#and yes the north star one is a quote too
gayofthefae · 5 months
Lucas Sinclair was 14 years old when he said that he would follow Max to California. When he said that the day she planned to leave he wished she'd asked him to come but was happy to just walk her to the bus stop. When he told her offscreen in episode 4 as her eyes were rolled back that he would follow her to California if she wanted him to.
Lucas Sinclair was 14 when he said that he would leave his family behind and move across the country alone with her if she just asked him to instead of having her leave him behind.
She is his person. He is so in love. She is his guiding light, his North star. Her laugh sounds like the birds from Cinderella. He missed it. What the fuck.
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ghostinthegallery · 9 days
⭐star⭐for The Silence and The Storm (and if you'd like I will send another one tomorrow)
Woo! The big one, the magnum opus. There's so much I could talk about with this one.
I guess I can start with the beginning. As I've said often, I started this fic out of spite and being mad GW wasn't giving me a necron civil war (this was months before the new pariah nexus campaign book, but even that barely gives us anything so I remain justified). And I knew I wanted more attention on characters like Imotekh, who are so important but have no presence in the books. So the project was in my head, but generally I need big moments or scenes to write towards. I'm a bit of a goalpost writer. Once I have a strong scene idea or three, I can start.
The first strong moment in my head was the point in Chapter 2 when Imotekh barges into Szarekh's throne room and tosses a praetorian's head at his feet. I then geared the opening towards making that happen. Kind of fitting that this story started with the Stormlord demanding his due XD He's easily one of my favorite character's to write (sorry Szarekh, I love you too!). Balancing his cruelty with practicality and also selling his sheer presence is a fun challenge, especially since this is my first time experimenting with...shall we say "morally dubious" protagonists. This version of him also really feels like "mine" if that makes sense? I'm not basing him off another author's work like I am with Trazyn or Oltyx or even Anrakyr. I had a character description, a few quotes, and two anecdotes. And I'm proud of how I built him up out of that.
Also yes, one of the scenes I am writing towards is the ending. I made sure I knew the conclusion of this before I started. Without that I know I would have lost track of the plot and this story would have become very meandering. It's hard enough focusing on the big picture when each chapter almost feels like it's own story and each POV character has a personal arc to manage. I desperately need my north star to navigate by!
Absolute feel free to send more! This ask is based on this post for anyone tuning in now.
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mercurytrinemoon · 1 year
A fresh perspective on the lunar nodes
I had a sudden flash of thoughts about the nodes in the last few days that seem to made me finally start grasping their meanings. I've been learning astrology for years but I always brush off the nodes cause I never really vibed with the whole "north node is what you're supposed to strive for and south node is what you should cut off" outlook. Firstly, because it's too easy and black and white and secondly, it never really made sense looking at my own and other people's charts.
You guys probably know already that I love to watch/listen to the astrology podcast. Austin Coppock, who's the regular guest, always says that in vedic astrology, the north node is a malefic. And he said that again a while ago and something clicked in my brain: my ex-friend has an EXACT Mars-north node conjunction in Aquarius. She's an Aries Sun but her cardinal energy is weak: she was always passive, she would always whine whenever she was supposed to take any action or make a decision, she was scared to fight for herself etc. Like, that's NOT a martian personality. Also, whatever she started, was failing miserably (probably also because of her lack of motivation and consistency).
I remember how Alyssa Sharpe said that the north node makes people powerful and she gave an example of Elon Musk who has the north node-Mars conjunction in Aquarius as well (but with much wider orb than my friend). I always compared these two examples and that modern north node-whatever planet combo didn't make sense. And now I'm thinking, right, Elon has a LOT of money but it's because of his rich parents, he himself has founded a lot of various companies throughout his life but most of them flopped and even now, he makes flops after flops (who remembers the "unbreakable" Tesla glass window fiasco lol) and he still to this day wastes a disgustingly ridiculous amount of money (like, really, google that). So, like, is he really that powerful and succesfull?
But then I thought about a few people I know that have the north node conjunct nice planets (benefics or Sun or whatever) and those people seem to be moooore than fine. So I thought, hmm, is it really that malefic?
And this is when I found an article with quotes from the hellenistic astrologer Abu Ma'shar. He said:
"The nature of the Head of the Dragon is increasing, indeed if it were a lucky planet, it addst to the good; but if there were a malevolent star in it, it addst to the bad; (...) the Head is good with a good one, bad with a bad one".
So, the north node strenghtens whatever it touches - if it's a benefic, it becomes more benefic; if it's a malefic - it becomes more malefic. A Venus conjunction can bring a lot of love, admiration or money. A Jupiter conjunction can bring more luck and popularity. He also said that the south node has the opposite effect - it minimises the effect of the malefics but also of the benefics.
That leads me to another celebrity example I've been thinking about recently A LOT - Hayley Williams (Paramore's return equals the return of my heart eyes for her). I've been pondering on her rising sign (and by pondering I mean desperately looking for any clues as to where her ascendant is) because we don't have her birth time, BUT what we do have is her Moon sign (she was born on the day Moon changed signs) and she's a Virgo Moon (not Leo, as some sources state). That makes her Moon conjunct the south node. Now, Moon is a fluctuating energy already, wherever you have your Moon, that's the area where a lot of changes might occur (for example I have it in the 3rd house and I've changed schools and class groups a few times in my life). If the south node has a diminishing character and it's paired with a luminary that symbolizes your emotions and the people (yes, Moon is also the people), that means a bit of a trouble. The changeability leans more towards a disruption and bumps on the road. Vettius Valens said that (and I quote THIS ARTICLE): "the nodes conjunt the Moon are not good for starting projects as it will make them unstable and have unpredictable outcomes".
And what do we have? A succesful lead singer (her Moon is nicely aspected tho) in a band that had quite a few sudden lineup changes and all of them were full of drama. Not to mention, her failed marriage. (And in this very moment I'm once again frustrated that I don't have her full chart because the aspects scream for themselves but man, I wish I knew the house placements).
Another example is actually one of my favorites cause I absolutely love Sun-Jupiter contacts, especially if they're in signs friendly to at least one of them. And it's... my cousin, lol. He was lucky enough to be born in '87 when both Jupiter and the north node were in Aries - and, you've guessed it, he's an Aries Sun. So he has them all conjunct. Sun is exalted in Aries, Jupiter is exalted there by triplicity - add north node to the mix and you have a beautiful combination. Now, his chart is not perfect and it shows his obstacles but this aspect alone made him travel the world as a young kid, as well as being in a choir and performing abroad and now he has a very successfull career in IT and he actually moved abroad permanently (the conjunction is in his 4th house). Not to mention, he was just born into a pretty wealthy family.
I'm talking about conjunctions here - and those count the most. But if your nodes are alone in the house, or on one of the axis, they might work similarly to some extent. I'll give an example of my own chart cause I have mine on the asc-dsc axis and it finally makes sense that having the north node on the ascendant (or within one degree but in a different sign, depending if you use true or mean node; ugh the struggle) makes me constantly focused on development and working on myself, whether it's my craft or my body, and having the south node on the descendant is stripping me from having good and lasting relationships with others (especially romantic ones).
Sooo, idk, this has put the nodes in a different, more clear light for me.
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S1 Ep 6
-Previously on TGCF…
-Woah, a waking up camera effect
-San Lang’s eating lunch
-Woah, that old man is traumatized
-Aww San Lang got all protective, and that body Language with Xie Lian, they are able to communicate verbally AND nonverbally
-This references the area region of China in the northwest where it connects with the Silk Road
-That was a huge caravan
-More secret body language
-Oh yeah, when he woke up he didn’t even drink water before explaining
-Woah that offer had the old man spooked senseless
-He’s got a knife!
-Of course being a martial god, he has experience in combat.  Have you seen him in a sword dual at Yinian bridge? (Subtle Phineas and Ferb quote)
-Gross his arm deflated!
-Stopped by a chopstick!
-Yep he dead
-How does one make another chopstick?
-I wonder who sent the puppet anyway?
-Oh yes he does dabble
-Telepathic chat room
-So many falling golden leaves
-Yep, it’s a free for all!
-Woah that shocked everyone and they went back to grabbing credits
-Well that just made him more interested in the Crescent pass situation
-They haven’t cleaned up the puppet’s husk?!?!
-San Lang has answers!  It’s so sweet!
-Oooh more worldbuilding on the desert area
-Is that who I think it is?
-And he hands San Lang his broom, they really are husbands
-Yep called it, and the gong noise when the door opened!
-Looking for answers is honestly a valid reason 
-Isn’t it obvious Xie Lian?
-They said it in sync again
-Oh they noticed San Lang now
-Oooh they’re suspicious 
-Oh he knows how to trigger Fu Yao
-No not the broom!
-I love pissed off Fu Yao so much, just look at how sharp his eyes are XD!
-San Lang is fluent in sarcasm
-And now Nan Feng’s pissed off too! XD
-Yes he has fixed up his home
-And Fu Yao’s still pissed off and skeptical 
-Man Fu Yao’s so condescending, I wonder where he gets it from…?
-Yes, they did sleep together better believe it
-He said it again!  “ With Heavenly blessings May all taboos be shattered”
-Woah, instant Silk Road shortcut
-Does he mean the North Star Polaris?
-Man that desert village looked really cool
-They have entered the desert
-*As they all start walking down the sand dune* I’m like: “How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean???” (Another iconic and amazing Last Airbender quote, and a really good crossover fanart idea). *casually gets started on drawing that crossover*  
-I really love the desert music
-Awww look at San Lang’s emo hoodie
-Aw the face he makes when he has to wear Xie Lian’s hat, there goes his emo hoodie!
-And then he gives the hat back to Xie Lian because he doesn’t want him to burn…
-You know what’s better than one evil Daoist?  Two evil Daoists!
-Also Fang Xin tends to get confused with Feng Xin(Nan Yang)  I’m experiencing that in this fandom
-Woah that’s a cool purple cloak
-That explains the misfortunes of the Crescent Pass
-OOOHHH!  Fu Yao got triggered again
-San Lang dodged that attack like a G
-An abandoned hut
-Yep here come the trust issues
-I might’ve noticed one thing off about San Lang…
-Foreshadowing with that “Runaway kid” bit
-Magic sleeves of holding! Count: 4
-It’s a polite battle!   Fu Yao vs San Lang!  Who will accept the true sight serum?  Place your bets in the comments!  (Kidding. I’ve already seen this episode and I know what happens)
-And then Nan Feng steps in
-And he drank the whole thing like a boss
-Now Nan Feng’s acting like an NPC from a fantasy video game
-Sharp sound when the blade’s being drawn
-Nah San Lang, they’re just testing you to see if you’re a ghost
-The sword broke XDXDXDXD
-And he’s tossing a piece of broken metal up and down XD
-Oooooh Who are they?
-The woman in the teal cloak saw him
-No dude, what did you just say about staying in the shelter to wait out the sandstorm!  SMH!
-Now he’s lost
-Oh good they all found him
-There’s San Lang!
-He’s so relieved when he found him!
-OH!  San Lang’s robe slipped off one of his shoulders and Xie Lian put it back up AAHH!!!
-He’s touched starved again!
-And then San Lang grabs Xie Lian’s hat from blowing away and helps put it on and tighten the strings!!!! *fangirls like no tomorrow!*.  These episodes just keep getting better and better!
-Best chemistry ever!
-“It’s not a strong wind.”  *Xie Lian gets caught in the sandstorm*  Yeah, you were saying Fu Yao?  SMH again
-Oh and San Lang got really worried!
-And after Rouye grabs San Lang and Xie Lian says, “I didn’t mean San Lang”. Rouye goes: “Really? Ok!”  And then lets him go, that’s just the hypothetical dialogue I’ve got for the silk band
-And we’re on another cliffhanger people
I know episode 6 comes out tomorrow so enjoy my Season 1 reactions for now.
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killjoygem · 1 year
Random quotes in Doctor Who that live rent free in my mind
"So.... anyone for dodgems?"
"All my stuffs on there!" "Not anymore! :D"
"Because its cool, look how cool this stuff is!!"
"He's always wanted to see the stars" "tell him to go stand outside then"
"Am I....ginger?" "No you're just sort of... brown" "aw ive always wanted to be ginger!"
"*high pitched* I'm a girl!!.....no. No im not a girl. And still not ginger!!"
"His head?!" "I think it would be easier just to remove the whole thing, dont you?" "wouldn't that kill him?" "Well you're the medical expert but. I'd say so 👀"
"You sent me to get coffee?" "Three weeks ago. In Glasgow."
"Ow!" "I did say it would hurt" "no you didn't" "oh well i meant to"
"Blimey, have you got space teeth???"
"Clara! Excellent, pop your clothes on that chair there"
"I'm the doctor and I'm so cool, oops! I'm wearing Sandshoes!"
"Oh my god" "no, but its an easy mistake to make"
"If you're from space how come you sound like your from the North?" "Lots of planets have a north"
"Are you from outer space" "no that's ridiculous, I'm from a planet just like everybody else" "this planet?" ".....no not this one specifically"
"Are you capable of talking without waving your hands about?" "Yes! No."
"Cus youre thick, youre thick thickitty thick head from thick town, thickania. And so's your dad."
"They gave me a name tag in case I forget who I am which is very helpful, as that does happen."
"I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought to myself "gosh the third reichs a bit rubbish! I think I'll kill the fuhrer" who's with me?!"
"I hope my boyfriend wasn't too mean to you... he can be very mean sometimes, except to me of course because he loves me so much"
"You should make it voice activated" "..." "oh for god sake, it is, isn't it?" "I dont want to talk about it"
"You are so doing those roots" "what, the roots of a sunset?" "Don't you dare" "I'll have to check with the stars themselves"
I could literally keep going forever
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boiling-potato · 2 years
Favourite ships between your friends?
YeeeEEeeeEssssSSsSsss!!!!! >:DD
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- Bloody parchment (Lo x Meztli) all the way!! Of course!! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS TWO!!! (⁠ ⁠ꈍwꈍ⁠)✨✨
- Psychotic Soliloquy! (Lo x Meztli x Trickster) I love them too!! Their dynamic is amazing! I'm so glad Lo came up with this ship!! ^^
- Elysian Flaw!! (Ace x Salem) Another one!! I love their dynamic so much because I haven't seen something like it before!! (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)⁠!💕💕✨
- Starxiang!! (Star x Chaoxiang) Do I even need to explain?? (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)✨✨
- Ink and Tate!! Protect them at all cost!! 🥺👉👈
- Bittersweet Haiku!! (Lo x Trickster) Yes.. just ✨YES✨
- Logan and North sky!! I need to see more content of them!! ◉⁠‿⁠◉
- Megumi and Trickster!! Goodness!! I miss this two!! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
- aaaannddd ok, Sweet Carnage (Meztli x Trickster) heh only because Goddamn!! I love their interactions so much!!!! Hahah! Every anon who sends me an incorrect quote or interaction of them just really brings a smile to my face!! (⁠✿⁠^▽^⁠)✨✨
Lo and Logan belongs to @feelin-lo !!
North sky belongs to @alcohol1maid !!
Ace and Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby !!
Star and Megumi belongs to @startheimpactfangirl !!
Tate belongs to @mystique-flowers-and-sibling-duo !!
Trickster, Salem, Chaoxiang and Ink belongs to me!!
Let me know if I forgot some!! It's almost 12 in the morning and I really need to sleep since I need to wake up early =w=
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90363462 · 1 year
Kim Kardashian 'Relieved' To Finally Be Done With Kanye West Divorce Before It Had To Go To Trial: 'She Wants The Kids To Be Protected'
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Kim Kardashian is breathing a big sigh of relief.
Of course, news came down this week that the 42-year-old reality TV star had completely (and finally!) settled the terms of her divorce from rapper Kanye West. After nearly two full years of legal limbo, the ex-couple’s separation is set in stone. Now, each party can move on to the rest of their lives.
Related: Did Kim Kinda Fumble The Bag With This Divorce From Ye Tho??
For the 45-year-old rapper, that apparently means running for President in 2024 amid his string of other unsettling and inappropriate recent actions. And for Kim, the settlement means she can settle into single life with the peace of mind in knowing she can leave this tumultuous period behind.
An insider just spoke to Peopleabout that exact mindset, in fact. On Wednesday night, the mag published a report quoting a source who laid out the SKIMSmogul’s thoughts on the split. For one, the informant revealed Kim is “relieved” their breakup didn’t have to go before a judge:
“[Kim] didn’t want the divorce to go to trial.”
It sounds like Ye didn’t, either. The insider explained how the Jesus Walks rapper had previously been disagreeable on divorce terms. However, as the possibility of trial loomed later this month, he quickly caved on several major points of contention:
“[Kim and Ye] had several initial disagreements that they were now able to agree on. Kanye ended up agreeing to most of the things that he opposed in the past.”
As Perezcious readers will recall, we’ve been reporting on the ex-pair’s new divorce accord all week. Financial matters appear to have been pretty clearly settled. Even the former fam’s expansive real estate portfoliohas been cleanly divided up. The only real potential point of concern moving forward centers on their four children.
Related: The KarJenner Fam Held A HUGE Meeting After Kim Wrapped Divorce From Kanye!
When it comes to North, 9, Saint, 6, Chicago, 4, and Psalm, 3, the divorce agreement explicitly lays out terms for splitting duties, too. But there’s always a chance friction could pop up. We hope it doesn’t, but, well, Ye can be pretty unpredictable… to say the least… Still, the KUWTK alum seems to be optimistic about her family’s future. Regarding Kim’s chances of co-parenting successfully with the volatile rapper, the insider explained:
“Although Kim and Kanye share custody [of the kids], Kim is the primary caregiver. They agreed that Kanye needs to speak to Kim in private about any complaints and not go public with them. She wants the kids to be protected. Kim hopes the co-parenting will be a bit easier from now on.”
And so that’s that, then. We think? We hope! TBH, something tells us we haven’t reported the last of Kim and Kanye. Not by a long shot. But at least as far as their kids are concerned, we hope life can even out a bit from here. And from Kim’s POV, the divorce’s denouement will certainly bring peace and calm. What do y’all think, Perezcious readers?
[Image via Snorlax/MEGA/WENN]
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sevs-corner · 2 years
One Piece's WWHI (What would happen if) Series (Isekai Ver.)
1.) What would happen if you met Law for the first time?
"Oof, this is a hard one really. I actually haven't seen the part where Luffy and his crew(?) meet Law and the rest of the heart pirates, but I would imagine it would go something like this:"
"I would probably be hanging around town with Usopp, looking for useful trinkets around town then bam! A ship emerges from the water and a man with a white and black spotted hat emerges. His hair simply wisps along the wind and his eyes! Bright as a gemstone, it shines like one too as we stared longingly at each other from a far-,"
"What is this," Usopp interjected, "a cliché 'love at first sight' plot?" he asked with a blank look that made the girl pout.
"I am simply ✨entertaining✨ the question homie~. Besides," she slammed down her hand on the table which made him jump at the loud sound of her palm connecting with the already creakily wooden table, "its not as if I would see him really." She ended with tears comically pouring out of eyes, hand laid across her forehead as she woefully cursed her unfortunate disdain.
The long nosed sniper simply sighed, head falling in his hands as he cursed his past self into accepting the invitation of the girl who simply wanted to- as she quoted- "have a chat over cold coffee."
Who even wanted cold coffee on a chilly morning?
"But in all seriousness," the girl snapped out of her spiel to look at her friend, "you would actually 'like' the surgeon of death from the North Blue?"
She hummed in thought, now sitting with one leg over the other. The girl honestly had a vague idea of the man, and have only saw in him in a couple (all) of the fanfics she read- and even then, that would be only the fanon version of him.
"Hmm, can't say yes or no really." She ended unsure of even herself which caused Usopp to gesture her to elaborate more.
"Well," she sighed, hand twirling the small spoon in her iced cold drink. "that's why we're making scenarios right? Same as you did when you left the crew for a bit during Water 7."
"HEY!" He yelled out embarrassed yet the girl showed zero remorse as she took a loud sip of her drink.
"Its not as if I wanted to- I had to be prepared," he grumbled, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"You have to be prepared to romantically fall in love with Law?" he deadpans.
As she nodded excitedly with stars in her eyes, Usopp couldn't help but slide a hand down his face in exasperation. Sometimes, he just can't match her energy on some things and this- this was evidently one of those moments.
"Come now as we ride onto this imaginary train of romcom!" The girl held out her hand to her friend who just shot her a blank look.
He scoffs out, "more like illusionary train."
"Ahem, back to my previously genius original plot,"
It would be fine sunny day with clouds but a speckle in the sky. A simple girl would be roaming around town, looking for trinkets and unique things that piqued her interest.
However, with a horn blaring at the distance- she diverted her attention elsewhere.
There, on the horizon, at the town's docks-  she spot a ship unique to its very captain who stood proudly at the helm.
The lass couldn't help but stand still as she longingly stares at his confident smirk, the whisps of his ink hair; and -don’t even get me started with how he handled his katana- he slung it over his shoulder like it was a but a simple toy in his hands. He handled with care but in grace.
He is-,
"the doctor of death?"
"SHUT IT!" The girl screamed in denial but with the look of doubt in her friend's eyes, she relented with a huff.
"Fine- but can you not interject into my monologue? I'm trying to world build here."
Clearing her throat, she ignored the confused look of Usopp and began to narrate once more.
When their eyes met, a spark seemed to have shock both of their skins. Looking away, the girl ran away in embarrassment once she realized who she was gazing at.
Pirates- and infamous ones at that. Known for roaming the deepest and darkest of seas to snatch the hearts of people.
'Was this what the people meant by 'stealing people's hearts?' The girl thought to herself as she made her way back to her cozy little home by the hillside.
Because their captain definitely did.
Stumbling in her home, she immediately darted to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Though staring at the filled glassware, all she could think is how bright colored her face was.
It was all bloched, she couldn't determine whether it was from all the running or the burning feeling she experienced in her chest when making eye contact with that pirate.
"Right! He is a pirate!" She reminded herself with a slap to the face.
Grabbing another glass, she kept downing them continuously as her mind and heart continuously battled for her consciousness.
"He's a pirate! Literal scum of the earth!" Her mind claimed.
"But he seemed so nice and handsome- how could he be one?!" Her heart pleaded-,
"Ok, I'm gonna stop you there," Usopp interjected as the girl deadpanned. Seeing that he wouldn't budge from her heated glare, she waved at him to continue.
"Just because he's handsome he's-"
"Not scum? Yes Usopp, yes." You continued with a confident nod.
He scoffs out, "what about Crocodile then, hmm?"
She then looks at him with a pout, about to retaliate when a hand enters her peripheral.
"Nevermind, I already know what you're going to say."
She laugh at Usopp's assumption, patting his shoulder in jest.
"No no no, he's hot and maniacal- that's different," the girl grins at his 'i-am-so-done-with-you' look and he couldn't help his hand connect with his forehead once more.
"Oh so handsome is good but hot is evil?"
Both coffee drinking friends glance at the new voice who interjected in their conversation with amusement and shock.
"Exactly Robin!" the girl giggles, patting the empty seat beside her. "I knew you would understand."
"Of course, I did work with the bastard for years."
Feeling her mouth go dry at her comment, Usopp cackled- slapping the girl's back as Robin just stared on in amusement.
"Well?" Robin sips her tea, "Are you going to continue?"
"She did get you good there though," Usopp jabbed his elbow onto the girl who grumbled in annoyance. She knows that they were ganging up on her in retaliation for her jokes but she continued on confidently anyways.
And that confidence led to the formation of the group that was forming around her table.
Anyways, before I was rUdELy interrupted-
Alas, her beating heart took her consciousness- urging her to go back to the docks. To see him again- or maybe even catch a glimpse of him, she would be delighted either way.
Reaching her desired location, she was quite disappointed. His shop was gone and no traces were found. All that was left were some boxes by the wooden path that stretched out to the ocean.
"I missed him," she mumbles, feeling her chest tighten in an unexplainable manner. She gripped it tight, hoping to at least ease it for her to breath.
Was it her restlessness or lateness to see him that was keeping her short breath?
"What's a lady like you doing out here?"
Whipping around at the voice that came out of thin air, she gasps in shock at who she locked eyes with.
"Its you," the lass breath out, feeling her chest lighten at his gentle grin.
'Oh his smile!'
It was endearing yet carefully tight lipped, it seemed like he was trying to not be suspiciously and scare the lady away.
And it worked.
"I'm certain we have not met yet," the man introduces before offering a more calmer stance, "I'm Trafalgar Law, captain of the Heart pirates."
The girl softly cusps his hand in hers, giving it a little shake.
"And I am but a simple village girl," she smiles, "to what do I honor of meeting you here?"
The man chuckled at her formality, shaking his head in amusement.
"My crew came to restock for supplies," he explains, now leading the girl towards the end of the docks where they sat at the edge, toes slightly nipping at the water's surface.
"Long trip?" he nods, looking deeply into her eyes.
"Yes, but I stayed for another reason."
She tilts her head in confusion, "and what that may be- if I may ask?"
The girl feels her chin being lift up to see those deep onyx eyes filled to the brim of emotions, and in them- she saw nothing but the truth.
"To see you, of course."
Leaning in, she could feel his warm breath that made a shiver go down her spine. The intense of his gaze made her feel cozy even on this cold autumn night.
There, sparks fly as they close in and-
"Oh? What's this, Straw Hats-ya? Some kids playing story time?"
Usopp and the rest of the gang tried so hard to keep their laughs in, there was no way their friend was getting out of this one scott-free.
Previously, moments before the girl had begun her story, the heart pirates arrived at the Thousand Sunny's docking station. Their captain had planned to rest by their ship while they plan for their next move as the alliance but alas, their rooms seemed to be empty. Especially the kitchen, when he passed by, which he deemed to be odd.
Now at the grassy deck, he wondered where the crew might be because there was no way in hell they would abandon their ship in the middle of the ocean like this.
Until he caught a glimpse of a pajama clad person at their upper deck, doing weird motions with their hands- as if they were enacting a scene where the character dramatically falls into depravity. 
Whilst climbing up the stairs, he hears his name being mentioned.
"I'm Trafalgar Law," the voice imitates, "captain of the heart pirates."
Now he was curious, hearing the voice go on and on- narrating this tale, and on arrival- he sees the Straw Hat crew gathered in a semi-circle listening to this girl that was telling this tale- who he assumed- was imitating him.
And he couldn't help but cringe.
"Tra-guy!" Luffy jumped up and hugged the man who simply grumbled while trying to tear away the gum that was on his side. "We were just listening in about a story of you and-mmf?!"
Quickly slapping a hand on the gum man's face, the girl forcefully pulled him away and tossed him on the front deck.
"OW!" Luffy grunts in pain as he landed, unexpectedly, in front of the other Heart pirates. "Oh hey guys!"
"A story of me and who?"
The girl stilled, she could feel her chest already feeling hollow- hell, she bet that if she turned around right now to face him, her heart would be in his hands.
"Oh, the little girlie here," Franky placed a hand on said paling person with a huge grin plastered on his face, "was just telling us all about how you met this certain someone."
She could feel the heated gaze on her as Law looked at her in question.
"Do I know you?"
The group shouted which made her die a little inside more.
"Said you both met at a remote island," Chopper started with an innocent grin, he genuinely thought that the girl knew the heart's captain way back then and it was an actual story.
'Honey that was all fiction!' She cried in her thoughts, forced to the face the man who seemed a little intimidating right now.
"After she had ran away in embarrassment," Robin continued.
"And contemplated whether she should go see you again or not in battle for her consciousness," Brook added 'yohoho-ing.'
"Then met once more at the docks~." Nami wiggled her brows.
"You two then sat by its edge…" Zoro began who gave a look to the cook who continued with a smirk.
"You closed in and said-"
"'To see you of course~!'"
Usopp's mimic closed the deal and ended the girl's whole career.
 Ain't no way that she'll be recovering from that anytime soon.
Law caught on and laughs with the gang, seeing as how red faced and embarrassed the girl was caught red-handed.
He guessed that she was telling a story of how she would have liked to meet him in a sort of fairy tale-esque setting, and he had to give credit to her ingenuity- albeit, was out of place.
Chuckling, he decided to humor them more by offering a hand with a grin that made the girl close her eyes in further shame.
"I'm the actual Trafalgar D. Water Law, Girlie-ya. Though," he grabs the girl's hand and gently pecks it, "I wouldn't mind being your prince charming." He winks, letting the girl's hand fall limp to her side.
s h i t.
This…wasn't good. Seeing the suave look he sent her way- the girl immediately overheats as she tries to form a suitable reply.
"Oi! Tra-guy, what did you do to my friend?!"
"Wha- I didn't do anything!"
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alexskarsgardnet · 4 years
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New Interview & Photo Shoot!  Alex photographed by Johan Sandberg and interviewed by Timothy Small for L’Uomo Vogue (October 2020)!
Alexander Skarsgård: the photo shoot and interview for L'Uomo
Alexander Skarsgård is a really, really nice man. A Swede through and through, Alexander, or Alex, is a very down-to-earth gentleman who could definitely act as more of a big shot, considering he is also one of the most interesting actors in Hollywood right now, a town that, in true Swedish style, he once defined as “kind of silly”. After getting his first big break as the lead in David Simon's excellent Iraq War mini-series for HBO, Generation Kill, Skarsgård exploded in our collective imaginations as Eric Northman in True Blood, while also acting for Lars von Trier in the wonderful Melancholia. 
Since then, he has been a very buff Tarzan in The Legend of Tarzan, a mute bartender in future Berlin in Mute, a very dark killer in Hold the Dark, and a hilarious Canadian Prime Minister in Long Shot, as well as giving an Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning turn in HBO's Big Little Lies. The self-defined “restless” 43-year-old is set to star in The Northman, Robert Eggers's highly anticipated third film, a “Viking revenge story” that Skarsgård himself was crucial in bringing to production – and, by all accounts, it seems like it could have all the right pieces to become a future cult classic. It certainly has that kind of hype.
L'Uomo Vogue:  The Northman is such an interesting project. I know it's important to you. It's also part of a growing resurgence of interest in the Viking era and Norse mythology and that sort of epic Scandinavian adventure. How did it all begin?
Alex:  It all started seven or eight years ago. As a Swede living in America, I realised there was a certain level of fascination with the Viking era and Viking culture – and this was before any of the Viking shows that have since happened. It made me realise that there basically had never been a real great epic Viking movie made, and I thought that that's what I wanted to do.
LV:  So how did the project kick off?
Alex:  I started having conversations with a studio back then, trying to crack the best story. All I knew at the time is that I wanted to make a big Viking movie. We had a couple of potential different starting points: we had a story about two brothers, and then one about the Viking travels down to Constantinople with the Viking siege of the city. We were looking for the right story, but I never really felt we were there. I knew the scope I wanted it to exist in. But what was the story?
LV:  And that's when you met Robert Eggers.
Alex:  Yes, like three or four years ago. We met about something else. I can't remember how, but we started talking about Vikings. And he was, like me, a huge fan of Viking culture and of that historical era, and I immediately felt he would be the perfect guy to direct this movie. And then we found an author and poet in Iceland, Sjón, who came onboard to write the screenplay – and they did a fantastic job, just cracking the story and the essence of it.
LV:  Sounds great.
Alex:  It's a real adventure movie, but it's much more. It taps into the culture, and the mysticism of the Vikings, it becomes more intimate and more personal. I didn't want it to be a generic “swords-and-sandals” movie. Robert is one of the best filmmakers out there. And the whole process is so much more gratifying than when you're quote-unquote “just an actor”. It's been truly extraordinary.
LV:  But then you had to halt production.
Alex:  Yeah. I was in Belfast, Northern Ireland, three months into prep on The Northman about seven days away from principal photography. Just gearing up, you know, getting ready to start a very long, very intense shoot -- a shoot that we were scheduled to wrap in July – and that's when the virus hit.
LV:  What did you do then?
Alex:  I normally live in New York, while my family lives in Stockholm. When the first wave came, I was on the fence: nobody really knew how long it would be, or what precisely was going on. So we shut down production for six weeks. The idea was to then see what would happen. I basically moved to Stockholm for four months.
LV:  How do you feel about this forced break from work?
Alex:  I had not been home for this long in... more than 20 years. It was strange. We were in a bubble; we were all healthy and safe. In a lot of ways, I had moments when I felt being surrounded by my loving family, feeling safe and loved, and taking a break from work, but then also feeling very guilty because I was, for the lack of a better term, being spared.
LV:  In the past, you've described yourself as being a nomad. Did you miss Sweden and the North?
Alex:  I realised how much I have been missing it. I go to Sweden regularly, but usually only for three or four days, maybe a week, tops. My father and two of my brothers are actors, so we're used to never being in the same city. We all travel all over the world. Maybe we'd get back together for Christmas. And I can really say that I had missed spring in Sweden.
LV:  Do you think we will change the way movies are produced?
Alex:  We're going to have to figure out how to shoot movies with dozens of crew members and hundreds of extras while still respecting social distancing rules. It's an unprecedented situation and everyone is scrambling to figure out the best approach. My brother was one of the first people who worked in our industry during the pandemic. He shot a movie in Iceland in the middle of the lockdown. The way they solved it is they split the crew into colour sections. So, hair and make-up had yellow armbands and the camera department had blue, and they had a “Corona appointee” on set who would call out, “Now blue go in!” and then “Blue, out! And yellow, in!” And then they would all do their job in turns. It was very military-like. Productions are already complicated, so we'll just have to add another layer.
LV:  How did you become an ambassador to the Clarks brand?
Alex:  To me, authenticity is very important. I don't want to endorse products I don't genuinely like. That's why I was excited when Clarks reached out. I've been wearing Desert Boots for 25 years. Also, I like to travel a lot. I like to explore new cities by foot. I want to be able to walk around comfortably in a classic, iconic shoe. I travel from movie set to movie set, and I often live out of a suitcase. And this teaches you to be frugal. Whatever fits in that suitcase, that's all I can bring.
LV:  Is that the Swede in you?
Alex:  Maybe. But we consume way too many things in this society. Also, you give things more meaning when you live with them, and when you go on adventures with them. Like, these are my boots. I've been places with them. And when they fall apart, I'll buy a new pair. If you have the right stuff to begin with, you don't need more.
LV:  Going back to The Northman, that really sounds like a dream project.
Alex:  It is. It will be a rollercoaster ride. I can't wait to get back to Northern Ireland and get back to the production. It's also a very physically demanding project, so I have been training for, well, since a few months before production stopped.
LV: In a way, getting into a role, getting on a movie set, acting through it, the whole process of making a movie is a bit like a little adventure. You have to prep, you have to travel, often with people you don't know, and you have to push boundaries.
Alex:  Absolutely! A huge part of the appeal of this profession is you get to travel, and you meet amazing, interesting people from all over. And the uncertainty, you know? What was it, 12 years ago, I was in New York, and I'd never heard of Generation Kill. And then two days later I was on a plane to the Kalahari Desert to be out there for seven months to shoot the series. And I'll never forget the feeling, sitting on that plane, thinking, “Two days ago I didn't even know about this project, and here I am on my way to Southern Africa to spend seven months in the desert with 200 strangers.” It's very exciting.
LV:  What a feeling that must be!
Alex:  And every single job is like that. Every movie is different. Your part, the tone, the energy, the people – it's always different. And for someone like myself, who has that kind of wanderlust, who's always looking on the horizon, it's very attractive to never know just what the next adventure might be.
October 14, 2020:  Updated with the full interview courtesy of our friends at the ASkarsLibrary (x).
Fashion credits:
Photographs by Johan Sandberg Styling by Martin Persson Grooming Karin Westerlund @ Lundlund Hair Amanda Lund @ Lundlund Stylist’s assistant Isabelle Larsson Digital Daniel Lindgren Production Madeleine Mårtensson and Olle Öman @ Lundlund
Read the full interview by Timothy Small and see the photo shoot by Johan Sandberg in the October issue of L'Uomo, on newsstands from September 22nd.
Sources/Thanks:  Interview:  Timothy Small for L’Uomo Vogue (x), Photos:  Johan Sandberg for L’Uomo Vogue (x), artlistparis.com (x) via artlistparisnewyork instagram (x),  luomovogue instagram (x) &  atomomanagement.com (x) via atomomanagement instagram (x), our caps from artlistparisnewyork’s September 23, 2020 insta story (x, x)
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Can you write that fight between Afton and Edward? With Afton being invisible and Edward being insufferable, I can't get it out if my mind. Please please please...
Likely sometime post Breaking Dawn, Edward and Afton somehow run into each other. No one else more competent is there.
Edward recognizes Afton as a) Volturi b) Chelsea's mate. If he eliminates Afton, this could emotionally devastate Chelsea and potentially loosen her hold on the Volturi members. Without her gift, the Volturi would collapse under its own weight, and the world would be free from tyranny.
Killing Afton is a sacrifice Edward is willing to make.
As for Afton, he recognizes this punk as Edward Cullen, that guy the Volturi went to war against who messed up everything. His wife is Bella Swan, the greatest modern threat to the Volturi. If Afton kills Edward, Bella may become the next Marcus, inconsolable and utterly incapable of acting against anyone. Afton could save the Volturi, could be important, and even if that doesn't happen surely Caius will think he's cool for murdering Edward Cullen.
Killing Edward is a sacrifice Afton is willing to make.
Each observes the other, they begin circling each other like vultures, feinting at each other then backing away at the last moment.
Edward starts babbling, as one does.
"You think you can become invisible and attack me," Edward says with a smirk, reading Afton's mind, "That's not going to work. Thanks to my mind-reading abilities, I'll know where you are at all times."
Afton gasps in shock and horror: the fiend!
(Neither acknowledges that he would be perfectly able to see where Afton is because Afton's gift is next to useless.)
"You cannot defeat me," Edward continues, still smirking, "I can read your every move before you take it. The moment you strike at me, I will cut you down. I will use your every stratagem, you're every opening, your--"
Afton slaps Edward across the face on instinct, not even really thinking about it, and thanks to the difference in strength, Edward goes flying.
Afton stands there, dumb, and looks at his hand in wonder. This has never happened before, he always loses in hand to hand combat in spars with the other Volturi members. Does he... have a new gift?
Edward's jaw hangs open. How did Afton accomplish this?! He moved so fast, was so strong, and it was purely on instinct.
(Somewhere, in the recesses of Edward's brain where the narcissism finally stops, the part of him that realizes he is neither strong, nor fast, nor an adept fighter begins to get worried.)
Edward starts babbling harder.
"I meant to do that!" he says, "I am luring you into my trap, Afton, into a false sense of confidence. You think you're riding high now? Oh, but you have made a fatal mistake. The gravest error you can. You don't know you're already dead!"
(Edward, for the record, doesn't know he's quoting "Fist of the North Star" either. If he did, he just might die of shame.)
Afton is alarmed. He very well could have made a grave mistake, he tries to think of what this mistake might be, but nothing comes to him. He then wonders if Edward might, in fact, be bluffing. The yellow-eyed snake is a crafty one indeed. HOW CLEVER.
"You wish I was bluffing!" Edward bluffs, and opens his mouth to say more but Afton does another instinctive slap. Edward goes flying again.
Afton is unnerved at this sudden onslaught of success. Surely, Edward is right, and this is a trap. A crafty demon like Edward cannot possibly be defeated so easily.
Edward, meanwhile, is panicking. This isn't going well, in the deep recesses of his mind that unease has become sirens shouting "AWOOOOOOOOOOOGA! DANGER, WILL ROBINSON" as they recognize his imminent demise in a way Edward Cullen consciously cannot.
His mouth runs away from him, the babbling gets more intent, and he starts pulling out everything as ammunition.
"Chelsea doesn't even love you!" Edward shouts, "The Volturi all hate you, Aro thinks you're useless and annoying, and they'll have a party when I kill you!"
Afton gasps in horror and outrage, "You're lying!"
"You're lying to yourself," Edward corrects him with a smirk, "I only speak the thoughts you already have, Afton, and you know I've seen their thoughts too."
"No!" Afton shouts.
"Yes!" Edward shouts back, and while Afton is distracted, he leaps in for the jugular.
And gets smacked down as Afton unintentionally starts flailing his arms in his despair at the thought of everyone in Volterra secretly (it's not a secret, they're very open about it) hating him.
Then Afton remembers he's fighting Edward, which is a bit like fighting Lucifer, where he uses all your mental weaknesses against you. It was, indeed, a trap.
Edward is unwillingly impressed. So, Afton saw through that, did he? He is more formidable an opponent than Edward thought. BUT EDWARD WILL PERSEVERE!
They keep this up until somebody competent comes to interrupt them.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Walk Me Home
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Summary: Jared is hosting a small dinner party and introduces his new co-star to his old one where they seem to hit it off...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Square: Quote B “Tell me what I can do to help”
Word Count: 2,600ish
Warnings: language, small accident, mention of smut
A/N: Enjoy! Written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo!
“Hey, sorry I was late,” said a guy ducking in through the front door. You turned your head from where you sat at the counter with Jared, the two of you talking with Gen while they cooked dinner. He smiled when he saw you and you watched the slightly curious look spread across his face. “Hi, I’m Jensen.”
“Y/N,” you said, shaking his hand as he stepped over. 
“Oh wow,” he said, looking past you to Jared. You raised an eyebrow and he shook his head. “Sorry, I’m...frazzled right now. You’re gonna be in Walker, right? Jared’s told me a little about you.”
“Yeah. I’ll be playing Kit, Walker’s kid sister,” you said. “Have some bourbon, relax a little.”
“Bourbon? I like her. She can hang out with us,” said Jensen as he walked around the island, getting a glass from the cabinet like he knew where everything was. “Kid sister huh? How many siblings Walker got anyways?”
“Well, I can’t spoil anything but just the two. Not that I’m getting sister of the year award,” you laughed. Gen was smiling as she worked over a pot and Jared excused himself to help her with something. Jensen used some of the orange peel you’d cut up and put it in his drink and took a long sip. “You like it? I can’t cook so I figured I’d bring some booze and dessert.”
“This is good,” he said. “Really good. I want some for myself. Also, did I hear dessert?”
“I made pull apart pumpkin cinnamon bread. It’s like a cinnamon roll but bigger,” you said.
“You and me are gonna get along great,” he chuckled. He moved around the island and stood on the end just to your right, looking you over quickly. “What have you been in? I’ve not heard of you before.”
“Not much. I did one commercial when I was twenty and I was an extra in a TV show about two years after that. I haven’t had my break through yet. Well, until now. This is...this is huge. I’m kind of terrified to be honest.”
“I worked with him for a very long time,” said Jensen, nodding to the far end of the kitchen. “It’s gonna be a good set, good environment. A few people from our old crew are gonna be working on Walker. You’re gonna fit right in no problem.”
“I hope so,” you said. “Jared’s really been great. He even answered all these questions I had about moving down here and areas and stuff when he didn’t have to. He and Gen have been really amazing. I think I’ll be okay.”
“You’ll be fine. He must like you,” he said.
“Oh I’m just...single and know zero people here,” you said. “I might get a dog? I think my apartment allows them.”
“Well now you know me too,” he smirked, taking a sip. “Or getting to know at the very least.”
“So what were you doing?” you asked. He cocked his head and you smiled. “Being late and all.”
“Who says I was late?” he said, smiling back. “Just frazzled. Also late but mostly frazzled.”
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“Not your fault. My ex was claiming she left something at my house. I was oh so thrilled to see her and her husband there to pick it up,” he said.
“Oh. She moved on fast, huh?”
“She started to see him before we were quite done. He’s an idiot that thinks she’s amazing and he’s richer than me so she’s happy. That’s all she wanted. Wish I’d figured that out in the first place. Glad we never married though,” he said. He shrugged but he didn’t seem too upset by it. He finished off his drink and poured another. “Where are you staying?”
“I’m renting a house just north of the city in some suburb. Jared said there’s nothing to the east and the south ain’t great and I can’t afford west so, north it was,” you said.
“North’s not bad. Your commute shouldn’t be too bad. You got a driver or you taking yourself?”
“Myself. I’m not the star or anything.”
“It doesn’t have to do with that. You work a late night, call an uber. Hell call me. Better than getting in an accident,” he said. “By second season, you’ll be making enough to afford one.”
“Assuming I get on in the second season,” you said. You quickly shut your lips, Jared chuckling to himself.
“Jensen worked for the same company for a long time. Don’t worry about your non-disclosure agreement with him,” said Jared. “Y/N might get killed off at the end of the season. We’re not sure yet.”
“This may or may not have an impact on our friendship,” you said with a laugh.
“Oh, come on, Jare. Look at that face. You really gonna kill her off?” said Jensen, turning you towards Jared. You saw Jensen pout and put on one of your own.
“I told you getting those two together would be a good thing,” said Gen. Jared rolled his eyes but bit his bottom lip.
“The powers at be haven’t made up their minds yet. I’d personally love it but storyline might get changed which I’m okay with. If fans love you, I’ll get my way,” said Jared. “You guys want to head out to the patio? We’re almost done cooking.”
“We can help,” you said, Jared shaking his head.
“We got it,” he said. You shrugged and followed Jensen out a back door to a covered patio area and took a seat at the table.
“He’s up to something,” chuckled Jensen. “Not sure what yet.”
“They’re just playing good host,” you said.
“Nah, those two are scheming. I can tell,” he teased. He took the seat beside you and leaned back in his chair.
“You check me out a lot,” you said. He quickly looked at his glass and made a small shrugging motion. “You like me?”
“I don’t know. I barely know you,” he said, still averting your gaze. 
“I didn’t mean to make you shy. I’m not opposed to you checking me out. I just wasn’t expecting it. I heard you were dating someone,” you said.
“Rumor. Put it out there so people would leave me alone,” he said. “I’m not shy around you either, you know.”
“At first I am with most people. I mean, I can act like the life of the party and like the coolest guy in the room.”
“Act would be the key word there,” you said, taking a sip from your glass.
“Yeah well, most people put up some kind of front with strangers or people they don’t know that well.”
“Very true. I do it myself,” you said.
“So like I said, I ain’t shy.”
“Like I said, shy boy is attracted to me. When the confident boy that is really a shy boy is interested, laid back girl will become confident flirty girl very quickly if you understand,” you said.
“Are you saying you’re attracted to me?”
“Yeah,” you said. “Considering you’re attracted to me, I don’t see how this is a problem.”
“You are something else,” he said, some of his confidence returning.
“Yes I-” you said, Jared walking out with his phone to his ear. He looked worried and you both put your full attention on him.
“Shep just fell. He and Tom were jumping off the bunk bed and…” said Jared. “Looks like he might have broken his arm.”
“Is he okay?” you asked, Jensen echoing the sentiment. 
“Yeah. We just…”
“Tell me what I can do to help,” you said.
“Everybody relax,” said Jensen as he stood up. “You guys take Shep to get taken care of. Y/N and I will watch the other munchkins.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Dinner’s in the pot on the stove. Eat it up. No need to waste it.”
“Text us to let us know how it goes,” you said.
“Sure thing. I owe you guys one,” he said.
“No, you don’t. Go,” said Jensen. You both ducked back inside and five minutes later they were gone. Tom was feeling pretty bad about what happened but Jensen gave him a talk and put him to bed while you packed away some leftovers for Jared and Gen.
“How’s he doing?” you asked, sticking the tupperware in the fridge.
“He’ll be alright. Wasn’t his fault. They were just being kids,” he said. He helped you find the plates and you dished yourself up the rest of the food, eating at the kitchen counter quietly. “That was nice of you, to be so concerned.”
“They’ve been nothing but kind to me. Besides, it’s a kid,” you said. “I don’t mind staying.”
“You don’t have to. They’re both fast asleep. I can stay until they get back.”
“I said I’d stay. I’m gonna stay,” you said. He licked his lips and hummed, cleaning up his plate before you.
“Say you had a point earlier. I’m not saying you did but hypothetically speaking,” he said.
“Go on.”
“Say my frazzledness was because when I saw you, my head sort of short-circuited, hypothetically.”
“Hypothetically,” you said, finishing with your food.
“Say that happened and say you were good with that, happy about that...where exactly would this go seeing as I hypothetically have never been the hook up guy. Never actually done it but I’m now questioning it for the first time. Hypothetically, what’d your response to that be?”
“Well, if that were the case,” you said as you took your plate and put it in the dishwasher, “I would tell you not to hookup with me simply for the fact that sex for you is very likely part of being in a relationship and something you do when you feel comfortable with a person which I completely respect and understand. I wouldn’t want you to change how you treat sex just for me. Hypothetically.”
“But what if I said I’d never felt that kind of attraction to anyone before, at any stage in a relationship, not to that level. Not that floor you kind of overwhelming sensation.”
“I would tell you the attraction is reciprocated and while I would very much like to see what you are capable of and what we’re capable of doing together, I would tell you that you’re not the hookup guy and you’re not about to start being one. You should continue to have sex with your romantic partners and that’s all. It means more to you. A hookup will leave a sour taste in your mouth and I’d rather we don’t think of each other like that seeing as we’ll likely be spending more time together.”
“It’s not just physical you know. It’s that, it’s that logic and that kindness and compassion.”
“I get it. I would. I really, really would. But I’m breaking your record. I don’t want to be the girl that breaks that record, Jensen.”
“If we dated though, that’s different.”
“I don’t date to get sex.”
“Neither do I.”
“So you want to date?” you asked. He leaned back against the counter and smiled to himself. “It’s an easy question.”
“I wanted to date you the second I saw you but that comes off as a little strong,” he said. 
“I personally believe it’s important that people click when it comes to dating and relationships,” you said.
“So is there a click?” he asked. You walked in front of him and smiled, bringing your lips just an inch away from his. 
“There’s a click but there’s got to be something else,” you said, Jensen’s lips parting. “After my last failed relationship and it sounds like yours too, it’s important.”
“What’s that?” he asked quietly, not moving an inch.
“I want to be friends with my next boyfriend, someday when I find whoever I’m gonna be with. It’s always miserable when you’re not friends,” you said.
“Who says you didn’t just meet your best friend for the rest of your life tonight,” he said.
“Now that’s a strong statement,” you said.
“It is. I don’t like the sentiment though that there’s gonna be a somebody else after me. I’m not filling time with this,” he said.
“Neither am I,” you said.
“Good,” he said. He leaned in a hair closer and his lips tugged up into a grin. “I’m going to heat up that pumpkin roll you brought and then play video games while not kissing you. I’d be very happy if you joined in.”
“Tease,” you said. You took a step back and went to the container you brought. “Can you preheat the oven for me?”
“Sure thing,” he said. “It looks amazing.”
“It’s not the only thing,” you said, flashing him a wink.
“I see how it’s gonna go.”
“You started it,” you said.
“Yes, yes I did. Now how high do you need it?”
Four Hours Later
“Thanks again guys,” said Jared as you and Jensen stepped outside.
“It was no problem. We saved dinner and dessert for you guys in the fridge,” said Jensen. 
“I’ll make something for Shep and drop it by. He like chocolate?” you asked.
“Yeah, he loves it. You really don’t have-”
“Jared, like Jensen said, it’s all good. We’ll see you,” you said.
“Alright, alright,” he said. “Tell me when you two get together.”
“Already late on that one,” said Jensen with a smirk. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
“You better. Night guys. And take her home like a gentleman,” said Jared.
“Yeah, yeah. Night,” said Jensen. Jared locked up and you wandered over to your car, Jensen smiling as he stood by his truck. “So I guess this is good night.”
“It could be a good night,” you said as you started to yawn. “Maybe tomorrow though.”
“Tomorrow maybe,” he smirked. “Text me when you get home.”
“Cause I worry about my friends,” he said. “Please?”
“Alright. So...tomorrow…”
“Tomorrow night,” he said. “Maybe I can cook you dinner. Bring a bathing suit, we could go for a dip in the pool maybe.”
“Maybe,��� you smirked back. “I’ll see you tomorrow Jensen.”
“You too. Oh and Y/N? Might want to sleep in tomorrow.”
“I got a feeling you’re gonna be up late tomorrow night,” he said, winking at you.
“Oh really? We’ll have to see how a good a cook you are first.”
“I guess we will. Drive safe, Y/N,” he said, voice soft and sweet.
“You too, Jensen. You too.”
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tapejob · 3 years
uhh why was china getting kicked out of the olympics
long story short: no but actually yes
currently, china's men's hockey team is the ranked 32rd worldwide, aka the lowest ranked team to qualify for the men's olympics in... a while
+ there's only uhh 12 teams in the men's tournament
now how they qualified at all was because after winning the olympic bid, china was granted automatic berths in both men's and women's hockey tournaments by the iihf
(in theory this is fine: iihf did this for south korea in 2018 + promising move to grow the game in china while also forcing china to buff its hockey programs in general + give china a chance to actually make headway in a major winter sport, which we've been historically abysmal at)
in practice this is very not fine
in preliminary qualifiers for the 2018 olympics, team china came dead last in group L, winning 0 games with a grand -21 goal differential against serbia, spain, and iceland (currently ranked #29, #31, and #35 respectively). it was so brutal i gaslighted myself into totally forgetting about it until i came across it again today
and btw china hasn't played an international game since 2019 bc of COVID
anyway remember back in april when they announced the olympic groupings:
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what's that? what's that in the front? we have canada (#1), US (#6), germany (#7) and china (#32). okay.
also, in case you've forgotten (you haven't). daddy bettman is letting the nhl loose on the olympics this year, with crosby and mcdavid definitely out to tear up in team canada and who knows who else in the rest of the group. china gets net zero benefit from this whole ordeal: we have one (1) nhl player currently living his best life in cornell. he spent last year becoming a business analyst.
this isn't even like a regular year. the nhl talent pool alone right now? absolutely off the shits. scmp aptly puts it as "the planet’s most talent-rich ice hockey tournament in eight years"
bringing back this quote from a former coach because i think it sums up quintessential team china hockey:
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you have got to help me
so basically no development internationally, abysmal roster at best with little changes at the senior level compared to the last olympics where we got completely rimmed blind
because the iihf is desperately trying not to rapidly descend into clown representation, we leave china with two options:
get china to recruit some boys from north america/europe with chinese heritage + naturalize them in time for the olympics so we have a decent roster
get kicked out
option 1 sounds pretty good, tbh, except for the fact that the iihf has a rule that players have to play in their new country for at least 2 years before switching nationalities. bit too late for that but this is okay because apparently we are so catastrophically bad that the iihf is willing to bend the eligibility rules to avoid a murder on international ice
option 1 would also sound pretty good because we've actually been recruiting a lot of our heritage boys via Kunlun Red Stars. not a bad choice, since it gives them runtime in the KHL
we are ignoring the fact that they haven't qualified for playoffs since their founding, and had the worst season in their history in 20-21
IT WOULD BE PRETTY GOOD except for the fact that apparently the KRS had a "falling out" with the chinese ice hockey association. now all our potential recruits (read: literally all ethnically chinese players) are unusable until the general administration of sports gets its shit together
you fucked up a perfectly good team is what they did. look at it. it's god anxiety.
"there are reports that players from the Soviet bloc are being considered, perhaps those from Central Asia, who look at least a little “Chinese”" stop stop stop stop stop oh my fucking god
there's also an emergency option which is to beg a ton of white guys to join. this is how we got our coach. we hired a canadian coach for team china hockey. who are we
we're on the trajectory to get pretty historically bodied which is something that the iihf would love to prevent and the US would love to enable. also read this hot take i found that made me start crying
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"avoid rubbing it in" you have GOT TO HELP ME
anyway, there was a source from iihf that said there's nothing expected to change with china's participation, but luc tardif said there would be an official decision by end of october as to whether china gets the chopping block out of their very own tournament or face global demolition on the world stage
pray for me besties i am unwell
also bonus for some incredible headlines we got out of this:
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Summary: You look at the stars with your boyfriend, Donatello. 
Pairing: Donatello/Reader
Content Warnings: None! Unless you get freaked out by the concept of infinity. It’s honestly just a lot of space talk <3 
Word Count: 1103
Infinity: It’s a concept that mortal minds can never truly grasp. The sheer size and quantity of infinity is incomprehensible, and for good reason. It’s a word that should not be applied lightly, considering how grand it is. So, when one considers our known universe and its nature to constantly and infinitely expand, one should have a healthy respect and admiration for it’s magnitude. Stars, living and dying in radiant throes billions of light-years away, litter the night sky like paint on a black canvas. How loving the stars must be, to share their light and love with us, so that we might admire their beauty from galaxies away. Do creatures from neighboring galaxies look up at their own night sky and see our sun? Do they value our star as much as we do theirs? Do they write myths and legends about the night sky with as much love as our ancestors once did? You smile to yourself. The universe is so vast, so uncountable, and… gorgeous. 
The chilly wind of New York bites at your exposed skin and you instinctively curl further into your lover’s side. Although, you grin to yourself, it probably benefits him more than it does you. You pull the thick woolen blanket up a bit higher as you allow your hand to dance over the scratches and grooves in his plastron. A scar here, a scar there, and countless natural faults and ridges. You wonder how many scars are from battle and how many are from accidents in the lab. He hums quietly to himself as he looks up at the infinite stretch of sky, and you feel a sense of wonder and love for the man beside you: you've never felt so at home. 
"See that little cluster, next to Draco? It has one really bright star, but the others may be harder to find." Donatello asks, pointing up at the sky. You search the sky for the cluster, gazing through his hand. You hum affirmatively when you find it: It sits just under Ursa Minor and next to Draco. Seven primary stars twinkle dimly in the constellation, making it somewhat hard to make out. One star, however, shines brighter than most every other in the sky, which makes it easier to find. 
Donnie traces little patterns on your shoulder as he starts to speak once more. “That’s Cepheus. It’s one of my favorites.” His voice is uncharacteristically soft, almost as though he were afraid of shattering the silence. 
“What’s the story behind it?”
“Well, the myth says that Cepheus was once the King of Aethiopia. He was married to Cassiopeia, which is to his left, and was the father of Andromeda, who is also immortalized as a modern-day constellation. I’ve always preferred the myth of Cassiopeia, but the stars in Cepheus are what makes it one of my favorites.” 
You smile: That’s your Donnie, alright. You look up at him with a grin and a twinkle in your eye. “Tell me about them, babe.” 
He chuckles, “I was really hoping you would say that. God, where do I even start?” He kisses your forehead quickly, thinking of what to say. “Alright,” he begins, “See the brightest star in Cepheus?” 
“That one’s called Alderamin, or Alpha Cephei.” “Sounds like a wizard name.” “I know, right?” He chuckles, “It’s about 49 light-years away, and it’s one of the brightest stars in the sky. It’s a white class A star currently evolving off the main sequence into a subgiant- probably on its way to becoming a red giant right about now. It’s much bigger and far brighter than our own sun, and it rotates incredibly fast. What I find most interesting about it is the fact that it’s a source of X-ray emissions, which indicates significant magnetic activity. And that’s not really typical for rapidly rotating stars. Oh, and in a few thousand years, it’ll be the new North Star.” 
“Our North Star changes?” He hums, “Yes, but not in our lifetime. The last time Alderamin was the North Star was… around 20 thousand years ago? Don’t quote me on that. But right now, it’s Polaris.”
“Oh, cool.” 
“Mmhm,” he yawns, blinking his eyes firmly. He rubs at his eyes with his free hand before putting it back behind his head. 
"Sleepy?" You whisper. 
"Nope," he says, popping the P. "I never sleep." 
You giggle, "Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that, D." 
"Shush. Anyways, the stuff inside Cepheus is even cooler: Alderamin is just an… important feature. NGC 188 is an open cluster, and it's the closest open cluster to the north celestial pole. One of the oldest-known open clusters, actually. But you know what the real 'star' of the show is?" 
You snicker. "Shut up. What?"
"S5 0014+81. It's a distant, compact, hyperluminous, broad-absorption-line quasar, or as I like to call it, a blazar.” He pulls his free hand out from under his head for a moment to wave it around - presumably for emphasis. He’s always been one to talk with his hands, after all. He continues, “In layman's terms, it's a supermassive black hole. It’s 40 billion times the weight of our sun, gives off light 25 thousand times brighter than every star in the Milky Way combined, and is undeniably one of the most powerful objects in the observable universe." He finishes his sentence with a quiet breath, leaving you with a sense of wonder.
You breathe a sigh of awe, staring intensely at the center of the constellation. The universe is… incredible. You absentmindedly trace patterns on your lover's chest as you let the information sink in, and unbeknownst to you, he takes the time to look down at your form, smiling at the way you subconsciously seek out contact with him. And in return, he traces his own patterns along your back, tracing a map of the universe in sensations along your spine. When you tear your eyes away from the cosmos to look at him, you smile. 
His face is lit by the light of the moon, casting an almost heavenly glow upon his features. His eyes shine beneath the all-consuming cosmos, as though they were lit by the light of an entire galaxy. Perhaps he’s descended from the stars themselves, you muse.
“Hey,” you whisper, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, hun.” 
And when your lips meet, you swear that you can understand the light given off by a supernova, and the radiance, light, and love that comes with it. For if there’s anything truly infinite on this small, infinitesimal planet, it is the love that binds you together.
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winchesterxxi · 3 years
Ooo what about Poe Dameron x wife reader sharing the same brain? They do a lot of things together too and promised to get re-married after the war idk. I think it would be so funny 🤣 and probably annoy Finn because of it!
From The Force Awakens to Rise Of Skywalker 🤔
You were both captains of the Resistance’s Air Force
Commanded two attacks against the First Order
You on the Dreadnought
And him on the Star Destroyer
Except that you got captured after your ship fighter crashed without Poe ever knowing
The stormtroopers cover your head with a black sac and drag you for what felt like an eternity
Until you feel your back hit an inclined surface and your members being cuffed to your sides
Suddenly they rip the sac out of your head and
Your husband is in the exact same position, mirroring you
You yell at the same time, leaning forward
None of you knew the other had been captured and suddenly you’re about to be tortured together
Once Kylo Ren enters the room none of you says a word
A single look shared being enough for the both of you to know no one is saying a thing
What hurt the most isn’t necessarily the physical plain being inflicted upon you but rather the sight of the other suffering
Once Kylo leaves the both of you alone
Poe in clearly worst shape than you
Blood dripping down his face
He forces a smile
“Tell you what, we get out of this one alive, we renew our vows.”
Eventually, this helmetless trooper enters the room as the both of you tried to regain your breaths, claiming to want to rescue you
“Why?!” You both say in unison
Finn looks confused between the both of you wondering who to answer to
Eventually you jump on the X-Wing that gets you out of the ship
It crashes on Jakku and Finn is the only one that gets out 
The renewal of the vows would have to wait
When you both return commanding the X-Wings on Takodana you attack from the south while he comes from the north
delivering a perfectly synchronized attack on the First Order
when you land and find Poe, he is quick to hug the both of you
“You kept his jacket!” you point out to him
Finn goes to take it off but both you and poe say at the same time
Poe then proceeds to say that it looks better on him
and after he walks away you whisper to Finn
“He needed a new jacket; thank you.”
*During the dreadnought attack*
“Go for the left wing, under the propeller!” He shouts over the intercom
“Way ahead of you, babe.”
Because just as you finished talking the whole left wing of the ship explodes
“Atta Girl!” he cheers
*Back on The Radus*
“We need to jump to lightspeed!” he says while running to your side
He places a hand on the small of your back as he looks over to the galactic navigator you were adjusting
“Except we can’t do that because we only have enough resources for one jump and if we do so, they’ll just track us again and be without fuel.”
“What should we do?” Finn asks from across the table
You look up at Poe for a few seconds with a determinate look and you both nod before looking at Commander Leia
“Permission to jump on an X-Wing?” You ask in unison
“Permission granted.” Both of you bow your heads in appreciation before taking off running to the X-Wings
Finn is left dumbstruck behind looking back and forth between the both of you running off and Leia like ??????
Just as you’re both about to reach the X-Wings, you are sent flying backwards as you both crash into the ground
Poe turns his head to you after Holdo announces her strategy and you widen your eyes in a threatening manner´almost as if being able to see the gears in his head turning
“No.” you point a finger at him
“She’s trying to get us all killed.”
“No she’s not!”
He looks over to thh side and you follow his glance until it lands on Finn
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Way ahead of you, honey.” he quotes you before speeding off
Of course he ends up getting stunned
You are seating next to him when he wakes up
He throws a fit but you explain to him the plan
“But who is-”
“What is she-”
“Jump to lightspeed.”
“And what about -”
“Abandoned Resistance base.”
He takes a breather looking down into your eyes as his face softens, smiling
“Nah there is no way, NO WAY.” 
Finn strides over to the both of you a pissed look on his face
Down in Crait you both board onto Speeders and deliver a perfectly synchronous attack until the retreat 
And of course the both of you lead the rest of the people out of the cave to meet Rey
*on Kijimi*
It’s you, Poe and Finn
Poe has a blaster pointed to his head by this armoured woman
You are quick to point your own to the armored woman behind him
“You pull that trigger, you’re next, honey.”
“She used a pet name, she’s serious.” Poe informs the woman
“We’re trying to find Babu Frik.” Finn tries to explain the situation
“He only works with the crew. That’s not you anymore.”
“What does she mean crew?” Finn asks
“He was a spice runner.” you tell him without moving an inch
“I was a spice runner.” Poe said at the same time
“You were a spice runner?” Finn asks stunned
“Yes, and I was a bounty hunter.” you explain
“YOU WERE A STORMTROOPER!!!” you both yell in unison.
“You’re girlfriend really is something.” Zorii observes
“Wife.” This time is the three of you that correct her at the same time
Finn wants to face palm himself
because he has been spending way too much time with the both of you and it is starting to show
*On the Star Destroyer”
Standing between Poe and Finn, Chewie next to him after having been captured 
“Bounty hunter and spice runner, seriously?” Finn asks the both of you
“Honestly, how do you think we met?” you ask him in return
“Like a couple does????”
“Have you seen where we are??” Poe asks him
All the troopers are dead and Hux admits to being the spy
At the exact same Poe whisper yells an “I KNEW IT” upon spotting Hux
You shake your head “You did not know it.”
*Fast forward to when Leia dies and the both of you are standing on each side of her deathbed*
Agreeing to honor her legacy and carry the Resistance to victory and peace
*First Order defeated, during the celebrations among the rest of the Resistance*
After pulling you in for a kiss, he whispers against your lips
“I didn’t forget.”
Poe gets on one knee in front of you
As Finn, Rey, Chewie and BB watch right next to the both of you
“Sweetheart, I love you so much and I know I’m a pain in the ass, so the chances of you saying yes for a second time are really slim and I’m aware of that but...”
He pulls his necklace over his head, holding his mother’s ring
“Will you do me the honor of showing you how much I adore you by getting remarried?”
Tears are flowing
But you’re laughing???
You pull him up to his feet and throw your arms around him, kissing his lips deeply
Once you pull away, both smiling
The two of you look over at Finn and he, as if on cue, goes
“Yes I’ll officiate it.”
And you all laugh at how quickly he got what you were about to ask
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How do other characters feel about The Maw?
Not sure if you mean the characters that live on the Maw or the ship in general, so I went with combination of both? I also skipped everyone that lives there because they all collectively have the same mood of "begrudgingly lives here, it’s okay, send halp”...
Pale City
Mono: “I guess it’s nice? Mr. Thin Man says to not go there without him.” the Hunter: "Good food, but I like staying on land.” the Teacher:  “Too expensive.” the Doctor: “I’ve heard about it. I want to go there one day.” the Thin Man: "Ah yes, the ship-restaurant-thing run by my sworn enemy. Horrible place. 0 stars. Don’t go there. The meats are questionable, at best. That’s why I always order salads...”
The Nest
the Raincoat Girl: “I think I’ve heard of it? I dunno. Can you fly there?” the Craftsman: “Heard of it. Almost applied there, but the Nest was easier to find.” the Butler: “There’s something hoity-toity about them, but they visit regularly and have manners...most of the time.” the Pretender: “Yeah, great...whatever. I’m better than the Lady.”
the Spoon Girl: “Oh, that floating island? I wanna go there!” the Lollipop Kid: “Looks scary. I don’t know if I wanna go...” the Ghost Kid: “Do they have food there?” the Toddler: “ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
the Ferryman: “I think it’s a safe place for children, but don’t quote me on that. I just know the Lady there has asked me to bring her children...” the Mirror Man: “I would LOVE to see more of it, if there were more mirrors there for me to use!” the North Wind: “...I sometimes don’t like the Lady”
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because there is no chapter of moonstone coming this week. i got bored and figured i might as well answer some get-to-know-me questions:
{all links go to ao3}
what is your favourite colour?
blue... i think it's blue or yellow. i don't really know. i like the yellow and grey contrast. it might be yellow...
what are you currently reading?
well, i finished the goldfinch last december, finished carol at the beginning of this month. i stared a non-fiction-biography book about the criminal justice system, rape and one survivor's view on it all. and a bunch of reading for the great diss*.
what fanfiction works do you currently love?
i am obsessed with i awaken with your name [ted/andromenda] by dememberista (i found this fanfic purely by chance; read 22 chapters in one go and absolutely love andromeda and ted so much). i have so many favourite parts, but i'll leave this quote from chapter 27 (the latest at the time of writing).
‘I looked for you,’ Ted murmured against her hair. ‘Like you told me to. When the sky was clear, I looked for you amongst the stars. I had to chase you. You were in the north-eastern sky in the summer. Then in the autumn you were right above me, and in the winter, in the north-west.’
‘And did you find me?’ Andromeda closed her eyes; she thought she could feel the gentle beating of his heart.
‘Yes,’ he replied. ‘You were beautiful.’
a couple of other fanfictions i am subbed to/have bookmarked on ao3 include:
120 Hours [harry/ginny] by femellerken, slipped (and said something sort of like your name) [hary/ginny] by pebbly sand The War Isn't Over When the Soldiers Come Home [harry/ginny] by keepclamsimile The Bet [harry/ginny & canon weasley relationships] by pottermum, Not Invited [harry/ginny] by FloreatCastellum, If this is it, let it be enough [harry/ginny] by Theresthesnitch
Getting to the good part [Harry&Albus] by fireinthemoonshot
Between Walls and Harvest Moons [Ginny&Albus] by ellizablue
Keeping a Secret at the Burrow [Teddy/Victoire and background canon weasley relationships] by FloreatCastellum
love is the only thing we can carry with us [anna/kristoff] by ahtohallan_calling
21 Years [Elsa/Honeymaren?] by BlackthornPyre4UrEnemies
what are you the proudest of amongst your works?
oh boy. so when all is lost, all is found was really well received among the anna/kristoff tag on tumblr - i remember being pleasantly surprised when another blog recommended it and i almost screamed. what tomorrow brings, at the moment, is my work with the most hits and just pure fluff/comfort. i do really like if arendelle's where she is, that's where i want to be because i thought it was a nice little moment between kristoff and elsa. although it is the lowest in the hits of the frozen fics on my ao3 and incomplete, i do really like where i was going with the Bridgerton AU fic and kind of want to finish it at somepoint.
for the harry potter works, maybe A. it was a simple one-shot but i enjoyed writing it and imagining what ginny smelt in the ambrosita if slughorn showed it to the sixth years during the events of the deathly hallows (towards the beginning of the year). and iand if that mockingbird don't sing was a joy to write as well as being a way to combine my recently found love for ted/andromeda and my main ship at the moment (harry/ginny), plus it made me think about how harry and andromeda found each other after the war and how harry supported with raising teddy. a comment on eggs, four, water, cheese... made me proud because i actually achieved what i wanted to when i wrote that fic. i hope one day i can say that i am proud of moonstone but it's too early to say. there are other works i've written under anon that i'm proud of because of the sturcture, parts of dialogoc or how it made me process my own experinces (*wink*you can't replace a mum... *wink*).
what was last song you played?
Buenos Aires (from Evita the Musical) because I brush my teeth and wash my face to Oh What A Circus and I just let it play this morning.
what was the last tv series you watched?
i'm not sure? maybe the Apprentice [the UK version] because I watched two eposides round my friend's house and watched the rest of the season in one sitting. there are some colourful characters this season. the last fictional series was properly the final season plan coeur and they wrapped everything up so nicely.
sweet, savory or spicy?
Spicy? I do like spice, but i've had a bit of a sweet tooth (chocolate) recently and yesterday I eat half a block of smoked cheese with nothing else.
what are you currently working on?
Chapter 4 of Moonstone and a couple of other one shots I may or may not post. I am also writing a chapter for one of my anon works not mentioned but it has time travel when the next-gen goes back to 1997/8 and i had an idea for the second chapter so i'm writing it with the hopes i can motivate myself to write other stuff.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but feel free to answer these questions as well! [Cozy Fanfic Support Group discord server peeps - I tag you all]
my other tumblrs: @laurenmariemaybe & @canikissyouyoumay
*what i call my dissertation
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