#and i never care about them for very long. ill move on. but when its a podcast? i will never be over the rage
flamboyant-king · 1 year
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We saw the beginning, now I be thinking about all the possible...uhh the word is like aftermath...epilogues? Seeing as the narrative will be left open ended, we can hypothesize and fantasize just about anything!
This one is Harvey carrying on with what he idealized as a normal life, getting married, having kids, going out with the boys, stuff you see on TV. But Cammy is still there, still a part of his life. And that's pretty neat. And also I cry.
#i went on a spree yesterday with a bunch of aftermathematics that made me cry myself to sleep#because no matter what. every single end. cammy will outlive harvey. every thing in between can be different#cammy leaving. cammy staying. reluctance. romance. etc etc. cammy will live on without harvey. and it will hurt them. a lot.#it hurts me a lot. im still crying over 'thank you for keeping me in your life'#cammy could be living in the garden until the very end. either of harveys life. or the tree they took care ofs life.#maybe cammy leaves but visits from time to time. or maybe they visit right before harvey kicks the bucket#who knows! thinking about anything past the narrative makes me cry#because we dont see that in media. we always get the good ending but that is never the end. what happens afterwards?#cause grow as we go's narrative ends after harvey finally reunites with his family in the philippines and decides#i want to stay at my house and take care of my garden. ill be sure to visit every year from now on.#and the credits would roll as him and cammy travel back. on the plane. the taxi ride. harvey getting the key in the door.#harvey putting cammy in the little makeshift bed he made. and him looking out the window of his room down at the garden. him smiling#and then it says end. thank you for watching. this took fourty two years to make oopsie whoops#god i go on long rants when its late. anywho compare to last time i made a possible ending#cammy reluctantly leaving as they both start to fall in love with each other#cammy willingly running away knowing harvey will heal from this and move on and be normal#this one here theres no leaving. there is no normal. its just living dude#grow as we go#sketches#harvey#camellia
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marklikely · 2 years
podcasts are things of evil btw. just so you know
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t34-mt · 9 months
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tepueh pu, the domesticated que'arsaeb animals of maanuls that act as a "sheperd dog" for them, but for the ocean obviously. more info and images below ->
tepueh pu are a tiny aquatic animal of the que'arsaeb reign meaning it has 6 limbs and its body is segmented in distinct parts, It also means they have a sort of "bone" exo-skeleton with rough skin on top. their front limbs who serve no purpose but to do courting dance and occasionally help themselves to crawl around.
The fur-like things around the eyes and front limbs are purely for courtship, they are not made out of modified feathers as feathers are exclusive to the silieus reign, instead its sort of bristles that are quite rough to the human touch. maanuls do find it entertaining to see them court and as a result of that, they get excited during the part of the year when they court. Creating safe temporary spaces on the beach usually being circle-shaped, all maanuls do is watch them perform and fall over, if they cant get up they come and assist them to put them on their feet again. Tepueh courting consists of them desperately trying to get on their feet (usually being pushing themselves onto a rock to balance on their feet, but more commonly maanuls help them to), then the bright ones will shake their arms. Extending them and vigorously shaking the bits that have the bristles, that when rubbing against each other rapidly, create a sound that can be compared to sand being shaken in a jar. the brighter the bristles, the better the sound, and the bigger the moves is what will attract a partner. Said partners are the dull ones.
I'm not sure if they're a unisex species, they might just be random individuals who get a certain boost of hormones that gives them bright bristles and they have to perform for the others who are dull, or if they're just bright males and dull females.
Like i said they're very pathetic on land, meaning maanuls carry them when they need to be transported on land for a reason. Central north maanuls who need to migrate once a year due to temperature drops in the far north have to carry their Tepueh pu on long distances, thus they use these attire, where they attach 2 tupueh pu per side, transporting 4 in total. While I'm talking about north maanuls, every other maanuls would also use this attire to transport multiple tupueh pu. Although said attire has regional variants in terms of designs, a rough look at what a northern one would look like here ->
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as seen in the example, tupueh pu can have different color variations per region, While this is not the final look of northern tupeuh pu there would be light coloration from mutations. Tupueh pu are purely bred to be working species not a pet, so while color mutations are seen as a fun thing its not their priority or what they're searching for. While not a family pet it doesn't mean children do not play with them from time to time in the water. However, tupueh pu can be used as a service "pet" in the water for maanuls with blindness or other disabilities affecting vision that would require a service pet to navigate in waters. tupueh pu are never bred to be fancy but to be useful to maanuls, they're very grateful to have them and treat them with great respect.
While they are not house pets it doesn't mean they cannot be pampered outside of working hours by maanuls, being given treats, groomed daily by owners, and being treated with care for the smallest illness they could catch.
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the breathing holes of tupueh pu are on each side of their back, due to being aquatic for quite a while their opperculums had the time to shift to a more convenient place for quick gasp of air at the surface. Their maanul owners however do not, maanuls when wanting to breathe before swimming again need to get on their back once reaching the surface, as their opperculums are placed here. While technically they could push air to enter their vocal vents and redirect it to the lungs its not something they do as they do not inhale enough air using this method to feel comfortable.
ocean shepherd as a concept (final version will be posted separately)
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warning The cattle shown here is not the final design, they will not look like this once ocean sheperd as a concept are done and fleshed out in the future. this is just an example
ocean shepherd, or just called shepherd among maanuls, originally i thought of them guarding a group of smaller animals (small fish) tho the idea of one or three large slow domesticated cattle sounds more cool in my opinion and also easier to contain for maanuls overall. their cattle would need maanul assistance to live comfortably, maanul coming near them by canoe or even swimming if they're not so far. usually always have at least one maanul by their side who shifts their guarding job with other fishermen after a period of time. I imagine said cattle to be kept in a shallow kelp forest where it has all the food it needs, and little to no predators around to worry around. Maanuls might even sit on their backs during their shift duty because the cattle is docile and doesn't bother them doing it, plus they also need to get on them when they pamper them (by cleaning them)
this is my rough vision of it for now, while i have tupueh pu (tho its quite bare bones on this post) , i just need to design the cattle now, then write a whole long post about how maanul sheperds works.
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the vague shapes i did to figure out tupueh pu (in chronological order)
heres some fun stuff, i wanted them to be awkward looking, those penguins from subnautica were on the back of my mind while doing them, creature design is just doing vague shapes for me
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thewulf · 4 months
Time is of the Essence || Legolas
Summary: Request - Heyy I was wondering if I could request a Legolas imagine where gimli tells the reader that Legolas likes them, maybe before a battle. Then throughout the battle they are distracted or thinking about what gimli said. Then after the battle the reader goes to tell Legolas that they feel the same or something like that :)
A/N: This one got away from me lmao but I had so much fun writing it. THANK YOU for all the requests. Wouldn't be here without each and every one of you!
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Word Count: 6.3k +
TW: General LOTR triggers, blood, talk of death, shooting, stabbing etc
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“Who is that?” Asking quickly your eyes snapped up to the dark-haired twin standing tall next to you. His eyes turned to see the prince from Mirkwood ascending the steps to meet his father, Lord Elrond.
Elladan smirked at your curiosity. For in all the years he had known you, you had never so much given another ellon the time of day. Your interests always seemed to lie elsewhere, until now it seemed, “That is Legolas Thranduilion. Prince of Mirkwood.” He spoke lowly so only you could hear.
Elladan watched as your eyes seemed to be captured by him. You watched as he walked up the marble staircase leading to Elrond before turning back to him, “Prince?” You attempted to bite back the discontent at that one word for you would never have a chance with someone of such stature.
He nodded slowly, “As I remember. It has been a few hundred years since we have had an actual conversation. King Thranduil has Legolas all over middle earth bidding for Mirkwood.”
“Very well.” Turning your attention back to the woodland elf your eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets seeing that he was staring right at you. A soft smile graced his lips as he caught your eye. He had far more courage than you as you turned back to Elladan swiftly with an evident burning on your cheeks.
He snickered softly knowing that every single one of them could hear if he laughed or talked any louder. You elbowed his side trying to get him to quiet down. The last thing you wanted was even more attention on your party of two. Lord Elrond had asked you and his son, Elladan, to receive the guests of the Council of Elrond as they arrived.
You had been taken in by Elrond and his family after your mother and father were called to the sea nearly a thousand years ago. You were a relatively young elf, just over five hundred years old, when your parents had decided it was their time to go.
You had tried to assure them that you would be just fine being alone. You were young but you were still an adult. They wouldn’t go until they knew you’d be taken care of as you didn’t have any siblings to lean on. Your closest kin resided in Lothlorien, a place you had no desire to go even though they begged. But Rivendell was your home, and you had no desire to leave it behind.
Celebrian had always wanted more children but could bare no more. She had heard of your parents predicament from her many visits throughout the city. See, most elves were natural gossips, so it was not even like she had to ask for it. It was just given to her. So, she decided it was time for her to act on it. It felt natural for her to take you in with her, Elrond, and the children. Then she met you and just knew you would fit right in with their family. You were moved into their home no longer than a month later and your parents had set sail the very next one.
No ill will was held toward your parents. You could only imagine how long their lives had been as they had only told you the bits they wished to divulge. They had decided to have you late in life. After nearly four thousand years. They had no plans on leaving you that soon, but the call was so strong they could no longer ignore it for the Valar had its reasons. It was a great sacrifice to stay is middle earth when the sea was calling so longingly. You could no longer be selfish as you were plenty capable of living on your own. Being taken in by Elrond and his family was a gift upon itself, you’d flourished under their eye. You had nearly mastered the art of healing in the one thousand years you’d been under his instruction.
After your parents left, not a hundred years later Celebrian had found the same calling. It broke your heart all over again watching Elrond and his children, your dear friends, let go of their wife and mother. You had almost felt guilty thinking your parents departure had something to do with hers. The calling must have been strong if she was willing to leave her entire family behind. You had thought maybe they would cast you aside now the Celebrian, the one who had wanted you the most, had gone. The opposite was true though. They held onto you stronger than ever before. Sooner, they were more your family than your own. Later, you’d lived with them longer than your parents. New memories with Elrond, Arwen, Elrohir, and Elladan began to overtake those of with your parents.
“Prince Legolas.” Lord Elrond’s voice brought your eyes back to the top of the stairs instead of at Elladan, “Rivendell is most welcome to host your visit for the Council of Elrond.” On cue you bowed to the revered prince. You’d heard nothing but good things of him. Nobody spoke of how handsome he was though. Striking in the best ways. You should have known he would be of that stature after seeing his father, King Thranduil in passing once. That as an intimidating elf if you had ever of seen one.
“Hir nin (my lord).” Legolas bowed back to him, “It is always most welcome to visit Rivendell.” To your horror he looked right at you before continuing loud enough for all to hear, “I have met your son, Elladan. Who might the lady be?”
Your face must have been aflame by now with all the attention keyed in right on you, “Ah, that is my youngest daughter. Lady Y/N.” You’d so rarely been referred to as his daughter it had caught you off guard. For whom else might you be? Everybody in Rivendell knew of your status why should he not claim you for his own? He had known you and cared for you well-being longer than your very own parents had.
He smiled hearing your name on the Lord’s lips, “Youngest daughter? Have I been so distant I did not know you had another daughter?”
Elrond smiled looking over to you. Trying your very best to remain stoic you were sure your father could see right through it, “My daughter has been mastering the craft of healing.” He turned back to Legolas before muttering something in his ears that he did not let you hear no matter how hard you strained to. Maybe Elladan caught it but he just shook his head at you as you looked over to him.
Legolas turned giving you another bright smile. He bowed right at you before walking over, “It is a pleasure, Lady Y/N.” He was much bolder than all the ellon you had met in Rivendell.
You let out a strangled cough. One that your brother knew was one of sheer panic. He let out another chuckle which meant another elbow was sent right to his ribs, “All the same Prince Legolas.”
His smile was something you had rarely seen in an elf. It was so pure. One that made you want to smile right along with him. What was it? What with you? Why was this ellon making you act like a fool? You needed to get it together and quick. Elrond would see right through your little coy act. He was far from dumb. Perhaps the opposite. He was the smartest elf you had ever met. It was impossible to try and get a leg up on him as he was already ten steps ahead.
“Legolas is fine, Lady Y/N.”
You nodded quickly, “Then I must insist, Y/N is fine as well.”
“Indeed, it is. Y/N.” He spoke to you before turning his eyes towards your brother behind you, “Elladan. It is nice to see you once more. I trust Elrohir is faring well?”
“He is well, Legolas. He is away seeing to personal matters in Minas Tirith at the moment or else he would be here.” Elladan turned serious as the prince’s eyes were on him now.
“That is not a worry. It is good to hear he is doing well. Elladan. Y/N.” He bowed to you once more before turning and walking back to Elrond, clapping him on the back like they were old friends. You were sure they actually were. You’d never been privy to life outside of Rivendell. You’d also never really cared. You never needed to. Not until things started turning dark. Suddenly you had to care about everywhere but Rivendell. Elrond sent you on small quests at first. Then longer and harder ones. You had no idea what he had planned next, but you were sure it was going to be big considering what was happening with Sauron. He tried to keep it quiet, but you heard whispers. It was an impossible darkness to hide.
The next few days went the same as the last. You’d received a few humans from Gondor, Boromir, and his crew. He was as funny a human as you had ever met and crass as ever. You quite enjoyed him. Next up were the dwarves and the harsh stares you received from Gimli and his kin. The dwarves were no fans of your elven kind. You had already met Strider and the four Hobbits to which you had taken quite the liking to towards as well. You’d never received so many different people and creatures from across middle earth and you were having a wonderful time. Elrond had suspended your studies while the council was in session leaving you to wander during the daytime on your own free will.
You had taken to shooting your bow trying to get in as many reps before all out war commenced. Elrond would never admit it, but it was coming. You could sense it. Things had never been so cold and dark as long as you had been in middle-earth. Lord Elrond had all but admitted it had not been this bad since Sauron came around the first-time thousands of years ago.
Being wrapped up in your thoughts your senses had betrayed you. The Prince of Mirkwood had snuck up on you. A usually impossible task that was easier as you had been distracted by your very own thoughts, “Raise your arm a little.” He spoke from beside you. Letting the breath, you’d been holding in out you turned to him lowering your bow in the process.
“Legolas. What are you doing here?” He was indeed the last person you had expected to see. He had been locked in your fathers study for the better part of the week. He was a part of the strategizing crowd not even your brothers were privy to. Elrond had done a masterful job of hiding his children away. He had no desire to put you in harm’s way on the front lines. But even as he tried he could no longer hold you back.
He shrugged giving you the eye as your bow was still loaded in your hand. You pulled the arrow into the quiver connected at your hip in a hurry before slinging the bow itself over your shoulder, “Needed some time away. Things were getting a little personal in there.” He smiled but it wasn’t the bright smile you’d seen on his face prior. It had been dulled.
“So, you come to the practice range?” You asked curiously. Knowing so little of the elf you knew you were digging for something hoping he would give you a little more.
“Exactly, my lady.” He grinned holding his hand out for your bow.
“Y/N.” You corrected him not liking how that sounded. Far too mature for your stature.
He gave you a lazy smile, “That is right. Exactly, Y/N.” He kept his hand out waiting for you to hand him the bow. Slowly you pulled it off you back and handed it to him. To your surprise he started inspecting it. You’d felt terribly self-conscious as you had crafted it far too quickly. It was just your practice bow after all and it was one of your first attempts.
“This is lovely.” He grinned over at you as he held his other hand for your arrows. To which you gave him as you were now far too curious to see how this prince would do. He was nothing short of a whispered fear around Rivendell. The stories your brothers have told of him made you far too curious of the blue-eyed elf.
“That is a lie.” You laughed.
He shook his head, “It is fine work. I, myself, could hardly do better.” You watched as his hands traced your woodworking. You were not overly proud of the piece. In fact, you’d all but thrown it away finding yourself frustrated at not being able to carve in the finer details as you had planned. Eventually, after a few too many attempts you’d succeeded at getting the right shape but gave up on the detail.
“Are you trying to flatter me?” You questioned letting him know it was you who had made the bow.
He looked over at you curiously, “Did you make this?” Asking as if he didn’t quite believe you he waited for your response.
“I did indeed.”
He looked you over once more before trying the bow out himself. You’d heard of how good he was, but it was hard to believe until you had seen it. In a matter of seconds, he had not only shot all of your arrows but had placed them perfectly around your target. It was more than impressive. Wood elves were known for their skills with the bow, but this was nothing like you had ever seen. Not even your bow master could keep up with something like this.
He turned back to you with an even bigger smile on his face, “It shoots even better than it looks! You have a talent.”
You gawked at him without so much as a care of how dumb you looked, “You just shot like that, and you are saying that I have the talent?”
“Aye.” He set the bow down before heading over to retrieve the arrows. He looked back waiting for you to follow, “This would not be possible if your work was not as balanced as it is. I must ask you to make my next bow. I will pay you handsomely for your work.” He spoke as if money was the issue with his request.
“Oh!” Your cheeks were surely there usual fiery hot selves as they usually were when Legolas had come around, “I hardly doubt I could make…”
He shook his head cutting you off, “You must not doubt yourself. I would not ask you to if I did not think you could.”
You nodded knowing there was no actual point in arguing with him. He was as stubborn as you were and nobody was going to win the fight that was surely going to ensue, “All right then. I will make you a bow. On one condition.”
“And that condition is?” His smile only seemed to grow as he talked to you. It’s infectiousness wearing off right on you for how could you not grin when he was smiling at you like that?
“You do not pay me. Let me make it for you as a friend?”
He nodded, “That is a condition I can accept. As long as you let me return the favor?”
You giggled feeling his eyes wash over yours in bliss at your reaction, “You cannot give me a condition for my very own condition!”
“Please?” He asked with such a softness you could only nod at him.
“You may return the favorite, mellon nin.”
The two of you had spent the better part of the afternoon chatting, laughing, and avoiding the reality of the situation of the world at present. You had one of the best afternoons you probably ever have had in this lifetime goofing around with the prince. He was certainly not the ellon you’d expected. He had become more than you could have ever had imagined and more.
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It did not take long for you to fall for the prince. After Elrond had volunteered you for The Fellowship you had grown close to him. About halfway through the journey, after Pippin and Merry had been taken and you’d been running for days is when you knew. That was when you knew you had feelings for the elf. The signs had always been there, but it was his constant care and checking up to make sure that you were all right that made you realize where your heart had actually lied with the elven prince.
It was decidedly not a good position to be in. He could never be with you. The king would never approve. You would be left longing and loving for an elf who was strictly off limits. The journey to Mordor had been nothing short of rough. You were constantly amazed and astonished at Gimli and Aragorn keeping up, the Hobbits trail, the wizard coming back. It was almost too much too believe. When Aragorn rose from the dead in Helm’s Deep you could not believe it. That was why you had decided to fight. For him and middle earth.
“What are you doing?” Legolas looked at you desperately as you placed the chain-link guard around your torso.
“Preparing.” You spoke matter of factly not noticing Gimli behind him.
“For what?” He asked. For what? Was he mad? Playing dumb surely.
The look on your face let him know you were not playing, “The battle, Legolas. I will not let you all go out there without me. Not once more while I sit behind. I am more than ready and far more than prepared.”
“You will not. I will not have you go out there. You must stay back and tend to the wounded. Your skills are needed here!” For the first time Legolas sounded frantic. Out of control. Worried as if he knew you would go against his wishes. He was right, of course. Legolas had gotten to know you well over the course of the journey from Rivendell. He’d learned of your ticks and habits. Your nature and goodwill. How your morals had outweighed your better judgment for yourself. He’d learned why Elrond had hidden you for so long. You’d be a danger onto yourself more so than he could protect you.
You shook your head slowly, “My skills are needed in the battle and even you know that ernil nin (my prince).” Looking down you were almost afraid to look into his eyes at this moment.
He walked up to you before whispering a low, “We are not done discussing this, mellon nin.” Though his words were kind his tone was off. You gulped. But before you could even open your eyes the prince had stormed off. Likely to cool down. He’d made it clear he didn’t want you anywhere near the field yet here you were doing everything he wished you wouldn’t do.
When you finally looked up you saw the cheeky smirk of the red-haired dwarf staring right at you, “Gimli.” You bowed, “How long have you been standing there master dwarf?”
“The entire time.” He confirmed, “You have given our favorite elf quite the scare.”
You eyed him knowing that he was digging and pressing for something, “He will come to his senses.”
“Or you must come to yours.” He countered with a wicked smile. One that made you feel like you were missing out on something.
“What is that supposed to mean Gimli?”
He gruffed at you, “You cannot be that blind! I was lead to believe elves have some weird, enhanced vision or something.”
“There is no need to be so hostile young dwarf.” You smiled at Gimli letting him know you were surely playing along with him even though you were clueless to what he was actually insinuating, “I unfortunately do not know what you are attempting to tell me though.”
He shook his head with a swift movement, “The Prince of Mirkwood has feelings for you lassie.”
Simply blinking your eyes, you surely could not have heard him correctly, “Has feelings?”
He rolled his eyes, “Aye... are you going to make me come outright with it then?”
You nodded, "I am indeed. Elves are blunt and I am unfortunately very oblivious.” You smile only grew as he huffed and puffed almost looking embarrassed to have to say it out loud.
“The Prince of Mirkwood likes you lassie. He will not stop bringing you up whenever you are not around. He is driving me mad. Gold sickness isn’t even this bad.” As your cheeks grew a blush so did Gimli’s.
It was obviously all in good fun to tease him but what he had actually said struck a chord within you. How was that possible? He was actual royalty. You were a commoner for all intents and purposes, “He cannot.” You said not letting your hopes rise for you had liked Legolas deeply. From the moment your eyes laid upon him in your home all those days ago. What an adventure you had been on as you trekked across middle earth with the ellon you may have loved.
“Oi lassie! He can and he does. Did you not just see his reaction to you going into this battle?”
You shook your head, “Well, yeah but…”
“No. He likes you. Very much so. Drones on and on about how pretty you are. How smart you are. How sweet you are. It is exhausting Y/N.” Gimli dramatically sat down on the bench near the wall.
“I should be offended you find talking about me so exhausting master Gimli.” You raised your brows to challenge him as you sat down next to him.
“Nary the case my lady. It has been months you see. And he will not say a thing to you. Months of it lassie! You are lovely. He would be quite lucky to have you. I am simply tired. He will not listen to me. That is why I am telling you this now.” You only gave you a smirk as he leaned his head against the wall.
“Months is not a long time for an elf.” You giggled knowing how much it would set the poor dwarf off. He was almost too easy to poke and prod at. A simple action would result in an explosive reaction out of him.
He eyes lowered in on yours, “Insufferable. The both of ya. Truly meant for him aren’t you?” He got up before giving you a quick bow, “I will see you on the battlefield my lady.”
“I’ll beat both of you this time.” You grinned trying to lighten the darkening mood taking over Helm’s Deep. Time was of the essence now.
“You will not!” He boomed, “I will kill the most orcs!” He walked out of the room before you could object. With a deep breath you finished putting on the chain link armour. You’d wished Elrond would have prepped you a little more as you sheathed your sword. You could do this. You absolutely had to do this. You had to tell Legolas you liked him back. It was rare, to feel the connection you’d felt with him. Truly, time was of the essence.
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You had lost him early on in the battle. You were holding Legolas’s hand before you had to dodge away from an axe being thrown. From there on out it was you and yourself against too many orcs to count. Terror began to consume you as you fell back in the crowd of men and elves. But you could do this. You had to do this. Legolas liked you! You could have a life with the most handsome ellon you had ever laid your eyes upon. You just had to kill every single disgusting orc around you. Easy. You could do it. For Legolas. For you. For a life you craved.
You hadn’t a clue what overcame you as you fought and fought for hours. You witnessed more death than you ever had in your life as the never-ending siege kept ticking on. You fell back and fought. Fell back and fought. Fight or die. Fight to live on with Legolas. You tried to search for his golden hair as you fought but begrudgingly came up short time and time again. It was only when dawn broke with Gandalf and the Rohirrim showing up did you feel a twinge of hope as the orcs turned to them instead of charging on into Helm’s Deep. You stood on guard as the Rohirrim charged on. It felt like you would collapse from the relief seeing the help pour in. Emotion truly overtook you as you saw that flash of golden hair on the war horse down the bridge. Legolas was alive and well. It was going to be okay. You were going to get to tell him that you liked him.
You watched in awe as the orc army was slain. Some tried to run but were devoured by the very forests that once protected them. Sheathing your sword and throwing your bow over your shoulder you found your way back to the dining hall turned emergency healing ward knowing they would need all they help they could get. You had a lifetime to tell Legolas how you felt, the men and defenders of Helm’s Deep needed you more now.
Despite your own cuts that were too deep to heal quickly you pressed on. Throwing some bandages on the worse ones you rolled up your sleeves and got to work. You were in your element as you ordered people around as efficiently as possible and got to as many men as you could.
But that voice broke your stupor. It always would, “You must give yourself a break.” Legolas. He had found you faster than you would have thought.
You spun around on your heal after patching the man up, “I am fine. These men and elves are not.” Holding out your hand you showed him the growing number of beds that were becoming occupied from small wounds to life threatening ones.
He shook his head agreeing with you, “I know I will not change your mind. But please rest when this is all over?”
You bit back the smile. Ever since you met him he had cared for your wellbeing more than you did, “You have my word.”
He gave you a once over with a frown and concern in his own eyes, “Will you also see a healer when you are done?”
“I am fine Legolas.” You persisted shaking your head before heading to the bed next to the man you’d patched up.
He was hot on your heals not believing you for a second, “You are bleeding through your bandages, mellon nin. Please?” Gimli’s words rang through you as he looked at you wish nothing but pain and concern.
“All right.” You weren’t sure what else to say as you looked over him in return. You really should see a healer but your wounds just felt so miniscule compared to the horror you were seeing now.
He eyed you looking for any lie, “I will check on you tonight to see sure of it.”
“I told you that I would, do you not believe me?” A smile rose to your face as you knew your words took him aback.
“You are stubborn. You will work until you collapse. Of course, I trust you. But I do not trust that you will see through to it.” He grinned seeing your expression clock what he was saying, “I will check in on you tonight in your room. How does that sound?” He tried again asking as if it were a question as you knew it was not. Legolas would be checking in on you whether you agreed with him or not.
He was giving you a chance now. You had to take it, “I will see you tonight.”
He gave you a quick bow before making way towards the door, “Please see a healer soon. And rest.”
“I will. Do not fret Legolas. My help is needed first.”
He nodded, “They are fortunate to have you.” He walked off before you could get another word in. You shook your head getting yourself back in the right headspace to see and heal the gruesome wounds left by the attack.
You kept true to your word as your own energy was depleting rapidly. As soon as the bodies stopped flowing in and you became overly exhausted you finally saw another elven healer who pulled the orc poison from your open wounds and patched you up. Legolas was right, a few too many orc blades had made it impossible for your body to heal them as quickly as it usually would.
You had only been settled in your room after bathing and changing for a few moments before a familiar knock rang out at the door. You had been given a room near the kings chambers for the time being as you were the only female in the company. And who were you to turn down such a luxury after months on the road? Certainly not you.
You opened the door to the smiling elf. He quite literally took your breath away. He was so handsome, “Legolas.”
His eyes traced you overlooking for any signs that you had not in fact taken care of yourself, “You look well.”
You moved to the side to let him know it was okay if he wanted to come in, “I am.”
He sighed bringing your eyes to look into his, “I was so worried when I lost you. I had broken my promise to you.”
All you could think to do was grab for his hand. A small sign of comfort as your laced your fingers into his, “It is not your fault Legolas. You know this. We would have both been struck had I not jumped away.” Giving his hand a soft squeeze, you pulled him in through the door. You didn’t want the prying ears of the company or some random elves hearing the conversation if you could stop it. You knew it was getting vulnerable fast. The adrenaline from the battle had long worn off leaving the raw emotion of what just happened to linger.
He looked down at your fingers intertwining his, “I was so afraid that I… I kept looking for you as the battle wore on but could not find you, I feared…” He could not say the words that kept binding on his tongue as it scared him the most. From the moment he laid eyes on you in Rivendell he too felt that pull you had felt so strongly that same day. He’d lived a couple thousand years and had never seen any ellith quite so striking as you. Legolas had been convinced he would never find the elf he was destined to love.
“I am here. I am alive.” You gave his hand another comforting squeeze you just looked at him. He was closer than he’d been before. The air between the two of you felt electrified as you looked up into his eyes. His blue ones met your own. The concern gave way to the happiness of the first part of this hell being over. As Gandalf had said. The Battle of Helm’s Deep was won but the War for Middle Earth had just begun.
His eyes met your smooth hair, fresh out of the baths, “You have no braids in?” He could not recall a time he had not seen braids laced throughout your hair. He had not known you for a long time, but it seemed jarring to see you without them.
You nodded, “You are correct. This is the first time I’ve had a comb since Rivendell.” You paused unsure of if you wanted to ask the next question or not. It was now or never really. Gimli had assured you he had felt the same, why would he lie?
He spoke before you could ask your question, “I must admit, I am envious.” He tried running a hand through his long, usually silky, hair that had been tangled in the battle.
“You can borrow mine.” You offered up without a second thought, “And uh���” You stopped once more having a hard time getting it out. It was now or never. You’d fought that hard for this. Why was it so hard to spit out?
“What is it?” He nodded, encouraging you along.
You closed your eyes, letting out a long breath, trying your hardest to regain some composure. His hand felt like it was burning in your palm as you decided you just needed to spit it out, “Do you… Would you like to braid it?”
Your ears were trained to pick up upon the slight falter in his breath, you’d managed to take him by surprise for once, “Are you sure? Are you asking me what I believe you are to be asking me?” He looked at you with a gentle desperation you had yet to see on his face before.
“Legolas.” You tried stopping him, but he just continued. Spiraling.
“I, of course, would gladly accept but I need to know if these are your intentions. If what you are asking is true.” He looked concerned that you might not be telling him exactly what he was wishing you were saying.
“Legolas!” You pulled your hand away from his before grasping onto his shoulders above you.
He stopped finally hearing you, “Yeah?”
“I like you. Quite a lot. More than a fellowship member probably should. And Gimli might have told me you were driving him a tad mad at all the mentions of me throughout the months.” Your smile grew as you saw his expression drop into shock. You had decided it was fun to surprise the Prince of Mirkwood. His face was the most precious you had seen it yet as it went through the uncommon emotion of being surprised.
“That dreadful dwarf! He promised he would not tell.” For the second time in a short period, you had seen Legolas in a panicked state. Legolas was best with everything under his control. You had often thrown his plans under fire when you came into the picture though. So often before he would be annoyed but he welcomed it with you.
“Him telling me that got me through it all. If he had not told me you had feelings for me I do not think I would have made it out alive. I was fighting for us. For a future with both of us in it. I know exactly what I am asking you for when I asked you to braid my hair.” You spoke freely for the first time in a while. It had been hard keeping the feelings you felt for him locked down and hidden away as you travelled with the fellowship.
He grinned taking your hand in his this time. He led you to the chair at the desk in the room and had you sit. He stood behind you as he brushed his hands through your hair slowly. You tried you best to fight the shiver and chills that erupted at his touch, “I am honored you asked me to braid you hair. If it was not obvious before, I do feel the same. My dwarf friend seemed to want to tell you that before I could.”
You laughed softly relishing in his touch, “We should thank him. Who knew how much longer we would have pined from afar.”
“I do not wish to give him credit. His head will grow too large.” His nimble hands began braiding small intricate braids in your hair. He’d decided he was going to take his time and make the perfect braid he had never had the patience to do before.
Giggles erupted from you at that. Watching Gimli warm up to both you and Legolas to eventually turning into one of your closest companions had been one of the most unexpected twists from the journey, “It does not feel right picking on him when he isn’t here to blow up on one of us. It is not as fun.”
You could see the grin on his face through the reflection in the mirror above you, “Enough about the dwarf. How are you? Truly?”
You closed your eyes thinking about his question, “I am tired and growing more nervous the closer we get.” It was the first time you had admitted it out loud and it felt good getting it off your chest.
He tied an elastic on the last large braid he laid down the center of your hair before letting his hands fall to your shoulders. Just the touch provided a comfort you weren’t sure you could express adequately, “I am keeping my promise. Nothing will happen to you. I will protect you through this. I promise you that.”
You turned your neck to look up towards him, “Thank you. For everything. And the braids.” You ran your hand along his work all too curious to see what it had actually looked like.
He brushed a hand along your cheek, “It is my honor. I should be the one thanking you. You look beautiful as always.”
Relishing in his touch you pushed your face into his hand, “Let’s not tell the rest of them until after this is all over.”
Legolas gave you a hesitant look, “We can try. Gimli will know immediately, and he does not have the quietest tongue.”
“Aye that is true. We shall try then.”
He knelt down to your level so that his eyes were staring right back at you, “Yes we shall. Now come, we must have some dinner and get some rest.” He held his hand out to you after he stood, not giving you another option knowing you would rather just jump into bed and snooze the night away. But Legolas being exactly who he was had made a promise to your father and he would protect you. And now he got the privilege of loving you too. He had no plans of losing this after he had prayed for it for so long.
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 6: troublesome
Alastor x (f! bunny reader)
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your POV: Earlier this morning Alastor had made breakfast again and Charlie called everyone over, heading out I take a seat next to angel, a plate waiting for me. Alastor had made French toast topped with powder sugar, I don't quite remember the last time I had French toast, picking up my fork I cut a piece off taking a bite letting out a satisficed hum in response. while everyone was eating angel was talking about wanting to go to a nightclub later today "angel the point of redemption is to clean yourself of sins" "oh cmon its just a bit of drinken, I promise I wont do drugss~ y/n you'll come with me wont ya?" stopping mid bite I put my fork down "uhm angel... I haven't been out to drink in a while and besides I'm not very good at holding my-" "nahh it will be fun trust me, ill take care of ya!" "I- I mean I guess" "great later tonight, dress in somethin sexy, ya never know who might be there~" I roll my eyes as I finish my food.
Alastors POV: a night club? I would have never taken y/n for a person who enjoys such activity's...especially with angel, that could be troublesome. "angel perhaps you should take somebody else with you, wouldn't want another mishap like last time~" "now how the fuck did you know about that!!!" "I know everything angel..." "your fucken creepy" "you could be more clever with your words" "whatever well be fine Val wouldn't be there, I hope..." not very convincing "well its none of my business what happens to you, just don't drag others along when something does"
your POV: Alastor left the table leaving everyone else to finish there food. during the evening I help niffty with some cleaning, husk threw up on the carpet from drinking to much and she needed help cleaning the stain. after what felt like hours the floor was clean and it was time for me to get ready for tonight. walking back to my room I rummage through my closet seeing if I have any nice outfits or dresses, I stumbled upon one dress that was all black, it had an open back stopping above my tail with thin straps and a semi deep V line, it was long enough that it covered but one wrong move and its over, putting it on it was well fitted, hugging my waist nicely. I never had time to do my makeup so I went to angels room to help with my hair and face "well babes you look good enough to eat~ if I liked girls" "thanks angel", while he did my hair we laughed and talked, "if you don't stop moving while I'm doing ya eyeliner were gonna fight" "its to close to my eye!" "its eyeliner!!!". eventually we were done getting ready and he dragged me to his bathroom mirror, "angel I- I look so..." "hot?" I huff out a laugh "yeah ok" "ill meet you downstairs?" I nod heading out of the room to the lobby.
Alastors POV: Charlie and I were discussing her idea about hosting a "party" for sinners who are interested in redemption but she described it more like a ball. it wasn't bad idea but I'm sure people would only be there for the food. this idea lasted in my mind for a short while before Charlie let out an ear wrenching squeal "Charlie dear please do not-..." y/n walked into the lobby in a dress that I was not to keen on letting her leave outside with but my she looked beautiful. "y/n you look amazing!!!" "oh thank you Charlie, I'm not quite used to dressing like this..." "well my dear it is an interesting choice of clothing but you look wonderful" you look like I'm gonna have to murder a few people later "thanks alastor" "of course my dear, now if you excuse me I have some business to attend to"
your POV:
seeing angel walk out "alright babes you ready to party!!" "angel please please pleaseee!!!! be safe" "well be fine Charlie well be back before ya miss us" as we walk out of the hotel we head to the club that angel frequents at.
Alastors POV:
watching angel and y/n leave I turn to the hallway seeing my shadow grinning at me "follow them" with a nod it leaves, I'm not letting her out of my sight, especially looking like that...that's asking for trouble I will not allow
your POV:
walking into the club the music was so loud you could hear it from outside, the place was crowded and reeked of alcohol and cigarettes'. holding onto angels hand for dear life we finally manage to reach the bar "what can I get you to hotties" looking at angel I shrug, not knowing this place all to well "ill get a sex on the beach and shell get a margarita thanks~" "a margarita?" "oh cmon gotta start off strong" "your paying for my funeral" as the bar tender slides over our drinks we both clink glasses as we start off our night.
one hour into the night and I have lost angel, the effects of having to many drinks to count starting to kick in, pushing my way past the crowd looking for angel I bump into somebody tall somebody familiar?....wait no that's- "is that the little conejita I see~ well isn't that a surprise, what brings you to my club? back for a job~" "V-Val oh uhm I'm not-" slurring my words he drags me to a booth sitting me on his lap "somebody's had to much to drink today~" "no I have to go I'm looking for-" "now now leaving already, sit and stay a while let me treat you for a bit" trying to slip off his lap his two bottom hands have me held by the waist and I knew drunk or sober, that I was in deep shit...
because I was a day late I will be posting 2 chapters today so stay ready for the best ideas I have to bring to life I love you all hope you enjoyed and stay tunned~
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
for more content and chapter please click this masterlist
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"Floral Affections" - Part 2
GN!Reader x Plant Monster
CW: nothing.
Finally got around to writing something, and I'm very happy with it! Hope you guys enjoy! <3
Part 1 | Next Part
Whispers sounded around you all over the marketplace, the townsfolk giving you wary glances as you went about your business. Ever since you’d taken that job as Lord Sorrel’s gardener things had gotten… weird.
Now, people weren’t avoiding you, surprisingly enough. Quite the opposite! They were bothering the hell out of you. Several times a day, someone would come up to you, feigning curiosity about your day just to “subtly” ask you about the lord.
It was getting rather annoying, but at least most folk weren’t dumb enough to outright ask if your boss was gonna turn you into fertilizer.
The town children were very blunt with their questions. They rarely believed your word when you described the lord to them, speaking of his soft tone and kind looks. But even worse than the youngsters were the nosy old ladies.
The women loved gossip—practically lived for it! And they’d always scorn you for “falling for that monster’s charms”. Your hackles always raised at their ill words, and you couldn’t help but remind them how much this little town had improved and grown since Lord Sorrel’s arrival.
No one was pleased with your defensive attitude, but they couldn’t deny the truth either; the town had never been so prosperous.
In the end, you moved on with your day. It would take a while for the townsfolk to warm up to him, and you had better things to do than worry about their opinions. So what if the town was owned by a plantman? He was so kind and generous and… pretty…
You shook your head and hurried back home, hoping the fluster on your face wasn’t too noticeable. Were you actually falling for him? You barely knew the man, but… your heart couldn’t help but race in his presence. His beauty had stunned you the first time you met, and the way he held himself... When combined with the gentle looks he sent your way, it had you swooning.
But even if you could admit to yourself that you had feelings for him, how would you even go about courting–
“Oh!” you gasped, surprised to find a small clay pot waiting at your doorstep. It was decorated with a golden pattern of swirls and held a gorgeous little flower. The plant had a long stem surrounded by leaves at the bottom, with its top adorned by petals that jutted out in spiky formations.
The flowers were a deep, purplish-blue. You quickly identified it as a blue salvia and promptly became confused. These did not grow locally, and you haven't heard of any traveling merchants passing through town selling them. This would imply that someone had paid a pretty penny for it to be delivered here…
Your face grew hot once more. With careful hands, you picked up the gift and scurried inside. The pot quickly found a spot on your kitchen table, brightening up the space as you stared at it in wonder.
“Should I… bring him something in return?” the question tumbled from your lips unsurely, your expression twisting in nervous doubt. “But what if it's not from him…?”
And that was when you noticed, hidden behind the leaves, a bit of gold sparkled. You brushed them aside, revealing the answer to your query: Lord Sorrel’s initials written on the inner side of the pot, just barely peeking out above the dirt filling it.
Chewing on your lip, you glanced between the flower and the backdoor of your house, thinking. With a decisive huff, you headed out into your humble garden. Hopefully, you could find something that would match the salvia’s meaning or at least something to reply with.
After all, to a gardener such as yourself, Lord Sorrel’s message was very clear;
“I think of you.”
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wonijinjin · 5 months
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author’s note: finally it is here! a bit messy, but i hope you will still like it.
synopsis: what would you say if people asked you: what is exactly your relationship with choi seungcheol? well, that is hard to define, one thing is for sure; it is a lot, but not healthy nor normal, many would say. then if that is true why do you keep coming back to him every time?
word count: 5.9k | genre: SUGGESTIVE, angst, hurt no comfort | pairing: cheol x f! reader (x best friend! jeonghan cameo) | warnings: SUGGESTIVE THEMES, use of curse words, reader is implied to be shorter than cheol, both of them are in their twenties, mentions of mental illness and bad behaviour, alcohol, cheol (and jeonghan too) is implied to be very rich, use of many petnames, degradation, praise, cheol is in power advantage (no abuse), reader is manipulated and manipulative, cheol is a bad person, reader isn’t a good one either, cheol is a cheater, heartbreaks
when you met choi seungcheol you thought you found the perfect man, even though it started out as something casual, a one night stand soon turned into something far more serious.
2 years ago
you spent yet another evening at a fancy party your company organised for their business partners, even though you hated them. the only positive thing besides the free food was that most of your beloved coworkers were there, so you decided to join them for a few drinks anyways.
it was well into the night already when you arrived at the dance floor alone; your coworers weren’t exactly the dancing type and the only person who you knew would join you was nowhere to be seen. you made your way to the crowd of dancing people, most of them drunk by that time, and started rocking your body to the beat. there was a sudden change in the rhythm, a slower song started playing. everybody slowed down and just enjoyed the music, swaying from side to side with their partners. you decided to walk to the bar to wait for a song which contains a more dynamic rhythm.
you had just begun walking back to the room most employees stayed at from the bar after dancing a bit when you bumped into someone, your feet losing its balance; you immediately tripped and waited for the impact of the fall. but it never came. you slowly opened your eyes and there he was: a tall man looking down at you with a worried expression on his face. “are you alright? did you hurt yourself?” he asked, a puzzled expression on his face. you stared at him. his eyes were big and round, a pleasant hazel colour. his dark hair messy, some strands of his bangs hanging in front of his eye. his red shirt loosely hanging on him, the first 2 buttons freely dangling open, showing his neck a little, his black jeans making his appearance a bit less formal. “yes thank you.” you freed yourself from his hold as you stood up. “i am a bit clumsy when i’m tired.” you smiled softly. he let out a laugh. “i can see that.” he paused for a moment “may i have this dance with you?” he asked suddenly, eyes fixated on you, wanting to see if you would say yes. “if you insist.” you held out your hand for him and he took it. he took the lead and rocked your bodies slowly as you quietly sang the lyrics of the song. his touch was so gentle, like he was afraid of breaking you as if you were made of porcelain; you felt the world around you slow down as he looked into your eyes, his gaze radiating so much love and care. as the song ended you stayed there for a minute, hands in his, not caring about anything, only him. "thank you for catching me earlier, i really-" you were caught off guard, as his lips slammed onto yours. the suddenness of his action surprised you for a minute, but you didn't hesitate to kiss back, eyes fluttering shut, a feeling you hadn’t felt in so long coming to the surface again; attraction. you went on making out for quite a long time, lips moving in sync like they were made for each other. eventually you had to split due to the lack of air in your lungs and everything went fuzzy in your memories.
you opened your eyes, but only found empty space in front of you. you soon came to your senses and realized that you were not on the dance floor. "ah you are awake. how was your little beauty sleep?" you saw one of your work friends, jeonghan sitting next to you on the couch of the room you had previously hung out in with your other coworkers before stepping outain hall of the event. "hold up...how did i end up in here? i was just dancing with that man a minute ago..." you stared at him in confusion trying to recall the memories from earlier. were you just imagining this whole thing due to being drunk?
"well i don’t know what boy you are talking about, but after you left to dance you were gone for a pretty long time, so i went to check up on you. that's when i found you sleeping at the bar's table." he continued "i took you back here so you could sleep without that fucking loud music blasting in your ears. you clearly needed it, i guess you haven’t been taking proper care of yourself, again." he explained. you remembered you getting off the dance floor to wait for another song, looks like you actually didn't make it back and fell asleep on the counter. but the dream was so intense, you could feel his feather-like touches on your skin, and also that kiss was too good to be fake. it all felt so real. "thank you for caring and not taking advantage of me jeonghan." you let out a relieved sigh "you are a really nice guy." he bowed playfully. "of course, no problem." you scanned the room, no sign of the others. "where are the others? and also, how long was i out?" he looked at his watch on his left wrist. "not long, i brought you back here like 20 minutes ago. oh, and the boys are currently cleaning up the place. people started leaving because they got tired or too drunk and we don't wanna stay up till dawn doing the cleaning so we are taking care of that right now. the boss is actually quite satisfied, we made good deals." you stood up. “do you need help with the cleaning or have you got it covered?” you asked sleepily while looking into the eyes of your friend. “nah we are good, you should really go, if i’m being honest you look like you have been ran over.” jeonghan chuckled as you dragged your feet out of the room.
it was a chilly night; when you stepped out of the building the wind blew coldly, making you shiver. you were ready to head home from the party, having had one too many drinks, head starting to hurt. while skipping along the quiet and dark street you realised that it had started raining, however you didn’t have an umbrella with you; to solve this issue you put your hands and purse above your head to keep it from getting wet. upon stopping by a red light at the crosswalk suddenly a figure of a tall man stepped next to you; he must’ve been in his early twenties, you thought judging by his face which seemed to be spotless and so sculpted like it was a statue. it even looked kind of familiar from the side. “do i know you?” you asked without any sense of shame or without thinking first, not looking directly at him. while your question remained unanswered from the corner of your eye you saw him extend his arm, in it a big black coat. “here, take this. don’t get sick.” he said slowly, accentuating every word of the sentence. you looked up at him, not knowing why would a stranger offer another stranger their jacket without any context. “you don’t even know me, do you really not mind? what do you want for it in exchange? i’m not retarded you know.” you prodded, wanting answers regarding the reasoning for his actions. he shook his head, his black locks jingling like shiny ornaments on a christmas tree. “do i really need a reason to be nice?” he smirked. “it is raining pretty heavily and you don’t have a coat with you. you should bring one next time, never know when the weather changes.” you hesitantly accepted the piece of clothing, secretly being kind of thankful for the heavens for sending this man your way since you were indeed getting ridiculously cold. “and besides, a pretty little thing like you shouldn’t wonder around in this beautiful dress at night wihtout being properly covered up, there are many dangerous people waiting to hunt down women like you, you know.” the mysterious man said in a stern voice, which indicated that he really meant what he said and it was not just an inappropriate comment. you raised a brow at this, finally looking in his direction, searching for his chocolate orbs. “do you think i cannot defend myself?” you asked boldly while leaning closer to him from the side to catch a glimpse of his face; you needed to confess that you were intrigued by his aura, curious as of where the encounter would lead. “well i cannot state anything about you for sure yet” he paused for a moment, looking slowly up and down at you “but i would actually love to get to know you to judge it for myself.” he said and turned to face you for mere seconds, then walked away.
after seeing the light from the street lamps shine on his features it hit you; he was the guy who kissed you at the party. so it wasn’t a dream, huh? “wait!” you shouted after him, seeing his form slowly turn around. he looked at you with a raised eyebrow, expecting you to say something. “you were at the party, weren’t you? you caught then kissed me. why did you do it? and most importantly, who are you exactly?” he grinned, knowing you discovered how you knew him. “bingo, 100 points for you pretty girl, you figured me out. i was waiting for you to remember, if you did.” he was now looking right into your eyes, not breaking eye contact. “i do. so explain: how and why did you disappear after randomly kissing me?” you had a questioning look on your face, but held out against his gaze. “what can i say, i am a man of many talents. but that shall be my secret. you wouldn’t want a magician to reveal their tricks, would you?” he giggled. “do you do this to every girl at business parties?” you followed up. “nope, just the prettiest ones, darling.” the honey and sweetness laced into his voice made you quiver with excitement. “interesting.” you faked amusement, continuing. “what were you doing at this event? should i have to know you from somewhere?” you pressed further since he wasn’t of help in untangling his character. “i have a friend in the company, yoon jeonghan, and i had some money to invest into something new.” he replied causally, putting his hands in his pockets. there was no doubt in him hiding a mischievous smirk behind the emotionless reply, entertained by the fact that you knew nothing about him. “what fantastic connections you have there, mr.” you paused “what is your name?” he leanen down, eyes at the same height as yours. “why don’t you come to my place and find out?” his grin was still there on that handsome face; you thought it through for a minute. you were bored anyways, what could’ve gone wrong? he even knew jeonghan. there was no harm in spicing up your life a bit by spending a night with a very good looking man, so you hurried up to his side, and followed his lead.
however, the sweet start of your perfect relationship was sadly too good to be true.
present time
time froze for a moment; you saw him in the office through the window, in between his legs a pretty blonde; he kissed all over her neck, going further and further down, unbuttoning her shirt. you were disgusted, utterly in disbelief; he promised he would change after catching him almost kissing another girl at a party.
1 year ago
“you almost kissed her you asshole!” you cried after exiting the building where you had caught seungcheol at a company dinner getting wasted and cheating. you had many problems in the past month, he was always mad at someone or something, his business taking up all of his free time, all while you tried to discuss every inconvenience with him, which was definitely not an easy thing since he was an exceptionally stubborn man. “i didn’t! she crawled into my lap and before i could push her off you came in!” he tried to defend himself, some of your friends who went out to smoke watching the scene unfold, ready to step in as they saw you were fuming with anger. “i left you for ten fucking minutes, seungcheol! ten minutes and you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself! this is ridiculous. i know we have been arguing a lot recently and that you have been frustrated with many things, but seriously you think this is the solution? cheating on your girlfriend?” your tears stopped by this time, the only tell tale sign of your cries being the wetness on your cheeks. “i am gonna say this one more time; i did not cheat on you. why would i do that? you know very well how much i love you, i always give you everything you want. the moment you say it; it is all yours, every time. what more can i offer to you, hmm? is my love not enough for you?” he pleaded, regret written all over his face. he moved towards you to plant a kiss on your forehead and cheeks, pulling you into his chest. your heart melted at the action; it was true, he was treating you like his princess all the time without fail. you hoped he was right, and didn’t plan on breaking your heart. “let me make it up to you pretty girl.” he said while kissing your neck, navigating the chaos of limbs you were into the bathroom. “i will give you all my love.” he grinded against you, already in one of the stalls. “gonna make you see how much i care about you.” he kissed all over your body hungrily, putting your legs on his shoulders. “cheol-“ you gasped loudly when he touched you. “be quiet, pretty girl. don’t want to get caught now, do we?”
present time
but he didn’t change one bit. hell, he didn’t even care to close the blinds while he cheated on you with your coworker, making sure the whole building knew what he was about to do during the night. your blood boiled at the realisation; you gave him so many chances, you let him manipulate you into coming back to him after doing something awfully suspicious every single time, yet he still did it again. oh, but you weren’t gonna let this slide this time. you were gonna take revenge on him for what a fuckin’ prick he was; he was in for a good lesson. starting with the text you sent him a moment after the aftershocks of the scene you witnessed went away.
“I TOLD YOU I WAS DRUNK! what can’t you understand?” he groaned, head probably still fuzzy from all the alcohol he had consumed earlier. “give me a chance baby, you know how much i love you.” he changed his behaviour, suddenly looking nervous, frustrated even, that you wanted to end things with him. you stepped closer, looking him right in the eye. “you are full of shit choi seungcheol. i don’t need your excuses. this is so over. i gave you everything you motherfucker!” you screamed as you slapped him out of rage. “i am disgusted by you, i don’t even know how the fuck i ended up with you!” he turned to you again and raised a brow at this, his hands linked together in front of his chest. “you are talking as if you didn’t do the same thing months ago!” that was the point where you had enough. yes, you too hooked up with people, but that was during a time when your relationship was at its lowest, both of you agreeing on taking a break from the other as you saw how this was not healthy at all. “we were broken up at that time and you know it! don’t you dare compare yourself to me, we are nothing alike, you liar.” you stormed off, shutting the door behind you, leaving him in your shared apartment, already knowing your next move on how to make him regret even meeting you.
now here’s the thing; you weren’t an evil bitch by any means; you were always on your best behaviour in all situations, you could even dare say that you were a people pleaser, but you couldn’t take your pride being scarred like this, again, that was way out of line for you.
using revenge as a coping mechanism was very much like you though, so you acted quickly, not leaving time for second-guessing yourself or for regret. “hi hannie, what are you doing?” you started the conversation after he picked up the phone you had already called multiple times; it was very late in the day, your time being spent on trying to get a hold of your boyfriend’s best friend. “ah sorry you couldn’t reach me, i was in a meeting. what’s up? do you need something?” his voice echoed from the other end of the line, confusion evident in it. “i was wondering if you would want to come to the bar my friend invited to with me…you know how cheol gets, he doesn’t have time for anything nowadays and going alone would be so embarrassing.” you chirped in a sweet tone, trying to sound as innocent and vulnerable as you could, hoping he would buy your story of being sad over how busy your boyfriend was. “uh, sure i guess? when is it?” he was hesitant, but you knew he could be convinced very easily.
everyone could see how he looked at you when you all hung out together with cheol’s other friends, being especially distant after you announced your relationship with his bestie after the night of the company party.
2 years ago
“don’t you think this is a fast pace, hmm?” jeonghan questioned after you told him about your little night with cheol, as well as the fact that he was indeed your mysterious kisser from the event. “don’t get me wrong, he is my best friend, you are mine too, i am happy for the two of you, but he is not always the man he seems to be. i don’t think you have a clear picture of what you are getting yourself into.” he said firmly, gaze fixated on your form in front of him. “don’t worry about it hannie, i am a big girl, i can handle it. besides, i am not doubting your words, but he really is an angel, so i don’t see the problem here.” you smiled widely while he sighed, a bit disappointed, but respecting your decision. “i am just worried ‘bout you.” he touched your arm slightly, his fingertips lingering near yours, almost as if he was trying to lace them together, still, stopping himself from doing so, the intimate action now only being seungcheol’s privilage. “but okay. let’s celebrate you not being single anymore then!” he grinned, offering you a warm smile after. you hugged him, his grip tight around your waist, like he gave his everything into that one hug, knowing that would be the last one he could freely give you, without worrying about a specific someone interrupting.
he was practically drooling over you every single time, his crush being very obvious to the naked unknowing eye aswell.
present time
“tomorrow. i will text you the details later, don’t worry. thank you for making time for me.” you topped the previous act with a much lighter response, knowing he loved to hear when people were thankful to him, especially since it was you. “of course, you know you are my favourite, but don’t tell dino! he still hasn’t gotten over that time when i chose your help for that project i had!” he chuckled and you let your giggles out aswell. “…one more thing hannie…please don’t tell this to cheol, he has been extra stressed with work, don’t wanna bother him y’know.” you pleaded, wanting to keep your little secret, being sure about hannie not knowing that the two of you broke up because he cheated, since he would’ve called you if he knew, questioning what exactly had happened. “sure, i’ve got you don’t worry. see you tomorrow then.”
the next day jeonghan picked you up and drove you to where the bar was, helping you when stepping out from the expensive four wheeled vehicle.
“you look gorgeous.” he said with a shy smirk, shamelessly checking you out. “thanks. you don’t look bad yourself, yoon.” you lead him to the dancefloor t meet your friends, soon enjoying yourselves like you had never before, and letting loose after a full day of hard exhausting work.
“but what about seungcheol? i cannot do this to him, he is my best friend.” he asked, out of air. “don’t worry ‘bout it, i’ve left him.” you replied between kisses. “screwed a whore in the office.” you panted. your bodies were molded into each other’s, the music getting washed away by the sound of jeonghan’s heartbeat, your lips on his desperately trying to get a taste of him. “focus on only me, hannie.” you mewled into his neck. it was so easy to manipulate men; you were honestly so surprised at his antics of giving up his friendship so easily just to have you.
“you don’t even know how much i had wanted you all this time. since i laid eyes on you baby.” he sighed, your hand roaming around his body, finding his defined chest to stable yourself after the dizzying makeout session you had. “he wanted to fuck with me after hearing about you. watching him taint your innocent being, watching him kiss you, hug you, taste you. it was a nightmare. i wished he didn’t jump onto you before i had the courage.” he grabbed your chin and made you look up at him; the sparkles he always had in his eyes were long gone, lust and hunger replacing them. “i have always wanted to corrupt your little mind, sweetheart.” his voice was an octave lower, your mouth wide open; you never saw this side of him. “such a cutie i have here, don’t i?” he licked his lips. “…all for me, right?” you gripped his bicep to steady yourself; he made you sit on his lap, a chair behind him already pulled aside for you to continue your dance on him. “he didn’t deserve you.” he moaned into yet another heated kiss, trying to get some friction from your bodies pressed close. “what do you think, shall we take this to the bedroom, hmm, pretty boy?” you whispered into his ear while straddling his thighs, feeling him press up against you even more if it was possible. a moment later you heard a far too familiar voice.
“what the fuck?” seungcheol yelled, marching towards the two of you entangled together on jeonghan’s lap. you quickly got up, leaving jeonghan stunned, giving him one last kiss on the neck. “sorry pretty boy, gotta go.” you mumbled, running out of the room, right outside into the darkness of the night.
seungcheol caught you in the parking lot of the building, his steps heavy and scary in the dark. “what the fuck is wrong with you seungcheol?” you shouted at him, trying to free your arm from his hold. “what did you think when you gave a lap dance to jeonghan, hm? are you really this big of a slut? going behind my back and almost screwing my best friend in the middle of the dance floor! huh?” he yelled at you, the grip on your arm getting tighter and tighter. “what in the world are you saying? you are insane i swear! how dare you question what i do and demand an explanation? we are not together anymore, i can do whatever the fuck i want.” you spat, venom dripping from your words. you always knew he was a possessive man, but this? you did not expect him to question you about your behaviour. “no the fuck you can’t! you are mine, understood? noone else’s but mine.” he said while taking you into his embrace forcefully and leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, pulling a gasp out of you. “i told you that we are done!” you said between breaths, succesfully making your way out of his hold for the most part, only his hand still being lanced with yours. “if you were this big of an asshole that is your problem, not mine, i am not your theraphist to fix your fucked up head.” you said while looking at him, taking a deep breath before ripping your hand out of his, turning around and leaving him in the middle of the parking lot. you looked back at him, smirking slightly upon letting your mouth fall open, already imagining the look on his face when he hears what you were gonna say.
“oh, and don’t worry. jeonghan fucks me better than you ever did.” of course you lied; you didn’t actually fuck jeonghan (though it was very tempting like ten minutes before), but it was so worth it. you could see the veins popping on his neck, his eyes darkening after the sentence left your mouth; you could finally get back at him, let him feel the pain you felt all those times he fucked you over during the lst 2 years. he was quick to spring into action; he pinned you down on the nearest car’s hood, holding your wrists with one hand only. “i dare you, say that again.” he whispered against your lips, his body leaning dangerously close to yours. “jeonghan fucks better than you.” you simply said, waiting for his next move. he grabbed your chin and kissed you roughly, all the feelings of you missing him coming up to the surface again.
you had fun with jeonghan of course, but he was so gentle and caring with you when things got heated; he worshipped you, which was so unusual, so strange. you craved the touch of cheol, rough in bed as always. you missed how he could manhandle your body, his kisses and hickeys, you missed this filthy side of him no matter how hurt you were by him cheating. you let him unzip your jeans, hand going very low on your thighs, already knowing what he wanted from you. “and you say i’m the psycho. darling, you are just as fucked in the head as i am. trying to fuck jeonghan the moment i don’t give you enough attention, hmm pretty girl? guess we aren’t that different after all.” he laughed in your face. “you like this; you like playing mind games. it makes you excited. so easy to make you sway. just one touch and here i have you drooling over me.” he smirked. deep down you knew he was right. you came running back to him the first time, because you missed the high, the thrilled he gave you. then why are you trying to get rid of him now? “why are you you doing this to me?” you cried with a whine, wanting answers to questions you shouldn’t be asking in the first place; you already knew why. he loved mind games just as much as you did; it made him feel alive. “i am not doing anything, love. you are the one who isn’t capable of believing that we are the perfect pair. you need me.” he spat back in a frenzy, busy with trying to get back to your lips. “seungcheol this cannot work. we keep hurting each other, i am so tired.” you sobbed harder, realising that you reached a point where the rush wasn’t worth it anymore. “if we hurt each other why does it hurt so good then?” he mumbled against you, putting his forehead together with yours. “we will be alright. we have to be alright. we always make it work.” he traced lines along your cheeks with his big hands, any type of roughness disappearing in the blink of an eye after seeng your frightened, fatigued face. “i wish i never met you, choi seungcheol.” your last words before passing out right there and then from the alhocol and stress made his heart hurt a bit; he sometimes wondered how your life would be different if you hadn’t met him. he knew he was crazy and selfish, he knew the things he did had been destroying you from the inside, but he couldn’t stop no matter how hard he tried being the best version of himself for you, to be someone you would be proud to call your boyfriend; he was simply not made to have stable relationships. it had always been just messy hookups for him, until he met you; that is when he really made an effort for the first time since he was born to keep someone in his life, however it seemed like he lost the battle with his true nature.
he caught your form in his arms just in time, placing you down on the ground, trying to wake you up.
you arose with a start in seconds, throat and lungs burning for a few seconds before registering where you were. “get the fuck away from me, now!”you hysterically cried out when you saw cheol’s worried face above you, looking at you like he had seen ghost. “are you okay? you just blacked out. how much did you drink?” he said gently while he made sure you had no bruises, his previous demeanour completely changing. this was exactly why you couldn’t break up with him before. every time he acted like a psycho or was rough with you his behaviour could easily change into such a caring little mischievous one you loved so much, the one you met him with. why did this man have to have this duality? you didn’t know. why did things between the two of you change that he wanted to seek comfort from other women? you didn’t know. but it surely made your heart heavy when he cared so much about you, because you knew he did; since you got together he gave you everything you could wish for, fancy clothes, cute dates, everything was so perfect until it wasn’t. “leave me alone. i told you i don’t want to see you.” you stood up and started walking back to the bar, soon realising that he had never left your side, the steps of his expensive designer shoes loudly echoing on the grey asphalt. “at least let me take you home, i promise i won’t try anything this time.” he said after making you halt your movements by shielding your view with his tall figure. you huffed and puffed, but decided to go with him since you were not feeling so great to continue the hookup with hannie anyways, plus you knew he would never leave until you agreed, he was like that; a very determined man, not really giving up until he got what he wanted.
“we need to talk.” he stated after exiting the car in front of the apartment complex. your drive was spent in silence, both of you lost in your own thoughts. after pressing the buttons and making your way to the door of the elevator you whipped your head away from him. “i have nothing to talk about with you. you made a mistake not so long ago, i forgave you, because i thought it was a one time thing. then i really have to catch you with that blonde bitch you fucked for god knows how long! do you really think we have anything to talk about?” you glared at him through the mirror in the elevator, now fully sobered up and ready to strangle him. “i said i was sorry! i swear it won’t happen again babygirl. i cannot understand what got into me!” he pouted. “that you cannot stay loyal because you think i am some kind of old toy you cannot lose since to attained it and that you thought you would be smart enough to get away with keeping whores, that’s what got into you, you fucker!” you were really at your limit, screaming. you didn’t care how many people would hear it, you were tired both physically and emotionally. you aggressively closed the door of your apartment behind you, shutting him out. “please, i am begging you.” seungcheol tried from the other side, banging his hand on the door. you ignored him and slid down to the floor, breaking out in loud cries and sobs; it was your breaking point. you loved him so much it was so hard to let go of him, however you couldn’t keep this up; he had hurt you too much to regain your trust. “tell me you love me again. please, come back to me again.” you could make out his soft cries on the other side of the wall. “i cannot destroy myself anymore cheol. we keep having problems that we cannot solve, no matter what we do. these fucking mind games we are getting into every week, every day even, they are making me miserable. making you miserable. please just leave.” your voice sounded weaker than intended, the fighting making you exhausted. “i understand. i am sorry for hurting you.” you were crying harder now; you sensed it in his voice, how he finally gave up in trying to convince you to take him back; you could finally rest, not having to g over these never ending circles with him anymore. “goodbye, my love.” he whispered through the wooden frame just loud enough for you to hear, then his steps slowly died down indicating that he left the hallway. he left. your heart broke into millions of pieces, however you knew you did it for the best; had to do this, let him go.
you didn’t know how you were gonna face any of your mutual friends. you didn’t know how you were gonna explain to jeonghan the next day that you used him to try to forget seungcheol, to try to get over him in one night, to try to replace him and the bitterness he left in your heart in one night. you didn’t know how you could build yourself up again, how you could trust another man after him, how you could find someone better than him.
you really wished you hadn’t met him. but it didn’t matter now. it was all over. the mind games you have been playing with him were finally over.
tags: @welcometomyoasis @thepoopdokyeomtouched @babyleostuff
123 notes · View notes
sector38 · 4 days
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From Sector: 38
Entry: II
After my last "encounter," my mind was made – I couldn't just sit at the edge of the sector staring out at the abyss – a hunger had made itself a home inside of me, nested under my bosom and in between my ribcage. For what it was worth, I could now say I was the proud owner of a brand new sector pass (actually in date this time), meaning I could also now apply for a real job. Before, it felt like I was wading through murky waters devoid of a lighthouse: without any sense of direction or purpose, but now I knew where I was going, who I was to be, and what I was to become – a xenologist.
It wasn't the easiest job. When I told my friends, they outright laughed. Sure, the world wasn't what it used to be – fancy bits of laminated paper were all lost to the flood – but that didn't mean that anyone could just walk in with zero qualifications, no questions asked. This was especially so for jobs that didn't exist pre-flood (including but not limited to, you guessed it, xenology). Before, if the job existed, maybe I would have gone to some elite university and collected my certificate that, for some reason, was meant to equate four years of my life, with a smile – now, we had the circuits.
On the bright side, it was a shorter process, 6-12 months if you survived that long and shorter if you didn't. I didn't know the process that well (sue me), but I knew that I would be starting at the outer tier, maintenance (glorified clean-up crew) and working my way in, each stage more deadly than the last until finally I reached the core, or as its more commonly known, "The Arena." I could never just choose the easy path.
I knew I should have been nervous, but... I just wasn't. I guess after the encounter, it was hard to feel like I hadn't been given some top-secret information that put me ahead. I hadn't really had the time to think about it, or I did, but there wasn't really much to say or do. It wasn't like I could tell anyone – I don't know what would have been worse: them not believing me or their faces of disgust.
When all countries were dissolved, you'd have liked to think everyone would lose their patriotism (you know, considering there were no more countries to worthlessly devote themselves to) – wrong. The world became one big country, one metaphorical empire ruled by the human race. This meant anyone or anything not of the human race or not subservient to the human race (like my neighbour, Julie's pet squid) was technically considered an enemy of the state.
Wait, did I fuck a public enemy?
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First-day jitters were nothing in comparison to whatever I was feeling, especially considering this wasn't even my first day more like a very short tester solo shift - in all my time on sector 38 I'd never felt seasick (probably because the plates don't move) and yet here I was suddenly greatly empathetic towards the poor souls who found themselves violently ill holidaying in pacific waters. I could barely walk straight, my legs felt like jelly, and my stomach was so heavy I genuinely wondered if I'd swallowed an anchor between breakfast and lunch.
Even now, i still don't understand why i was alone during my tester shift? I get that it was just three tasks, but typically, unless you're a high-level, you're not to be left alone - always followed by a superior. Still, as i said, it wasn't even like I was going to be doing much, according to the alerts who sent me my assignments the night before my shift
. Stack the crates
. File away medical instruments
. Clean the pods on deck Xv_2
Pretty standard stuff, to be honest. If i cared half as much as i should, I'd be outraged that they gave me such menial work - but i didn't, so i wasn't. All i cared about was getting to see more of them, speak to them, and understand them, and the only way to do that was to become a xenologist.
At that point, I couldn't care less about hierarchy and ranks - i didn't understand the tangled web of beurocracy or how clearing badges worked, well not until I'd spent less than five seconds on the deck and i was promtly told
The wooden crate I'd be carrying dropped to the ground with a hollow thud, the solid wood colliding with the metal flooring, making an awful cacophony. I looked up at the figure and saw a man dressed in a black suit with a white under shirt and black tie, on his black hair sat snug a white naval cap and across his chest a number of metal pins. He looked at me expectantly, i hadn't been told anyone else would be on shift as far as I knew I was supposed to meet my peers next week.
While trying to carefully stack the box in the appropriate space, I gave an awkward smile
Somehow, in a moment, his face grew colder, from freezing to a subzero tundra in an instant - I could tell he wanted to say more, to reprimand me, put me in place - but promtly his alarm sounded on his right wrist.
He left without a word, his face coloured with urgency.
To say I was confused would be an understatement. In the new world, the navy took on a more active role with the marines following suit to a lesser degree and the army taking the least precedence out of the three - so seeing a navy officer wasn't unheard of or even uncommon, but a lieutenant?
It just didn't make any sense, especially considering my work for today was entirely made up of menial tasks - and the look on his face as he left or even before that when I greeted him? I'm not in the navy, clearly so why what was he expecting me to do? Salute? Bowe? Kiss the ground beneath his feet?
It didn't matter, I told myself, i quite literally had one job: keep my head down and become a certified xenologist...well, aside from cleaning the pods on deck.
After stacking the last of the crates and refusing to give into my temptation of opening them, I set about trying to look for the ever elusive deck Xv_2
I mean, would it have KILLED them to give me a map or something? All the corridors looked the same - eggshell cream walls with blue strip lights - every turn, every left, every right didn't feel like it was getting me any closer, to be honest, I wasn't sure if this was some sort of time warp zone, an after effect of some eldritch creature washed up during the flood.
Wandering through the halls, I passed numerous rooms with bolted doors and bright yellow signs with bold black writing, as if they were so afraid that someone might accidentally open the securely locked doors - aside from doors armed to the teeth I passed a myriad of people, i can't really use one word to describe them:
From white coats with slicked-back hair, needle-straight posture to black suits, black ties, white collars, and broze pins to white hazmat suits and black boots.
Like some sort of machine, my brain was fixed on identifying and categorising my colleagues (colleagues). Well, that was until I heard it, tapping against the walls
It was faint at first, easily missable, but then the sounds grew louder, the rapid patter of the metal walls surrounding me like rain against the window - except there was nothing to see, no visible trace of the source of the sound just the noise, just the polyphonic array.
If this was a film, the corridors would be dimly lit with no signs of life but my own heartbeat and panting breath ringing in my ears, but this is the real world, if anything the bright neon lights and the industrious workers who I chanced upon only led to an increase in my anixety - it was as though i was going insane, as though i was being followed
"Could no one else hear that?"
The noise was atonal and offbeat - seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once, bouncing off the walls like an echo. My eyes darted around the corners of the walls as I discreetly tried to turn my head to locate the source of the sound only to be met with nothing. Whatever it was, it was quick. It was just too quick, the persistent creature darting always just out of sight.
Finally, after what felt like a literal millennia, I ran into a steal door labelled
I pushed both the persistent scurrying aside and the absurdly weighted door - inside a dimly lit room with large cylinders attached to the centre wall. To call it a deck seemed overly gracious, with the sizing being more akin to an office space or a large storeage room.
As i walked closer towards the cylinders, I understood why they needed to be cleaned - they were filthy, dust coating them in an opaque sheild blocking any possible view of whatever was sealed within them.
I grabbed the tissue pack I'd hastily shoved in my bra before leaving the house and stared at the cylinders - there was NO way they'd be enough. A part of me seriously thought about using my top, but the thought quickly vanished when i remembered I did actually have to leave the facility without being arrested for public indecency.
And that's when i felt it, a brush of cold air against my neck, raising my hair and sending a shiver down my spin. Instantly, I dropped my tissue pack on the small table and turned around but only to be met by nothing, empty space. I stared out at the room for a moment as though someone or something would magically appear it would probably still have only been the second strangest thing to happen to me as of last.After sufficiently staring out into an empty room I turned back around...
The tissues were gone.
I looked down at the floor, nothing. Half baked thoughts swirled around my head as i looked around the room
"I could have sworn i- did i bring them? Yes. Maybe i dropped them on a crate? No, i had them when-"
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Finally, i got on my knees searching underneath the desk in hopes that somehow they'd fallen and I'd kicked them under. It was so dark I should have brought my phone or a flashlight or something, as I lent further under the desk the space narrowed which, if i was paying attention i would have known.
But, alas, i wasn't - instead, my mind was still fixed on how i needed to be more prepared in the future and how i shouldn't have a phone if i wasn't going to use it because the last time I didn't bring my phone i got-
Cold air against my bare thighs, that feeling again. Except this time the cold felt more real? The touch more weighted less like the air and more like a person?
I stilled against the feeling, with every passing second the pressure grew till i could shape the outline: a hand.
I tried to move backwards from under the desk but promptly the feeling of another hand splayed across my waist - halting any movement. The hand across my waist kept a firm solid grip, with the cold air seeping through my clothes and onto my skin as though I were naked whilst the other fingers which previously splayed across my thigh began to move, inching ever so slowly towards my upper thigh.
Maybe it was the confusion or remnants of my first (but technically not first) day jitters. Maybe it was a cocktail of both, but I found myself slightly pushing towards the unknown force. Whatever it was must have taken that as a sign because suddenly, the fingers brushed in between my inner thighs dangerously close to my knickers.
I didn't know who or what was behind me, no-one else was in the room bar me and with only one entrance and exist it would have be impossible for anyone to come in without my knowledge - especially considering how heavy the door was.
This couldn't be a who, I thought. It must have been a what.
The thought excited me, that familiar warmth spreading in my lower stomach now juxtaposing the icy touch of the creature - I couldn't help but let out a breathy whimper. The creature must have heard because, within an instant, its cold finger pressed against my clothed entrance. The pressure was barely there, barely feelable almost imperceptible but that's what made is to so maddening - what made me push back against it despite the very firm hand on my waist.
We continued our dance: me pushing backwards, aching and desperate for any sort of relief or solid touch, and its outright reluctance to give it to me aside from the arctic hold on my mid section I could feel myself growing wetter, throbbing in a hot aching want. If i was capable of shame at that point, I would have been berating myself for wearing white panties instead of a more concealing black.
The feel of the wet material sticking to me and the mystery surrounding the strange figure was getting to be too much, I'd tried to bite my glossed lips concealing more whimpers and moans but i couldn't hold back anymore. I began to rock back harder, sounds slipping from my mouth like condensation down glass till the monster showed me mercy.
A cool finger began to push into me through my now presumably clear underwear, the sensation of wet cotton and the icy appendage dipping into me making me moan all the more - but it wasn't enough. I began to beg, pleas falling from my mouth faster than my brain could protest.
Cold and wet dragged along my cunt so abruptly I hit my head against the desk but I was too aroused to care - slowly the figure dragged its icy dripping tongue against me, lapping up my desire through my panties and adding to the wet region.
The drag was devastatingly slow, and whilst the pressure was a reprieve from my previous torture, it was nowhere near enough, tears gathered in my eyes as I begged for more. Then, I felt the being give one final lick before spreading my thighs out further and removing its hand from my waist - I was untouched.
For a brief moment, i wondered if it had left me, alone and hungry, desperate for something more - thankfully, it didn't. Instead, I felt what seemed to be a light kiss to my upper thigh before my skirt was bunched up to above my ass. The suddenness of it all made my gasp like a scandalised southern bell -as though I wasn't begging to be fucked by a stranger (who most definitely wasn't human) under a desk at my first day at work- though rapidly my gasp morphed into a whine as I felt the monster slip underneath my shaking spread out thighs so that the back of its head might rest against the floor with now both hands grasping my waist and hips.
It began to lick into me (still over my underwear) with a passion that I've never known, the glacial touch contrasting the warm friction building. I began to rock and press down onto its tongue and in response it sucked and licked and fucked into me with its tongue.
I'd asked, begged for more and I'd gotten it but I've always been greedy, always been stupid and reckless and impulsive, always been bossy even when I'm on my knees and then was absolutely no different.
"Let me fuck your mouth"
Instantly as soon as the words left my mouth I felt it moan against me the sensation only making me want it more, carefully after giving a few more playful sucks it released me - somehow even with its cold presence when it left me, the room felt so much more glacial.
I slid out from under the desk my shaking legs doing very little to help me in this endeavour, but before i could turn around to face the entity hands covered my eyes, of course this did nothing in ways of stopping me from seeing but I understood the getsture and so I closed my eyes.
Once my eyes were closed, the figure rearranged our bodies like a jigsaw piece as though it and I were one cohesive being all while I was immersed in the faint scent of sea salt and rain-soaked earth emanating from the creature - the delicate nature of the smell, alien to the steady yet all-consuming auror of the beast - like the sky before a storm. Once again, it was pressed against the ground with the back of its head to the metal flooring, and I was on top of it, this time fully able to sit with a straight posture.
It slowly guided me with my eyes still closed to its mouth with my still clothed cunt at first gently resting against its lips not wanting to move before it was ready till I felt it place both its sturdy hands on my waist and force me to rock into its mouth slightly.
I began slow, moving backwards and forwards on its cold tongue, trying to find a starting rhythm before the heat that momentarily subsided rose in full formation. Its hands were everywhere on my waist, my hips, my tummy. Like it was pushing and pulling me down and up, away, and to. Then suddenly one of its strong arms was lifting me slightly off its mouth eliciting an unexpected whine from me whilst the other moved the lace fabric to the side before gently lowering me back onto its cold wet mouth.
The feeling was foreign, invasive, intrusive, like a virus spreading through my body overtaking each nerve and blood cell before leaving me powerless to resist or even the desire to. The cold spit-soaked tongue dragged perfectly against me like waves hitting against the rocks, never missing their mark. I began to ride into its mouth, eyes rolling to the back of my head as I felt a familiar pressure build within me. I was so close to the edge, to the beginning and end of bliss. I didn’t know what the creature was or if it was even capable of feeling pleasure in the same way I did, but the desperate movements of its cold hands, one gripping my waist and the other my boobs showed me I wasn't alone in my heightened arousal.
Pleas and cries spilt from my lips, each more nonsensical and crass than the last:
"Please, please, fuck I'll be so good, fuck, your mouth its so- so perfect, you're so good for me, fuck, just like that, right there-"
Till eventually like an electrical current, the feeling washed over me - like fuzzy static interferce my whole body sparked alite. Its cold hands pressed me down harder as my body spasmed, tears welled in my eyes as I tried to move away, the pleasure building to be all too much, the overstimulation becoming extreme - but its presence remained lapping up my cum from my wet, warm, throbbing cunt.
My legs felt like jelly as it finally allowed me to stand, my lack of balance definitely not helped by my inability to see.
"Can I open my eyes... Tap me twice for yes?"
I felt a press of cold lips against my neck and then temple, sending a shiver down my spine and a small smile on my face before opening my eyes and turning around to see
I looked around the room confusion growing clearer on my face - thoughts regarding whether I'd made the whole scenario up in my head beginning to take root - before I felt cold hands rest against my cheek holding my head tilted slightly upwards before I felt cold lips move again against mine. The kiss was dry, soft, and sweet, still smelling of sea salt and storms and in that moment my mind was still, at peace like a total oneness with the world, with the truth whatever that may be.
Warning. Warning. Emergency alert. Code Amber. Please isolate in groups immediately. This is not a drill. Repeat. Warning. Warning. Emergency alert. Code Amber. Please isolate in groups immediately. This is not a drill.Warning. Warning. Emergency alert. Code Amber. Please isolate in groups immediately. This is not a drill. Repeat. Warning. Warning. Emergency alert. Code Amber. Please isolate in groups immediately. This is not a drill.
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prentissluvr · 10 days
OKAY HERE ARE SOME SAM THOUGHTS BEFORE I CLEAN MY ROOM (some platonic but mostly romantic)
loves getting his hair played with (romantically and platonically)
main love language is quality time
could have this giant on his knees if you compliment constantly (his looks or his personality) (mainly his personality) (he knows and is aware of how conventionally attractive he is but isn’t cocky about it) (like another winchester LOL)
runs warmer than the average human being so he’s your personal heater in the winter
but in the summer you make sure he stays far away from you bc man sweats A LOT in his sleep 😭😭
djhJHFSKDJ SAMMMMM AAA okay okay bear with me while i go absolutely insane LMAO. like this is long LOL so i am gonna add a cw for anyone who stumbles upon our time of feeding each others delusions <3 i got carried away ahahahaha hehehehehe i'm normal about him tho!
wc: 1.6K. cw: kissing, a bit of swearing, brief mention of things trying to kill you bc that's the life lol, unedited
⟢ playing with his hair : do NOT get me started on sam's hair <3 it's always so pretty, and you have to make that known! sure, you do it out loud, but we'll get to the complimenting in a bit hehe. your favorite way of making it known (and definitely his) is by playing with it. constantly. and he can never get enough. sure, he gets embarrassed or picky about it around dean, like he does with just about anything romantic or sweet (mostly because dean won't ever let that sort of thing go un-teased). but he just loves so much to lay his head in your lap and let you thread your fingers through that pretty brown hair <33 it makes him feel so relaxed, and cared for in a way that doesn't feel overbearing or overly obvious.
and he loves it especially it because he knows that you do. he can feel you physically relax from under him when you sweetly run your hands through his hair, gently pulling apart any small knots and taking your time to take care of that gorgeous head of hair. he will also certainly melt and try to hide the pink tint to his cheeks when you reach for his hair unexpectedly, like when you lean in to fix a fly-away strand or full on card your hands through his hair when he's in the middle of research and didn't notice you approach.
also!! put your hands in his hair when he's kissing you!!! please!!! he's begging on his knees!!! god, he loves that so so much and he gets a secret ego boost because, once again, he can physically feel how much you love it too. he'll always kiss you harder when your hands move to tangle themselves in his hair.
gets embarrassed if you put little braids in his hair, especially as he grows older and it grows longer, but he can't resist how much it makes you smile, so he lets you get away with it if dean isn't around. and just imagine putting pretty clips in his hair LOL he pouts and asks you to take them out immediately, but not before kissing the smug grin off of your lips. will die and try his hardest to delete them if you ever get pictures of him like that, but you keep your blackmail well protected hehe.
as for platonically, that is facts! he thinks its very sweet if you're his best friend or sibling! it's not as big a thing as it would be in a romantic relationship, but he'll love to have his hair played with by anyone willing <33
⟢ love language; quality time : this is like almost sad and especially sweet at the same time because the poor boy has no time to spend much quality time with you. but again, this kind of makes this whole thing sweeter because that means each moment is just that much more precious. obviously, he'd love to be spending quality time with you by going on dates in the park, taking you to a nice restaurant that's not too stuffy, or something even as simple as taking you to the movies. but those things are hard to do, so to him, any time spent with you without the presence of something trying to kill you can be turned into that precious quality time.
for him, it's about sitting on the couch with your legs strewn over him or his head on your lap or yours on his shoulder (really any sort of thing keeping him connected to you) as you pour over lore books. it's about the seamless exchange when the two of you figure out how to kill your monster or save the world together. it's about posing as fbi to get answers and slipping his hand into yours when no one's looking or grabbing a decent breakfast together before the start of a busy day. all he cares about, the things he treasures, are you falling asleep on him in the back of the impala because he gave up shotgun to sit next to you, taking months, maybe longer to get through one season of a tv show together, and always taking even just a small moment out of a busy day to be together.
⟢ complimenting him : it's true that he needs less assurance about his looks because he certainly is aware that he is fine as fuck. but let's definitely establish that he adores to hear praise about his looks specifically from you because duh! he's in love with you and you're the only one he cares about!!
but yeah, when you compliment his personality, his sweet, loving, courageous hot sometimes completely idiotic and frustrating self?? oh he's done for. he's honestly far less used to that. when you're half asleep, and you murmur into his chest that you think he's so smart, kind, funny, loving, and brave and that you couldn't be more proud to be his? he's complete mush in your arms, he can't believe it.
"that's all you, baby," he'll refute, and you'll certainly grow bashful under his compliment, but you want him to accept it, at least a little bit. "i mean it, sammy, i really do." your voice is all soft and sleepy, and oh so earnest that he can't help the aching of his heart. "i know you do," he'll whisper, suddenly emotional and not wanting you to hear it. "i'm just glad you think so. i'll always do my best to be those things for you," and that's the kind of thing he only admits when the sole light in the room comes from a dim, clouded over moon and your head is tucked under his chin so you can't see his face. he means it, of course, but he's not used to such vulnerability and blatant adoration.
he'll clench his jaw when you tell him you know that, but that it's true that he's all those things and more for so many people, the few close ones, and all the ones he passes by and does his best to save. he doesn't fully believe you, he's got a lot of guilt built up in that sweet mind of his. and it's true he's not perfect, but you never said that. all you're trying to tell him is that you love who he is, so much, and he can never thank you enough for that.
bonus, he really really loves when you tell him you think he's funny. it's definitely an ego booster, plus he loves loves loves to know that he can always make you smile and laugh.
⟢ your personal heater : this is literally sooo true. he's so big with so much body mass that he'd have so much body heat to give off. but i so agree that on top of that, he'd also totally be on the warmer side. if you're naturally warm as well, then you two are an unstoppable force in the winter time (the both of you are lulled to sleep by the other's body heat in a matter of minutes). either way, he'll always envelope you in hugs when it gets cold because he knows it'll warm you up right away. he doesn't have to ask to know when you're cold, because you'll always press yourself to him, maybe grabbing his arm and pulling it around yourself before even saying a thing to him.
"you cold?" he'll ask sweetly, and after feeling your nod and hearing your muffled "mhmm," he's quick to wrap his other arm around you too and pull you closer.
for the folks with cold hands like me, he's always trying to warm them up with his own. whether you've slipped your hand in to his just to be near and they're particularly chilly, or he can see you trying to warm your hands up yourself, he's quick to take up both of your hands in his to warm them up. when he grabs up both of your hands, he'll pull them to his chest and hold them there until he's satisfied they're warm. he'll look into your eyes and talk about something completely unrelated, all casual as if he's not making you flustered. other times, he'll warm up one hand at a time, encasing it in both of his own, rubbing it and blowing warm air on it before gently slipping it into his warm, warm pockets and moving on to the other.
also, if he finds out your face is cold, he'll cup your cheeks with his large, furnace hands or full on just pull your face into his head or neck to warm you up that way.
but yeah😭😭 summer can be a lot less pleasant. if you manage to have cold hands even in the summer (i could never i wish), he'll try to steal the coolness from your hands and you'll be like oh my god please stop i'll die LOL.
and you're like nooo babe of course i want to sleep with you, you just have to stay as far away as possible and never touch me because it might burn me to death. if he's tired and touch-starved younger sam will pout at you and tell you he just wants to cuddle. later seasons sam just won't take no for an answer and will just pull you to him until he gets too hot himself lmao. he'll make sure there's a fan on you first and a glass of ice water on your bedside. basically he loves that he's warm in the winter because it brings you closer to him, then gets pissed about it in the summer because you don't want him too close unless there's sufficient a/c or some other form of ventilation to make it cooler lol.
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spacexseven · 1 year
tunaaaaa I've been reading ur Childe Thing sooo much that I've been thinking of I Love Amy aus nonstop. its a problem. in honor of bsd s4 im gonna rapid fire a couple out for the Bsd Boys!
lets talk dazai. I feel like this could go a lot of ways with him. like, if its ada dazai, you probably don't really get the sense that something is kinda off with him until you're a bit too deep to back out. he seemed so sweet when you first met- fuckin weird, but sweet! no harm in trying to help him win over a crush, right? for pm dazai, you obviously know hes fucked in the head the second you meet him, so you agree to help him out of a fear of what he might do to you if you dont rather than a sense of altruism. either way, its kinda hard to notice him getting a little overly-attached to you just cuz of how naturally obnoxious and clingy he is. even if he starts to escalate you might not get it cuz hes pretty fast and loose about LITERALLY kidnapping you and tying you up in his apartment/mafia holding cell right off the bat (gets very pouty about you "ignoring" him). doesnt help that hes so out of touch with his own emotions he probably doesn't even know he has a thing for you for a whiiile. trust me tho, being nice to him and taking care of him when hes sick or injured WILL wear him down. you'll only kind of get it when you try to give him some new pointers on his crush and he seems to just get? annoyed? mutters something about you talking about someone else while you're SUPPOSED to pay attention to HIM. or when he keeps being weirdly affectionate with you in full view of X when hed usually forget you exist as soon as he sees them. or you woke up chained to a chair (again) but this time hes perched in your lap and scolding you about avoiding your "boyfriend" before shoving his lips against yours. couldve been any of these occasions really.
cant BELIEVE I didn't think of gogol the first time I talked about this this is almost EXACTLY what yes doing to sigma rn. when this fuckin 6'2 clown terrorist traps you against a wall and starts questioning about why you were talking to "his darling", you are 10000% sure you're gonna die. almost gives you whiplash how fast his tone changes once you convince him you have NO interest. all smiles all of the sudden, picks u up under the armpits like a cat to right ur posture and pats you on the head, declaring that you will be his magicians assistant for a while! you do not have a say in this, if you'd like to keep your skin. while you feel bad about aiding and abetting this stalking case, you get the sense that hes. not ever gonna actually make a move. kinda just Wants To Stalk. goes on about how he cant let himself be tied down like that (whatever that means). he does talk about just murdering his darling a lot but you've managed to convince him that thats unnecessary baggage connecting them to him so hopefully that keeps him sated until his goldfish-esque attention span finally moves him onto a new target. and it does! the problem is that its you. I think that once he realizes he likes you, he's just gonna vanish. poof gone. hes had a lot of fleeting obsessions with ill-fated darlings before, but youre something new. hes never actually gotten to know someone before! ugh. hes caged by his feelings for you, but the despair hed feel from killing you would be a cage all its own! frustrating!!!!! maybe if he just leaves and never thinks about you ever again this'll just go away like all of his other crushes. doesnt work. expect him back in a month, snuggling into your neck and babbling inane about having missed you. he tied you up again so youre just gonna have to let him do that. its fine youre used to this with him.
really wanted to do this with chuuya and fyodor too but im scared of them being OOC help me.
- 🩹
omg so this turned out to be Very Long :O quick context for any1 who is unfamiliar w i love amy—it's a webtoon (highly recommend btw) where the yandere character starts to fall for her 'target/rival' instead of her initial love interest. for more info + the childe version, check out this post.
cw: yandere characters (dazai, fyodor, nikolai), stalking, kidnapping, imprisonment, obsessive behavior, threats of violence to reader. (this whole post came off a little silly instead of serious But mind the cws anyway!)
this is best read with a male reader (to keep it consistent w i love amy) but there's no pronouns used or descriptions for reader, so do as you like. also, reader makes morally questionable decisions :>
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(pm) dazai is to be avoided at all costs. that was the rule you put down for yourself after witnessing one of his very public threats to some poor pedestrian who had bumped into him. the dramatic coat, the blank expression, the natural ease with which he handled the weapon in his hand—everything about him was just...alarming.
however, despite all your efforts, he's obstructed your path home with a deadly glare and a hand in his pocket.
according to dazai, he did not appreciate your recent conversation with X, (as he claimed, they were too popular to spare most people more than a few friendly greetings—so why were you having a full-fledged conversation with them?) who were you, even, to get in his way? you sputter out some excuse, some explanation as to why he misunderstood the situation and it was all just work-related, and fortunately, he seems convinced, at least enough to relax his hold on you and shift the blaring malice in his stance to something less frightening.
obviously, you couldn't refuse when he offers you what he calls a mutually beneficial proposition. you help him get closer to X, and he won't kill you! win-win, don't you think?
the thing about dazai, you soon learn, is that despite the murderous energy he gives off, he's painfully annoying, more so than frightening. it almost feels like you're dealing with an obnoxious child, with how he's constantly whining and tugging at your sleeve and complaining about how useless you're being.
and it also makes you wonder if he's ever really had a friend, because he's got some strange expectations for you. he's all too possessive, too paranoid, and expects you to be perfectly fine with it. you consider telling him that he's not supposed to hold you hostage every time he thinks you're spending "too much time with someone else", but after the 4th attempt, you've understood that there was no getting to him. at least he stopped with the threats to your other friends (well, he promised you that he'd stop), and that seemed like the only thing he was willing to compromise on. he doesn't ease up on the breaking-into-your-room-to-visit-you stunt, either, especially when you're "ignoring him". despite all that, maybe out of some form of pity, you still help him out. you drop off food when he's sick and try to explain that imprisonment is not the key to a healthy relationship. you hang out with him even if you're terrified of all the mafioso you come across when you visit the hq with him, and after all of it, you're mostly convinced that he wasn't going to kill you anytime soon. in fact, the two of you seemed to be building an unusual friendship.
but when he comes to visit you one day when you're sick and actually knocks on the door and texts you beforehand, you tell him that this would be the best way to approach X if he ever hears that they're sick. though you're expecting some excitement, or some self-satisfaction for improving a little, instead of looking excited, dazai looks frustrated. for the first time, he looks genuinely...upset. and when he asks you why you can't appreciate that he was looking out for you and not X, you're left at a loss for words. you're not sure if this was a sign that he was starting to learn not to cross your boundaries or a warning that he was beginning to like you a little too much
and things only get stranger. he becomes more observant, asks you more questions about yourself rather than X, and even starts holding your hand in full view of X. when you mention that X was really looking forward to a new movie coming out and that he should try to ask them out, he gets upset by your suggestion, grumbling about you paying more attention to X and only caring about them instead of asking him if he wants to see the movie with them. so, unsure of how to respond, you echo his question. he beams at you and happily declares that he only wants to watch the movie with you.
somewhere along the line, it happened that dazai himself started to realize just how much he liked you, and he spirals out of control. the already overwhelming physical contact turns more intimate, with dazai holding your hand at every possible moment, pressing himself as close to you as humanely possible without squeezing the air out of you, and sitting on your lap whenever the opportunity presents itself. he stops responding to anything that isn't an endearing pet name and introduces himself as your boyfriend. X seems to be eradicated from his mind, as well as anyone that wasn't you, though it feels as though you're the only one that has a problem with this change. dazai takes to it naturally, seamlessly inserting himself into your life.
"what's wrong?" dazai's sprawled across your lap with the biggest grin on his face, the remote in your hand long ripped away by him, "come give your boyfriend a kiss~"
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you've...heard of fyodor. it was more overhearing whispers shared between people, but the mention of his name seemed to intrigue everyone who heard it. you've heard that he was a mysterious man who walked into the city one day and never left, and you've heard that he was the owner of an expensive casino. you've even heard that he had a tendency to stand on top of rooftops at night, but you've heard tons of variations and rumors. one statement, however, rang true in everyone's ears.
fyodor dostoevsky was taken with X.
that was putting it lightly—obsession was exactly what it was. though X was clearly unaware of what was being said, because, as they assured you one day while you walked out with them, fyodor was just a friend! and he was a very interesting guy, with some strong beliefs. he wasn't some criminal mastermind! all he did was keep to himself. and that, as they confidently declared, wasn't a crime.
but you had reason to not believe X, after all, it wasn't them at the receiving end of a laser focused gaze and a creepy smile. (it scared you so much that you ran home and ordered a burglar-proof lock for your door the same night) and it also wasn't them who sat down across from you while you were having your breakfast in the café nearby. anyone would have been better than who it was.
"hello," fyodor waves a fork at you, his fingers positioned gracefully on the silver cutlery (and of course, you think bitterly, he was evil and beautiful. just your luck), "i hope you can spare me a few minutes."
he wasn't asking, but you melted at his soft tone. for all people loved to talk about him, why hadn't they mentioned how hard it was to take your eyes off him? awkwardly, you take another bite of your food, nodding at him.
he asks you about X, though it's more of an interrogation disguised as casual conversation. he easily waves around his fork, smiles at you with an unnerving expression, and stares at you a little too long. by the end of it, your food is finished and his fork is placed neatly back onto the table and you've sustained no injuries. better yet, he finally seems to have (reluctantly) removed your name from his hit list.
what you weren't expecting was for him to start seeking you out. you get strange looks when fyodor waits outside your workplace with an umbrella—your umbrella—leaving you with no choice but to walk with him unless you wanted to get home soaked. he lists off X's habit and asks you to add on to his list, ignoring your reply of "that's just creepy". he tells you that he wants to respect X's privacy by not using cameras to spy on them so will you answer him or should he use the cameras? and what else could you do then?
at the very least, he didn't seem serious about attempting to kidnap or imprison X. he seemed fascinated by them, if anything. like he was...studying them. being with him wasn't as bad as you'd though, no matter how much you hated to admit it, despite the foundation of this friendship was built on how amusing he found X. if he was in a particularly good mood, he'd even offer to help you out with your struggles in the pursuit of love. his ideas, however, were all sure to land you behind bars with a retraining order to boot. when you voiced your opinion to him, he only smiled and told you that he knew a thing or two about breaking out of a prison cell, much like he was recalling upon a fond memory.
the only good thing about this strange arrangement was that fyodor was really nice to look at. there was something mesmerizing about his every action, even the slight quirk of his lips or the way his hair fell on his forehead. the ease with which he slipped on his hat (which, by the way, what was with all his not-weather-appropriate clothing? was he not sweating?), and the commanding air around him. so while he spoke seriously about X and his distaste for most of the human population, you tuned him out and focused on admiring his pretty eyes and how his lips wrapped around his fork and—ugh, you were starting to sound as creepy as him. but honestly, you had a feeling he already knew that you found him attractive. fyodor was far too good at reading people, far too perceptive to let something as obvious as your attraction to him slip.
your mistake was foolishly believing that you'd be safe as long as you didn't act on those feelings.
it felt strange, however, when he started reaching your usual table first, having already asked for your go-to meal and watching with thinly veiled delight as you stared down at the hot plate. and it's your coworkers now that get stared at, your friends who get the silent threat of a fork pressed against smooth skin, and you that everyone whispers that fyodor dostoevsky is taken with.
the meaning behind his increasingly strange behaviour doesn't really hit you, not until you've bumped into X again, who you haven't seen around in a while.
"i see that you and fyodor are becoming good friends now," they grin, "i'm almost jealous of how quickly you warmed up to him."
long fingers reach to caress your cheek before a perfectly poised hand places itself on your shoulder. fyodor's unmistakable voice replies in your stead.
"we're friends? is that what you've heard?" fyodor dips his head down to lock eyes with yours, "why don't you correct them about that, darling?"
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you should have trusted sigma when he told you that nikolai gogol was bad news. as he clarified, so bad that, coincidentally, the ministry of justice hq was moved away at least by two states when nikolai came to visit.
but how were you to know that he was in love with one of your acquaintances? and how were you to know that his idea of love was this frightening? just when you were making your way back after a lukewarm conversation about work with X, you were slammed up against the wall by a person with a top hat and a coat and an honestly terrifying expression. then nikolai, as he later introduced himself, started grilling you with questions, ruthlessly asking about why you were with X and why did they smile at you and where does your family live, after which he happily told you about his many previous experiences with torture and how he would love to show you.
you're not sure what convinced him to let you go, whether it was your trembling legs or your teary promises that you had no interest in X in that way, but here you were now—alive, terrified, and offered the position of 'magician's assistant' (though the magician himself refused to tell you why the position was open for so long) and all it took to land the increasingly strange job was to talk to X and listen to nikolai threaten to torture you in graphic detail.
(among all the crazy people you had seen around here—that so-called 'world's best detective' who snatched your bag of candy right from your hands, that other person who started doing push-ups in the middle of the road, and someone giggling holding a bag of lemons by the port—you thought that nikolai definitely fit right in. not that you were going to tell him that)
while the position wasn't exactly what you wanted, nor were you too keen on spending more time around nikolai, something about the glint in his uncovered eye and the hand gripping your shoulder told you that you really wouldn't want to reject his offer. contrary to what you may have assumed, assisting nikolai only meant becoming a partner to his criminal activity, which revolved around stalking X, talking to them to find out all the information nikolai can't get by stalking them, and stalking them even more to find out any more details that neither of you could get. (you've considered helping out as much as you can, leaving hints in the form of obscure drawings of nikolai and danger symbols, but later, when you catch sight of X waving to him, you realize the message did not come across the way you intended it to)
fortunately for them, (and for you. at least now, you won't be behind bars for assisting in abduction) nikolai seems to have no interest whatsoever in pursuing them any further. sure, he keeps books filled with information about X, and buys their favorite drink alongside his order, but he doesn't seem to want to do anything more.
while you could care less about why he does whatever he's doing, already chalking it all up to the fact that he was off his rockers, nikolai decides to enlighten you all the same. when he excitedly rambles on and on about freedom and feelings and why X must now die, you pretend to listen, never actually telling him that nothing he said made any sense to you. still, after insisting that he won't be very free behind bars either and that if he really didn't want to be tied down by his feelings, he should actually distance himself from them instead, it appeared that you finally got him to understand, and he hesitantly agreed to listen.
for the most part, everything is great after that. your life returns to normal, with no top hat wearing, cane wielding magician in the vicinity, and no more having to invade someone's privacy. and it was great! really! even if it was a little bit boring without nikolai's spontaneous plans (maybe that time in the amusement park was pretty fun, even if the only reason you had to go was because X was going there with someone else, much to nikolai's horror). there was something both unsettling and addictive about the crazy adventures nikolai swept you on, though it was for the best that he disappeared.
but then nikolai came back…acting a little odd.
his clinginess and a sudden desire for physical affection set off alarms in your head, though he acted like this was perfectly normal. at first, you told yourself that this must be some new jealousy plot—maybe he got this idea from a tv show he watched over his 'break', but he hadn't asked you if you wanted to be part of this ploy (not that he ever did, really).
and your suspicions only grew when he refused to let up on the act, holding onto you as if his life depended on it. his trips with you became increasingly frightening, and his grip on you increasingly tighter. he takes his new position by your side, not at all focused on X anymore, and instead observes you with the same look that was fixated on X not too long ago.
it only hits you that you've become his new target when you find yourself tied up to a chair, with him seated right in front of you with his face up to yours. the exact scenario you convinced him not to put X through.
"your advice sucks, by the way," he pouts, "i tried staying away but i couldn't stop thinking of you! don't be too upset, alright? we can have even more fun now that we're together!"
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guys do u remember my post that was like atsushi time travels back to a little while before he meets the ada??
okay so listen
its not too long before he meets the agency - but its still a long time if ur actively starving
atsushi isn't sure where to go or what to do, to be honest, it's hard to think with your stomach painfully begging for something, anything
atsushi isn't even sure if this is real
still, he drags himself up, considers just going to the agency, worries that if he meets them differently, something will change and he won't have his family
stumbles around and walks his way to the one of the few people outside of the agency that he knows he can trust
akutagawa ryuunosuke hears knocking on his door and is very surprised becuz who could it be ? the few ppl who know where he live would either never visit or call ahead
and gin, of course, has a key
still, making sure his coat is on and rashomon is just barely out, he opens the door
he doesn't know what he expects but a white messy haired, starving man in rags of clothes and dirt on his body standing there, tapping his foot, is not it
akutagawa stares, readies rashomon instictively
the boy smiles and akutagawa almost, almost flinches at the aboslute delight in his face at seeing him
"akutagawa" the boy says, akutagawa knows now that he cant simply kill him, he has to know how he found him, and who sent him, "thank god you still live here. i was a little worried." he reaches out and bats away the tendrils of rashomon with a gentle ease and pushes akutagawa slightly out of the way to enter akutagawa's apartment - akutagawa uncommon bafflement being the only real reason his starving body is able to
akutagawa should strike him now that his back is turned but the boy knows his name and his apartment and he needs to know how - it's good, he thinks, that the boy walked in on his own - it'll be easier to keep him until he explains
"who the hell are you?" akutagawa growls, putting on his meanest face, the boy barely spares him a glance
"your actually pretty adorable when your trying to be threatening - do you have rice? im really hungry."
rashomon shoots out wrapping herself around the boy's arms and legs, holding him up in the air, digging into his skin
the boy does not flinch.
he pouts
"ryuu, how could you be so mean?"
"do not call me that." akutagawa says, wondering if he should just kill him and find out about how he knows somewhere else "who are you"
the boy doesn't stop pouting but he finally answers "my name is nakajima atsushi. i got kicked out of my orphanage. im hungry. i want tea on rice." then he smiles and pulls out the ultimate weapon - something even akutagawa isn't prepared for against - "i'll make you fig pie "
akutagawa drops him
no it isn't just for the namedrop of one of his favorite dishes - it's simply becuz akutagawa can detect no lie or hint of malice or ill intentions from this atsushi
he keeps a tendril of rashomon on him just in case - he's not just letting him go of course - he still needs answers
atsushi pets rashomon and continues on to the kitchen, carefully washing his hands and moving around like he's been there a million times
"say, ryuu. i'll cook and clean if you let me stay here. just for a bit. until i get a job."
"no. i am letting you not starve perhaps - but do not think that i trust you or care for you."
"aww... im going to stay anyway."
"you will not"
"im not here to hurt you, promise. i really just didn't know where else to go."
"that does not explain how you know me."
"i guess not. ahh let me eat, i'll explain when i can think"
he never explains.
he does make the pie and he does fret over akutagawa eating dinner and he does laugh at akutagawa's threats and he does charm him easily and he does prove that he isn't associated with anyone just akutagawa and he is so so untrustworthy but akutagawa lets him stay
he tells himself its becuz he's keeping an eye on his strange man
atsushi, on his part, fully meant to explain everything to akutagawa as soon as he finished eating. he just forgot. he's so used to akutagawa already knowing everything about him, that it's esy for me to forget to explain, but still go on fully thinking that akutagawa already knows.
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girlscoutbrownies · 6 months
sbg headcanons!
(i had to put a title because it keeps just showing up as “aiden” in my notifs)
some of my favourite school bus graveyard headcanons! (in celebration of 101 followers) some are mine, some belong to other people that i’ve taken as well
these got really, really long so ill split it into two parts: aiden, tyler, and taylor for this post and ashlyn, ben, and logan will be in the next
(bit of a tw for disassociation around the end)
- uses he/any pronouns, he mostly doesn’t give a fuck. also doesn’t care if you stick to he/him because he likes it. he also tries out mirror pronouns every once in a while and flipflops between any
- unlabelled energy. also doesn’t care abt that type of stuff, but he’s asexual and it takes him a while to grow feelings. he’s afraid of letting people close to him but it really doesn’t matter to him, not that much. he’s pretty apathetic about it
- generally smells like shittily applied cedarwood cologne. it’s one of those cheap drugstore brands and sometimes he forgets to apply it in the morning, and he doesn’t spray it very well. also smells like grass sometimes
- his favourite subject is psychology/maths/anything logic based (he likes those puzzles). growing up with his bitchass karen mom who probably twisted all the words he said, he doesn’t like cryptic or vague language or poetry (english class) because it reminds him of her. in math, there’s only one answer. in english, there’s hundreds. also the words swim on the paper and he finds it hard to focus
- he has his ears pierced. he begged his parents to take him to an ear piercing studio they just ended up taking him to claire’s but he was still so happy about it
- he BEGGED for a dog or a pet when he was very little but eventually stopped at some point. he asked for stuffed animals and never got any because “it would be too hard to keep track of when we’re moving and you would lose them and get sad” and he’s still very upset about it. used to hug like three pillows when he slept
- he was told they were settling down in georgia and now his current room has millions of stuffed animals i will not hear any arguments about this
- he’s a kicker in his sleep (when he gets any). he kicks plushies off his bed like all the time, he’s not apologetic though he’s just like “oh shit”
- worst and best guy to have a sleepover with. super clingy
- he knows very few actual life skills other than operating a microwave for frozen meals because he largely grew up alone without his parental figures in his life. ashlyn and tyler eventually teach him how to cook
- his growth is stunted bc of that period in his life and he’s short like ashlyn
- he is a HORRIBLE gossip addict. they’ll be sitting at the lunch table eating in silence and he drops “did you hear that samantha’s parents are divorced and madison dropped her bc samantha’s mom doesn’t drive them to the mall anymore” like HUH WHERE DID YOU HEAR THIS?
- he gets school lunch and very rarely (if ever) brings lunch from home. sometimes ben makes him lunches
- plays with his food (this is canon) but he makes storylines out of whatever he does its like his personal roman empire
- big fan of extreme foods (spicy, sour, etc) ((he grew up eating plain ramen)) and loves weird food combinations. everyone always makes weird faces at him when theyre at the mall and he orders weird shit
- he doesn’t know proper meal etiquette until someone has to tell him, his parents didn’t teach him anything (I HATE THEM)
- he’s a really bad cook like ben because he always ends up getting distracted, and somehow manages to skip over steps in the recipes.
- he probably likes cooking shows though and is like “yeah i could do that” (he can’t do that)
- the first time someone (tyler) made aiden a homecooked meal he started cry laughing (it was mostly crying) (nobody talks about it)
- the few times his mom has made him meals whenever she’s home they’re really bad. they don’t taste anything like home, but he didn’t know what home tasted like so he just cried. his mom thought it was because of how good it was (it wasn’t) and he just cried harder
- he dislikes bitter flavours, especially like, orange juice that you make from scratch but you don’t put any sugar in it (it’s because his mom once tried to make homemade orange juice/lemonade to feel more like a “real mom” and it was horrible
- he’ll still eat bitter food though he just wouldn’t like it that much
- likes crunchy food or food that pops in your mouth (poprocks) bc he thinks its cool
- probably needs glasses from how long he’s spent staring at screens (his backstory)
- the one thing his parents consistently did as a kid was take him to his doctors appointments so he has stellar teeth
- he’s fit and fairly athletic (jumping off walls and all) but he doesn’t play sports because he just. isn’t interested in any of it. he tries everything but nothing really sticks that much
- he eats his greens but probably wouldn’t care much for the healthy vegan lifestyle, not that much of a picky eater (this part is canon)
- his favourite holiday is halloween because 1. candy (which he didn’t get much as a kid unless he specifically asked for it or ben brought it over) and 2. he loves dressing up it’s so fun to him
- understimulation is the BANE of his existence he genuinely wants to tear out his own hair every time he gets like that. gets really irritated
- he disassociates a lot, generally experiences a lot of derealization. he doesn’t feel like he’s in his own body sometimes
- insomniac
- chases thrills so that he can “feel” something. doesn’t care if it hurts him or not, because at least then he’ll remember he’s a real person and that his life matters
- really bad at telling when people are lying/are irritated with him. he just keeps pushing until they explode
- good with secrets (his own) but isn’t good at deflecting if asked about someone else’s. he’s just like “ummm. would u look over there. a bird!”
- runs really fast, he wakes up early in the morning to take a walk around the neighborhood. he sometimes encounters tyler if he happens to go into his city (which is often, because he doesn’t like being in his house)
- his house is always really cold, which is why he tends to run really warm (his body is compensating). he knows how to turn the ac off, but it always ends up turning back on in the middle of the night
- he grew up learning The Gifted Child instrument; the piano. he dislikes classical music (he says it’s boring but it’s because of this). he also almost got forced to learn the violin but he once practiced so hard his fingers started bleeding which is how he got out of it
- likes verbal validation bc his parents never told him they were proud of him
- she/they cis demigirl, gets a bit upset at being misgendered though (people think she’s the transfem twin because tyler passes really well)
- bisexual fem pref
- decorates her locker for almost every occasion. halloween, christmas, easter, birthdays. also decorates other people’s lockers for their birthdays before school starts with sticky notes
- has tons of stuff in her locker (except food because tyler won’t let her) just in case anyone needs anything but she’s not very organized so she doesn’t know where anything is
- because of this she’s one of those people that barely makes it to the door before the bell rings but she’s trying to fix that habit
- enjoys crime documentaries/true crime, horror stuff. used to make tyler watch with her but his anxiety gets really bad and he started getting paranoid
- adores christmas bc it’s a family holiday she makes tyler and her mom homemade gifts every year
- loves dogs with every bone in her body she asks santa for one every year but alas. tyler always has to write “a letter from santa” back saying they ran out of dogs at the north pole
- uses emoticons like “:D :] :3” all the time when she types, downloaded a bunch of sticker packs too. especially cat ones
- had her future all planned out as a kid and told her dad she’d be a mechanical engineer and build trains and rockets to bring him places when he started getting really sick and couldn’t move anymore
- her hair is actually kind of dry (compared to aiden’s or ashlyn’s) because they couldn’t afford great shampoo or anything
- has an ehh skincare routine and doesn’t care much for her fashion sense, just wears whatever’s comfortable
- knows a lot of random facts as conversation starters, she’s surprisingly good at small talk ( + comforting people)
- gossips with aiden aallll the time bc she’s super sociable and knows lots of people who tell her secrets. she doesn’t tell any of the important ones but just little drama things
- her and aiden are bffs
- really likes kids because they’re funny, she has a big imagination like them so it’s easy for her to play with them
- she’s a swiftie and whenever someone asks her if she likes taylor swift as a joke bc of her name she says “i like all music!” (she loves tswift)
- really likes sweets over most types of food, she’s healing her inner child guys
- has always ALWAYS wanted to go to a circus/carnival/festival when she was younger, but they couldn’t afford tickets. she still has that dream but she obviously has bigger priorities now…
- transmale he/him
- doesn’t care that much about dating, he actually doesn’t think about it that much until he meets The Gang. he always too busy taking care of his family to bother with relationships
- dislikes heavy meals, eats in small portions. it’s a habit
- used to be a picky eater but isn’t anymore, when he was younger they struggled to put food on the table so
- he’s like tigris from ballad of songbirds and snakes; when he prepared food for the family he’d eat bits and pieces of it while cooking. eats raw meat sometimes but once got sick from it so never again because he doesn’t want people taking care of him
- he HATES being sick. HATES HATES HATES it, hates having to burden people
- stress cooks because he likes having things to do with his hands. he also runs laps/paces around when he’s stressed
- runs his hands through his hair so it’s always messy
- he doesn’t bother combing his hair unless it’s for a special occasion like the first day of school, he just doesn’t care that much
- gets up early like aiden to keep up his physical fitness, doesn’t stray far though because his mom wakes up around the same time he does
- is VERY punctual. will be furious if someone makes plans and then is late. always arrives somewhere like, fifteen minutes early. he’s trying to break taylor’s habit of being late
- occasionally scolds taylor about how messy her locker is
- is extremely (and kind of scarily) meticulous. clean backpack, clean locker, clean room. it’s a habit
- book smart and figures things out pretty easily. he has an internal computer inside his head i swear. latches onto concepts very quickly
- likes math because he’s good at memorizing concepts but biology is his worst enemy, he gets queasy very easily
- motion sickness
- doesn’t actually have a set plan for the future, other than “help his family.” will probably do something related to sports (sports scholarship) or will do something math/analytical related
- spams people when they don’t respond to him but quits eventually (semicanon)
- has some sort of separation anxiety i swear he does
- keeps every single promise he makes because he hates broken promises (his dad told him he’d be fine and out of the hospital soon), he also doesn’t make a lot of promises
- dislikes nicknames like “champ” and “buddy”
- he’s ambidextrous
- he always seems to be like, tense? can’t relax at all. it might be because of his anxiety (HE HAS ANXIETY)
- only ever relaxes if he’s at home
- rarely watches television, he says it’s a waste of time (he always gets distracted and gets up and goes to do something else) he can leave it in the background though
- i think he has chronic pain, i don’t know where but i just think he does. everything just aches sometimes and he’s so young fuck life
- he’s okay with kids like his sister, not as good as her but he’ll take care of them (habit x37362828) he’d probably say everything really monotone though “there’s santa claus, wow.”
- he and taylor both have a pretty strong southern accent from living in middle of nowhere georgia (i think someone made an art post on this a while back :D)
- is really bad at video games because he gets frustrated easily
- he grinds his teeth when he sleeps and has jaw pain what a loser
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Remus Lupin x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​! It features a ton of other awesome creators and runs all year, so go check it out!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompt: Artemis; wilderness, the moon, protection, hounds
Summary: Remus' SO decides to finally figure out why he's been looking so rough every month and gets more answers than they bargained for.
Word Count: 1,890
Category: Angst, Fluff
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Mysteries were overrated.
Every so often, when I dove headfirst into learning something new and spent hours doing that for fun, I wondered whether I should've been sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor. But now, after spending far too long trying to reason my way to understanding, I'd decided to throw logic out the window and do some good old fashioned following people around instead. My Ravenclaw friends would never let me hear the end of it when I told them, but right now, I didn't care.
My boyfriend, Remus Lupin, had been ill on and off for months. He leaned on his friends, relied on them for support, but never turned to me. I'd talked to him once or twice, but he'd never given me a straight answer, and when the third month in a row came around that he looked on the verge of death's doorstep, I decided to get to the bottom of things one way or another.
Which was why I was out in the middle of the night on the Hogwarts grounds, trailing a far distance back from the Marauders as they moved in a pack. All of them except my boyfriend seemed in good spirits, and whatever was going on, I felt for Remus. I hadn't expected the adventure to take us out of the castle, so I still wore pajamas, and only love for my boyfriend kept me from turning right around to seek shelter from the cold night air.
To my surprise, the four boys ahead of me made straight for the Whomping Willow. I knew they were idiots, but I had no idea what possible draw the murder tree could have for them right now, especially with Remus so clearly feeling terrible. Then, in a flash, Peter disappeared.
I blinked and rubbed at my eyes, trying to figure out what I'd seen. Then, in the dull moonlight just barely filtering through the clouds, I saw a rat scurry across the roots of the tree. A moment later, the branches froze in place, and the remaining three boys ducked into a passage normally hidden among the roots, the rat following right after them.
Of course they were unregistered Animagi. I knew that month they'd spent barely talking hadn't been a ploy to mess with the Slytherin Quidditch team, or James trying to impress Lily with his friends' support, or anything else they'd claimed. But Remus hadn't been part of that.
Before I could second guess myself, I let every last ridiculous Gryffindor instinct take over and rushed to the tree, sliding into the hole at its base a split second before the branches began whipping around again furiously. I muttered a quick lumos to light the way ahead of me, then hurried after the boys.
Before I got very far into the tunnel, I heard horrifying screams coming from ahead, the same kinds people said came from the Shrieking Shack. I hesitated for half a second before racing off down the tunnel in the direction the boys had gone. Whatever that noise was, it wasn't good, and I needed to make sure Remus and our friends were alright.
I made it about ten steps forward before I collided with someone. They wrapped their arms around me and held me in place to keep me from moving forward, and after a moment's shouting and confusion, I recognized the person holding me.
"Y/N, you have to get out of here!" shouted James, his tone urgent. I'd never heard him yell like this before, never saw his cool composure drop to the level of the panic currently in his eyes.
"James, what's going on?" I cried. I heard that horrible screeching again, and I tried to move past him. "Where's Remus?"
"You have to leave, now! It's not safe-!"
A moment later, an earsplitting howl replaced the screaming. I froze and so did James, and our wide eyes slowly found each other. I knew that howl from Defense Against the Dark Arts. That was a werewolf.
"You have to run, now," James finally said, his voice low but firm. "If you don't, he'll kill you. It doesn't matter that he loves you, when he's transformed... he has no control."
"Is he... is he going to be okay?"
"Not if he comes back to himself to find out he killed you. Now get out!"
With that, James turned on his heel and transformed before my eyes into a gigantic, gorgeous stag. I could hear barking and snarling further down the corridor, still not close but definitely getting closer. I hesitated, hating to leave without doing anything, but James was right. I didn't have a choice.
I took off running back the way I'd come, trusting the Marauders to take care of Remus tonight. For now, that was the best I could do.
Commotion followed me the whole way out of the tunnel, getting just so slightly closer as to make me nervous. When I finally raced out of the tunnel, I just remembered to slam the root on the tree to stop the branches. I didn't look back as I raced up the grounds to the doors of the castle, finally breathing a sigh of relief from the safety of the entry hall.
I quickly ducked into the nearest secret passage lest Filch catch me out of bed, then slumped back against the wall and slowly sank to the ground. The adrenaline of the past few minutes crashed over me in waves, and I focused on taking long, deep breaths. Slowly, as I calmed down, the actual information that came with my investigation tonight sank in.
My boyfriend was a werewolf. His three best friend were unregistered Animagi, and they apparently spent every full moon with him in their animal forms.
Every DADA class we'd spent discussing werewolves (which, thankfully, hadn't been that many) suddenly came rushing back to me. All the time our teacher had spent talking about them as if they were monsters, while Remus just had to sit there and listen. I clenched and unclenched my fists, taking a second to run the odds on expulsion if I punched a teacher.
Remus was nothing but the sweetest, most wonderful person I'd ever met, and I was so lucky to have him in my life. The thought of people ignoring that, of Remus' face if someone called him a monster... all I wanted to do was wrap him up tight in my arms and never let him go.
I decided to focus on that last feeling instead of the 'punch a teacher' feeling. I had no idea how long these transformations lasted, but I had a feeling Remus would be awfully beat up when he finally did make it back here. With a quick pitstop in the kitchens to grab a few of his favorite snacks, I headed back up to the Gryffindor common room to wait.
Only sheer force of will and a deep love for Remus kept me from passing out after the first hour. The fire was warm, the blanket nest I'd made on my favorite common room couch was comfortable, and the adrenaline dump just made me want to pass out. But I kept my eyes open, waiting for him to come back. Finally, a little after three in the morning, the portrait door swung open.
"Come on, Moony, let's get you upstairs."
"It's okay, nobody got hurt-"
The Marauders staggered into the common room, James and Sirius holding Remus between them as Peter held the door. They all froze on the spot, however, when they saw me waiting on the couch.
"Hey," I said, finally moving from the spot I'd spent the past few hours holding down. I blinked sleepy eyes and managed a smile as I approached Remus and the others. "Uh... do you guys mind if I get a minute with my boyfriend?"
James and Sirius shared significant looks, then both turned to Peter. After a moment's hesitation, they looked back at me and nodded.
"Moony we'll, uh... we'll see you upstairs," said James. He nodded to me as he eased away from Moony and headed for the stairs, Sirius following behind him with a narrow-eyed warning look in my direction. Peter followed, giving me a mix of a look between James and Sirius'. Then, finally, I was alone with my boyfriend.
"So... I'm still your boyfriend?" he asked. He leaned heavily to one side, away from me, as I approached him. The hurt and defeat in his voice ripped my heart open all over again.
"Rem... of course. I love you. Nothing could ever change that."
Remus didn't look like he quite believed me, but he drifted in my direction anyway. I smiled and closed the rest of the distance, taking up the position his friends had filled before. I wrapped an arm around his waist and started leading him towards the couch.
"You're not... afraid of me?"
I scoffed and helped Remus ease down into the blankets, then settled in next to him. I'd spent hours preparing this fort, and when I saw a little weight ease off of Remus' shoulders as he settled in, it was worth it.
"Of course I'm not afraid of you. I love you."
"But James said..."
"Never mind what James said. I love you, Rem, and nothing in the world could ever change that. I'm just sorry I couldn't do more to help you."
Remus huffed a laugh as I leaned against his side, then finally put his arm around me. I laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he spoke and wrapping my arms around him in the most comforting hug I could.
"You find out I'm a werewolf and almost get killed in the process... and you're wishing you could've done more to help me?"
"I'm a Gryffindor, babe, I don't scare easy."
He laughed fully now, loud and joyous. It didn't last long, since he was clearly exhausted, but the sound made my heart sing.
"What on earth did I do to deserve someone as wonderful as you?"
"You were a wonderful person every single day of your life, clearly. Now here, look what I got." Without further ado, I pulled out the snacks I'd stolen from the kitchen. Remus literally gasped.
"Did you get these for me?"
"Yup. If I'd gotten them for me, they'd've been gone already."
"You're wonderful. Have I mentioned that lately?"
"Yes, but I can always stand to hear it again." We shared a smile as Remus dug into the snacks, his head resting against mine, and then I sighed. "So... what do you think the odds are of the rest of the Marauders helping me through the steps to become an Animagus?"
Remus choked on what he was eating, then looked at me with wide eyes.
"You're kidding."
"I'm not! I want to be there to support you, Rem, through everything. I guess... as long as that's okay with you?"
He smiled, then gave a little disbelieving laugh. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before snuggling up with me again.
"I can't think of anything that would be more okay with me."
"Okay, good. But I'm going to put myself in charge of coming up with a lie to cover the mandrake leaf in my mouth. I'm pre-vetoing anything the rest of you come up with."
"Probably a good decision."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Harry Potter Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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carpedzem · 3 months
under the cut i want to talk a little bit, maybe overshare as well. ill try to keep it short (rereading nat here. i didnt). its a sad post, might make some of you angry but not for the reasons you think
i was staying away on purpose, but a few people asked about me so i wanted to let you know that hey, im lurking, im waiting to see what happens. maybe some things will change in the future but im putting it out here so its all in one place
i think i want to start with saying thank you again for sticking around, supporting my art and my thoughts and having discussions with me. i really opened up about myself and what I created here. im very anxious person and it influences my life on every level, so being heard, seeing people laughing at my jokes, loving my art has been so so important to me
about the situation, the gogcident if you will, i logged out as soon as i saw things going down and been getting updates though different source. and while situation is still on going and i dont know where it will go, as how it ends, theres two or three things im firm on that will always be true for me:
i really hate how believe all victims turns into believe everyone who speaks first, no matter what they say, no matter context, no matter proof. the first statement made in this case was untrue in a lot of important details and while i dont think caitis feeling are wrong or invalid i think her first statement made this situation into something it isnt. i think every victim should be heard but attacking everyone who was accused right away is not a solution
i do believe that everyone who was accused of anything has every right to defend themselves. the way its constantly taken away from dteam is not lost on me and its insane and upsetting
you can be traumatized by the events that werent in its core meant to be traumatizing. sometimes people act shitty and leave scars on you and sometimes you can do the same to other people
edited note bc i want this to be here as well: guilty until proven innocent is a crazy mindset and i cannot imagine situation that i would allow it. some idiots dont even realise how dangerous rhetoric that is. including accusers not being obligated to provide any proof of their claims
twt is the worst thing to deal with any discourse, misunderstanding or any delicate situation. i think no ones there cares for any victims period. i wish that place the worst
okay so what now. i havent decided yet. georges and dreams moves so far confirmed for me that no matter what happened it wasnt with malicious intentions. ill wait to see how this plays out and then ill decide about my next steps. one think i did for sure is i uninstalled twt from my phone (and that already bit my ass the moment dream started his space…) that part of fandom, both people who like (liked?) and hate dream is so damn self-destructive, toxic, manipulative and performative it wasnt worth it anymore. for here, i dont know yet. i dont hate dteam, i think this is very unfortunate and sad and complicated situation that left people very deeply hurt. and i wish it wasnt this way and im pretty sure dteam also wish that. but they cant change it and i cant change it even more
now this is something i dont really know how to tell you but let me try. i never mentioned this bc when i had those realizations, it was too late, everyone moved on and i felt stupid for dwelling on this. i feel stupid now, typing this. the thing is, drituation left me quite traumatized. fucking pathetic, i know. the sudden explosion of fandom left me really badly hurt. i lost a lot of people i genuinely believed to be friends with, and i miss them dearly. i felt, fuck it, still feel deeply betrayed by some of them. i dont want people guess who is who thats not the point, those people moved on long time ago. but that hurt has been really difficult to deal with, especially since realistically i know its quite stupid. crying over some people who were following me back for a few months? but i tried to let myself heal and grow love for this community again and i thought we will be okay. drituation felt like the end of the world but we got through it and I thought we are smarter. and well. im not trying to blame anyone or even a whole community, idk maybe i want to blame the universe for putting me here or society for working this way i dont know. but im hurting and i need to find a better way to deal with things going the wrong way. and it deeply upsets me but im afraid that i have to learn how to love you all less. and i honestly dont know yet what that means, how moving forward will look like. i dont have to make this decision now so i let myself stay away from social media for a while still and then go with presented situation the best i can. i dont try to make anyone responsible for my wellbeing i want to make this clear. im just trying to share my feelings and give you context for whatever happen in the nearest future. no matter what i need more healthy relationship not even with ccs but with community itself (and if you see me rebloging hazbin hotel fanarts. spare me...)
in this place i do want to state that no matter what i dont think dteam are bad people. im not closing myself at possibility of participating in the fandom, probably less though things i mentioned earlier. but if any of those things make you uncomfortable in any way, feel free to unfollow/softblock
im leaving my askbox open if anyone has anything to say, add, or idk, scream at me. not sure if i answer any tho. also if i delete this post in the next 10 minutes out of embarrassment then well, haha
on the final note i want once again thank you all for supporting me when i needed help for my cat. you all did something amazing, something i will never forget and i wish to hug everyone of you in person. thank you
see you around. one day. maybe tomorrow maybe in 10 days. idk
and if you are moving on in different direction, if we ever meet again, dont be a stranger
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lanadeldixon · 9 months
Summertime Sadness
Pairing- Daryl x fem reader (some Rosita x reader if you squint)
Word count- 1.1k
Warnings- angst, implied panic attack, mentions of death, someone being beaten, starved Daryl :(
Setting- s7 Alexandria
Summary- The saviours come to collect their 50%, but when you see the condition Daryl is in it’s hard to cope.
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“Oh my God,” I whispered “Daryl?” His name a symphony of worry on my lips. A name I used to say with such love now drained of its positivity and filled with fear instead.
Vulnerability shone through his eyes as he turned to me, “Y/N?”
As soon as my name fell from his lips, the end of a gun struck him straight in the jaw, the loud thud of his body hitting the ground echoed through the town.
My breath hitched and a tear rolled down my cheek as they hit him again, yelling at him, “SPEAK WHEN YOU’RE SPOKEN TOO!”
“Leave him alone,” my voice choked up to the point where it came out in only a whisper.
“Let him go,” I cried louder this time, desperate to draw them away.
Hands wrapped around my mouth, too quick for me to react, my screams came out as muffled cries as I attempted to call for help.
But it was no use, I was dragged backwards into my house,
“Shh, you have to calm down, okay?” I immediately un-tensed at the sound of her voice.
“You gotta be tough, you do shit like that you’ll get all of us killed.” Rosita exclaimed sternly.
Her hands released me and she circled me until we were eye to eye.
“You’re not gonna be doing us any favours getting yourself killed,” it was clear to see she was still in grief, she was mourning a man she’d killed off in her mind a long time ago, only now he was truly gone and it was still sinking in.
She had become colder, no one could blame her, however all of us were too busy drowning in our own insurmountable grief and missing loved ones to pay attention to anything else.
I nodded at her like a school kid following her teachers orders then opened my mouth preparing to respond.
“Bam!” The door swung open.
“We said 50% didn’t we?!” His voice shook us to the core.
Whispers of the dead conquered my thoughts as I turned to look at him.
“Woah ho ho well you must be the girl?!”
Negan exclaimed following it with a slight laugh.
“Well you sure are a pretty thing ain’t ya!” His hand reached to my face as he said it, I stared him down, not daring to move but still not hiding my resentment.
“If I weren’t such a fan of your boy Daryl I think I’d have to make you one of my wives,” a sinister grin took over his face as my mine began to pale.
He leaned close to my ear, to the point where I could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke, “Hell, im the boss, I could just do it anyway…”
I tried to hold back my anger, to not say anything out of fear of what he might do. But the idea of having to marry him sickened and overwhelmed me, “fuck you,” I snarled, eyes finally meeting his.
“You got some massive lady balls and I gotta say, I dig that.” He stated, pulling his face away.
“I’m so tempted to bring you home darling.” He finished, deep down I knew he was just teasing but the thought revolted me.
“I would never be the wife of someone like you,” I responded, my face scrunching up.
He looked at me still with that daring smile.
At that point I couldn’t taken it anymore, my rage boiled until finally, it spilled, I looked at him and let out a large wad of spit aiming it right at his leg.
“Go to hell,” I stated, storms in my eyes.
His face finally faltered as he stared at the stain on his trousers.
“Ho ho ho, you bitch,” he said grabbing the back of my hair and yanking me outside of the house.
“How about we put on a little show, huh darling” he purred in my ear.
I felt ill as he forced me to my knees and began to gesture with Lucille.
“Now I was gonna be nice today but it seems some of you still need an example of how to behave.” Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned as he spoke.
I didn’t cry, I was very careful to heed Rosita’s advice and made sure I didn’t once show my fear, Daryl however did not do the same…
“Y/N!” He screamed as if I was already dead.
“DONT TOUCH HER,” he cried with rage, “I’LL KILL YA!”
“Bring him,” calmly, he gestured to the woman on his right as he spoke.
She dragged him so he was diagonal to me, she then kept her hands on his face, forcing him to keep his eyes on me.
Now I knew to be scared but all I could think was how tired he looked, behind the rage and upset was masked malnutrition and exhaustion. I couldn’t help but worry.
“We’re gonna break up another couple tonight,” he laughed aiming and fake swinging his bat at me.
I grimaced at his statement recalling the story of what happened to Glenn and Abraham and the devastation Maggie and Sasha were left with.
“I’m sorry, you would’ve been a real treat to come home too but looks like you’re gonna end up another lost treasure.”
“Last chance to say goodbye lover boy,” Negan warned.
Daryl was screaming profanities at him, doing everything he could to divert Lucille’s attention to him instead but to my relief, his attempts failed…
That was when the countdown started…
“10…” my breathing quickened.
“9…” I could see Daryl’s mouth moving, his whole body scrambling beneath the saviours holding him back, but all I could hear was Negans voice.
“8…” “just continue to do this when you’re scared okay baby?” I could hear my mums voice infiltrating my thoughts, guiding me to breathe.
“7…” I can see the flowers, they look so pretty, especially now that the lilies have grown, my mother didn’t like lilies, she always loved roses.
“6…” I can see the sun, it shines so brightly today, beaming down its light onto all of us, I think of Daryl’s nickname for me.
“5…” I can see my friends, I love my friends. Part of me wishes I could see Maggie again, the other doesn’t want her to see this.
“4…” I can see the sky, it looks painted today, the way the clouds are floating looks ethereal.
“3…” I can see Daryl. My Daryl, I smile.
“2…” I can see the bat, it blocks the sun as it’s lifted high into the sky.
“1…” I can see Glenn and Abraham, I didn’t think I’d see them so soon but I’m happy-
“I’LL JOIN YA!” Silence overcame the crowd as Daryl pleaded.
“Just let her go, that’s all I ask” his voice quaked, there was a frantic look of desperation in his eyes.
Negan chuckled before his face turned stern.
“Who are you?” He commanded in a teasing tone.
“I am Negan…”
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vorpalfae · 3 months
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Trigger Warning: Rare Illness/Health Issues [wasn't sure if this need a tw but these topics make some ppl uncomfy so i wanted to be considerate anyway💜]
so a lot of ppl have been asking me why i don't post pics anymore or why i have barely been on social media compared to how i used to be. and the reason is i've been having severe health issues for a very long time. i can't even remember the last time i went more than a month without feeling nauseous, or actually throwing up, or just having headaches and stomach pain that are so bad i can barely tolerate them.
i've known for a while that i have gastritis, but my mom & my bf convinced me to go to a new doctor for a second opinion. after months & months of pure agony and feeling exhausted and sick to the point where i have no energy, i finally know why. i went to a specialist and discovered i have a rare illness called CVS (Cyclic vomiting syndrome). and i also am lactose intolerant which was amplifying my symptoms because i eat dairy products constantly.
i am going to be starting treatment for it and i really hope it improves my life and my ability to function because i am so tired of "living" like this. just existing has been exhausting and painful. i literally haven't been able to accomplish any of the goals i have because i can't go more than a few days without feeling horrible.
i already feel useless because i'm autistic and i have bipolar 1 and i'm waiting on disability payments to come through because i am unable to work with my disabilities. so my bf has been working and doing his best to take care of me and our kids. i just feel so horrible and guilty all the time. and i genuinely didn't know why i feel sick 24/7. all i want is to feel like myself again. and to do all the things i miss doing. i feel like i'm trapped by this illness.
i'm grateful to have answers and know what i'm dealing with finally. but after suffering like this almost every single day for so long its so hard to feel hopeful for the future at this point. i'm literally in tears as i type this. its just been really bad. i never do my makeup anymore or feel good about myself. i can barely move sometimes because the pain in my stomach is so bad or i get pain in my throat from vomiting for hours at a time, and then i get MORE pain from dry heaving due to not being able to hold down any food. and then i get random migraines and headaches that last all day as a result of all of that. its taking a huge toll on my body and my mental health. my depression gets worse during the winter season so when this started getting really bad it just made my mental health a million times worse. its literal hell.
but yeah thats why i haven't been online. real life is hard enough and i haven't been motivated to post because of the hell i'm going through or a lot of the time i physically CAN'T make content. but i'm going to keep trying. i'm going to do every fucking thing my doctors tell me to do because im so fed up with suffering. i promise that i will make content again and post the things i create and other stuff i used to post about before i stopped being able to function. as soon as i start to feel semi normal or at least well enough to do daily activities and complete even small goals, i will post about it. i'll keep u guys updated.
i appreciate every single person who follows me and my content, and all the ppl who keep checking up on me and wondering where the fuck i went. i love you guys so much💜 and i'm so sorry to all the ppl who haven't heard from me. if i can gain at least a little bit of my physical strength and health back, i will be so happy. i also am trying to get vitamins prescribed to me because im severely lacking nutrients but they are so expensive and i can't afford them out of pocket until i get my disability money. i'm also anemic and have to start taking iron supplements again. i'm just a giant ball of health issues😭 its actually ridiculous how bad my health has been. but i'm a mom and for that reason i will never stop trying. i will do whatever it takes to get better. i don't think my health could get much worse than it is currently. hopefully i didn't just jinx myself by saying that😭
sorry for the super long explanation, i just have sooo many messages in my inbox and questions that you guys send me that i haven't answered. i don't want to leave u in the dark. the connections i've made on this silly little blog mean the world to me. and everything i've been going through has been so hard to explain. but since i recently got a REAL answer as to why i'm suffering so much, i felt it was a good time to let you guys know what is going on with me. like i said, when i am able to feel somewhat normal again i will post consistently and re-open my shop too! it sucks so bad having a passion for creating but being too sick to even get out of bed other than to get sick in the bathroom. i've been to the emergency room more times this month than i have in the last 4 years. if i can overcome this awfulness i will not take it for granted. i will work harder than i ever have to create and share it with the world. but for now i just have to sit back and do whatever my doctors tell me to do and hope to god that it helps me 😞
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