#im really really lukcy
testicularmanslaughtrr · 11 months
Finding people who accept you, every second of you, is truly life changing
The biggest part of this...idk ““healing arc”“ is just Wow There are people in my life who see the cracks and not only don’t think they’re ugly but help hold them together when things get rough.
It’s no long “everyone who leaves takes a piece of me” It’s “what is here is good enough”
And I want to be more vocal about how appreciative I am
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haven-gum-rockrose · 14 days
going through it lately. and by it? i mean absolutely nothing actually.
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caruliaa · 2 years
OKAY testing the theory of still being able to send asks to you that u can answer !!! which. btw im sorry again ab the shadowban aahhh <///3.... and also taking this theory testing chance to say that omg! i am so grateful for you and for the chance to be your friend and for this friendship because you really do mean so much to me and i care about you so so much and i am so lukcy to know someone as thoughtful and considerate as you and am so glad that we can work together on and share this friendship it rlly does mean the world and i really think you are so amazing and want to be here to listen and help you in the ways that i can and ik you are here for me too and i really am so so lucky for knowing you and i cant wait to keep vcing today >:33!! bcuz getting to and to hang out and stuff is so wonderful! ik things are stressfull w the shadowban and stuff and i hope i can be here for u thru it love, i love you so so much (hugs u if u wld wanna <333 for as long as u wanna <3333333333)
!!!! it worked (as i already told u i think HDFHG) and also !!! ur so so sweet my beloved omg !!! ;; i love you so so muchh and i hope u know that im so so greatful for you too and for our friendship nd that well you mean so so much to me too you rly rly do so so so much and just i am so so glad that i am thoughtful and considerate to you becuase well i rly want to be and yea like i rly want like our friendship to be smth we do work on together and i am so glad that we can nd tht i get 2 b friends w someone like you were thts smth we can do and im just so os greatful and lucky to be ur friend mx ur rly rly such an amazing wonderful person my beloved and an amazing wonderful *friend* and im just so so greatful for how kind and caring you are to me nd how much you listen to me and what i have to say bd care abt what i have to say and stuff and tht just means so os os much to me so im so glad to b able to do the same for u nd yea i rly rly had sm fun vcing 2day and im so so so gald we were able to bc it was just so so nice nd fun to do and and yea i just love you so so much castle i rly rly do and you mean the whole world to me you really really do and yea i love you so so much my butterfly i rly rly rly do so os very much thank you so so much for being here for me and being such a wonderful friend i just love you so os much so so very much so very much ;; *hugs you back if you want for quite a while if thats okay* !! 💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗
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erets · 3 years
haha its midnight, catch me crying over the fact that no one will ever love me as much as dream and george love each other ahaha :))))) not even in a romantic way (but yeah, in a romantic way too) i just. they are so close and love each other so much and i dont think ill ever have that or ever be that close with someone and i want to feel specia i want to mean something and i dont think i evr will and thats really really hard for me and i hate work i fucking hate work and its not the place its not the peole theyre all nice its having to get out of bed and do things that arent mcyt or writing related and i just. want people to love me like dream is loved like george is lvoed its not fair and i used to be so so smart i used to be able to think and my writing used to be really good and i used to be attractive and now i cant think i cant process shit my writing isnt even in the same league and i hate being in public bc i hate people seeing my face i hate it and i feel like i hacce no opinions and too many opinions at the same time and im so fucking lonely im so so lonelhy and i cant talk to my therapist and i cant say shit to my parents bc if i even say “today im a little sad” around them they wan t me to do shit like yoga and taking a walk and i dont have the energy to do that shit and if i tell them i dont have the energy they will want to hospitalize me and im jsut so fucking tired of living the same day over again of waking up at 12 and giong to bed at 3 and eating the same shit bc i dont have the energy to cook and getting dressed and going to work and i dont wnat to do it all i want to do is sit in bed and think about mminecraft or tubmlr and i just wish someone loved me in a direct way not an impersonal way i just ache and i cant make people happy i cant fix things all i want is for everyone around me to be happy and i cant help them i  i i i i i i iiii i just want someone to hoold me or let me lay on their chest i want to be held and hugged i have never had that with someone ever i have never been so lucky do the people that are loved know how lukcy they are? i wish they did i just want to curl into someone’s chest and cry while they hold me that would be nice that wouldn be nice and j worry that i am disassociaitng again bc i dont feel Here ever andd the most ironic thing about this whole vent is that this is genuinely me doing well. like compared to how i used to be?? or when i was a residential treatment?? this is literally so good but i am never satisfied
i am always longing and yearning for more than i have but i don’t even know what i want, just that i want
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prince--thomas · 4 years
October 18, 2020 ~~ [The Golden Brio Texts]
In which the boys are nosy about Tom’s love life...
@knightley--phillip​, @captain--john​
[tw: none except the boys being a bit gross.]
Phillip Knightley
oi tommy will the lady be wanting pancakes this morning
Tom Harrington
what the fuck how did you even ?? she already left
Phillip Knightley
ah damn i have my ways :wink: john no extra pancakes so did you get lukcy
Tom Harrington
john, if you're near phil, punch him please
Phillip Knightley
at the risk of our pancakes turning out badly??
Tom Harrington
john can multitask
John Smith
you lot are really something
Phillip Knightley
hi johnny :heart:
Tom Harrington
i did not DO anything. don't listen to whatever phil is saying
Phillip Knightley
tom wont say if he got his dicky wet
John Smith
could have at least waited until I was done with the pancakes before blowing up my phone
Phillip Knightley
Tom Harrington
Phillip Knightley
is that a yes or a no i can't tell
Tom Harrington
we aren't in year 12 anymore for christ's sake
John Smith
Tom had a lady over?
Phillip Knightley
our lovely American colleague :eyes: stayed the night
Tom Harrington
NO i mean yes but
John Smith
Ah an American. Both of you seem to be into that lately
Tom Harrington
she was drunk, it was late, i wasn't going to make her sleep on the couch
Phillip Knightley
i do not discriminate plus she's BASICALLY handpicked by our superiors really John you should be thrilled
John Smith
well I say good on Tom for having an Order approved girl
Phillip Knightley
We're running out of English noblewomen, we've got to out source
Tom Harrington
don't say it like that
John Smith
Phillip do not speak for me moments before I speak
Phillip Knightley
I won't be surprise if they ship more over
Tom Harrington
she's -- i mean rose is lovely it's just -- she was drunk
John Smith
this whole thing could strengthen the bonds between the Order and Huntsclan
Phillip Knightley
Congrats tommy for singlehandedly solidifying international relations
John Smith
Quite a lofty achievement
Phillip Knightley
couldn't be prouder
Tom Harrington
i didn't! she just slept in my bed becos i wasn't gonna have her going home bloody wasted off whatever you put in those drinks, phillip
Phillip Knightley
you were totally talking her up all night though proud of both of you
John Smith
Tom had a lady in his bed wow how long has it been Tom-o
Phillip Knightley
Ask her to dinner!
John Smith
Practically betrothed they grow up so fast
Tom Harrington
it's not been that long! i can't ask her to dinner isn't that like ... against the code or something? do we even have code for this ?
Phillip Knightley
do you mean bro code or like Our Superiors bc mate, i am like 98% sure the reason they sent over a girl was to hook her up with one of us or Henry I guess if you mean bro code, she's not my type and John's heart is spoken for
Tom Harrington
oh bloody hell how old even is she
Phillip Knightley
Tom Harrington
and wait by who
John Smith
What are you prattling on about Phillip
Phillip Knightley
anyway! you're fine tommy boy
Tom Harrington
i...should i ask her out proper-like then?
Phillip Knightley
John Smith
my heart is firmly in my chest thank you very much
Phillip Knightley
do it tommy we're not talking about you john help me out with this pep talk
John Smith
Tom if you like her you should ask her out
Phillip Knightley
also a dinner isn't like committing to marriage see what the chemistry is outside of "work"
Tom Harrington
i mean, course i like her -- she's quite interesting, isn't she?
Phillip Knightley
Tom Harrington
and definitely pretty too
Phillip Knightley
see! all good things a little dinner won't do any harm At the best, you've found the One at the worst, you spend some extra time with an interesting and pretty colleague
John Smith
In any case, if it doesn't feel right you could say its a 'friend date'
Tom Harrington
i'd also hurt her if she's interested and im not, aye
Phillip Knightley
mate one date isnt gonna make her fall in love with you
John Smith
even if you are a handsome lad who girls just fawn over
Tom Harrington
yeah true i suppose. i just don't want to make things complicated
John Smith
Let the girl decide for herself ya know, she's a Huntsclan lady she knows risk
Phillip Knightley
yeah tommy, you underestimate her she's not your typical Order lass
John Smith
we don't exactly have "Order lasses" She's like a female American version of Henry I suppose
Phillip Knightley
I mean the LADIES so pedantic over my terminology before coffee aren't we johnny
Tom Harrington
please do not use words like pedantic before noon
John Smith
I am currently waiting very patiently for it to brew while your pancakes all get cold
Tom Harrington
will you bring them up to me it's my birthday :pleading_face:
Phillip Knightley
yes :heart: oh if its not brewing i may've accidentally broken it,
Tom Harrington
:heart_eyes: you guys can eat in my room with meeee
John Smith
Phillip Knightley
:heart: going up to tommy's now!!
John Smith
Phillip WHAT DID YOU STICK IN MY COFFEE MAKER ... I'll put extra whipped cream on for the birthday boy and be up in a minute with your plates Phillip I cannot guaruntee yours won't end up down your shirt or in your lap
Phillip Knightley
that's hot
Tom Harrington
just don't mess up my sheets i should not have to do laundry on my birthday
John Smith
You're getting me coffee from Hatter's Phillip and buying me a new coffee maker
Phillip Knightley
i can do that
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intothespiderbottom · 6 years
If we were datin, you'd probs break up with me cuz i command and demand attention 24/7 and i really like to get on people's nerves and i do stupid things like set things on fire and spend all my money online on things i dont even remember. But im pretty chill so all our dates will be pizza, disney movies, and cuddling
lukcy for u im a clingy bitch
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