#herbal info
renaissanceofherbs · 11 months
Dandelions are NOT just a weed(I hate that word, honestly). The leaves make a great green to add to a salad. All parts of the plant can be dried and used for tea(though you must be wary of roots grown in less-than-optimal soil). Dandelions are known for being high in nutrients, helping with cardiovascular health, and impoving your over-all immune health.
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lunalitycenter · 2 years
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inusmasha · 8 months
Sometimes it’s hard to read fanfic when you’re studying herbalism.. when they have the character preparing a tincture to use that same DAY!!?
Baby those dried herbs need to sit in that jar with high proof alcohol for at LEAST a month!
That’s why before the use of calendars ppl use to prepare their tinctures either on the new moon or full moon. A a full moon cycle is usually 28 days or so. And they would give the moon names so it’s easier to remember when/what month said tincture was bottled.
This is also why herbal medicine is prepare in small batches. You have to take your time preparing your bottles. Making sure everything is clean so you don’t end up with mold. Diluting your grain alcohol. Heckkk knowing when to pick your herbs for max potency! Drying your herbs! That takes a lot of time too!
I didn’t mean to rant lol
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witch-of-the-creek · 10 months
Since dragons blood resin comes from a species of tree that is threatened, I’m working on a recipe to mimic the aroma of it
It’s not perfect, but these ingredients in combination get pretty close, no matter if it’s a tincture, oil, tea, or candle
In order of most to least, though it can be changed to individual preferences
Star anise
Citrus (preferably blood orange or grapefruit)
Bay leaf
This list is done without specific correspondences in mind, and only meant to replace the aroma of dragons blood resin
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los-plantalones · 1 month
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I'm making plant ID brochures for my talk tomorrow. i'm discussing common "weeds" that you find in the garden that are useful either for food, medicine, or craft.
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khantheghostt · 11 months
Teas and Their Physical Benefits
I have a lot of random knowledge about tea, so I decided to share some, I may make one for Mentel benefits.
(TL;DR Peppermint and ginger teas are your best friends)
Sore Throat? Try:
Chamomile Tea (anti-inflammatory properties)
Ginger Tea  (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial)
Peppermint Tea ( anti-inflammatory) 
Green Tea ( has antioxidants and  anti-inflammatory)
Honey and Lemon Tea (antimicrobial and softens mucus)
Sage Tea ( anti-inflammatory)
Cinnamon Tea ( antimicrobial and helps with pain)
Turmeric Tea (anti-inflammatory and  antioxidant)
Joint Pain? Try:
Turmeric Tea ( anti-inflammatory)
Ginger Tea ( anti-inflammatory)
Green Tea ( anti-inflammatory and helps overall joint health)
Nettle Tea ( anti-inflammatory) WARNING: plant is spikey!
White Willow Bark Tea (natural pain-relieving) 
Boswellia Tea (anti-inflammatory and pain relief)
Yarrow Tea ( anti-inflammatory)
trouble falling asleep? Try:
Chamomile Tea (calming properties)
Valerian Root Tea (sedative effects) very affective but strong in taste
Lavender Tea ( calming properties)
Lemon Balm Tea (calming properties and  mild sedative effects)
Passionflower Tea ( calming properties and stress-reducer)
Magnolia Bark Tea (calming properties)
Trouble Staying Awake? Try:
Black Tea (contains caffeine)
Green Tea ( contains smaller amount of caffeine and antioxidants)
Yerba Mate ( contains caffeine and  theophylline)
Matcha Tea ( contains caffeine and antioxidants)
Ginger Tea ( stimulates circulation)
Have a fever? Try:
Peppermint Tea ( cooling effect)
Chamomile Tea ( calming properties)
Elderflower Tea (boosts immune-system and  anti-inflammatory)
 Ginger Tea ( supports digestion and helps with nausea) 
Lemon Balm Tea (boosts immune-system)
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balkanradfem · 2 years
How do you dry yours medicinal plants to preserve? Just let it dry by itself?
There's several ways I know!
If you're just simply drying it at home, the best way is to hang them, just tie a few of the same together and have them hanging in some sort of shade. They should not dry in direct sunlight, as this will make them lose their color and they'll deteriorate faster.
It's also recommended to dry the whole stem, leaves (and flowers if you have flowers) together, and then only to break them apart when you're storing them; apparently that makes all of the oils inside of the plant preserve better in it's dry state!
Other ways you can dry plants is to just set them on top of some clean cloth, with good spacing so they're not on top of each other, or you can set them on top of some newspaper. If I have a big amount of herbs to dry, I'll set them on top of a bedsheet, and then hang the bedsheet or put it somewhere in shade to dry.
The professional way to dry plants is to set them in a space with a dehumidifier; this way they'll look as good as fresh when they're dry, without losing any color! I've never tried that, I've only heard about it.
I've seen some people set the plants inside of the dehydrator; I've also never tried this, but I hear it makes them very crunchy and easy to crush into powder.
This is a trick specifically for humid areas; if your air is so humid you can't set something to dry, you can put the herbs in paper bags, again with good spacing, and the paper will suck out the moisture.
That's all of the stuff I know! I personally have been hanging them dry in my kitchen, and it's worked great. I noticed they dry faster if they're in the air, than on top of cloth/newspapers. Have fun drying plants!
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biosehat101 · 9 months
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6 Cara Membuat Kopi Anda Sehat: • Hindari pemanis buatan, bisa ganti dengan gula aren • Jangan langsung minum kopi setelah makan karena dapat menghambat penyerapan nutrisi • Tambahkan kayu manis • Gunakan biji kopi yang organik • Hindari minum kopi setelah jam 2-3 siang • Hindari krimer buatan
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okami-zero · 2 years
Man, it is going to be weird when I start working more earnestly at leveling SAM after playing PLD for so long. Mostly positioning. Was a tank in WoW for AGES, then came to FFXIV and am tanking as PLD, so breaking that habit might be tough.
. . .
Or not considering I have off-tanked a lot.
But it's not the same thing...
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moss-coated-lady · 3 months
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Plant Name:
Lavender is a fragrant perennial herb with narrow, aromatic leaves and clusters of small purple flowers.
Medicinal Uses:
Lavender is commonly used in aromatherapy for its calming and relaxing properties. It can also be used to alleviate headaches, promote sleep, and soothe minor skin irritations.
Edible Parts:
The flowers of lavender are edible and can be used to flavor foods and beverages. They are often used in baking, teas, and infused oils.
Care Information:
Lavender thrives in well-drained soil and full sunlight.
Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.
Prune after flowering to maintain shape and encourage new growth.
Other Uses:
Lavender essential oil is used in perfumes, soaps, and skincare products.
Dried lavender flowers can be used in sachets and potpourris.
While lavender is generally safe, excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Some individuals may experience allergic reactions.
Harvest lavender flowers in the morning after the dew has dried for the highest concentration of essential oils. Lavender attracts pollinators to the garden and repels pests such as mosquitoes and moths.
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amanhealthcare7 · 5 months
Benefits of sweet lime Healthcare_tips
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magical-little-things · 10 months
Familiar with Spiral Rain?
I was doing some plant research which spiraled into witchy research which brought me here! I was curious if anyone has experience interacting with Spiral Rain and their company/blog and how it was. And also if anyone has seen their resources on their website, because it is EXTENSIVE! Pages of herbs and their uses and informative blog posts, especially for people like me who are still learning the basics. They seem wonderful, and have a shop where you can buy supplies as well, although I’m really only researching ATM.
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youweremyridehome · 10 months
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inusmasha · 8 months
Also like what sort of questions do y’all have about using herbs in your fanfic? Like what do you need to know? I wanna help! Lol!
Like how to prepare simple herbal medicine?
A list of flower meanings? The magical/symbolic meanings of herbs?
Herbs archetypes? What planet they are ruled by? Lore?
How to make your own medical kit? What herbs would help out in the wild both for eating and fighting off enemies?
Is your character a street medic?
Is your character named after an herb or plant or flower?
Do you need to find out what herbs would be helpful in your story??
Please ask me!!
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witch-of-the-creek · 11 months
Fascinating flora #1.
I’m going to start with my favorite. Every time I talk to someone about dandelions, they bring up a different facet of why this plant is amazing.
Their flowers support pollinators- dandelions have wide flat flowers with the pollen close to the outside. This means they can be pollinated by just about any pollinator species. Their leaves do an especially good job of supporting caterpillars before they pupate.
They’re a diuretic, and may be helpful to passing kidney stones.
They have so many nutrients. So many. Calcium, iron, potassium, vitamins a and c. Their flowers have antioxidant properties, the whole plant has anti inflammatory effects.
They may be bitter, but add a rich flavor profile when baked into a quiche or seared into a sauce along with spinach, or cooked in a stir fry. If you enjoy the bitterness, that’s valid, but if you don’t, there’s many ways to cook parts of this plant. The flowers are more sweet. Every single part of the plant is edible save for the seeds, and there’s so many recipes that can be found from herbalists, cooks, green witches, and really anyone who likes to cook with plants.
Their roots act like drills and break apart hard soil for other plants to grow. They bring up valuable resources from deep in the sediment, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium.
They reduce erosion- their roots can go down to fifteen feet. They’re pioneer plants, among the first to move in after a disaster such as a fire or flood.
Now, for the witchy parts.
Consuming this plant is not just healthy and nutritious, it raises your intuition, and aids in divination. The plant itself is frequently connected to divination.
The puffs are said to grant a wish if you blow on them and release the seeds.
Their flowers are a huge sun correspondence, their deep roots are a good representation of earth, and the seeds are connected to air and spirit.
Their roots are also a symbol of protection, good to carry with you or place on a windowsill.
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bhrigupharma · 1 year
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Supports Healthy Metabolism and Thyroid Support Capsule
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