#and frankly me too
possumkingluca · 5 months
i have gotten halfway through the fell xenolouge and i feel like i have been here forever i want to move onnnnnnnnnnnn i just want gregory for my final team smh get me out of hereeee
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uldren-sov · 1 year
His dark eye circles, red flags, and great tits have captivated me.
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welcometogrouchland · 10 days
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♫ I do what I want/Crying in the bleachers and I said it was fun/I don't need anything from anyone ♫
(ID in Alt) you guys ever think about your own posts and get upset?? Anyway Damian Wayne I love you I'm so sorry your life is like that
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aljsthings · 12 days
"He's the most!"
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Original post:
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clownsuu · 1 year
i never leave asks but i NEED to say that ur interpretation of wally is the best i’ve seen in the fandom and my absolute favorite hdkgnskgs like hell yea go completely unhinged u tiny fucking freak /affectionate
in love with ur art in general <3
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WHEEZE lmao thanks my guy! I try my best to appropriately display wally to the best of my ability
cw obsessive/possessive behavior
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He’s just a lil silly, maybe even a lil goofy (and dare I say, even a lil quirky-?)
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purple-raspberries · 1 month
Guess what!
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(Click for better quality if needed)
Your honor, they’re perfect for each other!!!!
Frank likes butterflies and facts and nerdy passionate men! Passionate poet Butterfly boyfriend!
Eddie has a literature partner that he can chatter and listen to!! Frank has many books! They’re all fruity!! And Latter needs all the love, tooooooo!
Yellow and purple! yellow and purple!! YELLOW AND PURPLE!!!! AAAAAAAAAA
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ruporas · 1 year
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invisible scars (referenced previous talk here)
[ID: A colourless, digital Trigun comic of Vash and Wolfwood talking about Wolfwood's scars. They're both laying in bed and topless. Vash lays on top of Wolfwood, playing with the rosary around his neck. Then, Vash kisses a spot on Wolfwood's chest. Wolfwood asks, "What are you doing?" Vash smiles sadly, "You got shot here. In the last town we visited. You didn't even bother moving."
Vash props himself up over Wolfwood, who frowns slightly. Wolfwood is quiet for a moment before he says, "You remember that, huh?" Vash grabs Wolfwood's left wrist and brings it to his face. "And here." He kisses another spot there. "When you helped free the hostages from that robber..." Wolfwood dismissively says, looking away, "Was a lucky shot." Vash huffs, “Don’t brag. Jeez.”
Half of Wolfwood's expression is shown, eyes returning to Vash who is now sitting up, continuing to say, "And..." Vash goes on and kiss Wolfwood's right palm. "You got cut here, even though that girl was aiming at me." A moment from the past flashes, of Wolfwood grabbing a knife aimed at Vash, his hand bleeding.
At present, Vash moves down and puts another kiss on Wolfwood's right shoulder. "And here, from watching my back." Another memory flashes of Wolfwood and Vash back to back. Vash looks back as Wolfwood grins while holding Punisher, bleeding from multiple gunshots in his shoulder.
"And," Vash combs up Wolfwood's hair to reveal his forehead, "Here." A final memory shows Wolfwood with a regeneration vial in his mouth while getting shot on his temple. The next panel is framed in blood with Vash at the center, eyes wide and stunned in horror. The next panel is a closed up shot of Wolfwood's eye, locked on Vash's face.
Back to present, Vash’s head is bowed down as Wolfwood raises a hand to his nape and says, “Spikey.”
Wolfwood looks serious and frowns as he says, "We talked about this. Those were my decisions. They're not there anymore. Forget about them." Vash looks very sad before he smiles ruefully and says, "I still see them. All the time." He leans down so they touch foreheads. Wolfwood’s sorrowful expression can be seen as Vash says, "You protect so much. I could never forget what you've done to me. And many others..."
In the last image, they're drawn more cartoonishly. Wolfwood sweats and asks, "You don't actually remember every wound, right?" Vash points at a spot on his chest. "Kuroneko left a scratch here 7 times." Wolfwood, startled, says, "Why the hell are you keeping count—" End ID]
Credits for ID here and here
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#another scars comic for one of the vw week days!!!! frankly i think about their scars WAY too often . most notably wolfwood's because#it really symbolizes a lot for him imo bc for vash it's a history of all the people that's ever harmed him betrayed him and the trust he has#given to humanity despite it all. its a beautiful reflection of his character and then u look at ww and presumably#since we dont really see him half naked Ever (shame) and i mean. i guess technically its a hc -- i assume he wouldn't have any scars bc#of the regen potions (which is why he doesnt have his t scars btw the regen pot took them away :pensive:)#in a way its like washing his hands of blood. giving him the body of someone who might never been involved in a fight never held a gun#but he knows thats not true yet he cant really do anything about it anyway bc he's still just human. if he stops taking the regen pots#he can't press forward. so its just a rinse and repeat and growing accustomed to whats inflicted on him because he knows it'll go away at#the end of the day. he's human but he's also not he's far beyond what could be considered a normal human but he still just is.#mortal but also not immortal. idk. i overthink about it a lot GMSKGMDK frankly i dont think it matters THAT much in the context of trimax#but it means a lot to me somehow. also thinking about how no matter how many times ww kills he's never numb to the sensation of it. maybe#the adrenaline gets to him for the beginning half but ive been rereading like.. vol 3? and that entire fight for ww#u can slowly see him spiral as he keeps on going on. anyway anyway. i love ww#ruporas art
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cinnabon0 · 2 months
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"Esperar pra ver"
I have long wanted to draw something related to this song and these two (God, this song is already like their own anthem, I immediately think of them when I hear this song..)
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vanhelsingapologist · 5 months
Publishing has always been a fucking nightmare, but now it’s a layer of hell. It’s not enough that writers be good at what they do. Writers have to maintain an active social media presence and cultivate a following. Be available.
They have to be conventionally attractive enough to look good enough to see on a screen, aesthetically pleasing, kind, funny, up-to-date on trends, socially aware but not so controversial that they turn off a brand from California from slapping their discount code on a video promoting a book.
They have to do all of this with no media training, with little help from the companies that are supposed to be doing this for them.
Of course, a lot of this isn't possible for say, the 40-something mother of two who teaches English at a school and writes on the side. She’s boxed out of an already complex industry that already has enough walls.
On some level, I think authors have always marketed themselves a little, but we’ve reached such a crazy point where we’re demanding the author become the influencer. Accessibility in publishing has narrowed from an inch to a sliver. And that inch was hard enough to get in as is.
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ylissebian · 4 months
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@amazingphil thanks for shaping my personality for the last decade may u have the loveliest birthday ^_^
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laurents-secret-diary · 5 months
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touched up one of the other sketches ( ´ ꒳ ` )
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Based of THIS post by @partycoffin !
The main cast play Turf War in Splatoon!
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Eat Booyah Bomb, loser!
(Maining Aerospray MG is a ton of fun lol)
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Please ink your base I swear I can't count all the games I've lost because base was unpainted I swear please ink base
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And in the back we got these two carrying the whole team by themselves with their support weapons.
But where's Wally? Well...
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He's doing his thing.
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ninemelodies · 1 month
you ever think about how prompto had literally the worst week of his life and then immediately had the worst 10 years of his life and THEN had to watch his best friend die like
best friend says really awful things to him and then pushes him off a train -> he discovers that he’s a fucked up lil escaped science experiment & he was meant to be part of the military that killed his best friend’s family & destroyed his home -> he is tortured by the guy that is ruining all of their lives -> he gets rescued -> his best friend disappears into a crystal -> he lives through 10 years of darkness and daemons -> his best friend is back!! -> his best friend dies.
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landwriter · 1 month
dead boy detectives is a show whose shortcomings and strengths make total sense when you think of it as a comic on tv, ie terribly goofy expository dialogue that sounds way better when you picture it in comic book font with every other word bolded, panel-paced conversation as our heroes figure out something very obvious, fun enormous monster set pieces that used up all the cgi budget which is why all the rooftop shots look Like That, incredible snap zooms and smash cuts in montages that hit exactly like comic panels, and side characters with bland or brilliant characterization that seems to hinge on the metric of ‘how much cunt did the actor put into their line readings’
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clownsuu · 1 year
the way you draw howdy and Wally is so euphoric
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they make my brain go brrrrr
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Evenly distributed personality smhhhh
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bulkhummus · 1 year
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when they’ll come grouch at you outside while u smoke >>>>>
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