#and how does Dee know Remus?
Just read Enduring As The Dark and remembered an ask I think about all the janus's meeting each other and now I'm stuck on the idea of if the dee in the au got some how magiced into the original world or universe or whatever (after everything) and just how awful it would be for everyone involved lol, just seeing how one little thing would have changed everything (and nothing) Not to mention seeing your worst fears come to life (Durant) and all the trauma seeing the person who was ether directly or indirectly responsible for some of the worst periods and moments of your life (everyone else lol) just the potential for angst and pure heartbreak for all parties is just 🤌😩
(Not a prompt it just wouldn't leave me alone lol)
i have a pet concept i dont know if i'll ever write that Adder does a divination spell and asks "what could I have done differently?" and then experiences durants actions from the main story in first person
i say i dont know if i'll ever right it because i dont think that he'd ever be able to look roman and remus in the eye again
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typically-untypical · 6 months
Ballet and Parkour
AU: Dance
CW: Remus being sexual but nothing over the top
WC: 1,307
Date: 12/9/2023 (Still playing catch up!)
"Don't get me wrong double dee," Remus whined, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder. "You look hot in that leotard, but did you really have to wear it during today's practice? You were all over Lewis and I wanted to pull his spine out through his throat." The taller man made a grumpy groan, flailing his other hand about as they walked slowly down the street. 
"And what if I said I was interested in Lewis? Would you try to stop me?" Remus stopped walking, allowing Janus to take a few steps in front of him before turning around. As always he had that cocky ass smirk on his face and it relaxed Remus a bit.
"You're not an idiot. If you were suddenly interested in that prick, I'd get your head checked for damage. You're the one who saw through his bullshit the first time. You called out what he was doing was wrong and inappropriate. If you suddenly fell for him, I'd eat my pointe shoes."
Janus snorted, "You'd eat your pointe shoes on a dare, that isn't very convincing. I swear, didn't you attempt to confuse one of the younger dancers, lying to them about how the only proper way to break in your shoes was to boil them with salt? She almost believed you too, poor girl."
"First off, she should know not to trust a man," Remus giggled, "But second, I wouldn't have actually let her do it. Those fuckers are expensive and I might have money to burn but I know not everyone does."
"So you've told me." Janus took a step back, obviously trying to lead Remus forward. "Why do you insist on taking roles that would normally require pointe shoes anyway. I've gotten away with never wearing them in our troupe." 
"Easy, fucking over the gender binary," Remus stated, but realized pretty quickly that Janus wasn't listening. His eyes had that far off look he got when something had caught his attention. Remus stepped forward to look down the alley they were passing by. His jaw dropped. Some dude was practicing parkour in rigorous repetition. He jumped from trashcan to fire escape in a singular fluid movement, but the part that had most likely caught Janus' attention was the fluidity of his mid air spin. He threw his body with the force of a professional, spinning just enough to catch the fire escape ladder before letting it go. He reset, and jumped again. Janus had always been a sucker for technique. Remus, however, was always dazzled by strength, and those muscles were sculpted.
"Excuse me," Came a deep voice that snapped both of them out of their thoughts. "It is my understanding that it's considered rude to stare at people, and also that people normally are stared at due to committing some sort of social faux pa. Would you please enlighten me if I have stepped out of social bounds, or if you have?" It almost sounded accusatory but with room for explanation.
Remus felt his whole body blush and he immediately wanted to kiss the SAT words out of that man's mouth. Fuck, this was how Janus had won him over. What was with hot strong men?! 
"Apologies, it's the two of us who shouldn't have stared, but we aren't staring due to a social faux pa. We're staring because of your talent."
"And your hot ass!" Remus chimed in, immediately getting a glare from Janus. He knew he was in trouble now but he just hadn't been able to help it. The man was hot, what was wrong with saying that? He wasn't going to go into further detail, normally it was best to let Janus do the talking. He gave his boyfriend a sheepish, barely apologetic grin, and then he heard the laughing.  
Their new parkour friend was holding his hand over his mouth as if to try to stifle his joy. "A-apologies, I didn't mean to laugh, however, I've never met someone quite so blunt. It's strange to be hit on by strangers but I do appreciate the honesty." He walked over to the two of them, holding out his hand. "My name is Logan and my skill comes from consistent practice. Are you two also traceurs? I would much appreciate someone I can discuss technique with?"
Janus took his hand first, shaking firmly. He wasn’t sure what word Logan had just used by he knew Parkour when he saw it and decided just to play off that. Hopefully the other man wouldn’t notice and he could look up the word later. "Parkour's not our preferred form of exercise, however we can appreciate talent when we see it, and some of your skills would translate well with what we do." Not perfectly, there was always a learning curve when it came to switching sports or anything of that nature but Remus would be willing to learn.
"If not parkour then where do your interests lie?" He tilted his head in such a cute way. Remus had to grab Janus' hand to make sure he didn't go after Logan right in that moment. He knew he could be a lot sometimes, but he liked being true to himself, and sometimes that meant throwing caution to the wind. This probably wasn't one of those times. 
"Ballet," Janus answered, "And it is rare to see someone pull off a mid air twist with that much consistency and fluidity. Especially someone who isn't a dancer." He returned Logan's smile and Remus started to pull a bit at Janus' hand. It was a stim, of sorts, anything to prevent him from running his mouth and ruining a potential friendship with this man. "Apologies, it seems my boyfriend needs my attention."
"Oh, boyfriend?" Logan asked, and the air around him shifted. No, no, no, no, no. That wouldn't do. Remus didn't hold himself back.
"Non exclusive. The two of us are those kinky polyamorous types." He cackled but if the squeeze from Janus was any indication it wasn't super convincing.
"Not how I would phrase it," Janus said with a sigh, "But yes, we are polyamorous. However, I think it's far more important that we're interested in seeing how else you can apply that talent. Would you be interested in joining us for a practice session? We would be amiable to hearing about your technique if you would be amiable to a few questions." Cool as always, he was able to ask Logan out on a date without even batting an eye.  
"Very well," Logan replied, just as cool, just as calm. "However, I would appreciate if you would leave me for the time being, after we exchange numbers. You are, after all, blocking the exit to this alley."
"True," Janus said, pulling out a pen, reaching out for Logan's hand again. "But you've already proven to us that us standing here wouldn't be a hindrance to your escape. That is what intrigued us after all."
Logan nodded in response, allowing Janus to write down his number. "That is also true, however, perception is very important, is it not?"
"It is," Janus agreed, "So make sure to wear something comfortable for our practice session. The two of us would both like to see your skill for ourselves."
With everything agreed upon, Janus and Remus left, making their way a full block before either broke down.
"Jannie, he was so hot! Gods I hope he is interested because I am interested." They were still holding hands and Remus was swinging about, desperate to get rid of the energy he had bottled up.
"Me too, Re, me too, but we'll just have to wait and see." Remus nodded, but Janus had that look on his face like he knew something Remus didn't. Gods he hoped Janus had a plan up his sleeve.
Tag List: @simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @glacierruler @tsspromptmonth
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ofallplaceswhythis · 3 months
tcoptp thoughts pt.19
sam is like the personification of young children who don't know what to do when they find out and if they never have remus they would never know
im gonna stab those boys every night (im clenching my fists rn)
'i always thought that if regulus was to reproduce it would be asexually' 'break of one arm and a new annoying little cunt starts growing in its place' sirius ily
oh minnie you sweet summer child (i need to keep the tradition)
marlene finally being able to see a part of women history <33
......oh trish.....
God i love them
sunflower picking each other's song <333
DORCAS' TYPE IS BLONDES (why am i so suprised)
'they're shagging again' 'not on the drumset!' peter ily
...does he not realise that the "queen" is a guy
theyre being scammed theyre being scammed theyre being scammed i can feel it guys think about too good to be true do none of you know how to bargain fuck sdfghjk
.....Remus... stop.... NO
Remus you need to know the different types of love it isnt necessary that the love you feel is romantic
'youre my family' excuse me while i go cry my eyes out. peace V
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Promise You'll Stay
A bit of an impulsive fic based on this post.
The Prince of Creativity was ripped suddenly from his desk and pulled up through Remus’s floorboard at his twin's desperate summoning.
"Remus-" the words died in throat and he dropped to his knees beside Deceit who writhed in obvious agony. Where once there had been iridescent scales there was now only burned, pink flesh around his left eye.
"What happened," he demanded, taking Deceit's hand.
"Can you help him?" Remus questioned without answering. "With your potion. You can fix it. Right?"
Roman sat stunned for a moment, and glanced back down at Deceit who was clearly doing his best and failing to not cry, the salty tears no doubt burning his already damaged skin. "I-"
"Can you try?"
He glanced up to Remus who wore a look of fear and concern Roman had rarely seen on his face. He nodded. "I can try. Let's get him to my room, it might work better there."
Remus scooped Deceit up, before Roman could even offer to help. "Let's go."
Roman pushed open the door that joined his and Remus’s rooms. "Lay him on the bed and get out my first aid kit and the potion. I'm going to go wash my hands."
Remus did as he was told then knelt by bed and stroked back Janus's hair. "It's gonna be okay, Jan-Jan," he promised.
Janus shook his head. "What if doesn't work?"
"We're still gonna take care of you, I promise."
"Alright," Roman rose up again and sat beside Deceit on the bed. "I want to try to clean the area before using the potion on it, just to be safe, alright?"
Deceit nodded.
"Close your eyes and try not to move. I'll make this as quick as I can, alright?"
Deceit let out a shaky breathe and grabbed for Remus before closing his eyes. He flinched and cried out as cool liquid ran over his skin. Gentle hands held reached out and held him still, Roman's hand against his right cheek and Remus's against his left.
"Almost done," Roman promised.
It seemed to go on for an eternity, but finally the liquid's flow retreated.
"Deep breathe and let it out slowly," Roman ordered.
Deceit tensed, knowing something else was coming. And when he exhaled, he felt a careful pressure over his eye as Roman used a bit of gauze to carefully dab the skin dry. He went stiff at the touch, arching his back to get away from it all.
"I know, I'm sorry. It's done now," Roman assured. "Just have to do the potion now. I want to put some in your eye too, just to be safe, alright?"
Deceit swallowed and nodded. "I trust you."
"We're almost done," Roman promised. "Can you open your eye for me?"
Deceit let out a shuddering breath, but manage to get his eye open. Roman examined it carefully.
"I don't know a lot about eyes," he admitted, "but it doesn't look damaged exactly. It's bloodshot, but your iris looks, okay. How's your vision?"
"No worse than usual," Deceit replied.
"Okay, just. Try to hold it open a moment while I get this in. Just like eyedrops, okay?"
Deceit wet his lips and nodded. "Okay."
"Okay," Roman nodded as well. He glanced up to Remus.
"I've got him," the Duke of Creativity assured.
It took everything in him not to flinch, but Janus managed to keep his eye open as a drop of bright red liquid fell from the vial and splashed against his slitted eye.
"That was great!" Roman encouraged. "You're doing great. We're almost done. Go ahead and close your eyes again."
Deceit did as he was told and winced when a few drops sprinkled around his eye. He let out a small whine as the liquid moved over his skin with a tingling sensation, almost like the pins and needles of a limb that has fallen asleep.
"I'm alright, Remus," he assured, letting out a breath. "Did it work?"
"How does it feel?" Roman asked, dodging the question.
"Numb, a little."
"I'm sorry, Deceit," Roman answered softly. "It took away some of the redness, but it didn't heal it entirely. At least not the way it should have."
Deceit took a deep breath and tried to keep the sob from escaping his chest. Trying haed to be brave. "It's okay," he replied, his voice shaking, with pent up emotion. "Thank you for trying at least."
"We can still use it to manage pain until it does heal," Roman offered and stroked back Deceit's hair. "It does look better, but...it's probably going to scar."
Deceit nodded, a bitter laugh swelling up from his chest. He was shaking again. "I can live with that."
Roman gently scooped him up and into his arms.
"Thank you for taking care of me," he whispered.
"You're welcome," Roman replied and rested Deceit back on the bed. "You can stay here to get some rest if you want."
"I appreciate it, but I think I'd be more comfortable in my own room."
"I understand. Let me know if it starts hurting again, alright?"
"I will," Deceit promised. He reached for Remus, who once more scooped him into his arms.
"Thanks, Ro-bro," Remus said sincerely.
Roman smiled softly at his twin. "You're welcome, Rem-ding. Make sure he rests, okay?"
"I will." Remus sank from the room and rose into Janus's with perfect aim right next to the bed and laid Janus gently on it.
"Thank you for helping me," Janus said tiredly.
Remus clicked on the heating element of Janus's blanket and didn't answer as he tucked his friend in.
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe."
Janus shook his head. "That's not your fault, dear. I knew the risk I was taking. You're with me now and that's what's important to me."
Remus nodded and tried to get himself to believe that. "Get some sleep, Jan-Jan."
"Promise you'll stay?"
"I promise." Remus bent and kissed his brow. "I'll stay right here."
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jungle321jungle · 3 months
My Complete Sanders Sides Fics
All of them here. In a single list.
Other Masterlists - My Ao3
Virgil’s Guide To Avoid Falling In Love With Your Boss’ Boss
Virgil’s just trying to fake his way through life, but when he finds it hard to shake his hot boss’ boss’s attention- on account of their adopted sons being twins- things get complicated.
Put On A Brave Face
When Virgil was told he needed to attend a party at Lord Ekan’s household he didn’t have high expectations by any means. Parties were just a place for rumors and whispers to circulate and for him to smile and pretend as if nothing bothered him, they were a space he rather avoid. But even so Virgil never regretted that party in particular, not when it changed his life entirely.
Slither Into My Heart (Gorgon AU)
Deceit didn’t bother to knock as he slammed the door open and glared down to wear Remus sat on his bed polishing his morning star.
“What did you do?” Deceit hissed.
Remus gave him a large smile as he looked him up or down, “Do you have the snakes just up there or are they down below too?”
If asked by Patton later, Deceit most definitely did not try to strangle the other side in that moment. Not all.
Also known as: Deceit is turned into a Gorgon. And the new annoying little snakes on his head seem to have an annoying obsession with Virgil.
Ask No Questions (I’ll Tell No Lies) 
An Agent and a Con Man.
With such conflicting backgrounds it almost seemed laughable for the two to be soulmates. Fate had chosen this, but Logan had chosen to arrest the man across from him no matter what.
How To Fuck With Humanity 101 (only on Ao3)
Roman wants an audition to go well, and when he accidentally finds an immortal hovering in his bedroom who promises everything will go his way if he does ridiculous tasks? He does them.
Roman is the first human to interact with Virgil in years, so he agrees to help, but it doesn’t mean he can’t have some fun with it.
As Cold As Stone
Dante Ekans’ newest case is a twenty one year old murder. It’s witnesses have remained silent all this time. So Agent Ekans seeks to change that.
He pokes, he prods, he bluffs, he lies, and he digs too deep.
But maybe the witnesses were silent for a reason.
Forms Of Family
No one alive knows how Dee manages to raise five kids primarily on his own. He's not sure himself, but having some of the best kids in the world makes it a whole lot easier.
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lies are the only way in
ships: none
words: ???
Triggers: none (tell me if there are any)
Summary: Deceit hates being in the shadows and lying just to talk to Thomas
Deceit went to the corner of the mindscape where the Dark sides resided. He was pissed. Remus saw that “Dee, how did it go?” he asked ready to hear all the details.
Deceit growled “it is INFURIATING! They never listen to me! I was trying to make a point, to prove that Thomas was lying to himself, I ever did a COURTROOM scenario to get my point across! And they still didn’t listen! This is infuriating. Having to be the bad guy to be able to talk to Thomas!” Deceit shouted.
“The only way I can try is to deceive them and do it poorly so they catch me! I could be helping, but instead I am here banished!” He continued. “Oh you used Patton’s old cardigan and Logan’s old tie. I KNOW THAT! If I had actually gone all out then you wouldn’t have known I was there! Stupid Roman naming us the Dark Sides, yes, I lie and Remus, you’re well Remus but we are not evil! I just want to help Thomas like Virgil.”
“I can’t believe they accepted him, and he won’t even acknowledge we where friends. He had the same struggles as us, but then he wanted to be their friend. and it worked, but does he even try to explain that there are other sides? Other darker aspects of Thomas? No. We’re darker but not evil. 
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
Even If it Kills Us (but it wont hopefully) pt8
hey, Hey, HEy, HEY! Sanders Sides mafia au! That erased itself four times and made me cry twice. :) Sorry for the long wait, I rage quit for a few weeks.
Part Seven is here for those who need a refresher (aka me) and Part One is here for anyone new around! Summary: Virgil is a normal college student, who is also the heir to a mafia he didn’t know existed, and he’s currently being arrested for it. At least he knows to wear a seat belt.
TW: knives, tasers, poisons, 
Quick Taglist: @a-she-monster @average--human @calvindientesblancos @crysthefangirl4ever @deathshadowrules @dierotenixe @drmephistofaust  @emo-nithtmare @enderperson43 @fandomobsessed-nerd @fireflysinmystomach @ilovemygaydad @iolanomsgranola @itsrandompostime @jadeace115  @just-another-rainbowblog  @kindly-falling  @laragazzadellluna @lefaystrent @levy-the-b00kw0rm @logicality-vs-prinxiety @meep-by-boredom @mirror2thespirit @my-analogical-romance @ninja-wizard101 @oodlemydoodle @pattons-cookies @punsterterry  @reeama-the-slytherin @sanders-sides-rebloger @seaspider10 @skittlesun  @skullfire2004 @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @superwholocked-for-life @sylveon-lover-crazyfangirl1415 @that-ghost-in-the-corner @the-anti-virgil @the-parentheticals  @theradicalrainbow @chelsvans @felicianoromano @jemthebookworm @holliberries @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @treasureofpriam
(lmk if you want to be added!)
“I am Logan Ackroyd, Undercover FBI,” Logan says, one hand-- his non shot hand-- casually fixing his tie, “And I’ll be taking these two into custody.”
Virgil thinks of all the times he’s previously been arrested.
There are none.
Instead he’s stuck with all his limbs unresponsive like a computer that’s been disconnected, his head worrying with a faint buzzing from where he’d head hit the ground after Logan shoved him away (hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy slipped past his shirt collar and his jacket), and his mouth overwhelmingly tasting like burnt popcorn.
Virgil’s knowledge of police procedures come completely from the stolen few minutes of Criminal Minds he caught on TV occasionally as a child 
(before his mother caught him, before she yelled and tore at his hair and told him never to let the police get near him)
And really, what more had he needed to know? 
Don’t do illegal things! That was easy enough!
Virgil thinks, as his rights are read to him, and his hands are cuffed behind his back, and he’s loaded into the back of a police car in front of a crowd of bypassers coming to the diner for a midday brunch, he failed, majorly.
He doesn’t even know what crime he was being arrested for.
Was it the suspicious activity of people shooting at him in the movie theater? Was it the reckless speeding through town that he had been a passenger in? Was it the murder of two assumed police officers in the diner five minutes ago?
All three?
“Wow, the real deal!” A local police officer says from somewhere Virgil can’t see
(which is pretty much everywhere, considering the only thing he can see is a black ant scuttling through the grass inches from his nose and getting closer)
“Hey, Wally, check these guys out! They’re real FBI!” The officer says again.
“Wouldja look at that! A real FBI badge!”
Virgil wonders if they knew the difference between a real one and a fake one. He has his doubts concerning the two officers who tried to apprehend them inside the dinner.
“Yes,” Logan’s voice says coolly, coldly, icily, “I am a real FBI agent with real paperwork to complete and this mess to take care of.” 
Virgil is really not a fan of how he says “mess”. 
Like Virgil is month old take out that started to reproduce, like the sticky mess of spilled energy drinks that Virgil carelessly left across his desk which ended up gluing the entire back cover of his Western Civ textbook to the wooden surface, like the aftermath of an execution and the blood had spilled into the grout.
“Remus,” Logan’s voice calls out, “Time to go.”
Then someone picks up Virgil by his shoulder and another by his feet and all Virgil can think is people touching him, hands on his body, and he cant move. 
He wants to scream, but the effects of the taser are long lasting (apparently) and he can’t even get his tongue to unstick from the top of his mouth, much less open his jaw at all. 
The idea of forcing air out of his already uncomfortably compressed lungs?
forget it.
He’s vaguely aware that on other side of him, Dee was carefully loaded in, completely useless, completely unconscious.
Virgil gets the feeling he’s just a passenger in his own body. Part of him wants to feel humiliated by the way the he’d been manhandled into a police car in front of a dozen families and two news crews.
Part of him wants to revoke Dee’s kneecap privileges for being so fucking dense that he hadn’t even noticed anything was weird about the dinning experience.
Part of him wants to lunge forward and wrap his arms around Logan’s throat, and strangle him between the links of his handcuffs and the headrest. (not that Virgil would act on that one; there’s clearly a metal mesh between the backseat and where Logan has slipped into the driver’s seat to prevent that exact scenario from occurring)
Because really, he was FBI?! He was undercover?! He had been playing each of them in oh so many ways-- How long had he been fooling Roman? What had he done to Roman and Patton when Virgil had left? What was his actual goal here?
And did it involve Virgil being alive at the end of it?
(Virgil wants to think so. Logan wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to keep him alive just to kill him--)
Logan’s partner slaps a hand on the window, inches from where Virgil’s head had fallen, and grins at him as he opens his own door and slips into the seat in front of Virgil.
The look Virgil gets is brief.
And also terrifying.
Virgil knows that face.
Knows that face as well as he can, the partial of it seared into his brain as the moment Virgil’s life ended and this twisted nightmare began.
Its the face of the gunman that had tried to shoot him in the face at the movies, the gunman who Logan had tackled to first save his life, the gunman who Virgil hadn’t spared a second thought about because since his appearance, it had been run and duck and please don’t let me die. 
“Oh! He’s pretty cute back there!” The partner says, “I love when they’re all tied up like cute little piggies!”
Logan’s head shakes in a way that suggests he’s rolling his eyes.
The car hums to life, and Logan breezes by the crowd the second the police line widens enough for them to escape. Once they leave the public eye, Logan’s partner’s seatbelt comes off and his feet go up on the dashboard with something dancing between his fingers causally.
“FBI!” The partner laughs, “I can’t believe they really bought those fake badges of yours!”
“Remus, seatbelt.” Logan says without looking away from the road. “And they are real.”
Remus laughs. He makes no move to reattach the belt.
Virgil’s eyes flick to the side mirror in front of them, just in time to catch sight of the butterfly knife the man is expertly twisting around his index and middle finger. Remus catches his gaze in the mirror and blows him a kiss with a wink.
Virgil wishes he was in control of his body, enough to shudder, enough to snarl, enough to throw himself from the car and the oncoming traffic hits him just right--
“What a kid,” Remus sighs, perhaps dreamily, “Do you think I can keep his head for my mantle?”
“You don’t have a mantle.” Logan says, “You don’t have a house.”
“Yeah,” Remus agrees. “But also he’s a kid.”
Logan uses turn signals, Virgil notices, faintly. He feels very faint.
Like a balloon that’s floating away.  And one day he’ll reach the upper atmospheres where the decreasing air pressure will cause his insides to expand until he explodes into a 
that Logan will have to clean up.
The air in the car is tense. Virgil can’t breathe
It might also have to do with the fact he can’t move and there’s a murderer in front of him talking about killing him and-- and--
“Interesting,” Logan says, using one of his turn signals to switch lanes, “I wasn’t aware you got metaphoric cold feet over assassinations.”
The knife flips in the air. Virgil squeezes his eyes closed, forcing his chest to move. 
“You’re telling me you don’t have any qualms about killing a college brat? Any at all, Mr. Undercover FBI?”
“I’m not paid to have morals, Remus.”
Logan sounds cold, colder than ice. The vibrations of his tone wash over Virgil like a ocean, and suddenly he’s drowning.
He’s drowning on dry land and Remus is laughing.
“Surely if you want to-- how they say, “flake out”, you’re welcome to open your door and take a walk.” 
Virgil’s pretty sure Logan speeds up as he talks; the white line on the edge of the road blurs, Virgil’s head’s rumbles against the window until he’s sure he’ll never be able to see straight again.
“Aw Specs!” Remus laughs. Logan’s head twitches at the nickname, the same nickname that Roman had called him oh-so-long ago. “No way I’m gonna let you handle all the juicy stuff yourself! You already got all the credit for Roman Prince’s!”
All the energy in the car turns to white noise.
Virgil’s chest,
in the middle of a breath.
and he can’t think
because that’s not right
can’t be right.
Roman-- Roman trusted Logan.
Logan had taken a bullet for him.
why did--
how did--
Logan fixes his rear view mirror with his non shot hand. Perfectly fluid.
Virgil can see it in his mind’s eye suddenly: the memory of Logan throwing himself into Roman and taking that bullet and bleeding and getting close to Roman, being right next to Roman, demanding that Roman equip him with another gun despite his dominant hand being out of commission. 
He can see it suddenly: the second that Virgil had stormed out, Logan had put two in Roman’s distracted gut. While Virgil had been racing the in the purple car, Roman had been bleeding out on his own kitchen floor, and Patton must have joined him. While Virgil was arguing with Dee, Logan was getting paid for the murder of two people who trusted him.
Logan was ambidextrous.
Virgil doesn’t know where the strength comes from.
All he knows is he threw himself forward battering against the metal mesh with an angry ferocity that made Logan’s injured hand lose hold of the steering wheel. The whole car shakes as Logan swaps hands and curses.
It’s barely a breathe between his tense jaw and his thick tongue and numb lips. The word itself feels like a dagger in his own chest just to say.
“Interesting,” Logan says again, this time with his eyes in the rear view, and they stare directly at Virgil. A scientist’s gaze. “The box jellyfish poison should have shut down most bodily functions but it appears that it is wearing off faster than I anticipated.”
(Hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy, slipped past his shirt collar, and leaving the skin numbed. The poison sinking into Virgil’s skin while the taser had him immobile)
“It’s a good question!” Remus!! Says!! excitedly!! He turns in his seat, flipping the knife close with one hand and wiggling his fingers through the mesh with the other, like a taunt. 
“Why did the straight and narrow, hard working FBI agent Logan Ackroyd, decided to throw it all away so suddenly?” Remus sings. Virgil can see something left in his mustache, a something red like jam.
Logan switches lanes again.
“If you must know,” He says his fingers curling on the top of the steering wheel. “The pay is more suitable to my tastes.” 
Which is a fancy way of saying Logan had managed to put a price tag on people.
That Logan looked at Roman and actively thought, “I could kill this annoying man for X amount of dollars in cash”
That Logan looked at Virgil and saw dollar signs rather than the terrified kid he was.
“Oh, you nerdy little dork!” Remus hums, “You’re speaking my language now!”
“Of course I am. English is both our first--”
“Dork means whale penis. Basically, I called you a whale penis!”
Virgil wonders if Logan was being paid enough for this; by the way the car speeds up, he doubts it.
Virgil clings to the anger in his chest. He squeezes his eyes closed, thinking of the past twenty four hours, of Roman in his house, of Roman talking about his cars, of Roman speeding down the street and laughing, with those stupid sunglasses in his glossy mused hair. He thinks of the feel the gravel under his knees, of the sound of his best friends voice, of Patton’s elbow on his hooked and swinging and even if it was all a lie and Virgil was just an assignment Patton had completed--
Virgil thinks of the boy he was closest too, and thinks of how the feel of his broken glasses under Virgil’s knuckles and the look of shock on his freckled face. 
And of the hollowed hours since where Virgil swore to himself he didn’t want Patton by his side.
Where Virgil lied because he wants Patton here very badly even if hes mad even if they’re fighting even if he can’t ever forgive Patton.
Where Virgil was busy being angry and upset and his best friend was being killed by the cold hearted, side switching, asshole in the seat in front of him without a seconds hesitation.
 Virgil clings to that, clings to the anger that explodes in his chest, and the thudding of his heart that breaks his own ear drums. He reaches out of his limbs--
Because he was not going to just sit here and let that bastard take kill him for money, kill his friends for paper and coins and get away with it.
For once, Virgil breathes a thanks to his mother for telling him all the ways to kill a person, a bedtime story that Virgil felt for the first time he was willing to actually implement. 
And if he can get angry enough, his limbs will move, because that’s what always happens in those movies.
He thinks his heavy numb fingers manage to twitch when Remus speaks again.
“I don’t know if I’m alright with the split we agreed on.”
Logan’s head tilts ever-so-much. The car pulls on to a single lane road. The trees come next, covering them in the flickers of shadow and sun.
“I want seventy percent.”
Logan scoffs.
“It just seems that I deserve more than you!” Remus says, “In fact, I think I’ll take it all.”
Virgil blinks and the butterfly knife is at Logan’s throat.
“Let’s talk math, kid genius.”
the car swerves as Logan’s eyes leave the road for a second to look at the death at his throat. Virgil feels as his foot comes off the pedal, slowing down in the middle of a forest that looks like private property.
“Keep driving.” Remus hisses delightedly.
Logan presses down the gas pedal and the trees begin to blur by. Virgil has a hard time watching.
It has nothing to do with the stirring that suddenly comes to his attention next to him.
“Isn’t this fun?” Remus asks, “You’re going to drive to the clearing and park the car. I’m going to kill you, and the little emo in the backseat--”
“You said we were going to talk.” Logan says indifferently, “I’m afraid I have some bad news in regards to that course of action.” 
“Remus?” A voice speaks up groggily. 
“Oh hey, Dee!” 
“Wha--” Virgil thinks its a weird to see the other heir so disorientated, and he’s only known the other heir for a maximum of three hours.”What are you doing--?”
“Me and Logan were having a chat about how we’re going to divide the reward for the death of Virgil Sanders!”
“Yes, and unfortunately, Roman Prince informs me I’m a terrible conversationalist.” Logan says, and then slams on the breaks of the car and sends seat-beltless Remus straight through the front windshield.
Part Nine
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wannabemurdock · 2 years
My bunny, Remus Lupin
Pairing: older!Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Summary: The mutual pining and sexual is getting to be too much
Word count: 2801 words
Contains: mutual pining. slight angst? smut. degradation. thigh riding. authority kink. praise kink. penetrative sex. unprotected sex. Sirius’ attitude. (let me know if i need to add anything)
Notes: Here’s part 2 for Bunny! I don’t know how it ended up this long but here we are! I can’t believe how many people enjoyed part 1! Thank you so much for the support. Make sure you read part 1 if you haven’t. Please send in some requests. I have ideas for what I want to write next but I’d love to hear from y’all
Minors do not interact
Requests are open
not my gif
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part 1
Oh. my. god. Oh my god. What just happened? Why is everyone staring at me? Okay maybe it’s not everyone. Why is Remus staring at me? What did I do? Did I say something out loud? Did I moan out loud? Oh god, I’ll just move away. Does Charlie need company in Romania right now? I could totally work with dragons. Am I going crazy? I feel like I am. What if I ask Sirius? No, that would dig me into an even deeper hole. Is Moody still fucking talking? Oh fuck, can this meeting be over already?
Your mind races, your thoughts feel like they’re tripping over each other. Your heart’s beating so hard you’re sure everyone can hear it, let alone Remus and his heightened senses.
Moody begins to wrap up the meeting quickly after clearly losing the attention of the three of you at the end of the table. You hear Moody mention something about “Tweedle-dee and Tweedledum over here” before you tune him out, your daydream still in the forefront of your mind.
Remus’ eyes haven’t left you, not that you’d notice, too busy staring at your lap like it’s the only thing worth looking at. Sirius though, hasn’t stopped giggling since the second he called you out, bloody idiot. You kick his shin under the table.
“Shut up, dumbass.” You whisper before letting out a giggle. You can’t help but laugh at your own embarrassment. You just know an interrogation with ensue once the rest of the members leave. The two of you are the worst people to have in a room together. While you two are acting like a couple of idiots, you don’t notice Remus across from you, his hands clenching so hard, his knuckles turn white.
Remus wasn’t a jealous man, until it came to you. He didn’t know what was wrong with him but seeing you with anyone made his stomach churn, even Sirius. Over the past few weeks, he’s been visiting you and Sirius a lot more than normal. Making up any excuse under the sun to see you. It blew his mind that you didn’t notice how he’s stumble over his words when he’d talk to you or when he’d blush seeing you smile.
Sirius has noticed and is over it already! He reckons you two just need to fuck and get it over with because he cannot deal with the longing stares across the room and all the tension between you and Remus. He is ready to bang his head against a brick wall the next time you giggle at whatever Remus has said this time. He feels like the most uncomfortable and annoyed third wheel ever.
The meeting wraps up and people start to leave, not that you three notice. You mindlessly mumble your goodbyes in return, all brewing in your own minds. Deafening silence surrounding you the three of you.
“So, uh, Y/n,” Sirius starts, “what was going through that pretty little head of yours that was so much more important than listening to Moody.” he smirked like he already knew. How? I don’t even know but I would not doubt that man ever. Remus perks up, he felt like he was being too hopeful. Desperate even.
“None of your bloody business, Black.” You laugh as you stand up, going to put the kettle on.
“Well, you made it our business with that uh, interesting, mumbling of yours” he leans forward on his elbows, wiggling his eyebrows. The colour drains from your face, heart beating so fast you thought it might burst from your chest.
oh fuck
“Did I now? Pics or it didn’t happen.”
yeah, good save
“Oi Moony, what do you think about her little whispers?” he chuckles, throwing all the attention on Remus.
“Huh? Oh, I didn’t hear y/n say anything.” disappointment lacing Remus’ tone, while you let out a quiet sigh of relief. Sirius picked up on it immediately, he knows the two of you too well. Remus felt Sirius’ eyes on him like lasers burning into the side of his face, his cheeks heating up. The jealousy from earlier came creeping back up his neck. Remus shot up and out of his seat.
“I- I’m going to head to bed. Good night.” he practically sprints out of there so fast, you’d think he actually had somewhere to go. Sirius chuckled at a love struck Moony. It’s not often you see Remus express strong emotions, but this is amazing. Remus has a big ass crush on y/n and is absolutely horrendous at hiding it. That’s pure gold. How you haven’t noticed would completely stump him if he didn’t already know that you were head over heels for Remus.
“Love is blind, aye.” He mumbles out loud.
“What’d you say, Sirius?” you ask confused.
“I’d love a cuppa, doll.” Sirius not even trying to make it sound similar, not that you would notice. Too busy wondering what’s up with Remus, you walk out of the kitchen trying to follow him. Your earlier daydream still floating around your head. He stops in the musty, cobweb filled doorway.
“What are you doing y/n?”
“Remus, I wanna talk to you,” worry lacing your words. The thought of his hand around your throat and being called bunny getting louder and louder in your head. You need to tell him how you feel. You feel like you’re going crazy with all this pent up sexual frustration. You take his silence as a sign he’s willing to listen.
“Remus, I really have to get this off my chest. I’m really into y-“ he cuts you off.
“I know Y/n. I can see it every time you look at Siri-“ you cut him off. It’s only fair.
“Seriously Rem, can I tal-“ he cuts you off again. Your blood is starting to boil. Frustration evident on your face. He’s lucky he’s cute.
“Y/n it’s fine, really! You don’t have to spare my feelings.” Remus is doing anything he can to save himself the embarrassment as he walks away. You follow behind him, hot in his heels as he walks into the dim lounge. You shut the door behind you.
“Oh god Remus, stop interrupting me, I’m trying to tell you I like you! Really, I love you!” You place your shaking hands on your waist while trying to steady your breathing. This is the last thing you expected to happen today. Your confession has you shaking in anticipation of his reaction.
“Do you mean it? Do you really mean that?” His voice catching in his throat as he whispers. You push him back so he’s sitting on the couch in front of you to give yourself space to move around.
“Of course, I mean it, Remus. I mean it with every fibre of my being. I feel like I’m going insane not being with you all hours of the day. I want you. Only you.” Your chest heaving as you pace.
Remus drags you onto his lap, his hands on your waist so softly like he’s scared you’ll break.
“You don’t know what you do to me. Do you, bunny?” You shake your head, before running your hand through his hair, your thighs tensing in either side of his.
“Yours.” You whisper. Remus grunts in confusion before you place both hands on his cheeks, looking him in the eyes.
“Your bunny.” smiling, you run your hands down his neck, tangling a hand in his hair at the nape of his neck.
“My bunny. I like that. Oh Merlin, I love that.” He buries his face in your neck, surrounding himself in the smell of you. He could die a happy man in this very moment but he wanted more. More of you and more of this closeness with you. He’s thought of this moment hundreds of times but he never thought it could actually happen.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulls you impossibly closer. The drag of your jeans against creates slight, delicious friction. Your eyes flutter closed before you try to recreate the feeling. You drag your hips back against his, the pleasure shooting up your spine.
“Didn’t know you were this desperate, bunny. Bit pathetic, aren’t you?” he holds your face in his large hands. A mock pout on his face throws you headfirst into a never ending wave of embarrassment.
“If you’re so desperate, you can get yourself off on my thigh.” he leans back, draping his arms over the back of the leather couch.
“Don’t get shy now.” smirking condescendingly, his head falling to one side. Propping up on your knees, you reposition yourself over one of his thighs before lowering yourself back down. Nervousness comes creeping up the back your neck, the little hairs standing on end. With the first drag of your hips, you feel like you're already floating on air. Your head rolls back, giving Remus a perfect view of your throat. He leans forward to give it a small kiss, for encouragement, he could argue.
You draw your hips forward again and again, building a steady rhythm, your jaw hanging open in ecstasy. The couch creaking with every movement. Soft pants and moans escape your open mouth, and it was like music to Remus' ears. He’d flex his thigh every so often, sending you even closer into your climax. The knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter but it’s just not enough.
“I need more, please sir.” He’s taken aback by the title. He slacks growing even tighter at such an innocent name turned so filthy. He lifts his arm, wrapping a hand around your throat, applying enough pressure to send you hurdling over the edge. You ride out your high, pathetically grinding against his thigh. He lets go when your orgasm is over. You lean forward, resting your head against his shoulder, trying to get your breathing to steady.
“You couldn’t even get yourself off without my help, you’re my pathetic little bunny, aren’t you?” He tilts his head to the side, looking at you with mock pity.
“On your knees, bunny,” he says in an authoritative tone. You didn’t think you could get any wetter. With shaky legs, you drop to your knees. The hardwood of the floor already causing your knees to bruise. You rest your hands on his thighs, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
“You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?” he leans forward, a hand under your chin, he connects your lips for only second. You whine at the loss.
“Go on, bunny.” These words are music to your ears, your hands flying to the band of his trousers. Not wanting to waste any time, you unbutton and pull his pants down to his knees. Your mouth already watering in anticipation. Your hands trace the waistband of his underwear before pulling it down to his trousers. His cock springs up, hard and begging for release. You spit in your hand before wrapping it around his shaft starting to pump him slowly before kitten licking his tip. He shudders before throwing his head back. He never thought he’d ever feel this good, but then you take the head into your mouth. Teasing the tip with your tongue, you pull off and trace the thick vein down the back of his cock looking him in the eyes. Taking him back into your mouth, you bob your head, sliding him deeper and deeper. He moans into his fist, trying to be as quiet as he can knowing Sirius is just down the hall.
You hollow out your cheeks before taking him as deep as you could. You nose brushes the soft curls at his base. His hand laces through your hair giving it a sharp tug, a moan escapes you, sending a vibration up Remus’ spine. He pulls your head off of his cock.
“I- I wanna cum in you, bunny” he pants out before kicking off his trousers and pulling you up off the ground onto his lap. He flips the two of you, your back now pressed against the couch as he hovers over you. He leans down, capturing your lips with his. It is the most love and lust filled kiss you’ve ever experienced; it makes you dizzy with euphoria. He pulls away before helping you undress fully. Taking a moment, he stares at you, bare, beneath him. Nothing in the world can compare to your beauty. He strips off his remaining clothes, feeling nothing but love radiating from you.
He grasps his cock, pumping it a few times before teasing it through your dripping folds. Your eyes rolling back as he bumps your clit, a quiet moan escaping your lips. The sensitivity from your earlier orgasm still evident. His tip catches at your entrance, he pauses making sure you really want this, you try to buck your hips forward which is enough confirmation for him. Remus groans from deep within his chest as he sinks into you. Your tight, warm heat feels like heaven on earth.
“Rem- Remus.” You stutter out. Your mind fuzzy with arousal.
“Use your words, bunny.” His words make you wetter as you search your brain for anything that makes sense.
“Please move, Rem- Sir.” You somehow correct yourself; your mouth feels like it’s on autopilot because there’s no way in hell that anything coherent would come from your brain right now.
Remus starts to slowly move his hips, the patch of hair at his base giving your clit beautiful friction. Your eyes roll back and you moan much too loud for Remus’ liking.
“If you want me to keep going, you’re going to need to be quieter. You don’t want Sirius walking in here, do you?” he tsks a tone of disappointment is present in his words.
You nod your head quickly, needing him to continue what you two had already started.
“Words, bunny. I won’t repeat myself again.” He tuts.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be quiet.” You whisper as to prove your point. He smiles softly at you for a moment before he nearly pulls out of you entirely. He thrusts back in to the hilt almost immediately, all the air is pushed out of your lungs, leaving you gasping beneath him. Your hand flies to your mouth, not trusting yourself with so much pleasure coursing through you in that moment.
Remus pulls back, lifting your leg over his shoulder, his hands on your waist. The new position has you flying closer to the edge, he’s hitting a place in you that you never thought existed. Your moans muffled by your own hand is still enough to have his thoughts going a million miles an hour. His hips moving steadily. One of his hands leaves your waist, snaking its way up your body to the base of your throat.
“P-please sir, please.” You beg in a hushed tone that make you sound like you’re whimpering. Remus never thought about how perfect you’d sound when you beg and now, he can’t wait to hear it again and again. His hand slides up your throat and starts applying pressure to the sides. Your back arches at all the stimulation you’re receiving, your body feels like its being overloaded in the best way possible. His pace unrelenting. The knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter.
“I’m so close, can I cum please?” you say breathlessly. Remus looks at you in a way you don’t recognise. His pupils so dilated that only a sliver of green is visible. Pure hunger and lust clouding his mind.
“Beg for it.” He tries to repress a moan at the thought of you begging for him. You immediately give in.
“Please please please, sir. Please I need to cum. I want to come for you. I just wanna be your good bunny. Please sir.” Your words fly out, stumbling over each other, filled with pure desperation.
“Cum for me, bunny.” He growls. His voice is enough to push you headfirst into the seemingly never ending waves of your orgasm. You tremble, your back arching, thighs shaking. You are the most beautiful thing Remus has ever seen. The sight of you in the throws of your own euphoria sends him of the edge. His hips stutter and still, hips flush against you. Hot topes of his cum spills out around his base.
Remus leans down, laying his head on your chest, his arms supporting himself. You put the last bit of energy you have into running your hand through his hair. Both of you basking in the post orgasmic, love filled bliss. You wait for your breathing to return to normal. You two don’t even notice the door opening or even Sirius’ footsteps coming into the lounge.
"Really guys?" Sirius can’t help but feel relieved.
Part 3 coming soon!
@getawayfrommewerewolf @dontjudgemyobsessionpls @withyoutilltheendofthismess @invisiblegirl360 @mypiledriverwaltz @dilf-alert
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brandstifter-sys · 2 years
Warts and All
Word Count: 897 (Ao3)
Pairing: Moceit
Rating: G
Warnings: self doubt, frog Patton
Patton is feeling a little embarrassed about his frog side, luckily Janus knows how to make him feel better.
Patton was fairly open minded when it came to those he loved, and he was striving to be more accepting of the people around him who he didn't always get along with. For instance, he loved Virgil like a little brother, even though the emo was a spider. He was more than alright with Janus' scales and snake traits, especially when he was sleeping and bundled up with his forked tongue poking out. Okay so that might have made Patton melt more than the sly flirting and perfect puns.
It was his own non-human side that he wasn't comfortable with. Unlike Jay, he was a slimy boy who always needed to be hydrated. He got all green and his voice dropped when he was under too much stress. His transformation to a partial frog wasn't pretty and mysterious like Janus' scales. It wasn't scary like Remus or Virgil, it was just gross and the worst part was his tongue.
Patton was alone in the common area, watching Airplane with a bowl of popcorn on his lap. He was cozy in his cat onesie, idly tossing popcorn in the air and darting his tongue out to catch it. No one was around so he didn't bother hiding it. His thought was: You can't be humiliated if no one sees you!
"Mm, that's a lie, and you know it, darling," Janus hummed softly and appeared on the couch next to him. Patton winced and curled into himself.
"I didn't say anything, Honey Dee!" he chuckled nervously. Janus pouted and crossed his legs, doing his best to look dignified and indignant despite his pink dragon onesie. He was not allowed to look so cute! Not when Patton was mortified.
"Your thoughts are loud, and I have a knack for hearing them when they're lies," he hummed and studied his paws, "And frankly I find the situation to be rather ridiculous in a way."
"What do you mean?" Patton asked and set the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. He paused his movie and turned to face Janus.
"You're embarrassed about your frog side, and not one of us has room to judge. The only one who has any issue with that is you. And I don't know why that is."
"Because it's kinda gross. I don't have any cool extra arms or pretty scales—I have a croaky voice, slimy green skin, and a rocket of a tongue. It's not something people want from me. I'm supposed to be a cute little puffball."
"You don't think frogs are cute?" Janus pouted, "That's a shame, because they are quite adorable."
"Yes, with those big doe eyes and those cute little feet—it's hard to find them anything less than adorable, even with their quirks," he said and glanced at Patton from the corner of his eye, "Much like a certain moral compass."
Patton blushed and averted his gaze. Janus always seemed to know what to say to make him feel all fuzzy inside.
"You think the frog traits are cute?" he peeped shyly.
"Not all of them, but yes. There are animalistic traits we all have that we don't like or find bothersome, but they're not all bad."
"Really? Like what?"
"Well, Virgil has to hide lest he scare you and Roman, and he occasionally molts. Remus is allergic to most soap, he smells like fish, and he has to soak in saltwater three times a day," Janus replied thoughtfully, counting the detriments on his fingers, "Roman molts and occasionally bursts into flames. And I have to deal with being cold, smelling with my tongue, shedding, and occasionally unhinging my jaw when I eat. It's not a pretty picture."
"Are you cold now?" Patton asked and scooted closer. Janus smirked and leaned against his side.
"Burning up, I'm afraid."
He was ice cold and Patton happily wrapped his arm around him. Janus took the opportunity to slip into his lap and snuggle up to him.
"Could you grab the remote and play the movie? It's one of my favorites."
"You'd have to get up so I can get it, Silly Snake!" Patton teased. Janus shook his head and nuzzled closer.
"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello Michigan J Frog," Janus sang softly. Patton could tell that was a hint, and he wasn't sure. But Janus was being so open and vulnerable, dressed in the least dignified outfit and cuddling with him. He could return the sentiment.
Patton blushed and ribbited, snapping his tongue out and bringing the remote back. He dropped it in Janus' lap and averted his gaze.
"Send me a kiss by wire, Baby, my heart's on fire," Janus kept singing, slowly drifting in and out of consciousness. Patton was warm and soft.
"Do you want me to kiss you or do you just want to sing?" Patton asked and hugged Janus to keep him warm and cozy.
"If you'd like to kiss, I wouldn't be opposed," Janus hummed and nuzzled into Patton's chest, "but I'm comfortable like this on my toadstool."
Patton giggled at the pun, trying not to shake with laughter. Instead he took the remote and pressed play before placing a gentle kiss on Janus' forehead. If Janus could like his frogginess and be so relaxed despite it, maybe Patton could come to terms with it too. Until then, he was safe with his sleepy snake.
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thecampfirestory · 3 years
In honor of my first day of school today (ew) I want to talk about perhaps the most relatable part of this au. which is school and specifically studying bc if I don't imagine characters actually doing their schoolwork I most certainly will not SJHD
I feel like Logan and Roman are the only ones who can actually get stuff done when they have a study date.
Virgil and Patton get distracted instantly by something stupid. they barely even get to the point of getting out their textbooks before they decide to do something else.
Remus and Dee's friend group is far too chaotic, and while they manage to get their textbooks and notebooks out it's .5 seconds before someones doodling on someone else's paper to make them laugh and they all get the Sillies
Logan and Roman r the only ones with the braincell regarding homework
Patton and Vee are like "Pat i dont wanna do this :(" "ok tell you what i dont wither so ill do it later and u copy it now lets so something els- LOOK THERES TWO SQUIRRELS FIGHTING OUTSIDE HOLY SHIT"
amd Remus and Dee's friend group is like
Remus: im stuck. does anyone have the answer to question 13?
Poppy: im way behind you, whats 13 about?
Remus: uuuh, its about how the-
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Hey Pat, how does it feel to finally be able to talk to Roman about what's been going on, do you have anything else on your mind about it?
(Patton smiles,)
Patton: It's nice to know more about all of the things I've forgotten. We had quite an eventful day... Especially Virgil— We need to have a talk about his uncanny knack for getting himself killed!
Patton: And of course I have more questions! But, they aren't anything we can answer here; I'm quite curious about how the whole situation with Roman's mothers works, and a few about this vampire problem they seem to be having, among other things.
Patton: And, to be honest, I'm curious about what exactly the plan is from here.
Patton: Dee and Remus have joined us because the twins are meant to go on some mission from their Mother soon, and I've quite enjoyed our adventure thus far, so I'd like to join them! But I don't want to be away from Logan for too long, especially if he and Virgil are staying in the Capital for their lessons. I'd miss them both... And Eilistraee apparently said that Dee needs to help with Virgil's training, but what does that even entail? And how can he do that if he's following Remus around on his vampire-related quest? And were would Annie be in all this?? It would be most responsible to leave her in the Temple I think, but I don't know if she or Roman would like that idea.
Patton: And of course, before all of that, there is the issue of when we're leaving this Colony. It would be safest to stay until the dark season ends, but Roman and his Mother probably don't have that much time to spare. Still, none of us are in any condition to leave immediately. Virgil may not be in any condition to leave at all, and I don't think the folks here want to let him leave, either...
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Um Your highness? Just a far warning but your gay-ness if showing. And you better be nice to my patt, or you will go splatt- >:(
I’m watch u
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Roman's face flushes an impressive red color that matches his pants and he stumbles through a handful of aborted responses-- It almost appears like the Prince is flustered at being called out on his rather overt... flirting? Patton too seems to be blush, although in a more calm, confused manner.
Remus rolls his eyes. "Ugh, don't worry about him. He does this all the time; falling in devoted love with every person who has one of his so-called "honorable" auras. He loves judging books by their covers. Here watch this..."
Remus tilts his head towards Patton with a fierce grin, "Hey Captain Heartbreaker, how many people have you killed?"
Whatever flush is on Patton's face rapidly disappears, and Patton seems to hollow out at the same time, like the question was some kind of magic curse that landed a direct blow to the Man out of Time.
"Remus!" Roman snarls, "You--"
“Oh come on!” Remus says. “Someone here has got to know even if the super serum soldier doesn’t remember. Mr. Ackroyd? You’ve see the files right? And Dr. Storm, if you’re listening in like a voyeur-- Dee said you’re quite the fanboy! Even got those trading cards!”
"Around three hundred, directly," Logan says, like a teacher’s pet, unable to leave the question alone. "Isn't that right, Dr. Storm? That's rather close to your own ki--"
"We can play the directly and indirectly game if you want Logan," Virgil's voice says sharply. "But I don't think you're going to like how it ends."
Previous Ask || Rules || Chapter 5 Start || Masterlist || Next Ask
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98prilla · 4 years
Thomas decides to see what all the Side’s animal forms would be. It does not go so well for Anxiety. 
This is set pre accepting anxiety, and diverges a little from the cannon of that episode, fair warning.
He is terrified. His heart is pounding as he pulls further back into the shadows, hiding under the couch. He can hear the others out there, talking, laughing, having fun. This isn’t fun.
“An owl? Really, Thomas, owls aren’t even actually smart, their eyes take up much of their cranial cavity.”
“Come on, kiddo, they are symbols of wisdom. And those wings sure must be nifty! I’m having a pawsome time myself!” A groan at the pun.
“I always thought Logan was a bit bird brained.” Roman mutters. “But seriously, a dragon? While the scales are quite flattering, it is a bit strange, considering I usually fight them.”
“I don’t know, Roman, I guess cause you’re always talking about questing I just settled on a fantasy creature. It is pretty cool." He rolls his eyes at the huff of pride he can hear as Roman no doubt puffs up his chest, flares his wings.
“Speaking of strange, where's anxiety?” his ears flatten against his head, pulse picking up again. They’re talking about him.  
“He should be here. I did summon him.” Thomas, confused. He curses his inability to sink out in this form.
“Perhaps he has taken the form of a smaller animal and is hiding.” He almost hisses, could Logic shut up for once?
“Aw, maybe we should look for him! He’ll probably be so cute!”
“Please. That weirdo is probably a venomous spider or a little parasite. Who cares, where he is?” yes, thank you Roman, for once being not a moron.
“Patton, if you’re worried perhaps you can sniff him out. You are a cat, after all.” No. Nonono. Logic, shut it!
“Good idea, Logan. Give it a try!” and he is outta here before he even knows what he’s doing.  
His terror skyrockets and he shoots out from under the couch to the startled yelps of everyone else. Everything is big, huge, compared to him, the living room seems endless.
The stairs, he just needs to get to the stairs and he'll be able to physically enter the mindscape, he’s so close-
Then there is the flap of wings, a victorious shriek, and talons are digging into his shoulders pinning him down.
“Well, what have we here?” He shoves aside his fear, proud as his voice comes out just as scathing and steady as ever.
“Get off, you overgrown lizard.” He bites out, Roman’s scaled head coming into view. He glares at Roman’s laughter.
“Anxiety, kiddo? Is that you?”
“No, its Joan, yes it’s me, Patton, now get off, Roman!” His heart is beating fast, too fast, and his words are wavering. He is afraid, afraid, afraid. He hates this, hates it, he just wants this to be over.
“Hmm. I don’t think I will. Think about it, Thomas. We have the opportunity here to get anxiety out of our way for good.” His stomach drops, his blood goes cold, he is shaking.
“Roman, what are you suggesting?” Logan, he can’t be considering this, please no, please!
“I mean, we don’t need to vanquish him. We can keep him like this. Put him in a cage, or something.”
“I'm not a pet, you idiot, and you can’t keep me like this forever.” He hisses out.
“Oh contraire, little mouse, we can keep you weak enough you don’t have any choice.” His heart lurches as he is lifted up, Roman's wings buffeting him, they are in the air.
“Roman, put me down! I… please! Pleasepleaseplease…” he is crying now, begging, because he can’t, this can’t be happening, they can’t actually intend to keep him locked in this form, weak and powerless, in a cage.  
The floor seems so far away, and he feels sick, from the altitude shift or what is happening or both, he can’t tell. The anguished terror is filling him and he lets out a broken, choked sob.  
This is what he gets, for thinking he could ever be accepted, for thinking he could ever be tolerated, much less liked. All he’d ever done was his job, and this is his reward.
“Logan, what-" he lets out a squeak despite himself as a blur of gray rams into Roman, sending him spiraling off balance.
Then he feels the talon’s grip slip, and he screams. He is falling, flipping through the air. From this height in this form his bones will break, shatter, with his luck his neck will snap. He has time to cry for help, before he impacts.
“Gotcha!” The halt is jarring, and he is shaking, instinctively flattening himself to make as small a target as possible as he tries to get ahold of himself. He realizes it’s soft, the ground.
He looks up and nearly screams again, instead flattening further. Patton has caught him, sitting on his back haunches, he is caught in Patton's front paws.
“p-p-put me d-down. Please.” His voice is a whisper, trembles making him stutter, but Patton instantly complies, much to his relief.
He hears a shriek and looks up, just in time to see silver talons coming right at him, then they crash into him and he feels a ripping pain in his shoulder.  
He can hear Patton yelling, Logan screeching, Roman growling, and it is loud so loud and all he can think is he is about to die-
“Enough!” Thomas yells, and suddenly the ground isn’t so close, suddenly he is stumbling to his feet, lunging for his normal spot on the stairs, reaching it in two strides. He lets out a relieved sob as he clutches the bannister, looking back at the others.
Logan has landed in a heap on the couch. Patton and Roman are tangled around each other on the floor. Patton's gaze meets his, worried.
“kiddo, you’re bleeding.” He lifts his hand numbly to his shoulder, mildly surprised as it comes away sticky and red. He lets out a broken, bitter laugh.
“Gee, wonder how that happened. Not like someone was trying to kill me, or worse hold me captive and torture me for my whole existence." His voice is raw and instead of biting sarcasm, it comes out as an almost whisper, red rimmed eyes glaring at the floor as he shakes, from latent fear and pulsing anger.
“Anxiety-" he half successfully chokes back another sob, harsh laughter tearing at his lungs.
“no, know what, it’s fine. It’s fine, Thomas. I always knew I wasn’t wanted. I was an idiot to hope you might… might ever actually change, actually want me around. Hell, even care about me like I care about you and keeping you safe.” He can barely stand, he doesn’t know if it’s from the pain and blood loss or the adrenaline fading or the panic attack he can feel pressing against him, tightening his chest.
“Kiddo…” he shakes his head.
“Y'know, if you really wanted me dead, all you had to do was ask. I would’ve done it myself.” He doesn’t look up. Doesn’t see the pained shock on Patton's face, the suspicious surprise on Roman's, the horror on Logan’s. The pain on Thomas's. Instead, he flips up his hood, hugging himself as he wordlessly sinks out.
He managed to lock the door before he collapses to the floor. His chest feels like it's being squeezed by a boa constrictor, his ribs crushed and all the air shoved out of his lungs. His vision narrows to a dark pinprick, gaze unseeing as he sees Roman's talons again and again, falling and splattering against the floor, bones shattered, bars, a cage, closing in, pressing him tight, he can’t breathe, he’s choking, he’s dying, god, he’s going to die here. Why not? He laughs hysterically, that’s what they want, may as well give it to ‘em.
“virgil, no. It’s not what we all want. Come back to me, stormy. Focus on my voice. You can do it, Virgil.” Virgil. None of them know his name. Only, only…
“Dee?” he chokes out, blurry vision focusing enough to see Deceit, holding his hands in his lap, rubbing circles on his knuckles.
“There we are. Hello, dearest.” Deceit reaches up, softly wiping away his tears, brushing back his hair.
“I’m an idiot. I’m a stupid idiot.” He mutters.
“No. Virgil, you’re not. It’s ok.” He hisses in a breath of pain as Dee places a hand on his shoulder, vision going speckly at the slight contact. Dee pulls away, eyes wide, face darkening to fury.
“You’re hurt. Vee, you’re bleeding" he just shrugs, another sob clawing its way out of his throat.
“Doesn’t matter.” He whispers. Deceit hisses, and pulls him onto his lap.
“It does. Even if they don’t care, even if they don’t love you, I do. It matters to me. You will always matter to me. You’re my baby, Virg. Even if you’ve left the nest, you’re still my little rain storm. Got it?” He feels Dee's extra arms removing his hoodie, then all six are cradling him against Dee's chest, holding him tight and safe and secure, letting him relax and melt into the touch, knowing Dee will never let anything hurt him. He feels Dee press a kiss to his head.
“you’ve wiped yourself out, love. I'll take care of that nasty shoulder gash. Get some sleep, dearest.” Weakly, he clings to Dee's shirt. He doesn’t want him to let go, he doesn’t feel safe, if Dee lets go.
“I’m staying, darling. I’ll stay as long as you want.”
“can rain down all the hell he wants. Until you’re better, they deserve it.” He finds he can’t argue with that. He falls asleep to Dee humming softly, stroking his forehead and holding his hand, his other arms working to gently bandage his shoulder.
Deceit sighs as he hears a crash. Looking up, he sees Remus kick in the door, eyes aflame.
“who hurt him? Who’s ass do I gotta beat until it falls off?”  
“hush. I just got him settled.” Dee replies. In three strides, Remus is beside him, head cocked unnaturally far to the side, like a snapped neck.
“He’s ok?” Remus asks, neck snapping back to a normal position with an audible click.
“yes. Keep an eye on him, please?”
“What? Where're you going?” Remus asks. Deceit’s eyes flash.
“I am going to go see what exactly those half-witted buffoons did to send him spiraling. Then I am going to determine whom it is I need to beat the shit out of.” Deceit growled, stepping away from the bed.
“Boo, you never let me have any fun.” Remus pouts. He instantly stops as Virgil lets out a small sound, immediately climbing into the bed with him and spooning around him. Virgil curls against him immediately, stilling as he clings onto Remus.
“Thank you.” Deceit murmurs from the doorway. Remus nods.
“I'll take care of our little stormy night. You go teach ‘em a lesson, Dee.” Remus replies, relishing the sharp fanged smile Deceit flashes him, before sinking out. As an afterthought, he snaps, replacing the door, before turning his attention to Virgil, trying to mentally send him all of his love. Virgil is more of a brother to him  than Roman has ever been, and he hates seeing him hurt.
“hang in there, vee. Dee'll fix everything.”
“I highly doubt he wants to be called right now.”
“But he was so scared! We have to help!”
“I don’t know Pat, seeing us might make it worse.” He clears his throat. He meets three sets of surprised eyes with steel. Thomas yelps and falls backwards, catching himself on the wall.
“Who is that?!”  
“Deceit, you scurrilous snake, what are you doing here?” his eyes narrow at that.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Roman, was I not wanted here at this exact moment?” his voice is a perfect mimicry of Virgil's, and to his satisfaction it makes Roman flinch.
“Thomas. This is Deceit. He is responsible for the lies you tell not only others, but yourself. I am puzzled as to why you have appeared now. To my knowledge, no lies have been spoken.” Logan explains, and his hands ball into fists.
“Oh, truly, why ever would I be here? It'ssss not like Anxiety returned bloody and injured, in the midsssst of a panic attack, talking about how nobody wantssss him and it doessssn't matter. I’m sure that hassss nothing to do with it, Logic.” He hisses out, spitting Logan's title like it burns his tongue.
He can see Patton's guilty face out of the corner of his eye, knows whatever happened, it wasn’t him. But Roman… yes.
“So Thomas, dear, care to explain what happened?” He asks, sickly sweet, turning his gaze to Thomas, who has a slight frown on his face. As an afterthought, he notes that Thomas isn’t afraid of him, despite his scales and sharp fangs. Interesting.
“I thought it would be cool to see what everyone’s animal forms would be. Logan was an owl, Pat was a persian cat, and Roman was a dragon. But we didn’t see anxiety anywhere so we thought he was small and hiding and maybe too scared to move. Pat was gonna find him, then a mouse shot out from under the couch and Roman…” Thomas trails off, eyes shifting away, but it’s enough to confirm his suspicions.
“Roman. Care to continue?” Roman meets his ice cold gaze imperiously.  
“gladly. I captured the fiend in my claws. Hurting him was an accident. I merely meant to catch him while he was small and couldn’t hurt us and contain him. Keep him small, so he’d stop bothering Thomas. It’s not like we need him, anyways.” Roman scoffs.
Rage is filling him. Because Roman truly thinks he is in the right, truly thinks he didn’t do anything wrong, and his voice is proud as he speaks about traumatizing Virgil, who is the youngest, the smallest, the most vulnerable to start with. How dare he?
Before he can think, he has crossed the room, he rears his hand back and slaps Roman hard enough to send him reeling backwards.
“You are a heartless, soulless bastard. I told him not to come, I told him he’d get hurt but he didn’t listen. You know why? It’s certainly not because he wants to be included, he doesn’t yearn for your acceptance, it doesn’t break him a little more each time you all dismiss and send him away unwanted. He definitely doesn’t just want to be liked! He never has a hard enough time just being himself, being afraid, all the fucking time, and you have certainly helped make him feel right at home.” He hisses, ignoring the tears stinging at his eyes as he whips around, facing the rest of them.
“And you’re no better. How do you think it feels, knowing the person who conjured you doesn’t even want you? How terrified would you be, surrounded by people who have never showed you kindness, who have admitted their distaste, small and defenseless, being threatened to be put in a cage? His worst fear is something happening to Thomas and being unable to reach him, to react and help. It’s his job to protect Thomas, and you were threatening to keep him away, to put Thomas’s own safety at risk for your own stupid biases! You were threatening to make his nightmare real, and not a single fucking one of you said otherwise, did you?!” He yells, slowly looking at each of them in turn. No one will meet his eyes now, not even Roman.
“you don’t deserve him. You don’t deserve his name. No wonder he hasn’t told you. You’re a bunch of ignorant bullies. And you’d say I’m the bad guy. You all picked out the most vulnerable and pounced.” He shifts his head, turning to Thomas, a curling, empty smile on his face.
“It was a fucking pleasure, Thomas. I’ll be taking my leave.” The lie is bitter and acrid on his tongue, tasting of ash as he sinks out.
He returns to Virgil's room, immediately hurrying to his bedside, because he is crying, despite Remus's attempts to soothe him.
“Vee, what’s wrong?” he asks. Virgil glares at him through his tears.
“you said you were gonna stay!” he lets out a soft breath, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I know. I just had to check on something. But you know Remus would never let anything hurt you, right?” Virgil nods, leaning back into Remus's arms.
“That’s right, starshine. You’re safe.” Remus whispers, rocking Virgil gently, who responds by pressing his face into Remus's chest.
“You’re staying now, right?” Virgil mumbles. He smiles, slipping under the covers.
“I am. No lies this time.” He murmurs as Virgil lays down, curling into him. He reaches out with all six arms, pulling Remus closer, hugging both of them and sandwiching Virgil in warmth and safety.
“What was it?” Remus asks lowly, once Virgil is out again. He sighs.
“Shapeshifting, animal forms. He was a mouse. Roman was a dragon. Threatened to keep him locked up. It got physical.”
“You mean Roman was a bitch and attacked Virgil unprovoked.” Remus's voice is flat, and he shoots him a soft look, one of his hands slipping into Remus's.
“I’m going to kill him.” He squeezes Remus's hand.
“Later. We can work on murder plans later. Right now Vee needs us.”
“Anxiety, it’s dinner time!” Patton's voice trills. He opens his eyes with a groan, freezing instantly.
This… isn’t his room. It isn’t even the commons. He’s laying in soft bedding. He realizes he’s in a little plastic hut. His heart speeds. He looks down at himself, human, good.
He flinches as the house is lifted up, leaving him exposed. His breath catches in his lungs, Patton is looming over him, he is giant. He skitters back, realizing his back is pressing against metal wire. Cage, he is in a cage, he is tiny, in a cage.
He scrambles, trying to claw his way out, trying to bend the wire enough to wriggle out.
“hey, now. None of that kiddo.” His stomach flips as hands squeaze around his waist and he is lifted into the air. He is barely as tall as Patton's ring finger, he is so high in the air as Patton places him down on his palm.
“patton please, please, just let me go, please!” he begs, feeling tears slipping down his face.
“Aw, I know kiddo. But this is better for everyone. This way you’re still around but don’t bother Thomas.” He stumbles as Patton places him back in the cage, doubling over and choking on sobs as a small food dish is placed inside, the shadows of bars shading his face.
He is still begging, pleading, screaming, for Patton, for anyone, to let him out, let him go, but he knows no one is coming, and the bars are pressing in, and soon there won’t be any more space, any more air.  
“hush, stormy, shhh. It’s ok. It’s ok, lovely.” His eyes fly open, and he clings to Dee, feeling all of his arms cradling him tight as he sniffles into his shoulder, sobs shaking his thin frame.
“Just a dream, Vee." He feels Remus's hand on his, feels the terror and residual fear draining out of him as the nightmare is removed from his mind. The pros of dark creativity. Remus can steal other people’s bad thoughts, bad dreams, but then he experiences whatever the thoughts were. He hears Remus's sharp inhale as he sees it, feels his hand tighten it’s grip.
“thanks ree.” He manages, his voice hoarse and sore.
“Virgil, love, we should talk about it. I only got minor details from them.”
“what’s to say? They were going to keep me in a cage, they d-didn't want me.” Dee draws back a tad, looking down at Virgil's face, eyes hidden behind his bangs.
“did anyone help? Surely not all of them went along with this.” He shrugs, taking a deep breath.
“R-roman g-g-rabbed me in his talons and st-started flying. But he yelled… I think L-Logan tried to stop him. He was an o-o-owl. I think he rammed Roman and made him drop me. P-p-patton c-caught me. And… and he put me down, right away, when I asked. I… I don't think they woulda let Roman k-keep me.” He mumbles out, shaking. Dee feels his heart breaking, can feel the murder on Remus's face.
“That's good, Virge. They were trying to defend you.” Virgil shakes his head.
“but they didn’t. Only p-patton even cared I was h-hurt. Thomas… Thomas didn't say a-anything.”
“but he changed you back.” His brow creases as he looks out from Dee's arms at Remus's words. “if he agrees with Roman, he wouldn’t have changed you back.”  
“He's right, lovely. Thomas doesn’t hate you. I know that. That is fact.” He sighs.
“Doesn’t feel like it right now.” He mumbles.
“I know. And that’s ok, Virge.” Dee kisses his head softly. He startles at a knock on the door.  
“Remus, see who it is?”
“If it’s princey stab him for me.” Virgil mumbles, making Remus chuckle and ruffle his hair.
“Gladly, stormy.”  
He throws open the door, leaning in the doorway with a cocky grin, teeth sharp and eyes glinting.
“Well, well, hello there Daddy. Have I been naughty?” he teases, moving to block Patton's view of the room.
“Remus… what… what are you doing here?” Patton asks nervously.  
“Apparently playing the butler. Y'know, Patton, in the movies the butler is always guilty of murder.” He tilts his head slowly, relishing the fear that races across Patton's face. “Now, what are you doing here, daddio?” Patton fiddles with his sweater sleeves, a frown settling on his face.
“I just… I know he probably doesn’t want to see us right now, heck, maybe ever, and I don’t fault him for it. Today… today was bad. Really, really bad. I just want to make sure he's ok. And apologize. We… we chewed out Roman. His actions were unacceptable. Just… I would never let that happen. He’s not… he’s a person, and I don’t always agree with him, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to take away his voice or opinion. Can you just… pass that on, for me? Please?”  
Remus looks back at the bed, softening as he sees Virgil uncurling from Dee, sitting with his knees pulled to his chest, leaning against Dee, who has an arm around his shoulders. Virgil looks up at Dee, a silent question.  
“No lies.” Dee murmurs, and Virgil bites his lip. “You wanna let him in?” He asks softly. Virgil hesitates, but nods.  
“If he means it... yeah.” Virgil mumbles.  
“He does. Remus, stop playing. V- Anxiety says he can come in.” He calls, catching himself before using Virgil’s actual name. Remus sighs, but steps aside.  
“Well? Come in then.”  
Hesitantly, Patton steps inside the dark room, taking in the soft, dark carpet, the dark to light purple gradient painted on the walls. There are also posters for bands carefully hung in frames, and a few posters for movies that Anxiety must like. He sees fairy lights strung across the ceiling that sparkle like stars without the main lights turned on.  
He lets out a soft noise of hurt as he takes in Anxiety, knees pulled to his chest, his shoulders hunched. His eyeshadow is smeared all over his face, his eyes red and puffy. He glances at Deceit, not as surprised to see him here, tilting his head. Deceit nods minutely, and he sits down next to Anxiety, legs dangling over the edge of the bed, careful not to touch him, to give him space.  
“hey kiddo. How’s your shoulder?” He asks.  
“better. Dee helped. It still... still hurts.” His voice is quiet and unsure and hoarse.  
“Yeah. I think it would be pretty strange if it didn’t. I’m glad you’re going to be ok, though. Even if it hurts now, it’ll feel better eventually.”  
“will it?” He is surprised as Patton pulls him into a hug, startled, but after a moment he leans into it, tucking his chin against Patton’s shoulder.  
“I have never wanted you to die. I have never wanted you to leave. You’re one of my kiddos, kiddo, and that means I stand up for you when something hurts you, no matter who or what it is.”
“i’m scared. I hate... I hate being small... I hate... it’s so big, everything... I could drown, in a puddle, I could be crushed by a book, I could be stepped on, I could be crushed, I could get hurt and no one would know, no one would realize or find me. I could be caged...” He chokes out, fear flooding through him again. “I could be caged and my influence squashed, and then no one would protect Thomas, look out for dangers, keep him... keep him on task, keep him motivated to d-do better. I c-can't... trapped, and b-bars and it-it's too much... too small...” He is shaking again, on the edge of hysteria, but Patton is rocking him, holding him.  
“Oh honey... I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. We didn’t know you were gonna be that little. I’m sorry we didn’t ask permission first, we weren’t thinking. I promise, promise,” he pulled back so Anxiety could see his eyes, tears spilling down his own cheeks, “that I will physically fight anyone who suggests we do that again, who even dares to mention putting you in a cage. I nearly did fight Roman, Logan had to hold me back.” That gets a weak laugh out of Anxiety, imagining Logan holding back a kicking and spitting furious Patton. “I love you, kiddo. I really, really do, and if anyone has a problem with that, has a problem with you, they’ll have to go through me first.” Patton’s voice is fierce, and he doesn’t have to look at Dee to know that he isn’t lying.  
“Is worried about you, kiddo. I came to check on you cause he wanted to make sure you were gonna be ok. What you said... really, really scared us, but we didn’t wanna summon you, because we knew you probably didn’t want to be summoned. He’s sorry, too. We all are.”  
“Even Roman?” He asks, bitterness in his voice. Patton hesitates, sighing.  
“I don’t know. I think... I think he’s sorry he got yelled at, sorry he got in trouble, sorry we didn’t agree with him. But I don’t think he’s sorry for what he actually did to you, said to you. Which makes me angry, because he should be sorry, but he isn’t, and if he isn’t, I can’t change that. What I can do is make sure you are going to be alright. I can learn what else we shouldn’t do without asking your permission. I can be better at speaking up when Roman threatens or takes jabs at you, and eventually, hopefully, his attitude will change as he learns none of us are going to enable him anymore. I’m sorry it went this far.” He blinks, surprised. He didn’t expect Patton to acknowledge Roman’s inability to see his own wrongdoings. He didn’t expect Patton to admit to his own shortcomings. He didn’t expect Patton to be... honest.  
“What would you like us to do for now, Anxiety? Clearly, you have two people who love you very much helping your right now, so I feel ok leaving, if you like. I just didn’t want you to be alone, when you were so upset. Thomas... all of us, want to speak with you about what happened, to try and make ammends, but we’ll do that on your terms, so there’s no rush. Just, whenever you’re ready to talk, we’re ready to listen.  If you like, I can bring you meals, if you don’t wanna leave your room for a while. I wanna keep you healthy, and I know if I leave you to your own devices it’ll be chips and soda for every meal.” He lets out a little snort at that, because Patton is right, of course, and he’s already calmed down so much because Patton is being so nice, and he knows Dee would have told him if Patton had lied.  
“that all sounds good, yeah.” He mumbles, shifting out of Patton’s hug, pulling his knees to his chest once again.  
“ok. Is there anything else you need, or would like me to do?” He bites his lip, thinking.  
“Just... just let them know I’m ok? If they’re really that worried about me.” Patton squeezes his non injured shoulder once as he stands, smiling gently.  
“Will do, kiddo. If you ever need anything, or just want some company, don’t be afraid to call me up.”  
“I... might.” Patton smiles again, soft and warm.  
“I love you, Anxiety.” Patton turns away, but before he sinks out, Virgil steels his courage.  
“Virgil!” He shouts, and the room seems to freeze. Remus is staring at him in wide eyed surprise. Deceit has stopped rubbing his back, and Patton falters mid step, before turning to face him, something akin to awe on his face. “That’s... my name. My name is Virgil.” A huge smile blooms across Patton’s face, his eyes light up with tender joy, and he sniffles, wiping away tears.  
“Virgil. I think that’s a lovely name, Virgil. I know I'm usually a blabber mouth, but it when it counts, I can keep a secret.” Patton winks, sending a smile flashing across his own face as warmth blooms in his chest. With a wave, Patton sinks out, and he collapses back against Deceit with a long, low sigh.  
“You sure about that, Virg?” Remus asks, from where he’s leaning against the wall, having simply observed everything.  
“yeah. Yeah I... think I am.” He feels Dee press another soft kiss to the top of his head.  
“Proud of you, lovely.” He smiles, closing his eyes as he feels Remus settle on the other side of him. He is still scared and afraid and knows the nightmares won’t leave him alone for ages, now. But he also knows that at least Patton is on his side. And Patton is almost more of a mama bear than Deceit. If the two of them are looking out for him, he knows nothing will hurt him like this ever again.
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jungle321jungle · 3 years
Slither Into My Heart (Gorgon AU): Part Seven
Deceit didn’t bother to knock as he slammed the door open and glared down to wear Remus sat on his bed polishing his morning star.
“What did you do?” Deceit hissed.
Remus gave him a large smile as he looked him up or down, “Do you have the snakes just up there or are they down below too?”
If asked by Patton later, Deceit most definitely did not try to strangle the other side in that moment. Not all.
Also known as: Deceit is turned into a Gorgon. And the new annoying little snakes on his head seem to have an annoying obsession with Virgil.
Ao3 - Masterlist
Part One
Part Seven
Dee wasn’t sure he had ever moved faster, but just like that he was in his room slamming the door and standing behind it. His initial instinct upon hearing Logan’s words was to throttle the other side- but then he had seen Virgil’s embarrassed- Virgil’s blushing face and he had run- he had sprinted.
His face felt hot, and his heart drumming in his ears was drowning out whatever the hell the snakes were saying. God why the hell had Logan even fucking dared. That wasn't his place! When he got the courage to leave his room he was going to-
Virgil’s voice may have well been ice in Dee’s veins the way he froze. But he also didn't respond, so a knock sounded at the door. “Dee?” he asked again. “Um, I... um... I yelled at Logan for you. Um, and about um...” He heard as Virgil gave a cough. “If you want to talk then yeah. If not I’ll just go.”
Bad Logan. Nice Vee. Vee not mad! Logan mean. Talk Vee. No talk Vee. Hide. Hide good. Talk good. Talk bad.
He wasn’t sure when he had fallen asleep- he wasn’t even sure he remembered dragging himself on his bed, but he did remember waking up. He was sitting up gasping for air, tears burning in his eyes. He swallowed trying to calm himself down but unable to he forced himself to get up and walk to the kitchen. He ignored the gazes of everyone who watched him pass in favor for filling a cup with water and downing it.
“Everything alright Deceit?” Patton asked slowly.
“Fine,” he breathed out refilling his cup.
“Talking may help, kiddo.”
“I don't-”
Talk. Talk good. Maybe help. No nightmares. Help. Talk.
He gave a sigh and after a pause he turned- taking in the fact that Patton, Logan and Remus (aka not Virgil) were sitting at the table before he joined them.
“Deceit,” Logan coughed awkwardly. “Firstly I’d like to apologize for earlier. It’s come to my attention that I shouldn't have overstepped my bounds.”
Dee shook his head, “I really don't want to talk about that right now.”
“What’s up with the snakes?” Remus asked leaning back in his chair. “Are the little devils refusing to be trained in dance?”
Dee didn’t even want to ask. So instead, he told the truth. “I... I haven’t been sleeping. I’ve been having nightmares about my snakes. I thought I had finally gotten used to them and then the shedding happened, and other things which just make it seem stranger and stranger but also forcing me to realize that I’m who I am now... a gorgon. But um... I can't help but wonder and worry about how far that goes...”
“What do you mean?” Logan pressed.
Dee gave a swallow before he let his eyes fall to the table, “I... I keep have nightmares about accidentally turning you all to stone.”
“That would be pretty sick, not gonna lie.” Dee’s head snapped up to see as Virgil walked in the kitchen. “Sorry, I’m not helping am I?”
“Oh! Maybe Remus can set rules for them,” Patton suggested. “He made the connection for Thomas after all.”
“I don't think so,” Logan mused. “The connection was initially made with him and medusa after all... the connection would need to be made with a different gorgon I assume. But that may threaten the snakes themselves.”
No like rules. Rules bad. Want stay. But stone bad! No stone! No want!
The conversation was continuing around him but his focus was primarily on Virgil. Because Virgil seemed to have been functioning as if yesterday had never happened. And Janus wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good or bad thing.
“Don’t worry Dee!” Patton said loudly while clapping him on the shoulder. “Remus will take care of it.”
Dee paused to look at Remus’ smile before he pushed the hand away and stood, “I don’t know how trusting Remus with anything is supposed to make me feel better. I’m going back to my room.”
He slept in short bursts. Falling asleep for five minutes awake for ten, and then asleep for ten and awake for five. It wasn’t anything more than exhausting, but it was how Dee was apparently going to spend the day. He had resigned himself to that. And it seemed the snakes agreed. Their usual buzzing conversations were at a minimum or nonexistent all together. Rather they seemed to be just as exhausted and out of it as he was.
Dee held in a sigh. He wished he could bring them some peace at least. His nightmares were about them turning people to stone after all, there was no way they were in a good place. But he wasn’t sure what to say. Unsure what else to do he reached a hand up to his head and felt as the snakes moved to rub against his hand.
Hand warm. Pets! Want pets. Hand warm. Hand keep.
Dee gave a slight chuckle despite himself, “You can’t keep my hand. If you’re cold just say so.”
Cold. Not cold. Yes cold!
Dee rolled his eyes as he slowly sat up, “Do you guys want me to lay on a blanket or do you want to be in a hat?”
Their answer however wasn’t heard as a soft knock sounded on his door. But when he didn’t respond it came again, this time with Virgil’s voice. “Dee? Can I come in?”
Dee gave a sigh, as if he could say no, but to avoid looking Virgil in the eye he moved to the closet to find an extra blanket. “Sure.”
He heard the door open slowly followed by the sound of unsure footsteps and the door closing.
There! Blanket. Cozy! Warm. Want cozy!
“There’s only one blanket in here I can figure it out without the peanut gallery.”
“Sorry for interrupting,” Virgil said from behind him.
Dee took a deep breath as he grabbed the blanket and turned around. Virgil was standing in his doorway looking around as if he had never been in the room before. But more interestingly he had something behind his back.
“What did you need?” He asked awkwardly as he wrapped the blanket around his head.
“Um... I-I had an idea to help with your nightmares,” Virgil started his gaze now firmly fixed on the floor. “But it’s a bit childish.”
“What do you mean?”
Virgil gave an awkward swallow before he pulled something from behind his back and held it out. But quite frankly Dee had no clue what it was. It seemed to be a large hamster pillow with a long nose like an elephant.
“It’s a baku,” Virgil explained. “Its um a Japanese mythological creature that’s supposed to eat bad dreams. I um, I’ve had it for a long time and maybe it sounds childish and cheesy but um... if there’s a small chance it could help? And if it doesn’t if it helps we are part of Thomas so I don’t think you can turn us to stone. But I guess there’s still a chance- but I’m not scared um... just- just take the baku if you want. Not that you have to of course.”
Dee paused before he took the pillow, “Thank...thank you.”
Virgil gave a sharp nod as he turned away. “When you’re feeling better I, I wanted to talk to you about something else so um. Good night.”
As Virgil left Dee laid down and held the pillow in hands as he examined it. As he did so he couldn’t exactly stop the slight blush on his cheeks.
“Dee! You’re not dead!”
“Obviously I’m not dead.”
“It’s been almost two days!” Patton protested squeezing him tighter.
“I was sleeping,” Dee told him, pushing him away. “And now I’m hungry.”
“You slept well then?” Virgil asked.
“Yeah... thanks.”
Thank Vee! Yay vee! No bad sleep!
“No problem.”
Dee made himself a plate and sat down at the table, “So um... you wanted to talk about something?”
Virgil gave a nod, “Yeah. Um... firstly, Patton can you uh?”
Patton cocked his head slightly in confusion before he seemed to understand and nodded quickly, “Oh uh I’ll be right back! I just remembered I have to... to uh... uh... make the bed!”
When he had left Virgil gave a soft sigh, “So um, about the other day. And what Logan said...”
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no!
Dee felt his face heat up and he was standing before he knew he was, “We can just pretend that never happened! Let’s just go back to normal, okay?”
Virgil’s head fell so his face couldn’t be seen. “But I... I don’t want to.”
Virgil’s head lifted up slightly and Dee’s heart skipped a beat at the blush on the other side’s face. “I... Shit you’re really gonna make me say it? I... I like you Dee...”
For one of the first times in his existence, Dee was speechless. Truly speechless. Even the snakes were silent.
Virgil was giving him a slight glare, “Say something!”
“When’s the wedding?” Roman called from the next room.
“Fuck off!” Dee and Virgil yelled back as one.
As Roman cackled Dee sunk back into his seat and looked across from him at Virgil. “I like you too.”
Virgil gave a slight laugh, “Yeah I already figured that out.”
A weight fell from his shoulders, and Dee couldn’t help but give a sigh of relief.
Yes. Yes. Vee! Vee like! Vee like!
Yeah... Virgil liked him. It didn’t really make sense that Virgil did, but Dee wouldn’t exactly complain. “I don’t really know what happens now,” he admitted.
Virgil gave a shrug, “Me neither.”
Before Dee could respond, Roman walked in the room his eyes sparkling, “If you guys are looking for date ideas then I have a whole list that we can test before we send Thomas on one.”
“We just-”
“It’s in my room I’ll be right back!”
Ooo. Date! Need fancy clothes. Dates fun? Yes, fun! Spend time with Vee!
Dee rolled his eyes, “Want to move into the living room? I feel like this is gonna take awhile.”
“Or, we could always just go elsewhere before he comes back.”
“Anywhere in mind?”
“I found it!” Roman’s voice called.
“Does it matter?” Virgil asked heading into the hall.
Dee didn’t answer, rather he grabbed Virgil’s hand and reveled in Virgil’s blush as he let himself be pulled down the hall to who knows where. Because it didn’t matter where they were going, because if Virgil was going to he knew he'd be happy.
~~The End~~
Thanks for sticking around!
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quietrainfan · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about Brotherly Dukeceit? I’ve always imagined them as being closer than any other pair of Sides because they only have each other to rely on, especially after Virgil abandoned them.
(I’m also really excited to have found someone else who sees the Sides as brothers :D)
Oh, honey, I have tons of brotherly Dukeceit headcanons! So glad you asked! Also yes, I'm super glad to hear someone else share the same interpretation as me!
Janus keeps a lid on Remus's chaotic energy.
Really, he's the only one that can.
That doesn't mean Janus restricts his creativity or doesn't let him go wild at all. Far from it.
A big part of their bonding together is blowing things up, cutting things down (or up), and experimenting with dark magic.
Dark magic is their oxygen. They can't live without it.
It's something that is apart of everything they do.
Power comparing? Favorite pass times. Dee always large open fields in the mind palace to go all out on.
Theater? Come on. You think they're not going to utilize their deliciously dark gothic abilities with over the top musical numbers and songs they've made up on the fly?! Child, please!
Do you know how dramatic they are?
The Disney Villains were their favorite characters for a reason.
"They may have invented the performance but we perfected it! Eat shit, Scar!"
"We don't disrespect the King in this house, Remus."
"Sorry, Dee."
"But you're right. We're better."
Remus is high key terrified of Janus.
As loving as the snake man is, he'd be the first to run when he's angry. Especially if it's to the point where Janus uses his powers.
He keeps on his big brother's good side. Definitely.
Remus also has tremendous respect for Janus as well.
He values his input on things and really is the only one he'll ever follow orders from.
It comes from his acknowledgment of how strong and smart Janus is. He loves his ruthless cunning inner nature. Even more so if he gives him orders based on it. It gets his blood pumping. And you know how much of an adrenaline junkie he is.
But it is also because Janus will listen to him. He values his input. He never makes him feel stupid, unreachable or something to be "tweaked".
He accepts his opinions as they are. So long as it doesn't result in getting himself or the others hurt. Janus won't judge. He loves that about him.
Remus always used to rest his chin on Dee's lap when they were little. He still does it whenever he feels sad or lonely or really any sort of vulnerability he can't share with anyone else.
He always shows this attitude of an unhinged, unbothered quirky mad man. No one would really take him seriously if he came forward about these things. Roman wouldn't even look at him.
But he could confide in Janus.
He'd always gently pet through his hair and look down at him with a soft, warm smile. Silently reassuring him everything was going to be okay. Never shaming him for being an adult and still coming to rest on his lap.
Perks of being the little brother: Getting spoiled rotten whenever you're down and always having someone there to help rile up some chaos to help you feel better.
Oh, of course Remus returns the favor whenever the shoe is on the other foot.
Remus hypes Janus up nonstop. Saying he's the best big brother he could ever ask for, he's a king, his levels of ruthless cunning is something he can only dream of, his amount of power is beyond his understanding, he's so smart, so handsome, he's a great leader, he's so gentle and kind but stern at right time, he never would've kept his creative drive without him!-
He just goes on and on. His cool elder brother is not going to think ill of himself. Ever!
Remus attaches to Janus like a koala at random times with zero warning. For hours.
Janus just rolls with it.
Janus will literally just walk around with him there like it's the most normal thing in the world. Like, he just goes to the kitchen with a cup of coffee and looks in the fridge for the something to eat?
"Um...Salutations, Janus....you do know there's a-"
"Yes.", He just takes his snack and leaves.
He may or may not get Remus a snack as well and toss it over his shoulder for Remus to catch it in his mouth at times.
The two could rule the world with the amount of zero fucks they give, honestly.
They definitely have the whole dynamic duo thing going on and they steal every room they're in.
Feel free to add, I have many more and would love to hear from others!
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years
magic touch
Pairing: Romantic Moceit
Word Count: 1,322
so @emo-disaster asked for moceit, i was going to send this premise as an ask, but the more i thought about it the more i wanted to add to it, so... tada! my first bullet fic! hope y’all like it, love u mwah
so patton is obvi a v physically affectionate person
deceit is,,, less so
at least at first
here’s how that changed
it’s in the pining period, before the two of them got together
and deceit comes to a realization
the realization being... he kinda likes when patton... touches him?
no not like that remus
but like
patton throws an arm around his shoulder, casual and quick, and deceit lets him
patton grabs his hand, gives it a squeeze because something exciting and wonderful has just happened, and deceit lets him
patton ruffles his hair on the one single occasion patton sees him without his hat, and deceit lets him
deceit may or may not go without his hat again in the hopes that patton will repeat the gesture
and deceit doesn't realize how much he likes the touch
until it goes away
just for a few days!! maybe patton has to work overtime to help thomas w something, idk
but deceit's suddenly very aware of how. warm and soft and comforting and gentle patton is.
and he misses it?
even though he's not gone, just busy
but deceit would rather die before he asks patton to stop working to, what, come cuddle him?
that’s ridiculous
(he wants patton to cuddle him, tho. he wants to v v bad)
‘but NO’ deceit says to himself, ‘of COURSE i don't need that, i didn't need it before and i don't need it now’
liar liar pants on fire
so deceit hunkers down, does his own stuff for a few days
but he can’t stop wondering why he feels so pent up and tense and irritated
patton's a little worse for wear himself
he's worn out and tired from working so hard recently
and he wouldn't mind some physical affection?
but he knows that's not deceit's thing and he doesn't wanna pressure him
(he’d never, ever wanna pressure him)
so when he finally gets a break, a night to himself, some time alone to relax and recuperate from all his work
he tiptoes to deceit's room
telling himself he's content with just saying hi and good night
and ‘i love you’
but patton doesn’t want to pressure him
so he knocks on deceit’s door
knocks again
he pushes a little harder on the door with his knuckles, and-
and it swings open
like maybe deceit was leaving it open for someone
so patton steps in
deceit’s at his desk, his back to the door
no hat, no capelet
just simple pajamas and big noise cancelling headphones on his head
‘did he steal those from virgil?’ patton wonders idly
he did
patton takes a few steps toward him
“hi, dee”
deceit’s hands are flying over the keyboard, patton almost couldn’t even hear himself over the click-clack of the keys
patton gets a bit closer, tries again
still nothing
patton is standing right behind him now
patton can smell his shampoo from here
patton can’t explain why he does what he does next
patton lifts his hand
and places it flat on deceit’s back, right between his shoulderblades
... deceit.exe has stopped working
what that looks like is this: deceit’s fingers suddenly spasm, like he started to clench his fists but froze halfway through, and his perfect typing suddenly stops, the last line of text now riddled with typos and incomprehensible keysmashes
it was less than a second, but it could’ve been years
patton feels the subtle shift of tense muscles underneath his palm
deceit feels a sudden warmth that makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up
the next second, and the moment passes
patton pulls away, all “i’m sorry!” and “i didn’t mean to interrupt you” and “i just wanted to see you, to say hi, to say goodnight, to say-”
deceit isn’t listening
deceit is spinning around in his desk chair
deceit is leaping up to grab patton’s wrist
gently, gently, so gently
deceit is pulling patton into him
‘he’s hugging me?’ patton thinks, the one thought his brain can create in this moment of shock
‘i’m hugging him?’ deceit thinks, the one thought his brain can create in this moment of humiliation
honestly, ‘hugging’ is generous
it’s more like deceit has wrapped his arms around patton’s neck
his face has fallen onto his shoulder
just absolutely clinging to him, really
the snake jumped out
and deceit is... so embarrassed
but he can’t make himself let go
and then
deceit still can’t believe this
and then patton
patton doesn’t say anything
(patton is having trouble remembering how to breathe, let alone how to form words into coherent sentences)
instead patton finally manages to raise his arms
wraps them so tightly around deceit’s torso
leans forward to smell that shampoo up close
it’s eucalyptus, if you’re wondering
like second nature, patton rubs his hands up and down deceit’s back
he’s warm and soft and comforting and gentle
... oh my god, deceit has missed this so much
at some point, one of patton’s hands rises to card through deceit’s hair and he almost whines out loud at how good it feels
patton scratches his nails very softly against deceit’s scalp
deceit does whine out loud, actually
it’s illegally adorable
that little noise is enough to break the spell
deceit pulls his head back
he hopes beyond hope that his blush isn’t visible in the half light of his room
it is but patton doesn’t mention it
“um” deceit says
“sorry about. that”
eloquent as ever
patton blinks
“why sorry?”
“because” deceit starts
he doesn’t finish
because he realizes two things
the first realization: his arms are still wrapped around patton
(a distressing observation, to be sure)
the second realization?
patton’s arms are still wrapped around deceit as well
(less distress, more confusion)
patton’s face inches away from his
patton’s eyes sparkling even in the dark
patton’s... lips-
deceit is kissing him
deceit is... kissing. Him.
... huh
... oh! oh, he should be kissing back!
so patton kisses deceit back
and they kiss
and they kiss
and they kiss
and they... wow, still kissing, huh?
ok let’s jump forward a bit
patton has changed into some of deceit’s pajamas
(he could’ve conjured his own but they both sorta pretend to forget that fact)
(because deceit’s sleep shirt absolutely swallows patton)
(and it makes patton feel really good)
(and it makes deceit feel really good)
and patton has asked once more if deceit is sure he doesn’t mind if patton sleeps in their
“i mean, it’s your room, i don’t wanna impose, just say the word and i’ll leave-”
“patton we just made out for 20 minutes, don’t you think if i wanted you gone i’d have said so sooner?”
(deceit is being extra snarky to hide the fact that his blush has somehow not died down in the slightest)
(patton sees right through him so it’s ok)
so eventually they manage to get into bed together
no not like that remus
and there’s just like. a few beats of awkwardness
because even tho they’re *~going steady~* they’ve obviously never really done anything like this before
and deceit doesn’t wanna seem needy
and patton doesn’t wanna seem pushy
so they literally take it inch by inch
patton: *brushes his pinky against deceit’s*
deceit: *grazes the back of patton’s hand with his knuckles*
like i’m talking glacier pace
but they’re smiling and giggling (and yes, deceit, blushing) like little kids
so deceit finally works up the nerve to push his back against patton’s chest
and patton finally works up the courage to wrap his arms around deceit’s torso
and it’s like two pieces of a puzzle have just clicked in place
surprise surprise
turns out these motherfuckers love to cuddle
and the rest is history
edit: now with art to go with it!! thank you star!!
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