#and i can tell this confuses him because of the ways in which i love. i can tell he needs more from me and of me
galactic-rhea · 2 days
It's ranting hours sunday for me: Y' know, I think when people complain soooo much about Padmé getting with Anakin, they're failing to see a lot of things. BUT ESPECIALLY...That it was her choice, and if speaks a lot of her character and personality.
She was already done dirty by the movies by getting so many deleted scenes, but then if you try to take away the agency she had on marrying a human disaster or her choices, like her forgiveness/understanding, it's actually undermining and flattening her character.
The fact is that she's actually very similar to Anakin, she's stubborn, deeply traumatized, compromises a lot for the sake of others and loves beyond reasoning. We, the audience, know that Anakin will become Darth Vader and one of the most iconic villains of history; so everything he does can be seem as a red flag that really isn't there.
From Padmé's POV, Anakin has done terrible things, but it's capable of incredible acts of love and compassion. They're in circumstances that aren't normal at all, she was queen at 14, and he was born a slave and joined the space wizard monks and his normal is kill or be killed. Our modern and omniscient POV can't be applied onto them because there's no point of comparison in this sci-fi-shakespearen tragedy-soap-opera-fantasy.
Besides...she was actually right in the end, and I don't believe is "feminist" or progressive to take away a big part of her core personality, that actually had repercussions in the whole story, and make her out to be either unaware and naive of marrying a monster, or (the worst one, imo) being jedi-mind-tricked-brainwashed-abused by her husband.
The "right, correct, girlboss and queen" actitude does more damage than help, leave Padmé to be a person. A person who wanted to have a fairytale romance with some guy who would fight for her and makes her laugh.
Also, the hell why you wanna blame her for something Anakin does, come on. That's a whole other can of worms, though. My point is, that trying to avoid or re-work-or re-contextualize the fact that she chose Anakin despite him literally telling her about murdering a whole village, is actually changing a big chunk of her personality traits.
She was a child queen, then a politician at the edge of an inminent war, manipulated by the same guy that groomed Anakin into a massive murderer, saw her people being taken into camps, had assasination attempts weekly and had to rip off of her individualism by becoming a public figure, giving up her sense of being a person by having several almost identical decoys, she had to stop being just Padmé to be Queen and then Senator Amidala and she did all of that showing little to no emotion.
Then Anakin does all what she herself had to rip off of her in order to be a politician: Honest, passionate, and able to show emotions; like love or anger.
She has morals and she represents democracy and justice, in a way. But I fully believe that inside her she had the same passionate anger and love capable of burning the galaxy that we know Anakin had, which makes them different sides of the same coin, and I think she realized that. Anakin perhaps didn't , as he never stopped of seeing himself as a slave and therefore inferior, whereas he held Padmé very highly, but I think Padmé saw them both as equals. She didn't have a "I can fix him" mentality, she had a "We're the same, we're both lonely, confused, hurting and scared of losing everything. And if he's like me, then I know he can do the right thing for love."
In other words: She was as insane as her husband, she only seems normal because she wasn't put into the monk warrior order and groomed by the devil for over a decade.
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lutawolf · 2 days
“My Stand In” Episode 7 opinion and commentary.
esinegerp asked:
Lovely Luta, I just got caught up on My Stand In … I do love some tortured tears from a toxic boy who is now learning a painful lesson.  Please bless me with some commentary on the latest episode.
So here I am!
I would like to start by emphasizing that Ming is not a good person. Now, that doesn't imply a lack of affection towards him. I am merely highlighting the obvious to ensure that everyone is aware that I am not blind to his shortcomings. He exhibits sporadic instances of kindness; however, please note that this does not make him a considerate individual. He is not a nice person, but a person who can be kind.
This makes him an almost villainous love interest, which I appreciate. I genuinely appreciate that he is not our typical main lead. He is a selfish asshole, who does what he wants without regard to feelings. Unless he cares about you, which is rare. There are few who can get past his trust issues for him to care. Which is why he is in the conundrum that he is in. He doesn't trust people and likes even fewer. Ming’s instincts are telling him to trust Joe, but his typical distrust is getting in the way. 
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Let's start this episode off by discussing the agreement between Joe and Ming. Ming is required to buy Joe's mother a house and pay her medical expenses. Does that include a housekeeper/caretaker? Cause that is who Joe and his mother are greeted by when they arrive at the new home. Is that stipulated in the agreement? I have my doubts, yet here she is. Allow me to explain. It could be inferred that Joe is responsible for obtaining her. However, it is worth noting that he is not the same Joe who possessed some wealth. And he likely expended the majority of the funds he had earned on the initial hospital payment that he had to make prior to Ming's arrival.
Now to the next scene. That kindness and assholishness is being shown right off the bat because Ming immediately.  The question, “Have you eaten?” is the kindness. But then, knowing his character, you can imagine that he is asking why he cares while he is nodding in reply to Joe. Which is why he so rudely throws the towel and tells him to take a shower.
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I want you to look at the body language and expressions here. One conveys dissatisfaction, whereas the other expresses regret. When I say that Ming is so confused, this right here shows it. He feels immediate regret for hurting Joe, but he doesn't know why. This further agitates him. That's the thing to not forget, he can feel Joe in there, but his brain is telling him it's not true. Wouldn't you second guess yourself on that, too? Plus, he's being told that Joe is alive. So here he is in a pull and push game. Pulling him near because he can feel Joe in there but pushing him away because Joe is alive and this can't possibly be his Joe. Ming is going batshit crazy inside himself, and to be fair, he wasn't exactly sane to begin with.
That robe keeps taking me out of the scene. That is the tackiest wardrobe pick.
Oh, this scene kills me, but I think it expresses what I've been trying to say. Both of them are going through hell, but we tend to sympathize with Joe because he's not an asshole, and we know what happened. We also get to see his perspective, whereas we are left piecing it together with Ming.
Ming is an asshole, but the boy has been alone for two years, wallowing in guilt. He is clearly lonely and touched starved. Before, he was affectionate to the people he cared about, but now we've observed that he's really kept the people at arms length now. Not nearly as handsy with Tong as previous. He might not know to hate or blame Tong yet, but he knows that he was a source of discomfort for his Joe. He's living out the ideology that his Joe will come back, so he is trying to set everything in place for that. Furthermore, he is now in showbiz when he never wanted to be before. He is doing that so wherever Joe is, he'll eventually see him and recognize him. He does the watch commercial featuring the watch his Joe got him, just in case Joe might see it from wherever he is and know that Ming is waiting.
Everything Ming has shown thus far is that he truly believes that Joe is alive and will eventually come back to him. So why is he pulling this Joe close when it goes against what he believes? He doesn't have the answer to that either.
Ming is clearly disappointed to be waking to an empty bed.
Let us revisit the agreement once more as we watch Ming watch Joe make breakfast. Currently, Joe is intended to serve as a substitute boyfriend for a duration of one year. There is no mention of making breakfast in the agreement I heard. Yet here is Joe, making Ming breakfast. Until told otherwise, I'm working under the assumption that Joe felt the need to make Ming breakfast. If so, that speaks volumes, now, doesn't it?
Ming tells Joe to hurry back, that he'll wait for him. There is almost a softening to him here. All the flashbacks getting to him, or does he feel Joe more at this moment?
Sol makes Joe a main character. Does Sol finally feel Joe, or is he just finally moving on and he has a type? I would like to remind everyone that Ming immediately felt Joe, while Sol didn't. So right now I'm working under the assumption that Sol is moving on, and he has a type. Which isn't a bad thing, in the real world we would want someone to move on and find happiness.
Oh, no! Sol recognized his back!
Joe is trying to put that distance up. Is it for himself? Or is it for Ming? Both maybe? He can't possibly miss that he is basically reliving his past at this point.
Shit, suspicious Sol. Joe, you are a terrible liar, and you are also suspicious. “Even in death, misfortune still finds him.”
Sol is now asking himself, how you knew Joe had misfortune in life.
Allow me to point out that Joe is polite to Ming, but not to Sol. When he answered his phone, he didn't say, “Please excuse me.” As he does with Ming.
Sol taking the phone from Joe… That was strictly to antagonize Ming, who he holds responsible for Joe's death. He is seeing the past repeat itself as well. Sol is taking this all in.
The way Joe so quickly takes the phone away to make the conversation private. Barely puts up an argument. Now we could say this is due to Ming paying for his mother and that would be true. However, Joe could at least be a little bit of an asshole, but not once is he. He put a little argument in there, but quickly caved and stayed respectful the whole time. He is trying to put distance by using Mr. Ming, but it isn't working well.
Ahh, look at Joe puzzling it out. “A new life… but why do I feel like everything... Is going back the way it was?”
I love Wut and their friendship.
Hahahahahahahah! Serves the dick right for not being recognized. I can only imagine this is the friend that mom doesn't like. I love Joe's witty remarks back. It appears that both men, named Joe, don't have great taste in men, but at least Ming loves Joe. If he had known it was him laying in the hospital, he would have been there every day. Tharn doesn't give one shit about Joe.
Mom and Joe's relationship is everything. He is really soaking up the motherly love he'd missed out on. Aww… She's so cute. She's just happy to have her son back, but she still feels the need to protect him. I get that on cellular level. Until you are a parent yourself to an older child, you don't realize how hard parenting is. This is when you start desperately looking around for an instruction book, and then you realize there isn't one. Even me with my counseling knowledge am clueless and have messed up, but I try. I tell my kids, I'm giving this parenting thing my all, but ultimately, they'll still have to see a therapist for something I did.
I love, love, the empathy of Joe. He feels so bad for the Joe2 that there are tears in his eyes. He feels for his new mom and the pain of what Joe2 went through.
“Right now, the only person I love is sitting right here with me.” I'm not crying, you're crying. He really is such a lovely human being.
Ming questing Joe about the accident and if he dreamed of anyone. He knows the two men are connected, but he isn't sure how.
Joe packing for Ming. Is that part of the agreement? Is Joe just Ming's to be ordered any way he wants. Let's say that's true, Joe could still push back, but he doesn't. Just because of the situation with his mother doesn't mean he couldn't at least give attitude, but he quickly agrees.
What do you mean, Luta…? Just look at this scene. He sees the watch and he is taken back. Ming comes in and tells him to go away, but Joe puts up a fuss. He might have still left, but he initially gave attitude at being told to leave and not finish packing. Are you guys picking up on that?
Now look. Joe expresses his feelings and opinion on sleeping with the crew and Ming, while not happy about it, doesn't argue. Are you guys catching what I'm saying? Ming is most definitely the Dominant one in this relationship; however, Joe isn't an unwilling submissive. He isn't just going along with things because he has to.
Haha! Face it, Tong, you just aren't as important as you once were. Sorry, not sorry, Joe is more significant. Tong's shock at Ming just getting up and leaving him is lovely. Oh, how I hate Tong.
Everybody is hating Ming, and I'm over here hating Tong. We are not the same.
Jealous, jealous, boy. Look at Ming being his usual jelly self. He wants to know who that boy was.
See! See Joe standing up for himself and what he wants. Their agreement doesn't mean that Ming owns Joe, and Joe doesn't have say. Which means Joe is doing things for Ming of his own free will.
Dude, how has Joe not gotten caught yet!
Lonely, Ming doesn't know how to say he is lonely.
I adore how rude Joe is being to Tharn. Have I mentioned that I hate Tharn?
Um... How does such a short ass boy overpower such a muscular man. I mean it can happen but not in this way. This scene really wasn't executed well.
Okay, so now they're fighting, but it's like Joe really gets Ming. He knows Ming's jealousy now, so he is trying to come in with calmness and sense. Unlike previously, but Ming triggers him. Because Tong is Joe's trigger. He triggers Ming with his words, and it does trigger Ming. Because he knows this is something his Joe would have felt. Ming does what he has always done when triggered with unfamiliar emotions he can't understand, which is to angrily lash out and say the most hateful things. “I bought you so you could wag your tail for me. Not bite me like this.” But in that hate is a confession. Ming is saying that those words hurt him. He is being more communicative than he typically is with anyone, even previous Joe.
Joe is pissed off for not being heard and then being dismissed as a sex toy. He is spewing anger. He is pissed off, but he never once fights Ming. Now in real life this wouldn't fly, and active participation is required to have consent. However, we aren't talking about real life but art and with that, we have to read between the lines.
At one point, Joe clutches Ming's arm. Clutching, not pushing him away. Remember, we've seen what Joe looks like when he doesn't want to have sex. Just previously, he was fighting Tharn. We aren't seeing that here. Now his face says he isn't happy, but this feels more like angry fucked up sex to me. And yes, that is a thing.
And here comes Tong, to add his annoying voice to the mix and not letting us see how they would resolve their anger.
Joe is pissed off that Tong is interrupting. Look, play back the scene. We can see Joe is not happy, and he is grappling with his feelings in the midst of this fucked up sex session, but the minute we hear Tong's voice, there is pain and sorrow. Then when Ming stops and answers the door, and says it's nothing. His anger snaps, but his negative feelings towards Ming are nothing compared to his rage at Tong. I repeated this scene five times and yeah, that is what I saw each time. Notice, though, as he says excuse me, he does not look at Tong as he is leaving. He is forcibly not looking at Tong.
That little smile of self deprecation on Ming's lips and the way he shoves away from the door.
OMG, but I love that Joe throws Tharn out. Just loses his shit and tosses him out in the hallway.
You mean you would like him to hang all over you again, Tong. Look at how Ming is putting up that wall and distance. Finally! Give it to Tong, Ming!
Oh, these two broken men.
“Make me a coffee, too.” And Joe does, no questions. There is hesitation, some grappling with his feelings. Yet, he makes Ming coffee and with care too, the way he knows he likes. Remember, we've established this isn't a part of the agreement, so he doesn't have to. He could have said, no, make it yourself and walked away. Instead, he makes it and then walks away. He made a point with that polite excuse me and walk away.
So Tong took the credit and didn't let Joe have it last time. That explains why Ming was such an idiot about not knowing, that of course, that was Joe's back. It wasn't just Tong saying he did it, he actually took credit for it in on the show credits. Have I mentioned that I hate Tong?
Now Ming knows. Let the devastation begin.
The way that everyone just watches Ming have a mental breakdown. Are they used to it now? And the way Joe just stood there and listened. He ate that shit up, but the boy has such low self-esteem that I'm sure later he'll make an excuse for this.
Ahhh, I need the next episode now.
Well, that's the end of my commentary. I hope you enjoyed it!
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xi-chan · 21 hours
hiii can you write abt ratio and sunday w a reader who gets overstimmulated at parties or just hanging out with friends and they get really mean when overstimmulated <3 like how would they help their partner out yk
  ❦  𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. how they help you out when you're overstimulated ❧ tags. Ratio x reader, sunday x reader, fluff, comfort, sfw ❧. a/n. of course, and thank you for your request, love <3 btw i'm not familiar with what it's like to help an overstimulated person so I did some research before writing- I apologize if I wrote something wrong
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"By the Aeons, do you people ever shut up?" you spat to a group of young students, meaner than you intended to, but you couldn't really help it at the moment. The hall was full to the brim- packed with endless members of the Intelligentsia Guild. There were just too many- bragging loudly about their scores of their last exams or simply discussing different subjects with no end. Without saying anything to the students, you quickly walked to one of the corners, covering your ears to shut out the noise. You had difficulties focusing, and the discomfort was creeping up your whole body. You tried to calm down, taking deep breaths and imagining being back home in your cozy and quiet living room. Yet, the constant talking, laughing and arguing made it entirely impossible.
You slumped down the wall, sitting down and resting your head between your legs. You groaned as you shut your eyes, not noticing the person standing beside you.
"―? What are you doing?" they asked. "Why do you care?"
"Because I'm your boyfriend, obviously."
You let out a noise of confusion before you lifted your head and looked to the side, seeing your boyfriend, Veritas, leaning on the wall and focused on you. He crouched down beside you and placed his hand on your forehead, a frown appearing on his face. Your face was pale yet your forehead was quite hot.
"Why didn't you say anything earlier? I would've brought you home." he said, removing his hand. Your gaze shifted to the side, your fingers twitching a little. "I didn't find you. There were a lot of people." it was the truth. From the moment your senses became a bit heated, you looked around, walking from venue to venue to find Ratio, yet it seemed like he just disappeared into thin air.
"I was looking for you as well. Figured out you didn't like it here." Ratio held you by the arms and helped you stand up straight, steadying your body with his from falling down. "Let's go home now." You thanked the Aeons as you nodded, and the two of you made your way to the exit.
"Ah, Dr. Ratio!" one of the members shouted. "I wanted to tell you about the integrals of inverse tri-"
"Your integrals of inverse trigonometric functions exam, in which you barely passed with 71%? I'd rather not. Now excuse me, we're making our leave."
Well that shut him up quickly, you thought.
"..." Veritas stayed silent when you were back home. The two of you sat on your shared couch and he massaged your back gently, never pressing anywhere too hard to help you relax. he also made something to drink and some snacks for you, but you simply stayed still as you relished in the massage. It always seemed to calm you down.
"Thanks, I feel better now."
"I'm fine, I already told you!"
The other members of The Family looked at you with wide eyes as you snapped at Sunday. He noticed you behaving rather different today and wanted to make sure you were okay, but after asking if you were feeling well- that was your last straw.
You quickly made your way, left through one of the many halls in Dewlight Pavilion and shut the door behind you vehemently. When you weren't hearing any chatter anymore, you relaxed a tiny bit, yet you couldn't stop fidgeting with your fingers, the voices of The Family lingering in your mind, still.
Being the lover of the head of the oak family was no easy matter by itself. Doubt amongst The Family members and the locals of Penacony occurred overnight and the feeling it left you with wasn't pleasant- not at all. Now, a gathering with all members of The Family, where the majority didn't like you and talked behind your back, was too much. You lost your focus at the very beginning already and the meltdown just now was what you needed to actually leave.
You sat down on one of the many couches that were scattered across the Pavilion and took a deep breath, focusing on you, and you only, your head hanging low. You had noticed the Origami Birds on the railings and thanked them in your mind for not chirping- or making any noise at all, actually.
"I apologize, I didn't mean to make you feel angry."
You recognized your lover's voice and sighed, shaking your head softly as you mumbled, "don't. I was just..."
Sunday sat beside you and draped a blanket over your shoulders. A weighted one, you noticed. He took your hand in his softly as he traced some circles on the back of your hand, the gesture making you actually quite calmer.
You focused on his hands and let relief wash over you with time- it must have been at least 10 minutes since he arrived and yet, he didn't stop, nor did he say anything in the time. You smiled to yourself as you felt your mind becoming clearer, shifting your gaze from your hand to his face.
"Thanks, I... really needed that." you said and he shared your glance, a small smile plastered on his lips again. "Just tell me if you need more time to relax. I'll give you all the time you need."
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riki-riks-chick · 5 hours
HIII im sorry forr requesting this again i just love how u write, can u make another non affectionate niki? where his affectionate gf stops being clingy bc niki is annoyed with it yet he got jealous when he saw his gf pat or hug someone
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Cling To Me ┃N.RK
non-affectionate!riki x affectionate!reader
riki gets upset bc yn isn't being clingy like usual and she's giving the other guys attention instead.
cw: fluff! jealous riki, kisses, hugs, riki secretly likes yn's clinginess.
wdct: 858
don't be srry for requesting again bc I'm lowkey obsessed w non-affectionate riks too. the first one was originally js for me but now im obsessed.
Third Person POV~
Today you had plans with Riki and his friends, so you got up early, wanting to shower before he got up so you could make sure he had breakfast. He often skips so sometimes you have to semi-force him.
You took a quick shower, wearing some sweats and a loose tank top, and setting your outfit out to put on once you finished getting ready.
You made breakfast, a simple meal consisting of some fluffy pancakes, and some fruit. You also poured two glasses of orange juice, setting the table before heading back to the bed room to wake Riki.
"Riki.. Wake up.." You shake his arm, pushing his hair out of his face as he groaned. "Hm?..." His eyes flutter open as he gazes at you. You chuckle. "Get up... I made breakfast."
He sits up, stretching before getting out of bed and following you to the kitchen.
He mumbles a sleepy thank you before eating, albeit slowly.
"After you're done eating we can leave once we're both ready." You mumble as he nods. "Okay.." There's little conversation as you both finish eating, and Riki offers to do the dishes while you finish getting ready.
Once your hair and makeup is done, you put your planned outfit on which consisted of a pretty top Riki had bought for you and some jeans.
After finishing the dishes, Riki took a shower, spending minimal time getting ready, and once he finished, you both left.
The car ride to the arcade was short, and Riki had tried holding your hand and placing his hand on your thigh through out, but you rejected both actions by ignoring him.
He was confused because of how unlikely that was of you, but he tried to ignore it, not wanting to read too much into it.
When you finally got to the arcade, Riki opened your door for you, and you smiled, giving him a kiss to his cheek as a thank you.
The two of you walked in, immediately spotting Jungwon, Sunghoon, and Heeseung who were standing near the prize counter.
"Hey, guys." Jungwon greets as you and Riki walk over. He gives you a hug which you gladly return, making Riki pout. He gets even more upset when Sunghoon and Heeseung hug you too.
Now that he's thinking, you didn't give him a kiss or a hug when you woke him up, which is highly unlike you. And he can't tell if you're mad at him or not because you still made breakfast and you gave him a kiss on the cheek just a few minutes ago. It's all really confusing.
Once the rest of the guys get to the arcade, you all start playing games, and for the most part, you stick to Jay. And it's no surprise to Riki because you and Jay get along well and you call him your dad as a joke since he treats you like a kid and spoils you the same way he spoils everyone else.
But it's clear something is wrong when you guys leave the arcade, heading to a restaurant that you all wanted to eat at, and you don't sit next to Riki.
Not wanting to argue or make a scene, he decides to let it go, but it kills him everytime he glances around the table and he sees you giggling with Sunghoon and Sunoo. For some reason it irks him that he's not the one with your attention.
He finds himself wondering if you ever feel like this, and if it's one of the reasons you're so keen on affection, but he still can't wrap his mind around your reason for avoiding him today.
This bothers him until you get home, and you're both quiet as you change, getting comfy for the night. You're taking off your makeup and doing your skincare, but Riki is already on the bed, a pout set on his lips.
He waits until you finally climb onto the bed to glance at you. "Are you mad at me?..." He asks as you look over at him, confusion settling on to your face.
"No, why?.." You question as he sighs. "You've been ignoring me all day.. And you haven't hugged or kissed me at all, even when you woke me up this morning."
You chuckle at his words. "I didn't think you would care.. Usually you call me clingy when I'm all over you throughout the day." You mumble as he sighs. "That doesn't mean I don't like it... I was suffering all day because I thought you were upset with me. I went all day without a single hug or kiss from you."
You laugh at how pouty and adorable he is, moving to hug him, before pulling back to pepper kisses all over his face and then his lips.
He smiles, deepening the kiss, his large palm cupping your jaw. He eventually pulls away with a smile. "Please don't ignore me again.. I want you to cling to me.."
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 days
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Bills to Pay
“We also have this piece,” the salesman tells her, bringing out another box that holds an expensive looking necklace.
Soarynn tilts her head and considers it for a moment, then red ruby in the center of the ornate necklace is stunning, but it’s far too flashy.
She’s a simple woman, Soarynn Nightingale.
And simple women wear simple, classy pieces of jewelry. Simple as that.
She shakes her head and offers the man who’s been desperately trying to please her a soft smile, “It’s lovely, truly it is, but it’s just not what I’m looking for.”
The salesman slightly deflates but he nods, “Of course. If you’d be so kind as to take a seat over there,” he nods to a large mahogany table to their right, “then I can bring out some of our finer pieces.”
Soarynn nods once more and crosses the jewelry shop, her heels clicking on the marble floors. She takes a sip of the champagne they offered her when she first stepped foot in the establishment before taking a seat in the plush armchair.
Her legs instantly cross at the ankles as she surveys the shop that is mostly empty. Mostly empty because most people cannot afford the jewelry being sold here.
Soarynn had merely come here to browse when the salesman approached her and attached himself to her side, on a mission to find her the perfect piece to wear to an upcoming gala.
Nevermind the fact that he’ll make a generous commission should be complete the sale.
She’s getting good service either way. And good service is something a girl like her expects from places like this. Soarynn Nightingale is a blossoming young woman in her early twenties and she’s just getting used to the true finer things in life.
She used to think that the richest in Panem spent their money on things like new cars or fancy dresses. Now that she’s made her way to the top, it’s easy to differentiate between the classes of the elite.
New money spends their money on new cars and dresses, buying furniture from the most expensive stores and front row seats to the opera.
Old money—which Soarynn originates from—spends their money on things like quality champagne and education for their children. No need for front row seats when you already own a private box at the theatre.
Shopping in a jewelry store like this is a true display of wealth and Soarynn is well aware of that. Although she might have lost her parents during the war, they left her with a prosperous future along with her inheritance.
Enough money to provide for a lavish and comfortable lifestyle until she settled down and married.
The salesman appears once again, this time with a large looking case. Soarynn’s curiosity is piqued and she leans forward, letting out a small gasp when he opens the case and reveals gorgeous pieces of jewelry.
Exactly what she’s looking for really.
“Oh, they’re stunning,” she tells the man who grins as he takes a seat across from her, slipping on some gloves, “They really are,” he agrees.
He picks up several pieces for her to try on, rings, bracelets, necklaces. All of which already compliment the jewelry she’s currently wearing.
“I honestly think I’ll take it all,” Soarynn finally decides after quite some time has been spent examining the pieces. The salesman’s eyebrows slightly raise and he clears his throat, “Of course Ms. Nightingale. As for the means of payment, how would you like to make your purchase today?”
Soarynn looks over at the two glass doors that lead out onto one of the most luxurious streets in the Capitol, lined with more expensive stores such as this one.
“It’ll be here in a moment,” she says, admiring the new ring on her finger.
The salesman appears to be quite confused but Soarynn pays him no mind as he seems to realize she’s shown up without a wallet, or even a purse for that matter.
She really had stopped by just to look, but she couldn’t help herself!
“Ms. Nightingale, pardon my question, but do you have a…wallet with you? Or something to pay for all of this jewelry.”
Soarynn hums and brings the glass to her lips again, savoring the taste of champagne, “It’s not here yet,” she informs him.
“What’s not here yet?”
“My wallet.”
It’s as if his ears were burning because a moment later, Coriolanus Snow walks through the glass doors, his eyes immediately finding her.
Coriolanus Snow is a man who oozes authority. His commanding and strong demeanor cause those around him to view him as a leader, as someone you’d want to aling yourself with for a prosperous future.
It’s a good thing he’s her boyfriend.
He strides towards her and Soarynn takes a moment to admire her handsome boyfriend. He’s dressed in a heavy burgundy coat, his golden curls gelled back today. The scent of roses overwhelms her senses the moment he reaches her and leans down to press a kiss to her cheek.
“Hello my darling girl.”
Soarynn smiles up at him, “Hello Coryo.”
She then looks back at the salesman, “My wallet,” she elaborates, taking her boyfriend’s hand.
Coriolanus chuckles as he takes a seat next to her, pulling out his leather wallet, “Is that what you’re calling me these days darling?” Soarynn gives him a sly smile and nods, “A wonderful upgrade from when I used to call you my chauffeur.”
Coriolanus is ever insistent on taking care of Soarynn in all possible ways, which often includes having her driven from place to place. Soarynn doesn’t mind walking from place to place, but she must admit that it is rather nice to be driven places, putting her above others.
Coriolanus grins and shakes his head, his piercing blue eyes gazing down at the jewelry in front of them, “I thought you were just doing some window shopping today.” Soarynn sighs as if this whole ordeal has inconvenienced her, “I was, but then I popped inside and now I simply can’t leave empty handed.”
The salesman watches the young couple converse, seemingly nervous on whether or not he’s about to secure a sale. Coriolanus analyzes every individual piece of jewelry before finally nodding and pulling out his card, “We’ll take all of it.”
꧁ ꧂
Soft kisses on her neck cause Soarynn to giggle and push her boyfriend away, “Stop, I’m trying to focus,” she chides Coriolanus who is only further determined to kiss up and down her neck. She feels him grin against her sensitive skin, “I didn’t know that flipping through catalogs counted as working,” he lightly muses.
Soarynn swats at his arm and gives him a knowing look. Soarynn hasn’t worked a day in her life and since dating Coriolanus, he’s made sure that her every need has been taken care of. Should she try and get a job, he’d surely have a stroke.
Coriolanus Snow is a man who prides himself on not only being able to provide for himself, but his girlfriend as well, ensuring both of them live a life of comfortable luxury.
“Well someone has to keep this penthouse properly furnished,” she reminds him. She’s in the market for a new lamp for the living room. The old one was a victim of a rather unfortunate accident with Coriolanus and Petunia as the two main suspects.
Soarynn’s beloved cat Petunia had been swatting at Coriolanus one night when he was purposely trying to rile her up. They’ve always had a knack for lighting each others fuses and when she had lept onto the side table to get a better vantage point, both her and Coriolanus had freaked out and in the end, it cost them a lamp.
“The lamp was a necessary casualty,” he concludes, his large hand sliding up her thigh. Soarynn scoffs and side eyes him, “Necessary for what? To rile up Petunia and get on her last nerve?”
Coriolanus only offers her a boyish grin that lets her know that he has no remorse for riling up the cat, “Precisely,” he agrees, “what’s the fun in having a cat if you can’t play with them?”
Soarynn sighs and closes the catalog, she won’t be able to get much done with him being so touchy, “If you wanted an animal to play with, you should’ve gotten a dog.” They both know how much Coriolanus despises dogs, mostly due to the Dark Days causing most canines to develop rabies.
Coriolanus has told her the tale of him running into a rabid dog at the age of seven, absolutely terrified. He hasn’t been able to look at the animals the same way since. But he’s made the exception for cats it seems, or, at least for Petunia that is.
“But you’re so much more fun to play with,” he says, his hand finally reaching her covered core. Soarynn whimpers, the catalog slipping from her grasp and onto the floor. Her hips involuntarily buck into her boyfriend’s hand and that’s all he needs to feel before his lips are crashing onto hers.
Soarynn moans into the kiss, shopping long forgotten. “I hope you know how insatiable you are darling,” she says against his lips, all the while attempting to grind against his hand to get a better feeling.
Coriolanus chuckles and his other hand comes up to cup her face, “I’d say kissing me and letting me fuck you is the least you can do,” he counters, furthering the kiss by gently biting down on her bottom lip.
Soarynn moans when his fingers finally push the fabric of her panties aside and finally touch her soaking cunt. She’s always been so reactive to Coriolanus, to the point where it’s damn near embarrassing for her and utterly attractive to him.
“And why is that?” She asks with a sharp gasp following her question when she feels him sink two long fingers into her cunt. Coriolanus groans at the feeling and begins to slowly pump his fingers in and out of her, setting pace.
Coriolanus pulls away from the kiss and peppers her face with kisses, working his way down to her jaw.
Soarynn can feel her walls clenching around his fingers, her peak is growing nearer and nearer. The sounds she makes are more and more vulgar and desperate as she approaches her orgasm and she knows that Coriolanus is more than aware of her impending peak.
He uses his thumb to rub circles on her clit, sending Soarynn into a frenzy as she moans out her boyfriend’s name. Coriolanus latches onto her neck and sucks on the one particular spot that always leaves her weak in the knees and this time, triggers her orgasm.
All Soarynn sees for a moment is white before she’s finally coming back down to earth, heavily panting and twitching. His fingers are still in her, most likely waiting to go for another round.
Coriolanus Snow has never been an easily satisfied man.
He presses a kiss right under her ear before he finally answers her question, “Because I have bills to pay darling.”
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nan0ka · 1 day
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summary. a little accident happend while you were trying to find your motivation.
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. ~3.04k.
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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 “AND, how is your love life doing, [name]-san?”
Curious round, amber eyes went to you as you sat there on your standard seat while you were occupied with scrolling through the gallery of your camera. It's really full of childhood pictures of the white-haired guy. And he looked young. Really, really, really young. You don't even remember taking so many photos. He didn't even notice once the camera that was pointed into his direction..
"Repeat what you said." you demanded, not really focused at your dear friend.
"What are you even looking at?" she sighed with a light chuckle, leaning forward to get closer to you. "How's your love life going?"
Out of nowhere, you choked on your own spit and began to cough violently while pounding against your chest gently to help yourself. Kotoha got startled by your sudden cough and immediately brang you a cup of water that you gulped down in just matter of seconds. You shut your eyes, before breathing out. Relief, that you hadn't died yet, washed all over your body as you slammed the empty cup on the counter.
"I don't have one." you knitted your eyebrows in confusion slightly. "You're quickly climbing up the »I dislike« ranking."
"And you still visit me after school." she rolled her eyes amused and looked at your highschool uniform. "Actually. [name], I thought you had better taste. Why him? I'm a bit disappointed."
"You're what?" you narrowed your eyes.
"But at least I can approve of him." she smiled. "Just because I know how he ticks and everything."
"We're talking about uh Umemiya Hajime, right? Your brother?" you tilted your head to the side confused.
"Yeah. Don't you even notice how he looks at you?"
"How does he look at me?" you asked blankly.
She frowned a bit at your question. Have you really never noticed the way he looked at you? Were you pretending? Or are you just dense? A sigh left her lips as she shook her head disappointed. You both would never get together if you don't even take any hints. And neither of you makes the first move which frustrated her to the death. Both of you are hopeless. But it's fine, it's still only the start of the beginnig.
"Like a total love-sick fool." she rolled her eyes with a light smile. "But it looks like he never wants to look away. The way every woman wants to be looked at."
At that, your eyes widened slightly before furrowing your eyebrows and shaking your head in doubt. "I'll never put trust in your statement until I hear it myself." you sighed and added, "Aside from that, I'm very close to leaving.". A groan full of disbelief was heard by your ears as you glanced at pretty friend whose head lowered in annoyance. God, how slow-witted does your brain work?
"If I tell Umemiya the exact same thing, he would jump in joyfulness and ask me if it was true. He would believe me in no time, no hesitation needed." she muttered. "And now, you would've already left if you wanted to."
"Don't test me." you said flippantly before standing up from your stool. "I still intend to find my inspiration to draw. Bye."
Kotoha sweatdropped and watched you as you stepped out of the dine-in Restaurant Pothos with the camera in your hands. "You sure you aren't leaving, because of me?" she let out a chuckle, turning back to her work behind the counter while hearing the little bell ring. The only thought lingering in her mind was little you and him, coming through the door hand-in-hand with dirt on your clothes, cuts and tiny bruises on your body.
The very first time she saw him cry.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
"Why am I like this?" an exasperated sigh left your lips as you stopped the leaves from blocking your view by removing them out of your face, dropping your camera and letting it hang over your neck. You walked further into the quiet forest while looking around. It's hard to find something in your rather special taste. "And how long has it been that I visited this place, damn."
The rays of sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves, hitting the floor. The only sound you can hear were the chirping of birds. The sense of direction left you hours ago. How long have you been walking around? You're sure you were at the exact same spot just minutes ago. It feels like you're walking in a loop. Your eyes widened as you stopped in your tracks while your gaze laid on a white bunny.
"Not everyday to see one." you muttered and took out your camera. You knelt down, making yourself comfortable on the grass while watching down. If you slip, then you'd surely roll down this little hill and end up with some injuries. "I should hurry. So don't move bunny." you plead and stared though the lense of the camera. It was quiet. The only thing you can hear is your own breath.
You turned off the flash, zoomed-in on the animal next to the little river and let the camera fully concentrate. As soon as it focused, you clicked down the shutter button which released a certain sound. "Perfect." you whispered and switched to the gallery, letting the bunny hop away. "Surrounding looks pretty nice, the vibe, ... And the main idea." with that, you stood up quickly and—
You violently rolled down the small hill and heard how a branch tore your shorts. Finally you fell into the dirty river, splashing the environment and wetting your clothes. Slowly but surely, you helped yourself up, your wet hair formed at the tip of the strands little drops of water. "..." you silently stared down before crawling to a tree, leaning against it. "Today isn't my day."
Groaning, you reached for your phone in your pocket. "It's wet." you noticed and blankly looked at your phone. "And it doesn't work anymore. This is going to be expensive." you want to break down in tears and cry. You want to cry hard. You looked up and saw your camera hanging on the same branch which tore your clothes. Life is not going well. Why? Life is so hard. Why. You're having a crisis.
And the numb feeling in your leg doesn't help. You're cold. And wet. You don't have a working phone. Your voice feels hoarse. And you're simply tired. Tired that you can't help yourself or atleast get yourself help. To make it worse, you can feel the burning sensation in your eye as a tear slides down your cheek. This is the worst day of the year. You're pretty sure of it. You want to go home and sleep.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 "I'm back, Kotoha!" an overly happy Umemiya came through the door.
He sat down on the stool infront of the counter, took his phone out and showed her a lot of pictures. "I secretly planted strawberry seeds the other day because [name]-chan loves them!" he told her excited. "Look! They're growing so fast! I can't wait to pick these babies! You think they'll be as sweet as [name]-chan? No wait— Only you can beat her in cuteness with a little effort, Kotoha!"
The burgundy-haired female sighed and looked at the pictures. "They look nice, Ume. But I'm actually closing in in a few minutes." her eyes went outside as she saw the beautiful nightsky. "How about you visit [name]-san? I'm sure she's waiting for you somewhere." Kotoha's gaze landed back to her her non-blood related brother. "Please just leave me alone for the day. I'm a bit tired."
"Oh." he sulked as he listened to her complain, but his moods lit up at the mention of your name. "Yeah! I'll give her a call. I haven't seen her today, I'm dying to see her!"
With that being said, he called you immediately and waited for you to pick up. Kotoha watched him quietly as he waited impatiently. "...The number you have dialed is unavailable—" he frowned and glanced at his phone before dialing your number again while waiting again. "...The number you have—" Umemiya stands up and blinked at his phone. "Kotoha, what should I do?"
"Maybe she didn't hear it." Kotoha shrugged her shoulders while sighing at her panicked brother. "Or she got tired  and is sleeping right now. But she was here today noon and left to find her motivation to draw. I'm sure she already found it and is painting at home. It's already night, you know?"
"...You're right."
Kotoha dried her hands with a towel and still watched Umemiya who doesn't look relieved at all. "How about you check up on her? You worrywart." she smiles slightly and placed a bag on the counter. "It's Omurice, your favorite. A little bit cold. I knew you were coming, but I packed it up because it got a little dark. Now go and check up on [name]-san, yeah?" she suggested.
"Thanks." now hea was less tense.
"Take care, yeah?"
"You should also take care. Sorry that I can't walk home with you and leaving you alone."
"Nah, it's fine. You would regret leaving [name] alone."
"Come on! Let's play!"
Hurried steps and a loud voice rang in your eardrums as your gaze went up from the flower painting you drew to the annoying white-haired kid. The excitment was vivid on his face as he ran towards you with the biggest grin. You sighed out irritated and went back to your drawing, not interested in his schemes shenanigans as you shook your head. You weren't pretty fond of the idea in making friends.
"I'll show you my favorite game today, hide and seek!" he fell to his knees and crawled closer to you. "It makes a lot of fun, promise!"
And he didn't even let you react as he pulled you up to your own feet, letting your things fall to the side while guiding you to the forest in the near. "It's my first time playing in the forest, because they don't allow me to. So shhh. Don't tell anyone, yeah?" he said, then looked back at you with a grin while also stopping next a big tree. "You know the game? Is it your first time? Should I explain—"
"No thanks." you knitted your eyebrows. "I already know the game. Are you always like that?"
"Nuh uh! I'm the responsible older brother in my family. But when I'm with you, I'm free from anything, you know?" he grins. "By the way, you're seeker!"
He runs off. "This little shit." you grumbled and sighed before turning your back to the forest. "You sure are silly, silly-milly. And you're a lot to take care of. I could never be like you and waste my time with stupid games." you complained, even though no one was listening. Maybe you just going crazy in his presence. "But you're pretty lucky that I don't want to take blame for your disappearance. One, two, three—"
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 You walked past many trees as you followed the sobs. And with a little luck, you finally found the lost kid after hours. "Man, you have some luck, don't you." you sighed and went up to him while he was crying on the spot. "Next time you should listen to the others. Didn't they say you shouldn't play in the forest?" you scolded the crying child and leaning down to his height for a short time.
"Let's go."
He felt a tiny warm hand placed on top of his head, ruffling it a bit. The sobs and crying got quieter as he removed his hands from his face. The first thing he saw was your hand. "[name], I thought... you w-wouldn't come anymore!" he cried harder. You sighed annoyed. You wished you had the skill to comfort crying kids which you unfortunately don't own. "I-I thought I would n-never see my family again!"
"Well, I'm here now." you took the matter in your hands as you grabbed his hands and pulled him up. "If you don't shut up, you'll never see light again. Let's go home, stupid."
Never in his life did he shut his mouth that fast. The sound of crying disappeared in no time. He only saw your back and your interwined hands. You're right. Next time he should listen to the elders. He's such a problem child. How is he going to take the responsibility for his younger siblings if he can't even take care of himself? He stared at your back with a sullen face. He's a bit tired and dirty. But he's glad you also are.
You opened your eyes slowly at the sound of heavy pants as you blinked. "[name]?" you noticed, it's dark already. How long have you been sleeping? You wanted to look up, but suddenly you're pulled into a hug. You can smell his familiar scent. The scent you love. "I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you. I'm glad I found you—" those whispers were repeated.
For a moment, you could only stare. The moonlight is illuminating him. He's stunning, heavenly even. His white hair is shining under the smile of the moon. His ocean blue eyes are sparkling with a hint of hope. His pale skin is glowing like the sun. The aura around him is so gentle, it would anyone approach him out of curiosity. The people who walk past him would take a second glance even. He's majestic.
"Do you know how glad I am?"
"That you found me?"
"And you know how worried I was?"
"To death?.."
"Glad you know." he pulled away from you before taking his furin jacket off and helped you put it on. "Let's go home."
The burning sensation returned in your eyes again as you watched him. Oh he doesn't know how glad you are right now. You closed your eyes with a slight smile, letting tears slide down your cheeks. Are those happy tears or sad tears? You're not sure. "Hajime..." you're cold. But not as cold as before, because were drier than before. You even got his jacket. You're crying after such a long time. "Hajime."
"What is it?" he answered in a quiet and soft voice. You can see his chest is heaving up and down. Oh. He's tired too after searching probably the whole town.
"Carry me... Please." you requested.
"I would've even without you asking." he began to smile a bit and then turned around.
You're selfish. But you couldn't care less right now. You wrapped your arms around his neck, careful not to suffocate him in anyway as his hands wandered under your knees, careful not to touch you anywhere inappropriate. He made sure he secured you on his back before slowly standing up. The silent was nice. Really nice. You're so tired. But so is he. And he still is carrying you.
"I'm sorry for being a burden." you apologized and buried your face in his shoulder. "I promise to do better next time and not get lost."
"It's fine." he said softly. "I promise to find you anywhere. So don't worry about getting lost."
"We're back."
Both of you entered the orphanage he lives in hand in hand, standing infront of the door. You heard hurried steps coming towards you as you looked forward while he was facing the floor. You two really looked like you were at your end. Dirt all over your torn up clothes, messy hair all over the place, cuts and tiny bruises all over your bodies. How rough was this day? Enough to let someone die.
But it's fine, he thinks. He looked at your interwined hands, as he blocked out the worry of the others and the scolding of mr. Yuki Shitara. It's fine.
"Remember my favorite game?"
"Of course." you answered quietly. "Hide and seek."
"I'm happy you remember."
"You always hid in this forest, but actually you got lost. You always hid in the places no one could find you."
The adult rushed into the house with a panicked face. "Umemiya is missing again!" you looked over to the worried adults before sighing and sitting up. And you really thought you could relax in this orphanage instead of staying at home. But he always makes it impossible for you.
"And then I would always find you at night while you were crying again. I would've carried you home, but I couldn't. So I just held your hand."
A sigh left your lips as you set a foot in the orphanage. Not a second passes and you both were crowded by his little siblings. You stared at mr. Yuki Shitara again who sweatdropped before thanking you with the warmest smile. "We're back." you said. This wasn't the first time, you've said it.
"Mr. Yuki always scolded you for doing it over and over again. And then praised me over and over again for finding you."
"Only because I had the feeling that you would find me." he smiles. "Now it's the other way around. You derserve a break, don't you?"
You want to cry at his gentleness. You savour every moment with him. Right. You already do. His back is giving you comfort and warmth. You could fall asleep any time while balling your eyes out. And he would simply listen this time, letting you use his shoulder to cry on and then telling you everything is fine. When you think it's your fault, he would make sure it's his.
Because he would never let you think you're wrong or you're at fault. It doesn't matter what it's about. You don't deserve to feel like a burden. And he'll make sure you know that.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, I could never be mad at you. I'm mad at myself for leaving you alone."
It's fine, you think. You looked at him from behind before wrapping your arms around his neck a little tighter. It's fine.
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- NAN0KA [ june 10th, 2024 ]
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You'll Be Back
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Pairing: past Dean x Reader, Reader x Mitchell (OC) Word count: 2,651 Warnings: Physical abuse, mentions of verbal abuse Request:  @arrowenchantress could be like, husband does something stupid leading to reader and son moving in with Winchesters, Dean helps reader and son, reader reluctantly lets him back in, they start to fall in love, find out Dean started to have a crush on her after prom that’s why he was being so weird, then sweet and fluffy family together ending? 🤣 just a thought
Read on AO3
Part 2 of It’s Not Mine
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You hung your head, letting out a sigh. “Babe, I can’t just tell Dean to stay away.” You told your husband. “I’m not rushing to be friends with him, but I won’t be rude.” Mitchell currently hated the idea of Dean being near Daniel. John had gotten hurt, and couldn’t work anymore. Dean moved back home and got a job. Which meant that when you brought Daniel to see your dad and John, you’d see Dean. 
“I just don’t like it.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Dean walked away from you when you were pregnant. Didn’t even come around to find out if the baby was his, and I don’t feel he deserves to be anywhere near him.” There was no way that he was backing down from this. 
“If Dean happens to be at John’s when I bring Danny over, then he’s there. It’s his house, too. He lives there. What, do you want me to tell him to get out of his own house when Danny sleeps over there?” Did he not see how wrong that was? “Danny loves those weekends at John’s.” 
Mitchell rolled his eyes. “I know he does, but I’m not comfortable about any of this.” 
You stared at him. “What’s this really about? It doesn’t make sense that you’re getting so annoyed about Dean possibly being around Danny. Is this because I didn’t change Danny’s name when we got married?” You asked.
“That doesn’t help matters any.” He shrugged. “You changed your name, but not his. Are you attached to it?” 
“You’re joking, right? I didn’t change it because I want that to be Danny’s choice when he’s older.” You defended yourself. “Nothing more.” 
“Are you sure you don’t still have feelings for Dean?” 
“Where did that even come from? We went to his senior prom as friends and slept together once. It’s not like we had an actual relationship.” He knew exactly what happened, so you couldn’t understand where this was coming from. 
Mitchell shook his head. “I don’t want him thinking that he can try anything with you when you’re near him. I don’t want to get told that you’ll be having another kid with him, especially when we haven’t even gotten to the point where we plan to have one.”
“Do you not trust me? We’ve been together 2 years, married for one of those.” Hearing him say this hurt you. You’d never given him any reason to not trust you. Then something clicked. You schooled your features. “Is this one of those things where the actual cheater is super worried about their partner cheating?” You asked calmly. When he looked away quickly, it was like a slap in the face. 
“We’re talking about you and him.” He pushed. 
“Don’t you dare try to get out of this.” You seethed, thankful Daniel was at your father’s. “Who is she?” You couldn’t believe this. “Mitchell…” 
He sagged. “Kendra.” He told you. 
“The Kendra you work with?” You asked, knowing exactly who she was. “How long has this been going on?!” How long had you been blind? How long had your husband been cheating on you? It felt like you could literally feel your heart breaking. What about you attracted men that would hurt you like this? 
“Almost a year and a half. She’s pregnant, and due in a month.” 
“Jesus Christ.” You blinked away the tears. You couldn’t believe this! 
When he saw you walking towards the backdoor, he looked confused. “Where are you going?” He asked, angry that you would walk away from him. 
“To get some fresh air. I want a divorce. I’ll talk to my dad about me staying with him when I go get Danny in the morning.” You sniffed. 
“Let’s talk about this.” He stopped you, gripping your arms. 
You tried to pull free. “You’re hurting me!” You were used to him calling you names, or making remarks, but he’d never put his hands on  you. “Mitchell!”
He glared at you. “Sit down, now. We can talk about this.” 
“No!” You snapped. The last thing that you wanted to do was sit down and talk to your husband about him cheating on you. His hand met your face, and you tasted blood. 
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John was confused to see you calling him. Most of the time you just called to talk about Danny. “Hello.” He answered. 
“John?” You snuffed, making him sit up in bed. 
“Y/N? What happened? What’s going on?” He felt his heart hammering in his chest. 
“Can you come get me? I’d call my dad, but he’s got Danny.” You told him, your voice low. “Please?” 
You were breaking his heart. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Where’s Mitchell?" “He’s in the living room. I locked myself in the bathroom.” You explained quickly. “Use your spare key to get in.” You’d worry about getting your things while he was at work the next day. You and your son would not stay one more night in that house.
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Dean was confused when he was woken up to thudding on the stairs. Getting up, he went to see John pulling on his boots. “Dad? What’s going on?” He yawned. 
“Y/N just called me in tears asking me to go get her. I’ll be back.” He told him, grabbing his coat and keys. 
It was like he got cold water dumped on him. “Wait, what?” He asked. “Is she okay? Is Danny okay?” 
“I don’t know, and he’s next door. Safe. Make a run to the store. Get her some fruit candy, some Sprite, and some wine. Moscato is her favorite.” With that, he rushed to his truck. That would keep Dean busy, and it would be something for you to have when you got that. Maybe help you relax a bit. 
Dean stood there, wondering what happened to you. Did you and Mitch have a fight? But why would you need John to go get you? Could you not drive? Shaking his head, he went to get dressed to get you what your dad suggested. Clearly John knew you well.
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“Y/N?!” John called out, making you quickly unlock the door. Rushing out of your downstairs bathroom, you went right to him. Mitchell shot you a look as you hugged the older man. “Jesus, sweetheart.” He felt like either ripping Mitchell limb from limb or crying. 
“Can we just go?” You wanted out of that house. 
“Let’s go.” He put his arm around you gently. 
“You’ll be back.” Mitchell said, sipping a beer. 
“No, I won’t.” You said softly. “Thanks for coming, John.” You said once you were outside. 
John opened the truck door for you. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I could be there for you.” Once he was also in the truck, he waited until he was driving before talking again. “Has he ever hit you before?” He asked, hoping like hell you hadn’t been dealing with this for long. 
You shook your head. “No, tonights the first time. Usually it’s just name calling and stuff.” You gingerly wiped under your eyes. “He was pissed about me and Danny being near Dean. I couldn’t understand what his issue was, why he wouldn’t trust me.” You explained, heart breaking all over. “Turns out he’s been cheating for almost a year and a half, and she’s due with his baby next month.” You sobbed. “What is wrong with me that I attract men that will just break my heart?” 
His stomach sank. “There’s nothing wrong with you. Not a damn thing.” He said gently. “I’m not making excuses for Dean, either. I think he’s kicking himself for what he did and how he acted. Mitchell had us all fooled.” He had liked Mitchell. Thought he was a good guy, and was good for you and Danny. 
“Apparently Mitchell thinks I have feelings for Dean because Danny has his last name.” You leaned your head back and closed your eyes. “He couldn’t understand why I didn’t change Danny’s last name when I changed mine.” 
“Did he even ever ask to adopt Danny?” 
Sighing, you looked out the window. “No, he didn’t.” You were beyond thankful for that now. “At least Danny won’t ever see him again, and Danny is young enough that this won’t really effect him much. Or, I hope it won’t.”
“Kids are tough.” He assured you. “Dean was 4 when Mary died.” You knew who Mary was, but hadn’t heard all that much about her. Neither Dean nor John spoke of her that much, and you could understand why. “I did my best to raise those boys while mourning her. I made mistakes, which you know. You were there for some of them. And, even with Dean being an ass to you, he’s turned out okay.” He knew he wasn’t perfect, and never claimed to be. “Danny is young. And he has you as his mom. He’ll be okay.” 
You gave him a small smile. “We also have you, my dad, and Sam.” You didn’t want him to think he wasn’t having a positive impact on him. “We’re lucky.” Even if Sam was away at school, the pair of you were still friends. You texted, and often sent him pictures of Danny.
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Dean was sitting in the dining room with a cup of coffee when he heard the front door open. He got up and rushed to the hall, stopping when he saw you. “Y/N…” 
“Hi, Dean.” You said awkwardly, slipping off your slippers. 
“What the hell happened?” He asked, moving closer to you. He could see the split lip, the start of a shiner, and some bruising on the side of your neck. “Who did this to you?” 
“Let’s get you a drink. I’ll talk to him.” John spoke up, not wanting you to have to repeat everything. “I had Dean get you some stuff while I was getting you.” He explained, leading you towards the kitchen. 
You nodded, following him. Sitting down, you watched him open a bottle of your favorite wine. “Thank you.” You said softly as you took the glass he handed you. 
After he slid a bag of your favorite candy to you, he went to tell Dean what happened in the living room. “Apparently, he thinks she has feelings for you because of Danny’s last name.” He sighed, running his hand over his face. “He didn’t like the idea of her and Danny near you. Didn’t trust her. Turns out he’s been cheating on her for almost a year and a half, and the other woman is pregnant. Due next month.” He shook his head. “They’ve only been together two years, married one.” 
Dean clenched his jaw. “Has he always beat her?” He asked. 
“No, tonight was the first time. He was verbally abusive, though.” He sat down, hanging his head. “I had no idea. She blames herself.” 
“What?” How could you blame yourself for your husband hitting you? 
“She asked me what was wrong with her that she attracts men that will break her heart.” He hoped that in time you’d heal, but he knew that would take time. “I’m just thankful Danny wasn’t home to see that. I don’t know if he heard the things Mitch said to her, though.” He hoped like hell he hadn’t. 
Dean felt sick. He was part of the reason you blamed yourself. He didn’t think you’d want to see him right then, so he sat on the couch and leaned back. “I’m glad she had you to call.”
“Me, too.” He nodded a bit. 
Hearing movement, they looked over. “Do you mind if I take a shower before crawling into Danny’s bed?” You asked, wanting to wash that night off of you. 
“Of course.” John agreed. 
“Do you want a pair of my sweats and a shirt to sleep in?” Dean offered. “This way you can be comfortable?” You were in jeans, and knew from experience those weren’t the best to sleep in.” 
You thought about it for a moment. “Sure. I plan to go mine and Danny’s things tomorrow. I’ll wash your shirt and sweats to give back when we get back to my dad’s.” 
“Want me to go with you, sweetheart?” John offered. “In case he’s there?” 
“He has work tomorrow, but I think I’d feel safer that way.” Like you’d turn down having a bodyguard as a just in case. “Go about lunch time? He usually has to be in about 10 in the morning.” It rarely changed. 
Dean handed you the softest sweats he owned and a shirt. “No rush getting them back. Worry about getting out of that house first, okay?” He didn’t want you to worry about something as trivial as getting his clothes back to him. “Does your dad work tomorrow?” Would Danny have to go with you to get your things?
“Yeah, he does.” 
“Want me to take a sick day? I can watch him here while you and dad do that.” As much as he wanted to offer to take you, he didn’t want to risk setting Mitchell off with you around. If Mitchell had an issue with him, there’s no telling what he would do. 
You glanced at John, who gave you a comforting smile and nod to let you know he felt it was okay. “Sure.” You agreed. “I’ll bring him over after he eats lunch. He might nap, he might not. He hasn’t napped consistently since he was a toddler.” He’d been so small and squishy. You missed it some days, but loved the little boy he was growing into. 
“Is he allergic to anything?” Dean didn’t want to risk anything. 
“No, he’s not.” You shook your head. “But, thank you for the clothes. I’m going to go shower and crawl into bed. Night.” You said softly before disappearing upstairs. 
Dean watched you go and let out a breath. 
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You shut the bathroom door gently before leaning against it. You’d fought the tears so hard, but couldn’t any more. At 22, you had a 5 year old with a man who didn’t even claim him, and your marriage of just a year was over. This was not where you expected to be! You couldn’t, and wouldn’t, regret your son. He was your whole world, but when you were 16 you’d dreamt of college. Of finding your passion. Of finding lifelong friends. One day getting married and having kids. 
Moving to turn on the shower, you hoped that this crying wore you out enough to sleep. You didn’t want to lie awake, the events of that night repeating over and over in your head.
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John made his way to bed a few minutes after you went to shower, and hated hearing you cry like that. It wasn’t fair at all. 
While he did that, Dean was lying awake on the pullout couch. One hand was behind his head, the other was on his stomach. He felt guilty. Had he not said what he did, had he not taken off, had he stepped up to be a dad, and had he not been a complete ass…you would have never been in this spot. You wouldn’t have married an abusive prick. You wouldn’t have bruises on you. If he could go back in time and slap himself upside the head, he would. That just wasn’t possible.
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Once you’d dried off and pulled on the borrowed clothes, you made your way to Danny’s room. You were thankful John opted to get him a twin bed and slap sides on it so he didn’t roll off. You left the door cracked and shuffled over to the bed. Looking around, you smiled softly. There were a few pictures of Danny and John around the room, a couple of Danny and Sam, and toys your son loved. It didn’t take you long to fall asleep once your head was on the pillow.
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vermilionsun · 1 day
In my headcanons vere has a little problem with ppl who are driven by lust 🙋🙋 He has a disdain for Leanders "shameless" behaivor and straight up kills mc when they 'give in' in the demo (at least thats how i interpret it)
So i humbly ask for his reaction to an Mc who is just down bad for him in a silly kinda way. No innuendos no sexual comments just tomfoolery from mc, straight up leaning against the bar at the wet wick with a "ya come aroun here often ;D" and they slip and fall or something
i want mc to be down bad pathetic cause IM TOO, full on groveling at his feet (but cutely), the ex that shows up seranating at your door except they are not your ex you never dated them— wait why are they crying about my beauty —
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You’re a G E N I U S.
I might need to make a part 2...
Pathetically-down-bad-for-Vere group, assemble!
Disclaimer! They/them for MC because we love inclusivity!
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✦ “Jumpy, aren't you?”
The MC scans him up and down once again, eyes wide. “Damn… you come here often?" They wiggle their eyebrows, which earns them an amused chuckle from the Monster.
"Depends. Would you like me to come by more often, pretty one?”
✦ When he presents the key to the MC, they proceed to walk towards him, a slightly dazed smile adorning their face. “So, how about I buy you a drink–” The MC proceeds to trip and fall in front of Vere’s feet.
✦ He lets out a breathy laugh before bending forwards to take the MC by the chin.
“Damn, I love that laugh already…:”
“You really should be more careful. City like this, someone might take advantage~”
“Huh... Yeah… whatever you say, beautiful.”
"Oh, eager, are we? You know, compliments like that might just convince me to make this a regular hangout." His ears flick.
✦ “What’s your name? or should I just call you mi–” The MC tries to get up but bumps their head on the small table next to Vere, who is desperately trying to stifle another chuckle.
"Careful, wouldn't want you hurting yourself this early on. Name's Vere. And yours, darling?”
“Your future partner, I hope,” they say, still somewhat dazed.
“Oh, is that so? You're pretty confident,” he comments, his tail swaying behind him, capturing the MC’s attention.
✦ “Tell me traveler, what brought you to this–”
“You,” they cut him off with a wink.
✦ “Unless you’re dying to consort with Monsters.”
“...I don’t like the way you said “consort”, but you’re not wrong. Sign me up—”
Vere: [Shocked Pikachu face]
✦ “Come, take my hand and we’ll go together.”
“Woah! Save the hand holding for after marriage!”
✦ “Do you like dancing? There’s a traveling troupe in Hightown tonight. Truly a performance to die for.”
“Are you asking me out?”
Vere looks taken aback for a moment, but before he answers, the MC chimes in; “Too late. You did.”
✦ “I know Eridia like the back of my hand—”
“oh, that’s why it looked so heavy…”
“...Uh, pardon?”
“May I help? I can hold it for you—”
✦ When Vere grabs them, nuzzling in their throat, murmuring threats, they almost faint in his arms in a dramatic “Now I can die happy” moment.
✦ When they meet again a few hours after, at the Wick, and Kuras mentions that he and Mhin were escorting the MC back, the MC walks forward into the light, only to end up tripping over their own feet and falling flat on their face… and once again, in front of Vere.
✦ “You seem more interested in having the floor as your object of attraction, do you not?” Vere asks with a sly smile.
“What can I say? You look good from this angle.”
“Wait, do you all know each other?” Leander looked confused between the people sitting at the bar. “You’ve met before?”
“We did. Not long ago either,” Ais considered his drink.
“I’m starting to suspect they’re stalking me,” Vere comments.
“If I were, I would have to say you're quite the elusive target," the MC winks at Vere as they try to get up, only to fall again. 
✦ Later, when Vere is alone at the bar, the MC slides onto the stool next to him. They rest their chin on their knuckles. “So, about that—” Their elbow slides on the smooth wood, causing them to stumble, trying not to knock over their drink. "Sorry about that," they say with a sheepish grin, trying to regain their balance. "So, about that drink?"
"Well, isn't that cute? I might just have to take you up on that offer."
✦ “So, you survived the night. Are you here for praise, or will a head pat do?”
✦ When they arrive in the abandoned alley the MC tries to lean against the brick wall, only to smack their head.
✦ When they attempt to unbuckle his collar, he lashes out a hand, capturing theirs. “Tch. Don’t you know better than to touch without asking?”
“Can I please please please please—”
✦ Leander’s voice echoes from the Wick, and the MC glances behind them and back at Vere, only he’s gone. “...Not even a kiss good night 🥲?” They pout into the empty night air.
EXTRA: Modern era
✦ “Hey, can I call my phone from yours? I think I’ve lost it,” the MC looks at him with pleading eyes.
He raises an eyebrow and hands his phone over. When the MC presses call, their phone rings from their pocket.
“Thanks,” they hand his phone back.
He later finds out there is a new contact number under the name “My darling.”
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sorritalasorra · 1 day
Blue Lock Boyfriend Bachira Meguru!
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You two probably met by mere coincidence of running into each other
You apologized for running into him and compliment his soccer skills which confuses him because most people run off from him
You didn’t know then but his heart was beating faster then normal from the warm feeling that had entered his chest, a sensation he rarely felt 🥹
He found himself quickly gravitating towards you and eventually found his way to your heart ❤️
Before Blue Lock
Literally worships the ground you walk on 🧎🏽‍♀️
LOVES pda because it announces to everyone you guys are an item 🥹
Dates everywhere and anywhere because as long as you guys are together he’s on cloud 9 😭
A sucker for cuddles, his favorite kind (even though he loves all cuddles) are when you two are just melted into each other ❤️
Calls you the mushiest pet names he can think of with no shame (POOKIE)
His wallpaper would be a picture of you in a field full of flowers (he thinks you look like a angel) or a picture of you two in matching clothes 🌻
During Blue Lock
Misses you so much and he will tell you that every single time you guys talk 😭
Will rewatch videos and look at pictures of you guys together to make himself feel better but it actually makes him miss you even more 😭
Sends pictures of himself looking sad to show you how much he misses you (pouting pictures)
His teammates know so much about you even your favorites of everything because of how much he talks about you 🥹
Calls you every single night even if it disrupts the sleep of his fellow blue lock participants ☠️
He won’t have any shame calling you late hours into the night…
Definitely got yelled at by Rin to shut his phone off or else he was going to get it 💀
Bachira is very grateful for your support in understanding his dreams and why he went into Blue Lock. It’s very painful to be apart from each other but he knows it’ll all be worth it in the end so he can make you proud. ❤️
Author note: Very sorry for my long hiatus, the past school year was such a toll on me physically and mentally. I’d hit a writers block trying to create new pieces of work in the small free time I had. I’m slowly making my way out of the block and will hopefully post more soon! Thank you for your patience! :)
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lokorum · 1 day
Pls rant about non romance cole…he’s my favorite character in anything, ever and it feels so sad that we never got to have a deeper relationship w him. Like the mechanics/possible lore of having a romance with a spirit are so tantalizingly interesting but no…also doubting we will see him in veil guard which leaves me so so broken …
*looks at their pile of unpacked feelings about cole*
so ૮( ◡̀_◡́)ა where to start....................
first of all uh! im not good at talking! that's why i draw phphp but i'll try my best to resurrect my memories from 2014 and share it with you!! sorry if it will sound weird, english is not my native language! 
well WELL from the begining then. i remember spending hours  more like days hhhh thinking about how weird and cool the recruiting scene with cole is? later when he is already with the inquisition, our party is either on guard around him or kinda treats him like he is helpless and needs special attention or guidance or something like that? demonising someone like him or framing them as in need of help are like textbook behavior ofc and im not here to be a hater, i just noticed it? moments with solas and varric fighting over him like a divorced couple are super cute for sure!!
but i remember being confused because excuse me, out of all of them, this guy??, this feral bat that is chilling on the ceiling like it's a lounge-zone inside Lucius' head, created especially for him?
he is confident. also a little bit nervous, a bunch mysterious and just ghostly cool. but also confident. (im not saying this confidence is not misplaced sometimes btw x) he even tells you that if you'll leave your head you'll die! what a jokester (҂ ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ)
and the whole quest with templars and envy are soooo horror coded, i love it!! it looked a bit silly, sure
(even after so many years im not able to get rid of the image in my brain phphphp) 
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but it's still a very interesting quest!! dorian is ✨the bestie✨ but i'm always picking templars bc the implications of the story are just so good
1. its placed at the beginning of the game and your character is probably confused and anxious and dont yet worked out the routine of how to deal with their new title\powers + not every inquisitor character would want to be in the spotlight.
imagine you suddenly got yourself into position where a lot of people looking up to you, listening to what you saying, placing their hopes on you or waiting for you to fail? this is terrible! id 1000% just jumped out of a cliff!!! a small one, but still 
2. you meeting the guy who basically came from a place you now have unlimited access to.
he is: a) almost as confused as you are b) possibly came to this world without knowing consequences of that decision c) along the way he is figuring out how to be himself in the environment that is nothing like where he used to live. wow thats just like forced immigration *nervous laugh*
3. and let's not forget that you are meeting him inside your head and you can say to him "you look familiar".
dont know about you but apparently i dont need much to start screaming ¯(ツ)/¯
also can i just spend the moment to say that this is three (3) identical dialogue options??????????
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the screenshot is from here btw
how awesome would it be to be able to figure out stuff together? to find comfort in someone, with someone who barely experienced it this way? to build on your strong sides? like "hope" for cole and i guess "unhingedness" for the inquisitor? i bet they would ground each other easily as well: cole distracting inq by being unintentionally mischievous and inq would have a notepad with cole's "firsts ____" or they would just read together. oh im such a sucker for hurt\comfort\some things cant be healed stuff uaaaaaaaaa
ALSO THE "FORGET" THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the drama the horror the tension!!!!!!!! you can fight me over this but heres the thought:
cole being so stressed that he is erasing\being on the edge of erasing the inquisitor's memories??????
i got the feeling that cole's confidence in the concept of "help" is, among other things, makes him being able to zoom in on something borderline obsessively? or vise versa - dismissively, not noticing "it hurts, its not for the better"? he thanks you when you promise to kill him, he cries when you do not. i swear this man (─ ‿ ─)
+quick addition bc im not entirely sure: so if i got it right, the anchor makes the inquisitor "too bright" to read? so among all the people we know about inq is the one that cole can't truly empathise on this lvl? on spiritual lvl you might say lsdkjflksdjflkj sorry!!!!! but jokes aside,this is like the perfect ground to build both comforting stories 
"someone from the party notices that cole is hanging near inq before inq do, and when asked he explains it by saying something like "dry warm skin. the air is stilled with quiet, easy to breathe. i followed the shining whispers and then i was followed no more" with the most plain face possible? "
and "today for lunch i have glass" kind of stories, like "the inquisitor is cornered and possibly bleeding and probably on the verge of passing out and they know that situation is bad and no one should follow/find them, "it's better to wait it out and deal with it on my own" kind of clown behavior. so they laugh tiredly at how pathetic they are, maybe remembering something similar from their childhood, remarks from their sibling for ex., and just trying their best to not think about how they need cole's help, cole's presence. the sense of safety that comes when he is around" 
uh!!! that wasnt neither quick or painless so i'll go make a tea wait a second please
im back!! so since i talked about the forget thing i must confess - i dont really like cole's personal quest???? again, im not complaining or anything but i remember feeling kinda empty while playing it? like deep inside me, there was something sad, but it was so far away,i coudn't even feel it properly?
both human and spirit versions of his ending made me feel like the distance between you and him lengthened, and maybe you could do something about it before but now? this "something" is missing and you're lost and can't even tell for sure if theres was a chance to do something in the first place? and cole just moved on? its super logical considering he is not a romance option but phphph so, i rarely romance someone in games, partly bc rpg tends to be a little horny and im that kind of ace who is not interested in this, partly bc i tend to pay attention to non-romanceable characters, so when i started to explore last da:i dlc and i saw cole having gf i was like "well ouch".
imagine your inq has a crush on cole but they never were able to say it clearly?
mb it was a melancholic slowburn, and your character was going through too much and felt like burdening cole with their problems would be unfair?
maybe they tried but the timing was wrong, the words felt stupid, and their hands felt too dirty, too guilty?
oh anon its been ten years and its still huuuuuurts!!!! if you following me for a while you know that im an edge lord in poor disguise so its not surprising for neither you or me that i ended up rumbling about inexplicable sadness and crushing existential guilt, but sorry for that anyway!! if anyone would want me to talk about something specific, or to draw something - im here, staring at the wall, listening to cole's banter :') thank you for the wonderful question tho, it was more than just nice to return back to this ship. im so agreeing with you about cole being the fave character from everything, but i also understand that this could mean being very unsatisfied with the way he was portrayed at some points or just with the fact that characters like him are rare so im sending you warm and tight hugs and a little sketch!! <3 
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let's collectively accept the fact that dav gonna be a beautiful mess, we gonna love it (passionately), we gonna be hurt by it (not surprisingly) and COLE FOREVER WILL BE THE BEST DA CHARACTER EVER IM NOT GONNA CHANGE MY MIND FIGHT ME
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jieunoclock · 3 days
Love Your Feeling (JJK) || Drabble one
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- Beat Him To Death ₊˚⊹♡
“She was crying in my arms” I say. He chuckles which makes me look up at him. “What?” I smile. “Nothing, nothing” He tells me shaking his head, with a big grin on his face “Let’s go”.
Pair: jjk x femOC, college students, best friends
Word count: 701
masterlist || drabbles chapter
!Friends to Lovers, Protective Brother, Secret Dating, Friends with Benefits, Angst, Mature content, Dysfunctional Family, Fluff, Smut, Mentions of Alcoholism and Abuse
JK pov.
She left a while ago, her perfume still lingers in my room. I’m so fucking angry. Angry at that Taehyung dude, how dare he fucking treat her like that?
Me: Yo Cho Me: Bouta visit a friend, Wanna come with?
He knows what that actually means.
Guesung: Sure. Usual spot in 5.
Me: I’ll be there
Dressed in baggy jean and an oversized white shirt. I grab my keys and put my sneakers on. Close the door behind me quickly as I make my way downstairs.
Down the alley at the abandoned playhouse, the usual meeting spot.
“Yo Kook” he holds up a hand for me ready to dab me up. “Sup Cho” I say
“Who’s the lucky guy? Tracked him down already?” Funny how he makes me sound like some crazy assassin.
“Names Kim Taehyung” I tell him as he chuckles. “You’re kidding me right?” He grabs a cigarette out of his trousers pocket and holds the open packet out to me, offering me one as he puts on in his mouth. Rude to decline right?
“What he do?” He asks as he takes a drag of his cigarette.
“Hurt Yun” I tell him. “How so?” He’s rarely ever curious. Doesn’t care, just wants to know how valid the fight is he's about to be part of.
“Doesn’t matter, he fucked her up bad. Was crying in my arms” He makes my blood boil. I didn’t know how to respond to her. She was talking and, I practically left her on heard. I know she still likes him, so I can’t cuss him out in front of her. That would only hurt her more.
Guesung chuckles which makes me look up at him. “What?” I smile. “Nothing, nothing” He tells me shaking his head, with a big grin on his face “Let’s go”.
I just follow Guesung, he knows the way usually. Knows way too many people. Calls around a little to find out if anyone’s seen Taehyung today. And to his surprise someone has. Still at the house party, passed out. Supposedly.
We walk in, the whole house almost trashed. Rubbish all over the floor because of yesterday. People spread out across the room, completely passed out.
I spot Taehyung and my fist clenches.
He’s sitting on the couch, a girl sleeping with her head on his thigh, this man has the nerve.
I grab him by his collar, dragging him outside as Guesung follows close behind me. Taehyung is mad confused, half woken up. Slow in my grip.
“Listen, big dude” I say pushing him into the fence right beside the wide open back door of the house
“Let me the fuck go you dickwad” he tries to push me off, far too hungover to put actual strength on it.
“You’re gonna walk up to Nayun tomorrow m’kay? And you’re gonna apologize” I demand.
“Apologize for what?” God, he’s oblivious. Something snaps in my brain, my jaw clenches and I punch the fence right beside his head.
“DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU?” I yell in his face. “DUDE. WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?” He yells back, and I punch him.
“YO CHILL CHILL, I’ll apologize!” he says apologizing profusely. I punch him again, against his sharp jawline other on his eye. I wish I could beat him to death.
“UNDERSTAND?” I push him to the ground, and he nods profusely. Pathetic little loser. If that’s what will make Nayun happy. Then she can go for it.
He’s sitting on the ground. Far from being unconscious but still having proper visible wounds now scarring his beautiful face. A black eye, bleeding jaw, bruised cheek. Guess he ain’t so beautiful no more.
Taehyung walks past us, it’s Monday morning. “Oh my god, what happened to him?” Nayun asks me. Hiding the damaged knuckles in my sleeve. “No idea. Guess he deserved it huh?” I say.
“Guess so..it doesn’t look good” I stay silent. Why the fuck does she even care? I grab my phone out of my pocket, checking it. No messages.
“Shit, gotta go” I say, having absolutely nowhere to be. “What why?” She shouts as I’m already partially run off. “Talk to you later Yun!” prev drabble || next drabble
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guess-ill-dye · 2 days
TODAY (10 of June) IS PORTUGAL DAY WOOOO🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹
More specifically Day of Camões and Portuguese communities
So who was Camões?
Luís Vaz de Camões lived in the 1500's and died 5th of July of 1580, and no-one is sure when he was born, but we think it was 500 years ago so that makes today extra special.
He was born into a lower class noble family, and was the man who wrote an epic poem called Lusíadas , (LIKE THE ODYSSEY OK??? ) one of the 2 WRITTEN BY THE PORTUGUESE!!!! (The other one was written by Fernando Pessoa, and it is very nice as well, and talks abt how amazing we are hehe)
It was finished in 1572, and talked about the discovery of the way to India by sea (we did that), and mixes it with some elements from the roman gods, and its amazing I 100% think everyone should read it. It was all written on 10 verse stranzas/strophes all with 10 metric syllables so yeah impressing. It contains a lot of history as well, and well known stories (atleast in Portugal) like the romance of Pedro and Inês.
This is a real Romeo and Julliet kind of story, where Pedro, the heir to the throne of Portugal, and he gets and arranged marriage with a Spanish princess, and in her court comes a lady named Inês de Castro, and they fall in love and she becomes one of his mistresses. Except she was special, and he spent a bunch of time with her and 2 kids with her. Then his wife dies and Pedro refuses to remarry (he had kids with his official wife too so no big deal right? wrong) and his dad is afraid that he marrys Inês, since their marriage would endanger the kingdom's independence, and it was church wrong cause they already had kids. So he murders her. Well he sends someone to murder her and she dies. Sad. BUT in Lusíadas it is VERY DRAMATIC AND SHE MAKES A SPEECH ASKING THE KING (D. Afonso btw) TO SPARE HER AND WOW ITS AMAZING
Irl she was assassinated in "Quinta das Lágrimas" (in Coimbra), which translates to "Farm of Tears" (it rlly was sad) and there are some stones on the fountain where she where she was killed (maybe) that are red and legend says it is her blood that stained those stones forever (heartbreaking ok)
She was coronated post-mortem and her body was moved to a grave that Pedro had made for her and him where they forever would be together LIKE OMG TELL ME THATS NOT SWEET
And he also assassinated the man who killed her except one, who he later pardoned near his death
There is also a story (it's just a story, not real) that he pulled her out of her grave, gave her fancy clothes and a crown and made every noble person kiss her hand as a sign of respect to the queen (it didn't happen but IMAGINE THAT OK) When in reality he made a big parade while we was moving her body.
It is an amazing book I won't say more because this is already too long but I CAN , JUST ASK!!
Yeah, good Portugal day to you!!!
Tagging some people because this took way too long for no-one to see ok
@anentirevaporeon @yuki-dreemurr @oatmealmcswagger @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms
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nezumeanie · 1 year
𐐪𐑂 B a d H a b i t s 𐐪𐑂
no warnings | gn reader | fluff | uh...not proofread __φ(。。)
Shu Itsuki has a few bad habits, including the fact that he doesn’t realize how heart fluttering they can be
❝ Shu hasn’t quite realized it but he’s become attached to you in a strange way. Inadvertently, he’s made you a part of his daily routine, his dreams and ambitions…❞
…and his afternoon cafe runs.
ఌ Though his concentrated face while mulling over his stage designs are heart fluttering, the issue lies (as he would say) with y o u. ‘Ah, is there a hole in your chin? How did you get icing there? You’re this old already how haven’t you learned how to eat properly yet?’ Shu always presses your cheeks between his elegant fingers, takes his napkin, and wipes off the remains of your cinnamon bun while scolding you. His hands feel a little cold but soft and after knowing him for so long you can only hear the warmth in his voice. You can’t help but think it’s a little unfair—he’s already talking to you about something different while your heart is still pounding in your chest.
ఌ His bad habits also follow the both of you out in public. It looks like there’s a brand new craft store across the street from the cafe, though it’s wares look a little cheap it’s still worth a trip inside! You always have to walk a little faster to keep pace with Shu when he spots something interesting, smiling slightly while listening to him talk about how long lasting cashmere can be if you treat your clothing with care. When you can’t fast enough Shu finds himself sighing and grabbing your wrist to make sure you don’t fall behind. ‘It’s important for you to know these things! And you’re walking to slowly! How can you do your job properly if you can’t manage to make it from one end to the other without assistance?’ Because he’s still walking ahead of you, you can safely give him a lovelorn look, why does he hold your wrist but not your hand?
ఌ Possibly his worst habit rears it’s head in the small craft store aisles……besides openly criticizing the fabric and jewelry making supplies for being stiff and unmanageable. There’s many other customers looking for ways to begin their seamster journeys. Too many. Whether Shu is a repellent or you are a magnet—people just won’t stop bumping into you. The thread aisle, the button aisle, the velcro aisle…Shu begins to huff like it was your fault. Placing an arm around your side he pulls you out of the way of another shopper, bumping your shoulders together. ‘Won’t you pay a little more attention?’ As if you could in a situation like this. His soap has just the faintest scent of linen & peonies, even though he smells like laundry in an open field something about it reminds you of star gazing. The only thing keeping you grounded is the feeling of his hand around your upper arm keeping you out of “harms way”. It might be a blessing that he has a bad habit of not noticing when he manages to make you feel so flustered. ‘Stand right next to me. Ah, I can’t take you anywhere.’ …..He really has a bad habit of saying that, too.
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gregmarriage · 1 year
on a tomgreg betrayal, i honestly don’t think it will actually happen. the chances of it genuinely happening seem very slim. i think there’s probably gonna be the possibility offered to one or both of them, one or both of them will get scared the other will actually go through with it (most likely, tom will be worried that greg will turn against him somehow) honestly? i just imagine a boar on the floor style situation where it’s tense and there’s a moment where you think one of them will betray the other, but they don’t. this later solidifies their relationship and could perhaps lead into the meaty stuff, i.e, the romantic side of things.
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a4g · 2 years
im oing to infodump about spoke ok
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kenntolog · 30 days
an: heh it was very cute to write i hope you like it!! read more here!!
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cool boyfriend sukuna buys his loser girlfriend a rich berry red lipstick <33
you don't even understand where that came from, looking at the small package with a confused face before you look up at sukuna for answers.
"i thought it'd suit you so I bought it." he says with a small smirk, gazing down at you with a fondness in his eyes. "put it on, c'mon."
as you carefully apply the lipstick, you can't help but think about how thoughtful sukuna must've been when choosing because it suits you very well. the smile hiding in the quivering corners of your lips just proves that it makes you feel flattered and very happy to be considered by your boyfriend.
he's very impatient though, rushing you and hanging over your head as he watches you glide the lipstick over the plushness of your lips like a kid would watch a cartoon with zero understanding of what is happening on the screen. you finish and put away your phone you used as a mirror, turning to face him with a shy, nervous look.
sukuna stares at you blankly for a few seconds before his hands gently tug off his your hoodie, leaving you only in a small top with thin straps. after that, he threads his fingers through your hair and tousles it around before stopping at a side-part. finally, one of his palms cups your cheek and his thumb wipes off some excess lipstick from your bottom lip, smudging it unintentionally.
his eyes are very appreciative after that, you observe as you wait for him to say something with a baited breath. his fingers get lost in his own hair aas he pulls at it slightly, his expression softening momentarily as his smirk stretches further.
"look at you, loser," sukuna tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before grabbing you jaw and shaking your head from side to side as you whine, "aren't you just the prettiest girl, hm?"
you cover your face with your hands, falling backwards on the bed as you try to suppress the wide smile spreading on your lips. no matter how many times he tells you that you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world you will always have your cheeks hurting afterwards from the happiest smile with shyness rooted in it and your heartbeat spiking up to abnormal speed.
he crawls to hang on top of you, hands on both sides of your head as he smirks down at you.
"now kiss me."
"here," he points to his collarbone.
you look at him unsurely, "it'll leave a stain tho, 'kuna~"
"'s the point. go on."
you lean in and plant a smooch on the spot, right above the neckline of his tee. something inside of you ignites at the sight of it; you know that no one will see him in this state and it makes you feel whole, how you can have him all to yourself. the fire inside of you must reflect in your eyes because sukuna can sense the way you feel too easily as he points at his neck now.
"here too."
you happily oblige, going as far as covering most of his neck with stains. it even gets to the point where sukuna clumsily reapplies your lipstick for you, shushing down your giggles and cursing you for getting in the way of his work with your sweet smile. you kiss his jaw, his cheeks, his nose, his temples, his forehead, between his brows, his chin — anywhere, but his lips, which prompts him to cup your jaw and seal your lips together.
you can never get used to his kisses; always so passionate because sukuna puts his everything into making your mind go blank, and it's never easy to match the pace he sets although you're always eager to try. so sweet, so full of love and lust, it's one of the best feelings for you: his devilish mouth excited to explore each and every cavern of yours.
"you missed here, baby," he mumbles into your mouth and you pull away, both of you panting heatedly.
"sorry, 'kuna."
"you can make it up to me, don't worry."
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