#and how the empire would live peacefully lol
netmors · 6 months
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Grand Admiral Vanto and Grand Admiral Faro
Nothing unusual - just Eli and Karyn as Grand Admirals of the Imperial Fleet…. ….Hmmm, then who is Thrawn in this situation? Commander-in-Chief? "Heir to the Empire"?
Oh, forget it, I just wanted to see these two marshmallows in white uniforms :3
Galactic Emperor Mitth'raw'nuruodo
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cock-holliday · 7 months
Hi Mr cock sir, I am wondering what you think would be a reasonable solution to the I/P conflict?
Obviously the genocide must end, Gaza must have full access to all goods and services, Israeli military occupation has to stop, Palestinians must have full rights to land ownership/employment/movement/education/etc, and Palestinians need full proportionate representation & participation in whatever state governs them.
But like….how do you think that could reasonably be organized? The Israeli government and military should stand judgement for war crimes, but also i think the internet leftist takes of “lol every Israeli should just die/relocate somewhere else” are not only stupid but kind of disturbing.
While there are several proposed models, most suggestions include three fundamental principles:
1. The decolonised and de-racialised state will no longer be defined as exclusively Israeli/Jewish, and will also not come to be defined as exclusively Palestinian.
2. The new state will grant equal citizenship to all the inhabitants of the land regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religion.
3. All Palestinian refugees will have the right to return to their homeland as full citizens.
This is the only scenario that can prevent Israel from achieving its dream of establishing a single apartheid state in historic Palestine and allow all inhabitants of these lands to live their lives freely, peacefully, and with dignity.
There is always the fear that releasing the stranglehold on your subjugated people will result in them being as savage back to you as you were to them—or worse.
That does not mean that it is not the answer. Many Israelis even agree with this proposal. Shitty leftists looking for an excuse to be shitty would do it without this discussion and should be combatted. Any attempts to dehumanize and to shift the gears of oppression onto the oppressor should be fought against.
This principle, essentially:
Decolonization is a struggle connecting many many fights, not just in Israel. The US should also fight for decolonization. As should Canada, Australia—hell, across Europe. The global south is still struggling to break free of colonial empires, and the peoples who remain in the global north that survived extinction are still fighting this same fight.
There is a reason Ireland is so vocal in support of Palestinian liberation—they are fighting for liberation too! If you support Land Back in the US, there is no reason to not support Palestinian sovereignty.
The French have been turning out in the streets for Palestine, many of them fresh from a battle with cops over the murder of a child that is the result of France’s continued colonization of Africa.
The question of displacement is difficult, no doubt Israelis will get displaced on some level, and it would come down to a localized effort to figure out where to draw the line. There are plenty of Israelis who were born under occupation and have lived in their same house always and relatively avoided conflict.
Just as frequently, settlers participated in the hands-on action of stealing property. Aided by the IOF, settlers would forcibly remove or kill the homeowners and squat in these homes to claim them. Would settlers who stood to benefit tremendously also flee the country to avoid facing any backlash or relinquishing of privileges? Absolutely. I fully expect decolonization would result in enough migration ranging from reluctant to effective expulsion.
The reality is that decolonization would not be the beginning of expulsion or displacement. 42% of Palestinians who still remain have been displaced since Oct 7th. There have been countless displacements since the Nakba. I do not think the question is no displacement or displacement, but rather relentless displacement vs trying to limit displacement while allowing Palestinians to return.
In the immediate aftermath of the brutal American Civil War, white people were not purged from the South. However, plantation owners sure did lose their houses, an entire industry collapsed, and many people were ‘displaced.’ The question remains, when you build a mansion on the bones of the people you killed, is it ‘fair’ for you to stay there?
The fear that all Israelis will be displaced to make room for Palestinians also makes the assumption that all Israelis are against Palestine and want Palestinian subjugation. That Israelis haven’t fought against the IDF, that all Jewish Israelis side with the government, that no anarchist or leftist or liberationist Israelis exist, and that Israeli means “Jewish.” Palestinians do not want to purge Israelis—actual decolonization should not and would not be an excuse for mass displacement.
The other issue is that Israel wants Palestinian destruction (and so does the US) and will not and has not responded well to liberation efforts—in short, decolonization is not possible without violent struggle. But to not resist is to die from Israeli brutality anyway. Resistence is not the beginning of the violence, but perhaps also an end to a lot of it.
I do not think any solution will result in rainbows and peace on earth. One solution is the difficult, grim, and violent struggle for freedom and decolonization, the other is annihilation of Palestinians. But like with all struggles for freedom, another world is possible and the fight for liberation is always worth it.
So I support decolonization.
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meshlasolus · 1 year
Come What May
Episode 2/?
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader (little one)
Warnings: marital problems lol… mentions of ptsd and passed events which are triggering (order 66)
A/n: Man, this is really short and i beg your guys’ forgiveness, but I’m working really hard right now to have my company be in a parade, and things are rlly crazy rn so pls be patient I promise I’m writing whenever I can!
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The night surrounded you as you quietly ran through the streets, being ever so careful not to let yourselves be seen by the troopers that were stationed at every corner. Mos Eisley had always been nearly lawless, but now there were also ominous guards that would not even let the kinder folk live peacefully. The entire galaxy was now being run with such tight precision that there was no room for mistakes. The empire had not the slightest guilt over any of it, and how could they? Palpatine, a man you once trusted and fought for, a man whom you once defended with your life because you believed in the ideals of the republic, in democracy, he now ruled with tyranny and thoughtless violence, a Sith Lord that was beyond saving. An unredeemable soul that shall always be tarnished.
When you finally reached your small dwelling in the corner of town, Obi-Wan grabbed his saber from his belt and entered first, letting you follow closely behind at a safe distance. His protectiveness over your being was always evident, but especially now that he thought you could possible be in danger.
He had not yet explained himself for the short reasoning he gave you back at the bar, only that you needed to stay silent and follow him with haste.
Your home hadn’t yet been invaded, but as you quickly packed away all the necessities for the journey out of here, you couldn’t help but wonder if they were closing in, or if you’d have to fight them in any way. Surely a few troopers wouldn’t be hard to face down, especially since they weren’t as well bread or perfectly trained as the clones were.
As soon as you had everything you would need, Obi was again the first to step out the door, his head practically on a swivel in order to make sure that the two of you would remain hidden, and safe.
Your Eopie had been in peaceful slumber for the time being, as he never was usually required to walk this late into the evening. That would soon be changing.
“Obi, you know I trust you, but I need to know what’s going on,” you looked at him sternly, hiking a leg up and over the animal before he did the same. He huffed out a breath and looked over at you, trying to remain calm. His stress was more than evident on his worn out features.
“As soon as we reach Anchor-head, I promise,��� he nodded assuringly, and the only thing you could do in response was sigh and face forward. If there was one thing you’d learned repeatedly from years in the past, it was that you lacked control over yourself in the eye of uncertainty. He knew that, but he also knew ignorance was bliss, and he didn’t want you panicking, not when you already had so much to think about. “Hold tight, little one.”
He gave a small kick to the side of the Eopie, and the animal trotted out of his stall quickly and into the night.
You both had been riding for hours by the time the lights of the small town were in sight. You’d nearly fallen asleep on your husband’s shoulder, if not for the constant shift of your body caused by the walking Eopie beneath you.
You felt more relaxed now, away from what Obi would only have defined as certain danger. You’d come to terms about year ago with the fact that you would never live a normal citizen life. You’d never get to know the feeling of living without constantly looking over your shoulder, and feeling the need to still carry your saber everywhere you went.
It was endlessly tiring, but you had to accept it. If you didn’t, you still be in a never-ending cycle of worry, doubt, and sadness over how things turned out.
You wish everyday that you might have left with Obi-Wan when he gave you a chance, that you might have been able to avoid everything that happened to your family. To Anakin and to Padme, to the Jedi order, and to the Republic as a whole. You often wonder if Anakin had left the order if things would have turned out differently. Surely he would still be alive, and so would his darling wife the Senator. They would still be residing possibly on Naboo, raising Luke and Leia like they should have been able to from the beginning.
You’d never forgive yourself for everything that happened, because you felt that you were partially to blame. You were too worried about your relationship with Obi-Wan to even see what Anakin had been going through, your best friend, fighting the dark side until it finally took him over completely.
You snapped out of your thoughts when Obi pulled the reigns on the animal, bringing it to a halt as you reached to edge of town.
“We’ll stay here for the night, but then we must keep moving,” he helped you dismount, bringing the sack of belongings with him after he hitched your Eopie to a water trough post.
“Are you ever going to tell me what happened?” You were relentless, he knew it all too well, and yet? He didn’t want you to be burdened with this untimely information. You’d just gotten settled into your new life and already it was falling apart again. He needed to ease your mind, though he knew telling you would probably rile you up instead, you needed to know. “You can’t just rip me out of work and tell me we’re being hunted, Obi. You have to give me some context here.”
He took your hand and stopped walking, turning to look at you sincerely. You couldn’t stand to see him so upset, but you couldn’t stand it even more when you didn’t know why he was upset.
“The troopers landed this morning, and as far as I know, they had orders to search the town. Someone in Mos Eisley tipped them off that two former Jedi were hiding out in the city,” he saw your eyes change immediately, and and much as hated to see the fear, he understood that you wanted to be aware of what was really going on. “As far as I know, you and I are the only Jedi finding solace on all of Tatooine.”
You realized you probably should have waited until you were not out in the open or exposed to ask this of him, because now you felt as though you were being watched from every angle of this space. You were now completely paranoid about every nook and crevice that someone may be looking from. The force did a great many things for you, but without time to meditate, you often were not calm in times like this. Your hands shook, and you had to close your eyes for a moment and breathe deeply to even begin taking steps with Obi towards the Inn.
It was small, it was cozy, and it felt much safer than the darkness of the town streets. Checking in was easy, considering the troopers hadn’t quite reached the town yet. You doubted they ever would, it was too low profile to even be considered by Imperial forces. They would soon probably spread throughout Mos Espa, maybe even Bestine, but you felt as though you could be safe here, at least for the night.
When you’d gotten to the room, Obi tossed you the small sack of things, allowing you to retrieve what you needed before settling in for bed. He should have known you wouldn’t be able to sleep well, but he wanted to hope for the best.
“What are we gonna do?” You began, sitting up on your elbow and facing him with a distraught look in your eye. He tried to caress the side of your face to relax you, but it did little to help. “Seriously, we have no where to go. We can’t leave Tatooine as long as Luke is here, and we can’t be in a place where we might get recognized.”
Obi thought for a moment before telling you. He’d been thinking about this on the entirety of the ride here. He wanted to be able to ease you into it, but you obviously weren’t one for subtlety, and he wasn’t one to keep you waiting for an answer.
“I’ve heard of some abandoned caverns on the edge of the Jundland mountains. They’re livable, but no ones claimed them,” He began, looking down at your arm as he glided over the smooth skin. He wanted to avoid your eyes as he told you this next part, as he knew it was a sure way to make you feel uncertain, but it had to be done. “We can get new jobs that are closer, but we’ll have to change our names. I’ll have to get a job that doesn’t require Identification. If they scan me and I come up in the system, we’re both in trouble.”
“Why would I have to change my name? I won’t come up in the system, I’ve been registered as dead for over a year.”
“My love you have to trust me,” he took both your hands in his, squeezing them tightly to convey his calming presence to you. You let his force signature wash over you for the first time that night, and all at once you were feeling better. “If there’s any chance that they suspected your survival, or even got ahold of the security holograms in the temple, you could be in danger.”
Your life had once again been turned on its axis, and there was no breech in sight. You could only hope that after all of this, you could somehow make it out with minimal scratches, either metaphorically or physically, you didn’t know. Truth be told, you’d considered asking Obi if he at some point would ever say ‘kriff it’ and leave this planet to go somewhere else. To live life on the run and have exciting adventures again, to break rules and single handedly take down the empire. You knew it wasn’t possible, though. You’d both sworn to Master Yoda that Luke would be looked after, and if you broke that promise you’d feel like a failure as a Jedi. You already felt like a pretender to your old title, seeing as though you never took your trials, and never reached knight-hood. It was a damn shame, too. You would have been one hell of a Jedi Knight.
“We also have to make some adjustments in the things that we would normally do,” He said it like he was walking on eggshells, and truthfully he was. His words were probably about to drive you close to insanity if not all the way there. You sensed in him the lack of strength to continue, but urged him on with a look, anticipant of what was to come, and how bad it was truly going to be. “I know this seems overkill, but I feel it’s important. Anything that connected us to the order needs to go. Our sabers, our robes, your braid.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. Since when did Obi-Wan run away and hide, since when did he back down from a fight, and since when did he ever loose sight of who he was and what has become him? He was a Jedi Master if there ever was one, and he was good at it. His ridiculous notions were driving you to think he was the crazy one.
“Next you’ll say we have to cut ourselves off from the force, no meditations, no training…” your face instantly fell from the annoyed joking expression it held. He looked at you with sympathy after those words and you knew what it meant. Oh, how it terrified you. “You can’t be serious. Obi, we’re Jedi, it’s what we do. If we stop now in the midst of all of this then they win, we can’t let that happen.”
“If it means we survive, then it might-“
“No. Stop this,” you sat all the way up, using all the self control you had in yourself to keep from raising your voice at this late hour, knowing there were probably other patrons deeply sleeping by now. “Killing the Jedi is what they want. If we allow ourselves to be cut off from everything we’ve ever known, then we might as well be dead.”
Your anger was well noted to him, but he did not say another word about it, instead, he simply closed his eyes and let himself breathe for a moment. Like it or not, he was bound to you by the force, a bond so strong it was rarely seen in this galaxy. A true dyad, and though he wanted to keep you safe by any means necessary, he knew that by cutting yourselves off would probably put a large strain on your connection. He didn’t know yet if he was really willing to risk that.
When he didn’t give you any response, you turned over on your side, facing away from him, and tugging the sheets up over your shoulder.
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow, but I don’t wanna think about it anymore.”
He understood your anger, and your aggression, though not completely barred towards him, he could see why you acted in such a harsh manner. He only wanted the best for you, he’d proven that time and again, but the methods of his madness by now were getting out of hand, and you feared you might have to step in.
@cool-h-posts @honestlywtfisgoingon @fandomstanner24 @elvenrin @b0xerdancer @theatrelove3000 @graciexmarvel @heyitsaloy @1deadpool26 @justanothersadperson93 @zanzann @the-nerd-dimension
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kyogre-blue · 6 months
This awful nightmare month had FOUR paralogues. So tiring. And they don't even let me kill Flayn or Seteth! Or let me see Rhea murdering those two NPC imperial suckups. Disappointing all around.
To get my notes under the char limit, I'll put the part about the first paralogue here.
Immediately after Claude's death/deportation, we get invaded by Almyra. Holst "fell ill" but big doubt.jpg, since he does not show his face to either Hubert or Edelgard (Hubert can only comment that "it's said" that Holst looks and smells awful). The Alliance supposedly can't cooperate enough to muster forces to support the Locket, even though we just spent lots of time playing up how Claude maneuvered everything to go down with the least amount of damage possible and how the Alliance has been extremely peaceful and cooperative to our occupation and invasion. The Goneril soldiers book it immediately when we arrive, no green units for us. And at the end, Holst politely passes the duty of guarding the Locket to the Empire. Which is another way of saying he refused to do it anymore, possibly on account of the dead little sister. You know, just maybe.
This is hilarious in general, and you can read all kinds of funny things into it, especially since this is the route where the game lies to you all the time with a straight face, so you are free to interpret practically all things you're told as complete bullshit (and you'll be provably right at least half the time).
Personally, I think it's very funny to assume everyone who says the Alliance occupation is going oh so well is either wrong or lying. I mean, sure, Claude supposedly arranged it so things would go peacefully whether he won or lost, BUT he was wrong at least twice about his allies surrendering peaceably and his dying words are about how he misread the entire situation. Yeah, logically this is all structured to contrast how the Kingdom and the Church won't go down as peacefully, but it's funnier if the Alliance is also not peaceful about this at all.
Almyra certainly is not looking like a future friendly neighbor, despite Edie's optimistic outlook.
Live blogging:
Hubert reports that Thales has started collecting the Relics from the Alliance (cool! definitely not a problem! Hilda wasn't casually able to oneshot everyone with that awful axe!)
He also suggests that we have one of our Lions recruits pretend to be a hostage to force their family to betray the Kingdom. Lovely man, so practical.
Byleth: you're using too many Proper Nouns, I can't keep tracks :( Edelgard: don't worry about it, kitten
Nader's in good spirits, at least. The Almyran forces have a lot of wyverns, mounted archers and also giant birds.
Edelgard thinks we can befriend Almyra, she would even consider a treaty. It's not a land ruled by blind fealty to the goddess (lol), so as long as communicate openly and respect the differences between our cultures... OK. We're not gonna mention Claude at all, which is funny.
Next paralogue! Hubie is investigating Solon, Kronya and Arundel. He wants to know their identities, their origins, their numbers, their base of operations, their plans, and where they acquired their dark powers, how they disguise themselves. He calls them "those who slither in the dark."
Now, working backwards from this, it means that he doesn't know these things in early war phase (where we are now), unless we assume he got further in his investigations in other routes.
Also, as has been pointed out, although this is a descriptive name that Hubert came up with, it's also used by Rhea for some reason.
It's a shame that Arundel is just Thales, he has a pretty nice design.
Hubert calls Arundel "Regent" even now. Weird!
We're sent to help some Agarthans who were experimenting in the Sealed Forest but their demonic beast subjects ran wild. Hubert later suggests that this was all a setup to make Edie's faction feel powerless in the face of the Agarthans' experiment (because they are aware Hubert is investigating them), but it backfired because Hubie isn't intimidated at all. He's looking forward to when Edelgard finished uniting Fodlan, and then House Vestra will fight the Agarthans in the shadows. (Hilarious from a narrative standpoint.)
Incidentally, you only need to save more than half the mages to get Arrow of Indra. The "Mysterious Mages" that you save also do not have Agarthan Technology abilities unlike the shapeshifters. Ladislava is popular with the citizens of the empire. She doesn't put up airs, is talented and also beautiful. She's known as the Scarlet Warrior.
There isn't much unrest in the former Alliance territories, perhaps thanks to Caspar's dad's strength (aka keeping them in line by force).
Riegan was once a branch family of Blaiddyd, which is very mysterious given their different crests.
Ladislava's troops depart at the end of the month (February) to the western front. They have high mobility. iirc she's a wyvern rider.
It's a bit funny to get the quest for the Almyran merchant same month as the Almyra invasion paralogue.
Claude told Lysithea roughly that she shouldn't focus too much on whether they win. Unlike Judith and Hilda, she listened lol.
Hubert hanging out in the Deer classroom, thinking about Claude. Relatable. He says that Claude has a compassionate exterior, but underneath is cold and calculating. Harsh! Also, not really in line with Claude's behavior toward his allies.
Linhardt says that there's a passage from the Holy Mausoleum to the Holy Tomb, but he can't figure out the mechanism. It's not really clear where the Holy Tomb is, and I've seen the speculation that it's under the amiibo gazebo... but the Holy Mausoleum is in the cathedral, so the two being connected... it's possible both are true, but kinda weird if so.
Dorothea: They'll write operas about this... I'm sure a pretty actress will play you :) And Edie :)) Maybe they'll throw in a love story :)))) hahaha (extremely awkward laugh)
Just realized you steal Zoltan's idol from the advisory room in the cathedral. Nice.
Hubert and Edie A: He emphasizes again that he's devoted to her due to personal feelings but also that he's not loyal in the sense of following her orders. He does what he thinks is best and if Edie disagrees, or doesn't like it, or is kept in the dark for her own good, well, that's how it is. He also mentions that his devotion became personal after Edie returned from the Kingdom, which calls back to how he and Ionius treat it as some kind of malicious kidnapping.
Petra paralogue: Church is threatening Brigid :( Well, per the Empire's perspective. Catherine is here <3
Jokes aside, Petra's perspective is interesting. Brigid is trapped between the Empire and Dagda, and they don't have the ability to stand against either one. They were dragged into war with the Empire by Dagda, which they then lost, and Petra's father was even killed. So they became a vassal state of the Empire, but given the whole racism issue, they probably were not in a good position. So Petra is focused on basically proving that Brigid is a useful and valuable ally for the Empire. Which is a rather practical approach.
Leonie paralogue... Interesting details that you need recommendations to get into Officers Academy. In the Alliance this means paying nobles to get them. Raphael mentions that his family sold their business to pay for him, iirc, since he wasn't up to running it anyway. Ignatz's parents are more successful, so perhaps they could just afford it. Leonie's entire village had to chip in to buy her way in. Presumably Ashe was sent by Lonato directly (though interesting choice given that the uprising happens very early in the year, so he must have already been planning it). I think the only other commoner is Dorothea, who... well.
Linhardt brings up the crests perpetuate the nobility angle and says to take it up with the Goddess for handing them out like that. But given where Leicester crests actually came from... sigh
Linhardt read about the legend of Saint Indech, so it's free real estate for any other character to read in an AU. Very nice.
Lake Teutates... Indech is a giant turtle. Man, these "dragons" are all kinds of shapes lmao. He attacks with water spikes.
Leonie calls the Immovable One a "magic beast" which we haven't seen so far, only wild beasts and demonic beasts.
Linhardt immediately caught on that the Immovable One is Saint Indech.
Petra has been in Fodlan for 9 years as of the war phase, so she came 3 years before the Academy.
Garreg Mach can be entered from the north by following Aillel, the Valley of Torment.
The map this time is a modified version of the monastery defense map from end of Academy Phase and second battle of the other routes. Previously, I didn't realize that the right hand third is gone. Presumably, this is the gorge that Byleth fell into...
We're fighting an expeditionary force led by Alois, while Rhea and Catherine hold off the rest of our army at the Sealed Forest. Aaah, they're so cool <3 They're also set up an ambush.
OK, so the situation with Flayn and Seteth is that they just retreat when defeated, regardless of who fights them. I thought there would be some scene about specifically sparing them, but nah. They just leave on their own. You don't even have any unique dialogue with Seteth, and Flayn just talks about how she won't kill you since she owes you her life.
Rhea murdered the heck out of Ladislava and Randolph off-screen. Shame, I would have loved to see it.
We killed Alois tho! He felt that, since we betrayed Rhea, Jeralt would not have approved.
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eruverse · 1 year
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The sons of Mongol Empire
From left to right: Golden Horde — Chagatai Khanate — Ilkhanate — Yuan
Golden Horde is the people hater, sociopathic, and edgy one of the quartet. The one probably most zealous at protecting his independence, and also the one who lived the longest. A formidable eldest child who’s as free as the horses in the steppe.
Chagatai is not cruel, just a strict and very textbook person. Most normal among the quartet but also in many ways most functional. The middle son who ended up being forgotten the most like how middle children usually are.
Ilkhanate is most physically unhinged (his vassals lived difficult life under him) and most disliked by his brothers except Yuan.
As the youngest, Yuan is most spoiled. Also possessive and easily jealous, pouts and throws a bit of tantrum when his brothers refuse to acknowledge his superiority. He only wants to be acknowledged and loved by them!! (Is secretly insecure about not being as great as the Mongol Empire)
-Golden Horde and Yuan are the prettiest and if they enter into a beauty contest it would be a tie between them. But Horde probably would win, and Yuan would pout again. Not that Horde actually cares.
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-Golden Horde (White Horde) and Blue Horde
Golden Horde or Ulus of Jochi was actually a combination of two territories bestowed to Jochi’s sons, Batu and Orda, since Jochi died before he acquired his inheritance from his father. These two territories, aka White and Blue Horde, were led by Batu and Orda as Khans, with Batu aka White Horde being the de facto Khan of the whole Golden Horde at least for a few centuries. White and Blue Hordes coexisted peacefully and hardly ever intruded upon each other’s businesses, but they kept supporting each other for the independence and prosperity of Golden Horde.
Having all Golden Horde, White and Blue Horde have personifications each is probably a bit too much lol, so I settled on just two, Golden (White) Horde and Blue Horde. Blue Horde is a twin and shadow of Golden Horde, born from his body like mitosis. Their relationship is basically codependence as they couldn’t live without each other, but Golden Horde usually has the final say with Blue Horde happy to just follow his orders. Golden Horde is a people hater alright but even though he’s a nasty person he’ll never be nasty toward Blue Horde and actually treats him very well.
I’ve extensively developed their dynamic but for now this is an intro ❤️
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anarcho-smarmyism · 3 years
How would prison abolition deal with murderers, serial killers, paedophiles, torturers,kkk members,neo-Nazis and terrorists? Some people are a legit danger and cannot be allowed to roam society.
So I didn’t answer this at the time, because the anon who sent it is almost definitely the racist troll sending me shit I’m not going to publish (so like uhhh bear that in mind lmao), but I’ve blocked them now and it’s been a few days, so hopefully they’ve fucked off by now. Plus, I’ve been thinking about this question a LOT since before I received it. It’s a question that I think most people have about the concept of prison abolition and reparative justice, and not everyone with these concerns is asking in bad faith. Besides which, with the recent attempted coup and the way it looks like people who participated are actually going to face legal consequences for it (which alone was somewhat surprising to me tbh), I’ve been seeing a lot of leftists discoursing over whether it’s morally okay and intellectually consistent to be happy about cops beating up, killing, and arresting KKK members and Neo-Nazis, so it is now actually topical! Under the cut due to long response~
So the first thing I want to point out, is that literally every single one of the groups of “legit dangers who cannot be allowed to roam society”, are already out there right now. In our current “justice” system, it’s common knowledge that monsters often get off on a technicality, or because they just have the money to throw lawyer after lawyer at the charges, or because they outright bribe someone, or countless other ways to get around the law. You can look on my own literal tumblr blog and watch me argue with grown ass adults who will bold faced admit to consuming child porn with half-assed excuses, and you’ll find more open pedophiles on sites like twitter, reddit, or 4chan, or porn sites where “teen” is usually one of the most popular categories. Besides which, have you ever looked at the average sentences for convicted rapists, wife beaters, or pedophiles, as compared with the sentences for getting caught selling drugs? In middle school I had to walk a mile or two to get to school through a neighborhood we’d been warned had a convicted pedophile in it, who had just been released after less than 15 years. In that same city, I heard a story about a woman shooting and killing her rapist, and prosecutors were discussing giving her the death penalty for it (she was bragging and laughing about it on video, it was definitely premeditated, but still). Have you ever looked at the statistics of how many rapists and abusers aren’t reported, or if they are reported aren’t prosecuted, or if they are are prosecuted with a slap on the wrist (remember Brock Turner????) Also I notice how you didn’t even mention domestic abusers or rapists in your list of people who need to be locked up lolololol shows where your priorities vis a vis “public safety are I’m sorry, but the system just does not work the way you think it does, the we are taught it does.
People who make this argument always act like the systems we have now are efficient and nigh on flawless when it comes to “not letting dangerous people roam society”, but it isn’t and it can’t be and it never will be. That very fact ought to be enough to shake your faith in the idea that society will become a nonstop Purge of indiscriminate violence if everyone who’s committed a sufficiently despicable act of violence isn’t locked up for the rest of their lives -but you might say, “okay, but those are flukes, the system still works because most of the people who are “a danger to society” are usually locked up.” I’m not completely sold that that’s even true (have you ever heard of the opportunities cops had to bring in serial killers and murderers, who just didn’t care enough to try? Jeffrey Dahmer is a good example of this), but I’ll assume it is to move on to my next point.
Even if we assumed that the system as we have it, worked flawlessly as designed, that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of the categories mentioned here are people that are actively running the very systems that this rhetoric is defending. It’s well-documented that American white supremacists of various stripes have infiltrated law enforcement and the military for the express purpose of not just “roaming free”, but getting to exert the power of the State over people of color. Cops and soldiers kill people all the time, and not only are they not penalized, they’re celebrated for it. Agents of the State fucking torture people all the time, and I don’t just mean Guantanamo Bay or war crimes by soldiers; cops have been caught on camera spraying protesters with pepper spray and beating them once they’ve already been handcuffed or while they’re chained to trees or whatever -not because they think they “need” to, because they want to, and they know they’ll get away with it. Cops also systematically torture people in prison with solitary confinement. Heads of state drop bombs on civilians for “politically motivated reasons”, they do all kinds of shit that would be called “terrorism” if anybody but a State did it; and people might disapprove, but they don’t (generally) claim that the politicians and generals who made that call are “a danger to society” that need to get life in prison. If you genuinely believe that whether these acts of violence are “legal” or not changes whether they’re okay, or that a person who engages in illegal violence is “dangerous” but people who engage in legal violence aren’t... I’m honestly not even going to try to refute that here lol, prison abolition is level 5 shit and you’re at level -1, study how authoritarianism in general works before trying to understand prison abolition (not trying to be a dick here, it’s what i would tell my younger self when I believed the same thing). 
It simply does not hold up to rational scrutiny to believe that society will collapse into an orgy of violence and mayhem if we abolish prison (or that we’ll have to resort to medieval punishments instead??? lol funny take i remember from some racist troll or other over the years), when those dangers are already present (and in some cases widely celebrated as “heroes” and given the power to indiscriminately brutalize “acceptable targets” with the State’s monopoly on violence) under the current system.
The next thing people need to understand is that contrary to popular belief and despite how counterintuitive it sounds, even the brutality of our current prison system is not an effective deterrent to crime (linked a Guardian article that looks like it has some good info on this, but I recommend a book called Unfair: The New Science of Criminal Injustice by Adam Benforado for more information). Let me say that again: the threat of prison has been empirically shown to be INEFFECTIVE as a deterrent to crime. Do you really think that a serial killer or someone who wants to blow up a building full of people is going to be more likely to follow the law for fear of prison, than regular people doing regular people crimes like selling drugs or getting into drunk fights that go too far? 
I don’t think anyone is actually willing to argue that prison “rehabilitates” anyone, or does anything besides make regular criminals into angrier, more antisocial, more desperate criminals with more criminal connections and less options for any kind of a legitimate living, so I’m just going to point out that having such a large prison population arguably creates more people who have shitty lives of poverty and are surrounded by people who are in and out of prison. It’s not like that “makes” anybody into a serial killer, but I feel like you’d have to willfully ignorant to act like it’s not a factor in increasing violent crime in affected community.
So, I’ve so far argued that prison is an ineffective solution to the problems it claims to exist in order to solve, and that in many cases, it actually makes the problems that lead to these sorts of dangerous people (”regular” murderers and the radicalization of Neo-Nazis and KKK members in particular, I think) becoming dangerous, or at least more dangerous, in the first place. What I haven’t done, is talk about what I believe is the real core of the issue when it comes to prison abolition: nobody wants to fucking peacefully rehabilitate these people. I am arguing for a system that would handle these people basically as gently as possible, with the goal of releasing them back into society eventually, and I still believe these things mostly intellectually, not emotionally. I don’t want the men who sexually assaulted me and/or my loved ones to get off scot free (they did, of course, but that’s beside the point), much less serial killers or Nazis, and I’m not about to get on my high horse about wanting revenge on people who’ve committed these kinds of atrocities. The reason I’m a prison abolitionist in spite of these feelings is that I do not believe the desire for revenge, for punishment for punishment’s own sake, is an impulse we should indulge when creating social and political infrastructures that have ultimate power over millions of lives. In the words of someone talking about abolishing the death penalty, the question isn’t “do they deserve to die”, the question is “do we deserve to kill”; and here, the question is not “does anyone deserve to be imprisoned in this system”, the question is “do we deserve to brutalize people in this way for virtually zero practical benefits to our society”. What any person “deserves” is a subjective moral and philosophical question, one that no conceivable human justice system could ever actually answer. We as a society need to build alternatives to prison (and police!) that can actually address these problems, actually prevent the conditions that create and enable monsters, and actually rehabilitate (to whatever extent that is possible) criminals -even the ones we, personally, despise. Any long-term incarceration that may end up being 100% required should be designed to reduce the suffering of the person in it, no matter how despicable of a person they are. Trying to solve “the problem of evil” instead of trying to create a more functional and just society is a fool’s errand that can only lead to more evil existing, in the end.
At the end of the day, the “irredeemable” people you listed off as justifications for the continuing existence of prison, are only a tiny fraction of the people in prison, even the ones with life sentences. A full understanding of the horror and oppression the prison industrial complex enacts on the people in it and their communities (and how the system is designed to make a profit off of human suffering and death) is something you’ll have to read some actual books about in order to acquire. However, I don’t think it’s controversial to say that any horror we as a society deem “acceptable” to do to the worst of the worst, will also be done to regular criminals, as well as to innocent people who are wrongly imprisoned. Any brutality you design with a serial killer in mind WILL eventually be a punishment for a petty thief or drug dealer or sex worker, or a person who didn’t commit the crime they were incarcerated for. Is it really worth it? Is it really, really worth all the misery and oppression prison causes, to satiate our sense of justice? I don’t believe that it is. I believe that we have a responsibility both to the incarcerated and to their communities to base our policies and institutions on actually solving these societal problems however we can, and leaving our “eye for an eye” mentality in the dark ages where it belongs.
If you are interested in prison abolition as a concept, I can recommend some good books on it. You also need to understand that concept of “reparative justice”, which I’ve alluded to here but not really explained because OH MY GOD THIS POST IS TOO LONG ALREADY. Short explanation of it is that it aims to repair the harm done by the crime and rehabilitate the criminal through through therapy and trying to get them to actually understand what they’ve done and empathize with who they’ve hurt, while also providing therapy and resources to the victim of the crime (when it’s something violent and the reparation can’t just be “give them their money back plus extra for damages” or something). The point is not to satiate anybody’s sense of justice or revenge, but to proactively try to solve the problem the crime has caused and prevent the offender from doing it again. It would need to work in conjunction with the abolition of police (and replacement with better infrastructure for the few things cops do that we actually need done) and various other social programs and measures to prevent the circumstances that lead to crime. This sounds like a long shot because it is, but just because it hasn’t been done on a wide scale before doesn’t mean it can’t be, and just because it will be difficult doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing.
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How would the blue lions react to facing/killing their s/o from pre-timeskip in battle?
[Wow, this actually upset me pretty hard when thinking about it lol. This kind of trope always gets me even if it’s being done by two characters that I don’t really like. It doesn’t help that there’s a thunder storm outside that’s making me feel emo. Thank you for the request, I hope you like it!] 
He’s slaughtered so many enemies that there is no more hesitance. His past self felt remorse for those he killed, and after each battle he would reflect on the dead. Unlike now. 
He still remembers, but he doesn’t feel guilty. They opposed him and stood in the way of his revenge. To Dimitri, the people he faces in battle are nothing but walking corpses awaiting his blade 
The professor had given him orders not to approach any of his old classmates. They wanted to try and save them 
He brushed it off as a wasteful effort
“An enemy is an enemy. I care not for who they are or were, I will kill them if they stand in my way” 
A regret he’ll live with for the rest of his life 
The entire battle was a blurred frenzy. In his state of mind all the cries of those he killed mixed together. He knew not of who or what met his blade 
Only when he saw the distress among his inner circle did he realize: he killed you, and he did it without pause
The professor didn’t get their opportunity to talk with you, and you barely stood a chance against his onslaught 
Another soul to haunt him 
Another loss he has no right to mourn 
Another reason to be called a monster 
Once reacquainted with his fellow Lions Dedue swore himself to the cause. He would fight without pause till his dying breath 
It seemed that having him back was a boost for moral on their end as well, and he felt genuinely relieved to see that ‘everyone’ was alive and safe 
Originally he assumed that you weren’t recruited for the battle at Gronder and that he could visit you at the monestary. 
When inquiring about your whereabouts to his highness he only received a scowl. It wasn’t something new for Dimitri’s personality so Dedue decided to search during his free time
He spent ages walking around with the expectation of finding you...so, why weren’t you there? 
He’d ask the professor if you’ve gone on another mission only to see one of their rare grimaces
Hearing that you’re fighting for Edelgard confuses him. He was certain that your loyalties lied with the kingdom. With a stoic demeanor he’d drop the topic and never bring it up again 
Dedue may seem like a blind puppy who serves Dimitri, but he does have his own opinions. He just holds them back well 
People mistake it for indifference. Felix takes a few shots at him for his lack of emotion 
“You’re telling me that (Y/N)’s not here and you don’t care? Weren’t they your s/o?”                                                                                                 “My personal feelings do not matter. If they oppose his highness then there is nothing left to discuss”                                                                “You two really are a match made by the goddess. A heartless dog for a feral boar” 
When the time comes to cut you down he hovers near your body after the battle. When your buried the grave will never be empty. Every week comes with fresh flowers, and never is there any debris on your stone 
It was your own fault. If you had backed down like the others then this could have been avoided 
If he didn’t do it then someone else would have. If he didn’t then you would have killed him instead
No. No you wouldn’t. 
Felix knows that if the roles were reversed he would still be alive
How many people is he going to lose for the sake of the boar? First his father...now- now this 
He assumed that after not seeing you in battle once that he was in the clear. You weren’t at the reunion so clearly something else must have been keeping you from coming back 
He still could find you after this ended and you both could test your metal like the old days 
It was the one relief he had  
He wasn’t expecting to see you fighting at her side. Despite his stubborn behavior his affections towards you were obvious to everyone during his youth; something the ‘Emperor’ must have saved as a trump card 
It was his responsibility to either make you see reason, or to end it all. He had not come this far just to die from old sentiments 
“I will say this once. Get out of my way (Y/N) or I will cut you down” 
You wouldn’t move or even fight back. They obviously made you into a human blockade. It was a swift death, something he continues to remind himself of
That was his final battle, one that left his sword heavy and thoughts lax 
The future he longed for is gone, so this damn war better have been worth it 
Ashe doesn’t like violence. He’s a firm believer that everyone is worthy of a second chance and that people sometimes do bad things for the right reasons. A life is a life, and it is precious 
Each morning he wakes is a reminder of how lucky he is to be alive. There is no guaranteed tomorrow, and each day could be his last 
He knows because he watches. He watches as the people he used to call friends die for what they believe in. In their mind they are fighting for what they think is right, just as he is 
but he wasn’t prepared to fight you
Anyone but you. He prayed to the goddess the moment he noticed that you weren’t at the reunion. He wished for your safety, and hoped that you were not on the opposing side
He prayed that the goddess wouldn’t take you to her side 
Despite being away for so long, he still loved you. That feeling was one of the few things he still held onto from his teen years 
All faith was shattered when you appeared at the Valley of Torment. What a fitting scenery for how he felt 
“Professor, let me try to convince them. No matter what happens I have to try” 
and try he did. He begged you to switch sides once you were defeated but it was no use. You were doing what you thought was right 
He couldn’t kill you, his bow wouldn’t hold steady even if he tried. The professor took it upon themselves to do it in his stead 
He was grateful for their interference, but the image of your body won’t ever be erased from his mind 
From then on he visits the church after every battle. He’ll sit at the same pew for hours and reconcile over what he could have done differently 
He’d wonder why good people had to die for another’s benefit 
Sylvain finds the situation deplorable. Yet another person fallen to the system
Seeing you on the other side reminded him of Miklan, except you weren’t fighting to gain something. You fought for the side that wanted complete reorder
He thought your loyalties lied with the Kingdom, with him, but people change. The fire behind your attacks only fueled the questions within him. 
Questions that he wasn’t 100% sure that he wanted answers to 
Sylvain knows hatred, but just what happened to make you willing to give up everything? 
He knows better than to blame himself. People didn’t know him for being the perfect partner, but there was nothing he or anyone else could have done to change your mind 
What was he supposed to do? Lock you in the prison?Then what? It would only cause more issues. Seeing you in chains or in a cell isn’t something he could handle 
You were one of the few people to break his barriers and see beyond the stigmas that others gave him. It was his turn to try and see your side of things, but he was too late 
Just one more failure to add to the list. He failed his house, his brother, his friends, country, and now you 
After the encounter he’ll be even more unmotivated than before. He only trains because Felix forces him, and never attends any of the extra lectures offered. His humorous mask basically dissolves to reveal what he’s always been hiding: exhaustion and despondence 
If anyone tries to comfort him they’ll be brushed off
“Look, would you leave me alone? Don’t act like you understand when you can’t”
No one can, and he doesn’t want them to. He wouldn’t wish this hurt onto his worst enemy. 
She knew. It wasn’t the first time someone important had vanished from her life. People do not leave without reason 
She knew that you were on the Empire’s side. She knew that there was a high chance of facing you in combat 
Her father even brought up the possibility when they were alone together. He encouraged her to back down, but she insisted that all would be okay
It did not brace her for the hollow feeling of seeing your corpse 
Normally when Annette is sad she’ll garden. If she can’t sleep then the first thing she does is go water the plants while humming one of her little tunes 
So, she does. She pretends as if you two never reunited because it’s the only way she can push forward. With the situation as it is there is little optimism among the troops, she can’t afford to give in 
She turns her grief into strength and volunteers to help around the monastery 
As long as she’s busy then it’s okay. When she’s working then her thoughts can’t wander 
Eventually it will settle in though, and she’ll want to vent. Out of everyone she’ll most likely go to Mercedes since she also has someone dear to her on the other side 
“I-I don’t know what to do Mercie. It h-happened so fast but I can’t forget it!” 
Annette is strong, and will remember you as you were to her. Not a ruthless enemy, but as someone she cherishes 
After the fight she’ll visit your old room. It hadn’t been touched in so long that dust coated nearly everything 
The Empire had claimed Emile, and now you as well. When you fell it took all her willpower not to cast a healing incantation 
It wasn’t what you wanted. The professor had offered mercy, but you chose death 
A freedom she had no right to take away. With swift words she ended your life as peacefully as possible 
It came as a shock to those nearby. If she had let the professor handle the deed then perhaps the pain would be lessened  
But for some reason she couldn’t do it. Despite the tears in her eyes she refused to let you be pierced by a blade. An incantation would be more swift, painless, and leave your body as it was 
While reminiscing in your quarters she’ll tidy up the space. She’ll admire your handwriting on the withered papers, sift through what books you had been reading, and eventually the room will be good enough to be inhabited again 
Except no one would ever sleep here again, she knew it in her heart 
However, Mercedes also knows that it was your choice. She won’t blame herself over your death, but instead use it as a driving force to protect the people she cares about who are still alive 
“May the goddess guide you to eternal peace. I will never forget our time together (Y/N)” 
She wonders if it’s ‘her’ that’s the issue 
Everyone she loves is gone. Dimitri is a shell of his former self, Glenn passed, her family’s in shambles, and now you have vanished as well
Ingrid doesn't like to show weakness in front of others, but there’s only so much one person can handle 
Even a war-machine feels anguish from striking down people they care about. Ingrid has felt the hardship of losing a lover, but to be the hand striking the blow? How much strain can someone put on their emotions before everything snaps 
The days after the world is unanimated. She continues on with her normal regime as if it was a minor bump in the road. Yet food has no flavor, training leaves her body weak, sleep is difficult to come by, and when people speak it’s as if there’s no tone to their voice 
He sorrows become rage. She focuses all her negative feelings towards ending the war and it’s horrifying. Ingrid is known for her composure but if you gave her an eye-patch then the prince might have a twin
“This fight has drawn out for too long. Too many innocents have perished, and at the rate we’re going at there will be no future to speak of. Professor, my sword is yours. Let us finish this once and for all”
Pity those who cross her path. If women truly are made of ‘sugar, spice, and everything nice’ then your death has tossed five tablespoons of cayenne pepper into her mix.
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mell-bell · 4 years
Fight so dirty (but your love so sweet) - Part VI
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The Mandalorian x Reader
Part 1 / Part 2  / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
Words: 4463                
Series Summary: You are sent to hunt down a Mandalorian, the odds aren’t exactly in your favor
Chapter: 6/8
Author’s notes: No words just love. Y’all are the best. I procrastinated all week because I suck so I REALLY hope this chapter turned out alright because I’m really not sure how I feel about it lol also I raised the chapter count again I really don’t know this story is writing itself and won’t let me live apparently lol anyways hope you guys enjoy!!!!!
You sat motionless on the ground. Quiet. Broken. Staring blankly at the wall in front of you.
The Mandalorian fussed over you, his hands running over your body, pulling at your clothes, looking for broken bones, bruises, or cuts.
But you knew there were none. You hadn’t been injured. You had just blown your cover. Were you the reason the little one had been captured?
That bounty hunter had known the whole time that you were working with the Mandalorian. But he had waited to tell the Governor. Was it so he could track down the child? 
If you had just taken him out when you first recognized him, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
This was all your fault.
The Mandalorian’s hand brushed across your cheek and you flinched. You swatted his hand away. But when it rose back up, once more brushing over your cheek trying to guide your gaze to his, you growled, shoving him back before pushing yourself to your feet.
“Stop.” The man said.
“Tell me again.”
The Mandalorian sighed, sitting down heavily in the chair behind him, his hand rubbing over his face. His face was bruised, lip split. But it was his eyes that were the worst, they were dull and sunken as if he hadn’t slept in days. 
“This isn’t helping anything. Will you please sit down?” He pleaded.
“No!” You screamed, running your hands through your hair.
He remained silent as he watched your control waver.
“They have him.” Your voice cracked, “They have him. And we have to get him back. I didn’t go through hell this past month just to lose him. All of this was meant to save him. Was I the reason he was taken? I-”
Your hands slammed into the table in front of you, the frustration and anger building up inside you. You grabbed the lamp off the table and threw it forcefully against the wall watching calmly as it shattered into a million pieces.  
The Mandalorian stood abruptly, reaching out to grab your hand, trying to stop you from causing more destruction.
“Look at me.”
You shook your head, pulling your hand away.
He reached out once more, leaving his hand in front of you, waiting for you to take it yourself.
“Look at me.” He said softer this time.
You swallowed hard, but finally looked over and met his eyes, your vision blurring over as tears threatened to fall. You reached out grabbing his hand, his fingers threading through yours.
“We’ll get him back.”
“But what if we don’t.”
“We will.” He promised.
He pulled you close, your arms wrapping tightly around him. As he leaned down pressing a kiss on the top of your head the tears you had so desperately tried to prevent began to seep into the man’s shirt as he held you tight against him.
“Let’s try to get some rest.”
You tried.
But you couldn’t sleep.
You laid awake, your gaze firmly fixed on the ceiling above you. You could sense the man beside you, still awake as well. 
Your mind was swimming with a sea of possibilities. All you could think about was how scared the little one must be. How you were safe and sound on this ship, his home, while he was alone with strangers. With former members of the Empire. 
You must’ve fallen asleep from pure exhaustion because just a few hours later you woke with a startle. Your heart was pounding as you took in your surroundings.
You couldn’t sleep for more than a few hours.
Living in Moff Gideon’s mansion for over a month had trained you on how to survive with little sleep. 
You had not trusted one person in that house. And you were too vulnerable during sleep. It had all started just a few days into your mission when you had woken to find a stranger in your room. He had claimed he had gone into the wrong room, but the blaster at his side said otherwise.
Wide awake now, you reached out for the Mandalorian who should’ve been resting beside you. But when your hand just hit the sheets of the bed you frantically glanced around the room, sighing in relief when you saw the Mandalorian sleeping in a chair next to the bed. His hand resting just an inch away from you. 
He looked exhausted, the lines around his forehead more pronounced, the bags under his eyes dark. You ran a hand over his hair and smiled softly when he hummed peacefully.
Pushing yourself up, careful not to wake the sleeping man, you stepped into the refresher attached to the bedroom. You groaned slightly, catching sight of yourself in the mirror. You were still covered with dirt and blood and now understood why the Mandalorian had been worried.
You ripped at the imperial clothes you donned, tearing at the symbol adorning the sleeves, burying them deep in the trash can. Looking back into the mirror you gazed at your reflection, finding someone you barely recognized anymore. 
With a sigh, you changed into the spare clothes that had been left in the bathroom, when you heard a panicked shout from the bedroom.
Rushing back into the room, you saw the Mandalorian, blaster in hand, about to race out the door.
“Hey. Hey. What’s going on?”
After a second, the warrior seemed to register your presence and rushed toward you, pulling you into his arms. He buried his face into your hair, breathing you in.
You felt him relax and you tightened your grip on him, “I’m here.”
Threading your fingers through his, you led him back to the bed and laid down with him. You waited until he relaxed against you and began to run your hand over his hair until you were sure he was asleep. 
The next time you woke the Mandalorian was gone.
Grabbing the blanket at the end of the bed, you wrapped it around you before walking out into the ship, following the loud sounds down the hall, finding the Mandalorian standing before a heavy bag, his back bare and covered in sweat. You weren’t sure how long he had been here.
His arms faltered for a second before punching the bag once more harder, the rafters shaking. You watched as his shoulder’s dropped as he turned.
Just one shake of his head was all the answer you needed.
You nodded sitting down and watched as he continued to beat the bag in front of him.
You knew that the two of you wouldn’t be able to run from your demons for much longer. But neither of you were ready to talk about it yet. And for the time being, that was enough.
But it wasn’t enough.
The Mandalorian wanted to form a plan before running into the belly of the beast. He wasn’t even sure the child was on this planet anymore. Logically, they would have taken him and run. 
But you couldn’t sit around anymore. You wanted to hit them hard and fast. If they didn’t have the child, so be it. They still deserved to die.
So later that day when the Mandalorian wasn’t paying attention, you raided his weapon cabinet and slipped out of the ship.  
You knew if you had asked, he would’ve gone with you. But you didn’t want him to. This was something you had to do alone.
It was only a few minutes later when you arrived at the imperial hideout.
You kicked in the door, smiling when the troopers stood, their blaster’s drawn.
You twirled the staff in your hand waiting for the first trooper to make a move. When he did, you swung out your arm, slamming the end of the staff into the side of the trooper’s head. He gave a sickening cry as he collapsed to the ground. Stepping onto his armored chest, you propelled yourself into the air, turning to swing at the other trooper’s that had finally started their assault. 
Your staff slammed into four of them before a blaster shot hit your stomach, forcing you back against a wall. 
As you regained your breath, you dropped as a trooper swung at you, his blaster just missing your head. Sweeping out your leg, you knocked him on his back, before reaching for your own blaster and shooting him down. 
Another blaster shot sliced past your arm, the red hot burning sending a shock through your body. Chucking the blaster aside, you gripped your staff tighter before letting out a scream and storming toward the trooper. You jumped at him, landing on his front. You twisted around his body, pulling your staff tight against his throat, under his helmet. As he struggled, you pulled another blaster from your holster, shooting another trooper in the chest. 
The man you were wrapped around finally wheezed and dropped to the ground, you falling unceremoniously with him. 
Pushing yourself to your feet, you turned giving a feral grin to the others that formed a semi-circle around you. Raising your arms out, you silently told them to come and get you.
And one by one they shot forward, trying to hit you, shoot you. But you took down trooper after trooper, your arms screaming as they pressed against your staff, your blaster shooting left and right. 
When all of them laid at your feet, you froze. 
Blood was flowing from multiple blaster shots on your body, your nose had been bashed in and it was becoming hard to breathe. But you welcomed the pain.
When a crunch sounded behind you, you turned shooting instinctively, the blaster shot deflecting off the armor of the Mandalorian.
You froze. Your blaster still aimed at him.
Your ears were buzzing. The man stopped in front of you. You knew words were flowing from his mouth, but you couldn’t hear a thing.
Cara stepped forward, her eyes were wide as she took in the massacre around you, “Did you do all of this?”
“Yes.” The Mandalorian’s voice was gruff. 
He slowly reached out toward you. And when you didn’t move, he took a step closer.
He pulled you toward him and you stumbled clumsily into him. He gently pulled the blaster from your hand and when your arm raised up his breath caught in his throat when he saw the torn piece of child’s red cape tied around your wrist.
With a hand on your back, the man led you out of the imperial hideout. You were quiet, your eyes unfocused like you weren’t all there.
When the Mandalorian got you back to the ship left you alone on the bed. A few minutes later Cara walked through the door with a first aid kit. When your Mandalorian still didn’t make an appearance a few hours later you knew something was wrong.
You wanted to apologize but you couldn’t. Because you weren’t sorry.
You could feel yourself pulling away. From him. From everything. You were detached. All you could think about was things you could’ve done differently.
“You need to sleep.”
His deep voice echoed through the room, startling you.
The first words he had spoken to you in days. You ignored him.
You continued to pore over the documents in front of you. You had completely taken over the ship’s bedroom. He hadn’t slept here since he brought you back. So why not make good use of it. Papers were thrown everywhere, your notes pinned all over the walls. Clues on where they would take the child. 
“Sleep.” He called a little louder.
You hummed in response, as you stood to pin another paper onto the wall.
“We’re gonna need help.” You mumbled absentmindedly.
“We have Cara.”
“I think we should contact Commander Trax.” You said. 
The Mandalorian cleared his throat, “I thought we couldn’t trust her.”
“We can.”
“If you’re sure.”
Brushing past the warrior, you called out for Cara, following her answering call from outside the ship. As you walked down the ramp, you met her asking her to remain behind on the planet for the time being while you and the Mandalorian went to recruit your old Commander. 
She nodded, and with just a gaze asked you if you would be okay being alone with him for a few days. 
You threw the man, who was lurking a few feet away, a tired glance. You nodded at the woman. 
But when the Mandalorian stepped forward, telling you that he was the one who was going to be staying behind, you froze.
You turned on your heel and walked up the ramp to his ship, without saying a word to him.
Cara followed after you, finding you in the cockpit.
“Ready?” She asked, cautiously.
You nodded, and took control of the ship, plugging in the coordinates.
Your mind was focused on the trip in front of you, but at the very last second, you looked out the window, seeing the Mandalorian on the ground and watched as he vanished from view. 
A few hours later, you landed on the outskirts of your old base. You told Cara to remain behind, even though you expected her to follow behind you.
Without any hesitation, you walked right through the town and right onto base.
With your signature red cape sweeping behind you, the agents froze when they saw you, moving out of your way as you stalked through the base to the main control center.
You may have been excommunicated but nobody would try to stop you. They knew better.
When you reached Commander Center, you kicked in the door, yelling at the rookie at the door to scram.
Commander Trax looked up from her meeting and leveled you with a glare.
“I thought I told you never to return.”
You shrugged with an easy smile.
The Commander rose to her feet, her hand dismissing the other agents. They were hesitant to leave, but when she barked at them, they scattered. 
You and the Commander leveled each other with glares. She stepped forward and held out her hand. You stepped up and took it. She pulled you, twisting you around, trying to force you to the ground. You pushed yourself against her propelling yourself backward to slam the both of you to the ground.
Agents stormed in but Cara dropped from the rafter, making quick work of them.  
Commander Trax looked at her with a raised eyebrow before turning back to you.  
You stood and offered your hand to her.
She brushed it off and pushed herself to her feet. Before reaching out and pulling you into a hug.
“I need your help.”
Commander Trax nodded and motioned for you to have a seat. She gazed at Cara, offering her a seat as well but the woman decided to stand with her back against the wall, her hand on her blaster. 
It took no time at all to convince the Commander to help you. Just one second after you finished speaking, she called for a strike team and told you they were at your disposal for the time being. When you stood to leave and thank her, she refused to take your hand.
“You really think I’m going to miss all the fun?”
You smiled. 
Moving to greet the strike team full of your old friends, you glanced back finding that Cara and the Commander were now locked in a deep staring contest.
It was only a few days later when you finally returned to your Mandalorian.
The Commander peered out the window, as the man walked out into the open.
“So, that’s the one.”
You scoffed.
The Commander rolled her eyes, “Don’t give me that. You gave up your whole life to go on the run with that man.”
“If that’s what you want to call it.” You mumbled.
“They’re basically married.” Cara teased as she walked by the two of you.
You glared at the woman, “Cara!”
“Though they’re fighting now.” She mocked whispered to the Commander.
You sighed, rubbing a hand over your head.
The Mandalorian greeted your team and Commander before vanishing into the ship. You went to follow him but hesitated. Commander Trax stepped up and brushed past you following the Mandalorian inside.
Once you filled the strike team in on what was going on, they immediately vanished into the night to stake their claim at their new territory.
You peered around the ship, the Mandalorian, your Commander, and Cara having been absent for hours. Sighing, you slipped into the empty bedroom and settled down to get some sleep. 
You only managed to get a few hours before Commander Trax broke down your door to tell you that the Mandalorian been injured during a scouting mission.
Without a moment of hesitation, you had bulldozed yourself past the Commander and into the makeshift med bay to get to the Mandalorian.
You flew through the door gasping out his name, skidding to a stop in surprise when you saw a completely healthy-looking man sitting against the wall.
You flushed, “I-…“
Cara cleared her throat, “I think I’ll give you two some space.”
She quickly slid out of the room, but not without first winking at you.
Once she shut the door, your head dropped.
“What’s going on? Are you alright?” The Mandalorian said, his gaze roving your body as if expecting you to be hurt or bleeding.
“Do you even care?” You snapped regretfully.
The man reached up, removing his helmet, so you could see his face.
You turned, refusing to meet his eyes.
“How could you even ask me that?” 
“You’ve been avoiding me.” You muttered.
“You’re the one that decided to start doing things without me. You weren’t the only one that lost him. I did too.”
You winced shrinking back.
The Mandalorian sighed, “Talk to me.”  
You choked back a breath, “I’ve lost every single person I’ve ever cared about. And now I lost the kid. I can’t-“
You stopped.
The Mandalorian stayed silent.
“I thought if I pretended I could do it on my own I could convince myself I didn’t need you, so when I lose you too it won’t hurt as much.”
The Mandalorian stood, pulling off his gloves. Reaching out, he cupped your face, raising your eyes to meet his gaze.
“You’re not going to lose me.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Death would have to fight me to keep me from you.”
The Mandalorian passed you one of his blasters as you started forward, jumping over the rubble of the mansion that had once stood here. Your finger immediately moved to the trigger, ready to take down anybody that got in your way.
Shooting down stray trooper’s, you easily reached the den. You slipped inside, waving back at Commander Trax, Cara, and the strike team, silently telling them to remain behind. The Mandalorian followed close behind you, both your blasters raising. 
What had once been the beautiful ballroom was a mess of rubble and bodies. 
Yet there stood the one person she had been waiting for. 
She nodded when she saw you.
“I was wondering when you would come.”
Your eyes narrowed, “Where’s Moff? Too scared to face me?”
“Please, you rate below slugs to him. He sent me to take care of you.” She sighed almost bored.
You took a step forward, raising your blaster at her head.
She smiled, Stormtroopers appeared around her, their blaster’s raised toward you.
Part of your team dropped from their perches, their own weapons aimed at the troopers.
You gritted your teeth, “I gutted a dozen of you just a few days ago. We’ll see how this team stacks up.”
You took another step forward. And that’s when you saw her. The young girl that worked for Mera. She was pressed back against the wall, her eyes wide with terror.
You motioned behind you for your team to lower their weapons.
Explosions echoed outside and you could see the concern on Mera’s face as it grew closer.
“You’ve lost. My team is destroying the rest of your hideout. Give in now and tell me where the child is.”
You took another step forward and Mera’s hand shot out. 
You stopped. The breath from your throat was cut off instantly and you dropped your blaster, as your hands tore at the invisible force around your throat.
The Mandalorian stormed up, his blaster raised toward the woman.
“Stop.” He barked.
Mera grinned sinisterly. The force tightened painfully around your neck before she let go with a chuckle.
“You never did seem to like when I tortured others.” Her hand raised and the Mandalorian’s body flew toward her, placing him on his knees in front of her. Her hand reached down stroking the metal of his helmet.
“Let’s see how you do with the one you love.”
Her fist tightened and the warrior before you collapsed to the ground. You could hear him struggling to breathe and you shot forward but stopped abruptly a force holding you back.
As you fought against the invisible force, she stepped up closer to you and you could feel the familiar pressure begin to build in your head.
“It was always entertaining trying to read your thoughts. Though most of them were about this pathetic warrior here. What happens when I try to drag them out?”
You collapsed to the ground, the pain in your head growing tenfold. You reached out toward the struggling Mandalorian who was too far from you, wishing you could reach him. 
There was nothing you could do. You tried to fight back. You pushed yourself, trying to raise to your feet. But then the young servant girl stepped forward, startling her master.
“Get back you little shit.”
The girl shook her head and stepped in front of you, between you and Mera.
“You have been a pain in my ass since I bought you. Guess I’ll need someone new now.”
She released her hold on the Mandalorian, her hand instead raising toward the young girl. But it froze midair. 
“What?” She whispered in horror.
Her arm raised against her own will and she glanced from it to the girl in front of her.
“Impossible. Troopers!” She screamed.
The troopers marched forward, their blasters raised at the young girl in front of them. You watched in horror as they aimed at her. 
But then the young girl opened her mouth and screamed. Her hands flew out in front of her, a burst of energy shooting out hitting the Stormtroopers and Mera. Their bodies flew back soaring through the air, slamming into the wall behind them and collapsing onto the stone ground. 
The pain in your head instantly vanished and you frantically crawled over to the girl who was now sprawled on the ground breathing unsteadily.  
She weakly lifted her arms, signing something.
A deep voice echoed from behind her, “She wants to know if she’s dead.”
You looked up meeting the Mandalorian’s mask. Pushing yourself to your feet, you stumbled over to the woman who was lying on the ground. Reaching down, you felt for her pulse. 
You turned toward the girl, “She’s dead.”
Her brows furrowed and you just nodded as realization dawned on her face.
“She can’t hurt you anymore. We need to go.”
When you received a message from the Governor, you knew the real fight was about to begin. You passed the comlink to the Mandalorian as you pulled weapons from the wall.
“You’re not going to meet him.”
“Yes, I am. This has to end. He’s killed half our team. I’ve killed half of his troopers. This can’t continue.”
He grunted, “He wants the girl.”
“And he’s not going to get her.”
“I’m coming with you.”
He followed closely behind you watching as your red cape shone like blood under the light of the moon.
“Where are we?” He asked.
“A hotel on the outskirts of the city. He won’t be here for another few hours. We have time to come up with a plan.”
You wander aimlessly around the room, refusing to look at him.
“So, what happens now? He wants to trade the child for the girl. We aren’t-”
“Of course not.” You scoffed, cutting him off. “I lived with him for over a month. I dealt with him every day. Listened as he spread lies and hatred and poison. Watched as he had children beaten, tortured, and killed. I know how he works.”
“That’s what this is about.” The man realized. 
“You see yourself in her.”
Your head snapped toward him, “What?”
“You were taken at a young age. You told me. You were sold and owned like a slave.”
“No. I was a slave.” You finally looked up, “I don’t even know who I am anymore.”
His eyes flashed, “You’re the same person you’ve always been.”
You laughed derisively, “No, I’m not. I saw horrible things when I was with the Governor. And I did nothing. I’m no better than them.”
“You’re nothing like them.”
“You’re lying.” Your voice wavered.
With a smile, he leaned down pressing a light kiss to your lips. He rested his forehead against yours, “You decided not to turn in the Mandalorian you hunted down. You protected an innocent child you didn’t know. You gave the only home you ever had to a family in need. You’re nothing like them. Do you see the difference?”
You nodded. 
The two of you sat in silence for the next hour. And then it was time. The Mandalorian pressed one more kiss to your lips before he moved to his position on the roof. The door creaked open just an hour later.
And in walked the Imperial doctor from all those months ago. The man who had told you to protect the child. The man who had stood by while the Client beat you senseless for days.
“What are you-” You took a step back, your body hitting something hard behind you. An arm wrapped around you and you felt a prick in your neck. And everything went black.
When you woke you were lying in a bright white room.
Standing you brushed your hands over the white Imperial clothes that clothed your body. Swallowing hard, you walked barefoot across the floor toward the door. Reaching down for the handle, you hesitated before pushing it, sighing in relief when it gave way under your hand.
Peering down the hall, you slipped out of your room and began the trek down the long white hallway. There were no doors. No people. No exit. You followed the hall for what felt like hours before a door finally came into sight.
When you opened it, there stood the Imperial doctor, the child in his arms.
“Welcome to our cloning farm.”
Tagged: @sargesbestgirl @abysswhiskey11 @yourfavoritearchangel @pedro-pascal-online @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8 @damnittjim @trickei @countessren @fun-sized-widow-bites@thefandomzoneisdangerous @ichigomiluku@bakerstreethound@clonesdeservelovetoo@bananyaaa @loveleah @javert-delacour @zoogrl05@live-the-beautiful-game @maryan028@ignimbritetcax @kaidad @kaimoar @yana-versio@peitromoximaff@alittleraincloud @fuckhead-writer @dottie-witch @nowheredreamer@pandalandalopalis@loveharrington @sw0rd-girlfriend@lex0h @piquantbarnes @go-commander-kim @finefangirl@lmao5sosimagines @bandofmarvels@nayploonthedoon @tchallaudakux@allthosepacheeks @i-think-of-dean-moriarty @otherthingsinhead @songofcosplay @cloudykooks@spooky-nob@takemebillyhargrove@flyingowls @funkygreensucculent @andromeda-sighs@audiblesmirk @out-worn @lessthancooljay@whtvrwhizzer @banana-batman @panic-monsters @vamprlestat@clevervast @ghelp0 @just-another-fangirls-posts @jinthusiastsss @c1996@maldo559@yelenasnatashas @chewymoustachio@heyo–its–mo @hexqueensupreme @ozzy-bozzy@spideydobrik  @t-rexmoreliket-flex @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @teenagememetonight @salted-barbed-wire@kitosauras @heyitsjaybird @turnaroundbeautiful @whosmorales @asstiel-barnes@vintagecaptainspidey @swagaliciouspupper @ghost-brocolli @jacobs-judge@cmburgos@lamnothome @no-goddamn-cilantro @chill-4-dayz @lafy-taffy @onaheroicmission@shade-vermillion @sacredburial @panic-monster @jinxedleo @taman-a@readsalot73 @aurorcarter @poemfreak306 @awhiteblanket  @and-i-swear-we-are-infinte  @kit-kat-snuggle-rat @samanthahaigwood @winchesterandpie @revycollins @loljulie @nvoux @backontheolebullshit @acehyacinth  @igotmadskills @alexandrbello @sistasarah-sallysaidso @ravngers @the-resident-demon​
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artofjoh · 3 years
Demon troll
Why did I know that demon troll’s name would be the only thing coming up in my inbox 😂😂😂 literally I got like three demon troll anons after I reblogged that oc game thing
Fig 1.
Tumblr media
Full name:
Demon troll
(Sorry I had to make it fancy okay god I mean it’s demon troll man)
(No he does not have a real name, he’s the representative for his species ahhahahahhahaah)
Gender and Sexuality: so um.... demon troll is this weird little creature thing (see fig 1. lmao) but yes, demon troll is in fact male. And I’ve never really thought about his sexuality... and I will continue to not think about his sexuality because I am tired and do not feel like thinking at the present moment
Pronouns: he/him/demon troll (demon troll’s name is basically a pronoun at this point, just address him as demon troll and he will become an inevitable being)
Ethnicity/Species: he is one of the demon troll species that I created for my (still in the developing stages) comic/story
Birthplace and Birthdate: he was born in the year 231 in the Human World and was briefly part of the Roman Empire, but then realized that the Human World was shit and figured out how to return to his home land, where his species originated, and where magic-doers live peacefully around the globe in four seasonal quadrants, the Medeis Orbis. (Still WoRkiNg oN thE nAmE)
Guilty Pleasures: taking down powerful magic-doers by tormenting them every minute of every day.
Phobias: nothing. He has none. I’m kidding, spiders and ants.
What They Would Be Famous For: flaunting his entire bow tie collection simultaneously on the red carpet
What They Would Be Arrested For: literally everything he’s done trying to kill off the peeps with the power... if he was human... but no no no he gets away with his evilness because he’s a creature
OC You Ship Them With: lol Prudence the homophobic grandma
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: with absolutely no hesitation I will say Felix Inkton
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: demon troll loves a good 1800s drama romance novel
Least Favorite Movie/Book Genre: comedy- his logical brain just cannot comprehend the jokes
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: fuckin love triangles- he just hates them.
Talents and/or Powers: he’s telepathic and can control things with his mind/by snapping his fingers like frickin Thanos. Oh and he’s a sassy inquiring bitch
Why Someone Might Love Them: dresses in Victorian clothing like he’s cosplaying
Why Someone Might Hate Them: dresses in Victorian clothing like he’s cosplaying
How They Change: let’s just say that when Tara meets him and plays with him like he’s a dress-up doll and puts him in tiny skirts and blouses and they have tea parties... it softens his heart bitch it softens his heart.
Why You Love Them: oh because ______________________________________ [insert demon troll is basically a very old detective with a monocle inside the body of a miniature demonic thing with huge eyes and pointy ears who has funny little quirks- like incessant bow tie wearing- and he’s also very evil and I respect him because of that here]
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fymagnificentwomcn · 4 years
t’s truly something how all princes/sultans in tmck are so pressed…I get their life isn’t easy, but all that blaming & truly how it can affect everyone’s perception. Murad even accused his mother of faking an assassination attempt on her life, incredible *sarcasm of course*. And Atike was just his cheerleader most of the time, ugh. All that blaming by people who even weren’t there. Thanks for writing that piece!
Aww thank you so much! This piece is my magnum opus I guess lol (Link here:https://fymagnificentwomcn.tumblr.com/post/610970504341405696/no-she-isnt-the-whole-evil-k%C3%B6sem-thing-isnt )
Murad’s angry 24/7 & gets so ridiculous with blame-shifting – he would need a good anger management therapy LBR.
And there’s one scene that portrays his character in nutshell:
Doctor: you cannot drink anymore wine, Your Majesty.
Murad, literally 5 minutes later: Yusuf, bring me wine!
Murad in 1 minute, another example:
Kösem: Don’t marry Silahtar to Atike, you also have another sister and if you do it, it will end in tragedy!
Murad: No worriez, I’ve thought about Gevherhan, I will marry her to Kemankeş ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I mentioned a lot of blame-shifting in my previous posts, but he even at moment began questioning his mum about Gülbahar and whether she truly committed treason (and Gülbahar herself admitted to it).
Even when Atike asked him for permission to take children with her & Kösem to vaqf, he was totally okay with the idea, but later after kidnapping snapped at his mother that it was HER fault for gaving taken his sons there & began threatening her with exile far away. Charming as always.
Honestly, he’s like a broken record. In all his arguments, while Kösem has her logical arguments, his only argument is usually “I’m the only/rightful owner of Ottoman Empire, “I’m the shadow of God on Earth. Like dude do you realise how boring you are???
Don’t forget how mad he got when Kösem wrote to Kemankeş to have a backup plan if Murad died and Bayezid wanted to take the throne, which could have meant danger for other Kösem’s sons. After all, she didn’t take it from nothing, Gülbahar told her about assassination attempt to come & it actually already had happened by the time Murad received the letter. Yes, dude you are not immortal, you could have been killed, and life goes on you know? It doesn’t mean your mother doesn’t love you or is not going to mourn you, but she also needs to take care of your brothers and state ffs. He’s truly obsessed with this idea that after his death life will  (unfortunately in his view) go on – which is also meaningful since Kösem reminded him like two episodes earlier that state was going to remain even with both of them dead. And well we all know the “masterful” idea he conceived just before his death.
And it’s clear how even some of his siblings fear him – Gevherhan was scared immediately following the announcement of Kösem no longer being a regent (especially since he did in a way to put  blame on his mother for recent events to prop himself up, and he was also engaged in state matters at that point). Kasim also immediately fears being locked up in kafes or even executed. Judging by their conversations, despite problems going on, last 10 years were a peaceful time for their family.
As I said, out of all Kösem’s opponents only Handan and Derviş weren’t worse than her, and she was the only main player that never engaged in mass slaughter – Safiye, Halime&Co., Gülbahar&Sinan, Murad, Turhan - all did.
Same with Atike – she was a baby when when her father died, didn’t even spend her early years locked up as Ibrahim…. she’s honestly so blind it’s painful. The scene where she jumps at Kemankeş for trying to talk sense to Ibrahim not to appoint Genie Master as chief judge… please your brother is now acting contrary to Imperial law and it’s asking for further disaster if Cinci increases his influence among ulema by bringing people who pay him into it & it’s good Ibo is controlled in this way… nah, it’s actually necessary. And how you jump from this to your mother I have no idea either. A true performative “activist”, who talks about protecting her brother, but all is limited to talking  & exposing her moral superiority, while it’s not supported by any real actions helping him.
Well, you got your revenge on your mother for killing the husband who despised you, acted against your youngest brothers at that point, and likely was only praying you wouldn’t follow him also into afterlife.
I also forgot to mention one more example of Mu/rat manipulating the narrative – when he tells Atike following the failed dethronement attempt & Kasim’s death that their mother had lied to her and tried to kill him – he was after all put in kafes, he should be aware nobody planned an assassination attempt, bah he KNEW the whole plan from Sinan… and yes, Kösem being so adamant that nothing can happen to Mura/t cost her Kasim in the end.
Atike herself was aware that Mu/rat would have killed her brothers even if the dethronement attempt had not happened as she told him to his face after Kasim’s death and she stated that he had made the decision long ago. Later however she got the letter from Murad informing her who killed Silahtar and she even released Traitor No. 1 Sinan to spite her mum 😂.
I suppose princes at this point led the hardest existence because they were closed in kafes, unable to get decent education&experience or have families (maybe they were allowed to have sex with cariyes, but contraception had to be used or even abortion if the concubine of a sehzade has got pregnant) but at the same time they weren’t certain whether they wouldn’t be killed because the switch to anti-fratricide was pretty new&the times were turbulent. Osman clearly broke Imperial law by getting fetva from military judge to kill Mehmed, and Murad killed the biggest number of Ahmed’s sons obviously (yeah more than in the show because not all princes appeared in MYK, though we don’t know the exact number of Ahmed’s sons, Murad definitely also executed Suleiman, most likely his full brother). I laugh when people go about “rule-breaker” Murad. Wow by getting back to law that has already began to run its course, clap clap.
Murad was king of hypocrisy and it’s also a historical fact. As Halil İnalcık states in his book Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age: “ The tyrannical Murad IV was a habitual drinker and at the same time the most ruthless supporter of the prohibition againt alcohol”. Mu/rat tried to make use of religion in his attempts to drill absolute obedience, but he wasn’t a religious person himself & definitely tried to take from religion what it most suited him, while ignoring other things, e.g. he kept decreasing zakat, aka income tax that goes to charity. A small bit of trivia: apparently he was a big fan of Machiavelli’s The Prince, there were even some rumours that he translated the book himself (we can only imagine he also took from this book what he wanted 🤪 ).
Similarly Turhan manipulated the narrative, also in a hypocritical way – remember her going like: “how many padişahs you killed?” and she was the main force behind Ibo’s death… the moment Ibo told her that she “was a coward who hid behind his mother’s skirts”… it was clear he was doomed. There was explicit anger on Turhan’s side here. Not only because she felt insulted by him, but also because she felt a need to prove both to him and the world that she was capable to be on top without Kösem’s support.  Not to mention all her actions leading to Ibo’s situation, also her ordering Mehmed to sign his dad’s death order was so chilling “I don’t want dad to die”. Well, now let’s play morally pure, especially while murdering elderly (very elderly lbr :p) Haci in again a brutal way, including twisting his neck. It’s not even that she removed a padisah – she actively worked to make him crazier and for his rule to be total failure, it wasn’t even about her, Ibo or Kösem – whole nation suffered because she was impatient to take power into her hands./BTW pity we skipped the time period when they were both Valides and we know both tried to get rid of each other, without harming Mehmed/ And frankly even with Kösem it was a terrible & undeserved backstabbing because also Ibi criticised Turhan for this saying his mother always “loved and protected her, did so much for her” and I doubt Ibo was biased here considering that he was also on bad terms with his mum at that moment.
Later the situation truly calmed down & later princes could live much more peacefully because the practice of killing truly went out of style and also later there were less and less restrictions on princes and they could for example travel abroad with the reigning padişah. For example, Sultan Abdülaziz took princes for a European trip and they even had a chance to meet Queen Victoria.
And I laugh when people blame Kösem for “failing to protect the princes” instead of you know, blame the actual killer. Ahmed truly replenished dynasty, while Murad axed a number of his brothers, at the same time of course used his own propaganda. It is true that Murad executed the favourite of princes, Bayezid, during celebrations following the successful Revan campaign. Similarly, when Kasim was executed someone spread rumours about the prince impregnating a number of concubines & it was before the Baghdad campaign when even setting out on it Murad had to display his “splendour and glory”.
Show-wise I legit one read that Kösem killed Ahmed because she spared Bulbül following Safiye’s attempted coup lmao. It’s not like Ahmed wasn’t there when she made the decision & it’s not like it wasn’t Hümaşah who after all got Yasemin in, and I doubt anyone could oppose an Imperial princess anyway – she would have found another servant. And Bülbül later saved Kösem’s kids, so… scapegoating truly is in some people’s blood lmao.
I love how MYK played with the idea of historical representation & creation of narrative, how people “see” and how different factors might influence their perception & creation of narrative. And also how S2 put into different perspective some stuff from S1. I admit there were some things that back during first watch of MYKS1 made me go WTF? that I later understood when compared/contrasted with MYK S2. It’s clear that they truly planned a lot of the whole show back in S1.
It’s sometimes interesting how narratives may be created and repeated even without evidence supporting it - there is no historical evidence that Kösem took part in Osman’s dethronement, yet it is something that often pops up even in “historical articles” for example. People deduce since Kösem later became Valide quite soon because Mustafa’s (or rather Halime’s) reign didn’t last long, know Şehzade Mustafa’s (Suleiman’s son) story, and some rumours about what Ottoman women did to secure throne for their children, so they see getting rid of one’s stepson to claim throne for one’s child as logical and usual in Ottoman system,  even when there is no proper evidence backing it up. Because it seems natural and logical, so why not make it more spicy? We know next to nothing about Mahfiruz, but there is this “Betty vs Veronica” trope, so suddenly we learn that Mahfiruz was Kösem’s opposite, not politically involved or ambitious, but gentle & sweet, and even details like light hair pop up as opposed to Kösem’s dark hair (sometimes of course it is also extended to good vs. evil). Taken from where, other than fitting a known trope? Or when she’s presented as some sort of Mahidevran vol.2 as having as close relationship with Osman like Mahi did with Mustafa, perfect prince and jealous stepmother Kösem. I know some of the stuff is also derived from Western, orientalist plays, but those are obviously not sources and should not be treated as truth. And sometimes it it even repeated by historians. For example Uluçay, who  was very against Sultanate of Women & pretty much propagated a lot of rumours (and new approach to the period truly changed a lot of how academia writes about these women now). Let us look at this quote:
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Taken from: Necdet Sakaoğlu, Famous Ottoman Women.
It’s clear what narrative Uluçay chose for his research.
It’s common practice to sometimes fill in the blanks (and sometimes even change stuff) with known cliches, tropes, and narratives.
It is truly a topic for an extended discussion, so I will stop for now, but when it comes to Ottoman history I do recommend Daniel Piterberg’s Ottoman Tragedy. History and Historography at Play, which shows how the same event may be even differently presented in historical works depending on chosen narrative that is often rooted in current context.
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atopearth · 4 years
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Part 2 - Balthier, Ashe and Vayne + Overall Review
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I am surprised at the assassination of Emperor Gramis, and I’m not sure what to think of it. I wouldn’t discount Vayne from being capable of killing his father, since really, killing him presents more pros than cons, especially considering his old age and his alignment with peace (like Larsa) rather than war and military might (that Vayne grew up with and believes in). In addition, with the greedy Senate constantly trying to put Larsa as a puppet on the throne, Vayne needs to solidify his rule if he wants to protect Larsa and the Empire imo. Tbh, with how Vayne seems to be, I feel like he wants to do all the dirty work and then have Larsa get to live peacefully or something. On the other hand, Gabranth seems rather loyal to Gramis, since he was giving him updates on Vayne. He also seems to be aligned with Larsa, it was kinda hard to watch him have to kill the other lady Judge that was on his side to prove his fealty to Vayne though.
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Who would have thought that Balthier was once upon a time a judge for a brief time? And to think that his father is the Cid guy at Draklor lab obsessed with nethicite. I think it must have been pretty disheartening to see his father like that and even have to make the choice to run away instead of staying with him. I think I can kinda understand better why Balthier chose to continue to go on this journey with everyone. He’s been running away from everything all this time, he probably thinks that it’s about time he faced it all, especially when despite all his efforts to escape from his father etc, in the end he gets roped up with Ashe and them anyway. It was nice of Balthier to tell Ashe his story hoping that she wouldn’t follow in the footsteps of his father, and be obsessed with the powers of a stone to rule Dalmasca. Cid seems pretty interesting! Not only does he have Venat (one of the Occurians, a heretic though) beside him, but I thought his plan to lead the party to Giruvegan to get the nethicite/treaty sword was smart. Well, the party don’t really have a choice either way though even if it’s a trap, since they do need the power, and only Ashe could have been chosen by the Occurians to wield it (due to her having the Dynast-King’s blood). I have to say though, Giruvegan was an annoying place lmao, I honestly didn’t remember anything much about FFXII, but I definitely remember summoning Belias to get through, and I probably got lost the first time as well, because dang were those areas a hassle to get through lol. But seriously, you can tell with how the Occuria acted with Ashe that they see humans as beneath them, and they just want to use Ashe to destroy the Empire because they’re trying to forge a future without their “guidance”. Yay, I always love guests so it’s nice to have Reddas join the party to venture to the Sun-Cryst. It’s kinda interesting how big of a decision Ashe will have to make when she gets there though. Will she choose to destroy it and all the nethicite or will she choose to break a piece off of it to make nethicite strong enough to fight against the Dawn Shard etc? It’s kinda nice but also saddening that Balthier is leaving the Strahl (his airship) to Vaan if anything were to happen to him…
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I thought it was pretty cool to see how so many people around Ashe were trying to influence her decision, especially with the appearance of Gabranth revealing why Reddas decided to come here with them; it’s because he was also an ex-Judge, and he used the Midlight Shard once upon a time and destroyed Nabudis. It was because of that, he wanted Ashe to not repeat his mistake. Cid is certainly pretty out of his mind due to his research and will to experiment, it’s kinda saddening that Balthier and the others had to kill him in order to stop him. At the same time though, I feel like for Cid, he feels sane whilst insane? Haha. Is this the first time a Cid in the FF games has been evil though? How interesting~ Didn’t think the Sun-Cryst would go crazy like that though, it was disheartening to watch Reddas sacrifice his life to break it using the sword, never really realised that anyone could wield the sword to break it though, I thought it had to be Ashe lol. Either way, a difficult end, but something that one of them had to do. To think that the Sun-Cryst awakened Bahamut though! That is something to look forward to. Terrible that the impending war is now practically happening now though, and Dalmasca will be the battleground. Larsa’s heart is in the right place, but Vayne is right, if Larsa wants to show and prove that Vayne’s methods are wrong, he needs to muster the power to show him that his way is right then. Vayne is ruthless but that’s how he’s survived all this time and protected Larsa. It’s not easy when he has to put his guard up against most of the people around him. It was pretty brutal when Vayne shot that laser and destroyed a few of the Marquis’ ships, the Marquis honestly really doesn’t have much of a choice but to rely on Ashe and party to stop Vayne from inside the Bahamut tbh. I guess it’s good that Larsa is helping them out lol.
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Well that last bit leading to the ending wasn’t long at all! Legit just defeat Gabranth and then killed three forms of Vayne and you’re done! Anyway, I’m not sure how I feel about the ending because it felt kind of rushed. But I guess I didn’t mind it either. I really liked how loyal Gabranth was to Larsa, so it was kinda saddening to see him die, but I think it was great to see Basch fulfill his dying wish by succeeding him as a judge and thus supporting Larsa’s rule. I think it’s really interesting how they truly are twins in the sense that even though they were on different sides, their loyalty to their liege was very similar throughout the game. Honestly though, it’s hard to think of Vayne as an “evil” person, like yes, he’s done terrible things that has caused people to die, I don’t doubt that, but I think you can really understand his motivations? He’s always been protective of Larsa, so a lot of my impressions of what Vayne did kinda felt like he set up everything that came to be through his regime of violence was so that he could give the best setting for Larsa’s idea of peaceful negotiations between countries to come to be. With the state of the Empire as it was when Gramis was alive or even when he died etc, it was obvious that Larsa didn’t have the power and influence to achieve what he wanted, but through Vayne’s actions, people were able to see the contrast between them. Also, Vayne needed to ensure that the Occuria who still think they have the right to interfere and rule over humans had no more power in doing that, in order to ensure that Larsa in the future wouldn’t have to encounter such problems. Destroying the Sun-Cryst fulfilled that and I’m happy they were able to free humanity even if their methods were questionable. I think Vayne underestimated Larsa’s strength and conviction though, but I think he’d be happy if he was wrong about that imo. 
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Anyway! Seeing Balthier the leading man protect Dalmasca by directing the falling Bahamut elsewhere with Fran was awesome! I knew he wouldn’t die, but I found it hilarious how later on, he just randomly took his Strahl back from Vaan and Penelo who were maintaining it hahaha. I also found Penelo’s new look really cute! Much better than her old look haha. It would be nice to see it as a costume in DFFOO! I find Ashe’s ending rather lonesome and saddening? She did everything to reclaim her throne and her people, and yet in the end, she loses the people she journeyed with to become Queen. I guess it’s normal though, and I guess like Penelo, I do hope that Basch can one day go back to be beside her. It’s nice to see that Vaan and Penelo get to be like Balthier and Fran, and travel together as sky pirates haha. I wish we actually got to see Balthier and Fran again though. Oh well.
Overall, honestly FFXII kinda renders the same feelings I did when I first played it, maybe it’s a bit more positive this time though! Like, really, I did enjoy the story but I definitely found the characters and their development lacking, mainly everyone aside from Balthier, Vayne and maybe Ashe, but then Ashe only really drives the story and doesn’t really thrive as a character so hmm. I feel like they could have added more scenes to really develop the others because I felt that I was just following along for the story, but didn’t really care for the characters. I still really liked Balthier’s personality and his background though and I find that the highlight of FFXII, especially when he interacted with Ashe and kinda told her about his past. But yeah, there were a lot of scenes I liked and I did enjoy it overall, but I’m not a fan of the gameplay either, so I kinda gave up on the side missions hahaha. I honestly took so long to finish the game because I just couldn’t get into it lol. BUT, I love how customisable the gambits are omg! It’s so crazy how much time I put into experimenting with them haha, but despite that, I found the gameplay rather tedious so I just went through the story. And yes, the story is really short imo, it felt like it would have been a great movie instead haha. Also yes, if FFVII Remake had even a tiny bit of these gambits, I think I would have cried in frustration less lmao. Anywho! Nice story, execution kinda choppy and short but still good, gameplay average, and characters just a means to an end. 7/10 imo haha.
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Okay it's a lot but: 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, and 19 for Lethaa and Naras? (Feel free to substitute/add any questions you'd like to answer!) 🌺💕
Yesssssss I was so excited to get this! Thanks, Mercedes! 💛
So, this got reeaaaally long and rambly. My bad. I just have a lot of thoughts about these two, and I’m excited to share. Click “keep reading” to see my response! 
(also, sorry if it formats weirdly - I copy-pasted from a word doc, and tumblr mobile doesn’t like that for some reason)
Ask me questions about creating my OCs!
 1.      What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
For Lethaa, it was her name and position. For Naras, it was the descriptor “the Togruta senator’s wife” 
They popped into my head at about the same time. I created them to be throwaway characters in a short story I wrote called “Shall We Dance” (I may someday go back to it and add a few chapters. No promises). There was some dialogue between Anakin and Obi-Wan about different controversial viewpoints in the Senate, and I just needed a senator or two to mention in passing. – 
“But these are some of the most outspoken public figures in the Republic. Take Senator Lethaa Daal.” [Obi-Wan] flashed a smile in the direction of the Togruta senator and her wife as they passed. The women returned the smile and made their way arm-in-arm into the grand hall. “She has been very scornful regarding the Senate’s tendency to dedicate resources to systems that are strategic to military movements, as opposed to who needs it most.” 
It might have ended there, but I received feedback from a few different readers saying how they appreciated the mention of Senator Daal’s wife. There seemed to be an interest, so I sat on the idea of them for a while. 
 2.      Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
Since Lethaa was fully fleshed out first, I made Naras with Lethaa in mind. I knew I wanted her to have her own objectives and life – she couldn’t continue to just be “Lethaa’s wife”. So I tried to give her a profession that was critical in its own way, which is why I went with healing, so that their “importance” (for lack of a better word) was equal to each other.
I guess Lethaa was partially created in response the frustrating politics of the galactic senators. They all make their alliances, play the game to get the upper hand, all while gaining very little ground. I wanted to make a character that found the subtly of politics maddening, and wasn’t afraid to get in someone’s face and tell them exactly why their policies or views were dumb or harmful. I wanted to make someone who could be aggressive without calling into question their moral alignment. 
And while it’s not a character, I really really wanted to design or add to a culture that doesn’t get explored much in the Star Wars universe. I took what elements I could find about Togruta culture from Wookipedia, but it was rather lacking, so I made up the rest. I already loved Togruta designs, and wanted characters that could interact within their own culture.
 3.      How did you choose their name?  (Added this because it was Relevant)
If my memory is right, Lethaa Daal’s name came from combining a few names I found on the Togruta name generator (which I HIGHLY recommend btw). I decided to keep it after I finished her design because the first name reminded me of “lethal”, and by that point I knew that was a good descriptor of her. ‘Daal’ came about because I tend to put way too many A’s in my togruta names, and I was for some reason thinking about Roald Dahl at that time, but I also found that I liked how it could be mispronounced as “doll”. I was highly amused by the idea of a “lethal doll” – woe unto anyone who looked at Lethaa and only acknowledged her for her beauty.
Naras Tyn came about because lots of my female ocs tend to have names that end in A or E (IE/I/Y, etc), and I didn’t want to do it again. I wanted a short last name, and I just liked how “Tyn” sounded – it was concise and melodic. ‘Naras’ I think also came from the name generator. I remember being bummed when I realized it sounded so similar to Barriss and Maris (already existing characters), but by that time I was attached. Her first name just sounds calming, and it just sounded right imagining Lethaa calling for her.
 11.  Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
       Heck yes I did. There really wasn’t any hesitation. The thought process went: Senator –> Togruta Senator –> female Togruta Senator –> has a spouse –> a wife, cuz why not. And that was that.
 12.   What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Lol, jk. I mean, as much fun as I have with all the colors and markings of the two, my own drawing ability is kinda limited in terms of body positions. So some things I’d love to draw (Lethaa vs. the rancor, Naras on a medical mercy mission during the Clone Wars, etc.) are taking a long time for me to sketch out. It can be frustrating, but it’s a work in progress.
       And writing is hard too. The story ideas in my head play out as nice little movies. Getting it all down on paper while conveying emotion without overloading, describing setting, and making it engaging – that’s all trickier. 
But overall, the most difficult thing is trying to figure out what exactly I’m going to do! I have other OCs I want content for, and canon characters I want to explore – and then I have to decide between drawing and writing. There’s not enough hours in the day for me to draw and write everything I want, so I have to pick and choose.
 13.   How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
       Still a work in progress. I jump from one event to the next without writing it in chronological order. I’ve started their story before the start of the Clone Wars, sometime between episodes I and II. Might write some earlier snippets about their childhoods (though they didn’t meet until they were adults).
I’ve got some ideas for what they do during the Empire era (some of which was influenced by one of the Star Wars D&D games I play), but I haven’t written any of that out yet. I do know they live to see the fall of the Empire, and the emergence of the New Republic. They pass away peacefully of old age on Shili.
 19. What is your favorite fact a fun fact about your OC?
I had to change this from “favorite” to “fun” because I like everything about them and I’m still developing them. So I thought I might drop a little trivia that I haven’t managed to work into any stories or art yet.
Lethaa was on a hunting trip with her father – Barin – and a few others in her twenties. After her cousin killed their prey, Barin asked her to prepare the meat for dinner. She did her best with it but waaaaaaay overcooked it, and when Barin asked about it, she said, “I… never actually learned how to cook meat.”
Bewildered, Barin said, “But we’ve been on dozens of hunting trips! How could I have never taught you??”
And Lethaa’s just like, “I was the one to kill the prey on most of those trips.”
And Barin and the others can’t help but laugh, because according to tradition, the one who kills the prey while hunting in a group is served the first piece, but never is the one to prepare it. So it makes complete sense that she never had to cook it, because she was always served the first dish. Her cousin actually liked his meat overdone, though, so he was perfectly fine with his meal.
Also, I just came up with this so I have no idea of the context, but there is a 100% chance that there was an instance or two where Lethaa – tall Amazonian though she is – couldn’t reach something. Unable to climb to retrieve it and without a stepstool, muttering darkly, she would disconnected her prosthetic arm and used it as an extender to pull it towards her.
Naras can fall asleep anywhere. Even before she became a physician/healer, she had the uncanny ability to close her eyes and be asleep within minutes. Lying down, standing while braced against something, sitting, lounging between skyfaring silks (she’d gotten bored waiting for her Gatalentian friend to come back from the holocall he’d had to take). No nap is too short – she wakes feeling rested even if it’s only been five minutes. She wakes easily, fully alert.
 Naras sings and hums to her plants and patients. It’s not uncommon to walk into her clinic and hear her singing a folk song or a current hit. She definitely encourages sing-alongs anytime nervous children are brought in, and at night broadcasts spiritual songs important to Togruta culture over the PA system – at a very quiet volume, of course. Naras has a garden at home – a singfruit tree surrounded by flowers and bushes, some of which are not native to Shili – and the plants routinely get hummed and sung at as she tends to them. Lethaa loves waking up in the morning to hear her wife’s singing voice drifting in from an open window. 
Thank you again so much for the ask!! This was a lot of fun!Also, I really do appreciate your interest in my OCs (especially these two). It means a lot to me 🌺🌷
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polandspringz · 2 years
Sooo... About your OCs? 👀
Anon I love you so much thank you for enabling me-
I'll take about Zeric and Megalf since I have brainrot about them right now and it's the simplest to explain outside of the chaos that is explaining my entire story's plot.
Megalf and Zeric are both victims of human trafficking who were sold to royal families and became trained bodyguards/knights to their respective prince and princess. Megalf's situation is very bad- I don’t want my next statement to misconstrue that-, but compared to Zeric, she lives in a higher status while Zeric has been completely brainwashed to not think for himself and only listen to orders by his prince. They meet because the kingdom that Megalf lives in (Meltiux) is offering aid to a group of revolutionaries in a colony owned by the Kerian Empire. Megalf helps lead the the group to Ker's capital city and organize discussions on freeing the people and the colony from Ker. This is when she meets Zeric.
Megalf's princess, Moasda, is married to Ker's first prince, Ale. However, in doing so, he abdicated his position to the second brother, Yule, who is the prince that Zeric works for. While Yule's father, the acting Emperor of Ker, is open to the talks with the revolutionaries and miraculously everything is going peacefully, Yule has a TON of internalized issues and is experiencing a Claude Frollo moment where he can't stand Megalf because he's attracted to her but he's a misogynist and she reminds him of his brother moving away to be second to a matriarch. He becomes jealous of Zeric's relationship with Megalf, as she begins to try and connect with the other knight based on their similar circumstances, and ignoring how this would completely screw up the relationships between them and Meltiux, Yule gives order a Zeric to kill her.
However, Megalf knows that Zeric is just acting under orders that are broken into him, and when he starts having a panic attack when he realized he stabbed her, she comforts him and talks him through it. He brings her to Ruy, the leader of the revolutionaries, who help heal her, and from there they confront Yule and eventually free Zeric, although Megalf is still bound to go back to Meltiux. Zeric and her end up getting married and live in Meltiux together but with more freedom than before. However, Yule still can't let go how humiliated he was by losing not only his knight but Megalf, and years later he sends an assassin to kill them.
I wanted to talk about them because even though their story is only told in flashbacks/journals found throughout the story, I made them in a picrew today and I was thinking about their sad love story.
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And here’s some other images of Megalf from these picrews (1, 2)
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And here’s Zeric (unfortunately the only picrew I could use for him makes him very baby-faced lol AND I KNOW HE LOOKS LIKE LINK BUT HE’S NOT BASED ON HIM)
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kittensartswriting · 6 years
World Building: Dir’ahin
Dir’ahin: Introduction | Politics | Clothes
I want to talk about my favorite topic: Dir’ahin! Dir’ahin is my love child. I think the first inspiration for it was Valyria from Song of Ice and Fire. It really annoyed me that the perhaps most southern (like in our world it would be Sahara or something) country in the world was occupied by the most light skinned people of the world! Like how didn’t they all die of skin cancer?! So I made a very light skinned people who lived basically in the most northern country.
Most of them have blond hair but some have brown or red hair, black hair is practically nonexistent. They are pretty long, and they have askew eyes. Some of them have epicanthic fold, some of them don’t. Albinism is far more usual among Ahinians than any other people, about 10 percent of the population has it. It is probably result of belief that albinos have greater change on the Gift, which has made albinism preferable. It has actually started a standard of beauty where eyebrows are white or shaved all together.
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(Here is a bigger map. EDIT: I managed to lose the link first :D)
Dir’ahin is historically pretty isolated due to the mountains in the East, sea in the West and thick woods in the South. First they were small lonely tribes, who were hunters, fishers and gatherers. They lived very simple life, trying to survive yet another winter. They worshiped nature and it’s elements. A sudden change came when some tribes settled on the shores of the Starry Stream, the longest river of Mesia (the one that comes down the mountains from East to West, nowadays the border resides there). They discovered sapphire that was found in the river. As it happened sapphire had great enchanting magical powers. Quickly they learned to use magic in new ways and work the gemstone to make them still more powerful. One tribe settled at the mountains on the shores of the stream’s fountainhead. There they found more jewels, even more powerful than sapphire. They become the Children of the Mountain and they were for a long time the most powerful tribe of all. During that period they made one of the Five Artifacts of Gods, the Hearth of the Mountain.
The reign of the Children of Mountain didn’t last long for powerful magic spread quickly. In the Second Age (about 2000 years ago) a new power rose in the Southeast. In the shores of North Sea, the most fertile lands in whole Dir’ahin, lived two rivaling tribes; Children of Sky and Children of Earth. They had learned to cultivate the land and they build great cities made of wood. They begun as one tribe but at some point they diverged into two. For four hundred years they prospered until their bitter rivalry turned into war. It is know as the War of Hundred Years. Their power was ruined and they almost destroyed each other leaving the lands in ruin.
During that time the tribes along the Starry Stream gained more power as the Sky and Earth lost theirs. There were three tribes; Children of the River, Children of Sun and Children of Moon. The greatest were the Children of Sun. They lived on the southern banks. They made alliance with Children Of Moon, who lived very near them, on the other side of the river. Together they became the two most powerful tribes and slowly during 200 years they succumbed all other tribes under their reign. The capital of the newfound kingdom was the City of Sun. It was the political center, but to keep the balance between Sun and Moon, the City of Moon, on the northern banks, became the religious center. They build the great Temple of Moon there.
For a thousand years Ahinians lived (relatively) peacefully under the Priest of Sun and Priestess of Moon. Their magic advanced greatly and they were considered the most powerful magicians in whole Mesia. They build cities, made art and found universities. But then Avitus the first was born to the small kingdom of Angusia, he single-handedly (literally, as he had only one hand lol) build the Empire of Angusia conquering one forth of the whole continent. He tried to conquer Dir’ahin two times without success, for their magical power was far superior to Angusian war technology (at that point magic was already banned in most of Mesia). It started the long lasting hate between the Empire and Dir’ahin.
300 years later the Empire had greatly advanced in technology and again tried to conquer Dir’ahin. This time they managed to advance all the way to the City of Sun but could never cross the Starry Stream. Dir’ahin lost their most southern parts. Fearing for the Empires next attack they started the policy of isolation. It was natural to them as they had lived isolated for centuries and they feared others and thought they were lesser people, savages. During the next one hundred years Ahinian culture becomes stagnated as they feared everything new and relied more and more on magic and gods. The Priestess of Moon become the absolute power and Goddess of Moon the only deity worth worshiping.
This neither lasted forever, as hate for Ahinians and witches raised it’s ugly head again in the Empire. Emperor Maximus started witch-hunt again burning Ahinian women in occupied South-Dirahin. This angered greatly Ahinians in the Empire and Dir’ahin both. Soon the situation escalates and the Fourth Ahinian War started when Dir’ahin attacked the Empire. This ended badly for Dir’ahin as during the Hundred Years of Isolation the Empire had gone through industrialism and their technology was now beyond superior compered to Dir’ahin. Their magic was nowhere near on substituting their lack of technology. This came as a shock for the people who were so sure of their superiority. This started a dichotomy in Dir’ahin as the old rule, the Priestess and her Oracles, didn’t want to face the real state of their country and struggled to preserve the old ways and power of gods, and the new rule, the Council that consist of the matriarchs of greatest families, wanted to revolutionize the nation and catch others in technological advancement.
I so wanted to talk about other things also, like more of the politics, the religion and their culture, but this was already so long :D Tagging @madmooninc! If others want to be tagged to my posts of my WIP Fall and Rise of cor Mantgamia, I’d be happy to! :)
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novantinuum · 7 years
My angst ridden heart just needs to know how N'ytala and Ford would deal with the fact that they're somewhat responsible for the destruction of her dimension
oKAY so I was going to draw some doodles for this but got insanely distracted and by now I know that if I don’t answer this now I’ll probably forget forever? (Sorry lol I’m a mess) But anyways aaAAA thank you thank you for asking about my OC I’m beaming so hard right now you don’t even know :DD
(my OC, for those who want context)
First, lemme set the scene a little bit with some alien history...
So. N’ytala’s people used to have some of the most advanced dimension hoping technology in the multiverse. They and a few other species coexisted (somewhat) peacefully in an empire that spanned multiple dimensions. Aaaand then rose Bill Cipher, his influence leaking into one reality after another... collapsing entire dimensions with his chaos, adding more and more of the multiverse to his hellish nightmare realm. So years and years back, a small number of N’ytala’s people hid from Bill Cipher in a pocket dimension they’ve shielded from his reach.
They outlawed dimensional travel out of fear of their shield breaking down under the stress, and anyone caught using such technology was to be killed. Over years and years, this dimensional technology ban sort of unofficially expanded in the minds of some people to include the advancement of many technologies altogether. This society largely became stagnant.
Ford entered this dimension by complete and utter incident. I HC that he did have rudimentary dimension jumping tech, but only used it for emergencies because the material used to power it was rare. Normally he’d just use natural rifts to travel, but in this instance he had to initiate a jump to get out of a near-death situation and... landed in N’ytala’s dimension, on the outskirts of her community.
When N’ytala stumbled upon Ford she was just cooling down from an argument she’d had with one of her supervisors (essentially she’s of the mind that their rusty medical system needs to advance and evolve to meet the changing needs of their society if it’s actually going to help people and this supervisor was all like “no no but this is how it’s always been”) and... initially her willingness to assist this complete stranger is more like a huge “fuck you” to the system than anything else. It’s a rash, split second decision. One that she doesn’t quite stop to consider the implications of until much later. (While I do envision N’ytala as a kind soul overall, she definitely does have a tendency to act rashly due to anger sometimes.) After the initial decision to help tend to the wounds of this creature she found shivering and on death’s door in the cold, I do think she’s inclined to continue helping him simply because she truly believes it’s the right thing to do, but that first impulse is out of resentment. 
This Ford is pre Jheselbraum and metal plate, so his mind is still open to Bill Cipher. That connection hasn’t been severed yet. Because of this, his very existence is like a beacon to him. So when Ford stepped foot into this otherwise hidden dimension, it was as if he were a light illuminating a darkened room for Bill. Just a few days after he first arrives, his goons arrive to wreck havoc and search for him. Within the better part of this civilization’s version of a day, the entire dimension sits right on the nightmare realm’s door. Everything is burning. All sense and reason and structure to this world is drifting into atoms. 
Eventually Ford ends up using the last of the fuel for his dimension jumping device to save himself and N’ytala, just as some of Bill’s henchmaniacs are about to strike at them. 
N’ytala’s first reaction is disbelief. She’d just lived through the most nightmarish period of her life. One mustn’t blame her for wondering if it was all merely a fever dream. Then anger, at Ford. Anger that he stranded her from living her last moments with her dying people, essentially made her the last of her kind. Anger that he ever appeared in her dimension in the first place.
But this soon morphs into a deep guilt for her decision to help save him in the first place. All that time she’d disagreed with the strict laws of her people... disagreed with the decisions they’d made out of fear... when technically, they were right. Outsiders were dangerous. Would time have gone differently, N’ytala sometimes wonders, if she had left him bleeding in the cold to die? Would she still have a dimension to call home? 
Was the death of the remnants of her entire species her fault?
And then oh boy of course Ford blames himself for this as well. To him, the collapse of her dimension is just another mark on his battered soul. Yet another horrendous consequence of his foolish decision of summoning Cipher all those years ago. These poor peeps need to talk out their emotional strife together, geeze, because ultimately it’s neither of their faults- it’s Bill’s fault. Easier said then seen, however.
Despite rocky beginnings, the two of them do eventually come to be close friends and trusted associates though :DD
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theworldhopper · 7 years
The Fall
AN: A NozoEli Star Wars AU that I wrote months back. Caution: You will be hurt...emotionally...but probably in the same magnitude Anakin felt when Obi-wan cut his arm and legs off...-.-
P.S. @sea-birdie, I think you’d like this...lol...:P
That was all Nozomi could hear as she meditated on her ship. She slowly opened her eyes and before standing up and walked towards the window, allowing her to get a good view of the endless expanse of the galaxy as well as a part of the planet of Naboo. When she was meditating, Nozomi could hear those endless cries of grief, suffering and despair. The only problem was she couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from; the people suffering from the iron grip of the Empire or herself. The young sith could think of a lot of reasons why it would come from the people around the galaxy. But…she could also think of so many reasons why it could come from herself. And all of them were related to her past as a Jedi and her former best friend, Ayase Eli…
See, Nozomi was taken from her parents when she was too young to even remember them to be trained by the Jedi Order the moment they realized she was Force-sensitive. It really did not help that they lived in Coruscant, the seat of the Republic Senate and the Jedi Order. So, she grew up with the order as her only family. A few months later, she met a blonde girl with blue eyes, named Eli. And the two quickly became fast friends since they were, after all, in a place filled with strange people teaching them strange things. But it wouldn’t be just the two of them for long. Then, they met Nico and she quickly became a friend of theirs to. A year later they were joined by three more; Honoka, Umi and Kotori, three childhood friends who were taken by the order at the same time. The next year after that; Rin, Hanayo and Maki joined them. After that, Honoka and Eli’s younger sisters joined them. And they all trained together as friends, albeit with some form of distance due to their individual trainings…as well as their masters’ orders. But Eli and Nozomi always did manage to find away to keep close to one another…
Years passed and they grew up. Their skills improved and soon enough, they became Padawans and eventually, Jedi Knights. Out of all of them, Nozomi was the first to become a Jedi Knight, followed shortly by Eli. It was no surprise that Nozomi would be first; her gifts in the Force as well as her midichlorian count could only be rivaled by Master Yoda and, of course, Anakin Skywalker himself. Then, the Clone Wars broke out and thankfully, they saw each other in the field as well, even though they were on their own missions with their own masters. And at some point, she realized that she was in love with the blonde girl. But all the deaths and suffering that they saw made Nozomi question everything; why were the Jedi participating in this war? The war should’ve been the Senate’s problem; not the Jedi’s. They should’ve remained neutral in everything. She saw Jedi masters injured in the war and Padawans dead, either at the hands of the droids or something else entirely. In the brief, fleeting moments they were granted time to themselves in Coruscant, Nozomi confessed her love to Eli and begged her to run away with her; abandon the Order and just leave to live peacefully somewhere. To her relief, Eli reciprocated her feelings and agreed to run away with her after they consummated their love.
But when Nozomi woke up the next morning, Eli wasn’t by her side. She was left with on a cold bed and a simple note of an apology from her. And in that moment, Nozomi felt all the sorrow, all the sadness, all the loneliness, all the pent up anger she’s kept inside for all the years the Order trained her, come rushing into her. She gave most of her life to something that would never give anything back to her. Nozomi hid her feelings so as to not go into conflict with the Order’s teachings. She felt cheated; deprived of life’s simplest pleasures such as love and a family. Just as she was preparing herself, her master arrived at her room and she struck him down before he could even put up a guard. Nozomi kept him alive long enough to tell him everything she felt. Once she was done, she drove her saber to his chest and she watched the light in his eyes go out. And at that moment, she knew…before she even looked at herself in the mirror and saw those sickly yellow eyes of hers…she knew that she had given in…
Toujou Nozomi had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force.
As soon as she could, she fled. It would only be later that she would learn of Order 66. She felt indifferent towards the lives of the Jedi that was lost, yet a tiny bit of her hoped that her friends were able to flee. Her biggest hope was Eli’s escape but not because she felt something for her. No, her reasons were different. Nozomi wanted Eli to flee because she wanted to be the one to strike her down. She wanted Eli to die, knowing and seeing what she had turned Nozomi into. At some point, while she was searching for Eli, she ran into Darth Vader and he offered to turn her into his apprentice; hone her skills in the dark side. Nozomi genuinely contemplated his offer but instead, she informed him that she would seek him out once she’s severed her only connection to the light side; Ayase Eli. As a sign of the Emperor’s goodwill, Vader left her with her own Star Destroyer and a large garrison of clones.
Now, it’s been three years since Order 66 and she could feel that her confrontation with Eli is closer than she expects. Who would leave alive, however, is something for fate to decide.
“Lady Toujou. We’ve found her.” One of her officers informed her. She turned around and gave her an indifferent look.
“Where?” She asked as she summoned her saber towards her, running her gloved fingers through the small reverse crescent moon mark she left there when she made it as a mere youngling, on the cusp of becoming a Padawan learner.
“Naboo, my lady. In the swamps near Lake Paonga.” The officer reported. She merely turned back to the window and continued looking on.
“Thank you. Ready my ship. Should you not hear from me in a week’s time, return to Lord Vader.” Nozomi coldly ordered him.
“Yes, my lady.” He replied before turning around and walking away.
“Can you feel me, Elichi? I’m just nearby.” She whisperedbefore grabbing her robe and walking out of her room, steeling herself for this final confrontation that would decide her fate.
Eli was sitting around the fire near her makeshift home in the swamps of Naboo, trying to formulate how she was going to avoid the Empire in case they ran into her again. This was taking such a toll on her as well as the other Jedi, who were on the run. When Order 66 started, she met up with the others and they decided that splitting up was the best way to ensure the survival of the Jedi. Her own master died saving her from the initial assault. Honoka went with her friend and fellow Jedi, Kira Tsubasa; last she heard, they were in Alderaan. Umi and Kotori had their sights set on Dantooine. Maki and Nico; she had no idea where they were. Rin and Hanayo were in Kashyyyk. Yukiho and Arisa were well on their way to Tatooine. And Nozomi…
She had no idea where Nozomi was at the moment and that caused her a great deal of worry. Eli had no idea what happened to her after she left her alone and snuck out, like a thief in the dead of night. She couldn’t run away with Nozomi like she promised, so like a coward, she wrote a note, gave her one last kiss and left. And every day, Eli regretted her decision. Because once the Order fell because of Order 66, it made Eli realize she had absolutely nothing left. She had left Nozomi for nothing. While she was thinking, she saw an Imperial TIE Fighter fly overhead and even though she should be fleeing, Eli couldn’t find it in herself to run. The TIE fighter landed a few feet away and when it opened, Eli suddenly founder herself pinned to a tree behind her, her airways being blocked off. She closed her eyes as she struggled to fight for breath.
“Hello, Elichi.” A familiar voice greeted her. Eli opened her eyes in shock once she heard the familiar nickname. Eli saw her friend, Nozomi, holding her in a Force choke. Tears sprung from her eyes once she saw Nozomi; instead of their vibrant and playful Emerald green eyes, they were now a sickly yellow with slits. A tell tale sign that she had fallen to the Dark Side.
“Elichi, see me now? This is what you turned me into.” Nozomi said with a bitter smile. Eli activated her lightsaber and threw it at her; not to kill her but to distract her. It worked as Nozomi dodged and she lost her grip on Eli’s throat. Eli used her telekinesis to push her away, just in time for her blue lightsaber to return to her. When Nozomi recovered, she opened her own saber; once green in color, it was now a dark red. Another sign of the Dark Side. Nozomi rushed forward to attack her but she managed to block it just in time.
“What happened to you, Nozomi?” Eli asked as she desperately tried to keep the tears at bay. Nozomi separated and moved to attack again but she dodged before continuing their battle.
“Don’t play dumb, Elichi! You turned me into this! You toyed with me! Used me! Then you left me the next morning after making me believe that we were going to be happy together!” Nozomi angrily yelled as she swiped at Eli, managing to graze her arm. The blonde Jedi retaliated and managed to cut her leg.
“I couldn’t just leave, Nozomi1 I couldn’t abandon the Order and the galaxy!” Eli yelled in her defense as she blocked Nozomi’s blow.
“How admirable of you, Elichi! To give everything to something that would give nothing back in return! You know what I did when you left me? I killed my master the next time I saw him! I drove my saber into his chest as I listed down the things the Jedi took from me! I watched the light leave his eyes! And now I’m going to do the same to you!”
Eli was completely caught off guard by everything Nozomi said. Was she really that consumed by anger? What had she turned the woman she loved the most into? Eli was so caught up in her shock that she reacted a bit too late to Nozomi’s attack that all she could do was throw her hand out to push her opponent back with Telekinesis, something that Nozomi seem to have seen coming as she did the same to her. They both hit trees in the opposite direction and they both struggled to stand but Nozomi got to her feet first and once she saw Eli on the ground, she brought her saber towards her and delivered a barrage of Force lightning towards her. The blonde howled in pain as the electricity coursed towards her entire body. She was only granted a few brief respites before Nozomi resumed her torture. Eventually, the purple haired Sith stood before her, pointing her dark red saber towards her torso.
“Don’t worry, Elichi. I’m going to end you and that will be it. I won’t go after the others. Especially little Arisa.” She said in a false attempt to comfort Eli. At this moment, she was content to accept death if it would free Nozomi of her pain.
“Do it.” She whispered. Nozomi tilted her head in confusion as Eli looked up at her, the tears she’s been holding back finally escaping.
“Do it, Nozomi. If it’ll free you of your pain, then do it. I want to at least do something right for you. I’m sorry I left you but I never once lied when I said I love you.”
Eli shut her eyes and waited for the finishing blow but, instead, all she heard were sniffles from the woman standing over her. She saw that Nozomi was crying as her saber was raised above her head, poised for the killing blow but for some reason, she can’t do it.
“I-I can’t…I can’t do it. Why can’t I do it? I thought I no longer loved you.” Nozomi said, anguish apparent in her voice.
“You don’t have to, Nozomi. There’s still good in you; I can sense it. Please. Please return to the light. Please, Nontan.” Eli begged her. She knew that Nozomi still had some good in her. The fact that she still called her by her childhood nickname and that she won’t go after their old friends proved that much.
“Elichi…I want to but…this will never end unless one of us dies!”
Eli was horrified when she realized what Nozomi meant by her words and before she could rush forward to stop her, the purple haired woman stabbed herself at her side. The blonde Jedi rushed forward to catch her in her arms.
“No. No. Nozomi, stay with me.” She begged as she cradled her in her arms. Eli had no idea why she was begging; she knew how fatal a stab wound from a lightsaber could be. There was no saving Nozomi from her fate.
“E-Elichi…” Nozomi weakly whispered as she put a hand to Eli’s chest, seeing the familiar item there.
“You…you kept it…all…these years…” She said upon seeing the blue Kyber crystal necklace that hanging around the blonde’s neck. It was identical to the green Kyber crystal necklace around Nozomi.
“Of course…it was the first thing you ever gave me.” Eli said as tears fell from her eyes. Before they moved to being Padawan learners, they underwent a ritual called The Gathering to find a Kyber crystal for their lightsabers. Nozomi not only got hers but managed to get two more for Eli and the blonde fashioned them into necklaces for each other with Eli keeping the blue crystal and Nozomi, the green.
“Elichi…can you…do something for…me?” She weakly asked and Eli nodded as she held her hand.
“What is it?”
“T-tell me…you love me…even if it’s a lie. For one last time, I…just want to know what being loved feels like.”
Eli held her close as she cried. She was not ready to let her go just yet; she just found Nozomi and now, she was going to lose her again. It would’ve been better if the Jedi never found them. They could’ve met under different circumstances and lived a peaceful life, even with the threat of the Empire looming above them.
“I love you, Nozomi. I’m not lying. I never lied.” She said before kissing her. When they separated, Eli gasped upon seeing that Nozomi’s eyes had returned to their vibrant green color but simply smiled and continued to hold her.
“Hey, Nozomi…what do you think our lives would’ve been like if I did run away with you? We’d probably be living peacefully here. Maybe in Lake Country. We’d be in hiding but we’d be together. Wouldn’t you like that, Nozomi?” She asked as tears fell from her eyes. A life like that with Nozomi was everything she could ever wish for. It was everything she wanted for them and especially for Nozomi.
“That…would be nice.” The purple haired woman weakly said as she cupped the blonde’s cheek. “Hey, Elichi…”
“I…I love you. Never forget that.”
And her entire form went limp in Eli’s arms. Eli’s eyes widened in shock and horror as she watched Nozomi become one with The Force; her body disappeared, leaving only her robes, her saber and her Kyber crystal necklace. The blonde Jedi cried at her loss until she no longer had the strength to do so. Eli gathered enough strength to stand and burned Nozomi’s robes but keeping her saber and her necklace for herself, wearing the accessory around her neck. The blonde’s eyes landed on Nozomi’s TIE Fighter and immediately, she knew what she had to do. Without any hesitation, she walked towards it and in turn, her destiny.
“Hello, my friends and fellow Jedi. It’s been a while. I don’t know if you felt it through The Force but…Nozomi is dead. I should know because I saw her kill herself. She…turned to the Dark Side and she tried to kill me. But she couldn’t…so she killed herself instead. I will be following her soon. It was my fault why she turned; I told her I loved her and then left her. Which brings me to the last advice I can give all of you; forget what the Jedi taught us. Forget what our masters said about attachment and love and how those things are dangerous. If you fall in love, take the risk but remember to not let it lure you to the Dark Side. It’s a possible thing to do. I know that none of you will fail in ensuring the survival of the Jedi; especially you, Arisa. Goodbye, my friends. May The Force be with all of you…always.
“Admiral! Lady Toujou’s TIE Fighter is returning.” One of the ship’s crew informed the Admiral.
“Excellent. No doubt she’s taken care of the Jedi scum.” He said as he left the bridge to greet Nozomi. The TIE Fighter landed on the landing bay as stormtroopers and officers went about their usual rounds. Just as the hatch to the TIE Fighter opened, something jumped out and started butchering the people on the landing bay. A blonde Jedi with blue and red lightsabers. She relentlessly attacked each and every one of them and just as she thought she could let her guard down for a moment, she felt something hit her from behind. She looked down and saw a burned hole through her chest; she had been shot. She turned and saw a young officer with a blaster pistol pointed at her. He was young, not even out of his twenties and very nervous at the sight of her. She poised herself to attack but before she could even move, he shot her twice. She fell to the floor. As she lay dying on the floor of the Star Destroyer, all she could see was the vibrant night life of Coruscant and a beautiful purple haired Jedi Knight with green eyes.
And with those words, Jedi Knight Ayase Eli finally became one with The Force.
The young officer who shot Eli stood over her body and watched as her physical form faded away and he was surprised by the sudden hand on his shoulder.
“Well done, young man.” The ship’s Admiral praised him. “I will see that you receive a promotion for this.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“So, who is our mysterious attacker?” The Admiral asked.
“A Jedi Knight, sir. She said something before fading. I heard her say ‘Nozomi’.” The young officer answered. The Admiral sighed and shook his head.
“Then, it was the Jedi that Lady Toujou was hunting. And if she’s here, it could only mean that Lady Toujou is dead.” He said with a tone of disapproval. “I always did warn her that her obsession would lead to her end.”
A beat of silence occurred between them before the Admiral spoke up again.
“Very well. Pick up the sabers. We must deliver them to Lord Vader and inform him that his potential apprentice is dead.” He ordered before he walked away. The officer nodded and moved to collect the fallen Jedi’s belongings. Just as he was about to stand up again with the sabers in his hands, two more objects caught his eye and he moved to pick them up as well…
They were two crystals on thick leather strings; one was colored blue and the other, green.
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