#because thats how fat my crush is on him now
crispywizardtale · 5 months
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suugarbabe · 8 months
hello!!! i love your theo fics and since my obsession with him somehow can’t seem to pass, i thought i would request something if its alright :) so i had this idea where the reader is a hufflepuff and she’s great at herbology and she’s terrible at potions and this year she has potions with slytherin and theo notices her struggle and he’s like a genius at potions and also bad at herbology and also has a big fat crush on the reader so they and up tutoring each other and long story short falling in love in the process 🤭🤭 sorry if thats too specific, hope you like the request or something hahah have a nice day
we love little studious theo with other wholesome intentions
“Y/l/n! Hey! Y/l/n!,” you were being beckoned. After turning to see the caller, you were surprised to see one Theodore Nott lightly jogging to catch up with you. You slowed down your walking so he could catch up and walk beside you to your next class, that you coincidentally had together. 
“Everything okay, Theo?” You were genuinely curious. While you and Theo didn’t have any problems outright, you really didn’t talk to each other outside of class. Some would chalk it up to you being in Hufflepuff and him being not only in Slytherin but one of the Slytherin boys, but really you two just didn’t have a reason to hang out. 
At least, that’s what you thought. Theo scratched the back of his neck lightly, seemingly searching for the right words. “So, I’ve kind of been struggling in Herbology lately,” Theo looked at you with a shy smile. 
“Really? I hadn’t really taken notice,” you were lying. Theo was horrible at herbology, somehow always breaking pots even on the simplest of tasks. 
Theo smirked at you slightly, “Yeah? Well I also haven’t taken notice of how awful you are at potions.” You took a whack at his arm causing him to giggle, “I’m just suggesting that maybe…we help each other out.” 
You were a little skeptical, “Why would you want to do that?” You missed the way Theo blushed, stuttering slightly to find a good enough answer, “Just because I’m Slytherin doesn’t mean I’m all bad, I can want to be helpful too. Besides, you’re helping me just as much, hopefully anyway.” 
It was your turn to blush now, feeling slightly embarrassed at making assumptions, “Okay.” 
Theo’s smile grew two times, “Okay like you’ll help me?” You nodded, stopping short of the potions classroom door, “I’ll help you, Theo. Meet me in the library tomorrow after classes.” 
So meet you he did. Theo met you in the library every other day for two weeks, then it became daily, and you found yourself growing fonder and fonder of him. You found it cute how well he paid attention to you when you tutored him, like you were the only person in the library and he was hanging on every word. 
That’s because to Theo you were the only person, or at least the only person that mattered. He fancied you when he first asked you to tutor him, in truth he could’ve just asked Enzo, it would’ve been easier. But this way, he got to spend nearly every day with you without anyone else questioning it. 
And with those days he found him noticing more and more things he liked about you. Like the way your tongue would stick out ever so slightly when you were concentrating, or the way you picked at the feathers of your quill when you were trying to intently listen, often causing him to stumble over his words. 
He fancied you before, but now; now he thought he might love you. But that was okay, because you were pretty sure you were falling for him too.
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lomltrentarnold · 11 months
pizza & promises — trent alexander-arnold ₊˚ෆ
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warnings … long fic!! jealous!trent, they’re besties, sprinkle of angst, someone’s flirting with reader, a little miscommunication (for the friend im picturing steve in stranger things cause joe keery is hot <3)
🍓hana’s notes … i dont really know where i was going with this im sorry 😭 i just wanted to let this out, this is just a dump of writing inspo that was in my head (also this is def inspired by b99 scene where boyle was talking to jake 🫣) || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Trent is not jealous.
No. Definitely not.
He’s just… uncomfortable. Yeah, thats it.
And he’s worried that you’re feeling uncomfortable too. It doesn’t look like it, not really. But you never know.
His once wide eyes in search for you suddenly narrows when he saw you talking to someone. When he realised who that person was, his narrow eyes became glares.
Its Steve. Oh, sweet collage friend Steve.
Steve’s nice, sure. He’s polite, he makes you laugh, but Steve also has a big fat crush on you. Everyone knows that. Its so blantly obvious.
Which is totally not a problem. Its not like Trent has the crush on you too. (definitely not a lie.)
Ew, he’s touching your arm now.
Trent doesn’t know how long he has been glaring at you guys but his some other people surely do.
“What’s going on with you?” Virgil asked, a teasing tone already coating his voice.
For once that night, Trent averted his gaze away from you, to his friend.
Hendo piped out, “You have been staring at them for a while.” nudging to yours and Steve’s direction.
Trent glanced over to you both, “No, I haven’t.” he denied.
“Sure.” Virgil laughed, “You should tell Y/N how you feel y’know.”
“Mate, everyone knows already.” Virgil sent him a sympathetic look, “Should be quick though, seems like you’re not the only one.” he raised his eyebrows.
Trent glanced to where you stand before dropping his head. “I don’t have a chance.” he scoffed, “Look at ‘em! They’re practically giving each other heart eyes.”
Hendo and Virgil both looked at each other with the same look. Is Trent dumb?
“What do you think she sees in him anyway?” he huffed out, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Do you know why she’s with him and not you right now?”
Trent looked at Hendo, waiting him to continue, “Because he’s actually is making effort to show her he’s interested.”
Trent sighed, he knew deep down that his friends were right.
Robbo came out of nowhere, slapping his back, “What you waiting tor then?! Go get her!”
Trent winced at the sudden impact, “Were you eavesdropping?”
Robbo shrugged his shoulders, “Of course I was. Go!”
He stood up, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants, already walking towards your direction.
You turned your head at his voice, a smile lighting up your face. “Hey!”
Steve nodded his head along in greeting. Shoulder slumped in disappointment at the intrusion.
You furrow your eyebrows at Trent when you noticed how nervous he looked, “You okay?” you asked, head tilting to the side in concern, and Trent thinks that its illegal to look that pretty.
Trent scratched the back of his neck, choosing to focus on the necklace that was around yours. The one that he bought for you that he has a matching bracelet of and that gave him the push of confidence he needed.
“Can I talk to you for a bit?”
“Okay.” you read his body language, nodding your head in understanding, “Sorry, Steve. I’ll see you next time?” you apologised, not even waiting for Steve to reply before linking your pinkies together with Trent and pulling him away.
As you guys walk away Trent couldn’t help but look back to Steve. He saw that Steve had a smirk on his face as if to say ‘You won.’ and Trent involuntarily flushed.
You sneaked Trent into the closest room available which turned out to be a bathroom. You walked in, locking the room for extra privacy before facing him. “So? What did you wanna talk about?”
Trent finally made eye contact with you and the sad look he’s wearing only concerns you more.
“I just—“ he stumbles, eyes nervously flickering all over your face, why are you glowing? “I was just wondering—“ damn it, why can’t he say anything?
Your doe eyes stared back at him, round and curious and Trent has to fight the urge to kiss you silly.
A thick silence blanketed you both as you waited for Trent to speak. You have enough patience, it wasn’t like you were dreading to go back to the party. It was getting boring — no offence to Steve— you just wanted to stay with Trent in all honesty. So being a room with him, although small, wasn’t all that bad.
“Hello? Is anyone in there?”
A sudden banging sound echoed the bathroom, breaking your eye contact.
“Come on then! I need to piss!”
Trent sighed, sending you a small smile. He scooted his fingers close to yours, almost hesitating to intertwine your fingers together. That made you furrow your eyebrows, because you both are always touchy and comfortable with each other. But you didn’t want to push him, he looks like he was contemplating something in his mind.
Trent retracted his hand back, not noticing the look of hurt flashing across your face. He opened the door, hand ghosting behind your back and guiding you out.
The person waiting outside the bathroom sent you and Trent an unamused look. He rolled his eyes and scoffed as he ran into the toilet. Muttering some profanities under his breath.
As you both walked outside, Trent was immediately whisked away by his teammates. He sent you an apologetic look. You mouthed a ‘Later.’ to him to which he replied with a smile, before turning around to converse with them.
You hated the way that your heart twisted. Is he okay? Did you do something wrong? Why did he look so sad?
Sure, you have been friends for a long time, but it took a while for him to open up. He was reserved, and a little shy, so when he let you see a glimpse of his true self you were elevated. You are not going to mess this up.
Even if you have to bury your feelings to do it.
• • •
It has been five days since the last time you spoke to Trent.
You knew he was busy, so you didn’t want to let that bother you, but you couldn’t help it.
If he was busy and he knew that he won’t be able to contact you for a bit, he would tell you beforehand. You were getting restless, so you contacted his brother, asking him if he’s home.
That’s how you ended up here, at the front door of his house. Marcel was the one who invited you in and when he saw you, he immediately knew who you’re here for.
“He’s in his room.” Marcel informed, a teasing smirk on his face.
You shyly nodded your head, maybe this is a bit much, “Thanks.
You knocked on Trent’s door, countless of thoughts ringing in your head, maybe this is over the top. Should you be doing this? What if he’s ignoring you? Is this his hint that he doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?
You were getting ready to bail, when the door opened. Revealing the person you were waiting to see.
“Y/N?” His eyes widen as they meet yours, as he took off his headphones as it blasted music, looking at you in confusion. “What you doin’ here?”
You thickly swallowed, hands shaking in nervousness. “Uh, I was worried if you were okay, cause you weren’t really responding to my messages, and I feel like we haven’t really talked. But now, I’m just realising that maybe you were ignoring me and I don’t know how to take a hint—“
His warm hand engulfed around your wrist, bringing you inside his room. Your startled figure almost made you topple over, but you quickly regained your balance. “Am I getting kidnapped?”
Trent looked amused when he looks at you, the face that he always wears when he’s with you. You’re happy that didn’t change.
“Kidnap you? In my house? That you came to?”
“Anything is possible!”
Trent chuckled. The atmosphere felt a little lighter than before you walked in and you hoped he doesn’t want to stop being friends with you.
Because you really liked being friends with him.
Maybe a little too much.
You stared at him with wide eyes, “What’s going on with you?” you asked, tone softening when you took notice of the bags under his eyes. “Did you get enough sleep?”
His eyebrows shot up.
“I didn’t mean like that— I was just saying like you look tired. You look good but like you look tired so I—“
You stopped your rambling for the second time that day. You took a deep breath. “I was just worried.”
Trent sighed, he sat on the edge of the bed and patting the empty spot next to him.
You hesitantly took the place beside him, being hyper aware about how much space you’re leaving in between.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered, “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Shrugging your shoulders, “Its okay.” you assured.
Trent starts to fidget with his fingers, “I have been thinking a lot in the past few days.”
“About what? The Prem?”
He took a deep breath, “No. Us.”
You took a large gulp. This was it. He was going to end your friendship. You’re going to be alone and you never got to tell him how you really feel about him.
You decided to play clueless, “Us? Like what?”
But the words that came out of his mouth has got you choking on your spit.
“Like romantically.”
Your mouth gaped, “You’re joking.”
Trent took offence at your response, immediately feeling embarrassed about telling you in the first place, “No need for tha’ I was just thinkin’.” he defended, hurt coating his words in attempt to save himself.
“No!” you mentally slapped yourself when you saw his reaction, “No, what I meant was that,” you sighed, “I have been thinking about that too.”
He meets your eyes, doe and soft, looking at him like he got you your favourite food. Like he hung all the stars and the moons.
He was looking at you the same.
“You have?” he whispered, scared to figure out if you were lying or joking.
But you settled down his loud fears.
You nodded, “Yeah.”
He nodded alongside with you.
Trent ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit you picked up on. “Do you wanna go on a date?” he coughed, “If you want we can go to the pizza place that you have been meaning to go to.”
“That serves pineapples on pizza?”
He nodded.
You grinned. “Yeah, I would love too!” your voice getting higher with excitement.
A smile took over Trent’s nervous features, the roundness of his cheeks, the slopes of his dimples and his pretty smile making you want to kiss him until he’s dizzy.
And at last maybe you’ll get the chance to do just that.
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Connected ch2
pairing: chan x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
word count: ~1.5k
warnings: crying, overall sadness, mentions of food
an: this is a repost from my recently deceased blog hyunjins-orange-slice. may she rest in peace.
masterlist * previous chapter * next chapter
today was hard. it seemed like every day had been hard for you recently. and not for any particular reason that you could pinpoint. life just felt.. hard. everything just felt so heavy. all day long your mind is constantly going with ‘you’re so fat’ ‘why did you say that? you’re weird.’ ‘remember that embarrassing thing that happened in 6th grade?’ ‘no one likes you.’ ‘everyone hates you, of course they do.’
“why can’t i just have a good day?” you said aloud to yourself, feeling defeated. all you wanted to do was go home, crawl in bed, put your headphones in and turn on some music. or maybe a comfort audio, though you felt you were a little dependent on those these days. so when the time finally rolled around for you to get off work, that’s exactly what you did. you unlocked the door, not even bothering to say hello to your cat, you headed to the bathroom to change your clothes. you avoided the mirror at all costs, not able to look at yourself. once the comfy clothes were secured, you went to your room and flung yourself on the bed. finally you thought. you curled under the cover, pulling it up to your chin, phone in hand. you slipped your headphones in and opened your music app.
you turned on some stray kids, because of course you did. hearing their voices, especially chan, you immediately felt somewhat soothed. you closed your eyes and let the music take over.
i tried to hide away from all the sorrow and pain
but little did i know that i was going insane
the tears started to gather then, at the corners of your eyes. you squeezed them shut tighter, a few tears slipping past and down to your pillow. you really loved that part of the song. the whole song is so beautiful, but chans voice there really makes you emotional.
you thought back to his messages from the other day. by the other day you meant it had been a few weeks. you had felt down and have had plenty of nightmares, but you never reached out to him again. you felt like you would be bothering him. you would be a burden to him, just like you are to everyone else. he only reached out the first time because he felt bad for you. he only told you to message him just to be nice. he didn’t really mean it. but sometimes, just to soothe yourself, you’ll open the chat and reread the messages he sent. thats what you did now, opening instagram you read through the chat again, smiling at his flirtatious attitude.
at some point you must have fallen asleep. you wake with a start from yet another nightmare, covered in sweat, tears streaming down your cheeks. it’s dark outside now, the middle of the night again. you just want one good nights sleep. just one. your phone is still clutched in your hand, instagram chats still open. you go to close the app, but hesitate. maybe you would send him a message. he probably won’t answer, but you thought it was worth a try. you could really use the comfort. but you found yourself struggling again with what to say. you had typed out a few messages, but deleted each one. you sounded too desperate. too annoying. until eventually, you had almost talked yourself out of it altogether. you drafted one last message:
“had another nightmare. came back to reread these messages. they comfort me. thank you again.”
and before you could talk yourself out of it, you hit send. you don’t know how long you sat there, phone in hand, chats open, staring at the screen. but you eventually fell asleep again, not waking up until morning when your alarm started blaring in your ear. you rubbed at your blurry, sleep filled eyes. rolling over, you see your phone. it was still open to instagram, the battery almost dead. you grab for the phone, your chest filled with hope, only to be crushed by the last message you sent. he hadn’t answered you. of course he didn’t, why would he? he’s busy, and you’re a nobody. you plugged the phone in and dragged yourself out of bed to get ready for work.
a few days had passed, and things were still the same. every night after work, you went home and crawled into bed. some nights were better than others, those nights where you could actually stomach some food and force yourself to take a shower. and other nights were bad, where you couldn’t do anything but stare at the ceiling and let the dread creep in.
tonight was one of the bad nights. you stared at the ceiling, the same old fan slowly spinning overhead, the same comfort audio you had listened to about a million times played in your ears. you knew you needed to eat something, you hadn’t had anything all day, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. you just continue to lay there.
suddenly, your audio cut off and a weird ringing filled your ears. a sound you had never heard. you looked down at your phone and you had an incoming call from instagram. who knew you could call someone through instagram. you were more shocked to see who was calling. it was chan. you immediately started to panic. what do you do? was he calling to tell you to stop contacting him? was he mad? why wouldn’t he just block you if that was the case?
with shaky hands you reached out and accepted the call.
“he-hello?” you stuttered.
“hi!” he answered. he sounded a little nervous, but it was clearly chan. there’s no mistaking that voice. “i’m so so sorry i didn’t answer your message. i didn’t see it until just now. i had my notifications on, i promise. but instagram never notified me. i’m sorry. are you okay?”
your brain short circuited. was he just calling to check on you? he didn’t sound mad or annoyed.
“you..” you started your sentence but lost it after only one word.
“you’re upset with me.” he sighed. “i really am sorry, i don’t know why i didn’t get notified of your message.”
his voice sounded sad. you could hear a little commotion in the background, what sounded like playful arguing and laughter. but it was muffled, almost like the rowdiness was in the room next to him, the loud voices traveling through the wall.
“i’m not upset with you.” you told him. “just- just a little surprised is all”
“surprised?” he asks.
“yeah. i never would have thought you would call me.”
“is it okay that i did?” he asks. “i noticed your message and wanted to apologize for not responding. and i felt like it was too important to say over text… so i called.”
“oh. well, i don’t mind. you’re very nice, chan.”
he nervously laughed a little at that, and you could feel the corners of your mouth turn up slightly at the sound.
“you never answered me.” he said. and you were confused. you were pretty sure he was the one who never answered you. that’s why this call was happening, right? “are you okay?”
oh, he meant you didn’t answer his question from before.
“yeah, i’m okay.” you tell him.
“that didn’t sound very convincing.” he says, chuckling.
“no, i’m okay.” you reply. “just, the last little while has been hard. but i’m okay. i promise. you don’t need to worry about me. you’re so busy.”
“but i do worry about you. im always here if you need me, im never too busy for that.” he promises.
“i-i wouldn’t want to bother you.”
“you’re not bothering me. you deserve to be happy. you deserve someone who will listen. and that’s me.” you could tell he was smiling, you could hear it in his voice. you really didn’t know what to say. you didn’t know what you ever did to deserve someone like chan in your life.
“hyung, minhos ready to start practice again.” you faintly heard someone, who sounded a lot like han jisung, say in the background.
“okay, i’m coming. just a sec.” chan answered. “i have to go.” he says to you now, “i’m sorry i couldn’t talk longer. i’ll text you, okay?”
all of this felt so surreal to you. you had to be dreaming right now and it would soon take a turn for the scary and you would wake up screaming.
“uh, yeah, of course.” you say. “only if you have time.”
“i’ll make time.” he tells you. “try to get some rest. and don’t skip meals, yeah?”
you shyly nodded, but then realized he couldn’t see you. “yeah. okay.” you answer.
“okay, bye.” he says, his voice soft, almost like he is sad to be hanging up.
“bye, chan.” and then the line goes silent.
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to be added to the taglist for this series, just let me know.
🚨reminder: this blog is 18+ only. i’ve been getting a lot of new followers (which i greatly appreciate) but if there’s no age identifier on your blog, i’m blocking you no questions asked. (for my own sanity and peace of mind.) ik some people don’t actually go to my page to read the warnings, so im going to start attaching a warning at the bottom of all my posts. thanks for understanding. 💕
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doiesfav · 11 months
༊*·˚ My Youth - Haechan ||
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Pairing: Rockstar! Haechan x fem! Reader
Plot: Donghyuck and y/n were highschool lovers, not until y/n moves to another city for university. After graduating she finds herself in a difficult situation so she flights back to her home city after 5 years. Now Donghyuck performes in local festivals with his rock band NCT, but they meet again not sure about how to start again.
Genre: Romance, fluff, Ex to lovers, fiction
Contains: cuss words, eventual smut, alcohol, oral (f! receiving), vaginal, no protection (use protection and do not copy this idiots silly)
Wc 4,4k
A/n: thanks for reading everyone <333 Would appreciate if reblog or follow me tho😭 ily guys🫶
Picture from nct’s official twitter while banners and dividers are self-made.
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(y/n’s pov)
Some people say starting a new life in a new city is a great and awesome experience, thats what I always thought before doing it.
Moving out of my home city was probably one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made, sure it was great at first but since graduating college, luck has been avoiding me. Companies wouldn’t accept my job applications, I was running out of money and even some of my friends I made there stopped talking to me.
I was left with nothing so I decided to go back home and start again, I missed my bedroom full of The Beatles and AC/DC posters, I also missed my friends from there, especially Mark, he always supported me and took care of me. Thats why as soon as I landed he was waiting for me in there.
“Maaaark” I said with a nostalgic smile, we both hugged until our arms were tired and when we pulled apart he was crying “You haven’t changed at all, still a crybaby” I wiped his tears and shook his messy hair with my hands as I always used to do.
“How have you been y/n” That question made me cry, “well, let's say not the best” He knew what I was talking about but didn’t say anything and just hugged me. Mark gave me a ride home where my parents were, I waved my hand to say goodbye to him and entered home. Finally home, this welcoming feeling after 5 years was very special to me.
They didn’t know I was coming back so I kept it a surprise for them. When I knocked on the door no one answered nor reacted, I kept knocking it a few times hoping someone would open it but no, so I just thought they could be out.
I went to walk a but when I encountered the park I always used to go when young, I had so many memories in there like when I used to fall a lit of times, or when I meet Mark for the first time in there, also my first ever kiss…
(6 years ago)
Donghyuck asked me to go meet him at the park, it wasn’t that weird for us to meet up, but this time it felt that way because he wanted to tell me something.
When it was 9pm, the time when he asked to meet me. I went out to see him already there sitting in the swing, he looked nervous which wasn’t something you would normally see. As soon as he saw me arrive he got up “Hyuck, what did you wanted to talk about?” I asked innocently while watching him playing with his fingers.
It was kinda awkward, “So I just wanted to tell you that..” What if it was a confession? I wasn’t interested in being in a relationship at the moment, and especially with one of my friends but a new feeling towards him awakened inside of me.
“Remember the day Mark introduced to us? Since that day I had a really big fat crush on you, like disgustingly big. I just think that you are an awesome and very beautiful person in all aspects” I totally remember the day I met Donghyuck, we weren’t that close at first but then slowly started to become closer.
I didn’t know what to do, a side of me wanted to reject him and move on and the other side wanted hug him and accept the confession. Both would end up changing our current relationship anyways, so I decided to go big.
I put my hands on his red burning cheeks and slowly approached my body towards him. He realized what I was trying to do so he put his hands on my waist as if it was made of thin glass. I also had to stand up on tiptoe since he was taller than me, then my lips touched his.
His lips were sweet, ir was like savoring fresh sweet fruit. Then I realized, my first kiss. We pulled apart slowly “So what kind of answer is that?” He giggled, I wanted to die of embarrassment, it wasn’t planned at all but it was what my heart wanted, I could feel it.
Since that day Donghyuck and I have been dating until I decided to move out, then we broke up hoping that I won’t be able to see him again. We were a happy couple, I would say he is my first everything.
I snapped out of my memories. Was I missing him so much? Probably if we saw each other right now I would pretend I don’t know him, but I’ve got no clue about what he was up to.
Suddenly a familiar car arrived, it was my parents. When they entered home I waited about 10 minutes to appear. I knocked the door, this time hoping they would open it, they did. “Y/nnnnnn” My mom hugged me very tightly, “What are you doing here honey, you could have called me I still haven’t made dinner” Then tears started falling down her cheek “awww mom, I wanted it to be a surprise don’t worry, I’ll help you make dinner”
Then my father appeared and he was even more surprised than you thought he would be. We had a talk about how did I do there and why Im back. Mom wanted to invite all her friends and family to make a welcome home party but it was too late so we decided to do it tomorrow.
Nothing changed in here, instead it was exactly as it was when I left. My room was also the same, my mom didn’t dare to touch anything. Things like my posters, desk and even things I thought I threw was there without any dust. Mom cleaned my room every month, I mean she was a clean freak but it was comforting.
Thats when I saw my album photos and decided to take a look. The first few pages were baby me, wondering how cute I was, then 10 years old me started to appear. It was my princess phase, which today I regret I looked so stupid thinking it was cool.
And then saw my first photo with Mark, he was like a baby and we were holding hands. I remembered that we took that photo on his 11th birthday, few months after we meet. We were so close that felt as if it was my real brother since I had no siblings.
While looking at my teenager photos I remembered how rebellious I was, I had my rock band phase with my friends at 15 but it started to fade out quickly. I still looked cool tho. When I decided to color my hair I did blonde highlights with it, my parents grounded me 1 month after it but I still miss it.
Then I froze when I saw a photo of me and Donghyuck kissing. We were at my room alone for the first time so I decided to take a selfie with him, we made out and we both lost our virginity that day. Thats why he was my first in almost everything.
I could still remember when he tried to put his dick inside me, it was painful and pleasing but the pain was taking over and I had to gently push him. We tried as many times as possible because I was insisting in it. At the end it ended up being a funny and embarrassing story that he told to almost everyone.
But I should stop thinking about him, it was in the past, is not like I would meet him again the chances are very low. When I finally unpacked everything Mark texted me.
Mark: Heyy y/n, did you finish accomodating?
Mark: If so you could come where I am to celebrate your welcoming with some old friends
Since I had nothing else to do I decided to go. He said there were some old friends so my heart was beating very fast when I arrived, I wasn't that shy but that feeling of seeing your friends again made me. When I arrived, Mark texted me it was Jeno's house so I thought it wasn't going to be a big party but it wasn't, it was disgustingly big.
There were a lot of people, but I mean a lot. It was a welcoming party, but it felt like a uni frat party, When people realized I entered they came each to hug me, and when I felt a little bit of pressure I went to find Mark.
On my way, I got some beer to relieve the stress and then I saw Jeno with a mic starting to give a speech. ''So y'all know why this party is being held right?'' He laughs ''Of course to celebrate the welcoming of Y/NNN'' He screamed as if his lungs were about to die. When everyone turned around to see me and cheer me, I laughed awkwardly but luckily Jeno says something to interrupt that awkwardness.
''And to make it worth it, our lovely NCT is gonna play some songs, so ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy yourselves'' NCT? That was the name of my old rock band group. But then a familiar melody started playing, it was a song that we composed.
When I looked at the stage Yuta, Hendery, Jeno, and Donghyuck were there. They were the same members as before, the only difference is that I'm not there. When Hendery started playing the drums to start the song, Yuta sang and Jeno and Donghyuck played the guitars. I used to be the lead guitarist but Donghyuck took my place as I could see.
I smirked at them receiving the same face, the killing part was Donghyuck's and he did them really well. I remember when I met him and introduced him the guitar, he was a newbie but wanted to learn then we created the group where he improved a lot. And now he's here playing it without any guidance doing the killing part. The crowd went feral so I did. After some other songs, it was time to take a break so I went outside where I met Mark smoking. ''Hey y/n, I haven't seen you in there, what do you think, you like it?'' I was shocked, he was the typical good guy but his smoking was something else. ''Woah wait a minute, since when do you smoke'' He laughed hiding his face with his free hand. ''Well I do not smoke that often but you know''
After having a very comforting conversation it was getting cold so we both went inside. ''Mark, do you know where's the bathroom?'' having a sudden urge to go pee. I followed him and led me there ''thanks, see ya later''. The satisfaction of peeing after keeping it for a long time was everything I needed right now, but someone opens the door and closes it immediately without noticing I was there. He unzips his jeans when he realized I was there sitting on the toilet peeing. He turned around quickly and I blushed, ''Donghyuck you should know how to knock right?'' I said dryly. ''y/n you should know how to close the door right?''. Then the silence was real, I finished quickly so he could pee but stopped me.
''Aren't you gonna say hi?'' he cornered me with his hands not letting me move, his face was leaning closer but I smelled alcohol so of course he was drunk. ''We shouldn't be doing this'' I said while trying to escape but he made me sit back on the toilet before I could. ''I missed you a lot you know? I missed everything about you, and now you came back. We should be together'' ''Sorry not now Hyuck, amazing performance by the way'' I said while running out and hoping he won't catch me again.
Not gonna lie, talking to him made me feel very sad but angry at the same time so why not drink to fill that up. After some time of drinking and avoiding Donghyuck I wasn't wasted at all since I have high alcohol tolerance so I decided to go home. Mark offered to drive me home since he hadn't had any alcohol tonight so I accepted.
On my way home we didn't talk a lot but still felt comfortable. ''y/n, what do you think about me?'' I didn't expect that question ''what do you mean Markie'' He seemed nervous ''What do you think of me as a man'' We both stayed quiet ''I mean you are my friend-'' He interrupted me ''No y/n no, I liked you since a very long time but then I had to bear my feelings when you started dating Donghyuck'' When Mark said that it left me speechless. ''Now that Donghyuck and you are over and you are back, I wanted to tell you what you think about me'' I didn't know how to answer, maybe I was a bit drunk after all but I always saw him as my best friend and even brother sometimes.
''Mark, sorry let's talk another day I'm not in the right condition right now'' I lied, I was perfectly fine. ''Yea sorry y/n, I got carried on, don't remember this conversation please'' The drive was quiet and maybe uncomfortable too.
The sun rises, it was a new day. Today I wanted to start searching for a job and find an apartment I could afford, after spending half a day doing so I took a break and went to meet with some old friends. I arrived at the park where everyone knows each other, but literally, since it wasn't a very big city. ''Hey y/n, how are you?'' One of my friends said, I greeted them and went to hang out. The city itself didn't change at all so I recognized all the streets.
While walking freely someone asked ''So what's your relationship with Donghyuck right now?'' That was the last question I wanted to be asked, ''Oh no, we are over, is in the past-'' I got interrupted, ''Speaking of the devil look who's there'' It was Donghyuck with some of his friends, they were buying some ice cream in front of us. I wanted to turn back but they were already waving hands at them. ''Hey girls'' He said to start a conversation, we all sat in the café. I wanted to avoid looking at him because of yesterday's incident. ''y/n are you okay you look a little sick'' someone asked. ''Yea maybe is from yesterday so I think I have to go home'' I got up quickly '''l'll make you company, I'm sure you don't remember the way back'' Donghyuck said but that's the least I wanted from him. I insisted but still he made me company.
''Aren't you tired of avoiding me y/n?'' True, it was exhausting. ''Aren't you tired too of following me?'' He then stopped walking so I did. ''About yesterday, I was serious, I wanna start our relationship again'' I felt how his puppy-looking eyes were looking at me. ''no Hyuck-'' ''Why not? We only broke up because of you moving out, there isn't any other reason right?'' He took my hand which surprised me. ''Yes but because of how many years we haven't been in contact I just don't feel the same Hyuck''.
''Then why do I still love you?'' I didn't know how to answer. But do I still like him or is just me not wanting to accept it, it felt wrong not going back to him but at the same time it also feels right. I was getting Deja Vu, so my heart just took over. ''I still do Hyuck, I still love you a lot'' We hugged, I didn't want to break that hug, I wanted it to continue forever it felt so warm. ''Do you wanna start over?'' I nodded and the very next second he leaned forward to kiss me.
Our lips meet passionately, him being dominant while playing with my tongue. ''You don't know how much I missed those lips'' He shared and made me blush, ''Want me to rile you up at my home?'' It surprised me and I just laughed it off but my phone ringing had to interrupt the moment. It was my mom telling me to go home because guests were at my second welcoming party, ''Hyuck wanna come to my second welcoming party? You know my mom loves you'' He absolutely agreed. My mom and him were like best friends so why not.
We arrived home with our hands held together, and that's when I saw Mark coming toward us. I needed to pretend that I was drunk during yesterday's conversation so he probably thought I forgot about it seeing us holding hands. ''Oh damn, are you guys together again'' He laughed to not seem sad or whatever feeling I knew except happiness, ''I know right, she's hard to get every time'' Donghyck said not knowing anything Mark and I were thinking so I felt sorry for him. Mark liked me and he was his best friend also.
At this party there were neighbors and my parent's friends so I didn't feel that much pressure. My mom kept asking Donghyuck and me if we are ever getting married but all I could see is Mark's uncomfortable face, it made me feel sad and bad knowing he always had that face since Donghyuck and I dated. When the party was coming to an end Donghyuck insisted if he could stay the night over and my mom heard it so of course he could. While saying goodbye to the guests it was Mark's turn, again I had to pretend nothing happened which was very tiring. ''Thanks for coming Mark'' I smiled at him like I always used to so he did the same but it didn't feel like a real one. I didn't wanna lose my best friend but he didn't feel the same way about me.
My parents were already sleeping because of the alcohol they drank earlier but me and Donghyuck were still awake. ''Your room didn't change that much, I still remember the first time we did it in your bed'' We both laughed and covered ourselves with the blanket, I wished this moment went on forever. He was the big spoon which I liked because of how warm his hugs were, ''Did you date any guys while you were away? I didn't date any girls, look how loyal I am'' I didn't date any guy but maybe a few one-night stands but how do I tell him. ''What if I told you I did'' He lifted his head looking annoyed ''Then you had sex while I was here waiting for you?'' I felt very bad but I've never thought of coming back to him so it wasn't an excuse. ''Maybe'' I said quietly to not annoy him more.
''Want to fuck?'' Did he just say that straight to me? I felt something growing quickly on my ass, I knew he was hard. We kissed and pulled apart when we were out of breath, and he made me lay on my bed carefully while kissing my neck. Donghyuck took off my clothes so I tried to take off his shirt, ''If you wanna see my body so bad, lemme eat you out first'' I nodded because of how desperately I needed his tongue on my clit right now. I slightly moaned when he put his tongue on my pussy, ''Babe open your legs wider for me, please'' Realising it was difficult for him to eat me out with almost closed legs. I opened them so he kept sucking my clit, my hands landed on his hair pulling it carefully to not hurt him.
When Donghyuck inserted one finger inside me I could tell how much I missed being eaten out because of my moans, I kinda begged for more in the middle of my moans. He inserted two more which made me breathless of how sudden it was, I tried to push him a bit but it felt so good although painful at the same time, ''babe how are you so tight if you fucked with other guys'' Then he went to suck my clit while hitting my g-spot aggressively. I could see my orgasm coming ''Hyuck I'm close'' I tried to say and then I felt something, I just squirted and came at the same time, it felt awesome, and didn't want to stop. Donghyuck didn't stop with his fingers so I rode it while my legs were twitching, ''didn't know you could squirt, or you learned while fucking other guys too''.
I've never squirted in my life and he was the one that made me do it, ''No Hyuck, is my first time'' He then kissed me ''you want a break or keep going, baby'' I wasn't sure but seeing Donghyuck's stoner made me say keep going. He took off his clothes and started to accommodate his body above me. Missionary was his favorite, he could see my face while he fucks me, I obviously remembered that.
He slowly rubbed his tip in the lips of my hole, and when he slowly made it inside we both realized I was tight as fuck. The feeling of Donghyuck's cock inside me was thrilling, painful but pleasing. ''God you are so fucking tight'' He moaned out of pleasure, I was loosing ny mind by the time Donghyuck’s thrusts were faster. I could feel my second orgasm soon, i gripped my hands on his naked shoulders and moaned harder than before. He knew I was coming soon, “don’t cum yet baby” I did as he told but I couldn’t resist anymore “Hyuck, please”. Then he used his finger to rub on my clit while thrusting faster. He knew how to satisfy me perfectly, and soon I was coming all over his dick while at the same time his cum was filling me.
We both panted as desperately kissed even tho we were put of breath, “Fuck I missed seeing my cum slipping out of ur pussy” He said after licking it. “Welcome home y/n” Those words were enough for me to sleep comfortable, we cuddled to sleep “So what are you doing for a living” I asked out of curiosity. “Nothing in special, just concerts at local festivals even tho we are trying for a label to contact us” I didn’t know he took music seriously, when younger it seemed like a fun activity to do but never imagined he would be living of it. After asking some questions I was already sleepy and Donghyuck kissed my forehead before saying goodnight.
It was 8am and since mom is a morning person she went to my room and see how we were, the thing is that we were both naked but covered in blankets while hugging each other. She knew what we did last night just by looking at us, When I woke up Donghyuck wasn’t anymore in my bed, he probably had to do something so I don’t blame him. When k went to the kitchen to eat something he was there cooking breakfast with my mom, Donghyuck was a very good cook and thats another reason why my mom loved him.
“So how was list night young couple” my mom sai d while we were eating, after she said that I started choking on my food surprised. She just laughed and looked at Donghyuck “We were great last night thanks miss ___” He smirked at me. After tidying things up I saw that Mark texted me, my heart was racing but not of excitement but of fear.
Mark: yo y/n I was wondering if ur free rn
Mark: If u are could u come meet me at the park in our neighborhood?
I knew what his intentions were, he wanted to confess I was sure. But then Donghyuck noticed the text Mark sent me “are you going?”He said which it startled me a bit, “Im not sure, should I?” He nodded his head, I could trust him. “I’ll wait you here if you need anything baby” He then hugged me, it was as if Donghyuck also knew about Mark’s intention but I wasn’t sure at all.
Seeing Mark and feeling awkward was not normal, when you arrived he first acted normal but the topic changed. “Y/n I know that you and Donghyuck are back together but I just wanted to tell you that I’m here to support you, if you need anything I’m here, and I want you to think of me as someone who will always take care of you” Realization hits when his voice started to became fragile, as if his words were hurting him. “Mark… You know you are my everything like literally, you’ve been with me at my worst and literally saved me from everything. I want to thank you, and the other day… I wasn’t drunk at all so I know why are you saying this” He looked at me with his red cheeks, maybe from embarrassment, nervousness?
“So you know…” I nodded and hugged him, this hug felt different is like a new and different type of one. One that means all the friendship and love between us, one that if we ever break everything does. “I will try and change but I don’t want to loose you, you are everything I could ask for even if we stay like this” His words felt sincere but liking your best friend isn’t a crime either. “Mark, liking your best friend isn’t a crime silly, take your time don’t worry ill help you somehow” After some time you went home but feeling kinda heartbroken and felt pity for Mark, but Donghyuck was still there.
“What happened baby, everything alright?” We both hugged desperately, some tears started falling from my eyes and landed on Donghyuck’s chest. “Not gonna lie, I knew Mark had a crush on you way before we started dating, he told me himself but I just couldn’t contain myself” Those words made me surprised, he knew but never told me? “Hyuck be so for real” I tried to break the hug but Donghyuck’s arms were definitely stronger. “y/n I want you to focus on us, let’s love again but stronger this time, okay? I didn’t spent all my youth trying to make you fall in love for me for nothing” He was right, I wanted to free myself for a bit from adult life. The sudden change of becoming an adult is shocking, I wasn’t prepared at all but right now I really wanted for Donghyuck to comfort me, I wanted to be comforted by him.
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Thanks guys for all the likes ive been getting😭🫶🫶 And bro Im super excited for ISTJ, im sure is gonna be good asfff and im prob gonna get some material to write with it ;) And again thanks everyone <33
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poppy-metal · 2 years
being best friends with eddie (with a fat crush on you) and having nothing to do after school so you go to his dnd campaigns, even when you don’t know ANYTHING abt dnd, when everyone leaves and you and eddie start to clean up, you start to recite to him your favorite parts about today’s campaign and he falls so much more in love with you . He legit stares at you for 2 minutes before you realize, and before you say something he’s already kissing you
"the roll for initiative was really good at the end! I thought for sure dustin was toast." you say idly, picking up eddies d&d dice and putting them in his case for him.
hes silent for a few seconds so you glance over at him. hes leaned a little over the table, gripping it with his fingers. hes starting at you.
you frown, "what?"
he blinks, licks his lips. stands up ans looks down at you, "you just. suprised me is all." he folds the game board up. "you were paying attention?"
you like eddies arms. hes not as scrawny as you'd think. up close, you can see the light definition in them as he moves. you say, "duh."
he puts everything aside and faces you head on, hands on his hips. he tilts his head, smiling a little, "its just not your thing, i guess."
you shrug, shifting the container of dice in your hand. eddie watches the movement. "its not." you agree slowly, "but its your thing. and you're important to me. so. friends learn about other friends hyperfixations." you smile.
your friendship with eddie is new. not something either of you expected being practically night and day with your outward appearances. you like him more than a friend, if you're being honest. the crush is supernova big. you're learning about d&d for him.
he steps forward, teeth on his bottom lip. he takes the little box from you. "you're a really good friend." he tells you softly, "like. shit. you're outshining everyone right now. you don't have to put yourself through my nerd shit, sweetheart. I know you care."
you look down at you feet, "I want to, though."
his eyes have that seeking quality. like they're looking into you, searching. large and brown and curious.
he asks, "why?"
"what do you mean?"
"i mean." his tongue pokes out, runs against his bottom lip for a moment. "I mean, its not like I don't appreciate it, or want you around, i do, i adore you. I just- you don't have to be here." he finishes lamely.
you think hes right. friends do alot for eachother, you think. but do they do this much?
"you're my friend." you say in a small voice. your face feels hot.
he nods, jerky motion. "right. I am, yeah. best friend. im your best friend." he taps the box against his open palm, looking like he wants to say something else and then puffing out a breath.
he turns and puts the box with the other things, and you think thats that. but he stills suddenly. sighs an irritated huff and then he spins around, approaching you again in quick strides that have your eyes widening and backing up into the table.
he looks intense. serious.
"its just that." his voice sounds gravelly. deep. "friends don't ask me to come over at 3am, they don't sit in my lap, they don't learn every single thing about me, and-" he swallows. "they don't look at me like they're wishing i would just kiss them all the time."
you stare at him.
"is that how im looking at you now?"
his head dips, dark eyes look at your lips. "yeah."
you take a breath, "then its probably because im wishing you would kiss me."
he inhales sharply. you have one second to think maybe you just said something stupid before hes saying, "jesus," and leaning forward to kiss you. his hand comes up to grip your jaw, tongue tracing your top lip.
your hands curl in his shirt, you whine, "eddie." you gasp, "you didn't- didn't roll for initiative."
he barks out a laugh. "what do you think i paused back there for?" he kisses you, again. "i scored a d20 in my head, baby."
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flwrshee · 1 year
HEE’S BACK ?! - twenty two : truth or dare ( written 0.6k )
synopsis. your childhood best friend and crush somehow joins your uni but does he remember you and do you remember him? your already busy admiring your current crush, park jongseong. but what happens if fate brings you and heeseung together?
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you had arrived at the lobby of the hotel waiting for everyone to come. you were determined to beat soobin's ass because of what had happened on the bus but you kept your anger in, making sure you had your cool yn face on. you saw haerin, hanni, wonyoung, sunghoon and rei coming in but your eyes were searching for one person in particular.
lee heeseung.
honestly you didn't know how to feel about being paired up with him in the same room but deep down your heart was beating so fast wondering how it would be. as you were thinking about how this trip would you heard a familiar voice.
"yn! over here!" heeseung says at you while waving his arms.
shit. why does he have to be so cute all the time.
"oh hi heeseung! i didn't see you there, do you want to go to our room now?"
"yes! lets goo!"
you stand next to heeseung as you walk towards your hotel room before turning back and looking at your friends who whispered 'heeyn' mabye a bit too loud for your liking.
rolling your eyes at them and flipping them off you look at heeseung and his side profile. you couldn't stop yourself from staring at his pretty face.
"yn are you okay? is there something on my face?" he worriedly asks you, touching his face.
"no no heeseung, its fine." you reassure him after his little breakdown.
while your peacefully resting on the hotel's comfy bed, your phone beeps with several message notifications making you get up.
soobin : girl you better come to sunghoon's room right now
yn : bitch what now
soobin : we arranged some games and tell heeseung to come *wink wink*
yn : soobin stfu
soobin : you better come !
yn : whatever
"wow! finally heeseung and yn are here!" everyone cheers as you both enter the room.
you glance at the room and see your friends and heeseung's friends all in one big huddle and a bottle in the middle. god. please god. they can not be playing spin the bottle. you hated that game, wait no, you despised it. the game that would bring your big fat crush on heeseung known to everyone. you wanted to dig a deep black hole and die.
however you end up sitting down along with everyone, in between rei and heeseung. you could not take this already. with rei looking at you with a teasing smile every five seconds and heeseung just being beautiful while he was sitting down next to you.
"lets start the game!" jay says, along with an erupt of cheers, and thats when you knew that you were dead.
everything went alright with people revealing some embarrassing secrets and some even doing silly dares that jake and rei came up with, well that's a tleast what you thought.
the game was going fine, untill the bottle lands in the middle of you and heeseung. the rule that everyone knew, when it lands in between two people they either kiss or go in the closet.
you did not want to embrass yourself with either of these things infront of heeseung, but what has life done? given you the opposite.
with everyone chanting 'kiss! kiss! kiss!' you nervously look around and fidget with you fingers unable to make eye contact with heeseung.
just when you are about to ask heeseung for his opinion your lips are already caught in his as he cups your face with his two hands and kisses you for a good five seconds.
breaking out from it, everyone looks at the two of you in shock but ends up cheering for the both of you after. meanwhile, both you and heeseung are a blushing mess.
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masterlist | prev (chap. twenty one) | next (chap. twenty three)
my note ! yall finally it happened
pairing. childhoodbff!heeseung x fem!reader (crush!jongseong)
genre. smau, fluff and crack, college au
warning(s). cursing, kissing, teasing
taglist. open, send an ask
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taglist. @ifearjwn @haknom @sngvhs @luvistqrzzz @tnyhees @xiaoderrrr @viagumi @chacottone @yunzwrld @haechansbbg @enhastolemyheart @ineedaherosavemeenow @chaechae-23 @whippedforbeomgyu @kpopstanmeg @mymeloem19 @raikea10 @ahnneyong @flamiricky @seokmgyu @wonobss @dneltrise
© flwrshee
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textmel8r · 2 months
OKAY. so basically this girl (we will call her regina because she is literally a mean girl) Regina had this thing with this girl called Carly last schl year and it didnt work out bc regina said she wasnt ready for a relationship (they still kinda stayed friends but the friendship grew more throughout this year)
so i came like this year and she at the time she told me the whole thign that happened and made carly seem like the villian and i believed her BC I WAS NEW AND I WAS LIKE TRYNA MAKE FRIENDS YK like i wasnt straight up gonna call her a lair
BUT THEN THIS YEAR BRO Regina was having a crush on this guy (well call him Justin) but Justin is like a rlly shy guy he doesnt rlly talk to the girls unless its for schl work she was just straight up being delulu but she started loosing feelings bc he wasnt rlly doing anything and they barely talked SO THEN SHE WENT BACK TO CARLY
AND AT FIRST Carly rejected her and regina acted GEN SAD but then Carly said she was just nervous and regina just said this out of the blue so then they planned a date and kissed WHICH IS IMPORTANT THAT THEY KISSED LMAO
Now we have this other girl in our friend group whos literally so nice shes the it girl well call her Ella SO ella has a bf and she talks abt him a lot and abt all the cute things he does (regina is always talking asking ella to talk abt him and like being her #1 supporter) anyways bc of reginas date, ella gave her kissing tips bc its reginas first kiss
Now when Regina and Carlys date ended Regina started SPAMMINGGG and like talking abt how they kissed and made out (giving unnecessary detail) BUT WE WERE HAPPY FOR HER AT THE TIME but now with everythign out it seems braggy yk
Btw this date was on a friday so after this date next week mon Regina acted like Carly NEVER EXISTED AND WENT RIGHT BACK TO JUSTIN BRO like it was like a light switch flipped like last week she was yapping on about carly and how she missed her and how she was excited abt this date next week acting like who was carly bruh
BUT YK it was not my relationship and none of my buisiness so i never really asked questions but i noticed how they stopped waving to eachother in the halls and small detials like that JUST NEVER BROUGHT IT UPPP
SO NOW Carly is like really close with one of my friends in the friend group ill call her molly SO molly showed me like texts of carly complaining about regina and how she literally ditched her and being upset with her.
THEN ME AND MOLLY LITERALLY CONNECTED THE DOTS BRO we theorized that bc of ella n her bf, regina led carly on just to get over her first kiss (we were right) at this point tho we felt iffy about her but didnt really do anything…
NOW this is just like backstory so last week everything exploded bruh so Carly told molly abt how one day regina called her BAWLINGG AND CRYINNGG about how she was jealous of Ella
And molly told carly how LAST SCHL YEAR REGINA CALLED CARLY A FAT COW BROO (talking bad about carly with another friend who told us) and this set everyone off bruh
Like all of carlys friends literally wanna beat up regina LMAOOO like the ghosting and leading on everyone was like thats shitty btu wtv and carly was like thats her first kiss not mine 🤷‍♀️ so shes gonna regret it later but the fat cow thing pissed everyone off
Now this is the main thing but because of this our whole friend group had a revelation that we dont even really like her and we noticed the small things that she does that are sooooo mean and unnecessary
NOW this is getting way too long...but the other things shes done (kinda more srs than this but this is like the main thing)
i am so sorry but the entire time i was reading this i was thinking about how easily i could turn this into an attack on titan fic IM SORRY DONT HURT ME
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feddy-fagbear · 3 months
I am more intrigued could you explain me the Michael and Charlie lore of your version of the fnaf?
so- ironically enough thats kinda what my current wip is about (okay really its abt explaining how the actual fnaf plot ties into everything but shhh) but- well ig let's start at square one
THIS ENDED UP LONGER THAN I EXPECTED IM SORRY FOR GIVING YOU AN ESSAY, this like is basically the entire plot of the au, im sorry, im just- really insane
Charlie's Dead, Now What?
funniest way i could subheader this thing.
charlie and michael are ~2 years apart in age, she was killed when she was 10, michael was 12, this was shortly after his younger brother died, i dont wanna get into why cuz thats a tangent abt william and his Things. so basically, michael's 12, his brother's dead, his best friend's dead, he's kinda curling into himself and then suddenly, like 5 years later, surprise, charlie's back. she didnt die??? but michael like- went to henry's house after a funeral didn't he? did he make that up? how else did he get her hair tie???
yeah, henry did some unethical shit, but who cares? william did worse so surely we can just- gloss over this. and that michael does, because HOLY SHIT CHARLIE'S ALIVE???? LIKE SHE DIDNT DIE???? (she did, just- she's back.) notably she feels like, sounds like, bleeds like a human. she's a human, and there is flesh that is very real, and- i made a post abt this literally earlier today abt the fact she's basically a meat puppet of a creature, but she's back! who cares! she got better
michael was also having a notably Not Fun time during those 5 years btw, 3 years later his little sister goes missing (dont question the timeline, i dont know if it works, i just thought of it and decided it was good enough) and so he's kinda dealing with the weight of that, his parents' marriage is crumbling and he's supposed to ignore that, and just life is getting Bad. so he becomes a total scumbag, really. (in turn, henry views him as a disappointment, and about as good as his father and this is important, it plays into things later)
Yay, Things Are Decent Again!
famous last words. michael and charlie obviously catch up, start getting close again, charlie's told to stop hanging out with him, and she says "no im gonna keep hanging out with michael, youre a dumbass, dad", and this just means michael deals with worse shit for like the last year of his teens, cuz like the moment he's 18 his mom basically fucks off to nowhere (maybe like- washington? who knows. she could be in europe for all michael knows, he didnt keep in touch, she hated him!) and his dad like- kinda also disappears for long swaths of time but who cares abt him, michael's kinda happy abt that, and henry is just- harping on his ass for being a "bad influence" around his daughter who might start smoking or something because of him, the fucking... bastard??? he's a teen with trauma but who cares, its like- the 80s, everyone's kinda fucked up and doesnt care (joking)
but yeah, michael still refuses to stop hanging out w/ charlie cuz 1) homie's got a fat fucking crush and 2) no one tells him what to do. but yknow, charlie hears abt this, gets into a fight with henry abt it, nothing like comes of it but its put strain on their relationship ("oh but pyro its important charlie cares abt her dad" i like destroying canon, henry's a shit dad TO ME and charlie doesnt feel all that connected to him to begin with), and michael starts yknow- doing odd jobs, mostly customer service cuz he doesnt have a reason to fucking go back to freddy's yet because honestly?? why would he without someone like basically forcing him to
he gets an apartment and like by the time charlie's 18 she's moved in with him, theyre sailing pretty smoothly, and... henry cuts off all contact with charlie. she's not really fussed about it (and he's not dead) so it impacts nothing, just means theyre... on their own. but they manage for a couple years and then things get bad enough michael has to work at freddy's for a bit!!
Oh This Is Where The Nightmares Start
this is just where i put all the gore. no but michael decides to work a week at freddy's just for the little extra cash it'll give them, and yknow he talks abt how terrifying the job is to charlie and midway through the week they realize something...
there's something that shouldnt be there in those suits.
anyways he finishes the week, ends up fired for tampering with the animatronics, and then goes back after getting fired, scrapes out the whole- regrowing dead children inside the suits, and then like- he and charlie uh- "properly dispose of the bodies" (burn them in the woods)
yeah this solves the dead children thing, sorry. yeah this au is mostly abt them healing after the fact
and then they get a Call. from who? william Some Strange Random Guy who's like "michael, i'll give ya a tip about how you can find your sister" and michael is So Fucking Broken at this point he's like "yeah sure i'll work at an Afton Robotics Company to get answers"
.... he survives... gets attacked by ennard at his apartment, charlie saves his ass, but uh- yknow- the thing about humans is theyre persistence predators... and ghosts dont have bodies to worry about....
so yeah he gets fucking ripped apart one day in the most brutal of ways, charlie can really only watch, helpless, and then there's this like year? two year gap were michael's like- dead and a skin suit as far as charlie's aware, and she's kinda- fucked- and has to finally reach back out to her father- but eventually! michael turns back up!
Part 4: Corpse Era
OKAY COOL SO MICHAEL'S NOT DEAD, except he's totally dead, but there's no like- metal spaghetti monster in him and he's just- walking about like normal, the scar apparently healed so whatever reason he's alive charlie... doesnt know.... but yknow what? she isnt gonna question it they have greater worries
like a metal spaghetti monster, and also the fact No One Knows Where William Is, and thats kinda Why Henry Disappeared, so like.... yay??? but anyways everything after this is just general lore bullshit so let's get back to the fun stuff
after william's dealt with (burned to death, it works the first time, steel wool era doesnt exist to me solely because im not a Lore Expert and we have such little info rn it feels like id just slam myself into a glass wall), and ennard is... gone (yeah this is a plot hole, listen, i'll patch it soon, maybe it also dies in a fire real nice and easy like) charlie and mike are kinda- left to their own devices now figuring out what to do with their life and well.... they just make the best they can out of it. theyre stuck on the outskirts of society but... it's perfect to try and find a way to heal, to move on past... everything they've seen and had to do and.... yknow- maybe they'll get to be truly happy one day. not in any traditional sense but who needs things to be in any way traditional when your entire life's never been that
i do plan to write some fluff and really bulk out this last bit but for now its kind of nebulous and floaty in my head cuz i just- suck at writing endings that feel... whole and complete? but i think a sort of vague "things arent good but they'll get better" is all you can really ask for in a situation like this yeah?
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rikiiverse · 11 months
Moving Out
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Classmate!niki x classmate!reader
Synopsis: When Y/N and her older brother Jake recently relocated to a new neighborhood in Seoul, she assumed that attending a new school and making new friends would make her senior year of high school a breeze. However, that was before she met a classmate who seemed too good to be true
Genre: fluff, comedy, crack
Warnings: kissing? Underage drinking, Jake is readers older brother!, simping, y/n is a hardcore simp
Chapter 1:
"Y/N, we're leaving!" My brother Jake was downstairs when I heard him say, "Today is the day." I was concerned about leaving Suwon to go to Seoul. a new school, new friends, and possibly new bullies? My brother had convinced me that I would be okay and he would make sure of it. Since the institution he had registered me in is a combined college, he would also be there, so I felt relieved. 
I climbed inside my brother's car, and we set out towards Seoul. I had packed my munchies and Jake had the music on for the about five-hour drive. Jake turned to look at me. "I'm sorry once more, but we had to leave Suwon and travel to Seoul. You are aware of how important this job is to me, and you are undoubtedly aware of how long I have desired to work with Jay at his company." He paused "And isn't it exciting that you'll be attending a joint high school and college as well?" He continued to talk. 
He reassured me, "And I know you're capable of establishing new friends; it really isn't that hard for you." "Nevertheless, Oppa, I'm truly going to miss Danielle and the others," I sighed. But I told him, "I trust you more than anything, so anything you say goes." 
I can’t believe your brother is enrolling you into decilis thats like the most richest school of seoul and not only that but the amount of hot guys there is INSANE. I heard a rumor theres this really cute foreign exchange student from Japan, his name is Riki I think! Nishimura Riki
woah there buddy how do you know so much about decilis let alone Riki hm? what friends do you have here?
My cousin goes there! she’s a year younger than you which makes her a junior there but she has told me the fat crush girls at decilis have over Riki apparently it’s a miracle to date him, like a dream come true
You’re over exaggerating I mean how cute can he be? I have never seen guys so cute that girls swoon over them THAT hard but i’ll see for myself soon, we’re almost there.
Ok ok i’ll be waiting for your 80+ texts telling me how handsome and hot Riki is just you watch 
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My heart began to beat quickly as we had approximately two hours to go until we landed in Seoul. I was anxious because I was ill-prepared for what was ahead. Soon we arrived at school and as I watched my brother's car come into the academy's parking area, I rolled my eyes at Danielle’s most recent text. The wealthy students' school is known as Decilis. the school which have those who become idols and physicians, while others become actors and actresses. While some fail to even complete their degrees. 
My brother's car abruptly stopped, and we got out to enter the building in front of us. "Let me present you to my pals, Jay, Heeseung, and Sunghoon.” Jake Said "Instead of conducting introductions, I'd prefer to sign in and immediately enter the classroom. Possibly after lunch?" I questioned him as I was making my way to the office to get my schedule.
"I assume you are a Sim Y/n. Yesterday, your brother Jake had registered you here" the receptionist said to me. "Yeah, Ma'am, I'm Sim Y/N. If that's feasible, I actually came in to receive my schedule." I prompted her. "Of course it is, and kindly address me as Miss Nishimura," she replied with a smile. The name "Nishimura" seemed to be well-known. "You actually have most courses with my son and he's on his way here right now if it's good with you I can have him give you a tour of the school" She asked me. "Yeah, that's totally great. If you'd like, I can wait." I told her. " Please sit down; that would be wonderful." For me, she drew a chair up.
A taller man entered after the door opened a little while later. I had the impression that I was dreaming when I glanced up that he had come to save me from the hell that is school "Oh! Y/N, this is my son Riki, and this is Y/N, a new student at our school" said Mrs. Nishimura. I felt him staring at me with his gorgeous eyes, so I sprang up and nervously bowed to him. "Can you kindly show her around the school?" His mum enquired. He nodded his head "Follow me". His voice was so deep that it made me gulp.
"So, from whence did you relocate?"  Riki queried me. I informed him that I had relocated from Suwon with my brother Jake. He stopped moving. "Jake? similar to Sim Jaeyun?" said he. "Yes of course, but why?"  I questioned, a little anxious to hear his response. He looked at me and said, "Nothing, simply that Heeseung Hyung had informed me about him, I just never realized that he and his younger sister would both study here. This is our classroom, anyhow," he added. "A lot of these folks won't know you, so just sit next to me," he said.
Many of the girls turned to look at me and him as we entered the classroom together, possibly due to our proximity and the fact that he was essentially dragging me to the seat next to him. The girls were giving out death glares rather than just blank looks. "Who might be your friend, sir?"  Teacher enquired. He casually remarked, "Transfer student, my mother requested me to take care of her."  He added, frightening the girls, "Don't be nasty to her and especially don't look her down as if you're going to eat her just because she's sitting next to me."
Maybe Danielle was right; he was a dream come true, I thought as I blushed at the way he stuck up for me. Man, I have to spend the remainder of the school year sitting next to this cute classmate. I'm not complaining, though.
yes chapter one basically has stuff from the teaser
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
This is just a trans rant because I don’t have anywhere else to go and a lot of cool trans people are on here. 
Obviously talking about transphobia in this and strong language is used, brief mentions of an ed and toxic relationships
I hate having to tone down my gender identity for cis people. If I explain to them that I’m like more of a genderfluid man who uses he/they/it pronouns they get confused and ask a ton of questions or just judge me for using it/its pronouns. My mutual @the-slasher-madame described gender the best by saying its a sea creature at the bottom of the ocean made of mystery meat that jiggles when you poke it. That’s kind of like gender for me. I know I am 100% not a woman but I prefer more general labels like genderfluid guy because that’s what I am. 
Don’t get me started on how annoyed people get about me not sticking to the gender binary. Other trans people often are like “You’re the reason people are transphobic” like mf you have a single wrinkle in your brain if you think transphobes didn’t exist before it/its and neopronouns. Like why do you care if I use masculine and gender nuteral terms even though I’m afab. I’m literally a 5′4 17 year old who can’t do a push up and is scared of thunder storms and the leper from it, calm your fucking tits I’m not going to murder your family or make you transition. 
Don’t get me fucking started on people constantly sexualizing me for being trans. I think it’s the combination of me being trans, chubby and sometimes being fem that makes people think it’s ok to call me sexual terms even though I clearly state I am a fucking minor. Even if I was an adult it’s not fucking ok to call a stranger a slur I don’t want to say becaus typing it let alone saying it makes me feel gross. I had an interaction with an ex of mine who complained when I told him to stop misgendering me because he “finds it really hot” and “thought I was into it”. Also speaking of exes I have had many exes try to explain to me, a trans person, how gender dysphoria works and how I don’t have it because sometimes I wear a skirt and do makeup and don’t bind 24/7. A lot of my exes have been from the UK which makes me want to hate the region as a whole but Brahms Heelshire and Christian Bales exists (along with other actors I’m forgetting) are from the UK so for now they get a pass. 
People act like because I’m a minor I don’t know I’m actually trans but the moment I become and adult I’m “grooming” kids by talking about being trans. Hrt and other gender affirmations have saved my life. For the first 14 years of my life I thought I was a girl was hell for me. It only got worse as puberty went on. If I could have gone on hormone blockers before I started puberty I would have 100%. I remember being excited for puberty because I always felt like something about me was off so I thought thats what would fix it. 
Also I don’t have to and am not going to debate my basic human rights and happiness with you. I deserve respect as a trans person and I deserve healthcare. On a side note America should step up like most other wealthy nations in the world and make heathcare free. Also I hate the fact the only trans men I really ever see are skinny, masculine and maybe cis passing trans men. Along with gender dysphoria I have body dysmorphia which makes me feel even worse about my body. It crushes me to think about how I’ll never look like other trans men or even cis men because of how big my rib cage is and how my shoulders are never going to be right. How I can’t get rid of stretch marks and I most likely will have to pay out of pocket for facial masculineization surgery. I struggle to lose weight for many reasons which has led to eating disorders and so much fucking guilt. 
I remember being told by an ex that I’ll always be an ugly fat t slur and I often think back to those words. I’ve never felt healthy true romantic love and I feel like I never fucking will because I’ll always be an ugly, fat t slur. Even in friend groups I’m the odd one out, even among other trans people. I have to constantly explain I can’t do this or that because of my bone structure and weight and how I can never feel comfortable wearing anything and most of the time all the “help” or “tips” I get is equivilent to me asking for maple syrup and everyone telling me to go lick a maple tree. 
This kind of explains why my comfort characters are slashers along with Carrie White and Ben Handscome. I can relate to what they deal with and while none of them are trans men (canonnicaly) I can still find comfort in knowing that someone else understands what it’s like. I know this is kind of over sharing and literally no one cares but I just have to vent these feelings somewhere and this is my blog where I can do what I want. 
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thepixelelf · 2 years
donghyun twitch streamer au lives somewhere in my head tbh like thats my gamer man 💕 (or one of them tbh since wonwoo is Also my gamer man)
roommate twitch streamer Donghyun who is well known for being an ace at Some Game (plz don't hurt me I don't know games) but one day during a stream he gets absolutely devastatingly shown up by some rando on the opposite team and his viewers just know he's frustrated but he refuses to show it because he's stubborn like that and also Public Image stuff ✨, and he doesn't know it, but the player is actually reader character in their own room in the apartment they share who is lowkey pissed off because Donghyun scolded them for not taking out the trash when it was actually his turn!! they honestly don't know shit about gaming, but because they're a table tennis athlete (all I could think of) they have really good hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes, and from the amount Donghyun casually brings up gaming in daily conversation, they've pretty much picked up everything they need to know. (when they completely pwned him on that stream it was honestly all luck. they wouldn't beat him normally with the large difference in skills, but they got really lucky with items n stuff that night.) and donghyun just. Cannot let it go. he talks about the match constantly, and reader is just sitting there like. that was me. but I can't tell him because he'll be annoyed at me even more than he normally is. but god he won't shut up. after a while though, once the frustration melds away, donghyun starts recalling the match and analyzing reader's moves with awe. he starts talking about how he wants to meet the player that beat him and reader is like. shit. they think he'll let it go after a while but then he sends out like a... white courtesy phone? he announces on his stream that he wants to play that person again and implores his followers to help him find them (this sounds so scary but it's a fic idea not real life omg don't do this) and reader is like fuck. okay. if they play him once maybe he'll let it go? except they play together again and donghyun wins but he doesn't want to just call it at that. after the stream, he dms the player through the game[?] and asks them questions like how they got into the game or why they chose to do this move or that and it's vv awkward but also kind of? cute? reader doesn't usually get to see this side of donghyun because let's be honest... living with him is a liiittle hard. but reader finds themselves enjoying the conversation even if 75% of it is a lie. they get to know each other better in the digital world than they ever did irl and like. reader starts to Notice donghyun more than they did before... did he always have that cute smile? but donghyun doesn't know that reader is the same person he now plays The Game regularly with. He's falling for them but not them. and reader doesn't want to tell him the truth because clearly he likes the online version of them better... which hurts, but they'd rather keep being happy at their computer and yearning when he's in the same room than sever both relationships they have with donghyun. at some point he even tells reader that he has a fat crush on the in-game version of them, and they have to act like they don't know. it's a huge mess and they're both huge dorks and oh my god donghyun asks roommate reader for romantic advice for in-game reader.
and it would be titled electronic network love
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w0nd3rb0ii · 1 month
my life is suchhh a mess helloooooo im back
im just gonna post a little life recap because last time i was actually active on here was like may
june '23: binged ALL MONTH but was like leftover skinny from getting down to like 118 , life was insane, partied a ton, rehearsals all the time, was 6 months into a relationship
july '23: kept on eatingggg, broke up w my gf and started dating this guy frankie (shameless namedrop) which was a whole like plot arc a year and a half in the making, wizard of oz happened (i was tin man), i went to x games, also new york!
august '23: disney trip w frankie, week long beach trip with my friend whos super hot and skinny and it made me sad but i got a tan and it was super fun overall, i was literally js getting fatter and fatter tho, so yea. also i went to scotland and got cast as ms trunchbull in matilda! also school started so that was fun
october '23: relationship was still slaying, i was still fat but not getting fatter, i went to hoco and school was schooling
november '23: mini relapse got me skinnyish, school existed
december '23: binged consistently, was ugly, bf was still amazing, school was scary but ended up fine
january '24: pregnancy scare started a christianity arc for me, i joined choir, i consistently was only eating like 400 cals and i was feeling pretty good ab my body but then after matilda show weekend i started binging like crazyyy (show weekend slayed but everyone got sick during tech week)
february '24: winter formal happened and was sm fun, dance comp season started, still fat, me and frankie went on a break at 7 and a half months because we could never see each other, spring semester started at school, i went to church camp and broke up with him on the way home because religious guilt about all the stuff we had done together (so we lasted almost 8 months)
march '24: aftermath of breakup was a lot, i auditioned for this crazy hard to get into choir at school AND GOT IN (!!!). kiiinda messed up God era because this guy i met at the start of spring semester and i started talking and it became a whole fwb thing WHICH WAS FUNNY because i definitely was not and am still not all the way over my ex. but me and the other guy started dating! (on my bday actually lol), ALSO I GOT CAST AS CINDERELLA IN CINDERELLA FOR MY LAST SHOW AT MY STUDIOOOO
april '24: still fat but i feel like ive gotten a little prettier recently, school is terrifying because i cant make myself do anything productive, me and the guy slaying but we got into like 2 fights over spring break but we fixed it both times! (it was my b bc i lied to him ab drinking and vaping), we went to the renaissance faire and it was sm fun!
may '24: i found out my ex bf might have been talking to another girl towards the end of a relationship, theyre going to prom together, theyre a thing now and its like really hurt which is dumb bc ive fully been in a relationship for like a month now but idk if im fully even in it because the bf is transferring and going to college in the fall and im staying at our community college bc performance opportunities and choir. and i kinda have a crush on the guy thats my prince for cinderella but im not doing anything about it because if anythings meant to come from it hes coming to my school next year soo yea well see idrc. but yeah so that happened, me and the current bf saw john mulaney last night, im js now getting back into caring ab my body because i do NOT WANT TO BE FAT FOR SUMMER. so yeah. idk how much i weigh. ill figure it out as soon as i can but my mom hid my scale. well seeee
so yea thats my update ill try to be active on here bye pookies
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someonewhos-world · 8 months
Thinking about my dumb little total drama oc.
Zagreus does make friends with the cast,they do. But no one actually trusts them because 98% of the time they're blank faced and dead silent save for the occasional greeting,insult or confessional. The only time they talk to the others in Island is the first day they step off that boat and greets Chris with "hi." In a low voice. The next time they interact in Island is to laugh at Noah when he gets hit with the dodgeball during Dodgebrawl before ultimately getting hit with one afterwards. Then their double elimination with Tyler in Phobia Factor.
The next time they speak and interact is during World Tour,(They didn't go to Aftermath in Season 2 bc they were visiting family in NYC and going to school. In manhunt, they're just coincidentally there and Sierra bombards them with questions that they dont answer.)
Zagreus's first speaks just to comment that they have a doctor's note to not even be there due to a surgery weeks before for appendicitis. Then the songs, they do sing. They make comments on Alejandro in confessional too. The only times they interact with the guy is to grab onto him during the Yukon episode and a few times on the plane.
They're mostly seen interacting with Izzy or Owen and Noah or even Heather and Courtney. Other than those,they're relatively quiet. In pain but quiet. Then they speak during their elimination, if it could be called that ig, Zagreus gives Noah their book of Macbeth (the book being thoroughly fat with post its and bookmarks and notes and some lines highlighted with insights) and leaves with the quote of "Something wicked this way comes." And sees Ezekiel on the way down where they scream in horror at how he looks.
The next time Zagreus is seen is in Aftermath of World Tour for a few moments in the background.
The official next time Zagreus is seen by their old castmates is in Ridonculous Race. They're not alone! They're competing with their best friend Sylvester (Syl) as the team "Losers". That's when they realize Geoff,Owen and Noah are competing. Zagreus is more open during RR,Grinning and not as blankfaced because they're comfortable now.
They talk to Owen openly during the competition and smiles more. They also gain a crush on Emma but is like "I see how Noah looks at her and it's how I use to look at him and Cody and I think him and Emma would be really cute together???" And competes as a way to distract themself (which is hard bc Syl gains a crush on BOTH ice dancers and Zag is like "literally wtf is wrong with you,THOSE TWO ARE SO??? THEY'RE STARING DIRECTLY AT THE CAMERA???" I think the ice dancers are silly. Zag is chill with the crush)
Zagreus says nothing about Syl's crushes bc then Syl,like any true bestie, will bring up the Noah and Cody crush Zag had and Zag will literally yell at them with a voice so high they could crack glass probably. Like "you literally liked two twinks stfu and now you're pulling a Angelica Schyler dont talk to me rn" "THATS DIFFERENT??? THESE ARE ICE DANCERS WHO KEEP TELLING US THEY'RE ICE DANCERS???" "YOU LIKED A GEEK AND A REALLY MEAN NERD" "STFU YOU'RE A MEAN NERD" etc etc.
They do talk with Emma and Kitty!!! Even laugh at Noah's expense on the first challenge with the observation deck but cant say shit because it almost happened to them if they didnt piggyback with Syl,so they laugh when he falls into really cold water. They compliment Emma and ask her about her classes,telling her that they're taking classes for Psychology and Writing. They take selfies with Kitty bc uh??? Traveling??? Not dying??? Awesome literally. They do lose eventually, before Noah and Owen lose. Syl and Zag just walk off laughing and gossiping and shit and someone gets aggressively shoved into something and the other gets shoved just as hard back.
Sorry rant over I just think they're neat.
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punkybunk · 10 months
I watched Mama Mia 2 Here We Go Again last night with my friend (they bought me the double disk DVD so we have the 1st and the 2nd <3). I loved the movies for so long but I haven't rewatched them for a few years and now I have some Commentary. Below is me listing out the things that bugged me in Here We Go Again.
During the rewatch, I realized that Mama Mia 2 is like an AU of Mama Mia rather than continuing the same story. Like I Love the characters in the 2nd film but that's not my young Donna, and the other characters just aren't quite matching to their present day characters. Yeah- Aging is a thing and growing up means changing over the years but I don't see that in the way they showed them in Mama Mia 2.
(Not to mention they didn't follow the OG story line? Donna's diary not matching the 2nd movies plot line of meeting the men) (also Tonya and Rosie acting like they don't know the men /about Donna sleeping with them all in a relatively short time frame? But they meet Bill and Sam on the island)
Mama Mia is one of my favorite movies (definitely crushed on Amanda Seyfried in any of her movies tbh) and I was so pumped for the sequel but it is not connected to the 1st and it kinda stops me from enjoying Here We Go Again because I want it to follow the OG story and honor that.
Here We Go Again coming out in 2018 is probably the reason for the differences made- specifically the pro-life vibes in it. I could be wrong, I don't want kids ever so maybe it's a personal thing that the importance placed on Sophie being pregnant like Donna was odd to me. Overall the way they frame Sophie being pregnant and having that be a pivotal moment in the film was meant to show 'Ah the joy of a a baby its magic and Nothing Compares'.
Love Cher- but hearing her show up and give Sophie shit by saying ' Don't hold a grudge it'll make you fat' ?? Why, just why and then Sophie hugs her later after Cher gives criticism about her performing but saying she's proud after Sophie prompting her to change her answer? Just gives a message of '(Blood) Family is everything and forgives all' that I don't like and was not in the first film? Donna also references her mother in the 1st movie as dead 'Someone has it out for me up there probably my mother'. Donna made it clear throughout both movies the lack of connection she has with her mom and the mommy issues she has. Everyone else in the movies being so open to having her on Kalokairi while they cry over Donna being gone and how much they love her? Sam giving her a hug and kiss despite not likely EVER meeting her before Donnys baptism??
(Also do Greeks do baptisms? I'll look it up but just why so Christian and all the Christian messaging. Sophie grew up on the island and so did Sky? Why no accents, why does it feel like the main cast is only visitors despite the story stating they lived there? Donna was there for 40 years why don't they show the impact beyond design choices??)
I got a lot of feeling about world building man, that's what can draw me in and I wish they did more for the movie (bits and pieces, it doesn't have to be written out and verbally stated but like, but not even interactions with the staff/neighbors?) I was blind to it when I first watched it but they really don't give anything meaningful to any of the PoC characters despite this literally being their homes with their families. Like WHY DOES SOPHIE DO THE LINE UP THING WITH CHECKING PEOPLES UNIFORMS DURING ANGEL EYES??? Just the distance all of the white Europeans and the Greeks/ overall white savior-Mary Sue 'everyone loves Donna and Sophie' - why is everyone else so servant like?
- I love Harry (the token gay of the show really) and his character makes me sad more after the 2nd movie. In the end sequence/ final song of Super Trooper (with Cher) all the characters are dancing with their younger selves- everyone is having a good time and dancing but Harry is like No I don't dance/ my younger self is cringe? Like part of his development was connecting with Sophie and being one of her Dads / valuing life again and being more than a corporate executive/ banker, 9 to 5 guy. He dances with everyone else but with his past self he's back to 'I'm uncomfortable and a boring man, allergic to fun'? That unravels everything up to that point of Harry connecting with others, his want to be 'spontanteous', his want to be fun and in the moment. (Also Harry in the 1st movie - would Not entertain the idea of missing something of Sophie's -why the hell was he in a board room for 14 hours before deciding to remember how important she is to him??)
Also Sam, Bill and Harry in the Super Trouper number are shown behind the var picking up glasses of beer to come around it and sit on stools while kinda singing? It's giving ' oh haha the Average Dad who likes to sit and watch sports on TV and sit back after long day of work'? I feel like there were so many small things and decisions made to show a conservative version of Mama Mia in Here We Go Again.
It's a fun movie and not meant to be serious commentary of the world but rewatching after the last few years leaves me with a sense of 'its not that great or/ fulfilling characters stories' - I'm still jamming to the soundtracks and talk with others who love the movies but damn I needed to rant.
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brainrot-yumm · 11 months
PR ep7 play-by-play
I won’t be able to do this for a few days cause things are picking up a bit so let’s make this count hell yeah
whoops got distracted for 40 minutes by Spotify playlist organization. You don’t understand how elated I am over the fact that I’ll be getting assessed for ADHD soon
also my mom thinks I definitely have anxiety which was a wild thing to think as that’s the one thing I was 100% certain I didn’t have
g-gozar? Is that it? Gordon? Gorzon?
“I just wanted to get your attention” “maria just be yourself” maybe she’s the type of kid that wants to turn off the hot water to the showers. Actually how did she find that though? Is that supposed to be in public? 
Trini does good voice acting but not the best physical acting. I mean, it’s been decades since this show came out, I’m sure she’s better now, but
p-power eggs?!
hey it’s that same cave from two episodes ago!
“Only a child can open this box” ??????????????? why
oooh putty stopmotion I think! Actually no I think machines made those goobers move!
wh. why did you want a chunky chicken. After last time you think you’re gonna kill the rangers with that? Seriously?
that girl is definitely voiced over by someone else doing a kid voice. Why did they do that. Was there a sweepstakes.
stop talking about friendship god
“This is really turning out to be more than just a bad hair day” lets keep that one for the pillows
how could you possibly steer a car going that fast
woooOOOOOoooWOOOoooAHHHhhhAHAAAAhhhhpowerpoint lookin ass animation (lovingly)
you know it really wasn’t that hard for Rita to locate the power eggs
“Why can’t we do the cool car thing again?” “Because, we ran out of budget.”
hit them with the car. Do it.
Man I’m so fuckin hungry I ate at 5 and it’s 3 in the morning
wait what the fuck are the blaster pyramid they’re doing??!??!?! Don’t remember that??!?!?!
I still just love how Kim very obviously doesn’t know how to use a bow
 wait I’m so confused why is Rita on an old fashioned bike????? Why does it feel like we skipped ahead???????? DIdi they think the kids wouldn’t notice????
It’s Rita Repulsa alright
aight I remember the crystals at least. I have some hold on this world which is no longer my own
you know it’s so sad they can’t make the pterodactyl pink for Kimberly because then the chestplate of the megazord would be pink and pink is for girls or something
you know wait I don’t think we’ve ever seen Rita on Earth yet this is crazy
god it’d be so cool to own one of those helmets
wait rift scissors?! SVTFOE RIPPED OFF POWER RANGERS>!?!?!?!!
“Yeah guys we got it!” “MORPHIN’!” I’m gonna start using “morphin’“ as a positive response from now on skfhas;dg
Ayo wait people know it’s Rita Repulsa doing this shit? It’s not just “alien fuckwads” no it’s “RITA’s alien fuckwads??” Man that changes stuff everyone has the full hot goss except for who the rangers do be
oh bulk skull hi!! 
oh I can’t tell what’s gonna happen since you just showed the bullies (with the goofy bully theme in the back) and then made Kimberly hold a hot bowl of chili over her head I couldn’t possibly tell you
you know it wasn’t even like he was doing anything. You weren’t even making a fat joke about him he was just having a regular bowl of ice cream. What the hell Kim give him $10 or something for being forced to deal with that. He’s still a regular paying customer somehow despite this being a terrible place for him and his shit ego so if he wasn’t doing anything shouldn’t the owner do something? Bitch ass kids
bitch ass karmic retribution
also if I was a kid still I can just tell I’d probably have a crush on Skull or something. These days I’m just like “wow that is dope character design I love the bandana/chain mix that’s cool”
alright I have to get up in 4 hours so night I’ll try to sleep at a normal time (4 am is not a normal time)
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