#bbc silk
seanlocked · 2 years
rewatched silk last night and fuck me i forgot how good that show was
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soosoosoup · 25 days
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Funk branch au
Au and branch design by @bbc-trolls
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noodles-and-tea · 2 months
since you posted that art of s1 curly hair merlin i just can't stop picturing court sorcerer merlin all done up with his fancy clothes and his hair still a mess oh my god
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Something about taking the manservant out of the sorcerer….
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pebblysand · 1 year
Thank you for the Spooks fic! I think I should still be able to enjoy Adam/Jo despite Clive/Harriet because they’re such different characters. I like the first half of S3 of Silk (everything up to Martha and Clive’s hug after the euthanasia trial), it goes downhill when Sean (boo) appears. I think S2 is my favourite MC season overall (the second half of S1 and the first half of S3 are good but S2 is good all the way through) I’m also about to start rewatching S2, enjoy!
no, thank you! hope you enjoy(ed)! and, yeah, 100%, they really are different. so different i didn't realise it was the same actress lmao. i suppose that says something.
but yeah, i think the thing is with s3, i like elements of it. like you said, i also like the beginning. and, you know what, i'll put this out there, i even like sean. or, like, the idea of sean, as i shaped him up in my head (and in children). but the whole thing was so badly executed, and that whole trial was absolute nuts, legally, and it pulled me out of the whole thing. plus, that whole plotline with billy not being "capable" of sexual harassment cause he had cancer (?!). wtf kind of problematic was that? honestly, unlike the rest of the show, it just never felt real. and, i think to a certain extent, i like the idea of martha just leaving everything at the end in a fuck-this-shit kind of way, but maybe if it had been done differently? i'd planned a whole fic in my head about her moving to belize and clive coming to find her lol. *sigh*.
but yeah, i really love s1 and s2. i hope you enjoy your rewatch too ❤️.
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justaz · 5 months
as much as i hate uther, i don’t believe him to be homophobic. him and gaius definitely experimented when they were younger. i think it much funnier that uther doesn’t care that merlin’s a boy. yeah sure he’s a little stuck on the class difference (why on earth would arthur go for a servant???). but the thing that really sets him off, has him spitting with rage, is the sorcerer part.
he doesn’t care that his sons gay, he can even excuse the class difference, but he draws the LINE at sorcery
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bewitched-bullet · 5 months
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Y’all, I agonized over this page but here it is!!!
Page 3 of To Pull on the Spider’s Silk
@totallysilvergirl @helloliriels @ace-sher-bi-john
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pxmlx · 9 months
Officially done watching Ripper Street and I recommend it so much!!
I will take that laudanum tho @corpyburd
I will say that Susan Hart/Caitlin Swift is my favourite character (which tbh she probably should be just for being played by MyAnna) because she is such a complex character in my opinion. MyAnna plays her beautifully. I truly believe that she wanted to be a good person but basically every choice she made resulted in her being portrayed as this evil woman, which was especially hard to watch because in most scenes you could just see the pain and the anguish in her eyes, the scene with Jackson in season 3 is a great example of her being very aware of the situation she put herself in and showed her guilt over it. I loved her because even though she wanted to be a good person she was aware that she made choices ‘good’ people wouldn’t and she does a lot of good anyway but she doesn’t even take credit most of the time. In the end even though it pained me greatly I knew she would accept her fate and hang, which broke my heart because she was and is my favourite character.
And another thing, even though her relationship with Matthew was toxic, unhealthy most of the time (almost all of the time tbh) it was epic, I loved it. They were destined for one another and it shows. It was hard to watch when he was with another but I always knew that they would end up together anyway because, to me, he clearly loved her for the entire duration of the show even though they fought more than anything else. Every time they called each other by their original names I got so soft and giddy idk
Reid often annoyed me though 🙄 but even with that the show was still enjoyable, it’s amazing actually, I finished it and immediately started rewatching my favourite episodes that’s how captivating it is
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lisbeth-kk · 1 year
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A new family member is arriving. John finds it hard to process and Sherlock’s slightly concerned about John’s reaction. When they meet said family member, it’s John’s turn to get concerned.
Fluffbruary extended version. May 14 prompt: silk - pillow - pet
@fluffbruary @totallysilvergirl @topsyturvy-turtely
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frogshunnedshadows · 5 months
Marco Polo. The guy, not the pool game.
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tvthemesongs · 1 year
Silk intro
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pebblysand · 1 year
if you’re in need of something to read, welcome to the crème-de-la-crème rec list. this rec list is multi-fandom, and contains all of my all-time faves, the ogs that will always stay the closest to my heart. i will keep it linked and accessible and try to update it... whenever. for a more up-to-date version, please see my ao3 bookmarks here.
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BEST OF 2021 SUMMER 2022
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BOY WITH A SCAR by @ink-splotch (SERIES) (MULTIPLE POVS) (AU) (<250K)
“This Ginny had never met a diary. But she had still died once, though in a flaming home and not a cold, damp castle basement. She had still been reborn into something her mother would always love and never fully understand.” this series by the same author explores canon through unbelievably well-written what-if AUs. i haven’t read all of them because they tend to give me a lot of feels and live in my head for days after that, so I’m taking my time. this being said, one of the ones i have read is the kids who choose themselves and i couldn’t recommend it enough. it might tear you up, though, consider yourself warned.
if you gravitate anywhere close to hinny circles, chances are, you've already heard of this fic. i'm not quite sure what to add to what literally everyone else has said before me, aside from the fact that it is absolutely amazing and 100% deserves the hype. it honestly took me ages to get to because i initially couldn’t get behind the idea of ginny being sorted into slytherin and what a mistake! as soon as i started, i could not put this down. i think what i absolutely love with this fic, above the fact that the writing style is gorgeous, is the characterisation. particularly, the work put into developing ginny's character, and the way growing up in slytherin affects her. it really makes you question nature v. nurture. and, i think a lot of what-if-so-and-so-was-in-another-house fics tend to irk me because they tend to gloss over how that house and the friendships developed (v. those of canon) would affect the characters. this fic is definitely the opposite. it dives in to characterisation, and makes you think about people in ways you probably never have before. nothing is really ever black and white, and the character work is stellar. the following works in the series are great as well, but this is really the one that got me hooked. this instalment is generally gen but the ultimate endgame of the series is harry/ginny.
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"Annie, eleven, watched her mother come to the decision that Bella was someone you pointed at people." this series is one of the most beautiful things i've ever read. it's a collection of character studies themed around the four hogwarts houses. the writing style is very unusual and so poetic and beautiful. i'm an absolute stan.
i fell in love with this story before making friends with the author, i swear. in fact, that's how we met haha. this is honestly one of the most beautiful things i have ever read. it's one of those beautifully nostalgic stories in which everything and nothing happens, and is my absolute ultimate headcanon for what happened during the summer of '95. it's beautiful, the style is flawless - go read it! i fell in love with this story before making friends with the author, i swear. in fact, that's how we met haha. this is honestly one of the most beautiful things i have ever read. it's one of those beautifully nostalgic stories in which everything and nothing happens, and is my absolute ultimate headcanon for what happened during the summer of '95. it's beautiful, the style is flawless - go read it!
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this is kind of fluff-with-a-plot post war fic that I adore. if you’re looking for a funny, well-written, feel-good and realistic fic to read, i would highly recommend this. additionally, it's another one of those fics where harry goes away/travelling directly after the war, which is a trope i definitely have a weakness for. the dialogue in this is impeccable and i love the presence of teddy and andromeda as well.
out of all the fics on this list, this is probably in the top 3. it's another (i know, i know) one of those harry-fucks-off-after-the-war but it's just - the most beautiful thing in the world. the writing is so utterly brilliant and perfect. it’s poetic, realistic, funny, sad, and is incredibly canon-compliant considering it was written before book seven came out. plus, the non-linear timeline is just So Well Done. i'm speechless every time i read it. it’s everything i wish i could write if i was better at writing. the way it intermingles the muggle and wizarding worlds as well is incredible. honestly can’t recommend it enough.
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this is probably one of the best fics I have ever read, period. to me, it's the harry/hermione classic, in a its-romantic-because-it-never-happened kind of way. the writing is gorgeous. it is about fate, expectations and things that don’t happen (and sometimes, that’s okay). it will break your heart. it's honestly haunting. (and the title is fucking perfect).
same as the above. on my top ten favourite fics of all time, similar themes. will rip your heart out with a sense of the way that life happens. also, good smut.
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this one is also incredibly sad, but beautifully written. it is a very dark take on post-war, with harry slowly slipping into alcoholism. it’s very subtle, very delicate, and one big heartbreak. tagged harmony, though honestly you could read it as gen. some of the lines in this are just heartwrenching and absolutely gorgeous. Hermione here is talking about her and Harry, romantically: "there was a time a time she thought about it. two, actually. (…) now she thinks about it all the time - wondering what she was thinking” it’s the slow and painful breakdown of the trio in this that gets me too in this. very dark but gorge.
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so, look: have i ever watched gossip girl? nope. did i solely jump on this bandwagon because i stan the author? sure. is it fucking amazing? absolutely. this is so, so beautiful. it’s the harry-dating-a muggle-trope done so, bloody, fucking well. it’s poetic, heart-warming, realistic, incredibly well-written and i absolutely loved it. you can 100% read this if you haven’t watched gossip girl before, trust me it's brilliant. it also broadens the wizarding world, normalises muggle/wizard relationships and opens up so many doors - i so, so, love this.
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i named this as my favourite fic of 2022, which is a bit unlikely given that this is not a pairing i typically read, but i could not put this down. this fic is an exchange of letters between grindelwald and dumbledore that spreads over years, after grindelwald's arrest. the character's voices in this are incredible, the characterisation is on point -- i could not recommend this enough.
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i'm placing these in a separate category because i know some people don't like WIPs, but in this house, we do, so here are a few recs for you.
THE SQUIB by @btelling (GEN) (POV MULTIPLE) (AU) (<25K)
this fic is also one of the best things i've ever read in my life. it lives in my head rent-free and is absolutely insanely brilliant. nargles' ability to say so much in such a small amount of words is absolutely unmatched. the basic pitch is: following the end of the second wizarding war, muggles found out about the existence of wizards and, seeking revenge for the hurt they suffered as a result of voldemort’s reign, they started to hunt wizards down. the fic takes place in this post-apocalyptic/dystopian post-DH world and centers on hermione, harry and ginny as they try to survive. the writing is absolutely stellar. it’s slightly harry/ginny and ron/hermione (as well as seamus/dean, whoop, whoop - funnily enough, it's partly what motivated to write the fault) but romance is not the main focus. it contains absolutely beautifully heartbreaking quotes like this:  Harry threw up and picked at the scar on his forehead until it bled. Like it’d ache again, and they’d have problems they knew how to solve. if you enjoy this fic would like to listen to nargles talk about her work, you can head over here!
this fic was in my summer 2022 wrapped but i could not fail to include it in the massive rec list as well. it’s a post-war story (and, we all know i love post-war) told from dean’s pov. the premise of this story is that dean takes on an apprenticeship with ollivander and, i suppose, life ensues. i cannot stress enough how much i truly adore this work. first of all, the writing is stellar. i totally fell in love with dean’s characterisation in this, which is so on point - i love the world the author has built around his family, his sisters, his parents (his mum!), their lives, ect. so many OCs that feel real. the fic also really explores what life looks like for muggleborns, existing with a foot in both worlds, especially after the war, and the impact magic can have (positively or negatively on muggles' lives). the worldbuilding around wandmaking is also frankly mindblowing and the amount of detail marycontraire has put into the creating and crafting of wands, as well as ollivander, his mind, his work, his shop, etc. is truly next level. the deamus is also the loveliest. i love seamus in this. i was in absolute awe. 
i like to think of knowing as castles' sister from another mister. it is a post-war, canon-compliant, adult continuation of the books, and literally everything i've ever wanted and loved in a post-war fic. the outsider's pov is absolutely incredible, the worldbuilding and wizarding politics are stellar, as well as the characterisation. the fic is regularly updated and honestly, every time i get an email notifying me, i get the brightest smile all day. also, @ala-baguette is one of the nicest people i've met in fandom, and interviewing her on the podcast was an absolute joy. if you fancy a listen, it's here.
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i re-read this recently and i don't think i've ever read a fic so perfect. it is the top-tier of the top-tier, the canon for georgetown era willicia and will shatter your heart into a thousand pieces. i would highly recommend reading the entire series (and anything by orbythesea for that matter) but this one is the ultimate gold. it really made me think of one of the key themes of the good wife, a dissertation on the decisions you make as a "kid" which then shape the direction of the rest of your life. both will and alicia are so in character in this, and the entire cast of recurring orbythesea OCs is lovely.
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when i interviewed tess on the podcast and she told me this was based off the myth of narcissus i was like "mmmh" and in my head "omgofcoursehowdidinotseethisbefore?!" despite what the author herself claims about it not being "legal" enough, this is a very good fic, which i would highly recommend. it's an interesting take on will/his own reflection, and is written absolutely beautifully. it has that heartbreaking tone all post-5x15 fics have, and no, i'm still not over it.
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i'm sorry. how can such a short story in fandom i've barely ever been in fucking HAUNT me this much?? it's an AU set in a world where the coup at the end of s4 isn't stopped, and the uk falls into a dictatorship. i don't want to quote it cause it's at the very end but the last three paragraphs are all i can think about when i can't sleep at three o'clock in the morning. swear to god.
FIVE FEVERS by ariadness_string (POV TOMMY SHELBY) (AU) (&lt;5K)
this fic is truly unbelievably beautiful. it covers the presence of illness/fevers in the shelbys' lives. there is so much soul and heart in this story, especially now in hindsight with what we know about ruby. part of it isn’t canon anymore (we know their mum didn’t die in childbirth but by suicide) but this is such a gorgeously written story. the characterisation is spot on, not only with tommy, but with all the characters as well. i love (love love) may in this, and tommy “detoxing” from grace. polly is so on point. truly unbelievably good. probably one of my fave PB fics ever. 
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helloliriels · 3 months
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Not my thing, but I'm going to try to post a monthly rec list or tbr list as i run across stuff i wanna get back to or highly recommend ☠️🤘💋 usually tagged as #wreck me
Masters of Ink - indybaggins
London Speed - @khorazir
The Bee Charmer - nbcravenstag
Safe Keeping - Lock_John_Silver
To Pull on the Spiders Silk - @bewitched-bullet
And at that moment ... I knew - @a-victorian-girl
Not a Word - notjustmom
Highly Anticipating:
The Murder of Sir Emory J. Amat - @chriscalledmesweetie
A Thing with Peas - @khorazir
All Our Tomorrows - @calaisreno
A Ritual to Read Each Other - @weeesi (which i already know is going to be a new favourite)(my god, the QUOTES!!!!)
Relapse and Redemption - JennLynn77
How to Miss a Train - suchaprettyface
The Curious Case of the Casablanca Killer - @meetinginsamarra
📚 BBC Sherlock | Johnlock Fic Recs | Wreck Me ☕️
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bewitched-bullet · 7 months
Chapter 2 is up! And y’all better go read it, I stayed up till 4am for y’all 😉
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
BBC Ghosts Season 2 : Life references
After months of putting it off, Season 2 is finally finished!
Episode 1 - The Grey Lady
Captain’s “For King and Country” is in reference to George VI
Thomas references Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare 
Julian plays ping pong and says it takes him back to the David Lloyd in Chelsea 
Julian spoils the World Cup quarterfinals for Pat, implying he watched it when alive 
Mary was mostly illiterate
A 14th century grindstone is found in the cellar 
Captain unsurprisingly mentions the war again
Julian thinks he can do an impression of Nelson Mandela 
Thomas does an impression of an earl, but I couldn’t find anything on them so please excuse my lack of British know how 
Fanny appears in photos 
Julian didn’t believe in ghosts when he was alive 
Pat lists his skills in life: knot-tying, tent-pitching, archery 
Julian references Newsnight 
Fanny has been to a sideshow 
I’m assuming Pat and Julian are referencing Bruce Forsyth, which Julian has before 
Not a life thing, but I find it interesting that both Robin and Captain have said ghosts can’t feel the cold, only for Captain to question it 
Side note: Thomas’ cheese commercial made me hungry
Fanny’s dress is made of silk 
I like to think Captain talking to Dante’s taxidermy means he likes dogs
Pat likes pop quizzes
Captain likes running, a no brainer 
Captain remarks that he’s in his prime and that’s he’s still got it, implying that he at least believed he was in good health when alive 
Episode 2 - About Last Night 
Mick the plague ghost comes back the village they’ll eventually die in
Mick claims to have had an orange, have seen a bear kill a man, and met the king and went fishing 
He brought salt and clothes for the other plague ghosts, which led to their deaths 
Side note: Mick coughing up the blood was so scary to me, dying from a sickness 
Thomas may be able to cook, since he says he wished he could make Alison breakfast - lamb’s kidney and onion- before being cut off. I wonder if Thomas learned or liked to cook 
Thomas acknowledges he wasn’t formally invited to the party, a custom he’s used to
None of the surrounding villages were struck with plague 
Captain asks to watch a war documentary while Pat wants to watch football 
Julian believed that you should drink more alcohol when hung over
Mary offers a remedy: mushrooms soaked in goats milk and vinegar till it’s warm 
Pat says that cola is good for a hang over 
Side note again: Thomas is really sweet when he informs Alison of Dante’s disappearance, or the multiple times he’s wished to help her with things like cooking and cleaning. We love a helpful king 
Fanny loved Dante like her own child according to Thomas, and she once told Julian she loved Dante more anything else in the world. If she did have kids, I wonder if the relationship was strained. Also, it’s such a notable fact that everyone knows it, including ghosts that weren’t around for Fanny’s life
I know he’s easily coerced into not doing it, but the fact that Captain wanted to tell Fanny immediately that Dante was missing is very sweet 
Julian has extensive experience in public inquiries, specifically being the one getting asked the questions
Julian describes how it make an alcoholic drink to Alison 
Kitty’s heard white wine helps with stains
Fanny is not fond of mice
Mary thinks Veronica, Clive and Annie are nice names. I won’t include Daniel because it was her having a close call with Daniel 
Dante used to like sitting by the fire 
Episode 3 - Redding Weddy
Captain’s soldiers at Button House were apparently prone to giggling and horseplay 
Introduction of Captain’s Lieutenant, Havers 
We see Captain being informed that France has surrendered, which occurred in June 1940 
Captain requested a service revolver
Lieutenant Havers had an emergency lockdown initiated shortly after 
Havers informs Captain he wants to be involved in fighting, and has put in a transfer for the North Africa front 
Pat is, unsurprisingly, well versed in activity badges, and everyone else can recite them 
Robin knows how to skin a mammoth 
Julian, my dear, you are way off. It took Mary more than 300 years to talk about the witch trial if she did indeed die in the 1610s 
Pat likes Top Gun 
Julian references Chariots of Fire from 1981, Mississippi Burning from 1988 and The Towering Inferno from 1974
Little reference to the next episode when Thomas says he would show Julian his glove if he had one. Also, the wedding guy says the backyard looks like a bomb site, when it literally is one. Stuff like that make the show so much cooler
Julian used to do boxing for Cambridge 
Pat says s'il vous plaît
Fanny and Kitty read Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D. H. Lawrence 
Julian references the Suez crisis
Thomas references Jack and the Beanstalk
Pat calls the laptop the computer that folds
Pat was with Carol at her parents’ house when the moon landing happened, eating fish and chips and trying a jumbo battered sausage for the first time
Julian was a student at Cambridge when the moon landing happened and having his first threesome 
Captain claims that his dog Barry is buried where the bomb is, which is obviously untrue, but he also says that where they buried their pets, plural. I like to think Cap’s soldiers had a few dogs about
Captain has a letter with William written on it, which he tucks into his clothes. Captain says he was just thinking about Havers, which would later link to how they both knew about operation William 
Havers gets a new service revolver 
Captain has poster in his office about men wanted in the army, and also a wall full of books
Captain and his soldiers played cricket 
Julian references 9 1/2 weeks, a 1986 erotic movie 
Thomas always chooses pistol
Julian sold 50 crates of AK-47 assault rifles to the Libyans in 1983 to pay for his orangery 
Julian uses a grenade and a flamethrower on Thomas, I don’t know if his “I’m melting” line is meant to reference the Wizard of Oz or not
The statue outside, Florence, was one of Kitty’s best friends 
Kitty’s sister would pretend to not be able to find her when playing hide and seek
Kitty once hid for a whole day and night, and got so hungry she had to eat a bit of her purse 
I mean it’s just meant to look funny and be a reference but Julian can canonically spin a ball on one finger 
Nobody has ever found Kitty during hide and seek 
Nice canon Cap in a coat, love a bit of that
He also smokes, or at least fiddles the occasional pipe
Oh and he threw that envelope into the hole with the bomb
Captain buried a prototype limpet mine, which was so secret only he and Havers knew about it, along with the blueprints 
Captain talks bomb mechanics with Robin, the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Pat knows about 2001: A Space Odyssey 
Robin thinks the earth is flat 
There’s a bit of speculation here: I can’t actually say with absolute certainty that Captain really saw Havers go. Maybe it’s wishful thinking that Havers would turn back and salute one last time, maybe it did happen, maybe it didn’t 
Episode 4 - The Thomas Thorne Affair
Robin would wear a space suit, Mary a seashell dress, Tom double denim with aviators, Julian misses pants, Pat’s wearing his lovely gist, Kitty wears the same as Alison, and Captain would wear his uniform 
Julian is unsurprisingly well versed in political tactics like the spin 
Captain identifies a musket ball
It’s the one that made Thomas very dead
This is another thing I’m uncertain about: whether Thomas feels pain or just does it for dramatic affect 
Quick side note before sad Thomas lore, I think I forgot to mention last time that Julian mentioned Great Expectations 
Thomas died October 10th, 1824
Thomas came to Button House when it was owned by the Highams’, Thomas and Francis were invited
They can both ride horses
Thomas had stated the house was pleasant to look at, but he wouldn’t want to live there (rippppp)
Thomas was in love with Isabelle Higham 
Thomas wrote a poem called Hermione and Roger and recited in front of everyone ( turns out he always sucked, but his poetry didn’t really sound that bad to me in this episode ) 
Isabelle played the harpsichord 
I always wonder during this episode how Thomas remembers his death so wrongly, whether he’s lying about it or simply so horrified he forgot I don’t know 
Even so, I think Thomas genuinely was in love and didn’t misinterpret as much before Isabelle
Thomas challenged some guy to a duel, we love a gun brandishing king 
Francis is a bitch- anyway back to Thomas
Thomas went twenty paces instead of ten, should’ve listened to ten duel commandments Thomas
The first animation with the spinning paper thing was shown
Monster munch, no words
Julian with his bloody playboy magazine, I’m not surprised 
First mention of Annie, Mary’s bestie
Humphrey is such a lovely soul, learning to admire the little things like shoes 
Okay wait, Alison says “you’ve literally got forever” which parallels Captain’s “we’ve got forever” 
Thomas shot a bird and apologised before he died 
Isabelle never came to see Thomas before he passed, he was left alone to die
Julian cried at Thomas’ death 
Francis rigged the whole thing to trick Thomas and Isabelle in order to get Higham House
Francis and Isabelle’s son was George’s grandfather 
Everyone is related through Robin and his sister 
Poor Tom, you stay how you die and that letter isn’t going anywhere 
Episode 5 - Bump in the Night 
Cap likes to count with Humphrey’s hands 
Captain tells Alison of life from the knees “Trust me, you don’t want a hernia” either he had one or knew someone who did
Humphrey knows that hedgehogs will leave flees in the rug 
Also Captain and Humphrey’s exchange “Pick me up at six. Literally” “Very good” is so cute 
Fanny references oyster forks
She assumes they’re eating oysters at the wedding 
Julian sings “I’ll make love to you” by Boyz II Men
Humphrey on guard is cute 
Captain does his own little vocalisation of what I’m assuming is a long way to Tipperary 
Kitty assumes the intruders are there for a masked ball 
Julian references the Bramptons and assumes it’s insurance fraud 
Captain knows it’s a burglary 
Pat tries to put them under a citizens arrest, so cute 
Pat references Borstal 
Alison taught Kitty acronyms - Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain 
Captain calls the police the constabulary 
“Burglary in process”
Captain - “why is no one ever alive when you need them?” Very telling, Cap
Julian gets worried Margaret Thatcher is dead. Too late Julian 
Fanny admires the brushwork of her portrait
Cap and Pat watched Star Wars 
Julian worries about getting RSI 
Pat, Cap and Julian know Morse code 
Julian lobbied against an animal welfare bill 
Robin always gets excited by fire 
Captain says he could have Robin shot off desertion, scaring Thomas 
Alison meets a ghost who died hitchhiking. I find that to be an interesting concept, as the ghost is more based on the archetype. Makes me think about if Robin’s ability or character was created first
Robin howls for the dogs
Uh, Pat talks about drugs going in unsavoury places 
Fanny would make a good criminal 
Captain says he fought in an actual battle, it’s difficult to hear but it’s there
Julian loves a good sauna 
Episode 6 - Perfect Day
Mary believes that bad weather means bad tidings for the wedding
Fanny believes marriages should be at churches 
Pat’s wedding day was the best day of his life, Carol wore velvet and he wore a brown three piece 
Julian was drunk on his wedding day 
Fanny’s wedding day was at Winchester Cathedral and she was given away by the Marquis of Granby 
Robin had at least thirty children
Kitty can throw up, and had food in her stomach when she died
Robin says that’s never happened before
Captain is very good at decorating, no surprise
Pat recognises the kid who killed him 
Mary and her wedding superstitious 
Both Pat and Julian talk about Dennis Waterman
Robin and Julian talk about Mick Hucknall
Kitty’s dress is burgundy 
Captain has great fashion sense
Thomas references Whitechapel 
You know, Thomas’ explanation of how Clare looked was pretty accurate, he’s quite aware of emotions
Fanny stops in front of George’s portrait, just an interesting detail 
Fanny had high expectations placed on her since she was a child 
Alison and Mike got married young 
Alison had second thoughts on their wedding day
Mary had a husband, who was crushed underneath a plough three years after their marriage 
The man Pat recognises is Keith Darren Dean 
First time hearing about Humphrey’s marriage: it was arranged, they were both from noble families, he was fourteen she was twelve 
They didn’t love each other, and Humphrey believed she didn’t like him, they couldn’t understand each other because she was French 
Course later we find out she thought highly of him
Keith has guilt that has lasted decades, that sounds so painful 
Fanny and Thomas exchange a look when she finally comes around to the wedding, it’s just so sweet I had to mention it
Keith remembers the knot tying Pat taught him
Episode 7 - The Ghost of Christmas
Julian is giving a speech for a bill at the start of the episode, referencing saying goodbye to Margot the day before 
He refers to her as ‘this woman from my wedding’ and implies he’s about to sleep with another woman by the end of the scene
Nickname count: Dearest, darling and dear
The baby, Rachel, is heard crying on the phone
Margot asks when Julian is coming home, so he lies to her and says he won’t be back for days
Pat loves Christmas cooking, such a dear
Captain wishes he had a whiteboard
Julian points out the humbugs, and says he hates Christmas 
Captain misses hearing the King’s speech on Christmas
Pat liked playing games with his nephew and his son, Daley
Games like Buckaroo, Boggle, Yahtzee and KerPlunk 
Thomas misses the mistletoe, implying he’s been kissed before
Kitty used to open presents in the morning and then after lunch Eleanor would pick the ones she wanted
Mary says that some babies can see ghosts until they start walking 
Julian is in the warmest room in the house due to his legs
Julian was in Brussels once at a strip club,  but he tells Margot he’s at a restaurant eating moules-frites and drinking a Sancerre 
Margot seems at least skeptical of him
This is one of the Christmases he misses, the last four of his life that involve Rachel 
Julian references the European Union
Fanny convinced Alison to follow the tradition of chopping a tree down and bringing it on for Christmas
Fanny planted at least fifty saplings in her time
It’s kind of funny that Julian is horrified by Mary getting naked
Thomas’ Christmas recital thing wasn’t that bad 
From inference, it’s implied that Julian believes Margot wanted the baby, and that he had it thrust upon him
And if “I know, darling, I know” represents Margot, and Julian thinks that’s a reaction she would have, damn is that sad
She’s practically taking the blame for his misery
Julian would go for a drive if the baby got too irritating to him 
It appears that out of the four Christmases away from Rachel,  one was to do oil deals, one was to be in Brussels, one at Colonel Gaddafi’s palace, and possibly another in Brussels 
Pat loves Twister
Thomas and Cap have physical discipline 
Pat would go to the shed to drink a Watney’s 
Julian being considerate of Angela sleeping is either a new development, or something he was never pushed to do in life
The PC brigade may have interrogated Julian
Fanny seems to hold her Christmases in a high regard, despite George. Maybe it wasn’t always bad
Julian has kissed the wrong people under the mistletoe 
Alison plays In the Bleak Midwinter on the piano 
Rachel Fawcett is an MP for the Green Party, she’s a Major Leader of it 
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howtomuslim · 4 months
The Fascinating Impact of Islamic Trade Expansion
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In the rich legacy of Islam, trade emerges as a vibrant thread, stitching together diverse cultures and societies. The profound impact of Islamic trade on the spread of Islam, and its transformative influence in regions such as East Africa and Indonesia. Through engaging insights, we uncover the beauty of Islam as a unifying force that transcends borders and fosters connections among people.
Trade Routes as Pathways of Faith
Islamic trade flourished along the ancient Silk Road, acting as a conduit not only for goods but also for the exchange of ideas and beliefs. The Quran emphasises the importance of knowledge and learning, encouraging the pursuit of wisdom through interactions with different cultures.
O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware. Quran 49:13
Prophet Muhammad’s teachings promote fair and ethical trade practices, emphasising honesty and transparency in all transactions. These principles laid the foundation for a positive image of Muslims in the trading world.
‘Deal not unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.’ (2:279)
‘God loves those who are fair and just.’ (49:9)
‘A truthful and trustworthy merchant will be in the company of the Prophets, the upright and the martyrs.’ (reported by Tirmidhi)
East Africa: Islamic Trade and Cultural Fusion
Islamic trade played a pivotal role in the cultural and religious fusion along the Swahili Coast creating a melting pot of cultural influences. The exchange of goods was accompanied by the exchange of ideas, leading to the flourishing of Islam in East Africa.
Muslim traders in East Africa became integral members of local communities, contributing to the socio-economic development of the region and making it one of the wealthiest regions in the world at the time. This interaction exemplified Islam’s emphasis on community and mutual support.
The maritime routes of the Indonesian archipelago served as conduits for Islamic traders, bringing not only spices but also the teachings of Islam. The Quran encourages exploration and appreciation of the diverse creations of Allah.
We will show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that this ˹Quran˺ is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a Witness over all things? Quran 41:53
Islam took root in Indonesia, fostering unity amidst the diverse cultures of the archipelago. The Quran celebrates diversity of cultures and people, recognising it as a divine manifestation resulting in the spread of Islam to a plethora of different cultures worldwide, making a religion that started among the Arabs become a religion where only 20% of the Muslim population are Arab. 
The beauty of Islam unfolds through its impact on trade, acting as a catalyst for cultural exchange, knowledge dissemination, and exchange among diverse communities. As we reflect on the historical journeys of Islamic traders, let’s appreciate the way Islam’s principles of fairness, honesty, and community building have left an indelible mark on the regions they touched.
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Quran 49:13
Quran 96:1–5
“Islam in East Africa.” BBC Religions, www.bbc.co.uk.
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whatisflorencewearing · 5 months
January 5, 2024 - BBC Sound Of 2024
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Florence got to surprise the all-female rock band @thelastdinnerparty with their @bbcradio1 Sound Of 2024 win.
She's wearing a vintage 1970s cream silk chiffon and lace high-neck maxi dress from @turnervintage.
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It's paired with @shopdoen Dasha velvet lace-up ankle boots in Hickory (a.k.a. a rich chocolate brown that turns coppery when it hits the light) that features an almond-shaped toe, a mid-height heel, leather piping and cord lacing from the Holiday 2022 collection.
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