#ask asteria
asteria7fics · 4 months
Can we have some of your personal style headcanons?
Why yes, dear anon, you absolutely can!
I'll only share SFW ones here, but if you're interested in NSFW ones please let me know d(・∀・○)
This also contains some mild spoilers for the fic I'm currently working on - NOT The Song of Broflovski. If you'd rather go into that totally blind, then maybe skip this answer. Otherwise, read on!
Alright, so let's start from the beginning. I personally write Kyle as figuring out his feelings first, while Stan acts on them first. Neither one is stoked on the idea of coming out (Stan for Randy-trauma related reasons, Kyle for Cartman-trauma related ones) so they don't publicly come out/start actually dating until late high school when they know they're about to skip town and move away to college.
That doesn't stop them from messing around of course, but I'll save that info for a NSFW drop. (¬‿¬)
I also really like the idea of their relationship not changing massively even after they've become an official couple. They still fight, they still do a lot of the same activities together, and they never really adopt any pet names outside of still calling one another 'dude' all the damn time. Just two straight dudes in love, honestly.
Kyle is Stan's #1 defender, and will go to war with douchebags in the comments of Stan's social media posts (hard headcanon him as still being a musician/leaning really hard into his passion for music. Crimson Dawn is definitely still a thing in the Asteriaverse). You dare to talk shit about Stanley Marsh on the internet?? In front of God and everyone?? Baby you're getting doxed. Bye.
He also just unironically loves the music Stan makes, with Crimson Dawn and otherwise. Like, shitty phone recording from a performance as his ringtone kinda love. I think Kyle would have pretty eclectic music taste in general, but I like the idea of them bonding over the kind of stuff Stan would want to make.
I like to think Stan is more of a bad/freeing influence on Kyle. My Kyle has a little bit of a stick up his ass, especially as he gets older and there's more pressure on him to excel in school. Stan really becomes the person that wraps him up in a blanket after a long day of studying, passes him a drink and puts on Monty Python so they both can just relax and have fun together.
And they're absolutely the guys at the party standing in the corner by the drinks, cracking jokes to one another while they watch everyone else make complete asses of themselves. Just in their own little world, until they get properly drunk and end up making out in a bathroom or some shit. Just messy bitches.
They simultaneously communicate extremely well and absolutely horribly. They have the kind of connection where one look says it all, but when it comes down to deeper issues and arguments they're both trash at communicating their feelings. Kyle gets too heated and just starts RANTING while Stan can barely articulate a singular feeling. Eventually Stan figures out that he kinda just has to let Kyle get his shit off his chest and eventually he'll calm down enough to help Stan sort out his feelings too, but those first couple years? Rough haha no smooth sailing for my boys I'm afraid.
Alright, I'm gonna stop here because I could probably sit here and talk about these losers all day. These are pretty surface level, both because I don't want to spoil too much and because I'm always forming new headcanons for them! Really specific ones usually come to me in the moment while I'm writing, so I'll definitely come up with more before this next project is finished!
Thank you very much for the ask!! ( ´⌣`ʃƪ)
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asteria-argo · 8 months
You mentioned is one of your WIP posts about how the Richmond coaches share repairability of the players, I would love to hear your thoughts on who belongs to who?
Not only do I have thoughts, I have a whole chart.
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The way this works in my mind is that it's a combination of how helpful the coach actually is when the player has a problem, how likely to player is to go to the coach for help and how well they get along just as people.
We'll start with Roy. Roy's only got a couple of players that are really his problem, for a couple reasons. One, Roy is scary and unapproachable but also two, Roy became a coach after most of the players had already cemented themselves as either Ted or Beards problems. That leaves Roy with Isaac and Jamie.
Jamie as Roy's problem is self explanatory. Ted fumbles the bag with Jamie every time he tries, and Beard kind of freaks Jamie out, so he doesn't usually go to him for help. We all agree Jamie is Roy's problem.
Isaac is also Roy's problem. This has canon basis, I can cite my sources but for convenience sake I'll paraphrase my reasoning and that is that Roy was a lot more instrumental to Isaacs development than any of the other coaches. Roy is the one who chose Isaac as the next captain, it was Roy who helped Isaac through his slump in season two before Roy had even come back to be a coach, and it was Roy who spoke to Isaac after he went after that fan in the stands. Isaac is Roy's problem.
Next we'll talk about Beard. Beard in canon doesn't have a lot of one on one interaction with any of the players, so I'm going mostly on vibes for the players that are his problem.
That's why Bumbercatch is mainly Beards problem. I think their weird girl energies line up pretty well, and when Bumbercatch is doing weird things Ted doesn't know how to handle, Beard is usually able to step in. Jan Maas is also mostly Beards problem, because Jan Maas appreciates Beards direct but minimal approach to coaching.
Colin is also a good balance of Ted's problem and Beard's problem with a slight lean towards being Beards problem. Not because Colin actually goes to Beard for help that often, more because Beard decided Colin was his problem and keeps an eye on him when he can. I was actually tempted to make a little circle that included Trent and put Colin there, because that is who Colin actually goes too for help more often than not, but in terms of The Coaches, Colin is usually Beards problem.
Zoreaux and Richard were tricky for me, because they don't do a lot in canon so I think they both fall under the general umbrella of being Ted's problem because he's the manager more often than not, but I think Beard is pretty involved with the goal keepers so Zoreaux is his problem sometimes.
As for Ted, he will usually take point in issues regarding Dani or Sam. As the manager, everyone on the team is under the blanket umbrella of being his problem, but Sam and Dani will usually seek Ted specifically out for help with things on the occasions they need it and Ted is always be happy to help them to the best of his ability.
As for all the background himbos, they fall solidly in the center thanks to the fact that because they have at best vague personalities and I don't even know most of their names, so they're usually the problem of whoever is closest to them at the time.
I hope you enjoyed this because I spend So Much Time thinking about it.
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hanafubukki · 6 months
It appears our four seasons are finished. You gave me your spring, summer, fall, and now your winter too. To what do I owe the pleasure of you giving me the chance to experience all year round beside you. Perhaps next year I’ll stay beside you to spend four more seasons with you. No, I think I’ll be with you far longer than just four more seasons. What do you think? 
Lilia Vanrouge
Anonie, I don’t think you know.
When you sent me this.
I literally went 404 error. Hana was frozen. She can’t be found.
The way my face heated up and the smile I had on my face. Anonie please, I’m going to smother you with affection 💞💞
“I’ll be with you far longer than four season. What do you think?”
What do I think?
This was my first reaction:
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And I see what you did there!! You’re using the Valentine’s Day greeting aren’t you?!?
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Thank you Anonie 😭😭💞💞💞
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sighonaraa · 4 months
🫐 Blueberries! For the line ask game
hello my love!! from this ask game:
🫐 a line from a published work that you’re proud of, but no one’s mentioned yet - or if you can’t think of one, an underrated line in general
here's my absolute favorite bit from find a new place to be from:
“Would you like to read it, Uncle Roy?” “Only if you want me to,” said her Uncle Roy. “I do,” said Phoebe. “The first sentence. I want to hear you say it, please.” “All right.” Her Uncle Roy cleared his throat and unfolded the letter carefully. He had big hands, too, her Uncle Roy, like Jamie’s. But he could be gentle with them. He was always gentle with them, when he was with her. “Dear Phoebe,” he read out loud, and Phoebe closed her eyes, pretending that she was five years old again and knew this time that everything was going to be okay. “You’re a Kent now, and it’s much better than before.”
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its-aleths · 6 months
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A cleric's path is not always so straightforward.
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altschmerzes · 7 months
Gav pretty pretty pretty please tell me more about Jamie’s earrings in wriggle up on dry land?
so jamie when we meet him in the au doesn't have his ears pierced yet. it's pretty clear that the sort of style we see him exhibit more and more of across the show is not the sort of style his father would approve of, and the weight of that expectation is much stronger when he's still y'know, fifteen and living at home.
then some time passes, Things Go Down, particularly the au version of 2x08 goes down, and jamie is no longer living with his father. he's gone home with ted, and he's been given the spare room in ted's flat, and ted is insistent that this is his home now. (he has a room at roy's too, but that's a much more gradual and 'happened really without anyone noticing' process.) at first his reaction to this is to sort of... shut down and go quiet and polite. he tries his best not to be a problem and not to need anything or remind anyone he's there to the best of his ability.
and then things feel more solid, he feels safer but still not safe and so he starts to do what a lot of traumatized sixteen year olds who've experienced abuse and are now in a safe situation do and he pushes. he tries to find out how much he can get away with. what it'll take for ted to be done with him and throw him out, or snap and hurt him. this is.... not what happens, obviously, but he tries several different things to test that out, and this is one of them.
jamie comes home one day with his ears freshly pierced, little glittery studs in them, sure this is about to start some kind of a fight, because he knows how this would've gone with james. he's practically vibrating from anxiety when ted notices them and asks if they're new, but he's got his chin up and his jaw grit and he's determined to stick the landing.
but instead of whatever he'd been afraid of, ted's like oh that looks- what is it the kids say, is it sick? do the kids still say sick? gosh i don't even know. point is you look real good, real sharp. you get a like- a solution or something to wash 'em with, though? make sure you take care of 'em otherwise they won't heal right and that's no good. and jamie's like. you. you like it? just to be sure. still kind of frozen, still waiting, and ted says heck yeah i like it! not that it'd matter if i didn't, of course, your body your decision. you're old enough to decide you want your ears pierced, i don't get to tell you not to. but i do gotta say, i do think it looks great. fits your whole vibe you got going there.
(which jamie almost has a bad reaction to. bc he knows what james would've meant by commenting on his 'whole vibe' but. this is ted. and ted is asking if he can get a closer look and oooohing at the studs jamie picked out for while they're healing and he doesn't seem upset at all, so. it's different.)
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forjustice · 3 months
The Overly Detailed Pokéarts Meme
Slightly updated from when I last posted it 6 years ago. This meme covers any form of art involving Pokémon, namely Contests, Showcases, Musicals and any headcanoned performance form that you might be able to think of. Shoutout to my Discord bestie Seniichi for helping me with this!
🌟What is your muse’s overall opinion of Pokéarts? ✨  What does your muse think about forms of Pokéarts other than Contests? Like Showcases, Musicals, etc. 👪  Does your muse have family or friends that participate in Pokéarts? How does this affect their view and/or participation in Pokéarts? 👍🏿  What are some Pokémon that your muse likes to use and/or see in Pokéarts? 👎🏾  What are some Pokémon that your muse does not like to use and/or see in Pokéarts? 👌🏼 Is there anything in particular (performance style, moves, typings, etc.) that makes them go ‘mmmmm yessssss this is one A++ performance’? 😍  Who are your muse’s favorite Coordinators and why? 🐸  What about their least favorites, and why? 😘  Any stars they’ve got a crush on? 🤔  What are some things that your muse would change about Pokéarts? 😬  A stronger version of the above: is there anything they think just shouldn’t be allowed? 😮  Performance-wise, what’s the most shocking thing your muse has ever seen/experienced? 🛍️  Does your muse collect Pokéarts-related merchandise? 🎤  What does your muse think about the culture surrounding Pokéarts they are familiar with? Doesn't have to just be Contests! 📈  Give your muse’s opinion on current trends. 👿  If your muse hates any form of Pokéarts, why? If they hate one form and not the others, why? Would there be anything that might change their mind? 😰  Is your muse one of those people who wants to perform, but doesn’t? What holds them back? 🥚 Pokéblocks vs. Poffins. Discuss. 🔥 Unpopular art opinion time. Go off! 👯 What does your muse think of Trainer participation in Pokéarts? 🎁 What does your muse think of the way Pokémon are groomed and dressed in performances? 💌 Does your muse think competitive breeding is the way to go? 👥 Most competitions feature performances by one person and their team, but what about two or more Trainers collaborating? 👀 How picky are they when evaluating the work of a Pokéartist? Do they have exacting and/or specific standards, or will they accept anything that is well done? 👊🏼🕊️ Contests with battles vs. Contests without battles: have your muse weigh in. 🌆 What are Pokéarts really about to your muse–the art or the fame? 🌌 What is their opinion on the avant-garde? 🔏 And now for a moral kicker: It’s been said that celebrities MUST make a Faustian bargain: their privacy in exchange for their fame, and so they are less justified in complaining when their privacy is invaded. What does your muse believe?
💖 What made your muse decide to try Pokéarts, either as a hobby or a career? #️⃣  How long have they been doing it, and how has their progress been over the years? ⚜ What are your muse’s ambitions in the Pokéarts? How realistic are their goals, and how close are they to achieving them? If they have achieved their dreams, are they happy/satisfied? 💎 What is their performance style? 😈 An alternative to one of the questions above: What is the most shocking thing your muse has ever personally done in a performance? >:333333 💬 Do they like to put messages or meanings in their performances, or are they more of an “art for art’s sake” kind of person? 👩🏻 What is your muse’s reputation in their field? Is this reputation deserved, and if so, how much? 💃🏽 As the Trainer, what sort of talents (natural or supernatural) do they like to display in performances, and how good are they at those talents? If they don’t, why? ⚡ Who is/are your muse’s Pokéartistic rival(s)? How did the rivalry begin, and what kind is it (friendly, unfriendly, filled with sexual tension, etc.)? 💥 How do they deal with the haters? 🐉 How do their Pokémon feel about being performers? ⚖️ Has your muse ever judged? How did it go? If they do it regularly, what is their judging style? 🎀 Describe the first time your muse won a competition. 😳 Describe your muse’s most embarrassing performance experience. 💭 How much difference is there between your muse’s public persona and private self? How do they feel about this? 🛃 Has identity ever played a role in how your muse was perceived as a performer? Does it affect how they perform? (This could mean identifiers like race, gender, sexuality, etc. or being a Psychic or Aura user.) 😏 Honesty hour: Has your muse ever cheated to win? 💢 Any trends on the scene that your muse wishes would just die? 🚃 How about trends that your muse likes or even has started? 👱🏻 If your muse is experienced, what is some advice that your muse would give to newbies? If they’re inexperienced, what is the advice that they really need to hear? 🙋🏾 If your muse is experienced, what would they go back and tell their beginner self? 😂 Share some gossip from the Pokéarts scene. Because the person who wrote this meme is a petty ass bitch. [2024 edit: A recovering one, but still. LMFAO] 😢 Has your muse considered quitting, actually quit, or chosen to take/considered taking a break? What made them stop/want to stop?
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Has your character developed in ways you didn't expect would happen when you first made them? If so, what are they and how did they come about? Would you say these changes were for the better or do you think they're a natural result of the storytelling you either accepted or tolerated because it makes the most sense for their story?
Yes, and no.
I've written myself into a corner before with my characters and I've gone in circles trying to make things work but having to go back to the original concept or canon event I don't like.
I think the biggest example I can think of is that Mina is near terrified of everything for a very long time. It makes sense, she's gone through some stuff since she was a child, from her village being destroyed by a primal, to abuse in the Legions, her foster sister tried to kill her out of jealousy and eventually she ran away from the Empire and nearly died doing it. All of these instances she just barely survives or comes out extremely physically and mentally scarred. It makes writing some scenes harder because for her, her natural inclination is to run away and I almost always start writing that, but I have to guide the story back. She's pretty emotion driven, even when she's trying not to be, something that is seen in every incarnation back to her original self as Azem.
Hopefully that answered the question and I didn't misunderstand the intent?
And as always, thank you ^^
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Guess who👀
If you could have any scene from any TOA fic you've written drawn, which would it be and why? Just curious...
*tastes air*
hmm. you have hidden your presence well, my friend. I would guess @txny-dragon, because she's been the most recent anon guess who i've gotten haha but honestly I don't know! :)
well played, anon. well played haha
I've honestly never thought about this question before! I had to go back to my fanfics and skim them hehe
Under cut for length (also fics are linked for easy access :) )
When The Stars Align
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Asteria and Apollo laying on the ground, looking up at Ouranos's face as she tells him about Koios <3
The Prophet of Phoebe(us)
Anything with Apollo and Dimitra! They're so fun <3
And By the Sun's Light
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Apollo and the Sun Horses!!!
My (Un)Actions Haunt Me
Apollo and Zeus. Enough said :)
The Devil Within (His Mind)
Death's Embrace
I actually wrote this fanfic because of the image of Thanatos hugging Apollo as he sobs over another lost love <3
Koios Fics
Koios Koios Koios anything with him makes me happy his next, like, BIG fic is all planned out but it's on the waiting list :3
Just Like Your Father
Michael and Apollo in chapter 2, sitting on the porch after Lee's death :')
A Fading Light
PHOEEEEBEEEEE. that is all. phoebe beloved
A Stepmother's Word
Hera and Apollo talking <3
The Bonds Forged Between Us
ahhhh every scene in this fic i really like so anything. anything. Hestia in the hearth, looking sad. zeus gaslighting apollo as meg puts two and two together. artemis walking in on her brother's meltdown.
The Secrets That Bind Us
APOLLO AND HERMES APOLLO AND HERMES. the fight. the revelation. the aftermath. mwah. i loved it all.
Then for fics NOT in WoA...
Gilded Grapes
Dionysus in his expensive clothing for nobility, Apollo as a stylish privateer/pirate (depends on who you're asking ;) ) and Meg, still in her stoplight-colored outfit XD
Winds of Ruin
ANOTHER COPOLLO fic. Them in 17th-18th clothing arnmumnum
also Apollo and Harley <3 and the rest of the crew (Calypso, Leo, & Lityerses <3)
All's Fair in Love and War
I based this fic off of Brook's art, but there is SO MANY OTHER things to go off of in this fic too! Leo and Meg in the sewer canals, forced to listen to Apollo and Commodus snarking/flirting/passive-aggressiveness makes me laugh.
really, whatever you feel like drawing is welcomed! Just thought I could list some ideas <3
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asteria7fics · 9 days
I haven't seen the new special yet but rip daywalker Kyle. I guess his freckles hadn't appeared yet in the Ginger Kids episode but he developed them in the years since then. Since they aren't visible on him like they are on the other ginger kids in the show I'm guessing his must be light in comparison. That's how I'm going to try to make sense of it anyway.
Alright, now that it’s the next day and I’m in my right mind I can properly respond to this haha.
Again, without spoiling anything major about the plot it was in a tiny, throw away line that I’m sure they didn’t think anything of including, but in my sleep deprived mind Those Bastards wrote that shit in just for me. And you know what? I’m going to enjoy living in that delusion for a little while longer, me thinks.
Realistically, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with headcanoning him without freckles. Or you could presume that maybe they only show up in the summer months? That’s kinda how I reconcile liking the headcanon of Stan with tanner skin despite him being on the paler side canonically (based on the color swatches I took from their base models, your results may vary).
I just hope we can all live in peace now, and all of my fellow Kyle enjoyers can hold hands and sing kumbaya around a fire or some shit.
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asteria-argo · 5 months
Hey at least you're not one of those people who thinks that Ted is 100% guilty for all of Jamie's suffering like some people are. Yeah he has double standards and he's kind of a dick but he isn't a monster. He's just a shitty person at times.
My Hot Take on Ted is that he tries his best with Jamie, and it isn't good enough. You can go into something with your best intentions and still fuck up, you can be a good, kindhearted person who still has biases and treats people unfairly.
The thing about Ted and Jamie, the very crux of their relationship in canon to me, is that Ted doesn't like Jamie, and he doesn't even realize it.
Jamie is essentially the antithesis of what kind of person Ted wants his players to be, he's combative and non receptive to a lot of Ted's usually tried and true methods of coaching, he's just kind overall frustrating and annoying. Ted doesn't like him.
But Ted? He can't not like someone, his whole deal is being friendly with everyone, in believing in people, and to me this really shapes how Ted views Jamie as The Problem even when Jamie is not actively being the problem. For instance, in the scene where Jamie gets benched? I do believe Ted should have benched Jamie, but I think he should have benched Roy as well. It was not only unfair that he singled out Jamie when they'd both done the wrong thing, it was blatant favoritism.
But Ted wouldn't see it like that, because from his perspective Jamie is the The Problem, Jamie is the one that needs to change in order for things to be better. It's why Jamie is the one put through trial by fire when he comes back to Richmond without Ted stepping in to actually manage his team, it's why Ted dismisses Jamie's concerns about Zava right out of the gate even though he's proven right immediately, because even though Jamie has changed to be a better person, a better friend, and a better player, Ted still doesn't like him, because the Jamie's hasn't changed his personality, only as a player. And Ted still cannot admit to himself that he just doesn't like someone, so his bias towards Jamie goes unchecked because Ted thinks that he's justified in his automatic assumption that Jamie is The Problem.
and the show never addressing it because they absolutely did not realize or intend to have made Jamie and Teds dynamic like that!
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hanafubukki · 2 months
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I found the perfect fan child of Hana and Silver (or the Knight of Dawn). 🥰💕💞
She has the eyes and the personality of both so perfectly.
The only change would be the brown hair to black because Hana has black hair. ☺️💞💞💚💚
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Even her reactions are perfect. 🤣
She’s a skilled knight and deeply loyal and empathetic. Very patient and to the point. 💞💞
Edit: whoops I forgot the title, it’s “the villain empress’s attendant”
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sighonaraa · 11 months
I personally think Ted should get to go absolutely buck wild in a rage room one day, explore some healthy expressions of anger. Rebecca too.
ashfkhakjka you are So Real for this. literally!!! season 3 REAL ending is ted and rebecca and keeley doing a girls' trip to brunch and a rage room. no one is surprised when rebecca gleefully takes a baseball bat to some old ceramic dolls, but they ARE surprised when ted lets out a primal scream and hurls an antique vase at the wall. ted is most surprised of all.
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infintasmal · 10 months
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@heartsacrosstime asked : "Ja'far. You said we had some free time before my next lesson, right?" Kagome smiles at him, gently offering her his hand to hold. "Well, why don't we go for a walk? The weather outside is really beautiful today! Plus, I have some new plants in the garden I wanted to show you that came from outside the kingdom! That doesn't happen every day!" From @heartsacrosstime Kagome For Ja'far, Asteria AU
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Ja'far tries to keep himself busy while Kagome is with her tutors; cleaning, preparing refreshments, anything to appear helpful. Idle hands only feed the suspicions of those around him, giving way to vicious rumors about his place here.
When Kagome approaches him, he's between tasks. He blinks at her, reaching out to take her hand with thinly veiled apprehension. No matter the years that pass, he's still a cautious thing.
"Ah, that's right. Your history lesson doesn't begin for another hour," he's already set up the room. He's never one to reject her requests, no matter his reservation to be seen 'slacking'. Her excitement is visible and he can't very well deny her now. "I guess that would be alright. I had heard there was an unusual delivery this week." He takes her hand, reserved but willing to follow.
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altschmerzes · 9 months
Show me the baby (wriggle up on dry land snippet pls thank you I love you)
so here's The Baby from ted's pov
Ted looks over at him, startled by the well wishes, and his throat feels suddenly tight. The warm pride in his chest every time he sees Jamie trying burns hotter and wants to tell him, you’re a good kid. You’re a real good kid, and the thing is I’m not sure if you know that. I want you to know that.
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hi i'd love to know your ted lasso character and taylor swift song thoughts very much
Firstly- Long Live. Is the song of the club. It just is. I mean just. Go look at all the lyrics but. I said remember this moment/ In the back of my mind/The time we stood with our shaking hands / The crowds in stands went wild/We were the kings and the queens/And they read off our names/The night you danced like you knew our lives/Would never be the same/You held your head like a hero/On a history book page/It was the end of a decade/But the start of an age TELL ME I’M WRONG. 
Ted? The Archer. I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost/The room is on fire, invisible smoke/And all of my heroes die all alone/Help me hold onto you/I’ve been the archer/I’ve been the prey/Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling?/But who could stay? And Also 'Cause they see right through me/They see right through me/They see right through/Can you see right through me?/They see right through/They see right through me/I see right through me/I see right through me This is THEE anxiety song. That entire goddamn bridge feels like the buildup to the panic attack. 
He is also Mirrorball. Specifically the bridge. And they called off the circus/Burned the disco down/When they sent home the horses/And the rodeo clowns/I’m still on that tightrope/I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me/I’m still a believer but I don't know why/I’ve never been a natural/All I do is try, try, try/I’m still on that trapeze/I’m still trying everything/To keep you looking at me
Jamie, arguably. Could also be The Archer. 
Season 1 Rebecca is Mad Woman- I'm takin' my time/Takin' my time/'Cause you took everything from me/Watchin' you climb/Watchin' you climb/Over people like me/The master of spin/Has a couple side flings/Good wives always know/She should be mad/Should be scathing like me/But no one likes a mad woman/What a shame she went mad/You made her like that And Vigilante Shit. Specifically when she teams up with Bex and Ms. Kakes to expose Rupert… She needed cold hard proof so I gave her some/She had the envelope, where you think she got it from?/Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride/Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife/And she looks so pretty/Driving in your Benz/Lately she's been dressing for revenge ALSO THIS VERY SPECIFIC PART OF DEAR JOHN: But I took your matches before fire could catch me/So don't look now/I’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town
Keeley Jones is Bejeweled personified. Like: Baby love, I think I've been a little too kind/Didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind/In the shoes I gave you as a present/Puttin' someone first only works when you're in their top five/And by the way, I'm going out tonight/Best believe I'm still bejeweled/When I walk in the room/I can still make the whole place shimmer… Just. Listen to the whole song for the real effect. You must. 
I will also add: The Story of Us, re: all her relationships basically. Oh, I'm scared to see the ending/Why are we pretending this is nothing?/I’d tell you I miss you but I don't know how/I’ve never heard silence quite this loud/Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room/And we're not speaking and I'm dying to know/Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah/ I don't know what to say since the twist of fate/When it all broke down/And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now. Again. The whole song is just. It really fits, imo. 
Um.... I'm going to end it there and tag you in another post for the rest of it. because. This is getting obscenely long. Thank you for indulging me.
part two
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