#and i know the end card was retconned but it says that he was so hurt over the warden's death
Alistair: So I'm not going with you, I see. Any particular reason? Tabris: I'm not going to risk you getting hurt, Alistair. Alistair: And you think I want you going in there and sacrificing yourself? You think I want you to die!? But there's no use arguing with you, is there? We don't have time... and you are a stubborn, stubborn woman. Tabris: You would do something foolish. Alistair: Maybe… I guess we'll never know now, will we? I guess this is the last chance we'll get… before this is finished, one way or another. Be careful in there. Tabris: I love you, Alistair. Alistair:
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Guess who made the ultimate sacrifice...?
Me. It was me.
I made the ultimate sacrifice.
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The achievement wasn't worth it.
#dragon age#dragon age origins#dao#alistair theirin#dao alistair#warden tabris#i'm genuinely so heart broken#i just wanted to see what ending you get when you reject morrigan's ritual since i have very strong opinions on it as i've discussed before#and it's more in character for my tabris to reject it anyway so this was the first time i did it and just...... i am hurt#like... it's such a hopeless 'what was even the point? she didn't deserve this' feeling y'know? she didn't deserve this!#and neither did alistair... he already holds so much guilt over duncan and cailan making him stay out of battle in ostagar#and then rose makes him stay behind so she can face the archdemon and die ALONE... while also robbing him of the chance to stand beside her#the way i play dao is alistair is forever in my party like i literally take him *everywhere* he is with rose the entire journey#they are partners in this forever and always and they planned to face the archdemon together but that changed with riordan's news...#and this is the first time since they met in ostagar that he hasn't been in her party and i didn't expect it to hurt so much...#plus i keep alistair a warden so he's left alone in the aftermath of a blight that took everything from him#and i know the end card was retconned but it says that he was so hurt over the warden's death#that he said it wasn't the same anymore and he fucking *left* the order and fereldan and his whereabouts are unknown after he made#a small monument for duncan in his birthplace like.... again i know that was retconned since he obviously didn't leave the wardens but OOF#oh and don't even get me started on morrigan and how she responds to being rejected like i'm chewing on all my furniture right now#there is so much to dissect in that conversation and i'm too emotionally drained to handle it right now...
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
Sorry I gotta vent about what I perceive as a huge goddamn plot hole in helluva boss-specifically the episode “OOPS” b/c like…
Why the hell was Blitzø not able to give Fizz the card?? Why did he throw it on the ground and walk away??? Like, he goes to Fizz’s birthday party, Fizz is OBVIOUSLY very happy to see him, and then Blitzø just??? Walks away???
The ONLY thing I can think of is that Blitzø had low self esteem at that point/maybe didn’t think he was good enough for Fizz? and that’s hinted at with the “wish you were my son” card buckzo gives fizz but like??? I don’t know am I going crazy? Is this actually a “media literacy” situation and I’m just missing something???
And b/c of all the retcons of season 1 and season 1’s character development, there’s very little we actually get to SEE of young Blitzø’s life and how he developed his sense of self hatred that may lead to him walking away from Fizz like that, especially when Fizz is so clearly happy to see him. It’s not too hard to fill in the blanks, but regardless it seems like the scene with Blitzo throwing down the card and starting the fire was only set up that way so the writers could put in a weird misunderstanding as the crux of the conflict between Fizz and Blitz.
It’s like they’re saying “don’t worry audience! Nothing actually complicated happened. It was all just a big misunderstanding. Blitz actually wanted to confess his feelings to Fizz but couldn’t and accidentally set the circus on fire! The only reason the two of them didn’t make amends because “they told me you didn’t want to see me”
Idk I feel crazy about this but that whole episode was just so bad in places and I don’t even know what setups from season 1 are still supposed to be canon and this whole fucking thing is just a goddamn mess…
Almost like that whole flashback needed more time, maybe even an entire episode devoted to it, but Viv had more important things to focus on, like showing off Alex Brightman singing and jokes about Asmodeus's kaiju sized cock.
And you just know that if any of it does end up being referenced down the line, it's a pleasant bonus, not something to expect. Not from a show like this.
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itsmyfandomandilikeit · 9 months
What exactly is the deal with T'Lyn?
So now that T'Lyn is a recurring character in Lower Decks, we're getting a lot more of her character, motivations, and personality. But from the getgo, the show has introduced her as being a nonstandard Vulcan.
Spoilers for Lower Decks 4x03 and all of Star Trek Enterprise below the cut.
T'Lyn has been kicked out of the Vulcan Science Directorate for being too much of a wild card, and she wants to get back in. This is her stated motivation for this season.
However, she is still steadfastly attached to her individuality. She refuses to stop using phrases like "I believe" when justifying her scientific claims, and she wears a headband, which no other Vulcan wears. On the Cerritos, she openly displays empathy, even if in her own way, and serves as a pivotal motivator for Boimler in this week's episode. She does so by easily and immediately understanding his perspective and responding to his current state of mind.
She doesn't appear to know of a reason why she's different from other Vulcans, at least in a significant way. She believes that her dismissal was unjust and she should be allowed back into the VSD.
For one, I think it's obvious that T'Lyn's arc will result in her giving up on returning to the Vulcan Science Directorate. She has to accept herself as an individual separate from the collective and realize that her personal value is illogically squashed if she can't use her unique judgment in the line of duty.
But, secondly, I believe it will be revealed that T'Lyn is the great granddaughter of T'pol and Trip Tucker.
Mike McMahon (McMahan?) has stated that he'd love to write for T'pol. There has been enormous interest from the fandom and creatorship as a whole in revisiting the character, both for the sake of her popularity and to canonize the post-Enterprise books which retcon the main series' pointlessly depressing ending. However, Jolene Blalock has retired from acting, and it doesn't look at all trivial to talk her into coming back. The idea has been floated to ask her to record a few lines for Lower Decks rather than fly her out to dress her up to be in Strange New Worlds, if an appearance can be made at all.
I think T'Lyn is a way around this whole problem. We've got a new, cool Vulcan character. She's smart as a whip, cool under pressure, and she's incredibly empathetic in a way that confronts people's feelings with gentle logic.
Her arc about breaking away from the Vulcan Science Directorate mirrors T'pol's arc far more than, say, Spock, who is a human-Vulcan hybrid but whose arc explores completely different themes.
T'Lyn is obviously a capable science officer, but what sets her apart is her empathy and her steadfast belief in her own feelings. I think, in the absence of another explanation such as a nonstandard upbringing (which I don't think has been hinted) this can be explained by her being 1/8 human. Hell, 1/8 made up of an incredibly kind and caring human who was so kind and caring he ended up in a situation where this is a plausible outcome.
Finally, one of ENT's most beloved episodes is Carbon Creek, which takes place 200 years earlier and is about T'pol's great grandmother. I think it would be sweet if T'Lyn's arc is mirroring that situation, 200 years later.
Whether or not I'm right, I'm loving T'Lyn and I'm loving the fact that she's here so much more this season. I'm excited to see where this goes.
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working-dreamer · 1 year
I have seen the new Layton trailer and I have thoughts!
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It’s interesting that they made a point to say that in this American town Layton is just an anonymous gentlemen while Luke has been solving mysteries and growing his reputation as a detective. Makes me wonder how that will affect their dynamic. On one hand I think Layton would be happy to see Luke has thrived on his own but I also think Layton will feel sad that he missed out on watching Luke grow up.
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Will Layton feel oddly out of sorts because he’s so used to being well known? Or will he revel in the anonymity that this town brings? Will Layton wonder why Luke invited him since he seems to already have a handle on solving mysteries?
The website character portrait has new things to say about the characters. On Luke’s side it says he has become a detective. On Layton’s side… it says he has been acting on his own. Does this mean that Layton hasn’t done much of anything since the ending of Unwound Future? I mean it definitely makes sense because the ending of Unwound Future could naturally have left him depressed- what if that’s partly why Luke invited him to come solve a mystery in America? What if Luke just wanted see how Layton is holding up and to be there for him if needed? It probably won’t be that dark but that would be an interesting story right? Oh my heart!
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I don’t think this game retcons Kat’s story. This game takes place one year after Unwound Future. Kat’s adventure takes place years after. I have yet to see the whole anime so I don’t know if Layton says he hasn’t seen Luke since Unwound Future but if so that might be the only detail that’s changed.
Can we have a cameo from Phoenix Wright? Come on, that’d be perfect!
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Those sketches thooooo!!! Flora has grown up too!! Or maybe it’s Luke’s future wife?? Either way I’m excited!
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On one hand it’s kinda funny that the ending card featured bullets and two bullet holes because ‘haha of course they would include guns in America’ but on the other hand…. They included guns. Real guns. Real bullets. IF LAYTON OR LUKE GETS SHOT I’M GONNA GO FERAL!
Overall I am so excited for what the future holds! Game looks good! Big excite!
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stillness-in-green · 4 months
Project Update/Survey of Interest: The AFO Retcon Essay
Having cleared out the inbox, I thought I'd let everyone know where I am on one of the big projects I've been alluding to for a long while now, the big meta post/essay arguing that the possession plot (and therefore AFO as primary endgame villain) is, in so many words, a big stupid retcon. That essay is - for reasons I'll get into shortly - on the brink of a major change in focus, so I'd also like to gauge how much interest people have in its potential new form. Because it would be another huge one, make no mistake.
(Hit the jump.)
So, I recently started dabbling with a new word processor program and thought I'd try learning the ropes with the retcon essay; I then spent the better part of two weeks combing through chatlogs and my blog archive trying to compile all the evidence I'd want to consider to make that argument. Two nights ago, I looked at the list I had - almost fifty bullet points! - and had the horribly demoralizing realization that...
...You guys, I just don't think I believe it anymore.
Now, that's not to say I've come around on the possession plot, because I definitely haven't! Rather, my trust in Horikoshi as a writer has been so badly eroded by the state of the writing in the endgame that I no longer think even the earlier material is reliable evidence for where the story was going.
To pick the most prominent example, I always regarded AFO telling Best Jeanist at Kamino that his quirk "wouldn't suit Tomura" as one of my strongest pieces of evidence that the possession plot had not been in the cards at that time. After all, who in hell cares what quirks would or would not suit Tomura if AFO's plan, as stated in Chapter 380, was that he would wholly subsume Tomura's will?
Now, however - and Chapter 380 is a big part of this, too! - I look back on that moment and just think, wearily, "Was that ever true, or was Horikoshi just lying to us already, and the only difference between then and now is that back then the lies could hold for hundreds of chapters, whereas now they're revealed within a matter of pages?"
A chat friend letting me vent suggested that perhaps the line was just intended to foreshadow Shigaraki getting All For One (and therefore all the quirks held within it) and Horikoshi just didn't think through all the implications AFO's phrasing had on how that plot was going to go. That may be true, and it's a more generous read than I could muster at the time, but the end result is the same: If I can't trust that the writing was ever an accurate reflection of the characters and their intentions, I can't in good faith construct an argument relying on that writing.
What I think I can do, however, if people are interested, is broaden the overall thrust to something much bigger than just AFO.
I'm currently toying with the idea of a treatise-in-four-parts about the problems in the endgame. Each part would cover one major branch of related issues - they might need to be broken down into sub-parts themselves, if they run long enough! The whole thing would likely be much longer and more involved than my chapter posts; think something more like the PLF mass arrest essay. Following are my current ideas for how those four parts would fall out, as well as some example talking points for each:
Part 1: Shigaraki and the PLF. Would cover Shigaraki as a villain and what he and the forces he'd amassed circa the end of My Villain Academia stood to bring to the endgame, both ideologically and tactically. Would also cover where they actually wound up and some considerations as to why.           Example Subpoints: Demanding accountability from Hero Society rather than just focusing blame on singular evils; Shigaraki as representative of all previous Villains; the MLA's shift in portrayal between MVA and the endgame; the ludicrous string of nerfs Toga was subjected to; whether the MLA was only ever intended to be a mass of numbers to whittle down the equally massive numbers of the Heroes or whether they were reduced to that after poor reader reception.
Part 2: All For One's Impact. Would focus on the sharp drop in moral complexity AFO both suffered himself compared to his pre-Tartarus characterization and inflicted on the endgame both himself and with the caliber of minions he brought to the story.           Example Subpoints: AFO's inconsistent characterization; the moral reductiveness of the Demon Lord as endgame Villain; AFO and Yoichi's personal history; Vestige mechanics; the impact of AFO's inconsistency on Ujiko's portrayal; the Sekoto Peak Problem; the characterization and handling of the Tartarus escapees.
Part 3: Team Hero Is The Fucking Worst. Would focus on the multitudinous problems with the presentation and methodologies of the Heroes in the endgame. Might be two parts if it gets long enough that I decide to split it up into, like, one part on the adults/Pro Heroes and one on the kids or something.           Example Subpoints: The story's bad faith attempts to portray agents of government authority as scrappy, determined underdogs; why it's impossible to believe that the current heroic cast will be able to enact a satisfying resolution to all the structural problems the story has raised; That Stupid Fucking Mech Fight; the constant refusal to let consequences stick to the Heroes; the way the story both undercuts and oversells Deku as a protagonist, and the impact that has on the broader narrative; One For All and more Vestige Mechanics; The Problem of Hawks; the hospital riot; the Todoroki family's inaction.
Part 4: Other Issues. A catch-all area for anything else I trip over that doesn't fit in any of the categories above, or problems of a more meta-narrative sort.           Very Preliminary Example Subpoints: The lazy portrayal of civilian characters; meta-narrative examples of the unreliability of BNHA's late-stage writing, from simple errors overlooked in the highly demanding grind of Shonen Jump serialization to the much more damning abuse of the reader's expectations of the comic medium; idk probably lots of other stuff, I Have Many Problems.
That said, I now have to ask, how interested are you all in a project like that? A fair amount of it would be recycled from my chapter posts, but obviously it would cover stuff I never got to in those, and would be able to be written with more hindsight (especially if it's written mostly or entirely after the series ends!), as opposed to the constant problem of reacting to the story week-to-week.
I basically stopped writing the chapter posts for reasons of incessant negativity, and obviously, this would be more of that, but I mind the negativity a lot less when it's A) able to be more comprehensive and focused than meandering and piecemeal and B) in the form of a large project I can work on as I have the energy for it rather than a brand new project every single week. And, as I trust stuff like MVA In Memoriam and On Heteromorphobia make clear, I do like the idea of putting together a good, comprehensive, easy-to-reference tract on all those problems, as opposed to just letting my issues remain scattered across multiple years of chapter thoughts and bnha critical tags!
That said, it's a big project, and I do vent about these issues pretty constantly with chat and irl friends, so if there's not much interest from followers here, I would not find it hard to just let the whole thing go and turn my eyes to less intimidating fare instead.
(Current other projects include the usual roster of BNHA fic, another mid-length meta piece in the mode of the BNHA vs. Helck comparison from a while back, this time on Mamoru Hosoda's Belle, and a horrible temptation to try and write something thoughtful and even-handed about demons in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End to combat the reductive-ass takes on both sides of the argument I've been seeing all over the internet since its anime started. Also, every week I go without seeing a single damn MachtxGluck fanfic on AO3 is a week I get closer to trying to figure out a way into writing it myself.)
Do let me know! Also, feel free to chip in with anything you'd like to see me specifically talk about in an endgame analysis!
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dc-polls · 7 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Entry #5
Superman's Sentient Excised Tumor with Daddy Issues
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[ID: A comic image of Kancer, a giant inhuman monster looking creature with a long head like the alien queen, wrapping his tail around Superman's torso. He has many green spikes that resemble kryptonite crystals coming out of his back and tail, and he has a lot of green dots on his body that are either eyes or glowing orbs. Superman shoots him with laser vision. /END ID]
What Happened?
A villain (Pokolistan Zod) enacted a complicated scheme to give superman a tumor. He had a tumor, and was almost dying until Superfam excised it from him. However, Zod took the tumor and used science to turn it into a sentient creature called Kancer, who then started mass murdering people to get Superman's attention. He calls Superman "Father" all the time and feels close to him because he came from him literally (aside: We also see the villain literally looking at Kancer's growth tank and saying "congratulations, Superman, we're fathers..." Everyone says that Kon El with his retconned story is Lex and Superman's canonical baby but they ignore Superman and Pokolistan Zod's first canonical baby???) Anyway. Kancer offers to become Superman's pet (?) and stop killing people if Superman kills Krypto, his dog, to give him a space (and prove he's important). Kancer at some point reveals he knows Superman is Clark Kent, due to having been literally growing inside him, and is debating telling Zod his secret identity and will if he is rejected. Clark angsts about this, and Kancer goes to Pokolistan where aside: Guy Gardner has been repeatedly killed and mutated until he's lord of hell due to crossover events from OWAW. Guy tells superman he has to take his place in Hell or something bad will happen. Superman doesn't want anyone to die or go to hell but agrees because reasons. Krypto tries to kill Kancer and Superman stops him (Krypto) which inadvertently convinces Kancer Superman loves him for real and he takes GUy's place in Hell to save Superman. Guy is non-plussed about this and says he was going to hell anyway because he killed so many people but also he was a literal baby how was he supposed to know murder was wrong? Anyway, I don't think anyone had "Superman's sentient tumor with daddy issues becomes a serial killer and sacrifices himself in Hell" on their DC bingo card. Also this was all main canon and not an AU, with Clark Kent Superman.
Tournament polls will be posted after all entries are up. As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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randomnameless · 10 months
I'm having a really hard time fathoming how some people consider SB to be a righteous/heroic route or a route where we're the good guys. The route where:
You invade two independent nations under the pretence of "saving their citizens from oppression" (though I guess you can't be oppressed anymore if you're dead lol) even though Her Majestic Hypocrisy repeats a bunch of times that she's in for conquest and that she'd obliterate anyone who stands in her way.
The cast keeps victim-blaming the invaded parties for *checks note* defending their countries. 
The death toll is the highest. You have to kill Ingrid, Rodrigue, Gustave and Sylvain. And you can also kill Ashe, Mercedes (btw, if she dies, the cutscene where Dimitri and Dedue grieve changes slightly, which is nice), Annette, Shamir, Ignatz, Raphael and Marianne (how does Margrave Edmund feel about Claude's alliance with the empire knowing his daughter was killed by its army?). 
IIRC, this is the only route where you conscript merchants into the imperial army. No wonder the empire has the biggest army.
Based Rhea who, despite being hunted, still thinks about the safety of the continent first in the final chapter. It's hilarious how characters like Edespot or Clyde harp on about how Rhea is the big bad, and in the few scenes you have with her, she's just kind? Anyway. Rhea based.
In the C support conversation - which happens right after Felix got seriously injured and Sylvain got killed- there's this bit where Dimitri is like "I don't know if I can talk with like everything is normal, so many have died already" and Edespot's response is basically "yeah I don't see it that way. Let's agree to disagree". Also, I believe she wonders if she shouldn't just kill Clyde and Dimitri once they're out. Even though Clyde is her ally at the moment. You bet on the wrong lord, Clyde... 
I probably forgot a few stuff, but... oh well.
To be honest,
The only things I like about Supreme Bullshit are :
Its ending! Supreme Leader and Barney (well, at least they throw a sword?) being sitting ducks while Rhea steals the show, and sacrifices herself in an epic shonen scene to get rid of the real threat, aka showing that unlike someone, she knows how to prioritize, and it ends up in an explosion. It matches the ending of the F-Zero anime (at 0.48!), Rhea/Falcon rushes to deal a blow (a Falcon punch and a Seiros strike I guess?) to their mortal enemy, there is a giant explosion, and both Rhea/Falcon fade away in a blinding light. Too bad the Supreme Bullshit BGM is eons away from "Searching to the Truth" :(
The reveal that Rhea kept the keys to the sekrit passages in the Imperial Palace - or Rhea knows more about Enbarr and its castle than the current Emperor and her aides...
Doro's paralogue being incredibly tone deaf about, uh, soldiers being "too busy" by the Mittelfrank troupe, that they can't basically protect the dancers/performers from bandits, when the paralogue happens in an area that is expressedly supposed to be full of soldiers!
If starts align in a certain way, it's the only route in Nopes where Clout dies!
Leopold! He's like Victarion Greyjoy, only if he was taken seriously. But we, as players, know better! Also he's a living retcon, from having a major cichol crest to gift to his son because he fought well (and not to, say, Big B or even Ferdie) a sacred weapon despite the route being all about muhritocracy!
Supreme Leader plans and plays with the cards she has in her hand - from trying to get good PR to get rid of people (Varley sr) by pitting them against her next target (the CoS)!
An entire game full of new Supreme Replies (tm)!
For shippers around, it has a Cathmir scene where everyone knows Shamir will prioritize Catherine's life over her allegeance! too bad this is a Supreme Leader route, so no, Shamir won't fucking try to kill her for blackmailing her and can even kill Catherine herself later on....
That's not a lot lol, and most of it are breadcrumbs because for the proper plot...
Yeah, it kinds of sucks.
Supreme Bullshit is even more tone deaf with the War and its realities than Tru Piss (and that's a feat!), Ferdie being completely, uh, off the mark about everything (invading lands and rekting people, and then saying those people's fears are only in their heads! Pal, one of the first missions in the SB exclusive chapters is to rout refugees??? + the nonsense about the Kingdom having more crested generals, when data shows the Empire has more crested peeps than the Kingdom!), Caspar being turned in the worst version of himself who dgaf anymore about protecting "innocents" and "justice", and, uh, everything with Monica.
Victim blaming is the norm with Fodlan games, but yeah, it really feels odd that suddenly, in the Zahras chapters, Dimitri's all "okay" when his closest friends either died or were grievly injured and the game proceeds as it does when, come on, why wouldn't Dimitri kill her the second they're out of the Zahras verse??
I really disliked how Supreme Bullshit yeeted Ionius from Adrestia, or how it didn't explore in more depth the Insurrection of the Seven, especially since we side with Leopold'n'Waldemar against Ludwig, who used to be allies! Also, as far as I remember, no one mentions anything about Arundel, why he ran away to the Kingdom with a young Supreme Leader and how he changed when he returned, or something?
If Ludwig is pushed by Supreme Leader, reciting her Dad's words, as the one who led the insurrection and the experiments on her, why the fuck no one else mentions them, as Leopold and Waldemar were on Aegir's side back then? They don't even mention "Arundel" participating, like, Volkhard sides against Ionius and hides his niece, but 3 months later, he returns and offers her as a guinea pig?
As is the norm with the Supreme Leader routes, the "truth" isn't what we're looking for, because we know Supreme Leader pushes a narrative she will follow to reach her goals, but where Tru Piss gave hints here and there about her narrative being, uh, rubish, we have no clues here, and Leopold prefers to flash his loincloth than giving us anything meaningful about that incident.
When you compare them to Matthias and Rodrigue (and Gilbert?) who often mention Lambert "back in the days", it's more and more obvious that... we're not supposed to ask questions in Supreme Bullshit, and just go with the flow.
And it ends with a high five.
I'd say it deviates less from Tru Piss than Golden Shower does from Verdant Winds, but it's an "expected disappointment".
That's why my only higlights are not plot relevant (save for the Captain Falcon - Rhea parallel) - because we know the plot will never deliver something meaningful in a Supreme Leader route.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
if I can 'devil's advocate' (heh) for ParanoidDJ for a sec, I just wanna put the song in context
so it originally dropped shortly after s1e6 came out, & you can probably still see some of that by the comments where fans joke that he 'saw the future' or 'was ahead of the curve' because a good number of fans didn't think Stolas had any romantic feelings for Blitzo at all before ep7 & that it was just lust (in hindsight that was another soft retcon that Stolas was suddenly in love w/Blitzo - that 'development' really ought to have been onscreen and then the audience might have bought into his sudden change of heart).
he mentions in the description that Stolas 'realizes his own actions have caused the problem' and I think that's what PDJ was trying to do - his songs tend to try and flesh out characters or fill in bits the canon hadn't yet. I can definitely see why people say it seems like Stolas apologia but it did come out back when the show was in s1 and it hadn't started playing the Stolas Did Nothing Wrong card as hard as it did in s2 (plus Loo Loo Land Stolas at least seemed aware that the divorce was affecting Via, even if he totally failed to articulate what was going on with him when she was upset), so it feels more like an attempt at a potential direction Stolas could have gone with the setup ep1-6 had provided.
I can't say for sure of course, but I think PDJ was aware that Stolas is the problem (or at least part of the problem, idk if he's ever spoken about stol/tz publically) and was just following what arc the show seemed to be setting up with him (and then it promptly didn't in s2, since nothing is ever Stolas' fault now apparently)
it's why it's so annoying to see the lyrics changed - PDJ's Stolas actually gave a darn about Via and seemed to realize at least part of what he'd done wrong, while keeping him mostly in character by preserving his classist attitudes that he needs to work through (the repeat of the impish plaything line)
official video Stolas is whitewashed and whiny. personally I think it's a small miracle Viv even kept the line 'I will try to make amends/for making you means to an end' since it directly refers to what actually happened - Stolas used Blitzo for sex.
but I assume Viv left that line in because she wants it to mean 'Blitzo seduced Stolas so Stolas used him right back' instead of what actually happened: 'Stolas used the threat of losing his job and the pressure of being shot at to coerce Blitzo into monthly sex'
this is all how I remember it from back when the song came out, though - I could be totally wrong, but as far as I know Paranoid has never said he likes stol/tz or thinks it's 'mututally toxic' or anything like what stans usually say
Oof I guess I was too hard on him. I do appreciate you typing this out and adding some context. But then again before episode seven…stolas was an absolute monster towards Blitzø and the rest of imp. He was only kind to Octavia, the same species as him. But to everyone else he was and honestly still is, just purely awful.
I definitely feel like him and all of us, if we are honest, saw a lot more kindness and good traits in stolas than are actually there. I still hold that stolas at the end of ep 6 and the stolas at the start of episode 7 are not the same character at all. Plus, having us see Blitz be enslaved by him, and then tongue kiss him after, all that said to me was that he’s allowing himself to be sexually objectified because he thinks it’s all he deserves. I was actually really shocked that he kissed him, it was such a bizarre contradiction to the intimidation, abuse, and a mutual hatred, we had just seen. Then he asked for a reward…? So strange.
And season 2 stolas is yet again another character. When he wears his hat he’s his usual gross self then the hat comes off and he’s a wimp. If what I’ve heard is true he gets even more soft and pathetic and sopping wet cat-like. I just have no idea what he adds to the story other than taking us on a self pitying emotional detour we didn’t ask for. With none of the introspection paranoid DJ thought he would show. I’m sorry but Stella was kindve right, it is annoying.
Taking out the Octavia lyrics is unbelievable!!! It makes him look so so bad but this is supposed to be his woobie arc, so what gives?
Also I wont stop reiterating that stolas led Blitzø to his bedroom by force and locked him in there. Blitzø thought he was going to kill him, he was scared, creeped out, and actually did try to negotiate out of it but was told not to bother with excuses. I honestly don’t care that he tried to survive by faking seduction. Don’t forget he said “ew” at the idea, and then “alright fine” which is just so gross…
This is all speculation because I’ve heard nothing about what happens in Full Moon—but-I don’t really believe he’ll try and make “amends” the next episode is going to be stolas emotionally manipulating him into “choosing” the book (him, having free sex and a fan to praise and coddle him) or the crystal (a life on his own) it’s going to be really hard to watch. And Viv despite what she’s written of him being creeped out terrified and grossed out by stolas will try sell us that the sex with stolas was great. Even though everything he says and does points to the opposite.
I mean it is pretty clearly a pro stolitz song and that’s what it was used for
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radnewspaperroom · 1 year
I was washing dishes and had a thought.
Spoilers past here if you haven't completed the story, so I'm only warning you once!
A lot of exchange Students who use Twitter are worried that the OG Obey Me game isn't going to be getting as much love once Nightbringer comes around.
After 3 or 4 years, you don't get any more birthday or anniversary calls, and we've been at Lesson 80 for darn near almost a year
They also had a line in the newspaper picture about making OM! Nightbringer even bigger and better than the OG, but that it's not stopping (I also noted that they didn't say the story would continue, just that it wasn't going anywhere. Their other apps didn't for a really long time)
What if they're gonna retcon everything in the OG?
The OM devs aren't shy about slyly retconning stuff to make the story work. Lucifer and Michael have changed what angels they are, Simeon has as well, and before the story was that when the boys fell--they met Diavolo's father. He gauged their power, gave them their order and titles.
Yet now, their sins have always been a part of them, but heavily suppressed in their angel days, and the devil king was already asleep underground when they came. According to Nightbringer, RAD didn't exist before the boys fell. But according to the Glory Days card for Lucifer, it did, and he went there on a tour once.
I suppose it could be explained away in, he didn't want to change out of his angel garb because he still considered himself an angel after the fall, being in denial, but then again, in the Lilith flashback he was aware and sad about it.
It really wouldn't surprise me if they decided to change MORE in Nightbringer to help the story fit. Or explained the changes that subtly happened like that in the OG was due to the events in Nightbringer.
What if they update from 81-90 or 100 and the last lesson is what sends MC to the past and erases their memory? Lesson 80 ends with MC talking to Solomon and him telling them to tell everyone hi for him before they zip back to the Devildom at will, having mastered teleport magic.
It sorta feels like a "and on and on it goes until the end of time" ending that some anime and manga take, leaving it up to interpretation, or it feels the start of a new season.
80-100 could be the events that lead up to MC meeting the mysterious figure that we see in some of the ads holding the clock. It'll also give us time to romance/get to know the new side characters: Mephistopheles, Raphel and Thirteen before the end.
I could easily see lesson 100 ending with "the story continues? In Obey Me! Nightbringer!"
Then we pick back up in OM! Nightbringer as both a sequel and a prequel and it totally changes everything?
A way to experience that first time feeling, but with characters we know and love because our interfering messes with the ending.
Kinda weird though, as OM was the first SWD game that broke away from their typical set up to Otome games.
I said before but I've played a LOT of Solmare games, and they usually went like this: a nondescript-ish (usually a thin, light skinned, brown haired) female would be thrown into a new situation, be helpless and depend on 1 of X amount of guys to defend her.
Depending on her choice, she could get a good, neutral or bad ending to THAT person's story. And each boys involvement with the story changed the ending of the overall tale. No ending was just a like.
I wonder if they're going back to that old model, in that we'll pair off with a boy and go down his route and experience the story in different ways, and getting different endings.
Plus it'll really feel weird with the rhythm gaming aspect, as far as I know, it's a first for Solmare. The rest of the games depended on chance, buying items and leveling up a doll version of your girl.
It used to really annoy me, because you'd need something like gems to get an ultra romantic version of a section of story disguised as a "choice". In it, you'd get super romantic lines and a beautiful picture to go with it, but without outright buying the needed gems or whatever they wanted, you had a snowballs chance in hell of seeing it.
Really really really really hope they don't go back to that
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crazy56u · 4 months
Okay, I got two episodes to burn through (pun intended), and apparently we won’t find out until May if the show is getting renewed, so I’m a little peeved, but, here we go.
Last time on Quantum Leap: A whole bunch of Hannah.
Also, fucking Gideon indirectly forced Magic to throw himself under the bus.
Meanwhile in 2026/2024, Jen (in my head) spent a whole real time week trying to talk Magic out of this.
“I can’t imagine this place without you.” Well, if NBC decides to play fucking ball, maybe we won’t have to.
“Stay for one last leap?” “Not this time.” Show, I already said NBC was on thin ice with the on the nose shit.
And Ben leaps into that one level of Balan Wonderworld, so you know he’s in Hell.
“I’m a firefighter. Cool.” Ben, you are in the middle of a fire.
Oh goody, the TV committed suicide.
“We were testing my new circuit board-“ Either this kid is Hannah’s son, or he’s Kid Gideon. The literal only two options.
“Your dad is gonna be okay.” “That’s not my dad, he’s my neighbor.” Oh, so he can die then, cool.
“My dad died a couple years back. We all thought a heart attack would get him, but then he ran a red light.”
New Jersey fucking claims another victim…
“…mom, why are you looking like you know the firefighter? Does this have to do with that Cairo thing dad mentioned a couple years ago?”
And Ben is about to give Ziggy a stroke by exploring the stock market, and luckily Hannah is smarter than that.
Plot twist: Ben somehow caused that car accident.
“Hey, Ben, I know you’re in the middle of Hannah shit, but I gotta tell you about the Gideon plot now, sorry.”
Okay, so Ben’s guy is about to retire, shot in the dark, the leap has to do with him dying on the job.
Okay, I am now confident in my guess that this leap or the next will retcon Gideon from the plot if you’re doubling down on Magic “leaving”, I am confident.
“Whelp, I shoved a plant into a box, time to go.”
“You should have let them fire me.” Ian, no offense, but I am willing to bet Gideon is gonna demand all of you quit.
“Look, Jenn, I know you kept wanting me to not do this, so as a prize, you’re New Magic.”
So yeah, Magic is totally gone from the show for real, definitely gone- so anyway, back to Hannah.
“It’s been three leaps. I had some fun in the 80s.”
“Do I look old?” Hannah, you haven’t aged a day since 1948.
Ben, once again, unless you caused that car crash, stop blaming yourself.
Hannah is the key to Quantum Leap.
“This is the last episode I’m in, Ben. To celebrate, explosion.”
So, the plot has been hijacked by the Transformers, got it.
Okay, so now we’re doing The Towering Inferno.
“Lady, stop acting like I’m talking to ghosts, I’m a firefighter, and you ain’t.”
“20 years of experience” is basically the Get Out of Jail Free card for this leap.
This is turning into the plot of a Webster episode…
How many fires has Hannah seen in her life, goddamn…
Ben, Hannah has seen Nazis and the ending of Red Dead Redemption, a fire ain’t nothing by comparison.
“The chagrined look on your face tells me Addison says I’m right, so I win.”
Great, now the fire is chasing you.
“We gotta go through the fire.” “Fuck that shit, even if this is our fault!”
And Gideon has been ripping out the wires… Or it’s because Ian had shit timing, either or.
And Hannah has decided this burning building needs a love triangle.
“The one thing I did that actually worked”, my ass. Ben, you kicked cancer’s ass last week.
“Look at this from a cosmic perspective.” Hannah, the last time someone said that in this show, they were looking to be stuck in the Imaging Chamber for 1600 years.
And now the Fire Sheilds are armed.
Hacking into the power grid to defend the rock, roll goddamn tide.
I love how this looks like a music video.
The fire is angry!
There, they escaped the music video.
…is Hannah gonna die this leap?
I actually admire the fact Jeffery didn’t sneak back inside to get Josh’s stuff. [And three… two… one…]
“I know I just inhaled a bunch of smoke, but I just solved the plot-” “Ben, the building exploded again, that means Jeffery snuck back inside.”
Ian is having his Khan moment, everyone is doing great mentally.
“Math’s just not mathin’.”
So, the DARPA code should be in a museum, got it.
Jenn, stop acting like Magic ain’t immediately coming back.
Hannah, it’s bad enough Ben keeps blaming himself for shit…
And now the fire is retaliating.
God is fucking pissed at you all this week.
“Look, I know I’m pinned, but Jeffery’s more important.”
If Hannah does this episode, then this is a shitty way to go, dear god…
And Hannah decides now is the time to solve the plot.
Jeffery, it’s your own fault this is happening, stop being bitchy.
Jeffery, if you don’t want to see a grown man cry, leave now.
“Time isn’t a river. It’s an ocean. Hopefully you trapped that file from my apartment.”
And Hannah dies…
“Let me use my dying breath to fix your relationship problems.”
Crawling on the ledge of a burning building. If I had to do that, I would instantly die.
Yeah, Ian, just type shit!
…is that constant idea gonna be the thing to undo the time skip?
The only way is down. I would 100% die on the spot.
How is Ben not shitting himself in fear as he does this?
“I know you’re scared! I’m scared too!” NO SHIT
“Choose courage! Jump from the exploding building!”
“Let’s go save your mom!” Ummmmmm…
And back into the music video we go.
Oh, cool, Hannah still has life in her…
NBC, seriously, you need to renew this show.
And Ben gets bailed out by a mention of retirement.
“Tell her thanks. She knows.” Fuck yeah she does, she was the only one to solve the plot.
And Hannah’s code turns out to be Stop ‘n’ Swop.
And in comes the armed gunmen.
“I wanted Ian fired. Magic didn’t do that, so, fuck it.”
Hannah got a sneak preview to this movie, Ben, she doesn’t need to see it.
And Jeffery is about to learn about Ben.
I love how Hannah is getting the kind of goodbye montage a show does when a character dies… despite not being dead.
“I wrote DARPA code to get you home, Ben. I even had a file in my apartment containing the data, you grabbed it, right?”
“…lady, why was I hugging you?”
And Gideon decides to be an even bigger asshole than he was prior, so Addison decides to steal a gun.
Addison, don’t play chicken with the universe here…
…so, they have the spare keys to Beth’s house, I take it?
One down one to go. Gideon is 100% gonna get retconned.
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anwn · 4 months
tell me about the gun commander! I need to hear your opinions I am deeply curious
hi! i really apologize for taking this long to respond. truth is, i didn't know where to start. given how bare bones the writing is when it comes to the commander, it's difficult to talk about his character without immediately dipping into speculation territory... and i'd end up asking myself things like "is this an actually widely accepted hc or just something i've thought about?"
so, i'm gonna lay my cards on the table here and say that this will mostly me sharing my thoughts (some more speculative than others) about unexplored aspects of his character, or things i think would have deserved to be expanded upon.
but first off, i'd like to advertise this post (the one that got me thinking about this in the first place!) so you can see where it is i'm coming from, and so i don't have to reiterate the points touched upon there
the first thing i noticed about the commander is how... he feels like a near perfect mirror to shadow, in a way that i don't think many people have noticed.
they're two people who lost the one most dear to them and thus blames the other for this tragedy, determined to take their revenge on those who wronged them. shadow blames gun, humanity -that of which the commander is a part of, meanwhile the commander casts gerald and the black arms, and therefore shadow, as guilty. while the commander has sat with his anger and sorrow for decades, shadow still holds the memory of the massacre fresh in his mind.
do you ever think about the fact that they might be the only people still alive who knew maria? the commander literally says he saw maria as an older sister figure. not friend, a sister. when you take into account that shth is the same game where shadow and maria are first referred to as siblings, it's hard not to see this detail as... deliberate.
it's almost like sonic team looked at shadow's grief and revenge arc from sa2, and thought "what if we did that again, but from the other side of the equation this time?". i'm not crazy it's right there dude. it's compelling as fuck and probably why i'll never think of the commander as the flopburger character others see him as.
something people might bring up as a plothole is the fact we never see the young commander on the ark before shth. if he and maria were this close as kids, how come we never see them together in sa2?
the commander is an obvious retcon (and not the only one in this game tbf), but that elephant aside, the shadow and maria scenes from sa2 are short and few enough that i don't think it's asking too much from our suspension of disbelief to imagine that young commander just. happened to be away during the duration of these scenes. in fact, i can think of at least a few good reasons for why it makes sense for him to not be around them at this time.
given his status as a top secret project, it's reasonable to think shadow would have had limited contact with anyone on the ark who wasn't a scientist. maria being an exception speaks for itself as she is gerald's granddaughter, and to some extent the person shadow was "made for".
but above all, i think when taking into account young commander's apparent terror from seeing shadow... i could easily see him try to avoid the hedgehog as much as he could. not yet out of hatred (the way i see it, his grudge against shadow and gerald would only grow after the ark raid happens) but more out of suspicion, distrust, and especially fear. he's so offput by the fact maria keeps hanging out with this guy, that he declines any of her suggestions to spend time with them.
sidenote: although it seems silly to us, i like to think most children would be scared of shadow, and the commander was no exception (especially considering black doom was like, right there which probably made the scene feel a lot more sinister). maria would then be a rare exception, as her bouts of compassion/sympathy towards the experiments on the ark seem to suggest. i could see her as the type of person to catch a bug and show it off to you for a bit, going on about how cute it looks... if she's a creature enthusiast, it would make sense why she clicked with shadow so well, in contrast to the commander.
i could imagine that in the event where shadow and young commander would have to pass eachother down the halls, yc would immediately try his best to put distance between him and the (dreadful) creature. switching lanes, changing directions, walking very close to the wall, you name it. (in my mind, shadow doesn't pay much mind to yc, but the fact that this kid seems to be that terrified of him is somewhat amusing)
anyways, it's that tendency to keep shadow at arm's length that leaves me thinking that his confrontation with shadow 50 years later could very well have been his first time... actually talking to the guy. because he never actually got to know shadow personally, his entire perception of him was built on unchecked biases given space to fester for decades on end. in these conditions, is it surprising that the commander ended up holding that grudge against shadow for all these years? how easy it is to project all the evil in the world onto someone you know next to nothing about?
the semi-hero story is the only path where the commander actually gets to talk to shadow face to face and... the shadow he meets feels lightyears away from the monster he had made him out to be, from his quiet and measured demeanor, to the graceful acceptance of his sins. and worse, shadow doesn't even remember the massacre the commander had been so eager to blame him for.
it's a brutal clash between reality and the fragile narrative he's constructed, one that literally leaves the commander to collapse on his knees. in that moment, it doesn't matter if shadow truly is responsible or not when the commander's biases and resolve have been shaken regardless. how could the hedgehog who spoke with so much truth and integrity be the evil demon he's been chasing after for so long? it just doesn't make sense.
i think for the most part, the commander's change of heart about shadow as it is depicted throughout the game does the job, and that string of dialogue where he invites shadow over to make amends is really sweet (although you can only hear it when playing the expert mode).
the commander hasn't been utilized again as a character after shth aside from a few scenes in chronicles, which is kind of a shame... because if there's one thing that i think should have been explored further, it's the commander's involvement with GUN. while we get a somewhat substantial exploration of his perception of shadow and its evolution, the same can't be said for the other side of the coin.
think about it, do we ever actually see him reflect on the fact that GUN was the one responsible for the ark raid all along? how does he feel about working for the organization who literally killed his family? does he even know about it for that matter??
personally, i often feel like a lot of the complaints about this plot point are done somewhat in bad faith? i've always held the opinion that young commander likely didn't know better or was misled on GUN's involvement on the ark, deliberately or not. i don't know about you, but to me, an 8yo child trusting a human-led organization who we know to lie to the general public in order to cover their tracks, over a scientist whom he personally saw create an all powerful creature with the help of an even more terrific alien demon kind of... speaks for itself. listen, my point is, it's not that hard to think of a reason why the commander would have this perspective on the events that transpired, especially given he was a small child when they happened.
even putting sonic fans' obtuseness aside, the fact that none of this is touched upon in the actual game is such an oversight... like, it's a setup that never sees a pay-off or is ever called into question, and i understand shth is about shadow's character first and foremost, but jeez if you're gonna create a brand new character from scratch with their own backstory and motivations maybe don't leave a huge blank space right in the middle of it? it's sad because by diving into the circumstances of his enrolment at GUN, they could have covered some interesting themes like that of military indoctrination. and it would have added another layer of parallels between him and shadow, who is also deceived throughout the game and struggling to find the truth...
i think i've exhausted all the points i've wanted to make, so here are some dumb hcs i came up with that i didn't know where to mention
- since the commander was a child on the ark like maria, he might not have seen a lot of the earth so it's totally possible that shadow is the first mobian he ever saw, which would add to the spook factor
- the commander's parents were scientists who brought him along on the ark when he was little more than a toddler (i'm thinking around 4yo?). they were killed by GUN as part of the initiative to stop project shadow (afterwards the young commander would be told it was because of a freak accident involving gerald's roaming experiments, something he would believe for most of his life)
- after the ark raid, the young commander would be sent to live with distant relatives back on earth, all while being closely monitored by the organization (as they must have done with the other rescapees)
- the grandchild he mentions in expert mode is a little girl named alice, aka alicia. she was born on 30th october 2005, a few weeks before the game takes place (her parents were trying for an halloween baby and missed the mark by a day) (i may have kind of designed a whole family for the commander? if anyone's interested, maybe i'll post them eventually)
- the commander was granted access to a secret safe after rising through GUN's ranks. it has a ton of memorabilia that was locked in there after the ark shut down, away from prying eyes. as part of his effort to make peace with shadow, he invites him to go through it so he could recover some of his memories. among the countless toys and photos of maria he thought he'd never see again, there is no mention or pictures of project shadow at all, which was likely destroyed forever.
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servingthecuntry · 5 months
Several things to say after the newest episode
WE'RE GETTING THE FATES Y'ALL(if u didn't see the episode trailer go back to the end credits and it'll be there)
Idk why they were moved to after the chimera fight but they're coming!!!!
Also I've been listening to the audiobook and decided to make a post of what we've been missing in the show
Some stuff makes sense like cutting out argus. Maybe it would've been too hard to animate all his eyes or his role wasn't big enough to fit in the time limit. But I've been craving for a missing poster with percy. At camp he's given a newspaper of his and his mums dissapearance with him as a person of interest because gabe calls him a troubled kid with a delinquent past. I get cutting out some stuff for gabe but it couldve been easy to see them walk past a newspaper of this on the train. Also there were missing posters percy would tear down when in the human world and I just want to see one person of interest or missing person poster.
Now SPOILER WARNING(books and show) but here are the other things I've noticed:
Grover got the flying shoes because percy isn't safe in the air due to zeus
The styx oath is super super serious
Annabeth has a crush on luke(maybe they want to retcon that idk)
I'd been wondering for ages why the kids don't have cells ITS BC MONSTERS CAN TRACE THEM
argus is the camp protector and was going to drive the kids to the coach and for some reason they cut it out so we don't get to see a dude covered in eyes
Percy and annabeth aren't supposed to get along because of their parents rivalry
Argus may ship percabeth
Percy has missing posters everywhere
Percy is a person of interest in his mothers suspicious dissapearance because of gabe
Grover eats tin cans and playing cards(he's also a vegetarian)
Percys mum married Gabe bc his smell hides percy from creatures/ monsters
Chiron has had a percy related prophecy that's only now starting to make sense
There were meant to be 3 furies on the bus(i can see why they cut this out)
Monsters come back to life and mrs dodds had come back
The camp was attacked by a hell hound out for percy who was fought off by annabeth with a sword and killed by chirons arrow (I get cutting out this scene but it would've looked SO COOL)
It could only be summoned by someone inside the camp and was from the field of torment so that's how they knew hades was the one who had stolen the lightning bolt and framed percy
A hawaian shirted tourist had taken a picture of percy with riptide
I'm guessing they rewrote the coach scene so they didn't lose all their snacks and money(rip grovers tin cans)
In the book if percy dies the quest is over and annabeth and grover have to go back to camp but I don't think that's an issue in the show(or maybe percy didn't know because annabeth didn't explain to him idk)
Annabeths never actually gone out into the real world since she was 7
We got to see annabeth unsure of herself because she's never gotten to properly fight a monster since she was 7 which is a shame to cut out of the show for her character arc. Tbh theyve cut out a lot of slower character arcs which is annoying but understandable with the length of each episode
Grover can play songs to help eg the find a path song but he hasn't got the hang of it yet
Hes basically a level 1 bard
Auntie M was able to use some kind of snake charmer ability
Grover was way more fighting active in the book because he found his uncles statue earlier than in the show
In the book they used a reflection of a spear instead of annabeths cap and annabeth was calculating how off the light would be because the spear was curved. Both show off annabeths intelligence but the cap is more unique and cooler on screen
When parts of a monster are cut off they don't disappear with the rest of it and become a "spoil of war" -basically a magically remaining trophy
Satyrs aren't meant to get migranes but percy and annabeth gave grover one at medusas
I'm guessing at least 50% of percys impertinence comes from being an only kid
This isn't a fact this is just something I started imagining after the 50th time someone said "Percy" with the same energy as a cat being annoyed at another housecat and giving a warning meow before attacking it
Grovers getting a searchers license to find Pan the Greek God
Grover doesn't know what happened to his dad who was also a seeker
The search for Pan gives satyrs hope after seeing what humans have done to the world
Grover tells percy annabeth forgave him for what happened at Grovers first assignment
The furies were holding back and could've been more aggressive than they were
Grover can use his emotional reading to see what percy hides about his feeling to his dad
The thing in Percys dreams tries using him to pull itself out not to drag him down
Grover can talk to all animals
Grover is a snorer
Percy tells annabeth about his dream at this point but I don't think he's told anyone about those dreams in the show
They've not said anything about the beads on their necklaces the campers get for surviving another year. Would've been an easy merch ad but maybe it wasn't important enough yet
Children of athena are made as thoughts of athena and given to people she feels close to or something
Annabeth was sent to her dad in a golden basket with the winds of zephyr
Even though she respects her mum she has equal level of daddy issues to percy
In chapter 12 percy acts like he doesn't care about his dad's approval but grover can read his emotions and knows percy sent medusas head so poseidon would be proud
But then he wonders in chapter 13 why annabeth acts like she doesn't care about her dad who seems worse than gabe when she still wears a ring from him which is such a teen thing for him to do honestly
Whenever a monster attacked annabeth the stepmum and dad blamed her for "threatening" their mortal/ normal kids
We get a hint of architecture nerd annabeth in the episode but she doesnt say she wants to build something for athena. I assume its implied but its not clarified how big her dreams are. She wants to build something that'll last 1000 years. I won't give any major spoilers but maybe we'll get it in a future scene and I'm hoping its in her siren scene
I think that while percy loves his mum and hates his dad Annabeth hates her mortal parents and Athena was her only hope of a loving mother even though in the show she says its a kind of transactional thing
Also side note I thought the chimera was the pink poodle before it left the bag and I love that they kinda sorta reference it when we see from the human passengers pov
In the books they're careful about mentioning gods around humans but percy just straight out calls the mother of monsters a monster in front of the passengers and officers. Didn't even lower his voice or anything
Hades has a helm that can make him become darkness and make you so scared you go insane
Do they ever get something equivalent to sending stones or detect thoughts like in DnD to deal with this? Obviously normal tech is out because monsters can track it but what about magical communication methods?(the iris video call system doesn't count that seems like a premium thing if it costs one gold drachma-also the book explains demigods only use gold drachmas even though in ancient greek it would've been silver- and they have 20 for the quest so they cant just use a drachma every time they want to send a magical text which; you can't do with the iris system. Also the iris system isn't any subtler than a zoom call so wouldn't be good for hiding stuff from hades)
Percy still hasn't gotten a chance to confuse annabeth with his blue snack foods(i assume grover already knows bc he'd have had blue sweets at yancy)
Zeus allowed the mother of monsters to attack Percy
The mother of monsters hates that ant eaters are named after the echidna
For some reason riptide didn't return to percy during the fight and its mentioned in the book. Maybe poseidon kept it so he could contact him?
Also a couple notes I've learned while listening to hesiod
The cyclopes helped zeus defeat kronos and bring the titans to their time out tartarus zone(not by crafting the lightning bolt in the original myths unless I'm misremembering I think they just helped in the fight like bringing your older brother to fight your bully)
The river styx is the only female river goddess and a favourite child
I hadn't taken any notes so lmk if u want me to add more hesiod fun facts and I'll relisten to theogony
I'm stopping notes here so I don't go past chapter 13: I plunged to my death
I'm thinking of writing my notes as I binge listen to the audiobook and editing them after watching the episode before posting on tumblr. Or I've already read until book 4 of the pjo series so I may decide to hold off on listening to the audiobook until each episode airs(I have vague memories of important or memorable stuff but its been a couple years since I last read the books). I'll see how long I can stop myself from listening to the audiobook. This isn't a perfect list so let me know if somethings wrong or if I missed something in tags or comments
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hakka84 · 1 year
Strange New Worlds S2
I don’t get how Strange New Worlds can still be sold as a TOS prequel at this point. Just admit it’s an AU and so be it. I swear.
People who spent the most part of the recent 10s shitting on the Kelvin Trilogy for changing the characters, insulting J.J. because he didn’t stick to TOS characterizations and relationships (despite the movies being officially marketed as an AU from the start)... have nothing to say on Strange New Worlds retcons and blatant ways of ignoring TOS-canon?
More behind the cut, in case you haven’t seen promos/trailers.
In TOS Chapel is basically 24/7 frustrated and sad and depressed because she has a one-sided unrequired love for Spock. Spock literally doesn’t care for her (he clearly respects her as fellow crewmembers and as competent nurse, but that’s the end of it. He never did and never will feel anything for her but respect for a competent co-worker). I know. The portrayal is very 60s, some might even throw in the misoginy card. You feel pity for her. Still, that’s the canon.
And I’m meant to believe that, in universe, 5 years before TOS, Chapel and Spock kissed/flirted/whatever-else? SERIOUSLY.
(as believable as Commander M’Benga choosing for some reason to be demoted from CMO to just doctor with no canon rank in the span of few years).
Strange New Worlds is an AU. Stop. A wonderfully made and crafted AU, but still an AU.
I mean, Spock-banging-Uhura - big no no, Spock isn’t a ladies-man. Kirk being rebellious and broken - how dare you rape my Jimbo Spock being more emotional and unable to control himself? - that’s not Spock, fuck you J.J.
But, for some reasons, Spock banging human-style T’Pring is fine. Spock flirting with Chapel is fine. All in character. Ok.
The next time I’ll hear a bip about the Kelvin Trilogy you will be spammed with Spock/Chapel gifs.
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ratasum · 4 days
Thinking about stuff with our retcon and Leyya troubles.
Seeing Logan again is a huge shock for Leyya (and Odetta by extension), since as far as either one of them know he died in Arah and no one found his body. The assumption at the time had been that he'd been Awakened and then lost to the sea, or just eaten by creatures, or something similar.
But there he is, in the flesh, hale and whole.
Zojja's been there a month at the point they get there (having received a letter from Logan asking after her and gone off on her own in very Zojja Knows Best fashion). And it's clear seeing how well he's doing has impacted her.
But while I can't speak for Odetta, Leyya just can't kick the feeling that something's so off with him. Why wait this long to reach out? Why not try to contact someone so they can be alerted that he's not just in some Risen Abomination's stomach? What about the queen, his duty to the seraph?
And there's no answers at first. His vast improvement has clearly tempted Zojja, who's spent the last eight years struggling with things she can no longer do and has now been training with Mabon during her month here, already showing improvements.
Leyya can't shake that something isn't panning out. That something is wrong here. But every time she tries to bring it up, it starts an argument, and it's the last thing she wants with the person she loves most. The person who slowly feels like she'd rather stay here, in this distant floating city with all its wards and strange islands of pockets in time, than go home.
To say nothing of the fact that she's had it made very clear that the wizards know what's in her head, they know she's possessed, and they won't hesitate to put her down if she steps out of line.
The whole situation is incredibly stressful and pushes her away from her friends, making the situation worse, even as Cepir is more interested in helping Peitha than he is in fully possessing her permanently.
It comes to a head later. And while there's a brighter ending for everyone in the cards, it certainly doesn't feel like that when they arrive.
And she's really not sure about this being called "the Hunter" thing.
The most important thing is that it's largely about people. Three people who've experienced different forms of trauma, understanding what each person needs individually, and finding what you need through a healthy dose of demonic possession, the temptation of giving up the pain forever in exchange for forgetting everyone you've loved, and the most milquetoast man imaginable deciding where his place really is.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Do you think Martin was full "Daeron the Daring, the king that never was" when started to write the Dance and then fell in love (for whatever the reason) by the that demon? I Iove Daeron SO MUCH, and I like to think that his two "nephews" who became kings and had his name where only half of what he was as a whole. Daeron I was military genius, but he was dumb at politics that why he was killed the way he was. Daeron II was a political genius but if he had a eye for war, he should have known that the Blackfyres would become a problem
I wasn't there, so I couldn't say for sure.
But I know, it was either the first editions of either "Fire and Blood" or "A World of Ice and Fire" that expanded on Daeron's character ... though it could be forum posts on Westeros.org from the "lore that got cut in editorial" section ...
I don't know, not to play the old man card at 33 but I have a lot of memories of things that either don't exist anymore or got retconned out of existence.
Like I have this very - VERY - vivid memory of an official art piece that was a black and white sketch of Criston escorting Rhaenyra down a hall with young Rhaenyra's arms wrapped about his bicep and smirking to herself. Then, in the background a very Jessica De Gouw looking Alicent glaring at them. It had to be around 2014-2017, maybe even earlier. It might have been a "Wizards of the Coast" art book for the Westeros RPG and card game. I think it was art from the novella "The Princess and the Queen" and I'm pretty sure in that was a much more detailed narrative telling of Alicent and Rhaenyra's rivalry that was centered around fighting over Criston Cole, which Alicent won and Rhaenyra swore to avenge the insult.
It was the sort of the kick off of "The Dance of the Dragons" in the very early days of "Game of Thrones" the TV show. before GRRM got the HBO development deal.
I'm pretty sure that Emily Carey was given a copy of "The Princess and the Queen" to read and that was where she got the idea that Alicent was in love with Criston Cole. Cause, like Carey, I also remember that detail pretty vividly from the source material. But now, upon reflection, I think I read "The Princess and the Queen" and misremembered it as part of the First Edition of "Fire and Blood" which absorbed elements of "The Princess and the Queen" short story into official canon.
My point is that there was a smattering of stuff on Daeron that I remember that I can't seem to find anymore. Like I remember him being incredibly brilliant strategist - he used Tessarion for recon flights to track the Black's forces movements and scout terrain for upcoming battles. The dude was a innovator in terms of military thinking - way ahead of his time. He harnessed Dragon riding for more than just show of power, but for practical uses in the field that made him near invincible in battle.
I always got the sense that GRRM started off being incredibly influenced by Henry V with Daeron. He was handsome, a great tactician, and a great warrior - and he also was beloved by the common people and spent a lot of time with them, made friends with them. And in the original editions most of King's Landing was ready to help him. However, one of the many things that the TV Tie-In Edition changed was that now people are afraid of Daeron rather than them wanting him to be king which was why they were ready to riot, which was before 2022.
To be honest with you, I think that HBO required bad guys in their social commentary bullshit phase of which "House of the Dragon" was being developed. And I just think that having a nuanced character like Criston Cole and a clear-cut hero like Daeron Targaryen _ "The King that Should Have Been" - wouldn't fit the agenda that a 2019 HBO was pressing. The Greens have to be the bad guys. They can't have a clear cut hero and villain story in which Rhaenyra becomes the mad queen and Daeron becomes the young valiant knight who oppose her like it becomes at the end of the War.
in HBO's mind Daeron has to be a pushover and a weakling ... or he can't be in the show. And even though those execs and Sapochnik and his wife are long gone, I just have no faith that they're gonna do Daeron justice as the easy organic fan favorite character coming out of "The Dance".
Because, don't get it twisted. Daemon is GRRM's favorite character. Aemond is the 'Girlie's" favorite character. But Daeron was the readers favorite character, cause, he was "THAT" dude.
Us Daeron fans are people of culture and taste.
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cat-denied · 4 months
1, 9, & 11 for the salty asks?
thanks for asking! gonna go ahead and answer these for fire emblem since thats the fandom im most active in as a fandom
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
oh man, a lot. a lot of heterosexual ones, i feel like? alm/celica. merric/elice feels so abrupt and meaningless in the way that basically any of the non-main-protagonist NES game relationships do, even when they try to retcon it in in the remakes, because it just...forget chemistry, they don't have any interactions! like what!!
felix/sylvain. like, i dunno, i just don't really feel any emotions looking at these two. they are fine? they're fine. i don't...that's it. lmao
also, honestly to an extent i don't really get tharja/robin in awakening. like, i love both characters on their own, but they don't really gel for me in the same way they seem to for a whole lotta other people lol.
ALSO! not fire emblem and i am not in a "fandom" as such for full metal alchemist but shipping roy mustang and riza hawkeye Does Not Gel For Me. i get why people do it but like...i do not understand it.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
i bear grudges especially towards Arvis FE4 (because the narrative treats him as noble and well-intentioned, and basically just tells us that he means good without doing literally anything to back it up) and Gray Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (because i am so fucking sick to death of "guy bothers uninterested woman until she relents into having a relationship with him" AND they always end up in a fucking relationship in their end cards even if you didn't unlock any of their supports).
also shoutouts to olwen FE5, who rules hard and who i love don't get me wrong, but whose supporting cast (fred and reinhardt) are like...way less cool than her. i especially do not vibe with reinhardt, considering he chooses not to defect despite presumably knowing about the child hunts (!), meaning the intended arc of "tragically you cant recruit this cool dude" falls flat because...is he really that cool if he can't be arsed to stop perpetuating tangible horrific evils in fiction? then again, he is working with ishtar, who is described as saving as many kids as possible--but also that only gets mentioned in her other game, which means it's not brought up directly with reinhardt--look the point is i'm not interested in him he's a boring man and i don't know why he has sixteen different alts in Heroes when olwen has one. olwen is the cooler fucking sibling get a grip lmao
i also hate virion (any man who is introduced chasing after a vocally uninterested woman is not worth my while, doubly so if he does not have any sort of tangible character arc), berkut (GOD. AWFUL man. somehow manages to fridge his own wife??? you should be able to recruit rinea in echoes i am forever peeved about this. he's an excellent villain all the way up until you can't recruit rinea about it), and perne (because the narrative apparently believes that kidnapping and torturing a young girl into doing your bidding via frightening her with insects is, like, not a big deal you guys don't sweat it).
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
i love Kris from new mystery of the emblem, i think she rules, she's a goofus. big fan. also all the new mystery gang tbh. i would say i don't understand why people hate her so much, except i do, and it's the same old same old "everything was better in the old days, when we didn't have support conversations or characters with more than 1 line of dialogue" that you get in every fandom, but i've certainly noticed in fire emblem.
i love edelgard, but i wouldn't say the fandom doesn't: i would say some of the fandom doesn't, but it's a split it would seem. i fucking adore monica but so does everybody else with taste. i really like wendy (inasmuch as anyone in the binding blade has a character), admittedly half due to her class as armored knight and half out of spite at how her wiki page says she's non-viable, but there's a solid half in there to appreciate her on her own merits also. this is again a mixed opinion and not a totally unpopular one, but i love ingrid, i think her story arc is fascinating. i LOVE jill i think her story arc is super compelling, she's one of my favorites. look, i don't know, who's unpopular? if you get me a list of "unpopular" fire emblem characters i will probably pick out every woman on there and be like "aw cmon she's cool/underutilized/worthy of appreciation". except camilla.
thanks so much for asking! this was very fun.
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