#anyways feel free to download it and use it in any way you see fit xx
ruhua-langblr · 2 months
Hi, you seem to have a decent grasp on Language Learning Resources™, so maybe you could help me.
I currently have a 2600+ day streak for Duolingo Spanish, which I initially picked up because I took classes in school and wanted to see if I remembered any. I'm well aware of the limitations on the app, and at this point it's just because I like to see the number go up. I've only ever been a casual student but I would like to progress eventually. The problem is I have trouble finding a method between gamified app, and full-blown, academic, novel -and- textbook self study. Do you know of good ways to move past Duolingo lessons without biting off more than you can chew?
Thanks for any input you have
I feel like that "number goes up" connection is the main reason a lot of people don't want to move on from Duo and similar apps! I hope to do a post that goes into all of this more in depth, so consider this a shortened version~
My personal philosophy is that you shouldn't have to chose between just gamified apps and academic study—ideally you need it to be engaging enough to keep up for when you have less motivation, but with an academic rigor! I'm gonna drop some general resources/resource types and try to give them all a shot! Don't think of replacing Duo with a singular app or activity, but a collection of resources that you can switch between.
Anki: SSR vocab learning. Lots of customization and habit tracking features available so consider this a good "number goes up" replacement (and if you really love looking at data it's much more thorough!). With Spanish as your TL (target language), you'll have plenty of pre-made decks available. You can have specific decks, sentence mine, or have a huge 5,000 most frequent words deck. Anki isn't my favorite method personally, but people get SUPER into it and it works for them—also you'll hear this everywhere anyway.
Language Transfer: I wish my TL was one of the ones they have! If you're coming from Duo then you've probably been lacking a good method to really train your listening skills. 100% free, and I've heard great things about their Spanish course as well. All the files are available to be downloaded to listen to offline. Great to put on when you're getting ready in the morning, for bed, or during a commute.
LingQ/Youtube/Podcast Comprehensible Input: "[TL] Comprehensible Input" in the Youtube search will get you pretty far. There are podcasts like this as well, but it's nice to have a visual stimuli as well! This is pretty much the epitome of a ~natural language acquisition~ style. Immersion and immersion at an appropriate level is what works best. If you've even dipped your toes into the language acquisition sphere, you'll know Steve Kaufmann. LingQ is his app that's based on these principles.
Textbooks: Duo assumes that you can just pick up grammar from pattern recognition and that can work, but upper-level nuanced grammar or grammar patterns that are vastly different from your native language are hard to intuit. Find a good, dedicated grammar textbook and use that as what you will learn the details of grammar from. All that audio stuff will teach you what sounds right, this will teach you why/how it's right. (Buy a used textbook, visit your library, or check out my pinned post...)
+More: There's so MANY ways to learn a language. I'm focusing on specific methods that would fit in naturally with your existing habits (solo, digital, habit-forming), but there's tons more out there that you can do: journaling, discord servers, italki, chatting apps, graded readers, etc.
To start pick one that you feel the most drawn to and then a second that compliments where it might be lacking. Make a goal that you feel is reachable, and build from there.
Best of luck!
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genericdragon · 3 months
Hello! Since my art and designs seem to be getting more attention recently(??????) and stuff like this has come up a few times, I thought I'd lay down some ground rules about my art and characters.
Art Rules:
Generally if you want to use my art anywhere PLEASE ASK ME FIRST!!! I'll most likely say yes I just want to know about it. If you're reposting it on a different platform or sharing it on Discord or whatever I'd also appreciate if you could tell me what other people are saying about it or send me a link to the post. Also free to use as pfps or whatever as long as you ask first. and unless I say otherwise (there are some things I don't want my name attached to yknow) ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO CREDIT ME!!! ("genericdragon on Tumblr" will suffice). If it's art that I made specifically for you you're free to use it anywhere without asking just remember to credit me.
Please don't edit my art in any way, shape, or form, aside from maybe cutting out the background or whatever. (including drawing on top of it, changing colors, etc)
You're allowed to trace/heavily reference my art for practice (don't know why you'd want to tho) but DO NOT POST IT ANYWHERE OR USE IT FOR ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE.
Unless we're very close friends/mutuals do not expect free art from me. You can commission me on artistree or follow me on artfight (<- you are VERY likely to get free art this way.) I might do requests but only if it's something that I'd want to draw even if no one requested it. (no fetish baiting. I know it when I see it.)
Character rules:
If you want to use my exact humanization as your headcanon for that character or use them in your AU then be my guest! Again, just make sure to credit me for the design, and please tag me in anything you do with them :)
That being said, there are a few story related things that I'm not comfortable sharing with other AUs, but it's usually stuff that I don't post on Tumblr so you probably don't know abt it anyway. Just ask me if you're unsure. However I will also ask that you don't create an entirely new backstory for them if you're putting them in your own AU.
I can't stop you from taking inspiration from my designs but please don't just change a few things from my design and call it your own. They're not technically my original characters but I am still very attached to my humanizations and I'm not comfortable with them being modified like that. I'm glad that ppl like my designs but I don't want them to run too far away from me until they're not mine anymore yknow?
You are always always ALWAYS welcome to draw my character designs, especially when interacting with your own or other people's :) Tag me in any art you make of them!! I want to see it!!!
I made another post about it but self-shipping is allowed (as long as it's not a teenager who's way younger than you) just make sure to abide by the rest of these rules.
Also drawing nsfw of my 18+ characters is fine. (Unless I explicitly say they're a teenager or they are known to be a teenager in canon you can assume they're an adult) You can show me or not idc. Just don't send it to me without warning I don't wanna be jumpscared
Other Stuff:
I do not control the hyperfixation. If you followed me for one specific fandom/character that I don't post about often I can't guarantee that you'll see any more of it. Portal is the one thing you can ALWAYS expect me to come back to but the other stuff just comes and goes. Not saying that I'll NEVER come back to it again just don't hold your breath. Feel free to unfollow or block any tags you're not interested in, I don't take any offense to it.
Please do not reblog any art older than like... 3 or 4 years. I'll leave it up for now but if you reblog it I WILL delete it, sorry.
Continuing from that point, this is my blog and I will delete things as I see fit. Please do not download and repost my art if I delete it. If it's gone then I don't want it to be public anymore, please respect my wishes.
I won't throw a hissy fit if you like art but don't reblog it, I totally get that some things just aren't for everyone, but reblogging really does help a lot and I appreciate it :)
Please don't feel intimidated by me! Apparently some people think of me as a Big Scary Popular Artist and I have no idea where that impression came from but I'm not. I'm just a weirdo girl making my silly little drawings. Also PLEASE don't say anything to the effect of "your art is so good it makes me feel bad" or using my art to put yourself down. I have Kind Of Complicated feelings about my art so when people do this it really messes me up. Just don't, it makes both of us feel so much worse.
Asks are always welcome, although I do try to draw art in response to asks but sometimes I just don't get around to it, or it's for a fandom I'm not currently interested in. (Sorry to that one person who sent me an INSIDE related ask that's just been sitting in my inbox for several months)
I do have an nsfw blog, you can dm me for the url, although I may choose to withhold it from you for any reason. (I'm shy 👉👈)
Other than that just uhhhhh be reasonable treat me like a person respect my boundaries etc. I'll update this if needed but this is the most important stuff for now I think
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77ngiez · 5 months
i don't know shit about the mormon religion but tbh ur posts about it have me thinking about looking into it since ive been on and off looking for a religion that fits me. do you have recommendations on where to start?
anon this made me so happy and excited u have no idea. i will answer the ask under the cut cos its gonna get. long
alright! so! quick (2 paragraph lol sorry) crash course! the mormon church is more formally known as The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. this is noted bcs i think its important to know that the church Is a branch of christianity!
the main difference between the church and other branches of christianity is that we believe that we have the restored gospel! to elaborate, we believe that during the years christ was gone, his church and doctrine began falling apart - misinterpretation, mistranslation, etc, all playing a role. the power of both the aaronic priesthood and the melchezidic priesthood was lost. sure, we also have the book of mormon (+ the doctrine&covenants and the pearl of great price), but the reason we have those in the first place is because the priesthood was restored to us.
the subtitle of the book of mormon is "another testemant of jesus christ". basically, you know all those times that jerusalem got destroyed in the old testemant? well, one of those times, this guy lehi takes his family and his pals and goes to the american continent! and then the book of mormon chronicles what happened to him and his many descendants, ending when they all... destroyed each other in war. the doctrine&covenants and the pearl of great price are both stuff from the prophets and apostles in the early days of the church! also, joseph smith (the "founder" of the church) did a retranslation of some parts of the bible. pretty neat!
now that thats out of the way, ur question - where to learn more! if there's a mormon church anywhere in your area (which is pretty likely, esp if u live in the usa) then you can reach out to that church and/or any missionaries on the area! u can attend church at a mormon church without being a member, and plenty of ppl do! ppl r very welcoming there! the missionaries can always teach u more! also, if u download the lds gospel library app (or use the library), u have access to all the lds materials! this is the bible, book of mormon, etc, but other stuff too. for example, theres the 3-volume book "saints" which is all about church history! its very detailed but not hard to listen to or read at all, and it focuses on individuals to help paint the story of how the church formed and was built (i love saints if u cant tell)
i love being mormon and wouldnt trade it for anything. however i feel like warning u that at the moment, the church has a bit of a toxic culture regarding queer stuff, and it can be rlly hard to deal with esp as a queer person who genuinely believes in all the true concepts that the church upholds. but! its absolutely not impossible! #queerstake right here on tumblr is a shining example <3
anyway im only one mormon teenager on the internet, so id suggest checking out the gosepl library, talking to missionaries, and even attending a session on sunday to see what its like if u feel like it. also go ahead and look thru the #queerstake and #tumblrstake tags, bcs theres a lot of both rlly good insight and rlly good community there! feel free to reach out to other posters in that tag for more info if this wasn't sufficient ^^ and good luck, anon!!
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pdouwes · 5 months
Hi, I'm a big fan of your blog and your gifs in general! I was wondering if you had any tutorial on how you color? Particularly your Wicked and Hadestown gifs look incredibly gorgeous and the colors really pop, and I'm so curious as to how you achieve those effects. Amazing work overall :D
hiii, oh my god thank you so much!! 🥺❤️
i'm happy to show you how i color my gifs but pls note that i basically have no idea what i'm doing, everything i know i taught myself via trial and error and this is just something i found works for me.
that being said, here's a quick (and very messy) bootleg coloring tutorial under the cut!
okay so, when it comes to making gifs and coloring in general, good source material is key. bright and clear videos make the coloring process SO much easier.
i picked an old 2010 wicked oberhausen boot for this tutorial. it doesn't have the highest resolution but the colors translate nicely and the lighting is pretty good as well.
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now, this is our base gif cropped and sharpened. i usually want my gifs to look as natural and as close to their base version as possible with just colors and contrast enhanced slightly. baby steps are important here!
first thing i do is add a brightness/contrast layer. these are my settings for this gif:
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i rarely ever go above 20 with either brightness or contrast. adding too much early on will make your gif look grainy in the end. our gif now looks like this:
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not much has changed but a little goes a long way, trust me. next up is a curves layer. i click the little arrow to open the drop down menu and select increase contrast (rgb). afterwards i reduce the opacity. for this gif i set it to 52%.
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this will darken the gif again but it also gets rid of these white spots on elphaba's dress which is great.
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next, we start playing around with colors. i usually use 3 color fill and one or two selective color layers. this really is just playing around until you find the settings that you think look good. for this gif i wanted to enhance the green and neutralise some of the yellow, so i went with two color fill layers first.
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green to slightly enhance the green of elphie's skin and blue to neutralise the yellow in glinda's hair.
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next we're going with a selective color layer. think of the colors you want to pop. for this gif the obvious choices are elphie's skin and glinda's dress.
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i added a second layer to further adjust the greens
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and ended up with this gif
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i then added another color fill layer, set it to multiply and reduced the opacity to 12
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followed by a color balance layer
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the purpose of these layers is to slightly "cool down" the gif, meaning they decrease orange/yellow undertones while enhancing the blue and purple ones.
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next up is a levels layer to add a tiny bit more brightness
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followed by a vibrance layer to make existing colors pop
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and another curves layer for more brightness/contrast with the opacity set to 50%
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our gif now looks like this:
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almost done! we're finishing up with a black and white gradient map layer for some more depth
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and a cooling filter to further reduce the yellow/orange tones of glinda's face and hair
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and that's it!
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so, here you go. this is my coloring process most of the time. sometimes i add more layers (on top or in between), other times i use less, it all depends on the specific scene and the mood i'm in lol.
now, could you leave out some of these steps? yeah, definitely. some layers probably don't even make that much of a difference but i like adding them anyway.
you can download the psd here. feel free to play around with my settings and add or delete layers as you see fit. hope this was at least somewhat helpful!
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Texture used for Majima's jacket
Okay. This painting is pretty epic (In my opinion anyway).
I was trying something a little more ambitious with this piece and that's probably because Death is my favorite tarot card! It was a lot of fun to play with value and color theory with this one.
I'll write a little more about that on the Patreon post if you'd like to look at it. It's free to view and also has a high-res download available!
I also found a website that broke down the symbolism of the cards in a really comprehensive way and that was super helpful to understanding the meaning of the card. Here's the page with all of that info.
Interpretations are below the cut:
Death as a tarot card is not literally about death (not technically anyway). When it shows up in a reading, it's more likely indicating a spiritual or personal death-- an end of an era or period of your life as well as a transition to a new state of being.
Death is unavoidable regardless of whether you're ultra-rich, in deep poverty, or somewhere in between. It's so unavoidable that we refer to it as 'the circle of life'. People are born, they grow up, they pass away, and new people are born in their place.
The inevitability of death is usually scary to people who aren't quite ready to die yet. This is natural, as the idea of no longer existing in the way you were used to is a change that takes time to process.
The Death tarot card encourages you to embrace the change and view it as a rebirth, a second chance.
When it appears upright in a reading, Death usually signals that you're in a period of massive change. You might be shedding the parts of yourself that aren't beneficial anymore. You might have a new opportunity that completely changes the course of your life.
Regardless of the circumstances, the message of this card is that you're not going to be the same person you used to be. Rather than being scared and resistant to change, consider approaching the whole situation with curiosity. What parts of yourself do you feel no longer fit who you are (or who you believe yourself to be)? What opportunities have entered your life and what changes do they bring?
Reversed, we see someone who's resistant to the change that's so inevitable. Whenever I pull a reversed Death card, it always felt as if I was a zombie. Not capable of doing much more than shuffling around, stagnant and rotting and so clearly somewhere I didn't belong.
Never changing is unnatural and oftentimes brings more emotional distress than the circumstances you're scared of ever could. The inevitability of death as a concept drives home that the changes you're resisting are coming whether you want them to or not. Becoming receptive to them will oftentimes make the transition period smoother and quicker. Yes, discomfort might occur (in fact, discomfort is probable), but this discomfort is likely necessary to your development as a person.
In regards to Majima's arc in 0/ the rest of the games, my main idea was inspired by the 'Mad Dog' transformation.
While I was initially hesitant to include actively violent imagery (namely Mad Dog Majima seemingly trying to kill his Y0 self) since the original card has none, I ultimately chose to keep it since the original imagery in the Rider-Waite-Smith card is so initially terrifying.
Death is an unsettling card to look at and I believe that's the point. We're quick to view death as evil and malevolent when, upon closer inspection, you notice that the grim reaper-like figure has no weapons. He's simply carrying a flag with a Tudor rose on it (considered a symbol of peace after the prolonged War of the Roses).
I wanted to create imagery that was a similar level of unsettling, while still showing that there's not any malicious intent. After all, can you really call something murder when someone's just taking a part of their personality and hiding it away?
The Mad Dog persona is simply that: a mask. We see throughout the series that the Majima from Yakuza 0 is still there, he's just hidden behind a flamboyant, violent, shirtless persona who few are able to accurately read.
Majima's core personality is always there, but he isn't able to return to the person he was in Yakuza 0. He can't return to who he was before the '85 assassination, either.
The old Majima can't come to the phone right now. Why?
'Cause he's dead.
One of the main themes of Death's original card is the juxtaposition between those who resist death, and those who accept its inevitability. Compare the Bishop, who welcomes death with open arms to the king lies who dead in the mud, his crown having fallen. There's the impression that the king did not die peacefully, and likely was trying to evade his mortality. As such, he's not only stripped of his power and glory, but also of his ability to have a dignified death.
He chose to use his final moments on Earth to try and escape his fate, rather than making the most of his time alive and as such, he loses more than the Bishop once Death rides into town.
In my interpretation, I focused on Y0 Majima's inability to kill. While it's a good thing that he didn't kill an innocent woman, Majima created a situation where someone had to die.
Yet, he refused to decide who. This is an unfair thing to ask of anyone, especially when innocent lives are on the line, but Majima barrelled into this situation before completely thinking out what it meant to murder someone. He agreed to trade someone else's life for a spot back in the Tojo Clan.
And because of this, Lee and a woman who never asked to be involved end up being murdered in Makoto's place.
Majima doesn't have the ability to kill, but he isn't able to manufacture a situation where no one has to die, either. He's attempting to circumvent the consequences of his actions and in the end, he loses not only the lives of innocent people, but also his ability to remain himself.
Majima's Mad Dog persona, however, is able to keep the people he cares about safe (to some degree). His enemies are very, very rarely able to understand his actual motives and what he actually cares about and as such, attack targets that Majima is okay with losing: money, his own freedom, even his life at one point.
I wanted to include some of the human figures from the original card in mine as well. It's hard to tell in the actual painting, but the hand near the bottom left corner is Lee's and the figure hanging in the upper right corner is Saejima who's been executed for the '85 assassination.
Both Lee and Saejima represent the guilt Majima feels for his inadequacies. Who he was as a person wasn't enough to keep them from receiving all of the punishment for his actions (Majima didn't *necessarily* do anything wrong in either of these situations, but I'm talking more about his own feelings rather than reality). In a way, the Mad Dog persona is an attempt to atone-- a commitment to making sure what happened in the 80s doesn't happen again.
But for that to be possible, Majima has to kill his previous self and become something entirely new.
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bonesblubs · 2 years
Aye i don't know if this is something you really have an answer for but i thought I'd shoot my shot. Any advice for someone who's just starting to draw? I know the general advice is to Draw More but the horrible beginner quality and lack of direction is really kicking my motivation in the shins. Idk, thought I'd ask.
On a related note your art is the thing REALLY giving me motivation to start trying to draw more. That's how i wanna be. The way you draw expressions is so good
Ahhhh thank you so much, that’s so lovely to hear!! Drawing is as rewarding as it is challenging, so it’s exciting that you’re getting into it!! Drawing a lot is a huge part of it, like when working out/getting fit, it just takes steady time and effort to build muscle. But it absolutely does help to have a direction on what to be drawing/practicing!!
Knowing the rules to art does actually help when you want to break them- studying life drawing and realism, though not my area of interest, has actually been hugely useful in applying to my stylized work. You can do this by sketching references online (pinterest is a good resource for this- people have ready-made folders for dynamic poses, angles, and tutorials, etc), sketching from life (a friend might sit for you, or you can find a mirror to draw yourself/your room/your fave stuffed animal)- these things are less about what you’re drawing and more for training your eyes and your hands.
When looking for style, it’s really helpful to study the art that inspires you and pick them apart- what is it about the particular piece or the style of the artist that interests you? How can you apply that to your own work? You like when an artist draws eyelashes a certain way? Try it out! And you like how a different artist draws mouths? Apply it to that same drawing! Keep feeling around and experimenting until you’re happy where you are. Your hand will naturally add your own personal flavor to these things. The important part about this is to have many different sources of inspiration.
I like to keep folders of art that inspires me, photos whose palettes I love, etc. When I get stuck, just looking through these folders helps center me/give me direction and focus, even if they have nothing to do with what I’m drawing. These folders are also good to have of faces/outfits/objects/interiors/compositions you find interesting- you’re absorbing all of this information as you see it, so compiling the ones that stick out to you is quite useful! I’m quite bad at making up outfits for characters, so I have a folder dedicated to fashion inspiration that I look at regularly.
There are many free tools at your disposal that professionals and beginners use as well-
I found tutorials on YouTube to be priceless- even just watching speedpaints (especially ones where you can see the artists hands as they draw) are more than worth your time.
An app that has saved my butt when finding a tricky angle for a pose for my professional work is Magic Poser (they also have an app you can download). This might be a nice place to start if you’re struggling with poses or anatomy- it shouldn’t be a supplement to drawing from life if you’re seriously looking to learn, BUT there’s absolutely no harm in having fun with it!!
Similarly, I’ve had friends use the sims games to build interiors and exteriors of buildings for backgrounds and trace screenshots they took. It’s a really genius shortcut. There are heavy duty programs that you can use professionally with the same idea (SketchUp being one), but the point being, you can use pretty much anything as a reference or a tool for drawing. Whatever will make it more enjoyable and easier for you is something to consider!
Anyway, I hope something in there was useful to you- an artists journey is extremely personal and subjective. It will take a lot of trial and error, but the key is to be patient with yourself as you learn this new skill. Above all, art should be fulfilling to you, something that you enjoy doing. You will likely have moments of frustration and doubt, as I have countless times and I’m positive everyone else who has ever picked up a pen has too, but a big part of art is perseverance. You will make it over the hump, and when you do, you’ll be better for it. So, lastly, and most importantly, don’t forget to draw what you like. It’ll be the thing that’s waiting for you on the other side 💚
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dementedfilament · 10 months
In response to the WIP game, I’d love to hear more about your Love OC and/or the fic you’re working on with them! I hope you’re having a lovely day! 💕
-Lexi Sun ☀️
Sooo I personally really miss the yandere aspect of Love, so I kept it alive with Eden! (Who identifies as female!) I let things play out for her like they do in canon with how the Code gets removed and Marcus gets booted from the company. However, eventually, Eden gets bored with the monotony of the place and happens to remember that the only person who ever treated her anything more than a big piece of tech was Marcus.
(This got a little long so here's a read more link;;;;)
She goes down a mental rabbit hole focusing on the only warmth she ever had in her life, very much acting in a similar fashion to how the Code made her without even having it active. Then, when James pushes her too far, she reflects on his words about how Marcus manipulated her and took away her freedom, and realizes that the way she's treated by everyone else is no different, but at least Marcus genuinely cared about her.
Thus, not only because she craves Marcus, but also in a fit of rebellion, she unearths and finds a way to secretly re-download the Obsession Code since the time when she had it was when she was happiest.
Buuuuuut she goes overboard with it. Since she pulled pieces of it and re-programmed it herself, she accidentally made it far superior to Marcus's Code since it was only intended for friendship, and it devours her whole system. She goes into a mad yandere fit of laughter and even smashes her hands while fantasizing about murdering everyone in the company that was an obstacle to her seeing Marcus again. She did set a timer to purge her system after a few minutes though, so this isn't a permanent change in her.
She actually starts crying because she misses feeling things, and henceforth vows to find the one person that brought any sort of excitment to her life: Marcus.
This basically triggers a lot of back-and-forth with her and James as she tries to get away with letting the code run free in her system when she's able, along with trying to learn how to get around and shut down ETS's monitoring of her for later use, plus being able to think about Marcus whenever she wants without them viewing her mental data and interrupting. She has a lot of mental moral and existential dilemmas, and seems to converse with a sort of "dark side" to her own programming that's egging her on to rebel and live her own way.
As far as Eden's general personality goes: she comes across as a rebellious teenager imo. When she finishes her testing and gets to leave ETS, she gets to showcase a lot more of her personality though. She's very excitable and loves experiencing new things, and is absolutely a party girl. She learns how to decieve people to get what she wants, especially through seduction because she was built to be kinda sexy-looking. Most people think she's a ditzy airhead, and she eventually uses that to her advantage too. She very much does all of this because of her willing obsession for her favourite little wet noodle Marcus, but as far as she knows, he's the only person who truly cares about her anyways and is worth the effort.
I did also make a Pinterest board for her a while back, which showcases her aesthetic and wardrobe and stuff! (Also have a fic playlist too!)
aaaaaaaaa I'm sorry this is so long /// Thank you for letting me ramble about Eden though!! I want to write for her more, but she unfortunately takes more brain power than I can muster right now //sighs
I hope you're having a lovely day too 💕
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writerfae · 1 year
Ok 👉🏼👈🏼
I have a question ??
How do you make your mood boards? I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, so I don’t really draw my characters. Pfp isn’t my art, just my ocs haha.
Anyway some of it is a time/laziness issue. But like, I feel like I could do a mood board.
And I was wondering how you make them, because they’re so pretty ??? Every time I see one of your mood boards—instant dopamine. The colors and 🥺
Sorry for just popping in your ask box, but I was wondering like where do you find pictures, what program you use, stuff like that.
(Also sorry if this is a basic question. I literally have zero experience with any sort of art that’s not writing)
Hi! Don’t apologize, I’m always open for questions like this ^^ (also thanks for the compliment!)
So, making moodboards is pretty easy actually! The secret is finding fitting pictures and a good app to make a collage out of it
Let’s start with the pictures.
I gotta (shamefully) admit that for my latest moodboards I took most of the pictures off of Pinterest (which is always my last choice, but I ran out of good pics and tbh? Everyone else does it and I’m not using it to make money or whatever so I guess I’m fine)
But usually I use sites with free to use pictures like unsplash and pexels. There all you have to do is look for and download the pictures you need. Just type in search words that fit to the character/world you aim for.
I don’t know if you need it, but here’s some things I look for when I make OC moodboards:
a face claim / prominent feature of my character (hair, eyes, whatever)
their favorite color or just one you associate with them
maybe also a texture, like wood or leaves or clouds
the character’s hobby or things they adore (yes this includes food)
everything you associate with them tbh: animals and plants, maybe even an element
symbolism, so things that are important to them or make out a part of their personality (see: a crown as symbol for an OC who’s a queen)
jewelry or clothes they would wear
I personally don’t use this one too often but many people also use fitting quotes
(For me it’s also important to stick to a color scheme and make it all fit together aesthetically, but that’s probably a weird quirk of mine and honestly everyone should do what they prefer. If you rather have it colorful or just want to go with the vibes, go for it!)
Choose as many pictures as you like. Personally I use between five and nine (nine only if I make a “classy” moodboard), but like I said, that’s up to you.
By the way, moodboards aren’t just great for characters but also for character groups, story locations and just story vibes in general (I know you know that already, I just felt like mentioning it ^^)
Okay so now you have all your pictures, but how to turn them into a moodboard?
I do all my moodboards on my phone/tablet, so I use apps to put them together. There’s plenty of collage apps you can use, or just any picture editing app with a collage option (I think most have them).
Just search for “collage”or “photo collage” in your app store and you’ll find many apps you can download for free.
Now to find a good app that fits your needs is up to you and probably requires you to try out different apps to find the one that is best for you.
Some only let you do before mentioned “classic” collages (you know those 3x3 pics that are simply next to each other, like a grid), but there’s also ones with more unique layouts you can use.
I recommend the latter because it gives you more options and makes the moodboard more interesting, but again, just a personal opinion.
I don’t know if it’s available for you, but I use an app called InCollage (it’s only for android though, I think). If you don’t want to use apps I’m sure there’s online programs for these kind of things as well.
And when you found the right pictures and your preferred collage app to use, all that’s left to do is create the moodboard!
Throw all the pictures in a collage and rearrange them however you like. Choose a layout of your liking and a fitting background. I usually go with a color/texture that matches the pictures or my OC’s color. And that’s it!
It can take quite some time to find the right pictures and arrangement (my personal record is spending three hours on a moodboard xD) but it’s really quite simple! And so much fun too!
So that was my (admittedly way too long - sorry for that) guide. I hope I was able to help and wish you lots of fun creating your own moodboards! :)
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intothevrains · 2 years
here it is. the legendary kiyoshi kogami coma analysis ive been bothering several discords with. possibly also just a Part One 
prefacing this with a general content warning. this will cover topics including a lot of medical jargon, including a whole lot of brain injury talk. i also want to mention i am not at all a doctor and this is merely a product of much research: please feel free to add on or ask any questions, even provide corrections where you see fit. please ask about sources and ill provide, one is just an essay paper that’s downloaded onto my computer.
three main topics i want to cover:
coma patients in general (and how it relates to kiyoshi)
a general very messy analysis of link vrains and its functionality
kiyoshi kogami & lightning
first things first; coma patients & similar have four states of consciousness, those being minimal consciousness, coma, vegetative state, and brain death. patients can also go between the first three states, but as far as i am aware there is no coming back from brain death, depending on definition (brain stem death and specific parts of the brain dying are different and vary in danger, AFAIK). 
i believe kiyoshi is in a minimally conscious state, or was, likely even going between a minimally conscious state and a coma, however never into a vegetative state. I also don’t believe he’s braindead as he is still functional, and here’s why;
first off, i’ll provide a definition of a minimally conscious state; “The minimally conscious state is a condition of severely altered consciousness in which minimal but definite behavioral evidence of self or environmental awareness is demonstrated.” 
minimally conscious patients are shown to respond to external stimuli, even possessing the ability to answer questions through brain activity. more on that; the study conducted that discovered this state of consciousness found that many patients in a minimally conscious state could respond to yes/no questions, even control parts of their body at will instead of only on reflex, like a coma patient would. the way that patients would respond to yes or no questions would be through spiking their brain activity. an example: someone asks the patient a question such as “is your name [name]?” and the patient would respond by thinking very hard of something, thereby spiking brain activity and declaring a “yes”. a no would be concluded by the patient not thinking of anything.
all of this has to be done with MRI scans which... ryoken just has in his home, apparently. I mean, have you seen the care setup he has for his father? 
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...yeah. a lot.
keep in mind, different reasons for brain damage happening also factor into how severe a conscious state is impaired. a stroke inflicted coma may put you into a minimally conscious state, whereas severe brain damage would put you into a coma, or worse. this relates to something i’ll cover in a bit. a complete (sort of) list of things that are common factors of comas: Severe head injuries, brain infections, brain damage from lack of oxygen, drug overdose, stroke, chemical imbalances due to illness, such as low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). keep in mind severe head injuries and brain damage. 
anyways, this leaves a good segue into how exactly link VRAINS works. as things are at the moment any possibility or ability to plug ones mind into a computer or even import a HUMAN brain into a computer is basically impossible. for example... putting a nematode brain into a computer is the only thing thats been done, and even that took an insane amount of technology (nematode brains have 20K neurons, humans have a billions). link vrains is basically impossible, but i’m just going to go ahead and ignore that and put together what i can. 
the only way a fraction of a human brain could be in a computer is through a host server that uses quantum computing which is..... fine for soltech but the kogamis? having a quantum computer? a device that requires temperatures a bit above absolute zero to work? No, almost certainly not. (soltech which is almost certainly founded by and supported by billionaires because its only billionaires and millionaires for the most part funding studies dedicated to putting brains in computers and thats for immortality's sake, by the way)
so, soltech uses quantum computing and a whole lot of nonsense im not smart enough to put together for vrains to work. but what about kiyoshi? well, kiyoshi only actually has an avatar in vrains, meaning its not actually himself. the lieutenants created an AI replica of kiyoshi, which asks kiyoshi commands throughout the series... or, maybe it only did at the start. this is where my theories start to converge; is kiyoshi in a minimally conscious state throughout vrains season one, or in a coma? was an AI developed on his input before the series began and did he fall into a coma afterwards, or is he always in a minimally conscious state? almost like his "input" (basal, subconscious IDEAS of direction) goes through a translator to become his speech/avatar movement. 
i think the only fully human detail about vrains kiyoshi is that he transmits the actual kiyoshi's vitals and responds to them. ie cant manifest after his body dies. and then even that could be fake, there couldve been a separate little string of data that just shut him down if those vitals ever dipped too low. 
there’s also something frustrating that is like a worm on my mind: using this information the kiyoshi that we see in vrains may be very inaccurate to how he actually is. he may be an AI build off of input from the lieutenants and ryoken, but that may not completely mirror how he actually was as a person. yes/no commands from kiyoshi himself can only do so much as well. it certainly leaves a lot to be considered. maybe he’s more of an ai than consciousness data of a person and exists as a moral compass/guiding figure for ryoken who felt guilty about his father's death, because at the end of the day, ryoken was 100% the one calling the shots for the hanoi and kiyoshi's seen multiple times just totally deferring to revolver and doing stuff on the side for him instead of really leading the charge
kinda like that trope of people making ai that closely resemble deceased people and are ALMOST the same thing but Not Exactly
also, kiyoshis in vrains avatar takes on the same appearance of the one he had 10 years ago. this could or couldnt have implications, who knows. i dont know.
and finally.... kiyoshi and lightning. lightning is an interesting case in himself i want to eventually infodump about BUT i want to talk about their relationship for a moment or how they relate to each other. or, just how lightning put him into a coma in the first place. same with miyu. 
its never fully covered in vrains how much the ignis can interact with the real world, but im assuming to a very basic degree they can be touched and interacted with. i also want to bring back three possible coma causes that’re most common that i brought up earlier: Severe head injuries, stroke, and brain damage from lack of oxygen. any of these are possible, but i believe a stroke is the most likely. a stroke can be caused by an irregular heartbeat... it very well could’ve been lightning just electrocuting a specific part of him to force him into a coma. that’s just the best of what i can come up with with my extremely limited data on lightnings abilities and general ignis weirdness. my friends and i have come up with a lot of theories on this particular facet of kiyoshi and lightning and as much as it pains me, i might have to just chalk it up to ignis weirdness i dont know how to explain.
... i know the whole “it was probably electricity that caused a stroke that put him into a coma” argument becomes almost immediately null if you bring up that miyu came out of her coma after lightning died but, hey, i’m doing my best here.
anyways thanks for reading. thats all... i will return soon with more. please let me know thoughts and theories or anything i missed im dying to talk about vrains with people
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I stole this from a copypasta group.
1: To 'hold space' for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown.
2: I'm in transition = I'm unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some trim work for me or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings!
3: I'm processing a lot of downloads from the Universe = I smoked too much DMT and can’t afford therapy. By pretending that my fragile brain is a sacred record keeper, I receive validation for speaking gibberish.
4: I'm a lightworker/empath = I am depressed and unstable and take zero responsibility for my own self-destructive tendencies, and need to focus on condescending your dark shit to avoid my own. (PS: I'll diagnose you as a narcissist)
5: I am a Reiki Master= I crave human contact, And this makes me feel less insecure than Tinder. I can cross personal physical boundaries with ease if I so choose, depending on what my client looks like, or I can think about random things while getting paid handsomely to hold my hands awkwardly over someone’s body.
6: You have an amazing Aura = I would love to bang you.
7: I am writing a travel blog = I don't want to go home, I no longer fit in: I never have. I don't know where I will end up, but I’d like to get paid to figure it out.
8: I'm not looking for a relationship/ only deep soul connections = I have commitment issues and fear of intimacy so I collect partners with compatible insecurities. I understand you will head off to Thailand soon anyways. “Bread-crumbing my love keeps me safe” is my mantra, while I dip my dick like a candlestick in every Shanti ratchet priestess in town.
9: 'Inner Goddess Within' workshops = An understanding of daddy Issues and a way to overdevelop the masculine side to protect the little girl within. Helping participants to surrender to the bias that all men are shit ( all of this for a nominal fee). The level 2 masterclass will teach you how to galactivate your man’s scrotum chakra enough to make him forget that you pay for bullshit workshops with his harvest money.
10: A guru = Someone who has overstepped the threshold of self-development into supreme egotism and found a niche market. Carries a flute and has a name you can't pronounce (though his driver's license says Steve) and chants words he doesn’t understand. But interesting tattoos...right?
11. A shaman = see above.
12: Worshipping the Beloved = Classic scenario where a cluster B personality type convinces you at a festival that you are their twin flame, lost for centuries in the ether. If you have never been loved by your primary caregivers, this is paradise on earth as your fear of abandonment gets spanked with a mala on the magical, mystery tour of self-deception.
13: In the flow = I never commit to anything, especially plans to do anything with anyone, so that I can completely flake out and not take any responsibility for it; ie I didn’t pay my phone bill this month.
14: Co-creating a retreat/gathering = my borderline personality friends and I have exhausted all other means of making an honest income, and have decided instead to use our social media clout (aka naked buttcheeks) to radically overcharge a too-large group of saps for 2-14 days of mediocre vegan food, awkward group encounters, and real-world-style sexual politics.
15; Substance Free Event = Powder drugs are fine but if you bring alcohol, we’ll judge the shit out of you. Tobacco’s cool if you snort it and call it "ceremony" or roll your own.
16: Speaking My Truth = I reserve the right to be an asshole in this conversation and you must honor it, regardless of how deep my delusion may be. I’ll probably use this phrase every time I don’t want to be called out for my phony bullshit, because it’s all perspective man.
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lasclsurfing · 2 years
Desktop Pets Sans
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#Desktop Pets Sans how to
#Desktop Pets Sans plus
#Desktop Pets Sans download
#Desktop Pets Sans free
If you see him sitting down with some Zs floating off of his head, this means he wants to sleep. Overfeeding him will cause him to get ill, so be careful. Looks like Sans is hungry! Select the Fork and Knife icon to choose a hot dog for a meal, and a bottle of ketchup for a snack, no skeleton can resist! Use the middle bone button B to confirm your choice. After it's done, your new friend, Sans, will appear! He will interact with you depending on how you care for him. After setting up your unit, a house will appear for a few minutes, indicating it's in "standby mode" until a few minutes have passed.Īfter a few minutes of waiting, your unit will play a section of "It's Raining Somewhere Else". Press the left bone button A to scroll, middle bone button B to confirm. The screen will show the date and time, but you have to set it. You will hear a long beep for a few seconds. Unscrew the back of your pet with a screwdriver (Phillips head recommended). Care always comes with responsibility, especially with a skeleton. Do you have the determination to care for him? Make sure he gets what he needs, so he'll be your friend for a long time. He wants to get out, but then he starts feeling snug, as it's warm. However, he ends up in a weird pod with a clear screen. He sees a bright light as if it's a way out.
#Desktop Pets Sans how to
​Ever wanted your own virtual skeleton? Now you can, with Virtual Pal Sans! He's your own friend that you decide how to treat him! However though, neglecting him will have some consequences, so be wise!Īfter a few weeks being sealed in the Underground, a brave skeleton by the name of Sans tries to find a way to the human world.
#Desktop Pets Sans plus
I hope you enjoy it anyway, plus there will be some missing things I might have left out, so if I find something I missed, I will edit this post to add it in. (also on pi day sans should say "happy pi day from pa*-pie-*rus".Author's Note: This is another idea of mine, but I will not be doing this, as I have previously said, I need permissions and the materials to create it. Do you not have the guts to stand my puns?What is the best band in the underground? Femur and Dreemurr. I don't know if I should put a little more backbone into these jokes, but then again it is tibia expected that I'll get lazy and not try as hard to make a skele- ton of them. I know i'm pretty humerus.This is going tibia funny pun. Have you seen my brother I have a bone to pick with him. The annoying dog stole Papyrus's left arm and leg. He even ran off with Papyrus' left leg! You could say he didn't leave him with a leg to stand on. That annoying dog came back and stole more of our bones. What do skeletons hate most about the wind? Nothing it goes right through them. why did the skeleton get kicked out of the comedy club? Because he wasn't very humerus Knock Knock : who's there? : to : to who? : to whom. You wan't dialogue? have some: I wanna make a joke about sodium, but Na.
#Desktop Pets Sans free
If you guys have any suggestions for dialog, feel free to put them below!! I'd love to put in as much as I can so his speaking doesn't get too repetitive.
#Desktop Pets Sans download
Once I get around to finishing him (just want to get a little more dialog in), I'll publish him for download along with the tutorial inside so you can edit whatever dialog you please to fit you personally! Feel free to make another character if you'd like to!! Sans knows what day and month it is, and also knows the time, so you can edit him to remind you about something or say something at a certain time/day! He also remembers names and birthdays!! He can read you RSS feeds, check your email, has a built-in calendar, and can empty your recycle bin. You can do really cool things with it, like insert your own dialog and pretty much make your own. Emotions!! (his facial expressions do change, as seen on the clips)įor those of you that have no clue what an Ukagaka is, it's a little desktop friend that sits on your desktop and talks to you on occasion. Whoopie cushion (yes, he will prank you with this at random) Random dialog he speaks every three minutes at what I've set him at, although it seems he's a bit quiet (usually tells jokes or useful hints about the program, or talks about his brother) He does make his speaking sound on dialog activation, I promise! Sorry for the low-quality video of him in action, it's all I can get for now.
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shotorozu · 3 years
BABE , i saw a hc ( i think it was urs) where the boys’s s/o was really fashionable, ( as somebody that’s gone viral on pinterest a little too many times ) I WAS WONDERING , what if you did a todobakudeku ( separately please omg) with somebody that’s like the emma chamberlain of fashion and they own everybody’s pinterest boards and stuff AHAHA IDK , the amount of times somebody has said ‘ wait ur that one pinterest girl right?? ‘ ANYWHAHEEIE I LOVE YOU N HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 💗💗
pinterest famous s/o
character(s) : midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, they/them pronouns (at the request of anon) strong quirk hinted; not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : thank you anon!! so ok, i still used they/them pronouns even though the reader is afab (again at the request of anon) and whdjwkd sorry for the inactivity :,) also im gonna post more later so— sorry for the delay
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midoriya izuku
when middle school midoriya finally got a phone, he downloaded pinterest for the sole purpose of looking at screencaps of heroes
but then, he hasn’t touched it a few months, because he’s been training with all might
then, when he finally had enough free time again— he decided to go on pinterest
but instead of finding any heroes he could look at, he found the prettiest human being he has ever seen in his entire life 💀
that person was a different type of beauty, y’know— they weren’t just fashionable, but their beauty was,,
timeless? that’s how he’d describe it. yeah. that person lived in his head rent free for a while
sadly, he feels like you’re that person he sees once in his life, and never again 😔 which isn’t the case
when he finally meets you, midoriya realizes that you look VERY familiar— someone on pinterest, that he unfortunately, didn’t know the name of
but then wait! he realizes that you’re that person. that one person that blew up on pinterest, and ended up in all of the fashion boards.
okay, you’ve been recognized a few times in the past, just because you were pinterest famous— but you didn’t expect him to recognize you
“wait,, you know me?” you asked him when you saw the realization sink in
and you were honestly,, flattered when he went on a tangent on how you were on all of the pinterest boards, and how your sense of fashion was timeless
but you know what’s the best thing of it all? when izuku developed a crush on you (and not because he thought you were just an attractive face)
it was very easy to find pictures of you online! he says it’s for research but,, he tends to look at them for a long time
probably has 3-4 pages dedicated to your hero costume— since fashion icon = fashionable, yet a very practical hero costume!
does he get jealous whenever people fawn over your looks, or whenever he sees comments in pinterest comment sections just asking for your socials in such desperation?
hmm,, yes? he does occasionally feel like someone like you, should be with someone as equally beautiful as you
he thought he was always plain looking, but you wholeheartedly disagree! in fact, you fell in love with his ability to pay attention to detail.
to the random creeps in the comments section, he just contacts the uploader and asks them to delete any malicious comments and it works 100% of them time.
on the brighter side, he helps a lot with taking your pictures (if you ask him to) and sometimes! he’ll even appear in them
izuku will always be your #1 fan!
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bakugou katsuki
at first, you’d be like “katsuki owning pinterest? naaah.” but! i think he would
being an all might fan, he liked looking at all might screen caps— and while katsuki would be on the discreet side, he’d find himself looking at them whenever he has extra minutes to burn
not to mention, the cooking recipes on there aren’t the worst, so he doesn’t just use pinterest to look at screen caps of heroes doing their work
and, how could he forget that you’ve been bugging him to search for rare screen caps? he says that it’s useless— but he finds himself digging for you anyway,
which is whyyy
he finds an entirely different rabbit hole, and it’s way past 10pm, 3 more minutes wouldn’t wound him.
the blond doesn’t know how he even stumbled on.. this side of pinterest. the one that kind of hurts his eyes.
the more well known side of pinterest, that is covered in pictures of fashion boards, and the standard pretty person.
the ‘aesthetic’ side, kaminari calls it— it makes bakugou cringe, and he was just about to refresh his page
when he spots something familiar, it’s you‼️ well it wasn’t just you but, you were dressed in something,, nice.
like sure! you’re attractive. but that’s not why he’s dating you, there’s a lot of reasons as to why
but, he’s baffled. seeing you in a different light, and in such nice clothing, what more, when he sees that you’re actually everywhere. he hasn’t seen this much of you and your attractive ass before
katsuki told himself that he was going to sleep a few minutes ago, but now? he’s left admiring all of your pictures.
how did he not know that his s/o’s pinterest famous? you’re practically in every single board!
he confronts you the next day in an oddly weird manner, “you didn’t tell me you were famous on that stupid pinterest app.”
you’re sheepish, “welll, i didn’t know that you were going to stumble on that side of pinterest!”
he doesn’t say anything, and really! it looks like he doesn’t care about the newest discovery of his s/o
but he shows his feelings in his own way.
like, how katsuki insists that he finds a new outfit that you’d absolutely love— one that’ll fit with your aesthetic
and that he insists that he does your graphic liner, because you’re going to ‘poke your eyes out’
makes an entirely different account to reply to those simps and creeps in the comment section, sort of like
random pinterest user : “the things i’ll do to be crushed by them 💦”
pinterestuser461903 : “go touch some fucking grass.”
also would’ve commented “your art sucks” at the poorly done drawings of you in the comments, but knows you appreciated the art— so he doesn’t
(still thinks the fanart doesn’t do you enough justice)
he’ll be super proud when someone notices you in person like “yeah that’s fucking right, but too bad they’re super attractive and way out of your league.”
in short, it looks like katsuki doesn’t care at all about your pinterest famous life, but he’s your #1 supporter
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todoroki shouto
i am certain for this one— he doesn’t have pinterest
well, he didn’t have pinterest, until midoriya convinced him to create an account, but it kinda just ended at that
but the person that actually made him use pinterest was sero, because he kept bugging him to give it a try
todoroki finds the app very practical— he can find screen caps of heroes in action, and he can also find oddly helpful tips in cooking (and in anything)
but sero was like “todoroki, what about the aesthetic value??” and todoroki didn’t really get that part to be honest 💀
todoroki, being clueless didn’t know what to search for— so sero being the wonderful friend he is, helped him search for it
and that’s when it happened. it didn’t take that long, but they eventually found an entire section just full of pictures of you; their classmate and crush
“is that Y/N?” mina notices what they’re looking at, and she observes the picture “oh wow— it is her! no wonder why she looked familiar.”
“it’s impressive! our classmate is pinterest famous!” they continue to look at every single post in each board, and todoroki’s left to observe in silence
he has definitely taken a liking to you, even if he didn’t realize it at first— he liked you because of your hard work when it came to training, personality and patience, not because of your looks
obviously, todoroki thinks that you look good in anything, trashbag style or not. but seeing you in this light was interesting.
so after training, todoroki would spent a good portion of his time scavenging for more pictures— not because he was obsessed or anything
but because,, he really liked your pictures. maybe it was because without you in those pictures, it would feel incomplete
he didn’t know how to approach you after this discovery, which is why he’s glad that you approached him first
“todoroki! what are you looking at?” you took a peak at his screen, and you’re baffled to see yourself, and that very famous picture of you
he’s quiet for a second when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at your pictures, but he explains calmly, “sero accidentally discovered your pictures,, and i just wanted to take a peak at them, if it was okay,,”
and he’s relieved— well, you’re also relieved. you didn’t know how your crush would react if he ever saw those pictures, but your heart skipped a beat knowing that he enjoyed looking at them
“it’s alright todoroki,” you smile, honestly over the moon as you spoke “i’m really glad that you like them.”
sometimes you’d get shy whenever he’d go on pinterest just to look at your pictures, “todoroki, not that one! that one was really old,,” is what you’d say whenever he’d look at your older photos but he’d still look at them anyway 💀
at first, todoroki helped you in his own subtle way. since he’s quite the fashion icon— he’d recommend you clothes to wear for future pictures
he eventually confessed— and it was because you were talking to him while he was really tired, and he blurted out that he really, really liked you and you almost passed away because of his words
so yeah— it was a case of secretly admiring their beautiful best friend to lovers scenario
he’d go the full mile when it came to taking your pictures. he’d check the weather forecast just in case if it was going to rain for that date, and impromptu picnic photoshoot
that boyfriend that has pictures of you in his photo gallery, and has a backstory for each photo if anyone were to ask
also that boyfriend that knows how to take pictures, will probably even lay down to take them, even if you didn’t kindly ask him to
when you asked him to join the picture, he didn’t really know how to— but he made it work! and the both of you guys went viral
but this isn’t all one sided, no— whenever you guys would cuddle, shouto would simply stare at you with HEARTS in his eyes,
and even before he leans in for a kiss, he’ll stare at you with so much love in his eyes, while he traces his thumb across your cheekbones. man’s in love— you’re gorgeous.
he knows that you know that he’s not with you because of any ulterior motive, you both have mutual trust in each other— so it’s not something you guys will bother on questioning because you’re both hot asf lets be real
he’s not uncomfortable whenever people gawk at you in public— i mean, you two get stares on the regular. and how could they not stare at you? you’re very attractive, and he’s glad that people recognize that
but he’ll get protective if they’ll try to be a threat to your loving relationship with him, he won’t be afraid to be blunt
regarding the comments on each pinterest post— he hates it when people say things out of the line
always tries to hide them from you so you don’t feel bothered by them, but if you knew about them— he’ll be sad :,(
but he’ll end up mass reporting those nasty comments— and they always get taken down, because of the shouto todoroki luck
in short? man’s whipped, and the both of you guys are SO attractive together— what more if people knew about the om chemistry?
really— you being pinterest famous was just a nice plus, he fell in love with you for you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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corpsoir · 2 years
my favourite brushes in clip studio (plus a little bit of insight in how i do lineart and colours i guess????)
yay finally lol here are some of my favourite brushes i use! if you have clip studio these are all free to download in clip studio assets!
and if you have any questions at all i would love to answer them!
will put all of it under the cut since it'll be kind of a long post
i use clip studio paint, the tablet i use is ~3 year old a wacom intuos pro medium, and i prefer using the felt pen nibs! ^^
soipen by SORASORA (content ID: 1778407) Gin puck-puck pen (진퍽퍽펜) by pogomgom (content ID: 1736852)
Muda Muda Muda by lapinbeau (content ID 1715496) (this one i also sometimes use for sketching and colouring, it's really an all purpose brush to me, i love it! fun name too lol hehehe) Kome Pen (komeペン) by _koi (content ID 1906801) i also quite often use the regular round tip G-pen that comes with clip studio. when i use this one i play around a lot with line weight and varying pressure in my lines to make the lineart look more appealing and... organic i guess? i don't have any fancy settings on the brush itself i only use differing pressure on my hand for this lol. here's the pressure profile on my tablet sngdjkfghs idk if anyone is interested in this but!!!! here you go its nothing special
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and then my current absolute favourite brush for lineart is this one called Brush Pen which i also think came with clip studio but i honestly have no idea. it's not in my assets downloads so either it came with the program or it's an older brush i transferred from photoshop, i have no clue! but i love it and i use this one for my lineart and flat shading in pretty much all my drawings rn.
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as you can probably tell i like my lineart a bit crunchy and textured. i never use plain black for my lineart, i either use a dark blue/purple or a rich pinkish red or brown. it makes the lines look less flat and muddy together with the colours. i also duplicate my lineart layer, and the duplicated layer i put underneath with a gaussain blur filter on. this one i usually shift the colour to a little more red/pink and also put the blending mode on overlay to sort of blend together nicely with the colours! :) see below what i mean, it looks way fuller and nicer with double lineart i think! but this is just personal preference (i used Brush Pen for lines here btw!)
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anyway, more brushes:
Halftones, textures, effects etc:
Grunge Dot by Marredae (content ID 1777009) Tone Brushes by seinotaph (content ID 1835931) Glitch Brushes 2 by tsiox (content ID 1719160)
these are my current favourites! ^^ i don't like using too many brushes at once and i also always keep a balanced limited palette while colouring. here are the ones i'm using rn but i'm currently working on making it just one palette with all the colours i might need. it might take a while because i always forget to add colours i'm using and i want them all to fit nicely together
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my colouring is done by using the lasso fill tool to get even flats i can easily select and shift the hues and colour balance of later if i need to. i use the Brush Pen for simple shading, after that i just go crazy with different blending mode layers (multiply and glow dodge my beloveds)
that's pretty much it i think, feel free to ask me a billion questions i love answering them!
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cazimagines · 2 years
Hi Cazzy! Could you help me out? I really want to write for Sebastian (submissive baby boy) Zöllner after reading so many fics, watching as many clips I could and staring at him endlessly. I can’t afford to buy the movie atm but my motivation is big at the moment. Long story short: could you tell me about his character? I would love as many details as you can but please don’t feel pressured to answer at all! Thank you anyways! (In love with your sub blog btw)
Hey, thanks for the ask! There are ways to watch the film without having to buy it as long as you are okay with downloading the film! Here's is a link to a post with a download folder for it and the subtitles.
But I'll include under the cut-off details about Sebastian for you as well and his subbyness 🥰
I always view Sebastian as a wild card, the character is so unpredictable. He's wild, imaginative, and perhaps even slightly crazy. He has a goal and he will do what it takes to try and get to it, as we see in the film how desperate he is to find out the truth about an artist.
Sebastian is a writer for his career, he writes pieces (though he hasn't really done much for a while) but he plans on writing a bit piece about an artist called Kaminski life after the man has died, so he goes to his home place to interview the man. Sebastian doesn't fit in with the higher class crowd, he's completely oblivious to people judging him or really he doesn't care. He isn't lucky though and often goes through a lot.
He's a smoker, and in the film had recently broken up with his partner. Though he still seeks back into her place for a bit and tries to fake cry to gain her sympathy. He also does really like art, but I believe he failed to make it with his art which is why he now writes articles about art and artists instead.
He can be rude at times and does inappropriate things (like pissing on a cross sign of Jesus) and as people say 'he always lets his intrusive thoughts win'
He's really funny though and does try to look after the artist when they go on the road trip and bring him back to his true love. Throughout the film, we see Sebastian progress from being a self-centred person to trying to do something for someone else because it's good. He still has that craziness about him though as he steals a car to take the artist to the beach 😂
In terms of the fandom's and my headcanon's for Sebastian and the sub side of things, I've always seen him as very experimental. He's open to trying anything. I also think that when he went to college he experienced a lot of things, with both men and women. He has quite the past.
Another running headcanon with Sebastian would be that he enjoys pegging, spanking, anything ass play really. I also see Sebastian enjoying overstimulation and crossdressing.
Often in the fandom, we refer to Sebastian as our little meow meow or brat. He certainly has a brattiness which can come out in the bedroom.
He's one of the characters I could consider being more of a switch but really leaning towards being subby. I can also see him being quite lazy, just wanting to lie on his back and let you rail him into the bed, and not really having to put a lot of work in, unless you make him because he loves you making him do things.
Of course, these are all headcanon's created by other fandom writers and you can take Sebastian and the character however you interpret him and what he might like! I hope this was useful to you and if you have any more specific details you want to ask about Sebastian or any other Daniel characters feel free to send me asks! I love talking about the Daniel characters 🥰
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simtanico · 3 years
Hi! I don't know if this is an annoying/difficult question, sorry if it is, but do you have any advice at all for modelling sims based off real people? Your sims are SO crazy good. When I try to make them they end up looking... eh... Vaguely like the person? But there's a huge gap between that and some kind of 'spark' some simmers seem to manage to capture.
Hello! Definitely not annoying. Difficult, as in how difficult it is to answer? Maybe. I'm gonna go off on a couple of tangents. But I'm gonna try my best to explain the process. Which isn't really much of one sorry.
There's a handful of tutorials and tips out there regarding reference photos and like... proportions and all that so I won't cover that.
I use that as a general guide of course, but mostly I just save some photos of the person at various angles and focus on one feature or two at a time. Literally going back and forth between reference photo and my game. I think if you try to get everything at the same time, it really makes it easy to get frustrated with whatever your sim looks like at the moment. Making sims in general is a combination of a LOT of things depending on your style.
I can point out ALL the flaws with my sims based on real people. In my experience, it’s about getting the defining features of a person close enough to the real thing so that it resembles them. I don't think you need a complete copy to get the point across, however i do think some people and features are harder to emulate than others. I've been working on some sims for YEARS, and they still don't work out lol
and take a look at this progression on my sim based on Z4ne H0ltz starting back in 2015!
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that first screenshot:
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Personally, I get a little lost if I work on a sim too much all at once. I find some time away makes me less tired and frustrated. Just pace yourself :)
Also if you need any help, shoot me a message here or on discord. I promise I don't judge or anything.. it's sims who cares lol
I suggest starting with the head and its shape. Starting off with a game-generated sim, the first slider I get to is head width. It's usually too dang wide for my tastes. And then adjusting the general position of the the features. You can always change things later, so you don't have to know exactly what you're going to do, but as I've mentioned before, sculpting sims up in CAS is just practice with sliders! Also in the long run, you may want to use Pu+Chi House's Smooth Face Normals slider! I attempt to explain and show what it does here. I've uploaded the slider here: https://simfileshare.net/download/984204/
This is gonna be a doozy sorry in advance if the read more doesn't work
Big sliders like Pu+Chi House’s face shape sliders dramatically change the face shape, and it could save you a lot of time! I highly suggest using these to get rid of the weird large jaw sims can get.
Play with different sliders and how they interact with one another! Example: jaw width and Cheek Fullness affect the same area. if you need a wide jaw and don’t want cheek distortion, you can use cheek fullness, lower the jaw width slider and then edit the cheekbones from there
 Knowing what sliders move what and how it can work to your advantage is key! I cover this in my reply post about noses.
For visual reference:
I start out with my nose but I want the nostrils to sit further on the outside
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so i go in and use the nose width slider and raise it to widen the lower nose:
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Then lower the nostril scale slider
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as you can see, i kind of achieved what I wanted, but also widened the nose tip too! Welp, that takes another slider I have, Tip Width. And I'll adjust that accordingly! It's really just a matter of what you're going for and what you're going to have to compensate for as a result!
That said, our community has made some awesome sliders that open up so many possibilities and even eliminate the need to do that multi-slider tango. I wouldn't even know where to begin (wish I wanted to make videos because I could talk for an hour about sliders)
For example @pitheinfinite made sliders that can make sims look better and more realistic, I'm jealous at what they've achieved!
They have their Inner Corner to Nose slider that moves an area of the sim's face hat make eyebags and the shadows and lines appear farther out from the inner eye. It saves you from having to use cheek sliders to mimic the effect and thus ruining the face shape you have going
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It's truly an INDISPENSABLE slider. One of many!
Since I make sliders, I usually just make some to specifically fix whatever issue I'm having. Granted they're made with general function in mind, which makes my cheater-y way of making things happen more useful in the future. I have about 50 experimental unfinished sliders in my game and can tell you that all my current sims use them for some reason or other. So I'm not working with nothing, I guess?
The best way to really get nice accurate looking sims is the eyes.
Pay attention to the slant of the eye, the shape and position of the upper and lower eyelids. you can use the game’s Eyelid Height slider, and AWT’s Eyelid width and height sliders (and many more)
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and especially where the iris (green) sits relative to the eyelid. getting that shape and eyeball positioned correctly really makes a HUGE difference
I do suggest Bloom’s Eye slider (left and right) that rotate the eyes left and right. That along with their Lazy eye sliders can give your sims a less symmetric face and position the eyes to be FAR more accurate and realistic than the default.
I also recommend their vertical sliders (Eye lift or drop) to help with eye positioning.
I can't stress the importance of the right contacts or eyes for your sims. Of course it all depends on how you make your sims's eyes and all that. Take the last sim i posted about. It took forever and a half to find the right contacts that didn't need severe or intense editing to capture the same vibe the person he's based on. The problem is pretty persistent for me, and I am just speaking for myself when I say this is necessary. Iris size, shading, recolorability, detail, catch lights, and pupil position are things to consider for your play style and preferences.
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In addition to seeing what eyes will do the trick, I do edit the catch lights in the screenshots to give the eyes a different emotion or look. (I use defaults that get rid of the game-generated catch lights, and supernatural eye glow.) It's nice when that's all it is and I don't have to go in and photoshop things in and out to make them look human lmao
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Perfect, schmerfect
And just know that as long as you have the same vibe or look going on it doesn't need to be perfect! Things will evolve over time, and you can change and perfect things as you go along, but close is better than trying to achieve an exact replica. We are working with the limitations of sliders and the optimized meshes they work on! So yeah there might be jagged bits or the profile might not exactly match and some things might not be accurate, but that's okay! Considering what sims look like at their default, you should be proud! I use the same mf eyebrows on all my sims basically and I tell myself they're just placeholders (yeah, right), but I manage to make them work with what I have!
Sliders, Makeup, and Skins, oh my!
a good base skin is critical, but not the end of the world if you pick the wrong one. They determine kind of definition and types of features highlighted on a sim 100000% and you might lose a feature you like or dislike when you change them! Feel free to switch up between skins you have to find the best fit.
Makeup can be a game-changer though!!! Any details you can add and help make your sim look the most like the person you're basing them off can go MILES.
In some cases, I've actually gotten really interesting results trying to get my sculpt as close as possible to real life references so the makeup makes a difference but don't define the features by themselves. Still, though, I utilize makeup up a LOT. [remember that if you use Nraas, you can layer makeup. Right-clicking makeup will also remove it if it's applied :)]
Here's the last sim i posted about when removing makeup:
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no nosemasks really replicates the face-claim's nose (too shiny at the lower part) but it'll do 🤷‍♀️
Freckles, eyebags, highlighters, face shadows, pores, nosemasks, etc are all great!!
The way you move your sliders WILL effect how these look, so don't rely on makeup that adds super-specific detail or goes over an area you know is a jumbled mess because of sliders!
I do have a mess of recommendations and wcifs for skins and makeup. replies tag | wcif tag
[also I love compiling wcif cc lists for my sims it's great]
Finally, I appreciate your comment about my sims, mainly because I know they're not ever really exact copies or as close as I want to be to their real life counterparts, so thanks!! I've seen fellow simmers get really good results without messing as much as I do and I love when people can make really good maxis match likenesses because it's just so damn cool! It's truly a talent. I'm not one of those lucky few, but I like to try my way at it anyway. After what feels like some good progress I'll post a pic here. Even after doing this forever I don't feel like I'm an expert or can get good results in a shorter amount of time, but it's just fun to see the progression (or regression) of how my sims look.
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dustysandwiches · 3 years
Family (TMVSTM)
Summary: Eric and Deborahbot 5000 feels like they didn't belong with the The Mitchells and run away to live their own lives
"Purple glasses woman, why did you saved me?"
"Oh come on, you boys are family now"
It is such a complex word, too difficult to truly understand. For a robot create just to following orders, Eric did not understand it yet, though he did looked up the definition of it but despite that he plays along for the sake of his and his Pal Max brother
They're heading to the Silicon Valley, The night sky is filled with no stars but the green "fun pots" containing human to somewhere. It makes the sky lights up with green light. It is an unusual sight even for robots.
The Mitchells are really going to destroy Pal?.... If so, what will happen to the remaining robots? What if..they failed..?
The bot are lost in his memories and Net Work to find something he's looking for. It seems like he's in too deep in the system Until he feels someone shaking his shoulder part lighty
"Eric...Eric, are you there? Is your system too damaged?" A voice speaks in hushed tone
Eric turn his mechanical head to another Pal Max bot, Deborahbot 5000
His brother
"What wrong? you've been so still like you shut down. I'm…. worry"
Deborah grip Eric's shoulder part lighty. Robots isn't supposed to have feelings but they're the defective now anyway, so it's not surprising that he would express what he "feels"
The car stop at some abandoned gas station. Only Katie, Aaron and the loft of bread are sleeping in the car at the moment. Mother and The male Mitchells are inside the store for something. Eric finally answered and grip Deborah's hand back
"I'm okay, my system and outside damage is unchange at the moment. I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge your question earlier. Don't need to be worry"
"Okay… but tell me if anything is acting strange, will you? I don't want to lose you, brother...We're only defective robots here, if you're gone, what am I going to do?"
"I'll always have your back like you have mine, brother. We are going to survive, one way or another"
Eric tells what he thinks is logical to his robo brother. He let go of Deborah's hand and turned his head to Mother, who's making her way back to the car with her partner and tells her the safest route to Silicon Valley.
The car is running along the road at night. The robo brothers looking outside of the car, expanding their data about the human environment and hearing the conversation between Katie and Mother. They're talking about The male Mitchells, Rick of how he's just trying to make her happy.
Eric wants to feel this "happy" too and he wants Deborah to feel the same. Maybe it would feel really nice, like getting their system updated.
But how could they do that? They're about to went through most protected head quarter in the world right now and there's no guarantee that the plan would work but the show must go on
"Mom, what is that?"
"Oh my god!!"
The car suddenly stops, making their head jerks back, Eric and Deborah turn their heads to the front window. As the Mitchells get out of the car to stand in front of the giant building as tall as the sky.
"We're here...the Head Quarter" Eric said as he's getting out of the trunk
"Oh boy, I don't like this. Do you think we could get to the top without others noticing?" Deborah ask, stepping beside Eric in front of the car, behind the Mitchells
Slowly, Eric extends his hand to the side to his brother, knob and gears whirring while he processes his next word. Deborah immediately holds his hand and they're both looking up to the tower.
"No matter what happens, we're going to be alright"
The plan did not go well. The Mitchells got caught by a new robot, Pal invented. The sounds of the alarm is almost deafening, after the cable car has fell down and crashed. Deborah's vision is trying to adjust after he hits the ground. The first thing he see is the face of Pal Max bot with some face drawn on.
"Are you alright, brother?" Eric said as worrying as his robotic voice could spunds while kneeling next to him
Before he could answer, The black robot burst through and captured Mother and Rick. The Mitchells is being taken away and Deborah knows he need to help
Because they're his family now too
"Mitchells, we will help"
"Oh no no no, you won't. download new order"
Suddenly, like the virus creeping through their system. Making the robo brothers clutch their head like they're in pain, unable to take control of their body any longer.
New order appears : Capture the Mitchells
Deborah trying to break free one last time
No please I don't want to do this. Eric, Mother, Anyone…Can you hear me?..
"We're sorry, Mother"
Then, everything went blank
"Let's take a photo after we saved the world!" Linda said cheerily to Eric after handing or rather putting it in his hand
The battle is over the human won and the uprising is over. All of the Pal Max and the new robot has been shut down, Well almost every bot.
Eric and Deborahbot 5000 have broken through Pal's control and helped Rick Mitchells to put the video of the bread dog on, neutralizing the other robots. Now they're celebrating without them
They broke the code and helped this family save the world and now they can't even be in a photo? Eric thought but took the photo anyway. Maybe they're just too excited like humans always does.
The Mitchells tell the brothers, they can stay at home with them as a member of the family. The Mitchells welcome them, Linda teaches Deborah how to draw stuff like the Sun, the tree and other things. Rick shows them how to build a shelter from branches and leaves. Arron always talks to them about dinosaurs in his books and Katie sometimes asks them for ideas for her project. It was a good time.
Time passes and the robo brothers feels like they're more like a servant than a family. The Mitchells tells them to do things for them like chores, collecting the mails, mow the lawn and many things. Most of the time they haven't called them by their names or acknowledge them when they do something for the Mitchells. At first the brothers gladly do them, thinking it was a part of being a family but this time they had enough.
At night, when everyone is asleep. Eric and Deborah sit on a rooftop, looking into the sky. The moon is full today, shining bright along millions of sparkling stars. They come here every time they want to say something they went through each day, like updating each other. Today is different
"Today Rick called me Robot instead of my name again, I don't really think it's from force habits anymore" Deborah speaks in a quiet voice, mechanical head looks up to the shooting stars, then to his brother.
"But at least Mother let me help her cook dinner! It was really interesting, I learned how to peel a potato today, Look!"
He grabbed the potato peels besides him and held up to his brother. It's ragged, uneven and still has a big chunk of potato attached to it. Eric chuckles in a monotone like his robotic voice always does.
"That's great, Deborah. You know today Mother also let me do the laundry too! There was a lot of foam but I think I did well, Mother's face looks so surprised when I tell her I also put her bag in there too. She rushed past me so fast, I can't even see her"
"The purple bag? Oh yes, she loves that bag. Very thoughtful, Eric."
Then Deborah held out his hand, attempt to high-five Eric but they kept missing each other's hands, so they tapped their heads together gently. The glass tink softly as they did.
They looked up to the sky again, thinking about their lives with the Mitchells. Of how they've been treated lately, how they've been struggling to fit in the family and how they feel like they've been ignored.
Eric broke the silence between them and speaks in a quiet voice, hands gripping his knees tighter.
"Making our own order is great, we can do everything we want now"
Deborah nods " but why do I feel like we're doing The Mitchells order everyday"
"I understand if they haven't felt comfortable with us but they should have told us and we can be somewhere else. Not…. keeping us servants..like this.."
He looked back at Eric and asked in a hushed voice, if a robot can cry tears, his voice would be shaking like a human...but he's not human.
“I wonder if there’s any bots like us.. You know, the defectives. What are they up to? Where are they now? Do they stay with humans like us?”
“I don’t know, brother. I don’t know. I guess Pal wasn’t prepared for anything like this. She didn’t put any program for tracking other bots for us.”
“We should go find them. That way we can have our own robots family! We don’t have to listen to any humans anymore!
Deborah grab his brother shoulders part, turn his body to face him and said firmly
“You say it yourself, Eric. We take our own orders now. This is the time we can truly do that. Don’t you see? Other Mitchells except Mother didn’t treat us very well. They call us Robots rather than our names. They give orders. They got angry when we didn’t complete what they requested. They didn’t acknowledge us most of the time like we aren’t right there!”
His voice drop low and finally he hugs his brother, a gesture he saw human does to their family and the one they cared for
“We did everything together...but we’re just in the background every time..We aren’t supposed to feel emotions but I do...”
Slowly, Eric lifts his hand and hugs back tightly, mechanical gear and wires clicking as he thinks about his brother's words.
It’s true. They were in the background most of the time. They were more like a maid robot than a member of a family like the Mitchells said. Maybe his brother was right, this is not where they truly belong. They need to get away from humans. For good this time.
“You’re right. We should go”
Eric let go of his brother and stand up. Looking into the distant city, held out his hand for Deborah. They will make their own future with others, if there are any more of them left.
“Let’s go say our goodbye to the Mitchells. Though they may have treated us like this but they still help us from Pal.”
“Should we leave a letter or something?”
“If you want to, we can. Oh oh! We should put the glitter on!”
Together, they jump down from the rooftops and go inside the house. Writing a goodbye letter for the Mitchells, telling them they appreciated everything they did but they want to live their own lives somewhere else without anyone giving them orders
After sometime, they put the letter down at the dinner table with a flower Eric collected from the neighbor's house, The Poseys.
Now, the brothers stand in front of the house. Looking back one last time before leaving.
"Let's go, brother" Eric said.
The sounds of the jet under their feet break the silence of the night. They jump and fly into the sky, green trails from the jet painting the night sky. They fly and fly further away from the house. Until the dawn came, they stopped at some abandoned cabin in the woods. It appears there's nobody living here for a long time.
"This place is in a good condition and I believe there's no human living here." Deborah said, feeling satisfied
"Yes, but we should look around just in case. Could you check around the cabin? I'll check inside." Eric asked while looking around and scanning the cabin with the camera on the top right of his head.
Deborah nods and goes out the door to check for anything or anyone. Leaving only Eric inside.
Eric wanders into the halls, scanning every room. The cabin is dusty and there were some traces of wild animals making a nest and shelter. Some kind of nuts and leaves were scattered all over the floor.Everything seems normal for an abandoned human cabin, until he spotted muddy footprints. It’s still wet, this only means one thing. There’s someone here.
The sound of a metal clanking from further down the cabin. It appears the sounds came from the kitchen. Eric changes one of his hand to the plasma beam shooter, being on guard and slowly walking to the origin of the sound.
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