#baby let me kiss that scar better đŸ„ș
maaninenpyromaani · 7 months
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"swipe for a scar. ☠" Joel via ig 23.11.2023
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tswaney17 · 1 month
I Do Bad Things with You - Part 49
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It's here!!! The final part of this massive fic. 😭 I can't believe we're finally at the end. I'm still in shock that I get to close the door on this fic that has taken up the last three years of my life. I have so many emotions running through me right now. đŸ„ș
The epilogue will be posted during @elriel-month in addition to a little surprise I'm so excited to share with you. Stay tuned!! 💜💙💚
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault , language, NSFW
This part also features descriptions of birth and complications from it.
Word Count: 7,225
Elain had spent a good portion of the late morning getting ready for the baby shower scheduled for noon. At just over eight months pregnant, they were cutting close to the wire of the twins’ arrival.
She was beyond exhausted. Growing the babies was work enough, but she ached everywhere at this point. Her boobs, her hips, her ankles. Her back
that hurt the worst. She looked like she swallowed two extra large watermelons. Elain hadn’t seen her feet in two and half months and she was praying that her toenails looked well enough for sandals today.
On top of her aching body, she also slept like shit the night before, having woken up in the wee hours with Braxton Hicks contractions that seemed to never want to go away. They were getting obnoxious at this point.
Oh! And her boobs had already started leaking. Aside from the contractions, Elain also woke up to a soaked sleep shirt and an attitude that poor Azriel was desperately trying to keep calm. She felt bad that her irritation got directed at him, but he took her mood swings in stride, giving her the space when she needed it, and focusing on taking care of Kaden and getting him ready for the party.
Her husband knocked lightly before entering their bedroom, shutting the door behind him and locking it when he saw her standing there in an ugly pair of panties and a strapless bra—which she had no idea how it was going to hold up her tits, but here they were. “Hello, my love. How are you doing?” he asked, striding further into their room. He was already dressed in black slacks and a white button-down rolled up to his elbows. It was one of her favorite looks on him. Casual but classy and sexy as hell.
“I’m all right. Better than this morning,” which was true. In the time she took to get ready, she felt her irritation slowly dissipate. “I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
He gifted her a soft smile he reserved only for her and their children. “El, you’re carrying two babies. You’re allowed to let out your frustrations. I’m here to spar if you need it, you know that.”
She knew he meant spar as in letting her yell and shout and hiss words until she felt better while he just took it. Gods, he really was the perfect husband. Elain held out her coco butter lotion towards him. “Do you mind rubbing this on me and helping me dress?”
Azriel took the bottle from her outstretched hands, dropping a sweet kiss on her plump lips before squirting some into his scarred palms and gently rubbing it all over her swollen stomach. He knelt before her, dutifully getting every inch of her covered. “You are so beautiful, Elain,” he murmured, kissing her at the fullest part of her belly.
She snorted. “I am a beached whale who ate too much.”
“You are a gorgeous woman carrying life inside of her womb. That will always be beautiful, sweetheart.”
How he always knew what to say was beyond her, but she tugged him up off the ground to kiss him thoroughly. It should’ve annoyed her with how just a few sweeps of Azriel’s tongue had every concern and irritation simply melt away. He knew when to play that card and fuck did he play it well.
But even his tongue couldn’t stop the hiss of pain as another contraction wracked her body.
He immediately pulled back at the sound, eyes scanning her face. “Are you all right?” he asked, concern etched into the tone.
She breathed through the wave that tightened in her abdomen. “Braxton Hicks contractions,” she said as an explanation.
 His brows shot into his hairline. “Do we need to go to the hospital?”
Elain reached up to cup his cheek in her palm, her thumb swiping over the stubble there. “No, it’s a normal thing this late in the pregnancy. I’ve had a few this morning starting before dawn. It’s why I was grouchy.”
Understanding lit his face and he carefully ran his hand down her stomach again. “Why didn’t you wake me this morning?”
She huffed a laugh. “Because I knew you’d go into full-birthing-dad-mode and neither one of us would’ve slept any longer.”
Azriel shot her an unamused glare. “You will be thanking me for that birthing-dad mode when you’re in labor and I have everything packed up within minutes.”
This time Elain laughed loud and joyfully. “Yes, you’re probably right.” She nodded to the dress on the bed. “Help me slip that on?”
He grabbed the fabric, bunching it in his large fists, and pulled it over her head. It was an off-the-shoulder, loose, pale pink cotton dress, decorated with roses. It looked vintage, gathering just under her bust, with oversized puffy sleeves that sat off her shoulders, over her biceps. Ruffles accentuated the bottom hem, emphasizing the vintage style. It was the perfect spring dress. When Elain first saw it at the store, she knew she had to buy it for the shower.
Azriel tugged her loose curls from the back of the dress, letting them brush against her spine. He placed a kiss on her bare shoulder before grabbing the rose-pendant necklace he bought to go with the dress and draping it around her delicate neck. “Perfect,” he murmured onto her skin, his smile pressing against her neck.
Elain sighed softly, reaching up to thread her fingers through his dark hair. “How am I still horny for you?”
He nipped at her throat, a rumble shaking his chest. “Because you know I can deliver what you need without even blinking.”
This time she laughed, letting his hands run across her body in possessive little touches.
Azriel brazenly cupped her sex through the dress, growling as she let out a mewling sound and began to writhe against those skilled fingers, searching for the friction she desperately craved. “Would you like to fuck my hand, love?” he murmured, mouth grazing her jaw.
Elain fell slack against him, letting his strength hold her up. “Az,” she breathed, eyes fluttering shut as he began to rub her in earnest. “Please.”
He nipped the curve of her ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth. “You beg so prettily, El.” Bunching up the dress in a fist, Azriel slid her panties aside, swiping his fingers over her soaked pussy. “Fuck, baby. You’re so wet for me. Always desperate for my touch.”
She gripped him, nails digging into his exposed forearms. “I need—I need,” she panted out, wiggling in his hold. “Please, Az.”
Giving her exactly what she wanted—needed—Azriel sunk his middle finger into her aching cunt, pumping once before adding a second digit. “Such a good girl,” he whispered, thrusting in and out of her. The heel of his palm grazed her clit sending bolts of pleasure up her spine.
Elain bit her lip, stifling the moan that threatened to burst from her. His fingers scraped along that special spot inside of her, building her up and up and up until she teetered on the edge of bliss.
Barely conscious of her surroundings, Elain caught the sound of the door handle jiggling, followed by a “Momma!”
Azriel clapped a hand over her mouth as he continued his machinations. “Momma’s getting dressed, Kaden. We’ll be out in a minute,” he called out, pressing his palm firmly on her clit and sending her spiraling into her orgasm.
Too far gone to care, she tumbled into sweet oblivion, coming hard on his fingers. Elain moaned, only quieted by the muffling against her husband’s scarred hand.
He worked her through her release, slowing his movements when she started to come down from her high. Az peppered her skin with sweet kisses, removing his fingers from her pussy and readjusting her panties back into place before letting the dress fall back down. “Better, my love?”
“I’m gonna have to change my underwear, but yes.” She twisted in his arms, catching him sucking his fingers clean. Elain brought his mouth down to hers, tongue licking the drop of her release dotting his bottom lip. “Thank you, husband.”
He smiled into their kiss, deepening it once more. “I’ll go check on Kaden while you finish up. We’ll head out when you’re done.”
Twenty minutes later, they were in the car on their way to Rhys and Feyre’s place. It was a gorgeous day full of sunshine, the air warm with the oncoming of summer. It was as if even the Mother wanted to grace her presence on that day with her radiance. They really couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day for a baby shower.
“Momma?” Kaden called from the back seat. “Where are we going?”
His speech had improved so much since they first brought him home that the therapist they hired had told them after the end of the school year, that he likely wouldn’t need to continue seeing a specialist to catch him up. He was reading and writing the way a five-year-old should be and was on track to pass kindergarten with flying colors.
She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Remember how we talked about going to Aunt Feyre and Uncle Rhys’s for the baby shower today.”
He seemed to think about that. “What’s a baby shower?”
Her lips quirked up at his curious mind. Thankfully, he hadn’t asked about where babies came from again. “It’s a party to celebrate the upcoming arrival of your brother and sister.” Her hand came to rest on her belly instinctively.
His face scrunched up. “Will I have to take a bath again?”
Azriel let out a snort, glancing at her. “It’s a fair question.”
She laughed. “No, sweetheart. Not that kind of shower. To shower with love. The party is just to celebrate the babies before they arrive.”
“Will there be cake?” he asked, excitement lighting up his face at the prospect of sweets.
“For my sister’s sake, there better be.” Elain’s late-stage pregnancy craving was anything sweet. Cookies, cakes, pastries, whatever she could get her hands on, she was eating it. Azriel was barely able to keep the pantry stocked with desserts for her to snack on.
Her husband chuckled. “If she doesn’t, we’ll stop by a bakery on our way home and get each of you a cake. How’s that sound?” he asked, grasping her hand and bringing it to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.
She grinned. “You spoil me.”
He looked at her then. “You deserve to be spoiled.”
They were fashionably late to their baby shower, and Elain completely blamed her husband’s morning sexual charade for the delay in their arrival. Not that she minded at all. She had another Braxton Hick contraction in the car, Azriel eying her with worry and once again asking if they should make a pitstop at the hospital just in case.
But that would’ve made them even more late and Elain knew it was unnecessary.
All of their friends and family were waiting for their arrival. And she hated being late.
“What am I going to do with you gone for six months, Elain?” Thesan teased, taking a sip of his beer.
She shot a devilish grin at the head nurse sitting on the couch across from her. “I’m sure Viv would love to pick up all the slack.”
Viviane squawked in outrage and pointed a menacing finger in her direction. “Don’t put your work on me while you’re enjoying your babymoon, Elain Archeron-Knight.”
The group laughed as she pushed herself up off the couch. Another contraction hit her and she winced, catching the attention of the sharp-eyed nurse. But before she could ask, Kaden came bounding up to her, tugging on the skirt of her dress.
“Momma, can I have a cake pop?” He looked up at her with those damn puppy eyes he knew she couldn’t resist.
Elain ran a hand through his hair. “Sure, sweetie. Only one. You don’t want to spoil your appetite for Uncle Cassian’s good barbeque.”
Said uncle was out in the backyard tending to the grill with her husband, Rhys, and the Moonbeam brothers because, apparently, that’s where men gathered. Aelin and Rowan had joined them, the former getting an eyebrow raise from Azriel at her company’s appearance.
She made her way to the kitchen, hoping to perhaps score one of those cake pops herself—she was the guest of honor, surely she could snag one too. Feyre, Nuala, and Cerridwen had been busy putting together the final touches for lunch and were just waiting for Cassian’s proteins to serve food.
But just as she reached the breakfast bar, a wave of excruciating pain washed over her. Catching herself on the counter, Elain gripped the side of her stomach, groaning loud enough that the other room went silent. And then she felt it. Liquid surged between her legs, puddling the floor beneath her.
No. No, it was too soon. They couldn’t be coming already.
Viviane rounded the corner from the living room as Feyre and the twins approached her.
Somebody breathed her name, but she couldn’t decipher who it was over the blood rushing in her ears.
More footsteps sounded as her friends and family came from the living room to see what was going on.
“Elain.” It was Feyre’s voice that broke through the fog of fear that had clouded her, but she was too numb to respond. Too nervous. “Somebody get Azriel!”
Her panic grew and her breathing turned shallow. It was too soon. She wasn’t ready, wasn’t prepared enough. The anxiety of giving birth hit her like a freight train.
She couldn’t do this.
She couldn’t.
Azriel took a swig of his beer, rolling his eyes at the cad comment Rhys made. His tanned skin warmed in the sunlight even with the sleeves of his button-down rolled up to his elbows. With a glance at the large window, he caught Elain rising from her spot on the couch, Kaden gripping her dress to speak with her.
Gods, that fucking dress. Elain looked like a maternal goddess in it, emphasizing her swollen belly, brimming with the life of his children. Az never realized he had a breeding kink until he and Elain got back together. His desire to fill her with his seed, to watch her grow with life had him hardening in his pants.
Now at eight months, she had reached the stage where little things irked the hell out of her. Honestly, her temper was cute as hell, but he tried to be considerate of her exhaustion and short-fuse, offering himself up to take the heat of her ire. It was only fair—he’s the one that got her pregnant.
It may have made him a primitive, alpha-douchebag, but fuck did he love to see her waddling around, pregnant and barefoot in their home. She was already such a wonderful mother to their boy, Kaden. Cassian had been right. He was so incredibly grateful for Elain’s maternal instinct.
“Something caught your eye, brother?” Cassian taunted, grinning. His brother knew exactly what he was looking at. Or whom.
He shot him a dry look that had Cash chuckling.
“If she wasn’t already pregnant, I’d say that look alone could’ve knocked her up,” he teased. “Who knew you had such a kink, Az.”
Azriel opened his mouth to retort, but the sliding glass door opening caught his attention.
Nuala peeked her head out, a worried look on her face that had his stomach tightening in knots. “Azriel! Get in here now!”
But he was already moving, dropping his drink on the table and running after her into the house, his brothers and friends hot on his heels. He froze in the entryway of the kitchen, taking in the scene for a split second before his eyes settled on Elain bent over the counter, a puddle of clear liquid beneath her.
His feet ate up the space between them in three long strides, her name falling from his lips as he cupped her face and forced her gaze on his. Azriel prided himself in knowing exactly what Elain was feeling, what she was thinking by just the look on her face. He read her better than he did himself. So, seeing the blatant apprehension and worry written as clearly as a tattoo on her forehead had his heart racing in his chest.
Her eyes were wet with the tears he could tell she was trying to hold back.
“Love,” he said quietly, unsure how to proceed at the moment.
She blinked like hearing him cleared a bit of the fog that had washed over her. “Azriel.” Her voice cracked.
He folded her into his arms, trying to soothe whatever worries were troubling her. “You’re okay, my love.”
Elain seemed to melt in his embrace, her tension slowly ebbing away the longer he held her. He gave her whatever time she needed, ignoring the audience they had around them, but it was long enough for another contraction to hit. She cried out, gripping his hand in hers and squeezing tight.
Viviane snapped into action at that. “Azriel, her contractions are about nine minutes apart now. She’s going to have at least two more by the time you reach the hospital.”
“No hospitals,” Elain growled.
That had him pulling back to look down at her. “El, the babies are coming—”
“No. Hospitals.” He could see the wavering in her face. “I—,” she paused, hesitating. “They’re not ready. It’s too early. Too soon. They can’t come out yet
” Her head fell until she was looking at the wetness still sitting on the floor. “I’m not ready,” Elain whispered so quietly, that he almost missed it.
Azriel knew that was nerves speaking. While Kaden made them parents, the idea of giving birth to the twins was the primary source of her fear. The books he read said that many expectant mothers experienced this type of anxiety right around the time they went into labor. If they were going to have any success in her having a smooth birth, Azriel needed to get her to calm down. He glanced at Cassian. “Can you get her a chair?”
His brother grabbed one from the dining room, setting it out for Az to carefully guide Elain into. He knelt in front of her, keeping her hands clasped firmly in his. “Elain, sweetheart,” her dark eyes latched onto his, needing to hear his reassurance. He kept his voice low, wishing they didn’t have to have this conversation in front of their friends and family.
Rhys seemed to sense that and began ushering people out of the room. “Let’s give the couple a few minutes.”
He shot his brother a grateful look before returning his attention to Elain. “Sweetheart, I know you’re scared. I know it’s earlier than we were expecting. But if there is one thing that I am certain of is that you can do this.” He squeezed her hands in comfort. “You are the strongest person I know. You’ve been through so much that once all is said and done, you’re going to look at me and tell me that this was the easy part. I promise you that if anyone can do this, it’s you. And I will be right by your side for every step, holding your hand, giving you ice chips, and bearing whatever you need me to bear to bring our children into the world.”
She sniffed, a small smile tugging at her lips. “You’re sure?”
“Without a doubt, Elain. You can do this.” He brought their joined hands up to his mouth, kissing her fingers and letting her absorb whatever confidence she needed. “So, what do you say? Are you ready to have our babies, love?”
Elain huffed a laugh, his words settling the nerves she had. “Yes, let’s go have our babies,” she breathed, her grin taking over her entire face, lasting all of thirty seconds before a look of panic took root once more. “Az, the birthing bag is still at the house.”
He let out an undignified snort. “Do you think after having that contraction in front of me this morning, I’d leave the house without having absolutely everything packed and ready to go? Come on, baby, you know me better than that. It’s all in the back of the car.”
She blinked in surprise. “The birthing bag and my pillow?”
“In the car,” he confirmed.
“Kaden’s overnight bag?”
“In the car.”
“The car seats for the twins?”
He scoffed. “You know I installed those weeks ago, try again.”
Her lips quired up at the corner. “What about the slippers I was wearing this morning?” she asked, thinking she had him.
Az rolled his eyes in playful exasperation. “I grabbed them when I snagged the birthing bag.” He kissed her hands again. “I’ve got you, love.”
And then she was leaning forward, kissing him with so much love and devotion, he felt it down to the soul she brought back to life. The sound of their family’s cheers forced them apart, a pretty blush dusting the tops of Elain’s cheeks, but she didn’t dare look away from him.
Without looking away from her, Azriel reached into his pocket, pulled out his keys, and tossed them to Rhys. “Can you grab Kaden’s bag from the trunk? The one with dinosaurs. And then Elain’s purple one as well.”
Elain’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Why is he grabbing mine?”
His lips pulled up into a knowing grin, brushing the shell of her ear as he leaned forward to whisper, “I thought you might like to change your underwear and put on a maternity pad for the ride to the hospital.”
Her cheeks heated in embarrassment, but she nodded in agreement.  
A little body shuffled closer. “Momma?” Kaden murmured, looking so very worried over the state of his mother.
She held her arms out, motioning him forward. “C’mere sweetheart.” Elain tucked him into her chest, kissing the top of his head. “You’re going to stay here with Aunt Feyre and Uncle Rhys while Daddy and I go to the hospital to have your brother and sister.”
He looked up at her with those puppy-dog eyes and damn, the kid knew how to work them. “But I want to go with you!” His lower lip quivered and Azriel could tell he was on the verge of tears.
But his wife took it in stride, cupping his little face in her palms and swiping her thumbs across his cheeks. “I know, sweetheart. I know you do. But you’ll have a much better time here with your aunt and uncle. Momma’s not going to be fun to be around until your siblings are here.” She kissed his plump cheek. “But I promise that you will be the first to see us once they arrive. Okay?”
Feyre stepped forward, reaching out a hand for their son. “Come on, Kaden. We’ll have lots of fun eating all the desserts left over.” She shot them a wink when he finally relented, taking her fingers.
After cleaning her up as best as he could and getting her a maternity pad from her bag, he and Elain were in the car on the way to the hospital. As Viviane predicted, she had two more contractions on the way, grabbing his offered hand and the “oh shit” bar as she groaned her way through it. And then promptly went into a third one right as they arrived.
Az timed them out, still sitting about nine minutes apart. “Breathe, baby. Good, love. Just like that.” His thumb grazed the back of her hand. Her grip was tight, on the verge of painful, but he didn’t dare let his face flinch or show an ounce of discomfort. She needed his strength and that’s exactly what he was going to give her.
They were immediately escorted to their private room and Elain’s vitals were checked over. She was sitting at only two centimeters dilated, which meant they were looking at being there for a bit.
Between her contractions, he swapped out his clothes for a fitted black t-shirt and grey sweatpants to get more comfortable and then sent a text to their siblings to notify them that they were in and settled, but it would be a while before they would have any progress.
“Can you check in with Kaden?” Elain asked, taking a scoop of ice chips from her cup.
The corner of his lips curled up at the question. “I already did. Feyre said he wouldn’t leave the front window for a while and had to persuade him with his baby cousin and a lot of sweet treats.”
She snorted, shaking her head. “He’s going to have a mouth full of cavities before we get home.” Elain twisted to look at him. “Do you think we made the right decision by not letting him come with us? It sounds like he’s waiting for us to return. I know that some families let their little ones be present for the birth of their siblings and we discussed it—”
He interrupted her train of thought. “I think we made the right call, love. We’re going to be here for a while and we both know that things can upset him. I don’t know how well he’d handle watching you go through that.”
She nodded but didn’t look very convinced.
Azriel reached for her hand, covering it with his own and squeezing her fingers. “He’s safe and well-cared for. Remember that while we focus on bringing his little brother and sister into the world.” He brushed his lips over her knuckles in a sweet kiss.
Elain smiled softly at him. “Okay.”
And so, they waited.
Per his wife’s birthing plan, she wanted to attempt to go natural. Azriel admired her strength and resilience in doing so. But after over sixteen hours of hard labor, he could see her resolve fading.
He stroked her cheek, fingers brushing hair behind her ear. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”
Dark circles already lined the underneath part of her eyes. She looked so weary. “I’m so tired, Az.” Her voice came out nearly broken and fuck if that didn’t just rip his beating heart from his chest.
Kissing her forehead, he murmured, “Do you want to get the epidural? It’ll help you get some much-needed rest before the delivery.” As of now, she was only at seven centimeters and the doctor had said it could still be a while longer until she reached a full ten.
Her chin dipped in confirmation. “Please.”
Azriel didn’t waste time calling for the nurse. Within ten minutes, he watched as a grossly large needle was inserted into her back, sending that relief washing over her. He peppered her face with kisses during the procedure, murmuring words of praise and comfort in her ear as she gritted her teeth through it.
Elain spent the next eight hours in a fitful sleep, dosing off and waking up not long after each time. Azriel didn’t bother to try and sleep, not when she wasn’t really getting much at all.
But finally, after just past nine, she was fully dilated and ready to push.
His wife pushed and pushed and pushed for a half hour with nothing to show for it. She was in tears, frustrated, and so exhausted he was practically supporting all her weight having slid an arm around her shoulders to keep her upright.
“I can’t, I can’t,” she sobbed, half burying her face into his chest.
“You can, love. You’re so strong. Just a little bit more,” he tried to reassure her. It fucking killed him to see her like this.
“Can’t you do it for me?” she pleaded, looking up at him with wild, desperate eyes.
He gripped her cheek in his palm, kissing her temple. “You know I would, El. I would give anything to switch places with you right now. But I know you can do this. Just a few more pushes and then they’ll be here.”
Whatever she read within his words seemed to do the trick, her brows furrowing with a determination he hadn’t seen since they left the house. Elain pushed herself up, trying to get into a kneeling position, and he was right there, sliding behind her and supporting her weight.
The nurses squawked, muttering something about hospital policy, but frankly, he did not give a fuck, snarling, “Her body is telling her to push like this. Listen to your fucking patient.”
Changing the position was exactly what she needed because their son was born within the next two contractions, entering the world with a healthy set of lungs.
They sagged back against the pillows, his face wet with tears as they placed their new baby directly on Elain’s bared chest. He couldn’t stop himself from tipping her head back to kiss her softly on the lips, pausing the savor the moment.
Az traced the pads of his fingers over the curve of their boy’s cheek, just needing to touch him to prove he was here with them. Even covered in fluids, he was so beautiful. The perfect blend of the two of them.
The nurses gave them just a few minutes with the first baby before Doctor Chen said that she needed to start pushing again. She took their boy from Elain’s arms, promising to bring him back for Azriel after he was cleaned up and their daughter was born.
Delivery of their little girl went easier than with their son. But whereas their boy came out crying, their daughter came out silent.
Azriel knew something was wrong just by the silence, but it only grew the anxiety in his stomach when the doctor turned her back on them, taking their little one with her to work on.
“She’s not crying,” Elain breathed, worry clouding her voice.
He could only squeeze her shoulders in comfort, watching as they shoved things into her nose and mouth.
“Suction,” Chen ordered.
“Azriel, why isn’t she crying?”
“She’s going to be okay, love. They’re helping her. She’s okay.” The words passed his lips even as his heart dropped into his stomach when they started doing compressions on her tiny body.
This couldn’t be happening. They couldn’t lose her. It would kill him to lose his little girl, but Elain, fuck, he couldn’t even begin to fathom the devastation she would face at this loss. There was nothing he could do. He couldn’t pay to fix this or threaten someone to save their baby girl.
So, he did what any father would do.
He prayed.
He prayed to every god, every deity, everything, and anything he could think of to keep his little girl safe and bring her back to them. To take her place if they demanded it. A life for a life. He’d pay it for his child, his family. “Come on,” he murmured. “Come on, baby. Come on.”
Elain curved her face into the side of his chest, howling in a way he’d never heard from her before.
His arms went around her, that dreaded feeling turning his blood cold. The terror he felt of their little one dead before she lived was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. But still, he did not stop praying, clutching Elain’s shaking body to his. “Come on, little one. Come on!” he chanted. “Please.”
And then, a rattled cough tore from her tiny body, followed by the sweet, beautiful sound of her cry.
Elain’s wail turned into relieved sobs, as the doctor walked over their bundled little girl and placed her into his wife’s awaiting arms.
“Somebody was just so excited to meet you, she took a breath a little too early, but we cleared out her passages and lungs and she looks good now.”
His wife tucked their daughter into her chest, kissing the top of her head. “Hi sweet girl, Momma’s here,” she whispered, tears still falling down her cheeks. Tears that matched the ones running down his face.
She was here. His baby girl. Fuck, she looked just like him, with dark hair and tanned skin. He hadn’t gotten a look at her eyes yet, but already she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Here you go, Mr. Archeron-Knight,” one of the other nurses said, pulling his attention from his wife and daughter as she handed him his son, cleaned up and wrapped in a soft blanket.
The small bundle was gently laid in the crook of his elbow. Azriel didn’t think he’d ever feel the amount of love he did on Kaden’s adoption day, but sitting here with his gorgeous wife, holding their newborn twins, he felt his heart soar in his chest.
Sweaty and fatigued, Elain glanced up at his face, the sweetest, exhausted smile pulling on her lips. “I love you,” she murmured.
He let out a sound that was a cross between a chuckle and a sob. “I love you more.” And then he kissed her, sealing that moment in time with his undying love for her.
Elain woke to the sound of a whimpering cry, swiftly followed by Azriel’s low voice.
“Hey, sweet girl. What’s wrong, huh?” She heard some shuffling as her husband lifted their daughter from the nursery bed. “Momma needs her sleep so we need to be quiet.” He kept his voice low enough to not disturb her—fuck she loved him so much—but she was already awake, rolling over in the hospital bed to face him.
Azriel holding his children was, hands down, the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. How she could even feel the need for him after pushing two babies out of her currently aching and severely injured body was beyond her, but just watching him bounce their fussing daughter made all those desires come roaring to the surface.
Almost as if he could sense her presence, hazel eyes slid to hers. “I’ve got her, love. Go back to sleep.” His voice remained soft as night as if anything louder would disturb her.
She curled up on her side, watching him. “I think we should get used to no sleep now.”
He huffed a laugh, patting Rosalie on her back as she further settled into the crook of his elbow.
Their daughter was almost two pounds smaller than her brother, coming in right at five whereas Ryder was a healthy six pounds, fourteen ounces. The doctor was a little concerned over Rosalie’s lower birth weight, but Elain had managed to get both babies to latch and feed earlier and she ate well, so they were mainly playing it by ear.
Because of her smaller size, Azriel already placed an order for some preemie clothes and sent a photo of her with the twins to their siblings. They asked to give them a day to recuperate before coming to the hospital in the morning. After the scare with Rosalie, both she and Azriel wanted to take some time to spend with the babies. Plus, the medical team was in and out of their room, taking Rosalie for some additional tests just to be sure everything looked good.
It was just after seven that night, and they were settling in for the evening. Tired of hospital food, Azriel ordered hamburgers from DoorDash for them to eat. Elain was starving and it sounded so good that she drooled when she suggested it to him. Both babies had been fed only an hour earlier and she anticipated not having another feeding till late evening or early morning.
Elain grabbed whatever sleep she could, knowing she’d need it when they were released in a couple of days, but she was sure Azriel hadn’t slept a wink since she’d gone into labor.
She pushed herself up, reclining on her pillows. The nurses cleaned her after the delivery and stitched her up from tearing, but Elain couldn’t wait to get home and take a proper shower. “Does she need to be changed?” she asked, nodding to the now-sleeping baby in her husband’s arms.
Azriel shook his head. “No, I think she was just fussing.” His dark hair was still mussed up from when he stripped out of his shirt earlier, taking time for skin-to-skin contact with each of the twins.
Elain had to rein in her laugh at how the nurse blushed as he revealed miles of gloriously tanned, tattooed skin and corded muscle. Her husband was a fine specimen, but he never flaunted it, so seeing another woman react to it was humorous especially since he didn’t even seem to notice her blushing, stammering state.
“You should sleep too, Az,” she said instead.
He looked at her, his lips curving up. It had been doing that a lot since the birth of the twins. The sweetest, smallest smile that crept up the corners of his mouth. Almost as if he didn’t even realize he was doing it. It was utterly adorable and made him look younger. “I’ll rest later. You need it more than me.”
Her shoulders shook in amusement. “You know, we can sleep when they do.”
“I just don’t want to miss a second of them.” His attention returned to his little girl who already had him wrapped around her finger. To be fair, all of their children did. “Fuck, I can’t believe they’re here already. It seems like it was only a month ago you found out you were pregnant.”
“I can’t believe our first anniversary is coming up in just a handful of weeks.”
At that, he laughed. “I guess a trip for our anniversary is out of the question?”
She grinned. “Not unless all our little ones are coming with us.” Because like hell was she going to be able to leave them so soon. Plus with her nursing, it just wouldn’t be ideal.
He seemed to consider her. “We could take the jet to the Summer District. Kaden will be out of school then and we’ll both still be out on leave. Just a thought.”
Gods, he was fucking perfect. “That might be nice.”
A knock on the door interrupted whatever he was going to say. He frowned in confusion, looking at her.
Elain shrugged, sitting up further on her bed. “Come in,” she called out.
She thought it might be a nurse or a doctor, coming to check on her or the twins. What she didn’t expect was for Rhys to peek his head into the room. Surprise lit her features and she glanced at Azriel, who looked equally as bewildered at the sudden visit from their brother.
“Hey,” Rhys said. “I apologize for dropping by unannounced, but somebody really couldn’t wait till tomorrow to see you.” He opened the door slightly, revealing Kaden clutching a teddy bear, eyes puffy and red from crying.
Her heart ached at the distress their son must’ve been in for Rhys to come all the way here. “Hello sweetheart,” she said, keeping her voice soft. “Come here, my love.”
He took a small step further into the room, Rhys’s hand guiding him at the backside of his head. Kaden took slow steps as he approached the side of her bed. “Momma, are you sick?”
She reached out to cup his cheek in her palm. “No, baby. I’m not sick. Your brother and sister decided it was time to come out of my tummy.” Her eyes found Azriel’s as he rose from his seat on the couch, moving toward them. “Would you like to meet them?” she asked, returning her gaze to Kaden’s.
His head dipped in confirmation.
Elain pushed herself back even more. “Rhys, can you help him up and then grab me that flat pillow over there.”
He set the boy on the bed between her spread legs, Kaden shuffling backward and bumping into her sensitive lower area.
She hissed out in pain before she could stop herself. A wave of agony washed over her with enough intensity that her stomach curdled with nausea.
Azriel reacted immediately. “Easy, buddy. Momma’s going to be sore for a while and we need to be extra careful with her.”
“I’m okay,” she spoke quickly, not wanting to upset Kaden any more than he already was, and kissed his plump cheek as she breathed through the pain. “Okay, Rhys. Place the pillow over our laps.”
Adjusting his arms in preparation, Azriel gently lowered their daughter until she comfortably rested on the nursing pillow.
“Kaden, this is your sister, Rosalie,” he announced, letting his finger stroke her rounded cheek.
Elain couldn’t see his face directly, but she did catch his eyes widening as he stared down at her, his fingers carefully tracing over her delicate features just as his father did.
“Rosawee,” he said, not quite catching the ending syllable. It would be something they would have to work on. When she kicked a leg within her swaddle, he pulled his hand back, startled.
She laughed, feeling the bed dip as Azriel sat down next to them, bringing over their son. “And this is your brother, Ryder.”
He reached out to trace the outline of his brows, the touch gentle and exploratory. “I’m a brother?” he asked, turning his head to look up at her.
“That’s right sweetheart. You’re their big brother, and they’re going to love you so much,” she told him, kissing the top of his head.
Elain took in her family, her incredible husband, and three beautiful children. It sounded so wild to even think about. She was a wife and a mother. Thinking back, she remembered the day that had changed the trajectory of her life forever. The bank robbery a few years back. It was crazy to think how such a terrifying moment altered her life in the best of ways. It brought her back to the love of her life.
It put her on this very path.
She’d face every one of the moments since then tenfold as long as it brought her to this point in time, sitting here with her gorgeous little family.
She looked up at Rhys, catching him with his phone out.
“Your first family photo.”
Her lips turned up and silver lined her eyes. “Thank you, Rhys.”
He waved her off. “Do you want me to take Kaden back with me?”
“No,” Azriel said, ruffling his eldest son’s hair. “He can stay here with us tonight. Can you put his booster seat in our car? The keys are in my bag.”
“You got it.” He grabbed the keys but paused on the threshold. “And congratulations you guys. Rosalie and Ryder are beautiful.”
Azriel leaned further into her side, kissing her temple. “Thank you, brother.” Once alone, he turned her head toward his, bringing her mouth to his for a slow, sweet kiss. “I love you so damn much, Elain.”
His smile was infectious, making her lips turn up at the corners. “Thank you, Azriel, for giving me this life—these babies. You have made me the happiest I could ever imagine. I love you.”
“Momma! She’s got my finger,” Kaden’s giggle interrupted their moment.
They laughed, looking at their three beautiful children.
Elain knew that this perfect moment was just the very beginning of the rest of their lives.
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raitonsfw · 5 months
There srsly needs to be more bby boy Nagito stuff, idk what's wrong with ppl 😭 I'm requesting Nagito with his s/o that were a couple before the neo world program, and once Monokuma announces the killing game, Nagito's sweet mommy s/o makes it clear that no one's laying a finger on him, getting very overprotective. During Nagito's hope rants, his s/o is just glaring at the classmates like "dammit y'all better listen to what my bf has to say". They/she also praises him a lot during investigations and for leading the class trials. đŸ€—
𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚱𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚏𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗 | 𝚔𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚎𝚍𝚊 𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚝𝚘
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synopsis: The sun and the sea taunted you as the bear played with your downfall, but more detrimentally, your boyfriend who had offered himself up to the entire class with the extent of death knocking at his door. or; a rewritten chapter one of super danganronpa 2, with an insert of overprotective reader and slight baby boy nagito.
warnings: gn!reader and or fem!reader, spoilers for chapter 1 of sdr2, cursing, fits of despair, a crapload of hope references, a kiss with implied smut (nothing nsfw is explicitly written), nagito and reader are a couple, slight praising, affection, petnames (my love, angel, baby boy), reader would do anything for nagito, implied violence (the first victim), mentions of death, mentions of blood, primarily angst?, its not totally on brand with the request im so sorry!đŸ„ș
a/n: gave me a beautiful excuse to rewatch the entire first chapter of sdr2 (tysmmmm). i tried my best for the baby boy(ness) of it all, but my brain wasn’t working with me as i wrote so there’s only slight mentions. i didn't write past the second half of the trial because if i actually wrote in the blackened from chapter 1, the reader probably would’ve jumped over the trial stands to attack them for trying to hurt nagito. idk why i struggled so much, ugh but i promise promise promise i can write nagito better than this i swear. wc: 2.9k. m.list
now playing: moving up in the world by dagames
divider credit: @benkeibear & @firefly-graphics
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The sun shone against the beach and you squinted at it in confusion. Another bad dream, you thought but then it all rushed back to you. It was something like a dizzy spell, the classroom you had been seemingly teleported out of felt surreal as you sat on the grains of sand surrounding you. You looked over to your right, your vision blurred and saw someone also laying next to you, unconscious and plastered on their side.
And then the pixelated green came into view as you blinked away the fuzziness, your heart nearly punching up to the base of your throat. You let out a disgruntled noise, crawling over towards him to see if he was breathing, ‘cause if he wasn’t– You couldn’t bear that thought, pushing it back within the crevices of your mind as you ran your palm over his arm.
“Nagito, Nagito!” You called out as you shook him gently from the rasps of the trance, hoping he’d respond. His chest rose and fell to your relief, and you studied the details of his face. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly agape but no noticeable scars or wounds stuck out to you and your heart fell back to normal with a steady pulse. You shook him again, this time a little more forceful, and he awoke with a start. His eyes shot open and he took in the picture before him, sitting up quickly. Nagito groaned quietly as the sun hit him directly in the eyes and he rubbed them carefully, trying to make sense of what had happened.
You saw his realization dawn on him. “Y/N.” 
Nagito immediately hugged you, much more tightly than he ever had before and you held onto him as he buried his hands into the wisps of your hair. He felt calm, the aura around him filling up the spaces in your confusion as he looked at you for the first time since the classroom. His grayish eyes clued in onto the mayhem they had encountered when the pink rabbit explained their future school trip. But what he couldn’t hide was his truth, the iniquity wedging itself in between his seams, the spiraling circles within his pupils, the hope that he so desperately craved on the tiny island. 
And you were to make sure he had all the hope he needed rushing through his veins, whatever it takes for your partner. 
When you two met each other’s eyes in the midst of the tiny classroom, you were both confused. It seemed as if you had forgotten things about the other, something in between but you couldn’t quite figure out what. All that came to you was the newfound love you had acquired for him, being as you had started dating him a few months before he was accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy. 
You tried to remember the missing piece but as he glanced at you, his mouth opening slightly, the doors slid open again and the last student made his way into the classroom. Your head had become totally muddled and as you moved on closer to Nagito, his mouth had been basically sewn shut with the presence of the new classmate. He was assessing the reality of the issue they were facing and you decided not to bother him, letting his mind wander. 
As the waves crashed against your ears in the background, you were faced with another revelation. That he was safe– here with you, that one instance made the whole weirdness much more easy to handle. 
“I’m sure everything’s okay.” Nagito assured, a kind smile resting against the frivolities of his demeanor.
“It’s just a school trip.” You nodded, agreeing with him. It was going to be okay. 
“A happy school trip full of hope.” 
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“Wh-What just
?” Nagito spoke in between the dead silence, the other students peering at each other with horrified looks. 
No one dared answer him, half of the students looked like they were about to faint. You included. 
The entirety of Jabberwock park had felt like death seeped in and took hold, the pained feeling sinking into the cracks of the sidewalk. Monokuma had just disappeared along with the Monobeasts hovering behind his tail and you felt the anguish of his despairing words weigh you down heavily, your heart threatened to burst as the thought of what the stuffed bear explained. 
You needed to protect him, the thought following closely as you remembered every single syllable of the rules Monokuma mentioned. You didn’t want to be murdered, your brain reeling with all the possibilities of what could happen. But more importantly– most importantly, you didn’t want Nagito to die. You were painfully aware of his self-depreciating tendencies and sometimes he scared you with quiet comments about death. 
“I guess I’ll offer myself up first if this is a killing game. Maybe we can find some hope in my death if we all work together in favor.” You heard Nagito announce with a wavering confidence and you snapped your neck towards him. 
Like that.
A staggered look spread on your face and you felt your cheeks become hot with anger. You couldn’t find your footsteps fast enough, your entire body moving into front of Nagito and you shielded your hands up. Hajime went to protest but you beat him to it, your mouth flying open. 
He was not fucking sacrificing himself in the name of hope. You cut that cord short, on second thought he had all the hope he needed at the moment.
“No one’s laying a finger on anyone, you hear me?!” You burst out, your annoyance through the roof. “Especially not Nagito. We can figure this out another way, we’re not sacrificing our friends. Don’t even think about it.” 
“We’re not going to kill, no one here’s like that.” Hajime interjected, albeit a bit hesitant. “We’re not sacrificing anyone.” 
“The fear that Monokuma instilled in everyone though...Hajime, are you positive someone won’t? At this point, it seems to be fully plausible that someone could potentially kill someone with the notion of that escape motive.” Byakuya spoke up and his words felt like a thousand bricks. 
He was right, that motive was extremely compelling. But it didn’t phase you in the slightest.
Everything you had was behind you, the white haired man leaning into your backside as you defended him. There was nothing for you at home, everyone just about had left you and you promised with a solemn word that you’d give your everything to Nagito. You tried not to be too mad at him, you understood the situation completely. He was just trying to help, even as fucking idiotic as his words seemed to be in that precise moment.
“Babe, it’s okay.” Nagito leaned down towards your ear, murmuring the pet name affectionately and you felt his hands rest against your shoulders. “I don’t mind being a stepping stone for hope.” 
You whipped your head around to face up at him, the insolence draining within your vocals as you spoke to him. “We’ll talk later.” You continued, towards the rest of your classmates. “If you so much as look at him the wrong way, the blackened will certainly be me. And I will get both of us off this island without so much as a hint of regret.” 
“It doesn’t work like that.” Mahiru stated. 
You didn’t care. Everyone looked uneasy, a great tension had begun to hover over you. If you had to be the bad guy in this situation so no one would touch your boy, it was worth it for them to be basically eying you like a mastermind. Hajime glanced at you as you nearly seethed your sentence, backing up into him as a way to protect him. “Do not touch him.” 
Without a second thought, you grabbed Nagito by the collar of his shirt and dragged him back towards the bridge to the cottages, his small frame bending down as you two walked. As you passed through the hotel gate, you let his shirt go with a sigh as you fully realized the scene you made. “I’m sorry, angel. I got too carried away again.” 
“No, it’s okay really! I was out of line.” He apologized with an awkward smile and you were taken aback by his confession. He straightened up, smoothing over his shirt with a quiet hum. “Someone will kill someone though and if it has to be me, I honestly don’t mind.” 
“Promise me you won’t start anything.” You made to say, ushering him inside of your cottage. He immediately beelined for the foot of your bed, sitting against it carefully as you closed the door behind you. You locked it and made to shut the blinds of the windows when you heard him flop onto the bed with a tired exhale. “Nagito?”
“I’m okay, just thinking.” He said with a sigh, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as you made your way to him. You sat next to him, crossing your leg over the other as you leaned one of your palms on his thigh. He glanced down at you, his eyebrows raising slightly as you gently patted it.
“No, seriously. Please don’t start anything.” You quietly said again. “I don’t want to lose you, you’re quite literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Nagito sat up, his shirt rucking down the pit of his tummy and you smiled at him as he leaned closer to you. His hair was a bit messy from the day and you tangled your other hand into it, smoothing it upwards. He hummed happily at the feeling, closing his eyes. “I’m happy that it’s you I’m trapped on an island with.” 
“And a bunch of other people.” You laughed quietly, intertwining his hand with yours against his thigh as you continued brushing his hair out with your fingers. “But yeah I’m glad too, baby boy.” 
You saw his face light up, a blush spreading across his face. You swore you felt his heartbeat quicken, the small pulses against your chest as you leaned into him to kiss him. He returned the gesture with another low hum, with much more oomph than usual. 
“You take such good care of me, Y/N.” He whispered against your lips, smiling into it. “What would I do without you?”
“You’re lucky to be alive, you know.” You wearily reminded him as you pulled away from him and his face dropped with the realization. You don’t know what Nagito had realized, maybe it was the subtle hint of his talent keeping him alive but you were not expecting his next words as they fell from his lips a bit too seriously.
“Promise me something if I do get murdered? Don’t find the culprit.”
You struggled to wrap your head around his words before a bubbly laugh escaped you, trying to lighten the situation. You moved to straddle his hips, trying to desperately shut up the plan that was herding in his mind. You looked down at him as he looked back up, his hands resting against the small of your back and you saw it– the spiraling, the mess of his unwanted trauma, a plot that he conjured up within the walk back towards the cottage. 
The killing game was a bonus. 
“What if the culprit’s me?” You asked, pushing him back onto the pillows and Nagito let out a quiet noise. “Surely, you wouldn’t want me to die?”
“I would gladly die by my lover’s hands.” 
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The pitch black clouded your eyes and you let out a quiet yelp. You didn’t know what was going on, why did the lights go out during the party? A few loud shouts surrounded the room and you closed your eyes, listening to the sounds of everyone panicking. You huddled yourself against the wall, practically tripping over the cord connected against the wall and you felt it lift up slightly as you sat there on the ground.
Where was Nagito? A minute ago he had been next to you and Hajime but when you had fumbled for his hand when the lights went out, it wasn’t there in reach.
The lights came on with a blinding shine to them and you immediately scanned the area for Nagito. He had fallen near the back table and he glanced towards you with a panicked expression. His name fell from your lips quietly as everyone else gasped at Mikan, but you didn’t care to react to whatever had happened in the middle of the room. You rushed over to where Nagito sat, clearly in a daze and you helped him up quickly. “Are you okay? Did you trip?” 
“I did, yeah.” You dusted off the backs of his thighs for him, checking for any scraps and bruises. He hugged his jacket over himself and bit, his cheeks blushing red as you finished up and you planted a small kiss on his face. “T-Thank you, Y/N.”
You had to make sure he was alright, there was no telling what had happened during that blackout. Someone could’ve brought in poison and tainted a weapon with it, though you weren’t quite sure how it would’ve made the pat down as Byakuya had checked everyone thoroughly. But still if there was so much as a scratch on Nagito, the entire world was going to burn with you.
A stench of blood had perforated your sense of smell and you were just about to double check your partner’s clothing again before Hajime flipped up the tablecloth that had laid stagnant against the back table, revealing the first kill of the game that taunted your demise.
The investigation began not long after the screams died down, the remnants of sniffles and sobs overtaking the hallway. You walked around aimlessly with Nagito, trying to get information out of your classmates but there was no luck for the both of you. Ironic huh.
“Hey, Hajime. Can Y/N and I join you for the investigation?” Nagito asked as he spotted Hajime opening the door to the crime scene again, having just finished speaking with Sonia. “I think it would be easier for us to talk in groups rather than one on one.” 
“So smart, my love.” You murmured out loud, which made Nagito immediately take your hand as Hajime muttered out a ‘sure, just don’t get in the way.’ You squeezed his hand as you felt the sweat on his palm, trying to reassure him internally that everything is okay. He was probably just spooked that he had predicted the killing, how could he have known? 
And how could you have known Nagito’s motive? 
As everyone stood around the poisoned circle, you folded your arms across your chest. Stationed next to Mahiru and Hajime, you peered in front of you. Nagito was a ways away from the cursed podiums that had you cornered in truths and interjections, standing in between Ibuki and Mikan with dignified silence.
As the trial went on, he didn’t speak much and he certainly didn’t pass up the chance to eye you up from the distance as you stated your case when you were suspected because of your outburst. As you scrambled for an opening, something to show for accountability, Nagito spoke for you. 
“We’re all friends, aren't we?” He laughed it off, the tone switching and you almost applauded his efforts to help you. “We don’t even have any clues to go off of, not a single one. Let’s just give up, we wouldn’t want to waste Monokuma’s time.”
So you want us to die? You couldn’t exactly argue with him now, his plan revealing itself to you. A thick band of trust snapped against you, he had broken it. But you saw the hope rushing through his veins, the pure bliss you had managed to capture from the corner of your eye, the despair that battled his hope swirling in them– and you made your decision right then and there. If you insist. If it means we die together, Nagito Komaeda.
“No, he’s right! Listen to Nagito here, let’s just give up.” You advocated, the reasonings blurting from your mouth faster than you could speak. As you looked around the room with confidence practically pouring out of you, you caught everyone hurriedly agreeing with Nagito. You shouldn’t be so presumptuous but it was the truth, after all. There wasn’t a fucking thing anyone could say or do, the clues had been wrapped up by the killer, swept underneath the rug that had been laid out in its foyer.
That’s wrong, I think.” Chiaki piped up, downcasted but a willingness snagged in her voice. “There are clues.”
Nagito’s eyebrows furrowed and you shot a look at Chiaki, glaring at her with suspicion. What did she mean by that, huh? “There aren’t any clues. We investigated the entire building, searched every crevice, every single piece of evidence–” You started, nearly spiraling yourself. There was no way there was a clue, because if there was

“The desk lamp.” 
“Desk lamp? That’s impossible, Hajime. How would that be a clue?” You argued, but he had already proved you wrong. 
 It was you, wasn’t it?” 
“M-Me?” Nagito almost stepped off the podium, just barely catching himself as he lunged for the center. It was surely just a coincidence you found him next to the blood splattered table, the lamp cord tangled up against his ankle. A coincidence? No, he didn’t kill anyone. He simply meddled with the killer, sparking interest–perhaps fear into them. You looked over at Nagito, noticing the way his hand trembled against his chest.
Then your boy burst into a fit of laughter. It was going to take a lot to protect him now.
Whatever it takes, my love.
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a/n: wanna get tagged in future writing posts? join my taglist!
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
sniffles. giving izuku a fashion show. squeezing into all the dresses ‘n skirts ‘n tiny shirts he bought you đŸ„ș squeezing his arm ‘ n pulling him into the dressing room so he can get a better look <3333
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+ warning(s): smut, mdni 18+, public sex, oral sex (f!receiving), fem!reader, fingering, face sitting, reader is wearing a dress!!
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gargles :((
izuku loves spoiling you, his pretty baby— it’s the least he could do when you’re weeks without him and he’s away on missions. something about the way you light up when he splashes the cash or flashes his black card (meant for agency stuff only but it’s you, and he doesn’t care), something about the way you smile just for him when he approves of something you want— it makes izuku warm, makes him feel proud and idolised by the one person he truly cares about.
izuku who likes to sit back in the plush seats of a chanel store changing room— dior being the one prior, a second away from purring as you slip out in dress after dress, skirt after skirt. “do a twirl for me, sweetheart.” “oh you like this one? i think i like it too.” “you’re so pretty baby, so pretty.” he praises each time, emerald eyes glued greedily together the way the fabric is caught on your hips and your chest and your thighs. making you toddle over to him every time just so he can get a better look, his usually quiet mind running wild at the thought of you sauntering around his agency in such skimpy, designer fits that he might have to tear of off you.
izuku who lets you drag him by the wrist into the dressing rooms, staggering after you even though your grip on him is barely enough to move to a fly (he’s built like a tonne of bricks stacked together with the perfect foundation). you giggle as deku lets you shove him against the opposite wall— back cooled by the glass mirror before his hungry eyes slink down to your cute little ass as you stand on your tip toes to draw the curtains. he groans, hand running through his hair when he gets a peek at your sweet cheeks.
fuck, i don’t think i should be in here, sweet girl,” izuku’s breath stutters not because he’s nervous but because he wants to fucking devour you and you know exactly what you’re doing. his tongue pokes into his cheek as you wriggle the skirt of the dress up, grab at his scarred hands and let them sit at your ribs— thumbs tucked under the swell of your breast. “but oh
oh i like how this one fits.” he coos in a lower voice, when you smile and gasp and your nipples hardened under the pads of his thumbs as he rubs them from over the soft fabric. “pretty colour too, baby.”
izuku who slips the spaghetti straps down your shoulders, kissing every beauty mark or scar— revealing inches of your skin that were once covered by Forrest greens to match the pro hero’s hair. “picked it for you, you always like it when i dress in your colours, i-izuku,” the ends of your words are sighed out as he flips your positions— your back now against the cool wall though your bodies are pressed together and heated.
you gasp, he bites into the flesh of your chest. “izuku—“
“hmm, baby?” pro hero deku, the country’s shining light runs his tongue down your neck— eager fingers pulling down the front of your dress while his other hand pushes its way up the rest of the skirt.
“l-look underneath, wanna show you what’s underneath.”
so he takes a peek, strong hand that’s saved more than half the world cupping your pretty pussy like it’s the most precious thing in the world. and that’s where he feels it, the little lace that covers what little modesty you have before he pulls them right down so they pool around your ankles. “these are f’me? oh
oh sweetheart,” you’re already wet, surrounded by all these people yet trapped in your little bubble of lust and you tremble above izuku when he drags two slender digits along the length of your slit. he’s hungry now, head under the fabric and tongue lapping at you like a man deprived of the water he needs to survive. “oh
such a treat. thank you baby, you’re such a good little thing...” the words vibrate against you, sending tingles of pleasure to your spine until you’re scared you can’t stand and deku wraps his arms around your midsection to hold you up— nose nudging your clit, tongue wriggling against your sensitive walls.
you give into him, collapse into deku and rut against his face— the frills of this expensive skirt messing up his precious perfect curls while your juices dance among the freckles that are paint brush splattered against his face. fabric bunches at your hips, and you begin to unravel on japan’s most loved face like a lose thread. “fuck, baby you’re so pretty
 ‘n so so, wet,” deku growls, voice now deep and husky— abandoning his sweet boy charm saved for public as he tongue fucks you and slurps on the honey that drips between your puffy folds. “fuckin’ droolin’ in this dress sweetheart and it’s not even yours yet.” glowing green eyes pull back from under your skirt to look into your own, rough fingertips rubbing sharp circles into your swollen nub.
“i want it.” you grunt, grinding down against deku’s fast pace with tears brimming in your eyes and your body doused with sweat from how vigorously you move with your partner. “please, izu
wanna, wan—!”
“want what? to cum? want this dress? how about both, yeah?” when you nod your head, izuku grins almost sadistically. he loves spoiling you, he loves how you look down at him when you’re seconds away from losing it all on his tongue— he’ll get you this dress and then ten fucking others, he just wants to taste you. so deku slurps, suckles and spits beneath your dress, slaps a hand down on your cute ass and squeezes your fleshy thighs— using his grip to drag you back and forth across his strawberry tongue as its tip draws his name and price tags against your syrupy cunt.
deku does nothing to hide your moans while you shake and finally fucking cum in his mouth from underneath the dress— your juices running in thick droplets down the insides of your thighs and down his big muscled arms. heck, deku does nothing to hide his own moans, growling into your sex, high pitched and needy from time to time as your nectar spreads across his tastebuds and his fingers sink into the softness of your flesh just underneath the fabric.
and when he’s sure you’re cleaned up (an overstimulated and with licked clean cunt or jelly like legs), deku fixes the dress against your hips and chest perfectly— pulls your panties right back up and makes you walk with him to the tills so he can purchase you half of the dresses on display.
of course, ruining you in each one later.
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sevikasangel · 1 year
Hello Estella! Could you do a headcanon with our lovely Sheriff Grayson or Ambessa Medarda perhaps? The idea is about their fem!reader who's unbearably shy to ask for intimacy [no matter how in love they are] and is caught in a poor attempt trying to get rid of their horniness- and they go ahead and help her while explaining it's nothing shameful? Sorry if it's long.. Love your work!💕💕💕💕đŸŒčđŸŒčđŸŒč
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àč‘❄àč‘đ’Žđ’đ’Žđ’Žđ’š? 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 — ambessa medarda with a darling who is too shy to act for intimacy. the warlord catches her kitten in a pathetic attempt of pleasuring herself...so let mommy take over, princess.
ᮘᮀÉȘʀÉȘÉŽÉą: ambessa medarda x f!reader
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— contains: sfw, n sfw, f/afab reader, embarrassed reader, dirty talk, strap-on use, self pleasuring, slight voyeurism, bottom reader, aftercare.
— a/n: mhm, yes, yes i can. gladly. mommy medarda đŸ„ș💍
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— ambessa is a partner who is generally tangled up in her duties. surely, being a general eats up most of her time and there is nothing that can be done about it. the powerful warlord must protect all of that noxian glory she helped achieve, after all. she is not available for most of the day, which is the reason why you're always surrounded by maids in the solitude of your house. however, when she is indeed home, you can be sure that her eyes are on you and she's giving you all the attention you so desperately crave.
— you just have this need to be consumed by her entirely. her strong body, enchanting presence, even those glorious scars she so proudly displayed
all of these culminated in such a charismatic, magnetic woman. she had a sort of pull on people. when you hung out with her, it felt like everyone needed to talk to her, every woman's head turned to look at your general. it surely stirred jealousy within you, but ambessa always assured you were her chosen one.
✿⁠ "people will always stare, sweetheart. i am not giving them attention, sweetheart. my eyes are for you, only. you're much better than these strangers, i can guarantee you. my beautiful girl."
— ambessa seemed to know exactly how to make you flustered. she knew you were shy to ask for intimacy with her and she'd use that to her advantage. touching your thigh while you were on her lap, staring deeply into your eyes as you began stumbling with your words. the smirk on her face would grow accordingly to the intensification of the redness on your cheeks.
⁠✿⁠ "u-hum
is that it, darling? hmm
yeah? yeah, baby?"
— then she would just kiss you on the mouth, take you right then and there. nobody ever made you feel so good as ambessa did and she surely ruined you for anybody else. so how come was she still so intimidating in the back of your mind? she could make you feel stars when she ate you out, fingered you to her heart's enjoyment, or even fucked you into brain numbness with her strap.
— some days you felt so shy that you decided to take matters into your own hands. with your fingers buried between your thighs, you touched your sensitive bud of nerves as you pretended that it was ambessa instead. your tiny whimpers and grunts, the way you rolled your hips to chase your pleasure were nothing compared to the mess ambessa would always turn you into. you tried and tried
but nothing. with a frustrated puff and tearful eyes of frustration, you put your hand down and stared at the ceiling.
⁠✿⁠ "well, well
why stop the show, sweetheart? i was enjoying it. what's wrong, princess? can't make your little pussy feel good like mommy does? awww, that's so adorable, your body is so well-trained for me. good girl. now now, don't fret
let mommy take over, princess."
— in no time ambessa has put on her strap, now between your legs. she pulls your legs to wrap around her hips and leans forward, making you hiss at the feeling of the silicone tip of her cock pressed against your slit, not pushing in yet.
⁠✿ "mommy's little shy princess
look at you all sprawled out for me, such a flustering mess you are, baby. you want my cock, huh? do you want me to fuck this frustration out of you? use your words
oh, i know you can. you can't take care of yourself, baby, you know i have to do it for you. you want me to make you feel good, hmm? look at you babbling and drooling for me
so beautiful. good girl."
— with one hand gripping your chin, ambessa uses the free one to wrap around her cock and slap the tip of it against your wet pussy, making you mewl and cling to her in anticipation. corrupting a virgin was her best choice. your body's desperate responses were quite a sight for sore eyes.
⁠✿ "look me in the eyes while i push my strap inside of you, fill you up soooo nice
oooh, there you go, princess. eyes up here
that's it. u-hum, you look so beautiful like this, if only you could see yourself
never feel shy to ask mommy to fuck you, make you feel good, use this little body of yours
you feel me stretching you out? try as you might, baby, you know you can't fuck yourself this good. your body is mine. it knows it, princess. mommy will always take care of you. hear that? hear the wet noises your pussy is making? fucking music to my ears."
— ambessa fucks you to her heart's content. she never stops at one, not even two orgasms from you. she became addicted to the sight of you melting into a mere puddle whenever she sent you over the edge. she'd give you almost no time to recover before once again being all over you: rather it be fingering, eating you out, making you ride her thigh, fucking you with her strap, all of them
however, she did care about your well-being. after her rough sessions were over, she'd give you a hot bath and kiss you gently on the cheek, assuring you that she loves you and that you can feel safe with her. i will not lie, falling asleep in those strong arms must be one of the best feelings i can think of.
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TAGGING: @mukurosbracup @enforcermoss @compressedwaterbottle @petitedeer
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hiskillingjar · 4 hours
Plss write more about girlfriend to death 🙏đŸ„ș
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*tig notaro voice* okay dyke
2600+ words, switching it up today, this is a post for the tops (i didn't say doms though). fem reader throughout. mommy kink in law's part. daddy kink in strade's part. par for the course, really
"NGH, hang on, that’s too much, TOO MUCH-!!"
Ren yowled loudly, sounding like a cat in heat as her sharp claws dug deep into your shoulders, all the while, your hips collided roughly with hers, the thick, heavy strap-on plunging deeper inside of her. 
"Fuck," You growled through grit teeth, digging your own (bitten) nails into her full hips. "Put those claws away, girl, that hurts-"
"Nnn, mmph," She whimpered, pressing her face into your collarbone (her cheek bumping against your heavy collar as she did so, the electric prong pressing into your skin). "Y-You started it. You didn't even give me a warning before doing that!"
"Do you need a warning?" You asked with a huff, reaching up to push your hair out your eyes. You preferred it short, but she insisted on you growing it out (while you were still here, anyway). "Would you suck it up and let me get to it already?"
"You're so mean," Ren pouted, pulling back from your collar and letting the grip on your shoulders loosen up a little (but not much). "You know I'm the one who kidnapped you, right? Not the other way round..."
"Mmhmm, and yet," You let out a low chuckle, reaching down and taking her soft thighs in hand, shifting them up to her chest (it wasn’t a forceful gesture, you told yourself, you didn’t do the things she did). "You like it, right?"
"Mmm," She moaned softly, almost submissively, biting her lip with a sweet and coy expression, as she let herself be posed and moved around (like a toy, like a doll), dragging the filed tips of her claws down your biceps. The more she did it, the better it felt. "Y-Yeah, I guess I like it..."
"Good girl," You praised, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her flushed cheek. "Can I keep going or what?" 
"Mmhmm," She hummed airily, shifting her hips upwards so to wrap her legs around your waist, pressing your hips together again.
With a satisfied sigh, you slid your hands underneath her ass (grabbing a plush handful while you were at it) and pulled her body even closer to yours, jerking your hips back before bucking them again, pressing the toy back inside her.
"Ahhhnnn..." She groaned sweetly as you started up a pace of shorter, deeper thrusts, getting her used to the harsher depth that you preferred. "God, it feels so deep..." She drawled, tilting her head back, exposing a scarred throat and the lovebites you had left behind on her.
"Haven't taken dick like this before, have you?" You teased with a slight smirk, dragging your lips down her cheek and to her jaw, leaving behind even more little love nips and relishing in her whines as you did so. "Too little to take it this hard, huh?"
"Nnn..." She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, no, she could take it.
"Mmhmm, I don't think so either, baby," You murmured again, trailing more kisses and bites down her neck, her heaving chest, trailing to her little breasts. "I think you can take more, can't you?"
"Fuck," She gasped needily, pushing her hands through your hair as you dragged your tongue over her nipple and latched on it with your teeth, digging them in. "Goddd, come on-"
"What was that?" You breathed hotly, glancing upwards with a raised brow. "Want more, sweetheart?"
She didn't get the opportunity to answer your question (or correct herself), before you were pulling back from her chest and caging her down, forcing the toy even deeper inside of her (how she was managing to take it all, you had no idea). To add insult to injury, you picked up the speed and force of your thrusts, too, pounding her into the mattress of the spare room’s bed.
She shrieked out brokenly again, her entire body shooting stiff as your hips met hers in an aggressive *slap* of flesh, her golden eyes wide open and her mouth slack with desperate pants, whines and shrieks. 
Her toes were curling against the small of your back and her hands were clinging to your shoulders again, tethering your body close to hers as you fucked her hard.
You had no doubt that her 'My Melody' nail art would be stained with your blood after this.
But you didn't mind that.
Not when you could look at her like this.
law đŸ„€
"Are you okay? This isn't too much, right?"
You weren’t surprised that you had gotten Law under you, her long legs spread and her sensible skirt hiked up around her hips, after passing a joint back and forth for the last forty minutes. 
You both got a little like that when you were high, after all.
Though you had been surprised when you found out that she hadn’t worn underwear to therapy that day. Law was always full of surprises, though.
"I-It's fine..." She stammered, the hands (big, long fingers, and lovely) covering her face trembling a little. "Kind of...full feeling."
"Well, yeah," You scoffed out a laugh, reaching up to push your bangs out of your sweaty face. "I have two fingers in your ass.” You gave them a little wiggle to emphasise your point, feeling the soft squish of too much lube (was there such a thing?) around your latex gloves coating her insides. “You're gonna feel like that."
"Mphh..." She pulled one of her hands down to her mouth, digging her teeth into her pointer finger, chipping black nail polish (black like yours were, she had picked it up from you).
"Are you sure you're okay, Law?” You said, pulling your fingers back a little. “We can stop if you want-"
"N-No, it's fine, I promise
” She said quite quickly, looking towards you with more life in her grey eyes than you had seen in a while. They were practically dead when you first met her
and weren’t much better now, most of the time. Your dead-eyed beauty. “I-I want to take you properly, so..."
"Okay.” You gave her a smile, reminded of the growing erection under your shorts, and eased your fingers back inside her. “Taking it slow...I can do that for you, baby."
"Mm..." She let out a little sigh, reaching forward to grab your shoulder with one hand, pulling your chest closer to hers, pulling your faces together.
You smiled a little bigger.
"How are you feeling, doll?" You purred quietly, curling your fingers around the rim of her asshole and rubbing at the bundle of nerves deep inside of her.
Doll, you called her. Was it just t-girl slang or was there a second meaning behind it, now?
"Good...it feels good." She mumbled, her voice stammering as her legs shifted downwards and curled tightly around your waist. The crotch of your shorts were pressed against the small of her back, right against her tailbone, making you ache a little more for her. "Kind of...like you're seeing and feeling every part of me, you know?"
"Yeah?" You asked with a slight giggle, pulling your fingers back a little and squeezing more lube against your latex-clad fingers. Never such a thing as too much lube. "Feeling your insides?"
"As close to a dissection as you can get without killing me," She whispered, tipping her head back, sighing at the feeling of the cool lubricant on her asshole, the gory image she had painted in her own brain.
You let out a little chuckle, tilting your head.
"You're so weird, Law," You said fondly, leaning down to press a slow kiss to her scarred thigh (so many scars). "I like how weird you are."
Her fingers tightened around your shoulder, and you could see an awkward smile through her spread fingers.
"T-Thank you," She murmured, totally earnest. You had a sense that she hadn’t heard a compliment like that before, and you were happy to give it to her.
"Ready for the third finger?" 
"Yeah...yeah,” She nodded, biting her fingers again, crooked teeth digging into her skin. “Okay, I'm ready..."
You gave her thigh another quick kiss, before working a third finger inside of the tight ring of muscle, pressing them in and out at a slow pace and listening to the growing intensity behind each of Law’s whines as you did so. 
"Nnnhhh..." She groaned, her tight eyelids fluttering and her head tipped back.
"All good?" You asked quietly, building up the pace, the wet *schlick* of your fingers utterly obscene in the quiet room.
"Perfect," She moaned, looking back towards you, a dark need in her grey eyes as she pressed a hand into her hair and curled it into a fist, like she was trying to tether herself to the ground. "I can't wait to feel you
” She said, shifting her backside down against the front of your shorts. “I wanna feel you..."
"Yeah?” You grinned, leaning towards her, caging her down to the bed and spreading her long body out obscenely. “You ready to be a good girl and take all of Mommy's cock, Law?"
Her eyes went wide just hearing you say that, and her asshole tightened around your fingers
"Oh my god," She let go of your shoulder and covered her face properly again, hiding her trembling lips and her flushed face.
"You really tensed up there, Law,” You said with a little titter, before slowing down the motions of your wrist and stopping your laughter. “...You like that?"
"Yeah, I like that...god,” She stammered after a moment of bashful hesitance, biting her trembling fingers again. She looked really embarrassed, like she was admitting something shameful. She had no reason to be ashamed, you thought. “Please-"
You grinned wider and let go of her thigh, reaching down to unbutton and unzip your shorts.
"Don't need to ask me again, baby. I've got you." You squeezed your cock through your tights and panties, and pressed a kiss to her heaving chest. 
"Mommy's gonna take care of you~"
strade 🔹
The collar was pulled even tighter around your throat as Strade forced your body closer to hers, her hips gyrating upwards hungrily to take more of the thick, heavy toy buried deep in her cunt.
"Come on, put some fucking effort into it," She growled, pulling harder on the leash and forcing your chest down and your hips forward. "Way to live up to stereotypes, liebling."
"I'm trying," You whined, your voice tight in your throat as the ratty leather collar dug into your neck "I-I'm just not used to it-"
"I'm getting you used to it," She interrupted you, narrowing her golden eyes as she raised her hips again, pressing to the base of the harness that had been belted forcefully around your own hips, over the top of your skirt. "You think I'm going to let you get away with being a pillow princess here? No chance."
"Mph," You bit your lip, your cheeks blushing. An affectionate nickname you once wore with pride now sounded like an insult. "S-Sorry..."
"You can make it up to me by putting some effort in," She then said, giving your collar another firm yank, finally forcing your chest down against hers. 
Even when she was naked and underneath you, taking a strap-on protruding from your crotch, she managed to maintain all of the power. It might have been attractive (hell, really attractive), had your shock collar not been in sight on the bedside table, waiting for the two of you to be finished so you could get back to your usual captor/captee dynamic.
"Don't get distracted," She said curtly, as she wound the leash around her wide palm and jerked your head upwards, forcing your eyes together, not letting you zone out for even a second. "You've got a job to do."
"R-Right," You stammered shyly, planting your hands on either side of her waist and trying to even out the rhythm of your thrusting, bucking forward and backward and watching intently as the toy disappeared inside her.
"Mmph," She groaned lowly at the back of her throat, keeping a firm hold of your leash as she reached up and toyed with her pierced nipple, rolling it between her fingers, her tongue between her teeth as she experimented with the sensation. "That's it, keep going like that...mmh,"
"Okay," You muttered, trying to take her encouragement as praise (it was all you really needed to get off, anyway), as you kept rocking your hips forwards and backwards against hers, feeling her sweaty flesh stick to the leather of the harness. "Is that okay?"
"That's good...very good, fraulein. Good girl," She sighed slowly, taking in an exhale through her teeth and tipping her head back, as she kept squeezing her nipple. 
You found yourself licking your lips at the sight...maybe this was hot. 
Or maybe you were just insane. 
You found a motive to pick up the pace in her praise, though, curling your fingers into the blankets as your thrusting found a new and more intense vigour, pushing yourself so hard that the mattress was dipping in time with you.
"Ah, that's it," She groaned, as one of her thick legs slid up around your waist and pulled you closer, forcing the toy even deeper inside of her, in time with her pulling on the collar again. "That's it, you little cunt...getting eager now, are we?"
"Y-Yes," You rasped, reaching up with one hand to your collar, trying to give yourself a little space to breathe. "Mm...y-yes, I'm eager..."
"Show me how eager you are then," She replied, baring her teeth in a broad, almost excited grin. "Give me your all, girl. Schnell!"
Under her instruction, you started fucking her deeply, intently, your narrow hips slamming against hers with each desperate thrust. 
She immediately groaned out loudly with pleasure, reaching up with her spare hand to pull you even closer by your collar, your chest to hers, growling mindlessly in time with each of your frantic thrusts, digging her heel into the small of your back as she was fucked, relentlessly.
She still managed to remind you of your place, in spite of her position, though.
“AH-AH-AH!” Strade cried out a pattern in deeply pleased groans, throwing her head back, exposing her throat (ready to bite, had you been a predator like she was) as her entire body went tight with pleasure. “Yes, fuck, god, yes, yes!" Her words came right from the very back of her throat, each one thick with her natural accent, and incredibly attractive. "Das ist es, you little motherfucker, right there, don’t stop!"
You heaved out your own breaths as you pounded the specific spot deep inside of her again and again, hard and fast and eager to serve her.
"Is it good, is it good?" You recited like a mantra, a prayer, as you continued to rut desperately inside of her, wide eyes staring at her blissed out expression, wanting, needing more praise. "Is it good, Strade, please-"
"Shhh," She shushed, looking at you with golden eyes, blown almost black with arousal, as she jerked your face upwards, your lips almost touching. "You're doing good, meine frau...doing such a good job for Daddy~"
You felt your own insides grow tight at her softer tone, staring at the intense look in her eyes. 
"T...Thank you, Daddy," You murmured helplessly, your thighs trembling as a nervous smile came to your face. "Thank you
"If you get me off, I'll, ah," Her face flickered with an overwhelming pleasure, forcing her to trip on her words. It was a nice kind of vulnerability that you knew you’d never see again. "I'll repay the favour, ja?"
"Good girl~"
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pandoraslxna · 8 months
Hi luna! Its 🍄 and i got some Neteyam headcanons that make so much sense in my head.
°My Mighty Warrior°
Neteyam te suil sfw/nsfw headcanons.
Hes a soft baby, vary soft with you in bed. I've seen people say he's mean but I think he's a soft dom.
So you know how deep his voice is? Plus his thick Na'Vi accent? You can't tell me his moans /groans aren't deep and pretty.
His voice cracks sometimes between moans and groans because of how deep his voice gets.
His voice Will also just randomly crack when hes talking.
Neteyam loves sweet stuff, like fruit or candy, he'll straight up steal candy from norm or max at the lab.
He begs his dad and mom to let you come with them when they move to the metkayina.
Ofc they say yes-
He likes to go find hot springs with you and snuggle and just make the bond with you in them all the time.
Similar to what i said for aonung with his hair, neteyam also loves when you play with it. He'll even let you unbraid his braids and wear his hair all loose until you want to braid it again.
he loves weaving you clothing for you, I think he's vary good at it.
This one top he made you was soooooooo soft.
When hes flustered his ears get bright red and his ears droop.
He's got a vary deep and rough purr, like vary deep.
His rut makes him pass out a lot, i have a feeling he doesn't handle sweating a lot or to much heat well.
He can't handle and type of pixr [fruit beer] he can't keep it down, which lo'ak picks on him about once he's older enough to drink it too.
I can see neteyam as the type to just straight up moan and whimper as loud as you when he's feeling really good.
he's the king at the ahegao face.
He'll lift his head from your shoulder, his thrusting had grown so, so sloppy, his yellow eyes rolled back and his mouth agap. Drool dripping down his chin as soft, deep moans fall from his lips. "Y-yes yawne.. S-such a pretty mate.."
He loves to hold you when you have sex, holding hands, holding your face, wrapping his tail with yours etc.
He had his dad and lo'ak help him make a bedframe out of wood and had neytiri and kiri make a fluffly mattress so you and him have a human looking hand made bed in your marui.
He hates when your not feeling good, even though na'vi down get sick much when you do he's always cuddling you, making hot soups and drinks for you.
Then he ends up with your cold and gets a bad feaver, so he's whining like a poor baby while he lays in bed.
He hates throwing up, its scares him and he hates the sound.
He loves to trace your TahnĂ­ at night, it's his favorite when he can't sleep.
He gets nightmares from when he got shot, (he lives in this) he'll wake up panting and gasping, placing a hand over his bullet scar before gently waking you up because your the only one to help him calm down.
He loves when you ride him, he hides his face agaisnt your shoulder or chest while you bounce on him. Moaning and whining under you.
He prefers a slow and gentle pace, but sometimes he'll get a bit rougher.
He likes afternoon naps with you, loves cuddling and hugs.
He loves giving you hugs from behind, and kisses.
He hisses slightly when you clench him to hard.
He's really good at cooking and singing.
He'll sing you to sleep all the time and cook for you.
Ok! Hope this was ok, Luna! Im doing better now, the cramps were really bad this morning but ive taken 4 naps and some pain meds and im drinking Orange juice too. Anyway! Have a great rest of your day/night!💙
Hii my precious, I’m so glad you’re feeling better!! đŸ©”
I love your headcanons so much, they feel so canon to me it’s incredibly ahh my pretty soft boy I love him so much đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
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woundlingus · 22 hours
may I offer you a prompt in this trying time? đŸ„șđŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘ˆđŸ»
asmodeus finding Gabriel in the empty and not letting him have peace even in death <3
I went a little abstract with this one hope you don’t mind it just sort of jumped out of me that way <3
Like a dark winter night that seems to stretch on eternally with no dawn in sight, and yet there is a comfort in the heavy weight of blankets keeping you tethered to the bed, for why would you ever want to be anywhere else?
Here it is warm. Here it is safe.
There’s a tickle to the senses, like the fleeting touch of deja vu when passing the street you lived on when you were young. The magic of creation dancing just at the tip of the tongue and just out of reach of ever forming the word- but where it would’ve once been sad there is now only a gentle fondness. Wars washed away, scars removed, and love made whole.
There’s a tickle of a feather to tip of his nose; the echo of laughter; the thrill of a fall knowing there was someone waiting to catch him, steady and sure, they would never drop him.
There’s a familiarity to it, of a god long gone to him, one with which there had been murky and turbulent waters but love nonetheless. Darkness. Pure and unending.
Like falling asleep in the bathtub, so warm, you simply slip
 and you’re gone.
There’s a call to duty, he’s aware enough to hear the ringing of a boy’s voice somewhere asking him to leave, like a child knocking on his bedroom door asking him to come play. He turns over to pull the sheets up over his head and bury his face in the soft pillows, and the voice respects his autonomy and leaves him to rest. He’ll try again later.
There’s a great exodus, he can feel it itching at the senses.
Ghost after ghost passing him by to follow the echo of an order to come, come bathe in the light once more, ‘I love you.’
Many angels do, a tickle here, an itch there, but mostly the warmth of them passing through him as if they expect their brother to rouse and join them.
He does not.
This one feels mighty familiar, and it lingers like a new mother watching over a round faced baby in its crib, hand pressed to lips to feel the gentle breath and reassuring herself that the baby is just fine. It lingers for so long that Gabriel thinks this spirit may just lie down beside him as well and not get back up. It tussles his hair, and skates a hand down his wings to straighten out stray feathers like a clucky hen. This one holds a sense of anxiety about leaving him behind, there’s a duty here amongst all the love, that this wounded solider should not be left unattended. Someone calls it though, and after a long goodbye it leaves him to rest once more.
There’s less warmth in here now that most of them have moved on, but the fire still roars, and so he continues to sleep.
He dreams in way, in that deep way where there’s no true plot or picture, just glimpses of a better life. He dreams of light, and splashes of color. Glory. Passion. Love. Lust. These half baked ideas tangling around him like vines to keep him weighed down, like a lover’s soft silk bindings keeping him attached to the bed post. It’s a life he lived, but without remembering any of the pain. A hand on his cheek, or a kiss to his lips; he isn’t fussy, his essence just wants to be held. But no one comes anymore, they weren’t afraid like him, so they got to move on.
Gabriel still clings to the darkness, begs for one more dream.
One dream does come, and softly it strokes his essence. It touches parts of him he’d longed for a great many epochs for someone to seek out in him, the angel parts he’d denied himself for so long. Here he is broken down to light, both material and not, so the hands that soothe his body mingle deep inside his gut.
He stirs.
He doesn’t want to stir, he wants to stay under, but this dream doesn’t seem to be his own to will, it buries itself in him, burrows, burrs. It pulls open his chest and climbs inside, it’s touch threatens to suffocate. It relaxes down inside of him but Gabriel cannot relax with it, the warm fire keeping him drowsy now billows smoke that chokes him, forcing its way down his throat to make a home in his sleeping belly.
It wants to wear him. Eat him. Be him. Have him.
The kind blindfold of the gentleness of a lovers reunion slips, and Gabriel feels the bathwater in his lungs. It chokes him, he thrashes, but something holds him down. The harder he fights the more he gasps, and the more he lets the water in- or was it smoke? Either way, something is inside of him. Something is making a home inside of his body, tearing parts of him open to make a space for itself inside. Something familiar.
The pain gets brighter, sharper, and a whole picture begins to take shape where before there had only been sounds and feelings. The pain is a call, this one not a hand being extended out to him but a hand yanking him up by force. This call tells him to come, obey. This call is not giving him a choice here, this one says ‘wake up’.
Wake up.
“Wake up, Gabriel.”
Gabriel opens his eyes, blinking hard trying to adjust to the head spin of utter darkness enveloping him- no, not darkness. Nothing. Nothingness. Empty.
No, not nothing. Him. Just him. The two of them alone, everyone else gone and moved on, it could have been him too had he not wanted to cling to what was easy. Oh the irony, to do it all over again and wind up here. Right here. In a realm so far out of anyone else’s reach, except for him. He would always reach him, find him, for there was nowhere to run.
Gabriel opens his mouth to scream, and Asmodeus climbs inside.
Wanna send me a prompt? :)
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For @izukuisbaby
Cuddeling with deku
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This precious bean loves to hold you and just sunngle the hell out of you
Loves being the big spoon cus since he is gonna be hero, he loves the feeling of making you feel secure <3
When you both cuddle he often brings scent candles and some snacks for you both to enjoy
If you are chubby well this man is gonna squish your tummy while cuddling or just bury his face to your tummy cus its soft and cute <3
He also lets you play with his hair or letting you put cute hair clips on his hair
He will call you "sweetheart" , "love" , "princess " , " my sweet baby", while cuddling with you
He LOVES giving you bear hugs <3 and just sunngling you with all his will imao
If you call him "love" or "sweethearth" while cuddling he will melt right there and there lol
His favorite time for cuddling is rainy nights cus its comforting and he loves listing the rain while cuddling with you
If you say him you wanna hold him on your arms for cuddeling he will immediately jump into your arms and nuzzles his face through your chest while having a smile on his face and its the cutest thing ever đŸ„ș
He also likes you wearing his t-shirts while having a cuddle season with you
He also retruns to favor of you playing with his hair and putting cute hair clips on his hair buy doing you the same <3
He also made an playlist for your cuddling seasons with him
When you both cuddle , he loves chatting with you and tallking about deep things like the meaning of life or what are your dreams etc
He likes to sing you a lullaby and making you sleep on his arms <3
He often pets your hair and gives you a lots of kisses on your cheeks and forhead đŸ„ș
You are his little sweethearth and he really loves you a lot <3
Your cuddles is allways been so comforting to him so whenever you guys cuddle you can find him smiling <3
He likes to hold hands while cuddling too, its gives him sort of safety and warmth
He loves when you trace his scars on his hands while cuddeling
If you however bring some cute plushies well izuku is gonna be very happy cus cute plushies are his fav
A little scenario <3
It's was a rainy night and you and your boyfriend deku were in your dorm rooms so you called izuku to come to cuddle which he happily agreed and after five minutes you heard your door knock
" come in!" You said as you get up from your sett
As the door opened you saw deku standing at the door wearing a cute bunny pajama along with a cute sleeping hat that made him look so cute
" hi y/n, ready for cuddles?" He said as he stepped in
"Of course, babe, am always ready for cuddles," you said with a soft smile on your face
As he smiled, you both sit on the bed and settled some snacks and some scent candles and after you guys finish izuku wrapped his arms around you and hold you tight as you nuzzled to his chest and he also pets your hair lovingly as the rain poured down your window. After some while you both feel sleepy and without even knowing it you both find your selfs sleeping in each others arms while the rain counties
Side note: hello so this was for one and only @izukuisbaby, I made this piece for them to make it up for my mistake <3 and also wanna say thank you for being kind and patient with me, it's really means a lot to me and I hope I don't annoy you wish DMS if I do please do tell I would love to be better , furthermoree sorry for the wrong tagging today i just been kinda stupid lol and am sorry for doing that too, am also still learning about some boundaries cus i have a poor knowledge about them so If I do something to make you uncomfy could you please tell me so i would know and be better anyways you are really awesome and i hope you like this :D have an amazing day/night
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kingsdespair-if · 9 months
Awwww :( I know Veleena does not want children and I respect that. But I do really want to see how she is with her and MC’s kid đŸ„ș Pretty please with cherry on top?
If not, I’m totally understand. Just wanna say I love your work and Veleena ❀
Hello, dear.
Haha It's okay, I think I can manage a little something for you.
Let's see.
It's a cold night. You sit cross-legged on the rug in front of the fireplace, cradling your child in your arms, gently soothing them to sleep. The baby grasps your fingers as you stroke their chubby cheek, singing a lullaby your mother used to sing to you. You glance out the window and see the moon high in the sky, illuminating the night. The stars twinkle beautifully, creating a serene atmosphere. You smile as your child softly whimpers in your arms. "Shhh, it's alright, my love. Mommy will be here soon," you whisper, kissing the baby's head and then shifting your gaze to the fire. Before long, Veleena enters the room, returning from her trip to the kitchen. In one hand, she carries additional blankets, while the other hand holds a baby bottle.
She closes the door behind her, trying to be quiet with her hands full. The door clicks loudly, causing a frown to appear on her face as she silently curses. You can't help but chuckle at the scene. "Did I wake them up?" she asks, dropping the blankets on the bed before coming towards you. "They're not asleep yet, love. And even if they were, we would have to wake them up to eat, right?" you reassure her, a soft smile on your lips. "I
 Yes, of course. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at all of this," Veleena kneels beside you, her hand holding the baby bottle as she gazes at the half-asleep baby in your arms, her face showing concern and softness. "Do you want to hold them?" "Are you sure? I don't know if I know how to do it right," she places the baby bottle near the fire to keep the milk warm, slowly reaching out for the baby. "Of course I'm sure, you're their mother. You carried them in your arms when you found them on the streets, didn't you? And they were even smaller three months ago. Come on, love, you can do it. I'll help you."
" she nods and reluctantly takes the baby in her arms, with a little clumsiness. With your help, she learns how to hold the child correctly. You observe her face growing softer over time, and a faint smile, which she tries hard to hide, starts to appear. "Do you want to feed them?" "I suppose I do. If you show me how, that is. I don't want them to choke." "Of course, my love. But first, it's better if you sit on the armchair. Your back will start hurting by the time they finish eating. Here," you say as she sits down, handing her the bottle. You provide instructions on how to safely feed the baby.
It takes a few tries, but she manages to find her rhythm. You sit down in front of her, your arm wrapped around her leg as you watch your wife and child together. Silence stretches for a few minutes before she clears her throat and breaks it. "Do you think
 Do you think we made the right choice by adopting them? I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to be a good parent. I don't want to repeat the mistakes of my father and have this child end up like
 well, like me," she asks, barely whispering. Her voice seems to be seeking reassurance more for herself than from you, but you answer anyway.
"I don't want to hear you talking like this again. You are amazing, and I can see your love for this child in your eyes, Vee. You are nothing like your father. You are sweet, generous, and caring, unlike him. Do you understand?" You lightly kiss her knee and look up at her. "Yes, I understand. I love them, you know? And I love you too. Thank you, my light," she softly smiles, radiating love and care for you and your child. You notice her scar when she smiles like this, and you appreciate how beautiful and unique she is. All of her scars have only enhanced her beauty. She is gorgeous with all of her scars, not in spite of them.
You smile back at her and grab a book.
Soon, a comfortable and familiar silence falls over you, the one you have grown accustomed to with this silent woman whom you have learned to love. You hear a soft snoring, and when you look up, you see Veleena peacefully asleep with the baby safely cradled in her arms. Even in her sleep, her body knows she has a mission to fulfill, and she does so effortlessly, with the child nestled comfortably against her chest. It is a cold night indeed. You rise from your position on the ground and retrieve a blanket, carefully draping it over Veleena and the baby. Then, you settle back down close to her feet, lying down and watching the peaceful faces of the two people you love most in the world as you drift off to sleep.
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goonerjoon · 2 years
Part 2 đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
swim back into your dreams
here's part 2! sorry if it's not what you wanted đŸ„ș but I'm willing to write more!! also, somewhat afab terminology is used so if you don't like that look away!!
yandere Baekhyun/pregnant reader | non-con | implied/reference kidnapping | rough sex | blood and violence/blood and injury | dom Baekhyun | emotional manipulation | lactation | pregnant sex | pregnancy kink | breeding kink | Stockholm syndrome | implied/referenced murder | dirty talk | degradation | hair pulling | kicking | humiliation | non-con voyeurism
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Baekhyun eventually let you out after a month of solitude, you had thoroughly learned your lesson and knew better than to go against him. As soon as you'd been let out he had hand-fed you breakfast, lunch, and dinner making sure the baby got all the nutrients it needed. He'd taken time off work to take care of you rubbing your feet, belly, and hands barely letting you do any work. But eventually, he had gotten a call asking him to come in he had hugged you tightly not wanting to leave but you knew he'd be back later that day.
The phone rang at precisely 4 PM later that day but you knew better than to answer it, the scars on your knuckles had shown just how obedient you had to be. But after the 4th time of it ringing you had picked it up, you'd stuttered out a greeting only to hear your mother on the other end. Your throat had clogged up so you'd hung up without saying anything else. Her words rang in your ears 'missing for months' 'where are you?' but no you weren't missing you were safe. No one could hurt you when you were with Baekhyun, he was your savior and your family had wanted to take you away from him. All he had done was protect you, he'd taken you from the outside world knowing it to be too dangerous for you, taken you from your family because they had wanted to hurt you, locked you in the basement to keep you safe from yourself because he loved you. Loved you more than the child growing inside of you, loved you more than life itself so no they were wrong you weren't missing you were finally found.
You were pulled from your memories as Baekhyun wrapped his arms around you, your pillow was soft against your head, and your child's mouth tightly grasped on your nipple.
"Mm, what were you thinking about baby? You were gone for quite a bit, hope it wasn't anything bad." His grip grew tighter the more he talked, it was a warning and you knew better than to disobey or think about things you shouldn't but you also knew to be honest.
"Thinking about last month, the phone call." Your hands and calves ached just from the memory of him hitting you with his belt after he had found out what you'd done.
"Now why would you think of that? Do I not love you enough? Do I not give you enough? Are you sick of me?" You could hear the tears clogging his throat and you pulled the baby away from you before turning around, you wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him.
"No! I was just thinking about how what my mother had said to me was wrong. They said I was missing but there's no way because I'm with you and you know where I am." You smiled and he returned it before his face went dark. He pulled out of your embrace sliding out of the bed and taking the baby before setting them into their crib.
"Come." You scrambled off the bed kneeling before him, looking up into his eyes. You were going to be punished because Baekhyun loved you and he only wanted what was best for and bad thoughts weren't good for you.
"I'm sorry." You nuzzled into his groin begging silently for his forgiveness.
"I do so much for you baby and you keep thinking about those people. They don't even exist anymore so why waste your time thinking of them?" He lifted your head rubbing your hair to the side. He was right they didn't exist anymore but still, you thought of them, you still thought of the last time you saw them, in the basement covered in blood, eyes cloudy so why did you keep thinking about them?
"I'm sorry. I'm trying not to sir but it keeps happening, I think I need something to distract me."
"And what would that be?" Pressing your face even firmer into his groin you opened your mouth sucking on him through his jeans. Baekhyun growled, dragging you onto your feet by your hair, and throwing you onto the bed, he grabbed at your breasts squeezing them hard as they leaked over his fingers. He groaned removing one of his hands to pull your panties down your legs hastily undoing his belt and zipper.
He rubbed his cock against your folds collecting all of the slick building there, his grip on your chest got tighter and you could feel the skin break, you looked down seeing pink all across your breasts, milk, and blood mixing. Teasingly he pushed his cockhead inside of you a few times while you tried to push back against him.
"You want it?" A crooked smile graced his face as he continued teasing you, whining you nodded hastily. Smirking he slammed into you in one long thrust and you couldn't help the screen that tore out of you.
"Shut the fuck up." Baekhyun grabbed your mouth effectively silencing you as he fucked into your tight heat. He used you as he pleased bearing all his weight down onto you, crushing you.
His nails dug into your cheeks as tears slipped down into your hairline, you had been wet but the pain radiating through your lower half proved that you hadn't been wet enough. The thrusts grew harder, his grip even tighter, milk and blood covered the sheets as the wet sound of skin slapping against skin resonated throughout the room. Leaning down he moaned in your ear nipping and biting at it.
"Gonna fill you with my come, knock you up again keep you all nice and round." You moaned behind his hand as he whispered he grabbed your ear between his teeth again, his movements getting sloppy.
"Gonna come, gonna come." He growled as his pace sped up before grabbing your ear hard biting down and pulling a chunk off. You screamed pushing at his chest as he came inside you, pain radiated throughout your whole body.
He pulled off of you as your hand immediately went up to your ear, blood slid all over your hands and you almost screamed feeling the bit that was still attached. Baekhyun grabbed you by your hair dragging you off the bed throwing you to the floor, he kicked you twice before slapping you and letting you go.
You fell to the floor sobbing, you were in so much pain but it was okay Baekhyun loved you.
Two months passed and your stomach has grown slightly but it was more than enough to keep you happy. Your ear still occasionally hurt from the botched stitch job you had done but it didn't matter you were happy, truly. Baekhyun had noticed right away that you were pregnant from the heavy monitoring of your diet and from the weight you had put on it wasn't hard to piece together what was happening. He was extra nice to you doting on you giving you everything you wanted and taking more time with your first child so you could take breaks.
But checkups needed to happen and as much as Baekhyun loved you he couldn't trust you entirely, thankfully he was friends with a well-renowned doctor who'd take care of as much as he could. He was due to come over later that day but Baekhyun had been in a mood, more possessive than usual his hands were constantly on you, wrapped around your belly holding it.
He came up behind you sucking on your neck, putting as many marks on your skin as he could manage, his hard-on pressed into your backside and you whimpered slick slipping down your thigh. You reached behind you rubbing your hand against the front of his jeans as he ground up against you.
"You gonna let me have you?" Of course, you'd let him have you why wouldn't you? You nodded and he pulled away from you, you turned around to see him making his way to the couch, and you followed closely behind. Baekhyun unzipped his pants pulling himself out as he sat on the couch, he pulled you to him pushing your dress up. He had a full view of just how wet you were for him, how it coated your thighs. Grabbing you by the back of your thigh he dragged you to him jerking himself off, you turned around in front of him bending slightly. Growling he pulled you down into his lap, he quickly guided himself into you holding you by the back of your thighs.
"How about I put your collar back on hm? Then I can drag you around and fuck you whenever I please because you're my little cocksleeve made just for me right baby?" You moaned holding onto his forearms as he pounded into you, your eyes slipped close the faster he went. He bit at your neck as your head fell pleasure overpowering you. It didn't last for long as Baekhyun lifted your head and you whimpered seeing the doctor standing beside the couch, tears streamed down your face embarrassed, it was humiliating letting someone else watch as he used you as he pleased.
You tried to pull out of Baekhyun's hold, he slapped your thigh and you squealed as he pushed your leg up giving the stranger a perfect view of how you were stretched around your owner. The man licked his lips hand slipping down to grasp the bulge in his slacks, he was bigger than Baekhyun and you hated how it turned you on thinking about just how much more he'd stretch you out.
"You slut you love being watched don't you? Why don't you tell him how much you like it?" You sniffled looking the other man in the eyes, they were half-lidded, dark. The fact he wanted you made you feel disgusting but you'd never disobey an order.
"I-I love having you watch me." Baekhyun slapped your thigh again as you tried to squirm away from the pain.
"Tell him how it feels."
"F-feels good having sir fill me, I-I need it cause I'm a slut." You placed your hands on the back of the couch, bouncing on his lap desperate for more.
"You're so good for me and for him huh?" He fucked into you a little harder watching as your face screwed up, slick spilled out of you all over his thighs beneath you. The stranger's eyes were locked onto where the two of you were connected transfixed, Baekhyun must have noticed too because he groaned speeding up. His length filled you quickly before it was pulled out of you just as fast, you wanted to close your thighs from the onslaught of pleasure but you also wanted him to watch because you were good for him and for Baekhyun.
"Wish I could knock you up again but I know just how much you love being filled." You moaned while he jackhammered into you chasing his release, you could feel him twitching inside of you and you whimpered meeting his thrusts desperate for him to fill you up. The stranger was closer to you now his cock was out with pre-come beading at the tip, your mouth filled with saliva wanting to taste. He worked himself over furiously pressing his dick against your breasts as he came groaning above you. You clench around the cock inside of you hard as you orgasmed.
"God you fucking slut shit-" Baekhyun howled as he fucked into you one more time filling you up to the brim, you looked down watching the come seep around his cock followed by a bit of pink, you hadn't even felt the pain too caught up in the pleasure and humiliation. He kissed your neck as he came down from his high, picking you up he threw you to the floor the stranger watching you carefully.
Maybe someone else would love you too tonight.
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fadinglights · 9 months
💕 + yisoo/youngjo
send "💕" + a ship for me to fill out this. . . / accepting!
YISOO & YOUNGJO for @evocatiive
first details.
how did they meet? they're neighbours but they really got close after that night they went looking for the missing stray they'd been feeding
who flirted with who first? yisoo though it's taken them a Good While
was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? slowburn :'>
did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? they're friends before! the mutual crush lasted for a good while until any of them dared to end the pretence
what was their first date? maybe it's that kbbq place yisoo made him promise to bring her to as compensation for tending to his injuries
who kissed who first? yisoo, probably at the heat of the moment cause she's done with his emotionally constipated ass
who started the relationship? i feel like they didn't have That talk until much later on, but it's clear that they've been exclusively seeing each other for a while. poor yisoo doesn't have much time to date between her work n her troublemaker neighbour </3
next steps & hardships.
monogamy or polyamory? monogamy  
are they/do they plan on getting married? they aren't thinking that much ahead tbh
who proposed? was it a yes or no? again, it's too early to tell and i don't think yisoo is someone who values the idea of marriage that much anyway, it's the idea of family that she innately yearns for
do they want kids? who brought it up first? yisoo has enough caring responsibilities already lol, but who knows, she might change her mind in five years
do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? none that they know of
how often do they fight? what about? it's never that serious. she'll chastise him about the dangerous situations he gets into, he'll frown about how she's not taking care of herself well enough for someone who's always doing that for others
have they ever broken up? no, unless youngjo decides to pull a disappearing act out of panic at some point... i don't think he will though, they have a fur baby together after all <3333
messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ride or die but let's hope none of them is actually going to...
in the bedroom - vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? they can be spicy, though sometimes it's sweet and tender between them
for applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? youngjo tops most of the time, but ocasionally it's yisoo
for applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? depends on the day
what is their favourite sex position?  lotus or missionary, they like looking into each other's eyes during :'>
do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? not often, but she's open to it
favourite place to have sex? her bedroom, though can you imagine mandu just being confused out by the door worried about his hoomans from the sounds they're making akdsadkhad
most adventurous place they’ve had sex? his car or a caravan cause i can see them taking a trip along the coast
do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? how often? sometimes!! ok but... imagine them bathing together and yisoo just gently running her fingers over his scars đŸ„ș
what are some of their favourite things about their partner sexually? i think yisoo likes how responsive he is.... god knows he's not like that with how he feels in other times, but i think he'll be trying more once they're a couple???
do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? does her patching him up count? they're just looking after each other in their own way
how do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? definitely, yisoo is extremely nurturing by default and youngjo has grown to be so protective over her
who is the better dancer? she's not much of a dancer, but i still think yisoo is better lol
how do they like to spend time together? staying in, playing with their cat, watching movies, going to the farmers' market together, just cosy things
what are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? casual physical intimacy, her head on his lap when she reads, his fingers casually playing with her hair when he's scrolling on his phone
what are some of their favourite things about their partner? she likes how strong he is and she doesn't mean his physique (which... she appreciates as well...), but how he's been through so much yet persists :>
how do they comfort the other when they are upset? hugs and warm meals
who buys the other spontaneous gifts? neither of them is a big shopper, but i think yisoo does it a bit more often
what position do they sleep in? maybe yisoo is the little spoon
what are their favourite things to do on date nights? movie dates, sometimes she takes him to things that she wants to do, ice-skating rinks, museums, bowling, karaoke etc, her interests are quite diverse
do they still go on dates after being together for a while? yes, but they're less planned but more done on a whim
what is their love language? yisoo's dominant one is definitely acts of service!! i think it's the same for youngjo too?
who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person? they are both cat person, though i can see yisoo loving dogs too, she just doesn't have the spare time to keep one tbh
who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more? yisoo likes the outdoors and same for youngjo
who’s more social? yisoo, for sure, her social circle has grown smaller since she became a full-time nurse, but her colleagues and patients adore her
who makes the bed every morning? neither does, i think
who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm? they both like it warm
who takes longer getting ready? yisoo, but she doesn't take that long really
who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones? they like both, they probably judge the hell out of dumb horror characters n yisoo will fixate on things like 'no way, that can't kill him. there's no major artery there' haha
who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it? neither screams, but youngjo is more proactive in killing it whereas yisoo just avoids it lol
who is more technology challenged? youngjo
who would be more likely to burn something in the oven? youngjo
who talks in their sleep? yisoo does, but it's very rare
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? youngjo probably and it irritates her a bit >:(
who likes getting dressed up more? none of them dress up often, but i think yisoo likes it more than he does
who’s better at tying ties? yisoo 
who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone? they just use their mobiles so there's no house phone message
who’s better at planning romantic things? yisoo, hopefully youngjo will catch up???
who takes up more space in the closet? yisoo, i think youngjo's wardrobe probably leans on the minimalist side
who has more of a sweet tooth? yisoo, she has a habit of stress eating lol, which she combats with buying (mostly) healthy snacks only
who drinks more often? youngjo. yisoo is mostly a social drinker.
who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation? neither does, i think, though it's a bit more likely for youngjo to do it than yisoo
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Hiiiiii!!! Is there any way we can get some spoilers or snippets about how anakin and din are going to baby Luke once they get him back?❀The wait is killing međŸ„ș You don’t want that on your conscience do you?đŸ„ș (just jokes please don’t feel pressured). But the wait really is killing me because I just love your beautiful writing
Oooh boy. I am so, so ready for us to get to this point in the story!!
Potential Spoilers (no promises this will happen in the story--but it can in our hearts), sorta dark, infantilizing
When Din and Anakin get their hands back on their beloved Luke, there are barely anyone else who get to see him. He is locked up in the royal wing with only a few allowed to get close (primarily Rex, Kix, Omera--maybe Obi-Wan, Ahsoka...but no one else) because Luke is too overwhelmed and sensitive to new people. And neither Din nor Anakin trust anyone near their love.
Luke is made to take bedrest for a few weeks after everything. He is to always be close to something soft and gentle. They worry about the idea of him bruising or experiencing pain again. It is just too much for them to handle after seeing him in such a state.
Luke has to sit on a lap when he eats as well. He is looked over and hand-fed. He doesn't eat well but he does nibble on things because it makes them happy and more at ease. They praise him every time he does that which is a pleasant feeling.
It takes a lot of time for Din and Anakin to feel comfortable in letting him to the gardens. Letting him outside is just too much for their minds. What if he's taken again? It's too risky.
Anakin likes to carry Luke. He doesn't want to let him out of his arms. He feels calmer knowing he has his son where he is the safest. And after everything he had suffered from, his baby shouldn't have to ever walk again if he doesn't wish it.
Din buys Luke so many things. Luke doesn't even know what to do with the items (or even what most of them are) but Din can't stop. He needs to spoil him.
Luke doesn't talk too much after everything. At least not for a bit. He just can't handle it. He would rather stay hidden and away from others. But Din and Anakin don't really handle that. Luke can be quiet if he wants, they'll fill up the space by talking to him.
"You're doing amazing, my heart. Do you want anything special today? How about some cake? You remember how you like cake?" "Baby boy, how about daddy tells you about the time he met your mama? Would you like that? She was beautiful...you remind me so much of her."
"Starlight, how about we take a bath together? It would be good for you scars and tenderness."
Just everything is discussed in a very loving fashion.
Din and Anakin are completely obsessed with Luke. They just need to know everything he does and is thinking. It helps them feel better. Helps them remember that he's there with them and not in that terrible room with those horrifying people.
Luke gets loads of kisses and hugs and coddles and carried and just is babied a bit senseless.
I hope that makes you feel a little better!
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taegularities · 2 years
Tales of broken hearts - my live thoughts and reactions while reading.
I hope you enjoy seeing the kind of pain you put me through, I still feel emotional and I’ve finished it now. I’m scarred.
“Baby.” He mutters your name, looking at you attentively and cupping your face in his careful hands. Your eyes meet his shimmering ones, the affection and daze piercing your heart like razor spikes; you struggle to focus. “My love.”
By the time I got to this I was gone.
Without any other idea in his mind, he kisses you again before he backs away. “Don’t cry, yeah? Please don’t cry. It’s okay, love. It’s alright.”
I actually can’t do this. My heart is breaking. They can do what they want, if they want each other they can find a way to make it work. Like damn, fuck all that other shit that doesn’t even make you happy. I wanna scream at them (her).
That has the be the saddest sex I’ve ever read or seen or experienced. At this point of the story, I’m praying this goes in a happy direction for them or I’m just gonna be sad for god knows how long.
Letting out the words he kept inside seems hard. But when he manages to find his voice again, so lost in you, you hold your breath and feel your heart skip a beat or two; and then, he whispers, “I love you. So, so much.”
Listen, you have to stop. I’m going to cry my eyes out.
Like that one afternoon when he comes home early, taking off his jacket and shirt before he wraps his arms around you from behind. You’re standing at his desk, the tip of a pen on your lips as you stare at the documents scattered on the table.
The domesticity I can’t cope. I can picture them old and still happy. She better leave and come back. Or he goes eventually, something I actually need them to stay together. I’m suffering more over their relationship than over my failed one 😂😂
When you don’t answer, he lets out a deep exhale, his hands wandering up to settle on your hips, squeezing lightly. His usually shiny eyes are desperate now, drenched in the ache he doesn’t deserve, and his voice is quiet but clear when he asks, “Are you
 you’re really going to leave?”
I’m not saying you should leave your career for love you can find a compromise. But your job is forcing you to marry some rando? Come on is that worth it??? She knows just money won’t bring her happiness.
There won’t be any happiness where you’re going.”
2 Winters Later
I’m actually kicking my couch, this is the definition of slow burn.
I’m going to be walking around with the hurt I felt reading this from now on.
AHHHH i didn't see this ask until i logged into tumblr on my laptop wtf !! first of all, live commentary? this is so freaking awesome, i live for that đŸ„ș haaaaa ugh i'm still scarred, too... and i wrote it over a year ago – the pain just never fades đŸ„Č
oh yeah, this was also definitely the saddest sex scene i've ever written.. i was leaking from everywhere LMAO. no but in all honesty, love always finds a way when it's a good one. glad that i could provide the happy ending u prayed for !! đŸ„ș and yes, the domesticity was 100% intentional, bcos i wanted to show how things could/would be between them if they worked out. writing about how they had to let go again afterwards hurt so much :')
the failed relationship bit djsjehdh FELT 😭 u and tae had the same opinion !! then again, a job secures u survival in a way love wouldn't have if she'd chosen tae over her work... and in the end, i'm just happy they were able to find a compromise – tae worked so damn hard for it :((
and aahh i know i'm answering this ask so late, so i hope some of the pain subsided hehe u're literally so cute đŸ„ș thank u so much for reading and leaving this message, u don't know what it means to me đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ€đŸ€
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
đŸ§šđŸŸâœšKonoha sensei’s
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„With a s/o who loves kisses and cuddlesđŸ˜©đŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi-Office Time
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi-Don’t run from the dick baby😹đŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- HokageđŸ˜ˆđŸ˜đŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- Baby boyfriendđŸ„ș🍄
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi x Reader x GuyđŸ„ș🙊😈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi-High Rise TortuređŸ˜ˆđŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi-I Love YouđŸ„șđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- Catches s/o watching porn🙊
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- Home Is A PersonđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- Spoiled girlfriendđŸ„°dd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi - Make up sexđŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- His ArmsđŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi - Not Alone
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi - Sugar Daddy✹🌾
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- Taking care of you on your periodđŸ„șđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- High on your birthdayđŸ„ł
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakashi- Lonely and High drabble😰
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Guy-A Night To Remember đŸ˜ˆđŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Guy- BrattamingđŸ„”đŸ„șdd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Guy-A Break With My LoverđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Guy-Catching him masturbatingđŸ˜©
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Iruka -S/o helps him feel better😏
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Dick appointment 😰
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„How they eat you outđŸ˜ˆđŸ€€đŸ˜©
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Special treatmentđŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Ideal ThreesomeđŸ˜­đŸ˜©
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shino- Enough is EnoughđŸ„șđŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shino- Sex with ShinođŸ˜­đŸ˜©
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shikamaru -Angel😇👀😈dd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shikamaru- With a needy s/ođŸ˜©đŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shikamaru - Do It For Me đŸ„ș😈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shikamaru- Reacts to Self Harm scarsđŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shikamaru- Sharing College DormđŸ„°đŸ˜ˆ
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shikamaru- “I know baby” quick drabbleđŸ™‹đŸŸâ€â™€ïž
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Rock Lee- Saturday MorningsđŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Rock Lee-Drunk and Horny😈đŸ„șđŸ‘‰đŸŸđŸ‘ˆđŸŸ
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Gaara -After a long dayđŸ˜«dd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Naruto- With a needy s/ođŸ„°đŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Naruto- Reacts to Self Harm scarsđŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Naruto - getting readyđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Naruto- nipples for breakfast
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Naruto- taking care of you on your periodđŸ„șđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kiba- kinks😈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kiba -cum and exhibition
đŸ§šđŸŸâœšThe Akatsuki
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Catching reader masturbatingđŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„How they spankđŸ„Ž
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hidan x Reader x Kakuzu (Part 1-5)😍
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hidan x Reader x Kakuzu- Another RoundđŸ„”đŸ˜°đŸ€­
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hidan- Let’s Play😏
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kakuzu- with a shy sub who wants to top đŸ€«
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kisame- x sub!reader đŸ€­
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kisame- Mission gone wrong😈😈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kisame-Dirty Juicy Headcanons
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Kisame x Reader x ItachiđŸ„”đŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Yahiko x Reader x Nagato😈😈
đŸ§šđŸŸâœšLegendary Sanin
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Jiraiya -Relationship HeadcanonsđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Jiraiya- brattamingđŸ„”đŸ˜­dd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Jiraiya - reacts to bratâ˜șdd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Jiraiya- Mission gone wrong😈😈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Orochimaru- drabble😈😈🙈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Don’t run from the dick baby.đŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„With a little reader🌾
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Nipples out
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hashirama- first time with virgin s/ođŸ„°đŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hashirama- Spoilt WifeyđŸ˜©đŸ˜©
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hashirama- Bratty LittleđŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hashirama- FunishmentđŸ„°âœ‹đŸŸ
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Hashirama- Special kink😧
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Tobirama-Daddy just wants to play 😡
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Tobirama- Taking care of him when he’s sickđŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara- Work Meets Love😈đŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara-Sugar Daddy✹🌾
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara x Reader x Hashirama😍dd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara- Late NightsđŸ„°đŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara - DrabbleđŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara - Little reader
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara- Helping Reader MasturbateđŸ˜©dd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Madara- AftercaređŸ„°
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Uchiha relations🔞😉
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„What is like to sleep with them đŸ„°đŸ„șđŸ€­đŸ‘€
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Itachi-Taking care of sick readerđŸ€­đŸ€«đŸ˜ˆdd/lg
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Itachi-Reacts to Self Harm scarsđŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Itachi- Mission gone wrong😈😈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Itachi- Bad Girl😼‍💹
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Itachi- Bad Girl p2đŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shisui- Shisui LovingđŸ„°đŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shisui- Reacts to Self Harm scars đŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shisui x Reader x ItachiđŸ˜©đŸ„”
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Shisui x Reader x Itachi part two😏
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Obito- eating you out😭
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Obito- Don’t run from the dick babyđŸ„ș
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Obito-Clingy BoyfriendđŸ„ș😈
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Obito- special kinkđŸ˜©
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Sasuke- Break of DawnđŸ˜©
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„Sasuke-baby boyfriend đŸ„ș💐
đŸ§šđŸŸâ€â™€ïžâœšPart Two for more juicy contentđŸ„Ž
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naddiesflower · 2 years
Hi! This is gonna be a wierd request but I just got really bad injuries on my fingers and I can't use them without being in immense pain (text to speech has become my best friend) so you think you can write something with M H A characters with an S slash O that can't use their hands after a mission/accident without being in a ton of pain? I just need some fluff to read while I recover. Thanks!
Not weird at all! Sorry for the late post, a tornado had taken out my wifi lolol I wanted to keep them short and sweet, if some of your favorite characters are missing please let me know so I can do a part 2
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Eijiro
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CEO of finger injuries
Knows what you’re going through and I think he’d be the best person to have by your side during this time
He’s like a tiny hospital with all the stuff he has for injuries
Izuku stop breaking yourself challenge
Ices your fingers for you
Has compression bandages and wraps your fingers to help with pain and swelling
You try to do something and this boy is quick to be by your side
Actually, I kind of imagine him just cautiously hovering near you
but he makes sure not to be too overbearing in fear of bothering you
He absolutely doesn’t mind caring for you
It’s a nice change of pace for him since he’s the one who’s also hurt because of his quirk and you would always be by his side
He’s happy he’s able to return the favor
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First, he’s going to scold you for getting yourself hurt
Then he’s going to take care of you in his own stubborn way
He acts huffy but he actually enjoys helping you
You don’t ask him for much, but he’ll go out of his way and do stuff for you in an aloof manner
Like with school notes, he’ll hand them to you like it’s some sort of obligation, but they’re done so neat and legible and it’s honestly cute that it contradicts his body language
He’s pretty good at cooking, but baking is a much different story
He secretly goes to Sato for some baking advice so he can bake you your favorite sweet
And one day he turns up with them in hand in front of your dorm room
He insists on feeding them to you so you don’t further injure your hands
Will absolutely argue with you if you don’t listen to him
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Kind of blames himself for your injuries
“If I had been there-”
You would have smacked him if your hands weren’t injured for saying that
I headcanon him to be the type of person to show his love through actions rather than words
Will carry your stuff for you 
You don’t even ask him to, he’s already in front of you with his hand out like âœ‹đŸŒ
Ice bags?
Nah fam, he holds your hand with his cold side (he’s very happy holding your hand)
He feeds you since using chopsticks would be a hassle
Dude acts like he does this every day since he doesn’t look the least bit phased about it, while your face is as hot as a furnace
Is coming up with ways in his mind to feed you even after you’ve fully healed up
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Looks like a kicked puppy when he finds out about your injuries
Kisses your hands saying that they will make you heal faster (ugh what a freaking sweetheart)
If your injuries leave you with scars he calls them cool (also kisses your scars đŸ„ș)
Tries to make your favorite foods
Keyword tries
Can’t cook for the life of him but he tries dammit
Is usually always affectionate with you, but is a lot more during this time
Absolutely hates seeing you in pain
Will hold you through it and does anything possible to help alleviate your pain
This baby is just a ball of serotonin and he makes the healing process so much better
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