yourfavoritechip · 2 years
week 8
One of the biggest issues I think my client will struggle with is trying to grow a large following on social medias due to the large amount of DJs around the world. It’s very difficult to become a big and popular DJ. My client will need to be very persistent with social media and make sure that they are posting all of there music, show times and information about the company. Promoting yourself on social media is very important in this day of age especially for those who are in the music industry. Music is everywhere you look, cars, phones, tablets, tvs, etc. it only takes one person to start growing you social media organization
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
week 7
In order to make effective content you have to recognize who your target audience is and what there interests are through there own social media usage. If your trying to target a older age group you’d want to make your content easy to understand and be thorough with your message. It’s important to stick to your social media goals but still try and make your content user/target group friendly.
Becoming a social organization means lot of frequent posts that reach your target group as well as finding other social organizations that will help promote you to help you reach your goal and become more popular on social media.
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
week 6
When I finished reading chapters 4 & 5 what stood out to me was the community factor in social media. Lots of celebrities are very popular due to their social media status and have millions of followers and all of there follows have created a little community of people who all like/idolize that celebrity. I have seen celebrities post go fund me‘s for their fans before and all of their followers came together as a community to donate to that cause. Community plays a huge role in social media today.
After reading the Hootsuite chapters I realized how different and unique each social media platform truly is. My client can benefit largely off of all of these different social media platforms due to my clients DJ business. My client can reach all kinds of people around the world through this social media community due to all kinds of ages using social media daily.
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
week 4 blog 2
My outputs on algorithm, advertising, and exposure. Well first lets talk algorithm, it is understanding what the app pushes out towards more people like when to post or even what to post. this would lead to the exposure you're looking for. people will start to visit your page more and share your page. Then advertising could get you paid or even brining more business in.
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
week 4 blog
some important qualities you must have as a social media consultant is really based off of your clients needs in my opinion. being able to read your client and being able to tell them what they need to be more successful is vital. You must also have knowledge of social media marketing. Whats hot and trending on a day to day basis in social media, and what must be done to capitalize on it. With algorithms consistently changing, you must have the ability to adapt quickly. and lastly i think it's important to understand the industry.
If i was my own social media consultant I would plan to post more and be more involved with the community. I would post more content within my area of sports and having pure enjoyment. I have really focused on what the typical content is on certain days and even weeks to get a look at what i could do to ensure my professional social media presence.
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
Week 3
after watching the lecture and netflix documentary, i found it that algorithms really make it hard for someone to stop doing something. weather its one more game or its ill watch tiktok for 5 more minutes. its bad in ways of causing lack of sleep or always leaving you unsatisfied and to end on a good note forcing you to stay longer. i feel like to a certain extent it is ok. really as a person discipline should be huge with this usage. typically teaching those to know their limits and to understand why something is happening.
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
I decided to crack down on my screentime as a whole. i started by turning all my notifications off besides people texting or calling me. then i put my phone on silent so it was hard to hear that it was ringing. i found myself getting better sleep at night. I also realized that i focused so much on how happy everyone else is and not how everyone experiences the same things in life. so i also took a day off of being on all social media platforms. this was a very good decision because I accomplished so much more during the day instead of being paranoid to check my phone.
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
Discussion 2
Social media has a big influence on shaping the free time of my life. i find myself on social media a lot when i don't have necessary things to do like practice. after the article and the speech, i see that social media makes me fee down about somethings that i haven't done that others have. I didn't have access to my phone at all going to a leadership camp every summer of high school. It was honestly the best time of my life. I found myself not having to worry about people thinking i'm weird or the old me wasn't as good looking. People only cared about meeting new people and learning about leadership while having fun. I really want to cleanse from social media at least one day out of the week now to really focus on a reset for myself. I feel that my body deserves better and I need to focus on what is in front of me, not what others have done or that i could do.
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yourfavoritechip · 2 years
My name is Joshua Washington and I play football at Central Michigan University. I love making music and just hanging out in my free time. I hope to reach new people on here. I chose our very own media team for the football team here at CMU. They put in a lot of hours creating amazing content for all the athletics so fans can get an inside view of our program. They are very organized between the separation of sports, they post on time for things like game days, and they always take care of the players with pictures and videos taken. https://cmuchippewas.com/documents/2020/12/22//2020_FB_Media_Guide_Final.pdf?id=2482
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