#apocalypse: save us story spoiler
narastories · 2 years
“I’m not a monster, Fitz. And honestly, I don’t care about you and your goons or what happens to you. But I think you can help me—and I’m willing to help you in return if you do.” The young man grimaced and bowed his head. “It’s not as though I have a lot of choice, is it?” “We’ve all got choices,” I said calmly. “At the moment, yours are limited. You gonna play ball?”
Gee, who does that remind me of...? I wonder if Anduriel can spy on ghosts because if yes then both he and Nic are laughing their asses off.
Anduriel: “Dresden is playing bad guy on a poor kid and he sounds like you. He’s telling himself he only wants to help him because he has a savior complex but conveniently the kid is also one of the only available people who can hear him right now.”
Nicodemus: “Oh, the irony. He did pay some attention, after all. Could have picked up some stylistic pointers too.”
Anduriel: “He thinks he sounds cool.”
Together: “Kids these days...”
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drchucktingle · 3 months
Good day Dr. Tingle. I haven't read your stories, but I've known about you from afar in this website for a while. Your recent post about separating Ideas and Message is very similar to how I teach a class. I wanted to ask you, if you could share some of your Messages, in whichever structure/length/complexity you think about them before writing, to have some real world examples to show in class.
Personally I tend to simplify and shorten my messages as much as possible, like "everyone deserves forgiveness" for example, so that I can permeate it throughout the story, and so that anyone experiencing the story can come to a similarish conclusion.
I'm curious as to how your Messages look like inside your head, during the creative process. Not the refined versions used for marketing and sales and stuff.
Thank you!
sure buckaroo.
high concept idea of the book STRAIGHT was this: zombie apocalypse story but the rage only effects straight cis people (there is also a second high concept idea in there which is: what if zombie plague only happened one day a year? how would culture handle this politically and otherwise?)
so i had this idea that i thought was good, but before i can write it i think 'well what do i want to SAY about this? what am i FEELING?'
and i realized that i was a little torn about how to write this story because of the one day a year thing. when is it okay to fight back? can you hurt a zombie if it turns back into a person the next day? is that right or wrong? and WHEN is it right or wrong? what situations?
then i realized that with the metaphor of this story what i was really asking was something bigger: why is it up to the victims (in this case queer buckaroos) to be forced to make these decisions? marginalized groups have TWO kinds of violations done to them, the first is the obvious act of violation, but the second is that they are forced to use their time and mental space and emotional tolerance to learn how to HANDLE the first violation in an 'acceptable way'
so THAT became my message. if you want to know how i feel about these questions you can read STRAIGHT and find out.
CAMP DAMASCUS high concept idea was (SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT READ CAMP DAMASCUS STOP READING HERE) what if the church really DID decide the ends justify the means and instead of stopping demonic possession they were inflicting demonic possession to counter sinful acts.
but that is not the message of the book. that is just the idea. if i just had that idea i would not write it, but as things evolved i realized WHAT i wanted to say with this story
in this situation WHO is the force of 'evil'? would it be the demons? would it be the possessed? or would it be the SYSTEM AND MENTALITY that was creating this situation in the first place? so the book sets out the answer this question and express the conclusion that ive made for myself
i also noticed that many churches who are anti gay have a sort of infantilizing trot with how they handle their young buckaroos. this idea that gay feelings will just go away if they are ignored and that they can almost keep young queer buckaroos from ever aging into fully realized adults. obviously i think this is WRONG and so fighting back against this mentality became part of the message as well, and that informed most of the metaphor and symbolism in the book.
it is important to keep in mind that sometimes the message can change. as the book trots along i am LEARNING myself, working out these thoughts on the page and coming to a conclusion of my own. this is actually VERY true of BURY YOUR GAYS, which is probably most autobiographical thing i have written. i will save talking about that MESSAGE and HIGH CONCEPT for after book is out though
when i say i write MESSAGE FIRST that does not mean i think of the message first in TIME (although that does happen sometimes) it means the message is the most important thing over plot or characters or anything like that (although those are important too). it means that i write with message as my north star, which is rare, but it is how i make art
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comicaurora · 4 months
Hi Red! I was curious if you've watched the new Yu Yu Hakusho live action, and if so, what your thoughts were on its pacing and handling of various plots. Personally I thought it did some very clever things and it genuinely pleasantly surprised me at a couple points, but at the same time the fact that it's only 5 episodes hurt its ability to do the story justice a bit.
Also I was rewatching the Dark Tournament arc of the anime today and wondering what it must've been like to watch when it originally aired, considering all the multi episode fights. Do you remember any of your thoughts at the time?
On an unrelated note, I'm really excited for arc 2 of Aurora!!!! Also sorry this is so ramble-y
I have watched it! For the most part, I really enjoyed it, although in pursuit of compressing everything down to five episodes it did a couple things I think definitely harmed the overall impact and characterization.
Spoilers below!
The first episode is I think nearly pitch-perfect. The visual design on the Spirit World is top-tier, and the choice to make everything that was a sacred artifact move like ferrofluid was a very clever bit of visual design. It's absolutely weird and original and I think it was a very fun way to spice up Fluffy Cloud Heaven.
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Of all the things they sped through, I'm very glad they did not speed through the crucial characterization of Yusuke initially choosing to stay dead on the assumption that everyone is better off without him, and the show subsequently taking its time to show the wake, let Yusuke's mom and Keiko really feel their feelings, etcetera. The adaptation of the wake was, to my memory, almost 100% true to the anime version, including the gut-wrenching moments like Kuwabara starting off angry and then breaking down, and the toddler Yusuke saved not really understanding that he's dead. And I had no complaints about the parts of this arc that they did speed up - a lot of the timeline of the original show is training arcs and Yusuke having to prove himself, and I had almost no problem with them skipping over that. Yusuke not having to do any tasks before coming back to life is A-OK with me.
I also entirely lost my shit at The Dropkick.
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And then the last bit of episode 1, where they have to deal with the possessed kid, was absolutely top tier. The way they make demonic possession look and feel in this show is truly horrific, and I loved the way they played it like a one-man zombie apocalypse. The fight choreography was also very impressive and I liked how much they used the environment. Also, letting Kuwabara fight this guy first was a very good way of making the power-scaling clear and establishing that Kuwabara is a fundamentally very decent person willing to punch above his weight class to try and help.
However, this episode did get me excited for something they ended up not doing, which was a bummer. The first thing we see in the show is a Makai insect, which in the anime are the tools of the villains in the Four Saint Beasts arc - at the climax of that storyline, Makai-insect-possessed students and faculty corner Keiko and Botan in the human world while Yusuke fights an increasingly desperate battle against Suzaku to try and stop him. If the full-on body horror zombie thing was what makai insect possession looked like, that scenario immediately seemed like it was going to be butt-clenchingly terrifying.
Of course, they ended up entirely sidestepping the Saint Beasts arc, which is understandable - narratively speaking its only real function is to let the four protagonists team-build after their contentious first meetings. It became clear pretty quickly that with the time they had, it wouldn't be worth it to go there. That said, I think they really could've used a little more team-building time - more on that later.
The first episode also pretty solidly established the tone they'd be taking for the rest of the show - much more dark, almost no comedy. Normally I find those sorts of adaptations pretty dour and joyless, but in this case I thought it helped make the stakes feel solid, and if anything it lined up better with the original premise of "the demon world is a truly horrifying place and its incursion into reality would be an absolute nightmarish apocalypse." I didn't mind that it felt like the stakes were real and the heroes fighting demons was really necessary.
The second episode made it pretty clear where they were going with the series adaptation. While it speeds through the intro of Goki, Kurama and Hiei, it also lets Yusuke's fight with Goki feel - again - extremely well-choreographed and tense. The choreography in this show is consistently very impressive, especially considering how often our heroes have to fight fully CGI bad guys - and this fight doesn't even have any dialogue in it, but it still makes it entirely clear what Yusuke is thinking at every point, which is very impressive, especially since he goes through an entire arc from "I don't need to figure out how to use the Spirit Gun" to "I desperately need the spirit gun to start working right the fuck now". They also handle Kurama's intro very well, making it very clear that he's cunning and kind of inscrutable but not necessarily malicious, and in the scene where Yusuke's tailing him it's pretty clear from the choreography that Kurama knows he's there and is very carefully waiting long enough for him to follow him without feeling like he's being lured, which is entirely in-character, and again a very impressive way to show characterization without any dialogue required. And of course the reveal that Kurama is in fact a Nice Boy who is trying to sacrifice himself to save his mom is real good, and letting Yusuke's past experience with seeing how his mom reacted to his death make him immediately ride or die for Kurama was a very solid bit of characterization - and adding Kuwabara to this subplot where he wasn't originally there helped balance out the characterization a little bit with an entirely justified naysayer pointing out "dude he's a demon maybe don't trust him immediately." It also helps get Kuwabara involved in the main story nice and quick, where he originally is a bit of a late arrival.
The part I was getting a little worried about at this point, and an element of the adaptation that I legitimately think is a detriment, was how they were handling Hiei. A huge part of what makes Hiei fun in the original series is that he is legitimately a huge bastard, and in his introduction is a full-blown bad guy who Yusuke very nearly dies fighting. Classic Hiei kidnapped Keiko and nearly turned her into a demon just to fuck with Yusuke. And what makes their relationship great is the team-building that happens in the Four Saint Beasts arc the adaptation is evidently skipping over, where Hiei is so baffled - and so touched - by Yusuke's completely unearned trust in him that he immediately becomes 100% ride or die for Yusuke and only Yusuke.
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He's a vicious little asshole who takes himself very seriously and legitimately has the power to back up his grandstanding 90% of the time, and that's what makes him so fun to watch - those little slivers of characterization where he's goofy or baffled or vulnerable or lets himself be visibly impressed with one of his teammates, mixed with the moments where he's like "okay this has been fun but it's time to die now" and just one-shots the bad guy with another dangerous forbidden technique he picked up for shits and giggles.
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So I was getting a little worried that the adaptation wasn't gonna let Hiei be, like. An actual asshole. Because what makes him fun as a character is that he is an asshole, he just also has a handful of sympathetic motivations and nice qualities that he usually doesn't own up to. And I ended up being right about that, which was a bummer, but again, the way they did it was a bit of extremely efficient streamlining. In the anime, Hiei's introduction is just him being a dick for no reason - then everyone has a team-building bonding arc with the Four Saint Beasts, and then Hiei is revealed to have a real heroic motivation hiding somewhere in there: rescuing his secret twin sister Yukina from a nasty human holding her prisoner.
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So the adaptation basically just streamlined the entire rest of the show into that arc. Hiei's intro stealing the fancy knife? He's using it to get the Jagan Eye to look for Yukina. Hiei storming this compound full of humans? They're the ones holding Yukina prisoner. It's 100% sympathetic, he's just not willing to own up to that to anybody. Everything he does that's dubiously moral or kind of a dick move? It's actually fine, or he's being framed (like in the shot they perfectly remake from the anime where he kidnaps Keiko, except just kidding it's a shapeshifting bad guy framing him), or Yusuke's the one who attacks him in the first place.
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And that's extremely efficient storytelling! It just makes Hiei kind of an antisocial dick and not even slightly a villain, which I think dramatically reduces how fun his character is - it just flattens him into a very standard-issue lancer archetype who refuses to express any sort of emotional or physical vulnerability to anyone, which is a fine character trope, it's just kind of more boring than the dickhead outdoor cat I was hoping for.
The same thing also happens to Genkai, who in the original series has dozens of episodes of screentime to show off how she is the best kind of mentor ever written - a dickhead mentor.
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She's rude and snarky and a full-blown asshole, and she and Yusuke have a truly hilarious mentor-stydent dynamic because they're both assholes. And it's not until a good way into the Dark Tournament that we see them in a dynamic that's not just being assholes to each other - when Genkai consolidates all her power into a sporb for Yusuke to absorb, and he spends several episodes nearly dying about it. The fact that Genkai truly cares about him as her student - and the fact that he truly cares about her as his master - only comes out in this subplot, when she honestly believes she's fucked up and killed him and he goes beyond his limits to absorb the power she's given him. It's a beautiful moment of payoff after dozens of episodes of planting, and right after that happens, Genkai is killed.
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So when the live-action show introduced Genkai, and after a good solid montage of training and anime-accurate fight scenes and some really good Kuwabara moments, she told Yusuke she had one final technique to give him, I said out loud "oh my god please don't speedrun this." And then they did. She gave Yusuke the sporb and he absorbed it immediately and painlessly, and then they left, and then she immediately gets killed.
My notes on that part were just
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So I didn't like that part. Like Hiei, Genkai is such an effective character because her moments of vulnerability and non-assholeness are so rare, and the rest of the time she's an absolute goblin nightmare. Getting rid of that reduces her to another, much flatter trope, and killing her in the same episode she's introduced almost entirely removes the impact of the moment and just makes her another dead mentor. But again, this is episode 3 of 5. This isn't the writer's fault, this is the writers making a very hard decision on what they need to get into the plot if they're planning on speedrunning the entire Dark Tournament arc - which they are. The primary rule they seemed to use when adapting Yu Yu Hakusho is "if the heroes fought this bad guy more than once, no they didn't." So the first fight with the Toguro brothers is going to become the only fight with the Toguro brothers, and they need to speedrun the entire core plot of the Dark Tournament arc within the confines of Toguro's introduction in the Rescue Yukina arc.
And the thing is, hot take? I'm not mad about that. The Dark Tournament is an iconic moment in Shonen anime history, but like. it's a tournament arc. Like all tournament arcs, it goes on a very long time, a lot of it is extremely repetitive, and it eventually arrives at the foregone conclusion end state of "team protagonist vs team final boss". In a five-episode adaptation, you pick the smallest number of good fights with real stakes and you just use those. And that's what they do here. Kurama and Hiei both get little bottle-episode fights with their respective most plot-relevant opponents from the Dark Tournament, and they both get to show off their dangerous forbidden techniques.
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And it slaps. It could've used more buildup for maximum punch, but again, five episodes. And frankly in the original they didn't get much buildup either, just "this is a thing I've been working on, hopefully I don't die about it."
And consistently, the fight choreography continues to be really good. The physicality of the actors is very solid and the way CGI attacks and opponents get worked into the choreography is so fluid it's sometimes hard to tell where the CGI ends. And considering the final boss is two full-CGI photorealistic bad guys, I think they do an incredibly good job making the fights feel real and solid.
Characterization-wise, since so much of the final episode is just a lot of fighting against a big damage sponge, there's not a ton of time for talking, but the choreography is, again, a standout. Even outside combat, the secondary characters get a lot of little moments to shine - even Damsel In Distress Du Jour Keiko gets to pull the "oh no, I, your valuable prisoner, am sick, please come into my cell within easy throttling range" trick and breaks herself and Yukina out, which slaps and makes the whole breakout feel like much more of a team effort, and it also lets Keiko and Yukina share some brief but extremely tender moments of characterization that does a lot to make them feel like well-rounded characters. And back in the main fight zone, the characters don't have much dialogue but show where they're at through how they move. Everyone is exhausted and beaten down and has already used their finishing moves, but Yusuke's in trouble, so it's time to scramble back up and tackle the bad guy. It's just such good choreo and such good acting that it makes me forgive a lot of the pacing struggles they're dealing with from boiling everything down to 5 episodes, and without dialogue - just through fight choreography - they manage to make me buy the teamwork dynamic they've thus far failed to establish due to speedrunning past all the stuff that's supposed to help them bond. This is the first part of the show that makes me believe that Hiei has any affection for the gang and any reason to fight alongside them beyond coincidence.
And they continued the trend of hitting all the major plot beats from the stuff they were speedrunning, which led to me counting down the minutes to the Kuwabara Fake-Dies To Motivate Yusuke moment.
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The rest of the fight is pretty much just a shot-for-shot adaptation of the final stage of the Toguro bossfight, plus the added fun that it's the first time in the show Yusuke has actually yelled "spirit gun" out loud, which is neat. And it took every second of those five episodes, but in the closing scene they finally reached the group dynamic I was hoping for.
All things considered, given the parameters they had to work in, I think this is the best we could've possibly gotten in only five episodes. I would've probably preferred one where instead of cramming the entire dark tournament into three episodes they just left it alone and just did Rescue Yukina plus maybe the Saint Beasts, but if this is what we were getting, this was a very solid way to do it. I, at least, had an overall very good time, and have been thinking about rewatching it, which is wild since it's only been like three weeks since I watched it the first time. But yea, overall the pacing is wild but I think there was a lot of love and thought put into it, and it really shows.
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My thoughts on X-Men 97 (spoilers below)
Congratulations Morph on making it into the opening credits! Congratulations to Bishop and Magneto, too, but Morph is like the little redshirt that could, they went from "killed off two episodes in" to opening credits main character. You are the Guy Fleegman of X-Men TAS Morph, even if you are a not a guy. They even did a "threatened by Sinister" montage for them.
Thank you, Gambit, for bringing back crop tops for men, you are a fashion god. And the very first scene with Gambit is him in the kitchen making beignets.
Jubilee getting to be the experienced X-Man welcoming the new kid who was saved from kidnapping is a nice call back and kind of "full circle" for her.
Fantastic sequence of them fighting Sentinels, especially Cyclops doing the whole "optic blast his way to the ground" thing. And he could have gotten one of the flyers to catch him, he just wanted to be cool.
Nice to finally see Morph and Wolverine banter when Morph isn't being set up for a tragic death or brainwashed/filled with angst. No, now Logan is the one filled with angst, because he can't deal with pregnant (with Scott's baby) Jean.
Sunspot with his little glow sticks, and Jubilee dancing at the club is adorable.
Sunspot's card that he gave to Jubilee is the most 90's thing ever, look at those graphics.
Storm. I saw that "Lifedeath I and II" was part of the episode titles for future episodes, so I knew it was coming, but damn. It was extremely well done. Having her take the hit for Magneto instead of Rogue makes sense, and is another example of TAS writers combining comics stories (Storm's power loss and trial of Magneto) really effectively.
I kind of like that, after Cyclops gets beaten down by X-Cutioner, Morph is the one who jumps in to save him. Like, despite being a sarcastic little shit and all the previous bad blood, Morph's got Scott's back.
Wolverine driving Jean to the hospital, and Rogue using her powers to absorb "baby delivery skills" was all great. "He's coming!" "Who?! Apocalypse?" "The baby!!" And then Jean just telekinetically slapping Wolverine with his jacket and jeep keys.
One Jean? Two Jean! (Red Jean....Blue Jean?)
I'm surprised we've got a Jean double already, I expected that the show would drag it out much longer before showing Maddie. I am wondering if Madelyne will have been programmed to believe that she is also Jean, and there will be confusion over the "real" Jean. I am very, very curious as to where they will go with the Madelyne Pryor story, especially since Goblin Queen will presumably show up at some point.
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myfaveisfuckable · 4 months
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1. Introduced as a bland everyman only made exceptional by circumstance, slowly revealed to be the most batshit, suicidally depressed, bisexual maniac in existence. Uses self-sacrifice like a tool and is completely unaware of how beloved he is by the people he keeps pulling into his fold because he is so deeply and utterly convinced that he is fundamentally unlovable. He's like sixty foundational traumas stacked in a trench coat and he's always sixty steps ahead of everyone else and he loves the people he chooses so so dearly and people keep calling him ugly even though he's canonically pretty average and holy shit dude get some therapy please
2. GHBJNKML i am praying someone has sent him in but. unreliable narrator the most ever and also i just. love him so much. orv in itself is such a goo dnovel but like. kim dokja is the definition of love and the most caring person but also he's suffered so much and while. yknow we're introduced to him as a kind of nerd but like. listen he's so fucked up juts LISTEN
3. do NOT let the pretty official art fool u. this is the most average 28 year old salaryman going through the absolute most in the apocalypse. ORV is a story about the most average man on earth with the most mundane, depressing life. and one story that he read to cope with it all. he's just some guy, but he is also the most beloved specialest guy. not because he had some hidden talent. just because he loved a story ferociously and also he likes getting in trouble on purpose. he is the most unreliable narrator you will ever find. every piece of the universe loves him for his average stupid self. you will understand when you read 👍
4. He looks like a neet-pulled office worker. Spoilers: turns out to be one of the oldest things in the world and the only being keeping it going and alive. He needs to be there to keep the world going. Also, he got like kind of adopted by Persephone and hades. Like his blorbo is real and in love with him. But this man looks so average that people call him ugly to his face just because he’s surrounded by absolute gorgeous people.
Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu:
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Read a million-word porno for the plot, left a scathing criticism on every chapter, finished in like 20 days, and got so upset about it that he ate expired yogurt and died. Told his husband that if he'd been pregnant with him, he would have absorbed poison at the cost of his own life for him. Has never been interested in any women romantically or sexually but is completely convinced he's totally straight, probably even while married to and regularly sleeping with his husband, who he loves. His first solution to any dangerous situation is to die about it.
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
The World-Ending Threats Are Easier in Fantasy
I talked with a friend about this last night and I thought I could share this with you. We talked about Baldur's Gate and DnD campaigns, as well as fantasy in general and the tendency of a lot of fantasy to deal with world ending threats. And I thought I would share, because it is an interesting topic.
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Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3
In a lot of fantasy stories there are potential world ending threats. Sure, often enough the world is not literally gonna end, but it would cease to be the same world we know it to be. In Baldur's Gate 3 the villains basically plan for world domination. Or at least Sword Coast domination. But it is bad enough I would argue. Which is why in a good playthrough you got to stop them at all costs. So, in the end you defeat them, one by one. And then you go up to the big evil netherbrain and you kill that thing, too, after which the world is gonna be saved once more.
And themes like this are fairly common in fantasy. How many fantasy stories do you know in which the bad guy wants to rule over the world or reshape it entirely. Sure, it is fairly rare that the villain outright wants to destroy it - that is usually only something that "force of nature" villains want to do - but the fate of the world is kinda always on the line and of course the world tends to be saved by our fearless heroes.
For the longest time this went so far into that power fantasy aspect of it, that we never actually did consider how it would feal for those fearless heroes to have the fate of the world on their shoulders. Only fairly recently fantasy has turned more to dealing with the trauma our heroes would face during their quest to save the world, while having to kill and seeing their friends killed. In fact we are so used to heroes being impervious to trauma, that there are still a lot of people who will get very cranky when presented with a fantasy world where trauma does actually affect the heroes. (I just will remind you of how angry the nerds became to see traumatized Luke in The Last Jedi.)
But even so... the fantasy apocalypse is a lot nicer than the real world apocalypse, isn't it?
I mean that seriously. Because especially our younger generations do not know a world before the apocalypse. I am a millenial and I fairly well remember that moment when I was just 16 and realized how fucked the world was. Like, literally, I remember the exact day and time at which I realized that climate change was real and was going to fuck us all over. But at least I do remember a time before that. I do remember having normal winters and mild summers. Gen Z often doesn't.
And here is the thing: The real world apocalypse is not as easy to stop as the fantasy apocalypse. In the fantasy apocalypse it is fairly easy to stop it. Sure, the questline might be convoluted, but in the end it is "destroy magical item in vulcano" or "blow this one bad guy up". Once the main baddy has been defeated usually their troops will just give up - or remember they had better things to do.
But this doesn't really work in the real world. I cannot just go, assassinate Netanjahu and stop the genocide of Palestinians. And I cannot just take some magical item, throw it into mount Etna and stop climate change. And I also cannot throw Elon Musk into a portal and stop capitalism like that.
And sure, I do not have to deal with goblins, dragons, orks at the same time. Great. But... Like... We are all still getting traumatized, right? Like, we all get traumatized and especially between marginalized left-wing folks I do not know a lot of people who did not witness at least one violent encounter with evil goons (police).
And we are all traumatized. Losing a house in a wildfire is traumatizing. Seeing loved ones die of a pandemic the politicians are not taking seriously is traumatizing. Being in constant survival mode because you are too poor for anything else, is traumatizing as well. Most current workplaces are also traumatizing in their own little ways. School is traumatizing for so many of us. We are all getting traumatized by the world being fucked up.
To be perfectly honest with you: I would rather pick up a fight with a dragon, a netherbrain or whatever. Because a dragon or a netherbrain at least gives me something concrete to do. Because a dragon I can slay. Capitalism I can't. No matter how much I protest, I cannot kill capitalism - and I cannot stop climate change. And even if we did a revolution... It might work, yes, but really... slaying a dragon would be so much easier.
This is of course the entire function of fantasy as escapism. Because fantasy allows us a world where the end might be stopped fairly easy. When I DM a DnD campaign and let my players stop the end of the world, it is so we all can have the catharthis of this ending.
I just... wished that the real world would make it a bit easier.
Sorry for rambling. But yeah, it was something we talked about yesterday and I thought I might share.
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kaybreezy3000 · 3 months
In The Flesh
Five Hargreeves / Reader Insert
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Imagine that Five wasn't alone the entire time he was in the apocalypse...
-This is a special reader request for an extended scene from my Five Centric fanfic 'The Anti Hero's Pitfall of Arrogance.' Set during the apocalypse and Five is only 21.
-This request is a bit of a spoiler alert to the story that inspired it. It's written with a non-descript female character with no name, only referred to as she or her, so it's sort of a reader insert/you sort of vibe, or you can think of it as simply someone that Five loved. Think of it as you or someone else, either way, it's sad. 😭
Heed the warnings and click the link in the summary to read the full story if you want to get the full picture of what led up to this very sad moment for our favorite guy.
Warning: possible triggers, suicidal thoughts/behavior issues, alcohol abuse/excessive drinking, extreme grief/loss, graphic description of death/corpse, we get some Dolores in this, meant to be very sad, this fic this is based on is not all gloom and doom but it's clearly not all pretty either.
(5312 words)
In The Flesh
The funny thing about rock bottom is I’d thought I’d hit it many times before she saved me but really there is no depth far enough down to describe where I was after finding her body and where I would be for a very long time after that.
Like I’d done every day since I saw her favorite baseball cap bobbing on that partially submerged branch stuck out in the depths of the churning flood waters, I was out looking for her. On my endless searches, I would yell her name, over and over, till my voice was nothing more than a pained screech of air.
It was as I was scouring a new area that the water had receded that I went to shout her name again but stopped with only the first faint syllable. 
The moment I saw her distinctly colorful sandal and what appeared to be the discolored fragments of flesh still clinging to the bones trapped in it, the wind shifted, and my nostrils were filled with a pungent, sickeningly sweet, earthy odor.
That is what the smell of death is like if a body has been exposed to the elements for ten days or more. The anatomy and physiology decomposition literature states, a body exposed to the elements begins to decompose within less than 1 hour postmortem. That rate is accelerated if the tissues are exposed to other factors such blunt force trauma or heat and moisture.
She had been exposed to all of it.
I could still hear the ominous sound of the huge trees snapping and boulders grinding over things in the swift current as I walked along the road, just hours after she’d gone, only then, I didn’t know she wasn’t coming back. I didn’t know what was being done to her.
Now her body was there, under the hardened soil, but her foot was the only part of her that was visible other than her twisted tangle of hair wrapped around a river beaten branch. 
For the last week I’d been lying to myself, trying to hang on to the idea that she was still out there, that she was just too mad at me to come home. But really, in that time, she’d been first submerged in the torrents of flood water decimating that landscape, and then after, (not long based on the murky pool of muck and the very small cracks in the clay at my feet), she’d been there, encased in the ground. 
I cried out her name.
I dropped the stick I’d been using to poke and prod the underbrush, my body instantly disappearing for a fraction of a second into the snapping vacuum of my portal. Stepping out of it a few yards away, I fell to my knees, my trembling hands not knowing what to do or what was safe to touch. I moved to her foot, then pulled back as the tiny black flies that were startled by my presence flew up in an angry swarm.
The temperature since the day she disappeared had been colder but that had done nothing to prevent her rapid decay.
Entomology and Body Decomp 101: A decomposing body will attract all manner of life forms within 24 after death. If allowed access, scavengers are ruthless in their pursuit of the flesh of the dead. 
Having been well read prior to my time in the apocalypse and being well acquainted with death in the years before this, I was still not prepared for what I saw or had to go through over the next several hours it took to free her.
Her body was no longer her anymore, but I couldn't accept that. My mind told me she was under there and she was so scared. 
Frantically, I started digging with my bare hands. No matter how careful I was clawing at the clay that had molded her in the ground, anytime my fingers came close to her, they crushed her slick, wet remnants of flesh, tearing it through.
At this point, she had surpassed the early stages of decomposition. Gone was the bloating. The gases and liquids had mostly expelled, and her skeleton was letting go of her skin, though in some areas it remained in denser sections that were identifiable but mostly because her clothes had embedded in her. Her jean shorts made clear where her abdomen was, what was left of her chest was now part of her t-shirt.
What I was seeing and touching and smelling made my stomach heave over and over but still I had to save her.
She had needed me, and I wasn’t there.
Stage 4 post-decay lacks some of the first levels of putridity, but even though I had seen hundreds of thousands of faces of death, seeing hers will always represent the loss of everything; even more so than the day I’d foolishly ran into the future, lost my family, and found I couldn’t get back.
“No, no, no,” I sobbed, my filthy, bloodied fingertips inching along her face, or what should have been her face. “I am so sorry… Please!  No! God, please!”
The mouth I had cherished was gaping, her once perfect teeth were more exposed than they should have been due to the skin around them receding or simply just not being there at all. 
Her eyes…
Where once someone had looked back at me with so much love and endless understanding, now there was horror, both mine and hers. 
Sickness took me again.
Dizzy, I frantically scrambled back, away from where I had unearthed most of her, my stomach emptied, but nothing but acid spilled onto the scattering of broken foliage off to my side. 
My ears were filled with the evil buzzing sound of insects that were warming themselves in the open area around us as the sun relentlessly beat down.
I couldn’t take it.
A feral sound of pure agony crawled out of my chest, getting eaten away by all the nothingness.
“Please, I am so sorry… Please forgive me, I never meant for…” 
She wouldn’t except my words and I couldn’t blame her.
My broken cries were lost in my delirium. On hands and knees, I came back to her, lifting her to me even though I shouldn’t have.
The gruesome sound of parts of her stickily pulling free from the ground and the sight of the parts of her that remained in the soil were enough to fracture what was left of my sanity.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you, we can go home now,” I shushed her, in my head believing I had the ability to soothe her pain. 
She still said nothing, and I told myself it was because she was just too weak.
She just needed my help. She was just mad. She was just…
“You are safe now,” I said, my hand sinking into her, her spinal column hitting my palm not even enough to shock me back into reality. 
After cradling her for far too long, I said, “I am not leaving you here.” 
Lightly as possible, I let my shaking hand touch her hair, seeing but not acknowledging that it was starting to detach from her scalp. Without thinking, I forced the massive amounts of energy I needed for a jump, the blue power expanding from my hands, then around us. 
I only took us across the drying riverbed, up the steep embankment and up the hill to where the road hadn’t been washed out, and that was far, but it was not even close to getting us back to our cabin. For that, I had planned to teleport again and again, as many times as it took but when my feet smacked the ground the force of it made the tendons holding her right thigh to her hip give way and the length of her leg landed at my feet. 
“Fuck!” I screamed, slamming to my knees to grab her.
Like a madman, I could at least put together that she was falling apart and that this wasn’t going to work. Even jumping with her was too much. She was so fragile; she’d always said she wasn’t, but she was…
“I am so-ssss-sorry,” my voice cracked as I carefully laid her down again. 
The sight of those tiny black bugs as they fought to get a piece of the woman I loved, caused me to feel the burn of violent anger and that almost brought me to my senses, but even that too, I washed away with another imaginary idea, that if I just covered her, somehow all the severed openings that were now more her than anything else, would be spared from further ruin.
In a frenzy, I stripped off my shirt, covering her with it the best I could. The moment I was able to get to my feet again, I swayed, the world spun, but when it came back into focus, I could see again like lightning struck my head, brightening the gray world around me, making the colors of her bright sandals and her hair and the tattered remains of her clothing stand out in stark contrast to the deep darkened purple of her rotting body.
My filthy hand came up, rubbing my face and my blurred eyes, then my fingers tore back as I painfully yanked at my hair. 
I had done this to her.
Sniffling and on the verge of a full screaming fit of rage, I turned and started making my way up the road, a few steps away, my hands coming together, my fingers like claws, I tried to gather the light in my hands to blink again, but instead I was met with the impotence of the faintest swirls of azure static crackling to life then fizzling out. 
Turning back to the motionless pile on the ground, I again assured her I’d be back. Then in a haze, like a zombie on empty, I mindlessly made my way back, my mud-covered boots trudging up the steep hill, my balance faltering over and over as I’d tripped over the uneven surface.
If you ask me what I was thinking during that walk, I couldn't tell you. All I knew was that I was empty and that a horrible numbness was taking hold.
Even still, I came back fast, like I’d promised. First, I placed her in a thick blanket, sure to get every bit that was her that was there, anything that wasn’t, I never found.
“There,” I breathed, positioning her leg that had been torn off at the hip in such a way that looked less painful. Then flapping away any visible bugs from her, I covered her completely. Knowing that she was in the later stages of decomposition but that it was far from over and she was seeping fluids, I lifted her, and laid the cocoon of wool on top of a tarp. 
I could have carried her the whole way but not wanting to hurt her or break her apart more than she already was, I only carried her to the cart I’d brought back with me, then I carefully laid her in. 
Though she didn’t answer no matter how much I wanted her to, I spoke to her the whole way as I tugged the wagon with her in it up the hill. 
Getting back to our home, the mud encrusted wheels clattered to a stop in the yard right next to the chair I had been sitting in the day we had gotten into our fight. It was dead silent and getting so dark by that point that the stars were coming out but as if in a time loop in hell, I could still hear the cruel things I’d said to her on that sunny morning. 
Looking down at the small mound of blanket with her in it, I said, “You have to forgive me. I don’t know what to do without you. I don’t want to live with-”
My heart was racing, I couldn’t breathe. My chest felt a new tightness where before, since the hours after she’d gone and not come back, I’d only felt the stabbing pain of regret and fear, now it was like an aching void as if there were an actual hole inside me.
I stood there blankly staring at the door, then back to her, my mind not working at all but somehow still functioning enough to make the start of a string of very bad decisions.
Taking her up in my arms, we went inside. “We’re back. You're not alone anymore. I never meant to leave you out there like that. I tried so hard to find you,” I said, smothering my words against her wrap. “It’s okay now…we are okay…”
I kicked the door closed then I moved straight for our bed, and I would have laid her down in it and climbed right in if not for the fact that Dolores was sitting in the chair next to it, staring at me looking horrified.
‘No, Five, don’t!’
Saying nothing, I spun around to instead place the bundle in my arms on the couch in front of the fireplace. It wasn’t lit and it needed to be. That’s what she and I did at night. That was our other special place.
Memories of sitting there together, her behind me, reaching around to place my fingers correctly to play the chords she was trying to teach me filled my head. I could almost trick myself into thinking I could hear her beautiful playing and that I could hear her laugh at me every time I’d try to get out of my lessons.
“This is okay. I’ll fix this. We are going to be okay,” I said, as I started to unwrap her.
Dolores panicked at the sight in front of us. ‘Five, no. She’s gone. This isn’t right. What are you doing?”
I stopped, leaving her under wraps but I ignored Dolores’ s warning and started to light the fire. 
Again, Dolores asked, ‘Five, what are you doing? She is dead. You can’t do this to yourself.’
“She’s not dead!” I shrieked, my eyes filling with welling tears as I clenched my hands, my broken fingernails slicing half-moons into the flesh of my dirty palms. 
‘I am sorry, Five, but she is. You knew that after she didn’t come back.”
My head turned back and forth as I shook away a flood of tears threatening to come out and drown me like the water had done to all that I loved. I pinched my eyes shut, a broken whimper squeaking out of my throat.
‘Look at yourself, Five… You are not okay. That is why she can’t stay here. I love her too, but she is gone.’
I opened my eyes and looked at myself. I had no shirt on, my body was covered in mud and death. 
The smell of me… 
The smell of her poor body…
‘You need to bury her. She wouldn’t want this.’
“No,” I whispered as my body trembled and I stared blankly at the floor. “No,” I said again, then screamed, “Stop!!!! Just stop! Don’t you fucking talk to me! I didn’t ask for your help! It didn’t ask for any of this!”
Refusing to look up and see the hurt on Dolores’s face, I looked to the motionless pile of fleece blanket.
“I am not putting you out there all alone again, sweetheart.”
With that affirmation, and me placing a kiss to her covered face, the night did not get better.
In the light of the fire, I sat there on the floor in front of the couch as close to her as I could be without touching her. I wanted to protect her. I needed to keep my promise that I wasn’t going to leave her. 
So many times, she and I had discussed the possibility of me being able to jump back in time and the fact that doing so with her was going to make it all the harder for me to pull off. Even with the right math, and just me, the energy needed to do it was something I hadn’t figured out how to achieve. Even though she had said that me getting back was all that mattered, I refused to consider leaving without her. 
I couldn’t leave her, not then and not now; that was what I kept telling myself.
Sometime late into the night, slumped against the plaid couch, my head resting near hers though she remained covered, my demented and wrong train of thoughts slipped away, and sleep took me but in it l found no solace. 
As I came to in the early hours of the next morning with my body crumbled on the cold floor, I knew instantly that everything I wanted to believe was okay was not. 
The dimly lit cabin smelled of death and I was graced with the buzzing sound of a half a dozen or more flies that had found their way in somehow in the tiniest of cracks.
The decay had been clinging to me since I found her, but I refused to acknowledge it even as the putrid odor only added to my ongoing nausea. I clumsily reached for the stale glass of water I’d left at some point on the end table. Drinking it burned my cracked lips and the taste of it felt laced with a bitter acid. I wanted to retch but managed to refrain.
Then, wanting to remain living in the land of make believe, I got up, went to our small kitchen area, and proceeded to grab several bottles of liquor.
Dropping down next to her again, I twisted a cap, sloshing the clear liquid as I tipped it back, dumping the alcohol down my raw throat. 
It was awful but that was not the only time I’d drank to forget, or that I’d drank things that were questionable in their quality.
“Remember when we found that stash of cheap wine with the seals broken,” I quietly asked. 
I took a long pull at the bottle, then another as I peered over my shoulder at her laying there on under her favorite blanket.
“Smarter than me as always, you refused to drink any of it, but not me… Stupid as always, I gave it a try and boy did I pay for it. You had to baby me for the entire next day. God, I am such a lightweight. I’d be dead if not for you.”
I laughed, the sound of it thick with irony.
“You were always so good to me…”
Eyeing the dried mud and smears of her flesh on my pants, my eyes blurred. 
“I didn’t deserve you and you didn’t deserve this.”
I started to cry. Then I started to hyperventilate, my breaths coming too fast and my head spinning. 
Shuddering, I drank more and more but I could never turn the image of my girl’s face staring back at me from that riverbed into the beautiful living version I wanted so badly to believe was still with me.
Hours later, I was disturbingly drunk. 
One minute I was musing to myself about our better times, talking out loud like a maniac about something so wonderful, like one night that she and I were out scavenging too far to come back, and we’d camped out under the stars. I’d told her the names of all the constellations I knew and there were many. She’d quietly listened, cuddled up next to me, both of us just happy to be in love and together even if our world was a landscape of tragedy. 
Together, we could have done anything. We were going to save the world.
Now she was gone.
I had nothing.
She’d been everything and now I had no one again.
With the room spinning, I abruptly got to my feet, stumbling towards the window above the sink basin. The flies zipped and buzzed in front of me, landing in the vomit I had left there after I’d finished the first bottle of liquor. Knowing that those same dirty insects were landing on my beautiful girl made me quake with not just sickness but unmeasurable self-hatred.
I was a fucking mess, and I wasn’t doing right by her. 
Dolores was right. 
Glancing back to where I had abandoned Dolores almost two days prior, the room tilted in my vision. I dizzily turned back, clutching the white cast iron basin.
The light outside was fading. I wanted to go along with it. I wanted all the horrible pain and debilitating heartache to stop.
Laying on the butcher block counter space where we prepared our meals, was a sharp kitchen blade. With where my head was at, seeing it, I immediately thought of my gun and other times of morbid desperation. 
My tears burned down my cheeks.
I hated myself so much for what I had caused. If I had not yelled at her, and if I could only have seen through my arrogance and own my deficiencies, she would still be here. I didn’t and instead did what I’d always done and blamed anyone but myself for my problems.
I’d taken out everything on her, again…
If I’d only learned from my mistakes, things that weren’t okay never would have been said. She never would have felt the need to be away from me. She never would have gone for that walk, and if she had, I would have been by her side. If I had just agreed with her to go to the city to try something new, I may not have had the breakthrough we needed so badly but at least she’d be there.
Feeling on the verge of vomiting again, I wanted to disappear into an alcohol induced coma.
I pushed off the sink, staggering like a drunken idiot the whole way back to the dresser that was next to my side of the bed. In a blur, I saw Dolores sitting there on her chair, but she didn’t say anything. She looked every bit the inanimate object she was.
It was as if I’d killed her too.
I yanked the top drawer open, my hand tearing through the clothes to find the heavy black metal object that my fucked-up mind craved. 
My fingers grazed the cold instrument of death. I could feel the barrel of the pistol sticking down my throat, the oiled slickness of it slipping past my parting lips. 
Just the thought made me gag but with sick fascination, and I didn't’ stop thinking about it.
All it would take is one second and my finger on the trigger and no more guilt. My brain would be a splatter of nothing, painting the bedspread behind me. The place we’d slept and loved would be ruined just like we were.
Images of us, heated tangled flesh, together in those same blankets filled my mind.
To get away from the hurt that memory caused, I looked up, the weapon in my hand but my eyes aimed at the small dresser mirror. It was as if a stranger was looking back at me. My stomach felt like it was trying to crawl out of my mouth and my vision was closing in with blackness threatening to pull me under.
I was seeing things and hearing things.
The loud pop of the bullet; the sound of my body hitting the floor. 
I saw bugs crawling out of the jagged rotting hole in my skull.
Then I saw her face, only not the destroyed one that was hidden under the blankets on the couch. 
That was when I finally came back to myself. 
“Don’t you fucking do it,” I furiously screamed at myself, throwing the gun back down in the drawer.
My ears were ringing from my own terrified voice reverberating in them, then a few seconds later, the silence of death and that room returned.  
It was just me, the mannequin and the body.
Dolores was right, I needed to let her go. 
I had to bury her.
Over the next several hours, through the task of digging a hole in the ground, I sobered up significantly. Having done that, I re-entered the dank, horrid smelling cabin, removing the small pile of remains that had been the love of my life.
I was still covered in layers of filth and knowing that even if Dolores wouldn’t speak to me, she’d loved her as much as me and she’d want to be there to say goodbye, I quickly washed myself outside under the spout attached to the spring fed line that was rigged to the house. Splashing my face with a mix of soap and water, I cleaned my battered hands, and my arms, and I removed my soiled pants, tossing them in the woods. 
The water streaming down my body was ice cold and disgusting. My fleshly cleaned and very pale skin ran under my fingers, standing in stark contrast to the filth that I was and the sight of it only furthered the much-needed reality check I'd only recently found. 
Once I’d made myself somewhat more presentable, I redressed, then silently approached Dolores.
My voice cracked from being burned by stomach acid so many times and by my screams and lack of simply drinking or eating appropriately for days, but I had the strength and weakness to ask her for something I didn't deserve.
“Please come with me…I don’t want to do this alone.”
When Dolores responded with her softly spoken words of devotion, ‘You are never alone, Five. You will always have me,’ I was nearly beside myself with emotion. I’d thought I’d lost her along with everything else.
“Oh, my God, thank you,” I sobbed as I lifted Dolores up and carried her outside into the yard.
We approached the hole I’d dug. It wasn’t that deep, and it wasn’t that big, but it didn’t need to be. It was in front of an ancient but long dead ash tree that she had once told me had to have been something truly beautiful at one point in time when it was alive.
It was just like her.
The burial was silent, save for the sound of the blade of my shovel slicing through the softened pile of dirt I had removed and then replaced. 
The sky was getting dark, the woods full of shadows of monstrous things that looked like they could come out of the night and pull you away forever. 
I sat, folded in on myself at the base of the old ash tree, the disturbed soil at my feet as I looked up to the highest branches of the barren tree. Its flesh had been taken. Remanence of its bark were scattered all around me. It would someday be nothing but dust. 
We all would be, but it was not my time-yet.
Burying my head in my hands, I kept telling myself that. 
In the days that came after that, it rained and rained. My mind tormented me constantly with the flawed idea that she was trapped out there in the crushing wet ground. One second, I’d be haunted by images of her so scared and trying to breath and break free as then dirty water filled her lungs, and then the next, I’d come back to the dimly lit room I was in; Dolores worriedly watching me as I slowly organized things and cleaned up my many messes.
We couldn't stay there, but I couldn't bring myself to leave either, not when everything I had that she'd ever touched was right there. All around me were parts of her life that she’d shared with me. I’d clung to every trinket; every item of fabric that bore her scent. 
Lying in bed at night, I’d break down into sobbing fits of anguish with my face buried in her pillow. I could stay like that for hours on end, fading in and out, tricking my mind and heart into thinking I hadn't lost her and that she was right there in bed next to me. But it would never last because the damp coldness of the empty space around me that had once been warmed by everything that was her was an inescapable reminder that I had failed the woman I loved and who had saved me.
It was in a notion during one of these times of despair that I realized the only thing I could do to redeem what I had done was to fix this like I'd always promised her I would. Out there somewhere in time there was a place where the world was still alive, and she was in it and everyone I ever cared about was still flesh and blood and filled with life.
I had to get back.
The pain that happened here was real and always would be but somewhere out there, there was a chance of better things.
There was a chance of seeing her again.
That idea of saving her and my family was the only way, and it was my reason for breathing again.
Broken, but somehow still standing, my heart though not the same was still beating. The flesh covering my hand could still feel hers in it and it was while cherishing that feeling that I made the decision that it was time to go. 
On our final day, I got up like every day since I’d put her in the ground under that tree. I came outside, picking up the wildflowers I had left for her the day before, then I went for a short walk, talking to her in my mind the entire time, making my usual promises while I worked through ideas and math and things that gave me hope. Then I’d come back, refill her favorite vase with new water and place the colorful blooms there above her.
Alone, the sun shone down on me, my shadow stretching across the earth above her, giving the illusion that we were laying there together.  
“I love you,” I whispered, my eyes blinking back the enormous weight I felt from her loss and would always feel.
I liked to think I heard her say she loved me back, but I knew she didn’t; it was just a memory of her words tickling my ear as her lips gently kissed along my neck.
I shivered from head to toe as I felt the ghost of her touch but not in a bad way.
I smiled, sniffing like a baby as I rubbed my eyes.
Then, making one last promise I said, “You will be okay. I’ll fix this.”
Going back in the house, with Dolores watching all the while, obedient and loyal and loving with words of encouragement, I packed my final things.
I left our cabin spotless and set up as if we were coming back to it. It was as if I could see us in there again, spending our nights in front of that fireplace, laughing and endlessly teasing each other; our bed ready for us to lay down in and explore each other in new and exciting ways that only made our love stronger. I saw all that but in the back of my head I knew I was never going to come back to that place because it was gone, and if I did return, I may never leave her.
So, it was with that in mind, late in the morning, I loaded Dolores with our supplies, setting her next to the hard black guitar case that held her cherished Christmas present I'd given her and so many other things I couldn’t let go. I pulled a blanket around Dolores and the case, as if the instrument inside it had become something in a way of being the woman I’d lost, so much the way Dolores was a real thing that needed my care and love. 
I walked to the old, grayed ash tree, its wind worn and smooth branches shone in the warm sun as I looked down at the ground where I’d left a piece of my heart. I could almost hear the sound of her playing my favorite sone and I knew that when I plucked those strings, a piece of my heart would break a little more with each strum, but I’d be back with her.
My lower lip trembled, and my nose burned with the same heat as my eyes.
“Until we meet again, my love…”
Thank you for your support , this special cover art was made just for this and for you.💞 @groovydazephantom
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sarcasticmirage · 6 months
Okay I can't find the post anymore, but a little while ago there was a poll about what animal coding Han Sooyoung had, and only four people said dragon, and yes I get it an aquatic animal, fits into the trio. And hsy is almost always figuratively knocking shit off counters, so cat works too... but have you considered i will die on this hill
novel spoilers!
So this all starts with one part in orv that has always been a sticking point for me: why is hsy's constellation ABFD?
It always seemed weird to me because kdj and yjh have both never had sponsors that were not part of the trio, and in a complete parallel kdj and hsy were both constellations who both had yjh as their incarnation (reader and writer only able to communicate through a character). So all this works... but where the hell does ABFD come in? To be honest, it makes more sense for 1864 hsy to be sponsored by secretive plotter, it ties the trio even closer thematically and even makes sense considering the contract that the two of them make in the early scenarios. So why ABFD?
The easiest answer is that it's meant to draw parallels between kdj and hsy, with both of them having similarities to Kim Namwoon, and at times acting as a villain or antagonist to the narrative. The other meta explanation is that if hsy had a strange sponsor or no sponsor at all, it would clue the audience in, that hsy is just as distinctly important to the world as kdj and yjh... and make it harder to convince the reader that she "totally didn't" write twsa. But there are easier ways to draw parallels that aren't as core to the story, and why of all constellations was abyssal black flame dragon chosen?
Because hsy, herself, is a Dragon...
Dragons are important to ORV, the most destructive thing within the star stream, and in some ways the only thing that could kill yjh, so what does it mean to be a dragon?
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This conversation with the apocalypse dragon is the only real time that dragons as a thematic are brought up, and on the re-read, damn do most of these descriptors sound like hsy, or at least the perception, at this point, of the twsa author. The author is viewed as "the origin of evil" in ORV, they're the person who has made each of the scenarios and has caused all suffering in the characters lives. Hsy, similarly, when we first meet her is a villain, using the apostles to directly control canon and attack kdj as well as our whole primary cast.
However after hsy is revealed as the author of the novel and her story is told, we learn that she "was chained to restrictions" giving her only a few hours a day to be in control of her body and it was during this time that she was "the scenario's target of submission" made to make the scenarios, yes to save kdj, but also because she had always made them, without them already existing she could never have gone back to create them in the first place, but she is never given the chance to exist in the main story beyond this role. Before the end of the story, she is mainly seen by the narrative as either a villain, or someone forced to suffer (50 yrs later). Yjh is the protagonist of twsa. Kdj is the protagonist of ORV. As for hsy?
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One of the most classical concepts in storytelling is that of a Hero, Damsel, and a Dragon.
The Hero embarks on a perilous journey to save the Damsel from imprisonment,
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The Damsel is stuck alone and far away from those she loves,
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The Dragon guards the Damsel to the point that she is trapped away from others.
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These roles are even referenced in one of hsy and kdj's first conversations:
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Kdj is not the Hero,
he's the Damsel.
Hsy is not the Damsel,
she's the Dragon.
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bestfictionalplant · 2 months
Round 1, Group 6
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Propaganda and spoilers under cut
Undergrowth: A gigantic plant monster ghost from the Ghost Zone, he wants to enslave humanity due to their destruction of nature and turn the Earth into a giant jungle paradise. He uses his mind controlling vines to enslave the citizens of Amity park. Her refers to the all the plants as his children and Danny's friend Sam, due to her being a vegetarian and environmental activist, gets special treatment among his mind controlled slaves as his "daughter", even dressing her up in a poison ivy-eque outfit and granting her similar powers to his own. Danny was only able to defeat Undergrowth after mastering his Ice Powers.  Despite hating humanity, he does not want Earth to be destroyed, and is therefore one of the many former villains that help Danny save the planet from the giant asteroid in the series finale. 
Karzahni: in the time before time, when the evil mayor impersonator makuta was planning his plan to get the little robot meat guys in their little memory-erasing containers and before he'd impersonated the mayor (i think; don't quote me; i am Not Good at the timeline) he was like "hey i should make a plant that will force these four-foot fuckers towards the big sports and politics stadium under threat of murder so i can easily get my bastard robot cops to force them into the amnesia balls" and then he made karzahni. who was too smart and cool and powerful. so he did not get deployed. he is named after the legendary Lego Hell and Lego Satan where Bad And Naughty Disabled Robots Go For "Repairs" And Never Return. it's expensive to copyright names. they had to double up on occasion. or triple up. or quadruple up. anyway so evil mayor impersonator who is also ANOTHER Lego Satan but that's besides the point, creates this plant. but the plant is too smart. so he puts it somewhere and forgets about it and makes the morbuzakh NEW PARAGRAPH anyway so basically most creatures in this universe are immortal bar murder and fucked-up circumstances. no old age, basically. but this plant has one, because Bionicle Satan (Not Karzahni) makes his shit with limited lifespans so they can't wait for ten thousand years gathering their power and then kill-murder him to death. six big robot meat superheroes fight a fucking big monster in a tunnel. the cool smart one who used to be a teacher gets poisoned. but because karzahni (plant) is so fucking cool it can make an antidote. and it holds the antidote hostage in exchange for Cool Oil, which is oil from the apocalypse planet where the robot meat guys' creators are from, but they fracked too hard and split the planet into three pieces so that's a bit fucked-up and yet besides the point. anyway they get the magic juice and give it to karzahni (plant). previously in the story (but later in the timeline; this is a TWO-YEAR FLASHBACK EPISODE BABY) some other robot meat superheroes took a dunk in this cool fucking water and got mega-boosted powers. super-superheroes. but that's because god exists and has predetermined what can happen in each individual's life. those guys got Good Results From Applied Goo. karzahni (plant) does not. it just fucking. dies. it is then chopped up to make some lorries float so they can take the amnesiac sphere guys up to a cool new island they found, because their old island got FUCKING WRECKED NEW PARAGRAPH anyway a cutting of karzahni survived (known as karzahni ii) with all the memories and shit of the real one and just sort of goes. FINE. i will join you, Lego Satan (not karzahni but the evil mayor impersonator) in gaslighting this mentally ill man into thinking he's short and his life is a lie in order to get the time travel device he made out of some magic fucking frisbees. karzahni took on the role of the morbuzakh. then the guy's like "this is bullshit" and gets thrown off a cliff but Karzahni II catches him and goes "hey. everything's alright. i tortured and killed a guy and he said you're doing good and everything is gonna be okay" and then the evil mayor impersonator (who by this point has not been impersonating the mayor for like. at least a week?) kills it. again. for real this time
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grailknightmonty · 8 months
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it starts and ends in a garden.
i keep coming back to the good omens mianite AU so have a funky little illustration :] I just. I just love them a lot
Ref + what story I've thought about below the cut!
(Spoilers for Good Omens S1 and S2 ahead, be wary if you haven't watched and wanna get into it without prior knowledge)
At its core, this AU is basically good omens but with the cast of Mianite, with a few revisions to tie it a little into the mcytverse (while also not like compromising the integrity of the show version of the story) I got inspired by AdamMonter's AU and decided I wanted to give it a go myself after i watched S2 and reawakened my fixation :D
Jordan is this universes Aziraphale- the angel stationed to guard Eden and look out for humans (intended to instill in them the ways of goodness through righteous balance and justice in the name of the High Goddess) - and Tom is Crowley, or the snake in within the Garden, sent up to cause chaos and tempt humans towards evil shenanigans in the name of Dianite, or the devil in this case. They stand on two opposing sides of whats meant to be an all out war between Heaven (under Ianite) and Hell (by Dianite) on whether Ianites form of order (borrowing this from Aitheaca) or chaos will reign supreme- or basically the big ol apocalypse. I made Mianite the Metatron because idk what else to do with him mianite im sorry i didnt wanna make ianite the metatron if i swapped it even though it would make more sense for mia and dia to be fighting SOBS
Tom n Jordan grow close over their centuries on Earth together that when everythings meant to go down and destroy the world they've made their own, they fight to stop the apocalypse from happening, and by the end of it, are subsequently punished by their respective sides- only to not be affected and left alone when they seem to have absorbed the powers of the other (no one seems to realize they can swap bodies). Series 2 follows what they uncover by the end of it a plot to restart armageddon, in which they want Jordan to take over as the head of it after the former champion/supreme archangel is ousted for disagreeing- and had shown up with a non-existent memory nonexistent at Jordan's.
(im switching to list im done with prose xD)
Jordan runs an antique shop instead of a bookshop, he seems like he'd be more into little trinkets and old school machines, stuff he could tinker with. its still got that certain charm to it though
Capsize is Nina from the coffee shop (give me coffee or give me death seems like a thing Capsize would name something) and Sonja is Maggie who runs a record shop. aka the lesbians from across the street you know what I am
For something hilarious Tubbo is the Antichrist, aka the child meant to start and lead the War (leaving it as is bc its funny but not the literal antichrist) He's meant to join a government family to put him in a place of power, but due to a mix up ends up with an In the meantime, Tom and Jordan act as godfathers to the other child (who they assume is the antichrist, it would be funny to make this Crumb or something) in hopes that influencing them to good/evil respectively would neutralize them out- only to eventually realize its the wrong kid
Wag is Anathema, the descendent of a prophetic wizard who was scrutinized for their foresight and becomes the carrier of those prophecies (for my sanity ive chosen to get rid of the Newt-Anathema romance thing idk it. it just aaaa and turn into wag and his bros aka FyreUK tryin to use what they know to stop the apocalypse from their end)
Angels are Ianitees (save for Capsize), and Demons are Dianitees. Ive gone back n forth with who would be who and I still have no answer so. all I'll say is that Andor is Muriel thats all thats important /j C:
The other option was to make Satan the Darkness/World Historian and Dianite is the Lord of Hell (Beelzebub) with Mot as Gabriel but do i look like I know? idk do we need ineffable bureaucracy i could always alter that a little too... idk
tubbo as the child of the world historian who wouldve thought… edit what if like carrier of the darkness
anyway thats all enjoy this nonsense ;)
and screenshot I referenced for the drawing! I know its low qual dont worry about it i just needed to see where the trees were so i knew how many to paint LMAO
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nabu630 · 6 months
Loki Spoilers for Finale
So we all know this
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And how most of us were pissed off because most of us just wanted it to be Mobius and exclude Sylvie because we don't like Sylki.
Well even though I do not disagree with this, I think the way Marvel handled this scene was perfect.
Marvel knew that just having Mobius in there would piss off all the Sylki shippers and other groups of people and just having Sylvi in there would piss off all the Lokius shippers. They knew they couldn't make everyone happy so by putting both of them in there, people can interpret who it was for.
I was a little pissed and did go as far as to call Marvel cowards for not making Lokius canon. But then I got to thinking how this makes sense from a narrative standpoint.
Loki was doing all of this for his friends. Of course he didn't want to be alone and needed to fix the problem so then he could be with his friends. But that was the problem, he couldn't be with his friends. After trying over and over again, learning from Timley and OB for centuries and working so hard to save them, he had to face the fact that he couldn't be with them.
After confronting He-Who-Remains he realized that this was just a way to keep him in power and not wanting to play his sick game, took matters into his own hands. He rewrote the story to where He-Who-Remains was not in control and all the branches were safe.
But the rest of the story wouldn't have Loki and Loki would be alone, that was the sacrifice. All of that and for Loki to be alone, but alone knowing that Mobius, Sylvie and the rest of his friends were safe.
Mobius was able to return to the TVA and go to see his life on the timeline.
Sylvie could have a life on the timeline like she wanted, away from the TVA officers and the apocalypses.
And Loki could watch as his friends live their new lives away from the threat of the TVA exploding, and that was enough for his sad smile at the end.
That "for you" was for both of them, because he was able to give both of them something that they wanted. In the moment, he didn't understand what his absence would mean to them, but it didn't matter because they were alive and that's all he cared about.
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theamazingannie · 11 months
Oh I fucking hated that Manifest ending it made absolutely no sense. Rant and spoilers under cut.
Why in hell would they go back to 2013 and undo everything that happened over the last 11 years??? Sure the passengers are forever changed, but what about Olive’s journey? Jared and Drea? All of the other nonpassengers who grew and learned and became something better because of this story? And why them? Zeke survived his death date and he didn’t go back (at least, not until he died the second time). Zeke got to have cool powers and it kinda sucks cuz he was the only one we know who survived his death date so he’s the only one we got to see be affected by it. It would’ve been cool to see what the passengers could do and also how the rest of the world would have reacted. The world HATED the 828ers and instead of getting some resolution with them finding out that the 828ers saved the world, they just all never actually experienced it?
Also, wasn’t something that was a hidden gift in the whole thing that Saanvi’s research had time to develop during those 5 1/2 years? If they go back, then Cal would still be sick and without the research this time. That undos all of that and the connection that that made between Saanvi and the Stones and how fate connected them in so many ways. And they specifically said that they needed time to finish her research and start the trials. He would’ve been dead if he waited. That was a specific point.
Because of the time pause, Olive is now significantly younger than TJ, which the show addresses by making him look at her sadly and then sets him up with Violet. Not only did they steal Olive’s story and growth, they also just completely ruined their relationship that I loved. Plus, they never really gave them a satisfying ending pre-apocalypse. All they did was have Olive say she wanted to fix things so they could have a future together, only for that to now be impossible (unless they meet again in like 10 years when it’s a less weird age gap). This is kind of a smaller reason, but it still bugs me cuz they had such potential to be a great ship and were constantly pushed under a rug, especially there at the end.
And what are they supposed to do now? This is a problem in a lot of time travel/day repeating stories where someone changes seemingly overnight with no explanation except instead of just one person, it’s almost 200. 200 people who know things about the next 11 years, who have been changed beyond recognition, who are now going to change so much stuff in the future that didn’t need to be changed. Yeah, they’re all better people now and will work to do good (allegedly) yadda yadda. What about all the passengers who fell in love with nonpassengers that they now may never meet? Or, like TJ and Olive, can’t be together because of the time jump. Yeah Mick found Zeke and now they can be happily ever after, but what about the nonpassengers who were changed in the years between and now aren’t the same person that the passenger fell in love with? So many of us are shaped by our experiences. What happened to all the other passengers, to their stories? What if the person that they fall in love with’s life is altered because of the choices another passenger makes? What if they move to another state, fall in love with someone else, die??? Another issue tule travel causes is that even the smallest action can domino into something completely different, even just one person let alone TWO HUNDRED. I know that this is probably not something most people think about and they just pay attention to Grace and Zeke being alive and all the happy moments, but it’s not that simple for me and it BUGS ME when writers don’t consider this.
Lastly, on a similar note, how is this any different than it ending with “it was all a dream”??? Like nothing actually changes, none of their callings are set in stone and they’ll have to remember every single thing they did during those 5 1/2 years, things that won’t happen until YEARS later. Ugh I just so hated the way they ended things and it sucks cuz I love this show a lot.
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coraniaid · 5 months
Finished Children of Memory yesterday. Really liked it, unsurprisingly. I think this is one of my favorite science fiction series in a while. 
I don’t really know whether it makes sense to rank the books individually, but for what it’s worth I enjoyed this one a little more than the second and a little less than the first.
(Spoilers below the cut for the whole trilogy.)
Big fan of the (I think only ever implicit) pun suggested by the Corvids dyadic nature. One half is a creative problem solver that explores new things and one half keeps track of the state of the world around them and the history of how it came to be this way.  They are thought and memory. Huginn and Muninn. Odin would approve. (The book also features a protagonist being hanged from a tree, though she already had knowledge of other worlds at the time.)
And while I'd never describe the series as “hopepunk” (because, as I said, I liked it…),  it is also – despite its far future setting being incredibly grim in many ways, starting as it does with a civilization ending war followed by the slow extinction of life on Earth – almost aggressively hopeful.  Particularly when it comes to the question of sentience and the possibility of peaceful cooperation between very different types of intelligence.
I mean, this is a trilogy that introduces, in order:
The corrupted and imperfect digital copy of the mind of a misanthropic scientist who died tens of thousands of years before the story begins
The species of cannibalistic spiders that worship her as a god and built a computer out of ants for her to live in
Spacefaring octopuses with distributed, ever-changing personalities whose main desire in life is to avoid the company of other octopuses 
A mind-controlling parasite that loves making friends and going on adventures and is directly responsible for the deaths of billions
Neuorodivergent talking mutant crows who, if pressed, will patiently explain to you that of course they're not really sentient, they're just animals mindlessly operating on instinct so as to effectively mimic the illusion of sentience (just like you, right?)
The ghost of a teenage girl who never actually existed who is on a quest to save her long-dead grandfather from a witch
The alien computer that's been patiently simulating the entire history of the colony said girl might have grown up in if only its founders hadn’t all died before landing on its planet
And then goes on to argue that yes, actually, these all count as people. Even the brain-eating parasite. Especially her. (She feels very guilty about the multiple zombie apocalypses she started once it is explained to her that taking over people's bodies without their consent is generally frowned upon in polite society.)  
Because the universe is mostly cold and empty and utterly inhospitable to life, so why not be as generous as you can be in your definitions of who counts as sentient?  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the closest thing the series has to outright villains (Liff’s Uncle Molder in this book, These-Of-We in the second book, Captain Guyen and the religious fanatic Portia in the first book) are people who refuse to accept the personhood of others (whether that’s starving people from the neighboring farms, potential new friends who vocally object to you taking over their brains and using their bodies to go out and explore the universe, the aforementioned cannibal spiders who are already living on the planet you've decided to move to or the smaller, weaker male spiders who object to being eaten.)  
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kimdokja-real · 1 year
I just joined the fandom and kdj being soft sweet sly bottom confuses me??? I mean this is the man who stood confidently in the apocalypse with utter confidence and showed fearlessness to the stars in the sky constellations who are practically gods, smiling and smirking and even demanding things from them like it's all normal. While everyone else was terrified and killing people and fearing for their life. Kim Dokja is the man who did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, smiling and smirking in the damn apocalypse, extracting things he wanted from the literal gods in the sky. And he actually succeeds every damn time.
And even got them to be sad over his death. Kim Dokja even breaks Yoo Joonghyuk because for once in his life, he's mourning for someone's death along with people, when he was always the one mourning alone when his people were killed. And he doesn't know what to do and admits he's afraid of something for the first time, he can't even regress his normal method because he's scared kim dokja won't be there or kim dokja will be different.
What if Yoo Jonghyuk went back and there was no Kim Dokja? Or what if Kim Dokja didn’t act like this again?
Yoo Jonghyuk was afraid of something for the first time.
(And this is so significant when considering how Kim Dokja said to him he'll find him in the 1864th turn. Yoo Joonghyuk really had something to be afraid of, even if he didn't know.)
Kim Dokja is the man who survived in a sea monster's stomach and even had the gall and utter guts to make a deal with Bihyung who at that point in time everyone was scared of since he introduced the ruthless apocalypse and people dying in the train with blood spilling everywhere. Yet this guy had the guts to propose a contract with him like it was all normal. And did it in a sea monster's stomach, when any normal person would be fucking terrified and crying in panic at the prospect of dying. And even edit the contract so he'd get everything and Bihyung gets nothing. And then he calmly uses items and saves himself, doing the impossible.
Kim Dokja is the one those powerful constellations got sad for and it's easier to show than tell
[The constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ feels a great emptiness.]
[The constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ is lying down.]
[The constellation ‘Seo Ae Il Pil’ has broken his pen.]
[The constellation ‘God of Wine and Ecstasy’ is looking at the abyss.]
[The constellations on the Korean Peninsula are mourning the death of one constellation.]
[The constellations on the Korean Peninsula remember someone’s name.]
Yoo Jonghyuk had never seen so many constellations talking about a single constellation. The arrogant constellations were expressing emotions other than frustration or pleasure.
They became aware of new feelings. The night sky was shining with more colour than any of his previous regressions.
Sadness, great despair, sorrow… The night sky, made up of many constellations, was shining sadly.
Maybe Kim Dokja was hope for them as well. It was hope to show a different story. Something that could make a difference in the Star Stream.
Like Prisoner of the Golden Headband, Kim Dokja later says doesn't get attached to others easily, yet he felt a great emptiness and the smug Abyssal Black Flame Dragon, one of the most powerful constellations, is so sad he's lying down.
I know people talk about the later spoilers like the time-lines and all but if we compare to the start? These constellations were powerful and arrogant and spectators of some show for their entertainment, they treated the apocalypse which caused so much human suffering for their entertainment, yet Kim Dokja made them gain human emotions and be sad over his death even though they're so powerful and unbeatable and previously treated the apocalypse and human suffering as something for their entertainment. And now they're the ones acting like they're experiencing human suffering.
Sadness, great despair, sorrow… The night sky, made up of many constellations, was shining sadly.
Kim Dokja doesn't even try to do anything, he just goes for the ending and story he wants, yet he influences the constellations, those literal gods in the sky, without even trying, to be sad over his death until the entire night sky is shining sadly and that's so significant.
Everyone is choosing a sponsor even yoo joonghyuk got a sponsor, but kim dokja's goal is bigger, to become a constellation, something no sane human being would think in the sudden bloody apocalypse where you have to kill to survive. And he actually does become a constellation with a dominant name like Demon King of Salvation. While Yoo Joonghyuk remains a human. He's lesser in power than Kim Dokja especially considering the influence Kim Dokja has on everyone.
I mean Kim Dokja has so much top potential, he takes charge so much in canon like a top that it's sad and a waste people don't even consider it in the fandom in favor of him being a cute small sly bottom character which you can find anywhere.
And another significant thing about kim dokja even if we don't talk about sexual positions is that he's intelligent, he's fucking smart and intelligent and being some cute small sly bottom character just - takes away his intelligence which is a core character trait.
Yeah he self-sacrifices and maybe people want to make him bottom at that so he'd be loved and happy but the thing with this guy is he always has a plan, he doesn't self-sacrifice for fun, it's all part of his larger plan and that shows he's so fucking intelligent mastermind genius I really doubt it'd be different during sex.
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beauwritngs · 2 years
FIVE HARGREEVES REALLY HAD NO IDEA OF THE EFFECT HE HAD ON YOU. The way he always had to be strongest in the room, the way he'd always have a snarky response prepared for an enemy's threat, and the way his slim fingers would curl around a trigger like it was second nature. His whole character was so incredibly intriguing, yet still so unbelievably annoying to you. He was difficult to figure out - to put it in short, and you loved that.
Maybe some would describe you the same, you think to yourself. After all, you couldn't deny you'd been giving the poor boy a hard time with the endless teasing (if you could call "throwing the first insult that comes to your lovesick mind" teasing.) Knowing Five for this long was probably rubbing off on you. Still, it wasn't unusual for him to reciprocate.
That's probably why you hadn't been able to keep today's earlier events out of your untiring mind.
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EFFECT - F. Hargreeves x Reader
. PART 2
warnings; season 3 spoilers.
word count; 1.3k
synopsis; You've been in love with the dumb kid for as long as you've known him. Despite the almost-60 years of friendship between you, you had been doing an okay job at hiding said feelings from him. Or so you thought.
a/n; ! reader is also 60 ish in a 15 yr old body ! i've been thinking ab posting to this blog all day, soo here's something of my fav boy in honour of season 3. <3
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Five Hargreeves really had no idea of the effect he had on you. The way he always had to be strongest in the room, the way he'd always have a snarky response prepared for an enemy's threat, and the way his slim fingers would curl around a trigger like it was second nature. His whole character was so incredibly intriguing, yet still so unbelievably annoying to you. He was difficult to figure out - to put it in short, and you loved that.
Maybe some would describe you the same, you think to yourself. After all, you couldn't deny you'd been giving the poor boy a hard time with the endless teasing. (if you could call "throwing the first insult that comes to your lovesick mind" teasing.) Knowing Five for this long was probably rubbing off on you. Still, it wasn't unusual for him to reciprocate.
That's probably why you hadn't been able to keep today's earlier events out of your untiring mind.
The morning started off relatively normal - or so you thought. You woke up in your uncomfortable hotel bed to the smell of a plate of buffet breakfast; something you'd been getting used to at Hotel Obsidian. It wasn't uncommon for one of your best friend's siblings to bring you a meal before you woke, much to your delight. Breakfast in bed is so much easier than going down to the hotel lobby in your pyjamas half-asleep.
After a repetitive breakfast you were downstairs for the majority of the day, talking and stressing along with everyone else. This seemed to be a common thing among the Hargreeves. Well, along with saving the world from a certain someone and a new injury on your body every day. It wasn't until late afternoon had the seemingly "average" day taken a drastic turn. For the better, or worse.
You and the ex-assassin were placed on his bottom bunk, alone in his shared hotel room and sitting cross-legged in comfortable silence. This was a common scene for you two - often just wallowing in each other's presence while Five worked on equations, ranted about a sibling of his, or rambled a story about a commission member you'd heard a million times over. It was familiar, and that was exactly what the both of you needed now with all of these apocalypses; some familiarity.
Flinching at the sudden sound, you looked up, "Sorry?" A sheepish grin caught your features, how unlike you to zone out. Five clearly thought so, too. He rolled his eyes.
"I said, Luther's got his bachelor party later. I'm going." You almost forgot about Luther and Sloane's little announcement from earlier. It was.. unexpected, to say the least. Five did suggest completing our bucket lists, though, didn't he?
"You're going?" You had to hold back a laugh, almost. Five was playing into their little event? What made it so surprising was his adamancy on not going a couple hours ago. Also, Luther mentioned karaoke was to be a major part of the event, and if Five planned on drinking.. (which, who were you kidding, of course he did.)
"Don't act so surprised, jeez." Five rolled his eyes once more, "He's my brother, you know. And what else do you expect me to do currently? It's not like there's much of a world to explore out there." You watched as his eye drifted to peek at the curtain you'd closed when you first came in here, the atmosphere outside too devastating to wallow in.
"Well, yeah. Didn't take much convincing on their behalf, is all."
"They made little jars. What else can I ask for?"
You giggled at that, and Five cracked his signature almost-smile. "Is that what you're wearing?" You asked in a last attempt to make conversation as your best friend stood up from where he sat on the bed.
"Why? What's wrong with the suit?" Five glanced at a full length mirror that sat on the wall to his right. He brought his hands to the hems of his suit, tugging it tighter against his torso. You couldn't do anything but stare. That was attractive. That was so attractive.
"Nothing! Nothing's wrong with the suit." You answered quickly, and truthfully. "Just wondering. Because at this point, those are your casual clothes."
"What would be my formal clothes, then?" Five looked back over to you, and you couldn't answer. Your eyes were still locked on his hands, and what was worse is that now he could see that.
You both awkwardly sit there for a beat. You, staring at Five hopelessly and him catching you in the act. A quick chuckle from him is what breaks you out of your trance.
"At the wedding," He starts, to catch your attention, then turns back to the mirror from earlier to fix his hair, "I have to apologise now for the amount of alcohol I could end up consuming." Before he speaks, he reconsiders his words, as if he was going to say something different. There was a break in his voice that showed this. Just another thing you've picked up from knowing Five for so long: the ability to read him well.
"Nothing I haven't handled before." You shrugged, "What were you actually going to say?" Five sighs, he knew he was caught from the minute he spoke.
"Will you dance with me?" Five looks you in the eye through his reflection.
"Of course I will." You laugh, relieved. "That's what you wanted to ask?"
Five shrugs, and doesn't say anything more. He was unusually quiet and it was almost scary to you. God, say something quickly before things get awkward.
"I suppose you should head downstairs, hm?" You get up from the bed, deciding you should head back to the room you shared with Viktor and Allison to find something cute to wear to the wedding.
"I suppose.." He turns around to face you and the two of you lock eyes. "...I should."
Were you always standing this close to him? And has the room always been this hot?
Something strange rushes between the two of you; a new, electrified feeling. You feel Five's arms wrap around your waist, your own unconsciously moving around his neck. You were now both so close to each other you can't make out who's heartbeat it is beating so quickly in your ear, and both your lips not even a centimetre away from each other that if you just leaned the tiniest bit closer-
A knock at the door is what pulls you two apart, as if you were both magnets with a positive charge. You look over to find Viktor, standing like a newborn puppy that just got himself in trouble for the first time.
"..Uh- Sorry. Luther sent me to come and get Five. The bachelor party is, uhm.. starting. So..." Number 7 trails off. You cleared your throat, speaking up.
"No problem. He was just getting ready." A forced smile formed on your face, despite the inner turmoil in your brain. Your head turns to see Five, who was still standing in shock.
Viktor nods, and takes this as a cue to leave.
"..I'll see you at the wedding...?" You try, face warming up as the events from earlier dawn on you.
"Yeah. Yeah, sure." Five nods, running a hand through his hair as he takes a minute to collect himself before he begins to walk off. Before Five can reach the door, you see him hesitate. A moment later, he's located right in front of you after a familiar whoosh sound plays.
You don't even have time to register the use of his powers, let alone the feeling of his lips on yours.
"I'll see you at the wedding." Five repeats, smile now present on his features. You don't get to come back with a response before he's gone with a flash of blue light.
"I can't wait." Is probably what you would've answered, though now the words are lost to empty air, uttered barely a whisper. It's still true, though: you can't wait.
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SPOILERS!! Gosh, the new episode of the last of us was amazing (as expected). To get a little background on Henry and Sam just made their deaths even more devastating, we already knew Henry would do anything for Sam but now we get to see how far he really went for his little brother (killing a well loved/known person for medicine).
The fact that they incorporated keivonns deafness too, was great to see (I am deaf too, I can’t sign but I wish I could and think it’s a real beautiful language) Sign language is really useful especially in situations where you can’t be loud or give away your location. It’s awesome to see hard of hearing/deafness portrayed in the show and I wasn’t expecting it or aware, maybe they did that on purpose, they didn’t make a big announcement about having a deaf character for clout, their just happens to be someone who’s deaf and that’s it. I love it.
Oh man, I love apocalypse shows. They always reveal people’s true nature. What’s interesting to me is that for 20 years Kathleen’s people were under the thumb of FEDRA, they fought (endured?) and survived them and took the city for themselves. In another situation we know the audience would support the people and be happy to see them get justice but instead of being good guys the writers kinda flipped it on us by giving us Kathleen and her right hand man (Perry), who we automatically hate because of their want to kill the two brothers. To me it’s thought provoking, if we’d started off with Kathleen and her brother there’s a chance we’d hate Henry for killing him and we’d be on her side instead of Henry and sams. It’s kind of like the situation with Abby, we hated her automatically for killing Joel but we actually got to see her side of the story and now I love her character and understand why she did what she did, it’s guess it’s not an official parallel between the storylines but that is how I see it.
I’m not sure if changing sams age (from early teenager like Ellie to child) was on purpose or not but I thought it was really good, you don’t get to see any really young kids beside Ellie, Riley, Sarah and Abby (but they were in their teens when we see them in flashbacks). To see it from a child’s perspective was heartbreaking especially since we knew what was coming to him, Sam and Ellie’s relationship could not have been portrayed any better in my opinion. Sam showed Ellie he was bitten and they first thing she does was try to save him 🥺 and she stays up and comforts him throughout the last night of his life while his big brother is in the next room none the wiser. Like that shit had my eyes teary and blurry. While i knew that they were going to die the writers still managed to find a way to still make their deaths shocking and rip out my heart (again), so they deserve high praise for that.
You can really see on bellas face how good of an actor she really is, that look she had after Henry shot himself was just 😫. This is definitely one of those key moments in Ellie’s life that lets her know how fucked life can be and again Bella just knocked it out of the park with her reactions. With Joel he’s had 20 years of this kind of stuff but obviously with Ellie it’s different, we have to go through all these firsts alongside her. Ellie’s “I’m sorry” was just gut punching and now we can see that those close ups of joel which we’ve been seeing in the trailers for the last few months was his reaction to reading that and looking down on their graves. I can’t believe the whole time that’s what he was looking at 😢
Honourable mentions:
That little clicker girl!!! She was so freaky!!!
Ellie being cocky knowing that Joel will change his mind later and let Henry and Sam come with them to Wyoming
Sam and Ellie’s love of savage starlight and them signing “endure and survive” 🥹🥹
despite not verbally speaking, Sam and Ellie still have the ability to communicate with each other
They cast Henry and Sam perfectly
Joel’s determination to keep infected away from Ellie while he was sniping was making me sweat
Ellie being badass and saving Henry and Sam, also Henry saving Ellie in the smoke 🔥
Henry’s look on his face when he hears his little brother laugh 😭
“He’s not my dad” “I’m not her dad”
I thinks sams superhero mask deserves a shoutout too
it’s also cool how they made Henry and Sam actively seek out Joel and Ellie compared to how they meet in the game
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