#and seem to still have absolutely mutual respect for one another it's so nice
vimbry · 5 months
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khihi · 6 months
In regards to the messiness of yesterday;
First and foremost, it's one thing to have a different perspective on an event, but it's another entirely to send hate messeges when you do not comprehend the other perspective. Anyone who did should be embarassed and ashamed of themselves. Also, anyone who directly messeged Bojan any vitirol should also be embarassed and ashamed of themselves too.
That being said, please realise that no one has been saying that Bojan wasn't right in what he was saying. It's so good of him to care and he is absolutely correct; queuing has gotten ridiculous during this tour and it needs to calm down. The issue was that his timing was poor and caused chaos in the morning that set the panicked tone for the rest of the day and made fun and friendly queue practices practically redundant. Please understand that you can critique how someone handled a situation clumsily - however kind-hearted their intentions were - and still love and respect them.
Again, this is not saying the issue of queuing getting out of hand shouldn't be brought up. It should. It's good it's now been brought up. It's just a shame it happened the way it did.
I only hope Bojan, unlike some fans, didn't recieve too many hateful messeges and that he's already moving on. He seemed in a good mood before, at, and after the gig (they all did), which was wonderful and a relief to see. The show was fantastic; everything going wrong was so funny and the boys took it in their stride beautifully.
I also haven't seen anyone mention the fact that the venue is absolutely to blame for aggravating the queuing chaos and I really think it needs to be said; handing out wristbands - especially a limited number of writstbands - as early as 9am pushes back regular queue arrival time by HOURS and clearly makes people panic. Wristbands have caused such a mess and I hope other venues don't start thinking this is in any way a good idea.
I just hope this gig can be a learning experience and everyone chills the fuck out from now on. Please no more queuing the day before. And endangering other people by pushing and shoving is fucked up to say the least. It's not the end of the world if you're not barricade.
If anyone wants to talk further about anything, maybe consider discussing it in DMs - politely, like adults - and not hatefully on anon. The whole two-queue problem was solved yesterday because people discussed it respectfully with each other and listened to each other's perspective with a little empathy. Maybe let's have a little of that energy here too.
Speaking of which, in spite of how messy it all was there were still so many lovely people that I'm glad I met - it was so nice meeting more mutuals at this gig too, I'm glad you guys got to enjoy yourselves at the show and I hope you're all able to relax and unwind today! Look after yourselves <3
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gracieart · 11 months
You’re seriously going to take drawing requests from A Court of Thought?!? Someone who routinely lies, gaslights, bullies, and blocks Elriels? You were truly one of my fave people on this platform but watching you pander to Eluciens…whew, the respect I’ve lost.
Hello anon. I seem to have upset another one of you.
First and foremost, I am going to draw whatever I want and I'm not going to apologize to you. Let me just get that out in the air.
And for now, we are just going to ignore how you seem entitled to me, my art, my free time, and what I decide to do so we can quickly address your concern here.
I want to preface this by saying I sat on this ask for hours because I was genuinely so confused where this came from. I literally had no idea what you were referring to. I thought ‘A Court of Thought’ was you trying to criticize me for taking art prompts for A Court of Thorns and Roses and that you were saying I do all those things you mention. Which, as you can imagine, made me very sad.
But it finally dawned on me (after one of my friends pointed it out to me) that you were referring to the comment I replied to from the blog ACourtofThought.
After that realization, your comment started to make sense… for the most part.
Now, I have never once spoken to or even heard of this person before they commented on one of my posts. I know absolutely nothing about them. I’ve never even seen one of their posts. But if what you say is true, then you should know there is no possible way I could have even heard of them before, as I have a long list of anti tags blocked and have a strict no negativity policy on all my blogs. If you knew me at all, or if I was one of your favorite people on this platform, as you claim, then you should know that about me at the very least. I make it very very clear I do not deal with that kind of negativity.
And you know, not everyone in this fandom chooses to surround themselves with negativity. I hope you free yourself from this, truly.
I am not upset that you talked down to me, hurt my feelings, and insulted me. No, I’m mostly upset about the fact that you immediately jumped to the worst conclusions about me. The fact is I simply replied to a nice comment I saw on a post I made. That’s it. You saw that and thought “Wow, this woman is siding with this person I really dislike. And she obviously knows exactly who this person is and why I dislike them so much. So how dare she!”
…That is what you thought, am I wrong?
This is unwarranted and out of context. I am not “pandering” to Eluciens. I was simply asking my very kind mutuals, who happen to like that ship, if they had any prompts they wanted me to draw. And I tagged Elucien in that post so it reached other people. I have so many nice and genuine friends on here who ship all kinds of things, and I want to create something that makes them happy too. Is that a crime?
What if I told you I’m the exact same person I’ve always been? What if I told you that all the while I’ve been one of your “favorite people on this platform,” I’ve been doodling Elucien for some of my longest friends. Would you still have had any respect for me left to lose if you knew that all along?
I won’t talk about the ships here. If you want to know about that, go see my response to the other ask I answered yesterday.
When I first saw this ask, I’ll admit it upset me very much. So much so that I couldn’t get anything done for most of the day because I was so sad that someone would say something like this to me. But I’ve had a whole day to think about this, and I’ve come to one conclusion: I really don’t think you had much respect for me to begin with if you are so quick to turn around and talk down to me and insult me after I seemingly did something to offend you.
And if I did offend you, you could have easily just unfollowed me and moved on. But… you chose to go out of your way to insult me. Why?
I am sorry you are stuck in a place where you feel like you have to assume the worst of people. I’m sorry you have found yourself surrounded with so much negativity in this fandom. Fandom is a place for people to come together because they enjoy something, and I am truly sorry you’ve fallen into the part of the fandom that doesn’t comprehend that.
I’ll never begin to understand why people can’t see that kindness is so much easier. But at least I have a lovely circle of friends on here I can fall back on. Friends who have different opinions, who ship different things, or like other stuff. Friends who are in a completely different circle, but are the kindest, most compassionate people I’ve ever met.
Anon, I truly wish for you to find that for yourself. Try surrounding yourself with kind people who like different things. You will be so much happier. Trust me. There are so many nice people out there once you step outside your own circle.
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
“Ada shouldn’t have treated Leon that way! I hate her!”
Listen. I love Leon so so so so so so much, but I think Ada was in her right to be mean and manipulative because he was a fucking cop! Doesn’t matter how nice and sweet and naive people think he is in RE2. Leon chose to become a cop. The structural system of law enforcement is corrupt in it’s function. If there was no outbreak in RC, Leon still managed to join one of the most corrupt police departments by accident. Even if he didn’t directly participate in the messed up shit happening with or without Umbrella, he’d either become complicit in the bullshit his cop friends were doing and let it happen, or he’d quit. Because there are no good cops! All of the good cops you hear stories of quit since they realized the system they were trying to challenge and make better wasn’t a task they could take on alone, and they were very much alone in their attempts while employed as cops.
Brad Vickers is the best example that the corruption in RPD was way to deep to handle considering he had to keep his head down and look away in order to even keep his job. Everyone else? Barry went into hiding. Chris left the country under the guise of a vacation to do further investigation. Jill got fucking suspended! There would be no amount of fixing Leon could feasibly do without immediate consequence and danger to his person, so he’d either quit, or become another shitty cop.
“But-, but- what about in RE4 when Ada’s not nice to him? :( He didn’t want to join US STRATCOM.”
I think Ada was absolutely within her full rights to be mean and manipulative to Leon, because he was a part of a very illegal secret government task force.
Also, I don’t know where this desire to baby Leon comes from post-raccoon city. I don’t mean emotionally, but I mean with his capabilities. Leon was trained to deal with this shit. Ada trusts him and his capabilities to remain mostly hands off. Leon trusts Ada and her capabilities to not go after her. He doesn’t even report her presence to Hunnigan, because he’s a big boy who knows the government will shift or split his priorities from saving Ashley to detaining/apprehending Ada even if that’s not what the president wants.
I don’t give a shit how much you dislike Ada, but stop saying you dislike her for Leon’s sake since that’s so disrespectful to him. He’s not an idiot. He’s not a baby. He may not always know what he’s getting into with Ada, but he does trust her to an extent. She trusts him to that same extent. It’s a strong mutual respect built on that trust even when they don’t see eye to eye on things. That’s why their dynamic is so interesting to explore in the first place. To be honest, I’m just happy the remakes seem to be putting Ada in the hands of more competent writers who aren’t flip flopping about how she should function in the narrative.
Like, honestly, the blandest hate takes on Ada in this tag always have me saying “god forbid women do anything!”
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Can you do a Pisces moon men culture
Hahah, you asked me this before already!
Here you go:
Where to even start…
I’ve been “lucky” to get so many learning opportunities through them. My father is one and my two other male friends. I’ve encountered a few that gladly didn’t stay in my life for too long.
So by now, you understand that I have yet to have more positive experiences with them.
It was supposedly to be said that these men have A LOT of secretly hating female figures in their life, starting with their mother. Which I must say, I ALMOST fully agree with this. 😬😳They really do seem like female figures often backstab them in life throughout their lifetime.
Mention of s*x, ma**ur**tion
they are SAPIOSEXUAL despite telling you otherwise, they fall in love with all the smallest unconventional details of the person (how they pronounce certain words, their perception of life, unique character traits, compassion, being able to emphatize with them and STILL understand other peoples perspectives etc.)
they have tremendous respect for women, however it’s a double-edged sword. They will only have that level of respect for them if you are keep fulfilling their vision, desire. Once you lose that or disappoint, they become a women hater or god forbid even women abuser. Then all women are the absolute worst and ALL horrible.
further on that note, they will appear like they have two extreme opinions of women, when they are in a good space with their female partner, they will talk sweetly about their own mother and other women too. However, when you are not on good terms with them, they will blame everything on women, starting their seeming “bad” relationship with their mother.
they need a lot of space for their sexuality to flourish, so they will purposely travel a lot or keep their distance from you, so that they miss you more and that longing after their partner is created again. Because they basically feed of that.
another thing with them that ties into their sexuality, they thrive off DESIRE. And here comes in delusionment. They would often think that women around them are trying to flirt with them. So they would often say someone was flirting with them to make themselves look more desirable to other women. Once a woman was nice to them and they take it as flirty behaviour. They often equal being nice = flirting, because they were not used of nice treatment in childhood, but mostly neglect and ignoring. So when ignoring DOESN’T occur they too quickly mistake that niceness for flirting. They are a bit naive and gullible in this way.
Bringing on another point, despite being master manipulator, they can also be really, really naive due to not being chosen that often in younger years. A lot of them grew up in some strange religious dogma and didn’t talk to that many actual, real women (the closest they were usually a sister, an aunt who visited). They often “interacted” with women through “a lense”, a barrier, a buffer. Like they only saw Holy Mary statues, iconography, women in magazines, like Playboy often when younger so they got very distorted perceptions of women.
to me their sexuality is much like Sagittarius with a Libra mix. They like open-minded, opinionated women, who act a bit helpless at times or are a co-dependent partner. These men cling onto their partner as well, without NOT seeming that way to outside people.
either might strongly like or strongly dislike women feet. If not into feet, could be a hands, fingers person.
very experimental in bed, like to try something new that allows them to “travel” in their mind
more into idea of having a woman than while being in a partnership with her
fan of phone sex, might call like a hotline or something and mutual masturbation
Feel free to share more of your experiences below.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Valentine's day mutual ships (part 1)
First of all, happy Valentine's day, y'all, though if you don't celebrate it I hope you have a good day regardless <3
Here is part 1 of assigning my mutuals ships! You're absolutely free to reblog it, screenshot it, save it, do whatever you like! I just hope I gave you all characters that you don't totally despise! I tried to keep it mostly neutral so it can be read as platonic or romantic!
Honestly, I think I’d pair you with Pantalone! I could see y’all spending the day together at one of his fancy private estates and eating fancy chocolate-dipped fruit or something like that. I dunno why, I just think Pantalone would mesh well with your silly puppy energy maybe he’d teach you to be a little less of a bully /j I’m sure he’d also spoil you rotten with gifts and sweet things, and would absolutely dote on you no matter what you did for him in return! 
I’ve gotta pick Aether, I don’t think it could be anyone else. I know that’s totally the obvious choice but I think you two would get along so well. I could see you two doing something almost painfully cheesy like going to a botanical garden or a couple’s pottery making class, then going home and you’ve both set up surprises for one another, it would be one of those painfully sweet interactions because neither one of you realised the other had done something for you, so it’s all cute shocked faces and big cheesy grins all around!
There’s something about your vibe that makes me feel like you and Sucrose or Albedo would get along extraordinarily well! I could see all three of you going to a zoo or doing research or experiments together, you’d bring along a packed lunch and sit somewhere quiet and just talk about your interests together! It would be a super chill, laid back sort of hangout. Though, I could also see you getting along with Xinyan, since you both seem to have a love of music! You two could go to a concert or just hang out and talk about all your favourite artists and instruments and stuff! :D 
Listen, I thought about it for a while, I truly did. I considered pairing you with Zhongli or Morax, then with Capitano, but in my heart you’re a Foul Legacy lover and it feels cruel to pull you two apart. I could imagine you two trying to make sugar cookies together but they come out a total mess because FL just wants to help but he’s far too big and clumsy in the kitchen, so all the measurements get messed up and there’s icing and flour and crumbs everywhere, somehow there’s egg shells on the wall, but you two had fun and that’s what matters! I could see you both going for a quiet evening walk together, maybe along the coast, watching the seabirds go by and maybe collecting seashells if you come across a beach together!
Listen. I know you’re married to Zhongli, I respect that, you're adorable together, but I hope you don’t mind if I shake it up a little - I could see you and Capitano pairing together really nicely! You guys would bake sweets for all your friends and have one of those food fights like out of a hallmark movie where you flick flour on each other and it’s just heart meltingly sweet and adorable and the food comes out brilliantly. He’d also love to take you out to one of his favourite secluded spots, a nice little pond he discovered while on a walk, and you two could feed the ducks together! You’d give cavities to anyone who dares even look at you both, honestly. 
I'm still working on the others at the moment, so if you commented on the original post or reached out to me, don't worry, I've got a list, I haven't forgotten you, I'm just sectioning it off at the moment :D Though if you happen to have any preferences on character gender or anything like that please shoot me a DM! I'd hate to accidentally put someone with a character or ship dynamic they dislike/are uncomfy with.
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 5 months
Hi! Weekend ask…
why is your best friend your best friend?
Oooh this is a lovely question! Four people come to mind. And yes, this is going to be a love letter to my friends (a platonic love, but a love nonetheless). You have been warned!
Person 1: Let's call her M. She is my oldest friend. We met in secondary school and we hit it off in the first few weeks of our first year there and the rest is history. ;P We've seen each other at our worst, yet we still love each other like sisters. We've supported each other no matter what, in whatever little way we can. We are so similar in some ways yet so different in most, but we still respect each other. There's just this mutual understanding that never needed to be spoken, and we've had this since day one. We're just on the same wavelength, I suppose. We've never even truly fought, which is insane, given we've known each other ten years now.
Person 2: She'll be called N. We were flatmates in my final year of university, and she was on Erasmus at my uni. It was during covid restrictions, but the final autumn/winter of them, so people were still a little nervous, naturally. She said hello first, I think, when I went into the kitchen for the first time or so. And yeah, much like M, we got along like a house on fire very quickly! Similar yet different, we complemented each other, I think. We'd watch movies together a lot and talk for HOURS every evening (bar when we were freaking out over assignments, but we'd still try to talk every now and then). I saw her as my little sister by the time our academic year had finished and we had to part ways. We still keep in touch, despite being in different countries again. She's just wonderful <3 Fun, outgoing, smart, pretty, sharp wit, impeccable style -- she's awesome. My final year at university really would have had such a different vibe if we didn't end up crossing paths by being flatmates. Hell, I'm sure I wouldn't have done certain things if it wasn't for her being by my side.
Person 3: G! We met in the first year of university, near the start. We got along pretty well -- to the point it seemed myself, G and another friend and fellow coursemate at the time were a solid Trio in uni. I guess that's what happens when fellow gays find each other and it's the first time being away from home for extended periods of time. It's like there's this unspoken understanding and we just click if the energy is good. G's SO fucking smart and absolutely hilarious, and really nice. His conversations are NEVER boring. We still have the occasional intellectual conversation when we can. I managed to meet up with him when I returned from France and it was so lovely, as it had been over a year since we last saw each other. And, like everyone on this list, we can meet and chat and it's like time never passed. It's a bizarre but beautiful feeling. We can have our petty spats, but I can never stay mad at him forever.
Person 4: NT. Another icon. Met in first year of uni, but we got to know each other better over the years of our course -- especially consolidating the friendship in our final year. We had similar schedules so we'd often walk to/from college together and vent or rant about our day, or our worries - both academic and life in general. She's so smart too, hilarious, we can literally talk about ANYTHING and it'll become interesting because she will know some random-ass fact that's somehow related (and i love that sm<33). We've joked that we're practically the same person, just with a few tweaks (different hair colour, slightly different fashion style). Her taste in music is one of the best I've ever come across. I would always scribble down a song name or artist while visiting her. And you'd be guaranteed something nice to smoke while visiting. ;) We have not kept in regular contact the past few months, but I still adore her, and I wish her (like everyone who is my friend) nothing but the best <333
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
You already know what's coming.
Gimme Daisuke and Sora (:
Hehe, gotta stimulate my creative writing skills a bit here, just you wait. <3
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
As pointed out in the Iora analysis post before, Sora, unfortunately, doesn't get too many opportunities to bond with the 02 Chosen Children on her own, as her main focus point among them is obviously Miyako. So basically, we only have two instances to work with: First of all, when Taichi reveals that Daisuke turned out to be one of the new Chosen Children, Sora is among the first to react to the news, asking whether it's the same Daisuke they went together to football club with. So it is already established that they must have known each other before. Again, unfortunately, that's about everything we really get about them here, because we don't see them interact with or react to each other. 
The second instance is the Revolmon/Starmon episode, in which the gang (minus Takeru and Hikari) travels to the Digital World to save Piyomon - again, it's mainly Sora and Miyako who interact with each other, but there are a few minor instances that at least hint at them being comfortable and trustful around each other. For example, when Sora suggests that they can't wait for Takeru and Hikari to join them and should travel to the Digital World right away, Daisuke agrees immediately - which is actually unusual for him, since he normally probably would have insisted on waiting for Hikari at least. So we can assume that it's important to him to help his senpai, whom he probably also looks up to from back in the day in football club. During the episode, they're framed next to each other very consistently, when drinking milk, when being held hostage, etc. and they also share some nice "annoyed faces" at their "enemy". Last but not least, we get the shot above - Daisuke and Raidramon got hit by an attack and fall to the ground, just to be caught by Miyako/Sora and Hawkmon/Piyomon respectively. Sora's protective nature is still intact as we can see - so while this is not a lot material, we can at least assume there is groundwork for a mutually protective bond between the two. Let's get to the creative writing part, shall we...
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
Again, while it is somewhat hard to tell how these two would interact in different scenarios, I'd like to think of them as having a lot of respect for one another - as pointed out, it seems plausible to me that he'd look up to her in a similar way as to Taichi, whom he always adored and admired, probably even aspired to be like him to some degree. Watching his two senpais being absolute aces, I couldn't see him arguing with Sora the same way he does with Jun or Miyako, but he may actually put her on a (tiny) pedestal (similarly to how he does it with Hikari, who, obviously, is also linked to Taichi). In turn, Sora may have quite the soft spot for Daisuke trying as hard as he does - especially because she should be able to empathize with his self-doubts of not feeling good enough. She's also familiar with guys who have big mouths - so she'd also know how to deal with him in case his emotions would get the best of him to keep him in check.
Which is actually something I could see him doing for her too - at least once they're a tad bit older, because during teenager years, it's sometimes difficult not to spout out things you probably didn't mean to. But thanks to his relationship with Ken, it's easy to see that he can see through other people's insecurities with utmost sincerity and openness once he knows someone well enough - or rather, WANTS to know them better. Sora is pretty closed off in terms of her own feelings and needs - we can see that the other guys have quite the hard time getting through to her, because they too, are closed off to some degree. So taking someone who slowly but steadily overcame his own self-doubts for the sake of his own happiness, Daisuke could actually be a great person to help her open up. Making her understand that going for her own dreams and wishes may be difficult at first glance, she may step on a few toes because of it, maybe even face consequences here and there - but it's not impossible. And if 02 taught us anything - Daisuke would always encourage others to strive for the life they want to live. He can be a bit naive at times and may not find the most... Sensitive words in each and every situation, but he goes for what he believes in and he's blunt about it. Which is exactly what Sora could need in order to get in touch with herself better.
Overall, these two are pretty passionate about the things and people they care about. They also have a certain hot-headedness about themselves as a result, they both can get angry if people don't value them accordingly, making them feel underestimated, so it is possible that they could clash here and there - but when I look at them, I could see a lot of softness too, if they manage to be open with one another. In the end, Daisuke is growing into his own person, he may be the heir of Courage and Friendship - but he is neither Taichi nor Yamato and maybe, just maybe, that could be a great romantic match for Sora as well.
I could see them being silly together, I could see him asking her for a little football match to cheer her up or for a round of ramen when she's stuck with her exhibitions. I could see her wanting to give him confidence boosts in return as well, helping with the decorations of his restaurant or she might even design his own restaurant brand of work clothes - and he, being also very similar to Mimi regarding his bluntness, would be absolutely in awe of everything she creates and be also very vocal about it.
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
Well, thanks to @dutchforstrangers, one could say that these two may or may not be a little bit of guilty pleasure, hehe. Granted, I'll always live for Taiora and Daiken going to football matches together as a double date - but based on everything I've talked about above, I cannot deny that the perceived respect I can potentially sense between Daisuke and Sora is something that can be pretty intriguing. Because canon didn't give us a lot to work with, we gotta make it work in other ways, right? I know I keep mentioning how characters "can be good" for one another, especially those with underlying self-worth issues... But all these characters are very dear to my heart and have a lot of potential... So whether you see this as being Daisuke just looking up to his senpai and Sora respecting him, or them ending up in a mutually supportive and honest romantic relationship - feel free to come to us to talk about it. ;)
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goobergoeslive · 2 years
HeatherBlogging Part 2
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Veronica’s more formal introduction, and cute outfit alert!
Transcribing from her first monologue:
“Heather told me she teaches people real life. She said, “Real life sucks losers dry. If you want to fuck with the eagles, you have to learn to fly”. I said, “So, you teach people how to spread their wings and fly?” She said, “Yes.” I said “Yooou’re beautiful”.
Out of context, that last line might sound kind of gay (and it kind of is, don’t get me wrong), but the way Veronica says it, as well as the way she says it again to some one else, implies that she’s being sarcastic. In this context, “you’re beautiful” means something closer to, putting it nicely, “you’re a piece of work”, which solidifies that, from the start, Veronica never really liked or respected Heathe Chandeler, a feeling which is mutual, but even so she chose to join her clique and be bossed around.
This is something that actually gets covered a bit more clearly in the musical adaptation: in the movie, you don’t really get a concrete explanation of why Veronica joined the Heathers, considering she never liked them that much - there is a motivation, but it’s kind of subtle and relies more on you thinking that “well, even if they are terrible, the Heathers are popular, so sticking to them would probably be a good idea. Even if Veronica hates them, she is kind of a pushover, so it’s not unbelievable to infer why she would do it, even if she knew they would treat her like crap”. To me, it’s a motivation that makes sense and doesn’t need to be spelled outright, but I also know that not everyone is insane and will probably watch this movie 10 more times like I will.
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And here we establish Veronica’s aptitude to accurately copy someone else’s handwriting, in this case for the purpose of tormenting a girl who is implied to be bullied relentlessly. 
In this part of the story, we see one of the biggest changes that was made between the movie and the musical adaptation: in the former, Veronica has a childhood friend called Betty, whom Veronica is still reasonably friendly to, but whom the Heathers disapprove of, because she’s a “dweeb”, while Martha is a girl that is basically at the bottom of the school hierarchy - she eats at the lunch table by herself, seems to have no friends, and everyone treats her like crap, including Veronica, who although says “she doesn’t have anything against her”, goes through with following Heather’s orders to write her an humiliating note.
Meanwhile, in the musical, Betty and Martha are merged into one character - Veronica’s childhood friend who is at the bottom of the social hierarchy, and while this was an understandable choice in terms of abridging some elements to make the story flow better, as well as give Veronica more personal stakes later on, I prefer how these characters and their relationships are set up in the movie. I will expand more on this point further on, but for now I’ll just leave it as a note.
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And there he is, the terrible boy! The shitty sad teen! I do love JD, I think he’s a great character that really moves the story along, but he is absolutely terrible, which is also great!
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Another cute outfit shot. Also, despite the three Heathers all sporting their trademark colors in this scene, Veronica looks distinctly non-blue, which may have been unintentional and have no meaning, but what if
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It’s pretty easy to feel bad for Duke in the first quarter of the movie. She more or less parrot’s the other girls’ lines, and is insulted by Chandeler for making the most basic questions. It’s kind of interesting how it switches over to Heather McNamara being the most sympathetic of the 3 Heathers, while Duke becomes the most abhorrent near the end.
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Ok, now here is something I think is interesting: after Veronica bumps into Betty due to being distracted by JD making googly eyes at her, the two begin talking, and we have a more distinct focus on the only mark of blue on Veronica’s outfit (her brooch). You can see the brooch in other shots beforehand, but, to me, this is the first time when it really pops into the screen. And maybe I’m just overreaching here (highly likely (99.99%)), but I think that the blue (her color) becomes more visible, because Veronica lets her guard down and becomes a bit more of herself when she’s talking to Betty. I mean, the excuse of not going to her birthday party is obviously bullshit, but you do get the feeling that Veronica likes her and still wants to be her friend.
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Also, tiny Betty and Veronica in Halloween costumes are just really cute.
(wait, it’s just dawned on me what their names are, at what year did Archie come out?)
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livecharliereaction · 2 months
quick thoughts
- I know it might be a mistake later but i BELIEVE beatos tears the va is too good im afraid
- I like u lambdabern nice hidden teaparty Yup its quite a personality reveal on berns part though im sure theyll appear more in answer arcs which makes me happy... truly the cover girls of the series EVERYONES seen those two
- at one point with sakutaro i figured a magic being might be just personifications of objects (think beatrice portrait) but while that may be the case for the red eyed furnitures (stakes plushie ETC chiester sisters some kinda guns or whatever) thats definitely not what witches are
- i almost want to claim witches are born from humans but it seems unlikely case idk??? virgilia. We know how ange as a witch was born same with maria partly and even miss bernkastel!!! i still am willing to believe lambdas somehow born from miss satoko but i wouldnt yet be able to properly explain it out... So a witch is just a human who made some kind of contract with another witch or demon????? girl idk (sure everyone ik shouldve been acknowledged but like i dont know if thats like just a honor thing or a necessity to call someone a witch u know)
- i absolutely understand nothing about beato but thats the big mystery isnt it yup yup
- maria u break my heart forever
- i dont even want to guess battlers sin i have no clue. denying magic??????? girl he wouldve been 12 if i count the timeline right so
- top 3 scenes uhhhh
- HONORARY MENTIONS jessicas test, battlers test, sakutaros birth, ange ordering the stakes to kill her bullies, ange talking to the captain, ange hanging out w maria and the stakes, the first six, battler and beatrice in the rose garden
- anges confrontation on rokkenjima: so nice and even though theyre keeping a lot from me still (i can tell) i feel like i understand parts of magic somewhat now... higurashi flashback for me from the supernaturally dodged bullets and the trampling of the papers and all well what can i say. This ep rly made me like the seven stakes also thats nice esp mammon
- the jailbreak: i like how it was blended w jessica and georges tests but im pointing out the jailbreak crew specifically bcs it was fun Kyrie and krauss work surprisingly well theres a nice air of mutual respect and like kanon n shannon themselves pointed out they never survive past first twilight so seeing them fight together isnt that so awesome i like kanon n shannon.
- anges death after breaking the rule: i dotn know man i love u ange icon of sacrifice and determination and love and will and more ur forever famous to me i feel like shell appear but even if she didnt for a long time i wouldnt forget her thats for sure shes very very ughhhh aah oh ange
- shoutout to beatrice i will understand you someday
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Under the Floorboards
(Technoblade x Reader) link to Pt. II :)
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Picking up a bundle of wood you let out a soft breath, you watched as it escaped out your lips in front of you in a small cloud. Trudging through the snow you made your way back to your house, well it wasn’t really your house. A few months ago you ran into Technoblade while he was searching for a new home far away from this place called L’manburg; he told you he was in retirement and was surprised to find another person all the way out here. As a wandering adventurer, you eventually won him over with your charm, wit, and humor.
That was a joke of course.
You both started a mutual trade agreement, on your way back from the adventures you’d always take a pit stop at his place so he could see if you had anything worth trading. It started slow, he realized you would come back very late at night, and very weary. He offered you to stay the night once, then once turned into twice and before you knew it you began to stay at his place after every late-night adventure. As you spent more time together he helped you become a better fighter, and farmer and you helped him learn social skills and how to cook food that wasn’t steak.
He never told you about his time in the country of L’manburg or why he was in retirement in the first place but you didn’t mind. Everyone has their secrets and even if both of you were considered friends at this point you never pried. Not even when you’d catch him mumbling to himself about chat, or the bloodthirsty look in his eyes after he killed an animal. You kept your mouth shut out of respect, you could tell he appreciated the gesture.
You earned yourself a friendship emerald after he introduced you to his oldest friend Philza, the man treated you like you were his family. It made you feel wanted and welcome, Techno had a little smile on his face the entire interaction as the both of you bonded. In his mind he was ecstatic his two favorite people were getting along. Techno walked Philza out of the house and returned holding an emerald out to you, you knew how valuable these emerald were to him. You were in such shock and awe you almost started crying which caused him to panic.
“I’ll treasure it with my life.” You told him kissing said emerald gently, blush spread across his pale face to his pointed ears.
“I’m glad.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Chat- chat stop I’m not simp.” You heard him whisper hiss softly but you ignored it, choosing to smile at him instead. He noticed and his blush only deepened. You took his hand, it was so small intertwined in his own, and squeezed it softly.
Eventually, the both of you grew closer than just friends which understandably scared the half pigman to death. You caught him mumbling to himself more frequently, especially when you both were out fighting monsters and gaining experience.
Things like: “I’m not a simp” and “Calm down I’m gonna protect her” as well as “I can’t just say that!” Were very frequent mumblings of his, your brow furrowed and after fighting a baby zombie you turned towards him,
“Hey Technoblade you doing okay?”
“Yes!” He sputtered out reassuring you that he was just fine by saving you from a Skeleton.
You two watched the sunset that same day from on top of a snowy mountain and he confessed to you. The confession was a bit rough around the edges but then again so was he, so to you, it was perfect. You took his hands to get him to stop rambling and kissed his knuckles. He made an embarrassed sound and looked away from you, you cooed teasingly at him and accepted. From then on you both were attached at the hip, well as attached as he’d let you be there was still that level of awkwardness that came with any new relationships but it was wonderful. You’d both spent hours by the fireside as he read to you, you’d help him care for Carl and get enchanted books all the while you were in awe of this magnificent and mysterious man before you.
Shaking your head smiling to yourself you trudged back to his house, the emerald around your neck bounced in tandem with your steps. Technoblade never liked leaving you alone, you reminded him constantly that you had a life before he was in it but he still seemed to be on edge. You figured it had something to do with his past so you did your best to reassure him that you’d be safe when he was away; Techo seemed to appreciate your efforts at least. Whenever he got back from what you assumed was visiting Phil (after all, Carl was gone), you were going to run him a bath and braid his hair the way he liked. Maybe you’d make him a nice dinner then you’d both fall asleep together while reading. It’d earn you some soft kisses and snuggles later, you giggled to yourself as you put away the wood. If you told anyone else this giant of a man, who you’ve seen wipe out hordes of monsters like it was nothing, loves to be cuddled at night they’d call you insane.
You wandered down into the basement to feed his cow but the sound of a blocks-breaking startled you out of your daydream. You whipped around pulling out your sword in the way Technoblade showed you and came face to face with a blonde child peeking out from the floorboards.
“What the FUCK?!” You both shrieked at one another, he moved to try and scramble back down the hole. You followed him down his ladder, you weren’t going to let this child get away with living under your boyfriends’ house so easily. You backed him into a corner and took note of his beat-up appearance and his attempts to look brave as he held up his hands. Sweat gathered on his brow but you didn’t let your guard down, before you could open your mouth to question him he began to talk so fast and loud you could barely keep up.
You reached your hand out to cover his mouth, your eyes narrowed into slits, “Start again. Softer and slower. Techno never told me he had a brother.” You watched the eyes of the blonde widen in surprise, assumingly at the notion that you already knew Technoblade. Slowly you removed your hand from his mouth but didn’t lower your guard. He cleared his throat, swallowing tentatively.
“I’m Tommy. We’re not related by blood- who ARE you?” he pressed still completely baffled at the appearance of a GIRL who knew Technoblade. Before you could even respond to him he let out another baffled cry. “DOES HE SIMP FOR YOU!?” He shrieked pointing at you as he waved his finger around. “THERE’S NO WAY- HE DOES HOLY SHIT!” Tommy laughed as you blinked rapidly, how was he able to read all that without you even saying anything? You were trying to process who this kid was while also being stuck on the blood god thing. You felt Tommy’s arm around your shoulders suddenly as he pulled you close. “Well, Miss Blade now that we know who you are maybe we can strike a deal-“
“Absolutely Not.”
“HEY! Come on now.” Tommy whined loudly, “I need your help here! Look I’m sure you know why he’s in hiding and all...and well...I might’ve pissed the same people off and-”
“Actually no. I didn’t know that…” You spoke softly deflating a little, “He’s in hiding? From who exactly.”
A look of shock came across Tommy’s face, “You mean...you don’t know? Like about L’manburg and his betrayal.”
“Does it sound like I know? Look Tommy you seem like a nice kid really, but you need to leave-”
“Nonononnonononono. Look it’s fine, I’ve been living here for weeks now-”
“WEEKS?” You snarled a pink flush coming to your cheeks, you grabbed the boy’s arm and began to drag him up the ladders in Techno’s house. Hee was going to kill you like actually this time. You were about to throw open the door but it swung open in front of you. Techno was standing there completely bruised and bloody and you immediately dropped Tommy in favor of him.
“Oh my god Techno what happened?” You breathed out a worried breath he was about to respond before he noticed Tommy. He grabbed you by the arm and pushed you behind him guarding you with his body.
“Tommy.” He snarled as the boy once again shrieked and booked it back down the ladder Techno turned towards you, “Stay here.” Technoblade commanded you softly the look in his eyes could only be described as desperate. “Don’t leave. Please.”
“I won’t…” You murmured watching him disappear after the British boy, you hoped he was going to explain everything to you after he dealt with the raccoon. You could hear them shouting from down below you, you couldn’t push it off any longer you needed to get answers from him.
Part II maybe? Lmk if there’s an interest! Cause I love this man with my whole heart! Thanks so much for reading 🥺✨ link to Pt. II :)
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duskholland · 3 years
Idea for a smut with tom that he's somewhere far off for filming, so you video chat before bed. One day you decide to tease him a bit by wearing something that shows off your boobs but tom being the gentleman he is, tries not to look, maybe you're still in the early stages of dating. But then when you hang up he admits he had to hold himself back from looking at you to which you answer that you did it on purpose. And he's like FUCK and calls you up again to show you how hard you made him and👀👀
this concept...ooft. I absolutely love it, thank you so much for sending it my way !!! 2.2k, nsfw; 18+ minors dni!!
—clearing out the askbox: smut edition—
extended warnings: cyber sex, mutual masturbation.
As your phone screen buffers and loads the video call, you pull at the top of your tank top, mischievously dragging it down your chest in order to expose some more skin. The moment you’d got the text from your boyfriend, Tom, asking if you’d like to call him, you’d pulled off your bra and slithered into the very tight, very form-fitting top. You’re resting over the bed now, on your front, and as you check out your reflection in the dark loading screen of your phone, you realise that your objective has been completed: your boobs look great, and you look hot.
You enjoy teasing Tom, love the way he always tries to act like such a gentleman when he’s around you. You’ve only been together a few months, and over the past two weeks that he’s been away on location shooting his new film, you’ve had fun stripping down and slipping into a different provocative outfit each night, just to see how far you can push it before he snaps. So far, you’ve gotten away with a variety of interesting garments: tight dresses, thin bra straps, no shirt... And yet Tom’s resolve has remained strong as he looks anywhere but your figure, eyes fixed firmly on your face as his cheeks dust red with arousal over the course of each call. You know you have an effect over him, but he isn’t allowing himself to show it, which is just testament to his endearing chivalry.
It’s fun, and you love teasing him like this, but you’ve grown fed up with the games. Now, the only objective you have is to push him over the edge, to the point where you’ve slipped on this tight top, applied a coat of your favourite lipstick, and greet him with a slightly seductive smirk as the call connects through.
“Hey, Tom,” you say, smiling at him.
Your boyfriend looks very handsome tonight. He’s sitting up against the headboard, wrapped up in an orange and green striped rugby shirt. He looks tired, deep bags hanging beneath his sparkling brown eyes, but as he meets your gaze through the camera, he grins. His entire face springs to life, a wide smile unfurling over his lovely pink lips.
“Hi, darling,” Tom replies, accented voice crisp and familiar. You sigh happily as you sit forward a little, your eyes following the lines of his brown curls, heart fluttering in your chest as you see him again. “How are you?”
For a while, you exchange pleasantries. Tom tells you all about his day on set, talking about the acrobatics involved with swinging around on high wires, and then the topic turns to you and your day. You keep steady eye contact with him, smirking softly every time you reposition and you watch Tom try very, very hard not to look at your bust. The way you’re laying, spread out across the mattress, means the tops of your boobs inhabit the entire lower section of the screen. After a while of watching Tom slowly getting more flustered, you start to play around with the thin strap of the top, enjoying the way he continuously clears his throat and tries, almost painfully, to keep his eyes up on your face.
You have to give it to him: his attempts at preserving your dignity are very valiant and well-mannered. It amuses you to work him up like this, to see very obviously the effect that you have over him as Tom resorts to scratching at his neck and pulling at his hair as he tries to distract himself from looking at your tits. He reaches breaking point about ten minutes in when you sit up straighter and the camera picks up the line of your pebbled nipples, straining against the shirt.
“Oh, uh, Y/N, darling, I’m- I’m going to have to go,” he mutters. You see him swallow, eyes wide.
“Oh, really?” You coo, pouting softly. “How come?”
Tom shifts around on the bed, managing a very weak smile. “Just remembered I have some, uh, things to do,” he says. “Talk tomorrow?”
You exchange some farewells, and then your heart sinks as Tom disconnects the call and your phone screen falls black. You scowl as you throw yourself back onto the bed, wishing that Tom wasn’t so lovely, and respectful, and kind. You love those qualities, and your boyfriend is nothing but incredible towards you, but part of you wishes that you were at that stage in your relationship where you could just cut to the chase and enact your darkest desires over video call, instead of having to try and goad him into releasing his frustrations with you.
After a few moments of contemplation, your phone screen lights up and interrupts your reveries.
Tom <3: were you doing that on purpose
You raise an eyebrow as you reach for your phone, biting your lip as you continue the conversation with him.
Y/N: idk...what are you talking about?
Tom <3: your shirt Tom <3: did you wear it so low on purpose or is it just like that
Y/N: did it on purpose Y/N: cute to see you try not to look at me Y/N: very innocent
You see the message come up with the notification for read, then watch as the text bubble for Tom typing pops up, only to disappear a moment later. Just as your eyebrows start to furrow with confusion, your phone begins to vibrate again, and you smile as you see another incoming video message from Tom. You quickly press accept, then roll onto your back and lay back on your bed, head resting against your pillows as your free hand goes to rest on your lower stomach.
The call connects, and your eyes widen as you take in the sight of your boyfriend, bare-chested now, his hair slightly messier than before. His bright brown eyes are wide as he looks at you, glaring mischievously at you as he licks over his lower lip.
“You little minx,” he murmurs, narrowing his eyes into slits. “I knew it.”
You just shrug, humming softly. “You’re cute,” you reply. You waggle your eyebrows as your eyes shamelessly take in the expanse of his naked chest. “And hot.”
Tom chuckles. “So are you,” he returns. He’s a lot looser now, you realise, his face less a bright red, more a gentle pink. “I had to try so hard not to look at you, didn’t want you to think I was being weird.” Tom licks his lips. “If I’d known you were doing it on purpose…” He clucks his tongue, and as he sees the lust in your eyes, he adds, “Makes me so fucking hard to see you like this, love.”
Your eyes move over the screen, and you realise you can’t see one of Tom’s arms. With an arching eyebrow, you bite your lip.
“Show me?” You ask, softly.
Tom glances at you, seeming to contemplate it for a moment before nodding. “Will you show me?” He asks.
“What do you want to see?”
Your boyfriend groans, as if the question brings him unrestricted levels of pleasure. “Everything.”
You chuckle as you nod. “Gimme a sec.”
With excited hands, you put the phone down and stand from the bed, making quick work of your jeans as you wriggle out of them. Next to go are your panties, and then the very thin tank top. You settle back on the bed, fully naked, picking up the phone and holding it in front of you. You keep it angled towards your face, but you know he’s able to see the tops of your chest, complete bare now for him.
“So gorgeous, love,” he murmurs, voice warm and familiar. “Look at what you’ve done to me.”
Your throat runs dry as Tom flips the camera on his phone and the image changes. He’s still laying on his hotel bed, but you’re greeted with the sight of his hand, wrapped in a fist around his hard, leaking cock. The sharp camera picks up the precum leaking from his flushed tip, and you moan softly as you watch him run a thumb over his length, spreading the precum down his length as he goes back to jerking himself off, slow but deliberate, his quiet grunts coming down the line.
“Was that all me?” You reply, captivated as you watch the muscles in his forearm flex. Your cunt clenches, wetness pooling at your entrance as you reminisce on the times you’ve spent with his cock in your mouth, or your hand, or buried deep inside you. You let your hand slip down between your legs, fingertips brushing at your cunt and gathering some of your arousal before spreading it up to your clit.
“Yes,” Tom replies. His voice is louder now he’s holding the phone closer to his face, and the sound of his tone in such high quality makes you shiver. “Show me, please?”
You continue to rub your clit, teasing your bud with delicate circles as you fumble with your phone and flip the camera too, holding the device above you as you get a shot of your chest. You know he can see your hand between your legs, but the strategic position of your fingers blocks out the sight of your pussy, flushed and wet for him.
“Fuck, darling,” Tom groans. “You look incredible.”
You bite at your lip, shifting around on the bed and angling the phone so he can see your naked chest.
“Thanks, Tommy,” you reply. You pause for a moment, breath hitching when you reach down and slip two fingers into your tight heat. As you work yourself open, you look into the camera and speak directly to him. “I feel so empty without you,” you complain, lips rolling into a pout. “Wish you were here to fuck me properly.” With a mischievous smirk, you pull the phone further down your body, parting your thighs properly and letting him get a nice, long look at the sight of your fingers fucking your cunt. “I’m so wet for you.”
Your boyfriend whimpers and the sound makes your cunt throb. You keep the phone trained between your legs, but angle it so you can watch the screen, enjoying the sight of Tom stroking himself, his cock red and fully erect. There’s something so seductive about getting off together, something very intimate about exposing yourself like this to him, and in return being able to see the power that you hold over him.
“So pretty, baby,” he says. “I think about your pretty fucking pussy every day. Get off to it with my hand around my cock, just like this. I imagine being inside you, feeling you- fuck, feeling you taking me so well, so tight.” A strangled groan comes up his throat, and you whimper. You readjust your hand so the flat of your thumb hits against your clit, a high forming in the pit of your stomach. “Does that feel good?” He asks, and you know he can hear the sounds of you fucking your wetness with your fingers. “Do you like showing me your cunt like this?”
You moan, your chest heaving as you curl your fingers up to stimulate your g-spot.
“Yes, Tom,” you reply, your voice coming out weak. “Love it.”
“That’s my girl.” Tom’s tone is high and tight, stretched thin with lust. You see the way his phone shakes as he gets nearer to peaking, his hand moving quickly over his cock. “Gonna let me watch you cum, hmm? I want to see you get your fingers wet for me, lovie.”
You moan in response, nodding your head despite him being unable to see him. “Fuck,” you whimper, feeling it near. “Gonna cum.”
Tom grunts. “Go on,” he encourages, voice raspy. “I’m gonna blow, darling, let me see you. Fuck, pussy looks so sweet. Bet it’s so tight and warm, isn’t it? Are you going to let me watch you cum?”
You moan as you peak, warmth spreading out across your centre in powerful waves as you climax with a cry. Your eyes squeeze shut as the intensity of your orgasm takes you off guard, and when you’re able to open them a few moments later, you’re greeted with the sight of Tom cumming. His pretty moans and whines make you shiver, prolonging your high as you watch him peak, white cum shooting from his tip and all across his stomach. It’s so messy, and frenzied, and it’s all for you.
“Fuck, Tom,” you groan, basking in the afterglow. “You’re so hot.”
After a few moments of his ragged breathing, Tom flips the camera and you’re greeted with his face again. Once you’ve done the same, you’re able to look into his eyes, finding comfort in the warm slopes of his lips and the gentle love reflecting from his gaze. You feel closer to him - closer than ever before.
“You’re stunning,” Tom compliments, causing you to smile at him. “So beautiful, love.”
You bite at your lip, shrugging almost bashfully. “Thank you,” you mutter, using a hand to tame your hair. You wink at him as you relax, slowly recovering your breath. “That was fun.”
Tom nods, his curly brown hair a mess over his forehead. “It was,” he agrees. His teeth glint as he smiles at you, wide and proud. “How about, next time you feel like having some fun, you just come out and tell me?” He suggests.
You grin. “You mean you didn’t enjoy my teasing?”
He chuckles. “Oh, believe me, darling, I did.” Tom grins wickedly. “Just I much rather enjoy the sight of you fucking yourself for me.”
You bite your lip, feeling your cunt throb in response to his words.
“Sounds good to me.” Your hand creeps back down between your legs, and you look at him slyly. “Round two?”
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Could you do a culture about the sexuality of Pisces moon men
Where to even start…
I’ve been “lucky” to get so many learning opportunities through them. My father is one and my two other male friends. I’ve encountered a few that gladly didn’t stay in my life for too long.
So by now, you understand that I have yet to have more positive experiences with them.
It was supposedly to be said that these men have A LOT of secretly hating female figures in their life, starting with their mother. Which I must say, I ALMOST fully agree with this. 😬😳They really do seem like female figures often backstab them in life throughout their lifetime.
Mention of s*x, ma**ur**tion
they are SAPIOSEXUAL despite telling you otherwise, they fall in love with all the smallest unconventional details of the person (how they pronounce certain words, their perception of life, unique character traits, compassion, being able to emphatize with them and STILL understand other peoples perspectives etc.)
they have tremendous respect for women, however it’s a double-edged sword. They will only have that level of respect for them if you are keep fulfilling their vision, desire. Once you lose that or disappoint, they become a women hater or god forbid even women abuser. Then all women are the absolute worst and ALL horrible.
further on that note, they will appear like they have two extreme opinions of women, when they are in a good space with their female partner, they will talk sweetly about their own mother and other women too. However, when you are not on good terms with them, they will blame everything on women, starting their seeming “bad” relationship with their mother.
they need a lot of space for their sexuality to flourish, so they will purposely travel a lot or keep their distance from you, so that they miss you more and that longing after their partner is created again. Because they basically feed of that.
another thing with them that ties into their sexuality, they thrive off DESIRE. And here comes in delusionment. They would often think that women around them are trying to flirt with them. So they would often say someone was flirting with them to make themselves look more desirable to other women. Once a woman was nice to them and they take it as flirty behaviour. They often equal being nice = flirting, because they were not used of nice treatment in childhood, but mostly neglect and ignoring. So when ignoring DOESN’T occur they too quickly mistake that niceness for flirting. They are a bit naive and gullible in this way.
Bringing on another point, despite being master manipulator, they can also be really, really naive due to not being chosen that often in younger years. A lot of them grew up in some strange religious dogma and didn’t talk to that many actual, real women (the closest they were usually a sister, an aunt who visited). They often “interacted” with women through “a lense”, a barrier, a buffer. Like they only saw Holy Mary statues, iconography, women in magazines, like Playboy often when younger so they got very distorted perceptions of women.
to me their sexuality is much like Sagittarius with a Libra mix. They like open-minded, opinionated women, who act a bit helpless at times or are a co-dependent partner. These men cling onto their partner as well, without NOT seeming that way to outside people.
either might strongly like or strongly dislike women feet. If not into feet, could be a hands, fingers person.
very experimental in bed, like to try something new that allows them to “travel” in their mind
more into idea of having a woman than while being in a partnership with her
fan of phone sex, might call like a hotline or something and mutual masturbation
Feel free to share more of your experiences below.
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brookecuzyes · 3 years
three years of you. — tear myself apart
Damiano David x GN!Musician!Reader
Main Masterlist — 3yrs Masterlist
Summary: it’s only been a couple of days, which were full of tears and regret. however, that regret wasn’t on their part until a simple comment was made. (Part 3 of a series)
Word Count: ≈3.4k
Warnings: cursing, alcohol intake, angst (Anyone drinking alcohol in this chapter is of the legal drinking age in the United States, which is 21.)
A/N: thank y’all for reading! this has already gained a lot of readers and so i am happy about that. love you guys sm 💕 songs included in this fic are not mine. any characters mentioned are not mine, and belong to their respected owners. and ofc, i don’t own the celebrities either. i do check comments/reblogs, so please be respectful!!
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You’ve got this, you can do it.
You tried consoling yourself. Normally, he would be here to help calm you down— or at least call if he could physically be there. He’d be there if you were about to have a panic attack, he’d be there to make sure that you were OK.
But you aren’t.
An entire audience full of strangers who listened to the songs, who listened to your heartbreak. Now, they get to watch your heart break live.
He wouldn’t— no, couldn’t— be there to comfort you. He couldn’t be there to tell you that everything will be fine. He fucked up, he’s the one who messed up that relationship…
“…then why did you show up?”
Glasses clinked. Chatter was taking place all around. Honestly, it was a little overwhelming.
You sat down at the booth with the whole band. Saturday had rolled around, which you hadn’t noticed since you were lost in an almost depressive state where time was non-existent. However, the karaoke bar definitely woke you up.
“Alright, guys,” Luke, the lead guitarist, said, holding a couple of drinks in his hands. “Tonight is the night! The tradition kicks in once again, and Monday we start recording. Let’s celebrate and relax.” Julie, the lead singer and the girlfriend of Luke, followed behind him, setting more drinks down on the table. Flynn, the unofficial manager of the band, let out a loud, “woo!”, making everyone laugh. All of you grabbed a glass and clinked them together, all taking a sip at the same time. Your face crunched when you processed the drink.
“Jesus, Luke, what is this?” you questioned.
“Alcohol,” he said blatantly.
“Yeah, no shit,” you shot back, shaking off the effects.
“I just said that we’re relaxing— that’s exactly what alcohol does!”
“Or maybe you're just an alcoholic?” Alex joked, taking a sip of his drink.
“I don’t drink that much.” Luke defended.
“That’s what an alcoholic would say.” The whole band started laughing at the ongoing banter. It isn’t often when Alex made witty remarks like that, and everyone always enjoyed it when he did.
On another note, you felt as if you absolutely needed this drink. Given what’s been going on this last week, you felt like you deserved it. Though, you knew you’d regret this tomorrow. You knew Alex was keeping an eye out for you. The rest of the band didn’t know yet, they just knew that something happened, which is why you left Italy so early. They were all confused, but didn’t ask upon it when Alex glared daggers at them when they tried. So, thankfully, they did back off. But, it doesn’t mean that they weren’t concerned.
You had been talking, making it seem as if everything was fine, but Alex’s heart broke when he picked up on it. However, with the alcohol about to course through your veins, it would be harder from him to be able to pick up on whether you were drunk or going through it. Regardless, he was going to make sure that you were having fun and not thinking about your ex.
“Hey,” Flynn said, “why don’t we start the karaoke? I think we all have enough alcohol in our systems to do this.”
“I vote for Alex to go first!” You said, raising your hand. “Do Micheal Bublé.”
“Woah, hold up, I never even said-“
“It doesn’t matter. What I say goes. Now go.” He sighed, laughing as he stood up from the booth. He went over to the guy and told him what song he wanted to do. They got everything set up, and Alex got on stage.
“Let’s go, Alex!” You cheered on, making him smile and blush just a bit— though that wasn’t entirely visible from where you guys decided to sit.
The song started playing, and Alex started singing. It took you a few seconds to recognize the song but you figured it out.
“Oh, he’s singing Feeling Good. I love that song,” you whispered to Reginald, the bassist, who was sitting next to you. He looked to you over his shoulder, smiling. He hadn’t seen you so “out there” since you got back. It was nice to see you getting back to normal. Though, he didn’t actually know why you weren’t normal to begin with.
And I’m feeling… good.
You cheered Alex on again, dancing along to the beat with the whole band. Alex didn’t sing much, but when he did you cherished those moments. That’s why he songs Now or Never and Stand Tall on the band’s very first album are your favorite.
“God, I love his voice,” Reggie said, as if he read your mind.
“Yeah, and look at him,” you pointed out the way his body is moving with the music. The way he was just lost in a musical haze. It was enchanting. “That’s what his anxiety covers up.”
Alex soon finished, hopping off of the stage with an embarrassed smile on his face.
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed, babe,” you said, noticing his expression. “That was the best performance tonight by far. Not even Julie could compare to how amazing that was.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” she said, drawing out the ‘thanks’ in a sarcastic way. You raised your glass to her.
“Anytime, Jules,” you replied, raising your eyebrow and taking a sip. She laughed, letting the comment you made slip— for now at least.
“Hey, I have an idea!” Flynn exclaimed. “How about we take a couple photos and post them to our accounts? Y’know, to celebrate this very special moment.” Everyone collectively agreed. Pictures were taken left and right— and others were taken throughout the night, too— and each person had a different photo that they were each going to post. You had decided that you were going to post yours now, not wanting to forget later on tonight or tomorrow.
You captioned it:
Just continuing a small tradition tonight with music and alcohol. maybe if he lets me, i’ll post Alex singing Feeling Good 😏🤍
It was perfect and you posted it, after letting everyone see it to make sure it was OK. Within minutes people already saw it and were liking and commenting. You made sure to turn your phone off before it started going crazy. Julie and Luke decided to go up and do a duet with each other. They choose Little Do You Know. Their voices were beautiful singing the song. They mashed just so perfectly. You recorded them, knowing that you would 100% show them this at their wedding. (They aren’t engaged, but it’s bound to happen sooner or later.)
You weren’t paying attention to the notifications spamming the top of your screen, though you did look back once to see if the camera was aligned with their bodies. That’s when you saw a specific notification. One thing that you absolutely forgot when you posted that photo was that Måneskin could still see your posts. The only reason you remembered was because Victoria responded to your post.
Ahhh you look amazing!!!😘
The second you saw it, you put your head in your hands, mentally slapping yourself. If Victoria saw it, then the rest of the band is going to see, meaning Damiano would see it. Fuck, you thought to yourself.
“Hey, Y/N, are you alright?” Alex asked, placing a hand on your arm. You looked up at him showing him the comment. “I don’t understand.”
“Victoria commented. Meaning Damiano’s probably gonna see it.”
“Not if he’s blocked.”
“I didn’t block him, we’re still mutuals.”
“I don’t know, Alex. Maybe I just haven’t gotten to it yet.” You realized the angered tone in your voice, not meaning to be rude to Alex. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap.”
“No, it’s okay. Hey, maybe if he does end up seeing it, he’ll just be jealous. Damiano will see everything he’s missing out on.”
“What is Damiano missing out on?” Julie asked, sitting back down with Luke.
“Oh, it’s nothing-“ Alex started, but you cut him off.
“I left Italy because Damiano was talking to another girl. It caused too many problems, so I left.” Everyone went silent. Everyone’s eyes softened at you, unsure of what to say.
“It’s fine. I’m here now. It doesn’t matter.” Silence fell once again, especially on Alex’s behalf. He knew you weren’t fine, he knew it mattered— whether you said it or not. “Sorry if I kinda killed tonight’s vibe.”
“N-No, you’re fine,” Reggie said. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Yeah, you didn’t ruin anything. I am glad that you told us, though. We’ve been worried.” Luke said, putting his arms on the table and leaning forward just a bit. You felt your phone vibrate but didn’t think anything of it— probably just another person on Instagram.
“Sorry that I made you guys worry. I just wasn’t sure how to bring it up. It’s just been a hard couple of days. This shit isn’t easy,” you explained, mumbling the last part. Everyone stayed silent, none wanting to make something worse.
“Luke, why don’t you and the guys go grab some food?” Julie suggested, placing a hand on Luke’s back, turning her attention back to you.
“Oh, yeah. Guys, let’s go,” Luke said, getting the hint. The boys got up and left, each giving you a sympathetic look. The girls, on the other hand, all stayed behind.
“Alright, listen up,” Flynn started. “Tonight is not the night to mope around. You can do that tomorrow when you’re hungover.”
“Right now,” Julie jumped in, “you’re gonna forget about that asshole, get your ass out there, and sing your heart out, dammit!” Your eyes widened at the girls’ sternness. A smile started creeping from your lips, Julie and Flynn following behind you. Soon enough, the three of you started laughing your asses off.
“Ok, ok, I’m convinced. I’ll have fun tonight. Thanks,” you said, trying to shake off the laughter so you can speak. You grabbed your drink, taking a sip of it. It was the same drink Luke got you earlier. Damn it, Luke. You shook your head to shake off the kick the drink had. Flynn chuckled at your antics, taking a sip of her, not as strong, drink. The guys soon came back with some snack-type items in their hands.
“Are we all good now?” Alex asked, setting down the plate on the table and looking your way.
“Yep, we’re all good now,” Julie answered, taking a sip of her drink. You chuckle at her, reaching for some of the food on the table. “But, Y/N’s about to sing for us.”
“Woah, wait, now?”
“What did I say? You’re gonna sing your heart out.”
You groaned, slumping back in your set in a joking— yet, not entirely joking— way. “Julie, I didn’t realize that you meant right now.”
“Ok, so? Get up there, Y/N! C’mon it’ll be fun.” You contemplated. I should go, you thought, it could be fun.
“Fine, I’ll go,” you announced, getting up from your seat. Reggie and Flynn got up from theirs so you could get out. When you got up, you turned to Reginald.
“C’mon, you’re doing this with me,” you said, grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the guy supervising the karaoke.
“I didn’t really wanna sing right now. Nerves, y’know?” Reggie explained.
“So? Reggie, I get that nerves are real, but there’s no way in hell I’m doing this alone.” You opened up a book full of songs, and was going through the selection.
“Why couldn’t you just get someone else?”
“Because I think our voices clash very well together.” You turned your head to him and gave him a smile. He shyly smiled back. You looked back at the book and held it up to Reggie. “What about this one?” you asked, pointing to a song. Reggie read it and smiled.
“Yeah, let’s do it,” he said, grabbing the pen and marking off the song and writing your names. You stood back, waiting for him to finish. When he did, he turned around.
“Alright, I’ve got us down. Wanna head up?” He asked, holding his hand out with a playful smile.
“Let’s do it,” you said, grabbing a hold of his hand, him taking you up the stairs and into the stage.
When you walked up, you saw the screen in front of you turn on, switching to the lyrics of the song. The lights were bright, but it wasn’t anything you weren’t used to. You saw some people stare at you, but it was mainly the rest of the band. Reginald walked to the microphone set up on the far left, you took the other. The song started playing, immediately relaxing you. Maybe this isn’t as bad as I thought. The song you chose was a favorite of you and Reggie— Meet Me At Our Spot. Of course, the band loved it too, but they got bored with it after a while since you two were always blasting it wherever you went. You actually had some inspiration from this song and wrote a little tune, but you had no lyrics at the moment.
When I wake up
I cant even stay up
I slept through the day, fuck
I’m not getting younger
“Victoria, you don’t understand-“
“No, you don’t understand, Damiano!” Victoria raised her voice at him. They never argued. They’ve known each other since childhood and nothing had ever caused an issue, except for this.
“I did nothing wrong.”
“Really? ‘Cause it looks to me that you broke your lovers heart.”
“Y/N left me,” he said, trying to reason.
“They might have physically left, but, Damiano, you were gone a long time ago.” She started towards the front door of his house, grabbing her keys.
“Where are you going?” Damiano asked.
“Home. But, let me tell you something first, Dami.” She put her hand on the doorknob. “It doesn’t matter how you try to defend yourself, you fucked up. You broke Y/N’s heart. You were talking to someone else. The damage is done. If you’re gonna try and get them back, you’re gonna have to try really damn hard. You want to get Y/N back, right?”
Silence followed. Victoria gave him a second to compose himself, but ultimately feared the worst. “Dami…”
“I mean, yeah, but-“
“No buts. You shouldn’t be saying ‘but’, you have no reason to.” Damiano just looked at her. “Wow… unbelievable.” Victoria opened the door and walked out, slamming the door behind her. Damiano walked up to the door and locked it. He headed back to the living room and heard his phone ding. He picked it up and saw that you had posted a photo.
Just continuing a small tradition tonight with music and alcohol. maybe if he lets me, i’ll post Alex singing Feeling Good 😏🤍
He sighed. He unlocked his phone, and went to go see the photo you posted. You looked nice. Happy. What was the tradition again?
Right, karaoke. The weekend before the band records an album, everyone goes to a karaoke bar. He scrolled down a bit and saw a comment. He saw Victoria’s comment.
Ahhh you look amazing!!!😘
He figured that she saw the post before she pulled out of his driveway. He debated on what he should do.
Yeah, he fucked up. But, it really wasn’t that bad. It’s not like he cheated. It was just talking. He wanted to tell you that you look great, but wasn’t sure how you would feel about it. Like Y/N would care what I think, he thought to himself. You never broke up, though. Plus, he needs to know what’s going on, how you’re doing. He’s concerned. Couldn’t be the worst thing— it’s not like the internet knows yet.
Ok, I’ll just just comment.
Caught a vibe
Baby, are you coming for the ride
I just wanna look into your eyes
I just wanna stay for the night, night, night
You and Reginald were jamming out to the song, as per usual. Everyone was loving it, even the rest of the band. It was the most fun you’ve had in a hot second.
When we take a drive
Maybe we can take the 405
Hypnotized by the light
Man, this must be the life
As the song ended, everyone cheered you two on. You went over and hugged Reggie on his side, him giving a small hug back. You guys walked back to your booth, the whole band full of excitement. Alex got up from his seat and let the two of you in, you sitting in the corner of the booth.
“That was amazing!” Luke exclaimed.
“Thanks, we had fun,” Reggie said, practically reading your mind.
“Your voices go so well together,” Flynn remarked.
“That’s exactly what I said!” you said, hitting Reginald’s shoulder so he knows your point is proven.
“Ok, we don’t have to be violent about it,” he joked, smirking just a bit.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m gonna go to the restroom real quick. I’ll be back,” you said, waiting for Alex and Reggie to stand up so you can go. You grabbed your phone, stood up, and made your way to the restroom. When you got to the restroom, you went to one of the stalls but checked your phone before you did anything else. However, you almost immediately regretted it because you saw that Damiano had commented on your photo.
What the hell does he want?
You read what he had commented, and, honestly, you wanted to laugh.
You look great tonight, as you do every night, amore
You couldn’t believe it. Amore, really? you thought to yourself. You looked up from your phone, looking at the stall door. You contemplated what to do next:
For starters, keeping the comment wouldn’t be out of the norm for your followers. They knew about you and Damiano. However, if you deleted (which you really wanted to do), everyone would notice. People would speculate. Or, you could just go off on Damiano privately. That would be too harsh. But, this is your account— your decision. Do you want to have your cheater boyfriend compliment you the way he did?
You know what, do it later, you thought, turning off your phone and finally, actually, using the restroom.
Once you finished, you exited the stall and walked over to the sinks. You washed your hands, not able to get that damn comment off of your mind.
You walked out of the restroom and back over to the booth, but you didn’t sit down.
“Alex,” you said, standing next to him. “Can I talk to you?” He looked up at you, unsure of what you wanted to talk about, but got up anyway. You grabbed his hand and pulled him outside.
When you two got out there, you sat down on a bench, Alex following your move.
“Is everything alright?” You opened your phone and went to Instagram, showing Alex to comment Damiano left. “Oh.”
“Yeah. I just don’t know what to do, and it is tearing me apart. Do I delete it? Do I keep it? Do I argue with him?”
“Delete the comment, and, Y/N, please, block him on social media. You don’t have to block his number, but you should block him everywhere else.”
“Why not his number,” you asked.
“Because you need closure. At some point, you’re gonna want to text him or call him and try to get some understanding as to why he did what he did. You haven’t actually broken up yet. Maybe that’s how you finish off?”
After a moment of contemplation (again), you nodded your head slowly.
“Ok. Yeah, ok, I’ll do that.” You lowered your head and searched through your following to find Damiano’s account. You clicked the three dots at the top, and looked for the block button.
“You sure this is the right thing to do?”
“Yes. Want me to do it?”
“No, no, it’s fine. I can do it.”
You looked at the button for a second. You’ve never even thought of blocking him before. I’m your mind, he was the one. Now? Well, you’re blocking him because he cheated on you, so obviously your idea of him completely shifted.
I can do this.
Your hands started shaking slightly, your heart was beating like crazy.
I can do this.
Slowly, you moved your finger over the button.
Click it, it’ll be fine.
And, so, you did. You clicked the button.
You felt free.
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chosonore · 3 years
part two | yearning
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yearning [noun. a strong feeling of wishing for something, especially something that you cannot have or get easily]
pairing: kamo noritoshi/f!reader
summary: your relationship with noritoshi was like a game of cat and mouse; no matter how hard you tried to escape from him, he would always find his way back to you.
wordcount: 8.2k
content/warnings: friends to enemies to lovers, language, somewhat suggestive, noritoshi is kind of a dick but i promise it gets better so please don’t lose faith in him, we’re somewhat following the timeline of the anime/manga so spoilers ahead!! but what follows afterwards is purely pulled out of my ass lol, lowercase intended [UNEDITED]
a/n: hello, here i am again with a super long chapter ( ˙꒳​˙ ) it is so incredibly messy and i’m so sorry if it gets confusing for you; this just really shows how sporadic my writing process is, i have some guidelines that i follow but sometimes venture off my path when i suddenly get a new idea. nevertheless, i hope you can somewhat enjoy this chapter. feedback or just your thoughts are much appreciated! for those that are waiting for the ~steamy~ content, it is coming next chapter hehe. as always, stay safe everyone (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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"noritoshi, could you just stay quiet today? i'm really not in the mood," you sighed as you entered the training grounds. the exhaustion from the mission the day before was clinging onto your bones, heavy and admonishingly. the normally exciting sparring lessons seemed dreadful, knowing that all students were to practice today. to practice the balance within the team, utahime had claimed the week prior as she was reprimanding your lack of discipline when it came to noritoshi. stubbornness ran in the family; you refused to back down when someone was hurting your pride. said stubbornness came back to bite you - instead of taking a break to fully recover, you claimed that you would be fine with the help of your reverse curse techniques.
as the days came and went, the yearly tournament slowly approached. after the devastating defeat last year, everyone was on edge and determined to beat tokyo tech. well, that excluded todo, he was just looking for stronger opponents it seemed. noritoshi, on other hand, appeared to be more agitated than usual - if he wasn't barking orders at the other students, he would criticize their fighting styles. you knew he wanted to win the tournament at all costs, to prove himself worthy of the position as the kamo clan head. but he was too rigid about it, rarely accepting help and haughty when questioned. you've been avoiding him as best as you could and of all days, today had to be one where you could not. opponents would be swapped every ten minutes so everyone could practice with another student - facing noritoshi for ten minutes was easy. so you thought. 
"can't promise anything, princess," noritoshi retorted smugly and pat your head like he usually did when he was trying to get a reaction out of you. life always found a way to prove you wrong. for some reason, noritoshi had made it his goal to get under your skin as much as possible on this particular day and it worked. it was childish to engage in this banter but you couldn’t help it. the feeling of not being taken serious by noritoshi had always bothered you. it almost seemed like he wasn’t considering you equal to him, always looking down on you. being stressed wasn’t good, your mother had always reminded you, so it was best to remain calm and collected.
stay calm and collected, calm and collected, you repeated in your head. gritting your teeth, you slapped his hand away and jogged away from him towards todo. at least he'd leave you alone while you were near todo - probably to avoid todo getting mad at him and not wanting to hear about takada-chan again. he was the ultimate and fool-proof shield. the taller male was walking at a leisurely pace in front of you, leading the group as per usual. you caught up to him, slowing down so it didn't look like you just jogged all the way here. away from the menace that was noritoshi. todo glanced at you suspiciously before subtly turning around. a guilty groan left your lips. of course he knew, he always knew. as the unlikely friendship was blossoming between the two of you, you rapidly realized that todo was far more perceptive than he would ever let on. even though he took lighthearted jabs at you, he didn't care enough to intervene; it was a mutual understanding. in a way, you appreciated that he treated you like everyone else, not once had he tried to approach you about your deteriorating relationship with noritoshi.
upon seeing the unlikely pair, miwa speed up as well to join them. even though todo scared her to no end, your presence eased her nerves a little. after all, you weren’t scared to put him back in his place when he was being dramatic. she nudged you gently in greeting, nervously clasping her sword in front of her. "do you think we'll win this year's competition? we've been training a lot, so i hope i can show off some of my skills."
"never say never? even if we lose, it's a good experience to learn from," you replied wryly. while the students of the kyoto tech were strong and coordinated well with each other, noritoshi and you could easily destroy the balance. he didn't know when to stop, persistently pushing your boundaries and you fell for his tricks every time. as long as you could work out a strategy that involved working alone or with a partner that was not him, you'd be fine. your safest bet was to work with miwa since you were both sword users and have practiced together extensively. if noritoshi and you exhibited enough chaos to tear the world apart, miwa and you represented the perfect balance when fighting.
"you're our secret weapon though!" miwa exclaimed excitedly, elbowing you gently. "no one knows you can heal, so we'll use that to our advantage."
"what? don't tell me you-"
"i've asked yuta about advice before," you interrupted her, scratching your head sheepishly. "he's one of the very few people who can use reverse cursed techniques, so i asked him to give me some pointers and how to use it more to my advantage."
when yuta participated in the competition the year before, you were absolutely mesmerized by his level of skills and how he had supposedly mastered them in such a short amount of time. of course you hadn't told anyone that you were talking to him - everyone was still salty about the defeat and would, undoubtedly, have crucified you on sight. truthfully, you didn't understand why everyone was so hellbent about hating the students of your sister school. weren't you all colleagues in a sense? yuta was nice and respectful towards you, always trying his best to explain you how to implement his tips. along the way, you might have developed a tiny, fleeting crush on him but never acted on it. it was only a crush after all and you didn’t feel certain about it not being a mere distraction from your feelings for noritoshi. perhaps it was the way he made you feel, the way he treated you like noritoshi used to before. you couldn't even deny it, you missed your old 'toshi. when you looked at him now, it hurt you, seeing all the traces of gentleness having left him.
"really? you never told me! what is he like? he looked like he was really nice but there were moments where i was really scared of him. well maybe not him but rather… that curse."
"uh, yuta is actually not that scary. he's really helpful and always there for you when you need advice. i think i've improved a lot since we've started talking." you made a mental note to thank yuta again if you got to see each other anytime soon. apparently, gojo had sent him on a mission overseas a few months back and ever since, your exchanged messages grew to be rather sporadic. still, you appreciated that he made an effort to text you every now and then to let you know how he was doing and in turn, also asked about your wellbeing.
"fraternizing with the enemy, i see," noritoshi's voice rang out beside you, dangerously close to your ear. it made you jump in surprise, not having sensed him earlier - your hand automatically shot out to hit him, only for him to catch it in time. you shot him an annoyed glare. beside you, miwa and todo glanced at each other, silently agreeing to ignore the squarreling pair.
"i don't see how that's any of your business."
"it is if it jeopardizes our chance at winning," noritoshi narrowed eyes at you in suspicion. of course he didn't trust you, you were nothing but a mild inconvenience to him. you didn't owe him an explanation, not today and not in the future. any friendship or friendliness between you was long gone. refusing to look into his eyes, you attempted to tug your hand away from him but instead accomplished the exact opposite as noritosh tightened his grip. "what did you tell him?"
"he only helped me with training, that's all! it doesn't concern you anyways so-"
noritoshi was irritated, you could tell. the anger was rolling off him in waves, intimidating even you. why was he so annoyed by the fact that you asked yuta for advice? it wasn't even farfetched - the only other alternatives were gojo and ieiri, both of which you hadn't mustered up the courage to ask yet. wasn't it in everyone's best interest for you to become a great healer? noritoshi would know best - he was the driving force behind your ambition, the sole reason why you worked to the brink of exhaustion just to show him that you didn’t need his help, that you were worthy of a higher rank.
"i don't want you to hang out with the tokyo tech kids, especially not with him."
"wait, what?" you gaped at him in disbelief. "is this just because you have personal beef with some of them? leave me out of this, i just want to improve and you don't get to tell me what to do." with that you shoved the taller male, stomping past the other students towards utahime who was looking at you in disapproval. you missed the upset frown on noritoshi's face as he followed you, wanting to reach out but stopping midway. it wasn't the right time or place to let you know why he didn't want you around them, not yet. seeing you hang out and being relaxed with everyone else but him hurt him, oh how it hurt him. he wanted you close to him, only see him, talk about him excitedly and with stars in your eyes like you did when you talked about yuta. and yet, he couldn't let you know. the only way to keep you orbiting around him was to play these silly games, rile you up and drawing a reaction out of you. it was the only way to make you pay attention to him. and so he did.
calm and collected, my ass, you thought two hours later. of course todo and noritoshi had completely eviscerated the rest of the students with no mercy, leaving everyone in a sour mood. whatever strategy your team would have for the tournament was probably thrown out the window, the two of them would take care of it anyways. not that they would stand a chance against yuta.
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“yuta isn’t here?” the disappointment in your voice was palpable. you did look forward to meeting yuta again, thinking that he might have come home from his overseas trip for the tournament. but you supposed getting to know the other students wasn’t too bad, you were interested in the first years and their skills. they certainly looked more approachable than your classmates. miwa told you how todo and mai had met two of them a few weeks prior and promptly started a senseless fight that was then stopped by the second years. it landed them in the water as utahime gave them a lecture - while she didn't tolerate the childish behaviour, everyone else seemed to turn a blind eye to it. noritoshi had scoffed in disapproval upon hearing the news, uttering something about not wanting to associate with dimwits like them. 
"nope, he's still overseas. it doesn't matter anyways, we'll still beat you without him," maki replied with a confident grin, arms crossed as she took in the kyoto tech group of students. regardless, you broke out in a sprint and jumped, engulfing her in a warm hug. while you two didn't talk as much as yuta and you did, you were still friends. she was a source of inspiration to you, a master of all kinds of weapons whom you deeply admired. maki gave you some awkward pats before pulling away to introduce you to the first years - megumi, yuji and nobara. the younger students were wary of you, most likely because of their encounter with todo and mai. you couldn't hold it against them, their intensity and stubbornness was something you had to deal with daily after all. you silently cursed the two brash students before taking a deep breath and extending your hand to the ones in front of you.
“hi, i’m y/n, nice to meet you,” you introduced yourself with a friendly smile, visibly relieved when they shook your hand and introduced themselves. especially nobara seemed to be eager to get to know you, fussing over your uniform and inquiring about your skills. you were glad they welcomed you, not wanting to cause any more trouble than would undoubtedly arise for the duration of the tournament. while megumi seemed to be cautious and more reserved around you, yuuji and nobara already treated you like their friend. subconsciously, you envied them for the wholesome friendship dynamic as it reminded you of what you used to have with noritoshi. the fleeting thoughts left as soon as they made an appearance in your head, disappearing when nobara grasped your hand and pulled you towards the buildings to show you around. unbothered by the reactions of your fellow kyoto tech classmates, you followed her - their energy was stifling and the tournament didn't start until later in the day anyways. it was useless to stay with your group and practice, you'd only overexert yourself.
“y/n.” noritoshi called after you sternly, glaring at you when you turned to look at him - ever since stepping foot into the estate, he was moody and more serious than usual.  it was probably him being tense about the tournament, the spirit to win deeply ingrained in his bones. none of the other students seemed to be bothered by the presence of the tokyo tech students, so why should he? ignoring him, you continued your journey until you felt a force harshly pulling you back by the fabric of your hoodie. intuitively, you could tell it was noritoshi. 
"noritoshi, let me go," you snapped at him irritated, struggling to free yourself from his grasp.
"we have things to discuss, did you forget that?"
"i don't want to," like a petulant child, you gave him an angry look as you stood your ground. tension filled the space between you, tethering on the edge of anger. why was a normal conversation never possible with him? and why did he treat you like a child? you let up when megumi appeared to your side, shooting noritoshi a warning glance as he attempted to remove his hand from yours. even though he didn't know what your relationship was like, he stepped in regardless - you were impressed by him. even if noritoshi remained calm, he was a menace to deal with afterwards.
"she said no, didn't you hear-"
"get your hands off of her." noritoshi growled at megumi, the sudden influx of cursed energy that was surrounding him made all students in close proximity freeze. you couldn't hide you shock either, he had never been this threatening towards someone else. he might push boundaries to the extreme, knowing that he could away with it due to his bloodline and family name but he had never outright threatened anyone that didn't do his bidding. with those words he pulled you towards him, wrapping his arm around your waist protectively. paralyzed, you blankly stared at him. his cursed energy was suffocating you, never had you experienced this amount of pressure. not only that, the unusual closeness set your heart ablaze, burning down the walls that you'd carefully constructed around it.
"you're being ridiculous," megumi challenged the older male, unbothered by the strong pressure. he didn't understand why noritoshi was making a big deal out of this. surely he didn't consider megumi a threat? noritoshi's hold on you strengthened and with panic you realized the blood-red markings appearing on his face, he was being serious, oh god he was going to rip megumi apart-
"hey hey, stop it you two," panda's voice snapped you out of your trance and seemingly noritoshi's as well as he wacked his arm. "you just got here and you're already stirring up trouble, are you not ashamed?"
noritoshi simply scoffed and let you go, his cursed energy dissipating with the movement. the rest of the students were as stunned as you were, no one daring to make another move until the tension evaporated. todo was the only one who looked rather annoyed, smacking the back of noritoshi’s head as he started to tell him off - noritoshi, however, kept walking past him towards the dorms that they were staying at for the week. it was almost like there was steam coming off his head as a result of holding his anger in. nobara gaped at you in surprise, pointing at you accusingly. “i didn’t know that was your boyfriend!”
you spluttered in horror, quickly reaching out to her to try and cover her mouth so she wouldn’t say anything incriminating. “n- no you got it wrong! we’re not together, not at all! i hate noritoshi,” you floundered, hastily trying to set the record straight. nobara didn’t look like she believed you, pushing your hands away while giggling. she wiggled her eyebrows at you, whispering at you about how lucky you were to snag such a handsome guy although she thought that he really didn’t have to overreact like that because megumi was harmless. covering your face in embarrassment, you turned away from her and caught a glimpse of an amused todo winking at you.
“i’m serious, nobara!" whatever whining you did, the two of them didn’t let up, making you wonder what you ever did wrong to deserve this scrutiny. as your last resort you grabbed nobara's hand, dragging her along towards a secluded area in the estate. being the subject of the earlier conflict was already troubling enough, you didn't want the other students to get the wrong idea by her wild speculations. nobara was still giggling when you arrived, pinching your arm playfully.
“c’mon, it’s impossible that there is not something between you! did you see the look on his face? i don’t think he would have cared had it been any other person,” she gushed excitedly, her face lighting up in glee. with no doubt, nobara enjoyed poking her nose in other people's business, seemingly having a knack for sniffing out the hidden. a dejected sigh left your lip. a younger you would have jumped in happiness after finally receiving noritoshi's attention but the present you knew better. there wasn't more to it, you told yourself and yet, a tiny sliver of doubt made its way into your mind. could he really have been so bothered by another male being so close to you? todo didn't count, obviously.
"no, there's nothing to it, i promise. we don't have the best relationship anymore and mostly fight. i mean yeah his reaction was really uncharacteristic but…"
"noritoshi and me grew up together and were childhood friends. i- i didn't agree with his antics as we grew up and we drifted apart after that and now… hate each other? he’s just unbearable and we don’t get along. everyone at kyoto tech knows that so they’re mostly ignoring our fights. and it’s childish, i know, i know..." 
“are you sure? like super duper sure? because it didn’t look like it to me,” nobara contemplatively rubbed her chin. the wheels were turning in her head, something didn’t quite add up. even at first glance, whatever you said made her feel doubtful.
“trust me, i wish it was different too. i mean i used to like him a lot and it makes me sad and i wish we could at least be civil around each other. but he just makes me so angry,” your ramblings stopped nobara’s thinking - so that’s what it was. normally, nobara really didn’t care about other people’s business but this was too juicy to pass up. how far could she push it to make you realize?
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why was the layout of all these buildings so confusing? and why were there so many buildings to begin with? you’ve been wandering around for at least five minutes now and you still couldn’t figure out where the hell yuji’s and megumi’s rooms were supposed to be. they didn’t even have any signs around. at this point, it didn’t matter if it took longer than anticipated - the others could wait. nobara had insisted on having a small get together the night before, to get to know each other and play some card games. you couldn’t refuse, it’s been a while since you just hung out with friends without any quarreling. there was no harm in getting to know you future colleagues, even though your classmates were treating them like criminals. so instead of going herself and much to your dismay, nobara had sent you to fetch the other two students, claiming that you would be fine if you just stuck to the measly sketch she’d made for you. most of the rooms you’ve already knocked at remained empty so you couldn’t be far from their rooms, you concluded.
stopping in front of the last remaining door of the corridor, you took a deep breath. this had to be one of their rooms. slowly, you raised your hand to knock at the door when it was suddenly yanked open, startling you in the process and making you drop the piece of paper you were holding. what you weren’t expecting was coming face to face with noritoshi who looked at you as equally confused. he was the last person you wanted to see today, not wanting to confront him about his actions earlier. you couldn’t wrap your head around it; why had he overreacted in such a way? it wasn’t like you were in danger or in need of protection. for a brief moment, you thought that there was a sliver of strange possessiveness. you couldn’t quite place the emotions in his eyes, it made you shudder.
“oh uh, sorry. i was looking for yuji and megumi and this is very obviously not one of their rooms. sorry again. i’ll take my leave,” you awkwardly stammered, taking a step back. noritoshi’s figure was towering over you and in a rare moment, you felt intimidated by him. perhaps it was the dark look in his eyes that told you that he was not thrilled by what you just told him. before you could react, he swiftly grabbed your arm and pulled you inside his room, trapping you against the door.
“w- wait!” you protested weakly, pushing at his chest until his face slowly came into your vision. you couldn’t help but stare at his lips, watching them move as he was talking to you. your ears were ringing, you couldn’t tell what he was saying. the close proximity was suffocating and yet you craved more, not wanting to let him go.
“y/n? did you hear me?” 
“huh?” snapping out of your trance, you looked at him dumbfounded. noritoshi was frowning at you, slightly concerned about your state as you didn’t answer him. just then you finally got a proper look at him. it was a rare sight; noritoshi wearing casual clothes, a simple oversized shirt and shorts, and his hair down without the bindings. feeling nostalgic, your heart clenched. he looked like his old self, the ‘toshi that you loved dearly.
“i said, i don’t want you around them. i don’t- i don’t like seeing you with them,” noritoshi repeated with a strained voice. he placed his hands beside your head, inching closer to you.
“what- noritoshi, you don’t get to tell me who i can hang out with! last time i checked, we’re not even friends anymore so where do you get the idea that you can do this? what’s the big deal ab-” you didn’t get to finish your sentence when he pressed his lips against yours clumsily. you seized up in shock, not returning the kiss as a whirlwind of thoughts entered your mind. holy shit, he was really kissing you. but you hated each other, so why? why, why, why. when you didn’t respond, noritoshi pulled away in panic, spluttering apologies as he moved away from you. your emotional world was in chaos, all the buried and forgotten feelings for him breaking the dams and flooding your senses until the yearning became too much. you were reminded of the conversation you had with your mother years ago - you still wanted him, missed him. you wanted him by your side. desperately, you reached out, fisting the fabric of his shirt as you leaned up to kiss him. noritoshi caught you in his arms, wrapping them around you as he fervently returned the kiss. he was holding you like he was afraid you would dissipate into thin air, frantically pulling you in. his hands were roaming, discovering the expanse of your body.
his touches left you feeling delirious, high on pleasure. a mewl left your lips, pleading him for something, for more. your hands moved higher, feeling his chest and broad shoulders before you wrapped your arms around his neck. his name left your lips in breathy sighs as he peppered kisses down your jaw, pulling the collar of your shirt to the side to gain more access to the expanse of your neck. suddenly, you were hoisted up and pressed against the door as noritoshi held you by your thighs. you struggled to wrap your legs around his waist, to distracted by his relentless ministrations. by the time he's left multiple hickeys on your neck, you were whimpering mess. noritoshi's breath was taken away at the sight of you in his arms, lips swollen from the kisses, the glossy eyes, dishevelled hair and the hickeys that were slowly becoming more visible. he couldn't understand how carelessly you were letting him proceed when you supposedly harboured a strong dislike for him. nevertheless, he enjoyed it and wanted to savour the moment, ingrain it into his memory so he'd never forget why he was treating you like a nuisance.
a loud knock resounded from the door, followed by someone shouting: "noritoshi? has y/n been here?"
out of sheer shock, you shoved noritoshi away from you and nearly fell as you attempted to detangle yourself from him. he caught you in time, signalling you to stay quiet as the person outside was still shuffling around nervously. you slumped against him limply, letting your head rest against his chest. his heart was beating erratically. it made yours fill with pride as you could tell that you had the same effect on him as he did on you. still, the precarious situation suddenly dawned on you - you'd just made out with your sworn enemy and, yes you used to have a crush on him, enjoyed it very much. and by the looks of it, he would have continued if you hadn't pushed him away. the entire ordeal greatly confused you; was noritoshi just playing around with you? it couldn't be, he had initiated it after all. the cold treatment he usually gave you didn't match with his actions just now. you couldn't get close to him, not when he gave you mixed signals. you wanted someone who cherished you and was always sincere so you wouldn't have to second guess their actions.
"huh, i guess noritoshi's already sleeping. we'll have to check somewhere else, i hope she didn't get lost," the person outside mumbled as you stayed silent. the sound of shuffling was heard, then steps away from the room. you stayed put until you were sure they were gone and gently removed yourself from noritoshi's grip, not looking him in the eyes. he didn’t move, letting you go willingly.
“i’m sorry, i don’t know what came over me,” you apologized with a pained voice. “please forget that it ever happened and uhm, please don’t tell anyone.”
noritoshi’s eyes widened at your pleas, moving to stop you from leaving so he could explain himself to you. “y/n, wait, i can ex-”
hastily, you stumbled to open the door, dashing away from him until the building was out of your sight. you poorly hid behind a tree, sinking to your knees as you buried your face in your hands. what the hell. you just made out with your childhood friend turned enemy. your buried feelings were all over the place and your mind just couldn’t stay still. it messed with your outlook as well as your image of noritoshi, distorting and twisting it until you had to rethink your relationship. maybe all this time, you subconsciously hoped that he would return back to his old self and somehow give you an explanation. never having received closure on the end of your friendship, you would even forgive him for the sake of your relationship. were you this shallow? no, you simply harboured a lot of feelings for him. you weren’t able to tell what his thought process was - was he even interested in you? did he see you like that?
“there you are,” you lifted your head to see gojo walking towards you with his hands stuffed inside the pockets of his pants. you almost didn’t recognize him as he simply wore a pair of sunglasses and let his hair down. “the others are looking for you. what are you doing out here? trouble in paradise?”
“n-no! i just needed some time away from everyone to- to catch my breath,” you exclaimed indignantly and perhaps too hastily you realized when gojo smirked at you knowingly. why did everyone assume that there was anything between noritoshi and you? was it that obvious?
“uh huh. that’s not what your neck says,” gojo pointed out while wiggling his eyebrows and offered you a hand to stand up. “he really doesn’t like any competition.”
“fuck,” you cursed quietly, covering the hickeys with one hand while taking gojo’s with your other and pulling yourself up. it was embarrassing enough to meet one of the teachers like this but it was even more embarrassing to know that your teacher had seen the aftermath of your makeout session. 
“i’m not gonna tell anyone, if that’s what you’re concerned about. although it would certainly be funny to tease little noritoshi,” gojo was giggling and you knew he was greatly amused by the entire situation. it almost reminded you of nobara. you groaned in frustration as you trailed behind him towards the girls’ dorms. you needed to hide your neck so no one would question it or grill you until you confessed; the potential embarrassment was mortifying.
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your group strategy was already falling apart when todo suddenly disappeared in the depths of the forest, not caring about your teamwork in the slightest. normally, it would frustrate you a lot more if you weren’t already preoccupied with your own troubles. todo would be fine anyways, the remaining group members could work on a strategy on their own. as mechamaru and mai were discussing, you shot a glance at noritoshi. he looked as deadpan as usual, probably not listening to the discussion as he worked better on his own and it was more or less decided that mechamaru and him would be moving on their own while the others would team up. otherwise, you couldn’t tell whether he was bothered by what had transpired between you the night before. on the contrary, he looked calm and composed, probably more focused on his goal than anything else. and for some reason it bothered you.
when you’d returned to nobara’s room last night, gojo had helped you make up an excuse. while dramatically gesturing around, he’d told them that he intercepted her journey towards the boys’ dorms to recruit you for training, claiming that he wanted to teach you more about reverse cursed techniques. although he saved you from scrutiny and embarrassment, you couldn’t help but feel like he might use it as leverage in the future. it was gojo after all, he was unpredictable. absentmindedly, you agreed to whatever plan the others had schemed and grabbed your sword, getting ready to move to your assigned position with miwa. while you had heard of the other students’ skills, you weren’t sure where to place their levels as there was always room for surprises. underestimating opponents was a beginner's mistake. the bell rang out, signaling the start of the tournament; with swift movements, the group members dispersed and slowly moved towards the "enemy".
in the distance, you could already hear loud explosions - it was probably mechamaru happily blasting away his opponents. you gritted your teeth in annoyance, the blasts were too loud for you to make out anyone approaching you. and as you predicted, someone was taking advantage of the noise to stalk up on you. barely being able to block the blow with your sword, you found yourself opposite of maki who was grinning at you. the challenging glint in her eyes told you that she wasn't going to go easy on you but you welcomed it. it was a good opportunity for you to grow and hone your sword wielding skills.
however, it proved to be more difficult to defeat maki than you'd originally anticipated. in mere minutes, maki had already disarmed miwa, leaving her defenseless and you were hanging on a bare thread. your grip on the sword was weakening, laboured breath making your ears ring. it was frustrating, knowing that after all those months of rigorous practice, you still couldn't win a fight. giving up wasn't an option, at the very least you had to give it your all.
"c'mon, you can do better than this!" maki teased you as you ducked away from the swipe of her spear. it missed you by a hair's width and left you scrambling to create more distance between you so you could heal yourself. maki's relentless hits didn't give you any rooms for it - you really had to learn how to constantly apply it to yourself without losing time. from the corner of your eyes, you could see that miwa had picked up the phone. she was probably calling for help, you thought and dished out another hit towards maki which she skillfully dodged. instead, she delivered another blow to your legs, making your knees buckle from the force. you used your sword to support you and took another breath before you tried to lunge at her. in the distance, miwa suddenly collapsed, making you stop mid-move and took another hit from maki that took all the air in your lungs.
"eyes on your opponent, y/n. you know better than to get distracted in a fight, you could've been killed in a real fight," maki reprimanded you as you coughed heavily, gasping for air as you slowly got back up. you were unsteady on your feet, not having enough energy to even heal yourself. conflicted by whether you should face maki again or help miwa, your eyes were flitting between them. maki took advantage of your uncertainty, dealing another blow to you that knocked the sword out of your hand. as your last resort, you kicked at her feet, trying to get her to fall, only to have her pin you to the ground.
"you're going to have to practice a lot more to beat me in the future," she sighed, picking up your sword. panic welled up in your chest - the sword was the only way you could possibly somewhat win this fight but even subconsciously you knew that it was over. reaching out for the sword in desperation, your vision was clouded with tears. it was frustrating, so so frustrating. why couldn't you be as talented as her? or have fast reflexes like noritoshi? why were you ordinary, not being able to make any progress no matter how hard you try?
"i know but i can't give up now!" you defiantly retorted, pushing at her with all might. "i have to win, i just have to show my skills for once and prove myself, i- i-"
even maki softened up at your heart wrenching sobs, easing up on her grip. you both knew it was over. you were probably already eliminated from the tournament, with no other possibility to redeem yourself. she knew that you tried your best and never once underestimated her but something irked her. it was your motivation, your driving force.
"y/n, there's no shame in losing. that's how you grow, make mistakes and learn from them. you tried your best, it's not easy to stand against me for so long."
"i know but there's- i'm still not where i need to be! look at how much progress the others are making in comparison to me! i've been practicing day and night and still, no one is noticing me. i'm just a measly healer and i-"
"y/n." maki cut you off sternly. "is this your motivation? proving yourself to others? you'll not be able to improve if you keep fighting for others. you need to start working on yourself, for yourself. you don't owe anyone anything. but you have to realize that trying to satisfy other people's needs will only make you unhappy and hinder your growth."
"i'm unhappy with my skills! i keep telling myself that it's okay, that i have a rare cursed technique but sometimes i just wish i had a flashy technique or be as strong as you. i don't want to be looked at as if i need protection, i don't want it! i just-" you hiccuped, sniffling again as you wiped your tears with the sleeves of your uniform. "i just want someone to acknowledge me, want him to accept me as an equal…"
"who?" maki's cold look made you freeze in your movements. you didn't mean to let that slip. no one needed to know that the entire time, you were vying for noritoshi's attention. but she was right; there was no point in giving it your all if it wasn't for yourself. it was a silly, childish dream of yours to be equal with him again. he was far out of reach and you couldn't catch up to him.
"n- noritoshi," you admitted in defeat. maki saw right through you, there was no point in lying. she raised her eyebrows at you but didn't question it further. after all, you hadn't told her about the background story. unless nobara had done so, you wouldn't doubt it.
"i'm not gonna ask you why. but this is my advice, do not fight for somebody else. if you relentlessly work on yourself for your own benefit, you'll see progress a lot faster. your technique might not be flashy but it is powerful, remember that. you're a valuable asset to every team," she concluded and pulled you up, awkwardly patting your back as you still sniffled. maki opened her mouth to tell you some comforting words but froze when another extremely loud boom resounded near the entrance of the estate. your eyes widened at the sudden influx of cursed energy - there was no doubt that a high-level curse had just entered the school grounds. you turned to maki to tell her the news but she'd already moved, pointing to miwa.
"take her to a safe place, you can't stay here! in your state, you wouldn't last against such a strong curse," maki yelled at you as she disappeared in the woods. you scrambled frantically, not wanting to be left behind. while you were useless for the tournament, you could at least still be of assistance against a curse. miwa was still laying on the ground, unmoving. you shook her gently, scared that she was seriously hurt. it seemed like she was just sleeping instead; you were relieved. throwing her across your shoulder, you winced in pain but persisted nonetheless. you had to get her away from here, who knows what curses were roaming around. your senses were flooded with the stench of blood and debris, the pressure of cursed energy, the loud rumbles. you couldn't tell where the others were but you hoped they were safe.
a loud thud startled you and you stopped, ready to draw your sword until realization hit you that it was utahime that was inspecting you. determined, you thrusted miwa's limp body towards utahime. 
"miwa will be okay, she's just sleeping! i'm okay too, don't worry, please just take care of her and i'll check on the others!"
"y/n, don't be stupid! you're injured and in no state to help others." utahime attempted to convince you; you shook her off stubbornly, insisting that you were fine.
"what if the others get hurt? i have to help them or at least warn them!" your resolve was firm and unwavering that even utahime couldn't convince you otherwise. slipping out of her grasp, you sprinted towards the source of the cursed energy. from far away you could already see the damage that the curse had caused. multiple buildings were torn apart, trees dislodged and- were those branches rapidly growing out of the ground? you watched in horror as the branches whipped around, following running figures on the rooftop of one of the buildings. upping your speed, you jumped towards the group to aid them. as you neared them, you could make out inumaki, noritoshi, and megumi fighting against the curse, maki trailing close behind. 
they barely stood a chance against the curse, every hit that they dealt, the curse would come out unscathed. "what's the deal with that curse?" you asked, panting as you joined them, coming to a halt behind inumaki. megumi was yelling something but you couldn't hear him as noritoshi turned to you and shoved you out of the way.
"y/n, what are you doing here?" 
"helping you guys? what the fuck does it look like?" you yelled back exasperated. why was he mad at you in such a situation? they needed any helping hand they could get to defeat the curse. while you weren't useful in fights, you could at least provide continuous healing. noritoshi didn't have any time to reply as the curse lashed out again, dodging it by jumping to the side. you stayed close to inumaki, swiftly healing him when he collapsed from the rebound of his cursed speech. you clenched your jaw, not wanting the others to see that you were slowly running out of energy and strength. next thing you know, a body was hurled through the air, landing near you with a thud. your heart filled with dread when your eyes fell onto the figure, recognizing noritoshi.
"y/n, heal them as best as you can and get out of here! take them to the teachers!" maki yelled out and this time you obeyed, too panicked about noritoshi's state. you were thankful that inumaki had enough energy to run after you'd healed him - hauling noritoshi's tall frame around was already difficult enough but even more so when you were exhausted. as you neared the gates, utahime was already running towards you with a concerned look on her face. you were glad that she was nearby, it meant that gojo and the other teachers were close and could defend you.
"what happened?" utahime worried but you couldn't reply. falling to your knees, you gently laid noritoshi on the ground. the injuries looked bad, there was blood everywhere. you had to stop the wound on his head from bleeding but your trembling hands were preventing you from doing so.
"i- i don't know, i just- i think the curse hit him and now he's unconscious and he's losing so much blood and-"
utahime pinched you firmly, snapping you out of your panic. she was already holding a cloth to noritoshi's temple to stop the bleeding. patting your hand, she told you in a gentle voice: "heal him if you still have enough strength but don't overexert yourself. ieiri will be here soon." 
nodding frantically, you placed your trembling hands on his abdomen and let your cursed energy flow. the strength was slowly leaving your body but you had to save him. you had to make sure he was okay, he couldn't die, not like this. regret was bubbling up inside you; what if this was the last time you would ever get to see him?just as you felt his energy responding to yours and saw his hand moving slightly, you couldn't hold yourself upright anymore. the last thing you saw was utahime reaching out to catch you as you collapsed.
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you woke up with a startle, gasping for air as you sat up abruptly. sunlight was flooding the room and it felt uncomfortably hot on your skin. you pushed the blanket back but stopped halfway in your movement. your entire body hurt, muscles burning and screaming for more rest. and yet you couldn’t stay still as you remembered the previous events. how long were you out for? was everyone okay? gritting your teeth, you slowly moved out of the room. again, you were faced with the endless maze that was the tokyo tech buildings and stopped in your tracks, not sure which direction to go. you let out a sigh of relief when you spotted yuji in the distance, waving at him to get his attention.
“y/n!” yuji ran towards you, frantically gesturing towards your room. “you’re supposed to be resting! what are you doing here?”
“is everyone okay?” you croaked, now realizing how dry your throat was.
“yeah, ieiri did a good job of healing everyone! some of us are still resting though and so should you.”
“no, i… is noritoshi okay?”
“noritoshi? oh, you mean the guy with the long hair?” yuji nodded, curiously eyeing you as your shoulders dropped, the stress rolling of them. “yeah, he’s still recovering though. ieiri said that his injuries were probably the worst so he’s not allowed to leave the bed.”
“can you take me to him?” you asked with a small voice, doing your best to muster up a puppy face. yuji sighed, scratching his head sheepishly. you could see the conflict in his eyes, that he was thinking about rejecting your request. in the end, he shook his head in defeat and motioned for you to follow him. a small grin found its way onto your lips - yuji was just too nice, he couldn’t say no when people ask him for favours. the walk to noritoshi’s room was silent, neither of you knowing what to say. you knew it was selfish of you not to ask him about his wellbeing more or visit the others but you just had to see for yourself that noritoshi was okay. yuji stopped in front of a door, pointing at it.
“this is his room. he might be sleeping though… my room is down the hall so if you need me to accompany you back to your room, just call me.”
you thanked him quietly and watched as he retreated. taking a deep breath, you knocked at the door and waited for a reply. a few moments passed before noritoshi’s voice rang out, giving you the okay to enter. gingerly, you opened the door and entered the room. noritoshi was sitting on his bed, reading a book as if nothing had happened. you looked at him bewildered. he didn’t look like his injuries fazed him at all. despite the bandages around his head and arms, he remained calm as if nothing hurt. 
“noritoshi,” you breathed out, taking a seat on the chair near the bed. he didn’t spare you a look, keeping his eyes on the book. “i uhm. i’m glad you’re okay! when i saw you in that state, i was so so scared that i could lose you… i did my best to heal you, i know i didn’t do much but-”
“i didn’t need your help,” noritoshi snapped at you, placing the book on his lap. “i would’ve been fine without it.”
you were stunned. why was he so agitated? after you initial shock, you huffed in frustration. “what the hell, you could’ve died! i was trying so hard to keep you alive and you react like this? i know you don’t like me but even this is a low blow for you!”
“it wouldn’t have been a problem if you hadn’t inserted yourself into everything! you’re not helping anyone, just dragging us down; everything could’ve gone well if it wasn’t for you standing in the way,” noritoshi countered as frustrated, this time actually looking at you. you stared back at him in disbelief. you saved his life and he had the nerve to shot you down like this.
“does it really hurt your ego to admit that i was actually helpful? we were friends at some point so why do you insist on being such a dick? and here i was, finally thinking that we were getting somewhere- for fuck’s sake, we kissed and-”
you stopped rambling. the tired tone in his voice, the deadpan look on his face; he was serious. you couldn’t believe him. tears welled up in your eyes as you leaped from the chair and hastily exited the room, slamming the door in anger. 
you never wanted to see him again.
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p.s: yes nobara gave you a wrong sketch of the buildings what about it hehe
taglist: @milkteeboba​
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momota-kaiharem · 3 years
maybe this is just my kinnie speaking but i think a lot about the way that shuichi and maki interact with kaito. let me take an interaction from the talent development plan as an example.
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just rewatching this interaction made me pretty mad again FLKJDSLKFJ i love training trio and i freaking love their relationship, but god, the way that maki and shuichi treat kaito here just drives me absolutely crazy, so let’s break it down.
i think maki is the more egregious offender here (because shuichi is a simp with manners) but throughout the interaction she’s very dismissive towards kaito, asking why he brought them out there (when shuichi says it’s something they do a lot) and then saying he was useless when he went with them to the novoselic, and saying he didn’t need to go along at all. but up until here shuichi does defend kaito a bit, even if it’s in a bit of a patronisng way (remarking that kaito “does this a lot” but “isn’t it fun” and remarking that kaito’s use on the novoselic mission was to invite maki).
and then kaito says that when he goes to space, he wants to see if he can see shuichi and maki from up there, which is a really sweet sentiment, albeit unrealistic. maki shuts him down pretty fast saying he couldn’t see them from that far, and shuichi says that he might be able to see the general region, and then kaito says that he’d like to take them up to space, and THIS is the thing that really frustrates me.
kaito loves shuichi and maki. romantically, platonically, however you’d like to describe it, it’s obvious that he cares about them a LOT. i mean, he tries to convince kaede to become an astronaut too in his ftes with her, but you could argue that kaito was trying to convince her to go to space because he really respects her (as indicated by the way kaito was the only one to consistently stand up for kaede through chapter one, and the way he was willing to fight the exisals to keep monokuma from executing her, and the way he was crying after she got executed... also he asks her for hugs a lot and it’s really cute kaito you simp ilu) so again, it shows, kaito says he wants to take people to space because he loves them. space is what kaito has always been most passionate about. it’s his longest standing goal and something he wants to share with the most important people in his life.
obviously he’s being unrealistic here!! but maki and shuichi have been friends with kaito for three years by now, and they should be used to it-- they are used to it, actually, as shown by maki’s response-- but maki’s response is mean!!! it’s mean. kaito shared a sweet sentiment about wanting to share his most treasured thing with them and maki responded by calling him stupid-- which, if you remember, kaito really doesn’t like being called!!! i’d go grab screenshots, but i don’t want to go sit and watch trials until i can find it, but often when kaito is called an idiot he responds by yelling that he’s not, and that he doesn’t like being called that. i know with maki a lot of it is just banter, but still, the utter disregard for kaito’s feelings just because he’s a hahaha positive himbo man hee hee hoo hoo is... ugh. it happens a LOT throughout the game and it’s really upsetting to me.
and then shuichi’s response is what really upsets me. i know it’s just meant as a tease, but let’s think about everything that kaito has done for shuichi and maki for a moment, here. sure, his practical abilities might not be on par with theirs. he’s not a detective and he’s not an assassin, so he can’t solve murders or fight off danger, but his EQ is INCREDIBLY high. he saw maki and shuichi, and he saw that they were struggling, and he decided to take them under his wing and help them to grow. he didn’t have to do that!!! he didn’t owe them anything. maki and shuichi could’ve grown at their own paces, of course, i believe in them, but a large part of their becoming more comfortable with who they are was owed to kaito’s help and love and guidance that he showed them over the years.
so the implication that kaito, an ASTRONAUT, would need them to go to space to save him, is utterly ridiculous. and mean!! it’s really mean. it implies that kaito is useless without them, that he needs them to go up there to save him (like they’re always saving him or whatever, which i find really stupid because there are absolutely no tdp events where they help him even SLIGHTLY) when he’s literally been training to be an astronaut and go to space for the last three years!!! it’s his special interest, and it’s so invalidating, to take kaito wanting to share that with them and imply that he’s useless at it, and that he needs assistance that they’ve never offered him because of it.
and maki’s response is really gross to me too, like kaito doesn’t have any other friends, which is totally stupid. i’m sure kaede would jump to his aid if he needed her, and gonta, and any other members of their class-- i mean, kaito is a nice guy!!! he helps people!!! it was easy to rally everyone in chapter five to save kaito because he was inspiring them!!! kokichi took him because if he didn’t, kaito would be there making everyone want to keep going. maki saying that implies that kaito is so annoying that they’re the only ones who would put up with him, that they’re these two skilled people who are just there because they pity him-- which isn’t true at all, i mean they’re totally talented but ALSO i know for a FACT that maki and shuichi really appreciate kaito, so why don’t they just act like it??
actually, i have thoughts on the reason why they behave that way. it’s something that happens a lot when you get comfortable with people. kaito projects confidence, this really strong, self-satisfied demeanour. it’s clear (or at least it seems to be clear) that he has a lot of self respect. so the teasing, to maki and shuichi, feels harmless, because kaito has high self esteem, he can take it. besides, he clearly has an inflated ego, right? so he needs them to take him down a peg.
except that’s not true, and you can tell that kaito has low self esteem because of what happens in chapter four. all throughout that chapter people rag on kaito, calling him an idiot, saying he’s useless during trials, saying shuichi is the only smart one. kokichi calls him an idiot and antagonises him over and over and over and shuichi NEVER sticks up for him, never once sticks his neck out and says “hey, i really appreciate kaito, and i need you to stop talking bad about him”. instead he just lets kaito fend everyone off alone, and of course maki doesn’t stick up for him either. that’s part of what fuels kaito’s turn on shuichi in chapter five. sure, you could argue that it was about gonta-- but shuichi also turned the tables on kaede, who kaito showed more consistent affection/respect towards, and he didn’t hate shuichi for that. no, the problem was that shuichi was getting all the credit and appreciation from everybody (which was fine!!! he led the trials) and kaito was getting dumped on over and over and over and shuichi was just letting it happen, soaking in all the admiration and letting kaito be called useless.
and i mean, that’d be hard for anyone, being called stupid over and over, getting forcefully logged out of the simulation twice, once by your own sidekick who didn’t even bother asking you permission first, but it’s clear to me that kaito feels inadequate, especially as compared to shuichi, who is so intelligent and composed. kaito projects outwards, he puts on this big grin and calls himself a hero, and that must stem from a place of insecurity. there’s no way that someone who gave himself a dorky title like luminary of the stars is super secure in himself and his relationships. 
there’s another reason why maki and shuichi probably treat kaito that way, and that’s because when you respect and appreciate someone that much, and you struggle expressing it, struggle with vulnerability, it becomes... hard to express. maki hasn’t been close to someone like she’s close to kaito for as long as she remembers. she’s never had a freaking nickname before, i mean, her life is really sad. clearly some of the teasing comes from a place of love, of “i respect and admire you so much, you helped me come out of my shell, idk what i would’ve done without you” and not knowing how to express it. i’ve been there. we’ve all been there. when you love a person but don’t know how to say it, sometimes you just end up playfully ragging on them.
and that’s fine, if it’s two-sided. banter has to be mutual, it has to be something that everyone is enjoying and is comfortable with. you choose things that they’re not sensitive about, that they’re fine with you taking the piss out of them over-- that they take the piss out of themself over. but let’s think about kaito for a minute here, and whether this is really banter.
1. does kaito ever jokingly call himself an idiot? does he ever say he’s useless, or he needs people to save him, or he’s dumb? how does he react when other people do it to him? even when maki calls him a dumbass ingame he gets upset about it, but then he brushes it off, because genuinely being hurt over something like that requires vulnerability and kaito doesn’t really DO vulnerability lmao
2. how does kaito respond? does he tease them back? i think if this was a case of healthy banter, kaito would’ve gone with a jab of his own, like, “haha, you two are hilarious, you know you love me” sorta thing, and then moved on to talk about the moon like he does in his next line. he doesn’t, though, and you never really see kaito making fun of those two. he calls maki a coward in chapter three, but he’s just being honest with her, being blunt about her weaknesses to help her grow. kaito doesn’t sugar coat things, doesn’t hold your hand and walk you through your problems. he’s a tough love sort of guy and that doesn’t work for everyone but it does really work for shuichi and maki, to the point where both of them become pretty confident in themselves, owed at least in part to the way that kaito guided them through becoming the people they wanted to be. but he doesn’t really tease them, never calls shuichi out on wearing his hat (he doesn’t even notice it) and never makes fun of maki for being an assassin/having a kill count/whatever stuff they’re insecure about. of course he doesn’t! kaito is a good friend.
i think it’s important to mention here that kaito does respond with lighthearted indignation before he brushes it off, but i just don’t feel like this is healthy, two-sided banter. you see maki and shuichi acting dismissive of kaito a lot, despite everything that he does for them. he puts up with it, but if anything that just shows to me more how everything in the relationship flows one way. all the care, love, and respect goes from kaito to shuichi and maki. he takes care of them, he helps them, he doesn’t mock them. in return they tease him (even if their intentions are good!!!) and don’t ever really push him to open up, nor do they stand up for him when people put him down, nor do they particularly try and get him to be honest with his emotions. take chapter four, for example, after kokichi punches kaito and he doubles over, coughing up blood. maki and shuichi just buy that it’s a cold when kaito says that, they don’t push, even though they’re both clearly skeptical. respecting boundaries is important, but you NEED to push sometimes, you need to make people open up, because in that case kaito was literally dying, and he had to spend the rest of his life putting up a front.
i mean, even when he was dying he was holding back the urge to cough, acting brave and strong, putting on a hero face so that the two of them could go on to defeat the mastermind and focus on things that mattered. not on him.
i love training trio, i think these three work so well together and they can bring out each other’s strengths and weaknesses, but i just think that shuichi and maki do NOT treat kaito well, and unless he opens up and communicates about it, it’s going to lead to building resentments and an increased lowering of kaito’s self esteem. maybe this wasn’t intentional on the part of the game, but if it wasn’t, clearly it just shows that dr is incapable of writing healthy friendships. i’d love to write a character study someday about these guys, where kaito talks about his feelings and maki and shuichi realise they treat him like crap, but until then i guess i’ll just sit here and scream about it.
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