#anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk lmaooo
neverkayzat · 8 months
Hey! Adding my portion on the “Death/Vengeance of Moon Knight” thing going on. I’ve seen a bunch of reactions ranging from “I can’t wait!” To “I hate Jed Mackay, and I’m going to burn him alive.” So, I want to add my piece (under the cut). I'm going crazy haha :)
I feel like we barley know enough information to assess the situation. We know MK is going to die, yes, and it is said that the new avtar is going to replace him ("this mysterious new Moon Knight emerges to take Marc’s place").
However, I don’t feel like this is a Mackay move. Mackay, if you are familiar with the other runs he is working on, doesn't kill of characters for no reason (i.e: Badr's death was significant for it told the reader that any avatar of Khonshu's couldn't die anymore. Also, the relationship between Badr and Marc grew significantly that issue). Also, he's pretty familiar with resurrection, as he did an entire run on bringing Dr. Strange back from the dead (Strange 2022).
So, my thoughts are that we have no idea what the new run will entail. I wish that Marvel, instead of just saying: "Marc is going to die and then be replaced LMAOOO!!!" gave us, as readers, more insight than that. As a person who is heavily fixated on this little guy, I hope that he comes back, haha. He is one of the best representations of DID in the media to date and to take that away is sad. I could go on and on about stigma's surrounding DID/OSDD, but in general, we, as a collective, only have one article giving barely any insight.
So, do I think he's going to die die? Probably not. I don't feel like Mackay is the type of writer to give an entire character an arc of healing and acceptance, only to kill them off once they're not useful anymore. I trust Mackay, and yes I'm worried that he'll be entirely replaced, but I trust him enough to believe that everything will work out okay.
Anyways, that's my scoop on the whole bombshell of an article that just got released. If you want to read it, I did site it above, but if you want another: Go here!
However, I do have to give props to Alessandro. The new guy looks so cool :)
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, aanndd back to writing fan fiction I go muahahhaa >:D
Funny thing that was posted after writing this:
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Everything goes back to 8-Ball 😭
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crowboss-whore · 2 years
1) Macaque needs therapy.
3) Woah my gods Seer with the BAMF moment??? I'm on my knees. Hand in marriage for them. I am massively gay.
4) I like the detail with how Macaque thought Seer to fight him in any way like it's expected 😭 as if he's dealt with this many times before and NGL I AM NOT OKAY AUEUUE
5) THE SCENE??? WHERE Y/N MENTIONED TO THEIR TITAS ABOUT WUKONG TAKING CARE OF KIDS AND THEY JUST WENT??? "mm yes that's husband material for y/n right there" AND I FUCKING GIGGLED LIKE A SCHOOLGIRL. Waiting for them to say "So when's the wedding?" Tbh 😭
6) Macaque not knowing the difference between an act of friendship and a crush is so fucking good like ueehee mans really went like "I'm going to keep them safe even if it means I die a second time" AND THOUGHT IT WAS STILL FRIENDSHIP 🧍‍♂️ LIKE SIR??? HE'S SO DENSE AND WE LOVE THAT FOR HIM. I'M GONNA SMACK HIM IN THE FACE /POS
7) have I mentioned that Mac probably needs therapy?
Anyway that's all thank you for coming to my Ted Talk 😭 CHAP 10 DO BE FEEDING THE MACARONI SIMPS
BAMF moment w Seer had me HOLLERING and I was FLOORED by them.
If you took note of him catching himself from calling Seer "Darling" the first time and then saying "this is a bit familiar, isn't it?" It... It kind of hints at things. Reminder; Shadowpeach will not be canon. SO LIKE-- DO WITH THAT WHAT YOU WILL LMAOOO
ALSO YEAH. THE TITAS. I love writing them lmaooo 100% would jump at the chance to get Seer with someone. Which is gonna be fun to write because Macaque, Wukong, and Seer have all been in past relationships that made them go "🧍"
And, yes, Macaque needs therapy lmaooo
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classickook · 2 years
I feel like people who hate Wanda are just misogynistics in disguise… anyways, both Stephen and Wanda are powerful asf, and both of them have made “wrong choices”, but they’re just fictional, they’re not real, so why the necessity of hating on them?? If we gonna talk about “unjustified actions” then why dont we start with the og avengers whose actions murderer lots of innocent civilians? also wanda is a villain ofc she is going to make bad unethical things, and if someone likes her it doesn’t mean that makes them a murderer or sum lmaooo ppl need to differentiate between fiction and real life. Anyways wanda and Stephen supremacy, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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tomdutch · 18 days
Hey um I know there's a large chance that you most likely won't see this, but I just have to say this. When you had first spoken up about leaving the fandom I was confused as to why because I didn't really realize how dry it was becoming. I just wanna say how utterly correct you were. It has declined even moreee since your leave (not saying you caused it or anything). I sometimes find myself comparing the notes/reblogs from Tom!peter fanfics to the tasm!peter ones and the difference is astounding ( it has me wondering if anyone even knows that Tom!peter exists). It's really sad, the fandom honestly can't be revived, like where is everyone??? I have so many questions about the decline of content in the fandom ( I know the interactions from the readers played a huge part, but I also feel like there may have been other factor that lead to this.) Did everyone in the fandom just grow up or something?? Anyways, I miss you lots and hope you are doing well and your new fandoms are treating you right.
wow this was a doozy to read but in a good way 😭 the delusional main character side of me wants to think my absence had an impact of any kind lmaooo but to be honest, the fandom was already in really bad shape.
lack of reader interaction personally wasn’t that big of a factor for me, i was incredibly lucky and am still grateful for the consistent feedback and love y’all gave me and i still sometimes look through reblogs on my fave fics for writing inspo :”) it meant so much to me and i look back with so much fondness on all the fun times we had with more interactive series, especially break my heart.
not to sound like i’m giving a ted talk, but what drove me away more than anything was the toxicity of the fandom. granted all fandoms have a certain level of it, but this one was really, truly bad in 2021-2022. there’s only so much consistent harassment and suicide bait a girl can overlook while still feeling welcome and excited abt this space 😭 when i look back at that stuff now i’m honestly shocked so many people stayed as long as we did.
rabid shipping culture aside, i personally feel like the mcu spiderman franchise took a big hit in no way home that drove a lot of ppl away. obviously they couldn’t keep going forever with a 30 year old guy playing a 19 year old, but their creative decisions in nwh are questionable at best to me. the end of mcu peter’s story was so final and abrupt that, combined with how flip-floppy the writers were abt a follow-up trilogy with new characters and a time jump, didn’t leave much room for fanfic to carry on. they quite literally erased mcu peter as a character and individual from the mcu itself lmao it would be pretty hard for people to write copious fanfics about a guy who has no one bc no one knows who he is and his family is dead as hell.
that being said, i really am sorry you feel like it’s difficult to enjoy and share your passion in this space. that feeling sucks and i hope that, if you write fanfic, the lack of engagement and content doesn’t stop you from being creative and sharing what you wanna share. trends and fandoms come and go in waves, you never know when a piece of media or an actor has a revival in the general public. i don’t know what roles tom has going on but if you feel inspired to engage in them when the time comes, i’m sure there will be ppl there to interact. you’re never too ‘grown up’ to enjoy fandom, especially not one as iconic and timeless as spider-man in all variations. if there’s a character, there’s ppl out there creating art for them.
in the meantime, i hope life treats you kindly as well and thank you for your ask :”) if you ever wanna chat with me, i’m still active on my main, or if you’re more comfortable here i still check in on this blog every other month 💛
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Hi, I’ve been questioning if I’m genderfluid on and off for some time now, and so I thought I’d ask for advice from someone who knows that they’re genderfluid
1. Before you knew for certain that you were genderfluid did you feel like there were possibly other people in your head besides you? Not in a dissociative identity disorder kind of way, but something else? (sorry for the bad wording there)
2. What were some more obscure signs you were genderfluid?
3. Part of the reason why I don’t want to say I’m genderfluid is bc I’m worried actually cis, and that I’m just pretending to be genderfluid due wanting to fit in w/ my friend who is trans/wanting to be more queer than I already am (I already know I’m somewhere on the bi+ spectrum), it’s a coping mechanism for my semi-not-good mental state. (sorry again for the bad wording), do you have any advice regarding this?
Sorry a third time for the bad wording, but I need advice, and this seems like a good way to get it.
Howdy 🤠
I'm always very happy to help, but as always, keep in mind that you are the only person who can say what your gender is, what will make you happiest, and what is the right choice for you. I can only speak from my own experience.
1. Oh boy, quite a question right off the bat. The answer is kind of, I guess. I've actually wondered if I had DID for a long time. I almost certainly don't, but it's definitely very easy to worry that you've confused the two.
It's sort of hard to answer because I don't know specifically what you mean, if not in a DID way. But I'm curious, so do elaborate if you'd like.
I am not a different person when I am a different gender, but it's possible to think of my gendered selves as "personas" in a way, so in that way, I suppose you could explain it like that.
I also engage in a lot of self-dialogue and self-reassurance, which often manifests in my thoughts being formed in a conversational way (including the pronouns you. And yeah, I feel a little weird about it this, but it doesn't seem to cause any issues). There's nothing that indicates that I feel that there is another enitre person on the ends of these mental conversations, let alone that the two ends are different genders. However I still have yet to understand a lot about my inner workings. Some may judge this as a disorder.
Finally, I think I have some identity-formation problems. Including the fact that I often feel like my mental understanding of how I present to people changes a lot. Not strictly in a gender way, nor in a DID way (at least I hope not). I just have trouble forming a stable image of "me", so sometimes it can feel like I'm different people.
2. Hmm, interesting. I'm sure there are many that I have yet to identify since they come with time.
When I was a child I remember having a minor fascination with having a male version of myself. I've found an old drawing of myself next to an imagining of a male version of myself.
Also, I imagine that if questioning is especially long and difficult, it could be a sign of fluidity. I say this because if you feel one way for a period of time and another way for another period of time, it can feel like these experiences contradict each other, and it's abysmally confusing. Like, why don't any of my feelings line up??? If I'm a man, shouldn't I feel like a man all the time? Yesterday I didn't feel that way.
Grain of salt: questioning can be long and confusing for anyone, and dysphoria can fluctuate even for gender-solid folks.
Also, there are some indicators of being trans in general.
For example, dissociative dysphoria is a less discussed manifestation of dysphoria in which you just don't feel real/your surroundings don't feel real.
Also, irrational avoidance. When I was younger, my sister used a lot of highly feminine pet names and terms of endearment, it was just her style. But being around her made me incredibly dysphoric because of these reminders of how she saw me. So eventually I came to associate her with those bad feelings, even though I had no explination for the feelings, since this was before I even knew of transness as a concpet. It took me a while after she stopped to realize Oh shit, that's what it was. Now we've been on much better terms for years.
Also, there are signs that can be indicators of any number of psychological distress (so they could be explained by other mental health issues) like extreme escapism, sleep issues and other depressive symptoms, dissociation, aggression, anxiety, avoidance of social situations, etc.
3. This is common. Firstly, nothing is stopping you from claiming a label. Absolutely nothing. Coming out to yourself doesn't mean you have to come out to others, transition, or take any other steps. So if you're wrong, so what? A label does no harm.
What can have the potential to do harm is transitioning unnecessarily. If you think it's a maladaptive coping mechanism, my only advice is to seek counseling before taking any steps that you think you might regret.
I've never heard of a person worrying that they want to be more queer than they actually are. And indeed I've never heard a detransitioner point to this as an issue. The only thing I could think of, is perhaps a sort of munchausen syndrome where you would theoretically try and gain """ oppression points.""" To be clear, I don't think this is very likely, but not impossible. In that case if it really worries you, I would again seek counseling, since that sounds like a symptom of a larger issue.
I've not quite cracked the nut of what if it's social pressure??? to be honest. And immitation is certainly a common trait among young people (assuming you're young). So, quite honestly, is it possible that you (and I) have tried on the trans label out of imitation of peers? Yeah.
I don't know if there's a solution to this (except of course counseling) other than careful trial and error. Trying on aspects of the male (or female) role and testing to see if it makes you uncomfortable or comfortable. Indeed, many aspects of social and sexual dimorphism can be very evocative of euphoria/dysphoria. Like, being called she/her might elicit relatively minor euphoria/dysphoria, but (cw: AFAB dysphoria) the idea of being vaginally penetrated? Yeah, most people will have a pretty strong reaction to that one (cw: end).
In short, sometimes these worries about "What if it's X?" don't always have an easy answer, and I don't think any trans person can solidly eliminate the question forever. I have a friend who's more than 2 years on T and still occasionally worries that he's secretly cis. But the fact that doubt lingers doesn't stop trans people from transitioning.
I want to be careful here to not seem like I'm saying that you should run right into transitioning with no caution. I just want to frame your doubts in perspective. If gender affirming steps feel uncomfortable, and you find yourself surrounded by doubts, then it's important to listen to that and take a step back. But if you're 90% certain that transition is right for you, but that 10% of doubt is scaring you away, try and put it in perspective. There's a 10% chance you'll regret transitioning, and 90% chance that you'll regret not transitioning. And sometimes only time and experience can close the gap between 90% and 99%.
Gahhh, I seem to be infinitely apt at bloviating; sorry 🥴. Hopefully something in my essay of a response can be of use to you.
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when i was in high school, all i would draw was leela, like, i did so religiously. whenever my friends and family would ask why i drew her so much, i simply said it was because she was easy to draw and i liked trying out different hairstyles on her... but man, looking back, i'm just like damn young me, you were bi af and had it bad for leela even back then
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Sometimes a scientist can be a freshly-graduated mechanical engineer sitting in his kitchen at 4am, discussing (in order of when they appeared in the conversation) the major thematic elements in various TAZ campaigns, forgiveness vs. redemption in media, racism and its intersection with classism, and WWI with his sibling.
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jaeewon · 6 years
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butwhyduh · 3 years
If we're all horny here anyway. Let me tell you that au or not Bruce Wayne is a silver fox 🦊. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Wowwww that’s a mood. Let’s be honest, every single batboy is hotter than the sun and they all take after bruce cuz he doesn’t adopt anyone who ain’t hot.
Like here is the DILF of the year with a dump truck ass.
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Here is his eldest who’s ass is world famous but look at the rest of him. He could wack me with one of those sticks and I’d thank him.
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The second with thighs that could crack a walnut totally not giving bondage kink fans a complete boner or anything
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The third who frankly dressed as conservative as a nun most of the time but definitely is hot because every other woman throws herself at him despite his costume.
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I’ve been informed that Cass is an adult and Jason’s age and yeah, she could kick me in the face and I would thank her.
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And of course Duke, and Damian are beautiful too. idk if they are over 18 and I don’t wanna be a creep so no pics lmaooo
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ceruleanmage · 3 years
Hi!!! So if we're talking about re-main, do you have any theories? Which character do you think will be your favorite, which ones are going to be shipped together, etc... Grant us your wisdom ✨
Sorry I’m getting to this so late!
I’ll admit I haven’t studied into the characters as much as some others have, so my possible wisdom may barely scratch the surface
I shall try my best!
(This is a long post. Sorry about that hdjsksk)
The only plot theory I have mainly surrounds Minato, our MC. (That feels like a Captain Obvious statement but what I mean is that I don’t know how the whole cast will play in jdksksk)
First off, from the trailer and from the character description, we know that Minato had some kind of incident involving water polo, and given that he was shown in a hospital bed, whatever happened was pretty serious.
In the shot in the trailer, he’s blocked by who I assume are his family and friends/old teammates, so we don’t get to see if he’s sporting some visible injury. But whatever it was, he swore to never play water polo again.
But in the next few shots, we see him with his past team, and he’s ripped as hell. Then the next scene shows him standing in front of a mirror, and it seems like he lost a lot of muscle definition.
I have two theories as to what may have happened (and watch both be wrong lmaooo)
1. He broke a bone and needed surgery to fix it, so that’s why we see him waking up in a hospital. (Because most people don’t go to the hospital for broken bones, you know? Unless it was life threatening or impossible to fix without surgery. This is why I have a second theory, but I’ll get there). As a result of his injury, he had to quit the sport. He vowed to never play it again, so I assume this particular incident haunts him.
2. This one may be WAY off and I have a penchant for bringing in angst, so be ready for that. My second theory is that maybe he nearly drowned while playing the sport in his past. Woah Dramatic I Know but it was my first thought since he’s shown in the hospital. Countering the other theory, most people don’t go to the hospital for a broken bone—and I don’t think your whole family and close friends would be there when you come to.
I think whatever it was possibly put him in a coma, whether it’s some serious injury or losing consciousness underwater. Either of those is enough to make someone reluctant to play the sport again, and avoiding it for a long time will surely cause one to lose muscle mass.
Maybe he developed some kind of fear of water? Though if this is the case, it probably gets resolved pretty early into the season, but I have a feeling whatever this incident is will haunt us again when we get towards the final episodes. Bakuten style.
Now, I have another thing to bring up.
Kawakubo Chinu, the one girl in the trailer, knows about Minato’s past.
Either she was there when it happened or she heard about it/learned about it from one of the other characters, possibly Eitarou since he also knows about Minato’s past.
I assume she’s their age, and even though she’s famous she probably stays with the team a lot. Perhaps she’ll help them train, or she’ll help Minato overcome his past incident.
Favorite Characters
From the brief descriptions we had, I think I’ll have three possible favorite characters.
One is the one kid who admires Minato—Eitarou. See this kid looked so bright and happy and Babey. He’s gonna be like Futaba I just know it. *gently holds*
Another possible favorite will be that one who’s super withdrawn from others, I think his name was Yoshiharu. Idk I just tend to gravitate towards these characters. Kin material methinks /hj
And, the character who will be my all time favorite for the rest of time — drum roll please — Kameyoshi!!!! How could I not. Our beloved tortoise deserves the world. I’ve only had Kameyoshi for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself
Shipping is scary to talk about before a show starts but I do have a couple guesses as to who I and many others will probably ship
The first guess is Minato and Eitarou, since Eitarou admires Minato. (Reminds me of Misato and Futaba, and it’s a dynamic I love and can personally relate to hdksks)
Another ship I can see happening is Minato and Jou, since it seems like Minato, Jou, and Eitarou will be the main trio. Jou (and Eitarou) convinces Minato to join the sport again so I can see where people (and possibly myself) will be like !!!! SHIP !!! (Valid, by the way)
(And who needs love triangles when there’s an easy answer? Can’t decide between those two? No problem! All three are in love Thanks For Coming To My Ted Talk) /lh
We also have the one (1) girl character, so I desperately hope she won’t be there just to be ogled at by the boys yknow? Anyway, there will probably be a ship or two people might like her to be in, but since we don’t have a description on her other than that she knows Minato’s past and is famous, imma hold off on possibly guessing who she’ll be shipped with. (Me. She’ll be shipped with me. Kawakubo Chinu I ask for your hand in marriage)
That’s really all I can guess so far! Again I haven’t studied the characters much, but I did rewatch the trailer a bunch of times lmaoo.
The trailer doesn’t give much, or anything really, in the way of rival teams, so I’m not sure how that plays into to the plot or even Minato’s past.
If you read all this, 1) thanks 2) I’m so sorry jdjsns this was a lot
Anyway this is probably very far off the mark so take my theories with a grain of salt!
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marciego · 3 years
hellooo i started following you bc of the violetta content and sorry i just needed to rant for a SECOND. basically when i was 9 and violetta became a thing i was so obsessed with it and watched the first 2 seasons when they aired, then i dropped it right before the third season started bc i very suddenly lost interest lol.
anyways now im 18 and i randomly decided to pick it up again and im currently watching season 3 and im on episode 37 AND can i just say how much i am ADORING german acting as a father to ludmila????? he gives her the support and affection she desperately needs just like that and i just find it so beautiful?????? also the way she saw him and violetta hug and you could tell how much she was craving that kind of warmth PLEASE any scene that somehow involves them both makes me tear up omg. in conclusion german and ludmila best father and daughter thanks for coming to my ted talk! (and sorry for a very random long ass rant LMAOOO)
omg no worries! i had a similar experience with violetta (dropping it after s2/coming back to s3 years later) and i totally get you german in s3 is AMAZING. i honestly hated his guts in s1-2 lmao but s3 made me love him a lot, the way he acts with ludmila is everything and she needs him so much!! best family ever i care them so much and i'm so glad you do too! enjoy the rest of the season the family dynamics keep getting better 💖
and totally feel free to send more thoughts here i love hearing about people's opinions!
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To distract myself from this awful political scene I'm forced to watch for history class: can you give us some obscure side characters (like, Dr. Diminutive, Newton the Gnu, type characters) you absolutely love for no reason? :) <3
Okay I am literally so late because I was doing my chem reading and my writing hw BUT I can’t refuse a chance to scream about my favorite characters (but y’all can refuse to listen to my scream about them so here’s a cut)
First of all, I want you to know that I haven’t even started listing characters yet and this ask has already lead me to spend almost $4 on Agent P’s Guide to Fighting Evil and that’s why I don’t look at the PnF wiki when I’m tired thank you for coming to my TED talk
I almost feel like I’m cheating by starting with Dr. Diminuitve but HOW CAN I NOT LIKE TELL ME THAT LIL MAN IS NOT THE BEST CHARACTER THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN OKAY FUCKIN DO IT JUST KIDDING YOU CAN’T I mean come on, one of his first lines was literally “I don’t have a Napoleon complex; Napoleon had a ME complex!” I had to check the wiki to see if that was his first line ever and I’m very disappointed that it wasn’t and then in OWCA’s Going Down when all the evil scientists were just vibin against the fence and they started doing that West Side Story snappy walk and Diminutive was so into the snaps that he just didn’t fucking move and then he opened his eyes and the rest of the gang was halfway off the screen fjdskhfkalsfhaskl I just really love him okay the more I think about it the more convinced I am that he’s actually my favorite character
Idk if this counts as an obscure side character but he is incredibly underrated so I gotta throw in: LAWRENCE FUCKING FLETCHER. He’s just such a pure and innocent lil dude. He sees the boys doing dangerous shit and he’s just like, “Well that’s happening,” or better yet, “Hey, that looks fun!” I mean, the airplace? The flying carpet? The monster trucks? He genuinely gives zero fucks and I love him for it. I wholeheartedly believe that Lawrence knows Perry is a secret agent -- or at least that he’s smarter than he acts -- but he’s literally so indifferent to everything going on around him that he never mentions it because life is full of fun and exciting things like that and he can’t talk about them all, you know? And he gets so excited about his antiques and he’s so passionate about history and ughhhh I love him 
I was about to say I feel like I’m cheating by using a special but it just occurred to me that that’s lowkey how I’ve prefaced all of these so no, fuck that, I’m using a special and that’s just how it’s gonna be. CARL FROM THE LAND OF INTERNUS WOULD HAVE MADE A MUCH BETTER ENDING THAN THE ACTUAL BOOK HAD AND FUCK YOU MONOGRAM FOR CUTTING CARL OFF BEFORE HE COULD TELL IT HOW HE WANTED TO
These two kinda go hand-in-hand but Bunka Da Bunkaquan and Sweary the Swan are my favorite alternative Perrys. As far as the specials go, Steampunx isn’t one of my favorites, but Sweary the Swan is just... How do you even describe Sweary the Swan? He is life. He is the reason I wake up in the morning. He is the only thing worth living for. And then Bunka Da Bunkaquan is just so fuckin cute and anyone who disagrees needs their eyes checked. And tbh while we’re talking about Tri-Stone area, I gotta throw in a mention of Doofengung no of course I didn’t have to google what his name was what are you talking about because I love how he just stares at the water and every time it drips he just fuckin cackles lmaooo
Okay one more special (maybe) but Doofenshmirtz in The Temple of Juatchadoon brooo I just googled it to make sure I spelled that right and I did woah my power is unmatched is lowkey my favorite Doofenshmirtz. I don’t know if it’s because I actually like him more than every other Doof or if it’s just because his first scene was with Phineas Ohio Flynn and they knew each other and they had actual interactions throughout the episode and the Doof/Phineas relationship is my favorite underexplored relationship, but Juatchadoon Doof makes the list anyway
The “what did you think, _________ was just going to fall out of the sky?” couple — who 100% deserved that cameo in catu
I’m almost afraid to say this in public, but I actually really like Roger. I was mostly indifferent to him at first, but then Delivery for Destiny happened and I was like wait a minute, why am I sleeping on his man who literally orders boxes just to give to his cat? And once I realized that he was kinda cool, it started sinking in that he was never actually a bad guy. Heinz never even really claimed he was -- if anything, his problem is that Roger isn’t a bad guy, and everyone in Gimmelshtump and Danville knows it. And I gotta give Roger credit for not being too harsh on his brother, because yeah, he can be a little stuck up (I’m looking at you, stupid golf game), but you can’t really blame him for thinking he’s better than Heinz, you know? But at least he’s not a dick about it like their parents are. Also the entire latter half of this paragraph was me trying to find a way to work in the other part of that scene with the cat box and it didn’t work so I’m just gonna tack it on to the end because this isn’t an essay for English class and I can do that lmao. Paul mentions that he just delivered something to a Heinz Doofenshmirtz, and Roger is like 😬 because let’s be real, no one wants to be represented by the type of dude to try to juice City Hall, but he’s obviously not going to say that because he’s still a respectful dude, so he’s just like “Charming... man... isn’t he...” and he’s literally so uncomfortable and it cracks me up every time but also it’s lowkey kinda wholesome because Heinz may make it his life mission to embarrass his brother but Roger doesn’t reciprocate. but I accidentally discovered a few weeks ago that John O’Hurley is a raging Trump supporter so I gotta dock points for that one
In the same vein, Paul the delivery guy. What more do I have to say?
If my love of Roger didn’t turn the world against me, this one probably will, but I’m going to say it loud and proud anyway. I LOVE PETER THE PANDA. He’s just??? so??? cute??? Like when he was tearing apart Doof’s inator and he was just... actually no scratch that I need pictures for this because I can’t explain this in words
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Peter really said “this bitch empty, YEET!”
okay but the ones I was actually looking for are...
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I mean, how can you not find him adorable? And don’t even get me started on his relationship with Perry because Meapless in Seattle was just... B R O Perry flew halfway across the country (probably I mean idk where exactly Danville is but they use EST so Seattle is probably halfway across the country?) just to go grab a coffee with him. They went on a lil date at a fancy restaurant I know Dan said it wasn’t a date but he's been wrong in the tiktok comments before which means none of his opinions are canon lmao. They’re just? So? Cute? I don’t even know what to make of their relationship but I live for it.
And I can’t mention Peter without bringing up his nemesis, who, to be entirely honest, I also don’t know what to make of and he’s mostly on this list because I like the line “How did you get chorus girls in here?” and when I downloaded and cut a bunch of songs that you can download from Google Drive here if you want, I specifically kept that part in because I love it lmao (I do gotta point out tho because it’s been bugging me since I last watched the episode: I don’t think we have any proof that Professor Mystery even exists in the PnF dimension. I had just assumed he did for the longest time, but that entire episode takes place in a dimension where Lawrence is a polar bear. Who knows what other differences there are?)
I love all the grandparents and I don’t even have an explanation they’re just all adorable
Okay I know I said no more specials but TECHNICALLY at2d isn’t a special; it’s a movie. I am physically incapable of not brining up the muffin time Normbot and the “I use aggression to mask my insecurites” Normbot.
While we’re talking about Norm, his old head would 100% swear all the fucking time if it wasn’t a kids’ show and i gotta respect it
Dan Povenmire does one line for a dude named Vinnie in Mission Marvel and off the top of my head I don’t remember who he is but it was the beginning of the episode and I think (?) it was during the New York scene and he does it in the Vinnie Dakota voice long before Dakota was even a concept (I’m assuming) so he gets a mention
Jerry the Platypus gives me Paper Jam Dipper vibes and they are both valid as fuck (the fucked up Doof copy is not valid as fuck tho we’re gonna pretend he didn’t exist)
Don is literally the best part of Where’s Pinky and I’m not just saying that because I’ve been watching Whose Line for years and I was super excited to see Wayne Brady in the credits (and the fact that he was also in both the quarantine rap and catu makes me incredibly happy)
Ooh I almost forgot OWCA Files existed but Harry the Hyena playing the trumpet and the subsequent “you’re gonna be wearing that in a minute” is the best part of OWCA Files and tbh just Doof, Perry, and Harry could have carried an entire series by themselves (though I do also love Karen and Maggie)
WAIT A SECOND THE BUG TRIO FJDSAHFLKSAJD I was trying to pick a favorite last time I watched OWCA Files and every time one of them spoke they were my new favorite like I lowkey thought their plotline was boring but the characters themselves were hilarious
Wait I forgot Vlorkel too omfg these two belong way higher on the list but Vlorkel is the love of my life (and I lowkey wish she had met Steve the giant chameleon because they would have become best friends)
I wanna keep going but it’s currently 1:45 in the morning (this is why I’ve been avoiding asks during the day: I get way too into them and spend a solid hour and a half on them and I’d never get any schoolwork done lmao) and it’s far from the first time I’ve stayed up this late but I figured it was fine because I have no classes tomorrow but it occurred to me like four seconds ago that I DO HAVE A CLASS TOMORROW SHIIIIT I had an anatomy exam on Tuesday during my usual class time (which if you read my tags you might have known about because I was having an existential crisis over it) so he moved our class tomorrow excePT IT’S NOT TOMORROW IT’S TODAY IT’S LITERALLY IN LESS THAN SEVEN HOURS FUCKING HELL I GOTTA GO TO BED ASAP
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bellafarella · 4 years
Hey there :) for the character list: Ted, Patrick, Alexis, David, Stevie, Mutt and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name) and Jake :)
LOL “and that Animal, Lover vet guy (sorry I forgot his name)” - that’s Ted and you said him first :p 
Thanks for the ask, here we go:
Sexuality headcanon: straight (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Alexis
A BROTP I have with said character: David, I’d like to think that after their emotional talk at Singles Week that Ted tries to text him every so often with stupid puns that make David roll his eyes but can’t help but smile at his sisters dumb cute boyfriend. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Heather - just nope.
A random headcanon: I like to think that maybe some day in the future, when his contract is up in the Galapagos (him not staying any longer even though they asked) that he keeps track of Alexis - not like in a stalker way but like in a “i love this girl with my entire being and i want to know that she’s doing well and what she’s up to” kind of way- they follow each other on instagram and he sees that she’s still living her best self in NYC so he goes there, hoping to maybe run into her, too nervous to ask her to hang out and anyway, he’s never been to NYC and wants to check out a play so he does and when he posts about it, Alexis dm’s him and they meet up for lunch the next day and he finds out she’s single - has been this entire time, working on herself, focusing on her career - so he asks her out again on a real date and now that he’s not working in the Galapagos and nothing is tying him to Schitt’s Creek, he eventually moves to NYC and the timing is finally right for him and Alexis and they live happily ever after. goodnight.
General opinion of said character: i LOVE ted. he’s so cute and sweet and just so adorably punny. i’m a fan of dustin so loving ted came really easy. 
Sexuality headcanon: gay (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: David, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie. i think people talk a lot about how cute stevie and david’s friendship is and even how cute alexis and patrick’s friendship is but stevie and patrick is just so good. they both love to tease and banter and just be a complete and total troll, especially to david. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Rachel, duh
A random headcanon: idk if it’s random, might be pretty common, but i like to think that patrick always knew deep down that he was gay - the way he didn’t really pay attention to the girl in porn (when he did watch it) or the way he liked to spend time with the guys on his sports team over hanging out with his gf, or how his room was plastered with posters of different sports players but also they had their shirts off. how he sort of knew but really had no way of knowing because there was no one he liked like that that was a boy. not until he met david rose.
General opinion of said character: my sweet button baby, precious boy deserves the world. 
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual but with a preference of dating men
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: Ted
A BROTP I have with said character: like i said above, i think her and patrick’s friendship is so cute but i’m gonna go with her sibling. the bond that forms between david and alexis is just so pure - they actually become siblings and friends and i love them so much. omg and Twyla because their friendship is just so fucking cute and pure.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mutt, ugh. & sorry I can’t get on board with Alexis/Stevie either. they’ve constantly talked about how Stevie is part of the family - she’s treated like a Rose every episode so I just find it ehh to ship them but to each their own, ship who you want, idgaf lol 
A random headcanon: *read Ted’s* but also, yeah that she’s living her best boss girl self in NYC, growing her business and making moves. 
General opinion of said character: i love Alexis, she’s so hilarious in her facial expressions and mannerisms. i’ve never seen such hilarious physical comedy than i have on this show. Annie is a star and i can’t wait to see her in more things.
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual (as in canon)
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Patrick, duh
A BROTP I have with said character: Stevie, Alexis, even Ronnie (see previous ask). i love his friendship with Stevie so much because it’s his first real friend in probably ever, and he’s hers too. they’re both just so closed off and similar that they never were able to let anyone in to actually be their friend so when they became friends it was just magic, they’re soulmates in the friend sense. I also love his friendship that he gained with his sister (see above in Alexis). 
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, Jake, Sebastien. Literally anyone who isn’t Patrick
A random headcanon: that he and Patrick are living their best lives in their cute little cottage house in schitt’s creek,  expanding their business, and just loving their life. David knows he could live in this town forever if it meant being with Patrick - anywhere is home as long as they’re together. 
General opinion of said character: MY BABY. he deserves the world and to be protected at all costs. there’s always been people connecting to characters in meaningful ways and I’ve never really seen that for myself - yes, I am a cisgendered heterosexual woman but i’ve never connected on a deep level to any cisgendered heterosexual women like not Alexis or Moira or any other female on other shows. however with David I can. David is sarcastic and has his walls up, he’s been taken advantage of time and time again. he’s been used and abused, he thought he’d never find love or happiness. I still find it hard sometimes to be optimistic and say I will find happiness and someone who will love me unconditionally but even though David isn’t a real person, just seeing him be so happy and loved so openly and wholly by Patrick gives me hope. I’ve been in emotionally abusive relationships, I’ve been used for just my body, I’ve been taken advantage of by exes and friends, I’m always there for people but yet I don’t get anything in return. So yeah this got away from me lmaooo but yeah i just love David Rose so fucking much.
Sexuality headcanon: bisexual 
Gender headcanon: female
A ship I have with said character: no one, my girl deserves the best and we haven’t seen that on the show
A BROTP I have with said character: David, Patrick, Alexis. I love all these friendships for different reasons. David because like I said, they’re soulmates but in a friend way. Patrick cause they’re both trolls. And Alexis, because Stevie’s never really had any girl friends before and having someone like Alexis look out for her and want her to be happy, I think it really helped Stevie gain confidence in herself and her abilities to run shit. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Jake, Emir, any of the loser guys they set her up with. David, ugh they are not right romantically lol.
A random headcanon: that she spends as much time as she can bothering David by coming over to their house unannounced. Patrick just finds it hilarious because of course he does. 
General opinion of said character: I love Stevie, I thought her ending was great, how she didn’t have a romantic interest and just was excited about their franchise of Rosebud Motel. I hope that if they ever do a special or a movie or something that they do give her a romantic partner because she deserves to be loved unconditionally.
Sexuality headcanon: straight
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: no one, i really dont care lmao
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends???
A NOTP I have with said character: Alexis
A random headcanon: that he died
General opinion of said character: I don’t care lol
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual
Gender headcanon: male
A ship I have with said character: Jake doesn’t do monogamy so no one lol
A BROTP I have with said character: does he even have friends or does he just fuck everyone??
A NOTP I have with said character: Stevie, David. 
A random headcanon: i don’t even know, i don’t think about Jake enough lol 
General opinion of said character: he was a great character, I liked the drama he brought and how it also wasn’t really drama because Jake’s just Jake which is also something I loved. like you can’t hate him cause he’s just Jake. he does what he wants when he wants, he doesn’t do monogamy, he likes to have fun, but he doesn’t hurt anyone in the process because he’s upfront about it from the jump.
Send me a character & I’ll answer those questions 
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what-the-fuck-khr · 4 years
that scene with Dino is also such a good example that Dino was thrown ENTIRELY under the BUS for the sake of giving Kyoya plot and “growth” lmaooo
like Dino rocks up, saves Basil and Tsuna and SQUALO OF THE VARIA sits there and goes “oh FUCK that’s Bucking Bronco and if I start a fight it’s gonna be a problem, and it won’t be quick” but Kyoya could beat him so quick with a kick, like,,,, just one kick or smth??? who cares if he’s the Cloud Guardian Dino is a whole mafia boss trained by THE Reborn and he lost,,, to a kid????? I’m SORRY but Dino was used purely to make Kyoya seem super duper strong and it’s a load of shit because Dino is AMAZING and he got none of the attention or development he should’ve gotten and Dino should realistically be stronger than Kyoya (at least in basically all the anime arcs, anyway. maybe in the last portion of the manga it’s a little more understandable) and no I don’t take criticism THANK YOU for coming to my ted talk
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