#backyard herbalism
calendulacraft · 5 months
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:: the Stories, Myths, and Magic of Herbs zine ::
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brightlotusmoon · 11 months
Husband, about to make his infamous herbal tea mix: Let's get the little scale and actually measure out my reckless seasoning.
Yikes Energy Tea
Adam Tea
Weird Power Tea
It's Like Cocaine Tea
Path Of Least Resistance Tea
What The Fuck Is In This Tea
Yerba Mate 75 grams
Hibiscus 25 grams
Schizandra 5 grams
Licorice Root 15 grams
Prunella Vulgaris 5 grams
Gunpowder Green Tea 5 grams
Cordyceps Sinensis 3 grams
Haw berry slices 10 grams
Goji berries 10 grams
Honeysuckle dried 1 gram
Whole Bayberry dried 11 grams
Ginseng root preserved in honey 3 grams
Lemon juice 1/4 cup
Lime juice 1/8 cup
1 cup sugar
Herbs may vary depending on availability
Pour boiled water over the mix in a pitcher, mix with immersion blender to break up and shred.
Steep til cold. Strain into second pitcher back and forth a few times until the liquid is fully strained.
This is a large batch of concentrate that I will water down, of course.
Sometimes we include chrysanthemum, which is extremely anti-inflammatory and makes me think of tomato juice.
Husband: Beyond managing your ADHD, have you considered weaponizing it with plant chemistry?
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renaissanceofherbs · 11 months
Dandelions are NOT just a weed(I hate that word, honestly). The leaves make a great green to add to a salad. All parts of the plant can be dried and used for tea(though you must be wary of roots grown in less-than-optimal soil). Dandelions are known for being high in nutrients, helping with cardiovascular health, and impoving your over-all immune health.
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chokrihizem · 10 months
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Basil is one of my favorites for cooking and health. So, let's discover its amazing history and its balancing health benefits together !
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➡️ History of Basil
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healthness24 · 3 days
My Backyard Oasis: A Review of the Medicinal Garden Kit
I've always been fascinated by the idea of natural remedies. The thought of using plants to soothe everyday ailments or promote overall well-being held a certain allure. However, venturing into the world of herbalism seemed daunting. That's where the Medicinal Garden Kit came in, offering a beginner-friendly solution to cultivate my own "homegrown apothecary," as the product description phrased it.
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Unboxing a World of Possibilities
The kit arrived neatly packaged in what seemed to be recycled cardboard, a nice touch that resonated with the product's focus on natural healing. Inside, I found everything I needed to get started: an assortment of seed packets boasting colorful illustrations and clear labels. There were classics like chamomile and lavender, alongside intriguing options like echinacea and calendula. Each packet included a brief description of the plant's medicinal uses, piquing my curiosity to learn more.
A Seed for Every Season
The kit also included a comprehensive guide titled "From Seed to Remedy." This beautifully illustrated booklet provided a wealth of information, from planting instructions specific to each herb to detailed explanations of the plants' potential benefits and harvesting techniques. It even offered basic recipes for teas, tinctures, and salves, empowering me to transform my harvest into usable remedies. The guide addressed potential challenges like sunlight requirements and pest control, making it a valuable resource for every step of the gardening journey.
Cultivating Knowledge Alongside Herbs
One of the most delightful aspects of the Medicinal Garden Kit was the educational experience. As I planted each seed, meticulously following the guide's instructions, I found myself delving deeper into the world of medicinal plants. I learned about their historical uses, their active components, and even their folklore. The act of nurturing these little green allies fostered a sense of connection to nature and a newfound appreciation for the healing power of plants.
From Seedling to Self-Sufficiency
Within weeks, my backyard transformed into a thriving miniature herb garden. The satisfaction of witnessing tiny green shoots emerge from the soil was unparalleled. Following the guide's harvesting tips, I was soon able to snip fresh chamomile leaves for a soothing evening tea or brew a pot of echinacea to support my immune system. The sense of self-sufficiency and empowerment this brought was truly rewarding.
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A Rewarding Investment in Wellness
The Medicinal Garden Kit proved to be more than just a gardening starter pack. It was a gateway to a deeper understanding of natural remedies and a commitment to a more holistic approach to well-being. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a curious beginner like myself, this kit offers a rewarding and enriching experience. With its high-quality seeds, informative guide, and eco-conscious packaging, the Medicinal Garden Kit is an excellent investment for anyone seeking to cultivate a healthier lifestyle, one herb at a time.
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healthpro786 · 12 days
Exploring the Uses of Medicinal Plants: Nature's Pharmacy
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Introduction to Medicinal Plants
Medicinal plants have been integral to human health and wellness for millennia, offering a treasure trove of natural remedies that continue to play a crucial role in both traditional and modern medicine. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the diverse uses of medicinal plants, from their historical significance to their potential future in research and innovation.
Definition and Historical Significance
Medicinal plants encompass a broad spectrum of botanical species that have been utilized for their therapeutic properties. This practice dates back to ancient civilizations, where healers and shamans discovered the healing potential of various plants, laying the foundation for herbal medicine.
Importance in Traditional and Modern Medicine
Throughout history, medicinal plants have been the cornerstone of traditional healing systems across cultures, from Ayurveda in India to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Native American herbalism. In modern times, these plants remain vital, providing sources of active compounds for pharmaceutical drugs and serving as natural alternatives for health and wellness.
Common Medicinal Plants
Overview of Well-Known Plants (e.g., Aloe Vera, Ginseng, Turmeric)
Certain medicinal plants have gained widespread recognition for their health benefits. Aloe vera, known for its soothing properties, is used to treat burns and skin irritations. Ginseng is prized in traditional Asian medicine for its apoptogenic properties, promoting vitality and longevity. Turmeric, has potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects due to its active compound curcumin.
Their Traditional and Current Uses
These plants have versatile applications. Aloe vera is used in skincare products, herbal remedies, and even beverages for its cooling and healing properties. Ginseng is incorporated into tonics and supplements to boost energy and enhance cognitive function. Turmeric finds its way into culinary dishes and dietary supplements, offering support for joint health and overall wellness.
Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants
Overview of Various Health Conditions Treated
Medicinal plants address a wide range of health conditions, spanning digestive issues, skin disorders, immune support, respiratory ailments, and more. Each plant contains unique bioactive compounds that target specific areas of health.
Examples: Digestive Issues, Skin Disorders, Immune Support
For digestive health, plants like peppermint and ginger aid in soothing upset stomachs and relieving nausea. Calendula and lavender are prized for their skin-healing properties, used in ointments and creams for eczema and wounds. Immune-boosting plants such as echinacea and elderberry are popular during cold and flu seasons.
You may try this kit for your better health through herbs.
Phytochemicals and Active Compounds
Explanation of Phytochemicals
Phytochemicals are bioactive compounds found in plants that contribute to their medicinal properties. These include polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenes, each with specific health-promoting effects.
Importance of Active Compounds in Medicinal Plants
The efficacy of medicinal plants hinges on their active compounds. For instance, the polyphenols in green tea exhibit antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidative stress. Alkaloids like caffeine in coffee and tea contribute to their stimulating effects on the nervous system.
Antioxidant Properties
Role of Medicinal Plants in Fighting Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress contributes to aging and disease by causing cellular damage. Medicinal plants rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries and green tea, help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative damage.
Examples of Plants with High Antioxidant Content
Berries like goji and acai are celebrated for their antioxidant-rich profiles, offering protection against chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Turmeric, with its potent curcuminoids, also exhibits strong antioxidant effects.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
How Medicinal Plants Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation underlies many chronic diseases, from arthritis to cardiovascular conditions. Medicinal plants like ginger, turmeric, and willow bark contain compounds that inhibit inflammatory pathways, offering natural relief without the side effects of conventional anti-inflammatory drugs.
Plant Examples (e.g., Ginger, Turmeric, Willow Bark)
Gingerols in ginger and curcumin in turmeric are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, making them popular choices for joint pain and muscle soreness. Willow bark contains salicin, a precursor to aspirin, which eases pain and reduces inflammation.
This kit may help you to maintain your health better through herbs.
Digestive Health
Medicinal Plants for Digestive Disorders
Plants like peppermint, chamomile, and fennel seeds are used to alleviate digestive discomfort, including bloating, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These herbs promote healthy digestion and soothe gastrointestinal distress.
Natural Remedies for Common GI Issues
Peppermint oil relaxes intestinal muscles, easing spasms and discomfort. Chamomile tea reduces inflammation in the gut lining, while fennel seeds aid in digestion and reduce gas.
Immune System Support
Plants That Boost Immunity
Echinacea, garlic, and astragalus are renowned for their immune-enhancing properties. These plants stimulate the immune response and help the body fend off infections.
Apoptogenic Plants and Their Role
Apoptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and holy basil help the body adapt to stress, which indirectly supports immune function by reducing the negative impact of stress hormones on immunity.
Skin Care and Healing
Use of Plants in Skincare Products
The beauty industry incorporates medicinal plants into skincare formulations for their nourishing and healing effects. Aloe vera gel, shea butter, and rosehip oil are popular ingredients in natural skincare products.
Healing Properties of Medicinal Plants for Skin Conditions
Calendula soothes inflamed skin and promotes wound healing. Tea tree oil is used for its antibacterial properties in treating acne. Rosemary extract acts as a natural preservative and antioxidant in cosmetic products.
Pain Relief
Natural Pain-Relieving Properties of Plants
Plants like cannabis, willow bark, and capsaicin (from chili peppers) are effective pain relievers. They work through various mechanisms to alleviate pain without the adverse effects of opioids.
Comparison with Pharmaceutical Options
Medicinal plants offer a gentler alternative to pharmaceutical painkillers, with fewer side effects and a lower chance of addiction. For chronic pain management, herbal remedies provide sustainable relief.
Stress and Anxiety Management
Plants for Calming Effects
Lavender, passionflower, and valerian root are used to reduce stress and anxiety. These plants have sedative properties that promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.
Role of Herbal Teas and Aromatherapy
Herbal teas infused with chamomile or lemon balm have calming effects on the nervous system. Essential oils like lavender and bergamot used in aromatherapy alleviate stress and uplift mood.
Cardiovascular Health
Plants for Heart Health
Hawthorn, garlic, and flaxseed are beneficial for cardiovascular health. They support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall heart function.
Impact on Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels
Garlic contains allicin, which helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Hawthorn berries improve blood flow to the heart and strengthen its contractions.
Respiratory Health
Medicinal Plants for Respiratory Issues
Eucalyptus, peppermint, and thyme are valued for their respiratory benefits. They relieve congestion, soothe coughs, and support lung health.
Examples: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Thyme
Eucalyptol in eucalyptus oil acts as a natural decongestant, while menthol in peppermint oil opens airways and relieves sinus pressure. Thyme contains thymol, an expectorant that loosens phlegm.
Cancer Prevention and Support
Role of Medicinal Plants in Cancer Prevention
Certain plants like turmeric, green tea, and berries possess anti-cancer properties. They inhibit tumor growth and protect cells from oxidative damage.
Complementary Use with Conventional Treatments
Medicinal plants complement conventional cancer treatments, helping to manage side effects like nausea and fatigue. They may also enhance treatment efficacy and improve overall quality of life.
Women’s Health
Plants for Menstrual Issues and Menopause Symptoms
Black cohosh, dong quai, and chaste berry are used to alleviate menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. These herbs regulate hormonal balance and support reproductive health.
This guide may also help you to keep yourself fit through nature.
Safety and Efficacy Considerations
While herbal remedies can be effective, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially during pregnancy or when managing chronic conditions. Proper dosage and quality control are crucial for safety.
Memory and Cognitive Function
Plants That Enhance Brain Health
Ginkgo biloba, bacopa, and gotu kola are known for their cognitive-enhancing effects. They improve memory, concentration, and overall brain function.
Impact on Memory and Concentration
Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive performance. Bacopa monnieri supports neurotransmitter function, improving memory retention and mental clarity.
Metabolic Health
Plants That Support Metabolism
Cinnamon, bitter melon, and fenugreek aid in metabolic health. They regulate blood sugar levels, promote insulin sensitivity, and support weight management.
Effects on Weight Management
Green tea catechins and capsaicin from chili peppers boost metabolism and promote fat burning. These plants are valuable additions to a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Sustainability and Ethical Harvesting
Importance of Responsible Sourcing
As demand for medicinal plants grows, sustainable harvesting practices are vital to preserve biodiversity and protect natural habitats. Ethical sourcing ensures the long-term viability of medicinal plant resources.
Promoting Biodiversity and Conservation
Cultivation of medicinal plants through organic farming and wildcrafting supports ecosystem health and maintains genetic diversity. Conservation efforts safeguard endangered species and promote sustainable use.
Cultural and Ritual Uses
Traditional Practices Involving Medicinal Plants
Medicinal plants hold cultural significance in rituals and ceremonies worldwide. Indigenous cultures have preserved ancient healing traditions centered around plant-based medicine.
Significance in Various Cultures
For example, Ayahuasca, a psychoactive plant brew, is used by Amazonian tribes for spiritual healing and enlightenment. Native American tribes employ sage and cedar for purification rituals.
Future of Medicinal Plant Research
Trends in Herbal Medicine
Advancements in technology and scientific research are uncovering new applications for medicinal plants. Phytopharmaceuticals and herbal supplements continue to gain popularity in mainstream healthcare.
Potential Discoveries and Innovations
Research on plant genomics, bioavailability of phytochemicals, and synergistic effects of herbal combinations offer promising avenues for novel therapies. The future holds exciting prospects for harnessing the full potential of medicinal plants.
The multifaceted uses of medicinal plants span ancient traditions to cutting-edge research, demonstrating their enduring relevance in promoting health and well-being. As we navigate an era of holistic healthcare, incorporating these natural remedies into our lifestyles fosters a harmonious relationship with nature and unlocks the profound healing potential of botanical medicine.
Here you may try this kit for your health care through herbs.
Wish you the best of your health!
Some of the links in this article are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you purchase through those links.
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beautyhealthsworld · 1 month
Make green your Backyard
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Cultivate Wellness at Home: A Look at the Medicinal Garden Kit
Ever wished you could have a natural pharmacy right outside your door? The Medicinal Garden Kit promises just that, empowering you to grow a variety of medicinal plants at home. But is it a vibrant path to natural healing, or a weed in the garden of well-being?
Blooming Benefits:
The kit boasts a curated selection of seeds, often including calming chamomile, immune-boosting echinacea, and soothing lavender. With proper care, you can harvest these herbs for teas, tinctures, or even culinary uses. Proponents highlight the advantages of:
Natural remedies: Having a steady supply of herbs for common ailments can feel empowering and reduce reliance on over-the-counter medications.
Cost-effective: Compared to buying pre-made herbal products, growing your own can be a budget-friendly option in the long run.
Freshness and quality control: You know exactly how your plants are grown, ensuring you get the most potent and beneficial herbs.
Sustainability: Growing your own herbs reduces your environmental footprint.
Mind the Patch: Important Considerations
While the concept is enticing, there are factors to consider before diving in:
Not a cure-all: Medicinal plants can be a great supplement, but they shouldn't replace professional medical advice.
Knowledge is power: Research each plant's proper harvesting and usage to avoid potential side effects or interactions with medications.
Growing commitment: These plants require sunlight, water, and proper care to thrive. Be prepared to invest time and effort.
for more details plz visit
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emphoria-essentials · 8 months
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Unlock the power of healing power of Nature
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ruupromow · 8 months
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Ready to start your road toward self-sufficiency and turn your house into a successful homestead? Start now by making significant progress toward sustainability, independence, and a more satisfying way of life. Don't pass up the chance to design a self-sufficient backyard that can meet the demands of your family.
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calendulacraft · 11 months
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Feverfew Flowers 💐🌼
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kiwicribby40 · 11 months
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Title: Unveiling the Green Remedies Fad: Separating Facts from Fiction
In recent years, there has been a surge in popularity surrounding green remedies and natural health products. With the increasing desire for holistic approaches to wellness and the growing concern for the environment, many individuals are turning to green remedies as an alternative to conventional medicine. However, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction in this booming industry. In this blog, we will delve into the green remedies fad, exploring its benefits, limitations, and the scientific evidence behind these natural health solutions.
What are Green Remedies?
Green remedies encompass a broad range of natural health products, including herbal supplements, essential oils, organic foods, and alternative therapies like acupuncture and Ayurveda. Proponents of green remedies believe that harnessing the power of nature can promote overall well-being and address various health issues without relying on synthetic substances.
The Appeal of Green Remedies:
a) Holistic Approach: Green remedies emphasize treating the whole person rather than merely addressing symptoms. They aim to achieve a balance between mind, body, and spirit, focusing on preventive measures and self-care.
b) Environmental Consciousness: Choosing green remedies aligns with the growing awareness of environmental sustainability. By opting for natural solutions, individuals reduce their reliance on chemical-laden products, which can have adverse effects on both personal health and the planet.
Examining the Facts:
While green remedies hold promise, it is essential to approach them with a critical eye and consider the scientific evidence supporting their claims. Here are some key facts to consider:
a) Limited Scientific Evidence: Although some green remedies have been studied extensively, the scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness varies. While certain herbs, such as ginger for nausea or chamomile for sleep, have shown positive results, other remedies lack robust research or have conflicting findings.
b) Potential Side Effects and Interactions: Natural does not always mean harmless. It's crucial to recognize that green remedies can have side effects and may interact with prescription medications. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised before starting any new treatment regimen.
c) Placebo Effect: The placebo effect can play a significant role in the perceived effectiveness of green remedies. It's important to differentiate between true therapeutic benefits and the placebo response when evaluating the efficacy of these remedies.
d) Regulatory Concerns: The green remedies industry is not immune to regulatory challenges. The lack of standardized regulations and quality control measures can make it difficult for consumers to assess the safety and efficacy of products.
Integrating Green Remedies Responsibly:
a) Consult with Professionals: When considering green remedies, it is essential to involve healthcare professionals. They can provide valuable guidance, evaluate potential interactions, and ensure that the chosen remedies complement existing treatments.
b) Evidence-Based Approach: Look for green remedies that have been subjected to rigorous scientific studies and clinical trials. Seek out reliable sources of information, such as reputable scientific journals and reputable healthcare organizations, to make informed decisions.
c) Personalization and Moderation: Every individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experimentation and personalization are crucial in finding the right green remedies. Additionally, using them in moderation can help mitigate any potential risks.
The green remedies fad represents a shift towards holistic approaches to wellness and sustainability. While there are benefits to incorporating natural health solutions into our lives, it is vital to separate fact from fiction. Understanding the limited scientific evidence, potential side effects, and regulatory concerns can empower us to make informed choices. By integrating green remedies responsibly, consulting professionals, and relying on evidence-based information, we can unlock the true potential of natural health solutions while safeguarding our well-being.
Remember, maintaining an open dialogue with healthcare professionals and continuously educating ourselves will pave the way for a more balanced and effective approach to green remedies.
To Read More Go Here
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doze-mag · 1 year
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New York Deck Covered
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prettygiri222 · 4 months
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Summary: At your boyfriend Onyankopon's backyard pool, what could happen?
Onyankopon x Black Fem Reader SMUT
“girl I wanna handle you, put my hands up on you, baby…” you softly sang while scrolling through your boyfriend Onyankopon’s phone. you were in your own little world, lightly swaying in the water of his backyard pool as you queued up music. you were wearing a sparkly pink bikini that left very little to the imagination, Onya feared that during any little movement, your tits would spill out.
you and Onya hadn’t gone very far in your relationship, the most you’ve done so far was heated make-out sessions. you were a shy little thing when Onya first met you so he didn’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. he opted to smoke a blunt to calm his nerves tonight, he asked if you wanted a hit but you said no. 
instead of feeling relaxed, he became hyper-aware of your second lips slipping out of your bikini. he was trying his best to be respectful and not look but it was so hard, especially when you bent over to shake your ass, making waves in the water when your favourite songs came on.
you were taking sneak peeks at Onya as he smoked on the other side of the pool not wanting you to get a “second hand” high. but the herbal scent still wafted close. your man was so fine, he had a freshly done taper fade that exposed his chiselled jaw. his chest tattoo was on full display and his neck was decorated with a gold chain that held your initials in cursive with a little heart. the reflection of light off of the pool gave his dark skin a glowing hue. 
you could feel yourself grow wetter in the pool, your fluid tainting your boyfriend's pool. you looked back down at the phone to distract yourself. but you couldn't help but want to relieve the feeling.
Onya watched you with the gaze of a hunter stalking its prey. he wanted to know what you tasted like, you always filled his nostrils with the sweet scent of cocoa butter. he imagined that you would taste no different. 
“when you gon let me eat you out babygirl?” Onya’s husky voice echoed in the empty backyard. your eyes widened in shock at his blunt statement but the words went straight to your core. Onya shocked himself as well, he was thinking about it but he he wasn’t going to say it. you slowly turned around to look at your boyfriend seeing him put out the end of his blunt, he said it so he was gonna stand on it.
“Onya! what are you…” you stopped mid-sentence making eye contact with his red eyes. he was manspreading on the edge of the pool, his wet trunks sticking to his skin exposing his boner but he wasn’t ashamed. he followed your eyes smiling when he found what you were looking at. he jumped into the pool and slowly made his way over to you, holding eye contact till he got too close and you broke it. you looked to the side nervously, your lower stomach was doing flips.
“you ain’t hear what I said?” his usual deep voice sounded hoarse as he whispered in your ear. he pulled back to look at you, loving the way you were turning into putty without him even touching you. you guys were so close but so far, you backed into the wall when Onya came close but he had you trapped now. he let his question hang in the air waiting for your answer.
“I did” you whispered, still avoiding eye contact. he didn’t even have to touch you and you were already losing it. you wanted him so bad, but you were speechless. the tension was so thick it was suffocating.
“you gon let me have a taste?” he asked. you nodded your head, biting your lip. finally, given the green light he’s been looking for, Onya pounced on you, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. he took your ass in his palms, groping you as he pulled you closer. you gasped into the kiss and he used the opportunity to slither his tongue into your mouth. you closed your eyes and wrapped your hands around his neck pulling him in deeper, feeling your tongues mould together.
the spicy taste of the weed was present in his mouth but there was an underlying sweetness of the honey candy he was always sucking. without breaking the kiss Onya grabbed you by the thighs and pulled you onto the ledge of the pool, situating him in between your legs as he stood tall in the pool. he took the chance to grind into you, feeling you melt into the kiss. 
your boyfriend's tongue gently sucked on yours swallowing up your moans, it wasn't long till you were out of breath. he felt you pulling back but he grabbed you by the back of the neck so you couldn’t break this kiss. his other hand moved to play with the strings of your bikini at your hips, slowly untying them. 
only when he started feeling you gasp for breath he pulled back, breaking the string of saliva between your lips. you looked up at him with blown-out pupils and the view went straight to his dick, your soft lips swollen, your perky nipples from the cool air, your brown skin glistening and the invisible locs that framed your sculpted face. you were perfect in his eyes.
Onya bit his big plump lips as he peeled your bikini off, he was salivating at the thought of finally seeing lil ma. but before he could reveal her you grabbed onto his strong arms and closed your legs.
“wait Onya!” he rolled his eyes but waited for you to speak. “we’re outside, what if one of your neighbours sees us?” you didn’t really care about his neighbours if you were being honest, you just wanted a second to breathe. you’ve never had a guy go down on you so you didn’t know what to expect and you were a little nervous.
Onya didn’t say anything as he got out of the pool beside you and walked over to the towels on the lawn chairs. you looked at his back in worry, did you make him mad? you watched silently as he walked back over to you with an intense burning in his eyes. he wrapped the towel over your wet body before picking you and your discarded bikini up.
you wrapped your legs around his waist shivering at the feeling of the cold night air against your exposed core and his hard-on rubbing against your stomach. he kicked open the glass door and hastily made his way across the living room and into his bedroom. he dropped you softly onto the bed, briefly exposing your lower half before you fixed the towel.
“is this better?” he looked deep into your eyes trying to sense any discomfort. you shuffled under the intensity of his gaze. Onyankopon was always such a gentleman, no matter how heated things got he never went further if you didn’t want to. but you were getting a bit frustrated, it’s not that you never wanted things to go further you just didn’t know how to initiate things. 
“I need to hear you say yes baby,” he asked, sensing your hesitation. despite his demeanour, Onya was slowly losing it, he wanted you, no, he needed you. he was desperate to get a taste of you at this point if you said no he could see himself getting on his knees to beg.
“I want you, Onya,” you affirmed, holding his gaze. your boyfriend didn’t waste any more time. he dropped to his knees on the floor and grabbed you by the ankles to pull you toward the end of his king size bed. he was moving like a starved man, he made quick work of the towel and your bra leaving you exposed. but he couldn’t help but stare at you in awe, his beautiful girlfriend bare before him.
“stop staring, it’s embarrassing.” you lightly kicked his shoulder to get him out of his trance. he was staring at your naked body for so long you were starting to feel a little self-conscious. his gaze was intense, you could see the yearning in his deep brown eyes.
“you’re so beautiful, I can't help it.” he smiled up at you before he got to work. Onya grabbed the underneath of your thighs and pushed them up so they were out of the way. exposing your glistening two toned lips. 
“shit, you ever touch yourself down here?” Onya hissed looking at your tiny hole. his dick jumped at the sight but he didn't think he would be able to fuck it tonight. it would be a tight fit. he would have to stretch you out and get you used to something smaller first, like his fingers.
“when I think about you,” you airly confessed. you looked up at the ceiling thinking of the countless nights after Onya dropped you home after hours of steamy makeout sessions that led to nothing. where his hands would ghost over your zipper unaware of your throbbing core desperate for his touch. how the thick material of his jeans prevented you from feeling his dick.
when you got home you would busy yourself playing with your little bud. imagining how Onya would fuck you, how he'd fill you up so well. on the days your dripping cunt miserably clenched around nothing, you would shove a finger or two to fulfil your fantasy of your boyfriend pounding into you. 
“so you've been holding out on me?” Onya kept a steady hold on your plush thighs while he spread your lips with his right. he was able to witness the clear fluid gushing out of you. he dragged his forefinger around your hole collecting the liquid before pushing his middle finger past your tight muscle. “that's not very nice.”
“Onyaaa” you squealed out gripping the sheets.
“your fucking leaking babygirl” after giving you time to adjust he slowly inserted his ring finger. he loved the way your pink hole readily sucked him in, contrasting against your brown lips. “you a squirter? or you cream?”
“don't know” Onyankopon’s well-manicured fingers were prodding at spots your small fingers couldn’t reach. it had you twisting and turning in the sheets not knowing if you wanted to run away from the onslaught of pleasure or invite more. 
“guess we'll both find out,” Onya loved how sensitive you were. when he pulled his fingers out your hips chased after. you let out airy moans and high-pitched mewls when he nudged your delicate spots. 
Onyakopon looked up at you relishing in your beauty. your eyes were locked on him now but he could tell you were out of it. your brows were burrowing as you concentrated on the budding sensation on your lower abdomen.
you could feel him spreading you, he was doing a scissoring motion inside you. before you felt him slip a third finger into your dripping wet cunt. this felt way better than when you touched yourself alone.
now able to move his wrists more freely, Onyankopon started to curl his fingers against the roof of your core. goading out more of your translucent sap when he pushed in and out. the sounds of your wetness were mixing in with your moans.
his fingers were drenched. he was drooling just looking at it, he needed to have a taste. this time when he pulled out he removed his hands completely but it was replaced with a warm, wet feeling. you knew immediately that it was his tongue.
“mhmm,” your boyfriend let out a guttural moan at the taste of you. you were like a cold sweet lemonade after a long day of hard work in the sun, delicious. after he delivered a few kitten licks to your slit lapping up your slick he knew he was addicted and craved more.
“i'ma get it wet like a jacuzzi, and sex with me so amazing” rihanna’s song softly rang through the house from the speaker your boyfriend left playing outside due to his haste. but boy was it an understatement.
“ohmygod, Onya!” your hands found themselves on his head when he started suckling at your clit. you were grinding against his open mouth turning into putty from the mind-numbing pleasure. 
“don’t stop, please!” you cried out even though he showed no signs of slowing or stopping. he licked from your hole to slit, sometimes dipping his wet muscle in to tongue-fuck you. the way you clenched around it was enough to tell him you were close.
“wasn't planning on it, just hold on for me ok baby?” Onya didn’t give you any time to process what he said before he inserted his fingers back into your soaking pussy. his lips still attached to your swollen nub giving you the best of both worlds. the onslaught of pleasure quickly had your legs begin to shake. 
your hands locked into his short kinks grabbing at what you could. “m close, so close Onya” you were fiercely grinding into his face now. Onya loved it, you were using his face to get off like a fucking toy. your eyes were screwed shut as you focused on reaching your peak. you were so close you could taste it. “mhm mhm”
“can I cum Onya? pretty please?” Onyankopon thought it was cute that you thought you needed his permission to cum. even in your desperation, you were being such a good girl for him. so who was he to deny his sweet princess?
“uh huh” Onya didn’t bother to remove his lips to reply, busying himself with your clit while his fingers plunged into your throbbing cunt. the little vibration was enough to send you over the edge. and you plummeted hard.
“Onyaaa” you squealed out as the pleasure flooded your body. leaving your limbs trembling in its wake. “fuck fuck!” Onyankopon removed his mouth from your pulsating clit but focused on riding you through your orgasm with his fingers.
“shit, you do both” Onya ogled at his hands. when he pulled his fingers out they were covered in a creamy white paste. but still, a colourless liquid gushing out from your gaping hole. your empty whole was quivering at the loss of his fingers. your body let out little hiccups in attempt to calm itself.
“Onya…” you opened your eyes to see your boyfriend stuffing his fingers into his mouth. despite your previous orgasm, you felt yourself get wet again watching him lick and suck at the fingers he had shoved in you just a moment ago. 
“I can't help myself, you just taste so good.”
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taratarotgreene · 2 years
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Pay attention to the signs symbols and realities sending you messages. It gets more literal. This plant, I didn’t know what it was appeared in our garden in the east by our ancestral Cedar tree. My intuition told me not to touch it. I sent a photo of it to my herbalist friend @hawthornherbals to ask what it was. She said it’s a Poke Plant. She says it’s Poisonous but the root can be used for medicine. The funny thing is I was also in a listening to Elvis music and had just been listening to Poke Salad Annie. I wondered was this the sand poke plant? I googled it and it warned it’s very toxic, not to touch it without wearing gloves like it could be deadly! The universe was very literally poking us. Many nightshades or poisonous plants have seeded themselves on our property. They are protective plants. I am grateful for the poke. #poke #plants #herbal #poison #toxic #elvis #symbols #signs #synchronicity #garden #plantmedicine #nightshade #plantally #toronto #urbangarden #torontopsychic #backyard #plants #devas (at Leslieville) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci3toWJtChC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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edenesth · 18 days
TWTHH Spinoff: Little Touch of Heaven [1]
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Pairing: physician!Yunho x herbalist!reader
AU: historical au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Dedicating his life to his work, Yunho had never bothered to entertain the idea of settling down. Despite encountering many charming women throughout his career, none had sparked his desire for companionship. But everything shifted when he met a certain herbalist whose medicinal knowledge seemed to surpass even his own. What began as mere intrigue might have gradually developed into affection.
A/N: As stated in the title, this is a spinoff. If you have yet to check out the main story, it's probably better to read that before starting this.
Main Story | Spinoff Masterlist | Part 2
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"Are you still here, sunshine? It's way past closing time. Come on now, let's head home soon. Your mother will be worried if we take too long," your father called out from the backdoor of his apothecary, where you were diligently working in the backyard farm responsible for growing and harvesting all the herbs he required to make his medicines.
You sighed, gazing at the new batch of seeds you had just planted and still needed to water, "Uhh... you go on without me first, father. I'll join you as soon as I'm finished with this latest batch of ginseng."
The elderly man shook his head in resignation, "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. Be prepared for an earful from the lioness at home if you're late for dinner."
Chortling, you playfully stuck your tongue out at him, "Worry about yourself first! I'll tell mother dearest you called her a lioness," you waved him off as he sputtered in disbelief, panicking and giving you all the reasons you shouldn't say such a thing. But you only shook your head, finding your old dad incredibly adorable. That's why you couldn't resist teasing him every chance you got.
"Go home, father. I was just teasing you, geez," you reassured with a cheeky grin, watching as he huffed and grabbed his bag, "I'm going then. Hurry up, sunshine. And be careful on your way home."
"I will. You be careful too. I'll see you in a bit," you said, quickly returning your attention to your work. It was only then that you realised your stomach was beginning to growl with hunger at the thought of your mother's cooking. With no time to waste, you hastily completed the remaining tasks.
After finishing up, a contented sigh escaped you as you dusted off your hands and admired the fruits of your labour. Despite years of repetition, you couldn't imagine ever growing tired of this routine. Your father's apothecary had been a fixture long before your birth. Your mother had been one of his loyal customers, initially seeking medicine for her ailing father. However, as time passed, her visits seemed motivated by more than just medicinal needs.
It didn't take long for them to realise their love for each other, and they soon married. In the early days, your mother continued to assist your father with herb growing and harvesting, even after your arrival. Growing up, you spent your childhood amidst the sights and smells of the apothecary, playing and observing as your parents toiled away.
As you matured, your curiosity blossomed into genuine interest, prompting you to actively participate in and learn about herbalism. With your mother's growing age and declining health, she was eventually advised to retire and stay home, leaving you to take over her responsibilities in the apothecary. However, unlike her, you insisted on handling the planting of herbs alone, sparing your elderly father from further strain. Instead, he managed the less physically demanding tasks such as medicine-making and store management.
Locking up the apothecary doors, you began your trek home, you observed the families and couples passing you with a small smile on your face. While you couldn't exactly relate to most people, having spent most, if not all, of your time in the back of your father's store growing up, you couldn't be any happier than you are now.
You had no desire to venture out, make new acquaintances, or seek friendships. Your simple life brought you contentment, and you cherished the strong bond you shared with your parents. Grateful for the absence of hardship and discontent, you had no yearning for wealth or extravagance. Engaging in what you loved, even if it meant remaining within the confines of the apothecary indefinitely, filled you with immense satisfaction. You were perfectly content staying right where you were, surrounded by the familiar warmth of your family and the comforting aroma of herbs.
I could do this forever.
"I'm home!" you called out cheerfully as you stepped into your humble abode. It was a decent-sized house with all the essentials, providing everything your family needed. Despite the success of the apothecary and its financial stability, your parents saw no reason to move to a larger residence. Attachment and sentimental value outweighed any desire for more space.
Everything in your home remained in excellent condition, thanks to your mother's meticulous care, and that was all that mattered. As soon as you entered, she cooed and rushed over to envelop you in a warm hug, "Oh, my dearest little sunshine is home!"
You grinned at your father, who rolled his eyes in mock jealousy. Unlike you, he had returned home only to be lectured for allowing you to walk home alone instead of waiting for you. It was almost ironic how he had warned you about being scolded, only for the roles to be reversed.
It didn't take long before a smile spread across his features; your father was one of the sweetest men you'd ever known. But you hadn't met many people, given that most of your time was spent in the back of his shop. Even then, one thing was certain: he was good to you and even better to your mother.
You had never witnessed him raise his voice, regardless of how upset he might be. He always remained patient, letting his wife do all the yelling. And at the end of the day, he would go to great lengths to make her smile again, ensuring she never went to bed angry. If you were to find a husband, you'd want someone like your father.
Fortunately, you inherited his cheerful personality when you were born. You were truly a bundle of joy since entering this world, earning the nickname 'sunshine' from your parents. No matter how bleak their days became, your bright presence would always illuminate everything. You couldn't recall ever having a particularly bad day, and you hoped things would stay that way forever.
As you settled into your seat at the dining table, your bowl was instantly filled to the brim with your favourite dishes. Your mother chimed in, "Eat up, sunshine. You need to replenish all that energy you've lost from working so hard." The aroma tantalised your senses, and you couldn't help but salivate, "Thank you for the food, mother!" you exclaimed, immediately digging in, feeling famished to the point where you felt like you could devour an entire cow.
"Woah, woah, slow down. They're all yours, silly girl," your father cautioned, shaking his head at your unladylike eating habits, "I'm telling you, no guy will be attracted to you if you eat like that in public."
You pouted, retorting, "If he truly loves me, he'll accept me for who I am." Your mother gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "While that's true, I'm starting to worry that you might never attract anyone at all, since you're always at home or hiding in the back of the store," she confessed, setting down her chopsticks, "I've been feeling slightly better lately. Maybe I could return to the store occasionally, and you could finally go out and meet some boys—"
Shaking your head, you cut her off, "Nice try, mother, but that's not happening. Be good and stay home if you don't want me and father to worry. Besides, I don't need a man to complete me. I'm content as it is. All I need is the two of you by my side."
Unbeknownst to you, your parents harboured fears about exactly that. They knew they wouldn't be around forever, and once they were gone, who would take care of you? The thought of leaving their precious little girl behind all alone in this world filled them with dread.
The elderly man pondered for a moment, unwilling to let go of the topic so easily, "How about you come and help in the store once in a while? That way, you'd still have the chance to interact with some of the customers, and who knows, you might meet someone the same way your mother and I met each other."
You giggled, watching as they exchanged affectionate glances, their hands intertwining on the table, "That's cute, but no thank you, father. The farm isn't going to tend to itself, and before you offer, I refuse to let you perform such hard labour. Your body can't handle it; please don't make me worry. I'll be just fine, I promise."
You're fine, sunshine, but we're not.
Your parents sighed, disappointed by your refusal. At this stage, they could only hope for some miracle to happen, allowing you to meet a kind man who would care for you when they no longer could.
But maybe that miracle wasn't as distant as they thought. Maybe there was no need for your parents to be so concerned. Maybe things were about to change very soon. Perhaps your parents had prayed earnestly enough, and perhaps the heavens had finally chosen to answer those prayers.
"Tell me what you need, and I'll assist you," Jongho offered as soon as the physician finished briefing the head maid on all the tasks she would now have to handle, especially with Lady Park's pregnancy encountering difficulties and depending on him. With a shake of his head, Yunho smiled at the assistant, "It's fine, I've got it covered. Eunsook knows what to do while I'm away. Now if you'll excuse me, I should probably head to the apothecary for some herbs."
As the doctor made his way to the apothecary where he sourced medicines and herbs for his clinic, his mind raced with plans on which herbs would best suit the case at hand. It had been some time since he last treated a pregnant woman or dealt with pregnancy-related issues like this, and he couldn't deny feeling a bit rusty in this area. If only he had foreseen this, he might have brushed up on his studies, but the urgency of the situation caught him off guard.
He could still recall how urgently he had been summoned. Jongho had barged into his clinic, leaving him with no choice but to close up immediately. He wondered if he should have anticipated the pregnancy, especially given the general's desire for alone time with his wife. Perhaps he had been foolish not to prepare beforehand; he should have seen this coming. But there was no time to chastise himself over it now. His focus needed to be on ensuring Seonghwa's baby safely reached the three-month mark.
"Ah, finally, we're here," he murmured to himself as soon as the familiar store with the sign 'Ryu's Apothecary' came into view.
Without hesitation, he entered the establishment he knew like the back of his hand. This was the only place he trusted for all his medicines and herbs; he had known the owner for years. Mr. Ryu truly was one of the kindest apothecaries, never overcharging him and sometimes even offering discounts and deals for his loyalty. Just when Yunho thought they were close enough for him to know everything about the elderly man, today seemed to prove otherwise.
Perhaps he didn't know nearly enough.
"Mr. Ryu, I'm afraid I'll need all your raspberry and peppermint leaf supply for the day. Lady Park hasn't been doing too well in the early stages of her pregnancy," the physician announced upon entering the apothecary where he regularly obtained his medicines and herbs, his eyes busily scanning around for anything else that could be useful.
"Is that so? You might want to consider our latest batch of Codonopsis root imported directly from China just a week ago. It's highly effective in boosting vital energy and reducing fatigue during pregnancy."
Yunho's head shot up in surprise.
First of all, why hadn't he thought of that before? More importantly, the feminine voice addressing him sounded nothing like the elderly man who usually managed the store. He turned to find a young woman behind the counter, his eyes widening in astonishment.
"O-oh, um... hello there. I didn't realise Mr. Ryu had such a young wife," he blurted out before cursing himself, feeling embarrassed for making such a hasty assumption.
Your face immediately twisted in disgust, "Goodness gracious, you're severely mistaken! I'm his daughter!"
Way to go, you complete idiot!
The physician immediately bowed, overwhelmed with embarrassment as he offered his apology, "I-I apologise, Miss Ryu! I don't know what made me say that. It's just that I'm used to seeing only your father here. Seeing someone else caught me off guard."
Blinking rapidly, he hoped he wasn't visibly blushing. He had known the elderly man for so long and hadn't the slightest clue he even had a daughter, and such a pretty one too. Making such a mistake on their first meeting was unbelievable to him. He rarely found himself flustered and struggled to maintain his usually composed demeanour.
Good lord, did he really just say that?
You could only sigh; this was precisely why you didn't want to be out here in the store. It was only your first time in your father's place, and this was the first thing that happened. Off to a bad start already, you wouldn't be surprised if this trend continued with some of the other customers later on. It felt like your father had jinxed it at dinner that evening; shortly after, your mother fell sick, leaving him no choice but to stay home and care for her. In the meantime, you were left with no option but to manage the store.
Determined to put the incident behind you, you shook your head, reassuring the physician, "It's fine, sir. My father has to stay home due to an emergency, but fear not, he should be back in a few days to man the store as usual. So, would you be interested in those Codonopsis roots? I could pack some for you as well."
"Y-yes, please. Thank you for the recommendation, Miss Ryu; I really appreciate it," he said, stepping over sheepishly towards the counter.
"No problem, sir," you responded politely, busy packing the raspberry and peppermint leaf he had requested along with some of the Chinese herbs you had suggested.
You calling him 'sir' only reminded him that you still didn't know his name. For the first time in forever, not knowing what to do with his hands, he intertwined them behind his back and cleared his throat, "Uhh... my name is Jung Yunho, by the way. I'm the—"
"Oh, so it's you!" you cut him off, nodding in recognition with raised brows, "I know you; I've heard plenty about you from my father. I know you're the great General Park's family doctor," you continued with a shrug, "But of course, I should've figured that out when you mentioned a certain Lady Park's pregnancy. Huh, it's good to know they're having a baby soon. And before I go off on a tangent, more importantly, you're known to be one of the best physicians in town."
With a light chuckle, he shook his head modestly, "Well, I'm clearly not the best if I couldn't even think to use Codonopsis root."
Furrowing your brows slightly, you countered, "I don't see how that has anything to do with your abilities. That's because you're a physician, not a herbalist. Experts like me are here for that. While we may know which herbs are best used to treat what, herbalists obviously cannot diagnose patients. See, that's our difference and why we coexist to help one another."
Listening to you speak, Yunho felt thoroughly impressed. He couldn't deny that he had always believed he was the smartest person in the room, given his medical expertise and role as the famous general's personal doctor. People often revered him for being at the top of his field. At some point, he had almost convinced himself that there was nobody who could teach him anything new.
But your words made him reconsider.
He hadn't expected to meet someone who could humble him and make him realise he still had much to learn. Especially not a young woman like you, the daughter of an apothecary, a herbalist.
"In that case, Miss Ryu, what else would you recommend for an unstable early pregnancy? You see, the general's wife suffered from severe malnutrition throughout her childhood, and her body is now lacking enough nutrients for both her and her baby," he asked, deciding to set aside his pride and seek help. Seonghwa was relying on him, and he couldn't risk anything happening to Lady Park or the baby.
Finishing up the last of his orders, you hummed in thought, "Actually, there is another medicine that could help. It's a well-known Chinese herb my father has sold to some customers facing similar problems," you explained as you retrieved a box of medicine from the cabinet behind you. Opening it revealed a brown block of medicine he had never seen before, "This one also arrived not too long ago from China. It's called Colla Corii Asini, and it nourishes the kidney while preventing miscarriage. Perhaps this is what Lady Park needs."
"Thank you so much, that sounds perfect," he breathed out in relief, finally feeling a glimmer of hope. You shook your head with a small smile to indicate 'no worries.' As he prepared to make his payment, he asked, "Um, I was just wondering... why haven't I seen you before? I mean, you're Mr. Ryu's daughter and—"
You shrugged, "I'm in charge of growing and harvesting all the herbs we sell, so I'm usually on the farm at the back of the store."
"Ohh... so, you are the genius behind all these herbs," he nodded slowly in wonder, standing there after completing his payment, hands full with the herbs you'd packed for him. Intrigued by your knowledge, he mustered the courage to ask, "I know I'm probably asking too much, but... w-would it be okay for me to come over frequently and learn more about herbs from you? You know, to improve as a medical practitioner."
You shrugged again, "Sure, suit yourself."
Yes, she said yes!
Deep down, he didn't want this to be his first and last time seeing you. He rationalised it, telling himself you were simply an intriguing person. He hadn't encountered anyone as passionate about healing and herbs, someone who possessed more knowledge than he did. He was just eager to learn more.
That had to be the only reason.
It had to be.
"Has the mistress been feeling any better?" the physician inquired eagerly, anxiously awaiting Eunsook's response. He had returned to the general's estate a few days after administering the first batch of the medicine you had recommended.
Beaming, the head maid exclaimed, "Oh, those medications worked like magic! The fatigue and morning sickness improved immensely just a day after she started taking the medicine. You're amazing, Physician Jung! I knew we could count on you!"
It wasn't me at all, it was all her.
"That's good to know, Eunsook! I couldn't have done it without the help of a very talented herbalist. Well then, I'll be back in another few days with more of those herbs," he said eagerly, already looking forward to returning to the apothecary to share the news with you.
The elderly woman bowed, "Of course! And please extend our thanks to this kind herbalist friend of yours, we definitely could use more experts like him around—"
"Her. She's a female herbalist, and you're right, we do need more talents like Miss Ryu around," Yunho quickly corrected.
Blinking rapidly, Eunsook nodded with a slightly knowing smile, "Oh, my apologies. I shouldn't have assumed her gender, but yes, please offer Miss Ryu our sincere gratitude."
"Don't worry, I will."
As he approached the apothecary, his heart seemed to quicken at the thought of seeing you again, though he couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why. Perhaps he was simply eager to make a new friend who shared his passion for medicine. Besides, he couldn't deny his admiration for your extensive knowledge of herbs, despite your young age. You seemed to surpass even some of the more experienced practitioners in his field.
Truthfully, he genuinely desired to learn more about herbs from you. The prospect of befriending you held great potential for him; he envisioned you as a valuable ally who could aid in his continuous growth as a physician. Together, with his medical expertise and your herbal knowledge, you could make a formidable team, contributing significantly to society together.
"Oh, Physician Jung! How can I help you today?" Mr. Ryu, your father, greeted him upon his entrance. For once, the doctor seemed rather flustered as he approached the counter, "Oh, uhh... I'm not here for medicine today. I came to see your daughter. Please don't take this the wrong way!" he hurriedly added, "She said I could come to learn more about herbs from her, so I—"
Your father's eyes widened in excitement as Yunho rambled on. While he didn't like the fact that his wife had to fall sick for him to finally be away from the store, it must have been a blessing in disguise because now his daughter had finally met someone, and not just anyone, but the amazing Physician Jung. Oh, he would be able to die happy if this was to be his future son-in-law.
With a little snicker, the elderly man nodded, "Ah, I see you've met my little sunshine while I was away. No need to explain yourself, I believe you. Now if you'll come with me, she's just at the back of the store."
"Here, just head straight ahead, and you should find her somewhere within the plantations," your father said, nodding his head down the hallway leading to the back of the store, "I'd take you there myself, but I don't think I should leave the store unattended."
"I've got it, Mr. Ryu, thank you."
As he walked down the hallway as instructed by Mr. Ryu, the physician wondered how the elderly man would have reacted if he knew Yunho had mistaken his dear daughter for his wife during their first meeting. That would surely ruin the image of perfection he had consistently been upholding.
But why would that matter?
The apothecary would continue to value him as a customer. Why was he suddenly concerned about how your father would view him? The direction of his own thoughts was beginning to baffle him.
Before he could become lost in his thoughts, he reached the farm and was struck by its beauty and meticulous upkeep. His admiration for you swelled, knowing that it was your work that had created such a splendid place. Ryu's Apothecary was known for its top-notch herbs and medicine, and now he understood why. His respect for you grew immensely, realising that you were the mastermind behind it all. After taking in the full view of the farm, he finally spotted you.
Is that what a fairy looks like?
The moment he spotted you amidst the herbs you were planting, he felt as if his breath had been stolen away. He already thought you were pretty before, but now, seeing you in your white and blue hanbok among the lush greenery, passionately engaged in your work, you looked even more enchanting to him.
"Ah, Physician Jung, you're here!" you exclaimed, pulling him out of his reverie with a wave of your hand, "Hurry over, I'm about to harvest this batch of Sophora roots. There's probably some valuable information here for you to learn from this."
"Right away, Miss Ryu!" he replied eagerly, rushing over to join you.
Without delay, you plunged into your work while explaining the herb to him, "This, right here, is the Sophora flavescens, native to China and Japan. Its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties make it useful in treating conditions such as damaged livers, jaundice, eczema, ulcers, and more. I know it looks nothing like the completed product you're used to seeing, but that's because it requires several seasons of drying after harvesting before it's ready for use."
While he knew he should focus on the herbs, he found it difficult to tear his gaze away from your face. The subtle furrow of your brows and the delicate bite of your lips when you weren't speaking—adorable. Wait, did he really just think that? He'd never had such thoughts before. Sure, he'd treated plenty of beautiful ladies throughout his career, but this occurrence was a first.
"Interestingly, this plant can grow up to 5 to 7 feet tall. Even taller than you, isn't it quite amazing?" you remarked, noticing his lack of response. Frowning, you turned to him and sighed when you realised he wasn't paying attention. With a gentle nudge on his shoulder, you snapped him out of his trance.
"O-oh, sorry, you were saying?" he muttered, embarrassed to be caught zoning out.
"I... never mind. Could you please fetch the root puller from that tool rack?" you requested, opting to delegate rather than have him kneel in the dirt beside you. Perhaps he was starting to regret coming here, realising it wasn't his cup of tea. Not that you minded; he could leave if he wanted to. After all, he was the one who asked to be here. The least he could do was listen.
"Absolutely!" he responded, heading toward the tool rack to retrieve what you asked for.
Making his way toward the tool rack, he chastised himself for leaving such a poor impression. It was only your first session together, yet he was struggling to stay focused. Gosh, you must be judging him so hard right now, and he couldn't even blame you. You were kind enough to share your knowledge of herbs at his request, and here he was, lost in daydreams instead of paying attention. Determined to redeem himself, he resolved to be more useful.
Pull yourself together, Jung Yunho.
However, the doctor was so absorbed in his thoughts that he failed to notice the patch of ground still damp from your earlier watering. You did a double-take when you saw him unknowingly heading towards the wet path instead of taking the drier route.
"Wait, Physician Jung! You'll slip and fall if you go that way!" Your words of warning went unheeded, and you sprang up from your position on the ground in alarm, "Yunho! Yah, Jung Yunho!" In a panic, you dashed toward him, your eyes widening as he stepped onto the wet soil just as you reached out to grab his arm and redirect him.
But it was too late.
"You bloody idiot!" Your shout echoed across the farm as he let out a yelp, his arms instinctively encircling you as he toppled backwards, shielding you from the fall as he landed on the wet ground.
Your breath caught as you landed on his chest, faces mere inches apart, hearts racing. Huh, how have you not realised how good-looking he actually is? Wait, what? Before either of you could react, your father's voice rang out from the entrance, "Oh dear, what's with all the shouting, sunshine? Is everything alright—"
"F-father, I can explain..."
The apothecary blinked at the unexpected sight before him: his daughter atop the handsome and intelligent Physician Jung. God must have heard his prayers. With a grin, he chuckled, "Well, well! Seems like everything's more than alright! I won't intrude any further. Back to work for me!"
"N-no, Mr. Ryu! It's not like that at all!"
With a gulp, he turned to face you again, only to find you glaring down at him, "Let me go," you muttered, and he immediately loosened his grip, "O-oh, my bad." He moved to sit up as soon as you were off him, only to smile sheepishly up at you when he felt the back of his outfit completely soaked. Not only did he fail to help you with anything, but he was now causing you more trouble.
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you raised a fist threateningly towards him, "I'll get you some new clothes to change into. Stay here and don't move, or else..."
"Y-yes, ma'am."
« Preview of Part 2 »
"Oh, my poor Yunho. I can't believe that happened," Lady Park cooed, trying to suppress her laughter as she comforted the flustered physician after completing her weekly check-up. He was really beginning to regret his decision to confide in her.
"I shouldn't have told you about it, ugh. And to think you'd be the only one not to tease me," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and turning away from her.
Lady Park softened, "I'm not teasing you, silly. You're always so serious and uptight, it's just refreshing to see you like this for once. Besides, there's nothing wrong with having feelings for someone, especially at your age. You should really consider settling down."
He scoffed, a blush creeping up his cheeks, "What? That's funny, I-I didn't say anything about liking anyone, my lady."
"You don't have to. It's written all over your handsome face," she smiled knowingly, "Hwa has that same look often, so I think I'd know better than you, Physician Jung."
Perhaps she had a point; he still couldn't shake the memory of that incident from his mind. The sensation of holding you close lingered, strangely comforting. He started to grasp why couples found solace in such intimacy. Maybe the idea of settling down, and having someone to come home to after a long day wouldn't be so bad. Maybe—
"What are you two talking about? Didn't the check-up end ages ago?" the general's voice jolted him back to the present.
"Nothing at all, my lord," he stammered, caught off guard.
Seonghwa arched an eyebrow sceptically, "You really expect me to believe you'd spent an hour talking about nothing with my wife? So, what were you doing together then?"
"Oh my god, nothing! We just talked, okay?"
"Right, now fill me in. Suit yourself if you don't want to. My wife will tell me everything eventually; just so you know, we don't keep secrets from each other."
Slapping a palm against his forehead, the physician wished he'd kept his mouth shut, "Alright, but promise not to tell anyone. If Hongjoong catches wind of this, I'll never hear the end of it."
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Holy sheeeet, thank you all so much for 1.7k followers! I was sleep-deprived asf while proofreading lmao I hope this one was decent HAHA I promise the next part will be more interesting!
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
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magicalink · 1 year
What they do when you're down/stressed and can't sleep (Catboys edition)
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Fluff and romance with the catboys. Established poly relationship, domestic slice of life. My first SFW piece!😮
He understands more than anyone the struggles of insomnia and experiencing anxiety and frustration at night. He has the same problem often: not being able to stay quiet in bed but not being able to get work done on his desk either. So he gently leads you out from the bedroom and invites you to sit by the kitchen table.
He'll prepare the most delicious tea in the world and will seat by your side to drink it with you. He'll make interesting conversation—in whispers to not wake the other catboys! It's been a long time since he got some alone time with you!— and will tell you about his reasearch if you're interested in it. And if you ask him, he'll even tell you about his past as a scientist for the government before the hybrids hunt decree was set. His calm and velvety voice, perfect for any kind of storytelling will slowly lull you and tone down your stress. The sweet herbal smell of the tea and the atmosphere that has been created over the kitchen helps a lot.
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If you inch your chair closer to him to have your shoulders touch he'll give you a kind smile and invite you to come even closer. He'll surround your shoulder with his arm and caress your cold cheeks with his warm hand. If you hug him he'll even let out his cat ears to let you pet them, he insists that it reduces stress and lowers blood pressure. You're delighted since you see his cat features very rarely and you touch them even less often! They're so soft! You end up being thankful you had insomnia bc it led to this precious and bonding moment between you two.
Albedo always makes you feel safe. You know you can trust that he always has your back.
After you turn in bed over and over without being able to sleep, Venti will ask you what's wrong. If you open up and tell them that you feel too anxious to sleep he will turn on the nightlamp and sit on the bed to comfort you. He will pat your shoulders and caress your head to make you know and feel that you're not alone.
If you sit up he will arrange himself on your lap, half your bodies still covered by the blankets, and he will start singing the most beautiful lullaby with an angelic voice. He'll sing while you caress his hands until your fingers stop tracing fond circles on his soft skin, letting him know you finally fell asleep. He stifles his giggle with his hand to not wake you up—he thinks he would make a wonderful father, that his babies would stop crying and doze off with his majestic singing.
Kazuha heard your footsteps wandering around the house and got out from bed to see what you were up to. Upon telling him that you couldn't sleep, he tells you that when he finds himself in that situation, he climbs to the nearest rooftop to watch the stars.
You're surprised when he mindlessly takes you by your hand to the backyard, and you have to remind him that you can't turn into a cat to climb to the rooftop. He giggles at his own sillyness. "It's a shame" he says. He thinks you would look even more adorable with fluffy cat ears.
He tells you it would be amazing if your had a staircase built so you could get up there with him, and he proposes that you lay on the grass instead. After hesitating for a brief moment you give in to his idea. You lay with your backs on the fresh grass dusted by dew. It's quite comfortable, you have to admit. It feels like the humidity of the dew washes away all the negative energy from your body, like you slowly got connected with the earth.
When you feel like fusing with nature, Kazuha's hand suddenly holds yours. You look at him,laying on the grass beside you, his smile warm and his eyes gentle like always. You get lost in a little daze watching his eyes, but he brings you back to reality by pointing at the sky.
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"It's truly beautiful." That's what you think when you look up.
You two stay up till late hours watching the clouds go by, momentarily hiding the stars to then let them shine bright again. He keeps your mind busy teaching you the constelations he knows how to identify, telling you stories of his travels around Inazuma, about the adventures he has on the rooftops while wandering the city as a cat, he even shares some of his poems with you...Everything is so interesting you simply forget about all the ugly thoughts that where clouding your mind earlier.
Kazuha is just as refreshing as the late night dew. You admire his contemplative heart and his adventurous nature. You're delighted he shares them with you. He always changes ypur perspective on life.
You hold his hand tighter when he makes you giggle, the only source of warmth since the rest of your body is enveloped by the fresh chill of the dew. The drop in temperature was pleasant and it helped you get a bit sleepy.
Kazuha suggests you should go back inside, it's summer and a bit was fine but he still is worried you may catch a cold.
You go enter the house again, your hands always united with your fingers intertwined together.
Xiao is always overprotective and pays close attention to you. He realizes even the slightest shifts in your mood by your antics, your movements, your sounds, sometimes you think he can even smell them on you. So when you get up from bed saying you'll just get some water he doesn't wait much before going to seek for you.
He finds you sitting in the kitchen, glass of water untouched, leg bouncing anxiously and eyes staring into space. He instantly gets close and embraces you from behind.
"Are you okay?" He asks with a worried voice, his nose buried in the crook of your neck.
"It's okay baby, I just can't seem so sleep tonight." You tell him with a tired tone, raising a hand to caress his ruffly hair. He leaves soft kisses on your neck.
He doesn't want you to feel the slightest ounce of discomfort. He doesn't know how to make you feel better, but he would do anything for you. So he decides not to insist that you keep trying to sleep.
"Let's do something else then." He whispers as he takes your hand and leads you to the living room.
He turns the TV on in a low volume and invites you to cuddle in the sofa with him.
You accept and slowly lie down on the couch. He hugs you from behind, his arms and legs wrapping around you like a giant koala. You giggle. His affection makes you feel a bit better already. You find so sweet the way even his tail is curled around your leg. You can feel his warm breath on your neck and his heartbeat against your back.
He puts on a cozy movie he knows you like so you can relax a bit, distracting yourself without needing to focus too much on the plot. You rather concentrate on his way of pampering you. He brought a blanket to cover the both of you and even his giant dragon plushie for you to hug. You squeeze it against your chest the same way he holds you dearly. You giggle.
"I want you to be okay," he whispers in your ear, still a bit worried.
You turn around to hide your face on his chest. He blushes.
"I'm fine. Especially now that you're close to me."
You feel his muscles relax and hear how he starts purring.
"I love you, I'll always be close to you." He says as he places a loving kiss on your head. You kiss his chest and raise your hands to pet his fluffy ears. Now that was really relaxing! You could spend the rest of the night like that.
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(Art by ESZ on Twitter)
Scara will pretend he doesn't care about you and will tell you off for waking him up when you escaped from bed to mop around the kitchen.
"Well go back to sleep then," you tell him, huffing.
"As if I could now." He complains, crossing his arms on top of his chest.
You roll your eyes and tap your fingers on the table impatiently.
For someone who doesn't care about you, he is rather quick to sit in front of you and pick your hand in his.
"You're so annoying," he huffs with a sulky expression, playing with your fingers and kissing your knuckles one by one.
You contemplate the option of keeping on teasing him but decide against it—if you do he'll get insufferable and you certainly aren't capable of dealing with it tonight. You decide to enjoy how adorable he looks all worried about you and you give him the most enamored look of sweetness.
When he looks up to meet your eyes he just can't handle the affection on your gaze. His soft cheeks turn bright red and his ears and tail stand on edge. He releases your hand and stands up from his chair.
"W-what's wrong with you?" He says frowning, completely flushed "Is there something on my face or what?" He gives you his back and bites the inside of his cheek "You definitely need something to snap out of it." He huffs as he grabs you by the wrist and drags you to the bathroom.
You follow him while giggling. What is he planning now?
He starts getting the bathtub filled and also opens the water tap of the sink.
"What're you doing?" You ask while looking over his shouder.
He puts a towel under the water flow to dampen it. Then he starts to delicately wash your face with it.
Your muscles relax against his body. The towel is humid and fresh and washes the crustiness away from your tired eyes.
When he thinks his job is done, he dries you with another towel and you open your now relieved eyes to look at your reflection in the mirror. You meet Kuni's by your side, sticking his tongue out at you.
"Now you look less like a zombie." He says with a little cackle.
You attempt to tickle his sides but he gracefully dodges you and closes the other water tap: the bathtub is finally full.
"What are you waiting for, dumbass?" He says right before you can grab his precious tail to annoy him "Get in."
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"Okay, okay," you giggle as you get rid of your clothes to enter the bathtub. You let out a content sigh. The water is warm and cozy.
"You're not joining me?" You ask curiously. He shakes his head no while he busily browses through all the bath products in the cabinets. He starts adding things to the tub chaotically like he's a mad wizard making a potion on a magic cauldron.
You let out a dizzy and subtle laugh as you start to smell the sweet scent of the bath salts that are now coloring the water. The soothing vapor fills the room creating a comfortable atmosphere.
Suddenly not being able to sleep is not a problem anymore. You're just so calm and happy at this very moment. So glad to live with him, to have him by your side lighting up your life everyday with his silly and adorable antics.
You simply adored everything about him. From his little tsundere tantrums to his intense demostrations of love. Going through his clingyness and his moving ways of learning how to take care of you, of course.
The fact that he cared about you and wanted to make you feel better was already enough to warm your heart.
And observing him arrange the bath as you enjoyed it made you mind completely forget about your dreadful thoughts from earlier.
All you could do was watch Kuni's restless tail swish from side to side behind him as he was focused on adding the perfect amount of bath products you don't remember buying to the tub.
You laugh dizzily as you feel like you're the main ingredient of a soup he's brewing.
"Feeling better already, I see," He clicks his tongue with a little smirk "I always know exactly what you need." He declared triumphantly.
You cover your mouth as you giggle again.
"What you laughing at, huh? You ungrateful little human." He mocks you.
"It's just that I can't tell if you look more like a crazy alchemist or a chef right now." You murmur "Are you trying to cook me?"
He exhales another laughter.
"Yes I am," he declares, showing his fangs with an evil grin "But first I have to soften your flesh," he says as he places his hands on your shoulders to start massaging them.
You let out a deep sigh as all your tensions slowly abandon your body. Kuni massages your shoulders, your back and even your scalp and he washes your hair with the sweet scented water. It's pure bliss and relaxation. His soft, loving hands take away all discomfort and bring joy and peace to your skin. Soon, your mind is completely calm and it feels like your body weights nothing.
"Thanks so much, Kuni..." you whisper as you slowly doze off.
"Don't thank me human, I'm gonna eat you, remember?" He teases you with a little smirk.
"Well, if it means I'm getting such an amazing massage, I'd let you eat me anytime." You babble as you cover you mouth to yawn.
He cackles, realizing you're too sleepy to know what the hell you're saying. So he pulls the plug of the bathtub out and as the water slowly goes down he picks you up to take you out of it.
You keep yawning and keep holding the soft fabric of his pajamas and don't even realize when you're grappling a towel.
You sleep in his arms as he dries you with a towel and then proceeds to dresses you with a clean set of your own night clothes.
Next time you regain consciousness you're in bed, warm, tightly wrapped in blankets and of course, in the loving embrace of your clingy tsundere catboyfriend. He hugs you with all his limbs. Arms, legs, tail too. He purrs as he digs his face on your chest, lulled by the sound of your heart. He loves you so much.
And so do you. So you place a single kiss on his fluffy hair and continue sleeping peacefully.
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Author notes: So here are some crumbs while I write chapter 3: Little Fluffball turned out to be a person! This ofc takes place later when we already have our 5 catboyfriends. Ikr, I was able to finish a post, who would have thought so? Dang this was started on the very last day of last year and only finished today. I keep having the same problem of struggling with finishing. But oh well, I don't wanna punish myself so much bc these past weeks have been dreadful. I'm gonna keep writing. Slowly but steadily. And I'm working on answering some lovely asks I got! 💕
All I can think about lately are the catboys in the house. I yave so many ideas and scenes and scenarios and it's been impossible to write them all down. I'll keep trying though. I think it's evident that I have a huge bias towards Kuni. I feel bad for Xiao, he probably gets jealous :c How about you? Do you have a favorite? 👀 Pls let me know in the comments!🙏
Also who would have thought I would write something SFW 😂😂😂 Next piece isn't going to be so safe tho 👀
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Special thanks to every person who left me lovely comments and asked to be tagged! You encourage me to keep posting what I write!💕
Taglist: @dainsleif-when-playable @chaotichearts-19 @xkurapikaschainsx @niyahisg0y @akxmee @blue-spices
Some of you it won't let me tag you and idk why :(
See you soon!
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