#battle of the musicals
fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Little Red Ridinghood:
Aside from giving her several good songs, the plot of the musical explores the lessons she takes away from her adventure and continues past her "Happily Ever After." Her new found maturity is represented by her giving away her riding hood and replacing it with the pelt of the big bad wolf. (And she begins carrying a cartoonishly large knife for self defense.)
She wears the Wolf's fur as a coat after her grandma kills him. She gives her cloak to the Baker to help him. She's a badass. She's only a kid. She taunts Jack into going up the beanstalk again.
She's just a feral child tbh. One of her lines in THE VERY FIRST SONG, delivered totally casually, is "into the woods, to bring some bread to granny who is sick in bed! Never can tell what lies ahead, for all that I know, she's already dead!" Everyone else gets a major life change by the end of Act I - Cinderella goes from being a maid to a princess, the baker and his wife have a child, and Jack goes from being poor to being rich - and Little Red just goes from being a feral child to being a feral child WITH A KNIFE, which she constantly brandishes in Act II! And she gets a cool wolfskin cloak to boot. She also goes through Trauma and Losing Her Family in Act II. Poor meowmeow. She has a sweet tooth too and on the way to Granny's house she eats half the loaf of bread and all of the MANY sweets she has in her basket... so silly. She also has AUTISTIC SWAG!! Constantly misses social cues, super bouncy and excited! Basically she's just the ultimate scrunkly and you should all vote for her
She’s so cool and sings cool songs :)
(Spoilers) Bratty little girl who has no value of life in Act 1, forced to reckon with the consequences of everyone's selfish actions as a mourning and vengeful Giantess widow tears through the land in Act 2.
The most iconic little shit. I love her. Has a knife and laughs while threatening people off with it. Allowed to be more than just naïve. 10/10.
the movie is SO SUCKS and she is SO BADASS i love her. please please i'm begging you use the stage musical version instead of the movie
SHES SO GREAT like ohmygod first of all she’s written in such a real way? like she’s not completely helpless just cause she’s a little girl but she’s also not a cold unfeeling girlboss just cause she has a knife (unless you’re watching the movie but the movie sucks). she acts like a kid would really act in these situations. it’s a little depressing to think about cause it’s so widespread for media not to do this, but for all the shallow, surface level girlbossery in modern media, it’s refreshing to see that sondheim treated the women in his art like people. they didn’t have to be held to any sort of standard just by nature of being women. they are just themselves.
She's got really awesome songs + she's just a hungry little girl who wants some food and also to go see her grandmother. We get to see her process grief and learn how to be on her own and then we get to see her learn that she doesn't have to be alone because "no one is alone". We see her grow from a naive little girl to a girl who lashes out at everything so she doesn't end up in danger again into a girl who wants to look out for and be there for people because they are alone just like she was and she doesn't want them to have to feel like she did. Also she has a knife and she's not afraid to use it. Her first cape is somewhat magical and is used in a potion to reverse a curse and give this couple a baby and then her second cape is really cool and made out of the skins of the wolf. She group effort helped kill a giant through gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing. (and also in my opinion the wolf-grandma-little red cottage scene is one of if not the funniest scenes in the show) [also Into the Woods is amazing & I love it & my best friend played little red]
Tweenage girl with a lot of anger. There is no stronger force on this earth
she's classic little red but she's a lot more cool she got a knife from her grandmother after the wolf incident and she wears the skin of the wolf she also interacts with other fairy tale characters and uhm she's very much a little girl with a knife she's perfect
Jenny is a character who, despite functioning as little red riding hood in the play, has a massive amount of development aside from that. Also: in the end, she goes from playing Red to taking over the role of the Wolf from its previous owner. The play is really cool and I love her character and I'd give you more info on her if I wasn't about to pass out
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superbeans89 · 2 years
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ot3 · 5 months
as much as i am insanely picky and opinionated about media the one craft that doesn't extend to is music. i know nothing about music. i have no complex opinions about music. a song is either Fun or Unfun. i dont know what a chord progression is and i have no interest in learning. play a song and hold a gun to my head i wont be able to tell you what genre it is
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soosoosoup · 1 month
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Funk branch au
Au and branch design by @bbc-trolls
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lightlykos · 11 months
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romanticphase · 9 months
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Just a guy who likes adventure! Decided to give him some stickers on the guitar, + hooters from the collab. Can't believe that was a thing.
What's your fav Sonic Song?
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 4 months
Man I just love dressing crazy. Star-shaped eyeliner, jacket covered in bottle caps with smiley faces, bright pink glasses, piercings in my face. I thrive in the weird looks from strangers. I love being that person little kids think is a fairy and remember for years. I love giggling at myself while I make faces in the mirror.
To me, this is what it is to be punk. To make weird, messy art. To sing your crooked voice as loud as you can. To be the most beautiful ugly. To be that creature 8 year old you wrote stories about in their school notebooks. To be the greatest you you can be.
There is nobody on this Earth who can do you like you. So why not go out and be the best you the world's ever seen?
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seonghwacore · 6 months
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royalarchivist · 1 month
Mike with his dogs and the knitted Richarlyson Barb made: 😄
Mike, two seconds after logging back into QSMP: [WAR AND VIOLENCE]
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tubefed · 4 months
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finished version of the industrial jacket
it doesn't look like it but there are over 700 spikes on this thing. all by hand. and it is so fucking heavy
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can-a-tuna-fish · 4 months
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The real reason they keep losing lvl 9 of AotD is because they’re too busy looking at each other lovingly :/
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dykealloy · 6 months
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face of a man that narrowly escaped throwing hands with his ex's increasingly terrifying son
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epicwin64 · 6 months
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my Punk Jackets
masterpost >:>
Okay so here's my current battle jacket that I wear all the time.
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The back patch is a Front Bottoms song and the jacket is covered in things, little keys, fun worms I give away (not all the pride flags are mine some are just so I can give people theirs), pins, safety pins (esp around the collar) and spikes.
One side of the jacket is this and has my hopepunk patch which is a personal like. fave.
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and the other is like this! The mischief brew one sews through the pocket fun fact (just a little though like 1 stitch)
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my friend @soan-papdi made the cabin 11 patch! <3
the pockets on this jacket are big enough to put a magazine in and it's a great jacket.
Next is my flannel which I made summer of 2021, two of the patches have been replaces but the rest definitely show their age. It doesn't have a lot on it because when I was hospitalized I took all the sharps off all my jackets and I haven't gotten around to putting them back on that jacket yet. It definitely is more political than my more music/art-oriented jacket and both have benefits
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The "Share art share joy" patch (which used to be "snitch on your boss" but that would fold and looked like "itch your ass" moral of the story, look at how things will fold lol) is a pocket!
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The back patch is the first patch I ever made! The sleeves are spiked which is fun but flannel definely doesn't hold spikes well.
Next is my leather jacket which was pleather so fell apart so I painted in all the holes and did a Kimya Dawson quote on the back. It needs some touch-ups on the quote but it's really sweet to me because it did it with friends.
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And finally, my platypus' jacket.
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I sewed the whole thing myself from a jean leg and the back patch is going to be "love yourself a latke" because his name is Latke!
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Right now he has a rainbow heart, some black eyed susans, and a "Bee kind" patch!
If anyone ever wants battle jacket tips I'd love to give advice. I might make another fashion post sometime with all my written on shirts or my jorts I embroidered and painted on. Maybe I'll post my kandi someday. for now; Here's my jackets! I worked hard on them.
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