#and might hear about a storm 100 years ago and a boy that was seen falling into the ocean
waterfire1848 · 1 year
Avatar AU - A world where the South Pole didn’t fold and Princess Katara or Prince Sokka are being married off to Prince Zuko or Princess Azula for an allience, but before their families can arrange any marriage the four are kidnapped so that the alliance doesn’t happen and they end up all the way in Ba Sing Se and have to travel home together.
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
hello 😌
“You’re in a coma and I confess all my feelings only for you to wake up” for juke please :)
you really went 'hm lets chose the saddest option' huh??? what follows is all on you okay i dont take any responsibility for it 😬(i really made myself a lil sad with this one okay). anyway!! hope you like it!!! 😊💜
trigger warnings!! mentions of injuries and character deaths
20. you’re in a coma and i confess all my feelings only for you to wake up
50 cliche tropes and prompts!
Julie didn’t like hospitals. Though she supposes that most people don’t like them. They’re too bright, too loud and too quiet at the same time.They can be places where you get the best news of your life. But for her they’d always been the place she got the worst.
She can still remember sitting in the waiting room as a doctor talked to her dad, and she can appreciate them trying to spare her, to give her one more moment to live in a world where her mom is alive. But she’d heard the alarms and the nurses rushing into her room. She already knew long before her dad came back over and knelt in front of her and Carlos.
Hospitals were places for bad news.
Where people died and didn’t come home.
(And she knows it’s stupid, and that it’s just a childhood superstition, but a part of Julie had always thought the day her mom died was her due to her. That her mom her died on the one day they’d had to leave early because of a stupid dance rehearsal, and no one had been with her. And maybe, if they’d not left, her mom might still be alive.)
Julie really hated that she’d almost not walked into the building after she’d gotten the call. Because if she didn’t walk in, she didn’t have to see him. She didn’t have to hear what had happened and what they’d done to help and how they didn’t know if he’d wake up. If she didn’t walk inside Luke would be okay and she could go home and pretend he’d just been held up in traffic.
A kind nurse had led her to his room after a doctor had explained about the accident, about the car that had run a light and how there had been bleeding on his brain and fractures close to his heart and that ‘surgery went well, we’re hopeful’.
Alex had been pacing in the space nearest the window, back and forth, back and forth while Willie watched with his arms right across his chest, and Reggie had been sitting in the chair next to his bed, staring intently at the monitors beeping away.
Julie had walked in slowly, and she knows she’d looked at the other boys, knows that she must have said something because Reggie stood up and arms wrapped around her in a hug and she’d been ushered into the chair.
But all she really remembers is looking at Luke in the bed.
Too still, too pale, covered in bruises and bandages and wires.
That had been 2 days ago.
Julie hadn’t left the hospital, his bedside, since. Even though she’d insisted that the boys go home, rest, shower, and have a real meal. They’d tried to make her go too, but something in her eyes had made them stop. She doesn’t know what they saw. But that’s fine. They’d left her to it.
They say people in a coma can hear you, that’s what the nurses and doctors keep reminding them. That they should talk to him. But for the first time in the 10 years that she's known him, Julie doesn’t know what to say.
Alex talks about the shows he’s missed and who’s released a new album that day, keeps him up to date with the ever changing top 100. Reggies tells him that his guitar is fine (‘because we all know that’s going to be one of the first questions he asks’), and all about the fight he’d almost seen in the parking lot. They talk to him like they always do. Like he’ll respond.
Talking to Luke has always been one of her favourite things, one the easiest things. They’d just clicked from the moment they’d met, and there hadn’t been a day since where they’d not talked.
But now, as she sits in the chair next to his hospital, where he’s too still and too quiet, Julie doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know what to do with all the thoughts and feelings at war within her.
So, she does what she’s always done, she tries to write about them. About her. About him. And if she says it out loud as she goes, well that counts, right?
“You know,” she starts, and has to clear her throat at her how croaky her voice sounds, not sure when she’d last spoken. Knowing it must have been a while. After taking a sip of the warm temperature water Julie tries again.
“Y’know I sometimes think I've loved you my whole life. Which I know is impossible because we didn’t meet until we were 16 but, I don’t know. It was like I’d just been waiting for you,” she trails off, fingers tight around the pen as she stares at the page of his notebook, “For Alex and Reggie too. But— but mostly you. I’d been waiting for you to barge into my life and demand I start living again. I kind of hated you a little for that at first, y’know? I was quite happy living in my musicless life. At least I pretended I was. You saw right through that.”
Julie shakes her head at the memory, at 16 year old Luke asking why she didn’t sing anymore, at him saying it was silly to live in the quite when her mom had clearly loved all the noise.
“I don’t think I believe in fate or anything, because if fate is real it means my mom had to die and I just— I don’t think that’s right. But I think we were always meant to meet, that we’re… tied together. And that our lives are supposed to be lived together. Silly, right?”
She smiles over at him, lips almost quirking up with humour, and she can almost imagine him opening his eyes and smiling back at her the same way. But he doesn’t. The monitors continue beeping and Luke continues sleeping.
The doctors start to look a little worried when they check his vital signs on day four, whispered exchanges with nurses and eyes darting to where the three of them hover around his bed. It’s Alex who breaks first, turning to glare at Luke’s still form and demanding he, “Wake up. Wake up right now Luke. You are not allowed to just die on us. Not like this damn it!”
There had been tears, threats and bargains. Luke had slept on and Alex had stormed out, Reggie following after him and Julie had stayed in the room. Where she’d been for four days.
“Alex is right,” she starts quietly as she reclaims her chair, “You can’t just die on us like this Luke. We’ve only done one album, you always said you wanted to go out in blaze of glory or after you’d had at least five number one albums. We’ve barely even started.” There’s no response, not even a slight hitch on the machines and Julie blows out a breath, slumping back in her chair.
She lets her eyes trace over his face, taking in the way his eyelashes brush against his skin, the way his cheekbones stand out, the yellow-purple bruise that’s finally starting to fade along his jawline. His hair was already getting a little long and had never been great at staying neat, and four days in a coma seems to have done nothing to help that fact. If she pretends there’s no tubes in his nose, wires across his chest, needles in his arms, Julie can almost imagine they’re back in the garage after falling asleep after working too long on a song.
“I heard you, that night,” Julie whispers, leaning forward to carefully slip her hand under his, like they’re holding hands and whispering secrets in the dark. “When we were on the bus, and I’d gotten scared because of the thunder and you stayed up watching Disney films with me. I heard you when she said you loved me, when you thought I was asleep.”
Her thumb runs over the back of his hand, tracing a parallel line to the needle going into his skin.
“I didn’t say anything because I was scared. I’ve loved you for so long, and knowing you loved me too it just— it scared me,” it’s a secret she's keeps locked inside for so long that a sudden weight feels like it’s lifted off her chest at saying it out loud, “You mean so much to me Luke that I— I got scared about what might happen if we acted on the feelings and it all went to hell. I wouldn’t know what to do without you.”
“But right now I’m more scared about maybe never getting to tell you. So I need you to wake up Luke, I need you to wake up for Alex and Reggie, and for yourself. But I need you to wake up so I can tell you I love you, okay?” She can’t look at him, doesn’t want to not see his eyes, always so bright and full of love, not looking at her. “So wake up, please.”
Julie almost doesn’t notice the change. Almost misses the way the monitor's beeping changes slightly, the way his fingers flex where they’re resting over hers.
“Luke?” Her eyes snap up to his face where his eyes are blinking open, gaze slightly hazy with pain but most definitely looking right at her, his lips turned up a little at the corners around the tube in his mouth. “Oh god. Hold on, just— let me get someone!”
It’s an hour later and many tests and questions later that Julie finally finds herself back in the chair by Luke’s bedside, and this time when she slips her hand into his, his fingers wrap automatically around hers.
“I love you,” he says, voice rough and there’s a slight wince on his brow but his lips are pulled into a wide smile and Julie can’t stop the laugh that bubbles past her lips.
“That’s what I was supposed to say! You can’t just beat me to it,” she shakes her head, and smiles at him, “I love you too.”
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renaerys · 3 years
Okay I've got one: Prompt 15 with Reds. 🤣🤣🤣
15. “I can’t hear a word you’re saying, I just keep thinking about how good that mouth feels.”
Somehow they can make even breathing a competition.
Send me a prompt and some characters! Reminder that the challenge is to make everything SFW, so we're getting creative here.
List of prompts
“So, we’ve called the paramedics and they’re on their way, but until they arrive it’s up to us. Remember the acronym, kids: C-A-B. What’s the first thing you do?”
Aiyeesha Simpson, a gunner in the making destined for academic greatness and social ruin, raised her eager hand. “Find a flat surface to lay him down!”
“Correct.” Blossom took Brick by the shoulders and shoved him down to the floor. A gaggle of Girl Scouts gathered around him as he wheezed for air.
“Ow,” he said.
Blossom patted his chest. “Please choke more quietly.”
I will end you, he thought so loudly he hoped she could hear him through the murder in his eyes. There was community service, and then there was cruel and unusual punishment. When his required hours were up and his record expunged, he was going to write a very negative Yelp review of the local Townsville Girls Scouts of America chapter and tank this year’s cookie sales. Supremely annoying, outrageously petty, and totally legal. That would teach Blossom for sure.
“Place your hands here between the nipples.”
Some of the Cadette Girl Scouts giggled. To be fair, Blossom of all people saying the word nipples in reference to her former mortal enemy as she trained a room full of twelve-year-old girls in CPR using him as the dummy was a perfect storm of absurd and kinky that he did not see coming. And now he was giggling himself, because he was a teenaged boy who thought the word nipples was funny regardless of the very clear contextual cues, and that pubescent shame was on him, one hundred percent.
Blossom, an ancient and inconveniently attractive evil resurrected in a lab for the sole purpose of making his life miserable, did not appreciate his amusement. “Push hard at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute. Remember to put your bodyweight behind it, like this.”
Brick flexed, and Blossom pushed against his heart like she was trying to crush it in her hands. Once, twice, three times she administered compressions, and Brick’s eyes glowed red with impotent rage.
“Assist Blossom with her CPR lessons to her satisfaction, and we can forget this ever happened,” Mayor Bellum had promised Brick when he lost his temper and blew up an (empty) ambulance. Butch didn’t need his Super stomach pumped no matter how much he drank, so the ambulance and the four-figure bill that came with it were completely unnecessary. This defense did not convince the mayor, however.
The promise of the bill forgiven and his record cleared—and the deterrence of Aiyeesha Simpson filming the whole thing to upload to YouTube later—gave Brick the strength not to eye beam Blossom in front of the children.
“Okay, who wants to try chest compressions on the dummy?” Blossom offered to the girls.
You evil bitch, thought the aforementioned dummy.
After the third little girl properly placed her sticky, little girl hands between his nipples, Brick had had enough. “Hey, I’m still dying over here. Can we move on already? Jesus Christ.”
“Of course.” Blossom smiled, and she had never looked more terrifying.
Brick hoped Butch was suffering. He hoped he was hung over so bad he couldn’t piss standing up. He hoped Butch tried going online only to find that Brick had disconnected the Internet and cut him off from all his online games and porn because fuck Butch and his weak-ass stomach.
“Who knows what the next step is? Maybe someone other than Aiyeesha this time?”
None of the other girls seemed willing to stick their hands up. The carpet under Brick had scorched where his power leaked out in his building resentment for this entire situation. The smell of burned polyester just made him feel even more powerless to stop this.
“No? Okay, well, remember the acronym. A is for airway. You want to be careful about a possible neck injury, so gently lift the chin…”
Blossom’s hands were not sticky like the Girl Scouts’ hands, but they were cold where they touched his skin and forced his head back.
“Are the paramedics here yet?”
Brick got a tight fist in his short hair for that one, and he considered it a small victory. “No. Something about a shortage of ambulances, apparently.”
God, he was going to destroy her so bad.
“Once you’ve cleared the airway and confirmed there are no obstructions—”
“Then you kiss!”
Some girls picked up the giggling again. Blossom, ever the professional, cleared her throat. “Mouth to mouth is a life-saving procedure and not something I’d recommend doing to someone you plan to kiss.”
Wow, great advice.
Some girls still giggled and whispered to each other. Brick had a sinking feeling that this was only going to end with his embarrassment: everyone knew that the cold judgment of pre-pubescent girls was the absolute worst type of judgment a person could suffer.
“Are you gonna show us?”
“Well, I don’t think I need to show you all how to breathe—”
“It’s in the manual! You have to demonstrate every step.” Aiyeesha waved the CPR manual, and Brick realized his misjudgment. She was no vapid goody two-shoes in the making, but a future Honors Student with a secret, a Work Hard Party Harder, an Ivy League Early Decision candidate with all of senior spring semester to slack off because no one was ever going to touch her 4.3 GPA.
Aiyeesha beamed a winning smile at Brick, and it was as chilling as Blossom’s.
Jesus Christ, there are two of them.
True to form, Blossom had never been able to defy a good instructions manual. “I suppose if it says so in the manual…”
Locking lips with Blossom was not a big deal. He’d done it before when they were kids, and he could appreciate the irony of a gesture meant to save his life this time rather than end it. She didn’t even try to mess with him by using her ice breath, just went through the motions as described in the instructions. The girls were disappointed with the lack of hormonal fanfare of it all, which was probably for the best. Leave it to Blossom to make mouth to mouth the sexless, medical act it was literally intended to be. He was almost upset, because it felt like she’d won something here, which could only mean he’d lost.
Disappointed but more educated than they’d been when they’d arrived two hours ago, the Girl Scouts dispersed after the lesson, leaving Blossom and Brick to put away the equipment they’d used.
She held a dummy torso, and she was looking at him with that pinched, constipated look she got when she was about to say something especially snobby. Instead, she surprised him. “Brick, thanks for being mature about it. I can honestly say you surprised me.”
He stared at her.
“I’ll talk to Mayor Bellum. I’m sure you’ve done enough to meet your hours quota.”
He had not fulfilled even half of his required community service hours and they both knew it.
“So yeah, thanks. I can finish up here if you want to leave.”
Was she trying to get rid of him? Why?
“Brick? Why are you looking at me like that?”
When Blossom was winning, he was losing. That was simply the way of the world. So, if she was losing, it could only mean he was winning.
“Are you listening to me?”
Brick smiled in what he hoped was a cool, sexy way if he imagined looking at anyone but Blossom. “I can’t hear a word you’re saying. I just keep thinking about how good that mouth feels.”
Blossom stared. “I’m sorry?”
He would make her sorry.
“Yeah, you’re a great teacher. I could really feel your passion for demonstrating the lesson correctly. With your mouth.”
Her staring intensified. “Did you.”
“Oh, yeah.” He leaned his hip against the table like he’d seen in the movies. It worked for Daniel Craig in Casino Royale, and that guy had convinced Eva Green. Iconic. “I could really feel you trying to save me.”
Where was Aiyeesha with her phone to film this? There was so little he could do to rattle Blossom as they got older, and while the challenge delighted him, it was also exhausting being constantly a step behind her. Was this truly her demise? Had he won the Teenage Experience? Was this poetic justice for how she’d once killed him with a mere kiss, only to suffer the same fate in turn? He could have cackled. This was better than trolling the Girl Scouts of America reviews, although he might still do that because it was a genius idea and he had always indulged his own genius ideas when they came to him.
So infatuated was he with his own self-fellating digression that he was slow to react to Blossom sidling up to him. Her hand was still cold on his chin, and it sent a shiver down his spine. “Shall I save you again?”
Brick’s dignity drained with his blood, which was an unfortunate side-effect of being a teenaged boy that he would just have to suffer. But winning was about recognizing one’s weaknesses and working around them. He leaned into her personal space. “Please.”
He wasn’t sure who kissed who first, but it was happening and all he could think was I am better at this than you and I hate you and also Do that again. He tried holding her waist, and she fought back with her fingers in his hair. Not one to be deterred, Brick tried some tongue but pulled back when he tasted thirty degrees below zero. He immediately went back in because he could feel her superiority, her Got you, you horny idiot, but the joke was on her because he liked her cold, always had when it was hot as balls out and he’d make up any excuse to pick a fight with her just for the chance to cool off.
The Girl Scout troop leader walked in on them competitively making out in the classroom like it was an Olympic sport and put an end to things, leaving them at a frustrating draw for now. They said barely a word to each other when Brick glared at the troop leader so bad she flustered and didn’t even question them before running out of there with some excuse about getting the wrong room.
Later that evening, Brick caved and changed the Internet password back just so Butch would quit whining at him. He Googled kissing techniques and spent the next hour and a half watching YouTube videos and reading GQ articles about How to Please Her Like a Champion, because he was a champion and a winner and he was not going to lose to Blossom in this. Not a chance.
This had to be what they meant when they said kill with kindness.
“I’m going to end you,” he muttered to himself as he read about the top ten highest voted movie kissing scenes, which he would then stream and commit to memory in order to be fully armed and armored for the next time he encountered Blossom alone in a classroom. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe during their shared free period.
Truly, he had the most genius ideas.
If you enjoy my writing, check out more of my fics on AO3, link in my profile. I’m currently updating Trinity House and The Alchemy of Us. Thanks for reading!
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pixiealtaira · 3 years
And the Thunder Rolls
This is the first of my Glee Summer Bang fics...but I decided it was too gloomy.
It is a Klaine Break-Up Fic and this Not Klaine or Blaine friendly.
Takes place right after the end of Junior Year:
The crash of thunder shook the house.  Kurt looked out to the pouring rain.  It was nearly pushed horizontal by the wind. “Very Blustery, my ass. Hurricane force winds would have been a better description,” Kurt muttered as he watched chaos out the window.   Kurt still felt that being out in the storm would be preferable than where he was currently at, that the chaos outside would be safer and somehow 'less' than the chaos inside his being as he listened to Blaine. Lightening ripped through the sky, near enough for  Kurt to just see the light of the flash and not a actual bolt  and for the thunder to roll right after it and actually shake the house. He wondered if Finn knew he had a flashlight in his room.  Rachel didn't like power outages. Kurt leaned closer to the window to see if he could see where it might have landed.
“Kurt, I don't think you are listening to me.” Blaine whined behind him. “Do I need to go get Finn and Rachel and have them listen to this as well?  I am setting out guidelines for how I want our summer to be and you just aren't really paying attention to me.  Stop looking out the window and look at me, the boyfriend. I am beginning to think you don't actually love me at all.  You are not at all focused where you need to be focused.” “Blaine, I love you.  I told you that just a few days ago.  And yes, you are my boyfriend.  But that doesn't give you permission to dictate my summer.” Light brightened the whole room again and thunder shook the house and Kurt wished it would just hit the house.  Maybe stop what he suspected would be a defining moment to everything for the whole of the rest of his life. Blaine huffed. “I'm not dictating your summer.  I'm just letting you know how things need to be so we can see each other more often during the summer. My dad got me this job, you know, and it is Important that I am my best during the time I am working and performing.  Important people might be watching, you know.  Nila said that Jason, one of the boys who left the year before I could perform at all, got scouted and got a modeling job and a job as a back-up singer for a band.  That could be me this year, but only if I'm at the top of my game.  I I can only be at the top of my game when I know you are focused on me. You need to know when to keep yourself free to come see me and visit me. If you don't do this for me like I want it done, well then, I'm afraid we will just not be able to see each other at all.” “And I told you I am not going to be going to the amusement park and paying 80  to 100 bucks a day just to see you on your break periods, especially if I'm not 'allowed' to spend the rest of the time enjoying the park.  You can come here on your days off or I can meet you at your place on your days off.” “You cannot go to my place.  I mean...I just haven't exactly told my folks I have a boyfriend yet...so you'll have to wait for that.  And my days off are all booked with family stuff or other things I need to do.  If you love me, you'll come see me on the days I listed at the park.  It is the only acceptable option.  I just do not understand why you are having a problem with this.  A good boyfriend would be perfectly willing to do this for me, I'll have you know. And it's not like I'm asking more than others who work there have.  Nila's boyfriend was there three days a week last summer. Matt and Ryan both worked there, so I guess they don't really count, but it was so unfair watching those guys making out and whatnot and yet the rest of us had to just make due.  Now, this year, I'VE got the boyfriend and so you need to come to the park so I can have good breaks too.  You need to come on the days I listed earlier for certain and also whenever I text that the day would be a good day for you to be there. I NEED you to be there for me, Kurt.  I need to be able to show the others that I'VE got a boyfriend and that he does what I ask of him. But, you also can't like hang out with anyone, or talk to anyone...I mean, you are great and all but you just don't exactly talk about the kinds of things the other kids who work at the park do and so I need you to remember that...but also you need to make sure they know you are only at the park for me...you'll need to sit off to the side of where ever I am, just smiling and making eyes at me.” Kurt closed his eyes and breathed deeply. The lightening hit again and the thunder rolled and the lights in the house flickered and Kurt heard Rachel screech from Finn's room. There had been nothing in any of Blaine's demands for summer about wanting to spend time with Kurt, himself.  Just about wanting to have the boyfriend be there to be seen.  And curtailing as much joy as Blaine possibly could in his demanded excursions. “Blaine. You are being unreasonable.” “I am not. I am being perfectly reasonable. Boyfriends show up to support their significant other when their significant other wants them to, in whatever manner asked.  That is why people have boyfriends and girlfriends.  To have them there when they want them to be there for them.  To show off.  And if you do things the way I told you you need to, everyone will see how devoted you are to me, and to me alone.  It will do wonders for what the others think of me, you there just sitting and looking at me and not even thinking of anything other than me. But, don't try too hard.  And like, don't practice making sexy faces or longing faces or anything.  You don't do sexy.  You do longing OK, so maybe stick to staring at me longingly. It will be cute. Then it will be perfect. I mean, Nila's boyfriend just stopped by to make out with her when lines were too long for rides he wanted to ride, he didn't focus on her only.  Just think how jealous she will be when MY boyfriend just pays attention to Me in such a cute way.”   “No” The flash of lightening hit close enough that even the air in the house felt charged.  The thunder was nearly deafening. It wasn't loud enough to cover Blaine's scream. “What do you mean 'No'? You are my boyfriend, you can't just say no.” “I did just say No. No. I am not going the amusement park, at over 100 bucks a pop when you add travel and food, multiple days over the summer just to sit and stare at you...it is just not happening. There are many reasons why....not the least of which is I would be bored out of my mind. I don't have the time, or money, or inclination to be some sort of living statue for you to use to boost you ego in some sort of ego war with your co-workers. I have work, too, Blaine. And I NEED my paychecks that I get over the summer to be able to enjoy my school year.  They pay for my clothing, any time spent shopping or out to the movies or dinner or coffee or anything else fun.  I could maybe do ONE trip to the amusement park to see you...and to enjoy the park when you can't be with me and thus get my money's worth. I can not go at least twice a week every week all summer long, with a third or maybe even fourth trip to see you on demanded days at a texts notice.” “But Kurt, if you loved me...” And Kurt saw the next bolt of lightening hit.  It hit a transformer on one of the street light poles the block over and half a block down. The thunder shook the house as the lights went out. Rachel screamed like Finn was stabbing her or something.  Finn started screaming as well, telling her to calm down.  Kurt was glad, though, because with the power out Blaine could not see the tears running down his face, with with how Kurt was standing. “I guess I don't love you then.  Not if that is what you think Love requires of me. ” Kurt said, turning to look at Blaine instead of a flames spouting from the blown transformer.  He could already hear the sirens of the police and fire trucks responding to it. “And if you loved ME, and not just the notion of a boyfriend, you would have never demanded any of what you have today.” “Of course I love you.” “No, you don't.  Because if you did, you would know me well enough to not have come here and said any of what you have said in the last hour. You would know me well enough to know I can't afford your plan in the first place.  We don't have that kind of money. You would have listened to me enough to know that I will have a full 40 hour week at the garage every week, and will have hours of work at other places as well.  You would have known about other demands on my time over the summer.  You would have realized I would like to be able to do things with you that I would like to do as well, like go  swimming or go to play mini-golf. Or take you to the car shows with me and have you ride in the parades at the fairs with me.  You would know that I don't like just sitting doing nothing for long periods of time. But you don't seem to know or care about any of that, so you must not actually love me.” “Now Kurt, stop being hysterical and silly. You know none of that is true. You might work at the garage but what do you actually do there, huh? Sweep?  No one needs you there, and what else do you really have to do...that is as important or more important than me?  It is just, face it, your time and my time are not equal.  My folks plans are important.  I need to be there and show up with acceptable company, so  those periods of time are out.  My work...performing is hard, Kurt and the rest of the work at the park is just as difficult.  Do you even know what it is like to have to deal with parents who are upset because their kid is too small for a ride?  That is so much more challenging than anything you might be doing.” “And that just proves you don't actually love me at all.  Blaine, as soon as this storm calms, you need to go home.  Have a great summer. Maybe if I get in touch with Jeff or Nick or anyone else from Dalton, I'll have them say Hello from me, but I won't be getting hold of you for a while.  I need a clean break.  And you need someone else, who can love you like you think love works.” “What are you talking about?” “I am breaking up with you.  This isn't what I want from a relationship. It isn't what I need.” Kurt turned around again and stared out the window.  The lightening strike was far enough away that the whole sky didn't seem to light up with it.  Kurt counted a full Mississippi before he heard the thunder. Blaine was still talking to him, trying to tell him he couldn't break up with him and  how mistaken Kurt was and how Kurt was purposefully being difficult and misunderstanding everything and making a big show and fuss about things. The rain was coming down more vertically again, just as hard and violently, but in a more natural angle and Kurt could tell the fire was out over where the lightening had hit.  He could see a vehicle from the power company over in the area.  The chaos was calming...and things seemed to be easing up.  Kurt wouldn't be surprised if within the next half hour the storm had settled into an steady gentle rain. Oddly enough, he rather felt like he'd settled into an oddly calm and settled state as well.  He wondered if he'd feel bad latter, if he'd feel more crushed and upset at the end of his first relationship, but for now...he felt like he was easing into a peaceful gentle state of being. Not sunshine yet, but the knowing that it could be soon.
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pleasereadmycrap · 4 years
Is This Just a Game?
Pairing: Ransom x Reader
Warnings: Major Angst, My crappy writing
Summary: You learn the truth about you and Ransom
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I did not proofread this. Sorry. Also I have an idea for a part 2 but I don’t know if its worth writing so please let me know what you think.
“God! How could Harlan be such a prick?” Ransom thought as he stormed out the door.
Why had he even come to this party? He knew it was a bad idea as he had driven up in his Beamer. He hated his family! What was he thinking? Stupid!
How could Harlan treat him, his own grandson, like this? Ransom thought back on their conversation and fumed with anger.
“You wanted to see mee?” Ransom asked as he stepped through the door into Harlan’s study.
“Yes. Please sit,” Harlan gestured to the seat across from where he sat behind his massive wooden desk. “I’ve been doing some thinking.”
“That’s never good.” Ransom muttered under his breath.
“No! You will let me finish! For too long, I have been far too generous with my family, and I’m done.”
“You and the rest of this wretched family are a bunch of ingrates who have depended on me and not yourselves for far too long, so I’m cutting you off,” Harlan explained.
“What are you talking about?”
“Ransom, your credit card is linked to my bank account. I can see your history.”
“I didn’t realize that hookers could be paid with cash nowadays until I looked at your credit card statements. A different girl every night? Really, Ransom?”
“What do you expect? I’m young, and I’m trying to enjoy it!” Ransom shouted as he moved to stand behind his chair and fix Harlan with a hard glare.
“I had hoped that you would’ve given up your foolish games by now. You’re not a boy anymore! I thought that you would've tried to make something of yourself or have settled down.”
“So you’re cutting me off?” Ransom exclaimed in disbelief. How could this be happening? What the hell! Was he off his meds or something? “What are you gonna do with your money?”
“I have some terms. If you don’t meet them I will effectively cut you off and give your share of my estate to Marta.”
“Your nurse? You’re betraying your family! You’re betraying me for your nurse?”
“Not if you do as I ask.”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to find someone, and I want you to bring her to my birthday next year. If you have not found a girl who you are serious about by next year, you’re out,” Harlan said calmly.
“I’ll kill you for this!” Ransom yelled as he stormed out of the study and through the front door
After that, Ransom had ran out to his Beamer and drove away. He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew he was angry.
Now, he was seated at the bar of some dingy bar just off the highway. He had hoped that he could drown his sorrows with whiskey, but he was 4 glasses in, and all he could think about was how his grandfather was an ass.
It was nearing closing, and the bar had emptied out except for Ransom and the bartender who was shooting him dirty looks. The place was completely silent until Ransom heard the sound of the door opening behind him and the cold rush of wind on his neck.
… *Your POV*...
“I’m sorry, but is this place still open?” you asked as you stepped through the door of the tavern.
It had been a rough night for you. You had broken up with your boyfriend, and he had kicked you out of the apartment that you had shared, and now all of your stuff was packed into your car. You really needed a drink.
“We were just closing up!” the bartender called with an exasperated tone.
“Yeah, but you’ll stay open for us, right?” the handsome man at the bar said as he threw down a 100 on the countertop.
“Whatever,” the bartender said as she pocketed the money and walked to stand at the opposite end of the bar.
“Is this seat taken?” you asked as you walked up to the bar cautiously. You knew to be wary of strangers even if just looking at them did make your panties melt.
“No. Be my guest,” he said as he looked up at you, and you froze. His eyes were the most beautiful that you had ever seen. They reminded you of a sparkling ocean or the sky on a clear day. You snapped yourself out of it quickly though and sat next to the man.
“You know that was a lot of money to throw down just for a couple more drinks.”
“It’s not a problem for me.”
“Oh,” you said softly. “I’m Y/N.”
“Pretty name. I’m Ransom,” he said as he shook the hand you had proffered. “What’s a girl like you doing in a bar like this?” he asked as he glanced emphatically at their surroundings.
“You don’t want to hear about a stranger’s personal problems.”
“Sure I do,” he said with a friendly smile.
“I broke up with my boyfriend tonight, and he kicked me out.’
“Bartender!” Ransom called out to where she stood wiping the countertop at the opposite end of the bar. “Two shots of tequila please.”
“Woah!” you chuckled. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“And what if I am?”
“I might just let you,” you said with a smile.
He had gotten you into bed that night, and after a brief talk the next morning, you had been together ever since. That was a year ago. Your entire love had felt so easy and free.
Now, it was the night of Harlan’s birthday party, and it was your first time meeting Ransom’s family.
“I’m scared, Ransom,” you whispered as the two of you approached the door of Harlan’s manor.
“Don’t be.”
“But everything that you said…”
“Is an exaggerated tale of my own feelings about my family. You’re not me which means that they’ll already like you a hell of a lot more than they like me,” Ransom replied as he stopped and wrapped his arms around you.
“I love you,” you murmured into his chest.
“I love you too, Y/N”
With that, the two of you reached the door and with more than a little hesitation, Ransom reached up and knocked on the heavy door.
It was two hours later, and you could finally see what Ransom had been talking about. His tales weren’t exaggerated. His family was just as bad as he had said, but they loved you. Linda and Richard spent the entire night fawning over you, and the rest of the family had been relatively polite to you even if they weren’t to each other.
Ransom had been keeping a protective watch over you all night. He hadn’t let you out of his sight until his grandfather had called him into his study. Against all of your expectations, he exited the room 20 minutes later positively ecstatic.
Ransom wrapped you up in a huge hug, spun you around and kissed you passionately.
“I love you so much,” he whispered into your ear, and then he attempted to coax you upstairs with his wicked ideas, but Harlan’s nurse Marta interrupted you.
“Excuse me, Miss Y/L/N. Harlan would like to see you in his study,” she said.
“Oh, did he say what it was about?” you asked, thoroughly confused as to what Harlan could possibly want with you.
“No, just that it would please him very much to talk to you.”
“Ok, I’ll be right back,” you replied as you kissed Ransom on the cheek before disappearing into Harlan’s study.
“Miss Y/L/N, please close the door behind you,” he said as you entered.
“Of course. What did you want to talk to me about?”
“How long have you been dating my grandson?’
“A year exactly. Actually, tonight is our anniversary,” you answered.
“That’s what I was worried about.”
You were confused by that but you didn’t say anything.
“Do you know why I called my grandson in here tonight?” Harlan asked you with a look of pity.
“No,” you said with a cautious tone.
“A year ago, I gave him an ultimatum. I told him to get serious about his life and settle down with a girl, or I would cut him off. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Yes. I believe I do,” you said with your eyes watering. “Thank you, Harlan,”
You stood and rushed out of the house as fast as you could before you realized that Ransom was your ride. In the distance, you spotted a gazebo, and you figured that was as good a place to call an Uber from as anywhere.
… *Ransom’s POV*...
Ransom watched you run out of the party with considerable confusion. He followed after you and watched as you ran to the gazebo.
“Y/N,” he called out as he approached the gazebo slowly.
“Go away, Ransom.”
“What?” he asked in disbelief.
“It’s over.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Harlan told me about the ultimatum!” you spat in his direction as you turned to face him.
“Shit,” Ransom muttered.
“Is that all you have to say for yourself?”
“No! You don’t understand! I was desperate. I had never lived without his money before, so when I met you, it seemed so perfect.
Yeah, I admit it. I was just going to keep you around until tonight and then dump you and claim that things ‘hadn’t worked out’, but then I got to know yo-“
“No, save it! Just tell me; was any of it real?”
“Yes. Of course this is real! We’re real! I love you!”
“That’s what you always say to me. Well, this time it isn’t enough. I’m calling an Uber. Don’t come home tonight; I’ll be moved out by the morning.”
“Was this just a game to you? Were we just a game to you?”
“No. I loved you then, and I love you now. I’m sorry.”
“That is what everyone says. Everyone who has ever disappointed me, they’ve always said sorry, and I’m sick of it. I’m done with crappy guys like you. I thought that I had found the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with, somebody different, but you’re just the same as every other douchey guy out there and you’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise. No matter how much money or class you have, you are still a disappointment because some things, money can’t buy. Leave, Ransom, I don’t ever want to see you again.”
“Don’t say that,Y/N. Please don’t leave me,” Ransom pleaded with you as his eyes filled with tears.
“You already made my decision when you decided to use me, Ransom. It’s over.”
“Don’t do th-“
“My Uber’s here,” you said, cutting him off.
He watched you walk away into the darkness towards a silver freaking Prius, knowing that he had lost the best thing that had ever happened to him.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Hopefully this is the last part of Arc 2😅
We pick up with Tibe, Elara, and Rhian walking towards the royal quarters, Rhian asking his questons, as requested, beginning with how their journey was and if they found the school easy enough.
Tibe admits while the skeleton bird was jarring and they could've done without the storms, but everything was manageable.
Rhian's glad to hear that, and asks if the children will be alright(he's been a teacher/school master for nearly two centuries, and the SGE cast is 16 years old, so if a person is below 21, they're a child, in Rhian's eyes.) and Elara answers for Tibe that, yes, they will be fine before politely inquiring about having a room seperate from her husband.
Rhian sort of wallows at how almost every royal couple he meets hate each other.
He the asks if the two have seen or learned from a magician in recent memory, to which they confusedly answer no.
Rhian's only asking because he knows a trick when he sees one, a slight of hand, if you will, which he demonstrates by making a card 'disappear' and 'reappear' in his hand, though he reveals he's just moving the card while holding it between his fingers.
Tibe asks what he's talking about and Rhian chuckles and continues to lead them to their room, stating that, having been around girls for a century or so, maybe half, he also knows a perfectly baked cake when he sees one.
Here, we cut/transition to Mare as she enters her room, a couple maids setting things up like blankets and clothes, until she asks that they leave and get some test, as they must be exhausted from the trip.
They shakily agree and leave.
Mare looks around the room and sort of cringes at the horrendous amount of fluorescent pink the decorates the room, like the bed sheets and the pillows, before groaning as she sits down. Maybe we even get a gag of her falling into the bed, like the mattress sort of pulls her in and she sinks into the middle of it. With the maids gone, Mare only groans and tries not to give up on life. "Perfect."
With the SGE crew, more specifically Sophie and Agatha, Sophie pushes and slips through the crowd of students as they return to their dorms after classes(they'll get in HUGE trouble, if they're caught bothering the Silvers, and even get moved down a rank), Agatha on her tail and calling for her to stop and just go to class. Sophie shouts back to, "go hang out with Kiki," and continues on her way(Really wonder where she's going?).
Agatha follows her anyway, until Sophie mogrifs herself into a lovebird and shouts, "Prince Tiberias the Seventh, wait for me!"
Agatha watches, completely appalled and then looks up at the tower where the female Silver children are residing, about a long hallway away from each other. Mareena's got to be in one of those rooms. She looks for any wolves lurking, or other students, and mogrifs into a mouse to sneak to the doorway before she turns back to a human and climbs up the steps. I'll just knock first. If she doesn't want to see anyone, I'll leave. That's not me bothering her, it can't be me bothering her, if I give her space.
Speaking of Mare, she rolls onto her front and sits down cross legged, hair a little messy. Her makeup's safe, though, don't worry. "I hate this place," she grumbles.
Give her some slack, she's been trapped on a boat with Book 1!Evangeline for a week, has a really bad paper cut, and just wrestled a bed that basically tried to eat her.
It doesn't help when a knock on the door interrupts her from checking on said paper cut, right as she removes the bandage. Mare panics, hastily puts on her gloves, and tells the person on the other side of the door to come in.
EXPECTATION SUBVERSION! Cal's there to check on her. Mare welcomes him in.
Cal looks around her room and comments on it, and Mare threatens to throw her shoe at him; if he wants to act like a little shit right now, she'll gladly beat him like one, consequences be damned.
They check in and touch base, making sure they're okay, and just letting each other know that despite the color of their blood, they're in this together, him, Mare, and Maven. Mare sighs that Cal and Maven at least have their family with them, as Mare's is still in Norta, thinking she's in the palace.
Cal holds her hand and promises that this trip will be over and she'll see her family again before she knows it. Mare asks how he lnows and how that can even happen, recalling the hair's width close call from the last time she visited her family. Cal's grip on her hand tightens and he forces a chuckle, admitting that if either he and/or Maven found a way before, they can do it again.
It soothes Mare and gets her smiling, which gives Cal the okay to give her space and let her settle into her girly new room, joking that maybe it will rub off on her and he might be able to see a more feminine side to her.
She hurls her shoe at him as hard as she can right as he leaves, the two snickering, Mare despite herself and Cal for a job well done.
As Cal leaves, though, his smile drops at the realization that he has no idea how the hell he's helping her see her family again without getting caught. As much as he knows the rules, he knows Mare's heart, and, having the same problem as her, can't keep his mind and heart seperated.
Lost in his thoughts, he runs into Agatha on the stairs, who asks where Mare is. Funny, he just left her room, which is the second door on the left hand side.
As he leaves and Agatha contemplates her choice, we cut to Sophie as she pants and perches on the window to Cal's room; she's totally right here, she's at the right room. Her logic is perfectly sound here, she's in the right place.
She turns back into herself and does a quick hair fluff and even pinches some color into her cheeks before knocking on the window, maybe a little too hard because it swings open, just for me, she thinks.
Sophie struts in, announcing herself to the crown prince, proud as a peacock...
Only to scare the hell out of a shiryless Maven; he was cleaning himself off a little and was about to change his clothes when she interrupted him.
He asks what she's doing in his room, and Sophie asks if he's Cal, semi-hoping that this is just someone else because Maven looks nothing like a general or a future king.
No. He's not Cal. He's Cal's brother. Sophie kind of feigns ignorance, and Maven gives his name and the fact that she wrote to him. Still doesn't ring any bells, until he brings up the fact that she thinks she's in the wrong school.
"Oh! You ARE Maven!" Sophie gasps, before asking where his brother is.
Maven, realizing he's stuck with this brat, turns to finish changing, i.e. putting on a shirt, and explains that Cal actually left a couple minutes ago and, knowing him, won't sit still on his first day here, so he'll most likely being wandering the school. Sophie groans, and sits on the edge of his bed, and complains that she's tired from using her magic to fly over to meet him, before asking Maven if she can stay and wait for him to come back.
Maven, thinking quickly, admits she'd have a better chance if she just walked around. Cal's 6'3", pale as hell, and wearing black, red, and silver, so he's damn near impossible to miss.
Sophie huffs and agrees, leaving to go meet her new prince, bidding Maven a pizzazz-y farewell.
Maven rolls his eyes and finishes putting on his shirt and coat before falling back on his bed, groaning at the fact they might be here for a little while. Maybe more.
Time to check back in with Mare, who's examining that really bad paper cut when she gets another knock on her door. She answers it and finds Agatha standing at the door, greeting her politely and suddenly noticing her hand.
"You're bleeding!"
The two rush inside Mare's room, Mare panicking and trying to cover the cut herself, but Agatha helping because she's not good, she's great.
THIS is the bomb drop that Mare's not Silver, and it confuses and surprises the hell out of Agatha, who had it drilled in her head that only Silvers have power in Norta.
With little options, the two sit down on the bed and Mare gets to explaining.
It's been a while since we've checked on Cal, so lets do that: he's actually found his way to the boy's Groom Room and sees them training. The weapons are all wood swords, so no one's terribly injured, and anyone not sword fighting is throwing hammers, climbing ropes, or running or swimming some laps.
There are girls watching, all taking turns peeking out from behind a wall to spot Cal unintentionally being a general and mentally noting each boy's strengths and weaknesses, especially the one they're all trying to beat, Tedros, who's holding his own really well.
Speaking of Tedros, he notices Cal watching and gestures for him to come in.
Cal's already in more casual clothes, save for his coat, and complies, meeting the Everboys, who ask, kind of sheepishly how they did, as Cal is sort of a General and knows a lot a bout combat.
He has to admit, as politely as possible, that while they're all skilled, they would all get demolished in a real fight.
Tedros, the dumbass, asks what that means, as they can use magic.
Cal agrees that magic might be able to help them, but what if they wear themselves out and can't use magic?
Tedros, not listening and thinking unwisely, challenges Cal, just to prove his point. Cal agrees and hangs up his coat, one of the boys giving him a sword, one Cal sized(the 6'3" son of a bitch), and the two stand off before the fight begins, Cal telling Tedros to give it everything he's got while Cal will go easy on him.
Tedros goads him that he can take whatever, but Cal affirms that if HE gave his 100%, Tedros would probably die.
Enough talk, someone ring the bell, because THE FIGHT STARTS NOW!!!
Tedros DOES give his best, but Cal is a general. He either disarms Tedros or knocks him down and mock kills him.
After a while, they go at it again, Tedros doing better, and Cal tells him he'll go a little harder, so he knows that Cal can wipe the floor with him. He doesn't get hurt, but he gets the point.
Another rule Cal makes clear: There is no such thing as a fair fight.
He holds a hand out to Tedros, who's tired and bruused from having his ass handed to him, commenting that he's pretty good.
Tedros accepts with a smile on his face, blocking a swing and showing Cal he's already picking up on what he's teaching him, inadvertently.
It's official: The boys want Cal as their new teacher, because his technique is better than what they've been learning.
Cal can only fight the urge to laugh, seeing how enthusiastic they all are.
Back with Mare and Agatha, who are now sitting cross legged across from each other on the bed, where Agatha asks Mare if she's being serious.
She is, which she demonstrates by holding her cut hand and showing a little lightning. She's Red, she's got powers, and if anyone finds out, it's her and her family's heads on the King's platter.
This hits Agatha right in the gut, even when she asks Mare how Reds are REALLY treated, recounting how the students all believe the Silvers and the Reds are all equals, the Reds only picking up the slack of what the Silvers are unable to do.
Mare sets that vision straight: Reds and Silvers are not equal to each other. As the saying goes, in terms of power, 'What is a King to a God?' Or better yet, what is a farmer to a god? The cherry on top? If you're Red and don't have a job of any kind, have fun dying in a trench while fighting in a war that isn't even yours.
Agatha is at a loss for words, only knowing being ostracized and bullied. Out of words, Agatha offers her confidence, that she won't tell anyone what Mare told her. While Mare's glad for it, she still warns Agatha to stay as far away from Elara as possible, as Elara can and will read her mind. And there will be HELL to pay, if she finds out.
Agatha obviously agrees.
That's when shouting gets their attention, and some clattering, which leads leads them to the Boy's Groom Room; how'd the sound get that far? Vibration. And the vents. And Sophie passed by.
They look inside to see Cal and Tedros at it again with the boys cheering them on. This time they're hand to hand fighting and Tedros is locked in a chokehold as Cal tells him to tap out. Tedros only elbows him and they stand, which begins Round 5 of their fight. Yes, Tedros is shirtless, as Book 1 Tedros is gun' do. Cal is as well, because he got hot, but don't worry he shaved(appearances matter, even when it's something you think no one's going to see).
Turns out Sophie screamed because she's a blushing, squealing mess; Cal is far more than what she dreamed of, and it's killing her. Mare can't exactly blame her for staring, upon seeing how fit Cal is and seeing hiw many scars he has, a very unpleasant reminder of what he is and what he's been trained to be.
Agatha asks about wanting Tedros as her prince, out of confusion and a joke, and Sophie admits that she'll get him back because he'll get jealous. Boys fight each other a lot more when a girl's love is at stake.
Mare contradicts that notion by reminding them, and herself, that Cal's betrothed to Evangeline, and she has the teeth of a doberman; once she latches on to something, have fun trying to get her to let go. Sophie waves her off, bragging she can change his mind in 5 minutes. She just needs time with him alone in a broom closet. Mare and Agatha roll their eyes at this.
With the boys, Tedros spots the girls and inwardly groans at the sight of Sophie, which gives Cal the opening to yank his hair and bring him back to the fight; if he gets distracted, he's going to get himself killed. Tedros brushes it off and jerks his head to the girls, saying they have an audience.
Cal notices Sophie and has a moment of, 'Not this shit again,' when she giggles and waves at him, blushing pure red.
Here is where Tedros warns Cal to keep his distance from Sophie, though it's more serious than Ball Banter. Cal asks if she's his girl, and Tedros admits that she isn't, she's just bad luck and a pure snake. Cal admits that that's a little harsh and asks what she did to deserve getting the Prince of Camelot's cold shoulder as the two trade more harmless hits with each other. She didn't do anything, except lie to him about loving him, use him, and leave him to fend for himslef and die in a Trial by Tale, where Evers and Nevers fight to see who would survive a REAL fairytale. And she's a lunatic, sneaking into Tedros's drawers while he was training at night and trying to put him under a love spell.
Yeah, while he doesn't agree with the snake comment, Cal understands why he should avoid Sophie. He doesn't know how love spells work, but he'd rather not find out.
Just as they're about to go at it again, Professor Dovey shrills at the boys to stop harrassing the Crown Prince, from her place behind the girls.
As he puts his shirt and coat back on and leaves, Cal explains that he saw them training and noticed they could use a few pointers, which led to him getting a little carried away.
Dovey politely tells him that while his advuce is good, he should leave teaching to the professors, just to be in the safe side and no one gets hurt.
He agrees, much to the boys' dismay, and mentally kicks himself for leaving when he sees Sophie in front of him and introducung herself. Granted, he gives her the benefit of the doubt and is as gentlemanly as he can be, thinking, Maybe she isn't that bad, but that hope is shot down when Agatha tries introducing herself and Sophie slips in front of her so Cal can't see her.
Okay, maybe she is that bad.
Good thing Maven inadvertently saves the day as he stumbles into the hallway, getting laughed at and chewed on by fairies, who also take to pulling on his hair to piss him off.
Dovey shouts at them all the leave him alone, which they do, and apologizes to Maven for their behavior. He tells her not to worry, because he's had worse happen, giving a pointed glare to Cal, who semi-jokes he should really watch his back because the Everboys mean nothing but business and will attack on sight.
Dovey waves off this notion as she leads them on an official tour of the school, and explains that the schools have rules to seperate and connect Good and Evil, rules like Evil attacks other people while Good defends them, Evil takes advantage and Good gives opportunity, rules like that. (Sophie and Agatha stay behind, Sophie almost fainting at how much of a dream come true Cal is, even though he's a little awkward. She wonders if he was just stunned by her beauty, but Agatha hides her face in her hands and groans.) Maven comments that that's a very black and white way of thinking, but Dovey assures him it's the way of the school, and the rules and fairytales actually have loopholes. The girl who thwarted Rumplestiltskin did so by tricking him, by using guards she had hired to get his name, Rapunzel was born out of theft, in the original Cinderella, Cindy killed her stepmother. Vice versa, the witch that stole Rapunzel NEVER had to allow Rapunzel's father to keep stealing from her garden, Rumplestiltskin NEVER had to agree to help the girl, there are more examples, but I can't think of any.
Just know that there's some evil in good and there's some good in evil.
Cal asks if the other High House children should join them and Dovey admits she wanted to fetch them for the tour, but didn't want to bother them.
Mare's turn to ask a question, and it's one that's been bothering her: Why fairytales? And why have one guy rule over both Good and Evil, when there should one one leader for each side.
Dovey answers that by explaining the story of the School Master and his brother, a very similar story for SGE fans, but with a change: after the war, the stories continued to end with Evil ending every other time, rather than Good hogging all the glory. There were times Good won more, but that would be solved when Evil won certain times in a row and things got back on track.
Cal asks how such a thing is possible, because he's more than certain there's things maguc still can't do. Dovey points to a painting of the Storian, which the two brothers are fighting over.
Maven asks that all the fighting was over a pen, and Dovey tells him not to be decieved, because there's always more to see beneath the surface, which is said as a voice over as Tedros and Agatha race outside in time to see a group of fairies toss Sophie into the clearing outside of Good, snickering as she flails to a sitting position and glaring at them for ruining her dress.
While Sophie shouts at the fairies and then greets Agatha and Tedros with some degree of sass, Agatha scolds Sophie, saying she shouldn't have rushed in to greet Cal like a crazy person, but Sophie defends herself by saying she HAD thought about waiting, but noticed Beatrix and the others giggling and staring at him and panicked, because she didn't want them to steal her prince away from her again.
Tedros barks that he was never her prince and Cal is not her prince either because HE'S BETROTHED TO EVANGELINE. Sophie huffs and states she can change his mind easily, but stops when she hears a male laugh and tell her that she can try all she wants, but, knowing Evangeline, Sophie will end up being a wedding present to Cal, specifically as a mantel ornament.
Sophie deflates at that, and Tedros asks who the male is, noting his pale skin and armor. Lucas introduces himself and tells children not to worry about Evangeline, because she'll be doing one of four things on this trip: clinging to Cal, picking on Mare with her friends, hanging out with Elane, or bitching to her brother while they train.
Agatha sighs that Silvers train a lot for royals, and Lucas agrees, but that's because they have to. Where they're from, there's a war going on. Coming to the SGE wasa risk, and hopefully they don't stay long because Norta's extremely vulnerable right now.
Tedros asks what it's like, the war, which makes Agatha gulp as she remembers her conversation with Mare, and Lucas gives them all a look of, 'you're way too young to be talkimg about this,' before giving them a rundown on the war: the Lakelands have more farms and access to food, but Norta has more crop-friendly conditions and fertile ground and energy for power. Sophie asks they have enough power with Tibe on the throne and the High Houses backing him. Lucas corrects himself by explaining that Norta has electricity, enough for Silvers and Reds, and the Lakelanders want some of that power.
Tedros asks why they can't just give each other what they want and Lucas admits that of things were that easy, it would be the case, but things are never easy.
The trio remain silent for a little while, which prompts Lucas to take his leave, but Agatha has one more question, a couple small ones, and then one big one:
Is electricity stronger than what the School uses(candles for light, winds for ships, etc.)? Yes.
And the Nortans traveled by ship to the School? Yes.
And the ship was powered by this electricity? The engine was, but yes.
Million dollar question: If the Nortans came to the Woods, can ths students go to Norta, or anywhere else using this electric-powered ship?
Sophie gapes at her and Tedros gives her a look of pure hurt, but Lucas contemplates that, answering with a solid maybe before asking where she'd go, if she had her own ship?
With a glance at a fuming Sophie and a crestfallen Tedros, Agatha begins to answer, right as Dovey passes with Cal, Maven, and Mare following.
Too bad something bursts out of the trees and barrels toward Sophie, eyes blood red, body decayed and soaked with sludgy water, roaring like a wild animal, and armed with an axe.
Yeah, The Beast is back, and he's not happy with Sophie killing him.
Cal, Tedros, and Lucas jump right into action, Lucas using his armor to knock Beast away as Cal and Tedros race to stop him; the only one whi recognizes him is Sophie, so Tedros is acting solely on instinct here.
There's tussling, Tedros getting thrown to the ground and Cal getting cut by the axe, and Maven saving his brother, because he's a one way track.
Lucas neutralizes The Beast by chaining him up, but the bastard breaks free and knocks him aside, giving him a concussion.
With a quick, 'What's wrong with me?' Mare joins in, shooting lightning at him. It works, kind of, but gets a gold spell shot at him by Agtha for almost hitting back.
With their powers combined, and Sophie cheering them on, they take The Beast down, red mist leaving his body and curling away into the sky.
Mare and Agatha sigh and check on each other as Tedros, Cal, and Maven all exchange 'good jobs' and some high fives, which Maven accepts with a heavy conscience.
They all stop when they're interrupted by Elara racing to Maven and hugging him close, too worried to notice the 'OH SHIT' faces Mare and Agatha exchange.
Rhian and Tibe join her and ask what the hell happened, Rhian telling them to explain it to him in his tower, away from any eavesdroppers.
They do so, Tedros semi-fanboying to Agatha that he can't believe she was right, and Sophie staying behind to give The Beast one last nervois glance before catching up, not wanting to be alone if/when The Beast wakes up.
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kawaiichibiart · 3 years
I considered it. And fuck it.
Little Mermaid AU. One-sided Yueka and endgame Sukka. The 100 year war ended early, though I'm considering making it a no war AU, in which case, things will be revised to fit.
And no, this isn't based off Disney's The Little Mermaid, Disney's The Little Mermaid can go suck an ass.
The Little Mermaid - Yue
The Prince - Sokka
The Princess - Suki
The sea witch - Zhao
Let's start this off with one thing. Yue will die. If you've read the original story of the Little Mermaid, you know she died.
Yue is the daughter of the Chief of the NWT, a tribe of merfolk who live, well, in the North. Unlike the SWT, where everyone was fully human.
Yue had never once gone to the surface, but on her 18th birthday, she was deemed ready to go. And so, she was prepared.
Going to the surface was a grand occasion for them, as they spent their entire lives underwater.
It was nighttime by the time she was ready. And so, in the dead of the night, she went up to surface. The moon was full and a ship was nearby that she could see it, but not nearby enough that anyone on it could see her.
Yue decides that she wants a closer look and swims over, keeping under the water as to be undetected.
It's then that she sees a young man, not much older than she should be, on the ship. He's smiling and laughing. A young girl pulls him by the arm into a dance of sorts. The two are laughing and enjoying themselves. And Yue yearns for that.
She's an only child.
She doesn't have many friends.
And then, the storm hits. And Yue watches as everyone on board runs for the smaller boats attached to the larger ship.
She watches as the younger girl is put into a boat and held back as she screams for the boy.
She watches as he tries to make his way over, only to be thrown over board by a loose pole.
The girl and two men scream the boy's name, Sokka, and the girl holds her hands out.
She's a bender.
But the SWT had no other benders. She didn't have the training. She was trying to use her bending to get the boy out, but she was struggling.
And Yue went under the water, looking around. She could still hear the young girl scream, crying for Tui and La to save the boy, her brother.
And she sees him. His eyes closed and he seems suspended.
She swam over, grabbed him, and pulled him to the surface.
Both tribes enjoyed their travels, and often time, when merfolk were to go to the surface, they would head the island of Kyoshi before returning to the North Pole. Yue heard of the greens of the island, of the legendary Unagi. She heard of the Kyoshi warriors.
And the island was close enough that she could get Sokka there. He would be found and helped and he could send word to his sister that he was okay.
It's nearly dawn by the time she gets to Kyoshi Island. But she gets there and drags Sokka onto the sand and leaves him there. She hides nearby as she sees a young group of girls walking over. One of them spots Sokka and runs over. She's looking over him, and Yue can't hear her, but some of the other girls run off, likely to get help.
And then, he starts to move. Yue watches as the girl helps him up and she and the rest of her group lead him away.
Needless to say, her father isn't happy to hear of this. Even if he was from a Water Tribe. Tui and La must of meant for him to fall overboard.
But Yue can't stop thinking about him. She wanted to know more about Sokka. To have a life on the surface. To see the moon without risking being seen and fearing for her life.
And one day, she meets the Sea Witch, Zhao.
Zhao, who was once an Admiral of the Fire Nation. Dragged into the sea where he was turned into a spirit. He would grant anyone a wish for a price.
She heard that he did it because he was eager to take and to take. That he had tried to kill his own Prince while he was at sea.
She heard that he tried to kill the moon spirit, but someone stopped him. Some say it was the very Prince he tried to kill, some say it was a young airbender. And some say it was La himself.
Either way, Zhao was punished to spend his life underwater, his inner fire struggling.
And knowing the risks, she went to him anyways, and asked him to grant her one wish. To make her human.
And he did, at the price of not just her voice, but her life.
It would be a painful experience, but if she could get Sokka to fall in love with her, she would remain a human. But if he fell for someone else, she would turn into seafoam. In other words, she would die. She had no time limit. Just to make Sokka fall in love with her.
And she accepted his terms.
And she felt it. She felt excruciating pain and swam to the surface. She's struggling to stay up.
And she hears someone call out. She's not sure who, but eventually, a rope is thrown to her. She grabs it and is pulled onto a ship, a blanket thrown over her. Her coughs are silent and she looks up.
He's here.
Sokka is here.
And he's asking if she's okay. She opens her mouth to reply, before remembering and nodding. He seems quick to realize and asks if she can speak, and she shakes her head. He then tells her not to worry, that his sister, Katara, might be able to help. She was a healer after all.
And in the mean time, she could stay with them. They were headed to the Fire Nation. Her surprise must of been obvious, because Sokka laughs and waves it off. Something about a peace treaty being offered by the current leader.
Last Yue heard, Firelord Ozai was a tyrant. Why would he want peace?
But it meant she could spend time with Sokka.
She spends time with both siblings. Katara was unable to help her with her voice, and writing wasn't too common in the NWT, at least, not with ink.
Katara summed it up to some memory loss. Likely a result of whatever lead her to be in the middle of the ocean. And so, she teaches her.
That's how they learn her name.
It's nice to hear them say her name. Both usually filled with joy. She wasn't lonely anymore.
Katara gave her some of her clothes, something Yue was grateful since she didn't have any of her own.
Weeks went by by the time they got to the Fire Nation, where they were welcomed not by Firelord Ozai, but by Firelady Ursa.
Ozai was nowhere in sight.
When asked by the chief, Firelady Ursa said her husband has passed not too long ago, and she decided to take up the throne until her son was old enough. He was technically already crowned Firelord, but he was only 16, and she refused to let him rule a nation while he was still a child.
So, while Ursa lead the men to a meeting room, she asked a servant to take her, Sokka and Katara to the gardens. It was likely there that her son would be. They could keep each other company.
And he was. Katara was the one to speak up first and the Prince stammered as he greeted them. His name was Zuko and Yue found him a bit endearing. He had a scar on his face and he gave her a soft smile when Katara told him she couldn't speak. He admitted he was partially blind and deaf on his scarred side and that he suffered from tremors due to being struck with lightning by his father.
He said it so casually, but it was shocking. How was he alive?
He also warned them about his sister, Azula. He loved her, don't be mistaken, but she got...protective of him after he was struck by lightning. He believed it was due to him constantly being the one to try and protect her, and she wanted to show him that she could protect him and didn't need him to protect her. That she was stronger, and he was weaker, so it was clear who protected who.
Yue stays away from Azula when she's near. She's actually pretty scary.
The Peace Treaty seems to be going well, as members of the Earth Kingdom arrive. And so does an airbender named Aang.
Yue smiled, remembering her first night at the ship. It felt like it here. Men and women talking while children laughed and ran around.
She spotted Azula with two girls.
She saw Aang and Katara dancing together.
She even saw a small girl in green go up to Zuko and punch him. She thought Zuko would get mad, but he laughed and punched her back. She didn't say anything as the two snuck out.
She would later learn her name was Toph Beifong, and she and Zuko were siblings no matter what anyone else said.
Things seemed to go well, she was enjoying herself. And then, Sokka walked over with another girl.
The girl from Kyoshi Island. And he introduced her as the one who saved him.
Her name was Suki.
And she insisted that all she did was find him on the beach and got him medical help. Anyone would of done that.
But he insists that he opened his eyes and saw her, his saviour.
And how he could never forget the girl who not only saved his life, but taught him to respect women and to be a better person.
He loved her. Sokka loved Suki.
And Yue was heartbroken.
Because as much as she said it was nothing, clearly, Suki loved Sokka as well.
The day comes that they have to leave the Fire Nation.
But before they do, Sokka presents Suki with a betrothal necklace. He tells her that it isn't really a tradition in the SWT, but moreso a family tradition. His grandmother started it.
He didn't know it, but Yue heard stories. Of a young mermaid who asked to be human in order to escape. And she was turned into a human.
Only the NWT gave betrothal necklaces.
And she could only hold back her grief as Sokka tied the necklace around Suki's neck.
The two were happy. Congratulations were given to the couple.
That night, while everyone is asleep, Yue stays on deck.
They were headed back to Kyoshi Island, where they would restock before going South.
The moon was bright but brought little comfort to her.
And she heard her name being called. She spotted one of the few friends she had from the NWT.
Her hair was cropped and her arms were burned, but in her hand was a knife.
She had gone to Zhao as well.
She wanted her best friend back.
And in order for that to happen, he had to break their contract. So, he gave her a knife to give to Yue. And Yue was to kill Sokka and have his blood spilt onto her, she would become a mermaid again and no longer have to worry. A wave brings the knife to her. And she looks at it, contemplating.
When she gets to Sokka's and Suki's room, she sees them hugging each other in their sleep.
And she can't do it.
So she runs.
She runs and she runs, ignoring anyone who calls out to her.
She throws the knife into the ocean, where it dissolves, before throwing herself over.
She's sinking, but all she can think of is how she finally felt happy.
She began to turn into foam, when a voice called out to her.
Yue had been given a chance to chase happiness, to chase a life not her own, and to give her life, so the one person she loved could be happy.
And so, Tui came with an offer.
For Yue to become the Moon Spirit.
She would have to work for it.
But it meant she wouldn't just become seafoam. She would be able to watch over them. Over him.
And closing her eyes, she accepted it.
If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything, when on the night of Sokka's and Suki's wedding, the moon shone brighter.
Some side notes:
1. As much as I like Iroh taking the throne, I wanted Ursa to be the one to take charge of the Fire Nation. She has a better relationship with her kids, and under her disguise of Noriko during her banishment, she wrote to her children.
It's when Azula writes to her telling that Ozai hurt Zuko, that she returns.
She returns to her second eldest hiding in her room. She returns to find her only son locked away, like a criminal. She returns to a man who refuses to let his son heal.
A man who tells his son he was lucky he was just in prison and not dead or banished.
And she is furious. So, she kills him and takes over.
2. I guess, in a way, Azula has a redemption arc? She cares about Zuko, but she honestly does get really protective of him. Especially after what Ozai did to him.
3. Toph Beifong and Zuko are siblings. Nothing else need be said.
4. In the original Little Mermaid story, the mermaid wishes to be a human to get a soul in order to go to heaven. I had it so Yue would gain true happiness. However, due to the nature of her contract with Zhao, she was putting her happiness against Sokka's.
5. The original story has Catholic tones to it, what with God and Heaven and souls going to Heaven and all that jazz. Because this is meant to be an AU for ATLA, I did my best to change things, but chances are I forgot something or will forget something. Rather than have no soul, I thought Yue becoming seafoam would be more of a, she would be never be at peace sort of thing. She would never be reunited with her family or friends when she died.
6. Yue was not born with the moon's blessing. She earned that when she decided Sokka's happiness meant more to her, than her own. She chose to die if it meant he was alive and happy.
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chocochar · 4 years
ᴍɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ? | ᴅᴀʙɪ/ᴛᴏᴜʏᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ᴘᴀʀᴛ 4: ʙᴏɴᴅɪɴɢ
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Valentine’s Special | Part 6: TBA
(AN: So part 4, yay! I'm going to be 100% honest, didn't think this was going to even reach this point, like if it wasn't for the lovely readers and comments I don't think it would've been continued, so I'm happy, thank you readers (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ 
This one may not be as long as the previous parts since it's going to have some father son bonding, kind of fluff with Dabi and Kaoru but part 5 will be longer with what's planned. Also the writing I feel will be kinda weird at first, since it'll be through Kaoru's POV so I was trying to have the mindset of a 10 year old, kinda?? (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ 
So let's hop in, yeah?)
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[Kaoru's POV]
        I was really surprised when I woke up early this morning and went out to get breakfast. Mom was already awake and getting ready in her room to go to work, and since I have the day off I decided to make breakfast for us both, which I do when I'm off but she still has to go in. After last night I've been worried, well, actually since I saw dad the day before, but seeing mom cry I didn't know what to do. I just stood in place and it felt like my legs got really heavy. I don't like to see mom cry or get stressed, so I wanna do my best to be good and help her!
        Heading to the living room I almost missed dad sleeping on the couch, until I heard the blankets shift and his black hair sticking out which looked even more messy. I froze, eyes wide; trying to be quiet I tip toed over to him and peeked over the arm of the couch. The blanket covered most of him and was raised up to his chin, his eyes were still closed and he didn't look ready to wake up yet. I was still shocked, thinking,'Mom let him stay the night?! Sh-Should I wake him up and see if he's hungry? Or would he be mad if I did that?' 
        I stood there for a few minutes deciding on what to do before shakily making my decision by poking his cheek. Nothing. With a little more confidence I did it again, this time dad sniffs and shifts, my hand pulling back when I jump. 'He's not that scary... Well, he is... C'mon Kaoru, just wake him up and ask him if he wants breakfast!!'
        After the small pep talk in my head I look down to poke him again before freezing up, his eyes open and looking tiredly up at me. I can't tell if he's annoyed or not (dangit, I should've just left him alone!) but his voice doesn't sound like it when he asks,"What is it, Kaoru?"
        "Uh, well, sorry about waking you up so early, but I was wondering if, um, you'd like some breakfast? I was gonna start on omurice for me and mom, want some too?" I ask, fidgeting with my shirt. He blinks, before picking up his phone to check the time I think, before shrugging as he starts to get up.
        "Sure," is all he says, sitting up and scratching his head still looking at his phone. Nodding I hurry to the kitchen to start on food.
        Luckily I finish mom's as she comes out of her room in uniform and I hand her her plate and fork along with a glass of juice.
        "Ah Kaoru, you know you don't have to do this," she smiles, glancing at dad who's looking up from his phone at her. "Good morning," she says, smiling at him.
        "Morning," he yawns, stretching. I catch the way her cheeks turn pink and she steps around me to go eat in the kitchen.
        "I don't want you going to work on an empty stomach, that's not good for an officer," I say, checking dad's which is just about done. Dishing his up I start on mine and watch as mom gulps hers down once she sees the time. She's done faster than I expected and I follow her out to the living room where she stops to talk to dad before she goes.
        "I've got to work today, otherwise... Anyways, are you planning to leave after breakfast or...?" She asks, dad shrugging after locking his phone. It looked like he was texting someone, but I wouldn't know who.
        "Looking to kick me out, already? Even though you offered me the couch last night?" He turns to look at her, I think teasing her, and mom shakes her head with a sigh.
        "No, I was just wondering because... Well, while I'm at work I was going to ask if you'd like to stay and hang out with Kaoru," she says, crossing her arms. My eyes light up although I'm surprised too, but dad looks at me before back to mom and nods. He's really, uh... nonchalant? I think it's kind of cool.
        "Beats my plans today, plus I've gotta get to know my 'mini me' right?" he replies, his nickname for me sounding better than the 'chibi' one Natsu-oji and Rina-oba call me. I hate that one, but I don't try to stop them when they call me it. When he looks at me again I smile and nod eagerly, but I try to reel it in. Gotta be cool like dad! I can't seem too excited, so I nod more slowly. I don't know if he caught it or not, but he turns back to mom.
        "Okay, well, good, I'll be back around 4 then," she replies, getting ready to leave.
        "Okay, go play hero," he says, and mom narrows her eyes at him before she walks back over to him and pinches the good skin on dad's cheek. He looks at her with his eyes widening slightly touching his cheek, while I watch both not expecting mom to do that and dad to look so surprised. 
        "Next time I'll go for the ear," she tells him with a smile, I think she's teasing him, but dad returns to his nonchalant attitude and turns away from her, checking his phone again. He seems annoyed, I think, but not mad at least. "Bye boys," mom says before she leaves. I stand there staring at the door before I gasp and hurry back to the kitchen, forgetting about the food!
        I wound up having to remake mine but dad and me now sit on the couch, the TV on but neither of us really knowing what to watch. We wound up settling on the news, and it's talking about the heroes again; hen they bring grandpa on I cock my head but I flinch when dad suddenly stands and goes to the kitchen. It was really abrupt, and I could see he looked... really mad. It was hard to tell, but his eyes looked scarier than usual. Remembering how he's got the burn scars I look at the TV again and a question comes to mind: How did dad... get his scars? Mom mentioned he... cremated himself? I want to ask what that means but not right now. I think it would probably be best to avoid talking about that stuff until dad doesn't seem as upset.
[Dabi's POV]
                Bastard. That's all I can think whenever I see that mug of his. The smug air around him because he finally got to that #1 hero spot. Even if he won't admit it I'm pretty sure it kills him knowing it wasn't from all the training and work he put in to surpass All Might. But he still got to that top pedestal. Probably regrets all his imperfect breeding and sees it as a waste of time, failures he doesn't need around. Or at least that's probably how he viewed me. Fuyumi and Natsuo got lucky, he didn't try to train them or let them starve if they didn't do well enough in a training session.
        My hands grip the sink tightly and for a brief moment I nearly forget where I am as my flames start to lick at me arms and face. Whether he's only knocked off his throne, or killed, it doesn't matter to me. One way or another karma will bite him in the ass.
        My flames immediately disperse hearing Kaoru's voice. Turning around I look at him and he looks worried, my mind settling again as I ask,"So what did you want to do today? I've got a free schedule so whatever you're in the mood for we'll see what happens." 
        This doesn't seem to fully push away his concern, but he doesn't try to push the matter, instead answering my question,"Um... Well I don't mind what we do. We could play video games, or go out and do something, there's a movie theater and park nearby, I'm okay with anything."
        I rub my neck knowing if I even stepped one foot out of this place in daytime I'd be found out, so I can't exactly risk that until I think of something that would make it possible. So looking back down at Kaoru I say,"Let's hang out in here for the time being, I can't exactly go outside, don't want to scare people, y'know?" I point at my face with one corner of my mouth lifting, 'mini me' seeming to understand since he nods and doesn't really seem disappointed. To be honest I've been pretty surprised by the way he's been handling all of this; either he has no idea who 'Dabi' is, or he doesn't care. Like when he first saw me, he looked scared for a second but then that changed to what I'm guessing was amazement maybe? Or intrigue. Anyways, he's pretty calm, I could tell he was eager for me to stay today.
        I follow him to the living room and when he suggests video games I admit,"I'm not really the kind of guy who plays video games, so don't expect me to play well."
        "That's okay! Mom is okay, but it's still fun to play," he smiles, getting the system set up as well as two controllers. I watch him getting it all ready, getting lost in thought.
        It's weird, this whole situation, 10 years living on the streets and becoming who I am today I'm not sure how to feel about this whole 'dad' thing. I still have no idea why I came after (F/n) and him, I don't know what my goal was, if I even had one. I just saw the kid, then her... And before I knew it I followed them home and even broke in, twice. Did I miss (F/n) since I'd seen her all those years ago? Yeah, can't really deny I did. Back then she was the only thing I really had that kept me from breaking down or let me vent all my frustrations about home, while she sat and listened. She once nearly stormed to my house to rip my dad a new one, but luckily Fuyumi and I stopped her. Being able to see her again and talk is nostalgic, even if we're now on different sides of the law. And seeing Kaoru I got remembering everything with him. My own childhood, where I didn't really have a father, more like a tyrant. Something about not only the thought of Kaoru missing a dad along with having that bastard to look up to... That was a huge push for me to confront (F/n) and reveal myself.
        Granted, it was a pretty stupid plan knowing her job. At least it went smoothly, for the most part.
        I blink out of my thoughts when Kaoru hands me a controller and I look it over as he sits next to me and gets the game started. 
        "Are you sure you didn't lie to me? I bet you have played this game before!" Kaoru exclaims, pointing at me accusingly as I beat him, again. We've been playing a few hours, it's already noon now, and I briefly think about (F/n). I'll stay around until she gets home, and see if we can talk about the situation more before I go so the League doesn't think I'm skipping out on meetings.
        Smirking I say,"Nope, never in my life, just happened to watch some of my teammates play it but I doubt that's enough for me to catch on. Guess your dad is just that good." He gives a pout, which immediately makes me think of how much it matches his mom's, before he gets up to switch out the games.
        It's quiet for a minute or two while he does this, but he breaks it when he asks,"Dad... Is it true you're a bad guy?"
        I don't respond at first. So he does know.
        "Technically, yeah," I reply, scratching the back of my head as he looks back at me. He looks surprised, probably because I didn't deny it.
        I take a minute to think about how to respond, staring at the floor a few moments before meeting his eyes again and saying,"It's a lot to explain, but I'm trying to... 'clean up' the hero society, well, society as a whole. There are a lot of heroes out there who aren't as 'good' as they try to pass themselves off as, and I'm trying to get rid of them or show their true colors."
        He stares at me taken back but also confused, looking down and I'm guessing trying to understand. 
        "So, like that one 'hero killer' kind of?" He asks, which I wasn't expecting. I didn't consider he knew about Stain but it saves me the time trying to explain more. 
        "Yeah, kind of."
        He hums, mumbling,"Grandpa is kind of like that, he's really scary but he's a big hero... Mom doesn't like him." Good to know, (F/n) still can't stand him.
        "You're mom is right in not liking him, kid, Endeavor is one of the worst out there," I tell him, my eyes narrowing. Kaoru turns his head back up to look at me before standing and facing me.
        "Is it true, th-that you had trouble controlling your quirk?" He asks out of nowhere. I cock a brow and nod, lifting my hand and turning it over, letting a small blue blaze dance on my palm. He stares at it almost mesmerized as it flickers but doesn't grow or go stray as I control it.
        "I've got better control now, but yeah, used to burn myself a lot growing up," I explain, moving the flame around my hand before it rests in my palm again and I close my fingers into a fist, the flame disappearing. I take notice on how much he's fidgeting, so I proceed to ask,"Are you struggling using yours or something?"
        He scratches the back of his before he nods, explaining,"Y-Yeah, it's getting really bad and I don't know how to stop it from getting out of control... I can do force fields like mom, but they, um, they have blue fire on the outside of them, so when I use them I panic... And they get big and the fire gets worse." He looks ready to show but shaking his head decides not to and instead continues with,"Mom is having Shouto-oji help me this Saturday, b-but I'm nervous..."
        I narrow my eyes hearing this; Shouto is training Karou? It's not a bad idea, I guess, won't deny the brat's learned pretty well how to use his quirk, but something about him being the one training Kaoru bothers me. I don't have a clue why it irks me, but my mouth moves faster than my brain this time.
        "What about me training you?" I ask, and Kaoru's eyes widen at the suggestion and I rest my elbow on my knee and my chin on my palm gauging his reaction. It's probably not a good idea, but too late to take it back now. "Unless you'd prefer someone like Shouto, I doubt I'd be the easier teacher-"
        "N-No, I'd like that!" He cuts me off, my eyes slightly widening. He looks embarrassed, and tries to hide it by acting nonchalant, continuing,"I mean, uh, you've been in my shoes, so I, um, think you'd be the better choice. Plus I'd get to see my dad, which would be pretty cool." He's definitely not convincing me with his aloof act, but I smile and chuckle, finding it kind of cute. 
        "Then I'll talk to your mom when she gets home, okay?"
[(F/n)'s POV]
        When I get home I'm fairly surprised Tou- Dabi is still there, and he and Kaoru look like they're playing a board game; the winner is pretty clear, by Kaoru's pout and Dabi's smirk. They both look at me when I walk in and I ask,"Hey boys, did you two have fun today?" It's still a weird feeling that Dabi is here, and it feels normal. Well as normal as it can be.
        "Yeah, but dad's a cheater..." Kaoru huffs, arms crossed glaring at the game.
        "I told you I'm not cheating or lying about playing these games before, you're dad is just that good." Dabi teases. He turns his attention back to me and stands, walking up to me and putting his hands in his pockets. I look up, meeting his cerulean gaze as he speaks,"I was looking to talk to you about something." Puzzled I tilt my head and nod, letting him continue. I still can't read his face, but it at least doesn't seem serious.
        "Kaoru told me about how you were planning to have Shouto train him, which I guess isn't a bad idea," he shrugs, although I'm not sure why he's bringing this up. "But I got a better one: me training him."
        I blink a few times, not sure what to say to this suggestion. It's not outlandish, but it is a little odd. It could give them more time to see each other, I suppose. Although he and I will see each other quite a bit more too... Which has my heart thumping harder than expected.
        "It was going to be Shouto and his friend, but you... Want to train him, instead of Shouto?" I ask, repeating his suggestion. 
        "Yeah. I used to be in his footsteps, remember? I'd know better than Shouto how to help him learn some control. Just let me know when and where and I'll meet you there," he tells me, while I'm still surprised he's offering. But glancing at Kaoru I meet Dabi's eyes again, and with a nod I agree, a little hesitation there.
        "Alright, I guess it won't hurt. We'll have the first training day Saturday, around 2 PM. It's in a training area a friend of mine owns, I'll give you the address," I tell him. My face heats up slightly when he flashes a lazy grin, his eyes never leaving mine.
        "Fine, sounds like a plan, little miss cop."
(AN: So like I'll be honest, this chapter was fun to write buuuut it might not be the most exciting since there isn't much Dabi x (F/n) (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ But next chapter will have more (F/n) come in since it'll be the beginning of Kaoru's training.
I hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you are? (i feel like i'm makin dabi too soft when it comes to kaoru, if i am i am sorry)
(ps I've got another fic series in mind for Shouto fangirls, it should be started within a few days so keep an eye out (˵¯͒⌄¯͒˵) ))
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The 100.
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Day 21.
The second book picks up where The 100 left off, Earthborns killed Asher and now, Wells is burying him. It's been 21 days since the hundred landed on Earth, being the only humans on the planet in centuries. Or so they thought.
After a the fire ravaged the camp Wells used his architectural knowledge to  build wooden cabins that would be able to contain everyone. However, Graham and his girlfriend take one all for themselves so many of the younger children are left outside, open to attack once more so Wells stands guard during the night.
Clarke and Bellamy are still out in the woods, looking for Octavia, who had disappeared before the fire and was yet to be found. But soon they found a trail, possible leading to Octavia. Bellamy kisses Clarke in happiness but when the moment between the two end Clarke starts to worry about the level of radiation on Earth and it’s dangers for the teenagers. She remembers the one key factor from her parents' research: the patients all got considerably sicker on day 21. She thinks that the low level of radiation on earth is slowly affecting their blood cells, which was why the Colony is not sending anyone else down yet. There soon were people in the infirmary tent waiting for Clarke to aid them due to feeling sick and weak.
Back at the Colony, Glass was still alive. But Walden was in chaos since the skybridge separating them from Phoenix closed. The race for food had turned violent as people attempt to hoard as much as they could for themselves and their families.
During all this, Glass worries over the fact that Camille, Luke's best friend / ex-girlfriend knew her darkest secret. The real reason why Carter, Luke's former roommate was executed. In The 100 upon her arrest, Glass was made to tell who the father of her unborn child was, so that he was to be punished as well. Wanting to spare Luke, she gave Carter's name, because he had once tried to assault her. But she also knew Luke loved Carter so in return for keeping the secret, Glass had to tell Camille the secret way she used to get from Phoenix to Walden.
Back on earth at the destroyed camp site Wells, who was still standing guard suddenly sees Bellamy arrive with Clarke in his trembling arms. It is revealed Clarke was bitten by a snake and is saved by Wells who injects her with some universal antidote from the medicine box that had been made by the engineers in the Colony.
Bellamy reveals that Octavia was dragged away from camp and Wells thinks the Earthborns must have taken her before killing Asher. While both boys stayed awake to look after Clarke, they hear a sound from the woods and Wells ends up capturing an Earthborn girl.
Bellamy wants to roughen the girl up, hoping she would tell him where his sister was. Graham suggests they should kill her to show they were not to be messed with but Wells just ties her up on the infirmary until they decide what to do with her.
In a flashback, more about Bellamy and his time at the Care Center is revealed. He was a janitor and would often get in trouble for protecting his little sister, who would be bullied simply because she was a second child. It was when waiting for his punishment that he met Lilly, the young girl who died in the Griffin's laboratory.
Upon Clarke waking up Bellamy explains that a young girl around Octavia's age was in the cabin and was a captured Earthborn. Clarke, who was eager to speak to her, was stopped  by Bellamy so instead, Clarke mentions the piece of debris they found and they wonder how it got to Earth. While talking with Bellamy, she mentions Lilly, finds out that prior to her, Lilly was the only girl Bellamy had ever cared for other than his sister: his girlfriend.
Back at the ship Glass and Luke are crawling through the vents heading back to Phoenix but they soon realize that the way is blocked from the outside. Glass figures out that Camille must have blocked it and that since they can't find a way from the inside, they might be able to find one from the outside.
At the camp site, Wells brings a sick Molly to Clarke, who wonders how long they have been on Earth. Clarke realizes that Molly's illness doesn't seem to be due to radiation, but instead it was a reaction to something, not the radiations. When asking for the universal antidote, Wells states he used it all on her And suddenly Eric brings in an ill Felix. While Bellamy and Wells go off to hunt, the Earthborn finally speaks to Clarke, and when asked how many they are, she states that they are 365 Earthborn’s and the captive Earthborn’s is name is Sasha. With that Clarke finds out that the 100 were not the first sent to earth and older people were sent a year ago. The Earthborn took them in but Sasha speaks of an incident and that all of the Colonists are gone.
Sasha reveals to everyone that only ten people were on board, seven having survived the crash and that upon the arrival of the delinquents, their people split off and were probably those who attacked Asher and took Octavia. While the discussion is occurring, another arrow launches hitting a girl on the leg. Sasha gets Wells, who has seem to take a liking to Sasha, and they leave the camp in search for food and he feels safe enough to uncuff her and they climb up to a tree to collect corn for food.
Back on the Colony, Glass was able to spacewalk back to Phoenix and manages to open the skybridge, allowing those locked behind to walk in Phoenix.
While Bellamy and Clarke inspect the crash site, Wells and Sasha return with arms full of corn for the delinquents. Wells and Sasha go take another walk and she tells him that the history he was told was wrong and  that only those who paid were allowed on the ships to space. Clarke also finally admits to Bellamy what happened to Lilly and he, seething in anger, tells her she should just give herself up to the Earthborn before storming out.
Clarke, Sasha, and Wells stumble upon Priya’s body hung to a tree with the words ‘Go. Home.’ carved in her feet. Before they noticed her feet, they thought she had killed herself. But they soon figured it out it was the violent faction of Earthborns that had done this sending Bellamy over the edge. He threatens and attempts to scare Sasha into telling him where Octavia is but Wells comes in to protect her.
In space once the skybridge opened, chaos took over Phoenix as those previously locked decide to act out in violence against the Phoenicians but Glass and Luke are able to find her mother and head to the drop ships.
Clarke and Sasha take a walk, the latter explaining that some berries that grow near the camp could poisonous explaining the illness of Molly and Felix and then brings Clarke to a cave where the remains from the first batch of colonists were found.
There, Clarke finds her father's watch and asks to see Sasha's father, in search for an answer but before they could make it very far Graham, Wells and three others catch up to them. Graham attempts to get Clarke but with the help of Sasha she escapes and runs for it. On the run she stumbles upon Bellamy, who was attempting to leave camp to search for Octavia again. Bellamy however remembers how Lilly once told him she'd rather death than confinement and finally realizes that Clarke hadn't lied to him. That Lilly must have made her promise to kill her when the suffering had became too much. He and Clarke make up, and together come to the steps of Mount Weather.
On the Colony, Glass and Luke stumble upon Camille who, in an attempt to get Luke to run off with her, tells him about Carter. Luke gets angry at Glass and end up leaving her behind with her mother and heads for the dropship. Back at camp, Wells frees Sasha after she kisses him due to which he is banished. Glass' mother is killed Sonja by a bullet wound after a fight breaking out between a guard wanting a seat on a ship and Luke trying to protect Glass.
At Mount Weather, Bellamy and Clarke get knocked out with tranquilizers and when they wake up, Sasha walks in and tries to help them. Once they meet Max Walgrove, Sasha's father, Bellamy is reunited with Octavia and they are told of the story of the seven colonists before the hundred.
They colonist were found injured and brought to the Earthborn's village were they were given food and shelter. When a boy from the village went to teach them how to fish, he slipped on a rock and drowned and since Colonists could not swim how they couldn’t save him, and the family of the young boy blamed the colonist and refused to give them anymore food so the colonists started to get violent and Max was forced to banish them, but they fought back. They were all killed except the two doctors — Clarke's parents, who had left before to explore as much of the planet as possible.
Back at the camp before he Wells can leave, Kendall attempts to convince him that she should leave with him. He denies her request and she reminds him that Sasha might be pretty, but that she's not like them and that she is bad for him. While he leaves, he suddenly remembers why the writing on Priya's feet seemed familiar, they were the same as those carved on Asher's grave. The ones carved by Kendall.
After this discovery, he meets Bellamy, Clarke, and Octavia and they are able to convince him to go back to camp. Congratulating him on not having given up for Octavia, Bellamy says a quote his mother often used to say, a quote Chancellor Jaha, Wells father would often say as well. It is then revealed that the Chancellor had told his son about a Waldenite woman, Melinda whom he had fallen loved prior to his mother.
In another flashback, the Chancellor is seen staring sadly at a young boy from the Care Center from Walden. This is when Wells realizes that Bellamy is in fact, his half-brother. The book ends with everyone reunited around a campfire, including Sasha and Bellamy and Clarke spotting the first drop ship in the sky.
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THG AU Chapter 26
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3     Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10   Chapter 11 Chapter 12  Chapter 13 Chapter 14  Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17  Chapter 18 Chapter 19   Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22  Chapter 23   Chapter 24  Chapter 25
A reminder before we begin that this is an AU and not everything needs to be possible in original canon.
*Once Bruce and Natasha got back to the house and unpacked Bruce’s bags, they decided to sit together in the living room for a bit before dinner. Natasha lasted about two minutes before she fell asleep on his lap. About ten minutes later, he heard a knock at the door.*
Bruce: Who is it?
Wanda: It’s me, Wanda.
Bruce: Oh, come in. *points to Natasha* Just be quiet.
Wanda: *enters* I need to talk to you.
Bruce: What’s wrong?
Wanda: I need to know who’s okay.  What happened to everyone in District 3?
Bruce: *sigh* Oh, that. Tony was with me and he’s okay. His daughter, Morgan, was found in an old storm cellar, so she’s alive. They never found his wife, Pepper, and Vision’s definitely dead. That’s everyone you know. 
Wanda: *tears in her eyes* Oh.
Bruce: Are you all right? 
Wanda: No, this is all my fault! I shouldn’t have- I’m so sorry! *runs to the door*
Bruce: It’s not your- *door shuts behind Wanda*
*Bruce sighed and looked down at Natasha. He kissed her on the forehead and stood up to make dinner. He woke her up to eat and they went to bed early. The next day, a hovercraft arrived with all of Bruce’s lab equipment and a spare bedroom was turned into a lab. They got settled pretty quickly, and after a week they couldn’t imagine things any other way. Two weeks after the wedding, the victory tour took place. The winner of the 90th Hunger Games was a boy from District 4 and his tour went pretty well. Two weeks after the tour, they got a visit from a man that looked strikingly similar to President Snow.*
Natasha: *opens the door* (shocked) President Snow! To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?
Ego: I’m not President Snow. I’m his brother, Ego. Although, I do bring a message from him. Can I come in?
Natasha: Of course! We were just about to eat breakfast. Bruce! The president’s brother came to see us. 
Bruce: What? Oh! Hello sir. Please, sit down! Would you like some raisin nut bread? 
Ego: Sure. Thank you. 
Natasha: You said you had a message from the president? 
Ego: Yes. I do. You see, there’s a rumor of a secret organization being started to rebel against The Capitol. We need you to give the districts something to talk about other than the accidental bombing of 3 so that this movement doesn’t take off.
Bruce: What do you want us to do?
Ego: Nothing too big, we just want you to have a baby.
Natasha: *dropping her plate* A baby?! Now what gave you that idea? I’m not- I mean- are you sure you meant to say baby? I never said we were having a baby! 
Ego: Yes, a baby. That’ll distract the people. We’ll even send the best interior designer in The Capitol to build your nursery. 
Natasha: We can’t just decide exactly if and when that happens! Like, what, you think we can just have one right now? 
Ego: Both of my children were fairly easy. Make it happen. Anyway, where did you get this raisin nut bread? It is absolutely delicious and I want to bring some home to my daughter and son. 
Bruce: Our friend Wanda made it. She won the 88th games and cooking is her hobby. She made several loaves yesterday. 
Ego: I’ll have to ask her for one. 
Natasha: Wait, so you're just going to force us to have a child? Shouldn’t that be our decision? 
Bruce: Nat, calm down. We wouldn’t want to upset our guest. 
Ego: Listen to your husband. Bruce, thank you for controlling your wife.
Bruce: She doesn’t need to be controlled, we just wouldn’t want to be rude to our special surprise visitor. 
Natasha: Right, I’m sorry. 
Ego: I’ll be back in a month to see how things are going. 
Natasha: Okay. *under her breath* This is awkward.
Bruce: *after he leaves* What’s awkward? Why did you get so defensive? What’s gotten into you? Are you pregnant or something?
Natasha: *slightly annoyed* Surprise! 
Bruce: Wait, what? Seriously? 
Natasha: Yep.  I wasn’t going to tell you quite yet, but...
Bruce: This is so exciting! I can’t believe this! You should tell Ego right now so he doesn’t have to come back!
Natasha: Uggh, fine. 
*Natasha catches up to Ego and explains the situation. Two weeks later, The Capitol aired a news story announcing a baby naming competition.*
Natasha: Unbelievable! We don’t even get to name our own baby! 
Bruce: I know you’re upset, but we have to play by their rules. Besides, not all of their name ideas are bad. I kind of like Carson for a boy. 
Natasha: Well then I guess it’s a real shame we’re the only people in Panem who don’t get to vote. 
Bruce: It’ll be fine. We still have each other and soon we’ll have- *hears tapping at back window* what is that sound?
Natasha: Nick Fury? Why is he tapping on our window? Who’s that guy with him?
Bruce: *opening the window* I have no idea. 
Fury: I need to talk to you two. Natasha, is your friend Maria busy today? You know, the one from the wedding? 
Natasha: She’s in the coal mines right now, but she’ll be home in a couple hours. 
Fury: Perfect. Until then, Coulson, if you will. 
* The mysterious man pushes a button, trapping Natasha, Bruce, Fury, and himself in a clear bubble.*
Fury: This thing is soundproof and we can see what’s outside of it without being seen. I can hear hear anyone who is outside of the bubble using this earpiece. We’ll know if someone enters. 
Bruce: This is amazing! How did you make it?
Phil: Have you met a man name Leo Fitz? He’s about your age and he’s also from 3. He built this. 
Bruce: How do you know Leo?
Natasha: More importantly, who are you and why are you here? 
Phil: My name is Phil Coulson, District 9.
Fury: He’s here because we need to talk to you about S.H.I.E.L.D. 
Natasha: What?
Fury: It’s an organization put together by a woman from District 4. Her name is Margaret “Peggy” Carter and her goal is to overthrow President Snow and the other hooligans he has running our government. I’m her second in command. 
Coulson: Basically, S.H.I.E.L.D. is here to help protect the citizens of Panem from an oppressive government. Eventually, we’ll liberate them. 
Bruce: How long has this been a thing? 
Fury: It all started about sixteen years ago. Peggy and I as well as a few others were working with District 13 to try to start a rebellion.
Natasha: District 13 was completely obliterated almost 100 years ago! Are you saying it survived?
Fury: The Capitol mostly let it be. They were smallpox bombed once a few decades ago and it wiped out like half of the population, but they survived that. Unfortunately, they were smallpox bombed again after the berry incident and they all died off due to disease and a lack of resources. It looked like the revolution was over for good, but Peggy wouldn’t accept that. She founded S.H.I.E.L.D. as an initiative to save Panem, and now she wants you two in on it. She wanted Clint too, but... 
Natasha: We’re in. 
Bruce: What? Natasha, I can’t let you do this. We can’t do this. 
Natasha: We have to! We can’t just sit here while the government does terrible things! That makes us no better than them. 
Bruce: I am not letting my pregnant wife join a secret organization and attempt to overthrow the government! Keeping you safe will always be my number one priority. 
Natasha: We have to do this. For Clint, for Yelena, for Vision, for Pepper, for Wanda and Pietro’s parents, and for anyone else that is defenseless against the might of The Capitol. Besides, if we’re having a child, isn’t it kind of our duty to create a better tomorrow? A world where they won’t have to worry about being reaped for the games and everyone has a fair chance at survival.
Bruce: That sounds amazing, but losing you is not a risk I am willing to take. 
Natasha: That’s my decision, not yours. *turns to Fury* I’m in.
Bruce: I’m sticking with her, so I’m in too. I just have one question. How did Coulson manage to get here from 9 without The Capitol knowing? 
Phil: We have someone in District 6. Alphonso Mackenzie, he fixes hovercrafts. We actually cloak hovercrafts and have important meetings midair. The Capitol hasn’t detected us yet. 
*Later that night, Maria Hill was recruited.*
Fury: Welcome aboard!
Maria: Thanks, I’m glad to be a part of this.
Fury: Ever since the wedding I haven’t been able to shake the feeling that I know you from somewhere. 
Maria: You know, it’s funny you should say that, because you do look familiar.
Fury: That is odd.
thank you to @fictionalfangirlsworld for helping me place characters in districts.
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"Will You Do That For Me?"
Monday 9th November 2020
Hello everyone!  Hope you've had a brilliant weekend! Seeing as we've been put into a second lockdown, I have recently been watching EastEnders episodes from 2008 on BBC iPlayer! I have to say there are so many characters I miss, to name a few:- Bradley, Tanya, Roxy, Ronnie, Peggy, Bianca, Ricky, Pat, Christian, Masood, Zainab, Jane ... A lot of these characters I do wish would come back, its a crying shame that some of them have passed away. What do you think guys? What characters from years back would you like to see return? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Anyway, let's get back to the episodes of this week, what a cliff-hanger Friday's episode was left on. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next this week, let's delve right into it. This episodes basically starts where Friday's finished, Mick coming face-to-face with his abuser, Katy. Mick is as white as a sheet, he looks like he's seen a ghost as she approaches him. It's interesting how innocent she is acting, but of course how else would she act after seeing him for the first time in so long. She informs him that Shirley had rang her informing that Frankie had been around, the first question out of Mick's mouth is why did she never tell him that Frankie was his daughter, Katy seems a bit shocked to hear this, she the tells Mick that Frankie is 100% NOT his daughter. Now, is she telling the truth? Has Frankie accidentally made a mistake? Depending how long Katy is going to be on the Square for, I can see this storyline be a really hard hitting one for Christmas! Katy suggests to Mick that they sit down have a talk and she makes her way towards the Vic.
As Mick slowly follows Katy into the Vic, the scene changes to Lola alone in her flat. She's just confessed everything to Jay about sleeping with Peter, months back! Honey walks in to find her almost in tears, at first she doesn't realise that anything is wrong as she asks her about her flat deposit, but when she turns to see Lola looking all teary, she asks the poor girl what's wrong. Lola comes clean and confesses that she slept with Peter months ago, she informs Honey that she's told Jay the truth before they moved into their new apartment, but she fears she has ruined everything between them. Honey sits down as she takes in the recent news, she then tries her absolute best to console her, she suggests that maybe Jay has gone to speak to Peter, considering they were best friends, Jay must feel some kind of betrayal from his friend, so perhaps he's gone and spoken to him about it. And she's not wrong - Jay is next scene in Beale household, he's sat with a cup of tea waiting for Peter to appear, poor Bobby has no idea what's happened and he's been left alone with a seething Jay. Jay informs the young lad that he's willing to wait for Peter to show up.
Meanwhile at the Vic, Mick is trying to understand the situation with Frankie. Katy informs him that Franke's father is just a random bloke that she can't even remember the name of. But Mick can't seem to quite understand, as in his mind, regarding Frankie's age and the fact the Katy simply just disappeared all those years back, it would make sense and would fit they she would be his daughter. Katy appears to be shocked at what she's hearing, she then happens to say something very interesting "You have to have sex to have a baby!" - she's implying that they never had sex?! Hmmm ... something really doesn't sit right with me, even Mick recalls of their relationship all those years ago and Katy can't even begin to believe what he's saying. She believes that he's told Frankie about her and that is why she is no longer speaking to her. Is Katy simply lying about their relationship? Is Mick perhaps mistaken? Or is this going to turn into something much darker and Katy is going to deny everything until Mick reveals everything to everyone and she'll be seen as his groomer/abuser.
Out on the Square, Lola finds Peter and admits that she's told Jay about them. Peter is shocked to hear about Lola's confession and informs her that Jay is waiting inside his house for him. Instead of walking into his house and facing the music, he decides to walk the other way, much to Lola's surprise. It's then he informs her that he has a job interview the next day and doesn't want to show up to it with a black eye. Hmm, I think that's a bit of a coward's excuse to not face his best mate and basically admit to his mistake. He can't keep hiding, he'll have to face Jay sooner or later.
Meanwhile, Rainie and Stuart are in the same position as we saw them in the previous episode. Bless them, they had both fallen asleep on the sofa together. Suddenly a bell rings (I instantly thought it was their doorbell) Stuart wakes and he looks at his phone to which then his wife wakes up and asks whether it's anything important. Stuart reassures his wife that it's nothing and he gets himself up to make themselves a cup of tea. As he looks in the fridge, Rainie takes a look at her husbands phone, as he turns round he sees her looking at his phone and she points out that the notification on his phone was a reminder for a visit to the fertility clinic, for the following day. Rainie admits to her husband that because they had booked it so long ago she had forgotten all about it, but Stuart didn't want to remind his wife as he didn't want to upset her. Will they still go this appointment? They both admit to each other that they still want a family, even if it means just being a family of two, but I'm sure deep deep down, both of them would love have a child if there was a way.
In the Vic, Ian is surprised to see his son, considering they haven't been speaking since the family found out about him re-mortgaging the Café and forging Kathy's signature. Peter informs his Dad that he needs to lie-low for a while, yep- he's simply avoiding Peter. Peter makes his way to the upstairs of the Queen Vic with his Dad's acceptance. Meanwhile, over at the Beale household, Lola has found Jay waiting for Peter. She's trying her absolute best to plead to her boyfriend and apologise, but Jay isn't having any of it. He's wanting to know where Peter is, but Lola admits she has no idea but Jay doesn't believe her, ask they're arguing Bobby can seen counting on his fingers again in an attempt to calm himself in this heated situation. Jay suddenly storms off in search for Peter.
Returning to the Vic with Mick and Katy, Mick is informing Katy about everything he remembers from their time together, going the cinema and she telling him she loved him. But Katy seems to have an explanation for everything he mentions. She recalls calling it their "little secret" because she took him to a rated 15 movie while he was just 12 and she didn't want to get into trouble. Plus she also admits telling him she loved him, but only in a motherly way. She appears to be really twisting it and telling him that he's not remembering things properly. (I'm sure that's a common factor of being an abuser, persuading the victim that they've got their facts wrong!) But suddenly Mick seems to remember everything so vividly, he starts to describe the night in question when he first slept at Katy's. Remembering the memory of being told to go upstairs and use a towel, her undressing him and then being asked to join her in her bed, to which he recalls that's when everything between them started. Katy doesn't seem to recall what Mick's saying is true, when they leave the Vic, Mick attempts to escape, informing her that he hopes she manages to find Frankie, but Katy isn't going to let him escape that easily, she informs him that what he has pretty much just accused her of, she could go to prison for. She tells him that their discussion isn't over and Mick takes her someone else more private.
Meanwhile in Cafe, Rainie watches as Denise enters with young Raymond. Rainie smiles at the small boy and asks Denise a pretty forward question, "How old were you when you had him?!" - understandably, that catches Denise off guard. It is quite a forward question which, to be fair, no one she be asked, but poor Rainie, in such desire of being a Mum, I guess she's probably thinking if Denise can, then why can't she? Regardless of their age! As far as I can make out, Denise seems to reveal to Rainie that she had Raymond at the age of 45? Which to be honest is absolutely incredible! Maybe this might give Rainie some hope? Maybe it's not too late for her to have children?
Returning to Mick and Katy, they eventually find themselves in the park. Katy seems to recall Mick's memories a bit differently, she recalls cleaning him up and putting him to pet, tucking him in and then she suggests that actually she slept on the sofa downstairs and not in the same bed. She remembers him crying and wanting to help him. While Katy is giving her version of events, a voice is heard from the other side of the park and Tina appears, she is incredibly excited to see Katy after such a long time. But as the camera looks to Mick as Tina and Katy are reminiscing, he looks like he's close to bursting into tears. Katy informs Tina that she's come looking for Frankie, it's then Tina mentions that she used to work at her bar and she instantly invites Katy to go round and have a look. As they walk on ahead they call out for Mick to come and join them, but he looks as if he'd much rather be 1000 miles away from Katy.
Meanwhile, in the Vic, Jay is still searching for Peter. He asks Ian whether he has seen him to which Ian denies ever seeing his son. As Jay orders a pint, Honey watches from a distance as Jay sneaks into the back of the Vic and up the stairs. Suddenly he becomes face-to-face with the Beale offspring and he scarpers into the bathroom. Jay chases after him as bangs against the bathroom door, calling Peter a coward for not facing him like a man! Peter makes a really pathetic excuse claiming he had no idea that he and Lola were even serious, to which Jay flips just that little bit harder and bangs against the door violently. Suddenly, Honey appears from the stairs and calls out to Jay to calm himself down ... I do believe that Jay would like to get his hands on Peter, but in all seriousness, what good what it do? It really wouldn't make the situation any better.
Back at the undertakers, Rainie brings her husband a cup of coffee. Stuart is looking crushed after the recent events, but something tells me that after Rainie bumping into Denise, perhaps it's given her some form of hope that perhaps there still could be a chance that they could become parents. Rainie admits to her husband that she thinks they should still go ahead with their appointment to the fertility clinic. She states that they've already paid and they wont be able to get their money back, and if there is just the smallest chance that it could work and they could become parents, they should grab the opportunity whilst they can. Stuart seems absolutely thrilled with the idea, but of course he's bound to have some concerns, he begins to tell his wife "What if -!" but she stops him in his tracks and reassures him, "If it doesn't work, then we've still got each other!" ... I have to say, I really do love this couple. They're the couple I never thought I would've loved and would've wanted them to have so much happiness. I feel so happy that EastEnders have brought these two together, they fit so perfectly and I know it sounds mushy, but I do hope they get their happily ever after, they are the ones who seem to deserve it more than any one else. Don't you think?
Back at the Vic, Honey is trying to console Jay, telling him how much she came to hate Adam by the end of their relationship. She tries to reassure Jay that things wont be like that for him, as Lola is deeply sorry for what she's done, and plus considering the fact that Jay loves her. Jay admits he wants to smash Peter's face in, which is understandable. But when Honey in speaking about Adam and how after everything he had put her through, it was the final straw for her, after a long line of straws, Jay is staring at her. Not talking, not even blinking - but Honey can see that he's looking at something, he's looking  straight at her. Has he come to realise he has feelings for her? He quickly thanks her and leaves the Vic, leaving Honey completely speechless.
At the Prince Albert, Tina and Katy are reminiscing after Tina informs Katy that she's attempted to get hold of Frankie. As they continue their conversation, Tina asks Katy why she left the care home so suddenly all those years ago, she explains that she fell out with the manager after he made a pass at her. She recalls being chucked out the next day without being able to say goodbye to anyone. It's then Tina mentions how devastated they all were that she had left, and described Mick as a love-sick puppy. Mick is sat on his own as his sister chats to his unknown abuser. Mick then speaks and recalls writing letter's to Katy but never receiving a reply from her, to which she admits is her biggest regret. She reveals she got pregnant with Frankie soon after leaving the home and that her head was all over the place during the time. Suddenly, Katy's phone pings and she reveals that finally Frankie has been in touch and she's wanting to talk to her Mum. As she gets herself ready to leave, she asks whether Mick will show her the way to the train station, Mick looks ever so uncomfortable as he follows her exit from the bar.
Back at home, it looks as if Jay has returned to talk with Lola. She is deeply apologetic for her mistake. Jay has calmed himself down and listening to everything she's saying. She must've apologised numerous about of times as Jay tells her that she doesn't have to repeat herself. She make a promise to him that she will never make the same mistake again. She asks for his forgiveness and he admits that he forgives her, but there will no way back for them after this, he tells her that things are over between them. He makes the interesting point that he's not as upset about it as he thought he was going to be. Lola is clearly devastated by what he's saying, but what he says makes sense - when she fell pregnant, Jay wanted to keep it but she didn't, when Jay wanted to get married - he wanted it, she didn't and it's probably the same with the flat. Jay reveals that he's not even sure whether she wants it, however Lola confirms that she does want all those things but just not yet, they don't need to rush into things. It's then that Jay drops the bombshell that he's come to realise that he doesn't love her in the way he used to anymore. Lola is absolutely devastated and pleads to him, she tells him that she can't be with anyone else except him, as no one else knows her as well as he does. But Jay is very gentle with her informs her that she will find someone else eventually as she's a very strong woman and someone will love her for who she is. With a mutual understanding between them both, they decide to end things. Which I find very sad, I've always loved Lola and Jay together and utterly believed that they belong together, I certainly can't see them being with anyone else on the Square, especially Lola. Something does tell me however, that Jay has developed feelings for Honey over recent weeks, what do you guys think? Do you think Jay will take his chance with Honey?! Are to sad to see Jay and Lola call it a day on their relationship? Who do think will be their next love interest?
The final scene of this episode is also quite an interesting one. Mick leads Katy to the train station and it appears he's still coming to terms with the information that his memory isn't quite what he thought it was. He seems baffled that his mind "invented" the memory. However something is shouting at me that his memory is true, and Katy has just completely twisted it to make him think it's not. Mick thanks her for everything she did for him back in the day and mentions that he hopes that she and Frankie will be able to sort things out. He also asks her to tell Frankie that he's sorry, it's then Katy tells him to tell her himself, but Mick feels like it's best for him step away for a while and let things settle. But Katy then drops the bombshell that Frankie will only meet with her Mum if Mick comes to. I feel like once again, Mick is being thrown into situation he really doesn't want to be in.
For me, I found this episode very fascinating, mainly regarding the character of Katy. I think there is something deeply dark about her, she comes across as this brilliant woman who helped children younger than her whilst in care, but I think it's all a cover up, what if she abused other children as well as Mick? I do feel there will be a huge storyline with her now she's arrived, will it kick off until or around Christmas? What do you guys think?! Either way I'm really looking forward to seeing how this storyline develops. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day. I'll be back very soon another blog. Thank you again for taking the time the read. Love you all xXx
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way-down-meme-town · 4 years
Hadestown Act I Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 212 lyrics from the first act of the musical Hadestown to use for your enjoyment!
Road To Hell 1. “Once upon a time there was a railroad line.”
2. “Don’t ask where, brother, don’t ask when.”
3. “It was the road to Hell. It was hard times.”
4. “It was a world of gods and men.”
5. “It’s an old song. It’s an old tale from way back when.”
6. “It’s an old song and we’re gonna sing it again.”
7. “We got some gods in the house tonight!”
8. “See, on the road to Hell there was a railroad line.”
9. “They was always singin’ in the back of your mind.”
10. “Everybody, meet the Fates.”
11. “If you ride that train to the end of the line where the sun don’t shine and it’s always shady, it’s there you’ll find the king of the mine.”
12. “Someone’s got to tell the tale whether or not it turns out well.”
13. “Not everyone gets to be a god.”
14. “Don’t forget that times are hard.”
15. “This boy was a muse’s son.”
16. “You might say the boy was touched, ‘cause he was touched by the gods themselves.”
17. “There was one more soul on this road.”
18. “Girl, come on in from the cold.”
19. “Thus begins the tale of Orpheus and Eurdyice.”
20. “It’s a tale of love from long ago.”
  Any Way The Wind Blows 21. “She was no stranger to the world, no stranger to the wind.”
22. “The weather ain’t the way it was before. Ain’t no spring or fall anymore.”
23. “There ain’t a thing that you can do when the weather takes a turn on you, ‘cept for hurry up and hit the road.”
24. “People turn on you just like the wind.”
25. “Everybody is a fair weather friend. In the end, you’re better off alone.”
26. “When you’re hungry and there ain’t enough to go around, ain’t no length to which a girl won’t go.”
27. “Sometimes you think you would do anything to fill your belly full of food.”
28. “You know how those muses are, sometimes they abandon you.”
29. “This poor boy, he wore his heart out on his sleeve.”
30. “You might say he was naive to the ways of the world.”
31. “I liked to hear him sing and his way of seeing things, so I took him underneath my wing.”
  Come Home With Me 32. “You wanna talk to her?”
33. “Don’t come on too strong.”
34. “Come home with me.”
35. “Is he always like this?”
36. “Your name is like a melody.”
37. “A singer? Is that what you are?”
38. “Oh, a liar and a player too? I’ve met too many men like you.”
39. “He’s not like any man you’ve met.”
40. “I’m working on a song, a song. It isn’t finished yet, but when it’s done and when I sing it, spring will come again.”
41. “Spring will come.”
42. “I haven’t seen a spring or fall since…I can’t recall.”
43. “That’s what I’m working on, a song to fix what’s wrong. Take what’s broken, make it whole.”
44. “Oh, he’s crazy. Why would I become his wife?”
45. “He’ll make you feel alive.”
  Wedding Song 46. “Lover, tell me if you can, who’s gonna buy the wedding bands?”
47. “Times being what they are, hard and getting harder all the time.”
48. “Lover, when I sing my song, all the rivers’ll sing along.”
49. “The rivers gonna give us the wedding bands.”
50. “Lover, tell me if you can, who’s gonna lay the wedding table?”
51. “Times being what they are, dark and getting darker all the time.”
52. “Lover, when I sing my song all the trees gonna sing along.”
53. “The trees gonna lay the wedding table.”
54. “So when you sing your song, the one you’re working on, spring will come again?”
55. “You wanna take me home? Sing the song.”
56. “Lover, tell me when we’re wed, who’s gonna make the wedding bed?”
57. “Lover, when I sing my song, all the birds gonna sing along.”
  Epic I 58. “Where’d you get that melody?”
59. “It came to me as if I’d known it all along.”
60. “It’s an old song, a song of love from long ago. Long time since I heard it though.”
61. “You’ve heard that melody before?”
62. “Remember the tale I told you once about the gods?”
63. “Remember how it used to be? Their love made the world go round.”
64. “Hades was king of the underworld, but he fell in love with a beautiful lady who walked up above in her mothers green field.”
65. “He took her home to become his queen where the sun never shone on anyone.”
66. “The Gods sang his song of love and the world sang it with them.”
67. “That was long ago, before we were on this road.”
  Livin It Up On Top 68. “On the road to hell there was a lot of waiting.”
69. “These days she never stays for long, but good things come to those who wait.”
70. “Well it’s like he said, I’m an outdoor girl.”
71. “She forgot a little thing called spring.”
72. “Are you wondering where I’ve been?”
73. “Been to hell and back again.”
74. “Like my mama always said: when you’re down, you’re down and when you’re up, you’re up.”
75. “If you ain’t six feet underground, you’re living it up on top.”
76. “Let’s not talk about hard times. Pour the wine, it’s summertime!”
77. “Who makes the summer sun shine bright?”
78. “Who makes the fruit of the vine get ripe?”
79. “Who makes the flowers bloom again, in spite of a man?”
80. “Let me tell you something that my mama said to me: you take what you can get and you make the most of it.”
81. “It was summertime on the road to hell.”
82. “You might say it was in spite of herself.”
83. “For a moment there, the world came back to life.”
84. “Let the poet bless this round.”
85. “To the patroness of all of this, Persephone, who has finally returned to us with wine enough to share.”
86. “If no one takes too much, there will always be enough.”
87. “She will always fill our cups and we will always raise them up to the world we dream about, and the one we live in now.”
88. “Livin’ it up and we ain’t gonna stop.”
  All I’ve Ever Known (Intro) 89. “He had a gift to give. He could make you see how the world could be in spite of the way that it is.”
90. “She’d seen how the world was. When she fell, she fell in spite of herself.”
  All I’ve Ever Known 91. “I was alone so long I didn’t even know that I was lonely.”
92. “Out in the cold so long I didn’t even know that I was cold.”
93. “All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own.”
94. “All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own, but now I wanna hold you too.”
95. “You take me in your arms and suddenly there’s sunlight all around me.”
96. “I don’t wanna go back to the lonely life.”
97. “I don’t know how or why or who I am that I should get to hold you.”
98. “When I saw you all alone against the sky, it’s like I’d known you all along.”
99. “I know you before we met and I don’t even know you yet, all I know is you’re someone I have always known.”
100. “Now I wanna hold you close. I don’t wanna ever have to let you go.”
101. “Say that you’ll hold me forever. Say that the wind won’t change on us.”
102. “Say that we’ll stay with each other and it will always be like this.”
103. “The wind will never change on us as long as we stay with each other.”
  Way Down Hadestown 104. “That was not six months!”
105. “Better go and get your suitcase packed. Guess it’s time to go.”
106. “She’s gonna ride that train til the end of the line.”
107. “Did you ever wonder what it’s like on the underside?”
108. “You either get to hell or to Hadestown, ain’t no difference anymore.”
109. “Everybody tryin’ to get a ticket to go, but those who go they don’t come back.”
110. “Down there it’s a bunch of stiffs. Brother, I’ll be board to death.”
111. “Takes a lot of medicine to make it through the winter time.”
112. “All them shiny little heads and tails, where do you think they come from?”
113. “Everybody shines by the sweat of his brow.”
114. “The wage is nothing and the work is hard.”
115. “It’s a graveyard in Hadestown.”
116. “Mr. Hades is a mean old boss!”
117. “An eye for an eye! A lie for a lie!”
118. “You better forget about your wishing well.”
119. “I missed ya.”
120. “Mr. Hades is a mighty king.”
121. “Must be making some might big deals. Seems like he owns everything.”
122. “Kind of makes you wonder how it feels.”
  A Gathering Storm 123. “He came too soon. He came for her too soon. It’s not supposed to be like this.”
124. “Well, til someone brings the world back into tune this is how it is.”
125. “Touched by the gods is what he is.”
126. “Finish it quick. The wind is changing. There’s a storm coming on.”
  Epic II 127. “Hades is king of oil and coal and the riches that flow where the rivers are found.”
128. “His loneliness moves in him crude and black.”
129. “He thinks of his wife in the arms of the sun.”
130. “Jealousy fuels him and finds him and fills him.”
  Chant 131. “Low. Keep your head low.”
132. “You gotta keep your heard low if you wanna keep your head.”
133. “In the coldest time of year, why is it so hot down here?”
134. “Lover, you were gone so long. Lover, I was lonesome.”
135. “When you feel that fire, think of it as my desire.”
136. “I am keeping one eye on the sky and tryin’ to trust that the song he’s working on is gonna shelter us from the wind.”
137. “In the darkest time of year, why is it so bright down here?”
138. “When you see that glare, think of it as my despair.”
139. “His black gold flows in the world down below and her dark clouds roll in the one above.”
140. “That’s why times are so hard. It’s because of the gods.”
141. “The gods have forgotten the song of their love.”
142. “I’m trying to believe that the song he’s working on is gonna harbor me from the wind.”
143. “Did you think I’d be impressed with this neon necropolis?”
144. “Everything I do, I do it for the love of you.”
145. “If you don’t even want my love, I’ll give it so someone who does. Someone grateful for her fate, someone who appreciates the comforts of a gilded cage.”
146. “Think of them as my embrace of you.”
  Hey Little Songbird 147. “Hey little songbird, give me a song.”
148. “I’m a busy man and I can’t stay long. I got clients to call. I got orders to fill.”
149. “I got walls to build. I got riots to quell.”
150. “They’re giving me hell back in Hades.”
151. “Hey, little songbird, cat got your tongue?”
152. “Always a pity for one so pretty and young when poverty comes to clip your wings and knock the wind right out of your lungs.”
153. “Nobody sings on empty.”
154. “Strange is the call of this strange man.”
155. “You’d shine like a diamond dark in the mine.”
156. “The choice is yours if you’re willing to choose, seeing as you’ve got nothing to lose.”
157. “Wasn’t it gonna be the two of us? Weren’t we birds of a feather?”
158. “Let me guess. He’s some kind of poet and he’s penniless.”
159. “Give him your hand, he’ll give you his hand-to-mouth.”
160. “He’ll write you a poem when the power is out.”
161. “See how the vipers and vultures surround you. They’ll take you down, they’ll pick you clean.”
162. “People get mean when the chips are down.”
  When The Chips Are Down 163. “Life ain’t easy. Life ain’t fair. A girls gotta fight for he rightful share.”
164. “What you gonna do when the chips are down?”
165. “Help yourself, to hell with the rest. Even the one who loves you best.”
166. “Take it if you can, give if you must. Ain’t nobody but yourself to trust.”
167. “Aim for the heart, shoot to kill. If you don’t do it then the other one will.”
168. “The first shall be first and the last shall be last.”
169. “Cast your eyes to heaven, you get a knife in the back.”
170. “Nobody’s innocent now that the chips are down.”
  Gone, I’m Gone 171. “My heart is yours, always was and will be. It’s my gut I can’t ignore.”
172. “My heart it aches to stay, but the flesh will have its way.”
173. “The way is dark and long. I’m already gone.”
174. “Go ahead and lay the blame. Talk of virtue, talk of sin.”
175. “Wouldn’t you have done the same in her shoes, in her skin?”
176. “You can have your principles when you’ve got a belly full, but hunger has a way with you.”
177. “There’s no telling what you’re gonna do when the chips are down.”
  Wait For Me (Intro) 178. “Hey, the big artiste! Ain’t you working on your masterpiece?”
179. “What do you care? You’ll find another muse somewhere.”
180. “Wherever she is is where I’ll go.”
181. “What if I said she’s down below?”
182. “She called your name before she went, but I guess you weren’t listening.”
183. “Just how far would you go for her?”
184. “Course there is another way, but nah, I ain’t supposed to say.”
185. “It ain’t for the sensitive of soul. So do you really wanna go?”
186. “With all your heart? Well, that’s a start.”
  Wait For Me 187. “You have to take the long way down, through the underground under cover of night.”
188. “Ain’t no compass, ain’t no map. Just a telephone wire and a railroad track.”
189. “Wait for me, I’m comin’.”
190. “If all you got is your own two legs, just be glad you got ‘em.”
191. “Who are you to think that you can walk a road that no one ever walked before?”
192. “You’re on the lam, you’re on the run. Don’t give your name, you don’t have one.”
193. “Don’t look no one in the eye.”
194. “That town’ll try to suck you dry.”
195. “They’ll pluck the heart right out your chest.”
196. “I hear the walls repeating the falling of my feet and it sounds like drumming.”
197. “I hear the rocks and stone echoing my song.”
  Why We Build The Wall 198. “Why do we build the wall my children, my children?”
199. “We build the wall to keep us free.”
200. “That’s why we build the wall, we build the wall to keep us free.”
201. “How does the wall keep us free my children, my children?”
202. “How does the wall keep us free?”
203. “How does the wall keep us free? The wall keeps out the enemy.”
204. “Who do we call the enemy my children, my children?”
205. “Who do we call the enemy?”
206. “Who do we call the enemy? The enemy is poverty and the wall keeps out the enemy.”
207. “We have and they have not my children, my children. They want what we have got.”
208. “What do we have that they should want my children, my children?”
209. “What do we have that they should want? We have a wall to work upon.”
210. “Our work is never done my children, my children.”
  Why We Build The Wall (Outro) 211. “There are papers to be signed. Step into my office.”
212. “A lot can happen behind closed doors. That’s for sure, that’s a fact.”
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[Fic] All due respect here... (there's no respect due)
Let’s try one last time... I truly apologise if the cut doesn’t work on mobile, I am posting from my laptop.
Enough is enough, they're right. There’s only so much that can be forgiven, before one’s indulgence becomes a red flag. Loneliness is not an excuse, Martino.
“You need to put your foot down” they keep saying. “You need to draw a line and say: this is unacceptable. If you step over the line once you get a warning, but do it twice and we’re done.”
It's just that… you know… He feels so stupid, now? He has been so blind, so naïve and nearly let himself be played like a fiddle. Hurting those who really care about him, and for what? Approval?
The more he thinks about it, the worse it gets. The signals were all there, for fuck’s sake!
Lulling him into a sense of comradery, that he had been missing ever since his friends from high school had all chosen different paths… Yeah, that’s how it had all started. With him, trying so desperately to fill that void. It hadn’t been as difficult as had imagined to bond over incomprehensible lectures, disgusting coffee and eclectic lifestyles. Francesco had been the first to approach him, complimenting his Apparat-inspired T-shirt and asking where he bought it. It hadn’t seen anything quite like it on the Internet, or he would have remembered! Deciding it was best to weed out the homophobes straight away, Martino told him the truth: it was a gift from his boyfriend. Not quite his usual style, but since it made Nico happy to see him wear it…
“Oh man, you’re so whipped.” Francesco had commented, instead, laughing. “But hey, who am I to judge? I’m actually a bit jealous, you know. No one ever made me something that cool. Do you think I could commission him one?”
Marti did, but he had been wrong. Niccolò wasn’t interested in designing clothes for anyone else, and while he was flattered by Fra’s proposal he would have to turn it down. Not exactly a great start, but Martino didn’t think much of it. This wasn’t kindergarten and surely Francesco wouldn’t hold that refusal against Nico.
Marina had literally saved his life, when he crossed the street and didn’t look as he was in the middle of some lovely banter with Niccolò. In return for her heroic deed, he was bound to treat her to lunch. Or a coffee, at least. The way she delivered that ridiculous request, wiggling her head and biting her lips – like a mischievous child, amused by their own audacity – reminded him so much of a certain someone… that he found himself discussing the top 10 TV shows betrayals of the decade (no! they were never going to forgive D&D for what he had done to Daenerys!) over a cappuccino. She might have been side-eyeing him for checking his phone a little too much, but he didn’t really care.
And then came Lorenzo. Well, it was actually Martino who had reached out to him. Who found him sitting on the floor of a dingy bathroom, crying his eyes out. Years ago, he would have stepped out and let someone else comfort a stranger. But then… Then he though ‘what I was the one sitting there? what if it was Nico? I don’t want to think everyone would just walk away and pretend they didn’t see him…’ and sat down next to him. He didn’t ask if he was okay, when he clearly wasn’t. He didn’t ask why he was so distraught. It wasn’t any of his business, and the question alone would have made this guy feel worse. It was a lesson he had learnt the hard way, through his own experience and Nico’s.
“Oi, you got 2 tens or 4 fives? Some spare coins? I’ve only 20€ in my wallet, and that fucking machine never gives you the right change if you put in more than a 10€ note.”   He had asked, when Lori looked up.
“I… I…” He had said, sniffling. Frantically, he had started looking for the money and seemed truly sorry he couldn’t help Martino out.
“Hey, that’s okay. I’ll manage. So, what can I get you? You look like you could use some hot chocolate, though I’m afraid I can only find vaguely chocolatey-flavored water, around here.”
He didn’t think he would get to meet any of them ever again, and then one day he spotted them all sitting at the same table. It wasn’t like Martino had ever believed in fate, but that did seem like a coincidence straight out from a Norwegian teen drama. A French romance. Not that he had ever watched either of them, of course. An occurrence meant to show him that the universe had plans, for the four of them.
In hindsight, he should have told the universe where he could shove its plans…
For a while, however, Martino thought there could hardly be anybody on Earth who got luckier than him in when it came to friendship. They always knew where to find the next best party but didn’t mind spending a night in, binge-watching the latest trashy show that had been uploaded on Netflix. Playing FIFA. Discussing politics, and even ethics and philosophy when they were more than a little drunk.
Everything changed, however, when things started to get a bit more personal. When they started dispensing details about their crushes, their heartbreaks, and Martino foolishly felt comfortable enough to share more of his life with Nico. Painting quite an idyllic picture, as complaints and rants about his inability to tidy up a room and tendency to zone out when they were discussing financial matters would only ever be disclosed to Giovanni. Nevertheless, to say that they weren’t his biggest fans would be an understatement.
  “Let me guess, it’s Nico. Again.”
 “Okay… So, he can leave on read for hours, but starts panicking if you don’t answer straight away?”
 “He put salt in your coffee because you weren’t paying attention? Is he… like, five or something? But well, if you find that endearing… You do you, man.”
 And it only got worse after they met him, and began spinning a whole other narrative in which Martino was either a hero or a martyr, for ‘putting up’ with Nico.
 “Oh, you're such a great guy not giving up on that.”
 “You sure must love him a lot to endure all of his up and downs.”
He reassured them all, told them that he appreciated the concern but that they barely knew Niccolò so he wouldn’t stand for any further slandering of his boyfriend.
So they laid low, and stayed quiet, for a while. It hurt them to see Martino trapped in what clearly was an abusive relationship, but there was nothing more that could be said or done about it. Whenever Nico was mentioned, they changed the subject.
Until tonight. Asking them both to join them at a party, and then corner him and attempted to stage an ‘intervention’.
Couldn’t he see how possessive and controlling Niccolò was, manipulating Marti into thinking his new friends were out to get him?
 “The two of you, against the world? Doesn’t it sound disturbing to you?”
 “Marti, come on, you have to admit that he has controlling tendencies. He shouldn’t need to know where you are at all times, doing what, with whom. He shouldn’t come up and snatch you away, whenever he notices you spend time talking to the same person for more than 2 minutes.”
 “It’s like he can’t stand not being at the center of your attention 100% of the time.”
How… How dare they? Who the fuck do they think they are?
“Get out of my face, you fuckers. If I hear you badmouthing Nico ever again, you’re gonna regret it.”
Thankfully, they don’t try to stop him when he storms out the room. The last thing he wants is to end up in a fight, and having Niccolò find out it was because of him. It had already happened once, with Malik and his friends, and… No revival of that was needed, thanks.
Little do they know about their late conversations, when Martino had indeed noticed was off with Niccolò and tried to find out how he could help. Because Marti couldn’t relate to the magnitude of Niccolò feelings, sure, but he had been there the year before. When everyone in Uni had seemed far more interesting that a boy who still attended high school…
Niccolò has a jealous streak, sure. That had been clear ever since he put in his pasta. But it wasn’t the ugly side of jealousy, stemming from a warped sense of ownership over him. It was more like… Feeling like he didn’t matter, of maybe being interest enough to catch someone’s attention but lacking in keep them entertained. Which in turn made him petty, vindictive, clingy. It was only a matter of time before Martino would agree with those guys, and leave him for good.
Marti tapped Nico's skull, then, and said to his brain "Stop with this bullshit. Stop making my boyfriend suffer, you asshole. You know nothing, zero, zilch, nil, nada. You're worse than Jon Snow.” He bent down to kiss his heart, and went on with "You, on the other hand… You know Nico's the best thing that has ever happened to me and that I'd be a fool not to cherish it. So what if he’s got some flaws? Who cares? Not me. One thing matters and it’s this: no else compares. So yeah, tell him he shouldn't worry: I'm not going anywhere."
"Ever?" He mumbled, not quite ready to believe Martino.
"Kim Jong-un, Nico. Remember?"  Marti reminded him, smiling as he stroked his cheek.
"Right. How could I forget King-Kong-Là…" That made them both laugh, and they decided not to discuss the matter any further. They were far more pleasurable ways to spend their night together…
So yeah, screw them. Screw everyone who overanalyzes every little thing Niccolò does, who is always ready to point the finger at him and say that Martino deserves better.
Of course he does, duh. Better friends, for a start.
*********************** All due respect here... There's no respect due. So fuck you and you, and you and you. You're cool, but fuck you... And I'm out of here. (Swear Jar, Illy)
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thelamppoststation · 5 years
Future’s Past by TheLampPost
In 2008, a year after James managed to get off that godforsaken rock, he receives a visit from a young woman with blue eyes and blonde hair. She hands him a locket and a letter, then demands answers to questions that he didn't even know existed. Post season 6 (Suliet) - This story is also partly set during the DHARMA days.
Chapter 1: Wonder                                                    
              DHARMA Initiative: Motor Pool, July 1975            
"I'm pretty sure it's the engine. It's been giving me trouble for the past week and a half. There's this odd ticking sound," Phil jerked his index-finger back and forth, "that just won't let up."
"I'm pretty sure I saw some smoke in my rear-view the other day as well."
"And the backlight is busted."
"Look, I would have brought it in sooner, but you know how LaFleur gets."
Danny snorted.
"I do, do I?"
"He's been up my ass all week about clocking in late. I told him, 'listen, I can't help it, sleep paralysis is a real thing, you know?' But he's just not been in a very sympathetic mood, lately."
Danny stepped around back and unlocked the latch on the blue VW T2. He groaned, scratched the back of his head, reaching for a non-existing itch that was easier to define than the inside of this particular engine. That was a lie. He understood perfectly well. Trouble was, he didn't care to understand. Good American vans were easy to come by nowadays. In fact, just the other day he heard Mitchell talk about the latest Chevrolets, how they're taking the market by storm, and yet folks here imported German vans. German. Vans. It was irritating, not up to par, and he should have objected to this detail when they first assigned it to him. After all, his skill lay in engineering, not fixing Nazi cars.
He closed the latch and sighed; Phil was still babbling away in his left ear, something about sleep apnoea and narcolepsy. Where did the Initiative find this guy, anyway?
"I'll have Juliet take a look at it."
Phil's thick brows shot up, not quite disappearing beneath his thinning hairline.
"She's s'posed to start her shift at one."
"Juliet Carlson?"
"You hiring women these days?"
Danny shrugged.
"Many of them emancipated ones want to grease up, try out some real jobs; I ain't complaining, the view's been much improved since she started tinkering away," he winked and motioned for Phil to step closer. "Nimble fingers, that one's got," Phil's eyes widened and Danny playfully punched him in the arm.
"You and her?"
"Ha! I wish. Pretty sure she's got a thing for your boss."
"LaFleur?!" Phil frowned. "How'd you figure that?"
"He comes 'round here lookin' for them blonde locks more often than Linus beats up his kid in a drunken frenzy."
"Danny!" Phil exclaimed, then dropped his voice to a low whisper. "We don't talk about that."
"We ain't talkin' 'bout lotsa things that's goin' on 'round here. Don't mean it don't happen, Phil."
"It's none of our business."
"Yeah? You gone say that to his kid if ever he come knockin' on ya door for help? 'Ain't none of my business, kid. Scram?' Or what about them recruits we buried last week? I ain't seen a single letter went out to them families. We also just gone pretend that ain't our business?"
The truth of the matter was, Danny wasn't wrong, he knew he wasn't; too many things were happening on the island that consistently and conveniently escaped members' attention. Just the other day, after he'd caught Linus beating the shit out of his sad puppy of a kid again, it occurred to him that he just couldn't be the only one who'd ever been witness to such a plain show of domestic abuse. How could he be? What a farce! The D.I. endlessly prattled on about life and death, war and peace, love and hate; they talked about everything that went above and beyond mere mortal comprehension; yet, when it really came down to it – whenever, Roger would turn up drunk for his shift again, or Ben showed up to class with a black eye and busted glasses – well, if anyone'd ask him, he'd say the DHARMA folk just didn't want to see. 'Them things that truly need fixin', them things that matter in the here and now; them such things don't matter to the DHARMA fuckin' Initiative.'
"It ain't! - I mean, it isn't!" Phil nervously pulled at his sleeves.
"Uhu," Danny sniffed. "Guess it ain't, then."
"Hi boys!"
Phil jumped, unprepared for the sudden intrusion. Danny jerked around, a genuine 100-watt smile gracing his face. At least the island provided him with some distractions; them nice blue eyes surely gave him palpitations from time to time.
"Well, well, if it ain't Jules. You early, doll. Your shift don't start 'til one."
"Hi Phil."
"Juliet," Phil gave her a curt nod, his eyes darting off to the side.
"I left early yesterday, figured I'd make up for the time today."
"Well, you're in luck. Phil here says his van needs some lovin'; told him you're just the gal he's lookin' for."
She grinned and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Suppose she's not your type, eh?"
"Nah, you know how I like 'em, big and busty. None of that angular, wide eyed crap" he winked.
Juliet shook her head, unable to hide the amusement that tugged at the corners of her lips.
She should be more outraged by such sexual innuendos, but this was Danny, and Danny was about as threatening as a baby hippopotamus. Ever since she'd signed up for the motor pool detail she'd expected backlash, ridicule, jokes about her inability to hold a screwdriver the right way up. But instead of huffing and puffing about her true place being in the kitchen, Danny had surprised her. His open-mindedness about her abilities made her feel welcome, and as a result she embraced his testing and teasing with a smile rather than a grimace. Also, she was capable of making some pretty sharp remarks of her own keeping Danny on his toes plenty.
"What seems to be the problem?"
She stepped closer to the van, and turned her attention back to Phil. He gave her an odd look and a quick once over before spewing forth an incomprehensible string off words.
"I – uh," a twitch tugged at his eye.
"I – eh," he scraped his throat.
"The engine is ticking and – uh– I."
He pulled at his collar.
"Uh, backlight –."
Danny sniggered, and put an arm around Phil's shoulder.
"The engine is givin' 'im some hiccups, and you're gonna wanna replace the backlight," he said.
"Right," Phil nodded. "That."
"Okay, no problem. I'll see what I can do," she moved towards the work station and slipped her gloves on. "Check back in at the end of the afternoon."
Phil gave her another curt nod.
"Anything else?"
"No," he said, his eyes sliding up and down her jumpsuit once more, then he turned to Danny, pursed his lips and said:
"See you later, Dan."
"later, Phil."
Juliet tilted her head to the side as she watched Phil stalk off in the direction of the barracks.
"What's with Phil?"
"What ain't with Phil?" he snorted.
She laughed.
" 'S got his panties all tied up in a knot when he heard his boss and you are sweet on each other."
She froze; the look in Danny's eyes imparting far more than she was willing to acknowledge. How in the hell did that rumor spread about?
"Where'd you hear that?" she asked, leaping back into movement. She opened the van's front latch, and propped the hood up.
"You ain't foolin' anyone, doll. He's up here more often than he's out 'n 'bout checkin' perimeters. Always somethin' "broke" on his VW. Uhu," he winked.
"It's not like that, Danny. You know that."
"I'm just tellin' 'em how I see 'em, doll. And I sure seen lotsa ogling happenin' 'round these parts lately."
"I'm telling you, you're seeing it wrong."
"I am, am I?"
He tapped his nose, then shrugged and slammed his hand against the side of the van.
"Don't forget to freshen the oil, doll," He turned away. "I'll be in my office. Say hi to LaFleur when he stops by."
He walked away.
"Shit," she whispered under her breath.
He wasn't wrong, James had been stopping by a lot, lately. In fact, his van would randomly break down at least twice a week, and whenever he wasn't able to make it to the motor pool he'd find some way to lure her out into the jungle. Not Mitchell, not Tom, not Danny; he always requested her. Stolen moments between noon and night time, where the undergrowth, vines and muddy soil created noisy friction and impossibly to wash out stains. To think that they were getting away with it, she snorted. So much for keeping the "un" out of the "complicated".
"Shit, shit, shit," she pulled off her gloves, and threw them back onto the work station.
"What ya cursin' at the world for, Blondie?"
And there he was, just like Danny said he would be; a dimpled smirk plastered onto the side of his face. She felt a flutter pull at her insides as he leaned against Phil's van and crossed his arms in front of his chest. There was a slight spark in his eyes today, burning holes into carefully constructed resolutions; just by looking at him she was already breaking promises that she'd only just made.
"What are you doing here?" she snapped.
"Thought you might wa–… you in some kind of trouble, or somethin'?"
She huffed.
"Danny thinks he's got us all figured out," she motioned between them.
"Yeah, oh."
She shook her head and turned away from the station, but before she could brush by him he caught her arm in mid-stride. Another wave of flutters raced through her body, tripling her heartbeat; a thousand tiny wings flapping in the darkness, tying her to the present. This was crazy. What they'd been doing was crazy. There was a time, not too long ago, that these exact same eyes had looked at her with disgust. When he'd banded together with Sayid, had watched her from the corners of narrowed eyes. Nothing would have pleased him more than to have put a bullet through her head when she'd walked away with Claire's medicine, having revealed more about his life than she should have been able to know. But now? His hand pulled her back searing dark marks of desire into her skin. Now, he wanted her.
"It don't have to matter," he said.
"What do you mean?"
"We don't have to keep hidin'. Maybe, we should just try the whole out-in-the-open thing."
"The out-in-the-open thing?" she rolled her eyes.
"You know what I mean."
"No, I don't actually. What do you mean, James?"
He smirked, his eyes sparkling with unleashed mischief; a second later he'd turned her to him and pushed her back against the side of the van, knocking the wind clean out of her.
She gasped, within seconds he had two, three, four buttons undone on her jumpsuit.
"You startin' to comprehend, doctor Burke?" he whispered into her ear as one of his hands disappeared down her jumpsuit. A shiver ran across her spine, and his lips curved against her throat; his slight kisses travelling upward, only momentarily halting to nip at her skin here, then there. This wasn't exactly the answer she'd been looking for, but as his lips found hers, his intentions read loud and clear. She responded without protest, not even wanting to resist, caught up in the lure of their game, she almost didn't hear…
"Ehum, ehum."
Her eyes flew open; the unmistakable cough of an accidental voyeur.
"James," she pushed at his shoulders, his grip tightened.
"James," she repeated.
He let out a low grunt but pulled back.
She coaxed her head in the direction of the sound; James half-turned, then a sly smile spread across his face and she mentally rolled her eyes. Of course, he would be excited about getting caught red-handed, he practically lived for the thrill of forbidden moments like these; out in the open, yet, far enough away from prying eyes.
"Goodmornin' Doctor Long," he said, his hands leisurely sliding out of her jumpsuit.
"Mr. LaFleur. Miss Carlson."
Juliet's cheeks flushed a brighter shade of red, but Long hardly seemed to notice. If anything, he looked rather blasé about the matter, as though he'd just taken a sip of a particularly bitter cup of coffee and had decided that nothing could possibly ruin his day more.
"What brings ya to this neck of the woods?"
"I was hoping to have a word with miss Carlson, here" Long said, studying the undone buttons on her jumpsuit with a raised eyebrow.
James inclined his head.
"Don't let me stop ya."
"In private," he added.
Juliet looked up in surprise; what could possibly be so important that it demanded her immediate attention? He could hardly be here about a van. Long did everything on foot; good for the lungs, he said. Suppose he didn't consider chain smoking his way through DHARMA meetings a tad more hazardous to his health than a sedentary lifestyle. Not for the first time since they'd arrived she'd marvelled at the general attitude of the 70s; 'the era of the wilfully ignorant and the blissfully blind', Miles had said at some point. He might be onto something there.
"You OK?" James asked, pulling her attention back to the present.
"Yeah," she nodded, finishing buttoning up her jumpsuit. "I'll finish up here; I'll see you tonight."
"OK, then," he shrugged, the subtle shift in his demeanour conveying that he was anything but OK with the abrupt brush off, but he would let it go for now.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Don't forget to bring the tacos."
"As long as you bring the game."
He laughed and winked.
"Count on it, Blondie."
With a knot in her stomach she watched him go. He'd soon realize that the stars in his eyes weren't truly meant for her. He longed for green emeralds, and lush brown curls. She knew; her name had slipped from his lips in his sleep on more than one occasion. It hurt. It hurt a lot. But neither time travel nor distance could make him want her. He had to come to that conclusion on his own. He might never, and that was OK too. It wasn't supposed to mean anything anyway.
She shook the thoughts from her head.
"What can I do for you, Doctor?"
"I'd rather we talk some place private. I do not usually discuss topics of a delicate nature out in the open like this."
Didn't he just clear her last week?
"Should I be worried?"
The way he stood there, chin up in full on doctor mode; it gave her pause. It was familiar. Too familiar. She used to approach women in the clinic in a similar manner. When their hopes of seeing two pink lines would be dashed by that disappointing singular one. 'I'm sorry; maybe, next time,' she'd say.
But Long wasn't a fertility doctor, and he certainty wouldn't be alluding to a next time of any sort, not after all he'd just been privy to.
"Let's go to my office, shall we?" his expression remained void of emotion and it did nothing to reassure her. She could almost hear James whisper in her ear: 'He'd make for a great Other. Stoic. Empty eyes. Soulless. Kinda like you in the beinning.'
She followed him across the square to the infirmary; inside Alice and Debra were seated behind long white desks. Fragments of excited conversation fluttered about the room, the air filled with an ease that she'd never quite associated with the infirmary before. She greeted them, and they responded in kind.
"Juliet," Long began, after he'd closed his office door behind her.
"Please, sit."
She almost laughed out loud; the irony of the situation crept through thick layers of unwritten pieces of paper and sticky post-it notes on yellow bare walls, this used to be her office. Or rather, it would be, 26 years from now. In her time, it looked more desolate, discolored paint peeling off the ceiling and walls, pieces of brown tape desperately trying to hold onto corners of hastily torn off leaflets. Here, right now, it looked freshly painted; no marks of wear or the inevitable sense of dread that would soon inhibit the place; it even smelled better.
"We found something in your blood that I think we should discuss."
"How have you been feeling, lately?"
She shrugged.
"Just some headaches, but nothing so bad it'd be worth mentioning. Why?"
"You and LaFleur have you been seeing each other long?"
She narrowed her eyes at him; that was an odd question. What did that have to do with anything? And besides –
"I don't see how that's any of your business."
"Well, it becomes our business when you decide to procreate."
"Excuse me?"
"Procreate, it means –"
"I know what it means; I haven't a clue what you're talking about."
"The DHARMA Initiative has rules about pregnancies, Juliet. You have to submit the proper documents, and apply for absence of leave so that you can be thoroughly examined on the mainland before try outs start," he paused. "Unless you've decided to leave the island, of course. Obvously, you'd be free to do whatever you want, then."
"Try outs? What are you–?"
"There's no need to deny it; according to the data you provided last year you're not in the habit of regulating your menses, you've not been prescribed any type of birth control, and the Initiative has been denied requests to import male contraceptives. That only leaves us with one possible scenario. You planned for this to happen," he hesitated. "I'm a little surprised, though. Did you really think you could hide it from us? Surely, you must have known there'd come a time we'd find out."
She stared, her eyes all but rolling out of her skull.
"You're saying, I'm…?"
She shook her head. No, no, no.
"You're wrong,"
Something must have gone wrong with her blood test; a mix up, maybe. A false positive, surely. She grabbed the file from his desk and started flipping through it. The RFLP and SNP aligned perfectly with what she remembered from her med-school results. Her brows knit together. These were hers, but…
"It has to be a false positive."
"We're quite sure."
"I can't be pregnant."
"According to our–"
"You're not listening to me; I can't get pregnant."
Long frowned.
"You mean; you haven't been able to conceive until now?"
"No," was she really going to have to spell it out? Was he that dim?" I'm infertile."
It hurt to say; she'd never actually said it out loud before.
Long appeared confounded.
"You're infertile?"
"Yes, I – I– "
How could she ever explain that the adult version of the boy who currently lived three barracks down the road from her had been the cause of her infertility? How could she begin to explain that in 26 years' time he was going to lure her to the island, and lay claim to her as though she was his slave to keep: 'After everything I've done to get you here! After everything I've done to keep you here! How could you possibly not understand…that you're mine?!'
Ben had forced her hand, and after all this time the memories of that day continued to fester like big open wounds, growing more and more repulsive each day.
"There's this drug called Chlorhydelone. It's a trial drug," she began. "I took it a little over a year ago."
She watched little Benjamin Linus sometimes, from the window inside her barrack; the sight of him always ignited confusion. She hated him, but she also pitied him; a dichotomy of indecision forevermore debating with unrelenting thoughts, wracking havoc with her original proclamations.
He'd glanced up once, as though he'd sensed her eyes on him, and they'd stared at each other; this broken boy with his busted Harry Potter glasses complete with duck tape, minus scar, and the object of his future obsession, staring. She'd hastily stepped away, and pulled the shutters down with a force that vibrated through the entire house.
"I was told that it was safe," she lied. "But eventually, I learned that the effects of the drug had done irreparable damage to my reproductive organs."
Long shook his head.
"What was the trial for? Why didn't you mention this during your first medical exam?"
"I didn't think it worth mentioning."
"You didn't think infertility would be worth mentioning?" Long pinched the bridge of his nose, and leaned forward on his desk. "Juliet, don't get me wrong, this truly is quite a remarkable story. But you have to understand that from where I'm sitting, I'm having some trouble piecing together certain facts; why would you be involved in this? How did you get involved? Were there more people who were being tested on like you?"
"Evan," she put her arms on the desk, mirroring him. "I can't talk about the experiments, or who performed them," she lied. "And I didn't mention it, because–" she looked away, the painful reminder of what had happened in the weeks following her actions bubbled to the surface. It surprised her how much of that faded pain still felt so fresh.
"Because I couldn't."
Long regarded her with calculated suspicion over the rim of his aviator glasses. Then he sighed and pushed himself up from his chair.
"You should have been more forthcoming, Juliet. We could have run our own tests. This island–" he stopped.
"This island, what?" she repeated, knowing full well where he'd intended to go with that line of thought.
"Forget it," he waved the thought away with his hand. "The truth of the matter is that the tests we conduct here are very accurate. If what you're saying is true, then there's only one way to confirm it."
She nodded.
"I understand."
              DHARMA Initiative: Infirmary, July 1975            
"This is going to be a little cold."
Debra applied the thick blue gel to her belly, squirting it out over her skin with flowery adolescent strokes. She shivered, her bellybutton's repurposed design looking oddly disturbing in all of its crooked glory. Debra laughed.
"First time?"
Juliet nodded, not quite sure how else to respond. She'd been through the motions countless times before: apply the gel, clearly express what the patient can expect, apply the proper amount of pressure to the probe, move it in the longitudinal plane across the belly–
"You're holding it wrong."
Debra frowned.
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are," she placed her fingers on top of the young nurse's hand. "Let me show you."
Debra started to protest, but Juliet was already moving the transducer down to her pubic bone. She applied a little more pressure, and slowly maneuvered the device upward.
Almost instantly an image popped up on the monitor.
Debra turned her head, her frown deepened as she scratched her head with her other hand.
"How did you know?"
"Just simple logi–" She trailed; her eyes arrested by the image on the monitor, an unmistakable flutter catching her attention. It appeared at the bottom of the screen, a steady rhythm, corroborated by the rapid thumping that emanated from the monitor's speakers. A heartbeat.
Her hands flew to her mouth.
"Omph! Careful," Debra said.
It was small. So small. She'd almost missed it; the size of a raspberry, and because she knew where to look did she see the tiniest of hands shift ever so slightly into view, showing signs of life that could not possibly be thriving inside her body.
"Oh my–" she whispered.
Up until that moment she'd been so sure. There'd been no morning sickness; no sign or indication of any sort that her body was preparing itself for radical changes. For all intense and purposes the Chlorhydelone should have completely destroyed both of her fallopian tubes and uterus. She hadn't had her period in months, and yet here she was bearing witness to the impossible.
She moved closer to the screen; Debra shifted the probe into a different position to accommodate her better.
"It looks to be about–"
"63 days," Juliet whispered. "9 weeks."
"I just do," she swallowed hard; her breath catching in her throat.
"Well," Debra shrugged, and turned her attention back to the monitor. "It looks healthy. Strong."
"It does," she smiled, betrayed by the tremor in her hand as she reached for the screen. Still captivated by the image, the tightness in her chest continued to expand further and further, until soft drops of relief and sadness carved red roads of opportunity down her cheeks. "It really does."
There was so much that she wished she could say to the young nurse, yet there was so very little she could actually reveal. The DHARMA Initiative would never understand the true power of the island. How it healed the irreparable, cure the terminal, restore fertility. But also, how it could take all of that away in the blink of an eye. Over the years she'd learned how the island acted as some type of enabler, pulling strings on puppets through time and space per Jacob's request. And now, she appeared to be in the eye of its hurricane.
She abruptly pulled her shirt down; the image on the screen cut off.
"Wha–?!" Debra started.
"I have to go."
"We're not done, yet!"
"I can't stay."
A/N: I am sooo excited to be sharing parts of this story with you guys already! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to drop a line. It's going to be quite a ride. I don't even know how long this story is going to be, but it took me about a month to work out all of the details. I know how it ends! Just don't know how long it will take for me to get there! It will definitely be a Suliet story, but MANY of the other characters will also appear in this story, along with some original characters, like Danny! For every subsequent chapter and section I'll insert a place and time, because if I don't do that it will turn into a mess very quickly. So, I recommend that before you start reading each section you take note of where all of the characters in the story are and at what time!
Other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! And if you got this far, thank you so much for reading!
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
RWBY Recaps: Vol. 5 The More the Merrier
This is a re-posting from October 9th, 2018 in an effort to get all my recaps fully on tumblr. Thanks!
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Hello, moon.
Will we ever learn what happened to you? Not in this episode! That ominous shot (countered with the oddly soothing sound of crickets) is just to situate us before we pan down, revealing the gang making their way to the meeting with Lionheart. And honestly? I kind of love everything about this composition. Let’s tick things off:
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We have Jaune and Ren mirroring each other with determined expressions and clenched fists. They’re ready to kick ass if need be.
Same with Ruby and Nora except they look like they’re out for a casual moonlit stroll—with the added bonus that Nora is manically thrilled about this adventure.
Yang is pretty blasé. Been there. Done that. Survived worse.
Weiss? The embodiment of “Ugh I could be home right now instead of walking around in this heat this had better not mess up my hair.”
Oscar looks way out of his depth and is hanging back from the rest, as we’d expect given that he’s a farm boy joining a group of elite fighters that have had years to bond without him. It’s Awkward New Kid Syndrome with a side of extreme danger.
And then there’s Qrow. Out in front. Suspicious looks all around. Iconic hunched shoulders. Really wants to put his hands in his pockets but the animation isn’t quite there yet. Behold, everyone. Our leader.
For real though, jokes aside I honest to god love this opening. It’s quick and from a practical standpoint sets up only that they’re heading somewhere as a group, but if you take the time to actually look you’ll see each of their personalities shining through. We might bitch about RWBY’s faults, but there’s a whole lot of love poured into this series and more often than not you can see it in the details.
Ruby pauses then to take in Haven tower—always one to appreciate beauty even when things are bleak—and then hangs back until Oscar has caught up. It’s a wonderful little moment between them because there’s no dialogue and ultimately none is needed. He doesn’t stop for reassurance, but he could. Ruby gives him that option and waits until Oscar passes her before continuing herself. The whole scene is heavy and poignant. There’s nothing but music until they arrive inside and Lionheart breaks the peace with, “Why hello. There… seems to be more of you than last time.”
Yeah. You can hear the fear in his voice. As if the rest of this setup didn’t already scream “TRAP, TRAP, TRAP,” He’s gotta be super suspicious in his greeting too. Leading them out here in the dead of night. Lionheart up on the podium—both figuratively putting himself above them and literally keeping himself out of harm’s way. Then the first thing out of his mouth is a worried comment on their numbers? Suspicious, suspicious.
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Qrow: “Oh you know what they say. The more the merrier.”
He did the title thing! Love that.
Except the delivery makes it clear that Qrow is also suspicious as hell. No one has drawn their weapon yet, but the fight has already started. Qrow and Ozpin know that this is no simple meeting. Now Lionheart knows that they know. A quick shot reveals both his fear and the fact that he came with a weapon of his own:
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Qrow tries to continue the charade by asking what’s up with the council and Lionheart is so bad at acting casual it’s actually painful to watch. He wants to know why they all brought THEIR weapons while hiding his own behind his back. As if they in any way failed to miss him standing there with it in full view for the last thirty seconds.
I can’t with this guy. He's just so bad at being bad I almost feel sorry for him.
(Although, as we in the U.S. have certainly discovered the last two years, the incompetent ones are often the most dangerous…)
As said, the fight has already begun. While Qrow and Lionheart trade subtext Yang checks out their perimeter, immediately picking up on the raven that just happens to be chilling on the banister. A simple, whispered “Mom?” and Qrow has his weapon out and a shot off, barely missing Raven as she swoops down beside Lionheart.
Can we appreciate that reaction time for a second? I feel like between Ozpin’s Super Secret Magic and Qrow’s self-deprecating drinking the fandom tends to forget that he’s easily one of the most powerful fighters we’ve seen to date. He demonstrated that in his playful spar against Winter, keeping Tyrian on his toes while also ensuring that the kids were safe, and here as he responds blindingly fast to a one syllable word. A few seconds later Raven calls him out for missing or, just as likely, deliberately missing since he doesn't want to kill her—yet. Which makes it all the more impressive that he can aim and achieve the results he wants in such a short amount of time. You 100% do not want to fuck with Qrow.
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A nice cut using Lionheart’s back and Raven becomes human once more. In the realm of ‘artists paying careful attention to how their background characters act,’ Oscar is uncomfortable but isn’t even looking at the threat—almost like he’s listening carefully to something the rest of them can’t hear—while Nora looks downright floored. “They really are magic,” she says to herself, solidifying with evidence what they'd been told a few episodes back.  
Okay. Rant time. I still don’t buy these reactions. Really not great on the world building front here. I mean, we’ve had Pyrrha who controls magnetism, Ren who manipulates emotions, Yang has a Hulk mode that includes changing eye color, Blake can create clones of herself, Weiss is basically a necromancer, Ruby turns into rose petals, give him an episode and Jaune will straight up heal a girl, and Nora herself can store/release electricity. Why is turning into a bird so incredibly shocking? It would feel way more natural if they saw Raven and Qrow’s transformations and went, “Okay… so that’s their semblance?” and then Oz has to explain about the difference—being born with an ability vs. being granted it—which is cool and there’s surprise that that’s a Thing, but their reaction to the ability itself is still pretty meh. Because they’ve literally seen weirder.
We’re given no indication as to WHY a bird transformation instinctually reads as more impossible than transforming into rose petals, other than “one is magic and one is not because we say so.” There’s no justification behind the characters’ ability to recognize magic when they see it, especially given the incredibly wide range of abilities RWBY has shown us over the years. Either attach more overt rules to semblances (obvious boundaries where the viewer understands what is and is not possible) or make Ozpin’s magic look radically different. In this world summoning storms and turning into birds doesn't read as radically different. Hell, in many ways Dust, an incredibly common commodity, is more powerful than this supposedly gasp-worthy magic. Why be impressed with Raven summoning rain clouds when Weiss can create powerful winds in her fight against Flynt with just a bit of Daddy’s money?
But anyway. I digress.  
The verbal sparring continues. Oscar still isn’t making eye contact. Raven spouts more of her excuses, Salem can’t possibly be stopped, we're all out for ourselves, blah blah blah. Ruby emphasizes that they’ve already done the impossible, but they only achieved that because they were working together. Separation and a pessimistic attitude is exactly what Salem wants. Ruby wants Raven to join them.
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And take a gander at that contrast between sisters. As I’ve said before, Ruby is the classic full-of-heart protagonist who believes that almost everyone can be redeemed. As we’ll see in a second, the exemption to this appears to be Cinder. Her murder of Penny and Pyrrha highlights her irredeemability in a way that overshadows Raven’s—and even Salem’s—more nebulous crimes. The bigger your actions are the harder they are to conceptualize. The smaller and more personal they are the harder they are to forgive. Paradoxically, it’s easier for someone like Ruby (and the fandom…) to shrug off Raven’s actions because as of yet she hasn't felt their repercussions as intimately.
Yang though? She has. And in this moment she’s not ready to forgive.
Raven refuses of course and tells Ruby she sounds just like her mother. (Give us flashbacks of Summer!) She summons a portal where a fireball flies through, hitting Ruby square in the chest and allowing the whole evil gang to join the party. We get a closeup on Oscar as he and Oz recognize Hazel, locking them inside while the White Fang sets up their bombs.
Hazel: “No one’s getting in… and no one’s getting out.”
Because RWBY, for all its dark storylines, is still hella cheesy at times lol.
Weiss: “So this was all just a trap?”
Ren: “It appears so…”
Ah, naive little children. If only you were watching from our fourth wall perspective you would have realized it was a trap more than an episode ago! Too bad.
We learn that Lionheart was the one who secured Team Bad a place in the Vytal festival. Not only that, but he’s been passing information about huntsmen and huntress whereabouts to Salem. That’s how they were all murdered and Qrow’s realization of this—after spending all that time looking for them and hoping against hope—is definitely a kicker. “I couldn’t find any of them… because you let her kill them.”
Keep in mind, most of those people were Qrow’s friends.
Jaune, as we’d expect, is at his breaking point. Pyrrha’s murderer is standing right there and, as he says, rubbing their faces in how many people she’s killed—“All with that damn smile on your face!” We’ve had all of two instances of RWBY cursing and it’s definitely needed here. I appreciate that his tears and his anger are basically a call to arms. Most everyone draws their weapon as soon as he's finished speaking. Qrow’s still trying to keep the peace, but Jaune’s very existence is a walking testament to exactly how much these people deserve to be brought to justice.
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He yells that he’s going to make Cinder pay for what she did and then comes the most brutal line in all of RWBY.
Cinder: “Who are you again?”
Damn. They’re never gonna top that.
Perfect characterization though. As the audience it’s easy to forget who knows who in a big ensemble cast and, more importantly, who cares about who. From Cinder’s perspective Jaune is a nobody she's barely met. Why would she remember him? If she’d instead made a taunt about his dead girlfriend most of us probably would have just shrugged off the plot-hole, but paying attention to details like this is not only, a) satisfying but b) wonderfully vicious. Way to twist the knife here.
Jaune attacks as we knew he would but Cinder easily blocks him. Ruby joins the fray only to be stopped by Emerald—“You’re not getting near her.” (Love the devotion.) Yang pairs off with Mercury to settle an old score. Raven orders Vernal to take out “the heiress” (rude, she has a name) and in another excellent nod to the switcheroo that tricked both the team and a large chunk of the fandom, she casually throws out that Vernal doesn’t need to use her power to kill a kid.
Good excuse too. Considering, you know, she doesn’t have any.
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No more fake outs. Qrow attacks Raven head on with the announcement that they’re not family anymore. Harsh, but deserved. Raven’s “Were we ever?” smells more like denial. We also get a good look at their similar, but differently balanced color schemes.
As their fight takes them out of frame we stay with a rather terrified Weiss. To her credit though she holds her ground against Vernal, assuring her that she’s “more than a name.”
Finally, Ren and Nora—ever the perfect duo—are left to fend off Hazel. He’s one of those real asshole villains who has a “code” that they follow. He doesn’t want to fight two kids half his age and power level… but he has to. Just like he has to keep pursuing his misguided revenge against Ozpin. And he, like Raven, feels the need to announce to the world that this isn’t what he’d prefer. It’s just how things are! Totally out of his hands, I’m sorry to say.
We’re seeing a trend with the villains and their justifications, yeah?
With everyone paired off Ozpin-Oscar (I need a portmanteau for them…) sneaks over to confront Lionheart. Lionheart goes from telling this supposed stranger to get himself out of the fight while he can to attacking him with a rock-lava-energy blast thing in like five seconds flat. Of course, our two favorite BAMFs block it with ease and we get the RWBY equivalent of,
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Holy shit this kid blocked my hit??
The second the cane comes out though everything makes sense and we get another stellar line of “Not quite” when Lionheart identifies him as Ozpin. I really love that they let Oscar handle the first half of this battle. Yeah, it’s a little flimsy that he’s able to take on an adult after just a few weeks of training, but we also don’t know how much he and Oz are already sharing. Fighting might come naturally to him now in a muscle memory sort of way. Regardless, he kicks ass and I’m loving it.
“You found Qrow,” Lionheart says. “How?” implying that he might have been doing even more work than we saw to keep those two apart. A voiceover from Ozpin wonders what happened to his former ally. The fact that Lionheart knows all the details of Ozpin’s reincarnation tells us that yeah, they were really, really close.
That knowledge is dangerous too. Realizing that Ozpin “couldn’t have had that form for long” Lionheart gets over the debilitating shock of fighting, you know, Ozpin. We hear him rationalizing in the wonderfully creepy manner of the desperate that this is just a boy in front of him, a boy soon to be Ozpin, and if he delivers the kid to Salem he’ll “finally be free" of her. Sounds a lot like Raven thinking that the relic will protect her; a lot like a hurt Tyrian muttering that she’ll forgive him.
RWBY does a good job of reminding us in small ways how utterly terrifying Salem is...and what that fear drives people to do.  
This would be the (supposedly) perfect moment for Ozpin to take over. Oh no! Lionheart is all serious now! Oscar is worried! But the only thing Ozpin does is tell him to “fight.” I’ve heard a lot of people in the fandom claim that Ozpin is a monster for his possession, culpable for something that’s outside of his control. But Ozpin has no desire to take over people’s lives like this and—unlike Hazel or Raven—it really is out of his hands, to say nothing of the fact that he does all he can to actually achieve what he thinks is right. He can’t keep himself from merging with Oscar, but he can give Oscar as much agency as humanly possible, including here. The only times we see Ozpin take that agency away is when it really is for the greater good (they can’t afford to hide on a farm forever) or when Oscar is well and truly in over his head, like after the fight with Hazel goes on too long. Taking over Oscar at that point is to save his life, akin to forcing someone out of the way of a blast.
But we’ll get to that.
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We come back to the fight between Weiss and Vernal as Weiss tries to buy herself enough time to summon her knight. Vernal easily cuts through her summoning though… which is kind of a relief? In that RWBY (usually) knows when to limit new powers. If Weiss had no real limitations on her summoning—the time it takes, the energy it requires—we’d be wondering why she didn’t just summon a whole, super-powered army every time they were in a spot of trouble. Too many shows (Supernatural...) craft crazy powerful characters and then conveniently forget about that power when it would too easily solve a conflict.
Also, check out that smile from Vernal.
We segue to Cinder and Jaune. Kudos to Jaune for holding his own one-on-one! He really is Pyrrha’s student. Remember what other kid managed to hold her own against a freaking Maiden, at least for a time? 
Emerald won’t let Ruby get anywhere near Cinder. She “owes her everything" after all. But she’s willing to indulge her (so to speak) and summons up a mirage of Cinder to fly at Ruby. That and the resulting attack startles her enough that she sets off Crescent Rose, the bullet narrowly missing Weiss.
…Portent of things to come.
Because we’re back on Weiss and it's becoming clear to the viewer why we’ve been focusing so much on her in this battle. A shock from Vernal’s weapon rips out a scream from her, draws Jaune’s attention, and Cinder cruelly asks if he’ll “let her die too.”
Gotta have the fake-out first though. Deciding to take him seriously, Cinder charges with intent to kill and the head-on strike triggers Ruby into remembering Pyrrha’s death. Her silver eyes instinctually go off, blinding everyone and halting the battle.
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Emerald knocks her out fast but even those few seconds was enough to effect Cinder. Apparently once you’re struck by that kind of power your body remembers it. She’s down on her knees, clearly in pain, and Jaune takes the opportunity to get a strike in, managing to clip the half-mask she wears.
And yeah. Cinder’s pissed.
Partly from getting caught in one of Ruby’s blasts again. Partly because a “nobody” like Jaune managed to hit her. Awful when that power you sought isn’t as perfect as you were promised, huh? Jaune makes the mistake though of declaring that he’s not important, only his friends are… and Cinder knows exactly how to make one of the good guys suffer.
Why just kill him when you can instead kill the girl he was worried about moments before? Why grant him peace when you can vividly recreate the trauma of Pyrrha’s death instead?
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We have just enough time left in the episode to see the team’s shocked faces, watch Cinder’s weapon disappear, and then we cut with Weiss in mid-fall.
It’s a brutal combo of content and editing. Thanks, Rooster Teeth! I hate it!
We all know how things turn out though… so that's some kind of comfort. Until next time!
Other Details of Note
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When everyone enters Haven tower we see this statue… and honestly I’m not entirely sure what to make of it. Something something it’s a maiden guarding a Maiden relic. Something something broken chains and freedom. Something something Atlas-esque imagery of holding up a world…you get the idea. It’s symbolic.
Cinder calls Qrow “little bird” and Lionheart “lion.” Always something wonderfully creepy about villains with a penchant for nicknames.
When Jaune first charges Cinder we pull back behind the chain on the statue and see it sway from the force of his attack. It’s quick and subtle, but an excellent visual detail to show us how strong he’s gotten. Pre-Fall of Beacon Jaune never would have managed that kind of force.
For all its faults in places, I enjoy how much this fight makes use of space, especially when it comes to Weiss using her glyphs. It’s not perfect or as complex as what we might have had with Monty, but I think the team is improving in their choreography overall.
Yes, Jaune is well over his schoolboy crush on Weiss---something I'm pleased about---but it still hits hard to have her as the victim here. Out of every team member Cinder could have targeted she chooses the one other girl Jaune might have had legitimate, romantic feelings for. In an alternate timeline, so to speak. 
So the whole “villain walks slowly towards the person they’re gonna kill and everyone who normally has superhuman reflexes doesn’t move an inch” trope is crazy annoying, right? Just putting that out there...
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whateverthought · 5 years
A full(ish) outline of my ‘Evil WestAllen’ AU or Earth 6. It's kinda long. 
  On Earth 6, 11-year-old Bartholomew Henry Allen awakens to a ruckus downstairs only to go and see his mother encompassed in a whirlwind of electricity and color. He calls out as his parents scream for him to leave. And there he sees, the Yellow Man thrust his hand into his mother’s chest before finding himself down the block from home.
As he makes it back he hears police sirens and screeching tires. He watches his father, stunned and resigned, get put in the back of a police car. He goes inside and sees Mr. West, a family friend, standing over something covered in a blanket.
Something-  His mom.
He knows. He knows she’s under the blanket.
  And Mr. West turns, sees him, and rushes to move him out of the house. Away from the crime scene. Away from his mother. And wasn’t that what his mother told him last? To leave?
 Months later he is living with the Wests, with Joe and Iris, but his father is in jail. His father who did nothing. Who was innocent. But he pleaded guilty. Barry saw him plead guilty. Saw him in a prison jumpsuit, in that courtroom. Saw him look anywhere but at Barry.
 And he had tried to help. Barry told them everything. The lightning, the wind, his mother and the Man in Yellow. But no one believed him. No one truely let him finish. They only doubted him. Telling him what he did and did not know.
  He couldn’t have seen the crime, all the police officers saw him run from down the street. He wasn’t in the house, he must have ran away when he heard his father attack his mother. There was no way a Man in Yellow stabbed his mother with his hand. It was ridiculous! Except it wasn’t.
 And he tried to see his father. Ask him why he lied. Why he wanted to be in jail. Why he would rather be in prison than with his son. But each time he would be stopped. Each time Joe West would force him back. He’d sit him down and tell him he couldn’t see his father. Because he was dangerous. Because he was a criminal. Because he didn’t deserve it.
 And Joe, much like every officer and detective, didn’t believe him. He believed his father was a monster and kept Barry from visiting.
  Each time he did get closer. Until, finally, he got to his father. Finally, his father laid eyes on Barry. In the months since the crime Barry was looking at his father in the eyes. Yet, his father sat down, picked up the phone and told him to leave.
  He shouldn’t be here, he shouldn’t have come, he should just forget about him, his father. And then he got up, and left. He left Barry there, sitting in the plastic chair on the other side of a plastic window in a cold concrete room inside a prison.
 At 6 years old Iris Ann West loses her mother. Her mother had been sick for weeks, on and off for years. And one day she wakes up to see her mother gone. Maybe she went out, her father doesn’t seem too bothered. But later that week her father sits her down, and  tells her her mother died. And she cries.
 But life keeps going and nothing happens. They move some her mother’s things but there’s no funeral. Dead people have a funeral, right? And she asks her teachers, and they say, sometimes people have Wakes or Memoerials.
Her father does neither.
  So, at 6, her mother is just gone. And she loves her father. He was a cop, a detective, a hero who fought bad guys. So he couldn’t be wrong.
  And then her bestfriend loses everything. And now he lives with them. And then she wonders, a man who she knew, a man who was nothing but good to her was now a murderer. Not just a murderer, but someone who killed his wife. His love. Something, Iris thought, was nothing but evil. And her father agreed. He told her he did it. He put him in jail himself!
  But, Barry didn’t. Barry told her what he saw, what really happened and, truly? Really truly? Iris believed Barry.
  At 15, she hears her father talking to Barry’s therapist. He was worried, too many fights, too many bloody noses, and broken wrists. She knows she shouldn’t listen. But its Barry. Barry tells her everything, more than the therapist espesially. So she listens, because what if her father tries to send Barry away again? Another “Summer Camp” full of doctors and bodyguards. Another few months of being alone.
 She asks, what about a mother figure? Well, he has Iris, but what about a good female role model? Iris almosts gets caught when she snorts at that. Barry had a mother, and he’d never take some replacement. But thats not important. What is, is that her father admits its been hard since her mother left.
 And Iris knew her father, he said it like that for a reason. So one night, when her dad was asleep, she searches the Internet. And thats when she saw it. Her mother. Her mother after 9 years.
Francine West. 39. Mother. Of a Son.
 Iris yells, and raves and sobs and screams but in the end, he lied. Her father lied to her. A good man who believed in justice and honor lied to her about her mother. But worse, he looks her in the eye, and tells her to not reach out. She left, and she didn’t deserve Iris’ love.
He was right. She didn’t. Neither did he.
  At 16, Iris decides to reach out to her brother, not because she cares, but because her mother doesn’t deserve to have a family after leaving Iris’. Later they move back to Central, and Wally slowly joins Iris and Barry’s little bond.
  During Prom, Iris goes with a girl covered in piercings and Barry takes an older boy with a record. Francine looks uncomfortable as all hell, and Joe looks one second from getting into a fist fight. Neither of them get home before 1 in the morning, and they do it in a police car.
  As collage approaches Barry decides to go to Med School, he’ll take after his father if it kills him. Iris decides to go for law. They leave together, far from Central and there they meet other students from the area. One is Political Science major Lisa Snart, Iris’ PA for her floor. Soon, as things tend to be, they grow close. Lisa tells them about her brother, Leonard, who died young, protecting Lisa from their crooked cop of a father. Of what she saw, of dirty cops and criminals working together. The law wasn’t on their side. Not Barry’s, not Lisa’s and definately not Leonard’s.
  They all go back to Central, Barry becoming a surgeon and Iris a lawyer. On that day, December 11, the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator explodes, sending chaos through the city. At that time Iris is driving with her father, in a rare moment of happiness. Then the storm starts, and a wave of chaos begins. A car in front of them swerves and in an instance, multiple cars are crashing and flying. Iris and Joe included. As their car stops, Iris realizes she’s stuck. Pinned by the car and varying metal parts inbedded into her body she sees her father take his last breathe. She stays there for hours, barely concious, and stews. Her father, who moments ago was actually having a nice time with her, is dead. Her father who she loved and hated in equal measure. Who, maybe, just maybe was finally reconnecting with her. Who she might have finally forgiven.
 Barry is in the hospital when it happens. Moving between emergancies, he stops for a breathe. And the power goes off. The silence lasts a moment before everyone is scrambling to check on patients. Everyone, but Barry. Because he knows something bad has happened.
  Later Iris is brought in for surgury and, days later, has yet to wake up. As Barry watches he feels a knot of bitterness and resentment tighten in his chest. They, the hospital staff, tell him to leave. He can’t help. And he watches Wally and Francine cry over his Iris. Francine doesn’t deserve to cry. If nothing else she should be the one in the bed. Iris is worth 100 of Francine.
  Iris is out for 7 months. In that time Barry turns back to their, Iris and his, old criminal conntacts. They are small, and few but are in no way insignificant. He builds it, and reaches out. He sees the growing number of freaks and weirdos who can do things they shouldn’t. With that, he makes enemies and allies alike.
   One of those is Talia Al Ghul, the run away daughter of the Demon’s Head. He watches her take down mobs of people. He has her come back with information she shouldn’t have. He sees her take down small, powerful criminal organisations. So he makes a deal, he will protect her and she will teach him. She gets shelter, protection, money, connections and he gets to learn how to snap a man’s head between his thighs. She gets a shadow to hide in and he gets a well of toxicology knowledge.
   When Iris wakes up, its to a growing criminal organization. Its during a meeting for this that she first shows her power. A bullet flies toward her Barry and as she jumps infront of it her skin turns silver. Flawless and smooth Iris West becomes The Woman of Steel. As the group lies dead at her and Barry’s feet they realize. The game had changed.
  Over a year later, the Central City Underworld finally descends into chaos. Whispers of a sadistic doctor, his right hand robot and pet assasin lerking in the shadows spread. It’s like a plague, causing fear and paronoia everywhere you look. Crime Lords getting trigger happy and cops twitching at every noise.
  Barry Allen is the leading surgeon in Central and Iris West is a prominant member in many court proceedings. Lisa Snart is campaning for Mayor and Talia Al Ghul is as good as dead to the rest of the world. And its at this time that the Man in Yellow starts showing up.
   Slowly it becomes obvious this is the same man. He always happens to arrive in Barry’s radious. Taunting him. And they bite. Every villian and criminal in their way gets struck down. Every lead and every possibility is followed. As this happens Barry is asked by Harrison Wells to join his business. Deciding the labs can be used to find the Man in Yellow, he agrees.
  Soon Central City gets a hero. Hot Pursuit, a man who can run at lightning speed, who drives a motorcyle going just as fast. The man seems to have a grudge with Central City’s biggest criminal trio, the Good Doctor, Titanium and Shadow Hunter. Never succeding, he still breathes down their neck.
  Despite their bitter resentment, the CCPD is too easy to manipulate. Captain Edward Thawne is a rough man with an agenda against the rising metahuman problem. He hates Hot Pursuit just as much as he does any criminal. This leads to the idenity of the Man in Yellow.
   Its Iris who finds out. From his fights with Hot Pursuit and Barry’s memories, Iris finds the pattern. And as she searches S.T.A.R. labs she finds him. Harrison Wells, standing in all his yellow glory, working on a machine Iris knows doesn’t belong. He catches her, and while he can’t kill her, her powers beat his, he does imprison her. He laments he would rather just kill her, everything has already gone wrong.
   When Talia finds Iris they learn the truth. Eobard Thawne killed Nora Allen, got stuck in time, and killed Harrison Wells. He blew up the accelerator early, on purpose but everything was wrong. Barry was wrong. Wrong job, wrong powers, wrong life. And now, now Eobard could never leave, and Barry couldn’t fight back. He would just run.  Leave.
   Barry wouldn’t run. He was tired of running. Wouldn’t leave. He poisoned the man, and Iris mutilated his arm and he still got away. They would never get a chance like that again.  
   So Iris decided to get rid of him. She hunted down Thawne’s ancestor, Captain Edward Thawne. A good man, but if it would kill Eobard then Titanium would make it quick.
Its during this that Titantium found out Hot Pursuit’s idenity.
   “Harrison Wells” left them everything. S.T.A.R. labs, millions of dolars and a confession. Henry Allen was let out of Iron Heights. And Hot Pursuit now has partners. Bomba, a woman who could blow up anything she touched. Solarflare, a woman made of fire who could change anything into something completely different. And two very condensading hawk people.
   As Lisa becomes Mayor of Central City, politicians from around come and go. One such person is Jennifer ‘Stormy’ Knight, stone faced daughter of Senator Henry Knight and former Wild Child. After an accident, and an attack, Stormy took on the moniker ‘Phantom Lady’ and fights crime in the battle against dirty politicians. An ally of Titanium and future member of Iris’ ‘Furies’.
  Barry proposes to Iris in a beautiful club they recently claimed, and murdered the former gang of, with a private show, just them, and they made love on the stage.
They have a small beautiful wedding and honeymoon in France. Of course, the wedding was inturrupted but nothing Titanium and her Good Doctor couldn’t end.
Barry becomes a bendy assassin who uses needles, poison, scalpel, and knowledge of the body to fight. He doesn’t like to back down and is petty when he feels like he’s been insulted.
Iris is a metal tank. She’s sharp, observational, a great detective and an amazing at deception. Silver tongue, y’know? She’s ruthless and protective. She doesn’t trust people easily and usually, she only believes Barry. Also, the only person who can tell Barry what to do, not only that he also always listens (100%).
Decided to add Talia cause no one ever lets her make her own decisions not based on her father or lover. Also added Lisa cause I mean?? Lisa. Also, I’ve recently fallen in love with Phantom Lady sooooo.... bias
Heroes include Wally West as Hot Pursuit, Bette Sans Souci as Bomba, Lily Stien and Valentina Vostok as Solarflare and Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders as Hawkman and Hawkwoman.
This is in reference to lostinthespeedforce ‘s post about Evil WestAllen. So. Feel like I could have done better but... 
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