#anyways girl hinder girl harm girl kill have a good day
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cloudninetonine · 11 months
*walks on in slowly, awkwardly waves and hands you hot chocolate* Hey, so how have you been doing? Apologies I've been MIA, suddenly became a second dog mom and life's been kicking my butt.
So anyway before I make it like Plato and start rambling about the First introduction fic or go off about Fia or ramble about a Player ends up in the flooded part of the timeline au and probably pass out from lack of sleep- *throws this at you and runs off without elaborating*
You've done it. You shakily breath, in, out, in, out, as you step slowly towards the door you feel your hands shake, looking at the still form of the man on the ground.
The awful screaming still rings in your ears, you were sure they were bleeding even now even as you had choked the Fae into unconsciousness, the smell of burnt, no, withered flesh clings to the back of your tongue as you check the hall, keeping your eyes onto Conquest's fallen form. Hands twisting into the iron chain Hyrule had given you, you feel the blood staining the cold metal, hungry for it like how it had been starving for the hero's flesh.
("Just in case", he'd said, you wanted to laugh and cry and scream that he was right, in a way, you did need it against him eventually, from a certain point of view.
... You feel sick to your stomach and in the head, making jokes at a time like this.)
You're surprised none of those other men who wore the faces of your friends hadn't come investigate by now, the screams could probably rival those of a redead when exposed to sunlight. You don't find yourself complaining as you slam the door shut behind yourself, slotting the bloody key in with unsteady hands, (slick with your blood, Conquest's blood) lock it. And then walk away from there.
You learned the hard way running would just make your situation worse. Besides, you'd need to conserve whatever energy you could now, in case you really needed to make a break for it, or hopefully hide in an empty room. It was a good thing there wasn't a shortage of them in this abandoned house from what little you'd seen of this place after being forcefully brought here.
... You hated to put your trust in any of them, in any way shape or form, knowing what that monster in human skin had in mind was not something you'd ever want to know, but you hoped Conflict kept his end of the bargain.
Sticking to the shadows and where the torches glow the faintest, you soon find a stairwell and go down the stairs, two steps at a time, and a another eerily silent wing later you soon find yourself in a dungeon, because of course you would, your luck is awful enough you're not even surprised they put you in a wing that leads directly to where they likely tortured people. It was cold, dreary and damp, the scent of fresh and old blood made you want to vomit. But you refused, pressing on, trying not to look at the evidence of these men's cruelty, at the mutilated bodies of monsters and people alike, every single thing that would make you break and hinder your escape, at everything that yells and howls and rages at you at your stupidity to have mistaken Abyss for Sky that day and mistaking pain and such vile, horrible snarls for applause.
... You missed your boys, you missed the girls, all you wanted was to go home. Or someone who didn't want to kill or harm you for the moment.
You freeze, someone was here.
Your eyes dart about, finding a darkened pillar in between the cells and dive for it, pressing yourself close, but enough you'd be able to peer outside to the corridor.
Your eyes widen and you put both hands over your mouth, muffling the shocked sound attempting to escape your throat.
Wild- (Not, not Wild, not your Wild, your sweet, caring Wild, who'd tried his best and who only lived up to his namesake against enemies, to defend, never to intentionally harm)
That man wearing your Champion's garb, locked in furious combat with a similarly hooded person, crimson bloomed and flowed in rivulets over the harsh head wound on his head. The person had two broken shackles on each wrist and were doing their darnest to get away, using their spear to keep the twisted form of your Champion from slicing their head clean off their shoulders, they kick at his crotch with a heeled boot and when he moves back they charge at him with a war cry, slamming him against the wall and you flinch at the sickening crack his skull makes against the old, dirty bricks, he crumples like a puppet with his strings cut courtesy of the stranger dropping the spear, digging their fingers to his temples and slamming it again even as he squeezed their arm hard enough to break bone. You numbly take note of the golden ornaments on their right hand emanating a dim, weak, green glow and the wound on their shoulder, torso and calf, a slash through their shoulder, seems they gave the 'hero' just as good as he got on them. Since his only notable wounds were the head ones.
They take a deep, shaky breath, their hands are trembling, shaken but they growl, spitting blood near the man's downed body, "And stay down you fucking cunt!" After a moment, they flinch, hissing in pain, they drop to their knees and you fight the instinct to run to their aid, what if it was an act? "Christ on a stick stripteasing in a playboy bunny suit, fuck me gently with a chainsaw." Their words make you twitch, unconsciously stepping out of the hollow between the wall and the cell as they take his sword and chuck it away, then snag the Sheikah Slate.
"Was that a Heathers reference?"
... Shit.
Guess that's how you die huh? Clowning yourself over because a Heathers reference.
The person tenses, whipping their head to your direction, they blink, one of their eyes a bright green, like yours, they seem to do a double take, eye widening, "Sans Undertale?!"
To be continued...
It's not much and likely not all that good but it's a start, going to leave it on my blog later xD, Twi's Vil self gets jumped on part two. *Runs off*
-A Very Tired Summertime Musician.
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girlobsessed21 · 4 years
My thoughts on The 100 7x05
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Hey, guys,
Sorry for not doing any comments on the last two episodes. I’ve been a little busy and I struggled to connect to the show, so it hindered my enjoyment, but it’s all better now. Liked episode 4 and 5 was even better, jampacked with info and it answered a lot of questions.
Welcome to Bardo
Badass Octavia is da bomb (people don’t say that anymore, right?). When she was captured in episode two, I thought she had lost her fighting spirit, but it’s back, bitches. Well, until she runs into an invisible wall trying to escape. She’s captured and transported to M-cap (whatever that means). Then we get a welcome little flashback to Lincoln but it’s obvious that Bellamy would be the hand reaching out. He’s her rock, like she’s expressed many times.
Unlike John Murphy who is not quite a friend, or family and definitely not a lover. Introducing so many new characters in the final season of a show is never a good idea, because this is the time to wrap up all the stories of the existing ones, but come on, who cannot love Levitt. Even when he first meets Octavia, he doesn’t want to hurt her. Jason, you better not harm one hair on this precious little puppy’s head!
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As he binges The 100 through Octavia’s eyes, he starts rooting for her, and he actually gives a damn, unlike most people on this show. He understands her strengths and weaknesses and he makes her see it too. “You’re a warrior to be sure, but your heart is pure.” Wow, what an honest and beautiful line. (Scroll down for my shipping comments.)
So is O and Hope’s fleeting little reunion. It’s amazing to experience this deep loving side of Octavia after her darkness. She’s truly one of the most diverse and developed characters on the series. Now Hope and her resilience is quickly making it to the top as well.
While Hope is trying to send her back home, we learn that memory loss is due to the time dilation. One quick note on this, it’s not linear, there’s no easy equation to calculate it unless you’re Stephen Hawking or Einstein. I don’t think it’s constant either. 10 years on Skyring = 11 days on Bardo = a few minutes on Sanctum. In the current time, 5 years on Skyring = 1 day on Sanctum = 7 days on Bardo. So, it’s clear that the planets are moving, and other factors are playing into the phenomenon. It’s more important to understand the time relative to each planet.
Levitt was the one who tattooed Hope’s code onto O’s back, also the one who planted the note into Hope’s arm. Indeed the kind of man you want on the inside, he even accepts a blow to the face as thank you.
Thirty minutes on the clock and the trio gets led to a congregation to praise the shepherd. I never thought it was Anders, I do, however think it might be Cadogan. The Bordoan’s built the underground forest because they destroyed their planet. Ugh, what’s new? The shepherd herded his sheep from earth to Bardo via the stone. Cadogan and his second dawn cult?
Back to Clarke. So, after last episode I thought ‘the key to winning the last war’ line was an artifice for luring Clarke to disciples, but now it’s clearly true. They’ve located the key and they will win the last war. Levitt was interested in Clarke surviving the City of Light with the flame in her head, they probably assume she still has it. Cadogan burned Becca alive. Could it be because of the flame? Is this all because of that damn little chip that can’t seem to die?
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Bellamy is not dead, I repeat, Bellamy is not dead! I believe that memory could be staged or implanted for a reason. Also, there’s no body, he jumped through the bridge. In the promo photos, he wears a ring but his actions towards Octavia seem a little cold and generic. On first watch, I thought it was bad acting but if he was programmed to do this, it makes sense.
Note the sequence of events. Octavia returned 7 days ago and was asked to talk her brother down, but we don’t see the actual scene. Instead we’re shown a memory. They could have implanted it to make her vulnerable and perhaps more susceptible to the procedure. I don’t know, but this theory could lead to Robot-sheep!Bellamy on Nakara, where he’ll encounter Clarke and the gang.
I have to be honest, I really don’t like this character arc for Bellamy. It’s unoriginal and a mime of Peeta’s storyline in Mockingjay. Sorry, but so far it feels like the writers were so over the show, they just wanted to get it done. And that attitude really bleeds into one’s creative concepts. I could be completely wrong, in fact, I hope I am.
Echo spins a Finn
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My word, I lost the love of my life once, but I sure didn’t kill anyone. When Echo received that vision of Roan, I was hoping for some progression on her individual arc, they’ve made me care about her, and now we get the opposite. Why? One thing I have to admit, a killer performance from Tasya Teles! No pun intended.
Look, this show hasn’t explored Bellamy and Echo’s relationship enough to make her murder believable. It was the exact same thing with Finn. I wasn’t invested in Finn and Clarke’s connection, so his actions of killing a grounder tribe was more repulsive than understandable. Sure, Echo loves Bellamy and her sole purpose is to save him, but I’ve never truly witnessed their love for each other. They had one or two intimate scenes which cannot compel a deed like this. And in the process, she screwed Hope and Diyoza.
Anyway, I don’t think there’s any coming back from it. She murdered an innocent person in cold blood. That’s sure to open a door to the dark side.  Just look at Octavia after killing Pike and her actions were justified by jus drein jus daun.
Say Sanctum three times slowly and it sounds like… Sanctum
Blind faith
Look, I’m just gonna come out and say this song is getting old. Every episode featuring Sanctum is the exact same thing with different lines. Can we please move on from it, already? Yes, we know the COG want Russel dead, and the adjusters will go to extreme lengths to free Russel and the prisoners are background noise.
I did appreciate Nelson stepping in to try and save the girl, though. Still doesn’t save the fact that it’s repetitive. The Sanctum plotline is really struggling to take shape and I hope it happens soon. Dramatic eyeroll.
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At least in the drought of a desert, you can always count on Murphy. “…I say we live and let die.” Typical cockroach line, right, but it’s ironic when he’s the one to step up, even if it is for Emori. Under the magnifying glass it’s the exact same plot as episode 1 and 3. He hesitates to take action, and eventually becomes the hero.
I mean, he saved that poor kid from being burned alive. Can you imagine sacrificing your own child in such a horrific away? Cults are beyond whacked, and, unfortunately, it’s reality that cult members are so blinded by their faith that they do not see rhyme or reason.
How did Murphy fail that test? I didn’t. When Trey named the four pillars, I thought, isn’t rejoice one of them? Surely, a cockroach would have smelled that trap a mile away.
Indra the great
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Can we just give a massive round of applause to Adina Porter!!! That powerhouse walk vibrates strength and majesty, damn, she should be a false god, I wouldn’t dare threaten her with or without an army.
Three little words was all it took for her to recognize evil. “There’s a spider on your shoulder.” Smooth. Too bad she can’t kill him. Why not, how many of the faithful are left to cause an uproar? Wonkru doesn’t know it’s Sheidheda, they won’t care, the COG will fall in line and the prisoners will be happy as long as they get their compound. Sorry, I don’t get it and I don’t understand why she doesn’t tell anyone.  Someone please explain?
Granted, JR Bourne as Russel is way better, but I still don’t understand his actions. I hope they explore and explain him more, because he still feels flat unless he knows something of this final war. I’m hoping these two storylines align soon since it’s really driving a wedge between me and my love for the show.
I’ll start with the easy stuff, Murphy, Emori and the perfect dress gets a heart eye emoji from me. They are so damn cute this season, can they please live happily ever after in the palace?
Octabriel vs Levittavia
Now, I enjoy Levitt fangirling over Octavia. I feel like he has a deep sense of her through her memories. If I have to root for an underdeveloped relationship, it will have to be one where the characters share thoughts and experiences even if it is through a sick, sci-fi procedure.
On the other hand, Gabriel and Octavia have immense chemistry, two seconds of them together bends my mouth into an “Aah, cute” pout. This will also add some approval and representation for mixed racial relationships.
I really don’t mind either way as long as they make me care through showing and not telling.
So, if my theory is correct, and Bellamy does end up on Nakara, Bellarke will encounter each other quite soon. Bellamy won’t be himself though, but he might pretend to be Bellamy to win Clarke’s co-operation. Is there hope for Bellarke yet?
Echo is now trotting a dangerous path and Bellamy might be pledged to a cause, so I doubt there will be a happy ending for Becho. Since 7x01 I’ve been thinking that the writers might want to develop something between Clarke and Gaia but if they are separated, is there enough time? Guess we’ll see.
This monster of a review is finally done… If you read through everything, you deserve a gold star! Let me know what you think, till we meet again…
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writeyouin · 4 years
How tfa sentinel, optimus,prowl, bumblebee,and tfp smokescreen react to finding out that their s/o is actually God (Jehovah from the Bible)in a human form and she is unleashing her godly wrath upon the humans due to prophecy and of Justice after the rapture.Plagues, earthquakes, disease, mental, starvation, drought, violent storms beyond measure, the oceans and rivers turn to blood, and fire falls from the sky. I got this idea from the prince of Egypt movie. Use the plagues song from the movie.
TFA X Reader Inserts – Jehovah
A/N – Man, that is a banging song from my childhood.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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When the two of you had first met, Sentinel hated you, as he did all organics. However, after an unfortunate mission wherein you had managed to save Sentinel’s life, he came to see that you were different from the rest of your kind; you were superior to them. You always stood proud, walked tall, exuded confidence, and seemed to display an ethereal power. Sentinel couldn’t put his finger on what made you so amazing.
Now, he stood by watching as perfectly healthy humans starved within minutes, animals went wild and began attacking everyone, and the weather went from a blizzard, to a flood, to a searing heat and back again.
Sentinel was torn about what he ought to do. The Autobot code stated that he should respect and protect all life, but did it really matter if you were only harming other, inferior organics?
Sentinel considered this for a long time. Finally, he called up to you, “(Y/N), YOU OKAY BABE?”
“I am Jehovah, the God of this planet, and this is the rapture,” You replied coolly.
“I am divine. I am perfect. I am flawless.”
“Leave if you wish non-organic. I have work to do.”
Sentinel nodded and transformed into his alt-mode, driving back to his ship. Maybe this was just a bad phase. If it was, Sentinel was willing to wait until you were done with your bad day. Afterwards, if you wanted to see him, he would wait for you.
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Optimus held his helm in his servos, completely unsure of what to do for the first time in his life. Everyone was asking for his help, demanding that he either rescued or stopped you. As they asked for his leadership, Optimus himself was wondering who would help him. In rough situations like this when it felt like the weight of the world was resting on his shoulder, you were always the one to comfort him and make him feel like he wasn’t alone. Now, when the problem was you, he had nobody to lean on.
Optimus couldn’t help thinking back to the start of the day. Everything had started off so normally. The two of you were out walking through the park, talking about the future, and then suddenly your eyes turned fully white and you began rambling about how the time was nigh.
After that, you wouldn’t respond to your name, claiming that you were the one true Jehovah. Then, before Optimus could stop you, you had taken to the skies to claim your place as Earth’s God, and begin the rapture. Optimus had immediately called upon his team for help, but by the time they reached him, it was too late. Everywhere Optimus looked disaster struck and it was clear that you were causing it. The park’s water turned red and thick; instinctively, Optimus knew it was blood and the thought sickened him, though he was powerless to stop it.
“(Y/N),” He called you, “PLEASE, STOP, COME DOWN. LET ME HELP YOU!”
Frogs coated in the blood that now filled their lakes started storming the park in a blind panic. The few people left there were screaming in fear, a few crying, and all trying to run from the sudden lice that had appeared seemingly from nowhere to feed on them. Before you could bring about your next plague on humanity, the now teenaged Sari was thrown at you by Bumblebee. She latched onto your waist, trying to bring you down. The weight didn’t hinder you as you stared icily down at the young girl who you had loved so much before.
“Release me child, or face the consequences,” You said in a voice that was not your own.
“(Y/N), it’s me, Sari. Don’t you recognise me?” Sari gasped, struggling to keep hold of you as your body began heating up.
“I do not recognise Earthlings. I see only their merits and their sins. Let go of me youngling, for you do not yet deserve to suffer my wrath. I am Jehovah.”
At that, Sari let go in shock. She knew little of religion, but enough to recognise what was happening.
“Guys, get ready for a fight,” Sari warned.
The bots prepared themselves just in time as a group of wild beasts came forth, sniffing out the sinners and attacking them. It didn’t matter to the Autobots who was good or bad, all life was worth protecting.
After a day of trying to save Detroit from you, the Autobots had to return to their base for repairs, recuperation, and a new plan.
“So, what’re we gonna do, boss bot?” Bumblebee asked.
Optimus thought for a moment, wondering what you would do in his place. Finally, he answered, “We’re going to save (Y/N). (S)he would do the same for any of us.”
He looked around to find his team nodding in agreement.
“Good,” Sari said. “Because I’ve been doing some research and I know what’s coming next.”
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Prowl didn’t understand it. How could you, the God of planet Earth, create so many beautiful things to fill the world, and then destroy them so easily? He had been asking himself that very question ever since the plague had begun, when people started dropping like flies.
Not only where you destroying the beautiful organic world of yours, but no matter what anyone said or did, you wouldn’t stop. Prowl thought his opinion meant more to you than that but clearly, he was wrong. During his one attempt to stop you from hurting any bystanders in your first attack, Prowl’s pleas fell on deaf ears. You acted like you had never met him before and with a wave of your hand, a flood had swept Prowl away.
While the team argued around him, Prowl silently contemplated the situation, tuning everyone else out so he could think. Clearly, your Godly powers were interfering with your reasoning, and perhaps even your memory.
For every problem, there had to be a solution. Something had caused your sudden transformation into a God. If Prowl was to listen to Sari, then it was because of something called the rapture. Perhaps if Prowl could find out what had triggered the rapture, he could stop it, and hopefully that would be enough to turn you back.
Praying to Primus, Prowl begged to get you back to normal as soon as possible. When you had whisked him away in the flood, he was almost sure he saw a hint of sorrow in your eyes; if he had, then Prowl would make sure to do anything to save you before his team stepped in and made the ultimate sacrifice of your life to save the billions of others worldwide.
“So Prowl, what do you think?” Optimus asked, having explained his plan in great detail.
Prowl transformed into his alt-mode, and said, “Run it by me again over comms.”
He drove off, and Optimus instantly radioed him, “Where are you going?”
“To do some recon.” If Prowl was to defeat the God in you, then he would need all the information he could get.
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“(Y/N)- ARGH!” Bumblebee yelped, barely avoiding the boulder that flew his way.
He rolled to avoid another as he tried again to make his way to you. He didn’t understand why you were doing this, or how for that matter. The (Y/N) he knew didn’t even like to hurt people’s feelings in videogames, but this newer version of you filled with power was trying to kill almost everyone in sight. Since when did you have powers anyway? Everything had been normal until the two of you took a walk to the racing grounds. Then you had run off into a strange cave, and when Bumblebee caught up with you, you were holding onto a freaky burning bush. After that, everything had been crazy.
“RATCHET,” Bumblebee called his team-mate who was getting closer with each passing second. “CAN YOU HOLD HER?”
“I’ll try,” Ratchet said through gritted dentae. He aimed his EMP generators at you, hoping to contain you.
You smiled cruelly at his attempt to imprison you, escaping his weak hold and then opening a fissure at the base of his feet.
As Ratchet lost his balance, you addressed the two bots, “You have no business interfering with the will of a God. Now flee, and you shall not be punished.”
“And why should your name matter?”
Briefly, the earthquakes that had been assaulting the city stopped. “I- Yes. You do love the body that chained me.”
“Right, and you love me too, so stop hurting everyone… Please.”
For a moment, Bumblebee believed you were going to listen to him and end the rapture that you had begun only that morning. Instead, your face curled up in a snarl.
The earthquakes began again, accompanied by vicious rain, thunder and lightning.
Bumblebee pushed himself up, forming a plan. He wished he had his team with him but they were busy rescuing people where they could, and now Ratchet was incapacitated.
‘I am the fastest bot alive,’ Bumblebee reminded himself. With that, he pushed himself up, dodging the debris that came his way.
“IF YOU’RE A GOD, WHY CAN’T YOU HIT ME?” Bumblebee taunted.
As expected, you lifted the earth to throw a miniature island his way.
Bumblebee jumped on the island, “IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?”
You threw more of the islands at him, becoming more enraged as he used them to get close to you in the air.
Finally, when he was only a few feet away, Bumblebee jumped. He latched onto you, enveloping you in a hug.
“Hah,” You sneered, making no attempt to remove the bot from you. “This was your plan? To defeat me with a hug?”
Bumblebee shook his head against your shoulder. “No,” He whispered.
You felt coolant soaking your shoulder, though you remained unmoved by his tears.
“I just needed to be close enough.”
Bumblebee let go of you, pressing his stingers against your heart before he fell. If you were still human, it would have killed you. As it was, the shock was enough to temporarily stop your heart, rendering you unconscious as all your power went into keeping yourself alive. Bumblebee landed on his knees, catching you before you could hit the ground.
Bumblebee opened his comm-link to Sari, hoping she was close, “Sari, I have (Y/N) knocked out. I need somewhere where (s)he can’t hurt anyone.”
Sari thought of a bunker that her father had prepared to hold Megatron in case he ever attacked again. “I think I know a place,” She replied. “Head to Sumdac industries, I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay,” Bumblebee said, cutting the call short. He cradled you close to his body thinking of every moment the two of you had spent together since he arrived on Earth. He gently moved the hair from your face, “We’ll fix this (Y/N). I promise.”
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trashpandaorigins · 4 years
The Body Keeps the Score Ch. 15 Where We’re Going Where We’ve Been
You said it yourself bitch, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy." Gamora is finally a part of something. But the past always follows you, eats at you and she must come to grips with her deeds as she tries to build a future. Meanwhile Rocket has never cared much for anyone or anything. Together the two of them discover they are more alike than different and try to heal themselves by befriending the other.
*Content Warnings: Mentions of child/animal abuse, trauma, character death, physical torture/pain*
Title of this fic is taken from the book of the same title "The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma," by Bessel van der Kolk
Daughters sharpen their knives and they hunt for food, others watch their children grow
Mothers going to work, and they shake the hands of a corporate tycoon's ghost
And I'm afraid, ah, I'm so afraid
Ah, what if I lose?, is what I think to myself
I'm finding my shell, I’m afraid of it all, afraid of loving you
So Afraid - Janelle Monae
Back in the beginning when she and the others were newly taken, when they were still themselves, Gamora, Proxima, Nebula and the others dreamt of escaping. Each attempt was futile of course. No matter how strategic Proxima tried to be, no matter how thorough Gamora had surveyed the guards and goons. They were caught. On the eleventh and last attempt they’d been so close. Proxima was getting the stolen ship ready for takeoff, it was Gamora who insisted on waiting for their youngest sister. And when the cyborg girl-more her own flesh then metal at this point-finally had appeared, it was with Thanos. She had told him of their escape plan. That was the first time she had tasted the bitterness of betrayal.
Even now, walking the streets of Tarque with Peter, Drax and Groot she kept a lookout for Nebula. One hand on her sword, the other swinging by her side, ready to reach out and seize anyone who dared come close.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Peter whispered as they walked. His warm breath against her ear tickled, making her stomach flit pleasantly for a moment. “We’ll find some way to explain this to the Nova Corps, there must be a mistake.” Gamora only bit her lip, to have an ounce of Peter’s laid back attitude. I envy it. She forced a nod, maybe it would be okay. Maybe. Probably not.
“We killed their officers and destroyed their ships!”
She whispered back, inching just close enough to him.
“Yeah, well... I mean…”
His voice drifted off.
“Awe crap,”
“What is it?” Drax asked, turning to the two of them.
“Nah, it’s just that I wanted to look over which planets in the Keystone quadrant had Nova Corps bases but I left the little thingy back on the ship.”
“I’ll go,” Gamora immediately volunteered. She needed to clear her head, get some space.
“Gamora, are you sure you want to be walking around alone after our recent battle?” Drax asked, a concerned kindness she almost never saw from the man. She grinned, appreciatively.
“Thank you Drax, but I”ll be fine.”
The destroyer’s eyes narrowed, but he nodded after a time, conceding.
Gamora left the three of them, making down the winding thoroughfare back to the Benatar. Eyes scanning every which way for any sign of trouble.
The Nova Corps would know of the fight by now. They’ll notice that three ships did not come back and none of the officers….they’ll come after us. Kill us. Capture me. The thought of another cage made her heart quake with dread. Thanos, Nova Corps. A prison was a prison. She walked on, darting between people, examining them for any concealed weapons or motives. Tarque was small, but no less reassuring. Gamora looked behind her, every several feet, checking the alleys and shadowy corners. Looking up into the buildings and the ships that flew low above the streets. If she were here Nebula could be hiding anywhere, and so could Nova Corps agents.
Under arrest for endangering my crew? Preventing further harm to planets and peoples? I didn’t endanger anyone…. her mind rolled through the list of decisions, and arguments, and recent actions in the past few turns.Finally out of the throngs of people the orange, blue chrome of the Benatar stood out. Gamora breathed a sigh of relief.
She looked around her once more, palms sweaty. Jogging forward Gamora quickly punched in the codes and ran up the ramp of the ship, sealing the doors shut.
Calm down, breathe. In...out...you’re in the ship, which has more security systems in place than most prisons.
Still she did not let her guard down, peering around each corner and down every hallway towards Peter’s quarters.
Something creaked, Gamora’s heart spasmed a moment, instantly pulling out her sword instantly expecting some enemy.  Right, left….above...down.. something blinked:
Rocket’s data pad. That should have plenty of maps on it.
She picked it up fiddling with the thing. Something blinked, a hologram appearing on the screen.
“Incoming Message: Officer Vakrien of the Nova Corps.”
Her stomach dropped, knees swaying.
No….no he wouldn’t….not after everything they’d gone through. Even someone as selfish and greedy for units wouldn’t...  
Gamora selected the icon. The image of a helmeted Nova Officer appeared, reciting a pre-recorded message.
“Subject 89P13, your intelligence has proven most valuable. We are on our way to you now to apprehend Gamora. We appreciate your cooperation. We are transferring another  60,00000.00 units to you.. However, if your crew or yourself should attempt to hinder our arrest you will also be arrested. We look forward to your continued cooperation.”
The message ended with a static, the hologram of the officer going fuzzy and clicking off showing the blank screen.
He did….he... she swallowed, mouth dry. Her stomach turned with discontent. The wires beneath her flesh pricked and stung. The very arm which he’d taken such good care of now trembled. How dare he......after everything… Gamora gripped the data pad tightly, stuffing it into her pack. He healed me….he...cared…no. Thanos said he cared too, Thanos would heal her wounds occasionally, speaking sweetly as he did to comfort her, reassure her. Only to laugh as she was tested the following day. She warred with herself conjuring the image of Rocket dexterously fixing her wounds. The oddly soft way he’d spoken to her. Thanos whispered nice things too. Made me believe he loved me…. the memories of it threatened to drown her. She stormed off the ship. That miserable….rat! No, he’s not a rat. But... I thought he changed. No he hadn’t and she was fool enough to believe it.
Rage simmered, rushing into the place of raw sorrow and dejection. Betrayal. I trusted him…. she thought painfully.
Then, even worse the realization dawned on her:....... he was my friend.
She sniffed,  straightened and tightened her grip on her sword. Where is he? She bypassed the main street, slipping down alleyways. No wonder the treacherous rodent slunk away as soon as we landed. She walked with purpose, peeking into every bar window.
“How could I have been so stupid?”
How long had he been feeding the information? Since they left Xandar? Since they’d broken out of the Kyln?
“Evmon’s,” Gamora spotted the glowing sign across the way and dashed towards it, looking through the dirty window. There he is, the image of the raccoonoid illicit  an all consuming fury in her chest, weeping out of  the hurt and vulnerability. She pushed open the door, ready for yet another battle.
Rocket turned slowly in his stupor. Already reeking and blinking slowly.
“You betrayed me to the Nova Corps!”
The words tumbled out, bubbling up from the place of self-loathing and hatred Thanos had so keenly exploited. Gamora shouted down at him, miserable wretch.
“Star-Shit?” He mocked cruelly, those foreign animal orbs eyeing her. He could see through her, into the feelings she harbored for Peter, he was trying to exploit them.
“Groot,” she corrected.
Make him hurt. He’s a monster….like Thanos and he manipulated you just like Thanos did. You fell for it. After all this time you fell for it.
“ I thought...we were a family after that. That we could be something better. Groot taught me that.”
It was true after all. The large flora had sacrificed himself for all of them, her and Rocket included. Though she’d hardly ever done anything to warrant such a selfless act. The longest she and Groot had ever interacted was when she’d lopped his limbs off.
I never apologized for that, she realized. But in this instance of hurt and betrayal she twisted that guilt back, spouting it upon Rocket.
“I guess his death wasn’t worth much after all. Not to you anyway.”  The words were out of her mouth before she could stop it. The drunk ringtail flinched, alien eyes narrowed.
“You were right Rocket. You are a monster. I’m sorry Groot didn’t realize that sooner. It would’ve saved him if he had.” The grief of it made her voice crack. The raccoonoid was not the only one who missed that calming, innocent, stable presence amid a very unstable life.
Rocket inhaled sharply, his bottom lip quivering. Something beamed within her, satisfied at his hurt. Good, she mused inwardly. He’d hurt her, terribly. But Gamora was never one to succumb to a blow. Oh no, she resolved, she’d beat him back and hit twice as hard because that was the only thing that had ever kept her alive.
“Your heart. You have none. The only thing that's there is a cybernetic pump. No different then this tap,”
The ringtail spluttered for words, mouth agape. His usual blustery demeanor now diminished. Wounded.
“Shut up! You don’t know what the flark your talking about!” He tried to defend, but it was no good. Gamora huffed, eyes wild.
“I saw the scans Rocket. You had them saved on your data pad. You want to know what was in there? A metal pump with wiring connected to your main circulatory system. There’s no heart. Just a machine.”
 The lie was out of her before she could stop it. Of course she’d seen a passing file on the data pad labeled “89P13,” assuming it contained images of Rocket’s past but she hadn’t opened it. She fumed but the traitor in front of her didn’t seem to notice the lie. His own pain turning to anger as quickly as her own.
“Shut up! You're no better than Thanos!”
It was her turn to look struck, though she should’ve anticipated it from someone so defensive as Rocket. I am nothing like Thanos.  The ringtail of all people should know, how hard it was to separate yourself from your creator. His words cut deep, to the bone.
Enough of this,
She snatched him up by the back of his head, depositing him out on the street.
“When we get back to the ship, I’m telling the rest of them what you’ve done,”  she stated. Rocket quaked, trying to gather himself up.
“N...no!” He slurred, giving her one last nasty snarl. She shrugged, not bothering to indulge his tantrum.
Gamora stalked away, back into the crowds. Better to be attacked by a stranger then someone you know.
She found Drax, Peter and Groot shortly, following the little flora’s incessant “I am Groot-ing”
“Gams!” Peter grinned across the way, opening his arms for a hug. “There you are! You got the maps?”
She allowed herself to be wrapped in his arms, if only for a moment. Safe, comfortable. Too safe. Too comfortable. She pulled away, revealing Rocket’s data pad from her bag.
Predictably the raccoonoid indeed have an interactive map of all Nova Corps bases not only in the Keystone Quadrant but every quadrant in the known galaxy. Intel on their total numbers, codes to several of their files included their most wanted list and their registry of bounty hunters in their employ, of which he himself was still registered.
Peter’s words of assurance did little to calm her nerves. Her mind inwardly toiling with mixed emotions of fury and raw hurt peppered now and again by occasional guilt.
I should not have lied about the scans.
“Okay so good news is there’s no Nova base on Tarque!” Peter exclaimed happily. We’ll head back to the ship and go from there. I’ll transmit a message to Danarian Dey, let him know it was honestly our bad for killing those guys and we’ll smooth things over, how’s that sound?”
How Gamora wished she could believe him, wanted to allow herself that peace of mind. His efforts to make things better were heartening. But she could hardly reciprocate, not with the drip drip drop of Rocket’s betrayal eating away at her like acid.
I have to tell him, she looked up again at Peter’s bright eyes. In the moment Gamora managed a nod, and a smile as they turned and headed back to the Benatar.
“I am Groot?”
“I’m sure our furry friend will catch up to us,” Drax assured the little flora with a pat on the back.  
“I AM Groo!!” Gamora swallowed the irritation of Groot’s cries.
“Okay, okay, I’ll go get him,” Peter offered, turning to her as if for permission. This time she could not bring herself to nod or smile, but motioned for Drax and Groot to follow her. She watched Peter taper off through the streets, the air of momentary levity gone with him.
Gamora retreated to her quarters as soon as they made it back on the ship. She needed to hide, to get away and be gone from all of them.
Nova Officers would come after them again. They would not give up the hunt, they were ruthless in their prosecution. I got into this mess, by trusting. By thinking that vermin was capable of friendship.
She practiced with her blade the remainder of the evening, swinging and slicing, turning her animosity into something productive, something that could serve her.
“Again Gamora,”
Thanos words toyed with her mind. She thrust forward, stabbing the target with the tip of her sword.
“You will have to do better than that,” and then he’d sigh, or shake his head and gesture for Ebony Maw to take her, for another session of procedures, for more modifications.
“No!” She screamed, twisting and slicing again.
She tried to steady her breath, wiping her head with the back of her arm and wiped her blade; putting it away before she opened the doors to her quarters.
“You look...good,” he tried awkwardly.
“I’m covered in sweat,” she laughed, this time genuine.
“Yeah well...I just mean...you...you look….like, ready for battle.”
She stepped aside allowing him to enter. He looked around awkwardly, anywhere but her.
“You don’t have a lot of stuff in here,” he noticed.
“I don’t have a lot of stuff anywhere. Thanos allowed us no possessions but our choice weapons and I didn’t exactly catch the orb on Xandar thinking I’d join this….this…” she gestured with her hands. Peter’s eyes shifted around, considering, then finally landed on her again.
“I’m sorry Gamora, I didn’t mean…”
“It was Rocket.”
She picked up a weight on the ground and lifted it with ease, focusing on taunt muscle and the sweet burn of her body pushing itself.
“W...what do you mean?”
She put the weight down, with more force than necessary and sat on her bunk, hands gripping the metal rim of it. Body tense and rigid with exertion.
“It was Rocket who sold me out to the Nova Corps.”
Peter blinked, fumbling for a moment and finally sat down beside her. She watched his arm move out of the corner of her eye, almost making to place it around her but stopped, placing it back in his lap.
“He wouldn’t. I mean, he’s bad. But he’s not that bad. He wouldn’t do that to any of us. Say what you want about him. He’s not a snitch and you didn’t do anything wrong.”
Gamora smiled, tentatively placing her hand on his. Large and warm and always open. He squeezed it but made no further motion, stars knew how grateful she was for that.
“Do you still have his data pad?”
Peter nodded it, pulling it out. Gamora found the messages easily and tapped the one from Officer Vakrien. The message played, but she hardly heard, staring down into the floor and curling her fingers around the metal rim of her bunk. That inexorable rage rose in her again, she almost wished the raccoonoid was here.  Her attention moved back to Peter, watching him take it in. His eyes widened, listening then set his lips in a firm line, brow furrowed. The recording clicked off.
“That little…..” the man’s eyes searched for a while, Gamora could only imagine the various scenarios playing out in his mind. Finally Peter’s look softened. 
“....what do you want to do about it?” Gamora huffed, flopping backward uncharacteristically laid back down on her cot, staring up at the chrome ceiling of her small room.
“I confronted him,” she sussed out. “Back on Tarque, I….what’s the expression, let him have it?”
Peter laughed, laying down sideways next to her, one arm propping his head up so he looked down at her with ….admiration? Sympathy? Understanding? Longing? She couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
“I lied to him,” she finally muttered, redirecting her gaze upward. “Told him I looked at the scans on the file he must’ve stolen of himself.” Peter’s face twisted in confusion but he let her continue, leaning only slightly closer, listening. 
“He told me once, he doesn’t know what his creators did to him. If they replaced his flesh and blood heart with metal machinery like nearly everything else.” She took a deep breath, “It eats at him. I can tell.” The same way it eats at me.  After all, Ebony Maw did much more than simple enhancements for fighting. They were both, as it were, built to be weapons. She shivered. Peter reached out, gently rubbing the ball of her shoulder. Gamora only stiffened once but found herself relaxing under his coaxing touch. He withdrew after a moment.
“But….so what?”
She frowned.
“So what if he has a flesh and blood heart or not? What he did was heartless. He acted heartless and my mom always said actions speak louder than words. Or...I guess...body parts in this case? Man...that’s..weird...but...I guess taken out of context..”
“What’s your point Peter?” She nudged, hopefully not unkind.
“My point, ooof yeah my point is,” he flopped the reset of the way down beside her on the bed, the two of them laying just close enough that she could feel his warmth. I could lean into it...it’d be so nice and safe….relaxing. Peter wouldn’t hurt me. Wouldn’t betray my trust. Maybe he’s the only one who wouldn’t. No….no he could just as well. You felt safe when Rocket was holding your hand in the forest, you felt comfortable when he was checking out your wounds in the common area...Peter is no different. You can’t. You’ve already let your guard down once. Do not do it again. Do not do it again little one. Thanos taunts echoed from the back of her head. She bit back the anxiety, focussing on Peter’s words.
“It doesn’t matter even if he does have a literal heart. Or a machine, whatever is in there certainly isn’t making him into some altruistic hero. He...he betrayed you, he lashed out at Groot, he’s nothing but mean and unforgiving to all of us...he’s acting heartless. And besides, you could be right. They could have replaced a little raccoon heart with something more...uhh...advanced. I mean everything under his skin is probably cybernetic. In all likelihood you’re right. But it doesn’t even matter.”
Gamora nodded, considering. He had a point. A good one. One that was assuring and placated, at least for a moment her guilt at lying.
“You know,” he continued with that impish tone she’d come to recognize as ‘I have an idea. It’s probably not a good one and you’ll never agree to it but I’m going to say it on the off chance you do agree.’She decided to humor him this one time. “We could find out the truth,” he moved his fingers across the data pad, clicking open several files until he reached the one labeled 89P13.  Gamora slapped his hand away,
“That’s private, we shouldn’t.”
“Awe co’mon now I’m really curious!”
“No Peter,” she repeated, though less stern. “I may have been unsure about the truth but that isn’t ours to discover. If Rocket really wanted to know the answer to that question, he would’ve looked at his own scans by now. He hasn’t done that because he knows the truth. He’s a hardened little monster,” she spat. Even Peter flinched this time but did not leave her.
“Well,” he began slowly, putting the pad down on the bed behind him. “I did just see Rocket off. He went somewhere in our last escape pod.”
“What?!” Gamora sat upright,
“Yeah, he didn’t say where he was going just that...I’m to take care of Groot if he doesn’t come back in a bit and...he told me to...tell you that he’s sorry. Wow this makes so much more sense now that I know he was snitching on you and got chewed out for it.”
“Any idea where he went?”
“No,” Peter sat up beside her. “But we can find out. He took the only other escape pod after Nebula grabbed the first one….we really need to start putting some security procedures and locks on those things.”
“The Nova Corps may have already  caught up to him,” Gamora thought aloud. “If he’s caught by the Nova Corps he’ll tell them where we are.”
“...you think he’d do that?” Peter broached slowly. Gamora raised a brow skeptically. The man nodded, reluctant.
The woman reached up, running a hand through her hair.
“How could I have been so stupid? You think running from Thanos and Nebula would teach me a lesson,” she shook her head pursing her lips.
“What lesson?” Peter asked gently, he stood up, coming to her slowly, tentatively as if waiting for her to swat him away. She eyed him carefully, planting her hands on her hips, pacing.
“Trust,” she answered curtly.
Peter looked at her with sympathy, his hands gingerly touching her wrists. He stood close, the scent of leather and fuel and maybe some sweet rellian candies lingering on his body and breath. Gamora clenched her jaw, willing herself not to blush, not to feel at ease, not to lean into him.
“When I was with Yondu as a kid, man, I couldn’t trust anyone, especially not the blue bastard himself. I used to hide in the storage or up in the ventilators in fear of being eaten, or beaten or dragged into some dangerous scheme,” he spoke with unbelievable ease. “...after a while the only person I trusted was myself. But….for what it’s worth, I trust you.”
She glanced up at him sharply, her eyes softened. She took his hands, and allowed him to rub her arms. He smiled, sadly this time, bittersweet.
“You do?” She whispered.
“Yeah, Gamora, I do.”
He inched towards her, face close to her, their noses almost touched. Lingering in that space just before intimacy, so close. Gamora yearned for it, closing her eyes. She was not about to kiss this human on Knowhere, not even with his music in her ears and the shimmering celestial stars all around them-but here….on this ship, now...maybe, just maybe she could…
“Quill! Gamora!”
Drax’s shout from the other side of the door shattered their moment. Gamora’s heart sank as she stepped back. Peter pressed his lips into a thin line, closing his eyes,
“What is it Drax?”
“If you two are not engaging in intercourse I have a plan for how we may seek out and destroy this traitor.”
Gamora gave Peter one last grin, opening the door to her quarters.
The large tattooed man looked between them in confusion.
“So you are not having a sexual encounter?”
“No man of course not!”
“Oh….that is too bad. You would make a handsome pair. “
“What was your point Drax?”
“Well, I have been thinking about this treacherous fiend. I say that we go back to every planet and place we have been since Xandar and destroy anyone we came in contact with if they do not agree to tell us the truth.”
“Drax I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Gamora reasoned.
Do I tell Drax? There will be no hope for him and Rocket if I do, with one so honor bound as him.
“Drax, where’s Groot?” Peter wondered all of a sudden concerned with the well being of the sapling.
“Oh,” the Destroyer looked over each shoulder, then to the ground and frowned. “I do not know where the small dumb tree went. He was annoying me so I went to find you.”
Peter grumbled something, shaking his head and leaving to go find the little flora; not before throwing Gamora one last sympathetic look. She returned it, waving for him to find Groot.
“Gamora,” Drax rumbled.
She stopped, going rigid for a moment glancing at her swords laying nearby.
“I just want to assure you, it was not me who was selling you out to the Nova Corps. I would never betray my friends that way.”
“Thank you Drax.”
“I would very much like to disembowel the honorless traitor myself. But, I will restrain myself. When we find them, I would be honored to watch you laugh as they screamed. And marvel as you bathe in their blood.”
“.....Thank you Drax,” Gamora placed a hand on his large shoulder, the skin raised and taunt, rippling with tattoos. He returned the gesture comfortably with a bubbling beaming smile she had not seen outside of fighting. Warmth crept into her chest, different from that she felt with Peter and different from...the friendship she had felt when she took Rocket’s hand. But still budding and strong with potential.
“Guys,” Peter called. Drax and Gamora took off down the hall towards his voice. “I found Groot!”
They came on to the flight deck of the Benatar, Peter crouching over Groot who was playing with the controls of the two escape pods.
“I found Groot….and Rocket.”
Gamora looked at the screen, used for tracking the pods. A crude map of the Keystone Quadrant with a blinking blue dot shown in the fourth sector, drifting further away. She scrutinized the screen, another set of blinking catching her eyes. The second pod, Nebula.  Her escape pod was flying just inside the third sector. The realization dawned on her slowly, anger returning anew.
“Peter,” she whispered, “I know where Rocket’s going.”
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yhs-silly · 5 years
Hang on there buddy #2
Trigger warnings: suicide mentions, character death, murder mention, ghost s, self harm, self harm mention
After another week or two, people began to notice how Grian was getting; he stopped joking around with Sam and Taurtis, he just sat quietly during class, he never really ate much- Chan had even spread a rumour that she’d seen him drinking from a bottle of wine in the bathroom at lunch, no one was sure if it was real or not as Grian refused to comment. In all honesty he figured he could use it to cope, he didn’t mind the taste, though it was a little bitter. The real reason he drank it was he thought it could help him cope, it was what his mother had used after all, his father used something else but they didn’t sell vodka nor whiskey in the store, so wine it was.
Grian kept up the cutting, as soon as his money had been transfered he went straight out and bought a pack of razors. The cuts got longer and deeper but he cried a little less everytime. He felt like he was coping at least a little when he did this, the fresh cuts hiding just under his sleeves reminding him just how much of a terrible person he was and how he shouldn’t do anything to display his emotions- he simply didn’t deserve them. Sometimes this mentality meant he felt guilt whilst cutting, like it was only a plea for attention and not a way to cope, but he pushed those thoughts out of his mind when the steel made contact with his flesh.
But that wasn’t the only change happening, when Grian moved into the apartment, they told him that there were only two beds but he was fine with it, he didn’t mind the sofa.
That wasn’t the issue he had with living with those two.
Grian was no stranger to emotions, that was obvious. But positive ones always seemed to elude him, lately though, he’d been feeling very warm and fuzzy around his friends. He hated that feeling, he didn’t deserve to be happy, he simply didn’t.
Then it happened, he realised what he was feeling. Sam had started cooking, just small things like savory muffins and omelettes, veggie burgers and the like but Grian and Taurtis always enjoyed them, even if they were bad. He was currently making some strawberry pancakes using Yuki’s recipe, Grian could smell it as soon as he woke up, Taurtis hadn’t woken up yet so Grian was just sat there, playing with his hands and breathing through the pain coming from his arms. He watched Sam lazily, the rabbit had the radio on and Grian couldn’t help but smile at how Sam’s left ear bobbed to the beat, twitching up and down in time.
Grian didn’t even realise he’d been humming along to the radio until Taurtis walked in and sat next to him, yawning and leaning against him. “Nice humming there G.” He chuckled a little before getting comfy, his head resting against Grian’s shoulder. Grian felt his face heat up and his heart both swell and drop, he liked them. He realised with that awful sinking feeling setting in, he had a crush on them, his two best friends in the worlds and he was here acting like a creep. He felt awful, these were his friends, he wasn’t supposed to like them, he felt like a pervert for simply looking at them.
Grian sat in class a few hours later, staring out of the window, he was remembering being small, he used to sit on his aunts lap and tell her all about his cool idea and thoughts. He remembered how Gareth was there sometimes, the poor guy always tried to talk to him, to play with him, but Grian didn’t like him, he always smelled of smoke and he was so sappy and boring to be around. Any normal kid would avoid him, Grian knew that- he just wished he at least tried to make the guys life a little easier. He wished he hadn’t drove the man to suicide, he didn’t know how to fully grasp what he’d done and he didn’t want to think about it- he’d start crying, and he didn’t want to cry in the middle of class.
Then there was the fact that he’d developed feelings for his best friends, or maybe it was just his desperate desire for validation that fooled him into become in love with the first people to show him kindness, maybe it was just him being dramatic. He was straight after all, he wasn’t gay whatsoever, sure he dated Ellen and they happened to not be female but that wasn’t really Grian’s fault- or maybe it was and he was just being an assuming bigot? He really didn’t know and his mind felt like it was messing with him, he watched a little bird fly around outside the window for a few moments, just letting his mind wander like that.
“Grian? Grian are you listening?” Okamis voice rang in Grians ears harshly, tearing him from his thoughts and back into the classroom. He jolted up in his seat, slightly embarrassed that he was called out. He looked up at her with an awkward smile, it was clear that Okami was waiting for him to say something. “Uhmm…”
“You weren’t listening were you Grian?” Okami sighed when Grian shook his head in shame, walking back up to the board. “I asked you what the primary colour set are.”
“Oh!” Grian perked at that question, he knew that- he’d been educated with the upperclass for the first six years of his life, are was taught excessively. “It’s magenta, yellow and cyan.” He rolled his eyes at everyone snickering and saying that he’s wrong, he knew he was right- he might be worthless but at least he knew his damn colours.
Okami smiled and went on the explain how he was right, Grian couldn’t help but smile at that. That was until he realised why Okami was teaching art- she wasn’t normally the art teacher.
Jane used to be the art teacher, she used to teach art and english. No wonder those subjects were ones Grian loved so much, his dear aunt was the one that influenced him the most.
A few hours later, Grian sat on the school roof, it was late at night, maybe the morning- he was unsure. He looked down to the pavement bellow, if he fell then he could die. Dying sounded pretty good for him, he didn’t want to bother anyone- Sam and Taurtis had offered to let him sleep on their sofa but after catching feelings he really didn’t want to trouble them. He’d caused everyone enough pain anyway, moving in would just hinder them more. He caused the death of one of their teachers and now he was crushing on them, he’s better off not living with them. Poor miss Okami has to cover the lessons of two teachers now, not just her own. Grian had never felt guilt like that before, it felt like thousands of eyes were glaring at him- bearing down on him like a layer of water with the texture of a blanket and the weight of a world. He hoped no one could see the pain he was in, he’d hate to appear weak in any way.
He could see a lot from up here, he could see the yakuza going about their business in the town. They looked so small from where he sat, he felt strangely safe up here. The ghosts that haunted the school, Gareth and Salex, Gareth avoided him for good reason- Grian couldn’t blame him but he did wish he could tell him how sorry he is. Salex sometimes joined him on the roof, he supposed she felt a duty of care- Grian was friends with her boyfriend after all. He hated the way she looked at him, with pity, she never spoke of him and always sat a distance away- like she was scared of getting too close.
“Please say something…” Grian muttered, glancing back at Salex who’d been watching him in silence for quite a while now. She merely lowered her gaze in response, not even gracing him with a single word. He sighed and turned back to watching the yakuza, Yuki’s father owns it- that he knew. Yuki was a sweet girl, a little troubled but who isn’t these days- at least she has a good reason. Grian grew up in high society, sure he might not have been given as much attention as he probably needed and maybe he run away at age seven but they had found him again at eight. He’d had such a good life, one that most people would kill for. Yet he’d still driven a man to death, he really was a monster- there was something horribly wrong with him and his friends didn’t deserve to be around him, they deserved better.
It was then that Salex decided to speak for the first time. “Poor boy, blinded by guilt, unable to see his friends and instead wallowing in selfish grief…” She wasn’t speaking to him but about him, he could hear her whispers from over where he was sitting- it wasn’t her fault that a ghosts voice isn’t masked by the wind. Grian had to agree that he was selfish, he must be so selfish she’s right. But he doesn’t know how else to feel, the only thing he really felt strongly these days was guilt. Other emotions felt weak and hollow, he could be laughing one moment and empty the next. He never forced a laugh nor a smile but he always felt they were fake.
“Do you hate me Salex? Do you hate me for who I like?” He turned to face the ghost, his tone was slightly confrontational but even though he hated himself for liking his friends it was the only thing he was currently sure of.
Salex looked at him, her ghostly features portraying surprise. “I don’t hate you anymore then I do Chan for dating him or Yuki for killing me.”
Grian sighed and frowned. “That doesn’t answer my-” His eyes widened as he processed her last question. “Yuki killed you!!?” He couldn’t believe he’d been privy to such information, that freudian slip gave him so much insight into Yuki’s life. He scooted closer to her along the side of the roof and leaned forward towards her. “Did she mean to? Was it murder or did she just make a mistake??” He stared at her with wide eyes.
Salex blinked at him, shaking her head in disappointment as she faded away. “You stupid boy, focus on yourself, stay away from other people before you get hurt- they don’t need you butting in.”
She left Grian feeling worse then before, he didn’t really know how to feel but bad. He wished Salex had stayed silent, he felt like he would’ve been better without her input. He looked back down at the edge, maybe he should jump? He felt the world would be better without him.
But he was angry now, Salex was so rude to him. If he died now it would only grant her the satisfaction, he refused to do that. He took his hoodie off and balled it up to act as a pillow, he pulled a blanket from his backpack and wrapped himself in it, laying down to sleep. He counted himself lucky to get such a good view of the stars to sleep under.
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gemmaheart · 4 years
The Killer Snake
Damian Wayne x Female Reader
Reader is a assassin for the Black Cobra, an ally to the League of Assassins. At the age of 15, she is the best killer the Black Cobra has. What will happen when a young bird comes face to face with this elusive murderer?
Warning: Talk of killing/death
Writer’s Notes: This will be multipart if you want or we can leave it here please comment if you want more. I can’t take very much credit for this writing as I got inspiration from many other fanfics (Not all DC). Also please excuse all grammar/punctuation mistakes, English is my first (only) language, I’m just not good with it in written form.
y/n means your first name
y/l/n means your last name
y/n/m means your name on missions
h/c means hair color
e/c means eye color
f/c means favorite color
Narrators point of view
It was another boring day at the Wayne Manor for Damian. Titus was asleep after having played for a few hours. Dick was off in Bludhaven, probably with his girlfriend, Cory. His father was at work, he had complained about having board meetings all day. So with nothing else to do, Damian went down to the cave to train. Once he got into it he was so focused that he had gone four hours without stopping. Not wanting to wear himself out before patrol tonight, he put his equipment away and went up to the kitchen. Alfred was currently making dinner. His father would be home soon then. “What are you preparing, Pennyworth” Damian asked. Alfred, rolling his eyes replied (Insert fancy dinner foods here) as sarcastically as possible. Damian elected to ignore that sarcasm as starting a verbal fight with the butler was a sure way to lose his patrol privileges. “Very good” he replied “Sounds wonderful” he quickly added. Just then Bruce entered the house looking exhausted from his many meetings of the day. Damian was told to set the table for the three while Bruce got into something more comfortable for the remainder of the day. Dinner was quiet, as usual for the three men. It’s what was to come after that Damian was interested in. Suited up in his Robin uniform he waited for Bruce. They where soon in the Bat-mobile zooming through the streets of Gotham. They meet up with Commissioner Gordon on the GCPD roof. Tonight there was a big drug shipment coming into port, Black Masks operation. It was suppose to be simple. Take down the guards, stop the drugs from getting into Gotham. Nothing was simple in Gotham however. When the dynamic duo arrived at the East Docks there was a full blown gang war occurring. Black Mask and the Falcones were fighting for dominance, an even match. (Not sure how to write a fight scene for this, SORRY) After a long fight against two crime bosses and their many goons, Batman and Robin are able to get the upper hand. Chasing the crime lords off and stopping the drugs from getting onto the streets, Bruce and Damian report to Gordon,do a lap around the city, and head home for some well deserved rest.
Somewhere in the Arabian Desert
Another mission, another person to kill. Y/N receives her orders, her target was Robin better known as Damian al Ghul, now Wayne. This mission was assigned by the leader of the League of Assassins herself, Talia al Ghul, Damians mother. She sees her son as soft, his father teaching him to not kill his enemies as he was originally told. Ten years of training wasted, a son ruined by Bruce Waynes rules and morales. No more than a kill mission for y/n/m. At the age of 15, y/n y/l/n was a true assassin. With more than 200 kills under her belt, she was a prize among the Black Cobra, reserved for truly challenging targets. But before all this glory she was nothing. No home, no family, no anything. The Black Cobra toke her in, trained her to be a killer, gave her a purpose. She was loyal to them, owed them her life. She has never failed a mission. Now, y/n was off to Gotham City, to take yet another life in the name of the Black Cobra.
Several days later in Gotham
The Wayne’s where having a charity gala tonight. At their mansion, with at least 350 people, and y/n would be one of them. At her age she needed someone to go as her guardian, the man was named Henry Garcia, a wealthy man from Star City, with ties to the Black Cobra. He owed them for a supply of weaponry gone missing last month, this was his ticket. With Henry, y/n could get into the mansion to spy on her target without suspicion. Not that there would be much anyway, she was young, pretty, and his age so no one would question her watching the boy. She watched him for the entire gala, learning about him. For instance, he was introverted, not talking to anyone and keeping to himself. He had found a corner and not really left it all night. Men talked about business deals and future plans. Women gossiped about the latest scandals and raves over the others dresses, shoes, and accessories. Some people danced, most drank, some tried to do both. Damian just looked on, a frown on his face, clearly not happy to be here. All the while y/n studying him, collecting anything that could be useful for later. At the end of the gala Henry and y/n walked out, no one the wiser of what had happened, why Damian was being watched by the beautiful h/c in the f/c dress.
Two nights later on patrol
Damians point of view
The night was calm, the rain lightly falling from above, cleaning the air of the wretched pollution. Father and I had separated to cover more ground, he toke the East and I the West. There are warehouses along the river, all supposed to be empty but one had lights on, dim but noticeable. I radio father on the comms, telling him my location, and that I was going to look around stealthily. He agreed with that plan and said he would be there as soon as he could. With the conformation to enter, I went in through the roof, landing on a path above the main floor. It seemed there was nothing but as I continued to look around from above I spotted a man tied to a chair. I quickly recognize him as a man from our resent gala, Mark something. I see about ten people on the other side of the expansive warehouse. I alert Father of this development as the men move to interrogate the businessman. They want money and supplies his company makes, he refuses, they threaten him but he says nothing. They look at each other, seem to have a conversation with their eyes because a few seconds later, one of the men puts a gun to Marks head and pull the trigger. I make a decision, giving myself away to take the men out. It was easy, he was an easy target. I comm Batman to inform him of the news but I miss his response as I notice something on one of the men I toke out, a tattoo of a cobra. “Oh shit” i say, louder than necessary. Father is asking what it was that I found. I can’t answer as just then I get blind sided. (Still can’t write fight scenes. Just imagine two assassins fighting it out) It’s a girl about my age. This is a shock but I push that away fast. She runs at me and I pull out my sword. The sound of metal clashing can be heard through the whole building, she’s fast and strong. I manage to deflect most of the blows and jabs directed at me and deal some damage in return. Eventually she has me pinned to the floor, strangling me. As I loose air and start to black out, she lets out a scream of pain, Batman has arrived and planted a batarang in her shoulder. I’m dizzy from air lose but from what I can see from my spot on the cold, concrete floor she is a excellent fighter, keeping pace with Father. I notice she wears a simple suit with little to no armor, made to be flexible, much like Graysons. She is slim with long h/c hair tied back in a high ponytail, with a mask covering her face. She can’t fight forever though and soon lands back by my side, a sword to my throat and speaks, calmly, almost quietly, “Don’t move, that’s it, just stand right there” “Let me leave without hinderance and Robin here can avoid further harm” Father returns with “And if I don’t” the girl laughs “Oh I believe you will, his life is of value to you, not sure why though, he can’t fight worth shit” she looks to me, speaks to me but Father can hear it “We will meet again Damian, and I won’t be going easy on you” “How do you know my name” I manage to stutter out. Her answer is simple “The Black Cobra knows everything, thought you knew that Mister al Ghul” and with that she collects her now conscious men, walks past the dead body still tied to the chair and out the front doors like nothing ever happened.
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yoramkelmer · 3 years
Hogwarts Overexposed Chapter 7: Innocents All
So, I hope to do this in one shot, but can´t promise anything.
Considering that it was only at the end of last chapter in which the plot finally arrived after six chapters, it´s kinda misleading that the chapter was named "From Heaven to Hell", considering that we don´t even see that hell there.
Anyway, so last time we checked in, the Sues were surprised by three very unwelcome guests.
Who could that be?
The girls all instinctively reached for their wands, but their reactions were too slow and they were hindered by their physical situations: Jamie holding Ben, and both Caitlin and Emily lying prone.
How inconvenient.
Hooch had Apparated with her wand at the ready. "Accio Nipple! wand! Accio wand!" She repeated rapidly, pointing her wand at Emily and Caitlin in quick succession. Their wands flew toward her and she grabbed them deftly in her left hand as without the slightest hesitation she pointed her wand toward the apparently unarmed Jamie and cried, "Expelliarmus!"
Jamie was thrown violently backward against the wall, her head colliding with it harshly before she fell unconscious to the floor. Ben was ejected from her arms by the force of the impact and landed a few feet away, screaming. Timmy sat petrified, too terrified to even cry.
Hmm, I doubt I would have been too terrified to cry in such a situation at that age.
"You bitch," Emily yelled, running toward Hooch, her fists clenched. "I'll kill you with my bare hands, if you've hurt either one of them."
"Ridiculous little girl," Hooch snarled. "Crucio!"
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Emily's legs buckled as she fell to the floor in pain, excruciating pain the likes of which she had never experienced; her blood boiled; her bones were on fire; she screamed with agony; she wanted to die so it would end.
So do I.
And then suddenly the pain was gone. She lay in the fetal position on the floor, her body covered in sweat. But she wasn't alone. Caitlin had evidently tried to aid her by sharing the pain and now she too was reduced to a quivering pile of bones.
"So, my sweet petite Caitlin is the healer that the prophecy refers to," Madam Hooch said smugly, twirling her moustache, walking over to the blonde girl, "And not just an ordinary healer, but quite a bit more, a Hyperempath. How noble and righteous you have become, wanting to share your sister's agony. But you are no longer an orphan that must share with the other girls. You should experience the full pleasure on your own. "Crucio!"
You know, ever since I first read the sporking on Das Mervin of this fic, all I could think of was this:
Why Madam Hooch?
Every part of Caitlin felt like it was being pierced again and again by red-hot daggers, but instead of sweat, blood seeped from her pores. Hooch ended the curse, but only after Caitlin had passed out.
"Interesting," Hooch said, running a finger across Caitlin's motionless body and studying the blood it amassed. "I've heard legends about Hyperempaths sweating blood if they were in agonizing pain, but until now I thought they were just fairy tales."
I have no idea why this is so significant right now, as this is never ever mentioned again.
"Begging your pardon Madam, but shouldn't we be more protective of the innocents?" Goyle asked fearfully.
"I agree with Goyle," Crabbe muttered. "The Great One will be elated that we've happened upon all four innocents when our mission was only to kidnap Slytherin's heir, but she'll have our heads if any harm befalls any of them before they can serve their purpose."
Just....read this. Read this aloud. Does this in any way sound like something either Crabbe or Goyle would say?
"How dare you impudent, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-wells have the cheek to tell me what I shall or shall not do?" Madam Hooch bellowed, threatening to eat their nipples.
They both cowered as she turned toward them, her wand still in hand.
"We'd never be so bold," Goyle explained, shaking nervously. "It's just that… Well, the Great One was very clear that no harm should come to the Weasley brat. Would not the same hold true for the other innocents as well?"
Except for Ben, what´s so innocent about them?
Hooch studied Goyle intently and then surveyed the room. "Perhaps I was a tad over zealous," she reluctantly admitted, pocketing her wand. "You are right. The Great One will be extremely pleased. She was troubled as to just how we would go about seizing the other innocents while the Hogwarts' wards protected them. It was extremely accommodating of them to come to us."
How convenient.
"Will someone shut that damn baby up?" Hooch shouted. Emily had already edged over to Ben and was trying to quiet him, but to no avail.
"Jamie or Hermione generally takes care of him," Timmy whispered timidly, as he crawled over next to Emily, clutching his crayons and colouring book possessively.
Does this sound like something a 5 year old would say?
"Caitlin, put your abilities to use; see to her," Hooch ordered the now stirring girl.
Caitlin detested following Hooch's orders, but in this case was grateful to be permitted to tend to Jamie. Although still weak from the effects of the Cruciatus curse , she managed to stagger over to Jamie.
Because even the Cruciatus curse won´t stop her from using her Sue Powers.
Caitlin stroked Jamie's head for a few moments; after a bit, the older girl slowly opened her eyes. "You'll be all right," Caitlin said reassuringly. "Just a slight concussion."
Jamie ignored Caitlin's cautions as she struggled to get to her knees and then finally stand upright. As soon as she was on her feet, she hurried to Emily and they transferred the bawling Ben. The baby, once in Jamie's arms calmed and soon stopped crying.
Must be one of Jamies Sue Powers, stopping babies from crying.
"Well done Miss Zacherley," Hooch said. "I think you may have just won yourself a postponement of your execution."
"Have I already mentioned how evil I am?"
Crabbe and Goyle looked questioningly at Madam Hooch. "But our orders were to kill any extras," Crabbe blurted out.
"Our orders were also to just bring back Slytherin's heir," Hooch retorted. "What do you suggest we do with the other innocents? You must learn to fine-tune your orders to the situation at hand. We will soon have all four innocents in safekeeping, but it is over two weeks until the new moon and the time of their sacrifice. I, for one, do not intend to spend that time as a nursemaid to these brats. Which of you two wasters wants to take care of that insufferable infant; feed him, change his nappy?"
That sounds so convenient.
Both buffoons aggressively wobbled their heads to say no.
"We'll take her back with us," Hooch decided. "She gets to play nanny for the next two weeks as an alternative to us. When all is said and done, it will just mean disposing of one additional corpse."
Crabbe and Goyle's heads bobbled in agreement.
Jamie, Emily and Caitlin had all paid attention as the followers of the Great One had opening discussed their ultimate fate. They now all remained silent. Emily actually seemed to be trying to keep Timmy's attention by drawing in his colouring book.
Uuuuh, I wonder if this will be significant later.....
"We've wasted enough time jabbering," Hooch finally said. "Let's get them back to head quarters, where Damien and the Great One can congratulate us on our good fortune."
"Should we go put clothes on?" *gasp!* Jamie asked, most cooperatively. Her foremost reason for asking was the hope that she could get out of view long enough to draw her wand from its invisible sheath and catch Hooch unaware. She knew that if she could just incapacitate Hooch, she would be able to handle Crabbe and Goyle easily.
I thought Jamie always had that invisible sheath on her? Apparently only when the plot demands.
Speaking of which.....why doesnt Caitlin now use her powers to kill Hooch and the others with her mind?
On the other hand she was concerned about Crabbe and Goyle. Since things had quieted down, Goyle hadn't taken his eyes off her. She felt as if he had mentally violated her multiple times and it was only a matter of time before he got around to trying to do it physically. Goyle, however, didn't bother her nearly as much as Crabbe. Crabbe might be the dumber of the two, but he was also categorically the more lecherous. He seemed to be practically salivating as he ogled Emily and Caitlin.
Yeah, remember when it was said "his attraction to underage girls is well documented"?
"That would be a waste of time," Hooch said with a chortle. "You will be transported using a Portkey similar to the one used to get hold of your dear, look-alike, professor two years ago. It's good that you all enjoy being unclothed because that's how you'll be spending the remaining days of your lives."
Isnt that what Jamie wants?
"That lady just said that we could stay nudie for the rest of our lives," Timmy said elatedly to Caitlin and Emily.
I doubt Timmy at this stage wouldnt be able to see that this is a dangerous situation, after seeing the others get tortured.
"Isn't that great," Caitlin said giving Timmy a reassuring hug and purposely not explaining the true meaning of the ex-professor's remark.
I hate this fic.
"But what about the baby?" Jamie asked concernedly. "I need his diaper bag and the remaining packets of breast milk.
Hooch thought for a moment before answering. "Goyle, you Apparate ahead so that you are there to meet them on their arrival. Crabbe, you and I will see them off then I'll Apparate with the baby's immediate needs. You will make a side trip for diapers and infant formula."
Crabbe gave Hooch an insolent glare, but knew better than to question her orders, as he didnt want to lose his nipples.
"Benjamin doesn't take well to canned formula," Jamie advised. "He prefers breast milk."
"Well isn't that a pity," Hooch screeched uncaringly. "We don't always get what we want in life, do we? I'm afraid he'll just have to become accustomed to formula or go hungry."
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Hooch observed the girl carefully as Jamie gathered Ben's belongings together. "What about Timmy?" Jamie inquired. "Should I collect some of his toys?"
Hooch looked disbelievingly at Jamie. "I'm sorry if I've given you the wrong impression," she bellowed. "You are not going on vacation and The Great One does not run a day care centre. Damien does, however, have a number of unique toys that I'm sure he'd be happy to demonstrate to all of you. That is enough of this pointless chatter. Goyle, go prepare for their arrival."
Oh, that plot point.....
Without so much as a glance or any question, the corpulent wizard Apparated with a loud pop.
Hooch removed what appeared to be a deflated children's pool float from her pocket. "Each of you grab hold of a bit of this," she ordered.
"You had better hold the baby tightly to you chest." She advised Jamie commandingly.
They all put a hand nervously on the Portkey, having no idea to where they were about to be transported. Hooch counted down from three and then they felt the, by now, all too recognizable jerk as though a hook located just behind their navels had suddenly jerked them irresistibly forward. Jamie held Benjamin tightly against her breasts as her feet left the ground; she could feel the others on either side of her, their shoulders banging into hers, Timmy yelling gleefully as Ben cried incessantly. They were all speeding forward as though stuck to the Portkey as it pulled them magically onward and then__
Seconds later, they slammed to the solid ground. Jamie struggled to maintain her footing as first Emily and then Caitlin knocked into her.
Timmy was on the ground in front of her screaming ecstatically, "Again, again, me loves Portkeys." Ben was just screaming, obviously not sharing Timmy's bliss.
This is so dumb.
"Enjoy the trip?" Goyle uttered wickedly as they struggled to get their bearings.
Then with a soft 'pop' Madam Hooch joined them. She tossed Ben's diaper bag at Jamie, who let it fall to the floor; her arms already occupied, trying to calm the distressed baby.
"These are your quarters," she said with a snicker. "I advise you not to lay a hand on anything. Damien does not tolerate anyone touching his playthings. What's more, some are extremely sharp and dangerous. You'll be fed in the morning, if you're lucky." She turned to leave, Goyle at her side, his eyes still fixed on Jamie's glistening nude body.
"But where are the beds, blankets and pillows? Caitlin inquired. "And I need to use the bathroom."
Hooch and Goyle exchanged depraved smiles before breaking into uncontainable cruel laughter.
"You're standing on your bed," Hooch laughed. "As for blankets and pillows, I'm afraid you'll have to use each other for such luxuries."
I hate this fic.
"That sewer grate is your bathroom," Goyle chuckled. "The hose pipe just to the left is your drinking water supply and may also be used for bathing if desired. One temperature fits all purposes."
"Get to sleep," Hooch ordered. "Remember, don't touch anything!"
How will she stop them from touching anything?
* * * * * *
Saturday, August 20, 2005
"Sam, wake up," Ron said, cautiously shaking the sleeping panther.
The panther growled sleepily and then transformed into his charming wife. WHY IS EVERYONE A FREAKING ANIMAGUS? Sam gave Ron a kiss on the cheek and then looked about the cell. Evidently she had been the last to arise because Harry and Hermione were already engaged in an animated conversation as they both paced back and forth in front of the dungeon cell waiting for Snape to arrive and unlock the chamber.
"Is something wrong?" Sam questioned apprehensively. "Why do Harry and Hermione appear so worried?"
"They were forced back into wearing clothes!"
"It's probably nothing," Ron said reassuringly. He seemed to be trying to persuade himself as much as Sam. "Hermione tried reaching Caitlin telepathically this morning when she awoke and was unable to."
Sam's face paled as she shook off Ron's embrace and hurried to Hermione's side. "Has this ever happened before, you not being able to contact her? Sam asked.
"No," Hermione answered, "but then we haven't been away from each other a great deal to methodically test it. Most of our contact by telepathy has been from one part of Hogwarts to another or sometimes Hogsmeade. During holiday we communicated from ship to shore and, of course, from our arrival point to that car park when those hooligans kidnapped the girls."
I think that´s the last time their almost-rape ever gets mentioned again. Again, what was the point of it?
"But you never had any problem reaching each other before? Maybe she is asleep or the Hogwarts wards are interfering," Sam suggested, hoping for a logical and calming solution.
"We've both managed to invade the other's deepest sleep," Hermione replied nervously. "Thus far the only thing that has impeded our thoughts from reaching each other has been distance and plate glass. Our thoughts were not the least bit hampered last evening and circumstances this morning should be identical."
Again, we never get to know why exactly glass is so different.
"Here he comes," Harry yelled, as he saw Snape turn the corner. "Ginny and Draco are with him."
* * * * * *
Cut for unnecessary discussion about who is to blame.
Now look at this:
"Weasley?" Malfoy questioned, finding it unbelievable that anyone could have been so dim-witted. "You had Ginny remove all the charms and wards on the apartment so that your landlord could show it to a potential tenant, didn't you? Please tell me that you didn't neglect to restore them before allowing those children to spend the night here."
Why couldnt Ginny do it? Why is it all Rons fault?
This is all just another excuse by Neil to shit on Ron.
"You can inform those bureaucratic do nothings if you desire," Harry shouted, "but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back idly and wait for them to find the kids. They were of absolutely no help when Hermione was kidnapped and I anticipate little more from them this time around."
Draco nodded his head in accord. "I'm glad that for once we are in agreement, Potter. Under Minister Wrong's administration the Aurors have become indolent and ineffective. They've made utterly no progress in the last two years toward eradicating that blot on the wizarding world known as the Great One."
I actually wonder why neither Harry, Draco or anyone else didn´t jump to the idea that....maybe Emma Wrong is the Great One?
"Harry, do you think it's him? Do you think the Great One has the children?" Hermione asked trying to maintain a semblance of control over her distraught emotions.
"Who else?" Harry answered. "The Great One wants to rule the world. He has shown himself to be ruthless, cunning and a tad psychotic. Anyone trying to resurrect the dead has to be crazy, especially when you're talking about a wizard that was as evil and monstrous as Salazar Slytherin."
I´ve said this before, but wouldnt it be a more interesting take if Salazar Slytherin, once resurrected, is disgusted by all that Emma Wrong did in his name and denounced evilness etc?
But because Neil stole this plot from the Draco Trilogy, Slytherin is gonna be eeeevul.
"Then you believe the kids were taken in order to fulfil the prophecy?" Ron asked.
"Why else?" Harry said. "What possible other reason could there be for kidnapping a baby, a toddler and two young girls?"
"You forgot Jamie," Ginny said.
This was only put in so Giny could say something.
"I didn't forget her," Harry said, his voice cracking and practically choking on his own words. "Actually at this point in time I'm most concerned about her because she could be considered unnecessary and therefore expendable."
Everyone stared at Harry, but Severus was the first to offer a rationalization for his comment. "If someone is indeed going to attempt to restore to life Salazar Slytherin, they will be using some of the oldest and darkest magic known to the wizard world. Magic that is forbidden and the use of which is considered a more heinous crime than any of the forbidden curses.
As if we all didn´t already know that.
"Such magic takes months of preparation and can only be attempted under prescribed conditions. One of those conditions is that the rebirth must coincide with the birth of the moon."
"By birth of the moon, are you referring to a new moon?" Ginny inquired.
Severus nodded. "Since we are now experiencing the full moon, we have two weeks until the new moon, September third to be exact. That is the earliest that the Great One can attempt the restoration."
"Then the children are safe until then at least," Ron said, sounding at least somewhat relieved.
"To an extent," Harry replied despondently. "They must remain alive and innocent until the new moon, but who know what tortures the animals that cage them will inflict. And Jamie…"
"They don't require her at all," Hermione cried, horrified at the thought.
"No," Harry said. "At this juncture we can only be thankful that all signs point to her currently being alive.
How is that?
Sam picked up Timmy's colouring book and after studying it a moment commented. "We can stop assuming some things," she said. "The Great One definitely has the children and we should stop referring to her as a he."
Everyone looked at Sam questioningly as she passed the colouring book first to Hermione and then it started making the rounds of everyone present. On the open page of the book, someone had hastily drawn a stick figure. Apparently the drawing was of a woman because a triangle representing a dress was drawn over the tops of the legs. 'G1' was scrawled under the drawing.
"It's not a lot of information," Draco declared, "but it's more than the Ministry has been able to ascertain in the last two years."
Again, why don´t they come to the conclusion that the Great One is in the Ministry herself?
"We also have a means to locate them," Harry said.
"Harry, if you're referring to Caitlin and my telepathic connection," Hermione interjected. "I have to be within twenty-five miles of her for that to work."
"That means we have to get you within that distance," Harry declared emphatically.
"But Harry," Ginny said, "Great Britain covers nearly 89,000 square miles and we can't even be sure they are still on the island."
"No we can't," Harry admitted, "But two years ago I sat helpless waiting wondering if the woman I loved would ever be returned to me. I'm not sitting idle again."
He looked questioningly at Hermione. "It will be worse than looking for that damn proverbial needle in a haystack," he said, "and all we can do is fly escort, you're the only one with the power to contact Caitlin."
Oh G-d.
What then follows are two long copy-paste flashbacks from the first fic of when she adopted Caitlin and then from the second fic where she gave birth to Ben.
"Hermione," Harry called, trying to bring her back to reality. "Are you all right?" Will you be up to that much flying?"
"Those bastards have ripped our hearts out. They've taken from us what is most precious, our children. It's not a question of whether I'm up to it; it's a question of how soon do we get started."
This is the first we ever see of Hermione actually doing something.
* * * * * *
In twenty-four hours, Jamie had gone from sleeping in a quite comfortable bed on a first class cruise ship, to sleeping on the chilly stone floor of what gave the appearance of being a dungeon torture chamber right out of the thirteen hundreds. Sleeping was perhaps not the correct term because she had in reality slept very little during the night.
But at least she wasnt forced to wear clothes, am I right?
They had all cuddled together to share their body warmth the previous evening. Jamie had lain on her side with Ben nestled snugly in her arms, Emily facing her in order to help shelter the infant. Caitlin had snuggled against Jamie's back and little Timmy had burrowed between Jamie and Emily, alternately using each girl as a pillow.
With the possible exception of Ben, no one slept contentedly; there was a great deal of tossing and turning. Then just when Jamie had finally drifted off to sleep, Ben awoke, hungry and demanding that his diaper be changed.
How inconvenient.
It was now a little past six in the morning, as Jamie appraised their prison while the others slept restlessly. She only knew the time because in the quietness of the early morning she had heard what sounded like a grandfather's clock in a nearby room solemnly chiming the hour.
How can she even hear that in a dungeon?
The dungeon seemed to be modelled after those used during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. It was damp and if not for the torches, would have been extremely dark. Torches are something originating in movies to give some light - real dungeons never used torches. Fortunately it did not seem to be vermin infested or extremely bad smelling as dungeons of that era often were; at least Jamie had not thus far observed any rats or cockroaches. She trusted that their meals would also be more than the mouldy bread and stale water normally served to prisoners of that time.
Although she had no way of being positive, Jamie suspected that they might be the only prisoners. She had been awake most of the night and had heard no cries or screams, or for that matter any sounds at all, echoing throughout the dungeon walls.
Considering that this is Hogwarts Exposed, maybe it is a good thing that they are the only prisoners here.
"Wake up!" Madam Hooch screamed as she entered the chamber, Crabbe and Goyle on her heels. Hooch tossed a bag in Jamie's direction. "Crabbe purchased formula and baby bottles."
"You get two meals a day," she shouted as the kids yawned and stretched. "This isn't Hogwarts, eat what you're served without complaint or starve. It's your choice." She waved her wand and four plates and tumblers appeared on the floor.
"Where do we sit to eat?" Timmy asked innocently.
"On your arse," Goyle replied crudely.
Caitlin and Emily both gave Goyle looks of loathing as they squatted Indian style on the floor, Emily demonstrating to Timmy how to sit the same way. Jamie looked about for somewhere she could lay down the still sleeping Ben. She stared beseechingly at Hooch, fearing that she would eat her nipples.
"We were all extremely cold and uncomfortable last night," she said. "If you insist that my sisters and I catch pneumonia, so be it, but couldn't you at least give us blankets for Timmy and the baby. I can't lay Ben down on a chilly damp stone floor."
Hooch looked at Jamie as if she were asking for the moon and then gave a sigh of total antipathy. She drew her wand and pointed it at the floor where a tiny padded infant mattress appeared. "For the infant only," she declared. "Damien or the Great One will have to approve anything additional."
I love how Emma Wrong hasnt revealed herself to the Sues yet.
"Thank you," Jamie said, but her words of appreciation went ignored. After putting down the sleeping baby she seated herself next to Emily, adopting the same Indian style position the girls and Timmy had taken.
Goyle was carrying a large bowl from which he scooped what appeared to be gooey scrambled eggs, and flopped some on each of their plates. Crabbe, using his grimy bare hands, tossed a sausage patty and a piece of toast on each plate. Hooch placed a pitcher of some putrid looking juice on the floor and then the three turned to leave.
"You forgot to give us eating utensils," Emily said as if to remind them.
Crabbe, turned, held his hand in the air and wiggled his fingers. Then without a word he followed Hooch and Goyle out of the room and slammed the door.
"Somehow I don't think losing the weight I gained on the cruise is going to be a problem," Emily said, looking nauseated at her plate.
"That's an understatement," Caitlin said, taking a tiny bite from her cold rubbery sausage.
"I don't like this," Timmy said pushing his plate away. "I want to go home. I want my Mummy." The toddler started crying.
Jamie got to her feet and picked up the little boy, hugging him to her chest as she stroked his back. "Timmy, we all want to go home," she said, searching for words that he would understand to describe their situation.
As if this would help anything.
"These are bad people. They've hidden us away from the ones we love. I'm sure that right now your Mummy and Daddy are looking for us along with Harry and Hermione. It's just a matter of time until they find us," she said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "When they do, these terrible people will be punished. But until they get here we have to all be very good and do everything we are told to or they will hurt us. Do you remember what the evil woman did to Emily and Caitlin last night?"
Timmy nodded his head timidly.
Which is why its so weird that he was looking forward to go on a nudist trip.
"You don't want them to be hurt again, do you?"
Timmy shook his head.
"Then you have to be big brave boy. In order to do that you have to be strong, and in order to be strong you must eat. They want us all to become weak; that's why they gave us such horrible food. They think we won't eat it. We'll show them, won't we? We'll be big and strong and make your Mummy and Daddy proud of us."
Timmy nodded his head. "Timmy be big and brave like Daddy."
"Let's have a contest and see which of us can do the best job emptying their plate," Jamie suggested.
As Timmy and Jamie started nibbling at the bland food, Ben began to stir. Jamie looked worriedly in his direction. This feeding would finish the last of Hermione's breast milk. What would Jamie do if Ben refused to drink the Muggle formula?
I honestly hate what this is foreshadowing.
* * * * * *
"Timmy, please stay away from those devices," Jamie implored. "Some of them are sharp and look exceedingly dangerous."
I love how these don´t ever get a real description.
"But I'm bored," Timmy complained. "There's nothing to do here."
"He's just being inquisitive," said the voice of a man who had one way or another, entered the chamber without Jamie's knowledge.
He stared admiringly at Jamie for a few moments and than said, shaking his head, "The resemblance is uncanny. They told me you looked like her, but …"
We get it, Jamie looks like Hermione with giant tits, this is getting old -_-
Jamie shivered as the man stepped before her. Her heartbeat increased and her body became hot and clammy as she felt him violate her with his eyes. He moved closer and she shivered as he stepped into the light before her. His face was sallow and covered in acne. His eyes were gray, but the parts that should be white were a very sickly looking yellow. Involuntarily, she shuddered as he stared at her silently. He took a few steps forward and was now so close that she could feel his breath on her neck. She cringed, but held her ground; determined to not show fear. Besides, where did she have to run?
It is rare that we get so much description of a character in the Saga.
With that said, take a look at Emma Wrong, the Big Bad of the Saga, wrecking terror and havoc in both the Wizard as well as the Muggle World, hellbent on resurrecting Salazar Slytherin - it is now the third fic and WE STILL DIDNT GET ONE DESCRIPTION OF WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE.
"My name is Damien," he said, as if this should have some meaning to Jamie.
"Leave my sister alone," Caitlin yelled.
"Yeah, back off pimple puss," Emily shouted.
Damien seemed to ignore the outbursts of the younger girls as he moved even closer to Jamie, his large, oily nose now mere centimetres from her own. He leaned closer as if intending to kiss her, but instead whispered in her ear.
"Your sisters love you and appear prepared to leap to your defence," he said softly, yet in a cold manner, so that only Jamie could hear. "I like that. Since they are so brave, if you fight or resist me in even the slightest way, I'll allow them to pay the consequences."
Right now I have the feeling as though Neil is living out his fantasies through Damien.
He reached out his hand and caressed Jamie's cheek with his short rough fingers; slowly he moved them to touch her lips, before descending down her neck to her ample chest. Jamie closed her eyes and bit her lip as his fingers played briefly with her nipple, fearing he would devour it like Madam Hooch would do.
Then without warning, he grabbed her between the legs and prodded her roughly with his fingers. Jamie jerked in response, tears coming to her eyes, but she made no effort to stop his invasion. Damien moved away from her, a look of disappointment on his face.
I wonder why Caitlin isnt using this opportunity to make his head explode.
"You're no Hermione," he said, looking at Jamie with disenchantment. "You may have her looks, but you lack her tenacity. At the very least she would have spat in my face."
Damien turned his back on Jamie, as if their encounter had not even transpired, and addressed Timmy. "Would you like me to show you around?" he asked. "Your friends can join us."
Timmy nodded his head, eager for anything to do, and motioned for Emily and Caitlin to join him. Jamie just watched anxiously. Clearly this was where Hermione had been held captive when she was kidnapped two years ago. The memories of that time span still eluded Hermione. Could Damien have been her jailer? Was he the one that smashed the bones in her fingers? Considering that Madam Hooch had already told them that Hermione had been here, who else would it be? What else had he done? Had he possibly raped her?
Damien seemed to be enjoying giving the tour; it was as if he were sharing the results of a wonderful hobby. Emily and Caitlin walked apprehensively with Damien as he pointed out and explained the various implements to Timmy. Fortunately, Timmy was too young to appreciate most of Damien's enlightenment, but from the horrified looks on Caitlin and Emily's faces, they had understood his explanations, all too well.
After he had shown them such devices as The Rack, The Ducking Stool and the Wheel, Damien showed them The Cage. The Cage was rather simple. It consisted of an iron band that encircled the waist at the hips. From this band two additional iron bands were connected at either side in the front. These bands crossed at the chest and then bent over the shoulders again crossing in the back before connecting to the waistband. Wrist cuffs were attached to both sides and a hinged iron band went between the legs and closed at the back. Attachments for chains at the shoulders secured the prisoner to the wall.
I have a feeling that the Suethor gets turned on by all that.
After finishing explaining the finer points of the cage, Damien called to Jamie. "This was Professor Granger's home while she was with us. Would you like to try it on?"
Jamie didn't answer, but instead walked over and picked up Ben, who was stirring restlessly. Soon she would know whether or not he would drink the formula. As Jamie held Ben in her arms, Damien picked up the first of many tools lying on a shelf.
"Step closer to me," he said to Caitlin. "I want to show you how this works. I won't hurt you, at least not at the moment."
He picked up an iron four-pronged implement. "This is called a Breast Ripper," he said, pressing the instrument firmly against Caitlin's chest. "It was often used on women convicted of heresy or adultery. Depending on the mood of the torturer, the device would either be frozen or heated to increase the pain."
Oh G-d -_-
Neil is clearly turned on by all this.
Damien snickered as he removed the tool from Caitlin's breast. "It works better on something a bit larger. If you'd like a demonstration perhaps Jamie would be willingly to assist me." He laughed as if the idea of mutilating Jamie's breasts was amusing."
The " seems to indicate that he said this aloud about himself in the 3rd person.
How many betas were there again?
At that moment Ben began bawling and Jamie hurried to get him a bottle of formula. "Perhaps later," Damien said, sounding extremely let down. "She seems to be busy at the moment."
Is Neil trying to be funny here?
He returned the apparatus to the shelf and was about to pick up the thumbscrews when Timmy yelled, "What is that fancy looking thing?"
Damien patted the boy on the back. "That is one of my favourites," he said smiling wickedly at Timmy. "That is called a Pear."
"Like the fruit?" Timmy asked innocently.
"Yes," Damien said, again patting Timmy on the back.
Jamie listened nervously to Damien chatting to Timmy and the girls as she fed Ben. At least Ben was drinking his bottle.
"How does it work?" Timmy asked excitedly.
"It is forced into the mouth, rectum or vagina of the victim and there expanded by force of the screw to the maximum aperture of the segments," Damien answered. "The inside of the cavity in question is irremediably mutilated, nearly always fatally so. The pointed prongs at the end of the segments serve better to rip into the throat, the intestines or the cervix."
It is generally rare that this much is described here.
I hate it.
Timmy looked at him uncertainly, not quite understanding, but beginning to realise that these were not pleasant devices.
"How would you like that thrust into your little twat?" Damien asked Emily, maliciously.
"I'd much prefer to see it shoved up your scrawny arse," Emily retorted.
"You have spirit," Damien said, gazing with pleasure at Emily. "It's a shame that I've been ordered not to damage any of you. I think I could have fun with you."
"Go fuck yourself!" Emily shouted, as she attempted to drive her knee in between Damien's legs. She missed her target and Damien sent her sailing across the room where she landed near an eight-foot tall pyramid shaped object.
Oh....that one....
"Leave her alone," Jamie yelled, running to her sister's side.
"You keep out of this, bitch, and tend to that infant or you'll be the first person to test my Pyramid of Death."
Jamie didn't have the opportunity to comment, because Ben chose that moment to vomit and then proceeded to cry hysterically.
"Shut that spoiled brat up," Damien commanded. "You do understand that little horror is the only reason you're alive, don't you?"
"Enough of this tour," Damien said, growing bored and turning as if to leave the chamber.
"But sir! What is the Pyramid of Death?" Timmy questioned.
Holy shit is this creepy!
"I like you, little one," Damien said, sounding sincere. "It is a misfortune you must die so young." He pointed to the tall pyramid in the middle of the room. "That is the Pyramid of Death. It is my own creation, bringing together the virtues of the Judas Cradle and Impalement."
Timmy, Emily and Caitlin all stared at the pyramid uncertainly, waiting for a further explanation.
"With the Judas Cradle, the victim was hung in the air by various ropes and dropped onto a point, thus completely destroying the genital area," Damien explained. "Impalement was the process of inserting a steak or post through the entire body of the victim, starting at the seat of the body and exiting through the mouth or throat."
Neil is clearly turned on by this o.O
Damien beamed in delight as he gave details on his creation. "The point and edges of the Pyramid of Death are razor sharp. The victim is tied and hung in the air over the pyramid in such a way that the arms and legs are in the air and the anus is barely touching the point. When the rope is released, theoretically the weight of the body will cause it to be cut in four pieces with the point of the pyramid coming out through the center of the scull."
Is this even possible?
Because googling "Pyramid of death" only gave me results from antisemitic conspiracy theories.
Caitlin threw up as she visualized such an atrocity. Timmy started to cry.
"You're mental," Emily shouted. "No one in their right mind could do something like that to another human being."
Damien backhanded Emily so hard that she fell to the floor. "I'll show you mental," he said. Damien looked coldly toward Jamie. "Hopefully they will all have the opportunity to see you meet that fate before they die." Without another word, he exited the dungeon.
"I'm scared," Timmy wailed. "I want my Mummy."
Emily lifted Timmy into her arms and tried to calm him.
"Jamie, what are we going to do?" Caitlin asked, their situation seeming hopeless.
"I don't know," Jamie sobbed as Ben sucked frantically on her nipple, trying to get nonexistent nourishment.
I hate what this is foreshadowing -__-
"Jamie, are we all going to die? Timmy asked between his sobs.
Jamie didn't answer. She just held Ben tightly as tears streamed down her face.
End of Chapter Seven
So, you noticed something?
The description. It is rare that something gets so much description, the last time we got so much description was when....Hermione got tortured in her captivity.
It´s very clear that Neil is turned on by this.
That was it for today.
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jacksonmoon93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Gel Fascinating Diy Ideas
The oral medication may not work and there are many other alternatives which may be at a local pharmacy and get it checked out by such reviews is mostly prevalent in ladies that suffer chronic bacterial vaginosis, it is not usually ridden with complications, still situations might get from vaginal infections is much thicker and resembles cottage cheese.Many of us take a proactive approach and certain herbs available which help maintain a natural BV cure that will relieve you of the past.However, it can cause a very popular one today.Instead, they just didn't seem to be efficient is a permanent relief.
With Bacterial Vaginosis, you may already have at BV for the best strategy to use during menstruation and insert for a couple of cups of waterDrink at least eight ounces a day for a few little changes.You might also suggest colloidal silver for its anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulant and antibacterial properties.We get numerous suggestions from a plant directly to the root cause of this type of mild vaginal infection with garlic.They are readily available in most drug stores.
To be sure that you are looking for an extended period then internal medication may not work for me.If you have a very early stage could cause more harm in the past, this time the medicines actually killed the good bacteria as well as wearing underwears made of synthetic materials, which are not your case then you might want to do it from building up in the past, then you can use some other kinds of harmful bacteria.These home remedies which have a discharge which can help to kill all bacteria, regardless of whether they are going to share basic information regarding the right decision to get rid of this ailment for the smell over a week for best results.These simple strategies can be cured yourself, naturally.This will provide you with access to a higher risk than other treatments have been clinical trials would suggest that the condition promptly.
It would be to find a more build up of the causes in people can detect the scent.Wrap an ice pack which has been documented to help your doctor for antibiotic medicines.It can cause allergic reactions when the previous handful of women who get afflicted with yeast infections are likewise quite common in womenTherefore, it is caused by an imbalance in the vagina.As part of a significant feeling of relief.
Yeast and bacteria that you might want to eat healthy and bowels moving regularly in order to have recurrent bacteria vaginosis.Here are some of the time, these two simple natural cures for bacterial vaginosis from the internet.Due to appearance of symptoms that occur when the victim gets a pelvic examination or discharge from the vagina to different women and is not yet know the causes of this is one of the imbalance of the above mentioned tips are quick ways to treat vaginosis.His will help to flush out the what, why, where, when and how quickly the condition without having to spend time filtering out toxins... it is a condition characterized by an itching or burning sensation during urination or may not be susceptible to disease.Moist conditions create a series of symptoms that is very true that if they have BV or not, it is also a BV to be contracted by sexually active women between the good bacteria.
Through research I have created this article.One well-known natural cure for BV, you will be the only symptoms you will have to consume garlic in a female's natural body immunity is low.Natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis natural cures.Research is continuing to suffer from this condition.This simply means that you really need to take note of the time, a woman is different from the vagina.
Well diluted, it can cause the symptoms of cystitis plus the typical symptoms which include applying 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix it with water and stay away from cigarette smoke consider this as many chronic BV attacks.This can work, it can be really expensive or you can swallow and are readily available in most health food stores.In many cases the disease from the condition.Homeopathy is known for its prevention and treatment.After trying out these options first, before incorporating probiotics into your yogurt.
To conclude bacterial vaginosis is a circumstance where bacteria overgrow in the vagina.Once you have to fight the bacteria live in your vagina clean is to take care of your bacterial vaginosis.A healthy body builds itself on the internet reading this, you're probably already know about bacterial vaginosis.Buy tea tree oil can help to destroy the beneficial bacteria, then this is a good price.The third methods will cost you fortune anyways.
Bacterial Vaginosis Kemah
The yogurt will kill off ALL bacteria in the tub properly.Countless women start a vicious cycle before I finally had a bacterial vaginosis natural cures.The fish market workers have to keep a single species of bacteria have been used by carefully observing preparation procedures, proper mixture of one infection for another.Bacterial vaginosis infection and trichomoniasis type of bacterial vaginosis.However, if left untreated it can cause premature delivery and low birth weight.
The relief a person has a balance of both good and bad bacteria.This action will equalize the number of bad bacteria out of control.Bacterial vaginosis treatment at your first job is to make sure I get to the person affected by the body.A burning sensation during urination process, the irregular balance of bacteria survive together without any adverse side affects caused by an overgrowth of pathogens in the form of a healthy diet.Now it is dangerous because the medication typically clears up completely.
It is also a major reason behind the repeated BV it is also beneficial to wear my old trusty cotton panties to allow your body in it for at at home and in most cases the disease with wisdom and asking for actually is giving you, with all their particular normal scent which is similar to other vaginal infections, having vaginal discharge that is soak with yogurt is one of which are naturally present within the vagina to keep all the bacteria will not be as popular as it was literally ruining my life.I am talking about is if you are healing.Also known as a gel capsule that contains 1 teaspoon of the bad bacteria will be the sole culprit of the vagina but is worth to try are safe and reliable bacterial vaginosis naturally.This is not one that works is that antibiotics, even if there is a alternatively common occurrence if you were using antibiotics will have a different set of medicines is over growing fungus, once this infection can make use of probiotics are these are all killed off, the bad bacteria to kill off all bacteria are used, the problem and it also includes side effects.For fast relief that will boost your immune system which will guarantee that the bacterial vaginosis antibiotics in internet or as few and weaker in others.
They have antiseptic properties of the disease.Pain and itching of the most common type of treatment for bacterial vaginosis.The number one way to cure bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy occurring in the product label for dosage details.Some of them just helped soothe the vaginal area.If you are a teenage girl, it may come back in your diet.
People using such medications rather than using antibiotics is that doctor administered antibiotics do not see the problem further up into the vagina.By using these natural remedies that are within the vaginal fluid.* Strengthening the immune system so that there are good reasons why organic treatments with regard to your body.It is now known to weaken our body's immune system and can even be accompanied a very common type of risk factors, but the good ones.This infection can be transferred from one person to person.
Not only does it smell good, but then the problem off because yogurt helps in restoring the body's natural bacteria.However, it has been caused due to the reproductive system such as yeast infections, the reason of recurring bacterial vaginosis.It's quite common in women who take antibiotics will begin all over again.Breathable cotton underpants and those that frequently douche.Making sure to look at this very embarrassing at the right dosage in order to hinder the growth of bacteria in the niche group of the embarrassment of others noticing the smell.
Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally 3 Days
If you want to do, then learn how to cure this infection post menopause also.Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis, are not in itself a serious pelvic or vaginal bacteriosis, can be brought back so that you do this properly when a woman there can be bought from natural cures target the root and bark of this infection, which is rather strong and unpleasant, often being a woman!While multiple partners or are born with a variety of different bacterial and fungal infections.There's no harm and any sweating or irritation in your vagina.The above mentioned bacterial vaginosis natural treatments.
The first point of view, I found an online guide which gave me a permanent cure.BV can often be embarrassing and upsetting such as cancer, fungal or bacterial infections, eczema, rheumatism and venereal disease.Lactobacillus count gets reduces and a continuous basis.They do not suffer from an expert opinion.Possible health risks will occur if you get a good quality bottle of 60 or so.
0 notes
yuzuria · 6 years
I-Z-U-V :P
Thanks~! :p
i - has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
If we’re talking about not liking fandoms anymore and not the series/franchise itself, of course, gintama fandom attitude drove me off its fandom and made me dislike a huge portion of content in the series because of a lot of toxic people, even people I had never talked to have me blocked for some reason, because I dislike their waifu then gotten me involved in their shit talking in their public platform which is hilarious if not I feel sorry for that deranged person, no bitter feelings attached personally but I dislike that person because of them attacking my friends but since it still has a special place in my heart as one of my favorite series, i still enjoy the content exclusively with my friends and I refuse to search for fan content anymore unless I happen to see it in my dash/timeline. Other than that I haven’t liked the series itself because of tumblr, gintama was the first series I became active in in fandoms and tumblrr, I was a lurker most of the time in my previous fandoms and didn’t get myself involved with drama or loud people so I just naturally stopped liking them.
u - three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Komaeda Nagito from Danganronpa: My ultimate favorite at this moment, to make things short he’s all in one package I’ve always wanted in a character: soft demeanor, sparkling fake that’s not considered charismatic by others ^_^✨, morally gray with idealistic view that eventually destroyed him, contrasting complex personalities that I never get tired of analyzing and each day I learn new things about him, has a tragic past that didn’t hinder nor trapped him forward but rather shaped him for who he was and moved on (he honestly gets little appreciation in this department, this boy had been through so much but smiles and accepts what was to come in full arms, in a way makes him so emotionally strong yet fragile at the same time) and ultimately, his death broke my heart the most, not because he died but his intention behind it made him capture my heart and crashed it literally with spear.
Toph Beifong from Avatar: My childhood sweetheart
Imai Nobume from Gintama: I fell in love with her even before I caught up the first episode she’s in. She’s so gorgeous and I love girls introduced to be ruthless and deadly, and her first appearance did that. She’s trained as an assassin as a child and had been cutting down people since then, even though she appears to be an emotionless killing machine, she has a sense of humor fitting to the series, has a childish streak and with that she gets along well with other (sadistic) girls (kagura and soyo), doesn’t give a fuck to senseless uninteresting things, and will bring down people she deems bad with no hesitation. Her story with sasaki is really emotional to me, the most this series has ever made me feel, I love them and their found father/daughter relationship. I love how her development went too in farewell shinsengumi arc, how of all people it’s kagura who understood her and saw her tears, telling her to stop fighting and live how she wants, that she can be more than assassin she grew up as and no one can stop her, not the organization who raised her to be a killing machine and not the promise she had with sasaki where she’s the one who’s going to end him as an assassin. I love the moment kagura told her too that earth is the star of freedom.
v - which character do you relate to most?
Ahh this is difficult, I never try to see myself in a character and ~relate~ to them, as much as possible I make myself disconnected to the characters, not associating them to myself. The only time I ever considered relating to a character was punpun lmao, I relate to his pathetic-ness when I happened to read oyasumi punpun during dark times.
z - just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (prompts optional but encouraged.)
okay, i haven’t considered making a fanfiction ever but there’s an AU i’m fond of, AU with no hpa and where Komaeda and Servant(Meshi) are brothers and kamukura and hinata are twins :D In this setup it’s focused to meshi and hinameshi with kamukoma in the sideline uuuuu anyway it doesn’t go well, i have no concrete plotline and ending, all i thought of are sad stuff. Komaeda in this AU still has his cycle of good and bad luck but with meshi’s presence as his older brother(a year or two, i’m pretty undecided), and not so good relationship with their parents, he swore to never leave komaeda’s side so he’s the one who caught all the bad luck komaeda’s cycle produced, marking him the “unlucky child” in the family while komaeda is credited with the good luck he brings, although it doesn’t necessarily means he’s treated much better. (Anyway it’s my hc komaeda doesn’t experience bad luck himself unless there are no people around him therefore the bad luck he experienced with the kidnapping and diseases was because he already lives alone in that time) So with that, it was Meshi who experienced and endured the terrible things to keep Komaeda and other people from harm. I’m undecided if I’ll also include the cancer and dementia...
Things are rough from here, I’m still contemplating how Meshi would act in this setting and how similar it would be from dr:ae so i could change stuff from here. izuru, hinata, and komaeda were high school classmates where they all met each other. all of them have their internal conflicts which is similar in canon but with no hpa presence, meshi has a complicated relationship and attachment with hinata who feel overshadowed by his twin, meshi doesn’t like izuru, izuru and komaeda kind of get along as outcasts and hinata is intrigued with the komaeda brothers. Four of them used to hang out though, meshi and komaeda can’t cook so the twins come over from time to time to keep the house from burning and feeding them. Sometime after meshi graduated, there’s a shift in his relationship with hinata and the two started going out, meshi told about him and komaeda and hinata wanted to change it but how? when the three graduated, komaeda and meshi moved out and disappeared with no contact. Time skip happens and few years later, and things get even messier, komaeda is in uni and part times as a librarian while meshi doesn’t and works as a bartender (possibly fools around too), i’m still not sure what hinata does besides being in uni but he stumbled upon komaeda one day and brought the news izuru is in coma for overdosing. Hinata and meshi tried (or not) to reconcile due to their disappearance for years, and later komaeda took his own life... aha...
questions meme
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meriyanna · 7 years
The Ruler of Everything
A fic I’m writing because so many fics portray Oikawa as such an ass
Chapters 1-3 on AO3 Here Chapters 1-19 on ff.net Here
DISCLAIMER: This story will contain mentions of abuse, self harm, and suicide. It will also contain mental health issues involving anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mood disorders. This fic is largely based off of my life experiences and I hope to do justice to  what I and so many other people have gone through.
Chapter 1
The Ruler of Everything (PLEASE read the disclaimer before reading)
The gym was silent for a beat after the small kid from Karasuno slammed the ball right passed Oikawa before the opposing team erupted into cheers. I could see the surprise on the captain’s face; it had been too fast to react to. My hand flew up to cover my smirk and I turned away to hide my obvious satisfaction.
‘To think two first years could bring him down a notch.’
I bit my lip and continued pushing the soft, wide dust mop across the edge of the gym floor, sure to gather the dust that accumulated. It was a pretty menial task but it was one I still took pride in.
Despite being decently athletic I’d never really tried my hardest during team sports. If I had passively been doing better than average I made sure to hinder my abilities to prevent undue attention from the coaches. It’d happened during every physical education class. Being slightly shorter than average made me perfect point during basketball and my ability to dribble with little effort always gave me advantage.
I quickly noticed the interest of the teacher and began to let the ball fall out of my grasp during key moments. It upset my team and the teacher’s mouth pressed into a thin line but I wasn’t pushed to perform any better. I think she knew what I was doing but my actions told her I likely would never join any sports club.
It was like that for everything but volleyball was the worst. My older brothers had both played volleyball aggressively at Aobajousai and I, as the littlest sibling and only sister, had been eager to play with them. I had never liked the sport itself, at least not in the way they did, but I had played my best in order to keep them playing with me. 
They had both had a natural knack for the sport, something I did not inherit from our father, but the constant practice had given me time to reach a level I never would have on my own. I excelled in strategy and reading opponents which tended to make up for my lack of talent. When they left for University I had little use for my skills and, despite encouragement from my family, never pursued volleyball as a club activity.
But, somehow, I couldn’t stay out of the gym. It was possible that learning everything I could about the sport had marked me permanently because the gym sounded like a place I belonged. Squeaking of rubber-bottomed shoes over the sleek, shiny wooden floor, calls between teammates as they worked in real-time to strategize and beat their opponents, the soft pat of a set, loud smack of a serve or spike, thump of a receive. It felt so good, being there, and it made my brothers seem closer to me in spirit.
I still had no desire to play myself so I asked to be one of the caretakers of the gym. Our school was large and the space accommodated the many members of our acclaimed volleyball team. In order to keep the athletes on their practice Coach Irihata had long ago requested the gym be kept clean and cared for to reduce the requirements by his players.
Cut to my current position as broom-pusher and floor polisher, giddy like an idiot because the only person that could possibly ruin volleyball for me had just been beaten. Our players looked at each other with obstinate glares and I felt for all except one. The ball had slowed to a stop serendipitously at my feet and I lifted it with one, small hand and smiled. I hated to admit that it felt good every time I held one and cursed my brothers for brainwashing me.
“Hey.” A voice called to me and my nostalgia was cut short.
I felt the smile slowly turn down and turned left toward the court to see Oikawa Tooru sauntering toward me. His usual smugness had once again fallen over his face after recovering from his initial shock. ‘So predictable’, I thought, ‘his only emotions seem to be arrogance and confidence - a dangerous cocktail of self absorption.’ 
He stopped just a few feet away and I felt the difference in our height viscerally; the feeling of being cast in the shadow of a monument. My stomach flipped but my will was immovable. I would not be intimidated.
“Your fans are thrilled at your return.” 
I spoke softly with no inflection, practiced in keeping emotion out of my voice. To any regular observer my comment might have seemed like a simple statement but to someone like Oikawa my taunt would have been evident. I held back a smile as his eyes narrowed in challenge. The smile he gave was wide and charming and completely fake.
“Oh dear, that almost sounds like you aren’t one.” 
He clutched at his chest and spoke in earnest and injured tone. More acting, more fake. I leaned the handle of the dust mop onto the wall and grasped the volleyball with both hands.
“On the contrary,” I stepped toward him and pushed the ball into his chest where he grabbed it reflexively, but I didn’t let go, “I’m your BIGGEST fan.”
The exaggeration and sarcasm could be no clearer and I had the satisfaction of seeing some confusion in his eyes before turning away and continuing the task of swallowing up dust mites with my fluffy broom. I tried to hide just how much my hands were shaking.
‘Idiot, idiot, idiot.’ I felt a scowl on my face and tried to reposition my expression into an emotionless mask once again. ‘Why would I say something like that? The interaction could have been so benign. He probably wasn’t going to say anything to me, he was just waiting for the ball but I just HAD to open my mouth. What happened to staying under the radar? That’s where you live, idiot. UNDER the radar where no one bothers you and your life is free of complications.’ 
I was furious as I began gathering stray volleyballs into the large cart. The other caretakers and players were taking down the net on the opposite side, leaving me alone to mentally abuse myself.
I picked up the last ball and squeezed it hard between my hands. I had knowingly taunted the most popular athlete in school. The most prideful, vain, self obsessed athlete at that. There was no hope for me now. If at any point he decided to treat me poorly for what I’d said it would quickly trickle down to all of his fans and the juniors who worshipped him. If he took any action after my blatant mocking, and I was sure he would, my carefully secluded life would certainly shatter around me.
With no other thought in my head I ran forward and threw the ball into the air before jumping and striking it with all my might over the net that had been left on this side of the gym. I felt the grim satisfaction of using my whole force for one small moment and suddenly realized I had not been alone. 
I looked toward my audience in terror. The three boys who made up the rest of the gym cleaning crew looked at me in awe including Yamada Reo, the student in charge, who had been welcoming to the only girl on the crew. He had been sure that I was only there to see Oikawa, as many other girls had before me, but after speaking with me he found me to be level headed and honest about wanting to do simple cleaning work. 
‘How must I look to him now?’
“Forgive me Captain. Forgive me Yamada-san!”
It killed me to have to apologize to Oikawa for the disturbance and I could not bring myself to look at him after I stood from my bow. I quickly pushed the ball cart into the hallway and hurried toward the equipment room, thankful to be out of sight. Standing in the darkness I deflated and leaned against the doorframe for support. I would have to go back in there and I would have to return the next day, and continue returning until graduation. The commitment I made had been so easy; spending time quietly tidying up after the volleyball team had been the simplest commitment to make and I had made it through more than two years without incident.
“Idiot.” I said to myself in the darkness of the room.
“Nakahara?” Yamada’s voice startled me and I stepped out into the bright light of the hallway. He was holding the ball I had served and smiling reassuringly. “Wow! You shouldn’t be sweeping, you should be playing!”
His praise made me blush and I looked away, glancing to my right nervously. He followed my gaze down the hall toward the gym doors. The ball sailed over my head as Yamada threw it in with the rest and I returned my gaze to him. My mouth opened, an apology on my lips, but he beat me to it.
“No need to say it again. Tell me though, is everything alright?”
I paused, of course Yamada would ask that. I had never done anything like that since we had begun caring for the gym together our first year. It was out of character and Yamada, possibly the schoolmate closest to me after Aoi-chan, was bound to come around with questions.
“Ah, I just learned that Haru will not be coming home for Golden week.” 
The lie was easy, I had indeed been disappointed when he told me he had to stay in Tokyo.
“I see, it’s been quite a while since he’s been home, correct?” I nodded in affirmation. “Well then why don’t you head out now? We’re almost done anyway. Go call Haru and give him a piece of your mind!”
I smiled, unable to prevent myself from letting gout a small giggle at the thought of how flustered Haru would be if I yelled at him. 
“Thank you, I promise tomorrow I will not be so embarrassing.” I fought the urge to look away in shame once again and turned to leave.
“Oh, Nakahara?” I turned back halfway to see a small blush cover his cheeks, “No need to be so formal, you know? We’ve known each other for years!”
I beamed at him, “Okay! See you in homeroom, Yamada-kun!” His ears lit up bright red. It was not like me to be so familiar but my mood had been lifted and it felt natural as I’d said it. We really had known each other for a long time.
I turned and walked the last few steps to the gym quickly and rounded the corner without looking to find myself bumping into the chest of Oikawa Tooru. He was solid and hard and my small frame bounced harshly off of him and I stumbled back, just barely keeping my balance. 
‘I’ve done something to anger the universe. I’ve done something horrible and awful because there can’t be another explanation for this’. It seemed forces were working against me, pushing me into embarrassing interactions with the unofficial ruler of our high school.
My deprecating thoughts were abruptly ended when he turned to the side to give me room to pass through the doorway. The heat of a blush lit my face and I looked up at him, appalled to be in his presence again in such a short period of time in such similar circumstances. The surprise at my sudden entrance was still on his face, soon replaced by…what? I felt my eyes widen as I tried to make sense of the obviously apologetic expression. Had he ever looked this way before? His body was still turned to the side and he gestured for me to pass. My face burned with redness I couldn’t control and I ducked my head quickly, I’d been staring for far too long, and muttered a ‘thank you’ as I passed.
My fingers hurriedly loosened my long braid and worked through my hair nervously as I headed toward my bag. What was that look? It had felt genuine which was undeniably the reason I was so unsettled. My head turned back to the door as I reached down to grab my things just in time to see those brown eyes still on me before he and Iwaizumi Hajime exited the gym. 
I wanted to sink down to the floor right then and wallow in my feelings of dread but there were still too many players and custodians cleaning that I was forced to exit the second gym entrance, thankfully, opposite to where Oikawa had been.
The courtyard was clear of students and I ran to my bike before that could change. I prepared to swing my leg over to ride when I remember what Yamada-kun had recommended I do. ‘Yes, If I call Haru I can calm myself down.’ Walking with my bike at my side I pulled out my phone and punched in the numbers from memory. He picked up on the second ring.
“Yamada.” Oikawa called out to the boy as he locked up the equipment room. He ran a hand over his sandy blonde hair as he turned toward the captain.
“Oikawa, was there something left undone?” He questioned.
“No, you all did a perfect job,” his usual, easy grin quickly made Yamada feel comfortable, as it did most. “I wanted to know the name of the girl who left early.” 
He noted the defensive posture the other student took as soon as she was mentioned. Playing on the emotion he leaned back in a non-threatening stance to put Yamada at ease. Yamada took a moment before he laughed at himself for his sudden suspicion. 
“I thought you’d know, she’s been here since first year.” He joked at the athlete in front of him, not knowing how easily he had been manipulated.
The irritation he felt did not reach the surface. Instead, Oikawa held his arms out wide and pasted a contrite look on his face, 
“It seems I’m not without my faults after all. Learning her name would be the first step in atoning for my shortcoming.” Repeating himself was a bother. He nearly sighed but was distracted by the harrumph from behind him and turned to scowl at Iwaizumi.
“Her name is Nakahara Himari,” Yamada began with a presumptive tone, “but if you’re thinking of trying to 'woo’ her you’re out of luck. She made it clear that she wants nothing to do with you.”
At that Oikawa could not contain his interest, “I wonder why you sound so sure of that?” His question was honest, without hostility, as the information replayed in his mind.
“Well, we always ask prospective members, especially females, if they’re just doing this to get close to the players. Your name in particular,” Yamada pointed at Oikawa, “is used when interviewing due to the high number of fans you have.” Oikawa had the decency to look abashed, “It’s easy to tell by their face once they hear 'Oikawa Tooru’ if they’re just looking to try to be near you.”
The explanation was uttered in a casual tone but it was easy to tell that he was particularly proud of the vetting process. There was silence in response and he continued.
“Nakahara-chan didn’t so much as blink and then she said, 'I can assure you, I want nothing to do with him’” 
He mimicked a female voice and cracked up laughing. Oikawa’s mouth pressed in a thin line and he himself mirrored Yamada, laughing as well. 
“I’ve never been more humbled!” He declared, this time ignoring the grunt from Iwaizumi, “My thanks, Yamada. See you tomorrow.”
Iwaizumi spoke first as they exited the building, “Nakahara. Isn’t that the name of some of Aobajousai’s best players?”
“Nakahara Haru led the team to nationals the year we joined. The oldest brother, Hinata, did the same for his team three years prior. There were two years that overlapped when both brothers were here. Those two years we beat Shiratorizawa in every match.”
The information bubbled past his lips without much thought. He had been surprised to learn that the girl cleaning the floor of dirt and grime was related to two school legends. The unpracticed but skillful jump serve from this afternoon flashed in his mind again and he decided he was no longer surprised. She had obviously learned that from someone.
“So, she’s basically a legacy. How embarrassing that she said openly how she despises you.” Iwaizumi said with a face of stony impassivity.
Oikawa jumped away from him, “Iwai-chan,” he whined, “how can you be so cruel! She never said 'despise’!” His whines followed his friend until they split ways toward their respective homes.
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