#anyways i think wolf loves in a way that is very intentional. his love is a weapon that he gives to people. its not something to indulge in
gomacave · 4 months
5p yuuram bloood twww
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sunshineastro · 14 days
gets up on my soapbox. someone might have said this before but i need to say it anyways.
THE REASON EVERYONE IN SCUM VILLAIN IS IN LOVE WITH SHEN QINGQIU IS BECAUSE HE. SHOWS. KINDNESS. nobody else in the story really shows kindness until he starts teaching it to them. kindness is never rewarded in the world of PIDW. it’s not just luo binghe who had a bad childhood and grew up fucked up. PIDW is a story about plotting and scheming and bad people doing bad things, and when a genuine kind person who doesn’t have a single ulterior motive shows up, it changes not just binghe’s path, but everyone’s. the only truly kind person in PIDW was YQY, and we know what happened to him.
i mean, if you think about the male power fantasy genre, it’s very alpha wolf loner every man for himself type stuff. shen yuan is probably the first person any of the people around him have ever seen pick up a friendship without the active intention of screwing it over somewhere down the line. in fact, he goes out of his way to make friends with people, and not just because of their power or abilities.
it’s no wonder that he improved the lives of everyone around him, and not just binghe.
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monakisu · 3 months
I'm pretty sure Joker being like Sleeping Beauty in Royal was intentional. After all, third semester in general has a fairytale theme, with Sumire being Cinderella and Maruki being the Fairy Godmother that grants her (and everyone else's) wishes. But he's also Maleficent, because he puts Sleeping Beauty (Joker) to sleep. Hence Maruki viewing himself as the good guy but also being the bad guy. He gives Sleeping Beauty his Prince Charming (Akechi) in order to convince him to stay within the dream of the false reality, but fails to realize what Prince Charming's goal is in every telling of the story. To wake Sleeping Beauty. Hence, Akechi being the most against the fake reality and being the one to convince Joker not to stay in the reality. By failing to admit his role as the villain, Maruki brings about his own demise in the form of Akechi. It's so well done I can't imagine it being anything but intentional. I mean, Joker even walks with Akechi, "once upon a dream" if one considers the fake reality akin to a dream.
^^^ YEAH!!!!!! YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🧨💥🧨💥🧨💥
i find the irony of goro and maruki’s varying self-awareness levels to be RESPLENDENT!! like here we have goro who has always desperately yearned to be the hero and yet he’s resigned himself to playing the role of villain, the big bad wolf killing mothers and fathers and plotting against the righteous thieves… but come third semester he’s the heroic prince charming saving sleeping beauty!!
(although i like my yaoi toxic, i have to admit how perfectly akira and goro click together as two halves of a whole; they intrigue and excite each other, fulfill their savior complexes and desire to be known intimately, bring the best and worst out of each other...) these two freaks are literally this:
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anyways i like to daydream that in the euthanasia ending (i enjoy how horrifying and clinical that name is) even after the rest of the world has long forgotten akira, goro, who has always been stubbornly aware and driven by the truth (i mean, both his AOA's talk about the truth; the boy is FIXATED), will eventually make his way up sleeping beauty’s tower to wake up his love…
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and then there’s the other part of the irony: maruki who thinks himself to be his new reality’s messiah but is actually the real Big Bad woa!! a classic evil queen, the evil stepmother, coraline’s other mother trying to trap her in her spiderweb… amazing!!! like u said, he’s simultaneously sumi’s fairy godmother and akira’s villainous fairy! everyday i thank the devs for adding third semester bcuz hoo boy did it elevate p5 to the high heavens!!
i’ve always been very fond of the sleeping beauty parallels in p5, but i’d never thought about it thoroughly enough to realize how instrumental goro’s prince charming role is in dismantling malecificent’s curse! thank u for opening my eyes!! i’m literally giddy from glee!!!
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finnlongman · 11 months
Keep thinking about that one KJ Charles interview where she's talking about the challenges of being a historical romance novelist when you sort of believe the whole aristocracy should've been executed, and the delicate balancing act of writing historically accurate and interesting characters who don't have awful politics and values. And, crucially, she challenged the typical rich love interest idea by asking, "But where does the money come from?"
Once you think about it, you can't stop thinking about it. Every historical romance I read now, I can tell whether the author has thought about it. Sometimes they've thought about it but tried not to deal with it and hoped we wouldn't notice that the rich aristocrat probably owns a plantation. Sometimes they've actually dealt with it. And sometimes they have not considered it and It Shows.
But I also don't want historical novels where characters have modern sensibilities! I want them to feel historical... I just also want the "desirable" characters to not be, you know, involved in the slave trade or whatever, because that seriously undermines everything the book is doing to make them seem attractive. (One does not generally read this flavour of historical romance for morally grey antiheroes, and even if you did, that would be a fairly tasteless way of developing such a character, imo.)
I really enjoyed a detail in one of Cat Sebastian's books where the love interest is a Quaker, and he refuses dessert because he's boycotting sugar. It's a way of signalling to us that this character has particular values, but one that's rooted in the historical context and doesn't feel like a modern character wearing period clothing. His Quakerism also influences a few other details – his use of first names rather than titles, for example – but it's not a major plot point and he's no intense political campaigner. It's just one facet of his character, and one that made me like him more.
This sort of thing becomes a problem, too, with medieval settings and retellings and anything where you start having to deal with kings. A king of some tiny little pseudohistorical country whose major concerns revolve around not getting invaded and ensuring his people survive the winter is a very different prospect from a king intent on conquering his neighbours and expanding his glorious kingdom, of course. Still a king, though. What do you do with that, if you're someone who doesn't approve of kings?
I ran into this problem with a book I was working on a few years back, and it's one of the reasons I shelved it. I was trying to write a book about community and friendship. I was also trying to write an Arthurian retelling. And while a brotherhood of knights is a great starting point for a story about community and friendship, in order to have knights, you need to have a king for them to pledge fealty to. Problematic. My Arthur figure did not believe in hierarchy, but the story demanded that he perpetuated one anyway, because it was baked into the building blocks of story I was using to build mine. Eventually I realised I could not write that story as an Arthurian retelling without stripping it of everything recognisably Arthurian, and set it aside to be remade into something else.
I still think about this, though. I think about my Bisclavret retelling, which by necessity has a king in it. Bisclavret is a story about feudal loyalty, about oaths, about hierarchies. Take that away and you no longer have Bisclavret; it is a story that cannot exist without a king for the knight-wolf to be loyal to. Does that mean that as a story it always inherently supports a monarchist ideal, though? Or is its portrayal of kingship (a relationship that is, crucially, reciprocal) sufficiently detached from colonialist systems of monarchy to be distinct from those?
What systems and ideals form the assumptions a story is rested on? What happens once you start to question them? Can you still tell the same stories once you ask where the money comes from, or why the king is owed loyalty? Or does there come a point where you realise there are ideas woven into the very fabric of those narratives that you can't see past?
I don't have answers. I'm just thinking aloud. Thinking about having written a book with a king who isn't the bad guy, and what that means when I approve of neither kings nor hierarchies in general. Thinking about writing the past with the eyes of the present. Thinking about the unexamined assumptions in so many historical novels I've read, and how it feels as a reader not to be able to stop examining them.
(I have also read a number of contemporary romance novels where, after working my way through half an author's backlist, I've been forced to acknowledge that despite everything, the author does in fact think rich people are inherently attractive. Not sure what the solution to that one is, but it's certainly a different, if related, problem.)
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mumms-the-word · 17 days
Okay don’t come for me Halsin-enthusiasts and werebear truthers because like for the most part I agree with everything you say, and this is not one of my usual well-thought out deep dives, this is me rambling because I have questions BUT
One thing I love that hasn’t really been talked about (unless I missed it) is how good Halsin is with kids and how that’s distinctly NOT a male bear trait? Like, actually, Halsin deciding to adopt 30 kids actually kind of goes against what he says is his well-defined and very established nature. It’s very un-bear-like of him to want to raise kiddos
I mean maybe it’s a female bear trait but like hear me out
Male bears tend to mate with female bears and then leave. In some rare cases they will outright attack and kill cubs to mate with female bears (but this doesn’t happen often because mama bears WILL fight you and male bears aren’t looking for a fight they’re looking for fun). But for the most part a male bear dips out after mating and does his own thing for several months until it’s mating season again and then he’s like “knock knock guess whose back again no I will not be paying child support”
So like
If Halsin is a werebear, do wearbears have different behaviors? If not wearbear, then what else is influencing this desire to build a big family and settle down?
Are Halsin’s affections for/talent for raising a whole gaggle of kiddos a wood elf thing, a Druid thing, or something else?
I mean it could just be that this is an accidental overlooked thing despite that Halsin’s writer(s) are pretty intentional about writing him with a lot of “haha what a bear thing to do” traits (loving honey, etc) but we can probably headcanon our way into an explanation right
I’m only making a big deal out of this confusion in my mind because Halsin makes such a BIG DEAL about things being “in his nature” or “because of his nature” and so on. And obviously his nature is influenced by many things, not just his cave bear form, his identity as a druid, or him being a wood elf. I just think it’s interesting that for all his talk about stuff being “in his nature” and insinuating that at 350 he’s kind of established everything he likes and dislikes, that maybe he forgets he’s still capable of growth and change
On the same note, I find it so interesting that when you romance him he’s specifically like “the wolf mates for life, but the bear roams free and partners as its instinct dictates. I need to stay true to my nature and you to yours.” I mean, he’s being a bit reductive about wolves and bears alike here, but my point is that he’s constructing his polyamory as a bear-like behavior instead of being like “I was raised this way” as a wood elf, because wood elves are super poly too and that could have easily been the reference he went with
If I recall, his preference for roaming is also considered a bear-like behavior? In the dryad love test, the question “When is he most comfortable” has two correct answers: when he’s in the form of a bear, clad in nothing but fur (he says that’s a fair assumption but not the truest answer) OR saying that comfort doesn’t come naturally because he’s always restless and roaming (he approves of this answer more and says “Comfort is for the farm animal, snug in its pen.”). Roaming is…well a trait for any wild animal, but could be coded to a male bear specifically I guess…but anyway at the very least he makes this connection to being like a roaming wild animals over a settled domestic animal
So we have a Halsin who admits that roaming and avoiding comfort are things that are true to his nature…and yet he decides he’s going to build a community/commune out in the ruins of Thaniel’s lands and raise like 30 kids on his own/semi-communally. Which is not really a bear or wood elf thing to do (if we’re being super reductive about bears and wood elves, neither of which are monoliths, and also I could be wrong about wood elves because I can’t find much about their familial structures)
I’m not saying it’s inconsistent—because it’s not inconsistent to Halsin’s overall character. The minute I heard Halsin say that was his plan I was like “this is absolutely something you would do you great mad bear take me with you” (and then I was upset when I couldn’t go with him because it was patch 3 days and I was SAD). Like if you listen to him talk enough in Act 3, especially after visiting Jaheira’s house, that man has wanted a family for forever, and he has a big heart for refugees, the displaced, and children in particular
So, speculation, I think Halsin choosing to build a community and go from 0-100 on the family-building process is actually indicative of him realizing that now that he’s not an archdruid, and now that the shadow curse is fixed, he can remake himself into something of HIS choosing. Something that isn’t “dictated by nature” but aligns with his desires and motivations as a complex person. He says comfort is for the farm animal, but he builds a home in nature where his children will be safe and comfortable. He’s not making them a big nomadic tribe, they’re all in one safe space together. That could be seen as contradictory, but instead I think it just shows that he’s still a malleable person who needs a minute to grow into the idea that he can now be whatever he wants
And he chooses to be Daddy Halsin. He doesn’t even wait to see if his romanced partner (if he has one) is coming with him on this sudden about-face venture. He’s like “I’ve got nine wagons of kids who are already calling me Daddy and we’re leaving in two hours” like this dream is SO IMPORTANT for him. It overdrives nature and druidic duty and everything else. It very nearly overrides his love for his romanced partner
I mean it did kind of override it in earlier patches but the epilogue now lets us join him and patch 6 now let’s us openly be like “Halsin you ass I’m coming with you” when I say I slammed that button so hard let me TELL YOU but anyway his romance is not really going to influence his dream of having a family. He’s gonna raise those kids whether his current romantic partner there or not (but he will be disappointed and sad about his partner not joining him tho because obviously that stings)
Anyway I’m just rambling at this point. My question is this: do you think that Halsin’s desire for kids comes from a specific “part of his nature” (bear, werebear, druid, wood elf) or does it come from some other part of him as a person, or do you think it’s a moment where he realizes he can just decide things for himself and that he doesn’t always have to let nature dictate who he is?
If you made it this far congrats you get a Golden Halsin :’)
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cgsf · 2 months
Teen Wolf fanfiction recs — Scott/Stiles
"A Little Hot Mess (The Best of Bad Ideas Remix)" (M) by angelgazing | 1,438 | He doesn't know what makes him do it, probably whatever is making his blood edge closer to boiling. He slides a hand up the outside of Stiles' leg, soothing, holds on to his hip as tight as he dares. Says, "I never have, but I can start," with his mouth wetter; hot and wanting.
"i've woken up on one too many floors (but my favorite was yours)" (E) by turnpikedarling | 4,888 | “Come on, dude,” Stiles tells him, planting his hands on the back of the couch and vaulting over it into the hallway of the apartment they’re currently trying to move into. It’s their first apartment together, some shitty little thing Stiles found on Craigslist and sent to Scott in a frantic email. It took Scott less than a second to realize he’d follow Stiles anywhere, and then all of a sudden: a month later they were roping Isaac and Erica and Boyd into helping them move hand-me-down furniture across town, and now here they are, trying to figure out what to do with this disgusting couch that neither of them really wants, anyway.
"Love Me Right" (E) by alexenglish | 6,004 | Generally, people are attractive, all their bits and pieces. Stiles has always seemed to be attracted to everyone, which is why it isn’t a surprise when Stiles leans forward, eyes on Scott’s face as he passes the joint back to him, and says: “Why haven’t we made out yet?” in a very serious voice. It takes all of Scott’s self control not to burst out laughing. The look on Stiles’ face is so so so intent, eyes wide and wet and blinking slowly. It's only a surprise that it takes until they're 17 for him to ask.
"A Little More 'Touch Me'" (E) by alexenglish | 4,215 | “I will blow you for half that pizza,” Stiles says. It’s an accident, really, he definitely didn’t mean to say that. It’s true, but he didn’t mean to, fuck – “I mean, I would blow you not for pizza, but at this point, mostly for pizza.”
"Find new ways to fall apart" (E) by queerly_it_is | 5,997 | Stiles confesses his feelings to Scott when he thinks they're about to die, but has to deal with the consequences when they don't.
"Like real people do" (E) by queerly_it_is | 15,361 | Stiles waits until Scott’s focused on the game, eyes narrowed and his tongue poking at the corner of his mouth, fingers tapping at the controller, before he says, “So I think we should kiss.”
"Apparent Lack of Ceremony" (E) by Loz | 3,104 | Scott keeps climbing into Stiles' bed at night to cuddle. They don't talk about it in the morning.
"more power than anything waiting in the dark" (G) wangler | 2,082 | When Scott jogs back inside, his mom stands against wall, watching Stiles, eyeing the tangle of bandages and dusty old clothes. "Get them off," Stiles is saying, dazed and soft. "Get it off."
"I Want Your Love" (E) by BootsnBlossoms | 7,229 | During high school, he’d ‘jokingly’ teased Scott about wanting to make out with him, about wanting to try new experiences out with him. He loved his best friend literally more than life itself, and once Scott starting dating women, Stiles had taken his attraction and want and shoved it in a little box. Friendship, saving each other from the trauma of their supernatural coming of age, protecting each other from the horrors of their senior year… well, putting the lid on his feelings was easy to do. But now? Now he’d come to terms with his infatuation enough that his buddies were sending him porn videos featuring people who looked like Scott.
"A Place to Belong" 🔒 (E) by blacktofade | 10,086 | Stiles doesn’t know what to expect after they complete the ritual, after his father’s checked over at the hospital and released a few hours later, after Stiles is back at home, sitting on the end of his bed with a heaviness in his chest that’s never been there before.
"Instructions for Dancing" (T) by calrissian18, cybermanolo | 19,247 | If Scott was asked to start from the beginning, his mind would place him right at the center of Beacon Hills, looking up at the black and white Hale house, clamped down on his mom's hand and trying not to feel fear. If Stiles was asked to start from the beginning, he would talk about a boy named Scott who walked into his kindergarten classroom, stuck to him like a barnacle and became the most important thing Stiles would ever do with his life.
"Roadside Assistance" (E) by autoschediastic | 3,741 | Scott shoves his shoulder. "Shut up or I'll let you freeze." "Great, now you're starting to sound like Derek," Stiles says, grinning harder at the look of shocked horror that skitters across Scott's face. He lowers his voice to gravely rumble. "Shut up or I'll rip your throat out, Stiles. I'm gonna kill you myself if you don't shut it, Stiles. Stop talking, Stiles, or I'm gonna--"
"Coal Calling the Kettle Black" (T) by calrissian18 | 1,024 | “You okay?” Stiles scratched at his eyebrow with his opposite thumbnail, turned around. He squinted, licked his lip. “You?” he asked rather than answered. Stiles 101 there.
"Or What" (M) by calrissian18 | 2,043 | Stiles nearly died. Scott's still trying to figure out what the hell that means.
"This is Totally a 'the World is Ending Unless We Sleep Together' Scenario, Right?" (E) calrissian18 | 4,854 | Scott steeled himself and said tightly, “I think we should have sex.” There was no amount of practicing the words that could have prepared him for actually saying them. The way they hung there itched at his skin. Stiles’ head whipped around. He blinked, eyes widening. “Charlie what now?”
"The Killer in Me is the Killer in You" (E) by Loz | 21,327 | Nothing has ever felt as horrific as seeing the look of betrayal in Stiles’ eyes as Scott sinks his teeth into his wrist.
"Let's Think of Each Other and Hesitate" (M) by Loz | 4,944 | Perhaps it was a mistake to try to surprise Stiles like this. He doesn’t know what his reaction will be. He’s always happy to FaceTime, but there’s still distance between them, metaphorical as well as physical. Maybe Stiles has been enjoying this separation from his old life, and seeing Scott in person again will bring all the old horrors back.
"Trying Hard to Keep This Warmth In" (T) by Loz | 1,646 | The thing about them being best friends is that they’re always touching.
"Sensitivity to Scent" (T) by RarePairFairy | 2,392 | Scott is used to Stiles being a werewolf. He's used to Stiles being tactile. But he's not used to Stiles being a tactile werewolf, and somehow, that's different.
"Into Me (See?)" (T) by deathgetsusall & mrsvc | 7,735 | "We still on for this Friday? Sleepover at my place?" Scott almost crashes the cart into Stiles' heels. Scott's not ready, though, to face spending so much uninterrupted time with Stiles, not yet. He's got too many thoughts running around his head, and he'll either embarrass himself, or do something stupid. Like tell him everything.
"scott/stiles twitter fic" (M) mrsvc & rospeaks | 1,725 | series of short bits where scott and stiles make out (and more!) before the series starts.
"Whatever the mess you are (you're mine, okay?)" (E) by queerly_it_is | 4,478 | Scott has no idea what they’re doing. Well, okay he knows what they’re doing, it’s just… how do you wrap the right definition around ‘I’m screwing around with the guy who’s my brother except we aren’t really related’?
More to be added.
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finnban · 3 months
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Hello, Everyone.
So this video is just based on the original Netflix series, SONIC PRIME. I'm pretty sure everyone has watched it already. I did too. However, I've gotten the word from a viewer telling me the whole story was not as clear as all the Sonic fans think. This Sonic doesn't match with the other Sonic's we knew over his franchise history. Many would probably think whatever they've expected while watching it was gonna be included in, like on the posters for example, but nothing ever went through. Some of us also went sad or ill right after watching the whole thing as well, only mentally in this case.
This version of SONIC PRIME is somewhat of an idea that I made, like I made it as if it were to be a sequel series. I don't think any of you understood what a sequel series is; it's like when like in the Harry Potter series is just based on movie-limited time recordings, but this way is different. This sequel series I'm expressing is based on tv-show-limited time recordings. Or it can just be a two hour 30 minute animated movie. Anyway, this version explains Shadow the Hedgehog's side of the story, but not in the format that follows the original's story. Everything was back to normal, but this time, the adventure takes place all in the Green Hill dimension.
But first, before we get into the little informative synopsis of Shadow's story, I want you to take a look at the cast of characters here:
0:15 Ian Hanlin as Shadow The Hedgehog
Shadow is a black and red striped hedgehog, also known as the ultimate lifeform, whose air shoes allow his speed to rival Sonic's. He wields the Chaos Emerald around to control space and time, and can also use it to drag him up to higher speed. He crosses paths with Rouge The Bat, and hooks up with her, going on day-by-day dates that last very quickly having their bonds form into romance. He suddenly realizes Sonic and his friends were blasted into the sky after a big ground rumbling explosion. All of Sonic and friends were thrown up into the sky out of Green Hill. He assures Rouge, Umbra, Blaze and Omega to join him to save Sonic, his friends and the crystals in various other unfamiliar areas.
1:15 Kazumi Evans as Rouge The Bat
Rouge is a jewel-loving anthropomorphic bat who works as a spy. She crosses paths with Shadow and starts going on day-by-day dates with him until she has completely fallen in love with him. She teams up with him, alongside Umbra, Blaze and Omega to save all the crystals in Greenhill, Sonic and his friends.
1:51 Finn Ban as E-123 Omega
Omega is Eggman’s formally abused red robot whose intent was to annihilate him and his evil schemes. He is given a chip which activates him to interact with others acting and sounding like a regular person would. He joins Shadow, Rouge, Umbra, and Blaze to Sonic, his friend’s and all the stolen crystals. He is considered to be one of the strongest robots he is when fighting all of the other robots he comes across.
2:08 Andrew Francis as Umbra the Wolf
Umbra is an anthropomorphic wolf who has the ability to use red-colored, static electricity to control the strength of any opponents’ powers and weakens them. He can glide in thin air and the sky, wearing a wingsuit, and hover boots to boost controlled speed. He can snap his fingers to stop and start time. He equips with his team with a couple of gadgets he made. His booster items are amethyst crystals, which he plunges them into his chest, and then he grows more strength. He can also use his power to make various electrified weapons, such as, whips, nunchucks, and big red explosive overhead bowling balls, etc.
2:52 Britt McKillip as Blaze the Cat
Blaze is a purple cat princess from an alternate dimension. She has been appointed as guardian of the Sol Emeralds. She ends up, finding herself, not having any other gems left in her dimension and discovers a cloak figure passing through. And into another dimension through a dark purple whole. She travels through to Green Hill and teams up with shadow and the rest of his crew to save them.
And now for the synopsis:
Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Umbra & Blaze bark on an adventure to save all the stolen crystals, Sonic and his friends. All of Sonic and his friends have been blasted into the sky by an explosion and separately land in various unfamiliar areas nobody knows about. All the crystals were stolen by a cloak figure who dimensionally teleports into other worlds, and other land areas.
Furthermore, if any of you guys want to help make more ideas for the story, the link is here:
Also, subscribe to my other social media platforms down below:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/finnban23?igsh=enp2bnBxcjFoM3Ji&utm_source=qr
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Just remember, have a great day, and good luck finding ways to make your miracles happen. I wish you all the best.
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commsroom · 6 months
I'm really glad for all the love you've put into w359 fanworks. every time I see you post about it, my heart glows a little.
I'd originally felt that way while listening to the show, and your interpretation & vision feels so tightly knit to the source material. you even go farther in your explicit discussions about hera, her autonomy, her emotional depth, her treatment by other characters, and her arc as a trans allegory
totally understand why you might feel embarrassed, but I wanted you to know: thank you 💜
oh, that's so sweet of you to say!! i'm honored you think so.
i genuinely think there's a case to be made that eiffel/hera is as canon as the parameters for romance in wolf 359 allow it to be. like: gabriel urbina's policy was always "never confirm or deny 'on-screen' romance unless absolutely necessary" and from the AMAs we know they at least discussed it with regard to eiffel and hera, though we'll never know how that conversation went. it's not really a secret that sarah shachat and zach valenti, at least, viewed it that way. i still think about zach saying (paraphrased) that he thinks his non-answer is an answer, because if he didn't ship them, he could just say so.
and that's kind of how i feel about eiffel/hera within canon. like. anybody at all familiar with shows the wolf 359 writers like (especially things like btvs and farscape) can tell you there are plenty of scenes that mirror and meta-textually reference scenes from other shows. both gabriel urbina and sarah shachat were huge fans of the new doctor who, and whatever you believe the intent was, i find it hard to believe they didn't at least know they were evoking "if it's my last chance to say it, rose tyler, i-" with "and hera. hera, i-" it's what isn't said, the fact it has to be left unsaid, that speaks the loudest.
and anyway, talking about hera and romance / sexuality is especially interesting to me because it's not a given for her. it's not assumed to be something she should want or can have, and the way that intersects with her canon disability and with readings of her as a trans woman re: autonomy and desirability is very interesting (and very personal) to me, especially in the broader context of stories about AI women. but that's a topic for another post.
it's not a new observation by any means, but i think there can be a tendency to treat romance as separate from character analysis, and that's always sat poorly with me. romance isn't unique in either a good or a bad way, it's just... one type of relationship people can have. i think a lot about the unique approach wolf 359 has to romance because, while i understand why a lot of people would find the lack of romantic subplots refreshing, the characters aren't written to be intentionally disinterested in sex or romance (in some cases, textually... the opposite, even), so much as the writing carefully skirts around it. and... i don't know! there's something fascinating there.
obviously, i think you can recognize what's important about eiffel and hera's relationship (that it's the most equal one hera has ever had, that he has no real hierarchy over her or expectations for her other than companionship, how they share values and mutually support each other, etc.) without needing that to be romantic. and i think you can even acknowledge there's some degree of romantic intent without being invested like i am or "shipping" them. but i do think there's some intent there, and i think the the themes of the show can be expanded in some interesting ways to explore that beyond the intentional ambiguity of it. if you want to.
i would also never deny having an emotional bias here!! complete objectivity is never possible because we always bring parts of ourselves to our interpretations of art, and that's only amplified by how close to my heart wolf 359 is as a story. but i do really want to communicate, to the best of my ability, how much love i have for the show and how much thought i put into it. and i definitely don't mind being known for my love of eiffel/hera; they're my favorite characters from anything ever, both individually and together. but i do get kinda embarrassed when i talk about them too much, because it's not that i don't have plenty of thoughts about every other character and aspect of the show, it's just... that they are close to my heart in a particular way. anyway. i really appreciate it, thank you!!
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I will never stop reading too deeply into Anthony's character voices. You know like how its a thing in writing where its like a character has a color or thing associated with them and then another character starts to take on those things because of the way the first affected them?? Yea, that.
Anyway so I'm obsessed with Lark and Willy sharing a character voice. Sparrow also has a very similar voice to Bear'Ry. I think its really interesting how much the twins more resemble the o-dads then their own father. Grant mentions that Lark was often the leader and decision maker due to him being very aggressive and scary. He would intimidated and threaten people into getting his way which is a very Willy Stampler Move. Lark and Willy are both very emotively flat unless they are yelling/excited(?). We see this in Lark even back in s1 where he's very flat and monotone when talking to Henry. Sparrow is obviously more like Bear'Ry even back when they were kids. He beats the shit out of Terry Jr because he technically got consent and immediately tries to restart the cult in oakvale but for Henry. I actually think Henry accidentally fucked up very bad by equating being a "love wolf" to violence. I think the intention was that violence can be okay if its for the right reasons but instead Sparrow took it as "violence is ok as long as you appear nice". He openly admits that being mean and condescending is his whole thing which is like 80% of Bear'Ry's whole personality outside of butthole tanning and tbh we have no proof that Sparrow doesn't also do that. I also think that Sparrow not being proud of Normal, who's ya know a freak but is still just a normal kid but being proud of Hero, the kid he abused and shaped for her whole life is inductive of that good ol' oak control freak shit.
Thats about as far as this current half thought is going
Anyway Autumn and Willy have the same voice and she shows extremely obvious narcissistic and abusive behaviors and the only reason I think Anthony pulled back on her being terrible was cuz Will wasn't matching that energy but its still canon to me goodbyyyyyyyeee
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magnolia-sunrise · 4 months
i was wondering like. at what specific point could wolfgang be sure that bastien likes them afterall. i think iirc you might have mentioned they propositioned him pretty early on and kept a sense of intrigue anyways, i guess this could be a really specific moment in time? what signal made them go 'wait a minute this guy is into me afterall'
second specific question u mentioned wolf would have been in other relationships during these many years they spent w bastien. i guess these are multiple questions, would wolfs other partners notice that theyre somewhere else with their mind? would bastien be jealous or sad or just resign hinself to it? would wolf want for bastien to be jealous or is it more like. happenstance. does this make sense asking like this??
ahh thank you so much for sending this! it is a rare treat to be able to talk about this backstory stuff a bit more <3
lets see, first question, to start off i wrote out a sort of timeline of their acquaintance over 8 years in this post . you remember right, Wolfgang propositions him when they actually get to meet for the second time and talk for a while. they can tell he is kind and selfless in a way that many humans aren't, and also, more importantly, he's hot (and he did save their life and they're very grateful). Bastien politely declines as he's in a comitted relationship with Matteo at that point already (and still very much in love with him), but its fair to say theres a lot of mutual physical attraction, and it's very fun for Wolfgang to flirt with him and tease him through the years as they grow closer.
Bastien falls in love first, but he's also become very good at hiding those feelings and putting them away into a drawer somewhere far away in his heart. iirc i haven't talked about what would've been *The* moment for Wolf - they have an affection for him, but i think it takes them a few months to catch up on the fact there's something more, that his touch is softer, more tender perhaps.
but there is this event that happens early on when the actual story would kick off, around year 7/8 of them knowing each other, when they witness something really gruesome and in their attempt to follow the perpetrators they get hurt, but its significantly worse on their mental state - they can't unsee the things they saw and they grieve the lives they could've saved if they were faster. in that state they drag themself to the clinic late in the night and only Bastien is there. he takes care of their wounds as usual, except nothing is really 'as usual' anymore, and they can't stop sobbing through it. it's probably the most vulnerable they've ever been with him at that point. Bastien doesn't come home that night, he stays with them and holds them without asking questions. he knows he shouldn't but he can't bear to send them away. from that time i think Wolf finally understood just how much Bastien loves them, even though he tries to hide it. (he is even so good at hiding it that Élise tries to talk some sense into Wolfgang and that they shouldn't pine after him because it's a lost cause)
second question -- this is a bit tricky because its my fault for being the unreliable narrator here who hyperfixates on the "main love interest" in Bastien, without showing much of other people in either of their lives. in the early years, Bastien is not necessarily the most important person in their life at all - he's intriguing, sure, and he's attractive and they become genuine friends but that takes years, and Wolfgang knows other interesting and hot people they fuck and date in the meantime. one of their previous partners they actually meet at the clinic (another android patient). they also maintain a kind of fun friends with paid benefits relationship with Élise. so i would say they very much pay their full attention to whoever they're with, and their primary intent is definitely not concerned with thinking about what Bastien might feel about it. at least initially.
does Bastien feel jealous? oh yes, even though i don't think he would be able to identify that emotion correctly. more than once he sees them making out with someone or other in the alley behind the clinic and he can't help but feel - well - he gets angry at himself mostly, full of jealousy and envy, and then pushes it all down. he probably thinks he deserves to feel miserable and guilty.
when they get to the point they're both aware of their mutual feelings, Wolfgang doesn't really even have time to pursue any relationships. at most they fuck their friends, but the emotional mess that's between them and Bastien just keeps getting messier and more desperate, and they don't want to seriously involve anyone else in it. it's bad enough that Bastien still lives and sleeps with Matteo. in a moment of spiteful weakness maybe they would try to make him feel jealous of them sleeping with someone else, but all it does is just make them both more miserable so there's not really a point to it - it wouldn't change Bastien's decision. their worst fear is losing him as a friend, they can't push too much and they can't leave either. so for months they're both trapped in this mutual misery of yearning and lingering touches and things left unsaid until it all boils over
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doverstar · 2 months
Love the way you write your characters! Rose doesn't seem dumb at all! She's obviously got a lot in her mind and stress so sure she may not make the smartest decisions (ie not calling backup, following a stranger into a house) but it's not far from what we've seen in the show???
Thanks so much! Your thoughtful Ask has given me somewhere to word-vomit and process; excuse me while I do so-
The way I’m writing Rose is very intentional. And if that makes her seem OOC, that’s on me! She is very canonically smart and resourceful, but she’s not perfect - I never like her more than when she’s being incredibly emotional instead of being incredibly clever, or when she’s scared instead of being a confident girlboss, but she’s fighting through the fear anyway to save the day. I like Rose best because of how human and relatable she is. That’s what makes her remarkable as a companion - she’s the perfect equal to the Doctor because she’s not like the Doctor. She doesn’t figure things out right away, she doesn’t always do the wisest thing. And sometimes those are the things about her that help others most. She’s the most ordinary girl in the world - Doctor Who really needs that. And I’m trying my best to keep her in-character in that vein specifically!
I tried to communicate (maybe poorly!) in Lost and Rewritten that the reason Rose doesn’t immediately see the truth: that Will is the regenerated Doctor hiding out with his new companions, chemically engineered into believing he’s human - besides the fact that hi, who would put that together right away? - is because she doesn’t want to.
For Rose, Lost and Rewritten takes place only a year after Doomsday. Rose’s narration at the end of Doomsday is despondent - it’s implied that she doesn’t get hopeful again, doesn’t try to find the Doctor again, until at least like…two (???) years later canonically, when the stars start going out and Torchwood starts building the dimension cannon so she can get the Doctor’s help saving the universes. And bonus, she can finally go back to him.
So - Rose is fresh off of Bad Wolf Bay in LAR. She just lost the Doctor a year ago. She’s still in mourning, in a way. She’s spent a year convincing herself not to address that pain, because the Doctor himself told her they can’t ever see each other again, so how can she hope? There is no hope, it’s over. If she hopes, she gets hurt by the disappointment of those hopes. So for a year she’s built a little wall around herself and not cried and not socialized and just carried on, because the alternative is active misery and that’s too much. She thinks the best thing to do for now is to focus on her job at Torchwood and not expect the Doctor to burst back into her life at every little otherworldly encounter. It’s not obliviousness; it’s willful ignorance. Rose is choosing not to entertain the idea that the Doctor could come back -
Except that she totally is. In spite of herself. Because she’s Rose. She loves him and she’s selfish and she can’t help hoping he’d find a way back in spite of the danger. She can’t just give up on him or forget him.
But of course she’s not expecting him to have regenerated if he does show up. Of course she’s not expecting him to think he’s human. She’s seen all kinds of weird things, so Amy and Rory and Will and the Angels being intertwined, that she can believe, fine. (She even tested out the Void detector on Will and decided on her own that it was faulty.) But Will being the Doctor? Why would her brain make that connection until it’s super obvious? She’s just not there mentally. Not because she’s slow - I never meant to imply that she was stupid - but because she’s not willing to expect something like that. She’d be expecting Ten. She’s smart, and she’s capable, and she’s amazing, but she’s also a normal human being. That’s why her character is so great, I think.
Even with all Rose’s foreknowledge, I wrote LAR in such a place and time from her POV that immediately seeing the truth right in front of her was not an option. I personally don’t think she’d make all the right connections right away. And in a situation full of panic and confusion, she has been canonically shown to get stumped and maybe even give up until given the right push.
But I dunno - I mean, I’m explaining my train of thought, but my characterization could be off. I’m just trying to do what I’ve seen the show do with Rose. If she’s not brave, funny, kind, clever, selfish, human, she’s not herself. She’s a Mary Sue. But she’s one of my very favorite characters of all time, so you can see how I’d hate doing her an injustice.
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galvanizedfriend · 3 months
hi, yokan <3
I read that in Brazil there's a week-break because of carnival, therefore I hope you're finally having a bit of rest!
I was wondering if you could post an outtake with the klaroeve scene? from you comment I understood that there was more than that little scene in the latest chapter, and I would LOVE to read it!
sorry if I sound rude or pressuring, it's not my intention at all :(( I'm just Eve's third parent, I need more scenes with my babygirl being adorable 😭😭
I totally get why you don't put more of her in the main story. I ALWAYS say that babyplots are terrible due to a lot of factors, one of them being the constant present of a baby who basically does nothing (rightfully, since, yk, it went out of the whomb last year) and that adds nothing to the plot but just terrible fan service.
I think most people would agree with this, maybe even you!
HOWEVER, my little wolf/fish/mermaid is THE exception and I would love to see more of her, and, since u have a series dedicated to those fluffy moments that don't exactly fits with the plot, I really wish you will post something there 😭😭
sorry for bothering you, I hope you'll have a good day!
totally off-topic but I also read some of your comments in Portuguese (AT LEAST I think it's Portuguese 😭) and I understood like 80% of it, privileges of being Italian ‼‼ so lol now you really can't escape me >:)
Yes, it's Carnaval right now! It's a nearly weak-long holiday, but it sadly ends on Wednesday. 😢 And I was technically on call yesterday, so 😂 But I am very much enjoying not doing anything 🤷‍♀️
About the baby thing, yes. 😂 I've been so lucky to get some passionate readers almost from the start with this fic and to have people who are still reading it a ton of years later, but I've also had to read some very mean things over the years that have stuck with me. It has made me extremely self-conscious about this story. I sometimes find myself almost apologizing for writing it, like I'm commiting some kind of crime against fandom or like I should be banned for inflicting this upon people for as long as I have. I wish I could be the kind of person who just doesn't care and remains blissfully unbothered, but I'm not. I'm not a naturally confident person in any way, and that kind of thing does get to me.
It's gotten better, of course. I care a lot less now than I used to, and the fic is not as popular as it was a few years ago either, so there's that But some of that stuff has just ingrained itself into my brain. Objectively I know this is stupid and I don't owe anybody anything, I don't have to apologize for writing a fanfiction for god's sake. There's room for everyone in fandom. I can have a corner to rewrite the show and have a magical Klaroline baby, fuck it. Who cares, you know? But it's almost stronger than me sometimes, I don't realize I'm doing it. I get this feeling that I need to be more critical otherwise people are going to think it's ridiculous and OOC and nobody's gonna want to read it anymore and etc etc. It's exhausting. And it's obviously nobody's fault, it's just me in my own head, but that's how it goes.
The scene you're talking about in particular. I had it written years ago. Literal years, maybe 2021 or early 2022. Some of my friends had even already read it a loooong time before the chapter was finished. And I was convinced that it was so cute and totally fine. Then as I wrapping up the chapter, I started getting this itch that it was actually ridiculous and the folks who had read it didn't say anything because they were being nice, they didn't want to hurt my feelings, and I had to get delete it. So I did. In all truth, I think the chapter is more polished like this. But then I removed a family scene and ended up writing smut that also had no place in the chapter, so. 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, I'm sorry for the rambly response. 🥲 I'll tell you this: I will read the deleted scene again and if I feel it's not dumpster-fire bad, I will post it here. But I need to check it first, because there is chance that it's not just my paranoid head telling me to get rid of the baby scenes and it really is just that bad. 😂
And as for the last part, yes, it's Portuguese. It's my native language. And it's so funny how Italian, Spanish and Portuguese can be so similar. I understand Spanish much better than Italian, but I do get some of it as well. Latin languages 🤜🤛 (except French, I don't understand French at all 😂)
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And here it is, the long-awaited design sheet for Areyan/Arslan that... admittedly took much longer than it should have. But in my sincere defense, med school is a bitch.
We'll jump right into it, with his first outfit design. You'll notice that it's styled more after Shapur's attires in his design sheet that I've shared before, along with the third design. And that's intentional.
Arslan pretty much switches between the two styles— his father's (probably the regional fashion) and the clan's— with ease in his daily life, though he wears this sort of thing when the situation requires that he lean into an aspect of his identity that is “marzban Shapur's son, Isfan's brother” aka part of the ruling family of those lands. Especially so after the... ordeal that went down in Ecbatana, when Shapur is whisked away to Sindhura on a campaign to solve the issue of the threat looming from the east, Isfan has to step up into his elder brother's role while he's gone, and Arslan pretty much slots into a rough somewhat equivalent of Isfan's role in assisting his brother take care of the region. The colour of his coat reflects that, the same colour as the cloaks (and coats, as you shall see with Isfan's design sheet that I have yet to begin) that his father and brother wear, the family colour. It is my headcanon that purple is a household/family colour, and it's often worn as an outermost layer of garments when the wearer has to be out in public or receiving guests or stuff that requires them to be seen by people not part of the household, to signify where they belong.
The soft browns and earthy tones on the other hand, echo and complement Isfan specifically— as I associate him with autumnal earthy tones such as burnt orange and browns and such for reasons unknown to me outside of “they look good on him”— Arslan's pretty much imitating his brother to, again, pretty much be a signal that he's part of the ruling household of this particular region in Gorgan, specifically acting on behalf of the heir, the person currently taking care of it in the lord's absence.
Aside from that, though...
Let me just say that wolves are territorial.
Isfan isn't enthused about people from various factions (fake Crown Princes popping up like shrooms after rain) trying to either snatch Arslan or kill him.
That's his brother. Back the fuck off. He's ours.
That's basically what this thing is communicating, lol.
And of course, there are wolves on his coat! I'll leave the wolf stuff for Isfan's sheet instead, so that this thing doesn't get too long. I tried to evoke the feel of the moon too, albeit somewhat indirectly.
Though this outfit leans really heavily into one half of his family, that doesn't mean it neglects the other side either— it's just... a little more subtle.
For example, the silhouette of his coat, it's the same as the coat Ranna wears (just longer than hers), and one that Kashi loved to wear as well. And he wears a bird feather as an earring on one ear, and though his bird familiar/companion isn't a blue bird (it's a pigeon. yes, a pigeon. I'll get to it later) I gave him a blue feather anyways because hey, that's his colour! It echoes how Gieve wore an earring of an animal paw on one ear. That little dark orange ish line? Yeah, it's not very noticeable but I was thinking of both Isfan and Kazai when I chose the colour.
Next we move onto his second outfit, and this is one that swung the opposite direction on the pendulum, basically. He wears this sort of clan-styled stuff when he's acting in the capacity of a clan child, an apprentice healer.
First off, the blue layer, you'll have noticed that it's styled the same way as his uncle's, Kazai's. That's a clan style of garment, in a vibrant blue that I associate with Arslan. The embroidery details on that layer, I... kinda plucked it straight from Gieve's crest, lol. Two arrow-tails (for the archers in the family— grandma Eihon, Kazai with his crossbow, Farangis, Gieve), green for Farangis and a burnt orange for once again, Isfan, and a saffron/crocus flower in the middle.
I won't go into detail here because I have already gone over the saffron stuff here over in Ranna's sheet, but I will extract some relevant parts that I think could be repeated.
So a while ago, I had the idea of associating either Ranna or Arslan with saffron/saffron flowers— saffron is precious, and the flowers bloom in autumn. One would be associated with saffron, and the other would be associated with “autumn crocus/meadow saffron” which is actually not saffron at all and instead is poisonous, even.
Pretty neat plan, except I kept going back and forth on who would be which flower. Because on one hand Ranna is secret royalty and it'd make sense for her to be associated with the expensive and precious saffron, Arslan the fake saffron, but on the other hand I ended up linking venom/poison and Ranna (the scorpion, poisoned weaponry), and Arslan ended up embodying a lot of saffron symbolism...
So I decided, fuck it, imma just leave it ambiguous. Figure this shit out yourselves 😭 [...] The meadow saffron I talked about? Iirc it's a colchicum, not a true crocus.
This could work in a reference to the family purple I mentioned above:
“Purple, the traditional color of royalty, is tied to gracefulness, dignity, and personal success. It’s great for symbolize someone’s recent accomplishments or to celebrate their many years of service or partnership. Darker shades in particular have a strong association with the wisdom of experience.”
And while white crocuses aren't featured on his actual clothes, white is a design I associate with him in general:
“White, the purest and most versatile flower color of them all. A bouquet of Crocuses in this color can indicate a humble approach or wishes of condolences for someone in grief. This color is commonly associated with funerals in some cultures, but it’s also used for weddings due to its ties to purity and elegance in others.”
He's a person who's not all high and mighty, not prideful of his status, and instead someone who approaches people humbly and makes many friends as a result. He ends up causing his family quite a lot of grief even though he didn't intend it, firstly by being “stolen” by Shapur and leaving Kazai to frantically search for his lost nibling, and then by having so frail of a health that Isfan and Shapur were constantly afraid he was going to die in his first few years of life until the clan came into the picture, and then by almost dying in Ecbatana and remaining comatose afterwards in a tug-of-war against death.
He was also born on the day his birth parents died, making him a... funeral flower, of sorts. A small silver lining in the tragedy that occured, a small thing of comfort for Shapur left in the absence of the two friends he held dear. The same also applies for his uncle, Kazai.
On a less bleak note though, crocus flowers also represent something like hope:
“It is most commonly associated with spring, renewal, and rebirth due to its growth during the winter or early spring. Autumn blooming crocuses may inspire some artists and writers to use it as a symbol of hope in the face of loss or death instead. These varieties can be some of the last flowers to bloom, making them a reminder of the spring to come.”
Both the saffron flower and the poisonous meadow saffron bloom in autumn— he becomes somewhat of a symbol of resistance and hope for people after the stunt he pulled in Ecbatana, and he was born in autumn as well. (I've got Thoughts™ about the calendar but that's a topic for another day) The season associated with his uncle is also autumn, but the season associated with his adoptive father is spring, instead.
He wears a wolf-and-moon brooch with it, wolves are ever-present in his garments, both for his brother and his mother, Kashi. She had wolves for familiars, and he too has a wolf companion. Again, I'll leave a deep-dive for another day with Isfan's design sheet.
And then the outermost layer, it's a soft green, and it's what the clan healers wear— maybe not this exact shade of green, it would vary a bit, but it's in the same general neighborhood, as green is the colour of healing and growth, and it's a way to honor all the plants they use in their medicinal concoctions.
Here he wears another brooch, this time a chestnut-leaved oak leaf, the same leaves as on the sleeves.
I mostly picked that tree because of a geographical factor, those trees are found in that region, even though the actual symbolism is pulled from a more general oak.
“Quercus castaneifolia, the chestnut-leaved oak, is a species of oak in the turkey oak section Quercus sect. Cerris. It is native to the Caucasus and Alborz mountains of Iran, and resembles the closely related Turkey Oak in appearance.”
“A specimen of Quercus castaneifolia found in the Hyrcanian forest of northern Iran on 29. April 2021 by Alireza Naqinezhad is considered to be the tallest oak in the world.”
The second one doesn't really serve any purpose, I just thought it was cool. (Could it be a Heart Tree that the clan rituals and stuff are centered around? Maybe.)
Now onto the oak symbolism:
“The use of oak for food was paralleled by its use for other purposes. Acorns were used for food, but other parts of the tree were used for medicine, fuel, shelter, and art, as oaks became the ‘tree of life’ or the ‘frame of civilization’. For example, almost all prehistoric pile dwellings built along the shores of lakes during the Bronze Age were made of oak logs. Oaks clearly facilitated the establishment of human populations in Europe, and humans returned the favor, contributing to the considerable expansion of oak populations across the continent. Subsistence relationships led to values and virtues being associated with trees, which ultimately became symbols in societies, or to the association of sacred beings with trees in religions. The shared history of humans and oaks also generated cultural and emotional relationships that translated into symbols or were incorporated into religious beliefs and mythology. Oaks were associated with the most important gods (e.g. Zeus, Jupiter and Thor) in the mythology of ancient Greece, Rome and Germany, and were often used to represent the axis mundi, the center of the world, in Celtic and Germanic cultures. Since the earliest ties between humans and oaks, a very strong symbolic image of oaks has developed in which these trees have become associated with longevity, strength, stability, endurance, fertility, power, justice, and honesty.”
It's the tree of life aspect that I really want to lean into, and how it was used as medicine:
“Oak bark was also used for many medicinal practices due to its strong astringent properties. Drank in the form of a tea and it was known to treat diarrhoea and dysentery. Applied topically to the skin and it would treat inflamed wounds and skin disorders such as eczema.”
But they also resonate with the clan's values and such in particular as well, of shelter and cooperation and community. It's an old species of tree with lots of history, and well, the Marda is also an ancient people with loaded history. And their thing of taking in runaways and castaways is reminiscent of oak trees being an important shelter, both for humans and other species.
“Oak trees are an ecosystem within themselves, they provide food, shelter and life for many species of wildlife. The acorns from the oak tree are nutritious and have been previously been used to combat food shortages, whether that be for livestock or human consumption.”
Similar to how I chose Ayunnen to be seated under a hornbeam tree in this ficlet (the explanation can be seen in this post), the oak tree really does fit like a glove for the clan people, especially the healers under Eihon's tutelage.
It is not a coincidence that his tattoos are more visible in this attire, either! It is by design easier for the tattoos to be visible when he wears clan style clothing. And his sash, you might notice that it mimics Kazai's design #2— the style of the household staff, and purple, his family's colour, marking him as theirs the same way Kazai chose to be, though he tucked it into itself. He works closely with the household staff, and it's a subtle way of associating himself with them.
Moving onto his third outfit, this one is definitely the simplest, a soft yellow that kinda imitates the off-white yellow of the palace staff. It's not like he wouldn't wear it back at home, it's just that this kind of thing got kinda emphasized when he was regularly visiting the palace library to look at medicinal texts, and healing the palace staff and that sort of thing. It's probably not made of silk, can you imagine wearing silk in Ecbatana's hot weather? But yeah it's probably made of some material that'll keep him a bit cooler. It's in the same style as his father yet again, so that “none will doubt that you are my son” in Shapur's own words, he's wary about letting Arslan visit Ecbatana, a bit. Arslan can always throw on a coat in the family purple, I just chose to exclude it since I already included one in his first design. The pattern on it resembles water, since water is an element I heavily associate Arslan with, symbolizing wisdom, life and rebirth, nurturing, source of life, cleansing, soothing, depth, and healing.
There's the thing on his sleeve, the outer border of Isfan and Shapur's crests, left blank because Arslan has yet to receive a crest. He has not come of age, after all. And he's still wearing the oak leaf brooch even though there's no one that'd recognize it as an indication that he's a mage-healer of the Marda clan (it's better if people don't, anyways) because he takes pride in his family, his people, his healing.
I used a base without the scars and tattoos since I wanted to showcase that this was what he wore in Ecbatana before all that nonsense went down.
And then the fourth and final— the ceremonial spirit dancer dress. There's actually not that much to say that hasn't been covered already in Kazai's sheet, but here's the rest of the stuff I got.
There's a stylized wolf snowflake thing on each sleeve because of course there is, the three tassels on his necklace are his three elder siblings (Farangis, Isfan, and Gieve, in that order), the piece that they're attached to a green that made me think of the healers (I wish I'd chosen a brighter green, though) and above that, purple for... you know who it's for. Then there's the moon(s), and light lilac/purple beads. The white detailing on the blue part of his bodice— I was kinda thinking of Shapur's crest when designing it, though of course they don't resemble each other all that much. I don't know if you can see it, but the flower detailing on his earring also made me think of his father's crest. The pendant thing on his waist, I was trying to draw the stylized pine tree I did for Kazai's necklace, but somehow it came out... too round and lumpy to be a pine tree. Ah well, at least it looks like a tree.
Giving him a red sash for this felt... wrong. I tried, but it kept looking off no matter how many shades I tried, so I gave him a sash the same colour as the night-sky thing on Kazai's ceremonial dress. Dark as his eyes. Dark as the midnight sky. I was gonna add the star-snowflakes too but... I got tired, and hey this looks nice enough anyways.
And now... his tattoos.
Boy how long is this post already?
There's the two water waves on his collarbone region, two water waves that resemble wings. One of his nicknames here in this AU is “little bird” and he has a bird companion both here and in canon— though his AU bird companion is a pigeon. We'll get to that. The symbol between the two “wings” is the center part of his father's crest, with the “petals” removed.
On his left arm, several feathers floating on a wave of water, I've already explained why I chose water so I'll get onto the feathers.
So you see, the feathers started out as those of one particular bird that ended up... not working out. So just think of them as pigeon feathers now. Or owl feathers, to reference an old abandoned AU where he had an owl. But pigeon! I ended up picking pigeon because... they were domesticated animals, our companions for such a long stretch of history, and then they just... got abandoned and considered as pests when they were no longer useful to humans and that... that made me sad! So to make myself not-sad I decided to give him a pigeon! Siiiiigh.
Worry not, though. They aren't without symbolism either. I prepared.
“Pigeons are symbolic of fertility and prosperity, fortune, luck, and transformation. They’re said to be one of the first bird species to be domesticated by humans and have been friends to us since ancient times. These birds are also symbolic of persistence, harmony and well-being, mercy and forgiveness, and freedom.”
Fits Arslan pretty well, doesn't it? And he kinda ended up being some sort of good-luck bringer to Gorgan since his attachment to Shapur was what made the clan stay and they've been helping this place out with harvests and stuff ever since.
And the flowers on his torso... Well, it's gonna be a bit of a journey— I don't know which journey will be longer, this or the pine sapling on his right arm.
“The yarrow flower is associated with both healing and love. Yarrow flower meaning and symbolism in floral terminology relates to healing, and it comes from Greek legend. The genus name Achillea is derived from mythical Greek character Achilles, who reportedly carried it with his army to treat battle wounds. The specific epithet millefolium as well as the common names milfoil and thousand leaf come from the featherlike leaves which are minutely divided. Yarrow, also known as soldier’s wound wort, military plant, and knight’s milfoil, is a symbol of courage, specifically amid wartime. Wearing the blossoms is also supposed to bring safety and bravery. In addition to the fabled Achilles, battlefield medics in the American Civil War used mashed plants and flowers to treat gunshot wounds.”
“A. millefolium was used in traditional medicine, in part due to its astringent properties and the mild laxative effect of its leaves. Yarrow and its North American varieties were traditionally used by many Native American nations. The Navajo historically considered it a "life medicine" and chewed the plant for toothaches and used its infusions for earaches. The Miwok in California used the plant as an analgesic and head cold remedy. Native American nations used the plant for healing cuts and abrasions, relief from earaches and throat infections, as well as for an eyewash. Common yarrow was used by Plains indigenous peoples to reduce pain or fever and aid sleep. In the early 20th century, some Ojibwe people used a decoction of yarrow leaves on hot stones and inhaled it to treat headaches, or applied decoctions of the root onto skin for its stimulating effect. In the Middle Ages, yarrow was part of a herbal mixture known as gruit used in the flavoring of beer prior to the use of hops. The flowers and leaves are used in making some liquors.”
“There are many other Yarrow flowers meaning and symbolism references. Yarrow’s flower meaning was discovered in Neanderthal tombs where ancient ancestors consider them holy flowers. The Druids are also supposed to have used vine stems and limbs in their ceremonies to predict what will happen and the climate. Some people in medieval Europe use them to invite or expel malevolent entities. Dreaming of Yarrows signifies that somebody will receive positive news. Some yarrow-related practices, such as combusting dried herbs as fragrances in the expectation of flooding the house with joy and affection. Placing flowers in hot baths to obtain magic abilities are all still done today.”
“Other names implying its historical use in healing—particularly in the military—include bloodwort, knight's milfoil, staunchweed, and, from its use in the United States Civil War, soldier's woundwort. Its use in either starting or stopping nosebleeds led to the common name nosebleed.”
“Yarrow is best known for it's ability to stop bleeding and heal skin wounds. Historically, the leaves are chewed up and then used as a poultice on top of wounds to help stop bleeding.”
So as you can see, yarrow has a strong association with healing and medicine, particularly known for stopping bleeding. When Arslan was in Ecbatana, he consumed a lot of energizing pills— which had a safeguard built in that basically makes it necessary for the pill-taker to sleep off the extra energy they obtain, for example if one pill gave you an hour's worth of energy, the person needs to sleep for an hour when the effect wears off, so that the body wouldn't be pushed past its reasonable limits. Arslan, he... took a whole bunch of them without sleeping it off, and the “debt” kept piling up and up and up, and then he got captured and tortured by the Lusitanians, at which point his body went on an energy conservation mode aka a coma to keep him just barely alive. There wasn't enough energy for the body to heal itself, it needs energy for that, all bodies do, for the natural course of the body repairing itself. If it was too late, he wouldn't have made it but anyways, the fact that his body didn't have enough energy to heal itself, it meant that it couldn't stop bleeding for a long-ass time. It took a lot to prevent him from dying of blood loss. So the yarrow tattoo is... in a way, it's a charm, with the hope that he won't have to bleed so much again. Does it have magical properties? Probably, but to a limited extent.
As for the colours of the yarrow tattoos:
“Friendship, kindness, joy, festivity, and positivity are all represented by the yellow color of the blossom. These flowers can be sent to loved ones on special occasions to commemorate and preserve happy memories. The color white is a means of regeneration, calm, purity, new horizons, hope for the future, as well as clarity of thought. This hue expresses your belief in someone’s ability to begin a new chapter in their life.”
Onto his right arm, there's not much to say about the forearm part since I didn't have a specific plant in mind, only that those tattoos are meant to represent medicinal herbs since he's a healer and all.
And then we reach the upper arm where the pine sapling and the moon are.
The moon is culturally significant to the clan, as you may well know from my other posts and my conversations with @innerchorus in the comments/notes of said posts, and since this post is probably becoming a monster I'm not gonna unload all of that here. Maybe as a separate post, if y'all are interested and don't wanna go hunting for lore in corners.
The pine tree... The Moon Tree, the Heart Tree, born from a desperate attempt to revive a loved once, the Moon Tree is an iridescent white pine tree that is ever reaching towards the moon, so yeah pines are also culturally significant to the clan people.
Aside from that cultural association, they also symbolize:
“The evergreen pine is universally known as the symbol of life. During the long and icy winter season, the evergreen does not lose its leaves nor its lush dark green color. This tree has the unique ability to withstand harsh winds and up to subzero temperatures.
In Japanese culture, the pine tree is known to represent longevity, good fortune and steadfastness. It is commonly linked with virtue and long life, even immortality. The pine tree is iconic of the Japanese New Year, as a symbol of rebirth, renewal, and a bright (hopeful) future.
This is reinforced by this story about a certain pine tree:
“Since the bombing of Hiroshima, even more recently the 3.11 triple disaster, the long-standing meaning of the pine tree has been revivified and relevant once more. Recently the pine has been used as a symbol of hope, especially in of the 3.11 disaster. After the devastating earthquake and following tsunami, the town of Rikuzentakata was left in ruin. The tsunami had crushed everything in its path, leaving nothing behind but one solitary tree, one lone pine to stand alone amongst a desert of destruction. It had been strong enough to withstand the grave impact of the tsunamis force. The pine's resilience to the disaster quickly spread throughout Japan and the pine soon became known as The Miracle Pine. People gathered in numbers to simply glimpse at this miraculous tree. However due to severe water damage, the tree was dying. Touched by its strength, locals and citizens a like sought to preserve the tree as a national symbol. Like the roots of the painting above the The Miracle Pine had touched the lives of millions joining them together to preserve not just a tree, but a nation.”
“The roots of this sapling very much symbolize the willpower, support, and perseverance of the people. It brings meaning to their continuous fight of survival. However, even against unspeakable odds, faith is indestructible. With enough will power, anything can be revived. As the pine is very much a symbol of strength, it also acts as a reference for rebirth. Once the pinecones open, new seeds will spread. These seeds will then grow and repopulate the destructed landscape replacing of Rikuzentakata. Where life had been once destroyed, new life will flourish once more. Soon the destroyed pines will be replaced by the new, as old wounds heal with the patience of time.”
“It is also worth mentioning that the roots of the sapling extend outwards across the page. This not only expresses growth, but also symbolizes the saplings far reaching effects and influence. Its roots will grow and expand as the tree continues to sprout, burrowing itself deep within the soil to become one with the earth. The deeper the roots spread, the taller the tree will grow; the more support the roots provide, the more stable the sapling will become. In this context the audience connects the growing sapling to the importance of cultivating strong and lasting foundations. A strong foundation provides a promising future. The outreaching roots parallel to the branching pines on the sampling. They too are dense and large in number. As the roots dig down deep into the ground, the pines on the sapling stretch tall as if reaching for the sky. The sky is indeed the limit for this little sapling to grow. Before long, it will flourish into a strong and resilient great evergreen pine to sprout samplings of its own. The future for this little seedling is indeed hopeful.”
“The sapling above captures a symbolic reference to longevity and rebirth. The seedling itself is dainty and small but with time will grow into a strong and mighty evergreen pine, as all saplings do. This is exemplified by the thickly painted roots, which extend outwards towards the center of the painting. It has been strategically painted towards the center of the page to emphasize the strong foundation of a growing pine. The centralization of the roots catches the viewer's immediate attention additionally referencing to its vital (central) importance to the piece. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of a foundation in terms of growth, even rebirth. Without its strong roots, strong upbringing, strong support, it would be unable to nourish and grow. The roots are what provide the sampling with the nutrients it needs to survive and flourish. They additionally take part in the stabilization of soil. Without its roots, the sapling would be unstable, weak, and fable. There can be no life, no hope, without a strong support system.”
I apologize for the lack of explanation and commentary, but I think these snippets I collected speak for themselves— I started typing this post at around 9pm and now it's midnight. What in the fresh fuck of hells.
The swirly stuff on his feet/legs— it's kinda both water and wind. Wind because... well, flexibility, swiftness, freedom, that sort of thing. He'll be a key player in the abolition of slavery in Pars in this AU even though he's not the Crown Prince or King.
My head hurts, my neck aches, my eyes are swimming, sorry for the abrupt ending without a proper after-word or something, but ah I'm so tired. Hopefully y'all enjoy this labor of love from me.
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tiddie-taylor · 4 months
OKAY MM AHEM Im a bit of shy but! Juust wanted to share my hcs on emotions, ssince you've said that it would be cool to hear them!
Joy is into karaoke and singing in general. She actually isn't a really good singer, but she does that with PASSION. She also likes to sing in foreign languages (but has troubles with pronouncing French words).
Sadness sometimes can't sleep at night. She's too sad to fall asleep, so when she feels it she comes to the night duty. It always makes her feel better. But she rarely does it, and can't really get the conception of the "dreams are movies and there are actors".
Fear washes his hands at least 5 times a day. He's afraid of getting dirty, because "oh no bacteria" and sometimes it goes a bit too far. Anyways, others are quite worried about that (even Disgust, in some way).
Anger would unironically wear all these shirts woth wolves, demons and fiery skeletons. He actually secretly wants to be That One Cool Guy lol…
Disgust spends like a hour each day on makeup, and she does it really good. Even on the others - one time she was trying to get makeup on Sadness, but she washed it away with tears.
Also some personality hcs/predictions(?) on new emotions!
Anxiety is actually a very nice person. She says "sorry" a lot, and is always polite to others. But she is a bit rough with herself from time to time. She has a low self-esteem, but, despite it, somehow likes to take over the console (always apologizes for it)
Ennui is a bit aloof, and doesn't even talk much, but they're always out there to help. They're partially emotionless, despite being, uhh, an emotion, but sometimes they can show something - esp with their closest friends.
Embarrassment is a shy one, some of a "gentle giant" type, and they're quite nice to others even if they're not the same with them. Their voice is always quiet, even when they're trying to get some attention (this is a rare event and it's only when there's something REALLY important)
Envy is just… A catastrophe. A little thing, who might look cute, and even act cute, but they're pretty jealous to everything and everyone, and is generally mean to others. They also BITE other emotions, tehee. Hope you'll like these! It was fun to imagine...
Ooohoho YES!!, Joy definitely loves to sing and all of that stuff, I imagine she isn't the best but can sound pretty decent when hitting the right notes
I also think sadness has trouble sleeping at night, I see her as the type that's always tired but not tired enough to sleep yk lol /lh
Also yes, fear is definitely a germaphrobe there is no denying that
OMG YES XD, anger definitely unironically wears those wolf and fiery skull shirts, he'd be proud wearing them too
I love to think disgust actually puts a lot of effort and passion into her makeup
I like to think that she does it not only to look good but because she enjoys it
I also think that anxiety is going to be a pretty nice person with good intentions but messes up a little sometimes, and yes she definitely apologizes even for the smallest things (same anxiety same), just know she's going to be a relatable one for me lol
Omg envy being a biter.. like those little dogs, I love that.
But yeah in general I like these headcanons a lot!! Thank you for sharing them :3 I had a lot of fun reading them^^ /g
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nerflufser · 3 months
<casual questions PART TWO!!!!>
(5) what’s your art style?
(6) what’s a specific thing you can draw and never get tired of?
(7) do you o you have a favorite book/movie/show?
(8) yet not having any idols, are you a fan of many diffrent creators and take inspo of them? (You don’t have to awnser this one, you actually don’t have to awnser any of these btw.)
((THERE YA GO. >:3))
Oooo~ yay more questions :)) (sorry if my typing is a bit wonky I just woke up LMAO)
5) uhh honestly I dunno, people have said it's realistic with cartoony features other people call it a weird more cartoony form of anime, ig just my own style?? Cause I see where they're coming from I have taken inspo from all those things and shaped it into something of my own style:)).
6) Zip. She's pretttyyyy much the one thing I've been drawing since day one of digital. Now I did have this other OC I did draw non stop their name was like XZIRLIC?? (All caps cuz I'm sure that how I wrote it on paper 💀) I've been thinking of re-drawing them but they are a WILD OC I have. I also have this horse pony thingy I don't think I ever gave it a name 💀.
7) For books uhhh I haven't really read anything too new to me. But there was a book a few years back around the time covid stuck up that I got from target 💀 it was called' a wolf called wander/wonder (can't remember) ' it was about this wolf that left their home after their clan died from this other wolf clan past the mountains seeking haven. It don't think I ever finished it 😭 I was thinking about re-reading it but I do have another new book I got. Movie? Mhmm I have a lot of those ig mostly John wick movies, a little free guy is good to, another good one I recently watched was bullet train. (I'm sure you can see where this is going 💀💀) so mostly comedic violence (No this doesn't go for like SAW or some bs that shit is nasty AF man.) My favorite show of all time is the good place. Shocker ikr /sar I got into it about mid way last year and has watched it over and over again it's become a comfort show of mine. I also like the concept of it with all the plot twists but also teaching people about philosophy!? That's fuckin awesome.
8) pfft I am a fan of a lot of creators- I really like @/whoectypes stuff I really like their OC designs and how they're building a world, they are also a super cool person in general. I'm not close to them I wouldn't even call each other friends or anything, more of moots, we both support each other and treat each other with respect. For another person?? @/cupsie most definitely, they were actually one of my first followers. And then we became like besties cuz yk we simp for ray- I mean ram- I mean cause of a common interest. I really like how they use pastels and they doo rubber hose soooo gooooooddddd arugh I just start jumping up and down and flapping my lil silly hands when I see their art /pos. Now I don't take inspo from any creators that I remember seeing on this app (or at least not intentional) alot of my inspiration comes from dali. **Insert dramatic duh duh DUHHH here** yeah dali. I grew up with dali, now the real question is, "how can a cartoonist be inspired to start drawing from a surrealist?!" Actually surrealism and cartoonism is actually VERY similar, look at the colors look at how proportions aren't correct, don't look directly at the picture look at what something has to be deemed surrealism and cartoonism in a modern day conversation (omg me actually being kinda stupid and smart 🤯). Anyways before we get off track is the question ' how? ' the answer to the question is **drum roll please** colors :p. And the flowy-ness of his art, you can see a lot of different ways I use like smoke or water, that's from looking at dalis work, same with all his vibrant colors ugh I love it. I didn't study off of him, oh no. I just live a bike ride away to a museum that features his work so granted I would go there like every other month or something stupid cause of school or families in town, so I'm quite familiar with his art. So as DR. Seuss there's a mini art gallery again a bike ride away and they change out the paintings and sculptures like every other month or something. So you get more familiar with his work. Same reasons as dali too color and flow.
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shallowseeker · 7 months
hello! i have a cas question for you today
do you think cas values monster or half human lives? we know he cares about human lives sometimes, and besides jack and jesse turner i cant remember another half breed cas is in contact with in the series (i could be wrong its been a bit).
early seasons i would hesitate to say either way, he did what he had to do for his end goal.
later seasons im drawing blank because fundementally this is still the same character, sure he has more respect for life but does it extend to not fully human ones?
jack has been the exception but it probably helped that he had heavenly parentage (even if it is lucifer)
Oh, no. What a difficult question. I don't know! Or, I don't have words for it, anyway. I guess, let's ramble about it, then? Maybe something will come of it or someone else can chime in...
DOES CAS VALUE MONSTER AND HALF-HUMAN LIVES? On the whole, I think no-ish. (But happy to be challenged on this?)
Broadly, I think he values human lives in a very chivalrous way, and I think he values angel lives in a very egalitarian, punching-up sort of way. (He'll do what he can to help them, but they're fair game when it comes to killing.)
I think hybrids live in a liminal space depending on whether he views them as more human-oriented or more predator-oriented. Jesse Turner was an active threat to humans, but Jane the Nephilim was viewed more neutrally, as an expendable innocent.
Even with Jack, Cas emphasizes his human qualities and pushes him to human media and toys and the "softer," human hunting way of warrior life. (Ironically, despite Cas's best intentions, Jack gets wrapped up in angelic civil war at just six months old!)
Cas seems to freak out when Jack edges closer to being purely celestial/soulless. Part of that is because Jack seems to die when unbalanced one way or the other (Byzantium). But part of it is that Cas is uncomfortable with his own brutality as well as the brutality of his angelic brethren, and I suspect that he doesn't want Jack to embody the worst parts of himself.
THE LOCUS OF MORALITY IS HUMANITY I hinted at this before, but I actually don't view Cas as much of a morally relative dude. Typically, he doesn't even indulge in moral relativism. He's far too pragmatic most of the time...
(Compare this to Sam, who seems to enjoy the academic exercise of troubling himself over morality. He seesaws into moral relativism on many occasions.)
Cas served Heaven for millennia but allegedly was the spanner who always tended to favor protecting humanity. Ergo, I think his morality is naturally more human-centric. He likes humanity. (He didn't just rebel for Dean. It was about his pre-existing values. He's the human-oriented spanner.)
CAS: Well, perhaps I've been down here with them for too long. There's seemingly nothing but chaos. But not all bad comes from it. Art. Hope. Love. Dreams.
In terms of the cosmic hierarchy, maybe Jody Mills was right to get prickly about Cas's natural chivalry. Cas actually is, cosmically speaking, a "women and children first," kinda guy.
I love the idea that Jody and Cas would butt heads because she doesn't hesitate to push against his lone-wolf crap.
HUMANITY ON A PEDESTAL? Anyway, because of this, we see Cas putting humanity on a pedestal a lil' bit. Like humanity is his "Don Quixote's Columbine," maybe. But there's a glimmer of de-idealization in later seasons, and he seems wholly aware that he's chosen to center his human family due to his own desires.
Even Dean seems aware of a family-first mentality, which is why he threatens Kaia in 13x09 and why Cas brain-melts Donatello in 13x14. They're actually moving in sync, even though they both know it's ethically gray. Dean's discomfort, I think, even for his own actions, comes out by being prickly with Cas re:ethics.
Devil's Bargain 13x13:
CAS: Right now, all that matters is getting Jack and your mother out of that place. 
Cas shows he's aware of and comfy with morally centering his human family in 13x22 Exodus. I don't think he's flying blind, either. I think he's thought about the implications of his allegiance re:ethics. It's as he tells Claire in season 10, "There is no righteous path."
AW-CASTIEL: You align yourself with the h-humans. CAS: I vastly prefer them to angels. AW-CASTIEL: Don’t think that you are better than me. Well, we are the same. CAS: Yes. We are.
And that's a big theme with SPN as a series--the horror of recognizing yourself in the Other, whether that's the Enemy or your Adversary or even your Food Source. But with regards to Cas, you sort of hope he sees you as family...and not the pig to be comforted and slaughtered (season 7).
Likewise, Jack as an entity is uncomfortable. As he grows into his powers, he moves further from his human family, at least in terms of the cosmic hierarchy. It's what AU Michael was crooning about in 14x09 The Spear.
AU MICHAEL: Your loyalty to Castiel, the Winchesters, the rest of humanity? It will fade. And so will the minor differences -- angel armies versus monster armies, this Kansas City or that Kansas City, one world from another -- they'll fade, too.
In 14x15 Peace of Mind, Jack insists the snake isn't hungry, but really it's because it's probably just uncomfortable to watch snakes eat mice.
That's why he's trying to feed two cute lil white mice to Felix the snake... (Motif-> "Sam and Dean being fed to a celestial.") It's why, "I don't think you have a good handle on what snakes eat." It's why Dean is playing Mouse Trap in Game Night 14x17.
It's why the weapon Chuck shoves at Dean is named the Equalizer. Dean and Jack naturally exist on different power scales, and it's uncomfortable and tragic and cruel!
CAS + DE-IDEALIZATION I think there's this fanon tendency to view Cas as some kind of delicate flower who's been lured into siding with humanity. But along with the stuff above, I just don't see it that way. Cas is pretty pragmatic about his motivations.
He's trying to live with the family he wants, to the point of creating sufficient cause to do so (raising Jack), and he's trying to keep Heaven on tap as a power source to bully his way into whenever he needs it.
This is how Kelvin pitches getting back into Heaven's graces in season 12, actually! He tells Cas to imagine "coming and going as he pleases," and having "all the might of Heaven waiting in the wings."
(I think too of that poor drunken angel he throws around in 14x19, lol).
Here are some de-idealization conversations I like that involve Cas:
14x14 Ouroboros:
CAS: Maybe we're wrong and -- and this isn't a monster at all. Maybe this is just a deranged person who's been getting lucky. JACK: Anyone who could do this is a monster. I mean, even if they're human. DEAN: Kid's not wrong. 
15x15 Gimme Shelter:
JACK: Sam was right. It's not a monster. (Jack puts the shovel into the back of the truck.) CASTIEL: Well, he has half right. Sometimes humans can be the worst kind of monsters. JACK: Yeah, but it's kind of not our thing. Guess we should just go back to the bunker and do nothing while we wait for Sam and Dean. (He telegraphs disappointment, hoping Cas will feel sorry for him.) CASTIEL: No. No, we're gonna stay. We can help. (Jack smiles.)
And 15x18 Despair, where he finally turns away from the idea of Jack's Big Destiny:
CASTIEL: We don't care about you because you're useful or because you fit into some grand design. We care about you because you're you.
It's nice. Cas isn't a simple dude.
WHY IS JACK AN EXCEPTION? But yes, you're right that Jack is an exception for Cas. I think we can all see that. But is that due to Jack's hybrid status?
Kinda, I think? Maybe a little bit, but...how do I put this? I don't think propping up Jack is a moral stance. It feels more like a personal one.
Jack represents an angelic force with all the bells and whistles of the "gentler" humanity. It represents Cas's romanticized self. Cas wants to be human but isn't. Jack can be like Cas but be allowed to dwell within the human world and experience his own emotions without being stymied by and giving into "angelic brutality."
So, Jack.
Jack represents an idealized future for Cas, too. Jack is a sufficiently Holy, Earth-bound cause, giving Cas a solid excuse to stay bedded down with his chosen human family.
When Cas talks about Jack, he talks a lot about his promise to Kelly. There's guilt there, for sure. It was his springing of Lucifer from jail that resulted in Kelly being preyed upon.
I honestly think Jack is really, really complicated and multi-faceted for Cas. If you scroll down to this bottom part of my original SPN parenting meta, "Cas loves Jack, but Jack is a good excuse," I talk more about why I feel that way. (WARNING: It's long. You have to scroll a looot.) /// When he's not being lobotomized by Heaven, Cas tends to put his loyalties where his "seflish" love is, even if that results in the killing of innocents like Jane the Nephilim and Rowena's Oskar.
CASTIEL: But she didn't choose to be a Nephilim, so she's innocent. METATRON: Yes, she is. I told you it wasn't gonna be easy. But if you want to do this, Castiel, if you really want to do this, you got to ask yourself what's more important – her life or your family?
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