#anyway this is my st5 theory
gay-mike-truther · 2 years
"are you a byler rain kiss truther or a byler upside down kiss truther"
BOTH. hear me out.
it's season 5. mike has broken up with el. he's found out that will lied to him about the painting. he confronts him outside the cabin, in the rain. will starts getting defensive, mike starts getting upset.
"i don't get it! why would you lie to me!"
will doesn't know what to say. he didn't think this would happen.
"because..." he falters.
"friends don't lie, will!"
that hurts. will snaps back without thinking, "oh yeah, because you've been SO truthful mike!"
mike is taken aback. "what's that supposed to mean?"
"all you've done this past year is lie! to el, to everyone! to me!"
"that's- that's not true!"
"really? so why did you tell el you loved her when you didn't?"
"you've been lying to everyone! you won't even talk to me!"
"because i-"
"why, mike? what did i do? the world is ending and we might all die and you can't even look at me!" will is on the verge of tears now. "just tell the truth!"
mike struggles for a moment. "i- i can't."
will's face crumples. "that's what i thought."
he turns and walks off the porch of the cabin, into the pouring rain. mike is seized with panic. he can't let will walk away this time. he can't let him go again.
"will, wait!"
will turns, and mike kisses him.
it's messy, and the two of them are soaked by the lashing rain. it lasts only a moment, and then the two of them are breaking apart.
there's shock etched across will's face. "mike-"
this time, it's mike who runs away.
now he is the one cycling through the pouring rain. he gets home and runs downstairs to the basement, collapsing in the blanket fort he has there, with pictures of the party. pictures of will.
"stupid." mike shakes his head, tears and raindrops rolling down his cheeks. "stupid, stupid, stupid."
(then the episode ends or something idk i'm not the duffer brothers)
they're going off on a mission. mike's been avoiding will for maybe a few days now. something dramatic happens, like maybe a gate opened at mike's house (do a big gasp like i just wrote something really epic and cool. there you go). anyway they end up in the upside down, just the two of them.
mike is the first to break the silence. "i'm sorry."
will swallows. "about what?"
"you know what."
"why-" will clears his throat. "why did you do it?"
mike wants to lie. he wants to say it was a mistake, an accident. he wants to pretend like it never happened at all.
but friends don't lie. and will is a lot more than just his friend.
"because i wanted to," he whispers.
he doesn't look at will. he's scared to see the disgust on his face, the hate in his eyes. he's terrified.
"mike." will's voice is soft. he doesn't sound like he hates him. "mike, look at me."
mike does.
will steps closer to him. he looks nervous, but there's something else in his expression too. hope.
"i wanted to as well," he breathes.
and he kisses him.
november 6th, 1983.
a garage light flickers.
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byler-alarmist · 8 months
So I know we collectively hate time reset/dimension wipe theories about S5, but.....maybe it does need to happen?
Assuming the last couple seasons of ST weren't some elaborate manifestation by Mike to deal with the trauma of losing Will, there are some problems that seem like they can't be fixed without some kind of a reset.
El. Just El in general. Owens was able to give her a fresh start, a new name and a chance at being "normal", However, too many people know about her telekinetic abilities and the ability to open and close gates to the Upside Down. I think she would be in danger of being kidnapped and studied/used as a weapon forever. She can't just kill off/destroy the entire U.S. government (if only), so her file will probably be available for years and even if not, enough people know about her existence that bad actors could target her.
Now that the UD is merging with the RU, will it be contained to Hawkins? Will it spread throughout the country? The world? Even if it is all a hive mind, if they killed Vecna and somehow closed all the gates (it exhausts El to even close one) , would those spores or whatever still be floating around and infecting things in the RU? How could they ever get rid of all of it or ensure that it was all contained in the UD?
As long as both the UD and El exist, even if Vecna is defeated, scientists/governments will always track her because trhey will want to know more about/study/find lucrative applications for the UD. They would still want to use El or use her to find their own way to open gates.
If all this is true and Will/El/the Party need to destroy the UD to make sure no one ever crosses over again, is that really fair? Even if Vecna harnessed the dark particles and created dangerous monsters out for blood, it is hinted that the UD is not inherently malicious. Sure, the Party want to kill Vecna, but if he's gone and the creatures are just minding their own business, would they be fine with destroying it?
And even if they wanted to, could they? How? If it turns out we're right about Will having powers, how would he use them to destroy the Upside Down? I highly doubt his powers would be like El's or involve gates. If he had some kind of creation powers, would he just recreate the UD with glowy light particles and make it beautiful? But even if he did this, wouldn't scientists still want to find a way inside to study it with El"s gate-opening powers?
On the other hand if he (or someone else) has some kind of time powers,, when would they reset it back to? Or what would they go back in time to change? Is there something out of space and time that doesn't belong? (Somehow I am reminded of El saying she doesn't belong anywhere).
If Will or someone else wiped out the dimension that contains the UD (or banished it to another dimension), MKUltra would still have been doing their telekinetic children experiments, right? And if they went back in time, how far back would they have had to go? Back before Henry was taken to Brenner? Would El have been created at all if her mother wasn't part of the MKultra experiments?
Bonus thoughts about a reset: we know how much the Duffers love The Neverending Story. Spoilers for Neverending Story after the cut:
At the end of the Neverending Story movie, Fantasia (the world of fantasies and dreams a bowlcut kid has been reading about in his book) is destroyed by the manifestation of emptiness that is the Nothing. Bastian ({the bowlcut kid) realizes he has the power to make Fantasia (the world of his fantasies) anything he dreams.
After he takes ownership of his role as master of this reality (by giving rhe Childlike Empress a new name 🤔), the entire world of Fantasia is wiped out and it's just Bastian and the Empress together in a black void. All that remains is one grain of sand (a glowing particle, if you will).
The Empress hands the particle to Bastian and tells him his wishes will recreate Fantasia. He recreates it the way he imagined it, and notably brings back all the people who died as a result of the Nothing.
Even more tellingly, he exclaims:
"It's like the Nothing never was!!"
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taeiris · 10 months
okay guys here’s my crazy unsupported st5 theory that is mostly just me projecting my need for madwheeler bonding and drama and angst also byler duh
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disclaimers: i never make theories so this is extremely messy probably, i know jack dookie abt writing shows i think of this as my own little version of what i would think would be very cool to happen, if this has loop holes dont ask me anything bc idk either
so first things first here is what i am taking into consideration for the theory to happen:
• mike pov, self reflection and introspection (he is gay and in love with will byers okay)
• madwheeler bonding, theyre both complex n misunderstood
• the upside down isnt just one dimension, i came up with this bc of how different the ud looks now
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compared to when henry arrived.
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to me theres like an umbrella dimension (yellow one) and others under it (blue one/hawkins ud, the void, etc)
this is also lowkey supported by the silly boobie diagram the writers posted abt
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in this silly theory of mine, a new dimension variant of the ud will be revealed in season 5, serving as a parallel to the void. this is where max is
OKAY another thing is this is also heavily based on those “leaks” that were going around twitter (for me at least) earlier when the strike first started. i remember a few of them claiming that we would get a deeper insight into mike and his own things, so this is my interpretation
this would serve as another vanishing, not really bc its shorter, but this time mike will be getting stuck in this other dimension, eventually finding max BOOM madwheeler serve
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i mean look at them. the potential is insane
this dimension is like a combo of all the other ones, picture it like the hawkins ud, with the void’s wet floor maybe
lets go back to the fact max is here, this is her coma nightmare, its like this purgatory dimension vecna put her soul in
in this dimension inhabit your ghosts
this overwhelming, haunting, tormenting realm in your mind where you are constantly confronting all your bad memories, maybe this is kind of how vecna keeps max under his grasp, no happy memories allowed
okay so, mike gets there. how? when? i dont fucking know this is honestly just word vomit fanfiction to me
at first hes confused, scared but mostly confused, picture him screaming for wills name (the parallels) at first it’s empty and eerily quiet, but as he accepts it, the ghosts start coming in.
he gets BOMBARDED with these bad memories, some of them he cant even remember because come on, bro is always neglecting his internalized feelings/monologue in fear of what they say about him
this is where we get his pov on the whole will and eleven situation, amongst other things (like the way he’s constantly stressed thinking about the safety of the people he loves)
for a moment we see him break, bc these ghosts are LOUD and MANY
but it stops
max is here, she’s like “MIKE?”
shes been here for a fat minute, she knows how to handle these ghosts in fact shes been going thru them one by one ever since, because shes done hiding. and she suspects that the only way to get out is by confronting them.
max saves mike from his ghosts, explains that this place is seemingly a purgatory with levels of memories and ghosts to overcome
this is how we get our madwheeler bonding we so graciously need, as they are part of eachother ghosts since theyre so similar it makes the other mad
this is how our complex misunderstood characters are broken down, explained to the audience, while also discovering the mystery that is this new dimension where at the finish line they might just figure out how to defeat vecna.
because they will
after overcoming the ghosts they find the place that vecna didnt think they would reach as he was so sure they would break and collapse on their own madness
think of it as how el found the source in season 3
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or how max found vecnas lair after running away in dear billy
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except this place is vecnas actual mind, they can see hear and feel what vecna is thinking, his plans and everything
mike wonders how will feels being able to feel this all the time
will feels this all the time
will is always connected to this piece of vecnas mind, to this source
he can always hear vecna
until he suddenly hears max… and mike and theyre calling for help
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theyve figured out key clues on how to defeat vecna, and they have an idea on how to get out. this is how will’s connection comes in handy
mind walkie-talkie
maybe thats what this theory should be called, idk
so thats how we get our byler confirmation, madwheeler bonding like never before, mike focus, and the key to defeat vecna
at least in my head
i know this was messy and all over the place but it was very fun to explain and drop all my thoughts ive been vomiting on the gc for months now
let me know what you think, what you would add, if theres anything you think will support this theory?
its all just a theory, for fun! pls keep that in mind
thank you if you’ve read this far🫶
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sayyourprayers · 7 months
Such a coincidence because I was going to send an ask about the play right before you made that post.
Even if it is not a production mistake... what makes people think that the writers won't change stuff for convenience? They already changed some things on the show small or whatever, Joyce and Bob weren't supposed to be close in the highschool, but now it seems like they will spend a large chunk of their screentime together looking at those 'trio' photos of Joyce, Hopper, and Bob shot together. Patty is a new character inserted into the story to give Henry a love interest (and apparently Bob mentions about his sister being alive in S2, so it is more of a 'error' to make her die in this play which seems very likely to happen). Hendersons were not Hawkins residents, now they are, apparently. Actually there's just some fuckery with the characters ages overall anyways. These are the things that come to my mind rn, there's just more stuff that can be found. Ppl acting like ST is some Bible-ridden filled with master details and shit have lost the plot. This is not some ASoIaF storyline written by GRRM or LOTR by Tolkien.
Production mistakes have happened and will happen, just like changing stuff for convenience. Building up whole contrived scenarios to say that everything has ''a meaning on the show'' and all those inconsistencies or changes exist due to some (insert timetravel/fuckery and variant contrived theories) is reaching way too hard. Why accepting the reality is so hard for some ppl in this fandom.
I called it production error cuz it happened in the same season where CLEARLY Alice is younger than Henry. Like there's just no two ways about it. The paper had to have messed it up. And the simplest explanation is production error. In terms of changing plot/characters for convenience and retconning shit? Ya I agree. It's hardly something that'd be unique to ST if it happens. It wouldn't even be unique to ST5. Regards Hendersons I think it can be justified that Claudia came back with Dustin? N was prolly never married? Idk. Least implausible of the confusing things tbvh. Cuz they hardly focus on her in the 4 seasons so that can be taken care of. I love how there were so many black people in Hawkins though. Truly drives home the fact that this show is fictional. The writers have changed UD mechanism and have gone with the flow with El's powers and abilities throughout the show, so like there's no real integrity to any ST Bible. Please. This is not that show. It's a superhero show. It's gonna do whatever needs to be done for the superhero shit.
The thing is I'm not opposed to ST being a great show, it just isn't. And much like with myself I'm okay with its average to subpar-ness. It just annoys me when personal opinions are foisted upon others with no tact or elegance to top it off. I feel like I'm honour bound to peel this veneer of excellence and MAYBE ruin the fun for everyone (as a result but not as a motive).
To make theories or guesses is not wrong or stupid and is actually fun if done by fun people. But also if we're presenting it as evidence and for serious contention then I am not in error to expect the person making those contentions to first get the vibe of the show right. Vibe in terms of how complex it has been so far, how meticulous in its facts and world building, how thorough in its characterisation and lore and how innovative in its execution. THEORETICALLY you can have A show that scores 10/10 on all those metrics and then you wouldn't be remiss in expecting a similar performance in a future instalment of that show. But when the prior seasons are averaging at average and the prediction is going 11/10 you gotta chill with the attitude cuz you're foundationally WRONG. Not probably but definitely. So everything you posit could be but not would be. There has been a lot in the way of mistaking the nature of this beast itself. So it follows that the rest of it would also be in all likelihood a mistake.
Now back to why people can't accept the reality of this fiction? Idk. Idc. I have my theories tho. 😛
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pbnjloverman · 2 days
heyy, I saw your pinned post in which you were crying talking about byler doubt and I literally cried😭 (I'm a mileven fan) so I thought I'd write to you because you seem to be a really nice person 😭
(you don't have to read it if you don't want to dw)
when I watch st, I have no doubts about mileven, it's my favorite ship since I watched this series and what's more, it's my favorite ship in my entire life, I feel like my personality is built from a mix of mike and el's personalities + their relationship. There isn't a day when I don't think about them, come up with fake scenarios, don't look at their photos on Pinterest and think about how perfect they are, don't think about them while listening to music or watching movies, etc.
However, when I go on tumblr (most people probably know that this is a place where there is a significant preponderance of byler fans than mileven fans) and read byler theories several times, I have doubts about a ship that means the whole world to me and I literally wouldn't wish it on anyone.
apart from the arguments between Byler and Mileven fans about who is delulu, whose ship makes more sense and whose ship is toxic, etc. We all have something in common, we are people who found something deep in two fictional characters and the relationship between them, it's obvious that none of us want to find out that everything we imagined and believed in wasn't true, none of us wants to feel stupid for believing in something that didn't work out, no one wants to find themselves in a situation where it turns out that your favorite character is actually someone completely different. different than you thought.
lately I see more and more byler doubts (I don't know why 😭 did I miss something?) and it makes me sad when I see it because I know how important a seemingly stupid fictional ship can be to someone (someone like me for example 😭). I don't know if you will read this and if you will be interested in my opinion because I am a mileven soldier and it's as if I was playing on the opposite team, but I think that regardless of whether our favorite ship will be endgame or not, it was and will be something special for us, it made us spend many wonderful moments smiling, making edits, reading ff, etc. and I know that the ending of the series will be heartbreaking for all of us anyway so it's a shame to beat ourselves up twice 😭😭
well anyway thanks for ur time❤️❤️
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I'm kinda scared about what will happen in ST5, byler doubt is killing And my friend who is a mileven is also in doubt. 😭😭
Btw you are the first mileven that talks me in good way, it's sad that almost every mileven that talks to me insults me, I feel so sorry that that kind of milevens are ruin the reputation of milevens shippers because there are milevens like you that are really sweet and don't deserve ppl hating on them because one brainless person decide to be mean
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nadia-zahra · 2 years
St5 byler theory + final battle prediction
Ok I can’t think properly because now I’m convinced this is how st5 is going to work with byler + mileven:
Edit to og post: reread and said this would take place all through st5. No, this is specifically starting 5x5 except the Will v. Vecna fight—the final battle. The last episode is going to have vecna’s defeat and that episode will probably be 5x7.
it’s raining, mike and El (another edit: sorry but I said at first they’d be cleaning but by 5x5 they should be done) are in an uncomfortable silence, while in hops cabin, because they’re alone. We left off st4 with Mike and El being distant and not talking to each other, and I think there’s going to be building tension and strain until it reaches a breaking point (think of Brenner’s pencil-snapping/dam-breaking metaphor). To try and not be awkward mike decides to thank El for the painting and while thanking her he brings up how she thinks he’s “the heart” of the party and without that he wouldn’t have had the courage to do the love confession. El looks at him confused and is like “what are you talking ab mike I never told Will to paint that for you.” And then it begins: the end of mileven. They’ll go back and forth ab how Will told Mike all that stuff saying it’s El’s words and El is gonna bring up how she doesn’t like how Mike only views her as a superhero and how Mike couldn’t say I love you to her for a year. I think even tho the fight is going to be heated and a screaming match, El is going to calmly say at the end she thinks they should break up. She’s just going to look done with him. However, Mike is going to be so overwhelmed by the realization that Will lied ab the painting and ab what he said that he storms off in the rain. El thinks that Mike is running off because of being so upset by the breakup, but Will lying to him at the Nevada trip is going to hit harder. AND ITS GOING TO PARALLEL THE SCENE OF WILL STORMING OFF ON HIS BIKE IN 3x3 EXCEPT ITS EL TELLING MIKE NOT TO LEAVE!!
Ok sorry I got excited ab that being the perfect parallel.
This would be where my “mike gets vecna’d” theory would start up and my “will chases mike into the ud” theory would begin too. I’ve already posted ab it so check that out if you want to cause this is already super long. Will would chase mike into the ud because he finds out that mike was vecna’d because of his lie (literally the only lie Will has told him throughout the show).
And in my theory I want to tweak a little something because a lot of ppl told me the 20 who kills vecna (told to us by the d&d game foreshadowing) is most likely byler because at the bowling alley their shoes would be 10+10. My og theory was that byler becomes cannon while they’re going towards vecna in the upside while on a perilous journey. However, if my new theory is right, that Mike gets vecna’d because of Will lying ab the painting, then byler is how they can defeat vecna.
omg this sounds like some seriously byler crazy shit but hear me out
I’m still sticking to my “Will saves the day” theory: Will would be the one to ultimately kill vecna. but it’s going to be the power of love and friendship between these two that pushes Will to kill vecna. Because even though 001 thinks that he and will are the same there is a difference: Will is understood by his loved ones and has too much love for those around him to be a cruel or evil person, Henry never had that kind of love and understanding, nor did he ever try to give it.
Oh and I’m just going to say this: Henry is 001 pre-upside down when he’s just a crazy ass psycho. Vecna is a combo of Henry and the mind flayer—half human half monster. Idk why some ppl don’t get that.
Anyways, here’s how I think vecna vs Will could go down:
First off it’s going to be set in wills mind. I can 100% see the final battle being held in wills head considering they have that Voldemort/Harry type connection. While in Will’s mind, Vecna taunts him, brings up his past abuse from lonnie and the bullying he’s gone through for being “different”. *we’ll see flashbacks of Will getting called a f*g and him being bullied* Brings up how Will hates himself for being gay, how he thinks he can’t find love because of being gay. This will make Will let his guard down a bit because even tho it hurts to hear, it’s true. Then, he will try to convince Will they’re not so different from each other by saying nobody understands them because they’re outsiders (Will being gay and Henry being… Henry). He’ll tell Will how he was also different and how his differences led to him being abused. *shows Will how shit he was treated all that time under Brenner’s eye* All the meanwhile Will is trying really fucking hard not to let what he’s hearing get to him, and is even yelling at vecna that he’s wrong- that they’re not alike at all. But Will is going to give up after vecna brings in mike. He will bring up his “unrequited” feelings for Mike, bring up the rain fight, how Mike ignored him and his feelings all that summer and while in Cali. He’ll tell Will that Mike doesn’t care about him. *(possibly) shows mike saying his life started the day Will went missing*.
Wills body is going to start floating, and mike registers will is giving up. idk if I clarified this earlier, but even tho the fight is happening in wills mind, he + mike are still physically in the ud. This is when Mike breaks down and starts scream-ugly crying. Because this would be when Will really dies. As viewers, we even think this is the end-will is dying. But then Mike, while hysterical, tells Will how much he loves him, how he almost went crazy searching for Will in ‘83, and he will (still crying but much more cohesive and not hysterically yelling) tell Will ab the quarry. How he was going to kill himself because he had given up hope in finding Will. Because even though mike has been treating him like shit and has been avoiding him like the plague, he loves and needs Will like no other. THIS is THE love confession. It’s similar to the mileven one because it is high stakes (ik no one wants that), but this one isn’t based off of lies. This confession is raw and have been his feelings since atleast st3. If Will is getting the hand from vecna (idk how else to word it), then he’s heard everything Mike has said. Mikes love confession would destroy all of wills insecurities ab being gay and being different. Mike already makes Will feel normal and not different, but this reaffirmed by him and hearing his love is reciprocated would…idek man Will would explode from happiness lol. And because vecna likes to target people by using their insecurities and using their harmful actions against themselves, vecna automatically weakens. And idk how to end this heroic love battle, so I’ll just throw in the idea in that while off his “mike loves me” high, Will tells vecna he’s completely wrong. Because even though he is different, he likes being different and he accepts that he’s different and is loved despite being different. *we see Joyce being a loving mother, Jonathan being the best and most supportive big brother, all his friends dorking out over d&d, and byler being happy*. Will grabs his shotgun (same one from 1x1) and with vecna weak on the ground and barely breathing, shoots him in the head- left eye specifically (reference to the Hellfire’s d&d game).
Oh and a Smith’s song is 100% going to be playing throughout this whole thing. But it’ll start when mike begins his love confession. You can choose which one is playing lol.
Im finishing this by tweaking how Will almost “dies”. Vecna has never had the intentions of killing him; if he did will would’ve died literally in the first episode. No, vecna isn’t going to do the hand thing, he’s going to get those mind flayer tubes into Will. To make Will like him: half human, half flayer. Will’s already had them on him before—they were stuck to his mouth when jopper found him. So while mike is professing his love, I think Will is listening and with each thing mike says the tubes slowly latch off of him because they don’t have any negative energy to feed on.
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minniesmelody · 2 years
Vol 2 Stranger things 4 spoilers!!!
So I took some time to try and think of what my reaction and everything was to Eddies “death” which since watching it for the first time I’ve have a count of 8 break downs so far and in counting still. I’m very upset, but also mad. His “death” was unnecessary and they very much could have thought of something else than some demo bat bites. Which now brings me onto how I refuse to believe Eddie is dead, and I have lots of theories to back it up.
One being that the duffers said that the bats aren’t deadly and are the least of worries, now you might say “oh he bled out and that’s what caused him to die” if you ask me there wasn’t a whole bunch of blood and even Steve looked like he suffered more than eddie did. Another thing you might say is “he was coughing up blood, he was dying 100%” well…that doesn’t always mean you’re gonna die once you cough up some blood. I’m someone with a family who was mostly in the medical field, and I can tell you that blood loss and coughing up blood doesn’t 100% mean your immediately dead. Lots of people actually pass out and fall unconscious before death is immediately considered a thing. Which if Eddie did just pass out rather than immediately die Steve, Nancy, and Robin were still in the upside down and could have helped Dustin lift Eddie back into Hawkins and gotten him some kind of help. Nancy helped Steve so he would be okay so she could have easily done the same with Eddie.
Now you might also say “where would he go?” Well there is quite a few places you could name in where he could go, Dustins basement or shed, mikes basement, or even hiding in some sort of vehicle.
I have a few other theories but that’s my big main one that makes the most sense to me and the duffers already said they want to bring him back and Joseph Quinn said he wants to play him again. So fingers crossed that they don’t lie (like papa) and they actually do what they say they are gonna do and bring him back in some sort of way, even if it’s just a cameo, but from what I’ve heard and what my theory is on what’s to come in ST5 is time travel, we see so many back to the future references in Stranger things and I’m very convinced that’s what’s gonna happened in season 5.
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted talk I guess, I plan on working on more fic’s soon so stay tuned!
-Minnie x
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buck-yyyy · 3 months
my hot (is it controversial? idk) take is that the worst part of the long wait for ST5 is abso-fuckin-lutely that the theories have gotten batshit insane. this is not to say that far fetched theories are bad, they’re definitely fun! but because we’ve had so much time to sit and think and expand without having new content to expand off OF, many of them have been accepted as fact AND are far fetched, sometimes without enough proof, and i think that that mindset is going to lead to immediate disappointment upon watching season five because people will have built up their expectations way too high. so many theories have turned into accepted fanon without the stuff to truly back them up, and i think anyone who has spent a long time in fandom knows that if actual canon disproves or goes against fanon, that people get pissed.
and yes, this goes for byler theories too. i’m not saying that byler is far-fetched or impossible, i’m saying that while stranger things has romantic moments and is a character-driven show, AND has characters that are more important than others, it is still an ensemble show and also not a rom com. anyways im going back into my hole don’t hate me for this byyeeeeeee
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her-midas-touch · 3 months
youre my next theory target i hope you dont mind!!
anyway yeah sorry but as soon as i saw you were roaming around again i got excited ajdhskama
a steve and nancy interaction where he helps her figure stuff out (bonus points if it’s like that woods scene and he’s trying to subtly get an idea of if she might have a thing for robin and nancy responds by either classic deflection or feigning-cluelessness-that’s-actually-just-repression-because-on-some-scale-she-knows-or-suspects-her-own-feelings or like you said just a really fun OH moment + jealous nancy??)
(and they work everything out. Eventually)
(YDBKFBJGH thanks for feeding the ronance delusions *glares at random camera* duffers, you know what must be done)
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
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Amy L. Forsythe in an interview for ComicBook describing the process of Eddie’s tattoos. She mentions at the end how she doesn’t want to ruin any fan theories….but if the theories aren’t true or if they’re not going to lead anywhere, why not just debunk them? This is the makeup video all over again. It could just be my own denial but it seems a little like she’s trying to cover her tracks 👀👀👀
I've been thinking about this for a whole hour now and I'm torn between dread that the tattoos could actually have been nothing but a coincidence (they foreshadowed mostly the plot of ST4 though, so my hopes for Eddie's return have never been tied to them anyways) and disbelief because that's two huge coincidences.
I can understand that she doesn't want to say anything about the fan theories because debunking them would take the fun away - and I actually don't think she could say anything because she doesn't know. The only ones who'd know about Eddie's return at this point would be the Duffers and Joe and the rest of the writers, but the makeup department wouldn't.
What worries me a bit is her phrasing "I don't want to ruin the theories" because that somehow implies if she said what she knew - if she does know anything, that is - it would be that the theories are wrong. But mybe that's simply my anxiety speaking.
Though combining the tattoos with the instruction not to make his wounds intentionally too deep and gory, as you already pointed out, seems...not sketchy but a weird coincidence? If she didn't know Eddie would find his deminse through the bats, then it's safe to say that she probably doesn't know more than we do even if her wording implies she does.
Which means she could be very well leading us on in the whole interview. Since, if she knew more about the intention and potential foreshadowing of the tattoos, she could hardly tell us "the Duffers told me what the tattoos should be so ST5 will be foreshadowed". It's interesting though how she only told us about the creative process behind the bats and the puppet master. I mean yes, those are the most prominent ones, but those are the only ones obviously foreshadowing his role in ST4.
We got the black widow spider, which is Vecna's symbol; the demon face with blood on his teeth and lips; and a wyvern - the very same creature as the endboss in Will's painting which definitely foreshadows ST5. All of these tattoos are tied to ST4 in a way but could be foreshadowing for ST5 as well.
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
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So that’s easily Billy in the photo next to Robin, It’s only safe to assume that the mystery man that is x’d out next to Dustin is Uncle Jack. This is important for what this theory is about…
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That’s very clearly not Chrissy in the photo next to Eddie so… is that supposed to be Reader? Think about it fellow readers who may be reading this, what if Reader ends up taking Max’s place at the end of RH4?
It all plays out exactly as in the show; Max is Vecnas target, but what if she’s not the only target? There’s two chapters named after songs; Running Up That Hill for Max, obviously… but also Separate Ways. Who had a connection to that song? Exactly. Reader!
My theory is that, since they’ll both be a target, Max is going to volunteer herself as bait to beat Vecna, but Reader being Reader will step up and instead be the bait. Will Reader die? I dunno. Maybe, maybe not. But based on what we know and see with the teaser image, Reader will get Vecna’d. And because our amazing writer has said that this season will hurt, Reader will get Vecna’d in front of Eddie or Max, then will be forced to watch Eddie die from inside the “upside down void”.
What would all this mean if the story continues after ST5 is release? No idea. But because we don’t know what to expect with the show itself, this is what I’ve come up with.
Anyways *steps off cafeteria table*
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this made me cry for no and every reason
but the fact you got Billy and Jack... damn sherlock
i guess we'll have to wait and see if the third is reader or not?
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aurorabyler · 2 years
just a brief post about the script situation (all of this has been said multiple times but i feel it’s important for me to give my thoughts on this)
like i mentioned i was very sick during most of the scriptgate situation going down—i was also still on vacation when the script dropped and didn’t even do any analysis into it like i did with dear billy. you’ll notice my page was mostly inactive for the past two weeks lmao.
there is not much to say that hasn’t already been said :( none of us had any reason to believe the scripts were illegitimate especially when 1. 8flix scripts had been cited and vetted by university libraries, and 2. i was copyrighted for posting the script along with many other people. until the writers posted about it, me and everyone else had literally no reason to think otherwise, especially because 8flix has been around for such a long time and is considered a reliable source. as a uni student myself who uses resources directly from my school library collection/recommendations with utmost confidence, this genuinely took me by surprise and it looks like other people feel the same way. again, i haven’t seen every single post because of my inactivity, but this is just the general consensus i’m getting.
once the writers posted about it, that’s really it for me. it’s their show, and their work. whatever they say is what i trust the most. i do find the whole situation weird in that it wasn’t called out when dear billy was going around, or even in the past considering 8flix has been in possession of other stranger things scripts for a long time. i’d like to see if they comment further on the st3 scripts on the site. however, like i said, whatever the writers say about their show is what i accept. i love this show; it’s been a part of my life since i was 13 years old and i have trust in the creators. it’s shitty that the fandom had to go through something like this. however, like i said in my other post, the bright side to all of this is that we’ll be getting weekly content from the writers!! :)
all of the excitement surrounding the scripts for me mostly came from my love of screenwriting. that still stands. i’m excited to see what the writers share (which will hopefully take us through the drought until st5 bahahaha) and analyze with full confidence in the material.
anyways all of this has been said again and again but i thought it was still important!! :) i love this community and it’s such a safe space for me and i’m excited to keep hanging out here and posting all my theories :)
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hepaidattention · 2 years
oh my god I have a huge st5 theory and I have to share. warning: spoilers over stranger things s4 coming.
so we all know how the ending of st4vol2 was the most devastating and I am emotionally traumatized, right? Max Mayfield is my baby and I am so mad what they did to her. I've been irrationally angry since I watched the finale, until I realized something today... why? why would they do this?
it seems so pointless to almost kill Max, to then just leave her brain dead. its so pointless like let her die or let her live I'm not a fan of this weird in-between. (they also made it strangely specific how they show us that El brought her back through memories.)
but then I'm realizing I'm not thinking rationally: this is a Hopper all over again. they didn't really kill Max because they don't want her to stay dead. they're gonna bring her back. but then the question is how???? she's literally gone it's just her body left. how??
guys, though. dude. so Vecna needed these sacrifices right, but we thought he needed the whole physical sacrifice, yet we see with Max coming back to life physically that he doesn't seem to need the physical body to be dead - he just needed her consciousness.
Vecna is obviously very connected with people minds, their memories, their conscious. he can control all of the upside down, he even controlled Will. point being that he just needs mind's. he needed Max's mind.
remember how in Vecnas little mind layer thing, other victims were there? hooked up like he was draining the life out of them? using them?
Max's consciousness is being USED and being held CAPTIVE by Vecna. Which means if the gang can get a way in, they can somehow return her mind to her body. a good solid way in would be with someone who's already connected to Vecna ... cough cough Will.
we also seen in vol2 that El can control the upsidedown consciousness of Vecna. she's uses her powers to make the vines let go of her, like she had control over them. which says to me she has the power to release Max from Vecnas hold. (I also have a theory that 8 will return to defeat Vecna with El, needing both of their mind bending powers to overpower him).
releasing Max could then weaken Vecna, OR it could be more something like killing Vecna is how they release her. no matter what I am now convinced that Max isn't dead, her consciousness is just being held captive by Vecna himself.
El seeing that Max is gone consciously, and having seen the victims in Vecnas mind, AND with Will being connected to him, they could easily come to the conclusion that she's still alive. I can easily see half the party trying to fight a upsidedown war, while the other party is trying to find a way into Vecnas mind so they can rescue Max. if Max came back mid to late season then SHE could be their way into finally defeating him because she would know him better than Will.
anyway that's my little rant,
end of theory!
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sennqu · 2 years
i wonder if my post of theories on will's bday is being suggested in for you pages or something recently. idk why it's getting notes this week. it's not a lot but still noticeable for a month old post that i even forgot about making. it's on my masterlist though i think? anyway, weird but alright.
i still maintain that if ST5 actually does roll back the dates a week, it will be a very gutsy move by the showrunners lmao. i can see it making headlines though. it'll attract a lot of attention i'm sure, especially after that month where fans were sad that the duffers admitted to forgetting will's bday.
apart from the edits being relatively easy to do, compared to say changing the entire color scheme when henry is banished to the shadow realm, it IS going to be attention-grabbing. because if, say, they edited it a week or month before ST5 premiers - or maybe the edits show after announcing the premier date for S5 - that is going to shoot the hype to stratospheric levels. especially if there's been a lull in content for a year or so in the lead-up to the final season.
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henrysglock · 10 months
me, notoriously bad at coming up with titles, sending you a fake title anyway: "Freezer (Gutted Fish)"
don't ask me why the only 2 concepts that would come to mind are ice and fish i don't know either
Godddd that makes me think of a certain passage from And The Calm Is Deep Where The Quiet Waters Flow (a wangxian/mdzs fic that legit sent me into a 3-day depressive spiral):
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Anyway! This one rings a bell for me in the same way the lyrics:
You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back just like that.
from Labyrinth by Taylor Swift do. It's something I would name a closure/recovery-focused fic, i.e. the damage is done (gutted fish), and now we have to figure out the other side of that and the way people become stuck in their perceptions of someone based on preconceived notions in the aftermath of Everything.
My go-to for that is an ensemble ST5 fic in a way that's likely canon divergent but aligns with theories I have about where Henry is and what his circumstances in ST5 might look like re: addressing what wrongs have been done, who's responsible for what, and what adjustment to "real life" after 27 years in Brenner's care might look like for him.
That is to say...
Freezer (Gutted Fish):
"Is he even alive in there?" Will's voice echoed through the abandoned observation room as he peered at the computer screen which displayed the inside of the replicate NINA tank on the other side of the glass.
"Yes. Just...sleeping," El replied, undercut by a muttered 'I sure hope not' from Hopper, who stood in the doorway behind them.
A muscle in her face, just below her left eye, twitched as she tamped down a spike of frustration at her father's continued insistence against recovering the only man left alive who might hold an honest explanation of everything that's gone wrong since 1979.
"I want to wake him up," she continued, "and I want to speak with him. There are things I need to know, things only he can tell me. I need to know the truth."
She paused, breathing against the fear that she might be wrong, that she might once again unleash an unholy terror upon Hawkins, before flicking the set of three switches that powered the contraption. All or nothing. He's our best shot.
Otherwise known as: A study in bridging massive trust gaps, recognizing that a face is not synonymous with its history, wrangling projection, and determining how far safeguards can go before they become imprisonment. After all, how do you coexist with a man who shares a face with a monster, let alone trust him to help you save the world?
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cosmorom · 1 year
who i think can/can't die in st5 and why (long post):
eleven: it's pretty plausible she could die like a hero with a sacrifice, when she'll fight against henry again, but i simply don't believe it because it dosen't make sense? for all her narrative we see how she dosen't want being compared to a hero, she doesn't want to be a hero. el wants to be loved for who she is, not because she's cool with powers and she saved the world like 3(?) times. she wants to be loved like el, not 011. if in s5 they don't finish her story arc and put her at peace with herself, duh her death will just be heartbreaking and unfair. i would like to see that in some way, at the end of everything, she'll lose her powers (like in s3) and she just be in peace with her family and friends. however, this doesn't mean that the probability of her death is low.
will: well he just can't die because 1) the previous seasons will be like useless? the whole story starts because will is alive and has to survive (talking abt s1). 2) will is literally the only one who never had his happy ending at every end of the seasons. and he suffered enough. just give his happy ending with the boy he is in love with and with the love of his family. obviously, knowing him, if his intervention (even risky) is needed to kill vecna, he would not think twice and would immediately offer to die for the others, as he has already demonstrated. i just can't think about the fact that he will suffer more in the next season until the end (bc he will). give him a BREAK.
max: well the situation is actually complicated. she can die as she can't. i think if they wanted to kill max they killed her in s4. so i'm not totally sure about her. i mean clinically she was (or is she?) dead...her mind is lost (in vecna's?). i don't know. i have doubts. i hope she won't leave us for good.
lucas: i don't think he'll die duh, he won't
dustin: recently, after, some declarations by the actors... i have a lot of doubts about dustin. pratically there's a lot question and theories that he could die with steve ("if you die, i die"), and this totally makes sense. yet dustin is devasted about eddie's (and max's) deaths, and we will see this much more clearly in the next season. i don't know if he will tolerate even steve's (we'll talk about him later). i don't know, i'm scared about him. i'll explain better later.
mike: so, i think they'll do something with mike like vecna'd but he won't die. just sayin': what would be the happy ending for will if mike died? yeah, this is a pretty selfish example, but it's the truth. and mike just can't die, he deserves some happines in this somewhat dark period for him. i swear i will punch someone (a lot of dudes) if he dies.
erica: nah she's a girlboss she just can't die
suzie: no
nancy: she's a girlboss too but i'm not sure she's totally safe rn, it's not sure that she won't die, that's it.
robin: there's not any reason for killing her, facts.
argyle: duh???
jonathan: doubts. many doubts. too many doubts. he could. duh i don't want this.
steve: 99,9% he's fucked. listen. it's too obvious. in the next season he will (finally) understands and accepts that he dosen't need romantic love in his life to be happy (reminds me of someone or am i wrong? right, el?) and he will probably die like a hero or something. he's the only one with (almost) full character development, when jonathan still has many things to solve. and the fans love steve. he'll die. and if dustin will die with him i'd- anyway...talking again about dustin. i'm scared about the fact that when (not if) steve dies, he will die in dustin arms (like someone else, his name starts with e and finish with ddie munson.) my boy dustin will be so fucking tired.
eddie: "he seems pretty fucking dead to me" lmfao i'm sorry
vickie: nah
joyce: she can't right????
hopper: he already cosplayed Jesus, that's enough
murray: probably.
enzo: also probably.
lonnie: yes because he deserves it.
vecna-001-henry: yes.
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