#and i took a drive
testicularmanslaughtrr · 11 months
Finding people who accept you, every second of you, is truly life changing
The biggest part of this...idk ““healing arc”“ is just Wow There are people in my life who see the cracks and not only don’t think they’re ugly but help hold them together when things get rough.
It’s no long “everyone who leaves takes a piece of me” It’s “what is here is good enough”
And I want to be more vocal about how appreciative I am
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bunnions · 23 days
something something katsuki can't keep his hands off you when he's had a little too much to drink (see: denks the worst at-home bartender in the world, believes a shot of vodka really means four).
it starts off innocently enough, gathered in eijiro's living room, when he cracks a foul-mouthed joke and you double over into side with laughter. the heat starts to creep up his neck, but it's easy to blame it on the alcohol. he nudges you back playfully, a grin quirking at the corner of his lips.
two more shots of whatever vile concoction denki mixed up and he's melting into the couch. he's sitting on one end, a little squished with how mina, eijiro, hanta, and denki are piled on top of each other - chatting away, drinking, and desperately trying not to make eye contact with the wasted blond. katsuki's got you perched all pretty in his lap because "there isn't any room left to sit." a convenient excuse.
you're flushed and trying to keep up with mina's story and you're having a great time with your friends but katsuki's hands are looping casually around your waist and pulling you closer to him and he's leaning a little on you for support and you feel a zing speed down your spine as his lips brush against your arm. an accident.
his head's a little fuzzy, but katsuki's practically melting with the alcohol swimming through his veins. and you're so soft it's making everything even fuzzier. before he even finishes that thought he's testing out the plush of your waist, your thighs, pinching a little at the small of your back, and back down to your thighs. you squirm in his hold, and he retaliates with a soft grunt and by biting what he could reach.
the spit on your arm is more uncomfortable than the rather tame bite he gives you. you can see his eyes wobble, flitting to different parts of your face. "hol' s'till," he garbles and your heart leaps into your throat. you can feel four sets of eyes boring into you both, but you can't break away from katsuki's heavy, lidded, lovesick gaze.
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zosanbrainrot · 3 months
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meet cute at your local żabka
english translation and notes under the cut 💗💗💗
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żabka (froggy) is the name of an extremely popular corner shop chain in Poland, it's literally everywhere
My translation is not always literal but sometimes vibes based, like in PL version Sanji doesn't use "jesus" in the second page, but the expression "ja pierdole" doesn't have an english equivalent that would make sense in this contex, literally it means "I fuck" lmao
I now see I mixed up prepositions when Sanji asks Luffy for the sauces, uh oh ANYWAY
I also didn't translate the cans Zoro brings at the end, the writing on the cans says "potwór" which means "monster", so yup these are basically monster energy drinks but translated literally hence the capitalized P as the logo. Why does he drink that instead of some Polish ass beer? Good question, I just enjoy calling them drinks Potwór, and dont know much about beer
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finally at that age where i'm thinking i should get a tattoo. not bc i feel strongly about it, just seems like a waste not to. i've got so much skin i'm not using
#feels so selfish like. all this skin what am i saving it for?#open to design suggestions! (please make me regret this offer)#maybe some deep sea horrors. a pretty watercolor of a gulper eel#once saw a person on the subway with various Skeleton Tattoos on all their limbs#i respected their commitment to the theme#but more than that i respected how all the skeletons were engaged in Activities#dancing in a ballgown. juggling its own (and two other???) skulls. swordfighting. being a mermaid skeleton#ANYWAY. the only reason i haven't already gotten tattoos is i just couldn't be bothered#i'm old enough to know i don't have any strong-but-potentially-temporary feelings driving me towards it#aesthetically i prefer decorated to non-decorated surfaces. but i'm not artistic or thrilled with commitment#honestly it feels like sheer laziness. indecisiveness--nay. immaturity!--that i HAVEN'T gotten a tattoo yet#letting all this blank canvas go to waste. tut tut i need to grow up and be an adult and get a tattoo sleeve already.#really i've put off my responsibilities long enough#(in fairness i DID at one time have 18 different piercings)#(but i took most of them out bc they interfere with wearing headphones and/or shoving my face in my pillow during Sleep Time)#(i only kept the nape piercing bc oddly enough it ended up being the most convenient. and the least painful to get now i think about it.)#(neck piercing? no problem. normal pair of earrings? Tribulations And Suffering. i don't make the rules i just poke them with a stick.)
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ourobororos · 5 months
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ds9 dump 3.... (falls over)
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wispscribbles · 6 months
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❄️ Remember to bring blankets for your recon mission ❄️
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desomniis · 1 month
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Pre-wedding photoshoot for their very gay, Ferrari-themed, wedding
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expelliarmus · 5 months
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you dont know that magnus’ magic is the same striking blue as alec’s eyes
you dont know alec’s eyes are the same color as the ancestors of a family so intertwined with his
you don’t know that magnus sees ghosts in the blue of alec’s eyes
you don’t know magnus is two inches taller than alec
you dont know that alec loves that magnus is taller than him
you don’t know that they dated in secret for months
you dont know alec’s wardrobe is absolutely hopeless and he only wears years old worn out sweaters with holes in the cuffs and magnus loves it
you dont know that sometimes magnus wears his worn out sweaters
you dont know that they didnt get married for years until alec became consul and they could get married in warlock blue and shadowhunter gold under his new law
you dont know they have two kids, before they ever married
you dont know their first son is named after alec’s brother max, who actually died during the war
you dont know that max’s skin is blue, and his eyes are just a shade darker than alec’s
you dont know that alec loved one man so much he changed the world for him
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forgottenflickr · 5 months
hey, out of curiousity, why are the majority of your posts of people’s pets? is it because like.. these pets are most definitely dead now and you want to share their memory even if you didn’t know that pet? or because theyre just easy to find on dead flickr accounts?
It’s what you first said about sharing their memories, and more specifically the reason for that is that I’ve spent literally my entire life with cats (you’ll notice I mostly post cats) I mean since I was a newborn baby, there has always been at least 2 cats in my house, right now there’s 3.
Also to add on to that, as a little kid I actually had my own digital camera I took pictures on like the ones I share here (the whole reason and passion for this blog really) and I in particular really loved taking pictures of my cats. So it’s kind of personal and nostalgic to me. Here’s one I took of one of my childhood cats Kittenface, died 2013 or 2014 around 20 years old. I don’t know the date on this picture, but I probably took it 2008-2011.
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cjskribblez · 6 months
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muffinlance · 1 year
Extreme long shot, but looking for a fic I read years ago, that to my knowledge is NOT on AO3 or FF, just on someone's blog or maybe a small hosting site. It's a three(?)-part series.
Stuff I remember: Zhao kills Iroh pre-north-pole; he dies on a beach due to shrapnel, I think. Zuko wanders off in a daze, stays with a nice Earth Kingdom woman for awhile, then embarks on Messing With Zhao's Shit until Zhao catches him. Gaang rescues him (from Pohuai?) after whump.
Zuko leads them back to the Earth Kingdom woman for a safe place to rest, meanwhile Zuko's crew has found her and given her a letter+their location+tell our stupid prince he's not the only one who wants to Mess The Fire Nation's Shit Up. Zuko and the Gaang go to his ship, whose treason against the Fire Nation is already in progress (and they've gotten their families out of the Fire Nation to avoid reprisal, so Jee's wife is there). Katara bonds with the ship healer, who teaches her non-bending healing and is both salty and instructive. Ends incompletely right as Zuko and the Gaang are about to leave the ship.
Those parts of the series are a good read, but I am dying to re-read the part that's an Iroh POV of the royal family, including Ozai's strategic murdering of all of Iroh's children (he had more than Lu Ten in this AU), and Iroh's extremely chilling "maybe I should do the same to his" thoughts until baby Zuko wins him over. It is PEAK disfunctional Fire Family.
I thought I bookmarked this somewhere, but I can't for the life of me find it. Plz send help.
EDIT: FIC FOUND! See the reblog chain for the link, it's in the second post.
EDIT EDIT: This is. Even better than I remembered. My heart hurts, ow. <3
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delineate-creates · 8 months
Day 11: Wander
Wandering…sneaking…it’s all semantics, really…
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sergle · 1 month
I know this is so And Then Everyone Clapped, but when me and Mr. Hugo were taking a walk together, he stopped me for a few seconds to gaze wistfully through the front door of a restaurant, and someone popped out while we were walking away to Invite Him Inside
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emmettland · 17 days
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𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥: 𝐒𝟏𝐄𝟎𝟏 "𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐭"
Foreshadowing to Sam Winchester's future. I. Geneva, 1549 II. Devil and Child, 1498 III. The Metaphor of the Monster Image descriptions under the cut.
ID (1): Sam Winchester in Episode 1 of Season 1 looking off to the viewer's right. There are papers hung on the wall behind him with various notes left by John Winchester.
ID (2): A close up shot of a paper with a medieval manuscript style drawing depicting two bald people, presumably naked, being burned alive at the stake; one is tied to the left of the stake, the other is tied to the right. A clothed bearded man is stoking the flames. In the top left corner, there is the bottom of another drawing that we can't make out most of. Both drawings have captions that I typed out separately to isolate from the rest of the screenshots.
ID (3): An image with the typed-out version of the caption that goes with the burning people drawing. It reads: Two Dominican monks burned at the stake by order of the Inquisition for allegedly signing pacts with the Devil. In my typed-out version, 'the Devil' is bolded and 'signing pacts with the Devil' is highlighted in yellow.
ID (4): The full image of the drawing that we couldn't make out in the top left corner. It is another medieval manuscript style drawing that depicts two parents, presumably a mother and father, letting the Devil drag off their son. The Devil is depicted as a monstrous creature with fur, claws, horns, and what appear to be bat-like wings at his side. The son appears to be resisting with his mouth open and one of his legs kicking up.
ID (5): An image with the typed-out version of a caption to describe the previous drawing. It's not the same as the one on the paper in the screenshot, but it's what I could find online. It reads: A child being taken away from his parents by the Devil, with whom they had made a pact. In my typed-out version, 'the Devil' is bolded and 'with whom they had made a pact' is highlighted in yellow.
ID (6): Sam Winchester in the same setting as the first image, now facing the viewer as he looks at another part of John's wall. Dean is in the background with his back to the camera. Sam's expression can be seen as contemplative and maybe curious.
ID (7): A close up shot of John's wall that shows two sections labeled by ripped pieces of paper. One section is called 'Devils + Demons' and a drawn rendition of the Devil can be seen, in what appears to be some kind of thick pen or sharpie. He looks monstrous, much like the Devil depicted in the previous drawing. The other section is called 'Sirens, Witches, the possessed.' Under the label are various papers with text and drawings that, presumably, depict sirens, witches, and possessed entities. Both sections have writing directly on the wall that cannot be made out. Something is written in black on the 'Devils + Demons' side. There is something written in white on the 'Sirens, Witches, the possessed.' side and what appears to be a circle or curved line, possibly connecting one paper to another.
ID (8): An image with a typed-out quote from an online article. It reads: Monsters in gothic literature aren't just there to scare us. Often, they represent societal fears, individual anxieties, or repressed desires. They're a physical manifestation of the things we're afraid to face or admit. The last sentence is highlighted in yellow.
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my edits x spn tag x ao3 x ko-fi
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
Shoutout to those whose burnout never felt like a controlled bush fire, but felt as a forest fire consuming everything in its path. To those whose burnout didn't blossom into new life on the forest floors, but whose burnout has only left charred bark and silence in its wake. There's nothing wrong with you. Burnout can feel like a wound sometimes, a secret you keep to yourself out of shame. Your forest is not ruined. The fire wasn't your fault. If something will start to blossom in that forest, it will take time. It will be small. But it will be life.
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