indigos-stardust · 9 hours
Ghirahim in his jammies doodle
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hes in his jammies what can I say
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indigos-stardust · 6 days
What if the Colors drew themselves?
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Text below the line
Blue: "Its Not Good"
Green: " I think I did pretty good!!"
Vio: "I think it looks like me"
Red: "Shadow PLEASE stop drawing on my side"
Shadow: "Kuul Guy" "I have FYR BRETC"
(Vio's translation of shadows bad spelling: I have FIRE BREATH"
Vio's comment on Blue's art: "Blue wth???"
Green: "When did you learn to do that???"
(blue scribbled over both of the comments)
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indigos-stardust · 7 days
Modern Vio doodle this morning
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indigos-stardust · 7 days
Four Keys: Buwe (Blue)
(reblogs appreciated)
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This is Buwe! (pronounced similarly to Dew), he's this au's Blue! Buwe's people, Selkie Folk, live in different communities on arctic Islands that rely on fishing seasons to survive.
Unfortunately, a horrible sea ice witch threatened them. She threatened to freeze all the sea, the sea that gave them their fish and their life, unless they paid. With wealth or manpower. Their tribes are like brother and sisters.
Paying her, it would have debilitated them until there was nothing left. It would kill them. Going against the other tribes would kill their souls. It was a trap to let her get more power. With the walls of ice surrounding them, and air so frigid no messenger bird could be sent, there would be no help to free them.
Buwe decided, that if she wanted a warrior, he would give her one. One that would take the breath from her lungs as he strangled her. No sick child of his home, his tribe of Kunae, would die again, because of her. Coughing blood and becoming brittle.
He found a weak spot in her ice walls and after nights of hard work in secret, he left. Filled with rage, knowing he'd never survive making it to the other tribes, he decided to go straight to the mouth of the beast. Her little hideout, hidden in the ice, under the freezing water.
He's never seen a place so beautifully sculpted, yet so revolting. Patterns of swirling ice with windows to the wide ocean outside, columns fashioned with utmost care. Icy statues of figures posed beautifully appear along the walls. The bones of children as adornments. Red stained fabrics, draping down the entrances.
It's nothing like the castles he's learned about from books, its far too small and the design itself is far too close to home. But he knows that's just now, she wants to expand this. She wants more. She'll build it out of pearly white bones if she has to.
He catches her by surprise, while she's tinkering with some sort of map. Planning for the attacks she'll lead them in, when they all crack and serve her in their grief. When they let her take control of their very minds with a binding oath made of pure dark magic.
She's amused at first. She knew how great of a warrior, and determined a man he was. She reminds him of her offer. To be hers. Only the finest would be hers, after all. He's sick. This monster, the way she talks, the way she watches him. It's nothing but a freaking game.
"No? Pity, Kunae man, but I don't want to kill you ,you know... Such a wasteful thing, yes?"
He stands in silent fury. He's ready to fight, to end this.
"Fine then, you can be, another one of my... perfect sculptures. My favorite one, in fact. That way, you could stay by my side forever, hm?"
She steps to him, closer and closer. He will not be afraid.
"Even back then... So brash and brave, when I came, I just adore you..." her hand caresses his face, he's tense, " That's the face I want to keep for myself forever."
His dagger lurches into her gut, but not before a thin blast of ice blasts off forcing them apart. Buwe moves, the end is near. The end of suffering, or the end of any chance of hope. The end of her, or the end of him.
Buwe nearly dies in that fight. He was fighting, on her terf, already weakened, with his own ability already diminished from the hunger. But the rage fuels him on, and he knows he will End Her even if it only happens during his last dying breath.
She gives a final attack of defense, he got too close, his grand tactical mistake made out of desperation. Her eyes say the words he can't hear. It's the blessing of a curse. He can feel his legs freezing over, the ice in his bones spreading and paralyzing reaching itself tendrils outward. The sound of her cracking neck is nearly mute in the water, an endless abyss of the dark. It's the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. The light leaves her eyes.
He tries, Buwe really does, to transform again into a selkie, to let him swim to the surface, and maybe reverse her curse just long enough to see his home again. Just the walls and the glistening shining snow, that the children would soon play on again. He manages to transform, but it's too late. Every thought slows, muffled and pained. He will be lost, but he won, for them. That's all that matters. The world is deafening, as he sees the blackening ocean turn icy white. The world is dark again.
@slaingelo @vamqiredove @shadylink enjoy lol, it gets worse probably
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indigos-stardust · 9 days
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Who is this? y'all will find out soon <3
thank you @person-i-guess for making this <3
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indigos-stardust · 9 days
Four Keys (four swords DND inspired au, name up to change)
Intro post lol
In this au, it follows the DND trope of different fantasy races and classes coming together (willingly or not) for a quest.
(these are not the characters, just a representation of the race's appearances)
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It's going to contain some heavy themes that I will warn in advance about for each post, these themes include: forced labor, imperialism, PTSD, dehumanization, loss, child abuse, abusive relationships, manipulation, classism, racism, ableism, and other themes that I may have forgotten to add.
Most of these aren't graphic or too intense by my standards, but they are treated seriously. I will warn before any of these themes are brought up.
Please note that I am still working on the world building and lore, so there are some vague things atm:
Each of the main characters come from a different species/fantasy race. These include Selkie Folk, Draconicen, Avians, Fire Moths, Elfs and... uhhhh whatever THAT is? probably just some uh... story tale, yeah, that's it...
In this au our hero's come together under the quest's goal to find all the four swords which serve as keys to a secret realm hiding the a wish granting artifact holding the triforce! They've been chosen by a mysterious force (some weird lady that's probably addicted to fairydust and might've killed someone- but hey are YOU gonna refuse the lady who spawns sentient-meat-eating-plants??? yeah I don't THINK SO)
Their reasons of joining is very heroic as well! Let's see uh, hm-
"I have to prove myself!"
" Maybe I Will have the Sadness Inside Gone"
"I'm kinda just sticking with the other guy so I don't die, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up for anything honestly..."
"I wanted money."
"Wow me too!! I'm in this for the cash and babes B)"
They need to use the triforce in order to stop The Curse from killing off all the life in the world, apparently it's one of the only forces that can stop The Curse... Apparently more than half of them being runaways is a good reason to trust them over entire governmental systems with armies, but hey the weird cryptic (creepy) cloaked lady did say she had wisdom about these things. Probably some fae or something-
I really hope no one relieves their trauma or gains any new trauma on this journey! And I really hope there isn't ANY secrets that are revealed and have disastrous consequences!
I'm sure these BRAVE, HONORABLE, totally not THIEVES or INSANE or DESPERATE heroes will be able to retrieve all the keys without almost dying several times!
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indigos-stardust · 10 days
Fs pony art and lore
@shadylink I'm never really gonna refine and post these as their own thing but I figured u might be interested, most of these are just really bad finger doodles, cuz I hadn't drawn ponies in such a long time-
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Btw in this au I decided to rework mlp's magic system, so basically each type of pony has their own type of magic ofc
Pegasi get flight , unicorns get spell magic, and earth ponies get strength that's the norm
But basically I'm deciding to see this as like, percentages.
Basically unicorns can do things like transformation and warp spells, pegasi can fly at high speeds skillfully and create gusts of winds, earth ponies can lift like 9x their weight and be more resistant to natural poisons/have less chance of injury because of a really dense coat and stronger bones -
but this is after specialized training in their areas and requires like years of practice. This is like 100% of the potential of those specific things, like Olympic athletes
most ponies just use like 50% of their capabilities so for unicorns that's just like refridgerating spells, light spells, levitation - pegasi is just flying over distances and being able to walk on clouds- earth ponies lifting like idk 4.5x their weight
so just normal skills that aid them in day to day life
i was thinking what if ponies could be half of two types?
so instead of just 100% magical capacity for a specific quality, 50% of their magic will be from one type and 50% of the other.
So if an earth pony and a unicorn had a kid, then MAYBE, (the phenomenon is a bit more rare but not unusual) they'd have the basic earth pony strength and the basic unicorn magic. HOWEVER, if that kid wanted to say, learn a warp spell, they wouldn't be able to do so.
Full unicorns would have longer horns and earth ponies would have stronger more vibrantly colored hooves that an earth-unicorn would.
Full pegasi would have fuller, stronger, sharper wings, while a half pegasus would have softer and smaller ones.
Alicorns would have the full magical extent of all three, essentially giving them 3x the magic of others. That mix could probably create even more magical potential.
For obvious reasons, there aren't any pegasi-unicorns because they'd look too much like alicorns design wise. I'm gonna say that their magical energies just oppose too much, while earth ponies, being so tied to the natural world is more able to mix with both.
Link was originally an earth-pegasi with a bit of extra strength and the ability to fly in general. His battle style is mostly sharp fast cuts with quick brief escapes to the air and then back into battle
also I've decided to give them clothes
when Link split into four, the types of ponies they were depended on their parents genetics
So green's a full pegasi, blue's a full earth pony, red is a earth-unicorn (this is why he uses a fire rod, he wouldn't be able to do a fire spell that strong on his own, but a fire rod would enhance his natural magic) and vio is a full unicorn
Anyways shadow is kinda like stealing king sombras vibes, he looks earth pegasi like link was but his wings are hooves are all shadowy lol
also links cutie mark was a sword in front of the triforce
after the split, each of their cutie marks turned into the four sword in front of their respective element
enjoy lol, u can do whatever u want with this info, hope you like it
EDit: also I fixed their swords so they can actually hold them with their mouths properly enough to correctly aim
oh I also forgot!
basically a little tidbit from my brainrot is that red actually got the hang of his unicorn magic really well, but vio just struggled even being able to start it up to levitate a pebble
he ended up being able to use his magic only after they almost got crushed by a rock slide and vio was able to raise a crystal sheild
he got bad magical exhaustion from that tho and still struggled to control his magic until shadow helped him later
green originally thought he was link because he was the only one who had wings, but because he wasn't earth pony and their cutie marks were just the elements they realized there wasn't an "original" but rather a split four ways
it takes them some time to realize that the type of pony they are isn't connected to the elements, but rather genetic probability
also when they first split vio had no idea he was a unicorn and while he was trying to figure it out the others were just like
listening to him ramble about how their types don't make sense!
how does earth relate to the water element? and if its a genetic thing, then why is red the only unico-
and then he's like why are u staring at me like that???is there something on my face?? and then he just has a whole freaking 100% unicorn horn and he's like well f*ck
anyways I also forgot to mention-
basically if a pony were to engage in battle stuff, some little tricks as a last ditch attempt to creat espace between themself and the enemy include:
Earth: stomping the ground so hard that your opponent loses balance
Pegasi: Creating a guest of wind to blow your opponent away
Unicorn: stab with the horn <3
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indigos-stardust · 15 days
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Reference page for the colors!
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indigos-stardust · 19 days
Hylia Sketch
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Aka: Hylia's form after she took in all the peoples of Hyrule
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indigos-stardust · 20 days
Lol ur right XD I literally just dissociated thru all my science classes, idk how I kept my grade up lol cuz I don't remember anything-
Also if it helps in my first fic of my series LInk's dad gets to question his life as a newly single father of 4 due to his kid.. Having meiosis ig! There aren't exactly parenting books that cover that sort of thing...
Link, Pre-Mitosis
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indigos-stardust · 21 days
Shadow giving Vio a birthday gift
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"Is for u<3 <3 <3 "
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indigos-stardust · 21 days
Fs au with no context
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Basically the au is:
what if vio was able to spend more time with shadow?
so when he finally got the chance he was able to try to shatter the dark mirror, couldn't bring himself to it
shadow learned this and was originally enraged at first but then essentially realized wait- this guy still cared about Hyrule and all those stupid pathetic people, he came here to save hyrule, but he's going to sacrifice everything just to not hurt me
And then he was like?? but u could do so much better! and Shadow's basically like "Well damn I know what the problem is! Vio was just raised a hero and doesn't know how to not be one! I'll just keep him captive until he understands my ways and becomes evil and he wont do anything because he loves me too much!
anyways vio ends up escaping with some help from the other Link's and they're like dude what happened???
but then vio starts going off about how Its actually Shadow who needs to be saved because SHADOW doesn't know better and was never given a chance to be a human!
So they're like: Wait so you want to save the guy who BURNT down villages???
"Well technically I redirected him from killing anyone- but he doesn't even understand what death is-"
Red, unsure: "So.. you want to save him because he "cares about you" even though he's like a magic embodiment of evil because he... likes you and thinks u have "potential"???"
Vio: "Well I wouldn't word it like tha-"
Green:"So we're all agreeing he's brainwashed or something right?"
Vio: "wai-"
Blue: "Maybe its like... Stockholm syndrome???"
Red: "maybe they put a spell on him!"
Vio: "No!!! Are you guys listening to anything I have said, you all merely-"
Green: "wait ur not gonna run away to go back to him right?"
Vio: *glances at the exit really fast*
Vio: "... No?"
Green, quietly: "he's a runner then?"
Blue: "Red give me my hammer, I'm gonna knock him out"
Red: "Sorry vio-"
Vio: " I can not believe you all, you absolutely dumba-"
Anyways uh, enjoy if anyone wants to do something with this go ahead cuz I've got nothing lol
sorry if this doesn't make sense lol
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indigos-stardust · 21 days
Low Effort four swords armor designs
(aka I gave their stupid little hats (affectionate) a purpose)
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(Click for higher quality)
Notes: This is the armor for the typical soldier/guard. Knights armor is full metal plated armor.
Hylian armor includes the caps for several reasons:
These cap's have a layer of chainmail underneath, this helps protects their skulls, it even includes hidden flaps that can be brought out to protect the forehead and cheeks while still providing visibility. The hat's help to protect hair and their long ears that can't be put under the chainmail. It's great for hygiene. Their caps also have ties so it can be a one size fit all, which helps with expenses as well. Their hats can also have symbols on the back that can signify their role. The hats are throughout the armor so even medics would have similar hats despite having a different type of uniform, being away from the combat.
Metal armor, especially those like helmets, can be expensive and are generally not needed for the average guard of castle town.
Depending on the circumstance of the battle, (such as supplies, available materials, and role of the soldier's group), the quality of the armor can vary from leather, chainmail, and metal armor.
The armor consists of several layers: underclothes, possible a gambeson (padding armor), chainmail that reaches from the neck to the elbows, and finally to the knees. There chainmail has slits on the side in order to increase mobility. The layer above this is an average tunic.
There is metal plating on the chest and upper thighs, this protects the most vital organs. There are typically pauldrons, shin guards extending to the feet, and fore arm bracers to protect the limbs. Depending on the role of the soldier they could either be made of leather or preferably metal.
Some soldier's tunics or armor will be magically enchanted in order to be more energizing or protective.
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indigos-stardust · 21 days
Bad quality doodles for fs Dnd Au
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think of this as a preview lol
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indigos-stardust · 21 days
girl has sooooooo many ambitions and ideas for projects but can only get 1.5 basic tasks done per day
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indigos-stardust · 21 days
Link, Pre-Meiosis
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(edited: changed mitosis to meiosis)
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indigos-stardust · 23 days
I am almost done with the main artwork to introduce this au! Once I get that posted I'm going to describe the origins and personality of each character. Their personalities were reworked a bit to fit into the world better, but I'm really excited for what you all think!
this totally isn't why I haven't been writing my next work yet totally not-
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