#bc I just forget and I’m on mobile more often than not
joseimukeaddict · 1 day
Haikyuu and Public Transportation Headcanons: Karasuno 2012-2013 Team
I’m going to get these so wrong bc I only just got into Haikyuu and have just started watching season 3. I tried avoiding spoilers but Haikyuu-Bu was too funny… (got scared and ran away when the post-timeskip happened)
I’m also doing this on no research and just vibes 👍 (don’t kill me pls) (I know like nothing about non-regular 2nd years 😭 except Ennoshita is voiced by Toshiki Masuda who also voices Rei from EnStars!?)
Testing if I wanna make this a series:
Okay so these kids live basically on the outskirts so most of them don’t got any public transportation experience before high school. School-paid buses do NOT count.
Third Years:
Daichi Sawamura - Probably has ridden a bus or train to the city maybe once or twice; I heard he’s directionally challenged but he can probably get to places if he memorizes the path and sticks to it; his experiences on public transportation are fine, nothing that interesting happens but he likes the sights; people have gone up to him to ask for directions when it’s his first time ever at a stop
Kōshi Sugawara - Has never ridden public transportation before high school, doesn’t like the bus air smell but can tolerate it, reads or plays on his phone for long rides
Asahi Azumane - Probably has ridden once when he was younger for sth like a specialist doctor visit (so he can’t get out of it), came up with the worst possible scenarios the night before, if he were any younger than he was then his mom would escort him there (sadly she has work today), his fears were completely unfounded but he basically collapsed at his door from mental exhaustion when he got home; he’s probably the type to suffer from motion sickness too and needs to remember to take his meds; 80% will fumble when he taps or swipes his card
Kiyoko Shimizu - Absolute mystery if she’s ever taken it but she’s Shimizu so every experience is perfect for her; the type to like to ride with a buddy to chat with but will pull out a book otherwise (mostly to deter any men trying to hit on her, so she can just ignore)
Second years:
Yū Nishinoya - Never so he’s so pumped to try it out; bus is okay but the train? IT’S SO COOL this idiot will be standing up while the train is moving when there are available seats, will want to swing from pole to pole like Dancing in the Rain (has not seen the original); he gets stopped by a train worker one day when he’s bouncing from pole to pole to ask where his parents are; one of those people who want to ride to the end of a train or bus line only for this dumbass to realize his stop is the last stop
Ryūnosuke Tanaka - Has never had the need to ride on public transportation and is proud of it; 1000% willing to act as some sort of protector on the train for Kiyoko (Kiyoko has to keep track of the stations bc he’s going to forget); thinks the trains are cool too (and honestly much prefers it over Saeko’s driving but he would like to live thank you much); also one of those last stop dumbasses
Chikara Ennoshita - idk but I feel like this guy has rode buses more often and he honestly prefers it to trains; old ladies at the bus stops chat with him about stuff and he eventually becomes a regular with them; tries to read on the bus but he gets motion sickness and instead watches the window or the old ladies chat him up some more
Hisashi Kinoshita - probably never had an experience before high school; also the type to like to ride with a buddy; he honestly gives me mobile gamer vibes idk, it’s either really short bus rides or really long train rides; his mom probably worries about if he has enough money every time (he probably does)
Kazuhito Narita - Doesn’t like public transport and he doesn’t know exactly why but there’s always something off whenever he rides whether the seats are too dirty or the air is too smelly; he probably has the most experience riding public transport (relatives in the city or sth); sights watcher
First years:
Tobio Kageyama - once or twice for family; he likes the train more (bro gives off such his family gifted him model trains instead of Hot Wheels); yea he will sleep on the train even in that super uncomfortable position with his head back; HE WILL MISS HIS STOP WHEN HE SLEEPS and once he misses his stop he is now lost and requires someone to give him directions via call
Shōyō Hinata - no experience either and honestly it’s okay, he prefers his bike; the sights are cool tho, one of those who will put his face against that dirty glass to “get a closer look”; has been scolded before to seat properly on the seat instead of on his knees facing the window; holds his little sister’s hand when with her; always running to catch his ride
Kei Tsukishima - has past experience; prefers going alone or with Yamaguchi; listens to music via his headphones regardless; doesn’t like it when the trains get crowded and he’s squished between two people; does not give up his train seat to the elderly; never runs to catch a bus or train, if he misses it he misses it
Tadashi Yamaguchi - has past experience too; likes going with Tsukki although Tsukishima makes like no conversation and Yamaguchi talks for a bit and then it’s just silence (the comfortable kind dw); he’s the GPS and maps person when he’s with Tsukki; sights watcher too
Hitoka Yachi - def rides public transport to school and back; her mom has her card always filled to max; if my girl didn’t ride so often she would have debilitating thoughts about worst case scenarios like Asahi; she’s probably the person Kageyama calls when he gets lost and she will try to explain the best she can but the poor boy may still get lost and they will panic together; she’s rode public transport so many times it’s just a thing to her now but she enjoys when the rest of the team rides with her since they usually aren’t used to it and have the most excited outlooks on it
Keishin Ukai is always missing his rides and Ittetsu Takeda finds the vibrations of train rides relaxing
Was gonna do stuff if about the trains and buses being late but then I remembered this is Japan… yeah I originally made it bc I’m always pissed about when my rides are late and we need more silly shitpost headcanons for Haikyuu
If any of my headcanons just straight up contradict canon, just pretend they don’t exist 👍 thanks
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goldkirk · 2 years
my goals for august:
• buy a mattress for the first time!!
• pick a bed if I have enough money this month
• get new legal documents
• report the problems from my psych admission in 2020 to the hospital even though it’s super late, so they just actually know. doesn’t matter if any of them care or change anything, just want to do it for me.
• listen to 8 new music artists on my catch-up list (1 is already done, Pearl Jam. Listening to Pink Floyd next)
• have someone forcibly go with me to the endodontist to get the over a year old root canal done and make them not tell me anything else about other teeth until that’s done so I don’t straight up leave and never come back
• learn what annual physicals are and find out if my new primary thinks if I actually should do them
• get a lot more post it notes and whiteboard stickers for notes to myself and just go ahead and put them everywhere for the moment
• get more than 38 hours of sleep every week for at least 3/4 weeks
• make a poster board that’s just the daily flow chart for work so I can stop trying to hold onto the three remaining shreds of that memory and just give up and use the external instructions for a while
• bake a congratulations for escaping a cult cake for myself and put sprinkles on it
• go to ONE group social event (or something like a museum group I guess) before it’s the end of the month. Have you considered a support group or hobby group ever in your life future me??? bc you should
• figure out strategies for food hoarding fixes and sort that shit out fast before it compounds too much in the new place
• avoid any and all thought pathways or questions about anything triggering during work hours like the plague, so I don’t pile on unnecessary spirals or flashbacks
• stop. eating. so. many. brownies. stop. it’s not fun treating yo self anymore. it’s alarming. there WILL be brownies in the future the world will not stop having cosmic brownies for you to access I s2g me. i can see you have something to prove to yourself by compulsively buying and eating this very specific food that was like The snack food echoing through childhood. but like. Christ, dude. lay off the brownies. please for the love of everything. there is no way this is helping. there is no way you should be eating pre packaged processed snack desserts as often as this. i am literally begging you to make one pan of beans again. why in the world are you tired of beans they’re the only healthy thing you know how to cook HURRY UP AND GET UN-SICK OF THE BLACK BEANS AND STOP EATING COSMIC BROWNIES THIS IS JUST EMBARASSING, ME 😭
• try to do some beginner art tutorials from YouTube in sketchbook and on dollar store mini canvases
• get thank you letters sent that have been simmering in a sauce pan in the back of your head for months
• get pooh bear and the old glass lamp n stuff from the storage unit and finally put them in your apartment
• I have no idea how many things are in this list, sorry people, I’m on mobile and can’t put a read more so I’ll keep it short
• write a one sided index card explanation of why I’m not ready to talk to therapist for now that I can just hand someone if it’s suggested
• start making a poster board chart for various flavors of dissociation so I can pinpoint the right type faster and then just see the instruction for what’ll help and hopefully save time
• somehow make a physical copy and two more digital copies of the family event and situation records I’ve started keeping so I don’t just lose them someday if I get hacked or forget a password. consider sending a copy of what I have so far in a folder or mini binder and sending it to a safe relative for one more layer of protection
• talk to actual financial counselor about debts and about the right rate I should fill the safe-place-to-land money account for the niblings if I’ve only got 3-5 years max
• write a small script to tell the boss and my daily coworker a bare bones but honest short explanation of what I’m coming from and how it might affect my work for this coming year and to please let me know early if they start feeling like I’m slacking off or if I’m not as responsive and on top of things as I’m supposed to be, so we can all avoid frustration and repeated cycles of increasing boom-bust stress because of my current natural tendencies
• log things more often
• get physical sunlight on actual skin at least once every two days
• go outside for an Aoife walk at least twice a day even if it’s an ongoing fear response the whole time. No excuses. It shouldn’t matter if other people will think you’re weird, your dog needs walks. Also you need walks. Also you need people. You are like five days away from full agoraphobia and that’s gonna be a no from me dog. Sincerely, not quite agoraphobic but definitely never wanting to leave the building again past you
• Say nicer things to myself. I’ve gotten really, really mean, I haven’t been this cruel to myself in a few years and it needs to stop. If I catch a thought consciously, I’m going to attempt to build a habit of immediately having to say one nice statement too, related OR unrelated, that’s compassionate instead.
• catch up on four people or groups I’ve completely not responded to in ages without explanation and apologize before August is over. Four is better than 0, which it’ll be if I don’t ever actually just start somewhere and let myself keep being tired and afraid
• get a second tally clicker to track how many times this month I’m actually not scared or on edge
• test the phenomenon about my light sensitivity being shockingly super different on that one drug and jot some notes or a little log to bring up with doctor later if it’s helpful or if I have questions
• talk to someone to see a physical therapist for my left knee BEFORE it gets actually injured. Make this the first time you ever listen to the signs before something is actually wrong-wrong, figure me! come one you worked really hard to learn to start recognizing what sensations are supposed to mean “pain” rather than just “sensation type 16374” and you’re working really hard to actually pay attention to your body when it has a sensation that’s supposed to be pain. That’s a lot of new neural wiring, bring it all together by connecting it one more step to make a whole brand new highway next to the old one. You can do this. Do it please before this knee is properly fucked, you can’t bank on having several years before any bad injury, you know now that’s not how bodies work and you could just get out of bed wrong and tear it if you’re at just the wrong angle and level of strain, get on top of this and it’ll be sooooo good in a few months, I bet our knees AND feet and hips will ALL feel stronger and more fun to move on if you do!!!!
• go to that one free yoga session so I actually see some people living here and get social time
• practice ducking and hunching less when outside around people
• get a psychiatrist over here and get all my meds switched over
• go fishing with Margie again before her school starts and take her somewhere fun with me
• bake Margie a cake
• paint a cardinal picture for Aunt P
• start writing letters to G even if I’m not allowed to send them and write them for the other kids too and decorate a special box to keep them all in
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datastate · 11 months
augh. i’m on mobile now so i can’t write out my every detailed thought (though i will probably a longer post on this later with basic descriptions for other people’s refs + for me to reflect on when/if i can draw them out), but the gist of a few of the main scenes in my mind:
- kai: very few personal items that are not clothes or gifts. never buys more food than need be, and always sets up his living space to be something that can easily be repacked and moved elsewhere. if it weren’t for his bedroom and the chidouins’ vase of flowers in the kitchen, you wouldn’t realize anyone even lived in this apartment.
- sara: the chidouins have photos of family hanging up in a lot of places, and mr. chidouin displays a photobook next to his safe on the shelving. their walls are made of dark red wood, having a warm & rich (literal and figurative) feel to it... usual upkeep thanks to kai, but they have a bit of traditional fabric as the table setting + in blankets, and then custom furniture... sara lives at the furthest end of the house, & her window is barred off... but her father gifted her a telescope. and has a desk in her room to focus in evenings so her parents can relax w tv or talking. mr. chidouin has an office on the other end of the house, reinforced soundproofing in these walls. sara has a jewelry box and small music box she keeps in the jewelry box’s drawer.. ahh and so much more.. so much more.  i will leave that for later.
- reko: an apartment that’s generally clean (bc she has friends over often), jackets strewn around near the door (she doesn’t wanna stick her jackets in with her normal clothes, and doesn’t have any other closet really) & her shoes haphazardly shoved into the shoe cabinet (except her boots). with posters plastered up in her room, almost always has a candle set on top of her dresser that’s lit. a camera at her bedside, with cool knives in her drawer. has a slightly elevated bed, with instruments tucked in the section beneath & hidden by her sheets falling over the side of the bed. so on... mostly smaller, random things hanging around to indicate she’s here. she has random notebooks she often forgets she leaves out with sketches/notes/lyrics/people's numbers, it's a fun surprise for later! (read: a friend finds it and asks her what the tagalog means and she is like hm. something management won't like. lemme rewrite this chorus and we can try it)
- shin: family has cats... they mostly stay in his room, & with general cleanliness, he rarely reuses clothes and has his laundry hamper at the end of his bed that the cats climb up to sleep with him at night. family keeps a photobook, but has no photos actually hanging around. shin’s bed is against the wall furthest from the window, which has a (now sunbleached) blanket thrown over it instead of a proper curtain because they went so long without actually getting one that’d keep the sun from peering in and waking him up despite staying up until 4am and wanting to sleep in. whole computer + desk + high quality speakers in his room with a specified drawer of labeled hard drives. very clean; despite wavering energy, he sanitizes & replaces his sheets at least once every two weeks.
- keiji: went into this a bit earlier, but yeah... unorganized place. dishes on his kitchen counters instead of cupboards, which just contributes to ingredients being in the living room of all places; has a chair in his room w clothes that aren’t dirty enough to warrant cleaning yet; tools he idly messes with & mail he has to read just tend to pile up wherever he tried settling down to work with it... mostly struggles to manage repetitive menial things on his own.
- kanna: so so many flower & other plants :] has a large tree just outside her window that she used to fantasize of crawling out of her window and climbing down. names plants, though kugie struggles to keep up. has a lot of sketches of plants scattered around because kugie keeps forgetting to buy a folder for her to put them in so they aren’t all over their dresser & the floor, but keeps her plant pattern-pressing book on her at almost all times, otherwise it’s in their shared bedside drawer. kanna is the one who likes changing sheets & finds putting on bedsheets enriching... theey have a full body mirror that the kizuchis’ grandfather made that kanna stuck so many stickers on when she was younger. kugie keeps her backpack next to her bed, in-between the table drawer; kanna has hers hanging on the foot of her bed..
+ more later...ahhi’m. so asleep. goodnigh
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talkethtothehandeth · 10 months
I accidentally deleted someone’s ask about how I manage my chronic pain. I’m so sorry, I wasn’t ignoring you. Since someone took the time to ask me, maybe they’ll see this again
Drugs, anon.
I use drugs/hj
I take very warm/hot baths, heat helps expand blood vessels and relieves my stiffness (from my arthritis). I’m glued to my emotional support heating pad, which you can find here in my cripple recommended products/wishlist. Whenever my friend comes to visit me, they know which side of the bed to sit on because my heating pad has already claimed my seat
Next, ice. I have multiple ice packs, and have plenty of “one time” *whispers* I use them more than once, instant ice packs. Which can also be found in the aforementioned link. They help with my inflammation as well. I bought a large ice pack from my old physical therapist’s place, it covers my entire back, and I usually transition from heat to ice depending on the symptoms
I keep my room dark and quiet, which doesn’t always work when my birds are with me. But I am sensitive to extra noise and light because my pain has gone past the point of no return and has turned my body into an over sensitive ball of nerves, quite literally. My room is my space, and unless my nephew and I are playing video games, it stays mostly quiet and very much dark because of black out curtains
I trigger point using a tennis ball to help release my muscles that have atrophied, I stretch when I need to, to the best of my ability during any given day, I mostly lie in bed tbh, that’s the only thing that makes it tolerable most days is rotting
For medicine I take a lot of different things, celecoxib, gabapentin but mmj helps me the most I’ve found— and also pisses off doctors enough for them to just accuse me of using recreational drugs (I don’t, and that doesn’t make me superior, but damn they do not fully believe you after you share that information)
I use topical relief like diclofenac or lidocaine, tiger balm helps immensely but also burns my skin at times. I have a massage gun that I got for like 75% off with the right Amazon coupons
I wear braces when I absolutely need to, which isn’t often bc I’m stubborn but also know how to navigate brace-less bc I’ve been doing this for so long
I have to have distractions, I play video games— fast paced like Warframe and assassins creed, things where it’s from one thing to a next and you’re completely submersed in the game. I forget I’m in pain sometimes when I’m playing, and then the game pauses and I get the quick reminder
I used to do music therapy, but I’ve been in too much pain to pick it back up again, so much that I ugly cried after playing the piano for the first time in months. I draw on my bent second hand iPad (that person must have just planted their cheeks on it bc HOW does it bend like that?) because it gives me the most control with my hand than paper and pencil does
I am so thankful that I have access to two mobility aids, which I wouldn’t have had access to if it weren’t for my friend who paid for the whole chair, it was one from Amazon like $100, and someone cared about me enough to do to understand my pain and wanted to help me through it, and I cannot ever express how grateful I am. I recognize that having a walker and wheelchair are very much a privilege, but my wheelchair hurts me because it isn’t custom made
My fiancée helps a lot, they bring me medicine or do things for me that I can’t, my long distance best friend is about the same level of disabled as I am because they just hAD TO COPY ME/j and when they come over we just rot, watch shows and coexist in the same space because they get it, and I feel so comfortable with them because I know there isn’t judgement, I feel comfortable with my other friends for this same reason, but sometimes my anxiety still runs rampant banging a wooden spoon on pots and pans
Having a support system really does help, it really does, and I literally only have one physically abled “irl” friend who I love so very much because they take the time to understand and they accept me as me, not “despite” my disability
And there are support groups online, there are people who aren’t assholes and who do not play Sick Olympics ™️ and I promise you there are people who you will find to be such amazing friends through your pain and who won’t leave you, I promise it is possible
And I get myself treats when I can. Like a smoothie from the café I like going to, it’s like a reward
I’ve been doing a lot better mentally, though when my pain comes around in a flare, it feels permanent, and that makes everything just a bit lot worse. I still have a very high baseline of pain, this won’t go away and I’m not sure if I’ll ever return to where I was back when I was 15, before It Truly hit.
Pain might be forever, so the best thing we can do is manage it, and if that feels helpless right now then that is how it feels and you shouldn’t force yourself out of it, imo. It’s okay to sit with the Bad thoughts and feelings even though it’s the worst ever, but I think it’s healthier than “find the good!”
Bestie, my joints dislocating enough to leave me with permanent degeneration is not good, I won’t find the good in that unless my joints aren’t swollen to the point where they make me immobile, I’ll find the good when I have relief. But when I’m flaring up? Let me have my pity party and let me be a bitter cripple. I’ve been in pain forever, and I managed to stay alive every single time I considered or tried to make that not happen. But I’m not some sort of inspiration, I’m just someone whose body broke them enough to the point where I saw no return. And maybe there won’t be, but when you find the right pain management (which, unfortunately, will be the burden you mostly have to carry) you will feel better, maybe not Better, but better.
You’ve got this, we’ve got this.
TL;DR: I manage my pain with lots of drugs, coping skills, art, a support system, and plenty of outside help from mobility aids to literal tennis balls to help, *bear grylls voice* improvise, adapt, overcome
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
Something Sweet
yes this is the first chapter of a lil thing I’m working on bc I’m physically incapable of just relaxing on my summer vacation. The idea of Sylvia and Sodapop being a ship hit me like a truck and hasn’t relented <3 ps I’m doing this all on mobile so idk why the spacing is so weird I hate it! :)
words : 822
characters : Sodapop + Ponyboy Curtis, Sylvia
tw: canonical character death
tag! @mjmacchio1991 @pepsi-and-cigarettes @apricot-colored-feathers @the-kneesbees @ralphmaccchiato @patrickslayze @outsiderslamb @frypansgirl @jackettslut @victorious-2 @unoriginalchocolatemilk
You lay flat on your back, tired eyes tracing the popcorn-ceiling and the lines of time etched on its surface. Your brother jolts beside you every so often, moaning and crying out as the sweat winds down his forehead and he wraps the sheets tighter around himself until it looks more like a straight jacket than the same blankets your mother used to tuck you into. You can’t help but think it’s for the best when he tenses again, Pony’s foot finding the side of your shin.
For a fleeting moment, you’re almost grateful for the overwhelming exhaustion that made you forget to switch out of your clothes.
Your jeans are filthy, stained with mud and coppery blood of the Socs who wanted your brother and Johnny in the chair for what had happened to Bob Sheldon. Your shirt is in no better condition. Even in the darkness, the splatter in the center of your chest is obvious. You can taste the blood now, too, you’d bitten down on your bloody lip for umpteenth time since Darrry carried Ponyboy to your bed.
It hurts. It hurts, but you know your busted lip doesn’t hurt nearly as much as burnt timber collapsing on your back would, or getting torn apart by bullets while your friends watched.
As you stare up at the ceiling, it’s almost as if their faces stare back at you. Dallas if first, probably because you can still hear his body hit the cement if your mind goes quiet enough. His lips form one solid line, wisps of white-blonde hair press flat against his forehead and the nape of his neck. When you move your hand to wipe your bloodied lip, then to brush the hair from Ponyboy’s eyes, the face in the ceiling changes.
The last you saw of Johnny Cade was a picture in the newspaper. Even if it was only a sketch, you imagine it’s better than the mental image of him, nearly burnt to a crisp, spending his last few hours in agony in the same hospital where you found out your parents died. In the picture in your mind, Johnny doesn’t look happy. It took a lot to make that kid smile. But he doesn’t look like he’s in pain, either, so you decide you’ll have to be thankful for that.
Time seems to have lost all meaning. You don’t know if it will ever return. Ponyboy’s fallen into a deep sleep, finally. The repetitive rise and fall of his chest is almost enough to lull you to sleep, as well. You don’t have work tomorrow, but you can’t stand the fact of Darry having to care for your baby brother on his own.
Your legs cross at the ankles, fingers interlocked when you rest your scarred hands on your chest. The final face you see in your mind’s eye comes to you in the form of a memory.
Dally’s no-good, two-timing ex-girlfriend sits in front of you at the rodeo grounds. Only, they weren’t together yet. They were barely fourteen, actually. She wears her cousin’s hat, though you can still see her hair as it covers her shoulders, she teeters back and forth on the edge of her seat. Dallas is on the track somewhere, racing with the Slash-J’s after one of their jockeys took a nasty fall and tore something or other in his leg. After hearing he’d be out for the rest of the season and that a pretty paycheck was up for grabs, Buck Merrill jumped at the chance to see how quickly the newcomer from New York could settle into a saddle.
People around you explode into cheers and disappointed curses as the horses and their riders cross the finish line. You recognize him now, racing in boots too big for him and a wicked horse just below. Dallas would’ve finished first if that damned horse didn’t make sure Dal crossed the line before he did.
Sylvia was on her feet, taking the stairs three at a time before any of the rodeo hands seemed to notice one of the riders trying to survive the stampede of hooves pummeling the ground around him.
They’d already broken up. Dallas had caught her, or heard, that she’d been seeing someone else while he’d been in jail. You shake your head like an Etch-A-Sketch, trying to free the image from your mind without waking your brother. Try as you might, it seems impossible to imagine anything else but what Sylvia would’ve done if she were there to see.
You can’t imagine how she'll finally find out, either. The paper? Maybe the radio or television? Maybe she’ll be walking with her girlfriends and see his blood stained on the concrete.
Maybe she’ll just know.
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whomturgled · 3 years
i think there was a time when my q tag was queueturgled or queturgled, but it was before my URL was whomturgled, but now.... the power is in my hands.....
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You choose wich ones to answer 😂
Chariox or Chariot and Croix or both
I choose uh,,, all. All of them. Yeah this is gonna have to all go under a read more bc I Know it will do those super wide spaces between each thing lol
Every time I am surprised I’m able to do that on mobile. Anyways!
Favorite thing about them: I really loved so much that he had a very outward change throughout the show. I would be his friend for sure
Least favorite thing about them: beginning of show andrew would not be my friend. Be a little more open minded bestie. So glad he changed
Favorite line: tie between when he told akko she’s gotta stop living in chariots shadow and when he stood up to his father. Big fan of people standing up for themselves
brOTP: oh akko for sure they are the best of friends I’ve decided
OTP: some days I would say no one really but every now and then I see a great ankko drawing and I’m like oh ok so maybe they could be a thing but I def prefer them as friends
random headcanon: Andrew gets a crash course in being less stuffy on the regular via Akko and he’s discovering all the great things most people his age are already fully aware of. Also post season two he gets his dad and quite a bit of the government to accept witches as more than just a possibly prosperous partnership and actually put some work into that
Unpopular opinion: I don’t hate ankko. I think it’s kinda fun and cute
Song I associate with them: well flight of the bumblebee for obvious reasons my guy was just able to pull that out with 0 preparation. I often wonder if he was sight reading that or playing it with muscle memory. Brilliant either way. In general tho he’s def vibing to classical music
Favorite picture of them:
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My favorite form of growth is people visibly opening up
Favorite thing about them: I’m weak for rivals to lovers and also I love the very extroverted akko compared to Diana who keeps all of her emotions in a box where they will almost assuredly never leave
Least favorite thing about them: Diana being like oh absolutely not about akko for majority of the series and then turning right around and being like oh actually I like her a lot. I both thought it took way too long for her to warm up to akko but also it was very sudden when she did. I suppose that’s more of a writing thing tho
Favorite line: y’all remember in the original 2013 movie when Akkos like how do you know this is the shiny rod? And Diana panics and threatens to drop her??? Top comedy moments of all time I bet akko went out of her way to bother Diana after that
random headcanon: Diana absolutely abuses her teachers pet status to get into places and she uses that as hangout spaces for her and Akko. Also akko forgets her jackets and hoodies every now and then and sometimes won’t even realize until she sees Diana wearing them. Diana does not offer them back until Akko notices they’re missing
Unpopular opinion: this is prob my most unpopular opinion ever but I actually am not a really big diakko fan. I can def see why they’re a thing but it’s just not quite my cup of tea
Song I associate with them: Drive Slow by ADDIE
Favorite picture of them:
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Akkos got so much energy and Diana’s got so much gay panic. Neither of them are sure if they’re going to kiss
Favorite thing about them: oh well aside from literally everything and they are So easy to project onto best friends to lovers is one of my fave things in the world and I also love best friends to enemies to lovers but also they have such a complicated past where despite everything they still love each other and nothing will change that and they also have this sort of trust and comfortability even when they’re at odds with each other and also they still want a future with each other in it and croix is very aware of her mistakes and considering she promised practically the impossibly she’s willing to do anything to fix it
Least favorite thing about them: god I just wish more people were regularly talking about them
Favorite line: the “come back soon… I’ll be waiting line” has me out of my mind every time I hear it oh my god but honestly the entire last episode. Sobbing and crying facedown in the floor bc I just Can’t Take It
random headcanon: chariots interest in astronomy was passive when they were younger so croix never learned much. Now she’s making a point to learn every single constellation and star she can see from Luna Nova for Chariot and anytime Chariot says something might be useful to see things better Croix is immediately setting up plans to make it a reality. Regardless of if Chariot can fly or not Croix will take her flying to anywhere to go stargazing. Her excuse is that it’s warmer that way. Chariot has them go see stars Croix probably wouldn’t know
Unpopular opinion: I’ve seen some people complain that they’re toxic and all that aside I think an angle where they’re so much Worse would be really interesting
Song I associate with them: besties I’ve got whole playlists dedicated to them but I will list a few and say Hey Lover! by Wabie, Kina Grannis’s cover of Build Me Up Buttercup, and First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes
Favorite picture of them: every piece of charoix art teir3s has ever drawn but also these and my pfp or I’ll hit image limit
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Favorite thing about them: she’s so sweet,, she lives to make other people happier. She’s also incredibly forgiving which is super impressive. Shoutout to her wall decor tho she’s really set in her interests and I love that so much. How many other women have a framed picture of Galileo on their walls? Also she’s not a push over either she was so ready to throw down with Croix at any given moment
Least favorite thing about them: I would not change a thing about her she’s perfect
Favorite line: the entire scene where she’s covering for akko in orange submariner. Blub blub blub? Akko?? You flushed one of your professors down the drain?? All of them are so good they’re actually my favorite lines of the whole show. I rewatch that episode often because of her lines during that scene
brOTP: Chariot and Nelson. I think they’d be very good friends
OTP: charoix. If my brain could have a theme it’d be them. Fave duo of all time
random headcanon: she was both disappointed and incredibly relieved when the crater she made on the moon wasn’t named after her. She very much was checking up on what became of that and when she saw the name she was not a fan. She’d rather have had some other crater named after her that she didn’t cause massively but it still irritates her even a little now
Unpopular opinion: lwa follows akko around but chariot is the main character
Song I associate with them: Temporary Nothing by mxmtoon
Favorite picture of them: can u tell I love what she wears outside of her uniform
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Favorite thing about them: I will refrain from writing a full length book but I have a very specific type in women and she straight up embodies my type in women. She’s absolutely brilliant and she thought out her plans so well, she’s cold she’s calculating, but she does have a line she won’t cross even if she’s not aware, and she still cares about Chariot even though to her she took everything from her and not only does she still care she still loves her. Also she really did invent some really cool things
Least favorite thing about them: she definitely almost only eats ramen. My girl needs to find some fruits and vegetables
Favorite line: anything she’s ever said. So true bestie I love you. I will say any of her lines where she’s taunting Chariot??? God they’re so good. Those are scenes that I will absolutely rewatch several times in a row if I’m like hmm I don’t think I was paying enough attention to that
brOTP: I think it’d be hilarious if she was good friends with Pisces. Moral philosophy professor and Croix. Not in a sense of try and fix croix challenge I just think that seeing them be friends would be funny because u know that’s definitely a topic that comes up from time to time but neither of them would enjoy it. Or maybe Pisces would from like a I’d like to study you point of view
OTP: I’m gonna have to say charoix on this one
random headcanon: her most commonly used roombas do have names. Also her form of breaks is video games. She’s definitely a gamer and she built herself a fantastic pc because she insists on only ever being on the highest settings for everything. She ported doom to a roomba just out of doing so. Also when she’s working and there’s a lot of lag going on she has to check what’s open bc chances are she left a game open
Unpopular opinion: I really don’t think she stays in jail for long. Like I’ve written many many dissertations on this before I know but like she really didn’t leave a ton of evidence for things pointing to her so I think she could get out of the more serious charges. I also think she’s got a decent bit of money from her different inventions so I think she could very much pay her way out of a bit of jail time as well
Song I associate with them: oh no! By Marina, play pretend by margø
Favorite picture of them: the way that all of these pictures live in my mind,,, it’s like a rotating screen saver for my brain. Forever crying that the third one seems to only be a teaser for the next manga that didn’t come out. Also that mechanic outfit??? Sobbing and crying we didn’t get to see her like that in the show. I love her so much
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Arya Stark & Femininity
This might turn into a mini rant, so bear with me here. A lot of times whenever I watch old GOT clips, (bc I hate myself) and read stuff about Arya on fansites, I realize that there’s been a lot of misconception about her and her character. Particularly about her being a woman. And a lot of times i see this sort of “justification” from her fans that the reason why she’s such a fan-favorite character in the show (and to some extent, the books?) is because Arya is esentially this “bad-ass ninja asassin tomboy who’s out for revenge against those who’ve killed her family.” And some of her fans and especially her anti’s will call her out expressing that “Arya’s only a child who doesn’t like girly things like dresses and boys and doing her hair. She “identifies” herself as a tomboy because she likes “boyish things” like sword play, and playing in the mud, and gore, wrestling, etc. I was scrolling through the Jonrya tag here on Tumblr, this is a comment I found regarding Arya:
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The moment I read that I straight up just wanted to rant! Lol! Also, I’m sorry for the formatting, I’m writing this on mobile. :( Anyways, these people who make those claims about Arya, esentially only see her as this small girl who likes fighting and getting dirty. They completely disregard everything else that makes Arya, Arya. Pretty much just limiting her to her sex, understanding that because Arya likes boyish things, she’s NOT ALLOWED to inherit things, like the North, fall in love and get married, have a high position in the hierarchy and in politics. It’s because that these people see her as someone who hates needlework or everything that isn’t Sansa, everyone believes that she hates everything that makes her FEMALE. Everybody here knows that Arya’s my favorite female character in the books, so I just wanna talk about how the general public views her, and how their views tend to go against Arya’s entire character.
People have this view that she is the “exact opposite” of Sansa. And while that’s true in terms of their different characteristics, it doesn’t mean that Arya is against everything that makes Sansa, feminine. Now lemme elaborate here. Sansa is everything that represents “femininity.” Especially in terms of the inspired time period that ASOIAF takes place in. She’s very girly & lady-like, is mannerful, “soft-spoken.” She daydreams about boys and being a princess. She’s graceful and elegant. She knows her place in terms of society, and as a woman. AND YEAH, Arya is the exact opposite of that. Yes, she has this boyish nature. She’s wild and free spirited. Loud also adventerous. But that’s the thing: Arya has a lot of femininity in her. It’s just not the femininity that we’re used to. What society percieves as “normally feminine.”
Arya is not Sansa. And it’s because she doesn’t act like a “lady” that the audience sees her as this girl who “doesn’t want” or most importantly, should not want/get the same treatment as the typical noblewoman in Westeros should recieve. This idea was engraved into people’s heads because of the show, and that’s how we’re supposed to see her. As this cold hearted ninja assasin warrior who happens to be a girl, but doesn’t act like a typical girl. The audience pretty much places her in the “I’m not like other girls” trope. Which is honestly, so wrong to me. Because yeah okay, Arya isn’t like the typical lady. But god, she is far deeper than that, and is a much more complex character.
Here’s the thing, Arya does not reject being a female, and most importantly, she does not reject the typical ideals of what makes a lady feminine. Of course not. In fact, she actively encourages that women be included in all things, especially in things only made for men. She believes that women should not be held back or ignored because of their sex and femininity.
“The Lannister’s are proud,” Jon observed. “You’d think the royal sigil would be sufficient, but no. He makes his mother’s House equal in honor to the king’s.”
“The woman is important too!” Arya protested.
This excerpt is from Arya’s very first chapter in AGOT. It is also my favorite Jonrya moment, lol. And asides from the scene foreshadowing potential plot points for not only Jon & Arya, the scene introduces to us and examines Arya’s perception of society and more specifically, the women in society. In this scene Arya joins Jon in observing Prince Joffrey, talking about the Lannister/Baratheon coat of arms. Jon makes a point that while the Baratheon sigil should be enough to prove that Joffrey is of royalty, the Lannisters (Cersei) are a proud house, married into the royal family. So therefore Joffrey is of house Baratheon AND Lannister. That is why the Lannister sigil stands besides the Baratheons. Because they, specifically Cersei, should be seen as equal to the king.
And while Jon makes this seem like it’s wrong or not needed, Arya disagrees with him. She tells him that the women should not be forgotten, as they should be seen as equal to the men. That the women are just as important as the men, and that it would be of good conduct to not forget that. And with that being said, she never acknowledges that Joffrey’s mother is too lady-like or too feminine to be seen as an equal to the king. Nope. Although she does question later as to why if women cannot fight, why should they have a coat of arms. Though that is hardly the point of her argument.
Another point that makes people believe that Arya is not feminine or does not support femininity, is when she flat out says to Ned that she hates the idea of being a lady.
“Your mother and I have charged her with the impossible task of making you a lady.”
“I don’t want to be a lady,” Arya flared.
Alot of people misinterpret this as Arya not wanting to be a noblewoman, because she only likes to play with swords, and get dirty. Because acting like a lady is stupid and not her. This is simply not true. Arya has no problem with women, or being a lady. She is a lady. A highborn one. What she does have a problem with is that being a lady often means being trapped in the conformities of what society percieves to be the acceptable standard for women in this time period.
All of the acceptable standards is what Sansa is. And she is not like Sansa. She does not believe herself to be a lady like her sister or her mother. When she first reveals her true identity to Gendry in ACOK, he immediately apologizes to her for his behavior and calls her m’lady. :3 Arya unfortunately sees this as a form of mockery and an attack because while Gendry acknowledges that she is a lady, Arya doesn’t act like a typical lady or even look like one. That insecurity of not being a lady like her mother and sister makes her believe that Gendry is using her sex against her. Like a form of irony. But I mean, we all know that’s far from the truth, lol!
And Jon recognizes this too! It’s the reason why they are so close and tightly knit together. Because Jon understands Arya, and sees her insecurity like how she sees his. They are one and the same. Jon sees and understands Arya’s frustrations of sexism viewed in Westeros. He acknowledges that Arya is to become a lady. But he also sees that Arya is not the conventional type of lady wanting to stick to the norms. She is a different type of lady, and to him, that is okay. He may tease her for it once in a while, pointing out all the unfair limitations that women have to go through. But he accepts her for being this unconventional noblewoman, and often encourages her to pursue being different.
“Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister.”
Later when Jon and Arya say their goodbyes, Jon gifts Arya with the swords. Needle. This is his way of saying, fuck all them haters, be who you wanna be. Solidifying the idea that he supports her and accepts her for who she is. Kinda like how Tyrion told him to use his identity as armour, Arya should do the same to herself. It’s okay to be different than the rest. Fuck the rules.
It’s not that Arya hates the idea of being a lady. It’s a far cry from that. It’s the sexism that goes along with being the typical lady that infruiates her. Arya loves running around, riding horses, playing with swords, being loud and adventurous. She has a firery temper to her. And just because she likes doing all of that, and is all of that, it doesn’t mean, shouldn’t mean that she isn’t a lady. That she can’t be a lady. All of those things shouldn’t limit her to being viewed as a girl, a highborn lady. She is a woman, and she identifies as one.
“Listen to him, boy.”
“It was the third time he had called her “boy.” “I’m a girl,” Arya objected.
That is why, even though she sees herself as a woman, she often tells herself and other people that she is not a lady. Despite others telling her that she is one. Her insecurity and her frustrations do not allow her to see herself as a lady because she isn’t a “conventional woman.”
But the thing is, even though Arya doesn’t enjoy most of the typical lady-like things, she still has a ton of femininity to her. And people often ignore her more feminine traits in favor of her more “badassery” side, which unfortunately are most often occupied by men. People forget and downright ignore that Arya is really intelligent. She particularly excels in math. It’s one of the few things that she’s better at than Sansa. She loves flowers—like her aunt Lyanna. The very person who she’s said to look and act like the most. And a really important one is that she has motherly instincts. It’s what helps her protect other kids throughout her journey. Her ability to empathize enables her to be more social with outcasts and befriend others without judgement. She is well-mannered and kind to strangers. (An example of this would be when she apologizes to a common woman who lent her a dress to wear, and she accidentally destroys it because she and Gendry were playing by the acorn tree.) She can also cook and clean just like any other woman—or any other person. All of those are feminine traits, and are traits that make her more human. And the show opted to get rid of all that and gave us some cold-hearted, angry, ninja.
The audience perceives that because Arya is this ninja warrior who rejects the common standards of being a lady, it means that she can’t have these other more female traits. Nope. She’s not allowed to have or want more rights and power because that’s not her. She’s a warrior and nothing more. She can’t find love because she has to be this bad-ass independent woman who don’t need no man. That’s not her, that’s her sister. We can’t have Arya be any more female than she already is because she rejects the idea of being female. Leave all that crap to her sister! Sansa’s the princess—and we can’t have Arya being a princess or queen. Arya’s only allowed to carry a sword.
And it’s the audience’s perception of her that goes against everything that Arya is, and everything that she believes in. Because remember, Arya hates the idea that being a lady means being trapped in the societal norms. And it can be said vice versa too. Arya still respects those who want to be more of the conventional type. Arya may not have the more typical feminine traits that make her a lady, but to hell with it! It doesn’t mean that she’s not allowed to have the other things that the more conventional woman would/should have. That goes against all of her views and beliefs. The audience puts Arya at an unfair standard because she doesn’t act like a conventional woman.
It’s the same thing as the audience saying that Jon Snow doesn’t want a title or power, because he’s devoted his life to the Nights Watch and is unselfish. False. Very false. Just like Arya. Arya’s young. She still has time to grow, and no doubt she doesn’t think of all those things now because of other priorities. But she’s slowly getting there. And there is so much foreshadowing of her finding love, becoming a woman gaining power, etc, etc. She’s not there yet, but that’s a part of her growth. Just because she defies the typical female standards, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t want or wont want all those things later.
Like com’on. Everyone knows that Arya is the only legitimate candidate right now to inherit the North. Everyone knows. The Northmen know, the Nights Watch knows, the people in Kings Landing knows. Hell, even the damn wildings know this. And it’s because of this knowledge that formed the majority of the northern plotline in ADWD. People are going to war for her. She is the true key to the North, and that’s why the Boltons lied and said that they have her. It’s why Jon went to war and died for her. I don’t think Arya will truly believe it if/when she finds out that people are fighting for her because she holds the power to the North. Unless Jon’s gonna be the one to tell her himself. The fact that she is being set up to inherit all this power, and yet people deny it and believe that she doesn’t want it because it’s “not her” in regards that she’s not feminine enough, is seriously infuriating.
I mean look at the type of women Arya respects and idolizes. Where do you think she got the name Nymeria from? Nymeria’s name originates from the Princess of Dorne herself, Princess Nymeria of Ny Sar. Princess Nymeria was said be very beautiful, strong-willed, cunning, and full of wisdom. She was a “warrior-queen.” From that alone, her femininity clearly did not matter. She was a woman whose goals were not held back because of her femininity and sex.
Arya does not hate femininity or things that makes women more feminine. She doesn’t truly hate wearing dresses or being a lady. It’s being conformed to the general standards that she hates. It’s her sex being used against her that makes her angry. It’s not being able to be herself that she despises. And thanks to Sansa and her mother’s judgement of her, Arya’s insecurity only heightened. Despite looking exactly like Lyanna, Arya herself believes that she’s not beautiful enough to even be considered a lady. Only Jon and Ned allowed Arya to be Arya. Only they called her beautiful, and only they encouraged her to be who she wanted to be. Arya loves her fellow women. And yeah, she also loves Sansa despite her being such a pain in the ass bitch, lol.
Arya’s character encourages women to just be women. She encourages us the audience to just be ourselves despite all the conformities forced upon us. Her character explores the limitations of sex, gender, and especially the loss of identity. Arya not wanting to be a lady doesn’t actually mean she doesn’t want to be a lady. She doesn’t want to be held back by the standards of being a lady. Her question, her argument is that why should women be limited only to being this or that. Women are far more than meets the typical standard, and if society can’t accept it, then fuck that! Women can be knights and still be a lady. They can be fierce and passionate and emotional and still be a lady. Women can be warriors and still be a lady. Just because there are some women out there who don’t fit the ideal standards of what it means to be lady, it shouldn’t make them feel like less than one.
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thisknightisbi · 3 years
absolutely agree with your post on reblogging but i also kinda want to stipulate that the push for reblogging is more for like,, created content than just posts in general bc text posts are SO fun to see circulating but they already get a lot more traction than creations and there’s also like. a difference in time invested
agreed, any writing/art/graphics/gifs/videos/edits are what most content creators are looking to get reblogs for, to get their content that they spent hours working on out there to anyone who might like it.
honestly (i've said this before) when i see a like on my content, i either take it as 1) a save for later, meaning they'll reblog it later when they have time or its queued OR (and what i most often feel) II. as an acknowledgment that the post, like. exists. as leaving a "yes, i saw this" sort of thing. i often forget that likes mean someone actually enjoyed it, but when i see people reblog my stuff and add tags or comment on them i'm like !!! wow!! you enjoyed!! 🥺 thank you!
edit: just as a note, i do read everyone's tags if i can. on mobile it's more difficult, but they do make me smile and i ..maybe... screenshot some of them for fuel for when i'm down. so yeah, tags are awesome
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literaetures · 3 years
i was tagged by the always lovely @keiraknightlcygf and i'm tagging: @startingthecase, @jammeke, @brontes, @faslaidir, and anyone who wants to do this tag! 💌
1. Why did you choose your url?
it was years ago when i just switched my major to english in undergrad and i was really excited about it and wanted to get hyped and fall in love with the subject that i cared about on here too and it just stuck ever since! but i'm always thinking about changing it and never taking the plunge....... maybe one day...... one day
2. Any side blogs?
yeah! i have a multifandom blog, a reference blog, and a gradblr and i barely use any of them but they're still there!
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
oof since 2011 and now it's 2021 and i remember making it in like? august? so 10 year anniversary is coming up! and i never thought i'd be in grad school.... still on this site.... but wow the passage of time!
4. Do you have a queue tag?
nope! i tried using my queue a few times but i really just prefer reblogging one or two or a million things at once and then disappearing
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place?
i moved blogs bc a bunch of irl people were following me on my original one and i just didn't feel comfortable reblogging what i wanted to so i moved and i'm always glad i did that!
6. Why did you choose your icon?
it's lizzie bennet from 2005 p&p with the cutest background and i love her your honor i don't think i'll ever change it!
7. Why did you choose your header?
i just reblogged a pretty art piece and i thought "i could make a mobile theme around this color scheme" and then i did which is how my normal thought process for mobile themes goes
8. How many mutuals do you have?
oh no clue— is that something you can track? i know loving mutuals is the Thing now but i just like everyone i follow tbh otherwise i wouldn't follow them
9. How many followers do you have?
more than i'd ever thought would follow me! and i'm eternally grateful and totally shocked every time i look at it! i'm actually about to hit a milestone soon so i'm even more shocked that anyone would want to follow me! thank you all for being here and always being so kind! 💛
10. How many do you follow?
622! i went through and unfollowed a few inactive blogs but i know it's quite a lot lmao i like having a fast dash and i watch a variety of media so i like having new recommendations of things to watch
11. Have you ever made a shitpost?
yeah and none of them are funny but they make me laugh in the moment!
12. How often do you use tumblr a day?
pretty often since it's the only social media i actively go on— any time want to scroll through something i go on here
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i don't think so? i hope not! i really don't like hurting others or being mean or confrontation so i can't think of anything
14. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i really dislike them bc usually those comments are from other people and i feel like they either derail or detract from the op's point or just encourage a passive activism that remains in a performative realm rather than actively researching or wanting find out more about a certain topic or issue
15. Do you like tag games?
i do! i like the thought that someone would tag me and i think they're fun but i'm always bad at doing them bc they tend to disappear from my notes or i just get swamped with work and forget fjsnkfdsjnf
17. Which mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
ooo no clue there might be some but i genuinely don't care bc if i follow you it's bc i like the things you reblog or post and that's what matters not how popular or "tumblr famous" you are which is why i like that you can't see how many followers someone has it takes a lot of the pressure off of you and you can just enjoy the things you reblog instead!
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of them i adore you all and wish nothing but good things to happen to you!
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fullwets · 3 years
tagged by @andwegogreen @mcl35m & @justdrivee 
readmore just bc it’s like. long and a tag game
1. Why did you choose your URL? i was in a discord server last summer & we went through a phase where everyone’s name was variations on “____ dan”, and i was shoey dan for a good long while so i decided to embrace it 😌 in an alternate timeline i chose flanneldaniel as a url instead and my pfp is something Not Feet
2. Any side blogs? yes, this is my most active side blog tho. i also run @asofterf1, my hockey blog is @fialas & my writing inspo blog is @[redacted] (idk msg me for this one i don’t mind giving it out if i know who you are). the only sideblogs that are rly active tho are this one & the hockey one. my main is @coelura
3. How long have you been on tumblr? January 2015, babey. but on f1blr since May of 2020.
4. Do you have a queue tag? no lmao i just stick everything in the queue and Hope
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place? uhh. i started writing f1 rpf and needed a place to put all that i didn’t want to bring Another sport onto my main blog, mostly.
6. Why did you choose your icon? she’s just part of the brand. i’m afraid to change it at this point i have no idea what i’d even pick
7. Why did you choose your header? currently i’m very in limbo. i wanted to switch things up a bit on my mobile theme but i keep rotating through different pictures of dando. we’ll see what ends up sticking.
8. What's your post with the most notes? pink lewis from the rainbow series!
9. How many mutuals do you have? for f1 mutuals... somewhere between 20 & 30. there’s definitely a handful tho that like. i follow just on main and not for f1 anymore jhdshj sorry. i still love u
10. How many followers do you have? 200 more than i do on main :)
11. How many people do you follow? 407
12. Have you ever made a shit post? yeah lol
13. How often do you use tumblr a day? too much :/
14. Did you ever have an argument/fight with another blog? no i’m so allergic to confrontation it’s insane.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog" posts? mostly i just ignore them idk. unless it’s tag bait i love putting silly little things in the tags
16. Do you like tag games? yes. they sit in my drafts for 3-6 months it’s great
17. Do you like ask games? i always think i will and then run out of energy to answer them :(
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?  there’s definitely some of y’all that like. are big editors on here and i salute u hdjsjd. also [redacted] of [redacted] fame
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?  haha yes ;)
20. Tags
@lyonsbutton @sirlewisshoey @lovefromhorsey i forget who’s done this already 😳
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I never made a mobile-friendly post with my Verses and Rules so... just check under the cut, I guess?
I'll also pin it to be easy to access.
Borderlands 3 - After Jackpot
The “default” verse for my roleplay, unless stated otherwise. Thanks to the help of Moxxi and the Vault Hunters, he was able to flee from that golden Jack-shaped prison and try to search a new place where he could start over and finally live his own life, even if having the voice and appearances (and also DNA) of a deceased dictator will not make it easy. To overcome all of this and the traumas he suffered, Timothy will need time…but now he finally has all the time he needs. Free. (small note: for this verse, Tim got a new hand thanks to FL4K building it like they do for their pets)
Tag: #[verse: after jackpot]
Pre-Sequel - Jimothy the Body Double
Basically, a verse that takes place in the Pre-Sequel Era after he got tricked into the surgery, whole body-double/Vault Hunter gig.
Tag: #[verse: jimothy]
Borderlands 2 - Still a Doppelganger
After the events of Pre-Sequel and before the death of Handsome Jack, a sort of AU where he didn’t get sent to the Jackpot and continues acting as a double for Jack. He was branded, dons the mask, and he’s the firts of the doubles…the other double (mostly pocket-watch doubles) consider him being the “favourite” since he’s the first one, but he suffers the same consequences - or probably worse - as the others if he stumbles upon the wrath of Jack. He doesn’t like having to continue being a double, but what other option there is for someone like him?
Tag: #[verse: still a doppelganger]
Post-TPS/early BL2 and after - Timothy the Renegade
Another sort of AU. After the events of TPS and after the branding, Timothy finally finds the courage to flee from Jack and Hyperion. Faking to being busy with some business for Jack on Concordia, he stops by Nurse Nina to get the infamous bomb out of his body and remove the clasps of the mask (the surgeries were irreversible but at least those things where fixable) - paying well to ensure that she’ll never tell that he has been there - and defects on Pandora. The best way to hide something, sometimes is in plain sight. Also, no one would notice someone that keeps his face hidden between all the masked bandits that live on that planet. There, he lives as a bounty hunter and by not staying too long on the same place.
His hair is kept long, in a low ponytail, the scarred face usually his hidden with goggles and a scarf, the voice is changed through a modulator that keeps hidden under the scarf. Tim still has the watch with his diji-jacks, he was able to alter their code so Jack couldn’t use the watch to track him down nor control it, and also made them able to mimic his disguise so they won’t out his identity. No more silly one-liners, their AI was improved after the Elpis’ events.
Tag: #[verse: renegade]
Pre-Canon - Freckled Ginger
Before the Pre-Sequel. Timothy was a simple guy - with ginger hair, freckles and glasses - attempting at completing his college studies while the loan he had to take was keeping him more than broke. But he didn’t want to go back to his family after he insisted to go to that college instead of a community one. He won’t be able to handle the shame of failing, nor having to admit that he has a big debt on his shoulders because he wanted to chase his dream to become a writer.
Tag: #[verse: freckled ginger]
I have roleplaying experience, but not on Tumblr
English is not my language, sorry in advance
I’m shit at formatting, but I’ll try my best
Even though my schedule is embarassingly open, I can’t assure to be active often or be able to reply fast because of both timezones (I’m in GMT+1) or because my mental health told me to go fuck myself to take a break for a bit.
Will be roleplaying when I’m on computer, because I hate that the phone keyboard hides almost all the text editor of Tumblr app.
Now the real rules:
I won’t be writing any sexual NSFW content: I’m not comfortable with that.
Any other thing (adult or not) found in the Borderlands universe is fine with me, just don’t make me write the hanky-panky.
As stated before, I’m not good with formatting posts
I don’t have a fixed lenght for replies, but I’ll try to adapt to the other’s style… but I can’t guarantee to be able to write sth lenghty bc of language skills barrier.
There won’t be icons in my replies because I know myself and I’ll end up forgetting to add them quite soon.
I’m not selective currently, I just want to roleplay and have fun. Probably I will not be following back non-rp blogs simply to keep dash & notifications tidy.
OC friendly! I love seeing Borderlands OCs and if you have an about page I’ll surely will be giving it a look!
Multiverse: mainly BL3 post Jackpot DLC, but I’m open to roleplay other timelines and Verses/AUs
About this, if you have any idea for a verse/au feel free to message me to discuss plots and stuff together!
Since it’s Multiverse I guess that it could also be Multiship, but I don’t really care about ship stuff. Let’s see how the plot goes naturally.
No Godmodding but this should be like the basic thing in rp.
The Timothy that I’ll roleplay will be a mix of Canon and Headcanons, so it could not fit the expecations
Mun is not the Muse: me and Timothy may have a bunch of traits in common, but we are not the same thing. Please keep them separated.
On this note, no OOC drama. I don’t want you drama, nor I care about it. Keep your drama for yourself because I have my share of drama irl: if I’m here I want to have fun and not suffer anxiety/panic attacks because of some shit internet drama.
I’m kinda shy and anxious so I can’t guarantee to be the one initiating the interactions, but I’ll try my best.
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Okay, this is vaguely insane, but
If someone from our century were transported backwards in time and reborn as some sort of crown prince/ruler, how far and how quickly could they push their country's development?
I just kinda want a story of a high schooler with no particular interest in anything wake up as, I dunno, some sort of medieval King and be so pissed off by everything that they start scratching all the bits of vague technological, sociocultural, economical, political knowledge together that they should have collected in school, and then kind of ... start. From practically scratch. Or worse because of the social restrictions.
So they try to start with electricity and fail, because they don't actually remember how a battery works, and decide to hire - grinding their teeth - some scientist from a university, only to find that that scientist is a charlatane and more interested in alchemy than actual chemistry. So instead, they hire one of their servants - who turns out to be a bit of a prodigy, even if they can't read - and tell them to start working on steam engines, together with a local blacksmith's daughter who can definitely blacksmith but is forbidden to do so bc of her gender.
The new monarch realizes that in order to get anywhere with anything, they need to delegate.
Long story short, the servant/blacksmith duo manage - with a bit of financial aid - to kickstart the industrial revolution, but the monarch remembers enough angry late night tumblr rants about capitalism and low class workers plus a dozen or so internet history lessons (bc history lessons at school are often useless and more about numbers than how the gears of a society grind together) to put their foot down and grant the workers a livable minimum wage - and to make sure the workers and especially worker's children receive an actual education. Both of which prevents a major societal crisis.
Parallel to the whole economy trip is the whole political thing, which they manage to navigate with a bunch of random political/historical facts and anecdotes (they pop up at the beginning of each chapter and seem to be there just for fun, but become suddenly VERY relevant when the right situation arises). Our monarch begins to realize that, in their growing scientifical staff (since the first two are now platonically married and taking over the national market as well as parts of the international one), there is actually more brain to be found than with them, so they begin to write down everything they can remember, from chemistry and artificial fertilizer to physics to maths, in one large (not so large) book and add in a larger (much larger) book all the stuff they know is important but the actual information was completely buried under facts like what a mitochondria is. They slam down the books in front of their scientists (i.e. make sure our farmers can a) provide enough food for themselves, b) get acceptable living conditions, c) can provide enough food for our booming cities, d) get an increased range of mobility through ... trains or something, e) get enough of a decreased workload to be able to send their children to school and f) ... I don't know) and sic them on the different problems.
Then, their Highness turn their attention back to ruling because, . There is a lot of stuff going on in their kingdom, and a lot of it isn't good. They begin to abolish the old system of inequality before the law (nobles are outraged). They write a constitution that includes some of the fundamental human rights. They establish a law system. They keep escaping murder attempts because they grew up on a diet of period dramas, game of thrones and serial killer documentaries.
They reorganize the administration and weed out corruption by making it punishable by ... something, idk.
Universities are next.
They write a book about common sense that they get pope-approved by bribing the cardinals. Subsequently, they realize that they completely forgot about printing books, and promptly follow their book up with the invention of the printing press (how did they forget about that??!)
The social and the educational processes speed up by 500% in the following few years.
The invention progress gets done a lot earlier than in canon history because the monarch a) knows EXACTLY what the scientists and professors and clever kids (that they actively collect) need to be looking for and b) because they remembered not too late into their reign to just ... send people into other civilizations and ask. As easy as that. China had black powder, paper and a lot of other cool stuff. (They finally get to eat rice noodles again a few years into their reign. Hey, being an absolutist ruler has to have some perks. If you can't send a group of diplomats into the far east to retrieve the recipe of your favourite food, then what's the point?)
Also, they had planned to subtly undermine the influence of the catholic church on their people, bit as it turns out, education does a whole lot against superstition. The law for freedom of religion and confession passes almost without a hitch after some dude named Luther nailed a textpost rant of several pages against a church door.
They are several decades into ruling when they realize. They have brought freedom and prosperity and rational thinking and instant noodles (of a sort) to their country. People study arts and science and discuss politics and exchange ideas and knowledge with other cultures. It's the renaissance come early but better because they remembered about the molding bread and the bacteries (the scientists very obviously thought them insane, but eventually managed some decent penicilline; additionally the monarch added their corona-induced knowledge about hygiene and quarantine to the national curriculum).
But they remember some pretty inconvenient stuff: colonialism. They brought freedom to their own people. Now how can they save the free people of the other continents from the europeans? Bc not gonna lie, europe's history is pretty bloody, not only at our own doorstep. (Looking at you, US. ) Anyways they realize that the Native Americans and Australians are pretty happy and actually don't want to change much (at least I think so?? No offense meant if wrong).
The aztec empire, though, is a completely different matter. They are warned of some dude named Cortez, and seem very pleased about the gift of a few dozen horses (or did I misremember how that story went? Cortez being believed a God bc of the horses?).
So is the Chinese one. (They are thoroughly warned against some stuff named opium coming from England, even if that's centuries away.)
They establish diplomatic relations with a badass african queen who is more than willing to trade supplies for more sophisticated technological devices against technological knowledge.
At some point the ruler realizes they didn't age in the last seventy years, so the point of a marriage of convenience for an heir is kinda moot (not that they had remembered anyways). Probably some offhanded remark of a noble. Or seeing the industry duo's adopted children's children.
Also, one of the other nations, maybe india, surprisingly ups their technology game and does everything better than the european country, because I'm tired of western/white supremacy.
Feel free to add/change whatever suits your purposes. If someone ever writes the book, let me know.
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floescu · 3 years
Mun’s Asks: RP Edition 
Tumblr media
1. What was your first impression of the roleplay community on Tumblr? And what’s your impression of it now?
oh, golly gee. I found it intriguing and a lot more open & expressive, but wow that was like 6 or 7 years ago. A lot of things have changed! especially with aesthetics (themes, rules, icons, formatting) overall the way people interact with people. It's more strict, things that were ok back then will get you no traction this time around. Trends were created and not many people were able to jump onto those trends therefore they are left in the dust, like icons. A DECENT AMOUNT of rpers won't roleplay with people who don't have icons or nice formatting (ofc in my experience) which kinda stinks when their writing could be top notch; BUT AGAIN, everyone has their right to roleplay with WHOEVER they want to & do whatever they wish! : > that's just my impression, its strict and relies a lot on what your blog looks like rather than writing.
6. What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends here right now? Tbh? I haven't kept up with the new trends. I don't know what they are -- well besides the carrd thing I have been noticing!! I don't really have an opinion on that. I do gotta say it's easier on the eyes and I feel its better for mobile users too; I plan on creating one since its easier than editing the HMTL to change the font and text size; I'm not really the best at that type of stuff xD
9. How long have you been roleplaying?
For roughly 14 years now? truly not sure but I know a long time. I started on DA, then went to Twitter and found myself on Tumblr. I've been roleplaying since 2007 at least xD I often forget I've roleplayed on DA/Twitter a lot, I forget to mention those years. 
17. What are your thoughts on people who go all out on the aesthetic for their blogs? Do you think they have the right to express their creativity however they want?
oh my god, I LOVE it? it's amazing to see how talented and inventive people can be! I used to go all out, but I just got exhausted; I prefer simpler themes and a couple of icons here and there. Since my energy itself is already so tiny. I used to put all my time into my icons and it just, yeah? took a lot of my energy and when it came to finally write I just didn't have the muse. BUT YES, everyone has the right to express themselves !! the people things create be it the theme, PSD, graphics; it's honestly so ADMIRABLE.
25. Do you still keep in touch with your old roleplay partners?
Ah. unfortunately no. If this is regarding years back or even a few months then no, My circle is pretty small; I have only a few close friends that I keep in contact with and that's knowing them for almost a year now! it's pretty hard to keep in contact with me bc I kinda just drop off the earth sometimes and don't really have the energy to speak, my interest in things fluctuates a lot. So I may be totally into roleplaying then I just vanish for a while, I may be super talkative and then I'm silent, By no means is it bc I'm not interested in my partners I talk to; just -- constant communication is hard for me !! but I love all the partners that I have come across and had the honor of knowing <3 
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purplesunrisefanfic · 4 years
This is not the type of post I normally write and I won’t make a habit of it.
I had no idea how to write this post. This post is inherently problematic and I acknowledge that, but I ask that you do take the time to read it because I honestly believe that this is one of those times where it’s better to be problematic than silent. I am autistic and that’s where I’m coming from here. I can’t speak for Black autistic people but I have tried my best to ensure that I am speaking up for Black autistic people to the best of my ability.
I’m sorry there isn’t a read more, the mobile app and site on Tumblr does not do that.
I’m very worried by some of the generalisations I’ve seen being reblogged all over the place about what people should and should not in terms of grieving Chadwick Boseman and how they may be impacting some disabled Black people.
For example, I have seen posts that are very hardline about how it’s “wrong” to think/feel/say “T’Challa has died” as opposed to saying “Chadwick Boseman has died” and I have also seen posts that categorically denounce anyone who might want to react by writing fanfiction about T’Challa dying. There are other examples but I will use those two so that there are not too many.
I suspect that many of these comments were aimed at sketchy white people but they didn’t say so and that worries me. It worries that there is problem where allistic (non-autistic) and otherwise neurotypical people are failing to recognise that assuming everyone will know what you mean and/or that Black people will know it isn’t aimed at them is an ableist concept. One of the key problems people with autism face is that allistic people are often as bad as knowing what autistic people will or won’t assume or find obvious as we are when the shoe is on the other foot.
I’m not saying that some Black autistic and otherwise neurodiverse Black ppl won’t find it obvious that certain posts are implied to be addressed towards white people, because some will. But not everyone will. When it comes to autism, if you don’t say exactly and precisely what you mean then you cannot guarantee that the exact and precise thing you mean will be understood.
There are children on this platform. Are you sure you wanna say mass generalisations about how it’s wrong to do this, worry about that, think this way, express yourself that way and so forth on a platform where grieving Black children might see it? Where Black autistic children and adults might feel shamed or inferior (once again) because there’s a ton of notes on a post telling them that the way they think or feel or express themselves while grieving is wrong?
Don’t make any of these generalisations, please. Go back and rethink your posts, edit them, say what you mean. I’m not trying to be a white person inserting myself into this issue because I’m butthurt about posts calling out the shitty behaviour of white people. No, actually, it’s kinda the opposite, I’m butthurt because some of you forget to say “white people” when you needed to say “white people” I’m butthurt bc I know a lot of people think it’s okay to assume that everyone in a marginalised group always “gets it.” That idea hurts autistic people who are in another marginalised group. That idea is ableist. A person’s Blackness is not contingent on their ability to read neurotypical social rules. Do not assume that every single Black person knows instinctively that your post is aimed at white people being dicks who only care about Marvel, useless you actually say something like “Dear white people being dicks who only care about Marvel.” Yes, most people tend to “get it.” But unless you say “white people” you are the taking the risk that an autistic Black person won’t get that subtext. Please don’t take that risk when you the consequence could be that you effectively tell a Black autistic/neurodiverse people that they are grieving wrong.
I cannot think of many people out there that will be worse off for today’s news than Black autistic people for whom Chadwick, Black Panther, Marvel or superheroes in general is a special interest. I cannot put into words how much is at stake for the adults and children to whom that description applies. Some of these people may not be able to separate their mental concept of Chadwick Boseman and their mental concept of T’Challa in the way the average person does. They are not wrong, they are not lesser. They have nothing to be ashamed of. The last thing they deserve to see today is ill-thought grief-shaming generalisations that tell them aren’t respecting their hero properly.
Please check your posts, amend your posts, clarify and specify everything. If you wanna call out white people doing a thing say “white people,” if you wanna call out doing a thing in the context of having a shitty motive, call that out specifically. Explicitly say that doing X for Y reason is wrong because Y is a shitty motive. Explicitly say that the problem is Y motive. Or if it’s that the thing is okay to do privately, but some people are doing it inconsiderately and that’s hurting you, say “It’s inconsiderate to do X in this way. If you are doing X, please [specify how they can do it in a way that doesn’t harm others].” If you’re not sure how to communicate in a manner that is autism friendly, you can ask me and I’ll try to help.
Somewhere along the way I forgot to keep saying “autistic/neurodiverse,” every time and just said autistic sometimes. I’m sorry for that. So for the avoidance of doubt, this applies to anyone, diagnosed or undiagnosed/not yet diagnosed with any element of the differences I’ve talked about it, not just autism.
And to anyone of the people out there that I’m trying to talk about: How you think, how you feel, and how you process things is valid. If all you can think about today, tomorrow and maybe for a while is your fears about the future for T’Challa, that’s fine. More than fine, it’s a reflection of a way of thinking and perceiving that the world would be WORSE OFF without. If you write fanfiction about T’Challa to process your emotions then that’s okay too. Those are just two examples, the same goes pretty much across the board, however you express yourself. And actually most creative people tend to be glad to inspire other people to be creative, so if I had to bet on it, I’d bet that Chadwick Boseman would more likely than not be glad to see you writing.
If someone wants to take this rough point and write it better, please, please do. Ngl, I’m struggling with this, this is my best attempt at making these points but I’m not convinced it’s as good it ought to be. Please @ me if you do, bc I’d be glad to know.
And I’m fresh out of everything right now but here are some notes that I should add:
No one is exempt from considering autistic people, but that said I highly suspect it’s probably white people who are perpetuating a lot of this stuff, maybe even authoring it.
Every Black autistic person is inherently/fundamentally valuable regardless of their “contribution” to society, but also Black autistic people as a whole are valuable to society. The world would be shittier with Black Autistic people.
I’m a white autistic person trying to draw inferences and look out for other autistic people as best I can but I cannot and do not speak for Black autistic people. Raise their voices if you can.
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riskeith · 3 years
HIIII hope you have been well my dearest last airbender hehe. i have so much exciting things to share <333
so first off, i did two wish rolls the other night and guess what? on one roll i got BOTH bennett AND qiqi!!!!!! (the other one was just weapons but 🤷🏽‍♀️) i love them both so much i literally ascended them the second i got them. i still can’t believe my luck. so now my team looks like: traveller, noelle and those two. i’m having a little issue bc i don’t have a long range combat character but i love them all too much to change anything. which means i struggle sometimes maybe if i roll for someone else in the future i might change but rn i’m LOVING them. have you ever had luck like that?
AND i started watching haikyuu again and i forgot how funny it is. i usually don’t laugh out loud while watching things but i was literally chuckling while watching some moments. i’ve only watched 10 eps-ish but i fell in love with it again at the first ep already. i cant believe i dropped it before i’m so stupid.
ok that’s all the updates i had hahaha ! i was like buzzing waiting to tell you lmaidhdhdbd 🥺
oikawa is SO pretty it’s insane. when he showed up i was like yeah.... that’s him. that’s the pretty boy. but then again pretty much everyone is pretty in haikyuu who the hell are we supposed to focus on hehdhd the art style is just that good yk?
ships that have silent (+ points for angry) yearning are just superior. and usually they fall in the enemies/rivals category which is lovely. nothing is finer than watching people struggle with their feelings like mmmmmm... tasty. also as good as rareships can be, popular ships are popular for a reason yk? like canon content isn’t everything ofc but if canon can back it up in some way more people tend to be interested heh
wanna know something super weird? when i consume content i always fall for the stotic bois with angst backstories first but after i finish the shows i always miss the cute happy babies and that makes me obsessed with them? idk it’s crazy like voltron for example keith is literally my favorite character of all time but when i finished voltron i was literally bawling bc i missed lance so much help
well i guess we’re talking about voltron now HAHA 😭 dude s3 was a fucking blessing i can’t believe we got that and they just cut it off cold. the leader and his right hand man dynamic makes me yell to this day 😭😭😭 remember all the scenes where they continuesly reassured each other 😭 the ‘leave the math to pudge’ scene lives in my head rent free no joke dhdnhdbdud... s3 was just them loving each other tenderly and dw stole it from us.. ALSO PLEASE WRITE THEM AGAIN LITERALLY BEGGING 😭 pls 🥺
dude our government doesn’t give a shit we literally have politics traveling around and chilling without masks. they don’t care at all we barely have any restrictions so people don’t care either. it’s a mess here ngl.. :/
can’t wait to hear from u again... mwah!
hi hi!!!! is this gonna end up being 2 replies in one day for you again HAHAHA i’ll try not to disappear after
!!!!!!!!!! QIQI AND BENNETT??!!?!!!!!!!! oh my goodness… oh my goodness!!! i can’t believe you got a 5 star before me fjskskkdd but big deserve 😭😭😭😩😩😩 i’m so happy for you nejdnskamxlxmm holy shit!!!!! that’s so cute tho that’s such a cute team… and big mood!! who cares about team dynamics/fighting styles all that matters is that you like them 😩 but also does that mean you currently have 3 sword users and 1 claymore on your team jdjsndnsm. i also used to not have a ranged fighter on my team but it just got so inconvenient lolol. and no my luck is actual ass :( so often i only roll weapons, and when i do roll charas it’s like. all the base free ones djdkskdk
haikyuu is SO funny!!! everyone’s humour is so >>>> omg they’re just silly boys… are you restarting it from the very first ep? and it’s all good if you dropped it before bc you’re coming back to it now and that’s what matters 😩 keep me updated tho! i’m so excited to hear what you think
HFJDNSKSN sorry i went mia and made you wait chksjs WHICH REMINDS ME!! omg i’ve been meaning to tell you and keep forgetting but i downloaded genshin on my phone last week for my trip and it’s so??? difficult? like mad mad respect to you for being able to play on mobile omg… maybe it’s just bc i was used to pc already but damn.. djsjjs
HAHA yeah just admiring the visuals instead of focusing on the story.. we’ve all been there 😩 sometimes you just gotta rewind and take 48394993 screenshots of the one scene you know? who let them be so gorgeous..
yesssss the mutual oblivious pining is so good.. like they’re enemies to lovers but they’re also IDIOTS to lovers… or my fave headcanon which hurts so bad… the one person (keith) pining for their rival (lance) but it’s unrequited and they’ve just accepted that and are kinda resigned to it but. they just want them to be happy above all else :’) :’(
and honestly you are so right like if the popular ship are foils and have all these parallels between them and a deep backstory and stuff that’s so good too there’s so much food AHAH
omg that’s kinda cute tho.. like once you’re done you enter the honeymoon phase w bubbly outgoing charas.. (speaking of honeymoons when’s ours 🤪) speaking of lance he deserved everything lmao.. he deserves everything PRESENT TENSE!!! wow we are really talking about vld in 2021 huh
LEAVE THE MATH TO PIDGE!!! I AM SCREAMING JUST THIBKING ABLIT THIS TOO!! WHAT THE FUCK DOCYOUCMEAN KEITH. WHY DIDNYOUCSAY IT WITH THAT SMILE. LANCE WHY DIDNYOU SMILE LIKE THAT IN RETURN. LEAVE THE MATH TO- KEITH EXPLAIN??? WHA WERE YOU WDOIDJGNDKDNSKFKDKFNDNNCMS the way that lance went from ‘despising’ keith and hating being beaten by him in everything to SEEKING OUT HIS ADVICE AND COMFORT???? IF THAT ISNT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS like their relationship progressed so so so so so so so so SO much in that one single season… like. i cannot BELIEVE that was real???? no fucking way. like. we were literally so close.. SO FUCKING CLOSE!!!!!!!! my god the trust they had in each other..… LANCE SEEKING KEITH OUT!!! lance accepting keith as the leader before even keith accepted himself EVEN WHEN LANCE HIMSELF SO DESPARATELY WANTED TO BE THE BLACK PALADIN bUT RECOGNISING IT WASNT WHAT THE BLACK LION WANTED AND i have to stop or else i’ll literally never stop typing chskdkdkndcuksncjxjskcoskosnaksj
hhhhhhh i wanna write them sometimes i get hit with the feels SO SO BAD (like just then? LOL) but i haven’t properly written them in so long i feel like i don’t even know how to anymore D; but anyway do you have any prompts? i have so many wips (i have one fic that i said was gonna be my Final klance fic but lmao i’m never gonna finish it at this stage so i guess i’m also not done writing klance? lmao) but after a while i just. have no desire to go back to them anymore fjdjjx so something new might spark my motivation! but also no promises sorry i always say i’ll do shit but never do JEKSKS altho i will try!! i’ll try bust out at least a drabble even if it ends up as an unfinished wip as well lol 😩
oh fucking rip that’s so horrible i’m so sorry you have to deal with that :((( legit it’s so upsetting to see so many governments just. complacent and not caring about this issue at all like?? this is your job? you’re literally meant to be doing all these things to help us right now and you’re just not. which i guess unfortunately also makes sense bc they’re the ones who would suffer least. it’s so frustrating lmaoooo >:(
:***** i’ve stayed up again bc i am Not intelligent fjskdk but i’m looking forward to your response!! goodnight and sweet dreamssss (for when you next sleep LOL) 💗😘
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