#and i'm getting So Freaking Tired of it
bambiraptorx · 27 days
once again i am met with the frustration of wanting to draw but it's too late at night and i have to go to sleep instead
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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bixels · 5 months
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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naffeclipse · 3 months
I'm now having a Time
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priceofreedom · 4 months
funny how everyone seemed to adore Zack until he started having more screentime...
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shikai-the-storyteller · 11 months
There are SO many cool interactions and lore things we can look forward to now that Rubius says he'll come back to QSMP (not only as an angel / demon, but potentially as a human too!), but that little detail reminded me of something:
Even though q!Vegetta and q!Rubius were mutually interested in each other wayyyy back in the beginning of the series, as an Angel / Demon, Rubius said he can't have relationships with humans because it's against the rules.
But a bit ago on stream, Rubius said that he's thinking about having a "human" side so he can build and do more things on the server as a regular player. I'm excited because this means he can have more casual interactions with people and we can see him interacting with his friends more (and he can experience The Horrors), but also...
I think we're in for some very interesting drama in the next few weeks.*
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* ( Assuming Rubius doesn't get harassed off the server by toxic shippers and weird fans of the Eggs again. Please be nice to Rubius and welcome him back kindly, he's a very cool guy and his character is SO interesting )
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molinaesque · 1 year
Lmao I've seen so many tags of ppl in DiSMaY over Scrooge being daddyfied in the new animated Christmas Carol movie and are like "why???" Like there aren't a gazillion other accurate adaptations that you can go back to AND also... why the fuck not? Let the man be a DILF for once
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keeps-ache · 2 months
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they're like shiny knickknacks to me
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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this is a super messy edit, but here's a rough redesign of zinnia for my tower tycoon / older zinnia au! after zinnia's adventures in pasio & anabel's disappearance, she takes her place as hoenn's resident tower tycoon.
a more detail explanation of the au's setup is under the cut. ⤵
zinnia ends up traveling to pasio around a year after the events of oras + the delta episode in search of a new purpose, becoming known as a mysterious trainer that's a fierce opponent in battle. after forming a sync pair with rayquaza and saving pasio from a meteor, word of her heroics and strength as a trainer began to spread far and wide. eventually, this information made its way back to scott, who was at a loss thanks to the disappearance of the battle tower's frontier brain. he quickly contacted noland and lucy, asking them to recruit zinnia for the position. the two were reluctant to go along with the idea at first, ( replacing anabel would be a tall order for anyone and they had heard the rumors surrounding zinnia's recent past in hoenn, ) but she decided to give it a shot. testing trainers' abilities in battle with rayquaza by her side did sound like a blast, returning home as a celebrated trainer didn't sound too bad either. so, once again, she awaits in one of hoenn's lofty towers — not awaiting for her destiny, but for any trainers who think they're able to best her in battle.
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raynedayys2 · 3 months
Unfriendly reminder that transphobes are NOT welcome on any of my accounts. I don't care what you call yourself, YOU. ARE. NOT. WELCOME. HERE.
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must-be-mythtaken · 17 days
not having a good one yall
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thehallstara · 2 years
listen. i simply think people really need to educate themselves on the hallmarks of antisemitism and not just leave it to jews to get all the backlash for pointing it out because it’s incredibly insidious and even more dangerous when left to fester
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just accidentally spilled an entire water bottle on my bed :)
took my sheets off and put a towel over it. then looked up what to do just in case and. like everything said "use a fan" and "mold could happen so be careful" and now i am Terrified of getting mold since so much spilled and since i don't have any fans. i am so tired oh my god i just want to go to bed
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my-cursed-brain · 4 months
Twst OC Bio: Xenio Wormwood
Yeah idk if anyone here cares but I suddenly got an idea for an oc on the bus ride home the other day and I've quickly grown attached to this character so I want to talk about him! This post is super long but whatever.
Name: Xenio Wormwood
Birthday: October 1st (Libra)
Age: 18
Dorm: Pomefiore (formerly Ignihyde)
Unique Magic: I don't have a name for it yet, but it casts lightning bolts
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Island of Woe
Grade: 3rd year
Club: Science
Best Subject: Potionology
Hobbies: Collecting
Pet Peeves: Being told what to do in flight class
Favorite Food: Meat
Least Favorite Food: Raw vegetables
Talent: Hosting guests
Nicknames: Magpie, Fée Verte (from Rook)
Species: Harpy
Based On: The vultures from the Evil Queen's death scene
Likes: Stealing small objects, trying new foods, fashion
Dislikes: Not fitting in, disrespectful guests
Pronouns: Any (but is mostly called 'he' because NRC is an all boy school)
Orientation: Aroace
Hair: Brown, waist length
Eyes: Green
So he ended up having far more Greek inspiration than I originally planned. Whoops. My thought process was if I was gonna make this character a harpy, then I wanted some connections to Greek mythology. His name comes from the word xenia, an ancient Greek concept of hospitality. It's also a reference to Zeus as he was sometimes called Zeus Xenios due to his role as a protector of strangers. I also went with the Zeus reference because I wanted to give him lightning magic. The nickname from Rook comes from a drink called absinthe, which has wormwood as an ingredient. It was called "the green fairy" in various literature. He's frequently called Magpie because of his stealing collecting random objects, mostly shiny ones.
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thethingything · 4 days
I don't like that the first sign that we need to sleep is usually just a horrible uneasy feeling that we can easily mistake for our anxiety being triggered by something or there being something else wrong, and by the time we experience something we actually register as the kind of tiredness where we need to sleep instead of just being worn out and feeling shitty, we're usually so tired we probably won't manage to get ready for bed properly and that feeling seems to come on very suddenly and then we're fucked
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
it's so frustrating dealing with a friend that seems set on finding imaginary slights against their person and seethes in silence waiting for you to figure out what you did 'wrong' this time 🤦‍♀️
#this is the fifth time since october i've invited her somewhere to catch up and she said no#always with some excuse#which. sure. i can't verify#maybe the 8th time in the last year she refused for some reason or another#but there's only so many times you can give someone the benefit of the doubt#when she never initiates anything and just waits for us to ask her out#and if you don't happen to do that within the secret interval of time she is available and which she never discloses#she registers it as a slight#i'm so tired of these stupid mind games how old are you/??#also she is SO hard to get hold of. never answers anything on any messaging app for days on end including the weekends#even if the proposal is time sensitive#girl you are NOT that busy bffr#i remember we invited her to see barbieheimer and she did not freaking answer on time. as usual.#and we had to get tickets without her bc the time slots quickly sold out#and ofc she was pissed at us bc she's can't be bothered to reply 🤦‍♀️#she always is pissed even when it's clearly her fault#when she clearly sees the message bc she DOES check the apps whaddyaknow#and the one time we did manage to see each other she had the gall to propose that we go out more often!!!#and then never initiates anything and refuses everything#ik if i were to recount this to a third person they would tell me she already checked out of this friendship#it's so stupid#having to walk on these eggshells#bc we didn't even have a falling out she's just finding pretexts to become offended#that was been her modus operandi since the freaking pandemic#good lord the stories i have#lemonposting#anyway i'm bummed out now
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