#and its ability is to pay life to weaken things
dravidious · 10 months
You're more amazing than blastoise
So I made a mono-black aggro deck, and it was primarily inspired by this one card:
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This card is so busted in aggro, because "can't block" is basically removal for anything, for just 1 mana. The burn effect is another major bonus, making this card REALLY good for aggro. The burn effect is such good pressure that one opponent actually used a removal spell on their own creature just to get rid of the aura. On the other hand, a card in the deck that I put in on a whim was this strange fella:
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A 7-drop is typically what we in the aggro business call "a little bit slow", but I figured it might be useful so I tossed one in as filler. As it turns out, a 3-drop 5/4 is actually really good in aggro, and all it takes is a single trade to play this thing for 3. I haven't played enough games to see this thing hit 1 mana, nor have I ever used the destruction ability, but both have the potential to be very useful.
Also, I mentioned a while ago that I had 14 1-drops? I was misremembering that. My mana curve actually looks like this:
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In conclusion:
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enchantedescapist · 23 days
Theodore Nott Headcannons/Background
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Theodore Nott was born on October 26th (scorpio) at Florence,Italy and he was raised at the city of Salisbury in Southern England .He is quiet, exceptionally intelligent, and a pretty handsome boy; he doesn't have a superiority complex like others in his friendgroup, but he is very confident and charming carrying also a pride for his house (Slytherin). He has his friends ( Mattheo Riddle,Draco Malfoy,Blaise Zabini,Enzo Berkshire) - but he is a quiet loner an introvert but without that making him antisocial..in fact he is very good with words and fast come backs.He’s very much an observer of the world around him, judging everyone and making wry, snarky, generally sarcastic comments about them in his head and sometimes not only in his head.Theodere might seem the most cold and distant in the friendgroup but he is in his core a kind person ,with humour always making his closest people laugh and generous you just need to know him first and make him feel comfortable otherwise he is very mysterious and private with his life.
Despite being labeled as a "fuckboy" in his friend group and the whole Hogwarts do be in fact ,due to his flirting tendencies,his attractive appearance and his charming words, Theodore craves genuine love and connection. He enjoys attention, especially from girls, but deep down, he desires a meaningful relationship.
Theodore’s mother Rosalina died when he was a young child. She had a rare illness that gradually caused her to lose the ability to use magic - weakening her and pretty much turning her into a Squib, although Theodore didn’t see it that way, but his father did: Tiberius Nott refused to visit his wife in the hospital and basically pretended that she didn’t exist (although he did pay for a private suite in St. Mungo’s.) Theodore, although perhaps six or seven, visited his mother alone, learning how to take the Floo Network to St. Mungo’s to visit and often staying there.
He was present when Rosalina Nott died, providing him with the ability to see thestrals. It also gave him the determination to become a Healer when he graduated from Hogwarts.: it’s his overriding ambition, and he’s utterly driven to succeed. He was particularly good at Potions, and eventually became Potions Master for St. Mungo’s.Its important to mention that Theodore was a good student but he wasnt studying for hours like others ,he was simply doing the bare minimum and that was enough for him.
Theodore’s also a skilled Occlumens - and self-taught, since it’s a skill he found both interesting and useful. (As other skills go, his best subject is Potions; he often finds himself second in the class behind Hermione - third behind Harry in sixth year - something he resents Hermione for. He’s rather baffled by Harry’s sudden sixth-year success but ascribes it to Slughorn’s favoritism.) 5. Is known to everyone that Theodore loves quidditch, he is probably the best beater in the slytherin team.He is very passionate about it and its also a way for him to let his anger out and feel more free ( just go to therapy you have alot of job to do darling) 6.Theodore Nott is also a pragmatic realist but he doesnt believe in blood purity ideology,he is nowhere near as gung-ho as Draco. In fact, he hopes to wait until the war is over and thinks of joining the DEs as something that he’s obligated to do rather than what he genuinely wants to do. (The masks, the grandiose speeches, the pretense of anonymity when he knows practically everyone in the Dark Lord’s inner circle - it’s all utterly ridiculous to him.) 7. He spent the most Christmas alone if he is not invited to the Malfoy manor (which is very grateful for Narcissa and Lucius wanting him), his father is in Azkaban for the Department of Mysteries attack and…many other things but its whatever for him they were not getting along ever ( childhood trauma), and Theodore has no surviving relatives, family members and he doesnt prefer to stay at Hogwarts to face the pity of someone like Albus Dumbledore.Theodore's childhood was marked by loneliness, especially during the holidays alone in an empty house, his only gifts from the family house-elves who rummaged through the attic in an attempt to cheer him up - his Christmas holiday was generally cold, lonely, and sad. 8. Theo was also having a difficulty producing his patronus ( a Husky ) but there was always a memory which made him succeed and find peace the same time …(In the sitting room of the Nott Manor, the young Theodore sits beside his mother, Rosalina, at the grand piano. The room is filled with the soft glow of candlelight. Rosalina's fingers gracefully glide over the keys, coaxing out a melody that fills the air with warmth.As Theodore watches his mother play, a small smile graces his lips, and his eyes light up with admiration. He listens intently, completely enraptured by the music flowing from her fingertips.
With a gentle nudge from Rosalina, Theodore tentatively places his own small hands on the keys, mirroring her movements as they play together. Despite his initial hesitation, he soon finds his rhythm, the music becoming a harmonious duet between them.In that moment, young Theodore feels a sense of peace and contentment wash over him). It's a memory he'll carry with him always, a precious reminder of the bond they share and the joy found in the simple pleasure. Still that day, you can find Theodore playing piano when he feels valunerable or misses his mother a lot, he also doesnt say he can play piano but merlin knows why.
**REPOST AND LIKE IF YOU WANT PART 2! I was so happy while writting it haha.
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the-red-company-if · 1 year
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"When laws fail, when kingdoms crumble, we are the ones who remain standing in the ashes. We live by the sword, die by the sword. We sell our skills, not our souls."
The Red Company is a game where you'll take on the role of a mercenary and embark on a dangerous journey through a morally ambiguous and immersive dark fantasy world. (The story will be divided into three main Acts where you will meet different people and face different challenges.)
Genres: Dark Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Psychological Thriller, Horror and Drama.
Warnings: This story is rated 18+ for depictions of violence, blood, death, gore, darker themes, mature language, (optional) explicit content, drug and substance abuse, psychological horror, mentions of past torture, mentions of past child abuse, and probably more things to be added later on—> If any of these themes or content may cause discomfort or distress, it is recommended to refrain from playing the game or to engage with caution.
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Keelos is a realm known for its rich culture and magical heritage. The most potent form of magic, however, is not learned but a birthright etched into the bloodlines of the noble houses. Those who inherit this gift are referred to as the "Vestiges." The Vestiges belong to the 11 leading noble houses of Keelos, where these magical powers are inherited through generations, granting them abilities far beyond that of ordinary magic users. Each bloodline has its unique magical prowess that echoes its lineage's legacy.
However, the inheritance of these gifts is fickle – sometimes gracing multiple children within a single generation and, at other times, skipping several generations entirely. Regardless, the birth of a Vestige is always a significant event, celebrated with grandeur or dreaded in silence, based on the power they inherit.
Valyssa, one of the eleven Kingdoms of Keelos, once known for its thriving trade and powerful defenses, now teeters on the brink of chaos. The King's health is failing, and despite having fathered three illegitimate children, the laws of Valyssa dictate that only a Vestige can ascend to the throne. His bastards were not gifted with the bloodline magic; thus, the kingdom finds itself without a clear successor. The absence of a legitimate Vestige heir has thrown the noble houses into a power struggle, each vying for dominance and control over the kingdom.
The army, once Valyssa's pride, is now divided into different factions; its loyalties splintered among Varis's children, weakening the military's ability to maintain order and security. With the rise in violence and the state's inability to protect its citizens, the mercenaries once looked down upon are now a necessary evil.
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The Red Company, a renowned and influential mercenary guild in the Kingdom of Valyssa lies in the bustling city of Valethorne, located on the crossroads of several major trade routes. Renowned for its integrity and unique blend of mercenaries, the Red Company represents a beacon of hope, kindness, and unity during a time of unrest.
In this game, you take on the role of the only child of Cassius, the revered leader of the Red Company Mercenaries. Your home is where you undergo hard-hitting training, intense strategizing, and prepare for the cutthroat reality of the mercenary life. This guild is not just your family but your lifeline in the dangerous world you're set to inherit.
Each day, you dive into the hardships that define the mercenary life. Loss and grief are as much a part of this life as victory and laughter. You learn that the sword isn't just a tool; it's a part of you, an extension of your will. Blood, sweat, and tears are your currency as you pay the price of survival in a world often too cruel to bear.
Under the watchful eye of your father, you face the critical decisions and dire consequences that come with leadership. Every choice you make, every step you take, carries the weight of the lives dependent on you. Your father's lessons become your mantras: Honor is non-negotiable. Loyalty is paramount. Caution is survival.
As you stand on the cliff of adulthood, you prepare for your coming-of-age mission. But the looming threat of the ruthless Iron Serpents and other mercenary groups and the turbulent political landscape of Veydis test your resilience, daring you to break.
Your legacy is the flame that holds back the broaching darkness. But the question remains:
For how long can the good days last before everything crumbles?
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⚔️ Customize your gender, pronouns and sexuality.
⚔️ Customize your MC’s physical appearance.
⚔️Customize your own special weapon.
⚔️ Choose an alias that the public will know you by.
⚔️(Re-)build The Red Company after your expectations!… or let it all fall apart
⚔️Recruit new members.
⚔️ Explore friendship or romance options with a colourful cast of characters or make them your enemy.
⚔️ Adopt your companion for life... a doggy!
⚔️ Choices Shape the Tale: Your decisions will shape your character's personality, moral compass and influence the world around you.
⚔️ Will you lean on your brute strength, your eloquent charm, or perhaps your keen intellect to save your neck?
⚔️ Confront challenges, enemies, and mysteries in pursuit of glory.
⚔️ Discover hidden truths in a world of prophecy and peril.
⚔️ Rich Lore: Discover a universe brimming with vibrant cultures and mythology.
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Under the Cut
Liran Haddeak [M]
"In you I’ve found a bond stronger than any blade. Always remember that I’ve got your back, today, tomorrow, always.”
Liran has been your best friend since childhood but his journey has always been rocky. For unknown reasons, he was deemed unfit and cast aside by his father. But Liran is anything but weak. Known for his calm demeanor and protective nature, he is the grounding presence in your chaotic life. And despite the harsh conditions that define a mercenary's life, Liran remains kind-hearted and steadfast. His unwavering loyalty and bravery make him a skilled fighter and major threat, especially since he has a trump card: Being a Vestige, he has the power to manipulate the air to his will. Underestimating him is a fatal mistake. (Liran will first appear in Act 1)
Appearance: Liran, is as unique as the wind he commands. His hair, a cascade of ash-blond locks, is secured in a ponytail, creating a stark contrast with his fair skin and the vibrancy of his blue eyes. Standing at an average height, he's lean yet sturdy, moving with an effortless grace. His features are soft but defined, and his smile reveals gentle dimples. He usually dresses in comfortable, pratical attire often opting for muted shades of grey.
Makena Thavari [F]
"You are a refreshing mystery in a world that's often too predictable. Kinda like a well-brewed potion with an unexpected kick."
Makena, the newest addition to the Red Company, is a woman of intellect and mystery. Her presence in a room is impossible to ignore. Makena's pursuit of knowledge led her down the path of healing, one of the most valuable skills in a world rife with conflict. She arrived at the Red Company with a healer's heart, ready to mend wounds and nurture those in need. But her entry isn't without its mysteries - an air of intrigue seems to surround her, creating a veil that others yearn to look beyond. (Makena will first appear in Act 3)
Appearance: Makena is a woman of captivating beauty, bearing a curvy build and a grace that reflects her unyielding inner strength. Her skin, a beautiful shade of brown, glows softly, exhibiting a subtle radiance. Makena's hair, dark as coal, is styled into elegant cornrows that cascade gently down her back. Her eyes, matching her skin in their rich brown color, are extraordinarily expressive, sparkling with both inquisitiveness and an enigmatic charm that few can resist. She dresses practically yet stylishly, in well-made and comfortable attire.
Riyah/Ridan/Riz [F/M/NB]
"You are like a constant thorn in my side. However, the day you falter, the day you break, will be the day I seize my moment."
Meet R, a formidable force of nature in a world of mercenaries. Born into a life of hardship and violence, R was destined for the mercenary path. As a child, rivalry brewed between them and you, a feud that has only intensified over the years. Upon reaching adulthood, R's ruthless nature and unmatched prowess in combat have sharpened their edge, making them an even more significant threat to The Red Company and especially you. (R will first appear in Act 1)
Appearance: R is an imposing figure, standing tall and carved like a mountain. They boast broad shoulders and a muscular build, embodying raw power and a wild ferocity. Their skin carries a warm brown, amplifying the ruggedness of their appearance. They have a striking face, its lines hard and unyielding, as if sculpted from stone. R has poisonous green eyes that shine with an intense, predatory gaze. If R is male or non-binary they have dark brown hair, very short and untamed and if R is female she has long dark brown hair that she keeps in two long braids.
Ghost [NB]
"Darling, I've been known to steal hearts. Be careful; you might be next."
"Ghost" - A person who's as elusive as their namesake, glides through the world with the grace of a prowling cat. Their real name, no one knows; They flirt and jest easily but trust rarely. As a master of deceit, Ghost thrives in the gray area between truth and lies, weaving webs that are often hard to disentangle. Ghost serves as a stark reminder that not all is as it seems, and sometimes, the deadliest are those who strike from the shadows. (Ghost will first appear in Act 2)
Appearance: Ghost is an enigmatic figure, embodying agility and swift silence in their lithe build. They stand at a modest height, their form radiating an aura of nimbleness. Their skin is fair, offering a stark contrast to their long, dark hair that flows loosely. Their raven-black eyes are truly hypnotizing, always sparkling with a touch of mischief, as if hiding secrets deep within their depths. Ghost's face is a tapestry of delicate features: a small, straight nose, a soft jawline, and thin brows often raised in silent amusement. They dress simply, yet with an undeniable flair. Their attire, while practical, is always of high quality and meticulously maintained.
Captain Joryn [TransM/TransF]
"You're quite a treasure, but don't forget - the ocean's depths are a vast hiding place for things..."
Captain Joryn, the notorious pirate who rules the sea lanes of Valyssa. With a glint of shrewdness in their eyes and a smirk forever on their face, Joryn embodies the audacity and relentless pursuit of wealth that only a pirate could understand. Uncompromisingly stubborn, Joryn bows to no one, and their greed is a force of nature that rivals the fiercest tempests they have ever faced at sea. Few have seen what lies behind their raucous laughter and tales of grandeur. Either way, those who underestimate Captain Joryn often find themselves at the bottom of the sea. (Captain Joryn will first appear in Act 2)
Appearance: Joryn is a captivating mix of elegance and intensity, a reflection of the sea they dominate. Their skin is brown and adorned with a multitude of intricate tattoos, a story, a memory etched permanently onto them. High cheekbones and full lips contribute to their captivating beauty and their eyes, deep and bewitching, are as dark as the ocean ground. Female Joryn keeps her hair in long, dark, dreadlocks and has a more lean yet curvaceous figure while Male Joryn hair is shorter but styles his hair in dreadlocks as well, otherwise he keeps his beard carefully trimmed and he is more lean and muscular. They adorn themselves with lots of accessories and jewels, spoils from their “adventures” and they prefer wearing loose and comfortable attire.
General Alva Rothar [M/F/NB]
"You mercenaries are like stray dogs, useful at times, but liable to bite the hand that feeds you. Cross me, and I assure you, the leash can tighten rather quickly."
Shrouded in an enigmatic aura, the stoic General Rothar is a name whispered with equal parts respect and caution across Valyssa. A master strategist and veteran of countless battles, their keen mind has played a pivotal role in many victories. Yet, beneath their stern exterior lies a complex tapestry of loyalty and cunning. No one can tell where their allegiance truly lies in the current succession crisis. With a gaze as sharp as a freshly honed blade, they observe the chaos with an inscrutable calm. Many have tried to gauge their leanings, only to be met with a penetrating stare and an enigmatic half-smile. Are they a friend or a foe? Only time will tell. But one thing's certain, crossing paths with General Rothar is never without consequence. (General Rothar will first appear in Act 3)
Appearance: General Rothar is a living testament to countless battles and victories. They stand above average height, their presence commanding attention wherever they go. Regardless of gender their light brown hair is kept short and always impeccably maintained, mirroring their rigid discipline. Their features are surprisingly soft yet captivating, with deep-set, piercing grey eyes that are ever-observant, missing nothing. Countless scars run across their body, each a memento of a battle fought and won, but the most notable scar is on General Rothar's face, is a jagged line that cuts across their left cheek, adding to their stern appearance. Cloaked in the uniform of their rank, the General displays an air of unmistakable authority, their every step echoing with the strength of a seasoned warrior.
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The Red Company
Cassius Zahdoc [M, he/him]: Cassius is the charismatic leader of the Red Company whose imposing presence is in stark contrast to his warmth personality. A playful grin often teases the corners of his mouth, softening the lines of his battle-hardened exterior. His heart, worn boldly on his sleeve, beats fiercely for his people and his child. A respected warrior, a doting father, and an unwavering pillar of the Red Company. Beware his booming laugh, it's contagious.
Callista Zahdoc [F, she/her]: Callista, your grandmother, is an iron-willed matriarch with a tiger's strength and a lion's heart. Her demeanor is as tough as the battles she's survived, yet beneath the steely exterior lies a steadfast commitment to her kin. To cross her is to court peril, but to earn her respect is to gain an ally beyond measure.
Varian Allard [M, he/him]: Varian, a healer whose dry wit and deadpan sarcasm belie a deeply caring soul. Behind his gruff exterior and perpetually tired gaze lies an unflappable dedication to the wellbeing of his fellow Red Company members.
Amahle Dladla [F, she/her]: Meet Amahle, affectionately known as the Old Hag of the Red Company. Don't let her age or title fool you - beneath her gruff exterior lies a masterful cook with a tongue as sharp as her kitchen knife and a heart of gold. She runs the company's kitchen with an iron will, and few dare to cross her. But for those who earn her respect, Amahle serves not just meals but wisdom seasoned with years of experience.
Seraphina Haddeak [F, she/her]: Meet Seraphina, the Red Company's blacksmith. She crafts war weapons from raw materials with surgeon-like precision and warrior strength, her fiery spirit and quirky ideas seep into each creation. Seraphina's anvil beats the rhythm of relentless resilience.
Olaf Dolnik [M, he/him]: Olaf is a man of great stature and strength within the Red Company. His imposing figure and booming voice often draw the attention of any room he enters, and his skills in battle are unmatched. Olaf lives and breathes warfare, his passion for battle as legendary as his size.
Ayo Oatrun [NB, they/them]: With a hawk's eye and a cheetah's swiftness, Ayo embodies the lethal precision of an arrow in flight. Their keen eyes miss nothing, and they are known for their ability to strike a target with deadly accuracy from great distances. In the Red Company, Ayo is the eyes and ears, always watching, always ready.
Hadrian Mirik [TransM, he/him]: Hadrian is the beating heart of the organization, managing the supplies and logistics to keep the company's gears turning smoothly. His eye for detail and strategic mind ensure that the Red Company is always prepared and well-equipped.
Lola Haell [F, she/her]: Lola is the gatekeeper to the Red Company, her discerning eye able to pick out those with potential from the rest. Her infectious charisma and unparalleled persuasion skills make her the ideal figure to attract and welcome new members.
Roshan [NB, they/them]: Roshan, the animal handler of the Red Company, bridges the gap between human and beast. With a compassionate heart and nature-tuned spirit, their magic-like way soothes and commands animals with a gentle touch.
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⚔️Demo: [ X ] - in progress
⚔️Ask Guideline
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indigos-stardust · 2 months
Four Keys: Buwe (Blue)
(reblogs appreciated)
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This is Buwe! (pronounced similarly to Dew), he's this au's Blue! Buwe's people, Selkie Folk, live in different communities on arctic Islands that rely on fishing seasons to survive.
Unfortunately, a horrible sea ice witch threatened them. She threatened to freeze all the sea, the sea that gave them their fish and their life, unless they paid. With wealth or manpower. Their tribes are like brother and sisters.
Paying her, it would have debilitated them until there was nothing left. It would kill them. Going against the other tribes would kill their souls. It was a trap to let her get more power. With the walls of ice surrounding them, and air so frigid no messenger bird could be sent, there would be no help to free them.
Buwe decided, that if she wanted a warrior, he would give her one. One that would take the breath from her lungs as he strangled her. No sick child of his home, his tribe of Kunae, would die again, because of her. Coughing blood and becoming brittle.
He found a weak spot in her ice walls and after nights of hard work in secret, he left. Filled with rage, knowing he'd never survive making it to the other tribes, he decided to go straight to the mouth of the beast. Her little hideout, hidden in the ice, under the freezing water.
He's never seen a place so beautifully sculpted, yet so revolting. Patterns of swirling ice with windows to the wide ocean outside, columns fashioned with utmost care. Icy statues of figures posed beautifully appear along the walls. The bones of children as adornments. Red stained fabrics, draping down the entrances.
It's nothing like the castles he's learned about from books, its far too small and the design itself is far too close to home. But he knows that's just now, she wants to expand this. She wants more. She'll build it out of pearly white bones if she has to.
He catches her by surprise, while she's tinkering with some sort of map. Planning for the attacks she'll lead them in, when they all crack and serve her in their grief. When they let her take control of their very minds with a binding oath made of pure dark magic.
She's amused at first. She knew how great of a warrior, and determined a man he was. She reminds him of her offer. To be hers. Only the finest would be hers, after all. He's sick. This monster, the way she talks, the way she watches him. It's nothing but a freaking game.
"No? Pity, Kunae man, but I don't want to kill you ,you know... Such a wasteful thing, yes?"
He stands in silent fury. He's ready to fight, to end this.
"Fine then, you can be, another one of my... perfect sculptures. My favorite one, in fact. That way, you could stay by my side forever, hm?"
She steps to him, closer and closer. He will not be afraid.
"Even back then... So brash and brave, when I came, I just adore you..." her hand caresses his face, he's tense, " That's the face I want to keep for myself forever."
His dagger lurches into her gut, but not before a thin blast of ice blasts off forcing them apart. Buwe moves, the end is near. The end of suffering, or the end of any chance of hope. The end of her, or the end of him.
Buwe nearly dies in that fight. He was fighting, on her terf, already weakened, with his own ability already diminished from the hunger. But the rage fuels him on, and he knows he will End Her even if it only happens during his last dying breath.
She gives a final attack of defense, he got too close, his grand tactical mistake made out of desperation. Her eyes say the words he can't hear. It's the blessing of a curse. He can feel his legs freezing over, the ice in his bones spreading and paralyzing reaching itself tendrils outward. The sound of her cracking neck is nearly mute in the water, an endless abyss of the dark. It's the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. The light leaves her eyes.
He tries, Buwe really does, to transform again into a selkie, to let him swim to the surface, and maybe reverse her curse just long enough to see his home again. Just the walls and the glistening shining snow, that the children would soon play on again. He manages to transform, but it's too late. Every thought slows, muffled and pained. He will be lost, but he won, for them. That's all that matters. The world is deafening, as he sees the blackening ocean turn icy white. The world is dark again.
@slaingelo @vamqiredove @shadylink enjoy lol, it gets worse probably
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palettepainter · 5 months
I’ll be posting a little writing WIP for Hired Sparky later today, but for the Undertale fandom, may I propose an idea with Siren Horror?
I’m a shameless fan of HTTYD and the Sea Beast and 2024 I am dubbing my year of self indulgence so I’m posting this. I might write this if it’s popular enough or if I get the confidence too, but imagine: 
Y/N as a newcomer to a seaside town, neatly nestled on a coastline in the middle of nowhere. It’s bitterly cold nearly all year, and the people are about as sweet as vinegar. But the housing is dirt cheap, considering the looking threat of sirens that infest the waters. Y/N is nearly dirt broke and is looking to build a life outside of their family home, so the unwelcome seaside town it is! Not many people are willing to go fishing in waters popular for siren sightings, so the pay is pretty impressive (even if the work field is a bit competitive at times)
They’re hired onto a boat crew of hardened fishermen who all retell gorey tales of siren attacks in great detail fairly quickly, after doing a bit of research on sirens. The crew are at the point where they’ve learnt to laugh a little, they’ve worked the job long enough that they’re pretty relaxed despite the looming threat of danger on the water. Y/N is not so eased. They’re hired purely as a second hands on the boat: tending to nets and sorting fish once they’ve hauled onto the boat, nothing else. But the captain still hands them a rather heavy harpoon gun with permission to fire if need be. 
They set off into deeper waters where few fishing boats are given the clear to fish, meaning it’s basically free game for anybody with a net to catch fish of all kind. The weather is rough, but the crew bat their hands and say they’ve faced down worse storms 
But then a siren is spotted breaching the water a little ways from the boat. They’re not in immediate danger, and so reader assumes they’ll simply sail out of its line of sight, but the crew already fire a warning harpoon into the water to try and scare it off. For a beat, there is nothing, before the siren attacks the ship - a kraken of all things, one of the most dangerous species, considering its ability to grasp at the ship 
The harpoon has wedged itself into the creatures skull, piercing through the top and dimming it’s eye lights. It screeching, in confusion or anger, maybe it’s the panic coursing through their system, but the protagonist thinks that maybe, their might be fear mixed in with that shrieking. More harpoons and swords are fired at its heaving body, chipping at already injured and cracked parts.
When Y/N is ordered to shoot they instead aim for the rope attached to the end of the harpoon wedged in the creatures head, it grazes the rope, but it’s enough for the creature to snap is with a violently throw of its head. The creature sinks back into the water, the boat tossing from the loss of its weight, sending many of the crew overboard - including reader 
They try to swim back to the boat, but swimming in the confines of a pool to practise swimming in the sea proves that the sea is far more ruthless. They end up being dragged out to sea, climbing to a part of the boat railing that had been snapped off during the attack. Reader wakes up in some kind of enclosed cavern like structure, obviously forged overtime from the waves chipping away at the rocks. They’re cold, hungry, terrified…but alive. And they learn quickly they’re not alone. The siren is nearby, confused, disoriented and greatly weakened from the spear still stuck in their head. They can barely keep their head upright before they topple back into the shallow water with a grunt of exhaustion 
It takes a bit of effort, and gently coaxing, and a hell of a lot of stupid bravery, but when the siren has tired itself out enough and after several failed attempts at trying to swat them away (missing mostly each time thanks to their vision being heavily impaired from their injury) but eventually, the reader dislodges the spear, and is then promptly smacked *hard* and is sent flying into the sand 
Reader is certain they heard something snap as they fall back onto the sand, but miraculously, they don’t collide back onto any rocks. Feeling sore, they sit up, the siren is supporting itself on an arm with laboured breaths, the other clasping at the eye socket on the injured side of its head. Gradually, a red, focused eye light burns to life, focused dead on them. The siren looks at them curiously, as if they’re only just realising it’s alone - Y/N expects an attack, for it to pounce, so something…instead, the siren snorts, shakily hobbling off to the were the water is deepest 
Basically: what if Reader was THERE when Sans got that injury on his head?? The two have been washed into a cove by the tides: Sans is too exhausted to climb out and the water is dangerously shallow, there isn’t enough food for him to sustain himself, and without it, he won’t heal. Reader goes through the whole “Maybe these monsters are only monsters because we chose to see them that way” and overtime the two form a somewhat bond, reader bringing Horror food and such while he heals and Horror showing them that sirens are far more intelligent than what silly books have documented about them 
I’m a sucker for enemies of two separate tribes or species breaking the generational hate and learning to be friends it is SUCH a good dynamic and it scratches my brain the perfect way 
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lovestruckaphrodite · 11 months
Hey! I got a req, so I do a req
@smexyanimepotatosstuff here you go luv, hope you enjoy it!
~~1st person pov~~
it's been two weeks and 4 days. 18 fucking days in total since I helped Eraser Head.
~flashback kinda thing~
It all began on a seemingly ordinary afternoon when i was going about my daily routine. As i walked down the busy streets of Musutafu, i noticed a commotion up ahead. Curiosity piqued, i quickened my pace and soon found myself at the scene of a crime, the villain known as timekeeper running away, laughing.
Eraser Head was already engaged in battle with Timekeeper when i arrived. his stoic demeanor and seemingly calm actions were evident as he tried to neutralize Timekeeper's powers.
As i watched the intense struggle unfold, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. i couldn't stand idly when it was obvious that he didn't know how to defeat him! With a newfound sense of purpose, i approached Eraser Head cautiously but confidently.
"Excuse me," i called out, catching Eraser Head's attention amidst the chaos. "I think I might be able to help."
Eraser Head turned to face me, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity, tho that was hardly noticeable through his deadpan expression. "How could you possibly assist me?" he asked, skepticism evident in his voice, tho he kept it quite monotone.
i took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before responding.
'do i really want to do this?'
"I've been studying Timekeeper's abilities for quite some time now. I believe I have a theory on how to counteract his powers."
Eraser Head's interest was piqued. He motioned for me to continue, and i explained my theory in detail. i proposed that by disrupting the frequency at which Timekeeper manipulated time, we could potentially weaken his control over it. a simple high-frequency video on youtube, like a dog whistle would work
He listened intently, weighing the possibilities. Despite his initial doubts, he recognized the potential value of my theory.
"thank fuck,'
With no other viable options at hand, he decided to put his trust in me, knowing it might just ruin this, or finish this.
"Alright," He said, "Let's give it a try."
Together, me and Eraser Head formulated a plan of attack. While Eraser Head engaged Timekeeper in combat, I positioned myself behind a trash bin out of sight, getting ready to start the audio. The tension in the air was palpable as we executed their plan(almost flawlessly.)
As the phone emitted its disruptive frequency, Timekeeper's control over time began to waver. His movements became sluggish and erratic, allowing Eraser Head to seize the advantage. With a swift and decisive strike, Eraser Head incapacitated Timekeeper, rendering him powerless.
The battle was won, thanks to my help. Eraser Head turned to me with gratitude in his eyes, tho at the time i couldn't really see it through his deadpan smile.
"I couldn't have done it without you," he admitted, a hint of admiration in his voice. "ill pay you back soon."
~~okay back to reality~~
he said he would pay me back, yet here the fuck we are, more than a week later
honestly, i should have left him to deal with that fucker himself, rather then risk my life to help him
i sip my coffe on the couch, thinking of how dumb that really was. i could have done nothing, but no, i had to go and play hero
knock knock knock
i dont think anyone was coming over, nobody has texted me recently or anything
hesitantly, i go to look through the peephole
there, at my fucking doorstep, stoop nonother than himself, Eraserhead
'Speak of the fucking devil himself'
i open the door
"hello Eraserhead, come to pay me back?" i say with a glare looking at him.
he stands there with a deadpan look on his face. hes wearing a full black outfit, with the exception of a silver bracelet on his left wrist. is hair is up, and it really looks like he doesn't want to be here
"yeah, i guess. you should be grateful you didn't die, i shouldn't have to pay you back for your reckless actions" he says, monotone
"those 'reckless actions' saved you from a battle you couldn't win on your own. you could have died without me. you, should be grateful i helped you.'' i say with a scoff
hes seriously acting like im in the wrong here? you are the one who waited two fucking weeks to come here, and now you act like its my fault and that i did something that wasnt right?
"yes, and i thank you for that, which is why, im asking you for dinner," he says monotonously
my world stopped. like froze. what in the actual fuck just happened?
"uhm- im sorry, what?''i say, purely confused
why? why is he giving me attitude on minute and then fucking asking me out the next?
"go to dinner with me. as a thank you" he says nonchalantly
"okay okay, wait. so, you, Eraserhead, are asking me out?" i say, looking at him
"well, not necessarily, unless you want it to be like that," he says with a shrug
"huh. wow, uhm okay..." i say "When?" i say, sighing softly
"whenever you want, im free tonight," he says with a shrug
god this is so soon, too soon, if im being frank
"okay. okay, wow. pick me up at 7, tonight. ill be ready then"i say, running a hand through my hair
"alright, where something nice yeah?" he says, waving bye before walking away
i wave back, closing my door behind him
holy fuck.
that was fast. to fast. way too fast.
how did this even fucking happen?
one minute hes lecturing me for saving his ass, next hes fucking asking me out?
i check my phone
i have roughly four and a half hours until our date
is it even really a date?
no, its not. its just a dinner. with a S rank pro hero. whose life i basically saved
wow, alright
you got this [name]
its not like its new to you. just a dinner. with a hero who has most likely been with like alot of other girls.
but wait no its not like that. nope
no way he would ask me out like that. he's a hero, he probably has standards higher than the Tokyo Skytree for fucks sake. hes a very expressive man. dull, yes, but expressive. if he wanted me, (which he doesnt) he would say so. right?
~~timeskip bc its been 4 FUCKING HOURS IM SO TIRED OF THIS~~
it is currently 6:43 and im not even done getting ready.
my god this is bad
i finish getting ready as fast as possible. no im serious, i think i broke a record.
(you pick what your wearing lovelies)
i hear the doorbell ring, and i run downstairs faster then fucking sonic, opening the door and stumbling slightly
"woah there, hi" he says, grabbing me slightly so i dont fall
"hi. sorry bout that, heh"i say, standing upright again
"its fine, shall we?" he says, handing his hand out for me to take
i nod, smiling softly, taking his hand in yours, walking to his car
as we drive, the beginning was sorta awkward, but it evened out, talking and laughing he drives us
we get to the restaurant (you pick, idrc, could be Dennys if you want tbh) and get seated, ordering our food (we got the same thing as him, jus to save time ig)
talking about his job, or his cats, or my job, and my pet(s). turns out, hes not as bad as i thought. he talked about his students and his cats. maybe one day ill get to meet them
"huh, never thought i would actually enjoy hanging out with you" i say, laughing slightly, taking a bite of my meal
"i know, crazy right? That im an interesting person" he says with a small chuckle, us both finishing our meals soon after, leaving the restaurant, and starting the drive back home
he drops me off at the door of my house, smiling softly
"thank you, Eraserhead. i had fun" i say sheepishly, looking own. suddenly the floor is looking really nice
"please, call me Aizawa, and i did aswell" he says, smiling softly, looking down
"do you think that maybe...i could have your number?" i ask, looking down. yeah, thats a real nice floor...
"yeah. of course" i say, and we exchange numbers
"again, thank you Aizawa, ill see you next time i suppose," i say, leaning in and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, before turning away and going inside the house, flopping on the couch, all giddy like
outside the now closed door, he brings a hand to his cheek in which you kissed, before turning and walking back to his car
okay holy fuck im done. i know this is bad, and kida rushed, but this thing took me 4 fucking hours. sorry it seems so rushed, im having massive writers block and i am going to jump fr/j anywyas, hope you enjoyed ig.
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rena-iwa · 2 years
I noticed something interesting when rereading Riftan’s POV. Riftan’s plan to leave Whedon and not stand trial is not out of character. After Riftan marries Maxi he plans to step down as the commander of the Remdragon Knights and ask the Duke of Croyso for an army to take to the dragon subjugation. But, the knights refuse to accept his resignation and join him on the campaign. They later plan to defect with Livadon with him.
Hmm... I think yes, but also no, but also a little bit of yes? I'd say the major difference between those events is his motive, which also shows how obsessive he became after he learnt of how Maxi had been treated.
He could potentially be described as one with tendencies towards being self-sacrificial. (Although I wonder whether it isn't too strong of a word. It just appears that, when given a responsibility, he defaults to relying on himself only, even if it could potentially hurt him? Especially if others could be harmed in the process. It may be more so incidental that he ends up sacrificing his well-being, as he keeps on drawing the short end of the stick, but I digress). Definitely a common denominator between the two events.
I'm not sure if I'm capable of describing my thoughts well, but let me try.
What I see as the major difference is the reasoning behind his actions. Before the first dragon campaign, Riftan plans to leave the post of the commander of Remdragon Knights, because he doesn't want to endanger his knights. He was roped into participating in it, they don't have to share his fate. Assuming his subordinates were fine with his decision, his choice would be one that'd significantly reduce the amount of harm done -- Duke's scheme would affect only one person. The order would still function, his knights could go on about living their lives, they wouldn't have to endure any hardships. (However, them threatening to follow him regardless? That tips the scales of what's beneficial. If he still followed through with stepping down as the commander, then a rift would be formed within the knightly order, thus potentially weakening its status. The knights who'd follow him would still experience the horrors of the expedition. Additionally, given lack of any structure and the fact that only some might have chosen this path, their regiment could be at a disadvantage, thus putting their lives in even more danger. At that point, it just doesn't make sense for him to leave the post anymore).
With the trial? I'd say he loses the ability to see the bigger picture. Riftan just fixates on Maxi, and on what would be most beneficial to her, no matter what price he'd have to pay. No matter what price would be paid by the system surrounding him. That second part, that's what's "not like him", but also... Very like him. In my opinion, it speaks of how his mental state has become at the time. Rift within the Remdragon Knights? Losing Anatol (who knows what would happen to people living there under a new liege)? Losing any status he obtained for himself, having to revert to being a mercenary, possibly dragging others along the very same path? Riftan is ready to burn his entire life down for her sake, even after an exit from the situation appears. (I have a post on this saved in my drafts, so let me cut it short here).
So, yeah. In a way, self-sacrifice is definitely "his thing"? But the "why" and "how" of things seems to differ, at least in my opinion.
Thanks for dropping by! :) It seems I've ranted your ear off again... Ahh, I'm not sure, are you an Unfortunate Anon, or an Enabler Anon? Hahahaha.
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penandwind · 8 months
I sometimes liken my depression/anxiety/whatever the fuck mental illness as its own seperate sentient being, or something akin to a virus. It seems to adapt and mutate to any change in my life that might weaken it, taking on new strategies to make me suffer. Of course I know thats not whats really going on, but its an apt metaphor.
Its latest "mutation" by far is the most clever and cunning on its part however. Recently I talked about how I feel alone because I can't ever be my full self around someone, how for some reason that its too much and drives people away. I considered going back to therapy for a while just to help keep my head above water. But then a single thought struck my mind like a stone and shattered that notion. The thought that my problem is I have nobody who will willingly try and understand me fully, want me to be my full self, and my solution is to pay somene and forcibly listen because nobody truly does. I have to pay someone to let me be me and not run away.
Just like that, the conecpt of going to therapy is now ruined. Because its a bleak realization, but its a true one. I'm not the kind of person who can lose myself in the moment for an experience I know is fake. I wish I were, though if I was I'd probably blow all my money on sex workers asking them to pretend to care about me. But I can't lose myself in experiences like that, a voice in the pack of my mind reminds me it isn't real, its fake and doesn't mean anything. And now that applies to therapy I guess. A fucking brilliant strategem on my Despair's part. Cripple the only real danger to it since my life is and always will be like this, with no improvement.
There's a great irony in how for most of my life, I resisted my addictions. I saw how my dad's drug use ruined our family and his life, and I made a vow to fight against my high susceptibility to substance additction so I would end up better than that, better than him. And yet, here I am... a fucking disaster far worse off than he was at this age. I'm the age when my mom divorced him. He had a loving family, a house, lots of things precious to him. He had shit to lose, and he lost most of it. I'm his same age and I've never been loved will forever be poor, disabled, and living in suqalor. Literally the only reason I can't just go "fuck it" and just start buying whatever drugs I can get my hands on is because I'm literally so socially inept and removed from society that I have no contacts who I can ask for such things nor do I have the ability to find such people. Its very dark and painful. Please, at least turn me into the monster you treat me like so it at least makes sense.
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manipalhospital1 · 4 months
Everything You Need To Know About Pacemaker Implants
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Our hearts rely on electrical signals to maintain a steady, healthy rhythm. Sometimes, due to age, disease, or injury, these signals go haywire, leading to arrhythmias – a medical term for an irregular heartbeat. This can cause symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, or even fainting. To manage this medical problem, pacemakers are installed. 
A pacemaker is a surgically implanted device that works like a backup conductor, sending controlled electrical pulses to your heart muscle, ensuring it beats at a regular, healthy pace. In this blog, we have compiled all the medically accurate information that you must know regarding pacemakers, comprising the facts such as who needs it, what are its types, and how is life after a pacemaker is installed in your body. Scroll till the end to find out all these facts.   
 Who Needs A Pacemaker?
 Different Types of Pacemakers
 Living with a Pacemaker
 The Future of Pacemakers
Who Needs A Pacemaker?
People with various heart conditions can benefit from pacemaker implants, including:
Bradycardia: This causes an abnormally slow heart rate, leading to fatigue and dizziness.
Tachycardia: The opposite of bradycardia, this involves a heart rate that's too fast, potentially leading to breathlessness and palpitations.
Heart block: This disrupts the electrical signals between the heart's upper and lower chambers, affecting the heart's rhythm.
Congestive heart failure: This weakens the heart muscle, impacting its ability to pump blood effectively.
Different Types of Pacemakers
Not all pacemakers are created equal! They come in a variety of types, each suited to specific needs. Some of the preferred pacemaker types include:
Single-chamber pacemakers: These regulate one chamber of the heart, usually the ventricle.
Dual-chamber pacemakers: These coordinate both the upper and lower chambers for a more natural rhythm.
Biventricular pacemakers: These are specifically designed for people with heart failure and regulate both lower chambers simultaneously for optimal pumping efficiency.
Consult our cardiology hospital in Gurgaon if you need heart pacemaker surgery. 
Living with a Pacemaker
Life after a pacemaker implant can seem daunting, but fear not! It's certainly an adjustment, but with the right knowledge and guidance, you can embrace a healthy and fulfilling life while your tiny internal conductor keeps things in the beat. Here are some key tips to navigate your journey with a pacemaker:
Follow your doctor's instructions: This is paramount for optimal healing and avoiding complications. Stick to activity limitations and gradually increase your movements as advised.
Listen to your body: Don't overdo it! Pay attention to pain or discomfort and rest when needed. Gentle walks and stretching are encouraged, but strenuous activities should be avoided for the first few weeks.
Embrace physical therapy: Your therapist can guide you through safe exercises to regain strength and flexibility around your incision site.
Minimize interference: Electromagnetic fields from certain appliances like microwave ovens or power tools can affect your pacemaker. Maintain a safe distance or consult your doctor for specific guidelines.
Carry your identification card: Always carry your pacemaker ID card, which details your device model and programming. This is vital in case of emergencies.
Schedule regular checkups: Your doctor will monitor your pacemaker's performance and battery life through regular checkups. Don't miss these appointments!
Travel with ease: Most air travel and airport security checks pose no risk to your pacemaker. Inform security personnel and carry your ID card, but relax and enjoy your journey.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly,  & manage stress. All these aspects contribute to overall well-being and support your heart health.
Adjust to the "new normal": It takes time to get used to having a pacemaker. Allow yourself to adapt and don't hesitate to seek emotional support from family, friends, or a therapist.
Stay positive: Focus on the benefits of your pacemaker – it's keeping your heart in rhythm and improving your quality of life. Celebrate your progress and embrace a positive outlook.
The Future of Pacemakers
Technological advancements are constantly improving pacemakers. Miniaturization is a key trend, with some pacemakers now small enough to be implanted through a catheter, minimizing invasive surgery. Additionally, research is exploring smart pacemakers that adjust to your activity level and integrate with other medical devices for comprehensive cardiac monitoring. Remember, if you have concerns about your heart rhythm, consult our experienced cardiologists in Gurgaon. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve your well-being and quality of life. We also invite you to visit our official blog page to read the latest blogs shared by our experienced cardiologists in Gurgaon. The blog page features detailed information about angioplasty, coronary artery disease and more.
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springhealed-walker · 11 months
I've been thinking a lot about the effects of the internet on my mind and ... Well, it's been as rewarding as it has been exhausting, but lately I've found that in a technical manner I have developed an addiction - I've found myself powerless to the impulse to scroll and take in any little bit of information I could... Even though more than half the time I wasn't paying attention at all. I've been floating in a haze of images and words I only tangentially understood. I've been drowning my emotions in a shallow pool.
There is this idea in addiction psychology that if you want to change you have to consider not only what you stand to gain by letting go of an addiction, but also what you stand to lose - and I don't quite like what I've learned about myself in those terms... I've found "peace of mind" and "connection", a sense of "understanding" in my browsing that I haven't been able to find in my life - and truly, all the little pockets of the internet that I've frequented have been a treasure trove for my mind, something to chew on, something to change me, something to save me (from myself at least, from the darkest of my thoughts). But...
But also, something to distract me.
In the last few years that sense of progression and expansion of understanding of myself and the people around me has given way to an utter and hazy numbness - like water falling through a sieve, I can no longer capture or return to that feeling of being alive or myself... I feel disconnected to people once dear to me and ideas that once sparked my spirit - I am no longer with them, but adjacent, separate; near, but with a sheet of glass between us. Even music has lost some of its sheen.
This almost constant dissociation from the world around me has weakened my ability to be present - to endure, to enjoy, to move on. It's blinded me, made what little sense I could make through self-reflection into another farce, another part I could play instead of simply being.
The time inside of me sped up to an unbearable degree - the sense of constantly missing out and inability to achieve or connect has ground me out. The price has become far steeper than the benefit.
And so...
I plan on spending the rest of this summer, or the rest of July and August at least, away from the internet. I'm afraid of all the things I will miss by not being here, all the new ideas and perspectives, but in my current state I wouldn't even be able to understand or enjoy them, draw out any bit of meaning from them anyway. And, on the other side, I feel like I have nothing I can offer that would be truly original or meaningful to this place either.
I'm afraid also of the terrible places my mind will go to and stay in without the option of dissociative reprieve, but the flip side of that is that I will have to learn, at last, how to contend with that darkness, how to endure it and come out the other end victorious - to learn how to ask for help, how to regulate myself.
I want an hour to feel fully like an hour and not for my days to be a water-slide from noon to 2AM. I want to feel closer to my friends and have my terrible heart be theirs if they will take it, and be able to hold their terrible hearts in turn if they should offer. I want to heal that part of me that's unable to imagine a future and give myself something in this world to connect to, to tether myself to life with.
I will give myself that chance. And with that,
Cheers kind Stranger or beloved Friend reading this, may the rest of this summer find us both to be well 💚
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pelcas-beauty · 11 months
The Disadvantages of Overexfoliating
Exfoliation is a vital step in any skincare routine. It helps remove dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and promotes a brighter, smoother complexion. However, like with anything in life, too much of a good thing can become a problem. Overexfoliating, or excessively scrubbing and sloughing away skin cells, can have detrimental effects on your skin health. In this blog post, we will explore the disadvantages of overexfoliating and why it's crucial to strike a balance in your exfoliation routine.
Skin Irritation and Sensitivity
One of the most immediate consequences of overexfoliation is skin irritation and increased sensitivity. By stripping away the protective barrier of the skin too often, you leave it vulnerable to external aggressors such as pollution and UV rays. This can lead to redness, inflammation, dry patches, and a compromised skin barrier. Over time, the skin may become more reactive, resulting in a heightened sensitivity to products that were once well-tolerated.
Excessive Dryness
Overexfoliation can disrupt the natural balance of oils on your skin, leading to excessive dryness. The constant removal of the topmost layer of the skin hinders its ability to retain moisture, resulting in a dull, flaky complexion. Dry skin is not only visually unappealing but also more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. It's essential to maintain a healthy level of natural oils to keep your skin hydrated and supple.
Increased Oil Production
Ironically, overexfoliation can also trigger an opposite reaction: an increase in oil production. When the skin's protective barrier is compromised, it tries to compensate by producing more oil to keep the skin moisturized. This can lead to clogged pores, breakouts, and acne. So, if you're exfoliating excessively to combat oily skin, you may end up exacerbating the very issue you're trying to solve.
Skin Barrier Damage
The skin barrier acts as a shield, protecting the deeper layers of your skin from external aggressors. Overexfoliation weakens this barrier, leaving your skin susceptible to damage. A compromised skin barrier can result in moisture loss, increased sensitivity, and a higher risk of developing skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. It's crucial to give your skin enough time to regenerate and repair itself between exfoliation sessions.
Accelerated Aging
While exfoliation can promote a youthful glow, overexfoliating can have the opposite effect. By constantly removing the outer layer of the skin, you expose the underlying layers to environmental damage and premature aging. The skin loses its ability to naturally shed dead cells, resulting in a build-up that can lead to a lackluster complexion and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Moderation is key to maintain a healthy balance and promote long-term skin health.
To avoid the disadvantages of overexfoliating, it's important to follow a few guidelines. First, determine your skin type and choose an exfoliation method that suits it best—whether it's chemical exfoliants like AHAs or BHAs or physical exfoliation with gentle scrubs. Secondly, pay attention to how your skin reacts to exfoliation. If you notice signs of irritation, redness, or increased sensitivity, reduce the frequency or intensity of your exfoliation routine. Finally, always moisturize and protect your skin after exfoliation to replenish moisture and fortify the skin barrier. You can use a helpful skincare tool, like facial massager, to protect your skin barrier.
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The age of 40 is significant for men as it marks the beginning of a new phase in their lives. At this age, men often experience symptoms of a mid-life crisis, such as concerns about a double chin, thinning hair, bad teeth, bone loss, low testosterone levels, and reduced libido. Additionally, men are likely to face at least one health issue, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Experts suggest that, similar to women, men should make lifestyle changes when they reach this age. They should be aware that their metabolism slows down and their bodies are highly affected by their actions. Therefore, men in their 40s should incorporate stretching exercises and cardio fitness into their routine.
Between the ages of 40 and 65, men undergo various changes in their bodies, similar to women. These changes present opportunities for new perspectives and paths in life. Let's explore the changes that occur in men's bodies at the age of 40:
Increase in obesity: After the age of 40, there is a tendency for waistlines to expand. As men age, the body's calorie burning capacity decreases, leading to abdominal obesity. It is important to pay attention to physical activities and adjust eating habits accordingly.
Heart problems: The heart's functioning ability is affected during a man's 40s. Blood pumping decreases, leading to cholesterol build-up in the arteries and the onset of high blood pressure. Eating a healthy diet is advised to maintain heart health.
Weakening of muscles: After crossing the age of 40, men's bodies experience a decrease in muscle-building ability, known as "Lam." This leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the muscles, resulting in slower muscle repair.
Reduction in alcohol consumption: While not applicable to every man, many experience a decrease in alcohol consumption after turning 40. As the liver weakens with age, metabolizing alcohol becomes more challenging, particularly if medications are also being taken.
Decrease in sexual performance: Sexual performance tends to decline with age. After 40, the production of testosterone decreases, leading to a reduced interest in sexual activities.
Changes in metabolism: After 40, weight loss can occur, causing faster muscle loss and a subsequent slowdown in metabolism. Research suggests that drinking 16 ounces of water can boost metabolism within 10 minutes.
Decreased flexibility: It is natural for men to experience a loss of flexibility in their bodies after 40. Complaints of pain in hands and feet tend to increase over time, leading to decreased flexibility. To mitigate this issue, avoid prolonged sitting and engage in daily stretching and yoga exercises.
Prostate cancer risk: After turning 40, some men may exhibit symptoms of prostate cancer, such as a burning sensation during urination and increased nighttime urination. It is crucial not to ignore these symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if detected.
Memory loss: The sharpness of memory can decline after the age of 40, making it challenging to remember things. A study from 2012 found that men's memory begins to decline after this age.
Hair loss: Many studies indicate that hair thinning may start after the age of 40, although this can be influenced by genetics. While hair loss is a common issue with aging, Viviscal and biotin supplements can be taken to promote hair growth.
Decreased hearing ability: As people enter their 40s, their hearing ability tends to decrease. Continued exposure to loud concerts or singing from an early age can strain the ears, and its effects become noticeable after 40.
Decreased fertility: Fertility decreases for both men and women after the age of 40. In men, sperm quality declines with age, and if the man is over 45 years old, the chances of miscarriage increase for the woman. Experts estimate that fertility remains at only 5 percent by the age of 40.
Thanx for the your like share it
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cureleafcbdgummies · 1 year
Curaleaf CBD Gummies Reviews (Scam Warning) 2023 Best Curaleaf CBD Gummies Don’t Buy Before Explore This
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What exactly are Curaleaf CBD Gummies?
Curaleaf CBD Gummies can help you gain muscle and strengthen your bones if you eat them regularly. This illness helps you lose perspective and forces you to get enough sleep, which solves the problem of not getting enough sleep. This formula could help relieve pain all over the body, and it has other benefits as well. These common and regional things can help your mental and real well-being improve quickly. If you follow this recipe, your organs will work better and you'll be able to handle blockages better.
How do Curaleaf CBD Gummies work?
The Curaleaf CBD Gummies are a new product that can help you do more. If you follow this recipe, you should feel better. From now on, you'll never feel pain in your legs, knees, or anywhere else on your body again. If you use this product, you can expect to have more energy, stamina, and strength. As a bonus, it makes you better at your job.
Since this disease affects the frontal brain, it makes it harder to pay attention, remember, and be obsessed with something. With this recipe, it will be easy to deal with your worry, grief, and stress. Your strength and ability to handle things will be weakened by this. It works with your ECS to keep you healthy and keep you from getting sick.
Why Curaleaf CBD Gummies?
People are always looking for new, better, and less expensive ways to deal with their constant aches and pains. When a relationship lasts too long, it can hurt your relationships with other people and your sense of who you are. Curaleaf CBD Gummies, on the other hand, can help lessen or even get rid of pain and discomfort if you take them regularly.
Curaleaf CBD Gummies are made with only natural ingredients. No artificial colors flavors or preservatives were used in their making. They are safe to use every day because of several things. • They make their products with only natural ingredients.
It doesn't have any added gelatin, so it's good for vegetarians.
Not even water has been added to them.
The hurt will get better.
What you get from it are good results.
They don't hurt you and don't make you get used to them.
Curaleaf CBD Gummies Ingredients
Curaleaf CBD Gummies are made with only natural ingredients and have been shown to help with a wide range of health problems safely and effectively Here are the main parts of this system's design that make it work without chemicals:
CBD Gummies: - It is good for your heart and helps with a wide range of health problems. It comes from the hashish plant.
Since lavender gummies have been shown to help with insomnia, stress, and other mental health problems, it's not a surprise that they are so popular.
Coconut gummies are helpful because they can help treat several skin conditions, ease the pain that doesn't go away, and makes digestion easier.
Castor Gummies There are a lot of vitamins and minerals, the digestive system works better, you don't feel as tired, and inflammation goes down.
Clove extract does more than just ease pain; it also cleans the blood and improves health in general.
It is full of fruit essence and springs of different sizes and shapes so that you can easily taste the delicious flavors
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Advantages of Curaleaf CBD Gummies
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The final word
Curaleaf CBD Gummies for Body Pain is a dietary supplement made to ease several aches and pains. It is said to give you more energy, help you sleep better, and clear your mind and body from clutter. It's safe to eat because it doesn't contain any substances that are known to cause addiction or other problems. Curaleaf CBD Gummies for Body Pain could be a good choice if you want a safe and effective way to relieve your physical pain. Not only do they sell high-quality items, but they are also cheap and well-protected. They're easy to take and start working almost right away.
Please keep in mind that the information here is not meant to take the place of advice from a trained medical professional. Please talk to your doctor before making any purchases if you are on any medications or have any concerns after reading the information above in the review. The Food and Drug Administration hasn't looked into the claims made about these items, so your experience may be different. The claims that the goods work have not yet been proven by research that meets FDA standards. There is nothing in these items that are meant to be used as medicine.
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tastydregs · 2 years
A Cancer-Fighting Version of Herpes Shows Promise in Early Human Trial
A illustration of a herpes simplex virus.
Illustration: Shutterstock (Shutterstock)
Scientists may be able to turn a long-time germ foe into a cancer-fighting ally, new research this week suggests. In preliminary data from a Phase I trial, a genetically modified version of the herpes virus has shown promise in treating difficult-to-eradicate tumors, with one patient having experienced a complete remission for 15 months so far. Much more research will be needed to confirm the treatment’s early success, however.
The viral treatment is known as RP2 and is a genetically engineered strain of herpes simplex 1, the virus responsible for most cases of oral herpes in humans, as well as some cases of genital herpes. Developed by the company Replimune, RP2 is designed to work on two fronts. Injected directly into the tumor, the virus is supposed to selectively infect and kill certain cancer cells. But it also blocks the expression of a protein known as CTLA-4 produced by these cells, and it hijacks their machinery to produce another molecule called GM-CSF. The net result of these cellular changes is to weaken the cancer’s ability to hide from and fend off the immune system.
In a Phase I trial conducted by scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in the UK, RP2 was given as the only treatment to nine patients with advanced cancers that failed to respond to other therapies; it was also given in combination with another immunotherapy drug to 30 patients. Three patients on RP2 alone appeared to respond to the treatment, meaning their cancers shrank or stopped growing, and seven patients on the combination therapy responded as well. One patient in particular, with a form of carcinoma along his salivary gland, has shown no signs of cancer for at least 15 months after treatment with RP2 alone. There were no life-threatening adverse events reported in the trial, with the most common symptoms post-treatment being fever, chills, and other flu-like illness.
The findings, presented this week at the 2022 European Society for Medical Oncology Congress (ESMO), are preliminary, since they’ve yet to be vetted through the formal peer review process. They’re also based on a very small sample size, meaning that any results should be taken with caution. But Phase I trials aren’t intended to show that a treatment is effective, only that it’s safe enough for humans to take. So the fact that some people with seemingly incurable cancers already appear to be responding to RP2, the team argues, is a very good sign that it can live up to its potential.
“Our study shows that a genetically engineered, cancer-killing virus can deliver a one-two punch against tumors—directly destroying cancer cells from within while also calling in the immune system against them,” said lead author Kevin Harrington, professor of Biological Cancer Therapies at The Institute of Cancer Research, in a statement from the organization.
G/O Media may get a commission
Alexa? Has an 8" HD touchscreen which can let you watch shows, stream things, or even make video calls thanks to the 13 MP camera, you can also use it to control other smart devices in your home with ease, and even display photos if you want to as a digital photo frame.
Scientists have been hopeful about cancer-fighting viruses for a long time. But it’s only recently that this hope has finally been starting to pay off. In 2015, the first viral therapy was approved in the U.S. for certain advanced cases of melanoma. This May, scientists in California launched a Phase I clinical trial of their anticancer virus, called Vaxinia. Other companies are developing their own candidates, either alone or in combination with other treatments. And Replimune is developing two other candidates based on their modified herpes virus.
While many experimental therapies ultimately fail to cross the finish line and reach the public, it’s possible at least some of these viruses could one day become a new standard cancer treatment.
0 notes
strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
Level one
Word count: 10k
Cw: pretty tame, just slight descriptions of a dick, play fighting, mentions of almost dying.
This fic and the fics following will contain monster fucking, cucking and threesomes!! If you are not comfortable, try out some of my other works, but if you wish to proceed, remember, sharing is caring.
Being a princess was always portrayed as this lush, lavish life. Spoiled rotten with goodies and suitors on you left and right. Everyone respects you, maybe even fears you, and you don't have to worry about a thing cause you have your guards and your secure little tower.
Only one of those things applied to you. The people of the Mushroom kingdom adored you, sending you gifts and bringing their cute little families to meet you. You had moved out of the actual palace ages ago, deciding to reside in a cute little cottage hidden deep in the woods. 
You had some bodyguards, but you kind of doubted their abilities in warding off monsters. You didn't mind fighting by the side though, it built up your strength and courage. 
You knew that you alone were pretty strong, and so were your guards, but it still confused you how you barely got bothered. Occasionally you would hear a growl or roar in the distance, but it was quickly cut off and you would go about your business. 
You finally found out what was keeping the monsters at bay when you ventured out into the forest alone, not wanting to wake up your bodyguard since you were just getting berries.
You had managed to fill up your basket and make it halfway back before you felt a rush of air behind you, only getting a second to blink before you were sent flying, hot breath and saliva tickling your neck and cheek.
You kick and scream, arms flailing when the creature pushes your head down into the dirt.
You start to weaken as your vision swims, struggling to breathe. You go limp, letting out choked sobs when the creature is suddenly ripped off of you. You hear shuffling and roaring, and then the forest goes silent for a moment before coming back to life, birds chirping and wind blowing as you feel someone touch your arm gently. 
You hear a smooth, low voice fussing over you, the stranger lifting you up and assisting you back to the cottage. You try to turn to see their face, but all you can make out is a bright red hat, dark red hair and pretty lips before they're turning you back around.
When you make it to the cottage, you try to once again turn to thank the person, but they're already gone. About to head back inside, you see a bright red object laying on the ground. When you get closer, you realize it's the strangers hat, soft and big with a K patched into it.
You gasped, realizing who exactly this man was.
You came from a long line of royalty, your mother being Queen Star and your sister being Princess Peach. When you were kids, your mother would tell you of an Italian family who were so kind and brave, always looking to serve and expecting nothing in return.
For your mother, it was a man named Papa Mario, and for Peach it was Mario Jr. And Luigi. Around the time you were born, they also were welcoming a baby into the world, and you have fuzzy memories of a little boy with sharp teeth and red hair vowing to protect you even when you were in diapers.
Snapping back to reality, you scurry back inside and throw on a more casual outfit, still in a dress but with more room to move, slipping on some boots and stuffing the hat in your bag.
You take the path down to town, chatting with the residents along the way until you arrive at the Mario Bros Tavern. 
You step inside, greeting everyone and making your way over to the counter, seeing who you assume is the brother, dressed in all green. His name tag reads "Izuku", and you smile at him when he looks your way. 
"Hi, Princess!! What brings you here?"
You dig in your bag and take out the plush hat, holding it in front of you.
"I- Uh…. I found this in the woods, I was jus' wondering if the owner of it was here?"
Izuku lets out a soft, 'oh', and holds a finger up to you to signal you to wait. He disappears into the back room and when he comes back you suddenly wish you were dressed better.
In the forest all you could see what that your "hero" was wearing overalls and red. You didn't pick up on the fact that he was probably almost 7 feet tall, buff and solid with pretty, full lips and a sharp smile, cute spiky hat hair which a deeper shade of red then his clothes, which fit him so perfect it was like he just stepped out of a clothes factory. 
When you met eyes, the stranger gave you a sheepish smile, stepping up to the counter and gently taking the hat from your now trembling hands. 
"Gee, thanks for bringing this back, Prn'cess. I hadn't even realized I lost it."
You search for words, feeling your cheeks heat up when his smile widens, big veiny hands reaching out to shut your mouth, which fell right back open at the feel of his hands on your face.
"I'm, uh, I'm also here to thank you for saving me today…"
"Kiri. Thank you, Kiri."
He smiles a toothy smile, giving you a silly bow. You giggle, your heart swelling with affection as you realize you could get used to this.
"As a token of my appreciation, I'm taking you on a date in two days, up by the waterfalls."
The red head blinks in surprise before his smile returns, pink coloring his cheeks as he mods vigorously.
"I'll see you then, Princess!!"
You trudged through the forest, cursing yourself for putting off your carriage repair. The trail was under construction, so you had to walk you way through the bushes towards the waterfall. 
At least you weren't wearing a formal dress. You were just wearing a simple skirt and a top, some boots and a picnic basket in your hand.
As you stumble along, you start to hear the roaring of the waterfall, but laced within you hear growls and grunts, followed by a shout that sounded all too familiar.
You pick up speed and come to a clearing, stepping back slightly in shock. 
In front of you is one of the legendary Bowser men, powerful and downright terrifying. They had a tendency to go after princesses, which was the main reason the Mario brothers protected your family. 
This Bowser was the new heir, Bakugou. He didn't have red hair like his father, his was an ash blonde, and his shell was a slightly darker green. He was taller too, looked about 6'9 from where you were standing, but he towered over Kirishima so you figured he was over 7 feet. He was actually kind of attractive, which surprised you given how his dad looked.
Kirishima has him in a headlock, both of them grunting and growling and you would be lying if the sight wasn't hot, but you shook the feeling off and silently marched over to the two, wanting to "save" the red head like he had for you for the longest time. 
Taking a deep breath, you launched yourself on the Blonde's shell with a shout, quickly realizing how stupid this "plan" was when you could barely hold on, being so small compared to him that when he stood up and reached behind him, he could just pluck you up like a bug, holding by the back of your shirt in a big hand. 
"What happened Bakubro? Why'd you stop-y/n?"
"Well well well, wha d'we have here? Is this the pretty little prn'cess yer were telling me about, Kiri?"
You gulp harshly, not even out of fear anymore now that you realized that they were play fighting, and that they know each other. 
No, you were nervous because Bakugou was hot. Sharp canines digging into his bottom as he watched you dangle in his palm, spiky hair leading down to a bushy mullet, bulging muscles and thick thighs hidden by a ratty loin cloth, blonde happy trail-did something just twitch?
You swiftly look back up, looking into knowing vermillion eyes as he licks his lips and shoots you a smirk, his eyes dark and cheeks slightly flushed. When you feel a slight breeze and begin to rock, you realize that hes still holding you. Up in the air. With one hand. 
This is not doing anything good to your manhandling kink. You can already feel your panties start to get sticky as he gently sets you back down, standing straight back up.
You're now level with his veiny thighs, hands starting to tremble from how guilty and horny you feel. The guy you asked out on a date is right there!! Speaking of, you glance at Kiri and he's already looking at youz something dark gleaming within his eyes but quickly hidden when you meet gazes, rushing forward to trap you in a crushing hug, big hands running up your sides.
You blush as you pull back, about to ask if he wants to get going when he jogs back over to Bakugou, who's eyes haven't left you, and tackles him onto the ground, putting him in a chokehold.
You would be pissed, you planned a picnic and its getting dark, the bugs coming out and the air getting sticky but they look so good like that, muscle on muscle, and Bakugou keeps letting out snarls and growls that go straight to your cunt, slicking up your panties as you think about those big, clawed hands your skirt up and plugging you up with his big dick.
You stop mid thought as you remember what they taught you in Princess survival school, in the monster course. Bowsers can smell really really well. Which means Bakugou….could probably smell you right now. 
You look up at him and let out a breath of relief when you see he's still distracted by the Kirishima, writhing to try and get away from the his grip on his neck. With a sharp movement from the blonde, his loin cloth flutters to the side momentarily and flashes you a peak of his really, really fat cock. You almost pass out from how fast blood rushes to your head when you see so many veins and bumps, and he's obviously not even hard. 
All of a sudden, Bakugou takes a deep breath, preparing to let out a roar to startle Kirishima into letting him go, and chokes on air, gasp getting caught in his throat. Kiri is none the wiser, laughing and joking behind him about how hes strongest, but Bakugou isn't paying attention, eyes blown wide and rolled in his head as his tongue slightly lolls out of his mouth, as if to taste what he's smelling.
To taste you. 
His head rolls to the side, eyes trained on the clench of your thighs and flush of your body, and it make his hips jump, red irises locking onto you as drool spills out of his open mouth. 
Kirishima realized how quiet he is, and attempts to peak over and see if he's okay but Bakugou roughly shoulders him off and stomps away into the trees, leaving you dazed and Kirishima confused. 
"That was weird."
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
“Longing for Attention” Illumi x Reader
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Hello anon! Thank you for this awesome request! This story consists of a little angst and fluff towards the end. I can truly say that this story is the closest to Illumi’s canon characteristics. If you all did not know, I am celebrating my 100 follower goal! If you’d like to participate in this event, click this link. Please note that requests for this event will close on July 15th at 12 AM EST. The post will have all of the rules and prompts!
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👁 👁 👁 👁
“I swear I’ll haunt you in your sleep, Zoldyck! ‘Ya hear me, boy?!”
A body thudded as this man’s speech was cut short. A tired Illumi Zoldyck came calmly walking towards his target with the straightest face ever. Even at the sight of blood, darker than any he had seen, his lips remained neutral and his eyes remained half-lidded as they were. The sound of the mini heel on his green loafers echoed as he continued to approach the deceased man before him. The ballroom was completely empty, leaving Illumi all by himself for who knows why and what else could happen.
Being a bounty hunter was challenging in itself but being a bounty hunter and dating an assassin is a totally different story. Criminals began to spread the word of your alliance with the Zoldycks and formed many gangs to retaliate against you both. Both of you have been shot at, stabbed a few times, and even been robbed! After being robbed at gunpoint and dealing with trauma, it nearly made you quit your job because of the stress and life endangering events faced almost everyday but for Illumi, it didn’t phase him at all. Not in the slightest. After being robbed of his engagement ring, he simply went to another jewelry store and bought another. He did not cry, quiver, or shutter.
After Illumi phoned his father and gave him a brief overview of his success, he proceeded to the exit. The light flickered, giving the impression that an eerie figure stood at the end of the hallway. Electricity hummed the closer someone approached it, sounding like a fly trying to find its way back outside. An atmosphere like this one did not bother Illumi in the slightest but he did not like being there no longer tha needed.
“Y/n! Y/n! I know you can hear me!”
“Now is not the time to play around. We need to vacate the premises immediately,” He thought to himself. He began to bang on doors, opened them up, and yelled your name to the heavens trying to find you.
“Oh! I know,” he said out loud, snapping his fingers.
He opened a tracking app on his iPhone that displayed all of his contacts that had recently shared their location with him. Once he began the search, it revealed that you were 400 kilometers away. Tracking your phone was something he did every time he could not find you. At times it was adorable and sometimes it was weird and intrusive. Illumi’s intrusive behavior stems from his mother, Kikyo and no matter how you put it, it is very unhealthy. Caring can easily turn into an obsession that can make you do unsound things.
“Illumi! I am in the bathroom. Can you give me a second,” you ask, slightly irritated, washing your hands quickly. You did not want to keep him waiting any longer. It was always a mystery if it was his anger or anxiety that prompted him to bust the door down just to make sure you were safe. Poor Illumi Zoldyck. His expression of love and how he cared for others was rather odd and unusual. It is safe to say that you were the best thing that has happened to him.
As you open the door, he stands with his long arms crossed in a huff, his long legs creating an upside down “V” shape gazing at you a slightly angry about your disappearance halfway through the mission.
“Where were you,” he asked, moving closer to you. “While I had to complete both of our jobs, you have been playing around in the bathroom.”
“Illumi, you’re—“
“Shhh—“ He placed his index finger over your mouth, bending down at eye level, and smiled devilishly. “—I’ll still pay you but you owe me a favor.”
“—But I wasn’t playing in the bathroom!”
As you were pleading your case, Illumi nonchalantly typed away on his phone. He quickly showed you his screen that listed your every step within the last few hours. It displayed where you were, the longitude and latitude, who you spoke with, and if you took any pictures. You had no idea that a smartphone could disclose so much personal information and since you have shared your location with him, he has access to it all.
“—Care to tell the truth?” Illumi raised his left eyebrow, using his somewhat intimidating tactic used when he was a child.
“Fine. Ugh! Why do you have to be like this?”
“Like what?”
“You’re…too overprotective. Give me some space sometime! Hell, you might be pleased to know where I was.”
“Pleased?! I nearly had a heart attack when I realized you were not by my side! Are you satisfied that my heart weakens everyday?”
“You’re so dramatic. You might want to take up acting, you know.”
“Ha, ha, so funny,” he said flatly.
As you roll your eyes in irritation, Illumi closes the leftover space between you two. Still bent over at eye level, he places his large hand on your cheek, blinks twice, while his straight face remains. His cold hearted personality seemed to always overshadow his body but all of his warmth seemed to be omitting from his palm.
“I care about you deeply. I cannot have you running away doing God knows what while we are on a dangerous mission like this one.”
“Illumi, I—“ He places his index finger over your mouth again, shushing you as he continues to, as they say, pour his heart out for once.
“I understand that you are a bounty hunter, but if I’m being honest it is a much different line of work than being an assassin. It is my job to care for you while I complete some of the harshest tasks on Earth.”
“I’m not a child, Illumi. Do you want to know what I was doing? Those longitude and latitude readings are very wrong, by the way.”
“Huh? Ok…where were you then?”
Still, your face was placed in his palm, his large eyes staring in yours somehow made you feel lost. Your delayed answer made his palm involuntarily tighten.
“I bought you this pocket sized white teddy bear…?” This statement was propositioned as a question rather than a statement because you were afraid of how he’d react. He was already startled and giving him a plushie would only make it worse. Instead of reacting calmly he would assume that giving him a plushie would imply that he was weak.
“…Valentine’s Day is a few days and I know you’ll be in Las Vegas handling business so I decided to buy you something that will remind you of me while you’re away.”
The small plushie was a white teddy bear holding a heart. It’s eyes were as big as Illumi’s. Before you could hold it up to him, he grabbed it rather gently, stood up straight, and held it in front of his eyes for examination. He turned it around a few times as if it was on a rotator. He placed his index finger inside of the keychain loop and finally smiled. He placed this small object against his heart just before he bent down to meet your eyes once again.
“I always think of you. Come to think of it, that must be why my shots have been off.”
His face scrunches in a humorous way. As usual, his smile fades away and returns to his neutral look. Illumi’s silence signaled that his mind was running a million miles a minute. So many questions and feelings begged to be released but something was preventing him from doing so. You could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to suffocate you with a bear hug but he wouldn’t do it. He has been trained to think that assassins do not need friends, cannot express their feelings, and can only do what is needed to get the job done. It’s ironic; the Zoldyck children are not allowed to have friends but they are allowed to have lovers only so they can reproduce and keep their legacy alive. Love has no part in their marriages; they are only contracts, literally. As in love as Kikyo and Silva were (and still are), it would seem like they’d emphasize the importance of love to their children. As a result, they all have adopted an odd way of showing affection for others.
In this instant, Illumi’s face appeared to be more endearing than before. His face had darkened significantly, his cheeks were fatter like they were stuffed slightly, and his eyes twinkled. You smiled as you have truly found the key to his heart. All this young man wanted and truly desired was to be loved not for his abilities or job, but for him and only him. Your warm hands, now on his cheeks, felt overwhelmed with warmth. Just the sight of him at that moment was breathtaking. The flickering power, the unrest souls in the next room of his targets, and the eerie atmosphere seem to fade while you gazed into his eyes. Pressing his cheeks together, puckering his lips was indeed both an amusing and cute sight to behold.
“You are so adorable, Illumi. Did you know that? This “bad boy” behavior and clutching a teddy bear is too much to take in. I might just send a photo to your mother. She’ll screech and tell the entire world.”
“You wouldn’t dare do that ,” he said, words muffled; lips still puckered. He seemed to flush more and more every time you’d remind him of how vulnerable he is right now.
“Try me!”
“Mother would just embarrass me, you know that!”
“I know. Then I’d be able to see the sweet, soft assassin that I see now. All warm and cuddly. I’m sure you just want to sit in the back seat of your Dodge and just fall fast asleep, am I right?”
“I plead the 5th,” he said flatly.
“I was right! Ha, ha!”
“Would you pipe down already?”
Illumi’s right hand was placed directly behind his torso carelessly pressed against his lower back. He appeared to be in pain but made no mistake. If asked about it, he’d lie just to debunk any statements about him being weak.
“What is in your hand? Let me see it.” Your demanding tone turned into one that a mother has, specifically Kikyo.
“It’s nothing,” he said, slightly wincing in pain.
“Let me see it now, Illumi or I swear I’ll—-“
“Fine! Fine! Just don’t make a big deal about it, alright?”
A promise is a promise; that is what you said to Illumi as you agreed to not over react once you saw his hand. A healed bruise nearly scarred the entire base part of his hand. A light red dotted cut looked as if someone took a exacto knife and grazed it. You gazed back into his eyes. He looked hurt; longing for attention for a cut that had already healed. As childish as it may seem, just the slightest bit of attention is something he craved, even if something like this had been healed a long time ago. Him wincing was something he conjured up to grasp your attention. He raised his hand in front of your mouth, leaving it bent for you to grab.
“Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?”
“Please,” he replies, smiling slightly again.
The touch of your soft, moist lips made his smile grow larger, his cheeks flushing yet again. A few overlapped lipstick stains remained on his hand, something he might get tattooed so everyone knew who he belonged to.
“Why can’t you be this way every time we finish missions? We could have sooo much fun.”
“If I have too much fun, I’d abandon my remaining missions and father would not like that at all. He might even put out a contract on me.”
You sigh somberly. Illumi had his moments of anger, roughness, and kept his distance but moments like this, where he wasn’t afraid to allow his softer side resurface made you feel content as if you completed a mission of your own. Gazing into his eyes one more time, they sparkled greatly.
“At least I can enjoy this while it lasts.”
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