#and i’m gonna keep practicing and (safely) pushing it lower!
starbuck · 2 years
even tho it was a positive post speaking against the negativity, that post about “t voices” from about a week ago made me reaaaaalllly insecure about my voice because i had no idea that was a stereotypical thing for singers on testosterone to be concerned about so, although i hadn’t been anxious about it before (all the trans singers i’d talked to said i’d be fine as long as i kept up with the singing), I suddenly was (because that’s how my shit brain works). So, counter-intuitively, I’d been avoiding singing high because I didn’t really want to accept that I’m gonna lose that range, but i FINALLY got up the nerve to for real sing again and I’m back to report that my voice IS cracking if i try to take it past E5, but I’ve also gained a couple new low notes and the entire rest of my range works fine, so I’m feeling really good about it!!!!!!
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pupkashi · 9 months
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love comes easy when it’s gojo
a/n: what are you guys talking about chapter 236 ? the manga ended a while ago lol they’re all happy and safe ! don’t be silly guys >.< (I’m deep in denial no one hmu)
wordcount: 728
loving satoru gojo was easy.
it was easy falling in love with him when you first began talking to him, stolen glances and flushed faces when either of you caught the other.
it came to you like second nature to play along with his jokes. your minds practically syncing up the second your eyes connected, silly grins on your faces as you both cracked dumb jokes.
there was something almost instinctive that had you intertwining your fingers with his, the tv on the show now background noise as satoru practically lay on top of you.
“what should we get for dinner?” you mumbled, half paying attention to the action on the screen, eyes landing on the mop of white hair in your lap.
satoru hummed, adjusting himself so that he was on his back and staring up at you, “want me to cook?” there was a smile playing on his lips as you pursed your lips at him.
“depends” you smile, “what is chef gojo gonna cook up for us tonight?” the smile on his face was evident now as he sat upright.
“maybe some instant ramen?” eyes glimmering as he speaks up again, “im feeling a bit fancy so how ‘bout i add an egg in there too.”
“an egg? you spoil me satoru,” you tease, watching as satoru pushes himself off the couch, stretching a bit. the bottom of his shirt lifts a bit and you catch his lower belly, smiling to yourself.
“oh but when you bend over i can’t whistle at you?” he pouts, catching the way you were practically giggling.
“satoru we were in a meeting with the higher ups,” you retort. the sorcerer only scoffs, mumbling something and heading into the kitchen.
it was easy to love satoru when he was carrying you out in the pouring rain, a cheesy love song blaring through his phone speakers in his pocket.
“dance with me!” his dimples peeking out and his eyes crinkling a bit as he laughed at your now soaked shirt.
you want to be angry, you want to scold him because he just got over the flu and this is gonna be terrible for him. but the small droplets of water collecting at the end of his white hair and sticking messily to his forehead make you keep your mouth shut.
you don’t say anything as you extend your arm out, giggling when he quickly pulls you into him by the waist, immediately pressing his lips onto yours, teeth hitting each other as the two of you burst into giggles.
“cyndi lauper is your go to?” you laugh, barely audible over the downpour surrounding the two of you.
“it was either her or whitney houston ” he smiles, turning his infinity on when he sees you shiver in the slightest, being sure to include you in it.
it was easy loving satoru gojo when he was shampooing your hair, kissing your shoulder and wrapping warm towels around you.
it was easy to fall deeper in love with him when the two of you are in bed, sweet nothings being interchanged between the two of you.
“i love you, angel boy,” you whisper, loving the way his cheeks grew pink, the grin on his lips growing as he nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck.
“i love you more, sweets” his voice is softer, more vulnerable, than usual. there’s nothing on his mind except you, and there’s nothing on yours except him.
it’s when the two of you are making breakfast together, movements flowing easily as he passes you the eggs and he plates the pancakes. when you’re both sitting way too close to each other on the huge couch in the living room, pillows and blankets surrounding the two of you.
when you hand each other things without even uttering a word. when you sit in rare silence with your lover, the comfort of each others presence being enough for the two of you.
when he’s bringing home flowers or you’re making him his favorite foods, when you’re blushing at his shower of compliments and he’s running away the second you call him handsome.
it’s in between laundry loads and making plans that you both realize how easy love comes to each other.
loving satoru gojo was easy, especially when you fell in love with him all over everyday.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @sat6ru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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calypsocolada · 3 months
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FOOLISH | denji
(this is part two! click here for part one)
synopsis: you get a little jealous... authors note: hi! this part two is approximately six months late. apologies. HOPE U ALL ENJOY cw: SMUT, nsfw, sinning and lots of it, edging, lots of making out in various places, aged up characters!, not proofread (sorry), female reader wc: 3.4k
You weren’t jealous. You were fuming. You weren’t sure of Himeno’s age but you knew she was older than you. Meaning she was older than Denji. Sure you all were above the age of consent but still… What would she want from a younger man anyways? It was quite the age gap. These questions just suited to make you even angrier as you sighed heavily and audibly. She was all over the poor boy. The worst of it was he looked thoroughly entertained by her. He seemed thoroughly entertained by you just last week when he was begging for a kiss. 
“Y/n?” A voice to your left said. You about jumped out of your skin. 
“Hmm?” You intoned, sliding your eyes to the girl next to you. Kobeni, she looked nervous. Probably because you were still wearing the glare. 
“Everything okay?” She asked, her eyes following where yours were glued for so long. You felt embarrassed and covered it with a practiced smile, nodding your head.
“Yeah… why?” You asked, knowing she would be the last person to call you out. 
“N-nothing…” She said, fiddling with her hair. You felt guilty for making things awkward. “Do you… have a thing for Denji?” You couldn’t have guessed that would be coming out of Kobeni’s mouth so the utter surprise that was fixed to your face was something you couldn’t hide or smoothe over.
“W-what?” You questioned, lips parted. Kobeni leaned on her hand slightly, lowering her voice.
“Do you have a thing for-”
“I heard you.” You snapped, keeping your voice low. You sighed, looking back over towards Denji and Himeno. Your eyes met his for a moment and you looked away quickly, an aggravating blush creeping to your cheeks. “I could kill you.” You mutter, letting your head fall in your hands.
“Is that a yes?” Kobeni whispered. Your eyes snapped up to hers.
“No. That is not a ‘yes’!” You hissed in a hushed tone. Her lips zapped closed at that. “He’s-- he’s a devil. He’s immature and pushy and annoying. How could you ever think…” You trailed off, heated. 
“Okay… I’m sorry I asked. It’s just…. You were staring for a long time.”
“I… was lost in thought. It had nothing to do with… them.” You said, the last word coming out a bit begrudgingly.
“Oh…kay.” Kobeni says. “Well… I heard Himeno’s gonna try and sleep with him.” You flinched hard at her words, your stomach twisting uncomfortably in disgust.
“W-what?” You managed to force out. Kobeni leans close to you as though you two were sharing juicy gossip… which is pretty much what you were doing.
“She said he was cute… she liked how inexperienced he was.”
“That’s… predatory.” You say with a sharp look pointed towards Himeno. She was blushing, throwing her head back in laughter at something Denji said. Your gut twisted and you forcibly turned yourself back towards Kobeni.
“You didn’t hear it from me.” She winks, leaning back, sipping her drink. You were the jealous type, but you weren’t the type to act on these things. You sat back in your chair, looking over one last time, and when your eyes met Denji’s you looked away again and pushed up from the table. “You okay?” Kobeni asks as you give her a weak smile.
“Yeah… I just-- I’m tired, that's all. Gonna head home.” You say, Kobeni gives you a sort of pitying smile and nods her head. She knew and you didn’t care to justify yourself. You weave through the crowded restaurant, shouldering open the door into the cold drizzle of rain. It cools your heated cheeks. It feels good. So much better than that cramped restaurant. You head down the sidewalk and now that you're alone you feel sort of safe with letting your thoughts wander. Safe with letting the emotion of the night plague your features. 
Yes you were fucking jealous. As begrudged as you were to conclude that. You didn’t have much right to be jealous. You and Denji kissed twice and you ignored him for three days after that. You never let on that you liked him before that and definitely not after. You had no right to be jealous. But you were. It couldn’t be helped. Denji was… a lot of things. Things that you didn’t like. Immature for starters, he was foolish and knew not even the first thing about women. Feeling this way for someone like him was dangerous and surely detrimental to your own feelings. But still… You couldn’t help it. Because he was all those things but kind to you. He saved you. He makes you laugh, he’s annoyingly funny. He shares his food with you and follows you around like a lost puppy. He texts you stupid memes and picks you up matcha tea lattes everytime he goes somewhere without you. He begs you to read your books aloud to him if he’s in the same room as you and watches all your sappy romance movies without complaining. He gives you his favorite manga to read and gets very excited when you like the same characters he does. 
You stopped walking as the rain started to pick up, ducking under an overhand a few doors down from the restaurant. You leaned against the cold brick of the wall, watching the rain coming down in droves now. You thought about the kisses you two shared. How you’d never felt that way before. How after you closed the door between you two you couldn’t sleep that night. Just kept replaying that moment over and over, feeling the warmth of his hand slide around your hip and pull you close to him. It shocked you really. How you lost sleep over a kiss. It was frustrating. You felt like a silly little girl again.
You had crushes when you were a teenager, not that they ever really amounted to anything. Nothing ever went your way with love. That was something so much like sand through your fingers. Hard to grasp and even harder to hold onto. You had no experience, of course you wouldn’t be picked over someone who had experience.
“Hey! Y/n! There you are!” You heard his voice seconds before Denji slammed into you with a bone crushing hug. You yelped as he swept you right off your feet. 
“Hey! W-what?” You gasped as Denji sat you back on your feet, his hands just above your hips. 
“I called your name like fifty times! You didn’t hear me?” He asked, his hand coming up without a warning to push your hair from your face. 
“I didn’t.” You deflected, a heat rushing to your cheeks.
“Kobeni told me you were sick.” Denji worried, his hand coming up to press against your forehead, sliding down to press against your cheek. He sucked in a breath. “You're cold.”
“It’s cold outside.” You smiled smally. “I’m fine. Just tired.” Denji pulls his jacket off even though you already have one on. “Denji… no you don’t have a jacket.” You protest but he’s already draping it over your shoulders. 
“Better?” He asks as you look up at him.
“You need a jacket.”
“Chainsaw man doesn’t need a jacket.” He jests, causing a small laugh to escape your lips. You watch in real time Denji looking at the smile on your lips and matching it. You feel butterflies in your stomach and look away before they can take flight.
“You can go back… I’ll be fine walking home.”
“No.” He says with a shake of his head.
“No?” You echo.
“I’m not letting a pretty lady walk home alone. Someone might take you.” 
“Yes, someone. Someone with eyes.”
“Really specific.” You laugh. “I’m a devil hunter, no one’s taking me.”
“I don’t care. I’m coming home with you.”
“Wouldn’t you rather… go home with someone else?” You ask and feel foolish for asking, foolish for letting that stupid bout of jealousy to show. Denji cocks his head like a dog. 
“Someone else?” He asks and you almost tell him to forget it but your lips are moving before you can stop them.
“Himeno.” His eyes go to yours and for a moment you both just stare at each other. 
“Isn’t she like thirty? I’m not trying to go home with a cougar when I could go home with you.” He says and a startled laugh passes your lips.
“A c-cougar, Denji…” You shake your head laughing. 
“I might be an idiot but I am not dumb. No one could even comes fucking close to you, you know that right?”
“Shut up.” You blush, hiding your face slightly. Denji reaches up and gently catches your wrist, pulling your hands away from your face so he can look you in the eyes as he speaks. 
“I mean it. You are my top girl. The only girl for me.” His words have the utmost sincerity in them that you almost feel your knees go all wobbly. Your lips part. You try to recover, try to laugh it off and shake your head but he doubles down by moving into your space and grabbing both of your cheeks to press a kiss to your cold lips. It’s just a quick press, something to drive his words home to you. And when he goes to lean away from you, his lips parting in words about to be spoken you cut him off. Throwing your arms around the back of his neck, spinning him around and pressing him into the cold brick wall. 
“Oh…” Denji gasps against your lips, his hands sliding around your lower back. You press slightly frantic kisses to his lips, kisses you dreamed about, kisses that plagued your sleep. “I can’t-- believe your-” You kiss the side of his mouth, slowly trailing kisses down. Kissing his jawline, then under his jaw. He obediently raises his head giving you easier access to his neck. “Uhn… holy shit…” He practically pants out, his hand snaking down, palming your ass. You can’t help but laugh, breaking your concentration. “W-what?” He whimpers out of breath.
“You couldn’t help yourself could you?” You ask, his hand still on your ass. He can barely think about what you're talking about, you're standing so close, he can still feel your lips against his neck. Yeah… you’re not gonna be able to get a straight answer out of him for a bit. It makes you laugh even harder, this sort of calms his overheated brain, affording him a moment of reality.
“Oh… oh sorry… I should’ve asked.” He says and lets go. You shake your head.
“No… it’s… it’s fine.” You laugh warmly, sliding your hand under his jaw, thumb sliding over his cold cheek. “I just know… how badly you have wanted to touch a girl's ass.”
“Your ass.” He clarifies. “I have a list of things I want to touch, you draw me a map and I’ll follow it.” He says with the utmost seriousness. You find yourself blushing at that comment, realizing you two were still in public. The rain had stopped, you're not sure when and people were starting to walk around a bit.
“Okay, playboy, let’s cool off.” You laugh and watch as Denji’s face gets serious.
“Oh… I forgot you weren’t feeling good.” He intones softly, making you smile. 
“I feel fine.” You say and he perks up at that, sliding a hand around your waist, pulling you to him. 
“Then I want to kiss you some more.” He says and when he leans in you turn your face, his lips hit your cheek.
“Not… out here.” You say, blushing. Denji pulls back, nodding his head.
“At home?”
“Aki’s home.” You remind him and Denji lets his head fall against the wall, a whine escaping his lips.
“I could kill that ponytail freak.” He groans as you laugh, shaking your head, linking your hand with his and pulling him towards home. 
“That’s not very nice, Dennis.” You say and Denji’s lips part in mock disbelief at the nickname. 
“That’s messed up, baby.” He pouts, making you laugh even harder. He pulls you to him, draping his arm around your shoulders, fighting the bite of the cold away.
When you two get to the apartment building, Denji jogs to open the door for you, holding it open as you walk inside, giving him an amused smile. 
“So,” He starts, catching up with you as he starts walking up the stairs. “When do we start dating… or have we already?”
“What?” You sputter out, surprised. 
“You kissed me like you owned me and I want you to.” He explains making your entire body go red as you stop at the top of the stairs.
“Denji…” You start, unsure how to even phrase any other words after that last comment.
“Y/n… please don’t ignore me for a week again, I barely survived the last time.” He says as you look at him apologetically. 
“I’m sorry,” You sigh. “I was… figuring things out.” You explain and Denji nods his head. 
“Did you?” He asks and you look at him questioningly. “Figure things out?”
“I… against my better judgment… do like you.” You force yourself to say. Denji’s entire world flips on its axis, he goes pale for a second and you think he might actually pass out. You reach to steady him. “Denji,”
“I’m fine.” He bleats, clearing his throat. “You like me.” He echoes with a dreamy look in his eyes. They drift back to you after a moment. “So I belong to you?”
“No…” You say, not really liking the sound of that.
“Denji, you're your own person.” You try to explain.
“Fuck that.” He waves off. “I want to belong to you. I don’t mind if you don’t want to belong to me.” He explains but then thinks better of his words. “Though the thought of someone else touching you makes me feel ill.” He cringed. You can’t help but laugh, he looks at you. He loves watching you laugh, especially when he’s the cause of it. He kisses you mid laugh, just wanting that smile pressed against his lips. You made a sound, somewhere between a surprised gasp and a content sigh. In the hallway alone there was a bit more privacy. He’s stood one stair below you so you have a few inches on him, his neck bent slightly up to kiss you, both hands sliding to pull you in by your cheeks and pull you impossibly closer. Your hands hold his wrists loosely. The kiss grows as he takes a step up, now towering over you as he slowly backs you up into the front door, pressing your back to it. Your right hand slides around the back of his neck, pulling just slightly at his hair. Your other hand wraps around his waist, resting there and pulling him in closer. Both his hands stay on your face, he’s kissing you with more ferocity than any of the other times. It’s almost like this is the last chance he’ll ever get, that he has one shot to really drive it home to you how badly he wants you. 
Suddenly the door behind you two opens and you stumble inside. Aki holds the doorknob, groggily wiping his eyes.
“Did you guys forget your keys?” He asks, unaware of what was just happening outside the door. 
“Yes!” “No.” You and Denji answer at the same time, Denji pouting at being interrupted again. Aki just mumbles something and heads back to bed, pushing the door shut, leaving you and Denji in the dimly lit hallway. Denji sighs, watching Aki go. 
“That guy is always interrupting.” He grumbles, making you crack a smile and a soft laugh.
“He’s not doing it on purpose.” You say and Denji just rolls his eyes, huffing. You gently grab Denji’s hand. “If you can be quiet, I’m sure we won’t be interrupted anymore.” You whisper, pulling him back towards your room. Denji almost tripped at your words, a violent blush spreading across his entire body. 
“Y-you can’t say stuff like that!” He whispers as you laugh softly. “You’ll get me excited.”
“That’s the point.” You say and when you push open your door Denji practically pounces on you. You catch and push your door shut at the last second as he’s walking you back to the bed. The backs of your knees hit and then you both fall back onto the covers. Denji pressed his weight against you, kissing you hard. His knee comes up just between your legs and pushes below your knee to part them. He was eager, very eager to crack you open, to touch every part of you and kiss you until you both couldn’t take it anymore. You rolled him over so you were on top. His hands slid down and rested on your hips. You grabbed one of his hands and guided to rest just on your ass. His cheeks went cherry red at that and you couldn’t help but snort out a laugh. You lean down against him and feel his ragged breath fan across your lips.
“I could…” He breathes out. “I could die beneath you.” Your own cheeks blush.
“No need for that.” You smile, pressing a gentle kiss to either of his cheeks. “I’ll be gentle.” 
“Treat me however you want… You own me.” He whispers, his fingers flexing where they lay on your body. The feeling of the kiss and all the sensations made Denji feel so hot and flustered. The feeling of the intense passion and heat. It was something that made him feel so many emotions. The sensation of your tongue sliding against his, and the breath mingling against each other's, was enough to make him moan and whimper. "D...don't stop.." Denji's breath was still shaky, his blushing was still bright and he gulped. The heat was so intense and the feeling of your tongue mingling with his sent him over the top. Denji's body shuddered and trembled. You kissed him hard, your hips absentmindedly moving against his own heating and winding him up way past what he could handle. Denji's body jolted as the heat only built up more. Denji knew he was going to lose it soon... the kisses, the slight grinding and the intense lust... it was only building more and more. Denji gulped and his breathing hitched again, he was barely holding back the feeling of... him going over the edge. You trailed a kiss to a sensitive part of his neck, whimpering out his name into his ear. That pushed him toppling right over the edge, Denji's breathing went wild, his back arched and his body jolted. He felt like he could explode at any second. The heat and the intense feeling of satisfaction and ecstasy... it made Denji moan and feel like he was on cloud nine. Denji didn't even care about the embarrassment of how loud his moans were, he was so lost within the ecstasy of pleasure. You clamped a hand over his mouth as he came undone beneath you. Denji's voice was muffled, but this made the experience even better. You moved your hand and muffled his sounds with your lips. The sensation of all this lust and pleasure, the feelings of satisfaction and ecstasy... were overwhelming, but the kiss... made it all worth it. Denji’s body jolted and trembled. 
“Shit…” He slowly breathed out. 
“Did you…?” You trailed off. He gulped and spoke quietly.
“I-- I told you… you get me too excited.” Something bloomed in your chest, you pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “It’s okay.” You whispered.
“Really? You’re not mad?”
“Of course not.” You laughed, running a hand through his hair. You two part for a bit so Denji can clean up, he comes back about fifteen minutes later as you were pulling the covers back to go to bed. 
“Could I sleep with you?”
“What?” You blurt out, turning. 
“I mean… sleep, actually sleep. I want… to.” Your cheeks blush but you nod your head, he slides in the bed first as you turn out the light. As you draw closer he reaches out for you and pulls your body against his, tugging the covers up over you. He presses a kiss to your shoulder and slightly tightens his arm around your waist. You knew right then it was over for you.
Just as much as he belonged to you, you knew you belonged to him as well.                                               
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hearts4chriss · 4 months
Fucking Mine.
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Toxic Chris x girl fwb
prompt: chris finds you at party flirting with other guys and puts you in ur place but you use ur safe word pink
Part 1
warnings: SMUT!! degrading, p in v, dirty talk, fingering, eating it from the back, creampie, squirting, overstimulation, pet names ( slut, ma, baby, ), use of safe word
readers pov
the second I stepped over to him I knew exactly what I was doing. I felt Chris’s eyes burning into me from across the room with rage as I flirted with this random ass guy. Chris was pissed. But it was kinda hot, he knew nobody could fuck me like him and so did I. I just wanted to piss him off.
Chris pov
Fucking hell.
I sit and watch her flirt with the random ass guy right in front of me, does she not know who she belongs too? Her and I both know only I can fuck her as good as she likes. And for fucks sake she looks so good, that red mini dress emphasizes her curves and her ass, her tits practically all in his face. She looks so damn good. That’s my girl and she’s gonna fucking know.
As I was talking to this guy whose eyes are anywhere but mine I feel a hand sneak around my waist and warm breath on my ear
“bathroom, now”
wetness pools between my legs from Chris’s words as he guides me with his hands on my waist pushing me in the large bathroom locking it.
What the fuck was that? He spoke both agitated and angry.
I don’t know what ur talking about. I played dumb as he grabbed my neck pushing me against the sink his boner rubbing against my thigh
Don’t play fucking dumb with me you know what you were doing.
If you wanted me to fuck you baby all you had to do was ask. Chris said with a smirk before crashing his lips onto mine.
His hands slide down to my waist then my ass squeezing it slightly making me gasp into his mouth before slipping his tongue inside.
Chris was eager, I soon felt his hands tug at my dress.
Take it off, all of it. He stood back leaning on the wall
I removed the dress off my sleeves and I let it fall too the floor leaving me just my panties.
So fucking gorgeous baby all for me right? He says grabbing my tits in his hands.
Yes Chris all yours. I breathed out and he smirked
Good girl, now bend over and take ur panties off.
I did as I was told and heard him fumbling with his belt and I heard it fall on the tile and he came behind me slapping his cock on my ass.
Now I want you to do something for me. Chris whispered in my ear and I perked my head back
See that mirror? I nod
I want you to watch me while I fuck you.
Before I could speak he forced his large cock inside my pussy squeezing around it and fucking shit he was so big, like as if I was made for it
Ohh fuck Chris!
I cried out lowering my head before he grabbed my neck forcing me to look in the mirror as he pounded into me with force.
Shitt So tight around my dick-
he praised as he fucked me into the counter not slowing down at any point the feeling almost too much as he ruined me in this bathroom.
Fuck fuck fuckk! I whimpered trying to keep my body in the mirror as he instructed but god it was impossible, the only thing heard was my ass clapping and my moans and screams it was euphoric I was getting fucked out.
Could he fuck like you I can? Chris whispers on my neck as I moaned in response.
Can. He. Fuck. You. Like. I. Can. His hips snapped harder each word slapping my ass in between and I cried out clenching the mirror.
No- f- FUCK! He can’t! He can’t! I screamed my jaw locking wide open his thrusts becoming deeper and rougher.
Chris had no intention of slowing down his tip ramming into my g-spot perfectly making me cry out as he was practically balls deep inside me.
oh god Chris- shit shit shit! I cried out as he pulled my hair making me arch my back into him as my head rests on his shoulder.
Fuck baby you look at you taking all of me like the fucking slut you are. Chris says almost above a whisper through gritted teeth forcing my head to stay up and watch him in the mirror.
Chris I’m- I’m gonna cum! I groan loudly making eye contact with him in the mirror and he smirked.
that’s right baby make a fucking mess of my cock. Chris thrusts upward more making me scream his name and grip the counter top as I creamed his dick. But he kept going!
Ch-Chris w-wait! I whimper as he continued pounding into me relentlessly as squelching sounds were made and I knew what that means hearing Chris chuckle from behind me.
Damn ma you’re about to squirt all over me. He mocks his thrusts getting sloppy again as I felt myself squirt all over his lower stomach and him releasing inside of me.
Assuming after two orgasms he’d be done with me, boy was I wrong.
Fuck look at the mess you made. Chris mutters once he pulled out of me admiring my appearance.
My legs were already shaking a bit as my cum started leaking out of me.
Well guess I gotta clean you up right? He smirked getting on his knees spreading my asscheeks apart diving right in.
F-fuck Chris! S-sensitive! I whimpered gripping his hair making him groan into my pussy sending vibrations all throughout my lower body.
You know the safe word. He said before going back to kitten licking my clit slurping every last drop as if it’d be his last.
Fuck Chris! Fuckk! I cried out resting on the counter my hand tangled in his hair gripping it with force.
Chris started nibbling and I swore I felt him smirk as I cried out louder rocking my ass into his face feeling his hands grab a handful of both.
such a pretty ass baby, to bad I have to ruin it. He mutters before diving back into my dripping cunt wasting no time to start spelling shit.
“My pussy”
All pulling me closer to another orgasm
Mmhm- FUCKK CHRIS! G-gonna cum! I screamed nearly echoing off the walls as I came hard over his face, but once again he showed no sign of stopping
CHRIS I CANT FUCK!! I cried out helplessly as he sucked away at my abused pussy pushing his tongue in my hole licking everything up quickly bringing me too squirt over his face drenching him completely.
Chris stood up running a finger along my slit before sticking it in his mouth.
Such a sweet pussy. He chuckles seeing my current state, my lashes bound to come off, my weeve was on the verge of coming out and my ass was bound to be full of Chris’s hand prints.
Chris picked me up spreading my legs on the counter running two fingers along making me jolt.
Hmm sensitive aren’t you? He teased thrusting both of fingers inside me easily, moaning in response to how right I was around his fingers.
Fuck look at the way she squeezes my fingers. He bites his lip as I throw my head against the mirror crying out.
C-Chris it’s too much! I whimper pushing his hand away but he grips my jaw.
Don’t push my hand away ever again understand? He spoke adding a third finger and I felt my body grow weaker as time passed Chris added his thumb rubbing my clit sending me almost over the edge, I unexpectedly started squirting everywhere and I couldn’t stop.
Fuck ma you made a fucking mess again. He smirks continuing to be knuckles deep inside me before adding his tongue again and it was just too much
FUCK CHRIS PINK PINK! I sobbed and he immediately stopped everything he was doing and cupped my cheeks.
Shit I’m so sorry baby are you okay? Chris said softly running his fingers over my tears.
I’m okay that was just- a lot don’t beat urself up about it. I smile pushing my hair out of my face.
How about I clean you up and we get outta here and cuddle and watch some movies at my place? He kissed my cheek
Sounds perfect. I smile as Chris started cleaning me up
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ijwrsmff · 7 months
What's Wrong?-Law x Reader (Appendicitis)
A couple people requested this on my archive, while requests were open, so here's this! I don't really know what trigger warnings to use for this? So just in case.
Tw: reader in pain, medical procedure, reader has a fear of needles.
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It started off harmless enough, but it just seemed to keep getting worse…what began with cramping along your mid stomach, has expanded and gotten more painful. It wasn’t too bad, to begin with. You brushed it off as a strained muscle from a fight, but your suspicions it was something more serious was nagging at your mind. The pain was becoming unbearable, but you tried to hide it…especially from your boyfriend. 
You knew it wouldn’t be easy, seeing as he was the submarine’s doctor. He had pushed, making sure you were safe after every fight. Law immediately knew something was up, when you barely said a word after the fight and went straight to your own room. You had almost always stayed in his room, you should have known he’d pick up on that. He did tend to be overly observant. 
There wasn’t even a knock on the door, he just walked in to see you laying on your bed. He walked up to it and crossed his arms with a cocked eyebrow. “You gonna tell me what’s wrong now?” Straight to the point as always. “You’ve been acting differently. Not spending as much time with me or the crew, and you seem to be distracted during our most recent fights.” 
You gulped and sat up in bed, trying your hardest not to wince. “Just…feeling a little tired…is all…” It was a terrible lie, and you both knew it. You tried to back it up by continuing, “Not really feeling up for fighting, it’s no big deal! I probably just have a cold or something!” While smiling at him, you tried not to look at his face. Another clear sign you were straight up lying to him. 
“Uh huh…” He walked forward, closer to you and you leaned back. “Then you should have come to me. Even though that’s not the case.” He reached a hand to your forehead, “Hm…you do actually have a bit of a fever though.” He felt around your neck, and didn’t seem to find anything swollen. “Still, you’re coming to my office. Let’s go.” He turned to walk, and he fully turned back when you didn’t go to follow him. 
“N-No it’s okay! I’m fine!” You gulped, knowing he probably wouldn’t drop it this time. He could be so stubborn…you loved him a lot though. Your love for him made you feel bad for hiding your pain from him, but what if he had to give you a shot? Or IV? That fear triumphed in your mind. “I just need some rest is all!” He glared, and you realized your mistake. He didn’t like when people claimed to know better about their health than him. 
“Come on.” He walked back to you, and went to pick you up but the sudden movement caused a sharp pain to shoot through your abdomen. You practically screamed, not expecting it at all. Even Law looked surprised, and he let go instantly. You could tell by that look in his eyes, that his “doctor mode” was already activated. 
“What’s wrong? Clearly it’s more serious than some cold. You don’t even hardly scream like that when wounded in battle.” He looked you over as much as he could without touching you again. He didn’t see any clear signs of injury, and there was a distinctive lack of blood on you or your clothes. “Lay down.” He was much more careful this time, and aided you into a laying down position. 
You looked sheepish, and embarrassed when being caught. “I just…no needles. You gotta promise me that…” You tried to relax, but the pain was throbbing at this point. He felt around your neck, down to over your heart and he stopped there. 
“Your pulse…it’s escalated substantially.” He continued, and lifted up your shirt slightly to put pressure on different places on your stomach. He didn’t even promise not to use needles, and continued, “I can’t promise that. Not until I know what’s wrong.” Once the pressure went over your lower abdomen, you hissed, which had his eyes shoot up to your face to gauge it. “Shit…” He muttered, and you could see a battle in his eyes. 
“Shit? What? Is it bad?” Your fear spiked, and you tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he held you firmly in place. “Law?” His eyes were a mixture of fear and irritation. Either at you, or whatever was causing your pain. You weren’t sure which one would be more ideal in this situation. Whichever it was, you didn’t want to be in more pain like this for a longer period of time. 
“It’s your appendix. They’re close to bursting, and that can be fatal. I have to get them out. NOW.” He waved his hand, and the room appeared. “Stay still or this’ll hurt.” He was completely focused now, hand drifting across your abdomen until reaching where he knew they were. “Take a deep breath in…” You did as instructed, and you closed your eyes in preparation of the pain.
It didn’t come, and when you opened your eyes he was standing above you, examining your appendix that he held in his hand. He turned to glare at you. “Do you know how serious this is? You could have DIED. Understand?” His eyes softened when you looked at him with guilt written on your face. “Look…just come to me next time. And every time after that. I…I know you’re scared of needles, but it’s better than how much pain this must have caused.” 
“I’m sorry…” It was all you could say, and you rubbed at your abdomen instinctively. It was definitely still sore, but after he took them out it was already better. Not perfect, still…but better. “I know I shouldn’t hide things from you…in my defense I didn’t know how bad it could get.” You reached over and took his hand, and he gave a small smile for a moment before going back to his usual neutral look. 
“We can work it out. Just tell me your symptoms as they happen. I can give you an answer for almost anything.” He sighed, and rubbed the back of your hand as he sat next to you. “I won’t even use needles if I can help it.” He wanted to say those words, but he was rarely the first to initiate it. But his words made the message clear. Even if he didn’t say it often, you knew. 
“I love you too, Law.” 
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mqsi · 1 year
Hola! Sorry if I bother, I wanted to request something! Could you do a Gavi fluff where Reader is on her period and has some homework to do so she's really stressed and at the same time in pain and he justs steps in to help her a bit, makes her relax and even he tries to help with her homework? (Not me having my period and everything hurting) Please! And thanks!
Hey love, of course you’re not bothering me :) I’m always open for a chat/rant, anything!💓💕💗
I wrote this as soon as I could, I hope you like it. I hope you’re feeling better today, fuck periods😡
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Writing an essay was dreadful by itself but your body decided that was not enough pain. You were currently uncomfortably sitting in a chair with your legs pressed against your chest. Your laptop was open alongside a milion different tabs and papers sprawled out on your desk in hopes of helping you.
You felt a stabbing pain in your lower stomach every few minutes and with every move of your body you felt your pad move. You cringed at the feeling, but continued typing down the words. Gavi was out training and just came home. He went upstairs and slowly pushed your door ajar.
“Hey baby, what are you doing?” he asked, peeking trough the crack since there was quite a few incidents of him launching in the room while you were studying and earning a scolding. You turned your head in his direction, discomfort obvious on your features.
“Pablo” you whined extending your arms for him to hug you. He walked over, pushing you against his chest.
“Are you okay?” he whispered.
“No, I’m not. I have to finish my homework but I got my period. It’s hurts like hell”
Gavi was never sure of what to do when you’re on your period and this situation wasn’t helping him. He kissed your forehead gently.
“Okay, wait here, I’ll try to help” he said before rushing downstairs. He called his sister, asking how to make you more comfortable, and even wrote down some stuff in his notes.
Gavi returned to your room and placed down a cup of tea and some sweets he knew you loved. Then, he brought your fuzzy blanket over, draping it across your lap and practically tying it around the chair.
“My sister told me I should keep your tummy warm, so don’t you dare move. Oh and here’s a pain killer,if you want to take it” he said, placing it down next to your tea.
You smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, I feel better already” you said. Gavi smiled back and then pulled over an armchair that was in the corner of the room.
He sat it down next to you and got comfortable in it.
You let out a confused laugh. “What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna help you with your work. What are you even doing?” He said, leaning in so he can read what’s on your screen. History essay: world war 2 events. Gavi made a face, letting out a sigh. “How does this even work?”
“Pablo, I appreciate your desire but” you said trying not to burst out laughing. Your mood completely changed with Gavi’s actions, and you were glad he came home ready to help you “but I’m sure you can’t even pronounce half od these words”
“Hey! Is that a thank you?”
You kissed him softly, “Don’t worry about my work, you’ve done enough”
“Okay, I’ll go and prepare you a warm bath so you can jump in after finishing it” he said, getting up. He paused at the door frame, turning to you once again.
“I love you, you know that?”
You looked at him, and felt safe. Everything he did made you feel safe. You basically forgot about the pain, Gavi’s presence making everything better.
“I love you too Pablo”
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alice-the-brave · 1 year
“I guess,” Harrington shrugs, “I just – my parents, you know? They like to have things to brag about. Sports are about the only thing I’m good for.”
He says it like it’s easy, like its fact. Like he’s heard it a million times and it doesn’t bother him.
Billy thinks about him dropping out of the swim team, about the way he loiters about the pool, watching his kids and staying as far from the water as he can. Thinks about that last season he had on the basketball team, lackluster and disappointing. Cut short by a concussion that benched him for the last game of the season. The last game of his high school career.
A concussion that Billy gave him.
He remembers, too, the way he had talked about the kids, the way he said ‘people who care about me’ like he didn’t have anyone else. Like there weren’t any other options. Like they were all he had in the whole world.
            “Well, don’t forget about that pretty face of yours, Harrington,” Billy says, looking away, watching the kids, trying to see them the way Harrington might.
Harrington laughs at that, throwing his head back, and Billy can’t help but turn slightly to watch him.
            “Yeah, well, I guess I’ve got that going for me, huh?”
            “Sure,” Billy agrees, leaning over to pass him a coke bottle, “Popeye’s turning green with envy, man.”
Harrington snorts at that, reaching out to punch lightly at Billy’s shoulder before he takes the offered drink. 
“Listen man, it’s not that bad if I ditch the hat,” he says, leaning back against his seat and twisting off the cap, oblivious to the way Billy can’t help but watch the flex of his bare arms as he does, “It’s company policy, but, c’mon, Robin’s my manager and it’s not like she’s gonna call me out.” 
“She’s definitely gonna call you out,” Billy argues, “She likes to watch you suffer too much to let that slide. Besides, isn’t that unhygienic or something?” 
“Dude. You really think a dog bowl shaped hat is keeping any of our hair out of the ice cream?” 
“Hmm, yeah, maybe you should get a hairnet.” 
“A hairnet?” Harrington says, scandalized. “You want me to wear a hairnet? Seriously?” 
Billy can’t help but laugh at him, at the suburban house-wife outrage on his face. 
“Listen, man, it’s not about what I want, it’s about safe business practices.” 
“Does Scoops Ahoy seem like the kind of chain that cares about ‘safe business practices’ to you? Dude, Ballast Bubblegum is radioactive, I swear on my life. Nothing approved by the FDA should be that pink.” 
“Since when have you known what the FDA is?” 
Harrington’s smile turns a little wry at that and he takes a long sip of his coke, throat bared and bobbing. Billy adjusts his sunglasses just to make sure they’re still hiding him. 
“Been reading up on all those government agencies lately,” Harrington says, glancing at his kids again, eyes watchful behind his shades, smile placid, “Kind of required reading at this point. What’s with all the letters, anyway? Couldn’t they just name them something that wasn’t a pain to say in the first place?” 
“They’ve got to keep the uneducated masses from asking questions somehow,” Billy shrugs, “Making everything a pain in the ass to tell apart helps.” 
Harrington turns to him with raised brows, lowering his shades to look at him, expression delighted and surprised. 
“Billy Hargrove, are you telling me you don’t trust the American government? How unpatriotic.” 
Billy snorts at that, fishes a cigarette out of his shorts and lights up. 
Billy doesn’t trust the government for shit. He’s not stupid. Korea, Vietnam. The crazy shit that’s still coming out from the earlier days of the Cold War. He’d have to be braindead to trust the feds. The whole thing’s rotten from top to bottom, from the three letter pigs to Tweedledee and Tweedledum sitting at the corner shop in their cruiser. 
Neil had some cop friends back in California. They didn’t do shit about anything if it wasn’t a bank robbery or pushing someone around if they looked like ‘trouble’ – the criteria for which changed depending on the day of the week. Neil hadn’t even cleaned up his act around them all that much. More than that he knows the kind of laws they keep, the kind of things they do to people like him. The cops might not have been able to arrest him just for existing since ’76 but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t beat him to death for it if anyone ever found out. 
So, no, he’s not particularly a fan of Big Brother or whatever. 
But Harrington? He’s the kind of upstanding member of society that volunteers at the police station or on election campaigns. With his parents’ money and reputation, it wouldn’t be strange if he grew up to be some kind of small-town politician. 
Hawkins is the kind of place that really buys into the whole American Dream shit. Working husbands with stay at home wives and two kids with a dog kind of stuff. Wholesome, normal, respectable stuff. They trust the government here. Buy into that ‘serve and protect’ crap Billy’s always known better than to believe. 
But Harrington looks delighted by Billy’s casual rejection of it all, looks like he’s been dying for someone to agree with, someone who wouldn’t laugh nervously or call his mother. Someone who isn’t in fucking middle school. 
“I’m patriotic as hell,” Billy says, blowing smoke up to the sky, “I love beer and a hot dog as much as the next guy. Just would prefer if Big Brother wasn’t watching me take a piss.” 
“Yeah, okay, a real Yankee Doodle,” Harrington says, rolling his eyes, “Big Brother? That’s uh, from that book, right? With the eye.” 
“Uh,” Harrington says, brow furrowing, “No? ’85? June 15th, it’s – it’s a Saturday?” 
Billy stares at him for a long moment, cigarette dangling from his lips, blinking slow. 
“The book, Harrington. It’s called 1984.” 
Harrington flushes, turns back to the water, fidgeting with his bottle. He’s got that same blush he had when Billy was bothering him at work, before Kathy ruined it, like he’s embarrassed. But not – not in a bad way. The line between embarrassment and humiliation is thin as a knife’s edge for him, but Harrington seems to walk it effortlessly. He knows how to be embarrassed without being particularly ashamed, knows how to not let it hurt. Not let it slip and cut too deep. 
“It was written in the 40’s or something,” Billy explains, “as a warning. About government overreach and war and shit.” 
“Yeah, well, that guy was on to something,” Harrington says, shrugging. 
“What, the FBI giving you trouble, pretty boy?” 
Harrington pauses, bottle halfway to his mouth, and cuts Billy a look over his still lowered glasses. 
Suddenly Billy remembers himself. Remembers that the FBI probably should be giving Harrington trouble. Billy knows that he’s an accessory to murder, at least. Knows that he didn’t seem too bothered about that. The kind of unbothered that makes Billy wonder if he’s been more than an accessory. 
Just because Billy doesn’t want to know doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t. 
They’d buried Neil in a patch of dirt somewhere up north, closer to Roane than Hawkins proper. The only Catholic cemetery around for a while. There had been a few graves there, fresh, dates ending in ‘83. The year before they moved here. The year Will Byers died and was resurrected, a cornfed Christ figure that no one seemed to rejoice except for his mother and his gang of nerdy apostles. 
Billy hadn’t asked about the strange number of corpses that cropped up that year.  
He doesn’t want to know. 
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hsgucci94 · 1 year
Summary: The one where she’s feeling better and misses him.
Part 2 of His weakness, a mafia!Harry short story.
Read the previous part here:
Part 1
by no means I’m trying to romanticise this lifestyle, it’s pure fiction x
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As hard as it was for Y/N to believe him completely at first due to his responsibilities, he kept his word.
Harry took well care of her the following weeks while her broken ribs and wounds healed. He made sure to get out of the house as little as possible, and every time he had no other option but to do so, there was someone he trusted keeping her safe. Wyatt, more concretely, his long-time friend and right hand.
Almost six weeks later, she was still taking painkillers. But was planning on dropping them soon now that the pain only came back occasionally.
Y/N was just a step away from being fully recovered and she still couldn’t wrap her mind around it.
“What?” Harry asked, slightly confused at her beaming face the moment she came into the bathroom, but mirroring it anyway, “What’s got you so cheerful so suddenly, baby?”
She giggled, closing the space between the two of them and pushing her body up to sit on the sink without her face grimacing at all.
That was definitely a big step.
Harry had his toothbrush in hand, ready to brush his teeth and head to bed. The clock by his side said 11:45.
It had been quite a stressful day for him. Needless to say, he hadn’t mastered the art working from home of just yet. Even if he had been doing so for the past for 42 days, 1,008 hours and 3.628.800 seconds.
Fieldwork was his thing. Office paperwork wasn’t.
“I feel good, revitalised even,” she casually shrugged, keeping the smile on her face.
“Oh, really?” He rose both eyebrows.
“Mm-hm,” she nodded, “I was able to go by without painkillers all day today.”
He blinked a few times, before an even bigger smile spread across his face, “That's great news, sweetheart.”
She then stretched her arm to grab his free hand in hers, pulling him to her. Harry dropped his toothbrush almost at the same time she spread her legs enough for him to position between them. Her hands went down to her knees, and gave them a slight squeeze. Her eyes diverted to them and back up to his face, biting her lower lip, and he knew her well enough to understand where things were heading to.
But he wanted her to say it out loud either way.
“It's been some long weeks, don't you think?”
“What do you mean, baby?” He rose an eyebrow, trying to contain a smirk. He knew exactly what she meant and agreed with her. Those had been some long ass dreadful weeks without him being able to feel her completely. He hadn’t been able to hug her as much as he wished, some days her bones and muscles hurt too much for him to even try to. And he had hated it. Hated seeing her in so much pain, and not being able to do anything but bring her painkillers with a fresh glass of water.
She looked down at her lap, smiling, “You’re really gonna make me beg for it, aren’t you? How come did I think I would have it easy just because I've been poorly, hm?”
Her words stole a chuckle out of him and grabbed her chin between his fingers, moving her head up so they'd be making direct eye contact, “Don’t know, baby, that's on you.”
She bit her lip again, refraining a sigh, or a moan, whatever would come out first.
Her hands tugged at his black t-shirt, pulling at it to bring him even closer, and then pressed their lips together. She moved her mouth carefully over his, tempting even, as she used her tongue to lick his lower lip, taking her time to savour it.
Harry closed his eyes, enjoying it all.
“Please,” she mumbled against his mouth, “I miss you.”
“How come? I've been practically glued to you for weeks now,” he replied nonchalantly, as his arms moved from her knees to her waist, sliding inside her loose t-shirt and caressing her bare skin with his thumb.
“Quit playing, mister. I know you want this as much as I do,” she assured him, passing a fingertip over his lip, “I mean, if you don't believe me go take a look at your swollen crotch. I can feel it against my thigh even through those jeans. I can only imagine how hard you’re right now… I barely remember how you feel inside of me…”
He swallowed hard, his eyes starting to darken with lust. “You and your dirty mouth... What am I gonna do with you, huh?”
"Fuck me,” she replied right away, “Please. I’m as wet as you’re hard.”
Her urge for him only got him harder, but as much as he wanted to take her right there and then, he kept his cool. His features softened, and Y/N understood she was about to lose a battle. As big and frightening as Harry Styles seemed to anyone out there, he was as sweet and caring towards her. "
“Maybe it's better if we wait a few more days to be sure you’re okay. I don't wanna hurt you, Y/N.”
“You won't,” she brought her hand to his face and sweetly caressed his cheek, “I'll tell you if I feel any pain.”
“Promise me.”
“I promise.”
He rested his forehead against hers, and let out a defeated sigh. When he moved his head away from her, he grabbed her face in one hand, before pulling it to him and kissing her ferociously. She moaned halfway through the kiss, content to have him back.
“Better keep those sounds to yourself, baby,” he warned her. He softly smacked her thigh for her to wrap her legs around his waist, his hands moving under his ass to grab her properly.
“Or what, Styles?,” she challenged, rising her brows.
“I’m gonna take you to bed before I lose every remaining will power in me…,” he groaned, lifting her up from the sink and walking them both to the master bedroom.
Exactly five steps later, Harry laid her carefully on her back, the mattress sinking in slightly under their weight. His body was on top of hers, his arms flexed on both sides of her face, trying to keep his weight off of her to not hurt her.
His mouth went straight to her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses from her jaw to her collarbone, her fingers burying in his long curls as she enjoyed his soft touch on her skin after so long. Almost had felt like an eternity.
His kisses were like feather on her, but the increasing pain in her lower stomach wouldn’t disappear that easily.
“I thought I’ve already proven to you that I’m not made of glass…”
He smiled against her skin when he heard her, but didn’t give in to her suggestion.
“I’m not going rough on you tonight,” he stated, as he held himself steady with just one hand. The other traveled up her t-shirt, until it reached one of her nipples and tenderly massaged it.
“C’mon… It’s been a month and a half…, don’t you miss me, too?”
“Fuck, of course I do, Y/N,” he hurried to reply, moving his head up to hers, his voice as firm as tender, “But there isn’t anything you can say to convince me. We’ll have it nice and slow tonight, and tomorrow we’ll see.”
“Harry…,” she whined.
But he pretended he didn’t hear her plead while he kept on playing with her boobs. His reaction, or rather, his lack of it, got her huffing and sliding from under him a second later. “If that’s how it’s gonna go, I’d much rather use the shower head. I’ll make sure to have the jets at maximum power.”
He sighed out, his head falling down between his shoulders as soon as the space under him became empty, “Why is it so hard for you to understand that I don’t want you to experience any more pain?”
“No, Harry! Why don’t you get that I’m fine?” she bickered back, letting her frustration out, her arms furiously moving up in the air as she spoke, “I’ve been stuck at home for the past six weeks resting and getting better. You’ve been a saint to me, you’ve taken care of me so well that I hope I can pay you every day with the same love and patience you’ve showed me. But I’m fine now! I want to get back to how my life was before that happened! I want you to fuck me like you used to, and to stop treating me like a little defenceless lamb. I’m fine!”
As soon as she let all her frustrations out, her eyes got filled with tears.
She felt impotent.
The past days when she could barely move from her bed, when even the moments that she was awake were tinted with flashes of the night she laid on the pavement while a bunch of strangers kicked her like part of a bad dream, had been hard for her. For weeks she had felt like she no longer had power over her achy body and traumatised mind, but now that she felt much better she wanted it back.
She longed to feel normal again, whatever that meant, and by having him give it to her hard and senseless after so long, she felt like she could regain some normality back. The same way her mind had felt weak while her body was, too, she was sure she could feel mentally strong if her body could endure his so desired roughness again.
“I’m not-,” he tried to say, but Harry’s words got stuck in his throat. He cleared it and tried again, “I know I’ve been overprotective since that night. The same way it was a shock to you, it was to me. Fuck, Y/N, I’m scared something like that or worse might happen to you again! I know I keep saying this over and over, but I don’t want anyone hurting you…, much less me, baby.”
By the time he finished speaking, he was sat on the edge of the bed, her body just a couple steps from his. She moved her face away from his sight, biting her cheek hard trying not to spill any tear.
“Y/N…, please, don’t cry,” he softly spoke.
She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself down. Harry saw the chance to extend his hand for her, and she took it, him pulling her to him the moment she grabbed it.
This time it was Y/N standing between his legs, her hands on his shoulders as Harry looked up at her from his height.
“I’m fine,” she repeated, her voice as low as a whisper.
“I know you are, baby. You’re so brave and strong,” he reminded her, and brought his thumb up to her cheek, caressing it, “I’m so sorry for all of this,” by that he was referring to the incident where she was injured, too, and she knew it, “I just- Fuck, you’re too important to me. I just want you to be and feel safe at all costs.”
“I do!” she answered right away, “I feel seen, heard, and taken care of when I’m with you. I feel good, I feel comfortable and safe.”
“Yeah?” He asked, the corners of his mouth lifting a bit.
“Yeah,” she nodded.
“Even after…,” he gulped, his eyes hooding, "Even after you were attacked because of me?”
“That was not your fault, Harry, how many times will I have to tell you so for you to believe me?” she quietly retorted, burying her fingers in his scalp, massaging it, “Get ride of that guilt, please, baby.”
His eyes lighted up at the sweet nickname, but her words were not enough to lift off the weight he had been carrying on his shoulders ever since the incident.
She might not blame him, but he did.
He blamed himself for not being as careful, for turning her into a target, and above all, for keeping her by his side even when he knew it was better if she stayed away from him. Hadn’t she been his partner, his girl, his number one person, none of that would have happened to her, and he just couldn’t stop brooding over it.
As soon as he managed to push his thoughts to the back of his mind and go back to reality, Harry grabbed her waist and carefully pushed her body down to his lap, making her straddle him. She cupped his face between her hands, his wrapped around her back, pulling her closer to him.
His green eyes were fixed on Y/N, sparkling in adoration only for her, “I can’t live without you. I would lose it.” His voice was shaky.
“I thought we were past that, lover boy,” she mumbled, caressing his cheeks with her thumbs, “I’m not going anywhere.”
He tightened his grip on her, scared she would vanish as soon as he let the following words out. “You should,” he took his time to suggest, “Look what I made to you. Look where being with me got you to.”
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Part 3
Please, like & share if you liked it? it’ll help so much 🥺✨thanks!! x
full masterlist
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whltlock · 2 years
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CHAPTER 5/10 ★ Masterlist ★ Subscribe on AO3
Pairing: Jason Todd/AFAB!NB Reader, Minor Wally West/Reader
Summary: Flirtations of the Revelatory Kind. (Or: You and Jason flirt, and there's some deep confessions)
WC: 1,103
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When you wake up, it’s groggily and with a slight headache. However, the fact that you’ve got two hands on a hunk means it’s not as bad as it could be. You nuzzle into Jason’s chest, wanting to forget everything that’s not solely him. You close your eyes and inhale. You hope his scent has rubbed off on you and will keep you company in the moments where he can’t.
Jason suddenly unfurls and lets out a yawn. Tremors move through his body as he indulges in the ecstasy of a good stretch. You poke the slice of his stomach that’s revealed with it. He lets out a surprised giggle at the ticklish sensation.
His head dips to the curve of your neck and slowly rises to greet you. This time, those sea-green eyes know all the ins and outs of who you are. It’s a relief. It’s safe. It’s also a little scary because what now?
“You’ve been making me sleep out there when you’ve got a bed this comfy?” he chides, his voice caught on the coarseness of sleep.
“I didn’t make you,” you retorted. “You refused.”
“Yeah, well. S’mine now. Get lost.” The corner of his mouth curls.
You grab his chin. “I might be retired, but I can still kick your ass.”
He bites the webbing between your fingers. “Love to see it,” he says insolently. You push your hand into his face as you try not to laugh.
“Not happening now since you’re into it.”
“I can work with whatever you give me,” he grins slyly. You turn away with a noise of disgust. In response, he presses against your back and noses along the skin of your shoulder. His breath tingles. “If you act like that, I won’t be making you breakfast,” he pesters.
You scoff. “I’m the one buying groceries. You owe me more than one meal a day.”
“Fine, we can share the bed,” he concedes.
You roll over, indignant. “You had time to practice your stand-up skills in Hell, huh?”
“Gonna ignore the fact that you’re making light of my death ‘cause you had a nightmare,” he drawls.
You roll your eyes. “Go make breakfast.”
“Alright.” He hovers for a beat, and you wonder if he doesn’t know what you want to eat. Before you can prod him, he asks, “You, uh… still need six kisses a day?”
The question makes your heart leap. You attempt to contain it. “It’s eight now. Inflation, you know.”
His mouth twitches. “Right.” Tentatively, he slides forward. You meet him halfway. The kiss is soft and doting—but you’re hungry, so your tongue swipes into his mouth. You don’t mind the sourness of sleep because it’s him.
Jason dips lower, forearms framing your head so he can match your desire. One of your hands wraps around his neck while the other catches his wrist. You pull him into you with the irresistible desire of being crushed. His lips glide over yours, wet from your probing tongue. The rumble that reverberates from his chest is intoxicating.
Eventually, you have to tilt back to breathe. He pants similarly as he rests his forehead on your collarbone. “You sure we got time for seven more of those?” he asks.
You pout. “Didn’t know you had such a busy schedule.”
“I’m a wanted man,” he says. He lingers above you and you see the smirk that sits pretty on his face. He pecks your forehead. “I’ll try my best, though.”
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“You asshole! You sunk my battleship again!”
Jason hurls back, “Stop picking the same damn spots then!”
Frustrated, you push aside the game and clamber upwards. You throw yourself at him, just barely avoiding the table. He laughs as you both crash into the floor. It aggravates you further. You knee him in the gut while he tries to subdue you.
“You’re such a bad sport,” he grunts, as if he doesn’t often have the same reaction. “Roy’s been letting you win, huh?”
“Has not,” you retort childishly. You roll over so you can sit on top of him.
A smile pulls at Jason’s mouth. “Definitely has.” His eyes drop and his hands find your thighs. You grab them and force them to the floor.
“Don’t think you can sexy your way out of this,” you scorn.
He manages to sit up on his elbows even as you grapple with his shoulders. “You think I’m sexy, huh?” His arms slither around your waist and yank you towards him. His lips almost brush yours as his eyes flick over your face.
You stare back, lost in the appetite of his eyes. His grip tightens, causing his mouth to sweep over yours. “Text Roy. You’ll see I’m right,” he whispers against you.
You blink, urging yourself to catch up. Once you do, a perturbed noise launches from your throat. “Dickhead,” you scoff as you break away.
Jason has the nerve to be cocky: “Wrong brother, babe.”
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Jason’s loose-limbed in the chair that sits across from your bed. He reads a book he’s borrowed from the library. You lay back, suddenly distracted from your phone. “Hey, Jason?”
He looks up with a hum.
“Thank you,” you say timidly.
His brow furrows. “For what?”
“For everything. For keeping me company. For being you.”
He blinks, then closes his book. He sets it aside as he rises from the chair. You watch, nervous, as he pads towards you. He sits down at your feet, hands on your knees. There’s a moment where he just looks at you, reacquainting himself with the lines of your face.
“I know, uh, that you’re probably not ready to hear it. But… just listen. You don’t need to say anything, alright?” he says. You stare back, then nod slowly. He looks down at your hands, touches them, then meets your eyes again. “Nothing’s changed for me. I’m still in love with you.”
It hangs in the air.
“Even if I’m different?” you whisper once the gravity of it takes hold.
“Even then. I’m proud of you for not stagnating.”
You glance at the floor as you try to process it. “And you… like me?”
“Like you a lot,” he murmurs with a soft smile. “You’re a real laugh, sweetness, and smart as hell. Even if you’re a brat sometimes.” Jason laughs when you shove his shoulder. “Yeah, just like that,” he says.
You fight a smile. “You’re just as much of a brat.”
“I know.” He brings your hands to his mouth to kiss. “Thank you, too. For helping me adjust.”
You cup his cheek. He leans into it. “How could I not?”
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A/N: folks remember to take inflation into account when you stocktake the kisses you're owed 👏👏
ALSO, thank you to everyone who has reblogged with nice comments/tags. soo cute and appreciated tytytyty 🥺♥♥
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wildflowergull · 7 months
hiiii I have jrwi brainrot - spoilers for episodes 109-110 of riptide, might not make much sense without context skskdjf - there’s also light swearing yippeee
It takes him too long to notice the tugging at the back of his coat. If he could feel anything, or if he still had his heart, he would shudder, he thinks. Or his heart would skip a beat, or- or something, something that isn’t just silence and cold and-
He turns back to Jay, forcing a smile. Nothing is wrong, he hopes his eyes say, though hers are glossy with tears and her lip is trembling, we’re all here, it’s okay.
“Chip?” she whispers, vulnerable and soft as the tears that murmur across her face. She’s still holding onto his coat, a vice grip. She’s limping. He slows her step to match hers.
“Hey, Jay-Jay,” he greets. Usually he’d ruffle her hair, but he’s too cold for that today, “what’s wrong?”
She bites her lip and sniffles, reaching to hold his hand but ends up hooked on his pocket when he pulls away. She’s still limping. He could carry her. He’s too cold.
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes, and tears spill down her cheeks, “I-I said all that stuff about- about having to keep the crew safe and-and putting the crew first but then I-”
She scrubs tears off her face and whines. He wants to hold her. He keeps his hands to himself.
“I had the chance to-to save everyone,” she sobs, “and now you’re- you’re-!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he reaches up, hands brushing hers, and she flinches at the cold. He pulls away, “it’s okay, Jay-Jay. We’re gonna figure it out.”
She sniffles pitifully. She’s still limping.
“Why don’t you go ask Gill to carry you, kiddo?”
Another sniffle, then a nod, and she furrows her brows and limps a little faster to catch up to Gillion, who greets her warm and bright as ever and easily scoops her into his arms.
Chip smiles at the display- Gill offers her blackened leaves and many a playful tone, and she laughs, (albeit watery and a little sad), and threads the leaves into his hair by the coral with Pretzel’s help.
Chip’s smile wavers. He pushes his hands into his pockets and watches his footsteps in the dirt.
It’s nobody’s fault. They couldn’t have known she had power like that. He should have been more careful, shouldn’t have agreed to healing their enemy. Should have had Gill come with them from the start, should’ve looked for Star now, after the battle was over, should have-
“Okay, little bird,” says Gillion in a loud whisper right over Chip’s shoulder, “do you think if I pick him up now he will notice?”
Chip whirls around, looking down at a beaming Gillion, his blue-green tail flicking playfully and Jay smiling in his arms.
Chip points a stern finger at him, walking backwards with practiced ease, “don’t you dare, Tidestrider.”
Gillion puts on his most shit eating grin and gently lowers Jay to her feet. Chip’s got a head start now, if only by a few backwards steps.
“I’ll be back for you, little bird,” Gillion says, his eyes never leaving Chip’s for even a second, “I’ve got a big problem to take care of.”
Chip could banter. He should banter, keep spirits up. But being called a problem is not one of his favorite things. He turns tail and runs.
“Catch me if you can!”
“Oh, you will find it is my destiny to catch you!”
Chip is fast. He isn’t sure if Gillion is faster, especially after the battle they’ve just been through. It’s easier than it should be, he rushes past Green, (he yelps as Chip sprints past him, then again when Gillion shouts in triumph for seemingly no reason, as per usual), up the hill without even breaking a sweat and he-
He isn’t breathing.
There’s a sudden, childish thought- he’s cheating. He could run forever, he’s cheating, he’s cheating-
His steps slow. Gillion shouts, triumphant, excited, and tackles him to the ground.
“Ha! I’ve bested you! Now you-” Gill falters, “ah, oh- Chip? Are you alright?”
He should be crying. He got all scraped up in the fall, and it hurts and he wants to be held and he should be crying but he isn’t he isn’t he isn’t-
“Hey it’s- it’s alright, I’ve got you,” Gillion tells him. His hand is glowing, though Chip feels nothing as he uses Lay on Hands.
Chip can’t cry. He can’t even sniffle. He just stares as Gillion heals a scrape that wasn’t bleeding, and lets himself be cradled- one hand under his knees and the other at his back- and lifted off the ground.
“There we are,” Gill smiles down at him, “I’ve got you. You’re safe, little chipper.”
He hooks his hand on the front of Gill’s shirt and hides his face in his shoulder all the way back to Jay.
“Thank you for waiting, little bird,” Gillion says.
Jay nods, then the adjusting starts so Gillion can carry them both- he sets Chip down and picks Jay up, putting her on his hip, but before he can pick Chip up again Jay stops him with her hands on Chip’s face, pulling him close.
She kisses his forehead, gentle as can be, and Gill follows suit before picking him up again with a bright smile. Chip hides his face in his hair, noticing a pink tentacle at the side of his face- he focuses enough to realize she’s patting his cheek.
“Are you three all right back there?” Green calls from up ahead.
“We’ll be alright,” Gillion answers for all three of them, “we’ve got each other.”
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mellowheartthecat · 8 months
Maddening Mission - Chapter 2
Originally, there was gonna be cover art here like i did for my first fic. But yall aren’t getting shit now for the sole reason of im lazy.
Obligatory ping of the au author: @coolfireguy73
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Chapter is under the cut.
Another shot hit the ground near the two. This time, though, they saw where the shot was fired from. It was from on top of a building approximately 50 meters away. The two bolted up and Bomber shouted an order.
“Split and cut!” The two bolted in opposing directions perpendicular to the building the shooter was standing on top of, planning to circle around to block an escape. While Seeker could just run and be fast, Bomber had to put in a bit more effort. He pulled out one of his utility bombs and threw it upward with minimal effort. Exactly a second later he leaped upward as the bomb exploded and propelled himself off a piece of shrapnel.
He grabbed onto a ladder anchored onto the side of the building. He quickly climbed up and pushed himself forward using the side of the roof. He pulled out a pistol on his side and pointed it at the surrendering man. After a few seconds Seeker finished climbing the opposite brick wall and joined him at his friend’s side.
The man they stopped appeared to be somewhere in his 40s. He definitely had the look of a survivor, with his cracked goggles and various mismatched clothes He looked a bit surprised.
“I don’t know who you folk are,” he said, “but yall should get out while you still can.”
“Nah.” Seeker pulled out a butterfly knife and twirled it around. “We got stuff to do here. But what’s up with you, eh? Shooting us and not even putting up a fight?”
The stranger sighed. “I thought you were one of them.”
“Well clearly not, eh?”
“Clearly.” He slung the gun across his shoulder as he got up. Bomber’s gun followed. The stranger didn’t care. “We’ve made too much noise here, we need to be careful. We don’t want them to hear us.”
Bomber lowered his gun. “‘Them’?”
“We gotta get to somewhere safe first. Follow me.” He turned around and started heading towards the ladder.
“Can’t.” Seeker put away the knife. “We’re waiting on someone.”
He briefly stopped. “I’m afraid they’re not coming back. Yall need to focus on livin’. If yall wanna live then you’ll follow me.” His tone was very stern.
“She will come back,” responded Bomber. “That girl is something else.”
Seeker jumped in. “Bloody right! She saved our bloody asses back there when we were ambushed by those mask guys!”
“You got darn lucky then. But your luck won’t last. It never does here. You gotta give up that pride or you wont last a night.”
Bomber stood his ground. “We are staying. Nothing you say can stop us.”
“...fine. Yall still have hope, I get it. I’ll keep watch to make sure nothing gets yall. But when the sun sets, yall give up or you’re on your own. And if you see a man with a bow and arrow, you run.” -- Another arrow skid by. It hit the tree next to her.
It knew where she was. That much was clear.
The lighting in the forest was too inconsistent to get a good view around her. It made practically no noise of its own, besides the light crunch of leaves, which she could barely make out over the sound of her own breathing. She needed to calm down.
Another arrow was fired. She quickly moved out of the way just for it to barely graze her cheek. She forced her breathing to normalize just to hear the bow being pulled back.
The entity was around 25 yards away. 10:30 o’clock.
She quickly darted behind a tree to avoid the arrow as it was shot. It continued to circle her as it pulled back its bow again. She dodged the arrow and summoned her steed and darted onto it. She practically slapped the base of its neck to make it take off. 
She has to get out of there.
The trio was all on lookout. Bomber and Seeker were looking out for Beastmaster, while the stranger was on the other side of the roof watching their backs.
Seeker thought this was fucking boring. They’ve faced a lot of threats in the past. In comparison, what they fought earlier was just a minor inconvenience. The only challenging part is that they can’t kill them.
He glared back at the stranger, who was paying no attention to them. How long has he been out here?
Wait, is he our client?
His brooding was interrupted by Bomber yelling out, “there she is!”
Sure enough, there she was, in the distance, riding into the clearing on her horse-deer hybrid creature. Bomber was already going down the ladder and Seeker hopped down from the roof. The stranger walked over to the edge of the roof. He looked both shocked and in awe that she actually came back.
She stopped next to the dead campfire.
Seeker was the first to greet her. “Ayo what took so long?”
“Had company. Got a good hit on me, too.” Her steed knelt down as she swung her other leg around, revealing an arrow deep in her thigh. “I can manage cleaning this up on my own.” Upon closer inspection, there was also a shallow cut along her cheek.
Bomber shrugged. “Whatever you say. Seeker, we should probably get some rations from the ship.”
“You have that little faith in me?” she muttered something and her steed dropped a rabbit with an arrow skewered through it straight into her hand. “I managed to stab it while on the run.”
“Woah... uh...” Seeker awkwardly stood around as she handed the rabbit to Bomber and took out some medical supplies, knowing damn well she’d get pissy if he offered to help. “Is that why you got shot?”
“Possibly.” She whistled to her steed and handed it a roll of bandages for it to hold, which it gently held in its mouth.
“You’re just gonna stand there and not help the damn girl?” The stranger, who had already climbed down the ladder and walked over, quickly rushed over to Beastmaster’s side. “Thats one nasty wound. You’re damn lucky that’s the only one. When I say I’ll pull out the arrow, and you’ll need to stuff a bunch of gauze into that wound. Can you handle that?”
“Um.” She was leaning away from the stranger, her cool composure completely gone. “Um, sure.”
Seeker and Bomber suppressed the urge to laugh as the stranger started looking for something. “Now, where’s the-” He came face to face with her steed. “Uh...” He looked at her. Then back at the steed. He slowly reached out and took the bandages from it. “Right... That’s something... lets, get you patched up.”
A couple minutes passed before the bleeding finally stopped. The stranger breathed a sigh of relief. “Glad that’s over with. Now, what in sam hell is up with you bunch?”
Beastmaster took a deep breath to regain her composure. “Never-nevermind us for the moment. We don’t even know your name.”
“Guess I owe you that. The name’s Dell Conagher. Would say its a pleasure but nobody should be here.”
She double checked her watch to confirm. Then she smiled. “Well then, Mr. Conagher, we’re here to help. We would explain, but I don’t think we’re quite in the state to do so this evening. Is there any place where those creatures won’t go for us that we can stay for the night?”
Bomber nodded. “Sounds good, we’ll explain everything tomorrow.”
Dell sighed. “Alright then. Yall follow me.”
~~~~~~~ yippee, it is done If you thought this this chapter was dialog heavy then you aint ready for the next one lol. It’ll pretty much exclusively be dialog and exposition. After that the fun can begin.
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weatheredleatherhat · 2 years
Inked (Karl Heisenberg x gender neutral reader)
Alright, so basically I should be asleep, but I’m too excited about the fact that I’m FINALLY getting my half sleeve tomorrow. Like I’ve got like eleven tattoos now (I constantly forget some because I can’t see them daily like the ones behind my ears and the one on my lower back), but I still get that little thrill whenever my appointment date comes around. I already know it’s gonna be fuckin’ spicy, I can practically feel it already.
But then I got to thinking about Heisenberg (as you do), and how I’d want nothing more than for him to gimme some ink 👀 Remember kids, do your research, think your designs through and go to someone reputable! Not gonna lie I’m real tempted to get the tattoo described in this fic lmao. Or I was thinking about getting his key on my arm to keep filling in the slowly growing lower sleeve? Anyway, if I do it, I’ll be sharing it on here. 
Sorry, enough rambling on. Enjoy!! 
“You sure about this?”
His eyebrow raised as he looked up towards your face, searching for any clue that you wanted to back out. You huffed a little, impatient to get started as you repositioned on the metal table to get yourself as comfortable as you could be. “I’m sure,” you promised. “Just get started when you’re ready, and don’t worry about me. I can handle it.”
Karl had always been fascinated with your tattoos. Considering he’d never left the village, the act of pushing ink into skin was pretty much unheard of, and he’d only ever seen a couple in pictures. But when you’d showed up, when you started to become closer and platonic had become romantic, you could feel his fingertips brush over them occasionally during an intimate moment. He’d asked about them; what they were or what they meant to you, and you answered with a smile on your face. Your tattoos meant a lot to you; you had suffered hours of pain to get them, had babied them as they healed and put up with the itchiness that drove you up the wall a couple of days into the healing.
You knew that he was good with machines, and that he knew how to keep things sterile and clean. Plus, he had this knack for art that not many knew about. Soldat designs, schematics, even a couple of portraits, you’d seen dextrous fingers sketch things out with a look of concentration plain on his face. It was your favourite thing; sitting on his lap as he worked and watching plain paper turn into a work of art over the passage of time. You’d lamented wanting another tattoo occasionally, and finally asked directly if he wanted to try it out some time. He’d told you that he would do some research and come back to you.
Duke had been happy to get some books on the subject for the right price, and you’d seen him reading them in his spare time. He’d also been slightly amused at Karl’s order for body safe inks, but like the brilliant merchant he was, sure enough they were in the crate with your next supply drop. Karl had designed his own tattoo machine from what he’d seen in the books, making sure that it worked like a charm before starting to practice on his creations. After that, a handful of soldats could be seen roaming the factory halls with his first designs covering their arms and legs. Finally, he’d asked what you wanted to have on your skin forever. And you didn’t give it much time before answering.
You were aware that getting tattoos of a partner’s name was usually the kiss of death in a relationship, but the concept was flimsy around symbolism. You’d come to this backwards village not expecting to find love, but here you were. And you wanted to have that forever written onto your skin. So, your mind had been made up. You were sure.
The design had gone through a couple of changes until you were both satisfied with it, but you’d fallen in love with the one that was now stencilled on you. Heisenberg’s crest, horse head looking to the left and framed with an upturned horseshoe, with delicate buttercup flowers adorning the crest. You’d decided to have it on your upper thigh, near to the hip. “So it can be for our eyes only,” you had told Karl, making his eyes light up with happiness.
Karl gently rubbed your waist with a latex gloved hand, offering a small smile as he stretched his back before he started. “Alright, darlin’. Lemme know if we need a break, and we’ll stop. You ready?”
You nodded, and you bit the inside of your cheek as the familiar sting was dragged across your sting. Just because you liked tattoos didn’t mean that they were exactly a pleasant feeling. A couple of parts on the more sensitive areas made you suck in a breath, and Karl’s eyes quickly darted to your face as he paused to make sure you were okay. But once in the swing of things, you could see that he was pretty into the process. The way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, the small bite of his lower lip as he focused on getting every part perfect. For someone who’d never done this on a live person, you were pretty impressed on how it was looking so far. The fact that you were safe in the knowledge that he’d made sure everything was satanised and as clean as humanly possible aided your relaxation about the whole thing.
With a final wipe down of the design, he sat up with a large grin on his face as he put the machine down on the table beside him. “We’re all finished,” he announced with a flourish, picking up a hand mirror and handing it to you so you could view his handiwork. “How’d you like it?”
Your smile matched his in it’s intensity as you stared at the newest addition to your body art. It was everything you wanted; clean lines, well shaded and coloured, and more importantly it would be a permanent reminder of Karl. “I love it,” you enthused, enraptured in looking at it from different angles. “Thank you.”
“Glad to be of service, Buttercup,” he chuckled, grabbing the small roll of cling film from the table. “We’ll get it wrapped up, and Duke promised to send over some cocoa butter with our delivery later today.”
You practically flew off the table as he finished wrapping up your thigh, pressing a loving kiss onto his lips as your arms looped around his neck. He made a hum of approval at your action, kissing you back with fervour as his arms coiled around your waist. “Is that my reward for a job well done?”
“I’ve got other things in mind for that,” you smirked, his brow arching at the implication.
In truth, there wasn’t really a way to make it up to him. He’d done something for you, something to make you happy, having to learn a whole new skill to do so. And now, you’d always have him nearby, whenever you brushed your hand against your leg in the future. And the thought made your heart fill until it threatened to spill over with adoration.
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New Counsellors (Travis Hackett)
Travis sat in the car, watching as the young couple pulled away, their rear lights beacons in the darkness. He doubted they would actually head to the motel, but he wasn’t willing to arrest them simply to ensure they got somewhere safe for the night. What could he have arrested them for, anyway? It was hardly trespassing and whatever had made them run off the road was long since gone, he couldn’t viably pull them in for questioning about that. All he could hope was that they wouldn’t somehow stumble across the lodge, or Silas.
‘Shit,’ he cursed softly. Maybe he should have arrested them. At least that way they would have been safe, they wouldn’t stumble across the others as they hunted down Silas and find themselves in the middle of a shit-show Travis was still trying to wrap his head around.  
‘T, you there?’
‘I’m here, Bobby,’ he assured his brother through the Walkie Talkie. 
‘We think Silas is by the scrapyard.’
‘OK. I’m just gonna check on Chris.’
He could practically see his brother scrunching his nose up at the comment; see his father rolling his eyes. Chris, and the others, took their precautions in the hopes of keeping out of trouble. Occasionally they ran wild, but never this close to there being people around. A dry run, that’s what Chris had always called the transformations before camp season. Not that Travis really understood why he was still running the camp while there were monsters stalking the woods. 
‘Meet us there,’ his father said simply, before the Walkie Talkie’s background buzz cut out. 
With a sigh, Travis pulled away. He just hoped he hadn’t made a mistake with those kids. 
Travis saw the car before he realised that something was wrong. Already he knew that tonight was going to be a long one, and his sense of foreboding only increased the closer to the lodge he went. He’d barely stopped before he was out of the car. A low roar assured him that his worst fears were realised. 
He grabbed the syringe he kept in the door pocket, just in case, and ran to the gaping mouth of the storm shelter entrance. The blonde was crouched outside, her yell still echoing around the space. He could only assume that the young man was still down there, that he’d been attacked by Chris. At least he could save one of them, though.  
Travis didn’t hesitate, he pressed the needle into the side of her neck and pressed the plunger. She tried to turn to face him, but he pushed her aside before standing. Now he hesitated. His gun was filled with silver bullets, reserved for killing Silas. There should have been no need to shoot any of his family, but he couldn’t leave the young man down there. He needed to know what had happened. To take stock of the situation just in case.
He shot into the darkness, three times in the hopes that he might just wound Chris rather than making the fatal shot he was so terrified of. And then, slowly, he lowered his gun.
‘Does this look like the god-damned Harbinger Motel to you!?’ he snapped. 
He waited a moment, listening to the soft whimpering that assured him he had injured Chris, and started down the steps. Travis raised his gun again, just in case, as he slowly entered the storm shelter. The boy was at the bottom of the steps; he’d lost consciousness, and given the extent of the bite to his shoulder, Travis wasn’t all that surprised. Had the shots stopped it from being worse, or was Chris not in the mood to kill or maim?
‘Fuck,’ he cursed, not allowing his thoughts to stray too far from the moaning figure of his brother’s transformed state. Chris didn’t move. ‘Sorry.’
Travis cautiously turned his attention towards the young man. He didn’t want to tuck his gun away again, but he didn’t have another choice if he was going to get him out of there. He grabbed him under the arms and hauled him up the steps.
He would have to do something about the young couple. He couldn’t kill them, couldn’t even just leave them somewhere because what would happen if Silas found them? Or Chris if the storm shelter lock was busted? What if the boy turned? No, he’d have to make sure there was no way they could come to harm or harm others. 
In the morning, he could figure out what to do. For now, he just needed to get them to the station. To make sure the car wasn’t there for Chris to see before he could figure out what his next move was. 
‘Fuck,’ Travis cursed again. It was going to be a long night, and it was only really just beginning for him.
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satinsumu · 3 years
first. || suna r.
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: MINORS DNI, f!reader, slight slight angst but mostly fluff, language, unprotected sex, fingering, virginity loss, dirty talk, praise, creampie, soft suna is romantic, shy baby’s first time ❤️ 
summary: it’s hard not to get self-conscious being intimate with suna for the first time, especially when he’s far more experienced than you are—but your boyfriend is sure to remind you that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
a/n: what did i say about loving the first time trope lol. also didn’t proofread bc that’s how we do it here (edit: this was so much longer than i’d intended and i ended up getting so much more attached than i’d intended lmfao i want a suna in my life Right Now)
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a tingle travels throughout your body as your bare back touches the soft sheets of suna’s bed, your boyfriend’s hands gently moving from your shoulders down to your knees.
he lifts one of your legs up, slender fingers rubbing small circles against your skin, before bending down to press a small kiss to your inner thigh. his greyish, golden eyes—half-lidded and slowly growing darker with desire—flick up to meet yours with such tender intensity that it takes your breath away.
“are you okay?” he asks quietly at your silence, carefully setting your leg back down against the mattress as he leans over you, one hand planted beside your head. 
“yeah,” you reassure him. the reply comes out a bit weaker than you’d intended.
“we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” suna murmurs, lowering himself to give you a small kiss, right at edge of your mouth. his lips are warm. gentle.
“i do, i’m just—” you quickly answer, but look away with slight embarrassment. “just a little nervous, that’s all... don’t know if i’ll be good.”
the second half of your sentence is just barely above a whisper, and suna’s expression softens.
“don’t worry about that,” he mumbles, pressing another kiss to your forehead, before slowly moving further down your neck and chest. “just want you to be comfortable.”
you feel him stop just above your left breast, the ghost of his breath lingering on your flesh. a sudden, warm sensation washes over you as suna takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks, his hot, wet tongue swirling circles around the bud. you gasp at the feeling and squeeze your eyes shut while his other hand slides down your stomach, hovering just above the thin, silky fabric of your underwear.
suna releases your nipple from his mouth as he pushes himself back up, licking his lips while studying your expression.
“you’re so warm down here,” he says with a small smile. his finger draws a long, slow stripe along your folds, the pressure through your panties just enough to send another tingle traveling all over your body. “can i take these off?”
you nod and grant him permission, shyness burning in your cheeks at how exposed and vulnerable you feel, but also at how careful suna is being. he smooths his palm against your hip bone and drags the garment of clothing down your legs before it comes back up, teasingly squeezing the flesh of your inner thigh. 
“good girl,” suna hums, straightening himself to pull his own shirt over his head. the words make your heart pound violently in your chest.
without another word, he takes your other breast in his large hand, groping and kneading the flesh while his opposite hand begins to make work of your sex. he presses two fingers against your folds and slowly rubs circles against the skin as you feel your clit grow more and more sensitive to the pseudo-contact. 
you tilt your head back, dipping further into the sheets, while a shaky sigh escapes your lips. a small smile rests on suna’s face at the sight—you seem to be feeling good, and he intends on keeping it that way. 
his movements are growing faster now. you can feel your arousal growing wetter, and you know suna can feel it too, with the way his fingertips are coated with your slick. he takes this as a safe indication to finally slip a digit into you—god knows how fucking badly he wishes it were his cock instead—and the little squeak that rolls off your tongue is like music to his ears.
“so tight, baby,” he murmurs, elated at the sight of you clenching around him while trying to keep his composure. how did he get so lucky? “but you’re taking my fingers so well.”
there’s so much going on.
you can feel your boyfriend watching you, but you’re too distracted to think about how your face must look right now. especially when he’s still squeezing your tits, focusing on your pleasure as he continues pumping his finger in and out of your tiny hole. then he adds another, and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip, surprised that suna’s hands are moving with so much ease and also how good it feels. even more so when his thumb continues to rub at your clit in tandem with his other fingers.
soft, lewd squelching noises can be heard in the quiet of his room as both you and suna realize that this won’t be enough. you need more. your pussy is practically begging for it, even if your mouth isn’t.
“think you’re ready, sweetheart,” suna breathes, willing himself to pull his fingers out of your cunt.
you nod coyly in response, slightly irritated at yourself for feeling uneasy in front of your boyfriend; he’s being so good to you, so patient, but you’ve just never done anything so lewd befo—
your brain short-circuits as you watch suna look you dead in the eye before putting two glistening fingers, still covered in your juices, into his mouth. he slowly pulls out, soft pink lips wrapped around them, tongue lapping shamelessly at whatever he missed on his thumb.
he gives you an alluring smirk, and your hands instinctively fly up to cover your flustered face. your cheeks are burning with both desire and embarrassment, but suna grips your wrist and slowly pulls it away.
“look at me, baby,” he says, his body hovering closely above yours. “nothing to be embarrassed about.”
god, you look so fucking cute, he really doesn’t know what to do with himself.
“can i...?” suna trails off, the hardness in his pants growing more and more difficult to ignore by the second as it presses against your leg.
“p-please, rin,” you whisper. the way your innocent, nervous eyes are asking him to fuck you is honestly enough to make him jizz in his pants. 
without another word, suna pushes himself back up, unzipping his pants so that his erect member can finally spring free. he barely has to give it a few impatient strokes—a trait you rarely see in your boyfriend—before it’s fully hard. the sheer size of his cock causes you to gulp, the tiny beads of precum already leaking out from its tip.
suna takes it in his hand, smearing his own arousal over the head before bending over to rub its heaviness over your folds. your clit is already puffy and sensitive from his fingers earlier, and it feels like it’s twitching in pleasure from the contact. 
“o-oh,” you gasp, and suna smiles at the sound, his eyes glossing over your body like he simply can’t get enough. he slowly moves his cock downwards, using all his self-restraint to ignore the throbbing, aching desire in it to just fuck your brains out already.
lining it up with your entrance, he murmurs, “i’m gonna put it in.”
“okay,” you exhale, chest heaving in anticipation.
your hands travel up beside your head to grip the pillow as a means to brace yourself, and you finally feel suna slide into you with surprising ease. every inch of his cock drags along your walls in slow motion, and you’ve never been so physically close to him before. there’s a soft ache—barely noticeable—but it’s not painful... and yet, it’s not pleasurable either.
an unprecedented panic creeps its way into your head at the realization.
what if this doesn’t end up feeling good? what if he doesn’t end up feeling good? oh god, what if he doesn’t even finish? surely, you’d be the only girl he’ll have slept with that could fuck up this bad—who knows how many girls have come before you? (literally.) what if—
“what’s wrong?” suna’s gentle voice snaps you out of your thoughts, his tone tinged with a slight worry. 
“n-nothing,” you shake your head quickly. ugh, you feel like such... a loser. an idiot, really.
“talk to me, sweetheart,” suna murmurs, towering over you as he’s still balls deep inside your cunt. “does it hurt?”
he wants to pull out in case that’s the problem, but also doesn’t want to make any sudden moves, for fear of hurting you.
“no, i’m okay,” you insist in an attempt to reassure him. “i just, i don’t know, i’m being stupid.”
suna’s expression softens, but before he can say anything, you’re already babbling on again, and you can’t even stop.
“what if you don’t end up feeling good?” you quiver, the question more so directed at yourself than at your boyfriend. “what if you don’t even finish because of how much i suck? i-i don’t want to be the only person you’ve been with who’s bad at sex—”
your heart is racing now and the words are tumbling out of your mouth helplessly. you feel so bad for dumping this on him, and your frustration towards yourself brings small tears to the corners of your eyes—
“baby, listen to me,” suna says quietly but firmly, one hand cupping your cheek and turning your face towards him so that you’re no longer avoiding eye contact. his thumb gently brushes away the dampness at the edge of your lower lashline before he continues,
“first of all, there’s no such thing as being bad at sex—and you’re doing great,” he murmurs, planting a quick kiss to your lips. “you’re the only person i want to do this with, and as long as it’s with you, i’m happy.”
you sniffle a little bit, but your heart soars at his words, the tension in your chest slowly easing.
“second of all, don’t worry about me,” he says gently, his eyes filled with a tender adoration as he gazes at you. “it’s really sweet that you’re thinking of me, but i want you to feel good.”
a warmth blooms in your cheeks. 
“and besides, you’re fucking beautiful,” suna continues, leaning down again to press his lips against your bare shoulder. “i could cum just from the sight of you, but i’m trying to hold back because i want you to finish first.”
the bluntness of his words causes you to look away shyly, and suna smiles down at you. 
“so,” he begins again, before giving you a small suck on your jaw. “can you let me make you feel good?”
you nod slowly, and bring your arms up to wrap them around his neck.
“sorry,” you manage a small giggle at the feeling of his dick still inside you—you really have terrible timing, that much you’ll admit.
“it’s okay,” suna murmurs, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “i love you, you know that.”
he’s said those words before, but the way he’s uttering them into your ear right now, in the quiet intimacy that only you two share, makes your heart race and your head spin.
“just let me know if you want me to stop,” he says, before finally, gradually pulling himself out.
suna slides his cock back into you with ease, your juices still coating his member. he repeats the motion a few more times, each time just a little bit more fluidly and rapidly than the last, until you’ve fully adjusted to his size. the sensation is still foreign, but no longer uncomfortable.
he finally reaches a pace where he thrusts himself into you for the first time with a low grunt, the rough penetration catching you off guard. a small “mmf!” escapes your mouth as you bite your lip, embarrassed at hearing the sound of your own voice.
“don’t hold those precious noises back, sweetheart,” suna breathes seductively into your skin, his low voice causing you to clench harder around him. “wanna hear how good i make you feel. the louder the better.”
you nod at his encouragement as small beads of sweat form along your temple.
he gives you another sharp thrust, followed by another, and then another, until he’s steadily rocking into you as the bed creaks with every movement. this time, you can’t help the wanton moans of his name that fill the air, each one prompting him to continue.
“a-ah!” you cry at a particularly harsh snap of his hips, your cunt sucking him back in every time he pulls out of you. “r-rin! rin! rin!”
suna’s never been one to have a big head or a large ego, but the way you’re chanting his name like a mantra makes pride swell in his chest. you look so angelic, eyes fluttered shut with every time he fucks into you, nipples moving up and down with your breasts, hair splayed out against his bedsheets, sopping wet pussy clamping around his cock as your very first time. how could he not be in love with you?
“f-feeling good, baby?” he pants, trying to hold it together. 
“yes,” you gasp as a small dribble of drool leaks out of the corner of your mouth. but you don’t care. you want him. more of him, more, more, more. “want you so bad.”
suna thinks he’s going to lose his damn mind.
“you like that?” his voice borders on a growl, and his strong arms snake beneath you to pull you into a hug before one of them props his body up against the mattress so he can angle himself into you with even more intensity. lord help him, he wants to cum so fucking bad with how hot you look, your nails digging into his skin as he fucks you into tomorrow.
“n-ngh!” you groan, tossing your head back at the way suna is driving himself in and out of you as his eyes flit down to your heaving chest. “i-i think ‘m c-close...”
that was all suna needed to hear as he laid you back down, flat against the bed as one hand travels urgently down to your heat. he takes two fingers and begins rubbing your folds again, one dipping past them to play with your clit, the stimulation causing you to see stars. suna presses an open mouthed kiss against your lips at the sight of them parting, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue across yours.
he picks up the speed of his thrusts again, his other hand now preoccupied with kneading your breasts and pinching your nipple as you cry out for him, and only him.
“r-rin!” your voice rings in his head, your gasps broken up into needy pants. 
“doin’ so good, angel,” he mutters against your lips, still mercilessly slamming his cock into you. “taking my cock so—ngh!—well, wanna keep this pussy all to myself.”
you don’t even have time to process the lewdness of his words before your back is arching, suna’s fingers rubbing your clit at an unbelievable pace as he simultaneously slides himself in and out of you, the slapping sounds amplified by your juices.
“cum for me sweetheart, you can do it,” suna urges, his eyes fixated on your face. “show me just how good i make you feel—”
a sudden wave of bliss floods over you as you feel the tension in your body release, your clit throbbing with pleasure at the sensation. suna’s eyes widen at the way your jaw grows slack, trying not to cum at the mere sight of your fucked out expression while he helps you ride out your orgasm.
“h-hah,” you gasp, still chasing your climax while suna continues thrusting into your cunt, his cock twitching with arousal. after a few seconds, he picks up his own pace, chasing his own high with your body.
“god, you feel so good around me,” he mutters, clenching his teeth at the way your walls continue to suck him in. 
“want you to cum inside, r-rin,” you whine into his ear, the syllables broken up by how hard he’s fucking you as your whole being practically bounces around his cock, his balls clapping with wet slapping sounds against your ass. “f-fill m-me up?”
you don’t need to say anything else as suna finally snaps, pushing himself so deep into you with an almost primal urge as cum shoots out of his cock. you can feel the warmth all the way in your belly as you look up at your boyfriend, sweaty and out of breath, panting into your neck before finally pulling himself out of you.
he catches your lips with his as he gives you a long, passionate kiss, before breaking away and giving you a quick peck on both cheeks, then your nose, then your forehead.
“you did so good, baby,” he murmurs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, that had found its way to stick to your face. an affectionate warmth brings a small smile to your lips as you nuzzle your cheek into suna’s palm, and he feels himself lose his breath at the sight of you.
“be good and stay here, okay?” he mumbles, reluctantly pulling himself off of you. he could stare at you forever. “i’ll go get a towel and clean you up. i love you.”
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sluttyten · 3 years
mark + 24 + 39 + 181? you're amazing, thank you so much!!
mark + “are my fingers not enough for you?” + receiving a massage that quickly becomes more + you being their best friend’s younger sibling
The last thing you expected when you came home from work for family dinner with your two brothers and your parents was to find that your older brother Doyoung had brought one of his groupmates home with him.
Mark Lee was stretched out on the sofa, lying on his belly, and your mother was standing over him, petting his head and offering him some tea.
"What's wrong with you?" You asked as you walked by him.
"Back hurts," he mumbles.
Doyoung comes out of the kitchen. "He's sore from practice, and I'd already invited him to come over before we decided we were just going to a restaurant instead of Mom cooking. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him to just go home and rest."
You crouch down beside Mark's head so you can look him in the eye. "You should've gone home. Or to see your parents if you don't feel good."
"Yeah, yeah," Mark lifts his head and grimaces. "I wanted to see your pretty face. Thought it might make me feel better."
"Stop flirting. It's gross." Doyoung disappears back into the kitchen. Your mother just smiles and follows after him.
You're close with Mark, so you sit there with him for a few moments to talk, and when Doyoung comes back over a few minutes later, he informs you that the decision has been made on where to go eat family dinner with Mark.
"Ah, dude," Mark groans, and he turns over onto his back. "I want to go, but I actually don't think I can. I'll just grab a taxi home, get in bed, pop some painkillers. Sitting through dinner sounds like hell right now. Even if it's with your family."
Doyoung looks like he's about to back out of dinner too, like he's going to say he can go home with Mark, but you know your parents were really looking forward to having dinner with him tonight.
"I'll watch him, Doyoung. Go enjoy dinner with our parents and Gongmyung." You stand up. "I was planning on staying in anyway. I just had dinner with you the other day, which was more than enough of your brotherly advice, and I have dinner with them all the time. Go. I'll get Mark home safely."
So several minutes later, your family has left for dinner, Mark is still lying on the sofa, and you're watching videos on your phone while you sit on the floor with your back against the sofa. Mark's looking over your shoulder, laughing along with you at the funny videos your scroll through.
"I probably should head home," Mark says. "And I can take myself home. I'm not drunk or sick, just achy." He attempts to push himself upright, and he once more grimaces in pain, and sinks back down.
"Mark, if you feel that bad, maybe I should take you to a doctor or something." You put your phone down and pull up to sit on the edge of the sofa, lay your hand on his forehead.
He shakes his head. "I'm just really sore, tense. My back just feels tight." He rolls his shoulders, and groans, "Fuck."
"Mark. Let me help you. Roll onto your stomach." You flutter your hands over him, and Mark stares at you for a long second before complying.
"What are you going to do to me?" Mark asks, getting comfortable. "Well, hey!" He exclaims when you suddenly straddle his ass.
You touch his back, running a gentle hand up his back. "I'm gonna give you a massage. You said you were tense and tight and sore. Let me help you."
Now, if anyone saw you like this--Mark on his stomach, you straddling his ass with your hands all over his back--surely they would have lots of questions. Doyoung would definitely be rolling his eyes and scoffing and telling you two to knock it off.
But Mark, when you start massaging up near his shoulders where you can feel the tense knots where his shoulders meet his neck, he relaxes. Slowly at first, but you can definitely feel him melting like butter under your touch. And your hands move lower, and you hit a certain spot and Mark moans.
You pause. Mark goes perfectly still beneath you.
"Did you just--"
Mark jerks, moving as if to get you off of him, as if to move out from beneath you. "Forget it. I can get myself home like we told Doyoung." He bucks his hips, dislodging you, and he manages just enough that he's able to flip himself over onto his back.
You sink back down, hands on his chest to keep him there. "It was working, wasn't it? Massaging your back was making you feel better?"
Mark stares up at you. "I mean, yeah, like, it was making me feel better, but..." He looks away, avoiding your gaze as his ears burn pink and a blush rises on his cheeks too.
It's cute to see him blushing. And you understand why. You can feel his reason beneath you; his dick is getting harder, and when you shift your hips subtly on top of him, Mark sucks in a breath and bites his lip. He looks back up at you.
"Is it working?" You ask again, and now when you put your hands on him, sliding your fingertips under his shirt and pushing them up his chest to start massaging, Mark rolls his hips up against you in a way so slight that it could have just been him trying to move.
You've always been close with Mark every time that Doyoung brought him around. You can't deny that you've dreamt about him several times, a few of those times being dirty dreams. It was just something about his hands, the way that he moved during choreography, the way that he'd touch you lightly when he stepped around you or was helping you with something.
You like Mark. And right now, it definitely seems like it might not be an entirely one-sided thing.
He watches you with dark eyes, and when your thumbs brush over his nipples, Mark hisses, his cock twitches, and he lifts his hips up in search of contact.
"Are my fingers not enough for you?" You ask, drumming your fingers on his chest as you lightly grind down on him. "You need more?"
Mark licks his lips, gazing at you, thinking, letting his gaze drop from your face down your body to your hips gyrating in slow circles on his lap. He nods. "Yeah," he clears his throat, "Yeah, I need more."
"Good." You smile, lowering yourself over him.
Mark smiles when you pull your hands out from under his shirt to touch his arms, and he lifts his arms under your guiding touch, crossing them over his head, held there lightly by your hand.
Mark lifts his head to meet your kiss.
You like kissing Mark. It's fun and good. It's a little bit dirty too because he's your brother's best friend and you're making out and dry humping him on the sofa like you're both horny teenagers.
Mark moans, rocking his hips up. "Fuck me," he groans.
"Is that an actual request?" You ask, resting a hand on his chest, and pressing him down into the sofa. "Want me to ride you?"
"I do want that, do you?" Mark frees one of his hands to reach down and slip it under your shirt.
"Yeah." You nod. "I do want that too." You slip off his lap, and Mark's mouth falls open as if to ask what the hell you're doing then, but as soon as he sees you shimmying your pants down to your ankles, Mark shuts his mouth and reaches down to open his pants.
When you straddle him again, Mark's hand returns to your hip, sliding higher up your stomach and pushing your shirt with it. He touches your chest, grinding his erection up against you.
You reach down, pull your panties aside, and you curl your hand around Mark's cock, stroking him until he's moaning for you again. You like seeing him so eager, pink in the face and bucking into your touch.
You sigh as you rub him against your entrance, as he bucks up, pressing into you.
He massages your chest, looking into your eyes as he thrusts up again, and this time he enters you smoothly, and you sink down on him, taking Mark in deeply.
"You can't cum in me, okay?" You tell him. "That's my one rule."
Mark nods. "Got it. I'll let you know when I'm close." He reaches up and drags you down into a kiss.
Riding Mark and kissing Mark on the sofa all because you were trying to give him a massage; you can't believe it's happening. You've dreamt of things like this before, fantastic scenarios your horny brain cooked up, particularly one about riding him in a hot tub.
But right now it's reality. You're kissing Mark and bouncing on his cock, hearing him moaning as you massage his cock. He keeps touching your chest, pushing your shirt higher and higher until your chest is exposed to the air, nipples peaking at the cool touch.
"Mark," you moan, gripping his shoulder and sitting up to roll your hips slowly down on him, feeling his length filling you for longer than a moment. "Feel so good."
"Yeah, you do." He leans up as much as he's able to kiss at your neck, and then he kisses lower, his tongue flicks over a nipple. It doesn't feel like much to you, but it's clearly doing something for him to be touching you like this. Mark moans, rocking up to get you to move on his cock again.
Your eyes flutter shut as he starts to take control from beneath you, fucking up into you as he pleases, his breath fanning against your chest.
"Fuck," he moans. "Ah, shit, you feel so good. I'm gonna cum, shit."
You like listening to him swear like this, the way that you can hear him losing control over himself, his senses to overwhelmed with the pleasure of his rising orgasm.
Mark swears again, trying to pull you back down on him when you quickly move off. You sink your body down between his knees, resting a relaxing hand to massage his thigh as you lower your head and do your best to swallow his cock down to the base.
A guttural, beautiful moan leaves Mark, his fingers knotting in your hair as you gag around him. You let him move you with his hands in your hair and his hips rabbiting up to fuck your throat.
His groan as he cums is like music to your ears, half-drowned out by your pulse racing and the wet sounds of your attempts to not choke on him. Mark cums over the back of your tongue and you suck him through his orgasm, feeling him spill stripes of cum that you swallow rather than choke on it, sucking until he goes soft and makes quiet whines and pulls at your hair.
When you sit up and wipe your hand across your mouth and chin, Mark tries to pull you up toward his mouth as if to return the favor of oral sex, but you shake your head.
"What about you, though?" Mark asks, "I want to make you cum too. It's not a good time unless we're both happy at the end. Come here. At least let me kiss you again."
So you lift yourself up, crawling over him so you're basically lying on his chest, and you kiss him again. Slowly, savory kisses and his wandering touches that soon have you grinding down on him, feeling too empty and with the burning desire to cum, and Mark fulfills that desire, filling you with his fingers to grind down on.
You break the kiss when you cum, dropping your forehead to Mark's shoulder as you pant and sigh while his fingers push you over the edge, sending you freefalling through an orgasm. Your heart races, and you wonder if he can feel the pounding through your chest echoing into his own.
Mark draws his fingers out, wiping them through the sticky mess to lube them up just a little extra, and starts fingering you again until your fingers and toes are curling, and you're trying to hide your moans.
"You're so cute," Mark tells you, kissing your hair when the second orgasm rocks through you.
You answer him with a soft grunt, reaching down to push his hand away from between your legs. You feel good. Buzzy and light, temporarily able to ignore the fact that you just came twice with the best friend of your brother on your sofa. You just want to soak in the feeling, but you know you can't stay like this. It's been a while, and you don't know how long your family will be out. You can't still be like this when they get back, and Mark probably shouldn't be here either.
You kiss Mark's neck, just a parting kind of kiss, before you sit up.
"How's your back feel now?" You tease, running a hand through your hair and tugging your shirt back down over your panties.
"Feel like you should help me home." Mark rubs your thigh, tugging on the hem of your shirt. "Be a good friend, maybe tuck me into bed."
You laugh and lean in to kiss him again. "I can do that."
Requests are now closed! Thank you to everyone who sent these in, I’m just finishing the last drabble requests in my inbox!
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what you need
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pairing: dom!peter parker x reader
request: I don’t know if request are open but if they are can you please write where peter over hears the reader on the phone saying she’s not sure about sex, because she doesn’t know if he’ll be dominant and rough because the other times he was sweet and gentle. So after hearing this pete gets super dommy and like webs her to the bed a teases her and makes her beg to cum and is just really dominant. Thank you so much if you do this! I love your writing❤️❤️ by anonymous
warnings: smut, dom/sub, edging, spanking, orgasm denial
word count: 4.3k
notes: this has been in my inbox since summer 2019 i am so sorry + peter and reader are 18+ in this and living together (basically they’re grown) + i’m actually not sure i like this but oh well
“I don’t know MJ,” you sighed, unsure. “I just––It’s just not really as good as it could be.” 
Peter didn’t mean to eavesdrop, he really didn’t. But he had been playing video games for a few hours now and had decided to take a break for today and made his way over to your shared bedroom. He’d realized you were on the phone and was going to go and come back later, but your conversation piqued his interest and he couldn’t help himself. Also, his hearing was pretty good, so even if he went back, he would have heard it anyway, even if he didn’t want to. You must have thought he still had his headset on.
“No he’s great––he’s really good.” You paused. “No he’s way better than my exes, he makes sure I cum every time, multiple times, that’s not the issue.” Peter leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, a feeling of smug pride in his chest, until another part of his mind reminded him that you said that wasn’t the issue––then what was? There was an issue? 
“I––He’s just really,” you paused, struggling to find the right word. “Sweet...Gentle. He’s really gentle. I want him to be rough with me. I want him to be dominant.” You sighed. “But I think he’s just too soft to do that.”
Peter let his arms fall to his side. You’d never told him you wanted him to be rougher. If you had, he would bend you over his knee, no questions asked. He just had no idea you were into that. 
When he heard you say bye to MJ, he took a deep breath and walked into the room. You looked up, startled. “Oh––Hi Pete.” 
He smiled back, the expression not quite reaching his eyes. He paused, a few feet away from you, looking down at his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He could hear your heartbeat quicken. “W––What do you mean?”
“I heard your phone call, Y/N.” 
“Oh, Pete––” You closed the distance between the two of you, your hand reaching out to hold his shoulder but his hand shot out and caught it in mid-air. He could hear your heartbeat becoming erratic. 
He looked up at you and your breath hitched at the sinful look in his eyes. He could hear you getting excited, he could also smell you too. “Asked you a question, baby.” He tilted his head and brought your hand to his mouth, turning it to kiss the inside of your wrist, his thumb caressing the soft skin. “Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to be used like a toy?”
Your mouth went dry. “I––” You had no idea what to say. You knew he could tell how aroused you were getting, yet he wasn’t doing anything. 
He raised a brow, clearly waiting for a response, and though it frustrated you, it also made you even wetter. 
“I didn’t think you’d––be able to.” You could see a flash of irritation cross his features. 
“I can lift a truck with my bare hands, and you thought I wouldn’t be able to dominate a pretty,” he leaned closer to you, “little thing,” he tilted your chin up, “like you?” Everything would be considered little to Pete when it came to his super strength––you’d never thought about it like that. 
He moved as if he was going to kiss you, his breath softly touching your lips. “I’m going to have you crying for me, angel.”
He pulled away from you and you tried to lean forward and steal a kiss but you weren’t fast enough. He started to pull your shirt up and paused to let you confirm that you wanted this. When you nodded, he continued and pulled it off completely, letting it fall to the ground. His eyes shamelessly ogled your chest and the look in his eyes made you feel so vulnerable but so seductive––as if you were the one putting him in a trance, even though for you, it was the other way around. 
He kissed his way down your stomach as he crouched down, pulling down your sweats and helping you step out of them. He stood back up and trailed his eyes over your body, your pebbled nipples, the rise and fall of your chest. God, you were magnificent.
“Are––Are you not gonna get undressed?” You asked quietly. When he raised a brow, you swallowed and looked down, suddenly nervous. 
He tilted your head up by your chin and you bit your lip. “You want me to get naked? Wanna see how hard my cock is for you, just from the sight of you?” You nodded eagerly and he tutted, “You know you have to tell me exactly what you want, princess. Otherwise, I won’t do a thing.” 
You licked your lips nervously. “I want––I want to see you. All of you.” 
“Yeah?” He teased. “What part of me do you want to see?” 
“Pete–” You whined, embarrassed. He crossed his arms and you sighed. “Your––I want to see your cock.” You said quietly. 
He smiled, tapping your chin playfully. “There you go, baby. That wasn’t so hard was it?” 
He pulled his shirt off teasingly slow, only letting you see inches of his skin at a time, your eyes trailing up with each sliver of skin you saw––from his v-line, to his abs, until he finally pulled it all the way off. He took off his pants and his boxers in no time, but he barely gave you any time to gawk at him. 
“Get on the bed.” You could tell in his eyes, he wasn’t playing. You followed his instructions quickly, part of you extremely excited to see how this played out. 
You got on your back in the middle of the bed and held your breath as Peter watched you silently, stroking his cock slowly. Your mouth was watering at the sight of him, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t let you take care of him first. 
“Safe word is red, okay? Don’t be afraid to use it if you need to.” He looked at you to make sure you heard him and you nodded.
He took his time taking you in, watching you squirm on the bed. You don’t even know how long he’d made you wait so far, it could have been thirty seconds, it could have been two minutes––you have no idea but it was too long. The way his hand was squeezing around his cock the way you liked to, his tip leaking with pre-cum, you couldn’t handle it. You started to squeeze your thighs together to relieve some pressure and his eyes snapped up to yours immediately. 
“Spread your legs.” 
You whined but complied, sighing when you felt the air of the room hit between your legs. 
Peter’s eyes narrowed in on your center and he sped up his hand. “Fuck, princess. Look at you. You’re so wet for me, aren’t you? Can see you glistening from here.” 
You mewled, his words only making you more bothered. You had to physically stop yourself from closing your legs but Peter wasn’t having that.
“Hands above your head.” 
You looked at him, pouting. “But Pete––”
“Hands. Above. Your. Head.”
You swallowed and did as he asked. He climbed onto the bed, sitting on his knees between your legs, eyes focused on your center. “You’re so fucking perfect. Can’t believe you’re all mine.” 
He brought his hands to trail up and down your thighs, his touch teasingly soft. “You know what else I can’t believe?”
You hummed, looking up at him. 
“That you didn’t tell me you wanted to be treated like a slut.” You audibly gasped and he smirked. “This whole time I was treating you like my innocent little angel,” he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief, “when you really just wanted to be my needy little whore.” He trailed his hand down your inner thigh, so close to where you needed him, but not close enough. 
Your back arched as you squirmed under him, “Peter please.” 
He quirked a brow, looking into your eyes. “Yes?”
“Touch me.” 
“I am touching you.” He retorted, a small smile on his face. 
“Pete come on,” you whined, “stop messing around.”
“Sweetheart,” He dug his fingers into your thighs, making you sigh. “Does it look like I’m joking?” He kissed your knee. “Where do you want me to touch you exactly?”
You let out a shaky breath.
He kissed the side of your knee. “Here?” You shook your head. He kissed about an inch lower, a smile on his face. “Here?” You shook your head once again. He kissed lower and lower, asking each time, and every time, you would shake your head no. When he finally reached the highest point of your thigh, right next to your center, you were basically panting with want. 
He was lying down on the bed now, his face hovering above your wet center. He kissed your clit gently and you moaned, your hips bucking for more, but he was quick to push you back down with one hand.
He laughed, “Is this where you want me to touch, baby?” You nodded desperately, but that wasn’t enough for him. He tilted his head, licking his lips. “Say it.” He ordered. 
You looked down at him, your eyes about to water already with how sensitive and needy you were. “I want––want you to touch my pussy please, Peter.”
“Such a bad girl,” he cooed teasingly. “Naughty mouth too.” His fingers were tracing around your pussy softly, barely grazing your skin, making you yearn for more. “Practically punishing me just because you didn’t tell me what you wanted. Talking about me to your friend, keeping this to yourself...” He looked you in the eye, the dark look in his gaze making your breath hitch. “You were holding back from me too, princess. Depriving me of the darkest, most sensual parts of you, your desires, when we both could have been having fun…What on earth am I gonna do with you?” He pulled his hand away from you and you whined, making him bite his lip. “More importantly, what am I gonna do to you?”
You took a sharp inhale. 
He lowered his head, still looking up at you. “You want my mouth?”
You nodded. “Want your mouth on me, please please please Peter.” You were already begging and the thought made Peter twitch. He had to control himself, he knew that if he rutted against the bed and just watched you, he’d cum in no time––and he really wanted to do that inside of you. But he couldn’t help but drag this out a little bit––not when you looked so enticing.
“Yeah?” he bit his lip. “You want my mouth on this pretty pussy?”
You were near tears, “Yes Peter! Please!” You didn’t care how desperate you sounded, you just wanted him to do something. This was the wettest and neediest you’ve ever felt and he hadn’t even touched you yet. 
“Say it, baby.”
You looked at him, barely hearing his words, your response breathless. “W–What?”
His eyes were piercing yours. “Say you want me to eat this pretty little pussy. Then I’ll give you what you want.” 
“P––Pete I––” 
He raised a brow and made as if he was going to get up, and you quickly spoke up, “Okay I––Please Pete,” He looked at you, wordlessly egging you on. “I want you to eat my pretty little pussy…” Your cheeks felt like they were on fire, but then again, so did the rest of your body. 
He hummed, still not moving. “One mistake though, babe.” You pouted, in disbelief that he still hadn’t eaten you out––normally he would jump straight to it, no questions asked. “This isn’t your pussy.” His finger trailed down from your clit to your hole, picking up the wetness as it dragged down ever so softly and your brows furrowed in frustration and pleasure, his other hand pinning you down. “It’s mine.” 
You closed your mouth, your pussy clenching hopelessly around nothing. 
“So correct yourself.” 
“I––” You paused and bit your lip. 
“I’m waiting, princess. You know it’s not really nice of you to make me wait this long. I’ve been aching to get my mouth on you.” He ran his finger back up to rest on your clit and you sighed.
You had to bite your tongue to prevent your frustrations from pouring out through some very vulgar words. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and Peter smiled annoyingly at you when you opened your eyes––He knew exactly what he was doing. His hand rubbed up and down in your inner thigh and you took a shaky breath. “Peter please? Can you eat your pretty little pussy? It’s throbbing Pete please, I need you––”
He growled and buried his face in you, his tongue lapping up and spreading your wetness. Your hands shot down to grab his hair immediately and he pulled away, making you whine loudly. “I said hands above your head, sweetheart. First and final warning.” You raised your hands back where they were and he dove back in, hands pushing your thighs apart as he devoured you. 
He was moaning into you, fully and unabashedly enjoying himself. “My pussy’s always so fucking wet and sweet for me, isn’t it?” 
You sighed dreamily, the pleasure going straight to your head, “Mm only for you.” 
He chuckled, his tongue making its way through your folds to lap at your clit mercilessly. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you into him, shaking his head, moving his tongue aggressively to push you towards the edge. You felt your breath hitch, your eyes widening as your legs started to tremble. Unwillingly, your hands shot down and just as they made contact with his head, he pulled away from you, making you whine loudly.
“Pete no––”
He licked his lips, not even bothering to wipe his chin and you clenched helplessly around nothing. You were pulsing and his eyes focused on your pussy for a moment before he looked back up into your eyes.
“What did I say?”
“What. Did I. Say, Y/N.” 
You gulped, “To keep my hands above my head.”
“That’s right. And did you do what I asked?” His eyes were piercing yours. 
“You just felt––”
“Did you. Do. What I asked?” 
You shook your head nervously, “N––No.”
He sat back, looking you up and down, hunger in his eyes. “Gonna have to punish you now, sweetheart.”
You perked up and he smiled. He could hear your heartbeat, your breath. “Yeah baby? You want me to spank that pretty ass of yours?”
You nodded, getting into position over his lap before he could even blink. You turned your head and batted your eyelashes teasingly. “Can you please spank me?” 
“Jesus––” he muttered, his hands going over your smooth skin, grabbing the flesh. “So beautiful, aren’t you?” You bucked into his hips, getting wetter from his words and his touch. You unconsciously rubbed your thighs together and he swatted one of them lightly, making you gasp. “You know what to do. Spread em, babygirl.”
You whined but opened your legs, spread over him as if he were taking you from behind. “Such a naughty girl, wanting me to hurt you.” He spanked you with no warning and his strong hands held you back when you jolted away from him. “Such. A. Dirty. Fucking. Thing.” He spanked you between each word, your back arching further with each hit. 
“Fuck, Pete.” 
“Yeah I know. My princess likes that doesn’t she?” You nodded pathetically and he smiled, lifting you up to sit in his lap. “Well too bad this is supposed to be a punishment, then.” His smile dropped and your legs clenched around him. “On the bed like before. Don’t make me ask twice.” 
You crawled over to the middle again, hands above your head and he watched you for a moment. He got up without a word and you stopped yourself from complaining. He came back with something in his hands and it looked like––
He pressed a button in a split second and your hands were webbed to the bed. Your eyes went wide and he could tell that you enjoyed it. He threw the web-shooter aside and climbed back between your legs, his hands running up and down your thighs. 
“This okay baby?” You nodded and he smiled. “Since I know I can’t trust you to follow simple instructions and keep your hands where they belong,” he gave you a pointed look. “I just had to do something myself to make sure that you’re a good girl for me.” 
He lowered himself back down and wasted no time, leaving wet, open mouthed kisses on your pussy, his arm slinging across your waist when you started squirming. 
“Ughh F––Fuck, Pete––”
“That’s it, just take it baby.” He locked eyes with you. “Feel the way my tongue is touching you in ways that only I can.” He lifted his head and spit on your pussy, making you gasp, your hands hopelessly straining against the restraints. He cursed softly, noticing the way you were weakly fighting against the webs and licked along your slit, making a proper mess between your thighs with the mix of his spit and your wetness. His lips and his chin were soaked and you could see them glistening every time he pulled away from you or moved, only making you needier and wetter. 
“Baby, I’m close––” You barely spit out, your voice quiet. 
He hummed and sucked on your clit harshly, making you choke on your breath. Just as you felt yourself about to tip over the edge, he let you go with a loud pop of his lips, moving his kisses to your inner thighs. You let out a pained whine and he smirked, his lips still pressed to your thigh as he looked up at you. 
“Why?” You asked, your voice breaking. 
“Told you I wanted you to cry.” He had the nerve to shrug nonchalantly. 
“You’re being mean.” You pouted, but Peter could hear your heartbeat, he could tell how you really felt, and you knew this. 
He smirked again. “Don’t sit there and pretend you don’t like it.” He licked up your pussy again. “Looking at and tasting how wet you are, we both know how much you love this.” Before you could come up with a response, he wrapped his lips around you, licking and sucking. You felt sensitive and you were throbbing, aching to cum.
You could feel yourself reaching your peak rather quickly and your eyes fluttered shut, your head falling back as you tried and failed to arch your back under Peter’s hold. Before you could get a glimpse of relief, Peter pulled away from you again and you let out a small cry.
He did this again and again, every time you were about to tip over, he released your clit from his lips and trailed his kisses to your thighs, watching you pant and whine. He’d wait until you calmed down to shift his attention back between your legs.
Every time he edged you it hurt, but it also felt so good. It was thrilling. You were so needy and so desperate, and that was exactly how he wanted you. By the third edge, your eyes were glassy, by the fifth you had tears pooling in your eyes, and by the sixth, they finally rolled down your cheeks. Only then did he let you cum, sitting up on his knees and practically bending you in half as he devoured you, moans and whines falling from your lips. 
Your body was trembling the whole time that you came, his mouth still attached to you. You felt relief for a few seconds before you realized he wasn’t stopping and there was no way for you to push him off. If you really did want him to stop, you could just say the safe word, but it felt so overwhelmingly good, part of you wanted it to stop, but part of you wanted him to keep going. 
“Pete oh my god!––”
He growled and kept going, shaking his head and humming into you, his tongue dipping in and out of you while he held you up, one arm wrapped over you, while he slipped two fingers into your dripping hole and sucked on your bundle of nerves. Your legs were shaking, your body convulsing as he tortured you. He didn’t stop until you came again and again. 
He set you down on the bed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before licking it up, and sucking on his fingers, not wanting to let any of you go to waste. “Taste so fucking good, princess.” 
Your body was still going through aftershocks as he looked you up and down. He bent down as if he was going to eat you out again, his eyes on yours, and licked one teasingly slow stripe up your pussy, making you yelp and weakly try to shut your legs. He kissed your clit and up along your stomach, making his way up to your chest, then your lips. You eagerly kissed him back with tongue, tasting yourself as you trembled under him. 
He pulled away and smiled down at you, far too innocently, but there was a glint in his eyes. “Never get tired of tasting my pussy.” 
You let out a small whimper and your legs unconsciously squeezed around his waist. He brought a hand down to trace your thigh and your ass, his touch making you shiver. He grabbed your thigh and leaned down to kiss you again, your bodies molding together, his cock grinding against your pussy, making you whine into his lips. You were so sensitive, but you still wanted more. 
“Gonna let me fuck my pussy baby, hm?”
You nodded. “Please.”
He grabbed his cock with one hand and hissed, pumping himself a few times before swiping it through your wet folds and sliding in. He bottomed out immediately, letting out a string of broken groans as you moaned. 
“Feels so fucking tight.” His head fell back for a moment, eyes closing as he let himself just feel you. He thrusted in and out of you and his head fell forward again, focused on where you two were connected. “That’s it. Just like that. Such a perfect pussy. My perfect pussy.” 
You mewled and his eyes snapped up to yours. “You like when I talk about my pussy baby?” You nodded and he smiled. “Yeah I know you do. Filthy fucking thing.” 
 He started thrusting into you at a faster pace, your walls clenching around him, making him let out a few groans and curses. You were both sweaty and needy––Peter’s cheeks were red, his curls falling over his eyes, his arms straining and flexing as he pounded into you. He looked like a god. 
Your mouth was open, your eyes basically closing, a sheen layer of sweat on your body making your skin shine. Peter could tell you were getting closer, still sensitive from your orgasms and his teasing, it didn’t take long. 
“You wanna cum baby?”
You nodded, panting, “So bad.”
“Such a greedy girl.” He held eye contact with you, thrusting deeply for a few moments before he stopped his hips, making you cry out. “Beg for it.” 
You pouted, hands subconsciously trying to reach to hold his cheeks, but unable to due to the webs holding them back, making Peter smile. “Peter please let me cum baby.” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
He tilted his head, licking his lips. “I know you can do much better than that, princess.”
Your brows furrowed in frustration. “Please! I need to cum, I’ve been a good girl.” He stared at you, prompting you to keep going. “Wanna cum and I want you to cum inside me too. Know you want to, can feel you throbbing inside me baby. Please?” Your throat was dry, voice practically shot when you finished. 
Peter just looked at you for a moment before pulling almost all the way out and thrusting into you at full force, making you scream. He started pounding into you, grunting as your walls pulled him in, coaxing him to fuck you harder. 
“This what you wanted?” He grunted out. “Yeah?”
You nodded, your eyes fluttering shut as he brought a hand down to rub at your clit, making your legs tense and tremble around him. He didn’t stop until he brought you over the edge, your whole body vibrating, yelps spilling from your lips, your neck tilted back, inviting him to mark it up. He groaned into your skin, licking, biting and sucking at your neck as he came shortly after, filling you up, making you moan. 
He stayed there for a bit, soothing you with his kisses, his hands running up and down your side before he sat up. 
He pulled out of you and ripped the webs apart, holding your hands and kissing your wrists softly before lying down next to you, cradling you in his chest. You wrapped an arm and a leg around him, sighing contently. You were both panting, trying to catch your breath and settle down. 
After a bit, he spoke up. “So...was that good for you?” He asked sheepishly. 
You looked up at him, smiling. Same old Peter. “That was amazing Pete.” You leaned up and kissed him softly, the two of you melting into each other for a few moments. 
“I’m glad.” He smiled, his hand tracing patterns on your side, the other holding your jaw. “So next time you’re gonna tell me what you need, right?”
You bit your lip, “I don’t know…I kinda wanna see what happens if you find out on your own again.” 
His grip tightened around your waist as he shook his head, laughing quietly, “You’re gonna kill me, you know that?”
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