#and like the ~issue~ resides in their partner. namely not being who they thought they were
It’s so interesting to me that the big, like, ~reveal~ of both Jane Eyre and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall concern one of the main love interests already being - surprise! - married, but they are such VASTLY different circumstances with totally different connotations and consequences. Just Bronte girlie thoughts.
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maaarine · 5 months
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The Heteronormativity Theory of Low Sexual Desire in Women Partnered with Men
"Since the birth of the twins, Denise felt a great sense of loss after leaving her previously rewarding job, James’ work increased in duration to compensate for the shift in income, and Denise’s identity as a mother superseded any sense of herself as a partner or lover.
She lost desire for sex and for James completely and perceived his requests for sex as intrusive; they were yet another demand placed upon her following a full day of devoting herself to her two demanding children who slept no longer than 4-h intervals through the night, even now at 22 months old.
James withdrew from childcare and household chores and activities, in part due to exhaustion following his 14-h work days and in part to “punish” Denise for withholding sex from him.
She resented him for expecting that she would be the sole caretaker for their children, and lost attraction for him as he increasingly retreated to online gaming late at night after the twins were asleep.
And yet, as they went to leave the end of their first session with the therapist, James turned to the provider and asked, point-blank, whether she thought that “the female Viagra” could help solve their woes.
This case study is one example of the issues plaguing perceptions of low sexual desire in women partnered with men.
That is, while James and Denise’s situation seems an obvious example of contextually-determined low desire, James ascribed the problem to a biological dysfunction in Denise’s body.
The idea that low desire rests in the individual reflects an essentialist view of sexuality that has been advanced by the medical field for decades and cogently critiqued. As such, James’ reaction is not particularly surprising or uncommon.
But why have essentialist, medicalized views of sexuality come to monopolize how people understand low sexual desire?
One argument is neoliberal—that locating the problem of low desire in individuals’ bodies has high financial stakes.
Naming low desire as an individualized biological dysfunction creates a demand for biological (i.e., medical) solutions; thus, pharmaceutical companies stand to gain by selling a “treatment.”
It reflects what has become a suspiciously common pattern in women’s relationships with men more broadly, where a woman’s sexual desire disappears and/or becomes “too low” and then is deemed a dysfunction within the woman.
This pattern is suspicious because the numbers of women reporting low desire are so high that they might be modal, if not ordinary; and, they are certainly too high to reflect individual pathologies within individual women’s bodies.
It is also suspicious because many women who report low sexual desire describe considerably similar interpersonal problems with their men partners.
Thus, while low desire is likely not an individual problem within Denise’ body, the issues and inequities it results from are also likely not an individual problem within James or the interpersonal dynamics of James’ and Denise’s specific relationship.
Instead, we turn to a structural level explanation: gender norms, following other foundational work.
Desire is often situated as low because of its relative status to a partner’s level of desire.
Interestingly, however, this is not a gender-neutral process and the bound is often set with the man partner as reference point.
Accordingly, when a woman experiences lower desire than a man partner, her desire is often labeled low.
In the converse situation, however, men are still the referent: in the case of a man reporting lower desire than a woman partner, the woman’s desire is labeled too high (e.g., they are labeled insatiable or “sluts” in negative ways), rather than the man’s desire being labeled too low.
This highlights the gendered subjectivity inherent to conceptualizations of low desire, where low desire is most often seen as residing not just in bodies, but in women’s bodies relative to men’s desires.
In Prediction 2.1, heteronormativity’s inequitable casting of women into a caregiver-mother role to men partners contributes to the women’s lower desire.
While heteronormativity slots women into nurturant caregiving roles in general, this caregiving is also directed at men partners specifically.
Nurturance—warm, loving, and caring treatment—is a critical aspect of long-term and/or successful relationships, but one inequitably shared between women and men in relationships with each other.
Heteronormative asymmetries in caregiving can matter not only because they are inequitable, but because they translate into dependencies that contravene contemporary norms of relational interdependence.
Interdependent relationships involve a mutual ethic of care, with partners supporting each other simultaneously or sequentially, akin to a something like a mix of equals, friends, and sexual partners.
The gender inequities inherent to heteronormative framings of complementarity violate norms of relational interdependence, transforming expectations of a partner–partner relationship into something closer to one that is caregiver-dependent or mother–child.
Women end up doing many of the same things for their men partners as mothers do for their children, e.g., reminding them of chores, organizing social events (or playdates), buying clothes, ensuring there is food for snacks and meals and that these are made available.
Additionally, women often take on tasks for their husbands or other men partners that were originally performed by the men’s mothers, perhaps an implicitly-held leftover from more historical understandings of marriage.
In Prediction 3.1, the heteronormative push for women to focus on their appearance, especially during and in reference to sexual activity, contributes to their low desire.
Heteronormativity focuses on women’s sexual appearance over their pleasure, socializing women to be sexy rather than sexual.
It positions women as sexual objects for men partners, and women’s bodies as offerings gifted to men for sex as part of a relationship contract.
This can result in sexual objectification.
The internalization of this objectification—sexual self-objectification—means that women’s desire is often contingent upon whether they think they are desirable.
Penetrative intercourse is painted as the only version of “real sex” within heteronormativity, but women have a low likelihood of experiencing orgasm (a highly pleasurable experience) with penetrative intercourse.
Heteronormativity means that, though women may want to be sexual, even with men partners, they are often taught that they can’t be in the ways that are more likely to feel pleasurable for them.
This ongoing separation between experiences of desire and sexual pleasure may dampen desire because it is not reinforced or followed up by sexual activity that actually leads to sexual pleasure.
In Prediction 4.3, seeing sex as a duty to perform with men will contribute to lower desire in women.
Some women have sex they want, and some women have sex that their men partners want and that the women are open to.
But a number of women (and almost no men) have reported in a nationally representative survey that they engaged with sex because it was part of their job, a duty or obligation of being married, which is a heteronormative hallmark.
“Duty sex” is not very sexy, and people—including men—report losing sexual interest in this situation, as occurred in our case study above.
Moreover, that low desire is seen as a medical and health issue could make for a circular association between it and chronic stress.
Women come to know their desire as “too low” and report feeling like failures as women and partners, making for an iatrogenic source of chronic stress.
Locating the “problem” of low desire in women’s bodies and minds ultimately places the responsibility for it on women, arguably a form of gaslighting when the problem exists outside women and will not be fixed with individual effort.
This can exacerbate women’s stress, by placing yet another responsibility on their shoulders but one that is impossible: to fix their desire problem by fixing themselves, when they are not the problem."
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Prof. Schnee AU Concept
To be clear this isn't the only Au/ comic I'll put the model in but it is the one that comes to mind for me most often.
All of team RWBY are born into the previous generation. Weiss along with her brother Whitley secured and manage the SDC. Though in truth Whitley takes care of most of the actual work. Though she was far from dull she did have to admit that Whitley was solely groomed to manage the company while her time was decided between it and her combat training.
Weiss herself still had power and plenty of a say but her Huntress duties took priority... And obligations as a teacher as well, yes. She was a instructor at Beacon. Helping to groom the next generation into respectable Hunters.
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Mostly she was pleaded into it by her partner Ruby but still she took her job seriously.
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Which was more then she could say for the rest of her team! All three of them off gallivanting across Remnant taking missions. Honestly sometimes they could be such a headache. But she supposed Ozpin had sent them all on those missions...
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Regardless she was determined to perform no less admirably this year then any other. And considering that Pyrrha Nikos would be entering this year she believed it would be a very worthwhile year given her skill.
But there was always room for surprises like miss Valkyrie, who was frankly a Yang level ridiculous powerhouse.
Yes, this year would've been a valuable one even if those were the only two of note... But they weren't. No, the third would be...
"Please Go Out With Me!"
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Would be Jaune Arc, a paradoxically lacking student and yet one worth her admiration. He was a special case like Blake had been according to Ozpin. A boy who secured counterfeit transcripts to earn a chance to try out Initiation. Though whereas her teams resident Faunus had been a member of the White Fang mister Arc had been a civilian out in one of Remnant's frontier villages. A simple boy with some dreams of heroics and knighthood.
He was actually like her partner Ruby in several ways but with a father who denied his dreams instead of supporting them like Ruby had... That, that was something she could relate to, could sympathize with and it was not all.
He wanted to live up to his family's name, to bring honor to it, to be anything to stop being the one to be protected but to protect others Instead. He was many things, foolish, naïve and certainly stubborn… But he was brave. What else could you call a boy who entered the Emerald Forest prepared to face monsters but courageous.
Jaune Arc had a long way to go, had a tough road ahead of him, if she’d thought catching Ruby up on their studies back in the day was hard this would be a true trial. But, but she wanted him to succeed, she wasn’t the same girl she’d been back in the day, who viewed people so callously, so superficially. She saw how much Jaune wanted this, how willing he was to put his life on the line for complete strangers as he fought the Death Stalker.
Apparently he wasn’t the most studious student but she never had issues, he may have lacked proper knowledge of Dust in her class but he was always quick to learn and put in the effort. Offering to help however he could.
Then he was being bullied, and then he stopped it, she knew how, she saw the recordings, saw Winchester Threaten him with blackmail. Saw her student being used like a lackey and distant from his team… And then she saw him refuse to follow Cardin’s order when it affected someone else. And then witnessed him save said tormentor when his teammates had ran.
Jaune Arc just like her partner embodied what it meant to be a Huntsman, he just needed some help on the way… And then he asked her out.
Flustered, nervous, clearly embarrassed, it was a sight she wasn’t used to, every man and woman who courted her had done so with annoying confidence in their status or family ties, had saw her as a particularly beneficial tool to use or trophy to own or worst of all… A knot on the metaphorical belt.
But Jaune, despite the way he entered Beacon was a rather earnest man, which was why she would do this in the kindest but also most direct way possible. Because she remembered being rejected as well. And wanted him to suffer as little as possible.
"Jaune, I'm your teacher..." He looked sad but accepting.
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"R-right... I'm sorry I know it was wrong t-"
"That's why I don't want you going around and telling anyone." She blinked that the words she said it seeming to finally catch up with her brain her... Wait? That wasn't what she was supposed to say! Jaune seemed to be under the same impression as her thoughts as he spoke with a  dumbfounded look on his precious youthful face.
"Really!" Yes Really!? What was she doing accepting his confession, but once more before her conscious could interrupt she parted her lips again.
"Though it isn't against the rules that Beacon upholds it is heavily frowned upon Jaune." Damn her for studying said rules! No! Stop Looking At His Absolutely Beamimg Smile This Instant! Just Because He's A Cute Boy Doesn't Mean We Could Throw Caution To The Wind.
Honestly she couldn't believe she said yes... Moreso that she felt so, so damn giddy about it! Like she was a girl back in her Beacon Days in her first relationship... Okay so technically she was a girl/ woman at Beacon and this was her first relationship but that was beside the point...
She was his teacher and this was... Well, no it wasn't illegal given that Jaune upon passing Initiation was by all legal means a adult under Remnant's Huntsman regulations... But it was still unprofessional! She'd never do anything others could bring into question... Anymore.
Like going out and taking on International criminals, known terrorists cells and preforming vigilante activities while a student.
But all that was besides the point and in the past! She wouldn't play with this boy's heart! She'd do the proper thing and brea-
"Jaune, I hope you understand that I'm not some trollope to be played with I expect you to take this seriously." NO!!! She Did Not Mean That! Shut Up Subconscious!
And oh dear now he was shooting her a very determined, gaze that made her heart skip a beat.
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"Of course not! I'm serious about you miss Schnee!" Oh dear he was closing the distance, and being so assertive... Was, was he always so tall...
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gla55t33th · 2 months
anymore angel vox? :3 how does he interact with other characters! /nf!
i am currently in Sketch Hell as i would describe it so ill be reblogging later when i can Draw but. Ramble under the cut
Firstoff i made the design because of a handful of fics which i read and stupidly forgot to save . Namely the one where he died for alastor, angelic interference, and the one where they made a fuckup on the books. (Ill get back when i find their names) . I just wanted to make the design for the sake of it and try to make his looks fit heaven and also my interpretation of vox, so hes intended to look almost like a character youd see on an old tv show but a bit more suave. I also wanted a space age head because i mean thats The Period of innovation and while there were certainly similar designs while he was alive its more symbolic of progress than actual progress. Then my brain started doing its thing and when i start thinking about anything for more than five seconds i get a bunch of pins and red string and become a full blown theorist who needs to connect everything to worldbuilding or ill die
so. I started a fic and if you find it you find it :]
my angel vox.
Point the first! this isnt a vox goes straight to heaven, its canon divergence. Vox dies, goes to hell, and at the peak of his messy hell career he dies again and goes to heaven. Vox is not redeemed.
2. Vox is powerless. Heaven equalises people. It has rules, a lot of rules, and these are sown straight into their reality which cant be broken. He does however have free will and a silver tongue.
3. I think vox and sera would get along surprisingly well when it came to it. Sera is a 'tough love' sort of character, and does believe shes doing good in spite of it all, and is willing to do lesser evils. Vox cares about nothing but numbers and outcomes. This means that if they share a goal a lot of their approaches would also be shared, and i think theyd be fond of that.
4. Vox despises heaven. Just the fundamental concept of it. He does enjoy a struggle and he does enjoy pain, thats the point of being alive to him. Or well. dead. Its an uphill battle but its his uphill battle to fight. Also he just needs something to keep him occupied at all given times or he might just snap #adhd
4a. He also hates the residents, mostly because of very well earned trust issues how its not fun to talk to any of them. They just say whatever theyre thinking, no song and dance, no fine print, and vox loves fine print and searching for hidden meanings.
5. Emily is nice and almost tolerable but he would absolutely throw her off a bridge if it benefited him without second thought. He hates how much of a bleeding heart she is, but that seems to be a trait of everyone up there
6. Vox's relationship with himself is a complex mess. It always has been and heaven made it worse. Not only did it revert his body to how it was when he first fell but Angel Edition, hes barely mechanical anymore- and while being a good part machine was all part of hells punishment at the start for various psyche reasons (as well as how inconvenient it was) he had grown to worship and love his inorganic nature, and how much better it was than his faulty body . I have headcanons about that but that falls under spoiler territory for Said Fic. But heaven handing him back his flesh and blood is a massive massive violation of his boundaries and the moment he stops and actually starts thinking about what the hell has happened hes gonna break
7. The vees think vox is dead dead. Angel!vox would... have a strained relationship if he were to meet like that. On one hand, hes vox! Their vox! But like this he can't be his usual overlord self and while he trusts them enough to view them as friends, he wouldn't be able to face them as partners like this; business or otherwise. Hes horribly powerless and they need him on his A game.
8. Alastor (angel!vox punches the ground and eats drywall)
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months
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So as MOST of you could PROBABLY TELL- this account on December 17th in the afternoon randomly got obliterated. Like totally deleted- it didn’t exist, nobody could view it, I couldn’t log in, etcetera etcetera-
So what the hell happened????????? I don’t know!!!!!!!!
EDIT: just before finishing this tumblr came back to me with an automatic email saying, ‘It Looks as though this issue has already been resolved’. That’s it. No reasoning as to why it was deleted, no apology etcetera.
I’ve never violated any Tumblr community guidelines before, nor have I ever gotten any warnings, and I’ve never posted NSFW, Gore, or any kind of content that could get me banned, so it absolutely wasn’t that!!! My account quite literally vanished without warning- not even a single email or warning message from Staff!!!!!
Apparently it’s a PREEEEEETTTY COMMON GLITCH for peoples accounts to just,,,,,, be deleted totally randomly. With no warning. Out of the blue. And then for Tumblr to come back two-three days later like ‘Whoopsies!!! UwU we’re sowwy we dowwnt know wwhy dat happened!! ÓwÒ-“ Hell it even happened to my partner a few months ago, and if you go searching you can find accounts STILL dealing with this issue!!!!!!
The only other explanation I can think of is that my account was mass reported- by who?????? I’d have no clue!!!!!!!! Recently I was pretty vocal about general racism in the Resident Evil Community, so that’s really the only thing I could think of- but even then, I got no warnings, no emails from tumblr, etc etc, so I HIIIIIIIIIIIGHLY DOUBT IT, and besides if this WAS the case I’m not sure why I would be the only person targeted!!!! So again I don’t think that’s the case!!!
So what did I do to get my account back??? No idea!!!!!!!!
Right after my account was suspended, I sent an email to Tumblr Support on both of my emails- they sent an automatic ticket back and…… nothing. And as of writing this I STILL have gotten nothing. No explanation, no apology, no reasoning behind my account being terminated, etc etc etc
In those three days I made a temporary alt account (which I’m currently trying to figure out how to delete permanently HXNEHENEHEN @evilwisecrackingeric , but that account got Shadowbanned by staff after a day- meaning my blog wouldn’t show up on people’s dash’s, I couldn’t tag people, reply to comments, message anybody etc etc!!!! So I made a second sideblog (@ericseviltwin) on that account- BOOM SHADOWBANNED TOO!!!!!!! I made a THIRD SIDEBLOG- BOOM. SHADOWBANNED (@ericisabouttoexplode. Very fitting names I know) I was most likely shadowbanned cuz Tumblr thought I was a bot after messaging too many people at once, but it as still annoying to deal with!!!!!!
And again, as of me writing this, tumblr STILL has not come back to ANY of my emails three days later!!!!!!!!!! So until I get a response (IF I get a response) I’ll have no idea why I was terminated or why they brought me back so suddenly!!!!!!
So what now????????? Well for the time being I’m probably just gonna lay low. I still HIGHLY DOUBT IT but if this WAS some kind of cyberattack I’d rather not risk it- and besides, I don’t want to risk this account getting shadowbanned too or god forbid getting deleted AGAIN, so it’s probably best for now to keep my activity to a minimum
If there’s any lesson to learn from this PLEEEEEEEEAAAAASEEEE BACK UP YOUR BLOGS. I was DEVASTATED when this acc got deleted- I have millions of conversations with friends, my entire art journey, photos of pets that have passed away etc etc on here and to say I was upset would be an understatement. What should YOU do if this happens to you????????? I have no clue. Unfortunately I just had to. Wait. And even then I STILL haven’t gotten an email back from Tumblr. So I don’t know man!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is apparently a pretty common glitch so back up everything important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: just before pressing the post button tumblr JUST came back to me with this:
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It linked me to their abuse/account violation page. Which…. Is very interesting
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spicedeluxe · 2 years
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SUMMARY: You and Leon explore the area more thoroughly. Though you had thought it was abandoned, you two come across strange villagers who seem to have an issue with you. Something’s off, but neither of you can figure out what.
RINA’S NOTE: hello again! you’re back! a lot is happening in this chapter. it’s very fun! i hope to expand on some characters dynamics with you. also yes i gave leon a cat allergy. IM NOT SORRY!! spacers are also introduced in this chapter so it shows that a bit of time passes. it gives you guys a bit of a break as well so that it doesn’t run for too long. apologies if it looks weird on light mode cause it looks best on dark mode… i’ll try and fix it when i get some time. finally, plagas![name] is coming. you guys are not ready. this one’s gonna shake the table….
WARNINGS: More Canon Divergence, More Violence. More Bullshit being thrown at you. Leon’s testing the waters. Just trying to get a feel for you. not literally. yet.
¹ - “forasteros!!” (OUTSIDERS!!!🗣🗣) you have to yell for the full effect lmfao
² - “ellos estan por aqui! avisar a los de mas!” (there they are! warn the others!)
RESIDENT EVIL © CAPCOM (capcom what’s your favorite ramen noodle flavor??)
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You reload your gun with the measly two bullets Leon gave you. You should’ve asked for more, but it was probably too late by now. Your partner had already begun loading more bullets into his chamber.
Leon decided to lead, returning to the front of the house. “Follow me.”
His count was spot on. Three people were in front of the house, holding their weapons up. They sluggishly moved towards the two of you at first, but neither of you gave them the chance to advance further and become aggressive, shooting them at least once or twice.
Leon had enough gall to go up to the last one after shooting and kicked them right down. It certainly surprised you, to say the least!
“Didn’t know you were flexible.” You comment. “Or that you even knew how to fight!”
“I’m more interested in how flexible you are.” He counters, eyeing the magazine of his gun. “I mean in battle, of course. I know martial arts. What about you?”
You ponder over his sentence for a minute. He’s sick, pausing in the middle of his sentence like that. But for some reason, you weren’t entirely mad at it either.
The way he worded it made your face warm. Just for that, he doesn’t get an answer. Instead, you decide to deflect. “Do you try this with all the people you work with?”
“Maybe. But let’s save it for another time. I’ve got something I need to see.” It was a good thing he moved on because you were about to spontaneously combust. Seriously.
With Leon retaking the lead once more, you two continue your journey. He goes back the way you originally came, peeking over a cliff. “[Name], you might want to see this.” He says, shaking his head. “Careful. It’s slippery. I wouldn’t want you to fall.”
You approach him, taking your time so you don't fall off. “Is that…?”
Below you was the sound of water crashing against two vehicles. A truck and….the police car that had dropped you two off. “How’d that happen?”
“Must’ve been what we heard earlier. I looked outside and saw the truck driving past. I think it came from the right pathway.” He jabs a thumb behind him. “We’ll head back and see what else we can find.”
“We’ll have to tell Hunnigan, right? There’s no way to get anywhere else since the car is gone. Police officers might be down there too.” You say. Just to be sure, you lean a bit further. “HELLO! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!“
Your yells echo to no avail. No response at all.
“Guess no one’s home.” Leon shrugged. It was possible that the cops had escaped from the car and were just wandering elsewhere. “We should keep going. We might find them along the way. Worst case scenario, we find them dead. We can call Hunnigan later.”
“Okay.” You nod, carefully taking a few steps back from the ledge.
In little to no time, you two went back in the direction of the house, this time taking the pathway on the right. There was a shed right next to it, presumably to store tools.
But there are only boxes in here….and a typewriter? That’s strange. Out of everything in the room, the typewriter seemed to be the only intact thing in the room. You looked over it for a moment before gently tapping one of the keys. It clicked in response, the letter ‘H’ appearing on the paper.
Even stranger was the pack of ammunition conveniently placed next to it. Had someone been here before you, or was it just luck that had brought you here? For some reason, you felt comfortable and safe even if it was a bit exposed to the outside.
It just felt right.
Leon slashing open a box on a shelf interrupted your small moment of bliss (if you could even call it that). “Found some more money.” He says. “Looks like there’s a herb if we get hurt.”
“I, on the other hand,” You began, holding up your treasure. “…found ammunition.” You shake the box lightly. “Says there’s ten on the cover. What do you say we split it in the middle?”
Leon saved his hand. “Nah. Found some earlier. Thanks though.”
Well, that would would bring you back to....hm, around eleven or twelve. But if shooting at hostiles was anything like earlier, you’d be running low in no time.
Leon exits outside, immediately drawing his pistol and shooting two birds. The squawking sounds made you leave the shed, looking at him questionably.
“What’d you do that for??”
“They were holding something.” He jogs over and picks up not only MORE money but a hand grenade as well. “Knew it looked weird from here. Its feathers were all puffed up.”
You look at him and back down at the crow. “Wow…” That grenade must have been deliberately placed there, poor thing. Did someone want it to explode?? You come closer to an ominous wooden structure with dried blood on the decaying wood. Hanging from two branches that intersected were skulls, maggots crawling from the eyelids.
You couldn’t help but stare at it. For some reason, you just couldn’t look away. It was like the structure was whispering your name. The world seemed to slow down, deafening every noise you heard. The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat…
A pair of fingers in front of your face had begun to snap to get your attention before it retreats and instead shakes your shoulder. “Hey. Earth to [Name]?” You look at him curiously and he raises an eyebrow at you. “You zoned out there. I thought something was wrong. Didn’t you hear me call you?”
“Sorry.” You apologize. “I’m just thinking about some things.” The sounds of whimpering nearby made you look away. “What’s that?” It sounded like it must’ve been injured.
Right behind the structure was a wolf, whimpering from its leg being caught in a bear trap. The wound looked fresh, seeing as there was still blood pooling around the bottom. You jump into action, making your way over as fast as possible.
“We’ve gotta open this,” You say, kneeling. You place your hands around the cold metal, trying your best to pry it open to no avail. “…can you help me, Leon?”
He nods. Leon was a bit stronger than you, so he might have some luck opening it. You stand up and move out of his way so he can replace your spot. He kneels and slowly pries the bear trap open as you coax the wolf out.
“C’mon.” You coo, holding your hand out. “You can do it! Come on.”
The wolf slowly lifts its hind leg out of the trap, limping over to you. Unfortunately, you had no medical supplies at the moment, so you couldn’t wrap it up. Your frown turns into a smile as it licks your hand before shaking its coat out.
“You’re a dog person?”
The bear trap snapping shut startles you. Leon notices and smirks, but you quickly recompose yourself.
“I like cats and dogs.” You say. The wolf seemed grateful for both of its saviors, though it looked like it favored you over Leon. “I don’t necessarily like to pick.” You gave the wolf one last pet on its head before it barked at you and ran off. “I’m sure this was a wolf, but they come from the same family anyway.”
“Good to know. I’m more of a dog person myself.” Leon moves forward, prompting you to follow. “Cats just make me sneeze all the time.”
“So, you’re just allergic?” You ask, a small smile on your face.
“No, can’t be.” He says. “I just sneeze a lot around them. I have no clue why.”
Yeah right. You were 100% sure Leon was just allergic to cats. Whether he didn’t want to admit it or genuinely didn’t know was a mystery. It made you laugh a bit.
Leon holds out his arm in front of you, halting your laughter. “Tripwires. Watch it.”
Those tripwires seemed purposely attached to the trees that had a path going through them, wanting to catch anyone who wasn’t paying attention off guard. Instead, you two pass through the tall grass to get through.
On instinct, you take your gun out. Just ahead of you was an irate villager holding an axe. Perhaps he had gotten word of what happened not too long ago….
Either way, you point your gun at him and shoot twice. After the second shot, his head explodes, blood and other brain matter splattering over nearby rocks.
“Ugh, gross.” You mutter.
“Nice shot. Keep it up, and I’m sure you could get a promotion.” Leon compliments, patting your shoulder. “Must’ve hit some sort of pressure point with the way his head exploded.“
The fact he wasn’t affected at all by it still bewildered you. It was expected for you not to know much about him since all you’ve ever heard was how mysterious and hot.. he was, but it was a bit strange to listen to him brush things off as if it was nothing.
“Looks like there’s a bridge up next. Let’s cross.”
You just nod. Leon Kennedy was a strange individual, that’s for sure.
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By now, you and Leon have safely crossed the bridge and found yourselves near a denser village. You weren’t close enough to compromise your positions, but also not far enough to be unable to see.
The smell of smoke had filled your nostrils. Upon arriving in the area, there was a big fire in the center of the village.
Leon briefly lowers his binoculars, turning his head to check on you. Of course, you hadn’t noticed, only keeping watch behind you in case someone snuck up on you two.
Not like you’d go anywhere else anyway.
He turns back around, lifting them back up one last time. “A lot of people around here. I didn’t know nursing homes held bonfires.”
You turn to him questionably. “….Nursing home? What? Give me those binoculars. Let me see!“ He hands it over, and you lift it to look through them. While those people did look old, Leon was just being dramatic.
It looked like there was one of the officers on the fire..so much for wandering around. “Looks like there’s an officer in the fire…” You say.
Something else you noticed was how they moved. It was sluggish, just like the man you saw earlier. They were most definitely human, but there was something off with how they staggered around.
“Are we going to head over?” You ask, lowering the binoculars.
“We don’t have a choice. Come on.”
He was right. Looking through them more time, you see some villagers were holding shovels, pitchforks, and just about anything they could find. It gave you the idea that if you went in, you definitely wouldn’t be welcome. 
On the bright side, it seemed that some villagers were doing little things like collecting water or tending to cattle. So maybe they’d be less hostile?
There were haphazardly built fences all around you as you entered the vicinity. Leon was in front of you, taking out his gun and holding it close.
You hadn’t put your gun away quite yet as you were still on guard for hostiles. As you walked forward, a squawk coming from under you made you stop and look down.
You stepped on….a chicken??
“Woah, watch out.” You say, chuckling nervously. The chicken runs away, feathers falling off as it does so. “Chickens.”
Your partner stops and turns to look at you. “You should eat it.“
“Shut up.”
“Ellos estan por aqui! Avisar a los de mas!”² 
You and Leon turn around to see villagers ready to swarm you two. Wasting no time, you pull the trigger of your gun and begin to shoot.
One. Then two. Then three.
The more you shot, the more that kept showing up. You didn’t have enough ammo for this, and you only used fighting as a last resort. Leon took another approach, only kicking villagers once he stunned them with a bullet.
You should probably try that too. But, for now, you continue to shoot. One after another, people just kept showing up. “Leon! There’s too many of them!” You yell, backing up. “I’m running out of ammo!”
It was all getting a bit too much, so Leon glanced behind him for a split second before roughly grabbing your arm. “Come on.”
“Ow!” You whine. He drags you into a nearby house, almost throwing you inside first before slamming the door shut, nearly knocking it off its hinges.
Leon runs over to the window to look outside. You shake your arm off, his firm grip leaving your arm stinging. The sounds of revving outside capture both of your attention, with Leon groaning, “Great, chainsaw.”
“That’s what that was?!” You ask incredulously. Leon doesn’t answer you, pushing an empty bookcase in front of a boarded-up door. “Um, hey, Leon? I don’t think you’ve noticed, but we’re trapped here!”
The sound of shattering glass startled you, and Leon immediately sprang into action. “I’ll figure something out. Push that drawer in front of the door. I’ll be back.” He orders, rushing up the stairs.
He’s already gone. Your worried gaze turns over to where the bookcase was. The villagers were banging on it so hard that it was only a matter of time before it came crashing down.
“Fuck!“ You curse, rushing over to push the drawer. “Fucking—Shit!” Funnily enough, most of the villagers on the other side returned your colorful words, even if you had no clue what they were saying verbatim. 
All you knew was that they were angry. Very, very angry. But so were you, even if your fright took up most of that portion.
You’re not used to this. People actively trying to kill you weren’t a part of your missions. Sure, you’d get in altercations every so often, but THIS?
Oh, absolutely not.
Leon comes rushing downstairs, almost tripping on his footing. “[Name]! You alright?”
“What do you think?!”
“Take this!” In his haste, he throws a box of ammo at you and you catch it, frantically reloading your gun.
The bookcase was finally pushed down and completely collapsed onto the floor, allowing villagers to crawl in from the outside. Then, in a panic, you lift your gun, ready to shoot.
“I’ll throw a grenade.” He says. Leon could tell you were nervous. The shaky tone of your voice told him as much. “We’ll be fine. Just have your gun ready.”
You look at him with confusion. “What? Wouldn’t that take the whole house down..?”
“Nah. I don’t think this one’s strong enough.”
Before you could protest, Leon pulled the pin on the grenade and chucked it across the room. He backs up, taking you with him so your backs are literally against the wall.
The grenade explodes, knocking down most villagers coming into the house. Dust particles fly from the ceiling, making you cough into your arm. At least most of them were down!
Hell, one villager even tried to throw a pickaxe at you! With good precision, you shoot it, the bullet making a “CLANG” sound upon impact.
Leon didn’t let you do all the work by yourself, though. He had been shooting, but not with his pistol. Somehow, he had acquired a shotgun.
The sound of gunfire and Spanish filled the air. You had to raise your voice so Leon could hear you. “Where the hell’d you get that from?”
“Upstairs!” He replies.
Villagers just kept swarming in. The revving sound of a chainsaw starting up again had really shaken you up. No way he got in...
You had to get rid of him immediately! Without any second thoughts, you start to unload your clip onto him. Every time he got up, you’d keep shooting. You had to ensure he was dead before he had the chance to slice you and Leon up into pieces.
The sound of a ringing bell had made the villagers stop in their tracks, dropping their weapons and sluggishly heading over to the sound.
You and Leon find it strange, especially when they attacked you maliciously. The two of you rush outside to see them retreat to god knows where.
Leon looks around in confusion. “Where’s everyone going? Bingo?”
“Must be a big prize today…” You mutter. Just where could they be going? Could it have been where the bell was coming from? You were sure they weren’t just attending church….
The sound of the communicator made you look over towards Leon, who had brought it out to report back. “Hunnigan, we’ve got some bad news. We’ve confirmed the body of an officer. Something’s happened to the people here.”
“You two need to get out of there. Look for a tower. Try following a trail near it.” She orders.
“Got it.” He hangs up and turns to you. “You heard the lady. Let’s get moving.”
Truth be told, you wanted to sit down for a moment and take a breather. That ambush on the house really shook you up. But you couldn’t. Every minute wasted raised the possibility of Ashley’s endangerment.
You take a breath. “Okay.”
“Do you need to stop for a minute?” Leon suddenly had a change of heart, noticing you were literally shaking. “There’s no one here, so if you need to sit, we can find somewhere to go.”
“It would be nice, but we’ve gotta gotta keep going right?”
“I’ve got something to show you anyway. You can take a breather.” He reassured, taking out a wrinkled piece of paper from his coat pocket. “I’ll read it to you.”
Leon clears his throat before beginning.
“Recently, there has been information that The United States government has sent two agents to investigate the village. Do not let these agents get in contact with the prisoner. For those of you not yet informed, the prisoner is being held in an old house behind the farm. We will transfer the prisoner to a more secure location in the valley when we are ready. The prisoner is to stay there until further notice. Meanwhile, do not let the agents near the prisoner.…—“
Are they really holding Ashley in an old house beyond the farm? What farm…? There had to be one around here somewhere.
“—We do not know how the American government found out about our village, but we are investigating. However, I feel that this intrusion at this particular time is not just a coincidence. I sense a third party other than the United States government involved here. My fellow men, stay alert.” He finishes the note, his eyes trailing down to the end. “Then it’s signed off by the chief named Bitores Mendez.”
“That tells us all we need to know then. If we happen to find this Bitores Mendez on the way, we should question him. Maybe detain him if possible?” You suggest.
Perhaps getting Ashley back would be easier than you thought.
“Fine with me.” Leon comes over to you, setting a hand on your shoulder. “You did good, by the way. Don’t let it overwhelm you.”
You can’t help but smile. “Thanks. It was a little too much at once, but I guess I’ll have to experience that more often if I get that promotion, huh?”
“Sure will.”
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As you advanced through the forest, the sky just seemed to get darker and darker. Every time you looked up, it was like a storm brewing.
A storm that’d never come. Something you knew was inevitable, but had no idea when it would strike.
It was just misfortune after misfortune for you two. First, someone tried to run you over with a large boulder. Then, someone tried snipping your leg off in a bear trap. Someone even tried to take your head off with an axe! Throwing a pickaxe at you was one thing, but shit!
In your opinion, being flattened by a boulder would’ve been the worst of all. The villagers on top of the bridge had to pay for that. You didn’t even wait; you decided to shoot them from under the bridge they were located.
You realize it wasn’t going to rain, no. It looked like it had never rained around these parts. Everything was dying. 
Even the houses were dying. One wrong move, and the foundation seemed like it would crumble down on you. All you’ve done so far was investigate the area.
This place seemed like a farm. Well, what was left of it, at least. Dried bales of hay lay on the ground, with tiny bits of grass scattered around on the ground. Numerous cattle and other animals were around; some ran free, like the chickens and occasional rabbit.
There were villagers scattered around, but they were relatively easy to take down. None of them had weapons. It did take more than one shot to kill them though….
The last house to be investigated in the area had a lock on it. Because Leon had been so kind enough to move things around for you previously, you decide to do him a solid.
He watches you as you pull out a safety pin, kneeling to wiggle it into the lock. “There’s no way that’s gonna work.”
“Oh yeah? Wanna bet?”
“I’ll give you five bullets if you can get it open. You give me five if you can’t.” He wagers. 
That’s suitable. You’ve picked locks with inconspicuous items before. Hairpins, safety pins, and even a paper clip. You were a rookie, but you’ve trained long enough to retain some information. Some of those classes would pay off.
You wiggle it around, coming closer so you can hear better. The lock resists your attempt for a moment before you can hear a slight ‘click’ sound. 
Success! The lock falls onto the ground. You get up and dust yourself off, holding your hand out afterward. “Those bullets, sir?”
“Right…” Leon may have been impressed, but he was really betting that you couldn’t get it open. He reluctantly hands over five. 
“Thank you.” You reload the magazine happily. “Let’s keep going.” 
This house was even worse than the other ones you’ve been in. Instead of wood, the door was metal, leading you to believe there’s something important here. 
You suspected the important thing was Ashley, as this was the last house behind the farm. You couldn’t imagine being stuck in here yourself. The sight of the peeling walls made you shake your head in dismay. Just an all around health hazard.
There’s yet another typewriter on the table. It’s also in perfect condition like the other one. 
You couldn’t fight the urge to go over and type ‘Hello!’. It’s satisfying to see the letters pop up on the white paper and even though emails were more convenient, you enjoyed how vintage it was.
While the machine was entertaining you, Leon scoured the house, opening drawers and pushing things out of the way.
The sound of banging made you look up. “What is that?” It stops for a minute before it repeats louder than the first time.
Leon walks around idly for a moment, trying to listen. The sound only gets louder once he nears an empty shelf. It was undeniable something was behind it.
“Something’s behind here.” He says, shoulder pushing the shelf out of the way. Upon entering this not-so-hidden room, a closet was on the far left.
Not only was it something, but this also had to be someone. This had to be Ashley Graham! You approach the closet slowly, lifting the latch and throwing open the door.
A man fell out, wriggling and squirming. Leon points his gun at him, and he becomes frantic. You hold your hand out to stop your partner from going further and lean down so you can rip the tape off his mouth.
“Agh..a little rough, don’t you think? But, if that’s what you’re into, I don’t really mind.”
Leon flips him over harshly, untying his hands. His words gave you a chuckle. Maybe you were into that kind of stuff, he didn’t have to know!
“You two aren’t like them?” He questioned, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Leon shakes his head. “No. You?” 
After being freed from his restraints, the man rolls over, rubbing his wrists tentatively. He’s finally able to take a breath, one that sounds relieved. “Nope. But I have only one very important question. Any of you got a smoke?”
“No, sorry.” You apologize. “I don’t smoke.”
Leon pulls out a packet of mint gum. “….I’ve got gum.”
“And you didn’t even offer me any?” You roll your eyes. 
Two villager men holding weapons had suddenly entered the room. Behind them was a very tall man, his footsteps booming as he came forth.
“Perfect.” The man on the floor mutters. “The big cheese.” 
This so-called “big cheese” stares at you three with a hardened gaze. His eyes go from Leon, to the man on the floor, then right towards you. You stare back with unease.
Leon runs towards him, prepared to attack. He lifts his leg to try and kick him, but the big cheese catches it and launches him towards you and the man.
Once he had collided with you, all you saw was the ceiling. Black spots had splotched into your vision, but as you leaned your head back, you could see the man looming over you.
Your final exhale made you close your eyes, finally seeing nothing but black. 
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pinkiedevv · 2 months
The Butler and the MOD Ch. 2
Previous: Ch. 1
And so my tumblr posting of my Harry Potter/Alfred Pennyworth ship continues~
Word Count: 2,275
In the past few days, Harry had spent far too much time attempting to determine how to woo Mr. Pennyworth without referring to it as wooing. A fruitless endeavor on his part, of course, since he was, ultimately, attempting to do exactly such. 
Regardless, the relevant issue was that he was familiar with using the internet, although perhaps not as efficiently as a modern citizen may be, but the vast majority of the results he had found proved to be inapplicable - or unpalatable, at the very least - for his case. The fact of the matter was that courting seemed to have changed far more than he had anticipated in society. Admittedly, it had been several different worlds and timestreams since he’d last looked. No more was it common to see a man bringing over flowers, or opening doors, or buying trinkets and trifles that he believed his partner may fancy. No more were there formal dates where the pair dressed up and enjoyed the company of one another in a polite setting. Oh, of course when Harry said ‘no more,’ he meant not often rather than not at all, but it was still rather a disappointment to him. It seemed the more common practices now were far less focused on romancing, and they all seemed rather… lackluster to Harry. Did everyone go about believing they did not have to earn the interest of the object of their affections? Admittedly, the use of ‘dating sites’ made it a seemingly simple task to find a person who was as interested in you as you were in them, but it seemed so… clinical. Where was the risk? The effort? The breathlessness at the possibility of the ultimate reward: your love being accepted and returned in equal if not greater measure.
There was hope, however. Mr. Pennyworth was an older gentleman, and, from the crisp suits he always wore to the café, he seemed to be one to appreciate the finer things in life. Perhaps he too would enjoy a more… antiquated form of courtship. 
It was likely that Harry had read one too many books from the Black Library during his extended stint as a hermit in his first world, but he’d grown secretly enamored with the courtship rituals described within the texts. 
The more he considered it, the stronger Harry’s resolve became. Indeed, if he truly believed Mr. Pennyworth was the one for him - and he undeniably did, a shockingly large amount, considering - then it should hold true that the man would hold favor for Harry pursuing him with the utmost sincerity and truth to himself.
Alfred did not have many activities outside of the Wayne mansion that the family was not aware of. So much so that he could only name two such affairs that he routinely partook in. 
The first was related to his gardening, a hobby of his that the Waynes were well-acquainted with. After all, there was a reason the mansion only had a seasonal gardener to trim the hedges. 
What the family was not aware of was his proclivity to invent new flowers of his own. Oh, they most certainly observed the fruits of his labor, but none of the brood had enough knowledge of harmless plants to take note of their peculiarities. 
For the longest time, Alfred had simply enjoyed taking a quiet pleasure in his unique creations, watching each new variant bloom forth from the soil and unfurl its petals to reveal their remarkable, peerless existence to the world. It was not until his most prized creation - which he privately referred to as the Pennyworth Blue - that he considered sharing his exploits with others. 
Sparing the details, that singular thought eventually led him to one of his non-Wayne-informed activities: donating his rich blue rose blooms to Ms. Calindra’s flower shop. Oh, she had attempted on multiple occasions to insist upon paying him for his flowers, but he firmly refused each time; he certainly made more than enough as the proud butler of the Wayne residence. Truthfully, it was payment enough for him to see others admire the unique blooms. It was a secret enjoyment that only Ms. Calindra herself was aware of him partaking in.
Alfred wasn’t ashamed of his talent, of course, nor did he have any ill intentions in his subterfuge. Simply, Master Bruce tended to be… excitable, at times, when it came to displaying his appreciation. His sons too had largely taken to doing the same, no matter how much they may try to deny it.
All of this to say, Alfred was content with his quiet, weekly visits to Ms. Calindra’s flower shop to impart his Pennyworth Blues along with the occasional other fascinatingly unique bloom he stumbled upon creating, and he was content in the knowledge that his family of employment had enough respect for him to not pry into his private affairs.
Which, of course, led to the second establishment he often paid visit to. For here, the Waynes were well aware he went some place to attain his goods; they simply did not know the name of the store itself. 
A store which Alfred found himself visiting far more often than usual as of recent due to a new… addition to the shop. 
To clarify, for the past month that Alfred had been to Latrice’s Café to pick up his teas and the family’s - largely Master Tim’s - coffees, he hadn’t been able to help but notice a man.
The dark-haired stranger seemed to have created a designated spot for himself in the corner of the quaint shop, facing towards both the register and the entrance to the café. His hands seemed to be perpetually clutched around a cup of tea - of what kind, Alfred couldn’t help but wonder - and for all but one occasion - in which he wore a finely knitted, forest green sweater - the man had on a suit so dark in pitch that Alfred had felt hesitant to do it the disservice of referring to it as simply ‘black.’ 
As much as Alfred could go on to describe the minute, fine details of the man that quietly stood out from the norm, there was but a single feature that truly captured his grasp and had yet to release him from its clutches: 
The eyes.
The first thought Alfred had upon having seen them was a blunt, ‘unnatural.’ 
It was not a condemnation, however. Not in the slightest. Nor was it anything that could even tangentially imply distaste or, worse yet, disgust. It was simply a fact of the matter, one made up in two parts. The easier of the two to recognize was the hue of the man’s emerald irises; the color itself was rare but not utterly improbable, of course, but the rich shade in particular was an anomaly that Alfred had never seen nor heard of before. 
This alone may have kept his attention on the man, at least long enough to make note in the Cave in case it was ever of any importance, but it was the second aspect that truly seized his regard. 
Because the man’s eyes were so very old. 
There was nothing factual that Alfred could express to describe how he came to this determination, but every instance in which he saw the man during his unfortunately brief visits at the café only served to solidify this perspective of his. 
This wasn’t to imply that the man had ‘seen things,’ for all that Alfred was well aware of how trauma could indeed age a person far beyond their years. As much as it pained his weary heart, Alfred was well acquainted with eyes that held more than their soul’s years ought to. 
This was not the case for the man in the café. At least, not the case alone.
For all that the stranger appeared not a day over twenty-five, he had eyes more ancient than Alfred’s own.
However, despite Alfred’s admittedly growing fascination, he made no attempt to approach the man, and he had no such plans to do so.
Which made it all the more surprising when he found himself approached by the very subject of his inexorably growing interest instead. 
Harry chewed anxiously against the inside of his lip, an unfortunate habit he had thought he’d gotten rid of several decades ago. His hands fidgeted around the wrapped stems held in his clutches, which bloomed upwards with a mixture of soft pink oleanders and an entrancingly blue shade of rose. He’d chosen the former to signify beauty and grace, which he hoped they still meant, and he’d chosen the latter both because roses were a classic romantic flower on top of the fact that the royal blue shade of them had simply… strangely reminded him of Mr. Pennyworth.
He was hovering around the corner for his admiree to appear, as the man usually came in on Tuesdays and Fridays, the former of which today was. Harry thought it would seem far too stilted to be caught waiting inside the café itself with his bouquet of flowers, so here he remained instead. 
He was not kept waiting long, and his heart jumped in his chest as the gentleman stepped neatly out from the driver’s door of a black convertible, looking as charmingly put together as always. 
Hurrying forth so as to catch Mr. Pennyworth before he entered the shop, Harry could only hope he didn’t look as youthfully desperate as he suddenly felt he must, with his smooth, porcelain skin and thick, dark locks of hair that refused to stay in place even after all his years. Such a contrast to Mr. Pennyworth’s refined lines and smoothed back, sterling hair. 
“Ah - sir!” Harry called, managing to keep his steps even instead of rushing as he felt he ought to by only the thinnest hairsbreadth of a margin. 
Mr. Pennyworth turned towards him from where he’d been reaching for the café's door, quiet surprise splashed across his handsome features. As enviously quick to compose himself as ever, the gentleman blinked, hands gently clasping together in front of himself even as his eyes flickered curiously from Harry’s bouquet and back to meet his gaze. “May I be of assistance?” he questioned calmly, gesturing towards the door as if to hold it open for Harry’s entrance.
Harry shook his head in negation to the offer, and - careful not to thrust them forth instead - he delicately extended the bouquet in his clutches towards the man he had found himself enchanted by since he had first laid eyes upon him, taking a final step forth to close the gap between them. 
Mr. Pennyworth blinked bemusedly at the lush flowers, his gaze seeming to latch firmly onto the entrancingly blue roses for a moment too long, and he tilted his head near imperceptibly as he glanced up to Harry in wordless question. 
“I -” Harry paused, calming himself as best he could and letting a soft, shy yet genuine smile part his lips.  “I would greatly appreciate your assistance, Mr. Pennyworth,” Harry quietly replied, finally answering the gentleman’s question from before and gently pushing the bouquet to the man’s firm chest. “I would be most honored if you would accept this gift from my tired hands,” he divulged with only the slightest trace of mischievousness of which he used to hide his trepidation.
Mr. Pennyworth’s hands came up to grasp the bouquet seemingly on instinct, largely subduing Harry’s worries, and the gentleman’s eyes seemed the smallest bit wider than before. “... may I request to know the intention behind this gift, sir?” the recipient questioned, though there was an air about him as if he already knew but had yet to accept his own deduction. 
It was only then that Harry realized that he had made an utterly rude blunder and referred to the man by his name without having given his own, and he hurriedly introduced himself, preceding with, “Ah, my apologies, Mr. Pennyworth - I’d seen your name written down during one of your visits, but I’d forgotten to now give mine.” Here, he bowed slightly, one arm folding in front of him just below his chest while he rested the flat of the other against his back, dipping forth far enough to not seem shallow. “Harry Potter, at your service,” he belatedly greeted, then solidly replied, “and I have given you these flowers in the hopes that you will consider allowing me to court - to bring you on a date,” he swiftly corrected, willing away the blush that had no doubt risen to his cheeks. Oh, he most certainly wished to court Mr. Pennyworth, but he had realized that requesting a single date first would pose far less pressure on the man.
For several long, nerve-rending moments, Mr. Pennyworth did not reply. Instead, he stared into Harry’s eyes with an intensity that divulged his sharp intellect, and Harry could only hope he held up to muster.
Finally, Mr. Pennyworth’s grip on the bouquet shifted to hold them more firmly in his grasp, the stems tucked beneath the crook of his elbow while the flowers themselves were gently cradled against his shoulder. 
“I’m afraid I cannot accept at the moment,” - Harry’s heart plummeted - “but I simply do not know you well enough to say otherwise,” Mr. Pennyworth finished, and Harry’s heart tentatively lifted, a swell of hope rising within his breast. The gentleman gifted him with a slight - yet no less warm - smile, and inquired, “May I join you for tea today, Mister Potter?”
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callmebrycelee · 20 days
Another week, another episode of the Gay Firefighter Show! In this week’s reaction, I will be talking about the season 7, seventh episode “Ghost of a Second Chance” which originally aired on May 9, 2024. The episode was written by Taylor Wong and James Wong and directed by James Wong. Before we begin, let me warn you this reaction will contain a copious amount of spoilers. Without a further ado, let’s talk about the episode!
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We begin the episode with a 911 call. Our resident dispatcher Maddie Buckley, now Maddie Buckley-Han, speaks with a woman named Catherine Morris (played by Lily Cardone) who is riding passenger with the man who abducted her and her baby., Chloe. Maddie is discreet and extract a lot of details using coded language. Josh is able to identify Catherine’s vehicle as well as her husband who has two felony assault charges on his record. Maddie tells Catherine to drive to the Sunset Regency Hotel and lets her know police will be waiting for her. There is a lengthy silence on the line until the driver takes over the call. Maddie commands him to pull the car over. There’s a crash and the line goes dead. 
Cue title card.
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The 118 responds to the accident and finds the car on fire. Chimney goes to attend to the victims trapped inside but the car explodes blowing him backwards. Thankfully, Chimney is okay. He tells Hen that he saw movement inside the vehicle and commands Buck and Eddie to put out the fire. When the fire’s out, Hen goes to Catherine while Chimney checks out the driver who is missing from the vehicle. Athena arrives on the scene and asks Bobby about the baby. Bobby radios to Chimney and asks for a status report on the victims. Chimney reports that the driver is missing, and Catherine is burned badly, and they are prepping for her transport. Bobby asks about the baby and Buck reports the baby is gone as well. Bobby asks if he means the baby is deceased. Buck clarifies that the baby is not in the car. The baby’s car seat is empty. Officer Tejada (played by Manuel Rafael Lozano) finds a baby’s pacifier and shows it to Athena. He tells her that since the pacifier isn’t burnt, that means the driver got away with the baby prior to the car exploding. 
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Over at the Wilsons, Hen, Karen, and Denny sit down to dinner. Mara (played by Askyler Bell) is asleep in her room because she is unable to sleep during the night. Hen is concerned about Mara’s sleeping habits and asks Karen if the therapist has any strategies to help her sleep at night. Karen says that Mara has to figure out how to trust them and that could take a while which means they need to be patient. Denny tells them both that Mara has a brother. Hen asks him to elaborate. Denny says that Mara has a baby brother named Tyson. Hen asks him if he knows where Tyson is. He tells her know and says that Mara doesn’t know where Tyson is either. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” – Marisol to Eddie Diaz
The next day, we see Eddie, Christopher, and Marisol (played by Edy Ganem) are out having ice cream I know the fandom has issues with the actress, but I really like the character of Marisol. I think she would make a good partner for someone who isn’t Eddie because Eddie, unfortunately, has issues he needs to address before he can even begin to entertain being in a relationship with anyone. Marisol is really getting along with Eddie and Christopher but as they go to leave, Eddie spots a woman inside a clothing store who looks an awful lot like his late-wife, Shannon. At first I thought this was a new actress who looked exactly like Devin Kelley. Turns out, this new character whose name is Kim is Devin Kelley playing a double role. The two make eye contact and there is a connection. Eddie snaps out of it and catches up with his son and Marisol. She asks if everything’s okay and he tells her he’s fine. Spoiler alert! Eddie is not fine. 
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Meanwhile, Hen has a heart to heart with Mara and gets her to open up about a bit. Mara tells her that Denny’s nice and that she misses her baby brother Tyson. Hen asks her what happened to Tyson and Mara tells her they took him.
Athena and Detective Rick Romero (played by Danny Nucci) arrive at the call center, and they speak with Maddie about the Chloe Morris abduction case. Maddie asks if they’ve found Catherine’s husband. Detective Romero says they have found him. He’s in Alaska where he’s been working on an oil rig for the last three months. Maddie is confused by this because she was under the belief that Catherine and her baby were abducted by her husband. Athena informs Maddie that the husband is on his way back, but it may take some time for him to get there. Maddie wonders why Catherine told her that it was her husband who abducted her. Athena’s theory is that Catherine has a boyfriend, but they cannot ask Catherine because she’s in a medically induced coma. Detective Romero says that he would like to hear the 911 call. 
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While listening to the call, Maddie gets up and leaves the room. Josh goes to check on her and she tells him he was right – he should have been the one to take the call. He tells her she handled the call perfectly, but Maddie tells him that she missed a key piece of information. Catherine never said that she was in the car with her husband. It was actually the driver who referred to Catherine as his wife. Maddie assumed it was Catherine’s husband in the car because Maddie was thinking about her own domestic abuse situation which involved her ex-husband, Doug. Maddie says she listened to him when she should’ve been listening to Catherine and now she’s wondering what other things she missed during the call. 
“What about what’s best for our daughter? Does that factor in? – Karen Wilson to Diedra
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Hen and Karen invite Mara’s social worker, Diedra (played by Andi Chapman) over and take her to task about failing to mention that Mara has a little brother. Diedra insists she didn’t lie and says Tyson was placed in another household. This information was privileged which is why she never shared it with the Wilsons. Hen says that she thought the social worker’s job was to keep families together and asks Diedra why she separate siblings. Diedra tells Hen that Mara and Tyson are half-siblings. Tyson’s father is alive and has rights; therefore, he has custody of his son. Diedra says they are getting into murky waters. She explains that there’s an age gap between Mara and Tyson. Hen puts two and two together and realizes Mara’s mother had an affair with someone who is not Mara’s father and that affair resulted in Tyson. Tyson’s father didn’t know he had a son until after Mara’s parents died. Diedra tells them she would’ve liked to have kept the siblings together, but Tyson’s father wasn’t interested. Since he’s the biological father, he gets to decide what is best for Tyson. What about what’s best for Mara, Karen asks. Hen asks if there’s any chance Mara can see her baby brother. Diedra apologizes and says the system doesn’t always work the way she wish it would. Hen tells her she is the system. Diedra writes down the name of a Mommy and Me class she often recommends to the parents she works with and strongly insinuates Hen and Karen should go there. Hen thanks her for the tip.
Maddie heads over to the hospital and runs into a nurse named Amir (played by veteran actor Malcolm-Jamal Warner). She asks about Catherine and tells him she is the 911 operator who took her call.  She says she feels someone responsible for what happened, and Amir assures her the only one responsible for what happened to Catherine and her baby is the driver. Amir tells her that Catherine is young and happy and he believes she will survive. Maddie asks if he’s speaking from experience, and he says it sounds like she’s speaking from experience as well. Maddie tells Amir that her husband tried to kill her and then immediately wonders why she told him that information. Amir laughs and says he tends to bring out honesty in people. He figures it’s because of how he looks. It should be noted that Amir has burns on the left side of his face. His hands appear to be burned as well. She tells him that she used to be a nurse. She tells him she likes where she’s at right now and he says he’s happy where he’s at as well. Amir tells Maddie he has to make a run and asks her to watch Catherine while he’s away. Maddie asks him if he’s sure, she’s not family, and he says she’s close enough. When he leaves, Maddie goes in to see Catherine. She tells her she’s sorry and that she’s going to find her daughter and bring her home.
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Eddie goes back to the store where he saw the Shannon lookalike. She sees him and asks if she can help him. Eddie is being awkward, so she asks him if he’s looking for anything specific. She invites him inside and takes him over to a candle display. She shows him a candle and asks him if he trusts her. She tells him to close his eyes and smell the candle. The scent triggers a memory of Eddie and Shannon at the beach.  She asks him if he’s shopping for a friend or for a girlfriend. He tells it’s just he and his son Christopher and that he’s a single dad, emphasis on the single. Shannon 2.0 picks out a keychain for Christopher that has the first initial of his name and tells Eddie it’s his turn to pick something out. He tells her his name is Edmundo, but most people call him Eddie. The Second Coming of Shannon tells him her name is Kim. She goes to ring up his purchases and as the scene ends we see Eddie holding a keychain in the shape of an ‘S’.
“She misses her brother so much and we thought maybe he misses her, too.” – Hen Wilson to Vincent and Juanita
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Hen and Karen go to the Mommy and Me class Diedra recommended, and they see a couple playing with a little boy. The couple is Vincent and Juanita (played by Jason Graham and Kimberly Christian). Vincent is Tyson’s birth father. Hen introduces herself and Karen and tells the couple they are Mara’s foster parents. Vincent tells them that Tyson is at an age where he will most likely not remember who his mother is and that’s for the best. Karen says that she’s happy Tyson has such a loving family looking out for him but his sister Mara has been through hell bouncing from foster family to group home. Hen says it will be a gamechanger if Mara is able to reconnect with Tyson. 
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 Over at the Buckley-Han residence, Maddie is busy listening to the 911 call. Chimney walks up to her and unintentionally scares her. This scene reminded me of the episode of Lone Star where Carlos is working a kidnapping case and TK sneaks up on him and scares him. Maddie is way too close to this case and Chimney is appropriately worried about her. However, I like that he doesn’t exactly discourage her. In fact, he is so supportive of her. He knows her history better than anyone, so he asks Maddie to tell her about her. When Maddie goes to talk about Catherine, he tells her he wants to hear about the passenger in the car meaning he wants Maddie to talk about her experience being abducted by her ex-husband Doug. Maddie thinks for a moment and says that the woman in the passenger seat of the car is scared that she’s going to die and as long as the car is moving she is safe. The woman in the passenger of the car will need a plan for when the car eventually stops. The woman in the passenger side of the car will need to speak in code because he is sitting right beside her. Maddie has a light bulb moment and listens to the call again. She hears the driver say something about a yellow nightie and Catherine responds to him saying she bought the yellow nightie weeks ago. Maddie realizes that at this point of the conversation, Catherine wasn’t speaking in code. She was reacting to what the driver said. Chimney says she sounds surprised because the driver shouldn’t know about the nightgown. Maddie says that he must’ve seen the yellow nightgown in the window but whose window did he see it in?
Detective Romero goes to Catherine house and looks in her bedroom. He locates the yellow nightgown referenced in the 911 call. He goes over to the window and sees that it’s in direct view of the house next door. Detective Romero goes to leave and when Athena asks him where he’s going, he tells her he’s following a hunch. Athena speaks with Catherine’s mother, Laura (played by Karla Droege). Athena gets a call from Detective Romero who tells her he’s across the street. He tells her to go into Catherine bedroom and look out the window. Athena sees him standing at the window in the house next door. Detective Romero says Catherine doesn’t have a boyfriend. Athena says she has a stalker. 
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Meanwhile, Eddie is thinking about having sex with his dead wife while he’s mid-conversation with Marisol. Marisol catches him daydreaming and asks him where he just went. Eddie tells her he’s there with her. Marisol seems to accept his answer. We end the scene with Eddie looking longingly at a photo of he and Shannon. 
“What’s her number? I’m pretty good on the phone.” – Maddie Buckley to Athena Grant and Detective Rick Romero
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Athena and Detective Romero go to see Maddie at dispatch. Athena tells Maddie they’ve identified Catherine’s abductor. His name is Kyle Dixon, and he was working as a handyman in the vacant unit across from where Catherine lives. Maddie asks them how they’re going to track Kyle down. Athena tells her they ran a background check, but everything shows that he is still a resident of Wisconsin. Maddie asks if he has any friends or relatives. Detective Romero says he has a sister back in Wisconsin. Maddie asks if they are planning on contacting her. Athena tells her that she and Detective Romero work best speaking face to face but Maddie is better at reading people over the phone.
Maddie calls Kyle’s sister, Cheryl (played by Kailena Mai). Cheryl tells Maddie she is the one who encouraged her brother to move to Los Angeles after losing his wife and baby. Maddie asks about when they passed. Cheryl tells her the wife and child didn’t die – they are hiding from Kyle. Kyle’s wife told him she was going to the park and instead went to the bank and cleared out their account. Kyle looked for them for a long time before finally moving on to Los Angeles. Cheryl asks Maddie if Kyle found them. Maddie tells her no but tells Cheryl she needs her help finding Kyle. She asks her about the last time she heard from her brother. 
We see Kyle Dixon at the park with Catherine’s baby. He gets a call from his sister but ignores it. He looks over at the baby and tells her they need to find a new mommy. Kyle sees a woman playing with her daughter. 
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Athena asks Maddie if she’s heard anything about Kyle. Maddie tells that Cheryl tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail. Maddie is able to get a location based off of a cell tower. Detective Romero says he couldn’t get a warrant to view Kyle’s credit card transactions. Josh suggests putting out an Amber Alert but Maddie worries that will set Kyle off. She remembers Cheryl’s story about Kyle’s ex-wife going to the park the day she ran from him. Athena asks if there’s a park near the cell tower. Maddie says Playa Park is near the cell tower. Detective Romero says he is near there and Athena says she will head there as well. Detective Romero arrives at the park but doesn’t see Kyle or Catherine’s baby. He does see a young girl who has gotten separated from his daughter. He calls Maddie and she sends out an alert to all law enforcement to be on the lookout for Kyle. 
Kyle is driving away with the baby in the backseat. He ends up getting hit by police cruiser. Officer Tejada gets out the vehicle to check on the passengers in the other car. Kyle reaches for his gun while Officer Tejada throws up. The 118 arrive on the scene. Buck and Chimney see Kyle get out of the vehicle and grab the baby. They tell him he should stay put so they can check on him, but Kyle tries to get away. Chimney hears Kyle call the baby ‘sweet pea’ which is something he heard the driver say to the baby on the 911 call. He figures out this is the same person who abducted Catherine. Kyle tosses the car seat and runs off. Buck tackles him to the ground and Athena cuffs him. I love seeing Buck and Athena work together. Like mother, like son. They find the mom who was abducted from the park in the trunk of the car. The day is saved and everyone involved will need a LOT of therapy.
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Over at the hospital, Catherine is out of her coma, and she’s worried that her husband will hate her because their daughter is missing. Her mother tells her to stay strong. Detective Romero and Bobby arrive at the hospital with Catherine’s baby. Bobby looks really good holding a baby. When the nurse Amir sees Bobby, it’s like he’s seen a ghost. Catherine is happy to be reunited with her little one and Amir notices the name ‘Nash’ on the back of Bobby’s turnout gear. Detective Romero asks Amir if he knows Bobby and Amir tells him he doesn’t but he would like to. 
Hen and Karen get a visit from Juanita and Tyson. Hen asks about Vincent and Juanita says that he’s convinced that Tyson won’t remember Mara. Denny asks if they have company and Hen says it’s Mara who has company. When Mara sees Tyson, the two of them embrace. Cleary Tyson remembers his big sister.
“Make sure he doesn’t stay up all night playing video games.” – Eddie Diaz to Christopher Diaz
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Eddie drops Christopher over at Buck’s place. Buck asks him when he’s meeting Marisol and Eddie tells him he’s meeting up with her in 30 minutes. Buck comments on his cologne and tells him he and Christopher won’t wait up for him. Eddie kisses Christopher goodbye and leaves the loft.
Chimney and Maddie toast to Catherine being reunited with her baby and spend time with their own baby.
In the last scene of the episode, Eddie meets up with someone who is definitely not Marisol. We see him on a date with Shannon’s doppelganger, Kim, at a fancy restaurant. The episode ends. 
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So, I really liked this episode. The writers this season are doing an amazing job balancing the characters and the drama this season. This episode was light on Athena, Bobby, Chimney and Buck but we got to focus more on Maddie, Hen, and Eddie. Also, if memory serves, I believe this is the first time since season two we’ve seen Maddie team up with Athena. These are two characters we don’t get to see interact all that much and I love seeing them work together.
The theme of this season seems to be reckoning with one’s fears and insecurities. We saw Athena conquer her fear of being on a boat at the beginning of this season as well as confront her insecurities regarding her marriage with Bobby. Buck has come to terms with his sexuality, and we see him exploring a relationship with Tommy. Hen and Karen are trying fostering again after everything that happened with Mia seasons ago. Chimney was finally able to deal with his guilt and grief surrounding the death of his best friend Kevin. This episode it was Maddie’s turn to face her fears. Maddie is still dealing with the abuse she suffered at the hands of her ex-husband as well as his death at the hands of herself. I reckon the only two characters left are Eddie and Bobby and this episode gave us a preview as to what we will see play out over this season’s remaining episodes. 
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Speaking of Eddie, I was very disappointed in his actions this episode. Eddie is usually postured as the more reserved of the Buddie friendship. He’s older than Buck and therefore more mature. However, he was acting so irresponsibly this episode. It’s one thing to be attracted to someone, especially someone who looks an awful lot like your late wife. However, it’s a whole different thing when you start showing up at their place of business and flirting with them and lying about your relationship status to them. I don’t blame Kim because she’s only working off the knowledge she has regarding Eddie. I get that sense she wouldn’t be entertaining the flirtation if she knew he was in a relationship. I also don’t like the lying. Buck and Eddie’s particular brand of friendship only works because both of them are 100% transparent with each other. Just a few episodes ago, we saw Buck feeling immense guilt because he hadn’t shared with Eddie his latest revelation regarding his sexuality as well as his dating Tommy. This episode, Eddie so easily lied to his best friend when he brought Christopher over. This is not going to end well. Poor Marisol. She doesn’t deserve this at all. 
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Lastly, we see sprinklings of Bobby’s upcoming storyline at the end of this episode. When we were introduced to Amir, I had a feeling he might be someone who was involved in the apartment fire Bobby started back in Minnesota. The end of this episode pretty much confirms my suspicions. Amir tells Detective Romero he would like to meet Bobby, but I don’t think things are going to go well. Based on Amir’s conversation with Maddie, he is harboring a lot of anger regarding what happened to him, and he may be looking for revenge. Even though I love Bobby Nash, he will need to reckon with what he did. The others have forgiven him however we have yet to see any victims from that fire come forward. I hope this doesn’t drive Bobby back to drinking because he’s done so well over the years to maintain his sobriety. I’m not too worried about him because at least this time around he has Athena and Buck and the rest of the 118 at his side. I can’t wait to see what happens next with Bobby and Amir. Until next time …
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Chapter 30 - The Jarl's Gratitude
Fic Series: At Long Last
Pairing: Brynjolf x Female Dovahkiin|Dragonborn (Adranelle Rolaine)
Premise: Eight years after being declared the Dragonborn, and three years after Alduin is defeated, Adranelle (Adi) Rolaine finds herself back in Riften to help Brynjolf with the Thieves Guild's reputation.
Taglist: @thequeenofthewinter, @oblivions-dawn
Word count: 1, 279
A/N: Welcome to the final chapter! I have never been able to make it through a full novel-length fic, but thanks to support from friends and comments from readers, I had the motivation to finish the piece :) There will be a sequel coming, and I will work on it as much as possible with school happening, but I won't be posting it until the spring. For now, I'll be posting snippets here and there when I can be active in ask games and in general. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Despite being called in together, Jarl Laila addressed the thieves separately. Brynjolf was first, Laila granting him ownership to Riftweald Manor. “I understand that Mercer Frey is not the man we all thought. I thank you both for putting an end to his reign. Brynjolf, Riftweald is yours if you so wish. Anuriel will speak with you about the terms while I speak with your partner.”
“Thank you, my Jarl,” Brynjolf gave her a genuine smile and bowed his head before following the Bosmer into a separate room. 
“Adranelle Rolaine.” Jarl Laila smiled warmly as the half-Breton. Adi felt uncomfortable under the Jarl’s gaze, hearing her full name out loud for the first time. Even more so with Maven’s piercing glare directed at the half-Breton behind the Jarl. 
“You’re the talk of the town lately,” Jarl Laila held up her hand, stopping Adi from speaking. “My steward has informed me that you’ve made quite an impression in the Rift; several of our citizens have expressed their admiration. Much like Mjoll, you’ve become a champion of our hold. Your willingness to help people with their difficulties and providing assistance for their needs has caused many to sing your praises. As the Jarl of Riften, I feel it is my duty to honour your selfless behaviour by honouring you with the title Thane of Riften.”
“I would be honoured to accept, my Jarl,” Adi showed gratitude, although felt unsure. The last thing she needed was another title that screamed ‘hero,’ but who was she to decline the Jarl?"
“Before I can present you with the title, there is but a single requirement you must fulfill,” Laila continued. “A Thane of Riften is required to maintain permanent residence within the city walls. My steward-”
“Sorry to interrupt, my Jarl,” Brynjolf took his place next to Adi once again, slinging an arm around her waist. “But that’s not an issue. Adi will be living with me.” 
“I am?” Adi looked up at the Nord, confused. Living together wasn’t something they had discussed quite yet, so his statement was quite a surprise.
“Only if you want to, lass,” he looked at her. When their eyes locked, Adi knew her answer right away. She would not turn him down when he had unadulterated love for her. 
“Of course I do,” she smiled. “That just caught me off guard.”
“Then it’s settled,” Jarl Laila pulled them back. “I officially bestow the title Thane of Riften on you.”
“Thank you.”
“I should be the one thanking you.” Jarl Laila shook her head. “You’ve solved more problems in the short time you’ve been here than anyone in my court has their entire careers. You’ve been a beacon of hope in these dark times for my people, and I will never forget it. Therefore, by my authority as Jarl, I pronounce you Thane of Riften and award you all the benefits befitting your station. Congratulations.” 
That comment made Maven sneer, and her eyes darken. That reaction alone caused Adi’s smile to grow. Not only was she receiving a Noble title, but Maven’s disgust towards the recognition Adi was getting made it worth accepting. 
“Your Housecarl, Iona, will meet you in Riftweald Manor. Please ensure you will have a room for her, should you choose to redecorate.” Jarl Laila dismissed the thieves. 
Hand-in-hand, they left Mistveil and made a beeline for Riftweald, Brynjolf handing Adi a key to their new home. Brynjolf told Adi that the process was easy. Anuriel had the paperwork in order and just needed him to sign it. He added Adi’s name right then and there. The Steward would hear about the Manor’s redesign by the end of the week. 
“My Thane, may I speak with you for a moment?” if it were any other voice, Adi would be baffled as to how word spread so quickly. However, Adi recognized it to be Maven. She was not keen on hearing what the Nord woman had to say to her. 
“I’ll meet you inside,” Adi told Bryn, squeezing his hand before approaching her mother. Brynjolf nodded and climbed up the ladder to the top floor entrance.
“What is it, Lady Maven?” she asked innocently. 
“I know who you are, and I’m aware you have found out who I am to you,” her tone was low, menacing. “If word of this were to spill to anyone other than yourself and Leo, I will not hesitate to remove you from this situation. We both know how quickly word spreads in this town.”
“Word spreads this quickly in any of the Hold’s towns,” Adi shrugged. “And I can assure you, the news I received before I left to end Mercer’s life isn’t one I’d be keen on anyone finding out, either. Besides, I know things about you that would tarnish your reputation even more than the town finding out you abandoned a baby almost 30 years ago. I suggest you back off and leave myself, Brynjolf, and the Guild alone; otherwise, your luck will run dry.” 
“I won’t give up that easily, dear daughter,” she smirked, knowing how much that word would irk Adi. “You’ve just threatened the wrong woman.”
“And so have you.” 
Six weeks later, Riftweald Manor looked completely different from the dump Mercer left it. All traps and triggers were gone, the bottom tunnels into the Ratway were blocked off, the top floor door lead to a closed-off balcony, and the ground entrances were usable. Given a well-deserved break from the Guild, Adi and Brynjolf focused fully on redesigning their home together. The final floor plan was approved by Iona and sent to Anuriel. Renovations took little time and made the space warm and welcoming. It was perfect. The thieves couldn’t be happier. 
After Adi and Brynjolf hung up their final decoration - a drawing made by Delvin of one of the Guild’s celebrations in the Flagon - they collapsed onto a loveseat, Brynjolf pulling Adi into his chest. “You think the place is ready for our friends tonight?”
“I think it’s perfect.” she looked up and kissed him deeply. The previous week, they had entered the Cistern and invited the Guild members to a small Housewarming party. Everything remotely fragile was thought about, in consideration of drunken thieves in one place, and Adi made sure they were either too high to reach or unmovable. Mostly both, if she was going, to be honest. 
“You’re perfect,” Brynjolf shifted, so Adi straddled him, tangling his fingers in her hair. He deepened the kiss, Adi reciprocating with no hesitation, and moved to start removing her civilian clothes when a loud knock sounded at their front door. “You’d think that we wouldn’t get interrupted as much being away from the Cistern, but alas, I was wrong.” 
“I’m sure it’s just the courier or something,” Adi laughed. She kissed him again, then headed to their front door and met with Nazir. 
“Congratulations on the new place, Adranelle,” Nazir gave her a curt nod and handed her a bottle of Mead - packaged as a gift.
“Thank you, Nazir,” she took the mead and invited him in. “You do know the housewarming party isn’t until later, right?” 
“Yes, but I came early because I have… some unpleasant news.” 
“What is it?” Adi set the mead on a shelf, then turned the assassin. 
“The Night Mother informed me of a new… complicated contract.”
“One that only I can handle? What are the details.” 
“It involves you, yes,” Nazir hesitated. He wished not to ruin her day, but this was not something that could wait. “But not in the way that you think.” 
“Nazir, spit it out.”
“Someone wants you dead.” 
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ecargmura · 10 months
Hirogaru Sky! Precure Episode 27 Review: The World Inside The Mirror Pad
I wonder what the point of this episode was. It’s not bad, but rather, it feels like a one-time thing…unless the pigs are important to the story later on. It just feels like a filler so that the Precures can do something for the weekly episode basis.
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The Precures are forced to go out of their comfort zone and find a way to solve their trials to escape. Ageha gets stuck in a library where she has to learn about airplane trivia, which was something that Tsubasa picked. Sora gets stuck in a makeup room where she has to make herself look beautiful, which was something Mashiro picked. Tsubasa has to find a way to dance excitedly and in rhythm, which was something Ageha picked. Mashiro has to get to the top of a huge flight of stairs, which was something Sora picked. While it is interesting to see our heroes struggle at first, I feel like the pairings are the typical SoraMashi and AgeTsuba mix-match. I think that it would’ve been better if they had been paired up with different combinations like Sora being forced to go into Tsubasa’s trial or Tsubasa being forced to go into Mashiro’s trial. I think that would’ve added some flare to the episode and to see different character combinations. 
I think my biggest issue is that what was the point of making them go through this? They didn’t have any conflict before they got thrown into the mirror pad and suddenly, they’re forced to channel their partner’s energy into succeeding. I think this would’ve made a bit more sense if there was a bit of conflict between the characters outside of the usual duos, but that’s just wishful thinking on my part.
However, the two biggest mysteries of this episode are the Mirror Pad world and Pinkton. Why is there a whole other world inside the Mirror Pad and it’s now being revealed 27 episodes in? Is this a part of Sky Land or a whole other world? Would this mean that the Mirror Pad is not a Sky Land tool but something otherworldly? Mashiro did point out that it feels a bit like the Underg Empire, but its not. What could this mean? It’s too bad that this never gets addressed in this episode. 
Pinkton is a riot, honestly. In all honesty, Pinkton is the conflict of this episode as she was the one who caused the trial mix-up and for the last-minute villain of the day to show up. Since her name ends with ton, it makes me wonder if there is a connection with Kabaton and Minoton. Since there are multiple Pinktons, there has to be a connection, right? The show wouldn’t add in a mysterious world that feels like the Underg Empire and have pig fairies residing in them just for a one-time filler episode, right? However, Pinkton isn’t as annoying as I expected her to be. She’s a lot less sadistic as she’s nice to the Precures and doesn’t got all sadist mode if they fail. I think that’s a bit of a nice touch since these types of characters are prone to be the mischief-making, violence-loving comedic relief.
While this was filler, this episode brought about more questions than answers. I’m worried about whether this show will address this Mirror Pad world and the pig fairies in a future episode. I just hope they’re not a one-time thing. Please. I don’t want to see another long-running show not address these types of one-time things. What are your thoughts about this episode and the possible theories that it brought?
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
i'm curious about your thoughts on the whole jeff and harry relationship.
as someone who feels uncomfortable at how that relationship began (as an adult, i side-eye any other adult who decides to strike up a close friendship with a teenager, though i think in this case it was more greed and less creep), but sees that harry does seem to genuinely like and value jeff, but then has also picked up on some of the more recent tension that seems to be between them, one thing i've been thinking about a lot lately is that they have both a professional and a personal relationship, and while they're definitely twisted up together, they are still separate. fandom i feel like usually falls into either the camp of "harry and jeff are clashing over career stuff (residencies, holivia, merch issues, etc) and harry doesn't like jeff anymore" or "harry and jeff are still besties and harry is fine with all of the career stuff". i think it's possible that harry still values jeff as a friend but is maybe at a stage in his life and career where he disagrees with jeff's approach to certain things as his manager and is comfortable and confident enough to have that disagreement. and that could be anything from a serious tension to still being fairly confident in sticking with jeff and just more openly or strongly disagreeing about certain things lately.
I basically feel the same way you do.
This excerpt from this article has defined the entire way I see Jeff, mainly because it seems to have defined the way Jeff sees himself:
The younger Azoff got his first industry job at 21, as a “glorified intern” working for Maroon 5’s then-manager Jordan Feldstein. After a week of filing and fetching coffee, he called his father and complained that he was bored. According to Jeffrey, Irving responded, “Listen carefully, because I’m going to say this one time. You have a phone and you have my last name. If you can’t figure it out, you’re not my son.”
“Direct quote,” Jeffrey says. “It’s one of my favorite things he’s ever said to me. And it’s the spirit of the music business, by the way. There are no rules to this. Just figure it out.”
My opinion:
When the Azoffs swooped in, I think Harry was lonely because Louis was embroiled in the Zayn drama. I think he was unhappy because he couldn’t express himself or his queerness in the way he wanted. And in addition to wealth and an illustrious career, I think the Azoffs offered him friendship and what seemed like a more forgiving closet. And part of me thinks Harry feels indebted to the Azoffs for that reason.
But I can understand why people think the Azoffs inserted themselves into Harry’s life and his family’s life. People in the Azoffs’ circle, like Xander, became friends with Harry - and then business partners. And I’ve always felt like the humor of the “who is Jeff Azoff…” shirt was lost on me. Harry wearing that shirt seemed very demeaning, and he wore multiple versions of it on multiple occasions. But it’s a sticky situation because as much as the Azoffs and their friends (who became Harry’s friends) benefit, Harry is benefiting, too. I mean, I bet Harry is making more money from Pleasing than Xander. I think Harry and the Azoffs are genuine friends. I think they trust each other. And I think they share a common goal and vision. And as an outsider, there are aspects of their dynamic that have made me uncomfortable.
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jeannahas · 3 months
Midnight Musings - Loss and Legacy
For some context to my thoughts this particular night, I have some major memory issues. I have theories about why this might be - a particular brand of inattentive ADHD, problems in recording memories, or information not actually leaving my sensory memory to make it to short term memory, or a breakdown from short term to long term - no idea. Could be all of the above, could be none of the above.
What matters, for tonights thoughts, is the fact that I lose memories, I lose time. Anything can and will be forgotten, as I have told many friends and acquaintances. My name, my birthday, important life changing events and even people who have in the past been deeply important to my life. Just... gone. Faded away like a printed image left to soak in water. Barely discernable, a blur of muddied ink - it has affected the page, and the page has been forever changed, but the details are gone. I have even recommended songs to people and romantic partners, and then have forgotten that the song itself even EXISTED, barely being able to recall it as a familiar thing when that same person plays it back to me.
This loss is spotty, and unpredictable, and does leave some random memories crystal clear for frequent re-visiting and examination, but the experience as a whole leaves me... hollow.
This has led to a couple of compounding fears. There are diseases that run in our family ( which I have not been able to test for) which could end a life by the age of 50 - 60. Cancers, ALS, Muscular Dystrophy, etc. So, there is a fear of wasting away, of losing the activities and things I love to do most one after the other. There are few things I love as much as martial arts, writing, and drawing, and with some of those diseases, you lose what you use the most first- the activities you love most are the first to go. There is a fear of losing memory of my own life, as I have mentioned in other posts, and massive chunks fall away with time.
This has led me to one overarching motivation, which I only recently realized was important to me - the desire to leave some kind of impact, some kind of legacy, that will last longer than I do. And it feels, every time, like I have failed. I haven't stopped trying- but I have watched things that I have worked hard to build crumble the moment I have stepped away from them time and again. I repaired a piece of landscaping important to my home town, and when I drove by last summer, it was worse off than when I had begun to repair it. I tried to build a small film project with friends in college, and it fell apart after our first semester working on it. I tried to build a martial arts school in the first city my wife and I lived in, and It never got off the ground, and collapsed within days of my leaving to accept a job, my former students scattering to the four winds. For the past three years, I have been trying to build and improve a martial arts school here in the city I reside in, and at our peak, we had 84 students , a crowning acheivement, a brief moment where everything was looking up for us.
And then... everything began crumbling. One after one, our students left, as fewer and fewer people began to call us, as the recession that's settling in began to hit luxury markets like martial arts. Money began to be tight, and fewer people had extra funds to spend on martial arts. Pay cut after pay cut, rescheduling after rescheduling, and the decision came to downsize, after it was established that I would be leaving the area.
And the losses began. Each day, as we get closer to the day I am supposed to hand the studio over to the new instructor, more people leave. People I have grown close to, people who's lives I have become invested in, who I wish the best for, and have been thinking about and trying to help improve their training for the past two and a half years. Young Kids I have come to adopt as temporary family, adult friendships that have been a rare oasis in a life largely devoid of actual friends, devoid of positive interactions, teens with such talent and progress that it HURTS to watch them stop training RIGHT before that finish line of their black belt.... it keeps going, it accelerates, and it's reached apoint where I don't know If I can do anything about it.
And I watch another thing, another project I have poured my heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears into, collapse around me like a temple colapsing in an earthquake. I begin to doubt if this effort I have labored on for the past three years will survive beyond my leaving the city, if these people who I have helped to train, who I have helped to get their black-belts, will carry on this martial arts legacy, or if my effect here will die and end with them. Am I... just going to be forgotten? Will the school last the year? Will anything I've done or taught here matter in three years anymore?
The crushing weight of the thought that nothing I have built has lasted even a decade weighs on me, drives me to claw desperately for some way to leave a memory that will outlive me, that I contemplate how to carve my name into steel, to make some piece of something that will outlast me as I have seen happen to some other items.
It's a peculiar agony of the soul. Hoping someone else will remember your life because you are not sure that you can - hoping that what you did mattered enough to someone for them to hold onto what you taught them when you are gone, that they will build on it. Leaving feels like a funeral, made worse by the fact that I don't know If I will be able to make something of myself where I am going, even though I have multiple plans to try to do just that. I know what I want to do - I know mostly how to do it, but the risk of failing again - the knowledge that what I will try to build next could fail before it even gets off the ground, is daunting.
Naturally, I am moving forward. I am stubborn, and I haven't given up yet. I will try agian, and again, and again, to do good, to leave wherever I am better than I found it, even if that effect doesn't last for long. Existential dread aside, I will keep trying, however I can.
Hopefully it matters to someone.
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jxgi · 5 months
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an independent roleplay blog for hokuto no ken's jagi; with verses based in final fantasy, resident evil, modern / realistic aus and more. a study in jealousy and hate - a life lost and the exploration of the sadness beneath sociopathy.
ambition tearing out the heart of you, carving lines into you
[ carrd ] | [ main ] | [ ask ]
  001   This is an independent roleplay blog for the character of Jagi from the manga / anime / game, Fist of the North Star aka Hokuto No Ken. Obviously, this character doesn't belong to me. The character of Jagi is a mean, villainous character and his backstory has a good amount of triggering content. Please keep this in mind when interacting. This blog is 18+ (adults only) and low activity.
  002   Triggering content that you can expect to see frequently on this blog will be violence, murder, aggression, blood and general fighting / battle themes. Sexual content will be present, as will consensual-rough sex. Explicitly dark themes such as rape / sexual violence / dubcon etc, will be alluded to in terms of backstory but not necessarily written. Everything will be tagged. Example is - 'tw.triggerhere'. I, myself, have no triggers.
  003   Mun's name is Han, you may know me from such blogs as 'cwarscars' (a badly written attempt at a military general in a fantasy world) and 'mencnfire' (a multimuse attempt at some veteran type characters who all have issues). Are you noticing a theme? Lol. I'm 29, work full time and like to do all sorts of stuff so I wont be super active. I'm pretty friendly and very chilled out, discord is available on the carrd - just tell me who you are if you add me please.
  004   This blog is low activity; primarily because I work full-time hours and have other stuff going on outside of the online world. Generally, I like to restrict myself from being online too much. It's never anything personal if I'm not online, don't reply to a message or favour one thread over another. I just have limited time to work with and am terrible at messages. I do like communication, but I also appreciate realism, understanding and patience. I give exactly what I expect of partners. Be laid-back and just have fun!
  005   Generally, I prefer longer threads and planned threads. I will do the odd starter or random thread about random thing, but I love a good, juicy, well-thought-out thing. If we're going to plot, I love to have a beginning, middle and end. They are my favourite kinds of threads to write. I don't like too much exposition and prefer a slow burn when it comes to all manner of relationships etc. I can't be bothered to use icons and fancy formatting gives me migraines, so I'll just stick to standard small text.
  006   In terms of character / shipping. I base my Jagi's backstory off of his story in Jagi Gaiden. If you're not a fan of HNK / barely know it, don't worry - Jagi has a tonne of verses I have thrown him into and I am more than open to writing a new verse to base around our muses! Regarding shipping - I am open to it! But keep in mind that Jagi is a sociopath and a dangerous murderer. As you can imagine, I'm willing to write most kinds of ships, be they romantic, dark, family, dark-romance etc. However, Jagi will not sexually assault or rape your muse. I've got ten years+ of writing villains under my belt and people trying to force that on you is never enjoyable.
  007   Please don't block-evade, hound me for replies, do any creepy shit like stalk my blog / discord, talk shit etc. This is a weird, slightly vague rule but I'm just not down for the high-school side of the RPC nor am I down for the weird things such as block-evading and the like. Please don't pretend to be someone you're not to me (as in, literally pretend to be another person), it's very unsettling behaviour.
  008   I have approximately minus interest in getting involved in any slapfights between pro-ship & anti-ship content. I believe in freedom of expression and am anti-censorship, but I also believe that people are allowed to be unsettled / turned-off by certain content. Generally, I'm open-minded but also do my best to be respectful. As said previously, stuff is tagged, dark content will be written, but I also have limits and I respect others' limits, too.
 009   My main blog is CWARSCARS and generally, I'll be over there. I just needed to get the rascal that is Jagi off of my chest for a little while as I replenish my writing juices (gross lol).Have fun and I hope we have good rp times! :-)
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studioahead · 10 months
Gallery Spotlight: Pt. 2 Gallery
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Recently we chatted with Brock Brake, the owner of the forward-thinking, community-centered Part 2 Gallery in Oakland. After growing up in Ohio, immersing himself in skateboard culture, and studying in Chicago, Brock moved to the Bay Area to work as a photojournalist and gallerist. We discussed art, community, and if there is a Part 1 or Part 3, and what they might add up to as a whole.
Studio AHEAD: You founded Part 2 Gallery in 2018. What’s with the name? Was there a Part 1?
Brock Brake: So Part 1 was actually called Athen B. Gallery. It was a combination of two names. Athen was my first partner's name and the B was for Brock or Brake. We opened that in 2015. It is actually right next door to where we started pt.2.
I closed Athen B. in the winter of 2017 due to a difference in partnership. I quickly found a new business partner who matched me on the investment and three months later in March of 2018 we began operating as pt.2. In January of this year we actually took back over the original Athen B. It is called Part 2 Gallery because it is our second gallery. We abbreviate it pt.2 to keep it short. I didn't want it to be Brock Brake Gallery. I don't want it to be about me or for there to be any false sense of celebrity as a gallerist like we see so often today in the art world. When people come to the gallery and ask if I’m the owner I'll usually say I just work here.
SA: Tell us about the artist studios connected to pt.2. What role do they play in defining the gallery and how pt.2 establishes community?
BB: When I was brought into what the building was back in 2014, I saw a lot of potential in all the unused space. I started as a gallery assistant with a space called Lequivie that was in the space before Athen B. It was originally a few artists like Cannon Dill, Brett Flanigan, and a few graff heads in the studios behind the gallery / print shop. As Athen B. grew, I took the time to clear out multiple dirty rooms being used for storage and slowly turned them into studios. More and more people came into the mix and slowly a community started building. Over the course of time, eight studios were established. Mostly individual units, some shared. Around 20 people now operate in and around the studios. All have been brought in through peers. We don’t do open calls or anything like that.
SA: Your recent exhibition “A Weed by Any Other Name” is a direct comment on the Bay Area and its residents—resilient, resourceful! Where is Oakland right now in the arts world?
BB: Honestly it is hard to gauge where Oakland is right now in the art world outside of our Bay Area bubble sometimes. I guess to know where something is at you have to look at what it is. Right now the Bay Area in general is taking an L from an economic standpoint, which is an important part to consider when you talk about the art world. Whether it's all the crime pushing businesses out of the Bay or the various housing issues that are addressed by Liz Hernández and Ryan Whelan's exhibition leading to this economic downturn. But there is something important they also addressed that money can't buy though, and that is how strong and resilient our arts community is. We kind of low key have more and more galleries flying in to do studio visits because they can tell there is something here. I think we have some of the best artists in the world here in the bay. I think a lot of really special people have passed by or got their start here. I talk to people about it all the time but there is something special in the water out here, whether you like it or not.
SA: We agree! It must the water.
We love the videos that often accompany a show. They are casual, somewhat intimate conversations with the artists, who often talk freely about their art. Let us turn the camera around, as it were, and ask you what are your thought processes in putting together an exhibition.
BB: It’s hard to describe what my thought process is when putting together an exhibition. My exhibitions revolve around giving the right people the space to say what they want and to do what they want to do. I feel like every exhibition is completely different and they are always encouraging me to grow. To me that is very appealing as it isn't the same cookie cutter thing over and over. It’s a game I can never win and I'm okay with that.
What drives me as a curator / gallery owner is kind of a long-winded answer. In short, it’s to do good. After working in the art world in various roles since 2010, I felt like the Bay Area didn't really have a serious space for my peers to put on exhibitions, so I made one. I was working at a few of the larger Bay Area galleries in various ways and felt a kind of disconnect from what they were doing and what I wanted to do. At pt.2 you don't need an art degree, rich parents, or an influential social media following. I just want you to be a good person and make good work.
SA: Describe to us what Part 3 Gallery would be like.
BB: Oh no. No Part 3 for me. Part 2 has a good head on its shoulders. If anything I'm trying to just focus on the relationships I'm currently fostering at the gallery. I'm about to be 34 years old. I have a one-year-old who I get to spend a lot of time with. A beautiful wife who’s extremely supportive. A great team of artists. I don't need more like that. I'm trying to mind my business and focus on myself. If something happens more naturally then sure, but for now the mindset is less is more.
Photos by Ekaterina Izmestieva
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orcadigitals · 2 years
Information about how To Go For The Best Santa Clarita 91322, California Offers In Compromise Legal Professional
Getting Useful Santa Clarita 91322, California Offers In Compromise Lawyers Near You Smoothly Santa Clarita 91322, California, has actually constantly been thought about to be the city of desires. Individuals that live right here have always wished to become part of this area where they can stay in peace and also success. When picking the appropriate Santa Clarita 91322, California offers in compromise attorneys for your requirements, there are numerous things that you require to think about. los angeles oic lawyer near me There are a lot of attorneys that provide services to clients around the world. Several of them provide solutions to those who have actually been involved in a crash or that have actually been apprehended. Others aid their customers with lawful problems concerning separation as well as other family members issues. You will locate that there are likewise lawyers that specialize in particular areas like bankruptcy law, company regulation and also criminal legislation. When you are seeking the most effective Santa Clarita 91322, California offers in compromise legal representatives, it is necessary that you take a look at several aspects. Initially, you require to make sure that you understand the location that you are residing in well. If you do not know the location, then you must ask somebody who resides in that area for referrals. An additional aspect that you need to think about is how much money you have offered for hiring a legal representative. If you are not able to spend for the solutions of an attorney, you need to hire an attorney that uses services on a backup basis. If the instance is won, this indicates that you only have to pay. You only have to pay the attorney a percentage of what you have won if you win the instance. los angeles oic lawyer near me You must likewise think about the online reputation of the legal representative prior to you hire him or her. It is additionally a great concept to inspect out the attorney's site. 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mattxwheeler · 2 years
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Introducing Matthew Wheeler!
BIRTH NAME : Matthew Alexander Wheeler ALIAS  /  NICKNAME : Matt, Matty AGE :  28 DATE  OF  BIRTH : April 30, 1994 PLACE OF BIRTH : Bridgeport, ME RESIDENCE :  Old Lymemouth TW : Bullying, parental disappointment
EDUCATION : High school diploma OCCUPATION :  Manager at Critical Roll
HAIR COLOR : Brunette EYE  COLOR :  Hazel HEIGHT : 5′11″ BUILD : Fit SCENT :  Degree Ultraclear
TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS :  None BEAUTY HABITS : Has a hair routine he does to make it look nice, shaves daily
CLOTHING :  Jeans, hoodies, converse, t-shirts HAIR STYLE : Short, well kept
EATING HABITS : Fast food, junk food, sometimes healthy EXERCISE HABITS : Running, biking SLEEPING HABITS :  Gets around 9 hours, sleeps hard
SOCIABILITY : Supportive
BODY  TEMP :  98.6 ADDICTIONS :  None DRUG  USE :  None ALCOHOL USE :  Occasionally
POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Charming, friendly, helpful NEGATIVE TRAITS : Stubborn, cautious PHOBIAS :  Rodents FEARS :  Nothing ever coming of his life
HOBBIES :  D&D, video games, comic books, reading HABITS : TBD USUAL DEMEANOR : Happy
FATHER :  Hank Wheeler MOTHER : Michelle Wheeler SIBLINGS :  Older brother PARTNERS : TBD CHILDREN :  None
INSPIRATIONS :  Steve Harrington (Stranger Things), Will Byers (Stranger Things)
If anyone was to look at the Wheeler family, they would think they were a “cookie cutter” family on the outside and think that it wasn’t like that on the inside. However, it was. They were a happy family with his dad a police officer and his mom a stay-at-home and the only fighting that ever really happened was between Matthew and his older brother; like siblings usually did. He never had a complaint, though, and as he grew, they all supported his interests.
As he started school, he was one to sit in the front of the class and answer all sorts of questions. He was good at most subjects, but as he started to get bullied for being a “nerd”, he started being a little more shy about his intelligence and sat in the back. He didn’t have many friends and his brother would end up beating up anyone who bullied him, his days outside of school were mainly spent playing video games and eventually, getting into Dungeons & Dragons.
By high school, he had joined a Dungeons & Dragons club and started getting close to his teacher, Brady Levitt. He looked up to the man and he was also into D&D so it made everything worth it. He was still getting decent grades and once graduation came around, he had numerous options of where to go to school, except he didn’t. He didn’t know what he wanted to do and so, he started working at his former teacher’s shop. This quickly became an issue between him and his dad as the older man thought he should be going to school to get a degree in something, but Matthew found it pointless if he didn’t know what he wanted to do.
As the years went by, he moved up at his position to be a manager and got his own apartment in Old Lymemouth. He’s very content with his life and has been thinking about possibly getting a business degree to help more at the shop. One can still find him doing D&D every week at Critical Roll and feels he could work there forever.
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