#and it took me forever to find the link to my queue
thebluemallet · 10 months
Wow...this new desktop layout needs to just...fuck off.
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piningpercussionist · 2 months
I want you all to know that if I had the energy for it. There are so many posts stored in my drafts I long to queue... but neglected to preemptively tag, despite knowing I am Like This....
Anyway, there is a slight chance the queue might run out tomorrow unless I can get more responses in there-- I am,, tired,,
#(<- accidentally took a 3 hour nap instead of continuing to work on art and edits for answers today)#((well. yesterday. semantics.))#there are like. 3 or 4 posts I REALLY want to queue SO SO BADLY from when i was going through older blogs before. but. the source links...#they're all broken... or in the case of one gif- the poster noted that they had no idea who made the gif#and i like to give credit where credit is due. yknow?#((one of them is this little scott and kim interaction and I am like Gripping My Head in Anguish with how I so long to queue it....))#((i need more scott and kim content. not even talking ship stuff you guys please just give me them bickering i will love you forever))#(i mean i do have little things w them i can draw myself. but then I have to do it... so i like it less... /hj)#((i need money in a transferable format. so I can. commission more of them hanging out. this is the solution realistically...))#((*sighs*))#anyway. idk this is probably a false alarm again.. I think the last 3 times I've been like ''oh the queue is gonna run out!'' I've managed +#+to find more posts to cram in there. so watch me eat my fucking words i guess shdjdhdbfnddn#i guess if i wanted I could queue more of my screenshots from SPTO E1.... hm...#(we'll see what happens. although i suppose now is your chance to sound off if you want me to do that)#ooc#txt#actually. additional note. some people have before- but if you ever see a post and you're like ''oh! i haven't seen this here yet'' you are+#+super welcome to send me the post and I'll queue it up. i try to see as much as i can but. we can probably assume which tags i camp out in+#+more.#(also. sometimes stuff just. doesn't show up in the tags/for me. bc this is a hellsite. 😔)#((love this site though. please never die- tumblr-- maybe just. actually get better for once.... *grimacing at Recent/Ongoing Events*))
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gamerswift13 · 1 year
Kia ora, friends!
I think I may need to preface this for those not necessarily keeping up with tech news, so a few weeks ago at this point, Microsoft announced it was releasing ‘The New Bing’, powered by a version of ChatGPT, which is an update to their search engine that competes with Google. Now, if you’re not familiar with ChatGPT, that’s a whole other topic that is well outside of the scope of this post (or even this publication!), but this article from The Verge might be able to give you some context. This new version of Bing is pretty cool and I’ve played around with it a bit, and I wanted to share with you all some of the stuff I’ve gotten out of it.
So on a whim a recently, I decided to ask Bing to write me a poem. To be honest I was kind of shocked, because it’s so good, it feels like magic. I had a particular person in mind when I asked for this, and it just fits so well with how I really feel. Of course I can’t claim any kind of credit for this, a robot wrote it, but I felt like I desperately needed to share it with the world because it’s so fucking good.
The prompt was ‘heartbreak, hatred and loss’, and the following is what it gave me:
You broke my heart into pieces You filled my soul with hatred You took away all my reasons To live, to love, to create Now I'm left with nothing but pain Nothing but memories of you Nothing but scars that remain Of the love that was never true I wish I could forget you forever I wish I could erase you from my mind I wish I could find a new lover Who would be gentle and kind But you haunt me like a ghost You linger in my dreams You are the one I loved the most And the one who made me scream So how can I move on from this loss? How can I heal this wound? How can I bear this cross? That weighs me down like a tomb Maybe someday I'll find peace Maybe someday I'll forgive Maybe someday I'll release The hatred that makes me live But until then, I'll write these words To express what's in my heart To let go of these hurts And make a new start.
After reading that, I decided to give Bing the same prompt but with a “happy ending,” and it wrote this:
You broke my heart into pieces You filled my soul with hatred You took away all my reasons To live, to love, to create But then I met someone new Someone who made me smile Someone who saw me through The darkness and the trial He showed me how to love again He healed my broken heart He gave me hope and joy and pain And a brand new start Now I'm grateful for what you did You made me stronger and wiser You helped me find my true love's bid And become a better person So thank you for breaking my heart Thank you for making me hate Thank you for taking apart My life, my love, my fate Because of you, I found the one Who loves me more than you ever did Who makes me happy and makes me fun Who is my partner and my friend.
These honestly gave me goosebumps when I read them. A machine wrote this. I mean I guess technically not just one machine but many, but it’s still bizarre to me that AI technology finally feels like it has arrived. It’s not perfect of course, and you may have heard about some of the bizarre things Bing was saying before Microsoft put some additional chains on it, but it’s still really fucking cool.
As far as I’m aware, Microsoft is currently taking requests for access to this, but if you have a Microsoft account and a device that can run their Edge browser (there is also a dedicated Bing app on the iOS apps store), you can head to bing dot com and reserve your place in the queue. I think this is really cool; it remionds me of the first time I got to interact with Siri on a family member’s iPhone 4s, how magic that was to finally see a voice assistant that worked. I’m really excited about the future of this technology, y’all!
Thanks so much for reading! As always, if you have comments/questions/suggestions, you can hit me up at the links at the bottom of the page. I also have a personal Tumblr page where I mostly just Taylorpost (the term I invented for endlessly reblogging GIFs of Taylor Swift) and reblog stuff that I like? And, there’s that email address there now too!
Thanks again, everyone. I’ll talk to you all again soon. Ka kite anō au i a koe. 💚
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hello. have you seen this post by @notsomightymightytiger?? that’s my friend!!! and this is completely and utterly inspired by that and completely and utterly written for her. love you stabby friend <3
also known as: the tigers go to disneyland, kateva like to kiss, chess, reese and mattie have an understated bromance and cheerwives can actually be fluffy for once
tw: swearing, theme park kind of things??? aka rollercoasters and fireworks and all that. as always, let me know if i’ve missed anything
(sidenote idk if you can tell but i have never in my life been to disneyland don’t come for me if i wrote it all wrong i tried my best)
"We're going to Disneyland."
There was silence in the gym for a solid thirty seconds before all hell broke loose.
"Wait, really?!?"
"Oh my God, Riley, you're the best, oh my gOd!"
"Why the fuck did you think that taking us to fucking Disneyland was a good idea??" Kate looked less than pleased at the proposition, a stark contrast to the delighted faces of Reese and Mattie.
Riley smiled brightly. "Team bonding!!"
Kate rolled her eyes. "Right. Of course." Their voice rose in pitch, sarcasm delicately lacing their words. "For the best of the team-"
Chess cut them off, not so subtly stamping on her foot. "Katherine, please."
Farrah had been wobbling on her tiptoes, peering over Annleigh's shoulder. She gave a long-suffering groan. "Annleigh, Clark's not a Tiger, he can't come."
"No. It's unfair."
Annleigh ignored her sister and switched her attention to Riley, making her best puppy eyes at the captain. Riley only widened her smile. It probably hurt her face a little bit. "You know what? Fine. Clark can come. It's gonna be fun, right?!"
Annleigh giggled at the answer, sticking her tongue out at a fuming Farrah. Kate was in a similar predicament, being held back by a smirking Chess with an arm around their shoulder. They pulled out their phone as well, already dialling a number, “If Annleigh’s boyfriend gets to come, then my girlfriend should be allowed as well. Otherwise that’s nepotism.”
“Fine.” Riley was steadily regretting her decision to hold a cheer trip. On her left, Cairo squeezed her hand, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. Kate gagged in their direction. “You better not, Kate, or I’m banning your girlfriend from Disneyland.”
“Fuck you.”
“Wait,” Reese spoke up, “If Kate and Annleigh can have Eva and Clark, and Cairo and Riley have each other, can I bring my boyfriend?”
“No more significant others!” Riley clapped her hands, ignoring Reese’s pout. “If you can’t get Eva and Clark here in the next eight minutes, we will be leaving them behind! I paid so much money for these tickets and we will not be late.”
The team headed towards the door, being greeted by Eva and Clark already standing beside Cairo’s minivan. They split the rides evenly between the van and Chess’ car (Kate was more than pissed to find that their best friend had been in on the plan all along). 
At one point, Mattie took Reese’s hand. “Hey, even if you can’t bring your boyfriend, you’ve got me, right? Ultimate bromance and all that?”
Reese grinned and squeezed the freshman’s hand. “Hell yeah.”
“I want that pin.”
“No, you don’t.” Reese hugged the Belle pin closer. 
Chess held out a hand. “Yeah, but I do though.”
Reese shook her head.
“Look, I’ll give you my Tinkerbell diamond one.” They held out the rare pin in their other hand.
“No! Belle is my favourite!”
“She’s my favourite as well though!”
Cairo sighed. “We’ve been here literally ten minutes.”
Reese linked arms with Mattie, turning on her heel to walk off, “I’m going now and you’re not getting my Belle pin!!!!”
“HEY!” Chess chased after the two, trying so hard to keep up their grumpy demeanour and failing when a smile crept onto their face.
Turning to an anxious-looking Riley, Cairo sighed again. By now, she’d sighed more than she’d spoken today. “Chess does know that they could just... buy their own Belle pin if they really wanted, right???”
“It’s the fun of it, Cai.” Riley looked around, craning her neck. “Where on Earth have the other five members of our team gone?”
“Holy shit.” At this rate, Cairo must have been running out of oxygen from the intense sighing. “It has been. Ten. Minutes.”
Farrah wouldn't call herself a Disneyland regular, but she's been a few times before. She remembered a time before her mother had left, when she was still just a little kid, coming to the park for the first time. It had been the kind of magical that only a child can experience, filled with glitter and laughter and something that might have been called family. Her mother bought bubblegum flavoured cotton candy, handing the stick to a seven-year-old Farrah with a smile and a wink. They agreed that it was the first thing that you had to do when going to Disneyland - buy cotton candy. Every time since, Farrah bought the same bubblegum pink sugar from the same tacky stand and ate it with the same wonder as she did the very first time.
Now, Farrah had a new family. In, perhaps, more ways than one. Here, away from home, she's still with her family, maybe a slightly dysfunctional one made up of teenage cheerleaders (and Clark), but still, they are her family in one way or another.
Annleigh returned as Farrah was mulling over all this, a stick of worryingly neon pink cotton candy in her hand. "Figured you'd want to start the day off with your usual sugar rush."
Farrah took the treat with a smile, wondering if Annleigh is only so glad to buy such unhealthy food because at least it's not alcohol. "Thanks."
"Come on, ladies! We've got a whole park to explore!" Clark had apparently already visited a store, a pair of Mickey ears stretched over his head. Farrah rolled her eyes, but followed her sister and brother-in-law (nearly) further down the street because, after all, they are her family.
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to fucking Disneyland before,” Eva looked mildly horrified, “Has Chess never taken you?”
“I didn’t really want to go.”
Eva narrowed her eyes. “Why the fuck-”
“Reasons.” Kate’s voice was sharp and Eva backed off, only kissing the top of their head. Kate squeezed her hand in response. “Anyway, come on, show me everything. Mountain rides challenge, right?”
“Ugh, Katie, the queues with be forever...”
“Lucky for you, I’ll be there to while away the time with you.” She winked, laughing when Eva blushed. “Let’s go.”
Of all the things to happen at Disneyland, Reese was not expecting to get sneak attacked by a literal cuddly pig. She yelped, reaching a hand to smack it away, nearing the point of ‘this might as well happen’, when a small head poked out from behind the toy. Mattie grinned, “Boo!”
“Jesus Christ, you scared the life out of me.”
The younger girl giggled brightly. “Look what I got!”
“...Is that the pig from Moana?”
“Obviously.” Mattie rolled her eyes. “You should know by now that Moana is the best Disney movie of all time.”
Reese rummaged in her backpack for a second before pulling out yet another pin. “Look! Moana pin. Girl, I would give it to you, but me and Chess are tryna see who can get the most pins by the end of the day. Speaking of, was Chess in the store?”
“Yeah, actually.” She hesitated. “Dude, I hate to tell you this, but they had a Belle pin.”
Perhaps queuing had been a mistake. It had probably been hours. Kate would have known more accurately if they’d worn a watch like Chess always told them to. She was stubborn though, and hadn’t. “Aves...” 
“How long have we been waiting?”
“Twenty-five minutes.”
“Oh.” They craned their neck to see over the heads in front of them, realising that they were only a few people from the front. “Oh.”
Eva laughed and took her partner’s hand again, “Told you the queues were long.”
However, in only a matter of minutes, they were seated in an uncomfortable car, the seatbelts just a little too tight to be comfortable and a little too loose to feel actually safe. To say Kate was uncomfortable would be an understatement. She was also maybe a tiny bit scared. 
Eva squinted at them. “You look like you’re gonna throw up.”
“I’m fine.” 
And so the ride began.
Around halfway through, they began the steady climb to the highest peak. Kate turned to Eva, yelling over the shouts of other passengers. “Hey, babe? Remember when I said I didn’t come here with Chess because of reasons? Now might be a good time to tell you that those reasons are that I’m scared of heights.” 
“You fucking idiot.” Eva turned carefully to them, holding their hands tighter, worry and amusement shining in her eyes. The car reached the peak of the ride. “Look at me and don’t fucking think about looking down. It’s okay.” She cupped her cheek. They fell suddenly and Kate's heart jumped into her throat. Eva laughed a little at their surprise. “You know what they say, babe, you gotta confront your fears straight on.”
“I can’t do anything straightly.”
And that was how they found themselves kissing on a rollercoaster, hair slightly in their faces, just as the camera shutter went off. 
The team somehow reconvened for lunch, stopping on a bench somewhere as Clark unpacked a multitude of sandwiches and juice boxes. Of course, only Clark, Annleigh and Riley ended up eating the home-brought food, everyone else opting to buy their own trashy, mostly-sugar lunch. 
“How the fuck did you know to bring all this if we only organised the trip this morning?” Kate sounded suspicious, eyeing Clark like he was the imposter. 
Clark looked mildly sheepish. “Oh... We all knew already.”
“Yeah, sorry Kitkat.” Chess stifled a snort of laughter. “We organised this weeks ago. We had a group chat and everything.”
Kate spluttered for a second. “Alright, traitors, who else was left out of this?”
Mattie, Farrah and Reese all raised a hand. 
“This makes no sense. Cairo, I trust you to tell the truth, why the fuck didn’t you tell us?!”
Cairo smirked. “We didn’t tell Mattie and Farrah because they’re children-”
“Rude!” Mattie smacked Cairo on the arm. “I am possibly more responsible than half of the rest of you.”
Riley cut in. “Don’t be silly, Cai. We didn’t tell Reese, Mattie or Farrah because they like Disney the most and we wanted it to be a surprise treat for them.”
The rest of the group made noises of appreciation or fondness. Kate, however, was less than pleased, “What about me?!”
“Oh, we just wanted to see your face when we announced it.” Cairo didn't hold back.
“Fuck you all.” But they were holding back a smile, already moving on to the next thing. “Hey, Farrah, you okay? Why aren’t you eating?”
The sophomore groaned. “I feel sick.”
Annleigh hugged her sister to her side, rubbing her back gently. ‘It’s because you ate all that cotton candy earlier.”
“It was so good, though.” Farrah frowned, regretting her past-self and her need for sugar. 
Clark reached into his backpack, pulling out a pair of Minnie ears, before plonking them awkwardly on Farrah’s head. He grinned. “That’ll make you feel better!”
“Dude, I don’t know, but thanks for the effort.” She fought a smile, reaching up to arrange the ears around her plaits. 
Riley had been anxious about the trip ever since it had been first suggested. She’d pored over the plans for hours on end, triple checking each detail with Cairo and Chess. Now that they were here, it was all going well enough. Sure, maybe they had gotten lost a couple of times, and sure, maybe they hadn’t stayed as much of a team as she’d planned, but yeah, it was going fine. Everyone else was having fun. 
“Hey, Rye, you doing okay?”
She nodded with a smile, clutching Cairo’s hand. “Yup! All good!”
Cairo did not look convinced. “Look, you've been stressing about everyone else all day, how about we leave them be and go visit some princesses, huh?”
“Cai... Cai, that would be honestly amazing.” Hesitating, she watched the retreating backs of the rest of the team. “You’re sure they’ll be okay?”
“They’ll be fine, I promise. Besides, they’ve got Clark and Chess and Eva in case anything goes wrong.” The taller girl didn’t hesitate from naming who she perceived as the ‘responsible ones’. 
“Okay.” Riley opened her mouth to suggest a destination, when they were approached by the one and only Peter Pan. 
“OhmygodCai.” She clung to her girlfriend’s arm. “It’s Peter Pan.”
Cairo snorted, nudging Riley to spark her reply. She watched as the two had what was possibly the purest and most wholesome conversation she had ever heard, sneakily taking photos that she would treasure because of Riley’s true delight. Riley skipped towards her after a couple of minutes, grinning properly from ear to ear. “That was so cool!”
“Amazing, Rye. Who shall we visit next?”
“Oh my God, we have to see Tangled!”
Riley paused from where she was dragging Cairo into another set of rooms. “What?”
Cairo laughed, “She’s not called Tangled, babe, her name’s Rapunzel.” 
“Oh. Yeah, right, of course, forgot.”
The other girl only laughed harder. “You're so stupid, Jesus Christ, I love you.”
Riley blushed. “Love you too.”
“So you did the mountain rides challenge.”
“Yes. Obviously.”
“And somehow, just magically, you two found yourselves making out in every single ride photo.” Chess crossed their arms, grinning at the couple in front of them.
“I- It was noT making out!!” Kate spluttered a reply, hiding her face in Eva’s shoulder. Chess only laughed harder.
Eva hummed as if she was making a difficult decision. “I don’t know, babe, you got pretty into it at one point.”
The senior cackled, high-fiving Eva over Kate's head. Kate continued to hide in their girlfriend's shoulder, only lifting a middle finger in Chess’ direction as a reply. Chess took the offending finger in their hand, pulling Kate up so she could walk between the other two. “Damn, Kitkat.”
“I’m not ever replying to that name again. I have been too attacked to allow it.”
Eva kissed the top of their head, “You came here to have a good time and you’re just feeling so attacked right now.”
“Exactly!” Kate nudged their head up into Eva’s chin, “This is why I’m dating you, meme girl.”
“Ew, gross.” Chess tugged Kate, who tugged Eva, who finally got them walking again. “Come on, lovebirds, it’s firework time.”
By the time the fireworks began, they’d been at the park for hours. Farrah still had her Minnie ears on, ones which Clark occasionally tried to steal due to his own ears being lost on one ride or another. Annleigh would only bat his hand away, laughing when he pressed kisses to her palm. 
Kate kissed Eva again when the first firework exploded above them, being caught by yet another camera, this time in the hands of Riley. The photo found its way onto the Tigers group chat by morning, greeted by a pouting Kate begging them to take it down against the protests of the rest of the team (“But you’re just so cute!”). Somehow, she didn’t complain when it even later worked its way onto Eva's Instagram feed. 
Chess and Reese jumped at the first fireworks, too absorbed in counting pins to pay attention to the rest of the world. Mattie wormed her way between them, sneakily stealing both Reese’s Moana pin and Chess’ newly-bought Belle pin. They were too distracted by the light show to notice and Mattie celebrated her little victory by also stealing some of the cotton candy that Farrah had bought herself again, despite her earlier regrets. She supposed some people never learnt.
Cairo stood quietly at the back of the group, showing a still-bouncing Riley the pictures taken with the various characters they’d encountered. Riley kissed her for the final firework, a silent ‘thank you’ for today. 
With the lights of Disneyland glimmering maybe slightly tackily behind the group, Riley took one last picture. It was them, the team, the Tigers, silhouetted in the lights but, if you zoomed in and maybe turned the brightness up a bit, you could still see them smiling. That made its way onto the group chat as well and maybe it still hangs in more than one of their rooms. It was certainly a day that qualified for the scrapbooks.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Love Carnival - Part 4 (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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There are five parts in total! Brace yourself for tons of fluff :>
Part 3: here
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Looking around the adorably and warmly decorated cafeteria, and then the little gift that came along with the meal, I’m a little confused.
A few minutes ago, we were thinking about what to have for dinner, and we walked into this warm and adorably decorated small shop.
But we didn’t expect...
MC: I really didn't think it’d be so “hardcore”.
I hold up the little gift, placing it in between Lucien and I.
It’s different from the small ornaments and objects with a feminine aura from my memories.
This cafeteria gives a heart-shaped Burr puzzle to patrons who order the couple set.
MC: The dishes are so delicious that they’re comparable to top-grade restaurants. Even the gifts they provide are just as hardcore. It’s amazing.
Lucien is tickled by my dead serious expression.
Lucien: Looks like the organiser has put in much effort, wanting to leave every visitor with unforgettable and happy memories.
MC: But giving visitors a heart which can’t be unlocked - what’s the owner of the shop thinking...
Without a proper strategy, I play with the Burr puzzle, and can’t help but grumble.
Lucien chuckles, taking this “heart” from my hand.
Lucien: With a little technique, it can be opened easily.
He sits slightly closer to me. Slowing down, he gives me a demonstration while explaining the technique of how to unlock the Burr puzzle.
With the movement of his fingertips and a gentle tug, the wooden lock, which was linked for a very long time, opens, revealing a tiny empty space in the heart which can be used to store things.
MC: Even though you’re already sick of this phrase, I still have to say - Lucien, you’re truly incredible.
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Lucien: If I say that I haven’t gotten sick of this phrase, would you be willing to say it to me even more times?
Lucien turns his head over slightly to look at me. In his eyes are the familiar smile and slyness I’m most familiar with.
MC: If I say it, will I get a special prize from Professor Lucien?
After hearing this, Lucien actually ponders over it.
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He narrows his eyes slightly, as though he’s facing the most complex, important, and difficult question.
Lucien: If it’s a prize...
All of a sudden, he leans over to my ear. Every gentle word brushes against my outer ear, trickling into my heart.
Lucien: Would an especially happy Lucien be enough?
MC: ...Professor Lucien, that’s called being unreasonable.
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Lucien: Is that so? I even thought you’d be very satisfied with it.
Lucien blinks, pretending to be taken aback.
Just when I think of how to best turn the tables, he places the wooden mortise of the Burr puzzle, which is used to store items, in my hand.
Lucien: Want to think of what to put in here? Given its structure, I’m thinking this is a safer place to store tiny keepsakes.
MC: Yes.
I turn towards the staff at the side, asking for a few sheets of post-its and pens, and also to allowing the temperature on my face to dissipate.
After we write on our respective notes for a while, Lucien and I exchange them.
On mine, there’s a simple drawing of a man opening a lock, a handsome smile on his face.
What Lucien hands over is a sketch.
In the simple composition, in the midst of light and shadow, he impressively draws me.
The me in the picture has her head lowered, writing on the post-it note, smiling very sweetly.
MC: Now, we’re doubly satisfied!
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We walk and pause, finally ending up before the Pendulum ride.
Pointing at the attraction, where shrill cries can be heard constantly, I think of that children’s day when he had taken the “Time Traveler” ride with me.
And how time had stopped for a few seconds during the descent.
[Note] This is a reference to Fairytale Date!
MC: Want to give this a try?
I turn my head, looking at Victor expectantly.
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Victor: No.
As I expected, Victor rejects me.
MC: Victor, could you be scared?
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Victor: Of course not.
His expression is stern, and he looks forward.
MC: In that case, ride it with me!
While saying this, I pull him along with me and we sit down.
There’s still some time before the ride begins. The chatter and laughter from people in the queue before us continuously drift over.
Enthusiastic visitor: A friend of mine took the Pendulum before. When it was over, he calmly said that it wasn’t much. In the end, he started puking after taking a few steps.
Happy visitor: Hahahaha, the same thing happened to my colleague. He sat for the ride in another place once, and screamed until his voice was hoarse at work the next day. He had to drink chinese medicine for the entire day.
I’m somewhat tickled by the conversations.
MC: They’re speaking so exaggeratedly. How could that be possible? What do you think?
The criticism I expected doesn’t arrive.
Finding this a little odd, I look at Victor, realising that he’s strapping on his seatbelt seriously, his expression stern.
I really wish I could take out my phone and snap a picture of this Victor before me.
The Pendulum truly lives up to its name.
At first, I even thought it’d be so-so.
But when the Pendulum’s amplitude grows increasingly larger, till it feels like I’m being tossed around, I can’t help but scream.
MC: Ahhhhh--
This! Is! Too! Scary!
Just when I’m forced to sit through these parabolic motions, my left hand is gently held onto by someone.
Bracing against the violent wind, I open my eyes. Victor is sitting straight and quietly in his seat. His posture is tense, yet he looks as though he’s very calm.
Amid the shrill screams, I can vaguely hear his voice.
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Victor: Don’t be afraid.
Stepping off the Pendulum, I immediately grasp for the railing at the side.
However, when I see Victor’s crooked tie and slightly unkempt hair, I can’t help but burst into laughter.
This time, I don’t let this chance slip by, and keep this dishevelled Victor in my phone.
I make a decision to have this picture printed out to be placed at the bedside.
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Victor: ...what are you doing this time?
MC: Nothing, nothing! Oh yes, what do you think of this attraction?
Victor: ...so-so.
MC: If you’re afraid, you can just say so. It’s a normal human reaction, and I won’t laugh at you.
Victor: I’m not afraid.
MC: In that case...
I look at Victor, my smile growing wider.
MC: Let’s ride it again!
Victor: ...
MC: You aren’t going to prove that you aren’t afraid?
Victor: Let’s go then.
MC: Eh?
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Victor: Since you’re so enthusiastic about this ride, you’ll definitely experience it together with me. Am I wrong?
Seeing Victor arch his brows slightly, and turning my game against me, I respond with certainty--
MC: I’m sorry! We’ll head to another attraction right now!
[ KIRO ]
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The cafeterias in the Love Carnival must have gone through a lot of designing in order for moe flowers to appear easily for couples.
Every single themed cafe is packed to the brim. I hurriedly pull Kiro, who is wearing a wig, away from these “danger zones”.
There aren’t many people in the forest right now, leaving only the rustling of leaves.
MC: It’s a good thing I thought of this scenario beforehand.
Kiro: Deng deng deng deng!
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When we speak in unison yet again, we retrieve picnic mats from our individual bags, and look at each other blankly. 
MC: ...I made enough for two. Did you also buy two sets?
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Kiro: I was worried the cafeterias would be too crowded and we’d be hungry. 
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Kiro: But...
His voice grows soft, and I don’t know what he’s struggling with.
In the end, he purses his lips, turning his eyes to me.
Kiro: I didn’t buy them.
MC: ...hm?
He chuckles in embarrassment, spreading the picnic mat smoothly on the ground, and taking out food boxes from the bag.
Seeing these food boxes, I’m left slightly stunned. Based on my memory of how long I’ve known Kiro, it seems that I've never had a taste of his cooking. 
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Kiro: I was thinking that since today is such a special day, even if we couldn’t sit in a cafeteria to have a couple set meal, we should at least have something special. I don’t want you to be left with any regrets today, so I was wondering how to make things different for you. 
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Kiro: And then... [laughs sheepishly] what you see in front of you happened.
I lift up Kiro’s food box. The rice has been scooped up in a crooked manner. Although the carrots could be said to be in heart-shapes, they look more like the heads of an arrow.
In the messy omelette, the ham seems to have sneaked out secretly. Perhaps it wanted to have a breath of air after being in such an enclosed space.
The octopus sausages are like blooming fireworks, hiding in the gigantic rice ball, too shy to see anyone. Meanwhile, the sandwich looks incredibly full, and it seems to have chicken drumsticks in it.
This looks like a far from perfect bento - shoddy and clumsy.
Kiro: ...what’s in front of you is already the best attempt.
MC: How many times did you make this?!
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Kiro: I’ll let it remain an undisclosed secret forever.
He places his palm on his chest, closing his eyes and saying this quietly.
Chuckling, I hand the bento that I've prepared to him. In exchange, he gives me a few minutes’ worth of praises.
MC: This seems to be the first time I’m eating what you made.
Kiro: There shouldn’t be a problem.
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He looks at me with certainty. His expression is exceptionally serious, causing me to laugh aloud.
MC: Why didn’t you show this to me before?
Kiro: They weren’t good enough.
MC: Have you met your standards now?
Kiro: Of course not! I just felt... that you’d be happy with this.
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His eyes are bright, akin to a sun being hidden by soft clouds which are unable to shroud the light.
This perfectionist is slowly, bit by bit, willing to display the areas he isn’t perfect in before me.
Like the tender belly of a kitten.
MC: I’m especially happy. But if something does happen, you’ll have to take responsibility.
Kiro: Of course I’ll take responsibility! Even if nothing happens, I’ll also take responsibility! [laughs] I’ll take responsibility after eating.
The afternoon sunlight is just right. The quiet forest is reminiscent of a small world, embracing us.
MC: I’ll be digging in now!
[ SHAW ]
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Ghost masks on sale are hung on the dark red wall. The masks have a sense of antiquity to them, and their bewitching and bizarre appearances look utterly terrifying.
Simply standing at the entrance of the haunted house makes one feel deeply frightened. And the rule of “Only one person can enter at one time” causes several people to shrink away.
Shaw and MC: ...
Shaw: Got the guts?
MC: What’s there to be afraid of?
Shaw: You first, or me?
MC: ...I’ll go first.
With a solemn expression, I prepare to enter. However, my wrist is suddenly gripped by Shaw, and he pulls me back.
Shaw: Wait. I’ll give you something.
I can feel him stuffing something into my hand.
Unfurling my hand, I see a string of Buddhist prayer beads laying quietly in my palm.
MC: ...
Shaw: Have a pleasant journey.
In the pitch-black and narrow pathway, I bite the bullet and move forward at a tortoise’s pace. My hands continuously twist the prayer beads, muttering to myself.
MC: Whether you're a monster, demon, or ghost, don’t come and scare me, don’t come and scare me...
Footsteps sound from behind me, and the hair on my body immediately stands on end.
I’m rooted to the spot. After a few seconds, when I muster the courage to turn around, a hand plops onto my left shoulder.
MC: !!!
At this moment, my blood seems to freeze.
I quietly wait for two seconds, but nothing happens. Suddenly, there’s a twinge of hope in my heart--
Maybe it’s Shaw!
Thinking of how he usually likes to play tricks on me, I become even more certain of my guess.
With a deep breath, I give myself some courage and turn my head.
MC: Shaw--
??: Fuu.......
MC: ...
With a speed which human eyes can’t capture, I huddle and curl into a corner, using my hand to cover my left ear, sensing goosebumps spreading across my entire body.
Along with my heartrending exclamation, a stream of chuckles resound at the same time.
??: It’s me.
Silvery white electricity appears in the darkness.
The person who’s speaking walks over to me. He squats down, a smile hanging on his lips, looking as though his prank has succeeded.
Shaw: Who was the one who made a solemn vow that she wouldn’t be scared?
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I glare angrily at the person before me.
MC: I knew it was you! When you deliberately scare someone, of course they’d be scared! It’s an instinctive reaction. Also, you can scare someone to death, you know!
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Weakly and helplessly, I hug myself tight. My voice is also trembling slightly.
He seems to be at a slight loss. After a while, he speaks. 
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Shaw: ...fine, I was wrong this time.
Perhaps genuinely feeling apologetic, Shaw pauses, his voice also a little more gentle.
Shaw: Hey, want to know a way so you wouldn't be scared?
MC: ...what is it?
I lift my head from my knees in curiosity. 
He offers me a hand, his eyes crinkling slightly, filled with a wilful light. 
Shaw: Follow me and they won’t scare you.
Shaw and I hold hands as we continue down this cramped pathway.
Because he’s by my side, I feel much more composed.
Female ghost: I’m~ Filled~ With~ Hatred...
All of a sudden, a hand plops onto my shoulder. Shaw and I pause in our footsteps.
I subconsciously tighten my grip on Shaw’s hand. In the next moment, I feel him returning the gesture with a squeeze.
Courage fills my heart. With this, Shaw and I turn around together...
Another shrill cry fills the pathway.
This time, however, the cry doesn’t belong to me, but to the “female ghost” with dishevelled hair.
Shaw extinguishes the electricity in his hand. He removes the ghost masks we saw at the entrance earlier, and laughs.
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Shaw: If you want to scare me, you’ve got to put in more practise.
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MC: What should we go for next?
Gavin and I are walking along the street, searching for our next target. A row of vending machines attract my attention.
The line of vending machines contain all sorts of toy capsules. From keychains to ornaments, there’s everything one could wish for.
Especially that one containing couple keychains. The furry keychains look exceptionally adorable.
I notice that Gavin has paused in front of one vending machine.
It’s a vending machine containing robots.
I vaguely recall watching a cartoon related to it when I was young. However, I wasn’t very interested in it, and never really understood it.
However, this looks like something Gavin would like.
MC: Gavin, there’s one vending machine I’d like to try. Could you wait here for me?
Gavin: Coincidentally, I do too.
I grin, nodding at him.
MC: Let’s split up and get the toy capsules we want, and we’ll meet back here later?
When we meet up again, I place the toy capsule in Gavin’s hand with satisfaction.
MC: Open it and take a look? Do you like it?
Gavin twists the toy capsule open, and surprise flashes across his eyes.
Gavin: I like it.
While he speaks, he pieces it together simply, letting the small, monochrome robot stand in his palm.
The little robot is holding a gun in one hand, and a shield in the other. Behind it is a structure resembling a one-sided wing.
On top of its circular head is a yellow antenna. Along with its four short limbs, it looks extremely cute.
Gavin: This is my favourite model.
MC: I got it randomly, and didn’t expect to get the right one.
Gavin: I was lucky too.
Gavin smiles, takes out a toy capsule, and opens it.
It happens to be the furry couple keychains I saw earlier.
One of them has soft and long ears, while the other has straight, sharp ears.
Gavin keeps the one with sharp ears, then carefully attaches the doll with the long ears on my bag. Pleased, he nods.
Gavin: Mm, it suits you.
Gavin keeps the little robot in his pocket, and the keychain swings next to me.
Seeing the gifts we’ve exchanged, sweetness brims from the depths of my heart.
MC: Having been with you for such a long time, I feel that my knowledge has been expanded.
Gavin: I've learnt quite a lot too.
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Gavin pauses, then continues confidently.
Gavin: For instance, that the lipstick you're wearing today is the colour of red bean paste. And that you’ve curled your fringe slightly. 
Pleasantly surprised, I blink and want to give him a round of applause for his perfect answer.
MC: What else?
Gavin: Also, that I have to separate the white from the yolk when making fried rice. And that succulents don’t need that much watering.
MC: Then... what are the steps to preparing sliced fish boiled in chilli oil?
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Probably not expecting that I’d suddenly pose a question, he ponders it carefully before responding in an exceptionally solemn manner.
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Gavin: I can’t explain it right now, but I noted it down in my notes.
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After he finishes speaking, we look at each other, then laugh in unison.
MC: Gavin, tell me more about this robot. And about basketball, motorcycles, planes and all the things you like.
Gavin: Okay. I’m hoping that you’d give me more cooking classes too.
The corners of his lips curl upwards slightly, and fragments of sunlight flash in his eyes.
Gavin: I want to have an even better understanding of everything to do with you.
Part 5: here
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olderthanthemorning · 3 years
south london forever (sirius black) part 1
pairing: sirius black x reader
summary: "and everything i ever did was just another way to scream your name." in which reader remembers adolescence and a certain someone's youthful grin.
wc: 1.6k
warnings: mentions of drinking
a/n: look so i fell off the face of the earth for the past few months but i'm in school and also mentally unwell so that's my excuse. this didn't turn our the way i wanted it to but i feel like that's ok?? not quite as painful as it could've be. (also ik i need to do gold rush pt2 but ive been trying to write it and never like what i write so :/) anyway, feedback is always welcome! also request stuff! characters or songs!! (p.s. i'm obsessed with SOUR by olivia rodrigo rn so pls request songs !!)
the night bus jolted and shook you awake. it was a long journey from hogwarts, but you were finally near your own neighborhood. as you looked around, everything seemed just slightly different. you were suddenly hyper aware of the fact that you would never be in any of these places as a student, or a child, again. the old church that had at least 4 weddings every spring seemed a little faded, the park and playground where you and your mates would drink at night looked much smaller in the light of early summer.
within the playground was a swing set, which hadn't meant much to you until a year ago. after a night of singing way too loud with a group of your friends, the manager of the local pub, david, kicked the lot of you out. after a few playful swears and hand gestures to the man, you promised to be back the next night and headed across the street to sit and sober up before trying to climb back into your bedroom window. the group you were with seemed larger than usual so you linked arms with mary, a fellow witch that lived up the street from you.
"picked up a few stragglers, have we?" you asked. mary was a social butterfly, and when you didn't know someone, you could count on her to know them.
"yes! and even better, they're from school," she was careful not to name hogwarts. one of the only downsides of hanging out with muggles was having to police your conversations. "that one there is james," she said pointing at a boy in a slacks and a button down that looked like it was only tucked in a fraction of what it had been at the beginning of the night. his hair is neatly cut and he wears glasses, although they make him look young, like you can see him growing out of them in while you look at him.
"he looks like he's far from home," you laughed, the boy seemed far to sheltered to have been just thrown out of a gay bar.
"tell me about it," mary snorted, "but no he's here with the other one," she nods at another boy who looks more like the others. he has on jeans and a t-shirt that is just short enough to threaten showing his middle at any moment. his hair is dark and curly but a lot messier than james', like he had been listening to a lot of rolling stones. "he's called sirius. apparently he's staying with james this summer because his parents kicked him out. they're pure bloods, real pricks."
"you'd have to be a knob to call your kid sirius," you snickered, letting go of your friends hand and flopping onto the grass. you looked up and saw the upside-down face of sirius, "just wait until you hear my brother's name."
you feel yourself go pale and cover your face with a hand, "shit. i'm sorry," although embarrassed, you couldn't help but giggle.
he chuckled, "no, it's alright. but i your going to make fun of my name, i should at least know yours." he sat beside you, prompting you to sit up, and frantically brush the grass from your hair. "i'm y/n," you say, sticking out your hand, "and that's mary."
"hi mary," sirius give your friend a knowing smile, which confuses you. "you're both going into seventh year?"
you nodded and he continued talking for a bit. sirius seemed to be engaged in the conversation with you and mary but would look around every so often, like he was expecting something. over the course of a few minutes, he managed to refer to three family members as "dickheads," admit to a prank that had involved a charm on a library door that resulted a tidal wave dowsing whoever tried to open it, and start an argument about how the chudley cannons were so much better than the holyhead harpies. the last of which you disagreed with, hence the argument.
"come on sirius, you're not fighting about quidditch again, are you?" james sat down on mary's other side.
"i like to think of it as educating our new friends. they support the harpies, james. they need all the help they can get."
"no no, harpies are decent. they've got you there." james replied, smiling softly at mary.
"listen, y/n, do you want go on a walk?" sirius suddenly turns to you.
"um..." you're caught off guard by his forwardness, you only just met the guy.
"yeah, come on. just a short walk." he pulled you up to your feet and dragged you away.
you follow him into the middle of the street, illuminated by a dim yellow glow from a light post. "how come i've never met you at school?" he turns around to look at you, walking backwards.
"dunno, not looking hard enough i guess?" you tried to test the waters of flirting, since he tried so hard to get you alone.
"i guess not," he smiled and stuck his hands in his pockets. a silence fell over the two of you as you continued to walk, just around the block.
as you rounded the corner to the opposite side of the park from your friends you decide to speak again, "so do you just really like walks or something? this seems like something you could've done alone." you continue to follow him up to a swing set and sit down in the swing next to the one he had perched in.
"you can be kind of thick, you know?" sirius looked at you as if he had just explained a simple concept to you.
"i'm sorry?" you felt annoyed, like he was mocking you. "look, you're the one that asked to be alone with me and then go on acting like a preteen boy that's never kissed anyone."
"y/n, i wasn't trying to put the moves on you, honest. i know i can go on a walk alone, but it's a little awkward to make out with someone while their best friend's right there, innit?" he pointed across the park to where mary and james were coming up for air from a kiss, giggling.
"oh." a different kind of embarrassment washed over you. "how long has that been happening?"
"james hasn't shut up about her for about a week, but tonight was the first time he's had the guts to actually talk to her."
"right." you had a sudden wish to recall a hex that would allow you to melt into ice lolly goo and seep into the mulch at your feet. you took a chance and glanced at sirius, who was grinning at you. "please don't say anything, my ego is already bruised," you said, dropping your head again.
"i mean, i'm flattered, really," he clutched his heart, dramatically, "but if i was really trying to pull you, we would be long gone by now."
"wow, you know some people find humility endearing."
"not me. how could i be humble with a face like this?" you're unsure if your eyes have ever rolled this much before in your life.
"so your ego has also had enough attention for the evening," you laugh. there is another short silence, much less awkward than the one during your walk.
"it's a star, by the way," it's sirius who breaks it this time. "sirius is a star in canis major," you realize he's referencing to your comment about his name earlier.
"yeah, i know. brightest star in the sky, right?" night lessons in the astronomy tower hadn't prepared you for much, but it was proving helpful now.
"something like that. i agree with you though, it's a little much. my parents are kind of," he paused, "supercilious? that's not the right word. but i'm not sure there is a good word for what my parents are."
"i didn't mean to give you shit about it earlier. i actually like your name," while calling it your favorite name would be a stretch, but you felt like this was the sensitive thing to say. he couldn't change it, after all.
"oy!" james calls to you two. the entire group had gathered and was waving you over.
"well, i guess that's our queue," you stand up and walk back together, making small conversation on the way.
the group had gathered because it was apparently time to call it a night. everyone said their goodbyes and started walking their separate ways. you were now waiting on mary to say goodbye to james, as she was always your buddy to walk home with. once again, you're left with sirius as he waits for james.
"well, it was a pleasure to meet you y/n, i look forward to next time." he said. you rack your brain and try to remember if you had made plans to hangout again. you were drunk but not still drunk enough to have missing memories.
"next time?" you ask.
"i've already bragged about how quickly i could charm you. now i just have to prove it." you hope the light post is dim enough to hid your slight blush.
"well, then i look forward to disproving you." and with that, mary is ready and the two of you link arms once again to walk back towards your homes.
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
my answers to simblr asks v1 because i don’t think i did a mass post like this. 
1. how big is your mods folder? 15 gb, i don’t have my giant hair folder in rn
2. how would you describe your style? maxis-match, reshade/cartoony/dof aesthetic
3. what is your favorite challenge? 100bc obviously. and those completionist ones that take 400 years to finish
4. do you make cc? if so, what kind? age conversions of hair and recolors. and once in a blue moon i convert earrings or something
5. what type of cc do you hoard? hair, always and forever. my hair folder is sooo organized but i dont keep it in my game because it is very hard to find anything; there’s literally over 1000 items in the catalogue. also this is just female hair, for kids/toddler i use my own stuff and there’s really not enough male hair for me to mass hoard
6. what default eyes and skin do you use? intoxicated v2 - i’ll use this for the rest of my life emerald eyes by forgottengrotto
7. how many urls have you had, and what are the meanings behind them?
i have had 4:
celeschul - a play on “celestial” because that’s how you pronounce it an0nymousghost - the 8th level of the criminal: oracle career stardze - relating to astrology (star daze) teauke - sounds cool i guess; also i really wanted a short name
i don’t think i’ll change my url anytime in the future because it would be very annoying with all the broken links. i personally hate it when blogs have broken links so i don’t want to add to the problem. also, an0nymousghost is such a nice simblr url, it’s actually got a connection to the actual game. it is already confusing enough with the an0nymousghost/celeschul thing, but that’s mainly just because an0nymousghost is a long url and doesn’t really fit on package titles or thumbnails
8. who is your favorite gameplay blog? i have a personal blog and on there i only follow my faves: @leafykii, solarlemonade, ratboysims, @simprising​, myshunos, @aridridge, @whimsyblue. 
9. who is your favorite storytelling blog? idk i dont follow stories
10. who is your favorite cc creator? im not super involved in cc rn but aharris00britney and clumsyalienn who does those beautiful hair strands. oh yes and myself of course 
11. how do you edit your photos? reshade + action + psd. it’s complicated but the reshade takes 0 effort and ive struggled with editing forEVER im happy with this one
12. what is the last screenshot you took? idk im on my macbook 
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this is the last screenshot on my mac LUL. rip to this hair which has been a wip for 10 million years. 
13. what do you do when you are unmotivated? nothing; right now is a good example. i have a queue so you probably can’t tell, but i’m super unmotivated to do anything. like i could make cc or play ts4 but i really just don’t want to (that’s why im writing this). idk why, but either it’ll pass or my blog will be dead forever. xo
14. who is your current favorite sim? i said the fae sisters for my other post but i really like noelle’s husband claye! i think my female sims are always wayyy more attractive than my male sims, but claye might pull in front of noelle tbh. he looks much better with the emerald eyes (the cartoony ones) 
also i consider all my sims to be good people, and claye’s kindness comes from him always taking care of leila and israel because noelle is off at work and such. oh and noelle’s way more...experienced than him when it comes to relationships
15. who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? no one really comes to mind, i haven’t been focused on like one specific sim lately
16. recreate someone else’s sim in your style. nah
17. do you talk about sims with people in real life? yeah. i don’t want to keep secrets from my friends (i used to have a secret ig account and it was a cause of major stress) so i just mention it in passing. honestly if they’re not cool with me having a sims blog, we can’t be friends. none of my irl friends play sims tho :( 
18. how many of the packs do you own? 23/38 or something along those lines
19. how many posts do you have on your blog currently? 1665. i have more followers than posts, something that i never achieved ever on my old blog because i had like 4 gazillion posts
20. how many drafts do you have on your blog currently? 7, they’re all just shitposts or asks 
21. how many posts are in your queue currently? 17
22. have you ever moved blogs? 2 times. celeschul -> stardze -> an0nymousghost. also i moved my multifandom sideblog once but that url has changed soo many times
23. are you in any sims related discord servers? yeah. though, i cant stand discord for a totally-unrelated-to-sims reason
24. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (paranormal) this is an outdated question but i still do not care about this pack. lol
25. how many hours have you played sims? 1039 hours
26. if you play gameplay, do you play with mods? yes, a lot
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge? 100bc, i got to like 56/100 kids in my first attempt. this is TECHNICALLY farther than random nightmares, which i feel like i completed more of but i only did 50% of that challenge. i wrote on my blog that i completed random nightmares but in my heart, it’s not complete until 10 generations. so i just said that to make myself feel better. i’ll do a season 2 sometime...sometime
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Day 1: Height
Every year Donald measures the boy's heights and every year it's the same result, they're exactly the same. This year, however, the results aren't quite what Huey's expecting.
Ao3: [link]
Pairing: none
Words: 1970
A/N: This was written for @hueyweek2020 and while it did end up being a bit more sibling-centric than Huey centric I still enjoyed writing it.
         “Why is Donald still measuring all of us, we haven’t been different heights like, ever.” Louie frowned, obviously trying to get out of the five minutes it would take to make three identical marks on one of the house boat’s doorframes.
It was exactly halfway between their eleventh and twelfth birthday and Donald insisted on measuring their heights on the same day every year.
“Louie it only takes five minutes, just do it.” Huey told his youngest brother. He was already standing next to the door frame to be measured first.
“I’m just saying, we could just measure Dewey three times and get the same results.” Louie stuffed his hands into his hoodie pocket but stood next to Dewey anyway as Donald came back with a marker.
“Okay, stand up straight.” He informed Huey, who took off his hat and straightened his shoulders.
Donald flattened out the feathers on top of Huey’s head and made a mark an inch above the mark from last year, writing Huey’s first initial next to the line. 
Huey stepped away and looked back up at Donald just in time to see him beginning to tear up at the sight of the height difference. He let out a sigh as he put his hat back on.
“Uncle Donald, remember the promise about waiting to cry until after we’re finished?” Huey reminded their uncle, and he sniffed deeply, nodding his head.
“Okay, Dewey, you’re next.” Donald said through a thick voice. Huey moved to sit at the breakfast bar to be out of the way while his brothers were measured.
“Actually, can I go last, Uncle Donald?” Dewey asked. “I’ve got a good feeling about this year. I think it will be a real showstopper and I wouldn’t want Louie to get forgotten in the moment.”
Donald was left surprised as Louie rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah, of course you wouldn’t want that to happen.” He said dryly, but still made his way over to the door frame. He made a show of straightening out of his annoyed hunch, hands dropping out of his pocket and to his side as he straightened out.
“Louie, stand up straight.” Donald informed him just for the youngest duckling to let out a huff.
“I am standing straight, uncle Donald.”
“Oh.” He heard Donald say and narrowed his eyes up at his uncle while Huey looked on in confusion.
The sound of the marker scratching against wood sounded around the room and as soon as Donald moved his hand away Louie whipped around to look at the marks. Sitting just over a centimetre below the mark next to Huey’s initial was a brand-new mark, ink still wet. Dewey leaned over Louie’s shoulder to see it, his own eyes wide as well and heard the creaking of Huey’s seat as he stood up on it to see the mark on the wall.
“Wait-” Louie started before doing a double take. “What?”
“I’m finally taller!?” Huey asked cheerfully before he caught sight of the torn expression on Louie’s face. He quickly sat back in his seat, schooling his expression into a sympathetic smile. “I mean, not that it matters. Heights can fluctuate, after all. I imagine that we’ll be the same height again by our birthdays.”
Louie’s frown turned to a scowl as quick as he heard the words. “Oh, don’t pretend you’re not ecstatic that you’re finally taller than us.” He bit out in a dry tone, his shoulder’s slouching once more as he shoved his hands back into his pocket.  
“Well, I mean, we don’t know that he’s taller than me yet.” Dewey chimed in before Huey could reply and the oldest triplet’s eyes went to his immediate younger brother. The expression on Dewey’s face was almost smug, and Huey narrowed his eyes in response, growing suspicious of Dewey’s sudden decision to go last.
“Alright, Dewey, you’re up then.” Donald told him, and Dewey ran up to the wall.
Donald moved in front of Huey’s line of sight to the mark being made, pressing down on Dewey’s feathers to make the line as precise as possible.
He left out a quiet, “Uh oh,” before he nudged Dewey out of the way. He took his time labeling the marks and adding their age next to each one before he moved out of the way, revealing to a shocked Huey and Louie that Dewey’s mark was not only above Louie’s, but about a centimetre above Huey’s as well.
“Yes! I knew I’d be taller this year!” Dewey shouted victoriously while Huey stared on with a shocked expression.
“Wait- What? How are you taller than me?” Huey shouted. He jumped off his chair, pushing Dewey out of the way to see the marks more clearly. “That doesn’t make any sense!”
“It makes all the sense it has to. I’m taller cause I’m the clearly superior triplet.” Dewey boasted.
“Not that it matters, though, right, Huey? Heights can fluctuate, after all. We’ll probably all be the same height again by our birthdays.” He heard Louie speak up from behind him in a smug voice and he felt his feathers starting to bristle.
“Yeah, I’m sure you can catch up, little bro.” Dewey said in an equally as smug voice as he wrapped his arm around Huey’s shoulders.  
Huey clenched his fists at his side as he tried to remain calm, going stiff as he felt Dewey’s arm around him. He began counting in his head, trying to breath evenly but Dewey often didn’t know when to quit.
“Though, honestly, this is kinda making me wonder if you’re even actually the oldest after all and maybe I actually am. It’d make sense since I’m the tallest now.”
Huey tore his eyes away from the wall, spinning away from Dewey and shrugging off his arm in the process as he fixed his brother with a glare.
“Boys, boys, calm down. You weren’t all always going to be the same height. Your mother was taller than me by the time we were 13.” He took turns ruffling each of their heads, attempting to diffuse the situation.
“Isn’t mom still taller than you, though?” Dewey asked, attempting to fix his hair while holding eye contact with Huey who continued to seethe in his spot.
“Well, yes, but only by a few centimetres.” He informed them before he left the main room of the boathouse.
“Look, I don’t know how you managed this, but I’m going to figure out what you did to grow literally overnight.” Huey informed Dewey in a threatening voice before he made to leave. He turned back just briefly to look at Louie. “By the way, I said that to make you feel better, so thanks for throwing it back in my face.” Before he slammed the door to the boat behind him.
Louie turned to Dewey, an unimpressed look on his face. “Remember earlier how I said you were definitely going to regret this?” He asked, while all Dewey could do was look nervous.
Huey spent the next day obsessing over how Dewey might have managed to make himself grow taller overnight. Asking Scrooge if he had any magical growing artifacts, or anything of the like. He had tried to reach Gyro as well, but he hadn’t been able to get through any of the three times he called. A part of him was telling himself to let it go and that Dewey might have actually just gotten taller, but he had a nagging suspicion that they had definitely been at eye level just the day before.
It wasn’t until the next night while he was walking down the hallway to their room did he hear Louie and Dewey speaking to each other just inside.
“I still think I could have used the favour Gyro owed me for something better.” He heard Louie speak and he leaned forwards to hear better without being spotted.
“Yeah, well, you should have thought about that before you sold broke my camera.” Dewey replied. Huey leaned around the door, seeing Louie sitting on his bed while Dewey fidgeted with something on his leg. He looked back at Louie surprised to see the youngest looking directly at him and quickly moved away from the crack, expecting to be called out any moment.
Instead Louie continued speaking. “He’s going to find out eventually, y’know.”
“Not if I just keep this up forever.” Dewey replied and Huey looked back inside the room just in time to see Dewey remove what looked to be a duck-leg shaped shoe, leaving one of his legs shorter than the other. Huey’s eyes widened as he finally figured out how Dewey had managed to grow taller than him.
He stopped himself from bursting in, however, as Louie made eye contact with him again, just barely shaking his head, so Huey stayed put.
“Why is it so important that he thinks you’re taller than him?” Louie asked, and Huey looked back to Dewey who seemed almost dejected as he thought about his answer.
“He’s better than us at everything. Just once I wanted to be better than him at something, and this is the only thing I could think of that didn’t involve talent, or hard work, or, y’know, actually being better.” Dewey let out a sigh, taking the other shoe off and Huey took that as his queue to enter.
“Is that what you really think?” He asked, and Dewey nearly jumped a mile in the air. He turned quickly and tried to hide the shoes behind his back, but Huey wasn’t paying attention to those. “You think I’m better than you at everything? That’s not true, Dewey.”
Dewey’s surprised expression turned into a frown. “Of course, it is! You’re Mr. Junior Woodchuck, you have badges in everything. You’re better at adventuring, better at music, dancing, sports, school, and every subject at that! You’re a superhero’s sidekick, for crying out loud! You’re better than us at everything! So, I just wanted to have one thing, I just want to be taller, but I can’t even have that.”
Huey frowned at Dewey, taking in his words before his face twisted into confusion. “I’m- I’m good at those things because I try hard and practice, Dewey! Nothing- Nothing comes easy for me! You- Both of you,” He gestured to Louie who had been sitting quietly on the sidelines, “You’re both so talented and creative and imaginative and good at talking to people and making friends and I’m- I’m not. All I have is- is studiousness, and the ability to work hard. I’m not even good at being a big brother because I couldn’t just deal with the fact that one of my brothers was taller than me. I called Gyro three times you know? Now I guess I know why he was avoiding my calls.”
Huey sighed and looked to the floor, blinking his eyes quicker as he felt moisture gathering behind them. “I didn’t know you felt like that, though. And even if I was right, I should have just been okay with being shorter. It’s not a big deal, it wouldn’t change anything, just... being the oldest kind of feels like all I really have sometimes. I just- I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
Dewey looked taken aback by Huey’s confessions before he also frowned. “I didn’t know you thought that either.” He took the shoes out from behind his back and dropped them on the floor. “I’m sorry I went through so much just- just to prove I could be better than you at something. I just constantly feel like I’m in your shadow, I didn’t think that you’d have similar feelings.”
“Maybe it’s easier to see good qualities in others than it is to recognize them in yourself.” Louie piped up from the bed, both older brothers turning to him in surprise.
“What?” Dewey asked.
“That’s very insightful, Lou.” Huey commented.
“Don’t act so surprised.” He replied dryly, but there was a smile on his face. “Now are we done with this? We all know out self-worth?” The two older brothers nodded, and Louie leaned back on the bed. “Good, then we should probably go tell Uncle Donald that Dewey cheated, and I slouched so he can remeasure us.”
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i wanna know what love is - 09
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: mentions of sex
A/N: sebastian’s performance is inspired by pour some sugar on me scene in rock of ages and a few scenes of bat out of hell (i’ve linked both if you guys are interested). fun fact, the lipstick and nail polish y/n is wearing in this chapter is emblématique by chanel which is one of my favourite combos ever. i’ve been so happy to receive your feedback, it just always makes my day. thank you so much everyone xx
Last Chapter // Next Chapter
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Sebastian woke up with the loud sound of bass reverberating through the wall. He lifted his torso, looking at the TV where Pulp Fiction was playing and then to the wall he’d had her pinned last night. At the memory of that, the memory of her hands reaching for him before the employee interrupted and he ran off, he bolted off the bed and rushed over to her bedroom, pushing open the double door but coming face to face with nothing. She wasn’t in, her bed was made an her pyjamas were nicely folded and laying on top of her bed. 
He closed the door behind him and walked over to the entry room. His bandmates were rehearsing one of his beginning songs. Sebastian looked at the room expecting to see Y/N sat somewhere with her ridiculous yellow coloured notepad and an unholy amount of disposable cameras. 
    - Hey, where’s Y/N? - Sebastian asked through the loud sounds of drums, bass and guitars, and, surprisingly, still was heard by Fred, who removed his headphones, placing them over their neck. - She’s nowhere to be found.
   - She’s out with Mary. - Fred said, a nice smile on his face that his wife finally had someone other than them to hang out with. 
   - Great, I need to talk to her. - he grabbed his jacket from the holder, putting it over his pyjamas, not even caring he was still shirtless and wearing his sleeping trousers that had holes where trousers shouldn’t have holes. However, showing up in pyjamas in public wouldn’t be the worse thing he ever did. - Where did they go?
   - Hey, man, calm down. - Anthony took over, placing a hand over his shoulder before he bolted off into Las Vegas. - We have a show today, you have to rehearse. The girls are gonna be at the venue tonight and then you can speak with Y/N. 
   - Yeah besides she’s been stuck with us for almost a month, she needs a bit of girl time. - Michael added, throwing Sebastian the microphone which he caught mid air. - Besides, you’re sober for rehearsal and we’re not gonna miss that. 
On the other hand, Mary had taken Y/N to The Grand Canal Shoppes which she had hoped would blow her mind. Mary was right, Y/N was stunned at a shopping centre with a full blown built in canal with canoes. The shopping centre itself had been built like a pre-French revolution castle and the stores Mary was walking in had things that could buy her whole studio flat in NY. 
However, Y/N’s mind was still on Sebastian and how he had kissed her yesterday. She shouldn’t have allowed this, she knew what type of man he was yet when he did it she couldn’t help but reciprocate the favour. 
   - Isn’t this cute? - Mary held a black stretch jersey corset dress from Burberry, calling for Y/N’s attention. Y/N’s eyes scanned the dress, it was a beautiful dress. Not exactly something she would pick as she didn’t go out enough to use that or had enough money to pay for it. - C’mon, try it on. 
  - No, I mean, it’d look better on you anyway. - Y/N did not want to let out she couldn’t afford the dress, she had already paid for a highly expensive breakfast so there was nothing on her bank account saying that she could afford a new collection Burberry dress. 
  - C’mon, Y/N. The other girls are never around when I come in besides we have a show today and we need to look good. Consider it a gift from me to you, please. - she held the dress against Y/N’s chest, pushing her to the dressing room. - Besides, if you want to get Sebastian’s attention you can’t dress like Little Boo Peep. 
  - What? - Y/N said before being pushed into the dressing room and being told to dress. How did Mary know about Sebastian? Had he told her? Had he told the boys who then went to tell her? Was she a mind reader? Who knew. After Y/N was done with her thoughts, she had already put the dress on and she couldn’t help but notice the difference from her others dresses to this dress. This dress looked like it had been sewn on her, showing all her curves and all her assets. She came out of the dressing room and before Mary could even start speaking compliments she went in strong. - How do you know me and Sebastian kissed?
  - I don’t, you just told me. I did know he had a soft spot for you but I did not know how far it had gone. - Mary walked her over to the big mirror, holding her shoulders. - You look gorgeous.
  - What do you mean soft spot? - Y/N spoke, her hands smoothing over the fabric. Sebastian did not have a soft spot for her, he’d spent the past month poking fun of her clothing and not answering her questions. For Mary, however, who’d known Sebastian since the beginning it looked obvious. 
  - Well, for starters he gave up his room in the bus for you and last night he was so red I thought he’d might explode.
  - But he has a room in the bus, I got the one on the lower ground floor. He has the whole second floor for himself. 
  - No, the second floor is for rehearsing. His bedroom is your bedroom, I know that because I’ve caught him with several girls in there. - Mary said, carefully handing out her card to one of the employees. - But let’s not talk about boys, Y/N. 
After a lot of bickering between the two girls, Y/N eventually took the dress with the promise that she would give it back once she became a big shot lawyer. They spent most of their time in one of the restaurants of the WestGate until they decided to go back to the villa. The band had already left to do a soundcheck so the girls had enough time to get ready. Y/N did not recognise herself in the mirror. She was always used to get ready quite quickly and not really care much but right now here she was, wearing a very expensive beautiful dress, high heels and putting on her very favourite lipstick and nail polish. It had been a gift from her parents once she entered university and she had forever cherished it.
She came out of the room to see Mary putting her shoes on while holding a file in her hand. Mary was a lawyer, a very good one too, and following Fred she would bring work into everything and still have the best time of her life. It was almost entertaining to Y/N how people from different sides of the work spectrum had come together. 
The two girls walked to the lobby where a very nice car was waiting for them and Y/N could no longer picture herself going back to her studio flat in NY, paying stupid amounts for a single bagel. Now she understood why the 1% did everything to remain relatable. 
They reached the venue in a few minutes where a huge queue was already waiting to enter and get a sight of the band. Mary and Y/N, however did not wait in the queue. Mary took her to a small black door in the back being guarded by a guard who smiled once he saw her. 
  - Hello, William. How are we doing, tonight? - Mary asked, grabbing a few passes from another man, handing one to Y/N. 
  - I’m very alright, Mrs. Mary and how are you doing tonight?
  - Buzzing, first time I have the company of someone who doesn’t want to speak about new breast pumps or tummy time. - Mary shook Y/N’s shoulder making her smile. - This is Y/N Wiley, she’s from Rolling Stone. 
  - Very nice to meet you, Miss. - he shook Y/N’s hand and opened the door for them. Mary rushed through the hallway along with Y/N before rushing the right front of the stage. 
Y/N couldn’t help but be stunned at the venue. It looked just like what her father and mother used to say they looked whenever they went to do their own articles. The band still wasn’t on stage but she could see the venue starting to fill up with people screaming their names. 
The band was in the back, tuning their instruments and getting into their outfits, preparing for another show. Sebastian kept peeking at the audience to see if he could get a peak of Mary or Y/N but all he could see was darkness as the lights were still off. 
  - Hey Sebastian, c’mon. Band circle. - Michael patted him in the back before they placed their hands in a circle, while some assistants put their sound ear plugs on their ears.
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat as she heard the song begin and the light started to flicker. Sebastian walked into stage, leather trousers, leather jacket and no shirt which made Y/N’s cheeks go red, making her thank the dim lighting on her. She had to admit he knew how to command a room and specially the attention out of everyone. He threw his jacket onto the audience, a bunch of girls shrieking to get it as he wrapped the cord of the microphone loosely around his neck, singing his heart out.
Mary elbowed Y/N in her side, forcing her to dance out, by raising her arms in the air. She had to admit she was having fun, but at the same time she couldn’t take her eyes out of him. He was electrifying, too much. The show finished and a row of people screamed out as they left the room and before Y/N’s could recover from that, Mary was pushing her backstage. 
She rushed into the arms of her husband, kissing him like no tomorrow as she stood behind to knowing what to do. She gave Fred a smile as she noticed her and as she was about to find somewhere to sit when someone came behind her, raising her into a hug, she turned her head to see Sebastian who set her on the floor once the rest of the band gave them a confused look.
 - You were fantastic. - Y/N said playing with her bracelet. 
 - You look fantastic. - he took a good look at her, from head to toe. - Where’s the white dress?
 - Mary got this for me. It’s worth my whole flat. - she said making him laugh at her incredulous look. 
 - Hey Y/N, let’s get some drinks. - Mary pushed on her arm.
 - Wait, when you return I need to speak to you okay. - Sebastian said and she nodded as Mary walked her over to the bar, blurting out a series of drinks that Y/N never heard about. Anyway, all she could think was about Sebastian and what he could possibly want. Mary gave her a short smile, noticing that her friend was stuck in the middle of her thoughts.
 - That was some hug. - she commented, holding herself on her elbow on the bar top. - You gotta tell me what you guys discuss afterwards. Meet me in my room, girls night. 
 - It’s probably about Rolling Stone’s article. 
 - With that dress, it is probably shagging.
 - Mary! - Y/N’s cheeks warmed up. Mary grabbed the tray from the bartender and started to walk to the back to meet the boys, laughing with Y/N. The sight Y/N saw a few feet away from her however made her stop laughing. She saw Sebastian leaned against the wall, a cigarette stuck in the middle of his lips as a girl had her arms on top of his shoulders.
She took a step backwards, her stomach hurting by the mere sight of what she had just seen. Mary noticing this followed her line of sight, her face twisting in disgust as she placed the tray on the stage. 
 - Let’s go, honey. It’s boring here anyway. - Mary patted her on the shoulders taking her phone to text Fred they were leaving. 
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puppetsoftomorrow · 3 years
Abandoned/inactive blogs? I don't know, maybe it's because I took like a 4 year break from tumblr and now came back but I don't really see anything that interesting about them.
lmao fair, i mean my queue hasnt stopped posting for 7 years so we're in very different places lmao
idk its probably the archivist in me but like ... isnt it crazy how this information is both permanent and impermanent? like ppl say once its on the internet its there forever, and it kidna is, but the internet decays like real information does - it rots and links break and blogs get deleted, so these abandoned blogs are in a strange state of decay and statis.
and some - like some i find clearly had a lot of time and love put into them, and then one day? just nothing? idk thats also what i find fascinating in history. what was once important is now irrelevant.
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bonappetizzle · 4 years
Dreams, Fairytale, Fantasy
A/N: Back again. Not sure how I feel on this one, but yeah.
Pairing: Harry Styles x Black!Female Reader
Summary: Wedding day blues
Word count: 1973
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You weren’t supposed to be here.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, but here you are, hours from impending heartbreak.
What does it matter anymore? You can’t change a thing.
You take a deep breath, knocking on the door, putting on the performance of a lifetime.
His best man smiles opening the door for you, inviting you into the grooms room.
“H, got someone to see you.” He puts his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them slightly as a warning. He’d convinced you it was the right thing to do. Who were you to ruin his day with this? I mean, you’d had so many opportunities to have told him before. But you didn’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to materialise the worlds.
You see him in the mirror, his brows knitted together, in frustration.
“Well can they help me with this stupid tie-“ he looks up, smiling at your reflection behind him. “Y/N!” He opens his arms to hug you. You Huh him back, careful of getting any makeup on his shirt.
“Hey, ready for your big day?” You ask, looking at him as he pulls out of the hug.
“M’nervous as hell,” he chuckles lightly. “And can’t get this tie right.” You shake your head, rolling your eyes at him. “Come here.” You lay your palm flat for him to give you the tie.
“I’m gonna get a bottle of brown, be back in a second.” Tom, his best man announces, leaving the two of you alone.
“Where’s the rest of your posse?” You clear your throat, wrapping the fabric around his neck.
“Probably trying to flirt with Lucy’s bridesmaids. Like they won’t have the time at the reception.” He scoffs. You crack a smile, pulling his tie together. “All done.” He smiles, turning to check himself in the mirror before hugging you again. “Thank you. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.” He whispers in your ear.
“It’s fine H, your my best friend, that’s what I do.” He shakes his head, looking over you.
“Y’look pretty.” You raise an eyebrow, before knitting them together.
“Don’t I always?” You Joke. He shakes his head.
“Of course, you do, but I mean it, you look really pretty today. Dunno what it is, but you look different.” He brushes a stray curl from your face. You press your lips together, before the door opens, signalling Tom’s return. “Bourbon anyone?” He shimmy’s, making the two of you laugh.
“Me! I need a drink.” You take a glass from his hand, as he puts the others down, unscrewing the bottle for you. “You don’t usually drink brown liquor.” Harry comments.
“What do you mean? Y/N drinks brown all the time.” Tom looks at him confused, finishing pouring for you.
“I’ve never seen you drink brown asides from that one time in college after your dad-” he cuts himself short. Yeah, after your dad left. You roll your eyes, at the thought.
“I’ve been giving it a go again for a while. Brown can’t be a negative connotation forever H, and besides, who am I to turn down free booze. It’s fine.” You ruffle his head, taking a sip from your glass, internally grimacing from the burn. “If you say so.” He takes a glass. Tom pours him a shot, warning him against being drunk during the service. “I’m not a lightweight, I’m not gonna get drunk off of glass.”
“Have you eaten yet?” You ask, taking another sip.
“Are you my mum?” He groans.
You take the cup from him, rolling your eyes. You turn to Tom, handing him both cups. “Don’t let him drink till I get him something to eat.” You almost threaten, wiping your hands together, leaving them in his room. You lean against the wall besides the room, taking a deep breath, shaking your head.
C’mon Y/N. Only a couple more hours, then you can go home and forget all about it.
You push yourself up, walking down the stairs.
“Looking for someone?” Gemma asks. You clutch your chest, glaring at her before letting out a laugh.
“Please don’t sneak up on me.” She chuckles, shaking her head.
“S’fun. You and Harry are jumpy. He up in his room?” You nod, relaxing. “Then who ate you looking for with that face?”
“What face?”
“You looked really serious. I assumed to yell at some castaway grooms, which, might I tell you. I’ve already yelled at.” You smile, grateful for her.
“No, but that makes it a lot easier. I was looking for something to eat.”
“Ah, hungry?” You shake your head, while she looks at you confused.
“Tom brought up from booze, Harry hasn’t eaten. Said I’d go find him something.” She nods, leaning her arm out for you to link. “Catering is in the church reception, cmon.”
“What took you so long?” Harry asks; taking a bite of a cinnamon bun.
“Wow, thank you best friend for going out of your way to make sure I don’t pass out by the alter.”
“I wouldn’t have passed out.” He says, still chewing. You scrunch your nose, shaking your head.
“Don’t be gross.”
“Sorry,” he says, after swallowing.
“Where’s the other guys?” You ask.
“Taking pictures. Which, you are needed for.” You look at him confused. You weren’t technically part of his wedding party. “What do you mean?”
“You’re my best friend, I have to have at least one picture of you to prove you were here.” He downs the bourbon shot. “See I didn’t drink it before you came back.” You shake your head. “Mum said she wants one of us too, since your mum couldn’t make it.” He pauses, “How is she by the way?” He takes another bite of the pastry. “She’s… she’s doing okay. Doctors say she’s recovering well. She practically forced me out, I know she’s okay but, can’t help but worry.” He presses his lips together, a hopeful look on his face.
“Well, they said she’s doing fine. Can’t be stressed out on my day, I mean you orchestrated this whole thing.”
“I orchestrated it?” He nods, slipping on his jacket.
“I mean, you set me up with Luce, I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you. You’re really are an angel.” He jokes. You fake a laugh, making sure it’s believable. “Firstly, don’t use the word orchestrated. Makes it feel like I did something evil. And two, if you weren’t compatible it wouldn’t have worked out. I’m glad you found someone. Even if I did most of the work.” You tease him.
“You’re the best.” He smiles down at you, before a snap, interrupts the two of you.
“I told you to turn your sound off.”
“I thought it was,” you turn, seeing a photographer, along with Gemma and Anne.
“Hi,” you greet them.
“You look so pretty Y/N,” Anne compliments you, walking over for a hug.
“I mean, nothing compared to you.” You reply, looking at the older beauty.
“Come off it Y/N, I’m getting old.” You shake your head.
“Still the best looking in the room, no offence Gem.”
“S’fine. Now c’mon I want a family picture with the idiot.” She walks over; standing beside her brother. “Hey!” Harry whines. You move away from Anne’s grip, before she pulls you back. “Your family too Y/N,” she tells you firmly. Wrapping an arm around your waist.
You watch as Harry and a few of his extended wedding party take pictures.
“Can’t believe he’s marrying her.” You turn, seeing Niall, one of his Uni mates holding out a shot for you.
“Huh?” You take it.
“I dunno, just never expected them to be this serious.” He downs it, you following after.
“They’re great for each other.”
“Yeah? How would you know. You’ve been MIA for the past year.” He pours himself another drink.
“My mum’s been ill Niall.” He sighs, taking the shot in his hand.
“Sorry. I heard, but I thought she was better.”
“She is now, that’s what the doctors are saying.” He nods, before sighing again.
“If I’m honest. I thought it would be you and him getting married eventually. One of you realising you’re in love with the other, the other realising it too. That cheesy romcom shit.” You let out a laugh. Shaking your head.
“Sorry Ni, life isn’t a romcom.”
“She’s like a parasite. I can’t believe he can’t see it. I said I’d be one of his groomsmen cause I’m his mate and all, but if we’re honest. I can’t stand the girl. She was nice at first but he’s totally different with her.”
“How much have you had to drink?” You knit your brows together.
“Not enough. I’m Irish remember.” You both chuckle. “How much do you wanna bet for me to interrupt it?”
“You’re not gonna do that Niall.”
“C’mon. We’d both be saving him a lot of money.” You shake your head, looking him in the eyes.
“It’s not going to happen Niall, just let it be.”
“Let what be?” You turn, Harry stands behind you, a confused look on his face.
“I asked her out, she said it’ll make the friendship weird if we broke up.” Niall flawlessly lies.
“You two together?” Harry looks at the two of your strangely.
“Yeah, been trying to get a date out of his one for ages. M’not giving up.” He stands up, placing his hand around your waist. Harry shakes his head. “You’re joking right?”
“No?” He knits his brows together in confusion.
“Oh-Kay.” He lets out, before the event planner comes up to us.
“People are entering the church. You two are needed in 10. Guests preferably before that.” She says before storming off. You brush off her attitude, putting down your shot glass.
“That’s my queue. Good luck up there.” You out on a smile, before leaving the two of them.
“Wait.” Harry stops you. You turn around, finally seeing nervousness on his face.
“What’s up?” He looks around you before landing on your face.
“I’m doing the right thing… right?” You swallow. Bite the bullet.
“If it’s what you want, it’s the right thing.” You speak before you can allow the words to settle on your tongue. It’s what’s right. He’s got this far. He should marry her.
“Really?” He holds your hand in his. They’re slightly sweaty but you ignore it. You feel your throat tighten, as well as your heart. Just pretend. You’ve gotten this far.
“It’s your life Harry. I’m not going to decide for you. You know what to do. Whatever it is, I’ll be happy for you.” You feel your eyes start to water, as you let go of his hands.
“Thanks y/n,” he says, clearing his throat.
You take your seat, biting your lip. Each passing minute taking a chip at your heart.
The look on his face as he stands at the alter, an excited smile pointed at you, one of pride and joy.
The look on his face when her bridesmaids walk in, nervousness.
The look on his face when she finally makes an appearance. Pure love and adoration.
You blink away the water threatening to spill from your eyes. You zone out, your body overwhelmed with the sinking feeling of regret. You bite your lip as he reads out his vows, passion in his eyes as he recites the words to her. Chanting like a mantra. Your eyes meet Tom’s, before looking away.
You had soo many chances to tell him and you ran away like a coward.
This is your cosmic punishment.
You barely register the couple’s first kiss as a vibration from your voice takes you away from the moment.
You had 4 missed calls from your brother, and 3 texts.
The last causing your heart to sink.
‘Y/N please… answer.’ 1 hour ago
‘She’s relapsing.’ 45 minutes ago
‘… she’s gone.’ 2 minutes ago
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x-klamstrakur · 3 years
Again. This is long overdue but I was also tagged by the lovely @dacian-assassin ❤️
Let’s. Do. This. 😎 Okay.
1. Why did you choose your url?
Well! My url is actually two of my favorite songs by Hatari: X and Klámstrákur. It’s purposely spelled incorrectly too. You’ll find out why if you like, did a little research. 🤣 I also couldn’t really think of anything else to call myself on here so. 😌 I just used this. Smart huh? 🤣
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name then and why you have them.
Ehhhhhhh. Well. I tried to make one? I’m a…decent writer..? Of fanfiction. Not like, an actual book. 🤣And well, there were times when I wanted to promote them a little more so I did think about a side blog. I remember making one a few times but I would always delete it after a few hours of it being up because I just feel like…my work isn’t good enough? Even though they are pretty decent. So. 😌🤣
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Ahhhhhhhhh. Good question. 🤔 I’m not too sure myself. I think I started this like…when I was in high school? So like…2018…2019…I don’t remember. 🤣
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No. I do not. 😌 I don’t like tagging.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I joined because of the fanart. That’s it. That was my reasoning and now I have like, friends on here, I’m in a few good decent fandoms and I just think it’s crazy how I managed to gain so much more out of this app. So. 😌
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Ahhhhhhhh! I love this question! I can talk for hours about my men! 😍🤩😍🤩😍 SO! When I was first tagged on this, I had a picture of my cowboy husband: Javier Escuella. As I’m writing this post, my icon is an image of my wind god husband: Fujin. Anyway! My icons change depending on my mood and what husband I want to show my love for. They also change if I want a specific color scheme. Before: my color scheme was gold, with that golden/sunset picture of Javier. Now: It’s a dark blue with a blue picture of Fujin. I just like to match. It’s such a personal fulfillment of mine. 🤣
7. Why did you choose your header?
Again, to match the color scheme and the icon of my blog. The header is never as significant as my profile picture. Right now, it’s literally just a night sky with a shooting star. That’s it.
8. What’s the post with the most notes?
Ahhhhhhh. I think it’s my Regulus Black post? Or it could be my Connor post? I don’t know. But I don’t want to link it because it’s old and I don’t want to remember any of my old posts. 🤣 They’re just really dumb. 🤣
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I don’t know. I doubt I have a lot because I suck but the few that I do have, I cherish. 😌❤️
10. How many followers do you have?
It’s Over 9,000!
11. How many people do you follow?
Nearly 200?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Always. Literally, all of my posts I have ever done. 🤣
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Everyday when I’m bored and I have nothing better else to do. 😎
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Does Discord people who have Tumblr accounts too drama count? If so, then yes. And obviously, I won. 😎 I’m always the mature one. 😎🤣
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I hate them. They only make me scroll past them faster. I don’t care. Sorry. Bye.
16. Do you like tag games?
I do! And I’m sorry it took me forever to do this one! 😭 But I want to get tagged more. It is fun and a great joy of mine to post! 😭
17. Do you like asks games?
I do! Also something I have fun answering and it brings be so much joy when I do get something in my box! 😭🤣
I’m not sure what 18 says because it’s not a thing on the post I’m copying all these questions on. 🤣
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nah. The only love I need are from my fictional and pixelated husbands. 😎
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punk-rapunzel · 3 years
What is Punk Rapunzel dot Tumblr dot com?
Hi, welcome to my little chunk of Hell <3 You can call me AVA. I've been on tumblr since at least 2013, and have been privy to its terrible ups and downs. I saw the Mishapocalypse, DashCon, the Skeleton Wars, the great Oncelering, and even was witness to the rise, and shameful fall, of John Green. Somehow, this has yet to kill me.
In tumblr's most recent eras, we've been seeing a new dawn of internet historians setting up their shops here, such as @heritageposts, @bad1dimagines, and many more dutiful, long suffering folks archiving the horrible history of our favorite internet cesspool. Recently, a YouTuber called izzzyzzz uploaded a video called "The Rise and Fall Of 'Common White Girl" (which I highly recommend) about a time period around 2010-2012, when being 'basic' was as much of an identity as being alternative.
In it, she featured images of infamous Rapunzel edits. I think there's something weirdly, grimly fantastic about this former phenomenon. Almost gruesome. I'd like to take the time to archive the absolute slew of these, oftentimes highly pixelated, poorly edited photos, give them proper names, and address the environment that bore them.
Q: What is the purpose of this blog?
A: I think this is a really fascinating era of internet history. It took the internet by storm on websites dominated by tweens, typically from the ages of 11-15 (at the oldest), here included. It is, first of all, a huge creative undertaking these fans were taking on, churning out not just countless works of art of varying skill levels, but also fic, headcanons, video edits, and using these platforms and shared interest in punk/modern/hipster edits of Rapunzel (and other 3D cartoon characters) to build entire communities and lasting friendships. I want to dissect the culture of both this movement, and the surrounding world that created it, and find out why it existed. I want to represent it fully, but also fairly, and am hoping to find former fans to interview!
Q: Why do you think this happened?
A: My current theory, which was initially proposed by izzzyzzz, and supported by friend of the blog @the-shark-is-a-mammal is that 'rebel disney' has a lot to do with young teens worrying their interests are too immature, and feeling that by edgy-fying it, it will make their peers, parents, or maybe even themselves embrace it as more 'adultlike.' Also, if you're young, maybe making your favorite Disney characters feel alternative is a safe way to express rebellion or fashion choices you don't feel comfortable enough to preform. I additionally believe that there is some kind of insecurity wrapped up in all this. Maybe not for everyone, but it is why I'm choosing to showcase the 'hybrids' on this blog, as it seems that using conventionally attractive princesses to live vicariously through may be a form of coping.
Q: The waht
A: Hybrids. It's when you take the face of a cartoon character, and photoshop it onto a human's body. I hope that helps :)
Q: This is clearly deeper than just 'punk Rapunzels.' What else is in store?
I'd like to cover the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon craze. I do think this is when rebel disney became something else entirely. I hope to reflect this transformation on my blog, and it is kind of reflected in my queue. Though initially teens were just making Disney characters edgier, and projecting on them, which eventually led to the hybrids, something changed between 2010 and 2012. At this point Tangled (2010), Brave (2012), How to Train Your Dragon (2010), and Rise of the Guardians (2012) were all out, and the now high school age fans who watched Tangled and HTTYD initially and now loved the two new editions, wanted these characters they'd fallen in love with to all hang out.
The nature of the fandom went from edits to hypotheticals, and also took on different tones. Punk Rapunzel wasn't just a cool image anymore, she was basically your cool wattpad OC you could ship with Emo Jack Frost, or Nerd Hiccup, or Jock Merida. These characters took on a life of their own, as a sort of friend group you could insert yourself in, and it changed a lot of what became of these communities, and made them grow exponentially.
Q: Is this long-ass post going to be pinned forever?
A: Nope! As I make this blog presentable, each section of this will be put into a mobile accessible separate tab! So don't worry, this monstrosity is only temporary.
Everyday, you will be getting two edited photos. Typically, Rapunzel is the main focus, as she is the most plentiful princess to find edits of, but certain days I will try feature more obscure materials. Currently, Saturdays will showcase Frozen and Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon content, Mondays showcase classic Disney characters like Snow White/Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty/Ariel, though I am still trying to work out orders and maximum efficiency, as a new blog.
I am just now beginning to roll out the hybrids.
I will soon be eagerly discussing the history of this trend, as well as running hypothesis on how and why this happened.
In the near future, I will be covering linked events, such as the aforementioned Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, Elsa Frost, the various AUs and theories, and more after I gather some sources!
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 1
Words Count: 4.2k
TW: Slight smut
Link to Introduction
Link to Chapter 2
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We all have someone we love that hurt us so much, that it changed us forever.
I heaved a heavy breath as I plopped down the wooden floor in my living room. My head rested on the sofa behind me. I had spent the whole two days working hard on furnishing my apartment. It wasn’t that big but it was enough for me. I liked cozy living space. At least there’s a separate bedroom, I thought distractedly. The house still looked kind of empty as most of it were bare without any sort of arts accompanying it. Buying the basic furnishing was enough to make a hole in my pocket. Before the term started, I worked part time jobs and saved enough just to afford the deposit and a few months rental. I’ve roughly calculated my expenses and I think I’d be just fine to last before summer. I was more than sure I’d need to work during summer but I’ll worry about that later.
I only needed one whole day for cleaning and setting up the few furnitures I had. But it still drained the energy out of me and when I finally sat down for a breathing, the sun was already disappearing over the horizon and the little left of the golden sky being enveloped by the pinkish and indigo clouds. I looked around my small apartment. Everything was practically in place.
I waited for the sweat sticking onto my skin to dry out before soaking myself in an hour long bath, letting my mind wander about tomorrow. I was all but excited, nervous yet curious about my first day at the university tomorrow, wandering the kinds of events that would unfold during my upcoming three years there. The carousel of thoughts soon stopped as I drifted to sleep.
As soon as the professor announced the class was dismissed, the lecture hall erupted into a chattering noise. Still feeling unfamiliar with most people and the new environment, I gathered my stuffs silently and walked out of the hall.
The morning class was done. To my delight, everything went by smoothly. The professors seemed to know what they were doing which was a very important criterion for me because I can’t afford to have an ignorant lecturer. Your girl needs to graduate. I looked down at my watch. It was already 12 PM and my stomach was grumbling. I couldn’t wait to see what the university’s cafeteria has to offer.
“Hana-ya!” I looked up to see a girl with hair tied up in a messy bun running towards me.
“Ah Young!” I exclaimed back although not as loud as her. That was my best friend, Ah Young who I’ve known since forever. We went through the ugly pre-puberty phase together and still stuck together till we hit the glown-up post-puberty phase. She sure had gotten the good side of post-puberty while I wasn’t sure about myself.
“Babe~ let’s go eat!” She linked arms with me and we walked side by side to the cafeteria. We practically see each other most of the holidays but we’re still clingy like that. She is adorable and has such bubbly personality that I think compensates my boring and introvert personality. I don’t socialise much which explains the reason why I only have one best friend. Still, I am thankful she is a loyal friend and stuck up to my boring personality.
“Heol! The bibimbap looks so mouthwatering...” I pointed at one of the menus. “Gosh, I still can’t believe we’re now in university. And we’re together!” I said as I proceeded to inform our order at the counter.
“Yeah, I remembered how frantic I was because you kept on pressuring me to apply for the same university as yours.” She rolled her eyes at me as we both moved to another line of queueing to receive our order.
“You don’t want to be in the same university as mine?” I threw her a hurtful look.
“Of course I do!” She smacked my arms and I chuckled. “It’s just difficult when my results aren’t as good as yours!”
I guess it was kinda true that I had always maintained top scores during high school. I was on scholarships and I can’t afford to have my scholarships revoked so that was my main drive to study hard. “Ahh.. it just still feels surreal.” Although the so-called new surrounding is dampened because I could clearly see a number of familiar faces from our high school. “Remember when we were wondering what kind of food do they serve in university cafeteria?”
She laughed while nodding. “The time when our curiosities were so innocent.”
“I know, right?”
We were still queueing for our meal when we heard a loud noise. We both looked up to see a small crowd was already forming at the cafeteria. Apparently, a brawl had broken out. I was hesitant to witness it as it wasn’t particularly a pleasant sight to see people fighting but Ah Young tugged my hands so I just followed suit.
“Oh my god, it’s Park Jimin.” She whispered the name as if it was some kind of taboo.
What? I looked up. That’s when I saw him. Park Jimin. THE Park Jimin. He was beating the shit out of someone who was pinned to the ground. “It was only the first day of university though.”
It was true. Park Jimin was that kind of guy. He was that typical bad boy anyone would pray to never come across in any chapter of their life. He was rude, self-centred, arrogant, obnoxious, annoying, you name it. Basically, he’s an asshole. I have known to avoid him at all costs because he’s bad news and I was perfectly aware of the fact that nothing good comes from associating with him. Unfortunately for me, I had to endure going to the same high school as him and now the same university. Not a day goes by without me hearing about him fighting or breaking any rules ever made in this world. Not that I ever tried to find out anything about him but the news of his well being always floats around because he was THAT infamous. Boys knew him from his fist while girls knew him from his dick. Yeap, on top of being an asshole, he’s a playboy. I guess that makes him a double asshole.
I scanned the crowd that was slowly forming. It was only the first day of university and he was already acting as if he owns the place. I shook my head. Doesn’t he fear being suspended from university?
“Ya, ya stop it Jimin. At this rate, he’ll die.” One of the blonde guy stepped in and to my surprise, Jimin stopped immediately. I looked up to see who it was and understood at once. It was Min Yoongi. He was our highschool-turned-university-now senior. Park Jimin was the same age as mine but he had this group of troublemakers and that includes Min Yoongi as well. I could easily spot Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok and Kim Taehyung who were all in the group as well.
“He deserved more than that, to be honest.” A mint haired guy with a deep voice said aloud as he helped jimin to stand up. It was Kim Taehyung; another troublemaker. He was the same age as Jimin which means the same age as mine too.
My sight went to an unconscious guy lying on the floor with bruises all over his face. It was too much of a sight for me so I quickly pulled Ah Young away from the crowd with me.
We both took our meals and I chose to sit very far away from the scene.
“Ah, I forgot that as long as we're stuck at the same place with Park Jimin, it’d be weird to not witness his daily dose of fighting.” Ah Young mulled and I couldn’t agree more.
My eyes darted towards him and his group. The way he walked so casually as if he didn’t just punch a guy almost half dead made me nauseous. He was running his hands through his orange hair and I swore if I didn’t just watch him throw some punch, I’d probably melted at that. Here’s the thing, Park Jimin was vain, self-centred, rude and a total asshole but I can’t deny that he had all the God-like features and exuded extremely high sex appeal. This explained why girls are practically throwing themselves at him. Plus, he knew that he was good looking and he used that together with his sweet words to get into any girls’ pants. Asshole confirmed.
I watched them took a seat at a table with a good distance from us silently.
“But I’m not complaining though. He provides one fine ass view.” Ah Young said casually.
I almost choked on my food. My best friend had always been vocal about things like this. I may or may not have drooled over him too but who knows. Who can blame me though? I’ve been working hard on maintaining my grades ever since I can remember so I never had time to date. Plus, it’s also a luxury for me. Being in a relationship is expensive as fuck unless I’m dating a prince or something. Call me materialistic but I’m just being realistic. Anyway, in the midst of working twice as harder than high school, I was still determined to maintain my grades. Fantasizing about Park Jimin seemed like a good idea of personal pleasure.
“Oh come on! I’m sure you’d be imagining about his dick size too.” Ah Young said again.
This time I really choked on my food. I coughed several times.
“Are you okay?” She asked while holding her laughter. This bitch.
“Can you not be so loud?” I almost half screamed myself at her. A tad bit too loud I guess because I saw a girl from the opposite table turned back to look at me. In that instant too, I have no idea why my eyes flickered towards Park Jimin’s table. I regretted it immediately because his eyes were already on me. I froze because I felt his gaze penetrating my soul although we were hundreds of metres apart. Then he smirked.
In this world, there are exactly two things that I hated the most. One was a cheater. The other would be Park Jimin’s smirk. That is because he had this panty dropping smirk and it’s not an exaggeration to say it could make girls hit orgasm just by looking at his smirk.
Also, because I had a history with that smirk. A history that dated a year ago. I remember it was the day before our high school graduation ceremony. I was a member of the student council so naturally, I had to help prepare the ceremony. It was late evening and not many students were left. The decorations were almost done anyway. I stood in the middle of the hall, my eyes scanning for anything that needs to be adjusted or to find anything lacking. Then I noticed a banner’s end was slightly tilted. It appeared that its tie was slightly loose. I immediately hunted for a ladder to fix it.
After I was satisfied enough with my adjustment, I descended the ladder but somehow my steps were juggled and I lost balance. I tried to hold on to the ladder but it was too late. I surrendered and waited for the land to embrace me. But it never came. Instead, I felt strong arms around me and behind my knee. Before I could open my eyes, a sweet yet manly scent wafted through my nose. This person smelled heavenly. I opened my eyes and to be honest I thought I was dreaming.
There he was, Park Jimin, his face only inches from mine. His eyes fixated on me. The close proximity and the physical contact caused an electrical surge to course through my body. It was as if sparks were flying when he embraced me.
Suddenly reality hit me and I realized the position we were in so I quickly struggled out of his embrace and stood properly.
“Th-thank you.” I stuttered. Damn it. I didn’t want to make his effect on me to be so apparent. Especially not in front of him.
His brows knitted together as he regarded me for a moment. Then he said, “Won’t be nice if the top student suddenly broke her neck right before graduation. People might actually accuse me of murdering you since there’s no one here.”
He.. knew me? Although technically he doesn’t know my name but still- he mentioned the fact that I was a top student. I looked around. It was empty. I guess I didn't notice everyone had gone back. I cleared my throat, trying to sound firmer now. “Well, thanks anyway.” Without sparing a glance at him I turned around and exited the hall immediately. I didn’t realize I had stopped breathing until I was out of the hall. Park Jimin, the power he had on me. Or literally, every other girl.
Due to our short encounter the day before, I was under the impression that maybe Park Jimin actually knew me. I mostly minded my own business but my names came up quite often for academic awards and competitions. Maybe he did notice despite him skipping class all the time. But then he proved me wrong the very next day.
After the graduation ceremony ends, everyone was scattered throughout the hall. Most of them were occupied in taking pictures with the scroll. I myself had been dragged around to take pictures together with Ah Young for a good 20 minutes. She was definitely going to drag me to take pictures with literally everyone in our year until I realized that I had the sudden urge to pee so I excused myself.
The restroom on the same floor was full so I decided to take the ones upstairs. I strolled on my way there, taking in all the scenery of my high school one last time. I felt a sudden twinge in my stomach remembering that I didn't make much memories throughout my years here. It was regretful but hey, at least I did well in my studies.
As I reached the restroom, I heard some weird noises from inside. I could barely make out a sound of someone groaning and I instantly became worried if someone’s sick inside. How wrong was I. I pushed open the door and I was met with a sight of half-naked Park Jimin and a half-naked girl crouched in between his legs. I almost let out a scream at the sight. He didn’t seem fazed at all by my presence. Instead, he seemed to be enjoying an apparently extremely good blowjob hearing how much he was moaning. His gaze turned to me. Then he smirked. Yeap, that smirk. The very smirk that I mentioned.
While keeping his eyes on me, he grabbed a handful of the girl’s hair in front of him and started to lead her head bobbing up and down his cock. He moaned while biting his lip yet he still kept his gaze on me.
I was angry at his nerve to do this at school and the fact that he seemed to enjoy having a viewer angered me more. I didn’t drop my stare as I was determined to challenge his stare. I thought I was winning but I was wrong. I looked away after a few seconds because the image of him being turned on and in arousal like that was somehow starting to affect me. If I were to continue watching, I might’ve hit orgasm myself. I turned around and exited immediately yet I could almost sense him smiling his devilish smile because he won. He won our silent fight. So much for sparks flying, huh? There’s Park Jimin having his dick sucked for his life as a slap from reality.
And that was the end of history. To this day, that stare, that smirk, that moan of his haunted me. I wasn’t very much angered by the incident anymore. The image and sound of him moaning had actually turned into a pleasant memory for what little sexual fantasy I have. Plus, I don’t think he remembered the incident. Heck, I can even bet he doesn’t remember me.
So I looked away immediately before the rest of my body stopped functioning. I could sense the very same devilish smile of his slowly forming on his face.
I finished my meal in haste and constantly tapped the table so that Ah Young understood my urgency. She cursed at me as I technically dragged her out of the cafeteria.
Weeks went by after that incident on the first day of class. Everything pretty much went by smoothly. If I were to keep this up, there should be no problem graduating. I hugged myself with glee. Future looking so bright. Or so I thought.
“Ah finally, time to close!” I worked for part-time at a cafe about two stations from my university. I had been working here since after my high school graduation to fill up my holidays before starting university. It was also for me to save enough to rent a cozy apartment that I have now. Since I had already started my classes, I informed my boss about my resignation. However, she practically begged for me to stay for a few more weeks until she finds a replacement. I agreed simply because my boss was a good boss and I didn't really mind working for a few more weeks though. A little extra pocket money won’t hurt anybody.
I was in charge of closing down the shop for the day. I swept and mopped every corner of the cafe. When I was satisfied, I took all my stuff and exited through the back door with a huge garbage bag on my right hand. The back alley was dimly litted and it was practically empty since it was almost 11 PM. At that moment however, I noticed two guys had just turned their way into the alley. My brows knitted because as much as I’m used of the dark and empty alleys at night, I don’t particularly like it when guys would roam around especially when they are drunk. I quickly threw the garbage in the dumpster and locked the door when I heard a whistle a few metres behind me. I didn’t turn around but I was sure it was the guys that had just walked into the alley just now.
“Damn Kim Hana, guess it was our luck to meet you.” A voice was heard.
He knew my name? I turned around. Ah, of course he would. He was a regular at the cafe, always lowkey flirting to which I never responded. I didn’t reply.
“You know.. I’ve wasted so much of my money coming here all day every day and you still won’t tell me your number.” He went nearer to me and I panicked slightly. There was no one else in the alley. He towered over me and I noticed that he was only slightly taller than me. When he stepped forward, I took a step back until my back hit against the door. He inched his face closer and I looked away. I thought of begging for help from his friend that I’ve never seen before but then again, I could barely make out his face. He was wearing a hoodie and it covered almost half the top part of his face.
“If you’re not going to give me your number.. at least give me your kiss.” He said seductively as he inched closer and closer.
I threw a disgusted look at him and I raised my hand to slap him. But I wasn’t quick enough, he already took hold of my wrist. He smirked. “Damn, I’ve always thought you’re one feisty bitch but seeing it now on my own.. fucking turn on.”
From the corner of my eyes, I saw his other hand trying to reach my ass but I wouldn’t give in. I was ready to kick his balls when another voice was heard.
“Let go of that hand now.” His voice was melodic but at the same time raspy. I turned to find the voice and tried to make out his face but it was dark and he was also wearing a hoodie that covered his eyes.
The guy in front of me sucked in his breath and scoffed as if he was surprised someone would stop him. He ran his hand through his hair and turned around. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
The new guy took off his hoodie and ruffled his hair. My eyes widened to see Jimin. He wasn’t looking at me but instead he was smirking at the guy disturbing me. “Feeling familiar?”
The guy in front of me bit his lip. “Aish!” was all he shouted through gritted teeth before taking off. His hoodied friend looked at Jimin as if studying him for a moment before following his friend. He didn't run though.
I gulped. Of all people, why did it have to be Park Jimin to appear at this exact time, saving my poor ass as if he’s some kind of knight in shining armor?
His gaze turned towards me. I felt my breath hitched because I swore his expressions turned so cold it made me shiver. “What the fuck are you doing here alone at night Kim Hana?”
He... he knew my name? “You knew my name?” I blurted out.
He threw a don’t-be-stupid-look at me.
I have no idea what to do with that information. And what’s with his tone? Duh, obviously I’m working here you piece of shit. But I didn’t say that. “I was.. I got lost.” My voice came out weaker than I ought it to be.
His expression didn’t soothe. “I don’t believe that. But I don’t care either way.”
Damn, he’d really be taking his self-centeredness into a whole new level. It hurt a bit. “Yeah well since you didn't care anyway, why don’t you just go and leave me alone.”
I guess my words triggered something inside him as he suddenly pinned me to the wall. His arms each beside my face. Under the dimly lit night lights, his face looked so surreal it was almost unfair. He has a small face but his features were both soft and sharp. His cheeks chubby and his nose, although not tall, was sharp. His eyes were sparkly as if it held a million stars in it. But his lips.. his lips attracted me the most. For a so-called bad boy, he has a set of pretty plump pink lips. It suddenly made me wonder how it would feel if those plump lips were against mine.
“To someone who just saved your ass, I thought you ought to be a bit more polite, don’t you think?” He glared at me.
I snapped back into reality. I can’t believe I forgot that Jimin was the bad boy. What was I thinking? I had no idea what to say so I just stood awkwardly as I mumbled a sorry. Then he straightened, no longer pinning me.
“Let’s just get out of here.”
And so I was trailing behind him, admiring as what Ah Young would always say, his fine ‘piece of ass’ silently. Strangely, it doesn’t feel weird. It was as if his presence does not need to be justified by words. I guess Ah Young was right, although not that I didn’t know at first- Park Jimin does have a nice body proportion. He was almost a good head taller than me. The way he carried himself radiated much charisma and I could tell that he knew he looked good. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have such cocky attitude. I rolled my eyes.
Why was he even here anyway?
He stopped in his steps and I almost bumped into him. I looked up at him, almost furious.
“I just happened to be in the area.” He said, looking almost pissed.
Shit. Did I say it out loud?
“You did.” He answered my thought.
Is he psychic? I looked at him in horror and I could see he was suppressing a smile for a second.
“Anyway, I would’ve done what I did for any other pretty girl so don’t go around feeling too special.” He said then he looked away.
My brows knitted. Don’t feel special... but did he mention pretty girl? Is he.. saying.. I’m pretty? Or what? I was confused.
“Come I’ll send you home.” He said as he pressed his car key. I realized that we were standing in front of a sleek black Audi R8. I gaped. Holy shit, that was his car? Poor people like me can’t relate. And I am never gonna get into a car with Park Jimin. My brain told me Jimin and sports car were a dangerous combination. Therefore, when he pulled open the car door, I took off.
“I’ll just go home by myself!” I shouted as I ran in the opposite direction. I didn’t look back but I’m pretty sure I left him speechless.
When I got into my little apartment, I went straight to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. Tonight was one hell of a strange night. And the fact that Jimin knew my name... what do I do with that information?
Link to Chapter 2
Posted on 200502 12:59AM
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winterecho-archive · 4 years
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it took forever but my new simblr is ready to go! 😊🎉🎉
I’ll be loading up my queue with the new photosets tomorrow, and meanwhile I’ll be following all my sideblog mutuals from this account. 🥰 I’m planning on posting 4 posts/day to start with. There’ll be no more posts on my old sideblog @dynastiasims so if you’d like to see the continuation of my story, please follow me here at @dynastiasimss! 💗
All of the previous story has been organised into chrono tags that you can find on my “Story” page. If you decide to read through the old posts, please let me know if I’ve made any errors (missing links etc)! The only thing story-wise that has changed slightly are some edits to the early Aine plotline, otherwise everything else has just been expanded on a bit. Thanks for being patient with me while I finished this massive project! 🥰
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midas-or-khaos · 4 years
Spirit, Chapter 1
The journey down to the University of Falmouth had been a bloody road trip, rather than the drop off it was meant to be. Getting up at around the same time you’d usually go to bed, the two of them were at wits end, bags under their eyes so deep and purple you’d have thought they were weighed down by boulders to get so large. So to say the mother/son duo were at snappy was...
“Fuck me that was a lot of boxes.”
“Stop swearing!”
...A gross understatement.
Not for the first time that day did Bill wonder how his mum was able to hear what he thought were comments under his breath, when most of his life spent back at home she couldn’t hear his bellowing from inside their thin walled, two story house for a towel when he inevitably forgot to get before showering every. Single. Morning. Sod’s law.
Taking a deep sigh, both mother and son looked down the 3x2 meter room, floor littered with boxes of all sizes, and the boy couldn’t help but cringe. This was supposed to be his room for the next year. His home for god sake! Most dog kennels were probably bigger than this. Better furnished too.
“How much was this place?”
“I’m not cheap.” How did she always know what he was thinking?
Still trying to cover his bare arse, the exhausted boy quickly fumbled together an excuse, “I’m just asking for next year so I know what to expect when I have to pay for my own apartment.”
“Don’t lie to me, I know you think this place is awful. My first year, the halls I stayed in were so poorly insulated the toilet water-“
“-Froze over, I know. I’m not taking for granted the insulation, it’s just you can’t deny there’s enough dead skin on that mattress to say there’s probably a colony of something growing in there. Maybe Botulism.”
A light smack hit the back of his arm, turning the peach skin rosy. Ok, he was being too cheeky now, and she wasn’t impressed.
“I’m going to look at the kitchen, start unpacking now so I know it’ll be done before I leave ‘cause I know you won’t do it unless I make you.”
Taking her leave, the boy kept looking at the room, swaying between both feet, a sigh huffing out like like some overworked Victorian steam train as he let his brow hang heavy over his eyes to shade the shitty bleak, full-screen bright sky that dominated most of the year in dreary, coastal areas like his uni. The low ceiling only came to around 6’1/2ft tall, fitting the overall feeling of ‘Sardine tin’, though for the first time in probably forever he was happy to only reach 5’3ft. If he’d been reaching 6ft like most of the people his age, Bill was sure he would’ve been feeling claustrophobic. Still didn’t mean he enjoyed the room, though.
Working up the energy, the smallest box was taken into hand first, and began the tedious process of open, pick out, place, repeat. Contrary to the usual, the whole apartment wasn’t too overheated, and made the work more manageable, meaning once all the clothes were pulled out and hung up, he didn’t have to change out of his long sleeve t-shirt or baggy jeans.
With a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth and a hand scratching cherry, buzzed hair to brush out the accumulated dust, the last and second largest box pulled open held all his art supplies, from a bag of coloured pencils to a tray of oil pastels, seven clean canvases and bottles of acrylic paint (all in different stages of use and decay, the white nearly out) to sponges, rollers and brushes. If you’d heard of it, he probably had it. These were his pride and joy, the reason behind his whole relocating. These next 3 years, he was going to learn how to illustrate professionally. It’d been a pain in the arse to get here, having to do an extra foundation year just to earn the correct amount of points to get in anywhere, but to finally be where he wanted to be (excluding this flat), was a dream come true.
Kneeling down and using care he hadn’t bothered using with his other bits and bobs, each item was lifted out and slid into the square cabinet just under window along the back wall, slotted in together. Silent work, with upmost precision. No more irritating unpacking after this. Just a well needed nap maybe.
The door threw open unexpectedly, slamming into the wall, sending the poor boy up in shock, only to knock o into the unforgiving block of wood making up the overhanging window cill.
Swerving round, venom charged by the unexpected and unnecessary pain, alongside the lack of sleep spat out, “Well maybeeeee if you had KNOCKED like a NORMAL FUCKING HUMAN BEING I wouldn’t have swore when I HIT my HEAD!”
No reply, just the sourest notes pinching her brow and nose. Now she’d fully lost it. Just great. Always quick to offend, painfully slow to forget. She wasn’t going to let this incident go any time soon. The thought clogged his throat and pinched the flame of rage, till all that was left was guilty silence. He’d fucked up.
“...some...of your flat mates have arrived.” Muttered out. Turning round, she briskly left without another word, her footsteps echoing down the stairwell just outside the thin apartment door.
“..,I’m sorry.” Whispered out dejectedly against the silence. Too late, as always. Why couldn’t he control his anger and just hold his breath? So much impulsiveness was becoming irksome even to himself. He didn’t think about swearing negatively, it’s offensiveness never really made sense to him he never directed at anyone. But her constant nagging and his irritability made for dynamite. He’d have to make up for that before she left. God, she was leaving properly today! For months! Was he really prepared for life on his own?
No, he couldn’t think like that, this is what he had worked for. Getting up, giving few quick assuring leg rubs, Bill shook his head to get out any unwanted thoughts and to go find the kitchen. He wasn’t really in the mood to have awkward stranger conversation, but ‘first impressions are always important’ as his mum would say. He supposed she was right, he needed to at least make some friends. The cramped corridor outside only had 5 doors, so it was easy to find luckily, and already there were a couple people and residents hanging around chatting.
“OH! Hi, which are you in?” FUCK, where the hell had she been hiding?!
A regally tall girl sporting the single most neon make up I’d ever seen came unseen from my right, and stood close.
Poor idiot couldn’t help but stare up in awe at the whole display of cyan shadow circling almond eyes and mint lipstick offsetting her natural tan skin and jet black swath hair. She must’ve be studying as a make up or fine artist to have that much knowledge on colour theory and pattern. Shit, shouldn’t stare.
“Oh, sorry, ugh... which room was it...I can’t remember the number but the one just by the entrance to the apartment.”
“That’s room 7.”
“Thank you.” The conversation died. There was a social queue here wasn’t there? Conversations usually carried on longer than this, what was it?
The girl smiled politely, but turned and left to talk to another girl. Bill let out an irate huff. Damn it, once again, a failed attempt at human interaction.
Never mind, try again.
Taking the initiative this time, he walked up to a lone boy this time. Ginger, riddled with freckles, slightly chubby. Tapping his shoulder, the boy turned and Bill tried to give his best realistic smile: eyes crinkled, cheeks full.
“Nice to meet you, I’m-“
“I’m a bit busy, can we talk later?”
Taken aback, all he could say was, “Oh, er, yeah. Sorry.” And he backed off again
2 more attempts and all he was left to do was huff. This was useless! Turning round, the brunette took off with silent footsteps out and didn't look back till he reached his room, sliding the door closed. Hands on the door, Wetness on his cheek. Lifting a hand, he tried desperately to wipe away any sign of tears. This was stupid, why was he so bad at social interaction? All he had to do was respond, like other people normally do... but how do people know what to say when there’s nothing interesting in common? Who talks about the weather and sports as a proper conversation?!
No, he couldn't cry here, anyone could hear him though these thin door. The bed seemed a more inviting place to calm down; covered, warm, maybe decrepit and creaky but it was the best he had, so no time like now to jump in. So that’s what he did, and it took a good hour, but the ache of anxiety that he hadn’t noticed had been building up in his chest earlier, finally drained away under the covers till he could at least stop his tears from falling. A year apart from familiarity and family was more daunting thought than it had been ever before.
A light knock sounded out. Hastily the covers were ripped back and hopefully now enough time had passed that his eyes weren’t puffy from all the rubbing. Mum walked in and a btech version of his earlier smile came out, probably pained looking. She looked slightly less upset than before, but still sported piercing hawk eyes. For all their disagreement, the boy didn’t want his last link to home on a sour note, so took his chance, and spoke up, trying to make amends for earlier, “Mum, thank you for dropping me off. I’m so sorry for acting stupidly, I was tired and in pain, and should’ve been calmer. I’ve unpacked everything and what not so I can take you out for a meal like you said earlier if you want?”
No immediate response, just the same prolonged eye contact, up until she let out a sigh. Was that a resentful sigh or a sigh of forgiveness?Oh how he hated being unable to understand subtleties.
“It’s alright, just please try to understand this from my point of view. Your an adult and people won’t appreciate you swearing around them when you work professionally, so just please try to make an effort to stop. For both our sakes.”
She was being lenient this time. She too wanted to leave on good terms. “I know, I’ll try and stop swearing so much.” A lie, but his swearing was habitual now, so it wasn’t going to change any time soon.
“I’d love to go out, but I’m already meeting a friend in town. You know Sandra right? Well she’s come up from Exeter to meet me, so I can’t miss that. Maybe tomorrow morning before I leave to Manchester?”
Why did it have to be tomorrow?
“Sure. See you tomorrow.”
“Alright see you tomorrow. Try and make an effort to make friends please?”
His Mum blew a kiss and left on good terms, so at least now Bill knew his mind could be at rest not worrying over an awful departure. His whole face dropped at last, overexerted by false emotion. If he hadn’t felt drained before, he sure as hell was now. What the hell his expression must luck like now was unbearable to think about. The covers came back over, but this time it wasn’t coming back off till tomorrow. Screw getting into pyjamas, fuck making friends, piss off outside world. All he needed now. Was rest.
...Where were his covers?...
...why could he hear wind?
Head pulled up and eyes forced open, Bill was greeted by a yellowing sea of grass. Only, this grass...was seven times his height..
...what in the actual fuck? Elephant grass?
Shit, a winter gust blew up the back of his shirt and crawled into his skin, the force throwing him face down back into the ground. Shit, he needed to get to shelter. But where the fuck would shelter be in a field of grass?! Isn’t this stuff supposed to be the shelter! And more to the bloody point, where even the fuck was he! Was this some sort of shit joke played by someone in his flat or something?
Getting up properly this time, adrenaline pumped out by his rude and impromptu awakening, the boy grabbed the edge of his shirt to keep it down and hunched over as he began to walk forward. Obviously he was automatically lost, but he was balls deep in this shit show now so nothing better to do. Ughhhh Just one foot in front of the other COME THE FUCK ON. There’ll be shelter at some point. Thank god it wasn’t muddy, otherwise he’d be stuck here forever. Would be like walking through tar. Looking up through the arching tips of the leaves, the sky was the same blinding, blanket white as yestrday, no sun at all. It could very well rain soon if the clouds decided to turn grey. That spurred him onward. The winds kept on beating down, nearly knocking him down without warning at irregular intervals so he was constantly on his toes, and the uneven ground was a bitch to deal with. Ugh, now he understood what his mum was going on about “too much swearing”.
Something felt especially wrong about this situation. Obviously waking up in an endless field of grass was completely out of the ordinary, but the world felt.. out of proportion. The cracks in the earth which should have been minute, barely feel able, yet these were the more like small trenches, the size of gutters. On top of that the elephant grass was decidedly less woody, and reached higher than anything he’s seen before. Was this actually a joke?
Over the gale, was that. It WAS. Murmurs over the utterances of the wind; there were others out here too!
The murmurs stopped, YES they’d heard him.
...who responded to a hey with ‘arghhh’.
But more importantly...how in the hell were they so loud? Would it be a good idea to be found by someone he didn’t know the intentions of? An extra large gush smacked the back of his head, thin, neon red fuzz doing nothing to stop the icy chill gripping his skull and adding to the overall painful exhaustion that was going to take the waning strength of blueing limbs. There was no choice left.
No shout this time thank god, his ears couldn’t take that again. Legs shaking, feet black and blue in his trainers, Bill was desperate for them to arrive soon.
What was that?
The earth tremors kept coming, and the boy couldn’t stand any longer, falling to his knees and gripping the strands around him with white knuckles. They were getting closer. They couldn’t be earthquakes. Something huge was approaching. Nonononononohejustsighedhisdeathwarrentandnowwhateveritwaswascomingtocollect-
The thumps stopped directly in front of him and a shadow fell over. He’d been seen. Looking straight up through the light canopy, staring straight down at him, was a face.
A gigantic.
Middle aged.
...Not a point of pride. Bill fainted.
(AN:- a repost from my other account cus it isn’t working properly)
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