#are those the right names? xD
bluerose5 · 1 year
Adding this thought to my growing collection of posts about the DA2 rogues and warriors being protective of the mages [1] [2] and my Justice & Fenris banters [1] [2] [3], since a couple of the replies brought up Justice's & Anders' situation/past.
At first, I could see Justice staying out of it, mostly because he knows that Anders has some basic melee training from his time with the Wardens, but he definitely kind of nudges Anders towards practicing more to hone those less-used skills. Basically, he adheres to the mentality that, if you don't use it, then you lose it, and Justice doesn't want Anders to always have to rely on him for close-ranged combat.
Cut to one of the group's training sessions out on the Wounded Coast. They're wrapping things up. The mages are exhausted. Most of the others have left by then. The sun is setting, and both Fenris and Anders are talking shit to each other as they are prone to doing. Other than them, only Hawke remains, and they're just waiting for these two to stop arguing like an old married couple so that they can return to Kirkwall together. Because there is no way that they are leaving these two alone, unsupervised.
Well, things are said, and Anders snaps. He challenges Fenris to another match, full contact this time, and Hawke is losing their shit because now they're stuck having to make sure that these two don't kill each other in the meantime. It goes about as well as one would expect. These two are completely at each other's throats, but Anders is actually holding his own, doing exactly as Justice wanted and putting his Grey Warden training to use. Then, without warning, Fenris' markings start to glow, and Justice is dragged forward.
The next time their swords clash, Justice is the one in control. Well, sort of. He and Anders are both there. They are both present; but, for once, they're not out of control. Anders is existing with him in the moment, actually harnessing the spirit within, so that they act as one.
It's strange, disorienting, but invigorating as well.
Hawke is biting-their-nails-off nervous. Fenris grumbles something about Anders using his demon, but Justice ignores that insult for once.
Instead, he smirks, clearly influenced by his host's personality, and readies his weapon.
"Yielding already, Fenris?" they taunt. For a second, Justice wonder if this is how Pride feels. "And here I expected a challenge."
Of course, Fenris doesn't back down then. They exchange blow for blow. Neither of them holds back, and for a while, there is no clear victor.
Then, Justice finds an opening and gains the advantage. Fenris ends up on the ground with his blade at his throat, but Justice withdraws before Hawke can get too worked up about it.
Justice offers out a hand to him, and Fenris can't help but think how different he looks when he's not forced out through emotional onslaught.
Justice even goes so far as to compliment him on his skill.
It's so obvious that he's trying his best, so much so that even Fenris can't resist a small smile, a mere ghost of his lips quirking up at the corners.
"Not bad," Fenris says, but he keeps his distance for now, gets to his feet on his own to dust himself off. "I still don't know if I trust you, but you can clearly keep the mage safe, at the very least. Come on. Let's go."
He waves Hawke forward, who instantly follows, grateful to finally leave.
But Justice stays pinned in place for a second too long, his heart racing as he stares after Fenris, that impressed tone seared into his very essence.
Anders has to all but drag him back from the forefront of their mind, confused by his sudden silence as he rushes to catch up with the others.
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giantkillerjack · 11 months
After learning about the video game "CONTROL" and watching Julia LePetit-Drawfee play it, I have amended my views on brutalist architecture.
I used to think that brutalist architecture was a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, with absolutely no acceptable applications.
But NOW I think that brutalist architecture is a completely miserable and hideous style of architecture to expect human beings to exist in or around, which is actually quite suitable for a visually striking video game about a living building that fucking hates you and is actively trying to kill you and everyone in it. ✅ ✅ ✅
I'm being silly but tbh anyone who disagrees with me can go ahead and spend 10 years commuting in the dingy gray concrete brutalist dimness of the DC metro system and then fucking get back to me.
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joethehoeee · 1 year
You know what came today? My CONCEPT ART BOOK from trollhunters.
Did I spend way too much money? Yes.
Was it worth it? Absolutely.
I am gonna show some things that I really liked ofc starting with Strickler and Barbara just bc but I will talk about the others soon.
Sooo as for Strickler:
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MY GOD WHAT?! I mean it has his basics but the first compared to the final is a bit weird?
His hair looks so goofy and his arms are so long but he also looks more... harmless?
In his final concept he looks so dark almost intimidating, like an actual villian and in his older one he looks more grumpy and ... rough?
Still like it tho, It could've been a different troll but it dosen't fit his character.
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And I think you can see in the Stalkling concept much more similaritys to Strickler than in the show. His cape and the thing around his neck.
He is 100% part stalking and noone can proof me otherwise.
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And I just liked those-
He is so awkward and I love it.
But this is the first and only time that we see Strickler this happy... Like okay it's just a concept but it's cute-
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I actually like all of them but our original one is the best.
I really like the one with the ponytail on the left but it dosen't give much Barb vibes.
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Both of those hairstyles are perfect.
I am gonna pay the person who draws her with both of those hairstyles.
If anyone has to add anything then I am happy to hear it! :D
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a-river-of-stars · 1 year
Gundam Wing age discrepancies: a vent post
I’m sure it’s been discussed to death by the rest of the fandom and everyone came to a consensus to not give a fuck a long time ago, but I’d just like to voice my personal discomfort for canon which isn’t just improbable or silly but which simply does not add up.  In this case, it’s the Gundam Wing characters’ ages not keeping up with the passage of time in-series.
The main series takes place in AC195.  Endless Waltz takes place in AC196.  All of the characters are stated to be one year older in Endless Waltz than they were at the start of the main series.  However, the main series takes place over a span of nearly nine months in AC195, from 6 April to 24 December, and an additional full year passes between the end of the main series and the beginning of Endless Waltz (24 December AC196).  Unless every single character was born between 25 December and 6 April, some of these characters have to have passed their birthdays during the main series and then passed their birthdays again in the year leading up to Endless Waltz.  That’s just how time works.  We obviously know Relena’s birthday is 7 April, and it appears to be canon that Quatre’s birthday is 12 December to match his voice actress (which would mean he turned 16 twelve days before the end of the main series).  I personally think it would be poignant for the characters to figuratively and literally come of age during the war.  By all accounts it seems logical and thematically fitting that most of them are 16 at the end of the main series and 17 in Endless Waltz.  And I would be content with that, except canon materials state that they are not 17 in Endless Waltz.
Do you understand the position this puts me in.  Do you understand how difficult it is for me to disregard canon even when it clearly makes no fucking sense.  That is not how my brain operates.  I need these numbers to add up and they are NOT adding up and it is driving me INSANE.
The thing is, it is remotely possible that most of their birthdays fall in that tiny window of time from 25 December to 6 April.  But we know at least one birthday that doesn’t: Quatre’s.  That’s where things all come apart.  Quatre’s canonical birthday of 12 December makes it impossible for him to be both 15 at the beginning of the main series and 16 in Endless Waltz.  And if I have to disregard the canon age for Quatre in EW, there’s really no reason for me to believe all of the other pilots’ birthdays fall within such an improbably small window just to fit canon ages that are already questionable at best.
tl;dr  Just this once, fuck canon.
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ghirahimbo · 2 years
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ooooh a comment!
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...okay, a comment 🙄
[ID: the images consist of two screenshots. The first shows an email comment notification from Archive of Our Own that reads "AO3 Comment on Blind, But Now."
The second screenshot is of the comment itself, left by a user named "The Fool," which reads, "Chapters: 18/19. Updated: 2021-12-10," followed by a gif from Star Wars captioned, "We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close." End ID.]
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queerstampy · 1 year
had the thought "what is lovely world without 'stolen' assets?" and im cackling
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novelmonger · 9 months
imaginary brother idea
This is a story idea I'd love to turn into a visual novel someday, and I hope to work in collaboration with my sister to make that happen eventually (she would do the programming and artwork, I would do the writing and maybe help with finding music/sound effects).
I don't have a solid grasp of the plot yet, just a basic premise. The main character is a ten-year-old boy named David who lives with his mom, who has to work long hours to support them. David is something of a loner and doesn't really have any friends, but he does have an older brother named Jonathan, who is fourteen and David's best friend. Jonathan is basically the ideal older brother - he's smart, fun, cool, always seems to know what to do or what to say, and never complains about having to spend time with his kid brother. He genuinely likes hanging out with David, and David looks up to him so much.
There's just one catch: Jonathan is imaginary.
Excerpt below the cut (from a thing I wrote in a burst of inspiration before we got the idea to make this a visual novel).
“What are you talking about?” Jonathan got to his feet and headed for the door. “You have to have supper.”
“No. I'm fat enough already.”
Complete silence fell over the room. Jonathan stood frozen, his hand on the doorknob. Slowly, he turned back to face David. His expression was inscrutable in the dim light. “What did you say?”
David felt tears welling up, burning at the backs of his eyes, and he quickly rolled over to face the wall again. “You heard me,” he whispered.
“Who told you that?” Jonathan's voice was hard. “David, who said that to you?”
David shrugged. “Nobody has to say. Isn't it obvious already? I'm just a...a fat...l-lazy...pathetic....”
The mattress sagged with Jonathan's weight again. This time, he sat right next to the pillow, and David wondered if he could see the tears beginning to leak out again. He wondered if he was going to give him another hug, or rub his back like Mom probably would in such a situation.
To his surprise, Jonathan did neither. Instead, he grabbed David's chin and turned his head a little roughly to face him. “Hey—listen to me, dude. Don't let anybody get away with talking to you like that. Especially not yourself. Hear me?”
David wrenched out of Jonathan's grip, turning his head away again in shame. “Easy for you to say,” he muttered. “You're strong...fast...good at everything.... You don't get picked on every day. You don't...prove how...how uncool you are...every d-day....”
Jonathan snorted. “So just because I don't have to try as hard, that means I'm better than you? Sheesh, you've got a lot to learn about this life if you think that's how it works.”
David peeked over his shoulder at Jonathan, too confused for the moment to continue feeling sorry for himself.
Jonathan was nothing but a silhouette against the orange light streaming in through the window. “So you wanna be cool, huh? Well, why the heck are you listening to those bozos who talk to you like that, then? Why do you want their approval anyway? Sounds to me like all they do is put people down to make themselves feel better. That doesn't sound like a cool person to me. Just sounds like a loser.”
Slowly, David rolled over to a more comfortable position to watch Jonathan's silhouette. “You think so?”
“Hey, I can prove they don't know what they're talking about. Remember Lord of the Rings?”
David nodded. Jonathan had read it to him last year, and then they'd borrowed the movies from the library. He'd watched them over and over until they had to go back. Maybe they should check them out again....
“Okay. Then think about Samwise Gamgee. He's a chubby little Hobbit. A gardener. Not a graceful Elf like Legolas, not a cool sword-wielding warrior like Aragorn. He doesn't have magic like Gandalf. But you know what? If it wasn't for him, the Ring would never have made it to Mordor. Some people say he's the true hero of the story. And did he ever stop to say, 'Oh well, I'm fat, guess I'll give up now'?”
Despite himself, David giggled at the thought. Already, his heart felt lighter. Somehow, Jonathan always seemed able to make anything bearable. He swiped his hand across his eyes again. “So...are you saying that...I'm not fat?”
Jonathan shrugged. “I'm saying, who cares if you're fat or not? Some lame guys at school think you're fat? So what? That's like the oldest insult in the book. Just goes to show you've got more creativity in your little toe than they could ever hope to have.” He could hear a wry smile in Jonathan's voice. “Of all people, I should know that.”
Smiling, David sat up. “Okay. Pot roast?”
With a laugh, Jonathan ruffled his hair. “Sure, pal. Pot roast.”
David beamed. He loved it when Jonathan called him pal. More than anything else Jonathan had said, that was what convinced him: He was cool. He was cool to Jonathan, and that was the only opinion that truly mattered in the end.
WIP ask game
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softgrungeprophet · 10 months
genealogy always one of those things i'm curious about but is too much of a pain in the ass to bother with
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all4yoi · 2 months
was it just a game to you?
𝑒nhypen x fem!reader ⚹ cw. hyung line , 2nd pov , ︎ poor attempt on angst , lowercase intended , hand holding ( not w u! xd ) , karina mentioned on heeseung's & wonyoung on sunghoon's , not proofread ! part two here !
catching them holding hands with another girl after they accepted your confession 
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confessing to them was already on your monthly bucket list, but them accepting it and liking you back certainly wasn't. feeling ecstatic, you walk towards your university's glass doors only to find him holding hands with a female that certainly isn't you.
eyes trained on their hands clutched tightly on to one another, you watch silently as the girl smiled up at him shyly, tucking a strand of her hair with her empty hand.
doubt began overtaking you. right, who would choose someone like you over someone like karina? she was everything you weren't. perfect face, perfect body, she's kind, and absolutely beautiful. if you were heeseung, you would choose her too.
you flinched as you made eye contact with the girl holding hands with someone who should be yours. she sent you a smile, a genuine one. not mocking, nor insulting. she didn't have any idea about the conversation last night you shared with the man she's holding hands with.
she didn't know about how he smiled at you brightly, didn't know about the hug you two shared, and absolutely didn't know about how he said he liked you too. so how could you hate and blame her?
before you could even send a smile back at her, heeseung turned around and instantly took his hand back when his gaze landed on your stiff body.
instead of making a scene, you showed them the best smile you could muster despite the quiver on your lips before quickly walking away towards your first class.
heeseung panicked, turning to karina.
"you're a great friend karina, but i don't feel the same. i'm sorry."
with that, he ran after you hoping you would hear him out and let him explain.
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other members utc!
you felt your mood instantly drop. yesterday he promised he would prove to you how much he liked you back too, now he's holding hands with a pretty girl.
your eyes quickly met his and the way he quickly took his hand back from the girl made you even more upset. you watched as the female said something incoherent to him before he approached you hastily.
he stood infront of you, worry written all over his face. your frowned deepened, betrayal making your chess heavy.
"it's not what it looked like, i promise." jay whispered that only you could hear. he didn't want you doubting his feelings for you, he was merely helping the girl up after he had bumped into her. she insisted on shaking his hand after telling him her name, it was such wrong timing that you saw.
he didn't mean to hurt you.
"it's okay. i'll see you later jay." was all you said before walking away with a small smile. he watched your figure become smaller and smaller until he lost your figure to the students crowding the halls.
despite the smile on your pretty face, jay knew he had hurt you badly and he intended on fixing that. for now, he'd give you space.
his hand was instantly removed from hers as soon as you saw it. you didn't know what to feel. were you supposed to be glad that he immediately let her go as soon as your eyes met his? still, you don't know for how long he has been holding her hand before you even saw.
but then again, you two weren't together. so who were you to be mad? he liked you back sure, but he wasn't your boyfriend. he could hold hands with anyone he'd like. but was it bad to hope that he'd only do those things with you?
you couldn't help the tears falling down your cheeks. immediately, you felt ashamed. ashamed for crying about something so stupid like this, so you did what everyone would've done.
you ran, ignoring his desperate calls for you. and even when he caught up with you and brought you to his chest, the tears didn't stop. you mentally cursed yourself for being so sensitive.
pushing yourself away from him, you wiped away the tears.
"i can explain, please."
"it's fine jake, really. i just wish you would've been more honest with me." lips wobbly as you attempted a small smile, jake's heart broke as he watched you walk away from him again.
you didn't know what to do. there he was, holding hands with the prettiest girl in campus with other students fawning over them. exclaims on how good they looked together echoed through your ears.
maybe he only said he liked you back to make fun of your reaction with his friends. maybe it was a lousy bet between him and his friends to make you believe he actually liked you back.
"don't they look absolutely good together? seriously, sunghoon and wonyoung, literally everyone here expected them to get together at some point" a random student told you, her smile wide as she observed the two, who were still holding hands.
the way he stiffened and dropped her hand as soon as your eyes met his brought you back to reality. blending in with the crowd in the halls, you attempted to escape his line of sight, desperate to leave before the tears in your tear ducts escape.
you were forced to halt when you felt a strong grip on your forearm. sunghoon turned you around to face him, his brows furrowed whilst he bit his bottom
"y/n.." he gulped as he saw how your eyes got teary immediately. "i'm sorry, it's not like that at all."
"so why were you holding her hand? with the biggest smile on your face?" he kept his mouth shut, unable to form an answer. this only made you frustrated even more.
pulling your arm back, you cleared your throat and looked down on your shoe. "you could've turned me down instead of making me hope- nevermind.. see you around."
sunghoon watched you walk away from him helplessly, mentally beating himself up for not clearing things up.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Speaking of AO3 authors wanting more comments and/or perception biases (I assume, since these are a perennial discussion, that someone spoke of one of them recently XD), I was reading a new WIP fic for an ongoing tv show and the author was talking in their author's note about how much engagement had gone down in the fandom for season 2 compared to season 1. By the time I got caught up in the story and left a comment, I noticed they had dozens of comments per chapter, way more than any of the season 1 fics I'd read, and I was like, huh.
Then I clicked into their profile and saw their season 1 fic had *tens of thousands* of kudos and multiple thousands of comments, and all made sense. They stumbled into BNFdom or at least virality and thought that was more or less the default state.
They're going to be chasing that high forever, poor thing; those numbers come about via alchemy and mercury being in gatorade, more than anything else.
I see a lot of odd comments about fandom from people who hit Harry Potter at just the right moment. They're expecting to recreate that experience where you can write largely original fic about those kids from the other school or that random classmate who is little more than a name and form a whole fandom subsection around it. Sure, I've seen that other times, but it was always... like... Naruto fandom or something.
And then these poor people get into a normal fandom and it's 99% a ship or two of leads and the overall size and duration of even that is limited. "Where did [that energy/side character stans/etc.] gooo?" they cry. But they didn't go anywhere. This is just what fandoms more typically look like.
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hispg · 6 months
Just the tip
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Pairings: R4! Leon X Fem! Reader
Summary: You asked him for just the tip, and that's exactly what he's going to give to you.
Wc: 2.4k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, soft! Dom Leon, pet names, dirty talk, multiple orgasms.
An: I found this draft sitting here, so yeah, I'm posting it XD. My finals are next week, so I can't wait to be free and write more😭😭
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"Just the tip, you say?" Leon asked quietly, not stopping shoving his fingers into your cunt for a second.
You were so wet, you'd even lost count of how many times he'd made you come that night. All he could hear from you were babbles that made no sense at all, or the whimpers you let out every time he viciously pulled your clit up.
"Mhm-mhm..." You murmured at his question, nodding.
You were so hot, so turned on. Your mind went wild with every touch, you felt like rolling your eyes every time he hit that weak spot of yours so easily.
All he did was frown at your response, using his free hand to lift your chin and make you look at him.
As always, he had that sideways smile on his face, that dirty look that never failed to make you wetter.
"Use your words, pretty thing." He purrs, taking the opportunity to give you a quick peck on the lips.
"Y-yes. Just the tip." You whisper embarrassedly, biting your lips to keep your moans from getting even louder.
You were without a condom, completely unprepared for this situation, not least because you didn't imagine the night would end like this.
So maybe if he fucked you with just the tip, there wouldn't be much of a problem, right?
The next thing you heard was a low chuckle, and he buried his fingers in you once again, making you see stars with the spots he was hitting. Or how deep he could reach, which you couldn't even dream of doing on your own.
He did everything calculated, moving in and out, letting your juices make a mess with every thrust of his fingers, the wet, dirty noise mixing with the heavy breathing coming out of you, which by the way were the only sounds present in that room.
"So sweet for me, mhmm... So beautiful." Another one of Leon's whispers in your ear, which made your walls unconsciously tighten around his fingers, your eyes rolling in their sockets just from hearing the little praise.
You knew you were going to fall apart in his fingers once again, but what could you do? His lips glued to your neck, his teeth lightly nibbling at your skin. By then you knew you'd be full of love bites the next day, you bet.
And as if he simply wanted to finish you off at that moment, he lay down a little behind you, spooning you. Your ass hitting his prominent erection, the warmth of his body mixing with yours.
A sign almost enough to make you go over the edge, however, those weren't Leon's plans now.
That's because he withdrew his fingers from you, making a point of using one of his hands to pull your ass against his crotch, shamelessly pressing his erection into you.
The dirty whimper that comes out of your mouth is more than enough to make him grunt in your ear, this time starting to use his free hand to grab your breasts, grasping and squeezing them.
"Sweetie, are you going to cum again?" He was just teasing you, you could tell by the way he was humping your ass.
His hips moved non-stop, and he did it just to see your eyes roll back, your lips parted as you moaned his name again and again.
"A-ah... mhmm— Please." You begged, rubbing your clit against his knee, which was already between your legs.
He could say what you wanted, but maybe he could play with you a little longer. You could feel his muscles flexing behind you.
Or the way the veins on his arm were so prominent as he flicked your nipples between his fingers, making a point of pulling and pinching your nipples gently, yet firmly enough for you to shudder underneath him.
At the same moment your nails sank into his forearm, so deep that you could already see the red marks forming on his skin, marks he wouldn't mind covering.
Your voice becomes even more whimpery when you hear the sound of him undoing his belt, the skillful hand that never took long to remove his clothes, and yours too.
Then you hear him taking off his pants and underwear, causing his cock to simply stick out.
And it was so hard, flushed and swollen, as well as the delicious trail of pre-cum dripping from the tip of it.
Soon his cock was in your pussy lips, getting dirty with your fluids, as he moved back and forth, humping against you like a dog in heat.
You were just whimpering at this point, clutching your pillow as Leon pounded you from behind, and he occasionally rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit, making you go to heaven and hell at the same time. His pre-cum leaving a sticky line on your clit, basically almost gluing the two of you together.
"You're so fucking hot, don't tell me you're going to cum with just that." And there you went, as if that was all you needed to hear to cream on his cock.
Fresh cream coating his entire length, making him growl in your ear once again. His fingers gripped your hips tightly, leaving his mark there, you could already feel it.
"Good girl." He compliments you, giving your ass a playful smack, slowing down his movements, letting it be something more gentle and soft, which wasn't unusual coming from him.
However, that night he wanted to make an exception to the rule, he was going to give you what you asked for, and you asked for the tip.
And have no doubt, because that's exactly what he's going to give you.
He turned your body a little, lowering your hips so that he could put one of his legs on top of you, basically mounting you, you could feel his chest on your back.
"I want to see you cum again, yeah? Can you do that for me?" Even though he knew the answer to that question, he wanted to hear your sweet, sly voice telling him that you could do whatever he wanted.
He didn't waste much time pushing into you, but just his girth, just a little. But it was enough to stretch you, to make your walls wrap around his shaft, which, by the way, was already satisfying you so much.
You moaned, arching your hips towards him, feeling his body on yours even more.
"Mhm- Leon..." You called softly, looking up at him slyly, only to see him smile once again.
He was enjoying this as much as you were.
"Fuck, you're so tight. I haven't even put half of it in." A grunt in your ear, he wasn't angry, quite the opposite.
The fact that your pussy was so tight for him was simply a blessing in his eyes. How did you manage to fit him so well? The only plausible answer was that you were made for him.
Soon he began to pound into you, shallowly and slowly, but you couldn't help but hear the erotic moans coming from his lips, or the way the wet noises of him fucking your cunt filled your ears.
It was so filthy, so impure, if he was being honest, nothing compared to fucking you without a condom, it was fucking good.
You weren't helping him either, honestly. You were so wet, moaning and shaking under his body, what could he do?
Your hips moved up and down with each light thrust, each time his girth moved in and out of you.
You could tell how much he was controlling himself, or how much he wanted to lift your ass up, bury your face in the pillow and fuck you from behind.
God, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to.
But fucking you like that, just with the tip, was just as good.
"Good? Mh?" He purrs, moving his lips down to meet your ears, licking and nibbling at the spot.
You just nod eagerly, biting your lip and looking at him with those sly eyes of yours, asking for the dirtiest things with just that innocent look.
"Look at you," He continues, his thumb finding your clit and then starting to make little circles. The firmness is more than enough to make you shiver and let out a loud squeal.
"Begging me to fuck you? Begging just like the needy little thing you are." He grunted loudly, thrusting deeper now, you could feel him in almost all at once.
All you did was whimper, clutching your pillow as he rammed into you relentlessly, and there was just a little bit left before he forgot to put in just the tip and started fucking you for real.
What could he do? You were pulling him in, your velvety walls inviting and nestling him so well, how could he say no?
"Leon—" You gasped, looking at him with glassy eyes, a sign that you were almost there once again.
Your hips bucking against his, without you even realizing it. Just as you didn't realize that you'd already creamed all over his cock, leaving no spot clean.
How dirty of you.
All he did was hold you down to prevent you from moving too much, he swears to God he couldn't hold his load if you kept squirming more than you already were.
And then you whimpered loudly, in an incredibly high-pitched way. And there you were again, wetting the sheets for who knows how many times.
White cream dripping off you, getting all over your thighs and Leon's cock in the process. He couldn't help himself, throwing his head back and grunting a loud 'fuck', eyes wide as he watched you cum for him.
And that, that was all it took for him to lose control.
"I'm going to give you what you want, sweetheart." Words that sounded so sweet, completely different from the action he was about to take.
Soon he was turning you over in bed, making you lie on your stomach, your face buried in the pillow as he lifted your hips, holding on tightly to your sides.
The image was so dirty, so impure. He could cum just looking at you.
Unkempt, messy, trembling and whimpering beneath him. Your needy little hole leaking all your fluids, making you even wetter, and that was so tempting.
"I'm going to fuck you the way you want, isn't that what you want, mh?" He asked softly, taking advantage of the moment to spread your ass cheeks with his broad palms, holding on with a firmness that made you almost go crazy.
In one swift movement he pressed into you, without any effort he was completely buried in you, cock buried so deep that you could feel every inch of it, every vein pulsing. Each and every centimeter.
The stretching he did on you that every time you couldn't help but roll your eyes and bite your lip to prevent a moan slipping out.
Once again he let his head fall back, his blond strands sticking to his forehead, his lips open wide, leaving room for the dirtiest, most erotic grunts to escape.
He was so comfortable, so nestled into you. And it only got better when he started slamming into you, hard and deep, you could feel his heavy balls slapping against you.
You were so wet, your cunt so wet and tight that he could hardly contain himself, you were simply juicing his cock with every sharp thrust he gave you, to the point where there was a white ring at the base of his cock.
His fingers sinking into your flesh, gripping your sides so tightly that you could feel the marks that would be left there. All you could do was clutch the covers with your trembling hands, muffling your sounds in your pillow.
It was so good, the feeling of fucking you raw like that was irresistible, feeling your pussy tightening and clenching around him, your warmth and the way you were so tight.
Or even your trembling moans, the way his name came out of your lips in such a sly, sloppy way, just to match the mess you were in.
And as soon as he started pounding into you even harder, he couldn't help himself, your body arching, your toes curling and the words disappearing from your mouth. You clenched tightly around him, all your fluids gushing out at once.
That was it, it was over for him right there, just watching you milk his cock right then was all he needed to come inside you.
"Fuck-fuck," was the loud grunt he let out, closing his eyes at the erotic image in front of him. One he wouldn't soon forget.
He didn't have time to pull out of you, your hot, tight pussy wouldn't let him go anywhere.
So that was it, he couldn't stop his hips before his cum spurted into you, he just gave up on anything else when he felt his hot liquid filling you.
Hot white cum leaking out of your dripping hole, your juices mixing with his. The curses coming out of his mouth as he watched the situation were nothing like the scene that was right in front of him.
That was the first time he came inside, but he can bet it won't be the last.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 8 months
Some things I loved about Once Upon A Studio (in no particular order):
Tinkerbell and Mickey interacting as dual mascots
The long-shots following characters through the studio (most notably from Peter Pan to Moana)
Everyone in that elevator was a character with little patience
The robot from Meet the Robinsons! I forgot his name 🥲
Gaston singing to himself about himself
The Mad Hatter making puns
Tiana correcting Pinocchio that the photo was happening right now and not tonight
Prince Charming losing his shoe on the staircase
Prince Eric’s dog stealing Prince Charming’s shoe and Charming yelled “Eric! Get your dog!”
Cinderella shouting “go Max go!”
Jiminy Cricket being the last solo during the group cover of When You Wish Upon A Star
The first Disney Princess singing with the last Disney Princess (and also Mulan who represents the middle of the Disney Renaissance)
Feed The Birds from Mary Poppins playing in the background of Mickey looking at Walt’s photo 🥲
Mickey saying “After you” to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald was Walt’s first character, so everyone in this lineup came “After Oswald,” including Mickey)
Belle and Beast singing together 💕
Winnie The Pooh!!!! And all his friends of course!
Don’t think I didn’t see those Black Cauldron characters lol
The 101 Dalmatians watching that one Chernabog animation and being warned that they’ll get nightmares XD
Quasimodo’s beautiful singing voice
Minnie covering her eyes in the boy’s bathroom
The dog from Oliver & Company (I forgot his name 🥲) driving around with Vanellope
Tarzan and Jane!
Timon calling Olaf “frosty”
Genie helping Olaf while making a joke (🙏 Robin Williams)
Lucille from Meet the Robinsons drinking coffee with the tea gang (that Cogsworth was berating)
BOLT! :D (you can also see Penny in the crowd at the end)
The brooms from Fantasia!
Absolutely zero Pixar characters 😔 this is a Disney Only event
There’s a LOT to talk about in this short but this is just a simple list of things that I really liked :3
I hope someone on YouTube makes a list of every cameo cause I wanna see them all identified
Also I didn’t see any references to A Goofy Movie so if anyone happens to find Powerline in the crowd or something lemmie know
Edit: I’ve been informed that A Goofy Movie was straight-to-DVD and therefore doesn’t qualify as real Disney 😔
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partywithoutsmiling · 2 months
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Another AU that has been knocking around my mind for a while XD I call it Moonlit AU
It can be summed as such: Pop Trolls are pretty wild bunch when it comes to looks, varying in colours, flocking/fur patterns, glitter, freckles, hair, you name it
It got me thinking, what sort of thing would they find attractive in prospective partner? While singing/harmonizing could be a part of it (and ngl, that did made me think of the Happy Feet movies, as silly as those were), my mind turned towards more physical attributes
Thus, this AU was born- where one of the reasons why Pop trolls like to be most active at night (to party) is that a Moon's Light also allows them to appreciate fur/flocking patterns otherwise hidden, where the complexity and style varies from troll to troll, as is thought to show one's inner self
Contrary to what one would expect from the Princess (and future Queen) of Pop, Poppy's patterns are rather simple- but striking nonetheless, firm and bold stripes, like taking a wide brush to a canvas- straightforward but chaotic in their hardly orderly fashion Poppy struts her patterns; they are unique and dominant among the general showing of swirls, polka dots and flower like spottings She is aware her stripes are not considered the most attractive of features- too similar to that of a predatory critter, too sharp for who is supposed to be cheerful queen of equally cheerful people- but she is a romantic at heart and believes that when it will be time to choose a consort, those physical features are surface-level importance at best, and this is the mentality she has going forward, looking at the glowing marks of her friends and considering them equally beautiful no matter what.
Until she manages to spot Branch one night outside under the full moon light that is.
Branch's pattern, in high contrast to Poppy, is far more complex. Symetrical but delicate in its filigree, and far more detailed than anything the Princess has ever seen before. Usually, Branch ventures out only on moonless nights, as he feels the glow of his marks are too visible, too dangerous to just show out and about, for every dangerous predator to see- and it is purely bad luck when bad weather caughts him outside longer than he would have liked, and Poppy manages to catch the sight of him while he is completely unaware he had been seen.
All her conviction flies right out of the window, as she looks at his delicate patterning and her mind just goes blank and - Oh
Usually she would have called out to him, ask him to come to a party- but she feels mesmerized, hypnotized by the elegance of the filigree, and her mind longs for a way to memorate it forever- with a photo, or a painting- and she stares at the entrance of his bunker long after he vanished inside, completely stupefied and wrong footed.
Before, Poppy hardly ever gave Branch a thought, when it came to this part of Pop Troll culture; as part of her, guiltily, sort of assumed that with his lack of colour, his patterning would be rather bland as well- and besides, it's not like he ever shown a desire to participate in courting dances.
But now she is left with sudden new, and unexpected feeling- her heart and breath going now a bit faster everytime she catches a glimpse of him from now on, her cheeks flushing and her tail wagging in excitement
(Her desk's drawer is filled with failed cut out scrapbook pieces of leaves and tiny detailed filigree, as she attempts to journal her sudden and new discover and cant get it quite right)
Tldr; Pop Trolls have fur/flocking patterns that appear only under the moon's light, and Poppy finds Branch's so irresistibly attractive she hardly knows what to do with herself
This pushes her to try and spend more time with him- just spend time with him, no trying to push him to go to parties with her or trying to get him to sing or hug
For his part, Branch is both secretly pleased his own crush is now paying more attention to him than to Creek (who is not happy with this development) but also holy shit Poppy is paying more attention to him, so it is kind of unnerving for him, freaking him out
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simpforrooster · 3 months
i love when you call me pete.
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pete ‘maverick’ mitchell x f!reader
t/w: mentions of an age gap, some smooching. drunk!maverick
summary: maverick almost drunkenly tells reader how he feels about her
a/n: lowercase intended! wrote this on my phone and have autocaps off xD two fics in one day!!!
maverick laughs as jake, one hand over his own eyes, takes aim at the dart board.
jake hits a bullseye. mav pulls out his wallet, and reluctantly hands jake a folded bill. your eyes roll at the captain’s stupidity. jake never misses a bullseye.
the guys surely hustled the poor man. mav’s hand falls on jake’s shoulder as he finishes off his beer.
“how long are you gonna stare at him?” phoenix asks with a raised brow.
“i am not staring,” you counter, knowing full well that you are indeed staring.
not that you could help it. the man may be twice your age, but he’s hot. even phoenix, happily engaged to bob, gets her an eye full of the elder captain.
you wipe down the bar in front of phoenix and hand her another lemon drop. tucking the rag in your back belt loop, you turn to hand another regular their drink.
ever since penny hired you, you’ve managed to take care of the bar almost as good as she does. she lets you take on the slower days of the week alone, and the two of you manage the weekend crowds together.
once everyone has been taken care of, you turn your attention back to your friend. you catch her admiring her ring. she looks up at you with a grin.
“sorry,” she shrugs. you shake your head.
“no indeed. i’d be gawking at that rock all day if it was mine.”
“you know you said that entire sentence looking at him and not me, right.”
you startle. she’s right. you’d basically been undressing maverick with your eyes. imagining your left hand heavy with a ring.
“you’re impossible,” she laughs.
your heart picks up its pace as maverick saunters, or better yet, sways up to the bar.
“four more, please. on my tab, babe.” maverick holds up five fingers, a giant grin on his face.
you lean over the bar and lay his thumb back against his palm. “that’s four.”
maverick looks down at you and then back to his hand. a chuckle falls languidly from his lips. “you’re right.”
phoenix raises a brow at you, out of sight from mav, who is looking at you like you’re his center of gravity.
“have i ever told you how gorgeous you are?” maverick says, still holding up those four fingers. the comment turns your insides into jelly.
“are you drunk, pete?” you ask him. there’s no way he’d be saying any of this if he were sober.
his hand falls to the bar top and his eyes fall closed. he stands there a moment, gathering himself, you assume.
his eyes open, those blue irises almost knocking you off your feet with how intense they look at you.
“i may be drunk, but that doesn’t mean i’m lying about you being gorgeous.”
phoenix grins at you over his shoulder, maverick completely oblivious to her.
no, he’s definitely only noticing you. every moved you’ve made, he’s tracked it. well, as well as he can given that he’s shitfaced.
maverick shrugs a shoulder. “maybe sober me is just nervous to tell you that.”
“pete,” you breathe. “you’re a naval aviator. there’s no way i make you nervous.”
“god, i love how you say my name,” he admits. before he can say anything else, jake and rooster appear at his side.
“come on, pops, we’ll get you home.” the men each take an arm, seeing as maverick can hardly remain upright.
he tries to shake them off. “i can’t go until i ask y/n out.”
your hand comes up to your mouth, your heart picking up pace again.
“let’s try tomorrow, mav,” rooster murmurs to his godfather. maverick vehemently shakes his head.
“no. i have to tell her now. i have to tell her i—,”
“oh no you don’t,” jake says, forcing maverick away from the bar. “you will not finish that sentence until you’re sober. she doesn’t deserve a drunk admission.”
rooster shoots you an apologetic look, handing you his card to close out the three of their tabs. you move on autopilot. punching in the men’s names, clicking on them, swiping the card, repeat. you hesitate on pete’s account. god, he did have a lot to drink.
that’s all that was. drunken words. he won’t remember any of this in the morning.
once the men are out the bar and pete is loaded in the back of the bronco, you turn to phoenix.
“what the fuck?” she screeches.
“i told them not to let him approach her with as far gone as he was,” bob comments, saddling up in the barstool next to his fiancé.
“what are you talking about, bob?” you ask.
bob shares a look with phoenix.
“you’re nuts if you’ve never seen the way he looks at you.”
“please don’t get my hopes up, bob,” you tell the bar, already fearful of those hopes plummeting once maverick comes to his senses and takes everything that just happened back.
you close out the remaining people at the bar. phoenix and bob hang around with you, walking you to your car once you’ve got the hard deck locked up.
the dagger squad take turns staying with you when you have a closing shift. they’re more protective of you than a set of new parents.
you hug your friends goodbye and drive to your apartment.
the next morning, your doorbell wakes you up with a start.
literally rolling out of the bed, you hit the floor tangled in your sheets. the doorbell chimes again. searching for a pair of pants, dread fills you as the doorbell rings once again.
what could be so urgent at..7 am?!
your mind runs through every possibility.
the doorbells chimes for a forth time just as you throw the door open, shrieking, “what?!”
pete mitchell stands on your stoop. he looks like hell. the two of you stare at one another, while pete grips the flowers he’s holding with a death grip.
you open the door wider, silently inviting him in. he follows you to the kitchen and settles at your island. the silence in the room thickens as you set to work making coffee. you feel his eyes on you the entire time.
“listen, y/n,” maverick starts, but you cut him off, sharply holding up a finger. you fish two mugs from your cabinet. you fill his mug to the brim, spooning two teaspoons of sugar in it. you fix yourself a little coffee with your creamer. setting the coffee in front of him, you step back and lean against the counter across him.
waving your hand, you tell him to proceed.
“i’m so sorry about last night,” he says, finally laying the flowers down. he runs his hands down the front of his jeans, wiping away the sweat.
“if you’re about to take it all back, i really don’t want to hear it, mav,” you tell him.
“mav..” he repeats to himself, looking at your counter top. “last night you called me pete.” he brings his eyes to yours.
you stare at him. okay, he remembers that.
“i don’t want to take any of it back, y/n.”
your breath catches at the back of your throat.
“i want to apologize,” he continues. “you didn’t deserve a drunken admission. i was being cowardly. because believe it or not, you’re ten times scarier than an f-18.”
when you say nothing, he keeps on.
“i know how to handle an f-18. i know what makes it work, how to get it back on track. i know that plan inside and out.” he takes a breath. “i don’t know how to navigate this. you.”
“you. god, y/n. you have the ability to wreck me to my core. and i have so terrified to admit my feelings to you.”
“come on, pete, you can’t mean that,” you tell him, folding in on yourself.
“of course i do. the guys told me talking to you drunk was a bad idea. i thought i could handle it, but you just looked so gorgeous, i couldn’t help it.”
you are fully aware of how you looked last night during that fiasco. and gorgeous surely wasn’t it. not with your tank top and cut offs. and you know your hair had to be a mess. it always was at the end of a shift.
maverick rises from his stool. coming around the kitchen island, he stuffs his hands in his pockets, looking terrified as he walks over to you.
“i am sorry i tried to do this shitfaced,” he whispers, a breathe away from you. “tell me i didn’t ruin anything.”
he’s never stood this close to you, and it’s doing odd things to your heart.
“you didn’t ruin anything, pete,” you tell him. his eyes drop down to your mouth, silently asking permission. you nod, not trusting your voice to not betray how much you want this.
maverick pins you to the counter, his hands on either side of you, holding his weight off you. you speed him up by balling your hand in his shirt and pulling him down to you.
maverick grins as his mouth meets yours, falling back into his normal self. you can fill the confidence flowing through him as his hands move from the counter to your body.
his expert hands fall exactly where you need them. he deepens the kiss, his tongue running along your bottom lip. opening up to him, he pulls you tight against his body.
“fuck,” he breathes against your lips.
“tell me about it,” you murmur.
he plants tantalizing kisses along your jaw and down your neck.
“pete,” you moan. he tightens his hold in response.
“i love it when you call me pete,” he says, returning his kisses to your mouth.
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dropthedemiurge · 4 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things you didn't notice (probably)
Finally, I am watching a good K-BL and can enjoy multi-layered meanings within language, culture and translated subs altogether (unlike with Thai series where I need to learn a new language again xD)
So I'll be pointing out some fun things that I noticed for fellow foreign viewers =) Beware of a long post!
Disclaimer: I'm not fluent in Korean, but I've been learning and using it for years + lived and studied in Korea for a while so I'm offering my perspective and knowledge but it might not be the Ultimate Truth
Episode 1
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«I prefer lonely supporting characters instead of happy protagonists. Cha Yeowoon is still unhappy. ... - Where are you going? - To see my main (최애). I mean, Cha Yeowoon.»
The word Tae Myungha used to described Cha Yeowoon, as I heard, was actually 최애 (choe-ae). It's a slang that can be translated as "my favourite" and typically is used for K-pop group members, meaning "my bias" (think One True Pairing but One True Person instead). Then, as his fellow classmate gets confused, hearing such word referring to a popular student in their school, Tae Myungha changes to "I mean, Cha Yeowoon", and it works because the word and the name sound similar.
Myungha uses this word because in the intro he stated that Yeowoon is his favourite character in the book out of all. So basically, his first reaction was "- Where are you going? - I'm gonna run to find my blorbo<3", which is so admirable. I'd also get obsessed with making happy my fav side character that was treated unfairly by creators :D
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«Kids like chocolate, right? ... (Yeowoon grabs an icecream, Myungha grabs the same, adding with surprise:) Didn't see that coming. Bi-Bi-Big (비비빅)? You eat like an old man.»
What surprised Myungha there? That Yeowoon chose this icecream->
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It's a traditional icecream that is made out of red beans. This taste is usually associated with older people (because typically kids like sweet things and older people like less sweet/bland tastes), also red beans or read bean paste is used in many traditional desserts in Korea. Yeah, who would've thought that a high schooler would choose this icecream out of all options?
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Later, Myungha gets the message "You can compare Bi-Bi-Big to big Ba-Bum-Bar (another icecream with "old man taste" from chestnuts), why the hell would you eat it?" and gets confused as the message seems missent. I am confused as well, because Myungha wasn't the one choosing this icecream and Yeowoon wasn't typing in his phone. Considering that the phone number is unknown, I can guess that it might be a commentary from the book's author who's watching Myungha playing his story game? Let's figure it out in the next episodes!
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«- You eat like an old man. - Do you play sports? - No. - Weird. You're a whiner like I've always heard. - Kids these days have no manners.»
My quick translation->
«- You eat like an old man. - Sunbae, do you play sports? - No. - Strange. You sound like one of those older jerks (꼰대). - Kids these days have no manners.»
More on the differences between Tae Myungha and Cha Yeowoon:
Myungha tried to poke Yeowoon about his "old man tastes", and Yeowoon called him out for his conservative/stereotypical thinking.
Yeowoon keeps calling Myungha sunbae (because he knows MH's a senior in their school so he must be polite), and Myungha REALLY TALKS LIKE AN OLD MAN to him ("Kids these days" in the subs does translate this style of speech correctly! I'm glad). We all know he's much older before he was thrown into high school times (~25-30yo?), but his words and intonations really make you feel like he's 50-60yo or something xD
Yeowoon doesn't like this at all, though, so he calls Myungha a sort of derogatory term 꼰대 (kkondae), which is used to described old conservative people who are set in their ways and keep nagging and scolding young people for not behaving properly. And, as a runner, he implies that there are senior sportsmen that are hazing or nagging younger sportsmen like this as well, that's who Myungha reminds him of. No wonder the affection stats fell down in the minus zone so hard!
There you go, guys, these are my comments on the first episode of Love for Love's sake! It is filmed so well, I like the idea, and I really enjoyed it (if this one gets really popular just like Semantic Error, we might get more BLs about gamers or gamedevs and I WILL LOVE IT I am so here for it, hehe)
Stay tuned for more as I watch next episodes :]
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
Sanemi, Shinobu and Obanai x Giyuu little sister reader. Reader 20 and 1 year younger than Giyuu and is the Polar opposite of Jim like she very playful and curious but also very loving to him and he spoils her. She a civilian who owns a tea shop. May I have headcanons with her and those three and Giyuu reaction to each please?
demon slayer hcs: sanemi & shinobu x giyuu's little sister!reader
characters: sanemi, shinobu, giyuu
warnings: mentions of birth control in shinobu's (idek if that needs a warning lol)
AN: pumped this out at 3am lol, ill be doing obanai in another part!
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your relationship was such a slow burn lol
when he finds out ur giyuu's sister its an immediate disliking on Sanemi's part
but are we rly surprised?
dude HATES giyuu
you spend a lot of time with the hashira
and you've become good friends with them so you're always around when the hashira are all together
they all adore u
you're sweet, funny, outgoing, confident
basically everything that giyuu isn't lollll
you brought snacks from ur teashop to one of the lil hashira hangouts
and you couldn't help but notice sanemi absolutely stuffing his face full of the ohagi that you brought
but who can blame him?
he might not like you but he never said you were a bad cook
and ohagi is his favorite
a couple days after the lil hangout
sanemi gets back to his estate after a mission and finds a cute lil basket adorned with a bow sitting on his doorstep
he picks it up and looks inside and its full of ohagi
after he goes inside and devours the whole basket
he finds a note at the bottom saying "enjoy <3" signed with your name
thats it right there.
the way to this mans heart is thru his stomach fr
when yall are dating dating
you keep it quiet
none of the other hashira know
and giyuu CERTAINLY doesn't know
until one day you're working at your tea shop and sanemi walks in to pick up the lunch that you made him
now me personally... id turn into a professional cook for this man
its not a busy day at the shop so he walks into the kitchen to find you cooking
and this man is HANDSY
so ofc he grabs you by your waist and pulls u into him
and starts feeling you up good lord please i want this so bad
you hear the faint 'ding!' of the bell above the front door
but pay it no mind assuming its a customer
and then the kitchen door opens
and everyone freezes
cause standing in the doorway is your older brother
thats the most expressive face sanemi has ever seen on giyuu
dudes eyes are wide as saucers
mouth wide open
shook af
like "dawg don't you hate me and everyone that associates with me?"
like "you have basically cursed my entire bloodline"
"you told me to off myself because im me"
and sanemi is just "i hate you not you're sister"
and goes back to feeling u up totally ignoring giyuu's presence
giyuu basically just moonwalks back out the door
and pretends he never saw any of that
lol i love them XD
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now shinobu liked you from the second she met you
she went to giyuu's estate to get him for a mission
and walks in to find you teasing and mocking tf outta ur older brother lmao
ofc she joins in
throwing in some teasing remarks of her own
poor giyuu lol
she is a frequent visitor to your tea shop
cause instead of making medicinal teas herself, now she can just get you to do it
plus she gets to see her favorite girlllll
the way giyuu finds out is too funny
you are in the infirmary at the butterfly mansion
dw ur not injured or sick or anything!!
you're sitting on the bed waiting for shinobu
when giyuu walks in
and he's like "wtf are u doing here"
you're explain your business to ur brother when shinobu walks in looking down at a needle saying
"alright i have your birth control shot! not like you need it... i can't get u pregnant"
she looks up when she hears a 'smack'
and there you are with ur hand slapped to your forehead and a bright red face
giyuu just looks between you and shinobu with a blank face
before he passes clean out
dude hits the floor hard lmao
when he wakes up you give him an explanation
and then u and shinobu tease him for passing out
lol dude can't catch a break
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