#and that i need my mom to take me anywhere
chloeseyeliner · 7 months
it's always one step forward and three steps back/i'm the (") love of your life (") until i make you mad but it's me and my mom.
(hence the quotation marks. you know how sometimes parents claim they'll never love anyone the way they love their child and do anything else but to show just that?
yeah. me too. me too, buddy.)
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opticsel · 14 days
crazy to think that people my age want to have sex… and that many of them have had sex before… and that they are actively seeking out people to have sex with….. and that they talk about sex with their other sex-having friends……. couldn’t be me but y’all have fun tho! stay safe out there and stuff
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electoons · 2 months
guys this "keeping myself busy with distractions so I don't get sad" thing isn't working
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#sorry gnna sound like a shit person now but im not feeling well i just need to rant#nothing good ever happens to me. every aspect of my life is a mess. im constantly miserable w nothing to pull me out of it#it's been getting worse nd worse for years nd if it keeps getting worse im not gnna be able to take it much longer#ofc there are sooo many others who have it way way way worse than i do. so i feel weak nd pathetic for being so affected by it when i know#it could be literally sm worse than it is now. like i get that. i know im not nearly as bad off as many ppl are#but idk still it's rlly tough to have *nothing* that makes me keep going. the literal only thing is that i dont kms bc i dont wanna hurt mom#bc im poor so i cant do ANYTHING. i cant go anywhere. not the cinema not concerts not to the mall not to the bookstore not an amusent park#i cant even go to cafées bc i dont have any money at all to spend on that#i have no friends to hang out w. even if i couldnt afford going anywhere i cant even just take a walk or sit nd talk to them bc there r none#my sisters havent talked for me in over a year#and like yada yada i dont have anything to pull me out of my misery bubble. no friends to comfort me no family to hang out w#nothing to do or nowhere to go. hell i havent even been able to eat for 8 months so i cant even like eat smth yummy nd watch a movie lmao#i cant even read bc of the constant noise! i cant go out into the forest bc there r always subway construction work or choppers or gun shots#i know im 'focusing on the negative' but what am i supposed to do when theres nothing positive to focus on lol?????#im always physically uncomfortable bc of pain nd health issues nd im always anxious nd stressed too so like... yay#and. this is where i sound mean but like after years nd years of nothing good happening to me... idc for others anymore like#when they talk abt their loving relationships and their kind friends nd them going to concerts im like.. wow !! u get to be happy!! i dont!!#im just envious nd jealous nd bitter bc why cant i have ANYTHING good???? not just ONE fkn thing?#other ppl get to have multiple things but i get nothing?????#and its not exactly like i hate them or wish illwill on them im just like wow kinda dont feel sympathy for u bc u have sm things#i've never had :))) nd u can never understand how awful it feels to be deprived of it so idc :))))
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
So apparently two of my co-workers were talking shit about me and another new hire bc we’re “dead weight” and said that we should get less hours or just quit. Another girl overheard them and reported them to the manager and they got in trouble. I didn’t know about this until today so idk when this happened but man I’m so pissed
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wetslug · 6 months
not Super Pumped about the comments about my weight ill b receiving this holiday break
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floral-hex · 5 months
Just canceled all of my future therapy appointments. Big fudgin’ bummer. Did I mention I lost my insurance? Didn’t even find out about that until the day it lapsed. Trying to find a way to fix it now, reapplying and whatnot, but ya know, it’s bureaucracy so who knows how long it’ll take. Just fingers crossed I don’t run out of meds first.
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lol it’s underwater 🐠
#ugggghhhhh so sad#like genuinely I think my therapist rocks#he’s the best one I’ve ever had. nice and cool but no BS and just harsh enough to push me#I feel like such a baby for saying it but literally the number one thing I’ve wanted these last few weeks was to go to therapy#I had to skip my last appointment so I haven’t seen him in weeks#between my mom’s organ transplant and driving back and forth to see her everyday and taking care of my bros aaand super suicidal birthday#I’m just… I’m tired. I want to vent. I just want to spill my guts for an hour and maybe cry a lot#and I can’t do that with anyone else. I know that’s dumb to say#I 100% can’t complain to my family because ya know I gotta be strong and they don’t need me being a burden#and I love my mutuals but I don’t know any of you anywhere well enough to feel comfortable venting#I mean. y’all can vent to me all day. I’ll gladly listen to you talk about yourselves. I’m here for it. I just can’t do it myself 😕#I’m so tired and anxious and I don’t want to really get into the self harm talk but I’ve had some serious self destructive thoughts lately#I don’t know what I’m going to do#I have to believe it’ll get better#because if I don’t believe that then… what’s the point?#also.. I’m really fucking lonely. just to throw that out there. if you can’t tell by my reblogs.#I am like desperately and ravenously lonely and full of longing#and you add that to everything else it’s just the sad little cherry on top…#now I want an ice cream sundae… mmmm….#I need 1000 hugs and to sit with someone and maybe get fucked up and complain and sit in silence and and and blegh#but that’s life. it’ll be… it’ll be whatever it is.#sorry. this is a bit too heavy for this time of morning#I’ve been sick. really bad vertigo and vomiting and I’m just wiped out and sad#but I love you stranger or at least I like you enough to be okay with you reading this#okay be safe#goodbye forever#text
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the-kestrels-feather · 7 months
I'm so tired of my mom.
So my dad made gumbo tonight because my sister is home and she LOVES it. which I also LOVE, and he puts big chunks of green peppers and onions in it, which I don't. I'm not a big vegetable person in general, but most I'll eat. I don't like green pepper, so I just pick it out. And I like onion but I don't like the big pieces so if they're too big I'll pick them out. And when I went to go out my dishes away she side eyes my pile of peppers and goes "this is ridiculous" in the most passive aggressive condescending tone and I just????? I'm sorry I've told you I don't like them?? I don't care that they "don't have a taste", I can taste them and it's also a texture thing?? Like??? I eat everything else in the gumbo, including the diced tomatoes, why the fuck does it matter leave me the fuck alone.
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milo-is-rambling · 6 months
Between Millie not responding to me since getting back home, ignoring 💨 bc my family hates her and think she’s a bad influence on me, and now Levi’s account being deactivated,,, it’s like the universe simply does not want me to have any friends. I am not built for it I guess. I just want to have anyone to talk to other than my mom and my brother who my mom likes more than me 😭😭😭
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flatoatchi · 8 months
all of the sudden i do not like living at home anymore
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apollo-zero-one · 1 year
I wish capitalism was a tangible object I could bite and claw at I start foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog when I think about it gwrrwhrwgwwrgwr
#my mom shouldn't have to have a job she is busy all goddamn day every goddamn day taking care of her mom and her 6 year old child#and she takes care of me and my brother and her husband this woman is exhausted#and she makes us breakfast and dinner every day and she watches all the neighborhood kids and and and#she is already fulfilling an extremely valuable roll in society!! why the FUCK should she have to have a job too!!#not even going to say 'outside the home' because her job IS OUTSIDE THE HOME she contributes to this whole damn community#It's BULLSHIT it's UNFAIR she deserves justice#and it's also bullshit and unfair that a household with three workinh adults cant afford a 4 bedroom family home.#We collectively make enoigj money that we lost our fucking health insurance and are being kicked out of our subsidized housing#But there are no homes anywhere near any of our jobs that we can afford so WHAT THE FUCK#and every part of it is capitalism and I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it#Is the purpose of life not to find and be with wnd care for loved ones?? are humans not born to love and be loved and help one another??#what went wrong? why did we let it get this far? why are we taking a mother away from her 6 year old daughter so she can afford#both of their medicines that they need to live healthy lives???#A caretaker away from a disabled elderly woman? A safe person to leave your children with away from the village? Why the goddamn divide??#sorry there was ten minutes begween that tag and this one because I had to cry I am calmer now#still heavily anti-capitalist tho
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
If this doesn't end Very soon I'll have to ask my professor to register my thesis in April rather than March because i don't think I can do this in the remaining 2 weeks in this state ahahaha
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fishingmaster69 · 4 months
kindof losing my mind bc uhhhh. how am i supposed to like. afford to live.
#i am going to whisper in the tags bc i feel odd about YELLING my bs into the void#i do not have a job yet largely due to physical and mental disabilities#but when i DO start searching for one its like. 90% of online job listings out there are ghost listings#basically none of them hire disabled people and i have disabilities that REQUIRE accommodations#my job search is significantly narrower bc of my disabilities theres a ton of shit i just straight up cannot do#and they all pay about 1 ball of lint & two quarters.#i live in california which thankfully is (relatively) safe for me to transition#but its also. California. which is. Expensive. to live in.#and i have medications i NEED to be a functioning person monthly#on top of taking T at some point#so like ummmmm. chat am i fucked!!!!!!!!!#i could leave california but where do i even go thatd be safe for me AND affordable#its just so hard to get motivated to be independent right now when like. im 18 years old and i can barely walk anymore#im grieving my physical ability at 18 years old#i should be doing that at 70#and everything costs So Much theres no fucking shot i find anywhere in california i could afford IF i can even FIND a fucking JOB I CAN DO#unless i wanna live with my mom forever (who is constantly wearing on my mental health and i DESPERATELY need some distance from)#or live in a literal closet for $2000 a month#what if i have to sacrifice my meds to pay rent i literally am not a functioning human without them so i 100% could not work while off them#idk shit looks so fucking bleak for everyone right now but being disabled makes it a hell of a lot worse#i used to be excited about being independent now i just kindof dread it. or it seems more like a pipe dream#i dont wanna live with my mom til im 25 yall#and transitioning is expensive. and my mom is not going to cover my medical bills lmfaoooo#and idk whats going on with my physical ability so im probably going to have to pay for more doctors appointments#and tests and TESTS AND TESTS#for possibly years#til they figure out what the fuck's wrong#just not excited to live in poverty bc i am a young person in america and basically every young person in america is living in poverty atm#and also not excited to live in a world where i walk with a cane at 18#zep.txt
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ageofzero · 11 months
I’m doing better about it than I was at the start of this week more or less, but
good goddamn, the things going through my mind because of my fcking mom right now. I don’t even know if it’s anger or exhaustion or unsurprise or what anymore. At least it’s not as loud as it was yesterday.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Anyone else having an absolutely unhinged week or is that just me
#i have gone from having a reliable and secure professional job with a pension plan and benefits to completely unemployed in 4 days#(by choice. i got in an argument with my boss about responsibilities and i was like ‘look this is stressing me out to an insane level#and i don’t think i can do this. i don’t think i’m right for this. i’m going to resign’ and now i’m looking for retail jobs)#and on some level i regret it. like there’s so many things i never got chance to do and maybe i should’ve given it longer?#but my boss wasn’t budging and didn’t try to convince me to stay and i was just like.. fuck this#and literally every time i’ve seen my best friend this week (which has been several times because we’ve both just been like ‘do you want to#go for a walk so we can scream in the countryside?’ and the other person has been like ‘omg yes’) she’s had a fresh tragedy to tell me about#her niece had a miscarriage; her sister-in-law (niece’s mom) is booking herself into a hospice and both family dogs are sick#one is wearing a cone and might have to lose her eye; the other is probably dying#it’s just way too much#and i accidentally insulted her daughter’s dad and the little girl shouted ‘MY DADDY!’ indignantly#and i was like.. oh god. why did i never think about the fact that of Course she can understand me#and yeah her dad is a waste of space but she does usually see him at least once or twice a week and she adores him#it is not up to any of us to poison her against him. we shouldn’t be doing that. this situation is fraught enough#like it is bad enough that he wants to take my friend to court to get unsupervised visits….. if she cheerfully says ‘auntie ellen said daddy#is a bastard’ anywhere in his vicinity this shit is about to go pearshaped#i just am so tired. i want to abscond. i wish i’d stayed in america#i think next steps are like.. recharge. do some autumn cleaning (sort out clothes & donate old stuff i don’t wear to charity).#apply to retail jobs until i get something that isn’t awful and then just sit in it until i come up with a phd idea and can abscond#but in the meantime if you need me i’ll be watching daytime tv in my blankie#personal
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cetoddle · 9 months
i want die
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