#because i have to get up early tomorrow and my stomach issues are... well. weird
chloeseyeliner · 7 months
it's always one step forward and three steps back/i'm the (") love of your life (") until i make you mad but it's me and my mom.
(hence the quotation marks. you know how sometimes parents claim they'll never love anyone the way they love their child and do anything else but to show just that?
yeah. me too. me too, buddy.)
0 notes
kinetic-elaboration · 8 months
October 4: Lot of Worrying
I took a nap. Woke up hungry and with a headache. Took a painkiller and am eating a lot of soup. I don't really feel better. A little better, but not enough. Feeling kind of worried...I presume I'll feel better tomorrow morning but what if I don't? I mean I guess I'll just call in sick to work? I don't know. I also really, really need to go shopping. If I don't go shopping tomorrow I won't until Monday and I really need to. But. Right now I just feel so unwell I don't know how that will be possible. And I know I might feel better tomorrow, I should after I've slept but... What if I've just broken myself?
And ugh this weekend. This is such a bad weekend for AOFTA. I really want to go; I haven't gone since 2019. There are going to be some amazing artists there. It's possible my favorite painting of all time will be exhibited again. But if I went I'd have to go Sunday, which means going early in the day. And on Saturday is SC Preview, which, like, same issue except at least it doesn't involve going out. But is it worth it? Do I... even want to think about the Supreme Court right now? I've been kind of checked out for a bit, which I know is bad but like also the least of my issues right now
I don't know. I don't know. I'm so overwhelmed by everything. I need to stop treating myself as if I can do anything and then just expect myself to, if not bounce back, at least like, shuffle through long enough to get to a point where I can make some sort of quick fix to myself and undo the damage. I absolutely know better.
AAAAAHHHHH. Okay. I need to prepare to go shopping tomorrow because I might feel better, I might be able to do it. But I also need o prepare to take off work tomorrow if I feel sick. It is not morally bad to take sick days. And if I can't go to work or can but can't go grocery shopping... I won't even lie, I've been order in gin more than my normal amount of food but I can just order in one more time. Desperate times. Of course I'm always living in desperate times through every fault of my own*. (*And capitalism.)
Ugh. I'm obviously feeling a little bit better than I did at first. Headache is gone I think. My stomach is a little weird still and I'm tired. I'm going to assume I can go to work and go shopping tomorrow. I'll just live with that assumption and if something happens to upend it, I'll deal with it. I really want to do no NEITHER of my weekend plans. I want to rest (lol sleep too much), clean (uhhh), and write (lmao) but I also feel like it would be good for me to do one or both of the other things. I hate that they're both the same weekend. I hate that they're both the same weekend and that I am such a mess, personally. But I also can't make decisions about these things while I feel like this. Like there's a non-zero chance I am sick lol.
I think... I need to be excited to do things. The reason I've been hiding out in time-wasting activities is I just dread everything else I could be doing. But like... see the art! hear the analysis! write the stuff you've been planning in you head and feel the flow of creativity! make the food that will taste good to eat! clean and enjoy your nice apartment!
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I just never know where to start anymore.
Well, we'll see. I do need to get back to sleep. I wasn't going to write this particular post today but now that I have, might as well just use it. It is a lot of text.
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heyitssashag · 2 years
Sept 6 2022
Today I had to go in for bloodwork. I should have gone in yesterday or the day before but it was a stat holiday. Sunday, the local labs are closed. Saturday would have been too early.
I checked my bloodwork results online and my neutrophils are high enough (1.63 - they need to be over 1.0). Everything else looked fine, too. So I’m all good to start cycle 16 of Ibrance. I should have started it today but the results came in the evening and I prefer to take it in the morning/early afternoon as it can occasionally do weird things with my stomach. 🤢 Ibrance should be taken at the same time every day.
I already have the medication, (I asked if they could dispense 3 boxes last month) so I don’t have to deal with going into the Cancer Agency pharmacy. I’m starting a day late which isn’t a big deal. In fact, I’m happy I have a Wednesday start now. Trying to time my bloodwork properly by getting into the lab on a weekend (or over a holiday) is a pain in the butt. *sigh* Always something to keep track of. Luckily, this isn’t my first rodeo. 🐎 🤠
Last night my throat started feeling dry. This tends to happen in the evening. Same with my nose stuffing up. By the morning, it’s worked itself out and I don’t feel it anymore. However, it didn’t resolve this morning - my throat has been weird and dry all day. No other symptoms. I just went for bloodwork, so I believe if I was getting sick, my white blood cells would be completely tanked (as that’s happened to me in the past). I checked my temperature about 46472 times. It’s fine. I took some zinc and vitamin C lozenges. Drinking tea with honey. Diffusing some essential oils for immune system support. Dug out the COVID tests and read the instructions… “just in case”… because I’m that neurotic. 🤪 I know my anxiety gets the better of me and I need to get out of my head. It’s always something. “Is this a new pain? What’s that weird feeling?” …and it just goes on and on. In the meantime, my throat issue is probably from seasonal changes or I’m having some mild hay fever (I did sneeze once or twice, too 🤔). More accurately, I was likely sleeping with my mouth hanging open all night and the A/C dried my throat out. 😂 Anyway, hopefully it feels better soon and I’ll have some new symptom to obsess about. 🙄
Tomorrow is my kid’s first day of school. First time at a brick and mortar school in 4 years (she’s been homeschooled). So, she’s quite nervous. …and so am I! 😅😬 Hoping it goes well. Will be going to bed early tonight. Hopefully, I’ll be able to sleep…
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Ch. 4
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18 + Minors DNI Please Check Rules Before You Follow
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!Reader (brief reference to Dabi x Hawks)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: smut, allusion to nausea (once), brief sacrilegious language (dabi), mentions of alcohol (dabi), mentions of smoking (dabi), dabi is just a whole warning of his own, gender neutral pronouns for reader, fem cause they're called a woman as an insult, Shiggy is an asshole, grinding, degradation,
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Summary: In which a project is completed and a new one begins
AO3 Mirror
Taglist: @dillybuggg (shoot me an ask if you want to be tagged)
Your project was almost complete.
In some ways, it sort of felt like the end of an era. To Tomura, who was a creature of habit by nature, it was doubly strange to imagine no longer spending hours a few days each week locked away in your little study room with you bugging him to teach you simple html and him not-so-discreetly sniffing your hair.
He still hadn’t asked you out or whatever he’d been trying to do, much to Dabi’s chagrin. And because of this, Tomura was consistently plagued with the feeling of time running out.
You were supposed to meet today for probably the last time seeing as the presentation was coming up at the end of the week. He knew it was now or never at this point. If he didn’t fucking say something now, he never would and then he’d have to live with the same his roommate wouldn’t let him live down.
So instead of heading directly to the library after class, Tomura took the old route back to his apartment and shot you a quick text—praying to the fucking boner gods, as Dabi called them, that you’d take the bait.
would you mind putting the finish touches on shit at my place?—
there’s some parts i gotta do from my desktop—
That wasn’t completely a lie. It was nicer working from his pc setup, but before he wouldn’t have let you come anywhere fucking near there. Not until he’d finally accepted that you’d wormed your way into his brain somehow and he couldn’t live another day not knowing what your tongue tasted like.
bitch (endearing):
—no problem
—what’s your address?
Tomura’s heart fucking pounded mercilessly against the bony prison of his ribs. It wasn’t like he was a stranger to some good old fashioned anxiety, but he’d never felt a strange stirring in his stomach quite like this. Like he might puke, but in a good way.
He quickly sent back his street and apartment number, and waited on the corner until you texted back that you’d be there in an hour before he rushed inside.
“What the hell are you doing, creep?!” Dabi snapped at him when he burst through the door and yeeted his backpack onto the kitchen table.
Tomura didn’t answer, just made a beeline for the bathroom and slammed the door. He doused himself in record time, unbothered by the hot water causing red, patchy flare ups to bloom over his skin. He was almost disgusted with himself for putting in this much effort for someone like you. Someone being definitely kind of a slut if the way you dressed was a good indicator. But he just kept thinking about the way your hair or skin smelled so goddamn good when you leaned in close and he wanted you to be obsessed with him in the same way. Wanted you to want to bury your face in his neck and breath him in.
When he stumbled out into the hall moments later, towel drying his hair roughly, Dabi was taking a shot over the sink.
He looked at Tomura like hell had frozen over.
“Two showers in like a month?” he mused, sucking his teeth as the alcohol slid down his throat. “What’s the occasion? The fucking, second coming of Christ?”
“Well the bitch is coming over so…”
“Oh, that is a fucking miracle,” Dabi whistled and knocked back a second shot.
Tomura glared, stepping into his room and tossing his towel aside to tug on his nicest pair of black joggers and t-shirt that gapped a bit at the front, showing off a large expanse of his chest. It made him a bit nervous even just looking at his reflection but you definitely stared the few times he’d taken off his hoodie while you were working, so the risk seemed worth the reward.
“Yeah, well you’re gonna have to piss off for the night,” Tomura shouted into the kitchen as Dabi sauntered over to lean against his doorframe.
“You know, I conveniently do have a dick appointment with my own bitch, but now I don’t want to go.”
His tone was teasing, eyes hooded and clearly enjoying how flustered Tomura was already before you’d even gotten here. Tomura moved to snatch another pillow and do battle but Dabi raised his hands up quickly in defeat.
“Oh no, no, I just fucking did my hair for this Keigo asshole you are not gonna ruin it with that petty shit,” he shot back and disappeared somewhere into his own room. “I’ll be out of your greasy ass hair don’t worry.”
Tomura seethed and bit back of reply of his hair for once not being greasy as hell, but the multiple cum stains—both his and his nasty fucking roommates—marring the comforter caught his eye.
“Ugh,” he mumbled and balled the whole thing up, shoving it under the bed and spreading out one of his merch blankets from that manga you both liked.
Hopefully you wouldn’t think that was too cringey, but he had definitely seen your room plastered with merch in the background of your social media profiles which he totally did not stalk at all and maybe jerk off to on occasion.
The rest of his room was quickly cleared by a combination of shoving random crap into his closet and filling up their recycling bin to the brim with empty energy drink cans. He tackled the kitchen next which wasn’t as hard as he’d expected. Neither he nor Dabi cooked all that frequently, so the dishes weren’t an issue and the vague, lingering smell of whatever the fuck Dabi had been smoking early was cleared out a bit by leaving the balcony door ajar.
He checked the time on his phone obsessively, about ready to pound on Dabi’s door and throw him out on the step when the man in question emerged on his own—black platform boots donned with his ass hugging ripped jeans and a loose tank top.
He had on fucking eyeliner.
God and he thought Tomura was being desperate.
“What? Wishing you’d locked this down first?” Dabi sneered, grabbing his jacket from the rack and shoulder checking Tomura on his way to the door.
“I—” he stammered for a second, bristling as Dabi towered over him a bit in those fucking boots. “No, asshole, just leave before they get here.”
But at the exact moment that Dabi rolled his eyes and flung open the door, Tomura’s phone buzzed in his pocket. Looking up in mingled horror and embarrassment, he watched the door hit the wall and reveal you, a little more casually dressed than usual looking stunned as Dabi grinned down at you with pierced lips.
“Hi, I’m-” you started but Tomura’s live-in nightmare cut you off.
“Oh I know who you are, dollface,” Dabi wiggled his fucking eyebrows at you, clearly playing up the dramatics as much as possible to a degree even Tomura didn’t think he could pull off. “Name’s Dabi—”
“Uh, yeah and he was just leaving,” Tomura hissed and placed his shoulder firmly in the center of his roommate’s back, launching him onto the welcome mat as you side-stepped through the door.
“Yeah, see ya later creep,” he fucking winked as the door slammed shut in his face.
Tomura’s cheeks burned in the following silence which was only broken by your quiet chuckle. He noticed you did that a lot. Laughed at things without even thinking about whether it would sound weird.
“He seems like a lot,” you mumbled and glanced around at the living room/kitchen/foyer of his tiny apartment.
He thought he might feel the same sort of disturbance he usually did when Dabi brought his dates home but you seemed to fit easily into the space, unobtrusive but bright against the dingy walls.
“So, should we get to it?” you asked with a wry smile, spinning to face him and silhouetted by the sun set filtering in past the balcony.
He may not have felt the usual discomfort of intruders in his space, but his hands shook where he clutched at his thighs nonetheless. And just like always, if you noticed the bunched up fabric and the not so slight tremor in his bony arms, you didn’t say a thing about it.
You looked so good propped up on his bed, back against the wall and legs dangling off the sides as the now strangely comforting sound of your furious typing filled his room. It had been a few hours now, and Dabi had been true to his word, seemingly gone until tomorrow morning. The room was illuminated only by your screens and his small desk lamp that lit up your legs like a stage spot light.
His mind fogged over more than once with the fantasy of laying in between them.
“I just shared the final bit of script,” you said, breaking the comfortable silence.
The notification pinged at the top of his screen and he hummed in acknowledgement, plugging in your last pieces of text and saving the program.
And just like that.
It was over.
“I think we’re done,” Tomura whispered.
He didn’t really mean to say it so softly, but it felt strange to talk at full volume so he rasped out the words, knowing you wouldn’t care how shitty his voice sounded.
There was a creak and soft footsteps behind him as you shuffled off the bed and over to his desk. Your hands rested way too close to his shoulders than necessary while you leaned over his chair to look at the finished product.
It was still a little rough around the edges but Tomura found himself feeling a swell of satisfaction now that it was complete. All things considered, you’d come up with a pretty damn good concept and he liked knowing he played a role in helping it come to fruition.
The piece you picked was weird as shit. Some political satire about eating babies, lots of juxtaposition about the private life versus the public self and some bullshit rants on the nature of humanity blah blah blah.
It actually reminded him of you a little bit, now that he thought about it as he took advantage of you position to stare intently at your eyes scanning the screen. Not the eating babies thing, but the whole private self stuff.
In the half semester he’d spent locked away with you in quiet rooms and noisy, dimly lit basements, he could see such a stark contrast between the you he’d known from class all those weeks ago and the you currently sighing in relief over his shoulder.
Softer, more real—not so Stacy, bimbo, pick me slut like he’d always imagined you to be.
“Damn, we did it my guy,” you nodded, clearly impressed with yourself and him as well, which had Tomura’s chest puffing out just a bit under the attention. “I could fucking kiss you, I thought we’d never get it done.”
You turned to him, eyes closed in a half laugh but Tomura was so far from laughing. Cause you were really, really fucking close and he could smell you again and you’d been chewing that fucking gum cause it was hot on your breath. He knew, he really did, that you were kidding, that this was just a thing people said when they were relieved but he couldn’t help the weird, deer in the headlights stare that his face froze in.
Blinking, you raised your eyebrows at him questioningly when he didn’t make some crude comment about your chest brushing against his arm or shrug you off like he might have before.
And then you got this knowing, little mischievous look that reminds him far too much of Dabi for a split second before you pressed your face just an inch closer.
His eyes flicked down instinctively to your lips and his face burned when realized there was no way you didn’t see how he looked at you. Shockingly, despite the churning in his gut and the shaking in his legs, Tomura leaned forward just a bit too, working up enough scant courage to maybe close the gap. But then you started laughing?
It bubbled up quietly in your chest, more of a giggle than anything else.
You were laughing and shaking your head and his stomach fucking dropped to the ground and his face was on fire cause you were laughing and that meant he’d been fucking played like a goddamn fiddle but—
But then you gave him this faint smile and you weren't laughing anymore, because you were kissing him.
You were fucking kissing him.
Which, while yes he had set out to have this be the end goal of the night, he hadn’t actually believed it would ever happen. He’d never felt it in his bones like he thought he was supposed to.
And holy shit your lips were so soft??
So soft and smooth with no cool, sharp metal poking or pulling at the splits on his. It was like fucking crack, or what he imagined crack might be like with the way your mouth just glided against his. It was so easy to follow you, which was good cause he didn’t have a goddamn clue what he was doing for the most part. But you made it feel simple, and you even ran your tongue over the little scar that bisected his lips in this painfully adorable way that had Tomura pitching a tent in his pants like lightning.
God and when you pulled back and just enough to look at him again:
It was like every one of those cutesy, shojo manga suddenly made sense. The panels where the main characters look at each other and flowers bloom off the fucking page while they stare with those dark, hungry eyes—
Yeah he got it now.
And he was gonna ride that wave while he had it. So Tomura steeled himself and surged forward, grabbing both your arms and smashing his face much less gracefully against yours. He stood and you straightened with him, that same half giggle slipping out in the gaps where your lips parted on his as he clacked your teeth together and pulled back at the jarring sting.
“Eager are we?” you had that stupid smile on your face again but he honestly didn’t care anymore if it was an act or if your face really just looked like that with no fucking ulterior motive.
“Shut up,” he muttered, trying to catch your lips again and you mercifully let him.
Tomura nearly fucking came in his pants when you licked into his mouth and oh fucking god he really could taste the gum and that loud ass shit you were always drinking. Dabi was right, this was a fucking miracle.
Did other people always taste this good or was it just you?
He responded enthusiastically to say the least, sucking your tongue into his mouth and letting out a choked little noise when you prodded the back of his teeth. The movement of your legs, pulling him back towards the bed went mostly unnoticed until he felt himself tipping forward, landing with a thump on top of you as you both tumbled onto his mattress.
Tomura’s lips wondered boldly down your throat, smelling the soap or lotion or whatever the hell made you so fucking baby smooth compared to him and he actually growled into your nape when you laughed again.
“God, what the fuck is so funny?” he sounded muffled from where he was tonguing at the fleshy joining of your neck and shoulder.
“Sorry, sorry,” you pressed your lips against the peeling crown of his head and that alone made up for the interruption, “I’m just basking in the glory of being right.”
“About?” Tomura nipped at your skin once before lifting his chin to rest on your sternum.
“I just always thought you were sorta into me, but it was hard to tell cause you’re so quiet about that kinda thing.”
“....oh,” he didn’t really have an argument for that so he didn’t try to fight you.
“Did you think I didn’t notice all the convenient excuses to touch me or like the fact that you’re mean as shit to everyone else but me?" you asked not unkindly as you stroked a hand through his hair, frizzy from being left to air dry. “I also got the vibes you thought I was a slut anyway and it wasn’t super clear if that was a turn on or not.”
He cringed a bit at the blatant way you acknowledged all ruder inner monologues about your character.
“Well, I did a bit initially,” Tomura glanced off to the side, suddenly finding the chipping paint much more fascinating. God he really wanted to get back to the good stuff. “But I don’t now…”
“Oh no,” you cupped his face, running a thumb against the cracked skin on his cheeks and didn’t cringe when the drying skin flaked onto your shirt, “that was a pretty astute assumption.”
“Uh, what?”
He felt his draw drop and you dipped your thumb past his front row of teeth, toying with the pooling saliva.
“All the better for you though,” you continued dragging his chest against yours so he could feel your nipples through his shirt, “cause that just means I know how to show you a good time, and I get the feeling you’ve never had that happen before.”
You punctuated your words with roll of your hips against the fucking iron rod in his pants. The noise that left Tomura was inhuman.
He thought back to the day you got partnered with him. How he thought it would be a fucking nightmare and Tomura wanted to let the record show that he officially retracted that statement. This was in no uncertain terms, actually a wet dream come true and he was sure Dabi would never fucking believe him unless he walked through the door right now.
“That works,” he stuttered around the finger in his mouth and you reared up to wrap your legs around his waist.
Your lips found his again and he hummed in approval only cut off as you rolled so he was laying back and looking up. When you pulled back, he shivered at the way you raked your nails over his chest.
“So, you gonna tell me how much of a disgusting whore you think I am?”
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
A Dream Come True
Warnings: Slight language, mention of infertility issues
Song by Elton John
First part of my A-Z one shots I’ll be writing. I changed this idea about ten times and ended up writing pure fluff. I think the A-Z is going to have Motley Crue and GNR members and have eveyrthing from fluff to smut. I’m hoping to post one a week.
I can hear your heart
Pounding in my ear
Now I feel the sound
And the time is near
I feel the taste
Of all the things you do
Now the time has come
I know you're a dream come true
I thought it had been a joke when you had said you wanted to get me pregnant. To see me swollen with your baby. I figured it was something that you were saying to me when you were horny and wanted to ease me into letting you cum inside me.
But then I noticed how you would stare at me when I was playing with Vince’s kids. You’d watch me run around with them, kiss scapes, feed the baby a bottle, or when I would walk around with a kid on my hip hour eyes would flash with something I didn’t understand.
I never realized how much you wanted a family until you got the idea lodged into your head. You became obsessed with putting a baby in me.
It was the second week in your plan when I realized my birth control pills had gone missing. I tore the house apart and felt slightly crazy when it didn't turn up. It was an easy enough fix to call the doctor and get a new prescription but when I came in holding the brown pharmacy bag you were so angry.  
That’s when I realized you were serious about putting a baby in me.
We had been together for seven years, Married for five of them. But I was still surprised you were willing to share me with kids. I had thought maybe when we were in our 40s there might be a couple dogs but never children.
I was overwhelmed and slept at my mothers house thag night to think about it.
Maybe it wasn’t about you wanting to share me but more about me wondering if I could share you anymore. There was already the band taking up so much time and when you weren’t with the band you seemed to still be doing something with music. I was needy and needed your attention too.
Could I really share you with little carbon copies of you?
Could there be anything cuter than mini little Nikki’s running around?
When I woke up the next morning to the revving of a motorcycle outside I knew we were both on the same page now. I held onto you as we made our way home and started the next chapter of our life.
You make me so complete
With the things you do
And the music's sweet
You make me feel brand new
I hear the sound
Songs start coming through
Somehow I know
That you're a dream come true
I was only 24 when we decided to have a baby, so I thought getting pregnant would be easy. And then I turned 25 and it still wasn’t happening.
I felt like I was disappointing you.
You never asked me for anything and now the one thing you wanted I couldn’t give you. I was getting myself into this deep darkness, stacking my worth into my reproduction.
The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, which made it worse because no one could help.
And then one morning I woke up and felt different. It was like my body was going through a growth spurt. I ached in weird places. It was like someone punched my right in the boobs.
You were doing a couple shows in Canada but would be home that weekend so I didn’t want to call the hotel and complain about how shitty I felt.
I spent the whole day in bed watching shitty Soap Operas and drinking water and peanut butter, the only things that didn't make my stomach lurch.
When I woke up the next morning feeling nauseous and sore I called the doctor. All I needed was to get the flu and then get you sick. You were such a big baby when you had the slightest cold.
I sat in the cold doctors room, on the table. I needed to call you. I had missed your call last night because I had fallen asleep early. When I called the hotel this morning you were already out. My mind was too busy thinking of you when the doctor came in and told me what was wrong.
I was pregnant.
Six weeks. For six weeks I had been carrying your baby and I didn’t know.
The doctor said it would be a great weekend to tell you. It was going to be Father’s Day.
My heart was pumping as I went home. My hand on my stomach as I held my baby. Rubbing the flat area that would soon be a bump.
It was a Friday and you’d be flying in tomorrow afternoon. How was I supposed to keep this a secret? It was everything we wanted. But I knew that I wanted to make it special for you.
You had been so patient in this and now it was finally happening.
It takes my breath
When it sounds that way
Seems like you
Chase the clouds away
And I feel so good
Each and every day
And life is good
Each and every way
Sunday morning I woke up wrapped up in you. Our limbs entwined as you held me close. I didn’t want to get up but I knew I had to.
I got up and groaned. Watching the way you sat up concerned, asking if I was okay.
I told you I was still feeling a little sick. I had filled you in on all the information about how I was sick and not feeling well. I even told you about the doctor's visit. Which leads to now.
I left the room pretending to call the doctor. Even though I had paid a ton of money to get them to be open on Sunday for your surprise. When I came back to the bedroom you were on the edge of the bed, eyes looking at me with nervousness as I told you I needed to go to the doctor.
Of course you agreed to go with me. Holding my hand on the drive and even coming into the room with me.
The doctor said he wanted to do an ultrasound just to check on what was going on in my stomach.
And that’s when the loud booming of a heartbeat filled the room.
Your eyes went from my face to the screen where our little bean was making all that noise, just like their daddy.
Your hand squeezed mine as you realized what you were looking at. I swear your eyes teared up and my heart was beating a million miles a minute. Your free hand slid up onto my stomach as you held our baby.
Our baby, Nikki.
Now I feel the beat
Of the dancing drums
And now I know we're
Gonna have some fun
Now the time stands still
And the blues are through
And now I know
What I'm gonna do
Nine months.
It was nine months of you being practically glued to my side. Every ultrasound, all the pregnancy yoga, the million pictures you wanted to take of me, pulling me out of bed when I was so round I couldn’t even sit up alone.
Every step of the way, we were in it together.
Except now. You had to go to a show tonight before taking a couple months off. You wanted me to go but the idea of people seeing me look like a blimp wasn’t exactly my idea of a good night. Going to get a strawberry milkshake was exactly how I wanted to spend my night.
I was just pulling out of the drive through, sipping the ice cream and it happened.
The warm water slid down my thighs, over the leather seats of your Porsche. You were going to love getting the car cleaned after this.
Usually I would panic in these situations but I had been having the small fluttering contractions for weeks. Plus we had taken that birth class together where we learned about how long labor actually takes.
Did it feel great to start labor well driving your Porsche to the show to go get you? No. BUt my mind was so focused on getting to you I was sure that I could I’d make it.
Ten minutes to the venue, Three minutes to rock back and forth to propel myself out of the car, Five minutes to clean myself up and throw on your red leather jacket over the tight black dress I was wearing with my converses, Nine minutes to make it backstage.
My hand was on my back trying to count the time between the contractions which were feeling more intense than I expected. I could see the side stage that I would need to waddle over to but it might as well have been ten miles away.
The opening chords to Use it or Lose it started to play, making me smile. It was one of my favorite songs. Someone helped me over to the side of the stage and I watched Nikki spinning around.
You looked so happy as you slammed on your bass, running around the stage and leaning out to the fans. As much as I wanted to have someone run on stage and let you know your wife was in labor I wanted this moment.
This was your last show before you became a dad and I wanted you to have the moment without worrying about me.
I pushed out of the chair making my way to the payphone and calling the doctor's office to let them know that I was in labor and I’d be heading to the hospital in about a half hour. As I hung up another tight, sharp pain ripped through me. My hand gripped the edge of the phone.
Hang on, Baby Sixx. We’re going to meet you soon.
You bounced towards me, your big smile on your face until you realized the grimace I was giving you and the realization of what was going on hit you.
I don’t know how we made it to the hospital without flipping the car or getting a speeding ticket but you were helping me in the front door fifteen minutes after leaving the show.
It was 1:53AM when he was born. Jackson James Sixx. 8 lbs 1oz, 22 in long.
Holding your son for the first time was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. He was so little in your arms but the love between you was so big. The way you crawled into bed, wrapping yourself around us. It was the three of us together now.
And it was everything I wanted and more.
And I feel so good
Each and every way
And life is good
Each and every day
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Chapter 5 | Beautifully Broken
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TW: Self-harm, mentions of parental death, mentions of ab*se (from father), suicidal, depression, anxiety attack, (almost) an overdose on antidepressants, emetophobia (fear of v*miting if you don't know the technical term), cutting, s*icidal phone call
If you think any of this will bother you, I will write a short summary on the next chapter of this chapter so you can skip over this one!
"Thanks for the party, Spencer. I'm sorry."
I close his car door, taking a deep breath, the early morning air causing the hairs on the back of my neck to spike up. I feel terrible for how I acted to Spencer. He was just trying to help- but I couldn't bring him into my mess. I loved him too much to do that.
I walked inside, too emotionally exhausted to cry. I felt alone again, and that somewhat inexplicable feeling of wanting to control something in my life, besides what I consumed resurfaced. I set my things down, and walked to the bathroom. It was weird. I felt like I was in this dreamy state, like this wasn't happening--like I was numbed in the mind and being controlled by a greater force than me as if I was a marionette. I felt calm. Weirdly calm. As I entered my bathroom, I took the sharp, lustrous silver blade out of my bottom drawer.. Inserting it deep into my skin until I felt small relief. I looked in the mirror, the pain searing through my arm, my face stoic. I didn't even recognize myself.
I wished I could talk to someone, anyone. It wasn't that I didn't have people to talk to-because I did. I knew Spencer would listen to me if I wanted to talk to him.. But it wasn't about people listening or not listening to me. It was about me using this blade to cope with my problems instead of me growing a pair and talking to someone.
All the same, I never did anything about it, instead letting my problems eat me away. When I was younger and harming myself without exactly knowing what I was doing, my mom used euphemism to explain to me that what I was doing was unhealthy, so I wouldn't feel like I was a lunatic for scratching myself on purpose at seven years old because I thought I deserved it.
My mother was the only thing that kept me from taking my own life. I was not only dealing with depression and anxiety by the time I was in second grade; but was also dealing with physical and mental abuse from my father. I honestly had no idea how someone as kind and caring as my mother could be with someone so monstrous as my father. She was too sick to do anything about it, so I just took whatever my father gave me.
After my mother died and my father was made to look after me, he began hitting me more. One day, I decided I had had enough and left in the middle of the night. I took his money, and bought myself an apartment three hours from where we lived. I was only eighteen at the time and so I immediately was stressed out with how I was going to pay my bills and taxes, as well. So I then got six part-time jobs. I did online school, and graduated college at twenty. School was my only escape from my life, so I finished the courses quickly, as I was not only passionate about being in the BAU (it was always my dream-job), but I also loved the feeling of accomplishing things. I graduated early and top of my class. I joined the BAU three years later.
As you could probably tell, I was extremely busy. This was a good excuse for me to 'forget' to eat. I had always dealt with body dysmorphic issues, but my father made it worse, calling me ugly and obese all the time. I was nowhere near obese. I was 5'3 and 105 pounds. But because I was so insecure, I began to stop eating on purpose. I went on two-hour runs everyday and only drank water and ate ice-cubes and celery.
I try talking to people about it, but they either feel sympathy then leave, or instantly shut me down, telling me I am stupid for thinking that way. That's why it's so hard to talk to someone, even someone so close to me like Spencer. I knew he cared, and deep down I knew that he wouldn't leave, but my anxiety fogged away any chances I had at being reasonable. Therefore leading me to believe I would have to bottle up these feelings alone. I lie in my bed, closing my eyes so I can drift into a slumber to forget about everything for a few hours. I am alone.
Spencer's POV
8:00 a.m., Monday (2 days after the party)
The shriek of my alarm wakes me up, the sound setting off every nerve in my body. I quickly get ready, then head to the office. Memories of Friday night start to flood my brain, as guilt and anxiety create a hazy fog over the images. Had I done something wrong by trying to help Y/n? No, I couldn't have... she needs help and sometimes people have a hard time with confrontation, I knew that- I knew that from personal experiences.
I texted and called her about five times each, trying to make sure she was okay, but she had never returned my texts or calls, she only read my texts. I had been debating going over to her apartment and seeing her, but I decided against it. I had to talk to her today.
I get ready then drive to the BAU, nervously tapping my hand on the steering wheel. I arrive a few minutes early, and walk inside. The bullpen is quiet but busy. I look around, no Y/n to be seen.. Just Derek and a fresh stack of paperwork sitting on my desk, awaiting my arrival. "It's fine," I think, "she's probably just late. I also arrived two minutes earlier than usual so she is going to probably be here any minute." I try to convince myself but I just have this twisting sensation in my gut, as if something is wrong. I brush it off to be a guilty conscious or anxiety, and continue on with my paperwork.
2 days after the party, 8:00 am
I woke up this morning, from my alarm chiming in my ears. I can't go to work today. I can't. So I text Hotch:
From Y/n to Boss-Man:
Hey Hotch. I unfortunately cannot come into work today as there is a family emergency.
I know he knows that I have no family members left, but maybe he'll think it's a friend that's almost like my family,- emergency.
From Boss-Man to Y/n:
Okay, don't worry about it. There isn't much paperwork to be done today so you can just get it done tomorrow or Wednesday... Whenever you get to it. Take care, and let me know if you need anything
From Y/n to Boss-Man:
Will do. Thank you so much. :)
Hotch sends a thumbs-up back and I set my phone down, fidgeting with my fingers. I think of Spencer.. How he has called and texted me but I haven't replied back. I feel like shit. I just couldn't bring him into this mess with me. I walk to my kitchen, grabbing some water, and my medications. I take them, then look back down at the bottle. If I wanted to end it all I could. I walk away and sit on my couch. I can't do this anymore.
I lie down, and fall asleep for a few hours.
Spencer's POV
The day is almost over and there is no sign of the beautifully broken angel. My heart sinks a bit and I just can't get rid of that nervous feeling in my stomach. I finish my paperwork, turning it into Hotch before I ask him,
"Do you know where Y/n is?"
"She said she needed time off for a 'family emergency'." he says honestly.
She told me that she doesn't have any family members around, a few months ago. She never explained why, but she seemed touchy about the subject so I never pushed it any further.
I gather my things and leave to go to my apartment.
In the middle of driving home, I hear my phone buzz. I ignore it, not wanting to be distracted from driving. But the buzzing is consistent, distracting me already from driving. So, I cautiously pick my phone up to see Y/n's number flash across my screen. I almost crash my car into the other car in front of me, my heart skipping nervously. I answer.
"Spencer," I hear sobs breaking from her throat, tearing my heart apart. "I-I did something really stupid."
I woke from my slumber, the purple skies filling my vision as the night air from my open windows seeps into my apartment. I hear a buzz from my phone.
Boss-Man to Y/n:
Hello, I hope all is well. I tried to call you, but you didn't answer. I have some bad news. We believe your father is trying to track you down to find you. Try not to worry too much, we have you secured and locked down. Call me as soon as you can so I can give you more info.
I feel my throat close up, bile rising in my throat. I thought I was safe. I moved two cities down from where I used to live. My panic sets in as I begin to hyperventilate.
"No no no.. this cannot be happening right now."  I whisper to myself, tears pouring out of my eyes. I hear my phone buzz some more, but I am too distracted to read any of it. I want to go away and never come back.
I rush to the bathroom, grabbing that metal blade and dragging it slowly across my skin. It didn't work. I didn't feel relief. I scream angrily, rushing to the kitchen. I want this to be over. I don't want to die. I just want the pain to stop.
With shaky hands I grasp my antidepressant prescription bottle. Taking a handful of them and washing them down with water as I wince, some scraping the back of my dry throat. I feel like I'm watching myself from a third-person point of view. I can't stop thinking of one thing-one person, as I fully swallow those pills. Spencer. I need him. I need to call him. So without thinking, I grab my phone, ignoring the missed calls and texts from Hotch. I quickly dial Spencer's number, as wrecking sobs break from my voice.
Spencer's POV:
In the middle of driving home, I hear my phone buzz. I ignore it, not wanting to be distracted from driving. But the buzzing is consistent, distracting me already from driving. So, I cautiously pick my phone up to see Y/n's number flash across my screen. I almost crash my car into the other car in front of me, my heart skipping nervously. I answer.
"Spencer," I hear sobs breaking from her throat, tearing my heart apart. "I-I did something really stupid."
"What did you do?" I ask, keeping my voice soft.
"I can't do this anymore- I couldn't do this anymore. I'm sorry. I tried to cope with it but I can't anymore. I wanna go away. He's back." she chokes through her sobs, breathing heavily.
I try to compose myself, to not freak her out. Truth be told, I'm completely and utterly terrified.
"W-Who's back?" I stutter, "what happened, Angel?" I ask, trying to hold back my own sobs as tears fall down my cheeks.  Who is she talking about?
"I was trying to get better, I'm sorry. I-I love you. I always have." she cries, gasping for air.
My heart hurts but swells at the admittance. I want to say that I love her too, but I can't. All that comes out of my mouth is,
"I'm coming over there." I turn my car around to head to her direction.
I try to talk to her, to ask her what's wrong, but she never answers my questions, only saying that she's sorry. She hangs up, and I panic more. I arrive at her place, running up to her apartment, as I open the door with the spare key she gave me.
Running in, I see her on the floor, lying there like a broken angel, unconscious. I see the pill bottles and my heart drops down to my stomach. It felt like a blur; me running over to her, and putting her in a bathtub with water, letting her lay on me as we both get soaked under her shower head. I take my two fingers and plunge them deeply into her throat, cringing slightly. A few moments go by and I hear coughing and gagging, throwing up the pills and bile that was left in her throat. She gasps for air, clutching on to my hand as I continue to comfort her, by rubbing her back and brushing her hair out of her face. She turns to me and cries.
"I-I'm sorry," she says through sobs.
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," I softly say to her as she wraps me in one of her hugs. "You're going to be okay... I'm gonna help you- we'll get through this together."   I use my free hand to turn off the water and we just lie there, cuddling. I kiss the top of her head, as she sniffles into my shirt. Tears sting my eyes, but I need to be strong.
"I'm proud of you," I whisper to her.
"Why?" she whispers back, grasping my body to pull me closer to her.
"Because you called me."  I say.
After about ten more minutes of us sitting in her tub, I gently help her out of the water, giving her a towel, and some warm clothes. She keeps the bathroom door cracked open slightly as she changes. I then change and walk to her bedroom where she is.
"C-can you stay the night? Like sleep in the bed with me, please. I want someone here with me." she stutters nervously.
"Of course," I reply softly.
I get into the bed with her as she pulls me closer to her body. I kiss her forehead and she lies down on my chest.
"Thank you, Spencer." she whispers before falling into her own quiet slumber.
"I would do anything for you." I whisper back, not really meaning for her to hear it, but she looks up at me and smiles softly, that beautiful smile of hers. I take my thumb and gently caress her cheek with it. My cheeks burn a light pink but I am sure she can't see it as it is dark in her room, besides the white glowing moon casting a shiny glow on to her, making her look like a fairy.
As I drift off to sleep, I am reminded of what she said earlier... about her loving me.
'I love you too, Y/n',  I think to myself. 'I always will.'
AN: SAD. SAD. SAD. this chapter is very sad, I know, but I promise that it will get happier (there is a happy ending!!! i love happy endings!)
love you all!
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
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noladyme · 3 years
My Only Sunshine - Chapter 1
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Liv is as human as they come – faults and all. After a dark experience in her past, she is determined to live life on her own terms, and never let anyone claim her as theirs again. This becomes an issue, when she meets a 1000-yearold vampire, who is dead-set on claiming her as his own.
TW: Blood
It was a warm night, and I was wearing my favorite summer dress, seated on a velvet couch, in an old house.
“Well, miss Sunday. Thank you very much for coming all the way out here to speak to me. I’ll go over your resumé one more time, but I think I’ve heard all I need”. The dark-haired, pale man gave me a friendly smile. I knew better than to reach out my hand for him to shake, and simply got up to stand, and nodded at him. “Thank you, Mr. Compton”, I smiled. “Just let me know if there’s anything else you need… So, interview over?”. “Interview’s over”, he said. “Good! Calling you Mr. Compton was getting weird!”, I laughed. “Well, you did insist”. “It was a job-interview. It was only proper”, I shrugged.
Bill Compton walked me to his front door, and I was about to say goodbye, when he halted, just before going for the doorknob. “There is one thing, I wanted to ask you; and seeing as you’ve been so forthcoming with me, on everything else…”. The vampire narrowed his eyes at me. “What?”, I said. “Why did you decide to apply for the position as my day-person?”, he asked. I smiled embarrassedly. “Honestly… I need the money”, I said. “I’ve been hoping to pay down my student loan, but taking up extra shifts down at Merlotte’s just isn’t cutting it”.
“That’s not what I meant”, he said. “You just don’t strike me as the type of person to take a job for a vampire”. He raised an intrigued brow at me. “Not enough fang marks on me?”, I chuckled. The vampire chuckled, and it seemed that if he’d been able to blush, he would have. “You’re offering a good salary for what seems like an easy job; and one that I can do while still staying on with Sam. The fact that you’re a vampire doesn’t really matter to me”. “Why not?”, he asked. “Why should it?”, I retorted. “Some might say it’s dangerous to work for one of us”, the vampire said. “You’re no more likely to hurt me than any other vampire around – or human for that matter”, I said. “Besides; Sookie speaks highly of you, and I trust her”. “Well, she speaks highly of you as well”, he said.
He seemed to think for a moment, before coming to a conclusion. “If you want this job, it’s yours”, he said. My jaw dropped. “Really?”, I asked. The vampire confirmed it with a nod. “Thank you, Bill. You won’t regret it…! One thing, though… Day-person? Can’t we call it… secretary? Or assistant?”. He chuckled warmly as he opened the door for me to leave. “Please come by tomorrow. I’ll have a list for you with some things I need handled”, Bill said, as I went down the steps of the porch. “8 pm?”, I asked. “That sounds perfect”, Bill said. “See you then”. He handed me back the “resumé”, which I’d written on the back of a paper placemat from Merlotte’s. As I took it, I got a slight papercut on my finger. “Shit”, I muttered. Bill smiled slightly. “Would you like me to fetch you a band-aid?”. “Nah…”, I said, and looked at the trickle of blood. “You hungry?”, I teased. “I think Sookie might have a problem with me feeding from a friend”. “Alright”, I shrugged.
I began fishing my car keys out of my bag, and cursed to myself, as they fell from my hand, and landed in the gravel on the ground. I was about to crouch to pick them up; when I felt a gush of wind, and suddenly stood nose to chest with a very tall man. I had to tilt my head back to look him in the eyes. They were bright blue, and had a sharpness to them. “Hello”, he said, a cheery mischievous tone to his voice. “Hi”, I said, and went to pick up my keys again. The man – vampire, I realized – held them out to me, before I even so much as bent over. “Fuck, you’re fast”, I gasped. He put the keys in my outstretched hand, and grabbed my wrist, to look at my bleeding finger. “When I want to be”, he smiled. “Bill, who is this? Introduce us”.
Bill stepped of his porch, and walked warily towards us. “Eric Northman… This is Liv Sunday”. I found it hard to break eye contact with the tall vampire, mostly because he was one of the most handsome people I’d ever met. “Liv”, Eric said. He dragged out the sound of my name, pronouncing it Leev. “Yours…? She smells… pure”. I managed to look away, and turned my gaze to Bills face instead. His jaw was clenched. “My assistant”, Bill repeated, put a hand on my arm, and went to stand half way in front of me. The tall vampire let go of my wrist. “Off limits”. “I’m a big girl, Bill", I said. “I can speak for myself". “Yes, she’s a big girl, Bill", Eric smiled. “Let her speak for herself". I frowned at the tall vampire, and shook my head. “That means you too, Vlad", I said. A grin ghosted his face.
Eric leaned his head forwards, and burrowed his eyes even deeper into mine. “Liv… You’re interesting”, he said. “Please. Tell me more about you”. “Eric!”, Bill growled. “Why have you come?”. “To discuss matters surrounding the conference. It is election year, after all”, the other vampire replied, never taking his eyes off mine. “Now stop interrupting my conversation with… Liv”. The vampire-testosterone was heavy in the air, and I swallowed hard. “Maybe some other time”, I said. “Oh come now…”, Eric smiled, his eyes digging even deeper. I frowned at him. “I said no!”, I sneered. The tall vampire seemed taken aback, and Bills eyes widened. “Ok… I’m just gonna go”, I said.
Bill followed me all the way over to my car, and held the door for me as I climbed in. I opened the window to let some air into the cabin. “Drive safely now”, Bill said. “See you at 8 tomorrow. I’ll give your regards to Sookie”. Eric smiled at me. “It was nice meeting you, Liv”, he said. “Until next time”. His intense gaze made heat pool in my lower stomach, and I had to consciously tell myself to put the key in the ignition.
I drove home to my one-bedroom rental feeling happy that I’d nailed my job interview; and stirred from meeting Eric. I supposed he always had that influence on people; Bill probably just turned his mojo down, because he had Sookie, and didn’t need to impress people in the same way. Bill was the second vampire I’d met that I’d actually spoken to, since they came out of the coffin. Eric was the third, so I didn’t have much to compare him too; but I read magazines as much as the next person.
When I got inside, I took a cold shower; trying to shake the meeting out of my system. Before I climbed into bed, I checked my messages, and saw that Sookie had sent me a text, congratulating me on my new side-gig with Bill. I sent her one back, thanking her for hooking me up with the interview.
Sookie had been a good friend every since I got to town. I’d been down on my luck since leaving San Diego; but Bon Temps had been good to me so far. I had a waitressing job at Merlotte’s, on top of the one I’d just gotten with Bill – taking care of the things he needed done during the daylight – and some good friends in Sookie and Bill; and even my other boss; Sam. I’d even go so far as calling Sookies brother, Jason, a friend – even if he did try getting me into bed with him, whenever he could. I think the fact that I was so fervent in my dismissal of him, made him have some weird kind of respect for me. I was happy – settled, even. The last thing I needed was some blonde hottie trying to get in my pants; it didn’t matter if his name was Jason Stackhouse – or Eric Northman for that matter.
I slept in the next day, as my meeting with Bill had been quite late – or should I say, early, as I’d not been home until 3 am. My shift at the bar was a slow one, which was good for Terry, who was having one of his bad days in the kitchen. All 6 hours dragged along in a manner so boring, it was a relief when 7 pm. came along, and Arlene came to take over from me.
Arriving back at the Compton house, I was met in the door by Sookie. “Hey, Liv! Come on in!”, she grinned. “Bill’s in the living room”. “Is it your night off, Sook’?”, I asked. “Uh huh”, she said. “Bill’s taking me to dinner”. We walked into the living room, where Bill was waiting, with a somber look on his face. “Liv… I would like to apologize for Erics behavior last night”, he said. “He didn’t do anything wrong”, I said. “It’s not the first time someone’s flirted with me”. “Eric Northman flirted with you?”, Sookie chuckled. “And you didn’t end up with your legs around his waist?”. I mock scoffed. “I am a lady”, I said. “I tend to throw them around a man’s neck first”. Sookie punched my shoulder. “Slut!”, she grinned.
Bill looked very seriously at the both of us. “This is no laughing matter, ladies. Eric glamoured you!”, he said. I shook my head in confusion. “He didn’t…”, I said. “I saw him… He was using his glamour on you”, Bill repeated fervently. “I really don’t think he did. At least I didn’t feel anything happening”, I tried again.  “Jeez… I worked for you for five minutes; and you’re already acting like my daddy”, I said.
The vampire looked confused, but Sookie broke the tension, by reminding him they had reservations. “You’re right, of course; sweetheart”, Bill said, and took a piece of paper from the coffee-table. “I made this list for you. On the top here is making an appointment with an electrician. I’ve been having some flickering lights in the kitchen. Of course, I don’t use it much, but I do want it working… Then there’s this case of TruBlood O-neg. The all-night supermarket won’t be getting another shipment for at least a week, and I can’t…”. “Honey? We’re late!”, Sookie sighed. “Where are you going?”, I asked. “A place in Shreveport. Ky-auntie”, Sookie smiled. “Chianti”, Bill said. “And you’re right. Let’s go”.
We all left the house, and walked to our respective cars, when I remembered something. “Hold up!”, I called out. I ripped some of the paper from the list, and quickly wrote down my phone number with an eyeliner from my purse. I ran over to Bill with it. “Here. You never got my number. Just in case anything else comes up”, I said. “Thank you”, Bill smiled. “Any big plans for you tonight?”, he asked. “I have a date with my neighbor’s cat. At least I think he belongs to my neighbor. He might be a stray… We eat tuna together on Thursdays”, I sighed. “I thought you were allergic to cats”, Sookie said from inside the BMW. “Our love is complex… and I take pills”, I said. “Go on now. Have fun”.
I waved them off, as they drove away; and got into my own car. It stalled a few times, before finally starting up, and I could drive home – just in time for my date with Mr. Whiskers. He was only mildly annoyed when I came out the back door 3 minutes late, with his bowl. “Sorry I’m late, honey”, I said. “I had a vampire to tend to”. The cat wailed at me, and attacked the tuna like it hadn’t eaten in weeks.
I lit a cigarette, and sat down on the steps, leaning against the screen door, reading a magazine. Some of my neighbors were having a party, and I enjoyed the music coming out of the window. It was a warm night, but not many mosquitos around. I was happy to be left alone from the little bloodsuckers, when my phone vibrated, and I found myself summoned by a large one. - Need you in Shreveport asap. Bill
I frowned at the phone. - I’m your day person. Nights are off limits.
- Fangtasia. Be there in an hour.
- Remind me to ask for a raise BOSS!, I replied; stomped out my smoke, and went back into the house to look up the address of whatever the hell Fangtasia was. Google let me know it was a vampire bar. Dinner must have been over quickly, and Bill had probably taken Sookie for a drink. I looked down at the attire I was currently wearing, and decided that if Bill insisted on being a jerk-boss, I’d be a jerk employee; and show up in cut off shorts, and ABBA t-shirt – that was fifty sizes to big, and hung off my shoulder – hopefully embarrassing him in front of his friends.
I cursed at Bill all the way to Shreveport. “Stupid vampire, ruining my date with Mr. Whiskers”, I muttered to myself, as I parked my rusty car next to a flashy convertible on the parking lot of the bar. There was a line down to the door, going all the way around the corner of the building. A blonde woman with a bored expression on her face stood at the entrance, turning away anyone she didn’t see fit for entry. I sent Bill a text, letting him know I was outside, and had no intention of waiting in line. He’d have to meet me in the lot.
I leaned against my car, kicking at a stray paper cup on the ground, when a cold finger poked my shoulder. I looked up into the face of the blonde woman. She was striking up close. “Liv Sunday?”, she said, sounding as bored as she looked. “Yeah?”, I said. She gave me an insincere smile. “Follow me…”.
She led me to the entrance of the bar, and a burly doorman lifted the red rope for us so we could walk inside. A song with heavy bass was leading some scantily clad dancers on podiums, and the air was heavy with cheap perfume and sexual frustration. The blonde led me to a table, and waved over a black clad waitress. “Order whatever you want on the house. Ginger will sort you out”, she said. The waitress smiled brightly at me. I shook my head. “No, I’m here to meet Bill”, I said confusedly. The woman rolled her eyes, and walked away. I would have given her the finger, if I wasn’t worried, she’d bite it off. “What can I get you?”, the waitress, Ginger, asked. “The most expensive thing you have that isn’t blood”, I sighed. “Long Island Ice Tea, coming right up!”, she grinned, and walked away; tugging at her tiny top as she did.
I took my phone out of my pocket, and saw I had a new text from a number I didn’t know. - Hello Liv. This is Bill Compton. I would like to extend my gratitude to you for accepting the position as my assistant. I’m writing this as Sookie is powdering her nose; as to not interrupt our evening together. Could I please ask you to add to the list, that I need to get in touch with a florist who knows where to get some sunflowers? Sookie likes them. Thank you very much.
I was deeply confused at this point, and not a little worried. If Bill hadn’t been the one to summon me to Fangtasia, then I was currently in a strange bar, surrounded by vampires, without a companion; just sitting around like a delicious crab leg on a buffet table. Sure, there were humans around, but they all seemed more focused on getting the attention of vampires, than helping me out, if needed be. I texted Sookie. - What’s Bills number? I think someone texted me, pretending to be him.
She responded quickly. - Who? Are you ok? Where are you?
I wrote back. - No idea. I’m in some place called Fangtasia.
I was still holding my phone, when Ginger returned with my drink, and set it down. She seemed about to say something to me; when suddenly she bowed reverently. “Master…”, she said, sounding like she was having a strange sort of orgasm.
I looked up, and saw that Eric Northman was standing by the table, with the blonde female vampire next to him. He gave me a slight smile, and sat down across from me; relaxing against the backrest of the chair. “Jag är inte din budbärare, bare för at du vil knulla en liten människa!”. The blonde seemed annoyed, but I didn’t understand her words. “Slapna av, Pam. Det här är annorlunda”, Eric said. “Fika på hende, då. I don’t give a shit. Just don’t ask me again”, she snarled. ”Pamela!”, Eric said firmly. “Leave us”.
“What’s up her ass?”, I muttered. “Pam doesn’t take it up the ass; she gives it”, Eric said matter-of-factly. I narrowed my eyes at him. “You texted me…”, I said. “I did”, Eric said. “Go away, Ginger”. The waitress backed away, her eyes still on the floor. “Master. Yes, master”. I raised my brows. “Wow…”. I met Erics eyes hesitantly. “Why am I here?”. “Because I wanted to see you…”, he said. He dipped a finger into my drink, and licked it. “Don’t drink this. Someone put drugs in it”.
I swallowed hard – a sudden flashback striking me, taking me to a place I didn’t want to go. “Liv?”, Eric said. “What?”, I snapped. The vampire seemed taken aback. “You’re very brave”, he said. “I don’t know what you mean”, I muttered. “Speaking to me like that… and the text you sent me back, when you thought I was Bill. You obviously don’t know a lot about vampires”. I shrugged, trying my best to seem at ease with the conversation.
“How did you get my number?”, I asked; pushing the drink away gingerly. “I’m not listed”. “I flew over Bills house, as you wrote it down”, Eric said. “I have very good eyesight. You used a .01 Ultra Black eyeliner”. “That’s kind of creepy”, I said. “You’re a flying, creepy guy”. Eric laughed heartily, the sound coming from deep within his chest. “You’re funny”, he said. “It’s like you have no sense of self-preservation”. “Well, I figure you didn’t go through all the trouble of flying over Bills house to get my number; just so you could kill me”, I said. “At least… I hope you didn’t”. Eric looked towards the bar, at the tender behind it. “Chow, get her a fresh one. Make sure it’s drug free”, he said, so quietly, I almost didn’t hear it. I realized the bartender must be a vampire as well; that was the only way he’d be able to hear him. “You don’t have to… I’m fine, really”. “It’s no trouble", Eric assured me. “This is my bar after all. It’s in my interest to keep the patrons happy". “I’m not a patron…”, I said.
Eric ignored my words. “Your t-shirt… I like it”, he said. “I’m related to the blonde, you know…”. “You’re Swedish?”, I asked. A fresh drink appeared in front of me, and I looked at it hesitantly. “It’s safe”, Eric said. “Yes, I’m originally from Sweden…”. “So, you were speaking… Swedish, before?”. Eric nodded. “You name, Liv; it’s actually the Swedish word for life”. “Huh…”, I muttered. “I always thought it was kind of geriatric”. Erics eyes lit up with a mischievous glint. “Quite the opposite… It suits you. You seem full of life”. I cleared my throat uncomfortably, and took a sip from the straw. The drink was delicious. “And… when are you from? If you don’t mind me asking”. “Are you asking how old I am?”, Eric smiled. I blushed, and took a second sip. “I am a little over 1000 years old”.
I choked on my drink, and suddenly, Eric was next to me; gently patting my back with one hand, and holding mine with the other. “Are you alright?”, he said worriedly. “Yeah, I’m fine”, I croaked. I looked up into his eyes, and saw true concern. “Really”, I smiled. Eric sat back down on the chair opposite me; still holding on to my hand. His own was cool, but not cold. I guessed he’d recently fed.
I bit my lip. “Are you really 1000 years old?”, I asked in a whisper. “Yes”, Eric confirmed. “I was a Viking”. My eyes widened. “Like with the… pillaging, plundering and… raping?”, I said. Eric smiled smugly. “I didn’t need to rape to bed a woman; or a man for that matter”. “Huh…”, I said; and took a deep sip from my drink. “Well, you do have that tall, blonde and handsome thing going for you”. He ran his thumb over my knuckles. “You find me handsome?”, he said. “Every person in this room finds you handsome”, I retorted; rolling my eyes. I looked towards a nearby table, where a young woman with obviously dyed black hair was starring at us. When her eyes darted towards me, she looked like she wanted to scratch my eyes out.
“Tell me about you…”, Eric said. “Why?”, I asked. “Because it’s only fair”, the viking-vampire said. “In the last ten minutes, I’ve told you my age, occupation, sexual orientation; and I’ve saved you from getting drugged". I was painfully aware that Eric probably had a million different ways of getting what he wanted from me, but for some strange reason, I didn’t think he’d use any of them. Not yet anyway. None the less, I still didn’t see his reason for wanting to know. “I meant, why are you asking?”, I said.
Eric played absentmindedly with my fingers – or maybe not so absentmindedly; as he seemed to know exactly where and how to stroke my fingers in a way, that sent signals straight to my core. "You’re interesting“, he said. “And Bill interrupted me before I could finish my glamour on you, to get you to tell me". I chuckled softly. “You didn’t glamour me", I said. “Of course I did", Eric retorted. “Sorry, but I think you have little too much faith in your own abilities“.
He let go of my hand, and sat back straight in his chair. For a long time, he didn’t speak, just starred at me, before his pupils suddenly dilated, and a tranquil and yet almost flirtatious expression spread over his face. “Liv…”, he said softly. “Tell me; what’s your favorite sexual position?”. My jaw dropped. “That’s absolutely none of your business!”, I growled. Eric looked completely confused, and even paler than his usual pasty shade. He furrowed his brows, and moved his head forwards; almost crouching in his chair, as to reach my eye-level. “You want to tell me, Liv", he said, his voice alluring. Abso-fucking-lutely I wanted to tell him; but not under our current circumstances. As it was, Eric was being completely inappropriate, and I had no intention of continuing our conversation. I stood up. “Thanks for the drink. Now, if you don’t mind, please go to hell".
I walked towards the door, and made it halfway through the crowd, when suddenly, Eric was standing in front of me. He looked almost enraged, and towered over me menacingly; starring into my eyes so hard, I could almost feel it physically. “Liv. You want to tell me about yourself", he boomed. “I want to go home!”, I hissed, trying to pass the imposing vampire. He moved slightly, making me have to brush against his chest with my shoulder. Eric’s hand was suddenly on my upper arm. I froze in place, as he lifted my hair slightly, breathing in my scent. “What are you?”, he asked in a low voice, his cool breath sending annoyingly pleasurable shivers down my spine. I looked up into his eyes again; and jumped a bit, when his fangs popped out. The deepest, darkest part of me wanted to put my finger to one of them, and see how sharp they were.
“Eric!”, Bills voice boomed over the music. Sookie came out from behind him, walked straight up to the 6’4 inches vampire, and hit him over the shoulder with her purse. “Looks like that’s two dates you’ve ruined tonight”, I said. Eric smiled. “But ours was going so well”, he said; his fangs retracting again. “This wasn’t a date…”, I said. “This was you tricking me into meeting you”, I hissed. “You had another date tonight?”, he asked, darkness ghosting his face. I gave him a sarcastic smile, and pulled my arm out of his grasp, stomping out of the club, past Pam. She looked amused at the situation, and stepped back to let me get to the parking lot.
With shaking hands, I opened my car door. Bill and Sookie weren’t far behind me. “I am very sorry, Liv”, Bill said. “Had I known there was a chance Eric would…”. “Forget it, Bill”, I said. “I’ll take care of the things on your list tomorrow. Right now, I just want to go home… I’m sorry I ruined your date”. “It’s not your fault”, Sookie said earnestly. “Do you want us to follow you home in Bills car?”. “No, I’ll be fine… Just, go salvage whatever you can of your night”, I said. I gave Sookie a half hug, and nodded at Bill.
Eric was staring at my car, as I drove away. I saw him exchanging a few words with Pam, before he went back inside Fangtasia.
I had the next day off from Merlotte’s, and after I – once again – slept in, I had plenty of time to take care of my errands for Bill. When I got back home from having dropped of a case of O-neg on his porch, I texted him the info of an electrician and a florist who could help him out with his other requirements.
My mail had arrived while I was gone, and as I got ready for a night of serving beer, I looked through the bills and catalogues; finding among them an envelope without sender. Inside was a picture of a young woman in a seductive pose, wearing very little. I recognized myself immediately. It had been taken my last night at my old job at Sugar and Spice – a night I didn’t remember much from, due to a drink I should never have accepted. I almost fell into a kitchen chair, and shuddered. I put my hand to my chest, remembering the wound I’d earned that night.  
He’d found me. I wasn’t surprised. Though my number and address weren’t listed, if Thomas wanted something, he’d get it; he had a way of talking himself in to things. Either that, or he’d use brute force. The thing that made me confused, was the fact that Thomas wasn’t even supposed to remember me. I was supposed to be just another dancer he’d taken pictures of, at the club.
I was startled when my phone suddenly rang. I picked it up, when I saw it was Sam. “Hey…”, I croaked. “Hey, Luce’… I’m really sorry to ask you this, but Coby has the mumps, and Arlene needs to…”. “You need me tonight?”, I asked, almost hopefully. I didn’t want to be alone. “You’d be doing me a big favor…”, Sam said. “I’ll be there”. “Thanks, cher’. I’ll give you tomorrow off instead”, he replied in a relieved voice. “No problem what so ever”, I said. “I’ll be there in a few”. I hung up, and hurried getting ready for work.
Merlotte’s was full of people; which was pretty typical for a Friday night. The tips would be pretty good, and I wouldn’t have to be alone with my thoughts. Sookie handed me a clean apron, and I tied it around my waist, avoiding her gaze. “You seem out of sorts”, she muttered, as I tied up my hair in a bun. “Seem? Or are you listening in…?”, I said. She looked suddenly sad. “I’m sorry, Sookie… It’s been a hard day”. She smiled a little. “I can’t read you as well as I can some other people, you know”, she said. “Whatever comes through, is usually just colors and emotions. But they’re pretty intense, so I try to avoid them”. “Why?”, I asked. “I don’t know”, she shrugged. “It’s just like that with some folks… Makes it easier to be your friend, though”. I squeezed her hand, and walked out to take some orders.
Hoyt and Jason were nursing beers in a corner, and I walked over to check on them. “Everything good here?”. “Much better, now you’re here”, Jason winked. “You know, I saw your car out back. It ain’t looking good. I’d be happy to give you a ride, when you clock out”. “I’m sure you would, but I’m not in the mood for crabs tonight”. Hoyt laughed heartily, and Jason smiled and shook his head. “Any food for you gentlemen?”, I asked. “LaFayette has some gumbo cooking tonight”. “Sounds good. Hoyt?”, Jason said. “Two bowls, then”, Hoyt smiled. “Coming right up”, I said, and took their order to the serving hatch; winking at LaFayette in the kitchen.
For the next few hours, I pushed away all thoughts of possessive men, and focused on earning my wages. Bill stopped by to give Sookie a kiss, and thanked me for my help so far; leaving me another list. “Just some time next week, will be fine”, he said. “You’re welcome to text me, Bill”, I said. “I dislike using the keys to type”, the vampire grumbled. “I prefer the old-fashioned way of writing”. “Did you use a quill?”, I asked, giving him a sly smile. “Just a no. 2 pencil”, he retorted. “And once again; I’m sorry…”. I groaned. “Please, stop… Nothing happened. I’m perfectly fine”.
Sookie gave me a slight look, which Bill caught immediately. “You’re not. What is wrong?”. “Sookie!”, I sighed. “Sorry! You’re pretty much radiating fear, honey”, she said. Bill looked at me earnestly. “I will do my best to keep you safe from Eric”, he said. “I don’t want you to worry about him”. “I’m not scared of Eric… No more than the next person, anyway”, I assured him; and walked towards the bar, to grab a tray of beers. Sookie followed me there. “What, then?”, she asked. I clenched my jaw. “Could you give this to Jane Bodehouse? I’m gonna go take my break”, I said.
I almost ran out the back door, and lit a cigarette. Sam was putting a bag of trash in the container, when I got there. “Everything alright?”, he asked. “Why is everyone asking me that?”, I almost snarled. Sam seemed taken aback. “Sorry… I’m just… It’s been a day”. “We all have those”, Sam said. “You want to talk about it?”. “Not really”, I said.
Sam scratched his head. “How’s it going, working for Bill Compton?”, he asked. “Fine, so far. It’s an easy gig”, I said. “Don’t worry, it won’t get in the way of my work here”. “I know. I just worry about you, is all”, he said. “You’ve had a strange look on your face all night”. I sighed deeply, not wanting to give away too much. “I got word from an old… acquaintance”, I said. “I’d hoped to avoid it”. “Ex?”, Sam muttered. “Not really…”. I swallowed hard. “Sam… If I… If some day I don’t come in to work… It’s not because I’m playing hookie”. “That sounds ominous…”, Sam said. “Just… I like this job. Bon Temps”, I said. “I’m happy here. So, if suddenly, I’m not around… I didn’t just skip town, ok?”. Sam walked up to me, and put a hand on my shoulder. “Liv, talk to me. What’s going on?”. Sookie stuck her head out. “Sam, we need to call Jane’s son again. She’s passed out on the pool table…”. Sam rolled his eyes, and went back inside, leaving me to smoke in peace.
My phone vibrated in my pocket. I had a text; from Eric, of all people. - When can I see you again?
I rolled my eyes. - How do I know you’re not watching me now?
The reply came within seconds. - You don’t. But I’m not. Do you want me to? I decided against replying, and went back inside – chiding myself for indeed wanting that.
When I got back home, I collapsed on my bed fully clothed – but not before having checked to see if all windows and doors were safely closed and locked. Even without A/C, I’d rather sweat than risk someone coming into the house while I slept.
My phone vibrated, and when I saw who was calling, I picked it up. “What?”, I said. “Why haven’t you replied to my messages?”, Eric said. Loud music was thundering in the background. I looked at the screen of my phone, and saw that I had multiple unread texts. “Because I was working. And because I didn’t want to”, I said. That last part was a lie. “What are you wearing?”, he asked. “A leather garter belt, and a top hat”, I sneered. “Really?”. I could hear his smile. “No. Goodnight, Eric”. “Read your messages”, he managed to say, before I hung up.
I more or less had to pry my eyes open to read the messages the vampire had sent me. - I’m not used to have my messages ignored. Well, get used to it, I thought. - I could come by your job. Just say the word. - I want to see you soon. When? At least he was asking, and not telling me. That was a step up from what I was used to. - Please. That one must have hurt. I sent him a message back. - I’ll let you know. And if you insist on texting more than a teenage girl, I’ll reply like one. Ttyl lol rofl xoxo
As soon as I’d dropped my phone on the bed, I smacked my forehead. I’d written xo. That thought kept me awake for hours, and I didn’t fall asleep until the sun was almost up again.
As soon as I woke a little after noon, I rushed out to handle Bills errands. He’d given me until the week after, but as I saw the picture sent to me laying on my kitchen table, I didn’t want to spend a moment longer in the house. I even called Sam to ask if he was absolutely sure he didn’t need me at the bar; but he all but told me that if he saw me anywhere near Merlotte’s, he’d throw me over his shoulder, and carry me home, so I could enjoy my day off.
A little after sunset, there was a knock on my door, and I was slightly startled to see Eric on my small porch. I swallowed hard. “What are you doing here?”, I asked. “I was in the neighborhood; and thought I’d save you the trouble of texting me, when you’d be able to see me”, he said. “Besides, I don’t want you driving that rust bucket all the way to Shreveport again. It’s a death-trap”. He looked towards my car, in the driveway. “You can see me now”, I said. “Wonderful”, he said, and once again dug his eyes into mine. “Invite me in”. “No…”, I said. He once again looked confused. “Why can’t I glamor you?”, he asked. “I don’t know… Maybe you’re impotent”. Eric barred his fangs; making me jump slightly. He looked dangerous. “Not nearly”, he said. “You shouldn’t test me”.
Not wanting him to think he’d scared me too much, I took a hesitant step out of the door, putting less than a foot between us. Eric smelled like nothing I’d ever encountered before. It was crisp, and yet warm; like expensive aftershave and salt water, with an undertone of something I couldn’t define – something musky.
“I don’t understand why you keep wanting to talk to me”, I said. “I get it, I’m human. Blood and sex, and all that… But you have a club full of willing participants to whatever it is you wanna do”. Eric nodded. “I know. It’s infuriating that I feel the need to be here”, he said. “But I think I found a fix for it”. “Oh?”, I croaked, doing my best to ignore the fact that a man, that looked more or less like a GQ model, was currently reaching out his hand to stroke my cheek. As his fingertips touched my skin, my breath hitched. “Yes. See, when I have sex with a human, I usually bore with them pretty quickly”, Eric said. “I thought we should just get it over with, so I can move on”. I took a step back, and my back hit the screen door. “I don’t want to have sex with you!”, I lied. “Of course you do. I’m a very good lover”, Eric smiled. “Now, invite me in, and I’ll undress you”. “Shove it up your ass!”, I said. Eric raised a brow at me. “Well, it’s been a while, but I’m up for it if you are”.
I scrambled to open the screen door, and get back inside the house. My body was screaming at me to give in to the sensation in my lower belly, but I told myself that I had to persist. “You should… go now”, I said. Eric stepped closer to me, and I felt his firm chest against my back. “Why?”, he asked, sounding genuinely confused again. “You’re… imposing”, I croaked, and turned to meet his eyes. They were piercing mine, sending tingles down my spine. “Stop trying to glamour me” “I’m not. It doesn’t seem to work on you”, he said; a hint of regret in his voice. “Though I wonder… would you let me test a theory?”. “What theory?”. Eric smiled. “Just humor me. Pam?”.
I nearly jumped out of my skin, when the blonde female vampire suddenly stood next to Eric; and hurried over the threshold, so neither of them could reach me. “What the hell?”, I said. “Yeah, Eric. What the hell? I’ve been waiting behind that tree forever. In my new Jimmy Choo’s”, Pam said. “Be nice, Pam”, Eric said. Pam drew her lips back in an insincere smile. “Hello, Liv. I am very glad to see you”, she said. “Happy?”. She looked out the corner of her eyes at Eric.
Eric gave her a look, and something unspoken passed between them. Pam seemed to shrink in front of me. “Liv, I would like you to let Pam try to glamour you”, he said. “What? No!”, I exclaimed. “I want to know if it’s…”. “Just you?”, I said. For the first time, Eric wouldn’t meet my eyes. I took a deep breath. “Fine. But I’m not coming outside”. Eric nodded. “Pam, try to glamour her. But don’t ask her to come outside where we can reach her”. He was trying to make me feel safe – it was almost endearing.
Pam took a step forward, and looked deep into my eyes. Her voice was soothing. “Liv… You want to invite Eric inside. You want to have sex with him”. I shook my head. “No… Not happening”, I said. She narrowed her eyes in confusion. “You… want to invite me inside… Have sex with me”. “No thank you”, I snarled. Pam stepped back, and began laughing. “What the actual fuck?”, she guffawed. “What are you?”. Eric stepped in between us, his back to me. “Thank you, Pamela. You can leave now”, he said. “Eric! She’s…”, Pam began. “Now!”, Eric growled. She disappeared as fast as she’d come.
Eric stood there for a moment, not turning to face me. I was about to close the door, when he spoke again. “I’m making you mine… And getting you a better car”. “The hell, you are", I sputtered. He spun around with wide eyes. “You’re saying… no?”, he asked bemusedly. “I’m not anyone’s; let alone yours”. Eric chuckled at me. “I just claimed you”. “Well you can shove that claim up your ass, as well”, I proclaimed. “You wanted me to tell you about myself”, I said. He didn’t respond, simply stood still and never diverted his eyes from mine. “I left San Diego to get away from a guy who couldn’t take no for an answer… I’m not about to throw myself into the arms of another one who does the same”, I said. “This… guy”, Eric said. “Did he hurt you?”. There was an angry edge to his voice. I looked down, and crossed my arms in front of me. “He did… It’s over. But only because I ran away”, I said. “He… It doesn’t matter. I just don’t want that again”.
For a long moment, he just looked at me; making me swallow to wet my dry mouth. “Alright”, he finally said calmly. “Are we finished?”, I asked, almost in a whisper. “We’re finished”, he said. “For now”. Eric lowered his head, looking earnestly at me. “As long as you say no to me, I won’t do anything”, he said. “I will not force myself on you, Liv”. “Why?”, I asked, genuinely surprised. “Do you want me to? I don’t mind playing games…”, Eric smiled. I shook my head. “Never mind. I thought we were having a moment here, but it’s gone”. I went to close the door in his face. “Liv!”, Eric said; his voice imposing. I halted, and looked at him again. “I don’t know why… But I will not”.
He turned around, and walked down the steps from my small porch. I took a deep breath, before running after him. He heard me coming, and turned around. “Thank you… For at least kind of taking no for an answer”, I said. I tugged at his jacket, to get him to lower his head, and I got on my toes; placing a kiss on his cheek. Once again, I was surprised to find his skin not icy, but simply cool; and I let my lips linger for a moment.
I was about to turn back, when Eric put both his hands on my shoulders, and looked me square in the face. I could tell he wasn’t trying to glamour me. “Be mine”, he said. My breath hitched, and everything in me screamed say yes!. “N-no, Eric… No, I can’t do that”. Eric looked as if I’d slapped him. My phone vibrated, and I took it from my pocket, looking at the screen. “It’s Bill… I have to take this".
Erics face dropped, and he let go of me. “Goodnight, sunshine”, he said, and walked away into the darkness. “Eric!”, I called after him. “I regret picking up your keys for you”, Eric replied, his back still to me. “I would have loved to see you bend over”.
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bxllafanficc · 3 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part one)
part two part three part four part five. Find the rest on; Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
"Remind me once again why we're going to Japan? It's clear you'd never take us there just because you miss Victor and I know by experience that it's not because of his apprentice."
First class flight like usual. The view out the airplane window of the sparkling city at nighttime below them would stun anybody but at this point, Yuri has traveled so many times it's only become regular sights and the lights of the streets are only plain colored spots in a dark void to him these days. One thing he will never feel comfortable with though is staying in the same seat for hours on end until the airplane arrives at its destination. His legs are itching from wanting to move around. He'll just have to jog it off back on the ground like every other trip in the past.
"You'll be spending some time with Yuuri Katsuki and Victor the following weeks to gain your fighting spirit back. You need to get back in touch with your emotions, remember?" Yakov slightly turned his posture towards the Russian skater beside him, folding his newspaper in half and putting it in his lap.
He only nodded with a slight hum. He could see Yakov's reasoning, some parts of it at least. He HAD been lacking in emotional performance ever since the new year began and it was time to get back into the mindset of winning yet another Grand Prix gold medal like last year. No, not last year. Last year's competition was cancelled after a minor pandemic spread through Russia and the nearby regions. In fear of the virus spreading, all competitions cancelled and larger crowded areas were forbidden to take place. Therefore Yuri's only been able to practice by himself and keeping himself fit for a possible competition next year. But a year of doing nothing can really change your spirit and afraid to admitting it to his coach, he's been missing several opportunities to hit the rink and stayed home watching anime or scrolled through social media instead.
But one thing he doesn't get is how Victor and Yuuri are gonna make him get his mindset in the right track again. He already won his first gold medal at his senior debut and he doubt that the Japanese skater will be in any better condition than Yuri's currently in right now. Pig-man must've been in a much worse state considering his boo Victor had to stay in Russia during the pandemic, unable to keep an eye on Yuuri's routines.
"Besides, there's a little surprise waiting for you where you'll be staying with the two of them. It better work out fine or else I'm out of ideas."
That caught his attention to say the least.
"Well if it's supposed to save me from the deep end then why be so secretive and hushy with it? Spill the news, Yakov."
The old man only grunted and picked up his newspaper once again and hid his face behind it. Well now he really wanted to know what it was. Clearly he would have to make some effort. Soon the article about a Russian charity event taking place this weekend got replaced with a clenched fist going straight through the back of the paper. Yuri expected some kind of reaction but Yakov only sighed and leaned back in his seat without even a flinch.
"It's no surprise if I tell you. I promised Victor to keep it a secret."
"Tell me."
Yuri groaned and folded his arms with a sour glare. The display in the ceiling told the traveler's that it was 10 minutes until landing so he gave up his attempts and let his eyes rest for a while. At least he would find out tomorrow, he assumed. It was 2am and he would be staying at a hotel close to the airport since it was too late to make rest of the trip in one day.
Yuri was out with the speed of a lightning bolt the second the plane doors opened. He sped past everyone before him and he didn't stop when he finally got outside. His feet carried him to run circles around the plane meanwhile he was waiting for Yakov to get out the normal way. It's a silly habit of his and he knows he looks stupid doing it but his coach has given him strict orders to not run away at one random direction like used to do at first. It would take like half an hour for him to be found once he took off, but only if he got lost.
"Yuri! Get over here!"
Well, there's his cue to get ready and head to the hotel. Finally he's able to get some sleep before he's forced to wake up early at dawn to head to Hot Springs and meet the two most annoying people in Japan.
He didn't even have time to eat breakfast. He overslept and got rushed to the cab with an angry Yakov behind him, newspaper folded tightly in his fist. The trip through the beautiful Japan would've been pleasant if Yuri hadn't dozed off every 10 seconds. He didn't get much sleep after all. He spent at least three hours thinking about the special surprise and raiding the free mini bar before he finally got to rest. At 8am he was woken up with banging on the door and now, at 10am, he was standing at the entrance of Hot Springs waiting for Yuuri's mom to announce their arrival. She hurried away somewhere with her usual bubbly happy self that Yuri had no idea how a person could be so... not moody all day long.
The place was as crowded with customers as last time and the two Russians were told to step inside to the more private parts of the building where the family lived along with Victor at the moment.
"Victor! How come my brand new lotion is used? You smelled a suspicious amount of peaches and wild berries at breakfast and there's no point denying it!" A fairly soft and modulated voice was heard from somewhere to the left where the private shower stalls were located. A couple seconds later a giggly Victor and Yuuri came through the direction of the living room and greeted Yuri with happy cheers. The slender white haired Russian caught Yakov in a bear hug, much to the old man's surprise. Yuuri extended his hand towards Yuri but Yuri didn't give any effort in taking it.
"Food. I'm starving."
Yuuri dropped his hand with a light blush but Victor pouted and let go of his former coach. Strong and clingy arms were suddenly wrapped around his chest and he couldn't breathe.
"So unpolite... Yuriooo we've missed you! Haven't you missed us?"
Yuri thrashed like a fish caught in a net and tried to hit the arms of the bastard trapping him. Yuuri joined in, only to get a kick in the hip. His stomach growled angrily and the endless void in his body didn't lighten up the experience a bit.
"Let go you old man! You too piglet!"
"I hoped you'd say it out loud but I know that deep down you've been missing us, Yuriii." Victor went to whisper in his ear with pouty lips but was swatted away by a backhand in his face. That finally caused him to let go and Yuri jumped out of reach for the two males.
"Hm... Or not." The expression he got from Victor was sad and pouty and the man earned a hand on his shoulder, put there by Yuuri. Yuri could only sigh and shake his head.
"Victor! Did you steal my shampoo too?! I will- Oh? What now?" Yuri turned around abruptly by the unfamiliar yet familiar voice behind him. His eyes widened.
The girl was standing to the left of the hall, seemingly coming from the shower. A curious hand rested against the wall beside her and her face was covered in a grey clay face mask, a toothbrush lazily hanging from the corner of her lips. Her (h/c) eyes glistened with mild shock along with her mouth hanging slightly open.
"You are early... Victor, you told me they would arrive at 1pm1!" She pointed a strict finger at the tall man who scratched the back of his head with a hesitant laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed her toothbrush. Because even if she was standing unprepared in front of two strangers, she would at least not forget to brush her teeth in the process, as you do.
Yuri might've considered it normal if it wasn't for that she was almost naked. Two towels were the only fabric hiding her, one wrapped around her dripping figure and the other tied up in her hair.
"Yeah, about that! I kind of mixed up the time of their arrival and your meeting with the press, that's, by the way now when I think of it, not actually cancelled but later today. Silly of me to forget, right?"
She eyed him as though her bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone and let out a huff. Yuri had to advert his gaze when it suddenly felt intruding to eye her the way he did. He also turned away because a light tint of pink was creeping up his cheeks.
"Right. Thanks for the early update. I appreciate it, really. I'll be with you again in 30 minutes. Don't wait up for me." And with that, she was gone. The silence of the men maintained for a few moments until Yuuri coughed with an awkward smile, his red cheeks still visible even after the girl had disappeared. 'It's a little weird to blush at your almost naked sister' he thought.
"So food, right? Mom is preparing pork cutlet bowls for you, Yurio, since she remembered how much you liked them last time-" He didn't have to say it twice. Yuri was off to the dining area before the man even finished saying 'pork cutlet bowl'.
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
starting somewhere - spencer r.
summary: you struggle with your problems as the team enjoys themselves around you, but when it all gets too be too much, Spencer comforts you and promises to get you help 
pairings: spencer reid x reader
warnings: eating disorder!!! pls do not read past the read more bar if you struggle with this or have struggled recently. weight, calorie counting,  and other triggering behaviors ARE mentioned
please keep in mind that my inbox is always open to talk, if you ever need someone too. I understand, and I'm here for you. 
if not, here’s a hotline you could always call 1-630-577-1330
a/n: like stated above, I’m here for anyone struggling and wanting to talk. in saying that, I want to make it clear that while writing this I pulled a lot from personal experiences. things might not have been the same for you, but that doesn't invalidate what either of us went through
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You lift up your t-shirt as you pass the mirror, eyes trained on your stomach as your other hand kneads the flesh there. 
You had overeaten today, and it was showing. You should’ve skipped one meal, at least, but you hadn’t skipped any. Your plans to not have any dinner were ruined when the team insisted everyone went out together. Normally, on these days, you’d skip all other meals, only eating around the others. But you hadn’t known. And you felt terrible. 
Every bite you took, you had to force down. You were so focused on counting the calories you were adding on to your already existing total that you barely contributed to the conversation. 
You could make yourself throw it up, but you didn’t want the others to pick up on the fact that something was wrong. 
Even still, as you tugged down your top, you stared at the empty stalls through the reflective glass in front of you. You had enough time to try. 
Pulling you from your thoughts, Emily pokes her head into the bathroom. 
“Hey, you alright? We were starting to get worried.”
You refocus your attention on her, flashing a forced smile, “I’m fine.”
She nods slowly, gesturing for you to follow her out, “Come on. We were talking about getting dessert.”
Your panic spikes at her comment, and you’re careful to keep your voice steady as you and her walk back towards the table. 
“Dessert? I think I’ll pass, I’m already pretty full.”
“Too late,” Spencer chuckles as the two of you sit back down with the others, apparently having picked up on what you said, “I ordered you some cake. What’s one slice?”
A lot. Roughly 247 calories, if the cake was just plain. But it wouldn’t be, not here, not at this restaurant. Adding on all the toppings that were sure to be placed on the slice, it would be at least 762. On top of the meal you just had. 
Suddenly you felt like you might really throw up. 
You shake your head at him, “No. I can’t. That’s so many calories.”
The comment slips before you can stop yourself. 
“I’m trying for that marathon, remember? I’m working on being good with what I eat. Cake is... not good.”
You manage a weak chuckle, but it’s passable, and the others seem to accept your response a bit more because of it. 
“I’ll train with you extra hard tomorrow. But tonight... we eat cake!”
Everyone laughs at Morgan’s joke, but you can barely manage a smile. You couldn’t find a way out of this, and you were starting to panic. You could have a few bites, tell everyone you weren’t feeling well, and leave early? Or you could go to the bathroom and make yourself throw up what you had had earlier? But in both cases, the others would question you. How’d you’d gotten sick so quickly. Why you hadn’t mentioned anything earlier. 
The hand over your own makes you jump slightly, you gaze slowly lifting to meet Spencer’s.
“Are you okay? Do you want to get some air?” 
You don’t verbally respond, instead just nodding, allowing him to excuse the two of you from the group and lead you both outside. You immediately sit down on the curb, ignoring the way your friend grimaced in disgust. 
“Do you know how many germs are on the ground?”
“I don’t know,” you mutter, shrugging slightly. 
He sighs, “Can I sit?”
“What about the germs?”
“They don’t seem to important right now.”
Regarding him carefully, you nod. He takes this as his sign, quietly sitting besides you, hands in his lap as he stares in your direction. You watch the ground, picking out the darker spots of concrete with your eyes as you avoid his. 
“Are you okay? I mean, is something wrong? You’ve been acting weird all night.”
“I’m fine.”
“Has anyone ever said those words and meant them?”
You glance over at him, smiling at the words you had so often used on him. He was still watching you, his warm eyes filled you with both comfort and some of his own concern. 
“Sometimes they’re easier to say than saying what’s really wrong.”
“So something is wrong?”
You drop your eyes back the ground, this time refocusing them on his shoes. You smile as you take in his mismatched socks, the fabric pulled taunt to showcase the pattern. 
On one foot, he donned a hotdog pattern. On the other, hamburgers. Both socks different shades of blue and red. 
As you stare, you begin to remember your own lunch, and your smile fades. You’re not out here to look at Spencer’s socks. 
The color had drained from your face, the air seemingly knocked out of you as you tried to stand. You only managed to stumble backwards, Spencer’s hand quickly reaching up to steady you. 
“Woah, slow down there,” He stands up as he speaks, his hand never once leaving its spot on your forearm. 
But it was too late. You were already shoving him away and pushing yourself towards the alley between the restaurant and the adjacent building. 
As you emptied the content of your stomach, you felt Spencer behind you, hands pulling your hair back.
He only let it go once he was certain you had finished, your own hand coming up to wipe your mouth. 
“Are you sick?”
You shake your head at the man, quickly moving to step around him.
You were disgusted with yourself. You had just thrown up in front of Spencer. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you were glad you had. Relieved even. 
“Y/N, can you just talk to me?”
His hand is on your wrist again, but this time, it’s pulling you back towards him. 
“I can’t.”
You finally meet his eyes, tears already threatening to fall out of your own, “I can’t because I don’t know how. I don’t know how to talk to you about this.” 
“Can you try? I just want to help.”
You nod slowly, allowing him to pull you out of the center of the sidewalk and closer to the building once more. 
“You can’t help. I don’t... I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t eat like you guys can. It freaks me out. The thought of having too much. Of gaining more... you know. I just... I need to know how many calories everything has. If I have too many...”
“Y/N... Is that why you almost passed out the other day?”
You nod sheepishly, recalling the incident clearly. 
You had skipped breakfast that morning, and lunch and dinner the day before. You figured coffee would be enough of a meal replacer. But you were thoroughly unprepared for the hot weather you’d be dealing with on the case. And the foot chase you had with the unsub. Almost as soon as Morgan had got him in cuffs, you nearly collapsed. 
“We have to get you help,” he starts, frowning as you begin to shake your head, “I’m not going to sit back and watch someone I love do this to themselves.” 
He loved you. He had said it, and from the way he was looking at you, you knew he had meant it. But you didn’t want to rope him into your issues. You didn’t want to make him feel like you were another responsibility he had to take on. You loved him, but you didn’t deserve him. 
“No, we’re not going to talk about us, okay? We’re going to focus on getting you better. And... It’s going to be a process. It’s not going to be easy. But I’m going to be here for you. Every step of the way. And when you’re ready, we can talk about it. Okay?” 
His arms wrapped around you, your tears silent as you nodded into his chest. 
It wouldn’t be easy, that you were certain. 
You would have your hard days, where not even Spencer’s motivations would be able to deter you from your bad habits. But you knew there’d be good days too. Where you’d forget about how many calories your chicken had and what type of seasoning would add the most to it, and instead just enjoy. You wanted to get there. You wanted to learn to love yourself. And you knew that had to start here. 
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
inspired by a conversation with @anonymousonce93 !!
tw: vomit, food sensitivity issues 
“Hey Nayeon Unnie, come in.” Tzuyu gave Nayeon a polite smile as she let her in. Nayeon came in at her invitation, taking her shoes off and giving Tzuyu a hug. It was then she noticed the shopping bag Nayeon was holding. “Another present?”
“It’s just a small one.” Nayeon laughed. 
“She’s going to be spoiled. Everytime you come over you bring her a present.” Tzuyu couldn’t fight the amused smile on her face. 
“I’m trying to be the favorite Auntie.” Nayeon pouted. “I know.” Tzuyu nodded. “But you seriously don’t have to try so hard, she’s three pleasing her really isn’t too difficult. What is it?” 
“It’s a stuffed giraffe.” Nayeon handed Tzuyu the bag, letting the younger woman inspect the stuffed animal. “This is small?” Tzuyu sighed at the size of the animal.
“Relatively.” Nayeon nodded. “Anyway I love you but isn’t your flight leaving soon?” “Right right. Mina wanted me to go over everything with you because despite the fact you have watched Nico before she still doesn’t trust you.” Tzuyu sighed. “I would expect no less from Myoui Mina.” Nayeon giggled. “Hit me with it.” “She is still asleep right now, I was going to wake her up before I left though. Jihyo will be coming over with Hina around five. She had a stomach ache earlier so Mina made her some sundubu jjgae to eat for dinner, you just need to heat it up. Mina thought it would be easier just to make her something light in case her stomach still hurt, but if she’s hungry after that you know what she likes.” “Wait sundubu jjage? I thought Nico hated tofu.” Nayeon interrupted. “It’s on her long list of foods she won’t eat.” Nayeon was right about that. Nico was an extremely picky eater, and over time her parents and Aunts had developed a pretty elaborate list of foods Nico just didn’t like. 
“She’s been branching out with a lot of food lately. These past few weeks she’s pretty much eaten everything we have been. I’m not sure where it’s coming from but it’s honestly so nice. Cooking for her was difficult.” Tzuyu sighed. “ Mina thought it would help for her to just have some stew instead of a normal meal.”
“I suppose that makes sense. Keep going.” Nayeon nodded.
“Mina is working late, but that usually means she’ll be home around ten thirty. Nico’s bedtime is still eight thirty. Sana wants to call her before bed to say goodnight, so expect her to call you around eight. I’ll probably text you when I land to check in and say goodnight to Nico. Jihyo already said Hina can’t spend the night because they have to do something early tomorrow, so if she tries to ask make sure you say no. Oh also if her stomach ache gets worse just give her some normal medicine. You remember where the medicine cabinet is right?” “Yup. You guys have lived here long enough for me to remember where most things are.” Nayeon giggled. “Anything else?” 
“Yeah when her stomach hurts really bad she likes to have something warm to cuddle with. Her medium sized teddy bear that smells like lavender heats up. It’s pretty distinct but I’ll bring it down for you and put it on the counter in case she needs it. If she does, put it in the microwave for ninety seconds and hand it to her.” Tzuyu explained. “Alright, that should be everything. I need to go wake her up and then get going.” “Of course.” Nayeon nodded. “Can I come with you? She’s always really cute when she first wakes up.”
“Sure. Though she will probably be a little grumpy, she always is after just waking up.” Tzuy u agreed, starting to make her way to Nico’s room.
“Oh I know, I’ve watched her overnight before. She is always grumpy until she has some juice or Jeongyeon tickles her.” 
“Oh yeah, I know. She’s normally a little angel but just after waking up she can be quite grumpy. Saki is the same way. Sana says they got it from me but I’m not like that. I’m a morning person.” Tzuyu explained, stopping at Nico’s door.
“You keep telling yourself that.” Nayeon giggled.
“What? I’m fine in the morning.” Tzuyu rolled her eyes. “You're always so tired in the morning, getting you out of bed is hard.” “Jeongyeon knows how to.” Nayeon shrugged. “Ew.” Tzuyu faked disgust. “Shut up and go wake up your daughter.” Nayeon playfully poked Tzuyu’s shoulder. Tzuyu opened the door to Nico’s room, finding the three year old still fast asleep. She gently crossed the room and approached Nico. She smiled at the adorable look on her youngest daughter’s face as she slept. It had been so long since they had had a toddler around, and she forgot how absolutely precious they were. “Nico? Baby it’s time to wake up.” Tzuyu announced, gently shaking her daughter’s shoulder.
“Mm…” Nico whined, rolling away from Tzuyu. “Nope come on Nico. Mama has to go to the airport and she wants to say bye bye.” Tzuyu told Nico. Nico’s eyes opened at that, looking at Tzuyu sleepily. 
“Mama go?” “Yeah. Mama has to go to her work.” Tzuyu nodded. “Auntie Nayeon is here.” She pointed to Nayeon, who was still standing by the doorway to the room. “And Auntie Jihyo will be over later with Hina for a playdate.”
“Playdate?” Nico seemed intrigued by that. “Yup. But you have to get out of bed first.” Nico nodded, sitting up and rubbing one eye. “Good. Ka-san will be home after bedtime, and Mama will be home in a few days.” “Mommy?” “Mommy is still going to be far away until next week.” That answer seemed to make Nico sad but she nodded. Tzuyu glanced at her watch and internally cursed at the time. “Does your tummy still hurt?” “No.” Nico pouted, stretching a little. “That’s good. Shoot, Mama needs to get going.” Nico beat Tzuyu to a kiss, kissing her mama’s cheek. Tzuyu smiled at that and kissed Nico’s forehead in response. “I love your baby.” “Love you too mama.” Nico nodded.
“Can you get her changed?” Tzuyu turned to Nayeon, who nodded.
“Of course, don’t worry about it. Have fun on your trip.” Tzuyu gave Nayeon one more short hug as a thank you on the way out of Nico’s room. “Thank you. Be good Nico. I love you.” Tzuyu waved as she left. Nayeon approached Nico once she was gone, sitting on the corner of the bed and smoothing her niece’s messy hair with one hand. “Why don’t we get you dressed and ready for your playdate with Hina-chan?” Nayeon offered, earning her a huge smile in response.
Both Jihyo and Nayeon had noticed something off with Nico. She was still playing with Hina like she usually did, but she just seemed a little, off. And it only got worse the closer they got to dinner. Nayeon heated up the food Mina had made for Nico and she didn’t miss the tiny look of disappointment on Nico’s face when she saw what she was eating. She still ate it without complaint though. During dinner, Nico clammed up. Hina did most of the taking with the adult and Nico slowly ate her dinner. After dinner they put a movie on for the little ones. Nico cuddles with Jihyo while Hina lays on Nayeon’s lap. It all goes well, for a bit.
Halfway through the movie Nico hopped off Jihyo’s lap and ran to the bathroom, ignoring the questions of if she had to go potty. Jihyo chased after her and found her niece on the floor of the guest bathroom, a pile of vomit next to her and tears on her cheeks. “Oh hey Nico, hey Nico it’s okay.” Jihyo was never the biggest fan of vomit, but she had raised three kids. She had seen it before and knew how to deal with it. Nico just started crying more at the reassurance. Jihyo sighed and inspected Nico, making sure none of her throw up got on her clothes. Once she realized she was good she picked her niece up. “Was it your tummy?” Jihyo asked. “Does it feel yucky?” Nico nodded no in response, crying harder. Jihyo wasn’t entirely sure why dinner had upset Nico’s stomach so much. “Do you feel bad?” Jihyo began searching for any reason as to why Nico’s stomach would hurt. She felt her forehead and found she was fine, albeit a little pale.
She had been a little impressed when Nico had eaten most of her dinner. She distinctly remembered Nico disliking anything with tofu in it, but Nayeon had said she had gotten over her pickiness a bit. She had been impressed, and happy Nico was eating more foods. She had never really heard of a child just getting over their pickiness like that, but it was good. Nico needed to branch her tastes out. While thinking of reasons, it crossed her mind that food could have been what set Nico off. “Hey Nico… Was it the food? Did it make you feel icky?” Nico started crying even more. “Hey, it’s okay. Was it the food?” Nico nodded yes, cuddling into Jihyo. “It was so icky.” Nico sobbed. “Made me feel bad.” “Bad?” Jihyo asked. “If you don’t like it why didn’t you tell Ka-san?” 
“Don’t want to be picky. It’s hard for my mommies. I heard them say so. I want to be a big girl and eat all the foods they eat. But they are so icky.” Nico conutined sobbing. “They make me feel all weird.” “Oh Nico… Hey it’s okay to be picky, especially if food makes you feel this yucky.Your mommies think so too. Food is supposed to be yummy, not yucky.” Jihyo swayed Nico in her arms. “Hey baby, you're okay.” Jihyo swayed Nico some more until she calmed down. Jihyo sighed once she did. “Okay. I’m going to clean this up. Why don’t you go get Auntie Nayeon and have her brush your teeth so the icky taste can be gone okay?” Nico nodded, sniffling as Jihyo put her down. 
Once she was gone, Jihyo was sure to text all of Nico’s moms. She was aware Nico just didn’t like some foods, but she never realized they would elicit such a response from her. It hurt her just to see it. Even if Sana, Mina,a dn Tzuyu were really busy this was a problem they had to deal with. And all Jihyo could really do to help was tell them.
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itisannak · 4 years
Secrets I have held in my heart (Ashton Irwin Smut)
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Summary: (Y/N) starts dating someone who is not Ashton. And Ashton seems to have an issue with that. (Smut / Unprotected Sex) (Request) (Words: 3.8k)
"Your phone has been buzzing lots tonight..." Ashton comments as he passes me the takeout Chinese box. I chuckle and lock my phone, shrugging my shoulders. "Uh, Crystal gave my phone to a friend of hers... He saw me at a party and asked her about me. We've been talking a bit this week." I state, grabbing my chopsticks. "Oh, really?" He asks as he sits down next to me. "Yeah, he seems like a nice guy and Crystal has been eating my ears off to hook me up with someone." I reply, making Ashton hum. "Why though? You are perfectly capable of finding someone yourself. Plus, you are an independent woman and you don't need no man." He jokes, making me giggle as I take a bite from my food. "I am a boss bitch, I need no one. But... My bed is always empty and loneliness is hard. You know that better than anyone." I reply, leaning my head against his shoulder. "Yeah... Well, he better be nice to you." He mumbles, starting the movie. "Let's not talk about him now. It's our slumber party..." I state and he hums in agreement.
I rush to my door, trying not to trip off on my high heels on my way there. I open it, finding Ashton behind it holding a box of pizza. "Oh, shit." I breathe out, mentally slapping my face. "I am glad to see you too, Geez..." He rolls his eyes, walking in. "I totally forgot about you..." I sigh and he furrows his eyebrows, looking at me in confusion. "Am I easy to forget, (Y/N)?" He asks, leaving the pizza box on the island. "Not at all, Ash. Ryan, the guy I have been talking with... Well, he asked me out and... We are going out tonight." I explain and he gasps softly, with his face dropping. "But tonight is Saturday... And Saturday is our day. We are hanging out on Saturdays..." He says, making my stomach hurt as I realize I have let him down. "I am sorry, love. We can hang out tomorrow, same time. I'll buy pizza and ice cream. We can meet early in the morning, spend the day together, binge-watch that series you have been talking about all the time." I nearly plead for him to accept it. "I am spending the day with Calum tomorrow... Well, next week then... You have fun at your date, tell me how it went..." He says, leaning down to press a kiss on my forehead. "The pizza..." I reach for the box to hand it back to him. "Keep it as a treat. In case you get hungry after your date." He smiles, bringing a smile on my face as well; he always had the most contagious smile ever. "Be safe. If you need anything, call me." He offers, making me nod.
"So, how is it going with Ryan?" Crystal asks before taking a sip of her wine. I clear my throat and bite the inside of my cheek. "We've gone out a couple of times. He is nice and charming, and he treats me right. But we are not official, I guess... We haven't put a label on, yet." I reply; unconsciously, my eyes travel to Ashton, watching for his reaction. He cuts a piece of his lasagna and eats it, paying zero attention to me. "Did he screw you yet?" He asks bluntly, still not looking at me. The table gasps and Calum punches Ashton's shoulder, while I fidget with my fingers. "That's really not your business." I mumble, feeling my cheeks heat up. He knows sex-talk makes me really uncomfortable, so he is the last person I expected to ask this question. "Oh, come on. We always talk about our sex lives... It's not a big deal." He looks at me straight in the eye, coldly almost. I detect no regret or hesitation in his eyes, which makes me hum. "You don't have to answer that, love." Crystal assures me, but I shake my head. "No, he is right. It is not a big deal." I state, shrugging my shoulders. "So, go ahead and tell us. Did he screw you yet? Did you fuck?" He asks, pressing on the matter. "Ashton, stop." Calum hisses, but he brushes him off. "We haven't yet. I mean, we almost did. We made out, I was sitting on his lap, his dick got hard. He almost got me naked, he touched me softly. I had never been so wet in my whole entire life. But we stopped. He wanted it to be a little more... Special, I guess. So, we stopped... And I have to say, it was so hard to stop... I still think about it when I touch myself... Oof, I can't even get my head straight at the thought of him fucking me." I reply, not taking my eyes off of him, searching for his reaction. He looks at me intensely, jaw twitching a little. There is deep silence on the table, everyone looking between me and Ashton. "Ok, thank you for the update..." Luke breaks the tension, but Ashton and I still look at each other.
"Does anyone wanna try my veggie lasagna?" Calum clears his throat, trying to find a way to get everyone to tense down. "I've actually had enough for today." He states, pushing his chair back before he stands up. I take a sip from my drink, looking at him as he marches away. "What the fuck was that?" Michael mumbles, looking at me. "He asked, I answered." I shrug my shoulders.
My foot moves nervously as Ryan hands me my drink, making me smile tightly at him. "Are you alright?" He asks, taking a seat by me and putting his arm on the back of the couch. "Yeah, yeah... I had a stressful couple of days, and my mind keeps going back to them." I reply, bringing my glass to my lips. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, placing his hand on top of mine. "It has to do with my best friend. He has been acting very weird lately and I am really worried, to be honest. But I really don't want to talk more about it." I gulp and he nods. "You are so thoughtful of everyone. It makes you really adorable." He whispers and I smile, pressing my lips together. "I don't want to be adorable tonight... Adorable doesn't make men hard..." I whisper, moving to straddle him. "It makes me hard..." He moans as I lower my lips to his neck. "Oh yeah?" I ask, running my tongue across the hickey I was sucking on. "Yeah... I've been thinking about you since the last time..." He places his hands on my hips before slipping one of them under my t-shirt and up my back. "Have you, now?" I ask cockily, tilting my head back as he nudges it with his own. He kisses on my collarbones, trailing up to my lips. "Oh, fuck, Ashton..." I moan, closing my eyes.
Ryan stops instantly and I gasp as I realize what just happened. I move from his lap, bringing my hands to cover my mouth and looking at him in shock. "Who's Ashton?" He asks me calmly but shocked. "I am so sorry..." I mumble, feeling horrible about what happened. "Who's Ashton?" He insists, standing up. I close my eyes, running my hand down my face. I contemplate on what to tell him, surely not knowing what Ashton is to me anymore. "He is the only person I want to be with..." I say softly, tilting my head to the side. He just looks at me while I wish for the earth beneath me to swallow me whole. "You should really get out of here." He points out, handing me my purse and phone. "Ryan, I am really sorry." I state, making him chuckle sarcastically. "Yeah, me too." He replies, opening the door for me.
The drive back home was full of me asking myself what the fuck I should do. I have been in love with Ashton ever since I met him, I had to sit and watch him move from relationship to relationship, each time getting more and more hurt. I have had enough of him treating me as nothing more than a friend and as much as I hated it, I settled for just that. But he has been in my head, every day since we met, everything I have been feeling for him only growing stronger.
I park my car and get out of it, trying to get some structure into my thoughts. Reaching for the entrance of my apartment building, I find Ashton sitting on the floor, with his back against the door of it. "Ash... What are you doing here?" I ask, getting his attention on me. His face is puffy and his eyes are red, making me kneel and cup his face in my hands. "Have you been drinking?" I ask, worrying about him relapsing. "I am sober." He utters, placing his hands on mine. My heart goes back to its place and I finally take a breath, standing up and helping him get off the ground. "Come on, let's get in." I sigh, unlocking the front door.
He follows suit behind me, both of us staying silent until I unlock the door and let us in. I turn up the lights, leaving my purse down before I turn to look at Ashton, who scratches the back of his neck nervously. "You were with Ryan?" He asks, barely over a whisper. "Are you here for the second round of that shit you pulled everyone through last week?" I ask and he shakes his head, looking at his feet. "I was at his house." I admit, sitting on the arm of the couch. "Uh... Did you have sex with him?" He asks, making me sigh. "Ash, if you are here to..." I begin but he stops me. "I am not... It doesn't matter anyway..." He says. "Why are you here then? What do you want?" I ask him, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "I... Fuck... I had this whole speech in my head on the drive here, I had so many things I wanted to say, and now I am blank... I don't know from where to start and I am a fucking mess right now." He mumbles and I stare at him, trying to figure out where all of this is going. "You can start by telling me why you were outside my door looking like you've been hit by a truck." I suggest and he hums. "I have been in love with you since the day I met you. Calum and Michael convinced me that I would screw everything up if I tried to be with you... So I repressed everything and decided that if I couldn't be with you, at least I should settle for being your friend. And in the beginning, it worked, because you hadn't been going out with anyone, you hadn't been with anyone really, so it was fine, I wasn't jealous... And then Crystal set you up with Ryan and I felt like I was running out of time. I pictured him touching you, kissing you, making you happy and it drove me insane... I didn't want anyone being with you but me... I wanted to distance myself, especially after the time you canceled on me to go out with him, but it made me look like a douchebag, particularly after the dinner incident. I drove home that day, repeating in my head what you told me and I felt like I couldn't breathe. It took me a lot to come to terms with the fact I was losing you, and even more to build the courage to stand before you and admit that I am in love with you. It might fuck everything up as Calum said, but I can't go on thinking I wasted away even the slight possibility of ending up with you." He admits, causing me to sigh in relief. I stand up, shaking my head at him.
"I moaned your name." I whisper, looking at him as he furrows his eyebrows at me. "What? When?" He asks me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Tonight. We were kissing, Ryan and I... I had decided I wanted to have sex with him, and we were making out. I was on his lap and he was kissing my neck, and it felt nice, it really did. So I closed my eyes and I pictured you, kissing my neck, touching me, making me feel good. And I moaned your name. It rolled off my tongue so naturally. And he asked me who Ashton is and I lost it... I didn't know what to tell him and I couldn't tell him you are just a friend, because, well, you really can't moan your friend's name the way I did... So I told him you are the only person I want to be with and he told me to leave. And I drove here, hoping I could get my mind right and tell you how much I love you, how much I wish I can be with you. So, fuck Calum's opinion, you should have told me ages before." I comment, making him hum. "Yeah, Calum really had the dumbest idea..." He whispers, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. "You really shouldn't have listened to him..." I mumble as he pulls me closer. "I really shouldn't have..." He utters, leaning down to kiss me.
My eyes flicker at the sensation of his lips against mine, my foot popping up just as it happens in those movies I always make fun of. My stomach tightens before it flutters; it feels like I am a teen again. His hands travel to my waist, wrapping tightly around it as I deepen the kiss. "Fuck me, you feel so good against me..." He moans, parting away from me for a second to catch his breath. "With pleasure..." I smirk, making him lick his lips. "We don't have to do anything just yet." He leans down to whisper in my ear, pecking on my temple at the end of the sentence. I whimper, pulsing around nothing as I look at him with my eyes wide and my lips parted. "Well, now we do." I reply mesmerized, feeling my cheeks heating up. He bites the inside of his cheek, moving to pick me up. My skirt hitches up my thighs as he carries me to my bedroom. I feel anxious about what is to come, yet at ease as if all of this has happened before. "Do you have condoms?" He asks me as he lets me on the bed. "I am on birth control." I mumble and he nods. For a second I feel awkwardness sinking in the room, none of us making a single move.
I stand up from the bed, moving before him before I take my t-shirt off, staring at him. "Fuck..." He moans under his breath, scanning me up and down. "You've seen me scantily clad before... One too many times." "You think I wasn't having these thoughts every time I watched you in a bikini?" He asks as my hands move to unzip my skirt. "Are you going to take anything off, or are you going to keep burning holes on my skin with your eyes?" I ask him, making him cock an eyebrow at me. "Watching you strip doesn't sound that bad." He replies without taking his eyes off me. "Take a picture, it will last longer." I joke and his eyes go a little darker. "Can I?" He asks, licking his lips. "If you play your cards right, I might let you next time." I tease, unhooking my bra and letting it slide down my arms.
He gulps thickly, undoing his belt as he watches me like a hawk. "Shall I start solo?" I ask, crawling onto my bed. "You feel like putting on a show for me?" He asks, bringing a smirk to my face. I slip off my underwear and spread my legs as I lay on my back, getting comfortable before my hand slips between my thighs. I run my fingers down my core, feeling my wetness before pressing them against my clit, circling it slowly. "Oh, Ash... I am so wet..." I moan, feeling goosebumps rise on my skin as I feel him observe me. "Fuck..." He mumbles, nearly jumping towards me and removing my hand. He looks at me with dark eyes, pupils dilated, and face tensed. "Are you going to fuck me or what?" I ask, chest rising and falling. "For such a sweet face, you would think you are a sweetheart... But look at that foul mouth..." He comments, spreading my legs more. "Pretend you don't like it, daddy..." I smirk, making him blink a couple of times before he thrusts in me. I whimper at the sensation, arching a bit off the mattress. "How did you just call me?" He asks, gripping onto my thighs harshly. The pads of his fingers sink onto my skin, surely leaving prints that prove he has been there. "You need to stop oversharing details about your sex life... Well, at least now that we are going to be fucking." I reply, raising my bum in the air to bring my hips closer to him. He is going slow, agonizingly slow for my liking, and I really want him faster, deeper, harder. I have been dreaming about this moment for years, and I always picture him going animalistic at it. "More." I beg, wiggling my hips as he thrusts in and out. "More? Already? Look at that... Taking my cock so well and begging for more..." He praises, pounding in me with force. My ass lands back on the mattress and my thighs almost reach my chest. "I have been thinking about this moment ever since I can remember myself. I want everything I can get." I reach for my breasts, cupping one in my palm before I fondle with it. "Have you been dreaming about it every time you touched yourself? Have you been thinking about my cock stretching your perfect little pussy, pressing against your cervix? Have you been dreaming about me touching you in places a friend shouldn't?" He taunts, making the bed rattle as he fucks me harder. "Oh, you have no idea." I moan, throwing my head back in pleasure. "I think I do, princess. I can't even watch porn anymore, because thinking of you is the only thing that sets me off. I stroke my cock and moan your fucking name. I have been craving you for years. And you are all mine now." The last part comes out of him as a growl from deep in his chest, the primitiveness of it making me gasp for air. "Oh, God..." I moan, feeling him hit my spot perfectly. "There... There... Do it again... Fuck." I hiss, biting my lips and closing my eyes shut. "Oh, you like it there? Your little pussy is spasming around my cock... You like my cock hitting there?" He asks me, the smirk in his face evident in his voice. "Kiss me..." I demand, craving him more than anything I have ever craved.
He leans down, planting his lips on mine sloppily, running his tongue across my teeth. He continues fucking me, his hips slamming on mine as he keeps thrusting on the same spot as I tighten around him. My body tingles, toes curling and nails digging in his skin as I cum, biting his bottom lip. "Fuck... Oh God, oh fuck..." I mumble, my voice breaking at the end. "I am going to cum... I am going to fucking cum... You are squeezing so fucking tight around me..." He chants, pounding on me with force and vigor. He feels rock hard inside me, sending more pleasure through my body. "Cum... Please cum, daddy." I nearly scream the plea, feeling my eyes brim with tears. "I... I wanna... I... Fucking hell..." He utters, spilling inside me and throwing his head back, grounding his hips onto mine.
I walk back into my bedroom after cleaning up, finding Ashton with the biggest smile on his face. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, wrapping myself in a romp. "Ever had sex so good you want to start screaming shit like God is real during an orgasm?" He asks me as I crawl onto my bed and head to curl up on him. "Is that philosophical? Or maybe rhetoric?" I ask and he hums for a second. "No, it is actually what was going on in my brain while I was inside you. I kept going like "God is real, so freaking real". I dreamt about it for so long and it finally happened." He explains, running his fingers down my arm. "I was actually thinking when it would be over... So I could have you again, and again, and again." I reply, pressing a kiss on his chest, chest below the part his necklace ends. "Give me half an hour, and I can go at it again." He states and I giggle. "No, I am sore... I didn't think something so good would make me feel sore after..." I groan. "I love you." He mumbles, sighing. His chest rises and falls calmly, and his lips curl into a smile. "Ooh, take me out on a date first, dude." I decide to tease him, sitting up a little to be on eye level with him. He looks at me totally petrified, which makes me burst into laughter. "I love you... Perks of dating your best friend... No need to do the whole awkward dating thing before you actually realize you love or hate that person. And I love you, even though you are kind of a broody, pain in my fucking ass. Screw that, I love you because you are a kind of a broody pain in my fucking ass. Among other things." I reply, leaning down to peck on his lips. "I can't wait to tell Calum how wrong he was." He sighs, stroking my cheek. "I can't wait to punch Calum in the face for keeping you away from me." I take his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together. "Cute little bumblebee turns violent." He chuckles, making me look at him in confusion. "Bumblebee?" I ask and he hums. "Yeah, cause you are cute and buzzing and you go insane over flowers. Bumblebee..." He points out, making me smile. "I can get used to that..." I relax back on his chest, pressing my ear right over his heart.
My Masterlist
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new-tella-us · 3 years
Komahina Oneshot
Komahina ft. Trans Hajime. Another Tumblr inspired post. The tumblr account is catboymoments. Gotta give credit where credit is due.
If you didn't know that this is very gay and trans then idk how you got here but I'm happy to have ya.
But seriously, this has some pretty big trigger warnings
- Gender Dysphoria
- Complicated pregnancy
- Mentions of abortion
Anyways Onto the Oneshot!
Wow! I'm Pregnant! We're gunna have a happy family! Except...I'm a guy.
I feel horrible... This has been going on for about three days now. Mornings are the worst. I can't tell why. It's starting to worry Nagito and it's not like I can fake it, I tried. You can't fake puking. I can at least fake being somewhat lively.
...I need to get up. Need to get moving. Need to- Nevermind! I need to puke! Fuck... This feels disgusting. Maybe I should try and diagnose myself, or have Mikan help me. I felt a pat on my back; I knew it was Nagito but, I couldn't look at him while puking my guts out. When I finally finished desecrating the poor toilet I got up. I was sweating, pale and covered in whatever I managed to puke up on an empty stomach. I flushed the toilet and washed my face.
Nagito gave me a worried look. What was once an 'are you okay?' question turned into, "How are you feeling now?"
"I'm better," I responded. There wasn't much else to say, "I'll get this checked out soon, I'll just give it another day or two."
Nagito face turned stern, "Hajime, you need to get this thing checked out today! This has gone on for too long." He went out of the bathroom and grabbed his phone, "I'm calling Tsumiki-chan."
"Nonono! It's okay Nagito! I'll do it tomorrow! I can handle this myself!" I responded, a bit panicked. I never liked getting help from others, it didn't feel right to bother someone over something I can do myself.
"You said that yesterday. I'm calling Tsumiki-chan." He said in a more stern voice. I couldn't respond, there was no point in arguing with him when he's like this, plus; he's right. He made the call. I didn't hear Mikan's side of the call but, from what I can hear on Nagito's side, they made a time, 1 pm. He hung up and looked back at me, his glaze softened.
"Let's get you something to eat, okay?"
"Yeah," He smiles softly and gave me a small kiss on the forehead before leading me out of the house. But, while we were walking towards the cafeteria, a little voice told me something.
You know exactly what's happening.
I shook the thought away.
Breakfast was, mostly, fine. Only going to the bathroom once! Now, I have some time before I have to talk to Mikan. Nagito insists that I rest but I've gotten bored of doing that. I decided to just walk around the island. It was a really hot day and I was getting tired so, I couldn't walk for long. Huh, that never happens, I usually have more stamina than that... Maybe Nagito was right. Well, Nagito is usually right. Maybe I should just listen to Nagito more.
I started walking back, only taking a break to puke near a tree. Now, I'm really sweating, shaking too. I felt light-headed. Then, an unexpected helper appeared. She put my arm on her shoulder, behind her neck, her other hand supported me from my side. I didn't look up, I didn't need to. Her light orange kimono with scattered pink cherry blossoms gave away who she was.
"Hey Saionji..."
"Didn't listen to Komaeda again?" She knew it...
"Nope." I responded with as much satire I could muster.
"You're an idiot."
"Yup" Indeed I was but I could think about that a little bit more when my head wasn't spinning like crazy. Hiyoko helped me back to my cottage before leaving me to enter it myself. I opened the door and both Nagito and Mikan were sitting on the couch. I guess she came early.
"Hey guys, it seems like you were both waiting for me. Sorry about that."
"I-It's fine Hinata-san. So tell me a-about your condition. I've only seen g-glimpses of it" Mikan said.
So I explained. The morning sickness, the lack of energy and stamina. The fact that I can't even walk around the island without becoming pale and out of breath. Mikan thought about it and started checking her tablet. I assumed that she was looking up what this could mean before her eyes widen on something.
"I-I....I never knew this. Umm...I'll b-be right back." She seemed nervous as se got up and practically ran out of the house.
You know where she's going, you know what she's getting
There's that voice is again. I have no time for hallucinations or weird creepy messages.
Mikan returned after a few minutes with a little rectangular box in her hand.
"Welcome back, Tsumiki-chan. Now, are you going to explain why you suddenly freaked out like that and left?" Nagito said.
Mikan's gaze fell on me. Her look was almost unreadable. It's very unlike her.
"Hinata-san. Are you trans?" She asked bluntly.
"Wh-What?! What made you ask that??" I panicked. How did she know? How did she guess??
She turned her tablet to me; my profile was on it as was everyone else's. She pressed one of those special info buttons and a symbol appeared next to my profile picture.
The Female Sex Symbol...
"I'm surprised that you didn't realize that this button exists. After all the creator of these tablets had a member who's entire case was solved because their sex was revealed." Mikan said. She always did have more confidence when she spoke facts. I didn't have anything to say, neither did Nagito. Mikan handed me the box; it was a pregnancy test.
"I w-won't ask. That's your b-business..." Her timidity returned. No, she won't ask because she'll get her answer depending on what I say or do. I could hand her back the test. I could lie and say I'm a virgin but, that wouldn't help me...
I got up and went to the bathroom...
...Are...Are you serious...? The test came back positive?! I...don't know how to feel about this... At least I know what's happening to me and probably why it's hitting me so hard.
...I feel too sick for this.
You knew this was coming.
'Izuru...not now. Please.'
You know you can't fully get rid of her.
'Who are you talking about?'
As if to answer my question, he materialized but not as himself. He materialized as a young girl. A girl that looks a lot like me.
'Fuck off, Izuru. You know that's not me...'
Is it not? It's who you once were.
'That was never me! She was someone else. Just a person of the past.'
And that way of thinking is what got you here. It's time for you to face the facts. You may be a boy but, you're not male. You forgetting that is why that test is positive. You took a chance, you were risky and here you are.
'We're done here.'
I was steaming. I couldn't listen to another word that fell out of that man's mouth. I needed to calm down. I took some deep breaths and left the bathroom. Mikan left but, Nagito was still there. I wasn't concerned with him knowing that I was trans, he already knew; he would have to know since he's...
"So, what happened? What did she give you? Are you okay?" he asked but, I had a feeling that he knew. I didn't want the mood to be sour. Having kids is supposed to be a good thing so, I wanted to lighten the mood with a pun.
"Well, I guess I should be invisible."
"...What? What do you mean?" He looked puzzled.
I looked at the pregnancy test. "Well, I'm a trans-parent." (Yes, I took this pun from the same tumblr user)
He looked at me, still puzzled, for a few minutes before he realized.
"...oh. Oh OH! You don't mean-" He looked happy, so happy. He gave me a hug, "Oh my god! I've always wanted to be a dad!"
He has? Great... Personally, I never wanted kids. I used to but, secondary school... changed me and showed me that really, I don't. But I can't just make a split second decision, he seem so happy...
"Yeah, but can we discuss this a bit more? I have my issues that I need to address."
His smile faded a bit "Uh sure"
We both sat on the bed of our room. I didn't know what to say. I don't know if I want to do this but, it would feel wrong just to abort with no conversation.
"So umm... Nagito. I...I don't know if I'm- we're ready to have kids. I guess I'm kind of worried?"
Tell him the actual reason, Hajime.
"I don't know what effect this might have on me and I'm scared that I might not be a great dad..."
"Is that the reason?" Nagito asked.
If you don't tell him, I will.
"..." I wasn't going to say anything but, Izuru kept on his threat. I lost control of my body.
"He has gender dysphoria" Izuru said, "So this pregnancy is reminding him of his uncertainty. The place he used to live in was not the most accepting of transgendered people"
Nagito fell silent, he was stunned. Damn it Izuru... did you have to be so blunt? I got control of my body back, I couldn't even look at Nagito, I felt so ashamed, I was putting my anxieties above a life. It felt...wrong. Or is it a life? It's a clump of cells but, it can become a life. I've been around too many mixed influences. I wish I knew which decision was the good decision.
Then again..
Is there truly a 'good' decision? On one hand, I'm killing a potential life and that will haunt me but, if I'm not ready to be a parent, I'm bringing a child into a world neither it nor I'm ready for and with a current war having, it's not like adoption is an option and, like Izuru said, it forces me to accept-
"Why didn't you tell me?" Nagito asked. He didn't sound mad, he sounded sad and even a bit guilty, I didn't answer, "I'm sorry if me saying that pressured you." He gave me a hug. I felt so guilty. "I can't say that I fully understand but, no matter what you choose, I'll be in your corner."
"I'm gunna give it a week or two then I'll make my decision," I said nearly in tears, "thank you for being so supportive."
It's been two weeks, I thought about it everyday. I was already two week pregnant so with another two weeks, the time for abortion via safe mentions was soon ending. I hesitated and swayed back and forth on my answer. I truly didn't know for a while. But, about two days before my decision I found myself sticking to an answer. I'll stick with this pregnancy. It might help me get over my gender dysphoria, maybe not fully but, somewhat? Plus, it's quite an efficient way to tell everyone that I'm trans. And who know, maybe I'm a better parent than I think I am and with Nagito, I feel like I can take it. It's sort of strange; I'm aware of all the health risks, the mental tax, the problems and possible sadness but, I feel like I can take it. I feel calmer know that I at least, have one person- well two people with Tsumiki, in my corner.
"I'm keeping it" I said with a hug.
"Really? You sure?" Nagito asked.
"Yeah, we're gonna be a family." I smiled, it wasn't fake.
But of course, like everything else in my life, it didn't come without complication. I was already pregnancy four weeks and was just feeling more exhausted. Another week had passed and I kept feeling worse. I didn't know why. I felt exhausted and cold. I was exhausted but not tired, not sleepy. I was awake and shaky. Nagito called Mikan again when he started to notice how pale I was getting. She said it was Iron Deficiency Anemia along with Hypertension. Two things that were really common in pregnancy. She gave me medication for it and it did help but not fully.
At about 8 weeks, I told the group about me being trans and about the child. Mikan recommended to do that instead of immediately because that's when the risk of a miscarriage goes down to less than 10 percent. The group was so happy to have two children born at similar times. Yes, two! Sonia and Gundham were having a kid as well. What a coincidence! Sonia insisted that we started talking more about it.
12 weeks in and everything has been going as smoothly as it can. There's still work, there's still complications, sleeping is an issue, I have been diagnosed with Insomnia, this pregnancy has also made me more dependent on Nagito and has given me more time to think and I don't know if I like that... But, everyone's been really supportive, they haven't treated me any different and because I have a bit more time, I can hangout with them more. I've learnt a lot more about Sonia. I knew a bit about her, like that she's into witchcraft and serial killer documentaries but, she was also into slice of life novels so, this was a dream of hers. How cute.
Weeks 16 - 30 can be summed up here. They all passed the same; excited conversations, preparations, fun little talks, work, insomnia, exhaustion, etc. What was really note worthy was while Nagito went out on a mission to the main lands, Makoto brought back a fluffy white dog, a Great Pyrenees puppy. We agreed to keep and so when Nagito came home, I surprised him with the dog. At first, he was silent, then he started crying; I was scared the he didn't like the dog but, that changed when he went up and hugged the dog, he was so happy. Apparently, this was the exact breed of the dog Nagito used to have. Wow, how lucky. He sat with it for hours before being willing to pry away from it and go to sleep. We decided to call her Lucy.
Fast forward to week 37, about 3 weeks before we thought I was due. I was pulling an all-nighter on this one project to have it done by tomorrow. I knew I was pushing myself but I was almost done, I wanted to free up my schedule so I can have more time with my baby. Nagito, however, was starting to get concerned.
"Hajime, it's really late. You should rest."
"I'm almost done, okay? I just need to finish this last assignment and I'll be in bed. Just give me about an hour." I said, trying to easy his concern.
"Alright.." He didn't sound too convinced but he did leave.
I continued to work on my project and the time flew by until in the middle of my assignment, my stomach really hurt, more than usual. Do you really need to kick that hard, Future Child? I tried to continues working but the pain would just come back worse every time. Maybe I should just go to bed... I tried to get up and walk back to my bedroom but the pain sent me down the floor, everything hurts...everything hurts...I couldn't even scream, I was in so much pain...I felt something wet trickle down and I knew what it was at this point. I didn't know what to do, I was crying. Was I going to die? Was I just going to have to give birth here and now? What can I do??
Then, my savior came into the room. No not Nagito, Lucy! She took one good look and me and went sprinting out the door. I could hear her barking and soon she seem back with Nagito.
"Hajime!! Are you okay!?"
I wanted to say something to something to that question; 'yes', 'no', 'shut the fuck up and call Tsumiki' but, I couldn't let out a sound. Luckily, he took the hint and called Mikan.
"Tsumiki-chan. I'm sorry to wake you but, Hajime may be going through contractions? Please help?!"
They talked for a bit, I could barely focus. I just remember Nagito carrying me to the bathroom while talking to Mikan. I don't know if she was just fast or if I blanked out for a bit but, Mikan was there before I knew it. They both briefly conversed before they got me dressed in a cheap, long white shirt and set me down in the bath. Mikan started sticking needles in me, I don't know what for and she was still talking to Nagito. She finally looked at me and told me to count my contractions and how often they happen. After each one (Because it hurts too much to talk during contractions) I would tell her, when she decided that they were regular enough, she grasped my hand a little and told me to take a deep breathe. I did. Then she told me to push.
That's when it hit me, this was happening now! Oh my god, I was not ready for this but, I don't have much of a choice. So I pushed. Oh god it hurts! I felt like my bones were breaking. She then told me to breathe again and I did, we repeated this until the water started to turn red with blood.
Blood? Did someone die? I felt like I was somewhere else. I was watching the murders of the student council again, so much blood...like a perfect quality horror movie, I saw them all murder each other clear as day, every person, every stabbing, every slicing, every shooting, all the bloodshed, clear as the day I first saw it. I never forgot any of their faces...
Then, as if it couldn't get worse...all the murders, all the executions...all the blood, clear as day. I was just watching, unable to do anything. Nagito...Chiaki... They were gone. Was my happy life all a dream? Is this the reality I'm truly in or am I hallucinating and this is the fake reality? I can't tell, I can't tell... I want out of this nightmare! I hear voices in the distance, at first I couldn't understand what they are saying but, as the voices got louder, I could slowly understand. Were they calling me? I got my answer.
"HAJIME!" Nagito shouted, dragging me back to reality. I panicked at the different scenery. My heart was pounding, threatening to rip out of my chest. I looked around to see where I was, I was in the bathroom. I couldn't keep my vision still.
Nagito cupped my cheeks, obviously trying to calm me down. "Hajime look at me, okay?"
I tried to focus my vision on him, his eyes full of panic and worry.
"You're having a panic attack. Whatever you saw, it's just an illusion. You're okay, I'm okay, everyone is okay. Please try to calm down."
My throat was dry and hoarse but, I took a deep breath. I continued to do that until I became calmer.
He smiled down at me "Good...good."
Mikan then piped up, "Komaeda-san, I'm sorry but, we do need to c-continue with this..." Then she got an idea, "If blood is a trigger to Hinata-san then can maybe he should just look at you instead. I'll still need your attention Hinata-san but, just keep l-looking at him."
"Yeah, that's a good idea." Nagito agreed. I just nodded. So Mikan continued with her instruction and I kept my eyes on Nagito. It made the birthing a little easier to see his smile and soon enough I did my last push, I felt a weight leave me and while I was still sore, it didn't hurt nearly as much anymore. That's when the fatigue washed over me. I could feel myself passing out already.
"Hey hey...um, I know you're tired but, can you stay awake just a little longer please? Just until Tsumiki-chan says it's okay. Please?"
I didn't want to, the work should be over by now but, I could do it. Voices faded in and out, I was barely able to concentrate. Then, Nagito gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"You did it Hajime! It's okay now, you can rest." His voice was quiet and soothing.
"...Great.." I replied groggily before falling asleep almost immediately after.
I fell into a deep, very needed sleep. It was relaxing for once. No dreams, no nightmares just, floating in the darkness. But, I had to wake up.
The sun was shining through the curtains, not too much sun but, just enough to give the room a bright warm haze. I still felt sore but, it was much better than last night. I sat up and yawned.
"Oh good morning, Sleepyhead." Nagito said, playfully. He was sitting right next to me, looking at me with a warm smile. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up."
I felt a bit out of it, it seemed so peaceful right now, I just wanted to bask in it for a while. I took the time to notice things around me, like the fact that I was wearing something different; it was one of Nagito shirts and my boxers. I also noticed a little crib in the far corner of our bedroom with what looks to be a baby inside.
"Do you want to see your child?" Nagito asked.
I could only nod. He got up and went to the crib, picked up the small child and came back to the bed. Handing me the child he said,
"Meet your new baby son"
I held the child gently in my arms and at that moment, everything became worth it. He woke up and looked at me. I was expecting him to cry but, instead he just giggles grabbed my finger. Now I'm the one whose crying!
Nagito chuckled, "Don't cry on the baby!" He said playfully but, he was crying too.
He gave me a kiss, "I love you, Hajime"
I returned it, "I love you too, Nagito"
We both held our son and I knew, deep in my heart, this was the right decision.
We're a family now!
If I got something wrong, please tell me. I really tried and I wanna get it right.
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supernaturaldesires · 4 years
A Descent Into Insanity - Chapter Two
Based on request by @sweetpotato-97
Could ask for a fic of Yandere Dean with a reader who sees him as a best friend and a form of brother for them, of course in the beginning Dean was not a yandere but he changed with the passage of time?
Note: the reader in a way is innocent and does not know that Dean is in love with them.
Pairing: None (yet)
Characters: Dean & Sam
Warnings: none, other than a slightly protective Dean
Word Count: 1,573
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A couple of days after the incident at the bar, the Winchester brothers headed back out on another hunt. You had asked to go with them, but Sam explained that there was another case in Indianapolis that would need investigating once their case was resolved. He told you that there had been at least four cases of seemingly normal people suddenly turning violently on their loved ones, ultimately killing them. Sam asked you to do some more research before they went to investigate, to try and understand what they’d be running into - and promised that you could accompany them on that one.
After spending a day pouring over internet articles you were convinced you were dealing with a siren. The only problem though, was the article didn’t say anything about their weaknesses, only their powers. You did notice, though, that one of the articles you had read was authored by a woman in Lincoln, Nebraska, only a few hours away from the bunker.
You knew the boys wouldn’t be home wouldn’t be home for at least another day, so you decided to pay the woman a visit to see if you could find out anything else from her. You grabbed your phone, a map and a couple of twenties for gas and set off.
When you arrived at the woman’s house, she was a nice enough lady. She invited you in for tea and when you got to talking, it turned out she had crossed paths with John Winchester before. You hadn’t met the man - who was something of a legend in the hunter world - but you’d heard many a story that made you disappointed that you’d never had the opportunity to meet the man, not just because he was Dean and Sam’s father. 
After holding polite conversation with the lady for about an hour, you realised you weren’t going to get any more information than what was in the article, so you said your thank yous and made your excuse to depart. Once you got back into your car, you checked your cell for any messages. Shit. The battery was dead and you’d left your charger back at the bunker. With a sigh, you started the engine and made your way back home.
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When you pulled up to the bunker, you were stiff from the long drive and cranky with hunger. You swung the door open and had barely set foot inside when Dean pounced on you, his hands gripping your upper arms and lifting you off the ground, holding you inches from his face.
“Where the hell have you been?” He roared, fury flaming in his eyes. “I have been calling you for hours!”
You struggled against him, but it was useless. Your legs flailed helplessly in the air. “Jesus, Dean, I was following up with a source about this case in Indianapolis. And since when do I have to share my whereabouts with you at all times?”
Dean lowered you to your feet, but pinned you against the wall. “For all I know, you could be in danger,” he growled. “You left no text, not even a note to say where you’d gone.”
“I wasn’t expecting you guys back yet!” You argued, still not understanding why you had to explain yourself. “Will you relax?”
“Y/N!” Sam’s voice came from behind Dean. “See, Dean, I told you she’d be fine. You were so worked up over nothing. Y/N, you should have seen him when he realised you weren’t here. I swear he lost his freakin’ mind.” Dean’s grip released you then, and within seconds he was in his brother’s face. The grin that was on Sam’s face a moment ago suddenly faded.
“Oh yeah, and what if she had been in trouble, Sammy? What if she got hurt, or worse? I bet you wouldn’t find it so amusing then, would you?”
You were a little relieved to see the same confusion that you felt fall upon Sam’s face, confirming that Dean was acting completely unreasonably. “Dude, will you chill? She’s a grown-ass woman, not to mention one who hunted alone for years before she met us. And saving your ass, may I remind you? Give her some cred, yeah?” Dean stepped back from his brother, but the scowl didn’t leave his face. 
"If you’re both quite finished,” you said sharply. “I think I know what we’re dealing with in Indianapolis. So why don’t you go clean yourselves up, then I’ll talk you through what I’ve found out. We can prepare to leave first thing in the morning.”
Dean glared at you before storming off towards his bedroom. Sam scoffed at his older brother’s behaviour before turning to follow.
“Hey, Sam,” you said softly, reaching out and tugging on his sleeve. He turned back to you. “Thanks about that. I didn’t wanna say anything in front of Dean, I know he feels like we gang up on him sometimes. But I appreciate it.” 
Sam gave you a kind smile and a gentle shrug. “Didn’t say nothin’ that wasn’t true.” His smile faltered for a moment and concern tugged at the corner of his eye.
“What’s wrong, Sammy?” You probed. Dean would always poke fun at Sam for being a worry-wort, but you quickly learned that Sam worried based on his gut - and it rarely misled him.
The tall man dragged a hand through his shaggy hair. “I dunno, just Dean was acting a bit weird on the hunt,” he said slowly. “Honestly, I didn’t expect us to be back this early either. But for some reason Dean wouldn’t even sleep while were away. He was constantly checking the time, saying we needed to get back to the bunker. He wouldn’t explain why. But I guess this was our third back-to-back hunt, so he probably just wanted to get back and rest.” You could tell he wasn’t really convinced, so he certainly wasn’t convincing you, but you let it slide. You both shared a concerned smile before Sam turned on his heels and headed to his bedroom.
You followed him down the hallway then took a different turn and stopped outside Dean’s room. You stared at the door for a good five minutes, wondering if you were about to walk into another ambush. Breathing deeply, you knocked gently. “Hey, Dean? It’s me, can we talk?”
A moment later, the door opened and you realised he must have just come out of the shower. He’d thrown some joggers on, but his hair was still wet and there were beads of water dripping down his bare chest. Your mind suddenly went reeling back to that first night you met, when he and Sam took you to the bar to thank you for saving Dean. You found him incredibly attractive. You had watched how each muscle in face flexed and relaxed as he talked, smiled, laughed. Sure, you flirted with him a little, despite the age gap between you. You were closer to Sam’s age, but something in you just sparked with Dean. At some point that evening, when Sam excused himself to the men’s room, you made your move on Dean - some less-than-subtle suggestion that you had a problem with your brake light and could he come look at it. In hindsight, you realised that it was a stupid move - he and Sam had followed you in the Impala back to your motel earlier that day, so he would have known full well there was no issue with your lights. He gave you a soft smile and let you down gently - that you weren’t really his type. That you deserved to settle down with someone, and he wasn’t prepared to be that someone for anyone.
“Did you want something?” Dean’s voice snapped you back to the present and you realised you’d been staring at him in silence uncomfortably long.
“Um, yeah, just that I’m sorry I didn’t text you guys where I was,” you said, toying with a fraying thread on the sleeve of your jacket. You didn’t really feel like you needed to apologise, but you wanted to clear the air with Dean, especially if you’d be going on a hunt together tomorrow. You both needed to be focused. “I understand you were just worried about me.”
Dean sighed and stepped back from the door, letting you in. He scrubbed a hand over his face, looking uncomfortable - as he always did if anyone even breathed the word ‘emotions’. “I just... when we got back to the bunker and you weren’t here, I just panicked. I didn’t know where you were, who you were with. I got sca-” he stopped himself, clearing his throat and straightening up. “Just don’t do that again, ‘kay?”
You nodded and approached him gingerly for a hug. You knew he wasn’t exactly the touchy-feely type. But to your surprise, he welcomed the gesture and embraced you, giving you a squeeze. If you didn’t know better, you could have sworn he just smelled your hair. You stepped back and shook the feeling off.
“Let me go make dinner,” you said with a smile. “I still need to fill you and Sam in on the Indianapolis case, and I know it’s pointless trying to hold your attention on an empty stomach.” You gave him a friendly wink before leaving his room.
Why did you get the feeling he was watching you walk away?
<= Chapter One
Chapter Three =>
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Dean tags: @akshi8278
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics​
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alexbllake · 4 years
First kiss with Huntress
PAIRING: Helena Bertinelli x Reader
Requested: No.
Warnings: blood, wounds, fluff, my grammar 
Disclaimer: Sorry if there's any mistake, i’m too lazy to edit twice
spare tip, ma’am?
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Renee introduced you to her because you used to stitch her up when she got hurt on the job
 And after an ambush went south, Helena got hurt,  Montoya and Dinah dragged her, literally, to your house
 No jokes, she didn't want to go
"I'm fine, it's just a scratch"
" stuff the fuck up, Robin hood" said Dinah
Anyways, they took her to your house and you're just in awe with her
She was this tall goddess and  when they appeared at your door during the night you had to take a second to breathe
" y/n! We are dying out here" said Montoya 
"s-sorry, come in"
Helena was placed in your room while the girls sacked your fridge
You went to your bathroom to retrieve the first aid kit while she was laying in your bed watching every move you made.
" I-I need you to remove your tank top" you tried to sound sure and secure, but it was hard with her staring at you
 "Okay" she took her shirt and oh boy, she was ripped.
"It’s not awful but it's going to hurt" you told her
You tried to be the gentlest in her wound but there was only much you could to with that
" I'm sorry" whispered you after she winced when you applied the rubbing alcohol
 In her head, she was cursing the hell out of it and she didn’t want you to have a bad impression, you made her feel awkward, she barely knew you but Montoya trusted you enough to bring her to your house, so she felt like she needed to be less feral. But she couldn't hold the swear when you started to stitch her wound.
 "It’s okay, you can swear, you earn it" you joked
" Do you want to know how I meet Renee?" You asked trying to make small talk
" Sure" said her
" I did some questionable choices when I was in the school and she helped me when I got busted" explained you
" What kind of choices?"
" eh, just the usual, picking fights and trespassing"
" fights? You don’t look like you could hurt someone"
" Hey, I'm having serious skill okay?" Joked you " I just had anger issues"
" Dinah says I have anger issues" confessed her in a small voice
" you look fine to me"
You felt her ease a little more, even cracking a shy smile eventually, and she had a killer one, so you kept making small talk and jokes trying to make her smile and also to distract her from the wound on her stomach.
" all done, but you have to take easy for the next two weeks," you said
" I don’t think I can’t do that" replied her getting out of the bed
 " you have to, and you have to change the dressings at least once a day and check the stitches at the end of the week" lectured you
" can I come to you then?" Inquired her 
" y-yeah, sure"
" hey, lovebirds" called Dinah from the door " come eat"
"How long have you been standing there?" Huntress asked after you went to throw the used bandages on the trash 
" Long enough to see the heart eyes you were sending to her" she said 
" I wasn't sending HEART EYES AT HER " snapped
"Yeah, sure"
" we ordered pizza" said Renee when you reached the kitchen " how is she?" Inquired her referring to the grumpy woman
"She is fine, she just needs to take easy" you explain
" yeah, that would be easy to do"   said Dinah sarcastically 
" I told her that she can come here, and I will help to keep it in check" you informed 
" that's a weird way of asking someone on a date" commented Dinah after taking a bite of her slice
"For fuck's sake" exclaimed Helena trying to hide her blush
" Are you BLUSHING? inquired Dinah
" take it easy, Lance" said Montoya
" and you are blushing too, y/n" teased Renee
"Fuck you, Renee"
The rest of the night was hard to go by; you weren't good at hiding your feelings or your glances at the certain brunette
To be fair, Helena wasn't good either, which for where was unfortunate because Dinah just teased the poor thing during the whole night
" you guys should crash here" you said 
" yeah, and she should crash in your bed" teased Dinah
"I'm going to shoot you in your sleep" you said earning a shocked glance from Helena 
" Okay, kids, no violence in the house today" said Montoya " I take the couch and you two take the guest room"
"Nonsense, I take the couch and you guys take the beds" you said 
" you have work tomorrow" replied Montoya 
" yeah but I didn’t fight anyone"
After handing pillows and sheets, you went downstairs to your couch ready to hit the dreamland
"Thank you for helping me " said Helena 
"JEsus, you scared me " 
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to" apologized her awkwardly
 "It's fine, you can reach me if you need more help" you said looking at her
" I don’t want to bother you"
 " you are no bother, Helena" you told her" Renee told me your name"
" thank you, Y/n" said her once again
" you should go to bed" You made a mental note to wake up a little early so you could make breakfast for them, especially her
" goodnight/n"
"goodnight, Helena"
Helena did show up at the end of the week so you could have a look at her stitches
 Just like she did the countless time before, it became a weekly occurrence.
Helena liked the way you took care of her wounds, you were gentle, always making sure she didn't feel too much pain. You were patient, totally different from Dinah, who always end up getting yelled at because of it
Besides you always feed her too
" you need food, your body will heal faster and better" you said to her after a particularly difficult mission
The girls did know that you helped her, but they didn't know who often she visited your house
And Helena don’t feel like telling, Dinah wouldn't let her live it down and even Montoya was getting on it
" do you like her?" Inquired her " it's okay if you do"
" I don’t know what are you talking about"
" I care about y/n, but I also care about you and I think you should talk to her" she said once 
" can you please let this go?" Snapped the brunette
Helena didn’t know what to do, she never felt this kind of thing before, she had this fuzzy and warm feeling in her belly every time you touched her skin, and it wasn't sexual touch  or anything, she knew how that stuff felt but this was different and she didn’t know what to do
Especially now that you were cleaning her cuts and she couldn't stop looking at you
The way you pushed your eyebrows together in concentration or how you bit your lip when you're nervous
" you're gorgeous" she blurred out
You were taken by surprise with her statement, but you're pleased with that, very pleased
"Thank you, I think you're gorgeous too" you replied
" you don’t have to say it just because I said" 
" I didn’t say that because you told, I said because I think you are breathtaking"
" go out with me” she said 
" sure, where you want to go?" You asked her
" I don't know, I never got past that" she said staring at you 
" well, I can cook, and you can choose something to watch" you suggested
 " sounds good"
You went with something simple, something with meat and vegetables, while you stirred the pot and cut the veggies you could hear Helena in the Livingroom searching thought your movie collection looking for something she liked.
“Can we watch this?” she asked holding a copy of Brave
“Sure” said you holding the giggles.
The dinner passed quick, you both ate in silence, sometimes you could catch her looking at you thought her lashes. You thought it was cute the way she tried to seem like she wasn’t straight up staring at you.
"come" you called patting the spot next to you on the couch
" you can lay on me if you want" you told her after pressing the play button.
" Are you sure?" She asked
" come here, Robin hood" you joked
" Dinah told you that didn’t she" she said
" yes" you confessed
Helena sat on the spot you indicate, slowly leaning on your shoulder, you wrapped your arms around her waist pulling her closer to you.
" it's this okay?" You asked
" yes, you smell good" she said 
" thanks" replied you trying to hide the blush when you felt her breath tickling your neck.
“She should use a crossbow, it's more practical” said her for the 10th time during the movie.
“She is a kid, love” explain you 
“What you called me?” inquired looking at you.
“nothing” you said trying to dodge her gaze
“You called me love” she said
“I did” you confessed.
She stared at you with a confused look on her face, you slowly reached to her with your hand, touching her cheek.
“I like you” you said tracing her jawline with your fingers
She didn’t say anything, just closed her eyes and leaned into your hand, enjoying your touches.
“I’m going to kiss you now” whispered you.
You got closer to her until your nose was touching hers, her lips were soft, and she tasted sweet like the piece chocolate you both shared earlier, you moved your hands to the back of her head pulling her to deepen the kiss, you felt her lips part allowing you to slide your tongue past them, you wanted to taste all of her, and you knew she wanted to do the same by the way her hands gripped your arms.
The kiss was only broken after both of you run out of the air, but that didn’t stop you from pepper her face with small kisses making her giggle and squint her eyes.
“another? “asked her after recovering her breath.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
And Everyday: When Life Gives You Lemons, Put Some Vodka in Your Lemonade (Crystal Methyd/Gigi Goode, Jaida Essence Hall/Jan Sport) - Campvanjie
AN: This was originally written for a fic exchange, and posted to AO3 under my now deleted account there on May 1st, 2020. Reposting here, because I’m proud of it, and am clearing old S12 fics from my Google drive. I’m the original author of this work, and there’s absolutely no plagiarism going on!
Summary: Gigi needs a soft place to land after her quarter-life meltdown, and Crystal realizes the happily every after she gave up on, might not be totally out of reach. Meanwhile, Jaida and Jan work on restoring an old barnhouse; because marriage begets home improvement.Prompts: Parenthood AU, Enemies to Lovers, Idiots in Love, and Angst all used to varying degrees.
CW: conversations around divorce/child custody and (past) bullying behavior, character mentions (non-specific) mental health issues as the reason for a past breakup.
“- Ugh, anyway, it’s like 3:30, he’s almost an hour late and I don’t know why the fuck I even got all dressed up just to sit at court being looked at like I’m some cheap bitch-”, Gigi grumbled into her phone. It was pressed against her cheek as she tried her best to juggle her purse and a extra-large coffee held in her other hand, her livid glare captured perfectly in the harsh, white light of the bathroom mirror across from her.
“I dunno, maybe because you have to be there? Kind of the mom thing to do.”, Crystal told her, static edging into her voice.
It was a long-distance call after all, and Gigi had fought against her fingers dialing the number almost by muscle memory. She had only relented once she had gotten through the packed hallway of the courts complex, and almost collapsed into what seemed like the only empty bathroom.
Call Crystal, had been the only thing she could think of do, in between beating her palms against the cool, brick walls, and shaking with sobs she refused to shed for fear of ruining her makeup.
Without missing a beat; Crystal had picked up, her voice always high and slowed, syllables enunciated in a way that had trained Gigi into asking for coffee, like it was spelled with a K, calling her son’s name, with the E in the middle a sharp, upward spike.
Crystal, Gigi realized with a start; was who had taught her to gulp in her breaths to hide herself crying, and shove her fist into her front pocket, to keep herself from shaking so much.
“I know. I know you’re right. I just- God, I’m so sick of it. It just want this all to be over so I can go back to what’s important, and stop feeling like my entire world is crashing down around me."
Crystal laughed, a little too dry for it to be genuine. "Hey, Gigi?"
"If you- if you wanted, maybe you and the little munchkin could visit? Come see me in Missouri, maybe it’ll get your mind off things."
Gigi’s hands stopped underneath the stream of lukewarm water flowing from the faucet, her eyes meeting her reflection in the mirror. She looked like shit, no matter how much her carefully applied façade remained in place, her gaze jittered around the small room and she had never felt so truly tired in her entire life.
"Yeah. I mean, me of all people should know something about everything falling apart."
Less than an hour later, Gigi found herself dialing Crystal’s number again. She stood outside the courthouse, her glasses misted from the early- evening rain shower as she waited for her car.
Relinquished. She didn’t know whether to laugh, or cry, or take her parents up on their offer to live in their Florida timeshare and disappear off the face of the planet, too.
"He’s not coming because he filed paperwork to relinquish parental rights two weeks ago. In the eyes of the law, it’s just the two of you.”, her lawyer had told her, after finding Gigi just outside the bathroom. Jackie Cox was always dressed in tweed, pastel, pantsuits, dark hair coiffed in buttery smooth curls at the top of her head, her lips pursed in a thin, straight line, as though she was perpetually exhausted.
Gigi supposed that, being one of the city’s longest-serving family court attorneys would do that to you.
“I don’t know how I missed it on the dockets, but I should have told you first.”, Jackie apologized; her hand warm and steady at the small of Gigi’s back as she walked her client back up the hallway.
Gigi grunted, shrugging her shoulders underneath her jacket. “It’s fin- It wouldn’t have changed anything, Jackie. Really, thanks for everything."
She let herself lean against Jackie, letting one of her oldest friends wrap her arms around her, breathing in the scent of Jackie’s honeysuckle perfume on the courthouse steps.
"I’m sorry this happened-”, Jackie started, and Gigi could feel her heart sink to her stomach.
She had never done well with pity, least of all when she truly deserved it.
“Don’t be. Please, just don’t.”
“What are you going to do now?”, Jackie asked, as Gigi stepped out of her embrace, surveying the street before them that was quickly filling with cars and bikes and buses as the work day finished and school let out for the day.
“Right now? Get in an Uber and hope they don’t charge me triple for being late at daycare again.”
Crystal picked up on the fourth ring, and Gigi could hear the sound of a sink running in the background. Water splashed against metal, and the distinct sound of another woman’s voice, screeching with laughter, buzzed through the speakers of Gigi’s phone.
“Whoo- chile, I’m telling you if you come any closer with that flour, I’m gonna-"
"Shit. Sorry.”, Crystal had muffled the phone against her chest, the static only cutting out when Gigi was sure she had ducked into another room.
“How quickly can you get that guest room set up? I’m pretty sure we can make it for tomorrow if I drive through the night.”
“Mom- Mom it’s twelve-thirty-five. It’s way, way, way past your bedtime!”, Destiny crowed from his carseat, kicking at Gigi’s back. His blonde curls were plastered to the side of his face, lips dusted with salt from the bag of chips that Gigi had let him pick out form himself at their last rest stop.
Their entire lives had fit neatly into the sickeningly suburban five-seater that his father had insisted on, the largest luggage case filled with her son’s clothes and bedsheets still having enough room to jostle under his bare feet.
She knew it was impulsive, and stupid, and half-expected the police to pull them over several states away, but as the highways emptied to nothing bur a ribbon of white lines that kept them on the right side of the road, Gigi became more and more convinced she was doing the right thing.    
“My bedtime is five-thirty, kiddo. Yours is eight, so you get to stay up so much later.”, she joked easily, never having had Destiny for so many hours, all by herself in the years since he had started preschool.
“Wait, that doesn’t make sense! It’s eight at night and right now it’s morning! Nobody goes to sleep at five in the morning!”, he shrieked, and giggled at his own reflection in the rearview mirror.  
“That’s when the garbage truck wakes up!”, he added. Gigi didn’t remember, if he had ever talked so much, his voice jarring and so different from the toddler babbles she had recorded, and kept on her phone to watch on her worst days.
Her textile studio had taken up her days, until her partners had grown tired of Gigi stumbling in at eleven in the morning, unable to force herself to care very much about their bottom line, and the grey, dull world outside until Destiny had come to kick her out of bed.
Afterwards, his father would take her nights, the pressure incessant that they be exactly what they looked like- a family that belonged in a catalog, with a perfectly dressed, perfectly quiet child, money to burn and success in spades; drinking from matching flutes of champagne while Destiny was left alone in his basement bedroom with a baby monitor and his collection of stuffed animals.
Gigi faltered in a sea of plastic smiles and shallow conversations, and at the end of the day, all of her friends who had warned her off marrying her senior-year rebound, giving her life over to the promise of a bright, empty future, had been right.
He wanted to live in a dream, where she was only ever a sidekick; their son nothing more to him than a prop to parade, an filled-in item on a checklist that he had given up without a second thought.
Gigi had named him Destiny, because she liked it first, but second, because it had sounded so good with his last name; that she had never even considered having to change it.
Destiny Goode was a name that sounded like a motivational quote from a caveman, and she briefly wondered, merging on to the next interstate her GPS system highlighted- if a six-year-old would remember his name if she changed it right now.
He could be a Garret, or a Jaden, just like every other boy at school.
A fresh slate with no more questions to be asked, and nothing left to tie her perfect boy to Gigi’s worst mistake.
“-So, she’ll be here at nine-thirty, and we’re all going to be nice as fuck and not make it weird, okay?"
Crystal smoothed down the pleats of her skirt with her palms, her legs crossed in front of her at the breakfast table, as her eyes flitted between Jaida and Jan, who both had forks in hand as they enjoyed the chilaquilles that Crystal had set out for their meal, knowing this was going to be a big conversation.
“Okay, go back to the part where she broke up with you and then ended up married to darksided Warner-"
"Guys!”, Crystal protested, glaring down at her friends.
Jaida and Jan had bought the barn on her family’s property not even weeks after Crystal had agreed to put it on the market, the decrepit, white-washed wood tower an eyesore along the country highway.
They were the closest thing she had to neighbors, in the wide acres of rolling plains that separated everyone by miles along the road, and it hadn’t taken long for the three of them to grow close.
Together, they had carved a guest house out of the front entryway, laying water pipes and television cable; and were working on renovations to turn the barn’s hall into an event space, with glass lanterns hanging high along the rafters that Crystal remembered walking across like a tightrope when she was a child.
Jan drilled in heavy wood planks to form a catwalk that overlooked the barn floor, which you could reach from the outside fire escape, and Crystal had been thrilled to finally put her years of following behind her father to use, toolbox in hand as she sanded down the reinforced beams holding up the roof.
If Gigi hadn’t called her, Crystal and Jan had a day ahead of them of hauling the shingles from a pallet left by the side of the road, in Crystal’s truck up to the barn, while Jaida had her camera, and a full calendar of Senior Portraits to finish before the end of the school year.
“I know it sounds like a lot, but please, please, don’t make it weird. Gigi always…- She always needed everything to go perfectly, and I hate to say it but… I might be her only real friend. Like, ever.”, Crystal told them, biting down on the inside of her cheek.
Gigi, who for the past few years, had been nothing but  a collection of memories that would fire in her brain occasionally, like a slight twinge from an old injury, would be back in the flesh at her doorstep, at any minute. Crystal barely had the time to recruit Jaida’s help in clearing out her guest rooms for Gigi and her son, much less process how she truly felt about offering up her home as their refuge.
Gigi had never responded to the birthday cards she sent for Destiny after his third birthday; barely ever logging into her Facebook page that had been filled with photos of the two of them through college; and seemed to abruptly be cut off after she had gotten married. Occasionally, something would trickle through, a vacation photo of her little family, and anniversary note, a first day at school and a post that asked everyone to go and follow her business page.
For all of the refreshing Crystal did, Gigi’s studio seemed to never upload anything beyond its logo and business hours.
“Nah, listen, I get it, babe.”, said Jaida, a tortilla chip hanging from the corner of her mouth. “People grow and change and we gotta meet them where they’re at."
She nodded towards Jan, who was gulping down her orange juice, with a fond grin. "If you would have told my queen bitch ass when I was in high school, that I would end up married to Miss Team Too Much, I would have stole your man and told the whole school some dirty secret.”, Jaida laughed. “Everybody’s dealing with something, and I was so closeted and angry I was acting a fool for free."
"You were never closeted.”, Jan piped up, her voice rising an octave from normal, making Crystal widen her eyes as she looked to her side.
“Glass closet, honey. Besides, my point is, it’s water under a bridge, whatever we do when we’re young. I love you now.”, she said, pressing a kiss to Jan’s temple as she rose to go take their dishes to the sink. “You ended up turning out to be an amazing woman. I’m sure Gigi’s just the same."
The sun was high over the horizon line when Gigi’s car rumbled up the range road, rocks spraying into the grass as her wheels skipped over the pockmarked dirt.
She had taken Destiny to a hotel waterpark with a free breakfast, the absolute joy and shock on his face more than worth being several hours off of the arrival time she had texted Crystal. He was asleep now, only dressed in a pair of shorts and his sneakers, the buckles of his carseat starting to chafe red against his skin.  
Gigi turned left at the barn, towards the yellow-shuttered house she remembered visiting over so many spring breaks and reading weeks, surprised to see two workers, stacking pallets of shingles by the barn door. One was a gorgeous, darker-skinned woman, the sun glittering from the highlights in her hair as she waved over to Gigi, making her grin despite herself.
Crystal’s tiny town had always been welcoming, the huge open expanses of space seeming to make everyone all the more willing to seek a connection- though Gigi would have never guessed that Crystal and her family would ever do anything with the barn, which looked just a little less decrepit than she remembered, so many years later.
She parked by the balcony, just in front of Crystal’s truck, and shook Destiny awake, helping him into the first shirt which she could reach from his bag.
"C'mon, Des. We’re here. Are you excited to say hi to Mom’s friend? She stayed up all night to make you new room!”, she asked, watching as he took in the word around them.
“You have friends?”, he blurted out, so plainly that Gigi couldn’t keep a smile off her face, even if he had probably heard that from a TV show she probably shouldn’t have been letting him see.
“That’s not very nice."
Still, she kissed the top of his head, and helped him out of the car, his tiny hand feeling heavy in hers as they made their way up the stairs to Crystal’s door.
The balcony creaked under their feet, as Gigi raised her hand to press against the doorbell, Destiny tugging against her shirt, pointing up at the colorful strips of cut paper that still adorned the windows, the sun cutting what must have been a stained-glass glow inside the house.
"Snowflakes, like at school!”, he called to her, pressing his face against the windowsill before Gigi pulled him back.
“No, it’s called papel picado.”, Gigi corrected, remembering how Crystal had spent hours at her paper press in the basement of the art rooms in college, a mess of stencils spread across the desk, a chisel and mallet in hand as she studied the pictures her grandmother would send her.
Crystal’s tongue would poke out of her mouth, her pupils blown wide in concentration, oblivious to the darkening sky above her until Gigi would find her, at half-past midnight, standing still wide awake in the middle of confetti slices of cut paper piling around her.
They would kiss, exhilarated and young and alone together, and Gigi would never think anything was wrong until-
“Gigi! Geegs! Look who’s late to their own party!”, Crystal squealed, the door swinging wide open to reveal her; red-brown hair still as wild as ever, piled into a messy ponytail atop her head, and a smile so wide Gigi could see nearly all her teeth. Crystal sparkled with the same craft glitter that had always hung from her fingertips, her cheeks flush as though she’d run from one end of the house to the other.
Her eyes looked bright again, the memory of which was so foreign to Gigi that she took a moment to take it all in, Crystal’s bright skirt and her tight, sleeveless top looking all the more like relics of the summers they had spent together.
“Ahoy.”, she greeted, raising a hand to her forehead in a mock salute.
Crystal giggled.
Giggled, like she always had, and waved them inside with a flourish of her hand.
“Are you mad at me?”, Jaida asked, kicking open the toolbox that she and Jan shared.
They had watched Crystal let the storied Gigi into the house, and decided to occupy themselves with bolting down the side light fixtures in the barn, until whatever was probably going on between their neighbor and ex calmed down enough for Crystal to invite them in.
But, Jan’s temper had grown increasingly short through their day, her drill now clenched in a white-knuckled grip as Jaida held the ladder she was on steady below her, digging in the tool box for the next drill bit she would need.
“Why- the fuck- would I be mad at you?”, she said through gritted teeth, over the sound of the power tool in her hand.
“‘Cause you just said fuck, for one.”, Jaida muttered, her eyes rolling skyward. Her wife had always been a little dramatic, but there was nothing Jaida hated more than the silent treatment, far preferring a knock-down, drag-out, screaming fight to being frozen out for hours with little more than a sharp glance or a silent nodded sent her way.
Jan shrugged her shoulders, her favorite blue and red flannel shirt stretching deliciously tight across her back.
Was Jan teasing her? Was it all some kind of elaborate game that was intended to be finished in their bedroom?
“Well, whatever you’re doing, it’s killing the mood, babe.”, Jaida teased, hoping that Jan would get the hint.
Instead, she dropped the drill from her grip, clattering down the ladder as it bounced on the hard-packed ground. The battery pack popped from the tool’s back, not that Jan could be bothered as she stalked away, ignoring Jaida’s raised eyebrows.
“Hey- hey- you can’t just wreck stuff because you’re having a bad day!”, Jaida called after her wife, looking down at the mess of wires at her feet. “And I don’t know how to fix this shit so-"
She fell silent, as Jan’s steps echoed up the outdoor fire escape, her body disappearing until Jaida could only see the outline of her long, blonde hair, blowing in the wind from the balcony.
"Jan?”, she shouted, following her up the steps. “Hey, I know I fucked up, but you gotta tell me how otherwise I’m not gonna know how to fix it."
"Right.”, Jan scoffed as Jaida rounded the corner, the two of them facing towards Crystal’s house, where a second-floor light flickered on and off several times. “I forgot that everything’s so easy for you, I just have to spell it all out."
"Okay, what does that even mean?"
Jan glowered at her wife, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Why did you tell Crystal the reason you were a bully in high school was because you weren’t out?"
"That’s what this about? Baby-”, Jaida reached forward, her hand only barely touching Jan’s shoulder before her wife flinched away. “I was just trying to make her feel a little better about the whole thing, everything going on with Gigi. I don’t even remember if I was a bully in high school."
"Maybe I do.”, Jan snapped, her eyes flashing up in anger for a split second.
Jaida sighed, looking back over the horizon; where the sun was starting to dip at the back of scattered farmhouses and cottage homes littered accross the plains. “Look- I- I’m sorry and I shouldn’t have brought it up-”
“You’ve never apologized."
"You want me to say sorry?"
It had been years since Jan and Jaida had reconnected, long separated from the people that they had been as children.
Jaida had remembered Jan as an easy target from their first day in kindergarten, a tiny, loud girl who fell into a pattern that followed until Jan had left for college on a musical theatre scholarship, and Jaida had gone to play basketball for a small, comfortable liberal arts college in the heartland. When she had met Jan again; she was another person who shared the same name, at an alumni event where both of them had been invited to promote their respective colleges.
Where Jan had always worn her heart on her sleeve, the woman Jaida had married was confident, and passionate, witty and driven beyond belief.
She hadn’t had a second thought proposing to her, in the middle of the butterfly sanctuary at the zoo in the springtime, kissing her passionately without question at their Central Park wedding, their families both swaying together underneath the canopy of a white tent, to the music of the very first DJ they had found on Google.
"I just want you to- admit that it happened.”
“You’re acting like this was a big deal.”, Jaida groaned. “Baby, we were kids."
"It was a big deal. I thought about the stupid shit you and your friends said, for years after- and you don’t know what that was like."
"Okay- I-”
Jaida sighed, laying her hands on the railing that rounded the balcony, squeezing the metal rung tightly against her palms, the fight seeping out of her as she studied her wife, who looked on the verge of tears.
“Jan- baby, hey, I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.”
Silence fell between them, the sound of the crickets the only thing that cut in between their breaths. Jan buried her face in her hands, elbows resting against the railing beside her wife.
“I know. It’s just, that stuff adds up sometimes.”
She pressed herself into her wife’s shoulder, letting her head rest against Jaida’s arm.
“It adds up the other way around, too. Don’t think it doesn’t.”, Jan whispered, and Jaida finally let go of a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in, her arm snaking around to rest around her wife’s waist. “It’s just a lot of work.”
“Then I’ll work on it, baby. Just tell me what you need.”
Gigi was surprised, at how instantly familiar Crystals kitchen was, breakfast leftovers heaped on top of Destiny’s plate while she quietly accepted a Diet Coke, sipping at the flat beverage as she finally began to relax. Gigi could tell her son was starting to feel sleepy, his eyes losing focus even as he kept lifting his fork to his mouth.
“Cielito.”, Crystal cooed, as she ruffled his curls, passing by the two of them as she moved to shutter the blinds in the kitchen. Destiny clearly thrived under the attention, and Gigi wondered if he had always craved touch, or if he was only a child who was excited by all of the new things around him. The heat was sticky, and Crystal’s brightly painted walls made the whole house look even more like an eternal birthday party, the fridge covered with photos and magnets.
Crystal had never learned to speak Spanish, at least as far as Gigi knew, having begged Crystal to help her pass her class for months when they had been roommates, but she supposed, she must have picked up more of it, with all the time she must have spent with her family afterwards.
“Where are you Mom and Dad?”, Gigi asked, swirling her straw in her Diet Coke. “I should say hi, right?"
Crystal shrugged. "We could Facetime? They were back in Mexico for a while after my Dad got sick, but right now they’re travelling Europe, living the old people dream. I’m sure my Mom still misses you."
Gigi took a deeper breath, her lips pursed as she watched Crystal dump dirty dishes in the sink.
"Is um- are you getting the barn demolished? I saw a couple people working on it outside."
"Oh, that’s just Jan and Jaida. They live there. I sold it a few months ago, and they’re trying to turn it into, like, a wedding hall. You’d love them- they’re the gayes-”, she paused, looking down at Destiny as he tipped his glass of orange juice into his mouth. “They’re super, super in love, and so gross."
Gigi could feel herself start to blush, even though she had started having that conversation with her son almost as soon as he had started to learn to talk.
"I usually have them over for dinner, so you can say hi."
Gigi coughed, swallowing the question that had been at the tip of her tongue since she had spoken to Crystal the day before.
"So? are you seeing anyone?”, she asked.
Crystal shook her head. “I’m not really looking.”, she said. “Still putting the cry in Crystal!”, she laughed. “And you were right, I wouldn’t want to put that on anyone else."
"I- ”, Gigi bit back her reply, not quite knowing if this was a talk she wanted to have, with her son arranging chips on his plate not two feet in front of her.
“Hey- buddy”, Crystal tapped on Destiny’s shoulder, nudging him with her hip. “Go wash your hands in the bathroom. It’s the one with the fish on the door and Star Wars on the curtain."
He looked back up at his mother, Gigi giving him a curt nod of approval as he skittered up the hallway.
"He’s a cute kid, you know? You’re doing a good job.”, she told Gigi, pushing the boy’s chair back in.
“Yeah… mostly not my job, but I’ll pass it on to our last nanny."
Gigi had stood with their plates, following Crystal to the sink where she happily plunged her arms into the hot, soapy bubbles, not caring very much for how her shirtsleeves got soaked in the water, navy fabric clinging to her wrists.
"Seriously. Gigi- look at me.”, Crystal reached around her, shutting off the faucet with a decisive clicking noise. “I don’t blame you for being twenty-one and not sticking around after I flipped out because I didn’t know how to deal with college, and real life and everything. It’s a day by day thing.”, she shrugged, reaching to open a cabinet and put the glasses in the drying rack away.
Crystal’s body was almost uncomfortably close, pressing into Gigi’s side like she remembered them being like, when they had shared their first apartment, having barely enough room for two people in between the fridge and the stove.
“Some days are better than others. But it’s-”, she paused, and smirked, her lips curling into the same wicked grin that Gigi could never shake from her memories, no matter how hard she tried. “No offense, but you’re not important enough for it to have been your fault."
"Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”, Gigi couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head. “Kick a girl when she’s down?"
"Or, some people just have shitty brain chemistry, and other people are assholes. Stop thinking it’s all on you all the time, you absolute flaming fuck-up.”, Crystal told her, her words softening behind her smile.
“Maybe don’t say flaming, but I did fu-"
Destiny padded back into the room, rubbing at his eyes. "Is it adult time yet?”, he asked, his tiny mouth yawning open. “Everyone’s saying all the bad words."
Crystal snickered, turning her undivided attention back to rinsing out the sink, her back turned to the both of them as if to say Gigi was on her own with that one.
"Good night, I guess.”, she muttered, shuffling across the tile towards him.
“See you tomorrow, Geegs. Just don’t forget, there’s always that.”
Gigi laid in bed with Destiny resting half on her chest, her son not wanting to leave her side, once the novelty of their adventure had worn off, and he had started to realize that there was a certain kind of permanence, to Crystal’s rainbow-colored walls, to the laughter from the kitchen that came from Jan and Jaida, who had eyed Gigi with enough suspicion to let it be known to her that she was absolutely not welcome in whatever little world they had built.
Okay, maybe the last bit was just in her head, and she could just introduce herself properly at breakfast the next morning- but she had still jumped at the chance to lock herself in Destiny’s appointed bedroom, pretending that he would need her to fall asleep, even though he had only wanted to cuddle before passing out completely the second that she dimmed the lights.
She scrolled through her phone, mindlessly as her son shifted in her arms, the message bubble beside his father’s name still lit up red with unread texts, that she skipped through to flick past her Instagram feed, landing on Crystal’s profile at the very bottom of her following list. The very first account which she had followed, years ago, and the very last that she kept up with, the creeping intimacy of being under Crystal’s roof, trying to piece together the life she had dropped out of, thicker than the heat of the air around her.
Crystal’s photos were all filtered through something that made them look brighter, more vibrant than the rainy afternoons and damp wetlands that they featured in the background, the captions all long, effusive essays about the importance of showing up to vote, or the beauty of the creek behind her house in the summertime. The most recent photo, featured her lying in a bed of sunflowers, grinning up at the sky, eyes half-shut against the sunlight.
Don’t look right into a solar eclipse!, the caption started, followed by at least a dozen laughing emoji faces, alternating with bright pink flowers. Sometimes life just punches you in the face, dummy! And you just gotta deal with it anyway. Don’t waste a second!
Gigi chuckled, locking the phone and laying it back on the bedside table, trying to move as little as possible as she turned off what was left of the light in the bedroom, and drew herself closer to her son in her arms.
His breathing was steady, his hands reaching for her hair in his sleep.
“Okay, kiddo. I got you.”, she said to nobody in particular, sinking lower in the sheets so she could tuck them tighter around him.
There’s always tomorrow, she could hear Crystal telling her, her voice clear as the dream Gigi was starting to slip into.
The next morning, she would start putting everything back together again.
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axwalker · 4 years
Tears in heaven 7: Grief
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Synopsis: Alexis O’Brien is about to get married but memories of her old life are coming back to haunt her.
Pairings: Liam x MC Drake x MC (TRR)
Warnings:   This is an 18+ blog.
 if you’re triggered by any of these issues, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS STORY
To catch up: Masterlist
A/N: The story will go back and forth between two different periods of time (2015-2019) 
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Songs inspiration: Tears in heaven by Eric Clapton
Thanks to @burnsoslow for so so so much. Not only she corrected my several English mistakes but she helped me with her feedback, and with Alexis’s letter and the horrible phone call she receives.I LOVE YOU  ❤️
Thank you @pedudley for beta reading, for ALL the feedback and for listening to my incessant whining while I was writing this chapter. I LOVE YOU  ❤️
November 2014 – November 2018
That Saturday had started like many others before. Drake woke up early to the sight of Alexis’s soft, bare skin next to him. He leaned over to pepper her back with lusty kisses. They were going to be apart the whole weekend, and Drake wanted to show his beautiful wife just how much he was going to miss her. Alexis woke up smiling and enjoying the jolts of pleasure that his ministrations always produced. Unfortunately, they both heard the voice calling them from the next room, suddenly interrupting their morning plans. Drake chuckled, resigned, as Alexis put on his Rolling Stones T-shirt. Twenty seconds later, Drake brought a sleepy Tom to the room with a book in his hands.
“C’mere, little man.” Drake placed him next to Alexis in their bed. Tom snuggled against his mother and gave her his favorite book as he did every Saturday morning. “I’ll go make us breakfast, Lexie,” he said and left for the kitchen after placing soft kisses on Tom’s and Alexis’ heads.
“Let’s see what you have this morning, Peanut.” She read the title out loud: “The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You really like this one, don’t you, hon?”
Tom nodded vigorously.  Alexis giggled and started reading as her son ran his little fingers over the drawings of the book.
When their reading was over, Alexis took Tom to his room. She went to the drawers to pick out his clothes.
“So, Shrek or Cars, Peanut?” she asked as she pulled out two different T-shirts from the top drawer.
“Shek!” Tom yelled excited.
“‘Shek’ it is, then,” she said, winking at him.
After a few minutes of chasing Tom around the room because he refused to wear his pants, they came down to the kitchen.
Drake chuckled at the sight of Tom wearing his green Shrek T-shirt with yellow pants and the cowboy boots Bianca had sent from Texas. His mother didn’t even know Tom. Those boots were the only gift she had sent him in three years, but Tom loved them.
“Bold choice of outfit, little man. Uncle Max will be proud.”
Alexis giggled. “He refused to wear anything else,” she said, placing Tom in his chair. “I can believe I have to work on a Saturday. I’m going to miss you two so much.” She pouted.
Drake was going with Tom to Ramsford for Savannah’s birthday. Alexis had gotten a job as the assistant to a renowned literary agent. She loved it, but it meant that she had to leave with her boss for the weekend to Portavira’s Book Fair.
Drake cupped her face before speaking. “You’re killing me with that sad little face. The weekend will be over before you know it. Tomorrow night we will be here waiting here for you, and we’ll have dinner ready. Do you want to cook with Dad, Peanut?”
Tom clapped with the spoon still in his hand, splashing strawberry yogurt all over the kitchen. “We make cake for Mommy!”
She took a kitchen towel and cleaned the mess, smiling at Tom’s vitality. “Well, if a delicious chocolate cake will be here waiting for me, I’ll be very motivated to come back as fast as possible.”
“I hope you’ll be motivated by more than cake, Lexie,” Drake said teasingly as he served them the food; he had prepared his Saturday special: Belgian waffles with Nutella and fresh bananas.
Alexis gave him a sultry kiss and whispered in his ear, “Finishing what you started this morning is definitely motivation number one.”  
Drake blushed. God, she loved him so much it hurt. “You look cute blushing, Mr. Walker.”
He chuckled. “I love you, Mrs. Walker.”
They ate and talked until Alexis’s phone beeped with a message. “Fuck, Drake! It’s Charlie; her car is picking me up in less than 10 minutes.”
Drake smirked. “A dollar in the jar, baby. And I’d like to remind you that you’re losing,” he added smugly.
Alexis stuck her tongue out at him, making Tom laugh. She took a bill out of her wallet and put it in the jar they had placed in the kitchen. They were both trying to stop swearing in front of Tom. Surprisingly enough, Drake was much better at it than she was.
After fetching her bag and coat, she sat on her husband’s lap, looping her arms around his neck. “I have to go -- please take care of our baby. I’m going to miss you two like crazy.”
He gave her a small peck on her nose. “Me too, Lexie, and don’t worry. We’ll see each other tomorrow night. Right, little man? Are you ready to have an adventure with your dad?”
“Yes, an aventure!” Tom exclaimed, beaming and making his parents laugh.
After saying goodbye to Drake with a deep kiss, Alexis took Tom out of his chair and bounced him around, making him giggle. “You behave, Peanut. I will be thinking about you,” she said, rubbing his stomach. “I love you so, so much, my baby.”
Tom placed his small hands on her face. “Me too, Mommy.” Her heart tugged when she put her little boy back in his chair. She was having more trouble than usual saying goodbye.
Drake smiled at the scene. He scooped Tom up into his arms, and they went to the door to wave Alexis goodbye as her car drove away.
Alexis worked hard that day; Charlie was a great but demanding boss. That night, she went to bed with The Goldfinch, Donna Tart’s latest novel. Tart was one of her favorite authors, but she was unable to focus on the story. Alexis finally closed the book and unplugged her phone. Scrolling through The Cordonian Times News website, she saw that a huge storm was about to hit Ramsford. She decided to call Drake.
“Hi, baby. How was the Fair?” he asked.
“Great! You know Charlie. She’s a shark. Three new writers will be signing their contracts next week.” She toyed with her ring before adding, “I just saw that it was rainy as hell in Ramsford.”
“Yeah, the storm is pretty shitty, but I’m a good driver, Lexie. Don’t worry.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay at Ramsford tonight? It’s safer. Please?” she insisted.
“Yes, I’m sure. But please don’t worry, baby. I’ll be careful,” he answered, smiling. She worried too much about them.
Alexis knew better than to insist; Drake was even more stubborn than her. “Fine. Is our Peanut having fun? Did you take pictures?”
“Yes, lots of pictures. I’ll send them when we hang up. He’s napping now, but Max and Liam played with him all afternoon. I swear, I don’t know which of the three of them was having more fun.” Alexis giggled, making Drake terribly nostalgic. “I miss you so much, baby. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
Alexis looked at the picture of them that she kept in her wallet. “Me too, Drake. And I’m glad that Tom is having so much fun. Tell him I love him with all my heart. I’m sorry he’s napping; I was hoping to talk to him.” She sighed, before adding, with a hint of worry in her voice, “Drake, please be careful. Don’t leave Ramsford if it’s raining too much.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll call you when we get there. I love you like crazy, Lexie.”  
“I love you like crazy too, Drake. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” Both of them hung up the phone smiling.
Drake looked out the window. The storm had calmed down, but it was still raining. He decided to leave anyway; he was a good driver, and the cabin wasn’t far from Ramsford.
He secured Tom in his car seat and left.
They had been on the road for half an hour when Drake took a sharp curve. It happened in a matter of seconds: The wet road caused the Jeep’s tires to slide; Drake reacted fast and was able to regain control of his car.
But the car behind Drake’s didn’t react so quickly. The gray sedan crashed into Drake’s Jeep on the right side ... where Tom was sleeping.
Alexis had fallen asleep with her phone in her hand. She woke up and checked the time: 11:30.
That was weird; Drake should have called her by now. Alexis called Drake, but it went straight to voicemail.
An uneasy feeling took over. She called Savannah, who told her that Drake had left Ramsford around 9:30. She suggested that maybe they had arrived at the cabin and fallen asleep. Alexis thanked her and hung up. She knew Drake by heart -- he would never go to sleep without calling her first. She opened a bottle of water trying to calm herself. She was surely overreacting.
Suddenly, her phone rang, startling her: an unknown number. Alexis took a sharp breath before answering the call that would change her life.
“Good evening. Am I speaking with Alexis Walker?”
“Yes, this is she.” Ice settled in her stomach.
“Mrs. Walker, this is Lynn from Ramsford Hospital. Your husband and son were involved in a car accident tonight. Are you able to come right now?”
Alexis couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. “Hello?” She swallowed. “Yes. I’ll be there. Are -- are they safe?” “Your little boy is in surgery. Your husband is being checked by a doctor. We’ll have more information when you arrive, Mrs. Walker.”
“Th-thank you.”
But the woman had already hung up.
Charlie insisted that Alexis take her car and driver. Alexis accepted and left immediately.  The questions and uncertainty were killing her. During the torturous four-hour drive, she didn’t stop bargaining. If they’re okay, I will never complain again. I promise, God, I’ll never take them for granted. If you let them live, I’ll come to church every Sunday. Every day. I swear. Please, God, just let them be fine. Please, I beg you.
Alexis arrived at Ramsford Hospital around 4:00. She had practically jumped out of the car and run to the reception desk. She saw Maxwell and Liam sitting in the waiting room.
“Where are they? How are they?” Alexis realized how hysterical she sounded, but she didn’t care.
“Blossom! Thank God you’re here! Drake is fine; he suffered a small concussion and some bruises, but he’ll be fine.”
Alexis nodded, terrified of asking about Tom. Maxwell took a sharp breath before speaking. “Tom has been in surgery for a few hours ... the doctor will come out with an update soon.”
She nodded again, feeling a sudden need to see Drake. “Take me to Drake, Max. Please. I need to make sure he’s fine.”
Drake was sitting on a bed in the ER with Savannah. His eyes were red and puffy. He had scratches and bruises all over his face and arms, and a doctor had patched up his head with a bandage.
Alexis ran to him, intensely relieved to confirm that he was okay. Drake stood up and hugged her tightly, his eyes tearing up again. Alexis had never seen her usually-confident husband in such a state of desperation. It scared her to death.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. He has been in surgery for hours.” His voice broke. “They won’t tell me what’s going on!”
Drake wrapped his arms around her; she sobbed against his chest for a long time, waiting for the doctor to come. After a few more hours, the surgeon and a young nurse entered the ER. Drake was facing the door, so he saw them before her. His heart stopped.
The doctor’s expression told him everything he needed to know.
Drake held Alexis tighter, trying to shield her with his arms for a few more seconds from the pain they were about to experience.
The doctor cleared his throat. Alexis turned her head, trembling, unable to breathe. He took his cap off and held it in his hand.
“I’m very sorry. We did everything we could, but-”
Alexis shook her head. “No, no, no, no!” She didn’t realize she was screaming. “Don’t say it! No! It's a mistake.” She turned to Drake, crying hysterically. “Drake, please tell me that Tom is ok. Please, my love. I beg you.”
Drake held her, but he was shaking himself; he felt his heart actually breaking. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry,” he said, crying. He was trying to calm Alexis, but his words had the opposite effect. She bawled desperately. Her heart seemed to pound even faster, even harder. She tried taking a deep breath to calm herself, but her breaths were sharp and shallow. Her vision got darker and narrower.  She heard Drake’s panicked voice as if he was talking to her from a long distance. She barely felt a nurse injecting a sedative into her arm … and then everything went dark.
Alexis woke up, and for a few seconds she didn’t remember. But when she opened her eyes, the sight of the fluorescent light in the ceiling brought everything back. Her heart broke all over again as it would break so many times in the future. Drake was sitting on a chair next to her. He hadn’t slept all night as his eyes stared at his phone, looking at Tom’s last pictures. He heard Alexis moving on the bed, so he went to sit next to her and took her in his arms. She hid in his chest and cried again while he soothed her, rubbing her face with his fingers. Alexis couldn’t believe that she would never see her little boy again. It simply couldn’t be true.
“I want to see him.” Her voice was trembling.
“They were waiting for you before … before taking him. Let’s go.” He helped her out of bed and called a nurse who took them to see Tom one last time.  
Those last moments with their son were the saddest moments of Alexis’ and Drake’s lives. Alexis refused to let go of him until a nurse gave her another sedative.
Alexis spent the first four weeks after Tom’s death sedated. She went to his funeral, but she wasn’t really present. Drake took care of everything with Savannah's and Liam’s help. After the ceremony, she went back to bed and lay there for hours staring at the ceiling. The pills had the side effect of making her feel empty and numb, but at least the pain in her heart was silent. Drake fed her and took care of her during that time.
After Tom’s death, nothing seemed to matter anymore. Drake’s emotions were a mix of sorrow, emptiness and desperation. The “what if”s were going to make him crazy with guilt. He tried to use alcohol to drown his shame and grief, but it didn’t work. Nothing worked.
Five weeks after Tom’s death, Alexis heard a noise in the middle of the night. She got out of bed and found Drake crying in Tom’s room. Her heart tugged seeing him so broken. She sat on the floor next to him and hugged him. They held each other for hours, crying for their son.
From that day on, Alexis started to get out of bed. She stopped taking the sedatives and promised herself that she would try to fight for herself and Drake. It worked for a couple of days, but soon the mere effort of waking up in the morning was exhausting. Everything was exhausting. Alexis did it anyway. She’d wake up, take a shower and go to Tom’s room. She only meant to spend a couple of hours there, but once she went inside, she wasn’t able to leave. And more often than not, the whole day passed with her crying there, incapable of doing anything else.
Drake was destroyed too. Tom had been the light of his life. Sometimes he felt like a sunken ship.  
During the second month after his death, they shared some afternoons where they’d cuddled against each other in front of the fire without speaking, just trying to cope with the deep pain. Those few stolen moments were Drake’s and Alexis’ solace. But they were unable to really communicate, to speak of the bubbling feelings beneath the surface.
Without the pills, Alexis’ mind wasn’t foggy anymore. She felt a deep, breaking pain in her heart and a colossal rage circulating through her veins. At first, her bitterness was directed at God, at life, at fate. But soon, Alexis started to be angry at Drake, too. She tried with all her heart to stop those feelings, but she couldn’t. Drake had chosen to drive in the middle of the storm, after she had asked him to stay in Ramsford. And that had cost her son his life.
Alexis didn’t want to hurt him or to add to his guilt, so she started to avoid him as much as possible. It didn’t work. Drake’s way to cope with his own grief was to take care of her. He truly believed that their love would be enough to keep them together, and for a fleeting moment, Alexis had believed it too.
The rage that Alexis felt for him began as a small spark, but it had soon turned into a burning fire that scared her. She was distant and cold and did everything she could to drive him away.
Drake tried his best to make her feel better. He had even suggested visiting a counselor or joining a grief group. The same Drake Walker who hated to share or talk about his feelings was willing to do it for her. They went once, and it was a disaster. Drake had tried to share a memory of Tom, but the words simply didn’t come out. Alexis had brooded and scowled the whole time.
Alexis felt like she was going to explode with all the emotions she was feeling. She became rude, evasive. She ended up moving into the guest room. Drake was desperate; he tried to make her understand that he loved her, that he needed her.
It was the three-month anniversary of Tom’s death. After yet another sleepless night, she went to Tom’s room. She lay in his tiny bed and cried all day. Drake tried to comfort her, to hold her. But she had chased him away, more haunted than ever by his brown eyes. That night, she had come down to the living room and saw Drake drinking. Alexis sat next to him and poured herself a big glass of whiskey. She gulped it, poured herself another one and gulped it, too.
“I can’t do this anymore, Drake.” Alexis was crying wholeheartedly.
Drake sighed as he looked at her. She had lost 10 pounds and looked tired, pale, extremely depressed. It was the first time since they had met that he didn’t dare take her into his arms. “We need to get help, Lexie.”
Alexis scoffed, “Do you mean like that amazing support group you signed us for?”
For three months, Drake had tried to be supportive and patient. But he felt lost and tired;he didn’t know what to do anymore.
He gulped his tumbler of whiskey before he answered, “I’m doing what I can to help you, Lexie. But you won’t let me. I want us to fight this together.”
Alexis balled her fists. All the feelings that had been accumulating for the last months were threatening to explode.
“I don’t need anyone’s help.” She felt like burning inside. “Especially not yours.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Alexis?” Drake stood up next to her.  
When she finally answered, her voice was trembling with fury. “Why?”
“What do you mean?” Drake asked, puzzled.
Alexis’s eyes filled with tears. “Why did you have to come back that night? Why couldn’t you listen to me? I told you it was raining, I told you it wasn’t safe.” Something dark and dangerous had taken over her, and she couldn’t stop. “But no. You always have to be right, so you couldn’t do what I asked. And now he’s dead. MY SON IS DEAD because you’re too fucking stubborn.”
Drake raised his voice, too. “OUR son, Alexis. TOM was OUR son. I miss him just as much as you do. Stop acting like you’re the only one who lost him.” He sighed to calm himself. He raised a hand to touch Alexis’ face, but she dodged it. “You have no fucking idea how it feels when I try to get close to you and you reject me every goddamn time.”
Alexis tried to wipe her tears with the back of her hand. She answered, furious, “Can’t you understand that looking at you fucking hurts? Every time I see your eyes, I see him. And it’s driving me crazy. It breaks my heart every single time.” She took a swig of whiskey to calm herself, but it didn’t help. “You can’t help me; you’re actually hurting me.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying. You’re drunk,” Drake stated, pointing at her glass.
“Yes, I am drunk. But that doesn’t change the fact that it hurts so fucking badly, Drake. Why? Why did you do it?” She shoved him.
“Stop!” He grabbed her wrists. He couldn’t believe what she was implying. “Stop it, Alexis!”
She was bawling, agitated. She wanted to take the weight of her emotions off her chest, so she yelled at him without thinking. “You killed him! You killed our son, and I will never be able to forget that.” As soon as she said it, she regretted it. But it was too late.
Everything went silent for a few seconds. Drake’s mouth went dry. His heart stopped. Every time her eyes darted when she looked at him, or every time she flinched when he touched her, he wondered if she blamed him for the accident. But until that moment, he had refused to actually believe it.
Letting go of her wrists, he grabbed the bottle of whiskey and his glass. He spoke with a gravelly voice. “You’re drunk, I’m drunk. We’ll talk in the morning.”
Alexis swallowed her tears so she could talk. “No, Drake. I’m very sorry for what I just said. You have no idea how much, but I can’t do this anymore. I’ll be gone in the morning.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying. We’ll talk tomorrow.” Drake went up the stairs. The weight of her words oppressed him. He lay down on the bed and tried to drink his pain away.
Alexis stood in the middle of the living room hating herself for hurting him. She didn’t want to feel so angry at him, but the rage was stronger than her. She curled up on the couch and cried for a long time -- for her son, for the horrible pain of missing him so much. And for Drake, for the man she loved so desperately but was unable to forgive. Alexis needed to leave, to flee from their house, from the grief. She prepared a small bag with some clothes she had in the guest room. Before leaving, she went to their room where Drake was sleeping heavily after finishing the bottle of whiskey. Crying again, her heart broken, she kissed his forehead and muttered a sad good-bye. She took off her wedding rings and set them on the nightstand. Drake needed to understand that she wasn’t going to come back for a while.
When she arrived at Maxwell’s loft, she took her old sedatives from her bag. Now that Alexis was away from Drake, she didn’t need to fight anymore. She was exhausted from pretending that she wanted to be alive. So she took two pills with a glass of water and finally fell asleep.
For almost two days, thanks to the sedatives, Alexis didn’t do much besides sleeping and waking in a fog to drink a bit of water. She was exhausted after all the sleepless nights she had had since her son had died. Maxwell checked up on her regularly, but he let her rest. On the third day, he entered her room with a steaming cup of coffee.
“Here, Blossom.”
Alexis grabbed the cup and took a sip. “Thank you, Max.” Her eyes teared up.
Maxwell sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. “What happened with Drake, Blossom?” he asked, concerned.
“It was my fault. I’m so angry all the time, Max.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “I tried not to be -- I really did -- but that night, something snapped. I said horrible things to him. And the worst part is that I love him so much, but I can’t stop feeling like that.” Her lip quivered. “I didn’t want to hurt him like I did. I swear, Max. He looked so broken.” The memory made her cry again.
“Calm down, Blossom. You need to talk to him. Even if it’s a painful conversation, you need to talk. Drake has called several times since yesterday; he’s worried about you. I’ll take you back to the cabin.”
Alexis was utterly confused. She didn’t know if their relationship could be saved. She didn’t know if she would be able to overcome her bitterness. But she still loved him with everything in her, and she owed it to Drake and herself to at least try.
“Thanks, Max. I’ll take a shower and then we can leave.”
When Alexis arrived at their cabin, everything was silent. With a huge lump in her throat, she went upstairs. Drake was gone. He had taken some clothes, photos, and her wedding rings. Alexis sat in their bed and cried for everything she had lost. The next day, she left the cabin and rented a small studio with her savings. After that day, her grief became more and more difficult to bear.
Drake woke up the morning after the fight feeling dead inside. His desperation only got deeper when he discovered that Alexis had disappeared, leaving her wedding rings on the nightstand. Drake spent all morning trying desperately to find her, until Maxwell finally answered his phone and told him that Alexis was at his house, that she needed time.
During those two days, Drake called Alexis several times, but every time, Maxwell told him that she was sleeping. Drake knew that it was a lie; Alexis barely slept more than a few hours a night. He thought about going to Max’s loft but dismissed the idea. It was pointless to force her.
Her words replayed in his head over and over again. Looking at you fucking hurts. It breaks my heart every single time. You’re actually hurting me. You killed my son. Drake felt the weight of his guilt crushing him
Forty-eight hours later, Alexis hadn’t contacted him or answered his calls. With her wedding rings wrapped in his hand, Drake realized that it was time to accept that she had really left him. He couldn’t stay there. He was going to die if he had to keep living alone in the cabin where they had been so fucking happy. Alexis was everywhere. Tom was everywhere. The next day, he tried to call her one last time, but she didn’t answer. Drake didn’t insist anymore. He left for Spain, destroyed. Before getting on the plane, he called Liam to ask him to take care of Alexis; Drake knew his best friend wouldn’t fail him.
After three hellish months in Andalucía, Olivia had called him to tell him how desperately depressed Alexis was. Drake immediately tried to fly back to Cordonia to be with her, but he had only found tickets for the next morning. That single night changed everything. Drake had been arrested and sent to prison. He asked Bastien and Savannah to keep his secret because he didn’t want to worry Alexis or distract Liam from helping her.
Drake felt desperate knowing that he couldn’t help her himself. Savannah and Bastien visited him often, but no matter how much he insisted, they never talked about Alexis. Drake sensed that they were hiding something, but it wasn’t until his release that his sister had told him the truth: Alexis had been committed to a clinic after she had tried to kill herself.
Drake didn’t lose any time and jumped on the first plane back to Cordonia to be with her. Sick with worry, Drake didn’t even go to his house to leave his bag; he had gone from the airport directly to the clinic.
When Drake had seen Liam at the hospital, he was relieved to confirm that his best friend had kept his promise; Alexis hadn’t been alone. Liam had known nothing about his stay in prison, so Drake wasn’t surprised at his best friend’s cold reception. The only thing that mattered to Drake at that moment was Alexis. Seeing her again had been the only thing that had kept him alive.
Drake would never forgive himself for all those months that Alexis had been forced to fight her depression alone, without him there to help her. If she gave him another chance, Drake would spend the rest of his life showing her how much he regretted it, how much he loved her.
Liam had asked him to come back the next day. Apparently, Alexis needed time to get used to the idea of seeing him again. Drake accepted willingly. He was desperate to see Alexis, but her recovery was the absolute priority.
But the next day, things didn’t go as he had hoped.
“You left a broken woman, Drake. She has been in hell, depressed and missing you for months. You have no right to come back and burst into her life, now that she’s finally doing better.” Liam cleared his throat. “She told me she doesn’t want to see you anymore. I’d say I’m sorry, but frankly, I agree with her decision,” Liam said, taking an envelope from his jacket and giving it to him. “This is the letter she wrote to you before she tried to kill herself. I didn’t read it, but I know she was desperate. Seeing you again will trigger her and probably set her recovery back months.  If you still want to see her after you read this, call me, and I’ll talk to her. But for Alexis’ sake, I really hope you won’t insist anymore.”
Drake sat on a bench and opened the letter.
Drake, my love,
Before anything else, I beg you to forgive me. For all of it: blaming you. The words I said. This.
I blamed you for the accident and I drove you away.
It was never your fault. I knew that all along.
And now? I have nothing. There is nothing without him. I have walked through the last seven months in a fog of desperation, and I can’t do it anymore.  
I don't even want to try.
Please move on. Live your life. Be strong the way I cannot be.
It is what he would have wanted.
I have always loved you, with everything in me.
Your Lexie
Drake sat on the park bench and read her letter several times. It was devastating. Picturing her grief, her pain, in his mind was hard enough. But having to face it, having to read firsthand how broken the love of his life had been, was more than Drake could handle.
In spite of what Alexis said in her letter, Drake knew that Tom’s death was his fault. He was also aware that Liam was lying. Drake was sure that Alexis didn’t know that he was looking for her. But Liam was right; after all she had suffered, nothing was worth jeopardizing her recovery for -- least of all him. Drake hadn’t even gone back to his cabin that night. He went to the cemetery first to visit his son’s grave. Then he left directly for the airport, headed back to Spain.
His first year back in Andalucía had been a nightmare. Until then, Drake had stupidly clung to the idea of seeing Alexis again. She had been his motivation to stop drinking, to get help from the prison counselor. Her face was the last thing he saw before falling asleep every night. After all that hope, Drake had a rough time accepting that he had lost her forever.
For a few months, Drake went back to his old bad behaviors and heavy drinking. But one night, reading her letter for the hundredth time, he realized that Alexis was right. Tom would have wanted him to move on. Drake couldn’t continue to hide behind his grief anymore. He suddenly felt the urge to fight for himself. Little by little, he tried to get better. He couldn’t practice as a veterinarian in Spain, so he took a job in a stable training horses and moved out of Bastien’s house into his own apartment. And most importantly, he stopped day drinking.
Drake knew himself; he was never going to love another woman as he loved Alexis. Some nights, he’d go out, meet a beautiful woman, and they’d have fun together, but it never went further than a good night and breakfast.
One afternoon, he met Yolanda at the stables; she was a veterinarian too. Yola, as her friends called her, was a short brunette with pretty green eyes and a wide smile.
Something about her made him think of Alexis. Yolanda wasn’t as sunny as his Lexie, but she was beautiful, funny and smart. Like Alexis, she seemed to love life, and that was contagious. They dated for a few months, but Drake soon realized that he was only trying to replace Alexis with Yolanda, and that wasn’t fair to her. He ended the relationship before her feelings became too strong and resumed his life of endless one-night stands.
Drake’s life was finally back on track when he had received the news of Alexis and Liam’s engagement. It had been a complete shock. In the past, Drake had suspected that Liam was in love with his wife, but he would never have imagined that Liam’s feelings were reciprocated. Drake was well aware that Alexis had every right to rebuild her life, to fall in love. He knew that it was his own fault that Alexis hadn’t even tried to call him and give him the news herself, but the rage was still there. During the weeks that followed, Drake couldn’t avoid the horrible jealousy that was threatening to eat him up. He kept picturing them together and it drove him mad. Until one day, talking to Savannah, he realized that it was time to let Alexis go.
For three years he had lived as an exile in Andalucía so Alexis wouldn’t have to see him again. But she was clearly over him now. Maybe it was time to come back. Drake missed Savannah and Bartie, his country and his veterinary career. So he decided to stop fleeing. He wanted to see Alexis again and make sure she was all right. After that, they’d sign the divorce papers, and he would finally be able to move on with his life.
However, when he saw Alexis again, all of his good resolutions went out the window. Drake had felt angry and jealous seeing Liam’s diamond ring on her finger. In the weeks that followed that encounter, Drake had felt unstable and confused … until the last day at the coffeehouse.
April 2019
Alexis left the coffeehouse frustrated and angry at herself. She couldn’t believe that Drake’s touch was still capable of making her feel that nervous. She got in her car and started the engine. After all that time and the tears that she had shed trying to forget about him, she had finally done it. And she was not going to go down that path, not ever again. To love someone as passionately and as intensely as she had loved Drake wasn’t right or healthy. It was painful and heartbreaking. His departure had nearly killed her. Alexis was aware that Drake had left because of the hideous things she had told him, but she still had waited for him for years, convinced that their love for each other would make him come back. But it didn’t. And now, she was happy again. Liam made her happy. He was sweet, kind and smart. A great lover. He accepted her shortcomings, her traumas. Alexis couldn’t ask for more. She refused to let Drake disturb her life. Whatever feelings she was having for him again, was surely due to their lack of closure. The only thing that should matter to her now was her engagement to Liam. They were going to get married in a month. Liam deserved nothing less than her fidelity and devotion.
Drake was shaken after his encounter with Alexis at the coffeehouse. Even hours later, he could still feel her skin on the tip of his fingers. He sat with a whiskey in his hand, thinking about her reaction. As stupid as it seemed, he was sure that Alexis had felt the same powerful electricity that he did. They still shared their old chemistry, even when they had fought at Savannah’s party; it had been heated, passionate. He savored the malty liquid burning his throat as he thought about how gorgeous she was. For the first time since he had seen her again, Drake allowed himself to freely think about her -- her beautiful dark eyes, her soft features, the way she flicked her hair. The old sparkle of her eyes was still there; it was hidden behind a shadow of sadness, but it was still there. That afternoon, Drake had had to actively stop himself from kissing her.
There was no point in lying to himself any longer; he was still desperately in love with Alexis, even more than before. Drake admired her new strength, her determination to fight in spite of the pain. He missed her sarcasm, her sense of humor, the way she always put him in his place. He was as captivated by her mix of sweet vulnerability and intense fire as he had been 10 years before. God he had missed her so fucking much all those years. Drake was destined to love Alexis for the rest of his life.
However, the last thing he wanted to do was to disturb her life. So Drake made a decision. If Alexis was truly happy with Liam and her new life, as much as it killed him, he would sign the divorce papers and leave her alone. Even if that meant that he’d have to spend his life loving her from a distance. But if he discovered that she still loved him too but was too scared to admit it -- if there was a chance that he could still save his marriage -- Drake wasn’t going to leave without fighting for her.
PERMATAG:  @ac27dj @twinkle-320​ @kimmiedoo5​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @loveellamae​ @burnsoslow​ @mskaneko​ @pedudley​ @lauzales​ @pug-bitch​
TEARS N HEAVEN: @ao719​ @yukinagato2012​ @kingliam2019​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @texaskitten30​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @bebepac​ @nomadics-stuff​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @cordonianroyalty​ @msjr0119​
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