#as far as Christmas fics go heh
lululawrence · 5 months
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2023
Thank you for tagging me @allwaswell16! I am so happy every year that this (I believe) brainchild of @juliusschmidt's from 2016 still exists in various forms! hehe I apparently missed doing this in 2021 and 2022, and I was determined not to miss it again so here we go!
List of works published this year: My Other Half Was You Gemma's Dad (Could Use A Guy Like Me) Quite the Pickle Livin' In A Daydream (Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It You Are A Song Did You Know I Fit In A Dryer? Were You There On That Christmas Night? Team Gaelic FTW No Constraints Odds Are That We Will Probably Be... Damsel in Christmas Distress Snow In Love
Work you are most proud of (and why): Oof. This is always such a hard question to answer. Almost as hard as the next one, and the next one and the next one....... hah honestly though, I think... I'm honestly sincerely proud of most of my fics from this year simply because I got them written. I'll go more into that later, I'm sure, but maybe... I think maybe My Other Half Was You or Odds Are That We Will Probably Be... and for very different reasons. My Other Half Was You was written based on artwork by @moon-sun-thyme for @1dreversebang and the moment I saw her artwork I had these vague ideas coming to mind and I am quite proud with how I was able to bring them to life so closely resembling what I originally thought of when I saw the art. And for Odds Are, I wrote that for @1dtrickortreatfest so it had to be exactly 666 words and that's always a trick (heh), but in this case I had to completely world build and set up the situation and lead everyone to the conclusion within that word count while making it somewhat compelling... and I think I was able to manage it. I hope I was, anyway haha
Work you are least proud of (and why): lmaooooo usually this answer is really hard for me to answer, but this year it's not haha i have a few fics that I literally wrote to just remind myself that I could. That not everything has to be thought out and polished and pretty, sometimes it's just a matter of getting words on paper and putting them out into the world immediately, hoping for the best, and they absolutely served their purpose! I'm fond of them still, but that doesn't mean I'm proud of them necessarily haha So I would have to say Damsel in Christmas Distress (which I still love dearly, simply for how self indulgent that silly thing is for me haha) and Quite the Pickle. Again, my darling Stylinshaw fics getting the brunt of it here, but they did as they needed to for me. I'll maybe try to write them a longer, more polished fic with some thought behind it this year, as they clearly deserve.
A favorite excerpt of your writing: GAHHHH I hate this question every damn time! Okay, I don't know if this is my absolute favorite thing I wrote this year, BUT it immediately came to mind, and I do very much like it so, here's an excerpt from Gemma's Dad (Could Use A Guy Like Me). I just adore Harry being a fumbling idiot around a pretty boy hahaha Ever since he had dug up his garden, he preferred to start in the back where the job was a lot more complicated to work around and then move to the front, which was far easier.  Now, though, Harry was wondering if this was the right decision because Louis was also mowing his lawn. That wasn’t a problem, of course, except he was shirtless and that only defined for Harry the fact he really had grown up. Louis used to try to show off for the neighborhood by mowing any number of lawns shirtless in middle school and high school, but he had been a scrawny kid with little to no meat on his bones and Harry had thought it adorable back then. Now, on a sweltering day like it was, he was probably shirtless just to be as cool as possible as the sun beat down on him, and Harry’s vision wasn’t as good as it used to be, but he could still tell that Louis had filled out since going to college. He was still a thin man, but as he pushed the mower through the tall grass, Harry could see the muscles he clearly put effort into. Add to it the chest hair that was only growing darker as he continued to sweat and the smattering of tattoos he’d gotten since he turned eighteen and it was clear he had grown up. Harry couldn’t help it when the glint of the sun off Louis’ sweaty skin made him lick his lips without even thinking. Clearing his throat and thankful it was obvious Louis was too focused to notice Harry ogling him from his own yard, Harry pulled the starter and began to work on his own yard.
Share or describe a favorite review you received: I've got three that immediately came to mind, so excuse me while I mention all three as quickly as I can manage lol First was from @allwaswell16 for Gemma's Dad. I'd had a lot of difficulty with a someone reading motivations and meaning in the characters and story that I took a lot of care in ensuring were actually avoided as I wrote it. There were a lot of pitfalls I could have fallen into when writing the fic, but one person just kept asking over and over again for things I thought I had already done and my beta assured me I had sufficiently covered etc, but I still worried so when Anitra gave the review she did of it on her podcast, it literally made me cry a little bit lol Second was @londonfoginacup in response to (Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It when she commented "Ah so you really just tore your chest open and picked out your beating heart and handed it to me here, didn’t you" because... well I hadn't really considered it when I'd been writing the fic, but I guess I kind of did exactly that, yeah. haha And then lastly I want to thank @tommokat for their lovely comments on Snow In Love regarding the Michigan geography and freak lake effect snow that can be experienced there because I tried my very best to describe the absolute chaos that is that region in the wintertime and they basically affirmed that I had accurately captured it. Genuinely, the best gift I could have gotten haha
A time when writing was really, really hard: Excuse me while I laugh a bit hysterically until I cry alksdhglskfja The last year or two have been incredibly difficult for a whole host of reasons, but the ones that most affected my writing were my lingering (and seemingly unending) burnout combined with an absolute lack of time/energy available to write. There were so many times this year that I thought I wouldn't be able to do it or thought I'd have to pull out of various fests and just... cut down on things, but I kept pushing and kept trying and I did it. I'm so fucking proud of myself, honestly.
A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Jordan North in Did You Know I Fit In A Dryer? Well, honestly, Louis in that fic too. And the entire premise of the fic. Really all of it surprised me lololol I never expected to write Jordan in a fic. Ever. hahahaa And as I've barely dabbled in a couple of weed candies is all, I certainly did not anticipate ever writing someone as THAT HIGH. sooooo...yeah just all of it hahaha
How did you grow as a writer this year: Psh. Bold of you to assume I've grown as a writer this year when I was merely doing what I could to survive haha if anything I kind of wonder if I went backwards in my writing abilities but who the fuck knows, really haha
How do you hope to grow next year: I just... I dunno man. I just kinda hope I'm in a better place this time next year so I'm just not so fucking tired all the time and so I have actual time to write, you know? lol continued good vibes are always welcome here, folks haha
Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): Like... everyone. hah I'm getting a little emotional thinking of everyone who helped me keep going this year. but the greatest? probably @londonfoginacup again. She was the biggest influence in actually getting my Big Bang finished because I didn't want to disappoint her (even though?? I know I won't??? like.. anyway) haha and then I wrote like three fics for her/dedicated them to her just because... like. she keeps me going some days honestly so yeah. Emmu. You're the bestest always babes. Love you.
Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: Listen, all I'm saying is in one of my fics it hits a little too close to home. Like I kind of wrote Harry's starting place... and kinda where he is for a lot of the fic... pretty much exactly how I was feeling, and still pretty much am, though for very different reasons. So it's maybe a little too much of my real life emotionally speaking in there yeah
Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: New? Not so much hahaha just don't give up!
Any new projects you're looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: YES. I was just talking with @moon-sun-thyme this morning that I started the year by posting a fic based on her art, and I'm going out of this year focusing on the fic we will be collaborating on together for the @onedirectionbigbang hehe so I'm very very excited to get started on that one. It's a fic I've been wanting to write almost ever since I first heard the song Satellite, so I am READY to delve in and lose myself to it, honestly. In the whole... one night every week or two I have to write. hahaha Here's hoping I make the deadline haaaaa
Tag three writers whose answers you'd like to read: MAN I have no idea who has and hasn't done this yet! So maybeeeee @justanothershadeofblue, @hellolovers13, anddddd @quotefromthatshow and @louandhazaf if you haven't done it already and want to! And shh I know it’s four but who cares lolol
*All answers should be about fics posted in 2023
Past Years: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 and 2020 | 2022(ish)
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 32. brb x oc
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a/n: a bit short cause i got kinda sick today BUT ITS HERE HEH
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, mentions of pregnancy, rooster just loves bea sm it HURTS
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae
Things that happened the very next day at the Hard Deck:
Everyone greeted her and immediately congratulated her.
The Dagger Squad asked for the baby’s gender and Beatrice was sweet enough to let them know -followed by the long groans from the losers and the hooting from the winners.
And they told Mav the name chosen for the baby.
Of course they did that during her break, far from others so they could have a smidge of privacy. Mavericks first reaction was a smile, then realization hit him that Nicole’s name was a mix of Goose’s and Carole’s name. His eyes glossed over with tears, the same way Rooster’s and Bea’s did after they let him know and he hugged them both, tightly, whispering how thankful and happy he was because of that.
It was more than just a simple name, both him and Rooster knew it. And when Beatrice got back to work and they stayed seated together, Maverick could just see how happy it made Bradley, “...Mav, I swear, she’s not from this world.” his uncle chuckles, sipping his beer and letting him continue, “Every time she surprises me, every time, she thinks about me so much. When she suggested I had to hold myself back so I wouldn’t cry.”
“She’s a good kid.”
Rooster offered Bea a smile when she turned in his direction and his wife gave him a small wave before her attention went to another customer, “...she is a great person.” he says with his hands interlaced between his legs, “She deserves the world Mav. She does…I don’t even know how I can repay for half of the things she does to me.”
“Maybe she doesn’t want to be repaid.” Mav shrugs, gesturing towards Bea with his beer bottle, “Maybe she just wants you to have a good time, to enjoy life at it’s fullest and she wants to keep your parents close by…you did mention this wasn’t the first time she did something like that.”
The signed record she got him for Christmas was one of the best gifts he ever got, the fact she went all the way to put his parents’ names on it meant so much to him. Sometimes he’d catch himself staring at it in the hallway, following the lines of Jerry Lee Lewis’ writing with his eyes before he goes to bed, “Yeah,I know…I told her yesterday that we’ve been together for almost three years now, I should prepare something special for our anniversary.”
“Well, that’s a good idea. You guys started dating in July right?”
“How long until the baby is born?”
Bradley licks his lips, then looks down at his fingers, “She’s four months along so, one, two…” he mutters the numbers under his breath, then pauses once he reaches the nine months mark, “...She’ll be born in June.”
“June?Isn’t that eight months?”
“No.” he didn’t elaborate, his breathing leaving his mouth in a shocked gasp, “Mav, my daughter will be born in my birth month.”
Even that, even that. He knew Beatrice had no control over those things, he knew it but the fact that their daughter was actually going to share his birth month was more than he ever hoped for. His eyes turned to Beatrice yet again, seeing that now she had her back to him and was talking to a group of women who immediately sounded so happy once they found out she was pregnant it was hard to contain their voices.
He taps the bottle against his lips, his smile widening and chest about to burst with love for her. When she turns around to face him one more time, she gestures to his bottle and mouthed if he wants another one but he just shook his head briefly to signal he was okay. Beatrice’s smile shone under the lights of the bar and Bradley was just wondering how did he get so lucky, “How long until she’s on maternity leave?”
Mav’s question snaps his admiring stare from Beatrice to his uncle, and his lips part as he thinks about it, “I think…from what I’ve heard it’s up to eleven weeks before the birth, but I think Penny might let her go sooner than that.” he explains, scratching his jaw with a finger, “She’s already very vocal about Beatrice working being only four months pregnant, so.”
“It is a very active job.” Pete adds, leaning back on his seat, “There’ll come a time it’s going to hurt if she stands up for too long.”
“Yeah,I know, but she doesn’t want to…be ‘inactive’, she wants to work as much as she is able to and I know she’ll probably feel guilty if she leaves Penny and Shells alone here.” Rooster smiles softly towards the brunette who was now talking to Penny across the bar, “She worried about everyone,Mav. She doesn’t want to let anyone down.” 
“I know that, but she’s pregnant, she needs her rest.”
And his nephew nods silently, turning the empty beer bottle in his hands, “I know.” he says with a deep breath entering his lungs, “I’ll talk to her. I promise.'' After that their conversation still focused on the baby, on Nicole, but they’d either talk about how he was going to deal with the furniture in their daughter's room and if he needed help.
Well,Maverick offered his help even without asking and he knew the others from the Dagger Squad would say yes as well…but honestly, he wanted to have that for himself, he wanted to put the furniture together - maybe with Bea’s help too - because it was something more than adding another room into the house. It was the baby’s room.
And he felt, strongly so, that he needed this mental break from what happened in December. That explosion was too close, way too close and all he wanted was to remember that he was there, safe, alive, with no other scars but the ones he already had. 
It brought some fears into surface, he was already scared by leaving Beatrice every time he was deployed but now with Nicole on the way…he almost feared…something else. Something he didn’t want to think about, something he refused to think about but it still banged in his skull every now and again.
But he didn’t want to keep that in mind, thankful whenever Mav or the others came close to talk, to ask him about the baby girl on the way and thankful when Bea was closing the bar that night and he stayed with her.
“You know I can still carry stuff, Brad.” she says with a small smile as he grabs a few boxes before she could, “It’s not dangerous, those are very light.”
“Still, gorgeous, I don’t wanna risk it. Where do I put these?”
“In the storage room.” she points to the door at the end of the bar, following him closely until he reaches the said area, opening it one handed and turning the light on with his elbow. Beatrice just watched her husband set the box down, shoving it under a shelf with his foot before turning towards her.
Beatrice was just watching him with her smile turning amused, crossing her arms over her chest, giving him a playful eye squint, “Are you going to be like this the whole time until Nicole is born?”
He claps his hands to get rid of the dust while laughing, walking out of the storage room, “Honestly, yeah. You think I wouldn’t?” he asks after turning the light off and closing the door, meeting his wife’s still amused gaze. 
“Well, since I know you, I don’t think it’s too far ahead.” she laughs softly, unfolding her arms to fix the collar of his Hawaiian shirt, then swiping off some pieces of dust that clung to the fabric, “But you know I’ll be able to do a lot still,right?”
“I know, gorgeous.” he coos, placing his hands on the flare of her hips, thumbs brushing on the fabric of her soft shirt, “I know you are capable and strong and absolutely out of this world. But I just want to be there for you, whenever I’m able.”
Beatrice gives him a strange look, “You are always there for me,Roos.” she explains, wrapping her arms around his neck, brushing the shorter hair at the nape, “You don’t have to worry about that.”
He lets out a soft laugh, dropping his gaze from her face to the floor, with his brows furrowing just a tiny bit, “You just do a lot for me Bea-”
“I do it because I care about you.”
“I know, gorgeous, I know. But still…” he licks his lips, clenching his jaw for a second, “Did you know Nicole will be born in June?” from the surprised look that formed on her face, she didn’t know that at all, “Yeah…we’ll share the same birth month. It’s…ah,I don’t know it’s…I know that’s not within your control,gorgeous. I know that, but it still…I just want to thank you, you are the one carrying our baby and you are the one who will give birth to her…honestly that’s probably the best birthday gift I could ever ask for.”
Beatrice is still looking at him, hearing how he almost sounds choked up when he thanks her. Her gaze softens immediately and her hand touches his cheek, cupping the freshly shaven skin and rubbing underneath his cheekbone “You are welcome Brad, really. Carrying our baby is probably the best birthday gift I could ever ask for too.”
That’s true, her birthday was at the end of that week “What do you want to do for your birthday then?” He asks once he’s calmed down enough, following her to the outside of the bar where he watches her lock the doors. Beatrice just offers him a shrug, one that makes him arch one eyebrow at her “Nothing? Not even a little thing?”
“I’m just happy to be pregnant , I can’t  really think about anything else I suppose.” She reaches for his hand after the Hard Deck is closed, interlacing their fingers together towards the bronco “Plus I don’t want something big, I really just want to spend some time with you.”
Oh his heart couldn’t handle much more of this.
He smirks, tugging her to his side so he could drop a kiss to her forehead “You are too precious. But there has to be something that you want, maybe deep inside? We don’t have to have a huge party but, you know, a mini celebration.”
Beatrice sighs once she’s inside the car, pursing her lips in thought as she looks at the ceiling, her husband waiting for her answer expectantly “…well, how about we get some pizzas, some ice cream and some soda for the weekend then?”
“Hm…that’s all you want?” She nods “Well…sounds good enough to me.”
He notices how she was looking at him, soon after they got home and the puppies and their mother greeted the two, her eyes never leaving him when he moved about “I don’t mind being ogled at,but,” he supports his arm on the kitchen counter with his free one propping on his hip “I’d like to know why the sudden intensity.”
Beatrice’s face turns red but she smiles “I got you a Christmas gift.”
“Yeah I know baby, the tests-“
“No,no it’s….well it wasn’t planned.” she begins, biting her lower lip, “Wait here!” and she scurries away before he could stop her, letting out a soft chuckle at her antics but he does keep himself put, crossing his arms and leaning his lower half against the counter. He could hear thunks and her footsteps as she messed around with something, her soft cursing and then her footsteps returning.
The puppies alert him of her return before he sees her, the soft yapping from Eleanor and Jack’s whining meant that Beatrice was close by. And she was, since her head popped on the corner of the threshold, giving him a little smile, “Okay, so,” he just stares at her with his arms still crossed, “Remember how you said you played guitar when you were in college?”
When she steps from behind the door, she’s holding a guitar case, black with a silver zipper and Bradley could only stare with wide eyes, “I found it online, remember how I said we could get it for you? Well, it happened a few days after I sent your first gift.”
“Bea…” he looks from his wife to the guitar, “Bea, are you serious?”
He stretches his arms to grab the guitar case carefully, removing it from her hands and carrying it to the kitchen table where he set it down carefully. He looks back at Beatrice one more time and she’s approaching him, nodding towards the still closed case, “Go on.” he hesitates for a few seconds, closing his eyes and breathing out a sigh as his fingers clutch on the zipper.
Once he reached the end of the case, he slowly flips the top part open, “...no way.” he whispers once the guitar inside is revealed, “Bea, this is…” the sleek black shone under the kitchen light, the hummingbird on the pickguard looking even more vibrant in person, “Bea this is a Gibson Hummingbird.”
“Yeah…um…” she licks her lips, “I…well, do you like it?”
“Bea,how did you even–” he grabs the guitar by the neck, then slides his hand underneath the body, lips parted in pure amazement when he sees it up close, his own reflection on the black lacquer surprised him “How did you even get this?”
“Well, a friend of Michael um…was selling it and I was interested. So I talked to Mikey,” she smiled watching her husband adjust the guitar in his hands, moving his fingers over the chords with his lips still parted in surprise, “And we managed to get it.”
Rooster plucked the guitar a bit, testing each string then all at once with a sweep of his fingers, “...holy shit, Bea. I don’t even…know what to say.” 
When he thought about a guitar he was okay by having a second hand one, those generic ones that don’t even have a label to be completely honest. The fact that Beatrice bought him an Ebony Gibson Hummingbird made him speechless, in fact he was still looking at it as if it wasn’t real, “I know you have the piano.” she says, gesturing to the said instrument in their living room, “But I just thought you’d like it.”
“I love it.” he whispers, shaking his head with a mix of disbelief and amazement, rubbing the lower half of his face in surprise “Bea, this is amazing, this really is amazing. Thank you, I…I need to get you something back for Christmas too.”
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to.” he presses down, placing the guitar back inside it’s case, “You do so much for me, for everyone you care about.” her eyes drop from his own to her hands, playing with her fingers as he neared her “You never ask for anything back.”
“I don’t…I don’t know,I just like giving.”
Fuck, his heart.
He smiles, cupping her chin to tilt her head up, “You know, I think I can come up with something nice for you.” she blinks up at him in surprise, “I already have an idea.”
“But I’m not telling you.” 
Beatrice purses her lips but doesn’t complain, instead she just looks at his eyes and he knows, he just knows she’ll be excited, “Okay…now um…if you want to play with it a bit, I don’t mind.” she nods to the guitar, “Tune it a bit too, if you want.”
He shifts his gaze from his wife to the guitar, the beautiful black looking like a precious stone under the light, “I can’t believe you did that for me.” he muttered, not taking his eyes from the guitar, shaking his head ever so slightly, “That you remembered.”
“I remember a lot about you,Brad.” she whispers, gently running her fingers down the buttons on his shirt, “It’s just…you know, you are special to me.”
His heart was gone now.
He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against him, pressing kisses from her jaw to her neck only to bury his face on the crook of her shoulder, inhaling the sweet lavender of her skin. He almost lost this, he almost lost all this. It was hard to keep that information inside, but he promised himself to do it once Beatrice’s pregnancy was no longer in the risk zone, it was the fourth month, the beginning of the second trimester, there was still a little bit more to go.
“You okay?” he nods against her skin, feeling her fingers gently combing through the sandy brown tresses. His taller frame seems much smaller right now, nestled to her neck like he was, with his arms locked around her waist, “Roos.”
“I’m fine,gorgeous.” he says, “Just let me hold you a little bit, okay?”
Beatrice furrows her brows but keeps her fingers on his hair, twirling each strand of wavy brown on her fingers, then gently scratching his scalp enough for him to shudder at the contact. “Okay.” 
He keeps his arms around her for a little bit, lifting his head after he felt it was safe enough and looking into her eyes with an intense gaze, “I love you,Bea.”
“I love you too,Roos.” she sounds a bit confused by the admission but she assumes it was just Rooster being Rooster.  He leans down to kiss her forehead,then presses their foreheads together “...are you sure you are okay?”
He was, slowly, “I’m fine.” she shouldn’t worry about that now, “Anyway, what do you think about we go look at some furniture for the baby on Saturday? So we can enjoy your birthday Sunday without issues.”
“Oh, sure, I’m fine with that. I’ve read that it’s important to prepare the room during the second trimester.”
“Which is where we are right now.” she nods and he grins, kissing her lips sweetly, “Then it’s settled, we’ll go shopping this Saturday.” he’ll clearly appreciate the distraction, he knew it’d get better over time, he was just a bit shocked by the whole thing. “Now, let me put this away.” he closes the case, kissing Beatrice one last time, “And then we go to bed, how’s that sounds?”
‘It sounds great.” she grabs the hand that isn’t holding the guitar, grateful that he liked the gift so much but…she couldn’t help but feel like he was holding something back. Did something happen during the mission? That would be the reason why he was acting strangely…or maybe he was just tired. She didn’t want to overthink too much, that type of stress isn’t good for the baby or herself. 
Whatever it was, she was sure he’d share when he felt like it.
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alexihawleys · 1 year
🤡 😈 💔
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?: trying to figure this out was legitimately bonkers bc i remember nothing about any of my fics BUT i do recall cracking up like, the whole time i wrote you're my christmas (a gift that's sure to last), because it's just like...a bunch of half-drunk party banter between everyone at mid-wilshire. i find those scenes difficult to write but also very fun at the same time. especially tickled by:
Tim’s not surprised to find her now holding court with Bailey, Nolan, and James, her drink in one hand, her other gesturing wildly around her head as the group laughs at her. He slides the plate onto the counter between them, then drapes his arm around her lazily, his fingers curving around her waist as she continues what seems to be a story about the two of them, if the looks he’s getting from Nolan and James are any indicator. “So, I’m about three jello shots in and I’m already not having a great time, especially because somebody,” she pokes Tim in the ribs with her thumb, “isn’t even wearing an ugly sweater, which we’d discussed him doing the night before.” Tim realizes she’s talking about the year before and shakes his head, but a smile eases its way onto his face as he takes another sip of his whiskey. “That’s the least surprising thing you’ve said so far,” Nolan shrugs, popping a miniature crab cake into his mouth. “I don’t know why you expected Tim to show up in an ugly sweater. I don’t think he owns one.” “I don’t,” Tim nods, raising his glass over to Nolan. “See?” Lucy scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Okay, that’s not the point at all.”  “No, the point is that he was supposed to at least have an ugly sweater on,” Bailey offers, gesturing with her wine glass. “I’m sure it would’ve been way easier to ignore him if he had looked,” she trails off, glancing over at Tim. “Yeah, if he hadn’t looked ridiculously attractive.” “The man can’t help that,” James shrugs, and Tim wrinkles his nose down at Lucy, his eyes narrow. “Why are we doing this?"
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?: i feel like the answer to this is supposed to be yes but is probably no? i am sure there are moments it's felt like it but i am typically just kind of like bopping around writing in a vacuum and then when people read it i'm like oh right that was released publicly heh
except maybe we're all ghost stories at the end. that fic i totally wrote to be mean to my readers in a non-playful way. whoops!
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?: oof...i think about the tim from maybe we're all ghost stories at the end a lot, but i feel like none of the other fic-chenfords i have in my head have really broken my heart. now, the little chenfords that live in unwritten things and swirl around my brain all the time? they break my heart 10 to 1. which is silly to say because most of them will never make it onto the page for me, but i think that's why they break my heart more. because the fics i write usually have resolution or at least enough of one that i feel comfortable letting them go, ya know?
anyway this is long let's just pretend i answered this question normally
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levi-supreme · 6 months
Food date with Luffy
Characters: Luffy x Vera (OC)
Genre: One Piece!canonverse
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Mentions of food. Mentions of some Straw Hat Crew members. No specific timeline, but it takes place after the Crew got Thousand Sunny.
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: This is my server trade fic for the ever-lovely @milfguel and her OC, Vera!!! I had so much fun writing your beloved OC, Cherry!!! 💕 thank you for giving me the opportunity to write something so cute and fun!!
Divider is from @/benkeibear!!
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“Veraaaaa!!!” the voice of your captain rang through the Thousand Sunny, momentarily distracting you from a scarf you were busy knitting. “Veraaaaaa, where are you? Vera!!!” From the corner of your eye, you saw Nami frown as she looked up from the map she was currently charting and pushed up the frames of her spectacles angrily, staring at the door as if she was going to strangle the person that stepped through.
“Vera!!! Where are you!!” Luffy shouted again, earning another growl from Nami. Robin, who was nestled in a bean bag near the window with her book, merely chuckled and looked at you. 
“Looks like our captain is looking for you, Vera.” You gave Robin a small smile in return and placed the scarf down, making your way down to the deck of the Sunny where Luffy was frantically searching for you. 
“Luffy?” you chimed, approaching him. “What’s the matter?”
“Vera! You’re here! Let’s go!” 
“Go? Where are we go—” before you could even complete your sentence, Luffy wrapped his rubber arm all over you and stretched the other far ahead. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for what’s to come, zooming across the sea for a few seconds before Luffy put you down. No matter how often Luffy did this, you could never really get used to the sensation. 
“Hehe. Look, Vera!” Luffy’s eyes were crescents as he pointed ahead, showing you what seemed to be a small town on a faraway island. There were quite a few boats and ships docked along the shore, and the town was bustling with people as well. You could smell the faint aroma of grilled meat, you could hear music playing loudly, and you saw young children holding what looked like soft toys in their arms. 
“Luffy, what is this place?” 
“Robin said it was a festival! She said it was a festival to celebrate Christmas, but I don’t know what Christmas is,” Luffy had a perplexed look as he scratched his chin, “but Robin and Nami said you would like this place!” 
You took a deep breath and felt the wind against your skin. It felt a little warmer than where the Sunny was docked. The heat and dryness of the air made you realise something, and a smile broke across your face.
“Luffy, are we on a summer island?” 
“Heh heh, Nami said you would love it!” Luffy grinned widely as he dragged you ahead. “Come on, Vera, let’s go! Nami even gave me pocket money, so we can buy anything we want!” 
Tsk, what a good actor, you laughed as you recalled Nami’s angry face earlier, she and Robin were totally in this together. You followed Luffy around and looked at the different stalls. There were some selling handmade handicraft, some selling clothing, jewellery, bags, shoes, and cute accessories. There was also a store manned by a travelling salesman and he had many goods from different nations and countries for trading. 
“Look at those, Luffy,” you tapped his arm, pointing at the mountainous pile of shiny objects on the salesman’s mat, “Nami would buy everything.” Luffy laughed and pulled you ahead, stopping in front of a stall selling grilled meat. Luffy watched the elderly store owner skewer pieces of meat onto wooden sticks with curiosity. 
“Jii-san, what are those?” 
“These are banana gator skewers with corn and bell peppers grown and harvested from the fields here, young lad!” the old man smiled and took out a tray with some ready-made skewers. “Do you want to try some?”
“Oh, no, thank you—” you quickly declined, knowing how Luffy might just empty the entire tray, “we’ll get 10 skewers, please.” You took out some Belly and handed it over to the man.
“Only 10? That’s not enough...” your boyfriend started sulking. 
“There’s more food up ahead, Luffy. More meat dishes for you to try.” Hearing you, Luffy’s eyes lit up and he started salivating, clearly excited to wolf down more delicious food. The skewers were prepared really quickly and you both thanked the store owner before walking down the street. The banana gator meat was lightly seasoned with salt but the flavours exploded in your mouth, the corn and bell peppers were sweet and crunchy too. You were surprised by how tender the meat was.
“UMAI!” Luffy exclaimed as he ate all the skewers in his hand, “I’m telling Sanji to make this every day!” You chuckled at the thought. Sanji sometimes made sea beast meat skewers for the crew and it was equally delicious. 
“Banana gator meat isn’t easy to come across,” you pondered, “Sanji might complain instead. Plus, I don’t think the banana gator would last long in the Sunny’s aquarium…” Luffy thought back to the time he caught a shark with Usopp and threw it in the aquarium, only to have it eat up all their hard-earned fishing loot. Luffy frowned and said “no more banana gator!!!” angrily.
Walking on, Luffy stopped by another stall selling grilled fish and vegetables wrapped in a thin flour-like bread. 
“Hi! Can we have two of these?” You pointed to the food and the storekeeper placed them onto a sheet of paper. The fish was very fresh and soft, and it went well with the sweet and sour sauce on the side. Luffy ended up eating another six more of those. The both of you were smiling as you ate, buying more snacks along the way. Continuing ahead, there was a stall selling many different kinds of fruits that you’ve never seen before. Luffy pointed at one and started laughing.
“Vera, look at that hairy thing! It’s so funny!” Luffy was pointing at a red coloured round fruit that looked like it sprouted hair. “It’s a red spider fruit!”
“These are called rambutan, dear boy,” the lady at the stall with a kind face spoke. “My husband and I come from a summer island near the South Blue, and these fruits are native to our island.” The lady started introducing you both to some other native fruits: a round fruit with a golden peel growing on thin branches called longan, another round fruit with a red peel that was called lychee, and also a round purple fruit called a mangosteen. The both of you looked with interest, wondering how to eat them. 
“Would you two like to try some dessert? It’s very popular back in our hometown.” A man, whom you assumed to be the lady’s husband, appeared next to her and ushered you both to a small wooden table beside their stall. Moments later, he brought two colourful bowls and placed them on your table. “It’s a dessert made with shaved ice, fruits, and sweet sugar syrup. It’s a perfect dessert for our hot weather back home!” 
Taking a mouthful, the shaved ice gave you a brain freeze and you shivered while you ate. The fruits were crunchy and mildly sweet, and it complimented the sweet syrup very well. There was also a wedge of lime and you squeezed it over the fruits. It was very refreshing, and it cooled you down in the heat.
“This is delicious, oji-san!” You exclaimed, taking smaller mouths to avoid the freezing ache in your jaw. Next to you, Luffy already finished his bowl and was demanding seconds and thirds, wolfing all of them down within the minute. The couple laughed, pleased to see him enjoying himself so much. Luffy finally stopped after eating almost 12 bowls of dessert and paid for everything, leaving the fruit stall with a full belly. 
“Mmm, that was so yummy!” Luffy exclaimed as he rubbed his belly. “Let’s go get drinks!” Stopping by another fruit stall, Luffy bought some pineapple juice which was very refreshing too. The two of you passed by a stall selling some handmade accessories, and you tapped Luffy’s arm. 
“Luffy, can we stop here for a while?” You took a look at the items on sale and the things on display caught your eye. They were made using different seashells and were really beautiful. You were thinking of getting them as presents for Robin and Nami to thank them for suggesting this island date to Luffy.
“Are you interested in getting them, young lady?” As you nodded, the shopkeeper introduced you to some bracelets, necklaces, and rings. You took a liking to all of them and had a really hard time deciding. In the end, you got a mother of pearl seashell bracelet for Nami and a violet one for Robin. You were about to leave when Luffy stopped you. 
“Eh? Aren’t you getting any for yourself, Vera?”
You shook your head, “it’s fine, Luffy, I have many of these in my collection already.” 
“I’ll buy you something! Nami gave me enough Belly”—Luffy took out some Belly from a pouch and started counting—“Choose something you like, Vera! I’ll buy it for you!” Seeing your boyfriend’s gleeful expression, you gave him a small smile and looked through the items on display again, taking your time to choose something you really like. Just then, a pair of earrings stood out to you. It had silver hooks and were a beautiful iridescent colour. A single string of small pearls and a clam shell dangled from the hooks and it was dainty and beautiful. 
“That is a great choice, dear,” the shopkeeper smiled and took the clam shell earrings, “it complements your skin so well.” Luffy took a look and gave you a wide grin, praising how lovely and pretty it was. You decided to get it in the end and wore it on the spot as Luffy paid for it. The shopkeeper bowed as you took your leave. 
“Thank you for this, Luffy,” you touched the earrings and took his hand, “I love them a lot.” Luffy smiled and wrapped his hand around yours tighter as you two continued to walk around the festivals. The both of you tried your hands on some game booths, and Luffy managed to win you a stuffed octopus soft toy from one of those shooting games (“It looks like Hachi!” Luffy shouted while you giggled, hugging the soft toy). There was another fishing game booth ahead and you decided to try catching some fish. Luffy gave up using the wooden rods and tried using his hands, but he immediately felt his energy draining from his body. You shrieked and immediately pulled his hands out. 
“These are sea water fish,” the store owner mumbled an apology after realising Luffy was a Devil Fruit eater, “I hope your boyfriend is okay…” you waved your hand, telling the owner it was no problem and Luffy would be fine. After a while, Luffy was back to his usual self again. 
Soon, the sun began to set and the sky gradually turned from blue to a warm shade of orange and gold. Feeling his stomach grumble, Luffy brought you to another food stall selling rice and stewed meat to have dinner before walking to the central courtyard of the festival where there was a live performance ongoing. The current performance was from a rock band called 10 Men, a 10-member Fish-man band that travelled around the Grand Line to perform. The members hyped up the crowd and everyone was cheering and singing, some even taking out their den den mushi to take photos of the performance. The both of you found yourselves cheering alongside the audience, joining in the cheers too. As their performance ended, Luffy felt hungry again and wanted to look for more food. The sun had already set and the dark sky was littered with stars. 
“Just how much can you eat, Luffy?” You laughed as Luffy munched on a juicy burger, licking his fingers after finishing his yummy treat. The both of you decided to take a walk along the coast, sitting by the sea to enjoy the breeze. The coast was empty and the view was scenic. You could still hear the faint music of the performance at the central courtyard. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the cold night air and the scent of the sea engulf you. Luffy decided to lie down on the sand and was gazing at the sky. 
“Thank you for bringing me here, Luffy,” you lay down on the sand and joined him, “I really enjoyed myself really much. It was super fun!” 
“I’m glad you had fun, Vera! I had a lot of fun too! We should do this again!” Your boyfriend returned your smile and sat up, pointing at the sky. “Look, Vera! That star is so bright! Like your earrings. Hehe!” You looked at the direction he was pointing and gasped. The star was indeed very bright, twinkling in the distance. 
“Do you think we can see it from the Sunny?” Luffy pondered out loud. 
“We definitely can. Shall we find out?” You pushed yourself up as Luffy nodded and wrapped his arm around you again before throwing his other arm forward, zooming across the sea before landing on the deck of the Sunny. The both of you lay down on the deck and looked at the sky, searching for that same bright star among the sea of twinkling stars.
Just then, you managed to recognise a bright star from the lower left corner, near to the top of the Crow’s Nest. “Luffy, I found it!” you excitedly tapped your boyfriend’s arm, garnering his attention. The both of you stared at the sky, enjoying the magical view. Before you knew it, you heard a loud grumble beside you. 
“I’m hungry…” Luffy sulked and grabbed his stomach while you laughed again. How is his appetite so huge? “Sanjiiiiii!!!! I’m hungry! Make me food!!!” he exclaimed before walking towards the kitchen. You laughed again as you unknowingly touched your new clam shell earrings, thinking back on how much fun you had, and how much you enjoyed a simple and fun day with Luffy. Closing your eyes once more, you felt yourself getting a little sleepy, soon dozing off with a slight smile on your face. 
“Vera! I’m back! Look, Sanji made us more burgers!” Luffy came back to the deck with two plates of burgers and fried potato, wanting to share with you. Seeing your sleeping form, Luffy sat down before you and softly pecked your forehead. 
“Sleep tight, Vera! Let’s have fun again!”
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All I Want For Christmas Is You
words: 1.0k
[note: I found this in my notes app after trying and failing to clean it out. Anyways, this was a short Sophitz drabble i wrote and probably didn’t edit so,,, enjoy! (I'm looking at @eating-mooncakes and @theunmappedstar :)]
Fitz crouched down, his eyes level with the glass door of the oven,”So baking cookies for this Santa dude is a thing that humans do?” 
Sophie smiled softly, dusting the flour from her hands onto her hoodie and gently pulling Fitz up from the floor,” Pretty much yeah,” she remarked, blushing slightly when Fitz’s hands landed on her waist, some residual flour falling onto his old X-Men t-shirt. She refrained from explaining that some parts of the world don’t celebrate Christmas and that it was technically a religious holiday, but she feared Fitz would get way too confused.
Sophie had always gotten pretty homesick around the holidays, but this year had been a bit more difficult. Ever since Keefe had left, she found herself thinking more about the Forbidden Cities, and what it would be like around the holidays. Her human family used to stay up baking sugar cookies for Santa the night of Christmas Eve. And while it certainly wasn’t a celebrated holiday in the Lost Cities, she had somehow managed to rope her boyfriend into making them with her, while also teaching him about Santa in the process. 
She hesitated for only a second before pressing a quick kiss on his lips and pulling away, watching his face go pleasantly blank with shock. Since they were both so new to dating, kissing had been a thing they only started doing recently, so when Sophie did it to Fitz, he tended to get very surprised (in the most adorable way ever) 
He bounced back pretty quickly, a teasing grin creeping onto his face,” Using my weakness against me huh? Well, two can play at that game.”
His hands, which were resting on her hips, suddenly dug into her sides. She yelped, attempting to push his hands away when his fingers start dancing up and down her stomach.
“Stop, please- have mercy on me.” She pleads through breathless gasps, giggling and squirming away from his touch.
Fitz smirked, leaning close to her ear,” Long live the king,” he whispered. 
Sophie let out a choked laugh, entirely from Fitz’s (hilariously timed) Lion King reference, which he knew from when she made him watch it with her on her iPod.
She slapped his arm weakly,” I-I also have to get the cookies- before they burn.” 
Fitz paused his onslaught for a moment, seeming to contemplate it.
He leaned down, giving her nose a quick peck, before leaning back (taking his torture weapons with him) against the counter.
“I’ll allow it.” he huffed teasingly.
Sophie giggled, grabbing the oven mitts from where they were resting on the stove and slipping them on her hands. The hot air was as warm as it was suffocating when she opened the door. She let out a small sigh as she inhaled the scent of them, gently removing the perfectly golden cookies from the oven and setting them on top of the oven.
She frowned as she turned around. Fitz was gone.
“Oh no, you are not leaving me here to clean this all up on my own,” Sophie shouted, taking off the mitts and rounding the counter. She was just about to make it out of the kitchen when Fitz appears again, a small wrapped box sitting in his hands. 
“It’s Christmas right?” Fitz asked, and Sophie was ready to correct him that it was technically Christmas Eve, but she checked the clock behind his shoulder and...
“It is,” she said slowly.
Fitz smiled softly, and something about it still made her heart race, even though they were dating,” Then I guess I can give you this now.” 
He handed her the box, which was slightly larger than her outstretched hands.
“But I didn’t get you anything-“
Fitz shrugged,” Its fine, I already got all I needed for Christmas.”
The soft look was back again, and Sophie was honestly ready to melt into a pile of goo at this point.
but she refrained, instead she tore off the teal wrapping paper, her mouth gaping slightly.
A small royal blue box with intricate gold carvings sat in front of her.
Fitz leaned over her, one of his hands coming to rest on her waist,” Dex helped me find it,” he admitted,” We looked on some human websites- or whatever they’re called- but I remember you saying that you had a music box when you were younger right?” 
Sophie nodded numbly, her vision blurred slightly. She sniffed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She knew Fitz was always thoughtful with his gifts, but sometimes he still managed to surprise her.
“Hey- are you okay?” Fitz asked, suddenly worried,” If you don’t like it Dex can always send it back or something, honestly I’m still not sure how that would work but-“ 
He was cut off when Sophie kissed him on the lips, throwing her arms around his neck as she turned. He melted into it, bringing his other hand to rest on her jaw as he held her.
Sophie pulled away after a moment, smiling,” I love it Fitz, thank you.”
A small blush coated his cheeks and he grinned,” Don’t thank me yet.”
She was about to ask what that meant. But Fitz leaned over her shoulder and grabbed the music box, winding it carefully. 
The top popped open, revealing a small, crystal ballerina. She spun to the gentle melody and Fitz placed it back on the counter after winding it up a decent amount of times. 
He spun Sophie back around, bringing one of his hands to rest on her hip and the other on her shoulder.
Sophie realized what he was doing a second after he slowly started to pull her into him. His hot breath fanned against the column of her neck, and she let her arms wrap around his torso, coming to rest on his shoulders. It was just the two of them, slowly swaying back and forth in the kitchen, a music box playing in the background.
It felt like a moment so fragile, more so than glass.
“Merry Christmas” Sophie whispered, afraid of shattering the serenity.
Fitz hums in tune with the music, leaning down and kissing her slowly,” Merry Christmas Sophie.”
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meltwonu · 3 years
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57. “Say it.”
84. “I’m gonna strangle you.”
            “Is that a promise?”
notes; racer/street-racing!au, dom!jihoon, frustrated!jihoon, ‼️ car accidents ‼️, a bit of arguing, dirty talk, degradation, overstimulation, oral(fem receiving), fingering,, choking, jihoon being a tease as always! AAAAAND WE’RE BACK AAAHHH 🥺💕 I can’t believe my account took an extra long unplanned hiatus dkfjhskh I did take the time to just recharge which was good for me tho, I think! 😭💕💕💕 And now I’m ready to tackle drabbles and fics and prep for halloween~~ 😈 hehe also I do be thinkin about jihoon in a leather jacket sooo heh h0e hours are back yall! 🤣🤣 LMAO also this is a little long bc i got carried away oops 😗💕 As always, thank you so much for requesting! Enjoy! 
Edit 2: this was in ref to Christmas In August GoSe!! from... last yr.... hahahah... ☠️
*queued post.
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Jihoon curses as he shifts gears - car screeching as he drifts around the mountainside.
He’s almost to the end; a whopping $5000 waiting for him at the finish line. 
But more importantly, the bragging rights of finally being able to beat Jeonghan in a race.
“Fuck, fuck fuck…”
His eyes peer into the rearview mirror to see Jeonghan’s car only a breath away from his own; body going rigid when he realizes his turn was too wide and Jeonghan’s car ends up on the inner side of the road just as his car grazes Jihoon’s when they both drift the corner together.
Jeonghan has the upperhand as he zooms past the younger male’s car for the umpteenth time and Jihoon can’t help but feel the dread filling his body. 
“Goddamnit!” Jihoon’s fist bangs against the steering wheel as he does his best to pick his speed back up, but it’s too late as Jeonghan’s car zooms out of sight.
Regardless, he growls under his breath and shifts gears again - except this time, the unexpected slick on the mountain road has his breath stuttering when his car suddenly starts to hydroplane down the winding road.
“Oh fu---”
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“Jihoon? Hey, c’mon, talk to me…”
His head hurts, and so does his ego; eyes blinking slowly as he adjusts to the light and your face hovering above him.
“Am I dead?” Groaning, he places his arm over his eyes as you scoff and roll your eyes at the male laying on the sofa in front of you.
“If you were, this would be a real shitty place to be right now. You’re laying on the sofa in Seungcheol’s car garage. But more importantly, are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Do we need to bring you to the hospital?”
“How bad did I fuck up my car? Is it totaled?”
He moves his arm before sluggishly making an attempt to sit up - eyes on you before he notices his leather jacket slung over the armrest and the bandages littering the coffee table next to you.
“Damn, it’s probably gonna take a lot of money to fix…”
“Ugh, Jihoon… Can you not worry about your fuckin’ car right now? Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? You literally slammed into a tree! You’re lucky you weren’t so fucking far from the finish line… They thought it was weird when you weren’t there after a few minutes and found you slumped over the steering wheel!”
Your brows are furrowed as you meet his eyes and he’s quick to sigh and run his fingertips through his hair.
“Cut me some slack - my ego’s fuckin’ shot, right now. I’ve never wiped out that bad. And no, nothing hurts, but the bandages say otherwise, so what’s my damage?”
You move to stand up, picking up the discarded items as you place them back into the first-aide kit.
“You have some scratches on your forehead but that’s it... I’m just worried, okay? That’s never happened before and it could’ve been worse. And on top of that, I wasn’t even there! Do you know how scary it was to get a frantic call from Seungkwan that you were in an accident!?”
Jihoon’s lips purse into a firm line as he watches you put the first-aide kit away.
He typically didn’t like it when you came to his races anyway - he thought you worried too much. But also, he had the exact fear of getting into an accident and somehow harming you when you had no part in paying for the consequences of his hobbies.
“I know, and it’s going to stay that way.” Grumbling, he stands up and stretches - joints cracking as he reaches for his jacket. “It’s fine if I get hurt, but it’s not if you do. I’ll be careful next time, okay? Just got caught a bit off guard, is all. I’m gonna go check the damage on my car now so if--”
You move faster than you anticipate; hand meeting his cheek in a quick motion as his head whips to the side.
“You’re an asshole, Jihoon.”
His fingertips reach up towards his stinging cheek; lips curving into an amused grin as he nods.
“‘Kay, I probably deserved that.”
Jihoon tosses his jacket back onto the armrest before shoving his hands into the pockets of his tight denim.
“So what, then? Hmm? You want me to sit here all annoyed that I not only lost to Jeonghan, but also wrecked my car and probably have to wait months to get parts? Not only that but then spend weeks fixing it... I’m not exactly jazzed right now, doll.”
The drawl in his voice pisses you off more than you anticipate when your body starts to buzz from the arousal from his cocky nature.
“Take your frustrations out on me then.” You whisper back; hands balled up into fists by your sides as he looks you up and down with a growing smirk on his face.
“Oh? That's how you wanna handle it tonight, baby? Say it, then. Tell me exactly what you want me to do instead of what I want to be doing right now.”
“Fuck me and forget about your stupid fucking car!”
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Jihoon is still annoyed.
“Mmnh, fu--fuck that feels s-so good…”
Even when you’re moaning his name loudly and his fingers are knuckle deep inside your cunt.
He can’t take his mind off of his losses tonight as he growls and suddenly picks up the pace as he snaps his wrist quicker - scissoring and curling his nimble fingers right into your sweet spot as you clench around the slicked digits.
“Yeah? I’ll make you feel even better, doll.”
Jihoon leans in between your spread legs; tongue on your clit in seconds as you react by tangling your fingers into his blonde locks - tugging harshly as he groans against your wet skin.
“Oh, g-god! Fuck!” You grind against his fingers and tongue - chasing an orgasm that Jihoon won’t give to you anyway.
‘You’re only allowed to cum on my cock,’ he’d said, ‘If you even think about cumming otherwise, I’ll leave you right here, by yourself, while I tend to my car.’
So you do your best to behave; mentally telling yourself to calm down even when Jihoon flicks at your swollen nub with the tip of his tongue. 
“Puh--please... Just f-fuck me... I--I can’t wait, ah, a-any longer... If you k-keep teasing, mmh, m-me, I’m gonna cum...” You whine; head thrashing against the sofa cushion as Jihoon sucks your clit into his mouth to tease you even more. 
He feels your pussy clenching around his fingers even more, a tell-tale sign you were about to cum so he immediately stops - wet fingers sliding from your tight cunt and lips coated in your wetness when he slowly starts to sit up. His blonde hair in his eyes as he smirks and licks his wet fingers. 
“So fuckin’ impatient for my cock, doll~ I thought I was the one that had a rough night? Yet here I am, answering to your every needy request, hmm?” 
He mockingly pouts at you; hands working to get his jeans off as he tsk’s.
“You're gonna be ‘cause now I’m gonna fuck you how I wanna.” 
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Your body jerks against the sofa from Jihoon’s harsh movements - toes curling behind his back as his cock slams into your cervix. 
“Ngh, s-shit, I--fuh--fuck, w-wait--” Your eyes clamp shut as you cum unexpectedly; quiet sobs on your lips as Jihoon makes no efforts to slow down as he fucks you through your high.
He did say you were allowed to cum on his cock, after all. 
“Aww, is my pretty ‘lil doll cumming just from my cock filling her up? Hmm? Such a dirty ‘lil thing - you love it when I fuck you hard and fast like this, don’t you? It always makes you cum so easily~”
He laughs cruelly as you whimper back in return; walls still fluttering around his cock as he slides his hands under your thighs and maneuvers your legs until they’re almost touching your chest. 
“Mmh, l-love it when you, a-ah, forget about your s-stupid car shit and just f-fuck me s-stupid...” You lick your lips at the way the annoyed look on Jihoon’s face returns. 
“I’m gonna strangle you.” He grits out, “Watch your tongue, doll.”
“Ngh... Ís that a promise? Fuck, it’d p-probably make me c-cum even harder... Mmh, my p-pussy is getting so t-tight thinking about it...” You clench around his cock as he groans and doubles his pace as he chases his high. 
“Yeah? You wanna cum again? Is that what you want? Okay.” 
He reaches between your bodies as he pinches and rubs harsh circles on your clit instead - mischievous eyes watching as your face contorts in pleasure when you feel another orgasm starting to build. 
“O-oh, Jihoon, I--” 
“Mm, you’re so fuckin’ wet and tight around me, doll... And you’re gonna feel even better when I cum inside your desperate ‘lil cunt and fuck it deeper into you.” 
Your breathy cries mix in with his soft chuckles and he's quick to throw you into another mind-blowing orgasm as you cry out and clamp down onto his cock in a vice grip. 
“You cum so easily, doll~ How many more do you think I can get out of you, hm? How many more times do you think you can cum before you’re begging me to let you rest~?” 
You can barely hear Jihoon through the ringing in your ears and the blinding pleasure that has you momentarily blacking out; eyelashes wet with tears when you start to come down from your high. 
“So pretty when you’re all ruined and messy under me, doll~ And you're right,” Jihoon licks his lips - eyes twinkling with lust as he stares down at you, “This really was a good stress reliever. We should do this more often~”
Jihoon takes his wet fingertips from your sensitive clit and slowly starts to slide them up your torso; gentle whimpers falling from your lips as your entire body trembles knowing exactly what he was going to do. 
“J--Jihoon... I--hic--’m too sen--sensitive... I d-don’t, ah, know if--if I can c-cum again...” You slur out; head fuzzy and eyes hazy as you try to focus your eyes on his cocky expression. 
“Mm, thought you said that me choking you would only make you cum harder, huh? Suddenly all bark and no bite after all that, doll? Have you had enough? Should I stop?” 
His lithe fingertips wrap around the column of your throat - slowly adding pressure to the sides as you let out a shaky exhale. 
"N-no... Don’t--Don’t stop...” 
He snaps his hips expertly into you  as he keeps his hand around your throat; periodically loosening his grip to let you catch you breath before he's tightening his grip again. 
“I’m gonna cum inside your pretty ‘lil cunt. I wanna see you get messy for me, doll. I gave you everything you wanted tonight so it’s time for you to return the favour~” 
Jihoon’s cock throbs inside your pussy; already having been on the edge of an orgasm after you had your first one. 
“C-cum inside m-me, Jihoon... W--wanna feel your, mmnh, warm c-cum filling me up...” You moan out; body trembling and buzzing underneath him from the overstimulation. 
He doesn't say another word as he works to get himself and you off once more - only your moans and his quiet grunts filling up the otherwise empty garage. 
And it only takes a few more skillful snaps of his hips and his fingertips tightening around your throat once more before the two of you are cumming together; his cock sheathed in your warmth as he throws his head back in absolute bliss. 
“Oh, fuck!”
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Your entire body feels like deadweight as you peer up at Jihoon; eyelids heavy as his smug appearance hovers over your face. 
“Well, well, well... Guess we both decided passing out was on the schedule tonight, huh. Who would've thought I’d fuck you that hard.” He quips.
“S-shut up, Jihoon...” 
“Or what? You gonna slap me again? I’d love to see where that gets you, doll~” 
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canyonlouve · 2 years
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hello there! i hope january was kind to all of you! here’s a list of my recent reads, some of them are new reads (a few are christmas fics just because i love christmas bye) annnnd there are a couple ones that are re-reads because they’re my comfort fics heh. anyway! hope y’all enjoy and don’t forget to let authors know by leaving kudos and nice comments!
🍒 Even Christmas Can’t Compete With Your Glow by @becomeawendybird | @QuickedWeen | M | 4k
Louis looks forward to Niall's Christmas party every single year, for one very specific reason. This year, he's let his werewolf instincts go ignored for most of the year while he worked on his career, and now it's getting dire, but he's not going to let anything prevent him from going to the party.
🍒 To Will, To Wander, To Want, To Wonder by @londonfoginacup | @LadyLondonderry | Teen and Up Audiences | 5k
Dear Sir,
I am aware that you may not know who I am, but I am writing this letter in order to beg for your assistance. Nine years ago, someone dear to me was kidnapped by a collection of fae, who scorched the earth in their wake. They have imprisoned him in a castle in the North Kingdom, for the sins of his parents, and no one has seen him since. I have spent nine years desperate to find a knight brave enough to face off against these fearsome fae, and I understand that you may be willing to help me in my quest. Few have been willing to help, and all who have, have returned empty-handed. I implore you to seek for the goodness within your heart, to help my dear friend. I miss him profoundly.
Niall Horan, Duke of Penworthy
Or, Louis Tomlinson, Omega Crown Prince, goes on a quest.
🍒 only guilty of loving you by @sweetrevenge | M | 22k
After Harry gets set up with his co-worker's alpha friend Louis, he's expecting some pleasant conversation, free dinner, and maybe a new friend. What he doesn't expect, however, is that Louis' arrival in his life begins a life of crime Harry never knew he had in him.
A You've Got Mail!AU with a twist.
🍒 Falling Without Caution by @poetsreprieve | @Jennifer_Kaid | E | 50k
Louis Tomlinson, a wanted criminal, was captured by the FBI after years of chasing. Instead of being locked up in a high-security prison, he was offered a deal. What was supposed to be the end of a decade long chase turned into a morally grey circumstance for Agent Styles.
🍒 where i should be by @lovehl | @ifthat | E | 20k
“That’s the difference between you and me,” Louis says. “I loved him. You liked him.”
Harry, far too interested in shattering Louis’ ardent loyalty to Wynn, says, “Such a waste.”
“Who are you to decide?” Louis breathes, craning his neck to glare.
“Who better to decide than me?” He leans imperceptibly closer. Wanting, waiting for him to close the inch of distance.
🍒 Waiting On You by @alltheselights | @alltheselights | E | 76k
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
🍒 Cake Date? by @sadaveniren | @SadaVeniren | M | 2k
Louis is raising money for a bake sale. Harry wants to help.
🍒 On Christmas Day (In The Morning) by @lululawrence | @lululawrence | Not Rated | 26k
An advent fic following Louis and his adventures with a free piano and the ghost that comes with it.
🍒 you fit me better by @hershelsue | @docklands | E | 3k
Louis moves back to Cheshire with no prospects and lacking a laundry machine for his apartment. At the laundromat, he meets Harry, a meddlesome alpha who smells divinely enough to ease his anxiety. When Louis goes back home, he finds out he switched clothing with Harry, meaning he needs to meet him again to give it back.
🍒 Not Another Lonely Christmas by @haztobegood | @haztobegood | E | 8k
Harry should be more nervous that he’s bringing a literal stranger to meet his extended family, but he figures it can’t be much more awkward than Aunt Sharon’s Christmas parties usually are. Instead, he’s looking forward to having an extra person to buffer the conversation.
A knock comes one minute after eleven. He lets out the breath and opens the door. “Hi there— Louis?!”
Or, the one where the friend Niall sets up as Harry's fake boyfriend turns out to be Gemma's best friend Louis
🍒 young hearts on the chase by @daffodilsforlou | General Audiences | 7k
Before he can question him any further, Harry’s holding out a drink to him, ‘Louis’ written on the side of it with messy, pink letters. Warmth spreads all throughout Louis’ body when he takes it, starting from the tip of his fingers where they brush Harry’s to curl around the cup and settling in his chest.
“I also got us– um,” the omega starts, nervous fingers fumbling to get the paper bag open. “Got you an egg muffin. Or– or a normal muffin if you don’t like egg ones.”
“Who doesn’t like egg muffins?”
The smile that breaks across Harry’s face in response is as bright as the one yesterday. Louis almost expects it to be kissed into his cheek as well. It looks like Harry’s considering it for a moment, too, dreamy gaze gliding all over Louis’ expectant face. He seems to decide against it with a sigh though, and Louis’ not disappointed when they start walking side by side instead (he’s not).
harry’s a hopeless romantic, louis’ oblivious, and it’s going to be Valentine’s Day.
🍒 give me love by @falsegoodnight @soldouthaz | @falsegoodnight @soldouthaz | E | 41k
Despite being an omega, Louis’ always had a blatant dislike of alphas.
Or, Louis doesn't feel like a good omega, Harry doesn't remember how to be an alpha, and they figure it out together.
🍒 Love Mail by @neondiamond | @Neondiamond | General Audiences | 5k
A week after moving into a new apartment complex, Harry discovers the mailman doesn’t seem to know the difference between numbers 23 and 28. He’s not too mad about it when he finds out just how handsome his neighbour from apartment 28 really is.
Or the one where Harry and Louis keep mistakingly receiving each other’s mail (and also fall in love).
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a different kind of warmth
Izzy's in need of some comfort; Jamie's in need of some allergy meds. 2.2 k, m/f, explicit/18+ Read it below or on AO3.
Hindsight 'verse series link on AO3 is here. Tumblr links: Intro to Izzy & Jamie (18+); tiny Christmas fic (sfw); fall festival fic (WIP, sfw).
She's just trying to work up the will to switch out her no-longer-hot water bottle for the heating pad that's fallen down beside the bed when she hears the door open downstairs. Jamie had texted a photo of him lying on the floor with a mass of reddish fur on top of him with the caption I'll be home as soon as I can followed by three more photos of Jupiter enthusiastically licking his face. In two of them, Jamie's laughing; in the last, he's somehow managed to catch himself mid-sneeze. Or maybe the surprising part is that he's not sneezing in the rest of the photos, given how things usually go when the two of them are together.
And even once they aren't anymore. His forceful h'TCHH, het'SCHHuh! is muffled by the distance, but a third HEH-tchuu! is clearer as he comes up the stairs. He stops outside their bedroom door, head tipped back, trying to decide if there's going to be a fourth, and then he sniffs and shakes his head and comes inside.
"How's everything at Matty and Nico's?" Izzy asks, trying not to sound as pathetic as she feels.
"Good!" He sits down on the edge of the bed and rubs at his nose almost violently, scrunching it up in a way that apparently just makes things worse. "Took Jupiter for a walk, refilled her and Luna's food and water, got a text from Matty that they're on their way home and should be back by ei… ght…" He raises a hand halfway to his face as if he's about to rub at his nose some more but then sneezes instead, a strong eht-CHHH! that he just manages to turn his head for. He sniffs, and sniffs again. "I swear Luna was judging me from up on top of her cat tree."
"I mean, cuddling with your one and only known cause of uncontrollable sneezing does seem like a pretty questionable decision, I'm with Luna on that."
"Have you seen her?" Mock-offended on Jupiter's behalf. "She's perfect."
She laughs, and immediately grimaces. "She is. Ow."
He scooches closer on the bed so he can rub her lower back. "The cramps are still bad?"
"Yeah." She sighs. "I know it'll be so much better tomorrow—" day one is always by far the worst— "but that doesn't make today suck any less."
"I'm sorry." He leans down to kiss her forehead, and then has to sniff madly when bending down proves to be a bad idea.
"Did you take any allergy meds?" Someday it will occur to him to take them before rolling around on the floor with a friendly furball, but clearly today was not that day.
"Oh! No, not yet." He sniffs some more, and then, once his nose has apparently calmed down for the moment, asks, "How about you, can I get you painkillers?"
"Already took some, just waiting for them to kick in." She shifts around uncomfortably, and he rubs her back again. "Would you mind handing me the heating pad? It fell on the floor."
"You got it." And then, when Izzy extricates the fleece-covered hot water bottle from the sheets so that she can replace it with the heating pad, "Do you want me to refill this, too?"
"That sounds nice." A careful inhale, then exhale, hands pressed low against her belly because the pressure sometimes helps. "Just make myself into a sandwich of heat."
"ihhh… TSCHhhoo!" Leaning away from her, over the side of the bed, and then back to ask, in close, "Can I be part of that warming you up plan?"
"Always." She lifts her chin and he obliging closes the distance between them so she can kiss him. "And bless you again. Times a thousand, at this point, I'm guessing."
He sits back up and grins. "Maybe like eighty-five." ||
She lets herself drift while he's downstairs, trying to breathe through the pain, willing the painkillers to kick in. Within a few minutes Jamie's back with the newly-hot water bottle and a well-worn but clean bandana that he keeps swiping across his nose like that's going to solve anything. She'd heard him blowing his nose, though, and he's sniffling less, so at least he's gotten a moment of reprieve.
He hums quietly when he gets into bed and wraps his arms around her. "Nice and warm. Sorry it's not fixing everything, though."
She exhales into his embrace. "Better now. I'm glad you're home." A kiss, and another, and she rests her forehead against his chest, curled around the hot water bottle while he holds the heating pad to her back.
It helps— the heat, but mostly the painkillers finally kicking in— and pretty soon it feels like she can take a full breath without being in stabbing pain, and then with only a persistent ache. The relief uncovers some of the desire that's been waiting underneath all day. It's a particularly insistent itch. Only briefly satisfied, then flaring again a few hours later.
"I was trying some other things," she says, breaking the silence. "To help." Letting her hips roll a little bit as she shifts around. "But they weren't as good without you here."
"Oh?" He back to sniffling now. His fingers trace the curve of her hip.
"Yeah," she murmurs against him. She's never figured out the evolutionary advantage of wanting so badly at such a counterintuitive time, but it's consistently true and really does help, so hey, the mysterious hormones can do what they want, she supposes.
"How do you…" His eyelids flutter, and he sniffs, and sniffs again, but it's futile. "How do you w… w… ah… TSCHOO!" He gets the bandana up almost but not quite in time, the spray landing on her hands where they're resting on the water bottle. He leaves the bandana there, hitching through another set of ih… hih… hhhh…. before snapping forward for a firmly muffled MMPHch! "What sounds good?"
She kisses his forehead when he ducks his head to blow his nose. "Bless you, love. And… just you. If that's okay."
"Sounds perfect."
"Had some help earlier," she says, and he hums and goes up on an elbow so he can reach into the nightstand drawer. "Yeah," when he comes up with the blue vibrator she's been favoring lately. "It was good." Her words pressed against his lips, punctuated by kisses. "You're better."
He slips a hand down between them and Izzy rolls her hips again, the stretch of it satisfying now that the meds have taken the edge off.
"Do you want to keep the heating pad?"
She shakes her head. "No, not for now." The cord will just be in the way.
She shifts onto her back, and then, when that's not comfortable, over onto her other side, so that Jamie is pressed up against her. She presses back and he responds, and kisses her neck where her ponytail leaves it exposed. His fingers find her again, moving first over her pj pants and then slipping under the waistband to explore over the fabric of her old, worn-out underwear, and then, when the sound that escapes her lips is a clear indication of yes, under that waistband as well. The heel of his palm meets the hot water bottle and she pulls it up to her chest, letting a different sort of warmth take its place as his fingers find her clit, moving slow, and then a little faster, and then slow again, and she exhales shakily and follows the movement with her hips.
He reaches lower, out of habit, but find the stem of her menstrual cup instead, and laughs. "One of these months you'd think… I'd… HEH-tschiew! Remember." He sniffs.
"Muscle memory," she replies, a little breathless.
He hums in agreement and rolls away to grab the lube from the bedside drawer. When he doesn't immediate roll back she turns onto her back to investigate and finds him frozen, breath hitching, the open bottle in one hand and some of its contents already held carefully on the fingers of his other hand; wetness gathered at the tip of his nose; some sort of mess inevitable no matter what action he takes.
"Oh—" she says, and grabs the now slightly-damp handkerchief from between their pillows just in time to catch an audibly wet hhhxxtchuu! in its folds.
"Oh god," he mutters, and she manages to trade him the bandana for the bottle so he can blow his nose while she flips the lid closed.
"Fuck." He shakes his head. "Sorry. Bad timing."
She just shrugs, unconcerned. "I've got you."
"Always." He sets his bandana down and pulls in close again, nuzzling against her neck as she rolls back onto her side. "Okay. Take two."
Fingers back between fabric and skin again— it's going to be a bit of a sticky mess later but right now she just really does not want to move— and the heat builds again. Circles, and pressure, and her matching them both, and Jamie hard against her back…
Time stretches out as she floats, breathing carefully and then eventually fast and hard, eyes closed, sweat gathering, a little bit of a smile. Jamie sneezes against her shoulder, a quick h'TCHH!, and she murmurs a "bless you" but he's not done, jerking against her with another ih'xxght!
"Bless you, bless you." She blinks her eyes open with a long inhale. "Okay?"
Jamie rubs his nose in the shoulder of his own shirt and nods, and picks up where he left off. She's getting close, breath starting to lose its rhythm, when a sudden TSCHHH'uh! sprays her neck. "Fuck, sorry, got yo-our… hih… your hair tickling my… no… se… IXTCHOO!"
She's too far gone to say anything coherent, so she just nods, the ache a desperate, wanting thing, and he picks up the rhythm again, his fingers are moving slick and fast. She's pressing her hand on top of his, more, more, and then her breath catches and her hips buck and she's crying out, arched against him, and nothing else matters in the world for a while.
He's kissing her gently when she comes back to herself. "Good?" he murmurs against her temple.
"So good," she breathes. She couldn't move if she tried. Everything is tingling and warm, the pain replaced with the best sort of ache.
He smiles against her and then pulls back a bit to blow his nose. "You can sleep if you want, I'm good." He sets down the now-soaking bandana and slips a hand under his own waistband, and then back out, starting in on himself with slow strokes that she knows won't take long to quicken and crest.
"Think I'll watch," she says, gathering up her energy to turn onto her side. His head is tipped back again, nose quivering, waiting for a sneeze that's clearly stuck. "Need some help?" She's sure the brush of a finger would have been enough, but she'd rolled over onto her blue vibrator and something (she's going to blame hormones) had put a slightly absurd idea in her head. He pulls another hitching breath and groans in frustration, hand still moving on his cock, and she flicks the button to turn the vibrator on low. Jamie squints his eyes open at the sound, peering through allergic tears, and manages a short laugh but also gives a go ahead gesture, presumably borne of sheer desperation. She touches it to the end of his nose, which just makes him gasp more, and then to the bridge, which apparently is the key.
"heh-IH-TSCHOO! CHSCHUH! k'TCHHH!" A gasp, and a moan, the convulsions apparently have only intensified his own grip. "h'cht, t'CHt, hihhh… TCHIIU! Oh, god, that felt good!" He's getting close, the urgency so hot that Izzy's almost ready to go for round two herself. She presses in close, ignoring the mess, and kisses him deep, a hand on his hip and moving closer, and he gasps one last time and shudders through the finish, Izzy's hand warm on his.
"Holy fuck," he says, once he can, as Izzy hands him tissues to blow his nose and clean himself up. "That was intense."
"It certainly was. Bless you times another thousand, by the way." When he starts sniffling again, she frowns. "You did actually take the allergy meds, right?"
His eyes go wide. "I, uh." He sniffs again. "Might have forgot."
All she can do is laugh. "Okay, well, I'm gonna say that now is the time. And is that the shirt you were wearing earlier? Oh my god, Jamie, it's like you're walking around with a layer of Jupiter still attached!"
"She is very important to me. I must keep her with me at all times." He manages to stay in character for all of three seconds before he breaks with a grin.
"You should shower, babe." She pulls the hot water bottle back to her, and Jamie reaches over her to press the heating pad to her back as well.
"You want to join, or stay here?"
"I'm not up for showering, but after, we could move to the couch? Find something to watch?"
He kisses her deep and stands to strip off his shirt. "Sounds perfect."
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
Okay but consider! Hawks was the lead in a band. He was the lead for years, from early teens into adulthood and then he just...burned out. It wasn't drugs or sex (or maybe it was, up to you), but just how fake it was. He couldn't do anything without approval from corporate, and all these fans, they didn't like him, they liked the persona they made for him. And it got to him, bit by bit. He's a shell of himself when he meets his darling, and suddenly it's like looking into the face of a muse.
Another concert, another ten hours on his feet as he has to do make up, practice, make sure the instruments work with the crew, and of course make the fans nearly wet themselves with his appearance and voice alone. Every day it’s “OH MY GOD IT’S HAWKS” or “IT’S HIM IT’S HIM IT’S HIM!”.
They don’t even really care about how he feel about being smooshed into selfies and made into clout fuel for people who only want the most likes. Which to be fair, he’s apart of that group sometimes, he might have wings but he’s far from a saint, but even to him it gets a bit much with how much they only want to gain attention.
It’s not nearly as luxurious as people assume. He has a contract, has to make an album every few months otherwise his fame and band are dropped like a bag of trash into a junkyard. He’s stressed an unable to make any new songs, and the fact he has to preform while trying to perfect his newest works drains him considerably.
He doesn’t have time to be himself. He doesn’t have time or luxury to just be Keigo. No. He has to keep up this act and be the flirtatious, rebelling bad boy all the fans masturbate too and fantasize about. (Kudos to the fic writers by the way! He’s seen some good shit!).
Hawks vs Keigo. No one knows the real him. They all go for the media showered, Instagram famous persona with his band mates tagging alongside. Keigo is a more laid back, needing personal space, wanting time alone to think kind of person. He doesn’t mind doing things and going out, he just gets his daily quota of social interaction in a matter of minutes.
So when you have millions of fans wanting your attention and grabbing onto you all the fucking time, you can imagine how unwilling and uninterested he is in even preforming or socializing.
Tonight was no different, Keigo and the band sang and played their hearts out, got a few fans some autographs and let their ears ache from how loud the fans would squeal. Yeah yeah yeah same old phrases spout with new faces.
Remembering there was a bar nearby, Keigo decided it was time for a few drinks. Or a hundred. He fidgets for the sunglasses in his bag, and slides on a different shirt to head out in, trying to make his hair style different as well when he walks by a window and sees it’s still spiked. It wasn’t the most convincing disguise but it would do.
Sliding into a seat near the corner of the bar, Keigo slumps with a huff, letting his hands run down his face while he tries to let his mind slow down and soak in what’s been happening all day. The concert, the meet and greet, the signing, the interviews, the managers constant reminder that he needed new songs and soon.
“Need a breather?” Your voice mused, catching his attention for a second. Ah. Great. A fan. Time to put on the mask again. He gives a wry expression and nods his head “even party boys need a break. Care to help one out?”.
Ah. Weak flirting. That would never go by with the press. Where’s his skill?!
You noticed the tired expression in his eyes, how he forced a smile to keep your attention on his more well known persona. You didn’t buy it. You’ve seen that look in too many people to let it slide and go unnoticed. This man needed a beer and needed one pronto.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you sit in the seat next to him, drumming your fingers on the counter as you try to think of an answer that wasn’t too forward. “Listen...I can tell you’re super exhausted. You can drop the act, ya know?”. You cough, face turning a bit red as you realize that you’re talking to a celebrity. You keep telling yourself that it doesn’t matter, you’re both human and capable of communicating.
It shouldn’t be a big deal to speak your mind to the hottest, most sought after singer in the world. Who are you kidding? Of course it is.
Keigo arches an eyebrow at your statement, and sits closer to the counter. It’s odd having someone see through his act. Sure his disguise sucked and anyone within ten feet could tell he was Hawks, but to have someone see he wasn’t who the media said, it was a shocking but well welcomed breath of fresh air.
“You...heh you cut to the chase don’t ya, kid?” He said with mirth.
“Well I hate bullshit. I-I would rather be upfront and honest.” You admit sheepishly, looking away from his hazel eyes timidly. “Didnt mean to offend you or anything” you added, hands shaking.
Offend? He’s the exact opposite! Finally, someone who’s honest and not conceded! He’s only just met you and he’s felt more of a connection here than with his own band! “Nah nah! You’re fine! I love bluntness. It’s nice to have every now and again when you’re used to bullshit”.
You giggle at that, nodding in agreement. Soon you two break more of the ice, discussing the most random but humorous things, not noticing how Keigo’s eyes gloss over with awe and admiration. It’s been so long since he could let go and be himself, he never wants to leave your company. It’s an ache in his mind to think about since he’s got to be back on the tour bus in less than two hours.
“Hey-“ his hand snatches your phone from your hands as you were replying to a friend “-I’m giving you my number ok? I’m about to have to head out and I would rather die than miss talking to you”.
As he types the number into your contacts, you couldn’t help but freeze up. Was this actually happening? You just spent hours chatting away with Hawks, and are now getting his contact information?! Surely you were drugged. Had to be! No fucking way is this happening like some cheap hallmark Christmas plot!
“Y/N right?” He slides the phone back over to you, giving you his signature flirtatious grin “I better hear from you tonight. I’ll lose sleep if I think a new friend is hurt or ignoring me”.
You blush even harder, and nod, not being able to really speak. He stands, patting your shoudler as he slides his sunglasses back on “Oh! I almost forgot-“ he pulls out a wad of cash, slamming it on the counter “For the drinks. It’s the least I can do for someone as entertaining as you”.
You cover your face in your hands and try to stop the flurry of emotions bubbling up. You thank him, hearing him chuckle as he leaves the bar, not seeing the smile on his face as he walks back to where the tour bus was parked.
Days go by, and every chance Keigo gets he’s messaging you, becoming antsy when you don’t respond within seconds. Sometimes he sends hundreds of messages a day, sometimes he’s on the phone with you for hours, or simply stalking your social media when you tell him you’re going to bed.
As long as he interacts with you, he’s sated and calm. Thinking up songs has never felt so easy, each day he makes a new hit, making the managers happy that he finally quit acting so down in the dumps. Months go by, and he’s still on the top charts, being the idol fanboys and girls pair themselves with.
But he doesn’t pay attention to that. He’s focused on you and only you. That shy encounter with you has changed his perspective, and all he wants to do is be with you. Flirting with you was easy enough but you always turned him down, saying things that didn’t make sense.
You’d say “Oh I don’t think we’d be compatible...you’d get tired of me” or “I think you’re just needing a hook up, but I’m flattered!”.
You’re crazy. He could never get tired of you. What will it take to get you to be with him and travel the world together?! Perhaps you just need more persuasion? A romantic gift? A gesture that proves he’s serious?
Well if that’s what you need then he’ll happily supply it. Just give him a few days, he’ll make sure you see how serious he is about being yours (and you being his. Only his). Should he make a song about what he loves about you the most? Maybe a song on how he fell for you?
A song on what he wants to do with you and your body? Or maybe you need a bit of danger, and need him to state what he’s willing to do to get you.
He’ll figure it out. Soon you’ll be his forever muse, he just needs to serenade you first.
(This was shit I know I know but I love this AU so much! -Mommabean )
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wasabito · 3 years
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thank you to @sparkexplosive and @vs-redemption for beta reading it for me! merry christmas & happy holidays everyone ♥️
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➽ synopsis: being a member of the royal guard is a grueling and thankless job, so you decide to remind katsuki a little of what it’s like to be young again—what better way to do that than with some healthy competition.
➽ word count: 1.7k
➽ tags: fluff, budding romance, royalty au, childhood friends
➽ author’s note: i had a ton of fun participating in my first ever secret santa!! this is my gift-fic to the lovely @katsushimaa​ hope you enjoy, yssa!
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"So, this is where the hell you've been hiding?"
His voice tore through the midday stillness like a blade, equal parts raspy and gruff. He sounded irritated and mildly fatigued. Not that Katsuki Bakugou would ever admit to being anything less than a hundred and ten percent. He climbed off his steed, heavy boots crunching under the weight of his feet, and secured his horse against the stump you were leaning on.
You flipped the page of your book, not sparing the man even a cursory glance. You would prefer to keep your attention occupied by fictitious worlds, warriors, and battles fought in the name of love and justice.
It was much easier to allow yourself to become the bearer of fictional hardships, because at least they could be solved through a well-constructed plot with each turn of a page, as opposed to the realities of your actual life, a slow spiraling disaster in comparison.
Bakugou stood in front of you, vein ticking on his throat with every clench of his jaw. His arms were crossed tight over his chest, red gaze pinned on your hunched form. He wasn't at all the kind of person anyone could easily ignore. His very presence demanded attention and drew eyes like a magnet.
Case in point, no matter how much you tried to ignore him, you simply couldn’t.
"Please tell me you aren't going to stand there the entire time. Take a hint will you." You went to turn another page, but Bakugou reached over and snatched the book from your hands with deft fingers and speed you couldn't hope to match.
"Give. It. Back."
"Nah, I don't think I will just yet." He sneered, thumbing through the pages. "I was told to bring your dumbass back to the estate, so that's exactly what the hell I'm 'bout to do."
You blew a puff of air from your lips, eyes blazing with a kind of defiance that only burned harder the more you glared at him. "Then I guess you'll just have to drag me back kicking and screaming."
Bakugou only smirked, teeth spread in a feral grin that sent a chill down your spine.
That had always been his intention.
Almost an hour later, you stood before your parents, clothes dusty, creased, and smudged from having been manhandled like a sack of flour before promptly dumped in front of your waiting audience.
A frown marred your delicate features as they began their lecture.
Your mind drifted elsewhere the more they reminded you of your lineage and that you were royalty and how it was imperative you behave as such. You’d heard it all before, known this for as long as you could remember. As the King and Queen of your home country, your parents never failed to emphasize the importance of keeping your every move in check because of the reputation you had to uphold.
Katsuki stood somewhere behind you, and although he stayed mostly silent, you could almost hear him grinding away at his molars. The King and Queen were taking turns subtly digging into him as well, implying that his incompetence was a stain upon the royal guard perfect record of achievements. If he couldn't keep you in line, what was the point of holding rank?
They annoyed him way more than they did you, but he dare not voice it, not if he wanted to keep his head attached to his shoulders. Far be it from him to send himself to the guillotine
You both were in for a long night.
“Honestly, this kind of behavior is unbecoming of someone of your status. What will our countrymen think if they see you roaming about unattended like a vagabond?” Your father stroked his beard as if waiting for a response. But everyone in the room knew he really just liked to hear himself talk.
He was no better than a machiavellian swindler in expensive robes. A puppet if you would.
The real leader of the land was your mother. After all, she had only married into the family, having been the daughter of a mere advisor with no royal blood. She spoke little, but her glare was more than enough to convey just what she was thinking.
By the end of the lecture, you felt like all of your energy had been sapped from you, but thankfully your parents left you to retreat into your bedroom for the remainder of the day. Bakugou escorted you, following close behind.
“You’re gonna do it again, aren’t ya?”
You paused, foot nearly catching against the carpeted floors of your bedroom. Fiddling with a piece of your hair, you shrugged. “...maybe.”
“You’re a huge idiot.” Bakugou shook his head with a low laugh.
A tiny smidgen of a grin danced on your lips as you considered him. He was your childhood friend. No one knew you better than he did. And he was also the guard most assigned to watch over you and keep you safe from harm.
Despite that, you’d come to notice how much he’d changed. He wasn’t the same Katsuki you grew up knowing and you missed him dearly. Occasions like this, where a part of his guard was let down, were becoming few and far between. There had to be something you could do.
“Let’s make a wager. If you can manage to find me, I’ll do one thing at your command.”
“Challenge accepted.” He reached into the folds of his uniform, pulled out your little novel, and slapped it right into your open palm. "No matter where you run off to, I'll find ya. Trust me on that, princess."
His eyes were like candles in the night, ignited by a spark of passion. Not a single lie could be detected.
"I won't make it easy on you, Katsuki, just so you know."
"Heh, you better not." He sniffed, tucking his hands into his uniform pockets. And with a final half-wave, he was gone.
In and around the capital city, winter had completely lost it's bite. The weather was tepid, swinging a mild breeze that coasted through the countryside. It was the sort of winter where one felt as if woolen clothing were worn more for comfort than necessity. In what should have been the chilliest part of the year, Bakugou found himself traversing one of the many beaches that hedged the southern peninsula.
After a full week following the challenge issued in your bedroom, Bakugou realized you were entirely too good at evading him or any of the other guards at the kingdom’s disposal, for that matter.
Day in and day out, he spent his shifts searching tirelessly for you, just to stumble upon you in the most random of places and only when you had wanted him to find you. The running score was six to five in your favor, but he was determined not to lose to you again.
And there you were, standing at the very edge of the shore, as if a mere thought had manifested you right before his very eyes. Your loose billowing dress of soft satin waved to him like a white flag of surrender in the air. He'd finally found you.
"Not gonna run off this time?"
"Nope! You won this round." Your cheeks creased in a smile.
Given the boots he'd worn, it was no surprise that his feet kept sinking into the sand. You said nothing as he toed off his shoes and socks, bare feet settling into the depths of warm, grainy sand.
He couldn’t help but feel more relaxed. Over the past few months, he’d found himself losing sight of his goals, caught in the dredges of the mundane and routine.
The cool waters lapped at both his and your feet, fizzing and bubbling, leaving behind traces of salt. You went further into the water’s touch, your back to him as the tides licked at the your calves. Even he had to admit, the view was a beautiful one, possibly even more so with you against the backdrop.
“I’m glad you found me,” you called over the cry of seagulls. “For a second, I was worried you’d lose this round.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Tch, as if I’d ever lose to you, princess.”
“Naturally.” You laughed.
“What the hell are we doing out here anyway?”
He knelt to roll up his pants, a mere moment away from following after you like always.
“I... really just wanted to show you the view. Do you remember when we used to come down here as kids? Remember how we used to dare each other to see who could go the farthest into the ocean?”
Of course he remembered. Those were some of his most cherished memories of his time spent with you before duty to the kingdom took precedent.
You reached a hand out to him, an open invitation. “I just thought you needed a little reminder of what that was like.”
For some reason, Katsuki was determined not to meet your gaze, scowling at some point on the horizon, until you came over and nudged him with your elbow. “It wouldn’t kill you to admit that I’m right.”
With a sigh, he reached over and tugged you into a hug. You snuggled close to his chest, gripping the back on his uniform. It may have been your imagination but you could’ve sworn you felt the soft press of lips against your temple.
“Thanks... you know... for everything.”
Beaming, you leaned back to get the full view of his heated cheeks.
“Of course, of course.”
There was something earnest in his eyes that told you no matter how far you went, or however far you traveled, he’d always be a step behind you. It sent your heart hammering in your ribcage. You were suddenly all too aware of the way he held you secure against him like he would never let go.
“What are you thinking, princess?”
You blinked owlishly, taken over by your feelings and mumbling a hushed. “Oh, nothing.” The two of you were just a royal and a guard, bound to one another by duty.
If there could be anything more than that...well, only time would tell.
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bubblyani · 3 years
Mistletoe Scheme
(Bruce Wayne x Reader)
A Bruce Wayne/ Batman Christmas One Shot
Summary: Trapped in a Basement on Christmas Eve, an unexpected yet impactful conversation starts between Batman, and the civilian he was trying to rescue: You. 
Word Count: 4.2k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mention of Blood.
Author’s Note: This idea came to me in an instant and never left my mind. Plus, this was a great chance to write more stuff for Bruce Wayne/Batman.I’m a sucker for dialogue. My last Bale Character fic for 2020. Started with Bruce, ending with Bruce heh. Can’t wait to treat you guys more next year. Enjoy y’all! And Merry Christmas!
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Desperation. He held her tight with sheer desperation, for releasing was an option deemed non-viable. In fact, he did not wish to. He did not hope to. Not for anything.
If the end of days had dawned, he simply xwould not perceive. If danger lightly tapped him on the shoulder, he simply would disregard. Even if his head dared to crack open, he would simply let it do so. His hold on her was ironclad, and it was final.
Yet his hands, they were nowhere close to the famished, passionate nature as his lips. Those lips, that were willfully enslaved to hers, forming a strong bond that nature never dared to birth before. Sheer Desire certainly displayed its true colors tonight, and two souls were evidently responsible. Thus, he held her, in every manner possible. All in the desperate need to know her, to feel her. To make up for lost time.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(An hour Earlier)
The snow fall outdoors seemed barely visible when the fluorescent light flickered with speed indoors. Even the infusion of Sleigh Bells and the joyous Seasonal Music blasting out of speakers all around the city, seemed barely audible. Certainly they all would be, when one was caught in the midst of nowhere.
The beeping of the timer was continuous, until it finally halted, resulting in a deafening blast.
The door being the pitiful victim, broke open in an instant. However, instead of falling back down, the steel door remained at a 90 degree angle, revealing a thick layer of concrete standing right behind it. The Impact Mine was simply useless, leaving Batman full of regrets.
Upon the faith of his instincts, he pasted another explosive device on the broken door. And off went the continuous beeps. BANG! One more blast. Yet, all that awaited him was pure disappointment, when the door remained unmoved.
Running out of resources in his Utility Belt, it was evident he was forced to throw in the towel. He had to look upon the truthful face of bitter reality; Trapped in an underground Basement on the outskirts of Gotham city. With no way out. Not yet, at least. With a heavy sigh, frustration had caught up with the Dark Knight, and with a strange headache making its sudden appearance, he brimmed with the urge to curse out loud.
Which she managed to do on his behalf.
Turning around slow, Batman watched the woman pace from one corner of the room to the other, her heels clicking out loud. And right then, he was reminded. How he was truly not trapped here alone.
“The signal’s no good…” she said, with the phone held against her ear, “...can’t get a hold of anyone...”
Batman nodded, “Wait here…” he replied in a hoarse tone, before making his away to the other corner of the basement. With the light brush of his fingers against ears of his cowl, a dial tone echoed within his mask. A call was made. The dial tone stopped as the caller finally answered.
“Alfred?” Batman began.
“Master Wayne-” The voice of Alfred Pennyworth reached his inner headset, “ I-trouble-hearing-”
Loud static noise attacked the line with confidence. And Batman began to grow restless. The headache grew even stronger.
“Alfred!” Batman growled, “Can you track my coordinates? Alfred?”
“-Sorr-Please wai-”
With one final static to spare, Alfred’s voice disappeared, leaving nothing but a pin drop silence in the room. The flickering of the lights paused, growing slightly dim in the process. Unwilling to display his own failure, the caped crusader inhaled deep.
“I’m afraid…we’re stuck indefinitely. But don’t worry…” He grunted, his eyes lingering on the empty wall, “We’re gonna make it out here alive”
However, the woman did not respond. Eyebrows furrowing underneath his cowl seemed inevitable for Batman. Would he possibly face eventual panic from her? A meltdown perhaps? He dreaded turning back.
Instead, he heard a soft chuckle.
“Well, bet you never had to go through this before, huh?”
He spun around upon her light hearted reply, and her seemingly friendly demeanor. His eyebrows furrowed once more.
She certainly was unexpected.
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Never in this life did her lips taste passion at such degree. However, then again, never in this life did her lips meet his own until then. Was pure frustration to blame? Was it the fuel that strengthened this flame? Or could this encounter be worthy of the term “Fateful”? “Destined” ?
She indulged it, the manner in which his lips enveloped in with hers. She was simply the hand, finally uniting with him, who simply was the glove with the perfect fit.
With her fingers lingering in his hair with the utmost care, her other hand clung onto his strong neck. She pulled him close, until any distance between them proved non existent. For the first time, she was certain of what she longed for. More importantly, who she longed for.
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(Half and hour earlier)
Any man, woman or child that managed to encounter Batman, let alone catch the mere sight of the man, would certainly be aware of a few special traits: His swiftness, paired up with his sense of utmost mystery. The traits that shield him when his arrival was far from expected, and his exit practically invisible. Camouflaged into the darkness of the night.
However, the mere concept of getting trapped in a confined space with him, was simply mind boggling. Even for you. Therefore, your query did not appear to be a ludicrous one. Was it not?
“Well, bet you never had to go through this before, huh?”
“You’d be surprised”
Batman responded, which threw you off guard.
“Oh! really?” You blurted, cheeks flushing, “I-I-”
“But yes…” he said, “…not like this…” He added, scanning the premises for possible clues. A sigh of relief left your lips. Rubbing your forearm, you felt yourself sinking down to the dusty floor. You could not help but trace a hint of awkwardness in the air. At least in your part. You may know of Batman, but you certainly did not have the privilege of knowing him. Thus, there you both were: Two strangers trapped together.
“Guess...” you began soft, “...there’s nothing to do but-WAIT!!!”
Your cry managed to send tremors through the room. Enough for the caped crusader to spin around and freeze.
“Batman…” you breathed, wide eyed, “Are-Are you bleeding?” Perplex was evident when Batman’s lips pursed. But the moment a thin line of red trickled down through his cowl towards his lips, he finally believed your query. And it frightened you.
“I …uh..” He struggled, rubbing it off with his gloved hand. “Did you...get injured?” You inquired with concern. “No…” Taking his hand away, he dismissed quick, “...it’s nothing” “What?” Your eyes widened, ”That’s even crazier!” You exclaimed, stumbling as you rose up with your heels, “ We gotta get that checked”   “No, its fine…” “No, its not…” Your instant yet commanding response was surprising, even for yourself, “Your head might be injured, so we need to-” You paused, “ Oh!”   A few seconds passed, while bitter realization coursed through your veins,  “…but that...that would mean-” Batman nodded, “…taking the cowl off, yes” “Crap…”
You muttered with a sigh.With your hands resting on your waist, you were nothing but remorseful. What you requested from the Dark Knight seemed far worse than the most dire physical challenge. Simply worse than leaping into a pit of fire, or diving into the oceans deep. Compromising his identity, it was a Cardinal Rule that must not be broken.
However, your concern seemed to have overpowered it all. Obstinate, you were not intending to bow down so easy. But why? Could it be perhaps, in your eyes he was the Guardian that Gotham needed? Could it be perhaps, he was a man you always had admired? And could it possibly be that you did not hope for him to die unexpected, all in the sole attempt of rescuing you?
“Okay, how about this?”
You began,  “How about you turn around, and take your cowl off-Just hear me out!” You pleaded when he attempted to interject, “If...the wound is in the BACK of your head, let ME clean it up. If not…YOU do it. Seems fair, right?”
Batman stared at you with a blank expression. You assumed his silence for the worst. “No wound or cut should be left untreated. Not even yours” the insistence in your tone was shocking. What had changed you, it simply was difficult to comprehend.
Batman remained quiet. You suddenly were regretful. Certainly you were blinded with obstinacy, and did not know your place.
“Fine…”   A grunt left Batman’s lips, leaving you wide eyed and relieved. His cape swished with grace as he turned away from you to sit, “You a doctor?”
“Oh no!” You let out a nervous chuckle, “…my friend is…” you added, kneeling behind, watching him remove his mask,  “I’m actually in Publishing… I’m a Literary Publicist. But…that does NOT mean I can’t be a Good Samaritan right- Ah! See?” You cried out, “It IS in the back of your-Oh my!”
Silence shushed you with judgement. And you did not care, especially when blood bubbled out slow from what appeared to be a cut already stitched in the back of his head, full of luscious, brunette locks.
A firm punch landed in your heart. For you could not help but wonder: How far must his body go, in order to save this godforsaken city?
“Everything alright?”
His query woke you from your thoughts. Without the mask on, slight clarity was present in his voice, yet the gruff remained. As he was on a futile attempt to mask his sound. You cleared your throat: “Yeah…Anyways, Let me…”  you muttered, pulling the silk scarf that left your neck in a smooth motion. Though your neck immediately shivered upon meeting the chilly air, it did not seem as important as this. Folding it to the thickest layer, you placed the scarf over the wound with care.
The howling wind outside reached your ears with clarity as the silence seeped in the Basement once more. A Christmas Carol involuntarily landed on your lips as you began to hum it. “Angels We Have Heard on High”, to be quite specific. Why that exactly? You simply did not know. And given the silence shown by the other party, it seemed Batman did not mind your humming.
The longer you stared, the stronger your fascination grew for his hair. For there it was, Batman’s actual hair. And you were just a mere turn away from his real identity. Was it idiotic to be starstruck by that fact? Fascination merged with curiosity when you wondered of his face. Could it be possible he was actually handsome? With those beautiful lips he bore, you were not mad to assume as such.
You shook your head all the sudden with an embarrassed smile. For ethics grabbed your superficiality by the ear with disappointment. How dare you even objectify him as such? He is a hero, not Mr. Handsome. And more importantly, why must you think so fondly of his lips?
“If you don’t mind me asking…” you began, attempting to change thoughts, “What the hell happened tonight, Batman?” You inquired, “And who…the hell…was that guy?”  
“Dino Maroni…” Batman answered, his voice raised a bit higher than before. Your eyebrows furrowed. “Maroni?” You repeated, “Like…‘Sal Maroni’ Maroni? The Mob boss?” “Dino is his distant nephew…” he explained, “…estranged, from what we’re guessing. Could be that he is trying to earn a place back in the Family” “Huh…” confusion was rife in you. “…He tried to kill Harvey Dent tonight” “HE WHAT?” “Ow!” “Sorry….” You whispered, when you realized your passionate response forced you to press on his wound hard, “….So, that’s why you were on his tail…” you understood,  “Until he met me-…” “-kidnapped you, more like…”
Batman was right. Tonight was filled with unexpected events. You knew fully well when you accidentally bumped into a man who seemed to be running across the street. The sight of the passerby’s panic, confused you at first. But when the sweating man grabbed you by the shoulder and placed a pistol on your right temple, the panic seemed justified. The image of Dino spitting out threats to end you, especially at Batman, remained clear as day. No one dared to intervene, which gave him the leverage to flee, with you as hostage. Batman certainly did not take long to find you. Except he met with the unfortunate fate of being trapped alongside you when Dino and his men sealed the door.
“I know Harvey Dent is not exactly ....Mother Teresa to Organized Crime in Gotham, but...” you paused, only to present an annoyed expression, “...on Christmas Eve? Seriously? When will those jerks give YOU A BREAK?”
A hearty laugh leaped out of Batman, surprising you. Amused, you laughed along. “Good point” He replied in mid laugh, hand reaching back to take hold of the scarf instead. The gruff in his voice had vanished, leaving his laughter to ring in your ears with pleasure. 
Your own laughter faded as you leaned against the concrete pillar behind you. It was a wonderful surprise indeed. And with that, the luxurious desire for know more about him was birthed. Given the number of times excitement sparked in you the form of mini fireworks, it was evident your fascination for him had grown. More importantly, your attraction.
“I’m guessing you had plans...” he began. You tilted your head with wide eyes. “...before they eventually got ruined by Dino?” He finished, his voice heavy on smoothness all the sudden. Looking down at yourself, you chuckled.   “Yeah…Office..Christmas...Party” you enunciated with dramatic energy, your hand smoothing the material of your grey belted robe coat. The robe coat that concealed the beautiful navy blue velvet cocktail dress you wore underneath it, along with pantyhose and heels, “Normally I never show up. But, tonight was supposed to be …” you paused, “...special”
Chuckling again at his inquisitive hum,  your eyes remained on your coat, “It’s silly…” you said with embarrassment , “I…I rather not talk about it”
With a hum of acknowledgement, he maintained his silence. You smiled, looking at the back of his head. You sensed consideration in him, you sensed safety in him. But simultaneously, you sensed fear, in you. Fear that this would be the end of a possibly entertaining conversation. Your heart was proof, pacing quick, tapping you on the shoulder with impatience.
“Actually-” you began in softness.
“So you DO rather talk about it…” He amused, voice now almost of a velvet quality, and simply irresistible.
“Guess you ARE good at…making people talk…” you smirked, laughter erupting from you both.
“But anyways…” you added mid-laugh, “…there’s this guy…I’ve had my eye on…” you said, looking up. Batman’s laughter vanished right then.
“I mean…” you paused, with a sigh, “…he seems nice and all…I don’t know” shrugging, you continued, “I kinda thought maybe tonight I’d…I don't know…” you shrugged once again, “…make a move?  Let him know I…like him? ” The second those words left your lips, a sourness remained.
“How long have you known him?”
“I don't know…6 months?” You answered so casually, “I’d see him in meetings, always around our colleagues, we never met in private…I don’t know…he’s fine” you stated, “ Seems like the proper guy, ya know?”
“So, what?” Batman teased, “You’re gonna meet him by the punch bowl, and tell him how you feel?”
“What do you think this is? Senior prom?” You giggled, where you heard him snigger in return, “And I believe there WILL be a Punch Fountain…A Champagne Fountain actually-Anyways” you said, before you lost your train of thought, “NO!…my plan actually had more CLASS than that, just so you know…” you added with pride, crossing your arms, “There’s this lovely balcony on that floor and…” your voice growing soft, “I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a Mistletoe there”
“Are you su-”
“I AM sure! ” You interrupted him, laughter following suite. Joy was quite evident in your tone, “So hopefully, if everything goes right, I’d have him find me there, I don’t know…” you smirked, “…maybe accidentally trip, let him catch me and Voila!…that will be the moment…where our eyes would meet…and then our lips…leading up to the most…gentle first kiss ever…”
You finished with a sigh, your heart evidently immersed in the depths and the beauty of your own haven, your very own fairytale.
“Wow…heh” Batman’s voice shook you awake, “Your planning is really making the criminals look bad…” he remarked, with added laughter. To which you smiled.
“NOW I know you’re teasing…” you replied with a mischievous smile, “ I mean, come on! I could NEVER plan THIS…” looking around the chilly basement, your tone brimmed with sarcasm. Especially when you realized how you jested about the horrid disposition you both were facing.
“Well, you know…maybe with a little hard work…”

“Oh, don’t you dare, mister!” You guffawed, “Besides, I really wouldn’t wanna see your bad side if I did”
With the laugher dying down once again, you both took in deep breaths. It certainly felt lovely. 
“You really thought this through, huh?” Batman inquired with earnest. Shrugging, your eyes continued to familiarize with his hair :
“I guess…” you said, rubbing your shoulders all of the sudden, “Maybe if we’re lucky and we get out of here on time, I’ll still have a chance, But… I don’t know…” 
To your disappointment, silence took centerstage once again with a smug look, ready to begin its haughty performance. Until Batman cleared his throat:
“ I know I’m a guy you just met but…” He began, “…should you even go through with it?” His query, forced your eyebrows to rise in unison. Once more, that beating of your heart began to quicken.
“What makes you say that?” You inquired, to which he shrugged his own broad and strong shoulders. 
“Well, you said ‘I don't know’ 5 times already, and you barely told me anything about him”
With your mouth agape, You froze. Waves of realization crashed against the sand of your conscious. Did it take Batman, the greatest detective to deduce your hidden doubt? And did he, by any chance, rescue you from a possible regret?
“Touché” You nodded in slow motion, a few seconds later. “Wow…” You chuckled, “..I was actually gonna go through with it, with just one foot in the water, huh? Damn!” Shaking your head, you exhaled with great depth. Along with your exhalation, there exited your blindness.
“To be honest, I don’t even know if I like him. I just…” Pausing, your hands clasped together, “ I was in love with the concept OF HIM” you said, grateful of how the truth had revealed itself to you, “But at the same time…Did I just miss my only chance? To finding someone?” You inquired, heart suddenly growing heavy. Countless nights of your fervent prayer for someone to love you, flashed before your eyes, causing you to feel sheer pity, “ I mean…” your chuckle grew sad, “I’m not getting any younger…And this job ain’t easy…oh!-I’m sorry” you said, involuntary sniffing as your nose grew itchy, “I’m blabbering here…”
“No need to apologize…” A soft, and empathizing reply exited Batman, “It’s not like I can’t relate to that”  
With shining eyes, you beamed at the back of his head. It did not take long for a rush of warmth to embrace your soul. The number of times you laughed at comfort, with the help of this man for a few minutes, were simply more than what you would experience within 24 hours. 
“I hope he wasn’t as understanding as you…” You said, "Cause if he was, then I missed a great guy”
“On the contrary, I think HE was the one who missed big tonight…” Batman replied, his velvet voice never failing to comfort you. His kindness was brimming, yet you did not mind being soaked by it.
“Thank you-Oh!…has it stopped?” Your eyes widened, the moment he took the scarf away from the head. He nodded. Excitement danced within you as you crawled towards him.
“Great, now we can finally clean this up…” Enthusiasm was rife, while you stood on your knees,“Ugh! I wish we had some saline-”
“No, really it’s alright”
The stitches have finally dried out, even faster thanks to the cold. The need to pat him on the head,  or even run your fingers through his locks grew strong. However, that need retracted itself a few seconds later. You shook your head. What on earth was going on with you?
“I do have a bandaid though…” you stated with confidence, bending to your left to reach out for your purse, “…its in here somewhere-Oh Oh no..Agh!”
The unfortunate loss of balance, forced you to gravitate to your left, falling in the process with speed. You were certain your heart would fall out of your chest. But to your relief, your face nor your heart did not meet its fate with the cemented ground. Instead, you were caught by Batman himself. Right before him. Revealing his face.
His face. Your eyes widened. His face.
With a quick gasp, you closed your eyes shut with immediate fear within a split second.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry…” you whimpered. However, to your surprise, you heard him chuckle.
“Don’t apologize…” he assured, as his voice grew softer. Unlike his powerful demeanor, the man behind the mask seemed gentler than expected, persuading you to open your eyes with care. And once you finally did, your eyes indulged the sight before you. The face that simply stared at you.
Around your age, he was blessed with handsome features, that left you breathless. With the black paint that surrounded his eyes, it was a daunting task to trace the beautiful hazel green eyes he possessed.
“I won’t tell a soul…I swear” you found yourself whispering with sincerity. To which he nodded:
“I know…” he breathed.
The manner in which those eyes sparkled, his concern for his identity had vanished. And at last, all seemed clear to you. Bravery kept you calm, as you took one of his hands, placing it over your chest. All that, in order to confirm your suspicions. To confirm that the lightning speed of your beating heart was no hallucination. The stomach acting up with tickles, your overwhelming concern, your indiscriminate joy, amidst the danger. It was evident that Magic had stumbled into you. Finally. That very moment you had dreamed of.
Moving from your heaving chest, Batman’s hand proceeded to cup your face instead. Your breath could not help but hitch. And his touch was to blame, even with the presence of his gloves.
“That Mistletoe Scheme of yours…” He began in a low voice,“…You really upset that it got sabotaged tonight?”
“Honestly…” you paused, “…now that I think of it…it wasn’t that great. So…”
Low but pleased, his response brimmed with the power to push you towards insanity. And it engulfed you whole, the moment he leaned forward, and kissed you.
No Christmas gift would ever succeed in providing the magic as his kiss did. If your body was akin to a Christmas tree, then his kiss was simply the electric switch, setting all bulbs alit. Those delicious lips were generous, offering you all that you longed for: Gentle. It simply was the word, with his lips pressed against yours with the softness of actual feathers, awakening every inch of stimulus in your system to life. Gentle was what he promised, as your lips and his, both embarking on their own pilgrimage, to heal one another. And to spark the magic you both had missed for simply too long in life.
Pulling away, your foreheads rested on one another, releasing one long, shaky breath. And all the sudden, his face began to grow very familiar in your eyes. However, you could not place his name. Who was he?
“Bruce Wayne…” he breathed, answering your silent query, “Nice to meet you”
With a dropped jaw, you uttered your own name in reply. This was certainly unexpected. However in all honesty, it did not matter either. Especially when his sheer humanity, and his lips won your heart over already.  
Loud, static noise reemerged from his removed mask, causing both of you to jump. The voice of an elderly man followed soon after:
“Sir! Master Wayne!” He said, “I finally received your coordinates! Are you alright? We’re on our way”
Relieved beyond all measure, you both shared sighs and huge smiles.
“Merry Christmas! Bruce” you wished.  
“Merry Christmas!”
With his shining eyes, Bruce swooped you in for a kiss once more. Infused with gusto, Impatience had replaced Calm, while Passion had replaced Gentle. Yet, you did not mind. Not at all. Especially when you shared his sentiments to the very core.
Trapped you may have been underground, smothered with the cold. And even so, no form of anger lingered in you towards Dino Maroni. Not any longer. For once in your life, you were ecstatic for a plan to have failed miserably. For this may have been Fate’s real plan after all.
Tagged: @tammykelly​​​ @ladyerina​​​ @kittenlittle24  @everyday-imfangirling​​​ @lucy-roo​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​ @bale-is-a-babe @badsext​​​  @maddistyles17 @truly-insatiable @gooseyhouse​​​ @artsymaddie​​​ @quarterback-5 @mamooska8 @strangerliaa​​​ @jensen-impala​​​ @lilyofthesword​​​ @woodencupcake​​​ @fonduebitches @soullesstaco​​​ @spicybellinger​​​ @marvel-lously​​​ @glitterypinkkitty​​​ @danceyreagan​​​​ @barikawho​​​​  @lostgirl0020​ @diogodxlot​​​​ @elena-mayfair​​​​ @xxdearlybeloved​​​​ @shewearsprada​​​​ @lexiespeaks​​ @readingslumpfanfic​​ @misterlords-fics​ @christianbalefanatic​
Lemme know if you wanna get tagged.
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pebblee-penguin · 3 years
Hai @ficsandgiggles !! I'm your squealing santa!!! I hope you enjoy your fic, and happy holidays!
And thank you to @ticklygiggles for organizing all this!! <3
(A post-Unus Annus tickle fic!! Lee!Ethan and Ler!Mark, platonic.)
Ethan is nervous because he thinks that since Unus Annus is dead, no one will remember him or his channel. Mark seeks ways to comfort him
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It was a couple days after Christmas and Mark had invited a couple friends over, safely. Some of his “YouTuber friends” took the C0vid test, and all tested negative so they got together, still being as safe as possible. Along with Ethan, Mark had the entirety of “Teamiplier” and more. Everyone was thankfully safe beforehand, and afterwards.
The others had left for some personal business, but Ethan stayed for a bit longer, not entirely motivated to drive home by himself. Mark was used to having Ethan around his home. Thanks to Unus Annus, Ethan felt like a roommate to him every once in a while. And he didn’t mind! As much as he made fun of Ethan, the two were best friends.
Ethan helped Mark and Amy clean up after the dinner. Amy had noticed Ethan’s eyes began to look wet, and seemed like he wasn’t doing okay.
“Hey, uh–would it be okay if I sat down f-for a moment. I’m—feeling dizzy.”
The other two looked up from their work and nodded.
“Yeah sure, go sit down.” Mark motioned his head towards the couch.
“Thanks..” Ethan sat on Mark’s couch with his hands on his forehead. Mark immediately got back to cleaning up. Amy smacked his arm.
“He’s clearly not feeling well. You should go talk to him.” she whispered.
“He seems..fine. I thought he was just dizzy...”
“Something’s on his mind. Just–go!”
“I don’t want you to hafta clean up everything by yourself-” he whined.
“I’ll be fine, just go talk to him.” she smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek as she nudged him towards his friend. Mark smiled and headed towards Ethan.
Ethan heard footsteps coming toward him, so he quickly wiped his eyes and masked a slight smile for Mark.
“W-What’s up?” he stuttered, hoping his friend wouldn’t notice his current condition.
“What do you mean what’s up? Somethings not okay with you. Do you feel sick or something?” Mark sat down next to his friend. He was genuinely concerned. He didn’t want Ethan to feel bad.
“No, not sick.. Just…..tired. I guess..” He smiled, truly trying to be considerate, he shoved his emotions down inside himself to not burden anyone else. “I feel fine, Mark. Don’t worry about it.”
“You do not feel fine. I’m here to help! We can talk if you’d like. I just wanna help.” Mark’s eyes were locked on Ethan’s, making no error in showing him that he wanted to help. Ethan scoffed a bit and  looked away.
“I’m fine..just don't worry about it-”
Mark sighed. He hated seeing his friend feel down.
"Tell you what. Can I at least try to make you feel better, however you're feeling?" He raised his eyebrows, feeling determined to make sure Ethan could go back to being his best self.
"Yeah..sure." he chuckled slightly.
"Good. That's all I need." Mark ran past the kitchen for a moment, then ran back dog in hand.
"Heh, hi Beeks." He ruffled the top of Chica's fluffy face. Mark's eyes widened at Ethan's lack of emotion.
"Really?? Chica can't even help?" He put Chica's paws on Ethan's leg and pretended that Chica had a sad look on her face.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it!" Ethan threw his hands in the air for a moment. Mark stared at him, ideas flowing through his head for what could work even better than shoving a dog in his face.
"C'monnn! C'moooooon~" Mark cood while poking all around Ethan's torso. "I just wanna heeeeelp~"
Ethan swatted Mark's hands away. Mark noticed the slight grin forming on Ethan's face. He was attempting to hold down the bubbly giggles in his chest.
"Ohohoh... I got an idea to make yous feel bettah~" Mark used his 'Yancy' voice, indicating a playful tone towards Ethan.
"Mahark, don't you dare. It's not the time for this-" Instead of getting up from the couch, he began to shrink himself in to the couch's corner. With the realization that this idea wouldn't be the greatest, he continued executing it.
"Ohhhohoh I think it IS the time for this~" Mark playfully wiggled his fingers towards the younger man's stomach.
"Nohohoho!!" Ethan sunk further into the couch. As far as he could until Mark's fingers barely made contact with his quivering stomach.
"Yes!" Mark pounced and dug his clawed hands into Ethan's sides. Ethan twitched and squirmed as if he just got electrocuted, laughing hysterically.
"NAHAHA YOHOHOU AHAHAHASS-" He writhed and locked his arms in a position that almost made him look like he was operating a jetpack.
"Ass? I'm trying to help you out! Trying to make you feel better! I don't even know the reason for the horrid feeling has overcome you!" Mark's clawed hands scribbled over to the side of Ethan's ribs, Making Ethan's loud giggles go up an octave.
"Nnnope! I'm gonnnnnnnnaaaaa......tickle your tummy! Tickle tickle!! Tickle tickle tickle!!" Mark's teasy voice was one Ethan had never heard before, but was enjoying thoroughly.
Through Ethan's incoherent giggles, Mark could barely understand all of what he was saying except for a mere "whyhyhyhy".
Ethan's major giggle fest was urging Ethan to fall off the couch. Before Ethan could 'escape' in any way, Mark thrusted his leg between Ethans' to keep him in place.
"Nuh-uh-uh~" Mark clicked. "I will sit here and tickle the information out of you if I have tooo~"
Ethan had no time to retaliate when he was at Mark's mercy once again. The tickling fingers moved and began vibrating at the crevice of Ethan's neck.
"FAAAHAHAHAHAHAHACK NAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Ethan screamed as his hands moved to try to push away Mark from his sensitive neck. The two could even hear Amy giggling at them from the kitchen.
"AAAHAHAHAHAHAMY AHAHARE YOHOHOU ENJOHOYIHING THIHIHIS-" Ethan squealed to her from across the room.
"Am I doin' good Amy?" Mark began attacking Ethan's exposed underarms, from blocking his neck.
"You're doing great hunny!" Amy giggled again from the kitchen.
"YOOHOHOU TWOHOHOHO SHUHUT UHUHUP" Ethan's laughter grew twice as loud, and thrice as joyous. Mark chuckled at his friend who was clearly smiling. Not just from the tickling sensations, but he seemed to be feeling a lot better than before.
After what seemed like hours, but was really about 20 minutes in all, Mark slowed his tickles down to slight scratches on Ethan's back. Ethan, who was laying face down on the couch now, was giggling, almost sleepily.
"You feelin' any better? You ready to talk?" Mark moved so Ethan could sit up and breathe if he needed to.
"Yeah, I feel better." He grinned. "But..do we hafta talk about shit?"
“Come on, I really want to help whatever you’re going through. Please?” Mark nodded his head, showing that he was being serious.
Ethan saw Mark’s intent, and unraveled his feelings.
“I’m just having a bit of a harder time with Unus Annus. I’m fine with it being over, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad..but it’s making me feel like I’ve been forgotten already.” He looked down, avoiding eye contact. What he was feeling seemed so silly, so inconvenient. He didn’t know why this made him anxious, it normally never did. Mark’s eyes widened.
“Man are you serious? You’ve got literally nothing to worry about! Your fans absolutely adore you! You've got touring plans! You just hit 2 mil!! That’s a win in my book!” He pat Ethan’s shoulders.
“I know, I know! And I’m nothing but thankful! But.. I just feel like ever since Unus Annus is gone....people are forgetting about me already. Views have gone down and likes have gone down and ‘hate comments’ have gone up and all sorts of shit like that! And I know it’s petty to just think about views, but to be honest it kind of hurts my feelings. Which is really stupid.”
Mark understood Ethan’s feelings. It’s hard to feel unfulfilled. It’s hard to feel forgotten. He’s had times like that too.
“Hey, no one is forgetting about you. If anything Unus Annus probably boosted your channel!” he chuckled unharshly. Ethan sighed.
“Look, all I’m saying is that I really think you’ve got nothing to be worried about. Honestly, I see you working harder than ever now that Unus Annus is dead. And you’re making so much progress. You’re progressing faster than I hoped to have when I was where you are. You’re doing so much, and your fans love you. You’re amazing, man.” Ethan looked up and smiled at Mark.
“Damn, that really means a lot to me. Thanks Mark.” he smiled widely.
"No problem, you ticklish dork." He ruffled Ethan's hair like a child. "And thanks to you for being ticklish enough for me to get you to talk." He winked and Ethan chuckled.
“No problem, asshole.”
Wow! This is the first full fic I've written and posted to tumblr! I hope yall like it!! :D xx
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moonbeamsung · 3 years
hey! this has been getting popular recently, so pair your moots with an nct fic trope or/and ship them with nct?? i love your works too!! can't wait for the next one :)) heh
(anon, i’m so sorry this took so long! thanks for your patience! this also kinda turned into association instead of ships but i also base ships on similarities? so it works out hehe)
🎄dear moots: think of these ships/mini fics as a small christmas/holiday/end of the year gift from me to you! i sincerely hope you like them, it’s not much but it’s the least i can do to express my gratitude for all the love and happiness you’ve made me feel this year, even if we’ve just recently met! i’m so thankful for all of you and i love you very much!🎄
hi lovely anon!! <3 omg you love my works? that means so much to me, i hope you’re having a wonderful day!! thank you so much for sending me this, i had been hoping to do something like it for a while🥺
for my closer moots, i’m gonna combine these, so i’ll outline a fic trope/idea and the pairing will be who i ship you with! hopefully this won’t become an essay lol. warning: it does
i don’t want to leave anyone out, so for those of you that i’m not quite as close with or have met more recently, i’ll just give you a ship! i hope that’s okay🥺and if i’m still forgetting someone then i’m really really sorry, please let me know and i’ll make sure to add you next time!
read more cut because this is a looooot. open at your own risk and prepare for many many MANY blocks of text... also these are in alphabetical order by url!!
——ships + fics——
@astroboy-lele: a best friends to lovers au with chenle, no doubt about it. furou is one of my closest friends on here and our conversations are almost always chaotic, but when they aren’t, they’re full of love and appreciation for each other because she deserves it! major chenle vibes, they’re both so adorable too. her humor is great, all the jokes we have together make me absolutely wheeze oml. i really don’t know what i would do without her kindness sometimes, when i want to give up at something she’s so quick to reassure me. furou, thanks for encouraging me and for always being such a strong source of happiness🥺also, i hope you never doubt your amazing talents because they are a gift to this world!! but enough with the super deep stuff because this is way too long, so the plot would go something like this: you met one day when you heard him practicing piano in the band room by himself. you’re both shy at first so it’s a blush fest when he notices you’ve been listening to him play the whole time, but one not-so-awkward introduction later, you realize you have some things in common and that you share a class or two. you come over for study sessions & work together on partner projects, conversations lighthearted and full of endless laughter. in addition, you also show your support for each other’s talents and dreams, with him attending your dance performances and clapping louder than anyone else in the audience, and you attending his recitals, heart swelling with more pride and appreciation than you thought was possible. any time that you spend together usually ends with you asleep on his chest while he taps away at a piano app on his phone because he knows it calms you down, humming softly by your ear. as the sunlight streams in from his window and illuminates your face, he takes one look at you and decides that you’ve become so much more than just a best friend to him after everything you’ve been through together in such a short time. but will he ever find the courage to tell you how he feels?
@danishmiilk: i can’t really explain it, but i just picture late nights walking through city streets in a strangers to lovers au with doyoung by your side. xing-yi has a lot of love to give to others and so much to offer the writing community, and also she’s somewhat of a social butterfly, at least i think so! it makes me so happy seeing her interact with her moots and she always looks out for others! i also imagine that she has a cute bunny smile but also maybe not HAHA anyway i just love xing-yi a lot. here’s the fic: doyoung, the one who always seems to know everything, is forced to ask for directions in a foreign city. shamefully standing on the sidewalk, he stops you mid-step with a small hand gesture, because even though he doesn’t know you at all, you look like you probably won’t walk away or dismiss his questions with a shrug. being as friendly and willing to help as you are, you oblige. with an embarrassed scratch to the back of his neck, he admits that he might forget the sequence of lefts and rights you had given him, but you’re unfazed and simply offer to walk him there yourself, since it isn’t terribly far anyway. doyoung, lightly flustered since he’s not quite sure how to thank you for your trouble and feeling bad for taking the time out of your day, fumbles with asking for your number. he’s cute, you think, and before you part you insist on showing him around the city some more before he leaves, glancing at the sheepish but smitten man over your shoulder with a smile as you turn to walk back home, leaving him eager to see you again.
@daybreakx: my first thought was a hogwarts au with kun! ale’s talent in writing is a beautiful hidden gem on this site, and she truly deserves so much more recognition for it. i’m so grateful for how kind she is and i want the best for her and her work always! also, the love letter network that she created to help more writers receive love, feedback, and appreciation from readers is such a generous and selfless thing to do, it shows that she has such a caring heart! all of these qualities make me think of kun, and i chose a hogwarts au because i think she just writes those especially well and hers are some of my favorites! so for the fic: the fates are definitely not on your side today, because all the friends you made on the train ride to the castle have been sorted into different houses than you, not to mention you have almost no classes with any of them. at the same time, you seem to have every class with this one boy, kun. he’s in hufflepuff, the same house as you, and because you’re always paired up as seatmates, you find yourself warming up to him throughout the year. conversations become easier during projects, you start to have study sessions in the common room when exams come around, and as first-year students, you both love experiencing all the new and exciting things that the school and the magical world has to offer together. now, you couldn’t be happier that you were sorted into hufflepuff, because otherwise you might not have become friends (and maybe more..) with him!
@donkey-hyuck: vy is way more hilarious and talented than others give her credit for, and not to mention the way everyone adores her for always being so loving and showering them with her affection and support😭i’m thinking of a sci-fi au with jeno! she’s just so hardworking with her writing and on her collabs, & i think she’s strong-willed because she always pursues her goals no matter what! she has such a bright personality and also, like jeno’s her smile is just the CUTEST thing ever!!!! i will never be over it istg🥺fic: in a world full of new technology and controlled by a government unwilling to remember the past and all its traditions, a band of rebels come together and take it upon themselves to go back in time and discover what their reality used to look like long ago. one fateful day on their quest to uncover the mystery of the past, they stumble upon you, unaware of their cause but eager to join them. you take after one of the boys particularly well, lee jeno. though he’s assigned the role of warrior, he’s well-rounded and could easily succeed at any task the group may need him to complete. extremely passionate about the group’s goal, the two of you share a dedication that only brings you closer with time, working together and just being complete badasses. when you aren’t navigating through streets full of neon signs and angular buildings, you fall into the rhythm of a relationship. though you may not know much about each other’s pasts yet, one thing’s for sure: you can definitely see a future with one another.
@fairvtale: a soulmate au with jisung! i mean, keia is just the peak of cuteness, love, positivity, and everything sweet and nice!! how could i not ship her with the adorable park jisung himself😭she’s so full of compassion for everyone she meets and is so loved and appreciated for not only her great personality but also her talents! now, in this soulmate universe, you and your soulmate share the same preferences! so when you hear someone standing in line ahead of you at the ice cream shop order your favorite flavor, your heart skips a beat. of course, it’s not the first time it’s happened, but something feels different today. when you see who the voice belongs to, you just know that the tall but also shy boy is meant for you, and being brave, you approach the small two-person table he sits down at, making small talk until you both realize that you have a little too much in common for it to be a coincidence... :D <3
@ferie-anon: i’m picturing a bookstore au with shopkeeper!taeil, you just give off really insightful but also curious vibes!! both you and taeil make me think of wisdom(especially with your astrology knowledge! it amazes me so much omg), and also, you both have hearts of gold🥺💝fic: a new book shop opens up in your town, and eager to find a new story to dive into, you enter one day to find taeil behind the counter with a smile on his face that’s so bright you don’t even notice his smaller but adorable stature. he guides you, his first customer, through the rows of books to find one that interests you. since the store has multiple copies, he finds himself reading the same ones that you buy not only to enjoy them for himself, but also because it allows him to discuss them with you when you come in the next time, eager to hear each other’s thoughts and knowledge. your equal love for learning and discovery makes you a perfect match!
@flirtyhyuck: kitty is a literal ray of sunshine into my life, so who else would i ship him with than haechan? (i know i once said jaemin but shh) he is so encouraging, always makes me smile and my heart burst, i’m really thankful for all the times he checks in on me and i just feel very loved talking to him. he deserves all the love in the world, really and truly. for the au, maybe a strangers to lovers with barista!haechan! your favorite cafe has a new worker that’s attracting all the attention lately. haechan makes the funniest jokes and comments at the register, and everyone asks for him to ring them up just so they can laugh at his sarcasm. but he’s also so attentive to each and every customer, making sure the order is nothing short of perfect and exactly what they wanted. you always sit at one of the bar-style seats as you enjoy your favorite drink, legs dangling from the elevated chair as you watch him bustle about behind the cashier station and among the machines & supplies. one day it’s closing time, he’s cleaning up for the night but he lets you stay a few more minutes, something he wouldn’t do for anyone else. leaning over the marble countertop that your cup rests on, he swipes a fingertip through the whipped cream on top of your drink and lightly taps your nose with it, making you giggle endearingly at the ticklish sensation and giving him the courage to ask you out. with a smile, you agree. ‘sure, but let’s go somewhere other than a coffee shop, please.’
@fruityutas: emily (pt 1 HAHA) seriously cracks me up SO MUCH, not to mention she has one the best laughs i’ve heard and it’s super lovable haha. i don’t know what else to call it but i’d give her a wedding date(?) au with hendery! even when i didn’t know her very well and we had just recently met she was super friendly and inviting. for some reason i feel like hendery would also play the sims lol, anyway! onto the fic: when given the opportunity to bring a ‘plus one’ to a friend’s special day, your other friend hendery swoops in with an arm around your shoulder as you reread the invitation out loud, wondering who to ask. not so subtly, he offers to accompany you, and not wanting to be the only one without a guest, you agree to his proposal (no pun intended). dressed in your best formalwear and with stiffly linked arms, you navigate through the ceremony, only loosening up a bit at the reception. hendery is determined to make you smile with his exaggerated dancing, twirling you and making you more than glad you brought him along. you do get a few comments from other guests on what a ‘cute couple’ you are, leading you both to exchange glances before bursting into laughter. it starts to become less and less implausible, though. you catch hendery’s eye right after you find the bride’s flower bouquet in your grasp, suddenly realizing there could be more between you than you realized...
@jenojam: i was totally not influenced by your preschool series at all haha, but a preschool au with teacher!kun comes to mind! vina is always there for me, she’s so caring and attentive to everything i tell her!! i get mom friend vibes i guess, she’s just so sweet and i feel super loved and cared for whenever we interact, i’m really grateful for her endless support🥺for the fic, kun is a coworker of yours at the preschool you teach at. you both have such a strong passion for teaching and it helps you bond, leading to many days spent side-by-side, fondly watching your students play with their friends at recess or do activities and play games in class. even the small children in your class can see how much wider you smile when you’re in the same room. with the sweetest and most innocent of intentions, shenanigans ensue of your well-meaning but slightly mischievous students trying to get kun to confess to you, whether it be by writing a message in sidewalk chalk or making a bracelet out of craft beads for him to give you.
@jisungsmochi: hm, i’m thinking...a high school/college au with theatre kid!xiaojun🥺i ship nat with xiaojun because she’s just the sweetest, she has a hidden chaotic side (imo lol) and just a great sense of humor as well! she’s so fun to talk to and you can’t help but love her🥺picture this: you’re both in english class together, and one day there’s a mix-up. he accidentally grabs your essay and you end up with his script for the school musical. you have no choice but to go to one of his rehearsals to swap them back, but as you’re standing in the doorway, you’re captivated by his performance! little do you know, he’s absolutely in awe of your writing, even in a simple literature paper. your admiration for each other’s talents leads to you sitting in the back of the theater doing your homework every day after school, listening to his voice ring out across the large room, and he gets a confidence boost knowing you’re there watching him act, dance, and sing. he always winks at you from onstage and you’re beyond starstruck every time, your english paper quickly becoming forgotten as soon as he meets your eyes with a charming smile.
@lebrookestore: well, a royal au with prince!/childhood friend!taeyong comes to mind. brooke is a lot like taeyong because she’s so considerate and generous but also can be very professional and calm when she needs to be! (i think i told you already but you have this ~duality~ in a way, like ty haha.) so..you both grow up in the castle, scampering away from the staff in the large hallways and just enjoying the excitement of life. one day when you’re a bit older, you come across a stranger in the forest as you’re exploring. they turn out to be from the next kingdom over, but something about them is familiar: you’re sure you’ve seen a ‘wanted’ poster with their face plastered on it. you manage to warn taeyong in his ear before you hear the stranger’s footsteps speed up, and you both start sprinting as fast as possible. quickly working together since you know each other so well, you devise a plan to get them caught in a tangle of vines you remember seeing on your way into the forest, so you can bring back reinforcements to arrest the dangerous criminal. it works, but instead of turning to give taeyong a high five in celebration, he’s already in front of you and thanking you for your quick thinking with a hug, suddenly realizing that how much he loves you after seeing your brave and clever side emerge, just two of the many traits that made you win his heart.
@navyhyuck: vee’s name has basically become synonymous with happiness at this point, hearing from her in my inbox/messages or seeing a post/work of hers on my dash is so comforting and makes me smile more than she knows. since she’s the epitome of sweetness, i’ll say a bakery au with jaemin! i really appreciate knowing someone like her, and the encouragement she gives me is so heartwarming🥺the way she sends asks in the mornings makes me feel so ridiculously loved and at ease, her presence in itself is a gift to this site. tumblr really doesn’t deserve her!! i’m so happy that we’ve grown close and i don’t know what i would do without her and her kindness in my life. fic: you sign up for a baking class at a quaint, local pastry shop to learn how to make desserts and treats, since baking was a hobby you had enjoyed as a child with your family and now you hoped to learn how to do it on your own. little did you know that your instructor would be even more saccharine than the sugary treats you were making. his flirtatious nature leads to many mishaps in the kitchen as you get distracted while trying to follow along with the simple directions, instead making a mess of the icing and sprinkles and nearly confusing the measurements of ingredients. he finds it adorable, though, and towards the end of the session he sneaks a bite of one of the french macarons you put together, a bright smile lighting up his features as he compliments you on it. he teases you by reminding you to pay more attention next time, and with a comeback so quick that even you’re surprised, you take him up on that offer, implying that you’d be back for another class soon. “good. we’re making crème brûlée next week,” he informs with a wink as you both part ways. boy, was he sweeter than sugar.
@orange-nimon-cross: yunha deserves someone who knows the true her and has always been by her side, so i’d say a neighbor/boy next door au with winwin/sicheng. her personality is unique and complex like sicheng’s, and like him i also admire her for lots of reasons, such as her honesty and the pride she takes in writing as well as her passion for it in general. she’s very sweet, so supportive whenever i need it, and deserves so much more recognition for her beautiful work!!💕fic: your neighborhood holds a classic and oh-so-cliche summer block party every year, the smell of smoke and sounds of laughter moving through the air and into your open window. when a bad day gets you down and you hesitate to join in the festivities, sicheng is the only one who can get through to you, not forcing you to talk about anything and just sitting beside you on your bed in silence, which seems to be the most comforting thing anyone can do at the moment. when you tell him you’re ready(which he asks you to confirm many times, because that’s just how much he cares about you and wants you to be fully comfortable and okay), he takes your hand and leads you outside and onto the burning asphalt of the street with other friends and families, the blissful feeling of summer putting you at ease and the gentle evening breeze carrying away your cares with it. and like a springtime flower, although one season late, your relationship begins to blossom into one full of even more love and consideration for each other than it was before.
@radiorenjun: a doctor au with renjun! angie is slightly (okay, very) chaotic but also very lovable!! i don’t know if she’s an aries but she gives off serious aries energy. she’s confident and optimistic and really approachable! i’m so happy she reached out to me one day and we became friends from there🥺in the fic, renjun is a resident at your hospital studying under you and learning the ropes of being a doctor. when you first met each other, you actually mistook him for a coworker with how professional he seemed, but the confusion made a small, adorable blush rise to his cheeks. shy and timid at first, he takes notes and helps you do your job without complaint. when you offer part of your routine to him, he gratefully accepts and does the task perfectly, growing more comfortable in his position and relationship with you as he receives more opportunities to show his skill. sharing stories and experiences from medical school on your lunch breaks and smiling when you finish each other’s sentences about patients and their prescribed care, you realize that you’ve fallen for the soon-to-be doctor, and that no stethoscope could possibly measure the beating of your heart around him.
@rouiyan: so you know how you said you were excited for my wip that’s a strangers to lovers au with animal shelter worker!jeno? that’s what this is(loosely anyway)!!🥺ree reminds me of jeno in the fact that she’s such a sweetheart in every interaction with anyone, it feels like you’ve been her friend for ages! and then you look at her writing that’s just so damn good and sophisticated and i’m always so amazed with everything she puts out, just like how jeno’s talents amaze me as well! now for the fic: your beloved dog runs off in the park, but luckily a boy walking nearby lunges for the leash as it drags behind the animal. you thank him repeatedly, and he explains that the little puppy might have tried to leave your grasp only because she wants to make a new friend. the park is full of other dogs, after all. he mentions that he works at the shelter nearby and suggests that maybe you should adopt a second one to keep her company. not seeing any reason why you shouldn’t, you meet him the next day and spend time together picking out a new puppy. many more days are spent giving the fluffy little animals lots of pets and scratches behind the ears, and playing with them. you’re not sure what’s cuter: the dogs, or jeno’s eye smile.
@ru-lin: (the fic was kinda inspired by what you told me about your job in our messages the other day hehe) i’d say a christmas au with mark! ruth is so considerate and a pleasure to talk to, we actually have a lot in common! she’s very warm and caring and always looking out for others. i can tell she really values her friends and they’re so lucky to have her, she’s just so sweet all around! talking to her makes my day a lot brighter whenever we interact🥺fic: during the holidays you always work at a christmas market, helping customers pick out pretty much anything they could ever want that’s associated with the chilly month and all its festivities. when a shy boy that’s adorably awkward and clumsy stumbles into the shopping area, you bite back a small laugh at his endearing hesitation to ask for assistance. speaking up first, you ask if there’s anything he needs and he explains that he’s looking for the perfect tree. with a knowing smile, you lead him down the rows of tall pines and firs and any kind of christmas tree you could possibly imagine. when his eyes land on one that he likes, his eyes light up with excitement, and you help him load it into his car. as mark is halfway home he curses, realizing he forgot to pick up a wreath as well. he knows it’ll earn him a playful scolding from his group of friends, but if it means another chance to return to the market and see you, it’s worth it.
@rvse-hvvck: i feel like i ship so many people with jaemin but it’s just because they’re so especially full of kindness and love for others, and ana is no exception! i’d give her a matchmaker au with jaemin! ana is so incredibly selfless and her heart is so compassionate, it’s crazy. i really look up to her in a lot of ways! the first impression she made on me was already a great one because i saw so many writers receiving her beautiful love letters, and from that moment alone i could already tell how much she strives to be kind and generous in everything she says and does. i hope she knows how much everyone truly adores her and is grateful for her, because she really makes the world a better and brighter place. (if you’ve seen the movie clueless i guess this fic is sorta similar!) so, you’re the resident expert on relationships among your school community, always trying to pair up people with similar interests or that have a lot of chemistry together. it brings you joy because you love seeing your friends laughing and smiling with their partners, but you feel a twinge of sadness at the same time. when jaemin, the boy you’ve liked for a while, comes to you for advice, you push down your feelings for him and send him on dates with anyone you can think of. the whole time though, he’s only had his eyes on you. he has always admired your altruism and your dedication to making others happy. it hurts him to see that you’re not even giving yourself a chance, so with a simple but heartfelt confession in the school parking lot at sunset, he helps you realize that you deserve a love like you’ve helped so many others find.
@sly-merlin: talking to simmi is always something very healing (like yuta’s smile hehe) so i’d definitely give her a secret agent/spy au with partner!yuta! she is so friendly to anyone and everyone, she gives off this warm and loving vibe like that of an old friend🥺she’s also extremely dedicated to her studies and works so hard. everyone adores her, and seeing her talk about things that make her happy is just the cutest thing ever! simmi, you truly have everyone’s heart!! now for the fic: you and yuta are both spies, partnered up for a very important and serious mission. only problem is, he’s never been the serious type. he teases you for being so uptight, but you genuinely don’t know any other way to approach a mission. along the way though, he manages to teach you how to have a little fun with your job, even if it means lots of close calls and sticky situations that force you both to begrudgingly (well, you more so than him) pretend you’re an oblivious couple in order to escape suspicious eyes. eventually, you find yourself becoming less and less unwilling to throw a casual arm around his shoulder, even when you aren’t at risk of being caught on your mission. maybe he isn’t so bad after all... :)
@suhpressed: a strangers to lovers au with theatre usher!johnny. so you know how johnny’s like an older brother to mark? i get major comforting and warm big sis vibes from elaida!! i would ship her with johnny because they’re both such selfless and caring people! she’s not afraid to speak her mind, and she always looks out for others with kindness and encouragement! as for the fic: you’re finally attending a broadway show you’ve been dying to see since, well, forever. this really cute usher helps you find your seat, but in a rare stroke of clumsiness, he bumps someone with a glass of wine in their hand that ends up staining your blouse a dark red. like the gentleman johnny (you can see it on his nametag) is, he promises to buy you a new one, and writes his phone number on the show’s program. you enjoy the musical, but the digits scribbled down next to the performers’ names prove to be more distracting than you anticipated. throughout the show you’re really jittery, excited to get back home so you can text him. in addition to replacing your ruined shirt, he also invites you out for coffee over the phone, you agree, and you both hit it off. the rest is history! the way that you met becomes a favorite story among your friends and families, & they never miss a chance to tease you two about spilling drinks.
@tyongxnct: elida, where do i begin🥺right away, i think of an idol au with taeyong. she is just so caring and supportive, she likes or comments on my posts and can make me smile with just a few words!! i remember one time that she said she was lucky to have me as a moot and it really warmed my heart, i’m so so lucky to have her too! i can tell she’s passionate about writing and that it brings her so much joy! i wish her only the best in life always <3 in the fic: during a tour, nct 127 stops in your country for a few nights of concerts, and in the midst of the excitement on the way back from the venue, taeyong gets separated from the rest. in an unfamiliar environment, he begins to panic as he remembers that he left his phone on the tour bus and has no way to contact his manager or fellow members. you, while familiar with and respectful of the group but not an avid follower of their music, catch sight of the lost and more than frazzled man as he frantically paces along the sidewalk, trying to recall his surroundings when he exited the bus hours ago. had it not been for your observant gaze, you may have missed the small group logo on his white shirt, letting you know who he was. determined to ease his obvious nerves by helping him find his way back, you lend a hand by approaching him and asking what he remembers. despite only being given a few details, you know the area he describes, quickly leading him there and reuniting him with the rest of the group. more than grateful, he offers you a ticket to the last show there, and hopes that it won’t be the last time he sees you.
@yo-ddream: a childhood best friends to lovers au with jungwoo! emily (pt 2/granny okay sorry i’m done) also feels like somewhat of an older sister to me, she gives great advice and always seems to have a story to tell from her working adventures lol. she’s very witty and extremely kind!! i guess i get jungwoo vibes because at first she seems quiet, but once you get to know her and she opens up a bit you see her fun personality and humor shine through when you talk to her :) she’s also honest about what she thinks and doesn’t sugarcoat it, something that’s very much needed in a person! okay, onto the fic: you and jungwoo grew up in the same neighborhood, going to the same school, getting your first part-time jobs at same store a few blocks down from your street. your lives have been intertwined from the start, but when a family matter pops up, it threatens his place by your side in almost everything you do and puts your friendship and undisclosed feelings for each other at risk. both working up the courage to confess as time ticks down and it gets closer to the day he’s meant to move away, you spend every moment with each other enjoying life’s little moments, the simple things like watching the sunset on a park bench or taking a walk down the sidewalk of the town shopping center. in an extremely convenient stroke of luck, he gets word that things have been sorted out, and the move is off. in both of your delight at the news, you feel like nothing can stop you. you blurt out the same three words at the same time before launching your arms around one another. if it’s you and jungwoo against the world, so be it, because not even the universe had the heart to separate the bond between you.
@zzzzzcakes: zel🥺she’s always been super supportive of me and my work, i’m happy she left feedback on a fic of mine because i might not have reached out to express my gratitude for her words and gotten to know her otherwise! she’s very kind and positive, and seeing her posts and reblogs make me laugh all the time :D i’d say a grocery store au with sungchan. (hear me out i know you must be going ‘huh?’ but trust me on this one! in that recent post you made you said something about shopping carts, and it made me think...see where this is going? haha ANYWAY!) so sungchan is the newest employee at the supermarket where you work. he’s the go-to person to call when someone can’t reach an item on one of the highest shelves, earning bewildered stares from customers and coworkers alike. he always has a joke up his sleeve or a clever remark to make about the many challenges of working in retail. you take a liking to him for how down-to-earth he is and despite all the occasional sarcasm coming from him when you’re both in the break room, he’s very helpful whenever he’s needed. he also admires how focused you are on the job, ringing up endless items and bagging groceries until your hands hurt. whenever he strides down an aisle near the register you’re working at that day, he doesn’t hesitate to send a wave and an endearing grin your way. it’s the moments like that with him that get you through your shift and keep you going. it’s no surprise when you reveal to the rest of the staff that you’re dating. of course, the perks of being employees mean that you can spend many late nights racing each other in shopping carts at the back of the store near closing time and other mischievous activities of the sort, laughing when your manager scolds you over the loudspeaker system without a care in the world.
@badwithten: zoe is someone full of both humor and heart, a combination that immediately reminds me of lucas, so i’d 100% ship her with him! she’s given me really good advice and encouragement to stay true to myself, something i can also see lucas doing, and i’m very grateful for her wise words :) and like i said, her heart is full of love and she’s so kind to everyone!
@bucchinct: i’m not sure if we’ve ever interacted, but i always see your posts on my dash and you reblog so many artistic and pretty things/pictures, which makes me think of jaemin and his hobby of photography! so i would ship you with him ^_^
@du0tine: i’d ship solange with ten, for a number of reasons! one, the fact that she mountain climbs for a living and is so dedicated to/passionate about it is something extremely admirable and amazing, so she comes across as very brave and adventurous! also, she’s not afraid to tell others her opinions and that honesty is really refreshing to see! and her blog themes are super artistic which reminds me of ten as well. she just seems like a great person in general and i hope to get to know her more!
@ethaeriyeol: i haven’t really talked to bea much, but i know she is good friends with a few of my other moots so i think that says something about the kind of person she is! i would ship her with jaehyun, she seems really professional (and lowkey intimidating but you didn’t hear it from me) but also very sweet and welcoming and i imagine they both have the cutest smiles, with or without dimples, hehe.
@euphoricdreamies: i’d ship maddy with chenle! she has such a great sense of humor and it’s so much fun to read about her oc’s, i love keeping up with the plots! i’ve followed her for a while but we just recently started talking, she’s very friendly🥺maddy’s just been nothing but nice to me, and i feel like she has a sarcastic and witty side. also, she deserves so much more recognition for her talent and i think everyone deserves to read her amazing work!
@felixn-recs: it’s been a while since i talked to you, but i’m really thankful that you left some of the first feedback i ever received on my writing! i know for a fact that authors really appreciate you and the kind feedback/support that you show their works. this eagerness to show writers your encouragement and praise makes me think of mark for sure, so i would ship you with him!
@fullsuhnny: angelina seems like the type to be somewhat reserved, but still very generous and selfless towards others, reminding me of kun! when she interacts with people she’s humble and sweet, and i enjoy seeing her reblogs pop up on my dash. i think she’s a wonderful friend to everyone and i hope to become closer with her in the future! also, her blog theme is so cool and aesthetic hehe :D
@gowonhatesyou: renjun all the way, krystal always makes me and others laugh so much with her humor and her entertaining personality. but at the same time, while she can be chaotic and sarcastic, she’s also extremely loving and sociable. i can tell she cares a lot about those around her and wants only the best for them! i really value her friendship🥺
@heartyyjeno: i’d ship alesha with jaemin, she’s so much like him to me. first of all, because she would do anything to make her friends smile or brighten their day! she has a warm personality that makes others feel very loved. she’s also very determined and perseverant, because when things get tough she doesn’t give up and continues to pursue her dreams and do what she loves, even when it may be difficult. i’m positive that everyone she knows appreciates having her and her endless kindness in their life! <3
@injunified: nathalie is really sweet and generous, and i’m really happy that she’s started posting more of her works recently, they definitely deserve all the recognition that they’re getting and more!! i don’t know her super well but she’s a great friend to have, so I’d ship her with winwin/sicheng! i hope she can continue writing because she definitely has a lot of talent for it🥺
@jaeminscoffee: lyra is very warm, friendly, and she was eager to get to know me when we first met, so i would ship her with johnny! i really enjoy talking to her, and she’s also very down-to-earth! she never hesitates to show her appreciation for her friends and followers, and i really look up to her for it🥺
@lovelygalaxy333: lilly is so so lovable and sweet, i would definitely ship her with shotaro! my heart literally threatens to explode whenever i talk to her, and she reblogs the cutest, kindest things! like shotaro, i just wanna protect her because she’s such a special soul and also very positive! even if she just sends a simple ‘hello’ in my inbox from time to time, it puts the biggest smile on my face and i’m so grateful for her!
@meraki-mark: li is very humble and friendly, so i would ship her with xiaojun! she also seems somewhat quiet and calm to me, i was almost intimidated when we first interacted haha. something i admire about her is that i believe she’s the kind of person to truly be dedicated to writing what she wants and not just for the sake of notes! that kind of commitment is really nice to see :)
@minyusa: whenever i see miku on my dash, she always seems to be showing her support for a work or conversing with a friend. she’s there to lend some encouragement and sweet words to those that need it! her good-nature and pure thoughtfulness reminds me of jeno. she’s so nice to talk to and deserves love, no questions asked! you’re a very genuine and warm-hearted person, so i’d ship you with him~ (^ν^)
@moonlightjeno: we don’t know each other very well but just from looking at luna’s writing, i think the types of fics and aus she writes are very diverse and unique! her well-rounded work makes me think of haechan, so i’ll ship her with him! i believe we have some of the same moots so she seems very kind and social as well!
@neonun-au: okay, maybe it’s because ‘multitudes’ has been on my mind ever since i read it but my first thought was to ship mads with taeil! her writing is so elegant and beautiful, i’m so glad her work gets all the recognition that it does! as silly as it sounds for me to say, even her sh*tposts seem sophisticated for some reason hahaha. she’s just so sweet, talented and always so gracious!
@peachjaem00: lou comes across as very laidback and charming, two things that remind me of yangyang! she’s a pleasure to interact with, and i feel like she has a lot of friends, i mean, who wouldn’t want someone like her in their life? she’s such a supportive and inviting person by nature, and i can tell she works hard and puts so much effort into her writing because it’s so good!!
@prettyjaems: i believe i said it once before so pardon the repetition, but whenever i interact with mona i feel loved and cared for like nobody’s business😭which immediately makes jaemin come to mind. she doesn’t hesitate to show kindness to anyone and everyone, but also has a quiet and focused side at times, and i think as a person, she has so many great qualities that balance out and make up her considerate personality! she’s also really motivated and organized with her writing, i hope to learn a thing or two from those work habits of hers :)
@rueyins: one fateful day when i was craving some good old interaction, rue reached out to me just to say hello and ask how i was doing, something that makes me think of taeyong! i really love how caring she is towards everyone she knows, and also her music taste is great, which also makes me think of taeyong, haha🥺the way she looks out for others is such a special quality to have, i’m so glad we’ve become friends!!
@vitamarkie: i would ship kay with mark! i see her interact with her moots a lot, and she just seems very loved all around by everyone that knows her! also, she writes the softest, prettiest, fluffiest stories, and for some reason i think of the fact that mark once said he wanted be an author when he grew up. her skills are seriously amazing and, just like i admire mark for his talent, i admire kay a lot for hers!
@whathamelon: hmm you have a good sense of humor and also seem very friendly because we have some of the same moots! you’re also not shy about showing appreciation to your favorite fics and authors, so i would ship you with johnny!
@yunwoo: i feel like anna is on the soft-spoken, quieter side but still very very sweet, so i would ship her with jisung! she’s really lovable and so comforting to talk to, even though we don’t know each other too well yet. just from her blog she seems so adorable and i want to hug her and talk to her more🥺also her aesthetic is the softest thing EVER i love it so much!!😭
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
“Dance For Me.”
A/N: Here’s your pole-dancing AU you bunch of thirsty… people on discord. Idk, I’m bad at… trashtalk if it’s not for self-defense. I also don’t cuss unless it’s in fics. Because I’m technically not cussing, the characters are *wink wink*.
Batting second after Lary! Khazumi~ Coming in! Unless someone already finished before I did and I didn’t notice, haha.
I’m not one to write NSFW. At least not for public… consumption. Borderline, yes. But like… I suck at NSFW, not gonna lie. I’ll try my very best?
I'm also sorry that I can't write pole dancing very well. Hope you can... picture out what's going on. haha.
Weirdest thing I searched for confirmation while writing this was ‘during intercourse are your pupils constricted or dilated’ Because my mind is so lost rn hahha.
My timeline here is before Christmas. I’m sorry. I need it.
Basically, I'm sorry for this trashy fic.
~Shintori Khazumi 
This… is not quite what Diana expected when she left Akko this morning for work at the estate.
The past few months, Akko had been busy with teaching her classes at Luna Nova, on top of performing her scheduled weekend shows in town that the woman just wouldn’t give up the chance to do. Always for the smiles, always for the people’s happiness.
And Diana loves her for that, she really does. Dear Beatrix, she loves her wife- of three years now- to death.
But while she had been excitedly looking forward to the holidays, winter rolling around, expecting that she’d finally have her wife-mind you- all to herself, said wife had other plans, it seems.
Akko had agreed to be booked almost daily this season, and despite being home in Diana’s arms each night, she had absolutely zero energy to do anything but snuggle up to the former heiress and fall asleep in the blink of an eye.
Diana had pouted for days on end, telling Akko to give her one day, to spend just one day with her.
Akko, despite all her regrets of leaving her wife like this, couldn’t just cancel. But she had promised to dedicate the two days before the twenty-fifth, right up ‘til the end of vacation to her lovely spouse.
And Diana has to reluctantly agree. She knows in her heart that this is Akko’s passion, it’s what makes her the amazing woman known for her beautiful believing heart.
Diana just needs patience. So much patience.
But then, on the day of Christmas Eve, she gets a call from the manor. It’s related to the estate. About a sudden accident with one of her people. She couldn’t not go. At least she’d try to finish up early so she could offer her remaining time to-
Akko’s phone rings.
It’s a special request. A little girl’s birthday. And she just had to see the amazing Kagari (-Cavendish) Atsuko perform her special magic. Now this wouldn’t have been that much of a problem had the party been in the morning or early afternoon, however it appeared as though it would take place around five pm. Diana knows it will run overtime. It always does. Everyone loves to bask in the presence and utter warmth of ‘Atsuko’ after all.
So, Begrudgingly, they both prepare for their respective agendas, Diana feeling absolutely depressed over the fact that she would be coming home for Christmas eve to an empty house, cold halls, devoid of the calming scent and lovely voice of her wife singing her favorite Shiny Chariot showtune from the kitchen as she cooked all of Diana’s favorites.
Akko notices. She always does.
She walks up to the sulking blonde, cupping her face in her hands, chuckling at those pouty lips, those teary eyes. “I’m really sorry, my Diana.” She whispers. “Really, I am.”
Diana sighs in defeat, pulling her wife into one last bearhug before work.
“Can I at least have my own Magical Atsuko show?” She uncharacteristically turns her puppy eyes to her wife, only ever showing Akko this spoiled child within.
“I’ll only give you the very best.”
“With a little song?”
“Whatever you’d like
“Mm…” Diana nodded, looking down at her feet before raising her head, one last question on her mind. “Dance for me?”
“Sure, sweetheart.” Akko laughed, nuzzling her nose on Diana’s. “But for now,” She pinches the taller witch’s nose playfully before planting a kiss. “This is for the kids.”
This is DEFINITELY NOT “for the kids”. For any kids. For anyone for that matter. Diana would never show this to anyone. Over her dead. Lifeless. Fucking. Body.
Nonononono. Diana shakes her head a thousand times internally.
Just no.
Diana gasps as she drops her suitcase on the floor, the contents spilling out at the impact. She had not expected this of all things. She imagined coming home to an empty house, no Akko, and miserable reheated food.
She hadn’t expected unlocking her door to the smells of a rotisserie chicken, some wine, and Akko’s homely scent.
She wasn’t expecting the low thrum of music in the background. She didn’t think that her wife would stand in front of her, in her usual show outfit- no. Wait. This isn’t her show outfit.
Like hell she’d wear that to a children’s party!!
No, this. THIS… This is a knock-off Shiny Chariot costume that is far too skimpy to be sold to the young and pure fans of Chariot. This is one of those costumes you’d see them sell adults for dumb pranks on Halloween, or see it at those kinds of shops.
How did Akko even get that?
The internet is truly fearsome. Shameless. So Shameless.
And so is Diana as she gawks at her pretty wife, donning a very short white skirt, a top that very much exposes her midriff- technically, only holding together those perky mounds-, a cape that is probably the only thing covering her wife that can be counted as decent, thigh-high- gosh- those thigh-high boots, hair free of that small side pony-tail; and that signature white witch hat tops off the ensemble.
“Welcome home~” Akko greets with her usual cheer, expression innocent and beaming, before it shifts a sultry color, tone dropping into a hushed invitation. “Diana.”
Said woman is quiet, she struggles to form a response.
‘Let’s try saying your wife’s name now, Diana Cavendish.’
“A-A-A-A… aaahhhh…”
Oh, Great Beatrix, give me strength.
A lot of it. A trolley’s worth, if you must.
…-and stamina. Please. Strength and stamina to endure.
And Clearly Diana isn’t wishing to hold her ground against temptation.
She might just have a long night ahead.
“Y-yes! I’m l-listening. Very clearly… most…. Definitely…” She says whilst staring at the gracious amounts of cleavage-
“Of course you are, babe.” Akko chuckles in that sickeningly sweet tone, taking a step forward as Diana takes one back. “Where are you going?” She takes another, as does Diana in the opposite direction, her back meeting the hard wood of their front door.
“N-nowhere, I’m… I’m Home.” Diana feels her hands become clammy, shaking, as she wonders where to put them.
“Heh~… I thought you were running away or something.” Akko smiles kindly, actions not as kind. She traps Diana with her body, arms on either side of her head. “And I wouldn’t like that. Would you?” Her eyes flutter innocently, lashes long, eyes wide.
There was clearly only one correct answer.
“Good.” Akko laughs like gentle chimes, pleasant to the ear.
Diana smiles, feeling a little more relaxed.
-Before one hand comes off the wall and now climbs up her torso, Akko’s index and middle fingers walking up to Diana’s tie before her hand takes it, pulling it out of the vest.
“I always liked it when you wore ties.” She murmured, eyes blank and scrutinizing the tie. Before Diana could respond, Akko was already resting her head on Diana’s chest, hand absent-mindedly twirling the thin red tie. “I also like that you wear my colors on you.” Akko raised her head, pulling on Diana’s tie so that their faces came so incredibly close to one another, lips a hair’s breadth apart. “Tells people that you're mine.”
That effectively steals the air out of Diana’s lungs as Akko steps back, still holding fast to the tie, pulling Diana along, as if on a leash. Her Japanese wife leads her to the living room and sits her down on their amazingly comfortable couch.
But not even that could ease Diana’s tense nerves.
“Hi, Diana.” Akko greets back, leaning over her wife, a finger gliding from the base of Diana’s throat to her jaw, tipping it up to guide blue eyes up to meet the most intoxicating wine. “What was your last little request for me this morning, again?”
“I- I… uh… um…”
“Yes?” The brunette lowers her body onto Diana’s head tucked between the poor heiress’ shoulder and neck, peppering kisses along her jaw. “Please remember, darling. I really want to do it for you, you know?” She chuckles, biting on a certain spot near Diana’s throat making her yelp, then licking the area to ease the pain. “I prepared really well for it. I tried so hard for you.”
Definitely not the only thing that was hard, Diana thinks.
An uncontrolled whine tears its way out of the blonde’s mouth, mind desperately trying to remember what the hell she last asked.
Then it clicks.
“Dance for me…?”
Akko seems elated with her answer, nuzzling her neck once before pulling away, Diana missing her warmth… or heat. Or both.
“With pleasure.”
Diana is sure there will be a lot of pleasure involved.
With a flick of her wand (where had Akko hidden that?), a pole rises from the floor in the open space of the room. Akko stalks hypnotizingly towards it, grasping the hard metal with one hand before smoothly pulling herself into her first twirl.
‘Oh Great Nine. This is one of those dances, isn’t it?’
Diana swallows so painfully, finding her throat constricted, the opposite to her dilating pupils as she watches her wife with the focus of a predator waiting on its prey.
Off goes the cape, and Diana only now realizes just how little of her wife’s ass is actually covered by that skirt.
She loves Akko’s ass- She loves Akko. Period.
-along with her thighs and bottom.
She admires her better half’s toned body, muscles flexing and simply wonderful as Akko spins herself around the pole gracefully, hanging onto it with only one hand. The elegance of the movements allows Diana to forget her barely restrained arousal, leaving her in awe for a few moments.
Then a toned leg wraps itself around the pole, Akko rolling her body up against it, turning her gaze to Diana, eyes half-lidded and so sinful. All that talk about grace- screw it, right now.
Another twirl, and another, and another.
Akko climbs her way up the pole so sensually, Diana wishes she were the one being climbed like that. Then Akko stops near the top, almost as though she was frozen. Diana waits with bated breath, before Akko’s hands suddenly release the pole, falling backwards; and Diana panics, thinking something happened and her wife was about to hit the ground hard- but only the hat does so. Akko’s body hangs smoothly in the air, legs squeezing tight, flexing those amazing thighs.
Oh, to be between them instead.
The spinning restarts. Repeats over and over, legs stretching out, then pulling in. At times, an arm would reach out, almost as if it were inviting the audience in, to come closer; to come touch this performer. Then Akko lowers herself to the ground, movements sophisticated, nimble, body poised, and oh so sensual. It’s an interpretative dance, and there must be story behind it.
Diana just doesn’t have enough brain power to process it.
She gasps as her wife stands up; the skirt is forgone, leaving Akko in racy black panties that matches her top that might as well not exist. And again, she’s on that pole, embracing it, caressing it with one hand, down to her body, allowing her palm to slide down her chest to a taut stomach, abs glistening in sweat, before reaching down her legs, and between her thighs, then out, back to latching onto the pole.
The loss of garment shouldn’t distract her. She’s sure this action was to give her wife better grip on the pole. Definitely the reason. Yes. Not because this was… was a… that.
Of course.
Breaking the unspoken rule of silence, a voice suddenly begs for her attention.
Diana throws her head back for a second, needing to relieve her burdened senses at the sight that had just greeted her mere moments ago.
Akko had basically rubbed herself against the pole, her most intimate place surely touching it as she slid up then down, dropping into an air-split, barely hovering over the ground, still twirling, yet painfully slow this time, basically presenting herself to the very red mess breathing heavily on the couch.
Diana’s not sure she can stay seated anymore. She’s been holding back. She’s certain she can’t keep holding back.
“But why are you holding back?”
The question throws her for a loop, eyes so wide, as she stares at Akko’s tantalizing figure, draped over her pole, breathing as difficultly as Diana is.
She releases her show equipment, leaving the pole to disappear as she strides forward provocatively, halting in front of Diana, placing her hands down on the blonde’s open lap, freeing them from their squeezed-together position just moments ago. They massage at Diana’s thighs, and the heiress moans, unsuppressed.
Her dancer takes a seat on her lap, hands busying themselves with loosening Diana’s tie a bit more, removing it from her before Akko slings it around her own neck.
“You are so mean, Diana… even after I called for you so many times…” Akko whispers against her lips, eyes fiery and slightly angered. Diana’s hands are guided to rest on Akko’s hips as she grinds against her wife needily. “Utterly horrible.”
It should be the winter season as it was Christmas. Diana knows that the outside world was harshly cold and chilly, but that temperature did not seem to apply to her. Most definitely not within Diana, and most definitely not between her leee-heeeeg- ‘damn you, Akko’.
“Why would you not come for me?”
‘Which ‘come’ might we be discussing here’, Diana wonders.
“I… I didn’t know… my apologies.” Diana stutters out, distracted by the hand touching the inside of her thigh.
“Even when I made it so obvious?” Akko pouts, biting Diana’s shoulder angrily as her hands make quick work of the taller witch’s buttoned shirt. Those same hands splay against her collarbone and shoulders, caressing and teasing, moving to the back of her head to massage her scalp. The Head of Cavendish gets pulled into a long kiss, her significant other’s tongue pleading entrance as it licks along Diana’s full lips, thighs squeezing Diana’s legs.
Diana permits, giving the appendage access to explore her mouth completely, sometimes brushing against her gums, and gliding along her teeth, entangling with her own tongue. Akko pulls away with a rough nip on Diana’s lower lip.
The latter’s hand is held captive, guided somewhere along her lover’s body.
The heiress fails at hindering any sounds from escaping her as she feels hot liquid drip onto her fingers, before pooling into her open palm. So that’s where Akko had brought it.
Her eyes are bewitching. Fitting of her occupation. They hold Diana’s gaze a prisoner, not against her will. They compel her to do something. Akko rubs against her once more, and Diana whimpers aloud.
Arms tighten their loop against Diana’s neck. Akko’s voice still sounds calm and controlled, but her actions tell Diana that she is anything but. She’s basically riding her at this point.
“Y-yesh?!” Hooded, dark, tempting. Akko’s eyes were all those things. And maybe Diana’s were too.
“Yes…?” Diana feels a switch flip as her finger slips into that wet, heated space and makes Akko cry a lovely tone. She goes deaf to the world, all her focus on the woman shivering delightfully in her arms.
  “Dance with me.”
A/N: So… sequel?
~Shintori Khazumi
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Sophia Jirafe
Seven of Sophia Jirafe’s fics are at Gossamer, but more of her X-Files stories are at AO3 (as sophiahelix). I’ve recced some of my favorites of her stories here before, including Stones and Bones. She was active in the fandom during the show’s run and has never strayed far from fandom in general. She co-founded Glass Onion, a great multi-fandom mailing list that now has nearly 1,000 fics from 100 fandoms at AO3. Big thanks to Sophia Jirafe for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
It did initially, but so many old shows are on streaming now and getting discovered by new people, it makes sense.
I did get a comment from someone who said my first story under this name, posted in early 2000 when I was a college freshman, was older than her by a couple of months, and THAT took me aback.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
It was my first fandom, discovered when I was 17 and searching for info about the show on the school library computer, and it really shaped my whole life! I met a lot of people I still know today (mostly in non-fannish venues like FB, though I do still have some connections in fandom), and learned a lot about writing and just life generally, since I was younger than most of fandom at the time.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I started off on a tiny forum at a website called Squirrel’s Nest, but I kept seeing people thanking Scullyfic in fic headers and eventually I was able to join the mailing list (which was capped to 500 members). Scullyfic was everything to me — I made friends, betas, discussed the show, learned about all kinds of things on Off-Topic Fridays, etc. A lot of those friends, I would email with or more often chat on AIM (individual or these sprawling group chats that would go on all day), and then at the end of 2001 we started migrating to Livejournal. I was getting into Buffy more by then, but it was still mostly the same crowd of people I knew from Scullyfic.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
I feel like it started me on a whole life path really — finding that my deep obsession with fiction could be channeled like that and shared with other people, as well as deepening my writing. Online fandom has been a major part of my social life for over 20 years now, and I love the mix of getting excited about things with friends and also the creative outlet.
My corner of X-Files fandom in particular was just very calm and enjoyable for the most part, full of older professional women who were happy to be friends and give me advice about all kinds of things, and it really set the bar for me with my online interactions. Now I’m almost 40 and trying to be that person for my younger friends, as well as having no patience for toxicity and in-fighting in my fandom spaces.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
A combination of the creepy conspiracy angle and just adoring Scully. I remember how mysterious and fascinating the show seemed when I discovered it right before S5, and there was no way to find out more except to keep watching and hoping they explained. Scully was so smart and tough and beautiful and interesting, and as a teen I was just captivated by her (and the UST, though I didn’t care about Mulder as much).
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I ran across it a couple times early on but felt embarrassed by the concept, but then I read the first in Karen Rasch’s Words series and suddenly it clicked for me. After a while I started daydreaming my own conversations between them, very similar to what happens to me now when I’m getting into a new pairing, so after reading tons of recommended fic by big authors, I started writing my own (the 3-4 stories I posted in high school are all wiped from the internet now, though).
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
Good memories, though because it was my senior year of high school and college, I know a lot of it is just tied to that time in my life, and also being in my very first fandom. I will rewatch episodes from time to time, but I basically never revisit former fandoms because they’re kind of like exes, even if I finished on a good note. I also think my taste in fic has changed (and there isn’t the same novelty of “characters I like getting together omg!”)
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
So many! None of them had quite the same combination of excellent central architecture (especially pre-AO3) and a really high level of discussion and friendliness without being enormous, but I’ve loved them all in their own ways. I’ve done fandom on LJ/DW, Tumblr, Discord, and now on Twitter, and I think I miss the mailing list days the most. You didn’t have to repeat yourself so much in multiple conversations, you weren’t character limited, and the discussion was all in one place, with personal stuff more confined to your side conversations. Discord is a little like that, but it moves too fast and there’s too much noise for my taste.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Heh, after X-Files I went through a whole phase of faves in the Scully vein — Buffy, Aeryn Sun, Kara Thrace, etc. Like many people I’ve shifted primarily into m/m in the last decade (Sherlock, YOI, and recently The Untamed have been my major fictional fandoms, along with a lot of sports RPF), but for non-fannish shows I’m always looking for awesome new female characters, like Elizabeth on the Americans, Peggy on Mad Men, Nadja on What We Do in the Shadows, etc. And I do LOVE Killing Eve and have written a little f/f over there.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I’ll rewatch favorite episodes occasionally, and I keep thinking about a full rewatch but it takes so much time! I never saw the second movie, and I didn’t finish the first of the new seasons because I was hating it, so it’s a little hard for me to think fannishly about them when I disliked basically everything after “Je Souhaite” so much (as far as I’m concerned the show ends there).
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
X-Files no, but yeah I’m still very active in fandoms.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I lost all my saved fic several computers ago, but I recall loving “Blue Christmas” by Plausible Deniability and “Diamonds and Rust” by MustangSally (obviously everything she wrote was great).
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Looking at my X-Files fic, I can’t believe how short it is and how comparatively little of it there is (I have lost track of a few ficlets). It felt like such a big deal to finish anything back then! I think my favorite remains Alphabetum, which involved a tricky structure and 5 elements given by people as part of the Scullyfic Improv challenge, where you had a week to write a story around those elements.
My favorite of my recent fic in fictional fandoms is probably the GoT/YOI crossover novel I wrote a couple years ago, for a completely opposite experience to this (and proof you can grow as a writer with a lot of effort!)
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
It’s honestly hard to imagine going back (like I said, I usually don’t), but I guess I could get inspired by something.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I certainly still write, and I do have to give credit to XF fandom and Scullyfic in particular for giving me the start I got, where I really wanted to be writing good fiction. The few things I wrote in high school were just me jamming out romantic cliches, but the people I was lucky to know in XF fandom showed me that “just” fanfic can still aspire to be high quality. I am a much, much better and more disciplined writer than I was back then, but I might never have started on this path without fandom friends encouraging me.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
Usually just daydreaming about emotional dynamics between characters/people, but sometimes something specific in canon or real life (I write a lot of RPF) gets me going, or maybe something I read.
What's the story behind your pen name?
When I wrote for X-Files, I picked “Sophia Jirafe” combining my favorite first name with a fancy spelling for my favorite animal (I was 18! Don’t judge!) Over on Livejournal, my friend Jintian and I initially shared an account with the same name as our website, double_helix, and when she got her own account I changed to sophia_helix, which is now sophiahelix just about everywhere. A little clunky, but I like the continuity (and I do run across old friends who remember the name).
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
The friends I’ve known for a very long time know about it, but we have never talked about it in depth. My husband, who I met not long after getting into fandom, also knows about it, and he’s encouraging and also a writer so we talk all the time. I told my mom in college and she was pretty dismissive, so we haven’t talked about it since (but my younger sister knows and is cool about it).
When I was younger, it was something I shared readily (I bonded with a new friend in law school I saw looking at LJ), but now I don’t really bring it up with new acquaintances.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I just made a Carrd the other day with all my various fannish addresses (Twitter, locked fannish Twitter, AO3, Tumblr)
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Just that it really was a high quality fandom — so much excellent long casefic, so many cool down to earth people, just generally a great launching place for a young fan. The friendships I made with older people were really important to me, and it makes me sad to see a lot of younger people now getting upset about the idea of anyone over a certain age being in their fandom spaces. I hope someday fandom can get back to appreciating that people of all ages can be the fandom type, and that everyone brings something different to the community.
(Posted by Lilydale on December 1, 2020)
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bcdrawsandwrites · 3 years
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Fandom: Coco
Rating: K
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Héctor, Pepita, Pizzicato (original alebrije fancharacter)
Warnings: None
Description: It's Héctor's first Christmas Eve since his parents were forgotten. Though he tries to make the best of it, it's hard to ignore how much he misses both his parents and living family... and even harder when his alebrije seems to be absent as well. But little does he know that the alebrije has a very good reason for not immediately celebrating the holiday with him...
Beta Readers: @jaywings, RenGP
Notes: My gift for @hobbyartist01​ for the Marigold Bridge server’s Secret Santa! This fic takes place between chapters 3 and 4 of my fanfic, Leatherwing, but if you haven’t read that, just know it takes place after Héctor’s death but before Ernesto’s, and after Héctor’s parents have been forgotten. (And also he has an alebrije here, of course.)
"I'm here!" Héctor called, stumbling into the apartment with a few baskets in his arms. "I've got it, don't worry!" Kicking the door shut behind him, he scrambled into the kitchen and crammed one of the baskets into a corner, covering it up with a few rags and kicking the garbage can in front of it. Immediately he spun around, glancing around anxiously, then heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't spot his bat alebrije in the room. Good—she hadn't seen.
"Busy out there," he said, casually setting his other basket down on the kitchen table and picking out a few items: a nice new candle, as well as a fancy paper poinsettia—they didn't have the real things here, of course, but it looked pretty enough. He set the plant in the living room, away from any candles. "Heh, I guess people are still doing las posadas even here, with their..."
He swallowed, the memory of little skeleton children hurrying down the street rapidly being replaced by that of his living daughter as she followed other children around the streets of Santa Cecilia. Even now he could still hear her own energetic singing, as she stumbled over the lyrics she was still learning.
Shaking his head, he searched the room for a match, finally finding one to light the new candle with, as well as a few others around the house. Their light warmed up the little apartment, and he felt warm, too, watching the way the shadows danced across the hand-carved nativity set, the poinsettia, and the other decorations he'd set out. "Lots of kids running around... it reminded me of home."
Héctor stared down into the flickering flame of the new candle, trying to force himself to keep his mind in the present. This was his home. It had been for several years now. No, Coco and Imelda and Ernesto weren't here, but... they were thinking about him, surely. Even though they had yet to put up his photo, surely this Nochebuena they were thinking about him.
Even though they seemed to forget—
It hit him like a train, and he covered his eyes, his throat straining as he held back tears. No, he was not going to cry on Nochebuena. Yes, everything was different now, and he wouldn't be celebrating with his parents this year, but he was going to enjoy himself, somehow. It's what they would have wanted.
Swallowing again, he hurried back into the kitchen, taking a few other items out of the basket: a small bag of candies and chocolates, and some carefully-wrapped tamales. They were still warm. "I, um, got some dinner," he went on. "Was never good with making tamales. My papá always did that. Imelda too. She... she always made the best—" He was doing it again.
Again he shook himself, glancing back into the living room and forcing a grin. "This is for me, though," he said, with deliberate loudness. "It's a shame I couldn't find you any..."
He paused.
Stepping back into the living room, he looked around, suddenly realizing he hadn't seen Pizzicato since he'd returned.
"Pizzicato?" he called, searching through the candle-lit apartment, hoping to find a midnight blue bat dancing among the shadows. But nothing was there, though his window remained open, letting in the chilly air.
It wasn't unusual for her to not be around—she did stick with him a lot of the time, but there were times she would fly off on her own. Likely to eat, he imagined. Though... she'd been there for him shortly after his father passed, and on his first Dia de Muertos without his parents, and on his death day...
Yet here he was, alone on Christmas Eve.
Swallowing back a tightness in his throat, he stepped up to the open window, feeling a chill that had nothing to do with the December air.
Where could she be?
She was surely breaking a few rules, to begin with.
Not that Pizzicato was entirely familiar with alebrije rules and conduct, still being somewhat new to the profession herself. Her first several months had been a great deal of guesswork and instinct, and... it... it was still that. And so far it had been... going.
A shudder rippled down her segmented shell as she drew closer to the veil. She wasn't quite sure why, since it wasn't like this was the first time she'd done it before. She'd crossed it many times now in order to hunt, since hunting was not exactly a thing on this side of the veil, and her pup—her charge, Héctor—was only marginally successful at retrieving food.
That included retrieving food for himself.
Oh, she hoped this would work.
Shutting her eyes, she prepared herself for the jarring sensation of her body rapidly changing shape. In a few moments, she was suddenly half her size, and her protective shell was gone. But she could fly all the same, and so she did, flitting over the streets of her pup's home.
Normally nighttime was peaceful here, but now it was full of singing and chatter that interfered with her radar, making it harder to sense the delicate wing-beats of insects. There were many lanterns lit within the human-roosts below, bringing an unnatural brightness to the place. It was not unlike the other side of the veil in that respect, but here, her radar and sight were not nearly so good.
Swiveling her ears as she flew, she spotted a moth hovering toward one of the windows of a nearby roost, and snapped it up before it could hide away inside. The humans made these roosts unsafe to enter, or sometimes even to draw near.
Well... mostly unsafe.
Angling her flight to move farther into town, she spotted one roost in particular—that of her pup's colony. There was a great warmth within it, with many voices talking, and here she found the light and noise did not bother her so much. Swooping down into the territory, she spotted a bowl full of sweet liquid set upon a bench, and gratefully landed next to it, lapping it up with her long tongue.
"Oh, there's another one. See it there?"
She did not have to look up into the roost to know who was talking.
"Uh... sí, I see it."
That one was a voice Pizzicato was less familiar with, but she got the feeling she would be hearing it a lot more often if she kept up with these visits.
"Why do you want to attract... these things, anyway?"
Héctor's pup (who was, Pizzicato knew, of course not exactly a pup anymore) was quiet for a moment. "They remind me of dancing, the way they fly through the air," she said at last, and her voice grew quieter. "And... they remind me of someone else."
For a moment, Pizzicato's wings felt heavy, but she lifted them anyway, hopping back into the air and spreading them wide. She took a few skillful swoops through the air, eliciting a gasp of delight from the pup, and was about to leave the territory when something came flying at her.
Darting out of the way, she could see another animal landing on the ground before looking up at her: a house cat.
[You don't belong here,] the cat said plainly, flicking her tail.
"PEPITA!" the pup called. "Get back here!"
[I belong here more than you will ever know, ground-runner,] Pizzicato spat.
[Is that so?] Never turning her gaze away, Pepita began to lick her paw. [Why should you intrude upon my territory, then?]
[I have reasons.] Without another word, Pizzicato turned to leave, flitting away from her pup's territory, the heaviness of her wings making her fly closer to the earth than she normally would.
To her annoyance, the soft footfalls of the cat followed behind her. [Tell me these reasons.]
[They are not your concern, gata!] Pizzicato squeaked, swirling around to face her. The cat was still staring at her impassively. [You still walk this land and have yet to cross the veil!]
She had expected the cat to merely keep staring, but instead her slit pupils widened. [Spirit creature,] she purred. [If you speak true, then you are welcome here. Possibly. But if not...] She bowed herself forward, stretching out her paws before her and unsheathing her claws.
Pizzicato hovered there, contemplating the cat. [Would you... help me?]
Blinking slowly, Pepita sat upright again. [How?]
[I must... find something for my charge.]
[¿Sí? And who is your charge?]
Pizzicato hesitated. This cat must belong to her pup's colony... and she must know the reason the colony was avoiding him. If this was true, if she told her exactly who her charge was, there was a chance the cat would not want to help.
[He is...] Her ears flicked, and she momentarily dipped in her hover. [A member of a nearby colony. A familia.]
The cat stared at her, her tail flicking. [I see.] And finally she stood, stretching her legs. [I will help you, if you will not bother my familia.]
Her wings felt heavier. [B-bien. I will not bother them.]
[Tell me, murciélago, what you wish to find.]
The item had been a hassle to obtain, and even more of a pain to carry. Pizzicato could not do it herself in her current form, so Pepita had stayed with her, carrying it in her mouth as they traveled toward the veil. [You seem... protective of your familia,] Pizzicato commented.
[Indeed.] Pepita did not look at her as she walked. [I came to them because they fed me, but I stayed because they were hurting. I love them, and wish to ease their pain.]
The thought of her pup's colony being in pain left her with a great ache within. [Why are they hurting?]
[There is a deep pain within them that causes my Imelda to weep into my fur, and her kitten to stay up long into the night.] Her gaze hardened. [My Imelda's mate left her many years ago. Their kitten falsely believes he will return... and my Imelda tries to forget him.]
Pizzicato dropped in her flight, but caught herself before she hit the ground, flitting back into the air. An invisible weight threatened to pull her down again.
[I-I am fine, gata,] Pizzicato stammered. [We are at the veil.]
The two stood and flew respectively where the dead lay buried, where an unseen veil stood between the worlds. Pepita lowered her head, dropping the item to the ground, and Pizzicato struggled to lift it in her feet.
Pepita's yellow eyes seemed brighter here, as she stared at the spot unseen by humans, but which spirits and animals were more sensitive to. [Are you able to go further?]
[Sí. My spirit form will grant me strength.]
[Then I wish you luck with your charge.]
[And you with your familia.]
With that, the two animals parted ways, Pepita returning to her colony, and Pizzicato yanking her prize through the veil. While her larger wings and body did give her strength, she still felt as though a sense of mourning would pull her into the depths of oblivion below.
But she could not focus on that now. It was Nochebuena, and her pup was waiting for her.
The candles had been burning for an hour or so now, and Héctor's food sat nearly-untouched on the table—one tamale with only a few bites taken, and another still wrapped. He felt less hungry than he'd expected, and the food from the market was not comparable to what could be eaten in the living world... or even to what his parents used to prepare here.
With a strange mix of reverence and numbness, he placed the wooden carving of Baby Jesus, sleeping in a manger, in the center of the Nativity scene. The whole set was quite lovely all together, but it didn't feel the same without his mother or father there to appreciate it with him, or without Imelda and Coco.
He bit into one of the chocolates he'd purchased, finding it bitter. Whether it was the food itself or the way he felt, he wasn't sure, and he sank down into the couch, closing his eyes and wishing the night were over.
Until something fluttered noisily into the apartment.
Héctor opened his eyes, startled by the flickering lights and shadows from the candle flames, and was able to spot a familiar creature zipping into the room. "Pizzicato?" he breathed, happy at first until his chest tightened, and his lips pulled back into a snarl. "Where have you been?! I thought I would be alone here, on Nochebuena, and you—"
Something smacked him in the face.
Flailing, Héctor nearly knocked over a candle, which Pizzicato frantically put out with a few strong wing-beats. He sat upright, grabbing the object that had struck him and holding it out in front of him, confused to find a... paper bag. "¿Qué...?" he muttered, opening it, only to be immediately struck with a familiar spicy scent. "This is...?!"
Pizzicato fluttered in front of his face, her expression seeming hopeful.
"Chapulines?!" he cried, reaching into the bag and pulling out a few of the fried crickets. "Th-this is... for me?"
"G-gracias..." Héctor tossed two of them into his mouth, his mind instantly yanking him back to Santa Cecilia, during the times when Imelda and Ernesto and his parents had surprised him with them on a number of occasions. Before he realized it, he felt tears trickling down his cheekbones, and gave a quiet laugh, scrubbing at his face. "Ah, I said I wouldn't cry on Nochebuena..."
Pizzicato fluttered closer to him, licking his face, and he laughed again, shoving her aside.
"¡Basta!" he said, rising from his seat and hurrying in the kitchen. He tried to put on a serious demeanor, struggling to hide his smile. "What a shame you got something for me, heh, and I don't have anything for you." He set the bag upon the table, raising a brow at the alebrije that fluttered in front of him.
She only cocked her head, looking at him in confusion.
Unable to keep up the act, Héctor broke into a grin, hurrying to the corner of the kitchen where he'd covered up the second basket he'd come home with. "Bah, I can't keep it from you. Here!" Uncovering the basket and lifting it up, he presented it to the alebrije. "¡Feliz Nochebuena!"
Within the basket was a small collection of fresh fruit: a few apples, a couple bananas, and an orange.
Immediately Pizzicato let out a piercing but happy squeak, looping through the air and coming to a rest atop Héctor's head. In response, he peeled one of the bananas, holding it up and laughing as she eagerly bit into it. Finding his own appetite starting to return, Héctor grabbed a few more chapulines for himself.
A short while later, Héctor closed the window and sat within the living room once more, surrounded by candlelight and Christmas decorations. The scene, which had felt so cold and lonely not long ago, now felt warm and comforting again, particularly now that he had a friendly bat nestled against his shoulder. Even so, it did not fully rid the ache in his chest.
"I... I still miss them," he muttered, his thoughts trailing from the scene for just a moment. Pizzicato looked up in concern, but he smiled at her. "But I know... it'll be different, someday. Until then, I'm glad to still have you," he went on, and gently stroked her armadillo-like shell. "Feliz Nochebuena, Pizzicato."
The bat gave a soft peep, not quite as energetically as earlier, licking his face before settling against his shoulder again.
It wasn't the same as spending the holiday with his family... but it was good enough for now.
Because one day, far in the future, he would see them again.
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