animehellscape · 1 year
hewo if u still take requests maybe poe doing flappy hands excitedly explaining smth to ranpo? 🥺 no worries if its too much tho!!
Them <3
Such a cute request! Thank you and please send more! Requests are open until otherwise stated. Prompts like this are awesome!
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Put any requests in my ask box! Support me with a tip on Kofi! LINK
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bee-writes-n-spins · 7 months
the mask goes on the minute other people look.
make eye contact. too much, look away. now smile and nod. stop bouncing your leg. make them like you.
those are his thoughts. because too many people have called him weird. too many people have pointed and laughed. too many people made fun of him for just being himself.
oh, but you..
you remind him it's okay to unmask. you smile, listening to him ramble about his interests. you could listen for hours and never get bored.
when you notice his discomfort in a crowd. when you help him communicate when he's too overwhelmed to talk.
with you, the ribbon that holds the mask together comes undone. with you, his mask falls to the ground.
POE, RANPO, dazai, GIYUU, kenma, l lawliet, near, WANDERER, AL HATHIAM, kaveh, LYNEY, and any of your autistic favorites!
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tvisnoton · 9 months
Ranpo, approaching Poe: autistic all by yourself handsome?
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 4 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 2 Match 8
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Ranpo -
"Picks up a bunch of things that other people don’t notice which made him feel really alone as a kid. Then this old man (he’s like in his 20s) walks into his life, basically adopts him and tells Ranpo that he’s smarter than everyone else and they’re just stupid. Founds a detective agency just to put this guy’s intelligence to good use. Ranpo can solve a crime in under a minute but cannot use public transportation. My favorite boy."
Masayoshi -
"Has a special interest in superheroes and has a huge collection of superhero merchandise and can recite his favorite superhero movie word for word along with all of the fight choreography. Became incredibly apathetic throughout high school after finding out superheroes aren't real. His dream to be a superhero is so strong that it literally alters the world and causes aliens to invade earth so he can be a superhero."
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t4t-dazai · 10 months
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his autistic swag and cringefail personality have captivated me
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babygirlnumberone · 6 months
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guacamoleroll · 21 days
haii!! congrats on 1k omg 🎉🎉🎉 could i perhaps order smth with poe, "go to the car, i'll be with you in five minutes," and a sprinkling of whispering sweet nothings? (i love ur work btw ajshsjdhajd)
content. gn!reader. usage of pet names (my love, dear), placed after season two, mentioned ranpo, wild berry cheesecake drabble, lots of fluff. not proofread.
author's note. thank you, kae! i've never written for poe before, so this was definitely a treat (i hope i did him justice). i’ve updated my taglist to include other characters, so feel free to check in out in the link below!
would you like to see more? fill out the updated taglist or comment here!
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"Are you positive you don't want me to come with you?"
The building you were standing outside of was only a couple of stories high, but to the man next to you, it was as daunting as the world's largest skyscraper. While his expression couldn't be observed through his bangs or in his stiff stature, he was radiating with the anticipation of a student approaching their final test. His raccoon companion didn't seem that optimistic as he sat on his shoulders.
"Of course, dear! It won't be long until I've reigned in my victory," Poe exclaimed, jostling a stack of freshly written books in his arms. "Go wait in the car. I'll be with you in five minutes!"
You remained waiting outside for a bit as he walked inside, his boots stuttering against the entryway before the door slammed against him from behind, allowing Karl to slip back through and into your arms. He purred as you scratched his back, getting back in the car and exchanging a knowing look with the chauffeur.
"The tissues have been restocked, and the blankets are underneath the seat."
You nodded. "Thank you."
One minute went by. Then two. Three.
"(Name)!" a muffled voice whined from outside the car.
There it was.
Poe flung open the door before crawling into the car, drawing himself into your arms as he let out a series of dramatic murmurs. You ignored the way the chauffeur drew up the window separating the two halves of the car, instead focusing on swaddling the Guild's master architect into a blanket and haphazardly lying him on your chest as Karl nestled around your shoulders, one hand nestled in his hair while the other held out tissues for him to use as his leisure.
"Shh, it's okay, my love."
Your position would've undoubtedly looked hilarious to anyone who could see through the car windows, with his lanky legs too tall for the seat and his entire body drowning out yours—luckily, the windows were tinted.
"He solved them before he even finished the first page!"
You couldn't hold back a little snort, wiping his bangs away to see his exasperated expression. "That's the world's greatest detective for you."
He pouted as he nuzzled into your chest, mumbling that this was 'his greatest failure' and that 'he would never succeed.' You sighed, rocking him back and forth, hand braced against his back.
"That only means the satisfaction of beating him will be twice as sweet."
It was as if those words, sifting through his mind, made him snap out of his self-loathing. Like that, everything clicked, and he shot up with vigor, pen already in hand.
"I'll just need to make the next novel even better!"
"Mhm," you hummed, pressing a kiss against his cheek as you swept another hand through his curls. "I'm certain you will."
The flush returned to his face, and he hid his expression away from you. "Thank you, dear."
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @imhandicapableofmath @ishqani @zyilas @lovesick-fairy @squigglewigglewoo @kelperspelt @thesilvernight0wl @s1eepybunny @lovedazai @dazaisms @deepseafragments @justanotherjester @osameowdazai @himikoslove @little-miss-chaoss @justcallmesakira @chyozai @ruru-kiss @miloofc @fyorina @meiluvrr
© 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋 2024 — do not repost or modify my works for any reason. do not steal graphics w/o explicit permission. reblogs are appreciated.
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mackerel22 · 7 months
Ranpo: So, I'm going to grab a healthy breakfast.
Fukuzawa: Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?
Ranpo: Breakfast burrito but yeah...
Fukuzawa: I pity your dentist.
Ranpo: Joke's on you I don't have a dentist.
Fukuzawa: I'm taking you to the dentist.
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fudanshipoe · 4 months
bsd character design analysis ★
– part 1: borrowed clothing and its symbolism
word count: 1.3k
includes: dazai, beast dazai, akutagawa, ranpo, yosano
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1.) Dazai's Coat (PM vs ADA)
Following the Port Mafia tradition of giving a new subordinate a superior's item as a sign of loyalty, Mori gives Dazai his jacket upon his entrance into the mafia. Dazai never wears this coat correctly, instead draping it around his shoulders.
On the other hand, the coat he wears in the ADA is not only worn in the correct fashion, but it also closely resembles Odazaku's coat.
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The way Dazai wears his coat symbolizes where his loyalties lie. He was never loyal to the Port Mafia, or Mori himself. Hedoes takes on Mori's influence, specifically in his acts of getting something done no matter the means. Dazai does not mind playing dirty, and this follows Mori's own ideas of finding the most optimal solution. While I don't believe Mori is entirely the reason Dazai follows this path of action, it is clear that he did have some influence on Dazai with his teachings.
Dazai is loyal to the Armed Detective Agency, however, and goes to extreme measures for his comrades, including sacrificing himself in various ways. (Meursalt, dead apple, etc).
Going back to how his coat resembles Oda's, it gives light into Oda's influence on Dazai, that being him planting a moral seed in Dazai. His final request is for Dazai to strive to be a good person and not dwell along the dark side of humanity any longer. Oda is arguably one of the most important relationships Dazai has over the course of the series. He is the one who sets Dazai on a better path, and Dazai takes his words to heart. Otherwise, he would not have joined the Armed Detective Agency and found people he is loyal to.
2.) Beast Dazai
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Beast Dazai noticeably has the same scarf Mori does. This could be a signifier of position as the Port Mafia boss, but I believe it represents tactics that Beast Dazai learned from Mori. I am specifically talking about the control they both excise on others. In order for Beastzai's plan to work, he had to gain an almost absolute hold over the world immediately surrounding Oda. This is why it is mostly him, SSKK, and Oda whose lives are affected by his actions. Most everyone else's lives remain similar to the original BSD verse. The members of each organization are the same, is what I mean.
The iron grip that beast Dazai has over the Beast universe in order to reach his goal resembles the tactics Mori uses as the Port Mafia boss. Absolute control.
Beast Dazai's coat is another important factor. Unlike PM Dazai in the main BSD universe, beast Dazai wears his coat correctly and not around his shoulders. Beast Dazai is dedicated to his goal of securing a world where Oda can stay alive and freely write his novels. His loyalty is not to the Port Mafia, but that goal.
3.) Akutagawa's Coat
This is another item that follows the Port Mafia tradition and Dazai gives him his own coat on the night that he picks up Akutagawa from the slums.
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Akutagawa's coat is a representation of his trauma and dependence on Dazai's recognition to live. His goal is to receive the recognition he never got from Dazai in the past, and this hinders his own development. While Akutagawa does not care about Dazai as a person, the effect Dazai's training had on him was creating a dependence on this approval.
His coat is his most important item for the greater majority of the series. He does not use his ability without it, and keeps it on at all times, which is another topic to discuss upon his coat/ability and protecting himself. In fact, he believes for a while that he can't use his ability without his coat, either, or that he is defenseless without it.
This changes during the Decay of the Angel's arc, specifically in the SSKK vs Fukuchi fight. In a pivotal moment, Akuatagwa discards his coat in order to aid Atsushi in delivering a powerful blow to Fukuchi. He uses Rashomon without his coat for the first time in this scene, too, which shows his growth as a character, and no longer relying so heavily on having to prove himself to Dazai for a reason to live. It is an example of him making his own choices and not being under the influence of Dazai's teachings onto him that he needed to prove himself useful, or that he is even useless in the first place.
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4.) Ranpo's Glasses
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Fukuzawa gives Ranpo an ordinary pair of glasses in the Untold Origins novel as a way to "control" his ability. Now, it is well established that these are a cheap pair, and that they are useless since Ranpo is not actually an ability user, however, the importance of it lies in Fukuzawa's influence on Ranpo, and the facade Ranpo subscribes to.
Fukuzawa is a figure that represents an integral point in Ranpo's life. Before the events of Untold Origins, Ranpo had no one in his life as a result of his parent's death. Fukuzawa is the first figure to step up for Ranpo and try to guide him, he is the sole reason Ranpo realizes he is not isolated in this world. This is important because Ranpo needs that at 14 years old. Fukuzawa is the cause if Ranpo's worldview changes, otherwise he would have continued to stray on his own uncertain path.
This also marks the beginning of Ranpo's attachment to being viewed as an ability user. He has an innate need to prove himself above the extraordinary because he cares about protecting the ones he values, namely the Agency. His resolve to be strong for his friends and family is strong, and this relates to the fact that he is so driven on remaining this image of an astounding man. He can't afford to lose his place in this light precisely because he is such an important piece of the Agency. The Agency was created because of Ranpo, after all, as a place for him to utilize his intellectual gift and to belong with Fukuzawa to.
His glasses tie back as a symbol of this in the Ranpo and Poe chapter (32). He loses his glasses while in Poe's ability space, and has a meltdown over the fact that he can't use his ability without them. It has also been established that Ranpo is self aware of his non-ability reality, yet he still clings to it because he needs to live up to that self standard, and his glasses are the object of this.
(I had images for this and yosano but Tumblr has a 10 image limit ://)
5.) Yosano and Her Butterfly Pin
There is a strong theme between life & death, and rebirth & transformation within Yosano's character.
Yosano gets her hair pin from Tachihara's older brother, who was a soldier in the "immortal army" unit under Mori's command. The way she acquires this hair pin is important because he represent a huge aspect of her trauma during this time, as the repeated abuse of her ability on him ended with his suicide. This time also cements her connection with life and death through her ability. She has the ability to control life and death itself, after all. Life is important to Yosano, this is established from her herself during her fight with Kaji through her comments on death is the lack of life, and the way she strives to save lives with her ability.
Butterflies serve as a symbol of metamorphosis, whether physical or emotional, and Yosano follows this theme well. She changes drastically as a person, as she does not let her past nor her ability connect her to that level of inhumanity she is pushed into by others' views. Golden butterflies specifically represent transformation, hope, or something along the lines of past souls as well, which fits with Yosano well.
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animehellscape · 1 year
I hope you guys like him :]
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bee-writes-n-spins · 7 months
on the other side of that metaphorical one-way mirror, is a trembling little boy. is a fearful child.
he's so scared. so scared they'll see past the facade he puts on to imitate those around him. so scared they'll see his true self.
that mirror is the only thing about him that shows confidence.
but then he meets you.
you're the only one who can see through as if it's a window. you're the only one who can hold that small child and tell him it's okay.
please.. just tell him it's okay..
RANPO, ango, poe, kokichi, UZUI, giyuu, and any of your falsely confident favorites!
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crowscadence · 3 months
Some random BSD headcanons because my old post about this is old
•Gin is really good with animals and young kids
•Atsushi is like a magnet for cats. He’ll walk outside and 80% of the time have at least one cat come up to him
•Ranpo has autism (tbh at this point so many people headcanon this that it could be considered fanon. Also this totally isn’t me projecting shhh)
•Yosano is good with kids
•When Dazai joined the agency, he bribed Ranpo into not revealing his backstory by buying him whatever snacks he wanted whenever he wanted
•Chuuya’s least favorite dog breed is the chihuahua solely because Dazai sometimes compared/compares him to one
•Poe was a theatre kid in high school but worked stage crew due to stage fright
•Dazai was super big into MCR when he was younger and still listens a fair bit now
•Dazai can’t care for plants. They will die in his care (me projecting because I killed a cactus by underwatering it)
•Poe’s favorite Shakespeare work is Romeo and Juliet (basic ass answer-)
•Chuuya is at least semi-fluent in French if not entirely. He’s also somewhat fluent in English
•Kunikida played some sport like country club tennis as a kid
•Akutagawa has trichotillomania and that’s why he doesn’t have eyebrows
I’ll add to this as I think of them
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 1 Match 15
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Kaito -
"Can we please vote for the blue man and his cool scarf. Please.
Look at this man's face. He has autism swag, AND he's blue AND he sings! He's friends with Hatsune Miku, and he lives in your computer!! (Maybe).
He's the first male Vocaloid to be developed, and when first released he was considered a 'failure' due to the fact that he was not as popular as his female counterpart. This has changed since, and he is now more popular!!"
Ranpo -
"He's a narcissistic man-child, but you can't help but love him anyway. He really grows on you after you start getting into his tragic backstory of being an orphan at 14, then getting kicked out of the police academy for being too smart. The anime all but says he's autistic, with his adopted father figure acknowledging that Ranpo is much more intelligent than most people, and sees the world very differently."
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faeriiess · 1 year
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Family Portrait
Manga colouring of Bungo Stray Dogs  :。・:*:・゚’★ please don’t repost or edit  。・:*:・゚’★ ko-fi | commissions
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dapperenby13 · 6 months
Sometimes I think about what yosano and ranpo are doing the whole time when they are both living with fukuzawa. Like obviously at that point ranpo is working on some cases but he’s probably got a lot of time to just be at home. And Yosano is freshly out of a traumatic situation. What are they doing, how to they bond?
Here are some of my thoughts of the random shit they do while in the house.
Lots and lots of puzzles. Yosano likes finding where everything goes and it’s a good distraction from her brain. Ranpo knows where all the pieces go really early on but still agrees to finish it.
Nature documentaries. Yosano likes learning all the cool facts and stuff and ranpo likes watching animals run around. He thinks they’re funny
Fukuzawa got ranpo a Nintendo switch at some point and him and Yosano spend a lot of time playing smash bros.
Minecraft. Ranpo fucking loves Minecraft but hates fighting the mobs. Yosano loves fighting the mobs so it’s a perfect team. They show Fukuzawa all the stuff they built and he has no idea what is going on. He’s happy they’re getting along tho.
I think they would both be really into making blanket forts and watching movies inside them. Sometimes they invite fukuzawa into the blanket fort to watch cartoons.
That’s all I’ve got for now. Feel free to add on.
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zukkaoru · 2 months
kunichuuranzai is great actually because it combines my favorite bsd ship (kunichuuzai) with one of the funniest bsd ships (chuuran) and one of my favorite dynamics to study (dazairanpo) and also between the three of them, chuuya dazai and ranpo probably break every single one of kunikida's ideals for his future spouse in one way or another. which is basically the number one way to make kunikida fall in love with you
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