#and i think she would see it as a curse to a certain extent
fuckmeyer · 10 months
oooh bestie i just read your jasper gift-as-curse analysis (agree 100%!!! it fucks severely!!!!) and in your tags you mention thinking of all of the cullen "gifts" as curses and...i am going actively insane thinking about rosalie in that frame. like? her beauty carries over! and it's a curse in that people see that first and her second and assume that she's shallow...but also that was true in her human life as well and becoming a vampire seems like it maybe allowed her to transcend that and realize what was fucked up about her human experience??? WILD
Rosalie's gift is also a curse, but unlike Jasper's, i find it heartbreaking
it's a curse in that people see that first and her second and assume that she's shallow
VERY true. but the consequences of extreme beauty go beyond people chalking her up as shallow.
part of Rosalie's curse is that there are many aspects of her life where her looks play a role. & going through life requires either a degree of illusion or a degree of doubt.
for example: how many times as she been given— or been overlooked for— opportunities or merit because of her attractiveness? how many relationships has she tried to make, only to find the foundation of said connection was built on— or marred by— her looks? if Edward bothered to see past what he perceives as Rosalie's vanity, would they be closer as siblings? or, put another way:
In the first second that Emmett saw Rosalie, he saw a goddess whom he had worshiped without cease ever since. (Midnight Sun, Ch 6)
i'm not saying Emmett's love isn't real. but it's also clear he's immediately attracted to Rose physically; even decades later, their love is described as "intensely physical" (Ch 7). worshiping implies a degree of separation; there's a pedestal, a blindness, in the kind of love Emmett shows her. if she was average-looking, would he love her as she is, as an equal, without worship? would he even give her a second glance?
part of the curse is never knowing what's real. either she lives with a degree of doubt, or she lives with a degree of illusion.
another part of Rosalie's curse is that she also falls into the trap of seeing her face first and herself second. now, do i think Rosalie is vapid & a "stagnant pool of few surprises" (Ch 1)? no. she has a personality, she has hobbies outside of tending to or enhancing her beauty. but we do see her mesmerized with herself:
She’d caught sight of her profile in the reflection off someone’s glasses, and she was mulling over her own perfection. No one else’s hair was closer to true gold, no one else’s shape was quite so perfectly an hourglass, no one else’s face was such a flawless, symmetrical oval.
& we also see her play up her beauty in the vehicle she drives & the clothes she wears. she cannot look away from herself.
however, this is where i think we see yet another facet of Rosalie's curse. that is, being the most gorgeous vampire of the Cullens, there is a degree of intense scrutiny that comes with Rosalie's beauty. for all the illusion/doubt it brings her, she must be constantly aware of it. because this scrutiny is two-fold:
1) unlike someone like Alice who can pass as androgynous & is overlooked physically, Rose does not have the luxury of breaking traditional gender expectations lest she draw even more attention to the coven. in a sense, Rosalie is under more pressure to flawlessly perform the rituals of gender conformity because anything outside of the norm will be noticed more easily.
2) beyond that, the degree of attention she receives means she must constantly perform in a human sense, too: twitching, blinking, moving, behaving, etc. in this way, her looks become a hindrance to her vegetarian lifestyle.
so, she is cursed in that she's the face of the Cullen family & under pressure by the coven & society to perform. even if she wanted to escape her beauty, she cannot.
becoming a vampire seems like it maybe allowed her to transcend [her beauty] and realize what was fucked up about her human experience
but it kinda...didn't?
don't get me wrong, it did in some sense. as mentioned, Rose has picked up hobbies, dreams, & a personality. we do see her transcend her appearance; however, her beauty still traps her for the reasons above.
& to be honest with you bestie, it wasn't vampirism that allowed her to transcend her beauty. because if she had been turned, say, the day she got engaged, what kind of vampire would we see? her final days, her looks gave her everything she wanted, & now she ends up as the most ravishing creature on earth in the socioeconomic class she wanted. Rosalie wins. i'm not saying she would have wanted vampirism if she had been turned in better circumstances. but she would certainly be more divorced from reality, & i doubt she would find it as necessary to transcend her beauty since it got her what she wanted & confirmed her worldview.
it wasn't the vampirism that allowed her to transcend her beauty. it was the rape.
the rape tears the curtain back. the rape shows her all that glitters isn't gold. the rape teaches her that in the end, her beauty couldn't, & would never, save her. the rape tells her what a woman's place is in her world. the rape forces her to realize: for all Rosalie's beauty, she is awarded nothing, she is entitled to nothing, she can do everything right & still lose. the rape is what necessitated a change in Rosalie's beliefs.
i find Rosalie's curse heartbreaking because i do not doubt she has thought about this when she looks in the mirror.
she's more attractive now than ever, but that is what put her in that position in the first place. she's come to this horrific realization at an even more horrific cost. & everyone around her compliments how beautiful she is; everyone dreams about how wonderful their lives would be if only they could be so beautiful; everyone wishes they could be as beautiful as Rosalie Hale...
meanwhile, Rosalie sits with the uncomfortable idea that the thing that gave her everything she wanted is the same thing that led her to her rape, to her death— hell, Carlisle figured she'd make a good wife for Edward, so even her turning was a result of her beauty— & is now the very thing that traps her in a life she never wanted, performing eternally in a spotlight that will never dim.
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suguru-getos · 1 month
fractures // geto suguru x f!reader // chapter 1
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warnings: abusive!suguru, mentions of cuts, mentions of physical abuse (choking, beating up, chaining), not for the faint-hearted. not beta'd. dead dove do not eat. summary: being a monkey is the norm except when you're captured by geto sama because he needs money from your parents. however, you may just have to suffer a little extra because of the forced thinking about the right and wrongs... you're putting him through.
it has been in total of three days since you have been caged in the geto estate, at first, your anxiety and palpitations could not let you sleep, now? you're too exhausted to have those in the first place. it was simple, your parents were millionaires and owed geto some money, they decided not to go ahead with the deal and in turn, Miguel brought you here. in the confined walls of the estate where they crush you chokingly.
it's 3 am, your eyes wide awake in the bed that you're confined to, leg chained to the bedpost and the metallic bite of the chain brushing against your skin, bruisingly. your ankle is tied from the bedpost, you could walk around only to a certain extent. why? because you tried to escape and almost succeeded. now even when you try to sleep, it serves as a reminder of how you are a prisoner here. you hate this, all of this because the cult leader named geto thinks you're useless and a monkey. you don't even have an idea what that means...
"they have a daughter." miguel hums at suguru, crossing his arms and manspreading, sitting with geto in his office. the feline eyed man raised a brow, "is that so?" "Interesting..." he hums again, feet tapping on the floor. "Miguel, how does she look like?" his voice laced with curiosity echoed in the room which had the two of them contemplating future plans. "wait, i have a picture.."
and there you were, papped and captured from your morning errand, holding your coffee in your hand and wearing a white tank top, and some parachute pants. you were beautiful, suguru could almost call you perfect. if only... you were not a pathetic monkey. he hates them, and they have no place in his world, they will never be a part of his world...
"i just want to go home- i don't have any idea what you're talking about." another flashback rang through your mind. your first day here, comprising you begging and whimpering against the ropes of the chair you were tied to. "of course you don't, your parents do. your opinions are worthless in this anyway." geto looks at you with disgust, his eyes carry a strange emotion... he just, hated you for existing. nothing else. mere existence...
"fuckers like you who have no morals whatsoever have no other choice but to kidnap huh? fucking asshole!" you snarled, screaming out in frustration. you had no idea how your life could change so easily. a large hand wrapped around your throat the next instant, choking the life out of you with no relent. you struggled, eyes widening and feet kicking with wheezing gasps. "you see?" geto hums, leaning in against your ear and gravely whispering, "this is how easy it is for me to kill you, you're nothing. just a worthless piece of shit born to create curses in this world."
you couldn't do anything, your hands were tied up, you could only see the life you had, flash in front of your eyes before you passed out. suguru has no idea of his strength with a feeble human yet. he leans back, noticing the prominent bruising on your neck once your head leaned back, limp and lifeless. he yanked his hand away, putting some sanitizer on it. "pathetic." he hums, gritting his teeth. you were so weak... so fucking weak and still all you had to do was use that pathetic mouth didn't you?
geto left you there for the night, a very minuscule part of him feeling upset over the way he treated you, he would call himself an asshole for it if it was a sorcerer, but you weren't one. who cares if you're not a sorcerer anyways...
the next day, your eyes blinked awake, a hiss escaping you when you noticed you were still tied up, some of the blood circulation stopped because of the ropes tying your body to the chair. you wanted to scream, but your voice box hurts after yesterday. a grim reminder of what your kidnapper was truly capable of. you sniffled weakly, senses in fight or flight.
before your pitiful breakdown could even commence, manami opened the door, watching you with the same disgust her 'geto sama' carries... what is wrong with these people? truly? why do they look at you like you mean nothing. like you have done the greatest sin of the earth just by being born? "good morning, here's the thing. geto sama has informed your parents that you're under our custody, if they agree to give the money then you're safe to go, or we kill you." she shrugs. killing... is it that normal of a thing to say?
your eyes widened at the sheer panic of it, manami noticing the palpable fear in them and laughing, walking closer to you and untying you roughly; ignoring the scratches the rough rope surface would gift your skin. "take a shower." she yanked you by your hair, throwing you on the floor.
a loud whimper escapes you when your ribs collide with the solid marble, your body was still recovering from being tied up. what is wrong with these people? you're sure you have some visceral damage at this, your internal organs hurt with that throw, blinding pain in your sensitive scalp because of the hold in your hair. suck it up... you need to suck it up. "shouldn't you- treat me like a human at least? if my parents come back for me?" you grunt, using the aid of your palms to get up, a little dizzy.
manami cocks a hip out, "geto sama was right, you have a smart mouth for a monkey." she scoffs, walking outside with a hold on your nape. you stumble on the floor, how is this woman so strong? you couldn't understand why... you couldn't budge in her grip on you.
everything is hazy after, except you were force-fed hot soup for telling geto to kill himself during dinner, and not fed at all the next day, getting captured as well for running away and now a chain on your ankle.
you close your eyes, hugging yourself tightly. you need to be your own comfort. you have to be your own comfort. but its hard... the way they look at you, the way they treat you, everything is making you wish you were better off dead. why are your parents taking so long in the first place? what's wrong with them really?
your body is exhausted, unable to keep up with the constant stress. you do end up getting dazed to sleep. although its filled with nightmares. you're woken up to an echo of a voice.
"good morning, i'm sure these don't feel good." geto hums, and you jolt awake, leaning instinctively against the headboard. eyes glossed, fear dancing through your nerves. you don't respond. why is he here? "i didn't think you were that dumb to try to run yesterday." he clicks his tongue, looking at you. gosh you still have the popped lip from when manami hit you after getting caught. some of it is in your nose too. geto sighs, its the way you behave that he gets conflicted. he has always been an underdog supporter, now a bunch of powerful sorcerers were torturing a frail human just because of money...
maybe he should do you a favor and kill you instead. he could just tell your parents that they delayed in sending the sum of money and take the money anyway.He wants to stay true to his word but also wants to return you to them. another part of him... which he hates the most, almost wants to hug you and apologize. That part is the reason you're being treated this way.
"you're not answering me." he raises a brow, watching you shiver with fear and flinch at the tone of his voice. "I'm sorry, won't run again." you managed to say meekly; within three days of you being here, you look like a completely different person. your neck is bruised, your face is bruised, your hair is a mess, you are chained to a room. it is drastic for you, geto knows that. "hm, you know the consequences aren't too great, i would just listen to me if i were you." he adds on, watching your shoulders slump in defeat. my god were you beautiful, you were perfect in his eyes, someone he should have taken on dates if his life was normal. thanks to your disgusting kind, his life isn't normal.
"manami will come to you with breakfast." he stands up with that, and your heart races. you hate that woman and the way she treats you. you wouldn't say geto is any better but at least he isn't downright awful... so far. you nodded, getting up to go and shower at least. the clank of chains in your ankle echoes in the room, and it makes geto stand still for a moment. the flash of his little girls caged haunts in his eyes. isn't he doing something similar to you.
"y/n." he says your name, watching your eyes slowly dart towards him. "if you behave for a few days, the chain will be gone."
you don't respond to that, walking away. suguru bites his lip, he hates this feeling he's getting. a frog in his fucking throat and it's just been four days of you being here. he shouldn't deter from his thoughts like this anyway. you're a monkey, a useless monkey who should be killed as soon as possible.
manami comes in with breakfast and you could only manage a few bites despite not being able to eat properly. manami was not that mean today, all she said that she expected you dead but you're not yet. she says this everyday, nothing ordinary.
meanwhile, your parents have decided to actually manage the sum of money, but it will take time. they inform geto of the same. your mom pathetically sobbing for her little baby girl. "don't worry, she will be alive and kicking, i will keep my word. you have 10 days." suguru cuts the phone call after.
you... would be elated to hear this news wouldn't you? you should be! and so he walks towards your room, where you were laying on the mattress, leg bruised and bleeding. his eyes widen a little. what did you fucking do?
you had a big and a deep gash on your ankle, from the looks of it, you were trying to get free from the chains. what did you even use for this? his eyes land to the sharp enough culinary knife on your bedside table. you were crazy, any other monkey girl would simply behave and let time decide her freedom. why did you want to be so miserable?
"y/n." he mumbles your name again, and your eyes land on him, "geto" you respond, you didn't even carry any malice when you said your name. he walks towards you, getting the first aid from your cupboard and tending to your leg. "if you want an easy enough death, just ask me." he's sure you'd have another panic attack at this statement. you've been having one every day for the past four days after all.
"hm, gimme n' easy death then" you hummed, emotionless as ever. "cus i think m' parents don't give a shit anyway." a stray tear escapes through your eyes, followed by a soft hiccup of a choked sniffle. geto stays quiet at that. yesterday night, he had a dream of you smiling. or what he envisioned your smile would look like... it would surely make you look more beautiful than you already are. he's so sure of it.
"it's not like that, they did contact me and soon you'll be free." he smiled, the close-eyed feline curve that charms everyone fails to work on you. "i see." you hum, and geto trifled with the metallic cuffs on your ankle, gently putting them away. he can't really let you be this miserable. it was pathetic, it was making him pathetic.
"sorcerers exist to protect the weak." his own voice echoes which he preached satoru with. a soft sigh escaping him. he hates you. he hates what you do to him and he hates how you're having this effect on him without even trying. "yeah, a few more days of me tolerating a hooker-looking pest like you." he grits his teeth, getting up. you blinked, unsure what the sudden change in his demeanor signified. all you could do was brace. brace for another attack.
suguru watches you do so, and that sends a shiver down his spine. what's happening to him? he kills monkeys without remorse! maybe he should kill you, fuck your parents, fuck their money. fuck you.
"since you really like using the knife how about i teach you how to use it hm?" you blinked when he spits those words out, feet stomping and holding the knife up. before you could even lean away he has your wrist in his hold, hot tears streaming down your face with the way your heart thumped loud from your mouth. "please please- no no- what're you-" the pointed tip of the knife glides down your skin, and despite your gutteral, blood-curdling screams and pleas, geto only lets go of your hand when he's written the word 'MONKEY' in your arm. throwing the knife away and watching you bleed.
"i hate you, stupid monkeys." he walks away with that, while you succumb to the ache and pass out. it hurts, you could feel the blood trickling down the mattress before your body lulls you to sleep.
meanwhile, suguru shuts himself in his room, the daunting sound of the door shutting down loud and him covering his ears with tears streaming down his face. what's he even doing? why did he have to do that? oh he knows why. he wanted to prove a point that he doesn't feel anything when he hurts a monkey. that he relishes in it... but that didn't happen.
didn't happen at all...
just nine more days with you until suguru geto gets rid of you and proceeds with his mission to kill all non-sorcerers.
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mrswolffs-blog · 9 months
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AUDACITY: Toto Wolff x Wife!Black!Reader
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The hectic race here in Monza had finally come to an end and it is now time for the post-race interviews. One by one, the drivers were asked questions about what happened during their drive and what they think could've been done differently; however, a specific question a young driver had pissed off the wife the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team, Y/n Wolff as she march her way in front of the man, blocking the journalist's sight of him.
"Could you please repeat that question you asked?" Y/n asked to make sure she heard the man right. "I asked if he felt that since he hadn't been winning any races for Christian, if he thought that maybe his time here in Formula 1 is running out?" the man asked once again, this time with a bit of fear for what the shorter yet feisty woman had to say. "So, I wasn't hallucinating, I heard you correctly! Now let me educate you on something here since you seem to lack the knowledge! A driver's career doesn't just end because they've been constantly not making it to the podium, sure he hasn't been winning yet he did a damn good job at keeping himself in the top six and THAT should be praised considering the state of favouritism going on in his team. Next is to address the fact that yes, we all know that Christian Horner is an impatient man when it comes to certain things, however he would never be that foolish to let Sergio go and if he was, he would pay for it dearly at my hands as I would personally burn his headquarters and garages to ashes, not leaving a pinch of paper for him to start over from. Mark my words, as whatever it is that you call yourself, the post-race interviews are for questions about the race and shouldn't go to the extent of you putting doubts into any driver's mind. BE WARNED THAT THIS IS YOUR FIRST AND LAST WARNING AS YOU ARE WALKING ON THIN ICE SEEMING THAT I COULD'VE HAD YOUR CAREER ENDED ON THE SPOT. Now apologize!" She shouted in anger that someone who should've been able to be trusted to ask sensible questions was actually a complete idiot out for nothing but starting chaos.
"I'm very sorry Sergio, I didn't think my words would have been taken that seriously" said the man as he was on the verge of tears, out of fear that he almost lost his job due to a foolish question. "It's ok, no hard feelings. Just try not to make this mistake again or best believe she'll be back for you" Sergio said as he went over to hug the man, being in shock himself.
Toto had been doing an interview with his drivers, when George noticed what was about to happen and tapped Lewis on the shoulder. They both called for Toto's attention, where the trio along with their journalist, watched on as Y/n gave the visibly shaking man a piece of her mind. After that was done, the lady interviewing them decided to ask "So Toto, you've obviously seen what your wife had just done. What would your reaction be to her for this?" the journalist smiled as she awaited an answer from Toto who as himself looks genuinely scared. "My question is What the fuck do you all want me to do?! I'm not getting involve in that! The last time you all had me interfere, I was unable to sleep on my pillows for a month!" He replied in a panicked tone as Lewis and George were the only two who knew what his "pillows" meant. "Dude, you've got to be kidding me. You still call her breasts pillows? How comfortable could they be?" George asked in amusement that his boss was still obsessed with his wife's boobs. "Trust me Russ, they are very comfy, I've also added and new pair. The ass" Toto said making everyone, including the journalist laugh. "Alright, so I see you're unable to help the guy out, that's all the questions I have for you three. Have a nice rest of your day" the woman said as they replied, "Same to you."
Unbeknownst to them the cameras had still been filming LIVE and they manged to capture the response which sent the world into a spiral at the fact that such a giant of man's weakness was being able to sleep on his wife as it now became the biggest thing to tease him of whenever he did something he wasn't supposed to.
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meanbossart · 3 months
Lore Ask Compilation: "Every Other Question Is About The Drow's Dick" edition
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Oh I LOVE Minthara, her dialogue is absolutely fascinating and in my opinion some of the best written In the game. Experiencing her in my Evil Durge playthrough without having been spoiled to her companion scenes prior was great - the amount of depth they managed to add to her, without it at all feeling forced or rushed, and considering how much less time she gets to develop at our side is really well done. While nearly everyone's quests had me immersed, she was one of the few characters who really made me pause and think about the things she had to say to me, what she truly meant by them, and what they meant for me as an avatar doing an evil run.
We have a lot of characters in this game that are meant to be full of wisdom and experience, who are meant to be the ones who say the right thing at the right time that inspires us to make the correct choices, but I don't think either Halsin or Jaheira (and I love Jaheira) made me feel like I knew so little about life quite as Minthara did.
And, of course, she's absolutely hysterical. 10/10 I wish she had a proper companion quest past being rescued but I understand why she doesn't.
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It doesn't connect to the urethra since the slit in on top, so he nuts and pisses normal.
Also you 100% are not sorry, stop lying to me.
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Man, I thought a lot about this one because I play so fast and loose with the content the game gives us that I'm positive there must be SOMETHING I'm completely disregarding, but I couldn't think of anything! I've chosen to pick slightly less obvious interpretations to some lines and text but nothing that completely deviates from canon, I don't think. If anyone has noticed something I neglected to mention, feel free to let me know - not because I want to revise it, but just because I'm curious!
For the second part of the question, not really. Larian did a great job of giving us plenty of room to play around in the dark urge's background, I think I'm yet to see something that I find to truly "not fit" in the ample freedom they've given us. I have my preferences, of course - I'm shocked to find that most dark urge's are NOT big hulking beasts, for example - in fact that seems to be the minority by far, but I realize that I have my... Uh... Biases.
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You can see a cute little divot through the fabric if you look closely LOL
And nah, I think his penis has seen enough sharp points for a lifetime.
Unless someone decided to add some bite-marks to it.
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HMMM, I... Don't think so.
He didn't cry as a baby, he didn't cry as a child (and this isn't something I just decided on now - this is a major reason why his foster drow mother even kept him around) he didn't really cry growing up or at any point during the campaign. I think he is capable of it - sadness in him just tends to be far more confusing a feeling than anything else.
He will have emotional moments in ANE, whether or not that will culminate in crying is something you will have to wait to find out LOL
Astarion has noticed this and just took it as a character trait - the drow doesn't cry, he just gets confused, angry, frustrated or simply bottles it up. While he can be demanding of his emotional maturity, he isn't going to try and dictate how he should experience his own feelings. If it did happen it would definitely catch him majorly off-guard, perhaps even shift the perception he has of him to a certain extent.
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Oh my god you just know they All managed to be utterly quiet about it for as long as humanly (and unhumanly) possible until like, I don't even know, halfway through the Shadow-cursed lands where one day Karlach finally turns back to the group around the campfire after a half-nude drow has strut past and she's like "SO
And Wyll is like :0... Karlach you can't just ask people that.
And then she pointedly turns to Astarion and starts trying to interrogate him on how it works while Gale covers his ears and Shadowheart is like:
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This is gonna blow you guys backwards but he does not do those things in front of people and thinks its rude if you do.
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HMMM Mostly physically but it's a little subtle. He really enjoys interacting with Astarion's (and previously Orin's) hands - kissing, holding, caressing. Touching hair and faces as well. He can engage in more overt physical affection but usually Astarion has to be the one to initiate.
A disarmingly earnest proclamation of love and adoration here and there as well - he isn't shy in the slightest to tell people how he feels about them, he just isn't constantly reminding them of it unless inspiration strikes.
Most of all I think he expects his loved-ones to see his care for them in his tendency to go out of his way to help them achieve their goals.
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He went with them to the Shadow-cursed lands but I never helped him fix the curse, so he stayed behind when the gang went onwards to the city. DU Drow didn't really like him so it was good-riddance as far as he was concerned.
If he had come along and propositioned him during act 3 - uh, you know the really mean rejection line you have as a choice during that dialogue? Yeah, that one lmao.
Alas, DU drow is just monogamous. He could entertain group-sex with a partner for fun at the most, but not ever a third person in the relationship. And In my personal interpretation (but by all means - everyone else have fun with their poly arrangements!) of Astarion and his delivery of the "this is about Halsin" line, I also thought he was lying about being comfortable with it, so I write him as monogamous as well.
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Nothing. Nada. Not a thing. Say what you'd like about Bhaal but he sure knows how sculpt them out of his murder-meat.
(Thank you!!!)
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Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, soft and sweet)
It is a fact that everyone knows about Viserys' extreme favoritism when it comes to Rhaenyra, since she is the only child born from Aemma.
Aemond knows that as well (of course he does, he experienced the height of his sire's favoritism the moment he lost his eye), and he curses his sire for it. Couldn't he have shown a little compassion towards his other children? Couldn't he at least hide his blatant favoritism?
Aemond wouldn't do that to his children. He knew the pain and embarrassment of being treated as nothing but passing wind compared to his "delightful, could do no wrong" elder sister. So he made a promise to himself, to never favor one child over the other, to show equal love and affection towards all his pups.
He is having a hard time keeping that promise. He tries, the Seven knows he does. He gives all of them the same attention, gives all of them the same amount of his time and effort to raise and teach and guide. It's just that he just so happens to catch himself giving a tiny bit more towards his youngest.
She's younger than them, he says to himself, so of course he would need to give her just a little bit more attention and care. It wasn't favoritism, no, it's simply giving her what she needs while young, so she may grow like the others. So what if he allows her to skip some of her classes, or allows her to sit on his lap on important meetings. He's done the same for all his children (no he didn't). So what if he gave her his portion of desserts, she's still growing after all. And what if he often takes her for a ride on Vhagar, he's done it with all of them (not to this extent).
He's not showing favoritism! (His mate disagrees, very strongly.)
In all honesty, even he doesn't know why he does it. (He does, he just doesn't want to admit it.) His little girl was simply...his little girl. And he does treat his pups equally! He just so happens to dote a tiny bit more towards her.
Lucerys huffs when he sees his sweet youngest sitting on her sire's lap, rambling about the seashell she managed to collect. He was intially afraid for her, when she came out with dark hair and eyes instead of the blonde hair and purple eyes the rest of his children bore. Memories of the world calling him a bastard for his traits almost made him lose himself when he held her in his arms for the first time.
He was even more afraid that Aemond would suspect him (he had nothing to hide, but the fear of Aemond calling their child a bastard made it so much harder to breath) and would in turn hate her. He was very wrong.
Aemond had always had a lovingly stunned look whenever Aemond presented their pups to him. It all paled in comparison when he nervously presented his youngest. While Aemond adored all his pups, he revered his youngest. The look of awe he had when he cautiously held her was something Luceeys could never forget.
Of course, it didn't take long for everyone in Driftmark to note how special he treated her. Even the children began making remarks, and at first Lucerys feared they would hate her for hogging their sire's attention. After all, he was their favorite person (besides Lucerys, of course). Surprisingly, they just shrugged it off. They acted like it was an obvious thing for their sire to do.
When he asked why it didn't bother them as much, why they treated their sire favoring her as normal or expected, his eldest rolled his eyes, like the answer was the most obvious thing in the world. "Muña, of course kepa favors her. She looks like you."
I like to think that, try as he might, Aemond has a bit of Viserys in him, not enough to ignore his other children, but just enough to show favoritism to a certain one.
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gachagen · 2 months
I watched the Arlechinno short animation and wow I have to say that for the first time in a while, Hoyo has managed to really make me interested in a character just by giving me 7 minutes of their backstory. I think part of what makes Arlechinno so interesting is that while she is evil, she only became that way because of the cruel upbringing she had.
When she was a child the Mother she had was not only cruel but with a kind and "caring" facade knowing that in the end her children would have to kill one another for some title. So to rectify this, she became as cold and uncaring as possible when it was her turn to care for the children of the Hearth.
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She never learned the value of loving and caring for people like a real family because that was something that was never given to her. And even in the end she was still forced to fight the only person she was really friends with as a kid. So by all means, it make's perfect sense why she would end up this way as a totally distant father figure who doesn't smile or give her children hugs or who doesn't show them the affection and love that a "mother" would.
To her, those are what lead to the trauma she endured in the first place, and she has replaced them with the complete opposite. I also think that Arlechinno's backstory is a really realistic portrayal of how "hurt people hurt people" in the sense that despite her best efforts to not become like her own demonic evil mother, she became arguably a little bit worse than her anyways because the ideals of the House of the Hearth never actually left her. She probably sees her title as Father as something that was inevitable and unavoidable. A responsibility that has been thrust onto her that she cannot fully give back.
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After she became Father there was nobody else but her, she was a child utterly alone until she was granted another title that entailed a job and security. And when you're alone with nothing else, you really just have to keep going anyways when presented the opportunity to change.
I also think she really liked the idea of becoming a Harbinger because her friend wanted to visit Snezhnaya in the future, so in a sense she is fulfilling the promise she made by seeing the nation with her own eyes.
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This short really puts into perspective what is happening in 4.6 with her and Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet. Arlechinno said she'd give up any secret missions in Fontaine in the trailer, but it wasn't under the condition that she be slain in combat. So it seems she's changed the rules entirely of who gets to become "Father" after she retires.
I also think because of the way she worded it, that she might also be leaving the Fatuis entirely to pursue other things because her goal of protecting Fontaine from the curse has already been solved, so there's no real reason for her to continue on with being Father or being The Knave.
While I do think Arlechinno is cruel and evil, I don't think she's the type of villain who would just continue being a Harbinger because she likes chaos and misery. She is a bad guy, but only to a certain extent.
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (IV) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: Dumbledore's Army gears up in the Room of Requirements and Regulus reveals information that demonstrates the extent of his magical prowess.
Part III / Part V / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x Gender Neutral Reader
Notes: Not canon compliant, Tweaks to canon magic, Cursing
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Harry made a fine teacher and if you weren't positive that he was leaning towards becoming an auror, you would have jumped at the chance to sing his praises to Dumbledore.
The meeting at Hog's Head started off rocky, but by the end of the trio's speech, everyone was convinced to sign the membership paper that carved their fates.
Of course, Umbridge somehow had ears and eyes everywhere and not even a week went by before she became suspicious of your group.
Thus, her proclamation for the dissolution of all student organizations went into effect.
Bloody ministry folks and their paranoia.
Regulus found her "Educational Decrees" to be the most ridiculous abuse of power and you had never seen him so fired up about something before.
He sure did take education seriously.
Despite Umbridge's warnings, everyone who was a part of the D.A showed their commitment by attending every meeting regardless. Soon, the tense air that uneased everyone dissipated as lively chatter and adrenaline dominated the space.
Your latest meeting in the Room of Requirements left you flabbergasted by the depth of skill and perseverance shown by a few individuals.
Currently, you were lazing on your bed, fawning over everyone's progress, "Hm, Reg, you should have seen it. Ginny's reducto was truly marvelous."
Your eyes glitter as you recall the moment Ginny managed to absolutely demolish the practice dummy, stunning her older brothers into silence.
Which reminded you that you would need to ask her about her acclaimed Bat-Bogey hex in the future.
"No need for me to see it. I heard it. Indeed, she is quite a formidable witch."
There was a weird edge to his tone, but you tried not to think much of it because you were having a strange gut feeling that he was off-put by your praise towards Ginny.
He was being quite strange today.
You still weren't quite sure how far you could push him for answers and the last thing you wanted was for your friendship to be strained.
Instead, you opted to gloss over your observation and continue rambling on. It was currently past curfew and you had warded your bed with silencing charms a couple of times, too paranoid to risk exposing Regulus.
There was a certain subject that you couldn't help but dwell on. Frankly, it was eating away at your patience and sanity.
After a few moments, you worked up the courage to bring it up, "Reg."
You hesitated, peering down at him and meeting his attentive gaze, "This is going to sound crazy, but do you think there's any way for you to... not be a painting? I mean, I've just been wondering about it. Like, what if I could somehow bring you into the physical plane."
"Is that why your head has been up in the clouds so much, little bird?" He smiles teasingly at your offended look, having taken a liking to ruffling your feathers as of late.
(Fuck. Did you just accidentally make a pun out of that nickname?)
You gape at him before replying, more flusteredly than you appreciated, "Little bird? I know you said that to throw me off, Reg. So, don't try to change the topic!"
Regulus sighs quietly before looking at you steadily, "I just don't want you to be disappointed, Y/N. You shouldn't worry about me, I'll be just fine as your personal pocket portrait."
He pauses before continuing, posture growing rigid at his next words, "Besides, I don't need you experimenting with dangerous magic. In fact, that is the last thing I want you to do."
He fixes you with a stern look, eyebrows raising in challenge.
You nod in defeat, deciding to file away your thoughts for another time. It wouldn't do any good to try and bring Regulus back while Voldemort was still running amuck, anyway.
Successfully placated, you conceded, "Okay. I just care a lot about you is all. Promise you'll tell me if you become dissatisfied with this arrangement."
He smiled faintly, shaking his head in fondness, "I know. I promise I will. But you don't have to worry your little head about it anytime soon."
His teasing was insufferable. But you‘d let him win the argument this time.
Your heart was racing in your chest and you flipped over onto your back, dazedly staring up at the canopy of curtains above your bed.
You were growing worried. At first you had assumed you were suffering from a minor medical condition, after all your heart had some pretty brutal scares from the twins over the summer. But as time passed, you concluded that you were suffering from a crush.
A minute, itty-bitty crush. On Regulus.
Who were you kidding. You were smitten for a bloody portrait. It was incredulous. Seriously, you were tempted to ask for a psych evaluation, but Madam Pomfrey would likely dose you into a coma and have Dumbledore ship you off to St. Mungo's.
But, the more you thought about it, the more you realized that Regulus wasn't just some dusty painting. He was vibrant and sarcastic. He could read you like an open book and he always looked out for you.
He was so alive.
Whoever had painted him captured his magical essence and personality so well, you were almost certain that he was exactly like his deceased, human counterpart.
Really, you couldn't decide if you were grateful towards the artist or if you wanted to hex them for making you feel the way you did.
You were like a bloody crup puppy tripping over your own tail for him.
How maddening.
Luckily, you didn't have much time to beat yourself up over it as Harry had approached you the very next morning with his own romantic dilemma.
"So...you guys kissed?"
You teetered with your thoughts for a few seconds, trying to make sense of Harry's grimace, "And it wasn't...ideal?"
"Well, she was crying so it was more wet and salty than anything."
"Bloody hell. Was that your first kiss, Harry?"
The boy gapes at the question and seems to come to a realization, lips furling down at whatever he was thinking about.
You couldn't stop the chuckle from leaving your lips, laying a comforting hand on your friend's shoulder, "It's okay, Harry. Besides, now you can move on from her. Plus, not everyone can say that their first kiss was with their first crush."
The boy shakes his head to rid of his thoughts, fixing his glasses (a habit you noticed he did whenever he was stressed).
Sighing, you tilt your head, "I'm assuming there's more to this story then?"
Harry looks like he's conflicted on whether or not to answer, but ultimately gives in, "She was crying over Cedric."
Ah, shit.
You eloquently mustered up a quiet, "Oh."
Harry nods along as if he was used to being the scapegoat of all of the universe's jokes. You couldn't help but feel terrible for your friend, it seemed that every school year was more traumatizing than the last.
"Don't worry, Harry. You're both going through your own issues, and you'll have plenty of chances at love in the future. Plus, you're going to look bloody cool today when you demonstrate that Patronus charm of yours."
Regulus had worn you down with his teaching, but you could perform most of the spells in the curriculum in your sleep now. The only spell you had never attempted before was the Patronus charm, always being daunted by the difficult spell.
Harry seems to perk up a little at your words and you could see the gears turning as he planned out his approach to the next lesson.
He really would make a fantastic professor.
A little bit later, after your classes, you figured that you could chat with Regulus for a bit before the D.A. meeting. As you tugged the curtains to cover your bed, casting a silencing spell, you quickly pulled Regulus out of your robe pocket.
You couldn't help the bright smile that overtook your face at the sight of him, "Hey there, Reg."
The boy smiles gently at your excitement before it's wiped away by a serious look. He was certainly much warmer with you than when you first met, but he was still quite guarded.
No matter. You were stubborn. You could wait for him to open up.
"Little bird. Did you want to discuss Harry's unfortunate love life or did you want to learn the Patronus charm ahead of time?"
You groan a little at the nickname, "I swear, I need to come up with a nickname for you now. But, wait, Reg, you can cast a patronus?"
The boy looks ready to retort, but you're quick to clarify your words, "I mean, not that I doubt your skills. It's just that I've always assumed that..."
Regulus, luckily, is not offended by your explanation and saves you from your fumbling, "That death eaters are incapable of casting it, right? Well, you're not wrong in the assumption. To my knowledge, many are unable to. I know the mechanisms of the spell, but I have only ever been able to cast it once."
Merlin, why did you even ask, he was literally capable of everything.
"Once? While you were still a student here, then?" Your defeated mumble of questions only slightly gave away your disappointment at his inability to be flawed.
Regulus looks as if he was expecting the question, a small smile tugging at his lips, "No. I was able to cast it after my death."
After his death?
Your eyes were nearly bulging from your head, "Portraits have the capabilities to cast magic? No. No, that's just a you thing, right? Merlin, I was already in awe by how sentient you are, but this exceeds all my expectations."
Yes, Regulus was flawless. He was not merely blessed by Mother Magic, he was dearly loved by her.
Your nerves were buzzing and you were suddenly more awake than you were before. While you brung your finger to run along the frame of his portrait, Regulus seemed to finish gathering his thoughts.
It appeared that he was debating whether or not he should satiate your curiosity. Apparently, this topic was another one of his secrets.
Crossing his arms lightly across his chest, he answers quietly, "Yes, it is highly uncommon for any portrait to be as aware as I. Being able to cast magic was more of an experimentation of mine. Many wizards and witches do not delegate the necessary time frame to their portraits so it may be this nuanced. They usually only cover the basics: appearance, humor, and eccentricity. But, I just happened to spend many years before my death transferring all my knowledge and memories into this portrait."
"Years?" you echoed.
"Years." He nodded in confirmation, eyes unfocusing as he seemed to delve into past memories, "I always knew I'd take his mark growing up, so I commissioned for a portrait to be done beforehand. Luckily, I had it repainted over shortly before my death."
His explanation is a heavy, but not an unwelcome one.
So this was what Regulus looked like before he died. He was so young. You had always assumed that his portrait looked like him years before his passing.
The gears in your head were turning as you processed this new information, realizing that likely, very few people were privy to this knowledge on portraits.
For the sake of the wizarding world, you would keep this information from public ears.
It would be cataclysmic to have Voldemort live on and command his followers through a portrait.
"Thank you for telling me, Reg. I appreciate it."
The boy simply nods, a heavy weight seemingly easing off his shoulders. This was the first time he had divulged heavy information about his past, and despite how fleeting it was, you were appreciative nonetheless.
Suddenly a realization hit you and you perked up on the spot, "Wait, Reg. You said you can cast the patronus charm, right? Was it corporeal?"
Regulus doesn't grace you with an answer, but the twinkle in his eye and the smirk on his face already told you everything you needed to know, a youthful glow suddenly shrouding his face. Unbelievable. A bloody portrait casted a fully corporeal patronus before you.
Your awe only grows once the D.A. meeting starts.
Harry doesn't even begin the meeting by saying anything, he simply takes his wand out and casts his spell into the air with a firm Expecto Patronum.
A burst of bright, blue light whirls like a tide before manifesting into a large stag, the light of the patronus illuminating Harry's gleeful eyes.
Everyone in the room stares in wonder as his patronus galianty runs in circles above their heads before bursting into a sprint through the wall, disappearing, just as Harry tucks his wand away.
"Well that's one hell of an opening."
Your words are met with a few nods and chuckles as Harry grins in your direction. Harry then begins to break down the wand movements necessary to cast the charm and supplies everyone with tips on how to cast it quicker.
You were not going to let Regulus beat you out, you were going to cast a bloody patronus today if it's the last thing you'd do. So you continue to listen to (Professor) Harry attentively, fiddling with your wand in anticipation.
You remember what Harry had told you in third year, the year he learned to cast it. You needed to bring forth a strong, happy memory in your head.
Taking in a deep breath, you maneuver your wand in front of you and narrow your eyes into the air, almost as if willing your patronus to sprout from your wand just from desire alone.
A happy memory. Happy. First year. Meeting Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Running around Hogwarts and beating up the troll in the lavatory. —You wondered if Harry's memory had anything to do with your friend group.
The little blue light that peeked from your wand immediately evaporated as you lost concentration, causing you to silently curse yourself. Focus.
Happy. Third year. Sneaking around with your friends and watching Harry blast Snape across the Shrieking Shack. Happy. Fourth year. Laughing with Ron as Harry got flustered around Cho. Happy. Happy. Finding Regulus.
The small wisp of blue light that you conjured grows a little bigger and brighter.
Yes. Regulus.
Laughing with Regulus. Laughing at Regulus. Learning from Regulus.
Making Regulus smile for the first time in the disappearing room at Grimmauld Place.
Regulus giving you his ring. Feeling the cool silver against your skin for the first time. Watching Regulus‘ eyes unconsciously drift towards the ring whenever you waved your hands around.
Suddenly, you're pulled from your thoughts by a sudden burst of blue light in front of you. You are still rather overwhelmed by the thought of Regulus. Until you're not.
You don't exactly register the next few moments of time, being vaguely aware of Harry's shout of pride and everyone's murmurs of awe.
No, you're too distracted. Not because it was the thought of Regulus that allowed you to cast a fully corporeal patronus.
No, it's because as you're watching your patronus move around in the air, you realize that you're screwed.
A sparrow. A little bird.
Your patronus. Did it manifest from how much you secretly enjoyed the nickname? If so, you certainly did not like the implications of that.
The sparrow circles around your stunned body one last time before flying through the ceiling and disappearing. Your shock recedes as you see Ginny and Luna successfully cast their patronuses as well, just in time for a deep rumble to reverberate around the walls.
Turning to face the entrance of the room, dust clouds your vision as your ears begin to ring. Rubble lays astrew on the floor and you blurrily bring your hand to swat away the dust in front of you, feeling someone grasp at your shoulder to keep you upright.
As the dust settles and you're pushed back into the coherence of reality, you bring your gaze towards the perpetrator.
Standing proudly at the newly blasted hole in the wall were Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, a shamefaced Cho held by Draco's side.
Merlin be damned. Harry's love life is a proper mess.
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txoru @surelysherly
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myapothecarydiary · 1 month
Thoughts from reading The Apothecary Diaries Manga Ch. 1
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Okay, I just first have to say I adore these little Maomao illustrations at the beginning of each volume. The art style is so cute!
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And we get straight to it: the comparison of the pleasure district to the rear/inner palace. The similarities go to show how Maomao is in a position to successfully navigate and understand the rear palace due to her upbringing in the pleasure district. Her background gives her a unique, and in this case, advantageous perspective.
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This introduction discussing eunuchs and the emperor's family is very hello! regarding Jinshi's real identity. I think it also introduces Apothecary's conversation on gender, specifically Maomao's perspective regarding it. She considers eunuchs to no longer be true men and to exist beyond the gender binary. She values frogs as a defining characteristic, if you will.
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This here introduces Maomao's relationship with her own appearance and beauty. We later learn she draws her freckles on and so is trying to subdue her natural beauty, but she is also pragmatic about her appearance. She accepts what she looks like and utilizes her unassuming qualities, even accentuating them, but though she adds she's "not interested or anything" in becoming a concubine, I think there is some supressed disappointment in her looks. She can't fathom that someone like the Emperor would find her attractive. She is not just pragmatic but resigned.
There's a greater conversation to be had about how Maomao values beauty and recognizes how beauty gives someone value (within the environments of the rear palace and the pleasure district as well as within her own mind?). I'm going to put a pin in it for now, but I have thoughts on how Maomao views Jinshi's beauty (a waste on a man, disastrously powerful on a woman, extra wasteful on a man sans frog?) + the benefit of certain assets (big boobs XD)
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Hello, future plot line and Jinshi's desire to increase literacy and education!
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I find this important to note as it is how Maomao is characterized for the audience. "Forward-thinking" with "an insatiable thirst for knowledge and overwhelming curiosity" and "a budding sense of justice." It is interesting how her sense of justice goes against her insistence on the idea of "it is what it is" and that most matters are above her.
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Feels like ominous foreshadowing for a later reveal + an indication of how the previous Emperor's shadow hangs over everything to some extent. (Side thought: there's no actual curse on the imperial family causing the current Emperor's heirs to die, but perhaps Jinshi would feel like there is one)
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Introduction of Maomao's favorite concept/word–conjecture! She emphasizes how her dad drilled into her that she shouldn't go off of conjecture alone, yet she often engages in speculation to the point of it kind of being her "thing."
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A fateful meeting. Jinshi notices Maomao but she doesn't see him (and is too busy thinking/working out a problem in her head–very on the nose for their relationship going forward).
I also like how this was drawn with the white outline around the both of them! I think it is more apparent around Jinshi, but it does envelop them both and put them together, which is interesting.
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Maomao sees Jinshi for the first time. And going back to my prior pin on beauty! – Maomao's perception of Jinshi is tied to her thinking about the concept of him as a woman. There's almost a disappointment in how his beauty is not possessed by a woman.
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This is very indicative of Maomao's actions. A large part of her character involves not only figuring things out and possessing/acquiring information, but obscuring things/holding things back (in regards to both what she figures out and how she presents herself). This also speaks to how Maomao even suppresses certain feelings and realizations in her own mind.
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I feel like there is an instinct to write Maomao off as a cold loner type, and while part of this moment involves Maomao's relief at seeing the princess alive and healthy, I think (especially with how it is depicted) it shows a warmth for life and children. Maomao cares! You see this sweeter/softer (and protective) side of her in her interactions with Xiaolan as well.
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Maomao is all about that social hierarchy and knowing her place. Beauty and status are perhaps lenses through which she sees the world (interesting that a certain character will land at the highest level of both of those XD)
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My confession is that before I watched the anime and was just seeing people post about Jinshi as a sort of "silly little guy", I made assumptions about his intelligence and depth. I was very pleasantly surprised by the scene where he deduces Maomao left the note because she is the only one who can read. It even catches Maomao by surprise! Then again here, his ability to solve the sorts of little mysteries that will essentially become Maomao's main purpose goes to show their compatibility as a pair (that will work well together).
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This moment and quote just hits me hard every time. Beauty and life, how they interact, and the value of both will continue to be explored. It also directly shows how Maomao's experience of the pleasure district informs her ability to understand and navigate the rear palace.
And that's all for chapter 1! Onto the next.
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I love that Nasuada's major flaw is the same as one of Galbatorix's greatest flaws, and that it gets worse and more ingrained throughout the series. And it's so compelling because it's incredibly in character for her and there's every reason for the circumstances to perpetuate and exacerbate it, but that doesn't make her flaw any less egregious. The scene where Galbatorix compares the two of them is so fascinating because his intention is very manipulative and malicious, yet the statement itself isn't entirely untrue.
Because Nasuada treats people like tools. She considers a person's utility more important than anything else, including their personhood.
And it's such an engrossing flaw because of course Nasuada treats people like tools! She is proud and powerful and stubborn and noble and utterly committed to achieving what she has set out to do, by whatever means necessary. She will use whatever she has at her disposal to reach her goal, and that includes using the people around her. Of course, this doesn't make Nasuada inherently immoral; she cares deeply about justice and protecting her people. But her views on the individuals around her are impersonal and self serving.
And the goal she's trying to achieve is to win the war. Nasuada would never be pushed out of her ways by the circumstances because they work, the way she treats people accomplishes exactly what she intends. By its nature, the bloody act of war rewards using people like tools. It demands that, even; to a certain extent, it's an ugly necessity in war, but the thing is that Nasuada doesn't see it that way. She never struggles with or grieves over the need to consider people's individuality as secondary to their function. It comes naturally to her, and it lasts through the end of the books, when the war is already over.
Because I think the most flagrant example of this is at the very end, when Birgit intercepts Roran as he's leaving, presumably intending to kill him, and Nasuada says, "He has proved himself a fine and valuable warrior on more than one occasion, and I would be most displeased to lose him." It's such a wonderful, pointed line that perfectly sums up this aspect of her character. Because what a disgusting thing to say. Especially for the queen of all Alagaesia, perfectly positioned and empowered to stop this confrontation and declare it unjust if she cared to. But her words make no attempt at all to defend Roran as a person, only his value to her.
The way she uses others I find most evident in her treatment of Roran, Murtagh, and Elva. The way she tells Eragon that she thinks of giving Katrina a dowry as a "purchase" of Roran's goodwill and loyalty. In Uru'baen, only at great length, she makes the conscious choice to ignore Murtagh's past and only judge who he is in the present, but disregards any care for what that might say about him as a person, solely focused on if he could be useful as an ally. And when Eragon offers to revert Elva's curse, the one that condemned an infant to feel every piece of pain and suffering surrounding her, Nasuada is so fixated on Elva's utility and value to Nasuada's goals that she goes so far as to ask Eragon to fake his effort to cure her. She sees people as tools to such an extent that she can't recognize that relieving an innocent baby of unimaginable, cursed agony should come before her own priorities.
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weixuldo · 10 months
Allow me// ch 10
Vader x Reader
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a/n: so in this Vader is just a lil delulu… he still thinks Padme didn’t love him fully, but its only cause he’s been under the manipulation of the emperor for so many years. also ngl this ch is a lil disorganized at the beginning oops: just lots of vader overthinking
Slight NSFW
warnings: cursing, kissing, grinding, premature ejaculation lol
Vader found that the longer he held his position- the more trivial certain matters became.
For years he had been hearing the same complaints and issues circulate through the ranks in different forms. It was old. 
He often let his mind wander during the frequent “highly classified” meetings; nowadays the main thing he would think about was you. He just couldn’t get you off of his mind, ever since that night when he showed you his face. 
He hadn’t removed his helmet since then but he still saw you as much as he could. Of course he already had an inclination towards you even before the reveal, but your reaction to him just kept looping in his head. 
You weren’t scared or disgusted, you didn’t ogle him as if he were some horrible specimen from another system. 
No. you continued to look upon him with the very same expression that you always had- you accepted all of his flaws… you accepted him.
Never in his time as Vader had he yearned for the attention of another being, but you were special. 
He knew the interest was obviously reciprocated but he couldn't tell to what extent. No matter how much you said you cared- how much of that was true?
It pained him to dig up memories of the past, but they were still a part of him- of Anakin…
He believed wholeheartedly that Padme loved him unconditionally and yet she still denied him. In the end her promise of everlasting love was just an empty one. 
But you seemed to care for him regardless of what he did- there was no hiding what he had done as Darth Vader, everyone in the galaxy knew his infamous name.
But even with all his controversial history, your eyes still lit up when he would walk by, your force signature still felt refreshing and flowery, you still found time to ask him how he was doing, you still invited him into your room…
He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to ask you the extent of your feelings until he was more certain of the answer, but of what he could see; it seemed that you were offering him unconditional admiration- something he had chased after all his life. 
Of course a while back you told him that you were his, but he couldn’t help but over analyze that phrase; did you mean you were his in the sense of his personal mechanic; professionally (and sometimes flirtatious sense)? Or in the way that you were really his?
And were you just saying that because you feared denial? No. You were more authentic than that.
So why could he not shake the feeling of worry that washed over him when he would imagine asking you how you saw the dynamic?
You entered his private sector with a warm signature; even inside of his chamber he could feel your electrifying presence. 
As soon as he finished his thought he motioned for the capsule to open so he could meet you halfway. He stepped over the mechanical barrier and straightened his cape before strutting towards the door that you were behind.
You reached for the button to open the only obstacle between you and the man you so desperately wanted to see. 
He slid the door open before you could, making you jump. 
“V!” you smiled, walking past him into the room he occupied. 
His watchful eyes trailed all the way down your body before responding.
“Y/N, how are you today, my dear?”
“I’m good, I got all of the work done so now I'm here to bug my favorite man in the galaxy”.
You and Vader had been exchanging more playful banter (flirtatious, even) and Vader felt like his awkward 19 year old self trying not to blush when you would say things like that.
“Ahh, I see, you just want to distract me from my duties- like running the empire…You must be a rebel spy, my darling” he quipped back. 
Your cheeks warmed at his playfulness; it was a rare thing to have Darth Vader sharing jokes with you. 
“Oh no, my dear” you taunted back using the name he often called you.
“I wouldn’t dream of attempting to infiltrate the almighty Darth Vader’s fortress of a mind…” you said with doe eyes and a stupid half smile. 
He stepped closer and tilted your chin to look into his lenses, “what if I told you that you already have”.
In a moment of pure need, you stepped closer to him and pulled his helmet down to face you and kissed him over the grated mouthpiece. 
You heard the familiar sound of his respirator work a little harder to keep up with his quickened breathing. 
A few weeks ago or even days, you would have completely freaked out and done damage control immediately.
You would’ve tossed out every apology in the book and asked if that was alright; but now you didn’t need to – you could feel his desire lurking in the force around you. 
He stood stunned for a moment before picking you up and carrying you towards his meditation chamber. 
“V, what are you-”
“If you want to kiss me, I should at-least give you a proper one” his deep voice boomed as the top of the chamber descended. 
Soon the air tight seal was in action and a claw-like mechanism from the ceiling came down to remove the helmet. It was only the second time you were seeing his naked face and you were even more excited than the last time.
When his face was finally revealed he blinked a few times, trying to get accustomed to the brightness, before his cerulean blue eyes honed in on you; your hair, your brows, your eyes, your nose, your lips…
“May I?” he asked, waiting for the signal to capture you in a deep kiss.
You nodded furiously and draped your arms around his armored shoulders, before his lips met yours.
Sparks flew.
Sure, the first kiss was a lil too soft and a lil odd, but after you figured out a groove with each other, the kisses became ravenous. 
When was the last time he had felt the sensation of another’s lips on his own? 
He couldnt help but rake his gloved hands up and down your back, pulling you closer to him. He was in heaven, nothing could beat this feeling. 
His insatiable need for you made your core ache for him. Maker, how you wanted to fuck him so badly. Your thoughts raced through your mind and you let a small moan slip against his mouth. 
Vader felt his pants grow tighter and his dick throb. You were so enticing. It had been so long… so long. He felt like he would combust at any moment. 
He broke away from the kiss to keep himself at bay as he let the building sensation of an orgasm subside. Of course he was embarrassed that he almost got to that point by simply kissing; but to be fair, he had gone from no skin to skin contact in years, to…this.
You, on the other hand, had more experience with this thing than he did.
You placed a gentle hand on the side of his face and breathlessly asked, “Why’d ya stop?”. 
His eyes faded into the beautiful blue you had seen the other day before he attempted to answer; he was cut off by you starting to grind your hips into his, as you dragged your core against his codpiece. 
Vader’s eyes momentarily rolled back and an exquisite noise escaped him before he gripped your thighs tightly and began to kiss your neck.
“Oh, Vader- that feels so-”
Before you could finish your sentence he clawed his hands down your back (not hard enough to hurt) and plunged his face into the crook of your neck as his body jerked forward. Much to his chagrin, he couldn’t hold out any longer, not with you in his lap. 
He came. Hard.
He didn’t even know he still could; it felt weird… the burns of Mustafar made the familiar sensation feel a twinge different. It wasn’t bad by any means, just…new.
After the overwhelming feeling passed he exhaled sharply before tapping your thigh twice. 
You had no idea what just happened and if he was ok or not, so when he tapped your thigh you took that as a sign to get up. 
“Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?” you asked, genuinely worried. 
“No, I-I mean yes! Well no, you didn’t do anything wrong and yes I'm alright. I just remembered I was supposed to discuss a new tactical plan with one of the Moffs. My apologies my dear.” 
and without another word, he left as quickly as he could. 
Only you remained in the meditation chamber, feeling confused and a little sad. 
You worried you had been too forward and upset him- but he assured you nothing was wrong… So you ended up chalking it up to a loss and going back to your quarters with a walk of overthinking.
Did he not like you being like that with him? He didn’t stop it before though…
When you got back you decided just to go to bed- it was pretty late anyways.
Vader forcefully slid the heavy door to his private room closed and marched up to the platform where he dressed and undressed. 
He called upon the droids to begin undressing him and stood in shame as they disassembled him. 
When they removed the codpiece there was a damp spot on his pants. Great. 
He was glad the droids couldn’t talk (to him at least, they probably exchanged quips about him all the time). 
Since it was late and his duties were fulfilled for the day he opted for a bacta soak- he needed to get clean and to think (as if he weren’t already torturing himself with his thoughts). 
The droids strapped him into his harness and soon his body was submerged in the soothing bacta; the most relieving feeling.
He took a deep breath through the large oxygen mask covering most of his face; what the fuck just happened?
Obviously he knew he came- that was pretty damn evident. But why? (also evident).
He cringed again at the image of him cumming from kissing… was he really that pathetically desperate? 
You probably went back to your room laughing at him. Fuck. What if you thought it was gross?
He groaned and thrashed in his tank at the embarrassing scenes. 
Should he address it to you? Or just act like it didn't happen? Would you bring it up?
He attempted to enjoy the rest of his soak; it wasn’t successful. 
You woke up to your details for today; it was an uncharacteristically complex task.
Of course you didn’t mind the difficulty, but what bothered you was that it wasn’t even one of Vader’s machines. In fact it was a totally different department deep down in the belly of the ship… probably the furthest from him. 
You thanked the messenger droid and got ready to go. Unfortunately, you couldn’t stop the intrusive thoughts from barging in; he must really be mad at you to not want you near him.
Did he think you were gross or shameless for what you did?
All you did was kiss… and he was the one who brought you into his chamber. 
He promised you that he wouldn’t let any harm come your way, so you weren't worried for your life; you were worried for your position.
Would he send you back to your own system or transfer you to another unit far, far away from him? 
Maker, what was going on.
a/n: ahhh yes, the ever loved miscommunication trope- both y/n and vader need to stop overthinking (also the way they’re both thinking the other thinks they’re gross lmfaoo). i was gonna make this ch longer but then i thought it was alr a little long 😳 ty for ur support and the patience for my shitty upload schedule!
taglist: @vadersassistant @sxoulohvn @khaleesihavilliard @kashasenpai @darling-murdock @beautifulbearpolice @salvatoresister1 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @blueninjablade3 @jujuba096 @missmannequin @jellydodger @mirastark @wyvernthekriger @duckyhowls @monada43 @lauriidoesstuff @vienettacream @ray-rook @itswhatever06 @ilovenielperry
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Pairings: Ajax Petropolus x Fem!reader Summary: your power to talk to animals leads you to a specific clueless boy Warnings: none
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your power didn't really have any use in Nevermore, there wasn't many animals around, other than your bunny rabbit they let stay with you.
so when you hear little voices you don't think much of it, thinking it's just people around you whispering or something.
you were talking Enid when you heard little voiced, you couldn't make out what they were saying as there were so many voices
"do you hear that?" you asked the bubbly girl
"hear what?" she inquired
they started talking again quietly
"that" you reponded
she listened for something but heard nothing interesting
"there's nothing other than the wind, unless you're taking about the cute birds singing" she pointed to the two of blue birds in the tree above you
"That's probably it" you sighed
"oh are you hearing voices again, is that what this is about!" she smiled brightly
"yeah" you nodded your head
"I'd love to talk to animals, you have an amazing power!" she stated in excitement
"I guess it's cool" you looked down sheepishly
"It's not just cool, it's awesome!" she scoffed playfully
you laughed quietly and shrugged the noises off
you're powers only go to a certain extent so when you heard it during class, it left you confused.
they were louder than before and you could make out what they were saying.
"it's A! the answer is A idiot!" you heard. you were doing a little quiz for class
"no, B!" they said again
you forgot about it as you assumed it was just people whispering because an animal would have no reason to say something like that.
you looked beside you to see him, the boy you've liked for ages. the two of you never really talked, only sharing little HI's in the hallways and smiles
"this boy is oblivious" you heard again.
"guys, look! there she is!" you heard
"she's so cute!" another one said
"no wonder Ajax likes her" another squealed
you looked around but saw the whole room was silent, writing answers down on their papers
"are you alright?" he said beside you, making you turn to the boy
"mhm" you hummed in response
"you seem on edge" he stated
you denied it and turned back to the paper, writing the answers
"she's so nice!" a voice whispered
you continued to look down, oblivious to Ajax trying to get his snakes to stay in his beanie.
you were sat in the Library, studying for an exam in anatomy, and apparently someone had the same idea.
Ajax was sat across from you, reading his book- although your thought it would be hard to read when the book is upside down.
you got to the part where you would get the most information when you started hearing the voices again
"there she is!" they whispered
"huh?" you lifted your eyes to him
"what?" he raised his eyebrows, looking up at you
"what did you say?" you questioned
"I didn't say anything" he shook his head
"oh" you licked your lips.
"you ok?" he asked nicely
you nodded your head and smiled nervously
"this is so awkward" another voice said
"tell me about it" you muttered
"what?" Ajax smiled up at you
"nothing" you replied quickly
"have you gotten anything, from reading?" he inquired
"a little, I assume you haven't" you smirked
"oh no, this book is very informative, I think I just got smarter" he stated happily
"really? cause I'm just wondering where you learnt to read upside down, I think that would be informative" you giggled under breath
he focused his vision on his book and his face flushed red as he flipped the book right side up
"it happens over time, you 'know. sometimes you just hold it wrong and suddenly you can read it that way. it's like a second language" he tried playing it off
"oh yeah, I bet" you smiled
"fucking idiot" he cursed. but you noticed that his lips didn't move
"honestly this boy is so stupid sometimes"
"and in front of her? embarrassing"
"I know, she's so pretty!"
"he'll never get a shot"
it was only the two of you in the library, other than the librarian, so it wasn't any of you.
it made you look out the window to see birds in a tree and think it was them.
you focused on them and they started talking
"I'm hungry" one of them chirped
"then you should probably eat" another one answered
you looked down at the book and turned the page, trying to go back to studying.
you looked at the image beside the text for the anatomy of a gorgon. looking at the way the snakes slithered out of their heads
"snakes!" you yelled out in realisation, making the poor gorgon boy look up at you concerningly
"pardon?" he stuttered
"you have snake on your head, how could I not realise! that's what I've been hearing!" you cheered in victory
"I'm sorry? what are you talking about?" he furrowed his eyebrows
something in your mind finally clicked and you stood up, closing the book
"oh my god, snakes, your snakes" your eyes widened as you scurried out of the library to your dorm.
"no, where is she going?" another one whined
"he scared her off" another huffed
you were laying down on your bed, watching The Ugly Truth as you snacked on candy when there was a knock on the door.
you groaned, pausing the movie and sitting up to get it
"I swear if this isn't important, I'll have you know, you are interrupting a great movie and I swear-" you swung the door open to see his standing there with a nervous smile on his face
"hi" he greeted
"hey?" you answered confused
"did I do something, you kind off just stormed off the other day without a word, you looked a bit mad. is it my snakes?" he questioned
"I wasn't mad, it's just your snakes- they haven't done anything wrong, I mean they're perfect- well I don't know- they're great, well they stone people so maybe not amazing but- it doesn't matter, I'm not mad" you rambled
"ok" he nodded, shocked at your little outburst
"well, have a good day" you began shutting the door
"stop her!" one of his snakes squeaked
"wait, are you avoiding me?" he held the door
"no, I just really want to get back to the movie" you smiled awkwardly
"oh, ok" he licked his dry lips
"hey, I'm sorry for my snakes, by the way. They've been really annoying lately, I can't get them to stay in my beanie" he sighed
"hey!" they all yelled
"you know I can talk to them right?" you questioned sheepishly
"huh? oh yeah, right. you can talk to animals" he realised
some of them came out of the beanie to look at you, telling you to tell he sucks. making you giggle
"what? what's funny? did they say something?" the boy panicked
you shrugged with a small smirk
but they told you something else that made Ajax think you were mad about
"how about that?" you smiled
"what now? I'm really sorry for them, they're liars, don't trust them, everything they say it's the opposite" he groaned, pulling his beanie over them
"oh, so you hate me then?" you asked
"what- no, I-"
"well that's what you said, and if they're not trustworthy then, I can't trust them" you teased him
"no- no I like you" he hurriedly admitted
"do you now. cause apparently that's not what they said or meant" you crossed your arms
he was silent for a minute, stumped at what to say
"please, he's too nervous to say it" his snake came out, another following
"he's swoon, he's just too nervous, trust us, we share the same brain as this working progress" another hissed
"oh really?" you grinned at them, reaching to stroke them
"aren't you guys beautiful" it they leaned into your hand
"they're not beautiful, they're ugly" Ajax looked down
"hey! they're apart of you, if you call them that, you call yourself that, and you are anything but that word, they're gorgeous, and so are you" you confessed
"you think so?" he blushed
"oh come on, don't tease the poor boy, he's too shy for this" one of his snakes whined
"is he now?" you tilted your head
"what? what did they say?" he gulped
"nothing that concerns you" you shook your head, reaching up to hold his cheek
"yeah, well I'm concerned" he worried
"stop worrying so much" you batted your eyelashes at him
"stop doing that, it's not fair" he pouted
"do what? what am I doing?" you bit your lips cheekily
"that, now what have they been telling you" he demanded cutely
"fine, they've been saying that you hate me and that they think I deserve better" you lied
"what! no, I like you. I mean you do probably deserve better but please believe me, I really like you" he ranted
"I know" you beamed up at him
"what" he blinked
"you're adorable" your nose scrunched
"you're mean" he whispered
"kiss him already, we're all waiting" they all whined
"no, I'll kiss him when he kisses me" you said out loud just to tease him.
suddenly his lips were on yours, kissing you passionately as he grabbed your waist.
you smiled against his lips as he walked you back into your room, kicking the door shut behind him as he lead you to your bed.
"why'd it take you this long" you mumbled, leaning back for air as your cupped his cheeks
"I don't know" he pulled you back in
"maybe he did have a shot" one snake giggled
you felt a few of his snakes curl up to your skin, one making nest in the crook of your neck an a few licking your forehead and cheek as you kissed him
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fatuismooches · 7 months
omg omg how would fragile reader use foxtorre in gameplay? idk why the first thing i thought of is reader throwing it at their enemies but they wouldnt do that 😭 im suddenly thinking how their gameplay would be like, their vision, their idles, etc... IF YOU COULD PLEASE MAKE VOICELINES FOR THEM I THINK IT WOULD BE COOL
Fragile reader throws the creature onto the field to do the work for them! Depending on whether their skill is held or tapped, Foxttore will summon multiple little Puffttores that will attack enemies to heal the team or do damage, based on reader’s current HP. Using the skill also consumes a set amount of fragile reader's HP. But using their burst will let them recover HP, as they will steal a certain percentage of HP from their fellow party members. All they want to be is healthy, they can be a little selfish, no? But fragile reader isn’t that mean, they’ll grant the party members who they stole HP from a random buff (ATK, crit rate/dmg, EM, etc) so they can sit back and relax as the others fight for them. And no, they won’t steal HP from Dottore or another Harbinger on the team, that’s their beloved and their friends after all! But they can’t do elemental reactions, they don’t want that horrid thing from Celestia and even if they got one they would refuse to use it. (But I still have hope another element will be added, I cannot see Dottore using a Vision HE BETTER NOT he’s stronger than that 😞)
Their idles include pulling out Foxttore and squeezing it really tightly, and then they suddenly pause for a few seconds as they feel something fuzzy moving inside of their shirt... and then a few small Puffttores jump out of their clothes making them laugh :) Another one, i imagine they carry around a small bag to hold their necessary items (such as medication) but also to bring around a scrapbook they've made with all their memories. Lots of photos and journal entries spanning many years. They pull it out and flip through it, before sighing almost sadly and putting it away again. Their BIS weapon is the same one from centuries ago, Dottore had preserved it for all those years so they could use it once again (not really though because they wobble all over the place if you use their normal attacks)
Hello: "I am [Name]. I doubt I'll be much help to you, but I'm here now. By the way, I won't do anything I don't want to. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with Dottore."
About the Archons: "... Do not mention them in front of me... it makes me sick to my stomach, thinking about the divine. However, there is one exception - the Tsaritsa of course. She is truly the epitome of what a God should be, benevolent and kind. I may not be able to help much, but I will support her until the end. When you meet her, Traveler, I hope you will understand her goals."
About the Illness: "Ah, my sickness... it has plagued me for countless years, laying a horrible curse upon my body and mind. It's... it's been quite difficult sometimes... er, forgive me. It's hard to speak about."
"Oh... to be honest, Paimon always thought you were faking it for the Fatui's goals to some extent."
"... this is why I only confide in Dottore."
About Dottore: "My one and only... words cannot express my tenderness and love toward him. Not once has he given up on me, despite the times I've given up on myself. And he has always taken care of me, not once faltering in over four hundred years. I- I don't know what to do sometimes when faced with that information. I wish I could be... less of a burden on him... *sigh*"
About the Akademiya: "Say, does anything good come out of that school anymore? Hm? You say a brilliant mage graduated from there and is now a librarian? Well, good for her. Who would want to be associated with them anyway? And there's also a doctor who's very sick, searching for the answer to immortality? Well now... how interesting."
About the Past: "You wish to know about my past? Well, there's not too much to say. I was a regular student in the Akademiya before I met Dottore, and we fell in love... we did many things together before I... It's not like it matters anymore, being the way I am now..."
Chat - The Body: “One’s body is extremely important, yet many take it for granted. Please, make sure to treasure and love your body. It does more for you than you could ever imagine.”
Chat - Walks: "I love taking walks. It seems so normal to you but, it brings me great happiness. Especially now... I have not felt the sun caress my body or the soft breeze sweep through my hair for a long, long time. Hm? I don't mind if you come with, but... Dottore will be joining me shortly. Would you like to see him? No? Hehe."
When it Rains: "Oh no... do you have an umbrella? Dottore's going to- a-achoo!- get mad at me for not taking care of myself properly..."
Likes - Dancing: "O-oh. You saw me just now? I was just... practicing. I'm not very good at it, but dancing with Dottore as he twirls me around makes me... happy. I just need to stop tripping and falling over his feet all the time."
Nahida - About You: "You've met the Doctor's spouse? Please, would you enlighten me about them some more? I have always been extremely curious about the kind of person who would capture his attention. Hmm... I see. Still sick, are they? Perhaps Dottore sees something in them that the rest of us cannot. Though, I have to commend their spirit. Being able to wake up every day and face what's in front of them while being afflicted with such a condition... takes a strong will."
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metacrisisdoctor · 11 months
tentoorose & the gift of domestic life
in my personal opinion it's kind of deeply simplistic to say that tentoorose wouldn't settle down bc they "need" to travel when both of these things are refuted in the narrative multiple times.
i'm gonna go over this under the cut.
to start this conversation somewhere let's start with how tip/tsp is all about them not needing the tardis and travel as long as they're together, and how losing it would be hard - but they'd still be happy on any random planet because being stuck together isn't so bad - the foundation to their life in pete's world is laid here. this is really massively important because you can see that rose saying this touches the doctor, because it's him realizing that it's him that she loves and not what he offers her. if you take the doctor avoiding the subject as him dismissing it instead of him wanting something he thinks he cannot have, then you are misunderstanding the intention behind it.
it's a beautiful culmination when he literally and metaphorically allows himself to fall later in these episodes. he's asked if he has faith and he says he believes he hasn't seen everything, which is why he keeps traveling. this is left in the air until he faces the devil, without his tardis, so small and seemingly unimportant and the only thing that matters to him is the love between himself and rose. and that love translates into his belief in her; in not only his faith in her ability to also beat the devil, but also in saying that he has seen a lot of the universe and believes in one thing: her, he is saying that he has found all he has ever looked for with rose and if this is his final test; the end of it all-that is fine because he is finished searching even if there is more out there.
that's why him saying "here you are, living a life day after day, the one adventure i can never have." in doomsday is so painful, because it's a vocal confirmation of the reasoning behind his avoidant behavior throughout season two. the depth of feeling he has for rose paralyzes him because he has already lost everything, and now he knows he has found a home with her that he will also lose.
but it goes even farther than all of that. it goes all the way back to nine in father's day, "street corner, two in the morning, getting a taxi home. i've never had a life like that." that bit of yearning to slow down and just be with rose in one place is already seeping into his being then, and it becomes completely central to his character when he regenerates into ten.
the fact that he wants to settle down to a certain extent, to have a human life with rose, and cannot have it is why he represses his feelings for her after seeing sarah jane - and it's only in the later half of s2 after, poetically, visiting pete's world that he allows himself to start to open up to her a bit despite knowing he will lose this new family he has found someday. even in late season two there is a barrier they cannot cross because of his immortality, not because he doesn't want the things rose does. it's because their life spans do not match and never will, and he would never want her to be immortal because he sees his own immortality as a curse, which we see him state in the lazarus experiment.
people claim rose wouldn't want to settle down either, but it takes a lot of ignoring things rose says in order to make this true, quite frankly. rose loves adventure and travel, but what she really loves is the sense of purpose the doctor has brought to her life by showing her what she is capable of outside the constraints of estate life, as she says "it was a better life. and i don't mean all the travelling and aliens and spaceships and things, that don't matter. the doctor showed me a better way of living your life." this is something she does not lose in doomsday and it's still not something she loses in journey's end.
and the thing is, we see multiple times that rose wants to settle down with the doctor and pushes it away because she has decided to spend her life at his side. since she knows he cannot do this, partly out of his duty to the univese and partly because he isn't human, she accepts that she never will either. in army of ghosts when jackie asks if she'll ever settle down she looks so sad when she says, "the doctor never will so i can't. i'll just keep travelling." this is such a heavy moment because it shows that this is something rose has considered, something that she does want because if she didn't she would just say so, and something she herself has begun to repress to support him.
not every relationship has to end with a house and kids, but the doctor and rose are a relationship where the foundation to where they got in the end is dangled in front of them, almost cruelly, the entire time. so the idea that them having it would be too boring or something they would feel isn't enough for a fulfilled life is misunderstanding what their relationship was about in the first place.
do i think they still do alien things? of course. do i think they travel? of course! do they still have a home to come back to? a family to have christmas with? a life to live side by side until they're old and grey? of course. those things do not go against each other. settling down doesn't mean they don't have fun, they don't explore, they don't break rules or grow their own tardis. it just means that they get to have an equal and shared life together with a safe place to always come back to for the rest of their lives, which is what they both always wanted.
without understanding all of these things, it dims the tenth doctor's sacrifice in journey's end and leads to people not fully grasping his descent into madness when he is denied this life that he so desperately wants but is denied in this life. in the confidential for journey's end david tennant says, "by gifting rose this other doctor he is not allowing himself to go back." because if tentoo did not exist he would tear apart reality to get her back as the timelord victorious and the only ONLY thing that stops him from doing so is that her happiness is what matters to him, and he knows that tentoo will make her happy because they are the same man with different opportunities who made different choices because the universe showed him the kindness of mortality.
tldr: the doctor and rose love travelling, but they don't need to travel to have fulfilled lives and they never did. that's part of what makes their relationship special and this is part of the canon narrative so much so that there is a song on the season two soundtrack about it.
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yuesya · 9 months
Wow, older sister au is a raging trashfire hellscape. I can't see how much things could get worse. Poor Megumi. If it's Shiki who takes him and Tsumiki in after Satoru brings him in after Toji dies(does Toji even tell Satoru about Megumi?), their relationship is probs really strained because given megumi's and shiki's respective personalities. I'd like to think that the two of them get along in their mutual dislike of Toji(also, megumi must really hate toji in this au), but....*eyes the flaming trainwreck relationships of this au* Maybe Shiki does care for Megumi in a vague responsible way? Like both of them don't dislike each other because of each other but because of outside influences? I can see gojo elders getting on Megumi's a lot more in this au.
Tsumiki, I think, would be able to work as a middle bridge, but at the same time, she's stuck in the middle so... damn
Twin au is always so fun! Well behaved as Shiki is, I bet there were a few times when Shoko rolled her eyes and had to heal the twins when they did some ill-advised experimenting.
LOL that's an accurate way to describe the Older Sister AU I guess. Megumi and Tsumiki probably grow on Shiki eventually, but in the beginning I could see the relationship being extremely stilted and awkward.
'Hi I'm your father's legal wife but he ran away and fell in love with your mother, except now both your parents are dead and now I'm responsible for you. And your step-sister.'
Shiki probably sympathizes with Tsumiki to a certain extent, because Tsumiki would also be a non-sorcerer girl growing up in a sorcerery clan in this AU.
Twins AU! They'd actually figure out reverse cursed technique long before meeting Shoko, but I could definitely see Shoko berating them for ill-advised experiments. Suguru might beat her to it, though.
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How to Write a Gojo x Reader?
My sister one day just woke up and chose violence: "hey how would you write a Gojo x Reader?"
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So let me get something straight: I take Gege's words pretty seriously when they say: Gojo wouldn't be loyal. So she's (my lil sis) just here to mess with my head.
That being said: I did come out of it with something. I'll share my process at the end. MasterList here !! SPOILERS For anyone who hasn't seen JJK0 or Season 2: Hidden Inventory!!
You work in a second-hand bookstore - cafe. The cafe owner got married to the bookstore owner and they just made it into a combo thing. It's in an area they walk by often enough? Like post missions and school and stuff they just walk by normally.
It's most likely Nanami, Geto, or Ieri that drives the party into the bookstore. Though in Nanami's case I think it's more Haibara noticed he seemed interested in the place and suggested it to everyone.
You're younger than they are by at least a year. Gojo definitely calls you a kid. "What the heck are they doing employing a kid?"
When Gojo buys something from the store, "this kid's going to be taking your money now."
"Cheeky brat."
"Takes one to know one," you make a face at him.
"Where's the manager?" Gojo makes a show of leaning down from his human-skyscraper height. "I want to complain about the horrible customer service."
"Now now Satoru, don't bully the store clerk," yeah you definitely like the guy with the bangs more.
You'd like to say you don't see much of them after that, but Nanami and Geto, and therefor Gojo by extension, show up a few more times to the bookstore and cafe. You get along well with Geto and Nanami, and argue a lot with Gojo.
You do deal with a lot of second hand books though, so some books that come in have curses on them. Coincidentally, it's when the Jujutsu Tech students are all busy that these cursed books come in and the different curses start festering and growing. They become enough of a problem that "accidents" start happening. You still go to work daily though, because you've miraculously managed to not be a victim of any of it.
Though you did have mysterious scratches and bruises and you don't know how you got them.
No fatalities, but some really close calls. Like a bookshelf almost crushing a few people.
When Gojo and Geto hear about these incidents when they get back from a mission, they're like: hold up we know that place. They choose to go personally and are almost alarmed by how bad it was. Sensing the presence of sorcerers the curse gets violent and that's when you develop the ability to see curses too.
Gojo doesn't have the time to teach some kid about these curses, so Geto is the one to comfort you after experiencing what you did. He starts checking up on you regularly (with Gojo in tow) after that experience with how shaken you were. He's very sweet, and you're young, so you develop a bit of a crush on the dark-haired boy.
Let it be known Gojo picks up on it immediately and starts tagging along just to antagonize and tease you.
Things change drastically after they fail their mission with Riko.
While they're both shaken up, Geto is still Geto, so he feels duty bound to check in with you. You asking both him and Gojo for curse self-defense advice, helps him a bit. That being said, when he's lost and drifting about, you do feel it on a subconscious level. Your conscious brain doesn't catch up fast enough unfortunately. You are, as Gojo, put it a kid.
Given Gojo's Six-Eyes, he's actually the one who first figures out what you can do. Geto's the one who does most of the instructing because Gojo's not the best at it.
You're a weird kind of normalcy. You're not a sorcerer, and they don't advise you to be one, but you can understand what they do to a certain extent. As a result the three of you kinda bond over all sorts of things.
After Geto snaps and Gojo is looking for him, he comes by the bookstore, concerned about you, though you were almost a sorcerer at this point. He honestly feels relieved to see you.
"Is everything alright?" You can feel it in your gut that something is terribly wrong. "Sugu-kun came by the other day and you weren't with him."
"Suguru came by?"
"Yeah, he came by to say goodbye, because his mission was going to send him away for a very long time."
Gojo's shock is visible on his face, "did he do anything to you?"
"No?" You frown at him. "Sugu-kun would never."
Gojo looks so torn by those words and you're so confused by what's happening, but Gojo just leaves without saying a thing.
After his falling out with his best friend, he avoids the bookstore for a bit...until his feet take him there one day.
"Satoru!" You look at him with so much concern. "You're still alive!"
"Hah?" He sneers. "Of course I'm still alive! I'm the strongest!"
"Yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes, "so um, have you heard anything from Sugu-kun, is he okay?"
"Is there anything new on the cafe menu?" You're taken aback by how he doesn't even answer your question.
Again on a subconscious level you know something's wrong, but you're struggling to put it together. So you just tell him about the new sweet that you really like that's been added. Then reiterate your question for him to respond to. He ignores you again and goes and buys one for him and one for you.
You've barely taken a bite into the treat when he speaks up, "Suguru's a curse user now."
You look so surprised.
"That's the mission, he was talking about," Gojo takes a bite of his own sweet, but his expression is sour.
Gojo continues to frequent that bookshop you work at, probably chasing the memories of the time when it was the three of you. You opened up to him more after what happened with Suguru. That being said, your tongue only got sharper with time, and so did your sass.
By the time you were in your last year of high school, you had each other's numbers and talked regularly.
"Well would you look at that squirt?" He'd tease. "You're going to join the adult world soon, but you're still as tiny as a kid."
"Everyone's tiny in comparison to you Mr. Tokyo Tower," you roll your eyes, "how is the weather up where you're at? I get the feeling the difference in altitude is affecting your ability to think."
As you both grow into adulthood, Gojo, given he makes much more money than you, starts insisting you meet up in expensive places he knows you can't afford to flaunt his wealth in your face. He is inviting you to treat you though.
The first time he pulled this on you, he went about gaslighting convincing you that the fancy decor didn't mean anything, and that the place was perfectly within the budget on a university student...until the bill showed up and you panic. He laughed so hard, it disturbed the other patrons, and even brought tears to his eyes, heck his abdominal muscles were sore. He paid for the whole thing afterwards, don't worry.
He couldn't get you to meet him at any place he picked for a while after that.
"My job pays really well, what's the problem with me treating a friend?"
"Well this friend can't repay this kindness so easily and feels bad about letting you have something against her."
"Eh?" He looks kinda pouty. "You really think I'd really be that petty?"
"You are."
"I'm here being generous and treating you to fancy foods you can only dream of tasting and you're being so mean."
"You've just proven my point, Satoru," you sigh, "I don't want to be a friend that only takes without giving back."
He's more amused that affronted by all that. He wasn't exactly trying to put you in his debt.
"Would you consider becoming a jujutsu sorcerer then?" He hums aloud. "You could repay me that way."
"Weren't you the one wailing about how I'm pretty mediocre and weak?" You questioned. "Wouldn't I just die on the job?"
"Ah good point," he teases.
You throw him a dirty look.
"Then," he looks at you intensely, "when I ask you for a favor, don't deny me."
"Depends on the favor Satoru," you're careful with your answer.
"Then at least, make sure I'm very high on your priority list," he says flippantly, "after all you're super lucky that I even give you any of my attention."
"Oh yeah," you sarcastically reply, but you're smiling, "thank you so much for gracing my insignificant self with your great presence."
You both laugh at that.
You do try to give back in some way. You accompany him, you give him teaching advice where you can. You celebrate his birthdays. You let him talk about Suguru. You didn't judge him after he told you he'd killed Suguru. You mourned him together. You said the things you thought he was thinking aloud for him. You didn't attack him when he feigned indifference. You did push him a bit. You tried not to flinch when he blew up in your face though. You stood there like an anchor, but he could see the tremors you held back, and you couldn't keep your tears contained.
You were terrified of him in that moment. You stayed because you wanted to be a good friend. He walked away without a word when he was done.
You accepted his invite a week later, he treated you to a fancy sweets place again. He was back to his usual self then, joking and poking and everything. This was his way of apologizing without apologizing really.
You knew better than to feel special to Satoru though.
You were only ever friends. After all, the one you'd had a crush on was Suguru. You wouldn't deny that Satoru was a beautiful specimen though.
But as a beautiful specimen, he was more interested in people who came close to his beauty. Which was why you were often his "women-expert". You did a shit job of it according to him.
"Satoru," you said it in such an exasperated tone, "each person is different."
"But there are some things that are shared over all!"
"Yeah, we want to feel loved and appreciated," you responded, digging into the parfait he'd gotten you, "but that's common to men too."
He clicked his tongue at you.
"If you want to properly pursue a lady, you need to closely listen to what she's saying."
He'll show you the texts they'd exchanged with absolutely no regard to your sanity. It's absurd what you're seeing. It's also hilarious how bad he is at this. Gross as what you were seeing was.
"It feels like neither one of you is serious," you leaned back, kinda disturbed by you'd seen.
"I'm not looking for anything serious."
"Then why are you asking me for advice?"
"It felt like fun."
"Why do I put up with you?"
"Because I feed you."
"So I'm a stray?"
"Hehe pretty much."
You laugh for a moment, "if you really believe that I only hang around you because you treat me, I'll punch you."
"Go ahead, I won't feel a thing."
"Fair point," you thought about it for a moment, "I'll have to figure out a different way to show you how upset I am with you thinking I don't value you as a friend."
You're not Suguru...but you're still his friend.
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I'm tired so I'm stopping here. If you want to see more please let me know. I did have some ideas for the Shibuya arc.
So for the thought process: I felt like with Gojo it's either a one and done or it's just angst. You don't get a happy ending this guy. It'd get messy...Gojo is lonely. Look at how he's frantically and desperately trying to collect and train more strong sorcerers. I think he could have feelings for a person, but he'd be the one to be guarded and stuff them down. He's the strongest after all.
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lollytea · 2 years
do you think everyone else in the hexsquad knows about Hunter's crush on Willow? and/or vice versa, maybe? even that there's something happening but it's a slow and tentative thing that they shouldn't push or meddle in? like Hunter is valiantly trying not to be painfully flustered and obvious around the others while Willow seems to be making some attempt to be subtle and deliberate about when she does The Flirts and i'm curious how much either of them they're succeeding
I've been thinking about it and I believe the most logical conclusion based on what we know from Thanks to Them is that they all know to some extent but their level of knowledge varies depending on the person. But one tidbit that they are all very aware of is Hunter's painfully obvious crush on Willow. They're just. Politely ignoring it.
Because like. I think if this was a thing they knew and made their business, Thanks of Them would have at least given one example of them giving him looks or making some comment alluding to it. There's none of that. Which could mean that none of them actually know. But...c'mon...
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Like how the fuck is he hiding this? Realistically speaking. He goes bright red when Willow does anything. There is no way he's been doing that for months with not a single person noticing.
So I figure that while Willow's feeling might be a little more subtle and not everybody is entirely certain of them, one thing they can all agree on is Hunter.
I imagine that it's kinda similar to Willow and Gus's reaction when lumity was developing. Like they knew but they let Luz and Amity figure it out for themselves rather than get involved.
Vee would absolutely clock Hunter as a hopeless girl liker immediately. Like she's been having a pleasantly slice-of-life teenage experience these last few months while her sister has been fighting for her life. Vee hangs around with her average teen friends, she watches TV, she's sniffed around online. Vee sees like twelve stupid crushing teenage boys on her morning route to the supermarket alone. Like she knows the drill.
I also kinda like the thought that she knows about Willow's crush too. Their friendship in Thanks to Them is so cute so I really like to headcanon they often hang out when Lumity and the Menace Brothers are off doing their own thing. So they're having giggly little private talks and idk brushing each others hair or whatever. So Vee knows about Willow's feelings because Willow told her. Like she's gotta be a gushing teenage girl about Hunter to somebody and honestly I can't think of a more perfect candidate than Vee.
It would be cute if Vee was the reason Willow really started stepping up her flirting game. Like she thinks Hunter might like her but she's still not certain, and Vee offers her opinion that he most definitely does. With that certainty in mind, Willow gets a little bolder in how she approaches her interactions with him and eventually starts to pick up that Vee was right. He is absolutely reciprocating. It's simply a matter of waiting until he's ready to flirt back.
Love to think that Gus cares the least about this shit but he's also cursed to be the most perceptive of the group. Labyrinth Runners reveals that he's very good at reading even the subtler emotions of both Hunter and Willow. So neither of them told him but he's known since the day they fucking met. He actually caught on to Willow's strange shift in behavior first during the events of ASIAS and it wasn't until he became more familiar with Hunter better that he realized it was mutual.
But like. He doesn't really care. It doesn't bother him really but he's not exactly bursting with excitement over it. He figures if he just leaves them to it, they'll eventually sort out what they are to each other. That's what happened with Luz and Amity anyway.
I feel like he would never make a big deal about it. But based on "You wanna borrow my library card to visit Amity, don't you?" being his way to saying he knew that lumity had something going on, he'd definitely just drop it in casual conversation. Which scares the absolute shit out of Hunter. Like
"Hey Hunter, Camila's got groceries in the trunk. Help us bring them in."
"Oh sure, no problem."
"But please don't do that thing where you try to carry four bags at once. It never ends well."
"That was one time!"
"Yeah and Willow's already out there so there's bound to be a second time. Your crush on her makes you do stupid stuff."
"MY WHA T????"
So yeah Gus doesn't bring it up often. But whenever he does, it startles Hunter terribly. Based on the whole lumity cookbook thing, he's nice enough that he'd try to help every now and again. He's not exactly good at it. And he doesn't do much. But he helps. And Hunter is already at a complete loss on what to do so he'll just blindly follow whatever advice Gus gives him. This leads to him gifting Willow a cookie tin of dirt. (She liked it so Hunter has not disowned Gus as his wingman just yet.)
When it comes to Willow, it'd be post ASIAS-pre LR where they'd just be at school, eating lunch and Willow is glued to her scroll.
"Are you all smiley and giggly because you're texting the Golden Guard?" Gus asks boredly.
Willow looks up, surprised. Then she smirks. "And if I am?"
"I'm not gonna say anything but I'm gonna be pretty "Hmmm" about it."
Willow just laughs. "What if I said he was cute."
But now that Gus and Hunter are besties, he is also equipped to help Willow along. Of course, Willow doesn't exactly need help. She's actually doing perfectly fine on her own. But yknow he'll occasionally feed her information. Like "Okay okay there's this one line from Cosmic Frontier. Write this down, it's like--I said write it down. It's like his weakness. He's quoted it a billion times today alone. If you say it, I promise you he'll swoon. Trust me on this."
Hunter did swoon so Gus has not lost Willow's wingman privileges either.
Amity is just not very observant to others' feelings a lot of the time unless they make them explicitly obvious. I feel like this is especially true with Willow who she loves but doesn't always have the best read on. Like Amity was completely oblivious to Willow's frustration with her in LR so it's safe to say she doesn't really understand her inside and out. And that's fine, she needs some time to get to know the real Willow. So yeah she wouldn't really notice that Willow has a crush on Hunter unless it is point blank explained to her.
It also never even crosses her mind that Willow could possibly be attracted to Hunter. That anybody could be attracted to Hunter. Because frankly Hunter is the most romantically unappealing creature Amity has ever beholded. And she does not mean that in a mean way. It is simply fact. So the eyes she's giving Willow during the cosplay scene is just complete bewilderment because she cannot comprehend why Willow is encouraging this.
Like girl, she wants to smooch his stupid face. Keep up.
But there is no discernable way Amity does not see herself in Hunter. He is tomatoing all over the place. Like it doesn't matter now unobservant she is. This shit is impossible to miss. But quite honestly, I think Amity understanding what he's going through would lead to her not saying a word about it. Like he's clearly still in the very emotionally muddled stage. He's figuring out what he's feeling. He's coming to terms with it. So maybe he'd like to get a better understanding of it before his friends are pressuring him into making a move/confessing. And she gets that it's a very vulnerable way to feel. Sometimes you want to feel like you have some privacy over your emotions, even when you know you're very bad at hiding them. It's not Hunter's fault he's prone to blushing and displaying his crush for the world to see. But he has a right to keep it to himself until he's ready to talk about it. Amity respects that.
When it comes to Luz, I originally saw it as her being too focused on returning to the Boiling Isles to notice that something was developing. But after Thanks to Them, I see it differently. Over these last few months, Luz and Hunter have had this secret bubble between the two of them that nobody else knows about. Obviously they know about the Philip and grimwalker stuff but I could easily imagine the two of them slipping into this relationship where they just spill the beans of all the dark ugly and confusing emotions that they don't feel comfortable telling anyone else about.
Having a crush is definitely a lot more lighthearted than the stuff they usually talk about but it's Hunter's first crush so it makes him feel very vulnerable and weird. And if he's gonna vocalize that unfamiliar feeling to anyone, it would be Luz.
And I know Luz is a hopeless romantic. I know. Buuuut. I like to think that being around Eda and Raine for a short period of time really opened her eyes to the fact that romance can be...complicated? Difficult? Messy? Basically, just not as shiny and bubbly as she used to think it was. As such, Luz does not jump at the opportunity to pair Hunter and Willow up. Season 1-season 2A Luz might have. But she is not the same girl. Her view on romantic love is a little more nuanced. Sometimes it's something you have to be careful with. So she doesn't push it. Like Amity, Luz deduces that Hunter needs a little time to process what he's feeling before he goes diving into the next stage. So she gives him space to do that. In the meantime, she's here if he wants a void to yell into about it.
All that being said, Luz would occasionally tease him about it now and again.
When it comes to Willow's feelings, I feel like Luz has tried to subtly suss them out on Hunter's behalf but it's....difficult. Not because Willow is subtle about it but because Luz and Willow's feelings for Hunter kinda overlap into something very unclear.
Willow and Luz both have that sapphic girl tendency where they are deeply fascinated with the same soggy piece of bread of a guy. They want to study him under a microscope. They want to put him in an enclosure filled with strange objects that he doesn't understand and observe his behavior through the security camera. The only difference is that Willow mostly behaves this way because she thinks he's boyfriend material, while Luz just sees him as her most beloved moth eaten stuffed animal.
But because Willow's enthusiasm and support of Hunter is so similar to her own, Luz has a hard time coming to a conclusion on if Willow's feelings have branched out into the romantic direction.
Because like Willow will say shit like "Hunter is so cute <3"
And Luz responds. "Yeah. He reminds me of one of the feral possums we kept finding in the shack."
"I want to kiss him." She'll sigh absentmindedly.
And Luz has to internally debate this for over ten minutes because she also wants to kiss Hunter. On the forehead. Because she's always wanted to kiss a feral possum on the forehead. So she is forced to concede that she has no fucking idea what Willow feels, despite the fact that Willow could not be any more obvious if she tried.
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