#and how daisys arc fits into it
desolate-flame · 3 months
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never not thinking about this quote from daisy in entombed something something the buried representing repression and being trapped vs it giving daisy the clarity she needed idk …
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3gremlins · 9 days
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wanted to participate in @storybookhawke 's DA met gala themed thing so here's a quick merrill piece (i kinda forgot until the reblog reminder went around so this was a pretty quick sketchy painting :3). haven't done DA art in ages so this was fun in the story ( the met gala theme is based on a j.g ballard short story called "the garden of time", which you can read here if you want!) the characters are trying to push off their inevitable downfall by picking the flowers that briefly stop time. the more flowers they pick, the sparser and less beautiful their garden looks- until eventually doom reaches them as there are no more flowers. i thought it did sort of fit with merrill's character arc a lot of her character arc is partially in her trying to balance the use of blood magic with her personal magic and how she's always tempted by demons (and how even success is tainted and doomed). She's always pulled by two sides- a more innocent, noble side that just wants to preserve her people's heritage and the other where she's willing to make deals without fully understanding the consequences. Every thing she does in the story line kind of pushes her closer towards the inevitable conflict (she can't push off the demon forever/will run out of time)
ALSO i really liked the flower theme and wanted to draw merrill in a pretty yet kinda sexy dress and it fits with her skill tree aesthetic (which is all about plant growth and nature magic). prob not the most avant garde thing but w/e. I know she's usually more associated with daisies but I liked the drama of roses and then contrasted it with the floatier lighter skirt on the other side (in the story the flowers are crystalline so this was a bit of a nod) here's the 15 sec time lapse if anyone's been interested
anyway this was really fun and i might do more but i def won't finish them in time (obvs). it was nice to do an au fashiony design again too, i've missed it
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gnomebinary · 17 days
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This is my protocol bingo! (Thank you as always osric.com).
Lena is just doing her evil job - No thoughts, no morals, no alligence. Girlboss.
Nobody ever finds out Jmart's real names - I just think that would be tragic, and fit in with what RQ have been saying about this not being too attached to Archives.
Redemption arc - There was a notable lack of these in Archives even though forgiveness and making a conscious effort to behave morally were important themes in the later seasons. I'm ready for Mr Bonzo to have Kylo Ren's exact redemption arc where he's redeemed mostly through kissing. I don't even care who he kisses.
Froyo trip - It's pretty clear that we're being told that this is Somewhere Else through things like the Archives staff having tea and the OIAR staff having coffee. The s1 Archives gang iconically got icecream, so I'm gunning for a froyo trip, and a Gwen monologue about preservatives.
Colin dies first - He's just so killable. Plus, Celia can't die until they do her reveal and they'll probably want to build up to it, Sam can't die because he's the driving force behind investigation into Magnus, Alice can't die because she kinda makes the whole show, Gwen can't die because she's mid-arc and it is of the type that if left unfinished it would be anticlimactic not tragic, and Lena can't die because the impact would be pretty low.
Nostalgic PC games - I LOVE that RQ appears to be into old tech. I want to see Chester and Norris play Catz 5. Lowfi retro charm.
Dyhard - I go back and forth on this one, it feels too obvious what with the hot drinks imagery workplace annoyances to lovers stuff, but at the same time it does Just Make Sense.
Somebody becomes disabled - In Archives people were injured a lot, but none of that amounted to a long-term physical disability, except for Melanie's blindness. Feels like something to do in Protocol.
Police brutality - Feels like a theme that Jonny still has more to say about, and an incredibly easy one to weave into this kind of story.
Alice is hiding something - I actually think she isn't but y'all are saying it.
Alice naming stuff has consequences - She does it so much and Colin warned her off it, clearly seeming concerned but not explaining why, I think it will have unforeseen and damaging consequences.
Someone has a pet - In Archives, especially in the earlier seasons, everyone was notably unattached. Martin has a mum to take care of, but nobody has partners or children. I think this was partly because it made them easier to manipulate, and partly because it meant that tragedy could be dialled up: Sasha dying was sad, but not as gutwrenching as Daisy dying because Daisy's relationships were more fleshed out because it was later in the series. We're already bucking that trend with Celia's son, so I think we might see a pet too. Also, the pet will probably die.
Alice dies in the last season - Alice is very killable but she's also the heart and soul of the character relationships, so I think they will kill her but they'll wait to do it, and then do it mid-final season as an OOH THEY WENT THERE turning point, like how Tim dying brought in a new, darker era for Archives.
Conclusion that love isn't what makes you human - At London Comicon in October, Alex or Jonny (I forget) said that if Archives was about what makes you a monster, Protocol is about what makes you human. I think it's kinda trite if love is the answer, and I think the conclusion re love will be that monsters can love, because that's cooler. Hell yeah romantic monsterfucking.
Celia evil - I LOVE that we're seeing another Welsh person, but she doesn't sit well with me.
Agnes returns but we don't hear her speak - The tree on the other side of the rift is still alive, and if that universe was this one then that means that Agnes may still be alive. Jonny and Alex have said that they regret not doing more with Agnes, and I don't think they'll miss out on the opportunity to use her again. However, I think the fact that she doesn't speak is central to her tragic character and role as Jon's character foil, and I don't think they'll change that. I actually posted a tiktok about this.
Scene on London public transport - We're already seeing our gang at the pub and on dates, I think we're going to get some tube content.
Jmart fate worse than death - They're going to have us WISHING that they died in mag200.
Fears never treated as separate - I just think we're over that.
Breakup - They're getting the character relationships in early, so I'm predicting an onscreen breakup, because that's one of the few ways that we didn't see relationships between characters going bad in Archives.
Gerry's life gets ruined again - I'm sorry guys but I don't think they're going to let him have peace. He's going to get dragged into the OIAR situation and he's going to suffer.
Alice's brother lives - People are already noting similarities between Alice and Tim, I think that it'll be essentially the same character beat again if her brother dies. Adapt, improvise, overcome, RQ.
Another Michael - Just another character called Michael, unrelated to the four existing Michaels. I wasn't going to put this because Jonny is very aware of the four Michael problem, but this man plagurised his own full legal Christian name, so anything is possible.
Jack is Agnes' Jack - I think it's cool if we all think about how there was actually a massive age gap between Agnes and Jack because she didn't seem to age past her twenties, so he was absolutely a child when she was an adult. Not that I want to have Discourse or anything, that relationship was hecked up and complex in plenty of other ways, just because it's interesting.
Onscreen kiss - They said they wouldn't do it during Archives and then they did and it wasn't that gross, so I'm ready to see it happening again. They might have a relationship between allosexuals this time, I don't think they're going as far as onscreen fucking, but I'm game to be surprised. Insert joke about reusing the whimpering noises from Archives here.
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i think i've mentioned The Magnus Archives before, but i wanted to talk about it again, in connection with Catra's redemption. The Magnus Archives is a fictional horror podcast with an overarching storyline and amazingly written characters.
[spoilers for TMA below]
one of the themes that was briefly explored in the final season was about forgiveness. it was a very brief moment but it really stuck with me so i'll share it with y'all.
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this right here was so important. for context, one of the characters, Daisy Tonner, was a cop who frequently engaged in police brutality. there was nuance to this since she was an Avatar of the Hunt but simply put, she thought she was doing the right thing. regardless of her intentions, a lot of people were killed or grievously harmed by her. for similar reasons, she tries to kill Jon, the protagonist.
later after disconnecting from her entity, Daisy realizes her mistakes and feels painfully guilty about everything. she couldn't bring back the dead, she couldn't reverse anything that she had done. all she could do at that point was to just stop engaging in violence and try to be a better person.
she bonds with Jon after some time of mutual awkwardness. Jon, being lonely himself, wasn't entirely opposed to talking to her and they even form a friendship of sorts. for context, Jon has hurt people too and he could relate with Daisy's guilt and her attempts at redemption.
in the transcript i shared above, Jon is discussing her crimes with the other characters. the thing that was so refreshing about Daisy's redemption is that Jon wasn't forced to forgive her. she put him through an extremely traumatizing and agonizing situation that he couldn't forget. his trauma was taken seriously and while he had begun to consider Daisy as his friend, that doesn't mean he forgave her. and she knew that. she understood that she didn't deserve forgiveness, but she still worked on trying to be a better person.
and later on in the series, Jon even expresses his appreciation for her friendship and admits to wanting to say goodbye to her.
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i feel like this is the best way to write a redemption arc. of course it's nice seeing the bad guy being forgiven and accepted by the other characters. but sometimes you have to acknowledge that some people go too far and while they deserve a redemption, they don't deserve forgiveness. the other characters can still appreciate and respect their attempts at redemption, and even become their friend but without being forced to forgive them.
contrast this to SPOP where literally all of the characters have to forgive Catra after everything she's done to them. it doesn't matter how much damage she caused, as soon as she expresses the tiniest bit of guilt, she is instantly forgiven. there's no question of how the other characters feel, their trauma is not valid.
also, i have a feeling that if any of the characters refused to forgive Catra, she would have immediately thrown a hissy fit and spiralled right back to square one. i mean, look at her reaction to Frosta punching her.
by the way, i want to add that Daisy was also a traumatized character. she was also a sympathetic antagonist and she was partially controlled by the Hunt (whether the entities controlled their avatars or not was an unanswered question but it was confirmed that the Avatars were at least 80% in control of themselves). but she still did what she did and no amount of tragic backstory could justify her actions. if only the writers of SPOP actually stopped to think this through, instead of just hyperfocusing on getting Catra and Adora together.
anyway, if you like cosmic/existential horror, lots of angst, deep psychological stuff, complex morally grey characters, and queer representation, i highly recommend TMA! it's the whole package.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
Just curious and i like hearing your thoughts on this stuff. May i ask what aspect of steddie fanon you're referring to (which don't fit IRL queer culture so accurately)?
Ahaha...okay so. IMPORTANT NOTE: fandom is not that crucial, do whatever you want, run free through daisy fields of whatever headcanons and characterizations you please. Also, fic is not real life and that's okay!!
That being said, fandom can get slightly weird about sex, especially queer sexual cultures and especially historical queer sexual cultures. I mean, I get it! Our current hegemonic understanding of sexuality is actually pretty recent; I studied sexuality from a sociological perspective as part of my undergrad degree, focusing on moral panics (gosh I wonder why Eddie's character arc appeals to me! so mysterious!), and I know just enough to know that I don't know shit. So I certainly don't expect anyone to be doing paradigm-shifting sociohistorical research for a fic. That would be ridiculous.
All of this is leading up to say that based on 1) the relayed experiences of queer mentors who were in the scene in the 80s 2) the secondary sources I’ve researched 3) personally having many gay male friends who love oversharing through the last ~15 years, I believe that if canon-compliant gay Eddie Munson is a virgin, it’s largely by choice. 
I've seen it suggested that Eddie's poor academic performance and nerdy interests would be, essentially, a dick deterrent. And like...I enjoy Eddie’s weirdo loser vibe as much as the next fan. I fully support him not being in any way smooth or cool with boys. But even when I myself was in my late teens/early twenties, many of my closest friends were awkward nerdy twinks who absolutely managed to get laid every weekend because MSM* hookup culture is eternal. 
And in the early 80s, when Eddie would’ve been in his late teens, MSM hookup culture was at its peak. AIDS still wasn’t being taken that seriously, and transmission etc. wasn’t really understood because…well, you know this story. It’s not a good story. Fuck Reagan. 
In short, I really can’t emphasize enough how certain types of sexual contact were extremely available for men seeking sex with men. A pretty young thing like Eddie could have literally as much sex as he wanted. Nobody is asking him for a high school transcript or anything about his hobbies, they’re asking if he tops. 
Now, would Eddie actually participate in the hookup culture of the time? That's a more complicated and speculative question, and not actually what you asked, but I'm going to talk about it briefly anyway.
In the 'yes' column: he has his own vehicle**, zero supervision, and a penchant for risky behavior.
In the 'no' column: the boy has at least three extremely involved hobbies eating up his spare time and energy; he's also a not-so-secret romantic.
Personally, I can see the pseudo-intimacy appealing to Eddie's tendency to keep people at arm's length, and I think it’s very plausible for him to be curious and experimental enough to want to explore a bit. I tend to land on 'tried it a few times, doesn't make a habit of it' in my backstories. I also tend to hint at the softer, friendlier side of hookup culture in my fics, just because I don’t often see it represented. 
Of course it’s like any other scene, there are bad actors and generally shitty people/situations, and sometimes the MSM scene specifically can be a bit of a soul-draining meat market. (ETA, because I am not white and neither are the vast majority of my friends and I felt increasingly weird not mentioning it even though it's not relevant to Eddie's situation: the scene is often also super racist, among other things! But that's a whooole other complicated kettle of fish, and again, not relevant to Eddie's situation.)
But there’s also space for casual sex to be part of a friendly relationship, in a way that I don’t really see in hetero circles. It’s hard to explain. It’s one of those dynamics that basically never shows up in mainstream media at all, so I absolutely don’t blame fics that don’t show it either. It’s just one of those things.
This is a step to the left, but I recommend checking out Dykes To Watch Out For: it’s practically an anthropological document depicting dyke culture in the 80s, it’s often funny as hell, and it’s just a fantastically detailed and relatively accessible window into a particular way of life that doesn’t really exist anymore. 
*MSM = men who have sex with men. It’s a sociological designation; not everyone in this category identifies as gay, bi, queer, etc. It may be useful to think about sexuality as having three distinct components: behavior, identity, and desire. The term “MSM” puts focus on the behavioral aspect, because it’s most relevant in this context. 
**As someone who has experienced several other countries' driving cultures, I just want to emphasize to non-Americans how willing many Americans are to drive for multiple hours for basically any reason whatsoever.
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wooahaes · 10 months
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pairing: non-idol!s.coups x gn!reader
genre: dark yet also fluff...? mentions of married au.
word count: 0.8k~
warnings: depictions of violence (reader being pinned roughly against the wall by their neck), cheol being a dick. mentions of reader having a gun at one point. not proofread in the slightest. teehee its an actor au tho, reader just gets into character. writer also knows little about making movies.
daisy's notes: hes in his villain arc rn (also sorry for no taglist im exhausted, will rb w taglist tomorrow sometime)
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All within a moment, your back was slammed into a wall and Seungcheol was staring you down.
"Pathetic..." He spit the word at you, cold eyes indifferent as he curled his fingers around your neck. "You really thought you'd get away with this, didn't you?"
You swallowed hard, hands tugging at his grasp. "I... I didn't--"
His hand grew tighter for a moment, pushing you harder against the wall. "I should kill you right now," he growled. "But I won't. We deserve an audience, don't we?" The cruel smile that tugged at his lips terrified you. Fuck, if only you hadn't lost your knife earlier--you wasted your last shot while he was pursuing you, and you'd dropped the gun when he grabbed you. "He'll be here soon."
You started shaking your head, tears brimming. "No. Nonono--Not Chan. Don't you fucking dare touch him--"
His hand grew tighter for just a moment. "Do you really think you're in the position to make orders?" He clicked his tongue. "You truly are stupid. Tell me," he grabbed your hands, pushing them above your head. "Why shouldn't I let him watch as I tear you limb from limb? You made this deal for him."
"I didn't!" You barked, tears running down your cheeks. "He doesn't have anything to do with this, you fucking monster--"
Another slam, and you let out a whimper of pain. Yet he was still cold, tilting his head curiously. "Humans are always so feisty," he clicked his tongue. "All of this just to save his soul... Maybe I should keep you alive. Let you watch as I devour him whole--"
With one swift kick to his abdomen, he lost his grip on you, recoiling from the pain. Immediately, you heard a "cut!" from offstage, and you immediately rushed over to the bent-over Seungcheol while the director said something about getting your doubles back in for this next fight scene. There'd be moments the two of you would need to simulate, but that could wait for when your husband can actually breathe again.
"Oh my god, I told you I didn't need to kick you for real!"
"No, no, it looks better--" He chuckled, straightening up. "Trust me--"
You smacked his arm, already pulling him off set, passing by your doubles. Yours gave you finger guns, calling out something about how that take looked pretty damn good from where they were sitting. To your dismay, the director agreed: the real kick did look better on camera in terms of Seungcheol's legitimate surprise. It fit the moment better, since his character was meant to be shocked at your character overcoming their fear to save their love. So the two of you retreated off set to rest for a minute and hydrate, and you caught the way he was pouting at you.
"I don't like the way Seokjin gets to have so many romance scenes with you." He sighed. He paused, eyes falling to your neck. Sure, the two of you had been walked through the scene plenty of times before on how to make it look real without him hurting you...
Before he could actually touch you to check you over, you swatted his hand away. "I'm fine, Cheol," you said. "Are you really jealous of him?"
"No!" He huffed. "I just hate how we don't get to play romantic roles. We should try to find a romantic role next."
The way he was frowning at you earned a snort from you, and you leaned against him. "Aw, my Cheollie's jealous."
He rolled his eyes, smiling as he settled in. "I'm not. I'm the one who gets to go home with you. I just... I like the idea of playing romantic leads with you. We could play something silly. I think we'd be good at it."
"Yeah, sure--"
"I do!" He pressed a kiss onto the top of your head. Even in his dark contacts and sullen makeup, he still looked handsome. You dreaded the scene where you killed him later: he'd never let you hear the end of it. He took your hand, playing with your fingers as he continued to muse aloud: "I think... It should end in a wedding. So I can marry you all over again--"
You swatted at his arm. "You sap."
He chuckled. "Just for you." He glanced back to where the two of you probably should start heading back in. Seokjin had already been on stand-by since he'd burst into the scene after your one-on-one fight with Seungcheol, and the two of you still had to film more for that for the close-ups...
Yet Seungcheol turned you to face him, kissing you hard and fast. "There." He chuckled. "It's out of my system."
(Although you were positive Seungcheol would steal another after the next scene you had with Seokjin...)
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pandoa · 1 year
Daisies ~ “it’s our little secret, alright?” and Rooftop view with Trey please!
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Daisies ~ “it’s our little secret, alright?”
~trey clover x gender neutral reader~
thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy, anon!
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♡the goods♡
“Psst, Boss” a voice coming from the tallest roof of the Heartslabyul dorm discreetly whispered to another as it called out to the figure walking towards it, “you got the goods?”
“The what?”
“The goods.”
“What goods—“
“You know what I’m talking about. C’mon. Hand ‘em over,” the shadow said as it emerged from its place behind a large pillar, reaching out its hands in desperation.
Trey quizzically stared at the individual's palms as they made adorable grasping movements by opening and closing their hands like a child, puzzled but amused, “Are you talking about… the tarts?”
“Yes, of course the tarts!” your familiar figure then skipped out into the rays of sunlight shining onto Heartslabyul’s open rooftop. “What else would we be doing here?” you questioned as your boyfriend, Trey, watched loose locks of your hair glide mid-air from the wind reaching the roof. The sun had been perfectly placed high in the sky as you and Trey were surrounded by multitudes of clouds and twittering birds flocked just above you both. The view from the Queen of Hearts’ dorm was one embraced in dream-like ambience as the wind kissed the tops of your fingertips, adeptly sending subtle chills to you and Trey with its mystique.
“Oh, right,” the Heartslabyul third year shot a bashful smile at your comment, “How could I forget?” The boy then non-discreetly reached behind his back to reveal a beautifully decorated tray of freshly made tarts that made even the critters flying around you halt at the sweet’s tempting aroma. You mesmerizingly gawked at the tart’s resplendence—stars practically glimmering from your eyes—as Trey watched your attention gradually drift from him to the tart resting in his hands.
“Here you go,” the green-haired boy then finally handed you the tray of sweets, cradling it like a baby. “Also,” Trey continued, “make sure you don’t mention this to anyone at Heartslabyul. Riddle advised me to refrain from baking another tart today so that we could save the ingredients for tomorrow’s Unbirthday party, so technically I wasn’t supposed to bake you anything today.” The Heartslabyul vice housewarden proceeded to scratch the back of his head as his eyebrows knitted in slight embarrassment, “It’s okay, though, I can just go buy more ingredients at Sam’s shop later. No problem.”
“Ooh~” you began poking at the boy’s side, “Are these the infamous relationship perks of being Trey Clover’s precious significant other~?” A playful grin then bloomed on your face as you teased at your boyfriend’s kindness. 
“Well, it has only been a week or so; I guess some sort of special treatment is perfectly fit for you now that it’s official,” Trey uttered, attempting to brush off your bantering comment with reason.
“It’s our little secret, though, alright?”
“What? That we’re dating now?” you confusingly looked back up to the third year, not quite understanding what he said, “You know that’s kinda’ impossible to hide, Trey. Grim is practically attached to me day and night; he’ll find out and blab about it to everyone soon.”
“I meant the tarts (Y/n). The tarts.”
“Oh. Right. I won’t tell a soul,” you said, guiding a hand up to jokingly sault your partner. “The tart dealing will be kept between us, Boss”
“Why are you acting like this is something illegal—”
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a/n: drug dealer trey arc but it's tarts
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lizard-shifter-noms · 16 days
Still Subject to Change Chapter 12 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i’m sorry.
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Making my mind up I turned back to Oakley and twisted the gem to turn back into the smallest form which was a bit difficult given that I now had an extremely short thumb like thing that was half covered in fur.
“Can I come back later? I do want to take your offer, i really do, but i promised to bring them back to Kamerasca and i still plan on doing that”
He nodded and tilted his head back into a normal position shuffling his wings a bit closer to his body.
“Keeping promises is important so of course you can come back later! This isn't a one time offer i'm not an asshole so take your time, i'll still be here even in a week or two, no need to rush”
I was relieved to hear that, but we still didn't really know what direction we had to go in to get to Kamerasca.
“Say, do you know the way? To Kamerasca i mean, we got kinda lost”
He nodded and rummaged for a second in his green patterned cloak before taking out a round metal object.
“Here this will help, you just have to go south south east then you should find it and to get back to me just go north north west”
He Handed me the metal thing and I could see that it was an extremely well made compass in an expensive looking hull that seemed to be made out of actual steel.
“I- Thats- Thank you! That's really useful! But it looks very expensive. 
Are you sure you want to give that to me? You already gave me the bracelet”
He nodded and fished out at least three more of the compass out of his cloak, all held together by a thin but sturdy rope.
“I have lots of em, giving one out isn't gonna do anything to me, now you should probably get on the move i'm sure you can cover some ground until it's dark, it's only midday after all”
He was right, we had spent the majority of the morning here and still had plenty of time to cover some distance.
Walking back to the Humans I saw that Robin had once again made about a dozen flower crowns and planted some on the head of Arthur and was About to put one on Rikaad’s head.
Rikaad bowed his head in front of the smaller boy who then slowly put the flowers on his head.
It kind of looked like a coronation and had to smile, It was kinda funny that Rikaad just let Robin do whatever.
Suddenly Robin's head whipped around and a huge smile plastered onto his face as he saw me.
“Donovan! Do you want a flower crown too?”
He held one up that was made of lots of daisies and I nodded.
“Sure! You're good at making them”
He carefully put it on my head and it fit perfectly.
“Oh also! Oakely showed me how to use the bracelet and gave me a compass so we could find Kamerasca”
I held up the metal object for them to see and I could see Arthur face light up at the prospect of getting home soon, while Rikaad was as professional as ever even with the flowers on his head.
“That is very good news, i say we pack our belongings and start moving”
Rikaad had already put his small bag over his shoulder and tossed Arthur his as i was now unable to put it in my pockets as a human sized being.
Oh wait, I could fix that, but I probably should ask first to avoid scaring them half to death by suddenly shifting.
“I could go Giant again and carry those? Oakley let me have the Bracelet so i can shift whenever”
At the mention that I was now able to switch forms whenever I wanted Robin's eyes lit up and he bounced a bit on his feet.
“Can you turn back into the green kitty? It looked so cool!”
All of us gave him a weird look and he pouted before grabbing some more of his flower crowns.
“Maybe later, i don't have pockets in that form”
Going a few steps back I turned the gem and grew back to about thirty feet tall give or take as I had nothing to actually measure myself with.
“Ayo what the hell, this is really weird”
“Arthur you literally have seen this before if anyone should freak out about this it would more likely be me”
Rikaad was right, he'd never actually seen me shift before whereas Arthur and Robin have as they were there when I first grew into a giant.
Robin seemed completely unbothered by it, just smiling and holding his multitude of flower crowns.
Speaking of flower crowns, the one he gave me had stayed on my head till now but was still normal sized so when I moved my head a bit it slid down my front where I managed to catch it.
It was way too small now to properly wear but I probably could put it on a finger.
The only finger it fit on was my pinky finger but I put it there nonetheless even if it would probably fall off soon.
Picking up the bags and stuffing them in my pockets, I took out the compass again only to realize that it was too small to properly read now.
One of the smaller men would have to direct us then, but I pondered who I should give it to.
Probably Rikaad, he seemed the most responsible of the three and I was sure he wouldn't end up accidentally destroying it.
So bending down again I held my hand out to him, presenting the comically small looking item to him.
“I can't read it, it's too small right now can you lead with it? Oakley said we had to go south south east to get to Kamerasca”
He carefully took it and held it up to his face, determining which way to go.
“I will try my best as a navigator, for now we have to go back into the woods across the clearing”
He started walking in the direction he had pointed at a few seconds ago and all of us followed him.
As we went past the stump Oakley was still standing there waving.
“Safe journey! I know the woods can be a pain in the ass sometimes!”
He was grinning hugely and suddenly Robin went up to him with his dozens of flower crowns in hand and put one on his head, This one contained some daisies and violets but also some nice yellow buttercups before he ran up to me.
Oakley looked confused for a second and touched the crown, going a bit cross eyed from trying to look at his own head but went back to smiling immediately, showing off his fangs.
“Thank you! What pretty blossoms! I wish you well, little human!”
I could swear that his tail was subtly wagging behind his cloak but chose not to comment on it, and everyone else just said their version of bye and waved.
We crossed the threshold of the trees and I turned around one last time waving at the weird nonhuman.
“See you Donovan! I will try to find the scriptures about Ardua so when you come back I can tell you more!”
He spread his wings and flew up into the air and out of sight towards his little hut where he disappeared inside.
“What did he mean by that? Do you have to come back to return the compass?”
Robin looked up at me confusedly, right, I hadn't told them that I was going back here once I brought them to Kamerasca.
“Oh right, since going back to… any Kingdom really, is a bad idea as i’ll just be killed im going to come back here after i bring you guys to Kamerasca”
He suddenly had a downcast expression and looked at me with sad, pleading eyes and i felt a pang as i realized yes this is my friend, and i was going to have to leave him for my own safety.
I knew it was for the best but I couldn't help it, the feeling of loneliness would be back even when living with Oakley i knew something would be missing.
“Do you have to? Maybe we can convince the guards that a giant would be great for the troops? Or just have you protect something? Like a field or-”
“Robin you know that's not going to work, the King would lynch us all”
I looked to Rikaad who had spoken, his face stoic and focused on the path forward.
“I don't know what exactly the kings problem is with Fae folk that he hates them that much, but i do know that just because some Guard apprentices want to convince them that what they believed to be dangerous for their entire lives won’t make them change their minds”
He was of course right, but I did wonder what could lead to someone hating on an entire species this badly.
I would never know, and I would also never have to see him, which I was glad for as I didn't want to be scrutinized by such a hateful mind.
“Soooo we just go home after all this and then what? Go back to normal? I don't really think i can do that after this weird misadventure”
Arthur had a point, what WOULD i do once this was over? Live with Oakley sure, but what would I do? Just sleep? 
“I don't know, but for now getting you back to Kamerasca is the best option, the woods are no place for humans”
The slowly healing and scarring over wounds from the manticore on Arthur's side proved that on its own already, but combined with the fact that they didn't even know what plants were safe to eat and which ones would kill them it was a recipe for disaster.
I was very aware that only my presence as a Giant kept some of the smaller creatures away so I would make sure to stay big to protect the smaller humans.
The short conversation had left us all in a slightly bitter mood as we all realized our collective time together was coming to an end soon.
After about half an hour someone did break the silence.
“I think we should look for a place to camp overnight”
It was once again Rikaad breaking the silence with the suggestion of doing something completely reasonable, so we did just that and ended up setting the camp under some trees.
Putting some logs into a heap for a fire after I scared off some other weird creature that looked like someone had crossed a badger with a squirrel I made sure to stay close to the others in case there were more.
As the sky grew darker and no more creatures appeared I laid on my side, as close to the humans- no, my friends as I dared.
It was weird, actually considering someone as a friend after being so long alone but i couldn't say that i hated it.
Still, feeling Robin sleepily snuggle up to me as the night grew a bit colder I knew that I'd miss being with people.
I still was going to go to Oakley after this was over but he was a weird hermit and i only would because he was looking for more information on Ardua and i didn't want to be completely alone in the wilderness, Any company was better than none.
Falling asleep next to the smaller body of Robin i was sure Rikaad and Arthur could handle the first shift watching, switching between sizes had made me more exhausted than I had initially realized and walking hadn't helped that at all.
I knew if something was the matter they'd wake me up or just shout loudly, besides both of them could hold their own pretty well, especially Rikaad.
I slept until about midnight, a deep dreamless sleep that was interrupted by Rikaad poking at my elbow, it was now my turn to take watch.
The silence of the night was weird, nobody spoke and was even trying to be extra quiet as the other two went to sleep, leaving me and a Quietly complaining Robin in the pale moonlight.
It was colder now, not as cold as those first few nights but still a bit chilly and I guessed it was because of the missing sunlight that would have warmed the earth at day.
Just sitting there in the silence of the night was weirdly calm, and even a bit relaxing.
Feeling something slump against my leg I looked down to see that Robin had fallen back asleep and was using me as an oversized pillow.
I debated whether or not to wake him up but ultimately decided against it.
If he was this tired i would let him sleep, Besides, I could keep watch over the camp myself.
After about two hours it was starting to get really boring, So to keep me from falling asleep I decided to mess with the Bracelet.
Gently moving Robin to lie on the Floor i went a few steps away to avoid waking anyone or accidentally destroying parts of the camp.
I wondered that since turning the gems once around themselves was what let me shift what would happen if I only turned them halfway.
Would I just shift anyway? Or stay as I was? Only one way to find out.
Hesitantly and slowly I turned the bottom gem about halfway before I stopped.
For about a second nothing happened, then I felt my muscles and bones shifting again.
But not as much as they would have to turn fully into the Ardua.
Inspecting myself I saw that the only things that had changed were that my nails had grown into claws and I had the lion esque tail swaying behind me.
A twitching motion out of the corner of my eye also told me that my ears had grown longer and were covered in greenish fuzz, and I wondered what my face looked like now.
Sadly I did not have a mirror but I could feel that my fangs had grown a tiny bit and were poking over my bottom lip.
It was kinda funny and I wondered what else I could do.
So I went to turn it again only to find that I couldn't turn it further than it was.
Oh fuck.
I really hoped I hadn't just somehow managed to break the thing.
Frantically trying to turn either of the gems fully did not work and I had to accept that I was now stuck in this weird half form of beast and man.
Of course leave it to me to break it on the day I learned how to use it.
At least I still had opposable thumbs even if I was sure that the entirety of my hair had a greenish tint now.
Panicking was not gonna help me, and I was sure I had at least another two hours to figure out how to fix this.
Trying again and again to turn either of the gems in the direction they were supposed to just proved that they were stuck very thoroughly.
I even tried turning the other gems that did not really have anything to do with the two main gems, hell I ended up pressing them like buttons too hoping that would somehow fix it.
In the end it was all futile and I was still stuck being a fuzzy half man half beast.
Since fixing it didn't work even if i had tried for over an hour to revert back to normal realized it would be day soon and the others would see that i had fucked up.
For a brief moment I wondered if I could keep it a secret but the fact that my ears were now even longer and fuzzy as well as the tail would give it away immediately so that was not an option.
I wondered how exactly I should tell them that I was now stuck as a giant, again.
I bet Arthur would either laugh or hate it, maybe both, and Robin would love the fuzzy tail.
I couldn't predict how Rikaad would react though and I kinda dreaded telling him, he was still the one i knew the least about, and he was the scariest too.
At the end just telling the truth was probably the best option but I would put it off until someone asked, maybe I got lucky and no one would question it more than to point out that I had a tail now.
And after that I could go back to Oakley and ask him for help.
I just hoped he wouldn't get angry about it but from the short amount of time i had known him it was more likely that he would cackle at me and then fix it.
Glancing over the sleeping forms of the humans I felt myself grow a bit sad again but shoved the feeling away.
I could be sad when I was alone again and on my way to Oakley’s home.
Well my home also in the near future, which was weird to think about so i didn't.
Tossing some more logs into the fire and sitting back down next to it I stared at the moon.
It was strangely peaceful, aside from that weird creature from before nothing else had tried to come close, probably afraid of the giant that guarded the smaller humans.
It would now only be one or two hours until sunrise and I could see that my breath came out as small puffs again, indicating that it had once again gotten colder over the course of the night.
I tossed a few more pieces of wood into the gently crackling fire to make sure the others wouldn't be cold.
Then I went back to just staring at the surroundings, keeping an eye out for everything that might dare come close and tossing wood on the fire when I saw it got smaller.
As the sun finally began to rise and I felt the first sunbeams hit our camp Rikaad got up, startling me with how he could just awaken at this exact time while everyone else would have continued sleeping.
Seemingly not a trace of tiredness on his face he looked at me and did a double take seemingly confused at my new appearance.
Apparently deciding that whatever I did with the bracelet was my problem he left to go wake up Arthur.
Following his lead I went over to Robin and gently nudged him with a finger.
“Robin? Wake up, it's morning time to move”
He rolled over and mumbled something I couldn't understand, if it even was words at all and not just displeased sounds at having to get up.
Trying again to wake him up I rolled him over onto his back telling him again to get up.
“Sun is out, get up we have to go”
He finally blinked owlishly at me before noticing my ears and clumsily getting up.
“Why are your ears like that? Wait, are they fluffy? Can I touch them? Ohh you got the cat tail too!”
As expected he was overjoyed at my new traits and I bent down to let him touch one of my fuzzy ears.
“Fine, just don't yank it or you can carry your stuff yourself”
He nodded and carefully went to touch the fuzz on my half shifted ears with gleaming eyes.
“So soft! It's like the coat of a lamb!”
I had to admit that seeing him so happy about something so mundane made me smile, and having tiny hands gently massage my ears felt weirdly nice, not that I'd ever tell anyone that.
Though we still had to continue traveling, I cautiously stood back up much to the dismay of Robin who then opted to try and get my tail in his grip.
Ignoring his attempts for now and holding the appendage just out of his reach, I went to put all of their stuff that they didn't really need for now in my pockets.
Looking over to where the other two humans were standing I saw them checking the compass to make sure we were still headed in the right direction.
At our approach they both turned to us and I could see Arthur's brain stopping to work for a few seconds as he noticed my new features before his expression turned into an amused smile as he saw Robin attempting to grab my tail.
Speaking of that, I stopped holding the appendage out of his reach so he could finally grasp at it which sent a weird sensation across my nervous system.
My brain told me that it was a ghost sensation of something not actually there even though it was.
Yeah this would take some getting used to.
Ignoring Robin as he climbed onto the topside of my tail holding onto it like a baby opossum as I let it rest on the forest floor.
Looking at Rikaad who had stopped staring at the compass, I offered my hand palms up to take their bags if they wanted.
Both of the smaller men handed me their luggage with a small thanks and I stashed it in my pockets to keep my hands free.
“We should keep going, just standing around won't get us any closer to home”
So, following Rikaad we went towards South south east, past places i hadn't seen before.
We traveled for about two more days but something just felt…off.
The closer we got the colder it seemed to get, so much so that it had started snowing overnight again.
And it seemed that I wasn't the only one that had started to worry about it.
“You are SURE that we are going in the right direction? Because i don't think it should fucking snow during Spring!”
Yep, the colder environment had made Arthur a bit more Snarky, or at least exaggerated his use of curse words.
“Well yeah, we are going in the direction Oakley told me I don't know why the weather is so weird, maybe it wasn't really the start of spring and instead just a few weirdly warm weeks?”
Nobody looked really convinced at my words and i kinda wished that those Fucks from Maringand hadn't taken the Boarpelt Robin had used to keep warm those first few nights.
At least I still had my handkerchief, even if the roughly woven fabric wasn't exactly thick it was insulating enough to trap at least some warmth.
That and two people fit under it so sharing warmth was also an option even if most of the time Robin was the only one using it.
For Arthur it was Probably pride that kept him from taking the offer to share, as for Rikaad… well I didn't know but it did not seem like he needed it.
Aside from myself the cold affected him the least so he was probably fine, even if it still got colder and colder the closer we got to our destination.
It had gotten to the point where the snow didn't melt anymore even during the day and I let Robin use my Handkerchief as a sort of warm cape wrapped around him.
At least the fuzzy tail had an actual use now as a windshield and source of warmth even if I didn't dare bring it too close to the campfires we made.
Randomly going up in flames was not how I wanted to die.
And so far i had been lucky that no one asked why i was in this weird half form as i still hadn't managed to turn either of the gems fully and remained stuck in this weird form.
On the plus side at least having fuzzy ears prevented them from freezing off my head as icicles.
“How far do you think it is now? Oh maybe you could hold me above the trees again and then I'll see it?”
While Robin's idea wasn't bad I was worried that the now harsher winds would blow him out of my hands.
“I'm not sure, what if you fall? The winds have gotten stronger those last few days and i'd rather not have you break your neck from falling”
He nodded and curled back under the cloth while trying to snuggle closer to my chest for warmth, seemingly not disappointed much.
“Hey, can any of you try to find dry firewood? Most of it what i found was soaked through from snow”
Looking over I saw that Rikaad was right, the clearing we had stopped had sparse vegetation, with only some sad looking leafless shrubs between the widely spaced tree trunks.
So I went to try and find some Wood to feed the meager flickering embers that Arthur was desperately trying to keep lit.
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symbiotic-slime · 7 days
Excuse me, did you say Venom TMA AU????
yes!!! it’s been rattling around in my head for a couple of months now, so if u want more in depth lore I’m more than happy to indulge but I’ll give a basic run down! there’s two separate ideas for this. I’ve categorized Eddie (a mixture of the movies and comics versions of him) and Flash based on what they’d be an avatar of and what they’d be a victim of so—
Avatar AU:
Eddie is an avatar of the Corruption, and the Venom symbiote is a manifestation of the Corruption! it starts out as a mould growing in Eddie’s apartment, but eventually its influence gets him and he bonds with them and becomes an avatar! there’s a lot of body horror in it, I basically went ham with adding anything and everything I thought would be cool. he’s basically a Flesh Hive, but instead of worms coming out of the holes in his skin it’s Venom’s goop! also since the corruption deals with obsessive and toxic love, the body horror element of that is Venom ripping Eddie’s ribcage open to curl around his heart >:3 I have a playlist for this AU, so check it out if u want to!
Flash is an avatar of the Slaughter (I know, making the soldier an avatar of the Slaughter how original)! his is a lot more tragic than Eddie’s, since his arc starts with the abuse he suffered as a kid and the fear of his dad’s unexpected violence marking him for the slaughter! then it kind of goes through his life being an avatar (think kind of what Elias pulled from Daisy’s life if you’ve listened to that part — where she’s not fully an avatar but definitely influenced by it). the timeline is a bit warped, I wanted for him to join the army pre- making up with Peter in this AU since war is such a big part of the Slaughter. it ends with him getting his legs amputated like in canon and since he’s unable to continue feeding the slaughter, its influence on him starts to wain. he basically becomes an avatar in recovery, growing weaker but refusing to give into the urges again. him and Peter become friends and he gets a “happy” ending (well, as happy of an ending is anyone in a tma au can hope for)!
Victim AU:
this one does not have as much substance to it, I just thought about what their greatest fear would be and like. I haven’t actually come up with any interesting supernatural ideas for this yet lmao
Eddie would be a victim of the Lonely (he goes off the deep end literally every time the symbiote leaves him or when he thinks they’ve died)
the Venom symbiote would be a victim of the Desolation (literally everyone they love either is “dead” or has died at some point — I’d ignore Flash’s resurrection and the whole Eddie and Dylan being able to come back I think from the current run)
Flash would be a victim of the Web (especially with the addiction themes from s5)
I’ve also thought about what domain they’d be placed in following the eyepocalypse. literally the definition of putting them in situations because I’ve basically assigned them their own personal hell
Eddie would be placed in the Fog House domain or Martin’s domain
the Venom symbiote would be placed in the Furnace domain
Flash would be put in the Theatre domain. this one is literally a perfect fit for him since what we see of it is a guy being forced into his alcohol addiction over and over again.
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lakesbian · 9 months
General thoughts about the reveal on who the Maggie in the Toronto arc was?
Also general thoughts on the arc?
i think its fun that she and blake are both connected (& she's the last tether blake has to anyone knowing he exists) via having both slipped through the cracks due to Whoopsie-Daisies. also say what u will about literally everything else in wb's writing but i like how girls in wildbow novels are more often than not grungy and a little weird. already talked abt the goblin thing some in the last maggiepost but i do really like the goblins. "pure distillations of the dirty abandoned scraps of the world which exist solely to kick you when you're down" is an extremely coherent and fun spin on goblins. the constant "fat = gross" associations are insufferable but the rest is solid. the padraic thing isn't one of the iterations of maggie's prophecy but it does feel fitting for her character that the girl who was initially inducted into being a practitioner via living somewhere that was slipping thru the cracks was fucked over for a Second time via slipping thru the cracks. i hope she is fucked over a Third time by it for rule of three. also i was in fact correct previously when i said this:
i also think she’s probably still in over her head without realizing. she’s manipulated into ordering someone’s murder and then is like “you know i think i can make up for this one AND go on a fun little adventure to add to my scrapbook of knowledge at the same time.” that’s not how reality works! you killed someone! and then tried to semi-earnestly befriend slash mooch from their cousin! she’s only been a practitioner for six months–i think there’s a very fundamental disconnect btwn the maggie that’s lucky enough to still have parents she can be a normal silly teenager with and the maggie that’s making forays into The World Of Backstabbing, Horror, Murder, and Fates Worse Than Death. and i think that disconnect will result in strain for her as the fact that she’s sort of doomed to do some really awful things, have some really awful things happen to her, and/or both sinks in.
except instead of just Strain. that fact had to sink in via her doing, as sandra put it, the magical equivalent of crashing a car 2 learn respect for the road. YA protagonist maggie holt died in the crash now it's just wannabe goblin queen mags scrambling 4 purchase in the wreckage. i believe in her i hope she captures sooo many crass little creatures. i'm glad that buttcheeks stuck around he's fun to watch :)
i don't feel like we actually know johannes yet. the thing about the really successful practitioners is that they're doing less Desperate Violent Scrabbling to maintain their positions and subsequently have more luxury of ostensible niceties and lofty philosophies. they should throw a bucket of mud on him and toss him to the wolves so i can see what he's like when shit gets real. also the entire arc is a really funny demonstration in how severely being a thorburn has fucked blake over. everyone is sooo much nicer to maggie than him he's out there playing on hard mode. this is what i mean when i say that alec would b a diabolist, diabolism is fundamentally abt when you are marked Rotten by the world by virtue of the family you've been born into, defined more by their legacy than by anything about yourself, even moreso than the other brands of practitionerism.
hmm anything else. oh yeah i think we should flog wildbow for crone mara. ok thats all. OH yeah and Not Being Maggie Holt Anymore is a really funny way to skip out on the other iterations of the prophecy. its that fairy bitch's problem now. i have a lot of thoughts on pact faeries but that's a post for one of the "why are pact creatures good" asks just know i'm rotating them in my mind rapidly
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Mag 43
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[Waves like an overexcited mum seeing her child in a school play] Hi Basira!!!!!!
What struck me most about this episode for this relisten was how quickly Jon and Basira seemed to click with each other. These two were on each other's level from the first few lines.
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More information about how the Institute works! Makes snese that they'd have thorough policies in place for information control, and cool that Jon is apparently good enough at his job by now to be familiar with correct procedure off the top of his head.
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Look at how much effort Jon is going through to reassure her and help her feel comfortable giving her statement! This is such a far cry from his behaviour during every previous live statement he's ever taken. Took him long enough, but I guess he's finally decided to be more lovely.
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Look at this! An attempt at levity! This is basically banter. Maybe Tim isn't way off base for thinking these two had something going on. This is definitely the most pleasant Jon has ever been with a statement-giver that wasn't one of his employees.
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Always so great when the Archivist switches into statement mode and the statement-giver is like '...wtf do you want me to do now.'
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Love this in terms of world-building. There are people who know about the supernatural and basically have the job of sweeping as much of it as possible under the rug, but don't expect them to know what's going on because they don't get told anything more than anyone else ever does.
At some point I'll have to put together a larger post about way that various institutions in the world must have been effected by the presence of the Entites, because its an aspect of the worldbuilding of TMA that is endlessly fascinating to me. Really hope this is something we get some new angles on in TMAGP.
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I know a lot of people had issues with the portrayal of law enforcement (and Daisy and Basira's arcs specifically) in TMA and I don't intend to dive super deep into it, mostly because I'm a white woman who has never had any significant interaction with law enforcement, so I probably don't have anything particularly insightful to offer. All I'll say for now is that I think the series does a better job of saying ACAB than some people give it credit for, and we can see that in moments like this that explore 'us versus them' mentality within the cops (especially from the POV of Basira, who has her own issues with black and white morality and loyalty versus ethics).
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I really can't imagine Basira being thrown by any amount of weirdness. Do we ever see her lose her composure over supernatural shit?
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God Molina's such a fucking moron. What was his plan here? Just walk away from the fire dipshit, don't hang out raving like a lunatic and getting into fistfights.
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Haha, Basira is the kind of person who takes welding classes on a whim. She's going to fit in so well with all the autism/ADHD girlies in the Archives.
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fiercynn · 7 months
was in bed all day so i watched the entirety of the fall of the house of usher. i'm mixed about it overall, but i think it may have actually been the best plot-wise of the mike flanagan shows i've seen?
spoilers for all the mike flanagan tv shows except the midnight club (which i started and was intrigued by, but fizzled out on when i found out it had been cancelled) beneath the cut
my problem with both hill house and bly manor is that i think that plot-wise, they set up interesting stories and then can't stick the landing and go out with a whimper out at the end. they do an okay job with emotional arcs, but you can't entirely divorce the emotional journey from the bones of the story - at least, not in these kinds of stories - so the plot still matters, i think.
(imo midnight mass does not do that, it tells exactly the story it wants to tell and constructs it decently; i just found that story really boring lol.)
so while i think bly manor was still the most enjoyable of the shows to watch, the fall of the house of usher might be the best in my book at plot, and i enjoyed the way it used poe stories amd poetry with its own twists on them. and i think with a few changes could have been really good overall! here's what i would have changed:
less racism. i mean it was probably average amount of racist for both a flanagan show and, generally, a majority-white cast & crew american show, and i know the whole thing was about how horrible rich people are, but there was still so much casual racism, sigh
like 40% less monologuing. i know, i know, that's flanagan's whole deal, but it's still too much even when it's performed by actors as enjoyable as bruce greenwood and carla gugino, and isn't all about catholicism (sorry midnight mass fans)
pretty early on i thought that the reveal about what happened on new year's 1980 would be madeline and roderick killing rufus griswold. but then after roderick betrayed auguste at the deposition i was like "wait no that's too obvious, they must have killed annabel to keep her quiet about roderick's perjury" and honestly i think that would have been a better twist??? like even the bells they were hearing behind the wall made sense to me because her name was annabel! and it would have been a murder roderick felt guilty about on a personal level, and it might have made sense that he would take the deal from verna if her pitch was "you already sacrificed your wife who you loved. don't you want to make it worth it by having some certainty for you and your children for at least a number of decades?" so i was bored when my original predictable guess was right. i guess it fit better with the cask of amontillado to have it be rufus but still, less compelling
the scene with arthur showing pictures of verna throughout history was SO silly and hamfisted, i'm sorry. also the lemons speech, the worst kind of example of a flanagan monologue which thinks it's brilliant and is just...goofy
i thought maybe there was going to be a twist where lenore didn't die because her mom had actually cheated on freddie and i was upset that didn't happen :( i know it was meant to be a lesson, that roderick and madeline's deal had to apply even to the not-horrible members of the family, but i still hated it! sigh
i thought that both lulu wilson (child madeline) and willa fitzgerald (mid-20s madeline) did a much better job with the character than mary mcdonnell (senior madeline). idk something about her just didn't seem as ruthless and collected and cold?
also not a change exactly but why did no one comment on the fact that roderick and madeline usher, who are twins, one of whom was married at the time, decided to do a couples' costume as jay gatsby and daisy buchanan for new year's 1980. why
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doubledyke · 9 months
3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22 >:3
hey thanks!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr:
i def don't have a screenshot of anything related to eene. i can't even really think of any on tumblr but the goddamn eene subreddit can be soooo cancerous. i don't follow it but it shows up in my feed bc i visited it once, but then i'll come across some goofy ass shit that compels me to click and the cycle starts again. but generally ONE of the worst takes on any site is that eddy would grow up to be a schlubby bozo in a trench coat selling Stiff Rox behind a middle school or similar takes. he would be very well dressed while peddling his wares, thank you very much.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?:
the only character i really dislike for any reason is jonny. he's so goddamn annoying to me. i know that's the point, so kudos to david avalon lol. if anything, an interesting fandom interpretation could probably change my view of him. but yeah i definitely think he has some really funny lines and gags, but overall he's pretty boring and obnoxious. with basically everyone else, i can see the appeal or at least the potential for something interesting. back in the dark ages (2014) i feel like i had a moment where i got pretty tired of the way edd was made out to be such a mary sue that i might have gotten annoyed by him or that idea of him at the very least. i admittedly take my own liberties when "analyzing" him, but as with all the eds, he's a complex character. the edd fan girls who'd have him pickin' daisies while eddy murders innocents drove me crazy.
9. worst part of canon:
i've never given it much thought, but i'd probably say it would be kanker related. i really love the kankers, even with the limited info we have on them. i just love unhinged girls/women. i would have loved to have seen them get some sort of arc and have a purpose outside of their roles as boy crazy "trailer trash". if there were ever a spin off, i'd hope it would be about them and their insane home life.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time:
i'm a terrible fan; i haven't read a fic in a long time for whatever reason. they're all in my "rainy day" stash since eene related content is a limited resource. i don't know that there's any one thing or a pattern i've noticed in multiple fics from different people. however, one thing i LOVE is seeing people write slapstick into their fics. i think it's so fucking cool and interesting. everyone in this fandom is so damn multi-talented i could scream.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time:
i guess probably giving eddy blue hair, or giving edd long hair, which i love! edd doesn't seem like the type to have long hair, but somehow it's so damn fitting. idk where blue haired eddy started but its fanon at this point and i'm down. but i love his 3 strange antennae as well.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art:
unfortunately again, i'm the worst person to answer this bc i have no idea what all is out there in regards to fics. but i'd love to see some good stories about the eds in high school dealing with their new found and fleeting "acceptance" from the other kids.
i'd also love to see more stories that have all three eds living under one roof as adults and all the insanity that would ensue. i want to write about this one in particular, so hopefully i'll be able to come up with a cohesive plot at some point.
would also love some eddeddy drama like them breaking up 👀 they get back together of course because they're the only two idiots who will deal with each other's bullshit
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores:
edd's giant chin
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
recently binged agents of shield for the first time, this is how i would describe the seasons:
season 1: exposition, but then the TWIST
season 2: everyone is badass now!
season 3: daisy! daisy! daisy! oh SHIT
season 4: nothing better than the smell of pain in the morning
season 5: dont. push. the writers. just dont. give them time.
season 6: bonus round!
season 7: an end, once and for all
my personal favourite is season 3 followed by season 4, best story arcs in my opinion, and we get daisy properly for the first time. after that season 6, because we just get more of the characters as they have developed over the past seasons, and just get to experience the badasses they are now. then season 7, because of sousa, season 2 because it turns skye into an absolute badass for the first time, season 1 because of nostalgia, and season 5 at the tail end because i was really bothered by how rushed the writing seemed. the ideas were awesome, the individual pieces if you want to put like that were great, but it didnt really fit together. it felt very weird sometimes. they didnt always do the legwork to move the plot to where they wanted it to be, like when daisy relinquished command because apparently she wasnt doing so hot as stand in director, except for the fact that she was slapping and had peoples support, even if they didnt agree with every decision she made. that just came out of the blue.
also, anyone else felt weird about how the timetravel plot was resolved in season 7? kinda feels like they couldve just not gone to the past and avoided the entire season basically. i know the timeloop was fixed, but it felt a little redundant at the end. they had to leave because the chronicoms were firing at them, but they were only firing at them because they had brought them over from the parallel universe later. also wouldve liked a little more setup for the "what we were fighting for" line at the end, because obviously they were all family, but in order for that line in the end to be a defining moment for the entire season, there shouldve been a little more emphasis on the actual family theme in the season. felt a bit shoehorned to me.
all that aside: this series was awesome. never seen anything like it. the amount of love you develop for the characters is staggering. definitley nothing that even compares in the rest of the mcu.
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agl03 · 2 years
In all the talk of returns and reboots...
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Just wanted to dust off the old meta skills and dive into the talk of seeing some of the AOS Characters possibly returning to one of the many upcoming MCU projects.  
@eclecticmuses​ let me know that there was a little hub bub on the Twitters about Iain’s response when asked if he would reprise his role, and he said likely no.
This is absolutely no surprise, Iain indicated awhile ago he was happy with how Fitz’s arc had all played out.  And as seen in the quote above and from other interviews we know he and Elizabeth loved their hard fought for Happily Ever After.  I’ve watched a lot of TV and that kind of perfect ending is so rare...and it still came with a price.  They lost Enoch and Deke (though I die on the hill Deke finds his way home).
How many times have i said over the years that we and Fitzsimons have to “Pay” for those big moments with some sort of terrible awful thing and/or separation:
You’re more than that - Fitz TBI and a freaking whole season of miserable angst that was saved by a hand hold, sandwich, and Maybe There Is.
Date - Jemma eaten by Harold the Evil Space Rock
First Kiss - In the aftermath and angst of Space Rando (forever salty)
Got Together - Fandom lived multiple episodes in terror one of them would be the fallen agent
Happy Couple - Hidden Secrets, trip to the hell dimension, LMD’s and freaking Self Control
Teasing FItz’s Backstory Finally - We got Alistair (would have paid good money for Dadcliffe)
Fitz is thinking of Marriage - Hello Framework Hades
Fitz is rescued - There is only room in my heart for her, pod hugs, then Harold the Evil Space Rock Part 2, Back to the Future!
First Proposal - Jemma Doesn’t Hear
Actually Engaged - Nearly separated again
Married - Guestures at 5.14 - 5.22 
Trying to find each other - Half oa season of near misses
Home again - Chronicoms are a coming and basically everyone died.
And this brings me back to what was a sore spot in Season 7 for some.  In the whole lack of Fitz. As much as I missed having Fitz and Iain for time travel fun times and would have loved some Fitzsimmons family bonding, I know how much there would have been a price to pay should he been there.  
Something absolutely awful would have happened in order to get us to the Alya (to this day love that that theory hit) and Perthshire reveal.  Jemma could have lost her memories for who knows how long,  Fitz could have been kidnapped and trapped in the mind prison again, Nathaniel could have used them against each other. Like I really don’t want to think what the writers could have gotten up too.
Iain noted that in his interview too.  He and Elizabeth rooted for FItzsimmons too, they didn’t like many of the same plot twists we didn’t.  Elizabeth was not a fan of Space Rando and Iain didn’t like playing the Doctor are two notable ones.  
Coming back to them now, there would have to be something terrible to get them out of their life in Perthshire and away from Alya.  And I honestly agree I don’t think we’d get lucky again.  We ALMOST didn’t get what we had.  It all nearly ended with Maurader Fitz dead and us just knowing Jemma was going to find him.  No Season 6, no besties Enoch/Fitz, No Inescapable, no we had time, and not awesome Season 7.
Yes, there are many other timelines and arcs they could pull characters from.  I’ve addressed that if we see Daisy/Quake or any of the AOS team again it will be a rebooted version of the character.  One with a backstory that fits the show/story they are in.  
That is the beauty of how AOS spun themselves off from the MCU, it allows for this and protects our HEA and the characters we know an love.  This opens the door should someone want to reprise a role in a new way but also for a recasting should they not.  My two cents is if they need a science duo for whatever is coming up new characters are more likely as to not step on the iconic path that Fitzsimmons already walked.  If they REALLY want some sort of FItzsimmons connection....we’ve got Deke just chilling out there in the blown up timeline that is an option.
Fully realize this could fall into an unpopular opinion for some but I hope it helps others feel better.  I love that Iain and Elizabeth have that loyalty to each other, their characters, and their fans.  I’m ready to defend that HEA with as much verocity as I did my Die on the Hill theories and ask box explosions. 
Also felt really good to meta again.
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saltedsolenoid · 1 year
a rant about dt-17's finale and how it somewhat destroys the themes of the cartoon
ducktales (2017) spoilers for the finale under the cut. every day i tag spoilers for something more and more silly.
can i be honest with you guys? i kinda fucking hated the whole twist of ducktales' last episode. Now, now, i haven't watched it in a while (like five months) but my point still fully stands:
Webby being Scrooge's biological daughter was completely fucking unnecessary. Though I will admit that it has a few perks-- accidentally confirming that Scrooge was trans being one of the bigger ones-- the reveal ultimately serves to disservice the importance of found family.
Family of all kinds is the driving force of DuckTales, from Ms. Beakley to Lena to, hell, one could argue the Beagle Boys. For almost the whole show, Webby was meant to be the keystone of this entire theme. She integrated herself as an extra sibling to the triplets, she adopted Scrooge as her own uncle, and none of this was hampered by the fact she wasn't related by blood to any of them. If anything, this added to her character, by the idea that she never fit in with any of them, and her arc was growing to realize that a family full of adventures like she always wanted doesn't have to be a descendant of McDuck, that she could help shape that family on her own. This is especially important as you remember that in the early episodes, Webby had little say about how her life was lived, secluded from others by her overprotective guardians.
Many people also tend to say that Webby's being a genetic clone of Scrooge ''explains'' her extensive research to him. To that I say, no! That was a typical special interest for her, especially considering how she envied Scrooge's adventurous lifestyle at the time! And throughout the series, there are many parallels between Scrooge and Webby, such as their love for adventure or their almost blind-seeming courage, which proves that they were intrinsically tied through blood. While I do see some merit to that idea, this is much better explained by how she was raised in such close proximity to him and his affects left on the world. You spend years studying some guy, you're bound to pick up on his mannerisms and ideals.
A few other notes: I believe that the finale was horribly rushed, but that seems to be an effect of the production, so, whatevs. Going away from Webby, I also don't particularly like how May and June lacked their prior connection as Daisy's nieces. Although that connection was established, it seemed flawed and almost out of place. Also, the reason why Webby was made-- and this could easily be me just forgetting things-- lacked context or explanation. yeah, yeah, whatever, McDuck blood, but. I don't know. I think that the reason the writers added this subplot in was to explain Webby's ancestry, but there are just. So many better ways to do that.
Despite all my deep-burning hatred for the twist, I guess I do see the appeal, but I would find it much more rewarding if Webby actually searched these answers out for herself after seeing Della and the boys reunited, which, please do remember, she worked together with Dewey to do! She's a naturally curious person, she likely wouldn't just accept that she knows nothing about herself if she found even one inaccuracy to the story Beakley told her about her past. In a perfect world, I think that she'd see this as a new mystery to unravel and might persue it with Scrooge if timings were right, which would lead to a MUCH more emotionally satisfying conclusion to an arc about her heritage.
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