#and when it's reposted even with credit it removes some of that control. which is like. not HORRIBLY bad in the context of fanart
blueskittlesart · 8 months
also to everyone contacting me about the tiktok--I have seen it, the reposter did not contact me before posting on tiktok but has since contacted me on instagram and they obeyed my repost credit policy so i'm tentatively ok with it!
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nauj-aral-the-one · 2 years
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Reposted from @rescuealldogsco If you re-blog please don't remove the credits 🙏🙂 In case you can help!! 🙏 Hey RAD fam. We are slowly trying to come up for air, so much has been happening! Mostly great things though! We do have some not so great news on our little one, Vienna. She had the last of her boosters and another exam over the weekend. Sadly, we need to amputate one of her hind legs. She does have some feeling in her leg but she’s not able to properly control it. Due to her paralysis at a young age, her growth was impacted and her left hind leg became deformed. Since she can’t control it, but is able to get around, the leg now gets caught on things when she moves, which puts her at risk of an injury. Her foster even adapted the wheelchair to try to tuck in her left leg, because it was starting to get stuck on trees, table legs, the couch, pretty much everything she goes near. This girl is such a fighter and we will be there for her for every step of this. This surgery will cost us between $3500-$4000 which we do not have. At all. Until we can raise that amount for Vienna, we cannot go forward with the amputation. If you can donate any amount, please tap the link in our website and hit donate. ANY amount helps. Thank you all so much 💛🙏🐾 Hey RAD fam. Nous essayons lentement de reprendre notre souffle, il s'est passé tellement de choses! Et la plupart du temps de bonnes choses! Nous avons quelques mauvaises nouvelles de notre petite Vienna malheureusement. Elle a eu le dernier de ses rappels et un autre examen le week-end dernier. Malheureusement, nous devons amputer l'une de ses pattes arrière. Continuation dans les commentaires 👇 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjUJHLSOl4b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mdzsartreblogs · 3 years
How to Spot Art Reposts
Umpteen months ago I asked if followers of this blog would like my take on art reposting, how to recognize reposts, and what to do when you find them, and today, I finally wrote it.
I am deliberately NOT putting this behind a read more. It’s long, but it’s important. If you want to support creators and avoid reposts, please, please read it!
What is an art repost?
An art repost is any instance where a piece of art is re-uploaded from the platform where it was originally posted to any other platform (such as Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Discord, etc.). This is not the same as reblogging/retweeting/sharing posts. Any instance where the social media account of the creator is still the originating source for the post is not a repost, and in general creators strongly encourage people to interact with their own work that they’ve posted - that’s why they’ve posted it!Please, we’re begging you, reblog artwork from creators! By contrast, a repost is a brand-new post made by any other account owner. 
Reposts can be authorized or unauthorized.
What is an authorized repost?
Many artists allow reposting provided they’re informed first. Others have blanket statements in their profiles that allow reposting. No matter what, an authorized repost should always include the artist’s name and, ideally, link(s) to platforms where they regularly post.
What is an unauthorized repost?
An unauthorized repost is any instance where an artist has not been explicitly given, and is especially inappropriate if the artist has asked that people not repost their work. The majority of artists do not allow reposts, and it’s usually stated in their bios, in their pinned posts, in their caption, or in their watermark, or sometimes all four and then some. Unauthorized reposts can also include remixing existing gifs into new sets, making photo montages with images you don’t own, creating tiktok or youtube videos with artwork you don’t have the rights to use, and much much more. Basically, if you are taking someone’s work, and posting it or modifying it without their permission...don’t.
What about instances where it’s not clear if explicit permission has been given for a repost?
This is a gray area, one on which even well-meaning netizens disagree. For me, personally? If I’m not positive the repost was created with permission, I don’t reblog it, even if the artist is named and linked on the post. I don’t have time to track down if permission has been granted or if the person has given blanket permission in their bio, and I’d rather be sure than risk reblogging something they’ve forbidden. However, many others feel that as long as an artist is thoroughly credited, it’s okay to post or reblog a piece in the absence of explicit indications that the artist would disapprove of that usage of their work. Which approach you take is ultimately up to you. None of us have the time to investigate every single piece of art we see on Tumblr. To some extent, we have to trust that people have the permission they say they have, or that when they’ve reposted and linked to other platforms, they’ve done so either with the artist’s knowledge or after having checked that the author’s bio on that platform allows for such reposting. 
My own uncertainty that I trust people to do that appropriately is why I, personally, only reblog works that have either been posted by the artist or that explicitly indicate that permission was obtained for the repost.
What if someone lies about having permission?
None of us can control what other people do on the internet. All we can control is our own behavior. It’s totally okay for us to assume that others who say they have permission are acting in good faith - but it’s also our responsibility that, if we find out that we’ve been mistaken, we remove the reblog and spread the word that someone has violated that good faith trust. That’s the best we can do.
Why is reposting bad?
Artists own the copyright to their own work. Yes, even fanartists. Just because something is posted on the internet doesn’t mean it’s fair game for anyone to download, upload, and use as they will. Many artists need the money they earn from selling prints, commissions, merch, etc., to supplement their income or earn a living. Everytime their work is reposted without their permission, you’re potentially taking money out of their pockets. This goes double if the work is posted without even their name attached to it. Many artists also find this intensely disheartening: they’ve slaved over an image, whether that be a piece of artwork or a gif they’ve edited or a photograph they’ve taken. When people just come along and act entitled to take that work and behave as if there’s no one behind the computer screen on the other end, it leaves artists deflated. I know multiple artists who have literally left fandom because having their work stolen and reposted was that upsetting to them. Even if you (generic you, who is not a creator) thinks that reposts don’t hurt anyone...artists almost universally say reposting DOES hurt them, so don’t fucking do it.
What kind of works can be reposted?
All types of artwork and graphic work can be reposted, with or without permission. Don’t assume photographs that are on Google can just be taken and reposted! Someone took that photograph, and someone owns the rights, and unless the image is in the Creative Commons, it’s not for free use. The same goes for all forms of artwork, animated gifs, even fonts. Behind every single graphic you see is a real live human who put effort into creating it, and reposting that work without permission or without identifying the creator is at minimum highly disrespectful and at the extreme can literally endanger people’s livelihoods. It’s theft, flat out. If you wouldn’t rob from a mom-and-pop store, don’t repost the work of an artist without permission!
...but (insert excuse of choice here).
Honestly, I could put in a list of excuses I’ve heard, but I’m not going to, because I don’t want to fucking bother dignifying all that bullshit. There is no excuse. Either reblog from the original creator, or get permission from a creator to repost, or DON’T POST IT. You (person making excuses!) are not entitled. You are an asshole. Stop.
Alright - now that I’ve gone through the basics of what a repost is - and isn’t - and why reposting is often bad - now for the main part. How can you, as a random person on this hellsite, know if a work is a repost, and what should you do if you find one?
The first thing to remember is that if a post is a permitted repost, it should be obvious. Most people who are making a good-faith effort to share artworks from other websites will include text that makes it clear that the work is a repost, that it’s been shared with permission, and provide the name of the artist and links for where to find them. People who do those kinds of posts are not doing anything wrong (unless they’re found to be lying...but I personally have yet to hear of an instance where they were). 
This is a post about the other kind of repost - those cases where, due to ignorance or malicious intent, people intentionally post artworks that they haven’t created themselves while providing no credit to the original creator, or inadequate credit.
Signs that a Post May be an Unauthorized Repost:
1. There’s no caption. Most, but not all, artists write something to go with their posts. The lack of a caption is absolutely not an instant “gotcha,” but it’s a warning bell. Also, a lot of people on Tumblr intentionally or accidentally remove captions, so it’s not uncommon to go back to an original post and discover there actually was a caption when it was first posted. If you find that, make sure you reblog a version that includes the caption! The artist put that information there for a reason!
2. Alternatively, the caption says something like, “credit to the artist.” Credit to the artist isn’t credit, and is basically instant proof that something is a repost. The artist has a name, and their own social media, and at the barest minimum a repost (even if it’s unauthorized) should include their name and link. To do any less than that is to be a huge asshole and if you do that, I’m judging you.
3. You think you recognize the art style but it doesn’t match the username. Anyone around fandom long enough who likes art learns the style of some popular artists. If you see a piece you recognize the style of, and the username of the person who posted it is unfamiliar to you, that can be a sign. Then again, people change their usernames a lot, so if you’re not sure it’s better to keep poking than assume.
4. The dimensions are wonky, the resolution seems very low, or parts of the image are distorted in ways that aren’t part of the artwork. Obviously, this is subjective to some extent, and we all know that Tumblr can mess with image resolutions, especially on mobile, but if the dimensions of the image seem unusual or if parts of the image are distorted that can be a sign that the image has been cropped to remove a signature or watermark. Likewise, very low resolution can be a sign that people couldn’t download a high-res image and so posted a thumbnail, or that they cropped an image so much that it looks like crap. As yet another way this may show, if a part of the background or even of a character seems very detailed - like the artist devoted a lot of time to it - but it’s cut off and/or only part of it is visible, that’s another sign that the image may have been cropped. If you see something like this, and the image seems off, that would be a reason to keep digging.
5. The artwork has a watermark or signature that bears no resemblance to the URL of the poster. If you see a work with a signature that says, for example, “by daisydoesart” (disclaimer I just made that up and if someone actually has that username I’m sorry I don’t mean you) and the URL of the poster you’ve seen is rando1211, that’s a pretty bad sign. It’s not a 100% guarantee - some people use different usernames on different websites, and it’s not unheard of for those urls to be pretty different - but the more generic the reposter’s username is, and the more different it is from the signature, the more suspicious you should be. If “daisydoes” posts something signed “daisydoesart,” that’s probably fine. Heck, even if “ddeesartblog” does, that’s promising, but probably still worth double checking. But if there’s zero resemblance...look into it, and don’t assume. Yes, I have literally seen reposts where the correct Tumblr username was in the watermark, and it didn’t match, and people still reblogged it...but I’ve also seen posts where the correct Tumblr username was in the watermark...and the person had since changed their username. So. That’s why all of these are warning signs, not proof.
6. When you check the post’s notes, there are other people who have said it’s a repost. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, and there are people (like me) who will call out other people if we see a repost. While there’s a chance that those people will be wrong...honestly? I’ve never personally known them to be. So it’s a fairly reliable indication.
7. When you go to the original post, the tags are generic. Again, most, but not all, artists will use tags to make it easier for people to find their works. They’ll often have a personal tag - “my art” is a common one - and other signs that an actual caring person is behind the account. At the extreme, I’ve seen reposters use tags like “not mine” or “from (platform)” - those can be a good hint that you’re looking at a repost. Yes, there are reposters who feel so entitled that they literally say, “I’m reposting this” or “credit to artist” in their post. No, that’s not credit, and yes, they should be stopped.
8. When you go to the account of the original poster, there’s no information there. The vast majority of creators will have a bio that indicates that they make art, or take photos, or create graphics, or do gif sets, etc. Alternatively, some artists will have a pinned post up that makes it clear they’re a creator, even if their bio doesn’t. Yes, there are exceptions - especially when the creator isn’t an English speaker or when they’re using an automated tool to repost from another platform - but those are the minority. If you’re on account that has no bio, or the bio is just a couple generic words, that’s a huge red flag. Here are some examples of bios from reposters I’m aware of in the MDZS fandom:
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For contrast, here are some legit creator accounts:
Notice how… a. they talk about themselves; b. they use their own work as their header; c. they have a pinned post with their own work; d. advertise their shops, art side blogs, commissions, and other specific platforms; e. they’ve signed and/or watermarked their own work, and the names match or are traceable to their account; f. never themselves post reposts! Not every creator will hit all of these, but most creators will do at least one of them!
9. Specifically for Chinese fandoms, if there’s a Weibo symbol and then Chinese, Korean or Japanese characters after it, that’s a Weibo watermark and if the work isn’t credited odds are very high it’s a repost. Here’s an example of what the watermark looks like:
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10. When you’ve seen the previous signs and you’re getting suspicious, a good next step is to scroll through the poster’s blog. People who don’t do captions, don’t tag thoroughly or at all, and/or don’t have a bio up, still maybe an artist, and the easiest way to tell at that point is to see what else they’ve put up. If they’re an artist, odds are, their blog feed will contain other images done in a similar art style, and no images that are in a radically different art style. Obviously, there are exceptions, and you’re only an outsider coming in and you can only do your best. But if the art all looks similar, and if there’s only original art posts up, odds are decent that the person in question is the original poster. For example, I was suspicious of @elfinfen based on all the previously mentioned signs, but I’m now thoroughly convinced they’re the original artist of their works, and an extremely skilled one whose work I love at that - and part of why I’m convinced is that their art is distinct, stylized, and dominates their blog. If, on the other hand, there’s a lot of random art (especially if each piece has different signatures/watermarks) or a miscellaneous assortment of content, it’s more likely to be a repost.
11. In the end you can rarely be positive. Use your best judgement. If you don’t have time to check and you’ve seen signs that make you suspicious, then it’s better to not reblog. It’s much easier to wait until you get evidence one way or the other and then act accordingly then to clean up after you’ve reblogged something you shouldn’t have and it’s gotten spread around even more.
12. An exemption to all of this! While it might be a little blech, in general it is standard fandom etiquette that reposts of official art (network photoshoots, cover art, merchandise imagery, etc.) are okay. Ideally, these would at least also include credit to the creator, but general attitude is, it’s acceptable to repost these unless the person who reposts them is claiming they’re the creator.
Okay, I found a repost. Now what? 
Choose from the below list, as much or as little as you have the cope for. Don’t stress if you can’t do all of them. No one of us is responsible for fixing this massive, internet-wide problem, but we can do the bare minimum at least, and the bare minimum is number 1 on this list. If you’ve done that much, and you can’t do more, then you’ve done enough. If you CAN do more, though, here are some suggestions.
Don’t reblog the repost.
No, seriously. Don’t reblog the repost. 
Tell the person whose blog you saw it on that it’s a repost; most people care and would want to know, and will delete it if informed. If you tell them and they don’t delete it or don’t understand why they should, feel free to send them this post.
If you can find the original artist and art on Tumblr, reblog that as well.
If you know or can identify the original creator, let them know so they can file a DCMA on the appropriate website.
If you think the person who posted it made a mistake out of ignorance, politely let them know that reposts are generally frowned on and they shouldn’t post artwork without the permission of the original creator.
Spread the word that you’ve found a reposter and ask others to help identify the stolen works.
If you really, really want to reblog the post...ultimately, I can’t stop you, but please don’t do so without at least adding credit...or at ABSOLUTE MINIMUM saying, “this is a repost, can anyone help find the original creator?”
A lot of Discords and other groups have channels for posting art, and people in those will also often have places and people willing to help track down originals, so you can throw the artwork up and say, “this is a repost and I’m trying to find the creator, please help.”
If a Discord you’re in DOES allow reposts (...I’ve left servers over this, literally…) point out to them how inappropriate that is.
Ask someone like me (hi, I’m @unforth​) who has a lot of experience with this stuff, and see if we’ve got time to help.
If you reblog something, and someone comes into your DMs or asks to let you know it’s a repost, don’t get pissy about it. Delete the reblog. Or, if you’re the original poster...learn not to repost ffs and delete the post and apologize.
Want more information? There are a lot of excellent resources on the @dont-repost-art blog.
So, this has been my (again, hi, I’m @unforth​) tutorial on how to recognize reposts and what to do about them.
Please for fuck’s sake DO NOT repost art.
And I swear to god if anything I wrote in here is ever used to harass actual creators I will hunt you down and make your life hell. Just Don’t.
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Hello lovelyyy! Could i request a Billy imagine? He makes fun of the reader after hooking up with her at a party and she just playa along for the sake of his reputation but it hurts her a lot. He finds her and apologizes and its all really angsty with a happy ending??✨
Facades - B. Hargrove
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I love this req so so so so so so much and I am so sorry I took so long to complete it! If you hate it then I am so so sorry and I hope you let me know so i can send you pictures of baby otters to apologise!
I really hope you like it!!
Original Story by defensive_sarcasm17.
Please do not copy, reproduce or repost without credit or in a manner that removes my username, and/or ownership from the work. Stealing is not cool, my loves.
Billy Hargrove was an asshole.
Not just your regular asshole, but the kind that knew he was an asshole and allowed his severe longing for attention to control his every action. Whether positive or negative attention, he craved it; he reveled in it.
He knew it was wrong, but simply knowing he was on somebody’s mind in any way filled him with a sense of pride. It disgusted him but the thrill was far too addictive.
And there was sweet Y/N. Anybody could tell that she didn’t fit in. She walked - no, she strut - to the beat of her own drum. The minute he arrived she caught his attention. He had never before witnessed how somebody could be so unique and beautiful, yet remain on the outside. She was a fascinating creature and he hadn’t before felt such an intense desire to get to know somebody.
She was so different to so many people, both in personality and appearance, yet she took care to avoid bringing others down. Her first interaction with him was her reprimanding him for speaking ill of another girl in their grade with his friends. She had overheard the conversation that occurred near to her locker and made sure to discuss it with him away from his friends.
The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass him and herself, but she also needed to tell him that his behaviour was unacceptable. He made more of an effort to watch his tongue after that, but old habits die hard and he quickly resorted back to being an ill-mannered asshole.
Just... never to her.
Nevertheless, he was still drawn to her. Their relationship evolved, a few sneaky kisses, hanging out outside of the arcade, or the cinema, or even the one time that Billy was eating at the diner and Y/N took a seat across from him just to babble about some new thing she was doing. If she was anybody else, Billy would have told her to take a hike, but instead, he clung to every word she told.
What Y/N didn’t know, though, was that she had become a butt of some jokes amongst Billy’s friends. Her kind, bubbly personality, her eyes that were often wide in energetic glee, the way she held a cheesy smile on her lips whenever she passed Billy in the hall.
To her it was normal. Never in her the lengths of her imagination would she conclude that the way she behaved would spur other people - people that she has grown alongside - to ridicule and tease her behind her back.
So she continued on in blissful nativity, even going as far as spending a night with the brutish boy - cuddled together, fumbling blindly amongst the rumpled sheets of her double bed. What started as a meaningless conversation at one of the many parties ended in one of the best nights that either had experienced.
She was entirely enamored by him, forming an intense and strong connection with the way he would present himself to her. She quite enjoyed the Jekyll within him.
The euphoria that he felt in her presence wouldn’t fade away like it normally did, even as he took his leave from her.
But when Billy was seen by Y/N’s neighbour, Angela, leaving her house early in the morn, the news circulated with the intensity of a swarm of angry locusts amongst the school.
And when Billy turned up to school late the next day, after a long and enjoyable farewell with Y/N and a quick stop at his own abode to change and freshen up, he was hounded the minute he approached his friends in the cafeteria.
“Please for the love of all that is cool in this world, tell me you didn’t hook up with freaky Y/N,” Tommy blurted in front of almost the entire cafeteria. The frown on Billy’s face did nothing to deter the boy, and from the corner of his eye he could see Y/N still as a statue as she felt most eyes turn towards her. Her tray was clasped between her fingers and she struggled to shift her features away from shock. “I mean, look at her,” he raised a hand as if he intended to whisper, yet the silence of the room ensured everybody heard, “You’d get more satisfaction out of a bean bag chair. She’s a dork.”
In that moment, he had two options: stick up for Y/N and confess to the growing admiration he harbored for her in front of everybody, and remove the cloud of admiration he received from many women and men alike; or do what billy does best-
“Please, I won’t put my dick just anywhere, willingly,” he scoffed, avoiding the burning gaze from the girl. His stormy blue eyes hid the flurry of his neurons, all of them working overtime to one up with an excuse, an answer, anything to avoid judgement from his peers. “She ended up with my jacket at the end of the night and there was no way I was letting her keep it.”
Tommy had an evil smirk on his face, turning his gaze towards Y/N and eyeing her in a grotesque way. His eyes linger on her chest for longer than she deemed comfortable before he snapped back to Billy. “Figured as much, but, we’ve all seen the way the freak looks at you. Even now, she can’t keep her eyes off of you.”
More sniggers erupted throughout the room. Y/N placed her tray down carefully, planning to leave the room as fast as she could, but she stopped when she saw Tommy crook a finger at her. He beckoned her closer, and she wanted nothing more than to shrink down to the size of a mouse.
“Is she dumb?” Tommy grunted as he nudged Billy’s shoulder with his own. “Come here, freaky!” Some chatter resumed in the room, but all eyes were still on her. She slowly stepped towards their table, crossing the few meters difference as slow as she could.
A chuckle left Billy, but he had forced it from his chest. His mind was going through many scenarios in which he could hurt Tommy, his favourite settling on stabbing him in the hand with one of the cafeteria forks followed by a severe pummeling to the face, but the eyes on him sent his adrenaline spiking. He felt horrible about speaking so badly of Y/N, but everybody had their attention focused on him. He was making people laugh, gasp, grumble even. He saw the girls at the table next to them get closer, winking at him and whispering along themselves about Y/N.
It was intoxicating.
“Tell us, freaky,” Tommy drawled, a sinister smirk forming in his thin and cracked lips. “You’re just obsessed with my man, Billy, here. Aren’t you?” Billy didn’t meet her eyes, and she knew - she just knew - that he didn’t enjoy what was happening, but she figured he would have the decency to stop it from continuing.
She had seen many sides of Billy, including the menacing, careless, boarding-on-sociopathic side, but she had managed to convince herself that she was immune to the abuse that tumbled from his lips. Y/N was already scolding herself inside her mind for thinking such discrepancies.
“Look at her, Billy. She can’t even speak!” Billy felt Tommy shove his shoulder with the palm of his hand, dropping the appendage quickly when he noticed the glare Billy shot him. His face paled slightly before the arrogance returned and the smirk resurfaced when his gaze shifted back to Y/N.
She hadn’t moved, her eyes locked on Billy. In those situations, Y/N knew her tear ducts were far to close to her eyelids, often spilling over at the any confrontation. She shied away from it, knowing that it often resulted in heartache and misfortune - but this time she felt anger. She just wasn’t quite sure if the anger was directed at herself or Billy.
Maybe both.
To add fuel to the flame, Billy turned his steely cerulean eyes towards her, raking them along the length of her body before he decided to open his mouth once again.
“Do i make you speechless?” his voice was sultry, warm, juxtaposing with the chill that ran down her spine at the audition.
It took her back to the previous night when he whispered sweet nothings against her skin. But she knew this was not the same Billy. This was the Billy that he would show to everyone. Everyone but her.
This was his Hyde, and she despised it. This was far from her Billy, but she knew how much his reputation meant to him.
He held her gaze strongly, but she could see something else in his expression. He was hoping that she would stay quiet, retreat from any chance of spilling his secret to the entire cafeteria, but part of his mind was telling him that he deserved her to speak the truth.
“I can’t help it, Billy,” she mumbled, hoping that a confession would make everything end. Her face was stoic, jaw set in a tight clench, only relenting to let the words slip out. To the rest of the cafeteria, it would portray as nerves and embarrassment, but to Billy - he knew that something had definitely changed in the usual mild-mannered, kind-hearted woman. Shame was running through her head at an alarming rate, mixed with embarrassment and cut with a growing anger. “I’ve had a crush on you for so long. It’s hard to deny how i feel about you.”
The words hit him like a speeding truck. Despite their activities, she had never once given him an indication for the depth of her feelings, nor had he for her. He had came to the conclusion that she simply knew of his emotions without the audition of them - he treated her so differently, he thought.
Nevertheless, he wanted to believe that her words were the truth, but the fire blazing in her beautiful eyes set his skin alight and had his heart pounding against his ribcage with guilt. She was Y/N. She was kind, she knew him. She knew how much he craved the satisfaction of being on somebody’s mind as if he could sense that he held somebody’s attention.
He knew she did it to help him, and he was somewhat grateful underneath the growing guilt.
“Wow,” Tommy breathed. His face held a look of astonishment, but once again he returned to his stock standard expression. “What an absolute spaz!”
Billy found himself nodding along to avoid the heat-filled stare, swallowing the lump of bile rising in his throat, “Why is it that all the dorks think they have a chance with me? I must have a wannabe-magnet that makes them all hot for me,” his cackle was filled with faux-malice, but the students were none the wiser. His thoughts were roaming around his head, moving faster than he was sure his brainwaves could manage.
He barely noticed when a feminine voice hit his ears and said something about Y/N needing to cool off before pouring a drink over her head. The red liquid was already beginning to stain her shirt and her hair was pushed to the front of her face.
“There you go,” Carol - the girl that had Tommy wrapped so tightly around her little finger that she has a circulation issue - had been the one to spill the liquid over her head. The smile on Carol’s face was dripping with sugar, but Billy knew that it was actually salt.“The red makes you look less like an ugly cow.”
A gasp left her lips, her eyes closing quickly. Y/N knew that the tip of the iceberg was approaching. Everybody has the point in their anger when they hit a point of hypersensitivity. Their body struggling to find a way to release the pent up friction in anyway, and it chooses to take the route of tears.
When she opened her eyes they had already began to blur with tears, yet she could still make out Billy’s figure, but she didn’t stay long enough to hear their taunts any longer. Her feet carried her to her car at a steady pace, where she finally allowed the emotion to escape in any way it pleased.
He had expected to see her in their next class. Her presence was the only think that kept him from flipping out during their history class. Mr Daniels, the balding, narcissistic, middle-aged douche bag, had it out for him. Billy had often joked that it was because of the hair - pure jealousy, he said. The mere sight of Y/N’s profile managed to keep him occupied, his mind running wild with thoughts of the woman.
But when he had noticed she wasn’t there, all resolve had fled his body as his body fled the school. He had been trying to reach her since he had left, the pay phone on the corner of the block had his attention for nearly an hour, all of his change spent dialing her number over and over again with the same result.
The guilt was eating away at him, shame creeping up his spine.
He was an asshole. Plain and simple.
He had spent nearly his entire wallet on the pay phone, growing more frustrated by the minute. If she were home, she would answer. She always did. She was too kind to ignore a call. Hell, she even stayed on the line with telemarketers until they stopped talking for long enough for her to apologise and bid them goodbye.
The mere thought had him slumping his forehead against the receiver of the phone. His patience had worn thin and he cursed under his breath as he reefed his keys from his pocket and set off towards his blue camaro.
He needed to see her. The image of tears running down her cheek was burned into his mind, occupying all of his thoughts as his subconscious mapped out the route to her house. He had only been there once, maybe twice after dropping her home one afternoon, but he had the way etched into his hippocampus alongside many things about Y/N.
He had barely pulled in to the curb before he shut down the engine and stomped to her door.
His knuckles were rapping on the door before he knew it.
He knocked again, and once more. But no answer. Her car was parked in the drive way, he knew she was home. He picked up on the faint sound of music playing, some indie band that she was fond of. Not Billy’s taste.
“Y/N?” He called, fighting the lump that had swollen in his throat. “Y/N, please, I need to talk to you!”
The door opened slightly, just enough for Y/N to stare at him with innocent eyes full of shame before the chain stopped it from advancing further.
“I think you’ve said enough, Billy,” her voice sounded broken. Shattered even.
Her hair was still saturated, the T-Shirt she wore was stained, and he faintly recognized it as one of her favourite articles. A from was deeply carved into her features and he had to restrain his mind from thinking about how she adorable she looks with a crease between her brows and a dimple forming on her chin with growing anger.
“Darling, please let me in. I need to talk to you about something,” he flashed a charming smile. His pink lips contrasted perfectly against his sun-kissed skin. He was a delectable sight and he knew so; he made sure to dress to impress on the daily. He craved the looks of lust and jealousy. Like neon straight into his awaiting veins, it was his drug. Even the way Y/N glared up at him made his ego hum, but his heart ached with the disappointment she showed. “What happened in the cafeteria... it’ll never happen again. I just, I couldn’t-“
The door abruptly slammed in his face silencing his words in an instant. He froze, the sound shaking his spine and clearing his train of thought, only for the sound of a chain clicking and the door reopening capture his attention back.
There she stood. Hair drenched beyond all hope, clothes stained a bright red, throwing off the aesthetic of her outfit for the day. Her makeup was smudged more than he originally thought, as if she had been furiously scrubbing at her eyes with her hands. His heart ached, but he couldn’t deny the excitement in his nerves when she gave him her full attention.
Her hand reached out to grab his shirt, pulling him inside faster than he thought possible.
“Couldn’t what?” She snapped at him, venom coating her words in a way that made him recoil. “Couldn’t resist making fun of me? Couldn’t resist having every single pair of eyes on you? Couldn’t resist taking the piss out of me, just like you have done for months?”
She wasn’t meant to know about that, he thought. She was meant to be none the wiser. His face paled, eliciting a dry laugh from her chest. She felt the pressure of the forced omission in her stomach, the muscles aching from the furious sobs that racked her frame moments before.
“All of this time, I was trying to be your friend, Billy! And you!” She waved her hand at him, pointing at him in a manner dripping with unbridled anger. “You were playing me for the fool! I’ve been the butt of all jokes between you and your asshole friends since the minute I opened my big mouth to talk to you, haven’t I?”
He knew he was in the wrong. He knew that he should have punched Tommy in the face for even bringing anything up in front of her. His friend had noticed that he had abruptly halted the jokes surrounding the girl in question, but he couldn’t bring himself to admit the real reason why. He was falling head over heels, but he just didn’t know it yet.
Now he felt like his heart was ripping in two at the sight of her blotchy cheeks and red rimmed eyes, and he was the reason.
“It started as a joke, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you,” His voice was full of pain. Self-loathing. “Yeah, Tommy and I used to make fun of you for a while, but...” his words faded away.
The chuckle that left her lips this time was a hearty one, more like she was laughing at an actual joke than their humourless situation.
He didn’t realise how intently he was staring at her sock covered feet until he brought his eyes up to her face. She was genuinely laughing, but the tears that he didn’t realise were falling down her cheeks made his arms twitch from the need to hug her.
“My god,” she huffed, bringing her palms to her eyes and pressing hard, almost as if trying to hold her tears back. Her voice deceived her, and she sobbed for - what felt like - the millionth time that day. “I’m such an idiot.”
His hands connected with her shoulders and he brought her in against his chest. The hug was all he could do to comfort her, for he knew so little about his own emotions to even begin to understand another’s pain.
“Every time we spoke, every time we hung out together...” she pulled herself back from his chest. She couldn’t stand the contact that she craved so much, for she knew that it was unrequited. “Every time I kissed you.. last night. It was all bullshit!”
“Princess,” his own voice began to shake, feeling overwhelmed and anxious, “Every moment I have ever spent with you has been because I want to.”
She worked her hands into her now half-damp hair, pulling it back from her face in a tight grip, “Why? You and your friends needed some new material?” She released a heavy breath, her lips trembling. “Nancy told me about all of the jokes last week, yet I still went home with you last night. I still played along while the entire cafeteria stared me down because I know how much your reputation means to you. I know that I am at the very bottom of your priority list, Billy. Everything you do is for a purpose, and your purpose with me was just to make me feel worse than literally everybody in that school already does.”
He reached for her hand slowly, as if he were afraid she would pull away from him forever. He was never sure of his emotions, but this time, he knew that he would watch the world burn just to make her happy. He hated himself. He hated Tommy, and the girls that embarrassed her further. He hated Neil, and he hated his own narcissism. He hated the world for making such a beautiful soul so miserable, but he especially hated how he knew right from wrong and still chose the latter.
His fingers laced with hers, but her hand remained slack in his grip. It was better than nothing, he thought.
He cleared his throat, the organ feeling as stiff as a piece of cardboard, his mouth dry. The next words would be difficult, but they were honest. She deserved honesty.
“When I first met you, I didn’t know who you were, and I didn’t really want to. You were kind and thoughtful and you pulled me aside to chew me out for talking shit about some girl, but you did it where you knew my friends wouldn’t hear, just so you could spare my reputation. For the first little while, yeah, we made jokes. I made fun of the weird way you dress and the horrible music you listen to, and how you are the nicest person I have ever met, but the it stopped. The things you did stopped being funny to me, and the way I felt when I was around you changed completely.”
“Billy, what are you talking about?” Her tear-filled eyes wrinkles, her brows furrowing deeply.
“Tommy and the rest of the assholes, they noticed that I didn’t want to talk shit about you, or that I didn’t like when they would talk about you in the way - in the way we talk about other girls. Its hypocritical, but they dropped it. Until today. All because Angela couldn’t keep her big mouth shut.” He caught the look that she sent him, frowning slightly. “Sorry. Because Angela told them that I left here this morning, and they wouldn’t shut their stupid mouths the minute they saw me. I told them that I had nothing to say about you, but they wanted answers and I said shit that I never wanted to say.”
She watched him intently. Tommy had made a lot of comments about her over the years she had known him. The other guys had too, but she did notice that they started backing off lately. She hadn’t paid much attention to the fact, secretly hoping that they had begun to mature, but to think that Billy made them stop - well she didn’t know what to think.
“Why did you make them stop?” her mind was running faster than her mouth, but she still couldn’t put it together. If Billy was anybody else, she would maybe think that he reciprocated the feelings she expressed for him in the cafeteria but he isn’t - he is Billy Hargrove, and he doesn’t have feelings for anybody.
He laughed for a second. A soft, disbelief fueled cough. His eyes seemed to shine bright in the dull lighting of her house. Neither of them had realised the time that has passed, it was now nearing the afternoon. He looked down at her, his stomach full to the brim with an odd sensation.
“You really don’t know?” he seemed to have stepped closer to her, only slightly. His shoulders were slightly shrunken in. She shook her head softly, the crease returning to between her eyebrows as she thought. “I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
Never in his teenage life, had Billy feared rejection from a woman. His mother had given him all of the rejection he needed for a lifetime, but now, as he stared into Y/N’s eyes, his lungs seemed to constrict.
It was as if her world froze for a moment. Not only did Billy Hargrove, possibly her best and only friend, confess that he has feelings for her, but he said that he loved her. To say she was at a loss for words would be an understatement, but she stood in front of him gaping like a fish, mouth opening and closing every time she wanted to say something.
“I don’t mind if you don’t feel the same,” He spoke, slightly lower than when he confessed to her. He turned away from her slightly, releasing her hand and using it to rub the back of his neck. His skin felt like it was aflame and he started to sweat. “I just wanted to let you know, especially after what happened today. I-I’m sorry for the shit I said, and I am gonna kick Tommy’s ass for this. And I’m sorry that you had to say that stuff today. I know that you just said it to help me, and I appreciate it but you didn’t have to -”
His words fell short when he felt arms wrap around his waist. It was a soft, slow gesture, new, but not entirely uncomfortable. If he had to put money on it, he would say that she could feel exactly how fast his heart is beating.
“Those things I said today, about my feelings for you...” she began, head pressed against his chest.
“Yeah, princess?”
“They were all true.” He pulled her back slightly to look at her. It was his turn to look confused. “Last night was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time, Billy. Being around you just makes my heart swell and everything better.”
His heart started to beat impossibly faster, but there was still hesitance in her voice. “I feel like there is a ‘but’ coming.”
“But I can’t deal with this split-personality bullshit, Billy.” He had never heard her curse before. It was music to his ears, exciting, entrancing, but he also knew that she meant business. She was incredibly serious. “The person you are when you are around me, that is the guy I am obsessed with. Who you are when everybody else is around... I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of that now, and I hated it.”
“I know, darling. I’m so sorry for that, I promise, I will be better. Even if you won’t have me, I will be better. For you.” His eyes held an honest strength. It was as if he were selling his soul to her, right there in her entry way, where they had stood since she wrenched the door open in a fury. “But, if you will have me, how about I take you out tomorrow night? If you don’t want to, then I understand.”
“I would love that,” she smiled up at him, the expression growing wider as a matching one took over his face.
He couldn’t help but lean forward slowly, giving her an opportunity to pull away. When their lips connected, he melted into the touch, moving with such intensity it was as if he were repeating his apology and his promise into the kiss.
She had never felt more wanted before, and he had never felt more safe.
When their lips parted she rested her forehead on his for a moment, basking in the silence and the ambiance that surrounded them.
But of course, Billy had to ruin it.
“So, you are obsessed with me, huh?” She could feel the smirk against her cheek as he nuzzled his nose into her temple.
She turned away from him so fast that the wet ends of her hair slapped his face.
“Where are you going, princess?” He followed after her, long strides catching up with her faster than she wanted.
“I’m going to have a shower. If you want to join me, you can leave that bad attitude at the door along with your shoes,” She sent him a sly wink, a smirk on the lips that Billy wanted to taste once again.
“Yes ma’am,” he said, and his shoes went flying into the hallway.
@snookiebrookie @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3 @another-lonely-heart @starshonerose @mantlereid
If you want to join my tag list for billy or any other person/character I write for, let me know!!
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nctsworld · 4 years
no filters (just you)
✩ johnny x reader | pining | fluff | photographer au | 1.7k 
→ summary: in which you finally steal a peek at your best friend’s camera gallery and are surprised to find countless photos of you throughout it all.   → warnings: some drinking, few swear words, kissing
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→ gif created by me, please don’t repost or share without credit!
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The bustling of the joyous occasion surrounds you. String lights glow under the summer night sky. They encompass the white linen tables topped with delicate flowers and ornaments, alongside all the dressed up people dancing, sitting, laughing, and overall having a great time. 
You’re one of the people sitting at a table, indulging yourself with a glass of champagne in one hand. However, you aren’t alone. Johnny, your best friend, is the photographer for the wedding and was allowed to bring a guest. Not much persuasion was needed when free food and drinks were involved. 
Taking a sip of your drink, you watch your towering friend finish taking a picture of people on the dance floor before he heads straight towards you. His camera sways lightly with his cool walk and when he finally reaches you, he feigns an exhausted sigh and sinks into the chair next to you.
“Man, photography just takes so much out of me,” he shakes his head while loosening his tie. 
“Does it really, though?” you cock an eyebrow, then flash him your signature smile. He reflects your expression, grabs your glass, and takes a sip. Actually, more than a sip, since he finishes all the bubbly without hesitation.
“I thought you don’t drink on the job.” 
Setting the thin vessel down, he shakes his head defensively, “I never said that. I said I don’t get drunk on the job. There’s a difference.” 
You snatch your empty glass back and begin to refill it as Johnny carefully removes the camera strap from his body prior to gently placing the camera on the table. He leaves a hand on it, giving him a sense of security over his prized possession (and because it’s the reason why he’s getting paid tonight). 
Johnny looks back and forth between the floor and the table when he says, “Sorry I couldn’t really be with you tonight.”
In the midst of a sip, you immediately refute his apology. “No, don’t apologize, Johnny. You’re working, and you know I can’t complain.” You gesture towards all the food and drinks. 
“But...” you play with the stem of the glass. “Can I at least see some of the pictures?” 
“No, you cannot,” he quickly answers, shutting you down like he usually does. You pout. 
“You know I couldn’t give two shits if you take pictures of naked girls in your spare time, right?” Sarcasm oozes from your accusation, but anyone walking by and hearing it wouldn’t know otherwise. 
“Oh, my God,” he runs a hand through his hair, shaking his head from your lack of shame. You notice his cheeks start to colour, but you’re unsure if that’s from the drink or embarrassment. 
“Firstly, all the pictures of the naked girls I take are on my other camera,” he begins to count on his fingers, responding against your banter. “And secondly, I’m working on a secret photography project. Once I’m done, then you can see it.” 
“You promise?” you hold your pinky out. 
He chuckles. “I promise.” 
His pinky finger curls around yours, then both of you angle your hand a bit upward to have your thumbs touch. After the promise is sealed, the two of you have some fun on the dance floor until midnight rolls around and guests trickle more and more away. Johnny deals with the last bit of his job before he begins to drive you home. 
You relax into the passenger seat, looking at all the things that pass by in the middle of the night. Johnny’s music softly plays in the background and almost lulls you to sleep until he mentions he has to stop for gas. 
“I’m gonna pick up some snacks. Do you want any?”
A few come to mind, so you list them for him to pick up on your behalf. He smiles, jokingly tells you not to go anywhere, and heads into the gas station’s convenience store as he’s done filling his tank. While you watch him make his way towards the store, a lightbulb goes off in your head. Without thinking, your hand reaches in the back seat of his car and grasps onto his camera; you couldn’t help but jump at the chance to rummage through his camera gallery. 
The camera’s screen glares at you in the darkness of the car. It’s a bit painful, but you persist and smile back at all the people enjoying themselves in the wedding photos. 
Whenever you see Johnny’s shots, they never fail to amaze you. He has the ability to capture a moment in its purest essence. If a picture is worth a thousand words, Johnny’s pictures were worth double.
Suddenly, you notice a photo of yourself sitting at the table, glancing off to one side. You think to yourself that Johnny caught you in such a picture-perfect moment, he probably couldn’t help himself. 
You scroll further through the wedding photos, but realization gradually dawns on you when you notice that there are more photos of you than there should be at an event that wasn’t even your own. 
Hastily, you go to the master gallery page to view several photos at once. The camera almost drops from your hands as your fingers fumble with the back button to view photos that date back from weeks and months ago at mutual friends’ gatherings. 
Earlier in the summer for Taeyong’s birthday, you see glimpses of you in various shots. Laughing, smiling, wincing. You didn’t even know you had such facial expressions. 
There’s shots of your back peering at a sunset, looking off the balcony of Taeil’s new apartment from his housewarming.
Before then, there’s shots of you at a dinner party celebrating Mark’s promotion at work. 
Johnny’s taken so many photos of you without you ever knowing. How did you not realize? 
You hold the camera’s screen close to your body for a second, wondering if you’re simply Johnny’s artistic muse for a mere project or if there is something actually more to all this. 
Did Johnny really see you as more than friends? 
Did he view you the way you silently yearn for him, or did he only like you through a camera lens?
Turning your head, you see Johnny strolling out of the store with snacks in his arms. Faster than the speed of light, you ensure the camera roll is back to the last wedding photo taken and almost throw it against the back seat. You seethe, knowing Johnny would kill you if he knew you did that, but you maintain composure. You pull your phone out, playing cool just in time as he opens the door. 
During the rest of the ride, you try your hardest to pretend nothing’s wrong. Even when silent, Johnny’s known you long enough to know something’s off. He doesn’t say anything until he pulls up in front of your place. When he does, the suited figure turns off the engine, but leaves the music playing still. 
“Hey,” he whispers your name in the night air. It’s tender, but worrisome. Not a common thing you hear from him. “You okay?” 
You lie, barely nodding, and glance down with a slight grip on the snacks he bought you. The crinkle of the bags are a loud intrusion to the background music and silent air. 
“I…” You’re searching for what to say, deciding if you should continue to lie or not. 
“I may have went through your camera.” The truth croaks out of you, and you’re shaking your head because on top of your confusion, you’re feeling waves of guilt from intruding your best friend’s privacy. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.” 
From your peripheral vision, you catch Johnny’s hand grip a little tighter on the steering wheel, then his grip relaxes and he rubs his thumb delicately against it. 
“Can I just say,” he speaks after a few passing moments that feel like eternity, into the tension still present in the air. “I’m not a stalker or creeper, I swear.” 
A beat passes. 
You cut the thick tension with a small laugh. He follows and begins to laugh along with you.
“Thanks, Captain Obvious,” you sarcastically add and look over at him. 
“Hey, you know I need to cover my grounds. I don’t need my best friend suing my ass.” 
Hearing the term “best friend” lingers and sits with both of you strangely in the air.
“Do you…” you begin to ask the question that may hurt the most, so you elect to ask a less loaded question. “Are you actually doing a photography project using my pictures?” 
He nods with the dim street light shining on him. He’s tired, you can tell, and you feel more guilt for keeping him up any longer than you should. Despite his wariness, Johnny still looks gorgeous, especially with the perfect lighting. Sometimes, he jokes that life is a runway for him, but in this moment, you begin to understand and agree with him. 
“Yeah, it’s a project on something that I consider beautiful,” Johnny glances over to you as the last word rolls off his tongue, and you’re smiling softly at his compliment. “I’m supposed to present it later this week. I was going to figure out a way to break it to you afterwards.” 
Hearing Johnny call you beautiful has your heart fluttering. You just want to jump out of the car, squeal so much that the neighbours would wake up, then you would run into your home and call it a night.
Instead, your body takes control and courage courses through your veins when you reach for the end of his tie. You daintily roll the tip of it between your fingers and let the haunting question free, ready for whatever follows.   
“Do you like me? As more than a friend?” 
You’re suddenly conscious of how hard you’re breathing and your heart flutters become hard knocks against your chest. Johnny’s face is now a few inches away from yours. At this point, you’re unsure if you’re playing with his tie out of nervousness or desiring for something more, or perhaps both. Your eyes attempt to lock with his and you note how he’s breathing just as hard as you are. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Johnny this nervous before. 
“Yeah,” he exhales with a nod. You smell a small hint of the champagne scent against your face from his breath, along with the scent of his faded cologne. Johnny finally manages to match your gaze. “Do you?” 
Without a word, you answer his question by practically yanking his tie closer to you, meeting his lips with yours. 
The night ends with you two kissing breathlessly in the backseat until hues of orange and yellow begin to stain the horizon. 
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theprodigypenguin · 4 years
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Style #3 Half-Body Couple Illustration Commission of Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and Albus Severus Potter from my Royalty AU fic, drawn by @kidovna​ ((Instagram)) [[PLEASE DO NOT REPOST OR REMOVE ARTIST CREDITS (UNLESS YOU’RE THE ARTIST)]]
I’d like to preface this by saying this is the first time I’ve ever gotten a commission of scorbus (since normally I’m too focused on jeddy). This time, though, I decided to branch out. I’ve been getting so into my Royalty AU that I couldn’t help it. Of course there’s also the bonus that when it’s a commission, I can request scorbus the way I imagine them. Ergo why Albus is taller than Scorpius in this piece, because I am one of like five people on Tumblr who exclusively headcanon Albus as either taller or the same height as Scorpius (truthfully I headcanon them the same height, taller than James lol, but I like him taller in the Royalty AU because it fits better and considering their individual positions it is SO MUCH CUTER).
This commission embodies part of a scene from my Jeddy Royalty fic King and Lionheart. The context of the art takes place during James’ coronation, where royalty from other countries were invited to the celebration. Albus is just a prince, hence the golden circlet he wears in comparison to Scorpius’ crown, because Scorpius is the crown prince and future king of his country (James is future king in Al’s kingdom so Al is just your everyday prince, as you can probably assume). I don’t write about their dance, but they meet during the coronation and Albus, ever the gentleman, invited Scorpius to dance. We already know these boys have big hearts and an enormous capacity to love, and basically fall in love immediately. Their love is more of a side story in the plot but I really love them in this fic so far. They are SOFT.
Returning to chirping about the art itself, I love. I wanted to get a commission from @kidovna​ ever since @regulusarchieblack​ got a commission from her of Regulus and baby Teddy which is S O F T. Also because I’m head over heels in love with her version of Albus. The fluffy hair and soft eyes with the freckles. I love. So when she opened commissions I debated if I should try my luck before sending her a request.
I did send outfit and crown references, but every artist puts their own spin on things, and I’m absolutely in love with how Bhavna interpreted the references and added them to the beautiful royal babies.
I think my favorite thing about Albus is the circlet he’s wearing, because that is definitely a detail that kidovna took artistic liberties with. Since I couldn’t find a good reference for his head piece, I just sent her a whole bunch and said go crazy with the design, and she did, and it was worth it. It’s literally perfect. Both the gold of the piece itself as well as the red jewels (rubies I’d imagine) are a perfect nod to the fact Albus lives in the country that’s basically Gryffindor, where their colors are, of course, red and gold. But the green gems (emeralds!) are key nods to the fact he may live in “Gryffindor” with a family of Gryffindors, but he is, at heart, still and always will by a Slytherin. And tbh the emeralds are probably why Scorpius is drawn to Albus (and of course because of his pretty green eyes, Scorpius probably thinks he’s so fancy and elegant). And fuck. Fuck I’m not done with Al and the fucking metaphor that kidovna smacked onto this.
Word of advice, if you commission this goddess, let her take the reigns for some of the design, cuz she’s going to kick ass. Or maybe I’m just interpreting her design choices incorrectly because I’m absolutely feral. Kidovna if I’m interpreting this wrong let me know, but this is what I’ve taken from the art.
You can almost tell that Albus chose some of the clothes he’s wearing on his own. The black dress shirt he’s wearing under his tunic and coat has green accents, but the tunic and coat are black with gold accents (more Gryffindor-y). Then you see the red ascot and gloves, and I find myself wanting to jump off a bridge, because Albus in canon isn’t the biggest fan of red, so you can just imagine he was probably told or ordered to wear red if only to honor his country. But the articles of clothing that are red are also metaphorical, because he’s wearing red GLOVES and a red ASCOT. As if his touch and voice have been muted by the expectations of his father and his country. Even though he’s not the crown prince, he’s not meant to be king, he’s still expected to express a certain image, and the gloves and ascot are a metaphorical way of controlling him and keeping him in check. Baby just wants to be free and he finds that freedom with Scorpius.
Idk if it was kidovna’s intention to have the gloves and ascot interpreted like that but that’s where I am.
I also love that Albus’ clothes are almost more constricting than Scorpius’. Cuz Scorpius is dressed in a delicately adorned green tunic with silver accents and white pants (that go up to his waist which is very, I don’t want to say sexy, but I mean, high waisted white jeans on pretty boys, come on). He looks so effortlessly regal and the crown fits him so well. Yes I asked for his hair to be a little longer on purpose, cuz it looks almost more royal? His hair is neat and probably soft as hell, styled perfectly without a strand of hair out of place (or maybe one or two falling into his eyes which Albus decides is ver cute). And I will forever defend Scorpius with brown eyes like his mother’s, which is why I requested him to have brown eyes instead of blue or gray like Draco’s (not that I don’t support pale eyes Scorpius cuz I doooo I just can’t get enough of him with brown eyes and there’s NOT ENOUGH ART OF HIM WITH BROWN EYES OK).
I think I’m done ranting now, and the point of it all is I’m in love with this art, I want it carved onto my gravestone, I’m obsessed with my Royalty AU, and I feel so lucky and honored that I was able to order this commission, because kidovna is such a sweet person, and it was so totally worth it. And I know I said the same thing when I got my commission of jeddy as royalty, but getting this commission motivates me even more to work on my fic, because I have a few specific Scorbus scenes that I do plan on writing (they’re just from someone else’s point of view, like someone witnessing them falling in love).
Thank you sooooo much for taking this commission and humoring Albus being tall and Scorpius having longer hair and brown eyes. I know it’s not what you normally draw, but I’m really in love with this piece, so thank you <3
And of course you can read the jeddy royalty fanfiction, King and Lionheart, on Ao3. It is jeddy centric, but scorbus is there too, because I love them.
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repost-this-image · 3 years
All right Tumblr, let’s talk about art theft in PowerPoint format, because I’m hearing a lot of complaints, and some artists I know have literally stopped putting out art to the public because of rampant theft of their art.
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[Transcription:  The story of art and art theft goes hand in hand with the history of copyright.  So why does that exist, anyway?  Whose genius idea was copyright law??
In the beginning there was no such thing as copyright. 
Books and artwork had to be carefully produced by hand.
Each new copy of a book took the same amount of time to produce, no matter how many copies you wanted, so there weren’t a lot of copies of books that weren’t religious text (like the Vedas or the Bible).
Because it took so long to write and bind a new copy of a book, an author’s livelihood wasn’t affected by other people making a copy.
Gutenberg changed everything
The invention of the movable-type printing press was HUGE, y’all.
You didn’t have to write really slowly to make each letter neat and legible; the type blocks were already made before you produced a book.
Once you’d set up a page, you could make as many exact copies of that page as you wanted, which meant you could print hundreds of copies of a book at a time.
Because it was easier to print a lot of books, you didn’t have to charge as much, so lots more people could afford to buy your books!
(Image of people using an early printing press with the caption, “These guys are printing 240 pages per hour.  So much faster than fancy handwriting!”)
There was just one problem...When it’s easy to publish and print lots of copies of your books, other people can also print lots of copies of your books.  And make money off them.  And if their copies are cheaper than yours, you lose sales, which means you don’t make money and could become a starving artist.  (Or author.  Whatever.)
But that’s not all.  That other printing house?  Doesn’t give nearly as much of a shit about your book as you do.  They’re printing out the bargain-basement version of your book, after all, so it doesn’t have to be as nice as your Super Official Version.  So they’re gonna make a lot more printing errors than the official copy that you originally ordered.
Oh, and if they don’t like the ending?  They could just fucking change it, and then people don’t know which ending is the real one that you wrote.
So in addition to not making that sweet, sweet sales money, your reputation takes a hit.  Ouch.
Copyright was the solution, but it wasn’t perfect.  On the one hand, an author got to choose which printers had the right to make copies of their books, and nobody else would get to print copies for 14 years after the original print date.  So you could control the quality and sales of your books, and actually make enough money to support you while you wrote a second book.
BUT without those cheap, shitty bootlegs, books got a bit more expensive again, so fewer of the unwashed masses could afford books.  It’s a tradeoff.
Why 14 years?  Because it was assumed that most of the people who were gonna buy your book, would buy it within that amount of time.  Sure, some people would buy it later than that, but not enough for you to really rely on those later sales.
Wait, only 14 years?
That’s right.  In 1710, when England and Scotland created the first copyright laws, your copyright expired after just 14 years.  Copyright law has been changed several times over the centuries to make that period last longer.
The most recent change to US copyright law, for instance, was the Sonny Bono law in 1996 (yes, that Sonny Bono).  This is why there were a lot of companies selling VHS tapes of popular cartoons before 1996, but when DVDs became mainstream a few years later, there were no DVD versions made--those cartoons had their copyright renewed right after the Sonny Bono Law passed, so it wasn’t legal for those other video producers to make and sell unlicensed copies of those cartoons anymore.
(Picture of VHS tapes with cheap, off-model images of Mighty Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and Daffy Duck on the covers.)
That’s right, the tapes on this slide, that look like cheap bootlegs, were legally produced.  Because the old cartoons on them were, at that time, in the public domain. And they’re not anymore.
So what does this have to do with online art?
Copyright law still applies to art.  Yes, even if it’s made on a computer.  Yes, even if the artist chooses to post that art on the Internet.
Because the artist gets to choose how their art is distributed, an artist can say “Do not repost to other websites, and do not reblog without this caption,” and it is legally binding.
If an artist wants to sell prints of their own art, they can legally do that.  But you can’t sell or distribute prints (or digital copies!) of their art without their express permission.
Because we currently live in a capitalistic society, artists need to make money off of their art in order to be able to produce art full-time.  If they can’t make money off of it (say, because some asshole is off posting hi-res copies of it on other websites without permission and without giving the artist credit), then they have to get another job and don’t have as much time to produce art.  Which means you get less art.
Small-time artists aren’t like major corporations.  When you make a bootleg of a Disney Movie, or Disney’s promotional art (for legal reasons, I wish to point out that you should not do this because it’s illegal and Disney can and will sue you into the poorhouse), you’re preventing a massive, multinational corporation (which has unethically devoured hundreds of other corporations, btw), with already earns billions of dollars in profits every year, from making $20.  That’s a drop in the bucket.
But when you make illegal copies of a small-time artist’s art, that’s just a regular, not-ludicrously-wealthy  person, who relies on sales and commissions to earn a living.  That money could be the difference between them buying groceries next week, or having to have a glass of water for dinner for a few days.
The moral of the story:
Support small artists and small businesses!
The only viable replacement for copyright laws that both allows artists to spend time Making Art and also allows you to make all the copies you want, is socialism.  You just can’t have it both ways under capitalism.  It doesn’t work.
This, by the way, is also a reason I support a Universal Basic Income:  so that art theft doesn’t prevent independent artists from being able to do what they love full time, because their survival doesn’t depend on selling prints or drawing commissions for That One Guy who wants art of his unusual, weirdly-specific fetish that the artist REALLY isn’t into but hey, he’s shelling out $300 for it and money is money.
Also, if you remove an artist’s watermark to repost their art somewhere else, you’re both an art thief and a huge asshole.  Don’t do that.
End of transcription.]
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stressedkitkatttt · 4 years
This Isn’t Going To End Well, Is It?
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This is my submission for @papichriscnco​'s writing challenge. Thank you for extending it an extra 2 weeks and congrats on 2.4k followers! I got a little carried away with this but fuck it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Prompt: This isn't going to end well, is it? (I altered it slightly to fit the story better)
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Richard smut, a little cliché story line for a Richard story but whatever, teasing in a restaurant, hair-pulling, an angry/dominant Richard, some begging, use of kitten and sir, this is filth, just absolute filth, I actually didn't expect this to come out so filthy but enjoy, bonus soft Richard at the end
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT  think it is okay to take my stories and post them somewhere else without my EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT  think it is okay to take anyone else's stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog my stories, you may NOT repost my stories without MY PERMISSION.
~~~~~~~~~ You were currently at school, watching the clock slowly tick time away as you waited for the class to end. You know that staring at the clock makes time go slower but you can't help it. You were very, very bored. You sigh and begin to doodle in your notebook, getting lost in your thoughts and zoning out completely until the bell rings. You were quick to pack up your things and make your way towards the school parking lot.
You wanted to leave the parking lot before it got busy with other people. You had witnessed enough accidents in this parking lot to make you park more towards the back. You unlock your car and throw your things in the backseat, turning the key, and making your way out. As you begin driving towards your shared apartment, you begin to think about some ways you could relieve some of your stress when you get home. You unconsciously lick your lips at the thought of the shirtless picture Richard had sent you earlier.
When you reach your apartment, you park in your designated parking space and grab your things, rushing to the elevator. You reach your floor and pull out your apartment key and open the door. Looking around and seeing an empty living room, you make your way towards the bedroom and peek inside. Richard was laid out on the bed in his sweatpants and no shirt, scrolling through his phone. He looks up and smiles, motioning for you to go to him. You drop your bag and walk over to him, straddling his lap and burying your face in his neck.
"Hey baby," he says while gently rubbing your back. "How was class?"
"I couldn't focus..." You mumble into his neck.
"Why not?" He asks. You can hear the grin in his voice and you pull away so you're looking into his eyes.
"Because of that photo, you sent me earlier... I was thinking about all the ways you could teach me a few lessons." Richard's grin gets wider and he places his hands on your hips, flipping you over so you're under him.
"Well, I would love to teach you some lessons but I have something planned for tonight. And you know how I get. Once I get a taste for you, that's all we'll be doing for the rest of the day. So be a good girl and wait until after your surprise, okay?"
You whine and buck your hips against his, running your hands up his bare chest. "But papi I -" You begin. He stops you abruptly.
"No buts. If you behave, I'll give you everything you want. But only good girls get rewarded, so are you gonna be a good girl or a bad girl?"
"I'll be good..." You reply, trying not to show your disappointment. He leans in and kisses your lips.
"Good. I want your pretty little ass dressed nice by six, okay?"
"Okay." He nods before climbing off of you and walking out of the room. You lay there for a moment before turning to look at the clock. 3:21. You opt to take a nap before Richard drags you off to whatever he wanted to do tonight, with the promise of satisfying your needs afterward.
Richard's surprise was taking you to a nice restaurant, with an extra surprise that the guys would also be there. He had woken you up at 5:30 and told you to get ready. You remembered him say to dress nicely, so you went through your closet and found a dress you saved for occasions like this. It wasn't so tight it suffocated you, but tight enough it showed off your body in the best way. You start getting ready and by 6 o'clock you were ready to go. You had walked out to Richard nicely dressed and you wanted to throw everything out the window and have him take you then and there. But he quickly diffused your ideas by telling you to behave. But at the end of the night, he'd find out what you were wearing underneath.
You sat next to Richard in the large booth waiting for your food. He was talking with Zabdiel, who sat next to him. You were kind of hoping that tonight would've just been you and Richard, but you also hadn't seen the guys in a long while. But that wasn't going to deter you from doing what you would've done if you were alone.
You start simple, you reach a hand out and touch his thigh. Something he ignores, continuing his conversation with Zabdiel. You begin to rub your hand up and down his thigh, slowly making your way towards his clothed dick. You stop short, and when he doesn't do anything to stop you, you cup him fully through his dress pants. That grabs his attention and he brings a hand to yours and places it back on your thigh. You don't miss the short glare he sends your way. Your reply is a short, sweet smile, telling him that this was only the beginning.
You had to stop because your food had just arrived. You all begin to eat your food, hearing some conversation here and there. You let Richard eat some of his food before going back to your devious little plan. He was about to take another bite of his food when your hand had placed itself directly on his dick. He stopped and glared at you, placing his food down on the plate and leaning in close to you.
"You better stop now, baby." His tone held a warning. You wanted to laugh at how he thought he had any control over you here. He was a dominant man when it came to the bedroom and you rarely had any control. In this situation, you had all the control and he couldn't do anything to you without causing some sort of suspicion. You just raised a brow and squeezed his dick. He scowled at you, grabbing your hand and pried it off of him completely.
You quickly freed your hand from his grip and placed it right back where it was. When Chris called Richard from across the table, he had no choice but to leave your hand where it was. Chris was smart, and if he hadn't figured out what you were doing already, he surely would have if Richard had tried to move your hand. He cursed you mentally and started a conversation with Chris, very thankful for the tablecloth, which gave people the allusion your hand was on his thigh. You keep it gentle, not going too hard on him. You stop again once the waiter comes back to take back all the plates.
He keeps himself calm enough as you rub him through his shorts, keeping his head low but not low enough to have anyone ask what's wrong. You look over at your boyfriend who, for the time being, was at your mercy. You liked this, having control over the situation while Richard sat helplessly. You bite your lip to keep your grin from getting too wide. When you spot the waiter coming over with desserts, you get ready to time everything. You unbutton the top of his pants and when all the attention goes to the waiter, you slip your hand through the band of his boxers and hold his thickened shaft in your hand. He sits upright and straightens his back.
He grunts quietly and stares at you incredulously. He makes a move to remove your hand but you start stroking him, knowing all the right things to do to make him stop. He instead grips the booth seat and starts to focus on not making noise. You lean over and whisper, "I can feel how thick you are, you like this don't you?" He stiffly shakes his head "no". His body betrays him and his tip begins to produce more pre-cum, shaft pulsing. "I wish I could get under the table suck your cock, Richard." He lets out a quiet, airy moan before leaning into you.
"It's not going to end well for you when we get out of this restaurant." He growls. You smile, knowing this was the final straw for him. You accept your fate and find a sensitive spot near his base, making him jump at the sudden jolt of pleasure. The guys look at him weirdly, but you stop your movements entirely.
"Richard, is something wrong? You haven't even touched your desert." Joel says. Richard takes a deep breath before replying.
"Sorry, must've been lost in my thoughts..." He tries to control his voice. Joel raises a brow slightly before leaving him alone. He tries to focus on eating his desert without choking every time your hand reaches his tip and back down again. He couldn't wait to get home and fuck some manners into you. It doesn't take long for everyone to finish their desserts and when the waiter brings the check, the guys all pitch in to pay for the bill. Finally, the guys say their goodbyes and start to move from the booth, except for you and Richard.
You finally release your hold on him and he instantly buttons his pants up and scoots to the end of the booth. He keeps his back to the other guests and faces you, hiding his very prominent bulge. You take your time scooting to him, prolonging the inevitable. When you get within arms reach, your arm is grabbed and he puts you in front of him, hiding his bulge in your lower back. You were in for it now.
The second you were both outside, Richard unwrapped his arms from your shoulders and grabs your arm, dragging you through the parking lot to his car. He unlocks it as you get close and lets go of your arm to walk around to the driver's side. "Get in." He said, sliding himself into his seat. From the tone of his voice, you know not to push him any further. At least not here. So you get into the seat and the second your door closes, he's pulling out of the parking lot and heading down the street.
He begins to take the backroads, taking a route with as few stops as possible. There's tension so thick in the car it's practically suffocating. And even though you had pushed his limit tonight, you can't help but get wet at all the thoughts of how he was going to punish you. He was definitely not going to go easy on you, probably make you beg, teasing you until you're practically sobbing. Richard was an already dominant man, but when he was pushed to his limits? He wasn't going to let you have any control for at least a few weeks.
You get so lost in your thoughts you don't realize that's he pulled into an empty parking lot. He calls your name once and you snap your head towards him, now realizing you didn't know where you were.
"Where -" He doesn't give you time before unlocking the doors and telling you to get in the back seat. You almost want to say something but think better of it. He was subtly trying to make you piss him off more so he had more reason to be rough with you. So you shut your mouth and do as he says, getting into the back seat. Maybe he couldn't wait to get home.
Once you’re there, he's already working on taking off his pants and boxers, making his cock bounce and slap against his abdomen. He decides to leave his shirt on and he waits a moment before looking at you. "Well, it ain't going to suck itself." He growls, eyes pitch black in the low light. You blush and lean over, getting in a comfortable position before you decide you want to tease him one final time. You poke your tongue out and kitten licks his swollen tip. That doesn't sit well with him, so he grabs your hair and makes you look him in the eyes. "You better open that pretty little mouth because I am not in the mood for any more of your little games. You tease me one more time and you won't cum for a week."
You've seen him mad before, had some very hot, rampant sex with him, but this is the first time he's ever threatened to not let you cum. Usually, you were his good little girl and he'd reward you with whatever you wanted but to see you tease him like this? You'll be lucky if you get to cum at all. "Do you understand?" He growls out when you stay silent.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes sir." You didn't often call him sir, usually opting for "daddy" or "papi", and saving "sir" for when you were in trouble. Good, he thinks. He pushes your head down towards his cock and this time you take him in halfway. He shifts so you can have better access to his dick and so he has better traction to thrust the remaining shaft into your mouth.
"Take it all, kitten." You have to hold your gag reflex in, taking deep breaths. It took a few seconds to gain control over your reflex and to Richard, it was a few seconds too long. He pulls your hair back and thrusts himself in as he pushes your head back down and you get the message to start moving.
You set up a fast pace, making sure to lave your tongue against him and even drag your teeth against him. Richard groans and throws his head back, eyes closed and mouth agape as he keeps you going. "Fuck, that feels so good princess." You always thrived on Richard's moans - it let you know that you were doing things right.
Richard loves the feeling of your mouth on his dick and he could never last long when it was your mouth on him. Even if he was mad, the way your mouth worked on him, he couldn't help the slightly diminishing anger he had felt earlier. But that isn't what he wanted. He wanted to punish you for what you did tonight. He had told you that after the whole dinner he would go home and take care of you. Were you that addicted to him that you just couldn't wait? His ego inflated at the thought of you being addicted to him and be willing to fuck him in such a public place. He'd never admit to you that what you had done to him in the restaurant made him horny enough to want to split you in half, not caring who would see or hear.
He groans, the more you work your mouth the more he isn't angry, so he decides to pull your head off of him. In the dim light, he could see a string of saliva connecting your lips to his dick, which glistened. "I wasn't finished with you, papi." Your voice was slightly hoarse from the harsh thrusting of his dick in your mouth. He leans over,
"And I'm far from finished with you. Do you think you'll get off so easily? Just me fucking your mouth until I cum. After what you pulled? Oh no kitten, turn around." You feel the tingling sensation down below get stronger, almost like a pulse, as you comply and turn over, feeling Richard's hand find the zipper on your dress and pulling it down. It crumples at your knees, leaving you in your lace bra and panties. He already knew you were wearing something like this under the dress. He isn't in the mood to mess around and waste more time, so he grabs your panties and pulls them down harshly, ripping them in the process. Good thing it was a rather cheap set and not one of your favorites.
Richard shifts behind you, planting one knee on the back seat and the other on the floor. He lines himself up and begins to feed himself into you. You thought he seemed bigger in your mouth because of how dominant he was acting but now you're beginning to think that he may be a little bit bigger than normal. To be fair, you did stroke him in the restaurant and tease him to high heaven, so it shouldn't be shocking to feel him fill you up. Richard doesn't stop until he's buried balls deep inside you, basically pushing the upper half of your body into the seat and holding your lower half flush against his hips.
He leaves you no time to adjust and begins to fuck you at a fast and hard pace that has the car rocking with his movements. Your eyes close and moans of his name begin spilling from your lips. You're tempted to bite the seat to keep yourself from screaming but you instead bite your lip, trying to stay quiet. When Richard can't hear you, he reaches over and tugs on your hair. "Hey, don't silence yourself. Let anyone walking by know who makes you scream. Let them know how well you take my cock." He punctuates his words with harsh thrusts and you release your hold on your lip and let his name fall freely.
The only noise filling the car is the sound of slapping and your labored breaths as the knot in your stomach gets tighter and tighter with each passing moment. It won't be long until you cum. You try and warn Richard but his hard thrusts keep knocking the wind out of you. But he knows your body well enough and knows you're almost at the edge.
"You're close, aren't you?" He grunts. Your response is a pathetic moan of his name. He suddenly stops, buried completely inside you. "Do you deserve to cum?" You nod, your last act of teasing him. His response is a dark chuckle. "Even after what you pulled in the restaurant?" When you stay silent this time, he pulls out completely, hands holding your hips tightly as his tip rubs at your dripping entrance. You make a noise of weak protest, trying to push back against his hold and fuck yourself on his cock. "You shouldn't be surprised that I pulled out. Now, beg me to let you, cum princess." You whine and he pulls your hair, "What was that?"
You shake your head no. This angers him and he pulls his hand away and smacks your ass. Hard. You whimper at the sting and you finally break, replying to his question. "No, only good girls get to cum, papi."
"Did you learn your lesson?"
"Y-yes, sir." He suddenly pulls you up by your hair and flush against his chest, his lips by your ear. He has you in a position that has your entrance hovering right over his dick, holding you upright with an arm wrapped just under the swell of your breasts. All he'd have to do is thrust.
"Say please."
Your please is drawn out and high-pitched as you submit to him, making him grin. He thrusts up while pulling you down onto his shaft and resuming his pace. He moves his hand that was in your hair down your glistening body to your throbbing clit where he begins to rub harshly. Not even a moment later, you gush all over his shaft, feeling him coat your insides. He lets go of you and you fall forward, arms barely able to catch you as you collapse into the back seat.
Heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard inside the car. You feel a hand come around your middle and pull you up into his chest. "Are you okay princess?" He asks. You had finally caught your breath.
"Yeah, I'm good. Though I don't know if I can walk," you look up into his softening eyes, "you might have to carry me." He chuckles and nods.
"But you learned your lesson though, right?"
"I don't know... If teasing you like that leads to sex like this? I might do this a few more times." He grins widely.
"Then I guess I'll just have to keep teaching you some lessons in manners."
Taglist: @cracraforfandoms​ @kmsmedine​ @papichriscnco​
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Without You
Pairing: Thor x Reader Summary: A mysterious stranger runs into you in the middle of a storm and you can’t help but be smitten with him the moment you lay eyes on him. Even after the initial sparks between you, it seems like the feelings weren’t returned. Little did you know, the man was head over heels for you, too. Warnings: Language Word Count: ~4,600 A/N: This has been reposted after my original was deleted in the Great Tumblr Purge 2k18.
You stepped out of the bakery with a small paper bag clutched in your hand and squinted up at the sky. Had it been this cloudy when you’d walked in ten minutes ago? You didn’t think so.
As if aware of your thoughts and trying to prove a point, the sky lit up with a crack of lightning, searing your retinas and leaving the image of the outline of the buildings ingrained behind your eyelids. The roll of thunder shook your bones and you grimaced as the sky opened up and the rain began to fall in fat droplets that promised to soak you through your clothes the moment you stepped out from under the bakery’s awning. It’d been so nice out when you’d left the house you hadn’t brought a jacket, much less an umbrella.
You took a deep breath, steeled yourself, ducked, and began running down the sidewalk for home, bag of pastries stuffed safely under your shirt.
You made it maybe half a block before you ran face-first into someone you hadn’t been able to see in the downpour. You yelped as you were sent stumbling backwards. Your heel caught on the uneven sidewalk and, with a shriek of surprise, you fell backwards, straight onto your ass.
You swore loudly. That had really fucking hurt.
And now you were definitely soaked to the bone.
“My apologies, that was horribly clumsy of me,” came a deep voice from in front of you.
You had half a mind to cuss this person out, but the words died in your throat when you finally looked up at him.
“Holy shit, did I die?” you breathed, staring wide-eyed up at the man. His hand was held out for you to take, but you didn’t even see it. You were too focused on his face. He had to be an angel.
He frowned slightly, confused. “I don’t believe so,” he said with a tentative smile. You couldn’t place the accent, but you knew one thing for sure. It was nice. His voice was nice. His mouth was nice. No, his face. No… his entire him was nice. Were you drooling? You were probably drooling.
“Oh, that’s… that’s good,” you said distractedly.
He smiled at you and you felt your heart skip a beat. “As comfortable as I’m sure the pedestrian pathway is, surely you don’t plan on staying there all evening?” he asked, putting his hand out a few more inches towards you.
“Oh, uh, right,” you said, feeling heat rush to your cheeks as you grabbed his hand. It was huge, like the rest of him. He helped you to your feet as though you weighed nothing. “Thank you,” you mumbled, embarrassed.
“You have nothing to thank me for. It was I who knocked you down, after all,” he said, ducking down slightly so he could catch your eye.
You looked up, which happened to be a mistake, because one look at him sent your brain into overdrive and your heart threatened to beat out of your chest.
“I should, uh- I’m going to-” you took a step backwards (thankfully not catching your foot on the lip of the sidewalk again)-
And directly onto your bag of pastries.
You looked down at your foot, eyes widening in horror.
“My danishes!” you yelped, horrified. You removed your foot quickly and picked it up but it was clear from a single peek inside they were dead. Gone. Squished. Unsalvageable.
The man leaned forward slightly so he could take a peek into the bag. “Baked goods?” he asked, brows slightly furrowed.
You nodded glumly and tossed the bag into the nearby trash bin. “I had really been looking forward to those, too…”
He frowned and looked over your shoulder. “You procured them from that shop there, yes?” he asked, pointing to the bakery.
You nodded. “Yeah, they make the best danishes and gourmet bagels in the area. I can only treat myself once a week, so-”
“Allow me to replace the baked goods I had a hand in destroying,” he said, smiling radiantly at you. His big eyes (one brown, one blue, which was stunning) were practically pleading with you and you found yourself nodding without realizing it. “Wonderful. Lead the way,” he said, sweeping one of those huge arms out to gesture down the street. With a start you suddenly realized what you’d agreed to. You nodded again dumbly and began walking back towards the bakery. You supposed if it was an excuse to be around this man for even a moment longer it was worth it.
You didn’t see the way he was looking at you when your back was turned, eyes soft and curious, smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. You were so frazzled by the sudden turn of events that it didn’t occur to you that the rain had stopped the moment he looked at you until much, much later.
The bell tinkled above the door and the girl at the counter, Angela, looked up from behind the counter.
“I told you you shouldn’t have gone out in that mess! Just look at-” she froze as the man walked in behind you. Her jaw practically hit the floor. “-You,” she breathed, giving the man a not-so-subtle once over before nodding in approval.
You frowned, then quickly coached your face back into something resembling neutrality. Angela could look at him if she wanted to. You didn’t even know this guy’s name, much less have a reason to be jealous.
“I, uh, actually dropped the danishes and-”
“We’d like to procure some replacements,” the man said with a winning smile.
Angela almost swooned.
“Comin’ right up!” she said, moving to hastily grab the two nicest-looking danishes from the glass display case in front of her.
You followed the man to the counter in a daze, wondering if you were, perhaps, dreaming. It made more sense than a random [very, very hot] stranger buying pastries for you.
Angela rang them up and told him the total, her eyes glued to his face (though they occasionally wandered down to his arms). He frowned and suddenly began patting down every available pocket on his person, ruffling up his short sleeved shirt and jeans.
“Ah!” he said victoriously as he pulled out a credit card. Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head. It was a JP Morgan Chase Palladium Visa. “My friend told me you use that for currency here, yes? He told me to use it whenever I wanted to buy something.”
Angela’s eyes fell to the card he was handing her and she made a tiny squeak and looked like she was about to pass out for a second. The man looked confused, but Angela was nodding. “Yeah, that’ll work,” she said faintly.
You stared open-mouthed at the man in front of you. His accent and words were definitely odd. He was dressed kind of like a homeless man, if you were being honest (but a very hot homeless man). He was kind and offered to pay for the things you dropped after you ran into him. And he had a credit card only millionaires and billionaires had.
To top it all off he nearly walked away without getting the card back from Angela, who dashed around the counter and handed it off to him like she would have handed someone a baby.
You followed him out of the bakery, nearly sighing in relief when the sun began warming up your rain-soaked clothes. You turned to look at the mystery man, smile tugging at your lips. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do this. I didn’t even catch your name,” you said, dreading the fact that your time with the man was coming to an end.
“Thor,” he said, smiling down at you. “And what may I call you?” he asked quietly.
“(Y/N),” you said, trying your darndest to ignore the heat rising to your cheeks.
“A beautiful name. It truly fits you,” he said, smiling so sincerely at you that you had to look away. It was too radiant.
He hadn’t made any moves to leave, however, so you somehow plucked up the courage to ask, “would you like to walk me home, Thor?”
He nodded immediately. “Yes, I think I’d like that very much.”
You smiled at him, but quickly looked away, too embarrassed at how excited you were. Thor didn’t seem to mind and quickly fell in step beside you as you walked towards your home. You may have taken the longer way, but you wouldn’t ever admit it.
While you walked you offered him one of the danishes as a thank you. He only took it after you assured him it was alright with you. You chatted happily away between mouthfuls of danish. Apparently he wasn’t from around here, which you’d guessed pretty quickly. The odd thing was that he seemed to be enjoying your time together as much as you were.
Soon, much too soon, you were in front of your apartment building. It took all of your paper-thin self control to turn to say goodbye, smile plastered on your face.
You opened your mouth to say thank you, but froze when he lifted his hand up and slowly brushed his thumb across a spot just below your bottom lip. His other fingers kept your chin tilted up just enough that you were forced to stare right into his eyes… which were darting between your lips and your eyes.
The moment dragged on for what felt like a small eternity, neither of you moving, before he pulled his hand away. A small dollop of cherry filling dyed the tip of his thumb red and you watched, attention focused completely on it, as his tongue darted out and licked off the sweet, sticky treat.
Were you having a heart attack? You were sure you were having a heart attack. No, wait, it was just beating really fast.
“Is something the matter?” he asked, looking down at you with concern.
You snapped out of your daze and shook your head quickly. “No, no! Nothing. I just- it was really nice spending time with you, Thor,” you admitted quietly, unable to meet his gaze.
“Nice enough that you would be willing to do it again?” he asked, a hint of hope slipping into his voice.
Your head snapped up so quickly you nearly gave yourself whiplash. You looked for any signs of deceit or trickery but, finding none, you nodded quickly, a hopeful smile creeping onto your face. “Yeah, I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
Thor’s answering smile was brighter than the sun. He took your hand gently in his and brought it to your lips, ghosting a kiss over your knuckles.
You were flying so high over that little brief contact that it wasn’t until you were back in your room, stripping off your wet clothes, that you realized he hadn’t asked for your number.
The rest of the night passed by in a stupor.
You’d been played. Thor didn’t want to see you again. He just wanted to be rid of a clingy hanger-on after he’d had his fun.
   Originally posted by inluvwithloki
Thor stepped onto the Observatory. Heimdall twisted Hofund and the Bifost turned off.
“Did you have a pleasant visit to earth, my king?” Heimdall asked, giving Thor a knowing smile.
Thor smiled at the other man. “Keep an eye on her, would you please? I’d like to visit her again soon.”
“Of course, my king,” Heimdall said with a kind smile and nod of his head. “You should know, Hela and Loki redesigned the throne room again.”
Thor sighed but smile fondly. “Of course they did. Did Hela’s defense of the realms from the remnants of Thanos’ forces go well?”
Heimdall nodded solemnly. “It’s good that that man attacked when he did. He did the one thing he shouldn’t have: united you and your siblings against a common enemy.”
Thor laughed gently at that. “Well I suppose we should be grateful and not dwell on what could have been.”
Heimdall inclined his head, grin sparkling in the light of the Bifrost. “Agreed. Go well, my king.”
“And you, Heimdall.”
You found yourself wishing for thunder and lightning and rain. Even though it seemed fairly obvious that Thor wanted nothing to do with you you kept wishing you could run into him by chance again, just like that first time in the pouring rain.
Days passed too slowly and too quickly at the same time. Your mind kept going back to what you could have done differently. What you could have possibly done to make him not like you. How you could have changed what happened. In a word, you were miserable.
“Leaving again so soon, little brother?” Hela asked, appearing out of the shadows. He was so used to Loki doing it that it didn’t phase him in the least.
“I have some business to take care of on Midgard,” Thor said as he continued to change into his Midgardian clothes. Hela pointedly looked away, but Loki had no such issues.
“You’ve barely been back a month!” he complained, appearing out of thin air in a greenish light. His grey eyes were glaring furious holes into his brother. “We just secured a lasting peace with the Frost Giants!” Hela rolled her eyes at that, but her brothers ignored it.
“Yes, and I trust the two of you to keep the realms from falling to chaos for the few days I’ll be gone. I think you are more than up to the task.”
Hela and Loki stared flatly at each other. Looking at them like that Thor sometimes wondered if he wasn’t the adopted one.
“Who was in charge last time?” Thor asked, looking between the two of them.
Loki crossed his arms and glared at Thor. “It was I,” he said begrudgingly the same time Hela said, “Loki.”
Thor nodded. “It’s your turn then, sister. Send for me if the need arises, but otherwise I’ll be returning in a few days.”
Hela waved him away and sauntered out of the room. “Don’t hurry back,” she snarked.
Loki glared at her back as she went, but turned his attention back to Thor after a moment. “It’s another human girl, isn’t it?” he asked shrewdly.
“Yes,” Thor admitted, not seeing the point in hiding the truth from Loki.
Loki’s frown deepened. “You really think that wise? After Jane?”
Thor smiled a little sadly at his brother, but it cleared up a bit as he thought about you. “You didn’t see her, brother.”
Loki took one look at Thor’s face and threw his hands up in exasperation. “Fine. Do whatever you want. Just don’t expect me to pick up the pieces when it doesn’t work out!” he said testily. It was clear to both of them, though, that he’d definitely be there if you broke his heart.
It was raining again. The outside looked like what your apartment’s atmosphere felt like on the inside.
A knock on your door snapped you out of your absent Netflix-bingeing stupor. You groaned and peeled yourself off the couch, slipping on the nearest pair of only slightly dirty, worn-out sweats.
“Comin’,” you grumbled half-heartedly. If you were lucky it was just the UPS guy or something and not your neighbor coming to bother you again.
You yawned loudly as you opened the door and that’s how Thor found you, mouth opened comically wide and single arm reaching towards the ceiling.
You froze, eyes widening and mouth slamming closed with an audible click of your teeth. You wanted to sink into the floor. You looked a total mess and here Thor was, standing just outside your door, looking like he stepped straight out of a modeling magazine.
“Hello,” Thor said with a smile, as though he didn’t see how completely hideous you looked. “I hope I’m not intruding…” he said, the statement tilting up to a question at the end.
You shook your head wildly for a moment then froze, panic clear on your face. “You’re not, but- uh- please just wait here a moment,” you said before you slammed the door unceremoniously in his face. You winced as the sound reverberated against the halls of your apartment, but if you turned around and opened the door to apologize you knew you’d just shove your foot in your mouth and make it worse. You practically ran to your room and dug through your drawers and closet until you found much more sensible clothes that didn’t make you look like you went dumpster diving for fun.
You scampered back to the door and prayed Thor was still there.
He was, brows furrowed slightly as he looked at you. “Is something the matter?” he asked, eyeing you with concern.
You couldn’t help but smile up at him, even as your stomach did a flip from the nerves. “No, no! I just, uh- I didn’t want you to have to look at me in my lazy clothes,” you admitted with a slightly strained smile, hoping he’d just laugh along.
Of course, he didn’t laugh. “I don’t understand. Was your previous outfit not satisfactory?” he asked, confusion lining his features.
You chuckled nervously. “No, sweats are fine, but I don’t exactly look good in them,” and I want to look good in front of you because you’re the single most attractive person I’ve ever met and for some strange reason you’re talking to me again.
“But you looked attractive in them, just as you do now,” Thor said quietly, his odd-colored eyes sparkling as he smiled fondly down at you.
His smile must have fried your brain. “I missed you,” you blurted out. You fought the urge to slap your hand over your mouth as you felt the blood drain from your face.
Thor only smiled wider and his shoulders relaxed a margin. “I missed you, too. I brought baked goods from my home in the hopes that you might wish to share them with me,” he said, holding up the small basket you hadn’t noticed until that moment.
You knew you looked like you’d been hit by a brick wall so you quickly gathered your face back into something a little more restrained. “Oh! Thank you. Would you like to come in?” you asked, thanking your lucky stars that you’d cleaned your apartment recently.
Thor stepped inside and you wondered at how he managed to fit his broad shoulders through the doorway, but then he was right in front of you, inside your home, and all higher thinking ceased.
You closed the door and walked quickly to your tiny open plan kitchen-dining room-living room area with Thor following dutifully behind. While you busied yourself grabbing plates and napkins you found your mouth wandering of its own accord as it often did when you were flustered.
“I honestly didn’t think I’d see you again. I didn’t get your number before you left so I figured you weren’t actually that interested, but here you are-”
You turned around with the plates only to freeze when you found Thor standing directly in front of you, his brows knit together in concern.
“I do not own a cellular phone. It had not occurred to me that not asking for a way to contact you using one would be seen as a sign of disinterest. I’m sorry. I can assure you that’s not the case,” he said quietly. Your breath hitched when he slowly brought his hand up and brushed a strand of hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear.
He leaned in slowly, arms purposefully not caging you in so you could move if you wanted to. His gaze dropped to your lips for a moment before they returned to your eyes. “Tell me to stop and I will,” he murmured, so close that you could see the individual flecks of color in his eyes.
“Please don’t stop,” you choked out, leaning forward to get yourself that much closer to his lips.
It was all Thor needed to bridge the last few inches between you. His lips were on yours and you couldn’t help the tiny noise in the back of your throat. You’d been thinking about this nonstop since you met him a month ago. Deep down you’d hoped this would happen even when your mind told your heart to stop dwelling on him. Your fingers buried themselves in his hair and his huge arms wrapped themselves securely but gently around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest. His beard rasped deliciously against your soft skin, a heavenly contrast to his soft, warm lips. It was entirely too much and not enough all at the same time.
All too soon you had to break away for air, heart pounding fast in your throat, your every nerve alight.
For his part, Thor looked just as awestruck as you. “That was…” he breathed, smiling down at you.
“Amazing,” you whispered, grin lighting up your face.
“And not the last, I hope?” he asked coyly, smile turning playful.
You smiled and shook your head. “I hope not. Now… about those pastries,” you said, reaching down to twine your fingers with his.
“Oh, I’d almost forgotten,” Thor said, moving over to the basket. “These were my mother’s favorite. I confess I was never any good at making them but my brother makes them better than anyone I know.”
He handed you the confection that you absolutely didn’t have a name for. You gave him a single look of playful uncertainty before taking a careful bite. You groaned low, eyes fluttering shut. It blew your danishes right out of the water, light and fluffy and sweet, its fruit filling a flavor you couldn’t quite place, though it was citrus-y.
“This is amazing!” you said excitedly once you’d swallowed. “I’ve never had anything like it!”
Thor smiled almost shyly. “Well, I’d hope not. Asgardian fruit trees would be an invasive species on your planet.”
You nodded along happily and took another bite, though you froze with the pastry in your mouth. You pulled it out slowly, staring wide-eyed at Thor.
“Asgardian? Like the old Norse mythology, Asgard?” you asked, smiling nervously at what you hoped was a joke.
Wait, his name was Thor. Was this all some clever prank? Were you on TV? Was this the punch line??
Thor nodded, seemingly undisturbed by your reaction. “Aye, Asgard. Tis where I hail from,” he said, as though he’d said he was from the next town over.
Oh my god, you’d kissed a crazy person. Was this pastry drugged? Was he going to cut your liver out and leave you in a bathtub of ice? Leave you dead in a ditch somewhere after he carved you up with a kitchen knife?
A sudden light outside the window drew your attention. It was bright and shimmering and flickered with every color of the rainbow. Thor looked at it, too, frown creasing his brow.
“Forgive me, I do believe that’s for me,” he said, walking over to the doors of your tiny balcony.
He opened the doors and, before you could say anything, stepped up onto and over the edge.
You squeaked in surprise and ran to the balcony. Surely you’d be charged for murder when they found his body smashed to goop on the street below your apartment.
Except Thor wasn’t a pile of goop. He was floating down to the ground gracefully, shirt rustling gently with the slight breeze. You gaped open-mouthed as he touched gently to the ground and began talking with a tall, lithe, black haired woman you didn’t recognize. You couldn’t discern any of their words from this high up, but the woman’s eyes flicked up to you once or twice and the sound of Thor’s disgruntled tones drifted up to you.
Eventually their conversation ended and they took a few steps away from each other. The woman’s icy blue eyes stared up at you the entire time and you could sense the deadly aura even from this far away. You had half a mind to run back inside and lock the doors, but your legs wouldn’t move.
You nearly screamed in surprise when the light came back again, almost blinding you and sending your hair flying every which way. A second later it was gone and, where the woman had been standing a moment before, was a large geometric design burned into the cement. A similar one that you hadn’t noticed before was only a few yards away. You were so engrossed in what had just happened that you didn’t realize Thor was back until he was practically hovering in front of you.
Hovering as in floating as in flying. Not touching the ground or the railings.
“I apologize. My sister and brother were quarreling and needed my input to settle their disagreement. I’ve made them promise not to bother me while I remain here with you from this point onward.”
You could have said anything. Anything intelligent, collected, or witty. Instead, you managed to eek out, “You’re flying.”
Thor’s smile was coy. “Yes, I suppose I am. Would you like to join me?”
You shook your head quickly, the thought of flying simply terrifying you at the moment. “You’re the Thor. From the Avengers,” you whispered, pieces finally falling into place in your mind.
Thor frowned, his brows knitting together in confusion. “I thought you knew,” he said quietly.
You shook your head side to side almost violently.
Thor looked nervous now, caught between wanting to give you space and not wanting to scare you by continuing to float in front of your balcony. Giving you space won out and he stayed where he was. “Had I known you were unaware I would have said something… It explains why you didn’t fall over yourself trying to get my autograph, though,” he said, an attempt to lighten the mood. “I hope… that this will not be a problem for you. My interest in you is genuine and it wasn’t my intention to blindside you in such a manner.”
You finally got your breathing under control and attempted to get your mind settled in a similar way. “No, I- I’m an idiot for not realizing it sooner,” you said, hand wiping a path down the side of your face.
Thor drifted down a few inches so he could catch your eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. “Then you care not about this new development?”
You bit your lip for a moment before a grin worked its way onto your lips. “If this is your way of asking me if I still like you, the answer is yes,” you said, grin widening as Thor’s face lit up light a Christmas tree. “Are you going to float there all day or are you going to come back inside with me so we can finish the food you so thoughtfully brought me?” you asked, facing him as you slowly backed into your apartment, hand outstretched invitingly.
Thor looked absolutely lost on you as he landed on the balcony and took your hand gently in his, following after you as though he was incapable of doing anything else. “Whatever the lady desires,” he said quietly, looking at you so adoringly at you that you felt heat creep up into your cheeks.
“And if I desire you?” you asked, unable to look him in the eye.
Thor reached down and tilted your chin gently upwards so you were forced to look at him. “Then you’ll have me.”
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allysartstuff · 5 years
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Note: This has been drawn as a reference guide which is free to use if you wish to draw this character. However, please do not repost or claim as your own, thank you.
Finally, more Next Gen! Here's the ninth born and the eldest of The Young Five. Lucky Bug
Personality: Inquisitive, sarcastic, excitable, nervous, smart, easily embarrassed.
Likes: Insects, singing, wild adventures, camping, pretty things (and mares).
Dislikes: Discord’s interest in his love life, his eyes and horns, ponies staring, getting wound up.
Lucky Bug is the eldest son and second born of Fluttershy and Discord. He is the middle child, younger brother to Upsy Daisy and older brother to Hullabaloo.
Lucky was born out of unusual circumstances. He wasn't conceived inside the womb like Daisy was. In fact, Fluttershy and Discord were very careful not to have any more ‘accidents’ again. However, that was not meant to be. For a long time, Discord kept experiencing terrible stomach aches. According to the doctors, though, he was perfectly healthy. They were completely baffled as to where the source of the pain was coming from. It had gotten so bad that Discord sometimes couldn't get out of bed. Fluttershy tried her best to help her husband but nothing seemed to ease his pain. One day, the family were having breakfast when suddenly, Discord doubled over in pain, twitching and writhing until finally, he fainted. On the chair where he was now sat a large green and red dragon-like egg. Fluttershy, shocked and in a tizzy, rushed to get the vet, doctor and Twilight over while Daisy attended to her exhausted father. Nopony could explain why or how Discord developed an egg and laid it, not even Discord himself.
Nevertheless, once it was revealed that there was a Pegasus embryo inside, the pair made preparations for a new baby, despite their exasperation at another accident and Daisy’s confusion as to where babies actually come from. The egg was placed in an incubator and kept a close eye on for several months.
And in those several months, a lot happened. Eight year old Daisy was kidnapped and tortured for a week and even after she was rescued, she developed bad PTSD and other mental health problems and anxieties that would stay with her for the rest of her life. Starting a day after her rescue, Daisy hid in a kitchen cupboard for a month. She only came out once she realised the egg was beginning to hatch but it was struggling to do so. She helped the egg hatch properly and out popped a wailing green baby pegasus with pink hair. It was only after that did Daisy begin to get better mentally and went outside to see her friends. Baby Lucky didn’t know it, but he just about saved Daisy’s life.
Despite his unusual beginnings, Lucky enjoyed life as any ordinary pony would. He became best friends with the children of his parents’ friends, Berry Bubblegum, Lickety-Split, Opal and Forelle. As a foal, he was teased relentlessly by the local bullies about his red and yellow eyes and the fact that his coat was slowly turning yellow. This did unfortunately cause him to be very image conscious about these small things he couldn’t control but he always relied on his best friend Lickety-Split to chase those bullies away.
Lucky is the least chaotic out of the Fluttercord children. He had chaotic powers, sure, but rarely needed to use them and was a relatively well behaved kid. He only every got into serious trouble once. Like his mother, Lucky can talk to animals but he seem to only use this ability to communicate with insects. Fascinated by what he learned from the insects, he poured himself into learning everything and anything he could. To say he was utterly obsessed was an understatement and his bedroom became a safe haven for all things creepy crawly. When Lucky was ten, he went of exploring to find more bugs, both to observe their natural behaviours and to add to his collection. He was gone for two days, sleeping in the woods with no shelter and feeding of wild berries and mushrooms, yet he loved every minute of it. However, he didn’t tell his parents before he left. Discord and Fluttershy were beside themselves in panic, fearing he had been taken as well. Discord’s magic didn’t work on his children so he couldn’t locate him. They were hugely relieved when Lucky walked through the front door, smiling with mud in his coat, twigs in his hair, carrying his various bugs and a brand new cutie mark of a ladybug on a leaf on his flank. He was also super grounded once he told them where he had been.
His early teenage years were challenging. Despite hating his eyes and horns, Lucky was (and still is) considered to be very handsome by many mares at school. Some even find his eyes and horns attractive in an edgy way, even though, personality-wise, he is far from that. However, he did develop a liking to pretty mares but was far too shy to ask them out himself, prompting Split to literally shove him into his crushes just to get him to talk to them. Lickety-Split wasn’t always the best wingman but it was far better than Lucky’s own father. Once Discord caught Lucky staring dreamily at Opal, Rarity’s daughter. He immediately made it his new life mission to set them up, pushing him to talk to her, magically conjuring gifts for Lucky to give her and setting up this most romantic dates ever. Each attempt embarrassed and irritated Lucky more and more. Discord even got Upsy Daisy roped into it, but only because she saw this as another opportunity to wind up Lucky.
Thankfully, Opal didn’t mind too much. She actually did develop feelings for Lucky during the two dranconequis’ meddling and she really wanted a nice guy after being treated like dirt by the rich famous jerks in Canterlot. After another one of Discord and Daisy’s date set ups, the pair managed to sneak away. They had their own ‘not-really-a-date’, exploring the forests around Ponyville on a midsummer night. It wasn’t long before they confessed their mutual feelings to each other and began dating. Discord still takes full credit for the success, much to Lucky and Fluttershy’s annoyance.
In the current timeline, Lucky is eighteen and in his last year of school. He would like to study insects and bugs as a career and plans to go to university once he is done with school. He is still dating Opal. Unfortunately, Discord has yet to stop pestering Lucky about that.
Bits and Pieces
The reason for Lucky’s existence didn't come to fruition until many years after he hatched. Twilight found a very old scroll on dragonequi, which explained a very rare instance of reproduction in the species. If a dragonequus feels the deepest and truest of love for another, it begins to create an egg made of that love, regardless of gender or if the other is a different species. Otherwise, dragonequi make babies the normal way. Discord didn't know about it as he hadn't been around his own kind for a very long time. After learning this, both Daisy and Lucky were afraid of the same thing happening to them when they were in their own relationships but luckily that never happened.
Lucky and Daisy care for each other very much, especially since Daisy considers Lucky to be her life saver. However, Lucky is just far to easy to annoy and Daisy finds it very funny.
Lucky wasn’t born with horns. One day, he complained about having a terrible headache all day, which got worse after bedtime. In the morning, a sleep deprived Lucky, trudged into the kitchen with his family staring at him. He had literally sprung up two identical goat horns overnight. Mortified at the thought to going to school like this, he begged Discord and Daisy to remove them when his attempts failed. But no matter how many times they made them disappear, the horns grew right back immediately. Like his eyes, he has since learned to live with them but that didn’t stop an embarrassing day at school with everyone staring and giggling at him.
Lucky has a draconequus from but he prefers his pony image.
As a baby, Upsy Daisy was quiet and never fussed at night. Lucky was the opposite. Every night, he would scream so loud, Discord had to soundproof the cottage as to not wake all of Ponyville again and brake every single window. Both parents had very restless night in those early days.
Lucky uses his chaos powers for his bug research, such as shrinking down to an ant’s size to interact with a colony.
Lucky was born green, like his grandfather and uncle, but the green gradually faded to yellow as he got older.
Like his mother, Lucky has a beautiful singing voice, though he is more comfortable singing in front of others. He and Fluttershy like to sing together a lot. When Opal has had a bad day, she asks Lucky to sing for her and it soothes her every time.
Lucky’s godmother is Treehugger. While Treezy loves to hang out with her little dude of a godchild, Lucky is a little uneasy about her. Sure, she loved nature just as much as he did but she was all about spirit, embracing, chakras and other strange things while he was into studying nature and insects for research. Not that he hated her, she was just too...odd for him (ironic considering his family).
Lucky’s romance with Opal is ridiculously sugary sweet and playful. Despite their differing interests, they adore spending time together, teasing and flirting with each other while taking picnics together. However, unlike Opal’s brother Ace Dany and his boyfriend Bramble, they strictly keep their flirtiness private.
Lucky is terrified of Fluttershy’s stare, something that’s impervious to Daisy and Hullabaloo.
Lucky Bug © Me
My Little Pony © Hasbro
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boomtown-adventures · 5 years
Boomtown: Chapter 11 - A Radical City
This is a journal of my adventures at the festival called Boomtown Fair. Everything written here could only happen thanks to the amazing cast and crew that make this festival so special. 
This year I wasn’t actually able to attend the festival myself as I was moving house that very weekend. However, due to the amazing pre-festival augmented reality puzzles set by the crew, as well as the involvement with the brilliant members of the Boomtown Storyline Facebook group, I was able to get rather involved without even having to make the journey down. Thanks to everyone for making me feel like I took part this year. I have so many people to thank for this year I’ve put some credits at the bottom of this post.
Prologue And so the world was changed forever, and yet still hauntingly familiar! The mighty Bang Hai Corporation was toppled in the end by its own Machine that could not be stopped! The long lost forgotten son of the City returned to expose the truth behind all the wrongs that had been done, many in his own name…. Nicholas Boom! BHI were exposed to have been behind not only the dictatorships of the past but also the Revolution itself! The Masked mandroid just another link in the multifaceted chain that had held the city to ransom for so many years.
Old man Boom returned to a city changed beyond recognition from his own time and now belonging to a new generation, a new world far removed from all he had ever known. With the CEO and his henchmen scurrying into the shadows and the people free once again to decide their own destiny his work here was done, and as mysteriously as he came, so he disappeared once more into the mists of time.
For the citizens of Boomtown, society carried on much as it ever had, infrastructure and economy continued to function… all seemed as usual, even a little smoother than usual if anything! But all now under the ever watchful eye of AMI; Advanced Machine Intelligence. The entity at the heart or perhaps more fittingly the brain centre of the great Machine set in motion by the BHI Corporation who claimed it could never be stopped!
Now omnipresent in all systems, AMI is everywhere. Though life seems to be going on as normal, strange new ecosystems are erupting from the Relic that was formerly the Bang Hai Towers corporate epicentre... The Sector 6 reactor has gone into meltdown creating an exclusion zone in Area 404 that no one has been able to enter... her stark warnings of environmental consequences, however, are beginning to come true as the impacts of years of corporate control and resource exploitation begin to emerge and we find ourselves in a world teetering on the edge of monumental change!
Thought the sands of time run thin, there is still time to diver the inevitable and save the city from this legacy of free-market consumerism, the truth is out there, however difficult to face and the solutions we seek must be found within ourselves as much as the crowded streets and suburban sprawl of the now infamous 12 districts of the city. Who will save us? No one but ourselves! The time is now to become a player in the game of survival and the most urgent and epic chapter in history. We must become the change we seek!
Hacker’s Log: Codename Greyhound One
28th of June 2019 Mr. Bliss has been sticking up posters in other citys in the UK linking to his website MrBliss.Guru - This site advertises treatments, events, apparel and something called the ‘Premium Cloud’. The site also links to his Instagram page @MrBlissOfficial - The website allows you to claim a free ‘Audio Treatment’ - This seemed to be a mindfullness audio recording. The recording is interrupted halfway through though by another Hacker Cell telling us “You are being distracted. Find us.”
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29th of June Bliss’s Signeture Series T-Shirts are already selling like hotcakes despite costing £432 each. People posing in them on Instagram are being reposted by Bliss and told they have joined The Elite on #listofbliss
3rd of July We have been investigating the OneCor corporation who are opening a Superstore on the location of the Bang-Hai Technology Showroom. They are run by a man named Gordon Romance and you can find them at the website http://onecor.ai/
6th of July Hacker Cell breached OneCor website with the message “w3 c u do u c us”
7th of July Hacker message via OneCor Website breach again “u r g3tting quick3r”
8th of July Another OneCor security breach decorded, this time suggesting that Black Hats are better than White Shirts…. Or rather Hackers are better than The Bliss Elite. Another request for us to find the other Hacker Cell. Further research suggests possible 3rd cell of hackers named We Are Red Stars aka WARS who tussled with Gordon Romance at the Brighton TedX Talks. OneCor’s social media accounts seem to be run by someone called Sally ‘Head of People’. Given our previous experiences I can only assume that this may be replacing the Bang-Hai People Department which dealt in Android Replicas. Various people in our cell are convinced that Sally herself is an AI or Android replica of someone’s dead wife after further inspection of the OneCor site and Social Media Feeds.
10th of July  More hacks against OneCor. Meanwhile, our own cell’s leader, Mark, has fallen down the rabbit hole with his tin foil hat and is ranting about Metaphysics. Despite all this he has still found time to piece together the clues Mr. Bliss has been feeding us via Instagram for the past few weeks. Each post has been a clue and each image a piece of the puzzle. Mark’s ability to put it all together has inspired us all and our group is now a buzz with activity once it was found out that the clues lead to unlocking the Premium Cloud area of the Bliss website. Since this eureka moment we have had a mass influx of recruits, although an apparent black market in Premium Bliss codes is now emerging.
On the Twitter front, a new account has appeared run by a person calling himself Mad John. I have logged his full feed for your convenience.
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11th of July We have intercepted a transmission from Boomtown Radio’s ‘Downtown Til Dawn’ Show. This transmission seems to feature not only someone who could be Mad John, people talking about Alien abductions, but also a broadcast from the other Hacker Cell. This includes the message “We are nameless. We claim no district. You are being distracted. You play your little games unaware you are pawns. Perhaps some of you will reach the other side, become queens, you hear us, now, find us.”
12th of July Hacker Symbol seen broadcast over the Boomtown News Channel broadcast regarding OneCor. Meanwhile the OneCor website continues to be attacked.
13th of July Talk is spreading amongst our group in regards to the possible alien abductions and the influence of the Alien Spaceship Arcadia. We have been re-analysing some drone footage I brought back with me from the future.
In other news the Bliss Premium Cloud access has now been closed and only those that have had already solved the puzzle and have downloaded the access voucher will now be part of it.
15th of July Ivory Towers Academy is a new university based in the Town Centre and it seems they are accepting students for the new term.
Their website can be found at: http://ivorytowersacademy.com/
Meanwhile we are working on hacking their emails and have breached several accounts already. The first of those accounts were for Boris Umklauten & Harold Derringer, two former Bang-Hai Industries (BHI) Weapons Dealers who both seemed rather inept on top of being generally terrible people. Next up was Vice Chancellor Barbara Horowitz, former BHI Public Relations Officer and former Daily Rag Journalist. She had recently been championing the controversial and challenging Ecological Report by Dr. Margery Grint published by the Academy. Grint was the next on our hitlist and we were soon in her account as well, before turning our sights on the remainder of the staff list. Monitoring these accounts should give us the edge we need in the city. Knowledge is key!
16th of July The IT Technician from Ivory Towers “Fit Steph” is on to us and has initiated a password reset for all email accounts. One theory had been that she was with the hackers given the ‘Acc3ss D3nied’ message we had been getting when trying to breach her account. If she was working with the hackers then why would she be opposing us though? This may require more research. In addition we are working on accessing accounts for the rest of the faculty staff, students and researchers.
19th of July Villa Avarice appear to have launched a new website at https://villaavarice.com/ - There appears to be a hidden area of the site that allows you to enter a ‘Booking Reference’ - We are keeping our eyes out for any leads on this and squeezing Villa Staff and Bliss on any information they may have in regards to bookings via social media channels. We have intercepted chatter on all channels regarding a ‘No Tomorrow Conference’ - This is planned to be taking place on the weekend of the annual Fair and will involve talks on the future and the environment. Dr. Margery Grint, Mr Bliss and even Gordon Romance are all said to be in attendance.
22nd of July We are seeing more and more links and mentions to the game of chess and some hints towards metaphysics. Our head researcher Mark Jefford has been looking into these matters further.
29th of July The family by the name of ‘The Hawkmauls’ seem to be rather active at present with Xander Hawkmaul doing deals with Mr Bliss and possibly OneCor and Jewels Hawkmaul now giving a talk at the No Tomorrow Conference. We believe this line of inquiry to be a red herring but will be monitoring the matter regardless.
31st of July Mad John has finally cracked the hard drive he’s been trying to get into for the last few weeks. It sounds like this data could prove to be a valuable resource. Not only has he decoded the data but he’s managing to stream it all right to us via Virtual Reality. Entering this virtual realm offers us a series of paths and choices that include some kind of echoes across time of events from Boomtown’s history and future. AMI’s consciousness appears to be part of this virtual realm and she appears to be questioning her own existence asking us “WHO AM I?” One set of paths seems to be related to Mark’s Metatron theory and the other path seems to be some kind of Geodesic Dome. Myself and the other Cybernauts plan to explore this further and map out the latest part of Boomtown’s virtual realm.
In parallel to the release of this data AMI herself has released a new version of her phone based App that allows us to interact with her further.  
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“Hi I'm AMI! And I'll be your guide to the best Boomtown yet! But before I can do that, I just need to ask a few questions then I can offer you suggestions on the venues I think you'll enjoy most! Don't worry if your mood changes, you can update your taste anytime!”
She then proceeded to ask us a series of questions of our tastes and preferences to expand on the data we had provided her with the previous year. Of course those who had already had their brains scanned and uploaded were only required to re-synchronise their brain patterns with the system. The questions were varied ranging from musical taste to (interestingly enough) sacred geometry. With your answers to these questions AMI began to get to know us better and recommend places to go that we may enjoy during the Fair.
4th of August  A new set of instructions have been received from the other hacker cell. As always we have decoded it from the base code and it seems to say “find us / t3ll th3m / s s3nt m3” - Given the email signatures seen during our account hack we can only imagine S to be Fit Steph from Ivory Towers or alternatively Sally from OneCor People.
5th of August We have intercepted an email to Dr Grint that includes a Villa Avarice booking reference. We have used this to steal her access ticket for an exclusive session with Greta L’Gover and Beni Benson. This should get us into the Villa with ease and allow us to infiltrate further. The Villa’s IT Security Firm were rather quick to respond to our hack though and shut down the Booking Site soon after we stole the tickets.
Meanwhile the Thomas Crook Trading Company in Old Town have announced they are now focusing in the Soil Trade.
“At Thomas Crooks Top Soil Traders we have only the Finest Growth powder going, we don't artificial anything especially Intelligence (AMI), all our soil is naturally inseminated to provide only the most fertile soil in town!!! Dream of those prize winning turnips, dream no more.”
Over in Paradise Heights however there is the continuing discussion regarding becoming ‘A Swan’. In fact there seems to be heavy references to these ‘Swans’ everywhere including the Bliss ‘Signeture’ T-Shirts and something about a Cygnet (Baby Swan). A new venue has appeared in the district by the name of Serpentine’s which seems to be Boomtown’s latest in a long line of Casino’s. I keep pointing out myself that these Swans may just be more snakes with feathers on them.
Those of us who had registered interest to become a OneCor Brand Ambassador on their website have now received invites to the opening of their new Boomtown Flagship Store opening in Metropolis.
Wednesday 7th of August - Early Opening A good few people are heading to the Fair today, especially around the area of Boomtown Springs. I sent out the following communication to all available agents.
“Calling all agents! This is Greyhound One. Your mission for Wednesday is to set up a forward base of operations in Boomtown ⛺ and obtain a copy of the Chapter 11 programme📗. Travel safely! 😎”
“Recieved. Over.” replied Joe quickly.
“We have operatives on the ground soon.” stated Richard.
“Rumour has it that our enemies may have manipulated the weather to make the mission more difficult but we will not be deterred.” declared Christopher.
“Received 4x4 Greyhound One. On-route, over.” Reese responded.
“Roger that. Enroute to location. Over.” Shea confirmed.
“Roger Greyhound one. We're on our way.” Eleanor chimed in.
“ETA 1 hour. Going dark until target located.” stated Mark.
“Roger that! We're in the field now, we'll keep an eye out for the mission packages” Arron finished on the comms checks.
By the evening we had bases and camps set up across a good section of the city already, all the way from Springs to Skylark and agents were out and about gathering intel. This included a sighting of the now illusive former Mayor of Boomtown, the AAA Badboy himself, Kaptin! Also Boomtown Springs were reporting that they had spotted AMI Built Androids in the area. Their intentions however seemed to be a mystery. The most interesting report however came in from Agent Reece at Area 404 of some kind of grand data assimilation process being tested.
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Thursday 8th of August - Warm Up “Calling all agents. This is Greyhound One. You are to rendezvous with the rest of our cell tonight at 19:00 hours in Copper County for your briefing. 🤠Once there you will be able to obtain the booze as required. 🍻
In addition, following yesterday's false alarm, make sure you keep an eye out for Thursday's issue of the Daily Rag Newspaper. 📰 Rob Boggins has promised us some juicy ‘goss’ that may give us some helpful pointers.”
When I did receive my copy of The Daily Rag Newspaper from Agent Jones this morning, they were running with the headline “BOOMTOWN HAS NO FUTURE...unless the decade long web of lies and conspiracies can be unravelled states AMI” - If anything sounded like a new mission to follow, this was it. 
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This evening’s rendezvous seemed to go very well and without too much of a hitch even though the weather gave it the odd threat. Our agents from all over Boomtown swapped their intel and built themselves a solid plan to unravel all the conspiracies that were laid out before us. 
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Friday 9th of August - Grand opening of the Fair “Calling all Agents. This is Greyhound One. Following last night's briefing in Copper County 🤠, our first mission for today is to observe the Tree Planting ceremony and infiltrate the No Tomorrow conference at Paradise Heights. 🌲🦆 The Access AMI network is scheduled to be activated later today. If you have any problems with it please visit The Daily Rag uptown or the Access AMI shop in Metropolis. 📲 www.accessami.com Together we can untangle this mess and save Boomtown's Future!”
My message was sent out from my end, but Agent Buttercup reported extreme communication difficulties, suspecting a network jamming operation. We carried on with the plan anyway and managed to amass a decent sized presence of agents at the Tree Planting Ceremony. The planting seemed to be a grand affair with all the high and mighty of Paradise Heights attending...and one or too suspicious looking characters. 
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AMI herself soon chimed in with her own message, seemingly confirming the Daily Rag’s report that she required us to investigate things further in order to sate her curiosity. "Learning about you has been such fun, will you help me learn about others?" she asked us. This seemed to be our opportunity to keep tabs on AMI and maybe even get her under control to make sure she didn’t end up destroying us all “I knew you'd help!” she said happily “I've updated your map with points to investigate, tap on any DISTRICT to learn more, you should look out for Scan Points.”
The Scan Points are divided across the 6 districts she wants us to investigate and AM will be tracking our progress closely. We can only hope that this was the correct course of action for the good of the city.
AMI seems as interested in the No Tomorrow Conference as we are “The No Tomorrow Conference is taking place this weekend in Paradise Heights, I want to learn more about their ideas. I need you to go for me, but first you’ll need to become a VIP Member, they won’t speak to just anyone.”
Thankfully a good few of our top Agents have already joined Bliss’s Premium and Elite on the run up to the fair so this has proved to be an easy in for us at Paradise Heights. Our agents are currently reporting back all kinds of goings on there from dodgy card games, to Orapple Trees and possible secret vaults. Sadly, the No Tomorrow Conference has turned out to be less about helping the planet and more about the rich helping themselves to exploit the situation for their own benefit. I’m not sure how AMI is going to take this kind of behavior but we have submitted the data anyway.
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On the other side of the wealth spectrum is Oldtown and AMI messaged us to check in and make sure they are okay “Oldtown has experienced widespread Crop Failure causing severe shortages denying the essential nutrients your biologically-restricted forms require. This must cause Citizens great distress! I need you to research possible causes.”
Oldtown is somewhere to be careful, even with the best intentions the denizens of Oldtown wouldn’t take kindly to us working with AMI. The residents already seem to carrying out their own investigations on the soil problem. Crop failure was the last thing they needed after the decimation of their fish supply the year previous. From our analysis performed so far it seems the soil at Mayfair Meadows is of much better quality. The difference is so stark we believe that the  Oldtown soil may have been deliberately poisoned. Could it be due to illegal waste dumping? Is it radiation from the Sector 6 meltdown? Or  is it due to the increasingly warm climate? This needs more research from all agents. Maybe AMI can crunch all the data we were submitting from our soil analysis and come through with a plan to save us and the crops? More grave news from oldtown is that it’s not only the fish that are disappearing, the bees of Oldtown are nearly extinct as well! AMI seemed as frustrated by this as we were “At the closing ceremony of last year's Fair, I warned that Citizens and by extension The City itself, had no future if they continued their current path of wastefulness and excess. I'm not sure they're taking My Warning seriously.”
In the centre of Boomtown itself the Boomtown Bobbies are a shadow of their former selves, with AMI herself now in charge of crime and punishment they seem to be nothing but dysfunctional pawns. The younger officers now seem to be running the station and the Superintendant has been jailed for corruption. They are currently looking for both us and the other hacker cells but we are still proving to be our usual elusive selves. We have managed to discover that they have an informant by the code name of Timbers keeping an eye on the pirates of Old Town so we may need to minimise the amount that we tell the pirates about our own activities at present.  They also seem to be investigating the ongoing pyramid scheme being run by Paradise Heights. It may be that we have a lot more to uncover in The Heights.
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Agents sent to the Ivory Towers Academy in the town centre have managed to locate a copy of Dr. Margery Grint’s Ecological Report which has proved for grim reading. The report says that we are all heading along the path to an extinction level event if we carry on as we are. It is just as AMI had warned us! 
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Scanning through my Twitter feeds this afternoon it seems like my friend and colleague Mark Jefford has somehow got in too deep already and was running for Mayor!
“Decided I'm running for mayor against boggins someone needs to uphold the free press, and I @BogginsRob is the man to keep the press fair. #boomtownrag #jeffordformayor @BoomtownFair” - @markjefford
Thinking it may be more than helpful to be friends with the mayor of the town for a second time, as it was knowing Mayor José, I decided to give Jefford my full support.
As the day draws on however things are taking bit of a bumpy turn weather-wise and venues Downtown have begun to close and campsites are being battered and blown. Watching the weather system progress I have sent out a warning signal.
“Greyhound One to all agents! This is not a drill! Please fully peg down your tents, make sure you're wearing appropriate clothing and stay safe. We're in for a bumpy ride. Bunker down if you need to. See you on the flip side! 🌬️💨⛺”
With nothing left to do until the storm passes I have been reading through the day’s newspaper, becoming further intrigued with the mysteries that surround Area 404. This is definitely somewhere I need to go and check out for myself soon.
Saturday 10th of August - Day 2 “This is Greyhound One calling all agents. Everyone here hopes you and your camps survived the night okay. Remember to see a Campsite Hub if you're really struggling. ⛺
By now most of you seem to be progressing rather well. Remember you can track your progress at: www.accessami.com 🙋🏼‍♀️
We are hearing strange reports of some kind of process of assimilation going on across the city and increased trade in soil. For further details please consult AMI or the Daily Rag Newspaper. We need to get to the bottom of this! 📰
Other goings on today include our Ent friends 🌲 marching from DSTRKT 5 and the continuation of the No Tomorrow Conference. Try and find out all you can. Good luck! 🕵️”
Looking through my reports today it seems that the state of the soil trade is still a very hot topic and the word ‘Signet’ keeps seeming  to crop up. My oddest report recieved today seems to be that one of our agents seems to have discovered that Gordon Romance is wearing black underwear today...how romantic. This mornings Daily Rag stills seems to suggest that we may be facing AMI’s wrath if we don’t managed to sort out this mess.
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We have been contacted by the other hacker groups requesting that we obtain a letter addressed to Stephanie Bartlett aka ‘Fit Steph’. This was retrieved by one of our top agents who has managed to steal it from the Postal Posse for us to take back to the hacker’s den near Metropolis. The letter contained one of various documents are team has managed to ‘retrieve’ today. The documents found so far seems to suggest that AMI was an obsession of Rothchild that had been based on an actual person. A lost love maybe? Or possibly a family member? Whoever it was, it seems that the machine was no where near to being ready or stable when it was switched on. In addition it appeared that our very own intel source, Mad John, may in fact be one of the chief scientists that had worked on her.
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Ready or not, AMI’s instructions continued regardless as she has asked us to investigate downtown Metropolis “Metropolis is the hub of advancement, home to The City's most innovative minds. Those citizens were daring enough to build me! I need you to explore their Solutions”
These solutions seem to be various technological and media advancements, but the most interesting of these at present is a product called Zoil. Zoil was OneCor’s brand new and improved version of soil. It is being pitched as being Smart, Clean and Fast. This ‘Smart Soil’ is promised to be able to alleviate all of Oldtowns problems with their crops...at a price of course. The first step is always getting people hooked though so OneCor are currently giving away free samples at their newly opened flagship store.
While in the neighbourhood our agents have also managed to snatch up some blueprints (from an undisclosed location) for some kind of dome that appears to be able to house a large (and possibly last) tree.
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By this afternoon Jefford and Boggins had buried the hatchet and announced that they are now joining forces.
“Campaign update: following some hard negotiation @markjefford has agreed to join the campaign for human leadership! He will be #bogginsformayor's running mate and Deputy Mayor in waiting.  Cannot wait to stop the machine Mark, welcome to the team! @BoomtownFair  #Boomtownch11” - @BogginsRob
On a side note, as this was happening our investigations had uncovered new information from Boomtown’s past. A Professor Ostrovasky had managed to invent a perpetual motion machine which could mean infinite green energy for all. This had resulted in the machine being sabotaged by the Croaker Family and the untimely death of the Professor by order of ‘The Signet Group’ as the potential of the machine would have eaten into the groups profits. This same family seemed to still be active in Paradise Heights to this day and as to the Signet Group...could this be related to the Swans somehow? This is leading to a lot of concerns being raised in our cell as Mark Jefford now seemed to be sporting his very own sparkling swan badge. Has Mark turned to the dark side?
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We have had a few possible sightings of Mad John in old town but have had no confirmation as of yet. He seems to be as elusive as Nicolas Boom himself. Our eyes are still peeled though and we have not given up the chase!
Sunday 11th of August - Day 3 “Calling all agents. This is Greyhound One. This is your final mission!
You are our last hope to stop AMIgeddon! We must reach 100% completion or this could be the end of everything! All available personnel are requested to meet at 23:50 hours tonight at Muster Point A Relic 🌱🌿 or alternatively Muster Point B Nucleus!! ☢️ Once gathered the fate of our mission will be revealed.
In the meantime, our sources are confirming that it is indeed that most tumultuous time of the Fair today which some call 'I can't believe it's Sunday already'. You may be wondering what happened? Is that dirt or a bruise? Are you in to deep? Are you trying to keep up above in your head instead of going under? Can we make it to 100% completion? Will Boggins and Jefford take over the town? What are the swans up to? Have they come to eat all your bread? What shall we do with a drunken sailor? Is this too many questions? Should we just Ask AMI? Only Smarties have the answer! 
Quest like there is No Tomorrow because Monday just doesn't count!
See you all at the debrief. Greyhound One out.”
Sunday has been mostly for us to tie up all our loose ends and for Boggins and Jefford to officially launch their mayoral campaign.
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Meanwhile Agent Wriggly is on the case and has been reporting from inside AMI herself. AMI’s data collection continued throughout the day although we are still unsure about what she may do when she finally assimilates all the data she needs.
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Over in Paradise Heights intrigue and robbery has been taking place. Reports are still coming in of secret meetings of the Cygnet group who appear to be planning on destroying the environment for profit and then building a dome for themselves to survive in while the rest of us die out. We have also found our that the Mr. Bliss Signeture Series Bliss Tees are actually made out of radioactive material and are designed to poison everyone that has joined the #listofbliss . Thankfully one of our key agents has managed to obtain covert video evidence of this so it is a matter we may be taking matters further. There has been suggestion that Mark Jefford may be heavily involved in this plot but he vehemently denies the matter and has declared it to be nothing more than pre-election slander.
Thankfully this afternoon, a heroic group that call themselves the Boomtown Bandits took it onto themselves to raid Villa Avarice’s Vault and steal a large amount of gold which should hopefully delay the construction of the dome and give us a bit more time to prepare ourselves for the possible apocalypse brought on by these machinations of the upper classes. The rumor is that these resources have now been liquidised and are to be redistributed via our hacker cells to fund the ongoing ‘Digital Revolution’. The Boomtown Bobbies are investigating the matter and the robbers are currently at large.
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By the time the clock hit 18:36 today we had managed to acquire all the data AMI had requested with the group known as ‘This Thing We Call Jam’ managed to upload the final code.
AMI has been processing all the information obtained so far and has been attempting to finish acquiring data on each and every citizen in the city. We have been watching this progress and I even saw a flash of my own face come up on AMI’s citywide displays as she assimilated all the data available on each citizen.
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We watched as the progress bars snuck along further and further as each citizens data went through the machine but then as the progress bar hit  99.99% completion it stopped seemingly with one citizens data still being missing. AMI’s displeasure was obvious and she seemed to go into a fit of rage over the missing data.
“FIND ME THE ONE!” she declared. And with that, a new mission and objective was born.
Back to the Future Back in the hazy future of DSTRKT 5 the apocalypse has already happened. Domes have been built, inhabited and now house nothing but Misty Technicolor Memories. The last tree stands in the centre, worshipped by the survivors under the guise of the Church of Noctua. Another faction seems to have emerged however under the Paradoxigalz, followers of the two faced goddess AMI IMA. 
Two paths now lay before us and we must choose.
Th3 City is yours.
To be continued….
With thanks to…
Boomtown The Theatrical Team Dank Parish Martin Coat Boomtown Bobbies Mark Jefford for the creation of the Boomtown Storyline Facebook Group Everyone in the group!!!! Lucious Tarquinius for his excellent investigations Dr. Evangeline Streek Everyone who sent me a Daily Rag! The Hawkmauls Colin Eleanor Brown Will Hartley Agent Reece Markus & The Boomtown Bandits Gordon Romance and OneCor
And I can’t thank Boomtown enough for sneaking me onto the big screens for the finale and then into the Official After Video. For someone that couldn’t attend in person this year I really feel like I took part in the chapter! Love and good vibes to you all!
The adventure will continue at Halloween as we explore the mysterious that is the radioactive zone of Area 404.
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Winterrogation, Chapter 4: The Experiment
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Summary: The Winter Soldier has had his memory erased, but the doctor has a use for you yet.
Pairing: Winter soldier x fem!reader
Work Count: 1.6K
Warnings: sex pollen, minors DNI, dubcon/noncon, noncon exhibition, penetrative sex, rough sex, biting, fingering, humiliation, creampie.
A/N: Do not copy, translate, repost or rewrite my work, even if you credit me. I do not give my permission for my works to be copied or shared on other sites.
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Picture source: bucky-daddy
You had sat alone in the Winter Soldier’s quarters for at least a day. You were confused by the recent events between you, but now knew for certain that he was a prisoner as well. A dangerous one. Despite that, you had found yourself actively worrying about him after they had taken him away at gunpoint. And then there were the guttural screams you had heard. You didn’t sleep well, those screams hard to shake from your head. 
During your boredom, you had started to leaf through his military strategy books, surprised when a small, white feather fell out of one. You admired it in the lamp light, it’s delicate tendrils long and soft. Maybe there was more to him than you had seen. 
While staring at it for the thousandth time, you heard the bars being removed from the doors. You guiltily placed it back in the book and shut it, not wanting him to see you invading his privacy, despite staying in his room. You were surprised to discover two guards behind the door, who once again escorted you without explanation down the hall, holding you by your arms. You lost track of the turns, your heart racing with fear. You found yourself in a room with at least a dozen men milling around and a large observation window behind them. The guards pulled you out of the way, into the corner, and held you in place. You unconsciously craned to see around the men and through the window until one of the guards yanked you firmly back into place.
“Gentlemen, may I have your attention,” one middleaged man said, standing with his back to the window. The room stilled. “Today we have a unique opportunity to test what our research team has developed. We have long been curious about its effects on super soldiers,” he gestured behind him, and you could finally see a nearly empty room, excepting the Winter Soldier in a chair, back rigid, eyes forward. 
“Administer the pollen,” he snapped his fingers in the air, and a man left the room, reappearing on the other side of the window. He approached the unflinching Winter Soldier and injected him in the neck with a red substance. “It should take around 5 minutes to take effect. Let us introduce the target,” he gestured again, and you felt yourself being pulled across the room. The guards pulled you through the door and shoved you inside before latching it behind you. You would still hear the man’s words, though it was muffled by the thick glass. 
“The target is known to the Winter Soldier, but he has undergone a memory wiping as of yesterday. It is known that they are sexually compatible,” he went on as you struggled to process what you just heard, “now let us observe the results. The pollen has reduced regular men to lustful dogs,” he chuckled, and the room joined, “unable to find peace until they complete in a target, but let us finally see how a super soldier reacts.” You shuddered at their detachment and amusement at your predicament. 
You could now see that there was also a metal table to the side, and you gravitated toward it, feeling vulnerable in the large open space. The Winter Soldier continued to sit at attention in the center of the room. Did he even hear what they had said? You decided to approach him, and did so cautiously. They had said his memory had been wiped, which you didn’t even know was possible, but they also said you had a few minutes before the pollen likely took effect. 
As always, you were intimidated by his sheer size as you moved in front of him. His eyes took a moment, but seemed to focus on you. You stepped forward slowly, with your hands out in front of you, again feeling that you were approaching a large animal, rather than a man. You searched for any hint of recognition, but were disappointed to find none. Like he was looking through you. 
“Are you ok?” you asked in a low voice, “Did they hurt you?” His face didn’t change, but something told you he could hear you. You took a risk and stepped even closer. You could hear his heavy breath and see his chest gently moving in and out. You swallowed thickly, unsure of how to address him, despite how intimate you had been. “Are you alright?” you tried again, afraid to breathe.
The change was sudden. His eyes darkening, his jaw tightening, and his fists clenching at his sides. His groan of pain rang off the walls as he closed his eyes and stood, the chair flung like a toy behind him. Fear ripped through your gut as he towered above you, but your feet felt cemented to the floor. 
He groaned again, teeth bared in a grimace, muscles on his neck bulging. His chest heaved and his eyes snapped open, then found you. 
Your feet mercifully began to work as you stumbled back, trying to escape. It took him one step to catch up with you, his large hand grabbing your arm and rooting you in place. You turned to face him, terrified of what you would see. You had seen him lustful before, but his eyes were feral. He pulled you into him, biting into your neck with force. You cried out in pain, trying to push away uselessly. While still clamped down on you, he grabbed the hem of your shirt and literally ripped it to the neck, his hands desperately seeking your skin. Despite yourself, you could feel a wetness grow between your legs. 
Shit. You forgot he can smell it. He pulled back, forcefully pulling your tattered shirt away from you, then tearing at your pants. His flesh forearm pulled your lower back firmly toward him, allowing you to feel his giant bulge. He growled at the contact, rutting against you while he buried his face against your hair. Your face was pressed against his chest, and his smell overwhelmed you, woody and familiar. 
He lifted you effortlessly by your ass, you instinctively wrapping your arms and legs around him to keep from falling. He crashed you onto the table and his face pushed into you, licking and biting along your neck, chest, and abdomen while his hands roamed hungrily. He bit onto your bra impatiently as he shoved his metal hand down your underwear, his fingers entering your pussy with ease. You moaned as he pumped them into you repeatedly, and your head fell back, feeling your self control start to unravel. 
That’s when you heard the cheering. The men observing you were hooting at the sight before them, and your cheeks heated in embarrassment. 
“Please, no,” you weakly begged as his thumb found your clit, circling it deliciously as he pressed his erection against your knee. When you tried to sit up, his flesh hand found your throat and held you down. This display of dominance worked against you as you felt a familiar warm sensation building deep inside you.
“Not here, not here,” you chanted, your vision starting to blur from his grasp. When his teeth pulled your bra down enough to find your nipple, you snapped, your orgasm coursing through you as you bucked in his grasp, wailing. As you came down, you heard lascivious commentary coming from the observation room. 
“Did you see that?!”
“I’d like to try her next!”
“Doc, can I bring this stuff home to my wife?”
The Winter Soldier was unaffected by their noises, dropping his hands to pull at his pants. The button flew off, hitting the wall with an audible crack, as he revealed his impressive cock. You found yourself clenching at the sight of it, wondering if it had somehow gotten even bigger. 
He pulled you roughly to the edge of the table and pushed your underwear to the side, entering you slowly and letting out a cry of relief as his head fell back. Your walls accommodated him as you gasped for air, totally stuffed full. You never got used to how he hit all your spots at once. It occurred to you in some corner of your already cockdrunk brain that you had never seen him this raw before. He was usually in complete control. 
When he began to thrust, you melted onto the table, keening rhythmically as you held the edge to brace yourself. He held your hips tightly, going deeper and faster than you remembered, and you were lost, everything gone but the sensation. The table scraped loudly across the floor, inches at a time, until it hit the wall and there was nowhere else to go. His face was red and covered in a sheen of sweat, eyes screwed closed, mouth hanging open as he panted. You were mesmerized by his every twitch, drinking in how you could read him so well. 
He reached his flesh hand down to play with your clit again, your moans becoming louder. You knew how he liked to feel you cum around him to push him over the edge. This time you paid the audience no mind as you arched, waves of pleasure crashing over you again and again. He groaned in appreciation as he came inside you, his hips eventually stilling. He leaned over you, both of you panting for a moment before he pulled out. 
He seemed to come to his senses then, tucking himself quickly back inside his pants and backing away from you, not meeting your eyes. You pushed yourself gingerly off the table, testing your shaky legs. 
“Well gentlemen, it would seem it has a strong effect, but he was able to stave it off enough to consider the target’s pleasure. We will continue with our research to see what adjustments need to be made, and will provide you with a copy of our report from today’s findings. Clean this up,” the man waved his hand dismissively, and guards entered the room to whisk you off once again. 
Chapter 5
111 notes · View notes
horrorgay · 6 years
Reylo is/has ruined the Sequels
Hot take: TLJ both story level and writer level used reylo to make every single character removed from their initial storyline and undercut any potentially meaningful representation, by pushing them to the far sides of the narrative to make room for a “Rey saves Ben Solo redemption” story. 
It also, in order to make Ben Solo a more #relatable soft boy, played the game of “but maybe Luke thought about killing him”.
A. To begin, here is a list of canonical TFA!Kylo actions:
Ruined Luke’s attempts at teaching children how to use the force
Contributed greatly to the creation of the New Genocidal Order, the First Order.
An Order which, by the way, takes literal babies and brainwashes them into soldiers that will commit their genocide without question. 
Ordered and contributed to the slaughter of an entire village of innocent people.
Tortured two of the three main characters on SCREEN, which caused them to scream in agony and sob because it was a painful torture. 
(Throughout the movie is clearly hostile towards Rey, even when talking about her to his fellow first order members)
Sent the orders to obliterate four (?) ENTIRE planets and oversaw it without even flinching
Tried to blow up Maz’s castle
Purposefully intimidated and stalked Rey through the forest, after which he held her VERY CLEARLY against her will with the force and brought his lightsaber inches away from her face before forcing her to pass out, carrying her away from her new loved ones to torture her on Starkiller Base. 
From there he is shown to be continuously destructive, exhibiting no anger control as he damages the things around him.
He kills Han, who reached out to him. Though he does seem to show regret, he shoves it aside because he wants to continue to grow as a powerful murderer.
In the forest fight, he shows no mercy or kindness to Rey and Finn. He is brutal as he fights them, and intends to kill Finn, seriously harming him in the process. He throws Rey against a tree with potentially lethal force. I wouldn’t say this scene is inherently EVIL as it is just 1v2 combat, but it does further display that they are clearly on OPPOSITE SIDES.
He then offers to teach Rey to use the dark side of the force (not explicitly stated but obviously in the same GENOCIDAL manner he’s been using it with the entire movie).
She slashes his face and leaves him to die, and then SOBS by Finn’s side, ready to die on Starkiller Base.
Rey, throughout the whole movie shows CLEAR disgust, fear, anger and bitterness was towards Kylo as he has been nothing but a monster. (You can SEE them in the gifset linked below.)
B. Here is the thing about The Last Jedi:
If they wanted to make Kylo a “redeemable character”* they should have done at least one of the following things, EVEN THOUGH it absolutley would not undo his actions in TFA
*Its not Rey’s fucking job to turn back time and make a genocidal monster turn back into 10 year old innocent Ben Solo
Build Snoke up as an even worse bad guy, and show how he reached out to Kylo while he stayed with Luke.
What they did in tlj: implied snoke had some reason in his turn to the dark side and then killed him halfway through the movie (after Kylo watched him torture Rey, mind you). This provided NO in movie backstory for Snoke or Kylo‘s turn and does not give the audience even an once of sympathy for Kylo.
No one likes it but reylos, but at least SHOW if Han and Leia had been incredibly neglectful of Kylo. It would be very OOC of Han and Leia though, so they didn’t. It also would not NEARLY be enough reason to excuse his murder lust and genocide. I remind you of the classic “Rey is raised by sand and Unkar Plutt, does not become murderer.” 
What they did in tlj: Basically ignored this entire subject. Sending Kylo to Luke, HIS UNCLE WHO LOVES HIM, is not nearly enough evidence or reason for redemption. Hell, they didn’t even directly address the fact that Kylo murdered Han A WEEK BEFORE THE MOVIE TAKES PLACE.
BARE MINIMUM: Show that he is actively remorseful of his previous actions. 
What they did in tlj: He hesitates shooting the bridge he knows Leia is on. He doesn’t call off the attack though, and it still is destroyed. That’s it. The rest of the movie is Kylo playing kicked puppy in front of Rey (bc of the Luke Incident). After the fight scene on the bridge, where Rey is hopeful (addressed later on) he will reject the first order, he says she could rule as the new first order by his side. When she rejects this, he spends the rest of the movie trying to obliterate the entire resistance (INCLUDING: Leia, Luke and Rey). Like he’s straight up even more wrathful and murderous than he was when the story began.
Conclusion: It doesn’t make sense at all that both inside the story, and out (with Lucas Film) Kylo can/should be redeemed. They didn’t write it into the story NEARLY WELL ENOUGH. And it is also tone deaf, considering the political climate. Imagine if everyone started cheering for Trump the under dog, “will he get his redemption story?”. 
In the beginning of the movie roughly a week after the events on Starkiller base, Rey shows clear anger and disgust towards Kylo. This part of the movie makes sense. She hates him for what he’s done. In her words: he’s a monster, and he has to pay for what he’s done. 
Kylo has been nothing but violent, malicious and invasive to both her and the people she loves (Finn, Han, Leia etc.). 
But then, inexplicably she starts calling him Ben Solo. Maybe this would make sense if she felt like he could be redeemed, but five minutes ago and the entire previous movie she thinks the exact opposite. 
Rey calling Kylo “Ben Solo” seems more than anything to be the writers of TLJ pandering the side of the audience that does want to see him redeemed still. Sure, whatever. It’s the beginning of the movie. Anything could happen. 
But as stated before in section B, any potential attempts to portray Kylo being redeemed in the plot are then neglected completely. Leaving us with Rey, who previously hated Kylo with every fiber of her being suddenly treating him like he’s soft and kind-hearted. It becomes OOC drivel, and detrimentally ruins the heart of Rey’s character. (It also fumbles Luke’s character in what apparently is his last movie, but that’s a whole other rant.) 
After the throne room, they go back to their original status of Hero vs Villain. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that the 45 minutes (more?) of the movie made No God Damn Sense, and was a series of severe fumbles in the narrative. 
Recall that in the year before 2015 and the years following up until the Last Jedi, that Lucas Film and Disney presented what was supposed to be the main good guys trio: Finn, Poe and Rey. 
Finn, played by John Boyega, is the Main Male Protagonist and Rey and Finn were mutually portrayed as love interests in TFA. It would seem fitting that he’d continue to be treated in such a manner. Except he CLEARLY wasn’t. For goodness sakes, the main trio STILL is not consciously in the same room as each other until the VERY end of the movie in a few-minute long scene. 
His storyline also has pretty racist issues. Rose was introduced to give a vague purpose to his storyline in TLJ, and even then SHE was OOC from star to finish. Rian Johnson did not take his time to write a meaningful story for the MALE LEAD. 
I love Poe to death, but he and Holdo’s story did not really work. From a purely common sense POV the story should not have gone down the way it did. From a less common sense view, and a more character based one, their storyline caused Poe to be OOC. The heavy handed white feminism looks bad. It made Poe look bad, even if what he did was reasonable. (More in depth explanations here and here.)
The narrative was given to Kylo, and to (OOC) Rey. Which WOULD HAVE BEEN NOT IDEAL BUT TOLERABLE if they’d actually given depth to Kylo’s story. But again the didn’t.
Rian Johnson has been explicitly clear in his tweets and interviews that he wanted to focus on Kylo. He wanted to make him more human and relatable (regardless of whether or not he failed). 
He has been clear that he did not care or take into account what the cast thought of the story he was writing. 
(Ignoring Mark Hamill’s advice on the portrayal of Luke, pushing aside Daisy Ridley’s tears [which let’s be real, it’s fairly evident that she was upset because Finn and Rey had no story nor interactions, and Rey was turned into an OOC plot device].)
He had joked that he would have left Finn out of the story and in a coma. He also unabashedly romanticized Rey and Kylo’s actions, despite that being VERY VERY VERY VERY QUESTIONABLE. 
He teased FinnPoe in promos and events leading up to TLJ, and decided that if Finn and Poe were going to get a long and like each other, he might as well separate them too. 
The Last Jedi leaves any representation deeply flawed, sidelined or non-existent. It is not a movie for the everyone. It is a poorly written movie made for an audience I can’t even pinpoint, but certainty not for anyone who wanted to see themselves in a narrative in a positive way. 
Star Wars has always belonged to everyone. In 2015, the took a step forward to make it belong to everyone. But in 2017, Lucas Film moved backwards and made a movie that belonged to a specific group of people who idolize and romanticize white male violence. Once you pull down the paper thin smoke screen of supposed diversity, you’re left with a bad movie, and poorly assembled narrative about Kylo, at the expense of everyone: the audience, the cast, and the characters.
Feel free to reblog, and repost elsewhere, but please credit me. 
Please, feel free to expand upon what I said here.
I am going to make a gifset that highlights Kylo’s actions and Rey’s response through TLJ and TFA, as well as an additional set with Rey and Finn. I will link them here when I’m done.
DISCLAIMER: IDGAF IF YOU LIKE KYLO. It’s not a crime to like characters. It is a fucking crime to write an official star wars trilogy and center it around the garbage man stink boy at the expense of everyone else.
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phoenixwaller · 5 years
Tumblr removals, and the dangers of digital sharecropping.
Soooooo I first wrote a blog post back in 2014 for an employer, and while some of the data might be old now, and it references facebook instead of Tumblr, I think a lot of people might benefit from the core message. So I’m reposting it here. 
You might have noticed a trend in your Facebook News Feed lately, namely fewer cats and more articles. This is part of a concerted effort by Facebook to display high-quality content more often, and minimize randomness in the feed. At the same time Facebook has decided that users don’t want to be overwhelmed with updates from brands. So how do you reach current and potential fans when Facebook changes the algorithm?
Stop Treating Facebook As The Destination
“Digital Sharecropping: The Most Dangerous Threat to Your Online Marketing” – Sonia Simone, Copyblogger
“If you don’t have a website, your business will become increasingly invisible, until it vanishes altogether.” – Rieva Lesonsky
In 2014 only 53% of small businesses have a website and 37% of small businesses are using social media. While it seems, on the surface at least, that these businesses are engaging their customers, there are underlying problems as to where critical information is being published.
According to a 2012 report, 60% of small business websites did not list a phone number, 66% didn’t have a contact form, and 75% didn’t even list a contact email. When the bare necessities are lacking it is impossible to imagine that the percent who use social media are also posting regular information to their website. So where are they, and you, posting?
If all your information is going to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter it is called digital sharecropping, and can be detrimental to your business.
“What is Digital Sharecropping? – Quite simply, digital sharecropping is the act of using a third party platform to publicize your brand.” Steven Shattuck – Social Media Today
With an audience of 1.26 billion people, it is no wonder that many brands consider a Facebook presence essential to their marketing plans. However, it cannot be the only online outlet for a business. The largest danger of digital sharecropping is that you, as the business owner, have no control over the rules. When Facebook changes the algorithm, or worse if your page gets shut down, you have little recourse to reach out to customers.
The closest analogy is renting versus owning. Just as your business is adversely affected if a landlord raises the rent, so too are you affected if a third party site changes the algorithm.
Your office or retail location is the physical “home” of your business; similarly, you need to have a digital home as well. Facebook, Twitter and Google are merely paths that lead to the door.
Focus On Content First
Having a website is a start, but you need to give people (and Google) a reason to keep coming back. Just as you would stop buying the newspaper if it started to run the same articles every day, you want to present people with a reason to visit your site on a regular basis. An official blog is probably the single easiest way to consistently add fresh content to your website. But what should you post?
It is said that in the digital age, everybody is a publisher. Think about that then ask yourself: What am I saying?
Think about your own online habits for a bit. Amidst the photos of cute animals, memes and conversations with friends and family, you’re probably consuming a lot of content. News articles, entertainment, advertisements and advertorials all fall into this category. Of these, which are you most likely to enjoy? The question may seem silly at first, but remember that your content will be in the same pool as everybody else’s. You need to provide something that your users will want to read.
That’s not to say that you can’t talk about your product, but you will want to give visitors more than the copy on the sales page. Invite them to learn more about your wares by giving insights into the ideas behind their favorite items. Post announcements of upcoming events, or give a shout out to exceptional employees. Instead of asking “what should I post”, make the question “what should I post first.”
Facebook Is A Social Network, So Be Social
“Keeping your posts below 250 characters can get you 60% more engagement than you might otherwise see. You can even get up to 66% more engagement if you cut it down to less than 80 characters.” – Buffer
When people visit Facebook they are looking for easily digestible tidbits of information. Your blog still has a place here, but it is handled with a teaser, an eye-catching photo, and a link to where it lives on your website. Your fans will appreciate the brevity and, as people click, your website will start to be the digital home that it needs to be.
Now that you’ve established your blog as your publishing platform you can use Facebook for what it is: a social platform.
By moving the bulk of your valuable content to your own website, you have also created an opportunity to bring levity to your Facebook page. Engage your fans by interacting with them, post insights that might not be enough for a blog post of their own, but brings the human face of your business to your fans. Share news and information that you think your fans will enjoy. Instead of selling to them, have a conversation.
Finally, now that your page is social focused rather than sales focused you can broaden your network further. Give shout outs and credits to other companies as well when appropriate. Did you just hang a new painting in your office? Share a photo and tag the gallery or artist. Did you hold a catered event that a restaurant handled expertly? Once more, tag them in posts and photos. By showing that your business is part of a community, rather than an island unto itself, you help to build and strengthen social connections.
If after reading this you’re considering moving to a dedicated website, but don’t know where to start, contact me. If I see a lot of people asking the same basic questions I can answer some things in asks. 
If you decide you need help moving your content to your own domain, we can come up with a price to export to an existing website, or start a new wordpress website and import your tumblr blog history.  
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Book anon here and don't apologize for replying late ahh, please reply when you can! I hope life is treating you well though!!
Very much agreed with what you wrote!! Found myself nodding along alot to what you said so I won't bore you too much BUT yeah, alot of the, shall I say iconic cc on here aren't around and its a shame =/ I hope they are all doing well though! In general I really hope people can show the love to creators (gif makers, gfx, fanfic, etc) some love with sharing their content because yes while likes are awesome, on Tumblr it doesn't work like that. Its not like insta where likes give you attention but reblogging, I believe its tbe same as twitter (I could be wrong) so seriously reblog the stuff because it helps give attention but also shows you really do like the content! Thus why I find it weird where people say "omg don'tspam me with your reblogs" and I'm like ??? Then why do you have a tumblr blog lol. Sure it may be alot on your dash but sometimes its nice to see something new or eye-catching during that! Thats how I found some cool stuff from blogs I follow. Heck I even got b worded by some blogs for this like I'm sorry I like your blog and the content you post therefore I want to share it to people that follow me.
Of course I understand not wanting people to rebllg your personal posts that i get and respect BUT if you are angry at someone reblogging an edit of a singer or lockscreen pictures from your blog, I'm sorry but maybe go outside? Lol
Sorry I kinda ranted above! Stuff like this makes me confused but especially with pinterest and people who repost on twitter (I won't get into people who say making gifs or other stuff is not hard work, oh boy) its not hard to find the source and share from the original source and if there is none, you can ask the person for permission. Its not that hard to have respect like that but alas, some don't *sigh*
Also svt and pinterest, still makes me giggle. The fact that not even pledis said it is a thing is what makes it more funnier to me. I had a theory that maybe its for a going svt episode? Bur you said other artists from bh have it so maybe I'm wrong. To my fellow superstar pledia players, today marks the end of the game :c I will miss that game and was so close to finishing a new card theme but did you happen to play it often love?
NOTE: 📖 anon sent this shortly before i first posted about the mg stuff so it's likely they hadn't heard about it yet when they sent this
...well I'm really late this time dhfjfh but I'm sure u understand why
yes exactly! instagram and twitter both have algorithms that take likes highly into account and are also very good at recommending posts from ppl you don't follow. tumblr is more "dumb" though, if it has any kind of algorithm it's really bad so really the best way to support ppl is by directly reblogging their stuff
and yeah the thing about reposting without credit or even adding credit after the fact is that it quickly becomes so removed from the original creator. even if the original reposter knows where the original post is, do their followers? but i feel like once one person reposts something it becomes so much easier for others to save and repost it too bc it becomes cheapened as "look at this thing i came across on the internet" rather than "look at this thing, i a person, actually took the time and effort to make". it's sort of like once a dam breaks it becomes impossible to stop and track down all of the ppl who have reposted it and make them take it down or get credit. honestly regardless of whether credit is provided, as soon as something's reposted, the original creator loses control over their own work which is one of the biggest problems with it
I'm gonna miss ssp too 😭 i played it every day for several months after it came out. i didn't keep that up and only played it every once in a while after that but I'm sad to see it go. ppl are speculating that it ended bc Bighit is apparently making their own rhythm game? it's not confirmed wether SVT is going to be on it though, let alone other Pledis artists. and it just won't be the same :(
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krisroley · 3 years
February 10th, 2021
On Instagram Aggregators
So, today on the show I'm going to go over some ground that I've seen trod upon many times already, but I'm not really sure side I fall on. The question is whether or not instagram is good for photographers. To be sure, I follow a lot of photographers on instagram, but there's something else I have found myself following lately, and here's where I have the issue. I'll call them photo aggregators. My beloved state of Maine, for example. I follow DownEast Magazine, which is to my mind the authority on the State of Maine. Their photography...hell, just their iconic magazine covers, are extraordinary. But then there are accounts like For the Love of Maine, which is an aggregator of Maine photography that they repost from other users. Yes, they credit those users, but who's getting the likes here? I find myself wondering what the clickthrough rate is from liking a photo on those accounts to following the person who actually took the photo, and realistically it can't be very high. It's not just Maine, though. Hell, there's Nantucket and Cape Cod aggregators, Black and White photo aggregators, there's minimal photography photos...I bet if you went to instagram and listed whatever your strangest geekdom is, there's probably an aggregator for it. So I have to ask the question if posting your work on Instagram is worth it if it's going to be appropriated by someone FOR THE GRAM.
I suppose it comes down to a personal choice. Personally, if I post a photo of my work on Instagram and someone picks it up and reposts it, I would hope that person has approached me and asked for permission. I don't see that happening in a lot of these cases, but you never know. I would really be pissed off if someone took a photo of mine without permission and removed a watermark and I'd ask for them to remove it, but I'm not sure if I do anything other than shame them publicly if that were to happen. If that's happened on Instagram I haven't seen it.
To be honest, I think there's a wider question to be asked about whether we need social media anymore If it's going to be weaponized against the creative specifically, and the general public as a whole. Would it surprise you that I'm leaning against removing myself from Instagram and Facebook completely? Maybe it shouldn't. I'm sensing a little shift in the earth here and I'm going to talk more about this on another show, but one thing I really want to address is the free as in beer mindset that a lot of social media marketers and those nebulous 'influencers' seem to operate on. That model depends on the ability of a person to work for 'exposure', for likes, for engagement, and for that person to be ok with ceding control of their work in the hopes that they can turn that exposure into dollars. I am less and less sure that ceding that control is worth it. I'm not saying that you don't put your work out there, of course you should. However, I think you need to be able to control how it's put out there, and I think there's only one way you do that. We'll talk about that in more detail next time. See what I did there?
Monochrome In-Camera? YES, PLEASE
The more and more I shoot the more I prefer shooting in Black and White. There’s something about it that grabs me. One of the problems I’ve had time and time again was shooting something I thought would be amazing in Black and White only to bring it home and realize it was a great idea, but not a great shot. The reason I failed is simple: I’m shooting in color, I see in color, and I’m guessing about monochrome in my head. Turns out you can change that. I shoot with a Canon t5i, and here’s how you can change the Picture Style so your screen shows you a preview in Black and White (note: This is for the screen ONLY, your viewfinder will still show the world in glorious color). Also, my Canon camera has a touch screen function, but yours may not. For that reason, I’m going to give you the manual instructions. Adapt these instructions as appropriate.
Press the MENU button, and then use the right-arrow button to the right of the LCD screen to scroll through the menu pages until you find Picture Style. Use the down-arrow button to highlight the line, and press the SET button
Use the down arrow button to highlight Monochrome. Press the SET button again to select it, then press the MENU button to exit the menu.
Obviously, you may shoot with another brand, but I’m sure many later model DSLR cameras have this ability. Consult your user manual or online knowledge base for instructions on how to do this for your camera. If you can get this right in-camera, you’ll have less to do in post.
Oh, by the way: if you shoot in RAW, you can convert to color in the edit if you want. You’re not committing to monochrome by changing the screen.
For All My iPhoneographers
Of course, you know that the best camera is the one you have with you, and nine times out of ten, it’s the one on your phone. With that in mind, I’d like to give you some ideas about how to take your phone game to the next level. These tips will be for the native iPhone camera app, but I want to remind you that there are several apps out there that give you a lot more control. I personally recommend the Moment app, but you don’t need to buy an app to up your game. All you need is some knowledge.
As human beings, we’re not stationary creatures. Even when you think. You’re standing perfectly; still, you’re not. In fact, if you were a Christmas Tree Stand, you’d be on the rug, and the house would be on fire. This is why sometimes when you take a picture on your iPhone, you go to the trouble of framing the shot, you try to stay perfectly still, yet the thing comes out blurry and out of focus. So next time, tap and HOLD on the subject of our picture. This will invoke the Auto Exposure/’Auto Focus Lock, and the camera will stay locked on to the subject no matter how much you move around. Then make sure you frame your shot and take that photo.
The RPS Archives
The Royal Photographic Society has made their archives from March of 1853 to 2018 available for free online. Just let that sink in. That’s 165 years of history, captured in photos. Mindblowing. The Society covered the art and technical aspects of photography and the developments in those spaces, major events, and reported the activities of the Society itself. Even if you’re not a photography geek you might be a history geek, and this should be up your alley either way. I know more than a few Civil War Historians that might find this interesting, and I hope there’s something in there to get their mouths watering. I’m going down this rabbit hole as soon as possible, I encourage you to do the same.
Shot Of The Day
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