#and treating her friends to a nice dinner out lol
pocketramblr · 11 months
AU where someone calls out Uwabami for illegal exploitation of minors.
This has the same vibe of that Mei ask last time... Like either I am to assume that 1- UA can make so much money on televising their students gladiator matches and illegally not paying them but that's ok because uhhhhhh, 2- that it's just legal for UA to do that and because it is legal it is also moral and totally ok, or 3- it's an au where UA is not so exploitative and everything is fixed except just Uwabami is as bad as before.... Ok we'll do something like three because it could be interesting to explore but anyway.
1) UA is very careful with their students images. As part of enrollment, UA has licencing of the students, to be surrendered back to them on graduation. Additionally, part of the money the students generate for the school is kept for the students in an account paid when they leave in order to get started on their career. This is actually part of why UA is such the coveted school for hero students. It doesn't just come with prestige and a better chance of connections, it starts you out with a nest egg of money as you begin sidekicking.
2) for this reason, there's a lot of legalities with internship agencies, worked out where the agency can get a certain amount of allowed use of the student image. The work week study of unlicenced students is not an internship covered by this agreement.
3) so when Uwabami gets some sponsorship products, she suggests Momo and Kendo practice doing ad runs and video shooting, because that's part of her hero work she figures the girls don't learn at UA, which would be focused on field practice during training. Problems and faults that follow are thus: Uwabami did not explicitly tell the team these were to be practice ads and the girls were not released to do this, which she should have. The team did not double check what the plan was for the run, which they should have considering Uwabami also did a run with just her, assuming that more hero girls were better. The legal part of the agency did not double check what they actually had permission for before approving the ad to run, since surely they wouldn't end up with anything that wasn't, and no one checked to see if the girls had been paid. The sponsor company actually also realized they probably didn't have permission and weren't paying the girls, but ran the numbers and figured it would be more profitable to not send any warning notice to replace the ad run and just let Uwabami eat the backlash if anyone noticed. The system failed the girls in many places because it was not built to protect them to begin with.
4) Someone noticed. Specifically, UA and Nedzu noticed. And Nedzu would have acted anyway, but he also does have the benefit of this making UA look a little better, very attentive to student safety and needs.
5) Uwabami has to pay out a hefty fee, pull the sponsorship run, and formally apologize for the mistreatment, with not being able to work with UA the next year for the workweek. Momo and Kendo aren't sure it makes them feel any better, though Kendo at least is happy with getting paid more.
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happy birthday 2 me ~^-^~
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workinatdapyramid · 11 months
august 𐐪𐑂
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steven conklin x fem!fisher!reader
WARNINGS: fighting, cursing, underage drinking, shayla isn’t in this soz, angsty teens lol, mentions from scenes in the books!, reader doesn’t like taylor, book taylor personality ( show taylor >>>> )
SUMMARY: it wasn’t belly that found out about taylor and steven, it was his best friends little sister
m’s blah blah blahhhhh: we need some more steven appreciation on here… GIVE MY SWEET BOY SOME RECOGNITION!!!
take a peak ;)
this is kind of long… i kinda got carried away LOLZ SORRT NOT SORRY
* .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
“twenty bucks she calls you jeremy again.” belly chuckles.
you, belly, and your older brother stood at the curb waiting for bellys best friend taylor at the bus stop. today was bellys 16th birthday which meant hurricane taylor visiting for the day.
you weren’t exactly fond of her ever since the summer she came to visit when you guys were 14. yes, you had to play nice with her for belly but stringing along your older brother jeremiah wasn’t exactly a good start to a friendship.
you chuckled beside the newly 16 year old as jere teasingly pushed her into you from his place beside her.
“i don’t.. i think she learned from last time.” he argued. “you think?” you teased, making a mental note that jere will infact be handing over that $20 before the end of the night.
“that’s how she flirts with you” belly mocked facing you as you both made smooching noises.
the bus pulled up infront of you guys, the brakes making a loud hissing noise.
“here she comes.” you say rolling your eyes as the short girl barely fits through the bus doors with the pile of balloons tied to her wrists.
the long time best friends squeal and hug reuniting for the first time since summer began causing you to roll your eyes even more.
jere turns toward you mouthing be nice
“belly you tart! you finally took my advice this outfit is snatched,” taylor spun the brunette in a circle admiring her dress. “isn’t belly looking like a snack?” she asked jeremiah a hint of something mischievous in her eyes.
“always.” the curly headed blonde smiled. he reached for taylor’s bag being the kind boy your mother raised him to be. taylor smirks batting her eyelashes up at the tall boy.
“thank you. you’re such a gentleman, jeremy.” she giggles.
you stood off to the side watching the interaction laughing to yourself knowing your brothers going to be $20 short when we get home.
“hey taylor long time no see.” you smiled offering the girl a polite side hug.
“omg y/n i didn’t even see you there, when did you get hot?” she questioned looking you up and down.
gosh this was going to be a long day.
you sat beside taylor, jeremiah and belly across from you. a banana float melting in the middle of the table as belly opened her gift from her best friend. a pink bikini. jeremiah teased her about but you knew deep down he can’t wait to see her in it.
taylor takes a bite of the frozen treat as she said, “okay, so, whats the plan for tonight? where’s the party?”
“well, susannah always plans a big lobster dinner.” belly smiles as she puts the bathing suit back in the bag.
you and jere smiling towards each-other, being big fans of the birthday dinner tradition.
“boring. no.” taylor whines causing the three of you to look towards her with furrowed brows. “it’s your 16th birthday. we have to go out” the red head continued.
“no, no, no. these dinners are really, really fun.” belly tried to reason with her stubborn friend.
“yeah, and my mom had the idea to make it midsommar themed, so she got flower crowns especially made for us and everything.” you added taylor quickly glances at you then turns back towards her best friend.
“don’t you think you should be spending your birthday with people your own age?” taylor says taking another spoonful into her mouth.
“i am. you’re here.” belly said clearly annoyed by her bossyness.
“hello? am i invisible?” jeremiah cuts in trying to defuse the tension. he was really good at that. “and i guess steven.” taylor smirks. you shift uncomfortably hoping no one notcied. your brother obviously did scoffing at taylor’s remark.
you look towards belly, her already looking back. everyone in the house knows about your crush on steven the same way they knew about belly with conrad. ever since you were younger the boy was your prince charming. always being there in to cheer you up or piss you off but hey, that’s steven.
“and cams coming, too.” belly quickly changes the subject. you sigh silently thanking her.
“yay, i’m so excited to meet the guy who finally got you to take your eyes off of you-know-who.” taylor jokes.
as quickly as belly was to change the subject she quickly regretted it.
“taylor.” belly warned glancing towards jeremiah.
you coughed.
way to go taylor.
queen of making people feel uncomfortable..
“i have an idea. we can go to nicole’s big blowout at her place tonight. maybe go after dinner?” jere once again defusing the tension
you watched as taylor started at belly
“um yes!” taylor squealed in a matter of fact voice.
“woah, only if bells wants to go? it’s her birthday after all. we gotta do what whatever she wants. boring dinner or not.” you tell taylor not missing the look she gave you. you felt jeremiah lightly kick your leg under the table. you looked towards him. giving him a ‘what?’ expression.
you know how taylor can make belly feel like a side character most of the time and you’ll be dammed if you let taylor do that on her birthday.
belly smiles toward you silently thanking you for having her back.
“who’s nicole?” taylor asked jeremiah turning her harsh glance away from you.
belly smiles excited to fill in her best friend with the plans she’s made over here in cousins.
“she’s my big sister for the deb ball. she’s super nice and just really cool and fun and-
“ugh, i’m, like melting right now. can we go back to the house? i want to change into my bikini and jump in the pool.” taylor interupts belly looking at jere as she finished her sentence.
you roll your eyes standing up from the table as jeremiah says sure
taylor skips toward the car
jeremiah walking next to her as she called shot gun.
“come on bells.” you say putting your arm around her shoulders offering her a sympathetic smile.
back at the house you, belly, jeremiah, steven, and taylor were in the pool. belly and taylor on one side jeremiah and steven on the other side.
you swam towards the two boys who were hanging off the edge of the pool deck.
“oh hey y/n/n you spying on us?” jeremiah teased. you rolled you eyes splashing him with the cold water. you hated when he called you that. stupid nickname that only reminded you of being a kid.
“stop calling me that i’m not five anymore.” you stuck your tongue out at him, he playfully did it back.
“yeah man cmon y/n’s all grown now. she’s not my little y/n/n anymore.” steven jokingly puts his hand over his heart in agony.
you dunk his head under the water in return, trying to hide your blush from him. it was moments like these where you had hope for something more. where you didn’t just feel like his best friends little sister anymore.
steven quickly comes up from the water his dark wet hair covering his eyes.
“oh yeah?” he challenged lifting you up and dunking you under the water.
you resurface hearing jeremiah and him share a laugh and a high five.
“oh screw you steve-o” you yelled splashing the boy who had your heart.
“any time any place.” he smirked.
gosh that smirk
jeremiah fake gags as your cheeks stained a pretty pink. steven always knew how to give you butterflies.
“we know you’re gossiping about us over there.” you hear taylor say causing stevens glance to change towards her.
as quickly as he gave you butterflies they were fast to be replaced with a pit in your stomach. you shift your gaze down as the two go back in forth with playful banter.
“let’s play chicken! i call steven!” taylor yelled.
you quickly moved towards the pool stairs to hide your frown from the others.
“i’m gonna go see if mom needs any help with dinner.” your voice barely above a whisper. the cool breeze causing you to shiver as you climb out of the pool
“you sure y/n/n?” jeremiah asks you, clearly noticing your mood change.
“yeah it’s fine there was an uneven amount anyways.” you grab your towel and head for the house not turning back
jeremiah turns towards belly, both teens sharing a knowing look.
you sat on the couch of your second home sulking in your wet towel. mentally cursing at yourself for letting her get to you. you should be out there having fun. it’s bellys birthday for crying out loud.
your thoughts were soon cut short as connie, your oldest brother walks into the living room.
“hey dimples,” he says standing behind your seat on the couch, “why aren’t you out there with the others?” he asks ruffling his calloused hand through your wet hair.
you softly smile at the nickname. connie called you that ever since you guys were younger. oh how you missed your sweet brother
“taylors here.” you mutter pushing his hand away. he chuckles plopping himself down on the couch next to you. “aw, you mean your best friend?” he teases. “yeah fuck you” you shove him lightly chuckling.
“you can’t let her get to you kid. that’s just how she is” he sighs.
“yeah the same girl that hates you because you didn’t like her that summer she was like 14? that’s just how she is.” you roll your eyes doing finger quotes at the last part. connie laughs.
“why don’t you just tell steven how you feel already so you can stop sulking around all summer?” he asks.
you quickly sit up turning towards him with wide eyes. “you’re one to talk mr dark and mysterious. i don’t see you confessing your undying love for belly!” you challenge him reaching over smacking him with a throw pillow.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about… shut up.” he whispers.
you laugh shifting closer to your brother you lay your head on his shoulder. “besides he only see me as a kid anyways. i’ll always be just conrad and jeremiah’s little sister to him.” you sigh closing your eyes.
you stay like that for a while. just enjoying eachothers company. ever since april conrad’s been distant towards everyone so you miss having moments like these with your brother.
“aw my sweet angels.” you hear your mom squeal as she walked into the kitchen.
“hi mom hi laur.” you smile getting up from the couch and greeting your favorite women with a hug.
“do you need help with those?” conrad points to the brown bag full of corn on the counter.
“yes actually, we were supposed to keep dinner light but you know your mom.” laurel playfully side eyes her best friend.
“what?! it’s bellys 16th birthday.” she smiles. “and she’ll love it mom.” you smile back.
“wanna shuck these for us since your not busy?” susannah asked you and conrad pointing towards the corn.
“omg do you hear that? yeah i think bellys calling me. i gotta go hang with taylor and the birthday girl sorry love you bye!” you quickly run back outside.
“i’ll do it mom.” conrad rolls his eyes grabbing the bag.
once outside you see steven sitting on the porch and jere climbing out of the pool. taylor and belly were probably off walking along the shore down by the beach.
jeremiah notices you and takes his leave inside claiming his need for a shower leaving you and steven outside.
“are you alright?” steven asks straining his neck to look at you standing behind him. "you kind of left in a hurry before."
you walk over sitting next to him on the porch steps.
“i’m fine conklin.” you laugh shifting your arms around your stomach. you tried so hard not to seem nervous around him but he could read you like a book.
steven chuckled looking away from you back towards the ocean. “okay.” he laughs. “but you could talk to me about anything. i’m serious i’ll always be here for you y/n/n.” he says more seriously this time.
you turn to him to see he was already looking at you. you search for something to say, anything, but you couldn't so you settle for a comforting smile. your breathe starts to quicken as you realize how close you guys were. steven noticed it too. his chest moving up and down at a fast pace.
“i just sometimes wish things were different.” you whispered half hoping he didn’t hear you but you knew he did.
“how so?” he whispered back. his gaze locked on your eyes intense.
for a moment you could’ve sworn his eyes flicked to your lips then back up to your eyes but theres no way.. right?
steven wouldn’t kiss you.. would he? no.
he just sees you as his best friends little sister. nothing more…
you're internally screaming as he slowly leans in
your eyes flutter shut waiting to feel his soft lips against yours
this is it.
this is what you’ve wanted your whole life.
“oh hey y/n” you hear taylor yell as her and belly walk back up to the house.
steven quickly jumps up not saying a word as he rushed into the house.
you wanted to die.
just shrivel up and die.
you blink rappidly getting rid of the tears forming in your eyes and smile up towards the two girls.
“i’m starving! let’s go wash up before dinner.” belly smiles pulling you up from the steps and walking into the house.
it’s just one day it’s just one day it’s just one day
you kept reminding yourself as you trailed behind the hurricane pouring on your love life
the table was littered with plates filled with delicious food. there was vases of flowers in the middle that matched with the flower crowns on belly, taylor, and your heads. the dinning room was filled with chatter and giggles from everyone getting along.
susannah and laurel sat on opposite ends of the table refilling the hungry teenagers plates. taylor, belly, you, and cam on one side and jere, conrad, and steven on the other.
“thank you so much for having me susannah! my moms says hi.” cam, bellys boyfriend smiled holding his fork up to show his thanks for the food.
you laugh along with the others as the moms interrogate bellys first boyfriend. cam cameron was the nickname everyone called him. you liked him. it’s like he fit right in with the rest of you guys. you were so happy for belly.
“why don’t you eat meat, cam cameron?” jeremiah asked the shy boy. he tries his best to seem intimidating but ultimately cracks his signature smile. classic jere.
“i like animals.” he answered simply. not bothered by all the questions thrown his way.
you adjust the flower crown on your head accidentally making eye contact with steven. you guys haven’t spoke since almost kissing on the stairs. you intend to keep it that way not wanting to have that talk.. the 'you're my best friends little sister we can't do this' talk.
you quickly look away feeling the pit in your stomach return.
“just don’t come for my leather jacket.” taylor chuckles from the other side of the table. you genuinely laughed. she was kinda funny sometimes.
your laugh quickly disappeared once you heard steven teasing her. he just always had an answer when it came to taylor didn’t he.
you finish the rest of your lobster with a sigh patting your well fed stomach.
“that was really good mom.” you said. causing sighs in agreement around the table.
“i agree! thank you too y/n. kinda glad you went inside to help cook after all.” steven said looking at you. the first thing he said to you since what happened on the porch. you look at him with a blank expression.
jeremiah changes the subject going right back to interrogating cam cameron about eating meat which ended in him quickly pecking bellys lips.
you laugh but quickly glance towards conrad who was already looking back down at his plate.
steven and jeremiah both pretend to retch. “i’m sorry i just don’t understand why anybody would want to kiss somebody who once fully shat in the bathtub.” classic steven says embarrassing his little sister.
“i was like two years old!” belly argues
“two? more like six!” jeremiah and steven yelled at the same time. the two immature boys erupt in laughter.
you playfully roll you eyes at the two while belly yells at her brother to shut up.
“i remember when i visited last summer, and you and you dared him to pee in the fireplace, and you stink up the entire house for days. do you remember that?” taylor points towards your brothers and steven. you all laughed reliving all the memories this house held.
“you know i’m thinking.. maybe we should go to nicole’s party.” belly turns toward taylor and you smiling.
“yes!” you and taylor said at the same time.
boy did you need alcohol in your system after the day you had.
after a few more jokes and steven and bells bickering everyone decided to get ready for the party.
you were touching up your makeup in your bedroom when you heard a knock at your door.
“its open” you said not looking towards the door as you reapplied your mascara.
“hey little fisher” you heard steven say as he closed the door. you almost dropped the mascara wand. you turned around facing him uttering a small hey.
“i know we are about to leave for the party but do you think when we get back home we could talk about what happened on the porch?” you could tell he was nervous. he didn’t meet your gaze at all and he was fidgeting.
“but nothing happened on the porch” you felt a pang in your chest.
he sighed, “i know but that’s the thing..” he said stepping closer to you. “i wanted something to happen.” he finished.
you swallowed. “oh” was all you could say.
you guys stood there for a while. silence filled the room.
“i also wanted it to happen. so yes, we can talk about it when we get home” you smile. you can’t believe this is happening right now.
“okay.” he smiled
“okay.” you said as he turned around to leave your room looking back at you one last time.
once you were sure he walked away from the door you jumped up and down looking at yourself in the mirror.
“fuck yeah y/n fuck yeah.” you whispered to yourself smiling ear to ear.
gotta give it to jere he always knew how to make a scene. you and belly sat on the couch hysterical watching cam cameron and jeremiah singing horrendously along to summer loving.
maybe coming to the party was a good idea after all. “i can’t stand to watch this any longer i’m gonna go find a bathroom.” you laughed getting up from the couch.
you squeezed through all the drunken bodies dancing together on the makeshift dance floor in the living room. you found nicole standing by the drink table.
“oh hey y/n” she greets you with a tight hug. “are you having fun?” she asks taking a sip from whatever was in her cup.
“actually i really am. you sure know how to throw a banger.” you said cringing at yourself. god why are you so awkward.
nicole just smiled
“hey um where’s the bathroom?” you asked actually needing to pee after all.
“the one downstairs has a line it hasn’t moved in ages so just go upstairs! it’s right to your left!” she said.
you thanked her as you made your way towards the stairs. jeremiah, belly, and cam standing near by.
“hey have you seen taylor?” belly asked you. you shook your head no. “i'll help you find her after i use the bathroom?” you ask. she thanked you.
the music faded as you walked up the stairs of nicole’s house. yeah the beach house was big but nothing compared to this. if you didn’t ask nicole where to go you definitely would’ve gotten lost.
you opened the door on the left but it was preoccupied by a couple hooking up. you quickly muttered sorry as you closed the door shaking your head to forget the sight.
you kept looking for an open room hoping to find one with a bathroom in it.
gosh how you hated horny drunk teenagers.
you opened the last door praying to all the gods it was free and had a bathroom. you were about to piss your pants.
you opened the door and all of a sudden the urge to pee was gone.
there in the room was taylor propped on the dresser making out with steven.
your steven.
he was standing between her legs. his hands on her waist as they made out.
your mouth was dry
you couldn’t process the scene in front of you.
you wanted to crumble to the ground and cry.
“conklin?” your voice cracked as steven whipped his head around to see you standing at the door.
taylor quickly hopped off the dresser pulling her dress down.
“oh, my god- shit” steven said as you turned around and made a beeline for the stairs.
“y/n wait!” he yelled as he ran after you.
you made it to the bottom of the stairs causing a few people to look at you running away from the brunette boy.
“y/n/n? what happened?” jeremiah was the first to notice you. you wiped the fallen tears from your cheeks as belly and cam also noticed you.
by then steven caught up to you. you went to run out of the house but was quickly stopped by him gradding your wrist.
“y/n just stop let me explain-
“explain what steven?” you yelled.
if no one noticed before they definitely noticed now.
the chattering around the house quickly stopped as you yelled at steven.
“y/n please. i’m sorry it just happened.” steven tried to plead with you. regret written all over his face.
you looked at him in disbelief.
“go to hell.” your yelled you voice broke as the tears kept spilling from your eyes.
you yanked your wrist from his grasp and looked at belly. mascara stained your cheeks. “i found taylor” you whispered before walking out the door. leaving steven there, carrying your broken heart along with his..
* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
AHHHH TYSM FOR READING THIS!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED ( pls be nice this is my first actual fic i’ve written! )
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soundlessdreamss · 4 months
Can I have a Lucifer vs Alastor fighting for the reader romantically, please if possible yanderes...
Lovely riddance
part two
pairings: y!alastor x reader & y!lucifer x reader
Note: reader will be a fallen angel for this! (Also this is prolly ooc)
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You were a normal sinner (totally a sinner and not a fallen angel) living in hell you were in hell because of you questioning heaven which led to them throwing you down here… but you realized how different the other people in hell were compared to you. it just made you feel very weird, a total standout!
it made you miss heaven. A lot. Since you had made so many friends there and now you just lost it all. Well not all of it to be exact, your old friend Lucifer is the king of hell because he was the first one to rebel against heaven. You admired him for being so fearless against heaven themselves.
as you were in your own thoughts on the street of hell suddenly you passed by a poster that snapped you back to your senses. You suddenly scooted back to the poster and read it “want to be redeemed so you can live a gorgeous life in heaven? Well visit the hazbin hotel and let yourself be purified!” Oh my god. This could be your chance to meet other people like you! You decided to fly over there since the other angels didn’t rip off your wings when you fell down.
after like 69 minutes of flying (lol) you finally made it to the hotel! You couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious though, what would they think about you? Would they make fun of you? Would they humiliate you if you did one thing wrong- no you couldn’t let that stop you. This could be your chance to find your friends in heaven again. You knocked on the hotel door and waited for a response. It felt like it was taking forever until a blonde haired girl opened the door. (It only took 3 seconds for them to open the door but okay.)
she nearly screamed out of joy when she realized someone actually came to the hotel to be redeemed. She gave you a hug and welcomed you into the hotel where all the people there introduced themselves. There was Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dusk, Husk, Nifty, (nifty is a cutie) and a snake who you didn’t bother remembering his name cause it was too long. (Totally not an excuse to not have to write his name)
you almost choked though when Charlie said her last name was Morningstar, like Morningstar as in Lucifer Morningstar? She was his daughter?! You had no idea him and Lilith had a child but you felt happy for them. Not until she told you her mom left her 7 years ago. (Lol)
To your surprise (and relief) they accepted you and treated you nicely. And you recognized Vaggie but didn’t out her because you had a feeling that she didn’t want that to happen and you respected her.
All of a sudden a man just teleported out of the floor and tapped you on your back which made you scream so loud. He chuckled and said not to worry as it was him, the radio demon! And he also introduced himself as Alastor. He grabbed your hand and kissed it which made you a bit confused but you rolled with it. Over the couple of days you had spent there you bonded really well with all of them, but alastor specifically wanted to spend a lot of time with you.
he often invited you to brunch, dinner, and to help him work on the hotel. Had you caught his eye? Maybe… maybe you had caught his eye more than you thought you did. (He also may or may not be planning to make a deal for your soul.)
timeskip to when Charlie invited her dad over. ——————————————————————————————————————
you had all prepared for the place to look nice since the king of hell was coming to visit! Aka Charlie’s dad, and you wanted to make a good impression on him after you haven’t seen eachother for such a long time. He seemed happy that his daughter was inviting him over based on the tone of his voice when Charlie called.
You guys all got in position and Charlie was about to open the door until Lucifer barged in and greeted his daughter with a bear hug! He looked around the place awkwardly after and Charlie introduced him to everyone in the hotel. He stared at you for a couple of seconds not knowing if it was really you. He was about to speak to you until alastor teleported right next to you.
Alastor put his hand on your shoulder and had a death grip on it. Like he didn’t want Lucifer to even be near you. They both introduced themselves to each other and as they were talking about the hotel ideas, Alastor pointed out a thing you did for the hotel which helped them a lot. He brought your face to his as he put his hand around your neck pulling you closer. Your face was squished with his. He only did this though to simply piss Lucifer off and trick him into thinking that he had got to you first and that you guys have a deep connection.
as you pulled yourself away from him and looked at the two it suddenly felt as if there was an intense aura in the room all of a sudden. You laughed nervously and tried to excuse yourself before Lucifer grabbed your hand.
he was nervous and tried to compose himself to talk to you as it had been so long since you two had talked. Wtf was he even suppose to say? He decided to finally speak after an agonizing 5 seconds.
Lucifer: “oh [reader]… it’s been so long since we’ve last seen eachother! How have you been doll?”
[reader] : “oh I’ve been just fine. Well despite the fact that heaven kicked me out, it feels better here. Like I can actually breathe in this place.”
Lucifer: “good to hear. Would you mind visiting my palace sometime? Id like to show you some of my latest creations, especially one I made just for you!”
his smile became wider and his eyes seemed more sincere like he really wanted you to visit. I mean after all you guys haven’t seen eachother in eons!
before you could reply to his offer, Alastor grabbed your other hand and yanked you away as he chuckled.
Alastor: “I’m sure they would love to visit you sometime, but they’re busy with me today as I invited her to dinner and they accepted. Didn’t you dear?”
you suddenly remembered that you and Alastor were gonna go out for dinner tonight and you nodded your head.
[reader] : oh that’s actually right! I totally forgot about that for a minute. Well Lucifer would you like me to visit anytime I’m free if that’s okay?
Lucifer: oh, that’s just fine! Just try to make it soon cause I can not wait to spend time with you again!
his smile faded a bit and he seemed to give a glare to Alastor. In response Alastor simply had a wide smile as he continued to hold your hand after yanking away Lucifer’s.
After the argument with Lucifer and Alastor over Charlie was done.
Finally everyone calmed down after they argued over who Charlie preferred as a dad. Thank god Mimzy barged through the door before another fight broke loose. After a couple minutes Alastor decided to tell everyone you and him would be leaving for dinner about now, you thought it was later but alright!
as you guys left through the door to go to your favorite restaurant, Alastor couldn’t help but giggle feeling Lucifer’s eyes burning a hole through him. He knew it pissed him off and he was glad that it did. And little did you or Lucifer know the Alastor was making more and more progress to his plan. His plan was to woo you enough so that you’d made a deal with him for your soul.
of course you’d get benefits aswell! Alastor would be at your every beck and call and you would do the same for him. It would just be a matter of time before he proposed the idea to you. He just hopes a certain someone wouldn’t mess it up.
part two coming soon…
note: hiii to everyone who read this, I’d like to thank you all for all the likes on my previous two posts! I’m going to be working on part two sooner or later. Also sorry is this is a bit ooc, I’m new to writing fanfics and tried to make alastor manipulative like he is in the show. :)
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mysaintkitten · 5 months
Would chew bricks for more forbidden/pervy Neil x
i love writing pervy neil so you’re in luck!
(this is kind of a continuation of cabin fever, hope that’s alright!)
Visit | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
WARNINGS: 18+ ! MINORS DNI, neil is once again pervy lol, panty stealing/sniffing, implications of home invasion/stalking, unprotected sex (p in v), slight dumbification
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ever since the incident at the cabin, you’ve had a hard time looking your best friend in the eyes. when she and her parents returned, bags in hand, it didn’t take her long for her to notice that something had happened to you. quietly, she asked you if you were alright. you assured her that you were fine and that you just have a hard time adjusting to unfamiliar locations. that answer seemed to have sufficed because she left the situation at that and carried on with her day.
as you and her family ate dinner, you couldn’t help but feel neil’s eyes burning into you. every now and then you’d accidentally lock eyes with him, but he’d only smirk smugly at you.
for the rest of the trip, you tried to just ignore what had happened. but due to the weight of it all, it was difficult for you to drop. you were attracted to neil after all, and he did make you feel really nice, but he was so pushy, and creepy. you scolded yourself for still being attracted to him despite all that had happened.
but as the trip ended and you returned back home, the smoke finally seemed to clear. you were back in a safe and familiar environment, your mind slowly released it’s grasp on the situation. finally, you thought, i’m moving on.
as you sit in bed on a friday afternoon, painting your nails as you listen to music, you hear a gentle knock at your door before it’s carefully pried open. you raise your head and see your mother, smiling kindly at you.
“your father and i will be leaving now. we’ve left you $50 on the dining room table for food.”
you nod and resume painting your nails, “okay, sounds good, thank you guys.”
“we’ll see you sunday, don’t cause any trouble.” your mother teases before shutting your bedroom door, leaving you alone once again.
it had been so long since you’d had the house to yourself, you were eager to take advantage of it. you didn’t exactly have any wild plans, but it’s still nice to be completely and utterly alone sometimes. no one to disrupt you or annoy you, it’s a nice treat once in a while.
before you know it, three hours had passed. you stood from your bed and peaked outside from your blinds, the sun was going down but it was still undoubtedly bright out. you release the blinds and exit your room, heading towards the bathroom with your phone in hand.
as you place the phone down on the sink before pulling your pants down and sitting onto the toilet, you hear a knock at the door. initially, you don’t pay it much mind. it’s a friday evening, maybe your parents had a package coming and they had just forgotten to mention it.
and then you hear another knock, this time more harsher and repetitive, as if you could tell they were growing impatient.
“oh my god just wait a second.” you groan to yourself as you do your business as quickly as possible before hastily washing your hands. as you scurry down the steps to answer the door, the knocks thumping louder and louder as you inch closer.
for a moment, your gut tells you not to. pretend you’re not home. they’ll give up eventually. but it doesn’t take long for you to quickly brush those thoughts off as paranoia, if it is a package and you don’t grab it your parents will be pissed.
you swing the door open and you stop dead in your tracks.
it’s neil, standing outside of your door.
your mouth hangs and you attempt to question him, or scream at him him to leave, you aren’t sure which you want to come out more but ultimately you’re left standing there silent.
“could i come in? i want to talk to you.” neil asks, nervously fiddling with his fingers as he shifts his weight on his feet. “please, i’m serious.”
his demeanour seems genuine, like he’s actually nervous and or apologetic. so, going against your better judgement, you let him in.
once neil’s inside his head scopes around your house, quickly snapping his gaze back down to you as he looks you in the eyes.
“is there somewhere we could sit?”
you ball up your fists, which have now become clammy from the sudden shift in plans.
“uh, yeah, just in here …” you swallow as you lead him to the couch in the living room. while he trails behind you, all the memories from the cabin begin to flood back. neil’s body flush against yours, the cold marble underneath your ass while he ravished you, the tingling pleasure of your channel involuntarily orgasming around him. it was like you where there all over again.
you sit on the couch and neil follows suit, sitting so close to you that your knees are touching. nervously, your eyes meet with his.
neil inhaled deeply before sighing, “i want to apologize.”
you nod slowly at his apology, waiting for more, but more doesn’t seem to come. really? that’s it?
“neil if this is about what happened at the cabin i-“ you begin to explain before neil cuts you off.
“oh, no.” he chuckles, grinning at you in an almost condescending way. “not about that.”
your mouth clasps shut as your brows stitch together in blatant confusion. prior to that, you and neil had no interactions that would’ve required an apology. you don’t get to think about it for too long before neil resumes his explanation.
he begins to dig into his pocket, proceeding to slowly reveal a pair of pink underwear. your confusion only grows stronger until your realization hits you like a truck. those were your underwear, a pair you had sworn you’d lost. “i wanted to apologize for this.” neil smirks, causing your stomach to turn.
despite already knowing they were yours, you question him.
“a-are those mine?”
neil nods slowly, teasingly dangling the garment in front of your face. as your cheeks burn with humiliation and fear, you attempt to snatch the underwear back. neil’s too quick though, and he just laughs at your attempt. as you wrack your brain for things to say, neil balls up the material and brings them to his nose, deeply inhaling it’s aroma.
at this point, you’ve become speechless. pathetically, and predictably speechless.
“you know, at first i thought i should take a clean pair. seems more … respectable, i guess …” neil murmurs as he reaches into the same pocket again, this time revealing another pair of underwear.
“and it’s nice, you know, not complaining. but it got old quick. i needed something that had your … essence.” he hums, bringing the other garment up to his nose and inhaling just the same.
“i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve jerked off with your dirty panties under my nose, just the smell of you gets me so worked up.”
you want to move, scream, kick, but you’re frozen. neil’s presence is so thick and unnerving that you physically cannot move.
”so, i’m sorry for stealing your panties”
neil hands you the second pair, and with shaky hands you inspect the material. noticing a foreign pale-ish translucent stain splattered across it.
“i ruined those ones by coming on them so i thought i might as well give them back.”
through a wince, you drop the underwear onto the ground. you feel so cornered and objectified all over again.
you shake your head, attempting to put an end to this confusing and worrying interaction.
“how the fuck did you get into my house?” you question nervously, hoping to god that this is some sick elaboration dream or maybe even a stupid fucking joke.
neil smirks and shrugs.
“you guys should really hide your spare key in a better place.”
despite not saying much, neil’s words almost make you vomit. your mind races frantically, how long has he known where the spare key is? how many times as he been in your house?
you need to figure out a way to get him out of here fast, and the only thing you can think of is to lie.
“my parents will be back any minute now. save yourself the embarrassment and leave now, please.” you plead, hoping you sound convincing enough.
neil pouts, sticking out his bottom lip as he releases a tiny whine.
“oh, if only that were true, sweetheart. they said they’d be back when? sunday? and if i remember correctly, todays friday.”
you can almost feel your blood running cold, not only did he call you out on your lie but he knew how long your parents would be gone for. how did he know? was he listening? was he fucking stalking you?
“neil …” you beg, finding yourself unable to conjure up any other lies or explanations. as sneakily as you can, you attempt to feel around your pockets for your phone, only to be reminded that you had left it upstairs in the bathroom sink.
you were hopeless. absolutely hopeless.
neil notices your antsy hands and he coos in sympathy.
“aw, want me to help you look, darling?”
suddenly, his hands are all over your hips and thighs, gripping and rubbing the flesh hungrily. you try to push him away, but to no avail. his big, calloused hands explore the lower half of your body and you have no way to stop him.
“quit it, please!” you whine as your voice begins to break, before neils hands find their way between your legs. he cups your mound, teasingly running his middle and ring finger along the seem of your pussy through the thin material of your shorts.
“hm … maybe we need to look a bit closer …” neil hums as he roughly tugs down your shorts, nearly pulling your panties off in the process. you cry quietly, quickly giving up on attempting to fight back. due to your prior experience with neil, you know it’s just easier to give him what he wants.
once your shorts are off and your panties are barely hanging around your lower hips, neil decides to screw it and just rips your panties off as well. you shift around on the couch, crossing your legs shut as you sniffle defeatedly.
while licking his lips, neil turns the garment inside out. he murmurs some profanities to himself when he realizes your panties are the slightest bit wet. he doesn’t know if it’s from arousal, or discharge, but he doesn’t care. through teary eyes, you watch him sniff the newest pair of underwear.
“jesus, fuck.” he moans as his head dips back, with his free hand he begins to palm his cock through his jeans.
“smells even better when it’s fresh.”
“please, leave.” you beg, clenching your thighs together while pulling your shirt down as a feeble attempt to cover your most intimate area.
neil chuckles as he shoves the new panties into his pocket before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, quickly revealing his straining bulge from within his boxers.
“i can’t go now, baby. you know that.” he brings a hand to your face and cups your cheek, “ever since our little encounter at the cabin i’ve been craving you, my hand just isn’t enough anymore.”
neil raises his hips off the couch and gently pulls his boxers down, you watch in fear as you see his erection slowly become more exposed. neil’s cock springs against his stomach and he smirks at you, all smug again, just like he would at the fucking dinner table.
on instinct, your legs uncross themselves and you leap up from the couch, but neil’s reaction time is quicker than yours and he grips your wrist tightly before you can get too far away. he snags your arm, forcing you back onto the couch as you cry weakly.
“cooperate and i’ll be gentle.” neil leans in to whisper, kissing your cheek sweetly as if he hadn’t just admitted to breaking into your house and stealing your belongings.
“o-okay …” you comply shakily, through deep breaths you attempt to block out whatever’s about to happen before it’s even begun.
“good.” neil praises sweetly as he loosens his grip on your wrist, he turns your hips so you’re facing him and gently nudges you back. you allow yourself to tip backward, your back slumping against the armrest of the couch.
your knees bend in front of you and with careful movements neil slowly pries your thighs apart, letting his mouth hang slightly agape as he’s met with your pussy all over again. neil curses, inching forward as he runs his hands along the insides of your thigh. his left hand stays on your thigh, petting and gripping the flesh calmly, while his right makes its way to your pussy. his middle finger teases your folds, dipping down to your opening before dragging his finger back up to your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub lazily.
he repeats this process as your body starts to respond to him. you didn’t want this, you didn’t want to be wet and worked up, but neil just knows how to touch you too well. too disgustingly well.
you gasp as a digit intrudes inside you, neil smirks at you with his bottom lip stuck between his teeth as he fucks you with his finger.
“see how easily i get you wet? i think i know your body better than you do, baby.”
you loll your head to the side and screw your eyes shut, not wanting to give neil the satisfaction of a reply. slowly, you feel neil begin to pull his finger out. you try not to get too excited, you know better than to assume this is over.
and you were right. mere seconds later you feel the tip of his cock against your slick opening, your eyes crack back open and you stare at neil. one hand on your knee to keep your thighs apart, one hand on the base of his cock, his head dipped down as he watches himself tease your cunt with his cock head.
then, with a more generous push, he slides the entirety his cock inside if you, moaning sickeningly loud at the sensation of your warm and wet walls enveloping him. you wince at the stretch and grip the couch cushion beneath you.
“shit- you feel even better than before.” neil hisses through gritted teeth, bringing his thumb up to your clit as he gently pulls the hood back.
he slowly rolls his hips back, grinning cheekily at how his cock glistens in the light, your slick already coating him down to the base. neil sticks to his promise for a little, his cock may be splitting you open but at least his pace is manageable.
though, unsurprisingly, the gentle treatment ends much too soon for your liking. gradually, but still quickly, neil is harshly pounding into you.
“a-ah!” you yelp loudly, your thighs twitching at the stark increase of both pain and pleasure. “neil y-you said you’d be g-gentle!”
“sh, sh …” he shushes as he brings his hands up to your torso, pushing the fabric of your shirt up to reveal your stomach. he drags his nails back down to your hips, gripping them so tightly you’re certain it’ll bruise.
“n-neil!” you plead, hoping he’ll slow down even just a little. although your tone, and demeanour, and pussy don’t do you any favours. you end up only feeding into neil more.
“shit sweetheart- you’re leaking onto the couch. how’re you gonna explain that to your parents, huh? they leave you alone for a few hours ‘n you’re already getting your cunt stretched open in the living room. i can’t believe such nice people raised such a filthy whore.” neil degrades breathlessly, the sound of wet skin against skin fills the room. your cheeks burn and your eyes water as your back arches in front of him.
you can tell he isn’t lying. you can feel his cock slide in and out with ease despite still splitting you in half, you can hear your pussy squelching around him, you have no doubt in your mind that your arousal has seeped onto the couch. hopefully you’re able to either get the stain out or think of a reasonable excuse before your parents return home.
you hear neil chuckle before groaning, “your pussy’s fuckin’ creaming on me, do you always drench the guys who fuck you?”
you shyly shake your head no. well, you really couldn’t give a straight answer. you weren’t very sexually active, and neil had sadly just become your most consistent sexual partner as of late. maybe you were always this slick and creamy, you didn’t know, but you hated how much neil enjoyed seeing you like this. knowing that he forced you into this position.
“so i’m special, is that right?”
it’s all becoming sickly familiar again, he’s saying the same shit he said before. you don’t shake your head, you just whimper and bite down on your fist.
“lemme hear you.” he encourages as he pushes your fist away, “am i special, baby? do you keep this pussy all nice and pristine just for me? knowing i might stop by for another taste?”
“n-no-“ you huff, almost immediately getting cut off by your own moan. neil flexes within you at the sound of your authentic pleasure.
“it’s okay, baby. you don’t have to lie anymore. your dumb little brain can’t conjure up any convincing lies, anyway.”
god that drove you insane, how he was so consistently adamant that you were lying. but at this point, you started to believe maybe he was right. maybe you were lying to yourself. after all, your slickness doesn’t lie.
so instead of retaliating, you just whimper, allowing yourself to give in to the pleasure while simultaneously trying to ignore the origin of said pleasure.
you feel neil’s thrusts begin to slow, hope begins to spring within you. maybe, it’s finally over. despite wanting this all to end, you’ve become too worked up to ignore. you couldn’t deny that a small part of you felt disappointed.
“on your knees, put your forearms on the armrest.” neil instructs lowly. you take a good long look at him before obeying, his face is shining with a faint sheen of sweat and his cheeks are a light shade of pink. your eyes drift down to his cock, which is coated entirely in your arousal. you can’t even describe the amount of shame you feel.
shakily, you get into your knees for him and place your forearms onto the armrest. neil wastes no time and he eagerly slides his length back inside of you, forcing a whimper out of your lips. his hands are back on your hips, and he’s thrusting into you so much deeper this time. with each quick snap of his hips, his balls graze your clit, teasing your bud with the potential of stimulation. the teasing combined with his shockingly skilled thrusts had you teetering at the edge of an orgasm.
“you look so good from behind.” neil purrs as he strips one hand away from your hip before striking your ass, making you cry out loudly. you involuntarily clench around him too, which causes neil whimper from behind you. if he’d known you’d react like that to a smack on the ass he would’ve done it so much sooner, but now he’s too close to coming and he doesn’t want to ruin the moment for himself.
“fuck.” he groans, teasingly dragging his thumb along your tight ring of nerves, “next time, ‘m gonna fuck your ass. how’s that sound, sweet girl?”
your eyes shoot open, next time? when would the next time be? your mind spins at the thought of neil forcing his cock inside of your behind. the pain you’d feel-
“n-no, pl-please!” you breath out, and you can hear neil tut.
“oh, don’t worry, baby. it won’t be so bad, i’ll give your pussy some attention too. make it feel real nice for you.”
thankfully, neil seems to drop the anal idea, at least for now. he’s become more distracted with your pussy as it grips and drools around him.
“gettin’ wetter, darling, you close? gonna make a mess all over my cock again?”
no response. he knows you’re close, you can’t hide it, and if anything your silence feeds into his delusions more. he knows he’s making you feel so good you don’t even trust your own words or voice anymore.
“‘m close too, shit-“ he pants, his thrusts becoming sloppier and harder. “come for me, sweetheart.”
moments later, you feel yourself tip over the edge. your legs shaking intensely while you gasp and choke out a cry.
“dirty fuckin’ slut, cryin’ and beggin’ for me to stop ‘n then comin’ all over my cock. shit, baby, fuck!” neil slurs loudly, pulling out at the last second as he shoots hot ropes onto your ass and back.
he rides out his orgasm behind you, groaning and sighing loudly at the sight in front of him. you bent over, your used and messy pussy all exposed, his come dripping down your ass cheek. it’s all gorgeous.
neil stands up with a sigh, he tucks his sensitive and softening cock back into his boxers before pulling up his jeans and zipping them back up.
“oh, and my sister wanted to know if you’d be able to hang out with her next weekend. our parents will be on a business trip, her and i have the house to ourselves.”
you shakily glance over your shoulder, you can’t. you can’t keep doing this. you can’t look her in the eye while knowing you’ve come on her brothers cock not only once but twice. but neil just shrugs, he takes your silence as a ‘yes’.
“i’ll let her know you said yes.” neil hums happily before giving you one last strike on your ass, making you flinch away from his touch. as you rise to your feet, you hear neil walk towards the front door and excuse himself, leaving you alone with the mess he’s made.
you stand there, half naked and covered in come, wondering what the hell you’re going to do next.
it’s 2:30 am, i woke up really early today with intentions of fixing my sleep schedule and i unsurprisingly fucked it up already lmao. oh well!
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loousir · 8 months
[Werewolf] What about me?
Male Werewolf x Male Reader
Notes/Warnings: TW for reader breakup, mentions of an affair, non-aggressive confrontation, reader comfort, idk, this one is short but I'm content with it, haven't been feeling great lately lol, not very proof read
If you like my work, please consider reblogging!
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You currently laid in bed, tears streaming down you face as you hugged your pillow. You trusted people too easily and it came back to bite you in the ass today. You had gone out for a dinner date with the guy you had been dating for a month. Everything was going great. He sat you down, treated you amazingly, like nothing you could have dreamed of. Made you think he was the one. But turns out he wasn't. While the two of you were together, a woman approached you and, albeit kindly, told you that this was actually her husband. She wasn't mad at you since she knew how he could act but you still couldn't help but feel guilty. You opted to leave so they could argue or fight about it, having felt so betrayed by who you thought could be the one.
A cab was called and you cried all the way back home, tearfully messaging your best friend about what had happened. You could see that he read the messages but didn't respond. You knew he would eventually and just figured he was busy. While you lied in bed, going over what happened and the things you two did while you were together, it almost made sense. He was being so nice to mask the fact he was doing something so horrible. You couldn't help but cry more, thinking how blind you were to the signs. While you were crying, you didn't hear the front door open or the heavy footsteps making their way towards you until you felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around you. At first, you were understandably panicked, whipping your head around to find out who it was only to see the soft gaze of the only man you've trusted for years.
You instantly turned around and hugged him tightly, crying into his chest as he shushed and comforted you. Even though he was thinking the whole 'I told you so' shtick, he kept quiet and let you get out your emotions. Once it seemed like you had calmed down enough, he pulled away and looked down to you with a smile. "Feel a little better?" He asked, wiping away some of the tears with his thumb. "A little..." You mumbled, hiding your face away again, the sound of his heart beat comforting you. "Let's get up and take a shower. Rise that gross memory away." He said softly, sitting up while you stayed, cuddling into the bed more as you didn't want to move. He stared down to you for a moment and rolled his eyes. "C'mon, get up, let's go." He said, pulling you up and out of the bed with ease.
You whined but held onto him as he carried you into the bathroom. "Do I need to help you get undressed or can you do that yourself?" Draven asked, setting you on the counter. He stood between your legs, making you blush and shake your head, pushing him away as you got up. "Just wait outside." You said quickly, voice still a little shaky from crying. With a small sigh, you closed the door and changed into the nude. You turned on the water and waited for a moment before getting in. It was still a bit cold for your liking but it didn't bug you, washing away the day felt nice. Draven knocked at the door and asked, "May I come in?" You mumbled out a yea before hearing the door squeak open. "Its just a change of clothes." He said before closing the door again. After a few more minutes of just sitting under the water, you stepped out and dried off, seeing that he brought a pair of comfy clothes for you to wear.
With a small smile, you slipped them on. When you got to the shirt you noticed it was big on you, making you blush when you realized it was Dravens. And it was still warm. You couldn't help but blush more knowing that he had given you the shirt off his back to wear. As soon as you stepped out if the bathroom, Draven instantly swept you off your feet, causing you to yelp and cling onto him. "I hate that you can do that..." You mumbled out, hiding your face. He chuckled and hugged you close. "You smell so much better." He mumbled, barely fluent enough for you to understand. "H-huh?" You pulled back and looked at him, blush traveling to your ears at this point.
Draven tilted his head like the big puppy he is. "What?" He asked, convincingly pretending like he didn't say anything. "You... Nevermind." You said softly, hugging him close as he carried you into the living room. Little did you know, Draven only made you shower cause you, to him, smelled gross, even if you were dressed in your best cologne. You smelled like a man he hated, someone disgusting. Which is also why he gave you his shirt, opting to rock the tank underneath. "Draven you didn't have to do all this..." You said, seeing all the snacks and blankets laid out for the two of you.
"No. But, I wanted to." He said, setting you on the couch. Draven didn't let you move as he wrapped you in blankets, giving you drinks and snacks to choose from. Even though you thought he would snuggle up under the blanket with you, he didn't. Draven made himself cozy next to you, turning on the TV and putting on your favourite thing to watch. The more you thought about it, why did he go out of his way to do all these things? You weren't together but he almost treated you like you were. While you thought and went over the possibilities in your head, you were unintentionally staring at him. He could only assume what you were thinking but ended up asking, "What about me?"
This time, you tilted your head. "What?" "What about me?" He asked again, locking eyes with you as you thought for a moment. You didn't fully understand what he asked at first before realizing. He was asking, what if you dated him instead? "I... I didn't think you were into guys..." You said softly, having only ever seen him with girlfriends before. Draven glanced away awkwardly. "I wasn't. At least I didn't think I was." He said softly, looking back to you with a small smile. "Not until I met you." Draven paused for a second and bit his lip gently. "I didn't actually break up with my last girlfriend cause she was bad or anything... I broke up with her cause spending time with you made me realize I was actually into men. I was into you, specifically." He pauses and chuckles. "I mean, I'm still into you but-" You didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence, grabbing him by the nape of his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
Dravens hands naturally found their way to your waist, pulling you a bit closer. "Is there anything else important you need to tell me?" You asked once the two of you pulled away, keeping your eyes locked with his. Draven was contemplating if he should be honest or not. "I'm a werewolf?" He said, almost questioning what he said. Your brows furrowed, before a small smile a laugh left you. After your small giggle session you realized he was dead serious. "I dont believe you." You said, looking at him, slightly concerned. "Earlier when I picked you up, I said that you smelled better." He stated, one hand making its way up to cup your cheek. "You smelled like that prick still, his scent was all over you." Draven said, leaning in and nuzzling his nose in your neck. "Now you smell like me." He whispered, making you blush again, still unsure how to react to his sudden reveal. "I-I'm not sure if I fully believe you on that..." Draven pulled back and tilted his head.
"On the whole sudden Werewolf reveal..." You said softly, still being a bit shocked at the possible fact that he's a werewolf. Draven thought for a moment before using one of his large hands to cover your eyes. You protested at the sudden lack of sight and tried to pry his hand away but he wouldn't move. After a minute, he let go and you blinked a couple times. Your brows furrowed again when you saw two wolf ears sitting atop his head, perked and focused solely on you. "Haha, very cute." You said, thinking he was actually joking. You reached up and grabbed one of the ears, pulling on it gently only to realize it was actually attached to his head. "Wait seriously?" You asked, other hand shooting up to pet his other ear. They're super soft for a wolf. Draven blushed softly and nodded as you nearly crawled into his lap to pet and scratch behind his ears. He couldn't help but hide his face in your neck when you noticed he had a tail that was happily wagging behind him.
"Oh gods youre too cute..." You mumbled, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. Draven hugged you close and kissed at your neck gently. "Is this ok?" He asked, making you nod and ask him to keep going. Dravens kisses were slow and sweet, as if he was savoring you, making you shiver. "Draven..." You mumbled out, hugging him as well when he pulled back to rest his chin on your shoulder. "You're too good for that asshole." He said, keeping you pressed up against him. Draven laid back, keeping you close while you snuggled into him, his tail still swishing against the couch. "I think we could work." You said, nuzzling your face into his neck this time. Draven smiled and squeezed you tight for a moment before loosening his grip again. "I'd like that."
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crushedsweets · 4 months
hey sucker! 😋😋
what would the creeps do for valentine’s day?
like yknow, would some be given small treats or do others treat it like a regular day?
happy belated valentines day! hope you guys had fun and shared some love with everyone around you! this is the closest youre gonna get to x reader content from me.
Tim and Brian probably don't do much. They'll totally grab some chocolates/candy and eat it, but just cuz its there, not as a gift. if they had a partner, they'd just go get some dinner.. flowers, basic stuff. put on an unironed button up and pick their partner up LOL.
toby might do something depending on where he is in the story. early on, he is not doing SHIIIIT. deep into his friendship with nina(who opens up a lot of his emotional vulnerabilities n stuff), he might feel a little inclined to pick up some flowers for some of the girls in his life (nina, clocky, kate, lazari) just cuz he used to do something small for his sister/mom when he was younger (cuz frank never did shit). if he had a partner, he'd def wanna do jewelry and classic flowers. he likes necklaces and rings and piercings and stuff, doesnt wear them much cuz they get in the way, but likes seeing people wear stuff he got. he's the type to make them turn around so he could put the necklace on them, but if they even slightly laugh at him trying to be sweet, he's getting mad HAHA. "ok nevermind im returning this you fucking suck" (jokingly.. but he is embarrassed). would just wanna stay home though, no nights out or anything
clocky would paint stuff. she'd give nina a portrait of herself cuz nina loooves being someone's muse, do some nice art of forest creatures and leave some notes for toby. she'd feel pretty awkward about it just cuz even when she was with her highschool boyfriend, she wasn't good at giving or receiving affection. if she's gifted any flowers (which she will be getting), she's absolutely pressing them and either sealing them in some paintings, or putting it in frames that hold her old art/art she picked up at thrifts. if she had a partner, she'd obviously paint them or something. i could see her spending a long time working through a journal to gift them, making every 3 pages a painting, drawing, or journal entry expressing something. "today you and i went to get lunch. i think the place was way too expensive, but you liked it." and then empty pages for her partner to fill in with whatever they want.
nina. ok come on. lets be serious. its nina. she's gonna buy everyone(as in toby, clocky, kate, jane, liu) one expensive gift (cologne, watches, shoes, jewelry, makeup) and then throw together mini bouquets, notes, and probably shop lift other smaller stuff cuz 'IM BROKE I SPENT TOO MUCH I HAVE TO' LOLLL.. she's the type to literally decorate her house for it, putting up some of clocky's more romantic paintings (cuz she has a collection of clocky's work), setting out heart-shaped coasters, bringing out heart shaped pillows.... honestly she probably already had those.... she'd absolutely plan galentines dinner for her friends, bake cookies, everything. if she had a partner, it would be really similar. she likes to spoil people, gift giving and acts of service are her ways of showing love - buuuut she does want to be spoiled in return, so physical affection and quality time is what she wants to receive. she wants to be treated like a princess, be picked up, have her doors opened for her, told she looks beautiful, etc.
jack is even less likely to do something than toby. before the sacrifice, he'd grab a cheap bag of individually wrapped chocolates and give them to people he knew around campus. i could see him buying the same chocolates and leaving it in his cabin. telling whoever visits him to take some. nina would leave him some flowers too(say its also from toby) and he'd be really grateful, cuz she'd be very sure to get him whatever he thinks smells the nice. that way he can still appreciate it. if he had a partner, YOU KNOW HE'S COOKING THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DINNER AT HOME. he's cleaning up, very awkwardly trying to dress nice. black button up, slacks, slick his hair back(or he'd just do whatever his partner says looks best, not too concerned with his own preference). he'd feel sooo fucking embarrassed and very nervous but he just wants to make it special. he'd write a long love letter, too
jeff isnt doing shit for anyone. he'll go steal some chocolate and mind his own business. if he had a partner, one that he ACTUALLY loved and wanted to keep around. maybe he'd pick up some flowers and chocolate, mainly cuz he knows thats the bare minimum sort of gift. he'd let them demand that day from him, which takes a LOT for him to let anyone feel entitled to HIS time. if he knows they have higher expectations (dinner, a letter, etc) he'd probably bitch and moan and be like "ugh you already know im into you why do i gotta do this shit" but if theyre serious, he'd probably do it. half assed though...
kates also not doing anything unprompted. she wouldnt even know the day is coming around. her only memories of valentines day would be passing out some candy and cards around class in elementary school, but once she was in the forest, nobody gave HER shit. she might pick some flowers and wrap it in some paper for people , but ONLY if she KNOWS they're getting something for her. like, she'd pick nina some flowers cuz she knows ninas doing something regardless, but she wouldnt get toby anything cuz she wouldnt have expected it from him. then shed feel bad. if she had a partner, again it'd be similar. she KNOWS she needs to put in the effort, but she doesnt exactly have the resources... the farm does pay her some cash since she works with the animals, but she mostly just gives it straight to toby so he can buy stuff for the cabin. but she'd keep it this time around, and quietly ask toby if he could come with her to get some stuff for them. some sweets, a necklace, scribble out a little letter. smth sweet.
janes married. and she goes all out of her wife. buys her like a 3dozen bouquet of red roses, sets reservations at nice restaurants, makes mary breakfast the morning of. all of that. i dont even know how to go into detail on this because thats just how it is for her, theres not some turmoil for her to work through. she'd also start getting sally some stuff. plushies holding hearts, balloons, sweet things like that. if she had a partner...WELL SHE ALREADY DOES!!!!
if liu knows nina is going to gift him something expensive, he's doing the same. he's going to grab her flowers and maybe some shoes or something he knows she's had her eye on. he wouldn't be really subtle about it, just text her "whats on your wishlist right now" LOLLL... he just appreciates nina's presence (after they get over the jeff situation) and likes having a little sister to spoil. he'd probably send jane a bouquet of flowers with a thank you note, since jane did a lot for him. if he had a partner, it would also be very stereotypical. date plans, picking them up, flowers, etc. he'd LOOOOVE to make one of those big baskets filled to the brim with random shit. would wanna come home and draw a nice bubble bath and have some wine. stuff like that in general...
ben, lulu, ann, and dina wouldnt do anything and wouldnt get a partner. lazari would draw some pictures for her friends! sally will draw something for jane and mary
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hockeyshmockey · 9 months
M Verstappen Imagine
M Verstappen x norris!ex reader
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liked by gridgossip, zbrownhater and 3,204 others
f1gossip sent in! Lando Norris spotted in a steamy embrace tonight at a club in Monaco. That is noticeably not his long time partner and real estate mogul yn ln, who posted just yesterday a throwback of the couple looking all loved up. Is this a Lando scandal? Or did our favorite grid couple break up on the down low?
view 1,312 comments
user you're joking
user nah he fumbled SO hard
lilymhe it's on sight @ alexalbon
alexalbon ...
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liked by lilymhe, danielricciardo and 829,230 others
ynln should've thought twice before you let this go
view 23,413 comments
alexalbon lily is screaming at her phone
maxfewtrell slaying
user she is glowing but you know she's hurting inside
liked by ynln
carlossainz hermosa amiga <3
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liked by user, gridgoss and 2,329 others
f1gossip sent in: yn ln spotted tonight leaving her and ex boyfriend lando norris' apartment together in Monaco. based on her demeanor, we can assume she probably was there to move out. Ln has been seen spotted around town with multiple drivers and their partners after a scandolous picture of Norris with another girl was released.
view 291 comments
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liked by georgerussel, danielricciardo and 823,120 others
tagged lilymhe, carmenmundt, heidiberger
ynln a well needed gno
view 19,239 comments
danielricciardo you're never taking heidi out again
user I love them
georgerussell the way you kicked me out of my own bed to cuddle with carmen smh
alexalbon next time the boys need to supervise
lewishamilton looking good yn!
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f1gossip sent in! yn ln spotted out an about in monaco and we had multiple reports that she was seen with the one and only Max Verstappen!
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reply from user that is so max
reply from maxverstappen thanks for looking at places with me today!
reply from danielricciardo interesting .
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liked by mickschumacher, maxfetrell and 912,420 others
tagged lilymhe, carmenmundt
ynln monza files
view 23,320 comments
user she's at monza?!
georgerussel poor guy not even getting pic creds
alexalbon I think he'll survive
user suspicious...
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f1gossip fans were quick to note the return of a familiar face this weekned, yn ln returning to paddock after the end of her relationship with Lando. She was spotted with both Red Bull and Mercedes passes. Ln is close friends with George Russel and his partner Carmen, but the Red Bull pass is causing some heads to turn!
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f1gossip sent in! max verstappen spotted out for a late dinner after his record win in Monza. Fans noticed he was with a woman, the two having an intimate dinner. Could the world champion have a new girl?
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liked by f1gossip, danielricciardo and 940,232 others
ynln life is good again
view 23,420 comments
user did anyone else see max's story.....
lilymhe oh he rich rich
user not the soft launch... did they mean to do it?
landonorris wow
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f1gossip after a week full of speculation, we may have another tidbit in the yn ln and max verstappen rumors. Sent in from various sources, Ln was seen getting out of a car with Max this evening, heading into a restaurant for dinner
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user honestly good for her
user I know lando is going to cry over this lol, serves him right!
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liked by danielricciardo, maxfewtrell and 1,039,023 others
ynln he helped fix the pieces you broke, and that's something I will never feel guilty about
view 230, 493 comments
danielricciardo finally! this was weighing on me heavily. I am so happy for you two
user oh my god the indirect
lilymhe obsessed with you two
alexalbon lily is making me be nice. yn im really happy for you
lewishamilton congrats guys!
user its the power: she didn't even tag him but everyone knows it's max
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liked by charlesleclerc, f1gossip, and 1,230,234 others
maxverstappen one mans loss is another mans gain
view 239,230 comments
user did lando delete his isntagram
user the way landos friends are hyping max up for treating his ex better >>>>
204 notes · View notes
wizzard890 · 1 year
Hello! I'm someone who really enjoys makeup, but has recently in the past few years begun to view makeup and the makeup industry more broadly as something that is really detrimental to women. You seem to be in somewhat of the same position, and I admire your thoughts, so I was curious how you reconcile those positions or if you feel the need to reconcile them at all? Please ignore this ask if it's intrusive or weird lol
You can't reconcile them. You really can't. The beauty industry exists to churn out propaganda, inventing flaws and offering us fixes for a price, before moving on to the new (usually opposite, so you don't already have the tools) trend.
I'm in my thirties, I've seen the beauty industry turn into a nightmarish hydra that I never could have imagined as a teenager. The speed with which people create and zero in on new physical nitpicks, the ubiquity of filters and plastic surgery, that skincare (literally unless you have a specific ailment, a soft cleanser and nothing else will do you just fine) has become a lunatic self-flagellation in the name of some kind of nebulous Purity, just the endless chasing and chasing and chasing of that new thing that new miracle bottle, whatever will finally make you less disgusting for living in a human body. It's rancid. But it’s always been like this. Just slower.
And it's important to be intellectually honest about all this. The reason we think we look better with our lips a certain color, or our skin being a certain texture is because beauty culture has spent hundreds of years and trillions of dollars rotting our brains. None of this is real. You know that you find the people you love the most attractive when they're comfortable and bare faced and being themselves. Contour would change literally nothing about your feelings in that moment.
I enjoy makeup. I like gold eyeliner and deep berry lipsticks and a stain of blush. Why? Because I also have brain rot, and think I look Better with it on. You can't dismantle the entire wretched apparatus on your own, but you can be clear with yourself about why you believe what you believe. As my wife pointed out when I talked to her about this ask, even saying "I just like to decorate my face" doesn't hold water. You don't know what you natively like to do with your face, when it comes to beauty. You've spent your whole life marinating in propaganda. It gets into everything.
Due to my Ancient Years, I am no longer expected to be Young And Hot, which means I don't put on makeup on to run errands, and I don't feel like a full face is necessary to see friends or get dinner on a weeknight. I've started trying to treat makeup like I'd treat a pair of high heels: sometimes it's nice to feel dressed up, and in some environments heels are part of the dress code. Sometimes you wear heels to show your partner that you put in extra effort for them, or to make sure someone knows you took an occasion seriously.
Tellingly, heels also exist to fix a "failure" in your appearance.
It's like finding smoking sexy. Smoking kills you, unambiguously. And yet....it's hard not to feel like you'd be cooler if you had a cigarette in your hand. No one is immune to the manipulations of propaganda. But it is propaganda, plain and simple, and we shouldn't twist ourselves in knots to defend the lies it tells us, or try to make them ~praxis~. Beauty culture is exactly the same.
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coveteddilf · 10 months
— EYES ON ME + reo mikage x afab!reader (18+)
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synopsis — while taking yourself on a fancy dinner, you run into pro soccer player reo mikage at the restaurant. he decides he wants you as his entertainment for the night, and you agree, even if it is in an unused staff room. afterward, he gives you an offer you can’t help but accept.
✿ content — aged up characters (20’s), afab!reader, pro player!reo + soft dom!reo + body positive!reo, heavy smut, pet names (bunny, baby, sweetheart), fingering, unprotected sex (pls use condoms guys lol), inappropriate use of ties, reo is big on consent in this one guys, nsfw + minors dni
✿ words — roughly 7k
✿ rating — explicit (18+)
✿ notes — this was written with my best friend ( @seehaven ) in mind. i’ve owed her about 10 fanfics for around 2 years, so this is my first to make it up to her lol this is not beta’d in any way, and i didn’t even re-read it (i really wanted to get it out before reo’s birthday ended), so if there’s any glaring errors, let me know. otherwise, eat your hearts out. happy birthday you purple-haired bastard.
( requests open @ofbarou! )
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Rarely do you get to go out and spend time at a restaurant as fancy as the one you and your friends made reservations for tonight. Stepping into the extravagant entrance alone makes you feel like you’ve stepped into another world, with the plush red curtains and chandeliers made of diamonds and gold. Things are expensive in a main city like this one - high rise buildings and penthouses that boast wealth on top of stories and stories of infrastructure. You’re sure that the cost of the meal you’re about to eat will cost more than you usually spend on groceries in a month.
But it feels good to get out of the apartment; it feels good to slip something sexy on and take a night out on the town, even if it’s with friends you don’t normally see. Maybe that’s part of the appeal itself, being a different person for a night.
Even seated at your table, you can tell no money was spared in making sure the atmosphere and the quality of product was correct. The burgundy polyester napkin that the waiter draped across your lap makes your toes curl in heels you typically don’t wear. If you weren’t feeling luxurious in the little black slip dress you’d picked out, you certainly do now, when the waiter returns with a glistening bottle of wine. 
Your friends engage in little conversations across the table, and the three of them seem to be keeping up with the social expectations here pretty easily. While you’re in awe of the place, you’re a little…bored, sitting stagnant at the table, bouncing your feet beneath the cloth-covered surface. You’d much rather be looking at the art sprawling over the walls or the opulent architecture that makes up the building. 
When you’ve all placed your orders, the waiter takes the menus from you, compliments the lavender shade of your nails before he walks away. It warms your cheeks, and you can’t help but push a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You got them done just for this dinner. It was nice to treat yourself sometimes - you work hard for your money and spending it on making yourself feel good should be more of a priority.
You smile to yourself after thinking that.
People in your life are often telling you to be less-cautious, take more chances, to be less afraid of the unknown. You know that you’ve missed out on some good things by not taking leaps of faith more often.
You excuse yourself from the table for a moment, make some excuse about using the restroom, and fold your napkin nicely on the table before you go. While you’re not normally so meticulous, you want to keep up appearances in such an immaculate place, one where there’s not even a single item in disarray on the main floor.
Taking this time to look around, you find yourself drawn to a local artist’s work hung neatly on the wall. It certainly appeals to the general vibe the restaurant tries to make come across, and you almost want to touch your fingers to the dried paints of the feature. There’s a long moment where you hold the tiny little purse slipped over your shoulder a tad too tightly, fighting the urge to actually give into the impulsive thought.
The woody notes of an expensive cologne bring you out of your thoughts a breath or two later - you spin around with a sharp inhale when you realize someone is right next to you. Your face heats, and your body clenches in surprise, and you let out your gasp like a relieved sigh when it doesn’t seem to be someone who works here coming to yell at you for gawking at the painting for minutes on end.
Instead, it seems to be a soccer star that you’ve only seen on television and youtube interviews. 
Somehow you hadn’t realized that time had slowed since the Reo Mikage stepped into frame, because when it speeds back up, you feel out of breath. Frazzled, you hurry to make apologies, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Am I in your way?” You step away from him instead of closer, despite the fact that your body is screaming at you to do the exact opposite for the love of god. He seems to think you being flustered is either funny or endearing because he laughs, and it’s like hearing the chorus of your favorite song again for the first time in years.
“You’re fine,” Reo says in English, and it’s magical. He gives you this cocky little smirk that would look annoyingly smug on anyone else, but it just makes Reo look unbearably handsome. “I saw you get up from your table, and I figured I’d come find you.” 
You’re not sure what he means by that, but the words make your stomach flutter in a good way. You attempt to ask ‘why?’ but when you open your mouth, nothing really comes out. You’d known when you walked in that the VIP section in the south of the room had been occupied, the area secluded from the other tables in the restaurant, and filled with pretty important-looking business men. But you can guess that maybe that was where Reo had been hiding. You would have noticed the shock of purple hair and magenta eyes.
His suit looks expensive (and tailored, if the way it hugs his muscled arms and legs is any indication - you’d hate to see him turn around and catch you staring at the other thing the clothing was clinging to), and the grey jacket and navy tie do wonders for accentuating his features. And now that you’ve spent too long gawking at him again, Reo looks like he’s letting out a relieved chuckle. “For a second, I thought I’d lost my edge - now I can see you’re just embarrassed.” 
Reo exudes confidence, and for just a moment, you want to bask in it. You’re still not sure why he’s talking to you, but you’re taking advantage of every second you can get with him. 
“You have a beautiful smile,” He starts, taking one step closer over polished marble floors that are so damn clean that you can almost see your reflections in them. The space between you dwindles when he copies the motion a second time. You’re in a corridor off the main dining area that would elude to more privacy, but there are still plenty of wait-staff meandering around. You don’t want them to get the wrong impression. “I wish I had been the one making you blush like that, but I guess I can correct that in the future.”
The man’s tone oozes something that warms you from the inside out, and suddenly, even in such little clothing, you feel like you’ve been enveloped by it. 
And that’s when it hits you: Reo Mikage is flirting with you. 
“You could start right now?” You say, and it’s like something has possessed you for a moment, because in no other context would you ever say something like that to someone like him. While you’re generally not bad at talking to people, you’re never outright flirty with someone who makes your heart thump like a hammer to your rib cage, and so blatantly.
Seemingly, Reo likes the remark though, because he’s throwing his head back for a much fuller laugh, and it makes his cheeks pink too. “Yeah? I guess you’re right. Beating me right to the punch.” By now, he’s backed you both into more of a corner behind the wall, the original painting that had caught your eye some fifteen, twenty feet away. Your attention has been stolen by something far more important.
“I’ve been told that your non-dominant hand is stronger than your dominant one, watch out for my left hook.” You tease. Reo must delight in it because the words seem to change the light in his eyes; it’s shifted into something competitive, teasing, excited.
And while you’ve definitely known that he’s taller than you, it’s much more noticeable with him towering over you like this, a large hand slowly moving to wrap two large fingers around your much smaller wrist. 
It feels as if you’ve entered another world with him. 
You can still hear the muffled sounds of the restaurant through the corridor some feet away, but it’s more like white noise when all you want to focus on is the sound of Reo’s voice and the way his laugh reverberates through you.
“You know, I almost believe that.” Reo tilts his head, smile still staining his cheeks amused, “I’m here for a business meeting that’s gotten so boring that I want to gnaw my own arm off. I’d much rather entertain myself with you.” 
The words are so blunt that you don’t hesitate to answer quickly after he says, “What do you say?”
You both look at one another for a moment, tension palpable, before Reo breaks the moment with a pleased laugh. His fingers tighten around your wrist and he tries to pull you along down the corridor. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say. And to think, I almost called those idiots to come grab me after sneaking out of the back of the restaurant,” He says a little more to himself.
“Lucky me,” You murmur under your breath. You follow dutifully, heels clicking on hard floors, and you’re both at a speed-walk by the time Reo seems to find where you’re supposed to be going. A door marked ‘STAFF ONLY’ in a golden plaque and little detail. 
He notices your unease after reading the door and shakes his head, “Don’t worry.” He lets go of your wrist momentarily, and calls for one of the nearby floor staff. They talk for a moment out of earshot, and there’s a flash of a second when you seem to come to your senses.
‘What the hell am I doing?’ You think. A series of unwanted thoughts about how crazy this all is, how someone, somewhere has to be joking with you. You don’t just run into a pro soccer player that you’ve admired and supported for some time at a restaurant far too rich for your blood. Something in the universe must be playing a trick on you, because why on Earth would Reo Mikage want—
As if sensing the mood change, Reo quickly sprints back to you. Obviously he would be fast, considering his profession, but you hadn’t realized what that would look like up close. “Hey, eyes on me.” He says, and you can’t do anything but listen. You wouldn’t take your eyes off of him ever again, if you could help it.
He soothes your nerves as he pulls you into the now-unlocked staff room. Reo says something about his family knowing the owners that you don’t quite hear, the blood roaring in your ears now that you’re alone with Reo in a much smaller space. The room must be somewhat soundproofed, and it looks like maybe it was a previously used break room, based on the sturdy wooden table and the miscellaneous items like paper-towels and cleaning supplies on a table in the far corner of the room. 
You blink at him as your eyes readjust to the new lighting. Whereas the previous room had been a dim, soft white glow, this room had more of an edgy, blue glow to it without the main lights on. The only light source hung on the wall in the corner of the room, much more modern and much less oppulent than the decor outside of the door. It adds a striking splash of color to Reo’s angular face and bright hair, and you wonder how one person could be so handsome.
“Can I still spoil you, or do you want to keep playing i-Spy with the decor?” He teases, slipping into your space again. While his tone is playful, you can see the widening of his pupils, like he’s got something in his sights that he wants to consume. You remember from Reo’s time at Blue Lock that everyone called the group of people from the program ‘egoists’. You can certainly see now how they got their name.
Reo moves with the confidence of someone who gets what he wants, and while it makes your mind spin, he apparently wants you. 
“Do something interesting then,” You play back, reaching for his hand that’s come out to rest on your hip. “I don’t want to have to call some friends and slip out the back door.” 
The words barely leave your mouth before his lips are capturing yours with a growl. Reo kisses like he has something to prove, and maybe he does. Maybe he wants to prove that he can make your brain melt out of your ears, or maybe he wants to convince you that you’re crazy because never in your wildest dreams did you think something like this could actually happen.
You’ve always been a passive sports fan - soccer is fun, it’s engaging, and the players like Reo work hard to make their dreams come true. You’ve admired many of them over the years, but you’ve always had a soft spot for the man with magenta eyes and ladder to climb. Mikage is a household name at this point, and you’re glad it’s not just for the business-aspect anymore.
He presses harder with calloused fingers into your hips, and you shudder and shake in his grasp, mouth opening in a gasp at the sudden sensation. Reo takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into the warm cavern waiting for him, groaning at the taste of you. Warmth pools in your belly, and it’s much different from the previous kind that made your chest tight as Reo complimented your smile.
One of Reo’s hands curls possessively over the side of your neck, and it makes you feel small. You’ve always felt like too much - too loud, too emotional, too everything, but simply by existing, Reo’s managed to coax the roaring inferno of your anxiety into ashes. You find yourself relaxing into his touch, tongue meeting his as it skims across your teeth. 
Your breaths mingle as well as the taste of too-sweet wine and dry bourbon where your mouths meet. Backwards, Reo begins leading you toward the steady wood table in the middle of the room. There are no chairs around it, so it must not be used very frequently, you think. You nearly stumble back and Reo holds onto you a little more closely now.
The heat of him distracts you enough that you almost don’t hear him speak, “Don’t tell me you’re a klutz.” It’s clearly a tease, but if you’ve learned anything in your short time interacting with him, it’s that Reo loves to be teased too.
“What, don’t want me falling for you?” 
The smile he presses to yours is answer enough, but when he whispers a soft, “Wouldn’t be so bad,” you nearly lose your footing entirely. 
Luckily, he manages to catch you, lean you down on your back over the surface of the smooth wood beneath you, and nestle himself into the space he creates between your legs. The little black dress you’ve chosen tonight wasn’t very long to begin with, and Reo seems to pick up on the fact that it slides easily up your thighs at the angle he’s keeping your legs. 
He catches sight of the small number you’re wearing beneath it and whistles, pupils dilating. “Were you expecting someone?” His voice sounds dark, a little more on-edge than it had previously. If you had been in less of a whirlwind mindset, you might have even thought the man was jealous.
“No,” You start, cheeks stained red and hands splayed over the wood beneath you. For a moment, you try to close your legs, embarrassed, but his sturdy frame halts any progress you might have made there. You try not to bring your hands to cover your underwear in your nerves, “I just like to feel cute. Is there something wrong with that?”
And just like that, his expression softens. “Nothing wrong with that at all,” He sees your panicked expression, the warmth in your cheeks and says a hot, “bunny,” against your lips before he’s following the same design from before. You try not to react too harshly, but the pet name makes your thighs squeeze around his hips where he holds you open, so it must be kind of obvious.
Your hands pull at his clothing and Reo sits back enough to help you gain some progress. He makes quick work of the suit jacket and tie, and it gives you ample opportunity to rove your gaze over his body. His fingers undo the buttons of his dress shirt quickly enough that it’s obvious he’s experienced in the motion, and you can’t look away when his skin is exposed to you.
Soccer players train their bodies in ways you couldn’t imagine firsthand - build themselves up and break themselves down. Blue Lock’s broadcasts years ago had proven that they go through so much, and Reo was no exception to the rule. He’d completely changed from his beginning to the end of his time in Blue Lock - every interview he’d given made that clear.
You feel a sense of pride, seeing him stand so confidently in front of you, even with as turned on and disheveled as his appearance is now. “You’re beautiful,” You say before you can stop it. Reo’s eyes grow wide and his face heats rapidly. 
He stutters out a flustered, “Y-You can’t say those kinds of things that casually!” He leans back over you to place his mouth over yours, presumably to shut you up. There are blotches of pink over his collarbones, his chest. You wonder how many people have wished to find out what that looked like in-person, and now you get to experience it. “I’m supposed to be making you frazzled, not the other way around,” He grumbles into your mouth, scraping your tongue with his teeth a moment later.
But something in the atmosphere changed, like Reo is a little more himself, less the persona you see on the covers of magazines or in front of a camera. He cups your face with both large hands and steals your breath away.
When it seems like his patience has run out, he stands back up to his full height and strips himself from the waist down too, toeing off polished dress shoes and kicking slacks and designer belts to the floor. His dark briefs leave little to the imagination, and your tongue desperately wants to follow the inseam of the only clothing item keeping you from seeing him bare. The outline of him bulges at the stretchy material. He likely wears them because they decrease panty-lines in his suit, but you can’t help but admire how fantastic they make him look.
He holds out a hand, and you take it without a second thought. When Reo sits you up, he begins to pull the dress already hiked up past your waist toward your chest, over your head. It feels odd to be laid so bare, just a lacey little number covering you from such an intense look, but it does little to deter your arousal.
It should be embarrassing, how wet you are already, and you’re thankful the panties you picked out are a shade of charcoal. You’d thought they look great on you, and clearly Reo agrees by the low pitch of his voice when he says, “Let me get a look at you.”
You’re confused at first, until you realize your hands have come up to hide your chest. You never wear a bra with a slip dress, and now you’re fighting the urge to cover yourself from his gaze. His approval would mean the world to you, and you’re not sure why you’re doubting how he likes what he sees when he’s looking at you like a starving man at a feast.
Slowly, you put your hands down to your sides, leaning back on the table. There’s a little shake to your muscles where you have to fight the nerves, the impulse to cover yourself back up in case Reo says something that would absolutely destroy your self-esteem, but no comment like that ever comes.
Instead, you’re greeting with a groan, like the soccer star has been punched in the gut. “Oh my god, you’re gorgeous. And you’re over here giving me compliments.” Reo huffs haughtily, hands hesitantly slipping over your neck, down your shoulders. He gives you a look before touching. “This alright?” His voice is gruff, like he’s barely holding himself back from just giving in and doing whatever he wants.
Like he’s always gotten it as soon as he’s asked for it.
It seems like this time is no different, because something creaks in your chest, unbidden and soft and full of warmth at the thought that this man, who anyone would die to get their hands on, would ask permission to touch you. His thoughtful nature despite being someone who usually takes life by the horns splits you in half, makes you spill out the sides of your person and rearrange yourself into something different.
Reo is just a man, too. He’s eager and excited, and his hands immediately find purchase as soon as you give him a quiet ‘yes’ on sensitive skin. He leans over you, cups the creamy skin of your thigh with one hand, the curve of your breast in the other, mouth falling to yours for a moment, then guiding its way toward your neck.
You open your mouth to beg him for a mark, but he beats you to it, the blunt points of his teeth on the junction of your shoulder, your collarbone. It sends shocks through you, and your legs tighten around his waist where he’s managed to make a home for the second time.
The girth of him presses against your folds where he lays his weight, and you feel the kick drum of his pulse where his cock throbs in an effort to get closer. “Reo,” Your voice sounds unlike you, breathy and full of want, and your fingers pull at the small ponytail in his hair, letting the purple locks free. They fall over his shoulder, make the cut of his jaw that much sharper when he looks up at you, meets your eye as he sucks a bruise into the jut of your breast. You’ll be covered in imprints of his teeth for days, at this rate.
That shouldn’t warrant the gush of slick that leaves you at the thought, but there’s no way he’s missed it, pressed this close. He spreads your thighs wide with his hands as he takes your nipple into his mouth, rolling the bud with his tongue, feeling the goosebumps break out over your skin at the sensation. You gasp, and it sounds an awful lot like his name and the word ‘please’ mxied together.
You’re overwhelmed with sensation, and the silky softness of your panties give you no friction, even as he ruts against the hot line of your folds. You squirm, needy and restless as he takes his time with you. It’s almost unbearable, by the time he’s switched to the opposite one, then pressed kisses down your sternum. He’s not a needy grind away from you anymore, now that he’s moved his hips back to get at your chest from a better angle, and you find yourself grabbing hold of his hair, pulling his face back to yours.
“Please?” You breathe against his lips, voice shaky and eyes dark when they meet his bright ones. 
“How can I deny you when you ask like that, bunny?” He nips at your lip, then slithers one hand down to the core of you, rubbing slow circles over your hole through the silk of your underwear. “Do you feel how wet you are right now?” Reo’s voice meets arousal and amusement, maybe a tinge of awe, if you could concentrate enough to parse it all. 
Some sort of shame floods your system at his words, but it seems to be the good kind, if the way your hole clenches at the promise of his fingers seems to be any indication. Reo notices, of course. You almost want to damn his impeccable ability to read the room, but it does get you a firmer press of his fingers to your heat, so you can’t complain too whole-heartedly. Your hips press into the motion, and the tacky wetness begins to leak over your thighs in the overflow.
You move a hand to shield your face from his gaze, but he quickly pulls it away, face stern. “I want your eyes on me, sweetheart. Don’t look away.” His ego rears its head, but it doesn’t stop the pulse of want that echoes through you at the words. You’d do anything he asked, you think.
“O-Okay,” You swallow thickly, wetness creeping on the edges of your vision the moment his fingers dip below the fabric of your panties. He grazes the smooth, wet edges of your folds, and sinks a single digit into the heat of you. A shuddery yelp leaves you, and you can’t tell if your body wants to push into it or get away. The sensation is overwhelming, but it leaves your body feeling hot and too-sensitive.
“I should have known you would be a cry-baby. The ones with the prettiest smiles cry the easiest,” Reo soothes as he swipes a tear from your cheek where it falls as a betrayal. You try to protest, that you’re not crying because you’re upset, but he shushes you with a quiet, “I know, baby, I know. Feels good. It’s okay - just feel it.”
And rarely do you just give into that urge - just feel something because you want to, because you deserve to. You’re not being too much, according to Reo, who seems to eat up every sound that escapes you as he curls his finger inward, then adds a second. You’re practically panting at this point, and you’d try to feel some semblance of pity for yourself if the wide stretch of two, then three of Reo’s fingers didn’t feel like one of those coming-to-god moments.
“Please - please, I’m so ready,” You whine, and Reo laughs, even as the words make him palm his cloth-covered cock with his free hand. 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” He tries, crooking his fingers, letting your slick drip down over the meat of his palm. “Although, I’m not sure that it’ll be much of an issue.” He still sounds cocksure, and there’s a part of you that wants to disarm him as much as he’s disarmed you. 
You’re distracted by him pulling his fingers free. Reo wipes them over your thigh while he sticks his tongue out, and you both laugh a little at the childish behavior. It’s nice to be able to laugh during sex - you know plenty of people who take it too seriously, and Reo is just the right kind of charming to keep the mood light. 
When he finally shucks down his own underwear, the jut of his heavy cock is prominent where it slaps messily against his abdomen. There’s a pearly slick at the tip of him, and you can’t help but huff out a quiet, “You were making fun of me for being wet?” He has the decency to look at least a little sheepish as he pulls off your underwear for you, throwing the garnment to the ground like it personally offended him despite his previous praise for its aesthetic. 
“You can’t blame me after hearing the noises you’ve been making,” He gripes back, and it’s like you have a routine despite hardly knowing one another at all. The easy feeling floods you as he finally presses the tip of his cock to your sopping hole. 
Reo’s gotten distracted with the way you’re spread out for him, your legs held wide by his large palms, the way you’re trying to suck him in as he passes the outline of his dick over your wet labia. He presses the very tip of his dick to your clit, uses a finger to hold you open as he gently rotates himself in circles over you. An overstimulated shuffle happens and a long whine leaves you when he doesn’t stop the motion.
When it seems like he’s had too much, he closes his eyes, ruts inexpertly into the wetness of your mound and coats himself with your juices. “You gonna let me fuck you, bunny?” He presses, voice deep and achy with arousal. It’s the first time it hits you that he wants you just as badly as you want him right now. It makes you just as impatient as him.
Your nod is all he needs.
He guides himself to your hole, spreads your thighs with his own, and angles himself down as he presses into you with one long thrust. Gravity does most of the work for him. It’s not long before the meat of your thighs and ass are meeting his pelvis. It’s sticky and warm between you, and you’d be shy about how wet you were if Reo wasn’t keening at the feeling of being fully sheathed inside of you. 
Reo’s eyes are wide and full of emotion - he’s overwhelmed too, it seems, but his mouth gapes open slightly when he gives a gentle roll of his hips inside of your wet warmth. It feels a little like he’s spearing your guts, being bent in half the way he has you, but the incredibly full-feeling is welcome. 
Large hands hold onto your legs, hold them closer to your chest as Reo leans more of his muscled weight on you. It makes his cock feel deeper, wider as he fucks into the core of you with a steadily building rhythm. The first few slaps of skin are so wet that it brings tears back to your eyes. The glide of skin on skin is easy this way, and your cunt tightens each time Reo pulls out and shoves his way back in.
He’s like a storm - the force of him receding and then plowing back in tenfold. You know your cries are loud each time he slams home, pressing delightfully against sensitive spots you weren’t even aware you had, and it’s only confirmed when he reaches for his tie still slung over the corner of the table beside them. “Open your mouth, babe —“
The words are somewhat slurred, like maybe Reo is a little cock-drunk too. He’s panting over you, hips unable to stop moving, even as he deems this little interaction a necessary interlude to your current scenario. You’re not really listening though, just clenching around the intrusion inside of you, milking his cock by rocking your hips back and forth to meet his.
He hisses like a cat when you hit a particularly good angle, it seems, because not only do you feel the tightness in your abdomen grow, but you also feel the way his body clenches, the way his dick throbs inside of you. Reo leads a thumb into your mouth, presses it against your tongue. Like second nature, your mouth opens wider to let him in.
Reo groans, hips stuttering at the warm-wet of your mouth, and he wishes he had all of the time in the world to use you. You know that look -  and the fact that it’s directed toward you sends you reeling, hips shoving against Reo’s with more force. Breathless, takes the end of the tie and presses it to your mouth. “Bite down on this bunny - they’re gonna hear you if we’re not careful,” He whispers, and you follow his orders.
It’s nice to let Reo take the lead; you despise making the decisions all of the time, so it’s a welcomed change of pace to have someone who so dutifully picks up the reigns and apparently fucks you into a sex-induced stupor. You whine around the fabric of his expensive tie and try not too feel too badly about the fabric slowly but surely becoming wetter and wetter as you are around Reo’s dick.
His hips piston a little harder, at little more of an angle, and the next thrust has you seeing stars as he shoves in just that tiny bit more. Reo catches on based on the increased volume of your need, moans spilling out left and right, each a different rendition of ‘Reo’ and ‘please’ and ‘more.’
Holding himself above you with one hand, the other slips down to rub messy, wet patterns over your clit. The tightening of your pussy, the way your thighs seem to tremble around him as he pushes you closer and closer to the edge, it all seems to be undoing him. The sweat on his temple makes the edges of his purple hair a deep eggplant, and there’s a waging war between the pleasure and the fierceness in his eyes.
Your eyes widen when the stifling heat of your orgasm rushes like a tital wave to the forefront of your mind. Your moans become more babbling, nonsensical things, but Reo can hear that it’s supposed to be his name, doesn’t take the time to think about how you knew it without him even telling you. 
He really puts his back into it, the echoing slaps of skin-on-skin filling the room, along with the wet squelch of your pussy wrapping around him. Reo’s groaning too, thighs shaking as he speeds up his thrusts. “Come for me, bunny. I want you to cum for me.” His voice is commanding, but there’s this tinge of sweetness that undoes you.
It only takes one thrust, two, three - before you’re legs are clenching around his hips like a vice, and his only choice is to rut into the heat of you while you ride it out. His own whines are loud without a tie to muffle his voice too, but you’ve never heard a sound that turned you on more in your life. No need to hide how much he wants you, how good you’re making him feel. You feel powerful. You feel important.
And you feel a little special, the way he’s grinding into with needy little thrusts and clenching his jaw so hard he might break something, repeating, “Yes, bunny - yes,” as he pulls out suddenly, leaving you empty and distraught about it. You try to whine, but it’s quickly shut down as he comes across your stomach and chest with a few quick strokes to his cock. The tip is so pink and its throbbing in his hand where he can hardly seem to touch himself, oversensitive and pleasure-filled. You remove the tie from your mouth.
“Fuck,” Reo shudders, eyes closed tightly as he comes down from his own high. There’s a moment where you’re both panting, bodies full of tremors and happy hormones, and then he’s laying his body over yours, careful not to squash you under his weight.
He presses a kiss to your cheek, your jaw, your chin, then oh-so gently lifts your mouth to his. Without hesitation, you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him to you. Your frantic heartbeats are slowing down in time together, and you feel incredibly connected now. Reo murmurs how amazing you are against your lips, a slew of other compliments, and it makes your chest tight, your heart fuzzy.
When the moment has begun to pass though, you both cringe at the cooling, tacky feeling between your bodies. Still, it helps you both laugh. “Hold on for a second,” Reo murmurs, the first to be able to use his legs again as he stands and holds his spent dick in his palm. He waddles over to the paper towels on the opposite corner table, runs one or two through the water in the small sink hidden neatly beside it, then waddles back.
He’s perfunctory in his cleaning job, but you can’t really say you blame him when your legs have forgotten how to work too.
When you’re both as clean as you’re likely going to get, he tosses the paper towels in a small trash can against the wall. Reo lets out a sigh of relief, looking more relaxed than he had all night. There’s a swell of pride at the thought that you are the reason he looks like that.
A small smile welcomes your face and he eagerly kisses it, humming with affection. “You’re amazing,” Reo promises as he pulls away. 
You both get dressed as well as you can. Your dress seems fine, although you’re not really sure you’ll be able to wear your underwear now that they’ve been stretched out as much as they have around Reo’s hand. Something must show on your face because Reo says, “I’ll buy you a new pair. Hell, I’ll buy you 10 new pairs.” 
It makes you laugh. You don’t know Reo that well, but you have a feeling that there’s less joke to that statement than the average person would think there is.
When you’re semi-put-together, Reo says, “I had the waitstaff tell your friends that you weren’t feeling well. I have to get back to my meeting, but there really is a car out back that will take you home so that you don’t have to try and walk home like this,” He huffs, disgruntled at how much he’s taken you apart, like he didn’t enjoy every second of it.
“Sorry about the underwear. I really will replace them,” Reo holds his hair tie in his mouth just a mere foot away, sloppily putting the hair at the back of his head up into a messy little ponytail. He looks…disheveled too. You don’t really feel bad. “Do you like soccer?”
You nod, and he smiles, “Come to my next game. I’ll fly you out, all expenses paid. And if you miss any work to be there, let me know. I’ll give you your yearly salary for any of the time you miss.” The grin he wears now is sly, confident. “My driver will give you as many tickets as you want. Sell them, give them to your friends - whatever. Just keep one for yourself.” 
Reo steps close again, drawing you into him. It’s a last kiss, of sorts. There’s a stab of panic at the thought of saying goodbye, but you really don’t want to be in the way when he’s got business to attend to. 
Still, when he pulls back, the look he gives you is reassuring. “Don’t forget, okay? I’ll be waiting.”
He unlocks the door, hands you the small bag you’d carried in with you, and looks around for something in the hall. When he apparently finds what he’s looking for, he points in the direction of the back of house and guides you outside of the door. One of the waitstaff smiles politely and gives you a quick, “This way, please.” You look to Reo and he smiles encouragingly.
“I’ll see you soon, right?” You nod. You say a quick goodbye, somewhat embarrassed, and he cackles, saluting you with a wink and a childish poke of his tongue from his lips. That soft little thing inside of your chest thuds painfully against your ribs. 
He watches you the entire way out of the restaurant and into the car from the long hallway. The last thing you see is him wave when the back door closes, and when you get inside of his fancy car, the driver nodding his hello to you, you realize the meal you ordered earlier has been remade and is in a small container for you. 
The note on top says, “Thought you might be hungry after that. xoxo” And then a phone number. Your face stays beet red, even as you open the container and begin to eat your food. He must have planned for things to go well in advance, enough to have the kitchen make your order when you left. You want to be annoyed at his presumptuous nature, but all it really does is make you want him more. You smile around your fork.
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spurious · 16 days
What is a headcanon you have about Rodney that may be controversial?
SO I’ve been thinking about this since you sent it while I was cooking dinner last night and I stopped and walked into our room and went “DO I?” But uh. Anyway. I don’t know that my Rodney opinions are super controversial but like.
I definitely think that he’s unfortunately something of a misogynist? I think he was fed a lot of toxic patriarchy bullshit growing up (the whole thing with Jeannie telling him he’s lucky to find a nice girl who puts up with him says a LOT about their upbringing) and he accepted it uncritically as, like, the way the world works™️. I think he calls Sam Carter sexy and a dumb blonde because he’s insulted she doesn’t want to be his friend so his first lashing out instinct is to Treat Her How Men Treat Women.
Do I think he learns and grows during SGA and starts treating women as people much more often? Yeah. I mean, thank fucking god right? Lmao
Anyway a good portion of Live Oak 5 is just…Rodney being something of a misogynist and (as I’ve expressed at length to you my beloved wife audioletter) well I am a little bit worried people will hate me for it lol! But like. This is who he is.
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strawbs-screaming · 5 months
Hiya it's me again, i was wondering if you had any headcanons for the boxer's morning/night routine?
hi manadisc!! you have opened a pandora's box of hcs. /pos
Glass joe
1. Contemplate whether he wants to get out of bed or not
2. Stretch for a few minutes so his back doesnt torture him for the rest of the day
3. Have breakfast & chug 10 cups of espresso like its nothing
4. Brush his teeth since he doesnt want his breath to smell like death especially after those 10 cups of coffee
5. Change clothes and pack his bag with stuff he needs (deodorant, perfume, clothes, 2 baguettes)
6. Catch a bus and arrive
7. Do his boxing thing lol
8. Clean up/have a shower
9. Take a bus ride home
10. Change into something comfy
11. Spare time for him to rest, read, write, basically not much
12. Sleep or pull an all nighter if its a friday
Von Kaiser
1. Wake up and fly out of bed instantly somehow
2. Eat something & have some tea
3. Brush his teeth
4. Dress up
5. Grab his bag he packed before and go out
6. Do his boxing thing
7. Go home
8. Shower
9. Change into something comfy
10. Do some chores if he forgor any or just rest
11. Sleep
Disco Kid
1. Wake up and shut off his alarm hed starting to despise
2. Eat something (usually leftovers or some toast)
3. Dress up and pick out some outfits if he plans to go out later
4. Brush his teeth
5. Grab his bag and go out
6. Do his boxing thing (again)
7. Go out/have some fun to blow off steam
8. Go home
9. Change into something comfy
10. Rest (usually listens to music or practices dancing if he feels like it)
11. Get some sleep
King Hippo
1. wake up and lay for a good 10 minutes before actually leaving the bed
2. Have breakfast
3. Brush his teeth
4. Pack some clothes & dress up
5. Go out
6. Do his boxing thing (again, i know how creative i am)
7. Go home or just go have fun, Just depends on his mood
8. Change into something comfy
9. Cook up something for himself as a little treat
10. Just do whatever, usually chats with family on the phone if he feels like it
11. Sleeping time
Piston Hondo
1. Wake up and stretch a bit, he wakes up quite early so he does a bit of exercise
2. Eat something
3. Brush his teeth
4. Go out
5. Boxing™
6. Stay a bit longer to train overtime
7. Go home
8. Meditate & have some tea to calm down a bit
9. Do some journaling if hes had a shitty day
10. Change into something comfy
11. Get some sleep
Bear Hugger
1. Get woken up by mrs bear & his Squirrel since hes a heavy sleeper
2. Have some breakfast with them, usually chat a bit too
3. Dress up and pack his bag
4. since he wakes up early, he goes on a nice stroll before actually going to his job
5. Boxing™
6. Pack up & go on another stroll, maybe do some foraging if hes in the mood for it
7. go home
8. Change into something comfy
9. Hang out with his Squirrel and watch some TV
10. Doze off while watching TV on the couch and somehow wake up in bed
Great Tiger
1. Float out of bed like hes ascending to the sky or just get out casually
2. Make some breakfast and eat up
3. Brush his teeth and wash his face
4. Take care of his mustache, he needs to keep that 'stache in perfect condition
5. Dress up and go insane trying to pick out a good outfit for when he goes out later
6. Boxing™
7. Change into something casual and go out, usually on a walk or out with friends
8. Come home & change into something comfy
9. Practice magic and chat with his clones to keep himself sharp
10. Float to bed if hes too tired to walk
Don Flamenco
1. Get woken up by carmen or by her alarm
2. Brush his teeth
3. Try to do his eyeliner and lose his shit if he fucks it up
4. Do his hair and check if carmen went back to bed or woke up
5. Have breakfast with carmen and have a nice chat with her before dressing up
6. Boxing™
7. Change into something casual and go out, either with friends or just to get some fresh air
8. Go home and forget to clean his eyeliner for the 92727927282028329272727299273729173773829292th time
7. Have dinner with carmen
8. Change into something comfy
9. Skincare routine heehoo
10. Go to bed
Aran Ryan
1. Wake up and angrily lay there for 20 minutes, considering if he should take the day off today because damn that was some good sleep
2. Eat something, by that i mean a entire ass block of cheese
3. Dress up and go out
4. Boxing™
5. Stay overtime to train and maybe do some tomfoolery™
6. Go home
7. Spare time for him to do whatever he feels like doing
8. Sleep or pull an all nighter depending on how he feels
Soda Popinski
1. Get woken up by the 30 different alarms he set up
2. Have some breakfast
3. Have a cold shower
4. Go out on a jog to wake himself up (as if the 30 different alarms werent enough paired with the cold shower)
5. Pack his bags & some outfits
6. Boxing™
7. Go home
8. Do some paperwork with the help of his translator since he doesnt trust anyone else with it
9. Change into something comfy
10. Have some soda and watch TV
11. Doze off
Bald Bull
1. Wake up and complain about his back for a few minutes
2. Eat something and drink some tea
3. Dress up and try to avoid the paparazzi
4. Boxing™
5. Stay overtime to train (and hope aran doesnt do something dumb again)
6. Go home while hiding away from the paparazzi
7. Change into something comfy
8. Sleep on his couch even though he has a huge ass bed
Super Macho Man
1. Wake up and throw his alarm clock to the wall if hes feeling bad about something
2. Flex in the mirror to get his confidence up
3. Have the fanciest breakfast ever (good for him)
4. Brush his teeth
5. Pick out the outfits he made before
6. Pack his bag and go out
7. Boxing™
8. Change into something casual and just go out, either to greet fans or go clubbing
9. Go home
10. Change into something comfy
11. Scroll through social media or gossip with anyone on the phone
12. Go to bed
Mr Sandman
1. wake up and pick up any pillows he kicked to the ground when asleep
2. Have breakfast
3. Wash his face
4. Brush his teeth
5. Exercise & lift a bit since he tends to wake up early and feels like he has to do something
6. Pack his bag and go out
7. Boxing™
8. Stay overtime to train
9. Go to the gym and run on the treadmill a bit
10. Have a cold shower
11. Go home
12. Change into something comfy
13. Listen to some podcasts
14. Sleep
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 13
anakin x reader
Tumblr media
a/n: sorry for the wait!!! i started a summer job and i’ve been hellllllaaaa busy lol- dw tho, im still writing!!
You have a relaxing dinner with Ahsoka until the end of the year approaches
warnings: cursing, cannon disabled character, insecurity, mention of periods, possible pregnancy mention,
More time passed and you prepped for finals; luckily this year you were able to exempt most of your sit in exams and instead only had one big project and a 20 page thesis due. 
You had been feeling nauseous for the past few days but the 20 page paper’s deadline was looming over you, so it was probably the stress from that. You also hadn’t had much time to eat, so you could also just be hungry. 
You ignored the feeling and went back to typing.
The paper was almost done, only two more pages then you were free for the weekend.. Just two more.
Ring Ring
Ahsoka was calling, you finished the sentence you were on before picking up the phone.
Hey hey! Are you busy tonight?
“I should be free after one more page of this thing”
Damn! Congrats! You've been at that shit since mid terms! I think that deserves celebration!
You laughed, hopefully she wasn’t proposing a party because you weren't quite feeling up to that.
“What do you have in mind?”
I dunno… wanna  just grab take out and eat it by the koi pond? I kinda just want a chill night before I have to start practice for nationals. 
“That sounds wonderful”
Cool! I'll see you at 6:30?
“Sounds good to me!”
Oki bye bye!
The end of the line clicked as she hung up and a small smile settled onto your face; even though you hadn’t known Ahsoka that long, the two of you just clicked and were almost always on the same wavelength.
Some of you wanted to tell her about Anakin, but you just felt like at this point it would add drama to the already stressful end of the year. 
You were seen as the baby of the friend group, so you wouldn’t know how they would feel if you and Anakin officially confirmed the relationship…Also Ahsoka could be a little dramatic at times and you were afraid she would become too involved and make jokes or treat you and Ani differently.
And you had known Anakin long enough to know that those small changes would piss him off and he might accidentally take it out on the relationship.
You got back to your computer when you got a really bad cramp in your abdomen. 
Oh fuck, you hadn’t gotten your period on its normal week so apparently its deciding to come now…great, something else to add to your delightful week.
You finally finished your paper and let out a long groan as you stretched your back. You grabbed your keys and headed down to meet Ahsoka outside the dorms. Once the two of you met up and got your food, you walked to the koi pond on the northern side of campus. 
The sun was setting and the sky was a mixture of beautiful oranges and pinks; you took a seat on the iron bench that overlooked the gardens surrounding the koi pond. 
“This is so nice, I needed to chill,” Ahsoka said, breaking apart the cheap wooden chopsticks that came with her bento box. 
“Yea, I feel ya” you said opening the box of lo mein you ordered. 
“Ya know, I cant believe i’m gonna be graduating in just a few weeks… Like what the actual fuck, I swear I was just a freshman like two weeks ago” Ahsoka baffled as she watched the fish swim laps around the pond. 
“Oh yea, I wanted to get a brunch with all of us next sunday before I have to go to nationals, would you be able to come?” she added.
“Yes! I’d love to” you responded, before remembering that would be one of the last times you would see her before her graduation. 
“I’m going to miss you so much Ahsoka” you said sadly, “Will you keep in touch?”
“Does a fish need water? Of course y/n!” she smiled; “you’re my best girl friend; sure sky guy and Ben are nice, but they're not another girl. And I like Satine alot, but she's older and in a totally different place in life than us, ya know?” 
“Yea, I’m glad we met too” you smiled. 
You conversed over random topics and future plans-
“Do you think you’ll party a lot next year?” she asked you
“Hmm, I don’t think so” 
“Why not? Don’t you wanna find a partner or atleast a hook-up?” She asked, biting down on her last California roll.
“I’m actually pretty content, I think most of my party phase was exhausted freshman and sophomore year” 
“Yea, I get it, I really only kept going out cause the team likes to go to the big parties. Kinda changing topics though, are you interested in anyone this year?”
You froze for a split second before bringing the noodles to your mouth, “Not really, I mean I’ve been seeing this guy off campus, but I wanna keep it on the dl and so does he” you responded (you didn’t have the heart to completely lie to her).
“Ooo, is he cute? How old is he? What's his name? Does he have socials? I gotta make sure he’s good enough for my girl”
“Hah, that's a lot. Umm, I think he's cute, he doesn’t use social media much, and he’s just a bit older” (yeah right, more like twice your age).
“Ok….what's his name?” she asked again, a devious grin on her face.
You smiled and looked away, “Ahsoka, I love you, but I can't tell you, I promised him we’d keep it under wraps… He’s a very private person” 
“Do I know him?” she definitely was gonna guess it if she kept at the questions.
You took all the power you could to construct a final lie, “no, I met him on a dating app”.
“Oh, never mind I guess, I’m happy for you!”
You were not practiced in lying.
“Thanks, I really like him… I think I may be in love…I’ve never felt this way before” you smiled. 
“That’s amazing, y/n. Will I meet him some day?”
“Of course” 
The rest of dinner was pleasant, until your stomach started hurting again.
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, I think I'm just gonna get my period soon” you said.
“Wait, shouldn’t you have gotten it like two weeks ago?”
“Yea, remember, we’re kind of synced, You’ve been starting yours half way through my cycle since like September”
“Oh, I think it's just late from the stress”
“Hopefully so” she laughed, “Wouldn’t want that mystery man to have knocked you up”. 
She was joking, but something in you became worried… it had been a long time since your last period… and you and Anakin had been pretty busy…but wait
Anakin couldn’t have kids. 
The doctors said so.
But what if…
You shook the thoughts from your head and asked Ahsoka if she would come with you to the drug store to pick up some tums for the stomach ache.
She went off to go look at the shampoo because she needed some more and you sneaked off to grab a pregnancy test.
While you were in line you decided to update your boyfriend on the night’s conversation
“Hey babe, just fyi Ahsoka was asking about who i was seeing so i lied and said a guy from tinder, just wanted to lyk”
In no time your phone buzzed
Alright, thanks for covering, have a good night princess.
“Goodnight my love”
The week went by and you only had the project to finish. Most of your academic stress was subsided, but your personal stress grew by the day.
You hadn't opened the pregnancy test you got last week… you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Maybe it was because you hadn't had time…
oh who were you kidding? 
You were scared. 
But if you were pregnant, you should probably find out soon. Right?
You went into the bathroom and locked the door.
This was it.
The moment of truth.
a/n: so this ch was more of a filler to get to the next few chapters…. the plot is thickening and i hope your interest stays!! ty again for reading :)
taglist: : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana
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not-poignant · 7 months
I hope you have a lovely day with lots of snacks
Tl;dr the day was not lovely but there might be snacks
I actually didn't have many snacks today but I'm about to make up with it with a couple of churros and dark chocolate dipped strawberries.
Today I...woke up and showered and replied to comments on AO3 for a while, and then I spent about 4 hours formatting documents into PDFs of varying sizes for Patreon and Ream and uploading chapter commentaries into compilations. And then I did more formatting stuff behind the scenes while I stared at all the other behind the scenes stuff I need to do and thought 'writing is a hard job' quietly and intensely.
I ate lunch while I was working. I also made some memes about how overwhelmed I felt, and then made some for my readers too, lol.
And then I laid down for about 4 hours because I also have chronic illness (whee) and I am constantly in pain and varying degrees of fatigue and I literally must lie down every afternoon so I don't collapse in the evening (literally) - and I did a tiny bit of reading (webtoon: Shutline (which I immediately realised I'd read before and didn't fondly remember), webtoon: December (didn't mind this)) and then dozed restlessly because it was 40C/104F today. I also edited a Tiktok art video in Adobe Premier Rush, but I haven't put it up yet, and I should really do that.
Got up and made ham and cucumber sandwiches for dinner, and watched Girl with the Dogs on YouTube while I ate, and a Smosh video.
Then did some more work and helped a friend with her work stuff, and then I watered the garden for 1.5 hours because *points tiredly to the heatwave* and stared balefully at the dark sky (you can't water during the day - it's literally a heatwave but also it's illegal here to water during the day) with its few stars because they'd set up a severe weather warning due to extreme winds in our specific area and it was dead AF and oppressive out there and it was just hot instead.
I watched a few Tiktoks while I watered.
When I hung the hose up back on the holder thingo, I sang to my plants: 'I hope you make the best out of the water I just gave you, you little fucks' like a sweet lullaby, and a person who I didn't know was outside next door because it was like 9pm and pitch black laughed softly and sweetly, like they didn't expect it, and felt kind of fond. I didn't know I had any nice neighbours on that side of the house, so I mostly just thought 'WHOOPS SHIT' and then felt too embarrassed to say anything.
And then I came back inside and replied to some asks (hi!) and am hopefully going to eat churro's soon and it's 10pm and so I'm probably going to do some more work and then I'm going to go to bed while I feel stressed about the work I haven't done (currently Palmarosa is the heart beating beneath my floorboards). I will probably keep reading December. It's okayish.
I don't know if I'd call today lovely, because I'm burnt out and I want to put up the Christmas decorations but it's 10pm and idk if I should start that because it tends to make me severely ill to do it for a few days.
I'm a little sad, a lot lonely, a little melancholic, a little grumpy, and a little very excited about churros and chocolate dipped strawberries. I resent days that are 'work and sleep' sometimes, especially during November. That's my fault. That's on me. I'm a mean and shitty boss to myself.
Gotta do something about this burnout at some point, because December is the worst month for my PTSD, but I also need to keep getting paid, because medical bills and food and stuff. So like...finding the balance there is a constant work in progress.
There were some lovely moments today:
That little laugh from the neighbour in the dark
The first yellow peach of the season
Doing tricks with my cat (who is trained) for treats
Making silly little memes
Helping a friend with work stuff
Replying to some amazing comments
Watching cute dogs
Feeling pretty accomplished at putting up those compilations on Patreon/Ream even if I'm not done yet.
I hope you're having a lovely day too, anon, with many snacks.
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icebluecyanide · 2 months
Alex Rider S03E06 Reaction
Unspoilered episode reactions, warning for book spoilers, you know the drill. Time to kill Mrs Jones!
‘We have both been betrayed too many times’ over an image of John, nice
Don’t just approach the strange man watching you, Jack!!
Why did he tell Jack?? It’s sort of wild that Alex is thinking of killing Mrs Jones as just something he needs to do first, like he can in any way go back to a normal life after. Like, also him thinking he would ‘just’ finish Scorpia, like that’s not an entire criminal organisation that’s been hidden for years. Alex, I love you but perhaps these are not realistic life goals
Omg why would you get the CIA involved
Ahsdlfhs I need Alex to be more isolated, I can’t handle him seeming to be winning this argument with Yassen about contacting Jack when it was objectively a stupid thing to do. ‘She needed to know I was okay’ Alex… you will literally never be able to live a normal life again if you kill Mrs Jones, you showing yourself to Jack will not make this easier in any way
‘We trust each other, you should try it sometime’ Alex you literally just met up with your friend in secret ahsdlfhs
Oh no I think Yassen may know that the story about Mrs Jones isn’t true. ‘Shortly after the operation. Shortly after your father died’ sounds like Yassen knows John didn’t die on the bridge. But also gosh him telling Alex he could be a good killer!! What are Yassen’s motives here?? 
Ayyy first Helen mention, that took a while. Interesting choice to have Yassen be the one to tell Alex, and that he knows about the plane crash
“Because it’s my job. I work for Scorpia. And I’m good at it” 🥺
“You think this is about John. Alex Rider’s father” ahsldhfs why not just call him John Rider lol
YASSEN IS COOKING FOR THEM!!! 🥰 They’re having dinner together omg 
“You can’t kill someone and go home. You can only go forward.” “forward to what?” “To the next target” ooof gosh he’s not wrong tho and Alex is definitely overdue hearing that given his behaviour earlier this ep
“Alex worked it out, because he’s actually quite good at this stuff” yeah I mean that is part of why they blackmailed him to work for the Department, Tom ahsldfhs what sort of burn is this supposed to be lol weren’t you all glad Blunt wasn’t interested in Alex anymore??
“If i were betrayed like that, I would make sure there were consequences, no matter how long it took” lol foreshadowing
Gosh this part about her trying to make him separate from Jack is a lot more complicated in the show than in the book, what with Alex not being as isolated/him not feeling like he’s already decided to be with Scorpia/Scorpia being a lot more brutal to him so far
“He’s confused” I mean he’s also trying to kill Mrs Jones and joined a criminal organisation. So like, they absolutely should be treating him with caution now
Why are they not putting together yet that Alex is going after Mrs Jones tho? In the book Blunt puts extra security on her the moment it becomes clear that Alex may have joined Scorpia because he learned about Albert Bridge, it doesn’t seem such a big leap to assume Alex is out to kill a particular person?
Love how they kept in the Coke trick with the metal detector, always loved that in the book haha
Lmao Alex just putting together the gun on camera
I love how she immediately notices the picture being turned down and knows something is wrong
Alex is so angry!! I’m sad that we don’t get Mrs Jones challenging Alex about his dad being a killer tho
Very nice. Some really cool scenes this episode, loved how much Yassen and Alex we are getting but oh man I need the Department at least to be rough with Alex when they bring him in after this, I crave Consequences.
Some very interesting Yassen and Alex scenes in this episode, and I loooove the fact that they are living in the safe house together for a bit and that Yassen was cooking them dinner, but also it is wild to me how Alex could just walk out. Where is the danger, the consequences of him telling people? Yassen is huffy for one moment and then Alex talks back and they move on like ahsdlfhs I love Yassen being soft for Alex, but he really is being very foolish contacting people he knows like that. Like ‘yeah I’m on a mission of revenge and I’m planning the murder of a government official but after that I plan to come home’ like Alex… 
Those were some really wild reactions to Kyra stealing the equivalent of state secrets lol. Like, those are highly classified files, and frankly the fact that Smithers either didn’t notice it going missing or didn’t care because he likes Kyra makes me think that perhaps the Department is not ISO certified.
Okay so, Julia Rothman wants revenge on Blunt and John (through Alex). The plan was just Blunt until Alex started searching for Scorpia and now Mrs Rothman really wants to watch him die too (which I assume Alex will learn once they tell him about what Scorpia is planning next ep when they bring him in). 
Yassen on the other hand seems to think Alex can be a killer like him and John, and I still can’t tell if he knows that John betrayed Scorpia. Because he is very ‘emotions don’t matter’ so it is possible that yes he felt betrayed but now he put that aside, and he is not about things getting personal and doesn’t question orders, so he might never have even considered that Julia Rothman actually wants Alex dead. Because apparently he’s happy never thinking lol. But that also means that perhaps once he’s forced to choose between Scorpia and Alex later this season, he may need to make an actual choice, and may realise that Julia actually planned to kill Alex from the start. Alternatively, he doesn’t know but also never looked into it. But the way he phrased things when it came to Alex’s mother dying and warned Alex not to make things personal is a bit suspicious. But also that means he’s lying to Alex about his dad??
Also Kyra loves Alex apparently, but I wish we could have got more on her feelings about Alex joining the organisation that murdered her parents. Like, it may even have been Yassen who did it, and now Alex is hanging out with him. Can we please get some moral consequences and angst in here?
I want a hundred more scenes of Alex and Yassen living in the safe house. Did they do dishes together? Did they have separate bedrooms? What’s it like for Alex to spend so much time with the man who killed his uncle? He did actually seem to warm up to Yassen from around that time with the shopping list, but it has to be strange when he’s reminded of Yassen being a killer.
I assume they will send Alex in again like in canon but I really wonder what that conversation will be like, because I always liked how in the books Alex is sort of half resigned to the fact that they are going to ask him, and half knows he wants to do it because he wants to save people & get back at Julia Rothman for the lies and also her trying to kill him.
Does Yassen know??? I need to know more about his motivations
Is Tom’s brother going to be okay without a good cameraman?
Will Tom move to Malta?
What is Yassen going to do when he sees Alex is caught??
How did the shooting end this time, did Alex just straight up miss or is there still a glass wall?
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bozers · 3 months
Tumblr media
What the MK1 Cast Does When Placed With This Dog^
Kitana: Doesn’t pet it immediately. Was taught that strange dogs could bite or have diseases. Once she sees that it’s friendly she will give it food and try to find a home for it.
Mileena: Doesn’t pet it because it might smell the tarkot and bite her. If it comes up to her and is friendly she will play fetch and take it out for a jog. She is the queen, so no one can tell her she can't keep it lol
Tanya: Whistles for it and if it comes she will praise it and call it a good dog before having someone take it away from the palace before it makes a mess. Will immediately fold and let it stay when Mileena says she wants to keep it.
Sindel: Glances down at it and smiles but doesn’t try to pet it. Will order a servant to get it back to it’s owner.
Li Mei: Checks to see if it has a collar with an ID tag of some kind. If it doesn’t she will put up missing posters. In the meantime she has the dog help her sniff out and locate contraband being snuck into outworld.
Shao: Says something like “Scram, dog!” 
Reiko: Immediately starts teaching it commands and has it running drills by dinner time. The dog is glued to his side and fights alongside him during battles.
Rain: Doesn’t pet it because he was also taught that most animals on the street are unsafe, and he is a slight germaphobe as it is. If it follows him and seems friendly, he will give it a tentative pat if no one is looking.
Havik: Is happy to see a healthy dog and is hesitant to scare it away. But the dog loves the way he smells and starts licking him like crazy, almost knocking him over. He laughs and lets the dog chew on his arm. 
Syzoth: He is used to most animals keeping their distance, so is curious as to why this one isn’t running away. Will let it sniff him to see if it wants to be friends. When it licks his hand, he grins and feels an instant connection. He runs around in his lizard form on all fours, the two of them racing around all day. They end up curling up in a dog pile to nap. 
Ashrah: Thinks it is cute and goes right up to it. She can see the purity of its soul and is impressed with its tenacity. Decides that it would make a wonderful companion, and so, she gets it a nice new collar and names it something like "Angel". She feels contented and very happy with this new addition to her family.
Shang Tsung: Ignores strays because they were such a common sight in his past. But if this dog looks healthy he might consider experimenting on it, but will end up just keeping it around the lab to be a watchdog/vermin catcher. He will talk to himself when working through a hypothesis, and will sometimes absently scratch the dogs head while deep in thought. (the dog had learned to stand by his side when he gets deep into research)
Quan Chi: Ignores it. He has no use for such creatures.
Liu Kang: His godly façade crumbles immediately. He gives the dog lots of pets and scratches, and when it gives him a kiss he giggles like a school boy. Likes to watch it play in the yard in front of the fire temple, taking comfort in this simple joy.
Geras: Is fascinated by the dog and takes a few moments to study it. When it comes over to investigate, he gives it a little pat on the head and deems it a “good boy”.
Kung Lao: Immediately goes to pet it and gets it all riled up to play. He immediately comes up with a name and has it following him around the village. Sneaks it dumplings under the table when Madam Bo isn't watching.  
Raiden: Puts his hand out to let the dog sniff before trying to pet it. He makes sure the dog is healthy and well fed. Hopes that it will want to come sleep on his bed with him.
Kenshi: Will call out to the dog to see if it is friendly. If the dog comes up to him he will pet it, but won’t allow himself to get attached to it. (he get's attached to it)
Johnny: Takes a picture with it and snaps a few more cute dog pics. Gives it treats and will see if it knows any tricks. If it doesn't, he Teaches it "high five". Makes the dog it's own Instagram account and it gets 1M follows by the end of the day.
Bi-Han: Will demand to know who let the dog into the compound, stating that it is forbidden to have pets in the Lin kuei and whoever is responsible will be punished. In the meantime, he keeps it in the training yard until he can decide where to send it away. He makes sure it has food, water, and shelter. No one catches him giving scratches and cooing at it. 
Kuai Liang: Is suspicious that a random dog is wandering around the compound but that doesn’t stop him from kneeling down and petting it. He smiles but his heart aches because he cannot have a pet. Makes sure it finds a good home.
Tomas: Gets really excited because it reminds him of his childhood family dogs. He grew up helping his dad train their hunting dogs and so has a soft spot for all canines. He knows its not allowed on the compound but still sneaks it into the kitchen to get some scraps. 
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