b-a-pigeon · 6 months
I am so in awe of how fast/how much you're able to write, do you just have a pretty good writing routine, or do you write full time? Ofc you could do both of those at the same time but since I just started a new full-time job I've been having a hard time figuring out a new writing routine and I was curious. <3
Oh, thank you! I'm not a full-time writer at the moment (I wish!), but I'm fortunate enough that my current freelance workload takes up about 25-30 hours per week, so I do have plenty of time to focus on personal projects. This is definitely a privilege, as I am currently making basically no money on said personal projects, lol.
But I did spend the entirety of my adult life pre-Covid either full-time employed or part-time employed while enrolled full-time in school, so I'm very familiar with having to squeeze in that writing time while also being super busy! I feel like the only thing that worked for me in that regard is setting very specific (but realistic) goals and taking it very seriously as a routine—like, definitely doing it every single day at around the same time and aiming for the same minimum word count.
I also try to do everything I can to set myself up to write without having to stop and think too much or switch tasks, which helps for both writing a lot very quickly & getting work done at the end of a long day. That means creating super detailed chapter-by-chapter outlines in advance so I always know what's going to happen next, leaving comments or notes to myself in brackets where I know I'm going to have to come back and do more research/rewrite/etc, resisting the urge to go back and self-edit at least until I've met my word count goal, etc.
All of this has been said by many people before & also definitely will not work for everyone! But it's honestly what has worked for me and what has allowed me to write a lot even back when I was working 8-9 hours a day outside the house!
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blairaptor · 7 months
Trick or treat!
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Here's my OCs - Anya is holding Nora back from unleashing the Christmas cheer too early. Happy Halloween!
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mylittleredgirl · 6 months
AO3 Wrapped 5 & 15?
thank you! this is fun!!
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
The Sea Waits [X-Files, Doggett/Reyes, grief to healing that I somehow squeaked into a fluff fest]. It's a second-string pairing from a very old fandom I was surprised to have anyone read it except the exchange recipient, and I got some lovely feedback.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Quite a few! Usually I only have one document physically open at a time, but I somehow have three open right now. They're all Sheppard/Weir because I haven't yet switched gears from Sparktober to the December exchanges I should be working on:
Arriving to the soulmate fic train 12 years late with Starbucks -- this time with the hook that the Ancients had soulmates, but humans don't think they're real.
"Return" fic where they occasionally had sex on Atlantis and never talked about it, and what does that mean now that they're no longer working together?
A "devil in a red dress" kink meme prompt fill where Elizabeth gets a sexy dress on Earth and decides to seduce John for a good time, because why not.
None of them are writing easily, so we'll see if I manage to get a fic out of this collection before it's last-minute Yuletide panic time!
thank you for the ask!! <3 ao3 wrapped list here.
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lacependragon · 1 year
What program are you using to plan RWBY!Starmont?? I love the organization you have there.
Scrivener 3 for Windows! It has a free trial that is lovely. I use custom icons from flaticon though. I love the variety.
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bookofmirth · 5 months
3, 4, and 5 for the book asks?
Hi, thanks! I was waiting for the end of the year for the rest of these hehe
3) What were your top five books of the year?
In no particular order:
The Fragile Threads of Power by VE Schwab - YAY at being back in this world and seeing some of my favorite characters again!
The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee - is a three-book series being counted as one cheating? Maybe, but I do what I want
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing A Rake by Sarah Maclean - I was SQUEALING at this one, y'all
The Urge: Our History of Addiction by Carl Erik Fisher - it was such a good blend of science, history, and memoir
Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers - it's taking me years to get through this series, but this one was on par with the first book.
4) Did you discover any new authors that you love this year? I answered this one here!
5) What genre did you read the most of? I answered this one there as well, but - I always read fantasy and literary fiction the most! I lost my spreadsheet so I don't have the breakdown, but it's usually 40/40% each of those, and then romance, horror, nonfiction, historical fiction, and other genres taking up the other 20%.
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frostedlemonwriter · 1 month
Nine Sentences, Nine People
Post nine sentences and tag nine people. Easy, right?
With an otherworldly strength, the druid dragged the woman across the gritty expanse of the beach, her body left a slight trail in the sand. They approached an ancient hut, a resilient structure crafted from a combination of stone and weathered wood. Years of the relentless assault of countless storms and the sustained onslaught of salty gusts had left their mark, inscribed lines of endurance onto its surface. Air and atmosphere were alive with the pungent scent of the sea, carried by the strong wind that whipped through the area. Dried fish, strung between sturdy wooden stakes, danced and swayed in synchrony with the squalls. Ascended from the heart of the roof was a makeshift chimney from which smoke billowed and twisted in the air. Above a crackling fire, a small cauldron simmered a sickly green liquid that oozed an acrid aroma. As the druid pulled his hood down, revealed a face etched with wisdom and age, a faint smile crept across his lips, mirrored the satisfaction that glimmered in his pale blue eyes.
I know that's more than nine lol
Thanks @orphanheirs for tagging me!
Tagging: @leahnardo-da-veggie @cljordan-imperium @veradragonjedi @saltysupercomputer @winterandwords @csdarkfantasy @agirlandherquill @haunted-orange @artsietango and an open tag for whomever!
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Life in Black and White v4.0a 🌙✨BETA READER SIGNUP✨
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I'm a day late; my apologies! Below, for those interested, you'll find the signup form to be a beta reader for the final pre-query version of my main long-term writing project, Life in Black and White, a dark psychological crime drama almost fifteen years in the making.
Signup form here (deadline: March 14th, 11:59p.m.), important details under the cut.
About the novel:
WIP intro post (includes summary and features) Intended audience: Adult (18+) Narration: First person present Genres: Contemporary, psychological drama, crime fiction Goal word count: 109-110K Central themes: Mental illness and recovery, stigma, obsession, control and choices, loss and grief, the butterfly effect, the perfect storm. Primary features: LGBTQ+/queer central characters, unreliable narrator, introspective narrative, ending-centered, mental illness and recovery, morally gray characters. Important note about content warnings: This is a very dark story that comes with multiple content warnings. I've linked a full list in the description of the signup sheet, so please ensure you read them before signing up. Please also feel free to reach out to me via DM if you have specific questions about any of the warnings. Generally speaking, this might not be the manuscript for you if you don't usually enjoy stories that explore dark themes.
Important details about the beta cycle, which you can also find in the description of the form itself:
Projected length for this version: Between 110-120K Start date for readers: On or around April 1, 2023 Deadline for feedback: May 15, 2023 (please do not sign up if you can't commit to reading & providing feedback within the time frame of April 1st-May 15th). Platform: Either betabooks or Google Docs, though I'm leaning toward betabooks right now. Feedback needed: Answers to specific questions (~15-20 total) that I'll provide at various points in the manuscript itself. More specific details about this will be provided to chosen readers. General feedback, while always appreciated, isn't absolutely required at this stage. Available slots: ~7 total
Note: For this version, I am looking for specific feedback, which is why readers with specific backgrounds and experiences will be prioritized. If I don't select you, please don't take it personally!
If I've already confirmed you as a beta reader/book swap, there's no need to sign up using this form.
Tagging everyone who interacted with my initial interest call post (obviously no obligation to sign up):
@catchingbigfish, @kjscottwrites, @authoralexharvey, @calicojackofficial, @artsietango, @writinglittlebeasts, @joeys-piano, @ddbirb, @ananarchie (still tagging you even tho you've already read the thing, you're welcome). Finally: If this manuscript isn't your thing, if you're already a confirmed beta reader, and/or if you can't commit to the time frame, I still appreciate all reblogs/boosts! <3 Thanks all!!
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authortango · 1 year
I recently published one of my longer short stories, The Art of Perception, to itch.io! I wanted to test the reach of the platform for my work while also giving readers the ability to pay what they think is fair. If you're interested, please check it out!
The Art of Perception is about Haven, an adventurer, and their tendency to collect mythical, fantastical, and cryptid roommates. Their roommate dynamic gets interesting when they introduce a void being they dubbed Vesper into the group. There's only one real problem...
Vesper's not on the lease. And the landlady is coming for a visit.
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pheita · 7 months
Trick or Treat!
Hi artsietango,
since it's Halloween and I am in a good mood, you get a treat from "Always Prepared".
This takes place after Nesryn, the main character, got her magic in an emergency situation since magic is connected to one's emotions, after being in a different world for more than half a year. Nardik is the one who found her and became a good friend, and Lorkin is one of the two magic guards who were her bodyguards in the beginning and who caught some feelings for her.
Two days later, Nardik sat by Nesryn's bedside and kept watch, even though Eshmerrik said it wasn't necessary. Part of him felt guilty that all this had happened to her, even though he knew it wasn't his fault she had ended up here. The healers said she should be awake later in the day, after being sedated for the first twenty-four hours of sleep to allow the body to recover. Still, Nesryn looked sallow and so strangely fragile, which to Nardik was so unlike the skeptical, quick-tempered and stubborn woman they had all come to know. There was a knock at the door. Lorkin's dark red mop of hair peered cautiously around the corner, as if expecting Nesryn to be awake and throw him off with her magic. Inevitably, it brought a smirk to Nardik's face. "Come in, she's still asleep." The relief on Lorkin's face finally made Nardik laugh. "Not funny. You didn't hear Pashyn's full report. Neshryn's going to get crazy strong once she gets it under control, and I don't want to know what else she can do." "Be honest, that's what you want." A wide grin stole its way onto Lorkin's face. "All right, I want to know. Thurash and I are already betting what general magic she has. Want to get in on it?"
"My guess is energy," Nardik spoke up after a moment of thought. "Interesting, Thurash meant the same thing." "You don't?" Energetically, Lorkin shook his head and looked down at Nesryn. "Something tells me she's a telepath." "You're just saying that because you'd get a kick out of seeing Thurash train her." "It would be the same with energy," Lorkin reminded with a grin. Shaking his head, Nardik looked at Nesryn and wondered how the whole mess could have come about. "If Alashtaire hadn't given her that stupid assignment, Esh and Marilka would have understood what was going on faster." Lorkin walked around the bed and put a hand on Nardik's shoulder. "I know. I don't know why that stubborn woman is working for the old dragon." "You warned her?" Questioningly, Nardik looked up and got a nod in response. Snorting, Nardik laughed. "She's too much like us."
"I know. That stubborn girl thinks along the same lines as you above all." "That explains why you two fight so much." They both laughed as they thought back to their first year at the academy. "The teachers must have hated us as much as we fought," Nardik mused aloud. "I think so too, and look at us today. A front against the rest of the world." With an amused snort, Nardik acknowledged the comment. Lorkin leaned down to Nesryn and pushed a strand of hair aside in a rare display of care. The gush of warmth he exuded as he did so did not escape Nardik's notice. "You know she'll eventually figure out what the warmth is all about once she gets trained?" "I know, and I'll have to live with it." "You can come clean with her." The doubtful laugh resembled a grunt at Lorkin, and the silent question of whether Nardik had lost his mind resonated in the look. "We both know where this is going to end." "You're just as bad as Thurash, you know that?" "Ouch, that was unfair." "But true."
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Ten Songs Ten People
Thanks @toribookworm22 for the tag!
I put my main playlist on shuffle and this was the result.
(Can We Be Friends?) By Conan Gray
Who Are You by Tally Hall
The Machine by Lemon Demon
I Love You For Psychological Reasons by They Might Be Giants
Too Sad To Cry by Sasha Alex Sloan
Bad Guy by Billie Eilish
Demons by Alec Benjamin
Insane - Deep House Remix by Black Gryph0n, Baasik
Hurricane by Halsey
Human by Dodie, Tom Walker
Tagging: @likegemstone, @eleanorawritesfantasy, @artsietango, @ellierenae, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @pluttskutt, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @isherwoodj, @cataclysmicqueer, @autie-auden-writes, and anyone else who wants to join in!
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b-a-pigeon · 1 year
Hierarchy of the Unseen is out today!
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Hierarchy of the Unseen is a queer adult fantasy novel about a shiftless demon named Kor and a devout demon hunter named Mitzli who must team up to avert a wave of demonic violence.
It’s a great read for fans of character-driven fantasy with immersive worldbuilding, trans protagonists whose stories aren’t centered around transphobia, and fresh takes on demons and vampires!
Find purchase links here or check it out on Goodreads/Storygraph to get the full blurb and more info!
Taglist: @fellamarsh @wordwizards @cosmiccoincidence @artbyeloquent @voutraixmont @booklover2113 @minnowface @ashen-crest @dominicfrederik @drowsy-quill @acertainmoshke @theglitchywriterboi @ultimatecryptid @writeblrfantasy @nastymanprincess @artsietango @nanoland :)
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bookished · 8 months
WIP Themes Tag
Tagged by @thatonedreamer, thank you so much! :) Rules: Bold the themes that appear in your WIP (and italicize those that are loosely covered) then tag up to ten people.
in this one i'll be using ascension of dawn, a wip i think about a lot but don't write much!
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
i tag @avi-why, @writeouswriter, @pens-swords-stuff, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @negans-lucille-tblr, @youriiswriting, @artsietango <3
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kjscottwrites · 1 year
Cavernous beta reader update!
Hey y'all thanks again SO MUCH for signing up to beta read cavernous!
@moonshinemagpie @nervestatic @calicojackofficial @stillpersephone @concerningwolves @antique-symbolism @iced-ginger-tea @space-cadead @pinespittinink @rainbowsnowflake @dragonthusiast @ladydawnxx @ancient-writeblr @artsietango @cljordan-imperium @makiszenin @chickennoodlesoupthecat
If you got a slot, you should already have an email invite in your inbox. (Be sure to check your spam folder!) Since there's only so many slots available in the software, that tragically won't be all of you and I'm hugely bummed about that. If you didn't get an invite, stay tuned for a newsletter signup in the near future so that you can stay up to date and be among the first contacted for ARCs! Thank you all so much, I'm so humbled by the enthusiasm <33333
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gotchaocha · 2 years
heads up 7 up tag
Oof! Been a while since I´ve done one of these.
Anyways, I was tagged by the lovely @writer-on-time. Thanks for tagging me!💚
The rules for this tag is to post 7 lines of your current WIP, and tag seven people! 
Uhhh full honesty I´m kinda in a limbo with my previous WIP, “You know I love you” (Most likely will re-write it to be the first chapter of a novel, stay tunned), so Imma post some lines from my real current WIP, “The right thing to do”, whose introduction I´m still gonna make:
“Brought to mouth,
It´s metallic taste fades into a familiar sweetness,
Guava dissolving in the cream cheese ,
Dough crumbling between my teeth like sand.
Outside my memories,
Blueberry eyes stare back at me from the mirror. 
We haven't been there in a long time.“
Yes, It´s some poem-sort-kinda-thingamajing(?). Alas,it´s about food and some other not-so-nice-themes.
Imma tag uhhh @corishadowfang , @artsietango , @buying-the-space-farm , @albatris , @siarven , @maramahan and @pens-swords-stuff , plus, anyone who might have stumbled across this post and want to give the tag a go! 
As always, feel no pressure to participate in this in any way, if you don´t want to.
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pathsofoak · 2 years
Hey friend! You've been so cool sending me askss when I reblog ask games, that I thought I'd send you some OC/general writing questions, since I saw you're also working on a fanfic!
1. What usually inspires you to write fanfiction? is it a character, a concept, etc.?
2. Do you have multiple fandoms you write for? I see you're working on a Maze Runner fic, and while I haven't read the books the movies were pretty cool, and I was curious if you wrote about anything else. :3
For OCs:
1. What would make one of your OC's the happiest person in the world?
2. What are the "essentials" that your OC can't live without?
3. Do your OC's have rituals that other's may consider "weird" (i.e. the volume on everything has to be an even number or in increments of 5).
This got long, but I look forward to reading your answers! Thank you so much again for being so interactive on my blog!
Hoi!!! Thanks for the ask, I love getting them XD
Nine of out ten times what inspires me is some kind of 'what if?' question about the original plot (In the Cold Half's case, what if Thomas didn't escape at the end of the Death Cure?). Other times it's also a fix-it element (both, in my current WIP).
I have written for the MCU in the past (when I was 13/14 years old), but that is the only thing. I have also written some ATLA things, but I never finished or posted them. The Maze Runner is the first project I've spent more than a week on (eight months and counting!), and by my current pace it might take a year or more to fully be complete...
The Cold Half is entirely based off the movies though (just a few vague hints to the books), so it should work if you haven't read them.
As for the OC questions:
I think what would make Justin the happiest person in the world is seeing Chuck have a bit of the childhood he never had. He would the happiest he could be when he sees his brother smile and have fun without a constant threat or pile of guilt weighing him down.
For Dijken (I know you said one-of but I'm ignoring XD), it would be the knowledge that he helped get someone he cares about to safety, and he is part of doing that for more. Though, he also knows that a laid-back life without some grand goal isn't really on his path, since he is just so dedicated to fixing his wrongs and the harm he's been a part of.
Justin can't live without something that reminds him of home. Whether that is home in a literal sense, or his family. He has spent most of his childhood as a captive far away from home, and his parents and one of his brothers died when they had to leave an earlier home because of the Flare. Throughout those things he always had trinkets to keep him grounded. Even at Richard's (who held him captive), he had a pair of knitted socks he wore until they broke (which was actually what prompted him to run).
Dijken clings to a picture of his hometown, which despite the Netherlands' advanced infrastructure surrounding flood-risk, still flooded after the Sun Flares.
Dijken doesn't have strange rituals, but Justin has a few. This one isn't really strange per se, but Justin knits when he's stressed or needs a distraction. He also won't eat before he washed his plate (even if it was clean before), a leftover habit from living in a crowded area where the Flare spread like wildfire.
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the-world-is-a-poem · 2 years
(on desktop so no emojis but ) books + Oliver Martin? ~ @authortango
Thanks for the ask!
Oliver was initially supposed to be a background character who would only be used to emphasize on Holly's work ethics. But now he has an important part in the second half of the book.
Also, I had earlier intended for him and Holly to be in a rivals to lovers arc but since I have no interest (or talent) in writing romance atm, I'm considering making them rivals to friends.
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