David spits out, not wanting to be reminded he’s being held tens of feet above the ground, completely vulnerable to someone he barely trusts on a good day. Catches sight of Fritz looking ten times worse than him, eyes shut tight and holding his knees as close as possible like his life depends on it. “Fritz?” 
“H-H-Heights,” is all the kid can say. 
That must be the worst phobia to have while shrunk. Scott’s sympathetic look says the giant agrees. “If there’s anything I can do to make it better-” 
Scott doesn’t get to finish his sentence. Because the second he steps through the kitchen doorway, David’s falling. Lands before he can try to scream. Braces himself for nothing but blinding hot pain. 
Nothing happens. When he opens his eyes, he sees Scott sitting on the ground, hand on his head as he groans from pain. And the sandy haired man is his size. 
What the fuck just happened? 
David pats down his chest. Winces at the pain from it still tender from Scott squeezing him, but other than that, he’s perfectly fine. No broken bones. No ruptured organs. He’s unhurt, and most importantly, he’s six feet tall again. 
...where’s Fritz? 
“Fritz?” David calls. Looks to his right and left. Next to Scott. But the hallways void of the teenager. Meaning he didn’t grow back to his normal height. “Fritz?” 
“David?” Scott blinks. Gasps when it hits him David grew. “How-? 
“Where’s Fritz?” the business man demands. Looks at hands completely empty of miniscule figures. Feels his heart clench at the thought the kid fell. “Scott where’s Fritz?” 
The sandy haired man gapes at him. Once it processes, once he realizes what it means to not know where the kid is, his eyes dart across the floor. “I don’t know. I didn’t even see what happened, I was just knocked into the wall.” 
“Fritz,” David all but pleads. Not daring to move. Afraid he won’t see the kid if he does. Afraid what he might find. “Don’t be an idiot, tell us where you are, kid.” 
His eyes snap over to the kitchen door at the softest sound he’ll ever encounter. Stares unblinkingly at the tiny figure trying its hardest to become part of the wall. Breathes a sigh of relief when it doesn’t disappear and the familiar features of red hair and a bag over the shoulder confirms it’s Fritz. The kid’s alive, the kid’s alive. 
“You dumbass,” David berates as he turns toward Fritz, careful to go as slow as possible to not spook him, especially with how the poor kid looks like he’s going to bolt at any moment. Trembling so badly it’s impossible to miss despite how small he is. 
Was David really that size? So miniscule that a strong breeze could knock him over? Not even as tall as one of the checkered tiles on the floor? It makes him want to do nothing more than pick Fritz up so he’s safe from everything that could possibly hurt him. David is all too familiar with how dangerous it is to be alone on the ground. 
“Took you long enough.” 
The voice makes David’s skin crawl. After checking to make sure Fritz won't move, he looks down the hallway to see a living shadow standing a few feet away. 
“What the hell do you want?” the business man growls, not happy Vincent decided to show up. What a fantastic end to the worst day of his life. 
“I was just going to make sure you didn’t lock yourself in the kitchen all night,” the purple man shrugs. “I assumed you didn’t want to stay three inches tall for a full 24 hours.” 
That sick son of a bitch. “You mean to tell me that if I had gone right back through that goddamn door, I wouldn’t immediately grown again?” 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 
David’s head snaps over to give Scott a seething glare, silently demanding he take responsibility over his mutated grape. The sandy haired man sighs, fixing Vincent with an unimpressed look. “Was Afton’s intention to put David’s life in danger?” 
“Not at all. But accidents happen, and David deciding to go into the kitchen in the middle of a rush instead of during his rounds after the restaurant's been locked up was just unfortunate timing.” 
“Unfortunate?” David seethes. “I was nearly killed! Several times! Why didn’t you come to save me!” 
“I wasn’t around to help,” Vincent smiles and fuck him. “Besides, it was a happy accident. We’ve been trying to get your companion to come out of hiding for a while now, so I’ll just be taking him and be on my way.” 
Companion? Who-? 
David’s hand hovers protectively over Fritz. “And what exactly will you do with him?” 
“A few tests, a physical, a questionnaire,” Vincent lists. “After that, he no longer has any use.” 
That means Fritz is disposable. After surviving for so long, and is only reward is to be killed once William gets all of the information he wants. 
“You won’t return him to his proper size?” David questions. 
“Can’t,” Vincent says. “Though, if it was possible, he’s a liability, and we can’t have that. You know that, David.” 
Maybe he does. Because that was why he was hesitant about bringing Fritz to William. The cruel man can’t let experiments wonder around. Not with the possibility it can be traced back to Fazbear’s. 
And maybe he doesn’t really give a shit what William wants. “Then he won’t be leaving with you.” 
“It’s not a choice, David.” 
“He’s not hurting anyone, Vince,” Scott pipes up, and the sandy haired man might not be as heartless as originally thought. “He’ll stay within the company, David and I will make sure no one gets their hands on him.” 
“It’s a bit too risky for William, Scotty. What he says goes.” 
“He’s my employee,” David counters. Barely holds back a flinch as amber eyes lock on him with a death stare. The kind that says he’s pushing it. “He got shrunk in my restaurant under my payroll. That means I have first say. And I say he’ll stay here, completely out of the public eye. No one will know he exists.” 
Vincent stares at him for a long moment. David is expecting a knife to slice his throat open at any second. 
The purple man hums. “I will inform William. I may return with orders that it’s your life, or his.” 
They can’t give a response, not when Vincent disappears into the shadows. He fucking hates that thing. 
“Afton’s going to make you pay for that,” Scott huffs. 
“I already can’t go into my own damn kitchen without shrinking,” David growls. “I think I’ve paid plenty.” 
He then ignores Scott completely, turns to Fritz cowering under his hand. Glad the kid didn’t make a break for it, because who knows if that would’ve triggered the mutated grape into hunting him down. 
“Back to you being a dumbass. If I call your name, you better answer, or else I think you’re dead. Are we clear?” 
Fritz seems to look down in shame, but he nods his head in agreement. “Yes, s-sir.” 
David sets his hand in front of the kid. Curls his fingers in twice as a command for Fritz to climb on. “We’re getting you some proper food, and then we’ll talk about arrangements.” 
There’s hesitation. “You...y-you’re letting me stay?” 
“And making sure you’re properly taken care of,” David says. “It won’t be perfect, but you won’t have to risk your neck just to survive.” 
It’s the least he can do. Fritz has more than earned it. And the kid doesn’t deserve to die by William’s hand after surviving against all the odds. 
Miniscule shoes walk across his fingers, David smirking at the fact Fritz isn’t even as tall as his thumb. And unlike Scott, there’s no twitching to send the kid tumbling. Slowly lifts his hand up until they’re eye level without any turbulence. 
If he didn’t know Fritz was there, it’d be hard to feel the miniscule weight of an entire person in his hand. But the kid is here. Terrified, refusing to look anywhere except the palm he’s sitting in, breathing short and quick, 
Instead of an overwhelming sense of power, all David feels is the need to protect. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t lift a finger to nudge at the kid, absolutely fascinated by the miniscule movements of surprise. He could definitely get used to this. 
With the confirmation Fritz is alright, David tucks his hand against his chest before carefully standing up. Looks over at Scott standing up as well and dusting himself off. “Scott, grab a pizza and meet us in the main area.” 
“You can’t grab one?” Scott questions. 
“Not unless you want me shrinking again,” the business man responds as he slowly walks down the hallway. 
He hears a soft ‘I might’, followed by the sound of his request being heeded. Leaving him to glance down to make sure he isn’t jostling Fritz too much. 
David didn’t expect the kid to be looking back at him. “I’m not as bad as Scott, am I?” 
Fritz jolts. “N-No! I mean, he wasn’t bad. Just not...cautious?” 
“He was the worst giant we could’ve asked for,” David declares. 
That earns him a smile. “I wanted to say thank you.” 
This isn't something that earns him a ‘thank you’. This is making up for not being there when Fritz needed him. But he will be working hard for it. 
“I should be thanking you.” 
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honourablejester · 1 year
I’m just watching this video on youtube about North American monsters/cryptids, and I think one of the things I love most about folklore/mythology is the incredibly weird specific details. They’re amazing.
Like, I had never heard of Maryland’s snallygaster before, but everything about the reported version of the story is amazing. It’s a bird-lizard-tentacle creature like a cockatrice that has a cry like a train whistle, and during Prohibition apparently moonshiners used it as a full-on Scooby-Doo hoax to keep Revenue agents out of the woods, which leads up to the most excellent death for a cryptid ever. In that, apparently, it flew into the fumes from a monster moonshine still, was overcome, and plummeted to its death in a 2500 gallon vat of alcohol, and its body was then destroyed when Revenue raided the still and destroyed everything in it.
That’s just … that’s beautiful. I love folklore.
And the New Orleans version of the werewolf, the Rougarou, has some extremely Catholic details that I adore. One of the ways you can become one is to fail to observe Lent for 7 years in a row, for example. Or you can be cursed by a witch. If you’re cursed, and this is something I for real think more stories with werewolves should use, the curse has a time limit. You’re cursed for 101 days, and then the curse passes to the last person whose blood you’ve shed while cursed. So the curse perpetuates itself, but you are cured and just have to go back to your life living with whatever you’ve done and whoever you cursed in your stead. There’s some hella story potential in that version, especially if you imagine someone trying desperately to shed no-one’s blood until the curse passes from them. But, also, the tiny detail that I love the most, is that one of the ways to keep a Rougarou out of your house is to put 13 coins/stones on your doorstep, which is some extremely Catholic mythology seeping in, but the reason given in the story is that, for some reason, Rougarou can’t count past 12, so trying to count to 13 confuses and delays it. Which is just … some amazing back-justification, really. Why 12? You have 10 fingers! 20 digits, counting toes! It’s wonderful nonsense, because the number has a completely different source.
It’s the details that really make the magic when it comes to stories. If you’re making mythology for something, remember, put one small detail in that’s really weird and really specific. Human brains will hang whole stories on one tiny thing, if it sticks out enough.
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