vinxxmokee · 1 month
im just a girl
Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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vinxxmokee · 3 months
001: First Impressions
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PAIRING: hunter x OC
SYNOPSIS: where Zerith finds a strange boy in the forest while training and for some reason they keep meeting.
GENRE: slow burn, fluff, angst, crack
Being the golden guard is not something simple, the job consumes me. Everyone needs my help or immediate presence everywhere. “Please me, and that way you will please the Titan, that is the priority of the golden guard”, “The Titan has big plans for you”, that’s what I constantly hear from Belos, those are the reasons that make me relevant, being an important part of the Titan’s plan. These are all the reasons why I always try to ace every task I am assigned, without any mistakes and always look for beating expectatives. I have to be useful. Even though i have all this responsibilities on me, being consumed by my job makes me not give my 100% to it, due to stress, so for work and only work related reasons, i find myself getting out of my room in my free hours to have time for relaxation, yes i may feel some guilt from it, but at the end of the day, it is an occasional -almost nonexistent- rest that helps me keep up the pace with my duties. For this very-important-for-my-duties-break I tend to go to “The Knee”.The cold weather and the snow offer a strange comfort, plus the silence that is only natural in a place like this helps even more with my relax duty.
Today the silence that tends to take over the place seems interrupted in a weird way, as I said; a place like this tends to not have tourists, and if there are they are never noisy, everybody knows that the Slither Beast lives here, fear is another of the reasons that keeps the Knee alone and peaceful. So the question here is, why does it sound like someone is trying to commit hate crimes against a tree?
I approach with caution towards the moving tree and now some screens come into the battle, against a tree? like seriously? That tree must be a criminal.
I have to make sure to keep a considerable distance to not get noticed by the tree slaughter, and get a good view of who it is. Against any prediction of mine, the tree fighter is actually a young lady, with a weird way of spelling, is definitely a completely different way of how I was trained to do. For her apparent age, she seems to be skilled.
Silence comebacks at my brain where i notice that my surrounding went back to it as well
And suddenly I feel my body strangely cold.
— Spying on people is pretty weird if you ask me — I try to look behind me, where the voice comes from, but I quickly realize that I'm trapped in some sort of ice rock, oh Titan please help me.
Kind of nervous i clear my throat to make sure that my most goldenish guard of the goldenish guardish voice comes out
— Who says that I'm spying on you? — Great, okay, lying is not exactly my greatest ability. I give up on trying to look over my shoulder, only to be met face to face with a girl hanging from a branch. Startled by this a not-so goldenish guardish squeal comes out from the depths of my soul. Titan why do you do this to me?
— Oh is that so?, cause i'm pretty sure that looking at someone from behind a tree without them knowing counts as spying, sir — Ok maybe that was not my best most smart move
— Actually it could count as stalking, so, do you have to say something in your defense?
I take a second to think about an answer, and when nothing comes to mind I just roll my eyes annoyed, because yes she is right, but why would she? — Don't you have something else to do?
Her smile only gets bigger — See?, i'm right — she gets down from the branch — Now give my a valid reason to ot let you trapped here for the rest of the day, maybe ill even use you for practice, who knows.
Now is my turn to smile as a clever enough answer comes to mind — Did you just admit that you want to use me? What kind of freak are you? — I give her a judging look but i am not able to hide my smile in front of her offended expression
— Its called torture
— So?, you like hurting people?, is that it?
— I don't do it cause i like it, It's a punish for being a total weirdo
— Punish?, oh yeah sure, keep hiding the fact that you want to see me suffer for your own satisfaction, freak. — I spit the last word, never dropping the same shit eating grin that she was giving me before, suddenly i lose all balance as i fall straight to the ground with an oof
— Oop, my bad, I have to work on durability— I take advantage of her distraction, reaching for my talisman. One strong swipe with it and I make her fall down onto her back, obviously a perfectly done move because I am just cool like that. Golden guard,  remember? I get up as quick as i can and point at her with my weapon
— So who will torture who now? i think i missed that —  I simply can’t help my smile teasing her like this, she gives me a dirty look as if something smells bad and an immature and frustrated hit to the ground, or that is what it looked like before that same punch raised a pilar from the ground i am standing on. After flying some meters back I manage to stand on my feet and before I can say anything she is already up and tidying her clothes.
— Nice reflexes.
— Nice spell — I run my hand on my cheek getting snow out of my face
— Well, it was nice meeting you but honestly, this isn't the weather to fight, you know?, doesn't the cold air burn your nose when you agitate?, weird right? — It is obvious how she walks back while making small talk.
— Why are you running away?, coward, only giving excuses
— Who are you calling a coward? stupid spy
— I wasn't spying on you! — I stomp my foot on the ground
— Yeah whatever Hunter
My expression drops to all seriousness, i look directly into her eyes with a slight frown
— How do you know my name?
 She shrugged with her shoulders — You have the face of a guy whose name would be Hunter
I blink in disbelief looking at her, there is absolutely no way she just guessed that.
Absolutely. No. Way. 
— Hey?, you okay?, i think i awake a weird trauma of yours, you know from your face, so i fell the responsibility of saying sorry, just in case you know
I blink awake — What are you saying?, i don't have traumas, is just weird that someone you never saw just guesses your name
— What can I say? i'm a genius
— Yeah, why not.
We stand in silence
— So are you gonna tell me your name?
— Hey, i guessed yours with honest effort you don't get to have me just tell you mine
I rolled my eyes at her childish argument
— Not even a clue?
— Nu uh
She started to walk away and eventually got onto her talisman. I waited until she got far enough to get onto mine and go to the palace. I sigh before taking off, surely a long day of work waits for me back there.
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vinxxmokee · 3 months
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vinxxmokee · 11 months
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vinxxmokee · 2 years
When you just want to read fluffs but theres a shit ton of smut of the character:
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vinxxmokee · 2 years
se volvio un habito buscar faceclaims y luego no terminar el fanfic
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vinxxmokee · 2 years
someone with request of voltron open? , i need things of my girl pidge
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vinxxmokee · 3 years
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It's my way of coping people
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vinxxmokee · 3 years
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vinxxmokee · 3 years
soo just finished voltron, I'm not okey
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